Social mobility notes
 Social mobility summary

Title: Puerto Rican garment workers : analysis of crosstabs (1981)
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00082658/00002
 Material Information
Title: Puerto Rican garment workers : analysis of crosstabs (1981)
Physical Description: Archival
Creator: Safa, Helen Icken
Publisher: Helen Icken Safa
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00082658
Volume ID: VID00002
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Social mobility notes
        Page 1
        Page 2
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        Page 6
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        Page 11
        Page 12
        Page 13
        Page 14
        Page 15
        Page 16
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        Page 21
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        Page 23
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        Page 26
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        Page 31
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        Page 33
        Page 34
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        Page 36
        Page 37
        Page 38
        Page 39
        Page 40
        Page 41
        Page 42
        Page 43
    Social mobility summary
        Page A-1
        Page A-2
        Page A-3
        Page A-4
        Page A-5
        Page A-6
Full Text

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o, cial Mobility

Of 157 women in the sample, 39.3% own their own home. For both rural and urban

women, the probability that tuey omn their own home increases with age, but overall,

rural women tend to own their own home moreso than urban women. The age variable

holds true for marital status, also. For married and formerly married women, as age
e >|. .0 /t ** ***[ / .. ?
increases, the probability that they own their own home increases\ Length of employ- (;

ment is also a factor-_with both rural and urban women employed over ten years more

likely to own their homes than women employed under ten years. Social class also

affects home ownership, with middle-class women (71.9%) tending to own their own home

moreso than working (53.3%) women or poor women (37.5%). For income, those with total

family incomes between 10,000-11999(71.9%) and $12,000-13999 (69.2%) tend to be the

ones to own their own home. (See pages 574,613,652,691,730,769).

Of 155 women reporting, 16.8% say their parents are middle class; 29% say their

parents are working class; and 54.2% say their parents are poor. Rural women aged

30-44 (92.9%, urban women aged 30-44 (60.9%) and urban women over 45 (68.0%) are the

ones most likely to say that their parents are poor. Subjects who say that they are

poor tend to say that their parents are poor, also (81.3%). i(See pages 575, 614, 653,

692, 731, 770).

Father's Occupation: Of 142 reporting, 42.3% say agriculture; 2&.1Li say laborer;

10.6% trade, and 21% other. REral women over 45, married and formerly married,

are the ones most likely to have fathers in agriculture. Formerly married women under
M^J^ ^~~_..------------
30 and between 30-44 are the ones most likely to have fathers who are laborers. (See

pages 577,616,655,694,733,772).

mother's Occupation: Of 149 women reporting, 79.9% have mothers who are house-
~" (>--<-f,' "',
wives; 10.7% have mothers who work in factories and 9.4% say "other." Rural womenA moreso

than urban women, tend to have mothers who are housewives. ''Married women and formerly'

married women under 30 are the ones most likely to have mothers who work in factories.

(See pages 578,617,656, 695,734,773).

Father's Education: The majority of the women (64.3%) have fathers with less than

an 8th grade education. Urban women over 45 tend to be the women who have fathers

Mobility- page 2

with the most education. These women also tend to be married and employed over 10

years. Middle-class women are the ones who tend to have fathers with no education. I.)

Women with the lowest incomes ($5,000-7999) tend to have fathers with the most ed-

ucation. (See pages 579,618,657,696,735,774).

Mother's Education: The largest category (63.7%X is composed of women who have

mothers with less than an 8th grade education. For both rural and urban women, as

age increases, the probability of having mothers with higher education decreases,

but overall, urban women of all ages are more likely to have mothers with higher
education. Middle-class women and women with the highest income (Over $14,000) are

the groups most likely to have mothers with the highest education. (See pages 580,


For both rural and urban women, as age.-increases, the probability of having

the lowest income ($5,000-7999) increases. The modal income for the entire sample

is the category of "over $14,000." (25.5%)., For marital status, married women tend

to have the highest incomes compared to the others, except for single women under

a i30, who tend to have the highest total family income of all women (44% over $14,000).

The higher the social class, the higher the total family income, but not by much

(Over $8* $14,000: middle-29.4%; working-24.4%; poor-18.8%.) (See pages 581,620,659,


Of 156 women reporting, 32.1% have savings of under $1,000, 8.3% have savings of

over $1,000; and 59.6% have no savings at all. Rural women aged 30-44 are the women

most ,likely to have savings of over $1,000. Formerly married women over 45 who.are

rural and eiplioyed under 10 years are the ones most likely to have To savings., i(See

pages 582,621,660,699,777).

Of 155 women reporting, 17.4% have no debts; 34.2% have debts of under $99. per

month; 34.8% have debts of between $100-199 per month; and 13.5% have debts of over

$200 permonth. Urban women under 30-are the ones more likely to have debts of over

$200 per month than any other group .28%)_and--rural women under 30 (29.2%) are the
group most likely to-------have no debt. Marred women under 30 (22.5%) and
grop most likely to have no debts. Married women under 30 (22.5%) A and-former1y..

Mobility-page 3

married-women-under-3-e(25.0%) are the women who tend to have the most serious debts

($200 or more per month). Working class women are the ones who tend to have no

monthly debts (21.9%), and women with both the lowest total family income--$5,000-

7,999--(20.8%), and the highest total family income--over $14,000--(25.9%) tend to

be the ones with no monthly debts. (See pages 583,622,661,700,739,778).

Of the entire sample, only 27.4% have telephones. Urban; formerly married
--._ .. .
women aged 30-44 and over 45, ho are ampToye over ten years are the women most

likely to have a telephone Middle class women tend to have phones moreso than the
Ch." ~~~~------"""
other classes. Women with both the lowest total family income and the highest family

income tend to have ,hones (See pages 588*622 584,623,662,701,740,779). Approximately

8 0% of the sample have cars. Formerly married women under 30 are the women least
likely to have a car. The middle class (92.2%) tend to have cars, as do those with

family income of over $14,000_12.75%). (See pages 585,624,663,702,741,780). Almost

all of the women have washing machines (93.6%). Rural, formerly married women under

30 are the women least likely to have washing machines. Almost all of the women have

television sets (98.1%). The only ones who don't are married women aged 30-44 (See

pages 587,626,665,704,743,782). Of the sample, 68.8% have stereos. Formerly married

women over 45 and formerly married women under 30 are the women least likely to have

one. Middle class women (78.4%) and those with the highest total family income

(80%) are the ones most likely to have stereo. (See pages 588,627,666,705,744,783).

With a large sum of money, 49.7% of the sample would buy/build a house; 29.7%

would pay debts; 10.3% would help relatives; and 10.3% would put it to other uses.

All women would tend to buy/build a house, except for rural women over 45, who tend

to say that they would help relatives (See pages 589,628,668,706,745,784).

Of the 145 women reporting, 79.3% say that in 5 years they will be in the same

job; 8.3% say they will be in a different job; and 12.4% say they will be staying

home. Rural women aged 30-44 (20.8%) and.rural women over 45 (20.0%) are the-ones-who /

tjnd to want to stay home in 5 years., Married and-formerly -married women over-45 L

4 lok forward t o staying home. Social class does not differentiate the 8tAAtA women.

(See pages 590,629,668,707,746,785).

Mobility- page 4

Do political parties care about women? Of 154 reporting onl 17.5% answer yes.

The poor (6.3%) and those with the lowest total family income--$5,000-7,999--(8.0%)

are the groups least likely to say yes. (See pages 591,630,669,708,747,786).

Can working women get attention from political parties? Of 151 women reproting,

'i 64.2% s. Urban, married women over 45, and rural, formerly married women aged

30-44 are the groups most likely to say no. The middle class (71.4%) tend to be

the ones who say yes. (See pages 592,631,670,709,748,787).

Of 150 reporting, 28.7% did not vote in the M6 1976 elections; 39.3% voted for

the PPD; and 32% voted for PNP. All women under 30, regardless R farea or marital

status, were more likely to say that th~ididn l ote. TheUpoor are least likely to

have voted (37.5%) (See pages 593,632,671,710,749,788). Of the 106 women who voted,

83% say they always vote for the same party. Regardless of area or marital status,

as age increases, the probability that they always vote for the same party increases.

For social class, the poor (90.%) are the group most likely to always vote for the

same party. (See pages 594,633,672,711,750,789). Almost all thej men in the sample

know who the mayor is (97.4%); 100% know wjq the governor is, and 90.1% know who the

U.S. President is (See pages 595-597,634-636, 673-675,712-714,751-753,790-792).

Of 155 reporting, 44.5% say it is easy to advance in P.R. and 55.5% say it is not.

Urban women over 45 who have been employed under 10 years are the group most likely

to say yes.4 For social class, poor women (68.8%) are the ones who tend to say yes ]

(See pages 5999, 638,677,715,755,794).

Of the sample, 45.9% say it is easier to advance now than it was 5 years ago;

47.9% say it is more difficult, and 4.5% say it's the same. Rural women of all ages

are more likely than urban women to say it's easier no For social class, the poor

(68.8%) are the ones most likely to say it's easier to advance now. Those with the

lowest total family income (64.%) and the highest total family income (62.5%) tend

to say it's harder now. (See pages 600,639,678,717,756,795).

Of the sample, 78.3% say it's easier for them to advance than it was for their

Mobility-page 5

parents; 19.1% say it's harder, and 2.5% say it's the same. Rural women, formerly

married, aged 30-44 who have been employed over 10 years are the ones most likely

to say it's harder for them than it was for their parents. The poor women (87.5%)

are the ones most likely to say it's easier for them than it was for their parents

(See pages 601,640,679,718,757,796).

Of 93 women reporting, 60.2% say it is easier for their children to advance

than it was for them; 37.6% iay it's harder; and 2.2% say it's the same. Rural
f !I, !a1-
women (43.6%) and urban women (46.2%)employed over ten years are the ones most

likely to say it is harder for their children, as are women with the lowest total

family income (55.6%). The poor (81.8%) are the social class most likely to say it's

easier for their children than it was for them.

Husband's Occupations; Of 104; 23.1%prof., managerial; 21.2% sales/commerce;

19.2% office; 26.9% trade; 9.6% factory. Rural women under 30 (34.6%) and urban

women under 30 (26.7%) tend to have husbands who work in offices. Urban women over

S45 tend to be the women who have husbands who are professional or managerial. The

middle class are the ones who tend to say prof/maangerial (29.7%); working class are

the ones who tend to say office work (28.1%) or trade (29.8%) and the poor are the

' ondes who tend to say trade (40.0%). (See pages 603,642,681,720,759,798).

S Husband's Present Salary: Of 90 reporting--27.8%- under $99; 53.3%-$100-174;

18.9%-0ver 175. Rural women under 30 and urban women over 45 are the ones who tend

to have husbands who make over $175 per week. The middle class and women with the

highest total family income are the ones most likely to have husbands who make over

.. $175 per week. (see pages 604,643,682,721,760,799).

Brothers' Occupation: Professional or clerical: 5.7% yes; 94.3% no
iB U W / Factory work: 38.8% yes; 61,2% no L Ii j-tu /Q
I-, iLA Qv.r.l Factory )
SU A j. Laborers/farmers: 39.6%yes; 60.4% no

SBusiness/trade: 48.9% yes; 51.1 % no

Sisters' Occupation: Professional or clerical: 11.3% yes; 88,7% no OA[f&,a _

Factory work: < 29%yes; 47.1% no
Domestics: 13.6% yes; 86,4% no
r ;; : -) IHU. 9 ci, own-'iusin'ss: 5.0% yes; 95.0% no

.8.t Mobility page 6

Other sources of income: Of 157 reporting, 59.9% receive no other types of income;

10.2% receive social security; 19.1% receive food stamps; ad 10.8% receive other

types of assistance. ThosePwith lncomeshetween_$ 9-.9 r--the income bracket

most likelytLraeceive_-fod--stamps38.1%). They are also the income bracket most

"h likely to get social security (19.% and other types of assistance (19.0%). Those

With incomes between $10,000-11,999 are the ones most likely to ettN!*f have no

other sources of income (78.1%). n

Social class: Of the sample, 32.5% say they are middle class; 57.3% say working

class; and 10.2% say they are poor. Urban, (married women over 45 who have been

employed over 10 years ... .. "... ..' ... ..... ..... ........ ,
fmfey-aaried-and under 30 are the oAes most likely to sa they are

The others tend to say working. ,

,, ? -. /I" IP .

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