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- Permanent Link:
- https://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00082687/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Harry and Helen how they honored their mother
- Creator:
- Wilbur, R. M.
American Baptist Publication Society ( Publisher )
Westcott & Thomson
- Place of Publication:
- Philadelphia
- Publisher:
- American Baptist Publication Society
- Manufacturer:
- Westcott & Thomson, Stereotypers and electrotypers
- Publication Date:
- c1882
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 36 p. : ill. ; 16 cm.
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Children -- Conduct of life -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh )
Conduct of life -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Brothers and sisters -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Family -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Dogs -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Aunts -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Sick -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Obedience -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Family stories -- 1882 ( local ) Bldn -- 1882
- Genre:
- Family stories ( local )
novel ( marcgt )
- Spatial Coverage:
- United States -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia
- Target Audience:
- juvenile ( marctarget )
- Statement of Responsibility:
- by R. M. Wilbur.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact The Department of Special and Area Studies Collections (special@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 027018730 ( ALEPH )
ALJ0272 ( NOTIS ) 225155478 ( OCLC )
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ie Z2ECR (7.
Harry and Helen.
Mrs. R. M. WILBUR.
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1882, by the
In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.
Wrstcotr & THOMSON,
&ereotypers and Electrotypers, Philada,
“HEY were two rosy-cheeked,
round-faced children, and as
much alike as two peas in a
pod; only Harry was two years
older, and so a little bigger, than Helen.
Then his brown hfir was cut very short
and kept very smooth, while little Hel-
en’s yellow ringlets were long and blew
about with every breeze.
But in this, again, they were alike:
both were brimful of fun—fun of which
there was very little without noise, and
sometimes a good deal of it. But the
two children were such good-natured
little folks, really meaning to do right
as a rule, that when people were well
and strong they minded very little about
their romping and racket. But that,
you see, made it all the harder when
they needed to be quiet.
, Well, this was just the loveliest, sun-
shiniest day in the early spring. School
had not yet begun, and Harry and Hel-
en were so happy that a mild day had
come at last—and in vacation too—that
they really hardly knew what to do with
Helen found a snowdrop under the
sitting-room window, and what wonder
that there was a glad shout over the
pale little beauty, the very first of the
season? Then Harry found a crocus
beginning to show its head, and then
another and another. Then the grass
on the lawn was really growing green, -
and Harry thought it quite time to get
out the mower. Besides all that, Helen
was sure she heard a robin.
“Every single thing is growing alive
again,†she said to Aunt Katie, running
into the sitting-room for the twentieth
time since breakfast.
“And you are alive all over too; are
you not, darling?†said Aunt Katie,
giving little Helen a hug and a kiss.
“Why, yes, of course,†she said, open-
ing her eyes very wide at such a strange
question. “ Flow can I help it?â€
“You cannot, pet, and I do not want
you to. But now I do want you to look
straight into my eyes while I tell you
Helen did look straight into Aunt
Katie’s eyes, and, with a very sober
face, wondered what was coming.
“You know mamma has a headache
—a very bad headache?†asked Auntie.
“Yes; and [’m sorry too.â€
“Well, the doctor has just been here
to see her, and he says she must be kept
very quiet. And he says that if she is
not kept quiet, she may be very sick
for a long, long time. Now, I want you
to tell Harry just what I’ve told you.
Then you must not, either of you, go
toward mamma’s window any nearer
than the lilac-bush.â€
“Why, that isn’t a bit near,†said Hel-
en, “ and the snowdrops are ’way the other
“T know,†said her. aunt, “and I’m
sorry. But I’m very sure this little
girlie does not want a sick mamma, and
she knows what the doctor said.â€
“T don’t want mamma sick,†said Hel-
en; “ but I will be just as still as a mouse
if you'll just let me go and see the pretty
snowdrops. I do love ’em so.â€
“ Better than mamma?†asked Aunt
“Oh no,†said Helen.
“Then, if you really love mamma, you
will mind and be the stillest little girl
that ever was. Now go and tell Harry
all about it.â€
Away she went, and, sitting down on
the back doorstep with Harry, she told
him all that Aunt Katie had said.
“Tl tell you, Helen,†said Harry,
when she had finished: “let’s go into
the pasture and play. You go ask
Aunt Katie; that’s a good girl.â€
So Helen trotted softly back into the
Auntie was still there, with the mend-
ing-basket on the table by her side. She
was mending Helen’s navy-blue stock-
“Harry wants to go into the pasture
to play; may we, Auntie? It won’t
’sturb mamma if we play out there,
Harry says. And I wish you’d come
too, Auntie; won’t you, please?†and
Helen’s arms went around Aunt Katie’s
neck in a very coaxing way.
Auntie said “ Yes†to their going into
the pasture; “Only,†said she, “you
must put on your overshoes and be sure
and not sit on the ground, for it is damp
and you may take cold.â€
She wanted to say “Yes†to Helen’s
invitation to go too, for she loved the
springing grass, the bright sunshine, and
the warm spring air every bit as much as
did the children; but the mamma was
not well and the mending-basket still
half full, so she had to say “No.†But
Helen did not fret very much, after all,
so long as she had Harry.
In a minute the little folks were off.
Harry gave one long whistle that waked
his dog Ben from his nap behind the
barn. Ben knew the whistle, and away
he came with a bound, his tail wagging
very hard, and saying as well as he knew
how, “All right; I’m coming.â€
So away they went, through the bars
and along the lane, till they came to the
pasture. Ben was as gay as the chil-
dren, running again and again after the
sticks and stones that Harry and Helen
threw for him to pick up and bring back.
They were a merry trio, and for half an
hour it would have been hard to tell
which was having the best time, Harry
or Helen or Ben.
All at once Helen thought of the
snowdrops in the sunny flower-bed un-
der mamma’s window:
“T don’t b’leve but we can find some
snowdrops out here, Harry, I don’t.
I’m going to try, anyhow.â€
“Sho!†said Harry ; “snowdrops grow
in the garden. I know you can’t find
’em out. here.â€
But little Helen had a mind of her
own; so away she trotted, looking very °
sharply everywhere for the pretty little
white flower. But it would not come
for her hunting; not a blossom or a bud
could she find, though she looked for a
long time.
Harry had no fancy for looking after
flowers he knew he could never find; so
he ran off to the little pond at one end
of the pasture, and, with Ben for com-
pany, managed to keep quite contented.
After a while Helen grew tired hunt-
ing for her snowdrops, but not till she
had wandered off to the very farther
end of the pasture. Not a peep could
she get of Harry when she at last de-
cided that snowdrops do not grow in
pastures, after all, and she might as well
give them up.
“Dear me! where can he be?†and
she called his name long and loud, and
began to run back toward home.
But the little lassie was quite turned
around and could not guess which way
to go; she almost got lost. But just at
that very minute when she had half a
mind to cry she heard Ben bark, and
Harry down by the pond.
She was all right now, but both the
children decided it was time to go home.
Harry was sure it must be dinner-time.
They were quite right, for just as they
were coming down the lane they heard
the very welcome sound of the dinner-
“Ts mamma better?†asked Harry,
putting his rosy face through the open
door of the sitting-room.
“A little,†said Aunt Katie, in a low
tone. “She has had a little sleep, which
did her good, but her head still aches
badly. So I shall expect my little
folks to be very quiet a little longer.â€
But, dear me! it was such hard work!
Before Harry knew, his voice would get
‘straight up on to the high notes, and
Helen’s was sure to follow; so Aunt
Katie said to herself,
“This soft spring air surely can’t hurt
the children, and they shall go into the
field again this afternoon, so their mother
can get quite well.â€
But Aunt Katie had been thinking
about the people and the things in-doors
for some time past, and never noticed
that clouds had come up and quite cov-
‘ered the lovely blue sky. When dinner
was over, the drops began to come pat-
ter, patter, against the window-panes,
and then Aunt Katie knew that the
two busy little folks must stay in-doors.
“If IT could only trust them in the
barn,†she said, with a little sigh. “ But,
dear me! I should never know what
might happen to them out there by
So she dared not do that. Then she
thought of a plan.
“ Children,†said she, “I want to make
a bargain with you, and you must stand
still right here while I tell you what it
is. Mamma is not well, and it’s raining
straight down and looks as if it would
rain all the afternoon. Now, I wonder
if there is any little boy or girl about
here who wants to be a real help and
comfort to that sick mamma? If she
does not get well pretty soon, she may
get a great deal worse; and that would
be dreadful.â€
“Here’s the boy,†said Harry, stand-
ing up very straight.
“And is there not any little girl?â€
asked Auntie.
“‘ Course there is,†said Helen, “cause
Tm here.â€
“Very well,†said Auntie. “Now, I
want you to help mamma to get better by
staying in the back of the house all the
afternoon and playing just as quietly as
you can. Then, if you are right good
children till five o’clock, I’ll come into
the dining-room while you eat your
suppers, and tell you a story.†|
Helen began to clap her hands, for!
she liked Aunt Katie’s stories; but!
Harry stopped her. |
“That isn’t being still,†he said. |
So the bargain was made. Aunt Ka-|
tie was almost sure she would not have
to tell the stories, for she had no idea
that such wide-awake, noisy little folks
could keep still. But they did.
“Tt was drefful hard,†Helen said, but
they did it; and Aunt Katie kept her
part of the bargain, and when the clock
struck five she took her sewing and went
into the dining-room.
“My little folks have done beauti-
fully,†she said. “But what has be-
come of Ben all this time?†â€
“Oh, I sent him off with John. Ben’s
a lovely dog, Auntie; he does every sin-
gle thing just as I tell him.â€
“T guess he minds better’n we do,â€
said Helen as Auntie tied on her bib
and pushed her up to the table.
“That is sad,†said her aunt, “if a
poor beast who does not know right from
wrong behaves better than a well-taught
little boy or girl. I think that it ought
to make you feel quite ashamed, if it is
“He don’t want to do so many things
as we do,†said Harry.
“And does not begin to know so
much,†replied Auntie.
“Well,†said Harry, with a little
shake of his head, “ we mean to mind;
don’t we, Helen ?â€
“Course,†said Helen.—‘“Can’t we
have the story now, Auntie?â€
“Right away,†she replied; “and I
think I'll tell you something about dogs,
since you like Ben so much. First of all,
T think I must tell you a story about a
dog I owned when I was a little older
than you, Harry. His name was Ned.
He was a great, handsome, shaggy fellow,
and I thought there was never a dog like
him. Brother Henry taught him all sorts
of little tricks such as a great many dogs
know. He would beg for his food and
stand still while it was put on his nose,
and then catch it. I used to think it
great fun to see him do that. Then he
would jump over a stick, stand up and
make a bow, and do some other things—
I cannot remember now just what.
“Henry used to go for a pail of milk
every day to a place about a quarter of
a mile away, and Ned always went with
him and carried the pail. One day
Henry was sick, and, for some reason,
there was nobody else who could get
the milk. So mother put the pail, with
the money in it, in Ned’s mouth, and
. told him to go and get it. Off he went,
his big tail wagging with pleasure as far
as we could see him; it really seemed as
if he was proud to be trusted.
“Well, when Ned got there, he found
the door shut; so he sat down and wait-
ed very patiently for a minute. Then,
finding no one opened the door, he be-
gan to bark. Then somebody came and
gave him the milk, which he brought
home without spilling a drop.â€
“Wasn’t he a jolly dog!†said Harry.
“T don’t think Ben would do anything so
smart as that.â€
“T don’t know,†said Auntie.. “A dog
that always minds as you say Ben does
will learn to do almost anything that a
dog can do. To obey is the very first
thing they have to learn, you know, just
as children have to do. Then they can
learn the nice, smart things afterward.â€
“ Well,†said Harry, finishing his bowl
of bread and milk, “I guess I must try
and teach Ben some funny things. May-
be papa’ll help. me.â€
“ Maybe he will,†said Auntie. “And
now I want to know if you ever happened
to hear of any little folks who are fond
of cookies? It may be, if you have, I
might find some for them.â€
“T know of a boy,†said Harry. “I
could eat lots of ’em.â€
“T too,†said Helen, pushing back her
empty bowl.
“Very well,†said Auntie. “A little
boy and girl who have tried so hard to
be obedient all the afternoon shall have
just that very thing. Now,†she added
as she put a plate with some very nice
cookies on it—just three apiece—“T
must go and see tomamma. ‘Then, if
you keep on being quiet and good, I
will tell you another dog-story after
we have had our tea, before you go to
So Auntie went away, and left two
happy little folks to finish their supper
on their little side-table as slowly as
they pleased.
Poor mamma was not much better, and
it was some time before Aunt Katie came
back. But the cookies lasted a long time;
all around the edge of each cookie they
nibbled very slowly. ‘There were little
seeds in each, and that made them all
the nicer. Then that was a grand time
to talk and make plans.
“T must train Ben,†said Harry, with
a very wise shake of the head, after
Auntie had gone out. “He’s a good
dog, and he mustn’t grow up and not
know as much as other dogs.â€
“T thought he had already grown
up,†said Helen. “I think he’s mon-
ster big now.â€
“T don’t know; perhaps he is; but he
must be trained, all the same. It’sall the
more need to hurry, you see, Helen, ’cause
they say they can’t train old dogs very
“Tt will be real fun, anyhow,†said
Helen, nibbling away on her cookie.
It was her very last one; Harry’s were
all gone.
“T’ll tell you what, Helen,†said he;
“Jet’s save some for Ben.â€
“Well,†said Helen, “you save part
of yours. He’s your dog, you know.â€
“But Tve eaten all mine.â€
“And I want to eat all mine,†said
the little girl, still nibbling away.
“Then Ben can’t have any. I think
you’re real selfish,†said Harry.
“No, I’m not a bit selfish, either; for
Mary feeds Ben three times every day:
she told me she did. . So he doesn’t go
hungry at all. He don’t need any cook-
ie, and I do; for I’m real hungry ;†and
the last bit of cookie went quite out of
“There!†said Harry, pushing back
his chair with a bang; “I think that’s
real mean.â€
I do not know what might have hap-
pened after that, for things looked rather
cloudy in that part of the dining-room,
but Mary came in at that minute to lay
the table for tea. Mary was very wise,
and never noticed the sad scowls and
pouts that were spoiling the two bright,
pretty faces.
“Tve just been to your mamma’s
room,†she said, “and she wants you
both to come and see her a minute and
say ‘Good-night.’ She said Harry might
come first.â€
The scowls and pouts all ran off some-
where as Harry went very lightly over the
stairs to mamma’s room for his good-night
kiss. The room was so dark, and mamma
so pale, that the boy was almost frightened
He was really glad to get down into the
sunshine again.
“Now you go, Helen,†he said; “and
we won’t be cross another bit when you
come back.â€
So it happened that when Aunt Ka-
tie was ready for the little folks, after
tea, the clouds had all blown over and
their faces were bright and sunny again.
“Now for the other dog-story,†said
the children, settling down, one on one
side and the other on the other side of
“Yes,†said Auntie; “and I think
Tl tell you a story that I read in a book
not long ago. He was a funny doggie,
you will think, and a very wise one as
well, His name was Jack. As soon
as he was old enough to know the dif-
ference between people he chose the
policemen for his companions. By and
by they bought him, and then he went
to live with them all the time. There
wasn’t a bit of lazy blood in Jack, and
day and night he was on duty with the
“ What do you mean by that, Auntie?â€
asked Helen.
“T mean that he kept ’round with the
police, and watched all the time to see
if things went right. You'll see what
I mean as I tell my story. But first I
want to tell something else about him.
The boys used to give Jack pennies. If
he was hungry, away he would go to the
butcher’s and buy a bit of meat. If the
man gave what he didn’t like, he would
take up his penny and run off to an-
other stall. If he wanted nothing to
eat, he would save up his penny till he
was hungry, and then make his call on
the butcher.â€
“My!†said Harry; “he was awful
bright; wasn’t be, Auntie?â€
“He was very bright,†said Auntie,
“and wise too not to spend his penny
for what he didn’t need—wiser than
little boys are sometimes,†she added,
with a smile at Harry. “He was very
wise and faithful too about his work.
When he was going his rounds in the
night, if he found a door left open,
he would bark till some one came to
shut it.
“Then, if he found a drunken man
on the street, as he sometimes did, he
would go straight off for a policeman
and have him taken care of. Once he
found a man drunk on the edge of a
wharf. The wise Jack seemed to un-
derstand that if he left him, he might
fall into the water and be drowned; so
he pulled him away from the edge, and
then went for help.
“When at last Jack died, all the peo-
ple who lived in that part of the city
felt as if they had lost one of their best
friends, and were real mourners for
“T don’t b’lieve Ben’ll be as smart as
that, ever,†said Helen.
“Perhaps not,†said Auntie; “ there’s
a great difference in dogs. But if Harry
is kind in his training, he can teach him
a great deal. Dogs will do almost any-
thing they can understand, if kindly
treated; and it is very wrong to treat
them otherwise. The Lord made the
animals, and we have no right to abuse
them. But,†exclaimed Auntie, “what
do I hear? Listen!â€
It was the clock in the sitting-room
striking seven.
“That says ‘ Bedtime,’ †said she, “and
Helen’s eyes look sleepy.â€
So away they went up stairs. Auntie
undressed the little folks and heard
their prayers in mamma’s place, and
then prayed a few words herself, such
as they could understand, and kissed
them good-night.
“ Auntie,†said Harry just as she reachi-
ed the door, “I guess you oughtn’t to
have told us that last dog-story.â€
“Why not?†she asked.
“?’Cause Helen and I almost quarrel-
led; but perhaps you'll ’scuse us, ’cause
we're sorry. Any way, I am.â€
Auntie gave the rosy lips another kiss,
with a promise to excuse them if they
would be very careful next time. That
was the last the little folks heard till
the sun shone into their rooms the next
morning bright and clear, and waked
them up.
Auntie came in to help them in fin-
ishing their dressing, and to see that
their faces and locks were all ready for
break fast.
“Please tell us another story,†said
little Helen as Aunt Katie combed out
her tumbled locks.
“Well, I will tell you about a dog that
learned to carry parcels. He was rather
a hard dog to train; his master had to
try a great many different ways before
he succeeded.â€
“What ways?†asked Harry, who
wanted to learn all he could about train-
ing dogs.
“Well, he put the basket in his own
mouth first, and tried to make the dog
do the same with his; but doggie would
not. Then he tied a big bone to the
handle, and tried to make him follow
with it; but doggie tore off the bone
and brought that without the basket.
Finally, he got another dog, who had
learned already, and his dog learned
from him. Then he trained him to
carry packages all over the village; so
that they finally called him ‘Old Par-
cels.’ â€
They were ready for breakfast then ;
so the stories had to end. After break-
fast Harry had to go on an errand for
papa that took him away on quite a long
walk. It was none too long for a strong,
big boy like him, but a little too much
for Helen, her aunt thought; so the lit-
tle lassie had to stay at home alone.
Mamma had slept but little through
the night, and now she was getting a
little nap; so she must not be disturbed.
Auntie was very busy about the house,
and Helen, the merry, fun-loving little
girl, was really quite forlorn.
“Come here, Helen,†said Auntie,
stopping a minute from her work; “ I’ve
got something for you to do.â€
“What is it?†asked Helen.
“You cannot go in to see mamma just
now, but you might write her a little let-
ter ; and when I go in to see her next time
I'll be the postman and take it to her.
Perhaps we can find something for a
mail-bag. Would not that be nice?â€
“Yes,†said Helen. “that would be
real nice.â€
So Aunt Katie gave her some paper
and a nice sharp pencil, and the little
girl was ready to begin:
“ What shall I write, Auntie?â€
“You must begin ‘ Dear mamma,’ and
then tell her just what you would like
to say to her.â€
So she wrote in big, plain letters:
“dear mamma i love you very much
and i want to see you and i want harry
to come back good-bye helen.â€
“That’s a nice little letter,†said her
auntie, “and I think it’s almost time to
deliver the mail.â€
‘No matter about the bag,†said Hel-
en, who was in a hurry to have her let-
ter go.
“Very well,†said Auntie.
Mamma was awake; she was very much
pleased with the letter. She sent an an-
swer back by Aunt Kate, or by “return
mail,†as she told Helen. It was this: ©
“My DEAR LittLe Daventer: I am
very glad you have been so pleasant and
obedient as I hear you have, and I shall
like to have you come in and see me
when I have taken my tea. I liked
your little letter very much.
“From your loving »
“ MoTHER.â€
Mamma printed her letter, so that
Helen might have no trouble in read-
ing it all herself. It was the first letter
she had ever received, and she was very
proud of it. Just as she was folding it
up Aunt Katie went through the room
bearing a little tray with a white nap-
kin and some dishes on it.
“Ts that mamma’s tea, Aunt Katie?â€
“Yes; and very soon you can come
in. How should you like to run out
while you’re waiting and get some snow-
drops for mamma ?â€
“Oh, I would like it so much,†she
said, clapping her hands.
“Then put something over you and
be off. You can place them in the lit-
tle cut-glass vase, with some water, and
bring them into mamma’s room.â€
Away went Helen with a skip and
a jump. It was “just lovely†out of
doors, and her robin gave her some more
of his pretty notes. The air was very
fresh after the rain, and the grass look-
ed as if it had had its face washed and
come out in a new clean dress.
Helen hopped down the path, looking
at the beds on each side. She came
around after a while to the snowdrops,
and, gathering a handful of the pretty
blossoms, ran toward the house.
There was a loud whistle up the street
before she reached the door: it was Har-
ry. Away she went to meet him, her
hair blowing in the wind.
“See!†she said, holding up the del-
icate blossoms; “they’re for mamma.
And she’s better, and I’m going in to
see her.†All this in a breath.
“Jolly!†said Harry, tossing his hat
high in theair. “I think it’s just dread-
ful to have mamma sick. I’m glad she’s
better instead of worse, as the doctor was
afraid she’d be. Ask Aunt Katie if I
can come in too.â€
And so it happened that two happy
children went very softly to mamma’s
chamber and, creeping lightly up to
her bedside, gave her a kiss before
she knew they were there, and then
stood with arms around each other.
asked Harry; “’cause I guess we can be
still one day more if you are not.â€
“JT don’t think your noise will trouble
me to-day,†she said, with a smile, “and
“Are you quite well again, mamma?â€
by to-morrow I hope to be quite x
again. And now,†she added, putting
her arm around Helen and taking Har-
ry’s hand in hers, “do you remember
asking me a little while ago what was
meant by honoring one’s parents?â€
“Yes’m,†said Harry; “I remember.â€
“Well, I thought of that verse yester-
day afternoon when you were so still.
I said to myself, ‘My little children are
honoring their mamma this afternoon by
keeping quiet when she needs to have
them.’ So every time you try to be
pleasant or do right things to please mam-
ma, you honor her, and keep a command-
ment. And now, while I enjoy your pret-
ty flowers, run and keep it to-day by be-
ing kind and pleasant to each other, and
by not troubling Aunt Katie.â€
With a good hug and, kiss the little
folks were off, happy that the mamma
whom they had honored by their obe-
‘ence was almost well again.
ee RRS
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Full Text |
ie Z2ECR (7.
Harry and Helen.
Mrs. R. M. WILBUR.
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1882, by the
In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.
Wrstcotr & THOMSON,
&ereotypers and Electrotypers, Philada,
“HEY were two rosy-cheeked,
round-faced children, and as
much alike as two peas in a
pod; only Harry was two years
older, and so a little bigger, than Helen.
Then his brown hfir was cut very short
and kept very smooth, while little Hel-
en’s yellow ringlets were long and blew
about with every breeze.
But in this, again, they were alike:
both were brimful of fun—fun of which
there was very little without noise, and
sometimes a good deal of it. But the
two children were such good-natured
little folks, really meaning to do right
as a rule, that when people were well
and strong they minded very little about
their romping and racket. But that,
you see, made it all the harder when
they needed to be quiet.
, Well, this was just the loveliest, sun-
shiniest day in the early spring. School
had not yet begun, and Harry and Hel-
en were so happy that a mild day had
come at last—and in vacation too—that
they really hardly knew what to do with
Helen found a snowdrop under the
sitting-room window, and what wonder
that there was a glad shout over the
pale little beauty, the very first of the
season? Then Harry found a crocus
beginning to show its head, and then
another and another. Then the grass
on the lawn was really growing green, -
and Harry thought it quite time to get
out the mower. Besides all that, Helen
was sure she heard a robin.
“Every single thing is growing alive
again,†she said to Aunt Katie, running
into the sitting-room for the twentieth
time since breakfast.
“And you are alive all over too; are
you not, darling?†said Aunt Katie,
giving little Helen a hug and a kiss.
“Why, yes, of course,†she said, open-
ing her eyes very wide at such a strange
question. “ Flow can I help it?â€
“You cannot, pet, and I do not want
you to. But now I do want you to look
straight into my eyes while I tell you
Helen did look straight into Aunt
Katie’s eyes, and, with a very sober
face, wondered what was coming.
“You know mamma has a headache
—a very bad headache?†asked Auntie.
“Yes; and [’m sorry too.â€
“Well, the doctor has just been here
to see her, and he says she must be kept
very quiet. And he says that if she is
not kept quiet, she may be very sick
for a long, long time. Now, I want you
to tell Harry just what I’ve told you.
Then you must not, either of you, go
toward mamma’s window any nearer
than the lilac-bush.â€
“Why, that isn’t a bit near,†said Hel-
en, “ and the snowdrops are ’way the other
“T know,†said her. aunt, “and I’m
sorry. But I’m very sure this little
girlie does not want a sick mamma, and
she knows what the doctor said.â€
“T don’t want mamma sick,†said Hel-
en; “ but I will be just as still as a mouse
if you'll just let me go and see the pretty
snowdrops. I do love ’em so.â€
“ Better than mamma?†asked Aunt
“Oh no,†said Helen.
“Then, if you really love mamma, you
will mind and be the stillest little girl
that ever was. Now go and tell Harry
all about it.â€
Away she went, and, sitting down on
the back doorstep with Harry, she told
him all that Aunt Katie had said.
“Tl tell you, Helen,†said Harry,
when she had finished: “let’s go into
the pasture and play. You go ask
Aunt Katie; that’s a good girl.â€
So Helen trotted softly back into the
Auntie was still there, with the mend-
ing-basket on the table by her side. She
was mending Helen’s navy-blue stock-
“Harry wants to go into the pasture
to play; may we, Auntie? It won’t
’sturb mamma if we play out there,
Harry says. And I wish you’d come
too, Auntie; won’t you, please?†and
Helen’s arms went around Aunt Katie’s
neck in a very coaxing way.
Auntie said “ Yes†to their going into
the pasture; “Only,†said she, “you
must put on your overshoes and be sure
and not sit on the ground, for it is damp
and you may take cold.â€
She wanted to say “Yes†to Helen’s
invitation to go too, for she loved the
springing grass, the bright sunshine, and
the warm spring air every bit as much as
did the children; but the mamma was
not well and the mending-basket still
half full, so she had to say “No.†But
Helen did not fret very much, after all,
so long as she had Harry.
In a minute the little folks were off.
Harry gave one long whistle that waked
his dog Ben from his nap behind the
barn. Ben knew the whistle, and away
he came with a bound, his tail wagging
very hard, and saying as well as he knew
how, “All right; I’m coming.â€
So away they went, through the bars
and along the lane, till they came to the
pasture. Ben was as gay as the chil-
dren, running again and again after the
sticks and stones that Harry and Helen
threw for him to pick up and bring back.
They were a merry trio, and for half an
hour it would have been hard to tell
which was having the best time, Harry
or Helen or Ben.
All at once Helen thought of the
snowdrops in the sunny flower-bed un-
der mamma’s window:
“T don’t b’leve but we can find some
snowdrops out here, Harry, I don’t.
I’m going to try, anyhow.â€
“Sho!†said Harry ; “snowdrops grow
in the garden. I know you can’t find
’em out. here.â€
But little Helen had a mind of her
own; so away she trotted, looking very °
sharply everywhere for the pretty little
white flower. But it would not come
for her hunting; not a blossom or a bud
could she find, though she looked for a
long time.
Harry had no fancy for looking after
flowers he knew he could never find; so
he ran off to the little pond at one end
of the pasture, and, with Ben for com-
pany, managed to keep quite contented.
After a while Helen grew tired hunt-
ing for her snowdrops, but not till she
had wandered off to the very farther
end of the pasture. Not a peep could
she get of Harry when she at last de-
cided that snowdrops do not grow in
pastures, after all, and she might as well
give them up.
“Dear me! where can he be?†and
she called his name long and loud, and
began to run back toward home.
But the little lassie was quite turned
around and could not guess which way
to go; she almost got lost. But just at
that very minute when she had half a
mind to cry she heard Ben bark, and
Harry down by the pond.
She was all right now, but both the
children decided it was time to go home.
Harry was sure it must be dinner-time.
They were quite right, for just as they
were coming down the lane they heard
the very welcome sound of the dinner-
“Ts mamma better?†asked Harry,
putting his rosy face through the open
door of the sitting-room.
“A little,†said Aunt Katie, in a low
tone. “She has had a little sleep, which
did her good, but her head still aches
badly. So I shall expect my little
folks to be very quiet a little longer.â€
But, dear me! it was such hard work!
Before Harry knew, his voice would get
‘straight up on to the high notes, and
Helen’s was sure to follow; so Aunt
Katie said to herself,
“This soft spring air surely can’t hurt
the children, and they shall go into the
field again this afternoon, so their mother
can get quite well.â€
But Aunt Katie had been thinking
about the people and the things in-doors
for some time past, and never noticed
that clouds had come up and quite cov-
‘ered the lovely blue sky. When dinner
was over, the drops began to come pat-
ter, patter, against the window-panes,
and then Aunt Katie knew that the
two busy little folks must stay in-doors.
“If IT could only trust them in the
barn,†she said, with a little sigh. “ But,
dear me! I should never know what
might happen to them out there by
So she dared not do that. Then she
thought of a plan.
“ Children,†said she, “I want to make
a bargain with you, and you must stand
still right here while I tell you what it
is. Mamma is not well, and it’s raining
straight down and looks as if it would
rain all the afternoon. Now, I wonder
if there is any little boy or girl about
here who wants to be a real help and
comfort to that sick mamma? If she
does not get well pretty soon, she may
get a great deal worse; and that would
be dreadful.â€
“Here’s the boy,†said Harry, stand-
ing up very straight.
“And is there not any little girl?â€
asked Auntie.
“‘ Course there is,†said Helen, “cause
Tm here.â€
“Very well,†said Auntie. “Now, I
want you to help mamma to get better by
staying in the back of the house all the
afternoon and playing just as quietly as
you can. Then, if you are right good
children till five o’clock, I’ll come into
the dining-room while you eat your
suppers, and tell you a story.†|
Helen began to clap her hands, for!
she liked Aunt Katie’s stories; but!
Harry stopped her. |
“That isn’t being still,†he said. |
So the bargain was made. Aunt Ka-|
tie was almost sure she would not have
to tell the stories, for she had no idea
that such wide-awake, noisy little folks
could keep still. But they did.
“Tt was drefful hard,†Helen said, but
they did it; and Aunt Katie kept her
part of the bargain, and when the clock
struck five she took her sewing and went
into the dining-room.
“My little folks have done beauti-
fully,†she said. “But what has be-
come of Ben all this time?†â€
“Oh, I sent him off with John. Ben’s
a lovely dog, Auntie; he does every sin-
gle thing just as I tell him.â€
“T guess he minds better’n we do,â€
said Helen as Auntie tied on her bib
and pushed her up to the table.
“That is sad,†said her aunt, “if a
poor beast who does not know right from
wrong behaves better than a well-taught
little boy or girl. I think that it ought
to make you feel quite ashamed, if it is
“He don’t want to do so many things
as we do,†said Harry.
“And does not begin to know so
much,†replied Auntie.
“Well,†said Harry, with a little
shake of his head, “ we mean to mind;
don’t we, Helen ?â€
“Course,†said Helen.—‘“Can’t we
have the story now, Auntie?â€
“Right away,†she replied; “and I
think I'll tell you something about dogs,
since you like Ben so much. First of all,
T think I must tell you a story about a
dog I owned when I was a little older
than you, Harry. His name was Ned.
He was a great, handsome, shaggy fellow,
and I thought there was never a dog like
him. Brother Henry taught him all sorts
of little tricks such as a great many dogs
know. He would beg for his food and
stand still while it was put on his nose,
and then catch it. I used to think it
great fun to see him do that. Then he
would jump over a stick, stand up and
make a bow, and do some other things—
I cannot remember now just what.
“Henry used to go for a pail of milk
every day to a place about a quarter of
a mile away, and Ned always went with
him and carried the pail. One day
Henry was sick, and, for some reason,
there was nobody else who could get
the milk. So mother put the pail, with
the money in it, in Ned’s mouth, and
. told him to go and get it. Off he went,
his big tail wagging with pleasure as far
as we could see him; it really seemed as
if he was proud to be trusted.
“Well, when Ned got there, he found
the door shut; so he sat down and wait-
ed very patiently for a minute. Then,
finding no one opened the door, he be-
gan to bark. Then somebody came and
gave him the milk, which he brought
home without spilling a drop.â€
“Wasn’t he a jolly dog!†said Harry.
“T don’t think Ben would do anything so
smart as that.â€
“T don’t know,†said Auntie.. “A dog
that always minds as you say Ben does
will learn to do almost anything that a
dog can do. To obey is the very first
thing they have to learn, you know, just
as children have to do. Then they can
learn the nice, smart things afterward.â€
“ Well,†said Harry, finishing his bowl
of bread and milk, “I guess I must try
and teach Ben some funny things. May-
be papa’ll help. me.â€
“ Maybe he will,†said Auntie. “And
now I want to know if you ever happened
to hear of any little folks who are fond
of cookies? It may be, if you have, I
might find some for them.â€
“T know of a boy,†said Harry. “I
could eat lots of ’em.â€
“T too,†said Helen, pushing back her
empty bowl.
“Very well,†said Auntie. “A little
boy and girl who have tried so hard to
be obedient all the afternoon shall have
just that very thing. Now,†she added
as she put a plate with some very nice
cookies on it—just three apiece—“T
must go and see tomamma. ‘Then, if
you keep on being quiet and good, I
will tell you another dog-story after
we have had our tea, before you go to
So Auntie went away, and left two
happy little folks to finish their supper
on their little side-table as slowly as
they pleased.
Poor mamma was not much better, and
it was some time before Aunt Katie came
back. But the cookies lasted a long time;
all around the edge of each cookie they
nibbled very slowly. ‘There were little
seeds in each, and that made them all
the nicer. Then that was a grand time
to talk and make plans.
“T must train Ben,†said Harry, with
a very wise shake of the head, after
Auntie had gone out. “He’s a good
dog, and he mustn’t grow up and not
know as much as other dogs.â€
“T thought he had already grown
up,†said Helen. “I think he’s mon-
ster big now.â€
“T don’t know; perhaps he is; but he
must be trained, all the same. It’sall the
more need to hurry, you see, Helen, ’cause
they say they can’t train old dogs very
“Tt will be real fun, anyhow,†said
Helen, nibbling away on her cookie.
It was her very last one; Harry’s were
all gone.
“T’ll tell you what, Helen,†said he;
“Jet’s save some for Ben.â€
“Well,†said Helen, “you save part
of yours. He’s your dog, you know.â€
“But Tve eaten all mine.â€
“And I want to eat all mine,†said
the little girl, still nibbling away.
“Then Ben can’t have any. I think
you’re real selfish,†said Harry.
“No, I’m not a bit selfish, either; for
Mary feeds Ben three times every day:
she told me she did. . So he doesn’t go
hungry at all. He don’t need any cook-
ie, and I do; for I’m real hungry ;†and
the last bit of cookie went quite out of
“There!†said Harry, pushing back
his chair with a bang; “I think that’s
real mean.â€
I do not know what might have hap-
pened after that, for things looked rather
cloudy in that part of the dining-room,
but Mary came in at that minute to lay
the table for tea. Mary was very wise,
and never noticed the sad scowls and
pouts that were spoiling the two bright,
pretty faces.
“Tve just been to your mamma’s
room,†she said, “and she wants you
both to come and see her a minute and
say ‘Good-night.’ She said Harry might
come first.â€
The scowls and pouts all ran off some-
where as Harry went very lightly over the
stairs to mamma’s room for his good-night
kiss. The room was so dark, and mamma
so pale, that the boy was almost frightened
He was really glad to get down into the
sunshine again.
“Now you go, Helen,†he said; “and
we won’t be cross another bit when you
come back.â€
So it happened that when Aunt Ka-
tie was ready for the little folks, after
tea, the clouds had all blown over and
their faces were bright and sunny again.
“Now for the other dog-story,†said
the children, settling down, one on one
side and the other on the other side of
“Yes,†said Auntie; “and I think
Tl tell you a story that I read in a book
not long ago. He was a funny doggie,
you will think, and a very wise one as
well, His name was Jack. As soon
as he was old enough to know the dif-
ference between people he chose the
policemen for his companions. By and
by they bought him, and then he went
to live with them all the time. There
wasn’t a bit of lazy blood in Jack, and
day and night he was on duty with the
“ What do you mean by that, Auntie?â€
asked Helen.
“T mean that he kept ’round with the
police, and watched all the time to see
if things went right. You'll see what
I mean as I tell my story. But first I
want to tell something else about him.
The boys used to give Jack pennies. If
he was hungry, away he would go to the
butcher’s and buy a bit of meat. If the
man gave what he didn’t like, he would
take up his penny and run off to an-
other stall. If he wanted nothing to
eat, he would save up his penny till he
was hungry, and then make his call on
the butcher.â€
“My!†said Harry; “he was awful
bright; wasn’t be, Auntie?â€
“He was very bright,†said Auntie,
“and wise too not to spend his penny
for what he didn’t need—wiser than
little boys are sometimes,†she added,
with a smile at Harry. “He was very
wise and faithful too about his work.
When he was going his rounds in the
night, if he found a door left open,
he would bark till some one came to
shut it.
“Then, if he found a drunken man
on the street, as he sometimes did, he
would go straight off for a policeman
and have him taken care of. Once he
found a man drunk on the edge of a
wharf. The wise Jack seemed to un-
derstand that if he left him, he might
fall into the water and be drowned; so
he pulled him away from the edge, and
then went for help.
“When at last Jack died, all the peo-
ple who lived in that part of the city
felt as if they had lost one of their best
friends, and were real mourners for
“T don’t b’lieve Ben’ll be as smart as
that, ever,†said Helen.
“Perhaps not,†said Auntie; “ there’s
a great difference in dogs. But if Harry
is kind in his training, he can teach him
a great deal. Dogs will do almost any-
thing they can understand, if kindly
treated; and it is very wrong to treat
them otherwise. The Lord made the
animals, and we have no right to abuse
them. But,†exclaimed Auntie, “what
do I hear? Listen!â€
It was the clock in the sitting-room
striking seven.
“That says ‘ Bedtime,’ †said she, “and
Helen’s eyes look sleepy.â€
So away they went up stairs. Auntie
undressed the little folks and heard
their prayers in mamma’s place, and
then prayed a few words herself, such
as they could understand, and kissed
them good-night.
“ Auntie,†said Harry just as she reachi-
ed the door, “I guess you oughtn’t to
have told us that last dog-story.â€
“Why not?†she asked.
“?’Cause Helen and I almost quarrel-
led; but perhaps you'll ’scuse us, ’cause
we're sorry. Any way, I am.â€
Auntie gave the rosy lips another kiss,
with a promise to excuse them if they
would be very careful next time. That
was the last the little folks heard till
the sun shone into their rooms the next
morning bright and clear, and waked
them up.
Auntie came in to help them in fin-
ishing their dressing, and to see that
their faces and locks were all ready for
break fast.
“Please tell us another story,†said
little Helen as Aunt Katie combed out
her tumbled locks.
“Well, I will tell you about a dog that
learned to carry parcels. He was rather
a hard dog to train; his master had to
try a great many different ways before
he succeeded.â€
“What ways?†asked Harry, who
wanted to learn all he could about train-
ing dogs.
“Well, he put the basket in his own
mouth first, and tried to make the dog
do the same with his; but doggie would
not. Then he tied a big bone to the
handle, and tried to make him follow
with it; but doggie tore off the bone
and brought that without the basket.
Finally, he got another dog, who had
learned already, and his dog learned
from him. Then he trained him to
carry packages all over the village; so
that they finally called him ‘Old Par-
cels.’ â€
They were ready for breakfast then ;
so the stories had to end. After break-
fast Harry had to go on an errand for
papa that took him away on quite a long
walk. It was none too long for a strong,
big boy like him, but a little too much
for Helen, her aunt thought; so the lit-
tle lassie had to stay at home alone.
Mamma had slept but little through
the night, and now she was getting a
little nap; so she must not be disturbed.
Auntie was very busy about the house,
and Helen, the merry, fun-loving little
girl, was really quite forlorn.
“Come here, Helen,†said Auntie,
stopping a minute from her work; “ I’ve
got something for you to do.â€
“What is it?†asked Helen.
“You cannot go in to see mamma just
now, but you might write her a little let-
ter ; and when I go in to see her next time
I'll be the postman and take it to her.
Perhaps we can find something for a
mail-bag. Would not that be nice?â€
“Yes,†said Helen. “that would be
real nice.â€
So Aunt Katie gave her some paper
and a nice sharp pencil, and the little
girl was ready to begin:
“ What shall I write, Auntie?â€
“You must begin ‘ Dear mamma,’ and
then tell her just what you would like
to say to her.â€
So she wrote in big, plain letters:
“dear mamma i love you very much
and i want to see you and i want harry
to come back good-bye helen.â€
“That’s a nice little letter,†said her
auntie, “and I think it’s almost time to
deliver the mail.â€
‘No matter about the bag,†said Hel-
en, who was in a hurry to have her let-
ter go.
“Very well,†said Auntie.
Mamma was awake; she was very much
pleased with the letter. She sent an an-
swer back by Aunt Kate, or by “return
mail,†as she told Helen. It was this: ©
“My DEAR LittLe Daventer: I am
very glad you have been so pleasant and
obedient as I hear you have, and I shall
like to have you come in and see me
when I have taken my tea. I liked
your little letter very much.
“From your loving »
“ MoTHER.â€
Mamma printed her letter, so that
Helen might have no trouble in read-
ing it all herself. It was the first letter
she had ever received, and she was very
proud of it. Just as she was folding it
up Aunt Katie went through the room
bearing a little tray with a white nap-
kin and some dishes on it.
“Ts that mamma’s tea, Aunt Katie?â€
“Yes; and very soon you can come
in. How should you like to run out
while you’re waiting and get some snow-
drops for mamma ?â€
“Oh, I would like it so much,†she
said, clapping her hands.
“Then put something over you and
be off. You can place them in the lit-
tle cut-glass vase, with some water, and
bring them into mamma’s room.â€
Away went Helen with a skip and
a jump. It was “just lovely†out of
doors, and her robin gave her some more
of his pretty notes. The air was very
fresh after the rain, and the grass look-
ed as if it had had its face washed and
come out in a new clean dress.
Helen hopped down the path, looking
at the beds on each side. She came
around after a while to the snowdrops,
and, gathering a handful of the pretty
blossoms, ran toward the house.
There was a loud whistle up the street
before she reached the door: it was Har-
ry. Away she went to meet him, her
hair blowing in the wind.
“See!†she said, holding up the del-
icate blossoms; “they’re for mamma.
And she’s better, and I’m going in to
see her.†All this in a breath.
“Jolly!†said Harry, tossing his hat
high in theair. “I think it’s just dread-
ful to have mamma sick. I’m glad she’s
better instead of worse, as the doctor was
afraid she’d be. Ask Aunt Katie if I
can come in too.â€
And so it happened that two happy
children went very softly to mamma’s
chamber and, creeping lightly up to
her bedside, gave her a kiss before
she knew they were there, and then
stood with arms around each other.
asked Harry; “’cause I guess we can be
still one day more if you are not.â€
“JT don’t think your noise will trouble
me to-day,†she said, with a smile, “and
“Are you quite well again, mamma?â€
by to-morrow I hope to be quite x
again. And now,†she added, putting
her arm around Helen and taking Har-
ry’s hand in hers, “do you remember
asking me a little while ago what was
meant by honoring one’s parents?â€
“Yes’m,†said Harry; “I remember.â€
“Well, I thought of that verse yester-
day afternoon when you were so still.
I said to myself, ‘My little children are
honoring their mamma this afternoon by
keeping quiet when she needs to have
them.’ So every time you try to be
pleasant or do right things to please mam-
ma, you honor her, and keep a command-
ment. And now, while I enjoy your pret-
ty flowers, run and keep it to-day by be-
ing kind and pleasant to each other, and
by not troubling Aunt Katie.â€
With a good hug and, kiss the little
folks were off, happy that the mamma
whom they had honored by their obe-
‘ence was almost well again.
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