Work History
Social class: By Factory: Anasco:27.9% Middle class; Rincon:29.2% Middle class;
Mayaguez: 48.4% Middle claps
Of 157, 19.1% are paid by the hour; 80.9% are paid by the piece. Urban women
over 45 and rural women aged 30-44 tend to be the ones paid by the hour. Married
women tend to be paid by the hour moreso than formerly married or single women.
Women employed over ten years are more likely than women employed under ten years
to be paid by the hour. (See pages 455,478,501,547).. Of 154 reporting, 18.8% prefer
to be paid by the hour and 81.2% prefer to be paid by the piece. The women who are
paid by the hour are the ones who tend to prefer being paid that way (See pages
Of 157 women, 55.4% have family members working in the samg factory, 44.6% do not.
Regardless of area or marital status, the younger the woman, the more likely she is
to have family mpApnpr wotkin in the same factory.. This also fSe$#iC$ differs by
Factory: Yes: Anasco: 62.3%; Rincon:64.6%;Mayaguez.i-226.%.(PP. 457,480,503,549)
Of the sample, 84.7_ hiavp had less work due tn pornrm ato cutbacks. The only
thing that really differentiates the women is the factory that they work in, Women
in the Mayaguez factory tend moreso than the others to have had production cut-backs
"70 .... .. "?o LO cL
(8S8*pa@g@* (93.5%) (See pages 458,481,504,550). Of 137 reporting, 81% say that oio
unemployment compensation is possible. (See pages 459,482,505, 551).
Of 157 women, 28% have stopped work for illness; 9.6% pregnancy; 8.3% for family
problems; 6% for other reasons; and 53.5% have never stopped working. Married and
single women are the ones who tend to have been out of work because of illness.
Older, formerly married women are the ones most likely to have never been out of work
(See pages 460,483,506,552).
1st kind of job at the factory: of 157, 73.9% were operators; 12.1% clippers;
9.6% inspectors; .6% supervisors; 3.8% other.. Present job at the factory: 80.9%
are working the same job. As age increases, the probability of working the same job
decreases. (See pages 462-463, 485-486, 508-509, 954-955). ^
1!4 l *f
Work History: page 2
Salary when first began job:
$20 or less- 146% $60-69 8.8%
21-29 2.9% 70-79 7.3%
30-39 3.6% 80-89 -17.5%
40-49 4.4% Over90.00 -31.4%
50-59 9.5%
For both rural and urban, the probability that they started out under $20
increases. For both rural and urban, as age decreases, the probability that they
started out over $90 decreases. By factory (under $20.00 .Anaqco:7.4%; Rdncon:
5.5%; Mayaguez: 46.4%. (See pages 464, 487,510,556 The modal alary of the women
at present is between $J120-129 The very few women who make more than that tend
to be women over 45, both rural and urban (See pages 465,488,511,557),
Of 146, 8.2% say the union has provided better pay, 15.1 say job security,
57.5% say betpr herefts, 14.4% say none, and 4.8% say all. Rural women over
45 who have been employed ove years are the least satisfied with the union;
30% of them say the unions has provided no benefits. (See pages 486,489,512,558)
Of 132 women reproting, almost all of them (93.2%) say they would improve union
services with better medical care; .8% say more stability and 6.1 say other (See
pages 467,490,513,559).. For what other services the union should provide, 60.5%
of 124 women reporting say a dentist; .8% say eye doctor; 8.9% say gynecologist;
2.4% say a nurse; and 27.4% say specialists. 898*pA As age increase, the probabil-
ity of wanting a dentist increases (See pages 468,491,514,560).. Of 151 women
reporting, the majority of them (78.1%) feel that job stability is needed to improve
conditions; 7.9% want better pay, 11.3% want better conditions, 2.0% want other
improvements, and .7% want nothing. Married women over 45 are the ones most concerned
with stability, asarp women--in-the-M -ayaue p factory_93.5%) (See pages 469,492,515,561).
Of 157 women reporting, 25.5% of them started working under the age of 18, 49.7%
started between 18-20, 12.7% 21-25, and 12.1% over 25. Urbap womt n over_45 are_ he
group most likely o h a~ d beFore the age of 18. Rural -omen over-45 areJ he
group-most-likely--to-have-begun ovexrthe-age-of-25. Formerly married women started
working at a younger age than married or sJngle women. (PP, 470,493,516,5621.
----------- i
Work History -page 3
For 40.1% of the sample, this is their first job; 59.9% worked elsewhere.
As age increases, for both rural and urban, the probability that this is their
first job decreases.A (See pages 471,494,517,563). For the 94 women whose present
job is not their first job, 77.7 -worked-elsehere in a factory 22.3% had other
types of jobs. (See pages 472,495,518,564).. For these same women, 57% worked there
1 year or less; 301% worked there 2-5 years, and 12.9% worked there over 6 years.
Young women, both rural and urban, were the ones who most likely 864*8 worked under
1 year. Rural women over 45 were the group most likely to have worked over 6 yrs.
(See paged 473,496,519,565).. For the 75 women reporting on their salary at that
job, 37.3% got $20 or less; 28% got $21-59; and 34.7% got over $60. As age increases,
the probability of making under $20 increases Rural and urban women under 30 were
the ones most likely to make over $60. Women in the Mayaguez factory (63.2%) were
the At* ones most likely to make under $20. (See pages 474,497,520,566).
What can Government do to Improve Conditions? Of 153 reproting, 45.8% say create
more jobs; 48.4% say control inflation; and 5.9% say more social services. Rural
women under 30, urban women under 30, and urban wopen aged 30-444 say create more
jobs. The others say control inflation. h Mayaguez workers tend to say control
inflation (See pages 474,498,521,567).
What can the Company do to Improve Conditions: Of 154 reporting, 13.6% say
better pay; 23.4% say work conditions; and 63% say job security. Rural and urban
.women over 45 are the women most concerned with job security. The Mayaguez workers
tend to be bhe ones most concerned with job security (80.6%) (See pages 476,499,522,