The peep of the day

Material Information

The peep of the day a series of the earliest religious instruction the infant mind is capable of receiving ; with verses illustrative of the subjects
Portion of title:
Series of the earliest religious instruction the infant mind is capable of receiving
Thomas Nelson & Sons ( Publisher )
Place of Publication:
London ;
Edinburgh ;
New York
T. Nelson and Sons
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
64 p., [5] leaves of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 14 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Christian life -- Juvenile literature ( lcsh )
Children -- Conduct of life -- Juvenile literature ( lcsh )
Conduct of life -- Juvenile literature ( lcsh )
God -- Juvenile literature ( lcsh )
Good and evil -- Juvenile literature ( lcsh )
Bible stories, English -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh )
Bldn -- 1893
novel ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
England -- London
Scotland -- Edinburgh
United States -- New York -- New York
Target Audience:
juvenile ( marctarget )


General Note:
Includes index.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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“Joseph was a carpenter.” —LESSON 17.

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A Series of the Earliest Religious Instruction the
Infant Mind 1s Capable of Receiving


“Truly the light is sweet; and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun.”

ECCLES. xi. 7.

London, Edinburgh, and New York


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HIS little work aims to be the very least of all—not in size,

but in the humility of its contents. It aims at the super-

lative degree of littleness; and in this point seeks to resemble the

least watch ever made, the least picture ever painted, the tiniest

flower that ever grew. It desires to be among books as the
humming-bird among birds.

As soon as a child’s mind is capadle of receiving systematic in-
struction, this humble work attempts to convey it.

From a very early period a pious mother will, by caswal remarks,
endeavour to lead her child to the knowledge of his Creator and
Redeemer ; and in due time she will impart systematic instruction.
It may be at ¢hree years of age—it may zot be till fve—that the
child is prepared to listen to these little lessons. But, sooner or
later, he will give evidence of his immortality by willingly heark-
ening to discourse concerning the InvistBe,—the ETERNAL,— the

The simplicity ‘of the language may seem unworthy of the
sublimity of the subject treated of in these pages, and some may
smile at the contrast ; ‘but the little one will not smile—except with
joy to hear of his heavenly Father and of his:incarnate Redeemer ;
for the merry inmates of the nursery are capable of tasting higher

pleasures than toys and dainties can afford.





















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Y dear little children,—You have seen the
sun in the sky. :

Who put the sun in the sky ?—God.

Can you reach up so high ?—No.

Who holds up the sun that it does not fall ?—
It is God.

God lives in heaven.
than the sun.

_Can you see God 4—_No.

Yet he can see you, for God sees every thing.

God made every thing at first, and God takes
care of every thing.

God made you, my little child, and God takes
care of you always.

You have a little body: from your head down
to your feet, I call your body.

Put your hand before your mouth. What do
you feel coming out of your mouth ?

It is your breath. You breathe every moment.
You cannot

Heaven is much higher

When you are asleep, you breathe.
help breathing. But who gives you breath ?

God does everything. God gave you this little
body, and he makes it live, and move, and breathe.

There are bones in your body. God has made

them strong and hard. There are some bones for

your arms, and some bones for your legs. There
is a bone for your back, and more bones for your

God has covered your bones with flesh. Your
flesh is soft and warm.

In your flesh there is blood.

God has put skin outside, and it covers your
flesh and blood like a coat.

Now all these things—the bones, and flesh, and
blood, and skin—are called your body. How
kind of God it was to give youa body! I hope
that your body will not get hurt.

' Will your bones break ?—Yes, they would, if
you were to fall down from a high place, or if a
.cart were to go over them.

If you were to be very sick, your flesh would
waste away, and you would have scarcely any-
thing left but skin and bones.

Did you ever see a child who had been sick a
very long while ?

I have seen a sick baby. It had not round
cheeks like yours, and a fat arm like this. The
baby’s flesh was almost gone, and its little bones
were only covered with skin.

God has kept you strong and well.

How easy it would be to hurt your poor little
body !

If it were to fall into the fire, it would be
burned up. If hot water fell upon it, it would be
scalded. If it were to fall into deep water, and
not taken out very soon, you would be drowned.
If a great knife were run through your body, the
blood would come out. If a great box were to
fall on your head, your head would be crushed.


If you were to fall out of the window, your neck
would be broken. If you were not to eat some
food for a few days, your little body would be
very sick, your heart would cease to beat, and
your breath would stop; you would grow cold,
and you would soon be dead.

You seé that you have a very weak little body.

Can you keep your own body from being sick
and from getting hurt ?

You should try not to hurt yourself; but God
only can keep your body from all harm, from fire
and water, from wounds and bruises, and all kinds
of sickness. Kneel down and say to God, “ Pray,
keep my poor little body from getting hurt.” God
will hear you, and go on taking care of you.

My little. body’s made by God

Of soft warm flesh and crimson blood ;
The slender bones are placed within,
And over all is laid the skin.

My little body’s very weak :

A fall or blow my bones might Drone,
The water soon might stop my Breathe
The fire might close my eyes in death.

But God can keep me by his care ;
To him I'll say this little prayer,

*O God, from harm my body keep,
Both when I wake and when I sleep !”



HAVE told you, my darling, about your little
body. Was your body always as big as it is
now @
No. Once it was very small indeed.
What were you called when your body was
very small ?—A. baby.

. Now you can take a little care of yourself, but
then you could take no care at all. .

Can babies walk, or talk, or feed themselves, or
dress themselves ?—No.

But God sent you to a person who took great
care of you when you were a baby.

Who was it ?

Your dear mother ; she took care of you then.
She nursed you in her arms, and fed you, and took
you out in the air, and washed you, and dressed.

Do you love your mother ?—Yes.

I know you do. But who gave you a mother? .
—It was God who sent you to a kind mother.

A. little while ago there was no such little
creature as you. Then God made your little
body, and he sent you to your mother, who loved
you as soon as she saw you. It was God who
made your mother love you so much, and made
her so kind to you.

Your kind mother dressed your poor little body
in neat clothes, and laid you ina cradle. When
you cried she gave you food, and hushed you to
sleep in her arms. She showed you pretty things
She held you up, and showed
you how to move your feet. She taught you to
speak, and she often kissed you, and ne you
Sweet names,

Is your mother kind to you still 7—Yes, she is,
though she is sometimes angry.

But she wishes to make you good; that is why
she is sometimes angry. Your mother has sent
you to this nice school, and gives you supper
when you go home. I know she will be kind to
you as long as she lives.

But remember who gave you this mother. God.
sent you to a dear mother, instead of putting you
in the fields, where no one would have seen you
or taken care of you.

Can your mother keep you alive ?—No.

She can feed you, but she cannot make your
breath go on.

God thinks of you every moment.
to forget you, your breath would stop.

to make you smile.

If he were


Do you ever thank your mother for her kind-
ness ?—Yes. You often say, “Thank you,” and
sometimes you put your arms round her neck, and
say, “I do love you so much, dear mother!”
- Will you not thank God who gave you a mother,
and keeps you alive? You should kneel down
when you speak to God; then you should say,
“O God, how good you have been to me! I
thank you, and love you.” E

Would God hear your little thanks ?—Yes, God
would hear, and be pleased.

Who fed me from her gentle breast,
And hushed me in her arms to rest,
And on my cheeks sweet kisses pressed ?
' My Mother.

When sleep forsook my open eye,
Who was it sang sweet hush-a-by ;
And rocked me that I should not ery ?
My Mother.

Who sat and watched my infant head,
‘When sleeping on my cradle bed,
And tears of sweet affection shed ?

My Mother.

When pain and sickness made me cry,
Who gazed upon my heavy eye,
And wept for fear that I should die?

My Mother.

Who ran to help me when I fell,
And would some pretty story tell,
Or kiss the place to make it well?
Usain My Mother

‘Who taught my infant lips to pray,
And love God’s holy book and day,
And walk in wisdom’s pleasant way ?
My Mother.

And can I ever cease to be
Affectionate and kind to thee,
Who wast so very kind to me?
My Mother.

Ah no! the thought I cannot bear ;
And if God please my life to spare,

I hope I shall reward thy care,
My Mother.

When thou art feeble, old, and gray,
My healthy arm shall be thy stay,
And I will soothe thy pains away,
My Mother.

And when I see thee hang thy head,
*Twill be my turn to watch thy bed,
And tears of sweet affection shed,
My Mother.

For God, who lives above the skies,
Would look with vengeance in his eyes,
If I should ever dare despise
My Mother.

Mrs. Gilbert's Original Poems.



7 HO is it that dresses you and feeds you ?—
Your dear mother.

But how does your mother get money to buy
the clothes and the food ?—Father brings it home.

How does your father get money ?—He works
in the fields.

Your father works all day long, and he gets
money and brings it home to mother. He says
to your mother, “ Buy-some bread with this money,
and give some of it to the children.” ‘Will your
father give his money to buy bread for you? That
is very kind of him. Do you love your father ?

How hard your poor father works in the fields!

What is your father, littl Ann ?—He is a

Your father, then, works on the farm.

In the spring he takes his scythe to mow the
grass, and as he mows he bends his back till it
aches. In harvest time he takes his sickle and
reaps, while the hot sun beats upon his poor head.
Afterwards he threshes the corn; and in the cold
weather he follows the plough, while the cold rain
and sleet beat upon his face.


Why does he bear all this?

That you may have plenty of food, and be fat
and rosy. While he is ploughing, he often thinks
of you, and hopes that he shall find you a good
child when he comes home. You are glad to see
him, I know. Sometimes you run to meet him;
you set a chair by the fire, and then you climb
upon his knee. Sometimes he is too much tired
to speak to you. Then you wait till he has had
his supper.

What is your father, Mary ?

A. shepherd.

Your father watches the sheep all day long.
Sometimes he gets up in the night to look after
the young lambs and the sick sheep.

What a loving father God has given you!

Who made your father love you at first ?—It
was God.

Your father loves you so much, that he gives
you all you want. He has a little cottage, and he
pays some of his money for it, but he allows you
to live in it with him. He lets you sit upon one
of his chairs, or upon a little stool by his nice
warm fire ; and he gives you some of his breakfast,
dinner, and supper.

If your father were to die, what should you do ?
You would then be a fatherless child.

Could your father die ?

Oh yes; many little children have no father. I
have heard of a little child whose father fell down

from a high ladder and was killed. Another child’s

father was kicked by a horse and died. Another
father was digging a deep well, and his breath was
stopped. Some children’s fathers fall sick and die.

Perhaps your father may die, but God can keep
him alive. You can pray to God to keep him
alive. In the morning you can say, “O God, let
father come home this evening safe.”

But if God were to let your father die, you
would still have one Father left. Whom do I
mean? What do you say in your prayer ?

“ Our Father which art in heaven.”

Yes, you have a Father in heaven, besides the
father you have at home, for God is your Father.

Can your heavenly Father die? -

No, never.

Does he love you ?—Yes.

He loves you even more than your other father
does. He is always thinking of you. He is
always looking at you. He gives you part of his
things. He would like you to come and live with

him in heaven some day. He loves your father

too. He is the Father of your father.

Let us think of the things which your heavenly
Father has given to you. count them

1. Father to work for you.

. Mother to take care of you.
. A house to live in.

. A bed to sleep in.

. Fire to warm you.

. Clothes to wear.

. Food to eat.

. Breath every moment.




AS God been kind to dogs?
Has he given them bodies ?—Yes.
‘Have they bones, and flesh, and blood, and

skin ?—Yes.

The dog has a body as well as you.
body like yours ?—No.

How many legs have you ?—Two.

How many legs has the dog ?—Four.

Have you got arms ?—Yes, two.

Is the dog’s

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Has the dog got arms?—No; it has got no
arms, nor hands. But the dog has legs instead.

Your skin is smooth, but the dog is covered with


Is the cat’s body like yours ?—No; it is covered
with fur.

Is a chicken’s body like yours? How many
legs has the chicken ?—Two.

And so have you. But are its legs like yours ?—
No; the chicken has very thin, dark legs, and it
has claws instead of feet.

Have you feathers on your skin? Have you
wings? Is your mouth like a chicken’s beak ?
Has the chicken any teeth ?—No; the chicken’s
body is not-at all like yours. Yet the chicken
has a body, for it has flesh, and bones, and blood,
and skin.

Has a fly got a body ?—Yes, it has a black body,
and six black legs, and two wings like glass. Its
body is not at all like yours.

Who gave bodies to dogs, horses, chickens, and
flies? Who keeps them alive ?

God thinks of all these creatures every moment.

Can a dog thank God ?

No; dogs and horses, sheep and cows, cannot
thank God.

Why cannot they thank God ?
Is it because they cannot talk ?
That is not the reason.

The reason is, they cannot think of God. They

never heard of God.
about God.

Why not?—Because they have no souls, or
spirits, like yours.

Have you got a soul ?—Yes, in your body there
is a soul which will never die.
think of God.

When God made your body, he put your soul
inside. Are you glad of that? When God made
the dogs, he put no soul like yours inside their
bodies, and they cannot think of God.

Can I see your soul?—No; I cannot see it.
No one can see it but God. He knows what you
are thinking of now.

They cannot understand

Your soul can


Which is the best, your soul or your body ?—
Your soul is a great deal the best. Why is your
soul the best ?—Your body can die, but your soul
cannot die. '

Shall I tell you what your body is made of 2—
Of dust. God made the dust into flesh and blood.

What is your soul made of ?

Your soul, or spirit, is made of-the breath of God.

That little dog will die some day. Its body
will be thrown away. The dog will be quite gone
when its body is dead. But when your body dies,
your soul will be alive, and you will not be quite

Where would you be put if you were dead ?—
Your body would be put in a hole in the ground,
but your soul would not be in the hole.

Even a little baby has a soul, or a spirit.

One day, as I was walking in the streets, I saw
a man carrying a box. Some people were walking
behind, crying. There was a dead baby in the
box. Was the soul of the baby in the box ?

No; its soul was gone up to God.

Will you not thank God for giving you a spirit ?
Will you not ask him to take your spirit to live ©
with him when your body dies ?

Say to God, “ Pray, take my spirit to live with
thee when my body dies and turns into dust.”


Tell me, mamma, if I must die
One day, as little baby died ;
And look so very pale, and lie
Down in the pit-hole by his side?

Shall I leave dear papa and you,
And never see you any more?
Tell me, mamma, if this is true ;
I did not know it was before.


‘Tis true, my love, that you must die ;
The God who made you says you must ;
And every one of us shall lie,
Like the dear baby, in the dust.

These hands, and feet, and busy head,
Shall waste and crumble quite away ;
But though your body shall be dead, °
There is a part which can’t decay.
Jane Taylor's “ Hymns for Infant Minds.”


What is that part which can’t decay 4

It is your soul. °

Your body will decay; it will turn into dust:
but your soul will live for ever;

it will never



OU know that God lives in heaven. He

has no body, for he is a spirit. |

Does he live in heaven alone ?

No; angels stand all round his throne.

What are angels ?

Angels are spirits.
sun; but they are not so bright as God, for
he is brighter than the sun. The angels are
always looking at God, and it is God that makes
them shine so bright.

They sing sweet songs about God. They say,
“ How good God is! how wise! how great!”

There is no night in heaven, for the angels are
never tired of singing, and they never rap to

They are never sick, and they will never die.

They never weep ; there are no tears upon their
cheeks, but sweet smiles, for angels are always

If the angels were naughty, they would be
unhappy. Naughtiness always makes people

The angels are quite good.
very much, and mind all he says.

They have wings, and can fly very aaieay, ;
God sends them down here to, take care of Ug 1
As soon as God tells an angel to go, he begins |

They are bright like the

They love God

to fly. They are very str ong, and | can. keep us
from harm.
Should you like the angels to be near you at
night? Do you know.this pretty verse of a ppen q
I lay my body down to sleep ;
Let angels guard my head,

And through the hours of darkness keep
Their watch around my bed.

You must ask God to send the angels, for they
never go except when God sends them. __

God is their Father. They have not two
fathers as you have. The angels are the children
of God, and live in God’s house in heaven. When
you mind what your father tells you, then you
are like the angels who mind God. —

The angels love us very much. They wish us
to grow good, and to come to live with them in
heaven. When a child is sorry for its naughti-
ness, and prays to God to forgive it, the angels
are very thuch pleased.

When a little child who loves God falls sick
and is going to die, God says to the angels, “Go
and fetch that little child’s soul up to heaven.”
Then the angels fly down, the little darling shuts
its eyes, it lays its head on its mother’s bosom, ©
its breath stops—the child is dead! Where is
its soul? The angels are carrying it up to

How happy ne child is now! Its pain is
it is grown quite good; it is bright like
an angel. It holds a harp in its hand, and
begins to sing a sweet song of praise to God.
Tis little body is put into a grave, and turns
into dust. One ay God will make its. pedi: alive

over ;

Dear children, will you pray to God to send

his angels to fetch your souls when -you die ?

Around God’s glorious throne above
The happy angels stand,

And ever praise the God they love, eS
And fly at his command.

2 - Theit faces, like. the sun, .are bright,
And sweetest smiles they wear. 4
They never sleep ; there is no. ‘night
Nor need of candle there, -



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But though the angels live so high,
They love us men below,

And hope to see us in the sky
In garments white as snow.

And when a dying infant lies
Upon its mother’s breast,

The angels watch it while it dies,
And take its soul to rest.



HEN did God begin to live in heaven ?
God always lived in heaven.

Once there was no such little child as you, but
there always was God.

Once there was no sun, but there always was

Once there were no angels, but there always
was God.

No one made God; God was the first of all
things, and God made every thing.

A very long while ago'God made the angels.
How many angels did he make?

No one could tell how many. There were more
than could be counted. They were all good and

But some of the angels grew bad. They left
off loving God, and grew proud and disobedient.

Would God let them stay in heaven after they
were bad ?

No; he cast them out, and hath kept them in
bonds under darkness.

One of these bad angels was called Satan. He
is the chief or prince of the bad angels. He is

‘called the Devil.
The devil is very wicked, and hates God. He


can never go back to heaven again; but he comes
here where we live, and he brings the other devils
with him.

We cannot see Satan, because he is a spirit;
but he is always walking about and trying to
make people naughty. —

Satan loves mischief; he does not wish to be
good. It pleases Satan to see people in pain and
in tears; but it pleases him best to see them
naughty, because then he thinks that they will
come and live with him in his dark place. He
wishes that there should be a great many people

in hell; so he tries to make us do wicked things,

and to keep us from praying to God.
I cannot tell you how very bad Satan is. He
is very cruel, for he likes to give pain. He isa

liar, and teaches people to tell lies. He is proud,

and wishes people to mind him more than God.

He is envious, and cannot bear to see people

The devil hopes very much that you will come
and live with him when you die. He knows that
if you are bad like him, you will live with him;
so he tries to make you like himself. When you
are in a passion, you are like the devil. When
you say, “I don’t care,” you are like the devil.
When you think yourself good, you are proud
like the devil. |

Can God keep you from minding the devil ?
Yes, he can; for God is a great deal stronger
than Satan. Besides this, God is always near
you, for God is everywhere. Now Satan cannot
be everywhere at the same time. It is true that
Satan has a great many angels who go where he
tells them, and that Satan-and his angels come
near you very often. But God is always with
you; he is before you, and behind you, and on
every side of you; he is about your bed when
you sleep, and about your path when you walk.
Therefore you need not be afraid of Satan; only
ask God to help you, and he will do so.

Satan is much stronger than you are; but God
is stronger than all. If anybody were to come
to hurt you when you were alone, you would be



frightened; but if you saw your father coming,
you would run to him, and you would not be
Now God is our Father ;
he can keep Satan from hurting you. Pray. to
him, and say, “O dear Father, keep me from
being wicked like the devil, and from going to

frightened any more.

Satan was once an angel bright,
And worshipped God on high ;
But now he dwells in darkest night

In endless misery.

Daring his God to disobey,
He lost his happy state ;
Sinners above could never stay
Around God’s throne to wait.

Thousands of angels with him fell
Who owned him as their king:
Hoping with us to share their hell,

They tempt our souls to sin.

God, unto thee I’ll lift my prayer
(He'll hear an infant cry),
“Save me, O Lord, lest I should share
In Satan’s misery.”


Gen. i. 1-10.

HIS large place we live in is called the world.

It is very beautiful. If we look up, we

see the blue sky ; if we look down, we see the green
The sky is like a curtain spread over our heads,

the grass is like a carpet under our feet, and the .

bright sun is like a candle to give us light. It
was very kind of God to make such a beautiful
world, and let us live in it.

God was in heaven, and all his bright angels
around him, when he began to make the world.

God’s Son was with him; for God always had a
Son, just like himself.

His Son’s name is Jesus Christ. He is as good
and great as God his Father. The Father and
the Son are God. They always lived together, and
they love each other exceedingly. The Father
and the Son are one God, and they made the

How did God make the world *—By speaking.
First of all, God made the light. God said, “ Let

there be light,” and there was light. No one can

make things byspeaking but God. God made things

of nothing.- He only spoke, and the light came.
Then God made the air.
You: cannot see the air, but you can feel it.

The air is everywhere. You can sometimes hear
the noise it makes, for you hear the wind blow,
and the wind is air.‘

Next, God put some water up very high. The
clouds are full of water; and sometimes the water
comes down, and we call it rain.

God made a large, deep place, and filled it with
water. God spoke to the water, and it rushed into
the deep place. God called this water the sea.

The sea is very large, and it is always moving
up and down, and tossing itself; but it cannot get
out of the large, deep place in which God has put
it; for God said, “‘ Stay there.”
~ When the wind blows hard, the sea makes a
loud noise and roars.

But God made some dry land for us to walk
upon: we call it ground. We could not walk upon


the sea, nor build houses on the sea; but the
ground is hard, and firm, and dry.

Now I have told you of five things that God

1. The light.
. The air.
The clouds.
The sea.
. The dry land.

Let us praise God for making such a large and
beautiful world.

wm ws oO DO

*Twas God who made this world so fair,
The shining sun, the sky, the air ;

*Twas God who made the sea, fies ground, |
And all the things I see around.

When he began the world to make,
These were the mighty words he spake:

“ Let there be light.” His voice was heard,
And the obedient light’ appeared.

The angels saw the light arise,
And with their praises filled the skies.

“ How great our God, how wise, how strong!”
Such is their never-ending song.


Gen. 1. 11-19.

HEN God made the dry land, there was
So God

nothing on it; it was bare.
spake, and things grew out of the ground.
Trees came out of it. They were covered with
green leaves of different shapes. Some were called
oak-trees, and some were called elm-trees, and
some beech-trees. And some trees bore nice
fruit, such as plum-trees, apple-trees, orange-trees,

and fig-trees.

Vegetables grew out of the earth: potatoes and
beans, cabbages and lettuce, they are called vege-

Corn came out of it. Some corn is called wheat,
and some corn is called barley, and some is called
oats. The ears of corn bend down when they are
ripe, and look yellow like gold.

God made the soft green grass to spring up,
and flowers to grow among the grass-—flowers of
all colours and of sweetest smell. The yellow

buttercup, the white lily, the blue violet, and the
rose, the most beautiful of all flowers.

‘I have told you of five sorts of things that grow
out of the earth.

1. Trees.

2. Vegetables.

3. Corn.

4. Grass.

5. Flowers.

The world looked very beautiful when it was
covered with grass and trees. But only God and
the angels saw its beauty.

Afterwards God placed the sun in the sky,
and bade it shine all day, and go from one end
of the world to the other. God made the moon
to shine at night, and he covered the sky with

You never saw anything so bright as the sun.
It is very large indeed ; only it looks small, because
it is a great way off. It cannot fall, for God holds
it up. God makes it move across the sky. Did
you ever hear this pretty verse about the sun ?—

My God, who makes the sun to know
His proper hour to rise,
And to give light to all below,

Doth send him round the skies.
Dr. Watts.


The moon does not shine as brightly as the sun, ©

for God lets it be dark at night, that we may rest
and sleep soundly.

Who could count the stars ?—No one but God.
He knows their names and their number, too.
When we look at the moon and stars, let us think
“how great God is. Yet he cares for the little
birds, and loves little children.”


I saw the glorious sun arise
From yonder mountain gray,

And as he travelled through the skies
The darkness went away ;

And all around me was so bright,

I wished it would be always light.

But when his shining course was done,
The gentle moon drew nigh,

And stars came twinkling, one by one,
Upon the shady sky.

‘Who made the sun to shine so far,

The moon, and every twinkling star ?


"Twas God, my child, who made them all,
By his almighty skill ;
He keeps them, that they do not fall,
And guides them as he will-:
That glorious God who lives afar,
In heaven beyond the highest star.
Jane Taylor's “ Hymns for Infant Minds.”



Gen. i, 20-25.

GY had made a great many things; but none
of these things were alive. At last he
made some living things. He spoke, and the
water was filled with fishes, more than could be

Some were very small, and some were very
large. Have you heard of the great whale? It

is a fish as long as a church. Fishes are cold, and
they have no feet, and they cannot sing nor speak.
God made some flying creatures, more beautiful
than fish, called birds. These perched upon the
trees, and sang among the branches.
Birds have wings, and are covered with-feathers _
of all colours. The robin has a red breast, the

goldfinch has some yellow feathers, and the jay
some blue ones; but the peacock is the most _
beautiful of birds. It has a little tuft upon its
head, and a long train that sweeps behind; some-
times it spreads out its feathers, and they look like -
a large fan. The thrush, the blackbird, and the
linnet can sing sweetly ; but there is one bird that
can sing more sweetly still—it is the nightingale.
At night, when all the other birds have left off.

singing, the nightingale may be heard in the woods.

Some birds swim upon the water—such as
geese, and ducks, and the beautiful swan, with its
long neck and its feathers like the snow.

Some birds are very tall. The ostrich is as tall
as aman. It cannot fly like other birds, but it
can run very fast indeed.

The eagle builds its nest in a very high place.
Its wings are very strong, and it can fly as high
as the clouds.

The gentlest of the birds is the dove.
not sing, but it sits alone, and moans softly, as if
it was sad.

I cannot tell you the names of all the birds,
but you can think of the names of some other kinds.

There 1s another sort of living creatures, called
insects. God made them come out of the earth.
Insects are small, and creep upon the earth—such
as ants. Some insects can fly also—such as bees
and butterflies. The bee sucks the juice of flowers,
and makes wax and honey. How gay are the

It can-


wings of the butterfly! they are covered with
little feathers, too small to be seen. .

All the insects were good and pretty when God
made them.

At last God made the beasts. They came out of
the earth when God spoke. Beasts walk upon the
earth ; most of them have four legs. You know
the names of a great many sorts of beasts. Sheep
and cows, dogs and cats, are beasts. But there
are many other sorts besides: the squirrel that
jumps from bough to. bough, the rabbit that lives
in a hole under ground, and the goat that climbs
the high hills; the stag with his beautiful horns,
the lion with his yellow hair, the tiger, whose skin
is marked with stripes. The elephant is the
largest of the beasts, the lion is the strongest, the
_ dog is the most sensible, the stag is the most
beautiful, but the lamb is the gentlest. The dove
is the gentlest of the birds, and the lamb is the
gentlest of the beasts.

Now God had filled the world with living
creatures, and they were all good; even lions and
tigers were good and harmless. I have told you
of four sorts of living creatures :—

‘1. Fishes.

2. Birds.

3. Insects.

4. Beasts.

All these creatures have bodies, but they have
not souls like you. They can 'move and breathe.
God feeds them every day, and keeps them alive.
The Lord is good to them all.


Gen. i. 26, to the end of chap. ii.

OW I shall tell you of the last thing God

God took some of the dust of the ground, and
made the body of a man; then he breathed on it,
and gave it a soul; so the man could understand
about God. Adam was quite good like God.
Adam loved God very much.

God put him in a very pretty garden, full o
trees covered with fruit. This garden was called
the garden of Eden. God showed Adam all the
beasts and birds, and let Adam give them what
names he pleased. He said to Adam, “I give
you all the fishes, and insects, and birds, and
beasts; you are their master.” So Adam was
king over all things on the earth.

God said to Adam, “‘ You may eat of the fruit
that grows on the trees in the garden.” Still
God did not let him be idle, but told him to take
care of the garden. You see how very kind God
was to Adam.

But Adam had no friends to be with him; for
the beasts and birds could not talk to Adam.
Then God said he would make a woman to be a
friend to Adam. So God made Adam fall fast
asleep, and while he was asleep God took a piece
of flesh out of his side, and made it into a woman.
When Adam woke he saw her. He knew that
she was made of his flesh and bones, and he loved
her very much. Her name was Eve.

You have heard of all the things God made.
They were all beautiful ; and all the living things


were quite happy; there was no pain, and no
sighing, and no sin in all the world.

God had been six days in making the world.
And when he had finished it, he rested, and made
no more things.

The angels saw the world that God had made :
they were pleased, and sang a sweet song of praise
to God. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was pleased,
for he loved Adam and Eve.

How did I know about the world being made? It
is written in the Bible, which is God’s own book.

Let us count over all the things that God made.




Dry land.

Things that grow out of the earth.
Sun, moon, and stars.

Oy Es 3 Oe es a

Living creatures.


Gen. iii.
Ne and Eve were very happy in the gar-
den of Eden. They talked to each other,
and walked together, and they never quarrelled,
and they praised God for all his kindness to them.
God used to talk with them sometimes. They
were pleased to hear his voice, for ahey were not
afraid of him.
There was one thing that God had told them
not to do.
There was a tree in the middle of the garden.
Some beautiful fruit grew upon it; but God said

to Adam and Eve, ‘ You must not eat of the fruit
of that tree: for if you eat of it, you shall die.”

Adam and Eve liked to obey God, and they
cid not wish to eat of this fruit.

You know that the wicked angel Satan hates
God, and he hated Adam and Eve. He wished
to make them do. evil, that they might go to
hell and be burned in his fire. So he thought he
would ask them to eat of that fruit. He went
into the garden, and looked like a serpent.

He saw Eve alone near the tree.

He said to her, “ Why do you not eat of this fruit?”

Eve answered, ‘“ No, I will not; we must. not eat
of that fruit. If we do, God has said we shall die.”

Then the serpent said, ‘You shall not die; the
fruit will make you wise.”

Eve looked at the fruit, and thought it seemed
nice and pretty, and she picked some and ate it;
and she gave some to Adam, and he ate it.

It was very wicked of them to eat this fruit. .
Now they were grown naughty, and did not love


Soon they heard God speaking in the garden;
then they were frightened, and they went and hid
themselves among the trees.


But God saw them; for he can see everywhere.

So God said, “ Adam, where art thou?” Then
Adam and Eve came from under the trees.

God said to Adam, ‘“ Have you eaten the fruit
that I told you not to eat?”

And Adam said, “It was this woman who
asked me to eat some.”

And God said to Eve, “ What is this that thou
hast done?”

And Eve said, “The serpent asked me to.


God was very angry with, the serpent, and said
he should be punished for ever and ever.

God. said to Adam and Eve, “You shall die. I
made your bodies of dust, and they will turn to
dust again.”

God would not let them stay in the sweet
garden, but he sent an angel with a sword of fire,
and he drove them out.

The angel stood before the gate with his sword,

so that they could not come again into the garden.


GEN. iii, 14-24,

RE you not very sorry to hear that Adam
and Eve were turned out of the garden ?
It was not so pleasant outside of the garden.
A great many weeds and thistles grew outside;
but in the garden there were only pretty flowers
and sweet fruits.
Adam was forced to dig the ground till he was
hot and tired, for he could not always find fruit
upon the trees. .

Now Adam felt pain in his body sometimes,

‘die instead of them.

and his hair became gray, and at last he was
quite old.

Eve was very often.sick and weak, and tears
ran down her cheeks.

Poor Adam and Eve! if you had obeyed God
you would have been happy for ever.

Adam and Eve. knew that they must die at
last. God gave them some little children; and
Adam and Eve knew that their children must die
too. God had told them that their bodies were
made of dust, and that they must turn to dust

But there was something more sad still. They
were grown wicked. They did not love praising
God, as they once had done, but they liked doing
many naughty things. They were growing like
Satan; so Satan hoped that when their bodies
were put into the ground their spirits would be
with him, for Satan knew that the wicked could
not live with God in heaven.

And they would have gone to hell, and all their
children too, had not God taken pity upon them.
God, who is very kind, had found. out a way to
save them.

God had said to his Son, a long, long while

before, “Adam and Eve and all their children

must go to hell for their wickedness, unless you
My beloved Son, I will send
you. You shall have a body; you shall go and
live in the world, and you shall obey me, and you
shall die for Adam and his children.”

The Son said to his Father, ‘‘I will come: I
will do all that you desire me to do. It is my
delight to obey you.”

~So the Son promised that he would die for
Adam and Eve, and for their children.

How kind it was of the Father to spare his dear

Son, whom he loved so very much! How kind

_ it was of the Son to leave his throne of light, his

bright angels, and his dear Father, and to take
a body and to die!

You know that we are some of Adam’s chil-
dren’s children. It was for us that Jesus came to
die. We are wicked, and we should go to hell if


Jesus had not promised to die for us. _We ought
to love the Father and the Son, because they had
pity on us.

Let us praise God with the aheels and say,—

“We thank thee, O Father, for thy tender
love, in giving up thine only Son.

“We thank thee, O Son, for thy tender love,
in coming down to bleed and die.”

The Father waited a long while before he sent
his Son down to be a man.

‘All the time’ the Son waited in heaven, he
thought of what he had promised to do; but he
would not go and be.a man ll his Father pleased
to send him.


Luke i. 26-55.

OD told Adam and Eve that he would send

his Son down some day to die for them.
- But Adam and Eve did not love God; for they
were grown wicked.

Could God make them good ?

Yes, he could; for there is a Holy Spirit in

heaven, and the Holy Spirit could come into them

and make them good.

You know, my little children, we are wicked,
and God can make us good with his Holy Spirit.
If God puts his Holy Spirit in us, we shall not go
to hell and live with Satan.

T hope you will ask God to give you his Holy
Spirit. Say to God, “O give me ey Holy
Spirit to make me good !”

Adam had a great many children and grand-
children, and they had more children ; at last the
world was full of people—more people than you
could count.

After Adam and Eve had been dead a long

‘while, and when the world was full of people, God

said to his Son, “ Now, my beloved Son, go down
into the world.”

But God: chose that his Son: should be a “ttle
baby first—because everybody is a little baby at

God sent his at to be the baby of a poor
woman. This woman’s name was Mary. Mary
had no little children. She was a good woman,
and loved God. God’s Holy Spirit was in her,
and made her meek and gentle.

One day an angel came to her.
saw the bright angel, she was frightened.
the angel said, “ Fear not, Mary; God loves you.
He will send you a baby that shall be the Son
of God. You shall call his name Jesus. He will
come to save-people from Satan.”

Mary was much surprised. at what the angel
said. She thought she was not good enough to
have such a baby as the Lord Jesus.

When the angel was gone back to heaven, Mary
sang a sweet song of praise to God for his good-
Mary said, “ My soul praises God, and my
spirit is glad because of my Saviour.”

Mary called her baby her Saviour, for she knew
that he would save her from hell, 9 &

When Mary


I wonder not that Mary feared

When Gabriel to her appeared ;

How could she know he came to bring
So sweet a message from his King?

Full long the Son in heaven had stayed,
Since first the promise had been made,
To shed his blood for Adam’s sin,

And happiness for man to win.

But yet the Son had ne’er forgot,

- And what he said he changéd not ;
The time was come he should be born,
And in this world should live forlorn.

Mary shall be the mother dear

' Who in her arms the child shall bear :
The angel came this news to bring, .
And Mary listened, wondering.

And did the Lord a poor maid btiooke, :
And all the great and rich réfuse? |. , , ,.
High honours God delights to place .
On those who humbly seek his face.










Luxe ii. 1-7.

{ ARY had a husband called Joseph. He

was a good man, and very kind to Mary.

Now, before Mary’s child was born, a great
king said that everybody must pay him some
money. So Mary and Joseph took some money,
and left their house, and went a great way to pay
the money to the king. At last they came to a
town called Bethlehem.

It was night. Where could they sleep ?

They went to an inn, and said, “ Will you
let us in? We have come from a great way

But the master of the inn said, ‘I have ‘no
room in my inn for you.”

What could poor Mary do ?
the street.

Mary said she would sleep in the stable, if the
master would let her.

So Mary and Joseph went into the stable.
There were cows and asses in the stable.

While Mary was in the stable, God sent her

the little baby he had promised her. She knew
that the child was the Son of God, though his
form looked like other little babies.
- She wrapped the baby in some long clothes,
called swaddling clothes; but she had no cradle
for the baby to sleep in, and she could not lay it
on the ground, lest the beasts should tread upon
it; so she put the baby in the manger, and she
sat by it to take care of it.

How dearly Mary loved this sweet babe!

This baby had not a naughty heart, as other
Jesus had no sin, but was quite

She must sleep in

babies have.

pure and lovely. Yet other babies have cradles
and soft pillows, while Jesus lay in a manger.
I will tell you.a verse to say to your little
baby-brother when you rock his cradle.
Soft and easy is thy cradle ;
Coarse and hard thy Saviour lay,
When his birth-place was a stable,

And his softest bed was hay.
Dr, Watts “ Cradle Hymn.”


Luxkr ii. 8—20,

HERE were some fields near Bethlehem.

On the night when Jesus was born, some
shepherds were sitting by their sheep in those
fields. Why did they sit up at night? To keep
their sheep from the wolves and lions which walk
about at night. There are no wolves and lions
where we live, but near Bethlehem there were
wild beasts. ae

These shepherds saw a great light. A beauti-
ful angel came from heaven. The poor shepherds
were afraid; but the angel said, “Be not afraid ;
I bring you good tidings of great joy. God has
sent his own Son from heaven to save you. He
is a baby now, lying in a manger. Go to Beth-
lehem, and you will find him.”

The angel had scarcely done speaking when
hundreds and hundreds of bright angels filled the
sky, and began singing and praising God for hav-
ing sent his Son to save men.

At last the angels went back to heaven, and the
shepherds were left alone.

Did they stay with their sheep ?

No; they said, “ Let us go and. see the Son of

20 | (LEE WsSe. VEN.
BeOS i TE ee ee

They ran to Bethlehem, and went to the stable
of the inn. There was a babe lying in the manger;
Mary and Joseph were sitting by. The shepherds
said, “This is the Son of God.
spoken to us to-night, and told us where to find him.”

All the people in Bethlehem were much sur-
prised when the shepherds told them about the
angels and the Son of God.

Blessed Babe! what glorious features !
Spotless fair, divinely bright !

Must he dwell with brutal creatures? .
How could angels bear the sight?

Was there nothing but a manger
Sinners could to him afford,

To receive the heavenly Stranger?
Did they thus affront the Lord ?

See the kinder shepherds round him,
Telling wonders from the sky ;
_ Where they sought him, there they found him,
With his virgin mother by.

See the lovely babe a-dressing,
Lovely infant, how he smiled !
When he wept, a mother’s blessing
Soothed and hushed the holy Child.
Dr. Watts’ “ Cradle Hymn.”


- Marv. ii.

HERE were some wise and rich men. They
lived a great way from Bethlehem. They

knew that God had sent his Son to be a babe ;
but the men did not know where to find him: so

God put a beautiful star in the sky, and God:

made it move towards the place where Jesus was.

So the wise men left their houses, and set out on.

a long journey ; but first they said, “ Let us bring
some presents for the Son of God ; for he isa King.”

Angels have ©

They took some gold, and some sweet. -smelling
stuff to burn.

They looked at the star as they went.

At last it stopped over a house in Bethlehem.

The wise men were very glad indeed.

They longed to see the Son of God.

They came in, and there they saw Mary and her,
child Jesus. They fell down and began to praise —
him, and to call him the Son of God, and the King.

They took out ‘their presents, and gave them to
him. Mary was. poor; but now she had some
money to buy things for her little baby.

Lo! travellers enter Bethlehem’s gate,
Arrived from some far-distant land ;
They seem to be of high estate,
- And hold rich presents in their hand.

They swiftly pass from street to street ;
Nor need:they fear to go astray,

Nor need they ask the men they meet
To guide them in their unknown way.

For see where shines a beauteous star ;
On it they fix their joyful eyes:

That heavenly guide has led them far,
And now it lightens Bethlehem’s skies.

But, lo! it stops, its course is done ;
On Mary’s roof it sheds a light :
Enter! there dwells God’s blessed Son—
Enter! enjoy the glorious sight.

But where is he, the Lord of all,

Who made the heavens and earth and seas? °
Behold him there, an infant small,

Lying upon his mother’s knees !

Their Lord full well the strangers know,
And humbly worship at his feet ;
Joyful their golden treasures show,
And burn their precious spices. sweet.

Oh happy they who knelt that day
Before the lovely infant’s face,

And who believed, though clad in clay,
That he was Lord of every Piped: !

And shail not-I be happy too,

If, though his face I never saw,
I feel for him affection true,

And still obey his holy law?

Nor gold nor spices need I give;

To show my Lord how much'I love; °
But I may serve him while I live,

And thus my warm affection prove.

was dark when they set off.’—LESSON 17.




Marv, ii; Luxe ii. 51, 52.
HERE was a very wicked king called Herod.
He lived a little way from Bethlehem. He
heard that a babe’ was born in Bethlehem, and
that some people said that the babe was a king.

Now Herod did not like that there should be
any other king besides himself. _ Herod did not
like that even the Son of God should be king.

So Herod said, “I will kill this babe that is
called a king.”

Herod knew that this babe was in Bethlehem ;
but there were many babes in Bethlehem, and
Herod did not know which was the babe that was
called a king.

Some people knew which it was; but they
loved Jesus, and they would not tell Herod. A
very wicked thought came into Herod's mind.
He thought, “I will kill all the babes in Bethle-
hem.” Do you think God would let Herod kill
his Son? No. God knew what Herod meant to
do. God sent one of his bright angels to speak
to Joseph when he was asleep.

The angel said, “A wicked king wants to kill
the baby. Get up, Joseph; take Mary and the

baby a great way off.” So Joseph got up quickly ;

he took his ass, he put Mary on it, and she held
the baby. It was dark when they set off No-
body saw them go.

The next morning some men came with swords.
Herod had sent them. They were come to kill
all the babies. They opened every door, and said,
“Ts there a baby here?” Then they snatched
it from its mother, and killed it, and the poor
mother cried bitterly. Had you walked down
the streets, you would have heard nothing but

him, because he was so meek and kind.
older he grew the more they loved him. Vv


women weeping and crying out, “ My pretty baby


is dead; I shall never see it more!

Was Jesus killed ?

No: he was gone far away. His Father, God,
had sent him away. Herod could not kill hin,
for God would not let him die so soon. .

At last King Herod died. Then God sent an
angel to speak to Joseph when he was asleep.
The angel said, “Joseph, go back to your own
country ; ; Herod is dead.”

“So Joseph took the ass, and ‘Mary, and the
sweet child Jesus, and they all came back to their
own country.

Joseph was a carpenter. Jesus lived with
Joseph and Mary, and minded all they said. He

was a wise child, and loved to think of God.

God his Father loved him, and everybody loved

From babies dear the blood is streaming ;
Around behold the mothers screaming ;
For cruel Herod sent an order

To kill the children of that border.

He seeks to kill the heavenly stranger,
But God has saved his Son from danger :
An angel Joseph did awaken ;

To distant lands the babe is taken.

How safe are those within God's keeping !

How safe awake, how safe when sleeping !

For night and day his eye can watch them,
His hand from every evil snatch them.


Mart, iv. 1-11.

T last Jesus grew to be a man. He knew
that he must go from place to place, and
teach people about God.

So oe. SS a ee

But first he went into a desert place by himself.
He had no house to sleep in there, no friend to
speak to, no food to eat.
cold, in the day very hot.

There were no men, but there were wild beasts.
At night they roared and howled: but Jesus
trusted in his Father.

He ate nothing for forty days and forty
nights: God kept him alive. When Jesus was
alone, then he spoke in his heart to his dear
Father. ine

At last some one came and spoke to him.

Who was it?

Not a man, not a bright angel, not God: it
was Satan. J do not know how he looked, He
was come to tempt Jesus to do wickedly, and not
to mind God his Father,

‘Satan knew that Jesus was hungry. He said
to him,“ Turn these stones into bread!” But Jesus
would not, for God had promised to feed him

After that, Satan took Jesus to the top of a
great building that was much higher than a
church. It is dreadful to be on the top of a very
high place; it makes one tremble to look down
from the top. a

Satan said to Jesus, “Throw yourself down
from this place; your Father will send his angels
to keep you from being hurt, for you know that
he has promised to take care of you.”

Would Jesus have done right had he thrown
himself down?, No. Jesus. knew that his Father
would be displeased if he threw himself down ‘
and Jesus always did the things that pleased his

Then Satan took him to the top of a very high
hill) He showed him the most beautiful things
in the world—gardens and houses, ships and
carriages, and fine clothes and feasts. He said,
“Look at these fine things. I will give them all
to you. You shall have all the world for your
own: only kneel down and call me God.”

But Jesus said, “I will pray to my Father,
and not to you.”

In the night it was

Jesus loved his Father better than all the
things in the world.
Adam and Eve minded: Satan, and disobeyed —

God; but Jesus did all his Father had told him.

Adam was disobedient ; Jesus was obedient.
Then Satan went away; and angels came from
heaven and fed Jesus. |
Satan goes about trying to make children
naughty. A lion. could only eat your body, but
Satan wants to have your soul and body in hell.
Satan hates you. He is your enemy. But God
is stronger than Satan. Say to God, ‘« Keep me
from minding Satan,” and God will keep you.

Upon that mountain’s height

Two mighty princes stand—
Jesus, the prince of light,

Satan at his right hand ;
Below them lies the’ prospect fair
Of all earth holds of rich or rare.

Tables are seen around, f

Spread with delicious meats ;
Gardens where fruits abound,

And thousand tempting sweets ;
Silver and gold and precious stones,
Chariots and palaces and thrones.

Satan did once prevail
On Eve to disobey ;
And now why should he fail
To tempt the Lord astray ?
For Eve abundant food possessed,
While Christ with hunger is distressed.

In vain the tempter tries
The Saviour to deceive,
For Jesus left the skies
Our miseries to relieve cs
' His Father dear he sought to please,
Nor wished for earthly joy and ease.

He had seen brighter things,
_ And sweeter joys had known,
Where angels touch the strings _
Around his Father's throne ;
And shall he from that throne descend
Before the:evil one 'to bend ?


No! he will hunger bear,
And suffer sharpest pain,
Till God shall hear his prayer,
And his weak life sustain.
And lo! ashamed the tempter flies,
And angels feed Him from the skies,

said to them, ‘Come with me.’’—LESSON 19.



Full oft does Satan try
To draw my steps aside ;
Now bids me tell a lie,
My faults from all to hide ;
And tempts me soon to sin again,
That I new pleasure may obtain.

Whenever I consent
To walk in Satan’s ways,
It is as though I bent
My knee before his face.
’ And what reward will Satan give?
In his own hell with him to live.

‘How shall my feeble heart
Be kept from Satan’s power ?
O Lord, thy strength impart
In every tempted hour,
That I may sinful joys refuse,
And thy sweet service ever choose.


Marx i, 16-20.

HEN Jesus was a man, he began to teach
people about his Father.
Where did he preach ?
Sometimes he preached to people in a place like
a church, sometimes he preached in the fields,
sometimes he sat on the top of a hill and preached,
and sometimes he sat in a ship, and the people
stood by the edge of the water to hear him.

Jesus used to

Jesus did not always live in the same place; he
used to walk about from one place to another.

Did Jesus walk about alone?—No; he had
twelve friends always with him. He called them
his twelve disciples. ;

How many are twelve 2—TLLet us count the little
children in this room. Here are twelve. Jesus

had just so many disciples. .

One was called Peter, and another John, and
another James, and another Thomas. But I will

’ not tell you the names of all, lest you should for-

get them. .

Peter was a fisherman. He had a little ship,
and he used to catch fish in the day and in the
night. James and John had another little ‘ship,
and they used to catch fish.

One day Jesus passed by their ships, and Jesus
saw Peter and his brother Andrew throwing a
net into the sea to catch fish, and Jesus said to
them, ‘‘ Come with me.” And Peter and Andrew
left their nets and their ship and went with

And Jesus went a little farther, and he saw
James and John sitting in their ship mending the
holes in their nets, and Jesus said to them, “Come
with me,” and they left their nets and went with

Jesus called what people he pleased to come
with him.

Shall I tell you why Jesus chose to have twelve
friends always with him? What do you think
was the reason ?

Jesus wished to teach them about God his
Father, that they might teach other people about
him. They liked being with him and listening to
his words. Would you have liked to have been
always with Jesus ?

When Jesus was alone with his disciples, he
used to tell them secrets about God and heaven.
They loved him very much indeed; they called
him Master and Lord. Jesus loved them still
more than they loved him, and he called them his

Jesus used to give them part of his things. But -
Jesus had no house to live in, and he had very
little ‘money. Sometimes they were very much
tired with walking far, and sometimes they were
very hungry and thirsty. But kind people often
asked them to come into their houses, and gave
them food. Other people laughed at Jesus and
called him names.

Were the disciples good ?—They were bad, like


us; but Jesus put his Spirit into them, and made
them better. The disciples were not quite good,
like Jesus; they often quarrelled with each other,
and sometimes they were unkind to poor people.

How happy they who shared the bread
Of Jesus here below !

From place to place he travelled,
And they with him did go.

What though they never had a place
Where safely to abide,

They saw their loving Master’s face,
And followed by his side.

They heard him preach from hills and ships

. Of things to men unknown,

But sweeter words dropped from his lips
When they were all alone;

For then he would the things explain
They could not understand,

That heavenly wisdom they might gain,
And teach it through the land.


Tis true I cannot here below
With thee, my Saviour, dwell;

To heaven one day I hope to go,
And there to know thee well.


Joun ii. 1-11.

TOLD you that some people used to ask Jesus
to come into their houses. I shall now tell
you of a man who did ask Jesus. This man gave
a feast, and Jesus came to the feast; Mary, Jesus’ -
mother, came; and the disciples came. There
were a great many more people besides at the feast.
There was some wine for the people to drink, but
there was so little that very soon it was all gone.
Jesus knew that the wine was gone. Could not
Jesus give the people more wine ?—Yes; for he
made the world and all things in it.



There were some large stone jars in the room,
Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with
water ;” and they filled them quite full.

Then Jesus said, “ Dip in a cup, and give it to

the master to drink.” The servants gave it to
him ; but Jesus had turned the water into wine.
‘When the master had tasted it, he said, “‘ What
nice wine this is! where did it come from 2?”
The servants told him how Jesus had told them
to fill the jars with water. Then all the people at
the feast knew that Jesus had turned the water

~ into wine.

This was the first wonder that J esus did. It

was called a miracle.
Why did Jesus do miracles ?.
To show people that he was the Son of God.
The disciples now felt quite sure that Jesus was
the Son of God.

Once Jesus to a marriage went : ;
The numerous guests surround the board,
. When lo! they find the wine is spent ;
This Mary hears, and tells the Lord.

Before the guests’ astonished eyes

Christ makes his heavenly glory shine ;
The thing desired he soon supplies,

And changes water into wine.

How ready does my Lord appear
Our fond desires to satisfy !

And all that we can wish for here
He is well able to supply. ,




Luxe vii. 11-16.

FTER Jesus had turned the water into wine,
he did a great many wonders: he made
blind people see, and sick people well, and dumb
people speak, and lame people walk.
When Jesus came to a place all the sick people
crowded round him.

Jesus did not send them away because they
disturbed him, but he cured them all.

This was the way in which he cured one blind man.
He said, “See!” and the man could that moment.

This was the way in which he cured a man who
was deaf and dumb. Jesus put his fingers into
his ears, and touched his tongue, and looked up
to his Father in heaven, and said, “Be opened!”
and immediately the string of his tongue was
loosed, and he could speak plain.

Once Jesus saw a poor sick man lying on a bed,
and Jesus said to him, “Should you like to be
made well?” The poor man said he wished very
much to be made well. Then Jesus said, “Get
up, carry your bed, and walk.” The man tried to
get up, and he found that he could, for Jesus

gave him strength.

One day Jesus was in a’ place like a church—
he was preaching—when he saw a poor woman

whose back was bent, so that she could not lift |

up her head. Jesus said, “ Woman, I have made

you well;” and then Jesus touched her with his
hands, nek her back grew straight, and she began

to praise God.

Sometimes God made dead people alive again.
That was more wonderful than making sick people


Once Jesus was walking on the road. A great
many people were walking after him; for people
liked to see him do wonders, and to hear him talk.
They met some men carrying a dead man to a
him in the ground.

A poor old woman came after, crying very
much. She was the mother of the dead man.
He was her only son. Jesus was very sorry to
see her cry. He came up to her, and said, “Do
not cry ;” and then he touched the coffin. There
was no top to it: the dead man was lying in it.

Jesus said, “Get up, young man.” He sat up,
and began to speak. Then Jesus said to his
mother, ‘‘ Here is your son.”

All the people were surprised, and said, “ This
must be the Son ce God. He can make dead
people alive again.”



LUKE vii. 36 to end.

HY did Jesus come into the world ?—To
save us from being lost.

But why did God say that people must be lost ?
—Because everybody was naughty.

Jesus can forgive people their naughtiness, and
make them good. But Jesus will not forgive
people who are not sorry. I will tell you of a
proud man who was not sorry, and of a poor
woman who was sorry.

_ A rich proud man asked Jesus to come and
ane with him. Why did he ask Jesus? He
did not love him—he only asked him that he
might hear him talk; but Jesus said he would

The proud man treated Jesus very unkindly.


He gave him no water to wash his feet, put
no sweet ointment upon -them, gave him no

A poor woman, who had been very naughty,
saw Jesus go into the rich man’s house. She
came up behind Jesus, and began to cry for all
her naughtiness. She knew Jesus could forgive
her, and she loved Jesus.

She had brought a box of ointment with her.
She stooped down, and her tears fell upon Jesus’

feet, and with her tears she washed them; she |

wiped them with her long hair, and then poured
the sweet ointment upon them, and kissed them.

The rich man looked at the woman very angrily;
he knew-she had been very naughty, and he was
angry at seeing Jesus so kind to her.

But Jesus said to the proud man, “This woman
has. been very naughty ; but I have forgiven her,
and she loves me very much. She loves me a
great deal more than you do. You gave me no
water for my feet; but she has washed my feet
with her tears. You gave me no kiss;
has kissed my feet ever since I came in.



but she —

gave me no ointment; but she has spawned very

_ sweet ointment upon my feet.”

Then Jesus spoke kindly to the woman, and
said to her, “‘ Your sins are forgiven.”

So Jesus comforted this poor woman; but the
proud man and his friends grew still more angry.

Jesus will forgive your sins if you are sorry, -
and if you ask him; but if. you think yourself —
good, he will not forgive you, for Jesus cannot
bear proud people. Though you are but 4. little
child, you have done a great many wrong things,
and you do not deserve to go to heaven. Oh, I
hope Jesus will forgive you! I hope the Holy
Spirit will come into your heart, and make you
feel very sorry for your sins. Then Jesus will
forgive you, and you will love him, as this poor
woman did.

One day, walking from one place to another,
Jesus came to Jacob’s well, near the city of
And being weary, Jesus sat down to
And a woman coming to the well for water,
he asked her to give him some water to drink.
Then Jesus told her of the living water which he,
as God, alone could give.




fuee vill. 22-25.

) J ESUS often went into a ship with his disciples.

Peter had a ship of his own, and John had
another ship, and they liked to lend their ships to

Once they were all in a ship, when the wind
blew very hard, and the water moved up and
down, and came over the ship. The disciples
were afraid that they should be drowned.






s cee



Jesus had fallen asleep, and was lying on a pil-
low. The noise of the wind and of the water had
not awakened him. _ ;

His disciples ran to him and cried, “O Master!
do you not care for us? will you let us die?”

Then Jesus got up and said to the wind, “ Wind,
be still!” and he said to the water, “Be still!”

The wind left off blowing, and the water was
smooth and quiet. .

Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Why were
you afraid? Why did you not believe that I

would take care of you?”
Jesus knew that they were tossed about, and he
would have kept them safe though he was asleep.

The disciples said one to another, “Jesus is the
Son of God; even the wind and the water obey him.”

The twelve, with their Master and Lord,.
At sea in a vessel were tossed ;

The winds loudly blew, the waves roared ;
They feared that they all should be lost.

The water rushed into the ship ;
For Jesus all eagerly look :

He lies on a pillow asleep—
Had he his disciples forsook ?

Not so; while he slept he still thought
Of them and their bitter distress :
His merciful eye slumbers not,
But watches his children to bless.


He rises his work to perform :
The wind and the waters obey ;

Soon hushed is the terrible storm,
The hurricane passes away.

How ready is Jesus to save!

How strong is his arm to protect !
His mercy we ever will crave,

And answers will ever expect.


LuKE viii. 41 to the end.

RICH man came to J esus, and fell down at
his feet and said, “I have one little girl, and
she is very sick; pray come and make her well.”
And Jesus went with the rich man.
When they were near the house, some servants

came out and said, “The little girl is just dead;

no one can make her well now.”

But Jesus said, “Do not be afraid; I can make
her well.”

Jesus said to the father and mother of the little
girl, “Come with me into the house.— Peter,
James, and John, you may come in, but no one else.”

So they went up into the room where the little
girl was lying in bed. A great many people were
in the room, playing sad music, and singing sad
songs, and crying, because the child was dead.
But Jesus said, “Leave off crying. The girl is
only sleeping; she is not dead.” Jesus said she
was asleep because he meant to make her alive so
soon again. But the people laughed at Jesus,
and said, “She is dead ;” and they would not be-
lieve that he could make her alive again.

Jesus said, “Those people must be put out of
the room.” So he sent them out, and shut the
door ; but he.let the father and mother, and Peter,
and James, and John, stay in the room. He-took


the little girl’s hand, and ‘said, “ Arise!” and first ,

she sat up, and then she rose up out of bed, and
walked about the room. She was twelve years old.
Jesus then said, “ Bring her something to eat.”

The father and mother were much surprised at
what had happened.

Hark ! ’tis a father crying,
And this is what he saith :
“ My little daughter’s lying
Just at the point of death.”

The Saviour soon consented
To come and heal the maid ;
Nor was he e’en prevented
By hearing she was dead.

He found the people weeping
Because her breath was gone;

And when he said, “She’s sleeping,”
They laughéd him to scorn.

The Lord no sinful mocker
Would suffer to remain ;
Then by the hand he took her,
And bade her rise again.

“Ah! see the maid arising
According to his word ;

Does not the deed surprising .
Show Jesus to be Lord?

See, in their fond embraces
The parents clasp the maid :

Ashamed are now the faces
That mocked at what he said.


Mart. xiv. 13-22,

( NCE Jesus went into the wilderness with
his disciples, and a great many people came
after him. Then Jesus preached to all the people,


and told them about his Father, and how he
himself had come down from heaven to save them
from Satan. They listened to him from morning
till night.

When it was getting dark the disciples. came to
Jesus and said, “ Will you not send the people
home? for it is late.”

But Jesus knew that the people had had nothing
to eat all day, and he did not like to send them
home tired and hungry. So he said to his dis-
ciples, “Cannot you feed them?”

“No,” said they; “we have only five loaves
and two small fishes, and see how many people
there are!”

But Jesus said, “Make them sit down on the
grass, and bring the loaves and fishes to me.” So
the disciples made them all sit down.

There were a great many people, as many as
would fill ten churches—five thousand men, besides
women and little children. How tired the little
children must have been! it was time for them to
have their supper and go to bed.

We shall hear how Jesus fed all these people.

They sat down on the green grass. Jesus took
the loaves and fishes. First he lifted up his eyes
to his Father, and thanked him for the food, and
then he took a piece of bread and gave it to Peter,
and said,,‘‘ Feed all those people sitting there ;”


- and he gave another piece to John, and said, “Feed
those people ;” and he gave a piece of bread and
fish to each of the disciples, and told each to feed
some people.

One little piece of bread would not be enough
for all the children in this room; but Jesus made
the bread enough for all the people. Every one
had enough, and there were upon the grass a
great many little pieces. But Jesus said to his
disciples, “Take some baskets, and pick up the
broken pieces ;” and they filled twelve baskets full
of little bits of bread. Then Jesus told the people
to go home.

What a wonder Jesus had done! Yet you
know that he feeds you, my little children, and
all the people in the world.

How does he feed you?
_ He gives you bread.
Of what is bread made ?—Of flour.
Of what is flour made ?—Of corn.
Who makes corn ?—God makes the corn.
Of what does he make it?—Of nothing. God
makes things of nothing. Jesus is God, and

makes the corn grow; so you see that Jesus feeds

you. Ifhe did not make corn grow in the fields
we should die. But he will not forget us. He
even remembers the little birds. They are too
silly to plough or to sow corn, or to reap, or to
put corn into barns; yet God does not let them
starve. The birds cry to God, and he hears them,
and lets them find food. Now God loves us much
better than he loves the little birds, because we
have souls; so he will certainly hear us when we
pray to him.

If your mother had no bread in her cottage,
and if she could get no money to buy some, yet
God would hear her if she loved him. He would
not let her starve.

Wilt you not ask God for bread every day, and
say, “Give me this day my daily bread” ?

We ought to thank God for the food we eat.
Before we eat breakfast, or dinner, or supper, we
should say, “I thank thee, O Lord, for this nice


Marr. xv. 21-28; Marx x. 13-16.

TOLD you that the disciples were sometimes
unkind ; but Jesus was always kind.

Once a poor woman came crying after Jesus,
saying, “O Lord, I have a little daughter who is
very sick.” Jesus did not answer her at first, and
the disciples were unkind, and wished her to be
sent away. She cud so loud they said to Jesus,
“Do send her away.” .

The poor woman fell down at Jesus’ feet, and
said, “Lord, help me!” And Jesus had pity
on the woman, and said, “I will do what you

The poor woman was glad to hear this, and she
went home, and found that her daughter was quite

Another time the disciples were unkind to some
little children. Some poor women brought the
children to Jesus; but the disciples were standing

‘round, and they would not let the women come


“Go away,” they said; “you must not bring
these babies here to trouble us.”

But Jesus heard them speak, and was very
angry with the disciples. Jesus would not let the
children go away.

He said to the disciples, “ Sn: them to come
to me; do not send them away.”

Then he took the children in his arms, and put
his hands upon them, and prayed to his Father,
and blessed them.

’ O happy little children, to be taken into Jesus’
arms !

Jesus loves meek and gentle children.




are Jesus’ lambs. Jesus is their Shepherd, and he
will take them to heaven when ula die.

Young children once to Jesus came,
His blessing to entreat ;

And I may humbly do the same,
Before his mercy-seat.

For when their feeble hands were spread,
And bent each humble knee,
“ Forbid them not,” the Saviour said ;
And'so he says to me.

_ If babes so many years ago
His tender pity drew,
He will not surely let me go
Without a blessing too.

Then while his favour to implore
My little hands are spread,

Do thou thy sacred blessing pour,
Dear Jesus, on my head.

Jane Taylor's “ Hymns for Infant Minds.”

us this day our daily bread.

_was Jesus, the Lord;



Mart. vi. 9-13 ; Luxe xi. 2-4.

HEN Jesus was in the world, he loved to

think of his Father in heaven. He liked

to be alone, that he might pray to his Father:

sometimes the tears ran down his cheeks while he

One night Jesus prayed all night alone upon the
top of a high hill.

Sometimes Jesus prayed to his Father while his
disciples stood near and listened.

Once when Jesus had ea praying ei them
they said, “Teach us to pray.” Then Jesus taught
them a little prayer. et apes

It was this: “Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy
will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give
And forgive us.
our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass
against us. And lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.
Amen.” | |

I know, little children, that you say this prayer
night and morning. Your mothers taught you to
say it. But did you know who said it first? ° It
so it is called “the Lord’s

It is a very beautiful prayer, for Jesus said it;
but it is hard for children to understand it.

What is the meaning of “Hallowed be thy
name” ?

It means, Let God’s name be praised.

Do you wish God to be praised ?


What are “ trespasses ” ?
_ Trespasses are sins. .

Ask God to forgive you your sins, or your


I hope that you say more little prayers that

you can quite understand.

Would you not like to have God’s Holy Spirit

to make you good? God will send him into your
heart, if you ask him.

God has given you bread, and clothes for your
body. He will give you better sans than

What is the best hing: that God can give you?

—It is the Holy Spirit. He can make your soul
good. Say to God, “O give thy Holy Spirit to
a poor, little, naughty child.”

You should pray to God sometimes when you
are quite alone. Jesus prayed when he was quite
alone. Many little children have prayed to God,
who are now in heaven, and are quite good. Some

children, who are still in the world, pray to him.
They are not quite good yet; but God is making
them grow better every day, and at last they shall
go to heaven, and be quite good.
Our Father, seated in the sky,
Thy holy name be praiséd still ;
Be thou obeyed as King most high,
Let men, like angels, do thy will.

Do thou our daily bread supply ;
Forgive our sins as we forgive ;

Yet help us still from sin to es
Great, glorious King, for ever live !


Marr, xvi. 21 to end.

ESUS knew everything that would happen,
and he knew that he must soon die.
He: used to tell his secrets to his disciples ;

~ ness.
Father, and that they would not turn from their

so he took them into a place by themselves,
and said, “I soon shall leave you. The wicked
people will take me, and bind me with ropes,
and beat me, and laugh at me, and nail me
on a cross; but remember that I shall soon be
alive again.”

-The disciples could not bear to hear Jesus talk
of dying, for they loved him very much. They
all looked very sad, and Peter said, “ You shall
not die;” but Jesus said, “I must die to save
men, and to please my Father.”

‘The Father had desired Jesus to die, and he
would not disobey his Father.

Most of the people who wished to kill Jesus
lived in a great town called Jerusalem.

Jesus used to go to Jerusalem very often, and
he used to preach there.

Why did some people hate Jesus ?—Because
he told them of their wickedness.

He used to say to them, “You do not love
God, who is my Father, but you are proud and
vain. You wish to kill me. You tell lies. You
are unkind to poor people. You pretend to be
good, but while you are saying your prayers you
are thinking of something else. Your hearts are
full of wickedness. You are the children of the
devil.” ols
Jesus wished them to turn from their wicked-
It grieved him to see that they hated his

wicked ways.

The wicked people were angry with Jesus, and
said; “God is not your Father.” But Jesus
said, “He is my Father; and I came down from
heaven, where he lives, and I shall go back to
him some day.”

At last the people took up Bones to throw at
him; but Jesus did not choose to die yet, so he
easily got away from them, and they could not
find him.

Jesus then went away from Jerusalem to live
with his disciples in a place a great way off,
till it was time for him to come to Jerusalem




JOHN xi. 1-17.

ESUS stayed with his disciples in a place by

himself. The wicked people, who wanted to.

kill him, could not find him; but Jesus’ friends
knew where he was.

Jesus had more friends besides his disciples.

One of his friends was called Lazarus. Lazarus
had two sisters; their names were Martha and
Mary. These three all lived together. They all
three loved Jesus, and Jesus loved them. Jesus
used often to come and see them, and sit in the
house, and talk to them. Martha liked to make
a fine dinner when Jesus came, but Mary liked
to sit and listen to his sweet words,

At last Lazarus fell very sick.

Martha and Mary loved their brother Lazarus
very much indeed. They knew that Jesus could
make Lazarus well; so they sent a man to tell
Jesus that Lazarus was sick.

The man went a great way to look for Jesus.

Lazarus grew worse and worse. At last he
died. His friends. wrapped white clothes round
his face, and his arms, and his legs, and: put him
in'a great hole, and rolled a stone before it.
Martha and Mary waited and longed for Jesus
to come.

Four days passed, and at last J esus came,

Martha and Mary did not think that Jesus

would make Lazarus alive again, for he had been |

dead so long; so they sat upon the ground and

When Martha heard that Jesus was on the
road a, little way off, she came to J esus, and said,
“If you had been here, my brother had not died ;
and even now you could make him alive.”

_ Then Jesus said, “ Your brother shall rise again.”

‘sad indeed, and he sighed very deeply.

“Yes,” said Martha: “I know he will rise
again at the last day, when all the dead people rise.”

Martha was afraid that Jesus would not choose
to make Lazarus alive soon; but she knew that
he was able to do it. De

Martha went back to the house, and found
Mary still sitting on the ground, and a. great
many friends round her.

Martha whispered in her ear, and told her that
Jesus wanted to speak to her. So Martha and
Mary went together, and found Jesus waiting for
them on the road.

Mary’s friends went with her, and they cried ;
and Mary cried very much indeed; and when
she saw Jesus she fell down at his feet, and said,
“Lord, if you had been here my brother had not


Jesus was very sorry to see her so unhappy, .
and to see so many people crying ; he felt. very
does not like to see any one in trouble, he is so
kind. | 7

Then Jesus said, ‘ Where have you put Laza-
rus ?” .

Martha and Mary and their friends said, “Come
and see ;” and they showed him the way.

As Jesus walked along the tears rolled down
his cheeks.

At last they came to the grave. It was a hole,
and a very large stone was before the hole.

Then Jesus said, “Take away the stone.”

Martha thought that Jesus was going to look
at Lazarus lying dead, and she said, “Do not
go in; his flesh has a bad. smell by this time.
He has been dead four days.”. But Jesus told
her to believe that he could make him alive.

They then rolled away the stone.

Then Jesus lifted up his eyes to his Father in
heaven, and thanked him for helping him to do
wonderful things.

A great many people were standing by, looking
at Jesus and wondering what he would do.

_ Poor Martha and Mary were longing to see
Lazarus. alive again.


Then Jesus spoke loud and said, « Lazarus,
come forth.” _ ;

Lazarus heard though he was dead. The dead
hear the voice of Jesus. He got up and walked
to the door of the hole. His hands were tied with
cloths, and his feet wrapped round with cloths,
and a cloth was over his face.

But Jesus said, “ Undo the cloths.”

How pleased Martha and Mary must have
been to see his face again! How they must have
thanked the Lord Jesus for his kindness !

The people who saw all this were surprised, and
said, “Jesus must be the Son of God.” _/ .


Marr. xxi. 1-11, 14-17.

HICH was the greatest miracle that Jesus
ever did ? . .

It was making Lazarus alive again; because
he had been dead four days.

Many of the wicked people who hated Jesus
heard of it; but they only hated him the more.
They said, “ We must kill him soon, or every one
will believe that he is the Son of God.”

Jesus knew that they wanted to kill him, and
so he went again and hid himself in a place they
did not know of. They looked for him, but they
_ could not find him.

- But could Jesus always stay in that little quiet
place where he was hid with his disciples? No.
He came down to die for us. He only waited
till the time came for him to die. Then he said
to his disciples, “We must go up to Jerusalem,
and I shall be laughed at, and beaten, and killed ;
but I shall come out of my grave after three days.”

The disciples did not like to hear this, but
they chose to go with Jesus wherever he went.

SS eee
Jesus walked fast along the road. At last he

came near Jerusalem. Then he stopped, and said
to his disciples, “I shall.ride into Jerusalem upon
an ass.” Jesus had no ass of his own ; he always
walked from place to place. But Jesus could put
it into a man’s heart to lend him one.

He said to two of his disciples, “Go along the
road a little way, and you will see an ass and a
young ass tied, and a man standing near. Bring ©
the.ass and the young one to me, for I know that
the man will let them come.”

So the two disciples went. When they had gonea
little way they saw an ass tied up, and a young one.

They began to untie the ass;-but a man stand-
ing near said, “ Why do you untie the ass 2”

They said, “The Lord hath need of them ie
and then the man let them go.

T suppose that man loved the Lord J esus, and
liked to lend him his things.

The two disciples brought the two asses to
Jesus. They took off. some of their clothes and
put them on the young ass, and Jesus sat upon it.

A. great. many people came out of Jerusalem
to see Jesus, for they had Heard of his making
Lazarus alive again. The people began to praise

Jesus and to call him “King.” They took off
some of their clothes, and laid them down upon
the road for the ass to tread upon, and they
picked branches off the trees that grew near and
laid them too on the road.

34 27 Ee Vie

So Jesus came to the great town of Jerusalem.
All the people came into the streets to look at
him, and even the little children began to praise
him and to call him “King.” The proud men
that hated Jesus were very angry at hearing all
these praises. They did not like to hear Jesus
praised. They came to him, and said, “ Why do
you let these children call you king?”

But Jesus liked to hear the children sing his
praise, and he would not tell them to be silent.

Jesus loved little children, and ‘these little chil-
dren loved Jesus.

Jesus, on a young ass seated,
Comes into Jerusalem.

See! by thousands he is greeted ;
Boughs are plucked and strewed for him.

Hark! Jerusalem is ringing
With loud shouts from many tongues.
Hark! the children too are singing ;
Jesus loves those infant songs.

‘While they sing my heart rejoices,”
The dear Saviour sweetly said ;

“ For when babies lift their voices,
Then my praise is perfected.”

Is my dearest Lord delighted
With the songs of babes like me?
Then to sing I am invited,
And I will not silent be.


Luxe xix. 47, 48, xx. 19, 20, xxi. 37, 38.

HERE was a large place in Jerusalem, like

a great church, called the “Temple.” It

was white outside, and very beautiful. The doors
were open all day, and people used to go in to

_ pray to God. It was God’s house. J: esus used

often. to be there with his disciples. Poor, blind,
and lame people came to him there, and Jesus cured
them all, and talked to them about his Father.

The little children sang his praises in the Temple.

All day long Jesus taught the people about
God, and they listened to what he said, and liked
to hear him.

The wicked and proud men came to the Temple
to laugh at Jesus and to speak rudely to him;
but he bore all as meekly as a lamb.

At night he left the Temple, and went out of
the town to a high hill, where he prayed to God
alone in the dark. .

The wicked men longed to catch Jesus to kill
him. They said to each other, “ How can we
get him? The people will not let us take hold
of him if they see us, or we would go to the
Temple to catch him. If we could find him alone
in the dark, then we would put ropes on him, and
take him to the judge.”

This is what the wicked people said to each
other as they sat together.

Within the temple fair and grand,
Where holy men are wont to pray,

Behold the gentle Saviour stand,
Teaching sweet wisdom all the day.

And many round him fondly press— ~
The blind, the lame, the weeping poor,
Who suffer sickness or distress,
Or grace or pardon would implore.

But see, another troop is near,

And much his words their pride displease ;
Like hungry lions they appear

Who long a gentle lamb to seize,

The Saviour all their malice knows,
And how his precious life they seek ;

But still his lips he will not close,
Because his Father bade him speak.

Nor does his heavenly patience fail,
Nor does he cease his love to show ;
But while they mock and jeer and rail,
He strives to save their souls from woe.

And if when trying to be kind
I too should with unkindness meet,
Oh let me show a patient mind,
And ever let my words be sweet!



JOHN xii. 6; Mart. xxvi, 3, 4, 14-16.

ESUS had twelve disciples. |
J Did they all love him ?

Peter loved Jesus, and Jolin loved hin and all
the rest loved him, but one; his name was Judas.
He did not love Jesus, but one pretended to love
him. He was like the devil.

Did Jesus know how wicked Judas was? Yes;
he saw into his heart. But the disciples thought
Judas was good ; for Judas used to kiss the Lord
Jesus, and speak kindly to him, and talk about
God like the rest.

But Judas loved something; he loved money.
He wanted to get a great deal of money.

He was covetous, and he was a thief. . The dis-
ciples had a bag, and when they had money they
put it in the bag; and all the disciples put their
money in the same bag. But there was very
little money in the bag, for they were very poor.
Judas used to take care of the bag, and he used to
steal some of the money out of it, and keep it for
himself; but no one found him out, or thought he
was a thief, except Jesus, and he knew it well.

Judas was always thinking, “ How shall I get
more money ?”

One day, when the proud men were > sitting to-
gether, Judas came in.

Judas said, “ You want to find Jesus when he
is alone : will you give me some money, and I-will
show you where he goes at night ?”

The proud people said, “ Yes, we will.”

Judas said, “ How much money will you give
me ?”

They said, “ acer pieces of silver.”

Then Judas said, ‘“ Some night I will bring you
to Jesus when he is alone.”

The wicked people were very glad to hear this.

“ Now,” thought they, “we shall soon catch
him and kill him.”

Judas went back to Jesus, and told none of his
disciples what he had done. But Jesus knew what
he had been doing; for Jesus could see all his
thoughts, and knew all that Judas did, both in
the day and in the night. Yet Jesus did not tell
Judas that he knew his wicked plans.


' Loxe xxii, 7-14; Jou xiii. 1-17.

ESUS said to his disciples, “I am going soon
| ‘to be killed, but before I die I shall eat a
supper with you in Jerusalem.”

Then Jesus said to Peter and John, “ Go and
get the supper ready.” But they said, ‘“ Where
shall we get it ready ?” for Jesus had no house in
Jerusalem. But Jesus knew how to find a room. |

So Jesus said to Peter and John, “Go into
Jerusalem, and you will meet a man carrying a
jug: go after him; he will go into a house. The
master of the house will lend me a room. Tell
him that I am going to die, and that I want to
eat a supper with my disciples.”

Then Peter and John went into Jerusalem.

Whom did they meet ?

A man carrying a jug.

They followed him. He went into a house.
Peter and John went in after him, and they said
to the master of the house, “ Jesus wants a room
to eat supper in with his disciples before he dies.”

Then the master took them upstairs, and showed
them a large room, with a table in it, and seats
all round the table, and a jug, and a basin to wash
their feet in, and a cup and dishes.


Then Peter and John got some bread and wine
and other things, and made the supper ready ;
and they went back and told Jesus (who was a
little way in the ene that uu was seedy.


So Jesus and all his disciples came to the house in
the evening ; they went upstairs, and they all sat

Jesus loved J on ‘better than all the rest, and

- John sat next to Jesus.

After they had been a little while at supper,
Jesus got up and took a towel and tied it round
his waist, and he took a jug and poured water into
a basin, and he began to wash his disciples’ feet,
and to wipe them with the towel round his waist.

But when he came to Peter, Peter said, “ You
shall never wash my feet.”

Peter thought it was too kind of Jesus to wash
his feet, as if he were a servant; but Jesus was
not proud, but loved to be kind to his disciples.

Then Jesus said to Peter, “If I wash you not,
you cannot be mine; but I have made you clean
already.” Jesus had made Peter’s heart clean.

Then Peter was glad that Jesus should wash
his feet.

All the disciples had clean hearts, except Judas,
and his heart was full of wickedness: Satan was
in it. Yet Jesus washed Judas’s feet. He was
kind even to wicked Judas, who hated him.


When Jesus had washed all the disciples’ -feet,
he sat down again, and began to talk to them.

He said, “Do you know what I have done to
you? I have washed your feet, though I am
your Lord and Master. .I wish to teach you to

be as kind to each other as I have been to you.” y
When the sad hour was almost come

That Jesus must depart,
He gathered in an upper room

Those dearest to his heart.

Ah! great was their astonishment
- When, rising from his seat,
Upon the floor he lowly. bent
To wash his servants’ feet.

Beside the board again he sat,
And thus expressed his mind:
“ If I, your Lord, upon you wait,
Oh, should not you be kind?

“Oh let the love that I have shown
By you remembered be,
And by your love let it be known
That you belong to me.”


O Lord, it is my fond desire
That thou my name wilt own ;

And much the kindness I admire
That in thy actions shone.

But oh, how hard to imitate !
To thee for help I call ;.
On others may I love to wait,

And be the least of all.


JOHN xiii. 21-30.

OU know the wicked thing that Judas meant

to do. .Jesus knew that he would bring

the wicked people to take him and kill him.

Jesus had been very kind to Judas, and Jesus was
sorry that he was so wicked.



As Jestis was sitting at supper, and all the

twelve disciples sitting round, he said, “One of |

you will give me to the wicked men to be killed—
one of you, my disciples ! ”

All the disciples were very sorry, and Beer
said, “Is it I?” and John said, “Is it 12” and
each of them said, “Is it I?” But Jesus did not
tell them which.

Now John was leaning his head on Jesus’
bosom, and Peter whispered to John and said,
“Do ask the Lord which it is that will show the
wicked people where he is.”

So John whispered and said, ‘ Which is it?”

‘And Jesus said, “ The one that dips the bread
in the sop with me.”

For there was a dish of sauce on the table; and
Jesus dipped his bread in it, and as he dipped it
one of the disciples put his hand in the dish too.
Which was it ?

Judas: he dipped his bread in the dish with Jesus.
So John knew which it was that was so wicked.

Then Jesus said to Judas, “ Go, and do what
you mean to do.”

And Judas got up and went out of the room.

Where did he go?

He went to the wicked acatn to ae them
to Jesus in the dark.

But the disciples thought he was going to buy
something at a shop, or to give money to the poor.

One night the Saviour said,
“‘ My hours to live are few ;
I soon shall be betrayed,
My friends, by one of you.”
“ Lord, is it 12”
They all do cry.

Beloved above the rest,
John leaned his gentle head
Upon the Saviour’s breast,
And, softly whispering, said,
“ Lord, tell me who
This thing shall do.”

“ One of this little band,”
The Saviour, answering said,
«Will hither reach his hand,
And dip with me his bread.
Who dips with me,
The same is he.”


Dear Lord, how could it be
That one who lived all day,
And ate his bread with thee,
- Should thy dear life betray ?
Ah! how could he
Thus deal with thee?

Not so would I reward
Thy tender love to me:
I would, my dearest Lord,
Thy faithful servant be ;
For thou art he
Who died for me.


Mart. xxvi. 26-36 ; Joun xiv. 1-4, xvii. 1-3.

FTER supper Jesus took some bread, and

broke it in little bits, and gave a piece to

each of the disciples, and said, “ This is my body ;
I am going to die; eat this, and think of me.”

Then Jesus poured some wine into a cup, and

told them all to drink out of it. He said, ‘‘ This

is my blood; I shall soon bleed and die; drink

this, and think of me.”

Jesus said, “I shall not eat supper with you

again before I die. I am going to my Father; I
must leave you, but I shall come back again.”
Then they all sang a hymn.


Afterwards Jesus got up from the table and

went downstairs into the street, and the disciples

followed him. It was dark; but Jesus talked to
them as they went along. He said, “I am going
to die to-night, and you will all leave me.”

But Peter said, “I will not leave you. I will
go to prison with one I will die with en but
I will never leave you.”

Jesus said to him, “ Yes, you will, Peter. You
will say that you do not know me; you will say
that you are not my friend. This night, Peter,

you will say so, before the cock crows.” (For
cocks crow in the morning when it is light.)
Jesus talked sweetly to his disciples. He said,

‘Do not be sorry because I am going away. I

shall go back to my Father, and I shall soon come.

back to you. When I am in heaven, I shall get
ready a place in heaven for you. I command you
to love one another; and I will send my Spirit
into your hearts.”

At last Jesus came to a garden. He had often
been to that garden with his SecpIee and wicked
Judas knew the place.

Where was Judas now ?

He was with the wicked, proud men.

You will soon hear how he came to the garden,
and how he brought the servants of the wicked
men with him. For these wicked men meant to
send their servants to catch Jesus.

“This is my flesh,” the sorrowing Saviour said,
And as he spake he gave the broken bread ;

“This is my blood,” and then he bade all drink,
And of their dying Master ever think.

“This night I die; this night my body’s bruised ;
This night by wicked men my name’s abused ;

And even you, my dearest friends, shall fly,
And leave your Master all alone to die.”

His friends in sorrow heard : then promiséd
With him they fondly loved their blood to shed ;
And Peter loudest said, “ With thee I’ll die,”
And little thought he should his Lord deny.


Sometimes I think I never will offend,
By doing wrong, my best, my heavenly Friend.
How soon my heart forgets! To God I'll pray
For grace to keep me in his holy way.

fell on the ground.


Marv, xxvi, 30-57; Jonny xviii. 1-12.

HEN Jesus was come to the garden, he

told all his disciples to stop in one place

till he came back, except three that he took with
him. ~~

Who were they 2.

Peter, James, and John. He took them farther
on in the garden, and then said to them, “I feel
very sad indeed. I am going to pray. Do you
stay here. De not go to sleep, but Pray while I
am praying.”

_ Then Jesus went a little way off by himself,
and fell upon the ground, and began to pray to
his Father to help him. He ended his prayer
by saying, “O Father, do what thou wilt, not
what I will.” .

He prayed very earnestly, and he felt so un-
happy that the blood came out of his skin and
Then he got up and went
back to Peter; and James, and John; but he
found them asleep. He woke them, and told
them to pray.

Then he went back and prayed again to his
Father to help him in his great sorrow. Then he
came back to his disciples, but they had fallen
asleep again.

Then Jesus prayed again, and his Father sent
an angel from heaven to comfort him. I do not
know what the angel said, but I know the angel
loved him, and could speak sweet words to him,
and tell him how his Father loved him. The
angel did not stay long ; he soon went back to God. |

Then Jesus came again to his disciples, and
found them still asleep. But Jesus woke them,
and told them to get up; “for Judas,” he said,
“as near.”


While Jesus was saying this, a great many
people were seen walking in the garden. These
were the servants of the proud men in Jerusalem.
They had swords and sticks and lanterns in their
hands. And Judas went before them to show
them where Jesus was. But Judas came up slyly
to Jesus, and gave him a kiss, pretending to love

Jesus knew what Judas was doing, and he said,
“Friend, why do you come here? and why do
you kiss me 2”

Jesus did not run away, but he went up to the
wicked men, and said, “ Whom are you looking
for?= ’

They said, “ For Jesus.”

He said, “I am he.”

‘When he said that, God made all the wicked
people fall upon their backs upon the ground.
Then Jesus could have run away; but he chose
to stay, that he might die for sinners.

The wicked people soon got up. God let
them get up; but Jesus said to them, “If you
want to have me, you must let my disciples go

It was kind.of Jesus to think of them, and they

were frightened and glad to get away; they did
not wish to stay to die with Jesus.

But Peter took a sword and cut off one of the
wicked men’s ears. Peter wished to fight; but
Jesus said, “ Put up your sword. If I were to
pray now to my Father, he would send thousands
of angels to help me.” Then Jesus touched. the
man’s ear, and made it well.

Why did not Jesus pray to God to send the
angels ?

Because he chose to die to save us. Had the
angels come and taken Jesus back to heaven, then
we should all have gone to hell.

Peter and all the rest of the disciples ran away,
and left Jesus quite alone with the wicked men.
They took ropes, and tied his hands and feet, and
they led him away into Jerusalem, and he went
along meekly as a lamb. / ;


Mart, xxvi. 57 to end.

HE wicked proud men who hated Jesus had
; sat up all night. They had sent their serv-
ants with some soldiers to fetch Jesus. They
were in a fine house, seated on seats round the

room, talking together, and longing for Jesus to

be brought.

They said one to another, “ We will have him
killed when he comes; we will take him to the

At last Jesus came in with the wicked servants.
The proud men were glad to see him. They made
him stand up in the midst of the large room.
Then they spoke roughly. ‘Are you the Son of
God ?” they said.

“Yes,” said Jesus, “I am; and one day you
will see me coming in the clouds with the angels.”


Then the wicked men were angry.

“Do you hear what he says?” they cried out.
“He calls himself the Son of God. He must be
taken to the judge to be killed.”

Jesus stood meekly all this while, and hardly
spoke a word.

What was become of the disciples ?

They had run away.

Had Peter run away ?

Peter said he would die with Jesus; but he
ran away too.

At last Peter thought, “I will go and look for
Jesus; I should like to see what the wicked men
are doing to him.”

So Peter came to Jerusalem, and into the fine
house. He came into the hall first: the wicked
servants were sitting round a fire in the hall; a
door was open, and through the door Peter could
see Jesus. There he was, standing before the
wicked men. Peter hoped that nobody would
know that he was one of Jesus’ disciples, lest he
should be killed. But as Peter was sitting by the
fire warming himself, a maid said to him, “ You
are one of Jesus’ disciples.”

Then Peter was frightened, and said, “No, I
am not; I do not know the man you speak of.”

Then Peter got up and went outside the door ;
but another maid said to him, “I am sure you are
one of the disciples of Jesus.” |

“No,” said Peter, “I am not.” So Peter went

back again to the fire, and began talking with the


But some of them remembered: having seen
Peter in the garden, and they came to Peter and
said, “ We are certain that you are one of the
disciples.” “I saw you in the garden,” said one.

Then Peter began to swear, and to say that he
was not.

While Peter was speaking so wickedly he heard
a cock crow.

Then Peter remembered what Jesus had said,
and he looked at Jesus, and Jesus turned round
his face and looked at Peter. It was such a look!
Jesus did not speak, but his look seemed to say,


“Tg this Peter my friend, who said he would die
with me? Is this his love forme? Does he say
he does not know me?”

Peter felt very sorry; he felt as if his heart
would break, and he went out of the house and
began to cry very much indeed. For Peter did
really love Jesus; only Satan had tempted him to
be so wicked as to say he did not know him.

If Peter had prayed in the garden instead of
going to sleep, he would have behaved better. But
Christ had often prayed for Peter, that Satan
might not get his soul at last.

When Peter sat within the hall,
To see what should his Lord befall,
He said he never knew the man,

- And e’en to curse and swear began. -
His sorrowing Master turned his head,
And by his look he sweetly said,

“ Does Peter say he knows me not?
Has Peter, then, my love forgot?”

Soon Peter wept: most bitterly

That he had dared his Lord deny.

His Lord is mine: I love him too;

Oh may I prove to him more true!
But if I sin, oh grant that I

May weep, like Peter, bitterly ;

And may it like a sword

To think I’ve grieved my dearest Lord.


JOHN xviii. 22 to end; Marr. xxvi. 67, 68; Jouw xix. 1-16.

LL night long Jesus stood in the great room;

he heard all Peter said, and that must have

grieved him. The wicked people were like lions

and tigers, and Jesus like a lamb. They looked
at him as if they hated him.


Velde LT Al

that he looked very good, and he did not like to

Once when he spoke a servant slapped his face,
but he bore this meekly.

The judge was not up yet, for it was night; so
the wicked people were forced to wait till the

The servants came round Jesus and put a cloth
over his face, and beat him, and pushed him, and
spat upon him, and laughed at him.

When the morning came the wicked people
said, “ Now we will bring him to the judge.”


So they went out of their fine house, and took
Jesus with them.

The judge sat upon a high seat in the street.

His name was Pontius Pilate. The judge did
not know Jesus. The judge said, ‘What has he
done ?”

The wicked people said, “He calls himself a

Then Pilate said to Jesus, “ Are you a king?”
and Jesus said, “Yes, I am.” But Pilate thought

punish him.

Then the wicked men made a great noise, and
said, “ You must crucify him !”

“No,” said Pilate; “TI will beat him, and that
will be enough.” So Pilate gave Jesus to some
soldiers, who took him into a house and beat him
with knotted ropes (this way of beating is called
scourging), and all the blood ran down his back.
Then the cruel soldiers laughed at him, because he
said he was aking. They took off his own clothes,
and put some fine clothes on him, such as kings
wear, purple and red.

Then they said, “We must put a crown on his
head.” So they took prickly thorns, sharp like
pins, and twisted them together, and made a crown,
and put it on his head.

They said, “ He must have a sceptre” (for kings
hold something called a sceptre in their hands) ; so
they put a reed in his hand for a sceptre; then
they took it from him, and beat him on the head ;
and they knelt down to him laughing, and said,
“O king! O king!”

Pilate then brought Jesus into the street where
the wicked people were, and a very great crowd,
and he showed Jesus to them, and said, ‘“ Look
at your king!”

Pilate hoped they would be sorry to see him so
ill-used—blood upon his forehead from the thorns,
and his back scourged, and dressed in fine clothes
to mock him; but the wicked people were cruel
like tigers. .

“No,” said they; “crucify him! crucify him !”
All the people cried out, “ Crucify him!” though
Jesus had always been so kind to them.

“Will you crucify your king?” said Pilate.

‘He shall not be our king!” the people said.
There was a very great noise in the street, from
the people all speaking at once.

Then Pilate thought he would please the wicked
people, and he said, ‘Take him and crucify him.”
Then the people were glad. But first the soldiers
took off the fine clothes, and put his own clothes
on him again.


How wicked it was of Pilate to let him be cruci-
fied! Pilate thought Jesus was good, yet he let
him be killed to please the people. Vv

What! is there none to take Ais part
Who silent, trembling, bleeding stands?
Not one to cheer his broken heart,
Or snatch him from those cruel hands?

A thousand voices lifted high
Now fill with horrid shouts the air—
“ Away with him and crucify !”
Nor does one friend for him appear.

Behold how men his love reward !
His tender flesh the scourge has torn,
His gentle hands are bound with cord,
His head is crowned with prickly thorn.

But why did God the Father let
His only Son be treated thus?
He sent his Son to pay our debt,
And suffer all this pain for us.

*Twas I deserved, O dearest Lord,

My flesh should be with scourging torn,
My little hands be bound with cord,

My head be crowned with prickly thorn.

And now what can I do for him

Who suffered all this pain for me? -
Whene’er I feel or hear of sin, ©

Pll think, O dearest Lord, of thee.

Nor shall my hands in anger strike,

When thy dear hands for me were bound ;
Nor shall my head with passion shake,

When thine with prickly thorns was crowned.

And when I hear one smiling tell
Of sinful things that men have done,
I will not smile, but sorrow feel,
Because sin bruised God’s only Son.



Marz xxvii. 3-5,

HERE was J udas all this while? The
wicked people had given him the money,
thirty pieces of silver; but Judas could not be happy.

“Ah!” thought he, “I have killed my good
Master! What a wicked man I am!”

Judas felt that he could not like the money ;
he could not. bear to keep it, because he had done
such a wicked thing to get it. So he brought it
back to the wicked men; he threw it down on
the floor, and then he went into a field.

I suppose he tied a rope round his neck, and
fastened the rope to a tree. Afterwards he fell
down from the tree, and his body burst,-and his
blood was poured out on the ground. . Oh, what
a horrible sight it must have been! But it was
more horrible to think where Judas’s soul was

It was gone to hell and to Satan.

Tt was very wicked of Judas to hang himself,
instead of praying to God to forgive him.

Judas is in the wicked place now; and Jesus will
judge him at the last day, and say, “Depart, you


cursed !


LUKE xxiii. 26-34,

HE wicked people were very glad when
Pilate said Jesus was to be crucified. They
made.a cross of two great pieces of wood like
boards, and made Jesus carry it. They took him
out of Jerusalem into the country. The wicked
people came with him.

Jesus was so weak that he could hardly walk,
and the cross was so heavy that he could not
carry it. He would have dropped down on the
way if a man had not helped him to carry the

There were a few people who were Sorry for the
Lord Jesus.

Some women, who loved him very much, came


crying after him. Jesus heard them crying, and
he turned round and spoke very kindly to them.

He said, “Do not cry for me; cry for yourselves,
and for your children.” Why did Jesus tell them
to ery for themselves? Ah! Jesus knew how
God would one day punish the people in Jerusalem
for their wickedness.

At last Jesus came to the top of a high 1 hill:
Then the soldiers made Jesus lie upon his cross,
and they put nails in his hands and nails in his
feet. So they nailed him to the cross. Then the
soldiers made a hole in the Coe and. stuck the
cross in it.

They had taken off Jesus’ clothes; and when he
was on the cross, the soldiers tore the clothes in
pieces, and each took a piece; but when they
looked at his coat they said, “ We will not tear it,
because there is no seam in it;” then one of the
_ soldiers took it for his own. So the wicked people
took everything away from Jesus.

Was Jesus very angry with them ?

No; he was meek as a lamb. He prayed to his
Father while he was upon the cross ; he could not
lift up his hands, but he could speak to God. He
prayed for these wicked people, and said, “ Father,
forgive them ; for they know not what they do.”

“ Father, forgive,” the sufferer cries,
“ Because they know not what they do.”
To heaven he lifts his dying eyes ;
Was such a prayer e’er heard below ?

Tell me for whom the Saviour prays!
For those who bear him deadly hate,
Who spit upon his lovely face,
And pierced his blessed hands and feet.

And does the Saviour pray for these?
Ah! then I see that I should pray

For all who hurt me, vex, or tease,
By spiteful things they do or say.

Alas! I feel my heart’s inclined
To do to them as they to me,
And by my words and deeds unkind
To let all such my anger see.

Yet J have sinned against my God,
And disobeyed ten thousand times ;

Am I prepared to feel his rod
_Avenging my ten thousand crimes?

And thus he says he'll deal with me,
It I’m unwilling to forgive ;

For only those like Christ shall see
The glorious place where angels live.


LUKE xxiii. 35-48.

Pe PILATE wrote these words on
the top of Jesus’ cross: “ This is the King

. of the Jews.”

_ Who were the Jews ?

The people who lived in Jerusalem were called

All the wicked people laughed when they read
these words. They shook their heads and pouted
their lips at Jesus, and said, “If you are the Son
of God, come down from the cross.”

Could Jesus have come down ?

He could do everything ; but he chose to stay
to die for sinners.

The wicked people said, ‘‘ If God loved him, he
would not leave him to die on the cross.”

But his Father let him die to save us.

There was a cross on each side of Jesus, and a
thief nailed upon each cross. One of these thieves
laughed at Jesus. He said, “Why do you not
save us, if you are the Son of God?”

The other thief was sorry for his sins, and he

‘loved Jesus.

The thief who was sorry said to the other thief,

. “ We have been naughty, we deserve to be cruci-

fied ; but Jesus is quite good.” Then he spoke ‘to
Jesus, and said, “Remember me, and save me.”
And Jesus said, “ You shall be with me in
heaven to-day.” So Christ heard the poor thief’s
prayer ; for Jesus died that he might save all who
believed that he was the Son of God.
If you go to heaven you will see that poor thief.



Joun xix. 32-35; Mart, xxvii. 45-54. -

ESUS’ mother, Mary, stood near the cross.
She came to see her Son die. She was very
sorry ; she felt her heart full of pain at the sight.

~ She loved her dear, good Son, who had been

kind to her ever since he was a baby, and had |

never done one thing wrong, and she knew he was
the Son of God. Jesus was sorry to see his
mother’s grief.
John had come to the cross, and he stood near
Jesus wished John to take care of his mother,

now that he was going to leave her. So he said
to his mother, “ Behold thy son!” And he said
to John, “Behold thy mother!” John. knew

what Jesus meant, and he took Mary. to be his
mother, and made her live with him.

Jesus loved his mother, and thought of her
when he was dying.

Jesus was full of pain, and it was very hot. He
said, “I thirst;” and the soldiers took a sponge,
and dipped it in vinegar, and put it on a stick, and
gave it to Jesus. .

Jesus just tasted the vinegar, and said, “It is
finished!” and then he died. His spirit went to
his Father, but his body hung upon the cross.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon when Jesus

; died. He had been nailed to the cross all ‘the


But before Jesus died God had made it very
dark, to show he was angry with the wicked
people. And God had made the earth shake, and
the people were frightened; and when Jesus was

dead, some of them said, “This must have been
the Son of God.” —#

Mary beholds One dying there

Whom in her arms she once did bear,
And to her bosom press.

On her he cast his pitying eye,

For who should now his place supply,
And cheer her loneliness?

The loving John shall be her son,

And cherish her till life is done
Within his humble home ;

And oft together they shall speak

Of him who, once despised and weak,
At last in clouds shall come.

O gentle Lord, how great the love

Which made thy tender pity move
F’en in the hour of death !

O let me show my parents dear

The same kind love and thoughtful care
Until their latest breath.



JOHN xix. 32-37.

T last the soldiers came to see if Jesus and

the two thieves were dead, that they might

bury them before night. The soldiers looked at
one thief, and.they saw he was not dead; so they
broke his legs, and that killed him.. Then they
looked at the other thief, and they saw he was not
dead; so they broke his legs. Then they looked
at Jesus, and they saw he was dead; so they did
not break his legs. But one of the soldiers took

a long stick with a sharp point at the end, called.

a spear, and put it in his side; and out of his side
blood and water came flowing upon the ground.
John was standing near, and he saw the blood
poured out.

Do you remember how Jesus, at supper the
night before, had poured wine into a cup, and said,
“This is my blood, which is shed for sinners” ?

Now his blood was poured out.

The spear made a hole in Jesus’ side. There
was a hole in his side, and a hole in each hand,
and a hole in each foot; and his forehead was
pricked with thorns, and his eyes had shed many
tears, and blood had come from his skin. All this
he suffered for us, that God might forgive us our

“Yes, he is surely dead,”
The cruel soldier said,
Then pierced the Saviour’s side.
_ Behold, a mingled tide
Of blood and water, flowing from the wound,
Covers with crimson stains Golgotha’s ground!

The loving John was near ;

He saw the soldier’s spear
Bring forth that wondrous flood
Of water and of blood,

And well remembered how his Master said,
_He came for sinful man his blood to shed.

The blood that flowed that day
Long since has passed away;
But still there flows a stream
(Though by all eyes unseen)
For those that trust the blood on Calvary spilt,
And in that stream their souls are washed from guilt.



Joun xix. 38 to the end; Lux xxiii. 55, 56;
Mart. xxvii. 60.

HERE was one rich man who loved Jesus;

his name was Joseph (not Mary’s husband ;

this was another Joseph). He had a garden, and

in the garden he had made a grave: perhaps he

meant to be buried there himself when he came
to die.

But now Joseph thought, “I should like to put
the Lord Jesus in my grave.” It was a very nice
grave, and no one had ever been put there yet.

So Joseph went to Pontius Pilate, and said, “I
-want, the dead body of Jesus; may I take it down
from the cross, and keep it myself?”

And Pilate said, “Yes, you may have it.”

Then Joseph was glad. He brought some nice
white clean linen. What do you think that was
for? To wrap Jesus in. And he brought some
spices (sweet-smelling things that grow out-of the
ground), and he brought some men with him, and
they took the nails out of Jesus’ hands and feet,
and took his body down from the cross. Then
Joseph wrapped a cloth round his head, and
another cloth round his waist, and he put sweet
spices on him; and then some men carried him
along to Joseph’s garden.

In the garden there was a high place called a


rock, and a hole in the rock, like a hole in the
wall; and they walked into this large dark hole,
and they laid Jesus down quite alone. Now he
was at rest. He felt no pain, no sorrow; the wicked
people were not near; and there lay the Lord in
his quiet grave. The men took a very large stone
and stopped up the hole, so that nobody could
come in. No beast, no bird could touch the Lord
Jesus. There were trees and flowers near him in
this sweet garden, and there were angels there
watching over him, though | no one could see

Where were the poor women who loved
Jesus ?

They had been looking at him on the cross.
_ How they must have cried when they saw him
bleed, and heard him cry out to God!

The poor women had seen the men take him
down from the cross. They had followed. the
men into the garden; they had seen him put so
carefully in his grave.

They said to each other, “ ue us get more
spices, and te sweet ointment to put on the
Lord Jesus.”

Joseph had put some spices, bi they wanted
to put more. So they went home and made nice
ointment. b

In the cold grave the Saviour’s sleeping,
While angels bright are watching near ;

At home his loving friends are weeping,
For they have lost their Master dear.

His painful sufferings now are ended ;
His wounded body is at rest ;

His soul, from every ill defended,
Reposes on his Father’s breast.

Then when to die the Lord shall call me,
Oh!. why should I the cold grave fear ?
For how should any ill befall me,
Since my dear Saviour once lay there?


Marx xvi, 1-6; Luxe xxiv. 3-10; Marr. xxviii, 9, 10.

NE morning very early, when Jesus had

only been dead two days, the poor women

came into the garden. It was not quite light yet;
it was very early in the morning.

As the women walked along with their oint-
ment they said to each other, “ How shall we get
into the grave? The men put a large stone before
it; the stone is so big we cannot roll it away.”
The women did not know what to do. ‘

At last they came to the grave, but the stone
was rolled away.

‘The women. were quite surprised. -

Then they were afraid some wicked people had
rolled it away, and stolen the body of Jesus.

This made them very sad. They looked into
the grave,.and saw that Jesus was not there.
Soon they saw two beautiful angels standing by
them. Their faces were bright like the sun, their
clothes whiter than snow.

The women trembled when they saw the angels;
but the angels spoke sweetly and kindly to them,
saying, “Do not be afraid; we know that you
are looking for Jesus. He is not here now; he
is alive. Do not you remember how he said

the would come to life again, after he had been

crucified ?

“Come,” said the angels, “and look at the
place where Jesus lay. Run quickly and tell his
disciples that Jesus is alive, and that they shall
see him very soon.”

The women were very glad indeed. They ran as
quickly as they could to tell the disciples. But


as they were running, whom do you think they
saw? Jesus himself! He did not look as he
once had looked. No tears were on his cheeks;
they were all wiped away. He was not weak
and. faint, as when he carried his cross. He never
would be sick any more, nor could he ever die

How pleased the women were to see him!
They knelt down on the ground, and held his feet,
that he might not go away; and they called him
their Lord and their God. Yet still they felt a
little afraid ; ‘but Jesus told them not to be afraid.

“Go,” he said, “and tell my brothers that I
shall soon see them again.”

Whom did Jesus call his brothers ?

His disciples. He had forgiven them for hav-
ing run away when the wicked men took him.

The poor women ran, as Jesus had told them,
to the disciples, and said, “We have seen angels!
we have seen the Lord Jesus! He is walking
~ about, and you will see him soon.” But the
disciples would not believe the women.

Behold, how swift those women fly! .
Both fear are in their eye:

Ah, sure they’ve seen some glorious thing,
Or haste some glorious news to bring.

An angel’s voice they lately heard ;

To them the Lord has just appeared :
With fear their hearts are beating fast ;
With joy the news to tell they haste.

They lately wept their dying Lord ;
Now to their eyes he is restored ;

He for their sakes has shed his blood,
And now is proved the Son of God.

I wonder not their joy is great,

For what could greater joy create?

Have they not found that matchless Friend
On whom their hopes for heaven depend ?

And in their joy have J no share?
My sins did he not also bear ?

Yes, twas to save my soul from pain
The Saviour died and rose again.

Then, Jesus, with my infant breath,
Tl praise thy love so strong in death ;
And of thy glorious rising think
When in the grave I gently sink.


Joun xx. 1-19.

HAVE told you of two Marys—Mary, Jesus’
mother; and another Mary, the sister of
But there was another still, called
Mary Magdalene. She came very early to the
grave, before the other women came. She looked
in the grave, but saw no angels, so she came
running back, and told Peter and John that Jesus
was notin his grave. “Iam afraid,” said Mary Mag-
dalene, ‘that some wicked people have taken him
away, and that we shall not be able to find him.”

So Peter and John began to run as fast as they
could; but John ran the fastest, and he came first
to the grave. He stooped down and peeped in,
and he saw the clothes lying in the grave.

Soon after, Peter came,and he went down into the
grave, and he saw the clothes neatly folded, and the
cloth that was round Jesus’ head lying in a place by
itself. Then John went in too, and John thought
of what Jesus had said about being alive again.

“Tt is all true,” thought John; “he is alive,
and has left his grave.”

Then Peter and John came out of the grave
and went to their own house; but they saw no
angels, nor did they see Jesus.

Where was Mary Magdalene all this time ?

She was standing crying outside the grave.
She was quite alone, for Peter and John were
gone home.

At last she stooped down and looked into the
grave, and she saw a beautiful sight—two angels,
one sitting where Jesus’ head had been, and one
where his feet had been !



The angels said to Mary, “ Why do you cry?”
But still she went on crying, and said, “Some
wicked people have taken away the Lord Jesus,
and I cannot find him.”

When she had said this, she heard a man_be-
hind her saying, “ Why do you cry ?”

She did not know who it was that spoke. She
thought perhaps it was the gardener. “If you
have taken him,” said she, “tell me where you
_ have put him, and I will take him away.”

The man said, “Mary!” She knew that voice,
and turning round, she looked, and saw that it was
Jesus. How glad she was to see her Lord and
Master whom she loved! But Jesus could not
stay with her. He.told her to go and tell his dear
disciples that he was alive. “TI am soon going up
to my Father in heaven, but I shall see my
disciples first.”

Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples.

They were all crying, but they would not believe
what Mary said.

Mary was glad that she had gone to look for
Jesus. She was the first of all the people who saw
Jesus after he was alive again.

And why is Mary full of fears? V
Her eye why so bedimmed with tears,
While gazing on that grave?
She cannot find the body there
Of One who lives, who’s standing near,
Whose arm from death can save,

“ Why weepest thou?” the Saviour cries.
“ [ve lost my Lord,” she quick replies,
And thinks not it is he. ba JE
He speaks again: his voice she knows,
And now her heart with joy o’erflows
Her dearest Lord to see.

His breathless clay she lately sought

Within the tomb, and little thought
Of this supreme delight,

Oh! vain were all her anxious fears,

And vain were all her bitter tears,
That flowed both day and night.

And is not he for ever near,

Although his voice we cannot hear,
Nor see his glorious face?

‘Yes ; over us his wings are spread,

And blessings still are gently shed,
For he fills every place.

The day shall come when in the skies

We shall behold him with our eyes,

' And know as we are known ;

But while we wait for that sweet day,

We'll wipe our bitter tears away,
Since we are not alone.


Luke xxiv. 13-48,

T was early in the morning that the women
went to look for Jesus. In the evening two
good men were taking a walk together in the



country. As they walked, they talked about Jesus.
They had not seen him since he was alive again ;
they did not know he was alive. They talked
about his dying on the cross. It made them very
sad to speak about it.

At last a man came and spoke to thom: They
thought he was a stranger, yet he seemed to be a
kind man.

He said, “ Why do you cry?
talking of something very sad.”

“Yes,” said these good men, “ we are talking of
something sad. Did you never hear of Jesus?
what wonderful things he did—how he cured the
blind, and dumb, and sick, and how he taught
people about God? And all the people loved him.
But at last he was crucified. We thought he had
been the Son of God; but now we are afraid he
was not, for he is dead, and we are afraid that we
shall never see him again.”

The kind stranger was sorry to see these good
men cry. He began to talk to them, and to tell
them that Jesus was the Son of God, and that he
had been crucified to save men, and that he would

I see you are

rise again and go back to his Father.

This kind stranger said a great deal more. He
knew all the verses in the Bible, and told these
men a great many things they did not know.

They liked to listen to the stranger; they did not

feel so sad while he was talking. .

At last these men came to their own house. It
was in the country. The stranger seemed as if he
was going on; but the two good men said to him,
it is getting dark.

“Pray, stay at our house ;
Come and sap with us, and sleep here.
pray come in.’

Then the stranger said he would come in.

The men went into a room where there was a
supper. They all three sat down together round
the table.

The stranger took some bread and broke it,
and began to pray to God; and then the two
men found out who the stranger was.

“Tt is the Lord!” they cried; and so it was.

They looked towards him, but they could see him

‘ gaid.

no more.
was gone.

Then the men thought of ail that Jesus had
“ How sweetly he talked to us!” they said.
“Did we not feel our hearts quite warm while he

was speaking about the Bible, and telling us the

He opened not the door, but yet he

meaning ?”
Do you think these men went to bed that night?
Oh, no! they could not sleep.
“Tet us go,” said they, “and tell the disciples
So they left the supper,
They walked quickly,

about our seeing Jesus.”
and set out in the night.
and soon came to Jerusalem.

The disciples were all shut up in a room to-
gether, and they had locked the doors to prevent
the wicked people getting in; but they let these
good men come in. .

“We have seen Jesus!” said these good men.
“ He has walked with us, and talked with us; but
we did not know him till he sat down with us at
supper, and broke some bread, and gave thanks
to his Father.” And the disciples said, “ Some
women have seen him too, and Peter has seen-
him.” .

But while they were talking about Jesus, they

50 : THOMAS.

looked and saw Jesus standing in the middle of
the room. He had not opened the door, but he
had come in.

How do you think the disciples felt? They
were frightened. They could not believe that it
was indeed Jesus himself.

Jesus spoke kindly to them.
afraid?” he said. ‘“ Look at my hands and feet.
It is I myself.” Then’ Jesus showed his disciples
the marks that the nails had made in his hands
and feet, and the hole that the spear had made in
his side. |

Then the disciples saw that it was their own
dear Master. They were glad, very glad, to see
him. They had been crying ever since they had
lost him. They saw that he had forgiven them
for having run away. He said nothing to them
about it. He had even forgiven Peter. He knew
that Peter loved him, and that he was very

“Why are you

The disciples were so much surprised to see
Jesus, that they could hardly believe that he was
alive. Jesus knew that they did not quite believe;
so he said, ‘“ Have you anything to eat?” Then
the disciples gave him a piece of a fish and some
honey ; and Jesus took them and began to eat,
that the disciples might see that he was really

Then afterwards he talked to them, and told
them why he had died, and that he was going
back to his Father to pray for them.

That was a pleasant night for the poor disciples.
It was not like that sad night when Jesus was so
sorrowful in the garden. His sorrows were over,
and he never would feel pain any more. y

There are but three around that table met;
*Tis their last meal, for now the sun has set.

One breaks the bread.—“ I know that lovely face,
That voice—but, lo! he’s vanished from the place.

“Was it an angel? No, it was the Lord:
He lives again, he is to us restored !” :
What joy now fills these hearts that late were filled
With fears !—ah, now for ever, ever stilled !

““ Well might our hearts burn in us by the way
While Jesus spake,” the fond disciples say ;

“ How sweet was his discourse! we little thought
That it was he. How strange we knew him not!

“But stranger far that we did not believe
That he would rise again! Could he deceive?
Oh no; he is the faithful and the true,
And what he says he evermore will do.”


Were these their thoughts? And such, too, will be mine
When I in glory see my Saviour shine;

For though I know he ever lives to save,

I sometimes doubt his word, and fear the grave.


JouHN xx. 24 to end.

OU have heard how the disciples saw Jesus
in the evening.

Now one of the disciples was not there when
Jesus came. His name was Thomas. I do not
know why he was not there.

When the disciples saw Thomas next, they said
to him, “‘ We have seen Jesus. On Sunday night
we saw him. He came into the room as we were
sitting together, and he spoke to us. . We are sure
it was Jesus himself, because he showed us the

marks of the nails in his hands and feet, and the

‘hole in his side where the spear went in.”

But Thomas would not believe the disciples.
He said, “I do not think you saw Jesus himself.
He died upon the cross. I never will believe,
except I put my fingers into the marks of the
nails, and put my hand into the hole in his

It was very wrong of Thomas to speak in this.

THE DINNER. . . dl

way. He should have remembered that Jesus
had promised to be alive again.

Jesus heard Thomas speak, though Thomas
could not see him. But Jesus was always with
the disciples, and heard all they said, because he
is God.

Next Sunday evening the disciples were in a
room together. Thomas was there too. The
doors were locked to keep the wicked people out ;
but the disciples knew that Jesus could come in.
And he did come. They saw him standing in the
middle of the room. He spoke kindly to them,
and said, “Peace be unto you!” _

Then he spoke to Thomas. ‘ Come,” said he to
Thomas, “here are my hands; put your finger
into the marks: and here is the hole in my side;
put your hand ‘in it.”

Now Thomas knew that Jesus had heard
him speak so naughtily. He felt ashamed and
sorry. :
He saw it was Jesus himself, and he cried out,
“My Lord, my God!”

Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Now you have
seen, you believe. Blessed are they who have
not seen, and yet have believed.”

Jesus quite forgave Thomas for what he had
said, because Thomas really loved Jesus.

‘“‘ And can the Lord be risen ?”
The doubting Thomas said ;
“¢ And has he broke the prison
Where lately he was laid?
Unless I feel, unless I see,
I never can believe tis he.”

“Come, feel these wounded places !”
To Thomas Jesus said ;
“ Come, see the certain traces
Of blood that I have shed !
Behold, I stand before your eye,
Oh! do you now believe ’tis 1?”


My Lord, thou still art living,
And clothed in white array,
The Holy Spirit giving
To all who humbly pray ;
And though I neither feel nor see,
‘ I still believe that thou art he.


JoHN xxi. 1-19.

-ESUS told his disciples to go a great way into
J the country, and he said, “I will come and
see you again.”

So the disciples went away from Jerusalem,
and they went into the country. They came to
the place where they had once lived by the water-
side. They had some ships on the water, and
they used to catch fish when they were in the

One night Peter said to the disciples, “I shall
go and fish ;” and the disciples said, ‘‘ We will go
with you.” So they got into a ship, and all night
long they tried to catch fish; but they could not
catch any. They were tired and hungry.

At last it was morning, and they looked up and
saw a man standing near the water. They did
not know who the man was.

The man called out to them and said, ‘“ Chil-
dren, have you anything to eat?”

The poor disciples said, “No;” for they had —
caught no fish all night.

The man said, “ Let down your net on the right
side of the ship, and you shall find some fish.”

They did as the man told them, and they caught
such a number of fishes in the net that they could
hardly lift it out of the water.
~ Now John found out who the man was. He
said to Peter, ‘It is the Lord.”

Peter was very glad, and he jumped into the
water, and swam first to Jesus. The other
disciples came soon after in their little ship, with
their nets and their fishes.


Jesus knew that they were tired and hungry.
By the water-side there was a fire of coals, and
some fish on the fire, and some bread. How kind

‘of Jesus to give some food to his poor hungry
disciples !

Jesus said to them, “ Bring some of the fishes
that you have caught.” So Peter went and took
up the net and found it full of great fishes—one
hundred and fifty-three.

This was a great miracle that Jesus had done.

Then Jesus said to them, “Come and dine.”
So they all sat down to dine together. Then
Jesus took the bread, and gave some to each ; and
he took the fish, and gave some of it to each.

Now the disciples were quite sure that it was
Jesus who was feeding them. This was the way
they used to dine together before Jesus had died ;
and now he was alive, they dined together again.
But they knew he was not going to stay long
with them.

When they had all finished eating, Jesus said
to Peter, “Do you love me?”

Peter said, “ Yes, Lord; you know that I love
you.” :

Then Jesus said, “ Feed my lambs”—that is,
“Teach other people to love me. Go and tell
people about my dying for them.”

» You, my little children, are Christ’s lambs, and
I feed you when I talk to you about Christ. I
feed your souls when I tell you of the love of
J esus.-

Peter did love iT esus, and Jesus knew he did.


Yet Jesus said again, “ Do you love me?”
said again, “Lord, you know I love you.”
Jesus said, “ Feed my sheep.”

Jesus asked Peter once more the same thing:
‘Do you love me?”

Peter was afraid Jesus did not believe him,
and this made him sorry. He said, “ Lord, you
know everything. You know that I love you.”

Jesus said again, ‘‘ Feed my sheep.”

If Peter loved Jesus, he would do what i esus
bade him, and go and teach people.

Do you love Jesus, my little children ? What

would you answer if Jesus said to you, “Do you
love me?” -Could you say to Jesus, “ Look into.
my heart, and you will see that I love you”? If
you really do love him, you will hate lies and
passions, and you will try to be kind and gentle,.
and to speak truth.

Why did Jesus ask Peter so often whether he
loved him? Why did he ask him three times
over ? se

Peter had said he did not know Jesus three
times over. So Jesus wanted to Da him say he
loved him three times over.

Then Jesus told Peter what would happen to
him when he was old. Jesus said to Peter,
“When you were young, you walked about where
you liked; but when you are old, some men will
take you, and stretch out your hands, and carry
you where you do not like to go.” .

Jesus meant that Peter would be crucified:
men would stretch out his hands on a cross, and
nail him, as they had done Jesus. Wicked people
would crucify Peter because he loved Jesus; but
Peter would never say again that he did not know
Jesus. :

Peter was not. proud now, as he used to be.
And Peter would pray to God to keep him from

Death has not changed the Saviour’s heart ;
Behold those pierced hands impart
The food they have prepared ;
While seven disciples sit around,
Joying that they the Friend have found
For whom they fondly cared—

- Found him as ready to forgive
As when with them he used to live,
Before his cruel death ; ’
For they had fled when he was tried,
And Peter had his Lord denied
‘With most unfaithful breath.

The Lord well knew love now inspired

His bosom ; yet three times inquired,

“Simon, dost thou love me?”

And Peter said, “‘O thou alone,

To whom all things are fully known,
Thou know’st that I love thee.”

And by what sign his faithful love
Shall Peter to mn Saviour prove?
“Oh! feed my lambs and sheep !”


And gladly this will Peter do,
That others may be pardoned too,
And taught from sin to keep.

Oh happy they who truly can.

Entreat the Lord their heart to scan,
And see their faithful love!

And happy they who still obey

His sweet commands, and what they say
By faithful actions prove.

O blessed Lord ! to whom alone

My sinful heart is fully known,
Thou know’st if I love thee.

Increase my love; for well I know

My fondest love I should bestow

* On him who died for me.


‘Marr, xxviii, 16 to end; Luxe xxiv. 46 to end; Acts 1, 4-14.

ESUS used to come and see his disciples after
he was made alive again; but he did not live
always with them, as he once had done.

He told them he was soon going up to his
Father. “When I am gone, you must tell people
about me. You must tell the wicked people who
crucified me that I will forgive them if they are
sorry. I will send down my Holy Spirit from
heaven, and you shall do wonders as I have done.
Do not be afraid of wicked people; I will always
be with you, though you do not see mé. Some
day I shall come back again.”

The disciples asked Jesus when he would come
back: but Jesus would not tell them when.

One day Jesus and his disciples walked together
to the top ofa hill, Jesus began to pray with his
disciples, and he lifted up his hands and blessed
them. While he was doing this, a cloud came
from heaven, and took Jesus quite away, back to
his Father. The disciples still looked up, and
saw the cloud go higher and higher till they could
see it no more. But still they went on looking.

Then they heard some persons speaking to them.
They looked to see who it was, and they saw two

. angels standing by them. The angels were dressed

in white shining clothes. They said, ‘Why do
you look so long at the sky? Jesus will come
some day in the clouds.” So the disciples went
back to Jerusalem.

Perhaps you think they’ were very unhappy

now Jesus was gone. No, they were not. They
knew he was gone to get a place in heaven ready
for them, and that they should live with him for
ever ; and this made them glad.

Blessed Lord! I see thee praying,

While thy friends around thee stand ;
Clouds I see thy form conveying

To thy Father’s own right hand.
Angels now thy friends are cheering

With bright hopes of thy return :
Looking for thy sweet appearing,

Why should they thine absence mourn?

Art thou, Lord, for me preparing
In thy Father’s house a place?
Thy sweet prayers I would be sharing,
Lest I should forsake thy ways.
Saviour dear, I long to see thee
On the clouds in glory ride,
From all sorrow come to free me,
And to place me by thy side.


Acts i, xii, 1-23.

HAT had Jesus desired his disciples to do
when he was gone back to his Father ?

‘To tell the wicked people at Jerusalem that
Christ would forgive them if they were sorry for
their sins.

The disciples said to them, “ You have crucified
the Son of God. He is alive, and is gone up to
sit on his Father’s throne; but he will forgive you.”

Some of the wicked people were sorry for what
they had done to Jesus, and begged God to forgive
them; and some of the wicked people were not
sorry, but tried to kill the disciples.

A wicked king cut off the head of James with a

sword, and then shut up Peter in prison, meaning —

to kill him soon.

Did you ever see a prison ?

It is a dark place, with great doors and bars,
and walls all around.

Some soldiers took Peter, and put chains on his
hands and chains on his feet, and they locked the
door of the prison, and they sat at the door, that
no one might get in.

Peter’s friends were very unhappy because he
was in prison; but they could not take him out.
Yet there was one thing they could do: they could
pray to God to save Peter; and so they did.
Peter's friends sat up at night and prayed to God.

The wicked king said, “'To-morrow I shall have
Peter killed.” But God would not let Peter be
killed. So God told one of his beautiful angels to
go and let Peter out of the prison. The angel
could go into the prison without opening the doors.

It was night when the angel came. Peter was


asleep. On each side of him there was a soldier,
and on each of his hands there was a chain. You
would not like to sleep in a prison with soldiers
near you, and chains on your hands; but Peter
knew that God loved him, and that he was safe.

So the angel came. It was dark in the prison.

Could Peter see the angel ?

Yes; for the angel was bright like the sun, and
made the prison light.

The angel touched Peter onthe side and lifted
him up, and the chains fell off Peter’s hands.

He told Peter to put on his clothes; and Peter
did so. “Then said the angel, “ Follow me.” So

| the angel walked first, and Peter followed him.

They went through the prison; but the soldiers

did not see Peter go out, for God made them sleep.
Peter was quite surprised; he thought he was

dreaming, and that he did not see a real angel.

At last they came to a great iron gate. It
was fast locked; but the angel took no key to
open it. It opened of itself, and let Peter and the
angel go through.

Now they were in the street. Still the angel
went on, and Peter came after him; but they did
not speak a word.

All the people were asleep, and did not know
that a bright angel was walking in the street. The
angel only walked down one street, and then he
went back to heaven, and left Peter standing alone
in the street, in the dark. ;

Peter stood some time thinking to himself,
“What a wonderful thing has happened! I was
shut up in prison; but God has sent his angel to
let me out. The king meant to kill me to-morrow,
but now I shall not be killed.”

I know that Peter thanked God for his kind-
ness. Peter did not stay all night in the street.
He went to the house of a good woman he knew,
and he knocked at the door.

Were the people in the house asleep ?

‘No, they were all awake, though it was night.

Why were they not in bed ?

This good woman had heard how the king would
kill Peter to-morrow ; so she and her friends were

JOHN. 55

praying -for Peter, and while they were praying
they heard a knock. It wasa strange thing to hear
a knock in the night ; but they never guessed who
it was.

The maid went to the door, but she was

afraid to open it, lest it should be some of the
wicked people come to kill the good woman and
her friends; so she stopped at the door without
opening it, to hear who it was. But when she
heard Peter speak, how much pleased she was!
she knew his voice. ' She did not say, “ Are you
Peter?” She was sure it was Peter. She was
so much surprised that she forgot to open the
door, but ran back to her mistress and the rest of
the disciples, and said, ‘ Peter is standing before
the gate!” but they said, ‘‘ No, it cannot be Peter .
he is shut up in prison.”

The maid said, “It is Peter ; I am sure it is.”

While they were talking, Peter was standing
outside, and he went on knocking, because nobody
opened the door. So they all ran together and
opened the door, and when they saw Peter they
were quite surprised.

“How did you get out of prison?” they said.

Then Peter made a sign with his hand to make
them all quiet, that he might tell them how he
got out of prison. .

“God sent an angel,” said Peter, “who brought
me out of the prison. Go and tell all my friends
what has happened, for I must go away.” So
- Peter went and hid himself in a place where the
wicked king could not find him.

What do you think the soldiers said when they
could not find Peter in the morning ?

They were much frightened : they saw his chains,
but not Peter. They found the gates locked ; they
could not think how Peter had got out of prison.

So the king sent for Peter. This was the day
when Peter was to be killed. All the wicked
people in Jerusalem were expecting to see him.
The king’s servants said, “Where is Peter ? bring
him out.”

The soldiers answered, “We cannot tell where
Peter is; he is gone.”

The servants went and told the king that Peter
was not in prison. The king was very angry ; he
said, “ Bring the soldiers to me. They must have
fallen asleep.”

When the soldiers came they could not tell the
king how Peter had got away; for God had made
them sleep when the angel fetched Peter. The
king was in a great rage, and said, “The soldiers -
must be killed.”

What a wicked king this was! He loved to do
wickedness. He was very proud, and hated God
and God’s people. He fell into passions, and only
cared to please himself. At last God sent an
angel to kill him, and worms ate up his flesh until
he died. |

God sends angels to punish the wicked, and to
help people who love him as Peter did. -


Rev. i. 9-19, iv. 1-5, xxii

LMOST all the twelve disciples were killed

by wicked men at last. When Peter was

old, some wicked men crucified him, because he

loved Jesus. Now he is in heaven: with J esus,

clothed in a white robe, and all his tears wiped

away. His dear Lord Jesus is always near him,
and this makes him happy.

John lived till he was very, very old indeed.
A wicked king caught him, and put him in a place
all by himself; not in a prison, but in a country
where there were no houses, and no people, and
water all round, so that John could not get away.

Was John unhappy when he was alone ?


56 Jes JOHN.

No; God was with him, and John loved to
think of the Father and of his Son Jesus.

It was Sunday, and John was thinking of God,
when he heard a voice behind him like the noise
of a trumpet, very loud indeed. He turned round
to see who it was; and whom do you think he
saw ?

The Lord Jesus, come down from heaven, all
When John saw him he
he was afraid, and

glorious and shining!
could not speak or stand;

he fell down on the ground as if he were dead.
But Jesus touched him with his hand, and said,
“Fear not; I am he that liveth and was dead,
and behold, I am alive for evermore.” Then Jesus
took John up into heaven, and an angel showed
him most beautiful things.

He saw a throne on which God sat. There
was a rainbow round the throne. There were
a great many seats, and men sitting on them,
clothed in white, with crowns of gold on their

heads. The men took off their crowns, and threw
them down before the throne, and praised Jesus,
the Lamb of God.

John-saw a great many angels, more than he
could count, standing round the. poeS singing
praises to the Lamb.

But of all the things John saw in heaven, there
was nothing so glorious as God himself.

In heaven there is no sun nor moon, no candle
nor lamp. Yet it is always light, because God
shines more brightly than the sun. The music of
harps and sweet singing are always to be heard ;
for all the angels can sing the praises of God.

John wondered at the things he saw and heard,
and he fell down at the feet of the angel who had
shown them to him.

But the angel said, “You must not worship
me; I am only a servant ot God: you must
worship God.”

Then the angel went on speaking, and said,
“ Jesus will soon come down from heaven. to
judge the world. He will open: the gates of
heaven to let those people in who mind God’s
word; but those who tell lies and do wicked
things shall be shut out.”

All people who love Jesus wish him to come
again in the clouds.

Do you wish to see Jesus, my little children ?

eo you may answer, “ Even so, come, ou


I hope that when you die your spirit will go to
Jesus, and that when Jesus comes again he will
bring you with him.

John wrote down in a book the things he had
seen in heaven. All that John wrote is in the
Bible. At last John died, and his soul went to
God. He is with Jesus now in heaven. He is
now playing on a golden harp, and singing with
the angels. But when Jesus comes again in the
clouds, John will come with him.

When John was by the angel led
To the bright world on high,
He saw what joys await the dead
When up to heaven they fly.


He saw them round the Father’s throne,
Gazing upon his face,

Singing to harps of sweetest tone
The praises of his grace.

He saw them clothed in robes of white,
Such as the angels wear,

Shining like stars of morning bright,
And like the angels fair.

He saw the city where they dwelt
(Whose praises can’t be told) ;

The walls of precious stones were built,
‘The streets were purest gold.

He saw the Lamb whose blood was spilt
To give his people rest ;

With his bright beams the place was filled,
And every heart was blest.

Charmed with the sight, John bent his knee
Beforé that angel fair,

Who said, “Thou must not worship me ;
To God address thy prayer.”


1 Tuess. iv. 15-17 ; Rev. xx. 11 to end.

Vee know that Jesus will come again in the

Little children, do you know when he will come ?
Shall I tell you when Jesus will come? You
would like to know; but I cannot tell you when:
I do not know. The angels do not know what

day it will be. No one knows but God. There
will be many wicked people in the world then,
and some good people. An angel will blow a
great trumpet, and Jesus will say to the people
who are dead, “ Come out of your graves !”

The bodies of all the dead people will come out
of their graves. Those who love Christ will be
like the angels, and will fly up into the air. If
you are alive when Jesus comes, he will catch you
up into the air to meet him.

that people have done.

He will come-in the. clouds, shining brighter
than the sun, and all the angels with him. He
will sit upon a white throne, and he will wear a
crown upon his head, and everybody will stand ,
round his throne. He will open some books, in
which he has written down all the naughty things
God has seen all the
naughty things you have done. He can see in
the dark as well as in the light, and knows all
your naughty thoughts. He will read everything

out of his books before the angels that stand
round. Yet God will forgive some people, be-
cause Christ died upon the cross.

Whom will he forgive ?

Those who love Jesus with all their hearts. He
has written down their names in another book called
“The Book of Life.” He will forgive their sins, wipe
away their tears, and let them live with them for ever.

Do'you hope that Jesus has written down your
name in his book ?


Ask him to give you his Holy Spirit. Then
you will love Jesus, and hate to do wickedly.

This is what God will do to those who do not
love him. God will bind them in chains, and put
them in a lake of fire.
their teeth, and weep and wail for ever.

God will put Satan in the same place, and all
_ the devils. Satan is the father of the wicked, and
he and his children shall be tormented for ever.
They shall not have one drop of water to cool
their burning tongues.

Many people in hell will say, “How I wish I
had listened to the words of my teachers! But
I would not mind; and now it is too late. I
never can come out of this dreadful place. How
foolish I have been! Once God would have
heard my prayers, but now I weep and wail in

‘There they will gnash

I hope, my dear children, that none of you will
ever speak such sad words.

Remember Satan goes about as a roaring lion,
seeking: to ‘devour you, by tempting you to dis-
please God ; but Christ will keep you from wicked-
ness if you pray to him.

One day God will burn up this world we live
in. It is dreadful to see a house on fire. Did
you ever see one? But how dreadful it will be to
see this great world and all the houses and trees
burning! The noise will be terrible; the heat
will be very great. "The wicked will not be able
to get away. The world will be burned at last,
but it will not burn for ever; God will make
another world much better than this.

If you are God’s child you will not be frightened
when the world is burning; for you will be safe with
Jesus, praising him for having loved and saved you.



OMETIMES teachers find it difficult to obtain answers

_ from their little pupils. The following questions are
therefore extremely easy ; for a first step must be made very
easy, as children often remain in ignorance for years, because
the first step is too high.

Notwithstanding every effort, a class of ignorant little chil-
dren will appear, during a few lessons, inaccessible to instruc-
tion ; but if the teacher will patiently repeat the first lesson
several times, the difficulty will disappear, and the wearisome
task will gradually become delightful.

An account unprompted by questions is the most desirable,
when it can be obtained, but it must not be expected at first.

When once the children can be induced to repeat of their
own accord the substance of their-instructions, questions should
only be used to remind them of things they have omitted. —

How is a voluntary account to be obtained? At first the
teacher should talk over, immediately afterwards, the lesson
she has given to her class. Let her say to the children before
she leaves them, “What shall you answer, when I ask you
to-morrow what I have been telling you to-day?” The children
will probably answer, “ About God,” or “ About Jesus.” But

if the teacher replies, “ But what about God? for I always tell

| you about him,” a more definite answer will soon be obtained.

In a short time the children will never fail to remember the
subject of the last lesson. One child will probably lead the
way ; the rest will improve by listening to it; another child
will soon be roused, and then another, till at length a general
interest being excited, it will become the anxious desire of all
to speak.

There are, however, many children who seek to impose, by
repeating what another has just said, with a view to attract
attention. Such repeaters should of course be discouraged.

When a class of several children. continue indifferent and
inattentive, is there not reason to suspect that a right method
of instruction has not been adopted ?

As it cannot be supposed that little children will give orderly
accounts, or each in its own turn, it is often difficult to gain a
fair hearing for each child. It will be found necessary to allow
one to interrupt another after the other has spoken a short
time. Sometimes, however, it may be as well, at the -close of.
the accounts, to ask each child one question in turn, and to .
desire the others to preserve silence.


A ?

What should you say to God for giving you a

What have you besides a body?
Why cannot dogs and horses think of God?

God giveth to all life, and breath, and all things.
—ACTS xvii. 25.
Why does the sun not fall from the sky ?
‘What does God give you every moment?
What are the four things that are called your
body ? :
How might your body be hurt?
Who can keep it from being hurt?


0 give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good.—

Ps. exxxvi. 1.

What was it your mother did for you when you
were a baby?

Does your mother make you breathe, and keep
you alive?

Why did God give you a mother?

Like as a father pitieth his children, so the
Lord pitieth them that fear him.—Ps. ciii. 13.

What is it your father does to get money?
Why does he buy things for you with his money?

| What sad things have happened to some chil-

dren’s fathers ?
Have you a Father that cannot die?

Then shall the dust return to the earth as it
was; and the spirit shall return unto God who
gave it~,—Eccuss. xii. 7.

What other things have bodies as well as you?
Are their bodies like yours ? i

Is your soul better than your body ?


What is your body made of ?

What is your soul made of ?

Where will your body be put when you die?
Where do you hope that your soul will go?


He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep
thee in all thy ways.—Ps. xci. 11.


Who live with God in heaven ?

What are the angels always doing ?

Why are they always happy ?

Why do angels come down here ?

What is it the angels do for children who love
God, when they die?

Can you make yourself good ?



God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast
them down to hell, and delivered them into chains
of darkness.—2 PETER ii. 4,

Did the angels always live in heaven?
Who has lived always?

Why did God cast some of the angels ‘out of:

What is the name of the prince of the bad angels?
Why does Satan walk about here?
Can you keep yourselves from Satan?


And God said, Let there be light: and there
was light.—GEN. i. 3.

What is this place that we live in called?
Who was always in heaven with God?
Is Jesus Christ the same as God ?
How did God make this world?
What was the first thing that God made?
What is that you can feel but cannot see?
What is the water in the sky called?
What is the name of the large deep place full of
water ?
What do we walk upon?
What are the first five things that God made?


He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth
them all by their names.—Ps. exlvii. 4.

How many different sorts of things grow out of
the ground ?
Tell me the names of some trees—of some vege-
tables—of some kinds of corn—of some flowers.
What bright things did God put in the sky?
How many stars are there?


He giveth to the beast his food, and to the
young ravens which cry.—Ps. cxlvii. 9.

How many sorts of living things did God maké?
Tell me the names:of some fishes—of some birds
—of some insects—of some beasts.


And God saw everything that he had made,
and, behold, it was very good.—GEN. i. 31.

What was the last thing that God made?
How did God make Adam?
Where did God put Adam ?
What did God give him?
Why did God make Eve?
How did he make her?
How many days was God in making the world ?
Tell me the names of all the things God made.


By one man sin entered into the world. —Rom

Ve Ly

What did God tell Adam and Eve not to do?

Who asked Eve to eat the fruit?

Why did he ask her?

What lie did the serpent tell to Eve?

Were Adam and Eve good after they had eaten
the fruit?

Why did they hide themselves under the trees?

What did God say should be done to Adam and
Eve, to punish them ?

Who drove them out of the garden?


The Father sent his Son to be Ue Saviour of the

world.—1 Joun iv. 14.


Were Adam and Eve happy after ma had eaten
the fruit?

Why not?

Who took pity upon them?

What did God desire his Son to do for Adam?

What did God’s Son say to his Father when he
told him to be a man and die?

Are we some of Adam’s children?

Did the Son of God die for us?

Where should we have gone when we died, if
Jesus had not died for us?

Did Jesus come down into the world as soon as
Adam had grown wicked ?

Did he wait a long while, or a little while?


Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
—1 Tim. i. 15.
Did aan and Eve know that God would send
__ his Son to die for them?
Could God make Adam and Eve good again?
How could they be made good?
What must you ask for, if you wish to be good?
When did God send his Son down into the
world ?
Whose little baby did God’s Son choose to be?
Who told her she should have a little baby ?
What name did the angel say she was to gle
her baby ?
What did Mary do when the angel was ceone
back to heaven?

And she brought forth her jirst-born Son, and
wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him
m a manger.—LUKE ii. 7.

What was the name of Mary’s husband ?
Why did Mary and Joseph take a long journey
a great way off?
What is the name of the town they came to?
Did they sleep in the inn at night? : .
Why not? :


Where did they sleep ?

What baby was born while: Mary was in the

Did Mary know it was the Son of God?

Where did she lay her baby?

What did she wrap it in? :

Did Jesus look like other babies?

Was his heart like other babies’ hearts?


And they came with haste, and found Mary,
and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.—
Luxs ii. 16. :

Who were in the fields near Bethlehem the night

Jesus was born ?

Why did the shepherds sit up at night?

What did they see in the sky?

What did the angels tell them?

Who sang’songs in the sky?

When the angels were gone, where did the
shepherds go? ;

Did the shepherds tell people y what they had seen?


God is the king of all the earth : sing ye praises.

—Ps. xlvii. 7.

Who came from a great way off to see Jesus?
Who told them that God had serit his Son to be

a baby:?
How did they find the way to Bethlehem?
What did they bring with them?
Where did the star stop?
What did the wise men do when they saw Jesus?


My help cometh from the Lord, which made

| heaven and earth.—Ps. exxi. 2.


Who wanted to kill Jesus when he was a baby ?

Were there many babies in Bethlehem ?

Did King Herod know which baby was the Son
of God?

Whom did Herod desire to be killed?

Did he kill Jesus?

Why not?

Who told take Jesus a great way off?

Did Herod know that Jesus was gone away?

Did Herod think that he had killed Jesus?

Whom did Herod send to kill the babies in Beth-
lehem ?

Did Jesus ever come back to his own country ?.

Who told Joseph to take Jesus back to his
country? ;

Why might Jesus be taken back to his own
country ?

What was Joseph’s trade?

Did the people love Jesus when he was a child?

Why did they love him?


The devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about,
seeking whom he may devour.—1 PETER v. 8


When Jesus grew to be a man, where did he go
- by himself?
Were there beasts in the wilderness ?
How many days was Jesus there?
What did he eat? _
- Who came to him at last?
Why did Satan come?
What did Satan ask Jesus to do first?
Why would not Jesus turn the stones into bread?
What did Satan ask Jesus to do when he had
taken him to the top of a high building?
Why would not Jesus throw himself down? —

What did Satan show Jesus from the top of a hill?

What did Satan say Jesus must do, if he would
have all these fine things?

Would Jesus do this?

Who fed Jesus after Satan had gone away ?

What harm does Satan want to do to children,
and to all people?

: Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have

nests ; but the Son of man hath not HOE to lay

his head. —Luxe ix, 58.


Where used Jesus to preach?

How many disciples had Jesus?

Did they ever quarrel ?

Can you tell me the names of some of them?

What was Peter doing when Jesus told him to
come with him ?: fk

What were James and John doing when Jesus
called them ?

Why did Jesus choose to have some friends
always with him?

What did they call Jesus?

What did he call them?

Did they love Jesus?

Why did they like being with him?

Did Jesus give them money or fine things?

Why were the disciples good?


The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all
things into his hand.—JouN ili. 35.

‘When Jesus was at the feast, what was it that
was all-drunk up very soon?
How did Jesus make more wine?
‘What was the first miracle Jesus did?


He maketh both the deaf to hear, and the dumb
to speak.—Manrk vii. 37.

Why did sick and blind people come to Jesus ?
How did he cure one blind man?
How did he cure a deaf and dumb man?
_ What did he say to a man who was ill in bed?
What did he say to the woman whose back was
bent ?
What could Jesus do that was more wonderful
than making sick people well?

When Jesus was walking in the road, what did
he see being carried by some men?

Who was crying. very much because. the man

“ was dead ?

What did Jesus say to the dead man?

What did the man do?

What did the people say when they saw the
dead man come to life?

Thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive ;
and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call
upon thee.—Ps. Ixxxvi. 5.

How did the rich man behave to Jesus eo he
asked him to dine with him ?
What did the naughty woman do to Jesus?

| Why did she love Jesus so very much?

Why did Jesus forgive her all her naughtiness?
Will Jesus forgive you your naughtiness, if you
are sorry? _



He commandeéth even the winds and water, and

they obey him.—Luke viii. 25.


What made the disciples afraid once when they
were in a ship?

Was it wrong of them to be afraid?

What did Jesus say to the wind, and to the
water ?

What did the disciples say when they saw the
wind and the water obey Jesus?


The Lord kitleth and maketh alive: he bringeth
down. to the grave, and bringeth up.—1 Sam. ii. 6.

Did Jesus ever make a dead child alive again?
Who were sitting round her bed when Jesus
came ?
Why did Jesus say that the girl was asleep?
What did Jesus do to the people who laughed
at him?
Whom did Jesus allow to stay in the room?
How old was the girl? ‘

fle causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and
herb for the service of man; that he may bring
Jorth food out of the earth.—Ps. civ. 14.


Did any people come to hear Jesus preach?

Why did Jesus not like to send them home at
night ?

How many loaves and fishes did Jesus feed them
with ?

Who gave-the people the bread and fish?

Did the people leave any of the bread ?

Where were the little pieces of bread put?


What does God make grow in the fields ?

Could your mother give you bread, if God did
not make the corn grow?

Does God feed any other creatures besides men,
women, and children?

Why does God take more care of you than of
the birds? Se



But Jesus called them unto him, and said,
Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid
them not: for of such is the kingdom of ood. —

LUKE xviii. 16.

Were the disciples as kind as Jesus?

How did they behave to a poor woman who
wanted Jesus to help her?

What did they say to the poor women who
brought their children to Jesus ?

What did Jesus say to the disciples when they
were sending the children away ?

What did Jesus do to the children when they
were come to him?

What sort of children does Jesus love?

Are there any children in heaven?

Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray,

and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice.—

Ps. lv. 17. :

Why did Jesus choose to be alone sometimes ?

Did Jesus ever pray to his Father when his dis-
ciples were with him?

What did they ask Jesus to teach them?

What prayer did Jesus teach them?

What is the meaning of ‘‘ Hallowed be a

What is the meaning of “ trespasses” ?

What must you ask God for, to make you
good ?

Will God give you the Spirit if you ask him?

I came forth from the Father, and am come
into the world: again, I leave the world, and go
to the Father.—Joun xvi. 28.


Did Jesus know that the wicked people ‘would
soon kill him?

To whom did Jesus talk about his dying?

Were they sorry?

Why did many people hate Jesus?

Who is the father of liars?

How did the wicked people try to kill Jesus? -

Did Jesus let them kill him?

Why did he hide himself in a place a great way
off? ree

The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and

delivereth them out of all their troubles.—Ps.
xxxiv. 17.



Had Lazarus any sisters?

What were their names ?

Did Jesus ever come to their house and dine?

When Lazarus was sick, was Jesus with him, or
a great way off?

Was Lazarus dead before Jesus came?

Did Martha think that Jesus could make Laz-
arus alive again ?

Why did Jesus sigh and weep?

Where was dead Lazarus put?

What did Jesus say to Lazarus?

What clothes did Lazarus wear in the grave?

What did the people think of Jesus when they
saw him make Lazarus alive again ?


Both young men, and maidens ; old men, and
children : let them praise the name of the Lord.—
Ps. oxlviii. 12, 13.


What did some of the people in Jerusalem wish

to do to Jesus?
Did Jesus walk or ride into Jerusalem ?
Where did the disciples find an ass?
Why did so many of the people come to see
Jesus when he was riding on the ass?
What did the people lay upon the road ?
How did the little children make the proud men
angry ? —“—
The wicked watcheth the righteous, and seeketh
to slay him.—Ps. xxxvii. 32.

Where was the Temple?
What used people to do in it?
Did Jesus go there often?
Who used to come there to laugh at Jesus?
Where did Jesus go at night?
-Why did not the wicked men take Jesus when
he was in the Temple?
Did the wicked men know where Jesus went at
night? ee
The darkness hideth ‘not from thee: but. the
night shineth as the day.—Ps. cxxxix. 12.

Did ali Jesus’ disciples love him?
Did Judas say that he did not love Jesus?
Did the other disciples know that Judas did not
Did Jesus know it? [love Jesus ?
Was Judas a thief ?
What did Judas love better than anything else?
What did Judas promise the wicked people he
would do, if they would give him money?
How much money did they promise to give him?
Did Jesus know that Judas meant to show’ the
wicked people where he was at night ?


This is my commandment, That ye love one
another, as I have loved you.—Joun xv. 12.


Had Jesus any house in Jerusalem ?
How did he get a room to eat supper in with his
disciples, before he died ?
Whom did he send to find the room?
How did Peter and John find out which house
they were to go to?
What things were in the room?
Who sat next to Jesus at supper ?
How many people were at the supper? _
Why did Jesus pour water into a basin?
Why did not Peter like Jesus to wash his feet ?
Had Jesus made his disciples’ hearts clean ?
Was Judas’s heart clean?
Why did Jesus wash his disciples’ feet ?
What commandment did Jesus give to his dis-
ciples ? —_—_ 7

Thou only knowest the hearts of all the children
of men.—1 K1nes viii. 39.

What did Jesus say, at supper, that one of his
disciples would do?
Who asked Jesus to tell him which it was?
Who dipped his hand in the dish with Jesus?
Why did Judas go out of the room?
What did the disciples think he was going to do?



I go to prepare a place for you.—Joun xiv. 2.
What did Jesus break into pieces and give to
his disciples ?
What did he give them to drink?
What was the bread like?
What was the wine like?
Where did Jesus go after supper?
What did he tell his disciples as he walked along
the road ? ‘
What did Peter say he would do, if Jesus was
- killed or taken prisoner? :
What did Jesus tell Peter that he would say?
Where would Jesus go after he was killed ?
Would Jesus forget his disciples when he was
in heaven?
What did Jesus say he would send into their
Where did Jesus take his disciples?

He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and
as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he
openeth not his mouth.—Isa. liii. 7. ,


When Jesus was in the garden, did he take all
his disciples with him to another part of the
garden ?

How many did he take with him?

What did Jesus tell them to do, while he was

What did Jesus pray to his Father about?

Was he very unhappy? :

Did Peter, and James, and John pray while
Jesus was praying ? f

How many times did Jesus come back to Peter,
_ and John, and James?

Who came from heaven to comfort him? .

Who came into the garden at last?

Why did Judas kiss Jesus?

Did Jesus know why Judas kissed him?

What kind of name did Jesus call Judas?

Did Jesus run away from the wicked men?

| Who made the wicked people fall down upon

the ground?
Did they get up again soon?
Did the disciples run away ?
What did Peter cut off with his sword?

| Did Jesus wish Peter to fight for him?

What was it Jesus did to the man’s ear?

Where did the wicked people take Jesus?

What was Jesus like, when he went so meekly
with them ? :


And the Lord turned, and looked upon Peter.
And Peter went out, and wept bitterly.—Luxx
xxii. 61, 62. :


Had the proud men gone to the garden them-
selves; or had they sent their servants?

What had they been doing all night?

When Jesus came to Jerusalem, where did he

Did they ask him if he were the Son of God?

Did he say that he was?

What did the wicked, proud men say must be -:

done to. Jesus? e
Where was Peter all this time?

Could Peter see Jesus?

Did Peter wish people to know that he was one
of Jesus’ disciples ?

Why not?

Did any one ask Peter who he was?

What did Peter say? :

How many times did people ask Peter who he
was? ;

What did Peter hear that made him feel how
naughty he had been ?

What was it Peter did, after Jesus had looked

Did Peter really love Jesus?

Who had often prayed for Peter ?

Did Satan have his soul at last?


Thid not my face from shame and spitting. —

Isa. 1. 6.

Did Jesus stand a long time before the wicked

How did one of the servants behave to him?

When did the wicked men take him to the judge?

What did the servants put over his face? $s

Where was the judge sitting?

What was the judge’s name?

Did the judge wish to hurt Jesus?

What did the wicked people say that-Jesus had
called himself?

Was he a king?

What is scourging ?:



Why did the soldiers laugh at him?

What clothes did they put on him?

What did they put on his head?

What did they put in his hand?

What is a sceptre?

Why did Pilate tell the wicked people to look
at Jesus?

Did the people make a great noise?

What-did Pilate at last say should be done to

Why did Pilate allow Jesus to be crucified ?


There is no peace, swith my God, to the wicked.
—Isa. lvii, 21.
Was Judas happy when he got the thirty pieces
of silver?
What did he do with them?
How did Judas kill himself?
Where is Judas now?


Father, forgive them ; for they know not what
they ey do.—LUKE xxiii. 34.

Who carried Jesus’ cross ?
Could Jesus carry it quite by himself?
Who came after Jesus, crying, because he was
going to die?
What did Jesus say to these kind women?
What did the wicked men do to Jesus when he
came to the top of the hill?
Who took Jesus’ clothes ?
Did they tear them all?
Whom did Jesus ask his Father to forgive?
Should we forgive people who are unkind to us?


Lf we confess our sins, God is faithful and just
to forgive us our sins.—1 Joun i.'9,


What did Pontius Pilate write upon the cross?

Did the wicked people come to see Jesus upon
the cross?

What did they say to Jesus?

Why did Jesus not come down from the cross?

How many people were crucified with Jesus?

Did both the thieves go to heaven?

What did one of the thieves ask Jesus to do?

Did he ask Jesus to save him from dying on the
cross ?.

In my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink, —
Ps. lxix. 21.
Where was Jesus’ mother, Mary, when he was
on the cross ?
Who stood near Mary?
Who took care of her after Jesus.was crucified ?

What did the soldiers give Jesus to drink ?
What did Jesus say just before he died?

What o’clock was it when Jesus died ?

What frightened the people just before he died ?


The blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, cleanseth us
Jrom all sin.—1 Joun i. 7.


How did the soldiers kill the aera 2

Why did they kill them so soon ?

Why did not the soldiers break the legs of

What did they put into the side of Jesus?

What is a spear? :

What came out of his side?

What had Jesus poured out once at supper, and
said, ‘This is my blood”?

Why did Jesus shed his blood on the cross?




And when Joseph had taken the body, he
wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and laid it in
his own new tomb.—Mart. xxvii. 59, 60.


Who put Jesus into his own grave?

Where was the grave?

Whom did Joseph ask to let him have Jesus’

What did Joseph wrap it in?

What did he put round Jesus’ head and waist?

What was put before the grave?

Did any one see where Jesus was laid?

What did the women make when they went
home ? =e

I am he that liveth, and was dead ; and, be-
hold, I am alive for evermore.—REv. i. 18.


When did the women come to the grave?

Why did they come?

Who rolled away the large stone?

How did the angels look?

Were the women pleased when they saw them?

What did the angels tell the women?

To whom did the women run to tell what they
had seen?

Whom did the women see as they went along?

What did the women do when they saw Jesus?

Had Jesus forgiven his disciples for having left
him alone?

Did the disciples believe that the women had
seen Jesus?


Be glad in the Lord; and rejoice, ye righteous.
—Ps. xxxii. 11.
How many Marys have I told you of?
Who came very early to the grave of Jesus?

What two disciples ran to the grave of Jesus?

Which came there first?

Which of them went into the grave first?

What did Peter and John see in the grave?

Did John believe that Jesus was alive again?

Did Peter and John see Jesus, or angels?

Who stood alone, crying, by the grave?

What did she see when she looked in?

Why did Mary Magdalene cry ?

Who was the man who spoke to her kindly?

Was he the gardener?

Did Jesus stay with Mary ?

Who was the first person that saw Jesus after
he was alive again?



He showed unto them his hands and his side.
Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the
Lord.—Joun xx, 20.

On what day did Jesus come out of his grave?

What were two good men doing that evening?

What were they talking about?

Who came and walked with them?

Did they know that Jesus was with them?

What did Jesus talk to them about?

Did Jesus come into the house of the two good

When did they find out who he was?

Did Jesus stay in the room?

Did the good men stay in their own house that

Where did they go?

Who came into the room though the door was
locked ?

What did Jesus show to all his disciples ?

Were the disciples sure that Jesus was the same
Jesus ?

What did Jesus eat?


There is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O
Lord, thou knowest it altogether.—Ps. cxxxix. 4.

Which of the disciples would not believe that
Jesus was alive again?
What did Thomas say he must do before he
would believe?
When did Thomas see Jesus again ?
What did Jesus say to him when he saw him?
Did Thomas believe then that Jesus was alive?


Lf a man love me, he will keep my words. He
that loveth me not keepeth not my y sayings. —JOHN
xiv. 23, 24.

Did the disciples stay in Jerusalem, or did they
go into the country?
Why did they go in boats one night?
Could they catch any fish?

.Who spoke to them in the morning?

What did he tell them to do?

Which of the disciples knew first that it was
Jesus speaking to them?

Which of them jumped into the water and swam
to Jesus?

What did the disciples find ready for them when
they were come to Jesus?

Had they caught any fishes in the net?

What question did Jesus ask Peter three times?

What did Jesus desire Peter to do, if he really
loved him?

- How can children show that they really love

Jesus ? :
What did Jesus tell Peter that wicked men
would do to him one day?

“Can you tell me a verse about loving Jesus?


And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he
was parted from them, and carried up into heaven.
—LovKeE xxiv. 51.


Did Jesus live always with his disciples after he
was alive again, or did he only come to see
them sometimes?

What did Jesus tell his disciples to do when he
was gone back to his Father?

Did he tell them when he should come back ?

What was Jesus doing just before he went away
in the cloud?

Who spoke to the disciples as they were looking
at the cloud ?

Were the disciples unhappy when Jesus was

Why were they not unhappy?



The angel of the Lord encampeth round about
them that hes him, and delivereth them.—Ps.
ee 7.

What did the disciples tell the wicked eee in

Jerusalem ?

Were any of the wicked people who had killed

Jesus sorry for their wickedness? --

What happened to James at last?

Where was Peter shut up?

What used Peter’s friends to do oe him when
he was in prison?

Who came to Peter one night?

How did Peter get loose from his chains ?

How did he get through the great doors?

Where did the angel leave Peter standing
alone? :

Where did Peter go then?

What were the people in the house doing when

Peter knocked ?

Why was the maid afraid to open the door?

How did she know at last. that it was Peter
knocking ?

Why did she not open the door?

What did Peter tell all the friends when he had
made them quiet?

Where did Peter go then?

Why were the soldiers frightened in the morn-

Why did the wicked king send for Peter ?

What did the king desire to be done to the
soldiers ?

How did God punish this wicked king at
last ?


Behold, he cometh with clouds ; and every eye

‘shall see him, and they also which pierced him.—

Rav. i. 7.
Where was John shut up alone?
Who came to see John when he was-alone?
What did Jesus show him? *
Whom did he see sitting round God’s throne?
How many angels did he see? :
What makes heaven always light?
When John fell down at the angel’s feet, what
did the angel say ?
What will Jesus do when he comes again?
Who wrote down about heaven and the angels
in a book?



And God shall wipe away all tears from their
eyes ; and there shall be no more death, neither
sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any

/ more pain.—ReEv, xxi. 4.

When will the last day come?
What great noise will there be at the last day ?
What will Jesus say to the dead people?
What will be done to the bodies of people who
love'Jesus ?
Where will Jesus sit?
What has Jesus written down in his books?
Whose sins will Jesus forgive?
Where has he written down their names?
Where will God put the wicked?
Who will torment them for ever?


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Full Text

“Joseph was a carpenter.” —LESSON 17.

a Nortinnée FovedL / cE


A Series of the Earliest Religious Instruction the
Infant Mind 1s Capable of Receiving


“Truly the light is sweet; and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun.”

ECCLES. xi. 7.

London, Edinburgh, and New York


eke eee ie.

HIS little work aims to be the very least of all—not in size,

but in the humility of its contents. It aims at the super-

lative degree of littleness; and in this point seeks to resemble the

least watch ever made, the least picture ever painted, the tiniest

flower that ever grew. It desires to be among books as the
humming-bird among birds.

As soon as a child’s mind is capadle of receiving systematic in-
struction, this humble work attempts to convey it.

From a very early period a pious mother will, by caswal remarks,
endeavour to lead her child to the knowledge of his Creator and
Redeemer ; and in due time she will impart systematic instruction.
It may be at ¢hree years of age—it may zot be till fve—that the
child is prepared to listen to these little lessons. But, sooner or
later, he will give evidence of his immortality by willingly heark-
ening to discourse concerning the InvistBe,—the ETERNAL,— the

The simplicity ‘of the language may seem unworthy of the
sublimity of the subject treated of in these pages, and some may
smile at the contrast ; ‘but the little one will not smile—except with
joy to hear of his heavenly Father and of his:incarnate Redeemer ;
for the merry inmates of the nursery are capable of tasting higher

pleasures than toys and dainties can afford.




















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Y dear little children,—You have seen the
sun in the sky. :

Who put the sun in the sky ?—God.

Can you reach up so high ?—No.

Who holds up the sun that it does not fall ?—
It is God.

God lives in heaven.
than the sun.

_Can you see God 4—_No.

Yet he can see you, for God sees every thing.

God made every thing at first, and God takes
care of every thing.

God made you, my little child, and God takes
care of you always.

You have a little body: from your head down
to your feet, I call your body.

Put your hand before your mouth. What do
you feel coming out of your mouth ?

It is your breath. You breathe every moment.
You cannot

Heaven is much higher

When you are asleep, you breathe.
help breathing. But who gives you breath ?

God does everything. God gave you this little
body, and he makes it live, and move, and breathe.

There are bones in your body. God has made

them strong and hard. There are some bones for

your arms, and some bones for your legs. There
is a bone for your back, and more bones for your

God has covered your bones with flesh. Your
flesh is soft and warm.

In your flesh there is blood.

God has put skin outside, and it covers your
flesh and blood like a coat.

Now all these things—the bones, and flesh, and
blood, and skin—are called your body. How
kind of God it was to give youa body! I hope
that your body will not get hurt.

' Will your bones break ?—Yes, they would, if
you were to fall down from a high place, or if a
.cart were to go over them.

If you were to be very sick, your flesh would
waste away, and you would have scarcely any-
thing left but skin and bones.

Did you ever see a child who had been sick a
very long while ?

I have seen a sick baby. It had not round
cheeks like yours, and a fat arm like this. The
baby’s flesh was almost gone, and its little bones
were only covered with skin.

God has kept you strong and well.

How easy it would be to hurt your poor little
body !

If it were to fall into the fire, it would be
burned up. If hot water fell upon it, it would be
scalded. If it were to fall into deep water, and
not taken out very soon, you would be drowned.
If a great knife were run through your body, the
blood would come out. If a great box were to
fall on your head, your head would be crushed.


If you were to fall out of the window, your neck
would be broken. If you were not to eat some
food for a few days, your little body would be
very sick, your heart would cease to beat, and
your breath would stop; you would grow cold,
and you would soon be dead.

You seé that you have a very weak little body.

Can you keep your own body from being sick
and from getting hurt ?

You should try not to hurt yourself; but God
only can keep your body from all harm, from fire
and water, from wounds and bruises, and all kinds
of sickness. Kneel down and say to God, “ Pray,
keep my poor little body from getting hurt.” God
will hear you, and go on taking care of you.

My little. body’s made by God

Of soft warm flesh and crimson blood ;
The slender bones are placed within,
And over all is laid the skin.

My little body’s very weak :

A fall or blow my bones might Drone,
The water soon might stop my Breathe
The fire might close my eyes in death.

But God can keep me by his care ;
To him I'll say this little prayer,

*O God, from harm my body keep,
Both when I wake and when I sleep !”



HAVE told you, my darling, about your little
body. Was your body always as big as it is
now @
No. Once it was very small indeed.
What were you called when your body was
very small ?—A. baby.

. Now you can take a little care of yourself, but
then you could take no care at all. .

Can babies walk, or talk, or feed themselves, or
dress themselves ?—No.

But God sent you to a person who took great
care of you when you were a baby.

Who was it ?

Your dear mother ; she took care of you then.
She nursed you in her arms, and fed you, and took
you out in the air, and washed you, and dressed.

Do you love your mother ?—Yes.

I know you do. But who gave you a mother? .
—It was God who sent you to a kind mother.

A. little while ago there was no such little
creature as you. Then God made your little
body, and he sent you to your mother, who loved
you as soon as she saw you. It was God who
made your mother love you so much, and made
her so kind to you.

Your kind mother dressed your poor little body
in neat clothes, and laid you ina cradle. When
you cried she gave you food, and hushed you to
sleep in her arms. She showed you pretty things
She held you up, and showed
you how to move your feet. She taught you to
speak, and she often kissed you, and ne you
Sweet names,

Is your mother kind to you still 7—Yes, she is,
though she is sometimes angry.

But she wishes to make you good; that is why
she is sometimes angry. Your mother has sent
you to this nice school, and gives you supper
when you go home. I know she will be kind to
you as long as she lives.

But remember who gave you this mother. God.
sent you to a dear mother, instead of putting you
in the fields, where no one would have seen you
or taken care of you.

Can your mother keep you alive ?—No.

She can feed you, but she cannot make your
breath go on.

God thinks of you every moment.
to forget you, your breath would stop.

to make you smile.

If he were

Do you ever thank your mother for her kind-
ness ?—Yes. You often say, “Thank you,” and
sometimes you put your arms round her neck, and
say, “I do love you so much, dear mother!”
- Will you not thank God who gave you a mother,
and keeps you alive? You should kneel down
when you speak to God; then you should say,
“O God, how good you have been to me! I
thank you, and love you.” E

Would God hear your little thanks ?—Yes, God
would hear, and be pleased.

Who fed me from her gentle breast,
And hushed me in her arms to rest,
And on my cheeks sweet kisses pressed ?
' My Mother.

When sleep forsook my open eye,
Who was it sang sweet hush-a-by ;
And rocked me that I should not ery ?
My Mother.

Who sat and watched my infant head,
‘When sleeping on my cradle bed,
And tears of sweet affection shed ?

My Mother.

When pain and sickness made me cry,
Who gazed upon my heavy eye,
And wept for fear that I should die?

My Mother.

Who ran to help me when I fell,
And would some pretty story tell,
Or kiss the place to make it well?
Usain My Mother

‘Who taught my infant lips to pray,
And love God’s holy book and day,
And walk in wisdom’s pleasant way ?
My Mother.

And can I ever cease to be
Affectionate and kind to thee,
Who wast so very kind to me?
My Mother.

Ah no! the thought I cannot bear ;
And if God please my life to spare,

I hope I shall reward thy care,
My Mother.

When thou art feeble, old, and gray,
My healthy arm shall be thy stay,
And I will soothe thy pains away,
My Mother.

And when I see thee hang thy head,
*Twill be my turn to watch thy bed,
And tears of sweet affection shed,
My Mother.

For God, who lives above the skies,
Would look with vengeance in his eyes,
If I should ever dare despise
My Mother.

Mrs. Gilbert's Original Poems.



7 HO is it that dresses you and feeds you ?—
Your dear mother.

But how does your mother get money to buy
the clothes and the food ?—Father brings it home.

How does your father get money ?—He works
in the fields.

Your father works all day long, and he gets
money and brings it home to mother. He says
to your mother, “ Buy-some bread with this money,
and give some of it to the children.” ‘Will your
father give his money to buy bread for you? That
is very kind of him. Do you love your father ?

How hard your poor father works in the fields!

What is your father, littl Ann ?—He is a

Your father, then, works on the farm.

In the spring he takes his scythe to mow the
grass, and as he mows he bends his back till it
aches. In harvest time he takes his sickle and
reaps, while the hot sun beats upon his poor head.
Afterwards he threshes the corn; and in the cold
weather he follows the plough, while the cold rain
and sleet beat upon his face.

Why does he bear all this?

That you may have plenty of food, and be fat
and rosy. While he is ploughing, he often thinks
of you, and hopes that he shall find you a good
child when he comes home. You are glad to see
him, I know. Sometimes you run to meet him;
you set a chair by the fire, and then you climb
upon his knee. Sometimes he is too much tired
to speak to you. Then you wait till he has had
his supper.

What is your father, Mary ?

A. shepherd.

Your father watches the sheep all day long.
Sometimes he gets up in the night to look after
the young lambs and the sick sheep.

What a loving father God has given you!

Who made your father love you at first ?—It
was God.

Your father loves you so much, that he gives
you all you want. He has a little cottage, and he
pays some of his money for it, but he allows you
to live in it with him. He lets you sit upon one
of his chairs, or upon a little stool by his nice
warm fire ; and he gives you some of his breakfast,
dinner, and supper.

If your father were to die, what should you do ?
You would then be a fatherless child.

Could your father die ?

Oh yes; many little children have no father. I
have heard of a little child whose father fell down

from a high ladder and was killed. Another child’s

father was kicked by a horse and died. Another
father was digging a deep well, and his breath was
stopped. Some children’s fathers fall sick and die.

Perhaps your father may die, but God can keep
him alive. You can pray to God to keep him
alive. In the morning you can say, “O God, let
father come home this evening safe.”

But if God were to let your father die, you
would still have one Father left. Whom do I
mean? What do you say in your prayer ?

“ Our Father which art in heaven.”

Yes, you have a Father in heaven, besides the
father you have at home, for God is your Father.

Can your heavenly Father die? -

No, never.

Does he love you ?—Yes.

He loves you even more than your other father
does. He is always thinking of you. He is
always looking at you. He gives you part of his
things. He would like you to come and live with

him in heaven some day. He loves your father

too. He is the Father of your father.

Let us think of the things which your heavenly
Father has given to you. count them

1. Father to work for you.

. Mother to take care of you.
. A house to live in.

. A bed to sleep in.

. Fire to warm you.

. Clothes to wear.

. Food to eat.

. Breath every moment.




AS God been kind to dogs?
Has he given them bodies ?—Yes.
‘Have they bones, and flesh, and blood, and

skin ?—Yes.

The dog has a body as well as you.
body like yours ?—No.

How many legs have you ?—Two.

How many legs has the dog ?—Four.

Have you got arms ?—Yes, two.

Is the dog’s
Oe Walls SOWIE, 9

Has the dog got arms?—No; it has got no
arms, nor hands. But the dog has legs instead.

Your skin is smooth, but the dog is covered with


Is the cat’s body like yours ?—No; it is covered
with fur.

Is a chicken’s body like yours? How many
legs has the chicken ?—Two.

And so have you. But are its legs like yours ?—
No; the chicken has very thin, dark legs, and it
has claws instead of feet.

Have you feathers on your skin? Have you
wings? Is your mouth like a chicken’s beak ?
Has the chicken any teeth ?—No; the chicken’s
body is not-at all like yours. Yet the chicken
has a body, for it has flesh, and bones, and blood,
and skin.

Has a fly got a body ?—Yes, it has a black body,
and six black legs, and two wings like glass. Its
body is not at all like yours.

Who gave bodies to dogs, horses, chickens, and
flies? Who keeps them alive ?

God thinks of all these creatures every moment.

Can a dog thank God ?

No; dogs and horses, sheep and cows, cannot
thank God.

Why cannot they thank God ?
Is it because they cannot talk ?
That is not the reason.

The reason is, they cannot think of God. They

never heard of God.
about God.

Why not?—Because they have no souls, or
spirits, like yours.

Have you got a soul ?—Yes, in your body there
is a soul which will never die.
think of God.

When God made your body, he put your soul
inside. Are you glad of that? When God made
the dogs, he put no soul like yours inside their
bodies, and they cannot think of God.

Can I see your soul?—No; I cannot see it.
No one can see it but God. He knows what you
are thinking of now.

They cannot understand

Your soul can


Which is the best, your soul or your body ?—
Your soul is a great deal the best. Why is your
soul the best ?—Your body can die, but your soul
cannot die. '

Shall I tell you what your body is made of 2—
Of dust. God made the dust into flesh and blood.

What is your soul made of ?

Your soul, or spirit, is made of-the breath of God.

That little dog will die some day. Its body
will be thrown away. The dog will be quite gone
when its body is dead. But when your body dies,
your soul will be alive, and you will not be quite

Where would you be put if you were dead ?—
Your body would be put in a hole in the ground,
but your soul would not be in the hole.

Even a little baby has a soul, or a spirit.

One day, as I was walking in the streets, I saw
a man carrying a box. Some people were walking
behind, crying. There was a dead baby in the
box. Was the soul of the baby in the box ?

No; its soul was gone up to God.

Will you not thank God for giving you a spirit ?
Will you not ask him to take your spirit to live ©
with him when your body dies ?

Say to God, “ Pray, take my spirit to live with
thee when my body dies and turns into dust.”


Tell me, mamma, if I must die
One day, as little baby died ;
And look so very pale, and lie
Down in the pit-hole by his side?

Shall I leave dear papa and you,
And never see you any more?
Tell me, mamma, if this is true ;
I did not know it was before.


‘Tis true, my love, that you must die ;
The God who made you says you must ;
And every one of us shall lie,
Like the dear baby, in the dust.

These hands, and feet, and busy head,
Shall waste and crumble quite away ;
But though your body shall be dead, °
There is a part which can’t decay.
Jane Taylor's “ Hymns for Infant Minds.”

What is that part which can’t decay 4

It is your soul. °

Your body will decay; it will turn into dust:
but your soul will live for ever;

it will never



OU know that God lives in heaven. He

has no body, for he is a spirit. |

Does he live in heaven alone ?

No; angels stand all round his throne.

What are angels ?

Angels are spirits.
sun; but they are not so bright as God, for
he is brighter than the sun. The angels are
always looking at God, and it is God that makes
them shine so bright.

They sing sweet songs about God. They say,
“ How good God is! how wise! how great!”

There is no night in heaven, for the angels are
never tired of singing, and they never rap to

They are never sick, and they will never die.

They never weep ; there are no tears upon their
cheeks, but sweet smiles, for angels are always

If the angels were naughty, they would be
unhappy. Naughtiness always makes people

The angels are quite good.
very much, and mind all he says.

They have wings, and can fly very aaieay, ;
God sends them down here to, take care of Ug 1
As soon as God tells an angel to go, he begins |

They are bright like the

They love God

to fly. They are very str ong, and | can. keep us
from harm.
Should you like the angels to be near you at
night? Do you know.this pretty verse of a ppen q
I lay my body down to sleep ;
Let angels guard my head,

And through the hours of darkness keep
Their watch around my bed.

You must ask God to send the angels, for they
never go except when God sends them. __

God is their Father. They have not two
fathers as you have. The angels are the children
of God, and live in God’s house in heaven. When
you mind what your father tells you, then you
are like the angels who mind God. —

The angels love us very much. They wish us
to grow good, and to come to live with them in
heaven. When a child is sorry for its naughti-
ness, and prays to God to forgive it, the angels
are very thuch pleased.

When a little child who loves God falls sick
and is going to die, God says to the angels, “Go
and fetch that little child’s soul up to heaven.”
Then the angels fly down, the little darling shuts
its eyes, it lays its head on its mother’s bosom, ©
its breath stops—the child is dead! Where is
its soul? The angels are carrying it up to

How happy ne child is now! Its pain is
it is grown quite good; it is bright like
an angel. It holds a harp in its hand, and
begins to sing a sweet song of praise to God.
Tis little body is put into a grave, and turns
into dust. One ay God will make its. pedi: alive

over ;

Dear children, will you pray to God to send

his angels to fetch your souls when -you die ?

Around God’s glorious throne above
The happy angels stand,

And ever praise the God they love, eS
And fly at his command.

2 - Theit faces, like. the sun, .are bright,
And sweetest smiles they wear. 4
They never sleep ; there is no. ‘night
Nor need of candle there, -



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“They are br
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But though the angels live so high,
They love us men below,

And hope to see us in the sky
In garments white as snow.

And when a dying infant lies
Upon its mother’s breast,

The angels watch it while it dies,
And take its soul to rest.



HEN did God begin to live in heaven ?
God always lived in heaven.

Once there was no such little child as you, but
there always was God.

Once there was no sun, but there always was

Once there were no angels, but there always
was God.

No one made God; God was the first of all
things, and God made every thing.

A very long while ago'God made the angels.
How many angels did he make?

No one could tell how many. There were more
than could be counted. They were all good and

But some of the angels grew bad. They left
off loving God, and grew proud and disobedient.

Would God let them stay in heaven after they
were bad ?

No; he cast them out, and hath kept them in
bonds under darkness.

One of these bad angels was called Satan. He
is the chief or prince of the bad angels. He is

‘called the Devil.
The devil is very wicked, and hates God. He


can never go back to heaven again; but he comes
here where we live, and he brings the other devils
with him.

We cannot see Satan, because he is a spirit;
but he is always walking about and trying to
make people naughty. —

Satan loves mischief; he does not wish to be
good. It pleases Satan to see people in pain and
in tears; but it pleases him best to see them
naughty, because then he thinks that they will
come and live with him in his dark place. He
wishes that there should be a great many people

in hell; so he tries to make us do wicked things,

and to keep us from praying to God.
I cannot tell you how very bad Satan is. He
is very cruel, for he likes to give pain. He isa

liar, and teaches people to tell lies. He is proud,

and wishes people to mind him more than God.

He is envious, and cannot bear to see people

The devil hopes very much that you will come
and live with him when you die. He knows that
if you are bad like him, you will live with him;
so he tries to make you like himself. When you
are in a passion, you are like the devil. When
you say, “I don’t care,” you are like the devil.
When you think yourself good, you are proud
like the devil. |

Can God keep you from minding the devil ?
Yes, he can; for God is a great deal stronger
than Satan. Besides this, God is always near
you, for God is everywhere. Now Satan cannot
be everywhere at the same time. It is true that
Satan has a great many angels who go where he
tells them, and that Satan-and his angels come
near you very often. But God is always with
you; he is before you, and behind you, and on
every side of you; he is about your bed when
you sleep, and about your path when you walk.
Therefore you need not be afraid of Satan; only
ask God to help you, and he will do so.

Satan is much stronger than you are; but God
is stronger than all. If anybody were to come
to hurt you when you were alone, you would be


frightened; but if you saw your father coming,
you would run to him, and you would not be
Now God is our Father ;
he can keep Satan from hurting you. Pray. to
him, and say, “O dear Father, keep me from
being wicked like the devil, and from going to

frightened any more.

Satan was once an angel bright,
And worshipped God on high ;
But now he dwells in darkest night

In endless misery.

Daring his God to disobey,
He lost his happy state ;
Sinners above could never stay
Around God’s throne to wait.

Thousands of angels with him fell
Who owned him as their king:
Hoping with us to share their hell,

They tempt our souls to sin.

God, unto thee I’ll lift my prayer
(He'll hear an infant cry),
“Save me, O Lord, lest I should share
In Satan’s misery.”


Gen. i. 1-10.

HIS large place we live in is called the world.

It is very beautiful. If we look up, we

see the blue sky ; if we look down, we see the green
The sky is like a curtain spread over our heads,

the grass is like a carpet under our feet, and the .

bright sun is like a candle to give us light. It
was very kind of God to make such a beautiful
world, and let us live in it.

God was in heaven, and all his bright angels
around him, when he began to make the world.

God’s Son was with him; for God always had a
Son, just like himself.

His Son’s name is Jesus Christ. He is as good
and great as God his Father. The Father and
the Son are God. They always lived together, and
they love each other exceedingly. The Father
and the Son are one God, and they made the

How did God make the world *—By speaking.
First of all, God made the light. God said, “ Let

there be light,” and there was light. No one can

make things byspeaking but God. God made things

of nothing.- He only spoke, and the light came.
Then God made the air.
You: cannot see the air, but you can feel it.

The air is everywhere. You can sometimes hear
the noise it makes, for you hear the wind blow,
and the wind is air.‘

Next, God put some water up very high. The
clouds are full of water; and sometimes the water
comes down, and we call it rain.

God made a large, deep place, and filled it with
water. God spoke to the water, and it rushed into
the deep place. God called this water the sea.

The sea is very large, and it is always moving
up and down, and tossing itself; but it cannot get
out of the large, deep place in which God has put
it; for God said, “‘ Stay there.”
~ When the wind blows hard, the sea makes a
loud noise and roars.

But God made some dry land for us to walk
upon: we call it ground. We could not walk upon

the sea, nor build houses on the sea; but the
ground is hard, and firm, and dry.

Now I have told you of five things that God

1. The light.
. The air.
The clouds.
The sea.
. The dry land.

Let us praise God for making such a large and
beautiful world.

wm ws oO DO

*Twas God who made this world so fair,
The shining sun, the sky, the air ;

*Twas God who made the sea, fies ground, |
And all the things I see around.

When he began the world to make,
These were the mighty words he spake:

“ Let there be light.” His voice was heard,
And the obedient light’ appeared.

The angels saw the light arise,
And with their praises filled the skies.

“ How great our God, how wise, how strong!”
Such is their never-ending song.


Gen. 1. 11-19.

HEN God made the dry land, there was
So God

nothing on it; it was bare.
spake, and things grew out of the ground.
Trees came out of it. They were covered with
green leaves of different shapes. Some were called
oak-trees, and some were called elm-trees, and
some beech-trees. And some trees bore nice
fruit, such as plum-trees, apple-trees, orange-trees,

and fig-trees.

Vegetables grew out of the earth: potatoes and
beans, cabbages and lettuce, they are called vege-

Corn came out of it. Some corn is called wheat,
and some corn is called barley, and some is called
oats. The ears of corn bend down when they are
ripe, and look yellow like gold.

God made the soft green grass to spring up,
and flowers to grow among the grass-—flowers of
all colours and of sweetest smell. The yellow

buttercup, the white lily, the blue violet, and the
rose, the most beautiful of all flowers.

‘I have told you of five sorts of things that grow
out of the earth.

1. Trees.

2. Vegetables.

3. Corn.

4. Grass.

5. Flowers.

The world looked very beautiful when it was
covered with grass and trees. But only God and
the angels saw its beauty.

Afterwards God placed the sun in the sky,
and bade it shine all day, and go from one end
of the world to the other. God made the moon
to shine at night, and he covered the sky with

You never saw anything so bright as the sun.
It is very large indeed ; only it looks small, because
it is a great way off. It cannot fall, for God holds
it up. God makes it move across the sky. Did
you ever hear this pretty verse about the sun ?—

My God, who makes the sun to know
His proper hour to rise,
And to give light to all below,

Doth send him round the skies.
Dr. Watts.

The moon does not shine as brightly as the sun, ©

for God lets it be dark at night, that we may rest
and sleep soundly.

Who could count the stars ?—No one but God.
He knows their names and their number, too.
When we look at the moon and stars, let us think
“how great God is. Yet he cares for the little
birds, and loves little children.”


I saw the glorious sun arise
From yonder mountain gray,

And as he travelled through the skies
The darkness went away ;

And all around me was so bright,

I wished it would be always light.

But when his shining course was done,
The gentle moon drew nigh,

And stars came twinkling, one by one,
Upon the shady sky.

‘Who made the sun to shine so far,

The moon, and every twinkling star ?


"Twas God, my child, who made them all,
By his almighty skill ;
He keeps them, that they do not fall,
And guides them as he will-:
That glorious God who lives afar,
In heaven beyond the highest star.
Jane Taylor's “ Hymns for Infant Minds.”



Gen. i, 20-25.

GY had made a great many things; but none
of these things were alive. At last he
made some living things. He spoke, and the
water was filled with fishes, more than could be

Some were very small, and some were very
large. Have you heard of the great whale? It

is a fish as long as a church. Fishes are cold, and
they have no feet, and they cannot sing nor speak.
God made some flying creatures, more beautiful
than fish, called birds. These perched upon the
trees, and sang among the branches.
Birds have wings, and are covered with-feathers _
of all colours. The robin has a red breast, the

goldfinch has some yellow feathers, and the jay
some blue ones; but the peacock is the most _
beautiful of birds. It has a little tuft upon its
head, and a long train that sweeps behind; some-
times it spreads out its feathers, and they look like -
a large fan. The thrush, the blackbird, and the
linnet can sing sweetly ; but there is one bird that
can sing more sweetly still—it is the nightingale.
At night, when all the other birds have left off.

singing, the nightingale may be heard in the woods.

Some birds swim upon the water—such as
geese, and ducks, and the beautiful swan, with its
long neck and its feathers like the snow.

Some birds are very tall. The ostrich is as tall
as aman. It cannot fly like other birds, but it
can run very fast indeed.

The eagle builds its nest in a very high place.
Its wings are very strong, and it can fly as high
as the clouds.

The gentlest of the birds is the dove.
not sing, but it sits alone, and moans softly, as if
it was sad.

I cannot tell you the names of all the birds,
but you can think of the names of some other kinds.

There 1s another sort of living creatures, called
insects. God made them come out of the earth.
Insects are small, and creep upon the earth—such
as ants. Some insects can fly also—such as bees
and butterflies. The bee sucks the juice of flowers,
and makes wax and honey. How gay are the

It can-

wings of the butterfly! they are covered with
little feathers, too small to be seen. .

All the insects were good and pretty when God
made them.

At last God made the beasts. They came out of
the earth when God spoke. Beasts walk upon the
earth ; most of them have four legs. You know
the names of a great many sorts of beasts. Sheep
and cows, dogs and cats, are beasts. But there
are many other sorts besides: the squirrel that
jumps from bough to. bough, the rabbit that lives
in a hole under ground, and the goat that climbs
the high hills; the stag with his beautiful horns,
the lion with his yellow hair, the tiger, whose skin
is marked with stripes. The elephant is the
largest of the beasts, the lion is the strongest, the
_ dog is the most sensible, the stag is the most
beautiful, but the lamb is the gentlest. The dove
is the gentlest of the birds, and the lamb is the
gentlest of the beasts.

Now God had filled the world with living
creatures, and they were all good; even lions and
tigers were good and harmless. I have told you
of four sorts of living creatures :—

‘1. Fishes.

2. Birds.

3. Insects.

4. Beasts.

All these creatures have bodies, but they have
not souls like you. They can 'move and breathe.
God feeds them every day, and keeps them alive.
The Lord is good to them all.


Gen. i. 26, to the end of chap. ii.

OW I shall tell you of the last thing God

God took some of the dust of the ground, and
made the body of a man; then he breathed on it,
and gave it a soul; so the man could understand
about God. Adam was quite good like God.
Adam loved God very much.

God put him in a very pretty garden, full o
trees covered with fruit. This garden was called
the garden of Eden. God showed Adam all the
beasts and birds, and let Adam give them what
names he pleased. He said to Adam, “I give
you all the fishes, and insects, and birds, and
beasts; you are their master.” So Adam was
king over all things on the earth.

God said to Adam, “‘ You may eat of the fruit
that grows on the trees in the garden.” Still
God did not let him be idle, but told him to take
care of the garden. You see how very kind God
was to Adam.

But Adam had no friends to be with him; for
the beasts and birds could not talk to Adam.
Then God said he would make a woman to be a
friend to Adam. So God made Adam fall fast
asleep, and while he was asleep God took a piece
of flesh out of his side, and made it into a woman.
When Adam woke he saw her. He knew that
she was made of his flesh and bones, and he loved
her very much. Her name was Eve.

You have heard of all the things God made.
They were all beautiful ; and all the living things

were quite happy; there was no pain, and no
sighing, and no sin in all the world.

God had been six days in making the world.
And when he had finished it, he rested, and made
no more things.

The angels saw the world that God had made :
they were pleased, and sang a sweet song of praise
to God. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was pleased,
for he loved Adam and Eve.

How did I know about the world being made? It
is written in the Bible, which is God’s own book.

Let us count over all the things that God made.




Dry land.

Things that grow out of the earth.
Sun, moon, and stars.

Oy Es 3 Oe es a

Living creatures.


Gen. iii.
Ne and Eve were very happy in the gar-
den of Eden. They talked to each other,
and walked together, and they never quarrelled,
and they praised God for all his kindness to them.
God used to talk with them sometimes. They
were pleased to hear his voice, for ahey were not
afraid of him.
There was one thing that God had told them
not to do.
There was a tree in the middle of the garden.
Some beautiful fruit grew upon it; but God said

to Adam and Eve, ‘ You must not eat of the fruit
of that tree: for if you eat of it, you shall die.”

Adam and Eve liked to obey God, and they
cid not wish to eat of this fruit.

You know that the wicked angel Satan hates
God, and he hated Adam and Eve. He wished
to make them do. evil, that they might go to
hell and be burned in his fire. So he thought he
would ask them to eat of that fruit. He went
into the garden, and looked like a serpent.

He saw Eve alone near the tree.

He said to her, “ Why do you not eat of this fruit?”

Eve answered, ‘“ No, I will not; we must. not eat
of that fruit. If we do, God has said we shall die.”

Then the serpent said, ‘You shall not die; the
fruit will make you wise.”

Eve looked at the fruit, and thought it seemed
nice and pretty, and she picked some and ate it;
and she gave some to Adam, and he ate it.

It was very wicked of them to eat this fruit. .
Now they were grown naughty, and did not love


Soon they heard God speaking in the garden;
then they were frightened, and they went and hid
themselves among the trees.

But God saw them; for he can see everywhere.

So God said, “ Adam, where art thou?” Then
Adam and Eve came from under the trees.

God said to Adam, ‘“ Have you eaten the fruit
that I told you not to eat?”

And Adam said, “It was this woman who
asked me to eat some.”

And God said to Eve, “ What is this that thou
hast done?”

And Eve said, “The serpent asked me to.


God was very angry with, the serpent, and said
he should be punished for ever and ever.

God. said to Adam and Eve, “You shall die. I
made your bodies of dust, and they will turn to
dust again.”

God would not let them stay in the sweet
garden, but he sent an angel with a sword of fire,
and he drove them out.

The angel stood before the gate with his sword,

so that they could not come again into the garden.


GEN. iii, 14-24,

RE you not very sorry to hear that Adam
and Eve were turned out of the garden ?
It was not so pleasant outside of the garden.
A great many weeds and thistles grew outside;
but in the garden there were only pretty flowers
and sweet fruits.
Adam was forced to dig the ground till he was
hot and tired, for he could not always find fruit
upon the trees. .

Now Adam felt pain in his body sometimes,

‘die instead of them.

and his hair became gray, and at last he was
quite old.

Eve was very often.sick and weak, and tears
ran down her cheeks.

Poor Adam and Eve! if you had obeyed God
you would have been happy for ever.

Adam and Eve. knew that they must die at
last. God gave them some little children; and
Adam and Eve knew that their children must die
too. God had told them that their bodies were
made of dust, and that they must turn to dust

But there was something more sad still. They
were grown wicked. They did not love praising
God, as they once had done, but they liked doing
many naughty things. They were growing like
Satan; so Satan hoped that when their bodies
were put into the ground their spirits would be
with him, for Satan knew that the wicked could
not live with God in heaven.

And they would have gone to hell, and all their
children too, had not God taken pity upon them.
God, who is very kind, had found. out a way to
save them.

God had said to his Son, a long, long while

before, “Adam and Eve and all their children

must go to hell for their wickedness, unless you
My beloved Son, I will send
you. You shall have a body; you shall go and
live in the world, and you shall obey me, and you
shall die for Adam and his children.”

The Son said to his Father, ‘‘I will come: I
will do all that you desire me to do. It is my
delight to obey you.”

~So the Son promised that he would die for
Adam and Eve, and for their children.

How kind it was of the Father to spare his dear

Son, whom he loved so very much! How kind

_ it was of the Son to leave his throne of light, his

bright angels, and his dear Father, and to take
a body and to die!

You know that we are some of Adam’s chil-
dren’s children. It was for us that Jesus came to
die. We are wicked, and we should go to hell if

Jesus had not promised to die for us. _We ought
to love the Father and the Son, because they had
pity on us.

Let us praise God with the aheels and say,—

“We thank thee, O Father, for thy tender
love, in giving up thine only Son.

“We thank thee, O Son, for thy tender love,
in coming down to bleed and die.”

The Father waited a long while before he sent
his Son down to be a man.

‘All the time’ the Son waited in heaven, he
thought of what he had promised to do; but he
would not go and be.a man ll his Father pleased
to send him.


Luke i. 26-55.

OD told Adam and Eve that he would send

his Son down some day to die for them.
- But Adam and Eve did not love God; for they
were grown wicked.

Could God make them good ?

Yes, he could; for there is a Holy Spirit in

heaven, and the Holy Spirit could come into them

and make them good.

You know, my little children, we are wicked,
and God can make us good with his Holy Spirit.
If God puts his Holy Spirit in us, we shall not go
to hell and live with Satan.

T hope you will ask God to give you his Holy
Spirit. Say to God, “O give me ey Holy
Spirit to make me good !”

Adam had a great many children and grand-
children, and they had more children ; at last the
world was full of people—more people than you
could count.

After Adam and Eve had been dead a long

‘while, and when the world was full of people, God

said to his Son, “ Now, my beloved Son, go down
into the world.”

But God: chose that his Son: should be a “ttle
baby first—because everybody is a little baby at

God sent his at to be the baby of a poor
woman. This woman’s name was Mary. Mary
had no little children. She was a good woman,
and loved God. God’s Holy Spirit was in her,
and made her meek and gentle.

One day an angel came to her.
saw the bright angel, she was frightened.
the angel said, “ Fear not, Mary; God loves you.
He will send you a baby that shall be the Son
of God. You shall call his name Jesus. He will
come to save-people from Satan.”

Mary was much surprised. at what the angel
said. She thought she was not good enough to
have such a baby as the Lord Jesus.

When the angel was gone back to heaven, Mary
sang a sweet song of praise to God for his good-
Mary said, “ My soul praises God, and my
spirit is glad because of my Saviour.”

Mary called her baby her Saviour, for she knew
that he would save her from hell, 9 &

When Mary


I wonder not that Mary feared

When Gabriel to her appeared ;

How could she know he came to bring
So sweet a message from his King?

Full long the Son in heaven had stayed,
Since first the promise had been made,
To shed his blood for Adam’s sin,

And happiness for man to win.

But yet the Son had ne’er forgot,

- And what he said he changéd not ;
The time was come he should be born,
And in this world should live forlorn.

Mary shall be the mother dear

' Who in her arms the child shall bear :
The angel came this news to bring, .
And Mary listened, wondering.

And did the Lord a poor maid btiooke, :
And all the great and rich réfuse? |. , , ,.
High honours God delights to place .
On those who humbly seek his face.









Luxe ii. 1-7.

{ ARY had a husband called Joseph. He

was a good man, and very kind to Mary.

Now, before Mary’s child was born, a great
king said that everybody must pay him some
money. So Mary and Joseph took some money,
and left their house, and went a great way to pay
the money to the king. At last they came to a
town called Bethlehem.

It was night. Where could they sleep ?

They went to an inn, and said, “ Will you
let us in? We have come from a great way

But the master of the inn said, ‘I have ‘no
room in my inn for you.”

What could poor Mary do ?
the street.

Mary said she would sleep in the stable, if the
master would let her.

So Mary and Joseph went into the stable.
There were cows and asses in the stable.

While Mary was in the stable, God sent her

the little baby he had promised her. She knew
that the child was the Son of God, though his
form looked like other little babies.
- She wrapped the baby in some long clothes,
called swaddling clothes; but she had no cradle
for the baby to sleep in, and she could not lay it
on the ground, lest the beasts should tread upon
it; so she put the baby in the manger, and she
sat by it to take care of it.

How dearly Mary loved this sweet babe!

This baby had not a naughty heart, as other
Jesus had no sin, but was quite

She must sleep in

babies have.

pure and lovely. Yet other babies have cradles
and soft pillows, while Jesus lay in a manger.
I will tell you.a verse to say to your little
baby-brother when you rock his cradle.
Soft and easy is thy cradle ;
Coarse and hard thy Saviour lay,
When his birth-place was a stable,

And his softest bed was hay.
Dr, Watts “ Cradle Hymn.”


Luxkr ii. 8—20,

HERE were some fields near Bethlehem.

On the night when Jesus was born, some
shepherds were sitting by their sheep in those
fields. Why did they sit up at night? To keep
their sheep from the wolves and lions which walk
about at night. There are no wolves and lions
where we live, but near Bethlehem there were
wild beasts. ae

These shepherds saw a great light. A beauti-
ful angel came from heaven. The poor shepherds
were afraid; but the angel said, “Be not afraid ;
I bring you good tidings of great joy. God has
sent his own Son from heaven to save you. He
is a baby now, lying in a manger. Go to Beth-
lehem, and you will find him.”

The angel had scarcely done speaking when
hundreds and hundreds of bright angels filled the
sky, and began singing and praising God for hav-
ing sent his Son to save men.

At last the angels went back to heaven, and the
shepherds were left alone.

Did they stay with their sheep ?

No; they said, “ Let us go and. see the Son of
20 | (LEE WsSe. VEN.
BeOS i TE ee ee

They ran to Bethlehem, and went to the stable
of the inn. There was a babe lying in the manger;
Mary and Joseph were sitting by. The shepherds
said, “This is the Son of God.
spoken to us to-night, and told us where to find him.”

All the people in Bethlehem were much sur-
prised when the shepherds told them about the
angels and the Son of God.

Blessed Babe! what glorious features !
Spotless fair, divinely bright !

Must he dwell with brutal creatures? .
How could angels bear the sight?

Was there nothing but a manger
Sinners could to him afford,

To receive the heavenly Stranger?
Did they thus affront the Lord ?

See the kinder shepherds round him,
Telling wonders from the sky ;
_ Where they sought him, there they found him,
With his virgin mother by.

See the lovely babe a-dressing,
Lovely infant, how he smiled !
When he wept, a mother’s blessing
Soothed and hushed the holy Child.
Dr. Watts’ “ Cradle Hymn.”


- Marv. ii.

HERE were some wise and rich men. They
lived a great way from Bethlehem. They

knew that God had sent his Son to be a babe ;
but the men did not know where to find him: so

God put a beautiful star in the sky, and God:

made it move towards the place where Jesus was.

So the wise men left their houses, and set out on.

a long journey ; but first they said, “ Let us bring
some presents for the Son of God ; for he isa King.”

Angels have ©

They took some gold, and some sweet. -smelling
stuff to burn.

They looked at the star as they went.

At last it stopped over a house in Bethlehem.

The wise men were very glad indeed.

They longed to see the Son of God.

They came in, and there they saw Mary and her,
child Jesus. They fell down and began to praise —
him, and to call him the Son of God, and the King.

They took out ‘their presents, and gave them to
him. Mary was. poor; but now she had some
money to buy things for her little baby.

Lo! travellers enter Bethlehem’s gate,
Arrived from some far-distant land ;
They seem to be of high estate,
- And hold rich presents in their hand.

They swiftly pass from street to street ;
Nor need:they fear to go astray,

Nor need they ask the men they meet
To guide them in their unknown way.

For see where shines a beauteous star ;
On it they fix their joyful eyes:

That heavenly guide has led them far,
And now it lightens Bethlehem’s skies.

But, lo! it stops, its course is done ;
On Mary’s roof it sheds a light :
Enter! there dwells God’s blessed Son—
Enter! enjoy the glorious sight.

But where is he, the Lord of all,

Who made the heavens and earth and seas? °
Behold him there, an infant small,

Lying upon his mother’s knees !

Their Lord full well the strangers know,
And humbly worship at his feet ;
Joyful their golden treasures show,
And burn their precious spices. sweet.

Oh happy they who knelt that day
Before the lovely infant’s face,

And who believed, though clad in clay,
That he was Lord of every Piped: !

And shail not-I be happy too,

If, though his face I never saw,
I feel for him affection true,

And still obey his holy law?

Nor gold nor spices need I give;

To show my Lord how much'I love; °
But I may serve him while I live,

And thus my warm affection prove.
was dark when they set off.’—LESSON 17.




Marv, ii; Luxe ii. 51, 52.
HERE was a very wicked king called Herod.
He lived a little way from Bethlehem. He
heard that a babe’ was born in Bethlehem, and
that some people said that the babe was a king.

Now Herod did not like that there should be
any other king besides himself. _ Herod did not
like that even the Son of God should be king.

So Herod said, “I will kill this babe that is
called a king.”

Herod knew that this babe was in Bethlehem ;
but there were many babes in Bethlehem, and
Herod did not know which was the babe that was
called a king.

Some people knew which it was; but they
loved Jesus, and they would not tell Herod. A
very wicked thought came into Herod's mind.
He thought, “I will kill all the babes in Bethle-
hem.” Do you think God would let Herod kill
his Son? No. God knew what Herod meant to
do. God sent one of his bright angels to speak
to Joseph when he was asleep.

The angel said, “A wicked king wants to kill
the baby. Get up, Joseph; take Mary and the

baby a great way off.” So Joseph got up quickly ;

he took his ass, he put Mary on it, and she held
the baby. It was dark when they set off No-
body saw them go.

The next morning some men came with swords.
Herod had sent them. They were come to kill
all the babies. They opened every door, and said,
“Ts there a baby here?” Then they snatched
it from its mother, and killed it, and the poor
mother cried bitterly. Had you walked down
the streets, you would have heard nothing but

him, because he was so meek and kind.
older he grew the more they loved him. Vv


women weeping and crying out, “ My pretty baby


is dead; I shall never see it more!

Was Jesus killed ?

No: he was gone far away. His Father, God,
had sent him away. Herod could not kill hin,
for God would not let him die so soon. .

At last King Herod died. Then God sent an
angel to speak to Joseph when he was asleep.
The angel said, “Joseph, go back to your own
country ; ; Herod is dead.”

“So Joseph took the ass, and ‘Mary, and the
sweet child Jesus, and they all came back to their
own country.

Joseph was a carpenter. Jesus lived with
Joseph and Mary, and minded all they said. He

was a wise child, and loved to think of God.

God his Father loved him, and everybody loved

From babies dear the blood is streaming ;
Around behold the mothers screaming ;
For cruel Herod sent an order

To kill the children of that border.

He seeks to kill the heavenly stranger,
But God has saved his Son from danger :
An angel Joseph did awaken ;

To distant lands the babe is taken.

How safe are those within God's keeping !

How safe awake, how safe when sleeping !

For night and day his eye can watch them,
His hand from every evil snatch them.


Mart, iv. 1-11.

T last Jesus grew to be a man. He knew
that he must go from place to place, and
teach people about God.
So oe. SS a ee

But first he went into a desert place by himself.
He had no house to sleep in there, no friend to
speak to, no food to eat.
cold, in the day very hot.

There were no men, but there were wild beasts.
At night they roared and howled: but Jesus
trusted in his Father.

He ate nothing for forty days and forty
nights: God kept him alive. When Jesus was
alone, then he spoke in his heart to his dear
Father. ine

At last some one came and spoke to him.

Who was it?

Not a man, not a bright angel, not God: it
was Satan. J do not know how he looked, He
was come to tempt Jesus to do wickedly, and not
to mind God his Father,

‘Satan knew that Jesus was hungry. He said
to him,“ Turn these stones into bread!” But Jesus
would not, for God had promised to feed him

After that, Satan took Jesus to the top of a
great building that was much higher than a
church. It is dreadful to be on the top of a very
high place; it makes one tremble to look down
from the top. a

Satan said to Jesus, “Throw yourself down
from this place; your Father will send his angels
to keep you from being hurt, for you know that
he has promised to take care of you.”

Would Jesus have done right had he thrown
himself down?, No. Jesus. knew that his Father
would be displeased if he threw himself down ‘
and Jesus always did the things that pleased his

Then Satan took him to the top of a very high
hill) He showed him the most beautiful things
in the world—gardens and houses, ships and
carriages, and fine clothes and feasts. He said,
“Look at these fine things. I will give them all
to you. You shall have all the world for your
own: only kneel down and call me God.”

But Jesus said, “I will pray to my Father,
and not to you.”

In the night it was

Jesus loved his Father better than all the
things in the world.
Adam and Eve minded: Satan, and disobeyed —

God; but Jesus did all his Father had told him.

Adam was disobedient ; Jesus was obedient.
Then Satan went away; and angels came from
heaven and fed Jesus. |
Satan goes about trying to make children
naughty. A lion. could only eat your body, but
Satan wants to have your soul and body in hell.
Satan hates you. He is your enemy. But God
is stronger than Satan. Say to God, ‘« Keep me
from minding Satan,” and God will keep you.

Upon that mountain’s height

Two mighty princes stand—
Jesus, the prince of light,

Satan at his right hand ;
Below them lies the’ prospect fair
Of all earth holds of rich or rare.

Tables are seen around, f

Spread with delicious meats ;
Gardens where fruits abound,

And thousand tempting sweets ;
Silver and gold and precious stones,
Chariots and palaces and thrones.

Satan did once prevail
On Eve to disobey ;
And now why should he fail
To tempt the Lord astray ?
For Eve abundant food possessed,
While Christ with hunger is distressed.

In vain the tempter tries
The Saviour to deceive,
For Jesus left the skies
Our miseries to relieve cs
' His Father dear he sought to please,
Nor wished for earthly joy and ease.

He had seen brighter things,
_ And sweeter joys had known,
Where angels touch the strings _
Around his Father's throne ;
And shall he from that throne descend
Before the:evil one 'to bend ?


No! he will hunger bear,
And suffer sharpest pain,
Till God shall hear his prayer,
And his weak life sustain.
And lo! ashamed the tempter flies,
And angels feed Him from the skies,
said to them, ‘Come with me.’’—LESSON 19.



Full oft does Satan try
To draw my steps aside ;
Now bids me tell a lie,
My faults from all to hide ;
And tempts me soon to sin again,
That I new pleasure may obtain.

Whenever I consent
To walk in Satan’s ways,
It is as though I bent
My knee before his face.
’ And what reward will Satan give?
In his own hell with him to live.

‘How shall my feeble heart
Be kept from Satan’s power ?
O Lord, thy strength impart
In every tempted hour,
That I may sinful joys refuse,
And thy sweet service ever choose.


Marx i, 16-20.

HEN Jesus was a man, he began to teach
people about his Father.
Where did he preach ?
Sometimes he preached to people in a place like
a church, sometimes he preached in the fields,
sometimes he sat on the top of a hill and preached,
and sometimes he sat in a ship, and the people
stood by the edge of the water to hear him.

Jesus used to

Jesus did not always live in the same place; he
used to walk about from one place to another.

Did Jesus walk about alone?—No; he had
twelve friends always with him. He called them
his twelve disciples. ;

How many are twelve 2—TLLet us count the little
children in this room. Here are twelve. Jesus

had just so many disciples. .

One was called Peter, and another John, and
another James, and another Thomas. But I will

’ not tell you the names of all, lest you should for-

get them. .

Peter was a fisherman. He had a little ship,
and he used to catch fish in the day and in the
night. James and John had another little ‘ship,
and they used to catch fish.

One day Jesus passed by their ships, and Jesus
saw Peter and his brother Andrew throwing a
net into the sea to catch fish, and Jesus said to
them, ‘‘ Come with me.” And Peter and Andrew
left their nets and their ship and went with

And Jesus went a little farther, and he saw
James and John sitting in their ship mending the
holes in their nets, and Jesus said to them, “Come
with me,” and they left their nets and went with

Jesus called what people he pleased to come
with him.

Shall I tell you why Jesus chose to have twelve
friends always with him? What do you think
was the reason ?

Jesus wished to teach them about God his
Father, that they might teach other people about
him. They liked being with him and listening to
his words. Would you have liked to have been
always with Jesus ?

When Jesus was alone with his disciples, he
used to tell them secrets about God and heaven.
They loved him very much indeed; they called
him Master and Lord. Jesus loved them still
more than they loved him, and he called them his

Jesus used to give them part of his things. But -
Jesus had no house to live in, and he had very
little ‘money. Sometimes they were very much
tired with walking far, and sometimes they were
very hungry and thirsty. But kind people often
asked them to come into their houses, and gave
them food. Other people laughed at Jesus and
called him names.

Were the disciples good ?—They were bad, like


us; but Jesus put his Spirit into them, and made
them better. The disciples were not quite good,
like Jesus; they often quarrelled with each other,
and sometimes they were unkind to poor people.

How happy they who shared the bread
Of Jesus here below !

From place to place he travelled,
And they with him did go.

What though they never had a place
Where safely to abide,

They saw their loving Master’s face,
And followed by his side.

They heard him preach from hills and ships

. Of things to men unknown,

But sweeter words dropped from his lips
When they were all alone;

For then he would the things explain
They could not understand,

That heavenly wisdom they might gain,
And teach it through the land.


Tis true I cannot here below
With thee, my Saviour, dwell;

To heaven one day I hope to go,
And there to know thee well.


Joun ii. 1-11.

TOLD you that some people used to ask Jesus
to come into their houses. I shall now tell
you of a man who did ask Jesus. This man gave
a feast, and Jesus came to the feast; Mary, Jesus’ -
mother, came; and the disciples came. There
were a great many more people besides at the feast.
There was some wine for the people to drink, but
there was so little that very soon it was all gone.
Jesus knew that the wine was gone. Could not
Jesus give the people more wine ?—Yes; for he
made the world and all things in it.



There were some large stone jars in the room,
Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with
water ;” and they filled them quite full.

Then Jesus said, “ Dip in a cup, and give it to

the master to drink.” The servants gave it to
him ; but Jesus had turned the water into wine.
‘When the master had tasted it, he said, “‘ What
nice wine this is! where did it come from 2?”
The servants told him how Jesus had told them
to fill the jars with water. Then all the people at
the feast knew that Jesus had turned the water

~ into wine.

This was the first wonder that J esus did. It

was called a miracle.
Why did Jesus do miracles ?.
To show people that he was the Son of God.
The disciples now felt quite sure that Jesus was
the Son of God.

Once Jesus to a marriage went : ;
The numerous guests surround the board,
. When lo! they find the wine is spent ;
This Mary hears, and tells the Lord.

Before the guests’ astonished eyes

Christ makes his heavenly glory shine ;
The thing desired he soon supplies,

And changes water into wine.

How ready does my Lord appear
Our fond desires to satisfy !

And all that we can wish for here
He is well able to supply. ,



Luxe vii. 11-16.

FTER Jesus had turned the water into wine,
he did a great many wonders: he made
blind people see, and sick people well, and dumb
people speak, and lame people walk.
When Jesus came to a place all the sick people
crowded round him.

Jesus did not send them away because they
disturbed him, but he cured them all.

This was the way in which he cured one blind man.
He said, “See!” and the man could that moment.

This was the way in which he cured a man who
was deaf and dumb. Jesus put his fingers into
his ears, and touched his tongue, and looked up
to his Father in heaven, and said, “Be opened!”
and immediately the string of his tongue was
loosed, and he could speak plain.

Once Jesus saw a poor sick man lying on a bed,
and Jesus said to him, “Should you like to be
made well?” The poor man said he wished very
much to be made well. Then Jesus said, “Get
up, carry your bed, and walk.” The man tried to
get up, and he found that he could, for Jesus

gave him strength.

One day Jesus was in a’ place like a church—
he was preaching—when he saw a poor woman

whose back was bent, so that she could not lift |

up her head. Jesus said, “ Woman, I have made

you well;” and then Jesus touched her with his
hands, nek her back grew straight, and she began

to praise God.

Sometimes God made dead people alive again.
That was more wonderful than making sick people


Once Jesus was walking on the road. A great
many people were walking after him; for people
liked to see him do wonders, and to hear him talk.
They met some men carrying a dead man to a
him in the ground.

A poor old woman came after, crying very
much. She was the mother of the dead man.
He was her only son. Jesus was very sorry to
see her cry. He came up to her, and said, “Do
not cry ;” and then he touched the coffin. There
was no top to it: the dead man was lying in it.

Jesus said, “Get up, young man.” He sat up,
and began to speak. Then Jesus said to his
mother, ‘‘ Here is your son.”

All the people were surprised, and said, “ This
must be the Son ce God. He can make dead
people alive again.”



LUKE vii. 36 to end.

HY did Jesus come into the world ?—To
save us from being lost.

But why did God say that people must be lost ?
—Because everybody was naughty.

Jesus can forgive people their naughtiness, and
make them good. But Jesus will not forgive
people who are not sorry. I will tell you of a
proud man who was not sorry, and of a poor
woman who was sorry.

_ A rich proud man asked Jesus to come and
ane with him. Why did he ask Jesus? He
did not love him—he only asked him that he
might hear him talk; but Jesus said he would

The proud man treated Jesus very unkindly.

He gave him no water to wash his feet, put
no sweet ointment upon -them, gave him no

A poor woman, who had been very naughty,
saw Jesus go into the rich man’s house. She
came up behind Jesus, and began to cry for all
her naughtiness. She knew Jesus could forgive
her, and she loved Jesus.

She had brought a box of ointment with her.
She stooped down, and her tears fell upon Jesus’

feet, and with her tears she washed them; she |

wiped them with her long hair, and then poured
the sweet ointment upon them, and kissed them.

The rich man looked at the woman very angrily;
he knew-she had been very naughty, and he was
angry at seeing Jesus so kind to her.

But Jesus said to the proud man, “This woman
has. been very naughty ; but I have forgiven her,
and she loves me very much. She loves me a
great deal more than you do. You gave me no
water for my feet; but she has washed my feet
with her tears. You gave me no kiss;
has kissed my feet ever since I came in.



but she —

gave me no ointment; but she has spawned very

_ sweet ointment upon my feet.”

Then Jesus spoke kindly to the woman, and
said to her, “‘ Your sins are forgiven.”

So Jesus comforted this poor woman; but the
proud man and his friends grew still more angry.

Jesus will forgive your sins if you are sorry, -
and if you ask him; but if. you think yourself —
good, he will not forgive you, for Jesus cannot
bear proud people. Though you are but 4. little
child, you have done a great many wrong things,
and you do not deserve to go to heaven. Oh, I
hope Jesus will forgive you! I hope the Holy
Spirit will come into your heart, and make you
feel very sorry for your sins. Then Jesus will
forgive you, and you will love him, as this poor
woman did.

One day, walking from one place to another,
Jesus came to Jacob’s well, near the city of
And being weary, Jesus sat down to
And a woman coming to the well for water,
he asked her to give him some water to drink.
Then Jesus told her of the living water which he,
as God, alone could give.




fuee vill. 22-25.

) J ESUS often went into a ship with his disciples.

Peter had a ship of his own, and John had
another ship, and they liked to lend their ships to

Once they were all in a ship, when the wind
blew very hard, and the water moved up and
down, and came over the ship. The disciples
were afraid that they should be drowned.





s cee



Jesus had fallen asleep, and was lying on a pil-
low. The noise of the wind and of the water had
not awakened him. _ ;

His disciples ran to him and cried, “O Master!
do you not care for us? will you let us die?”

Then Jesus got up and said to the wind, “ Wind,
be still!” and he said to the water, “Be still!”

The wind left off blowing, and the water was
smooth and quiet. .

Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Why were
you afraid? Why did you not believe that I

would take care of you?”
Jesus knew that they were tossed about, and he
would have kept them safe though he was asleep.

The disciples said one to another, “Jesus is the
Son of God; even the wind and the water obey him.”

The twelve, with their Master and Lord,.
At sea in a vessel were tossed ;

The winds loudly blew, the waves roared ;
They feared that they all should be lost.

The water rushed into the ship ;
For Jesus all eagerly look :

He lies on a pillow asleep—
Had he his disciples forsook ?

Not so; while he slept he still thought
Of them and their bitter distress :
His merciful eye slumbers not,
But watches his children to bless.


He rises his work to perform :
The wind and the waters obey ;

Soon hushed is the terrible storm,
The hurricane passes away.

How ready is Jesus to save!

How strong is his arm to protect !
His mercy we ever will crave,

And answers will ever expect.


LuKE viii. 41 to the end.

RICH man came to J esus, and fell down at
his feet and said, “I have one little girl, and
she is very sick; pray come and make her well.”
And Jesus went with the rich man.
When they were near the house, some servants

came out and said, “The little girl is just dead;

no one can make her well now.”

But Jesus said, “Do not be afraid; I can make
her well.”

Jesus said to the father and mother of the little
girl, “Come with me into the house.— Peter,
James, and John, you may come in, but no one else.”

So they went up into the room where the little
girl was lying in bed. A great many people were
in the room, playing sad music, and singing sad
songs, and crying, because the child was dead.
But Jesus said, “Leave off crying. The girl is
only sleeping; she is not dead.” Jesus said she
was asleep because he meant to make her alive so
soon again. But the people laughed at Jesus,
and said, “She is dead ;” and they would not be-
lieve that he could make her alive again.

Jesus said, “Those people must be put out of
the room.” So he sent them out, and shut the
door ; but he.let the father and mother, and Peter,
and James, and John, stay in the room. He-took

the little girl’s hand, and ‘said, “ Arise!” and first ,

she sat up, and then she rose up out of bed, and
walked about the room. She was twelve years old.
Jesus then said, “ Bring her something to eat.”

The father and mother were much surprised at
what had happened.

Hark ! ’tis a father crying,
And this is what he saith :
“ My little daughter’s lying
Just at the point of death.”

The Saviour soon consented
To come and heal the maid ;
Nor was he e’en prevented
By hearing she was dead.

He found the people weeping
Because her breath was gone;

And when he said, “She’s sleeping,”
They laughéd him to scorn.

The Lord no sinful mocker
Would suffer to remain ;
Then by the hand he took her,
And bade her rise again.

“Ah! see the maid arising
According to his word ;

Does not the deed surprising .
Show Jesus to be Lord?

See, in their fond embraces
The parents clasp the maid :

Ashamed are now the faces
That mocked at what he said.


Mart. xiv. 13-22,

( NCE Jesus went into the wilderness with
his disciples, and a great many people came
after him. Then Jesus preached to all the people,


and told them about his Father, and how he
himself had come down from heaven to save them
from Satan. They listened to him from morning
till night.

When it was getting dark the disciples. came to
Jesus and said, “ Will you not send the people
home? for it is late.”

But Jesus knew that the people had had nothing
to eat all day, and he did not like to send them
home tired and hungry. So he said to his dis-
ciples, “Cannot you feed them?”

“No,” said they; “we have only five loaves
and two small fishes, and see how many people
there are!”

But Jesus said, “Make them sit down on the
grass, and bring the loaves and fishes to me.” So
the disciples made them all sit down.

There were a great many people, as many as
would fill ten churches—five thousand men, besides
women and little children. How tired the little
children must have been! it was time for them to
have their supper and go to bed.

We shall hear how Jesus fed all these people.

They sat down on the green grass. Jesus took
the loaves and fishes. First he lifted up his eyes
to his Father, and thanked him for the food, and
then he took a piece of bread and gave it to Peter,
and said,,‘‘ Feed all those people sitting there ;”

- and he gave another piece to John, and said, “Feed
those people ;” and he gave a piece of bread and
fish to each of the disciples, and told each to feed
some people.

One little piece of bread would not be enough
for all the children in this room; but Jesus made
the bread enough for all the people. Every one
had enough, and there were upon the grass a
great many little pieces. But Jesus said to his
disciples, “Take some baskets, and pick up the
broken pieces ;” and they filled twelve baskets full
of little bits of bread. Then Jesus told the people
to go home.

What a wonder Jesus had done! Yet you
know that he feeds you, my little children, and
all the people in the world.

How does he feed you?
_ He gives you bread.
Of what is bread made ?—Of flour.
Of what is flour made ?—Of corn.
Who makes corn ?—God makes the corn.
Of what does he make it?—Of nothing. God
makes things of nothing. Jesus is God, and

makes the corn grow; so you see that Jesus feeds

you. Ifhe did not make corn grow in the fields
we should die. But he will not forget us. He
even remembers the little birds. They are too
silly to plough or to sow corn, or to reap, or to
put corn into barns; yet God does not let them
starve. The birds cry to God, and he hears them,
and lets them find food. Now God loves us much
better than he loves the little birds, because we
have souls; so he will certainly hear us when we
pray to him.

If your mother had no bread in her cottage,
and if she could get no money to buy some, yet
God would hear her if she loved him. He would
not let her starve.

Wilt you not ask God for bread every day, and
say, “Give me this day my daily bread” ?

We ought to thank God for the food we eat.
Before we eat breakfast, or dinner, or supper, we
should say, “I thank thee, O Lord, for this nice


Marr. xv. 21-28; Marx x. 13-16.

TOLD you that the disciples were sometimes
unkind ; but Jesus was always kind.

Once a poor woman came crying after Jesus,
saying, “O Lord, I have a little daughter who is
very sick.” Jesus did not answer her at first, and
the disciples were unkind, and wished her to be
sent away. She cud so loud they said to Jesus,
“Do send her away.” .

The poor woman fell down at Jesus’ feet, and
said, “Lord, help me!” And Jesus had pity
on the woman, and said, “I will do what you

The poor woman was glad to hear this, and she
went home, and found that her daughter was quite

Another time the disciples were unkind to some
little children. Some poor women brought the
children to Jesus; but the disciples were standing

‘round, and they would not let the women come


“Go away,” they said; “you must not bring
these babies here to trouble us.”

But Jesus heard them speak, and was very
angry with the disciples. Jesus would not let the
children go away.

He said to the disciples, “ Sn: them to come
to me; do not send them away.”

Then he took the children in his arms, and put
his hands upon them, and prayed to his Father,
and blessed them.

’ O happy little children, to be taken into Jesus’
arms !

Jesus loves meek and gentle children.




are Jesus’ lambs. Jesus is their Shepherd, and he
will take them to heaven when ula die.

Young children once to Jesus came,
His blessing to entreat ;

And I may humbly do the same,
Before his mercy-seat.

For when their feeble hands were spread,
And bent each humble knee,
“ Forbid them not,” the Saviour said ;
And'so he says to me.

_ If babes so many years ago
His tender pity drew,
He will not surely let me go
Without a blessing too.

Then while his favour to implore
My little hands are spread,

Do thou thy sacred blessing pour,
Dear Jesus, on my head.

Jane Taylor's “ Hymns for Infant Minds.”

us this day our daily bread.

_was Jesus, the Lord;



Mart. vi. 9-13 ; Luxe xi. 2-4.

HEN Jesus was in the world, he loved to

think of his Father in heaven. He liked

to be alone, that he might pray to his Father:

sometimes the tears ran down his cheeks while he

One night Jesus prayed all night alone upon the
top of a high hill.

Sometimes Jesus prayed to his Father while his
disciples stood near and listened.

Once when Jesus had ea praying ei them
they said, “Teach us to pray.” Then Jesus taught
them a little prayer. et apes

It was this: “Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy
will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give
And forgive us.
our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass
against us. And lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.
Amen.” | |

I know, little children, that you say this prayer
night and morning. Your mothers taught you to
say it. But did you know who said it first? ° It
so it is called “the Lord’s

It is a very beautiful prayer, for Jesus said it;
but it is hard for children to understand it.

What is the meaning of “Hallowed be thy
name” ?

It means, Let God’s name be praised.

Do you wish God to be praised ?

What are “ trespasses ” ?
_ Trespasses are sins. .

Ask God to forgive you your sins, or your


I hope that you say more little prayers that

you can quite understand.

Would you not like to have God’s Holy Spirit

to make you good? God will send him into your
heart, if you ask him.

God has given you bread, and clothes for your
body. He will give you better sans than

What is the best hing: that God can give you?

—It is the Holy Spirit. He can make your soul
good. Say to God, “O give thy Holy Spirit to
a poor, little, naughty child.”

You should pray to God sometimes when you
are quite alone. Jesus prayed when he was quite
alone. Many little children have prayed to God,
who are now in heaven, and are quite good. Some

children, who are still in the world, pray to him.
They are not quite good yet; but God is making
them grow better every day, and at last they shall
go to heaven, and be quite good.
Our Father, seated in the sky,
Thy holy name be praiséd still ;
Be thou obeyed as King most high,
Let men, like angels, do thy will.

Do thou our daily bread supply ;
Forgive our sins as we forgive ;

Yet help us still from sin to es
Great, glorious King, for ever live !


Marr, xvi. 21 to end.

ESUS knew everything that would happen,
and he knew that he must soon die.
He: used to tell his secrets to his disciples ;

~ ness.
Father, and that they would not turn from their

so he took them into a place by themselves,
and said, “I soon shall leave you. The wicked
people will take me, and bind me with ropes,
and beat me, and laugh at me, and nail me
on a cross; but remember that I shall soon be
alive again.”

-The disciples could not bear to hear Jesus talk
of dying, for they loved him very much. They
all looked very sad, and Peter said, “ You shall
not die;” but Jesus said, “I must die to save
men, and to please my Father.”

‘The Father had desired Jesus to die, and he
would not disobey his Father.

Most of the people who wished to kill Jesus
lived in a great town called Jerusalem.

Jesus used to go to Jerusalem very often, and
he used to preach there.

Why did some people hate Jesus ?—Because
he told them of their wickedness.

He used to say to them, “You do not love
God, who is my Father, but you are proud and
vain. You wish to kill me. You tell lies. You
are unkind to poor people. You pretend to be
good, but while you are saying your prayers you
are thinking of something else. Your hearts are
full of wickedness. You are the children of the
devil.” ols
Jesus wished them to turn from their wicked-
It grieved him to see that they hated his

wicked ways.

The wicked people were angry with Jesus, and
said; “God is not your Father.” But Jesus
said, “He is my Father; and I came down from
heaven, where he lives, and I shall go back to
him some day.”

At last the people took up Bones to throw at
him; but Jesus did not choose to die yet, so he
easily got away from them, and they could not
find him.

Jesus then went away from Jerusalem to live
with his disciples in a place a great way off,
till it was time for him to come to Jerusalem



JOHN xi. 1-17.

ESUS stayed with his disciples in a place by

himself. The wicked people, who wanted to.

kill him, could not find him; but Jesus’ friends
knew where he was.

Jesus had more friends besides his disciples.

One of his friends was called Lazarus. Lazarus
had two sisters; their names were Martha and
Mary. These three all lived together. They all
three loved Jesus, and Jesus loved them. Jesus
used often to come and see them, and sit in the
house, and talk to them. Martha liked to make
a fine dinner when Jesus came, but Mary liked
to sit and listen to his sweet words,

At last Lazarus fell very sick.

Martha and Mary loved their brother Lazarus
very much indeed. They knew that Jesus could
make Lazarus well; so they sent a man to tell
Jesus that Lazarus was sick.

The man went a great way to look for Jesus.

Lazarus grew worse and worse. At last he
died. His friends. wrapped white clothes round
his face, and his arms, and his legs, and: put him
in'a great hole, and rolled a stone before it.
Martha and Mary waited and longed for Jesus
to come.

Four days passed, and at last J esus came,

Martha and Mary did not think that Jesus

would make Lazarus alive again, for he had been |

dead so long; so they sat upon the ground and

When Martha heard that Jesus was on the
road a, little way off, she came to J esus, and said,
“If you had been here, my brother had not died ;
and even now you could make him alive.”

_ Then Jesus said, “ Your brother shall rise again.”

‘sad indeed, and he sighed very deeply.

“Yes,” said Martha: “I know he will rise
again at the last day, when all the dead people rise.”

Martha was afraid that Jesus would not choose
to make Lazarus alive soon; but she knew that
he was able to do it. De

Martha went back to the house, and found
Mary still sitting on the ground, and a. great
many friends round her.

Martha whispered in her ear, and told her that
Jesus wanted to speak to her. So Martha and
Mary went together, and found Jesus waiting for
them on the road.

Mary’s friends went with her, and they cried ;
and Mary cried very much indeed; and when
she saw Jesus she fell down at his feet, and said,
“Lord, if you had been here my brother had not


Jesus was very sorry to see her so unhappy, .
and to see so many people crying ; he felt. very
does not like to see any one in trouble, he is so
kind. | 7

Then Jesus said, ‘ Where have you put Laza-
rus ?” .

Martha and Mary and their friends said, “Come
and see ;” and they showed him the way.

As Jesus walked along the tears rolled down
his cheeks.

At last they came to the grave. It was a hole,
and a very large stone was before the hole.

Then Jesus said, “Take away the stone.”

Martha thought that Jesus was going to look
at Lazarus lying dead, and she said, “Do not
go in; his flesh has a bad. smell by this time.
He has been dead four days.”. But Jesus told
her to believe that he could make him alive.

They then rolled away the stone.

Then Jesus lifted up his eyes to his Father in
heaven, and thanked him for helping him to do
wonderful things.

A great many people were standing by, looking
at Jesus and wondering what he would do.

_ Poor Martha and Mary were longing to see
Lazarus. alive again.

Then Jesus spoke loud and said, « Lazarus,
come forth.” _ ;

Lazarus heard though he was dead. The dead
hear the voice of Jesus. He got up and walked
to the door of the hole. His hands were tied with
cloths, and his feet wrapped round with cloths,
and a cloth was over his face.

But Jesus said, “ Undo the cloths.”

How pleased Martha and Mary must have
been to see his face again! How they must have
thanked the Lord Jesus for his kindness !

The people who saw all this were surprised, and
said, “Jesus must be the Son of God.” _/ .


Marr. xxi. 1-11, 14-17.

HICH was the greatest miracle that Jesus
ever did ? . .

It was making Lazarus alive again; because
he had been dead four days.

Many of the wicked people who hated Jesus
heard of it; but they only hated him the more.
They said, “ We must kill him soon, or every one
will believe that he is the Son of God.”

Jesus knew that they wanted to kill him, and
so he went again and hid himself in a place they
did not know of. They looked for him, but they
_ could not find him.

- But could Jesus always stay in that little quiet
place where he was hid with his disciples? No.
He came down to die for us. He only waited
till the time came for him to die. Then he said
to his disciples, “We must go up to Jerusalem,
and I shall be laughed at, and beaten, and killed ;
but I shall come out of my grave after three days.”

The disciples did not like to hear this, but
they chose to go with Jesus wherever he went.

SS eee
Jesus walked fast along the road. At last he

came near Jerusalem. Then he stopped, and said
to his disciples, “I shall.ride into Jerusalem upon
an ass.” Jesus had no ass of his own ; he always
walked from place to place. But Jesus could put
it into a man’s heart to lend him one.

He said to two of his disciples, “Go along the
road a little way, and you will see an ass and a
young ass tied, and a man standing near. Bring ©
the.ass and the young one to me, for I know that
the man will let them come.”

So the two disciples went. When they had gonea
little way they saw an ass tied up, and a young one.

They began to untie the ass;-but a man stand-
ing near said, “ Why do you untie the ass 2”

They said, “The Lord hath need of them ie
and then the man let them go.

T suppose that man loved the Lord J esus, and
liked to lend him his things.

The two disciples brought the two asses to
Jesus. They took off. some of their clothes and
put them on the young ass, and Jesus sat upon it.

A. great. many people came out of Jerusalem
to see Jesus, for they had Heard of his making
Lazarus alive again. The people began to praise

Jesus and to call him “King.” They took off
some of their clothes, and laid them down upon
the road for the ass to tread upon, and they
picked branches off the trees that grew near and
laid them too on the road.
34 27 Ee Vie

So Jesus came to the great town of Jerusalem.
All the people came into the streets to look at
him, and even the little children began to praise
him and to call him “King.” The proud men
that hated Jesus were very angry at hearing all
these praises. They did not like to hear Jesus
praised. They came to him, and said, “ Why do
you let these children call you king?”

But Jesus liked to hear the children sing his
praise, and he would not tell them to be silent.

Jesus loved little children, and ‘these little chil-
dren loved Jesus.

Jesus, on a young ass seated,
Comes into Jerusalem.

See! by thousands he is greeted ;
Boughs are plucked and strewed for him.

Hark! Jerusalem is ringing
With loud shouts from many tongues.
Hark! the children too are singing ;
Jesus loves those infant songs.

‘While they sing my heart rejoices,”
The dear Saviour sweetly said ;

“ For when babies lift their voices,
Then my praise is perfected.”

Is my dearest Lord delighted
With the songs of babes like me?
Then to sing I am invited,
And I will not silent be.


Luxe xix. 47, 48, xx. 19, 20, xxi. 37, 38.

HERE was a large place in Jerusalem, like

a great church, called the “Temple.” It

was white outside, and very beautiful. The doors
were open all day, and people used to go in to

_ pray to God. It was God’s house. J: esus used

often. to be there with his disciples. Poor, blind,
and lame people came to him there, and Jesus cured
them all, and talked to them about his Father.

The little children sang his praises in the Temple.

All day long Jesus taught the people about
God, and they listened to what he said, and liked
to hear him.

The wicked and proud men came to the Temple
to laugh at Jesus and to speak rudely to him;
but he bore all as meekly as a lamb.

At night he left the Temple, and went out of
the town to a high hill, where he prayed to God
alone in the dark. .

The wicked men longed to catch Jesus to kill
him. They said to each other, “ How can we
get him? The people will not let us take hold
of him if they see us, or we would go to the
Temple to catch him. If we could find him alone
in the dark, then we would put ropes on him, and
take him to the judge.”

This is what the wicked people said to each
other as they sat together.

Within the temple fair and grand,
Where holy men are wont to pray,

Behold the gentle Saviour stand,
Teaching sweet wisdom all the day.

And many round him fondly press— ~
The blind, the lame, the weeping poor,
Who suffer sickness or distress,
Or grace or pardon would implore.

But see, another troop is near,

And much his words their pride displease ;
Like hungry lions they appear

Who long a gentle lamb to seize,

The Saviour all their malice knows,
And how his precious life they seek ;

But still his lips he will not close,
Because his Father bade him speak.

Nor does his heavenly patience fail,
Nor does he cease his love to show ;
But while they mock and jeer and rail,
He strives to save their souls from woe.

And if when trying to be kind
I too should with unkindness meet,
Oh let me show a patient mind,
And ever let my words be sweet!


JOHN xii. 6; Mart. xxvi, 3, 4, 14-16.

ESUS had twelve disciples. |
J Did they all love him ?

Peter loved Jesus, and Jolin loved hin and all
the rest loved him, but one; his name was Judas.
He did not love Jesus, but one pretended to love
him. He was like the devil.

Did Jesus know how wicked Judas was? Yes;
he saw into his heart. But the disciples thought
Judas was good ; for Judas used to kiss the Lord
Jesus, and speak kindly to him, and talk about
God like the rest.

But Judas loved something; he loved money.
He wanted to get a great deal of money.

He was covetous, and he was a thief. . The dis-
ciples had a bag, and when they had money they
put it in the bag; and all the disciples put their
money in the same bag. But there was very
little money in the bag, for they were very poor.
Judas used to take care of the bag, and he used to
steal some of the money out of it, and keep it for
himself; but no one found him out, or thought he
was a thief, except Jesus, and he knew it well.

Judas was always thinking, “ How shall I get
more money ?”

One day, when the proud men were > sitting to-
gether, Judas came in.

Judas said, “ You want to find Jesus when he
is alone : will you give me some money, and I-will
show you where he goes at night ?”

The proud people said, “ Yes, we will.”

Judas said, “ How much money will you give
me ?”

They said, “ acer pieces of silver.”

Then Judas said, ‘“ Some night I will bring you
to Jesus when he is alone.”

The wicked people were very glad to hear this.

“ Now,” thought they, “we shall soon catch
him and kill him.”

Judas went back to Jesus, and told none of his
disciples what he had done. But Jesus knew what
he had been doing; for Jesus could see all his
thoughts, and knew all that Judas did, both in
the day and in the night. Yet Jesus did not tell
Judas that he knew his wicked plans.


' Loxe xxii, 7-14; Jou xiii. 1-17.

ESUS said to his disciples, “I am going soon
| ‘to be killed, but before I die I shall eat a
supper with you in Jerusalem.”

Then Jesus said to Peter and John, “ Go and
get the supper ready.” But they said, ‘“ Where
shall we get it ready ?” for Jesus had no house in
Jerusalem. But Jesus knew how to find a room. |

So Jesus said to Peter and John, “Go into
Jerusalem, and you will meet a man carrying a
jug: go after him; he will go into a house. The
master of the house will lend me a room. Tell
him that I am going to die, and that I want to
eat a supper with my disciples.”

Then Peter and John went into Jerusalem.

Whom did they meet ?

A man carrying a jug.

They followed him. He went into a house.
Peter and John went in after him, and they said
to the master of the house, “ Jesus wants a room
to eat supper in with his disciples before he dies.”

Then the master took them upstairs, and showed
them a large room, with a table in it, and seats
all round the table, and a jug, and a basin to wash
their feet in, and a cup and dishes.

Then Peter and John got some bread and wine
and other things, and made the supper ready ;
and they went back and told Jesus (who was a
little way in the ene that uu was seedy.


So Jesus and all his disciples came to the house in
the evening ; they went upstairs, and they all sat

Jesus loved J on ‘better than all the rest, and

- John sat next to Jesus.

After they had been a little while at supper,
Jesus got up and took a towel and tied it round
his waist, and he took a jug and poured water into
a basin, and he began to wash his disciples’ feet,
and to wipe them with the towel round his waist.

But when he came to Peter, Peter said, “ You
shall never wash my feet.”

Peter thought it was too kind of Jesus to wash
his feet, as if he were a servant; but Jesus was
not proud, but loved to be kind to his disciples.

Then Jesus said to Peter, “If I wash you not,
you cannot be mine; but I have made you clean
already.” Jesus had made Peter’s heart clean.

Then Peter was glad that Jesus should wash
his feet.

All the disciples had clean hearts, except Judas,
and his heart was full of wickedness: Satan was
in it. Yet Jesus washed Judas’s feet. He was
kind even to wicked Judas, who hated him.


When Jesus had washed all the disciples’ -feet,
he sat down again, and began to talk to them.

He said, “Do you know what I have done to
you? I have washed your feet, though I am
your Lord and Master. .I wish to teach you to

be as kind to each other as I have been to you.” y
When the sad hour was almost come

That Jesus must depart,
He gathered in an upper room

Those dearest to his heart.

Ah! great was their astonishment
- When, rising from his seat,
Upon the floor he lowly. bent
To wash his servants’ feet.

Beside the board again he sat,
And thus expressed his mind:
“ If I, your Lord, upon you wait,
Oh, should not you be kind?

“Oh let the love that I have shown
By you remembered be,
And by your love let it be known
That you belong to me.”


O Lord, it is my fond desire
That thou my name wilt own ;

And much the kindness I admire
That in thy actions shone.

But oh, how hard to imitate !
To thee for help I call ;.
On others may I love to wait,

And be the least of all.


JOHN xiii. 21-30.

OU know the wicked thing that Judas meant

to do. .Jesus knew that he would bring

the wicked people to take him and kill him.

Jesus had been very kind to Judas, and Jesus was
sorry that he was so wicked.


As Jestis was sitting at supper, and all the

twelve disciples sitting round, he said, “One of |

you will give me to the wicked men to be killed—
one of you, my disciples ! ”

All the disciples were very sorry, and Beer
said, “Is it I?” and John said, “Is it 12” and
each of them said, “Is it I?” But Jesus did not
tell them which.

Now John was leaning his head on Jesus’
bosom, and Peter whispered to John and said,
“Do ask the Lord which it is that will show the
wicked people where he is.”

So John whispered and said, ‘ Which is it?”

‘And Jesus said, “ The one that dips the bread
in the sop with me.”

For there was a dish of sauce on the table; and
Jesus dipped his bread in it, and as he dipped it
one of the disciples put his hand in the dish too.
Which was it ?

Judas: he dipped his bread in the dish with Jesus.
So John knew which it was that was so wicked.

Then Jesus said to Judas, “ Go, and do what
you mean to do.”

And Judas got up and went out of the room.

Where did he go?

He went to the wicked acatn to ae them
to Jesus in the dark.

But the disciples thought he was going to buy
something at a shop, or to give money to the poor.

One night the Saviour said,
“‘ My hours to live are few ;
I soon shall be betrayed,
My friends, by one of you.”
“ Lord, is it 12”
They all do cry.

Beloved above the rest,
John leaned his gentle head
Upon the Saviour’s breast,
And, softly whispering, said,
“ Lord, tell me who
This thing shall do.”

“ One of this little band,”
The Saviour, answering said,
«Will hither reach his hand,
And dip with me his bread.
Who dips with me,
The same is he.”


Dear Lord, how could it be
That one who lived all day,
And ate his bread with thee,
- Should thy dear life betray ?
Ah! how could he
Thus deal with thee?

Not so would I reward
Thy tender love to me:
I would, my dearest Lord,
Thy faithful servant be ;
For thou art he
Who died for me.


Mart. xxvi. 26-36 ; Joun xiv. 1-4, xvii. 1-3.

FTER supper Jesus took some bread, and

broke it in little bits, and gave a piece to

each of the disciples, and said, “ This is my body ;
I am going to die; eat this, and think of me.”

Then Jesus poured some wine into a cup, and

told them all to drink out of it. He said, ‘‘ This

is my blood; I shall soon bleed and die; drink

this, and think of me.”

Jesus said, “I shall not eat supper with you

again before I die. I am going to my Father; I
must leave you, but I shall come back again.”
Then they all sang a hymn.

Afterwards Jesus got up from the table and

went downstairs into the street, and the disciples

followed him. It was dark; but Jesus talked to
them as they went along. He said, “I am going
to die to-night, and you will all leave me.”

But Peter said, “I will not leave you. I will
go to prison with one I will die with en but
I will never leave you.”

Jesus said to him, “ Yes, you will, Peter. You
will say that you do not know me; you will say
that you are not my friend. This night, Peter,

you will say so, before the cock crows.” (For
cocks crow in the morning when it is light.)
Jesus talked sweetly to his disciples. He said,

‘Do not be sorry because I am going away. I

shall go back to my Father, and I shall soon come.

back to you. When I am in heaven, I shall get
ready a place in heaven for you. I command you
to love one another; and I will send my Spirit
into your hearts.”

At last Jesus came to a garden. He had often
been to that garden with his SecpIee and wicked
Judas knew the place.

Where was Judas now ?

He was with the wicked, proud men.

You will soon hear how he came to the garden,
and how he brought the servants of the wicked
men with him. For these wicked men meant to
send their servants to catch Jesus.

“This is my flesh,” the sorrowing Saviour said,
And as he spake he gave the broken bread ;

“This is my blood,” and then he bade all drink,
And of their dying Master ever think.

“This night I die; this night my body’s bruised ;
This night by wicked men my name’s abused ;

And even you, my dearest friends, shall fly,
And leave your Master all alone to die.”

His friends in sorrow heard : then promiséd
With him they fondly loved their blood to shed ;
And Peter loudest said, “ With thee I’ll die,”
And little thought he should his Lord deny.


Sometimes I think I never will offend,
By doing wrong, my best, my heavenly Friend.
How soon my heart forgets! To God I'll pray
For grace to keep me in his holy way.

fell on the ground.


Marv, xxvi, 30-57; Jonny xviii. 1-12.

HEN Jesus was come to the garden, he

told all his disciples to stop in one place

till he came back, except three that he took with
him. ~~

Who were they 2.

Peter, James, and John. He took them farther
on in the garden, and then said to them, “I feel
very sad indeed. I am going to pray. Do you
stay here. De not go to sleep, but Pray while I
am praying.”

_ Then Jesus went a little way off by himself,
and fell upon the ground, and began to pray to
his Father to help him. He ended his prayer
by saying, “O Father, do what thou wilt, not
what I will.” .

He prayed very earnestly, and he felt so un-
happy that the blood came out of his skin and
Then he got up and went
back to Peter; and James, and John; but he
found them asleep. He woke them, and told
them to pray.

Then he went back and prayed again to his
Father to help him in his great sorrow. Then he
came back to his disciples, but they had fallen
asleep again.

Then Jesus prayed again, and his Father sent
an angel from heaven to comfort him. I do not
know what the angel said, but I know the angel
loved him, and could speak sweet words to him,
and tell him how his Father loved him. The
angel did not stay long ; he soon went back to God. |

Then Jesus came again to his disciples, and
found them still asleep. But Jesus woke them,
and told them to get up; “for Judas,” he said,
“as near.”


While Jesus was saying this, a great many
people were seen walking in the garden. These
were the servants of the proud men in Jerusalem.
They had swords and sticks and lanterns in their
hands. And Judas went before them to show
them where Jesus was. But Judas came up slyly
to Jesus, and gave him a kiss, pretending to love

Jesus knew what Judas was doing, and he said,
“Friend, why do you come here? and why do
you kiss me 2”

Jesus did not run away, but he went up to the
wicked men, and said, “ Whom are you looking
for?= ’

They said, “ For Jesus.”

He said, “I am he.”

‘When he said that, God made all the wicked
people fall upon their backs upon the ground.
Then Jesus could have run away; but he chose
to stay, that he might die for sinners.

The wicked people soon got up. God let
them get up; but Jesus said to them, “If you
want to have me, you must let my disciples go

It was kind.of Jesus to think of them, and they

were frightened and glad to get away; they did
not wish to stay to die with Jesus.

But Peter took a sword and cut off one of the
wicked men’s ears. Peter wished to fight; but
Jesus said, “ Put up your sword. If I were to
pray now to my Father, he would send thousands
of angels to help me.” Then Jesus touched. the
man’s ear, and made it well.

Why did not Jesus pray to God to send the
angels ?

Because he chose to die to save us. Had the
angels come and taken Jesus back to heaven, then
we should all have gone to hell.

Peter and all the rest of the disciples ran away,
and left Jesus quite alone with the wicked men.
They took ropes, and tied his hands and feet, and
they led him away into Jerusalem, and he went
along meekly as a lamb. / ;


Mart, xxvi. 57 to end.

HE wicked proud men who hated Jesus had
; sat up all night. They had sent their serv-
ants with some soldiers to fetch Jesus. They
were in a fine house, seated on seats round the

room, talking together, and longing for Jesus to

be brought.

They said one to another, “ We will have him
killed when he comes; we will take him to the

At last Jesus came in with the wicked servants.
The proud men were glad to see him. They made
him stand up in the midst of the large room.
Then they spoke roughly. ‘Are you the Son of
God ?” they said.

“Yes,” said Jesus, “I am; and one day you
will see me coming in the clouds with the angels.”

Then the wicked men were angry.

“Do you hear what he says?” they cried out.
“He calls himself the Son of God. He must be
taken to the judge to be killed.”

Jesus stood meekly all this while, and hardly
spoke a word.

What was become of the disciples ?

They had run away.

Had Peter run away ?

Peter said he would die with Jesus; but he
ran away too.

At last Peter thought, “I will go and look for
Jesus; I should like to see what the wicked men
are doing to him.”

So Peter came to Jerusalem, and into the fine
house. He came into the hall first: the wicked
servants were sitting round a fire in the hall; a
door was open, and through the door Peter could
see Jesus. There he was, standing before the
wicked men. Peter hoped that nobody would
know that he was one of Jesus’ disciples, lest he
should be killed. But as Peter was sitting by the
fire warming himself, a maid said to him, “ You
are one of Jesus’ disciples.”

Then Peter was frightened, and said, “No, I
am not; I do not know the man you speak of.”

Then Peter got up and went outside the door ;
but another maid said to him, “I am sure you are
one of the disciples of Jesus.” |

“No,” said Peter, “I am not.” So Peter went

back again to the fire, and began talking with the


But some of them remembered: having seen
Peter in the garden, and they came to Peter and
said, “ We are certain that you are one of the
disciples.” “I saw you in the garden,” said one.

Then Peter began to swear, and to say that he
was not.

While Peter was speaking so wickedly he heard
a cock crow.

Then Peter remembered what Jesus had said,
and he looked at Jesus, and Jesus turned round
his face and looked at Peter. It was such a look!
Jesus did not speak, but his look seemed to say,


“Tg this Peter my friend, who said he would die
with me? Is this his love forme? Does he say
he does not know me?”

Peter felt very sorry; he felt as if his heart
would break, and he went out of the house and
began to cry very much indeed. For Peter did
really love Jesus; only Satan had tempted him to
be so wicked as to say he did not know him.

If Peter had prayed in the garden instead of
going to sleep, he would have behaved better. But
Christ had often prayed for Peter, that Satan
might not get his soul at last.

When Peter sat within the hall,
To see what should his Lord befall,
He said he never knew the man,

- And e’en to curse and swear began. -
His sorrowing Master turned his head,
And by his look he sweetly said,

“ Does Peter say he knows me not?
Has Peter, then, my love forgot?”

Soon Peter wept: most bitterly

That he had dared his Lord deny.

His Lord is mine: I love him too;

Oh may I prove to him more true!
But if I sin, oh grant that I

May weep, like Peter, bitterly ;

And may it like a sword

To think I’ve grieved my dearest Lord.


JOHN xviii. 22 to end; Marr. xxvi. 67, 68; Jouw xix. 1-16.

LL night long Jesus stood in the great room;

he heard all Peter said, and that must have

grieved him. The wicked people were like lions

and tigers, and Jesus like a lamb. They looked
at him as if they hated him.

Velde LT Al

that he looked very good, and he did not like to

Once when he spoke a servant slapped his face,
but he bore this meekly.

The judge was not up yet, for it was night; so
the wicked people were forced to wait till the

The servants came round Jesus and put a cloth
over his face, and beat him, and pushed him, and
spat upon him, and laughed at him.

When the morning came the wicked people
said, “ Now we will bring him to the judge.”


So they went out of their fine house, and took
Jesus with them.

The judge sat upon a high seat in the street.

His name was Pontius Pilate. The judge did
not know Jesus. The judge said, ‘What has he
done ?”

The wicked people said, “He calls himself a

Then Pilate said to Jesus, “ Are you a king?”
and Jesus said, “Yes, I am.” But Pilate thought

punish him.

Then the wicked men made a great noise, and
said, “ You must crucify him !”

“No,” said Pilate; “TI will beat him, and that
will be enough.” So Pilate gave Jesus to some
soldiers, who took him into a house and beat him
with knotted ropes (this way of beating is called
scourging), and all the blood ran down his back.
Then the cruel soldiers laughed at him, because he
said he was aking. They took off his own clothes,
and put some fine clothes on him, such as kings
wear, purple and red.

Then they said, “We must put a crown on his
head.” So they took prickly thorns, sharp like
pins, and twisted them together, and made a crown,
and put it on his head.

They said, “ He must have a sceptre” (for kings
hold something called a sceptre in their hands) ; so
they put a reed in his hand for a sceptre; then
they took it from him, and beat him on the head ;
and they knelt down to him laughing, and said,
“O king! O king!”

Pilate then brought Jesus into the street where
the wicked people were, and a very great crowd,
and he showed Jesus to them, and said, ‘“ Look
at your king!”

Pilate hoped they would be sorry to see him so
ill-used—blood upon his forehead from the thorns,
and his back scourged, and dressed in fine clothes
to mock him; but the wicked people were cruel
like tigers. .

“No,” said they; “crucify him! crucify him !”
All the people cried out, “ Crucify him!” though
Jesus had always been so kind to them.

“Will you crucify your king?” said Pilate.

‘He shall not be our king!” the people said.
There was a very great noise in the street, from
the people all speaking at once.

Then Pilate thought he would please the wicked
people, and he said, ‘Take him and crucify him.”
Then the people were glad. But first the soldiers
took off the fine clothes, and put his own clothes
on him again.

How wicked it was of Pilate to let him be cruci-
fied! Pilate thought Jesus was good, yet he let
him be killed to please the people. Vv

What! is there none to take Ais part
Who silent, trembling, bleeding stands?
Not one to cheer his broken heart,
Or snatch him from those cruel hands?

A thousand voices lifted high
Now fill with horrid shouts the air—
“ Away with him and crucify !”
Nor does one friend for him appear.

Behold how men his love reward !
His tender flesh the scourge has torn,
His gentle hands are bound with cord,
His head is crowned with prickly thorn.

But why did God the Father let
His only Son be treated thus?
He sent his Son to pay our debt,
And suffer all this pain for us.

*Twas I deserved, O dearest Lord,

My flesh should be with scourging torn,
My little hands be bound with cord,

My head be crowned with prickly thorn.

And now what can I do for him

Who suffered all this pain for me? -
Whene’er I feel or hear of sin, ©

Pll think, O dearest Lord, of thee.

Nor shall my hands in anger strike,

When thy dear hands for me were bound ;
Nor shall my head with passion shake,

When thine with prickly thorns was crowned.

And when I hear one smiling tell
Of sinful things that men have done,
I will not smile, but sorrow feel,
Because sin bruised God’s only Son.



Marz xxvii. 3-5,

HERE was J udas all this while? The
wicked people had given him the money,
thirty pieces of silver; but Judas could not be happy.

“Ah!” thought he, “I have killed my good
Master! What a wicked man I am!”

Judas felt that he could not like the money ;
he could not. bear to keep it, because he had done
such a wicked thing to get it. So he brought it
back to the wicked men; he threw it down on
the floor, and then he went into a field.

I suppose he tied a rope round his neck, and
fastened the rope to a tree. Afterwards he fell
down from the tree, and his body burst,-and his
blood was poured out on the ground. . Oh, what
a horrible sight it must have been! But it was
more horrible to think where Judas’s soul was

It was gone to hell and to Satan.

Tt was very wicked of Judas to hang himself,
instead of praying to God to forgive him.

Judas is in the wicked place now; and Jesus will
judge him at the last day, and say, “Depart, you


cursed !


LUKE xxiii. 26-34,

HE wicked people were very glad when
Pilate said Jesus was to be crucified. They
made.a cross of two great pieces of wood like
boards, and made Jesus carry it. They took him
out of Jerusalem into the country. The wicked
people came with him.

Jesus was so weak that he could hardly walk,
and the cross was so heavy that he could not
carry it. He would have dropped down on the
way if a man had not helped him to carry the

There were a few people who were Sorry for the
Lord Jesus.

Some women, who loved him very much, came

crying after him. Jesus heard them crying, and
he turned round and spoke very kindly to them.

He said, “Do not cry for me; cry for yourselves,
and for your children.” Why did Jesus tell them
to ery for themselves? Ah! Jesus knew how
God would one day punish the people in Jerusalem
for their wickedness.

At last Jesus came to the top of a high 1 hill:
Then the soldiers made Jesus lie upon his cross,
and they put nails in his hands and nails in his
feet. So they nailed him to the cross. Then the
soldiers made a hole in the Coe and. stuck the
cross in it.

They had taken off Jesus’ clothes; and when he
was on the cross, the soldiers tore the clothes in
pieces, and each took a piece; but when they
looked at his coat they said, “ We will not tear it,
because there is no seam in it;” then one of the
_ soldiers took it for his own. So the wicked people
took everything away from Jesus.

Was Jesus very angry with them ?

No; he was meek as a lamb. He prayed to his
Father while he was upon the cross ; he could not
lift up his hands, but he could speak to God. He
prayed for these wicked people, and said, “ Father,
forgive them ; for they know not what they do.”

“ Father, forgive,” the sufferer cries,
“ Because they know not what they do.”
To heaven he lifts his dying eyes ;
Was such a prayer e’er heard below ?

Tell me for whom the Saviour prays!
For those who bear him deadly hate,
Who spit upon his lovely face,
And pierced his blessed hands and feet.

And does the Saviour pray for these?
Ah! then I see that I should pray

For all who hurt me, vex, or tease,
By spiteful things they do or say.

Alas! I feel my heart’s inclined
To do to them as they to me,
And by my words and deeds unkind
To let all such my anger see.

Yet J have sinned against my God,
And disobeyed ten thousand times ;

Am I prepared to feel his rod
_Avenging my ten thousand crimes?

And thus he says he'll deal with me,
It I’m unwilling to forgive ;

For only those like Christ shall see
The glorious place where angels live.


LUKE xxiii. 35-48.

Pe PILATE wrote these words on
the top of Jesus’ cross: “ This is the King

. of the Jews.”

_ Who were the Jews ?

The people who lived in Jerusalem were called

All the wicked people laughed when they read
these words. They shook their heads and pouted
their lips at Jesus, and said, “If you are the Son
of God, come down from the cross.”

Could Jesus have come down ?

He could do everything ; but he chose to stay
to die for sinners.

The wicked people said, ‘‘ If God loved him, he
would not leave him to die on the cross.”

But his Father let him die to save us.

There was a cross on each side of Jesus, and a
thief nailed upon each cross. One of these thieves
laughed at Jesus. He said, “Why do you not
save us, if you are the Son of God?”

The other thief was sorry for his sins, and he

‘loved Jesus.

The thief who was sorry said to the other thief,

. “ We have been naughty, we deserve to be cruci-

fied ; but Jesus is quite good.” Then he spoke ‘to
Jesus, and said, “Remember me, and save me.”
And Jesus said, “ You shall be with me in
heaven to-day.” So Christ heard the poor thief’s
prayer ; for Jesus died that he might save all who
believed that he was the Son of God.
If you go to heaven you will see that poor thief.


Joun xix. 32-35; Mart, xxvii. 45-54. -

ESUS’ mother, Mary, stood near the cross.
She came to see her Son die. She was very
sorry ; she felt her heart full of pain at the sight.

~ She loved her dear, good Son, who had been

kind to her ever since he was a baby, and had |

never done one thing wrong, and she knew he was
the Son of God. Jesus was sorry to see his
mother’s grief.
John had come to the cross, and he stood near
Jesus wished John to take care of his mother,

now that he was going to leave her. So he said
to his mother, “ Behold thy son!” And he said
to John, “Behold thy mother!” John. knew

what Jesus meant, and he took Mary. to be his
mother, and made her live with him.

Jesus loved his mother, and thought of her
when he was dying.

Jesus was full of pain, and it was very hot. He
said, “I thirst;” and the soldiers took a sponge,
and dipped it in vinegar, and put it on a stick, and
gave it to Jesus. .

Jesus just tasted the vinegar, and said, “It is
finished!” and then he died. His spirit went to
his Father, but his body hung upon the cross.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon when Jesus

; died. He had been nailed to the cross all ‘the


But before Jesus died God had made it very
dark, to show he was angry with the wicked
people. And God had made the earth shake, and
the people were frightened; and when Jesus was

dead, some of them said, “This must have been
the Son of God.” —#

Mary beholds One dying there

Whom in her arms she once did bear,
And to her bosom press.

On her he cast his pitying eye,

For who should now his place supply,
And cheer her loneliness?

The loving John shall be her son,

And cherish her till life is done
Within his humble home ;

And oft together they shall speak

Of him who, once despised and weak,
At last in clouds shall come.

O gentle Lord, how great the love

Which made thy tender pity move
F’en in the hour of death !

O let me show my parents dear

The same kind love and thoughtful care
Until their latest breath.



JOHN xix. 32-37.

T last the soldiers came to see if Jesus and

the two thieves were dead, that they might

bury them before night. The soldiers looked at
one thief, and.they saw he was not dead; so they
broke his legs, and that killed him.. Then they
looked at the other thief, and they saw he was not
dead; so they broke his legs. Then they looked
at Jesus, and they saw he was dead; so they did
not break his legs. But one of the soldiers took

a long stick with a sharp point at the end, called.

a spear, and put it in his side; and out of his side
blood and water came flowing upon the ground.
John was standing near, and he saw the blood
poured out.

Do you remember how Jesus, at supper the
night before, had poured wine into a cup, and said,
“This is my blood, which is shed for sinners” ?

Now his blood was poured out.

The spear made a hole in Jesus’ side. There
was a hole in his side, and a hole in each hand,
and a hole in each foot; and his forehead was
pricked with thorns, and his eyes had shed many
tears, and blood had come from his skin. All this
he suffered for us, that God might forgive us our

“Yes, he is surely dead,”
The cruel soldier said,
Then pierced the Saviour’s side.
_ Behold, a mingled tide
Of blood and water, flowing from the wound,
Covers with crimson stains Golgotha’s ground!

The loving John was near ;

He saw the soldier’s spear
Bring forth that wondrous flood
Of water and of blood,

And well remembered how his Master said,
_He came for sinful man his blood to shed.

The blood that flowed that day
Long since has passed away;
But still there flows a stream
(Though by all eyes unseen)
For those that trust the blood on Calvary spilt,
And in that stream their souls are washed from guilt.



Joun xix. 38 to the end; Lux xxiii. 55, 56;
Mart. xxvii. 60.

HERE was one rich man who loved Jesus;

his name was Joseph (not Mary’s husband ;

this was another Joseph). He had a garden, and

in the garden he had made a grave: perhaps he

meant to be buried there himself when he came
to die.

But now Joseph thought, “I should like to put
the Lord Jesus in my grave.” It was a very nice
grave, and no one had ever been put there yet.

So Joseph went to Pontius Pilate, and said, “I
-want, the dead body of Jesus; may I take it down
from the cross, and keep it myself?”

And Pilate said, “Yes, you may have it.”

Then Joseph was glad. He brought some nice
white clean linen. What do you think that was
for? To wrap Jesus in. And he brought some
spices (sweet-smelling things that grow out-of the
ground), and he brought some men with him, and
they took the nails out of Jesus’ hands and feet,
and took his body down from the cross. Then
Joseph wrapped a cloth round his head, and
another cloth round his waist, and he put sweet
spices on him; and then some men carried him
along to Joseph’s garden.

In the garden there was a high place called a

rock, and a hole in the rock, like a hole in the
wall; and they walked into this large dark hole,
and they laid Jesus down quite alone. Now he
was at rest. He felt no pain, no sorrow; the wicked
people were not near; and there lay the Lord in
his quiet grave. The men took a very large stone
and stopped up the hole, so that nobody could
come in. No beast, no bird could touch the Lord
Jesus. There were trees and flowers near him in
this sweet garden, and there were angels there
watching over him, though | no one could see

Where were the poor women who loved
Jesus ?

They had been looking at him on the cross.
_ How they must have cried when they saw him
bleed, and heard him cry out to God!

The poor women had seen the men take him
down from the cross. They had followed. the
men into the garden; they had seen him put so
carefully in his grave.

They said to each other, “ ue us get more
spices, and te sweet ointment to put on the
Lord Jesus.”

Joseph had put some spices, bi they wanted
to put more. So they went home and made nice
ointment. b

In the cold grave the Saviour’s sleeping,
While angels bright are watching near ;

At home his loving friends are weeping,
For they have lost their Master dear.

His painful sufferings now are ended ;
His wounded body is at rest ;

His soul, from every ill defended,
Reposes on his Father’s breast.

Then when to die the Lord shall call me,
Oh!. why should I the cold grave fear ?
For how should any ill befall me,
Since my dear Saviour once lay there?


Marx xvi, 1-6; Luxe xxiv. 3-10; Marr. xxviii, 9, 10.

NE morning very early, when Jesus had

only been dead two days, the poor women

came into the garden. It was not quite light yet;
it was very early in the morning.

As the women walked along with their oint-
ment they said to each other, “ How shall we get
into the grave? The men put a large stone before
it; the stone is so big we cannot roll it away.”
The women did not know what to do. ‘

At last they came to the grave, but the stone
was rolled away.

‘The women. were quite surprised. -

Then they were afraid some wicked people had
rolled it away, and stolen the body of Jesus.

This made them very sad. They looked into
the grave,.and saw that Jesus was not there.
Soon they saw two beautiful angels standing by
them. Their faces were bright like the sun, their
clothes whiter than snow.

The women trembled when they saw the angels;
but the angels spoke sweetly and kindly to them,
saying, “Do not be afraid; we know that you
are looking for Jesus. He is not here now; he
is alive. Do not you remember how he said

the would come to life again, after he had been

crucified ?

“Come,” said the angels, “and look at the
place where Jesus lay. Run quickly and tell his
disciples that Jesus is alive, and that they shall
see him very soon.”

The women were very glad indeed. They ran as
quickly as they could to tell the disciples. But

as they were running, whom do you think they
saw? Jesus himself! He did not look as he
once had looked. No tears were on his cheeks;
they were all wiped away. He was not weak
and. faint, as when he carried his cross. He never
would be sick any more, nor could he ever die

How pleased the women were to see him!
They knelt down on the ground, and held his feet,
that he might not go away; and they called him
their Lord and their God. Yet still they felt a
little afraid ; ‘but Jesus told them not to be afraid.

“Go,” he said, “and tell my brothers that I
shall soon see them again.”

Whom did Jesus call his brothers ?

His disciples. He had forgiven them for hav-
ing run away when the wicked men took him.

The poor women ran, as Jesus had told them,
to the disciples, and said, “We have seen angels!
we have seen the Lord Jesus! He is walking
~ about, and you will see him soon.” But the
disciples would not believe the women.

Behold, how swift those women fly! .
Both fear are in their eye:

Ah, sure they’ve seen some glorious thing,
Or haste some glorious news to bring.

An angel’s voice they lately heard ;

To them the Lord has just appeared :
With fear their hearts are beating fast ;
With joy the news to tell they haste.

They lately wept their dying Lord ;
Now to their eyes he is restored ;

He for their sakes has shed his blood,
And now is proved the Son of God.

I wonder not their joy is great,

For what could greater joy create?

Have they not found that matchless Friend
On whom their hopes for heaven depend ?

And in their joy have J no share?
My sins did he not also bear ?

Yes, twas to save my soul from pain
The Saviour died and rose again.

Then, Jesus, with my infant breath,
Tl praise thy love so strong in death ;
And of thy glorious rising think
When in the grave I gently sink.


Joun xx. 1-19.

HAVE told you of two Marys—Mary, Jesus’
mother; and another Mary, the sister of
But there was another still, called
Mary Magdalene. She came very early to the
grave, before the other women came. She looked
in the grave, but saw no angels, so she came
running back, and told Peter and John that Jesus
was notin his grave. “Iam afraid,” said Mary Mag-
dalene, ‘that some wicked people have taken him
away, and that we shall not be able to find him.”

So Peter and John began to run as fast as they
could; but John ran the fastest, and he came first
to the grave. He stooped down and peeped in,
and he saw the clothes lying in the grave.

Soon after, Peter came,and he went down into the
grave, and he saw the clothes neatly folded, and the
cloth that was round Jesus’ head lying in a place by
itself. Then John went in too, and John thought
of what Jesus had said about being alive again.

“Tt is all true,” thought John; “he is alive,
and has left his grave.”

Then Peter and John came out of the grave
and went to their own house; but they saw no
angels, nor did they see Jesus.

Where was Mary Magdalene all this time ?

She was standing crying outside the grave.
She was quite alone, for Peter and John were
gone home.

At last she stooped down and looked into the
grave, and she saw a beautiful sight—two angels,
one sitting where Jesus’ head had been, and one
where his feet had been !


The angels said to Mary, “ Why do you cry?”
But still she went on crying, and said, “Some
wicked people have taken away the Lord Jesus,
and I cannot find him.”

When she had said this, she heard a man_be-
hind her saying, “ Why do you cry ?”

She did not know who it was that spoke. She
thought perhaps it was the gardener. “If you
have taken him,” said she, “tell me where you
_ have put him, and I will take him away.”

The man said, “Mary!” She knew that voice,
and turning round, she looked, and saw that it was
Jesus. How glad she was to see her Lord and
Master whom she loved! But Jesus could not
stay with her. He.told her to go and tell his dear
disciples that he was alive. “TI am soon going up
to my Father in heaven, but I shall see my
disciples first.”

Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples.

They were all crying, but they would not believe
what Mary said.

Mary was glad that she had gone to look for
Jesus. She was the first of all the people who saw
Jesus after he was alive again.

And why is Mary full of fears? V
Her eye why so bedimmed with tears,
While gazing on that grave?
She cannot find the body there
Of One who lives, who’s standing near,
Whose arm from death can save,

“ Why weepest thou?” the Saviour cries.
“ [ve lost my Lord,” she quick replies,
And thinks not it is he. ba JE
He speaks again: his voice she knows,
And now her heart with joy o’erflows
Her dearest Lord to see.

His breathless clay she lately sought

Within the tomb, and little thought
Of this supreme delight,

Oh! vain were all her anxious fears,

And vain were all her bitter tears,
That flowed both day and night.

And is not he for ever near,

Although his voice we cannot hear,
Nor see his glorious face?

‘Yes ; over us his wings are spread,

And blessings still are gently shed,
For he fills every place.

The day shall come when in the skies

We shall behold him with our eyes,

' And know as we are known ;

But while we wait for that sweet day,

We'll wipe our bitter tears away,
Since we are not alone.


Luke xxiv. 13-48,

T was early in the morning that the women
went to look for Jesus. In the evening two
good men were taking a walk together in the


country. As they walked, they talked about Jesus.
They had not seen him since he was alive again ;
they did not know he was alive. They talked
about his dying on the cross. It made them very
sad to speak about it.

At last a man came and spoke to thom: They
thought he was a stranger, yet he seemed to be a
kind man.

He said, “ Why do you cry?
talking of something very sad.”

“Yes,” said these good men, “ we are talking of
something sad. Did you never hear of Jesus?
what wonderful things he did—how he cured the
blind, and dumb, and sick, and how he taught
people about God? And all the people loved him.
But at last he was crucified. We thought he had
been the Son of God; but now we are afraid he
was not, for he is dead, and we are afraid that we
shall never see him again.”

The kind stranger was sorry to see these good
men cry. He began to talk to them, and to tell
them that Jesus was the Son of God, and that he
had been crucified to save men, and that he would

I see you are

rise again and go back to his Father.

This kind stranger said a great deal more. He
knew all the verses in the Bible, and told these
men a great many things they did not know.

They liked to listen to the stranger; they did not

feel so sad while he was talking. .

At last these men came to their own house. It
was in the country. The stranger seemed as if he
was going on; but the two good men said to him,
it is getting dark.

“Pray, stay at our house ;
Come and sap with us, and sleep here.
pray come in.’

Then the stranger said he would come in.

The men went into a room where there was a
supper. They all three sat down together round
the table.

The stranger took some bread and broke it,
and began to pray to God; and then the two
men found out who the stranger was.

“Tt is the Lord!” they cried; and so it was.

They looked towards him, but they could see him

‘ gaid.

no more.
was gone.

Then the men thought of ail that Jesus had
“ How sweetly he talked to us!” they said.
“Did we not feel our hearts quite warm while he

was speaking about the Bible, and telling us the

He opened not the door, but yet he

meaning ?”
Do you think these men went to bed that night?
Oh, no! they could not sleep.
“Tet us go,” said they, “and tell the disciples
So they left the supper,
They walked quickly,

about our seeing Jesus.”
and set out in the night.
and soon came to Jerusalem.

The disciples were all shut up in a room to-
gether, and they had locked the doors to prevent
the wicked people getting in; but they let these
good men come in. .

“We have seen Jesus!” said these good men.
“ He has walked with us, and talked with us; but
we did not know him till he sat down with us at
supper, and broke some bread, and gave thanks
to his Father.” And the disciples said, “ Some
women have seen him too, and Peter has seen-
him.” .

But while they were talking about Jesus, they
50 : THOMAS.

looked and saw Jesus standing in the middle of
the room. He had not opened the door, but he
had come in.

How do you think the disciples felt? They
were frightened. They could not believe that it
was indeed Jesus himself.

Jesus spoke kindly to them.
afraid?” he said. ‘“ Look at my hands and feet.
It is I myself.” Then’ Jesus showed his disciples
the marks that the nails had made in his hands
and feet, and the hole that the spear had made in
his side. |

Then the disciples saw that it was their own
dear Master. They were glad, very glad, to see
him. They had been crying ever since they had
lost him. They saw that he had forgiven them
for having run away. He said nothing to them
about it. He had even forgiven Peter. He knew
that Peter loved him, and that he was very

“Why are you

The disciples were so much surprised to see
Jesus, that they could hardly believe that he was
alive. Jesus knew that they did not quite believe;
so he said, ‘“ Have you anything to eat?” Then
the disciples gave him a piece of a fish and some
honey ; and Jesus took them and began to eat,
that the disciples might see that he was really

Then afterwards he talked to them, and told
them why he had died, and that he was going
back to his Father to pray for them.

That was a pleasant night for the poor disciples.
It was not like that sad night when Jesus was so
sorrowful in the garden. His sorrows were over,
and he never would feel pain any more. y

There are but three around that table met;
*Tis their last meal, for now the sun has set.

One breaks the bread.—“ I know that lovely face,
That voice—but, lo! he’s vanished from the place.

“Was it an angel? No, it was the Lord:
He lives again, he is to us restored !” :
What joy now fills these hearts that late were filled
With fears !—ah, now for ever, ever stilled !

““ Well might our hearts burn in us by the way
While Jesus spake,” the fond disciples say ;

“ How sweet was his discourse! we little thought
That it was he. How strange we knew him not!

“But stranger far that we did not believe
That he would rise again! Could he deceive?
Oh no; he is the faithful and the true,
And what he says he evermore will do.”


Were these their thoughts? And such, too, will be mine
When I in glory see my Saviour shine;

For though I know he ever lives to save,

I sometimes doubt his word, and fear the grave.


JouHN xx. 24 to end.

OU have heard how the disciples saw Jesus
in the evening.

Now one of the disciples was not there when
Jesus came. His name was Thomas. I do not
know why he was not there.

When the disciples saw Thomas next, they said
to him, “‘ We have seen Jesus. On Sunday night
we saw him. He came into the room as we were
sitting together, and he spoke to us. . We are sure
it was Jesus himself, because he showed us the

marks of the nails in his hands and feet, and the

‘hole in his side where the spear went in.”

But Thomas would not believe the disciples.
He said, “I do not think you saw Jesus himself.
He died upon the cross. I never will believe,
except I put my fingers into the marks of the
nails, and put my hand into the hole in his

It was very wrong of Thomas to speak in this.
THE DINNER. . . dl

way. He should have remembered that Jesus
had promised to be alive again.

Jesus heard Thomas speak, though Thomas
could not see him. But Jesus was always with
the disciples, and heard all they said, because he
is God.

Next Sunday evening the disciples were in a
room together. Thomas was there too. The
doors were locked to keep the wicked people out ;
but the disciples knew that Jesus could come in.
And he did come. They saw him standing in the
middle of the room. He spoke kindly to them,
and said, “Peace be unto you!” _

Then he spoke to Thomas. ‘ Come,” said he to
Thomas, “here are my hands; put your finger
into the marks: and here is the hole in my side;
put your hand ‘in it.”

Now Thomas knew that Jesus had heard
him speak so naughtily. He felt ashamed and
sorry. :
He saw it was Jesus himself, and he cried out,
“My Lord, my God!”

Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Now you have
seen, you believe. Blessed are they who have
not seen, and yet have believed.”

Jesus quite forgave Thomas for what he had
said, because Thomas really loved Jesus.

‘“‘ And can the Lord be risen ?”
The doubting Thomas said ;
“¢ And has he broke the prison
Where lately he was laid?
Unless I feel, unless I see,
I never can believe tis he.”

“Come, feel these wounded places !”
To Thomas Jesus said ;
“ Come, see the certain traces
Of blood that I have shed !
Behold, I stand before your eye,
Oh! do you now believe ’tis 1?”


My Lord, thou still art living,
And clothed in white array,
The Holy Spirit giving
To all who humbly pray ;
And though I neither feel nor see,
‘ I still believe that thou art he.


JoHN xxi. 1-19.

-ESUS told his disciples to go a great way into
J the country, and he said, “I will come and
see you again.”

So the disciples went away from Jerusalem,
and they went into the country. They came to
the place where they had once lived by the water-
side. They had some ships on the water, and
they used to catch fish when they were in the

One night Peter said to the disciples, “I shall
go and fish ;” and the disciples said, ‘‘ We will go
with you.” So they got into a ship, and all night
long they tried to catch fish; but they could not
catch any. They were tired and hungry.

At last it was morning, and they looked up and
saw a man standing near the water. They did
not know who the man was.

The man called out to them and said, ‘“ Chil-
dren, have you anything to eat?”

The poor disciples said, “No;” for they had —
caught no fish all night.

The man said, “ Let down your net on the right
side of the ship, and you shall find some fish.”

They did as the man told them, and they caught
such a number of fishes in the net that they could
hardly lift it out of the water.
~ Now John found out who the man was. He
said to Peter, ‘It is the Lord.”

Peter was very glad, and he jumped into the
water, and swam first to Jesus. The other
disciples came soon after in their little ship, with
their nets and their fishes.

Jesus knew that they were tired and hungry.
By the water-side there was a fire of coals, and
some fish on the fire, and some bread. How kind

‘of Jesus to give some food to his poor hungry
disciples !

Jesus said to them, “ Bring some of the fishes
that you have caught.” So Peter went and took
up the net and found it full of great fishes—one
hundred and fifty-three.

This was a great miracle that Jesus had done.

Then Jesus said to them, “Come and dine.”
So they all sat down to dine together. Then
Jesus took the bread, and gave some to each ; and
he took the fish, and gave some of it to each.

Now the disciples were quite sure that it was
Jesus who was feeding them. This was the way
they used to dine together before Jesus had died ;
and now he was alive, they dined together again.
But they knew he was not going to stay long
with them.

When they had all finished eating, Jesus said
to Peter, “Do you love me?”

Peter said, “ Yes, Lord; you know that I love
you.” :

Then Jesus said, “ Feed my lambs”—that is,
“Teach other people to love me. Go and tell
people about my dying for them.”

» You, my little children, are Christ’s lambs, and
I feed you when I talk to you about Christ. I
feed your souls when I tell you of the love of
J esus.-

Peter did love iT esus, and Jesus knew he did.


Yet Jesus said again, “ Do you love me?”
said again, “Lord, you know I love you.”
Jesus said, “ Feed my sheep.”

Jesus asked Peter once more the same thing:
‘Do you love me?”

Peter was afraid Jesus did not believe him,
and this made him sorry. He said, “ Lord, you
know everything. You know that I love you.”

Jesus said again, ‘‘ Feed my sheep.”

If Peter loved Jesus, he would do what i esus
bade him, and go and teach people.

Do you love Jesus, my little children ? What

would you answer if Jesus said to you, “Do you
love me?” -Could you say to Jesus, “ Look into.
my heart, and you will see that I love you”? If
you really do love him, you will hate lies and
passions, and you will try to be kind and gentle,.
and to speak truth.

Why did Jesus ask Peter so often whether he
loved him? Why did he ask him three times
over ? se

Peter had said he did not know Jesus three
times over. So Jesus wanted to Da him say he
loved him three times over.

Then Jesus told Peter what would happen to
him when he was old. Jesus said to Peter,
“When you were young, you walked about where
you liked; but when you are old, some men will
take you, and stretch out your hands, and carry
you where you do not like to go.” .

Jesus meant that Peter would be crucified:
men would stretch out his hands on a cross, and
nail him, as they had done Jesus. Wicked people
would crucify Peter because he loved Jesus; but
Peter would never say again that he did not know
Jesus. :

Peter was not. proud now, as he used to be.
And Peter would pray to God to keep him from

Death has not changed the Saviour’s heart ;
Behold those pierced hands impart
The food they have prepared ;
While seven disciples sit around,
Joying that they the Friend have found
For whom they fondly cared—

- Found him as ready to forgive
As when with them he used to live,
Before his cruel death ; ’
For they had fled when he was tried,
And Peter had his Lord denied
‘With most unfaithful breath.

The Lord well knew love now inspired

His bosom ; yet three times inquired,

“Simon, dost thou love me?”

And Peter said, “‘O thou alone,

To whom all things are fully known,
Thou know’st that I love thee.”

And by what sign his faithful love
Shall Peter to mn Saviour prove?
“Oh! feed my lambs and sheep !”

And gladly this will Peter do,
That others may be pardoned too,
And taught from sin to keep.

Oh happy they who truly can.

Entreat the Lord their heart to scan,
And see their faithful love!

And happy they who still obey

His sweet commands, and what they say
By faithful actions prove.

O blessed Lord ! to whom alone

My sinful heart is fully known,
Thou know’st if I love thee.

Increase my love; for well I know

My fondest love I should bestow

* On him who died for me.


‘Marr, xxviii, 16 to end; Luxe xxiv. 46 to end; Acts 1, 4-14.

ESUS used to come and see his disciples after
he was made alive again; but he did not live
always with them, as he once had done.

He told them he was soon going up to his
Father. “When I am gone, you must tell people
about me. You must tell the wicked people who
crucified me that I will forgive them if they are
sorry. I will send down my Holy Spirit from
heaven, and you shall do wonders as I have done.
Do not be afraid of wicked people; I will always
be with you, though you do not see mé. Some
day I shall come back again.”

The disciples asked Jesus when he would come
back: but Jesus would not tell them when.

One day Jesus and his disciples walked together
to the top ofa hill, Jesus began to pray with his
disciples, and he lifted up his hands and blessed
them. While he was doing this, a cloud came
from heaven, and took Jesus quite away, back to
his Father. The disciples still looked up, and
saw the cloud go higher and higher till they could
see it no more. But still they went on looking.

Then they heard some persons speaking to them.
They looked to see who it was, and they saw two

. angels standing by them. The angels were dressed

in white shining clothes. They said, ‘Why do
you look so long at the sky? Jesus will come
some day in the clouds.” So the disciples went
back to Jerusalem.

Perhaps you think they’ were very unhappy

now Jesus was gone. No, they were not. They
knew he was gone to get a place in heaven ready
for them, and that they should live with him for
ever ; and this made them glad.

Blessed Lord! I see thee praying,

While thy friends around thee stand ;
Clouds I see thy form conveying

To thy Father’s own right hand.
Angels now thy friends are cheering

With bright hopes of thy return :
Looking for thy sweet appearing,

Why should they thine absence mourn?

Art thou, Lord, for me preparing
In thy Father’s house a place?
Thy sweet prayers I would be sharing,
Lest I should forsake thy ways.
Saviour dear, I long to see thee
On the clouds in glory ride,
From all sorrow come to free me,
And to place me by thy side.


Acts i, xii, 1-23.

HAT had Jesus desired his disciples to do
when he was gone back to his Father ?

‘To tell the wicked people at Jerusalem that
Christ would forgive them if they were sorry for
their sins.

The disciples said to them, “ You have crucified
the Son of God. He is alive, and is gone up to
sit on his Father’s throne; but he will forgive you.”

Some of the wicked people were sorry for what
they had done to Jesus, and begged God to forgive
them; and some of the wicked people were not
sorry, but tried to kill the disciples.

A wicked king cut off the head of James with a

sword, and then shut up Peter in prison, meaning —

to kill him soon.

Did you ever see a prison ?

It is a dark place, with great doors and bars,
and walls all around.

Some soldiers took Peter, and put chains on his
hands and chains on his feet, and they locked the
door of the prison, and they sat at the door, that
no one might get in.

Peter’s friends were very unhappy because he
was in prison; but they could not take him out.
Yet there was one thing they could do: they could
pray to God to save Peter; and so they did.
Peter's friends sat up at night and prayed to God.

The wicked king said, “'To-morrow I shall have
Peter killed.” But God would not let Peter be
killed. So God told one of his beautiful angels to
go and let Peter out of the prison. The angel
could go into the prison without opening the doors.

It was night when the angel came. Peter was


asleep. On each side of him there was a soldier,
and on each of his hands there was a chain. You
would not like to sleep in a prison with soldiers
near you, and chains on your hands; but Peter
knew that God loved him, and that he was safe.

So the angel came. It was dark in the prison.

Could Peter see the angel ?

Yes; for the angel was bright like the sun, and
made the prison light.

The angel touched Peter onthe side and lifted
him up, and the chains fell off Peter’s hands.

He told Peter to put on his clothes; and Peter
did so. “Then said the angel, “ Follow me.” So

| the angel walked first, and Peter followed him.

They went through the prison; but the soldiers

did not see Peter go out, for God made them sleep.
Peter was quite surprised; he thought he was

dreaming, and that he did not see a real angel.

At last they came to a great iron gate. It
was fast locked; but the angel took no key to
open it. It opened of itself, and let Peter and the
angel go through.

Now they were in the street. Still the angel
went on, and Peter came after him; but they did
not speak a word.

All the people were asleep, and did not know
that a bright angel was walking in the street. The
angel only walked down one street, and then he
went back to heaven, and left Peter standing alone
in the street, in the dark. ;

Peter stood some time thinking to himself,
“What a wonderful thing has happened! I was
shut up in prison; but God has sent his angel to
let me out. The king meant to kill me to-morrow,
but now I shall not be killed.”

I know that Peter thanked God for his kind-
ness. Peter did not stay all night in the street.
He went to the house of a good woman he knew,
and he knocked at the door.

Were the people in the house asleep ?

‘No, they were all awake, though it was night.

Why were they not in bed ?

This good woman had heard how the king would
kill Peter to-morrow ; so she and her friends were
JOHN. 55

praying -for Peter, and while they were praying
they heard a knock. It wasa strange thing to hear
a knock in the night ; but they never guessed who
it was.

The maid went to the door, but she was

afraid to open it, lest it should be some of the
wicked people come to kill the good woman and
her friends; so she stopped at the door without
opening it, to hear who it was. But when she
heard Peter speak, how much pleased she was!
she knew his voice. ' She did not say, “ Are you
Peter?” She was sure it was Peter. She was
so much surprised that she forgot to open the
door, but ran back to her mistress and the rest of
the disciples, and said, ‘ Peter is standing before
the gate!” but they said, ‘‘ No, it cannot be Peter .
he is shut up in prison.”

The maid said, “It is Peter ; I am sure it is.”

While they were talking, Peter was standing
outside, and he went on knocking, because nobody
opened the door. So they all ran together and
opened the door, and when they saw Peter they
were quite surprised.

“How did you get out of prison?” they said.

Then Peter made a sign with his hand to make
them all quiet, that he might tell them how he
got out of prison. .

“God sent an angel,” said Peter, “who brought
me out of the prison. Go and tell all my friends
what has happened, for I must go away.” So
- Peter went and hid himself in a place where the
wicked king could not find him.

What do you think the soldiers said when they
could not find Peter in the morning ?

They were much frightened : they saw his chains,
but not Peter. They found the gates locked ; they
could not think how Peter had got out of prison.

So the king sent for Peter. This was the day
when Peter was to be killed. All the wicked
people in Jerusalem were expecting to see him.
The king’s servants said, “Where is Peter ? bring
him out.”

The soldiers answered, “We cannot tell where
Peter is; he is gone.”

The servants went and told the king that Peter
was not in prison. The king was very angry ; he
said, “ Bring the soldiers to me. They must have
fallen asleep.”

When the soldiers came they could not tell the
king how Peter had got away; for God had made
them sleep when the angel fetched Peter. The
king was in a great rage, and said, “The soldiers -
must be killed.”

What a wicked king this was! He loved to do
wickedness. He was very proud, and hated God
and God’s people. He fell into passions, and only
cared to please himself. At last God sent an
angel to kill him, and worms ate up his flesh until
he died. |

God sends angels to punish the wicked, and to
help people who love him as Peter did. -


Rev. i. 9-19, iv. 1-5, xxii

LMOST all the twelve disciples were killed

by wicked men at last. When Peter was

old, some wicked men crucified him, because he

loved Jesus. Now he is in heaven: with J esus,

clothed in a white robe, and all his tears wiped

away. His dear Lord Jesus is always near him,
and this makes him happy.

John lived till he was very, very old indeed.
A wicked king caught him, and put him in a place
all by himself; not in a prison, but in a country
where there were no houses, and no people, and
water all round, so that John could not get away.

Was John unhappy when he was alone ?

56 Jes JOHN.

No; God was with him, and John loved to
think of the Father and of his Son Jesus.

It was Sunday, and John was thinking of God,
when he heard a voice behind him like the noise
of a trumpet, very loud indeed. He turned round
to see who it was; and whom do you think he
saw ?

The Lord Jesus, come down from heaven, all
When John saw him he
he was afraid, and

glorious and shining!
could not speak or stand;

he fell down on the ground as if he were dead.
But Jesus touched him with his hand, and said,
“Fear not; I am he that liveth and was dead,
and behold, I am alive for evermore.” Then Jesus
took John up into heaven, and an angel showed
him most beautiful things.

He saw a throne on which God sat. There
was a rainbow round the throne. There were
a great many seats, and men sitting on them,
clothed in white, with crowns of gold on their

heads. The men took off their crowns, and threw
them down before the throne, and praised Jesus,
the Lamb of God.

John-saw a great many angels, more than he
could count, standing round the. poeS singing
praises to the Lamb.

But of all the things John saw in heaven, there
was nothing so glorious as God himself.

In heaven there is no sun nor moon, no candle
nor lamp. Yet it is always light, because God
shines more brightly than the sun. The music of
harps and sweet singing are always to be heard ;
for all the angels can sing the praises of God.

John wondered at the things he saw and heard,
and he fell down at the feet of the angel who had
shown them to him.

But the angel said, “You must not worship
me; I am only a servant ot God: you must
worship God.”

Then the angel went on speaking, and said,
“ Jesus will soon come down from heaven. to
judge the world. He will open: the gates of
heaven to let those people in who mind God’s
word; but those who tell lies and do wicked
things shall be shut out.”

All people who love Jesus wish him to come
again in the clouds.

Do you wish to see Jesus, my little children ?

eo you may answer, “ Even so, come, ou


I hope that when you die your spirit will go to
Jesus, and that when Jesus comes again he will
bring you with him.

John wrote down in a book the things he had
seen in heaven. All that John wrote is in the
Bible. At last John died, and his soul went to
God. He is with Jesus now in heaven. He is
now playing on a golden harp, and singing with
the angels. But when Jesus comes again in the
clouds, John will come with him.

When John was by the angel led
To the bright world on high,
He saw what joys await the dead
When up to heaven they fly.

He saw them round the Father’s throne,
Gazing upon his face,

Singing to harps of sweetest tone
The praises of his grace.

He saw them clothed in robes of white,
Such as the angels wear,

Shining like stars of morning bright,
And like the angels fair.

He saw the city where they dwelt
(Whose praises can’t be told) ;

The walls of precious stones were built,
‘The streets were purest gold.

He saw the Lamb whose blood was spilt
To give his people rest ;

With his bright beams the place was filled,
And every heart was blest.

Charmed with the sight, John bent his knee
Beforé that angel fair,

Who said, “Thou must not worship me ;
To God address thy prayer.”


1 Tuess. iv. 15-17 ; Rev. xx. 11 to end.

Vee know that Jesus will come again in the

Little children, do you know when he will come ?
Shall I tell you when Jesus will come? You
would like to know; but I cannot tell you when:
I do not know. The angels do not know what

day it will be. No one knows but God. There
will be many wicked people in the world then,
and some good people. An angel will blow a
great trumpet, and Jesus will say to the people
who are dead, “ Come out of your graves !”

The bodies of all the dead people will come out
of their graves. Those who love Christ will be
like the angels, and will fly up into the air. If
you are alive when Jesus comes, he will catch you
up into the air to meet him.

that people have done.

He will come-in the. clouds, shining brighter
than the sun, and all the angels with him. He
will sit upon a white throne, and he will wear a
crown upon his head, and everybody will stand ,
round his throne. He will open some books, in
which he has written down all the naughty things
God has seen all the
naughty things you have done. He can see in
the dark as well as in the light, and knows all
your naughty thoughts. He will read everything

out of his books before the angels that stand
round. Yet God will forgive some people, be-
cause Christ died upon the cross.

Whom will he forgive ?

Those who love Jesus with all their hearts. He
has written down their names in another book called
“The Book of Life.” He will forgive their sins, wipe
away their tears, and let them live with them for ever.

Do'you hope that Jesus has written down your
name in his book ?

Ask him to give you his Holy Spirit. Then
you will love Jesus, and hate to do wickedly.

This is what God will do to those who do not
love him. God will bind them in chains, and put
them in a lake of fire.
their teeth, and weep and wail for ever.

God will put Satan in the same place, and all
_ the devils. Satan is the father of the wicked, and
he and his children shall be tormented for ever.
They shall not have one drop of water to cool
their burning tongues.

Many people in hell will say, “How I wish I
had listened to the words of my teachers! But
I would not mind; and now it is too late. I
never can come out of this dreadful place. How
foolish I have been! Once God would have
heard my prayers, but now I weep and wail in

‘There they will gnash

I hope, my dear children, that none of you will
ever speak such sad words.

Remember Satan goes about as a roaring lion,
seeking: to ‘devour you, by tempting you to dis-
please God ; but Christ will keep you from wicked-
ness if you pray to him.

One day God will burn up this world we live
in. It is dreadful to see a house on fire. Did
you ever see one? But how dreadful it will be to
see this great world and all the houses and trees
burning! The noise will be terrible; the heat
will be very great. "The wicked will not be able
to get away. The world will be burned at last,
but it will not burn for ever; God will make
another world much better than this.

If you are God’s child you will not be frightened
when the world is burning; for you will be safe with
Jesus, praising him for having loved and saved you.



OMETIMES teachers find it difficult to obtain answers

_ from their little pupils. The following questions are
therefore extremely easy ; for a first step must be made very
easy, as children often remain in ignorance for years, because
the first step is too high.

Notwithstanding every effort, a class of ignorant little chil-
dren will appear, during a few lessons, inaccessible to instruc-
tion ; but if the teacher will patiently repeat the first lesson
several times, the difficulty will disappear, and the wearisome
task will gradually become delightful.

An account unprompted by questions is the most desirable,
when it can be obtained, but it must not be expected at first.

When once the children can be induced to repeat of their
own accord the substance of their-instructions, questions should
only be used to remind them of things they have omitted. —

How is a voluntary account to be obtained? At first the
teacher should talk over, immediately afterwards, the lesson
she has given to her class. Let her say to the children before
she leaves them, “What shall you answer, when I ask you
to-morrow what I have been telling you to-day?” The children
will probably answer, “ About God,” or “ About Jesus.” But

if the teacher replies, “ But what about God? for I always tell

| you about him,” a more definite answer will soon be obtained.

In a short time the children will never fail to remember the
subject of the last lesson. One child will probably lead the
way ; the rest will improve by listening to it; another child
will soon be roused, and then another, till at length a general
interest being excited, it will become the anxious desire of all
to speak.

There are, however, many children who seek to impose, by
repeating what another has just said, with a view to attract
attention. Such repeaters should of course be discouraged.

When a class of several children. continue indifferent and
inattentive, is there not reason to suspect that a right method
of instruction has not been adopted ?

As it cannot be supposed that little children will give orderly
accounts, or each in its own turn, it is often difficult to gain a
fair hearing for each child. It will be found necessary to allow
one to interrupt another after the other has spoken a short
time. Sometimes, however, it may be as well, at the -close of.
the accounts, to ask each child one question in turn, and to .
desire the others to preserve silence.


A ?

What should you say to God for giving you a

What have you besides a body?
Why cannot dogs and horses think of God?

God giveth to all life, and breath, and all things.
—ACTS xvii. 25.
Why does the sun not fall from the sky ?
‘What does God give you every moment?
What are the four things that are called your
body ? :
How might your body be hurt?
Who can keep it from being hurt?


0 give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good.—

Ps. exxxvi. 1.

What was it your mother did for you when you
were a baby?

Does your mother make you breathe, and keep
you alive?

Why did God give you a mother?

Like as a father pitieth his children, so the
Lord pitieth them that fear him.—Ps. ciii. 13.

What is it your father does to get money?
Why does he buy things for you with his money?

| What sad things have happened to some chil-

dren’s fathers ?
Have you a Father that cannot die?

Then shall the dust return to the earth as it
was; and the spirit shall return unto God who
gave it~,—Eccuss. xii. 7.

What other things have bodies as well as you?
Are their bodies like yours ? i

Is your soul better than your body ?


What is your body made of ?

What is your soul made of ?

Where will your body be put when you die?
Where do you hope that your soul will go?


He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep
thee in all thy ways.—Ps. xci. 11.


Who live with God in heaven ?

What are the angels always doing ?

Why are they always happy ?

Why do angels come down here ?

What is it the angels do for children who love
God, when they die?

Can you make yourself good ?


God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast
them down to hell, and delivered them into chains
of darkness.—2 PETER ii. 4,

Did the angels always live in heaven?
Who has lived always?

Why did God cast some of the angels ‘out of:

What is the name of the prince of the bad angels?
Why does Satan walk about here?
Can you keep yourselves from Satan?


And God said, Let there be light: and there
was light.—GEN. i. 3.

What is this place that we live in called?
Who was always in heaven with God?
Is Jesus Christ the same as God ?
How did God make this world?
What was the first thing that God made?
What is that you can feel but cannot see?
What is the water in the sky called?
What is the name of the large deep place full of
water ?
What do we walk upon?
What are the first five things that God made?


He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth
them all by their names.—Ps. exlvii. 4.

How many different sorts of things grow out of
the ground ?
Tell me the names of some trees—of some vege-
tables—of some kinds of corn—of some flowers.
What bright things did God put in the sky?
How many stars are there?


He giveth to the beast his food, and to the
young ravens which cry.—Ps. cxlvii. 9.

How many sorts of living things did God maké?
Tell me the names:of some fishes—of some birds
—of some insects—of some beasts.


And God saw everything that he had made,
and, behold, it was very good.—GEN. i. 31.

What was the last thing that God made?
How did God make Adam?
Where did God put Adam ?
What did God give him?
Why did God make Eve?
How did he make her?
How many days was God in making the world ?
Tell me the names of all the things God made.


By one man sin entered into the world. —Rom

Ve Ly

What did God tell Adam and Eve not to do?

Who asked Eve to eat the fruit?

Why did he ask her?

What lie did the serpent tell to Eve?

Were Adam and Eve good after they had eaten
the fruit?

Why did they hide themselves under the trees?

What did God say should be done to Adam and
Eve, to punish them ?

Who drove them out of the garden?


The Father sent his Son to be Ue Saviour of the

world.—1 Joun iv. 14.


Were Adam and Eve happy after ma had eaten
the fruit?

Why not?

Who took pity upon them?

What did God desire his Son to do for Adam?

What did God’s Son say to his Father when he
told him to be a man and die?

Are we some of Adam’s children?

Did the Son of God die for us?

Where should we have gone when we died, if
Jesus had not died for us?

Did Jesus come down into the world as soon as
Adam had grown wicked ?

Did he wait a long while, or a little while?


Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
—1 Tim. i. 15.
Did aan and Eve know that God would send
__ his Son to die for them?
Could God make Adam and Eve good again?
How could they be made good?
What must you ask for, if you wish to be good?
When did God send his Son down into the
world ?
Whose little baby did God’s Son choose to be?
Who told her she should have a little baby ?
What name did the angel say she was to gle
her baby ?
What did Mary do when the angel was ceone
back to heaven?

And she brought forth her jirst-born Son, and
wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him
m a manger.—LUKE ii. 7.

What was the name of Mary’s husband ?
Why did Mary and Joseph take a long journey
a great way off?
What is the name of the town they came to?
Did they sleep in the inn at night? : .
Why not? :


Where did they sleep ?

What baby was born while: Mary was in the

Did Mary know it was the Son of God?

Where did she lay her baby?

What did she wrap it in? :

Did Jesus look like other babies?

Was his heart like other babies’ hearts?


And they came with haste, and found Mary,
and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.—
Luxs ii. 16. :

Who were in the fields near Bethlehem the night

Jesus was born ?

Why did the shepherds sit up at night?

What did they see in the sky?

What did the angels tell them?

Who sang’songs in the sky?

When the angels were gone, where did the
shepherds go? ;

Did the shepherds tell people y what they had seen?


God is the king of all the earth : sing ye praises.

—Ps. xlvii. 7.

Who came from a great way off to see Jesus?
Who told them that God had serit his Son to be

a baby:?
How did they find the way to Bethlehem?
What did they bring with them?
Where did the star stop?
What did the wise men do when they saw Jesus?


My help cometh from the Lord, which made

| heaven and earth.—Ps. exxi. 2.


Who wanted to kill Jesus when he was a baby ?

Were there many babies in Bethlehem ?

Did King Herod know which baby was the Son
of God?

Whom did Herod desire to be killed?

Did he kill Jesus?

Why not?

Who told take Jesus a great way off?

Did Herod know that Jesus was gone away?

Did Herod think that he had killed Jesus?

Whom did Herod send to kill the babies in Beth-
lehem ?

Did Jesus ever come back to his own country ?.

Who told Joseph to take Jesus back to his
country? ;

Why might Jesus be taken back to his own
country ?

What was Joseph’s trade?

Did the people love Jesus when he was a child?

Why did they love him?


The devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about,
seeking whom he may devour.—1 PETER v. 8

When Jesus grew to be a man, where did he go
- by himself?
Were there beasts in the wilderness ?
How many days was Jesus there?
What did he eat? _
- Who came to him at last?
Why did Satan come?
What did Satan ask Jesus to do first?
Why would not Jesus turn the stones into bread?
What did Satan ask Jesus to do when he had
taken him to the top of a high building?
Why would not Jesus throw himself down? —

What did Satan show Jesus from the top of a hill?

What did Satan say Jesus must do, if he would
have all these fine things?

Would Jesus do this?

Who fed Jesus after Satan had gone away ?

What harm does Satan want to do to children,
and to all people?

: Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have

nests ; but the Son of man hath not HOE to lay

his head. —Luxe ix, 58.


Where used Jesus to preach?

How many disciples had Jesus?

Did they ever quarrel ?

Can you tell me the names of some of them?

What was Peter doing when Jesus told him to
come with him ?: fk

What were James and John doing when Jesus
called them ?

Why did Jesus choose to have some friends
always with him?

What did they call Jesus?

What did he call them?

Did they love Jesus?

Why did they like being with him?

Did Jesus give them money or fine things?

Why were the disciples good?


The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all
things into his hand.—JouN ili. 35.

‘When Jesus was at the feast, what was it that
was all-drunk up very soon?
How did Jesus make more wine?
‘What was the first miracle Jesus did?


He maketh both the deaf to hear, and the dumb
to speak.—Manrk vii. 37.

Why did sick and blind people come to Jesus ?
How did he cure one blind man?
How did he cure a deaf and dumb man?
_ What did he say to a man who was ill in bed?
What did he say to the woman whose back was
bent ?
What could Jesus do that was more wonderful
than making sick people well?

When Jesus was walking in the road, what did
he see being carried by some men?

Who was crying. very much because. the man

“ was dead ?

What did Jesus say to the dead man?

What did the man do?

What did the people say when they saw the
dead man come to life?

Thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive ;
and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call
upon thee.—Ps. Ixxxvi. 5.

How did the rich man behave to Jesus eo he
asked him to dine with him ?
What did the naughty woman do to Jesus?

| Why did she love Jesus so very much?

Why did Jesus forgive her all her naughtiness?
Will Jesus forgive you your naughtiness, if you
are sorry? _



He commandeéth even the winds and water, and

they obey him.—Luke viii. 25.


What made the disciples afraid once when they
were in a ship?

Was it wrong of them to be afraid?

What did Jesus say to the wind, and to the
water ?

What did the disciples say when they saw the
wind and the water obey Jesus?


The Lord kitleth and maketh alive: he bringeth
down. to the grave, and bringeth up.—1 Sam. ii. 6.

Did Jesus ever make a dead child alive again?
Who were sitting round her bed when Jesus
came ?
Why did Jesus say that the girl was asleep?
What did Jesus do to the people who laughed
at him?
Whom did Jesus allow to stay in the room?
How old was the girl? ‘

fle causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and
herb for the service of man; that he may bring
Jorth food out of the earth.—Ps. civ. 14.


Did any people come to hear Jesus preach?

Why did Jesus not like to send them home at
night ?

How many loaves and fishes did Jesus feed them
with ?

Who gave-the people the bread and fish?

Did the people leave any of the bread ?

Where were the little pieces of bread put?


What does God make grow in the fields ?

Could your mother give you bread, if God did
not make the corn grow?

Does God feed any other creatures besides men,
women, and children?

Why does God take more care of you than of
the birds? Se



But Jesus called them unto him, and said,
Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid
them not: for of such is the kingdom of ood. —

LUKE xviii. 16.

Were the disciples as kind as Jesus?

How did they behave to a poor woman who
wanted Jesus to help her?

What did they say to the poor women who
brought their children to Jesus ?

What did Jesus say to the disciples when they
were sending the children away ?

What did Jesus do to the children when they
were come to him?

What sort of children does Jesus love?

Are there any children in heaven?

Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray,

and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice.—

Ps. lv. 17. :

Why did Jesus choose to be alone sometimes ?

Did Jesus ever pray to his Father when his dis-
ciples were with him?

What did they ask Jesus to teach them?

What prayer did Jesus teach them?

What is the meaning of ‘‘ Hallowed be a

What is the meaning of “ trespasses” ?

What must you ask God for, to make you
good ?

Will God give you the Spirit if you ask him?

I came forth from the Father, and am come
into the world: again, I leave the world, and go
to the Father.—Joun xvi. 28.


Did Jesus know that the wicked people ‘would
soon kill him?

To whom did Jesus talk about his dying?

Were they sorry?

Why did many people hate Jesus?

Who is the father of liars?

How did the wicked people try to kill Jesus? -

Did Jesus let them kill him?

Why did he hide himself in a place a great way
off? ree

The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and

delivereth them out of all their troubles.—Ps.
xxxiv. 17.


Had Lazarus any sisters?

What were their names ?

Did Jesus ever come to their house and dine?

When Lazarus was sick, was Jesus with him, or
a great way off?

Was Lazarus dead before Jesus came?

Did Martha think that Jesus could make Laz-
arus alive again ?

Why did Jesus sigh and weep?

Where was dead Lazarus put?

What did Jesus say to Lazarus?

What clothes did Lazarus wear in the grave?

What did the people think of Jesus when they
saw him make Lazarus alive again ?


Both young men, and maidens ; old men, and
children : let them praise the name of the Lord.—
Ps. oxlviii. 12, 13.


What did some of the people in Jerusalem wish

to do to Jesus?
Did Jesus walk or ride into Jerusalem ?
Where did the disciples find an ass?
Why did so many of the people come to see
Jesus when he was riding on the ass?
What did the people lay upon the road ?
How did the little children make the proud men
angry ? —“—
The wicked watcheth the righteous, and seeketh
to slay him.—Ps. xxxvii. 32.

Where was the Temple?
What used people to do in it?
Did Jesus go there often?
Who used to come there to laugh at Jesus?
Where did Jesus go at night?
-Why did not the wicked men take Jesus when
he was in the Temple?
Did the wicked men know where Jesus went at
night? ee
The darkness hideth ‘not from thee: but. the
night shineth as the day.—Ps. cxxxix. 12.

Did ali Jesus’ disciples love him?
Did Judas say that he did not love Jesus?
Did the other disciples know that Judas did not
Did Jesus know it? [love Jesus ?
Was Judas a thief ?
What did Judas love better than anything else?
What did Judas promise the wicked people he
would do, if they would give him money?
How much money did they promise to give him?
Did Jesus know that Judas meant to show’ the
wicked people where he was at night ?


This is my commandment, That ye love one
another, as I have loved you.—Joun xv. 12.


Had Jesus any house in Jerusalem ?
How did he get a room to eat supper in with his
disciples, before he died ?
Whom did he send to find the room?
How did Peter and John find out which house
they were to go to?
What things were in the room?
Who sat next to Jesus at supper ?
How many people were at the supper? _
Why did Jesus pour water into a basin?
Why did not Peter like Jesus to wash his feet ?
Had Jesus made his disciples’ hearts clean ?
Was Judas’s heart clean?
Why did Jesus wash his disciples’ feet ?
What commandment did Jesus give to his dis-
ciples ? —_—_ 7

Thou only knowest the hearts of all the children
of men.—1 K1nes viii. 39.

What did Jesus say, at supper, that one of his
disciples would do?
Who asked Jesus to tell him which it was?
Who dipped his hand in the dish with Jesus?
Why did Judas go out of the room?
What did the disciples think he was going to do?



I go to prepare a place for you.—Joun xiv. 2.
What did Jesus break into pieces and give to
his disciples ?
What did he give them to drink?
What was the bread like?
What was the wine like?
Where did Jesus go after supper?
What did he tell his disciples as he walked along
the road ? ‘
What did Peter say he would do, if Jesus was
- killed or taken prisoner? :
What did Jesus tell Peter that he would say?
Where would Jesus go after he was killed ?
Would Jesus forget his disciples when he was
in heaven?
What did Jesus say he would send into their
Where did Jesus take his disciples?

He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and
as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he
openeth not his mouth.—Isa. liii. 7. ,


When Jesus was in the garden, did he take all
his disciples with him to another part of the
garden ?

How many did he take with him?

What did Jesus tell them to do, while he was

What did Jesus pray to his Father about?

Was he very unhappy? :

Did Peter, and James, and John pray while
Jesus was praying ? f

How many times did Jesus come back to Peter,
_ and John, and James?

Who came from heaven to comfort him? .

Who came into the garden at last?

Why did Judas kiss Jesus?

Did Jesus know why Judas kissed him?

What kind of name did Jesus call Judas?

Did Jesus run away from the wicked men?

| Who made the wicked people fall down upon

the ground?
Did they get up again soon?
Did the disciples run away ?
What did Peter cut off with his sword?

| Did Jesus wish Peter to fight for him?

What was it Jesus did to the man’s ear?

Where did the wicked people take Jesus?

What was Jesus like, when he went so meekly
with them ? :


And the Lord turned, and looked upon Peter.
And Peter went out, and wept bitterly.—Luxx
xxii. 61, 62. :


Had the proud men gone to the garden them-
selves; or had they sent their servants?

What had they been doing all night?

When Jesus came to Jerusalem, where did he

Did they ask him if he were the Son of God?

Did he say that he was?

What did the wicked, proud men say must be -:

done to. Jesus? e
Where was Peter all this time?

Could Peter see Jesus?

Did Peter wish people to know that he was one
of Jesus’ disciples ?

Why not?

Did any one ask Peter who he was?

What did Peter say? :

How many times did people ask Peter who he
was? ;

What did Peter hear that made him feel how
naughty he had been ?

What was it Peter did, after Jesus had looked

Did Peter really love Jesus?

Who had often prayed for Peter ?

Did Satan have his soul at last?


Thid not my face from shame and spitting. —

Isa. 1. 6.

Did Jesus stand a long time before the wicked

How did one of the servants behave to him?

When did the wicked men take him to the judge?

What did the servants put over his face? $s

Where was the judge sitting?

What was the judge’s name?

Did the judge wish to hurt Jesus?

What did the wicked people say that-Jesus had
called himself?

Was he a king?

What is scourging ?:


Why did the soldiers laugh at him?

What clothes did they put on him?

What did they put on his head?

What did they put in his hand?

What is a sceptre?

Why did Pilate tell the wicked people to look
at Jesus?

Did the people make a great noise?

What-did Pilate at last say should be done to

Why did Pilate allow Jesus to be crucified ?


There is no peace, swith my God, to the wicked.
—Isa. lvii, 21.
Was Judas happy when he got the thirty pieces
of silver?
What did he do with them?
How did Judas kill himself?
Where is Judas now?


Father, forgive them ; for they know not what
they ey do.—LUKE xxiii. 34.

Who carried Jesus’ cross ?
Could Jesus carry it quite by himself?
Who came after Jesus, crying, because he was
going to die?
What did Jesus say to these kind women?
What did the wicked men do to Jesus when he
came to the top of the hill?
Who took Jesus’ clothes ?
Did they tear them all?
Whom did Jesus ask his Father to forgive?
Should we forgive people who are unkind to us?


Lf we confess our sins, God is faithful and just
to forgive us our sins.—1 Joun i.'9,


What did Pontius Pilate write upon the cross?

Did the wicked people come to see Jesus upon
the cross?

What did they say to Jesus?

Why did Jesus not come down from the cross?

How many people were crucified with Jesus?

Did both the thieves go to heaven?

What did one of the thieves ask Jesus to do?

Did he ask Jesus to save him from dying on the
cross ?.

In my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink, —
Ps. lxix. 21.
Where was Jesus’ mother, Mary, when he was
on the cross ?
Who stood near Mary?
Who took care of her after Jesus.was crucified ?

What did the soldiers give Jesus to drink ?
What did Jesus say just before he died?

What o’clock was it when Jesus died ?

What frightened the people just before he died ?


The blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, cleanseth us
Jrom all sin.—1 Joun i. 7.


How did the soldiers kill the aera 2

Why did they kill them so soon ?

Why did not the soldiers break the legs of

What did they put into the side of Jesus?

What is a spear? :

What came out of his side?

What had Jesus poured out once at supper, and
said, ‘This is my blood”?

Why did Jesus shed his blood on the cross?




And when Joseph had taken the body, he
wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and laid it in
his own new tomb.—Mart. xxvii. 59, 60.


Who put Jesus into his own grave?

Where was the grave?

Whom did Joseph ask to let him have Jesus’

What did Joseph wrap it in?

What did he put round Jesus’ head and waist?

What was put before the grave?

Did any one see where Jesus was laid?

What did the women make when they went
home ? =e

I am he that liveth, and was dead ; and, be-
hold, I am alive for evermore.—REv. i. 18.


When did the women come to the grave?

Why did they come?

Who rolled away the large stone?

How did the angels look?

Were the women pleased when they saw them?

What did the angels tell the women?

To whom did the women run to tell what they
had seen?

Whom did the women see as they went along?

What did the women do when they saw Jesus?

Had Jesus forgiven his disciples for having left
him alone?

Did the disciples believe that the women had
seen Jesus?


Be glad in the Lord; and rejoice, ye righteous.
—Ps. xxxii. 11.
How many Marys have I told you of?
Who came very early to the grave of Jesus?

What two disciples ran to the grave of Jesus?

Which came there first?

Which of them went into the grave first?

What did Peter and John see in the grave?

Did John believe that Jesus was alive again?

Did Peter and John see Jesus, or angels?

Who stood alone, crying, by the grave?

What did she see when she looked in?

Why did Mary Magdalene cry ?

Who was the man who spoke to her kindly?

Was he the gardener?

Did Jesus stay with Mary ?

Who was the first person that saw Jesus after
he was alive again?



He showed unto them his hands and his side.
Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the
Lord.—Joun xx, 20.

On what day did Jesus come out of his grave?

What were two good men doing that evening?

What were they talking about?

Who came and walked with them?

Did they know that Jesus was with them?

What did Jesus talk to them about?

Did Jesus come into the house of the two good

When did they find out who he was?

Did Jesus stay in the room?

Did the good men stay in their own house that

Where did they go?

Who came into the room though the door was
locked ?

What did Jesus show to all his disciples ?

Were the disciples sure that Jesus was the same
Jesus ?

What did Jesus eat?


There is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O
Lord, thou knowest it altogether.—Ps. cxxxix. 4.

Which of the disciples would not believe that
Jesus was alive again?
What did Thomas say he must do before he
would believe?
When did Thomas see Jesus again ?
What did Jesus say to him when he saw him?
Did Thomas believe then that Jesus was alive?


Lf a man love me, he will keep my words. He
that loveth me not keepeth not my y sayings. —JOHN
xiv. 23, 24.

Did the disciples stay in Jerusalem, or did they
go into the country?
Why did they go in boats one night?
Could they catch any fish?

.Who spoke to them in the morning?

What did he tell them to do?
Which of the disciples knew first that it was
Jesus speaking to them?

Which of them jumped into the water and swam
to Jesus?

What did the disciples find ready for them when
they were come to Jesus?

Had they caught any fishes in the net?

What question did Jesus ask Peter three times?

What did Jesus desire Peter to do, if he really
loved him?

- How can children show that they really love

Jesus ? :
What did Jesus tell Peter that wicked men
would do to him one day?

“Can you tell me a verse about loving Jesus?


And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he
was parted from them, and carried up into heaven.
—LovKeE xxiv. 51.


Did Jesus live always with his disciples after he
was alive again, or did he only come to see
them sometimes?

What did Jesus tell his disciples to do when he
was gone back to his Father?

Did he tell them when he should come back ?

What was Jesus doing just before he went away
in the cloud?

Who spoke to the disciples as they were looking
at the cloud ?

Were the disciples unhappy when Jesus was

Why were they not unhappy?



The angel of the Lord encampeth round about
them that hes him, and delivereth them.—Ps.
ee 7.

What did the disciples tell the wicked eee in

Jerusalem ?

Were any of the wicked people who had killed

Jesus sorry for their wickedness? --

What happened to James at last?

Where was Peter shut up?

What used Peter’s friends to do oe him when
he was in prison?

Who came to Peter one night?

How did Peter get loose from his chains ?

How did he get through the great doors?

Where did the angel leave Peter standing
alone? :

Where did Peter go then?

What were the people in the house doing when

Peter knocked ?

Why was the maid afraid to open the door?

How did she know at last. that it was Peter
knocking ?

Why did she not open the door?

What did Peter tell all the friends when he had
made them quiet?

Where did Peter go then?

Why were the soldiers frightened in the morn-

Why did the wicked king send for Peter ?

What did the king desire to be done to the
soldiers ?

How did God punish this wicked king at
last ?


Behold, he cometh with clouds ; and every eye

‘shall see him, and they also which pierced him.—

Rav. i. 7.
Where was John shut up alone?
Who came to see John when he was-alone?
What did Jesus show him? *
Whom did he see sitting round God’s throne?
How many angels did he see? :
What makes heaven always light?
When John fell down at the angel’s feet, what
did the angel say ?
What will Jesus do when he comes again?
Who wrote down about heaven and the angels
in a book?



And God shall wipe away all tears from their
eyes ; and there shall be no more death, neither
sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any

/ more pain.—ReEv, xxi. 4.

When will the last day come?
What great noise will there be at the last day ?
What will Jesus say to the dead people?
What will be done to the bodies of people who
love'Jesus ?
Where will Jesus sit?
What has Jesus written down in his books?
Whose sins will Jesus forgive?
Where has he written down their names?
Where will God put the wicked?
Who will torment them for ever?


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