Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00082674/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Adventures in fairyland
- Cover title:
- Adventures in fairy land
- Creator:
- Brewer, David H.
Brewer, David H. ( Illustrator )
Collins Press Corporation ( publisher )
- Place of Publication:
- Boston
- Publisher:
- Collins Press Corporation
- Publication Date:
- 1894
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 116 p., [6] leaves of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 19 cm.
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Magic -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh )
Elves -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Queens -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Knights and knighthood -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Chivalry -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Fantasy literature -- 1894 ( rbgenr ) Bldn -- 1894
- Genre:
- Fantasy literature ( rbgenr )
novel ( marcgt )
- Spatial Coverage:
- United States -- Massachusetts -- Boston
- Target Audience:
- juvenile ( marctarget )
- General Note:
- Baldwin Library copy lacks listed illustrations: frontispiece and opposite p. 14, 40, and 96.
- Statement of Responsibility:
- by David H. Brewer ; illustrated by the author.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact The Department of Special and Area Studies Collections (special@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 026602700 ( ALEPH )
ALG2874 ( NOTIS ) 225125966 ( OCLC )
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David H. Brewer
Illustrated by the Author
THE Cottins Press CorroraTION
ts Mitton Place
Mary and Francis,
Tue Great BALL
Wizarp Lanp
THe Wizarp’s Cave
Tue Srone TREASURE HorsE
THe ELVES AND THE APPLE. : frontispiece
THE OLD GNOME . : ; : : nee
FaLiinc FROM THE Hawk : : ; - 40
my books and the atmosphere of the
house, I sauntered leisurely down
to the orchard to see if the wind the
previous night had cast an apple upon the
ground such as my fastidious appetite could
relish. I wished it to be large, and not a worm-
hole nor spot of decay to show upon its glossy
skin. Upon reaching the orchard I found, as
expected, many beauties lying half hidden
under the bending grass, and proceeded, with
the eye of a connoisseur, to select just the one
suited to my palate. While engaged in this oc-
cupation I noticed an apple, which was partially
hidden by a burdock, stir, and then roll over.
Astonished, I cautiously tiptoed behind a tree,
which grew near, to see if I could find the cause
of its movement. Imagine my surprise on
gazing cautiously around the trunk to behold,
standing beside the fruit, a couple of little elves
not over two inches high, who were striving to
cut the apple in half with tiny broadsowrds
which they swung above their heads.
Each was dressed in red, with peaked hat to
match, surmounted by a black plume. The
way their swords flew was a caution, and I saw
at a glance that the apple would soon be cut in
twain. To my dismay, the larger elf, slipping,
fell, and in such a way as to receive the de-
scending sword of his mate upon his own,
where glancing it cut deeply into the flesh of
the little fellow just below the shoulder. With
a cry of pain he let the weapon fall from his
grasp, and swooning, was caught in the arms of
his frightened partner. I was so excited at the
event that, without thinking, I stepped from my
shelter, and thus betrayed my presence. In an
instant the elf who had caused the mishap had
placed his wounded friend upon the ground,
and springing towards me planted his sword
with hilt to the earth and point towards me.
Evidently he thought that I had not seen them,
and that pricked by his sword as I set my foot
upon it, I should think a thorn had pierced me,
and while I was striving to remove it, he, with
his companion, could withdraw unseen.
“Fear not,†I cried; “do let me help you in
your trouble, if it is in the power of mortal to aid
the elves.â€
I saw fear give place to pleasure upon the
features of the little face, and a tiny voice said
in good English, —
“Thanks, kind mortal, you can indeed be
of service.â€
By this time the wounded elf had revived, and
was stanching the blood with a cobweb which
hung near at hand.
“Tf fairy blood had not been spilt before
you, we could have disappeared at your ap-
proach,†said one; “then, too, our law says
that blood spilt from fairies’ veins can only be
stanched and the wound healed by the help
of mortal, with the aid in part of earthly
“Then I can assist?†I whispered, trembling
with excitement.
“Tn truth you can,†said the disabled one,
“and great shall be your reward. I ‘am
Sir Hazel; and he who helps me shall look
apon wonders such as the sun has never
shone upon, and receive the thanks in per-
son of the fairy Queen. Now hasten to
the tallest hollyhock which grows in the
long path behind the house of your ances-
tors, draw from the flower upon its crest a
drop of ‘dew, place it in this crystal vial,
then shake into it a little pollen from a white
dahlia, and add two drops of red clover honey,
then return to us, for with the mixture I can
make a salve which will heal my wound at
Away I sped like a deer, and was soon
in the garden at the rear of my home; here a
tall hollyhock with a yellow flower gave me the
desired dew, then a white dahlia was bereft of
its pollen; next it was the work of but a
moment to secure from the fragrant clover,
which grew in rich profusion, the two drops of
honey. As soon as J had returned to my little
friends, they took the vial and mixed its con-
tents with a red substance, which was stirred
with a golden wand, and then spread upon a
little bandage made from the wing of a blue
butterfly. This was then bound tightly about
the wounded arm. In less than a minute the
elf sprang to his feet and announced that he
was healed. Looking up at me he cried, —
“T have saved a drop of my blood in this leaf.
If you will let me inoculate you with it, and
place at the same time some of this fluid upon
your tongue,†showing me a tiny bottle as he
spoke, “you will become an elf, and then can
accompany us to Fairyland.â€
I answered that I would be delighted to
do as he suggested, and stretched myself
at once upon the ground so as to bring my
face upon a level with him. Holding out
my tongue, I felt the drop from the tiny bottle
fall upon it, and at the same time was conscious
of a prick in my cheek where he had touched
me with the point of his sword. It would be
in vain to try and describe my feelings as I
gradually became smaller; things seemed to
become large about me, and I could hardly
realize when at last I stood beside the elves,
scarcely able to look over the apple, that I had
really become an elf. The orchard grass looked
like a jungle, and the burdock leaves formed a
canopy over my head.
“How do you like it?†said my friends as
they extended their hands and bade me wel-
And “Now to work,†said Sir Hazel, after he
had introduced me to the other elf who proved
to be his squire, and bore the name of Thistle.
“We must open this apple and get the seeds
before departing.â€
Under their steady strokes the work was
soon done and the luscious fruit lay over on its
sides evenly divided. The seeds were quickly
dug out and thrown to me to perforate and
string together. They told me while we were
working that they had spent the day gathering
seeds of the Gravenstein apple, for pounded
‘in a mortar with fairy oil it became one
of the flavors most highly esteemed by their
Queen. Soon the time arrived to start, and
gathering up the seeds,—I found that they
had many stored away under the leaves, —we
dragged them by their strings until we reached
the place where the horses were tied. When I
beheld the little chargers, I was astonished at
their diminutiveness and beauty. I had seen
toy horses in the stores only an inch and three
quarters high at the shoulder, but here they
were alive and neighing us a glad welcome.
Two were black, one a bay, and the fourth
white. They had been tied to the root of an
old elm during the day, and had evidently
become very restless. I noticed that their
bridles and saddles were spangled with dia-
mond dust. The leather I found was as soft
as velvet, and embossed with fairy designs.
We soon placed the seeds in the panniers of
the pack horse, then mounted and rode away.
I felt my heart thrill with delight as seated on
my fairy horse I sped along, pinching myself
again and again to see if I was not asleep,
and all my adventure but a dream. On we
sped, through the long grass among what
seemed to me giant apple-trees, towards the
end of the orchard. It took half an hour to
reach a place in the woods where I had often
been to play. A great oak was master of the
glade, and little had I suspected that it was the
gateway to Fairyland, but so it proved to be,
for, vaulting from his saddle, as we approached,
Sir Hazel strode up to it, and knocking with
the hilt of his sword ten times upon a project-
ing piece of bark, cried, —
“Open Tetina, open Tetar.â€
Instantly a large slab fell slowly from the side
of the tree towards us, and revealed an arched
doorway cut into the heart of the oak. Up the
slight incline made by the bark bridge we rode,
and entering a circular chamber, dismounted.
As the door closed behind us I noticed that it
was not dark, and soon saw that the mellow
light came from a glowing spot in the floor
about the size of a silver dollar.
“Now a word to you,†said Sir Hazel as he
touched me; ‘we are about to enter the portals
of Fairyland. You will be tested as to your
worthiness to accompany us into Queen Mab’s
realms. If you were an impostor, a witch, or
any enemy in disguise, fear would cause you to
cry aloud at the test hall, and instantly you
would be expelled. But fear nothing; speak
not until I give permission, simply follow me.â€
As he finished speaking he stooped, and taking
a ring in his hand which I had not observed be-
fore, lifted a trap door, which revealed beneath
a large slanting passage descending apparently
into the bowels of the earth. Down this we
moved, leading our horses by their bridles. I
was dazed with wonder as I beheld, at every
clank of the horses’ hoofs upon the hard floor,
a bright green light flash for a moment like the
spark from a trolley wheel. But there were
other sources of light, for at every few paces a
bat, leaving its perch, shining as it moved its
wings like a fiery star in red, blue, or yellow,
would fly on before us, crying in harsh tones,
“A stranger in our midst,†until lost to sight
around a bend in the passage. After travelling
what seemed to me half a mile, I saw an open-
ing ahead with a rim of flashing colored lights
around it.
“The entrance to the second portal,†whis-
pered Sir Hazel; “ follow, but remember and do
not speak,â€
As we passed through the arch of red,
blue, and yellow, I saw that it was the bodies
of the bats, that, clinging around the opening |
close together, were whirling their wings, and
still crying in unison, —
“A stranger in our midst.â€
As soon as the pack horse, which brought
up the rear of our party, passed under, they
left their perches, and after circling three times
around us, with a shrill cry, flew back into
the passage we had just left.
We had entered a brilliantly lighted cham-
ber. My eyes were almost blinded by the
glare. The ceiling seemed to be a mass of
flame which was reflected from eight walls of
polished marble. As we reached the centre
of this room, a voice came from the first wall,
crying, “Is he to enter?†then from the
second, ‘‘Can he pass?†andso on until eight
questions had been asked. As the last voice
ceased speaking, a deep voice, which sounded
like distant thunder, said, —
“Let him pass on to the Test of Fear.â€
At once a door opened and a dull orange
light shone through it, while a spectre hand
beckoned us to enter. I was startled as I
passed over the threshold, and wished that
I could turn back, for there was such a clank-
ing of chains. But I noticed that Sir Hazel and
Thistle were calm, and that even the horses
walked along without a sign of fear, so I
plucked up courage and looked about me. I
had to smile when I beheld the troops of queer
little things which were dancing and capering
about us. They had legs and feet like turkeys,
but their heads resembled bullfrogs. I did not
see any arms, so concluded that they had no
“Throw him to the gnomes,†they cried;
“yes, throw him to the gnomes.â€
Now, as I had read of gnomes and their do-
ings, I confess that I did not enjoy the prospect
of meeting with the fate which they seemed
determined should be mine, and a chill ran up
and down my backbone, especially after I heard
ahead of us a piping voice crying, ‘ Yes, give
us the mortal, for a gnomes’ stew is brewing†;
but I subdued my fear, and keeping close
to my horse, walked on. Wilder grew the
dance of the turkey bullfrogs, and they were
joined by other things as strange as them-
selves. I remember a few, resembling monkeys,
which played for dear life upon serpent-skin
drums, tum-tum, tum-tum. As we came
abreast of the place, whence I had heard the
shrill gnomes’ song, there, sure enough, be-
hind bars of malachite sat twenty-four little
gnomes. They had wrapped their long white
beards about them, and were looking at me
from under their shaggy eyebrows. One fellow
seemed to be stirring a caldron, and another
was sprinkling salt into it, while a third added
bits of bats’ wings and lizards’ tails.
“‘Canwenothave him for our stew?†they cried.
But on hearing a voice sternly cry, “No,
for he is worthy to enter Fairyland,†they
ceased their clamor. J was delighted at the
same time to hear Sir Hazel say,—
“You can speak, the test is passed.â€
We next entered a room of silver, whose
walls were organs, and they played, as we passed
through, the most delightful music I had ever
heard. At the door of exit stood a dozen
fairy elves dressed in brown, with spears of
gold in their hands. The leader came to us,
and as soon as Sir Hazel told him of his adven-
tures during the day, and of what I had done
for him, he turned to me and bowing, said,— _
“ The guards of Queen Mab’s realms give you
welcome to Fairyland.â€
Taking a ring from his hand he placed it
upon my index finger, and said, —
‘So long as it remains where I have placed
it, you can remain among us, a welcome vis-
itor; but the second it is taken off, the spell
is broken, and the life here will become a
dream. Henceforth be known among us as Sir
Dahlia, and may joy await you and ‘ pleasure be
your page.
SIFTER saluting our party one of the
elves sounded twice upon a bugle.
Immediately I heard the roar of fall-
‘ ing waters, and perceived that a
door had opened revealing a beau-
tiful cavern whose walls and vaulted ceiling were
sapphire. On one side fell a cascade whose
plunging waters glistened like silver in the bluish
light. Innumerable stalactites, in hue resem-
bling turquoise, hung in pendent beauty from
the sparkling roof.
As we rode on I saw many little elves
dressed in pink, climbing among the rocks
by the edge of the stream. They seemed to
be spearing fish, and such in fact was the case.
Upon seeing us, three of them ran up and, doff-
ing their pink hats, insisted upon our taking a
fish, handing to us as they spoke the most
peculiar ones I had ever looked upon. In
color they resembled goldfish, but in shape and
size they looked like horned pout. The
Strangest thing about them was that at the
end of each feeler there hung a lovely pearl,
Thanking the little fishermen for their gifts,
we rode on and soon were out of the cavern
and in the midst of green fields whose grass
would have put velvet to shame by its softness.
The fragrance which arose from countless
flowers of every hue filled the air with sweet-
ness. It was as light as noontime on a sum-
mer’s day, and yet there was no sun. Seeing
some yellow dwarfs, or helpers as they are
called, Sir Hazel called them to us, and dis-
mounting, requested them to prepare a lunch
and take charge of our horses. Such queer-
looking little servants they were! I had to
laugh in spite of myself at their great eyes and
ears; their chins and noses all but touched.
They were as sharp and quick as foxes, and in
a very short time we were called to a spot
where a silken cloth had been spread to find
upon it our fishes broiled and served in honey,
together with other delicacies of which I knew
not the names.
While we were eating I noticed a bird re-
sembling a parrot alight, and from its back
there sprang a lovely little fairy dressed in
white. She came towards us and with a courtesy
presented a note to Sir Hazel. He, perceiving
her appearance, had met her with a gracious
bow. While they talked together in a tongue
unknown to me, I gazed in admiration upon
her sweet face. Her locks were as black as
ravens’ wings, and fell in wavy curls about her
shoulders. Her little mouth was like a rose-
bud, and as for her eyes they sparkled as only
black eyes can. The swift journey through
the air had painted her cheeks a delicate rose.
Thistle told me in a whisper that she was one
of the Queen’s messengers.
As soon as Sir Hazel had read the note he
called me to him and introduced me to the
fairy as Sir Dahlia, the friend who had helped
him while in trouble in mortal realms.
“You are thrice welcome for your kind act,â€
said she, extending her dainty hand, ‘‘and pleas-
ant may the days be while you dwell among us.
Sir Hazel will be sure to bring you to the fairy
ball which is given in a few days by the Queen
to all her subjects, and at that time you must
be presented to her gracious Majesty.â€
I bowed my thanks, and felt the hot blood
rush tomy cheeks, owing’ to my embarrassment
at not knowing just the etiquette which might be
expected in my answer. Placing a jewelled
whistle to her lips as we finished our conversa-
tion, she sounded once upon it, and I beheld the .
bird answer by appearing at her side. Sir
Hazel handed her into the saddle, and wishing
her a successful journey, we watched the quick
flight of the bird and its beautiful burden until
lost to sight. ;
Finishing our repast we mounted our horses,
and bidding the helpers adieu, we cantered
merrily onward.
“We shall soon reach my home,†said Sir
Hazel, after we had been riding an hour or
more. It was about twilight, and J wondered
if darkness would overtake us before reaching
the castle, and so asked Sir Hazel. He
replied that we should reach there about
dusk. ‘But even if we travelled all night,†he
continued, “J would not mind it, for the nights
are very short in Fairyland, and darkness does
not stop progress; for, as you noticed when
travelling through the tunnel, the horses’ feet
striking upon the ground produced light, so
is it when journeying in the night. We
sleep because we love to, not that we need
I now saw a glow upon the horizon above
the forest on our left, and was told that it was
the reflection from the lighted towers of the
elf's home. Under overhanging branches of
trees, which reminded me of our oaks at
home, we rode, following a beautiful wood path.
If I had been delighted before at the strange
things, much more were my joy and wonder
when, leaving the woods, I beheld, separated
from us by a closely shaven lawn, a regal home.
Its walls were crystal, and over its surface there
played many colored lights which reminded me
of the aurora. I drew my horse’s rein and
gazed spellbound upon its beautiful display.
Seeing me pause, Sir Hazel called, —
“Come on and find rest within these walls.â€
As our horses stepped upon the lawn, sweet
chimes broke from every tower, each bell
sounding a welcome home. At the portal three
yellow dwarfs stood ready to take our horses,
while into the keeping of two pages, dressed in
white and purple, were given the precious apple
seeds. A green dragon’s head swung slowly
over the inner door of the porch.
“Tt is a magic head,†said Sir Hazel as he saw
a look of surprise in my eyes. ‘I have had it
placed here to guard my home from witchcraft.
Should any one attempt to pass beneath it who
intends me harm, he would at once be en-
veloped in clouds of smoke and flame which
would drive him from my portal.â€
The first room that we entered was not large,
but beautiful draperies in gold and silver hung
upon its ivory walls, rich divans and chairs
invited us to rest, vases of alabaster filled with
beautiful flowers stood in each corner, and the
air was filled with their fragrance. We were
scarcely seated when a page entered and poured
into a tiny golden cup, which he held upon
an ivory salver, a fluid which when I had
tasted it reminded me of lemonade. He also
bade me eat a rest cake, which seemed a
little like sponge, but had a flavor unknown
to me.
We conversed a little after this, and then,
at Sir Hazel’s proposal, I decided to retire.
‘‘ Sweet dreams,†said my host as he left me at
my chamber door. Entering my room I looked
about in admiration. The walls and floor were
made of feldspar, while the ceiling was tur-
quoise. To describe the furniture and orna-
ments would be impossible, even if I had time.
Many were so quaint that I laughed at them, in
spite of myself. Every article of furniture was
made from ivory and inlaid with agates of deli-
cate hues. I could not help thinking how
every girl in mortal rcalms would have prized
any one of the articles which I had about
me as a treasure of rich and rare work-
Creeping into bed, I drew the soft coverlet
up, and as I did so the most delicious, enchant-
ing music fell upon my ear; it came from the
coverlet, and yet seemed far away. As my
head sank back upon the pillow an intoxicating
perfume, as though fresh from the heart of a
rose, filled my nostrils and wafted me at once
to sleep.
When I awoke it was morning. Springing
from my bed I found that my clothes had been
changed during my sleep, and red ones like
those worn by Sir Hazel had been substituted ;
a jewelled sword was resting upon a table, and
with it was a note from my friend requesting
me to wear it.
I gladly answered the call to breakfast, and
entered the room where it was served, wonder-
ing what new surprise was in store. The room
was large, and the walls covered with appro-
priate designs. The table was covered with a
delicate cloth, upon which stood smoking dishes
of silver. Sir Hazel gave me a cordial good-
morning, and we were soon chatting as we ate
and planning for the day in the most lively
fashion. Two little elves served us. They
were queer little fellows, with great eyes and
large noses. The most peculiar thing about
them was that their skin was black. I could
not get used to them at first, for I had never
heard of black elves.
As we arose from the table, Sir Hazel an-
nounced that we were to start on a hunting
expedition, and for no less an object than t.
destroy an old double-headed gnome, who had
been devastating the homes of the wood fairies
for a few days past.
“The Queen told me in her note, which I
received last night,†said my friend, “ about
the mischief he has done, and requested me
at once to go after and destroy him. He is
reported to have two heads upon a lion’s body,
with long arms and legs. I understand that
one head is always awake,’ continued Su.
Hazel, ‘‘and therefore it is hard to take him
by surprise. Only by causing the waking
head to sleep is there hope of victory for
us. But I expect to do this with the aid
of my little bird Wonderwise. We must
avoid the gnome’s breath, for it is sulphurous,
and contains a vapor like ether, which, should
we inhale, would benumb our senses. Should
such a misfortune occur, rub your forehead
with the ring which was given you by the
guardian elf, and continue to do so until out of
harm’s way. On no account take off yous
ring. Remember the warning given when you
entered Fairyland.â€
OON after this we set out.. Thistle
and four hunters accompanied us.
The elves were dressed in brown
“NM and green, and carried electric
spears, shields, and smallswords.
We were all mounted upon black or buckskin
steeds, as these colors are considered to keep
the horses free in part from the power of gnome
For quite a distance our road in the forest
ran along the banks of a beautiful little stream.
Upon its fair surface little wood elves were
sporting in tiny boats made of pearl and cork.
Their sails were made from the wings of birds
imported from mortal realms; they had cut the
feathers and cleverly woven the strands to-
gether. I noticed one sail made from a blue
jay, and another from a yellowbird; a third
had been taken from an oriole. The effect of
these beautiful colors sailing along in the music-
laden forest was truly picturesque.
After a ride of several hours we reached the
region of the gnome, and marks telling of his
presence were abundant. We saw overturned
trees, and now and then came upon a wood
elf’s ruined home. As dusk came on, Sir
Hazel was sure he could not be far away.
Dismounting, we left our horses in charge of
one of the hunters, and cautiously advanced on
foot. Night was soon upon us, and Sir Hazel
urged us all to put on our anti-light sandals, so
that our feet would no longer produce light as
we advanced. It was but half an hour after
this that a “hist†from our leader brought us
to a stand.
“From the strong odor of sulphur and burnt
bones, I feel sure he is in yonder valley,†said
Sir Hazel, pointing, as he spoke, to the right.
Just at that moment I noticed a great head
lift itself upon a serpent-like neck, at the crest
of the hill, and send from its nostrils clouds
of smoke and fire. Fortunately the face was
turned from us.
“Down,†I cried, and pointed to the spot
where the head was. Each member of our
party saw it, and stooped at once behind a shel-
tering rock. As we peeped cautiously over
the stone, we beheld the second head raise
its shaggy locks and enter into conversation
with its double. Shortly after this both gazed
searchingly about them, and then, evidently
satisfied that they were alone, one head disap-
peared to sleep, while the other kept guard.
To our dismay we heard the voice of a fairy sing-
ing. We recognized it as coming from the spot
where the gnome had encamped, and knew at once
that some poor unfortunate had been taken cap-
tive. Ilistened and caught the following words :—
“Tam lost, for the grasp of the enchanter is on
me. Farewell, dancing elves in the evergreen
Just here the voice ceased. Sir Hazel could
scarcely retain himself-with anger.
‘“‘ The detestable monster,†he muttered, ‘ will
carry the little creature into its own hideous
country, and there before its den will cause her to
be changed into a tree or flower and remain
rooted to the spot forever; but we will destroy
him and liberate her. Come, it is time to work.
Send up the owls, bid them warn all birds to
keep away lest their lights should wake him.
Enchant the insects with the odor of balsam.â€
At once the hunters sent off the owls which
had been perched all day upon their shoulders.
Then one took a vial from his pocket and
poured a gray fluid upon a stone, and soon
all the forest was filled with a drowsy odor.
I had noticed during the day that a little bird
had been with Sir Hazel, and so was not sur-
prised when, lifting it upon his hand before his
face, he said, —
“Fly, Wonderwise, from branch to branch
until you alight upon a bough just over the
head of the watchful gnome. Be careful not
to take his breath. Carry in your claws. this
golden box. Cast its contents, pinch by pinch,
on to the fire which doubtless burns before the
gnome; the fumes of the powder will overcome
the guard, and cause both heads to sleep pro-
We watched the bird as cautiously it flew
from branch to branch until it disappeared
among the leaves. Suddenly the old gnome
reared his sentinel head and gazing upward
sent forth clouds of smoke from his nostrils, but
after a moment of this he became satisfied that
all was secure and became quiet once more.
We were delighted to see the great head soon
after begin to nod, and then fall forward,
evidently overcome with sleep.
“Take this bomb,†said Sir Hazel, handing
me a glass object in shape like a marble, “ and
when I cut at the head which is asleep in the
valley, do you cast the bomb into the face of
the other; if it strikes right it will explode and
the magic powder will cause the portions of the
gnome which remain to become stone.â€
Thistle and the hunter elves were to go with
Sir Hazel and be ready to help him should
my bomb fail in the attack upon either or both
heads. JI felt a little nervous, I must confess,
after Sir Hazei and his menyhad left me, but
mustering up courage ! crept cautiously along
towards the sleeping guard. When within
thirty feet I cautiously peered over a rock |
Which I had kept between myself and the
gnome. Such a looking head! The hair was
long and gray; moss and leaves had matted
it together; and little clouds of smoke from
the lungs of the sleeper ascended every
‘Hearing a signal, I sprang to my feet and
‘dashed up to the edge, just as the glaring eyes
opened; flames shot from the mouth in every.
direction, and a roar of rage was mingled with
yells from the other head, which had awakened.
Instinctively I pressed my forehead with the
magic ring and hurled the bomb. There was
a flash, a report like thunder, and, lo and
behold, the visage I had just seen was gone,
while down in the little ravine were portions
of the creature turned tostone! Sir Hazel had
cleverly cut away the second head.
We were all delighted to hear a cry of joy,
and behold, standing on a little shelf of the
cliff just below my feet, the fairy to whose
plaintive song we had listened! She was a
lovely little creature. I could see at a glance
that she had come from some one of the noble
fairies’ homes, and had been carefully instructed
in all the learning of Fairyland.
“ Thanks, most noble elves,†she said, “ my
heart repays you with throbs of gratitude. I
know my parents can never express enough to
show how deeply they are indebted, when
they hear from my lips how gallant your
actions have been in saving me from a sad,
sad fate.â€
I climbed down to the place where she was
standing, and then holding her by the hand
helped her to descend to the spot where Sir
Hazel and his valiant elves were gathered about
the stone wreck of our late enemy. We each
broke off a fragment from one of the pieces of
the gnome’s ear to carry home as a relic of our
adventure. Soon after we returned to the spot
where we had left the horses, I walking beside
and chatting with the fairy.
After a stop of half an hour, during which
time we partook of a light lunch composed of
rest cake and honey, we mounted our horses and
commenced the homeward journey. On the
way the fairy, who rode between Sir Hazel and
myself, told us of her adventure.
“‘T was out picking bluebells,†she said, ‘and
had wandered quite a way into the woods, uncon-
scious ofdanger. Imagine my fright when upon
nearing a large bowlder I saw the faces of the
gnome appear above it, and felt his huge hands
grasp me. ‘Mercy!’ I cried; but he simply
laughed and blew sulphur in my eyes, and an-
swered, ‘Mercy I know not. To the wizard’s
cave you must go, and there, enchanted into a
weeping willow, must stand before it forever.’
I shuddered at the thought, but knowing there
was nothing that I could do, resigned myself to
a cruel lot. After I had been placed in the
cave at the close of the day’s journey, I had a
faint hope that during the four hours-of dark-
ness I might escape; andso I sat and watched
the gnome. I tried to sing; but could not.
When my nostrils first caught the odor of the
fairy powder, which your little bird was casting
into the fire, I recognized some friendly hand
was near, and my heart bounded with hope. I
knew the power of the powder’s fumes, and
watched to see if the old guard would feel its
influence and fall asleep. You know the rest,
dear friends, and how truly thankful I am for
my rescue.â€
After a ride of three hours we turned to the
left of the road we had been over the day
previous, and soon found ourselves in fields full
of beautiful lilies. The air was laden with their
perfume, and with sweet musical tones as
though from ten thousand zolian harps. I
was greatly surprised when I found that the
music was caused by the wind blowing through
the cobwebs of countless spiders, and on asking
Honeydew (which, by the way, was the name of
the fairy) the reason, was told that the spiders
in Fairyland do not spin their threads to catch
flies, but to fill the fields with music, and at the
same time catch the dew which falls laden with
the sweet pollen upon which they feed. I
noticed many wee elves and fairies, dressed in
green, among the lilies, and saw that they were
drawing with tiny instruments, which looked
like syringes, the honey from the flowers, and
after placing it in casks, about the size of a
thimble, were sending it away upon the backs
of birds.
Another hour passed rapidly when my atten-
tion was drawn to a jasper tower whose battle-
ments flashed in golden splendor above the
bright green of a forest that we were approach-
ing. ‘My home!†cried Honeydew in joyous
tones. Before we reached the shade of the
grove we saw a littlke company of elves and
fairies advancing, and knew at once from the
appearance of the leader that he was the father
of our friend.
I need not describe the glad reunion of
parent and child, or of the warm welcome that
we received, within the walls of the grand
home, from the mother. The hours sped
rapidly by. We were showered with attention,
and when at last Sir Hazel declared that we
must go, it was with a feeling of regret that I
bade Honeydew good by. Taking her dainty
hand I raised it to my lips, and then was about
to vault into my saddle when*she called me
back, and holding out a ring, said, —
“Take this little token of my _ friend-
ship; let it ever warn you of coming evil.
Should at any time danger threaten, it will tell
you. Look into its crystal purity; if at any
time you see clouds of red are gathering there,
beware, danger will be near. Should they
chase each other across the surface, the danger
will at once become apparent. Had I worn
this ring on the morning I left to gather the
bluebells, I should never have been captured
by the gnome.â€
I promised that it should never leave me,
and that each time I looked into it I should
see the image of her kind heart, even though
danger might be mirrored there.
Sir Hazel was presented with a milk-white
steed, while Thistle and each of the hunters
were not forgotten. The last word that I heard
from Honeydew was, —
“Remember, we will meet at the Queen’s
The ride home was uneventful, and it was
not long before we dismounted at the Crystal
Towers, welcomed home by chimes of music
from every pinnacle.
After dinner Sir Hazel proposed that we
should bathe, and be amused before retiring,
to which proposition I acquiesced at once. At
a call from a bell a party of little elves ap-
peared, and bowing, passed before us and out
through an alabaster and ivory archway on the
left-hand side of the room. We _ followed
them through a long passage, entering by an
onyx door a spacious apartment, or, I might
say, indoor garden. Here I lost sight of the
elves, and gazed in admira:ion at the beauty
about me; the ceiling was high and vaulted,
and, like the walls, was of filigreed silver. The
floor was a light red marble. In the centre of
the room was a miniature lake fed from a cas-
cade which came tumbling down from the
ceiling at one end of the room over huge
blocks of white marble. Silver trees, resem-
bling oaks, rustled their leaves, and spiced
odors filled the place.
After a glorious swim, Sir Hazel said he
would show me a shower bath worthy of the
name. He clapped his hands, and instantly the
air was full of spray and driving drops fell from
the ceiling and walls, while from the leaves of
the trees thousands of jets were pouring water
in tiny streams.
Dressing, we went at once to the music-room,
and there I enjoyed a feast of dramatic art.
Upon an ivory stage the elves and fairies of
the household had assembled, and gave to
us a perfect rendering of “Midsummer Night’s
Dream†as written by William Shakespeare. I
am sure the bard himself would have been de-
lighted with the fairy representation.
Three days quickly passed, each one replete
with pleasure. Hunting, fishing, and social calls
filled the time; but I must tell of my first ex-
perience of a flight in the air upon the back of a
bird which nearly cost me my stay in Fairyland.
Sir Hazel decided that my first steed must
be a bird which greatly resembled the hawk of
mortal realms, both in figure and in flight.
“You see,†said my friend, “his passage
through the airis steady ; he will smoothly soar.â€
Upon the afternoon in question I mounted my
steed, and taking a firm seat, gave the word to
go. I followed Sir Hazel, who had preceded
me, up, up into the blue ether. At first I felt
timid, but soon became accustomed to the
novelty of the situation and entered into the
sport with spirit. On the way home I was
racing with Sir Hazel, when, in turning to look
back at him, for my bird was the swifter, I in
some way lost my balance and, slipping over
the smooth feathers, fell. I had just time to
wildly grasp the claw of my steed, and there
hung between earth and sky, going at the rate
of sixty miles an hour. At a word from Sir
Hazel my bird made a swift spiral descent, and
I, somewhat shaken in nerve, stepped once
more unharmed upon the ground.
§LL the morning master and servants
were busy getting things ready for
: the journey, and a proper appear-
ance at Court. I wandered about
and feasted my eyes upon the many
marvellous things about me, spending quite an
hour in the stables watching the horses groomed
and harnesses cleaned.
All the help belonging to the place who
were not to go with us were present to see us
It was a little past noon when we started
First rode Thistle, followed by the heads oi
departments upon bay horses; next, the hunt-
ers on black and buckskin animals; next,
twenty musicians who were dressed in plaid
suits of black, orange, and white, with peaked
hats of the same. The instruments upon which
they played were made of silver; their chargers
were piebalds.
The coach in which we rode followed. It
was drawn by six gray horses in purple har-
nesses. The body of the vehicle was ivory
delicately carved, the wheels were silver, and it
reminded me in its design of the state coach
of Napoleon I. Purple livery upon coachman
and footmen matched the color of the sumptu-
ous linings of the interior of the equipage.
Behind the coach were Sir Hazel’s saddle
horse and mine, Ied by our squires. Next,
the fun makers and other servants of importance
followed, each one astride milk-white donkeys,
whose ears were as black as a crow’s wing.
Long before reaching the royal grounds we
fell in with other elf knights who were going
with their households to make merry at the
ball. Now and then I caught sight of a lovely
little fairy who, surrounded with silken shades
and seated in a sedan chair, was being carried
upon the shoulders of the queerest elves that
I had seen in Fairyland. I remember four who
looked like white owls; had it not been for
their hands and feet, I could not have known
by observation that they were not. They wore
feather suits, and caps which came down over
their faces; their noses, which protruded through
the feathers, were hooked like bills, and their
eyes were large, bright, and round.
I was delighted at the beauty and extent of
the palace grounds. We entered them about
four o'clock, as nearly as I could judge by
mortal time. The trees were of many species,
and the art of the landscape gardener had
reached its perfection in the choice and posi-
tion of each variety. Nota dry leaf nor broken
branch could I see. Fountains made of gems
played their fragrant, many colored jets in fan-
tastic forms upon every hand; flowers bloomed
on every side; magnificent birds of dazzling
plumage walked with all the dignity of peacocks
upon the velvety lawn. Our wheels rolled over
marble roads. :
As we drew up at the palace door the mag-
nificence of its beauty overcame me, and fora
moment I could not answer the question asked
by Sir Hazel, if I were not more than sur-
prised at its grandeur.
As we had left our escort at the entrance of
the park to move on to the spot allotted for Sir
Hazel’s pavilion, we had nothing to do but
alight from the coach and at once enter the
palace. On either side of the beautiful doors
stood five pillars, each made by dovetailing
large diamonds together. The arch above the
portal was composed of pearls and blocks of
turquoise alternating. A gleaming star formed
the keystone, made from every known gem, in
the centre of which a magic eye looked search-
ingly down upon each person passing through.
I had time to notice that the walls of this
wonderful palace were made from moonstones
with thin layers of emerald between them; the
sashes were rubies, while the roof covering all
this splendor was burnished gold. Ten green
dragons stood before the diamond pillars.
Upon passing through the porch I saw a
long hall before us. Its walls were jasper; on
either side stood a row of little fairies dressed
in white and pink. As we passed along they
showered us with roses.
At the end of the hall we entered a waiting-
room, whose walls and ceiling were emeralds
set in gold filigree; the furniture was of jasper
and yellow silk. An ivory fountain in the
centre of the room sent upward jets of per-
We had not long to wait before a door
opened, and an elf dressed in white and gold
came forward and requested us to follow him
into the room of state. We passed through
two or three magnificent corridors before
reaching the throne-room. As we passed the
golden door into the apartment where Queen
Mab sat in royal splendor, my heart was going
like a trip hammer. I had time to notice that
elves and fairies dressed in gorgeous costumes
were around me, that the air was laden with
perfume, and that the room far surpassed any-
thing that I had hitherto seen for size and
beauty. The walls and ceiling were sapphire,
witn scroll designs in diamonds clustering upon
the polished blue. The carpet was of blue
velvet, with flowers of gold and silver threads
woven into the fabric. Fifty pillars of sapphire
upheld the vaulted roof. Upon one side was
placed the throne made of gold inlaid with
rubies, diamonds, and sapphires. It was raised
some three steps upon a silver dais.
I was enraptured with the beauty of the
fairy Queen, who sat in regal state in the midst
of all this loveliness to receive the homage of
her subjects. No wonder from time immemo-
rial all nations have paid honor to her, as
the pens of their poets and authors have de-
scribed her worth and beauty. She was lovely
beyond words to express. I could not begin
to do justice to her features. I know that they
were surrounded by tresses of gold, and that
her complexion was like peach and cream;
that the little mouth must have been the pat-
tern used when Cupid formed his bow; that
the lips of this bewitching little mouth were
red like cherries, and that her smiles revealed
lovely dimples. I saw that her eyes were blue
and protected by long dark lashes.
She was dressed in cream-colored robes of
a dainty fabric, of which I did not know the
name, but I do know that the dress was spark-
ling with thousands of tiny diamonds. I shall
never forget how I felt, as following Sir Hazel’s
example I bowed, and, kneeling, kissed the tiny
white hand extended to me. I remember
hearing her say, “Thanks, Sir Hazel, for the
victory over the gnome who was devastating
the homes of my good elvesâ€; and I was
delighted as she turned and thanked me for my
part in the victory, and also for helping Sir
Hazel at the time that he was wounded while
in search of apple seeds in mortal realms.
She then presented Sir Hazel with a magic
ring, and gave me a dainty handkerchief.
“Jtis a magic one, woven on fairy loom,†she
said, ‘and will enable you to become invisible
should you so desire, if at any time you come
suddenly upon a wizard or gnome.â€
Sir Hazel and I bowed again, and from the
assembled elves, who had witnessed these royal
gifts, there came a cry of, —
“Long live Queen Mab! Long live her sub-
ject, Sir Hazel! Long live his mortal friend,
Sir Dahlia!â€
Some time after this I noticed a door open
and a fairy entered, whose presence caused my
heart to flutter once again. It was Honeydew.
She was accompanied by all the members of
her-family. I had thought her lovely before,
but now she was fairly beautiful. Her black
locks were arranged in the Greek style, with a
coronet of gold sparkling with diamonds. Her
eyes rivalled the gems she wore, while her fair
cheek blushed a delicate pink with excitement.
She was dressed in a corn-colored silk with fine
white-rose trimmings.
After she had been presented I made my way
to her side, and was pleased beyond words that
she seemed so glad tosee me. I requested the
privilege of dancing with her, and she prom-
ised me that I should have the pleasure.
After arranging to meet her at her father’s
pavilion, which was erected near the spot where
the ball was to take place, Sir Hazel and I left
the castle and wended our way to our tent.
I was pleased to find that during our absence
Sir Hazel’s elves had erected a handsome silken
pavilion, divided into several apartments by
————— a
hangings. After a sumptuous repast, Sir Hazel
presented me with a beautiful dress suit. It
was made of golden threads woven in such a
way that it was as light as a feather. He
then informed me that only the bodyguard of
the Queen dressed in this manner, but that as
he was a member of that honored company,
he had. the privilege of making me one by
order of the Queen.
As night came on the grounds were aglow
with beautiful colored lights. We could hear
all about us the sound of silver trumpet or
bugle calling members of different camps to-
gether. Sir Hazel had sent his musicians away
quite early to join the others upon the green.
About nine o’clock, mortal time, our horses
were brought to the door, and vaulting into our
saddles, accompanied by our squires, we rode
away. It wasa short ride to the spot where
hundreds were gathering.
“A silver floor!†I exclaimed, as my. eyes
first caught sight of the dancing ground stretch-
ing in burnished splendor.
“Ves,†said Sir Hazel, “ and you will find it
grand to dance upon.â€
We cantered over to the place where Honey-
dew’s pavilion was erected, and dismounting,
gave our horses into the keeping of the
Seated soon after, with Honeydew beside me,
upon an ivory bench, overlooking the lovely
glade, I had a chance to see it in all its glory.
Tall trees, which reminded me of poplars,
formed a beautiful hedge about the silver floor.
Hundreds of elves and fairies had arrived, ready
to participate in the festivities of the ball. As
they walked about under the trees, in the glow
of the colored lights, the scene was a kaleido-
scope of color.
At ten o'clock a blast from a hundred
trumpets brought the company together. The
first dance was that of the goblins, — little crea-
tures with long legs, short bodies, and great
heads, dressed in black with white balloon hats,
who took hold of hands and capered around
the edge, singing a wild, weird chant. Faster
and faster they went, until all that I could dis-
tinguish were two revolving rings of white and
At the beat of drums they came to a stand,
and turning, so as to face the assembly, cried
in unison, —
“No wizard’s spell can harm to-night; on with
the dance.â€
As these words fell from their lips, the mul-
titude of waiting dancers showered them with
silver, which having gathered, the goblins disap-
At once the musicians played a waltz, and I
led Honeydew on to the floor, where.a thousand
couples had preceded us. We next danced a
polka, and then the heralds announced that the
fairy waltz, entitled “‘Under the Rays of the
Moon,†would follow.
The lights went out and slowly a great ball
of silver rose over the trees, and upon reaching
a spot, just over the centre of the floor, burst
into a glow of splendor. Only those fairies
and elves who were dressed in white danced
this waltz. It was a lovely sight.
At its close, heralds announced the arrival
of the Queen. Ten milk-white ponies ridden °
by postilions in silver suits, drawing the state
coach of gold, came through the throng and
stopped at a dais made from stones resembling
cat’s-eyes, upon which was placed an amethyst
Pages spread a velvet carpet from the coach
to the throne, and the Queen alighted. A glad
cry went up from the vast concourse, —
“Long live Queen Mab! â€
Asthe royal lady took her seat a hush fell upon
the people while they waited in silence for the
name of the fortunate elf who was to have the
honor of leading the Queen as partner to the
cotillon. A herald, stepping before the throne,
cried so that his voice could be heard by all, —
“Tt is the wish of her Majesty that Sir
Hazel should escort her to the cotillon as her
partner in the dance.â€
I saw my friend blush as he left my side to
go to the Queen.
It was a beautiful sight that followed, and I
never shall forget it. Hour after hour sped by,
and darkness had given place to light before
the last dance came to an end.
At the close a thousand or more white owls
went soaring up from the tops of the poplars,
and then gathering in a long line swept around
and around over our heads, casting favors from
baskets, which they held in one claw, upon the
multitude below. I secured one for Honeydew
and myself as mementos, and then escorted my
fairy friend to her father’s tent. I promised her
before leaving that I would soon callat her home.
Returning to the place where I had left my
horse, J found that Sir Hazel had arrived, radi-
ant with happiness.
“ Such an honor as I have received this even-
ing!†he exclaimed on seeing me: “to think
I should have been chosen from among all the
elves to dance with the Queen!†And he fairly
hugged me with joy.
Remounting our horses we rode back to the
pavilion, talking all the while of pleasant memo-
ries. I took a short sleep before dinner, and
was greatly refreshed and ready for the journey
Sir Hazel told me at the table that he had
important news which he would tell me on the
road. An hour later, when we were some dis-
tance in advance of our company on the way
home, he said, —
“The Queen has been troubled by a cave
wizard whose habitation is some five days’
journey from here. It is not exactly in Fairy-
land, neither among mortals, that this pest
lives, but in Halfway Land in a huge cave.
In appearance he resembles somewhat the
creature you call the baboon. The hair is long
and red, and stands up straight. He dresses
in skins, and has three eyes, one being in the
back of the head. The wizard is a very crafty
one and thoroughly versed in magic arts.
Many times have elves gone forth to destroy
him, but without success, and why? I found
out the reason from the Queen last night. She
says she was reading a book on fairy craft which
was written thousands of years ago. Her
librarian found it behind some old volumes on
a top-shelf. In this book she found the follow-
ing words: ‘It will be in vain to try and destroy
the magic of the cave wizard unless pompom
powder is used, and help is given by mortal
hand.’ Now, dear Dahlia, you have heard the
story. We want you to help us,†said Sir Hazel, ~
looking keenly at me, ‘for the Queen has asked
me to destroy him: will you go?â€
I answered, —
Sir Hazel grasped my hand and said, —
‘Should worse come to worse, you can only
be returned at once to your mortal land, while
I, turned to stone, will remain forever before
his cave with many another elf who has become
enchanted. Should we be victorious, many
an elf knight, liberated from stone, will bless
our names forever.â€
We decided to start upon the undertaking in
two days. Reaching home, we partook of a
bountiful supper, and before retiring enjoyed an
hour in the music-room.
7 ee
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SHE following morning I dressed
with more than usual care, for I -
was going to see Honeydew. I
chose a dark blrie velvet suit, with
lemon-colored waistcoat, frilled
shirt, black stockings and shoes with gold
bucklés. Sarre
Before I had finished my toilet a yellow
dwarf knocked at my door, and requested me
to meet Sir Hazel at the stable yard. I went
at once to the place, and found him examining
a number of beautiful black horses which had
been sent over from the royal stables. |
“The Queen wishes us each to choose a
horse as a gift from her hand,†said my friend
as I joined him. ‘They are from the old
Aladdin stock and the most valuable. animals
in Fairyland,†he continued, highly delighted
with this new mark_of favor. ‘
I chose a beautiful creature which had
whinnied as I approached. Sir Hazel’s choice
was the largest one. We sent our thanks to
her Majesty, with the assurance of.our victory~
over the wizard. On the way in to breakfast,
Sir Hazel told me the history of these graceful
“The wonderful thing about them is that
they are impervious to all wizards’ enchant-
ments but one. Should they have their tails
braided by a wizard’s hand wet with river
water, they must succumb to his fatal spell.
This never happened but once. A certain elf
named Primrose undertook to destroy a cave
wizard. Crossing a stream, his thirsty horse
stopped to drink, facing down stream. It so
happened that the wizard was hiding behind a
rock but a little way up stream from the place
where the charger was drinking. Seeing that the
elf was watching a flock of ducks far down the
river, oblivious of danger, he slipped into the
water, and, diving, floated down towards the
steed, with only his nose out of the water.
When within a foot of the horse’s legs he
cautiously lifted himself, and with wet hands
braided the long hair of the animal’s tail. He
then had power to turn them both to stone.â€
After breakfast I mounted a beautiful cream-
colored horse, and was soon at the door of
Honeydew’s home. The little fairy had seen
me as I rode up the driveway, and came gayly
out of her flower-embowered dwelling to greet
I followed her into the reception-room,—a
quaint little onyx apartment, hung with yellow
damask and fairy tapestry. Here I met her
mother, who gave me a warm welcome. After
a little conversation, Honeydew asked if I
would like to see the library. J was delighted
to do so, and said as much. ~ 2
We entered a brilliantly lighted room. It
was very high, with two galleries; the light
came from a crystal roof. The walls were
bookcases made of feldspar. Within were
thousands of books; each cover was a study in
seometrical figures made in gem dust.
“We have here a fairy edition of all the
books written by mortals upon Fairyland. You
will find among them ‘The Arabian Nights’
and hundreds of other familiar stories, includ-
ing some of the plays of Shakespeare.â€
Honeydew told me that the writers of fairy
books had been whispered to by fairies and
elves, and that thus each volume was first
formed in the minds of these little people before
given to mortals.
I was charmed with my friend’s conversation
"upon books, and told her that I wished I could
become a writer and make her my heroine.
After a long and most delightful call, I parted
from her, with the promise that I would return
berore many days and tell her of my victory
over the wizard. She'made me promise that I
would look into my ring hourly, so as to know
if danger was near; and I fancied that it was
with a little sadness that she said farewell.
I dreamed of witches, gnomes, and horses
all night, with now and then the face of a
lovely fairy appearing. It is needless to say
that the features were like Honeydew’s.
Dawn found me up bright and early. The
morning air was delightful, and I enjoyed a
famous breakfast. Then Sir Hazel and I
mounted our horses, and with a wave of fare-
well to the household, we started on our dan-
gerous trip
We carried in a pouch on our saddles some
preserved and condensed fairy food, enough to
support us for two weeks. The bird Wonder-
wise and a talking monkey were with us, the
bird perching upon Sir Hazel’s shoulder, and
the monkey behind me on the hip of the horse.
The first day came quickly to a close. We
followed the same wood path that we had passed
over when in search of the gnome, but turned
off to the left just about dark, and made our
beds of moss and sweet flowers. Here we
spent the night, and, greatly refreshed, pursued
our onward way early the next morning.
We were both greatly surprised and delighted
with the speed and endurance of our horses.
I fell quite in love with mine, and he seemed to
know it. He was a proud creature. I had to
laugh at his queer little caperings and gambols,
for they reminded me of the frisky ways of a
colt in the pasture.
_ The second and third days were uneventful.
We rode easily along, keeping our horses fresh,
and resting each night under some great tree.
The monkey slept a great portion of the day,
and kept awake at night, making one of the
best sentinels that we could wish. Seated on
the top of the tree, his restless eyes took in
everything, and not a bird nor a creature could
move into the glade in which the tree stood
without his notice.
‘He has eyes like an owl,†said Sir Hazel,
when speaking of him; ‘and, should danger
appear, he would run to me and cry, ‘ Danger !
awake, my master !’â€
The fourth day we entered a strange country.
The trees did not look like those in Fairyland
nor like those upon the earth; in fact, the
appearance of everything underwent a change.
The land looked parched and barren.
The last’ half of the fourth day we rode
among huge stones and gigantic bowlders.
There was not a vestige of vegetation.
“ To-morrow,†said Sir Hazel, as he seated
himself beside me with a map spread out upon
his lap, “we shall reach the entrance to the
wizard’s realms. Look at this red spot on
the map. It designates the place where we
are to try fairy skill as a match to witch-
craft. We shall reach the place by to-morrow
Sir Hazel then told me that the entrance to
the wizard’s lands was guarded by a great rock
whose sides were perpendicular. Upon the
summit was a little pool of magic oil. Any one
striking the stone ever so gently would disturb
the oil, which then became agitated, and by
some unknown spell gave notice at the wizard’s
cave that danger threatened. Sir Hazel also
informed me that he had brought the bird
Wonderwise, so that, flying to the side of the
pool, she could cast into the oil a fluid which
would destroy its magic. This having been
accomplished, he would know the spot where
the door was, and how to strike upon it so as
to gain admittance.
We slept by turns during the night, the
monkey remaining at his post on a high rock,
and ever on the alert.
The first thing I did upon awaking was to
look into the ring which Honeydew had given
me. It was clear, and I felt that danger as yet
was not near.
We rode about six hours after breakfast be-
fore we saw the great cliff of green stone upon
our left. Halting near its base, Sir Hazel called
Wonderwise, and after whispering to it, and kiss-
ing its beautiful head, he cast the little bird from
his hand. We watched it in its graceful curves
as it flew higher and higher, until, far above the
cliff, it darted away and was lost to sight.
To our wonder, in less than a minute we saw
the bird returning with all possible speed, and
it soon settled, greatly agitated, upon Sir Hazel’s
hand, which had been raised to receive it. At
this moment I happened to look into my ring,
and, to my dismay, I saw that red clouds were
gathering within its brightness. Instantly I
informed Sir Hazel of the fact, and re-
ceived in response from him the command to
“See yonder cloud just above the horizon
on ourright? If I mistake not it is the wizard,
who has been away upon an expedition and is
now returning. Unfold the handkerchief which
the Queen gave you, as I have mine. If the
wizard has not seen us before this, all will be
I. pulled out the dainty fabric, which had
been presented to me at the ball, and held it
outstretched, as I saw Sir Hazel doing, between
me and the approaching cloud.
‘We are now invisible to the wizard’s eyes,â€
said Sir Hazel, ‘and can watch his movements
without fear.â€
The talking monkey at the first alarm had
leaped up behind me upon the horse, and so
was safe. As the cloud came nearer I saw that
it was the wizard. He was indeed a frightful
object, and looked exactly as Sir Hazel had pic-
tured him. The hideous creature seemed to
be seated upon a cloud, but as he came oppo-
site I saw that it was a white dragon, which
was surrounded by a hundred smaller ones.
They flew swiftly past, and dropping at the foot
of the cliff, in an instant mysteriously disap-
Sir Hazel gave a sigh of relief and said, —
“Wonderwise saw him returning just in time.
Had she put the liquid in the oil before see-
ing him, the wizard would have discovered the
fact the moment he touched the rock. But
now the way is clear.â€
Once more Wonderwise. was sent from Sir
Hazel’s hand, and erelong returned and an-
nounced the task completed. We at once set
off for the mysterious door, which, opening,
would give us entrance into the strange lands
beyond the cliff.
poe felt a little anxious as we
dismounted at the base of the
great green cliff; and while Sir
Hazel hunted for the magic door
I kept my eyes upon my ring,
ready to give an alarm should a mist appear
within its brightness.
It was not long before a wave of my friendl’s
hand informed me that the door was found.
Upon reaching Sir Hazel’s side, he pointed to
a dark red stone about the size of an orange,
which was situated a short distance above our
heads, in the smoothest part of the rock.
“Upon that spot I must fasten this silver
with its brazen letters,†said Sir Hazel.
I looked at the plate which he held in his
hand, and saw that it was circular, made of sil-
ver, and that within its centre, shining like stars,
were the three brass letters, ‘“X. Z. E.â€
At the request of Sir Hazel, I led our horses
up to the cliff, and stood them side by side;
then, while I held their bridles, Sir Hazel stood
upon their backs and securely fastened the
plate upon the stone. This accomplished, he
bounded lightly to the ground, and taking
some gold dust mixed with copper and iron,
which had been boiled in bats’ blood, he cast
it into the air and cried, ‘‘Xera, Zam, Ecron!â€
I noticed that a fine mist began to gather, as
the words were uttered, around the silver which
had just been fastened to the cliff, and at the
same time felt the ground shake slightly. In
a moment more the mist had cleared away,
and from the brazen letters came sparks of fire.
This was followed by a low rumbling sound,
and, to my wonder, I saw a door slowly swing
open, as though moved by unseen hands, while
over its portal and about the silver circle ap-
peared the word “ Enter.â€
Leading my horse, I followed Sir Hazel into
the opening, and with a heart beating quickly,
heard the door shut behind my back. Ahead
of us I could see an aperture through which a
bright red light appeared, In fact, the smooth
walls of the tunnel were dimly lighted with its
It did not take us long to reach the end of
the passage, and we soon found ourselves in a
strange cave. It stretched as far as the eye
could see. It was very lofty, and we could just
ain einai eiaamaanasameiuasaritinnamataatiniatiaataininiatcmmmanisiite
discern far away on cither hand its rugged side.
Great mounds glowing with a bright red light
were scattered everywhere, as though a mighty
ziant had been throwing marbles about and left
them where they fell.
.The ground at times seemed to yield a little
beneath our horses’ feet, as though they were
walking upon thin rubber. It was a_ wild,
weird, desolate scene that we looked upon.
We had both taken the precaution to place
our magic handkerchicfs about our heads be-
fore entering the cliff door, and so felt com-
paratively safe.
“Remember,†said Sir Hazel as he reined up
beside me, ‘‘be ever on the watch. After we
have passed the sentinels which the wizard
has placed to guard his realms, they may dis-
cover us. But fear not, for, once past, their
power to harm us or to signal to their master
is gone; but should they allure us to retrace
our steps but ten paces, all would be lost.
Look yonder!â€
As he spoke, Sir Hazel pointed to a mound
on our right, where I saw the figure of a horse
and rider appear slowly upon the top, as
though raised by some hidden power within.
They appeared to be chiselled in stone. But
Sir Hazel told me in a whisper that it was one
of the unfortunate elves who, enchanted by
the wizard, was doomed to remain upon the
spot where he was vanquished.
“T suppose that each of these mounds con-
tains an elf transformed to stone, who, at a
certain hour, is lifted to the top, so that any in-
truder may behold the power of the wizard’s
Indeed the words of Sir Hazel proved true,
for we beheld here and there as we journeyed
forms appear both of ancient and modern elves,
who rested a moment in full view upon their
mounds, and then slowly disappeared.
We had journeyed quite a distance and my
eyes were beginning to ache under the red glow,
when suddenly I felt the talking monkey grasp
my arm, and his voice say, ‘‘ Look yonder!†I
turned my eyes to behold, a few paces in our
rear, a creature resembling a huge lizard with a
lion’s head, standing erect upon its hind legs,
and shaking in its huge mouth a fairy. To my
dismay, I saw at a glance, as the beautiful little
thing turned her face toward me, that it was
Honeydew. With a scream of rage, I turned
my horse, and, striking my spurs into his flanks,
was just in the act of launching my spear, when
I heard Sir Hazel cry, “Not for your life! Stay!
Hold!. It is witchcraft.†Atthe same moment
he was at my side and had seized my horse by
the bit, and thrown him upon his haunches,
I saw in a moment that it was all a delusion,
and that Honeydew was but a phantom used by
the witch’s guard to draw me back into his
grasp. It took quite a little time before I fully
recovered from the agitation into which T had
been thrown.
We rode on an hour or more, and then dis-
mounted to eat a light lunch. Proceeding at a
rapid pace afterwards, we soon saw that the walls
of the cave were drawing nearer, and with our
hands we could almost touch the long stalac-
tites which hung above our heads.
The light changed from red to blue all of a
sudden, and we heard ahead the rush and roar
of falling water. Entering a narrow passage
through which we could barely lead our horses,
we emerged into a circular cave, where we were
at once wet with spray, which was thrown
with great force upon the walls, from a fall
which came through a hole in the centre of
the roof, and, striking in a basin at our feet,
revolved in a mad whirl, as though stirred by a
giant’s hand. The drops of water, which struck
our face, stung terribly, and I cried out with
pain, but followed, covering my face as well as I
could, after Sir Hazel, who boldly strode along
ahead of his horse upon the narrow shelf be-
tween the walls and the madly circling water.
We soon found an opening, and, entering,
were proceeding with lighter hearts, when, to our
dismay, we beheld glistening ropes, which were
stretched like spiders’ webs across our path.
“These are evidently placed here to catch
us by shocking our systems with an elec-
tric current, should we touch them, but they
will fail,†said my friend.
Calling the talking monkey to him, also
Wonderwise, Sir Hazel placed upon each a
pair of magic gloves, and bade the bird fly to
the roof and cut each strand, while the monkey
did the same upon the ground. One by one the
barriers fell, and at last the way was open.
It was but a short distance through a rugged
tunnel before we came to the end and entered
the third and last cavern, known as the “ Yellow
Region.†It was as vast as the red cave had
been, and seemed to stretch away for miles
before us.
«“ And now for victory or defeat!†said Sir
Hazel, as we stopped for a short consultation.
“ We had better separate here. I will go be-
fore you and wind around until I get on the
farther side of that brilliant glow ahead of us,â€
said my friend; “for, if I mistake not, on that
spot we shall find the den or home of the
wizard.†It was arranged that I should keep the
monkey, while Wonderwise went with Sir Hazel.
“Be cautious in all your movements and use the
invisible handkerchief all the time. Sprinkle this
powder in the stew, which you will doubtless find
brewing, should you have a chance, and pour
this liquid upon his body, should fortune place
him near. I am as well prepared, and, alone or
together, I am sure the victory will be ours.â€
I felt desolate enough as I saw Sir Hazel ride
away, and as long as I could I watched him on
his course, then, mustering up courage, I started,
planning each moment some new method of
attack. I concluded to wait until Sir Hazel had
in part at least revealed his plans, thinking that,
should an accident occur, and he be. overcome,
I could be of greater service. Should my friend
be captured, I felt sure the wizard would think
that he was alone, and never dream for a moment
that a mortal elf was near. Thus while he was
in a false security and became careless, I could
hope to finish him by a cunning blow.
The most dismal noises filled my ears as I
rode on, but not a living thing did I see. The
ground was covered with huge bowlders at first,
but these gave way at last to a curious low-
growing tree with skeleton branches upon
which a few leaves dangled. The light became
brighter and brighter and all but blinded my
eyes with its yellow glare.
When yet quite a way from the place where
I felt sure the wizard was located, I left my
horse and, accompanied by the monkey, moved
slowly on afoot.
I walked for quite a distance in a straight
line, and then turned sharply to the right
towards a portion of the ground which was well
covered with large stones. Cautiously moving
along among them, I proceeded step by step
until I found a little valley or depression in the
earth which seemed to lead quite near the spot
where the golden glow was brighter.
I had not gone far when I came across an
obstacle in the shape of a huge rock which
seemed to completely block the path. The
talking monkey managed, at my suggestion, to
scale its sides and fastened a rope, which I had
carried about my shoulders, to a projection
upon its top. I then succeeded in pulling my-
self up, and saw that I had reached a compara-
tively smooth platform, except where, upon the
farther side and nearest the light, a piece of
stone about as high as my shoulder, and quite
broad, formed a sort of breastwork.
To this spot I cautiously advanced, and,
seated with my back to the sheltering rock, I
tried to collect my thoughts so as to make the
next move a successful one. I decided to
send the monkey to the edge of the stone
against which I was leaning, so that, peeping
around it, he could bring me word of what was
beyond. He soon returned, and, climbing into
my lap, showed every sign. of fear. In fact his
teeth chattered so that I could scarcely under-
stand his words, but caught enough to assure
me that we were near danger, and a gathering
of a mist in my ring gave assurance of this.
tiously looked around the rock and
saw enough in a moment to make
me withdraw quickly. Not many
paces away was the open mouth of a grotto. Its
outer edge glowed with golden flames. Within
it looked comparatively dark, but bright enough
to show me the figure of the wizard standing
near a boiling caldron that hung over a hot
fire, stirring the contents with an iron rod. I
could see a couch of skins on one side of the
cave, and on the other a row of creatures, which
were formed like grasshoppers with horses’
heads, which seemed waiting to be fed. Before
the cavern, and stretched full length upon the
ground, apparently asleep, were two great
white dragons, one of the two being the one
upon which I had seen the wizard riding
when he passed us outside the cave.
Between the large dragons and my rock
some fifty small ones were sleeping. I noticed
on top of the wizard’s cave and among the
golden flames a creature which resembled the
pictures I had seen of the phcenix. This eagle-
headed creature was constantly turning its head
and gazing in.every dircction.
I saw at once that I could not have happened
upon a better place to observe the wizard’s
movements, and, stilling my beating heart as
best I could, I again looked around the rock.
Stretched upon the ground behind the stone,
and carefully observing everything which took
place, I watched the wizard as the moments
came and went.
Suddenly I saw the eagle-headed creature
spring high in the air and then descend to the
ground before the cave. At once the dragons
awoke, and the rustling of their wings was as
the rolling of drums. At the sound of this
alarm the creatures like grasshoppers jumped
from the cave, and scurried away in great leaps
in every direction.
I crouched close to the rock, holding the
monkey tightly in my arms, and felt compara-
tively safe, relying on my invisible handker-
chief; but I must confess my heart kept time
to the rolling sound of the dragons’ wings. I
saw a dark speck far away, which intuitively I
knew was Wonderwise, and as I saw that the
greater portion of the small dragons were
following its trail, I felt it was one of Sir
Hazel’s ruses to draw the creatures away from
the cave.
I felt no fear for our wonderful bird, for
I knew it could escape by becoming invisible at.
any moment, so I watched once more the
doings at the cave, for I felt that Sir Hazel
could not be far away.
The guardian of the grotto once more
mounted upon the rock, and sat in the flar-
ing light. The wizard patted the heads of
his dragons, and then sat down upon his couch
and proceeded to write with a coal of fire upon
thin sheets of iron.
Shortly after this I noticed a small dragon
move slowly into the cave, and drop down, ap-
parently to sleep, before the fire. The wizard
kept on with his writing for quite a little, but I
noticed that now and then he glanced nervously
about. All of a sudden he sprang to his feet,
and, uttering a frightful roar, cast the coal of fire,
with which he had been writing, at the dragon
by the fire. To my dismay, I saw the creature
spring upright, and, as its shining skin fell off,
who should stand before my eyes but Sir
Hazel! He put his hand to his head, evidently
in search of the invisible handkerchief, but it
was gone.
With a scream of rage the wizard threw a
net over my friend, and then cast him upon the
floor. ‘Enter my realms to your death!†he
_cried, as he planted a horrid foot upon Sir
Hazel. I saw the wizard put a whistle to his
lips, and at its sound all the creatures which
were within hearing gathered about him. At
his command, they danced about my prostrate
comrade, and cried, —
‘ Bewitch, bewitch the elf! â€
It was a sad sight, and my heart felt like lead.
I next saw them place the skinof the dragon,
which Sir Hazel had worn, around him again,
and pour a green liquid upon it; then, drawing
it by ropes to the top of the den, they fastened
my friend above the door, and for a long time
danced about in high glee over their victory.
I felt that the time for action had come, and
that my friend’s liberty, together with the dis-
enchanting of hundreds, depended upon my
skill. To my joy,I saw that it was as I had
hoped. Evidently the wizard felt sure that
Sir Hazel was alone. I watched him feed his
creatures, and then, to my joy, he sprang upon
a dragon and flew away.
I fastened a cord to the rock, as I had done
before, and descended, with the monkey in my
arms, to the ground before the cave. I then
stole carefully into the den, and ina second had
sprinkled the powder into the stew. Although
I was invisible, the few creatures in the place
moved restlessly about, and glanced continually
at poor Sir Hazel. They evidently suspected
some disturbing influence, but what it was they
did not surmise. I next crawled under a skin,
which formed part of the covering of the
wizard’s couch, and tried to compose my nerves
until he should return.
I did not have to wait long. The wizard,
returning, dismounted, and stooping, grasped
some earth, which he threw up at my friend,
and laughed in glee.
“Try to capture a wizard, will you? Ha!
ha! The elves are mere dust!†he cried.
Entering the cave, he next went over to the
stew, and dipping some out with a ladle, he
filled a dish, and taking it out before the
door, sat down and continued to taunt my en-
chanted friend between the mouthfuls. This
continued for a while, then I beheld him begin
to sway like a drunken man; and, casting the
bowl from him, he came again into the cave;
reeling to the bed, he threw himself down;
fortunately, he missed striking me as he did
so. I knew that the powder which I had
placed in the broth must have had something
to do with the wizard’s condition, and waited
patiently and breathlessly for him to fall into
a deep slumber.
‘I was perplexed at seeing his queer crea-
tures gather in a ring about the couch and sit
down to watch over their master, but, much to
my relief, as soon as they heard the loud
breathing of their sovereign, and saw that he
had fallen into a sound sleep, one of their num-
ber stole slyly over to the caldron, and dip-
ping up some of its contents, drank it and
gave a portion to a friend. This example
was followed by all, and the effect of their
meal soon became apparent, for one by one
they fell asleep.
Now was my time. -I sent the monkey to
the cave door to keep watch, and then cau-
tiously unstopping my vial,I let its contents
trickle slowly down upon the sleeping wizard,
from his head to his feet. The effect was in-
stantaneous and wonderful. He seemed to
. shrivel and dry up, until there was left only a
form like a wisp of straw.
At this moment I heard a bubbling sound,
and saw that the caldron was overflowing.
Steam was rising in a great cloud from its con-
tents, and within the vapor appeared the words,
“Use the contents below to disenchant your
friend and destroy the dragons. This may be
done by sprinkling.â€
I at once ran to the edge of the cave with a
ladleful, and hurled its contents upon the
dragons, who had started to enter. Those
upon whom the drops fell exploded and disap-
peared with a loud noise.
Hastening back, I filled the ladle once more,
and scattered the fluid upon the few creatures
which had remained, and were still trying to
get at me. The same result followed, and the
two or three which were left, thoroughly fright-
ened, turned and flew rapidly away.
I now sent the monkey up the ledge to where
my friend lay enchanted. As soon as the mon-
key reached him, he placed a rope about his
body and then fastened it to the rock above. I
then ordered the monkey to sprinkle Sir Hazel
with the contents of the caldron, which he
did, and, to my delight, my friend gave a glad
shout, and, casting off the dragon’s skin, slid
down the rope into my arms. As his feet
struck the ground, the earth shook, and from
every cliff sweet music sounded.
“Victory! victory! and for you the honor!â€
cried Sir Hazel, as he threw his arms about me.
For a few moments we could only grasp each
other’s hands, so overcome were we with the
scenes through which we had passed. I no-
ticed tears flow down the cheeks of my friend,
and he appeared completely overcome.
Wonderwise soon entered the cave, and fly-
ing to her master’s shoulder, appeared intoxi-
cated with delight. Just at this time the talk-
ing monkey ran to me and cried, —
“© master, look!â€
Sir Hazel and I followed him to the cave’s
door, and there stood the strange-looking
bird that. had sat above the entrance amid the
yellow flames. It fluttered its great wings
and hopped slowly towards us upon one foot,
bowing its head and closing its eyes as it ap-
proached. In one claw it held a. brazen key.
“Take this, for the victory is yours, and the
realms of the wizard are now open to you.â€
I took the key from the bird, and bade it
follow us on our journey home.
“One word more,â€
der door,†pointing as he spoke to a small slab
it croaked. ‘Open yon-
at the farther end of the room, “and see what
will take place.â€
I found a little difficulty in moving the lock,
but at last it turned and the door slowly opened.
I was stunned with amazement when ten lovely
fairies sprang forth, and, kneeling at my feet,
cried, —
“Long live our deliverer!â€
They had spent years within the little
room behind the door in a state of enchant-
I was greatly embarrassed by the words of
the fairies, and hardly knew what to say in
answer. After a few words in which I con-
gratulated them upon the prospect of their re-
turning to Queen Mab’s realms, I proposed
that we all should leave the cave and start
upon the journey home. Once more I was
speechless with amazement, for, standing before
the mouth of the cave and chanting a song of
thanksgiving and victory; I beheld over fifty
fairies, and behind them, seated upon horses,
some hundred or more elves.
“These have all received their liberty, be-
cause the wizard has been overcome,†said Sir
Hazel to me.
I quickly replied, —
“And but for your willingness to dare and
conquer the pest in his den, they would still
have been in slavery.â€
Upon seeing us issue from the cave the
fairies grasped hands, and, encircling us, sang a
_glad song as they danced about in a rapid
whirl. The elves dismounted, and approach-
ing, entered the ring when the dancing ceased,
and, lowering their spears to the earth, knelt
and cried, -—
“Receive our thanks and homage !â€
Sir Hazel left us for a little while, but soon
returned leading his horse. He had left the
animal not far from the cave, at the time when
he had set out to vanquish the wizard.
“T found my invisible handkerchief on the
saddle, where I foolishly placed it,†said my
friend. ‘Had it not been for that misfortune,
things might have turned out differently be-
tween the wizard and myself.†=
I teased Sir Hazel a little, by saying that I
was glad to find that elves were a little like
mortals, after all.
We called the wizard’s bird to us, and com-
manded it to show us the nearest way to the
spot where I had left my horse. With a croak
the bird hopped up to the rock down which I
had slid, and striking it, a door opened showing
us an opening through to the valley down which
I had come. The bird, at my order, advanced
before us, and we followed in gay spirits.
We soon reached my horse, which gladly
neighed a welcome as he saw us approach. I
mounted him with a happy heart, and then
called Sir Hazel to my side for a consultation.
We concluded to return at once, and to en-
camp outside the cave, sending Wonderwise
with a note to the Queen.
The elves gave their horses to the fairies to
ride, and as many as did so walked beside the
lady of their choice. We passed the blue cave
without trouble, but before reaching its tunnel
our guide flew to the top of a high rock over
the door and struck a place upon it three times
with its horny beak.
We found that the fall of water had ceased,
so that it was easy’ to ride around the shelf and
then pass on to the red cave. As we moved
along I was delighted to see the elves, who had
so long been held captive within the mounds,
spring from them and ride, with every expres-
sion of joy, to our ranks.
The great door was soon reached, and, with
banners flying and trumpets sounding, we
passed through its portals and encamped before
the green cliff. We had found on our way
through the yellow cave a large storehouse of:
eatables, and as each elf had fastened a bundle
of good things to his saddle, we were well pro-
vided with food. After eating, Sir Hazel wrote
a note to her royal Majesty, and then calling his
pet, Wonderwise, placed it in the claw of the
bird, saying, —
“Fly with haste, my beauty.â€
Caressing its pretty little head, he tossed the
bird from him, and we all watched it in its flight
until it was lost to sight in a distant cloud.
I never knew my horse to show more spirit
than when we started on the journey. He
seemed to know that we were returning
crowned with victory. At first I thought
that the presence of the odd-looking bird, which
I had requested to ride upon his back behind
my saddle, might have had something to do with
his antics, but I soon saw that it was not
nervousness, but play. The talking monkey,
seated before me, seemed perfectly happy, and
its keen little eyes took in every object along
the road.
The second night was uneventful. The elves
played upon improvised instruments, and for a
short time after the evening meal the company
indulged in a short dance.
All during my day’s ride my thoughts went
with Wonderwise, but not as far as the palace.
They lingered at a home nearer Sir Hazel’s, and,
I need not say, with Honeydew. I wondered
what she would say, and if she would be glad
to see me, just a little more so, perhaps, than
any one else. As J fell asleep my last thoughts
were that I had saved Honeydew from a drag-
on, and that ishe had said that I was indeed
her hero. With these dreams morning came
BOUT noon, just as we were leav-
ing the desolate regions for the
‘ familiar wood paths, I heard far
we away to the front the notes of
silver trumpets rise and fall. We
stopped and listened. There was no mistake.
Evidently a large body of elves was on the
march, and approaching. We moved slowly
on, and just as we left the wood to cross an
open glade several elves mounted on white
horses broke cover on the farther side, and,
with purple banners flying, came towards us,
crying, —
“Welcome! Thrice welcome home, O con-
querors! Your Queen approaches to give her
It was indeed true. The Queen had come.
Before the crimson had fairly flushed our
cheeks with excitement and pleasure at this
mark of esteem, we beheld many elves dressed
in pink and mounted on black horses, fol-
lowed by beautiful fairies in white seated upon
cream-colored ponies. After them appeared
the Queen. She was on horseback, and sur-
rounded by the palace ladies.
They halted as soon as the glade was en-
tered, and the elves and fairies formed on either
side an avenue of beauty down whose centre
Sir Hazel and I rode to the place where the
Queen was waiting to receive us. As we
passed along we were showered with flowers,
and amid the plaudits of the great company
we dismounted and approached the Queen on
foot. We bowed, and would have kneeled but
she forbade us.
“ Welcome home, gallant knights! All Fairy-
land sings your praises. I, your Queen, thank
you and appreciate your valor. Noble mortal,â€
she continued, “you are worthy of the highest
rank in my realms. I here proclaim that you
are now a Knight Royal, commander of the
Queen’s bodyguard.â€
I bowed and stammered out my thanks.
“To you, noble Sir Hazel, I give my thanks
and promote you to the position of a Knight
Royal, guard of the Queen’s palace.â€
My friend was overcome, and could hardly
speak his thanks.
I asked her Majesty if I could now present
her with a token of our conquest. Receiving
a glad assent, I called aloud for the phcenix
bird toappear. Fluttering down from the back
of my horse, and shining with the beauty of
golden light, which shot like fire from his
feathers, the bird came gravely hopping down
the long line of elves, croaking to himself, bowing
his head as usual, and holding the great brazen
key of Wizardland extended in one claw.
“Here is my gift, O royal Queen! Take
this ancient bird, and with him the key to one
of your vanquished enemies’ domains. May
he be of service to you, as for centuries he has
been to his master!â€
The bird handed me the key, which I then
presented to the Queen. The phoenix wrote
with its bill upon some earth near by these
words, —
“Take me, O gracious Queen, and place
me over your palace door. I rise triumphant
over all troubles. I watch constantly. I will
prove a servant of great worth.â€
Her Majesty was delighted, and promised to
do as the bird desired.
After a sumptuous repast we started, a Vast
company, to the sound of sweet music, for the
home of Sir Hazel, where the Queen would
stop to rest as his guest.
It was grand beyond words to ride among the
sweet-scented trees in such company. Sir Hazel
’" rode beside the Queen, upon the left, and I upon
the right. Thousands of wood elves gathered
along the paths of the forest, and pelted us with
Behind the Queen, and mounted in solemn
state, rode the phcenix bird, upon a piebald
palfrey, while the talking monkey, which had
been presented with a white pony, rode just in
the bird’s rear.
Music and song kept time to the beating of
thousands of happy hearts, and ere dusk came
we had entered the grounds of Sir Hazel and
been welcomed home by its melodious towers.
I wondered many times what had become of
Honeydew, for neither she nor any member
of her family had come with the Queen. Fear
lest accident or sickness might have caused her
absence crept into my mind to mar a little of
the pleasure of the day.
As we entered the door of the castle who
should appear but Honeydew to give us wel-
come! At once my fear gave way to joy, and
I hastened to greet her.
“Pardon us all for not going with the Queen
to meet our gallant friends,†she said, as I took
her extended hand; ‘but the message sent
from the palace was delayed until too late, so
we came at once here to pay homage with the
rest to bravery. You have been gone so long,
and I have feared so much for your safety.â€
‘And would you have cared had Sir Hazel
and J not returned, except as you may have felt
sorry for many an elf who has become en-
I noticed that a pink flush spread over her
fair cheek as she replied, —
“Why ask me such a question? You know
Sir Hazel is an old friend of the family,
and —â€
“Task not now of Sir Hazel, but of myself,â€
I interrupted.
The crimson faded from her face, and her
beautiful eyes answered even before her tongue
could form the words, —
“You know I would have grieved most
At this moment a page approached and
called Honeydew away. I was happy beyond
words to express, and could have gone at any
time during the evening, single-handed, to com-
bat with a dozen wizards, had one person’s
liberty depended upon such an act.
- Much of the evening was spent in the music-
room. The hours sped swiftly, and as the
guests departed it was hard to realize that one
more royal day in Fairyland had come to a
I had a chance to see Honeydew a moment
before she departed, and gladly accepted an
invitation to dine with Sir Hazel on the follow-
ing day at her father’s castle.
After the Queen had retired, Sir Hazel came
to my room and we spent several hours talking
over the events of the day, and our adventures
in the wizard’s cave. It was during this talk
that I for the first time heard how Sir Hazel
had moved after he left me on that fatal morning.
“T rode rapidly to the left after leaving you,â€
he said, “and then made a bee line for the yel-
low glare, determined to pass it upon my right.
All went well. I saw one dragon rush by quite
close to my path, but of course he could not
see me, owing to the handkerchief. After I
had reached a place not very far from the cave
-I dismounted, and taking a dragon-skin which I
have long owned, I poured over it a fluid which
made it pliable. Before dressing in it I took off
my handkerchief, and, as you know, laid it upon
my horse. Forgetting to replace it, I moved
slowly along, after I had my disguise complete,
towards the wizard’s cave. You know the
rest, how I was overcome. If the handkerchief
had been upon my head, as I thought, when |
cast off the dragon-skin, I should have been
invisible, and had time to cast the shrivelling
fluid upon the wizard.â€
- We talked about the honors of the day
until a late hour, each congratulating the
other, and Sir Hazel in nowise jealous of my
success. .
“JT must live the greater part of. my time at
the Queen’s palace after this,†my friend re-
marked, “and J have no doubt she will provide
you likewise with a beautiful home within the
royal grounds.â€
When morning dawned I arose with the glad
expectation of visiting my fairy friend, but,
much to my regret and disappointment, I was
informed on going to the drawing-room that
the Queen had requested the company of Sir
Hazel and myself to the state mines. A
yellow dwarf was sent at once with a message -
to Honeydew with our regrets, and the word
that we would dine with her three days later (as
she had at first mentioned that time), if it would
be agreeable to the family.
After a breakfast such as only Sir Hazel’s
cooks could prepare, we met the Queen in the
drawing-room, and were informed that she had
decided to have two new castles built within the
royal domains, which, when completed, would
be presented to Sir Hazel and myself for our
residences. It was her desire that we should
visit the mines, and select such material as we
chose to be used in their construction. She
would go with us as far as the topaz mine.
It was eleven o’clock, mortal time, before we
started. Some fifty elves and twenty fairies
formed-the pleasant company that rode in the
cavalcade with their sovereign.
After a charming ride along the banks of a
great lake, we reached a forest, and were soon
in a rugged country, but the broad roads were
as smooth as glass. Every now and then we
came upon a number of yellow dwarfs who were
driving heavy sledges laden with huge blocks
of topaz. There seemed to be no friction,
and I soon saw that beneath the sledges there
‘ were cylinders which rolled smoothly along,
even when not upon the regular roads.
We found that the men who were removing
the topaz were all dressed in white, with green
hats, and they made a pretty picture as they
worked among the stones. All were gayly sing-
ing at their occupation, and each welcomed the
Queen by bowing and crying, “ Long live our
glorious Queen!â€
I decided to have the first story of my castle
of topaz, and told the Queen that with her per-
mission I would prefer the upper portion to be
composed of amethyst. She readily agreed to
my wishes.
Sir Hazel decided to have his castle built of
emerald and jasper.
The Queen left us about three o’clock, and,
with her escort, was soon lost to sight.
The next day we spent at the grounds where
amethysts were cut and polished. The work-
men here were dressed in yellow with white
caps, and seemed just as happy as their friends
who worked among the topaz.
One day more was spent in visiting the emer-
ald ground and jasper mines. While at the
emerald grounds I had quite an acventure. [|
had left my horse with Sir Hazel’s in charge
of a yellow dwarf, and, deserting my friends, I
stole off on a little trip of observation by
myself. Climbing to a ledge of rocks thickly
covered with huge bowlders and trees,I sat
down for a short rest, and also to enjoy the
beautiful view which stretched far away in
every direction. Above the trees I could see,
here and there, the towers and battlements of
beautiful castles sparkling in the light. The
effect was far beyond words to describe. It
seemed as though the sun’s rays had been
broken upon a gigantic prism, and great shafts
of red, yellow, and blue, together with hun-
dreds of other colors, sped away from the
dwellings of the fairies in every direction.
While wrapped in thought, I felt a hand laid
upon my shoulder, and a piping voice said, —
‘In the name of the Queen, I arrest you.â€
I turned to behold a tall elf dressed in brown,
with a red cap upon his head, standing at my
side. In his right hand was a drawn sword.
Near him were two other elves dressed like the
first. They had lowered their spears level with
my head, and stood as calm and unmovable as
though cast in stone.
I laughed at them in spite of myself, and
asked the leader for what I was arrested. He
replied, —
“For being found in the royal mines.â€
I told him that I had orders from the Queen
to visit the place, and therefore I would not
need his services to conduct me to the guard-
house. He demanded that I should show him
the royal parchment, saying I could then move
freely about the grounds. I told him I had no
such paper, but that my friend Sir Hazel, who
was with me, had my papers.
The fellow evidently doubted me, for he
.shook his head and said I must go with him to
the stone-cutting lodge. If upon reaching that
place I could prove my words true, he would
beg my pardon and allow me freedom; if not,
dire results would follow.
I must say that I felt chagrined as I started
back to my friend with the dapper little fel-
low in brown, his sword drawn, walking on be-
fore, and his two men bringing up the rear with
their spears levelled at my back.
I thought how Sir Hazel would laugh to see
the ‘‘victor vanquished,†and my thoughts but
spoke for the actual. JI had never seen my
friend give way to more merriment than when
my guard ushered me into the presence of the
state officer with whom he was talking.
My captor was profuse in his apologies when
he knew who I was, and before I left for home
he came up again and asked me to forget the
incident. I laughingly assured him that it had
only helped to spice the adventures of the day,
Full Text |
The Baldwin Library | [>
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David H. Brewer
Illustrated by the Author
THE Cottins Press CorroraTION
ts Mitton Place
Mary and Francis,
Tue Great BALL
Wizarp Lanp
THe Wizarp’s Cave
Tue Srone TREASURE HorsE
THe ELVES AND THE APPLE. : frontispiece
THE OLD GNOME . : ; : : nee
FaLiinc FROM THE Hawk : : ; - 40
my books and the atmosphere of the
house, I sauntered leisurely down
to the orchard to see if the wind the
previous night had cast an apple upon the
ground such as my fastidious appetite could
relish. I wished it to be large, and not a worm-
hole nor spot of decay to show upon its glossy
skin. Upon reaching the orchard I found, as
expected, many beauties lying half hidden
under the bending grass, and proceeded, with
the eye of a connoisseur, to select just the one
suited to my palate. While engaged in this oc-
cupation I noticed an apple, which was partially
hidden by a burdock, stir, and then roll over.
Astonished, I cautiously tiptoed behind a tree,
which grew near, to see if I could find the cause
of its movement. Imagine my surprise on
gazing cautiously around the trunk to behold,
standing beside the fruit, a couple of little elves
not over two inches high, who were striving to
cut the apple in half with tiny broadsowrds
which they swung above their heads.
Each was dressed in red, with peaked hat to
match, surmounted by a black plume. The
way their swords flew was a caution, and I saw
at a glance that the apple would soon be cut in
twain. To my dismay, the larger elf, slipping,
fell, and in such a way as to receive the de-
scending sword of his mate upon his own,
where glancing it cut deeply into the flesh of
the little fellow just below the shoulder. With
a cry of pain he let the weapon fall from his
grasp, and swooning, was caught in the arms of
his frightened partner. I was so excited at the
event that, without thinking, I stepped from my
shelter, and thus betrayed my presence. In an
instant the elf who had caused the mishap had
placed his wounded friend upon the ground,
and springing towards me planted his sword
with hilt to the earth and point towards me.
Evidently he thought that I had not seen them,
and that pricked by his sword as I set my foot
upon it, I should think a thorn had pierced me,
and while I was striving to remove it, he, with
his companion, could withdraw unseen.
“Fear not,†I cried; “do let me help you in
your trouble, if it is in the power of mortal to aid
the elves.â€
I saw fear give place to pleasure upon the
features of the little face, and a tiny voice said
in good English, —
“Thanks, kind mortal, you can indeed be
of service.â€
By this time the wounded elf had revived, and
was stanching the blood with a cobweb which
hung near at hand.
“Tf fairy blood had not been spilt before
you, we could have disappeared at your ap-
proach,†said one; “then, too, our law says
that blood spilt from fairies’ veins can only be
stanched and the wound healed by the help
of mortal, with the aid in part of earthly
“Then I can assist?†I whispered, trembling
with excitement.
“Tn truth you can,†said the disabled one,
“and great shall be your reward. I ‘am
Sir Hazel; and he who helps me shall look
apon wonders such as the sun has never
shone upon, and receive the thanks in per-
son of the fairy Queen. Now hasten to
the tallest hollyhock which grows in the
long path behind the house of your ances-
tors, draw from the flower upon its crest a
drop of ‘dew, place it in this crystal vial,
then shake into it a little pollen from a white
dahlia, and add two drops of red clover honey,
then return to us, for with the mixture I can
make a salve which will heal my wound at
Away I sped like a deer, and was soon
in the garden at the rear of my home; here a
tall hollyhock with a yellow flower gave me the
desired dew, then a white dahlia was bereft of
its pollen; next it was the work of but a
moment to secure from the fragrant clover,
which grew in rich profusion, the two drops of
honey. As soon as J had returned to my little
friends, they took the vial and mixed its con-
tents with a red substance, which was stirred
with a golden wand, and then spread upon a
little bandage made from the wing of a blue
butterfly. This was then bound tightly about
the wounded arm. In less than a minute the
elf sprang to his feet and announced that he
was healed. Looking up at me he cried, —
“T have saved a drop of my blood in this leaf.
If you will let me inoculate you with it, and
place at the same time some of this fluid upon
your tongue,†showing me a tiny bottle as he
spoke, “you will become an elf, and then can
accompany us to Fairyland.â€
I answered that I would be delighted to
do as he suggested, and stretched myself
at once upon the ground so as to bring my
face upon a level with him. Holding out
my tongue, I felt the drop from the tiny bottle
fall upon it, and at the same time was conscious
of a prick in my cheek where he had touched
me with the point of his sword. It would be
in vain to try and describe my feelings as I
gradually became smaller; things seemed to
become large about me, and I could hardly
realize when at last I stood beside the elves,
scarcely able to look over the apple, that I had
really become an elf. The orchard grass looked
like a jungle, and the burdock leaves formed a
canopy over my head.
“How do you like it?†said my friends as
they extended their hands and bade me wel-
And “Now to work,†said Sir Hazel, after he
had introduced me to the other elf who proved
to be his squire, and bore the name of Thistle.
“We must open this apple and get the seeds
before departing.â€
Under their steady strokes the work was
soon done and the luscious fruit lay over on its
sides evenly divided. The seeds were quickly
dug out and thrown to me to perforate and
string together. They told me while we were
working that they had spent the day gathering
seeds of the Gravenstein apple, for pounded
‘in a mortar with fairy oil it became one
of the flavors most highly esteemed by their
Queen. Soon the time arrived to start, and
gathering up the seeds,—I found that they
had many stored away under the leaves, —we
dragged them by their strings until we reached
the place where the horses were tied. When I
beheld the little chargers, I was astonished at
their diminutiveness and beauty. I had seen
toy horses in the stores only an inch and three
quarters high at the shoulder, but here they
were alive and neighing us a glad welcome.
Two were black, one a bay, and the fourth
white. They had been tied to the root of an
old elm during the day, and had evidently
become very restless. I noticed that their
bridles and saddles were spangled with dia-
mond dust. The leather I found was as soft
as velvet, and embossed with fairy designs.
We soon placed the seeds in the panniers of
the pack horse, then mounted and rode away.
I felt my heart thrill with delight as seated on
my fairy horse I sped along, pinching myself
again and again to see if I was not asleep,
and all my adventure but a dream. On we
sped, through the long grass among what
seemed to me giant apple-trees, towards the
end of the orchard. It took half an hour to
reach a place in the woods where I had often
been to play. A great oak was master of the
glade, and little had I suspected that it was the
gateway to Fairyland, but so it proved to be,
for, vaulting from his saddle, as we approached,
Sir Hazel strode up to it, and knocking with
the hilt of his sword ten times upon a project-
ing piece of bark, cried, —
“Open Tetina, open Tetar.â€
Instantly a large slab fell slowly from the side
of the tree towards us, and revealed an arched
doorway cut into the heart of the oak. Up the
slight incline made by the bark bridge we rode,
and entering a circular chamber, dismounted.
As the door closed behind us I noticed that it
was not dark, and soon saw that the mellow
light came from a glowing spot in the floor
about the size of a silver dollar.
“Now a word to you,†said Sir Hazel as he
touched me; ‘we are about to enter the portals
of Fairyland. You will be tested as to your
worthiness to accompany us into Queen Mab’s
realms. If you were an impostor, a witch, or
any enemy in disguise, fear would cause you to
cry aloud at the test hall, and instantly you
would be expelled. But fear nothing; speak
not until I give permission, simply follow me.â€
As he finished speaking he stooped, and taking
a ring in his hand which I had not observed be-
fore, lifted a trap door, which revealed beneath
a large slanting passage descending apparently
into the bowels of the earth. Down this we
moved, leading our horses by their bridles. I
was dazed with wonder as I beheld, at every
clank of the horses’ hoofs upon the hard floor,
a bright green light flash for a moment like the
spark from a trolley wheel. But there were
other sources of light, for at every few paces a
bat, leaving its perch, shining as it moved its
wings like a fiery star in red, blue, or yellow,
would fly on before us, crying in harsh tones,
“A stranger in our midst,†until lost to sight
around a bend in the passage. After travelling
what seemed to me half a mile, I saw an open-
ing ahead with a rim of flashing colored lights
around it.
“The entrance to the second portal,†whis-
pered Sir Hazel; “ follow, but remember and do
not speak,â€
As we passed through the arch of red,
blue, and yellow, I saw that it was the bodies
of the bats, that, clinging around the opening |
close together, were whirling their wings, and
still crying in unison, —
“A stranger in our midst.â€
As soon as the pack horse, which brought
up the rear of our party, passed under, they
left their perches, and after circling three times
around us, with a shrill cry, flew back into
the passage we had just left.
We had entered a brilliantly lighted cham-
ber. My eyes were almost blinded by the
glare. The ceiling seemed to be a mass of
flame which was reflected from eight walls of
polished marble. As we reached the centre
of this room, a voice came from the first wall,
crying, “Is he to enter?†then from the
second, ‘‘Can he pass?†andso on until eight
questions had been asked. As the last voice
ceased speaking, a deep voice, which sounded
like distant thunder, said, —
“Let him pass on to the Test of Fear.â€
At once a door opened and a dull orange
light shone through it, while a spectre hand
beckoned us to enter. I was startled as I
passed over the threshold, and wished that
I could turn back, for there was such a clank-
ing of chains. But I noticed that Sir Hazel and
Thistle were calm, and that even the horses
walked along without a sign of fear, so I
plucked up courage and looked about me. I
had to smile when I beheld the troops of queer
little things which were dancing and capering
about us. They had legs and feet like turkeys,
but their heads resembled bullfrogs. I did not
see any arms, so concluded that they had no
“Throw him to the gnomes,†they cried;
“yes, throw him to the gnomes.â€
Now, as I had read of gnomes and their do-
ings, I confess that I did not enjoy the prospect
of meeting with the fate which they seemed
determined should be mine, and a chill ran up
and down my backbone, especially after I heard
ahead of us a piping voice crying, ‘ Yes, give
us the mortal, for a gnomes’ stew is brewing†;
but I subdued my fear, and keeping close
to my horse, walked on. Wilder grew the
dance of the turkey bullfrogs, and they were
joined by other things as strange as them-
selves. I remember a few, resembling monkeys,
which played for dear life upon serpent-skin
drums, tum-tum, tum-tum. As we came
abreast of the place, whence I had heard the
shrill gnomes’ song, there, sure enough, be-
hind bars of malachite sat twenty-four little
gnomes. They had wrapped their long white
beards about them, and were looking at me
from under their shaggy eyebrows. One fellow
seemed to be stirring a caldron, and another
was sprinkling salt into it, while a third added
bits of bats’ wings and lizards’ tails.
“‘Canwenothave him for our stew?†they cried.
But on hearing a voice sternly cry, “No,
for he is worthy to enter Fairyland,†they
ceased their clamor. J was delighted at the
same time to hear Sir Hazel say,—
“You can speak, the test is passed.â€
We next entered a room of silver, whose
walls were organs, and they played, as we passed
through, the most delightful music I had ever
heard. At the door of exit stood a dozen
fairy elves dressed in brown, with spears of
gold in their hands. The leader came to us,
and as soon as Sir Hazel told him of his adven-
tures during the day, and of what I had done
for him, he turned to me and bowing, said,— _
“ The guards of Queen Mab’s realms give you
welcome to Fairyland.â€
Taking a ring from his hand he placed it
upon my index finger, and said, —
‘So long as it remains where I have placed
it, you can remain among us, a welcome vis-
itor; but the second it is taken off, the spell
is broken, and the life here will become a
dream. Henceforth be known among us as Sir
Dahlia, and may joy await you and ‘ pleasure be
your page.
SIFTER saluting our party one of the
elves sounded twice upon a bugle.
Immediately I heard the roar of fall-
‘ ing waters, and perceived that a
door had opened revealing a beau-
tiful cavern whose walls and vaulted ceiling were
sapphire. On one side fell a cascade whose
plunging waters glistened like silver in the bluish
light. Innumerable stalactites, in hue resem-
bling turquoise, hung in pendent beauty from
the sparkling roof.
As we rode on I saw many little elves
dressed in pink, climbing among the rocks
by the edge of the stream. They seemed to
be spearing fish, and such in fact was the case.
Upon seeing us, three of them ran up and, doff-
ing their pink hats, insisted upon our taking a
fish, handing to us as they spoke the most
peculiar ones I had ever looked upon. In
color they resembled goldfish, but in shape and
size they looked like horned pout. The
Strangest thing about them was that at the
end of each feeler there hung a lovely pearl,
Thanking the little fishermen for their gifts,
we rode on and soon were out of the cavern
and in the midst of green fields whose grass
would have put velvet to shame by its softness.
The fragrance which arose from countless
flowers of every hue filled the air with sweet-
ness. It was as light as noontime on a sum-
mer’s day, and yet there was no sun. Seeing
some yellow dwarfs, or helpers as they are
called, Sir Hazel called them to us, and dis-
mounting, requested them to prepare a lunch
and take charge of our horses. Such queer-
looking little servants they were! I had to
laugh in spite of myself at their great eyes and
ears; their chins and noses all but touched.
They were as sharp and quick as foxes, and in
a very short time we were called to a spot
where a silken cloth had been spread to find
upon it our fishes broiled and served in honey,
together with other delicacies of which I knew
not the names.
While we were eating I noticed a bird re-
sembling a parrot alight, and from its back
there sprang a lovely little fairy dressed in
white. She came towards us and with a courtesy
presented a note to Sir Hazel. He, perceiving
her appearance, had met her with a gracious
bow. While they talked together in a tongue
unknown to me, I gazed in admiration upon
her sweet face. Her locks were as black as
ravens’ wings, and fell in wavy curls about her
shoulders. Her little mouth was like a rose-
bud, and as for her eyes they sparkled as only
black eyes can. The swift journey through
the air had painted her cheeks a delicate rose.
Thistle told me in a whisper that she was one
of the Queen’s messengers.
As soon as Sir Hazel had read the note he
called me to him and introduced me to the
fairy as Sir Dahlia, the friend who had helped
him while in trouble in mortal realms.
“You are thrice welcome for your kind act,â€
said she, extending her dainty hand, ‘‘and pleas-
ant may the days be while you dwell among us.
Sir Hazel will be sure to bring you to the fairy
ball which is given in a few days by the Queen
to all her subjects, and at that time you must
be presented to her gracious Majesty.â€
I bowed my thanks, and felt the hot blood
rush tomy cheeks, owing’ to my embarrassment
at not knowing just the etiquette which might be
expected in my answer. Placing a jewelled
whistle to her lips as we finished our conversa-
tion, she sounded once upon it, and I beheld the .
bird answer by appearing at her side. Sir
Hazel handed her into the saddle, and wishing
her a successful journey, we watched the quick
flight of the bird and its beautiful burden until
lost to sight. ;
Finishing our repast we mounted our horses,
and bidding the helpers adieu, we cantered
merrily onward.
“We shall soon reach my home,†said Sir
Hazel, after we had been riding an hour or
more. It was about twilight, and J wondered
if darkness would overtake us before reaching
the castle, and so asked Sir Hazel. He
replied that we should reach there about
dusk. ‘But even if we travelled all night,†he
continued, “J would not mind it, for the nights
are very short in Fairyland, and darkness does
not stop progress; for, as you noticed when
travelling through the tunnel, the horses’ feet
striking upon the ground produced light, so
is it when journeying in the night. We
sleep because we love to, not that we need
I now saw a glow upon the horizon above
the forest on our left, and was told that it was
the reflection from the lighted towers of the
elf's home. Under overhanging branches of
trees, which reminded me of our oaks at
home, we rode, following a beautiful wood path.
If I had been delighted before at the strange
things, much more were my joy and wonder
when, leaving the woods, I beheld, separated
from us by a closely shaven lawn, a regal home.
Its walls were crystal, and over its surface there
played many colored lights which reminded me
of the aurora. I drew my horse’s rein and
gazed spellbound upon its beautiful display.
Seeing me pause, Sir Hazel called, —
“Come on and find rest within these walls.â€
As our horses stepped upon the lawn, sweet
chimes broke from every tower, each bell
sounding a welcome home. At the portal three
yellow dwarfs stood ready to take our horses,
while into the keeping of two pages, dressed in
white and purple, were given the precious apple
seeds. A green dragon’s head swung slowly
over the inner door of the porch.
“Tt is a magic head,†said Sir Hazel as he saw
a look of surprise in my eyes. ‘I have had it
placed here to guard my home from witchcraft.
Should any one attempt to pass beneath it who
intends me harm, he would at once be en-
veloped in clouds of smoke and flame which
would drive him from my portal.â€
The first room that we entered was not large,
but beautiful draperies in gold and silver hung
upon its ivory walls, rich divans and chairs
invited us to rest, vases of alabaster filled with
beautiful flowers stood in each corner, and the
air was filled with their fragrance. We were
scarcely seated when a page entered and poured
into a tiny golden cup, which he held upon
an ivory salver, a fluid which when I had
tasted it reminded me of lemonade. He also
bade me eat a rest cake, which seemed a
little like sponge, but had a flavor unknown
to me.
We conversed a little after this, and then,
at Sir Hazel’s proposal, I decided to retire.
‘‘ Sweet dreams,†said my host as he left me at
my chamber door. Entering my room I looked
about in admiration. The walls and floor were
made of feldspar, while the ceiling was tur-
quoise. To describe the furniture and orna-
ments would be impossible, even if I had time.
Many were so quaint that I laughed at them, in
spite of myself. Every article of furniture was
made from ivory and inlaid with agates of deli-
cate hues. I could not help thinking how
every girl in mortal rcalms would have prized
any one of the articles which I had about
me as a treasure of rich and rare work-
Creeping into bed, I drew the soft coverlet
up, and as I did so the most delicious, enchant-
ing music fell upon my ear; it came from the
coverlet, and yet seemed far away. As my
head sank back upon the pillow an intoxicating
perfume, as though fresh from the heart of a
rose, filled my nostrils and wafted me at once
to sleep.
When I awoke it was morning. Springing
from my bed I found that my clothes had been
changed during my sleep, and red ones like
those worn by Sir Hazel had been substituted ;
a jewelled sword was resting upon a table, and
with it was a note from my friend requesting
me to wear it.
I gladly answered the call to breakfast, and
entered the room where it was served, wonder-
ing what new surprise was in store. The room
was large, and the walls covered with appro-
priate designs. The table was covered with a
delicate cloth, upon which stood smoking dishes
of silver. Sir Hazel gave me a cordial good-
morning, and we were soon chatting as we ate
and planning for the day in the most lively
fashion. Two little elves served us. They
were queer little fellows, with great eyes and
large noses. The most peculiar thing about
them was that their skin was black. I could
not get used to them at first, for I had never
heard of black elves.
As we arose from the table, Sir Hazel an-
nounced that we were to start on a hunting
expedition, and for no less an object than t.
destroy an old double-headed gnome, who had
been devastating the homes of the wood fairies
for a few days past.
“The Queen told me in her note, which I
received last night,†said my friend, “ about
the mischief he has done, and requested me
at once to go after and destroy him. He is
reported to have two heads upon a lion’s body,
with long arms and legs. I understand that
one head is always awake,’ continued Su.
Hazel, ‘‘and therefore it is hard to take him
by surprise. Only by causing the waking
head to sleep is there hope of victory for
us. But I expect to do this with the aid
of my little bird Wonderwise. We must
avoid the gnome’s breath, for it is sulphurous,
and contains a vapor like ether, which, should
we inhale, would benumb our senses. Should
such a misfortune occur, rub your forehead
with the ring which was given you by the
guardian elf, and continue to do so until out of
harm’s way. On no account take off yous
ring. Remember the warning given when you
entered Fairyland.â€
OON after this we set out.. Thistle
and four hunters accompanied us.
The elves were dressed in brown
“NM and green, and carried electric
spears, shields, and smallswords.
We were all mounted upon black or buckskin
steeds, as these colors are considered to keep
the horses free in part from the power of gnome
For quite a distance our road in the forest
ran along the banks of a beautiful little stream.
Upon its fair surface little wood elves were
sporting in tiny boats made of pearl and cork.
Their sails were made from the wings of birds
imported from mortal realms; they had cut the
feathers and cleverly woven the strands to-
gether. I noticed one sail made from a blue
jay, and another from a yellowbird; a third
had been taken from an oriole. The effect of
these beautiful colors sailing along in the music-
laden forest was truly picturesque.
After a ride of several hours we reached the
region of the gnome, and marks telling of his
presence were abundant. We saw overturned
trees, and now and then came upon a wood
elf’s ruined home. As dusk came on, Sir
Hazel was sure he could not be far away.
Dismounting, we left our horses in charge of
one of the hunters, and cautiously advanced on
foot. Night was soon upon us, and Sir Hazel
urged us all to put on our anti-light sandals, so
that our feet would no longer produce light as
we advanced. It was but half an hour after
this that a “hist†from our leader brought us
to a stand.
“From the strong odor of sulphur and burnt
bones, I feel sure he is in yonder valley,†said
Sir Hazel, pointing, as he spoke, to the right.
Just at that moment I noticed a great head
lift itself upon a serpent-like neck, at the crest
of the hill, and send from its nostrils clouds
of smoke and fire. Fortunately the face was
turned from us.
“Down,†I cried, and pointed to the spot
where the head was. Each member of our
party saw it, and stooped at once behind a shel-
tering rock. As we peeped cautiously over
the stone, we beheld the second head raise
its shaggy locks and enter into conversation
with its double. Shortly after this both gazed
searchingly about them, and then, evidently
satisfied that they were alone, one head disap-
peared to sleep, while the other kept guard.
To our dismay we heard the voice of a fairy sing-
ing. We recognized it as coming from the spot
where the gnome had encamped, and knew at once
that some poor unfortunate had been taken cap-
tive. Ilistened and caught the following words :—
“Tam lost, for the grasp of the enchanter is on
me. Farewell, dancing elves in the evergreen
Just here the voice ceased. Sir Hazel could
scarcely retain himself-with anger.
‘“‘ The detestable monster,†he muttered, ‘ will
carry the little creature into its own hideous
country, and there before its den will cause her to
be changed into a tree or flower and remain
rooted to the spot forever; but we will destroy
him and liberate her. Come, it is time to work.
Send up the owls, bid them warn all birds to
keep away lest their lights should wake him.
Enchant the insects with the odor of balsam.â€
At once the hunters sent off the owls which
had been perched all day upon their shoulders.
Then one took a vial from his pocket and
poured a gray fluid upon a stone, and soon
all the forest was filled with a drowsy odor.
I had noticed during the day that a little bird
had been with Sir Hazel, and so was not sur-
prised when, lifting it upon his hand before his
face, he said, —
“Fly, Wonderwise, from branch to branch
until you alight upon a bough just over the
head of the watchful gnome. Be careful not
to take his breath. Carry in your claws. this
golden box. Cast its contents, pinch by pinch,
on to the fire which doubtless burns before the
gnome; the fumes of the powder will overcome
the guard, and cause both heads to sleep pro-
We watched the bird as cautiously it flew
from branch to branch until it disappeared
among the leaves. Suddenly the old gnome
reared his sentinel head and gazing upward
sent forth clouds of smoke from his nostrils, but
after a moment of this he became satisfied that
all was secure and became quiet once more.
We were delighted to see the great head soon
after begin to nod, and then fall forward,
evidently overcome with sleep.
“Take this bomb,†said Sir Hazel, handing
me a glass object in shape like a marble, “ and
when I cut at the head which is asleep in the
valley, do you cast the bomb into the face of
the other; if it strikes right it will explode and
the magic powder will cause the portions of the
gnome which remain to become stone.â€
Thistle and the hunter elves were to go with
Sir Hazel and be ready to help him should
my bomb fail in the attack upon either or both
heads. JI felt a little nervous, I must confess,
after Sir Hazei and his menyhad left me, but
mustering up courage ! crept cautiously along
towards the sleeping guard. When within
thirty feet I cautiously peered over a rock |
Which I had kept between myself and the
gnome. Such a looking head! The hair was
long and gray; moss and leaves had matted
it together; and little clouds of smoke from
the lungs of the sleeper ascended every
‘Hearing a signal, I sprang to my feet and
‘dashed up to the edge, just as the glaring eyes
opened; flames shot from the mouth in every.
direction, and a roar of rage was mingled with
yells from the other head, which had awakened.
Instinctively I pressed my forehead with the
magic ring and hurled the bomb. There was
a flash, a report like thunder, and, lo and
behold, the visage I had just seen was gone,
while down in the little ravine were portions
of the creature turned tostone! Sir Hazel had
cleverly cut away the second head.
We were all delighted to hear a cry of joy,
and behold, standing on a little shelf of the
cliff just below my feet, the fairy to whose
plaintive song we had listened! She was a
lovely little creature. I could see at a glance
that she had come from some one of the noble
fairies’ homes, and had been carefully instructed
in all the learning of Fairyland.
“ Thanks, most noble elves,†she said, “ my
heart repays you with throbs of gratitude. I
know my parents can never express enough to
show how deeply they are indebted, when
they hear from my lips how gallant your
actions have been in saving me from a sad,
sad fate.â€
I climbed down to the place where she was
standing, and then holding her by the hand
helped her to descend to the spot where Sir
Hazel and his valiant elves were gathered about
the stone wreck of our late enemy. We each
broke off a fragment from one of the pieces of
the gnome’s ear to carry home as a relic of our
adventure. Soon after we returned to the spot
where we had left the horses, I walking beside
and chatting with the fairy.
After a stop of half an hour, during which
time we partook of a light lunch composed of
rest cake and honey, we mounted our horses and
commenced the homeward journey. On the
way the fairy, who rode between Sir Hazel and
myself, told us of her adventure.
“‘T was out picking bluebells,†she said, ‘and
had wandered quite a way into the woods, uncon-
scious ofdanger. Imagine my fright when upon
nearing a large bowlder I saw the faces of the
gnome appear above it, and felt his huge hands
grasp me. ‘Mercy!’ I cried; but he simply
laughed and blew sulphur in my eyes, and an-
swered, ‘Mercy I know not. To the wizard’s
cave you must go, and there, enchanted into a
weeping willow, must stand before it forever.’
I shuddered at the thought, but knowing there
was nothing that I could do, resigned myself to
a cruel lot. After I had been placed in the
cave at the close of the day’s journey, I had a
faint hope that during the four hours-of dark-
ness I might escape; andso I sat and watched
the gnome. I tried to sing; but could not.
When my nostrils first caught the odor of the
fairy powder, which your little bird was casting
into the fire, I recognized some friendly hand
was near, and my heart bounded with hope. I
knew the power of the powder’s fumes, and
watched to see if the old guard would feel its
influence and fall asleep. You know the rest,
dear friends, and how truly thankful I am for
my rescue.â€
After a ride of three hours we turned to the
left of the road we had been over the day
previous, and soon found ourselves in fields full
of beautiful lilies. The air was laden with their
perfume, and with sweet musical tones as
though from ten thousand zolian harps. I
was greatly surprised when I found that the
music was caused by the wind blowing through
the cobwebs of countless spiders, and on asking
Honeydew (which, by the way, was the name of
the fairy) the reason, was told that the spiders
in Fairyland do not spin their threads to catch
flies, but to fill the fields with music, and at the
same time catch the dew which falls laden with
the sweet pollen upon which they feed. I
noticed many wee elves and fairies, dressed in
green, among the lilies, and saw that they were
drawing with tiny instruments, which looked
like syringes, the honey from the flowers, and
after placing it in casks, about the size of a
thimble, were sending it away upon the backs
of birds.
Another hour passed rapidly when my atten-
tion was drawn to a jasper tower whose battle-
ments flashed in golden splendor above the
bright green of a forest that we were approach-
ing. ‘My home!†cried Honeydew in joyous
tones. Before we reached the shade of the
grove we saw a littlke company of elves and
fairies advancing, and knew at once from the
appearance of the leader that he was the father
of our friend.
I need not describe the glad reunion of
parent and child, or of the warm welcome that
we received, within the walls of the grand
home, from the mother. The hours sped
rapidly by. We were showered with attention,
and when at last Sir Hazel declared that we
must go, it was with a feeling of regret that I
bade Honeydew good by. Taking her dainty
hand I raised it to my lips, and then was about
to vault into my saddle when*she called me
back, and holding out a ring, said, —
“Take this little token of my _ friend-
ship; let it ever warn you of coming evil.
Should at any time danger threaten, it will tell
you. Look into its crystal purity; if at any
time you see clouds of red are gathering there,
beware, danger will be near. Should they
chase each other across the surface, the danger
will at once become apparent. Had I worn
this ring on the morning I left to gather the
bluebells, I should never have been captured
by the gnome.â€
I promised that it should never leave me,
and that each time I looked into it I should
see the image of her kind heart, even though
danger might be mirrored there.
Sir Hazel was presented with a milk-white
steed, while Thistle and each of the hunters
were not forgotten. The last word that I heard
from Honeydew was, —
“Remember, we will meet at the Queen’s
The ride home was uneventful, and it was
not long before we dismounted at the Crystal
Towers, welcomed home by chimes of music
from every pinnacle.
After dinner Sir Hazel proposed that we
should bathe, and be amused before retiring,
to which proposition I acquiesced at once. At
a call from a bell a party of little elves ap-
peared, and bowing, passed before us and out
through an alabaster and ivory archway on the
left-hand side of the room. We _ followed
them through a long passage, entering by an
onyx door a spacious apartment, or, I might
say, indoor garden. Here I lost sight of the
elves, and gazed in admira:ion at the beauty
about me; the ceiling was high and vaulted,
and, like the walls, was of filigreed silver. The
floor was a light red marble. In the centre of
the room was a miniature lake fed from a cas-
cade which came tumbling down from the
ceiling at one end of the room over huge
blocks of white marble. Silver trees, resem-
bling oaks, rustled their leaves, and spiced
odors filled the place.
After a glorious swim, Sir Hazel said he
would show me a shower bath worthy of the
name. He clapped his hands, and instantly the
air was full of spray and driving drops fell from
the ceiling and walls, while from the leaves of
the trees thousands of jets were pouring water
in tiny streams.
Dressing, we went at once to the music-room,
and there I enjoyed a feast of dramatic art.
Upon an ivory stage the elves and fairies of
the household had assembled, and gave to
us a perfect rendering of “Midsummer Night’s
Dream†as written by William Shakespeare. I
am sure the bard himself would have been de-
lighted with the fairy representation.
Three days quickly passed, each one replete
with pleasure. Hunting, fishing, and social calls
filled the time; but I must tell of my first ex-
perience of a flight in the air upon the back of a
bird which nearly cost me my stay in Fairyland.
Sir Hazel decided that my first steed must
be a bird which greatly resembled the hawk of
mortal realms, both in figure and in flight.
“You see,†said my friend, “his passage
through the airis steady ; he will smoothly soar.â€
Upon the afternoon in question I mounted my
steed, and taking a firm seat, gave the word to
go. I followed Sir Hazel, who had preceded
me, up, up into the blue ether. At first I felt
timid, but soon became accustomed to the
novelty of the situation and entered into the
sport with spirit. On the way home I was
racing with Sir Hazel, when, in turning to look
back at him, for my bird was the swifter, I in
some way lost my balance and, slipping over
the smooth feathers, fell. I had just time to
wildly grasp the claw of my steed, and there
hung between earth and sky, going at the rate
of sixty miles an hour. At a word from Sir
Hazel my bird made a swift spiral descent, and
I, somewhat shaken in nerve, stepped once
more unharmed upon the ground.
§LL the morning master and servants
were busy getting things ready for
: the journey, and a proper appear-
ance at Court. I wandered about
and feasted my eyes upon the many
marvellous things about me, spending quite an
hour in the stables watching the horses groomed
and harnesses cleaned.
All the help belonging to the place who
were not to go with us were present to see us
It was a little past noon when we started
First rode Thistle, followed by the heads oi
departments upon bay horses; next, the hunt-
ers on black and buckskin animals; next,
twenty musicians who were dressed in plaid
suits of black, orange, and white, with peaked
hats of the same. The instruments upon which
they played were made of silver; their chargers
were piebalds.
The coach in which we rode followed. It
was drawn by six gray horses in purple har-
nesses. The body of the vehicle was ivory
delicately carved, the wheels were silver, and it
reminded me in its design of the state coach
of Napoleon I. Purple livery upon coachman
and footmen matched the color of the sumptu-
ous linings of the interior of the equipage.
Behind the coach were Sir Hazel’s saddle
horse and mine, Ied by our squires. Next,
the fun makers and other servants of importance
followed, each one astride milk-white donkeys,
whose ears were as black as a crow’s wing.
Long before reaching the royal grounds we
fell in with other elf knights who were going
with their households to make merry at the
ball. Now and then I caught sight of a lovely
little fairy who, surrounded with silken shades
and seated in a sedan chair, was being carried
upon the shoulders of the queerest elves that
I had seen in Fairyland. I remember four who
looked like white owls; had it not been for
their hands and feet, I could not have known
by observation that they were not. They wore
feather suits, and caps which came down over
their faces; their noses, which protruded through
the feathers, were hooked like bills, and their
eyes were large, bright, and round.
I was delighted at the beauty and extent of
the palace grounds. We entered them about
four o'clock, as nearly as I could judge by
mortal time. The trees were of many species,
and the art of the landscape gardener had
reached its perfection in the choice and posi-
tion of each variety. Nota dry leaf nor broken
branch could I see. Fountains made of gems
played their fragrant, many colored jets in fan-
tastic forms upon every hand; flowers bloomed
on every side; magnificent birds of dazzling
plumage walked with all the dignity of peacocks
upon the velvety lawn. Our wheels rolled over
marble roads. :
As we drew up at the palace door the mag-
nificence of its beauty overcame me, and fora
moment I could not answer the question asked
by Sir Hazel, if I were not more than sur-
prised at its grandeur.
As we had left our escort at the entrance of
the park to move on to the spot allotted for Sir
Hazel’s pavilion, we had nothing to do but
alight from the coach and at once enter the
palace. On either side of the beautiful doors
stood five pillars, each made by dovetailing
large diamonds together. The arch above the
portal was composed of pearls and blocks of
turquoise alternating. A gleaming star formed
the keystone, made from every known gem, in
the centre of which a magic eye looked search-
ingly down upon each person passing through.
I had time to notice that the walls of this
wonderful palace were made from moonstones
with thin layers of emerald between them; the
sashes were rubies, while the roof covering all
this splendor was burnished gold. Ten green
dragons stood before the diamond pillars.
Upon passing through the porch I saw a
long hall before us. Its walls were jasper; on
either side stood a row of little fairies dressed
in white and pink. As we passed along they
showered us with roses.
At the end of the hall we entered a waiting-
room, whose walls and ceiling were emeralds
set in gold filigree; the furniture was of jasper
and yellow silk. An ivory fountain in the
centre of the room sent upward jets of per-
We had not long to wait before a door
opened, and an elf dressed in white and gold
came forward and requested us to follow him
into the room of state. We passed through
two or three magnificent corridors before
reaching the throne-room. As we passed the
golden door into the apartment where Queen
Mab sat in royal splendor, my heart was going
like a trip hammer. I had time to notice that
elves and fairies dressed in gorgeous costumes
were around me, that the air was laden with
perfume, and that the room far surpassed any-
thing that I had hitherto seen for size and
beauty. The walls and ceiling were sapphire,
witn scroll designs in diamonds clustering upon
the polished blue. The carpet was of blue
velvet, with flowers of gold and silver threads
woven into the fabric. Fifty pillars of sapphire
upheld the vaulted roof. Upon one side was
placed the throne made of gold inlaid with
rubies, diamonds, and sapphires. It was raised
some three steps upon a silver dais.
I was enraptured with the beauty of the
fairy Queen, who sat in regal state in the midst
of all this loveliness to receive the homage of
her subjects. No wonder from time immemo-
rial all nations have paid honor to her, as
the pens of their poets and authors have de-
scribed her worth and beauty. She was lovely
beyond words to express. I could not begin
to do justice to her features. I know that they
were surrounded by tresses of gold, and that
her complexion was like peach and cream;
that the little mouth must have been the pat-
tern used when Cupid formed his bow; that
the lips of this bewitching little mouth were
red like cherries, and that her smiles revealed
lovely dimples. I saw that her eyes were blue
and protected by long dark lashes.
She was dressed in cream-colored robes of
a dainty fabric, of which I did not know the
name, but I do know that the dress was spark-
ling with thousands of tiny diamonds. I shall
never forget how I felt, as following Sir Hazel’s
example I bowed, and, kneeling, kissed the tiny
white hand extended to me. I remember
hearing her say, “Thanks, Sir Hazel, for the
victory over the gnome who was devastating
the homes of my good elvesâ€; and I was
delighted as she turned and thanked me for my
part in the victory, and also for helping Sir
Hazel at the time that he was wounded while
in search of apple seeds in mortal realms.
She then presented Sir Hazel with a magic
ring, and gave me a dainty handkerchief.
“Jtis a magic one, woven on fairy loom,†she
said, ‘and will enable you to become invisible
should you so desire, if at any time you come
suddenly upon a wizard or gnome.â€
Sir Hazel and I bowed again, and from the
assembled elves, who had witnessed these royal
gifts, there came a cry of, —
“Long live Queen Mab! Long live her sub-
ject, Sir Hazel! Long live his mortal friend,
Sir Dahlia!â€
Some time after this I noticed a door open
and a fairy entered, whose presence caused my
heart to flutter once again. It was Honeydew.
She was accompanied by all the members of
her-family. I had thought her lovely before,
but now she was fairly beautiful. Her black
locks were arranged in the Greek style, with a
coronet of gold sparkling with diamonds. Her
eyes rivalled the gems she wore, while her fair
cheek blushed a delicate pink with excitement.
She was dressed in a corn-colored silk with fine
white-rose trimmings.
After she had been presented I made my way
to her side, and was pleased beyond words that
she seemed so glad tosee me. I requested the
privilege of dancing with her, and she prom-
ised me that I should have the pleasure.
After arranging to meet her at her father’s
pavilion, which was erected near the spot where
the ball was to take place, Sir Hazel and I left
the castle and wended our way to our tent.
I was pleased to find that during our absence
Sir Hazel’s elves had erected a handsome silken
pavilion, divided into several apartments by
————— a
hangings. After a sumptuous repast, Sir Hazel
presented me with a beautiful dress suit. It
was made of golden threads woven in such a
way that it was as light as a feather. He
then informed me that only the bodyguard of
the Queen dressed in this manner, but that as
he was a member of that honored company,
he had. the privilege of making me one by
order of the Queen.
As night came on the grounds were aglow
with beautiful colored lights. We could hear
all about us the sound of silver trumpet or
bugle calling members of different camps to-
gether. Sir Hazel had sent his musicians away
quite early to join the others upon the green.
About nine o’clock, mortal time, our horses
were brought to the door, and vaulting into our
saddles, accompanied by our squires, we rode
away. It wasa short ride to the spot where
hundreds were gathering.
“A silver floor!†I exclaimed, as my. eyes
first caught sight of the dancing ground stretch-
ing in burnished splendor.
“Ves,†said Sir Hazel, “ and you will find it
grand to dance upon.â€
We cantered over to the place where Honey-
dew’s pavilion was erected, and dismounting,
gave our horses into the keeping of the
Seated soon after, with Honeydew beside me,
upon an ivory bench, overlooking the lovely
glade, I had a chance to see it in all its glory.
Tall trees, which reminded me of poplars,
formed a beautiful hedge about the silver floor.
Hundreds of elves and fairies had arrived, ready
to participate in the festivities of the ball. As
they walked about under the trees, in the glow
of the colored lights, the scene was a kaleido-
scope of color.
At ten o'clock a blast from a hundred
trumpets brought the company together. The
first dance was that of the goblins, — little crea-
tures with long legs, short bodies, and great
heads, dressed in black with white balloon hats,
who took hold of hands and capered around
the edge, singing a wild, weird chant. Faster
and faster they went, until all that I could dis-
tinguish were two revolving rings of white and
At the beat of drums they came to a stand,
and turning, so as to face the assembly, cried
in unison, —
“No wizard’s spell can harm to-night; on with
the dance.â€
As these words fell from their lips, the mul-
titude of waiting dancers showered them with
silver, which having gathered, the goblins disap-
At once the musicians played a waltz, and I
led Honeydew on to the floor, where.a thousand
couples had preceded us. We next danced a
polka, and then the heralds announced that the
fairy waltz, entitled “‘Under the Rays of the
Moon,†would follow.
The lights went out and slowly a great ball
of silver rose over the trees, and upon reaching
a spot, just over the centre of the floor, burst
into a glow of splendor. Only those fairies
and elves who were dressed in white danced
this waltz. It was a lovely sight.
At its close, heralds announced the arrival
of the Queen. Ten milk-white ponies ridden °
by postilions in silver suits, drawing the state
coach of gold, came through the throng and
stopped at a dais made from stones resembling
cat’s-eyes, upon which was placed an amethyst
Pages spread a velvet carpet from the coach
to the throne, and the Queen alighted. A glad
cry went up from the vast concourse, —
“Long live Queen Mab! â€
Asthe royal lady took her seat a hush fell upon
the people while they waited in silence for the
name of the fortunate elf who was to have the
honor of leading the Queen as partner to the
cotillon. A herald, stepping before the throne,
cried so that his voice could be heard by all, —
“Tt is the wish of her Majesty that Sir
Hazel should escort her to the cotillon as her
partner in the dance.â€
I saw my friend blush as he left my side to
go to the Queen.
It was a beautiful sight that followed, and I
never shall forget it. Hour after hour sped by,
and darkness had given place to light before
the last dance came to an end.
At the close a thousand or more white owls
went soaring up from the tops of the poplars,
and then gathering in a long line swept around
and around over our heads, casting favors from
baskets, which they held in one claw, upon the
multitude below. I secured one for Honeydew
and myself as mementos, and then escorted my
fairy friend to her father’s tent. I promised her
before leaving that I would soon callat her home.
Returning to the place where I had left my
horse, J found that Sir Hazel had arrived, radi-
ant with happiness.
“ Such an honor as I have received this even-
ing!†he exclaimed on seeing me: “to think
I should have been chosen from among all the
elves to dance with the Queen!†And he fairly
hugged me with joy.
Remounting our horses we rode back to the
pavilion, talking all the while of pleasant memo-
ries. I took a short sleep before dinner, and
was greatly refreshed and ready for the journey
Sir Hazel told me at the table that he had
important news which he would tell me on the
road. An hour later, when we were some dis-
tance in advance of our company on the way
home, he said, —
“The Queen has been troubled by a cave
wizard whose habitation is some five days’
journey from here. It is not exactly in Fairy-
land, neither among mortals, that this pest
lives, but in Halfway Land in a huge cave.
In appearance he resembles somewhat the
creature you call the baboon. The hair is long
and red, and stands up straight. He dresses
in skins, and has three eyes, one being in the
back of the head. The wizard is a very crafty
one and thoroughly versed in magic arts.
Many times have elves gone forth to destroy
him, but without success, and why? I found
out the reason from the Queen last night. She
says she was reading a book on fairy craft which
was written thousands of years ago. Her
librarian found it behind some old volumes on
a top-shelf. In this book she found the follow-
ing words: ‘It will be in vain to try and destroy
the magic of the cave wizard unless pompom
powder is used, and help is given by mortal
hand.’ Now, dear Dahlia, you have heard the
story. We want you to help us,†said Sir Hazel, ~
looking keenly at me, ‘for the Queen has asked
me to destroy him: will you go?â€
I answered, —
Sir Hazel grasped my hand and said, —
‘Should worse come to worse, you can only
be returned at once to your mortal land, while
I, turned to stone, will remain forever before
his cave with many another elf who has become
enchanted. Should we be victorious, many
an elf knight, liberated from stone, will bless
our names forever.â€
We decided to start upon the undertaking in
two days. Reaching home, we partook of a
bountiful supper, and before retiring enjoyed an
hour in the music-room.
7 ee
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SHE following morning I dressed
with more than usual care, for I -
was going to see Honeydew. I
chose a dark blrie velvet suit, with
lemon-colored waistcoat, frilled
shirt, black stockings and shoes with gold
bucklés. Sarre
Before I had finished my toilet a yellow
dwarf knocked at my door, and requested me
to meet Sir Hazel at the stable yard. I went
at once to the place, and found him examining
a number of beautiful black horses which had
been sent over from the royal stables. |
“The Queen wishes us each to choose a
horse as a gift from her hand,†said my friend
as I joined him. ‘They are from the old
Aladdin stock and the most valuable. animals
in Fairyland,†he continued, highly delighted
with this new mark_of favor. ‘
I chose a beautiful creature which had
whinnied as I approached. Sir Hazel’s choice
was the largest one. We sent our thanks to
her Majesty, with the assurance of.our victory~
over the wizard. On the way in to breakfast,
Sir Hazel told me the history of these graceful
“The wonderful thing about them is that
they are impervious to all wizards’ enchant-
ments but one. Should they have their tails
braided by a wizard’s hand wet with river
water, they must succumb to his fatal spell.
This never happened but once. A certain elf
named Primrose undertook to destroy a cave
wizard. Crossing a stream, his thirsty horse
stopped to drink, facing down stream. It so
happened that the wizard was hiding behind a
rock but a little way up stream from the place
where the charger was drinking. Seeing that the
elf was watching a flock of ducks far down the
river, oblivious of danger, he slipped into the
water, and, diving, floated down towards the
steed, with only his nose out of the water.
When within a foot of the horse’s legs he
cautiously lifted himself, and with wet hands
braided the long hair of the animal’s tail. He
then had power to turn them both to stone.â€
After breakfast I mounted a beautiful cream-
colored horse, and was soon at the door of
Honeydew’s home. The little fairy had seen
me as I rode up the driveway, and came gayly
out of her flower-embowered dwelling to greet
I followed her into the reception-room,—a
quaint little onyx apartment, hung with yellow
damask and fairy tapestry. Here I met her
mother, who gave me a warm welcome. After
a little conversation, Honeydew asked if I
would like to see the library. J was delighted
to do so, and said as much. ~ 2
We entered a brilliantly lighted room. It
was very high, with two galleries; the light
came from a crystal roof. The walls were
bookcases made of feldspar. Within were
thousands of books; each cover was a study in
seometrical figures made in gem dust.
“We have here a fairy edition of all the
books written by mortals upon Fairyland. You
will find among them ‘The Arabian Nights’
and hundreds of other familiar stories, includ-
ing some of the plays of Shakespeare.â€
Honeydew told me that the writers of fairy
books had been whispered to by fairies and
elves, and that thus each volume was first
formed in the minds of these little people before
given to mortals.
I was charmed with my friend’s conversation
"upon books, and told her that I wished I could
become a writer and make her my heroine.
After a long and most delightful call, I parted
from her, with the promise that I would return
berore many days and tell her of my victory
over the wizard. She'made me promise that I
would look into my ring hourly, so as to know
if danger was near; and I fancied that it was
with a little sadness that she said farewell.
I dreamed of witches, gnomes, and horses
all night, with now and then the face of a
lovely fairy appearing. It is needless to say
that the features were like Honeydew’s.
Dawn found me up bright and early. The
morning air was delightful, and I enjoyed a
famous breakfast. Then Sir Hazel and I
mounted our horses, and with a wave of fare-
well to the household, we started on our dan-
gerous trip
We carried in a pouch on our saddles some
preserved and condensed fairy food, enough to
support us for two weeks. The bird Wonder-
wise and a talking monkey were with us, the
bird perching upon Sir Hazel’s shoulder, and
the monkey behind me on the hip of the horse.
The first day came quickly to a close. We
followed the same wood path that we had passed
over when in search of the gnome, but turned
off to the left just about dark, and made our
beds of moss and sweet flowers. Here we
spent the night, and, greatly refreshed, pursued
our onward way early the next morning.
We were both greatly surprised and delighted
with the speed and endurance of our horses.
I fell quite in love with mine, and he seemed to
know it. He was a proud creature. I had to
laugh at his queer little caperings and gambols,
for they reminded me of the frisky ways of a
colt in the pasture.
_ The second and third days were uneventful.
We rode easily along, keeping our horses fresh,
and resting each night under some great tree.
The monkey slept a great portion of the day,
and kept awake at night, making one of the
best sentinels that we could wish. Seated on
the top of the tree, his restless eyes took in
everything, and not a bird nor a creature could
move into the glade in which the tree stood
without his notice.
‘He has eyes like an owl,†said Sir Hazel,
when speaking of him; ‘and, should danger
appear, he would run to me and cry, ‘ Danger !
awake, my master !’â€
The fourth day we entered a strange country.
The trees did not look like those in Fairyland
nor like those upon the earth; in fact, the
appearance of everything underwent a change.
The land looked parched and barren.
The last’ half of the fourth day we rode
among huge stones and gigantic bowlders.
There was not a vestige of vegetation.
“ To-morrow,†said Sir Hazel, as he seated
himself beside me with a map spread out upon
his lap, “we shall reach the entrance to the
wizard’s realms. Look at this red spot on
the map. It designates the place where we
are to try fairy skill as a match to witch-
craft. We shall reach the place by to-morrow
Sir Hazel then told me that the entrance to
the wizard’s lands was guarded by a great rock
whose sides were perpendicular. Upon the
summit was a little pool of magic oil. Any one
striking the stone ever so gently would disturb
the oil, which then became agitated, and by
some unknown spell gave notice at the wizard’s
cave that danger threatened. Sir Hazel also
informed me that he had brought the bird
Wonderwise, so that, flying to the side of the
pool, she could cast into the oil a fluid which
would destroy its magic. This having been
accomplished, he would know the spot where
the door was, and how to strike upon it so as
to gain admittance.
We slept by turns during the night, the
monkey remaining at his post on a high rock,
and ever on the alert.
The first thing I did upon awaking was to
look into the ring which Honeydew had given
me. It was clear, and I felt that danger as yet
was not near.
We rode about six hours after breakfast be-
fore we saw the great cliff of green stone upon
our left. Halting near its base, Sir Hazel called
Wonderwise, and after whispering to it, and kiss-
ing its beautiful head, he cast the little bird from
his hand. We watched it in its graceful curves
as it flew higher and higher, until, far above the
cliff, it darted away and was lost to sight.
To our wonder, in less than a minute we saw
the bird returning with all possible speed, and
it soon settled, greatly agitated, upon Sir Hazel’s
hand, which had been raised to receive it. At
this moment I happened to look into my ring,
and, to my dismay, I saw that red clouds were
gathering within its brightness. Instantly I
informed Sir Hazel of the fact, and re-
ceived in response from him the command to
“See yonder cloud just above the horizon
on ourright? If I mistake not it is the wizard,
who has been away upon an expedition and is
now returning. Unfold the handkerchief which
the Queen gave you, as I have mine. If the
wizard has not seen us before this, all will be
I. pulled out the dainty fabric, which had
been presented to me at the ball, and held it
outstretched, as I saw Sir Hazel doing, between
me and the approaching cloud.
‘We are now invisible to the wizard’s eyes,â€
said Sir Hazel, ‘and can watch his movements
without fear.â€
The talking monkey at the first alarm had
leaped up behind me upon the horse, and so
was safe. As the cloud came nearer I saw that
it was the wizard. He was indeed a frightful
object, and looked exactly as Sir Hazel had pic-
tured him. The hideous creature seemed to
be seated upon a cloud, but as he came oppo-
site I saw that it was a white dragon, which
was surrounded by a hundred smaller ones.
They flew swiftly past, and dropping at the foot
of the cliff, in an instant mysteriously disap-
Sir Hazel gave a sigh of relief and said, —
“Wonderwise saw him returning just in time.
Had she put the liquid in the oil before see-
ing him, the wizard would have discovered the
fact the moment he touched the rock. But
now the way is clear.â€
Once more Wonderwise. was sent from Sir
Hazel’s hand, and erelong returned and an-
nounced the task completed. We at once set
off for the mysterious door, which, opening,
would give us entrance into the strange lands
beyond the cliff.
poe felt a little anxious as we
dismounted at the base of the
great green cliff; and while Sir
Hazel hunted for the magic door
I kept my eyes upon my ring,
ready to give an alarm should a mist appear
within its brightness.
It was not long before a wave of my friendl’s
hand informed me that the door was found.
Upon reaching Sir Hazel’s side, he pointed to
a dark red stone about the size of an orange,
which was situated a short distance above our
heads, in the smoothest part of the rock.
“Upon that spot I must fasten this silver
with its brazen letters,†said Sir Hazel.
I looked at the plate which he held in his
hand, and saw that it was circular, made of sil-
ver, and that within its centre, shining like stars,
were the three brass letters, ‘“X. Z. E.â€
At the request of Sir Hazel, I led our horses
up to the cliff, and stood them side by side;
then, while I held their bridles, Sir Hazel stood
upon their backs and securely fastened the
plate upon the stone. This accomplished, he
bounded lightly to the ground, and taking
some gold dust mixed with copper and iron,
which had been boiled in bats’ blood, he cast
it into the air and cried, ‘‘Xera, Zam, Ecron!â€
I noticed that a fine mist began to gather, as
the words were uttered, around the silver which
had just been fastened to the cliff, and at the
same time felt the ground shake slightly. In
a moment more the mist had cleared away,
and from the brazen letters came sparks of fire.
This was followed by a low rumbling sound,
and, to my wonder, I saw a door slowly swing
open, as though moved by unseen hands, while
over its portal and about the silver circle ap-
peared the word “ Enter.â€
Leading my horse, I followed Sir Hazel into
the opening, and with a heart beating quickly,
heard the door shut behind my back. Ahead
of us I could see an aperture through which a
bright red light appeared, In fact, the smooth
walls of the tunnel were dimly lighted with its
It did not take us long to reach the end of
the passage, and we soon found ourselves in a
strange cave. It stretched as far as the eye
could see. It was very lofty, and we could just
ain einai eiaamaanasameiuasaritinnamataatiniatiaataininiatcmmmanisiite
discern far away on cither hand its rugged side.
Great mounds glowing with a bright red light
were scattered everywhere, as though a mighty
ziant had been throwing marbles about and left
them where they fell.
.The ground at times seemed to yield a little
beneath our horses’ feet, as though they were
walking upon thin rubber. It was a_ wild,
weird, desolate scene that we looked upon.
We had both taken the precaution to place
our magic handkerchicfs about our heads be-
fore entering the cliff door, and so felt com-
paratively safe.
“Remember,†said Sir Hazel as he reined up
beside me, ‘‘be ever on the watch. After we
have passed the sentinels which the wizard
has placed to guard his realms, they may dis-
cover us. But fear not, for, once past, their
power to harm us or to signal to their master
is gone; but should they allure us to retrace
our steps but ten paces, all would be lost.
Look yonder!â€
As he spoke, Sir Hazel pointed to a mound
on our right, where I saw the figure of a horse
and rider appear slowly upon the top, as
though raised by some hidden power within.
They appeared to be chiselled in stone. But
Sir Hazel told me in a whisper that it was one
of the unfortunate elves who, enchanted by
the wizard, was doomed to remain upon the
spot where he was vanquished.
“T suppose that each of these mounds con-
tains an elf transformed to stone, who, at a
certain hour, is lifted to the top, so that any in-
truder may behold the power of the wizard’s
Indeed the words of Sir Hazel proved true,
for we beheld here and there as we journeyed
forms appear both of ancient and modern elves,
who rested a moment in full view upon their
mounds, and then slowly disappeared.
We had journeyed quite a distance and my
eyes were beginning to ache under the red glow,
when suddenly I felt the talking monkey grasp
my arm, and his voice say, ‘‘ Look yonder!†I
turned my eyes to behold, a few paces in our
rear, a creature resembling a huge lizard with a
lion’s head, standing erect upon its hind legs,
and shaking in its huge mouth a fairy. To my
dismay, I saw at a glance, as the beautiful little
thing turned her face toward me, that it was
Honeydew. With a scream of rage, I turned
my horse, and, striking my spurs into his flanks,
was just in the act of launching my spear, when
I heard Sir Hazel cry, “Not for your life! Stay!
Hold!. It is witchcraft.†Atthe same moment
he was at my side and had seized my horse by
the bit, and thrown him upon his haunches,
I saw in a moment that it was all a delusion,
and that Honeydew was but a phantom used by
the witch’s guard to draw me back into his
grasp. It took quite a little time before I fully
recovered from the agitation into which T had
been thrown.
We rode on an hour or more, and then dis-
mounted to eat a light lunch. Proceeding at a
rapid pace afterwards, we soon saw that the walls
of the cave were drawing nearer, and with our
hands we could almost touch the long stalac-
tites which hung above our heads.
The light changed from red to blue all of a
sudden, and we heard ahead the rush and roar
of falling water. Entering a narrow passage
through which we could barely lead our horses,
we emerged into a circular cave, where we were
at once wet with spray, which was thrown
with great force upon the walls, from a fall
which came through a hole in the centre of
the roof, and, striking in a basin at our feet,
revolved in a mad whirl, as though stirred by a
giant’s hand. The drops of water, which struck
our face, stung terribly, and I cried out with
pain, but followed, covering my face as well as I
could, after Sir Hazel, who boldly strode along
ahead of his horse upon the narrow shelf be-
tween the walls and the madly circling water.
We soon found an opening, and, entering,
were proceeding with lighter hearts, when, to our
dismay, we beheld glistening ropes, which were
stretched like spiders’ webs across our path.
“These are evidently placed here to catch
us by shocking our systems with an elec-
tric current, should we touch them, but they
will fail,†said my friend.
Calling the talking monkey to him, also
Wonderwise, Sir Hazel placed upon each a
pair of magic gloves, and bade the bird fly to
the roof and cut each strand, while the monkey
did the same upon the ground. One by one the
barriers fell, and at last the way was open.
It was but a short distance through a rugged
tunnel before we came to the end and entered
the third and last cavern, known as the “ Yellow
Region.†It was as vast as the red cave had
been, and seemed to stretch away for miles
before us.
«“ And now for victory or defeat!†said Sir
Hazel, as we stopped for a short consultation.
“ We had better separate here. I will go be-
fore you and wind around until I get on the
farther side of that brilliant glow ahead of us,â€
said my friend; “for, if I mistake not, on that
spot we shall find the den or home of the
wizard.†It was arranged that I should keep the
monkey, while Wonderwise went with Sir Hazel.
“Be cautious in all your movements and use the
invisible handkerchief all the time. Sprinkle this
powder in the stew, which you will doubtless find
brewing, should you have a chance, and pour
this liquid upon his body, should fortune place
him near. I am as well prepared, and, alone or
together, I am sure the victory will be ours.â€
I felt desolate enough as I saw Sir Hazel ride
away, and as long as I could I watched him on
his course, then, mustering up courage, I started,
planning each moment some new method of
attack. I concluded to wait until Sir Hazel had
in part at least revealed his plans, thinking that,
should an accident occur, and he be. overcome,
I could be of greater service. Should my friend
be captured, I felt sure the wizard would think
that he was alone, and never dream for a moment
that a mortal elf was near. Thus while he was
in a false security and became careless, I could
hope to finish him by a cunning blow.
The most dismal noises filled my ears as I
rode on, but not a living thing did I see. The
ground was covered with huge bowlders at first,
but these gave way at last to a curious low-
growing tree with skeleton branches upon
which a few leaves dangled. The light became
brighter and brighter and all but blinded my
eyes with its yellow glare.
When yet quite a way from the place where
I felt sure the wizard was located, I left my
horse and, accompanied by the monkey, moved
slowly on afoot.
I walked for quite a distance in a straight
line, and then turned sharply to the right
towards a portion of the ground which was well
covered with large stones. Cautiously moving
along among them, I proceeded step by step
until I found a little valley or depression in the
earth which seemed to lead quite near the spot
where the golden glow was brighter.
I had not gone far when I came across an
obstacle in the shape of a huge rock which
seemed to completely block the path. The
talking monkey managed, at my suggestion, to
scale its sides and fastened a rope, which I had
carried about my shoulders, to a projection
upon its top. I then succeeded in pulling my-
self up, and saw that I had reached a compara-
tively smooth platform, except where, upon the
farther side and nearest the light, a piece of
stone about as high as my shoulder, and quite
broad, formed a sort of breastwork.
To this spot I cautiously advanced, and,
seated with my back to the sheltering rock, I
tried to collect my thoughts so as to make the
next move a successful one. I decided to
send the monkey to the edge of the stone
against which I was leaning, so that, peeping
around it, he could bring me word of what was
beyond. He soon returned, and, climbing into
my lap, showed every sign. of fear. In fact his
teeth chattered so that I could scarcely under-
stand his words, but caught enough to assure
me that we were near danger, and a gathering
of a mist in my ring gave assurance of this.
tiously looked around the rock and
saw enough in a moment to make
me withdraw quickly. Not many
paces away was the open mouth of a grotto. Its
outer edge glowed with golden flames. Within
it looked comparatively dark, but bright enough
to show me the figure of the wizard standing
near a boiling caldron that hung over a hot
fire, stirring the contents with an iron rod. I
could see a couch of skins on one side of the
cave, and on the other a row of creatures, which
were formed like grasshoppers with horses’
heads, which seemed waiting to be fed. Before
the cavern, and stretched full length upon the
ground, apparently asleep, were two great
white dragons, one of the two being the one
upon which I had seen the wizard riding
when he passed us outside the cave.
Between the large dragons and my rock
some fifty small ones were sleeping. I noticed
on top of the wizard’s cave and among the
golden flames a creature which resembled the
pictures I had seen of the phcenix. This eagle-
headed creature was constantly turning its head
and gazing in.every dircction.
I saw at once that I could not have happened
upon a better place to observe the wizard’s
movements, and, stilling my beating heart as
best I could, I again looked around the rock.
Stretched upon the ground behind the stone,
and carefully observing everything which took
place, I watched the wizard as the moments
came and went.
Suddenly I saw the eagle-headed creature
spring high in the air and then descend to the
ground before the cave. At once the dragons
awoke, and the rustling of their wings was as
the rolling of drums. At the sound of this
alarm the creatures like grasshoppers jumped
from the cave, and scurried away in great leaps
in every direction.
I crouched close to the rock, holding the
monkey tightly in my arms, and felt compara-
tively safe, relying on my invisible handker-
chief; but I must confess my heart kept time
to the rolling sound of the dragons’ wings. I
saw a dark speck far away, which intuitively I
knew was Wonderwise, and as I saw that the
greater portion of the small dragons were
following its trail, I felt it was one of Sir
Hazel’s ruses to draw the creatures away from
the cave.
I felt no fear for our wonderful bird, for
I knew it could escape by becoming invisible at.
any moment, so I watched once more the
doings at the cave, for I felt that Sir Hazel
could not be far away.
The guardian of the grotto once more
mounted upon the rock, and sat in the flar-
ing light. The wizard patted the heads of
his dragons, and then sat down upon his couch
and proceeded to write with a coal of fire upon
thin sheets of iron.
Shortly after this I noticed a small dragon
move slowly into the cave, and drop down, ap-
parently to sleep, before the fire. The wizard
kept on with his writing for quite a little, but I
noticed that now and then he glanced nervously
about. All of a sudden he sprang to his feet,
and, uttering a frightful roar, cast the coal of fire,
with which he had been writing, at the dragon
by the fire. To my dismay, I saw the creature
spring upright, and, as its shining skin fell off,
who should stand before my eyes but Sir
Hazel! He put his hand to his head, evidently
in search of the invisible handkerchief, but it
was gone.
With a scream of rage the wizard threw a
net over my friend, and then cast him upon the
floor. ‘Enter my realms to your death!†he
_cried, as he planted a horrid foot upon Sir
Hazel. I saw the wizard put a whistle to his
lips, and at its sound all the creatures which
were within hearing gathered about him. At
his command, they danced about my prostrate
comrade, and cried, —
‘ Bewitch, bewitch the elf! â€
It was a sad sight, and my heart felt like lead.
I next saw them place the skinof the dragon,
which Sir Hazel had worn, around him again,
and pour a green liquid upon it; then, drawing
it by ropes to the top of the den, they fastened
my friend above the door, and for a long time
danced about in high glee over their victory.
I felt that the time for action had come, and
that my friend’s liberty, together with the dis-
enchanting of hundreds, depended upon my
skill. To my joy,I saw that it was as I had
hoped. Evidently the wizard felt sure that
Sir Hazel was alone. I watched him feed his
creatures, and then, to my joy, he sprang upon
a dragon and flew away.
I fastened a cord to the rock, as I had done
before, and descended, with the monkey in my
arms, to the ground before the cave. I then
stole carefully into the den, and ina second had
sprinkled the powder into the stew. Although
I was invisible, the few creatures in the place
moved restlessly about, and glanced continually
at poor Sir Hazel. They evidently suspected
some disturbing influence, but what it was they
did not surmise. I next crawled under a skin,
which formed part of the covering of the
wizard’s couch, and tried to compose my nerves
until he should return.
I did not have to wait long. The wizard,
returning, dismounted, and stooping, grasped
some earth, which he threw up at my friend,
and laughed in glee.
“Try to capture a wizard, will you? Ha!
ha! The elves are mere dust!†he cried.
Entering the cave, he next went over to the
stew, and dipping some out with a ladle, he
filled a dish, and taking it out before the
door, sat down and continued to taunt my en-
chanted friend between the mouthfuls. This
continued for a while, then I beheld him begin
to sway like a drunken man; and, casting the
bowl from him, he came again into the cave;
reeling to the bed, he threw himself down;
fortunately, he missed striking me as he did
so. I knew that the powder which I had
placed in the broth must have had something
to do with the wizard’s condition, and waited
patiently and breathlessly for him to fall into
a deep slumber.
‘I was perplexed at seeing his queer crea-
tures gather in a ring about the couch and sit
down to watch over their master, but, much to
my relief, as soon as they heard the loud
breathing of their sovereign, and saw that he
had fallen into a sound sleep, one of their num-
ber stole slyly over to the caldron, and dip-
ping up some of its contents, drank it and
gave a portion to a friend. This example
was followed by all, and the effect of their
meal soon became apparent, for one by one
they fell asleep.
Now was my time. -I sent the monkey to
the cave door to keep watch, and then cau-
tiously unstopping my vial,I let its contents
trickle slowly down upon the sleeping wizard,
from his head to his feet. The effect was in-
stantaneous and wonderful. He seemed to
. shrivel and dry up, until there was left only a
form like a wisp of straw.
At this moment I heard a bubbling sound,
and saw that the caldron was overflowing.
Steam was rising in a great cloud from its con-
tents, and within the vapor appeared the words,
“Use the contents below to disenchant your
friend and destroy the dragons. This may be
done by sprinkling.â€
I at once ran to the edge of the cave with a
ladleful, and hurled its contents upon the
dragons, who had started to enter. Those
upon whom the drops fell exploded and disap-
peared with a loud noise.
Hastening back, I filled the ladle once more,
and scattered the fluid upon the few creatures
which had remained, and were still trying to
get at me. The same result followed, and the
two or three which were left, thoroughly fright-
ened, turned and flew rapidly away.
I now sent the monkey up the ledge to where
my friend lay enchanted. As soon as the mon-
key reached him, he placed a rope about his
body and then fastened it to the rock above. I
then ordered the monkey to sprinkle Sir Hazel
with the contents of the caldron, which he
did, and, to my delight, my friend gave a glad
shout, and, casting off the dragon’s skin, slid
down the rope into my arms. As his feet
struck the ground, the earth shook, and from
every cliff sweet music sounded.
“Victory! victory! and for you the honor!â€
cried Sir Hazel, as he threw his arms about me.
For a few moments we could only grasp each
other’s hands, so overcome were we with the
scenes through which we had passed. I no-
ticed tears flow down the cheeks of my friend,
and he appeared completely overcome.
Wonderwise soon entered the cave, and fly-
ing to her master’s shoulder, appeared intoxi-
cated with delight. Just at this time the talk-
ing monkey ran to me and cried, —
“© master, look!â€
Sir Hazel and I followed him to the cave’s
door, and there stood the strange-looking
bird that. had sat above the entrance amid the
yellow flames. It fluttered its great wings
and hopped slowly towards us upon one foot,
bowing its head and closing its eyes as it ap-
proached. In one claw it held a. brazen key.
“Take this, for the victory is yours, and the
realms of the wizard are now open to you.â€
I took the key from the bird, and bade it
follow us on our journey home.
“One word more,â€
der door,†pointing as he spoke to a small slab
it croaked. ‘Open yon-
at the farther end of the room, “and see what
will take place.â€
I found a little difficulty in moving the lock,
but at last it turned and the door slowly opened.
I was stunned with amazement when ten lovely
fairies sprang forth, and, kneeling at my feet,
cried, —
“Long live our deliverer!â€
They had spent years within the little
room behind the door in a state of enchant-
I was greatly embarrassed by the words of
the fairies, and hardly knew what to say in
answer. After a few words in which I con-
gratulated them upon the prospect of their re-
turning to Queen Mab’s realms, I proposed
that we all should leave the cave and start
upon the journey home. Once more I was
speechless with amazement, for, standing before
the mouth of the cave and chanting a song of
thanksgiving and victory; I beheld over fifty
fairies, and behind them, seated upon horses,
some hundred or more elves.
“These have all received their liberty, be-
cause the wizard has been overcome,†said Sir
Hazel to me.
I quickly replied, —
“And but for your willingness to dare and
conquer the pest in his den, they would still
have been in slavery.â€
Upon seeing us issue from the cave the
fairies grasped hands, and, encircling us, sang a
_glad song as they danced about in a rapid
whirl. The elves dismounted, and approach-
ing, entered the ring when the dancing ceased,
and, lowering their spears to the earth, knelt
and cried, -—
“Receive our thanks and homage !â€
Sir Hazel left us for a little while, but soon
returned leading his horse. He had left the
animal not far from the cave, at the time when
he had set out to vanquish the wizard.
“T found my invisible handkerchief on the
saddle, where I foolishly placed it,†said my
friend. ‘Had it not been for that misfortune,
things might have turned out differently be-
tween the wizard and myself.†=
I teased Sir Hazel a little, by saying that I
was glad to find that elves were a little like
mortals, after all.
We called the wizard’s bird to us, and com-
manded it to show us the nearest way to the
spot where I had left my horse. With a croak
the bird hopped up to the rock down which I
had slid, and striking it, a door opened showing
us an opening through to the valley down which
I had come. The bird, at my order, advanced
before us, and we followed in gay spirits.
We soon reached my horse, which gladly
neighed a welcome as he saw us approach. I
mounted him with a happy heart, and then
called Sir Hazel to my side for a consultation.
We concluded to return at once, and to en-
camp outside the cave, sending Wonderwise
with a note to the Queen.
The elves gave their horses to the fairies to
ride, and as many as did so walked beside the
lady of their choice. We passed the blue cave
without trouble, but before reaching its tunnel
our guide flew to the top of a high rock over
the door and struck a place upon it three times
with its horny beak.
We found that the fall of water had ceased,
so that it was easy’ to ride around the shelf and
then pass on to the red cave. As we moved
along I was delighted to see the elves, who had
so long been held captive within the mounds,
spring from them and ride, with every expres-
sion of joy, to our ranks.
The great door was soon reached, and, with
banners flying and trumpets sounding, we
passed through its portals and encamped before
the green cliff. We had found on our way
through the yellow cave a large storehouse of:
eatables, and as each elf had fastened a bundle
of good things to his saddle, we were well pro-
vided with food. After eating, Sir Hazel wrote
a note to her royal Majesty, and then calling his
pet, Wonderwise, placed it in the claw of the
bird, saying, —
“Fly with haste, my beauty.â€
Caressing its pretty little head, he tossed the
bird from him, and we all watched it in its flight
until it was lost to sight in a distant cloud.
I never knew my horse to show more spirit
than when we started on the journey. He
seemed to know that we were returning
crowned with victory. At first I thought
that the presence of the odd-looking bird, which
I had requested to ride upon his back behind
my saddle, might have had something to do with
his antics, but I soon saw that it was not
nervousness, but play. The talking monkey,
seated before me, seemed perfectly happy, and
its keen little eyes took in every object along
the road.
The second night was uneventful. The elves
played upon improvised instruments, and for a
short time after the evening meal the company
indulged in a short dance.
All during my day’s ride my thoughts went
with Wonderwise, but not as far as the palace.
They lingered at a home nearer Sir Hazel’s, and,
I need not say, with Honeydew. I wondered
what she would say, and if she would be glad
to see me, just a little more so, perhaps, than
any one else. As J fell asleep my last thoughts
were that I had saved Honeydew from a drag-
on, and that ishe had said that I was indeed
her hero. With these dreams morning came
BOUT noon, just as we were leav-
ing the desolate regions for the
‘ familiar wood paths, I heard far
we away to the front the notes of
silver trumpets rise and fall. We
stopped and listened. There was no mistake.
Evidently a large body of elves was on the
march, and approaching. We moved slowly
on, and just as we left the wood to cross an
open glade several elves mounted on white
horses broke cover on the farther side, and,
with purple banners flying, came towards us,
crying, —
“Welcome! Thrice welcome home, O con-
querors! Your Queen approaches to give her
It was indeed true. The Queen had come.
Before the crimson had fairly flushed our
cheeks with excitement and pleasure at this
mark of esteem, we beheld many elves dressed
in pink and mounted on black horses, fol-
lowed by beautiful fairies in white seated upon
cream-colored ponies. After them appeared
the Queen. She was on horseback, and sur-
rounded by the palace ladies.
They halted as soon as the glade was en-
tered, and the elves and fairies formed on either
side an avenue of beauty down whose centre
Sir Hazel and I rode to the place where the
Queen was waiting to receive us. As we
passed along we were showered with flowers,
and amid the plaudits of the great company
we dismounted and approached the Queen on
foot. We bowed, and would have kneeled but
she forbade us.
“ Welcome home, gallant knights! All Fairy-
land sings your praises. I, your Queen, thank
you and appreciate your valor. Noble mortal,â€
she continued, “you are worthy of the highest
rank in my realms. I here proclaim that you
are now a Knight Royal, commander of the
Queen’s bodyguard.â€
I bowed and stammered out my thanks.
“To you, noble Sir Hazel, I give my thanks
and promote you to the position of a Knight
Royal, guard of the Queen’s palace.â€
My friend was overcome, and could hardly
speak his thanks.
I asked her Majesty if I could now present
her with a token of our conquest. Receiving
a glad assent, I called aloud for the phcenix
bird toappear. Fluttering down from the back
of my horse, and shining with the beauty of
golden light, which shot like fire from his
feathers, the bird came gravely hopping down
the long line of elves, croaking to himself, bowing
his head as usual, and holding the great brazen
key of Wizardland extended in one claw.
“Here is my gift, O royal Queen! Take
this ancient bird, and with him the key to one
of your vanquished enemies’ domains. May
he be of service to you, as for centuries he has
been to his master!â€
The bird handed me the key, which I then
presented to the Queen. The phoenix wrote
with its bill upon some earth near by these
words, —
“Take me, O gracious Queen, and place
me over your palace door. I rise triumphant
over all troubles. I watch constantly. I will
prove a servant of great worth.â€
Her Majesty was delighted, and promised to
do as the bird desired.
After a sumptuous repast we started, a Vast
company, to the sound of sweet music, for the
home of Sir Hazel, where the Queen would
stop to rest as his guest.
It was grand beyond words to ride among the
sweet-scented trees in such company. Sir Hazel
’" rode beside the Queen, upon the left, and I upon
the right. Thousands of wood elves gathered
along the paths of the forest, and pelted us with
Behind the Queen, and mounted in solemn
state, rode the phcenix bird, upon a piebald
palfrey, while the talking monkey, which had
been presented with a white pony, rode just in
the bird’s rear.
Music and song kept time to the beating of
thousands of happy hearts, and ere dusk came
we had entered the grounds of Sir Hazel and
been welcomed home by its melodious towers.
I wondered many times what had become of
Honeydew, for neither she nor any member
of her family had come with the Queen. Fear
lest accident or sickness might have caused her
absence crept into my mind to mar a little of
the pleasure of the day.
As we entered the door of the castle who
should appear but Honeydew to give us wel-
come! At once my fear gave way to joy, and
I hastened to greet her.
“Pardon us all for not going with the Queen
to meet our gallant friends,†she said, as I took
her extended hand; ‘but the message sent
from the palace was delayed until too late, so
we came at once here to pay homage with the
rest to bravery. You have been gone so long,
and I have feared so much for your safety.â€
‘And would you have cared had Sir Hazel
and J not returned, except as you may have felt
sorry for many an elf who has become en-
I noticed that a pink flush spread over her
fair cheek as she replied, —
“Why ask me such a question? You know
Sir Hazel is an old friend of the family,
and —â€
“Task not now of Sir Hazel, but of myself,â€
I interrupted.
The crimson faded from her face, and her
beautiful eyes answered even before her tongue
could form the words, —
“You know I would have grieved most
At this moment a page approached and
called Honeydew away. I was happy beyond
words to express, and could have gone at any
time during the evening, single-handed, to com-
bat with a dozen wizards, had one person’s
liberty depended upon such an act.
- Much of the evening was spent in the music-
room. The hours sped swiftly, and as the
guests departed it was hard to realize that one
more royal day in Fairyland had come to a
I had a chance to see Honeydew a moment
before she departed, and gladly accepted an
invitation to dine with Sir Hazel on the follow-
ing day at her father’s castle.
After the Queen had retired, Sir Hazel came
to my room and we spent several hours talking
over the events of the day, and our adventures
in the wizard’s cave. It was during this talk
that I for the first time heard how Sir Hazel
had moved after he left me on that fatal morning.
“T rode rapidly to the left after leaving you,â€
he said, “and then made a bee line for the yel-
low glare, determined to pass it upon my right.
All went well. I saw one dragon rush by quite
close to my path, but of course he could not
see me, owing to the handkerchief. After I
had reached a place not very far from the cave
-I dismounted, and taking a dragon-skin which I
have long owned, I poured over it a fluid which
made it pliable. Before dressing in it I took off
my handkerchief, and, as you know, laid it upon
my horse. Forgetting to replace it, I moved
slowly along, after I had my disguise complete,
towards the wizard’s cave. You know the
rest, how I was overcome. If the handkerchief
had been upon my head, as I thought, when |
cast off the dragon-skin, I should have been
invisible, and had time to cast the shrivelling
fluid upon the wizard.â€
- We talked about the honors of the day
until a late hour, each congratulating the
other, and Sir Hazel in nowise jealous of my
success. .
“JT must live the greater part of. my time at
the Queen’s palace after this,†my friend re-
marked, “and J have no doubt she will provide
you likewise with a beautiful home within the
royal grounds.â€
When morning dawned I arose with the glad
expectation of visiting my fairy friend, but,
much to my regret and disappointment, I was
informed on going to the drawing-room that
the Queen had requested the company of Sir
Hazel and myself to the state mines. A
yellow dwarf was sent at once with a message -
to Honeydew with our regrets, and the word
that we would dine with her three days later (as
she had at first mentioned that time), if it would
be agreeable to the family.
After a breakfast such as only Sir Hazel’s
cooks could prepare, we met the Queen in the
drawing-room, and were informed that she had
decided to have two new castles built within the
royal domains, which, when completed, would
be presented to Sir Hazel and myself for our
residences. It was her desire that we should
visit the mines, and select such material as we
chose to be used in their construction. She
would go with us as far as the topaz mine.
It was eleven o’clock, mortal time, before we
started. Some fifty elves and twenty fairies
formed-the pleasant company that rode in the
cavalcade with their sovereign.
After a charming ride along the banks of a
great lake, we reached a forest, and were soon
in a rugged country, but the broad roads were
as smooth as glass. Every now and then we
came upon a number of yellow dwarfs who were
driving heavy sledges laden with huge blocks
of topaz. There seemed to be no friction,
and I soon saw that beneath the sledges there
‘ were cylinders which rolled smoothly along,
even when not upon the regular roads.
We found that the men who were removing
the topaz were all dressed in white, with green
hats, and they made a pretty picture as they
worked among the stones. All were gayly sing-
ing at their occupation, and each welcomed the
Queen by bowing and crying, “ Long live our
glorious Queen!â€
I decided to have the first story of my castle
of topaz, and told the Queen that with her per-
mission I would prefer the upper portion to be
composed of amethyst. She readily agreed to
my wishes.
Sir Hazel decided to have his castle built of
emerald and jasper.
The Queen left us about three o’clock, and,
with her escort, was soon lost to sight.
The next day we spent at the grounds where
amethysts were cut and polished. The work-
men here were dressed in yellow with white
caps, and seemed just as happy as their friends
who worked among the topaz.
One day more was spent in visiting the emer-
ald ground and jasper mines. While at the
emerald grounds I had quite an acventure. [|
had left my horse with Sir Hazel’s in charge
of a yellow dwarf, and, deserting my friends, I
stole off on a little trip of observation by
myself. Climbing to a ledge of rocks thickly
covered with huge bowlders and trees,I sat
down for a short rest, and also to enjoy the
beautiful view which stretched far away in
every direction. Above the trees I could see,
here and there, the towers and battlements of
beautiful castles sparkling in the light. The
effect was far beyond words to describe. It
seemed as though the sun’s rays had been
broken upon a gigantic prism, and great shafts
of red, yellow, and blue, together with hun-
dreds of other colors, sped away from the
dwellings of the fairies in every direction.
While wrapped in thought, I felt a hand laid
upon my shoulder, and a piping voice said, —
‘In the name of the Queen, I arrest you.â€
I turned to behold a tall elf dressed in brown,
with a red cap upon his head, standing at my
side. In his right hand was a drawn sword.
Near him were two other elves dressed like the
first. They had lowered their spears level with
my head, and stood as calm and unmovable as
though cast in stone.
I laughed at them in spite of myself, and
asked the leader for what I was arrested. He
replied, —
“For being found in the royal mines.â€
I told him that I had orders from the Queen
to visit the place, and therefore I would not
need his services to conduct me to the guard-
house. He demanded that I should show him
the royal parchment, saying I could then move
freely about the grounds. I told him I had no
such paper, but that my friend Sir Hazel, who
was with me, had my papers.
The fellow evidently doubted me, for he
.shook his head and said I must go with him to
the stone-cutting lodge. If upon reaching that
place I could prove my words true, he would
beg my pardon and allow me freedom; if not,
dire results would follow.
I must say that I felt chagrined as I started
back to my friend with the dapper little fel-
low in brown, his sword drawn, walking on be-
fore, and his two men bringing up the rear with
their spears levelled at my back.
I thought how Sir Hazel would laugh to see
the ‘‘victor vanquished,†and my thoughts but
spoke for the actual. JI had never seen my
friend give way to more merriment than when
my guard ushered me into the presence of the
state officer with whom he was talking.
My captor was profuse in his apologies when
he knew who I was, and before I left for home
he came up again and asked me to forget the
incident. I laughingly assured him that it had
only helped to spice the adventures of the day,
and to think no more about it, as he had but
done his duty.
I was shown, before I left, some fine gems
which would be cut for Sir Hazel’s palace.
We reached home quite late, and after par-
taking of a sumptuous repast, and later enjoying
a plunge in the fragrant lake, we retired to rest.
Morning found Sir Hazel and myself up
early. We hada delightful ride to Honeydew’s
home. The fields were laden with the fragrance
of a flower which was new to me. As we
passed along we received quite an ovation from
the workers in the fields, and from the inmates
of the different castles along the road.
When at last the familiar towers of the home
we sought came in view, I was conscious of
feeling a trifle bashful and slightly nervous, but
delighted withal to be so near the time of greet-
ing my fairy friend.
The family met us at the door, and we en-
tered at once the drawing-room. Our greeting
was most cordial, and our host and hostess
made us feel entirely at ease by requesting us
to throw aside formality and become as mem-
bers of the family.
The morning passed swiftly. After lunch,
which had been served in a flower-embowered
arbor, we sauntered through the gardens. I
exclaimed at the marvellously beautiful flowers
and trees, the exquisite fountains, the cool grot-
toes and many other things which the fairies
alone know how to use in the perfecting of their
landscape gardening.
During the course of our walk Honeydew
proposed that I should ride with her to the
wonderful grotto which was situated not far
from the grounds. I gladly assented, and half
an hour later found us cantering along a lovely
wood path in the direction of the cave.
“T only wish we could discover a wizard or
gnome when we reach the cave,†said Honey-
dew, ‘just to be able to watch the expression
of your face.â€
I asked her if she thought I would show
great fear, and then fly to her for protection,
and received for an answer the laughing re-
sponse, —
“By the time that you would catch up with
me for protection we should be at home, for I
fear I should turn my horse, and make him
travel his best gait, at the first evidence of the
Thus laughing and chatting, we rode merrily
along, and soon came to the grotto. A stream
of water parted just above the entrance, and fell
in graceful curves on either side of the door.
Dismounting, we gave our reins into the
hands of a yellow dwarf who stood ready to
receive them. I was delighted to find the sup-
posed waterfall to be in reality cologne, and I
filled a little vial, which I had in my pocket,
for Honeydew.
The cave was beautiful. It was not very
high, but the walls glistened with stars of many
colors, which moved as the phosphorescence
upon the crest of a breaking wave. There was
a most wonderful echo in one portion through
which we. passed, in fact I counted thirty dis-
tinct repetitions of my voice.
In another part, a circular room, we whis-
pered with our lips touching the wall, and,
after waiting some few seconds, heard the
whisper as it came back to our ears, the sound
having encircled the space.
We next entered the marble region. Here
great veins of marble of many colors, broken
from the walls, had been formed by the fairies
into all kinds of beautiful objects.
We next entered a dark place which even
the usual fairy light, made in walking, but
dimly lighted.
“Let us rest here,’ said Honeydew, ‘“ for
this is the wonderful part of the cave.â€
We sat down upon a projecting ledge, and
at her request I gazed upward. At first all
that I could discern was a dim light, which
grew brighter as I gazed, until I cried, —
“Tf I was not in Fairyland, I should say it
‘was the blue sky of my own mortal land.â€
I did not hear Honeydew’s response for a
moment. Things seemed unreal, but in a
second all was well again, and I heard Honey-
dew say, —
“Friend Dahlia, the sight of your native
sky has made you homesick.â€
I assured her that it was not so, that I was
very, very happy.
“Come, we must be going,†she replied, and,
suiting the action to her words, she passed into
the marble room. I followed, wondering how
it could be that I had seen my native land, and
yet was with the fairies; but by the time I had
reached the mouth of the grotto I had for-
gotten everything but the presence of my
charming companion.
We gathered flowers on the way home, stop-
ping whenever a tempting clump drew us from
the saddle to its side. We talked about the
honors which the Queen had showered upon
Sir Hazel and myself, and many kind words were
said by my lovely friend in a complimentary
way, which I knew were not uttered for flattery.
All too soon the house was reached, and we
mingled once more with the family.
As I started to mount my horse on departing
for home, Honeydew came to my side, and in
earnest tones said, —
“You will come again, and soon, will you
It is needless to say that I paused long
enough to take her hand and assure her that
it was the one great privilege that I desired. I
waved a farewell at the turn of the road to the
graceful fairy who was watching us from the
Sir Hazel teased me a little on our way home
about a dark-eyed fairy, but 1 took it in good
part, so he soon ceased his remarks and turned
to more practical things.
“ By the way, Dahlia,†he said, “would you
like to go with me to-morrow and fish? You
have not caught any since your arrival.â€
I assured him that I was ready for the sport,
and should enjoy it very much.
“We will start early, and you shall have a
hand in a new kind of adventure. We will
attack a long fish called the ‘‘setim,†beneath
the water, and if we can corner him you
will have sport enough to last for the next few
“Beneath the water!†I exclaimed in sur--
prise to my friend.
Sir Hazel laughed and said, —
“Ves, Fairies can do almost anything.â€
Soon we were at home once more. ' During
the evening we had a most lovely play pre-
sented in the music-room. Ina great measure
it reminded me of some of the scenes through
which I had passed.
The talking monkey, after taking his part in
the play, jumped from the stage, and, running
to me, climbed into my lap and showed every
sign of great delight in being with me once
After the play we retired, and it did not
seem a moment before a yellow-dwarf, knock-
ing at my door, cried, —
« Awake, Sir Dahlia, for it will soon be time
to start!â€
I found that a queer-looking suit had been
provided for me, and, donning it, felt very
much as J imagine an cel does in its slippery
dress. I also had given me a queer head-gear,
which looked something like the helmet of a
diver, only it was entirely transparent, and the
upper portion seemed to be filled with a bluish
Go SCe E partook of a light breakfast, and,
mounting our horses, rode away.
It did not take us long to reach
the shores of a pretty lake. A
fragrant steam arose from its
surface, which I found was caused by the
warmth of the waters.
We rode along the beach for quite a way
until we came to a spot where great blue cliffs
overhung the waves. Here we dismounted,
and taking a helmet, Sir Hazel proceeded to
adjust it.
“You will find no trouble in breathing, for
there is air provided in the little chamber
above the crown,†he remarked just as he
turned the last key.
I helped him make ready, and soon we stood
equipped for our day’s sport. We each carried
a small net and a trident with which we hoped
to vanquish our game.
Walking directly into the water, ] found, much
to my surprise, that we were not troubled at all by
its buoyancy, even after reaching quite a depth.
Sir Hazel cast a peculiar kind of a fluid into
the water. At once I saw several fine fish ap-
pear; their backs were slightly hollowed at
the spot where one generally looks for the
dorsal fin. They came at once to Sir Hazel
and seemed intoxicated by his presence, and
ready to obey his every wish. I saw him
mount one, and make motion for me to do the
same. I had no difficulty in reaching the
hollow saddle, and sped away through the part-
ing waters, after my friend.
I shall never forget my sensations during the
whole ride. We passed many curious water
plants, and chased at times the fleet denizens,
but did not try to capture any.
After quite a long ride we reached a place
where the water was quite deep. Into it ourfishes
dived, and swam slowly along near the bottom.
Sir Hazel, who was leading the way, suddenly
stopped, and by signs gave me to understand
that we were near the object of our search.
We swam our fishes side by side, and I man-
aged to understand from my friend the plan of
action, which was to drive the victims of our
sport into the shallow water of an inlet just
ahead of us, where we could attack them at
better advantage.
Peering in front, I caught sight of a great
head projecting as far as the eyes from behind
a huge stone, and knew that it was the fish
we sought. Setting our spears, we advanced,
and had the satisfaction of seeing the huge
body come swiftly out into mid-stream, and
speed away ahead of us.
‘I took the right side near the bank, and my
friend the left, and quickly followed in the
fish’s wake. I am sure that I shouted to my-
self with delight as the great flukes churned up
the water ahead, and the chase became wilder.
On we raced for quite a while, until the water
becoming quite shallow, and the channel nar-
row, the fish we were chasing turned at bay.
It was a curious sight to see the play of the
great gills.
Our fishes, nothing daunted, swam directly
up to him, and as we cast our spears there was
a roar of water, which J heard within the hel-
met, a flash and surge, and the fish had sprung
upon us in its endeavors to pass and rid itself
of the spears which now pierced its side. But
it was of no avail. Beyond a severe slap which
the fish Sir Hazel was riding received, no injury
was done us, and our victim, after a few mad
circlings in the deeper water, turned over dead.
During the day we captured three more, and,
weary with the day’s successes, we gladly lib-
erated our water chargers, and drew our game
to land.
I told Sir Hazel on the way home that it was
the most fascinating way of fishing that I had
ever experienced, and that the day had passed
like a dream.
I was very much pleased with a journey that
we took a few days later to the place where
several dwarfed gnomes had been kept captive
for centuries. It was the queerest looking
place, and seemed to exactly suit the occu-
pants. Streams of water fell over cliffs in the
most unexpected places, while at times the
ground trembled slightly, as though stirred by
an earthquake.
ITasked Sir Hazel the cause of the booming
sound which we heard, and whence it came.
He informed me that there was a great subter-
ranean cave, into which the elves never went,
and, therefore, he could’ not say just how the
noise was produced, but that it came from the
cavern he was sure.
“The gnomes have never told us anything
about it, except that they love to hear the
Of course I was curious enough after this, and
allthe time that I was talking with the queer little
people I kept my mind busy on the problem of
how that deep mysterious sound was made.
One gnome became very talkative with me,
and said that he should be pleased to show me
about the place. He had the brightest blue eyes
that I had ever seen, and a long white beard
swept the ground when not wrapped and tied
about his waist. He had a very short body,
but his limbs reminded me of the legs of a
crane. I loved to hear his laugh, it had such
a merry sound, and I was gratified many times
in this respect.
I told Sir Hazel that I had been invited to
inspect the home of the gnome, and as he had
other things to do, I would go alone with my
queer little friend.
We walked quickly along among the great
rough blue and yellow stones, and after pass-
ing between a purple cliff and a stream of
silvery water, we entered a little clump of
woods, and soon were at the door of a house
made of chips from the many colored'stones,
which thickly covered the ground.
I gazed curiously around upon the strange-
looking objects which covered the walls, and
among them all did not see one thing with
which I was familiar.
“Eat this and rest,†said my friend, as he
placed some honey and cake upon a stone
table, drawing at the same time a couch of
skin to the side.
I sat down and began to do as-requested.
Just at this time a little gnome looked in at the
door, and beckoned to my friend to come out.
I excused my kind host, who, with many apolo-
gies, withdrew, saying that he would shortly re-
After eating my fill I arose from the table,
and, passing through the open door, wandered
about the house. Seeing an old iron slab
lying, as I supposed, on the cleft of a rock, I
raised it and was surprised to find a circular
opening just large enough for me to crawl
through. Curiosity prompted me to enter. I
noticed that there was a slight dip to the floor, —
and cautiously moved onward and downward.
As I proceeded I noticed that the sound
which I had asked Sir Hazel about was be-
coming louder and seemed to come from a
place not far in front and below me. Much
to my surprise, as I turned around a corner I
beheld an opening through which a bright light
shone, and I knew at once, from the sound,
that I should soon learn something about the
gnomes of which my friends in Fairyland were
Crawling cautiously along, I reached the
opening and looked out. A large cave stretched
before me. One portion seemed to be occupied
by an immense oven. Before it two or three
gnomes were busy preparing food.
At the other end of the place were beauti-
fully covered tables, evidently the banqueting
place of the little fellows. But what caused
me to open my eyes was the sight of a great
red bell which hung in the centre of the cave,
suspended from the ceiling. I did not notice
what the material was, for I was so engrossed
in watching the ringers.
Six gnomes, three on cither side, had hold of
a long rope, the end of which was tied to the
tongue of the bell, and slowly, and in time,
they drew the tongue to the sides of the deep-
toned bell. They sang as they worked, and
seemed very happy.
Iwas just about to turn, when I felt some
one touch my heels. I heard at the same
moment the whispered words, ‘Don’t move or
show yourself until the ringers are changed.â€
FISHING. - 103
I knew in a moment that my friend the
gnome had followed me, and I concluded to do
just as he had requested, meanwhile wondering
into what kind of a scrape I had tumbled.
Not long after I saw five gnomes spring from
as many holes in the side of the cave, and rush
up to the ropes and take the places of the ones
that I had been watching.
“Now jump into the cave,†said my friend.
I did so, closely followed by the little fellow.
The moment our feet touched the floor a
shout went up from all the gnomes, who saw
that a forbidden elf was in their midst, and the
cooks and ringers, who had just ceased their
toils, ran toward us, their faces showing great
My friend skipped in front of me, and wav-
ing his hand, bade them halt.
“Tt was by mistake this elf came here: fear
not; the vow is not broken; he is not an elf
save by adoption, for he is mortal.â€
At once fear gave place to pleasure upon the
features of those before me, and above the
sound of the bell I heard a cry of welcome. I
was conducted to one of the tables at the end
of the room, and made to partake of a savory
My friend told me that I had now the secret
of the sound at which fairies wondered, and
that my coming in their midst, an unexpected
guest, had but fulfilled a part of the prophecy
which was written when they became captive.
He then told me that a thousand years before,
as mortals count time, five hundred dwarfed
‘gnomes had been taken captive. They had
been promised by the Queen of all the fairies
that if they would reproduce the queer sound
which seemed to come from beneath the
ground for fifteen hundred years, they should
have liberty and return laden with riches to
their native land. This was on condition that
during that time a mortal elf should visit them
and catch them at their work.
All was joy in the cave the rest of the time
that I was with them. The gnomes hugged
each other in their happiness. I was carried
to the opening in the wall through which I en-
tered the cave upon the shoulders of the
gnomes, and sent on my way with the joyful
cry of “Long live Sir Dahlia! Long live our
Little did Sir Hazel suspect, when I reached
his side in the company of my happy friend,
‘that I knew how the deep rumbling sound was
produced, which every moment beat louder
upon our ears. I did not tell him, but kept
the secret to myself. I had to laugh many
times on the ride home as I thought of the
fright and dismay pictured upon the faces of
the dwarfed gnomes as I jumped into their
The next two days were passed at the palace
grounds. Here J watched the building of our
homes. It was very interesting to see the skill
with which the elves worked and the quick-
ness of their action. Many hundreds of yellow
workers were on the grounds, and the walls
had arisen with the rapidity of a mushroom
I decided on my way home that the next
day I would ride over to see Honeydew, and
tell her of the progress of the work, and also
some of my thoughts about her. But my
plans were to be once more frustrated, for I was
informed that Sir Hazel and I were to start. on
a three days’ hunt upon the following morning.
We had a most delightful time and returned
laden with game.
The second day out Thistle, who was with
us, met with quite an adventure. It happened
in this wise: We had entered a dense thicket
in search of a queer little creature, called the
“oro,†when suddenly I saw Thistle disappear as
though swallowed by the ground. When I
reached the spot where I had last seen him the
earth looked as firm as that upon which I stood,
but not a sign of my friend could I see. I
sounded a call upon my silver horn which soon
brought the hunters to me.
In a few words I described the accident or
witchcraft to them, and we all went at once to
work to fathom the mystery. By chance Sir
Hazel put his foot upon a stone which in some
way released a door which fell, but another un-
seen device caused it to spring back as quickly
as it had opened.
Standing upon the stone, it was easy to keep
the trap open by inserting within the hinges
the handle of aspear. We saw that the descent
was sharp but at a slight incline. Sir Hazel
‘stooped and called several times, but received
no response.
“Come, Dahlia, let us go down in search of
Thistle,†said he, adjusting a rope about his waist.
I replied by unwinding the cord of silk which
I had carried over my shoulder, and tied one
end about me in the same manner as my friend
had done.
First the elves lowered Sir Hazel into the
hole, and then I ventured. Down, down, down
we went, until a sudden stop told me that I
had reached the end of my rope. I heard Sir
Hazel say in a muffled voice, —
“Well, this is a puzzler! Here we are, and
no floor in sight, and, but for our friends above,
no way of getting up.â€
‘Sound upon your horn,†I shouted to Sir
Hazel, ‘for Thistle may hear and tell us some-
thing of what is below.â€
Sir Hazel blew a blast, and we _ waited
and listened. Soon we heard a voice below
crying, — :
“Come on: all is well; slide down, there is
another way out.â€
We signalled to the elves above to let go of
Sir Hazel’s rope, and down he shot.
As soon as a shout from him told me that he
had reached the bottom in safety, I followed.
I found my friends waiting for me at the foot
of the shaft, and each laughing heartily over the
“Tt was nothing to laugh at, though,†re-
marked Thistle, as he grasped my hand, “when
I found myself falling likea meteor into a seem- _
ingly endless darkness.â€
E found a large square cave in
the centre of which stood a stone
horse. Evidently it had been
placed there centuries before.
We examined the curious carv-
ing with much interest, and then Thistle
took us to a corner of the cave where,
by striking upon a stone, a slab fell forward
revealing a small room with an urn in the
centre. A stone door opened from _ this
into a long tunnel which rose to the right at
an angle of forty-five degrees. There were
steps cut in the floor which made the ascent
“Tt was all by accident that I discovered
the first slab,†said Thistle. “I was wild with
fright when I fell, and, thinking it a trick of
some gnome or wizard, I ran around the room,
feeling with my hands the walls, and by acci-
dent struck the secret spring. Evidently this
was a cave used by some elf, but what his ob-
‘ject was in placing the urn and horse here I
cannot devise.â€
I suggested that we should return and look
once more at the horse, to which both of my
friends assented. In sport I climbed to the
image’s back, and, striking it between the ears,
was astonished to see the neck bend and hun-
dreds of rich jewels, rings, bracelets, etc., fall
in a stream upon the floor from the open
mouth of the image. After our first surprise
was over we gathered the richly carved jewels
and commented upon their beauty.
“I have never seen finer specimens of en-
graving and cutting,†said Sir Hazel. “These
must have been placed here centuries ago, but
by whom no one will ever know, for see, on
this bracelet, which I hold in my hand, is en-
graved these words, ‘The unknown owner and
giver greeteth the unknown finder, and asketh
him or her to accept these jewels from the
hand of the past, upon condition that two
thirds of the jewels shall be given to the Queen,
after five jewels shall have first been selected
by the finder.’ Well, this is a day’s hunt with
a good find,†said Sir Hazel.
We selected five jewels, before dividing the
third among us, then carefully wrapped the
Queen’s portion in silk, and made ready to
We placed ten jewels back in the mouth of
the horse, and throwing up the head and neck
had the. satisfaction of hearing them fall to
their original position, there to wait perhaps
for centuries until the next fortunate finder
should strike the stone horse between the
’ Among the jewels which I took was a ring
beautifully cut. The design represented a
heart held in the hand of a little Cupid. Each
moment the stone upon which it was cut
changed color. Blue, red, green, yellow, and
violet seemed to be the principal shades, but
many other combinations appeared. I made
up my mind that at my next call upon Honey-
dew I would give the ring to her.
We did not remain long in the cave after re-
placing a portion of the jewels, for we each
felt that the friends that we had so mysteriously
left would be very anxious about us, and
wonder where and how we had ‘disappeared.
So, closing the door of the first cave, we each
cast our names, which we had written upon
material resembling parchment, into the urn
that stood in the centre of the second apart-
ment, and, shutting the last door, ascended
quickly the incline.
It did not take us long, after reaching the
mouth of the second shaft, to rejoin our com-
panions, who had been greatly perplexed by
our absence.
A few days after reaching home from the
hunt, I decided to ride over to Honeydew’s and
tell her just a little of my heart thoughts.
NEVER beheld a more beautiful
morning than that which smiled
upon me when, mounted upon my
horse of wizard fame, I left the
gardens of Sir Hazel for the prom-
ised call upon Honeydew.
The air was laden with the perfume of wood
violets and sweet-scented ferns. The elves
and fairies that I met were gathering violets,
and now and then I rode by a cart of pearl
and amber filled high with flowers, and seated
among them were beautiful little fairies who, as
I passed, pelted me with the contents of the
I stopped once to partake of a glass of
sweet water which had been extracted from a
flower resembling the lily of the valley.
As I rode on among all the beautiful scenes,
I made up my mind that the time had come to
tell Honeydew how much I thought of her; but
as the road became shorter which lay between
me and her home, my courage began to wane,
and I was more disturbed in spirit than when I
was called upon to face the gnome from whom
I had rescued her.
While battling with the desires of my heart
and the bashfulness of my nature, who should
I come suddenly upon at a turn in the road
that I was pursuing but the object of my
thought !
At the foot of a tree, whose branches cast a
pleasant shade, I saw Honeydew seated upon a
moss-covered stone, arranging a garland of
violets and lilies.
The moment that her eyes caught sight of
me she arose and came gayly up the path to
mect me. I sprang from my saddle, and, bow-
ing low, gave her a good-morning. All this
time my heart was dancing in a most perplex-
ing manner.
“Has anything happened to alarm my
knight?†said she, after we had conversed a
moment. “Surely you are a little absent
I assured her that nothing had occurred to
disturb my composure but the pleasure of
finding her at an unexpected time and place.
We strolled slowly along towards her home,
I leading my horse and walking beside Honey-
dew, and each moment I found that I was com-
menting upon her grace and beauty to myself.
We talked about many things. I told her all
about my adventures while hunting, of the find-
ing of the cave and jewels, and showed her the
beautiful ring which I had taken from the col-
lection and was wearing.
Honeydew was delighted with the jewel, and
admired its beauty greatly. I did not tell her,
as I wished upon showing the ring, that I had
brought it for her, but I waited for courage
to tell her something else, so that the ring
might play its part in what I said.
We had nearly reached the end of the woods,
and J was becoming frantic with myself for
not speaking the thoughts of my heart, when
an opportunity came in a most unexpected
Honeydew stooped and plucked a little
flower which was growing by the path. It
greatly resembled the daisy of mortal lands. I
asked her for it and said, —
« This flower reminds me of the Marguerite. I
wonder ifit can tell my fortune as the daisy does.â€
I then took the petals off one by one, saying
as I did so, ‘‘She does, she does not.†As I
pulled the last one I exclaimed, “The flower
says she does!â€
Honeydew looked archly at me, and asked
what I meant by the flower’s saying “she does.â€
I told her that the flower assured me that the
one that I loved loved me.
She laughed lightly, and said that if the
flower had only given the name of the fairy,
she would be a better judge of the truth of the
I took her hand and said, —
‘Honeydew, you know the only name that
I could wish the fortune to mean. You know
it is yours. Tell me, has the flower told the
A happy smile greeted me as she answered, —
“The flower has told the truth.â€
“This is the crowning joy of Fairyland,†I
said as I drew her to me and pressed a kiss
upon her lips. ‘Take this ring, dearest,†I
said, ‘as a plight of our troth.â€
As I spoke I drew, as Isupposed, the ring that
Thad found in the cave from my hand, but in-
stead I took the one that I had been forbidden
to remove. Ah, me! I only remember a rum-
bling sound, a perplexed condition of the mind,
a certain struggle to know if I were awake
or asleep, and then the waving branches ofan
apple-tree greeted my opening eyes!
eS ee eee eee ae eS en ae ee
OER aS a eS
I sat up, and blinking, looked around.
There was no mistake, I had been asleep;
Fairyland was a dream. My book and a half-
eaten apple were beside me on the grass, while
Psi, my brother’s Irish setter, was racing about
me like mad, barking at a cat which he had
just treed.
’ I have since concluded that I was about to
awake from my slumber at the time that I had
sat with Honeydew in the mysterious cave, and
that it was my opening eyes which saw the blue
of my native sky, but, overcome with sleep, I
had continued my dream,
I never shall forget how sad I felt as I
walked to the house. It was months, yes,
years, before I could think of Fairyland and
Honeydew without sorrow.
A ~