Dimpled hands

Material Information

Dimpled hands pictures & rhymes for chubby pets
DeWolfe, Fiske & Co. (Boston, Mass.) ( Publisher )
Place of Publication:
De Wolfe Fiske & Co.
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 vol. (unpaged) : ill. ; 23 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Children -- Conduct of life -- Juvenile poetry ( lcsh )
Conduct of life -- Juvenile poetry ( lcsh )
Children's poetry ( lcsh )
Children's poetry -- 1893 ( lcsh )
Bldn -- 1893
Children's poetry
poetry ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Massachusetts -- Boston
Target Audience:
juvenile ( marctarget )


General Note:
Date of publication from inscription.
Statement of Responsibility:
illustrations in color & photograveure.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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Resource Identifier:
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on Efhimes











OME, come, my dears, it’s time for school,
So please sit down all in a row:
Laughing is quite against the rule,
I’ve told you that before, you know.
Now try to say yourA BC
Together, slowly, after me.

A is for Apple, B for Boy,

C is for Cat, and D for Deer.
You're all bent over, Dhjejebhoy!
Sit up, like Bell and Hilda here.
Don’t interrupt me when I speak,
Your back is not so very weak.


Where had I got to? Oh, to E.
Well, that’s for Eel, and F for Fish.

Now, Dhjejebhoy, attend to me.

You're very naughty! Oh! I wish
You saw how good I have to be
When Katie plays at school with me.

She calls herself a School Board Dame!
She puts a cap and glasses on

(Not real, you know, but just a frame.—
It once had glass, but now it’s gone)

And I stand up with hands behind: _

If I get tired she doesn’t mind.

It doesn’t seem much fun for me
To be called “ dunce,” and told I’m ‘“‘bad.”
What do you think of it, you three?

Does playing “school” make you feel sad ?
I never thought of that before :

We'll not play lessons any more!


ING to us, dear mother,
Sing us sweet and low,
Just a little song,
Before to bed we go.
Father loves to hear you
Every twilight tide; .
We are listening, mother,
Sitting at your side.

Sing about the river,
Mother, don’t you know,
Where you went with father
Long and long ago?
Sing about the meadows,
And the restless mill,
And the church-bell ringing
Softly down the hill.

While the moon is shining
Sweetly in the blue,
We shall almost fancy
We are drifting too ;
Drifting down the river
Peacefully and slow,
Where you sailed with father
Long and long ago.


Me OME,” said the pupkin, ‘ come,
I think you might leave me some.
It troubles me greatly to see you so,


So very greedy, Master Joe

“Pooh,” said his master, ‘* pooh,

I’m not such a greedy as you;

I never ask you for your lunch or tea,
But every time you beg of me.

«But you look so sad that I really think
I might have left you a drop to drink ;
Cheer up, Dandy! and p’rhaps I may
Leave you a little some other day.”


HITHER away »
Happy and gay,
Little ones, merry hearts,
Keeping the May?

Up through the meadow sweet

Hurry the happy feet,

Up through the meadow sweet,
Keeping the May.

But, in your laugh and song,

Think, as you dance along,

Who cannot join your throng
Keeping the May.

Some lying sick at home,

Some are too old to roam,

Will you not think of them,
Keeping the May?

WO little maidens here you see,
Crossing the brook quite cleverly.
One is bonnie and straight and tall,

The other a wee thing round and small ;
One makes a kind and. careful mother,
And both little children love each

pec OL ner:



UNBEAMS are the golden children
Of the great and mighty Sun,
And he lets them come to see us,
Some in earnest, some for fun.

Then about the world they wander,
And they always try to find

How they may be good and useful,
How they may be sweet and kind.

But the Sun is very careful
Lest they should take harm or cold ;
So he bids them come home early,
And they do as they are told.

Then he counts them over slowly, |
_ And the smallest child would miss,»
Then he blesses them and gives

Each a rosy good-night kiss.


F it should rain, don’t pout and fret,
For rainy weather we must get.
To cry, my dear, is worse than vain,

Take my advice, and let it rain.


! | ‘HANK you, pretty cow, that made

Pleasant milk to soak my bread,


: 2 Every day and every night,
’ ee 7
(ae ee Warm and sweet, and fresh and white.

Do not chew the hemlock rank |
Growing on the weedy bank,
But the yellow cowslips eat ;

They will make it very sweet.


’T Mr. Piggary Porker’s school,
Down by the side of the willow pool,
Everything is done by rule,
And the dunce is set on the dunce’s stool.

And each little pig sings a sweet little song,

Though his voice may be squeaky, his notes are not wrong,
For Piggary Porker’s cane is long,

And Piggary Porker’s hand is strong.

And every day as the clock strikes one,
When school is over and lessons are done,
Squeaking in glee and squealing in fun,
Home to their mothers the little pigs run.


HIS is the way we

ride to town,
In a blue silk bonnet ;

and white silk gown,
And a brand-new carriage

that’s painted brown,

On a fine summer morning!

Now, first we'll call
on Miss Lucy Grey
At Doll’s House Villa
over the way,
And ask if they’re all
quite well to-day,
This bright and sunny morning !

Then spend an hour

at the candy-shops,
And fill our pockets

with lollipops,

Sweet barley-sugar, -
and chocolate-drops,
This bright and sunny morning!

Then home we'll go
at a rattling pace,
Round Sideboard, Corner
and Hearthrug Place,
With laughing eyes
And rosy face,’
This bright and sunny morning!


LIC left the cage unbarred,
A Dicky flew away ;
Alic, very dolefully,
Followed him all day,
Calling, ‘ Little Dicky Bird,
Wherefore will you roam?
Don't you know the poet says,
There’s not a place like home?”

“ Poets,” said the Dicky Bird, ‘Well then, Dicky,” Alic said,
Perched upon a tree, Plaintively and low,
“Sometimes say what’s very true, _ “Take a little salt with you
When it’s true for me. If you must really go.
This is why away I fly, You'll find it very useful
This is why I roam — Whatever you may do;
A cage, you see, can never be I’ve got a pinch of it
A happy place like home!” Especially for you!”

“Salt,” replied the Dicky Bird,
As he oped his wings,

“Is very good for boys and girls,
Like many other things.

You can try it with your dinner,
Or put it on a snail,

Or anything you like, in fact —
Except upon my tail.”


IGH up in the tree,
by the old garden wall,

Hung two rosy pears
that seemed ready to fall.
Low down in the path,
by the old garden wall,
Waits a dear little girl =,
‘neath the pear-tree so. 7
And waiting, and waiting,
she really must stop,
Just hoping those two
little pears p’r’aps may drop.
When suddenly out of
the branches came pop,
A dear little bird with
a quick little hop,
And he wisely remarked
(it was perfectly true),
“You must go to the pears,
they won't come to you.”
And then, when he’d said it,
he hopped and he flew
To call on another small
bird that he knew.
On the top of the wall,
by the old pear-tree,
Sat a dear little girl who, it’s easy to see,
Is as happy as a dear little girl can be,
Who found out the way to get pears from the tree
Down low in the valley, by every hedge side,
The sweet flowers are nestling, and violets hide.


They never will come to your call, though you cried
To the earth, and the sea, and the wind, and the tide.
It is so with all things that are under the dew.

The moral J make here is not even new:

As the birdie observed, it ts perfectly true,

“You must go to the pears, they won't come to you.”




HIS is our Dollies’ pleasure boat,
| It has a paper sail,
And it will beautifully float
When Bobby blows a gale.
The Dollies do not fear the storm,
Salt water does, not harm;
They both are happy now, and gay,
A-sailing on this pleasant day,
‘Though he has wholly lost his legs,
And she has but one arm.

You cannot see she’s not complete
Under her pretty gown,
And fe can do without his feet
When he is sitting down.
It’s true the boat is very small,
And likely to capsize.
You can’t have everything, and so
We make the best of things, you know,
And we pretend the dolls are whole,
And the boat the proper size.


OW, wicked dog, you shall be judged ;. you’re chained
= — you cannot go —
I am the judge, I’ve got the robes— that’s every-
thing, you know.
The jury’s in the witness-box — the basket, I should say ;
: But, box or basket, you'll be truly tried by them to-day.

You know quite well, you wicked dog, how naughty you
have been ;

I think a more abandoned dog than you [I’ve never seen.

What! you would chase a gentle cat— O Toby! fie, for
shame —

There’s sorrow to your family, a blot upon your name !

I know papa says just these things sometimes; and I

They are the proper things to a because, of course, he
But Toby, dear, don’t look so sad. Come here, my pet,
come here ;

We'll leave off playing judges, if you don’t enjoy it, dear..

PSOE aaa peerr es nnrenenttag Nanas etree NANT NN Ot ON


O market, to market, to buy a plum-cake
(Butter, and sugar, and tea)!
What! twopence a pound —oh! you've made a mistake :
That’s far too expensive for me.
I’ve broughted my poor little dolly with me,
And come such a very long way ;
I’m sure we're as tired as tired can be —
’Tis most disappointing, I say.

Oh, ma’am! I assure you our goods are the best
(Butter, and sugar, and tea)!

Why, old Mrs. Doggie buys tea by the chest,
And add her brown sugar from me!

But I know, ma’am, how sadly you need your plum-cake,
And you’ve come such a very long way ;

So a little reduction, for once, I will make,
And charge you—just nothing, to-day.

TTR a ts HE


OU little hens, you naughty hens,
Whatever have you done?

You've rooted up the cauliflowers,
And eaten every one.

When Harry comes and beats you,
As he most likely may, |

Whatever will your dear mamma
And little sisters say. _

I think you'll feel as I have felt
Sometimes before to-day,
So if you do not like the stick,
~ You'd better run away.






E was an apple, and she was an apple,
And they hung on an old brown tree,
And a fonder little couple
I trow you never would see.

But alas! this little couple,
They could not contented be.

“T should like to travel,” she whispered ;
‘«“T wish that we could,” said he.

But the summer went by so quickly,
And they still hung there on the tree ;
For people can’t always travel,
And apples are apples, you see.

And they sighed and they groaned and grumbled
At the home that they once loved well,

Till theré came a great wind through the orchard,
And down on the ground they fell.

“Oh, dear; what a bump!” she whispered ;
“Tm bruised all over,” said he;

But if people at home won't tarry,
They must get a few bumps, you see.

Then they found themselves put in a basket.
« We're off to the world,” said she.

“‘T wish we were back in the orchard
If this is the world,” said he.


And then this poor little couple
Were put in a dark big pie.
‘‘O love,” sighed the wife to her husband,

‘“] think we are going to die.”

And the oven grew hotter and hotter,
And they died with a dream of home,
‘Why didn’t we stay in the orchard ?
Oh why did we want to roam?”


es LET us go a-sailing
To Crusoe Land,” said he.
‘“« See, here’s a boat,
She’s all afloat,
And ready as can be.”
‘We cannot sail,” she whispered,
“There are no sails, you see.”

“Then let us go a-rowing,
So come aboard with me,
My arms are strong,
I'll pull along,
We'll soon get there, you'll see.”
«“ We cannot row,” she whispered,
“There are no oars,” said she.

«“ But come aboard, O come aboard,
Though neither they may be,

The stream is wide,

The flowing tide,



Will bear us out to sea
She only shook her little head,

“We cannot go,” said she.

He waved his hand, ‘‘ Why not, why not?
What caz-the matter be ?”
“Because the boat a hole has got,
And she would sink, you see.”
‘“Why then I think we'll stay ashore !
Don’t you?” ‘I do,” said she.


OUNG Tom before his sister stood,
The other day, himself perplexing :
Make up his mind he never could..-
"Twas very vexing.

Behind her back she held so grave
A big, ripe apple, pink and juicy —
‘‘Now, Tommy, choose which hand you'll have,’
-Says Mistress Lucy.


Raising his puzzled head to think,
In mirror, on the wall so high,
Which hand did hold‘the apple pink
He soon did spy.

“How did you guess?” she cried in vain ;
He stood, his apple loudly crunching ;.
Tom -thought he'd better not explain,
But go on munching.


fs HERE come the apples,
See, one, two, and three,
The rosy, fat apples
For you and for me.”

“Yes! yes!” said the apples,
“Tt’s all very fine,
But why should we tumble
To help you to dine?”

“‘ My dear little apples,
The reason is wise,

Some people must tumble,
That others may rise.

‘Your question is fair,

But one you've forgot ;
You ask why you tumble?
But — why should you not?”


UNNY old scarecrow! you're still left there,
Though the seeds have grown up, and there’s no one to scare.
We're not afraid of you, don’t think that :
You're only Meg’s shawl, and Daddy’s old hat!

You've got two arms, but they’re very thin ;
And you've got no mouth to put toffee in;

And you've got no hands to play with the snow :
I shouldn’t like to be you, I know!

You're not afraid, Roger? Look and see: ;

_ He’s not a live thing, like you and me. . :
He’s only sticks, tied together with string :
I wouldn’t be him for anything !

He never sleeps, and he never wakes,
Nor hears the noise that the church-bell makes.
He’s never naughty, and never good:
I think he’d like to be us if he could!

Suppose he was us! Suppose he was me |
And had my clothes, and went home to my tea!
And I was him, to stand out there,

All covered with ice, in the frosty air!

He can’t feel the cold, and perhaps at night
He sees the fays in the bright moonlight!

But net even for that would I choose to be he:
For whatever there is, he’s no eyes to see! ©


dack Prost. Jat & Coat.


SAY, you merry hay-makers,
We've got no work to do,

We'd like to stay with you and play,
And haul the hay with you.

And when you want your dinners,
As you will surely do,
Sit down and rest as you like best,

We'll haul the hay for you!

They call me Farmer Bobbie,
Though not a farmer true ;

But you will find ’m to your mind ;
Can haul the hay for you.

Then say, you merry

Please, please,
engage us, — do!

~ We'll work away for you all day,
And haul the hay for you !


LONG way up!—the hill is steep, a
‘Twill tire them so they scarce can creep;
That pail, too, they can never carry,

Yet on they go and do not tarry.

«Always a way if there’s a will,”

Says Jill to Jack, and Jack to Jill.

The stormy north wind beats them back, And when the high hill-top they gain

Their feet do tread a stony track In spite of thorns, and wind, and rain, '
And stumble over prickly whin; And tired limbs and feet that ache:
Yet up they press and don’t give in. “We'll always try and courage take,
“One foot before the other still So we can get up any hill,”

Will get us there,” says Jack to Jill. Says Jill to Jack, and Jack to Jill.


HERE was once a little pussy-cat a-hunting for a mouse ;
She hunted up, and hunted down, and round about the house;
‘But though this pussy-cat did try, the mouse she couldn't get,
So she turned her little nosey up, and walked off in a pet.

This pussy-cat walked through the hall, and then she saw a sight,
She saw her little mistress sitting dressed out all in white;

And in her hand she held a piece of currant cake so nice,

And pussy-cat, oh how she wished that she could have a slice !

So to her mistress then she went, and sat in front of her,

And held-her head all on one side, and miowed, and wouldn't stir
Until she got what she did want, and ate it up so fast ;

She wished it were not done so soon, she wished that it would last.

I’m sure you'll expect to hear that then she went away,

And was so blissfully contented all the livelong day;

But, oh! the vulgar little thing! I deeply do deplore

The dreadful fact that pussy-cat sat up, and asked for more!

. O Kowery Kase NK Wr,
—* Quick quuex aga wiktk
Now cuisat yp wHATFRiEMOLY OLD TREE;
—< for oLd Jog Bow-wew |
, \s APTER Yov NoW,


| Oerry Kara S20 \
ype RISE AND Yow Same \\e é
WH THe sway oF THAT, BENDING Bovept.
WHat if yov SHOULO FALL *
jeux INTs FHKE MovtH oF BOW-Wow, vi Weta


“QO Kitty Ka-tink,
Before you could blink,
He’d shake you until you were dead.”
But Kitty don’t care,
She springs through the air,
And alights on the top of the shed.

“QO Kitty Katink,
You're sweet as a pink” —
‘CHARLIE: )“ But you're selfish, Miss Puss, for all that.
if youre free you don’t care
How poor Bow-wow may fare;
And that’s always the way with a cat.

“O Kitty Ka-tink,
Cats, —and girls too, —TI think,
Ave selfish as selfish can be;
For why it don’t please ’em
That dogs—and boys — tease ’em
Is something I never could see.”

O Kitty Ka-tink,
Dogs— and boys — always think,
Cats — and girls — were made to annoy ;
But then if they run
They spoil_all the fun,
For the poor little dog —and the boy.


AM a Viking, bold and brave,
I paddle in the salt sea wave;
I am going to storm that castle big
(It took me about two hours to dig).

I wave aloft my trusty blade, Ehlers .
(It really is a wooden spade)..
1 thunder forth my battle-cry ;
To scale the castle walls I try:

And, after a most furious fight,

My foes do scatter left and right ;
Shouting ~— triumphant ! —I set free
The captive princess, Emilie.

She’s little sister Dot, you know —
And cousin Jack is my fierce foe ;
I’m sorry now the game is done,

It really was tremendous fun!


Ave Ba Ge ls le

Now careful be —
Bo Gobet aye

. Stand still, T pray —


You shall go —
Pe Oppel

You know it, I see —

Now one more try —

Now you've done :—

Pussy, let’s go and have some fun.
Why can’t they let me be like you,
Who all day long have naught to do.

Why, Pussy-must her lessons learn ;
Must watch the mouse-hole in the barn,
And chase the thieving old gray rat —
She’s getting quite a clever cat!

And if you are as good as she,
And. puzzle out your A BC,
Pussy, you will like the fun
Much better after work is done.



TOMMY, dear!” screamed Kittie,
And Tommy he screamed too ;
‘To-day’s the day! To-day’s the day! |
We're going to the Zoo!”

But Kittie, dear, and Tommy,
Be careful what you do,
Or else perhaps you may be left,
And locked up in the Zoo,
And that would be a dismal fate
For little folks like you,
To sleep on straw and eat things
Like any Kangaroo !





Our Dittle Ones im Winter,


““ 7’M the finest of birds,” said Polly ;
“My feathers are handsome as gold!
“JT wouldn’t give much for your feathers,’
Said the bear, ‘‘ when the weather is cold.”

“ There’s nothing like fur for a coat!”
Said the old Polar bear in his pride ;
« ] wouldn’t give much for your coat!”
Said Poll on the opposite side. . ;

But Poll was despatched to the North,
And was frozen to death in a day ;
While the White Bear went down to a hot southern town,

And very soon melted away!


H, we are as happy as happy can be !
You can’t think what luck we have had;
As we ran down the lane to go home to our tea,
Right there in the mud we just happened to see —
“Twas shining so brightly, — A NEW DOLLAR!
And we shouted, for we were so glad!

We went to the store, and we said, “ Mrs. Grig,
Please, a package of candy,” said we;
She gave us a sugar-stick elephant big,
And a little pink man, and a fat yellow pig,
And a dear little bird on a dear little twig,
And a monkey a-climbing a tree.

We ate up the elephant out in the street,
And I bit off the monkey’s poor tail;

Then we played in our garden and-had such a treat,

For Tom had a store, and he sold
me a sweet —

Till Pincher came out and the counter


So we smack’d him and put him in

Full Text
on Efhimes











OME, come, my dears, it’s time for school,
So please sit down all in a row:
Laughing is quite against the rule,
I’ve told you that before, you know.
Now try to say yourA BC
Together, slowly, after me.

A is for Apple, B for Boy,

C is for Cat, and D for Deer.
You're all bent over, Dhjejebhoy!
Sit up, like Bell and Hilda here.
Don’t interrupt me when I speak,
Your back is not so very weak.

Where had I got to? Oh, to E.
Well, that’s for Eel, and F for Fish.

Now, Dhjejebhoy, attend to me.

You're very naughty! Oh! I wish
You saw how good I have to be
When Katie plays at school with me.

She calls herself a School Board Dame!
She puts a cap and glasses on

(Not real, you know, but just a frame.—
It once had glass, but now it’s gone)

And I stand up with hands behind: _

If I get tired she doesn’t mind.

It doesn’t seem much fun for me
To be called “ dunce,” and told I’m ‘“‘bad.”
What do you think of it, you three?

Does playing “school” make you feel sad ?
I never thought of that before :

We'll not play lessons any more!


ING to us, dear mother,
Sing us sweet and low,
Just a little song,
Before to bed we go.
Father loves to hear you
Every twilight tide; .
We are listening, mother,
Sitting at your side.

Sing about the river,
Mother, don’t you know,
Where you went with father
Long and long ago?
Sing about the meadows,
And the restless mill,
And the church-bell ringing
Softly down the hill.

While the moon is shining
Sweetly in the blue,
We shall almost fancy
We are drifting too ;
Drifting down the river
Peacefully and slow,
Where you sailed with father
Long and long ago.


Me OME,” said the pupkin, ‘ come,
I think you might leave me some.
It troubles me greatly to see you so,


So very greedy, Master Joe

“Pooh,” said his master, ‘* pooh,

I’m not such a greedy as you;

I never ask you for your lunch or tea,
But every time you beg of me.

«But you look so sad that I really think
I might have left you a drop to drink ;
Cheer up, Dandy! and p’rhaps I may
Leave you a little some other day.”

HITHER away »
Happy and gay,
Little ones, merry hearts,
Keeping the May?

Up through the meadow sweet

Hurry the happy feet,

Up through the meadow sweet,
Keeping the May.

But, in your laugh and song,

Think, as you dance along,

Who cannot join your throng
Keeping the May.

Some lying sick at home,

Some are too old to roam,

Will you not think of them,
Keeping the May?

WO little maidens here you see,
Crossing the brook quite cleverly.
One is bonnie and straight and tall,

The other a wee thing round and small ;
One makes a kind and. careful mother,
And both little children love each

pec OL ner:



UNBEAMS are the golden children
Of the great and mighty Sun,
And he lets them come to see us,
Some in earnest, some for fun.

Then about the world they wander,
And they always try to find

How they may be good and useful,
How they may be sweet and kind.

But the Sun is very careful
Lest they should take harm or cold ;
So he bids them come home early,
And they do as they are told.

Then he counts them over slowly, |
_ And the smallest child would miss,»
Then he blesses them and gives

Each a rosy good-night kiss.


F it should rain, don’t pout and fret,
For rainy weather we must get.
To cry, my dear, is worse than vain,

Take my advice, and let it rain.


! | ‘HANK you, pretty cow, that made

Pleasant milk to soak my bread,


: 2 Every day and every night,
’ ee 7
(ae ee Warm and sweet, and fresh and white.

Do not chew the hemlock rank |
Growing on the weedy bank,
But the yellow cowslips eat ;

They will make it very sweet.


’T Mr. Piggary Porker’s school,
Down by the side of the willow pool,
Everything is done by rule,
And the dunce is set on the dunce’s stool.

And each little pig sings a sweet little song,

Though his voice may be squeaky, his notes are not wrong,
For Piggary Porker’s cane is long,

And Piggary Porker’s hand is strong.

And every day as the clock strikes one,
When school is over and lessons are done,
Squeaking in glee and squealing in fun,
Home to their mothers the little pigs run.


HIS is the way we

ride to town,
In a blue silk bonnet ;

and white silk gown,
And a brand-new carriage

that’s painted brown,

On a fine summer morning!

Now, first we'll call
on Miss Lucy Grey
At Doll’s House Villa
over the way,
And ask if they’re all
quite well to-day,
This bright and sunny morning !

Then spend an hour

at the candy-shops,
And fill our pockets

with lollipops,

Sweet barley-sugar, -
and chocolate-drops,
This bright and sunny morning!

Then home we'll go
at a rattling pace,
Round Sideboard, Corner
and Hearthrug Place,
With laughing eyes
And rosy face,’
This bright and sunny morning!


LIC left the cage unbarred,
A Dicky flew away ;
Alic, very dolefully,
Followed him all day,
Calling, ‘ Little Dicky Bird,
Wherefore will you roam?
Don't you know the poet says,
There’s not a place like home?”

“ Poets,” said the Dicky Bird, ‘Well then, Dicky,” Alic said,
Perched upon a tree, Plaintively and low,
“Sometimes say what’s very true, _ “Take a little salt with you
When it’s true for me. If you must really go.
This is why away I fly, You'll find it very useful
This is why I roam — Whatever you may do;
A cage, you see, can never be I’ve got a pinch of it
A happy place like home!” Especially for you!”

“Salt,” replied the Dicky Bird,
As he oped his wings,

“Is very good for boys and girls,
Like many other things.

You can try it with your dinner,
Or put it on a snail,

Or anything you like, in fact —
Except upon my tail.”


IGH up in the tree,
by the old garden wall,

Hung two rosy pears
that seemed ready to fall.
Low down in the path,
by the old garden wall,
Waits a dear little girl =,
‘neath the pear-tree so. 7
And waiting, and waiting,
she really must stop,
Just hoping those two
little pears p’r’aps may drop.
When suddenly out of
the branches came pop,
A dear little bird with
a quick little hop,
And he wisely remarked
(it was perfectly true),
“You must go to the pears,
they won't come to you.”
And then, when he’d said it,
he hopped and he flew
To call on another small
bird that he knew.
On the top of the wall,
by the old pear-tree,
Sat a dear little girl who, it’s easy to see,
Is as happy as a dear little girl can be,
Who found out the way to get pears from the tree
Down low in the valley, by every hedge side,
The sweet flowers are nestling, and violets hide.

They never will come to your call, though you cried
To the earth, and the sea, and the wind, and the tide.
It is so with all things that are under the dew.

The moral J make here is not even new:

As the birdie observed, it ts perfectly true,

“You must go to the pears, they won't come to you.”




HIS is our Dollies’ pleasure boat,
| It has a paper sail,
And it will beautifully float
When Bobby blows a gale.
The Dollies do not fear the storm,
Salt water does, not harm;
They both are happy now, and gay,
A-sailing on this pleasant day,
‘Though he has wholly lost his legs,
And she has but one arm.

You cannot see she’s not complete
Under her pretty gown,
And fe can do without his feet
When he is sitting down.
It’s true the boat is very small,
And likely to capsize.
You can’t have everything, and so
We make the best of things, you know,
And we pretend the dolls are whole,
And the boat the proper size.


OW, wicked dog, you shall be judged ;. you’re chained
= — you cannot go —
I am the judge, I’ve got the robes— that’s every-
thing, you know.
The jury’s in the witness-box — the basket, I should say ;
: But, box or basket, you'll be truly tried by them to-day.

You know quite well, you wicked dog, how naughty you
have been ;

I think a more abandoned dog than you [I’ve never seen.

What! you would chase a gentle cat— O Toby! fie, for
shame —

There’s sorrow to your family, a blot upon your name !

I know papa says just these things sometimes; and I

They are the proper things to a because, of course, he
But Toby, dear, don’t look so sad. Come here, my pet,
come here ;

We'll leave off playing judges, if you don’t enjoy it, dear..

PSOE aaa peerr es nnrenenttag Nanas etree NANT NN Ot ON


O market, to market, to buy a plum-cake
(Butter, and sugar, and tea)!
What! twopence a pound —oh! you've made a mistake :
That’s far too expensive for me.
I’ve broughted my poor little dolly with me,
And come such a very long way ;
I’m sure we're as tired as tired can be —
’Tis most disappointing, I say.

Oh, ma’am! I assure you our goods are the best
(Butter, and sugar, and tea)!

Why, old Mrs. Doggie buys tea by the chest,
And add her brown sugar from me!

But I know, ma’am, how sadly you need your plum-cake,
And you’ve come such a very long way ;

So a little reduction, for once, I will make,
And charge you—just nothing, to-day.

TTR a ts HE


OU little hens, you naughty hens,
Whatever have you done?

You've rooted up the cauliflowers,
And eaten every one.

When Harry comes and beats you,
As he most likely may, |

Whatever will your dear mamma
And little sisters say. _

I think you'll feel as I have felt
Sometimes before to-day,
So if you do not like the stick,
~ You'd better run away.






E was an apple, and she was an apple,
And they hung on an old brown tree,
And a fonder little couple
I trow you never would see.

But alas! this little couple,
They could not contented be.

“T should like to travel,” she whispered ;
‘«“T wish that we could,” said he.

But the summer went by so quickly,
And they still hung there on the tree ;
For people can’t always travel,
And apples are apples, you see.

And they sighed and they groaned and grumbled
At the home that they once loved well,

Till theré came a great wind through the orchard,
And down on the ground they fell.

“Oh, dear; what a bump!” she whispered ;
“Tm bruised all over,” said he;

But if people at home won't tarry,
They must get a few bumps, you see.

Then they found themselves put in a basket.
« We're off to the world,” said she.

“‘T wish we were back in the orchard
If this is the world,” said he.

And then this poor little couple
Were put in a dark big pie.
‘‘O love,” sighed the wife to her husband,

‘“] think we are going to die.”

And the oven grew hotter and hotter,
And they died with a dream of home,
‘Why didn’t we stay in the orchard ?
Oh why did we want to roam?”

es LET us go a-sailing
To Crusoe Land,” said he.
‘“« See, here’s a boat,
She’s all afloat,
And ready as can be.”
‘We cannot sail,” she whispered,
“There are no sails, you see.”

“Then let us go a-rowing,
So come aboard with me,
My arms are strong,
I'll pull along,
We'll soon get there, you'll see.”
«“ We cannot row,” she whispered,
“There are no oars,” said she.

«“ But come aboard, O come aboard,
Though neither they may be,

The stream is wide,

The flowing tide,



Will bear us out to sea
She only shook her little head,

“We cannot go,” said she.

He waved his hand, ‘‘ Why not, why not?
What caz-the matter be ?”
“Because the boat a hole has got,
And she would sink, you see.”
‘“Why then I think we'll stay ashore !
Don’t you?” ‘I do,” said she.


OUNG Tom before his sister stood,
The other day, himself perplexing :
Make up his mind he never could..-
"Twas very vexing.

Behind her back she held so grave
A big, ripe apple, pink and juicy —
‘‘Now, Tommy, choose which hand you'll have,’
-Says Mistress Lucy.


Raising his puzzled head to think,
In mirror, on the wall so high,
Which hand did hold‘the apple pink
He soon did spy.

“How did you guess?” she cried in vain ;
He stood, his apple loudly crunching ;.
Tom -thought he'd better not explain,
But go on munching.


fs HERE come the apples,
See, one, two, and three,
The rosy, fat apples
For you and for me.”

“Yes! yes!” said the apples,
“Tt’s all very fine,
But why should we tumble
To help you to dine?”

“‘ My dear little apples,
The reason is wise,

Some people must tumble,
That others may rise.

‘Your question is fair,

But one you've forgot ;
You ask why you tumble?
But — why should you not?”

UNNY old scarecrow! you're still left there,
Though the seeds have grown up, and there’s no one to scare.
We're not afraid of you, don’t think that :
You're only Meg’s shawl, and Daddy’s old hat!

You've got two arms, but they’re very thin ;
And you've got no mouth to put toffee in;

And you've got no hands to play with the snow :
I shouldn’t like to be you, I know!

You're not afraid, Roger? Look and see: ;

_ He’s not a live thing, like you and me. . :
He’s only sticks, tied together with string :
I wouldn’t be him for anything !

He never sleeps, and he never wakes,
Nor hears the noise that the church-bell makes.
He’s never naughty, and never good:
I think he’d like to be us if he could!

Suppose he was us! Suppose he was me |
And had my clothes, and went home to my tea!
And I was him, to stand out there,

All covered with ice, in the frosty air!

He can’t feel the cold, and perhaps at night
He sees the fays in the bright moonlight!

But net even for that would I choose to be he:
For whatever there is, he’s no eyes to see! ©

dack Prost. Jat & Coat.


SAY, you merry hay-makers,
We've got no work to do,

We'd like to stay with you and play,
And haul the hay with you.

And when you want your dinners,
As you will surely do,
Sit down and rest as you like best,

We'll haul the hay for you!

They call me Farmer Bobbie,
Though not a farmer true ;

But you will find ’m to your mind ;
Can haul the hay for you.

Then say, you merry

Please, please,
engage us, — do!

~ We'll work away for you all day,
And haul the hay for you !

LONG way up!—the hill is steep, a
‘Twill tire them so they scarce can creep;
That pail, too, they can never carry,

Yet on they go and do not tarry.

«Always a way if there’s a will,”

Says Jill to Jack, and Jack to Jill.

The stormy north wind beats them back, And when the high hill-top they gain

Their feet do tread a stony track In spite of thorns, and wind, and rain, '
And stumble over prickly whin; And tired limbs and feet that ache:
Yet up they press and don’t give in. “We'll always try and courage take,
“One foot before the other still So we can get up any hill,”

Will get us there,” says Jack to Jill. Says Jill to Jack, and Jack to Jill.


HERE was once a little pussy-cat a-hunting for a mouse ;
She hunted up, and hunted down, and round about the house;
‘But though this pussy-cat did try, the mouse she couldn't get,
So she turned her little nosey up, and walked off in a pet.

This pussy-cat walked through the hall, and then she saw a sight,
She saw her little mistress sitting dressed out all in white;

And in her hand she held a piece of currant cake so nice,

And pussy-cat, oh how she wished that she could have a slice !

So to her mistress then she went, and sat in front of her,

And held-her head all on one side, and miowed, and wouldn't stir
Until she got what she did want, and ate it up so fast ;

She wished it were not done so soon, she wished that it would last.

I’m sure you'll expect to hear that then she went away,

And was so blissfully contented all the livelong day;

But, oh! the vulgar little thing! I deeply do deplore

The dreadful fact that pussy-cat sat up, and asked for more!

. O Kowery Kase NK Wr,
—* Quick quuex aga wiktk
Now cuisat yp wHATFRiEMOLY OLD TREE;
—< for oLd Jog Bow-wew |
, \s APTER Yov NoW,


| Oerry Kara S20 \
ype RISE AND Yow Same \\e é
WH THe sway oF THAT, BENDING Bovept.
WHat if yov SHOULO FALL *
jeux INTs FHKE MovtH oF BOW-Wow, vi Weta

“QO Kitty Ka-tink,
Before you could blink,
He’d shake you until you were dead.”
But Kitty don’t care,
She springs through the air,
And alights on the top of the shed.

“QO Kitty Katink,
You're sweet as a pink” —
‘CHARLIE: )“ But you're selfish, Miss Puss, for all that.
if youre free you don’t care
How poor Bow-wow may fare;
And that’s always the way with a cat.

“O Kitty Ka-tink,
Cats, —and girls too, —TI think,
Ave selfish as selfish can be;
For why it don’t please ’em
That dogs—and boys — tease ’em
Is something I never could see.”

O Kitty Ka-tink,
Dogs— and boys — always think,
Cats — and girls — were made to annoy ;
But then if they run
They spoil_all the fun,
For the poor little dog —and the boy.


AM a Viking, bold and brave,
I paddle in the salt sea wave;
I am going to storm that castle big
(It took me about two hours to dig).

I wave aloft my trusty blade, Ehlers .
(It really is a wooden spade)..
1 thunder forth my battle-cry ;
To scale the castle walls I try:

And, after a most furious fight,

My foes do scatter left and right ;
Shouting ~— triumphant ! —I set free
The captive princess, Emilie.

She’s little sister Dot, you know —
And cousin Jack is my fierce foe ;
I’m sorry now the game is done,

It really was tremendous fun!

Ave Ba Ge ls le

Now careful be —
Bo Gobet aye

. Stand still, T pray —


You shall go —
Pe Oppel

You know it, I see —

Now one more try —

Now you've done :—

Pussy, let’s go and have some fun.
Why can’t they let me be like you,
Who all day long have naught to do.

Why, Pussy-must her lessons learn ;
Must watch the mouse-hole in the barn,
And chase the thieving old gray rat —
She’s getting quite a clever cat!

And if you are as good as she,
And. puzzle out your A BC,
Pussy, you will like the fun
Much better after work is done.



TOMMY, dear!” screamed Kittie,
And Tommy he screamed too ;
‘To-day’s the day! To-day’s the day! |
We're going to the Zoo!”

But Kittie, dear, and Tommy,
Be careful what you do,
Or else perhaps you may be left,
And locked up in the Zoo,
And that would be a dismal fate
For little folks like you,
To sleep on straw and eat things
Like any Kangaroo !




Our Dittle Ones im Winter,

““ 7’M the finest of birds,” said Polly ;
“My feathers are handsome as gold!
“JT wouldn’t give much for your feathers,’
Said the bear, ‘‘ when the weather is cold.”

“ There’s nothing like fur for a coat!”
Said the old Polar bear in his pride ;
« ] wouldn’t give much for your coat!”
Said Poll on the opposite side. . ;

But Poll was despatched to the North,
And was frozen to death in a day ;
While the White Bear went down to a hot southern town,

And very soon melted away!


H, we are as happy as happy can be !
You can’t think what luck we have had;
As we ran down the lane to go home to our tea,
Right there in the mud we just happened to see —
“Twas shining so brightly, — A NEW DOLLAR!
And we shouted, for we were so glad!

We went to the store, and we said, “ Mrs. Grig,
Please, a package of candy,” said we;
She gave us a sugar-stick elephant big,
And a little pink man, and a fat yellow pig,
And a dear little bird on a dear little twig,
And a monkey a-climbing a tree.

We ate up the elephant out in the street,
And I bit off the monkey’s poor tail;

Then we played in our garden and-had such a treat,

For Tom had a store, and he sold
me a sweet —

Till Pincher came out and the counter


So we smack’d him and put him in