Family roles notes
 Family roles summary

Title: Puerto Rican garment workers : analysis of crosstabs (1981)
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00082658/00005
 Material Information
Title: Puerto Rican garment workers : analysis of crosstabs (1981)
Physical Description: Archival
Creator: Safa, Helen Icken
Publisher: Helen Icken Safa
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00082658
Volume ID: VID00005
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Family roles notes
        Page 1
        Page 2
        Page 3
        Page 4
        Page 5
        Page 6
        Page 7
        Page 8
        Page 9
        Page 10
        Page 11
        Page 12
        Page 13
        Page 14
        Page 15
        Page 16
        Page 17
        Page 18
        Page 19
        Page 20
        Page 21
        Page 22
        Page 23
        Page 24
        Page 25
        Page 26
        Page 27
        Page 28
        Page 29
        Page 30
        Page 31
        Page 32
        Page 33
        Page 34
        Page 35
        Page 36
        Page 37
        Page 38
    Family roles summary
        Page A-1
        Page A-2
        Page A-3
        Page A-4
Full Text

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Family Roles v

For family composition and number of people who work, see notes on kinship re-

1 nations.

Of the sample, 16.2% say they t?**ft*t* the boss in the family, 65.6% share

this with their husbands and 18.2% say their parents are the boss. For be-th-rtra

aad urban women, the probability of being the boss singula-rly.increases with age. '

g-- Married women tend to share this with husbands, formerly married tend to be the

boss themselves(under 30s split between themselves and parents) and single women

tend to say parents are the boss. Those with the lowest income ($5,000-7,999)

tend to be the boss themselves., (See pages 17,64,,111,158,205). I

A slight maj ority of thEnL7.3%) were married under the age of 20. Urban

women over 45, formerly married and employed over 10 years tend to be the group most

incomes (See pages 18,65,112,159,206). -

3 Only 30 women reported on the question asking if their husbands disapproved

of them working. Of these, the majority (667% say it didn't matter to husband).

(See pages 19,66,113,160,207).

For info. on who babysits with kids, see notes on kinship relations.

The overwhelming majority of the women feel that a child care center is

needed (85.7%), but only 65.1% of them would be willing to pay for it. Rural

women aged 30-44 are the group most willing to pay (76.9%), these women tend to /

have been employed under 10 yearsA(See pages 22,69,116,163,21 ). ,,.,....

(For information on who does the chores, see notes on kinship relations).

The majority of the sample t80.4%) say they do not need.mQrehelp in_-thehouse.

The ones who say they do need more help fi tend to betmarried women aged 30-44.

None of the rural women over 45 say they need more help and the women with the

lowest incomes are the ones least likely to say they need more help(See pages 30,

77,124,171,218). Almost half of the 107 women reporting say that their husbands

help them in the house (45.8%1. For married married, as age increases, the probah-

ility that their husbands help decreases, particularly for uxhan women., Rural

Family Roles -page 2

women under 30 and rural women 30-44 are the women most Iikely to say that their
.$-t^ UJJ UA, 1JA ''. .., Cu ';. /? /oC^?i0s
husbands help them.A Those with the highest family income (over $14,000) are the

ones least likely to get help from husbands (37.0$) and the ones most likely to
-------------- -
say that their husbands never help them in the house (40.7%). (See pages 3,78,


As with the reports of who is boss in the family, the majority of women say

that they make joint decisions with their husbands (56.1%). For both rural and

urban women, as age increaseA the probability that they make the decisions them-

selbes increases and the probability that the decisions are joint decreases.

Rural women under 30 (42.3%) are the group most likely to have spouses who make
----- ----- ->.s--- -.I- .~'~~
the decisions themselvesThose women with the highest income (over 14,000) are

the group most likely to decide themselves (19.2%).. The only wome who h ve

gotten more authority in the home since working are those women with inco
W^OUS~b. Lt~r Ltad C ho V, ^
of $12,000-13999(17.6%) and those making over $14,000(11.5%). (See pages 3,80,

127,174,22(). The decisions on how to spend the woman's salary tend to go along
pages r ,I ..
with the above (See [B it~ 34,81,128,17 ,222). /(- '..<.. It ..... / 1 (4 9 (

All rural women are more likely than urban women to receive household money

from their husbands, Forarried women, as age increases, the probability of \

getting money from husbands decreases..\(See pages 3, 82,129',176,225).. A slight

majority of the 103 women reporting say that they argue with their husbands (59,2%1,

The only group really differentiated from the rest are the urban women over 451 -A UM 0

(only 28.6%) say they argue with husbands. For marital status, as age increases,' "S-

the probability that women admit arguing with their husbands decreases. For income,

those with the highest incomes COver 14,000) are the least likely to argue(44.0%)

(See 1~iBtt pages 36,83,130,177,224). Only 15.6% of the women have thought of

leaving their husbands and these tend to be the older women, the ones least likely

to argue with theirthusbands. They also tend t? ae urban/and Employed over 10 yrs,

(See pages 37,84,131,178,225,36,83,r13l0 4). Slightly over a third of the


Family Roles -page 3

women reporting (38.6%) say that it is easier to leave husband if the woman is

working. They tend to be ma-rred-women who are urban and aged 30-44, regardless of

length of employment Rural omenl'uder 30 are least likely to say it is easier

(16.%). The-wmenwit th the ig iclin u.e m~ -rE-ta' e-gnes

most likely to say -L is ediSz. (See pages 38,85,132,179,226).

A slight majority of the women reporting (59.2%) say that their husbands like

them working. Rural women under 30 who have been employed under 10 years are the
-- -(
women most likely to say husbands approve./ Urban women employed under 10 years

are the ones least likely to have husbands' approval Women with the highest

incomes (Over $14JOO) are the onn mnt likely to say no (52%). f(( 1 Id 1 i tJc)

Only about 1/4 of the women reporting say that their families could support

themselves without her working. For both rural and urban women, as age increases,

the probability that the families could support ,themselves decreasei' This is true

A for both married and formerly married women. /Single omen tead-to say the family

could not support itself.,A(See pages 40,87,134,181,228). The majority of the women

favor food stamp programs (62.2%), but the groups are not differentiated(See pages

41,88,135,182,229). /0 '*' .

(For information on women' attitudes toward factory work, see notes

on attitudes toward work).

The majority of the women (74.5%) think that both sons and daughters should be

sent to university; 17.2% say son should go, and 8.3% say daughter should go.

Formerly married women aged 30-44, regardless of length of employment, think that

the son should b sent The women with the lowest income f4y are the most likely

to say son should be sent (24%). (See pages 44,91,138,185,232). Except for income,

thi, holds true on the question concerning the improtance of education for men

and women (See pages 45,92,139,186,233).

Te majority of the women blame industry for unemployment (52.5%); 31.7% EMAW
1 4 -7 :c-t i ,- ("qh P- o. i
blame people and 15.8% blame unions., Formerly married women.gho have been employed

under 10 years gre mpst likely to blame .peQple, (qee pages 46,93,140,187,2341.
\ \ .

Family Roles-page 4
'. j J/ /L'd-

Government tends to be blamed for inflation in P.R.(49.3%)( and the majority of

the sample tend to blame industry for its flight from P.R. (70.9%). Urban married
GU0 5-, <^ '-tC- / 04 ^
women under 30 are the ones who most ten' to blame industry(See pages 48,95 142,


All expenses: For all women, both-urban-and-rural, as age increases, the probability

that they pay expenses themselves increases. Married women tend to share the costs

with their husbands, formerly marriedwo en tend to pay expenses themselves and

single women' tend to have their parents ,ay e pe~ es{~ income. increases

the like ihood.tiat the women pay the expensess themselves decreases. (See pages 49T

57,96-104, 143-151, 190-198, 237-245). ,L

Of the few women reporting on children' educational level, married women

over 45 who are urban and employed over ten years tend to have sons and daughters

with the highest level of 'education. (See pages 5,-60,106-107,153-15 g247-48-).

Only about 1/4 of the sample say that they see their neighbors daily. These

tend to be single, rural women under 30 who have been employed under 10 years (See

pages 61,108,155,202,249).

.J Generally, wives tend to have more education than their husbands. Women

" "' i with 8 grades or less of education tend to have husbands with no education (63.4%1.

l Women with less than a H.S. diploma also tend to have husbands with no education

((56.7%). Women with a H.S diploma or more education tend to have husbands who

attended High School (61.8%).

Needing more help in the house is not differentiated by number of children under

18 who live in the home.

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