Summary Profile--Daughters (N=19)
The great majority of daughters live in a rural setting (73.7%);
only 26.3% are urban residents. All daughters (100%) got their present
job after 1970. Most work in the Rincon factory (68.4%); 31.6% in Anas-
co and none in Mayaquez. Over three-quarters (78.9%) rent their homes,
while 21.1% own the home in which they live. Daughter's households tend
to be large--57.g9ha;L _7_or mre~~g le_ in the home; 31.6% have 4-6
people in the home and only 10.5% have 3 or less people. Although house-
holds are large, most have only 2 people who work outside the home(57.9%).
(1 person working--10.5%; 3 persons--15.8%; 4 persons--15.8%.) Almost
80% (78.9%) of the daught er high school diploma--5.3%(N=1) have an
8th grade or less education and 15.8(N=3) have less than a high school dip-
All the daughters have their_parents nearby, 78.9%(N=15) have their
immediate family nearby and 89.5% (N=17) have the extended family nearby.
Over 80% see the immediate and extended family every day. In addition,
almost half (42.1% N=8) see neighbors daily (1-2 times per week = 15.8%,
1-2 times per month=21.1%, almost never= 21.1%).
Expenses .Ego Husb. Both Kids Sibs Pars Rls, Js& iren bs, hal
Food 0 5.9% 0 0 0 29.47% 0 47.1% 17.6% N=17
Housing 0 5.9 0 0 0 35.3 0 41.2 17.6 N=17
Electricity 5.3 5.3 0 0 0 26.3 0 47.4 15.8 N=19'
Furniture 5.9 0 0 0 0 23.5 0 52.9 17.6 N=17
Medical 13.3 6.7 0 0 0 13.3 0 46.7 20.0 N=15
Life Ins. 0 0 0 0 0 25.0 0 62.5 12.5 N= 8
Kids' Educ. 7.1 0 0 0 0 21.4 0 42.9 28.6 N=14
Entertain. 20.0 0 0 0 0 20.0 0 40.0 20.0 N=15
Car 6.3 6.3 0 0 6.3 18.8 0 37.5 25.0 N=15
Summary Note: Expenses tend to be shared by household members; ego,sibs,
other relatives, and parents.
Daughters-p. 2
Over 14,000
Summary Note: Daughters tend to cqcne
from families with large incomes.
100.0 19
Almost two-thirds of the daughters (63.2%) N=12) say their family
could not support itself without their income. Almost one-fourth (21.1 N=40
have no savings at all, while 15.8% have over $1,000 saved and 63.2% (N=12)
have less than $1,000 saved. Almost half (47.4% N=9) have no debts, while
almost another half (47.47%) have debts under $99. The remainder (5.3% N=l)
have debts of $100-199 per month.
Five of the daughters (26.3%) have no other sources of income, 1 receives
social security (5.3%), 36.8% (N=7) receive food stamps, and 31.6% (N=6)
receive other income. Over three-tourths favor food stamp programs (78.95
N=15), and 21.1% (N=4) say it depends.
Possessions Have
Telephone 0
Car 73.7%
Washing Machine 94.7
TV 100.0
Stereo 68.4
Do Not Have
The majority began working between the ages of 18-20 (78.9%); 10.5%
began under 18 and another 10.5% started working between the ages of 21-
25. For 57.9%, this was their first job (N=11). Only 8 of the daughters
had another job before this one (42.1%). Daughters began these jobs at the
Supper end of the salary range. Over half_(52.6% believe.conditiQnsinr the
plant have worsened; 21.1% say improved and 26.3% say no change.
Daughter-p. 3
Over three-fourths (78.9% N=15 socialize with fellow workers outside the
factory and 73.7% have family members who work in the same factory. Most
of the daughters wouldpreferwprking_(78.9%) to staying home (21.1%).
Daughters tend to believethat a married woman with kids should work
(47.4land abandoned women with kids should receive welfare (50.0%).
There's an even split over beliefs about who's fired first--
42.1% say women; 42.1% say men, 15.8% say the same. Most (87.5%) believe
unions have improved conditions for women. Most blame industry for unem-
ployment (47.4%),government for inflation (57.9%,and industry for the
flight of industry (72.2%)
Most call themselves working class (63.2%); 21.1% say middle and
15.8% say poor. They also tend to label their parents as working class--
52.6% as opposed to 21.1% middle and 26.3% poor. Almost half believe it is
easy to advance in P.R (47.4%); but the same percentage say it is harder
now than it was 5 years ago. Almost 80% (78.9%) believe it is easier for
them than it was for their parents.