Fairy tales from the Arabian nights

Material Information

Fairy tales from the Arabian nights
Uniform Title:
Arabian nights
Batten, John D. (John Dickson), 1860-1932 ( Illustrator )
J. M. Dent & Co ( Publisher )
Wertheimer, Lea and Co ( Printer )
Place of Publication:
J.M. Dent & Co.
Wertheimer, Lea & Co.
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
267 p., [4] leaves of plates : ill. ; 24 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Children -- Conduct of life -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh )
Conduct of life -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh )
Children's stories ( lcsh )
Social life and customs -- Juvenile fiction -- Arab countries ( lcsh )
Children's stories -- 1893 ( lcsh )
Fairy tales -- 1893 ( rbgenr )
Fantasy literature -- 1893 ( rbgenr )
Folk tales -- 1893 ( rbgenr )
Bldn -- 1893
Children's stories
Fairy tales ( rbgenr )
Fantasy literature ( rbgenr )
Folk tales ( rbgenr )
novel ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
England -- London
Target Audience:
juvenile ( marctarget )


General Note:
Title page printed in red and black ink.
Statement of Responsibility:
edited and arranged by E. Dixon ; illustrated by J.D. Batten.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact The Department of Special and Area Studies Collections ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
026600899 ( ALEPH )
ALG2803 ( NOTIS )
04961756 ( OCLC )


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Full Text

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THE text of the present selection from the ARABIAN
NiGHTS is that of Galland, 1821, slightly abridged and

edited. The edition is designed werginibus puerisque.

Xmas, 1893.


“ PRINCE AHMED AND THE Fairy (A Seguel to the Foregoing) . 82
THE Loss OF THE TALISMAN (4 See to the Foregoing) 152
Tre Story or THE Krnc’s Son 188
Tue First Vovacr of SINBAD THE SAILOR : 212




StnBap’s SHIP IS PURSUED BY THE Rocs i 246


THe Fountain or Lions 107
SINBAD IN THE EaGLes Nest 222 %

Tue whole of the illustrations, head and tail-pieces and initials in this volume,
together with the design for the cover, are by Mr. J. D. Batten. The photo-
gravure reproductions have been executed and printed by the Swan ELECTRIC
ENGRAVING CompaNy ; the remainder of the illustrations are from zincographs by
Messrs. WATERLOW & Sons, except that facing page 196 and the title page, which
are in Dallastype, by Mr. D. C. Dattas, i


7 PERSIA, who at the beginning of
? his reign had distinguished himself
by many glorious and successful
conquests, and had afterwards en-
- joyed such profound peace and tran-
quillity as rendered him the happiest
of monarchs. His only occasion for
regret was that he had no heir to
. succeed him in the kingdom after
‘ his death. One day, according to
the custom of his royal predecessors during their residence in the
capital, he held an assembly of his courtiers, at which all the’
ambassadors and strangers of renown at his court were present.

Se WNi |










2 of _ The King of Persia

Among these there appeared a merchant from a far-distant country;
who sent a message to the king craving an audience, as he wished
to speak to him about a very important matter. The king gave
orders for the merchant to be instantly admitted; and when the
assembly was over, and all the rest of the company had retired,
the king inquired what was the business which had brought him
to the palace. ,

‘Sire, replied the merchant, ‘I have with me, and beg your
' majesty to behold, the most beautiful and charming slave it would be

. possible to find if you searched every corner of the earth; if you will

; but see her, you will surely wish to make her your wife.’
The fair slave was, by the king’s commands, immediately brought
: in,and no sooner had the king beheld a lady whose beauty and grace
surpassed anything he had ever imagined, than he fell passionately in
~ love with her, and determined to marry her at once. This was done.
So the king caused. the fair slave to be lodged in the next finest
apartment to his own, and gave particular orders to the; matrons
and the women-slaves appointed to attend her, that they should dress
her in the richest robe they could find, and carry her the finest pearl
_ necklaces, the brightest diamonds, and other the richest precious
-stones, that she might choose those she liked’ best.
The King of Persia’s capital was situated in an island; and his’
palace, which was very magnificent, was built upon the sea-shore ;
his window looked towards the sea; and the fair slave’s, which was
pretty near it, had also the same prospect, and it was the more
pleasant on account of the sea’s beating almost against the foot
of the wall.

At the end of three days the fair slave, magnificently dressed, was
alone in her chamber, sitting upon a sofa, and leaning against one of
the windows that faced the sea, when the king, being informed that

‘he might visit her, came in. The slave hearing somebody walk in
_ the room, immediately turned her head to see who it was. She knew

and the Princess of the Sea 4a. 2


him to be the king; but without showing the least surprise, or .so
much as rising from her seat to salute or receive him, she turned back
to the window again as iS he had been the most insignificant person
in the world.

The King of Persia was extremely surprised to see a slave of
so beauteous a form so very ignorant of the world. He attributed
this to the narrowness of her education, and the little care that had
been taken to instruct her in the first rules of civility. He went
to her at the window, where, notwithstanding the coldness and
indifference with which she had just now received him, she suffered
herself to be admired, kissed, and embraced as much as he pleased,
-but answered him not a word.

“My dearest life,’ said the king, ‘you neither answer, nor by any
visible token give me the least reason to believe that you are
listening to me. Why will you still keep to this obstinate silence,
which chills me? Do you mourn for your country, your friends, or
your relations? Alas! is not the King of Persia, who loves and
adores you, capable of comforting, and making you amends for the
loss of everything in the world?’

But the fair slave continued her astonishing reserve ; and keeping
-her eyes still fixed upon the ground, would neither look at him
‘nor utter a word; but after they had dined together in absolute
silence, the king went to the women whom he had assigned to
the fair slave as her attendants, and asked them if ey had ever
heard her speak. .

One of them presently made answer, ‘Sire, we have neither seen
her open her lips, nor heard her speak ‘any more than your majesty
has just now; we have reridered her our servicés; we have combed
and dressed her hair, put on her clothes, and waited upon her in her
chamber ; but she has never opened her lips, so much as to say,
That is eit or, I like this. We have often asked, Madam, do you
want anything? Is there anything you wish for? Do but ask and


4 gh nae _ The King of Persia

command us: but we have never been able to draw a word from
‘her. We cannot tell whether her silence proceeds from pride, sorrow,
‘stupidity, or dumbness; and this is all we can inform your majesty,

The King of Persia was more astonished at hearing this than
he was before: however, believing the slave might have some reason
for sorrow, he endeavoured to divert and amuse her, but all in
vain. For a whole year she never afforded him the pleasure of
a single word.

At length, one day there were great rejoicings in the capital,
because to the king and his silent slave-queen there was born a
son and heir to the kingdom. Once more the king endeavoured
to get a word from his wife. ‘My queen,’ he said, ‘I cannot divine
what your thoughts are; but, for my own part, nothing would be
wanting to complete my happiness and crown my joy but that you
should speak to me one single word, for something within me
tells me you are not dumb: and I beseech, I conjure you, to break
through this long silence, and speak but one word to me; and
after that I care not how soon I die.’ !

At this discourse the fair slave, who, according to her usual
custom, had hearkened to the king with downcast eyes, and had
given him cause to believe not only that she was dumb, but that she
had never laughed in her life, began to smile a little. The King of
Persia perceived it with a surprise that made him break forth into an
exclamation of joy ; and no longer doubting but that she was going
to speak, he waited for that happy moment with an Secrnss and
attention that cannot easily be expressed. -

At last the fair slave, breaking her long-kept silence, thus ad-
dressed herself to the king: ‘Sire, said she, ‘I have so many things
to say to your majesty, that, having once broken silence, I know not
where to begin. However, in the first place, I think myself in duty
bound to thank you for all the favours and honours you have been
pleased to confer upon me, and to implore. Heaven to. bless and

and the Princess of the Sea SES


prosper you, to prevent the wicked designs of your enemies, and not
to suffer you to die after hearing me speak, but to grant you a long
life.’ Had it néver been my fortune to have borne a child, I was
resolved (I beg your majesty to pardon the sincerity of my intention)
never to have loved you, as well as to have kept an eternal silence;
but now I love you as I ought to do.’ :

The King of Persia, ravished to hear the fair slave speak,
~ embraced her tenderly. ‘ Shining light ‘of my eyes,’ said he, ‘it is
impossible for me to receive a greater joy than what you have now
given me’ , .

The King of Persia, in the transport of his joy, said no more
to the fair slave. He left her, but in such a manner as made her
perceive that his intention was speedily to return: and being willing
that his joy should be made public, he sent in all haste for the
grand vizier. As soon as he came, he ordered him to distribute a
thousand pieces of gold among the holy men of his religion, who
had made vows of poverty; as also among the hospitals and the
poor, by way of returning thanks to Heaven: and his will was
obeyed by the direction of that minister,

After the King of Persia had given this order, he returned to the
fair slave again, ‘Madam,’ said he, ‘pardon me for leaving you so
abruptly, but I hope you will indulge, me with some conversation,
since I am ‘desirous to know several ‘things of great consequence.
Tell me, my dearest soul, what were the powerful reasons that
induced you to persist in that obstinate silence for a whole year
together, though you saw me, heard me talk to you, and ate and
drank ‘with me every day.’ ‘

To satisfy the King of Persia’s curiosity, ‘Think,’ replied the
queen, ‘whether or no to be a slave, far from my own country, with-
out any hopes of ever seeing it again,—to have a heart torn with
grief at being separated for ever from my mother, my brother, my
friends, and my acquaintance,—are not these sufficient reasons’ for

6 om The King of Persia

my keeping a silence your majesty has thought so strange and
unaccountable? The love of our native country is as natural to
us as that of our parents; and the loss of liberty is insupportable to
every one who is not wholly destitute of common sense, and knows
how to set a value on it.’

‘Madam, replied the king, ‘I am convinced of the truth of
what you say; but till this moment I was of opinion that a person
beautiful like yourself, whom her evil destiny had condemned to
be a slave, ought to think herself very happy in meeting with a
king for her master. :

‘Sire,’ replied the fair slave, ‘whatever the slave is, there is no
king on earth who can tyrannise over her will. But when this very
slave is in nothing inferior to the king that bought her, your majesty
shall then judge yourself of her misery, and her sorrow, and to what
desperate attempts the anguish of despair may drive her.’

The King of Persia, in great astonishment, said ‘Madam, can it be
possible that you are of royal blood? Explain the whole secret to
me, I beseech you, and no longer increase my impatience. Let me
instantly know who are your parents, your brothers, your sisters, and
your relations ; but, above all, what your name is.’

‘ Sire, said the fair slave, ‘my name is Gulnare, Rose of the Sea;
and my father, who is now dead, was one of ‘the most potent
monarchs of the ocean. When he died, he left his kingdom'to a
brother of mine, named Saleh, and to the queen, my mother, who is
also a princess, the daughter of another powerful monarch of the sea.
We enjoyed a profound peace and tranquillity through the whole
kingdom, till a neighbouring prince, envious of our happiness, invaded
our dominions with a mighty army; and penetrating as far as our
capital, made himself master of it ; and we had but just time enough
to save ourselves in an impenetrable and inaccessible place, with a
few trusty officers who did not forsake us in our distress.

‘In this retreat my brother contrived all manner of ways to drive

and the Princess of the Sea | ee 7


the unjust invader from our dominions. One day “Sister,” said he,
“I may fail in the attempt I intend-to make to recover my kingdom;
and I shall be less concerned for my own disgrace than for what may
possibly happen to you. To prevent it, and to secure you from all
accident, I would fain see you married first: but in the miserable
condition of our affairs at present, I see no probability of matching

‘you to any of the princes of the sea ; and therefore I should be very
glad if you would think of marrying some of the princes of the earth
I am ready to contribute all that lies in my power towards it; and I
am certain there is not one of them, Hone powerful, but would be
proud of sharing his crown with you.”

‘At this discourse of my brother’s, I fell into a violent passion,
“Brother,” said I, “ you know that I am descended, as well as you, by
both father’s and mother’s side, from the kings and queens of the sea,
without any mixture of alliance with those of the earth; therefore I
do not intend to marry below myself, any more than they did. The
condition to which we are reduced shall never oblige me to alter my
resolution ; and if you perish in the execution of your design, I am
prepared to fall-with you, rather than to follow the advice I so little
expected from you.”

‘My brother, who was still earnest for the marriage, however im-
proper for me, endeavoured to make me believe that there were kings
of the earth who were nowise inferior to those of the sea. This put
me into a more violent passion, which occasioned him to say several
bitter words that stung me to the quick. He left me as much dis-
satisied with myself as he could possibly be with me; and in this
peevish mood I gave a spring from the bottom of the sea up to the
island of the moon.

-‘ Notwithstanding the violent displeasure that made me cast
myself upon that island, I lived content in retirement. But in spite
of all my precautions, a person . of distinction, attended by his.
servants, surprised me sleeping, and carried me to his own house, and

8 ig _ The King of Persia

wished me to marry him. When he saw that fair means’ would not
prevail upon me, he attempted to make use of force; but I soon
made him repent of his insolence. So at last he resolved to sell me ;
which he did to that very merchant who brought me hither and sold
me to your majesty. This man was a very prudent, courteous,
humane person, and during the whole of the long journey, never
gave me the least reason to complain.

‘As for your majesty,’ continued Queen Gulnare, ‘if you had
not shown me all the respect you have hitherto paid, and given
me such undeniable marks of your affection that I could no longer
doubt of it, I hesitate not to tell you plainly that I should not have
remained with you. I would have thrown myself into the sea out of
this very window, and I would have gone in search of my mother,
my brother, and the rest of my relations ; and, therefore, I hope you
will no longer look upon me as a slave, but as a princess worthy.
of your alliance.’

After this manner Queen Gulnare discovered herself to the
King of Persia, and finished her story. ‘My charming, my adorable
queen, cried he, ‘what wonders have I heard! I must ask a
thousand questions concerning those strange and unheard-of things
which you have related to me. I beseech you to tell me more about
the kingdom and people of the sea, who are altogether unknown to
me. I have heard much talk, indeed,-of the inhabitants of the sea,
but I always looked upon it as nothing but a tale or fable; but, by
what you have told me, I am convinced there is nothing more true;
and I have a very good proof of it in your own person; who are one
of them, and are pleased to condescend to be my wife; which is an
honour no other inhabitant on the earth can boast of besides myself.
There is one thing yet which puzzles me; therefore I must beg the
favour of you to explain it; that is, 1 cannot comprehend how it is
possible for you to live or move in the water without being drowned.
There are very few amongst us who have the art of staying under

and the Princess of the Sea ie 9


water ; and they would surely perish, if, after a certain time, they did
not come up again.’

‘Sire, replied Queen Gulnare: ‘TI shall with pleasure satisfy the
King of Persia. We can walk at the bottom of the sea with as

_ much ease as you can upon land ; and we can breathe in the water as
you do in the air; so that instead of suffocating us, as it does you, it
absolutely contributes to the preservation of: our lives. What is yet

- more remarkable is, that it never wets our clothes; so that when we
have a mind to visit the earth, we have no occasion to dry them. Our
common language is the same as that of the writing engraved
upon the seal of the great prophet Solomon, the son of David.

‘I must not forget to tell you, further, that the water does not in
the least from seeing in the sea; for we can open our eyes
without any inconvenience ; and as we have quick, piercing sight, we
can discern any object as clearly in the deepest part of the sea as
upon land. We have also there a succession of day and night ; the
moon affords us her light, and even the planets and the stars appear
visible to us. I have already spoken of our kingdoms; but as the sea
is much more spacious than the earth, so there are a greater number
of them, and of greater extent. They are divided into provinces;
and in each province there are several great cities, well peopled. In
short, there are an infinite number of nations, differing in manners
and customs, just as upon the earth.

‘The palaces of the kings and princes are very sumptuous and
magnificent. Some of them are of marble of various colours ; others
of rock-crystal, with which the sea abounds, mother of Seal coral,
and of other materials more valuable ; gold, silver, and all sorts of
precious stones are more plentiful there than on earth. I say nothing
of the pearls, since the largest that ever were seen upon earth would
not be valued amongst us; and none but the very lowest rank of
citizens would wear them. .

‘As wecan 1 transport ourselves whither we please in the Paine

10 ats - The King of Persia

of an eye, we have no occasion for any carriages or riding-horses;
not but what the king has his stables, and his stud of sea-horses ; but
they are seldom made use of, except upon public feasts or rejoicing
days. Some, after they have trained them, take delight in riding
them, and show their skill and dexterity in races; others put them to
chariots of mother-of-pearl, adorned with an infinite number of shells
of all sorts, of the brightest colours. These chariots are open ; and in
the middle there is a throne upon which the king sits, and shows
himself to his subjects. The horses are trained up to draw by them-
selves; so that there is no occasion for a charioteer to guide them. I
pass over a thousand: other curious particulars relating to these
marine countries, which would be very entertaining to your majesty;
but you must permit me to defer it to a future leisure, to speak of
something of much greater consequence. I should like to send for
my mother and my cousins, and at the same time to desire the king
my brother’s company, to whom I have a great desire to be reconciled.
They will be very glad to see me again, after I have related my story
to them, and when they understand I am wife to the mighty king of
Persia. I beseech your majesty to give me leave to send for them: I
‘am sure they will be happy to pay their respects to you; and I
venture to say you will be extremely pleased to see them,’

‘Madam,’ replied the King of Persia, ‘you are mistress; do what-
ever you‘please; I will endeavour to receive them with all the honours
they deserve. But I would fain know how you would acquaint them
with what you desire, and when they will arrive, that I may give
orders to make preparation for their reception, and go myself in
person to meet them,’

‘Sire? replied the Queen Gulnare, ‘there is no need of these
ceremonies; they will be here in a moment; and if your Majesty
will but look through the lattice, you shall see the manner of
their arrival.’

Queen Gulnare then ordered one of her women to bring her a

and. the Princess of the Sea oe oT


brazier with a little fire. After that she bade her retire, and shut the
door. When she was alone, she took a piece of aloes out of a box,
and put it into the brazier. As soon as she saw the smoke rise, she
repeated some words unknown to the King of Persia, who from a
recess observe with great attention all that she did. She had no
sooner ended, than the sea began to be disturbed. At length the
sea opened at some distance; and presently there rose out of it a
tall, handsome young man, with moustaches of a sea-green colour ;
a little behind him, a lady, advanced in years, but of a majestic air,
attended by five young ladies, nowise inferior i in beauty to the Queen

Queen Gulnare. Pmednrey went the windows, and saw
the king her. brother, the queen her mother, and the rest of her
relations; who at the same time perceived her also. The company
came forward, borne, as it were, upon the surface. of the waves.
When they came to: the edge, they nimbly, one after another, sprang
up to the window, from whence Queen Gulnare had retired to
make room for them. King Saleh, the queen her mother, and the
rest of her relations, embraced her tenderly, with tears in their eye,
on their first entrance.

After Queen Gulnare had received them with all imaginable
honour, and made. them sit down upon a sofa, the queen her mother

- addressed herself to her: ‘Daughter, said she, ‘I am overjoyed to
see you again after so long an absence; and I am confident that
your brother and your relations are no less. so. Your leaving us
without acquainting anybody with it involved us in inexpressible
concern; and it is impossible to tell you how many tears we have
shed upon that account. We. know. of no other reason that could
induce you to take such a surprising step, but what your brother
told us of the conversation that passed between him and you. The
advice he gave you seeméd to him. at that time very advantageous
for settling you handsomely in the world, and very suitable to the

12 he , The ‘King of Persia

then posture of our affairs. If you had not approved of his proposal,
you ought not to have been so much alarmed; and, give me leave to

tell you, you took the thing in a quite different light from what you
. ought to have done. But no more of this; we and you ought now
to bury it for ever in oblivion: give us an account of all that has
happened to you since wé saw you last, and of your present situation;
but especially let us know if you are satisfied,’ .

Queen Gulnare immediately threw herself at her mother’s feet ;
and after rising and kissing hér hand, ‘I own,’ said she, ‘I have been
guilty of a very great fault, and I am indébted to your goodness for
the pardon which you are pleased to grant me.’ She then related
the whole of what had befallen her since she quitted the sea. _

As soon as she had acquainted them with her having been sold
to the King of Persia, in whose palace she was at present; ‘Sister,
said the king her brother, ‘you now have it in your power to free
yourself, Rise, and return with us into my kingdom, that I have
reconquered from the proud usurper who had made himself master
of it? ‘

The King of Persia, who heard these words from the recess where
he was concealed, was in the utmost alarm. ‘Ah!’ said he to him-
self, ‘I am ruined; and if my queen, my Gulnare, hearkens to this
advice, and leaves me, I shall surely die’ But Queen Gulnare soon
put him out of his fears. ; aes

‘Brother, said she, smiling, ‘I can scarce forbear being angry
with: you for advising me to break the engagement I have made with
the most puissant and most renowned monarch in the world. I do |
not speak here of an engagement between a slave and her master ;
it would be easy to ‘return the ten thousand pieces of gold. that I cost
him ; but I speak now of a contract-between a wife and a husband;
and a. wife who has not the least reason to complain. He is a
religious, wise; and temperate king. I am_ his wife, and he ‘has
declared me Queen of Persia, to share with him in. his councils.

and the Princess of the Sea 5 ome 13


Besides, I have a child, the little Prince Beder. I hope then
neither my mother, nor you, nor any of my cousins, will disapprove
of the resolution or the alliance I have made, which will be an equal
honour to the kings of the sea and the earth. Excuse me for
giving you the trouble of coming hither from the bottom of the
deep, to communicate it to you, and for the pleasure of seeing: you
after so long a separation.’

‘Sister, replied King Saleh, ‘the proposal I made you Of going
back with us into my kingdom was only to let you see how
much we all love you, and how much I in particular honour you,
and that nothing in the world is so dear to me as your happiness.’

The queen confirmed what her son had just spoken, and
addressing herself to Queen Gulnare, said, ‘I am very glad to hear
you are pleased; and I have nothing else to add to what your
brother has just said to you.. I should have been the first to have
condemned you, if you had not expressed all the gratitude you owe
to a monarch that loves you so Tess one, and has done such great
things for you.’

When the King of Persia, who was still in the recess heard this
he began to love her more than ever, and resolved to express his —
gratitude in every possible way.

Presently Queen Gulnare clapped her hands, and in came some of
her slaves, whom she had ordered to bring in a meal: as soon as it
was served up, she invited the queen her mother, the king her
brother, and her cousins, to sit down and take part of it. They
began to reflect, that without asking leave, they had got into the
palace of a mighty king, who had never seen nor heard of them, and
that it would be a great piece of rudeness to eat at his table without
him. This reflection raised a blush in their faces; in their emotion
their eyes glowed like fire, and they breathed fe at their mouths
and nostrils,

‘This unexpected sight put the King of Persia, who was totally

14 ¥® = The King of ‘Persia -

ignorant of the-cause of it, into a dreadful consternation. Queen
Gulnare suspecting this, and understanding the intention of her
relations, rose from her seat, and told them she would be back in a
moment. She went directly to the ee ees and recovered the cine of
Persia from his surprise..

“Sir? said she, ‘give me leave to assure you of the sincere friend-

ship that the queen my mother and the king my brother are pleased
to honour you with: they earnestly desire to.see you, and tell you
‘so themselves: I intended to have some conversation with them
by: ordering a banquet for. them, before I introduced them to your
majesty, but they are very impatient to pay their respects to you:
and therefore I desire your paca would be pleased to walk in, and
‘honour them with your presence.

‘Madam, said the King of Persia, ‘1 should be very glad to
salute persons that have the honour to be so nearly related:to you,
but I am afraid of the ee that they breathe at their mouths
‘and nostrils.

‘Sir? replied the queen, iene you need not in the least
be afraid of those flames, which are nothing but a sign of their
unwillingness to eat in your palace, without your honouring them
with your presence, and eating with them.’

. The King of Persia, encouraged by these words, rose up, and came
cout into the room with his Queen Gulnare. She presented him to the
-queen her mother, to the king her brother, and to her other relations,
‘who instantly threw themselves at his feet, with their faces to the
ground. The King of Persia ran to -them, and lifting them up,
embraced them one after another. After they were all seated, King
‘Saleh began: ‘Sir, said he to the King of Persia, ‘we are at a loss
for. words to express our joy. to think that the queen my sister should
have the happiness of falling under the protection of so powerful
a monarch. We can assure you she is not unworthy of the high rank
-you have been pleased to raise her to; and we have always had so

-and--the-Princess—of-the-Sea-— we 15


much love and tenderness for her, that we could never think of
parting with her to any of the puissant. princes. of the sea, who
often demanded her in marriage before she came of age: Heaven
has reserved her for you, Sir, and we have no better way of returning
thanks to it for the favour it has done her, than by beseeching it
to: grant your majesty a long and happy life with her, and to
crown you‘with prosperity andvsatisfaction’ = = ain v5

_. Certainly,’ replied the King of. -Persia, ‘I - cannot sufficiently
thank either the queen her mother, or you, Prince, or your whole
family, for the generosity with which you have consented to receive
me into an alliance so glorious to me as yours.’ So saying, he-in-
vited them to take part of the-luncheon, and he and his queen sat
down at the table with them. After it was over, the ‘King of Persia
conversed with them till it was very late; and when they thought
it time to retire, he waited upon them Bimeele to the several rooms
he had ordered to be prepared for. them.

. Next day, as the King of Persia, Queen Gulnare, the queen. her
mother, King ‘Saleh her brother, and the princesses their relations,
were discoursing together in her .majesty’s room, the nurse came
in .with the young Prince Beder in her arms. -King Saleh no sooner
saw him, than he ran. to embrace him; and taking him in his arms,
fell to kissing and. caressing him with.the greatest demonstration
‘of tenderness. He took several turns- with him about the room,
dancing and tossing him about, when all of a sudden, through
a transport of joy; the window being open, he ae out, and

' plunged with-him into the sea, ’

' The King of Persia, who expected no. ‘Such sight, set upa Beate
‘cry, verily believing that he should either see the dear prince his son
no more, or else that he should see him drowned ; and he nearly died
of grief and affliction. Sir? said Queen Gulnare (with a quiet and
undisturbed countenance, the better to comfort him), ‘let. your
‘majesty fear nothing; *the young prince is my son as well as yours,

16 Qe | ' The King of Persia

and I do not love him less than you do. You see I am not alarmed;
neither in truth ought I to be so. He runs no risk, and you will soon
see the king his uncle appear with him again, and bring him back
safe and sound. For he will have the same advantage his uncle
and I have, of living equally in, the sea and upon the land’ The
queen his mother and the princesses his relations confirmed the
same thing; yet all they said had no effect on the king’s fright,
from which he could not recover till he saw Prince Beder appear
again before him.

The sea at length became troubled, when immediately King
Saleh arose with the young prince in his arms, and holding him
up in the air, he re-entered at the same window he went out at. The
King of Persia being overjoyed to see Prince Beder again, and
astonished that he was as calm as before ‘he lost sight of him, King
Saleh said, ‘Sir, was not your majesty in a great fright, when you
first saw me plunge into the sea with the prince my nephew?’

‘Alas! Prince, answered the King of Persia, ‘I cannot express concern. I thought him lost from that very moment, and. you
now restore life to me by bringing him again,

_ ‘I thought as much,’ replied King Saleh, ‘though you had not
the least reason’to apprehend any danger ; for, before I plunged into
the sea with him I pronounced over him certain mysterious words,
which were engraven on the seal of the great Solomon, the son of
David. We do the same to all those children that are born in the
regions at the bottom ‘of the sea, by virtue of which they receive the
same privileges that we have over those people who inhabit the earth. —
From what your majesty -has observed, you may easily see what
advantage your son Prince Beder has acquired by his birth, for as
long as he lives, and as often as he pleases, hei will be at liberty
to plunge into the sea, and traverse the vast empires it contains
in its bosom.’

Having so spoken, King Saleh, who had ‘restored Prince Beder

_Prince Beder

and the Princess of the Sea og 17


» to his nurse’s arms, opened a box he had fetched from his palace
in the little time he had disappeared. It was filled with three
hundred diamonds, as large as pigeons’ eggs, a like number of rubies
of extraordinary size, as many emerald wands, each half a foot long,
and thirty strings or necklaces. of pearl, consisting each of ten
feet. ‘Sir, said he to the King of Persia, presenting him with this
box, ‘when I was first summoned by the queen my sister, I knew
not what part of the earth she was in, or that she had the honour
to be married to so great a monarch. This made us come empty
handed. As we cannot express how much we have been obliged
to your majesty, I beg you to accept this small token of grati-
tude, in acknowledgment of the many particular favours you have
been pleased to show her,

It is impossible to express how greatly the King of Persia was
surprised at the sight of so much riches, enclosed in so little compass.
‘What! Prince,’ cried he, “do you call so inestimable a present a
small token of your gratitude? I declare once more, you have never

"been in the least obliged to me, neither the queen your mother nor
you. Madam, continued he, turning to Gulnare, ‘the king your
brother has put me into the greatest confusion; and I’ would
beg of him to permit me to refuse his present, were I not afraid of
disobliging him; do you therefore endeavour to obtain his leave
that I may be excused accepting it’

‘Sir,’ replied King Saleh, ‘I am not at all surprised that your
majesty thinks this present so extraordinary. I know you are not

‘accustomed upon earth to see precious stones of this quality and
quantity: but if you knew, as I do, the mines whence these jewels
“were taken, and that it is in my power to form a treasure greater than
those of all the kings of the earth, you would wonder we should
thave the boldness to make you a present of so small a value. I
beseech you, therefore, not to regard it in that light, but on account
of the sincere friendship which obliges us to offer it to you not to


18 gui . The King of Persia

give us the mortification of refusing it’ This obliged the King of
Persia to accept the present, for which he returned many thanks
both to King Saleh and the queen his mother.

A few days after, King Saleh gave the King of pees to under:
stand that the queen his mother, the princesses his relations, and
himself, could have no greater pleasure than to spend their whole
lives at his court; but that having been so long absent from their
own kingdom, where their presence was absolutely necessary, they
begged of him not to take it ill if they took leave of him and Queen
Gulnare. The King of Persia assured them he was very sorry that
it was not in his power to return their visit in their own dominions ;
but he added, ‘As I am verily persuaded you will not forget Queen
Gulnare, but come and see her now and then, I hope I shall tte the
honour to see you again more than once.’

Many tears were shed on both sides upon their separation. King
Saleh departed first; but the queen his mother, and the princesses
his relations, were fain to force themselves in a manner from the
embraces of Queen Gulnare, who could not prevail upon herself
to let them go. This royal company were no sooner out of sight —
than the King of Persia said to Queen Gulnare, ‘Madam, I should
have looked with suspicion upon the person that had pretended
to pass those off upon me for true wonders, of which I myself
have been an eye-witness from the time I have been honoured
with your illustrious family at my court. But I cannot refuse to
believe my own eyes; and shall remember, it as long as'I live, and
never cease to bless. Heaven for t isending you to. me, Eee of to
any other prince.’


' brought up and educated in the
palace under the care of the King.
and Queen of Persia. He gave them
great pleasure as.he advanced in
years by his agreeable manners, and
by the justness of whatever he said;

King Saleh his uncle, the queen his.

grandmother, and the princesses his.

relations, came from time to time to
see him. He was easily taught to
read and write, and was instructed in all the sciences that became
a prince of his rank.

When he arrived at the age of fifteen he was very wise and
prudent. The king, who had almost from his cradle discovered in
him these virtues so necessary for a monarch, and who moreover
began to perceive the infirmities of old age coming upon himself
every-day, would not wait till death gave him possession of the
throne, but purposed to resign it to him. He had no great difficulty
to make his council consent to it; and the people heard this with so
much the more joy, because they considered Prince Beder worthy to
govern them. They saw that he treated all mankind with that
goodness which invited them to approach him; that he heard
C 2

20 xz | Prince Beder and

— i-

favourably all who had anything to say to him; that he answered
everybody with a goodness that was peculiar to him; and that he
refused nobody anything that had the least appearance of justice.

The day for the ceremony was appointed. In the midst of the
whole assembly, which was larger than usual, the King of Persia,
then sitting on his throne, came down from it, took the crown from
off his head, put it on that of Prince Beder, and having seated
him in his place, kissed his hand, as a token that he resigned his
authority to him. After which he took his place among the crowd of
viziers and emirs below the throne.

Hereupon the viziers, emirs, and other principal officers, came
‘immediately and threw themselves at the new king’s feet, taking each
the oath of fidelity according to their rank. Then the grand vizier
made a report of various important matters, on which the young king
gave judgment with admirable prudence and sagacity that surprised
all the council. He next turned out several governors convicted of
mal-administration, and put others in their place, with wonderful and
just discernment. He at length left the council, accompanied by the
late king his father, and went to see his mother, Queen Gulnare. The
queen no sooner saw him coming with his crown upon his head, than
she ran to him, and embraced him with tenderness, washing him a
long and prosperous reign.

The first year of his reign King Beder ested himself of all his
royal functions with great care. Above all, he took care to inform
himself of the state of his affairs, and all that might in any way
contribute towards the happiness of his people. Next year, having
left the administration to his council, under the direction of the old
king his father, he went out of his capital, under pretext of diverting —
himself with hunting; but his real intention was to visit-all the
provinces of his kingdom, that he might reform all abuses there,
establish good order and discipline everywhere, and take from all ill-
minded princes, his neighbours, any opportunities of attempting any

the Princess ‘Giauhara Be 21


’ thing against the security and tranquillity of his subjects, by showing,
himself-on his frontiers.

It required no less than a whole year for this young king to carry
out his plans. Soon after his return, the old king his father fell so
dangerously ill that he knew at once he should never recover. He
waited for his last moment with great tranquillity, and his only care
was to recommend the ministers and other lords of his son’s court to
remain faithful to him: and there was not one but willingly renewed
his oath as freely as at first. He died, at length, to’ the great grief
of King Beder and Queen Gulnare, who caused his corpse to’ be’
borne to a stately mausoleum, worthy of his rank and dignity.

The funeral ended, King Beder found no difficulty in complying
with that ancient custom in Persia to mourn for the dead a. whole
month, and not to be seen by anybody during all that time. He
would have mourned the death..of his father his whole life, had it
been right for a great prince thus to abandon himself to grief.
During this interval the queen, mother to Queen Gulnare, and
King Saleh, together with the princesses their relations, arrived at
the Persian court, and shared their affliction, before they offered
any consolation. :

When the month was expired, the king could not refuse
admittance to the grand vizier and the other lords of his court,
who besought him to lay» aside his mourning, to show himself
to his subjects, and take upon him the administration of affairs
as before.

He showed such great reluctance at their request, that the
grand vizier was forced to take upon himself to say to him; ‘Sir,

neither our tears nor yours. are capable of restoring life to the
good king your father, though we should. lament him all our days.
He has undergone the common law of all men, which subjects
them to pay the indispensable tribute of death. Yet we cannot
say absolutely that he is dead, since we see him in your sacred

22 oe Prince Beder and
f a

person. -He did not himself doubt, when he was dying, but. that

he should revive in you, and to your majesty it belongs to show

that he was not deceived.’

King Beder could no longer oppose such pressing entreaties :
he laid aside his mourning; and after he had resumed the royal
habit and ornaments, he began to provide for the necessities of ‘his
_ kingdom and subjects with the same care as before his father’s
death. He acquitted himself with universal approbation: and as
he was exact in maintaining the ordinances of his predecessor, ws
people did not’ feel they had changed their sovereign.

King Saleh, who had returned to his dominions in the sea
with the queen his mother and the princesses, no sooner saw that
_ King Beder had resumed the government, at the end of the month
than he came alone to visit him; and King Beder and Queen
_Gulnare were overjoyed to see him.

“One evening when they rose from table, they talked of various
matters. King Saleh began. with the praises of the king his nephew,
and expressed to the queen his sister how glad he was to see
him govern so prudently, all of which had acquired him great
reputation, not among his neighbours only, but more remote
princes. King Beder, who could not bear to hear himself so well
spoken ‘of, and not being willing, through good manners, to
interrupt the king his uncle, turned on one side to sleep, cee
his head against -a cushion that was behind him.

‘Sister, said King Saleh, ‘I wonder you have not thought of
marrying him ere this: if I mistake not, he is in his twentieth
year; and, at that age, no prince like him ought to be suffered .to
be without a wife. ‘I will think of a wife for him myself, since you -
will not, and marry him to some princess of our lower world that
may be worthy of him.’

‘Brother, replied Queen Gulnare, ‘I have never r thought of it to
this very moment, and I am glad you havé spoken of it to me. I

the Princess Giauhara : | ee 23

— = i

- like your proposing one of our princesses ; and I desire you to name
one so beautiful and accomplished that the king my son may be
obliged to love her.’

‘I know one that will suit’ replied King Saleh, softly; ‘but I see
many difficulties to be surmounted, not on the lady’s part, as I hope,
but on that of her father. I need only mention to you the Princess
Giauhara, daughter of the king of Samandal.’ .

‘What?’ replied Queen Gulnare, ‘is not the Princess Cninee
yet married? I remember to have seen her before I left your
palace; she was then about eighteen months old, and surprisingly
beautiful, and must needs be the wonder of the world. The few
years she is older than the king my son ought not to prevent us from
doing our utmost to bring it about. Let me but know the difficulties
that are to be surmounted, and we will surmount them,’

‘Sister, replied King Saleh, ‘the greatest difficulty is, that the
King of Samandal is insupportably vain, looking upon all others as
his inferiors: it is not likely we shall easily get him to enter into this

- alliance. For my part, I will go to him in petson, and demand of
him the princess his daughter; and, in case he refuses her, we will -
address ourselves elsewhere, where we shall be more favourably heard.
‘For this reason, as you may perceive, added he, ‘it is as well for the
king my nephew not to know anything of our design, lest he should
fall in love with the Princess Giauhara, till we have got the consent
of the King of Samandal, in case, after all, we should not be able
to obtain her for him.’ They discoursed a little longer upon this
point, and, before they parted, agreed that King Saleh should
forthwith return to his own dominions, and demand the Princess .
Giauhara of the King of. Samandal her father, for the King of
Persia his nephew. .

Now King Beder had heard what they said, and he immediately
fell in love with the Princess Giauhara without having even seen her,
and he lay awake thinking all night. Next day King Saleh took

24 9 Prince Beder and

leave of Queen Gulnare and the king his nephew. The young king,

who knew the ,king his uncle would not have departed so soon but

to go and promote his happiness without loss of time, changed

colour when he heard him mention his departure. He resolved to

desire his uncle to bring the princess away with him: but only

asked. him to stay with him one day more, that they might hunt

together. The day for hunting was fixed, and King Beder had

many opportunities of being alone with his uncle, but he had not

the courage to open his mouth. In the heat of the chase, when

King Saleh was separated from him, and not one of his officers and

attendants was near, he alighted near a rivulet; and having tied

his horse to a tree, which, with several others growing along the

banks, afforded a very pleasing shade, he laid himself down on

the grass. He remained a good while absorbed in thought, yee

speaking a. word.

King Saleh, in the meantime, missing the king his nephew;
began to be much. concerned to know what had become of him.
He therefore left his company to go in search of him, and at length
perceived him at a distance. He had observed the. day before,
and more plainly that day, that he was not so lively as he used
to be; and that if he was asked a question, he either answered
not at all, or nothing to the purpose. As soon as King Saleh
saw him lying in that disconsolate posture, he immediately guessed
he had heard what passed between him and Queen Gulnare.' He »
hereupon. alighted at some. distance from him, and having tied
his horse to a tree, came upon him so. softly, that he heard him
say to himself:

‘Amiable princess of the kingdom of Samandal, I would _ this
moment go and offer you my heart, if I knew where to find you.’ —

‘King Saleh would hear no more; he advanced immediately,
and. showed -himself to King Beder. ‘From what I see, nephew,
said he, ‘you heard what the queen your mother and I said the

the Princess Giauhara ER 25


other day of the Princess Giauhara. It was not our intention you
should have known anything, and we thought you were asleep.’

‘My dear uncle, replied King Beder, ‘I heard every word, but
was ashamed to disclose to you my weakness. I beseech you to
pity me, and not wait to procure me the consent of the divine
Giauhara till you have gained the consent of the King of Samandal
that I may marry his daughter.’

These words of the King of Persia greatly embarrassed King
Saleh. He represented to him how difficult it was, and that he.
could not well do it without carrying him along with him; which
might be of dangerous consequence, since his presence was so
absolutely necessary in his kingdom. He begged him to wait
But these reasons were not sufficient to satisfy the King of Persia.

Cruel Uncle, said he, ‘I find you do not love me so much as
you pretended,. and that you had rather see me die than grant the
first request I ever made you.’

-*T am ready to convince your majesty, replied King Saleh, ‘that
I would do anything to serve you; but as for carrying you along
with me, I cannot do that till I have spoken to the queen your
mother. What would she say of you and me? If she consents, I
am ready to do all you. would have me, and I will join my
entreaties to yours,’

‘If you do really love me,’ replied the King of Persia impatiently,
‘as you would have me believe you do, you must return to your
kingdom immediately, and carry me along with you.’

_ King Saleh, finding himself obliged to yield to his nephew,
drew from his finger a, ring, on which were engraven the same
my sterious names that were upon Solomon’s seal, that had
wrought so many wonders by their, virtue. ‘Here, take this ring,
said he, ‘put it upon your finger, and fear neither the waters of the
sea, nor their depth.’

The King of Persia took the ring, and when he had put it on his

26 ; _ Prince Beder and


finger, King Saleh said to him, ‘ Do as I do.” At the same time they
both mounted lightly up into the air, and made towards the sea
which was not far distant, whereinto they both. plunged.

The sea-king was’ not long in getting to his palace with the King
of Persia, whom he immediately carried to the queen’s apartment,
and presented him to her. The King of Persia kissed the queen
his grandmother’s hands, and she embraced him with great joy.
a do not ask you how you are, ’ said she to him; ‘I see you are
very well, and I am: rejoiced. at it; but I desire to know how is
my daughter, your mother, Queen Gulnare ¥

The King of Persia told her the queen his mother was in nercet
health. Then the queen presented. him to the princesses; and
while he was in conversation with them, she left him, and went
with King Saleh, who told her how the King of Persia was fallen
in love with the Princess Giauhara, and that he had nee ee
along with him, without being able ‘to hinder it.

Although King Saleh was, to do him justice, perfectly innocent,
yet the queen. could hardly forgive this indiscretion in mentioning.
the Princess Giauhara before: him. ‘Your imprudence is not to be
forgiven,’ said she to-him: ‘can you think that the King of Samandal,
whose character is so well known, will have greater’ consideration
for you than the many other kings he has refused his’ daughter
to with such evident contempt? Would you have him send you
‘away with the same confusion?’ . :

‘Madam,’ replied King Saleh, ‘I have already told you it was
contrary to my intention that the king, my nephew, should. hear
what I related of the Princess Giauhara to’ the queen my sister.
The fault is committed; I will therefore’ do all that I can to remedy
it. I hope, madam, you will approve of my resolution to go
myself and wait. upon the King of Samandal, with a rich present
of precious stones, and demand of him the princess, his daughter,
for ‘the. King of Persia, your grandson. I- have some reason to

the Princess Giauhara , gs 27


- believe he will not refuse me,’ but will. be. pleased’ at ‘an
alliance with one of the ‘greatest potentatés of the earth.’ -

‘It were to have been wished,’ replied the queen, ‘that we had
not been under a necessity of making this demand, since the
success. of our attempt is not so certain as we could desire; but
since my grandson’s peace and content depend upon it, I freely
give my consent. But, above all, I charge you, since you well

know the temper of the King of Samandal, that you take care to ©

speak to him with due respect, and in a manner that cannot
possibly offend him.’ iis aes aor

The queen prepared the present herself, composed of diamonds,
rubies, emeralds, and strings of pearl; all of which she put into a
very neat and very. rich box. Next morning, King Saleh took
leave of her majesty and the King of Persia, and departed with a
chosen and small troop of officers and other attendants. He soon
arrived at the kingdom and the palace of the King of Samandal,
who rose from his throne as soon as he perceived him ; and King
Saleh, forgetting his character for. some moments, though

knowing whom he had to deal with, prostrated himself at his feet,

wishing him the accomplishment - of all his desires.. The
King of Samandal immediately stooped to raise ‘him up, and
after he had placed him on his left hand, he told him he was
welcome, and asked him if there was anything he could do to
serve him. oat ane ee a

‘Sir’ answered King Saleh, ‘though I should have no other
motive than that of paying my respects to the most potent, most
prudent, and most valiant prince in the world, feeble would be
my expressions how much I honour your majesty. Having spoken
these words, he took the box of jewels from one of his servants
and having opened it, presented it to the king, imploring him to
accept it for his sake. — ae

‘Prince, replied the King of Samandal, ‘you would not make

28 gh. Prince Beder and

me such a present unless you had a request to propose. If

there be anything in my power, you may freely command it, and

I shall feel the greatest pleasure in granting it. Speak, and tell

me frankly wherein I can serve you.’ -

‘E must own, replied King Saleh, ‘I have a boon to ask of
your majesty; and I shall take care to ask nothing but what is
in your power to grant. The thing depends so absolutely on
yourself, that it would be to no purpose to ask it of any other.
I ask it then with all possible earnestness, and I beg of you not
to refuse it me.’

‘If it be so, replied the King of Samandal, ‘you have nothing
to do but acquaint me what it is, and you shall see after what
manner I can oblige when it is in my power.’

‘Sir, said King Saleh, ‘after the confidence your majesty has
been pleased to encourage me-to put in your goodwill, I will not
dissemble any longer. I came to. beg of you to honour our
house with your alliance by the marriage of your honourable
daughter the Princess Giauhara, and to strengthen the good under-
standing that has so long subsisted between our two crowns.’

At these words the King of Samandal burst out laughing,
falling back in his throne against a cushion that supported him,
and with an imperious’and scornful air, said to King Saleh: ‘ King
Saleh, I have always hitherto thought you a prince of great sense ;
but what you say convinces me how much I was mistaken. Tell
me,.I beseech ‘you, where was your discretion, when you imagined to
yourself so great an absurdity as you have just now proposed to
me? Could you conceive a thought only of aspiring in marriage
to a princess, the daughter of so great and powerful a king as] am?
You ought to have: considered better beforehand the great distance
between us, and not run the risk of losing in a moment the esteem
I always had-for your person,’ .
King Saleh was extremely nettled at this affronting answer,

the Princess Giauhara ae 29



and had much ado to restrain his resentment ; however, he replied,
with all possible moderation, ‘God reward your majesty as you
deserve! I have the honour to inform you, I do not demand the
princess your daughter in marriage for myself; had I done so your

majesty and the princess ought to have been so far from being
offended, that you should have thought it an honour done to both.
Your majesty well knows I am one of the kings of the sea as well

as yourself; that the kings, my ancestors, yield not in antiquity to
any other royal families ; and that the kingdom I inherit from them
is no less potent and flourishing than it has ever been. If your .
majesty had not interrupted me, you had soon understood that the
favour I ask of you was not for myself, but for the young King of
Persia, my nephew, whose power and grandeur, no less than his

320 & ' Prince Beder and

personal good qualities, cannot be unknown to ‘you. Everybody

acknowledges the Princess Giuahara ‘to be the most beautiful person

in the world: but it is no less true that the young King of Persia,

my nephew, is the best and most accomplished prince on the land.

Thus the favour that is. asked being likely to redound both to

the honour of your majesty and the princess your daughter, you

ought not to doubt that your consent to an alliance so equal will

be unanimously approved in all the kingdoms of the sea. The

princess is worthy of the King of Persia, and the King of Persia is

no less worthy of her. No king or prince in the world can dispute

her with him, ee

The King of Samandal would not have let King Saleh go on so
long after this rate, had not the rage he put him in deprived him of
all power of speech. It was some time before he could find his
tongue, so much was he transported with passion. At length, how-
ever, he broke into outrageous language, unworthy of a great king.
‘Dog!’ cried he, ‘dare you talk to me after this manner, and so
much as mention my daughter’s name in my presence? Can
you think the son of your sister Gulnare worthy to come in
competition with my daughter? Who are you? Who was your
father? Who is your sister? And who your nephew? Was
not his father.a dog, and a son of a dog, like you? Guards, seize
the. insolent wretch, and cut off his head’

The few officers that were about the King of Samandal were
immediately going to obey his orders, when. King Saleh, who was
nimble and vigorous, got from them. before they could draw their
sabres; and having: reached the palace gate, he there found a
thousand men of his relations and friends, well armed and equipped,
who had just arrived. The queen his mother having considered the
small number of attendants he took with him, and, moreover, fore-
seeing the bad reception he would ‘probably have from the King of
Samandal, had sent these troops. to protect and defend him in

the Princess ‘Giauhara | fk 31


case of danger, ‘ordering ” them to make haste. Those of his
relations who were at the head of this troop had reason to rejoice
at their seasonable arrival, when they beheld him and his attendants .
come running in great disorder and pursued. ‘Sir,’ cried his friends,.
the moment he joined them, ‘what is the matter? Weare ready to
revenge you: you need only command us.’ a

King Saleh related his case to them in as few words as he could,
and putting himself at the head of a large troop, he, while some |
seized on the gates, re-entered the palace as before. The few
officers and guards who had pursued him being soon dispersed,
he. re-entered the King of Samandal’s. apartment, who, being
abandoned by his attendants, was soon seizéd. King. Saleh left
sufficient guards to secure ‘his person, : and then went from |
apartment to apartment, in search of the Princess Giauhara. But
that princess, on the first alarm, had, together with her women,
sprung up to the surface of the sea, and escaped to a desert island.

While this was passing in the palace of the King of Samandal,
those of King Saleh’s attendants who had fled at the first menaces
of that king put the queen mother into terrible consternation upon
relating the danger her son was in. King Beder, who was by at
that time, was the more concerned, in that he looked upon himself
as the principal author of all the mischief: therefore, not caring
to abide in the queen’s presence any longer, he darted. up from
the bottom of the sea ; and, not knowing how to find his way to the
kingdom of Persia, he happened to light on the island where the
Princess Giauhara had taken refuge. we

The prince, not. a little disturbed in mind, went and seated
himself under the shade of a large tree. Whilst he was endeavouring
to recover himself, he heard somebody talking, but was too far
off to understand what was said. He arose and advanced softly
towards the place whence the sound came, where, among the
branches, he perceived a most. beautiful. lady. ‘Doubtless, said

32 FF Prince Beder and

he, within himself, stopping and considering her with great attention,

“this must be the Princess Giauhara,. whom fear has obliged to

abandon her father’s palace. This said, he came forward, and

approached the princess with profound reverence. ‘Madam,’ said

he, ‘a greater happiness could not have befallen me than this

opportunity to offer you my most humble services. I beseech

you, therefore, madam, to accept them, it being impossible that

a lady in this solitude should not want assistance.’

‘True, my lord,’ replied Giauhara very sorrowfully, ‘it is not.a
little extraordinary for a lady of my rank to be in this situation.
I am a princess, daughter of the King of Samandal, and my name
is Giauhara. I was in my father’s palace, when all of a sudden I
heard a dreadful noise: news was immediately brought me that
King Saleh, I know not for what reason, had forced his way into
the palace, seized the king my father, and murdered all the guards
that made any resistance. I had only time to save myself, and
escaped hither from his violence,’

At these words of the princess, King Beder began to be
* concerned that he had quitted his grandmother so hastily, without
staying to hear from her an explanation of the news that had
been brought her. But he was, on the other hand, overjoyed to
find that the king, his uncle, had rendered himself master of the
King of Samandal’s person, not doubting but that he would consent
to give up the princess for his liberty. ‘Adorable princess,’ continued _
he, ‘your concern is most just,-but it is easy to put an end both
to that and to your father’s captivity. You will.agree with me when
I tell you that I am Beder, King of Persia, and King Saleh is my
uncle; I assure you, madam, he has no design to seize upon. the
king your father’s dominions; his only intent is to obtain his
consent that I may have the honour and happiness of being his son-
in-law. | I had already given my heart to you, and now, far from
repenting of what I have done, I beg of you to be assured that I

the Princess Giauhara th. 33

i —>—

will love you as long as I live. Permit me, then, beauteous
princess! to have the honour to go and present you to the king
my .uncle; and the king your father shall no sooner have
consented to our marriage, than King Saleh will leave him
sovereign of his dominions as before?

This declaration of King Beder did not produce the effect he
expected. When the princess heard from his own mouth that he
had been the occasion of the ill-treatment her father had suffered,
of the grief and fright she had endured, and especially the
necessity she was reduced to of flying her country, she looked
upon -him as an enemy with whom she ought to have nothing

_ whatever to do.

'.. King Beder, believing himself arrived at the very pinnacle
of happiness, stretched forth his hand, and taking that of the princess,
stooped down to kiss it, when she, pushing him’ back, said,
‘ Wretch, quit ‘that form of a man, and take that of a white bird,
with a red bill and feet” Upon her pronouncing these words, King
Beder was immediately changed into a bird of that sort, to his
great surprise and mortification. ‘Take him,’ said she to one of her
women, ‘and carry him to the Dry Island” This island was only
one frightful rock, where there was not a drop of water to be had.

The waiting-woman took the bird, and in executing her princess’s
orders had compassion on King Beder’s destiny. ‘It would be a great
pity,’ said she to herself, ‘to let a prince, so worthy to live, die of
hunger and thirst. The princess, so'good and gentle, will, it may
be, repent of this cruel order when she comes to herself: it were
better that I carried him to a place where he may die a natural
death.’ She accordingly carried him to -a well-frequented island,
and left him in a charming plain, planted with all sorts of fruit-
‘trees, and watered by several rivulets.

Let us return to King Saleh. After he had sought a good.
while for the Princess Giauhara, and ordered others to seek for her,

: D

84 ie - Prince Beder and

a ed

to no purpose, he-causéd the King df Samandal: to ‘be shut ‘up in
his ‘own palace; under d. strong. guard ; and’ having. ‘given the
necessary orders’ for - governing the kingdom: in ‘his absence, “he
returned to give thé ‘queen: his. mother an- account of ‘what he
had done. The first thing he. asked | upon his’ arrival’ was ‘of. the
whereabouts of the king--his” nephéw, and he learned: .with great
surprise and vexation that he had disappeared. oe ae

‘News being brought: me,’. said’ the qiteen, ‘ of’ ne auacer you

were: in at the palace of the King of Samandal, whilst T ‘was «giving ©
orders. to send other ‘troopsto avenge you, he disappeared: «He
must have been: frightened: at hearing” of -your:. aes
danger, and did not think himself in sufficient safety, with us’
- This news, exceedingly. Afflicted. King: Saleh; who now repented
of his being so easily wrought upon by King 'Beder as to carry him
away with him’without his mother’s consent. ° Whilst: he: was in this
suspense about his nephew,‘he left his: kingdom under the adminis+
tration “of his mothér, and ‘went’ to govern that of thé King of
Samandal, whom’he continued’ to keep under, grabs ve
though with all due respect to. his rank.

The same day that. King Saleh -returned’ to oie sane of
Samandal, Queen. Gulnare, mother: to. King Beder,. arrived at the
court of the queen her mother’. The: princess -.was.not : at all
surprised to find her sori did not réturn’ the same. day he set’ out, it
being not uncommon for him:to go. further, than -he. proposed ‘iri-the
heat of the chase; but’ when she saw that he returned neither the next
day, nor: the day. after, she began to be alarmed. : This: alarm ‘-was.
increased. when the officer’,. who had accompanied: the king,. and!
were obliged to return after they:had for a long time sought ih vain
for both him and his «uncle, came’ and-told her majesty. they. miust
of necessity have come to some harm, or be ‘together: in: some
place which they. could: not’ ‘guessy. since, they could -hear .no. tidings
of them, . Their horses, indeed,: they. had found, but sas. fort -their


the Princess Giauhara -_ ee. 35


persons, ' ‘they. knew. not- where. to. look for them.. The queen,
hearing. this, “had resolved to° dissemble and conceal her affliction,
bidding the officers to search once more with their utmost diligence ;
but in-the mean time, saying nothing to anybody, she plunged into
the sea, to satisfy herself as to the suspicion she had that King Saleh
must have carried.away- his nephew along with him.

', This great. queen would. have ‘been. more affectionately eeeved
by : the. queen * her ° “‘mother,: had’ she not, upon first sight of her,
guessed the -occasion. of ‘her coming. : ‘ Daughter; said: she, ‘I
plainly perceive you are not come hither to visit me; you. come to
inquire after the: king. your son; and the only news I can tell -you
will augment both-your grief and mine. I no sooner saw ‘him arrive
in our. territories, than I. rejoiced; yet, when I came to. understand
he had come. away. without. “your knowledge, I began to share with
you the concern. you must needs feel.’ Then she. related to her
with what zeal..King Saleh. went to Henmane the Princess Giauhara
in.marriage for King Beder, and- what had happened, till her son
disappeared. ‘I have sent. diligently after him, added she, ‘an nd
the king my’ son, who is but, just gone to govern the kingdom of
Samandal, has done all that. lay in his power. All our endeavours
have hitherto proved unsuccessful, but we: must hope: nevertheless -
fo: see him. again, perhaps. when. we. least. expect it?

‘Queen Gulnare was not satisfied. with this hope; she looked upon
the king her dear son as lost, and. lamented him bitterly, laying
all the blame upon the ‘king: his uncle, The queen her mother made
her consider the “necessity. ‘of not: yielding - too much. to. her griet.
‘The king your brother,’ said she, ‘ought: not, it is true, to have
talked: to you-so, imprudently. about that. marriage, nor ever have
consented to carry away, the: king my~ grandson, without acquainting
you first; yet, ‘since if is not. certain that the King of Persia is
absolutely. lost, you ought to neglect nothing to preserve his kingdom
for. him: _ lose, then, no more: ‘time,: but return to ORE, capital ; your



36 we | Prince Beder and.


presence there will be necessary, and it will not be hard for you
to preserve the public peace, by causing it to be published that the
King of Persia was gone to visit his grandmother,’ ’

‘Queen Gulnare yielded. She took leave of the queen her
mother, and was back in the palace of the capital of Persia before
she had been missed. She immediately despatched persons to
recall the officers she had sent after the king, and to tell them she
knew where his majesty was, and that they should soon see him
again. She also governed with the prime minister and council as
quietly as if the king had been present.

To return to King Beder, whom the Princess Giauhara’s waiting-
woman had carried and left in the island before mentioned ; that
monarch was not a little surprised when he found himself alone, and
under the form of a bird. He felt. yet more unhappy that he
knew not where he was, nor in what part of the world the kingdom
of Persia lay. He was forced to remain where he was, and live
upon such food as birds of his kind were wont to eat, and to pes
the night on a tree, |

A few days after, a peasant that was skilled in taking Hirds with
nets chanced to come to the place where he was; when perceiving
so fine a bird, the like of which he had never seen before, he began
greatly to rejoice. He employed all his art to catch him, and at
length succeeded. Overjoyed at so great a prize, which he looked —
upon as of more- worth than all the other birds, because so rare,
he shut it up in a cage, and carried it to the city. As soon as he was

come into the market, a citizen stopt him, and asked him how much

he wanted for that bird.

Instead of. answering, the peasant asked the citizen what he
would do with him in case he should: buy. him? ‘What wouldst
thou have me to Ge with him, answered the citizen, “but roast and

eat him?’

‘If that be the. case,’ replied the “peasant, q suppose you


the Princess Giauhara | oR 37


would think me very well paid if you gave me the smallest
piece of silver for ,him. I set a much higher value upon him, and
you should not have him for a piece of gold. Although I am
advanced in years, I never saw such a bird in my life. I intend
to make a present of him to the king; he will know the value of
him better than you.’

Without staying any longer in the market, fie peasant went

- directly to the palace, and placed himself exactly before the king’s
apartment. His majesty, being at a window where he could see all:
that passed in the court, no sooner cast his eyes on this beautiful
bird, than he sent an officer to buy it for him. The officer, going to
the peasant, asked him how much he wanted for that bird. ‘If it be.
for his majesty,’ answered the peasant, ‘I humbly beg of him. to
accept it of me as a present, and I desire you to carry it to him’,
The officer took the bird to the king, who found it so great a rarity.
that he ordered the same officer to take ten pieces of gold, and carry.
them to the peasant, who departed very well satisfied. The king
ordered the bird to be put into a magnificent cage, and gave it seed:
and water in rich vessels.

His majesty being then ready to-go hunting, had not time to, »
consider the bird, therefore had it brought to him as soon as he came.
back. The officer brought the cage, and the king, that he might:
better see the bird, took it out himself, and perched it upon his hand.
Looking earnestly at it, he asked the officer if he had seen it eat.
‘Sir, replied the officer, ‘your majesty may observe the vessel with
his food is still full, and he has not touched any of it.’ Then the
king ordered him meat of various sorts, that he might take what
he liked best.

The table being spread, and dinner served up just as the king
had given these orders, the bird, flapping his wings, hopped off.
the king’s hand, and flew on to the table, where he began to peck,
the bread and victuals, sometimes on one plate, and sometimes on.

38 gui | Prince Beder. and


another. The’ king was so surprised, that’ he immediately sent
the officer to desire the queen to come and see this wonder, ‘The
officer related it to her majesty, and ‘she came forthwith: but she
no sooner saw the bird, than she covered’ her face with her veil,
and would have retired. The king, surprised at her’ proceeding,
asked the reason of it. oe a
Oli answeted the queen, ‘your majesty will no ‘longer be
surprised when you understand that this bird is not, as you take
it, a bird, but a man,’ : a ee jae
‘Madam,’ said the’ oe more ssoniched ‘than before, ‘you are
making fun of me; you shall never peers ‘me that a bird
can be a man.’ ; bi : ee ae
«Sir? replied the queen, ‘far be it from me to take fun ory your
majesty ; nothing is more certain. than ‘what’ I ‘have had the honour’
to tell you. I can assure your. “majesty it is the King of Persia,
riamed Beder, son of the celebrated Gulnare, princess of one of
the largest kingdoms of the “sea, nephew: of Saleh, king of that.
kingdom, and. grandson of Queen’ Farasche, mother of Gulnare and
Saleh; and it was the Princess Giauhara, daughter - of. the King:
of Samandal, who thus metamorphosed him into a bird’ That
the king might no longer doubt of what she affirmed, she told’
him the whole story, how ‘and for ‘what’ reason the Princess
Giauhara had. thus revenged herself for ‘the ill-treatment oe Kine:
Saleh towards the king of Samandal, her father: |. : ae
‘The king had less ‘difficulty in bélieving- ‘this ’ assértion of “the:
queen in that he knew her to: be ‘a skilful magician, one of the
greatest in the world. And as she knew’ everything which’ took:
place, he was always by her means timely informed of ‘the designs -
of the kings’ his neighbours: against him, and: pievented’ them. - His
majesty. had - compassion on. the King ‘of: Persia; and earnestly
besought - his queen to. break uy enehog et, that he eet
return to his own form. ~~ eee ee coe

the Princess Giauhara s 39


The queen consented ‘to it’ with ‘great willingness. ‘Sir,’ ‘said.
she’ to. the’ King, ‘be pleased’ to take thé bird into ‘your room, and’
I will show you-a king worthy of the consideration you have for’
lim’. The bird, which had.céased eating, and. attended to: what:
the -king and queen said; would not give his majesty the trouble’
te. take him,. but hopped: into the room’ before him ; and. the queen:
came its soon” after, with a: vessel full of water’ in her hand. She
proriounced: over’ the vessel some words unknown to the king, till. the
water? began to. boil, when shé.took some of it in her hand, and,
sprinkling’ a little: upon the: bird, said,’ ‘By virtue of these holy and-
mysterious. words I have just pronounced, quit that form of a bird,:
oe ‘reassume that which thou hast teceived: from: thy ‘Creator.’

The-words were’ scarcely out of the’ quéen’s niouth, when, instead?
of a bird, the king saw a young prince. King Beder immediately:
fell:on his linees, and thanked God’ forthe favour that had been
bestowed ‘upon him.» Then. he took the-king’s hand, who helped’
him~ up, Jand ‘kissed Jit’ in token ' of gratitudé; but. the king
embraced: him with great’ joy. -He would.’then’ have made’ his-
acknowledgments: to. the ‘queen, but she had alréady retired to- her’
apartment. The king made him sit- at. the’ table :with him, ‘and,
after dinnet.was over, prayed’ him- to . relate “how. the Princess
Giauhara could have had:.the inhumanity. to ‘transform into a’ bird-
so amiable.a. prince ashe was; andthe King of Persia immediately’
told him. “When he had done, the king; provoked ‘at:the. proceeding
of the princess, could ‘not help blaming: het. : ‘It-was commendable,’
said he, ‘in the Princess of Samandal to feel hurt at:the king “her
father’s. ill-treatment; but to \carry~ her -vengeance -so far, and:
especially against a prince who: was not guilty; was. what ‘she will:
never: be able to justify “herself for. » But let'us. have done’ with:
this. EC ONiss: and tell. nes Te beseech you, in what: I ‘can’ ‘farther!
serve ,.you.’ me SS gee ar ie =

SUSire daswered ide: Beder,‘ my dbligation to~ your. majesty is:

AO ¥¥ Prince Beder and

so great, that I ought to remain with you all my life to testify
my gratitude; but since your majesty sets no limits to your
generosity, I entreat you to grant me one of your ships to trans-
port me to Persia, where I fear my absence, which has been but
too long, may have occasioned some disorder, and that the queen
my mother, from whom I concealed my departure, may be dead
of grief, under the uncertainty whether I am alive or dead.’

The king granted what he desired with the best grace
imaginable, and immediately gave orders for equipping one of his
largest ships, and the best sailer in his numerous fleet. The
ship was soon furnished with all its crew, provisions, and am-
munition; and as soon as ‘the wind, became fair, King Beder
embarked, after having taken leave of the dene, and thanked him
for all his favours.

The ship sailed before the wind for ten days: on the eleventh
day the wind changed, and becoming very violent, there followed a
furious tempest.. The ship was not only driven out of its course,
but so violently tossed, that all its masts went by the board ; and
driving along at the pleasure of the wind, it at length struck
against a rock and split open.

The greater part of the people were instantly drowned. Some
few were saved by swimming, and others by getting on pieces
of the wreck. King Beder was among the latter, and, after
having been tossed about for some time by the waves and currents,
he at length perceived himself near the shore, and not far from
a city that seemed large. He exerted his remaining strength
to reach the land, ‘and was. at length fortunate to come so
near as to be able to touch the ground with his feet. He imme-
diately abandoned his piece of wood, which had been of so great
service to him ; but when he came near the shore he was greatly
surprised to see horses, camels, mules, asses, oxen, cows, bulls, and:
other animals crowding to the shore to oppose his landing. He

the Princess Giauhara : oR AT.


had the utmost difficulty to conquer their obstinacy and force his
way; but at length he succeeded, and sheltered himself among
the rocks till he had recovered his breath, and dried his clothes
in the sun.

“When the prince advanced to enter the city, he met ath the
same opposition from these animals, who seemed to want to make
him understand that it was dangerous to proceed.

King Beder, however, got into the city soon after, and saw many
fair and spacious streets, but was surprised to find no man there.
This made him think it was not without cause that so many animals
had opposed his passage. Going forward, nevertheless, he observed
several shops open, which gave him reason to believe the place was
not so destitute of inhabitants as he imagined. He approached one
of these shops, where several sorts of fruits were exposed to sale, and
saluted very courteously an old man that was sitting there.

The old man, who was busy about something, lifted: up his head,
and seeing a youth who had an appearance of grandeur, started, and
asked him whence he came, and what business had brought him
there. King Beder satisfied him in a few words; and the old man.
further asked him if he had met anybody on the road: ‘You are the.
first person I have seen, answered. the king; ‘and I cannot compre-:
hend how so fine and large a city comes to be without inhabitants.’

‘Come in, sir; stay no longer upon the threshold, replied the-
old man, ‘or peradventure some misfortune may happen to you.. I

will satisfy your curiosity at leisure, and give you the reason why
it is necessary you should take this precaution.’ ;

King Beder would not be bidden twice: he entered the shop, and.
sat down by the old man: ‘The latter knew. he must want food, there-
fore immediately presented him with what was necessary to recover
his strength; and although King Beder was very anxious to know
why he had taken the précaution to make him enter the shop,
the old man nevertheless would not tell him anything till he had.

A2 yr - Prince Beder and

cere eel 5
done eating, for fear the sad ‘things~he had to relate might ‘take:
away his appetite. -At-last he: him, “You have great reason
to. thank God you ‘got hither. without.any misfortune.’

‘ Alas ! Hae ee aie Bee ee much surprise vand
alarmed... ~ ;

. ‘Because,’ averted ne ‘this cee is ie fhe City e Ane
and is governed not by a king, but by a queen, who is. a notorious:
and.dangerous sorceress. _ You will be convinced of this,’ added he,
‘when you know that these horses, mules, and other animals that: you
have seer are so. many men, like. you and me, ‘whom she has trans=
formed by her. diabolical art... And: when young men like you enter,
the city, she has persons stationed to stop and bring them,. either by:
fair» means or. force, before her. “She receives them. in’ the most:
obliging manner; she caresses. them, regales ‘them, and lodges them?
magnificently. But she:does not'suffer them long to: enjoy'this happi-.
ness. There is of them’ whom she has not. transformed. into
some animal or bird at.the end of forty. days. You told'me all these?
animals opposed your. landing .and entering the city.. This’ was»
the only way they could make you comprehend the danger. you.
were going. to expose ve to, ane a did all in their power
to. save you.’ ;

“This account een afflicted a young - Ride oe Pata
‘Alas!’ cried he, ‘to what extremities has. my ill- fortune: reduced
me!..I am hardly ‘freed from one’ enchantment, which’ I look.
back upon: with horror, but I find. myself exposed .to. another
much more terrible’ ‘This gave him’occasion to. relate his story:
to the old man more at length, and to acquaint him with his birth,
quality,. his fallingin: love with the Princess. of Samandal, and
her. cruelty in. changing him. into. a bird the yee moment. he: Bes
seen her. and - declared : his love to her.: a Pe : :

When the” ‘prince cameto speak. of ine ‘Sond voane in anaes:
a.queen who broke the’ enchantment, the:.old man, to: encourage.”

the Princess Giauhara we 43

him, said, ‘Notwithstanding all I told you of the magic queen,
that ought not to give you the least disquiet, since I am generally
beloved throughout the city, and) am not unknown to the queen
herself, who has’ much respect for me; therefore it was singularly
fortunate that you-addressed yourself to me rather than elsewhere.
You are sécure in. my house, where I advise you to continue, if
you think fit; and provided you do not stray from hence, I dare
assure you you will have no just cause to complain; so that. you:
are under no sort of constraint whatsoever.’

King Beder thanked the old man for his kind tention, and.
the. protection he was pleased - so readily to afford him. - He sat
down-at the entrance of the shop, where he no Sooner appeared’
than his youth and handsome looks drew the eyes of all that passed
that: way. Many stopped and complimented the old man on his
having acquired. so fine a slave, as they imagined the king to be;
and they were the more surprised, because they could ‘not eens
prehend how - so*-beautiful’ a -youth could escape the. queen’s..
knowledge. ‘Believe not,’ said the old man, ‘that this is a slave ;
you all know that I am not rich enough. He is my nephew, son:
of a brother of mine that is dead; and as al had’ no ee of

_my own, I sent for him to.keep me company.’

They congratulated his good fortune in having so fine a young
man for his relation; but could: not help telling him they feared
the queen would take him from him. ‘You know her well, said.
they, ‘and you cannot be ignorant of the danger to which you are
exposed, after all the examples you have seen.. How grieved
would you be if she: should sérve, him as she has done so > many
others that we know of!” - :

‘I am obliged to you,’ replied the old man, ‘for your good:
will towards me, and I heartily thank you for your care ; but I shall
never entertain the léast thought that the queen will do me any.
injury, after all the kindness she has- professed In- case:


44 anit . Prince Beder and

she happens to hear of this young man, and speaks to me about
him, I doubt not she will cease to think of him, so soon as she
comes to know he is my nephew.’

The old man was exceedingly glad to hear the commendations
they bestowed on the young King of Persia. He became as
fond of him. as if he had been his own son. They had lived
about a month together, when, King Beder sitting at the shop-
door, after his ordinary manner, Queen Labe (so was this magic
queen named) happened to come by with great pomp. The
young king no sooner perceived the guards coming before her,
than he arose, and, going into the shop, asked the old man what
‘all that show meant. ‘The queen is coming by, answered he,
‘but stand still and fear nothing.’

The queen’s guards, clothed in purple uniform, and well armed
and mounted, marched in four files, with their sabres drawn, to_
the number of a thousand, and every one.of their officers, as. they
passéd by the shop, saluted the old man: then followed a like
number habited in brocaded silk, and better mounted, whose officers
did the old man the like honour. Next came as many young.
ladies on foot, equally beautiful, richly dressed, and set off with
precious stones. They marched gravely, with half pikes in their
hands; and in the midst of them appeared Queen Labe, on a horse
glittering with diamonds, with a golden saddle, and a harness ot —
inestimable value. - All the young ladies saluted the old man as
they passed by him; and the queen, struck with the good. mien
of King Beder, stopped as soon as she came hefore the shop..
‘Abdallah’ (so was the old man named), said she to him, ‘tell me,
I beseech thee, does that beautiful and charming slave belong to,
thee ? and is it long that thou hast been in possession of him ?’

Abdallah, before he answered the queen, threw himself on. the.

. . ground, and rising again, said, ‘Madam, it is my nephew, son of

a brother I had, who has not long been dead. Having no children, 'I:

the Princess Giauhara oa 45


look upon him as my son, and sent for him to come arid comfort
me, intending to leave him what I have when I die.’

Queen Labe, who had never yet seen anyone to compare with
King Beder, thought immediately of getting the old'mari to abandon
him to her. ‘Father, quoth she, ‘will you not oblige -me so far
as to make me a present of this young man? ~ Dé" not refuse: me,
I. conjure you; and I swear by the fire and the “fight, I will make
him so great and powerful that no individual’ in the world ever
arrived at such good fortune. Although my purpose were to do
evil to all mankind, yet he shall be the sole exception. I trust
you will grant me what I desire, more on the account of the
friendship I know you have for me, than for the esteem you know
I always had, and shall ever have for you.’

‘Madam,’ replied the good Abdallah, ‘I am infinitely obliged
to your majesty for all your kindness, and the honours you propose
to do my nephew. He is not worthy to approach so great a
queen, and I hunibly beseech your majesty to excuse him,’

‘Abdallah, replied the queen, ‘I all along flattered myself you
loved me; and I could never have thought you would have given
me so evident a token of your slighting my request. But I here
swear once more by the fire and light, and even by whatsoever
is most sacred in my religion, that I will pass on no farther ©
till I have conquered your obstinacy. I understand very well
what raises your apprehensions; but I promise you. shall never -
have any occasion to repent having obliged me in so sensible
a manner.’

Old Abdallah was exceedingly grieved, both on his own account
and King Beder’s, for being in a manner forced to obey the queen.
‘Madam,’ replied he, ‘I would not willingly have your . majesty

entertain an ill opinion of the respect I have for you, and my zeal
always to do whatever I can to oblige you. I put, entire confidence
in your royal word, and I do not in the least doubt but you will


46 Prince Beder and

— i = =

keep it, I only beg of your majesty to delay doing Be: great
honour to my. nephew till- you shall again pass this -way.’-

-¢ That -shall be to-morrow,’ -said the queen, who inclined her
head, as a, token of pepe: ee and so went forward Soa
her palace. -- 2 ; a

When Queen, ‘Labe and all her attendants - were out of sight, the
good. Abdallah said ‘to King: Beder; ‘Son; (for so he: was, wont to
call him, for. fear*of some time or, other betraying him when he
spoke of him in -public), ‘it has not. been in my power, as you
may have observed, to refuse the queen what she demanded ‘of
me with-so great earnestness, for fear 1, might force ‘her to employ
her magic both. against you and myself openly or secretly, and
treat’ you, as much from: resentment to you as to me, with more
signal cruelty ‘than all those she has had in her power ‘before.
But.I haye some reason to believe she will treat ‘you. well, as she
promised, on: account of that. particular esteem she- professes for,
me. This‘you may have seen by- the respect shown, and the honours
paid me by all her court.. She would be a fiendish creature indeed,
if she should deceive ine ; but she shall, not deceive me uprevenged,
for I‘know how to: be even ‘with her.’ ae >
_‘Fhese assurances, | * which eoeerei very - - doubtful, : 2 Sele onot
‘sufficient to raise King Beder’s spirits. £ After all you have. told
me; of this’ queen’s wickedness, replied he, ‘you cannot wonder

_if I-am’somewhat fearful to: ‘approach her: I might, it may be, make
little of all you could tell me. of her, did not know by experience
what it is to be at the mercy of a sorceress. The condition I was
in, through. the enchantment ‘of the Princess-Giauhara, and from
whence 1. was- delivered only. to- enter. almost ay into
another, has made ‘me*look upon. such a fate with horrors. 8"

§Son; ‘replied old Abdallah, ‘do not afflict yourself ;. for euch
I must. own: there is no. great’ faith to be put in the .promisés
and oaths of -SO perfidious a- queen, yet I; must. withal: tell. you

the Princess Giauhara we 47


that her power extends. me, . She knows’ it well herself; and
that is the reason, and no other, that she pays me such great respect.
I-can quickly hinder-her. from doing you the. least harm, if she
should be perfidious enough to:attempt it You may depend upon
me; .and, provided you follow. exactly the advice I shall give you
before I hand -you over to her, she shall have: - “no more Bowe
ever you than she las over me ; :
‘The magic. queen did -not fail to pass by ite Bae man’s ae
the next day, with the same: pomp: as the day before; and. Abdallah
waited for her with great. respect. . ‘Father, cried she, stopping just
before him, ‘you may judge of my impatience to have your nephew
with-me, by my punctual coming to put you in mind of your promise.
I ‘know you are_a man of. voy word, and IT cannot think you will
break it with me’ ee og
Abdallah, who fell on is face as soon.'as he saw ie queen
approaching, rose up. when she had done. speaking ; and ,'as’ he
wanted nobody to hear what he had a mind to say. to her, he
advanced with great respect as.far as” her: horse’s head, and then
said softly, ‘Powerful queen! I am persuaded your, majesty “will
not be offended at my seeming unwillingness to trust my nephew
with you yesterday, since -you ‘cannot be ignorant of the. reasons
I had for it; but I implore you to lay. aside the secrets. of
that art Which you- possess in so wonderful a degree. I regard
my nephew as my own’ son; and. your majesty. would: reduce
me ‘to despair. if -you. should saead with him as you have done
with others’: . pe ass

‘fr promise you I will bee ee the.. queen ; _ and. I once
more repeat the oath I made yesterday, that: neither you nor -your
nephew. shall have.any cause to be offended-with-me, I. see plainly,’
added: she, ‘you are not yet’ well enough. acquainted with me; you
never saw’ me yet but through a veil; but as I find your nephen
worthy of my friendship, I will show you' l-am not in any way

48 nie Prince Beder and


unworthy of his’ With that she threw off her veil and showed King
Beder, who came near her with Abdallah, incomparable beauty.
But King Beder was little charmed. ‘It is not enough,’ said he
within himself, ‘to be beautiful ; one’s actions ought to correspond.’
Whilst King Beder was making these reflections, with his
eyes fixed on Queen ‘Labe, the old man turned towards him, and
taking him by the arm, presented him to her majesty. ‘Here
he is, madam,’ said he,‘and I beg of your majesty once more to
remember he is my nephew, and to-let him come and see me some-
times” The queen promised he should; and to give a further
mark of her gratitude, she caused a bag of a thousand pieces of
gold to be given him. He excused himself at first from receiving
them, but she insisted absolutely upon it, and he could not refuse
her. She had caused a horse to be brought (as richly harnessed
as her own) for the King of Persia. a
When King Beder was mounted,: he would have taken his
place behind the queen, but she would not suffer him, and made
him ride on her left hand. She looked at Abdallah, and after
having made him an inclination with her head, she set forward
on her march. - é a
Instead of observing a satisfaction in the people’s faces at the
sight of their sovereign, King Beder took notice that they looked
at her with contempt, and even cursed her. ‘The sorceress,’ said
some, ‘has got a’ new subject to exercise ‘her wickedness upon:
will Heaven never deliver the world from her tyranny?’ ‘Poor
stranger!’ cried out others, ‘thou art much. deceived if thou -
thinkest thine happiness will last long. It is only to render thy
fall most terrible that thou art raised so high. This talk gave
King Beder to understand that Abdallah had told him nothing
but, the truth of Queen Labe: it now depended no longer
on himself to escape the mischief, he committed himself to divine
Providence and: the will of. Heaven respecting his: fate.

~ the Princess Giauhara & 49

‘The. magic queen arrived at her palace; she alighted, and
giving her hand to King Beder, entered with him, accompanied
-by her women and the officers. She herself showed him all her»
apartments, where there was nothing to be seen but massy gold,
precious stones, and furniture of wonderful magnificence. Then she
led him out into a balcony, from whence he observed a garden
of surprising beauty. _King Beder commended all he saw, but so
that he might not be discovered to be any other than old Abdallah’s
nephew. They discoursed of indifferent matters, till the queen
was informed that dinner was upon the table.

The quéen and King Beder arose, and sat down at the table,
which was of massy gold, and the dishes of the same metal. They
began to eat, but drank hardly:at all till the dessert. came, when the
queen. caused a cup to be filled for her with excellent wine. She
took it and drank to King Beder’s health; and then, without
putting it out of her hand, caused it to be filled again, and pre:
sented it to him. ..King Beder received it. with profound respect,

~ and’ by atvery low bow signified to her : may that he in return
‘drank: to her health.

At the same time ten of) ee, Labe’s women entered. with
' musical instruments; with which. ‘they made: an agreeable concert.
At length both. began so to be. heated with wine, that King Beder
forgot he had to do with a magic queen, and looked upon her
only as the most beautiful queen he ever saw.

Next morning the women who. had served the king presented him
with fine linen and a magnificent robe. The queen likewise, who was
more splendidly dressed than the day: before, came to receive him,

_ and they went together to her apartments, where they had a good
repast brought them, and spent the remainder of the day in walking
in the garden, and in various other amusements.
Queen Labe treated King Beder after this manner for forty days, as
she had been accustomed: to do:to:all.the others. The fortieth night


50 Bx Prince Beder and
. : = eee
_ she arose without making any noise and came into his room; but he
was awake, and perceiving she had some design upon him, watched
all her motions. She opened a chest, from whence she took a little
box full of a.certain yellow powder; taking some of the powder, she
laid a train of it across the chamber, and it immediately flowed in a
rivulet of water, to the great astonishment of King Beder. He
trembled with fear, but still pretended to sleep, that the sorceress
might not discover he was awake. ,

Queen Labe next took up some of the water in a vessel, and
poured it into a basin, where there was flour, with which she made
a paste, and kneaded it for a long time: then she mixed with it
certain drugs, which she took from different boxes, and made a cake,
which she put into a covered baking-pan. As she had taken care
first of all to make a good fire, she took some of the coals, and set
the pan upon them ; and while the cake was baking, she put up the
vessels and boxes in their places again; and on her pronouncing
certain words, the rivulet, which ran along the end of the room,
appeared no more. When the cake was baked, she took it off the
coals, and carried it into her room, without the least suspicion that
he had seen anything of what she had done,

King: Beder, whom the pleasures and amusements of a court
had made forget his good host Abdallah, began now to think of
him again, and believed he had more than ordinary occasion for his
advice, after all he had ‘seen the queen do that night, As soon as
he was up, therefore, he expressed a great desire to go and see his
uncle, and begged her majesty to permit him. ‘What! my dear
Beder,’ cried the queen, ‘are you then already tired, I will not say
with living in so superb a palace as mine is, where you must find
so many pleasures, but with the company of a queen who is so
fond of you as I am?’

Great queen!’ answered King Beder, ‘how can I be tired a
so many favours and. graces as your majesty perpetually heaps upon

the Princess Giauhara | bs 51


me? I must own, however, it is partly for this reason, that, my
uncle loving me so tenderly, as I well know he does, and I having
been absent from him now forty days, without once seeing him, I
would not give him reason to think that I consent to remain longer
without seeing him.’ -

‘Go, said the queen, ‘you have my consent ;. but do not be
long before you return.’ This said, she ordered him a horse richly
caparisoned, and he departed.

Old Abdallah was overjoyed to. see King Beder; he embraced
him tenderly, and King Beder did the same. As soon as they had
sat down, ‘Well, said Abdallah to the king, ‘how have you been,
and how have you passed your time with that infidel sorceress?’

‘Hitherto,’ answered King Beder, ‘I must needs own she has
been extraordinarily kind to me, but I observed something last night
which gives me just’ reason to suspect that all her kindness hitherto
is but dissimulation” He related to Abdallah how and after what
manner he had seen her make the cake; and then added, ‘ Hitherto,
I must needs confess I had almost forgotten, not only you, but all
the advice you gave me concerning the wickedness of this queen ;
but this last action of hers gives me reason to fear she does not
intend to observe any of her promises or solemn oaths to you. I
thought of you immediately, and I esteem myself happy in that
I have obtained permission to come to you,’

‘You are not mistaken, replied old Abdallah with a smile,
which showed he did not -himself believe she would have acted
otherwise, ‘nothing is capable of obliging a treacherous person to
amend. But fear nothing. I know the way to make the mischief
she intends for you fall upon herself, You are alarmed in time;
and you could not have done better than to have recourse to me.
It is her ordinary practice to keep her lovers only forty days, and
after that time, instead of sending them home, to turn them into
animals, to stock her forests and parks; but I thought of measures

E 2


me a | Pe, Prince Beder and

yesterday to prevent her doing you the same harm. The earth
has borne this monster long enough, and it is now high time she
should be treated as she deserves.’

So saying, Abdallah put two cakes into King Beder’s hands,
bidding him keep them to make use of as he should direct. ‘You
told me,’ continued he, ‘the sorceress made a cake last night ; it was
for you to eat, depend upon it ; but take great care you do not touch
it. Nevertheless, do not Meni to receive it when she offers it you ;
but instead of tasting it, break off part of one of the two I shall
give you, unobserved, and eat that. As soon as she thinks you have
swallowed it, she will not fail to attempt transforming you into
some animal, but she will not succeed ; when she sees that she will
immediately turn the thing into a joke, as if what she had done
was only to frighten you. But she will conceal a mortal grief
in her heart, and think she omitted something in the. composition
of her cake. As for the other cake, you shall make a present of
it to her and press her to eat it; which she will not refuse to do,
were it only to convince you ae does: not mistrust you, though
she has given you so much reason to mistrust her. When she has
eaten of it, take a little water in the hollow of your hand, and
throwing it: in her face, say, “Quit that form you now wear, and
take that of such and such an animal” as you think fit; which
done, come to me with the animal, and I will tell you what you
shall do afterwards.’

King Beder thanked Abdallah in the most expressive terms, and
took his leave of him and returned to the palace. Upon his arrival,
he understood that the queen waited for him with great impatience
‘in the garden. He went to her, and she no. sooner perceived him,
than she came in great haste to meet him. ‘My dear. Beder!’
said she, ‘it seems ages: since I have been separated from you.
If you had stayed ever so little longer, I was. preparing to come
and fetch you.’

the Princess Giauhara oR 5 3


‘Madam, replied King Beder, ‘I can assure your majesty I
was no less impatient to rejoin you; but I could not refuse to
stay a little longer with an uncle that loves me, and had not seen
me for so long a time. He would have kept. me still longer, but
I tore myself away from him, to come where love calls me. Of
all he prepared for me, I have only brought away this cake, which
I desire your majesty to accept.’ King Beder had wrapped up one
of the two cakes in a handkerchief very neatly, took it out, and
presented it to the queen, saying, ‘I beg your majesty to accept it.’

. ‘I do accept it with all my-heart,’ replied the queen, ‘and will
eat it with pleasure for your and your good uncle’s sake; but before
I taste it, I desire you for my sake to eat a piece of this, which
I have made for you during your absence.’

‘Fair queen, answered King Beder, receiving it with great respect,
“I cannot sufficiently acknowledge the favour you do me’ .

King Beder then artfully substituted in the place of the queen’s
cake the other which dld Abdallah had given him, and having broken
off a piece, he put it in his mouth, and cried, while he was eating,
‘Ah! queen, I never tasted anything so charming in my life.’

' Being near a cascade, as the sorceress saw him swallow one bit of
the cake, and ready to eat another, she took a little the
palm of her hand, throwing it in the king’s face, said, ‘Wretch!
quit that form of a man, and - take that of a vile horse, blind
and lame.’

These words -not Having the desired effect, the sorceress’ was

: strangely surprised to find King Beder still: in. the same form, and
that he only started for fear. Her cheeks reddened; and as she
saw that she had missed her aim, ‘Dear Beder, cried she, ‘this is
nothing; recover yourself. I did not intend you any a I a
did it to see what you would say,’

: ‘Powerful queen,’ replied King Beder, ‘persuaded as I. am that
what your majesty did was only to divert yourself, yet I could not

54 ome Prince Beder and
help being surprised. But, madam,’ continued he, ‘let us drop this,
and since I have eaten your cake, would you do me the favour
to taste mine?’ .
Queen Labe, who could not better justify herself than by show-
ing this mark of confidence in the King of Persia, broke off a
piece of his cake, and ate it. She had no sooner swallowed it
than she appeared much troubled, and remained as it were motion-
less. King Beder lost no time, but took water out of the same
basin, and throwing it ‘in “her face, cried, ‘Abominable sorceress !
quit that form of a woman, and be turned instantly into a mare,’
The same instant Queen Labe was transformed into a very
beautiful mare; and her confusion’ was so great to find herself in
that condition, that she shed tears in great abundance, which perhaps
no mare before had ever been known to do. She bowed her head
to the feet of King Beder, thinking to move him to compassion ;
but though he could have been so moved, it was absolutely out
of his power the mischief he had done. He led her into
the stable belonging to the palace, and put her into the hands of
a groom, to bridle and saddle; but of all the bridles which the
groom tried upon her, not one would fit her. This made him cause
two horses to be saddled, one for the groom, and the other for
himself; and the groom led the mare after him to old Abdallah’s,
Abdallah, seeing at a distance King Beder coming with the
mare, doubted not. but he had done what he advised him.
‘Hateful sorceress!’ said he immediately to himself in a transport
of joy, ‘Heaven has at length punished thee as thou deservest.’
King Beder alighted at Abdallah’s door, and entered the shop,
embracing and ‘thanking him for all the signal services he had
done him. He related to him the whole matter, and told him
that he could find no bridle fit for the mare. Abdallah, who had
one for every horse, bridled the mare himself, and as soon as
King Beder had sent back the groom with the two horses, he

the Princess Giauhara — ESS


said to him, ‘My lord, you’ have no reason to stay any longer in
this city: mount the mare, and return to your kingdom. I have
but one thing more to recommend to you; and that is, if you

' should_ever happen to part with the mare, be sure not to give

up the bridle.” King Beder promised to remember it; and having
taken leave of the good old man, he departed. —

- The young King of Persia no sooner got out of the city, than
he began to reflect with joy on the deliverance he had had, and
that he had the sorceress in his power, who had given him so
much cause to tremble. Three days after he arrived at a great
city, where, entering the suburbs, he met a venerable old man.
‘Sir,’ said the old man, stopping him, ‘may I presume to ask from
what part of the world you come?’ The king stopped to tell
him, and as they were discoursing together, an old woman came
up; who, stopping likewise, wept and sighed bitterly at the sight
of the mare.

King Beder and the old'man left off discoursing, to look at
the old woman, whom the king asked what cause she had to
lament so much, ‘Alas! sir, replied she, ‘it is because your mare
resembles. so perfectly one my‘ son had, which I still mourn the
loss of on his account. I should think yours were the same, did
I not know she was dead. Sell her to me, I beseech you: I ae
give you more than she is worth, and thank you too.’

“Good woman,’ replied King Beder, ‘I am _ heartily sorry I
cannot comply with your request: my mare is not to be sold.’

, ‘Alas! sir, continued the old woman, ‘do not refuse me this
favour. My son and I will Pa die with grief if you do not
grant it,

‘Good mother replied the ne ‘I would grant it with all my
heart, if I was disposed to part with so good a beast; but if I
were so disposed, I believe you would hardly give a thousand
pieces of gold for her, and I could not sell her for less.’

56 Prince Beder and


‘Why should I not. give so much?’ replied the old woman: ‘if
that be the lowest price, you need only say you will take it, and
I wiil fetch you the money.’

King Beder, seeing the old woman so Acne dressed, could
not imagine she could find the money; therefore to try her, he
said, ‘Go, fetch me the money, and the mare is yours.’ The old
woman immediately unloosed a purse. she had fastened to. her
girdle, and desiring him to alight, bade him tell over the money,
and in case he found it came short of the sum demanded, she
said her house was not far off, and she could quickly fetch the rest.

The surprise of King Beder, at the sight of this purse, was
not small. <‘Good woman,’. said he, ‘do you not perceive I
have been bartering you all this while? I assure you my mare
is not to be sold,’ :

The old man, who had been witness to all that was said, now
began to speak. ‘Son, quoth he to King Beder, ‘it is necessary
you should know one thing, which I find you are ignorant of;
and that is, that in this city it is not permitted to any one to
tell a lie, on any account whatsoever, on pain of death. You
cannot refuse taking this good woman's money, and delivering
your mare, when she gives you the sum according to the agree-
ment; and this you had better do without any noise, than expose
yourself to what may. happen.’

- King Beder, sorely afflicted to find himself thus trapped by his
rash offer, alighted with great regret. The old woman stood ready
to seize the bridle, aid immediately ‘unbridled the mare, and
taking some water in her hand, from a stream that ran in the
middle of the street, she threw it in the mare’s face, uttering these
words, ‘ Daughter;, quit that strange shape, and re-assume thine
own. The transformation was effected in a moment, and King
Beder, who soon as he saw Queen Labe appear, would
have fallen to the ground, if the old man had not caught him.

ee eS eT ee Te eT ee ee,

the Princess Giauhara ae Se: me o7


The old woman, who was mother to Queen Labe, and had

instructed her in all her magic secrets, had no sooner embraced

her daughter, than to show her fury, she whistled. | Immediately
rose a genie of gigantic form and stature. This genie took King
Beder on one shoulder, and the old woman with the magic queen
on the other, and transported them in a. few minutes to the palace
of Queen Labe in the City of Enchantments.

The magic queen immediately fell upon King Beder, ‘Is it
thus, ungrateful wretch, said she, ‘that thou and thy unworthy
uncle repay. me for all the kindnesses I have done for you?
I shall soon make you both feel what you deserve.’ She said no
more, but taking water in her hand, threw it in his face with these
words, ‘Come out of that shape, and take that of a vile owl.’ These
words were followed by the effect, and immediately she commanded
one of her women to shut up the owl in a cage, and give him neither
meat nor drink.

The woman took the cage, and without regarding what the
queen ordered, gave him both meat and drink ; and being old
Abdallah’s friend, she sent him word privately how the queen
had treated his nephew, and of her design to destroy both him |
and King. Beder, that he ieee give orders to prevent it and
save himself. ‘

Abdallah knew no common measures ould do with Queen
Labe: he therefore did but whistle after a certain manner, and
there immediately arose a vast giant, with four wings, who, pre-
senting himself before him, asked. what he wanted. ‘Lightning,’
said Abdallah to him (for so was the genie called), ‘I command
you to preserve the life of King Beder, son of Queen Gulnare.
Go to the palace of the magic queen, and transport immediately
to the capital of Persia the compassionate woman who has the
cage in custody, so that. she may inform Queen Gulnare of the ©
danger the king her son is in, and the occasion he has for her

58 Prince Beder and

— i.

assistance. Take care not to frighten her. when you come before
her and tell her from me what she ought to do.’

Lightning immediately disappeared, and got in an instant
to the palace of the magic queen. He instructed the woman, lifted
her up into the air, and transported her to the capital of Persia,
where he placed her on the terrace near the apartment where Queen
Gulnare was. She went downstairs to the apartment, and she
there found Queen Gulnare and Queen Farasche her mother
lamenting their misfortunes. She made them a profound obeisance
and they soon understood the great need that King Beder was in
of their assistance.

Queen Gulnare was so overjoyed at the news, that rising from
her seat, she went and embraced the good woman, telling her how
much she was obliged to her for the service she had done.

Then immediately going out, she commanded the trumpets to
_sound, and the drums to beat, to acquaint the city that the King
of Persia would. suddenly return safe to his kingdom. She then
went again, and found King Saleh her brother, whom Queen Farasche
had caused to come speedily thither by a certain. fumigation.
‘Brother, said she to him, ‘the king your nephew, my dear son,
is in the City of Enchantments, under the power of Queen Labe
Both you and I must go to deliver him, for there time to’
be lost.’ 2

King Saleh forthwith assembled a powerful body of his marine
troops, who soon rose out of the sea. He also called to his assistance
the genies, his allies, who appeared with a much more numerous
army than his own. As soon as the two armies were joined, he put
himself at the head of them, with Queen Farasche, Queen Gulnare,
and the princesses. They then lifted themselves up into the air, and
soon poured down’on the palace and City of Enchantments, where
the magic queen, her mother, and all the adorers of fire, were
destroyed in an instant. .. —

the Princess Giauhara HB 590


Queen Gulnare had ordered the woman who brought her the
news of Queen Labe’s transforming and imprisoning her son to
follow her closely, and bade her go, and in the confusion, seize the
cage, and bring it to her. This order was executed as she wished,
and Queen Gulnare was no sooner in possession of the cage than she
opened it and took out the owl, saying, as she sprinkled a little
water upon him, ‘My dear son, quit that strange form, and resume
thy natural one of a man.’

In a moment Queen Gulnare no more saw the hideous owl, but
King Beder her son.. She immediately embraced him with an
excess of joy. She could not find in her heart to let him go; and
Queen Farasche was obliged to force him from her in her turn.
After her, he was likewise embraced by the king his uncle and
his relations.

Queen Gulnare’s first care was to look out for old Abdallah, to
whom she had been indebted for the recovery of the King of Persia.
When he was brought to her, she said, ‘My obligations to. you, sir,
have been so great, that there is nothing in my power that I would
not freely do for you, as a toeen of my acknowledgment. Do but
tell me in what I can serve you.’

©Great queen,’ replied Abdallah, ‘if the lady whom I sent to your
majesty will but consent to the marriage I offer her, and the King of
Persia will give me leave to reside at his court, I will spend the
remainder of my days in his service. :

Then the queen turned to the lady, who was present, and
finding that she was not averse to the match proposed, she caused
them to join hands, and the King of Persia and she took care
of their welfare.

This marriage occasioned the King of Persia to speak thus to
‘the queen: ‘Madam, said he, ‘I am heartily glad of this match

_which your majesty has just made. There remains one more, which
I desire you to think of?’ :


60 Be Prince Beder and

Queen Gulnare did not at first comprehend what marriage he
meant; but after a little considering, she said, ‘Of yours, you
mean, son? I consent to it with all my heart.’ Then turning, and
looking on her brother’s sea attendants, and the genies who were
still present, ‘Go, said she, ‘and traverse both sea and land, to
find out the most lovely and ,amiable princess, worthy of the king
my. son, and come and tell us.’

‘Madam, replied King Beder, ‘it is to no purpose for them to
take all that pains. You have no doubt heard that I have already
given my heart to the Princess of Samandal. I have seen her, and
do not repent of the present I then made her. In a word, neither
earth nor sea, in my opinion, can furnish a princess like her. It is
true that she treated me in a way that would have extinguished any
affection less strong than mine. But I hold her excused ; she could
not treat me with less rigour, after I had had the king her father
imprisoned. But it may be the King of Samandal has changed
his mind; and his daughter the princess may consent to love me
when she sees her father has agreed to it.’

‘Son, replied Queen Gulnare, ‘if only the Princess Giauhara
can make you happy, it is not my design to oppose you. The
king your uncle need only have the King of Samandal brought,
and we shall soon see whether he be still of the same untract-
able temper.’

Strictly as the King of Samandal had been kept during his
captivity by King Saleh’s orders, yet he always had great respect
shown him, and was become very familiar with the officers who
guarded him. King Saleh caused a chafing-dish of coals to be
brought, into which he threw a certain composition, uttering at
the ‘same time some mysterious words. As soon as the smoke
began to arise, the palace shook, and immediately the King of
Samandal, with King Saleh’s officers, appeared. The King of
Persia cast himself at the King of Samandal’s feet, and kneeling

the Princess Giauhara ae OI


said, ‘It is no longer King Saleh that demands of your majesty
the honour of your alliance for the King of Persia; it is the King
of Persia himself that humbly begs that boon; and I am sure
your majesty will not persist in being the cause of the death of
a king who can no longer live if he does not share life with the
amiable Princess Giauhara.’

The King of Samandal did not long suffer the King of Persia
to remain at his feet. He embraced him and obliging him to rise,
said, ‘I should be very sorry to have contributed in the least to
the death of a monarch who is so worthy to live. If it be true
that so precious a life cannot be preserved without my daughter, live,
sir, said he, ‘she is yours. She has always been obedient to my
will, and I cannot think she will now oppose it” Speaking these
words, he ordered one of his officers, whom King Saleh had
permitted to be about him, to go and look for the Princess Giauhara,
and bring her to him immediately.

The princess had remained where the King of Persia had left her.
The officer soon perceived her, and brought her with her women.
The King of Samandal embraced her, and said, ‘ Daughter, I have
provided a husband for you; it is the King of Persia you see there,

‘the most accomplished monarch at present in the universe. The
preference he has given you over all other Princesses obliges us both
to express our gratitude.’

‘Sir, replied the Princess Giauhara, ‘your majesty well knows
I never have presumed to disobey your will in anything; I shall
always be ready to obey you; and I hope the King of Persia will
forget my ill-treatment of him, and consider it was duty, not
inclination, that forced me to it.’

The wedding was celebrated in the palace of the City of
Enchantments, with the greater solemnity in that all the lovers
of the magic queen, who resumed their original forms as soon as
ever that queen ceased to live, came to return their thanks to the


62 we | Prince Beder


King of Persia, Queen Gulnare, and King Saleh. They were all
sons of kings or princes, or persons of high rank,

King Saleh at length conducted the King of Samandal to his
dominions, and put him in possession of them. The King of Persia
returned to his capital with Queen Gulnare, Queen Farasche, and
the princesses ; and Queen Farasche and the princesses continued
there till King Saleh came to reconduct them to his kingdom under
the waves of the sea.


* OF INDIA who had three sons.
These, with the princess his niece, were
the ornaments of his court. The eldest
of the princes was called Houssain, the
second Ali, the youngest Ahmed, and
the princess his niece, Nouronnihar.
~The Princess Nouronnihar was the
daughter of the younger brother of
the sultan, to whom the sultan in his

lifetime allowed a considerable revenue. -*

But that prince had nGe been married long before he died, and left,
the princess very young. The sultan, out of brotherly love and
friendship, took upon himself the care of his niece’s education,
and brought her up in his palace with the three princes, where
her singular beauty and personal accomplishments, joined to a

sprightly disposition and irreproachable conduct, distinguished her

among all the princesses of her time.

The sultan, her uncle, proposed to get her married, when she
arrived at a proper age, to some neighbouring prince, and was
thinking seriously about it, when he perceived that the three
princes his sons had all fallen in love with her. He was very much

concerned, owing to the difficulty he foresaw whether the two

: wt

64 =e The Three Princes and

younger would consent to yield to their elder brother. He spoke
to each of them apart; and after having remonstrated on the
impossibility of one princess being the wife of three persons, and
the troubles they would create if they persisted, he did all he could
to persuade them to abide by a declaration of the princess in favour
of one of them; or to suffer her to be married to a foreign prince.
But as he found them. obstinate, he sent for them all together,
and said to them, ‘Children, since I have not been able to persuade
you no longer to aspire to marry the princess your cousin ; and
as I have no inclination to force her to marry any of you, I have
thought of a’plan which will please you all, and preserve union
among ‘you, if you will but follow my advice. I‘ think it would
be best, if every one travelled separately into a different country,
so that you might not meet. each other: and as you know I
delight in every thing that is rare-and singular, I promise my
niece in marriage to hin that. shall bring me the most extra-
ordinary curiosity ; and for travelling expenses, I will give each
of you a sum befitting your’ rank and the” purchase of the
curidsity you search.’

As the three princes were shies submissive and gbedient to
the sultan’s will, and each flattered himself that fortune would
‘favour him, they all consented. The sultan gave them the money
he promised ; and that very day they issued ‘orders in preparation
for their travels, and took leave of the sultan, that they might be
ready to set out early the next-morning. They all went out at
“the same: gate of the city, each dressed like a merchant, attended
‘by a trusty officer dressed like a. slave, all well) mounted and —
equipped: They went’ the first’ day’s journey together; and
slept: at the first inn, where the road divided into : three. different
“tracks. At night when they were at supper together, they agreed
to travel for a year, and to make that inn their rendezvous; that
the first that- came should wait for the rest; that as they had all

the Princess Nouronnihar wis 65


three taken leave together of the sultan, they should all return -
together. The next morning by break of day, after they had
embraced and wished each other good success, they mounted their
horses, and each took a different road.

Prince Houssain, the eldest brother, who had heard wonders
of the extent, strength, riches, and splendour of the kingdom of
Bisnagar, bent his course towards the Indian coast; and, after
three months travelling with different caravans, sometimes over
deserts and barren mountains, and: sometimes through populous
and fertile countries, he arrived at Bisnagar, the capital of the .
‘kingdom of that name and the residence of its king. He lodged
at a khan appointed for foreign merchants; and having learnt that
there were four principal quarters where merchants of all sorts
kept their shops, in the midst of which stood the castle, or rather
the king’s palace, as the centre of the city, surrounded by three
courts, and. each gate two leagues distant from the other, he went
to one of these quarters-the next day.

Prince Houssain could not see this quarter without admiration.
It was large, and divided into several streets, all vaulted and shaded
from the sun, and yet very light. The shops were all of the same
size and proportion; and all that dealt in the same sort of mer-
chandise, as well as the craftsmen, lived in one street.

‘The multitude of shops stocked with the finest linens from i
several parts of India, some painted in the brightest: colours, with
men, landscapes, trees, and’ flowers ; silks and brocades from Persia,
China, and other places ; oreekiin from Japan and China, foot |
carpets of all sizes,—all this surprised him so much that he knew not
how to believe his own eyes; but when he came to the shops of the
goldsmiths and jewellers (for those tw6 trades were exercised by the
same merchants), he was dazzled by the lustre of the pearls, diamonds,
tubies, emeralds, and. other precious stones exposed for sale. But if -
he was amazed at seeing so many riches in one place, he was much

: F

66 Be | The Three Princes: and

more surprised when he came: to judge of the wealth of the whole
kingdom by considering that except the Brahmins and ministers of
the idols, who profess a life retired from worldly vanity, there was not
an Indian, man or woman, through the extent of that kingdom, who
did not wear necklaces, bracelets, and ornaments about their legs and
feet, made of pearls and other precious stones.

Another thing Prince Houssain particularly admired was the
great number of rose-sellers, who crowded the streets ; for the Indians
are such lovers of that flower, that-not one will stir without a nosegay
in his hand, or a garland on his head ; and the merchants keep them
in pots in their shops, so that the air of the whole quarter, however
large, is perfectly perfumed.

After Prince Houssain had run through the eater street by
street, his thoughts fully occupied by. the riches he had seen, he was
very much tired, and a merchant civilly invited sit down in his
shop. He accepted the offer; but had not been seated long before
he saw a crier pass by with a piece of carpet-on his arm, about six
feet square, and cry it at thirty purses. The prince called to the crier,
and asked. to see the carpet, which seemed to him to be valued at an
exorbitant price, not only for its size, but the meanness of the stuff.
When he had examined it well, he told the:crier that he could not
comprehend how so small and poor a piece could be priced so high. |

The crier, who took him for a merchant, replied, ‘Sir, if this price
seems so extravagant to you, your amazement will be- greater when I
tell you I have orders to raise it to forty purses, and not to part with
it for less.’

‘Certainly,’ answered Prince Houssain, ‘it must’ have Comeaae
very extraordinary about it, which I know nothing of.’

‘You have guessed right, sir, replied the crier, ‘and will own

as much when you come to know that whoever sits on this piece of

carpet may be transported in an instant wherever he desires to go
without being stopped by any obstacle.’

the’ Princess N ouronnihar ¢&. 67

i ———

At this the Prince of the Indies, considering that the principal
motive of his journey was to carry some singular curiosity home to
the sultan his father, thought that he could not meet with anything

n=. Sr ~~

which ‘could give him more satisfaction. ‘If the carpet, said he to
the crier, ‘has the virtue you assign it, I shall not think forty purses
too much but shall make you a present besides,’


68 ats . Phe Three. Princes and

‘Sir, replied the crier, ‘I have told you the truth ; and it will be
an easy matter to convince you of it, as soon as you have made the
bargain for forty purses, by experiment. But as I suppose you have
not so much with you, and that I must go with you-to the khan
where you lodge, with the leave of the master of the shop we will go
into his back shop, and I will spread the carpet; and when we have
both sat down, and you have formed the wish to be transported into
your room at the khan, if we are not transported thither it shall be
no bargain. As to your present, as I am paid for my trouble by
the seller, I shall receive it as a favour, and be very much obliged
to you for it’

The prince accepted the conditions, and eonttudied the bargain ;
and having obtained the master’s leave, they went into his back shop;
they both sat down on the carpet, and as soon as the prince wished
to be transported into his: room at the khan, he found himself and
the crier there, and as he wanted no more convincing proof of the
virtue of the carpet, he counted to the crier forty purses of gold, and
gave him twenty pieces. for himself.

In this manner Prince Houssain became the possessor of the

carpet, and was overjoyed that on his arrival at Bisnagar he had
found so rare a treasure, which he never doubted would gain him the ;

Princess Nouronnihar. In short he looked upon it as an impossible
thing for the princes, his younger brothers, to’meet with anything to

compare with it. IH was in his power, by sitting on this carpet, to be

at the place of rendezvous that very day ;. but as he was obliged to
wait for his brothers, as they had agreed, and as: the was curious to
' see the King of Bisnagar and his court, and to learn. about | the laws,
customs, and religion of the kingdom, he chose to make a longer
abode there.

‘It was ‘a custom of the. King of Bisnagar’ to give audience to”
all strange merchants once a week ; and Prince Houssain,. who
remained zucognito, saw him often ; and as he was handsome, clever, ©



the Princess Noutonnihar iB 69


and extremely polite, he easily distinguished himself among the
merchants, and was preferred before them all by the sultan, who
asked him about the Sultan of the Indies, and the government,
strength, and riches of his dominions.

The rest of his time the prince spent in seeing what was most
remarkable in and about the city; and among other things he
visited a temple, all built of brass. It was ten cubits square, and
fifteen high; and the greatest ornament to it was an idol of the
height of a man, of massy gold: its eyes were two rubies, set so
artificially, that it seemed to look at those who looked at it, on
whichever side they turned. Besides this, there was another not
less curious, in a village in the midst of a plain of about ten acres,
which was a delicious garden, full of roses and the choicest flowers,
surrounded with a small wall breast high, to keep the cattle out.
In the ‘midst of this plain was raised a terrace, a man’s height,
so nicely paved that the whole pavement seemed to be but one
single stone. A temple ‘was erected in the middle of this terrace,
with a dome about fifty cubits high, which might be seen for
several leagues round. It was thirty cubits long, and twenty broad,
built of red marble, highly polished. The inside of the dome was
adorned with three rows of fine paintings, in good taste: and

“there was not a place in the whole temple but was embellished

with paintings, bas-reliefs, and figures of idols from top to bottom.

, Every night and morning there were. ceremonies performed in

‘this temple, which were always succeeded by sports, concerts,

dancing, singing, and. feasts) The ministers of. the temple and

the inhabitants of the place had nothing to live on but the offerings

of pilgrims, who came in crowds from the most distant parts of
' the kingdom to perform their vows.

Prince Houssain was also spectator of a solemn feast, which
was celebrated every year at the court of Bisnagar, at. which all
the governors of Drewes: commanders of fortified, places, all the

70 ww | The Three Princes and


governors and judges of towns, and the Brahmins most celebrated

for their learning, were obliged to be present; and some lived

so far off that they were four months in coming. This assembly,

composed of innumerable multitudes of Indians, met in a plain

of vast extent, as far as the eye could reach. In the centre of

this plain was a square of great length and breadth, closed on

one side by a large scaffolding of nine stories, supported by forty *
pillars, raised for the king and his court, and those strangers whom

he admitted to audience once a week. Inside, it was adorned and.
furnished magnificently; and on the outside were painted fine land-

scapes, wherein all sorts of beasts, birds, and insects, even flies

and gnats, were drawn as naturally as possible. Other scaffolds of

at least four or five ‘stories, and painted almost all alike, formed

the other three sides.

On each side of the square, at some little distance from each
other, were ranged a thousand elephants, sumptuously harnessed,
each having upon his back a square wooden castle, finely gilt,
in which were musicians and actors. The trunks, ears, and bodies
of these elephants: were painted with cinnabar and other colours,
_ representing grotesque figures.

- But what Prince Houssain most of all admired was to see the
largest of these elephants stand with his four feet on a post fixed into
the earth, two feet high, playing and beating time with his trunk
to the music. ' Besidés this, he admired another elephant as big,
standing on a board, which was laid across a, strong beam about .
ten feet high, with a great weight at the other end which balanced
him, while he kept time with ie music > by the motions of his Poy
and trunk.

Prince Houssain might lide made a longer stay in “the kingdom
and court of Bisnagar, where he would have seen other wonders, till
the last day of the year, whereon he and his brothers. had appointed
' to meet. But he was so well satisfied with what he hag. seen, pane. his

the Princess Nouronnihar_ . a 71


thoughts ran so much upon the Princess Nouronnihar, that he fancied
he should be the more easy and happy the nearer he was to her.
After he had paid the master of the khan for his apartment, and told
him the hour when he might come for‘the key, without telling him
how he should go, he shut the door, put the key on the outside, and:
spreading the carpet, he and the officer he had brought with him sat
down on it, and, as soon as he had wished, were transported to the inn :
at which he and his brothers were to meet, where he passed for a
merchant till they came.

Prince Ali, the second brother, travelled into oe sia, with a caravan,
-and after four months’ travelling arrived at Schiraz, which was then
the capital of the kingdom of Persia, and having on the way made
friends with some merchants, passed for a jeweller, and lodged in the
same khan with them.

The next morning, while the merchants were opening their bales
of merchandise, Prince Ali took a walk into that quarter of the town
where they sold precious stones, gold and silver work, brocades, silks,
fine linens, and other choice and valuable merchandise, which was at
Schiraz called the bezestein. It was a spacious and well-built place,
arched over, and supported by large pillars; along the walls, within
and without, were shops. Prince Ali soon rambled through the
bezestein, and with admiration judged of the riches of the place

/ by the prodigious quantities of most precious. merchandiseg ‘there
es to view. ;

_ But among all the criers ‘who passed backwards ain Oewideds with

_ several sorts of things to sell, he was not.a little surprised to see one
who held in his hand an ivory tube about a foot in length and about
an inch thick, and cried it at thirty purses. At first he thought the
_ rier mad, and to make sure, went to:a shop, and said to the merchant,
who stood at the door, ‘Pray, sir, is not that man mad? If he is neg
I am very much’ deceived.’ a
‘Indeed, Sify, answered the merchant, “ ‘he was in | his right senses:

72 OB . The Three Princes and

yesterday, and I can assure you he is one of the ablest criers we
have, and the most employed of any when anything valuable is to
be sold ; and if he cries the ivory tube at thirty purses, it must be
worth as much, or more, for some reason or other which does not
appear. He will come by presently, and we will call him; in the
meantime sit down on my sofa and rest yourself’
Prince Ali accepted the merchant’s obliging offer, and presently
the crier passed by. The merchant called him by his name; and
pointing to the prince, said to him, ‘Tell that gentleman, who asked
me if you were in your right senses, what you mean by crying that
ivory tube, which seems not to be worth much, at thirty purses: I
should be very much amazed myself, if I did not know you were a
sensible man,’ .

The crier, addressing himself to Prince Ali, said, ‘ Sir, you are not
the only person that takes me for a madman on account of this
tube ; you shall judge yourself whether I am or no, when I have told
you its peculiarity. First, sir’ pursued the crier, presenting the ivory
tube to the prince, ‘observe that this tube is furnished with a glass at
both ends; by looking through one of them you see whatever euiee
you wish to behold.’ ..

‘Tam,’ said the prince, ‘ready to make you all proper reparation
for the scandal I have thrown on you, if you will make the truth
of what you say appear’; and as he had the ivory tube in his hand,
he said, ‘Show me at which of these ends I must look” The crier |
showed him, and he looked through, wishing at the same time to see
the sultan, his father. He immediately beheld him in perfect health,
sitting on his throne, in. the midst of his council. Afterwards, as
there was nothing in the world so dear to him, after the sultan, as the
Princess Nouronnihar, he wished to see her, and saw her Jaughing, -
and/in a pleasant humour, with her women about her.

Prince Ali needed no other proof to persuade ‘him that. this tube
was the most valuable: imine. not pal in _ city. of ue but in

the Princess Nouronnihar : SF 73


all the world ; and he believed that, if he should neglect it, he would
never meet again with such another rarity. He said to the crier, eT
am very sorry that I should have entertained so bad an opinion of
you, but hope to make you amends by buying the tube, so tell me the
lowest price the seller has fixed upon it. Come with me, and I will
pay you the money.’ The crier assured him that his last orders were
to take no less than forty purses; and, if he disputed the truth of
what he said, he would-take him to his employer. The prince
believed him, took him to the khan where he nae ponnied. out
the money, and received the tube. |

Prince Ali was overjoyed at his bargain ; and persuaded himselt

that, as his brothers would not be able to meet with anything so rare |

- and marvellous, the Princess Nouronnihar would be his wife. He

thought now of visiting the court of Persia zcognito, and seeing

whatever was curious in and about Schiraz, till the caravan with

. which he came returned back to the Indies. . When the caravan was
ready to set out, the ‘prince.joined them, and arrived without any
accident or trouble at the place of rendezvous, where he found Prince
Houssain, and both waited for Prince Ahmed.

Prince Ahmed took the road to Samarcand; and the day after
his arrival there went, as his brothers. had done, into the bezestein.
He had not walked long before he heard a. crier, who had an
artificial apple in his hand, cry it at five-and-thirty purses. He
stopped the crier, and said to him, ‘Let me see that apple, and
tell me what virtue or extraordinary property it has, to be valued
at so. high a rate.’

‘ Sir” said the crier, puting it into his hand, ‘if you look at
_ the outside of this apple, it is very ordinary; but if you consider
the great use and benefit it is to mankind, you will say it is
invaluable. He who possesses it is master of a great treasure. It
. cures all sick persons of the most mortal diseases, fever, pleurisy,

plague, or other malignant distempers; and, if the patient is dying, »

TAL AK. The Three Princes and

it will immediately restore him to perfect health; and this is done
after the easiest manner in the world, merely by the patient smelling
the apple.’

‘If one may believé you, replied Prince Ahmed, ‘the virtues of
this apple are wonderful, and it is indeed valuable: but what ground
has a plain man like myself, who may wish to become the purchaser,
to be persuaded that there is no deception or exaggeration in the
high praise you bestow on it ?’

‘Sir, replied the crier, ‘the thing is known and eerie by ‘the
whole city of Samarcand; but, without going any further, ask all
these merchants you see here and hear what they say; several of
them would not have been alive this day if they had not made use
of this excellent remedy. It is the result of the study and experience
of a celebrated philosopher of this city, who applied himself all -his the knowledge of plants and minerals, and at last performed
such surprising cures in this city as will never be forgotten ; but he
died suddenly himself, before he could apply his own sovereign
remedy, and left his wife and a great many young children behind
him in very indifferent circumstances; to support her family, and

- provide for her children, she has resolved to sell it.’

While the crier was telling Prince Ahmed the virtues of the
artificial apple, a great many ‘persons came about them, and con-
firmed what he said; and one among the rest said he had a friend
dangerously ill, whose life was despaired of, which was a favourable

opportunity to show. Prince Ahmed the experiment: Upon which
Prince Ahmed told the crier he would give him forty. purses if he
cured the sick person by letting him smell at it.

The crier, who had orders to sell it at that price, said to Prince
Ahmed, ‘Come, sir, let us go and make the experiment, and the apple
shall be yours; it is an undoubted fact that it will always have
the same effect as it already has had in recovering from death many
sick persons whose life was despaired of,

the Princess Nouronnihar | he 75


The experiment succeeded, and the prince, after he had counted
out to the crier forty purses, and the other had delivered the apple to
him, waited with the greatest impatience for the first caravan that
should return to the Indies. In the meantime he’ saw all that was
curious in and about Samarcand, especially the valley of Sogda, so
called from the river which waters it, and is reckoned by the Arabians

‘to be one of the four paradises of this world, for the beauty of its
fields and gardens and fine palaces, and for its fertility in fruit of all
sorts, and all the other pleasures enjoyed there in the fine season.

At last Prince Ahmed joined the first caravan that returned to
the Indies, and arrived in perfect health at the inn where the Princes
Houssain and Ali were waiting for him.

Prince Ali, who was there some time before Prince Ahmed,
asked Prince Houssain, who got there first, how long he had
been there ; he told him three months: to which he replied, ‘Then
certainly you have not been very. far.’

‘I will tell you nothing now,’ said Prince Houssain, ‘but only
assure you I was more than three months travelling to the plea’
I went to.’

‘But then,’ replied Paice Ali, ‘you aeiie a short stay there.’

‘Indeed, brother, said Prince Houssain, ‘you are mistaken: I
resided at one place over sun: or five months, and. might have
stayed longer.’

‘Unless you flew back,’ replied Prince Ali again, ‘I cannot
comprehend how you can have been, three months here, as you
would make me believe.’ ae

3 ‘T tell you the truth,’ added Prince Houssain, ‘and it is a riddle
which I shall not explain till our brother Ahmed comes; then’ I
will let you know what curiosity I have brought home from my
travels. I know not what you have got, but believe it to be some

trifle, because I do not see that your baggage is increased’

‘And pray what have you brought?’ replied Prince Ali, ‘for

76 oh The Three Princes and

I can see nothing but an ordinary piece of carpet, with which you
cover your sofa, and as you seem to make what you have brought
a secret, you cannot take it amiss that I do the same.’

‘I consider the rarity which I have purchased, replied Prince
Houssain, ‘to excel all others whatever, and should not have
any objection to show it you, and make you agree that it is so,
and at the same time tell you how I came by it, without being
in the least apprehensive that what you have got is better. But
we ought to wait till our brother Ahmed arrives, that we may
all communicate our good fortune to each other.’

Prince Ali would not enter into a dispute with Prince Houssain,
but was persuaded that, if his perspective glass were not preferable,
it was impossible it should be inferior, and therefore agreed . to
wait till Prince Ahmed arrived, to produce his purchase.

When Prince Ahmed came, they embraced’ and complimented
each other on the happiness of meeting together at the place they
set out from. Then Pririce Houssain, as the elder brother, said,
‘Brothers, we shall have time enough hereafter to entertain ourselves
with the particulars of our travels: let us come to that which is
of the greatest importance for us to know; let us. not conceal
from each other the curiosities we have brought home, but show

“them, that we may do ourselves: justice beforehand and see to
which of us the sultan our father may give the preference.

‘To set the example,’ continued Prince Houssain, ‘I will tell
you that the rarity which I have brought from my travels to’ the
kingdom of Bisnagar, is the carpet on which I sit, which looks but
ordinary and makes no show; but, when I have declared its virtues
to you, you will be struck swith admiration, and will confess you
never heard of anything like it. Whoever sits on it as we do,
and desires to be transported to any place, be it ever so far off,
is immediately, carried thither. I made the experiment myself
before I paid down the forty purses, and when I had fully satisfied.

the Princess Nouronnihar | oe 77


my curiosity at the court of Bisnagar, and had a mind to return,
I made use of no other means than this wonderful. carpet for myself
and servant, who can tell you how long. we were coming hither.
I will show you both the experiment whenever you please. I
expect you to tell me whether what you have brought is to be
compared to this carpet.’ :

Here Prince Houssain ended, and Prince Ali said, ‘I must
own, brother, that your carpet is one of the -most surprising
things imaginable, if it has, as I do not doubt in the least, that
property you speak of. But you must allow that there may be
other things, I will not say more, but at least as wonderful, in
another way; and to convince you there are, here is an ivory tube,
which appears to the eye no more a rarity than your carpet. It cost
me as much, and I am as well satisfied with my purchase as you
can be with yours ; and you will be so just as to own that I have not
been cheated, when you know by experience that by looking at one
end-you see whatever you wish to behold. “Take it’ added Prince
Ali, presenting the tube to him, ‘make trial of it yourself?

‘Prince Houssain took the ivory tube from Prince Ali, and clapped
that.end to his éye which Prince Ali showed him, to see the Princess
Nouronnihar, and to know how she was, when Prince Ali and Prince
Ahmed, who kept their eyes fixed upon him, were extremely surprised
to. see his countenance change suddenly with extraordinary pain

_and grief. Prince Houssain would not give them time to ask
what was the matter, but cried out, ‘Alas! princes, to what
purpose have. we undertaken long and fatiguing journeys? In a
few moments our lovely princess will breathe her last. I saw her
‘in her bed, surrounded. by her women and attendants, who were
all in tears. Take the tube, pons for yourselves the miserable

~ state she is in’

' Prince Ali took the tube out of Prince Houssain’s hand and after
he had looked, presented it to Prince Ahmed.

78K | The Three Princes and:

When Prince Ahmed saw that the Princess Nouronnihar’s end
was so near, he addressed himself to his two brothers, and ‘said,
‘Princes, the Princess’ Nouronnihar, the object of all our vows, ‘is
indeed at death’s door; but provided we make haste and lose no
time, we may preserve her life’ Then he took out the artificial
apple, and showing it to the princes his brothers, said to them,
‘This apple which you see here cost as much as either the
carpet or tube. The opportunity now presents itself to show you
its wonderful virtue. Not to keep you longer in suspense, if a sick
person smells it, though in the last agonies, it restores him to
perfect health immediately. I have made’ the experiment, ‘and
can show you its wonderful effect on the Princess ‘Nouronnihar, if
we make all haste to assist her. -

‘If that is all, replied Prince Houssain, ‘we cannot make more
haste than by transporting ourselves instantly into’ her room by the
means of my carpet. Come, lose no time; sit down on it by me ; it
is large enough to hold us all three: but first let us give orders to our
servants to set out immediately, and join: us ‘at, the’ palace.’ |

As soon as the order was given, Prince Ali and Prince Ahmed
went and sat down by Prince Houssain, and all three framed
the same wish, and were Baas nericd into the Princess Nouron-
nihar’s chamber,

_ The presence of the three princes, who were so little expected,
frightened the princess's women and attendants, who could not
comprehend by what enchantment three men: should be among
them ; for they did not know them at first, and the attendants were
fay. to fall upon them, as people who had got into a part of the
palace where they were not allowed to come; but they, rey
recollected and found ‘their mistake. :

_ Prince Ahmed. no sooner saw himself in N atironnihats room, and
perceived the’ princess. dying, than he rose off the tapestry, as did also
the other two pringes, and went to the bed-side, and pee the apple


the Princess Nouronnihar . Me 79:


under her nose. Some moments after, the princess opened her eyes,
and turned her head from one side to another, looking at the persons
who stood about her; she then rose up in the bed, and asked to be
dressed, just as if she had awaked out of a sound sleep. Her women
informed her, in a manner that showed their joy, that she was obliged
to the three princes her cousins, and particularly to Prince Ahmed,
for the. sudden recovery of her health. She immediately expressed
her joy to see them, and thanked them all together, and afterwards.
Prince Ahmed in particular, and they then retired.


While the princess was dressing, the: princes went.-to throw:
themselves at the sultan their father’s feet, and pay their respects to-
him. The sultan received and embraced them with the greatest joy,
both for their.return and for the wonderful recovery of the princess.
his niece, whom he loved as if she had been his own daughter, -
and who had been given over by the physicians. After the usual.


80 wit 3 The Three Princes and

compliments, the princes presented each the curiosity which he had
brought: Prince Houssain his carpet, which he had taken care not, to
leave behind him in the princess’s chamber; Prince Ali his ivory
tube, and Prince Ahmed the artificial apie: ; and after each had
commended his present, when they put it into the sultan’s hands,
they begged him to pronounce their fate, and declare to which of
them he would give the Princess Nouronnihar for a wife, according
-to his promise.

The Sultan of the Indies having kindly: heard all that the princes
had to say, without interrupting them, and being well informed of
what had happened in relation to the Princess Nouronnihar’s cure,
remained some time silent, as if he were thinking what answer he
should make. At last he broke silence, and said to them in terms
full of wisdom, ‘I would declare for one of you, my children, with
a great deal of pleasure, if I could do so with. justice ; but consider
whether I can. It is true, Prince Ahmed, the princess my niece is
obliged to your artificial apple for her cure, ‘but let me ask you,
whether you could have been so serviceable-to “her - afsyou had not
known by Prince Ali’s tube the danger she was in, and if Prince
Houssain’s carpet had not brought you to her so soon?

“Your tube, Prince Ali, informed you and your brothers that you
were likely to lose the princess your cousin, and so far she is greatly
obliged to you. You must also grant that that: knowledge. would
have been of no service without the artificial apple and the carpet.

‘And for you, Prince Houssain, consider that it would have been

_of little use if you had not been acquainted with the princess’s. ‘illness

by. Prince Ali’s tube, and Prince Ahmed had -not. applied his artificial
apple. Therefore, as neither the carpet, the ivory tube, nor the
artificial apple has the least preference one over the other, ‘but, on the
contrary, there is a perfect equality, I cannot grant the princess to’ any
one of you, and the only fruit you have reaped from your travels is
ne glory of having equally contributed to restore her to pe

the Princess Nouronnihar og 81


‘If this be true, added the ‘sultan, ‘you see that I must have

_ recourse to other means to determine with certainty in the choice I
ought to make among you, and as there is time enough between this
and night, I will do it to-day. Go, and get each of you a bow and
arrow, and repair to the great plain outside the city, where the horses
are exercised. I will soon come to you, and I declare I will give the
Princess Nouronnihar to him that shoots the farthest.

‘I do not, however, forget to thank you all in general, and
each in particular, for the presents you brought me. I have a
great many ratities in my museum already, but nothing that comes
up to the carpet, the ivory tube, and the artificial\apple, which
shall have the first place among them, and shall be preserved
carefully, not only for show, but to make an. advantageous use
of them upon all occasions.’

The three princes had nothing to say against the decision of
the sultan. When they were out of his presence, they each provided
themselves with a bow and.arrow, which they delivered to one of
their officers, and went to the plain Supe followed by a great
concourse of people.

The sultan did not make.them wait long; | and as soon as he
arrived, Prince -Houssain, as. the eldest, took his bow and arrow,
‘and shot: first. Prince Ali shot next, and much beyond him; and

Prince Ahmed last of all; but it so happened, that nobody could
see where his arrow fell; and, notwithstanding all the search of
himself and everybody else, it was not to be found far or near.
And though it was believed that he shot the farthest, and that he
therefore deserved the Princess Nouronnihar, it was necessary that
his arrow should be found, to make the matter evident.and certain ;
so, notwithstanding his remonstrances, the sultan determined in
favour of Prince Ali, and gave orders for preparations to be made
for the wedding, which was celebrated a few days afterwards with

great magnificence.

Prince Ahmed


RINCE HOUSSAIN would not honour
the feast: with his presence; he could |
scarcely endure to see the princess in
the arms of Prince Ali, who, he said, did
not deserve her better or love her more
than himself. He left the court, and,
renouncing all right of succession to the
crown, turned dervish, and put himself
under the discipline of a famous. sheik,
_.who had gained a reputation for his

Bera ie and had taken up his abode, together with his
disciples, whose number was great, in an agreeable solitude.

Prince Ahmed did not assist at Prince Ali’s and the Princess
Nouronnihar’s wedding, any more than, his brother Houssain, but
did not renounce the world as he had done.. He could not imagine
-what had become of his arrow, so he stole away: from his attendants,
_and resolved to search for it, that he might not have anything to |
‘reproach himself with. With this intention, he went to the place
where the Princes Houssain’s and Ali’s were gathered up, and going
Straight forward from thence, looked carefully: on both sides of
him. He went so far, that at last he began to think his labour _
was in vain; yet he could not help going forwards, till he came

and the Fairy — 3 wis 83

to some steep, craggy rocks, which would have obliged him to
return, had he been ever so anxious to proceed. They were situated
in a barren country, about four leagues distant from whence he

set out. When Prince Ahmed came near these rocks, he

perceived an arrow, which he picked up, looked earnestly

at it, and was in the greatest astonishment to find it was
the same he shot. ‘Cer-
tainly,’ said he to himself,
‘neither I nor any man
living could shoot. an
arrow so far’; and find-
ing it laid flat, not
sticking into the ground,
he judged that it had
rebounded from the rock.
‘There must be some
mystery in this,’ said he
to himself again, ‘and it
may be to my advantage.
Perhaps fortune, to make
me amends for depriving
me of what I thought
the greatest happiness
of my life, may have
reserved a greater bless-
ing for my comfort.’
As these rocks were full
of sharp points and
crevices between them, ‘the prince, full of these thoughts, entered

a cavity, and looking about, cast his eyes on an iron door,

which seemed to have no lock.. He feared it was fastened ;

but pushing against it, it opened, and discovered an easy descent,
: : G2

84 onl : _ Prince Ahmed
: ee.
but no steps. He walked down with his arrow in his hand. At |
first he thought he.was going into a dark place, but presently a quite
different light succeeded that which he had come out of. Coming
upon a spacious square, fifty or sixty paces distant, he perceived a
magnificent palace; but he had not time to look at it, for at the same
moment a lady of majestic air, and of a beauty to which the richness
of her clothes and the jewels which adorned her person added nothing,
advanced as far as the porch, attended by a troop of ladies, 6f whom
it was difficult to distinguish which was the mistress.

As soon as Prince Ahmed perceived the lady, he hastened to pay
his respects; and the lady, on her part, seeing him coming, was.
beforehand with him. Raising her voice, she said, ‘Come near,
Prince Ahmed; you are welcome.’

It was no small surprise to the prince to hear himself named in a
palace He had never heard of, though so near his father’s capital, and
he could not comprehend how he should be known to a lady who
was a stranger to him. At last he returned the lady’s salutation, by
throwing himself at her feet, and rising up again, said to her,
‘Madam, I return you a thousand thanks for welcoming me to a
place where I had reason to believe my imprudent curiosity had
made me penetrate too far. But, madam, may I, without being
guilty of rudeness, presume to ask you how you know me? and -
why you, who live in the same ee should be so little
known by me?’ : ;

‘Prince, said the lady, “et us go ante the hall; there I ae
gratify your request.’

After these words, fhe: ‘lady led .Prince Ahmed into the hall,
the noble structure of which, and the gold and azure which. em-
bellished the dome, and the inestimable richness of the furniture, —
appeared to him so wonderful that he had never in his life _
beheld anything like it, and believed. that nothing: was to ‘be
compared to it. ‘I can assure you,. replied the lady, ‘ that this is

and the Fairy | | eee:

but a small part of my palace, and you will say so when you

_ have seen all the apartments. Then she sat down on a sofa; and
when the prince at her entreaty had seated himself, she said, ‘You
are surprised, you say, that I should know you, and not be known
by you; but you will no longer be surprised when I inform you
who I am. You cannot be ignorant that the world is inhabited
by genies as well as men: I am the daughter of one of the most
powerful and distinguished of these génies, and my name is Pari
Banou: therefore I know you, the sultan your father, the princes
your brothers, and the Princess Nouronnihar.. I am no stranger
to your love or your travels, of which I could tell you all the
circumstances, since it was I myself who exposed for sale the
artificial apple which you bought at Samarcand, the carpet which
Prince Houssain met with at Bisnagar, and the tube which Prince
Ali brought from Schiraz.. This is sufficient to let you know that
I am not unacquainted with anything that relates to you. The
only thing I have to add is, that you seemed to me worthy of a
still better fortune than that of marrying the Princess Nouronnihar.
I was present when you drew your arrow, and foresaw it would
not go beyond Prince Houssain’s. .I took it in the air, and made
it strike’ against the rocks’ near which you found it. It is in your
power to avail yourself of this favourable opportunity,’

_ As the fairy Pari Banou pronounced these words Prince Ahmed
began to consider that the Princess Nouronnihar could never be his,
and that the fairy Pari Banou excelled her infinitely in beauty and
agreeableness, and, so far as he could judge from the magnificence of
the palace where she resided, in immense riches. ‘Madam,’ replied
he, ‘should I,-all my life, have had the happiness of being your slave,
I should think myself the happiest of men. Pardon me my boldness,

_ and do not refuse to admit into your court a prince who is entirely
devoted to you.’ -
‘Prince, answered the fairy, ‘ as I have been a long time my own

86 Be . Prince Ahmed

mistress, and am not dependent on my parents’ consent, it is not as a
slave that I would admit you into my court, but as my husband,
pledging your faith tome. Tam, as I said, mistress here; and must
add, that the same customs aré not observed among fairies as among
other ladies.’

Prince Ahmed made no answer, but was so fall of gratitude that
he thought he could not express it better than by coming to kiss the
hem of her garment. ‘Then, answered the fairy, ‘you are my
husband, and I am your wife. But as I suppose, continued she, ‘that
you have eaten nothing to-day, a slight repast shall be served up for
you while preparations are making for our wedding feast this
evening, and then I will show you the apartments of my palace, and
you shall judge if this the smallest part of it” ,

Some of the fairy’s women who came into the hall with them, and
guessed her intentions, immediately went out, and returned PICSCOuY.
with some excellent meat and wine.

When Prince Ahmed had eaten and drunk as much as he
“wanted, the fairy Pari Banou took him through all the rooms, where
he saw diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and all sorts of fine jewels, —
intermixed with pearls, agate, jasper, porphyry, and all kinds of the
most precious marbles; not to mention the richness of the furniture, ‘
everything was in such profusion, that the prince acknowledged that
there could not be anything in the world that could-come up to it.
‘Prince, said the fairy, ‘if you admire so much my palace, which is
indeed very beautiful, what would you say to the palaces of the chiefs
of our gehies, which are much mére beautiful, spacious, and mag-
nificent ? I could also charm you with my garden; but we. will
leave that till another time. nee draws eae, and ice be time
for supper.’

The next hall into. wltich ‘he fairy led the prince, where the
cloth was laid for the feast, was the only room the prince had
not seen, and it was not in the least inferior to the others. He

and the Fairy ome 87

admired the infinite number of wax candles. perfumed with amber
which formed an agreeable and pleasant sight. A large sideboard
was set out with all sorts of gold plate, so finely wrought that.
the workmanship was much more valuable than the weight of
the gold. Several beautiful women -richly dressed, whose voices
were ravishing, began a concert, accompanied. with all kinds of
the most harmonious instruments he had ever heard. When they
had sat down to table, the fairy Pari Banou took care to help.
Prince Ahmed to most delicious meats, which .the prince had.
never heard of, but ‘found so nice that he commended them in
the highest terms, saying that they far surpassed those among
men. He found also.the same excellence in the wines, which
neither he nor the fairy tasted till the dessert was served up, which
consisted of the choicest: sweetmeats and fruits.

After the dessert, the fairy Pari Banou and Prince Ahmed rose
from the table; which was.: immediately carried away, and sat on
a sofa with cushions -of fine silk, curiously embroidered with all
sorts of large flowers, at their backs, and a great number of genie
and fairies danced before them.

The days following the wedding were a continual fess which
the’ fairy Pari Banou, who could do it with the utmost ease, knew.
how to diversify by new dishes, new concerts, new dances, new ©
shows, and new diversions; which were ali so extraordinary, that
Prince Ahmed, if he had lived a thousand years among men,
could not have imagined.

At the end of six months, Prince. Ahmed, who se loved.
and honoured the sultan his father, felt a great desire to know
how he. was; and as that desire could not be satisfied without.
his absenting himself to go and hear it in person, he mentioned it
to the fairy, and desired she would give him leave.

‘> This discourse alarmed the fairy, and made her fear it was
only : an excuse to leave her,

88 we | Prince Ahmed

‘My queen,’ replied the prince, ‘if you are offended at the leave I
asked, I entreat you to forgive me, and I will make all the reparation
I can. I did not do it with any intention of displeasing you, but
from a motive of respect towards my father, whom I wish to free
from the affliction in which my long absence must have overwhelmed
him ; indeed I have reason to think he believes me dead.’

‘Prince, said she, ‘I am so fully convinced that I can depend
upon your sincerity, that I grant you leave to go, on condition —
that your absence shall not be long’

Prince Ahmed would have thrown himself at the fairy’s feet,
to show his gratitude; but she prevented him.

‘Prince, said she, ‘go when you please; but first do not take
it amiss if I give you some advice how you shall conduct yourself
where you are going. First, I do not think it proper for you to
tell the sultan your father of our marriage, nor what I am, nor the
place where you are settled. Beg him to be satisfied with knowing
that you are happy, and that you desire no more; and let him
know that the sole end of your visit is to make hin easy about
your fate.

She appointed twenty horsemen, well mounted and earpned, to ”
attend him. When all was ready, Prince Ahmed took leave of the
fairy, embraced her, and renewed his promise to return soon. Then
his horse, which was as beautiful a creature as any in the Sultan
of the Indies’ stables, was-brought, and he mounted him with an
extraordinary grace, which gave great pleasure to the fairy, and
after he had bid her:a last adieu, set out on his journey.

As it was not a great way to his father’s capital, Prince Ahmed

-soon arrived there. The people, glad to see him again, received :
him with acclamations, and followed him in crowds to the ‘sultan’s
‘palace. The sultan received and embraced him with great joy $
complaining at the same time, with a fatherly tenderness, of the.
affliction his long absence had been to him; which he said was

and the Fairy Oe ge 89

the more grievous, since as fortune had decided in favour of Prince
Ali his brother, he was afraid. he might have committed some act
of despair.

SSIs replied Prince Ahmed, ‘your majesty knows that when I
shot my arrow the most extraordinary thing that ever befell anybody
happened to me, that in so large and level a plain it should not be
possible : to find my arrow. Though thus -vanquished, I lost no
time in vain complaints; but to satisfy my perplexed mind, I gave
my attendants the slip, and returned back again alone to look for
my arrow. I-sought all about the place wheré Prince Houssain’s
and Prince Ali’s arrows were found, and where I imagined mine
must have fallen; but all my labour was in vain, until after having
gone four eases to that part of the plain where it is bounded
by rocks, I perceived an arrow. I ran and took it up, and knew
it to be the same which I had shot. Far from thinking your
majesty had done me any injustice in declaring for my brother .
Prince Ali, I interpreted what had happened to me quite otherwise,
and never doubted but there was a mystery in it to my advantage ;
the discovery of which I ought not to neglect, and which I found
out without going further from the spot. But as to this mystery,
I beg your majesty to let me remain silent, and that you will be
gatished to know from°my own mouth that I am happy and con-
tented. This was the only motive which brought me hither; the

only favour I ask of your majesty is to give me leave to come often
and. pay you my respects, and inquire after your health.’

‘Son; answered the Sultan of the Indies, leave you ask me; but I would much rather you would resolve to
stay with me. At least tell me where I may hear of you, if: you
should fail to come, or when I may think your presence necessary.’

‘Sir, replied Prince Ahmed, ‘what your majesty asks of me is part

_ of the mystery I spoke of. 1 beg of you to give me leave to remain
silent on this head; for I shall come so re anens where my duty

Full Text

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THE text of the present selection from the ARABIAN
NiGHTS is that of Galland, 1821, slightly abridged and

edited. The edition is designed werginibus puerisque.

Xmas, 1893.


“ PRINCE AHMED AND THE Fairy (A Seguel to the Foregoing) . 82
THE Loss OF THE TALISMAN (4 See to the Foregoing) 152
Tre Story or THE Krnc’s Son 188
Tue First Vovacr of SINBAD THE SAILOR : 212




StnBap’s SHIP IS PURSUED BY THE Rocs i 246


THe Fountain or Lions 107
SINBAD IN THE EaGLes Nest 222 %

Tue whole of the illustrations, head and tail-pieces and initials in this volume,
together with the design for the cover, are by Mr. J. D. Batten. The photo-
gravure reproductions have been executed and printed by the Swan ELECTRIC
ENGRAVING CompaNy ; the remainder of the illustrations are from zincographs by
Messrs. WATERLOW & Sons, except that facing page 196 and the title page, which
are in Dallastype, by Mr. D. C. Dattas, i


7 PERSIA, who at the beginning of
? his reign had distinguished himself
by many glorious and successful
conquests, and had afterwards en-
- joyed such profound peace and tran-
quillity as rendered him the happiest
of monarchs. His only occasion for
regret was that he had no heir to
. succeed him in the kingdom after
‘ his death. One day, according to
the custom of his royal predecessors during their residence in the
capital, he held an assembly of his courtiers, at which all the’
ambassadors and strangers of renown at his court were present.

Se WNi |









2 of _ The King of Persia

Among these there appeared a merchant from a far-distant country;
who sent a message to the king craving an audience, as he wished
to speak to him about a very important matter. The king gave
orders for the merchant to be instantly admitted; and when the
assembly was over, and all the rest of the company had retired,
the king inquired what was the business which had brought him
to the palace. ,

‘Sire, replied the merchant, ‘I have with me, and beg your
' majesty to behold, the most beautiful and charming slave it would be

. possible to find if you searched every corner of the earth; if you will

; but see her, you will surely wish to make her your wife.’
The fair slave was, by the king’s commands, immediately brought
: in,and no sooner had the king beheld a lady whose beauty and grace
surpassed anything he had ever imagined, than he fell passionately in
~ love with her, and determined to marry her at once. This was done.
So the king caused. the fair slave to be lodged in the next finest
apartment to his own, and gave particular orders to the; matrons
and the women-slaves appointed to attend her, that they should dress
her in the richest robe they could find, and carry her the finest pearl
_ necklaces, the brightest diamonds, and other the richest precious
-stones, that she might choose those she liked’ best.
The King of Persia’s capital was situated in an island; and his’
palace, which was very magnificent, was built upon the sea-shore ;
his window looked towards the sea; and the fair slave’s, which was
pretty near it, had also the same prospect, and it was the more
pleasant on account of the sea’s beating almost against the foot
of the wall.

At the end of three days the fair slave, magnificently dressed, was
alone in her chamber, sitting upon a sofa, and leaning against one of
the windows that faced the sea, when the king, being informed that

‘he might visit her, came in. The slave hearing somebody walk in
_ the room, immediately turned her head to see who it was. She knew

and the Princess of the Sea 4a. 2


him to be the king; but without showing the least surprise, or .so
much as rising from her seat to salute or receive him, she turned back
to the window again as iS he had been the most insignificant person
in the world.

The King of Persia was extremely surprised to see a slave of
so beauteous a form so very ignorant of the world. He attributed
this to the narrowness of her education, and the little care that had
been taken to instruct her in the first rules of civility. He went
to her at the window, where, notwithstanding the coldness and
indifference with which she had just now received him, she suffered
herself to be admired, kissed, and embraced as much as he pleased,
-but answered him not a word.

“My dearest life,’ said the king, ‘you neither answer, nor by any
visible token give me the least reason to believe that you are
listening to me. Why will you still keep to this obstinate silence,
which chills me? Do you mourn for your country, your friends, or
your relations? Alas! is not the King of Persia, who loves and
adores you, capable of comforting, and making you amends for the
loss of everything in the world?’

But the fair slave continued her astonishing reserve ; and keeping
-her eyes still fixed upon the ground, would neither look at him
‘nor utter a word; but after they had dined together in absolute
silence, the king went to the women whom he had assigned to
the fair slave as her attendants, and asked them if ey had ever
heard her speak. .

One of them presently made answer, ‘Sire, we have neither seen
her open her lips, nor heard her speak ‘any more than your majesty
has just now; we have reridered her our servicés; we have combed
and dressed her hair, put on her clothes, and waited upon her in her
chamber ; but she has never opened her lips, so much as to say,
That is eit or, I like this. We have often asked, Madam, do you
want anything? Is there anything you wish for? Do but ask and

4 gh nae _ The King of Persia

command us: but we have never been able to draw a word from
‘her. We cannot tell whether her silence proceeds from pride, sorrow,
‘stupidity, or dumbness; and this is all we can inform your majesty,

The King of Persia was more astonished at hearing this than
he was before: however, believing the slave might have some reason
for sorrow, he endeavoured to divert and amuse her, but all in
vain. For a whole year she never afforded him the pleasure of
a single word.

At length, one day there were great rejoicings in the capital,
because to the king and his silent slave-queen there was born a
son and heir to the kingdom. Once more the king endeavoured
to get a word from his wife. ‘My queen,’ he said, ‘I cannot divine
what your thoughts are; but, for my own part, nothing would be
wanting to complete my happiness and crown my joy but that you
should speak to me one single word, for something within me
tells me you are not dumb: and I beseech, I conjure you, to break
through this long silence, and speak but one word to me; and
after that I care not how soon I die.’ !

At this discourse the fair slave, who, according to her usual
custom, had hearkened to the king with downcast eyes, and had
given him cause to believe not only that she was dumb, but that she
had never laughed in her life, began to smile a little. The King of
Persia perceived it with a surprise that made him break forth into an
exclamation of joy ; and no longer doubting but that she was going
to speak, he waited for that happy moment with an Secrnss and
attention that cannot easily be expressed. -

At last the fair slave, breaking her long-kept silence, thus ad-
dressed herself to the king: ‘Sire, said she, ‘I have so many things
to say to your majesty, that, having once broken silence, I know not
where to begin. However, in the first place, I think myself in duty
bound to thank you for all the favours and honours you have been
pleased to confer upon me, and to implore. Heaven to. bless and
and the Princess of the Sea SES


prosper you, to prevent the wicked designs of your enemies, and not
to suffer you to die after hearing me speak, but to grant you a long
life.’ Had it néver been my fortune to have borne a child, I was
resolved (I beg your majesty to pardon the sincerity of my intention)
never to have loved you, as well as to have kept an eternal silence;
but now I love you as I ought to do.’ :

The King of Persia, ravished to hear the fair slave speak,
~ embraced her tenderly. ‘ Shining light ‘of my eyes,’ said he, ‘it is
impossible for me to receive a greater joy than what you have now
given me’ , .

The King of Persia, in the transport of his joy, said no more
to the fair slave. He left her, but in such a manner as made her
perceive that his intention was speedily to return: and being willing
that his joy should be made public, he sent in all haste for the
grand vizier. As soon as he came, he ordered him to distribute a
thousand pieces of gold among the holy men of his religion, who
had made vows of poverty; as also among the hospitals and the
poor, by way of returning thanks to Heaven: and his will was
obeyed by the direction of that minister,

After the King of Persia had given this order, he returned to the
fair slave again, ‘Madam,’ said he, ‘pardon me for leaving you so
abruptly, but I hope you will indulge, me with some conversation,
since I am ‘desirous to know several ‘things of great consequence.
Tell me, my dearest soul, what were the powerful reasons that
induced you to persist in that obstinate silence for a whole year
together, though you saw me, heard me talk to you, and ate and
drank ‘with me every day.’ ‘

To satisfy the King of Persia’s curiosity, ‘Think,’ replied the
queen, ‘whether or no to be a slave, far from my own country, with-
out any hopes of ever seeing it again,—to have a heart torn with
grief at being separated for ever from my mother, my brother, my
friends, and my acquaintance,—are not these sufficient reasons’ for
6 om The King of Persia

my keeping a silence your majesty has thought so strange and
unaccountable? The love of our native country is as natural to
us as that of our parents; and the loss of liberty is insupportable to
every one who is not wholly destitute of common sense, and knows
how to set a value on it.’

‘Madam, replied the king, ‘I am convinced of the truth of
what you say; but till this moment I was of opinion that a person
beautiful like yourself, whom her evil destiny had condemned to
be a slave, ought to think herself very happy in meeting with a
king for her master. :

‘Sire,’ replied the fair slave, ‘whatever the slave is, there is no
king on earth who can tyrannise over her will. But when this very
slave is in nothing inferior to the king that bought her, your majesty
shall then judge yourself of her misery, and her sorrow, and to what
desperate attempts the anguish of despair may drive her.’

The King of Persia, in great astonishment, said ‘Madam, can it be
possible that you are of royal blood? Explain the whole secret to
me, I beseech you, and no longer increase my impatience. Let me
instantly know who are your parents, your brothers, your sisters, and
your relations ; but, above all, what your name is.’

‘ Sire, said the fair slave, ‘my name is Gulnare, Rose of the Sea;
and my father, who is now dead, was one of ‘the most potent
monarchs of the ocean. When he died, he left his kingdom'to a
brother of mine, named Saleh, and to the queen, my mother, who is
also a princess, the daughter of another powerful monarch of the sea.
We enjoyed a profound peace and tranquillity through the whole
kingdom, till a neighbouring prince, envious of our happiness, invaded
our dominions with a mighty army; and penetrating as far as our
capital, made himself master of it ; and we had but just time enough
to save ourselves in an impenetrable and inaccessible place, with a
few trusty officers who did not forsake us in our distress.

‘In this retreat my brother contrived all manner of ways to drive
and the Princess of the Sea | ee 7


the unjust invader from our dominions. One day “Sister,” said he,
“I may fail in the attempt I intend-to make to recover my kingdom;
and I shall be less concerned for my own disgrace than for what may
possibly happen to you. To prevent it, and to secure you from all
accident, I would fain see you married first: but in the miserable
condition of our affairs at present, I see no probability of matching

‘you to any of the princes of the sea ; and therefore I should be very
glad if you would think of marrying some of the princes of the earth
I am ready to contribute all that lies in my power towards it; and I
am certain there is not one of them, Hone powerful, but would be
proud of sharing his crown with you.”

‘At this discourse of my brother’s, I fell into a violent passion,
“Brother,” said I, “ you know that I am descended, as well as you, by
both father’s and mother’s side, from the kings and queens of the sea,
without any mixture of alliance with those of the earth; therefore I
do not intend to marry below myself, any more than they did. The
condition to which we are reduced shall never oblige me to alter my
resolution ; and if you perish in the execution of your design, I am
prepared to fall-with you, rather than to follow the advice I so little
expected from you.”

‘My brother, who was still earnest for the marriage, however im-
proper for me, endeavoured to make me believe that there were kings
of the earth who were nowise inferior to those of the sea. This put
me into a more violent passion, which occasioned him to say several
bitter words that stung me to the quick. He left me as much dis-
satisied with myself as he could possibly be with me; and in this
peevish mood I gave a spring from the bottom of the sea up to the
island of the moon.

-‘ Notwithstanding the violent displeasure that made me cast
myself upon that island, I lived content in retirement. But in spite
of all my precautions, a person . of distinction, attended by his.
servants, surprised me sleeping, and carried me to his own house, and
8 ig _ The King of Persia

wished me to marry him. When he saw that fair means’ would not
prevail upon me, he attempted to make use of force; but I soon
made him repent of his insolence. So at last he resolved to sell me ;
which he did to that very merchant who brought me hither and sold
me to your majesty. This man was a very prudent, courteous,
humane person, and during the whole of the long journey, never
gave me the least reason to complain.

‘As for your majesty,’ continued Queen Gulnare, ‘if you had
not shown me all the respect you have hitherto paid, and given
me such undeniable marks of your affection that I could no longer
doubt of it, I hesitate not to tell you plainly that I should not have
remained with you. I would have thrown myself into the sea out of
this very window, and I would have gone in search of my mother,
my brother, and the rest of my relations ; and, therefore, I hope you
will no longer look upon me as a slave, but as a princess worthy.
of your alliance.’

After this manner Queen Gulnare discovered herself to the
King of Persia, and finished her story. ‘My charming, my adorable
queen, cried he, ‘what wonders have I heard! I must ask a
thousand questions concerning those strange and unheard-of things
which you have related to me. I beseech you to tell me more about
the kingdom and people of the sea, who are altogether unknown to
me. I have heard much talk, indeed,-of the inhabitants of the sea,
but I always looked upon it as nothing but a tale or fable; but, by
what you have told me, I am convinced there is nothing more true;
and I have a very good proof of it in your own person; who are one
of them, and are pleased to condescend to be my wife; which is an
honour no other inhabitant on the earth can boast of besides myself.
There is one thing yet which puzzles me; therefore I must beg the
favour of you to explain it; that is, 1 cannot comprehend how it is
possible for you to live or move in the water without being drowned.
There are very few amongst us who have the art of staying under
and the Princess of the Sea ie 9


water ; and they would surely perish, if, after a certain time, they did
not come up again.’

‘Sire, replied Queen Gulnare: ‘TI shall with pleasure satisfy the
King of Persia. We can walk at the bottom of the sea with as

_ much ease as you can upon land ; and we can breathe in the water as
you do in the air; so that instead of suffocating us, as it does you, it
absolutely contributes to the preservation of: our lives. What is yet

- more remarkable is, that it never wets our clothes; so that when we
have a mind to visit the earth, we have no occasion to dry them. Our
common language is the same as that of the writing engraved
upon the seal of the great prophet Solomon, the son of David.

‘I must not forget to tell you, further, that the water does not in
the least from seeing in the sea; for we can open our eyes
without any inconvenience ; and as we have quick, piercing sight, we
can discern any object as clearly in the deepest part of the sea as
upon land. We have also there a succession of day and night ; the
moon affords us her light, and even the planets and the stars appear
visible to us. I have already spoken of our kingdoms; but as the sea
is much more spacious than the earth, so there are a greater number
of them, and of greater extent. They are divided into provinces;
and in each province there are several great cities, well peopled. In
short, there are an infinite number of nations, differing in manners
and customs, just as upon the earth.

‘The palaces of the kings and princes are very sumptuous and
magnificent. Some of them are of marble of various colours ; others
of rock-crystal, with which the sea abounds, mother of Seal coral,
and of other materials more valuable ; gold, silver, and all sorts of
precious stones are more plentiful there than on earth. I say nothing
of the pearls, since the largest that ever were seen upon earth would
not be valued amongst us; and none but the very lowest rank of
citizens would wear them. .

‘As wecan 1 transport ourselves whither we please in the Paine
10 ats - The King of Persia

of an eye, we have no occasion for any carriages or riding-horses;
not but what the king has his stables, and his stud of sea-horses ; but
they are seldom made use of, except upon public feasts or rejoicing
days. Some, after they have trained them, take delight in riding
them, and show their skill and dexterity in races; others put them to
chariots of mother-of-pearl, adorned with an infinite number of shells
of all sorts, of the brightest colours. These chariots are open ; and in
the middle there is a throne upon which the king sits, and shows
himself to his subjects. The horses are trained up to draw by them-
selves; so that there is no occasion for a charioteer to guide them. I
pass over a thousand: other curious particulars relating to these
marine countries, which would be very entertaining to your majesty;
but you must permit me to defer it to a future leisure, to speak of
something of much greater consequence. I should like to send for
my mother and my cousins, and at the same time to desire the king
my brother’s company, to whom I have a great desire to be reconciled.
They will be very glad to see me again, after I have related my story
to them, and when they understand I am wife to the mighty king of
Persia. I beseech your majesty to give me leave to send for them: I
‘am sure they will be happy to pay their respects to you; and I
venture to say you will be extremely pleased to see them,’

‘Madam,’ replied the King of Persia, ‘you are mistress; do what-
ever you‘please; I will endeavour to receive them with all the honours
they deserve. But I would fain know how you would acquaint them
with what you desire, and when they will arrive, that I may give
orders to make preparation for their reception, and go myself in
person to meet them,’

‘Sire? replied the Queen Gulnare, ‘there is no need of these
ceremonies; they will be here in a moment; and if your Majesty
will but look through the lattice, you shall see the manner of
their arrival.’

Queen Gulnare then ordered one of her women to bring her a
and. the Princess of the Sea oe oT


brazier with a little fire. After that she bade her retire, and shut the
door. When she was alone, she took a piece of aloes out of a box,
and put it into the brazier. As soon as she saw the smoke rise, she
repeated some words unknown to the King of Persia, who from a
recess observe with great attention all that she did. She had no
sooner ended, than the sea began to be disturbed. At length the
sea opened at some distance; and presently there rose out of it a
tall, handsome young man, with moustaches of a sea-green colour ;
a little behind him, a lady, advanced in years, but of a majestic air,
attended by five young ladies, nowise inferior i in beauty to the Queen

Queen Gulnare. Pmednrey went the windows, and saw
the king her. brother, the queen her mother, and the rest of her
relations; who at the same time perceived her also. The company
came forward, borne, as it were, upon the surface. of the waves.
When they came to: the edge, they nimbly, one after another, sprang
up to the window, from whence Queen Gulnare had retired to
make room for them. King Saleh, the queen her mother, and the
rest of her relations, embraced her tenderly, with tears in their eye,
on their first entrance.

After Queen Gulnare had received them with all imaginable
honour, and made. them sit down upon a sofa, the queen her mother

- addressed herself to her: ‘Daughter, said she, ‘I am overjoyed to
see you again after so long an absence; and I am confident that
your brother and your relations are no less. so. Your leaving us
without acquainting anybody with it involved us in inexpressible
concern; and it is impossible to tell you how many tears we have
shed upon that account. We. know. of no other reason that could
induce you to take such a surprising step, but what your brother
told us of the conversation that passed between him and you. The
advice he gave you seeméd to him. at that time very advantageous
for settling you handsomely in the world, and very suitable to the

12 he , The ‘King of Persia

then posture of our affairs. If you had not approved of his proposal,
you ought not to have been so much alarmed; and, give me leave to

tell you, you took the thing in a quite different light from what you
. ought to have done. But no more of this; we and you ought now
to bury it for ever in oblivion: give us an account of all that has
happened to you since wé saw you last, and of your present situation;
but especially let us know if you are satisfied,’ .

Queen Gulnare immediately threw herself at her mother’s feet ;
and after rising and kissing hér hand, ‘I own,’ said she, ‘I have been
guilty of a very great fault, and I am indébted to your goodness for
the pardon which you are pleased to grant me.’ She then related
the whole of what had befallen her since she quitted the sea. _

As soon as she had acquainted them with her having been sold
to the King of Persia, in whose palace she was at present; ‘Sister,
said the king her brother, ‘you now have it in your power to free
yourself, Rise, and return with us into my kingdom, that I have
reconquered from the proud usurper who had made himself master
of it? ‘

The King of Persia, who heard these words from the recess where
he was concealed, was in the utmost alarm. ‘Ah!’ said he to him-
self, ‘I am ruined; and if my queen, my Gulnare, hearkens to this
advice, and leaves me, I shall surely die’ But Queen Gulnare soon
put him out of his fears. ; aes

‘Brother, said she, smiling, ‘I can scarce forbear being angry
with: you for advising me to break the engagement I have made with
the most puissant and most renowned monarch in the world. I do |
not speak here of an engagement between a slave and her master ;
it would be easy to ‘return the ten thousand pieces of gold. that I cost
him ; but I speak now of a contract-between a wife and a husband;
and a. wife who has not the least reason to complain. He is a
religious, wise; and temperate king. I am_ his wife, and he ‘has
declared me Queen of Persia, to share with him in. his councils.
and the Princess of the Sea 5 ome 13


Besides, I have a child, the little Prince Beder. I hope then
neither my mother, nor you, nor any of my cousins, will disapprove
of the resolution or the alliance I have made, which will be an equal
honour to the kings of the sea and the earth. Excuse me for
giving you the trouble of coming hither from the bottom of the
deep, to communicate it to you, and for the pleasure of seeing: you
after so long a separation.’

‘Sister, replied King Saleh, ‘the proposal I made you Of going
back with us into my kingdom was only to let you see how
much we all love you, and how much I in particular honour you,
and that nothing in the world is so dear to me as your happiness.’

The queen confirmed what her son had just spoken, and
addressing herself to Queen Gulnare, said, ‘I am very glad to hear
you are pleased; and I have nothing else to add to what your
brother has just said to you.. I should have been the first to have
condemned you, if you had not expressed all the gratitude you owe
to a monarch that loves you so Tess one, and has done such great
things for you.’

When the King of Persia, who was still in the recess heard this
he began to love her more than ever, and resolved to express his —
gratitude in every possible way.

Presently Queen Gulnare clapped her hands, and in came some of
her slaves, whom she had ordered to bring in a meal: as soon as it
was served up, she invited the queen her mother, the king her
brother, and her cousins, to sit down and take part of it. They
began to reflect, that without asking leave, they had got into the
palace of a mighty king, who had never seen nor heard of them, and
that it would be a great piece of rudeness to eat at his table without
him. This reflection raised a blush in their faces; in their emotion
their eyes glowed like fire, and they breathed fe at their mouths
and nostrils,

‘This unexpected sight put the King of Persia, who was totally
14 ¥® = The King of ‘Persia -

ignorant of the-cause of it, into a dreadful consternation. Queen
Gulnare suspecting this, and understanding the intention of her
relations, rose from her seat, and told them she would be back in a
moment. She went directly to the ee ees and recovered the cine of
Persia from his surprise..

“Sir? said she, ‘give me leave to assure you of the sincere friend-

ship that the queen my mother and the king my brother are pleased
to honour you with: they earnestly desire to.see you, and tell you
‘so themselves: I intended to have some conversation with them
by: ordering a banquet for. them, before I introduced them to your
majesty, but they are very impatient to pay their respects to you:
and therefore I desire your paca would be pleased to walk in, and
‘honour them with your presence.

‘Madam, said the King of Persia, ‘1 should be very glad to
salute persons that have the honour to be so nearly related:to you,
but I am afraid of the ee that they breathe at their mouths
‘and nostrils.

‘Sir? replied the queen, iene you need not in the least
be afraid of those flames, which are nothing but a sign of their
unwillingness to eat in your palace, without your honouring them
with your presence, and eating with them.’

. The King of Persia, encouraged by these words, rose up, and came
cout into the room with his Queen Gulnare. She presented him to the
-queen her mother, to the king her brother, and to her other relations,
‘who instantly threw themselves at his feet, with their faces to the
ground. The King of Persia ran to -them, and lifting them up,
embraced them one after another. After they were all seated, King
‘Saleh began: ‘Sir, said he to the King of Persia, ‘we are at a loss
for. words to express our joy. to think that the queen my sister should
have the happiness of falling under the protection of so powerful
a monarch. We can assure you she is not unworthy of the high rank
-you have been pleased to raise her to; and we have always had so
-and--the-Princess—of-the-Sea-— we 15


much love and tenderness for her, that we could never think of
parting with her to any of the puissant. princes. of the sea, who
often demanded her in marriage before she came of age: Heaven
has reserved her for you, Sir, and we have no better way of returning
thanks to it for the favour it has done her, than by beseeching it
to: grant your majesty a long and happy life with her, and to
crown you‘with prosperity andvsatisfaction’ = = ain v5

_. Certainly,’ replied the King of. -Persia, ‘I - cannot sufficiently
thank either the queen her mother, or you, Prince, or your whole
family, for the generosity with which you have consented to receive
me into an alliance so glorious to me as yours.’ So saying, he-in-
vited them to take part of the-luncheon, and he and his queen sat
down at the table with them. After it was over, the ‘King of Persia
conversed with them till it was very late; and when they thought
it time to retire, he waited upon them Bimeele to the several rooms
he had ordered to be prepared for. them.

. Next day, as the King of Persia, Queen Gulnare, the queen. her
mother, King ‘Saleh her brother, and the princesses their relations,
were discoursing together in her .majesty’s room, the nurse came
in .with the young Prince Beder in her arms. -King Saleh no sooner
saw him, than he ran. to embrace him; and taking him in his arms,
fell to kissing and. caressing him with.the greatest demonstration
‘of tenderness. He took several turns- with him about the room,
dancing and tossing him about, when all of a sudden, through
a transport of joy; the window being open, he ae out, and

' plunged with-him into the sea, ’

' The King of Persia, who expected no. ‘Such sight, set upa Beate
‘cry, verily believing that he should either see the dear prince his son
no more, or else that he should see him drowned ; and he nearly died
of grief and affliction. Sir? said Queen Gulnare (with a quiet and
undisturbed countenance, the better to comfort him), ‘let. your
‘majesty fear nothing; *the young prince is my son as well as yours,

16 Qe | ' The King of Persia

and I do not love him less than you do. You see I am not alarmed;
neither in truth ought I to be so. He runs no risk, and you will soon
see the king his uncle appear with him again, and bring him back
safe and sound. For he will have the same advantage his uncle
and I have, of living equally in, the sea and upon the land’ The
queen his mother and the princesses his relations confirmed the
same thing; yet all they said had no effect on the king’s fright,
from which he could not recover till he saw Prince Beder appear
again before him.

The sea at length became troubled, when immediately King
Saleh arose with the young prince in his arms, and holding him
up in the air, he re-entered at the same window he went out at. The
King of Persia being overjoyed to see Prince Beder again, and
astonished that he was as calm as before ‘he lost sight of him, King
Saleh said, ‘Sir, was not your majesty in a great fright, when you
first saw me plunge into the sea with the prince my nephew?’

‘Alas! Prince, answered the King of Persia, ‘I cannot express concern. I thought him lost from that very moment, and. you
now restore life to me by bringing him again,

_ ‘I thought as much,’ replied King Saleh, ‘though you had not
the least reason’to apprehend any danger ; for, before I plunged into
the sea with him I pronounced over him certain mysterious words,
which were engraven on the seal of the great Solomon, the son of
David. We do the same to all those children that are born in the
regions at the bottom ‘of the sea, by virtue of which they receive the
same privileges that we have over those people who inhabit the earth. —
From what your majesty -has observed, you may easily see what
advantage your son Prince Beder has acquired by his birth, for as
long as he lives, and as often as he pleases, hei will be at liberty
to plunge into the sea, and traverse the vast empires it contains
in its bosom.’

Having so spoken, King Saleh, who had ‘restored Prince Beder

_Prince Beder

and the Princess of the Sea og 17


» to his nurse’s arms, opened a box he had fetched from his palace
in the little time he had disappeared. It was filled with three
hundred diamonds, as large as pigeons’ eggs, a like number of rubies
of extraordinary size, as many emerald wands, each half a foot long,
and thirty strings or necklaces. of pearl, consisting each of ten
feet. ‘Sir, said he to the King of Persia, presenting him with this
box, ‘when I was first summoned by the queen my sister, I knew
not what part of the earth she was in, or that she had the honour
to be married to so great a monarch. This made us come empty
handed. As we cannot express how much we have been obliged
to your majesty, I beg you to accept this small token of grati-
tude, in acknowledgment of the many particular favours you have
been pleased to show her,

It is impossible to express how greatly the King of Persia was
surprised at the sight of so much riches, enclosed in so little compass.
‘What! Prince,’ cried he, “do you call so inestimable a present a
small token of your gratitude? I declare once more, you have never

"been in the least obliged to me, neither the queen your mother nor
you. Madam, continued he, turning to Gulnare, ‘the king your
brother has put me into the greatest confusion; and I’ would
beg of him to permit me to refuse his present, were I not afraid of
disobliging him; do you therefore endeavour to obtain his leave
that I may be excused accepting it’

‘Sir,’ replied King Saleh, ‘I am not at all surprised that your
majesty thinks this present so extraordinary. I know you are not

‘accustomed upon earth to see precious stones of this quality and
quantity: but if you knew, as I do, the mines whence these jewels
“were taken, and that it is in my power to form a treasure greater than
those of all the kings of the earth, you would wonder we should
thave the boldness to make you a present of so small a value. I
beseech you, therefore, not to regard it in that light, but on account
of the sincere friendship which obliges us to offer it to you not to

18 gui . The King of Persia

give us the mortification of refusing it’ This obliged the King of
Persia to accept the present, for which he returned many thanks
both to King Saleh and the queen his mother.

A few days after, King Saleh gave the King of pees to under:
stand that the queen his mother, the princesses his relations, and
himself, could have no greater pleasure than to spend their whole
lives at his court; but that having been so long absent from their
own kingdom, where their presence was absolutely necessary, they
begged of him not to take it ill if they took leave of him and Queen
Gulnare. The King of Persia assured them he was very sorry that
it was not in his power to return their visit in their own dominions ;
but he added, ‘As I am verily persuaded you will not forget Queen
Gulnare, but come and see her now and then, I hope I shall tte the
honour to see you again more than once.’

Many tears were shed on both sides upon their separation. King
Saleh departed first; but the queen his mother, and the princesses
his relations, were fain to force themselves in a manner from the
embraces of Queen Gulnare, who could not prevail upon herself
to let them go. This royal company were no sooner out of sight —
than the King of Persia said to Queen Gulnare, ‘Madam, I should
have looked with suspicion upon the person that had pretended
to pass those off upon me for true wonders, of which I myself
have been an eye-witness from the time I have been honoured
with your illustrious family at my court. But I cannot refuse to
believe my own eyes; and shall remember, it as long as'I live, and
never cease to bless. Heaven for t isending you to. me, Eee of to
any other prince.’


' brought up and educated in the
palace under the care of the King.
and Queen of Persia. He gave them
great pleasure as.he advanced in
years by his agreeable manners, and
by the justness of whatever he said;

King Saleh his uncle, the queen his.

grandmother, and the princesses his.

relations, came from time to time to
see him. He was easily taught to
read and write, and was instructed in all the sciences that became
a prince of his rank.

When he arrived at the age of fifteen he was very wise and
prudent. The king, who had almost from his cradle discovered in
him these virtues so necessary for a monarch, and who moreover
began to perceive the infirmities of old age coming upon himself
every-day, would not wait till death gave him possession of the
throne, but purposed to resign it to him. He had no great difficulty
to make his council consent to it; and the people heard this with so
much the more joy, because they considered Prince Beder worthy to
govern them. They saw that he treated all mankind with that
goodness which invited them to approach him; that he heard
C 2

20 xz | Prince Beder and

— i-

favourably all who had anything to say to him; that he answered
everybody with a goodness that was peculiar to him; and that he
refused nobody anything that had the least appearance of justice.

The day for the ceremony was appointed. In the midst of the
whole assembly, which was larger than usual, the King of Persia,
then sitting on his throne, came down from it, took the crown from
off his head, put it on that of Prince Beder, and having seated
him in his place, kissed his hand, as a token that he resigned his
authority to him. After which he took his place among the crowd of
viziers and emirs below the throne.

Hereupon the viziers, emirs, and other principal officers, came
‘immediately and threw themselves at the new king’s feet, taking each
the oath of fidelity according to their rank. Then the grand vizier
made a report of various important matters, on which the young king
gave judgment with admirable prudence and sagacity that surprised
all the council. He next turned out several governors convicted of
mal-administration, and put others in their place, with wonderful and
just discernment. He at length left the council, accompanied by the
late king his father, and went to see his mother, Queen Gulnare. The
queen no sooner saw him coming with his crown upon his head, than
she ran to him, and embraced him with tenderness, washing him a
long and prosperous reign.

The first year of his reign King Beder ested himself of all his
royal functions with great care. Above all, he took care to inform
himself of the state of his affairs, and all that might in any way
contribute towards the happiness of his people. Next year, having
left the administration to his council, under the direction of the old
king his father, he went out of his capital, under pretext of diverting —
himself with hunting; but his real intention was to visit-all the
provinces of his kingdom, that he might reform all abuses there,
establish good order and discipline everywhere, and take from all ill-
minded princes, his neighbours, any opportunities of attempting any
the Princess ‘Giauhara Be 21


’ thing against the security and tranquillity of his subjects, by showing,
himself-on his frontiers.

It required no less than a whole year for this young king to carry
out his plans. Soon after his return, the old king his father fell so
dangerously ill that he knew at once he should never recover. He
waited for his last moment with great tranquillity, and his only care
was to recommend the ministers and other lords of his son’s court to
remain faithful to him: and there was not one but willingly renewed
his oath as freely as at first. He died, at length, to’ the great grief
of King Beder and Queen Gulnare, who caused his corpse to’ be’
borne to a stately mausoleum, worthy of his rank and dignity.

The funeral ended, King Beder found no difficulty in complying
with that ancient custom in Persia to mourn for the dead a. whole
month, and not to be seen by anybody during all that time. He
would have mourned the death..of his father his whole life, had it
been right for a great prince thus to abandon himself to grief.
During this interval the queen, mother to Queen Gulnare, and
King Saleh, together with the princesses their relations, arrived at
the Persian court, and shared their affliction, before they offered
any consolation. :

When the month was expired, the king could not refuse
admittance to the grand vizier and the other lords of his court,
who besought him to lay» aside his mourning, to show himself
to his subjects, and take upon him the administration of affairs
as before.

He showed such great reluctance at their request, that the
grand vizier was forced to take upon himself to say to him; ‘Sir,

neither our tears nor yours. are capable of restoring life to the
good king your father, though we should. lament him all our days.
He has undergone the common law of all men, which subjects
them to pay the indispensable tribute of death. Yet we cannot
say absolutely that he is dead, since we see him in your sacred
22 oe Prince Beder and
f a

person. -He did not himself doubt, when he was dying, but. that

he should revive in you, and to your majesty it belongs to show

that he was not deceived.’

King Beder could no longer oppose such pressing entreaties :
he laid aside his mourning; and after he had resumed the royal
habit and ornaments, he began to provide for the necessities of ‘his
_ kingdom and subjects with the same care as before his father’s
death. He acquitted himself with universal approbation: and as
he was exact in maintaining the ordinances of his predecessor, ws
people did not’ feel they had changed their sovereign.

King Saleh, who had returned to his dominions in the sea
with the queen his mother and the princesses, no sooner saw that
_ King Beder had resumed the government, at the end of the month
than he came alone to visit him; and King Beder and Queen
_Gulnare were overjoyed to see him.

“One evening when they rose from table, they talked of various
matters. King Saleh began. with the praises of the king his nephew,
and expressed to the queen his sister how glad he was to see
him govern so prudently, all of which had acquired him great
reputation, not among his neighbours only, but more remote
princes. King Beder, who could not bear to hear himself so well
spoken ‘of, and not being willing, through good manners, to
interrupt the king his uncle, turned on one side to sleep, cee
his head against -a cushion that was behind him.

‘Sister, said King Saleh, ‘I wonder you have not thought of
marrying him ere this: if I mistake not, he is in his twentieth
year; and, at that age, no prince like him ought to be suffered .to
be without a wife. ‘I will think of a wife for him myself, since you -
will not, and marry him to some princess of our lower world that
may be worthy of him.’

‘Brother, replied Queen Gulnare, ‘I have never r thought of it to
this very moment, and I am glad you havé spoken of it to me. I
the Princess Giauhara : | ee 23

— = i

- like your proposing one of our princesses ; and I desire you to name
one so beautiful and accomplished that the king my son may be
obliged to love her.’

‘I know one that will suit’ replied King Saleh, softly; ‘but I see
many difficulties to be surmounted, not on the lady’s part, as I hope,
but on that of her father. I need only mention to you the Princess
Giauhara, daughter of the king of Samandal.’ .

‘What?’ replied Queen Gulnare, ‘is not the Princess Cninee
yet married? I remember to have seen her before I left your
palace; she was then about eighteen months old, and surprisingly
beautiful, and must needs be the wonder of the world. The few
years she is older than the king my son ought not to prevent us from
doing our utmost to bring it about. Let me but know the difficulties
that are to be surmounted, and we will surmount them,’

‘Sister, replied King Saleh, ‘the greatest difficulty is, that the
King of Samandal is insupportably vain, looking upon all others as
his inferiors: it is not likely we shall easily get him to enter into this

- alliance. For my part, I will go to him in petson, and demand of
him the princess his daughter; and, in case he refuses her, we will -
address ourselves elsewhere, where we shall be more favourably heard.
‘For this reason, as you may perceive, added he, ‘it is as well for the
king my nephew not to know anything of our design, lest he should
fall in love with the Princess Giauhara, till we have got the consent
of the King of Samandal, in case, after all, we should not be able
to obtain her for him.’ They discoursed a little longer upon this
point, and, before they parted, agreed that King Saleh should
forthwith return to his own dominions, and demand the Princess .
Giauhara of the King of. Samandal her father, for the King of
Persia his nephew. .

Now King Beder had heard what they said, and he immediately
fell in love with the Princess Giauhara without having even seen her,
and he lay awake thinking all night. Next day King Saleh took
24 9 Prince Beder and

leave of Queen Gulnare and the king his nephew. The young king,

who knew the ,king his uncle would not have departed so soon but

to go and promote his happiness without loss of time, changed

colour when he heard him mention his departure. He resolved to

desire his uncle to bring the princess away with him: but only

asked. him to stay with him one day more, that they might hunt

together. The day for hunting was fixed, and King Beder had

many opportunities of being alone with his uncle, but he had not

the courage to open his mouth. In the heat of the chase, when

King Saleh was separated from him, and not one of his officers and

attendants was near, he alighted near a rivulet; and having tied

his horse to a tree, which, with several others growing along the

banks, afforded a very pleasing shade, he laid himself down on

the grass. He remained a good while absorbed in thought, yee

speaking a. word.

King Saleh, in the meantime, missing the king his nephew;
began to be much. concerned to know what had become of him.
He therefore left his company to go in search of him, and at length
perceived him at a distance. He had observed the. day before,
and more plainly that day, that he was not so lively as he used
to be; and that if he was asked a question, he either answered
not at all, or nothing to the purpose. As soon as King Saleh
saw him lying in that disconsolate posture, he immediately guessed
he had heard what passed between him and Queen Gulnare.' He »
hereupon. alighted at some. distance from him, and having tied
his horse to a tree, came upon him so. softly, that he heard him
say to himself:

‘Amiable princess of the kingdom of Samandal, I would _ this
moment go and offer you my heart, if I knew where to find you.’ —

‘King Saleh would hear no more; he advanced immediately,
and. showed -himself to King Beder. ‘From what I see, nephew,
said he, ‘you heard what the queen your mother and I said the
the Princess Giauhara ER 25


other day of the Princess Giauhara. It was not our intention you
should have known anything, and we thought you were asleep.’

‘My dear uncle, replied King Beder, ‘I heard every word, but
was ashamed to disclose to you my weakness. I beseech you to
pity me, and not wait to procure me the consent of the divine
Giauhara till you have gained the consent of the King of Samandal
that I may marry his daughter.’

These words of the King of Persia greatly embarrassed King
Saleh. He represented to him how difficult it was, and that he.
could not well do it without carrying him along with him; which
might be of dangerous consequence, since his presence was so
absolutely necessary in his kingdom. He begged him to wait
But these reasons were not sufficient to satisfy the King of Persia.

Cruel Uncle, said he, ‘I find you do not love me so much as
you pretended,. and that you had rather see me die than grant the
first request I ever made you.’

-*T am ready to convince your majesty, replied King Saleh, ‘that
I would do anything to serve you; but as for carrying you along
with me, I cannot do that till I have spoken to the queen your
mother. What would she say of you and me? If she consents, I
am ready to do all you. would have me, and I will join my
entreaties to yours,’

‘If you do really love me,’ replied the King of Persia impatiently,
‘as you would have me believe you do, you must return to your
kingdom immediately, and carry me along with you.’

_ King Saleh, finding himself obliged to yield to his nephew,
drew from his finger a, ring, on which were engraven the same
my sterious names that were upon Solomon’s seal, that had
wrought so many wonders by their, virtue. ‘Here, take this ring,
said he, ‘put it upon your finger, and fear neither the waters of the
sea, nor their depth.’

The King of Persia took the ring, and when he had put it on his
26 ; _ Prince Beder and


finger, King Saleh said to him, ‘ Do as I do.” At the same time they
both mounted lightly up into the air, and made towards the sea
which was not far distant, whereinto they both. plunged.

The sea-king was’ not long in getting to his palace with the King
of Persia, whom he immediately carried to the queen’s apartment,
and presented him to her. The King of Persia kissed the queen
his grandmother’s hands, and she embraced him with great joy.
a do not ask you how you are, ’ said she to him; ‘I see you are
very well, and I am: rejoiced. at it; but I desire to know how is
my daughter, your mother, Queen Gulnare ¥

The King of Persia told her the queen his mother was in nercet
health. Then the queen presented. him to the princesses; and
while he was in conversation with them, she left him, and went
with King Saleh, who told her how the King of Persia was fallen
in love with the Princess Giauhara, and that he had nee ee
along with him, without being able ‘to hinder it.

Although King Saleh was, to do him justice, perfectly innocent,
yet the queen. could hardly forgive this indiscretion in mentioning.
the Princess Giauhara before: him. ‘Your imprudence is not to be
forgiven,’ said she to-him: ‘can you think that the King of Samandal,
whose character is so well known, will have greater’ consideration
for you than the many other kings he has refused his’ daughter
to with such evident contempt? Would you have him send you
‘away with the same confusion?’ . :

‘Madam,’ replied King Saleh, ‘I have already told you it was
contrary to my intention that the king, my nephew, should. hear
what I related of the Princess Giauhara to’ the queen my sister.
The fault is committed; I will therefore’ do all that I can to remedy
it. I hope, madam, you will approve of my resolution to go
myself and wait. upon the King of Samandal, with a rich present
of precious stones, and demand of him the princess, his daughter,
for ‘the. King of Persia, your grandson. I- have some reason to
the Princess Giauhara , gs 27


- believe he will not refuse me,’ but will. be. pleased’ at ‘an
alliance with one of the ‘greatest potentatés of the earth.’ -

‘It were to have been wished,’ replied the queen, ‘that we had
not been under a necessity of making this demand, since the
success. of our attempt is not so certain as we could desire; but
since my grandson’s peace and content depend upon it, I freely
give my consent. But, above all, I charge you, since you well

know the temper of the King of Samandal, that you take care to ©

speak to him with due respect, and in a manner that cannot
possibly offend him.’ iis aes aor

The queen prepared the present herself, composed of diamonds,
rubies, emeralds, and strings of pearl; all of which she put into a
very neat and very. rich box. Next morning, King Saleh took
leave of her majesty and the King of Persia, and departed with a
chosen and small troop of officers and other attendants. He soon
arrived at the kingdom and the palace of the King of Samandal,
who rose from his throne as soon as he perceived him ; and King
Saleh, forgetting his character for. some moments, though

knowing whom he had to deal with, prostrated himself at his feet,

wishing him the accomplishment - of all his desires.. The
King of Samandal immediately stooped to raise ‘him up, and
after he had placed him on his left hand, he told him he was
welcome, and asked him if there was anything he could do to
serve him. oat ane ee a

‘Sir’ answered King Saleh, ‘though I should have no other
motive than that of paying my respects to the most potent, most
prudent, and most valiant prince in the world, feeble would be
my expressions how much I honour your majesty. Having spoken
these words, he took the box of jewels from one of his servants
and having opened it, presented it to the king, imploring him to
accept it for his sake. — ae

‘Prince, replied the King of Samandal, ‘you would not make
28 gh. Prince Beder and

me such a present unless you had a request to propose. If

there be anything in my power, you may freely command it, and

I shall feel the greatest pleasure in granting it. Speak, and tell

me frankly wherein I can serve you.’ -

‘E must own, replied King Saleh, ‘I have a boon to ask of
your majesty; and I shall take care to ask nothing but what is
in your power to grant. The thing depends so absolutely on
yourself, that it would be to no purpose to ask it of any other.
I ask it then with all possible earnestness, and I beg of you not
to refuse it me.’

‘If it be so, replied the King of Samandal, ‘you have nothing
to do but acquaint me what it is, and you shall see after what
manner I can oblige when it is in my power.’

‘Sir, said King Saleh, ‘after the confidence your majesty has
been pleased to encourage me-to put in your goodwill, I will not
dissemble any longer. I came to. beg of you to honour our
house with your alliance by the marriage of your honourable
daughter the Princess Giauhara, and to strengthen the good under-
standing that has so long subsisted between our two crowns.’

At these words the King of Samandal burst out laughing,
falling back in his throne against a cushion that supported him,
and with an imperious’and scornful air, said to King Saleh: ‘ King
Saleh, I have always hitherto thought you a prince of great sense ;
but what you say convinces me how much I was mistaken. Tell
me,.I beseech ‘you, where was your discretion, when you imagined to
yourself so great an absurdity as you have just now proposed to
me? Could you conceive a thought only of aspiring in marriage
to a princess, the daughter of so great and powerful a king as] am?
You ought to have: considered better beforehand the great distance
between us, and not run the risk of losing in a moment the esteem
I always had-for your person,’ .
King Saleh was extremely nettled at this affronting answer,
the Princess Giauhara ae 29



and had much ado to restrain his resentment ; however, he replied,
with all possible moderation, ‘God reward your majesty as you
deserve! I have the honour to inform you, I do not demand the
princess your daughter in marriage for myself; had I done so your

majesty and the princess ought to have been so far from being
offended, that you should have thought it an honour done to both.
Your majesty well knows I am one of the kings of the sea as well

as yourself; that the kings, my ancestors, yield not in antiquity to
any other royal families ; and that the kingdom I inherit from them
is no less potent and flourishing than it has ever been. If your .
majesty had not interrupted me, you had soon understood that the
favour I ask of you was not for myself, but for the young King of
Persia, my nephew, whose power and grandeur, no less than his
320 & ' Prince Beder and

personal good qualities, cannot be unknown to ‘you. Everybody

acknowledges the Princess Giuahara ‘to be the most beautiful person

in the world: but it is no less true that the young King of Persia,

my nephew, is the best and most accomplished prince on the land.

Thus the favour that is. asked being likely to redound both to

the honour of your majesty and the princess your daughter, you

ought not to doubt that your consent to an alliance so equal will

be unanimously approved in all the kingdoms of the sea. The

princess is worthy of the King of Persia, and the King of Persia is

no less worthy of her. No king or prince in the world can dispute

her with him, ee

The King of Samandal would not have let King Saleh go on so
long after this rate, had not the rage he put him in deprived him of
all power of speech. It was some time before he could find his
tongue, so much was he transported with passion. At length, how-
ever, he broke into outrageous language, unworthy of a great king.
‘Dog!’ cried he, ‘dare you talk to me after this manner, and so
much as mention my daughter’s name in my presence? Can
you think the son of your sister Gulnare worthy to come in
competition with my daughter? Who are you? Who was your
father? Who is your sister? And who your nephew? Was
not his father.a dog, and a son of a dog, like you? Guards, seize
the. insolent wretch, and cut off his head’

The few officers that were about the King of Samandal were
immediately going to obey his orders, when. King Saleh, who was
nimble and vigorous, got from them. before they could draw their
sabres; and having: reached the palace gate, he there found a
thousand men of his relations and friends, well armed and equipped,
who had just arrived. The queen his mother having considered the
small number of attendants he took with him, and, moreover, fore-
seeing the bad reception he would ‘probably have from the King of
Samandal, had sent these troops. to protect and defend him in
the Princess ‘Giauhara | fk 31


case of danger, ‘ordering ” them to make haste. Those of his
relations who were at the head of this troop had reason to rejoice
at their seasonable arrival, when they beheld him and his attendants .
come running in great disorder and pursued. ‘Sir,’ cried his friends,.
the moment he joined them, ‘what is the matter? Weare ready to
revenge you: you need only command us.’ a

King Saleh related his case to them in as few words as he could,
and putting himself at the head of a large troop, he, while some |
seized on the gates, re-entered the palace as before. The few
officers and guards who had pursued him being soon dispersed,
he. re-entered the King of Samandal’s. apartment, who, being
abandoned by his attendants, was soon seizéd. King. Saleh left
sufficient guards to secure ‘his person, : and then went from |
apartment to apartment, in search of the Princess Giauhara. But
that princess, on the first alarm, had, together with her women,
sprung up to the surface of the sea, and escaped to a desert island.

While this was passing in the palace of the King of Samandal,
those of King Saleh’s attendants who had fled at the first menaces
of that king put the queen mother into terrible consternation upon
relating the danger her son was in. King Beder, who was by at
that time, was the more concerned, in that he looked upon himself
as the principal author of all the mischief: therefore, not caring
to abide in the queen’s presence any longer, he darted. up from
the bottom of the sea ; and, not knowing how to find his way to the
kingdom of Persia, he happened to light on the island where the
Princess Giauhara had taken refuge. we

The prince, not. a little disturbed in mind, went and seated
himself under the shade of a large tree. Whilst he was endeavouring
to recover himself, he heard somebody talking, but was too far
off to understand what was said. He arose and advanced softly
towards the place whence the sound came, where, among the
branches, he perceived a most. beautiful. lady. ‘Doubtless, said
32 FF Prince Beder and

he, within himself, stopping and considering her with great attention,

“this must be the Princess Giauhara,. whom fear has obliged to

abandon her father’s palace. This said, he came forward, and

approached the princess with profound reverence. ‘Madam,’ said

he, ‘a greater happiness could not have befallen me than this

opportunity to offer you my most humble services. I beseech

you, therefore, madam, to accept them, it being impossible that

a lady in this solitude should not want assistance.’

‘True, my lord,’ replied Giauhara very sorrowfully, ‘it is not.a
little extraordinary for a lady of my rank to be in this situation.
I am a princess, daughter of the King of Samandal, and my name
is Giauhara. I was in my father’s palace, when all of a sudden I
heard a dreadful noise: news was immediately brought me that
King Saleh, I know not for what reason, had forced his way into
the palace, seized the king my father, and murdered all the guards
that made any resistance. I had only time to save myself, and
escaped hither from his violence,’

At these words of the princess, King Beder began to be
* concerned that he had quitted his grandmother so hastily, without
staying to hear from her an explanation of the news that had
been brought her. But he was, on the other hand, overjoyed to
find that the king, his uncle, had rendered himself master of the
King of Samandal’s person, not doubting but that he would consent
to give up the princess for his liberty. ‘Adorable princess,’ continued _
he, ‘your concern is most just,-but it is easy to put an end both
to that and to your father’s captivity. You will.agree with me when
I tell you that I am Beder, King of Persia, and King Saleh is my
uncle; I assure you, madam, he has no design to seize upon. the
king your father’s dominions; his only intent is to obtain his
consent that I may have the honour and happiness of being his son-
in-law. | I had already given my heart to you, and now, far from
repenting of what I have done, I beg of you to be assured that I
the Princess Giauhara th. 33

i —>—

will love you as long as I live. Permit me, then, beauteous
princess! to have the honour to go and present you to the king
my .uncle; and the king your father shall no sooner have
consented to our marriage, than King Saleh will leave him
sovereign of his dominions as before?

This declaration of King Beder did not produce the effect he
expected. When the princess heard from his own mouth that he
had been the occasion of the ill-treatment her father had suffered,
of the grief and fright she had endured, and especially the
necessity she was reduced to of flying her country, she looked
upon -him as an enemy with whom she ought to have nothing

_ whatever to do.

'.. King Beder, believing himself arrived at the very pinnacle
of happiness, stretched forth his hand, and taking that of the princess,
stooped down to kiss it, when she, pushing him’ back, said,
‘ Wretch, quit ‘that form of a man, and take that of a white bird,
with a red bill and feet” Upon her pronouncing these words, King
Beder was immediately changed into a bird of that sort, to his
great surprise and mortification. ‘Take him,’ said she to one of her
women, ‘and carry him to the Dry Island” This island was only
one frightful rock, where there was not a drop of water to be had.

The waiting-woman took the bird, and in executing her princess’s
orders had compassion on King Beder’s destiny. ‘It would be a great
pity,’ said she to herself, ‘to let a prince, so worthy to live, die of
hunger and thirst. The princess, so'good and gentle, will, it may
be, repent of this cruel order when she comes to herself: it were
better that I carried him to a place where he may die a natural
death.’ She accordingly carried him to -a well-frequented island,
and left him in a charming plain, planted with all sorts of fruit-
‘trees, and watered by several rivulets.

Let us return to King Saleh. After he had sought a good.
while for the Princess Giauhara, and ordered others to seek for her,

: D

84 ie - Prince Beder and

a ed

to no purpose, he-causéd the King df Samandal: to ‘be shut ‘up in
his ‘own palace; under d. strong. guard ; and’ having. ‘given the
necessary orders’ for - governing the kingdom: in ‘his absence, “he
returned to give thé ‘queen: his. mother an- account of ‘what he
had done. The first thing he. asked | upon his’ arrival’ was ‘of. the
whereabouts of the king--his” nephéw, and he learned: .with great
surprise and vexation that he had disappeared. oe ae

‘News being brought: me,’. said’ the qiteen, ‘ of’ ne auacer you

were: in at the palace of the King of Samandal, whilst T ‘was «giving ©
orders. to send other ‘troopsto avenge you, he disappeared: «He
must have been: frightened: at hearing” of -your:. aes
danger, and did not think himself in sufficient safety, with us’
- This news, exceedingly. Afflicted. King: Saleh; who now repented
of his being so easily wrought upon by King 'Beder as to carry him
away with him’without his mother’s consent. ° Whilst: he: was in this
suspense about his nephew,‘he left his: kingdom under the adminis+
tration “of his mothér, and ‘went’ to govern that of thé King of
Samandal, whom’he continued’ to keep under, grabs ve
though with all due respect to. his rank.

The same day that. King Saleh -returned’ to oie sane of
Samandal, Queen. Gulnare, mother: to. King Beder,. arrived at the
court of the queen her mother’. The: princess -.was.not : at all
surprised to find her sori did not réturn’ the same. day he set’ out, it
being not uncommon for him:to go. further, than -he. proposed ‘iri-the
heat of the chase; but’ when she saw that he returned neither the next
day, nor: the day. after, she began to be alarmed. : This: alarm ‘-was.
increased. when the officer’,. who had accompanied: the king,. and!
were obliged to return after they:had for a long time sought ih vain
for both him and his «uncle, came’ and-told her majesty. they. miust
of necessity have come to some harm, or be ‘together: in: some
place which they. could: not’ ‘guessy. since, they could -hear .no. tidings
of them, . Their horses, indeed,: they. had found, but sas. fort -their

the Princess Giauhara -_ ee. 35


persons, ' ‘they. knew. not- where. to. look for them.. The queen,
hearing. this, “had resolved to° dissemble and conceal her affliction,
bidding the officers to search once more with their utmost diligence ;
but in-the mean time, saying nothing to anybody, she plunged into
the sea, to satisfy herself as to the suspicion she had that King Saleh
must have carried.away- his nephew along with him.

', This great. queen would. have ‘been. more affectionately eeeved
by : the. queen * her ° “‘mother,: had’ she not, upon first sight of her,
guessed the -occasion. of ‘her coming. : ‘ Daughter; said: she, ‘I
plainly perceive you are not come hither to visit me; you. come to
inquire after the: king. your son; and the only news I can tell -you
will augment both-your grief and mine. I no sooner saw ‘him arrive
in our. territories, than I. rejoiced; yet, when I came to. understand
he had come. away. without. “your knowledge, I began to share with
you the concern. you must needs feel.’ Then she. related to her
with what zeal..King Saleh. went to Henmane the Princess Giauhara
in.marriage for King Beder, and- what had happened, till her son
disappeared. ‘I have sent. diligently after him, added she, ‘an nd
the king my’ son, who is but, just gone to govern the kingdom of
Samandal, has done all that. lay in his power. All our endeavours
have hitherto proved unsuccessful, but we: must hope: nevertheless -
fo: see him. again, perhaps. when. we. least. expect it?

‘Queen Gulnare was not satisfied. with this hope; she looked upon
the king her dear son as lost, and. lamented him bitterly, laying
all the blame upon the ‘king: his uncle, The queen her mother made
her consider the “necessity. ‘of not: yielding - too much. to. her griet.
‘The king your brother,’ said she, ‘ought: not, it is true, to have
talked: to you-so, imprudently. about that. marriage, nor ever have
consented to carry away, the: king my~ grandson, without acquainting
you first; yet, ‘since if is not. certain that the King of Persia is
absolutely. lost, you ought to neglect nothing to preserve his kingdom
for. him: _ lose, then, no more: ‘time,: but return to ORE, capital ; your



36 we | Prince Beder and.


presence there will be necessary, and it will not be hard for you
to preserve the public peace, by causing it to be published that the
King of Persia was gone to visit his grandmother,’ ’

‘Queen Gulnare yielded. She took leave of the queen her
mother, and was back in the palace of the capital of Persia before
she had been missed. She immediately despatched persons to
recall the officers she had sent after the king, and to tell them she
knew where his majesty was, and that they should soon see him
again. She also governed with the prime minister and council as
quietly as if the king had been present.

To return to King Beder, whom the Princess Giauhara’s waiting-
woman had carried and left in the island before mentioned ; that
monarch was not a little surprised when he found himself alone, and
under the form of a bird. He felt. yet more unhappy that he
knew not where he was, nor in what part of the world the kingdom
of Persia lay. He was forced to remain where he was, and live
upon such food as birds of his kind were wont to eat, and to pes
the night on a tree, |

A few days after, a peasant that was skilled in taking Hirds with
nets chanced to come to the place where he was; when perceiving
so fine a bird, the like of which he had never seen before, he began
greatly to rejoice. He employed all his art to catch him, and at
length succeeded. Overjoyed at so great a prize, which he looked —
upon as of more- worth than all the other birds, because so rare,
he shut it up in a cage, and carried it to the city. As soon as he was

come into the market, a citizen stopt him, and asked him how much

he wanted for that bird.

Instead of. answering, the peasant asked the citizen what he
would do with him in case he should: buy. him? ‘What wouldst
thou have me to Ge with him, answered the citizen, “but roast and

eat him?’

‘If that be the. case,’ replied the “peasant, q suppose you

the Princess Giauhara | oR 37


would think me very well paid if you gave me the smallest
piece of silver for ,him. I set a much higher value upon him, and
you should not have him for a piece of gold. Although I am
advanced in years, I never saw such a bird in my life. I intend
to make a present of him to the king; he will know the value of
him better than you.’

Without staying any longer in the market, fie peasant went

- directly to the palace, and placed himself exactly before the king’s
apartment. His majesty, being at a window where he could see all:
that passed in the court, no sooner cast his eyes on this beautiful
bird, than he sent an officer to buy it for him. The officer, going to
the peasant, asked him how much he wanted for that bird. ‘If it be.
for his majesty,’ answered the peasant, ‘I humbly beg of him. to
accept it of me as a present, and I desire you to carry it to him’,
The officer took the bird to the king, who found it so great a rarity.
that he ordered the same officer to take ten pieces of gold, and carry.
them to the peasant, who departed very well satisfied. The king
ordered the bird to be put into a magnificent cage, and gave it seed:
and water in rich vessels.

His majesty being then ready to-go hunting, had not time to, »
consider the bird, therefore had it brought to him as soon as he came.
back. The officer brought the cage, and the king, that he might:
better see the bird, took it out himself, and perched it upon his hand.
Looking earnestly at it, he asked the officer if he had seen it eat.
‘Sir, replied the officer, ‘your majesty may observe the vessel with
his food is still full, and he has not touched any of it.’ Then the
king ordered him meat of various sorts, that he might take what
he liked best.

The table being spread, and dinner served up just as the king
had given these orders, the bird, flapping his wings, hopped off.
the king’s hand, and flew on to the table, where he began to peck,
the bread and victuals, sometimes on one plate, and sometimes on.
38 gui | Prince Beder. and


another. The’ king was so surprised, that’ he immediately sent
the officer to desire the queen to come and see this wonder, ‘The
officer related it to her majesty, and ‘she came forthwith: but she
no sooner saw the bird, than she covered’ her face with her veil,
and would have retired. The king, surprised at her’ proceeding,
asked the reason of it. oe a
Oli answeted the queen, ‘your majesty will no ‘longer be
surprised when you understand that this bird is not, as you take
it, a bird, but a man,’ : a ee jae
‘Madam,’ said the’ oe more ssoniched ‘than before, ‘you are
making fun of me; you shall never peers ‘me that a bird
can be a man.’ ; bi : ee ae
«Sir? replied the queen, ‘far be it from me to take fun ory your
majesty ; nothing is more certain. than ‘what’ I ‘have had the honour’
to tell you. I can assure your. “majesty it is the King of Persia,
riamed Beder, son of the celebrated Gulnare, princess of one of
the largest kingdoms of the “sea, nephew: of Saleh, king of that.
kingdom, and. grandson of Queen’ Farasche, mother of Gulnare and
Saleh; and it was the Princess Giauhara, daughter - of. the King:
of Samandal, who thus metamorphosed him into a bird’ That
the king might no longer doubt of what she affirmed, she told’
him the whole story, how ‘and for ‘what’ reason the Princess
Giauhara had. thus revenged herself for ‘the ill-treatment oe Kine:
Saleh towards the king of Samandal, her father: |. : ae
‘The king had less ‘difficulty in bélieving- ‘this ’ assértion of “the:
queen in that he knew her to: be ‘a skilful magician, one of the
greatest in the world. And as she knew’ everything which’ took:
place, he was always by her means timely informed of ‘the designs -
of the kings’ his neighbours: against him, and: pievented’ them. - His
majesty. had - compassion on. the King ‘of: Persia; and earnestly
besought - his queen to. break uy enehog et, that he eet
return to his own form. ~~ eee ee coe
the Princess Giauhara s 39


The queen consented ‘to it’ with ‘great willingness. ‘Sir,’ ‘said.
she’ to. the’ King, ‘be pleased’ to take thé bird into ‘your room, and’
I will show you-a king worthy of the consideration you have for’
lim’. The bird, which had.céased eating, and. attended to: what:
the -king and queen said; would not give his majesty the trouble’
te. take him,. but hopped: into the room’ before him ; and. the queen:
came its soon” after, with a: vessel full of water’ in her hand. She
proriounced: over’ the vessel some words unknown to the king, till. the
water? began to. boil, when shé.took some of it in her hand, and,
sprinkling’ a little: upon the: bird, said,’ ‘By virtue of these holy and-
mysterious. words I have just pronounced, quit that form of a bird,:
oe ‘reassume that which thou hast teceived: from: thy ‘Creator.’

The-words were’ scarcely out of the’ quéen’s niouth, when, instead?
of a bird, the king saw a young prince. King Beder immediately:
fell:on his linees, and thanked God’ forthe favour that had been
bestowed ‘upon him.» Then. he took the-king’s hand, who helped’
him~ up, Jand ‘kissed Jit’ in token ' of gratitudé; but. the king
embraced: him with great’ joy. -He would.’then’ have made’ his-
acknowledgments: to. the ‘queen, but she had alréady retired to- her’
apartment. The king made him sit- at. the’ table :with him, ‘and,
after dinnet.was over, prayed’ him- to . relate “how. the Princess
Giauhara could have had:.the inhumanity. to ‘transform into a’ bird-
so amiable.a. prince ashe was; andthe King of Persia immediately’
told him. “When he had done, the king; provoked ‘at:the. proceeding
of the princess, could ‘not help blaming: het. : ‘It-was commendable,’
said he, ‘in the Princess of Samandal to feel hurt at:the king “her
father’s. ill-treatment; but to \carry~ her -vengeance -so far, and:
especially against a prince who: was not guilty; was. what ‘she will:
never: be able to justify “herself for. » But let'us. have done’ with:
this. EC ONiss: and tell. nes Te beseech you, in what: I ‘can’ ‘farther!
serve ,.you.’ me SS gee ar ie =

SUSire daswered ide: Beder,‘ my dbligation to~ your. majesty is:
AO ¥¥ Prince Beder and

so great, that I ought to remain with you all my life to testify
my gratitude; but since your majesty sets no limits to your
generosity, I entreat you to grant me one of your ships to trans-
port me to Persia, where I fear my absence, which has been but
too long, may have occasioned some disorder, and that the queen
my mother, from whom I concealed my departure, may be dead
of grief, under the uncertainty whether I am alive or dead.’

The king granted what he desired with the best grace
imaginable, and immediately gave orders for equipping one of his
largest ships, and the best sailer in his numerous fleet. The
ship was soon furnished with all its crew, provisions, and am-
munition; and as soon as ‘the wind, became fair, King Beder
embarked, after having taken leave of the dene, and thanked him
for all his favours.

The ship sailed before the wind for ten days: on the eleventh
day the wind changed, and becoming very violent, there followed a
furious tempest.. The ship was not only driven out of its course,
but so violently tossed, that all its masts went by the board ; and
driving along at the pleasure of the wind, it at length struck
against a rock and split open.

The greater part of the people were instantly drowned. Some
few were saved by swimming, and others by getting on pieces
of the wreck. King Beder was among the latter, and, after
having been tossed about for some time by the waves and currents,
he at length perceived himself near the shore, and not far from
a city that seemed large. He exerted his remaining strength
to reach the land, ‘and was. at length fortunate to come so
near as to be able to touch the ground with his feet. He imme-
diately abandoned his piece of wood, which had been of so great
service to him ; but when he came near the shore he was greatly
surprised to see horses, camels, mules, asses, oxen, cows, bulls, and:
other animals crowding to the shore to oppose his landing. He
the Princess Giauhara : oR AT.


had the utmost difficulty to conquer their obstinacy and force his
way; but at length he succeeded, and sheltered himself among
the rocks till he had recovered his breath, and dried his clothes
in the sun.

“When the prince advanced to enter the city, he met ath the
same opposition from these animals, who seemed to want to make
him understand that it was dangerous to proceed.

King Beder, however, got into the city soon after, and saw many
fair and spacious streets, but was surprised to find no man there.
This made him think it was not without cause that so many animals
had opposed his passage. Going forward, nevertheless, he observed
several shops open, which gave him reason to believe the place was
not so destitute of inhabitants as he imagined. He approached one
of these shops, where several sorts of fruits were exposed to sale, and
saluted very courteously an old man that was sitting there.

The old man, who was busy about something, lifted: up his head,
and seeing a youth who had an appearance of grandeur, started, and
asked him whence he came, and what business had brought him
there. King Beder satisfied him in a few words; and the old man.
further asked him if he had met anybody on the road: ‘You are the.
first person I have seen, answered. the king; ‘and I cannot compre-:
hend how so fine and large a city comes to be without inhabitants.’

‘Come in, sir; stay no longer upon the threshold, replied the-
old man, ‘or peradventure some misfortune may happen to you.. I

will satisfy your curiosity at leisure, and give you the reason why
it is necessary you should take this precaution.’ ;

King Beder would not be bidden twice: he entered the shop, and.
sat down by the old man: ‘The latter knew. he must want food, there-
fore immediately presented him with what was necessary to recover
his strength; and although King Beder was very anxious to know
why he had taken the précaution to make him enter the shop,
the old man nevertheless would not tell him anything till he had.
A2 yr - Prince Beder and

cere eel 5
done eating, for fear the sad ‘things~he had to relate might ‘take:
away his appetite. -At-last he: him, “You have great reason
to. thank God you ‘got hither. without.any misfortune.’

‘ Alas ! Hae ee aie Bee ee much surprise vand
alarmed... ~ ;

. ‘Because,’ averted ne ‘this cee is ie fhe City e Ane
and is governed not by a king, but by a queen, who is. a notorious:
and.dangerous sorceress. _ You will be convinced of this,’ added he,
‘when you know that these horses, mules, and other animals that: you
have seer are so. many men, like. you and me, ‘whom she has trans=
formed by her. diabolical art... And: when young men like you enter,
the city, she has persons stationed to stop and bring them,. either by:
fair» means or. force, before her. “She receives them. in’ the most:
obliging manner; she caresses. them, regales ‘them, and lodges them?
magnificently. But she:does not'suffer them long to: enjoy'this happi-.
ness. There is of them’ whom she has not. transformed. into
some animal or bird at.the end of forty. days. You told'me all these?
animals opposed your. landing .and entering the city.. This’ was»
the only way they could make you comprehend the danger. you.
were going. to expose ve to, ane a did all in their power
to. save you.’ ;

“This account een afflicted a young - Ride oe Pata
‘Alas!’ cried he, ‘to what extremities has. my ill- fortune: reduced
me!..I am hardly ‘freed from one’ enchantment, which’ I look.
back upon: with horror, but I find. myself exposed .to. another
much more terrible’ ‘This gave him’occasion to. relate his story:
to the old man more at length, and to acquaint him with his birth,
quality,. his fallingin: love with the Princess. of Samandal, and
her. cruelty in. changing him. into. a bird the yee moment. he: Bes
seen her. and - declared : his love to her.: a Pe : :

When the” ‘prince cameto speak. of ine ‘Sond voane in anaes:
a.queen who broke the’ enchantment, the:.old man, to: encourage.”

the Princess Giauhara we 43

him, said, ‘Notwithstanding all I told you of the magic queen,
that ought not to give you the least disquiet, since I am generally
beloved throughout the city, and) am not unknown to the queen
herself, who has’ much respect for me; therefore it was singularly
fortunate that you-addressed yourself to me rather than elsewhere.
You are sécure in. my house, where I advise you to continue, if
you think fit; and provided you do not stray from hence, I dare
assure you you will have no just cause to complain; so that. you:
are under no sort of constraint whatsoever.’

King Beder thanked the old man for his kind tention, and.
the. protection he was pleased - so readily to afford him. - He sat
down-at the entrance of the shop, where he no Sooner appeared’
than his youth and handsome looks drew the eyes of all that passed
that: way. Many stopped and complimented the old man on his
having acquired. so fine a slave, as they imagined the king to be;
and they were the more surprised, because they could ‘not eens
prehend how - so*-beautiful’ a -youth could escape the. queen’s..
knowledge. ‘Believe not,’ said the old man, ‘that this is a slave ;
you all know that I am not rich enough. He is my nephew, son:
of a brother of mine that is dead; and as al had’ no ee of

_my own, I sent for him to.keep me company.’

They congratulated his good fortune in having so fine a young
man for his relation; but could: not help telling him they feared
the queen would take him from him. ‘You know her well, said.
they, ‘and you cannot be ignorant of the danger to which you are
exposed, after all the examples you have seen.. How grieved
would you be if she: should sérve, him as she has done so > many
others that we know of!” - :

‘I am obliged to you,’ replied the old man, ‘for your good:
will towards me, and I heartily thank you for your care ; but I shall
never entertain the léast thought that the queen will do me any.
injury, after all the kindness she has- professed In- case:

44 anit . Prince Beder and

she happens to hear of this young man, and speaks to me about
him, I doubt not she will cease to think of him, so soon as she
comes to know he is my nephew.’

The old man was exceedingly glad to hear the commendations
they bestowed on the young King of Persia. He became as
fond of him. as if he had been his own son. They had lived
about a month together, when, King Beder sitting at the shop-
door, after his ordinary manner, Queen Labe (so was this magic
queen named) happened to come by with great pomp. The
young king no sooner perceived the guards coming before her,
than he arose, and, going into the shop, asked the old man what
‘all that show meant. ‘The queen is coming by, answered he,
‘but stand still and fear nothing.’

The queen’s guards, clothed in purple uniform, and well armed
and mounted, marched in four files, with their sabres drawn, to_
the number of a thousand, and every one.of their officers, as. they
passéd by the shop, saluted the old man: then followed a like
number habited in brocaded silk, and better mounted, whose officers
did the old man the like honour. Next came as many young.
ladies on foot, equally beautiful, richly dressed, and set off with
precious stones. They marched gravely, with half pikes in their
hands; and in the midst of them appeared Queen Labe, on a horse
glittering with diamonds, with a golden saddle, and a harness ot —
inestimable value. - All the young ladies saluted the old man as
they passed by him; and the queen, struck with the good. mien
of King Beder, stopped as soon as she came hefore the shop..
‘Abdallah’ (so was the old man named), said she to him, ‘tell me,
I beseech thee, does that beautiful and charming slave belong to,
thee ? and is it long that thou hast been in possession of him ?’

Abdallah, before he answered the queen, threw himself on. the.

. . ground, and rising again, said, ‘Madam, it is my nephew, son of

a brother I had, who has not long been dead. Having no children, 'I:
the Princess Giauhara oa 45


look upon him as my son, and sent for him to come arid comfort
me, intending to leave him what I have when I die.’

Queen Labe, who had never yet seen anyone to compare with
King Beder, thought immediately of getting the old'mari to abandon
him to her. ‘Father, quoth she, ‘will you not oblige -me so far
as to make me a present of this young man? ~ Dé" not refuse: me,
I. conjure you; and I swear by the fire and the “fight, I will make
him so great and powerful that no individual’ in the world ever
arrived at such good fortune. Although my purpose were to do
evil to all mankind, yet he shall be the sole exception. I trust
you will grant me what I desire, more on the account of the
friendship I know you have for me, than for the esteem you know
I always had, and shall ever have for you.’

‘Madam,’ replied the good Abdallah, ‘I am infinitely obliged
to your majesty for all your kindness, and the honours you propose
to do my nephew. He is not worthy to approach so great a
queen, and I hunibly beseech your majesty to excuse him,’

‘Abdallah, replied the queen, ‘I all along flattered myself you
loved me; and I could never have thought you would have given
me so evident a token of your slighting my request. But I here
swear once more by the fire and light, and even by whatsoever
is most sacred in my religion, that I will pass on no farther ©
till I have conquered your obstinacy. I understand very well
what raises your apprehensions; but I promise you. shall never -
have any occasion to repent having obliged me in so sensible
a manner.’

Old Abdallah was exceedingly grieved, both on his own account
and King Beder’s, for being in a manner forced to obey the queen.
‘Madam,’ replied he, ‘I would not willingly have your . majesty

entertain an ill opinion of the respect I have for you, and my zeal
always to do whatever I can to oblige you. I put, entire confidence
in your royal word, and I do not in the least doubt but you will

46 Prince Beder and

— i = =

keep it, I only beg of your majesty to delay doing Be: great
honour to my. nephew till- you shall again pass this -way.’-

-¢ That -shall be to-morrow,’ -said the queen, who inclined her
head, as a, token of pepe: ee and so went forward Soa
her palace. -- 2 ; a

When Queen, ‘Labe and all her attendants - were out of sight, the
good. Abdallah said ‘to King: Beder; ‘Son; (for so he: was, wont to
call him, for. fear*of some time or, other betraying him when he
spoke of him in -public), ‘it has not. been in my power, as you
may have observed, to refuse the queen what she demanded ‘of
me with-so great earnestness, for fear 1, might force ‘her to employ
her magic both. against you and myself openly or secretly, and
treat’ you, as much from: resentment to you as to me, with more
signal cruelty ‘than all those she has had in her power ‘before.
But.I haye some reason to believe she will treat ‘you. well, as she
promised, on: account of that. particular esteem she- professes for,
me. This‘you may have seen by- the respect shown, and the honours
paid me by all her court.. She would be a fiendish creature indeed,
if she should deceive ine ; but she shall, not deceive me uprevenged,
for I‘know how to: be even ‘with her.’ ae >
_‘Fhese assurances, | * which eoeerei very - - doubtful, : 2 Sele onot
‘sufficient to raise King Beder’s spirits. £ After all you have. told
me; of this’ queen’s wickedness, replied he, ‘you cannot wonder

_if I-am’somewhat fearful to: ‘approach her: I might, it may be, make
little of all you could tell me. of her, did not know by experience
what it is to be at the mercy of a sorceress. The condition I was
in, through. the enchantment ‘of the Princess-Giauhara, and from
whence 1. was- delivered only. to- enter. almost ay into
another, has made ‘me*look upon. such a fate with horrors. 8"

§Son; ‘replied old Abdallah, ‘do not afflict yourself ;. for euch
I must. own: there is no. great’ faith to be put in the .promisés
and oaths of -SO perfidious a- queen, yet I; must. withal: tell. you
the Princess Giauhara we 47


that her power extends. me, . She knows’ it well herself; and
that is the reason, and no other, that she pays me such great respect.
I-can quickly hinder-her. from doing you the. least harm, if she
should be perfidious enough to:attempt it You may depend upon
me; .and, provided you follow. exactly the advice I shall give you
before I hand -you over to her, she shall have: - “no more Bowe
ever you than she las over me ; :
‘The magic. queen did -not fail to pass by ite Bae man’s ae
the next day, with the same: pomp: as the day before; and. Abdallah
waited for her with great. respect. . ‘Father, cried she, stopping just
before him, ‘you may judge of my impatience to have your nephew
with-me, by my punctual coming to put you in mind of your promise.
I ‘know you are_a man of. voy word, and IT cannot think you will
break it with me’ ee og
Abdallah, who fell on is face as soon.'as he saw ie queen
approaching, rose up. when she had done. speaking ; and ,'as’ he
wanted nobody to hear what he had a mind to say. to her, he
advanced with great respect as.far as” her: horse’s head, and then
said softly, ‘Powerful queen! I am persuaded your, majesty “will
not be offended at my seeming unwillingness to trust my nephew
with you yesterday, since -you ‘cannot be ignorant of the. reasons
I had for it; but I implore you to lay. aside the secrets. of
that art Which you- possess in so wonderful a degree. I regard
my nephew as my own’ son; and. your majesty. would: reduce
me ‘to despair. if -you. should saead with him as you have done
with others’: . pe ass

‘fr promise you I will bee ee the.. queen ; _ and. I once
more repeat the oath I made yesterday, that: neither you nor -your
nephew. shall have.any cause to be offended-with-me, I. see plainly,’
added: she, ‘you are not yet’ well enough. acquainted with me; you
never saw’ me yet but through a veil; but as I find your nephen
worthy of my friendship, I will show you' l-am not in any way

48 nie Prince Beder and


unworthy of his’ With that she threw off her veil and showed King
Beder, who came near her with Abdallah, incomparable beauty.
But King Beder was little charmed. ‘It is not enough,’ said he
within himself, ‘to be beautiful ; one’s actions ought to correspond.’
Whilst King Beder was making these reflections, with his
eyes fixed on Queen ‘Labe, the old man turned towards him, and
taking him by the arm, presented him to her majesty. ‘Here
he is, madam,’ said he,‘and I beg of your majesty once more to
remember he is my nephew, and to-let him come and see me some-
times” The queen promised he should; and to give a further
mark of her gratitude, she caused a bag of a thousand pieces of
gold to be given him. He excused himself at first from receiving
them, but she insisted absolutely upon it, and he could not refuse
her. She had caused a horse to be brought (as richly harnessed
as her own) for the King of Persia. a
When King Beder was mounted,: he would have taken his
place behind the queen, but she would not suffer him, and made
him ride on her left hand. She looked at Abdallah, and after
having made him an inclination with her head, she set forward
on her march. - é a
Instead of observing a satisfaction in the people’s faces at the
sight of their sovereign, King Beder took notice that they looked
at her with contempt, and even cursed her. ‘The sorceress,’ said
some, ‘has got a’ new subject to exercise ‘her wickedness upon:
will Heaven never deliver the world from her tyranny?’ ‘Poor
stranger!’ cried out others, ‘thou art much. deceived if thou -
thinkest thine happiness will last long. It is only to render thy
fall most terrible that thou art raised so high. This talk gave
King Beder to understand that Abdallah had told him nothing
but, the truth of Queen Labe: it now depended no longer
on himself to escape the mischief, he committed himself to divine
Providence and: the will of. Heaven respecting his: fate.
~ the Princess Giauhara & 49

‘The. magic queen arrived at her palace; she alighted, and
giving her hand to King Beder, entered with him, accompanied
-by her women and the officers. She herself showed him all her»
apartments, where there was nothing to be seen but massy gold,
precious stones, and furniture of wonderful magnificence. Then she
led him out into a balcony, from whence he observed a garden
of surprising beauty. _King Beder commended all he saw, but so
that he might not be discovered to be any other than old Abdallah’s
nephew. They discoursed of indifferent matters, till the queen
was informed that dinner was upon the table.

The quéen and King Beder arose, and sat down at the table,
which was of massy gold, and the dishes of the same metal. They
began to eat, but drank hardly:at all till the dessert. came, when the
queen. caused a cup to be filled for her with excellent wine. She
took it and drank to King Beder’s health; and then, without
putting it out of her hand, caused it to be filled again, and pre:
sented it to him. ..King Beder received it. with profound respect,

~ and’ by atvery low bow signified to her : may that he in return
‘drank: to her health.

At the same time ten of) ee, Labe’s women entered. with
' musical instruments; with which. ‘they made: an agreeable concert.
At length both. began so to be. heated with wine, that King Beder
forgot he had to do with a magic queen, and looked upon her
only as the most beautiful queen he ever saw.

Next morning the women who. had served the king presented him
with fine linen and a magnificent robe. The queen likewise, who was
more splendidly dressed than the day: before, came to receive him,

_ and they went together to her apartments, where they had a good
repast brought them, and spent the remainder of the day in walking
in the garden, and in various other amusements.
Queen Labe treated King Beder after this manner for forty days, as
she had been accustomed: to do:to:all.the others. The fortieth night

50 Bx Prince Beder and
. : = eee
_ she arose without making any noise and came into his room; but he
was awake, and perceiving she had some design upon him, watched
all her motions. She opened a chest, from whence she took a little
box full of a.certain yellow powder; taking some of the powder, she
laid a train of it across the chamber, and it immediately flowed in a
rivulet of water, to the great astonishment of King Beder. He
trembled with fear, but still pretended to sleep, that the sorceress
might not discover he was awake. ,

Queen Labe next took up some of the water in a vessel, and
poured it into a basin, where there was flour, with which she made
a paste, and kneaded it for a long time: then she mixed with it
certain drugs, which she took from different boxes, and made a cake,
which she put into a covered baking-pan. As she had taken care
first of all to make a good fire, she took some of the coals, and set
the pan upon them ; and while the cake was baking, she put up the
vessels and boxes in their places again; and on her pronouncing
certain words, the rivulet, which ran along the end of the room,
appeared no more. When the cake was baked, she took it off the
coals, and carried it into her room, without the least suspicion that
he had seen anything of what she had done,

King: Beder, whom the pleasures and amusements of a court
had made forget his good host Abdallah, began now to think of
him again, and believed he had more than ordinary occasion for his
advice, after all he had ‘seen the queen do that night, As soon as
he was up, therefore, he expressed a great desire to go and see his
uncle, and begged her majesty to permit him. ‘What! my dear
Beder,’ cried the queen, ‘are you then already tired, I will not say
with living in so superb a palace as mine is, where you must find
so many pleasures, but with the company of a queen who is so
fond of you as I am?’

Great queen!’ answered King Beder, ‘how can I be tired a
so many favours and. graces as your majesty perpetually heaps upon
the Princess Giauhara | bs 51


me? I must own, however, it is partly for this reason, that, my
uncle loving me so tenderly, as I well know he does, and I having
been absent from him now forty days, without once seeing him, I
would not give him reason to think that I consent to remain longer
without seeing him.’ -

‘Go, said the queen, ‘you have my consent ;. but do not be
long before you return.’ This said, she ordered him a horse richly
caparisoned, and he departed.

Old Abdallah was overjoyed to. see King Beder; he embraced
him tenderly, and King Beder did the same. As soon as they had
sat down, ‘Well, said Abdallah to the king, ‘how have you been,
and how have you passed your time with that infidel sorceress?’

‘Hitherto,’ answered King Beder, ‘I must needs own she has
been extraordinarily kind to me, but I observed something last night
which gives me just’ reason to suspect that all her kindness hitherto
is but dissimulation” He related to Abdallah how and after what
manner he had seen her make the cake; and then added, ‘ Hitherto,
I must needs confess I had almost forgotten, not only you, but all
the advice you gave me concerning the wickedness of this queen ;
but this last action of hers gives me reason to fear she does not
intend to observe any of her promises or solemn oaths to you. I
thought of you immediately, and I esteem myself happy in that
I have obtained permission to come to you,’

‘You are not mistaken, replied old Abdallah with a smile,
which showed he did not -himself believe she would have acted
otherwise, ‘nothing is capable of obliging a treacherous person to
amend. But fear nothing. I know the way to make the mischief
she intends for you fall upon herself, You are alarmed in time;
and you could not have done better than to have recourse to me.
It is her ordinary practice to keep her lovers only forty days, and
after that time, instead of sending them home, to turn them into
animals, to stock her forests and parks; but I thought of measures

E 2

me a | Pe, Prince Beder and

yesterday to prevent her doing you the same harm. The earth
has borne this monster long enough, and it is now high time she
should be treated as she deserves.’

So saying, Abdallah put two cakes into King Beder’s hands,
bidding him keep them to make use of as he should direct. ‘You
told me,’ continued he, ‘the sorceress made a cake last night ; it was
for you to eat, depend upon it ; but take great care you do not touch
it. Nevertheless, do not Meni to receive it when she offers it you ;
but instead of tasting it, break off part of one of the two I shall
give you, unobserved, and eat that. As soon as she thinks you have
swallowed it, she will not fail to attempt transforming you into
some animal, but she will not succeed ; when she sees that she will
immediately turn the thing into a joke, as if what she had done
was only to frighten you. But she will conceal a mortal grief
in her heart, and think she omitted something in the. composition
of her cake. As for the other cake, you shall make a present of
it to her and press her to eat it; which she will not refuse to do,
were it only to convince you ae does: not mistrust you, though
she has given you so much reason to mistrust her. When she has
eaten of it, take a little water in the hollow of your hand, and
throwing it: in her face, say, “Quit that form you now wear, and
take that of such and such an animal” as you think fit; which
done, come to me with the animal, and I will tell you what you
shall do afterwards.’

King Beder thanked Abdallah in the most expressive terms, and
took his leave of him and returned to the palace. Upon his arrival,
he understood that the queen waited for him with great impatience
‘in the garden. He went to her, and she no. sooner perceived him,
than she came in great haste to meet him. ‘My dear. Beder!’
said she, ‘it seems ages: since I have been separated from you.
If you had stayed ever so little longer, I was. preparing to come
and fetch you.’
the Princess Giauhara oR 5 3


‘Madam, replied King Beder, ‘I can assure your majesty I
was no less impatient to rejoin you; but I could not refuse to
stay a little longer with an uncle that loves me, and had not seen
me for so long a time. He would have kept. me still longer, but
I tore myself away from him, to come where love calls me. Of
all he prepared for me, I have only brought away this cake, which
I desire your majesty to accept.’ King Beder had wrapped up one
of the two cakes in a handkerchief very neatly, took it out, and
presented it to the queen, saying, ‘I beg your majesty to accept it.’

. ‘I do accept it with all my-heart,’ replied the queen, ‘and will
eat it with pleasure for your and your good uncle’s sake; but before
I taste it, I desire you for my sake to eat a piece of this, which
I have made for you during your absence.’

‘Fair queen, answered King Beder, receiving it with great respect,
“I cannot sufficiently acknowledge the favour you do me’ .

King Beder then artfully substituted in the place of the queen’s
cake the other which dld Abdallah had given him, and having broken
off a piece, he put it in his mouth, and cried, while he was eating,
‘Ah! queen, I never tasted anything so charming in my life.’

' Being near a cascade, as the sorceress saw him swallow one bit of
the cake, and ready to eat another, she took a little the
palm of her hand, throwing it in the king’s face, said, ‘Wretch!
quit that form of a man, and - take that of a vile horse, blind
and lame.’

These words -not Having the desired effect, the sorceress’ was

: strangely surprised to find King Beder still: in. the same form, and
that he only started for fear. Her cheeks reddened; and as she
saw that she had missed her aim, ‘Dear Beder, cried she, ‘this is
nothing; recover yourself. I did not intend you any a I a
did it to see what you would say,’

: ‘Powerful queen,’ replied King Beder, ‘persuaded as I. am that
what your majesty did was only to divert yourself, yet I could not
54 ome Prince Beder and
help being surprised. But, madam,’ continued he, ‘let us drop this,
and since I have eaten your cake, would you do me the favour
to taste mine?’ .
Queen Labe, who could not better justify herself than by show-
ing this mark of confidence in the King of Persia, broke off a
piece of his cake, and ate it. She had no sooner swallowed it
than she appeared much troubled, and remained as it were motion-
less. King Beder lost no time, but took water out of the same
basin, and throwing it ‘in “her face, cried, ‘Abominable sorceress !
quit that form of a woman, and be turned instantly into a mare,’
The same instant Queen Labe was transformed into a very
beautiful mare; and her confusion’ was so great to find herself in
that condition, that she shed tears in great abundance, which perhaps
no mare before had ever been known to do. She bowed her head
to the feet of King Beder, thinking to move him to compassion ;
but though he could have been so moved, it was absolutely out
of his power the mischief he had done. He led her into
the stable belonging to the palace, and put her into the hands of
a groom, to bridle and saddle; but of all the bridles which the
groom tried upon her, not one would fit her. This made him cause
two horses to be saddled, one for the groom, and the other for
himself; and the groom led the mare after him to old Abdallah’s,
Abdallah, seeing at a distance King Beder coming with the
mare, doubted not. but he had done what he advised him.
‘Hateful sorceress!’ said he immediately to himself in a transport
of joy, ‘Heaven has at length punished thee as thou deservest.’
King Beder alighted at Abdallah’s door, and entered the shop,
embracing and ‘thanking him for all the signal services he had
done him. He related to him the whole matter, and told him
that he could find no bridle fit for the mare. Abdallah, who had
one for every horse, bridled the mare himself, and as soon as
King Beder had sent back the groom with the two horses, he

the Princess Giauhara — ESS


said to him, ‘My lord, you’ have no reason to stay any longer in
this city: mount the mare, and return to your kingdom. I have
but one thing more to recommend to you; and that is, if you

' should_ever happen to part with the mare, be sure not to give

up the bridle.” King Beder promised to remember it; and having
taken leave of the good old man, he departed. —

- The young King of Persia no sooner got out of the city, than
he began to reflect with joy on the deliverance he had had, and
that he had the sorceress in his power, who had given him so
much cause to tremble. Three days after he arrived at a great
city, where, entering the suburbs, he met a venerable old man.
‘Sir,’ said the old man, stopping him, ‘may I presume to ask from
what part of the world you come?’ The king stopped to tell
him, and as they were discoursing together, an old woman came
up; who, stopping likewise, wept and sighed bitterly at the sight
of the mare.

King Beder and the old'man left off discoursing, to look at
the old woman, whom the king asked what cause she had to
lament so much, ‘Alas! sir, replied she, ‘it is because your mare
resembles. so perfectly one my‘ son had, which I still mourn the
loss of on his account. I should think yours were the same, did
I not know she was dead. Sell her to me, I beseech you: I ae
give you more than she is worth, and thank you too.’

“Good woman,’ replied King Beder, ‘I am _ heartily sorry I
cannot comply with your request: my mare is not to be sold.’

, ‘Alas! sir, continued the old woman, ‘do not refuse me this
favour. My son and I will Pa die with grief if you do not
grant it,

‘Good mother replied the ne ‘I would grant it with all my
heart, if I was disposed to part with so good a beast; but if I
were so disposed, I believe you would hardly give a thousand
pieces of gold for her, and I could not sell her for less.’
56 Prince Beder and


‘Why should I not. give so much?’ replied the old woman: ‘if
that be the lowest price, you need only say you will take it, and
I wiil fetch you the money.’

King Beder, seeing the old woman so Acne dressed, could
not imagine she could find the money; therefore to try her, he
said, ‘Go, fetch me the money, and the mare is yours.’ The old
woman immediately unloosed a purse. she had fastened to. her
girdle, and desiring him to alight, bade him tell over the money,
and in case he found it came short of the sum demanded, she
said her house was not far off, and she could quickly fetch the rest.

The surprise of King Beder, at the sight of this purse, was
not small. <‘Good woman,’. said he, ‘do you not perceive I
have been bartering you all this while? I assure you my mare
is not to be sold,’ :

The old man, who had been witness to all that was said, now
began to speak. ‘Son, quoth he to King Beder, ‘it is necessary
you should know one thing, which I find you are ignorant of;
and that is, that in this city it is not permitted to any one to
tell a lie, on any account whatsoever, on pain of death. You
cannot refuse taking this good woman's money, and delivering
your mare, when she gives you the sum according to the agree-
ment; and this you had better do without any noise, than expose
yourself to what may. happen.’

- King Beder, sorely afflicted to find himself thus trapped by his
rash offer, alighted with great regret. The old woman stood ready
to seize the bridle, aid immediately ‘unbridled the mare, and
taking some water in her hand, from a stream that ran in the
middle of the street, she threw it in the mare’s face, uttering these
words, ‘ Daughter;, quit that strange shape, and re-assume thine
own. The transformation was effected in a moment, and King
Beder, who soon as he saw Queen Labe appear, would
have fallen to the ground, if the old man had not caught him.
ee eS eT ee Te eT ee ee,

the Princess Giauhara ae Se: me o7


The old woman, who was mother to Queen Labe, and had

instructed her in all her magic secrets, had no sooner embraced

her daughter, than to show her fury, she whistled. | Immediately
rose a genie of gigantic form and stature. This genie took King
Beder on one shoulder, and the old woman with the magic queen
on the other, and transported them in a. few minutes to the palace
of Queen Labe in the City of Enchantments.

The magic queen immediately fell upon King Beder, ‘Is it
thus, ungrateful wretch, said she, ‘that thou and thy unworthy
uncle repay. me for all the kindnesses I have done for you?
I shall soon make you both feel what you deserve.’ She said no
more, but taking water in her hand, threw it in his face with these
words, ‘Come out of that shape, and take that of a vile owl.’ These
words were followed by the effect, and immediately she commanded
one of her women to shut up the owl in a cage, and give him neither
meat nor drink.

The woman took the cage, and without regarding what the
queen ordered, gave him both meat and drink ; and being old
Abdallah’s friend, she sent him word privately how the queen
had treated his nephew, and of her design to destroy both him |
and King. Beder, that he ieee give orders to prevent it and
save himself. ‘

Abdallah knew no common measures ould do with Queen
Labe: he therefore did but whistle after a certain manner, and
there immediately arose a vast giant, with four wings, who, pre-
senting himself before him, asked. what he wanted. ‘Lightning,’
said Abdallah to him (for so was the genie called), ‘I command
you to preserve the life of King Beder, son of Queen Gulnare.
Go to the palace of the magic queen, and transport immediately
to the capital of Persia the compassionate woman who has the
cage in custody, so that. she may inform Queen Gulnare of the ©
danger the king her son is in, and the occasion he has for her
58 Prince Beder and

— i.

assistance. Take care not to frighten her. when you come before
her and tell her from me what she ought to do.’

Lightning immediately disappeared, and got in an instant
to the palace of the magic queen. He instructed the woman, lifted
her up into the air, and transported her to the capital of Persia,
where he placed her on the terrace near the apartment where Queen
Gulnare was. She went downstairs to the apartment, and she
there found Queen Gulnare and Queen Farasche her mother
lamenting their misfortunes. She made them a profound obeisance
and they soon understood the great need that King Beder was in
of their assistance.

Queen Gulnare was so overjoyed at the news, that rising from
her seat, she went and embraced the good woman, telling her how
much she was obliged to her for the service she had done.

Then immediately going out, she commanded the trumpets to
_sound, and the drums to beat, to acquaint the city that the King
of Persia would. suddenly return safe to his kingdom. She then
went again, and found King Saleh her brother, whom Queen Farasche
had caused to come speedily thither by a certain. fumigation.
‘Brother, said she to him, ‘the king your nephew, my dear son,
is in the City of Enchantments, under the power of Queen Labe
Both you and I must go to deliver him, for there time to’
be lost.’ 2

King Saleh forthwith assembled a powerful body of his marine
troops, who soon rose out of the sea. He also called to his assistance
the genies, his allies, who appeared with a much more numerous
army than his own. As soon as the two armies were joined, he put
himself at the head of them, with Queen Farasche, Queen Gulnare,
and the princesses. They then lifted themselves up into the air, and
soon poured down’on the palace and City of Enchantments, where
the magic queen, her mother, and all the adorers of fire, were
destroyed in an instant. .. —
the Princess Giauhara HB 590


Queen Gulnare had ordered the woman who brought her the
news of Queen Labe’s transforming and imprisoning her son to
follow her closely, and bade her go, and in the confusion, seize the
cage, and bring it to her. This order was executed as she wished,
and Queen Gulnare was no sooner in possession of the cage than she
opened it and took out the owl, saying, as she sprinkled a little
water upon him, ‘My dear son, quit that strange form, and resume
thy natural one of a man.’

In a moment Queen Gulnare no more saw the hideous owl, but
King Beder her son.. She immediately embraced him with an
excess of joy. She could not find in her heart to let him go; and
Queen Farasche was obliged to force him from her in her turn.
After her, he was likewise embraced by the king his uncle and
his relations.

Queen Gulnare’s first care was to look out for old Abdallah, to
whom she had been indebted for the recovery of the King of Persia.
When he was brought to her, she said, ‘My obligations to. you, sir,
have been so great, that there is nothing in my power that I would
not freely do for you, as a toeen of my acknowledgment. Do but
tell me in what I can serve you.’

©Great queen,’ replied Abdallah, ‘if the lady whom I sent to your
majesty will but consent to the marriage I offer her, and the King of
Persia will give me leave to reside at his court, I will spend the
remainder of my days in his service. :

Then the queen turned to the lady, who was present, and
finding that she was not averse to the match proposed, she caused
them to join hands, and the King of Persia and she took care
of their welfare.

This marriage occasioned the King of Persia to speak thus to
‘the queen: ‘Madam, said he, ‘I am heartily glad of this match

_which your majesty has just made. There remains one more, which
I desire you to think of?’ :

60 Be Prince Beder and

Queen Gulnare did not at first comprehend what marriage he
meant; but after a little considering, she said, ‘Of yours, you
mean, son? I consent to it with all my heart.’ Then turning, and
looking on her brother’s sea attendants, and the genies who were
still present, ‘Go, said she, ‘and traverse both sea and land, to
find out the most lovely and ,amiable princess, worthy of the king
my. son, and come and tell us.’

‘Madam, replied King Beder, ‘it is to no purpose for them to
take all that pains. You have no doubt heard that I have already
given my heart to the Princess of Samandal. I have seen her, and
do not repent of the present I then made her. In a word, neither
earth nor sea, in my opinion, can furnish a princess like her. It is
true that she treated me in a way that would have extinguished any
affection less strong than mine. But I hold her excused ; she could
not treat me with less rigour, after I had had the king her father
imprisoned. But it may be the King of Samandal has changed
his mind; and his daughter the princess may consent to love me
when she sees her father has agreed to it.’

‘Son, replied Queen Gulnare, ‘if only the Princess Giauhara
can make you happy, it is not my design to oppose you. The
king your uncle need only have the King of Samandal brought,
and we shall soon see whether he be still of the same untract-
able temper.’

Strictly as the King of Samandal had been kept during his
captivity by King Saleh’s orders, yet he always had great respect
shown him, and was become very familiar with the officers who
guarded him. King Saleh caused a chafing-dish of coals to be
brought, into which he threw a certain composition, uttering at
the ‘same time some mysterious words. As soon as the smoke
began to arise, the palace shook, and immediately the King of
Samandal, with King Saleh’s officers, appeared. The King of
Persia cast himself at the King of Samandal’s feet, and kneeling
the Princess Giauhara ae OI


said, ‘It is no longer King Saleh that demands of your majesty
the honour of your alliance for the King of Persia; it is the King
of Persia himself that humbly begs that boon; and I am sure
your majesty will not persist in being the cause of the death of
a king who can no longer live if he does not share life with the
amiable Princess Giauhara.’

The King of Samandal did not long suffer the King of Persia
to remain at his feet. He embraced him and obliging him to rise,
said, ‘I should be very sorry to have contributed in the least to
the death of a monarch who is so worthy to live. If it be true
that so precious a life cannot be preserved without my daughter, live,
sir, said he, ‘she is yours. She has always been obedient to my
will, and I cannot think she will now oppose it” Speaking these
words, he ordered one of his officers, whom King Saleh had
permitted to be about him, to go and look for the Princess Giauhara,
and bring her to him immediately.

The princess had remained where the King of Persia had left her.
The officer soon perceived her, and brought her with her women.
The King of Samandal embraced her, and said, ‘ Daughter, I have
provided a husband for you; it is the King of Persia you see there,

‘the most accomplished monarch at present in the universe. The
preference he has given you over all other Princesses obliges us both
to express our gratitude.’

‘Sir, replied the Princess Giauhara, ‘your majesty well knows
I never have presumed to disobey your will in anything; I shall
always be ready to obey you; and I hope the King of Persia will
forget my ill-treatment of him, and consider it was duty, not
inclination, that forced me to it.’

The wedding was celebrated in the palace of the City of
Enchantments, with the greater solemnity in that all the lovers
of the magic queen, who resumed their original forms as soon as
ever that queen ceased to live, came to return their thanks to the

62 we | Prince Beder


King of Persia, Queen Gulnare, and King Saleh. They were all
sons of kings or princes, or persons of high rank,

King Saleh at length conducted the King of Samandal to his
dominions, and put him in possession of them. The King of Persia
returned to his capital with Queen Gulnare, Queen Farasche, and
the princesses ; and Queen Farasche and the princesses continued
there till King Saleh came to reconduct them to his kingdom under
the waves of the sea.


* OF INDIA who had three sons.
These, with the princess his niece, were
the ornaments of his court. The eldest
of the princes was called Houssain, the
second Ali, the youngest Ahmed, and
the princess his niece, Nouronnihar.
~The Princess Nouronnihar was the
daughter of the younger brother of
the sultan, to whom the sultan in his

lifetime allowed a considerable revenue. -*

But that prince had nGe been married long before he died, and left,
the princess very young. The sultan, out of brotherly love and
friendship, took upon himself the care of his niece’s education,
and brought her up in his palace with the three princes, where
her singular beauty and personal accomplishments, joined to a

sprightly disposition and irreproachable conduct, distinguished her

among all the princesses of her time.

The sultan, her uncle, proposed to get her married, when she
arrived at a proper age, to some neighbouring prince, and was
thinking seriously about it, when he perceived that the three
princes his sons had all fallen in love with her. He was very much

concerned, owing to the difficulty he foresaw whether the two

: wt

64 =e The Three Princes and

younger would consent to yield to their elder brother. He spoke
to each of them apart; and after having remonstrated on the
impossibility of one princess being the wife of three persons, and
the troubles they would create if they persisted, he did all he could
to persuade them to abide by a declaration of the princess in favour
of one of them; or to suffer her to be married to a foreign prince.
But as he found them. obstinate, he sent for them all together,
and said to them, ‘Children, since I have not been able to persuade
you no longer to aspire to marry the princess your cousin ; and
as I have no inclination to force her to marry any of you, I have
thought of a’plan which will please you all, and preserve union
among ‘you, if you will but follow my advice. I‘ think it would
be best, if every one travelled separately into a different country,
so that you might not meet. each other: and as you know I
delight in every thing that is rare-and singular, I promise my
niece in marriage to hin that. shall bring me the most extra-
ordinary curiosity ; and for travelling expenses, I will give each
of you a sum befitting your’ rank and the” purchase of the
curidsity you search.’

As the three princes were shies submissive and gbedient to
the sultan’s will, and each flattered himself that fortune would
‘favour him, they all consented. The sultan gave them the money
he promised ; and that very day they issued ‘orders in preparation
for their travels, and took leave of the sultan, that they might be
ready to set out early the next-morning. They all went out at
“the same: gate of the city, each dressed like a merchant, attended
‘by a trusty officer dressed like a. slave, all well) mounted and —
equipped: They went’ the first’ day’s journey together; and
slept: at the first inn, where the road divided into : three. different
“tracks. At night when they were at supper together, they agreed
to travel for a year, and to make that inn their rendezvous; that
the first that- came should wait for the rest; that as they had all
the Princess Nouronnihar wis 65


three taken leave together of the sultan, they should all return -
together. The next morning by break of day, after they had
embraced and wished each other good success, they mounted their
horses, and each took a different road.

Prince Houssain, the eldest brother, who had heard wonders
of the extent, strength, riches, and splendour of the kingdom of
Bisnagar, bent his course towards the Indian coast; and, after
three months travelling with different caravans, sometimes over
deserts and barren mountains, and: sometimes through populous
and fertile countries, he arrived at Bisnagar, the capital of the .
‘kingdom of that name and the residence of its king. He lodged
at a khan appointed for foreign merchants; and having learnt that
there were four principal quarters where merchants of all sorts
kept their shops, in the midst of which stood the castle, or rather
the king’s palace, as the centre of the city, surrounded by three
courts, and. each gate two leagues distant from the other, he went
to one of these quarters-the next day.

Prince Houssain could not see this quarter without admiration.
It was large, and divided into several streets, all vaulted and shaded
from the sun, and yet very light. The shops were all of the same
size and proportion; and all that dealt in the same sort of mer-
chandise, as well as the craftsmen, lived in one street.

‘The multitude of shops stocked with the finest linens from i
several parts of India, some painted in the brightest: colours, with
men, landscapes, trees, and’ flowers ; silks and brocades from Persia,
China, and other places ; oreekiin from Japan and China, foot |
carpets of all sizes,—all this surprised him so much that he knew not
how to believe his own eyes; but when he came to the shops of the
goldsmiths and jewellers (for those tw6 trades were exercised by the
same merchants), he was dazzled by the lustre of the pearls, diamonds,
tubies, emeralds, and. other precious stones exposed for sale. But if -
he was amazed at seeing so many riches in one place, he was much

: F

66 Be | The Three Princes: and

more surprised when he came: to judge of the wealth of the whole
kingdom by considering that except the Brahmins and ministers of
the idols, who profess a life retired from worldly vanity, there was not
an Indian, man or woman, through the extent of that kingdom, who
did not wear necklaces, bracelets, and ornaments about their legs and
feet, made of pearls and other precious stones.

Another thing Prince Houssain particularly admired was the
great number of rose-sellers, who crowded the streets ; for the Indians
are such lovers of that flower, that-not one will stir without a nosegay
in his hand, or a garland on his head ; and the merchants keep them
in pots in their shops, so that the air of the whole quarter, however
large, is perfectly perfumed.

After Prince Houssain had run through the eater street by
street, his thoughts fully occupied by. the riches he had seen, he was
very much tired, and a merchant civilly invited sit down in his
shop. He accepted the offer; but had not been seated long before
he saw a crier pass by with a piece of carpet-on his arm, about six
feet square, and cry it at thirty purses. The prince called to the crier,
and asked. to see the carpet, which seemed to him to be valued at an
exorbitant price, not only for its size, but the meanness of the stuff.
When he had examined it well, he told the:crier that he could not
comprehend how so small and poor a piece could be priced so high. |

The crier, who took him for a merchant, replied, ‘Sir, if this price
seems so extravagant to you, your amazement will be- greater when I
tell you I have orders to raise it to forty purses, and not to part with
it for less.’

‘Certainly,’ answered Prince Houssain, ‘it must’ have Comeaae
very extraordinary about it, which I know nothing of.’

‘You have guessed right, sir, replied the crier, ‘and will own

as much when you come to know that whoever sits on this piece of

carpet may be transported in an instant wherever he desires to go
without being stopped by any obstacle.’
the’ Princess N ouronnihar ¢&. 67

i ———

At this the Prince of the Indies, considering that the principal
motive of his journey was to carry some singular curiosity home to
the sultan his father, thought that he could not meet with anything

n=. Sr ~~

which ‘could give him more satisfaction. ‘If the carpet, said he to
the crier, ‘has the virtue you assign it, I shall not think forty purses
too much but shall make you a present besides,’


68 ats . Phe Three. Princes and

‘Sir, replied the crier, ‘I have told you the truth ; and it will be
an easy matter to convince you of it, as soon as you have made the
bargain for forty purses, by experiment. But as I suppose you have
not so much with you, and that I must go with you-to the khan
where you lodge, with the leave of the master of the shop we will go
into his back shop, and I will spread the carpet; and when we have
both sat down, and you have formed the wish to be transported into
your room at the khan, if we are not transported thither it shall be
no bargain. As to your present, as I am paid for my trouble by
the seller, I shall receive it as a favour, and be very much obliged
to you for it’

The prince accepted the conditions, and eonttudied the bargain ;
and having obtained the master’s leave, they went into his back shop;
they both sat down on the carpet, and as soon as the prince wished
to be transported into his: room at the khan, he found himself and
the crier there, and as he wanted no more convincing proof of the
virtue of the carpet, he counted to the crier forty purses of gold, and
gave him twenty pieces. for himself.

In this manner Prince Houssain became the possessor of the

carpet, and was overjoyed that on his arrival at Bisnagar he had
found so rare a treasure, which he never doubted would gain him the ;

Princess Nouronnihar. In short he looked upon it as an impossible
thing for the princes, his younger brothers, to’meet with anything to

compare with it. IH was in his power, by sitting on this carpet, to be

at the place of rendezvous that very day ;. but as he was obliged to
wait for his brothers, as they had agreed, and as: the was curious to
' see the King of Bisnagar and his court, and to learn. about | the laws,
customs, and religion of the kingdom, he chose to make a longer
abode there.

‘It was ‘a custom of the. King of Bisnagar’ to give audience to”
all strange merchants once a week ; and Prince Houssain,. who
remained zucognito, saw him often ; and as he was handsome, clever, ©



the Princess Noutonnihar iB 69


and extremely polite, he easily distinguished himself among the
merchants, and was preferred before them all by the sultan, who
asked him about the Sultan of the Indies, and the government,
strength, and riches of his dominions.

The rest of his time the prince spent in seeing what was most
remarkable in and about the city; and among other things he
visited a temple, all built of brass. It was ten cubits square, and
fifteen high; and the greatest ornament to it was an idol of the
height of a man, of massy gold: its eyes were two rubies, set so
artificially, that it seemed to look at those who looked at it, on
whichever side they turned. Besides this, there was another not
less curious, in a village in the midst of a plain of about ten acres,
which was a delicious garden, full of roses and the choicest flowers,
surrounded with a small wall breast high, to keep the cattle out.
In the ‘midst of this plain was raised a terrace, a man’s height,
so nicely paved that the whole pavement seemed to be but one
single stone. A temple ‘was erected in the middle of this terrace,
with a dome about fifty cubits high, which might be seen for
several leagues round. It was thirty cubits long, and twenty broad,
built of red marble, highly polished. The inside of the dome was
adorned with three rows of fine paintings, in good taste: and

“there was not a place in the whole temple but was embellished

with paintings, bas-reliefs, and figures of idols from top to bottom.

, Every night and morning there were. ceremonies performed in

‘this temple, which were always succeeded by sports, concerts,

dancing, singing, and. feasts) The ministers of. the temple and

the inhabitants of the place had nothing to live on but the offerings

of pilgrims, who came in crowds from the most distant parts of
' the kingdom to perform their vows.

Prince Houssain was also spectator of a solemn feast, which
was celebrated every year at the court of Bisnagar, at. which all
the governors of Drewes: commanders of fortified, places, all the

70 ww | The Three Princes and


governors and judges of towns, and the Brahmins most celebrated

for their learning, were obliged to be present; and some lived

so far off that they were four months in coming. This assembly,

composed of innumerable multitudes of Indians, met in a plain

of vast extent, as far as the eye could reach. In the centre of

this plain was a square of great length and breadth, closed on

one side by a large scaffolding of nine stories, supported by forty *
pillars, raised for the king and his court, and those strangers whom

he admitted to audience once a week. Inside, it was adorned and.
furnished magnificently; and on the outside were painted fine land-

scapes, wherein all sorts of beasts, birds, and insects, even flies

and gnats, were drawn as naturally as possible. Other scaffolds of

at least four or five ‘stories, and painted almost all alike, formed

the other three sides.

On each side of the square, at some little distance from each
other, were ranged a thousand elephants, sumptuously harnessed,
each having upon his back a square wooden castle, finely gilt,
in which were musicians and actors. The trunks, ears, and bodies
of these elephants: were painted with cinnabar and other colours,
_ representing grotesque figures.

- But what Prince Houssain most of all admired was to see the
largest of these elephants stand with his four feet on a post fixed into
the earth, two feet high, playing and beating time with his trunk
to the music. ' Besidés this, he admired another elephant as big,
standing on a board, which was laid across a, strong beam about .
ten feet high, with a great weight at the other end which balanced
him, while he kept time with ie music > by the motions of his Poy
and trunk.

Prince Houssain might lide made a longer stay in “the kingdom
and court of Bisnagar, where he would have seen other wonders, till
the last day of the year, whereon he and his brothers. had appointed
' to meet. But he was so well satisfied with what he hag. seen, pane. his

the Princess Nouronnihar_ . a 71


thoughts ran so much upon the Princess Nouronnihar, that he fancied
he should be the more easy and happy the nearer he was to her.
After he had paid the master of the khan for his apartment, and told
him the hour when he might come for‘the key, without telling him
how he should go, he shut the door, put the key on the outside, and:
spreading the carpet, he and the officer he had brought with him sat
down on it, and, as soon as he had wished, were transported to the inn :
at which he and his brothers were to meet, where he passed for a
merchant till they came.

Prince Ali, the second brother, travelled into oe sia, with a caravan,
-and after four months’ travelling arrived at Schiraz, which was then
the capital of the kingdom of Persia, and having on the way made
friends with some merchants, passed for a jeweller, and lodged in the
same khan with them.

The next morning, while the merchants were opening their bales
of merchandise, Prince Ali took a walk into that quarter of the town
where they sold precious stones, gold and silver work, brocades, silks,
fine linens, and other choice and valuable merchandise, which was at
Schiraz called the bezestein. It was a spacious and well-built place,
arched over, and supported by large pillars; along the walls, within
and without, were shops. Prince Ali soon rambled through the
bezestein, and with admiration judged of the riches of the place

/ by the prodigious quantities of most precious. merchandiseg ‘there
es to view. ;

_ But among all the criers ‘who passed backwards ain Oewideds with

_ several sorts of things to sell, he was not.a little surprised to see one
who held in his hand an ivory tube about a foot in length and about
an inch thick, and cried it at thirty purses. At first he thought the
_ rier mad, and to make sure, went to:a shop, and said to the merchant,
who stood at the door, ‘Pray, sir, is not that man mad? If he is neg
I am very much’ deceived.’ a
‘Indeed, Sify, answered the merchant, “ ‘he was in | his right senses:

72 OB . The Three Princes and

yesterday, and I can assure you he is one of the ablest criers we
have, and the most employed of any when anything valuable is to
be sold ; and if he cries the ivory tube at thirty purses, it must be
worth as much, or more, for some reason or other which does not
appear. He will come by presently, and we will call him; in the
meantime sit down on my sofa and rest yourself’
Prince Ali accepted the merchant’s obliging offer, and presently
the crier passed by. The merchant called him by his name; and
pointing to the prince, said to him, ‘Tell that gentleman, who asked
me if you were in your right senses, what you mean by crying that
ivory tube, which seems not to be worth much, at thirty purses: I
should be very much amazed myself, if I did not know you were a
sensible man,’ .

The crier, addressing himself to Prince Ali, said, ‘ Sir, you are not
the only person that takes me for a madman on account of this
tube ; you shall judge yourself whether I am or no, when I have told
you its peculiarity. First, sir’ pursued the crier, presenting the ivory
tube to the prince, ‘observe that this tube is furnished with a glass at
both ends; by looking through one of them you see whatever euiee
you wish to behold.’ ..

‘Tam,’ said the prince, ‘ready to make you all proper reparation
for the scandal I have thrown on you, if you will make the truth
of what you say appear’; and as he had the ivory tube in his hand,
he said, ‘Show me at which of these ends I must look” The crier |
showed him, and he looked through, wishing at the same time to see
the sultan, his father. He immediately beheld him in perfect health,
sitting on his throne, in. the midst of his council. Afterwards, as
there was nothing in the world so dear to him, after the sultan, as the
Princess Nouronnihar, he wished to see her, and saw her Jaughing, -
and/in a pleasant humour, with her women about her.

Prince Ali needed no other proof to persuade ‘him that. this tube
was the most valuable: imine. not pal in _ city. of ue but in

the Princess Nouronnihar : SF 73


all the world ; and he believed that, if he should neglect it, he would
never meet again with such another rarity. He said to the crier, eT
am very sorry that I should have entertained so bad an opinion of
you, but hope to make you amends by buying the tube, so tell me the
lowest price the seller has fixed upon it. Come with me, and I will
pay you the money.’ The crier assured him that his last orders were
to take no less than forty purses; and, if he disputed the truth of
what he said, he would-take him to his employer. The prince
believed him, took him to the khan where he nae ponnied. out
the money, and received the tube. |

Prince Ali was overjoyed at his bargain ; and persuaded himselt

that, as his brothers would not be able to meet with anything so rare |

- and marvellous, the Princess Nouronnihar would be his wife. He

thought now of visiting the court of Persia zcognito, and seeing

whatever was curious in and about Schiraz, till the caravan with

. which he came returned back to the Indies. . When the caravan was
ready to set out, the ‘prince.joined them, and arrived without any
accident or trouble at the place of rendezvous, where he found Prince
Houssain, and both waited for Prince Ahmed.

Prince Ahmed took the road to Samarcand; and the day after
his arrival there went, as his brothers. had done, into the bezestein.
He had not walked long before he heard a. crier, who had an
artificial apple in his hand, cry it at five-and-thirty purses. He
stopped the crier, and said to him, ‘Let me see that apple, and
tell me what virtue or extraordinary property it has, to be valued
at so. high a rate.’

‘ Sir” said the crier, puting it into his hand, ‘if you look at
_ the outside of this apple, it is very ordinary; but if you consider
the great use and benefit it is to mankind, you will say it is
invaluable. He who possesses it is master of a great treasure. It
. cures all sick persons of the most mortal diseases, fever, pleurisy,

plague, or other malignant distempers; and, if the patient is dying, »

TAL AK. The Three Princes and

it will immediately restore him to perfect health; and this is done
after the easiest manner in the world, merely by the patient smelling
the apple.’

‘If one may believé you, replied Prince Ahmed, ‘the virtues of
this apple are wonderful, and it is indeed valuable: but what ground
has a plain man like myself, who may wish to become the purchaser,
to be persuaded that there is no deception or exaggeration in the
high praise you bestow on it ?’

‘Sir, replied the crier, ‘the thing is known and eerie by ‘the
whole city of Samarcand; but, without going any further, ask all
these merchants you see here and hear what they say; several of
them would not have been alive this day if they had not made use
of this excellent remedy. It is the result of the study and experience
of a celebrated philosopher of this city, who applied himself all -his the knowledge of plants and minerals, and at last performed
such surprising cures in this city as will never be forgotten ; but he
died suddenly himself, before he could apply his own sovereign
remedy, and left his wife and a great many young children behind
him in very indifferent circumstances; to support her family, and

- provide for her children, she has resolved to sell it.’

While the crier was telling Prince Ahmed the virtues of the
artificial apple, a great many ‘persons came about them, and con-
firmed what he said; and one among the rest said he had a friend
dangerously ill, whose life was despaired of, which was a favourable

opportunity to show. Prince Ahmed the experiment: Upon which
Prince Ahmed told the crier he would give him forty. purses if he
cured the sick person by letting him smell at it.

The crier, who had orders to sell it at that price, said to Prince
Ahmed, ‘Come, sir, let us go and make the experiment, and the apple
shall be yours; it is an undoubted fact that it will always have
the same effect as it already has had in recovering from death many
sick persons whose life was despaired of,

the Princess Nouronnihar | he 75


The experiment succeeded, and the prince, after he had counted
out to the crier forty purses, and the other had delivered the apple to
him, waited with the greatest impatience for the first caravan that
should return to the Indies. In the meantime he’ saw all that was
curious in and about Samarcand, especially the valley of Sogda, so
called from the river which waters it, and is reckoned by the Arabians

‘to be one of the four paradises of this world, for the beauty of its
fields and gardens and fine palaces, and for its fertility in fruit of all
sorts, and all the other pleasures enjoyed there in the fine season.

At last Prince Ahmed joined the first caravan that returned to
the Indies, and arrived in perfect health at the inn where the Princes
Houssain and Ali were waiting for him.

Prince Ali, who was there some time before Prince Ahmed,
asked Prince Houssain, who got there first, how long he had
been there ; he told him three months: to which he replied, ‘Then
certainly you have not been very. far.’

‘I will tell you nothing now,’ said Prince Houssain, ‘but only
assure you I was more than three months travelling to the plea’
I went to.’

‘But then,’ replied Paice Ali, ‘you aeiie a short stay there.’

‘Indeed, brother, said Prince Houssain, ‘you are mistaken: I
resided at one place over sun: or five months, and. might have
stayed longer.’

‘Unless you flew back,’ replied Prince Ali again, ‘I cannot
comprehend how you can have been, three months here, as you
would make me believe.’ ae

3 ‘T tell you the truth,’ added Prince Houssain, ‘and it is a riddle
which I shall not explain till our brother Ahmed comes; then’ I
will let you know what curiosity I have brought home from my
travels. I know not what you have got, but believe it to be some

trifle, because I do not see that your baggage is increased’

‘And pray what have you brought?’ replied Prince Ali, ‘for

76 oh The Three Princes and

I can see nothing but an ordinary piece of carpet, with which you
cover your sofa, and as you seem to make what you have brought
a secret, you cannot take it amiss that I do the same.’

‘I consider the rarity which I have purchased, replied Prince
Houssain, ‘to excel all others whatever, and should not have
any objection to show it you, and make you agree that it is so,
and at the same time tell you how I came by it, without being
in the least apprehensive that what you have got is better. But
we ought to wait till our brother Ahmed arrives, that we may
all communicate our good fortune to each other.’

Prince Ali would not enter into a dispute with Prince Houssain,
but was persuaded that, if his perspective glass were not preferable,
it was impossible it should be inferior, and therefore agreed . to
wait till Prince Ahmed arrived, to produce his purchase.

When Prince Ahmed came, they embraced’ and complimented
each other on the happiness of meeting together at the place they
set out from. Then Pririce Houssain, as the elder brother, said,
‘Brothers, we shall have time enough hereafter to entertain ourselves
with the particulars of our travels: let us come to that which is
of the greatest importance for us to know; let us. not conceal
from each other the curiosities we have brought home, but show

“them, that we may do ourselves: justice beforehand and see to
which of us the sultan our father may give the preference.

‘To set the example,’ continued Prince Houssain, ‘I will tell
you that the rarity which I have brought from my travels to’ the
kingdom of Bisnagar, is the carpet on which I sit, which looks but
ordinary and makes no show; but, when I have declared its virtues
to you, you will be struck swith admiration, and will confess you
never heard of anything like it. Whoever sits on it as we do,
and desires to be transported to any place, be it ever so far off,
is immediately, carried thither. I made the experiment myself
before I paid down the forty purses, and when I had fully satisfied.

the Princess Nouronnihar | oe 77


my curiosity at the court of Bisnagar, and had a mind to return,
I made use of no other means than this wonderful. carpet for myself
and servant, who can tell you how long. we were coming hither.
I will show you both the experiment whenever you please. I
expect you to tell me whether what you have brought is to be
compared to this carpet.’ :

Here Prince Houssain ended, and Prince Ali said, ‘I must
own, brother, that your carpet is one of the -most surprising
things imaginable, if it has, as I do not doubt in the least, that
property you speak of. But you must allow that there may be
other things, I will not say more, but at least as wonderful, in
another way; and to convince you there are, here is an ivory tube,
which appears to the eye no more a rarity than your carpet. It cost
me as much, and I am as well satisfied with my purchase as you
can be with yours ; and you will be so just as to own that I have not
been cheated, when you know by experience that by looking at one
end-you see whatever you wish to behold. “Take it’ added Prince
Ali, presenting the tube to him, ‘make trial of it yourself?

‘Prince Houssain took the ivory tube from Prince Ali, and clapped
that.end to his éye which Prince Ali showed him, to see the Princess
Nouronnihar, and to know how she was, when Prince Ali and Prince
Ahmed, who kept their eyes fixed upon him, were extremely surprised
to. see his countenance change suddenly with extraordinary pain

_and grief. Prince Houssain would not give them time to ask
what was the matter, but cried out, ‘Alas! princes, to what
purpose have. we undertaken long and fatiguing journeys? In a
few moments our lovely princess will breathe her last. I saw her
‘in her bed, surrounded. by her women and attendants, who were
all in tears. Take the tube, pons for yourselves the miserable

~ state she is in’

' Prince Ali took the tube out of Prince Houssain’s hand and after
he had looked, presented it to Prince Ahmed.

78K | The Three Princes and:

When Prince Ahmed saw that the Princess Nouronnihar’s end
was so near, he addressed himself to his two brothers, and ‘said,
‘Princes, the Princess’ Nouronnihar, the object of all our vows, ‘is
indeed at death’s door; but provided we make haste and lose no
time, we may preserve her life’ Then he took out the artificial
apple, and showing it to the princes his brothers, said to them,
‘This apple which you see here cost as much as either the
carpet or tube. The opportunity now presents itself to show you
its wonderful virtue. Not to keep you longer in suspense, if a sick
person smells it, though in the last agonies, it restores him to
perfect health immediately. I have made’ the experiment, ‘and
can show you its wonderful effect on the Princess ‘Nouronnihar, if
we make all haste to assist her. -

‘If that is all, replied Prince Houssain, ‘we cannot make more
haste than by transporting ourselves instantly into’ her room by the
means of my carpet. Come, lose no time; sit down on it by me ; it
is large enough to hold us all three: but first let us give orders to our
servants to set out immediately, and join: us ‘at, the’ palace.’ |

As soon as the order was given, Prince Ali and Prince Ahmed
went and sat down by Prince Houssain, and all three framed
the same wish, and were Baas nericd into the Princess Nouron-
nihar’s chamber,

_ The presence of the three princes, who were so little expected,
frightened the princess's women and attendants, who could not
comprehend by what enchantment three men: should be among
them ; for they did not know them at first, and the attendants were
fay. to fall upon them, as people who had got into a part of the
palace where they were not allowed to come; but they, rey
recollected and found ‘their mistake. :

_ Prince Ahmed. no sooner saw himself in N atironnihats room, and
perceived the’ princess. dying, than he rose off the tapestry, as did also
the other two pringes, and went to the bed-side, and pee the apple


the Princess Nouronnihar . Me 79:


under her nose. Some moments after, the princess opened her eyes,
and turned her head from one side to another, looking at the persons
who stood about her; she then rose up in the bed, and asked to be
dressed, just as if she had awaked out of a sound sleep. Her women
informed her, in a manner that showed their joy, that she was obliged
to the three princes her cousins, and particularly to Prince Ahmed,
for the. sudden recovery of her health. She immediately expressed
her joy to see them, and thanked them all together, and afterwards.
Prince Ahmed in particular, and they then retired.


While the princess was dressing, the: princes went.-to throw:
themselves at the sultan their father’s feet, and pay their respects to-
him. The sultan received and embraced them with the greatest joy,
both for their.return and for the wonderful recovery of the princess.
his niece, whom he loved as if she had been his own daughter, -
and who had been given over by the physicians. After the usual.


80 wit 3 The Three Princes and

compliments, the princes presented each the curiosity which he had
brought: Prince Houssain his carpet, which he had taken care not, to
leave behind him in the princess’s chamber; Prince Ali his ivory
tube, and Prince Ahmed the artificial apie: ; and after each had
commended his present, when they put it into the sultan’s hands,
they begged him to pronounce their fate, and declare to which of
them he would give the Princess Nouronnihar for a wife, according
-to his promise.

The Sultan of the Indies having kindly: heard all that the princes
had to say, without interrupting them, and being well informed of
what had happened in relation to the Princess Nouronnihar’s cure,
remained some time silent, as if he were thinking what answer he
should make. At last he broke silence, and said to them in terms
full of wisdom, ‘I would declare for one of you, my children, with
a great deal of pleasure, if I could do so with. justice ; but consider
whether I can. It is true, Prince Ahmed, the princess my niece is
obliged to your artificial apple for her cure, ‘but let me ask you,
whether you could have been so serviceable-to “her - afsyou had not
known by Prince Ali’s tube the danger she was in, and if Prince
Houssain’s carpet had not brought you to her so soon?

“Your tube, Prince Ali, informed you and your brothers that you
were likely to lose the princess your cousin, and so far she is greatly
obliged to you. You must also grant that that: knowledge. would
have been of no service without the artificial apple and the carpet.

‘And for you, Prince Houssain, consider that it would have been

_of little use if you had not been acquainted with the princess’s. ‘illness

by. Prince Ali’s tube, and Prince Ahmed had -not. applied his artificial
apple. Therefore, as neither the carpet, the ivory tube, nor the
artificial apple has the least preference one over the other, ‘but, on the
contrary, there is a perfect equality, I cannot grant the princess to’ any
one of you, and the only fruit you have reaped from your travels is
ne glory of having equally contributed to restore her to pe

the Princess Nouronnihar og 81


‘If this be true, added the ‘sultan, ‘you see that I must have

_ recourse to other means to determine with certainty in the choice I
ought to make among you, and as there is time enough between this
and night, I will do it to-day. Go, and get each of you a bow and
arrow, and repair to the great plain outside the city, where the horses
are exercised. I will soon come to you, and I declare I will give the
Princess Nouronnihar to him that shoots the farthest.

‘I do not, however, forget to thank you all in general, and
each in particular, for the presents you brought me. I have a
great many ratities in my museum already, but nothing that comes
up to the carpet, the ivory tube, and the artificial\apple, which
shall have the first place among them, and shall be preserved
carefully, not only for show, but to make an. advantageous use
of them upon all occasions.’

The three princes had nothing to say against the decision of
the sultan. When they were out of his presence, they each provided
themselves with a bow and.arrow, which they delivered to one of
their officers, and went to the plain Supe followed by a great
concourse of people.

The sultan did not make.them wait long; | and as soon as he
arrived, Prince -Houssain, as. the eldest, took his bow and arrow,
‘and shot: first. Prince Ali shot next, and much beyond him; and

Prince Ahmed last of all; but it so happened, that nobody could
see where his arrow fell; and, notwithstanding all the search of
himself and everybody else, it was not to be found far or near.
And though it was believed that he shot the farthest, and that he
therefore deserved the Princess Nouronnihar, it was necessary that
his arrow should be found, to make the matter evident.and certain ;
so, notwithstanding his remonstrances, the sultan determined in
favour of Prince Ali, and gave orders for preparations to be made
for the wedding, which was celebrated a few days afterwards with

great magnificence.

Prince Ahmed


RINCE HOUSSAIN would not honour
the feast: with his presence; he could |
scarcely endure to see the princess in
the arms of Prince Ali, who, he said, did
not deserve her better or love her more
than himself. He left the court, and,
renouncing all right of succession to the
crown, turned dervish, and put himself
under the discipline of a famous. sheik,
_.who had gained a reputation for his

Bera ie and had taken up his abode, together with his
disciples, whose number was great, in an agreeable solitude.

Prince Ahmed did not assist at Prince Ali’s and the Princess
Nouronnihar’s wedding, any more than, his brother Houssain, but
did not renounce the world as he had done.. He could not imagine
-what had become of his arrow, so he stole away: from his attendants,
_and resolved to search for it, that he might not have anything to |
‘reproach himself with. With this intention, he went to the place
where the Princes Houssain’s and Ali’s were gathered up, and going
Straight forward from thence, looked carefully: on both sides of
him. He went so far, that at last he began to think his labour _
was in vain; yet he could not help going forwards, till he came

and the Fairy — 3 wis 83

to some steep, craggy rocks, which would have obliged him to
return, had he been ever so anxious to proceed. They were situated
in a barren country, about four leagues distant from whence he

set out. When Prince Ahmed came near these rocks, he

perceived an arrow, which he picked up, looked earnestly

at it, and was in the greatest astonishment to find it was
the same he shot. ‘Cer-
tainly,’ said he to himself,
‘neither I nor any man
living could shoot. an
arrow so far’; and find-
ing it laid flat, not
sticking into the ground,
he judged that it had
rebounded from the rock.
‘There must be some
mystery in this,’ said he
to himself again, ‘and it
may be to my advantage.
Perhaps fortune, to make
me amends for depriving
me of what I thought
the greatest happiness
of my life, may have
reserved a greater bless-
ing for my comfort.’
As these rocks were full
of sharp points and
crevices between them, ‘the prince, full of these thoughts, entered

a cavity, and looking about, cast his eyes on an iron door,

which seemed to have no lock.. He feared it was fastened ;

but pushing against it, it opened, and discovered an easy descent,
: : G2
84 onl : _ Prince Ahmed
: ee.
but no steps. He walked down with his arrow in his hand. At |
first he thought he.was going into a dark place, but presently a quite
different light succeeded that which he had come out of. Coming
upon a spacious square, fifty or sixty paces distant, he perceived a
magnificent palace; but he had not time to look at it, for at the same
moment a lady of majestic air, and of a beauty to which the richness
of her clothes and the jewels which adorned her person added nothing,
advanced as far as the porch, attended by a troop of ladies, 6f whom
it was difficult to distinguish which was the mistress.

As soon as Prince Ahmed perceived the lady, he hastened to pay
his respects; and the lady, on her part, seeing him coming, was.
beforehand with him. Raising her voice, she said, ‘Come near,
Prince Ahmed; you are welcome.’

It was no small surprise to the prince to hear himself named in a
palace He had never heard of, though so near his father’s capital, and
he could not comprehend how he should be known to a lady who
was a stranger to him. At last he returned the lady’s salutation, by
throwing himself at her feet, and rising up again, said to her,
‘Madam, I return you a thousand thanks for welcoming me to a
place where I had reason to believe my imprudent curiosity had
made me penetrate too far. But, madam, may I, without being
guilty of rudeness, presume to ask you how you know me? and -
why you, who live in the same ee should be so little
known by me?’ : ;

‘Prince, said the lady, “et us go ante the hall; there I ae
gratify your request.’

After these words, fhe: ‘lady led .Prince Ahmed into the hall,
the noble structure of which, and the gold and azure which. em-
bellished the dome, and the inestimable richness of the furniture, —
appeared to him so wonderful that he had never in his life _
beheld anything like it, and believed. that nothing: was to ‘be
compared to it. ‘I can assure you,. replied the lady, ‘ that this is

and the Fairy | | eee:

but a small part of my palace, and you will say so when you

_ have seen all the apartments. Then she sat down on a sofa; and
when the prince at her entreaty had seated himself, she said, ‘You
are surprised, you say, that I should know you, and not be known
by you; but you will no longer be surprised when I inform you
who I am. You cannot be ignorant that the world is inhabited
by genies as well as men: I am the daughter of one of the most
powerful and distinguished of these génies, and my name is Pari
Banou: therefore I know you, the sultan your father, the princes
your brothers, and the Princess Nouronnihar.. I am no stranger
to your love or your travels, of which I could tell you all the
circumstances, since it was I myself who exposed for sale the
artificial apple which you bought at Samarcand, the carpet which
Prince Houssain met with at Bisnagar, and the tube which Prince
Ali brought from Schiraz.. This is sufficient to let you know that
I am not unacquainted with anything that relates to you. The
only thing I have to add is, that you seemed to me worthy of a
still better fortune than that of marrying the Princess Nouronnihar.
I was present when you drew your arrow, and foresaw it would
not go beyond Prince Houssain’s. .I took it in the air, and made
it strike’ against the rocks’ near which you found it. It is in your
power to avail yourself of this favourable opportunity,’

_ As the fairy Pari Banou pronounced these words Prince Ahmed
began to consider that the Princess Nouronnihar could never be his,
and that the fairy Pari Banou excelled her infinitely in beauty and
agreeableness, and, so far as he could judge from the magnificence of
the palace where she resided, in immense riches. ‘Madam,’ replied
he, ‘should I,-all my life, have had the happiness of being your slave,
I should think myself the happiest of men. Pardon me my boldness,

_ and do not refuse to admit into your court a prince who is entirely
devoted to you.’ -
‘Prince, answered the fairy, ‘ as I have been a long time my own

86 Be . Prince Ahmed

mistress, and am not dependent on my parents’ consent, it is not as a
slave that I would admit you into my court, but as my husband,
pledging your faith tome. Tam, as I said, mistress here; and must
add, that the same customs aré not observed among fairies as among
other ladies.’

Prince Ahmed made no answer, but was so fall of gratitude that
he thought he could not express it better than by coming to kiss the
hem of her garment. ‘Then, answered the fairy, ‘you are my
husband, and I am your wife. But as I suppose, continued she, ‘that
you have eaten nothing to-day, a slight repast shall be served up for
you while preparations are making for our wedding feast this
evening, and then I will show you the apartments of my palace, and
you shall judge if this the smallest part of it” ,

Some of the fairy’s women who came into the hall with them, and
guessed her intentions, immediately went out, and returned PICSCOuY.
with some excellent meat and wine.

When Prince Ahmed had eaten and drunk as much as he
“wanted, the fairy Pari Banou took him through all the rooms, where
he saw diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and all sorts of fine jewels, —
intermixed with pearls, agate, jasper, porphyry, and all kinds of the
most precious marbles; not to mention the richness of the furniture, ‘
everything was in such profusion, that the prince acknowledged that
there could not be anything in the world that could-come up to it.
‘Prince, said the fairy, ‘if you admire so much my palace, which is
indeed very beautiful, what would you say to the palaces of the chiefs
of our gehies, which are much mére beautiful, spacious, and mag-
nificent ? I could also charm you with my garden; but we. will
leave that till another time. nee draws eae, and ice be time
for supper.’

The next hall into. wltich ‘he fairy led the prince, where the
cloth was laid for the feast, was the only room the prince had
not seen, and it was not in the least inferior to the others. He

and the Fairy ome 87

admired the infinite number of wax candles. perfumed with amber
which formed an agreeable and pleasant sight. A large sideboard
was set out with all sorts of gold plate, so finely wrought that.
the workmanship was much more valuable than the weight of
the gold. Several beautiful women -richly dressed, whose voices
were ravishing, began a concert, accompanied. with all kinds of
the most harmonious instruments he had ever heard. When they
had sat down to table, the fairy Pari Banou took care to help.
Prince Ahmed to most delicious meats, which .the prince had.
never heard of, but ‘found so nice that he commended them in
the highest terms, saying that they far surpassed those among
men. He found also.the same excellence in the wines, which
neither he nor the fairy tasted till the dessert was served up, which
consisted of the choicest: sweetmeats and fruits.

After the dessert, the fairy Pari Banou and Prince Ahmed rose
from the table; which was.: immediately carried away, and sat on
a sofa with cushions -of fine silk, curiously embroidered with all
sorts of large flowers, at their backs, and a great number of genie
and fairies danced before them.

The days following the wedding were a continual fess which
the’ fairy Pari Banou, who could do it with the utmost ease, knew.
how to diversify by new dishes, new concerts, new dances, new ©
shows, and new diversions; which were ali so extraordinary, that
Prince Ahmed, if he had lived a thousand years among men,
could not have imagined.

At the end of six months, Prince. Ahmed, who se loved.
and honoured the sultan his father, felt a great desire to know
how he. was; and as that desire could not be satisfied without.
his absenting himself to go and hear it in person, he mentioned it
to the fairy, and desired she would give him leave.

‘> This discourse alarmed the fairy, and made her fear it was
only : an excuse to leave her,

88 we | Prince Ahmed

‘My queen,’ replied the prince, ‘if you are offended at the leave I
asked, I entreat you to forgive me, and I will make all the reparation
I can. I did not do it with any intention of displeasing you, but
from a motive of respect towards my father, whom I wish to free
from the affliction in which my long absence must have overwhelmed
him ; indeed I have reason to think he believes me dead.’

‘Prince, said she, ‘I am so fully convinced that I can depend
upon your sincerity, that I grant you leave to go, on condition —
that your absence shall not be long’

Prince Ahmed would have thrown himself at the fairy’s feet,
to show his gratitude; but she prevented him.

‘Prince, said she, ‘go when you please; but first do not take
it amiss if I give you some advice how you shall conduct yourself
where you are going. First, I do not think it proper for you to
tell the sultan your father of our marriage, nor what I am, nor the
place where you are settled. Beg him to be satisfied with knowing
that you are happy, and that you desire no more; and let him
know that the sole end of your visit is to make hin easy about
your fate.

She appointed twenty horsemen, well mounted and earpned, to ”
attend him. When all was ready, Prince Ahmed took leave of the
fairy, embraced her, and renewed his promise to return soon. Then
his horse, which was as beautiful a creature as any in the Sultan
of the Indies’ stables, was-brought, and he mounted him with an
extraordinary grace, which gave great pleasure to the fairy, and
after he had bid her:a last adieu, set out on his journey.

As it was not a great way to his father’s capital, Prince Ahmed

-soon arrived there. The people, glad to see him again, received :
him with acclamations, and followed him in crowds to the ‘sultan’s
‘palace. The sultan received and embraced him with great joy $
complaining at the same time, with a fatherly tenderness, of the.
affliction his long absence had been to him; which he said was

and the Fairy Oe ge 89

the more grievous, since as fortune had decided in favour of Prince
Ali his brother, he was afraid. he might have committed some act
of despair.

SSIs replied Prince Ahmed, ‘your majesty knows that when I
shot my arrow the most extraordinary thing that ever befell anybody
happened to me, that in so large and level a plain it should not be
possible : to find my arrow. Though thus -vanquished, I lost no
time in vain complaints; but to satisfy my perplexed mind, I gave
my attendants the slip, and returned back again alone to look for
my arrow. I-sought all about the place wheré Prince Houssain’s
and Prince Ali’s arrows were found, and where I imagined mine
must have fallen; but all my labour was in vain, until after having
gone four eases to that part of the plain where it is bounded
by rocks, I perceived an arrow. I ran and took it up, and knew
it to be the same which I had shot. Far from thinking your
majesty had done me any injustice in declaring for my brother .
Prince Ali, I interpreted what had happened to me quite otherwise,
and never doubted but there was a mystery in it to my advantage ;
the discovery of which I ought not to neglect, and which I found
out without going further from the spot. But as to this mystery,
I beg your majesty to let me remain silent, and that you will be
gatished to know from°my own mouth that I am happy and con-
tented. This was the only motive which brought me hither; the

only favour I ask of your majesty is to give me leave to come often
and. pay you my respects, and inquire after your health.’

‘Son; answered the Sultan of the Indies, leave you ask me; but I would much rather you would resolve to
stay with me. At least tell me where I may hear of you, if: you
should fail to come, or when I may think your presence necessary.’

‘Sir, replied Prince Ahmed, ‘what your majesty asks of me is part

_ of the mystery I spoke of. 1 beg of you to give me leave to remain
silent on this head; for I shall come so re anens where my duty

go oo as, . Prince Nimed

calls, that I am afraid I shall sooner be thought troublesome than
be accused of negligence in my duty.’ ;

The Sultan of the Indies pressed Prince Ahmed no more; but said
to him, ‘Son, I penetrate no further into your secrets, but leave you
at your liberty. I can only tell you, that you could not do me a
greater pleasure than to come and by your presence restore to me
the joy I have not felt for a long time, and that you will always be
welcome when you come,’

Prince Ahmed stayed but three days at the sultan his father’s
court, and on the -fourth returned to the fairy Pari Banou, who
received him with great joy, as she did not expect him so soon.

_ A month after Prince Ahmed’s return from paying a visit to his
father, as the fairy Pari Banou had observed that since the time that
the Prince gave her an account.of his journey and his conversation
with his father, in which he asked his leave to come and see him from
time to time, he had never, spoken of the sultan, as if there had been

_ no such person in the world, whereas before he was always: speaking
of him, she said to him one day, ‘Tell me, prince, have you forgotten
the sultan your father? Do you.not remember the promise you
made to go and see him from time to time? For _my part, I have
not forgotten what you told meat your return, and put you in mind
of it. Pay him another visit to-morrow, and after that go and see
him once a month, without speaking to me, or waiting for my. leave.

I readily consent,

Prince Ahmed went the next morning with the same attendants
as before, but much finer, and himself more magnificently mounted,

_ equipped, and dressed, and was received by the sultan with the same
joy and satisfaction. For several months he constantly. paid him
visits, and always i in a richer and More brilliant equipage. .

At last some viziers, the sultan’ s favourites, who judged of Prince
Ahmed’s grandeur and power by the figure he made, abused the
liberty the sultan gave them of speaking to him, to make: him. jealous

and the Fairy Be QI

of his:son. They represented to him that it was but common
prudence to know where the prince had retired, and how he could
afford to live at such-a rate, since he had no revenue or income
‘assigned him; that he seemed to come to court only to brave
him; and that it was to be feared he might stir up the people’s
favour and dethrone him.

The Sultan of the Indies was so far from thinking that Prince
Ahmed could be capable of so wicked a design as his favourites
would make him believe, that he said to them, ‘You are mistaken ;
my son loves me, and I am assured of his tenderness and fidelity.
Be it as it will, I do not believe my son Ahmed is so wicked
as you would persuade me he is; however, I am obliged to you
for your good advice, and do not doubt that it proceeds from a
good intention” | .

The Sultan of the Indies said this that his favourites might not
know the impression their hints had made on his mind. He was,
however, so much alarmed that he resolved to have Prince Ahmed
watched, unknown to his grand | vizier. For this end he sent
for a sorceress, who was introduced by a private door into his
room. ‘My. son Ahmed comes to my court every month;-but I.
cannot learn from him where he resides, and I do not wish to force
his secret out of him; but I believe you are capable of satisfying
my ‘curiosity, without letting him, or any of my court, know

* anything of the matter. You know that at present he is here with
me, and is used to go away without taking leave of me, or-any
of my court.’ Go immediately out on the road, find out where he
retires, and bring me word.’

The. magician left: the sultan, and knowing the place where
Prince Ahmed found his arrow, went thither and hid. herself near
the rocks, so that nobody could see her.

The next morning Prince Ahmed set out by daybreak, without
taking leave either of the sultan or of any of his court, according to

92 & Prince Ahmed

custom. The magician, seeing him coming, followed him with. her
eyes, till all of a sudden she lost sight of him and his attendants.

The steepness of the rocks formed an insurmountable barrier
to men, whether on horseback or on foot, so that the magician
judged that there were but two ways; the prince had retired either

‘ into some cavern, or into some place underground, the abode of
genies or fairies. When she thought the prince and his attendants
were out of sight, she came out of the place where she had hidden
herself, and went direct to the hollow where she had seen them
go in. She entered it, and proceeded to the spot where it
terminated in many windings, looking carefully about on all sides.
But notwithstanding all her diligence she could perceive no opening,
nor the iron gate which Prince Ahmed discovered. For this door
was to be seen by and opened to none but men, and only to men
whose presence was agreeable to the fairy Pari Banou, and not
at all to women.

The magician, who saw it was in vain for her to search any
further, was obliged to be satisfied with the discovery she had
made, and returned to give the sultan an account. When she had.
told him what she had done, she added, ‘Your majesty may easily
understand, after what I have had the honour to tell you, that it
will be no difficult matter to give you the satisfaction you desire
concerning Prince Ahmed’s conduct. To do this, I only ask time,
and that you will have patience, and give me leave to do it without
inquiring what measures. I intend to take.’

The sultan was very well pleased with the magician’s conduct, —
and said to her, ‘Do as you think fit: I will wait patiently,
and to encourage her, he made her a present of a diamond of great
value, telling her it was only an earnest of the ample reward she
should, receive when ‘she ‘had done him that important service,
which he left to. her management.

As Prince Ahmed, after he had obtained the fig au Banou’s

and the Fairy a 93

leave to .go to the Sultan of the Indies’ court, never failed once a
month, and the magician knew the time, she went a day or two
before to the foot of the rock where she had lost sight of the prince
and his attendants, and waited there with a plan she had formed.

The next morning Prince Ahmed went out as usual at the iron
gate with the same attendants as before, and passed by the magician, .
whom he knew not to be such. Seeing her lie with her head on
the rock, complaining as if she were in great pain, he pitied her,
turned his horse about and went and asked her what was the matter,
and what he could do to relieve her.

The artful sorceress, without lifting up her head, looked at the
prince, and answered in broken words and sighs, as if she could
hardly fetch her breath, that she was going to the city, but on the
way thither was taken ‘with so violent a fever that her strength
failed her, and she, was forced to stop and lie down, far from any
habitation, and without any hope of assistance,

‘Good woman; replied Prince ‘Ahmed, ‘you are not so far from
help as you imagine. I am ready to assist you, and to convey you
where you shall not only have all possible care taken of you, but
where ‘you will find a speedy cure; only get up, and let one of
my people take you.’ 1

At these words, the magician, who pretended illness only to know
where the prince lived, did: not refuse the kind offer he made her so
freely, and to show her acceptance rather by action than by word, she
made many affected efforts to get up, pretending that her illness
prevented her. At the same time two of the prince’s attendants
-alighted off their horses, helped her up, and set her behind another.
They mounted their horses again, and ‘followed the prince, who
-turned back to the iron: gate, which was opened by one of his retinue
who rode before. When he came into the outer court of the fairy’s
palace, without dismounting, he sent to tell her he wanted to speak _
to her. ooo : 5

04 oF Prince Ahmed

The fairy Pari Banou came with all haste, not knowing what
made Prince Ahmed return so soon. Not giving her time to ask him,
he said, ‘My princess, I desire you would have compassion on this
good woman,’ pointing to the magician, who was taken off the horse
by two cf his retinue: ‘I found her in the condition you see, and
promised her the assistance she stands in need of. I commend her
to your care, and am persuaded that you will not abandon her,’

The fairy Pari Banou, who had her eyes fixed upon the pretended
sick woman all the time that the prince was talking, ordered two of
the women who followed her to take her from the two men that
held her up, and carry her into the palace, and take as much care
of her as they could.:

Whilst the two women executed the fairy’s commands, she went
up ‘to- Prince Ahmed, and whispering in his ear said, ‘Prince, I
commend your compassion, which is worthy of you, but give me leave
to tell you that I am afraid it will be but ill rewarded. This woman
is not so ill as she pretends to be; and J am very much mistaken if
she is not sent hither on purpose to cause you great trouble. But do
not be concerned, let what will be devised against you ; be persuaded
that I will deliver you out of all the snares that ney be laid for you.
Go and pursue your journey.’

This discourse of the fairy’s did not in the least alarm Prince
Ahmed. ‘My princess,’ said he, ‘as I do not remember I ever did,
or designed to do, anybody-an injury, I cannot believe anybody can »
have a thought of doing me one ; but if they have, I shall not forbear _
doing good whenever-I have an opportunity,’ So saying, he took
leave of the fairy, and set out again for his father’s capital, where he
soon arrived, and was received as usual by the sultan, who restrained
himself as much as possible, to disguise the trouble arising from the
suspicions suggested by his favourites.

In the: meantime, the -two. women to whom the fairy Pari Banou
had given her orders carried the magician into a very fine apartment,

and the Fairy RE 95

tichly furnished. First they set her down upon a sofa, with her back
-supported with a cushion of gold brocade, while they made a bed, the
quilt of which was finely embroidered with silk, the sheets of the
finest linen, and the coverlid cloth of gold. When they had put her
into bed (for the old sorcefess pretended that her fever was so violent
that she could not help herself in the least), one of the women went
“out and soon returned again with a china cup in her hand full of a
certain liquor, which she presented to the magician, while the other
helped her to sit up. ‘ Drink this,’ said she, ‘it is the water of the
fountain of lions, and a sovereign remedy against. all fevers whatso-.
‘ever. You will find the effect of it in less than an-hour’s time,’
The magician, to dissemble the better, took it after a great deal
-of entreaty, as if she was very much averse to having it, but at last
‘taking the china cup, and shaking her head, as if she did great
violence to herself, swallowed the liquor. When she had lain down
‘again, the two women covered her up. ‘Lie quiet, said she who
‘brought her the china cup, ‘and get a little sleep if you can; we will
leave you, and hope to find you perfectly cured when we come an
-hour hence.’

_ The magician, who came not to act a sick part long, but only
to discover Pririce Ahmed’s retreat, and what. made him leave: his
father’s court, being fully satisfied in what she: wanted to know,
would willingly have declared that the potion had had its - effects
then, so great was her desire to return to the sultan, and inform
him. of the success of her commission’; but as she had been told
that the potion did not operate immediately, shé was forced to await
the women’s return. Lane :

‘The two women came again at the time they said they should,
and found the magician up and dressed, and seated’ on the sofa;
“when she saw them open the door she cried out, ‘Oh, the admirable
potion! it has wrought its cure much sooner than you told me it
‘would, and I have waited a long time with impatience, to desire you

96 Be _ Prince Ahmed
; ge eae eee eee

to take me to your charitable mistress to thank her for her kindness,

for which I shall always be obliged to her. Being thus cured as by a

miracle, I had rather not lose time, but continue my journey.’

The two women, who were fairies as well as their mistress, after
they had told the magician how glad they were that. she was cured
so soon, walked before her, and conducted her through several
apartments into a large hall, the most richly and magnificently
furnished of all the palace.

Pari Banou was seated in this hall, on a throne of massy gold,
attended on each hand by a great number of beautiful fairies, all
richly dressed. At the sight of so much majesty, the magician was
so dazzled, that after she had prostrated herself before the throne,
she could not open her lips to thank the fairy, as she proposed.
However, Pari Banou saved her the trouble, and said. to her, ‘ Good
woman, glad I had the opportunity of obliging you, and to see
you are able to pursue your journey. I will not detain you, but
perhaps you may-not be displeased to see my palace; follow my
women, and they will show it to you.’

The old sorceress, who had not power nor courage to say a word,

. prostrated herself a-second time, with her head on the carpet that
"covered the foot of the throne, and so took her leave, and was
conducted: by the two fairies through all the apartments which
were shown to Prince Ahmed on his first arrival there. But what
surprised her most of all. was, that the two fairies told her that all
she saw. and admired so: much was a mere sketch of their mistress’s
grandeur and riches, and that i in the extent of her dominions she had
-so many palaces that they could not tell the number of. them, all of co
different architecture, equally magnificent and superb. They led her a
at last to the iron gate at which Prince Ahmed brought her in, and
after she had taken her leave of them, and thanked them for their

_ trouble, they opened it, and wished her a pleasant journey. oe

After the magician had gone a little wave she. turned back again

and the Le . ¢h. 97

=tO- observe the door and know it again, but all in vain, for, as. was
before observed, it was invisible to her and all other women. Except
in this, she was very well satisfied with her work, and posted away
to the sultan. When she came to the capital, she went by a great
many by-ways to the private door of the palace. The: sultan being
informed of her arrival, sent for her into his apartment, and per-
ceiving a melancholy look on her countenance, he thought she had
not succeeded, and said to her, ‘By your looks I guess that ‘you
have not made the discovery I: expected from you.

“Sir, replied the magician, ‘your majesty must give me eae to
represent that you ought-not to judge by my looks whether. or
‘ng I have acquitted myself well as regards the commands. you
were pleased to honour me with. The melancholy . you observe
proceeds from another cause than the want of success.’

Then the magician related to the Sultan of the Indies the
whole story of all that happened from beginning to end. :

When the magician had ended, she said, ‘What does your
majesty think of these unheard-of riches of the fairy? Perhaps you
will say you rejoice at the good fortune of Prince Ahmed your son.
For my part, sir, 1 beg of your majesty to forgive me if I take the
liberty to say that I think otherwise, and that I shudder when I
consider the misfortunes which may happen to you. And this - is
the cause of the melancholy which you perceived. I. would believe
that Prince Ahmed, by his own good: disposition, is incapable of
undertaking anything against your majesty ; but who can say that
the fairy, by the influence she already has over him, may not inspire
him with a dangerous design of dethroning your majesty, and seizing
the crown of the Indies? This is what yout majesty ought to
consider serious and of the utmost importance.’

- Though the Sultan of the Indies was very sure that Prince
Ahmed’s natural disposition was good, yet he could not help being
uneasy at the remarks of the old sorceress, and _ said, ‘I thank

98 ats | | Prince Ahmed

you for the pains you have taken, and your wholesome caution.
‘I am so aware of the great importance it is to me, that I shall
take advice upon it.’

He had been consulting with his favourites, when he was told
of the magician’s arrival. He ordered her to follow him to them.
He acquainted them with what he had learnt, and communicated
- to them also the reason he had to fear the fairy’s influence over the
prince, and asked them what measures they thought most proper
to prevent so great a misfortune. One of the favourites, taking
upon himself to speak for the rest, said, ‘Your majesty knows
who must be the author of this mischief. In order to prevent it,
now that he is in your court, and in your power, you ought not to
hesitate to put him under arrest: I will not say take away his life,
for that would make too. much noise : but make him a close
prisoner while he lives’ This advice all the other favourites
unanimously applauded.

The magician, who thought it too violent, asked the sultan
leave to speak, which being granted, she said, “Sir, I am persuaded
that the zeal of your councillors for your majesty’s, interest makes
them propose arresting Prince Ahmed: but they will not take it
amiss if I suggest to your and their consideration, that. if you arrest
‘the prince, you must also detain his retinue. But they are all
genies. Do they think it will be so easy to surprise,. seize, and
secure their persons? ~ Will they not disappear, by the property
they possess of rendering themselves: invisible, and transport
themselves instantly to the fairy, and give her an account of
the insult offered to her husband? And can it be supposed she
will let it go unrevenged? But it would be ‘better, if, by any
other means which might not make so great a noise, the sultan
could secure himself against any ill designs Prince Ahmed may
have against him, and not involve his majesty’s honour. If his
majesty has any confidence in my advice, as genies and fairies :

and the Fairy | | RF 99

can do things impracticable to men, he will touch Prince Ahmed’s
honour, and engage him, by means of the fairy, to procure certain
advantages. For example, every time your majesty takes the
field you are obliged to go to a great expense, not only in
pavilions and tents for yourself and army, but likewise in mules
and camels, and other beasts of. burden, to carry their baggage.
Might you not request him to use his interest with the fairy to
procure you a tent which might be carried in a man’s hand, and
which should be large enough to shelter your whole army ?

‘I need say no more to your majesty. If the prince brings |
such a tent, you may make a great many other demands of the —
same natore, so that at last he may sink under the difficulties and
the impossibility of executing them, however fertile in. invention
the fairy who has enticed him from you by her enchantments
may be; so that in time he will be ashamed to appear, and will
be forced to pass the rest of his life with his fairy, excluded
from any connection With this: world; and then your majesty will
-have nothing to fear, and cannot be reproached with so detestable
an action as the shedding of a son’s blood, or confining. him in a
prison for life.’ ;

When the magician had finished her speech, the sultan asked his
favourites if they had anything better to propose ; and finding them
all silent, determined to follow the magician’s advice, as the most
reasonable and the most suited to his mild manner of government.

The next day, when the prince came into his father’s presence
and had sat down by*him, after a conversation on different subjects,

the sultan said, ‘Son, when you came and dispelled those clouds
of melancholy which your long absence had brought upon me, you
made the place you had chosen for your retreat a mystery to me.
_ I was satisfied with seeing you again, and knowing that you were
‘content with your condition, without wishing to penetrate into your
‘secret, which I found you did not care I should, I know not what

! : © eZ

100 rae : | . - Prince Ahmed |

feason you had thus ‘to treat a father. I know your good fortune ;
I rejoice with you, and very much approve of. your conduct in
marrying a fairy so worthy of your love, and so rich and powerful,
as lam informed. Powerful as I am, it was not possible for me to
have procured so’ great a match for you. Now that you are
raised to so high a rank as to be envied by everybody but a.
father like me, I not only desire you to preserve the good
understanding we have lived in hitherto, but to use all your
credit with your fairy to obtain for me her assistance when I
want it: I therefore will make a trial this day.

‘Iam persuaded you could easily procure from her a pevinon
that might be carried in a man’s hand, yet which would extend
_ over my whole army; especially when you let her know it is for
me. Though it may be a difficult thing, she will not refuse you.
All the world knows that fairies are capable of doing the most
extraordinary things.’

_ Prince Ahmed never cee that the sultan his eae
‘would have asked a thing which, at first sight, appeared to: him
so difficult, not to say impossible. .Though he knew not absolutely
how great the power of genies and fairies was, he doubted whether
it extended so far as to furnish’a tent such as his father desired.
Moreover, he had never asked anything like it of the fairy Pari
Banou, but was. satisfied with her continual kindness; therefore
he. was in the greatest embarrassment what answer to make. At
last he replied, ‘If, sir, I have concealed from your majesty what |
happened to me and what course I took after finding my arrow,
the reason was that I thought it was of no great importance to you
to be informed of them; and though I know not how this mystery
has been revealed to you, I cannot deny that your information
is correct. I have married the fairy you speak of. I love: her,
and am persuaded she loves me. But I can say nothing as to.
the influence your majesty believes I have over her. Tis what

and the Fairy <2 Be IOI

I have not yet made any experiment of or thought of, and should
be very glad if you would dispense with my undertaking it, and
let me enjoy the happiness of loving and being beloved with all:
the disinterestedness I proposed to myself. But the demand of.
a father is a command upon every child who, like me, thinks
it his. duty to obey him in everything. And though it is. with.
the greatest reluctance imaginable, I will not fail to ask my wife.
the favour your majesty desires, but will not promise to obtain
5 it; and if I should not. have the honour to come again to pay’
you my respects, that shall be the sign that I have not had.
success: but I desire you to forgive me beforehand, and consider:
that you yourself have reduced me to this extremity.’

‘Son, replied the Sultan of the Indies, ‘I should be very
sorry: that what I ask of you should prevent my ever seeing:
you again. Go, only ask her. Think with yourself,. that as you
love her, you could refuse: her nothing ; therefore, if she loves you,:
she will not deny your. request.’ .
- All this discourse of the Sultan of the Indies could not ade
Prince. Ahmed, who would rather he -had asked anything: than.
the risk of displeasing his dear Pari Banou; and so great was
his vexation, that he left the court two days sooner than usual.

When he returned, the fairy, to whom he had- -always before
appeared with a cheerful countenance, asked him the reason of the
alteration; and finding that instead of answering her, he inquired after
her health to avoid satisfying her, she said to him, ‘I will answer
your question when you have answered mine.’ “Fhe prince declined
it a long time, protesting that nothing was the matter with him;
but the more he denied it, the more she pressed him, and a
«I cannot bear to see you in this condition: tell me what makes
you so uneasy, that I may remove the cause of it, whatever it may
be; for it must be very: extraordinary if itis. out of my power,’

Prince Ahmed could not long. withstand the fairy. ‘Madam,’

102 #& | Prince Ahmed

said he, ‘God’ prolong the sultan my father’s life, and bless him
to the end of his days. I left him alive, and in perfect health :
therefore that is: not the cause of the melancholy you perceive _
in me. The sultan has imposed upon me the disagreeable task
of worrying you. You know the care I have taken, with your
approbation, to conceal from’ him my happiness at home with you.
How he has been informed of it I cannot tell.’

Here the fairy Pari Banou interrupted Prince Ahmed, and said,
‘But 7 know. Remember what I told you of the woman who
made you believe she was ill, on whom you took so much com-
passion. It is she who has acquainted the sultan your father with
what you took so much care to hide from him. I told you that
she was no more sick than you or I, for, after the two women
whom I charged to take care of her had given her the water
sovereign against all fevers, which, however, she had no occasion
for, she pretended that the water had cured her, and was brought
to take leave of me, that she might. go sooner to give an account
of the success of her undertaking. She was in so much haste that
-she would have gone away without seeing my palace, if I had not,
by bidding my two women show it her, given. her to understand
that it was worth her. seeing. But go on and tell me what is
the necessity your father has imposed on you which: has made
you feel troublesome to me, which I desire you will be persuaded
you can never be.’ -

‘Madam, pursued Prince Ahmed, ‘you may have observed
that hitherto I have never asked you any favour, for what, after
the possession of so kind a wife, can I desire more? I know how
great your power is, but I have taken care not to make trial of it.
Consider then, I beg you, that it is not me, but the sultan my
father, who, indiscreetly, as I think, asks of you a pavilion large
enough to shelter him, his court, and his army, from the violence »
of the weather, when he takes the field, and yet small enough for

and the Fairy — ? oo 103


a man to carry in his hand. Once more. remember it is not lee
but the sultan my father who asks this favour.’

‘Prince, replied the fairy, smiling, ‘I am sorry. that so small
a matter should disturb you, and make you so uneasy. I see plainly
two things have contributed towards it: one is, the law you have
imposed upon yourself, to be content with loving me and being
beloved by me, and to deny yourself the liberty of asking me
the least favour that might try my power. The other, I do not
doubt, whatever you may say, was that you thought what your
father asked of me was out of my power. As to the first, J
commend you for it, and shall love you the better, if possible ; and
for the second, I must tell you that what the sultan your father
asks of me is a trifle; and upon occasion, I can do much more
difficult things. Therefore be easy, and persuaded’ that, far from
feeling worried, I shall always take great pleasure in whatever

_-you can desire me to do for your sake.” Then the fairy sent for
her treasurer, to whom she said ‘Nourgihan’ (which was her name),

‘bring me the largest pavilion in my treasury.’ Nourgihan returned
presently with a pavilion, which could not only be held but concealed
in the palm of the hand when it was closed, and presented it to
her mistress, who gave it to Prince Ahmed to look at.

When Prince Ahmed saw the pavilion, which the fairy called
the largest in her treasury, he fancied she was joking, and his surprise
appeared in his face. Pari Banou burst out laughing. ‘What!
Prince, cried she, ‘do you think I jest with you? You will see
presently ‘that I am in earnest. Nourgihan’ said she to her
treasurer, taking the tent out of Prince Ahmed’s hands, ‘go and

-set it up, thatethe prince may judge whether the sultan his father


will think it large enough.’
The treasurer immediately went out from the palace, and carried
it to such a distance that when she had set it up one end reached to ~

the palace. The prince, so far from thinking it small, found it large 7

104. @&. | | Prince Ahmed

enough to shelter two armies as numerous as that of the sultan his
father ; and then said to Pari Banou, ‘I ask my princess a thousand
pardons for my incredulity: after what I have seen, I believe there
is nothing impossible to you.’

“You .see, said the fairy, ‘that the pavilion is larger than
your father may have occasion for; but you are to observe that it
becomes larger or smaller, according to the army it is to cover,
without being touched.’

The treasurer took down the tent again, reduced it to its first size,
and brought it and put it into the prince’s hands. He took it, and
next day mounted his horse and went-with the usual attendants to
the sultan his father. ~

The sultan, who was persuaded that such a tent as he asked for
was beyond all possibility, was in great surprise at the prince’s
diligence. He took the tent and admired its smallness. - But when
he had set it up in the great: plain, and found it large enough to
shelter an army twice as large as he could bring into the field, his
amazement was so great that he could not recover himself. As he
thought this might be ‘troublesome in use, Prince Ahmed told him
that its size would always be proportionate to his army.

To outward ‘appearance. the sultan expressed great obligation
to the prince his son for so noble a present, desiring him to return
his thanks to the fairy Pari Banou; and to show what a value he
set on it, he ordered it to. be carefully laid up in his treasury. But
within himself he became more jealous than ever; considering
that by the fairy’s assistance the prince: his son ee perform
things that were infinitely above his own power, notwithstanding
his greatness and riches; and, therefore, more intent upon his ruin,
he went to consult the magician again, who advised him to request
the prince to bring him some of the water. of the fountain of lions.

* Inthe evening, when the sultan:was surrounded as usual by.
all ‘his court, and the prince came to pay his respects among the
and the Fairy ; ae ome TG 5

rest, he said to _him:' ‘Son, I have already. expressed how much I
am obliged to you for the present of the tent you have procured
me, which I look upon asthe most valuable thing in my treasury;
but you must do one thing more for me. I am informed that the
fairy your. wife makes use of a certain water, called the water of
the fountain of lions, which cures all sorts of fevers, even the most
dangerous; and as I am perfectly sure that my health is dear to
you, I do not doubt that. you will ask her for a bottle of that water
for me, and bring it me as a sovereign remedy, which I may
make use of when I have occasion. Do me this service, and
complete the duty of a good son towards a tender father.’

‘Prince’ Ahmed, who had believed that the sultan his father
would have been satisfied with so singular and useful a tent as
that which he. had brought, and that he would not have imposed
any new task upon him which might hazard the fairy’s displeasure
was thunderstruck at this new request, notwithstanding the assurance
she had given him of granting him whatever lay in her power. After
a long silence, he said, ‘I beg of your majesty to be assured that
there is nothing I would not undertake to prolong your life, but
I. wish it might not be by. means of my wife. For this reason I
dare not promise to bring the. water. . All I can do is to assure
you I will ask her; but it will be with as great reluctance as. when
I asked for the tent! /

- The next morning Prince Ahmed rertne | to the Ga Bar

- Banou, and related to her sincerely and faithfully all that had
passed at the sultan his father’s court, from the giving of ‘the tent,
which he told her he received with the utmost gratitude, to the
new request he had charged him to make, and when he had done,
he added : ‘but, my princess, I only tell you this as a plain account
of what passed between me and my father. I leave you to your
own discretion to gratify or oe this new desire. It shall be
as you please’
nab ws Prince Ahmed


‘*No, no, replied the fairy Pari Banou, ‘whatever advice the
magician can give him (for I see that he hearkens to her), he
shall find no fault with you or me. There is a great deal of
wickedness in this demand, as you will understand by what I am
going to tell you. The fountain of lions is situated in the middle
of a court of a great castle, the entrance into which is guarded by .
four fierce lions, two of which sleep while the other two are awake
alternately. But let not that frighten you. I will give you means
to pass by them without any danger.’

The fairy. Pari Banou was at that time hard at work with her.
needle ; and as she had by her several balls of thread, she took up
one, and presenting it to Prince Ahmed, said, ‘ First take this ball of
thread ; I will tell you presently the use of it. In the second place,
you must have two horses; one you will ride yourself, and the other
you will lead, which must be loaded with a sheep cut into four
quarters, and killed to-day. In the third place, you must be provided —
with a bottle, which I will give you, to bring the water in. Set out
early to-morrow morning, and when you have passed the iron gate,
throw before you the ball of thread, which will roll till it comes to
the gates of the castle. When it stops, as the gates will be open,
you will see the four lions. The two that are awake will, by their
roaring, wake the other two. Be not frightened, but throw each
-of them a quarter of the sheep, and then clap spurs to your horse,
.and ride to the fountain. Fill your bottle without alighting, and
then return with the same speed. The lions will be so busy eating
that they will let you pass.’ :

_ Prince Ahmed set out the next morning at the time appotned by
the fairy, and followed her directions carefully. ‘When he arrived at
the gates of the castle, he distributed the quarters of the sheep among
the four lions, and passing through the midst of them with haste, got
to the fountain, filled his bottle, and returned. as safe and sound as
he went. When he was a. little distance from the castle gates, he

and the Fairy says gg 107

. turned, round; and perceiving two of the lions coming after him, he
drew his sabre, and prepared for defence. But as. he went forward,
he saw one of them turned off the road, and showed by his head and
tail that he did not come to do him any harm, but only to go before
him, and that the other stayed behind to follow. He therefore put -
his sword again into its scabbard. Guarded in this manner he arrived
at the capital of the Indies; but the lions never left him till they


had conducted him to the gates of the sultan’s palace; after which
they returned the way they came, though not without frightening
all that saw them, who fled. or hid themselves, though they walked
gently, and showed no signs of fierceness.

A great many officers came to attend the prince while fe dis-"
mounted, and conducted him to the apartments of the sultan, who
was at that time conversing with his favourites, He approached the

108 Bex Prince Ahmed
throne, laid the bottle at the sultan’s feet, kissed the rich carpet
which covered the footstool, and rising, said, ‘I have brought you,

sit, the health-giving water which. your majesty so much desired to’
keep in your treasury; but at the same time wish you such health
. that you may never have occasion to. make use of it.’ oc

After the prince had finished speaking, the sultan placed iin
on his right hand, and then said, ‘Son, I am very much obliged to:
you for this valuable present; also for the great danger you have
exposed yourself to upon my account, which I have been informed

of by the magician who knows the fountain of lions; but do me the
_ pleasure,’ continued he, ‘to tell me by what incredible power you
have been preserved.’

‘ Sir,’ replied Pence Ahmed, ‘I foe no chine in the compliment
your majesty is pleased to make me; all the honour is due to the:
fairy my wife; I merely followed her good advice.’ The sultan »
showed cunverdly all the demonstrations of joy, but secretly became '
more and more jealous, retired into an inner eC: and sent for”
the magician. :

After conferring with fe the sultan next day said to the prince, :
in the midst of all his courtiers, ‘Son, I have one thing more to i
_ ask of you; after which, I shall expect. nothing more from your”
obedience, nor your influence with your wife. This request is, to i
bring me a_man not above a foot and a half high, whose beard ~is :
thirty feet long, who carries upon his shoulders a bar of iron of five.
hundredweight which he uses as a quarterstaff, and who can speak." ”

‘Prince Ahmed, who did not bélieve 'that there was such a man in’
the world as his father described, would gladly have excused himself }
but the sultan persisted in his demand, and told him that the faity.
could do more incredible things. ae ;

’ Next day the prince returned to. the. subterranean iinedom of
Pari Banou, to whom he told his father’s new demand, which, - he.
said, he looked upon as more ‘impossible than the first two 3 ‘for?
and the Fairy | | ®& 109

added’ he, ‘I cannot imagine that there is or can be such a man
in the world: either he has a mind to try whether I am silly
enough to go and seek him; or if there is such a man, he seeks my
ruin. How can he suppose that I should get hold of so ~
small, armed as he describes? What arms could I make use of
to reduce him to submission ?’

‘Do not affright yourself, prince,’ replied the fairy; ‘you ran a
risk in fetching the water of the fountain of lions for your father; but
there is no danger jin finding this man. It is my brother, Schaibar,
who is so far from being like me, though we both had the same
-father, that. he is of so violent a nature that nothing can prevent
his giving gory marks of his resentment for a slight offence ; yet, on
the other hand, he is so good as to oblige any one in whatever
they desire. He is made exactly as the sultan your father has
described him; and he has no other arms than a bar of iron five
hundred pounds in weight, without which he never stirs, and which
makes him. respected.~ I will send for him, and. you shall judge of
the truth of what I tell you; and prepare not to Ce ‘frightened
when you see him,’

‘What! my queen, ’ replied Prince Ahmed, ‘do you say Schaibar
is your brother? Let him be ever so.ugly or deformed, I shall love
and honour him, and consider him as my nearest relation.’

The fairy ordered a gold chafing-dish to be set with a fire in
it under the porch of her palace, with a box of the same metal.
Taking some incense out of this, and throwing it into the’ fire,
there arose a thick cloud of smoke. -

Some moments after, the fairy said to Prince Ahmed, ‘ Prince,
here comes my brother; do you see him?’

The prince immediately perceived Schaibar, who was but a foot
arid a half high, coming gravely with his heavy bar on his shoulder ;

_ his beard, thirty feet long; supported itself before him, and a pair
of thick moustaches were tucked up to his: ears, almost covering
110 & | Prince Ahmed
his face: his eyes were very small, like a pig’s, and sunk deep in
his head, which was of an enormous size, and on which he wore
a pointed cap: besides all this, he had a hump behind and before.

If Prince Ahmed had not known that Schaibar was Pari Banou’s
brother, he would not havé been able to look at him without
fear; but knowing beforehand who he was, he waited for him with
the fairy, and received him without the least concern. ;

Schaibar, as he came forward, looked at the prince with an eye
that might have chilled his soul in his body, and asked a Banou
who that man was. :

To which she replied: ‘He is my husband, brother; his name
is Ahmed; he is son to the Sultan of the Indies.. The reason
why I did not invite you to my wedding was that I was unwilling
to divert you from the expedition you were engaged in, and from
which I heard with pleasure that you returned victorious; on his
account I have taken. the liberty now to send for you.’

At these words, Schaibar, looking at Prince Ahmed with a
favourable eye, which however diminished neither his fierceness —
nor his savage look, said, ‘Is there anything, sister, in which I can
‘serve him? he has only to pe It" is enough for me that
he is your husband’

_*The sultan his father,’ ieee Pari. Banou, ‘has a curiosity to
see you, and I desire he may be your guide to the Sultan’s court.’

‘He need but lead the way; I will follow him,’ replied | Schaibar.

‘ Brother; replied Pari Banou, ‘it is too late to go to- -day,
therefore stay till to-morrow morning; and in the meantime, as _
it is desirable that you should know all that has passed between |
the Sultan of the Indies and Prince Ahmed © since our marriage,
I will tell you this evening.’ ;

Next morning, after Schaibar had been informed of a that
was. proper for him to know, he set out with Prince Ahmed,
who was to present him to the sultan. When they arrived at the

and the Fairy ) . stg III


gates of the capital, the people no sooner saw Schaibar eae they
ran and hid themselves in their shops and houses, and shut their
doors; while others took to their heels, and communicated their
fear to all they met, who did not wait to look behind them, but
ran too; insomuch that Schaibar and Prince Ahmed, as they went
along, found all the streets and squares deserted, till they came
to the palace, where the porters, instead of preventing Schaibar
from entering, also ran away; so that the prince and he advanced
without any obstacle to the council-hall, where the sultan .was
seated on his throne giving audience. Here likewise the officers,
‘at the approach of Schaibar, abandoned their posts.

Schaibar, carrying his head ° erect, went fiercely up to the
throne, without waiting to be introduced by Prince Ahmed, and
accosted the Sultan’ of the Indies in these words:

‘You have asked for me, see, here I am: what do you

want with me?’

The sultan, instead of answering, clapt his hands before his
eyes, and turned away his head, to avoid the-sight of so terrible
an object. Schaibar was so much provoked, at this uncivil and
rude reception, after the Sultan had given him the trouble to come.
so far, that he instantly lifted up his iron bar, and saying, ‘Speak
then, let it fall on his head, and_ killed him ‘before Prince
Ahmed could intercede in his behalf. All that he could do was
to prevent his killing the grand vizier, who sat not far from
him on his right hand, representing to him that he had always

» given the sultan his father good advice.

‘These are they then, said Schaibar, ‘who gave him bad advice ;’
and as he pronounced these words, he killed all the other viziers
on the right and left, flatterers and ‘favourites of the sultan,
who were Prince. Ahmed’s- enemies. Every time he struck, he
killed some one or other, and none escaped but they who, not
rendered motionless by fear, saved themselves by flight.
112 & Prince Ahmed


When this terrible execution was over, Schaibar came out of the
council-hall into the midst of the court-yard with the iron bar on his
shoulder, and looking at the grand vizier, who owed his life to Prince
Ahmed, he said, ‘I know there is a certain sorceress; who is a greater
enemy of the prince my brother-in-law than all those base favourites
I have chastised; let her be brought to me at once.” The grand ~
vizier immediately sent for her, and as soon as she was brought,
Schaibar said, knocking her down with his iron bar, ‘Take the reward
of thy pernicious counsel, and learn to feign illness aa > and left
her dead on the spot.

After this he said, ‘This is not enough; I “will reat the whole
city in the same manner, if they do not immediately acknowledge
Prince Ahmed my brother-in-law for their sultan, and Sultan of the
Indies.’ Then all that were present made the air ring with the
‘repeated acclamations of ‘Long life to Sultan Ahmed’; and immedi-
ately afterwards he was proclaimed throughout the whole town,
Schaibar made him be clothed in the royal vestments, installed him
on the throne, and after he had made all do homage and fidelity to
him, went ‘and fetched his sister Pari Banou, whom he brought with

- great pomp, and made her acknowledged Sultaness of the Indies.

As for Prince Ali and Princess Nouronnihar, as they had no hand
in the conspiracy against Prince Ahmed, nor knew of any such
conspiracy, Prince Ahmed assigned them a considerable province,
with its capital, where they-spent the rest of their lives. Afterwards
he sent an officer to Prince Houssain to, acquaint him with the
change, and to make him an offer of whichever province he liked” best @
but that prince thought himself so happy in his solitude that he
bade the officer return the Sultan his brother thanks for his. kindness,
assuring him. of his submission; and saying that the only favour, he
desired was leave to live retired in the place he had anaes choice of

. for his retreat.



the coast of Persia, in the Islands of
re oo em . a king who had an only son, Prince
Camaralzaman. He was brought up
with all imaginable care; and when
he came to a proper age, his father

appointed him an experienced governor
-and able tutors. As he grew up he
learned all the knowledge which a
- prince ought to possess, and acquitted himself so well that he
charmed all that saw him, and particularly the sultan his father.

When the prince had attained the age of fifteen years, the sultan,
who loved him tenderly, and. gave him every day new marks of
his affection, had thoughts of giving him a still greater one, by resign-
ing to him his throne, and he acquainted his grand vizier with his
intentions. ‘I fear,’ said he, ‘lest my son should lose in the
inactivity of youth those advantages which nature and education
have given him; therefore, since I am advanced in age, and ought
to think of retirement, I have thoughts of resigning the government .
to him, and passing the remainder of my days in the satisfaction
of seeing him reign. I have undergone the fatigue of a crown
a long while, and think it is now proper for me to retire.’
114 ome _ Prince Camaralzaman and


‘The grand vizier did not wholly dissuade the sultan from such a
proceeding, but sought to modify his intentions. ‘Sir, replied he,
‘the prince is yet but young, and it would not be, in my humble
opinion, advisable to burden him with the weight of a crown so
soon. Your majesty fears, with great reason, his youth may be
corrupted in indolence, but to remedy that do not you think it
would be proper to marry him? Your majesty might then admit
him to your council, where he would learn by degrees the art of
reigning, and so be prepared to receive your authority whenever
in your discernment you shall think him qualified’ :

The sultan found this advice of his prime minister highly
reasonable, therefore he summoned the prince to appear before
him at the same time that he dismissed the grand vizier. '

The prince, who had been accustomed to see his father only at
certain times, without being sent for, was a little startled at this
summons; when, therefore, he came before him, he saluted him
with great respect, and stood with his eyes fixed on the ground.

The sultan perceiving his constraint, said to him in a mild way,
‘Do you know, son, for what reason I have sent for you?’

The prince modestly replied, ‘God alone knows the heart; I shall
hear it from your a with pleasure’

‘I sent for you,’ said the sultan, ‘to inform you that TI have an
intention of providing a proper marriage for you; what do you

- think of it?’

Prince Camaralzaman heard this with great: uneasiness ; it so
surprised him, ‘that he paused and knew not what answer to make.
After a few moments’ silence, he replied, ‘Sir, I beseech ‘you to
ee me if I seem surprised at the declaration you have made to

I did not expect such proposals to one so young. as I am. It
requires time to determine on what your majesty requires of me.’

Prince Camaralzaman’s answer extremely afflicted his father.
He was not a little grieved to see what an aversion he had to

the Princess of China ~— | oh 11S


marriage, yet would not charge him with disobedience, nor exert
his paternal authority. He contented himself with telling him he
would not force his inclinations, but give him time to consider
the proposal.

The sultan said no more to the prince: he admitted him into his
council, and gave him every reason to be satisfied. At the end ot
the year he took him aside, and said to him,‘ My son, have you
thoroughly considered what J proposed to you last year about
marrying? Will you still refuse me that pleasure I expect from
your obedience, and suffer me to die without it ??

The prince seemed less disconcerted than. before, and was not
long answering his father to this effect: ‘Sir, I have not neglected
to consider your proposal, but after the maturest reflection find
myself more confirmed in my resolution to continue as I am, so
that I hope your majesty will pardon me if I presume to tell you
it will be in vain to speak to me any further about marriage’ He
stopped here, and went out without staying to.hear what the sultan
would answer. ot ;

Any other monarch would have been “very angry at such.
freedom in a son, and would have made him repent it, but the
sultan loved him, and preferred gentle methods before he proceeded
_to compulsion. He communicated this new cause of discontent to
his prime minister. ‘I have followed your advice,’ said he, ‘but
Camaralzaman is further than ever from complying with my desires.
He delivered his resolution in such free terms that it required all
my reason and moderation to keep my temper. Tell me, I beseech
‘you, how I shall reclaim a disposition so rebellious to my will?’

‘ Sir” answered the grand vizier, ‘patience brings many things
about that before seemed impracticable, but it may be this affair
is of a nature not likely to succeed in that way. Your majesty
would have no cause to reproach’ yourself if you gave the prince
another year to consider the matter. If, in this: interval he


116 ot Prince Camaralzaman and


returns to his duty, you will have the greater satisfaction, and if
he still continues averse to your proposal when this is expired,
your majesty may propose to him in full council that it is
highly necessary for the good of the state that he should marry,
and it is not likely he will refuse to. comply before. so grave an
assembly, which you honour with your presence.’

The year expired, and, to the great regret of the sultan, Prince
Camaralzaman gave not the least proof of having changed his
mind. One day, therefore, when there was a great council held,
the prime vizier, the other viziers, the principal officers of the
crown, and the generals of the army being present, the sultan began
to speak thus to the prince: ‘My son, it is now a long while since
I have expressed to you my earnest desire to see you married; and
I imagined you would: have had more consideration for a father,
who required nothing unreasonable of you, than to oppose him so
long. But after so long a resistance on your part, which has almost
worn out my patience, I have thought fit to propose the same thing
once more to you in the presence of my council. I would have
you consider that you’ ought not to have refused this, not merely
to oblige a parent; the well-being of my dominions requires it;
and the assembly here present joins with me to require it of you.
Declare yourself, then ; that, according to your answer, I may take
the proper measures,’
_ The prince answered with so little reserve, or rather with so
much warmth, that the sultan, enraged to see himself thwarted
in full council, cried out, ‘Unnatural son! have you the insolence
to talk thus to your father and sultan?’ He ordered the guards
to take him away, and carry him to an old tower that had been
unoccupied for a long while, where he was shut up, with only a
bed, a little furniture, some books, and one slave to attend him.

Camaralzaman, thus deprived of liberty, was nevertheless pleased —
that he had the freedom to converse with his books, and that made
the Princess of China 3 & 117


him look on his imprisonment with indifference. In the evening he
bathed and said his prayers; and after having read some chapters
in the Koran, with the same tranquillity of mind as if he had been
in the sultan’s palace, he undressed himself and went to bed, leaving
his lamp burning by him all the while he slept.

In this tower was a well, which served in the daytime for a retreat
to a certain fairy, named Maimoune, daughter of Damriat, king
or head of a legion of genies. It was about midnight when
Maimoune sprang lightly to the mouth of the well, to wander about
the world after her wonted custom, where her curiosity led her. She
was surprised to see a light in Prince Camaralzaman’s chamber, and
entered, without stopping, over the slave who lay at the door.

Prince Camaralzaman had but half-covered his face with the bed-
clothes, and Maimoune perceived the finest young man she had seen
in all her rambles through .the world. ‘What crime can he have
committed,’ said she to herself, ‘that a man of his high rank can
deserve to be treated thus séverely?’ for she had aoe heard his
story, and could hardly believe it.

She could not forbear admiring the prince, till at length, having
kissed him gently on both cheeks and in the middle of the fore-
head without waking him, she took her flight into the air. As she
mounted high to the middle region, she heard a great flapping of
wings, which made her fly that way; and when she approached, she
knew it was a genie who made the noise, but it was one of those that
are rebellious. As for Maimoune, she belonged to that class whom
the great Solomon compelled to acknowledge him.

This genie, whose name was Danhasch, knew Maimoune, and
was seized with fear, being sensible how much power she had over
him by her submission to the Almighty. He would fain have
avoided, her, but she was so near him that he must either fight or
yield. He therefore broke silence first.

- ‘Brave Maimoune, said he, in the tone of a suppliant, ‘swear to
118 & Prince Camaralzaman and


me that you will not hurt me; and I swear also on my spare not to do .
you any harm.’

‘Cursed genie,’ replied Maimoune, ‘what hurt canst thou do me?
I fear thee not; but I will grant thee this favour; I will swear not to
do thee any harm. , Tell me then, wandering spirit, whence thou
comest, what thou hast seen, and what thou hast done this night.

‘Fair lady, answered Danhasch, ‘you meet me at a good time
to hear something very wonderful. I come from the utmost limits
of China, which look on the last islands of this hemisphere. But,
charming Maimoune, said Danhasch, who so trembled with fear. at
the sight of this fairy that he could hardly speak, ‘promise me at
least that you will forgive me, and Ise me go on after I have sarishicd
your demands,’

‘Go on, go on, cursed spirit, replied Maimoune; ‘go on and fear
nothing. Dost thou think Iam as perfidious an elf as thyself, and
capable of breaking the solemn oath I have made? ‘Be sure you tell
nothing but what is true, or I shall clip thy “ and treat thee as
thou deservest.’ :

‘Danhasch, a little heartened at the words of. Maimoune, said,
‘My dear lady, I will tell you nothing but what is strictly true, if
you will but have the goodness to hear me. The country of China,;
from whence I come, is one of the largest and most powerful king-
doms of the earth. The king of this country is at present Gaiour,
who has an only daughter, the finest maiden that ever was seen in
the world since it was a world. Neither you nor I, nor your.class
nor mine, nor all our respective genies, have expressions. “strong
enough, nor eloquence sufficient to describe this brilliant lady.’ Any
one that did not know the king, father of this incomparable princess
would scarcely be able to imagine the great respect and kindness he
shows her. No one has ever dreamed of such care as his. to keep :
her from every one but the man who is to marry her: and, that the
‘retreat which he has resolved to place her in may not seem irksome

the ‘Princess of China | | RE TIO
to her} he has built for her seven palaces, the most Sy and
magnificent that ever were known.

‘The first palace is of rock crystal, the second of copper, the
third of fine steel, the fourth of brass, the fifth of touchstone, the
sixth of silver, and the seventh of massy gold. He has furnished
these palaces most sumptuously, each in a manner suited to the
materials that they are built of. He has filled the gardens with grass
and flowers, intermixed with pieces of water, water-works, fountains,
canals, cascades, and several great groves of trees, where the eye is
lost in the prospect, and where the sun never enters, and all differently
arranged. ‘King Gaiour, in a word, has shown that he has spared
no expense. -

‘Upon the fame of this incomparable princess’s beauty, the most

_ powerful neighbouring kings sent ambassadors to request her in

"marriage. The King of China received them all in the same obliging’
manner; but as he resolved ‘not to compel his daughter to marry
without her consent, and as she did not like any of the suitors, the:
ambassadors were forced to return as they came: they were perfectly’
satisfied with the great honours and civilities they had received.’

‘« Sir,” said the princess to the king her father, “you have an
inclination to see me mairied, and think to oblige me by it; but
where shall I find such stately palaces and delicious. gardens as I’
have with your majesty? Through your good pleasure I am under
no constraint, and have the same honours shown to me as are paid
to yourself. These are advantages I cannot expect to find anywhere
else, to whatsoever husband I should give my hand; men love ever
to be masters, and I do not care to be commanded.”

‘At last there came an embassy from the most rich and potent
king of all. This prince the King of China recommended to his
daughter as her husband, urging many powerful arguments to show.
how much it would be to her advantage to accept him, but she
intreated her father to dispense with her accepting him for the same

120 9 . Prince Camaralzaman. and


reasons as before, and at last lost all the respect due to the king her
father: ‘Sir,” said she, in anger, “talk to me no more of this or
any other match, unless you would have me plunge this poniard in
my bosom, to deliver myself from your importunities.”

‘The king, greatly enraged, said “ Daughter, you are fs and I
must treat you as such.” In a word, he had her shut up in a single
apartment of one of his palaces, and allowed her only ten old women
to wait upon her and keep her company, the chief of whom had
been her nurse. And in order that the kings his neighbours, who
had sent embassies to him on this account, might not think any more
of her, he despatched envoys to them severally, to let them know
how averse his daughter was to marriage; and as he did not doubt
that she was really mad, he charged them to make known in every
court that if there were any physician that would undertake to come
and cure her, he should, if he succeeded, marry her for his pains.

‘Fair Maimoune, continued Danhasch, ‘all that I have told you ©
is true; and I have not-failed to go every day regularly to con-
template this incomparable beauty, to whom I would be very sorry
to do the least harm, notwithstanding my natural inclination to
mischief, Come and see her, I conjure you; it would be well worth ©
your while; I am ready to wait on you asa guide, and you have
only tocommand me. I doubt not that you would think yourself
obliged to me for the sight of a princess unequalled for beauty.’

Instead of answering Danhasch, Maimoune burst out into violent
laughter, which lasted for some time; and Danhasch, not knowing
what might be the occasion of it, was astonished beyond measure.
When she had laughed till she could laugh no more, she cried,
‘Good, good, very good! you would have me believe all you
have told me: I thought you intended to tell me something sur-:
prising and extraordinary, and you have been talking all this while
of a mad woman. What would you say, cursed genie, if you had
seen the beautiful prince that I have just come from seeing?
the Princess of China Me 121


confident you would soon give up the contest,.and not pretend to
compare your choice with mine’

‘ Agreeable Maimoune, replied Danhasch, ‘may I presume to ask
you who is this prince you speak of ?’

‘Know, answered Maimoune, ‘the same thing has happened to
him as to your princess. The king his father would have married
him against his will; but, after much importunity, he frankly told

‘him he would have nothing to do with a wife. For this reason he
is at this moment imprisoned in-an old tower which I make my
residence, and whence I came but just now from admiring him,’

‘I will not absolutely contradict you, replied Danhasch ; ‘but,
my pretty lady, you must give me leave to be of opinion, till I have
‘seen your prince, that no mortal upon earth can come up to the
beauty of my princess.’ »

‘Hold thy tongue, cursed sprite, replied Maimoune. ‘I tell thee
once more that that can never be

‘I will not contend with you,’ said Danhasch; ‘ but the way to be
convinced whether what I say is true or false is to accept the
proposal I-made you to go and see my princess, and geet that I will

_ go with you to your prince.’

‘There is no need I should take so much pains, replied
Maimoune; ‘there is another way to satisfy us both; and that is. ~
for you to bring your princess, and place her in my prince’s room;
by this means it will be easy for us to compare them together
and determine the dispute’

Danhasch consented to what Maimoune had proposed, and
determined to set out immediately for China upon that’ errand.
But Maimoune told him she must first show him the tower whither
he was to bring the princess. They flew. together to the tower, and

. when Maimoune had -shown it to Danhasch, she cried, ‘Go, fetch
"your princess, and do it quickly, for you shall find me here: but
listen, you shall pay the wager if my prince is more beautiful than
122 ot Prince Camaralzaman and


your princess, and I will pay it if yOuk princess is more Beautital
than my prince’

Danhasch left Maimoune, and flew towards China, whence he
soon returned with incredible speed, bringing the fair princess
along with him, asleep. Maimoune received him, and introduced him
into the tower of Prince Camaralzaman, where they placed the
princess still asleep.

At once there arose a great contest between the genie and the
fairy about their respective beauty. They were some time admiring
-and comparing them without speaking : at length Danhasch broke
silence, and said to Maimoune, “You see, as I have already told -
you, my princess is handsomer than your prince; now, I hope,
you are convinced of it? :

“Convinced of it!’ replied Maimoune; ‘I am not convinced:
of it, and you must be blind if you cannot.see that my prince is far
handsomer. The princess is fair, I do not deny ; but if you compare
them together without prejudice, you will quickly see the difference.’

‘Though I should compare them ever so often,’ said Danhasch, ‘I.

could never change my opinion. I saw at first sight what I see now,
and time will not make me see differently : however, this shall not
hinder my yielding to you, charming Maimoune, if you desire it.’
_ ‘Y¥ield to meas a favour? I scorn it, said Maimoune:: ‘I would
not receive a favour at the hand of such a wicked genie; JI, refer
the matter to an umpire, _and if vee will not consent I shall win
by your refusal.’ : ‘

_Danhasch no sooner gave his consent “than Maimoune stamped
with her foot; the earth opened, and out came a hideous, hump:
backed, squinting, and lame genie, with six horns on his head, and |
claws on his hands and feet. As soon as he had come forth, and the
earth had closed up, he, perceiving Maimoune, cast himself at her
feet, and then rising up on one knee. aonsd Aer what ‘she would
please to do with him.

incess Badoura |



Danhasch carries off t

the Princess of China a 123 .


‘Rise, Caschcasch, said. Maimoune, ‘I brought you . hither’
_to determine a difference between me and Danhasch. Look there,
and tell me, without partiality, which is the handsomest of those
two that lie asleep, the young man or ‘the young lady.’
Caschcasch looked at the prince and princess with great attention,
‘admiration and surprise ; and after he had considered them.a good
while, without being able to determine which was the handsomer,
he turned to Maimoune, and said, ‘Madam, I must confess I should
deceive you and betray myself, if I pretended to say that one was a
whit handsomer than the other: the more I examine them, the more
it seems to me that each possesses, in a sovereign degree, the beauty _
which is betwixt them. But if there be any difference, the best way
to determine it is to awaken them one after the other, and by their
conduct to decide which ought to be deemed the most beautiful.’
This proposal of Caschcasch’s pleased equally both Maimoune and
‘Danhasch. Maimoune then changed herself into a gnat, and leaping
‘on the prince’s neck stung him so smartly that he awoke, and put
up his hand to the place ; but Maimoune skipped away, and resumed
her own form, which, like those of the two genies, was invisible, the
better to observe what he would do.
In drawing back his hand, the prince chanced to let it t fall on

that of the Princess of China, and on opening his eyes, was exceed-

ingly surprised to perceive a lady of the greatest beauty. He raised
his head and leaned on his elbow, the better to consider her. She
was so beautiful that he could not help crying out, ‘What beauty !
my heart! my soul!’ In saying. which he kissed her with so little
caution that she would certainly have been awaked by it, had ‘she not

slept sounder than ordinary, through the enchantment of Danhasch.

He was going to awaken her at that instant, but suddenly refrained

himself. ‘Is not this she; said he, ‘that the sultan my father would

‘have had me marry? He was in the wrong not to let me see her
sooner. I should not have offended him by .my disobedience and
124 a Prince Camaralzaman and


passionate language to him in public, and he would have spared
himself the confusion which I have occasioned him.’ :

The prince began to repent sincerely of the fault he had

_ committed, and was once more upon the point of waking the Prin-
cess of China. ‘It may be,’ said he, recollecting himself, ‘that the
sultan my father has a mind to surprise me with this young lady,
Who knows but he has brought her himself, and is hidden behind
the curtains to make me ashamed of myself. I will content
myself with this ring, as a temembrance of her,

He then gently drew off a fine ring which the princess had on
her finger, and immediately put on one of his own in its place.
After this he fell into a more profound sleep than before through
the enchantment of the genies.

As soon as Prince Camaralzaman was in a sound sleep, Danner
transformed himself, and went and bit the princess so rudely on
the lip that she forthwith awoke, started up, and opening. her eyes,
was not a little surprised to see a beautiful young prince. From
surprise she proceeded to admiration, and from admiration to a
transport of joy.

‘What, cried she, ‘is it you the king my father has designed
-me for a husband? I am indeed most unfortunate for not knowing
it before, for then I should not have made him so angry with me.
Wake then, wake !’

So saying, she took Prince _Camaralzaman by the arm and
shook -him so that he would have awaked, had not Maimoune
increased his sleep by enchantment. She shook him several times,
and finding he did not wake, she seized his hand, and kissing it
eagerly, perceived he had a ring upon his finger which greatly resem-
bled hers, and which she was convinced was her own, by seeing she
had another on her finger instead of it. She could not compréhend
how this exchange could have been made. Tired with her fruitless _
endeavours to awaken the prince, she soon fell asleep.

the Princess of China KK 125


When Maimoune saw that she could now speak without fear
of awaking the princess, she cried to Danhasch, ‘Ah, cursed genie
dost thou not now see what thy contest has come to? Art thou
not now convinced how much thy princess is inferior to my prince?
But I pardon thee thy wager. Another time believe me when I
assert anything.’ Then turning to Caschcasch, ‘As. for you,’ said
she, ‘I thank you for your trouble; take the princess, you and
Danhasch, and convey her back whence he has taken her’
Danhasch and Caschcasch did as they were commanded, and
Maimoune retired to her well.

Prince Camaralzaman on waking next morning looked to see if
the lady whom he had seen the night before were there. When
he found she was gone, he cried out, J thought indeed this was a
trick the king my father designed to play me. I am glad I
was aware of it. Then he waked the slave, who was still asleep,
and bade him come and dress him, without saying anything. The
slave brought a basin, and water, and after he had washed and
said his prayers, he took a book and read for some time.

After- this, he called the slave, and said to him, ‘Come hither,
and look you, do not tell me a lie. How came that lady hither,
and who brought her?’ » e

‘My lord,’ answered the slave with great astonishment, ‘I _
know not what lady your highness speaks of.

‘I speak, said the prince, ‘of her that came, or rather, that
was brought hither.’

‘My lord,’ replied the slave, ‘I swear I know of no such lady ;
and how should she come in. without my knowledge, since I lay
at the door?’ :

‘You are a lying rascal,’ replied the prince, ‘and in the. plot to
vex and provoke me the more.’ So saying, he gave him a box on
the ear which knocked him down; and after having stamped upon
him for some time, he at length tied the well-rope under his arms,
126 | Prince Camaralzaman and


and plunged him several times into the water, neck and heels, I
will drown thee, cried he, ‘if thou dost not tell me speedily who
this. lady was, and who. brought her.’

The slave, perplexed and _ half-dead, said within himself, ‘The
prince must have lost his senses through grief’ ‘My lord, then,’
‘cried he, in a suppliant tone,.‘I beseech your highecss to spare
my life, and I will tell you the truth’

The prince drew the slave up, and pressed him to tell him. As
soon as he was out of the well, ‘My lord, said he trembling, ‘ your
highness must perceive that it is impossible for me to satisfy you in
my present condition; I beg Hou to give -me leave to go and change
my. clothes first.”

‘T permit you, but do it quickly,’ said the peateey ‘and be sure
you conceal nothing.’

The slave went out, and having locked the door upon. the
prince, ran to the palace just as he was. The king was at that time

~ in discourse with his prime vizier, to whom he had just related the
grief in which he had passed the night on account of his son’s
disobedience and opposition to his will. The minister endeavoured
to comfort his master by telling him that the prince himself had
given him good cause to be angry. ‘Sir,’ said he, ‘ your majesty need
not .repent of having treated your son after this sort. Have but
patience to let him continue a while in prison, and assure yourself
his temper will abate, and he will submit to all you require.’

The grand vizier had just made an end of speaking when the
slave came in and cast himself at the king’s feet. ‘My lord, said
‘he, ‘I am very sorry to be the messenger of ill news to. your
majesty, which .I know must create you fresh affliction. The
prince is. distracted, my lord; and his treatment to me, as you
may see, too plainly proves it’ Then he proceeded to tell all the

_ particulars of what Prince Camaralzaman had said to him, and
the violence with which he had been. treated. nd

the Princess of China > > . 9g: 127


The king, who did not expect to hear anything of this afflictive
kind, said to the prime minister, ‘This is very melancholy, very

._ different from the hopes you gave me just now: go immediately,
without loss of time, see what is the matter, and come and give
me an account.’

The grand vizier obeyed instantly; and coming into the prince’s
chamber, he found him sitting on his good temper, and with a °
book in his hand, which he was reading.

After mutual salutations, the vizier sat down by him, and said,
‘My lord, I wish that a slave of yours were puniense for coming
to frighten the king your father.’

. ‘What,’ replied the prince, ‘could give my father alarm? I have
much greater cause to complain of that slave.’ ee

“Prince? answered the vizier, ‘God forbid that the news which he
has told your father concerning you should be true ; ingees, I myself
find it to be false, by the good temper I observe you in.’

‘It may be, replied.the prince, ‘that he did not make himself well
understood; but since you are come, who ought to know something
of the matter,-give me leave to ask you who was that lady who was
here last night?’ ay

The grand vizier was thunderstruck at this question ; however,
he recovered himself and said, ‘My lord, be not surprised at iy |
astonishment at your question. Is it possible that a lady, or any
other person in the world, should penetrate by night into this place,
without entering at the door and walking over the body of your
slave? I beseech you, recollect yourself, and you will find it is oo

a dream which has made this impression on you.’

‘J give no ear to what you say,’ said he prince, raising his
voice ; ‘I must know of you absolutely what is become of the lady ;
and if you hesitate to obey me, ot shall soon be al ‘to force you
to obey me.’ z

-At these stern ponds the grand vizier ‘teen to be. in greater

128 & Prince Camaralzaman and


confusion than before, and was thinking how to extricate himself.
He endeavoured to pacify the prince by good words, and begged
of him, in the most humble and guarded manner, to tell him if he
had seen this lady.

. ‘Yes, yes,’ answered the prince, ‘I have seen her, and am- very
well satisfied you sent her. She played the part you had given her
admirably well, for I could not get a word out of her. She pretended
to be asleep, but I was no sooner fallen into a slumber than she arose
and left me. You know all this; for I doubt not she has been to
make her report to you. =

“My lord,’ replied the vizier, ‘nothing of this has been done
which you seem to reproach me with; neither your father‘nor I have
sent this lady you speak of; permit me therefore to remind your
highness once more that you have only seen this a. dream,’

‘Do you come to affront and contradict me,’ said the prince ina
great rage, ‘and to tell me to my face that what I have told you is a
dream?’ At the same time he took him by the beard, and loaded ©
him with blows as long ashe. could stand.

The poor grand vizier endured with respectful shen all the
violence of his lord’s indignation, and could not help saying within
himself, ‘Now am I in as bad a condition as the slave, and. shall
think myself happy if I can, like him, escape from any further
danger.” In the midst of repeated blows he cried out for but a
moment’s audience, which the prince, after he had’ nearly tired :
himself with beating him, consented to give.

‘I own, my prince,’ said the grand vizier, dissembling, Heal is
something in what your highness suspects; but you cannot be
ignorant of the necessity a minister is under to obey his royal
master’s orders ; “yet, if you will but be pleased to.set me at liberty,
I will go and tell him qayenine on your part that you shall think fit
to command me.’

‘Go then,’ said the prince, ‘and tell him from me that if he pleases

the Princess of China he 129

I will:marry the lady he-sent me. Do this quickly, and bring me a
speedy answer. The grand vizier made a profound reverence, and

went away, not thinking himself altogether safe till he had got out of
the tower, and shut the door upon the prince.

He came and presented himself before the king, with a counte-
nance that sufficiently showed he had ‘been ill-used, which the king
could not behold without concern. ‘Well,’ said the king, ‘in what
condition did you find my son?’

‘Sir’ answered the vizier, ‘what the slave reported to your
majesty is but too true” He then began to relate his interview with
Camaralzaman, how he flew into a passion upon his endeavouring to

- persuade him it was impossible that the lady he spoke of should
have got in; the ill-treatment he had received from him; how he
had been used, and by what means he made his escape.

The king, the more concerned as he loved the prince with

. excessive tenderness, resolved to find out the truth of this matter,
and therefore proposed himself to go and see his son in the tower,
accompanied by the grand vizier.

Prince Camaralzaman réceived the king his father in the tower
with great respect. The king sat down, and, after he had made
his son the prince sit down by him, put several questions to him,
which he answered with great good sense. The king every now
and then looked at the grand vizier, as intimating that he-did not
find his son had lost his wits, but rather thought he had lost Azs.

The king at length spoke of the lady to the prince, ‘My son,’
said he, ‘I desire you to tell me what lady it was that came here,
as I have been told’

‘ Sit” answered Camaralzamian, ‘I beg your majesty . not to
give me more vexation on-that head, but rather to oblige me by
letting me have her, in marriage: this young lady has charmed
me. I am ready to receive her at your hands with the deepest
gratitude.’ ‘



130 ome Prince Camaralzaman and


The king was surprised at this answer of the prince, so remote,
as he thought, from the good sense he had shown before. ‘My
son, said he to him, ‘you fill me with the greatest astonishment
imaginable by what you now say to me; I declare to you by
my crown, that is to devolve upon you after me, I know not
one word of the lady. you mention; and if any such has come
to you, it was altogether without my knowledge. But how could
she get into this tower without my consent? For whatever my
grand vizier told you, it was only to appease you: it must there-
fore be a mere dream; and I beg of you not to believe otherwise,
but to recover your senses.’

‘Sir? replied the prince, ‘I should be for ever unworthy of
your majesty’s favour, if I did not give entire credit to what you
are pleased to say; but I humbly beseech you at the same. time to
give a patient hearing to what I shall say to you, and judge
whether what I have the honour to tell you be a. dream or not.’

Then Prince Camaralzaman related to the king his father after
what manner he had been awakened; and the pains he took to
awaken the lady without effect, and how he had made the |
exchange of his ring with that of the lady: showing the king
the ring, he added, ‘Sir, your majesty must needs know my ring
very well, you have seen it so often. After this, I hope you will
be convinced that I have not lost my senses, as yo have ‘been
almost made to believe.’-

The king was so perfectly convinced’ of the truth of what
his son had been telling him, that he had not a word : to say;
remaining astonished for some time, and not being able to utter
a syllable. :

‘Son,’ at length replied the king, ‘after what I have jak ‘heard,
and what I see by the ring on your finger, I.cannot doubt but
that you have seen this lady. Would I knew who she was, and
I would make you happy from this moment, and I should be- the
the Princess of China — we 134


happiest father in» the world! But where shall I find her, and
how seek for her?:. How could she get in here without my con-
sent? Why did she come? These things, I must confess, are past
my finding out’ So saying, and taking the prince by the hand,
‘Come then, my son,’ he said, ‘let us go and be miserable together.’
' The king then led his son out of the tower, and conveyed
him to the palace, where he no sooner arrived than in despair
- he fell ill, and took to his bed; the king shut himself up with
him, and spent many a day in reeping, without attending to the
affairs of his kingdom.

The prime minister, who was the only person that had nlewance
to him, came one day and told him that the whole court, and even
the people, began to murmur at not seeing him, and that he did not
administer justice every day as he was wont to do. ‘I humbly beg
your majesty, therefore, ‘proceeded he, ‘to pay them some attention ;
Iam aware your majesty’s company is a great comfort to the prince,
but then you must not run the risk of letting all be lost. Permit
me to propose to: your majesty to remove with the prince to the
castle in a little island near the port, where you may give audience
to your subjects twice a week only ; during these absences the prince |
will be so agreeably diverted with the beauty, prospect, and good. air
of the place, that he will bear them with the less uneasiness.’

‘The king approved this proposal; and after the castle, where
he had not resided for some time, had been furnished, he removed
thither with the prince; and, excepting the times that he gave
audience, as aforesaid, he never left him, but passed all his time by
his son’s pillow, endeavouring to comfort him in sharing his grief.

“Whilst matters passed thus, the two genies, Danhasch and Casch-
casch, had carried the Princess of China back to the palace where
the king her father had. shut her up. .

‘When she awoke the next morning, and found by ‘looking to
the right and left that. Prince‘Camaralzaman was not. by, she cried

K 2
132 9& Prince Camaralzaman and


6ut with a loud voice to her women. Her nurse, who presented
herself first, desired to be informed what she would please to.
have, and if anything disagreeable had happened to her.

‘Tell me,’ said the princess, ‘what is become of the young
man whom I love with all my soul?’

‘Madam,’ replied the nurse, ‘we cannot understand your high-
ness, unless you will be pleased to explain yourself.’

‘A young man, the best and most amiable,” said the princess,
‘whom I could not awake; I ask you where he is?’

‘Madam, answered the nurse, ‘your. highness asks these
questions to jest with us. I beseech you to rise.’

‘T am in cnet said the princess, ‘and I must know where
this young man is.’ i

‘Madam, insisted the nurse, ‘how any man could come with-
out our knowledge we cannot imagine, for we all slept about the
door of your chamber, which was locked, and IT had the ey in
my pocket.’ .

At this the princess lost all patience, and ee her nurse
by the hair of her head, and giving her two or three sound cuffs, she
cried, ‘You shall tell me where this young man is, old sorceress,
or I will beat your brains out.’

The nurse struggled to get from her, and at last succeeded; when
she went immediately, with tears in her eyes, to complain to the
queen her mother, who was not a little’ surprised t to see her in this
condition, and asked who had done this.

‘Madam, began the nurse, ‘you see how the princess has treated,
me; she would certainly have murdered me, if I had not had the
good fortune to escape out of her hands, She then began to tell what
had been the cause of all that violent passion in the princess. ‘The
queen was surprised to hear it, and could not guess how she: came to
‘be so senseless as to take that for a reality which could be no other
. than a dream. ‘Your majesty must conclude’ from all this, thadam,’
the Princess of China | MB 133 |


continued the nurse, ‘that the princess is out of her senses. You will
think so yourself if you go and see her. ;

The queen ordered the nurse to follow her; and they went

together to the princess’s palace that very moment.

The Queen of China sat down by her daughter’s bed-side,
immediately upon her arrival in her apartment; and after she had
informed herself about her health, she began to ask what had made
her so angry with her nurse, that she should have treated her in the
‘manner she had done. ‘Daughter,’ said she, ‘this is not right; and a
great Banc like you should not suffer herself to be so transported
by passion.’

‘Madam,’ replied the princess, ‘I plainly perceive your majesty is
come to mock me; but I declare I will! never let you rest till you
consent I shall marry the young man. You must know where he is,
and therefore I beg of your majesty to let him come to me again.’

‘Daughter, answered the queen, ‘you surprise me; I know
nothing of what yourtalk of.’ Then the princess lost all respect for
the queen: ‘Madam,’ replied she, ‘the king my father and you
persecuted me about marrying, when I had no inclination; I now
‘have an inclination, and I will marry this young man I told you of,
or I will kill myself’

Here the queen endeavoured to calm the princess by soft words.
‘Daughter, said she, ‘how could any man come to you?’ But
instead of hearing her, the princess interrupted her, and flew out
into such violence as obliged the queen to leave her, and retire in

~ great affliction to inform the king of all that had passed.

The king hearing it had a mind likewise to be satisfied in person;
and coming to his daughter’s apartment, asked her if what he had
just heard was true. ‘Sir,’ replied the princess, ‘let us talk no more
of that; I only beseech your majesty to grant me the favour that I
may marry the young man. He was the finest and best made youth

the sun ever saw. TI entreat you, do not refuse me. But that your

134 *K - Prince Camaralzaman and


majesty may not longer doubt’whether I have seen this young man,
whether I did not do my utmost to awake him, without succeeding,
see, if you please, this ring’ She then reached forth her hand, and
showed the king a man’s ring on her finger. The king did not know
what to. make of all this; but as he had shut her up as mad, he began
to think her more mad.than ever: thereforé, without saying anything
more to her, for fear she might do violence to herself or somebody
about her, he had her chained, and shut up more closely than before,
allowing her only the’ nurse to wait on. her, with a good guard .
at the door.

The king, eeeeediae concerned at this indisposition of his
daughter, sought all possible means to get her cured. He
assembled his council, and after having acquainted them with
the condition she was in, ‘If any of you,’ said he, ‘is capable
of undertaking her cure, and succeeds, I. will give her to him
in marriage, and make him heit to my dominions and crown
after my decease:

The desire of marrying a handsome young’ princess and the
hopes of one day governing so powerful a kingdom as that of
China, had a strange effect on an emir, already advanced in age,
who was present at this council. As he was well skilled in magic,
he offered to cure the king’s daughter, and flattered himself he
should: succeed: :

‘I consent, said the king, ‘but I forgot to tell. you one thing, -
and that is, that if you do not succeed you shall lose your head.
It would not be reasonable that you should have so great a reward,
and yet run no risk on your part; and what I say to you, continued
the king, ‘I say to all others that, shall come: after you, that they
miay consider beforehand what they undertake.’

The emir, however, accepted the condition, and the king
conducted him to where the princess was. She. covered her face
as soon as’ she saw them come in, and cried out, ‘ Your majesty

the Princess of China 135


surprises me by bringing with you a man whom I do not know,
and by whom my religion forbids me to let myself be seen.’

‘Daughter,’ replied the king, ‘you need not be scandalised, it
is only one of my emirs who is come to demand you in marriage.’

‘It is not, I perceive, the person that you have already given
me, and whose faith is plighted by the ring 1 wear, replied the
princess; ‘be not offended that I will never marry any other.’

The emir expected the princess would have said or done some
extravagant thing, and was not a little disappointed when he heard
her talk so calmly and rationally ; for then he understood what
was really the matter. He dared not explain himself to the king,
who would not have suffered the princess to give her hand to any
other than the person to whom he wished to give her with his own
hand. He therefore threw himself at his majesty’s feet, and said,
‘ After what I have heard and observed, sir, it will be to no purpose
for me to think of curing the princess, since I have no remedies
suited to her malady;for which reason I humbly submit my life to
your majesty’s pleasure.’ The king, enraged at his incapacity and
the trouble he had given him, caused him immediately to
be beheaded.

Some days afterwards, his majesty, unwilling to have it said that
he had neglected his daughter’s cure, ‘put forth a proclamation in his
capital, to the effect that if there were any physician, astrologer,
‘or magician, who would undertake to restore the princess to her
senses, he need only come, and he should be employed, on
condition of losing his head if he miscarried. He had the same
published in the other principal cities and towns of his dominions,
and in the courts of the princes his neighbours.

The first that presented himself was an astrologer and magician,
whom the king caused to be conducted to the princess’s. prison.
The astrologer drew forth out of a .bag he carried under ‘his
arm ‘an astrolabe, a small sphere, . a chafing dish, ‘several sorts of

1360 #€ — Prince Camaralzaman and

drugs for fumigations, a brass pot, with many other things, and
desired he might have a fire lighted.
The princess demanded what all these preparations were for.
‘Madam,’ answered the astrologer, ‘they are to exorcise the
evil spirit that possesses you, to shut him up in this pot, and throw
him into the sea.’ 5


‘Foolish astrologer, replied the princess,‘I have no occasion
for any of your preparations, but am in my perfect senses, and:
you alone are mad. If your art can bring him I love to me, I
shall be obliged to you; otherwise you may go about your
business, for I have nothing to do with you’

'*Madam,’ said the astrologer, ‘if your case be so, I shall desist
the Princess of China | 2 9 137-


from all endeavours, believing that only the king your father can
remedy your disaster” So putting up his apparatus again, he
marched away, very much concerned that he had so easily
undertaken to cure an imaginary malady.

Coming to give an account to the king of what he had done, he
began thus boldly: ‘ According to what your majesty published in
your proclamation, and what you were pleased to confirm to me
yourself, I thought the princess was distracted, and depended on
being able to recover her by the secrets I have long been acquainted
with, but I soon found that your majesty alone is the physician
who can cure her, by giving her in marriage the person whom
she desires.’

The king was very much enraged at the astrologer, and had
his head cut off upon the spot. Not to make too long a story
of it, a hundred and fifty astrologers, physicians, and magicians
all underwent the same fate, and their heads were set up on poles
on every gate of the city. ,

The Princess. of China’s nurse had a son whose name was
Marzavan, and who had been foster-brother to the princess, and
brought up with her. Their friendship was so great during their
childhood, and all the time they had been together, that they
treated each other as brother and sister as they grew up, even
some time after their separation.

This Marzavan, among other studies, had from his youth been
much addicted to judicial astrology, geomancy, and the like secret
arts, wherein: he became exceedingly skilful. Not content with
what he had learned from masters, he travelled) as soon as
he was able to bear the fatigue, and there was hardly any
person of note in any science or art but he sought him in the
most remote cities, and kept company with him long enough
to obtain all the information he desired, so great was his thirst
after knowledge.
138 & Prince Camaralzaman and


After several years’ absence in foreign parts on this account, he
returned to the capital city of his. native country, China, where
seeing so many heads on the gate by which he. entered, he was
exceedingly surprised; and coming home he demanded for what
reason they had been placed there, but more especially he inquired
after the princess his foster-sister, whom he-had not forgotten.
As he could not receive an answer to one inquiry without the other,
he heard at length a general account with much sorrow, waiting
till he could learn more from his mother, the princess’s nurse.

Although the nurse, mother to Marzavan, was very much taken
up with the princess, she no sooner heard that her dear son had
returned than she found time to come out, embrace him, and
converse with him a little. Having told him, with tears in her
eyes, what a sad condition the princess was in, and for what. reason
the king her father had shut her up, he desired to know of
his mother if she could not procure him a private sight of her
royal mistress, without the king’s knowing it. After some pause,
she told him she could.say nothing for the present, but if he
would meet her the next aay at the same hour, she would give
him an answer: 1 ee

The nurse knowing that none could approach the princess but
herself without leave of the officer who commanded the guard at the
gate, addressed herself to him, who she knew had- been so lately
appointed that he could know nothing of what had passed at
the court of China. *You know, said she to him, ‘I have brought
up the princess, and you may- likewise have heard that I had a
daughter whom I brought up along with her. This daughter has
since been married; yet the princess still does her the honour to
love her, and would fain see her, but without amy body perceiving
her coming in or out.’

The’ nurse would have gorie on, but the officer .cried, ‘ Say no

more; I will with pleasure do anything to oblige the princess ;,

the Princess of China @h. 139
: : eae
go and fetch your daughter, or send for her about midnight,
and the gate shall be open to you.’ »

As soon-as night came, the nurse went to look for her son
Marzavan, and having found him, she dressed him so artificially in
women’s clothes that nobody could know he was a man. She
carried him along with her, and the officer verily believing it
was her daughter, admitted them together. ai a

The nurse, before she presented Marzavan, went to the princess,
and said, ‘Madam, this is not a woman I have brought to you; it
is my son Marzavan in disguise, newly arrived from his travels,
and he having a great desire to kiss your hand, I ‘hope your
highness will admit him to that honour.’ Ze

‘What! my brother Marzavan,’ ‘said the princess, with great
joy :.‘come: hither,’ cried she, ‘and take off that veil; for itis not
unreasonable, surely, that a brother and a sister should see each
other without covering their faces.’

Marzavan saluted her with profound respect, when she, without
giving him time to speak, cried out, ‘I am rejoiced to see you
returned in good health, after so many years’ absencé without.
sending the least account all the while of your welfare, even to
your good mother.’

- «Madam, replied Marzavan, ‘I am infinitely obliged to your
highness for your goodness in rejoicing at my health: I hoped
to have heard a better account of yours than what to my great
affliction, 1 am now witness of. Nevertheless, I cannot but rejoice

that I. am. come seasonably enough to bring your highness that
remedy of which you stand so much in need; and though I should
reap no other fruit of my studies and long voyage, I should think
myself fully recompensed.’ es

_ Speaking these words, Marzavan drew forth out of ‘his pocket a
book and other things, which he judged necessary to be. used,
according to thé account he had had from his mother of the
140 ¥X. Prince Camaralzaman and.

— i.

princess’s illness. The princess, seeing him make all these
preparations, cried out, ‘What! brother, are you then one of those
that believe me mad? Undeceive yourself and hear me.’

The princess then began to relate to Marzavan all the par-
ticulars of her story, without omitting the least circumstance,
even to the ring which was exchanged for hers, and which
_ she showed him.

After the princess had done speaking, Marzavan, filled with
wonder and astonishment, continued for some time with his eyes
fixed on the ground, without speaking a word; but at length he
lifted up his head and said, ‘If it be as your highness says, which
I do not in the least doubt, I do not despair of procuring you
the satisfaction you desire; but I must first entreat your highness

-to arm yourself with patience’ for some time longer, till I shall
return after I have travelled over kingdoms which I have not
yet visited; and when you hear of my return, be assured that
the object of your wishes is not far off’ So saying, Marzavan
took leave of the princess, and set out next morning on his
intended journey. :

He travelled from city to city, from province to province,
and from island to island,.and in every place he passed through
he could hear of nothing but the Princess Badoura (which was
the Princess of China’s name), and her history.

About four. months. afterwards, Marzavan arrived at Torf, a
seaport town, great and populous, where he no more heard of the
Princess Badoura, but where all the talk was of Prince Camaralzaman,
who was ill, and whose history very much resembled hers. Marzavan
was extremely delighted to. hear this, and informed himself of the
place where the prince was to be found. There were two ways
to it; one by land and sea, the other by sea only, which was the
aWoreest way.

Marzavan chose the Ea and Sane on board a merchant
the Princess of China | @® 41


ship, he arrived safe in sight of the capital; but, just before it
entered the port, the ship struck against a rock through the unskil-
fulness of the pilot, and foundered. It went down in sight of
-Prince Camaralzaman’s castle, where were at that time the king
and his grand vizier. j

Marzavan could swim very well, and immediately on the ship’s
sinking cast himself into the sea, and got safe to the shore under
the castle, where he was soon relieved by the grand vizier’s order.
After he had changed his clothes and been well treated, and
had recovered, he was introduced to the grand vizier, who had
sent for him. :

Marzavan being a young man of good air and address, this
minister received him very civilly; and when he heard him give
such just and fitting answers to what was asked of him, conceived a
great esteem for him. ‘He also gradually perceived that he possessed
a great deal of knowledge, and therefore said to him, ‘ From what I
can understand, I perceive you are no common man; you have
travelled a great way: would to God you had learned any secret
for curing a certain sick person, who has greatly afflicted this court
for a long while!’.

. Marzavan replied that if he knew what malady it was, he might
perhaps find a remedy for it.

Then the grand vizier related to him the whole story of Prince
Camaralzaman from its origin, and concealed nothing; his birth,
his education, the inclination the king his father had to see him
married early, his resistance and extraordinary aversion to marriage,
his disobeying his father in full council, his imprisonment, his
pretended extravagancies in prison, which were afterwards changed
into a violent madness for a certain unknown lady, who, he
pretended, had exchanged a ring with him; though, for his paut,

“he verily believed there was no such person in the world.

Marzavan gave great attention to all the grand vizier said; and

142 ok Prince Camaralzaman and


was infinitely rejoiced to find that, by means of his shipwreck,
he had so fortunately lighted on the person he was looking after.
He saw no reason to doubt that Prince Camaralzaman was the
man, and the Princess of China the lady; therefore, without
explaining himself further to the vizier, he desired to see him, that
he might be better able to judge of his illness and its cure. ‘ Follow
me, said the grand vizier, ‘and you will find ae ene with him,
who has already desired that I should introduce you.’

The first thing that struck Marzavan on entering the prince’s
chamber was to find him upon his bed languishing, and with. his
eyes shut. Although he saw him in that condition, and although
the king his father was sitting by him, he could not: help
crying out,, ‘Was there ever a greater resemblance!’ He meant
to the Princess of China; for it seems the princess and prince
were much alike. aan :

The words of Marzavan excited. the prince’s curiosity so fat
that he opened his eyes and looked at him. Marzavan, who had
a ready wit, laid hold of that opportunity, and made. his compliment
in verse extempore: but in such a disguised manner, that neither
the king nor grand vizier understood anything. of the matter.
However, he: represented so nicely what had happened to him
with the Princess of China, that the prince had no reason to doubt
that he knew her, and could give him tidings of her. This made
him so joyful, that the og of it showed themselves in his
eyes and looks. z :

After Marzavan had finished his compliment in’ verse which
surprised Prince Camaralzaman so agreeably, his highness. took
the liberty to make a sign to the king his father, to go from the
place where he was, and let Matzavan sit ‘by him. }

The king; overjoyed at-this alteration, which gave him hopes
of his son’s ‘speédy recovery, quitted his place, and taking Marzavan
by the hand, led him ‘to it. Then his majesty’ demanded of him
the Princess of China os 143


who he was, and whence he came. And upon Marzavan’s answering
that he was a subject of China and came from that kingdom, the
king cried out, ‘Heaven grant that you may be able to cure my
gon of this profound melancholy, and I shall be eternally obliged
to you; all the world shall see how handsomely I will reward you.’
Having said thus, he left the prince to converse at full liberty
with the stranger, whilst he went and rejoiced with the grand vizier.

Marzavan leaning down to the piince, spoke low in his ear,
thus: ‘Prince, said he, ‘it is time you ‘should cease to grieve.
The lady for-whom you suffer is the Princess Badoura, daughter
of Gaiour, King of China.. This I can assure your highness from
what she has told me of her adventure, and what I have learned
_of yours. She has suffered no less on your account than you have
on hers.’ Here he began to relate all that he knew of the princess’s
story, from the night of their extraordinary interview.

“He omitted not to acquaint him how the king had treated those
who had failed in their pretensions to cure the princess of her indis-
position. ‘But your highness is the only person,’ added he, ‘ that can
cure her effectually, and may present yourself without fear. How-
ever, before you undertake so great a voyage, I would have you
perfectly recovered, and then we will take such measures as are
necessary. Think then immediately of the recovery of your health’

This discourse had a marvellous effect on the prince. He found
such great relief that he felt he had strength to rise, and begged leave
of his father to dress himself, with such an air as gave the old king
incredible pleasure. oes eee

The king could not refrain from embracing Marzavan, with-
out inquiring into the means he had used to produce this wonderful
effect, and ‘goon after went out of the prince’s chamber with the

grand vizier, to publish this agreeable news. He ordered public
rejoicings for several days together, and gave great largesses to his
officers and the people, alms to the poor, and caused the prisoners
144 &. Prince Camaralzaman and


to be set at liberty throughout his kingdom. The joy was soon
general in the capital and every corner of his dominions.

Prince Camaralzaman, though extremely weakened by almost con-
tinual want of sleep and long abstinence from almost all food, soon
recovered his health. When he found himself in a condition to
undertake the voyage, he took Marzavan aside, and said, ‘ Dear
Marzavan, it is now time to perform the promise you have made
me. I burn with impatience to see the charming princess, and if we
do not set out on our journey immediately I shall soon relapse into
my former condition. One thing still troubles me, continued he, ‘and
that is the difficulty I shall meet with in getting leave of my father.
to go. This would be a cruel disappointment to me, if you do not
contrive a way to prevent it. You see he scarcely ever leaves me.’
At these words the prince fell to weeping : and. Marzavan said,
‘I foresaw this difficulty; let not your highness be grieved at that,
for I will undertake to prevent it. My principal design in this
voyage was to deliver the Princess of China from her malady, and
this from all the reasons of mutual affection which we have borne
to each other from our birth, besides the zeal and affection I other-
wise owe her; and I should be wanting in my duty to her, if I did
not do my best endeavour to effect her cure and yours, and exert my -
utmost skill. This then is the means I have contrived to obtain your
liberty. You have not stirred abroad for some time, therefore let the
king your father understand you have a mind to take the air, and
ask his leave to go out on a hunting party for two or three days with
me. No doubt he will grant your request; when he has done so,
order two good horses to be got ready, one to mount, the other to
change, and leave the rest to me.’

Next day Prince Camaralzaman took his opportunity. He told the
king he was desirous to take the air, and, if he pleased, would go and
- hunt for two or three days with Marzavan. The king gave his con-
sent, but bade him be sure not to stay out above one night, since too
the Princess of China | 145


much exercise at first might impair his health, and a too long absence
create his majesty uneasiness. He then ordered him to choose the
best horses in his stable, and himself took particular care that nothing
should be wanting. When all was ready, his majesty embraced the
prince, and having recommended the care of him to Marzavan, he
let him go. Prince Camaralzaman and Marzavan were soon mounted,
when, to amuse the two grooms that led the fresh horses, they made
as if they would hunt, and so got as far off the city and out of the
road as was possible. When night began to approach, they alighted
at a caravansera or inn, where they.supped, and slept till about
midnight; then Marzavan awakened the' prince without awakening
-the grooms, and desired his highness to let him have his suit, and to
take another for himself, which was brought in his baggage. Thus
equipped, they mounted the fresh horses, and after Marzavan had
taken. one of the groom’s horses by the bridle, they set out as hard
as their horses could go.

At daybreak they were in a forest, where, coming to the meet-
ing of four roads, Marzavan desired the prince to wait for him a
little, and went into the forest. He then killed the groom’s horse,
and after having torn the prince’s suit, which he had put off,
he besmeared it with blood and threw it into the highway.

The prince demanded his reason for what he had done. He
told his highness he was sure the king his father would no sooner »
find that he did not return, and come to know that he had departed
without the grooms, than he would suspect something, and imme-
diately send people in quest of them. ‘They that come to this
place, said he, ‘and find these blood-stained clothes, will conclude
you are devoured by wild beasts, and that I have escaped to avoid
the king’s anger. The king, persuading himself that you are dead
will stop further pursuit, and we may have leisure to continue our
journey without fear of being followed. I must confess,’ continued
Marzavan, ‘that this is a violent way of proceeding, to alarm an old

146 oR ‘Prince Camaralzaman , and


father with the death of his son, whom he loves so passionately;
‘but his joy will be the ere when he hears you are alive
and happy.’

‘Brave Marzavan, replied the prince, ‘I cannot but approve such
an ingenious stratagem, or sufficiently admire your conduct: I am
under fresh obligations to you for it.’

The prince and Marzavan, well provided with cash for their
expenses, continued their journey both by land and sea, and found
no other obstacle but the length of time which it necessarily took

up. They, however, arrived at length at the capital of China, where
Marzavan, instead of going to his lodgings, carried the prince to a
public inn. They tarried there zncogneto for three days to rest them-
selves after the fatigue of the voyage ; during which time Marzavan
caused an astrologer’s dress to be made for the prince. The three
days being expired, the prince put on his astrologer’s habit; and
Marzavan left him to go and acquaint his mother, the Princess
Badoura’s nurse, of his uae to the end that she might ee
the Princess.

Prince Camaralzaman, instructed . by Marzavan as. to what
he was to do, and provided with all he wanted as an astrologer,
came next morning to the gate of the king’s palace, before the
guards and porters, and cried aloud, ‘I am an astrologer, and
am come to effect a cure on the estimable Princess _Badoura,
daughter of the most high and. mighty monarch Gaiour, King
of China, on the conditions proposed by his majesty, to marry
her if I succeed, or else to lose ye life - for my fruitless and
‘presumptuous attempt.’

‘Besides the guards and porters at the eae this drew together a
great number of people about Prince Camaralzaman. No physician,
astrologer, nor magician had appeared for a long time, deterred by
the many tragic examples of ill success that appeared before their
eyes; it was therefore thought that there were no more men of these
the Princess of China | } we 147


professions in the world, or that there were no more so mad as those
that had gone before them.

The prince’s good mien, noble air, and blooming youth made
‘everybody that saw him pity him. ‘What mean you, sir, said some -
that were nearest to him, ‘thus to expose a life of such promising
expectation to certain death? Cannot the heads you see on all the
gates of this city deter you from such an undertaking? Consider
-what you do: abandon this rash attempt, and be gone.’

The prince continued firm, notwithstanding all these remon-
strances; and as he saw nobody come to introduce him, he repeated
the same cry with a boldness that made everybody tremble. Then
they all cried, ‘Let him alone, he is resolved to die; God have mercy
upon his youth and his soul!’ He then proceeded to cry out a third
time in the same manner, when the grand vizier came in person, and
introduced him to the King of China.

As. soon as the prince came into the king’s presence, he bowed
and kissed the ground. The king, who, of all that had hitherto
presumptuously exposed their lives on this occasion, had not seen
one worthy to cast his eyes upon, felt real compassion for Prince
Camaralzaman on account of the danger he was about to undergo,
But as he thought him more deserving than ordinary, he showed him
more honour, and made him come and sit by him. ‘Young man,’
said he, ‘I can hardly believe that you, at this age, can have acquired
experience enough to dare attempt the cure of my daughter. I wish
you may succeed; and would give her to you in marriage with all my.
heart, with the greatest joy, more willingly than I should have done
to others that have offered themselves before you ; but'I must declare
to you at the same time, with great concern, that if you do not
succeed in your attempt, notwithstanding your noble appearance and
your youth you must lose your head.’

«Sir replied the prince, ‘I am under infinite obligations to your
majesty for the honour you design me, and the great goodness you

148 xa Prince Camaralzaman and


show to a stranger; but I desire your majesty to believe that I would
not have come from so remote a country as I have done, the name of
which perhaps may be unknown in your dominions, if I had not been
certain of the cure I propose. What would not the world say of my
fickleness, if, after such great fatigues and dangers as I have under-
gone on this account, I should abandon the enterprise? Even your
majesty would soon lose that esteem you have conceived for me. If
I must die, sir, I shall die with the satisfaction of not having lost
your esteem after I have merited it. I beseech your majesty
therefore to keep me no longer impatient to display the certainty
of my art.’

Then the king commanded the officer who had the custody of the
princess to introduce Prince Camaralzaman into her apartment: but
before he would let him go, he reminded him once more that he was
at libecty to renounce his design ; yet the prince paid no heed, but,
with astonishing resolution and eagerness, followed the officer.

When they came to a long gallery, at the end of which was the
princess’s apartment, the prince, who saw himself so near the object
of the wishes which had occasioned him so many tears, pushed: on,
and got before the officer.

The officer, redoubling his pace, with much ado got up with him.
‘Whither away so fast?’ cried he, taking him by the arm; ‘you
cannot get in without me: and it would seem that you have a great
desire for death thus to run to it headlong. Not one of all those
many astrologers and magicians I have introduced before made
such haste as yourself to a place whither I fear you ,will come
but too soon.’ ae his

‘Friend, replied the Prince, looking earnestly at the officer,
and continuing his pace, ‘this was because none of the astrologers
you speak of were so sure of their art as I am of mine: they
were certain, indeed, that they would die if they did not succeed,
but they had no certainty of their success. On this account
the Princess of China i & 149


they had reason to tremble on approaching the place whither I
go, and where I am sure to find my happiness. He had just spoken
these words as he was at the door. The officer opened it, and
introduced him into a great hall, whence was an entrance into the
princess’s chamber, divided from it only by a piece of tapestry.’

Prince Camaralzaman stopt before he entered, speaking softly to
the officer for fear of being heard in the princess’s chamber. ‘To
convince you, said he, ‘that there is neither presumption, nor whim,
nor youthful conceit in my undertaking, I leave it to your own desire
whether I should cure the princess in your presence, or where we
are, without going any further?’

The officer was amazed to hear the prince talk to him with
such confidence: he left off insulting him, and said seriously, ‘It
is no matter whether you do it here or there, provided the
business is done: cure her how you will, you will get immortal
honour by it, not only in this court, but over all the world’

The prince replied, ‘It will be best then to cure her without
seeing her, that you may be witness of my skill: notwithstanding
my impatience to see a princess of her rank, who is to be my
wife, yet, out of respect to you, I will deprive myself of that
pleasure for a little while’ He was furnished with everything
suitable for an astrologer to carry about him; and taking pen, ink,
and paper out of his pocket, he wrote a letter to the princess.

When the prince had finished his letter, he folded it up,
and enclosed in it the princess’s ring, without letting the officer
see what he did. When he had sealed it, he gave it to him:
‘There, friend, said he, ‘carry it to your mistress ; if it does not
cure her as soon as she reads it, and sees what is inclosed in
it, I give you leave to tell everybody that I am the most
ignorant and impudent astrologer that ever was, is, or shall be.’

The officer, entering the Princess of China’s chamber, gave her
the packet he received from Prince Camaralzaman. ‘Madam,’ said
150 Be Prince Camaralzaman and


he, ‘the boldest astrologer that ever lived, if I am not mistaken,
has arrived here, and pretends that on reading this letter and
seeing what is in it you will be cured; I wish he ‘may prove
neither a liar nor an impostor.’

The Princess Badoura took the letter, and npened it with a
great deal of indifference, but when she ‘saw the ring, she had
not patience to read it through: she rose hastily, broke the chain
that held her, ran to the door, and opened it. She knew the
prince as soon as she saw him, and he knew her; they at once
embraced each other tenderly, without being able to speak for
excess of joy: they looked on one another a long time, wondering .
how they met again after their first interview. The princess’s
nurse, who ran to the door with her, made them come into her .
chainber, where the Princess Badoura gave the prince her ring,
saying, ‘Take it; I cannot keep it without restoring yours, which
I will never part with; neither can it be in better hands.’

The officer immediately went to tell the King of China what
had happened. ‘Sir, said he, ‘all the astrologers and doctors who:
have hitherto pretended to cure the princess were fools in com-
parison with the last. He made use neither of schemes nor spells’
or perfumes, or anything else, but cured ‘her without seeing her’.
Then he told the king how he did it. The monarch was agree-'
ably surprised at the news, and’ going forthwith to the princess's |
chamber embraced her-: he afterwards embraced” the prince, and,
taking his hand, joined it to the princess’s.

“Happy stranger, said the king, ‘whoever you. ate, I will lee
my word, and give you my daughter to marry ; though, from what
I see in you, it is impossible to believe that you. are really
what you appear to be; and would have me believe’ you.’

Prince Camaralzaman thanked the king in the most humble
tones, that he might the better show his gratitude. ‘As for my
person, said he,.‘I must own not an astrologer, as your:
the Princess of China we IST


majesty very judiciously guessed; I only put on the habit of
one, that I might succeed more easily in my ambition to be allied
to the most potent monarch in the world. I was born a prince,
and the son of a king and queen; my name is Camaralzaman ;
my father is Schahzaman, who now reigns over the islands that
are well known by the name of the Islands of the Children of
Khaledan” He then told him his history.

- When the prince had done speaking, the king said to him, “This
history is so extraordinary that it deserves to be known to posterity :
I will take care it shall be; and the original being deposited
in my royal archives, I will spread copies of it abroad, that my
own kingdoms and the kingdoms around me may know it’

The marriage was solemnized the same day, and the rejoicings
for it were universal all over the empire of China. Nor was
Marzavan forgotten: the king immediately gave him an honourable
post in his court, and a promise of further advancement ; and held
continual. feastings for several months, to show his joy.

The Loss of


( Prince Camaralzaman dreamt one
night that -he saw his father
Schahzaman on his death-bed, and
heard him speak thus to his

attendants: ‘My son, my son, whom
I so tenderly loved, has abandoned
me.” He awoke with a great sigh,
which aroused the princess, who
. asked him the cause of it. Next
morning the princess went to her own father, and finding
him alone kissed his hand and thus addressed herself to him:
‘Sir, I have a favour to beg of your majesty; it is that you will
give me leave to go with the prince my husband to see King
Schahzaman, my father-in-law.’

‘Daughter,’ replied the king, ‘though I shall be very sorry
to part with you for so long a time, your resolution is worthy of
you: go, child, I give you leave, but on condition that you. ay
no longer than a year in King Schahzaman’s court.’

The princess communicated the King of China’s consent to
Prince Camaralzaman, who was transported with joy to hear it.

The. King of China gave orders for preparations to be made
for the journey ; and when all things were ready, he accompanied
the prince and princess several days’ journey on their way. They:
parted at length with great weeping on all sides: the king
the Talisman ees 3

— i+

embraced them, and having desired the prince to be kind to his
daughter, and to love her always, he left them to proceed on their
journey, and, to divert his thoughts, hunted all the way home.

Prince Camaralzaman and the Princess Badoura travelled for
about a month, and at last came to a meadow of great extent,
planted with tall trees, forming an agreeable shade. The day
being unusually hot, Camaralzaman thought it best to encamp there.
They alighted in one of the finest spots, and the prince ordered
his servants to pitch their tents, and went himself-to give directions.
The princess, weary with the fatigue of the journey, bade her women
untie her girdle, which they laid down by her, and when she fell
asleep, her attendants left her. by herself,

Prince Camaralzaman having seen all things in order came
to the tent where the princess was sleeping; he entered, and sat
down without making any noise, intending to take a nap himself ;
but observing the princess’s girdle lying by her, he took it up,
and looked at the diamonds and rubies one by one. In doing
this, he saw a little purse hanging to it, sewed neatly on to the stuff,
and tied fast with a ribbon , he felt it, and found there was
something solid inside it. Desirous to know what it was, he opened
the purse, and took out a cornelian, engraven with unknown
figures and characters. ‘This cornelian, said the prince to himself,
‘must be something very valuable, or my princess would not carry it
with so much care” It was Badoura’s talisman, which the Queen of
China had given her “daughter as a charm, to keep her, as she
said, from any harm as long as she had it. about her.

The prince, the better to look at the talisman, took it out to
the light, the tent being dark; and while he was holding it up
in his hand, a bird darted down from the air and ‘snatched it
away from him. :

Imagine the concern and grief of Prince Camaralzaman when
he saw the bird fly away with the talisman. He: was more
154 | / The Loss of

troubled at it than words can express, and cursed his unseasonable
curiosity, by which his dear princess had lost a treasure that was.
so precious and so much valued by her..

The bird having got her prize settled on ite ground not far
off, with the talisman in her mouth. The prince drew near, in
hopes she would drop it; but, as he approached, the bird took
wing, and settled again on the ground further off. Camaralzaman
followed, and the bird, having swallowed the talisman, took a
further flight: the piace still followed; the further she flew, the

more eager he grew in
pursuing her. Thus the
bird drew him along from
hill to valley, and valley
to hill all day, every
step leading him further
away from the field
where he had left his
.camp and the Princess.
Badoura; and instead of
perching at night ona -
bush where he might
probably . have ' taken
_ her, she roosted on a high
trée, safe from pursuit.
The prince, pened to the heart for taking so much pains to no pur-
pose, thought of returning to the camp ; ‘but,’ said he to himself,
‘which way shall I return? Shall I go down the hills and’ valleys
which I passed over? Shall I wander in darkness? and will my
strength bear me out? How dare I appear before my princess without’
her talisman?’ Overwhelmed with such thoughts, and tired with the
pursuit, he lay down under’a tree, where he passed the night.
He awoke the next morning before the bird had left the tree,

the -Talisman we 155


and, as soon as he saw her on the wing, followed her again’ that
whole day, with no better success, eating nothing but herbs and
fruits all the way. He did the same for ten days together, pursuing
the bird, and keeping his eye upon her from morning to night, always
lying under the tree where she roosted. On the eleventh day
the bird continued flying, and came near a great city. When
the bird came to the walls, she flew over them, and the prince
saw no more of her; so he despaired of ever recovering the Princess
Badoura’s talisman. .

Camiaralzaman, whose grief was beyond expression, went into
the city, which. was built by the seaside, and had a fine port; he
walked up and down the streets without knowing where he was,.
or where to stop. At last he came to ‘the port, in. as great
uncertainty as ever what he should do. Walking along the
river-side, he perceived the gate of a garden open, and an old
gardener at work. The good man looked up and saw that he was
a stranger and a Mussulman, so he asked him to come in, and to
shut the door after him. = 7.

Camaralzaman entered, and, as the gardener bade him shut the
door, demanded of the gardener why he was so cautious.

‘ Because, replied the old man, ‘I see you: are a stranger newly
arrived, and a Mussulman, and this ‘city is inhabited for the most
part by idolaters, who have a mortal aversion to us Mussulmans,
and treat those few of us that are here with great barbarity.. I.
suppose you did not know this, and it is a miracle that you have
escaped as you have thus far, these idolaters being very apt to fall
upon the -Mussulmans that are strangers, or to draw them into a

snare; unless those strangers know how to beware of them.’

_ Camaralzaman thanked the honest gardener for his advice, and
the safety he offered him in his house: he would’ have said more,
but the good man interrupted him, saying, ‘You are weary, and.
must want to refresh yourself, Come in and rest” He conducted
1560 & | | The Loss of

him into his little hut, and after the prince had eaten heartily
of what he set before him, he requested him to relate how he
came there.

Camaralzaman SStawlied with his request, and when he had
ended his story, he asked him which was the nearest way to the
king his father’s territories; ‘for it is in vain, said he, ‘for me to
think of finding my princess where I left her, after wandering”
eleven days from the spot. Ah!’ continued he, ‘how do I know
she is alive?’ and so saying, he burst into tears.

The gardener replied that there was no possibility of his going
thither by land, the roads were so difficult and the journey so
long ; besides, he must necessarily pass through the countries of
so many barbarous nations that he would never reach his father’s. -
It was a year’s journey from the city where he was to any country
inhabited only by Mussulmans; the quickest passage for him would
be to go to the Isle of Ebony, whence he might easily transport
himself to the Isles of the Children of Khaledan: a ship sailed
from the port every year to Ebony, and. he might take that:
opportunity of returning to those islands. ‘The ship departed,
said the gardener, ‘but a few days ago: if you had come a little
sooner you might have taken your passagein it. If you will
wait the year round until it makes the voyage again, and will
stay with me in my house, such as it is,. ae will be as welcome
to it as to your own.’ .

Prince Camaralzaman was glad he had met with such a place.
of refuge, in a place where he had no acquaintances. He accepted
the ‘offer, and lived with the gardener till the time came that the
ship was to sail to the Isle of Ebony. He spent his time in
working all day in the garden, and all night in sighs, tears and
complaints, thinking of his dear Princess Badoura.

We must leave -him in this place, to return to the princess,
whom we left asleep in her tent.
the Talisman @ 157
2 ee

The princess slept a long time, and, when she awoke, wondered
that Prince Camaralzaman was not with her ; she called her women,
and asked them if they knew where he was. They told her they
saw him enter the tent, but did not see him go out again. While
they were talking to her, she took up her girdle, found the little
purse open, and the talisman gone. She did not doubt but that
Camaralzaman had taken it to see what it was, and that he
would bring it back with him. She waited for him impatiently
till night, and could not imagine what made him stay away from
her so long.

When it was quite dark, and she could hear no news of him, she
fell into violent grief; she cursed the talisman, and the man that
made it. She could not imagine how her talisman should have
caused the prince’s separation from her: she did not however lose
her judgment, and came to a courageous decision as to what she
should do. :

She only and her women knew of the prince’s being gone; for
his men were asleep in their tents. The princess, fearing they would
betray her if they had any knowledge of it, moderated her grief, and
forbade her women to say or do anything that might create the least
suspicion. “She then laid aside her robe, and put on one of Prince
Camaralzaman’s, being so like him that next day, when she came

out, his men took her for him. Lhe

She commanded them to pack up their baggage and begin their
march; and when all things were ready, she ordered one of her
women to go into her litter, she herself mounting on horseback, and
-riding by her side.

They travelled for several months by land and sea; the prin-
cess continuing the journey under the name of Camaralzaman.
They took the Isle of Ebony on their way to the Isles of the Children
of Khaledan. They went to the capital of the Isle of Ebony, where

a king reigned whose name was Armanos. The persons who first.
158 om ) | The Loss of

landed gave out that the ship carried Prince Camaralzaman, who was
returning from.a long voyage and was driven in there by a. storm,
and the news of his arrival was presently carried to the court.
King Armanos, accompanied by most of his courtiers, went
- immediately to meet the prince, and met the princess just as she was °
landing, and going to the lodging that had been taken for her.
He received her as thé son of a king who was his friend, and
conducted her to the palace, where an apartment. was prepared for
her and all her attendants, though she would fain have excused
herself, and have lodged in a private house. He showed her all
possible honour, and entertained her for three days with extra-
ordinary magnificence. At the end of this time, King Armanos,
understanding that the princess, whom he still took. for Prince
Camaralzaman, talked of going on board again to proceed on her
voyage, charmed with the air and qualities of such an accomplished
prince as he took her to be, seized an opportunity when she was
alone, and spoke to her in this manner : “You see, prince, that I am
old, and cannot hope to live long ;. and, to my great mortification, I
have not a son to whom I may leave my ‘crown. “Heaven has only
“plest me with one daughter, the Prince Haiatalnefous whose beauty
cannot be better matched than with a prince. of your rank and accom-
plishments. Instead of going home, stay and.marry her from my
hand, with my crown, which I resign in your favour. It is time
for me to rest, and nothing could be a greater. pleasure to ‘me in
my retirement than to see my people ruled by so worthy a successor
tomy throne’ ; ed pee ae
The King of the Isle of Ebony’s generous .offer to bestow’ his
only daughter in marriage, and with her his kingdom, on the, Princess
-Badoura, put her-into unexpected perplexity. She thought ‘it would
not become a princess of her rank to undeceive the king, and to own
that she was not -Prince Camaralzaman, but: his “wife, when. she
- had assured him that she was he himself, whose: part she had hitherto
the Talisman | ME 159

- io

acted so well. She was also afraid to refuse the honour he offered
her, lest, as he was much bent upon the marriage, his kindness might
turn to aversion and hatred, and he might attempt something even
against her life. Besides, she was not sure whether she might not find
Prince Camaralzaman in the court of King Schahzaman his father.

: These considerations, added to the prospect of ‘obtaining a
kingdom for the prince her husband, in case she fourid him again,
determined her to accept the proposal of King Armanos, and marry
‘his daughter ; so after having stood silent for some minutes, she with
‘blushes, which the king took for a sign of modesty, answered, § Sir,
J am infinitely obliged to your majesty for your good opinion of me,
for the honour you do me, and the great favour you offer me, which I
cannot pretend to merit, and dare not refuse.

‘But, sir, continued she, ‘I cannot accept this great allianee
‘on any other condition than that your majesty will assist me
with your counsel, and that I do nothing without first .having
your approbation.’

The marriage treaty being thus: concluded and agreed on; the
ceremony was put off till next day. In the mean time Princess
Badoura gave notice to her officers, who ‘still took her for, Prince
Camaralzaman, of what she was going to do so that they might not
be surprised at it, assuring them that the Princess Badoura consented.
She talked -also to her women, and charged them to continue to
keep the secret. : :

- The King of the Isle of Ebony, oie that he had. got a
‘son-in-law so much to his satisfaction, next morning ‘summoned his
council, and acquainted them with his design of ‘marrying his
daughter to Prince Camaralzaman, whom the introduced to them ;
and having made him sit down by his side, told. them he resigned
-the crown to the prince, and required them to acknowledge him for
king, and swear fealty to him. Having said this, he descended from
-his throne, and the ‘Princess Badoura, by his order, ascended it. As
160 & . The Loss of


soon as the council broke up, the new king was proclaimed
through the city, rejoicings were appointed for several days,
and couriers despatched all over the kingdom to see the same
ceremonies observed with the same demonstrations of joy.

As soon as they were alone, the Princess Badoura told the
Princess Haiatalnefous the secret, and begged her to keep it, which
she promised faithfully to do.

‘Princess, said Haiatalnefous, ‘your fortune is indeed strange,
that a marriage, so happy as yours was, should be shortened by
so unaccountable an accident. Pray heaven you may meet with your
husband again soon, and be sure that I will religiously keep
the secret committed tome. It will be to me the greatest pleasure ;
in the world to be the only person in the great kingdom of the Isle.
of Ebony who knows what and who you are, while you go on
_ governing the people as happily as you have begun. I only ask
of you at present to be your friend’ Then the two princesses
tenderly embraced each other, and after a thousand expressions
of mutual friendship lay down to rest.

While these things were taking place in the court of the Isle of
Ebony, Prince Camaralzaman stayed in the city of idolaters with the
gardener, who had offered him his house till the ship sailed.

One morning when the prince was up early, and, as he used to do,
was preparing to work in the garden, the gardener prevented him,
saying, ‘This day is a-great festival among the idolaters, and because
they abstain from all work themselves, so as to spend the time in :
their assemblies and public rejoicings, they will not let the Mussul-
mans work. Their shows are worth seeing. You will have nothing to
do to-day: I leave youhere. As the time approaches in which the
ship is accustomed to sail for the Isle of Ebony, I will go and see
some of my friends, and secure you a passage in it’ The gardener
‘put on his best clothes, and went out.

When Prince Camaralzaman was alone, instead of going out to
the Talisman a 161
a ee
take part in the public joy of the city, the solitude he was in brought
to his mind, with more than usual violence, the loss of his dear
princess. He walked up and down the garden sighing and groaning,
till the noise which two birds made’ on a neighbouring tree tempted
him to lift up his head, and stop to see what was the matter.
Camaralzaman was surprised to behold a furious battle between
these two birds, fighting one another with their beaks. In a very
little while one of them fell down dead at the foot of a tree; the
bird that was victorious took wing again, and flew away. .
In an instant, two other large birds, that had seen the fight at
a distance, came from the other side of the garden, and pitched on
the ground, one at the feet and the other at the head of the dead
bird: they looked at it some time, shaking their heads in token of
_ grief; after which they dug a grave with their talons, and buried it.
When they had filled'up the grave with the earth they flew away,
and returned in a few minutes, bringing with them the bird that had
committed the murder, the one holding one of its wings in its beak,
‘and the other one of its legs; the criminal all the while crying out in
a doleful manner, and struggling to escape. They carried it to the
grave of the bird which it had lately sacrificed to its rage, and there
sacrificed it in just revenge for the murder it had committed. They
killed the murderer with their beaks. They then opened it, tore out
the entrails, left the body on the spot unburied, and flew away.
Camaralzaman remained in great astonishment all the time that
he stood beholding this sight. He drew near the tree, and casting his
eyes on the scattered entrails of the bird that was last killed, he spied
something red hanging out of its body. He took it up, and found it
was his beloved Princess Badoura’s talisman, which had cost him so
much pain and sorrow and so many sighs since the bird snatched it
out of his hand. ‘Ah, cruel monster!’ said he to himself, still
looking at the bird, ‘thou tookest delight in doing mischief, so I have
the less reason to complain of that which thou didst to me: but the
162 #& | The ose of

—_ i.

greater it was, the more do I wish well to those that revenged my
quarrel on thee, in punishing thee for the murder of one of their
own kind.’ a

It is impossible to express Prince Camaralzaman’s joy: ‘Dear
princess, continued he to himself, ‘this happy minute, which restores
to me a treasure so precious to thee, is without doubt a presage of
our meeting again, perhaps even sooner than I think.’

So saying, he kissed the talisman, wrapped it up ina ribbon, and
tied it carefully about his arm. Tull now he had been almost every
night a stranger to rest, his trouble always keeping him awake, but
the next night he slept soundly: he rose somewhat later the next
morning than he was accustomed to do, put on his working clothes,
and went to the gardener for orders. The good man bade him root
up an old tree which bore no fruit. Sus

Camaralzaman took an axe, and began his work. In cutting off:
a branch of the root, he found that his axe struck against something
that resisted the blow and made a great noise. He removed the
earth, and discovered a broad plate of brass, under which was a
staircase of ten steps. He went down, and at the bottom saw a
cavity about six yards square, with fifty brass urns placed in order
around it, each with a cover over it. He opened them all, one after
another, and there was not one of them which was not full of gold-
dust. He came out of the cave, rejoicing that he had found such a
vast treasure: he ptt the brass plate over the staircase, and rooted
up the tree against the gardener’s return. ey
_ The gardener had learned the day before. that the ship which was
bound for the Isle of Ebony would sail in a few days, but the exact
time was not. yet fixed. His friend promised to let. him know the.
day, if he called upon him on the morrow ; and while Camaralzaman
was rooting up the tree, he went to get his answer. He returned with
a joyful countenance, by which the prince guessed that he brought
him good news. * Son,’ said the old man (so he always called him, on

the Talisman kK. 163


account of the difference of age between him and the prince), ‘be
_joyful, and prepare to embark in three days, for the ship will then
certainly set sail: I have arranged with the captain for your passage.’

‘In my present situation, replied Camaralzaman, ‘you could not
bring me more agreeable news; and in return, I have also tidings
that will be as welcome to you; come along with me, and you shall
see what good fortune heaven has in store for you.’

The prince led the gardener to the place where he had rooted up
the tree, made him go down into the cave, and when he was there
showed him what a treasure he had discovered, and thanked
Providence for rewarding his virtue, and the labour he had done for
so many years.

‘What do you mean?’ replied the gardener: ‘do you imagine I
will take these riches as mine? They are yours: I have no right to
them. For fourscore years, since my father’s death, I have done
nothing but dig in this garden, and could not discover this treasure, -
which is a sign that it was destined for you, since you have been
permitted to find it. It suits a prince like you, rather than me: I
have one foot in the grave, and am in no want of anything. Provi-
dence has bestowed it upon you, just when you are returning to that
country which will one day be your own, where you will make a good
use of it. :

Prince Camaralzaman would not be outdone in generosity by the
gardenet. They had a long dispute about it. At last the prince
solemnly protested that he would have none of it, unless the gardener
would divide it with him and take half. The good man, to please
the prince, consented; so they parted it between them, and each
had twenty-five urns. .

_ _ Having thus divided it, ‘ Son,’ said: the gardener to the prince, ‘it
- is not enough that you have got this treasure; we must now contrive
how to carry it so privately on board the ship that nobody may know
anything of the matter, otherwise you will run the risk of losing it.

: : M 2

164 2s | The oe of

— i-

There are no olives in the Isle of Ebony, and those that are exported
hence are wanted there; you know I have plenty of them; take what"
you will; fill fifty pots, half with the gold dust, and half with olives,
and I will get them carried to the ship when you embark.’
Camaralzaman followed this good advice, and spent the rest
of the day in packing up the gold and the olives in the fifty pots,
and fearing lest the talisman, which he wore on his arm, might be
lost again, he carefully put it into one of the pots, marking it
with a particular mark, to distinguish it from the rest. When they
were all ready to be shipped, the prince retired with the gardener,
and talking together, he related to him the battle of the birds, and
how he had found the Princess Badoura’s talisman again. The
gardener was equally surprised and joyful to hear it for his sake.
Whether the old man was quite worn out with age, or had
exhausted himself too much that day, he had a very bad night;
“he grew worse the next day, and on the third day, when the-
prince was to embark, was so ill that it was plain he was near
his end. As soon as day broke, the captain of the ship came
in person with several seamen to the gardener’s; they knocked at
the garden-door, and Camaralzaman opened it to them. They
asked him where the passenger was that was to go with him.
The prince answered, ‘I am he; the gardener who arranged
with you for my passage is ill, and cannot be spoken with: come
in, and let your men carry those pots of olives and my baggage
aboard. I will only take leave of the gardener, and follow you.’
The seamen took up the pots and the baggage, and the captain
bade the prince make haste, for the wind being fair they were
waiting for nothing but him. ak
When the captain and his men were gone, Camaralzaman went
to the gardener, to take leave of him, and thank him for all his
good offices: but he found him in the agonies of death, and had
scarcely time to bid him rehearse the articles of his faith, which
the Talisman ; | we 165


all good Mussulmans do before they die, when the gardener expired
in his presence.

The prince being under the necessity of embarking immediately
hastened to pay the last duty to the deceased. He washed
his body, buried him in his own garden (for the Mahometans had
no cemetery in the city of the idolaters, where they were only
tolerated), and as he had nobody to assist him it was almost even-
ing before he had put him in the ground. As soon as he had
done it he ran to the water-side, carrying with him the key of
the garden, intending, if he had time, to give it to the landlord ;
otherwise to deposit it in some trusty person’s hand before a
witness, that he might leave it when he was gone. When he came
to the port, he was told the ship had sailed several hours before he
came and was already out of sight. It had waited three hours for him,
and the wind standing fair, the captain dared not stay any longer.

It is easy to imagine that Prince Camaralzaman was exceed-
ingly grieved to be forced to stay longer in a country where he
neither had nor wished to have any acquaintance : to think that he
must wait another twelvemonth for the opportunity he had lost.
But .the. greatest affliction of all was his having let go the Princess
Badoura’s talisman, which he now gave over for lost. The only
course that was left for him to take was to return to the garden
to rent it of the landlord, and to continue to cultivate it by him-
self, deploring his misery and misfortunes. He hired a boy to help
him to do some part of the drudgery; and that he might not lose
the other half of the treasure, which came to him by the death
of the gardener, who died without heirs, he put the gold-dust
into fifty other pots, which he filled up with olives, to be ready
against the time of the ship’s return.

While Prince Camaralzaman began another year of labour,
sorrow and impatience, the ship, having a fair wind, continued
her voyage. to. the Isle of Ebony, and happily arrived at the capital.

166 ome a” at The Loss of

« :

The palace being by the sea-side, the new king, or rather the
Princess Badoura, espying the ship as she was entering the port,
with all her flags flying, asked what vessel it was; she was told
that it came annually from the city of the idolaters, and was
generally richly laden.

The princess, who always had Prince Camaralzaman in her
mind amidst the glories which surrounded her, imagined that the
prince might be on board, and resolved to go down to the ship
and meet him. Under pretence of inquiring what merchandise
was on board, and having the first sight of the goods, and
choosing the most valuable, she commanded a horse to be
brought, which she ‘mounted, and rode to the port, accompanied
by several officers in waiting, and arrived at the port just as the
captain came ashore. She ordered him to be brought before her,
and asked whence he came, how long he had been on his -voyage,
and what good or bad fortune he had met with: if he had any
stranger of quality on board, and particularly. with what his ship
was laden.

The captain gave a satisfactory answer to all her demands ;
and as to passengers, assured her that there were none but mer-
chants in his ship, who were used to come every year and bring
rich stuffs from several parts of the world to trade with, the finest
linens painted and ‘plain, diamonds, musk, ambergris, camphor,
civet, spices, drugs, ‘olives, and many other articles.

The Princess Badoura loved olives extremely: when she heard
the captain speak of them, she said, ‘Land them, I will take them:
off your hands: as to the other goods, tell the merchants to bring
them to me, and let me. see them before they dispose of them,
or show them to any one else.’

The captain, taking her for the King of the Isle of Ebony, :
replied, ‘ Sire, there are fifty great pots of olives, but they. belong
to a merchant whom I was forced to leave behind. I gave him
the Talisman © : Be 167
notice myself that I was waiting for him, and waited a long time;
but as he did not come, and the wind was good, I was afraid of
losing it, and so set sail’

The princess answered, ‘No matter; bring them ashore; we
will make a bargain for them.’ ,

The captain sent his boat aboard, and in a little time it
returned with the pots of olives. The princess demanded how
much the fifty pots might be worth in the Isle of Ebony. «Sir,
said the captain, ‘the merchant is very poor, and your majesty
will do him a singular favour if you give him a thousand pieces
of silver.’

‘To satisfy him,’ replied the princess, ‘and because you tell
me he is poor, I will order you a thousand pieces of gold for him,
which do you take care to give him. The money was accordingly,
paid, and the pots carried to the palace in her presence.

Night was drawing on when the princess withdrew into the inner
palace, and went to the Princess Haiatalnefous’ apartment, ordering
the fifty pots of olives to be brought thither. She opened one,
to let the Princess Haiatalnefous taste them, and poured them into
a dish. Great was her’ astonishment when she found the olives
mingled with gold-dust. ‘What can this mean?’ said she, ‘it is
wonderful beyond comprehension.” ‘Her curiosity increasing, she
ordered Haiatalnefous’ women to open and empty all the pots
in her presence; and her wonder was still greater, when she saw
that the olives in all of them were mixed with gold-dust; but when
she saw her talisman drop out of that into which the prince had
put it, she was so surprised that she fainted away. The Princess
Haiatalnefous and her women restored the Princess Badoura by
throwing cold water on her face. When she recovered her senses,
she took the talisman and kissed it again and again; but not being
willing that the Princess Haiatalnefous’s women, who were ignorant
of her disguise, should hear what she said, she dismissed them.
168 onl | The Loss of

‘Princess, said she to Haiatalnefous, as soon as they were
gone, ‘you, who have heard my story, surely guessed that it was at
the sight of the talisman that I fainted. This is the talisman, the
fatal cause of my losing my dear husband Prince Camaralzaman ;
but as it was that which caused our separation, so I foresee it will be
the means of our meeting again soon,’

The next day, as soon as it was light, she sent for the captain
of the ship; and when he came she spoke to him thus: ‘I want
to know something more of the merchant to whom the olives
belong, that I bought of you yesterday. I think you told me you
had left him behind you in the city of the idolaters: can you tell
me what he is doing there?’ aoe

‘Yes, sire,” replied the captain, ‘I can speak on my own
knowledge. I arranged for his passage with a very old gardener,
who told me I should find him in his garden, where he worked under
him. He showed me the place, and for that reason I told your
majesty he was poor. I went there to call him. I told him what
haste I was in, spoke to him myself in the garden, and cannot be
mistaken in the man.’

‘If what you say is true, replied the Princess Badoura, ‘you must
set sail this very. day for the city of idolaters, and fetch me that
gardener’s man, who is my debtor; else I will not only confiscate all
your goods and those of your merchants, but your and their lives -
shall answer for his. I have ordered my seal to be put on the
warehouses where they: are, which shall not be taken off till you bring
me that man. This is all I have to say to you; go, and do as I
command you.’ ee

The captain could make no reply to this order, the disobeying of
which would be a very great loss to him and his merchants. He told
them about it; and they hastened him away as fast as they could
after he had laid in a stock of provisions and fresh water for his
voyage. They were so diligent, that he set sail the same day.. He
the Talisman i sg 169

plein oe ve eA
had a prosperous voyage to the city of the idolaters, where he
arrived in the night. When he was as near to the city as he thought
convenient,-he would not cast anchor, but let the ship ride off the
shore; and going into his. boat, with six of his stoutest seamen, he
landed a little way off the port, whence he went directly to
Camaralzaman’s garden.

Though it was about midnight when he arrived there, the prince
was not asleep. His separation from the fair Princess of China
his wife afflicted him as. usual. He cursed: the minute in which
his curiosity tempted him to touch the fatal girdle.

Thus did he pass those hours which are devoted to rest, when
he heard somebody knock at the garden door. He ran hastily to it,
half-dressed as he was; but he had no sooner opened it, than the
captain and his seamen took hold of him, and carried him by: force
on board the boat, and so to the ship, and as soon as he was safely
lodged, they set sail immediately, and made the best of their way to
the Isle of Ebony.

Hitherto Camaralzaman, the captain, and his men had not said
a word to one another; at last the prince broke silence, and
asked the captain, whom he recognised, why they had taken him
away by force? The captain in his turn demanded of the prince
whether he was not a debtor of the King of Ebony?

‘I the King of Ebony’s debtor!’ replied Camaralzaman in
amazement; ‘Ido not know him, I never had anything to aC) with
him in my life, and never set foot in his kingdom.’

The captain answered, ‘You should know that better than I;
you will talk to him, yourself in a ons while: till then, stay here
and have patience.’

Though it was night when “he cast ae in the port, the
captain landed immediately, and taking Prince Camaralzaman with
him hastened to the Pe where he. demanded to be introduced
to the king. -

170 & | The Loss of


The Princess Badoura had withdrawn into the inner palace;
however, as soon as she had heard of the captain’s return and
Camaralzaman’s arrival, she came out to speak to him. As soon
as she set her eyes on the prince, for whom she had shed so
‘many tears, she knew him in his gardener’s clothes. As for the
prince, who trembled in the presence of a king, as he thought her,
to whom he was to answer for an imaginary debt, it did not enter
into his head that the person whom he so earnestly desired to
see stood béfore him. If the princess had followed the dictates
of her inclination, she would have run to him and embraced
him, but she put a constraint on herself, believing that it was
for the interest of both that she should act the part of a king
a little longer before she made herself known. She contented
herself for the present with putting him into the hands of an officer,
who was then in waiting, with a charge to take care of him till
the next day. —

When the Princess Badoura had provided for Prince Camaral-
zaman, she turned to the captain, whom she was now to reward for
the important service he had done her. She commanded another
officer to go immediately and take the seal off the warehouse
where his and his merchants’ goods were, and gave him a rich
diamond, worth much more than the expense of both his voyages.
She bade him besides keep. the thousand pieces of gold she had
given him for the pots of olives, telling him she would make up
the account with the merchant herself. —

This done, she retired to the Princess of the Isle of Ebony’s
apartment, to whom. she communicated her joy, praying her to
keep the secret still. She told her how she intended to manage
to reveal herself to Prince Camaralzaman, and to give him
the kingdom.

-" The Princess of the Isle of Ebony was so far from betraying
her, that she rejoiced and entered fully into the plan.
the Talisman th. 171
ee ere
The next morning the Princess of China ordered Prince
Camaralzaman to be apparelied in the robes of an emir or governor
of a proyince. She commanded him to be introduced into the
council, where his fine person ahd majestic air drew all the eyes

of the lords there present upon him.

The Princess Badoura herself was charmed to: see cam again,
as handsome as she had often seen him, and her pleasure inspired
‘her to speak the more warmly in his praise. When she addressed
herself to the council, having ordered the prince to take his seat
among the emirs, she spoke to them thus: ‘My lords, this emir
whom I have advanced to the same dignity with you is not
unworthy the place assigned him. I have known enough of
him in’ my travels to answer for him, and I can assure you he
will make his merit known to all of you’

Camaralzaman was extremely amazed to hear the King of the
‘Isle of Ebony, whom he was far from taking for a woman, much
‘less for his dear princess, name him, and declare that he knew him,

while he thought himself certain that he had never seen him
before in his life. He was much more surprised when he heard
him praise him so excessively. Those praises, however, did not
disconcert him, though he received them with such modesty as
showed that he did not grow vain. He prostrated himself before
the throne of the king, and rising again, ‘Sire,’ said he, ‘I want
words to express my gratitude to your majesty for the honour
- you have done me: I shall do all in my power to render myself
worthy of your royal favour.’ .

From the council-board the prince was conducted to a palace,
which the Princess Badoura had ordered to be fitted up for him;
where he found officers and domestics ready to obey his commands,
a stable full of fine horses, and everything suitable to the rank
of an emir. Then the steward of his household brought him. a
strong box full of gold for his expenses.
172 2& ; _ The Loss of

The less he understood whence came his great good fortune,
the more he admired it, but never once imagined that he owed
it to the Princess of China.

Two or three days after, the Princess Badoura, that he might
be nearer to her, and ina more distinguished post, made him high
treasurer, which office had lately become vacant. He behaved
himself in his new charge with so much integrity, yet obliging
everybody, that he not only gained the friendship of the great
but also the affections of the people, by his uprightness and bounty.

_Camaralzaman would have been the happiest man in the world,
if he had had his princess with him. In the midst of his good
fortune he never ceased lamenting her, and grieved that he
could hear no tidings of her, especially in a country where she
must necessarily have come on her way to his father’s court after
their separation. He would have suspected something had the
Princess Badoura still gone by the name of Camaralzaman, but |
on her accession to the throne she changed it, and took that
of Armanos, in honour of the old king her father-in-law. She
was now known only by the name of the young King Armanos.
There were very few courtiers who. knew that she had ever been
called Camaralzaman, which name she assumed when she arrived at
the court of the Isle of Ebony, nor had Camaralzaman so much
acquaintance with any of them yet as to learn more of her history.

The princess fearing he might do so in time, and desiring.
that he should owe the discovery to herself only, resolved to
put an end to her own torment and his; for she had observed that
as often as she discoursed with him about the affairs of his office,
he fetched such deep sighs as could be addressed to nobody but
her. She herself also lived under such constraint that she could
endure it no longer.

The Princess Badoura had no sooncr made this decision. with
the Princess Haiatalnefous, than she took Prince. Camaralzaman
the Talisman eyo


aside, saying, ‘I must talk with you about an affair, Camaralzaman,
which requires much consideration, and on which I want your
advice. Come hither in the evening, and leave word at home that
you will not return; I will take care to provide you a bed.’

Camaralzaman came punctually to the palace at the hour
appointed by the princess ; she took him with her into the inner
apartment, and having told the chief chamberlain, who was preparing
to follow her, that she had no occasion for his service, and that he
should only keep the door shut, she took him into a different

When the prince and princess entered the chamber she shut the
door, and, taking the talisman out of a little box, gave it to
Camaralzaman, saying, ‘It is not long since an astrologer presented
rae with this talisman ; you being skilful in all things, may perhaps
tell me its use. =

Camaralzaman took the talisman, and drew near a lamp to look
at it. As soon as_he recollected it, with an astonishment which
gave the princess great pleasure, ‘ Sire,’ said he to the princess, ‘ your
majesty asked me what this talisman is good for. Alas! it is only
good to kill me with grief and despair, if I do not quickly find the
most charming and lovely princess in the world to whom it belonged,
whose loss it occasioned by a strange adventure, the very recital of
which will move your majesty to pity such an unfortunate husband
and lover, if you would have patience to hear it.’

‘You shall tell me that another time, replied the princess; ‘I
am very glad to tell you I know something of it already; stay
here a little, and I will return to you in a moment.’

At these words she went into her dressing-room, put off her royal
turban, and in a few minutes dressed herself like a woman; and
having the girdle round her which she wore on the day of their
separation, she entered the chamber.

Prince Camaralzaman immediately knew his dear princess, ran
174 ws | _The Loss of .

to her, and tenderly embraced her, crying out, ‘How much I am
obliged to the king, who has so agreeably surprised me!’

‘Do not expect to see the king any more,’ replied the princess,
embracing him in her turn, with tears in her eyes; ‘you see him
in me: sit down, and I will explain this enigma to you.’

_ They sat down, and the princess told the prince the resolution
she came to, in the field’ where they encamped the last time they
‘were together, as soon as she perceived that she waited for him to
no purpose; how she went through with it till she arrived at the

the Talisman — ome 175

Isle of Ebony, where she had: been obliged to marry the Princess
Haiatalnefous, and accept the crown which King Armanos offered
her as a condition of the marriage: how the princess, whose merit
she highly extolled, had kept the secret, and how she found the
talisman in the pots of olives mingled with the gold dust, and how
the finding it was the cause of her ‘sending for him to the city of
the idolaters. ,

The Princess Badoura and Prince Camaralzaman rose next
morning as soon as it was light, but the princess would no more
put on her royal robes as king; she dressed herself in the dress
of a woman, and then sent the chief chamberlain to King Armanos,
her father-in-law, to desire he would be so good as to come to
her apartment.

When the king entered the chamber, he was amazed to see
there a lady who was unknown to him, and the high treasurer
with her, who was not permitted to come within the inner palace.
He sat down and asked where the king was.

The princess answered, ‘ Yesterday I was king, sir, and to-day I
am the Princess of China, wife of the true Prince Camaralzaman,
the true son of King Schahzdman, If your majesty will have the
patience to hear both our stories, I hope you will not. condemn me
for putting an innocent deceit upon you.’ The king bade her go on,
and heard her discourse from the beginning to the end with astonish-
ment. The princess on finishing it said to him, * Sir, in our religion
men may have several wives ; if your majesty will consent to give
your daughter the Princess Haiatalnefous in marriage to Prince
Camaralzaman, I will with all my heart yield up to her the rank and
quality of queen, which of right belongs to her, and content myself
with the second place. If this precedence was not her due, I would,
however, give-it her, after she has kept my secret so generously.’

King Armanos listened to the princess with astonishment, and
when she had done, turned to Prince Camaralzaman, saying, ‘Son,
176 Be | The Loss of the Talisman

since the Princess Badoura your wife, whom I have all along thought
to be my son-in-law, through a deceit of. which I cannot complain,
assures me that she is willing, I have nothing more to do but to
ask you if you are willing to marry my daughter and accept the
crown, which the Princess Badoura would deserved ’y wear as long
-as she lived, if she did not quit it out of love to you.

‘Sir, replied Prince Camaralzaman, ‘though I desire nothing so
earnestly as to see the king my father, yet the obligation I am under
to your majesty and the Princess Haiatalnefous are so weighty, I
can refuse her nothing’ Camaralzaman was proclaimed king, and
married the same day with all possible demonstrations of joy.

Not long afterwards they all resumed the long interrupted journey
to the Isles of the Children of Khaledan, where they were fortunate
enough to find the. old King Schahzaman still alive and overjoyed
to see his son once more; and after several months’ rejoicing,
King Camaralzaman and ‘he two queens returned to the Island

of Ebony, where they lived in great. happiness for the remainder
of their lives.


the strangest that ever was heard.
Two black dogs long: dwelt with me
in my house, and were very affection-
ately disposed towards. me. These.
two black dogs and myself — were.

sisters, and I shall acquaint you by

what strange accident they came to
be metamorphosed. After our father’s
S death, the estate that he left was
equally divided among us. My two sisters and myself stayed with
our mother, who was still alive, and when she died she left each
of us a thousand sequins. As soon as we received our portions, the
two elder (for I am the youngest), being married, followed their
_ husbands and left me alone. Some time after, my eldest sister’s
husband sold all that he had, and with that money and my sister’s
portion they both went into Africa, where her husband, ‘by riotous |
living, spent all; and finding himself reduced to poverty, he found
a pretext for divorcing. my sister, and sent her away.
She returned to this city, and, having suffered incredible hardships
by the way, came to me in so lamentable a condition that it would
have moved the hardest heart to compassion.. I received her with all
the tenderness she could expect, and on my inquiring into the cause

178 &. The Story of Zobeide

of her sad condition, she told me. with tears how inhumanly her
husband had dealt with her. I was so much concerned at her mis-
fortune that it drew tears from my eyes: I clothed her with my
own apparel, and spoke to her thus: ‘ Sister, you are the elder, and
I esteem you as my mother: during your absence, God has blessed
the portion that fell to my share, and the employment I follow of
feeding and bringing up silk-worms. Assure yourself that there is
nothing I have but is at your service, and as much at your disposal
as my own,

We. lived very comfortably together for some months; and
one day as we were discoursing together about our third sister, and
wondering we heard no news of her, she came home in as bad
a condition as the elder; her husband had treated her after the
same manner: and I received, her likewise with the. same.affection
as I had done the other.

Some time after, my two sisters, on the ground that they would
not be an expense to me, told me they intended to marry again. I
answered them, that if their putting me to expense was all the reason
they might lay those thoughts aside, and be very welcome to stay
with me; for what I had would be sufficient to: maintain us all.three
in a manner suitable to our condition. ‘But, said I, ‘I rather believe
you have a mind to marry again. If you do, I am sure it will very
much surprise-‘me: after the experience you have had of the small
satisfaction there if in marriage, is it ‘ possible you dare’ venture

asecond time? You know how rare it is to meet with a husband
that is a-really honest man. Believe’ what I say, and let us live
together as comfortably as we can.’ All my persuasion was. in vain;
they were resolved to marry, and so they did. But after some months’
were past they came back again, and begged my pardon a thousand
times for not following my advice. ‘You are our youngest sister,
said’ they, ‘and much wiser than we; but if ‘you will vouchsafe
to receive us once more into your house and account us your slaves,
The Story of Zobeide | 22190

we shall: never commit such a fault again” My answer was, ‘ Dear
sisters, I have not altered my mind with respect to you since we last
parted from one another ; come again and take part of what I have.’
Upon this I embraced them again, and we lived together as we
did formerly. ; :

We continued thus a whole year in perfect love and tranquillity ;
and seeing that God had increased my small stock, I projected a
voyage by sea, to hazard somewhat by trade. To this end I went
with my two sisters to Balsora, where I bought a ship ready fitted
for sea, and laded her with such merchandise as I brought from
Bagdad. We set sail with a fair wind, and soon cleared the Persian
gulf ; and when we got into the ocean we steered our: Course to the
Indies, and on the twentieth day saw land. It was a very high
mountain, at the foot of which we saw a great town, and having a
fresh wind we soon reached the harbour, where we cast anchor.

I had not patience to stay till my sisters were ready to go
with. me, but went ashore in the boat by myself; and, making
directly for the gate of the town, 1 saw there a great number of
men on guard, some sitting and others standing, with sticks in
their hands ; and they had all such dreadful countenances that it
frightened me; but perceiving they had no motion, not so much as.
with their eyes, I took courage, and went nearer, and then found

‘they were all turned into stone. I entered the town and passed
through the several streets, wherein men stood everywhere in various
attitudes, but all motionless and petrified. On that side where the
merchants lived I. found most of the shops shut, and in such as were
open I likewise found the people petrified. I looked up to the
chimneys, but saw no smoke; which made me conjecture that the
inhabitants both within and without were all.turned into stone: —

Being come into.a vast square in the heart of the city, I perceived
a great gate covered with plates of gold, the two doors of which.
stood open, and a curtain of silk stuff seemed to be drawn before

: N 2
180 KK | : The Story of Zobeide

it; I-also saw a lamp banging over the gate. After I had well con-
sidered, I made no doubt but that it was the palace of the prince
who reigned over that country; and being very much astonished that
I had not met with one living creature, I went thither in hopes
to find some one. I entered the gate, and was still more surprised
when I saw none but the guards in the porches, all petrified, some
standing, some sitting, and some lying. :

I crossed over a large ccurt where I saw a stately building
just before me, the windows of which were enclosed with gates
of massive gold: I supposed it to be the queen’s apartment,
and went into a large hall, where there stood several black chamber-
lains turned into stone. I went from thence into a room richly hung
and furnished, where 1 perceived a lady. I knew it to be the queen
by the crown of gold that hung over her head, and a necklace of
pearls about: her neck, each of them as big as a nut; I went up
close to her to view it, and never beheld a finer sight.

I stood some time and admired the riches and magnificence
of the room; but above all, the footcloth, the cushions and the
sofas, which were all lined with Indian stuff or gold, with pictures
of men and beasts in silver admirably executed.

I went out of the chamber where the petrified queen was,
and passed through several other apartments richly furnished,
and at last came into a vast room, where was a throne of: massive
. gold, raised several “steps above the floor and enriched with large
emeralds, and a bed upon the throne of rich stuff embroidered:
with. pearls. What surprised me more than all the rest was a
sparkling light which came from above the bed. . Being curious
to know from whence it. came, I ‘mounted the steps, and lifting
up my head, I saw a diamond, as big as the egg of an ostrich,.
ying upon a low. stool; it was so pure that I- could not find. the
least blemish in it, and it sparkled so brightly that I could not —
endure the lustre of it when I saw it by daylight. a
The Story of Zobeide we 118i

On each side of the bed’s head there stood a lighted torch, but for
what use I could not comprehend; however, it made me imagine that
there was some living creature in this place, for I could not believe

_that these torches continued thus burning of themselves.

The doors being all-open, or but half shut, I surveyed some
other. apartments that were as fine as those I had already seen.
I looked into the offices'and store-rooms, which were full of infinite
riches, and I was so much taken with the sight of all the
wonderful things that I forgot myself, and did not think of my

ship or my sisters; my whole design was to satisfy my curiosity.
Meantime night came on, which put me in mind that it was
time to retire. I was for returning by the way I came in, but I
could ‘not find it; I lost myself among the apartments; and
finding I was come back again to that large room where the
throne, the couch, the large diamond, and the torches stood, I
resolved to take my night’s lodging there, and to depart the next
morning betimes, to get aboard my ship. I laid myself down:
upon the couch, not without some dread of being alone: in a
desolate place;.and this fear hindered my sleep.
About midnight I heard’ a voice like that of a man 1 reading
the Koran, after the same manner and. in the same tone as wé
read in our mosques.. Being extremely glad to hear it, I got up
immediately, and; taking a torch in my hand to light me, I. passed
from one chamber to another on that side where the voice came
from: I came to a door, where I stood still, nowise doubting that it’
came from thence. I set. down my torch upon the ground, and
looking through a window I found it to be an oratory. In short, it

- had, as we have in our mosques, a niche that shows where we must
turn to say our prayers; there were also lamps hung up, and two
candlesticks with large tapers of white wax burning.

I saw a little carpet laid down, like those we have to kneel upon
when we say our prayers, and a comely young man sat upon this
132 ok , The Story of Zobeide

carpet, reading with great devotion the Koran, which lay before him
upon a desk. At the sight of this I was transported with wonder.
I. wondered how it came to pass that he should be the only living
creature in a town.where all the people were turned into stones, and I
did not doubt but that there was something in it very extraordinary.

The door. being only half shut, 1 opened it and went in, and
standing upright before the niche, I said this prayer aloud: ‘Praise
be to God, who has favoured us with a happy voyage, and may He be
graciously pleased to protect us in the same manner until we arrive
again in our own country. Hear me, O Lord, and grant my request.’

The young man cast his eyes upon-me, and said, ‘My good lady;
pray let me know who you are; and what has brought you to this
desolate ‘city ; and, in return, I will tell you who I am, what
happened to me, why the inhabitants of this city are reduced to
that state you see them in, and why I alone am safe and sound in
the midst of such a terrible. disaster.’

I told him in..few words from whence I came, , what made me
undertake the voyage, and how I had safely arr ived at the port after
twenty days’ sailing; and when I had done I prayed him to fulfil
his promise, and told him how much ‘I was struck by the frightful
desolation which I had seen in all places as I came along.

‘My dear lady, said the young man, ‘have patience for a
moment.’ At these.words he shut the Koran, put it into a rich case,
and laid it in the niche, I took that opportunity of observing him,
and perceived so much good-nature and beauty in him that I felt,
strange emotion, He made me sit down by him; and before he,
began his discourse I could not “forbear ‘saying to oa ‘Sir, [I can:
scarcely have patience to wait for an account of all those wonderful:
things that I have seen since the first time I came into your city;
and my curiosity. cannot be. satisfied top soon: therefore pray, sir,,
let me know by what miracle you alone are left alive among so
many persons that have died in so strange a manner.
The Story of Zobeide . | as 183

‘ Madam,’ said the young man, ‘you have given-me to under-
stand that you have a knowledge of the true God by the prayer
you have just now addressed to Him. ‘I will acquaint you with
the most remarkable effect of His greatness and power. You must
know that this city was the metropolis of a mighty kingdom, over
which the king, my father, did reign. -He, his whole court, the
inhabitants of. the city, and all his other subjects were magi, wor-
shippers of fire, and of Nardoun, the ancient king of the ‘giants,
who rebelled against God.

‘ And though I had an idolatrous father and mother, I had thé
good fortune in my youth to have a governess who was a good
Mussulman; I -learned the Koran by heart, and understood the |
explanation of it perfectly. ‘Dear prince,” would she oftentimes say,
“there is but one true God; take heed that you do not acknowledge
and adore any other.” She taught me to read Arabic, and the book
she gave me to practise: upon ‘was.the Koran. As soon as I was
capable of understanding it, she explained to me all the heads of this
excellent book, and infused: piety into my mind, unknown to my
father or anybody else. She happened to die, but not before she had
instructed me in all that was necessary to convince mé of the

truth of the Mussulman religion. After her death I persisted with
constancy in this belief; and I abhor the false god Nardoun, and
the adoration of fire.

- ‘It is about three years and some months ago that a teers
‘voice was heard, all of a sudden, so distinctly through the whole
city that nobody could miss hearing it. The words were these :
“Inhabitants, abandon the worship of Nardoun, and of fire, and
worship the only God that shows mercy.” ;

‘This voice was heard for three years successively, but nobody

was converted: so on the last day of the year, at four o’clock in the
morning, all the inhabitants were changed in an instant into stone,
every one in the same condition and posture they happened to be

184 @ ~The Story of Zobeide

then in. The king, my father, had the same fate, for he was meta-
morphosed into a black stone, as he is to be seen in this palace’;
and the queen, my mother, had the like destiny.

‘I am the only person that did not suffer under that heavy
judgment, and ever since I have continued to serve God with more
fervency than before. I am persuaded, dear lady, that He has sent
you hither for my comfort, for which I render Him infinite thanks ;
for I must own that this solitary life is very unpleasant.’ ;

‘Prince? said I, ‘there is no doubt that Providence hath brought
me into your port to present you with an opportunity of withdrawing
from this dismal place. The ship that I came in may in some

". measure persuade you that I am in some. esteem at Bagdad, where

I have also left a considerable estate; and I dare engage to promise
you sanctuary there, until the mighty Commander of the Faithful;
who is vice-regent to our Prophet, whom you acknowledge, shows
you the honour that is due to your merit. This renowned prince
lives at Bagdad, and as soon as he is informed of your arrival in
his capital, you will find that it is not vain to implore his assistance:
It is impossible you can stay any longer in a city where all the
objects you see must renew your grief: my vessel is at. your service,
where you may absolutely command as you think fit’ Hé accepted
the. offer, and we discoursed the remaining part of the night about
our sailing. :

As soon as it was day we left the palace, and came aboard
my ship, where we found my sisters, the captain, and the slaves,
all very much troubled at my absence. After I had presented my.
sisters to the prince, I told them what had hindered my return to
the. vessel the day before, how I had met with the young’ prince,
his story, and the cause of the desolation of so fine a city.

The seamen were taken up several days in -unlading the
merchandise I had. brought with me, and embarking . instead all
the precious things in the palace, jewels, gold and money.: We
The Story of Zobeide : ame 185

left the furniture and goods, which consisted of an infinite quantity
of plate, etc. because our. vessel could not carry it, for it would
have required several vessels more to carry all the riches to Bagdad
that we might have chosen to take with us.

After we had laden the vessel with what we thought fit, we
took such provisions and water aboard as were ‘necessary for our
voyage (for we had still a great deal of those provisions left that
we had taken in at Balsora): at last we set sail with a wind as
favourable as we could wish.

The young prince, my sisters and myself enjoyed ourselves for
some time very agreeably; -but alas! this good understanding did
- not last long, for my sisters grew jealous of the friendship between
the prince and me, and maliciously asked me one day what we
‘should do with him when we came to Bagdad. I perceived
immediately why they put this question to-me; therefore, resolving
to put it off with a jest, 1 answered them, ‘I will take him for my
husband’; and upan_ that, turning myself to the prince, ‘ Sir,
said I, ‘I humbly beg of you to give your consent; for as soon as
we come to Bagdad I design to ‘do you all the service that is in
my power and to resign myself wholly to your commands.’

The prince answered, ‘I know not, madam, whether you be in jest
or no; but for my own part I seriously declare, before these ladies
your sisters, that from this moment I heartily accept your offer, as
my lady. and mistress. Nor will I pretend to have any power over
your actions.’ At these words my _ sisters changed colour, and I
could perceive afterwards that they did not love me as formerly.

We had come into the Persian Gulf, not far from Balsora,
where I hoped, considering the fair wind, we might arrive the day
following; but in the night, when I was asleep, my sisters watched
their time and threw me overboard. They did the same to the
prince, who was drowned. I swam.for some minutes in the water ;
but by good fortune, or rather miracle, I soon felt ground. I went
186 Be oe The. Story of Zobeide

towards a black place, that, so far as I could discern in the dark,
seemed to be land, and actually was a flat on the coast. When
day came, I found it to be a desert island, lying about twenty miles
from Balsora. I soon dried my clothes in the sun; and as I walked
along I found several sorts of fruit, and likewise fresh water, which
gave me some hope of preserving my life.

I laid myself down in the shade, and soon after I-saw a winged
serpent, very large and long, coming towards me, wriggling to the
right and to the left, and hanging out his tongue, which made me .
think he was ill. I arose, and saw a larger serpent following him,
holding him by the tail, and endeavouring to devour him. I had
compassion on him, and instead of flying away, I had the boldness
and courage to take up a stone that by chance lay by me, and
threw it with all my strength at the great serpent, whom I hit on
the head, and killed him. The other, finding himself at liberty, took
to his wings and flew away. I looked a long while after him in
the air, as an extraordinary . thing; but he flew out of sight, and
I lay down again in another place in the shade, and fell asleep.

_ When I awoke, judge how surprised I was to see by me a
black woman, of lively and agreeable looks, who held, tied together in
her hand, two dogs of ‘the same colour. I sat. up and asked her
who she was. ‘I am,’ said she, ‘the serpent whom you delivered
not long since from my mortal enemy, I knew not how to acknow-
ledge the great kindness you, but by doing what. I have
done. I knew the treachery of your sisters, and, to revenge you.
on them, as soon as I was set at liberty by your generous assistance
I called several of my companions together, fairies like myself. We
have carried into your storehouses at Bagdad all your lading Hat
was in your vessel, and afterwards sunk it. ;
_ £These two black dogs are your sisters, whom I have transformed:
into this shape. ~But this punishment is not sufficient ; for 1 will:
have you treat them after such a manner as I shall direct.
The Story of Zobeide ‘aK 187

At those words the fairy took me fast under one of her arms,

and the two dogs in the other, and carried me to my house in
Bagdad, where I found in my storehouses all the riches which were
laden on board my vessel. Before she left me she delivered the
two dogs, and told me, ‘If you will not be changed into a dog.
as they are, I order you to give’ each of your sisters every night
a hundred lashes with a rod, for the punishment of the crime they
have committed against your person and the young prince whom
they drowned.” I was forced to promise that I would obey her
order. For many months I whipped them every night, though,
with regret. I gave evidence by my tears with how ae sorrow
and reluctance I. must perform | this cruel duty.
Now the fairy had left with me a bundle of hair, saying withal
that her presence would one day be of use to me; and then, if I
only burnt: two tufts of this hair, she would be with me in a
moment, though she were beyond Mount Caucasus.

-Desirous at length to see the fairy and beg her to restore
the two black dogs, my sisters, to their proper shape, I caused
fire one day. to be brought in, and. threw the whole bundle of hair
into. it. ~The house began to shake at that very instant, and the
fairy appeared. in the form of a lady very richly dressed. :

I besought her, with every form of entreaty I could employ,
to restore my sisters to their natural shape, and to release me from
the cruel duty. that I had always unwillingly performed.

The fairy at. length consented, and desired a bowl of water
to be brought; she pronounced over it some words which I did
not. understand, and then, sprinkled the water upon the dogs. They
immediately became two ladies of surprising beauty, and I recog-
nised in them the sisters to whose human form I had so long
been a stranger. They soon after married the sons of ne and

lived happily for the rest of their lives.
The Story of


§ WAS scarcely past my infancy when
the king my father perceived that
I was endowed with a great deal
of sense, and spared nothing in
improving it; he employed all.the
men in his dominions that excelled

about me. No sooner was I able
to read and write than I learned
’ the Koran from the beginning to
the end by heart; that admirable
book which contains the foundation, ‘the precepts, and’ the rules

of our religion; and that I might be thoroughly instructed in it, I

read the works of the most approved authors, by whose commen-

taries it had been explained. I added to this study that of all -

the traditions collected from the mouth of our Prophet by the great

men that were contemporary with him. I was not satisfied with .

the knowledge: of all that had any relation to our religion, but made
also a particular search into our histories, I made myself perfect in
polite learning, in the works of poets, and in versification.. I applied

myself to geography, chronology, and to speak our Arabic tongue.

‘in-science and art to be constantly

the cee Son | | . OF Hoo

in its purity. But one thing which I was fond of pa succeeded in to
a special degree was to form the characters of our written language,
wherein I surpassed all the writing masters of our kingdom that had
acquired the greatest reputation.

Fame did me more honour than I deserved, for she not only
spread the renown of my talents through all the dominions of the
king my father, but carried it as far as the Indian court, whose
potent monarch, desirous to see me, sent an ambassador with rich
presents to demand me of my father, who was extremely glad
‘of this embassy for several reasons; he was persuaded that nothing
could be more commendable in a prince of my age than to travel
and visit foreign courts, and he was very glad to gain the friendship
of the Indian sultan. I departed with the ambassador, but with no
great retinue, because of the length and difficulty of the journey.

When we had travelled about a month, we discovered at. a:
distance a great cloud of dust, and under that we very soon saw
fifty horsemen, well-armed, that were robbers, coming towards us .
‘at full gallop.

As we had. ten horses Jaden. with cence and presents that
I was to. catry to the Indian sultan from the king my father,
and my retinue was but small, these robbers came boldly up to. us.
Not being in a position to make any resistance, we told them -——
that we were ambassadors belonging to.the Sultan of the Indies,
and hoped they would: attempt nothing contrary to. that respect
which is due to him, thinking by this means to save our equipaee
and our lives. Ices

But the robbers most insolently replied, ‘For what reason
would you have us show any respect to the sultan your master ?
We are none of his subjects, nor are we upon his territories.’ :

_ Having. spoken thus, they surrounded and fell upon us. I
_ defended myself as long as I could, but finding myself wounded,
and seeing the ambassador with his servants and mine lying on

190 a The Story of

the ground, I made use of what strength was yet remaining in my
horse, who was also very much wounded, separated myself from
the crowd, and rode away as fast as he could carry me; but he
happened all of a sudden to give. way under me, through weari-
ness and loss of blood, and fell down dead. I got rid of him in
a trice, and finding that I was not pursued, it made me judge that ~
the robbers were not willing to quit the booty they had got.

Here you see me alone, wounded, destitute of help, and in
a strange country: I durst not betake myself to the high road,
lest I might fall again into the hands of these robbers. When |
I had bound up my wound, which was not dangerous, I walked
on for the rest of the day, and arrived at the foot of a mountain,
where I perceived a passage into a cave: I.went in, and stayed
there that night with little satisfaction, after I had eaten some
fruits that I gathered by the way.

I continued my journey for several days without finding any
place .of abode; but, after a month’s time, I came to a large
town, well inhabited, and situated so advantageously, as it was
surrounded with several rivers, that it enjoyed perpetual spring.

The pleasant objects which then presented themselves. to my
eyes afforded me joy, and suspended. fora time the sorrow with
which I. was overwhelmed to find myself in such .a condition.
My face, hands and feet were black and sunburnt ; and, owing to
my long journey, my~-shoes and stockings were quite worn: out, so:
that I was forced to walk bare-footed, and, , besides, my clothes
were all in rags. I entered into the town to learn where I was,
and addressed myself to a tailor that was at work in his shop;
who, perceiving by my air that I was-a person of more ‘note
than my outward appearance bespoke me to be, made me sit’
down -by him, and asked me who I was, from whence I came,
and what had brought me: cuihers I did not conceal anything
that had befallen me. Sect ae ee

the King’s Son i Be 191

The ‘tailor listened with attention to my words; but after I
had done speaking, instead of giving me. any consolation, he
augmented’ my sorrow. os

‘Take heed, said he, ‘how you discover to any person what
you have now declared to me; for the prince of this country is”
the greatest. enemy that the king your father has, and he will
certainly do you some mischief when he comes to hear of your
being in this city.’

-I made no doubt of the tailor’s sincerity, when he named
the. prince, and returned him thanks for his good advice: and
as he believed I could not but be hungry, he ordered something
to be brought for me to eat, and offered me at the same time a
lodging in his house, which I accepted. .Some days after, finding
me pretty well recovered from the fatigue I had. endured by a
‘long and tedious journey, and reflecting that most princes of our
religion applied themselves to some art or calling that might ~
be serviceable to “them upon occasion, he asked me if I had
learnt anything whereby I might get a livelihood, and not -be
burdensome to any one? I told him that I understood the laws,
both divine. and human; that J was a.grammarian’ and poet;
and, above all, that I understood’ writing perfectly.
_’ By all this” said he, ‘you will not be able, in this country, to
purchase yourself one morsel of bread; nothing is of less use here
than those sciences: but if you ‘will be advised by me,’ said he,
“dress. yourself in a labourer’s frock; and since you appear to be
strong and of a good constitution, you shall’ go into the next
forest and cut fire-wood, which you may bring to the market
to be sold; and I can. assure. you it will turn to such. good
account that you may live by it, without depéndence upon any.
man: and by this means you will be in a condition to wait for
the favourable moment when Heaven: shall think fit to. dispel
those clouds of misfortune that thwart your. happiness, and _ oblige
192 fh | | = oa The Story of

you to conceal your birth. I will take care to supply you with
a rope and a hatchet.’

The fear of being known, and the necessity I was under of getting
a livelihood, made me agree to this proposal, notwithstanding all the
hardships that attended it. The day following the tailor bought
me a rope, a hatchet, and a short coat, and recommended me to
" some poor people who gained their bread after the same manner,
that they might take me into their company. They conducted me
to the wood, and the first day I brought in as much upon my head
as earned me half a piece of gold, which is the money of that
country; for though the wood is not far distant from the town, yet
it was very scarce. there, for few or none would be at the trouble
to go and cut it. I gained a good sum of money in a short time;
and repaid my tailor what he had advanced for me. .

I continued this way of living for a whole year; and one day,
“when by chance I had gone farther into the wood than usual, I
happened’ to light on a very pleasant place, where I began to cut:
down wood; and in pulling up the root of a tree, I espied an iron
ring, fastened to a trap-door of the same metal. I took away .
the earth that covered: it, and having lifted it up, saw stairs, down
which I went, with my axe in my hand.

» When I came to the bottom of the stairs, I found anysclt in
a large palace, which .put me into great consternation, because of .
a great light which appeared as clear in it-as if it had been
above ground in the open air. I went forward along a gallery:
supported by pillars of jasper, the base and capitals. of massy gold ;
but seeing a lady: of a noble and free air and extremely beautiful
coming towards me, my eyes were taken | off from beholding any
other object but her alone. ue! oo

- Being desirous to spare the lady the trouble of coming to: me,.
I made haste to meet her; ‘and as I was saluting her with a low
bow, she asked me, Oe are you, a man or a genie ?’

the King’s Son . SE 1093

“¢A man, madam,’ said I: ‘I have no correspondence with genies.’

‘By what adventure,’ said she, fetching a-deep sigh, ‘are you
come hither? I have lived here these twenty-five years, and never
saw any man but yourself during that time.’

Her great beauty, and the sweetness and civility wherewith she
received me, emboldened me to say to her, ‘Madam, before I have
the honour to satisfy your curiosity, give me leave to tell you that
I am infinitely pleased with this unexpected meeting, which offers
me an occasion of consolation in the midst of my affliction; and
perhaps it may give me an opportunity to make you also more
happy than you are.” I gave her a true account by what strange
accident she saw me, ‘the son of a king, in such a condition as I
then presented to her eyes; and how fortune directed that I should
discover the entrance into that magnificent prison where I had found :
her according to aprcarancss in an unpleasant situation.

‘Alas! prince, said she, sighing once more, ‘you have just
cause to believe this*rich and pompous prison cannot be otherwise
than a most wearisome abode; the most charming place in the
world being no way delightful hen we are detained there contrary
to our will. You have heard of the great Epitimarus, King of the

Isle of Ebony, so called from that precious wood, which it produces
in abundance: I am the princess his daughter.

‘The king, my father, had chosen for me a husband, a prince ~
that was my cousin; but in the midst of the rejoicing at the court,
before I was given to my husband, a genie took me away. I fainted
at the same moment, and lost my senses; and when I came to myself
again, I found myself in this place. I was for a long time incon-
solable, -but time and necessity have accustomed me tothe genie.
Twenty-five years, as I told you before, I have continued in this
place; where, I must confess, ] have ‘everything that I can wish
for necessary to life, and also everything that can Satisty. a princess
fond of dress and fashions.

194 xs | _the Story of

Every ten days, continued the princess, ‘the genie comes hither
to see me. Meanwhile, if I have occasion for him by day or night,
as soon as I touch a talisman which is at the entrance into my
chamber, the genie appears.. It is now the fourth day since. he
was here, and I do not expect him before the end of six more;
so, if you please, -you. may stay five days and keep me com-
pany, and I will endeavour to entertain you acconding to your rank
and merit’

I thought myself too fortunate in having obtained so great
a favour without asking it to refuse so obliging an offer. The
princess made me go into a bath, which was the most sumptuous
that could be imagined; and when I came forth, instead of my
own clothes, I found another very costly suit, which I did not esteem
so much for its richness as because it made me look worthy to
be in her company. We sat down on a sofa covered with. .rich
tapestry, with cushions to lean upon of the rarest Indian brocade;
and soon after she covered a table with several dishes of delicate
meats. We ate together, and passed the remaining part of the
day with much satisfaction. ;

The next day, as she contrived every means to please’ me, she
brought in, at dinner, a bottle of old wine, the most excellent that
ever was tasted; and out of complaisance she drank some part of it
- with me. When my head grew hot with the agreeable liquor, ‘Fair
' princess,’ said I, ‘you-have been too long thus buried alive: follow
me, and enjoy the real day, from which you have been deprived so
‘many years, and abandon this false light that you have here.’

‘Prince, replied she, with a smile, ‘stop this discourse; if out
of ten days you will grant me nine, and resign the last to the genie,
the fairest day that ever was would be nothing in my esteem.’

‘ Princess, said I, ‘it is the fear of the genie that makes you. speak
thus ; for my part, I value him so little that I will break his talisman -
in pieces, Let him come, I will expect him; and how btave or

the King’s Son BE 195

redoubtable soever he be, I will make him feel the weight of my
arm: I swear, solemnly that I will extirpate all the genies in the
world, and him first’ The princess, who knew the consequences,
conjured me not to touch the talisman; ‘for that would be a
means,’ said she, ‘to ruin both you and me: J know what belongs
to genies better than you. The fumes of the wine. did not suffer
me to hearken to her reasons; but I gave the talisman a kick with
my foot, and broke it in vera pieces.

The talisman was no sooner broken, than the palace began
to shake, and was ready to fall with a hideous noise like thunder,
accompanied with flashes of lightning and a great darkness. This
terrible noise in a moment dispelled the fumes of my wine, and
made me sensible, but too late, of the folly I had committed,
‘Princess, cried I, ‘what means all this?’

She answered ina fright, and without any concern for her owt
misfortune, ‘Alas! you are undone, if you do not escape immediately,’

I followed her ‘advice, and my fears were so great that I forgot
my hatchet and cords. I had scarcely got to the stairs by which I
came down, when the enchanted palace opened, and made a passage
for the genie: he asked the princess, in great anger, ‘ What has hap-
pened to you, and why did you call me?’

‘A qualm,’ said the princess, ‘made me fetch this bottle which
you see here, out of which I drank twice or thrice, and by. mis-
chance made a false step, and fell upon the oe which is
broken, and that is all’

At this answer the furious genie told her, ‘You are a false
woman, and a liar: how came that axe and those cords there?”

‘I never saw them till this moment,’ said the princess. ‘Your
coming in such an impetuous manner has, it may be, forced them
up in some place as you came along, and so brought them hither
without your knowing it.’

The genie made no other answer but reproaches nace blows

: os
196 ok | The Story of

of which I heard the noise. I could not endure to hear the pitiful
cries and shouts of the princess, so cruelly abused; I had already
laid off the suit she made me put on, and taken my own, which
I had laid on the stairs the day before, when I came out of the
bath; I. made haste upstairs, distracted with sorrow and com-
passion, as I had been the cause of so great a misfortune. For
by sacrificing the fairest princess-on earth to the barbarity of a
merciless genie, I was become the most criminal and ungrateful
of mankind. ‘It is true, said I, ‘she has been a prisoner these ,
"twenty-five years; but, liberty excepted, she wanted nothing that
could make her happy. My folly has put an end to her happiness,
and brought upon her the cruelty of an unmerciful monster. 1 let
down the trap-door, covered it again with earth, and returned to
the city with a burden ef wood, which I bound up without eenowite,
what I did, so great was my trouble and sorrow.

My landlord, the tailor, was very much rejoiced to see me.

_ “Your absence, said he, ‘has disquieted me very much, because

_ you had entrusted me with the secret of your birth, and I knew:
not what to think; I was afraid somebody had discovered -you:
God be thanked for your return.’ I thanked him for his zeal and
affection, but not a word durst I say of what had passed, nor the
reason why I came back without my hatchet and cords.

I retired to my chamber, where I reproached myself a thousand
times for my excessive imprudence. ‘ Nothing,’ said I, ‘could have
paralleled the princess’s good fortune and mine had T forborne
to break: the: talisman.’

While I was thus giving myself over to claucholy thoughts,
the tailor came in. ‘An old man, said he, ‘whom I do not know,
brings me here your hatchet and cords, which he found in his way,
as he tells me, and understood from your comrades that you lodge
here; come out and speak to him, for he will deliver them to none
but yourself’.

.. The enchanted palace opened, and made a passage for the genie.
the King’s Son ww 197

At this discourse I changed colour, and began to tremble. While
the tailor was asking me the reason, my chamber door opened,
and the old man appeared to us with my hatchet and cords. This
was the genie, the ravisher of the fair princess of the Isle of Ebony,
who had thus disguised himself, after he had treated her with the
utmost barbarity. ‘I am a genie,’ said he,‘son of the daughter of
Eblis, prince of genies. ‘Is not this your hatchet, and are not these

your cords?’

‘After the genie had put the ‘question to me, he gave me no
time to answer, nor was it in my power, so much had his terrible
aspect disordered me. He grasped me by the middle, dragged me
out of the chamber, and ‘mounting into the air, carried me up to
the skies with such swiftness that I was unable to take notice
of the way he carried me. He descended again in like manner
to the earth, which on a sudden he caused to open with a stroke of
his foot, and‘ so sank down at once, where I found myself in the
enchanted palace, before the fair princess of the Isle of Ebony.
But alas, what a spectacle was there! I saw what pierced me to
the heart; this poor princess was weltering in her blood upon the
ground, ‘more dead than alive, with her cheeks bathed in tears.

‘ Perfidious wretch,’ said the genie to her, pointing at me, ‘who
is this?” :

“She cast. her languishing ‘eyes upon me, and answered mourn-
fully, ‘I-do not know-him; I never saw him till this moment,’

‘What!’ said the genie, ‘he is the cause of thy being in the
condition thou art justly in, and yet darest thou a thou dost
not know him?’ Ee

‘Tf Ido not know him, ead the princess, ‘would you have me
teli a lie on purpose to ruin him?’ ca

‘Oh then,’ continued the genie, pulling out a scimitar, and pre-_
senting it to the princess, ‘if you never saw him before, take the
scimitar and cut off his head.
198 % = | The Story of —

‘Alas!’ replied the princess, ‘my strength is so far spent that I
cannot lift up my arm, and if I could, how should I have the heart
to take away the life of an innocent man ?’

‘This refusal, said the genie to the princess, ‘sufficiently informs
me of your crime.” Upon which, turning to me, ‘And thou,’ said
he, ‘dost thou not know her?’

I should have been the most ungrateful wetehe and the most per-
fidious of all mankind, if I had not shown myself as faithful to the
princess as she was to me who had been the cause of her mis-
fortunes ; therefore I answered the genie, ‘ How should I know her?’

‘If it be so,’ said he, ‘take the scimitar and cut off her head:
on this condition I will set thee at liberty, for then. I shall be.
convinced that thou didst_ never see her till this very moment, as
thou sayest.’ ;

‘With all my heart, replied I, and took the scimitar in my hand.

But I did it only to demonstrate by my behaviour, as much as
possible, that as she had shown her resolution to sacrifice her life
for my sake, I would not refuse to sacrifice mine for hers, The
princess, notwithstanding her pain and sufferifig, understood my | ~
meaning, which she signified by an obliging look. Upon this I
stepped back, and threw the scimitar on the ground. ‘I should for
ever, said I to the genie, ‘be hateful to all mankind were I to be so
base as to murder a lady like this, who is ready to give up the ghost :
do with me what you please, since I am in your se I cannot
obey your barbarous commands.’

‘I see, said the genie, ‘that you both outbrave me, but both of
you shall know, by the treatment I give you, what I am capable of
doing.’. At these words the monster: took up the scimitar and cut
off one of her hands, which left her only so much life as to give:
“me atoken with the other that she bid me adieu for ever, the sight
of which threw me into a fit. When I was come to myself again,
I expostulated with the genie as to why he made me languish in,
the King’s Son - ome 199

- i

expectation of death. ‘Strike’ cried I, ‘for I am ready to receive
the mortal blow, and expect it as the greatest favour you can show
me.’ But instead of agreeing to that, ‘Look you, said he, ‘how
genies treat their wives whom they suspect : she has. received you
here, and were I certain that she had put any further affront upon
me, I would put you to death this minute: but I will be content to
transform you into a dog, ape, lion, or bird. Take your choice of
any of these; I will leave it to yourself,’ , 2

These words gave me some hope to mollify him. ‘Oh genie,
said I, ‘moderate your passion, and since you will not take away
my life, give it me generously ; I shall always remember you, if you
pardon me, as one of the best men in the world.’

‘ All that I can do for you,’ said he, ‘is, take your life: do
not flatter yourself that I will send you back safe and sound ; I must
let you feel what I am able to do by my enchantments.’ So saying,
he laid violent hands on me, and carried me across the vault of the
subterranean palace,.which opened to give him passage. Then he
flew up with meso high that the earth seemed to be only a little
white cloud ; from thence he came down like lightning, and alighted
upon the ridge of a mountain. ;

There he took up a handful of earth, and pronounced, or rather
muttered, some words which I did not understand, and threw it upon
me. ‘Quit the shape of a man, said he to me, ‘and take on you
that of an ape. He vanished immediately, and left me alone,
transformed into an ape, overwhelmed with sorrow in a strange
country, and not knowing whether I was near or far from my
father’s dominions. oe

I went down: from the top of the mountain and came into a plain’ |
which took me a month’s time to travel through, and then I came to
the seaside. It happened to be then a great calm, and I espied
a vessel about half a league from the shore. ‘Unwilling to lose this
good opportunity, I broke off a large branch from a tree, which
BOCeE The Story of

T carried with me to the seaside, and set myself astride upon it, with
a stick in each hand to serve me for oars,

I launched out in this .posture, and advanced near the ship.
When I was near enough to be known, the seamen and passengers
that were upon the deck thought it an extraordinary sight, and
all of them looked upon’ me with great astonishment. In the
meantime I got aboard, and laying hold of a rope, I jumped upon
the deck, but having lost my speech, I found myself in great
perplexity ; and indeed the risk I ran then was nothing i than
when I was at the mercy of the genie,

The merchants, being both superstitious and scrupulous, believed
I should occasion some mischief to their voyage if they received
me; ‘therefore, said one, ‘I will knock him down with a haind-
spike’; said another, ‘I will shoot an arrow through him’ ;. said
a third, ‘Let us throw him into the sea.’ Some of them would
not have failed to do so, if I had not got to that side where the
captain was. I threw myself at his feet, and took him by. the
coat in a begging posture. This’ action, together with the’ tears
which he saw. gush from my eyes, moved his compassion ; so: that
he took me under his protection, threatening to be: revenged on him:
that would do me the least hurt; and he himself made very much of
me, while I on my part, though I had no- power to speak, ones all
possible signs. of gratitude by my gestures,

The wind that succeeded the calm was gentle and pvcieble wid
did not change for. fifty days, but. brought us safe to the port of
a fine city, well peopled, and of great trade, the oe of a powerful
State, where we came to anchor. &

Our vessel was speedily ‘surrounded with an infinite nannber
of boats full of people, who came to congratulate their friends upon
their safe arrival, or to inquire for those they had left behind them
in the country from whence they came, or out of curiosity to see a
ship that came! from a far. coun
the King’s So SE 201


Amongst the rest, some officers came on board, desiring to speak
with the merchants in the name of the sultan. The merchants
appearing, one of the officers told them, ‘The sultan; our master,
hath commanded us to acquaint you that he is glad of your safe
arrival, and prays you to take the trouble, every one of you, to write
some lines upon this roll of paper. You must know that we had.a
prime vizier who, besides having a great capacity to manage affairs,
understood writing to the highest. perfection. This minister is lately
dead, at which the sultan is very much troubled ; and since he can
never behold his writing without admiration, he has made a solemn
vow not to give the place to any man but to him who can write as
well as he did. Many people have presented their writings, but, so
far, nobody in all this empire has been judged worthy to supply the
vizier’s place.’

Those merchants that believed they could write well enough to
aspire to this high dignity wrote one after another what they thought
fit. After they had done, I advanced, and took the roll out of the
gentleman’s hand; but all the people, especially the merchants, cried
out, ‘He will tear it, or throw it into the sea, till they saw how
properly I held the roll, and made a sign that I would write in my
turn; then they were of another opinion, and their fear turned into
admiration. However, since they had never seen an ape that could
write, nor could be persuaded that I was more ingenious than other
apes, they tried to snatch the roll out of my hand; but the captain
took my part once more. ‘ Let him alone, said he; ‘suffer him to
write. If he only scribbles the paper, I promise you that I will -
punish him on the spot. If, on the contrary, he writes well, as I
hope he will, because I never saw an ape SO clever and ingenious
and so quick of apprehension, I do declare that I will own him as
my son; I had one that had not half the wit that he has.’ Per-
ceiving that nobody opposed my design, I took the pen and wrote

_six sorts of hands used among the Arabians, and each specimen
202 gh. The Story of

contained an extemporary verse or poem in praise of the sultan. My
writing did not only excel that of the merchants, but, I venture.
to say, they had not before seen any such fair writing in. that

’ country. When I had done, he officers took the roll, and carried

it to the sultan. ae a
The sultan took little notice ‘of any of the other writings, but he
the King’s Son | , oz 203

carefully considered mine, which was: so much to his liking that he
said to the officers, ‘Take the finest horse in my stable, with the
richest harness, and a robe of the most sumptuous brocade to put
upon that person who wrote the six hands, and bring him hither
to,me’ At this command the officers could not forbear laughing.
The sultan grew angry at their boldness, and was ready to punish
them, till they told him, ‘ Sir, we humbly beg your majesty’s pardon;
these hands were not written by a man, but by an ape.’

‘What do you say?’ said the sultan. ‘Those admirable cha-
racters, are they not written by the hands of a man te

‘No, sir’ replied the officers; ‘we do assure your majesty that
it was an ape, who wrote them in our presence.’

The sultan was too much surprised at this not to desire a sight
of me, and therefore said, ‘ Bring me speedily. that wonderful ape.’

The officers returned to the vessel and:showed the captain their-
order, who answered that the sultan’s commands must be obeyed.
Whereupon they clothed me with that rich brocade robe and carried
me ashore, where they set me on horseback, whilst the sultan waited
for me at his palace with a great number of courtiers, whom. he
gathered together to do me the more honour.

The cavalcade having begun, the harbour, the streets, the public
places, windows, terraces, palaces,,and houses were filled with an
infinite number of people of all sorts, who flocked from all parts of
the city to see me; for the rumour. was spread in.a moment that the
sultan had chosen an ape to be his grand vizier; and after having
served for a spectacle to the people, who could not forbear to express
their surprise by redoubling their shouts and cries, I arrived at the
palace of the sultan. on ts

_ I found the prince on his throne in the midst of the grandees; I
made my bow three times very low, and at last kneeled and kissed
the ground before him, and afterwards sat down in the posture of
an ape. The whole assembly admired me, and could not com-
204. | The Story of

prehend how it was possible that an ape should understand so well
how to pay the sultan his due respect; and he himself was more
astenished than any one. In short, the usual ceremony of the
audience would have been complete could I have added speech to
my behaviour: but apes never speak, and the advantage I had of
having been a man did not allow me that privilege.

The sultan dismissed his courtiers, and none remained by him but
‘the chief of the chamberlains, a young slave, and myself. He went
from his chamber of audience into his own apartment, wheré he
ordered dinner to be brought. As he sat at table he gave me a sign
to come near and eat with them: to show my obedience I kissed
the ground, stood up, sat down at table, and ate with discretion
and moderation.

Before the table was uncovered, I espied a writing-desk, which I
“made a sign should be brought me: having got it, I wrote upon a_
large peach some-verses after my way, which testified my acknow-
ledgment to the sultan, which increased his astonishment. When the
table was uncovered, they brought him a particular liquor, of which
he caused them to give me a glass. [I drank, and wrote upon it some
new verses, which explained the state I was reduced to after many
sufferings. The sultan read them ‘likewise, and said, ‘A man that
was capable of doing so much would be above the greatest, of men.’

The sultan caused them to bring in a chess-board, and asked me,
by a sign, if I understood the game, and would play with him. I
kissed the ground, and laying my hand upon my head, signified that
I was ready to receive that honour. He won the first game, but I
won the second and third; and perceiving he was somewhat dis-
pleased at it, I made a poem to pacify him; in which I told him that
two potent armies had been fighting fusigusly all day, but that they
made.up.a peace towards the evening, and passed the remaining part
of the night very peaceably together upon the field of battle.

-So many circumstances appearing to the sultan far beyond what- .
the King’s Son we 205

ever any one had-either seen or known of the cleverness or sense of
apes, he determined not to be the only witness of those prodigies
himself; but having a daughter, called the Lady of Beauty, on whom
the chief of the chamberlains, then present, waited, ‘Go, said the
sultan to him, ‘and bid your lady come hither: I am desirous she
should share my pleasure.’ ;

The chamberlain went, and immediately brought the Brcess who
had her face uncovered ; but she had no sooner come into the room
than she put on her veil, and said to the sultan, ‘Sir, your majesty
must needs have forgotten yoursélf: I am very much Sore S that
your majesty has sent for me to appear among men.’

‘Nay, daughter, said the sultan, ‘you do not know what you say:
here is nobody but the little slave, the chamberlain your attendant
and myself, who have the liberty to see your face; and yet you lower
your veil, and blame me for having sent for you hither.’

‘Sir? said the princess, ‘your majesty shall soon understand that I
am not in the wrong. ~ That ape you see before you, ‘though he has
the shape of an ape, is a young prince, son of a great king; he has

_been metamorphosed into an ape by enchantment. A genie, the son

of the daughter of Eblis, has maliciously done him this wrong, after
“having cruelly taken away the life of the Princess of the Isle of
Ebony, daughter to the King Epitimarus.’

The. sultan, astonished at this discourse, turned feeacds me
and-asked no more by signs, but in- plain words if it was true
what his daughter said? Seeing I could not speak, I put my
hand to my head to signify that what the princess spoke was true.
Upon this the sultan said again to his daughter, ‘How do you
know that this prince has been transformed by enchantments into
an ape?’

‘Sir, replied: the Lady of Beauty, ‘ your majesty may remember
that when I was past my infancy, I.had an old lady to wait upon
me; she was a most expert magician, and» taught me seventy rules
206 anit | The Story of

of magic, by virtue of which I can transport your capital city into
the midst of the sea in the twinkling of an eye, or beyond Mount
Caucasus. By this science I know all enchanted persons at first
sight. I know who they are, and by whom they have been enchanted.
Therefore do not be surprised if I should forthwith relieve this
Prince, in spite of the enchantments, from that which hinders him
from appearing in your sight what he naturally is,’

‘Daughter, said the sultan, ‘I did not believe you to have
understood so much.’

‘Sir’ replied the princess, ‘these things are curious and worth
knowing, but I think I ought not to boast of them,’

‘Since it is so, said the sultan, ‘you can dispel the prince’s

‘Yes, sir, said the princess, ‘I can restore him to his first
shape again.’ : :

“Do it then, said the sultan ; “you cannot do me a greater
pleasure, for I will have him to be my vizier, and he shall
marry you. at Nes

‘Sir, said the princess, ‘I am ready to obey you in all that
you may be pleased to command me’

The princess, the Lady of Beauty, went into her apartment,
from whence she brought in a knife, which had some Hebrew
words engraven on the blade; she made.the sultan, the master
of the chamberlains, the’ little slave, and myself, go down into a
private court of the palace, and there left. us under a gallery that
went round it. She placed herself _in the middle of the ‘court, |
where she made a great circle, and within it she wrote several
words in Arabic. characters, some of them ancient, and others. of
those which they call the characters of Cleopatra, =

When she had finished and prepared the circle as she thought
fit, she placed. herself in the centre of it, where she began spells,
and -repeated verses out. of the Koran. The air grew insensibly
the King’s Son — | ats 207


dark,.as if it had been night and the whole world about to be

dissolved ; we found ourselves struck with a panic, and this fear

increased the more when we saw’ the genie, the son of the

daughter of Eblis, appear on a sudden in the shape of ’a lion of a
_ frightful size.

As soon as the princess perceived this monster, ‘You dog,
said she, ‘instead of creeping before me, dare you present yourself
in this shape, thinking to frighten me Pee

‘And thou, replied the lion, ‘art thou not -afraid to break the
treaty which was solemnly made and confirmed between us by
oath, not to wrong or to do one another any hurt?’

«Oh! thou cursed creature!’ replied the princess, ‘I can justly
reproach thee with doing so.’

The lion answered fiercely, ‘Thou shalt quickly have thy reward
for the trouble thou hast given me to return.’ With that he opened
his terrible throat, and tan at her to devour her, but she, being on
her guard, leaped backward, got time to. pull out one of her hairs
and, by pronouncing three or four words, changed it into a sharp

_ sword, wherewith she cut the lion through the middle in two pieces.

The two parts of the lion vanished, and the head only was left,
which changed itself into a large scorpion. Immediately the prin-
cess turned herself into a serpent, and fought the scorpion, who.
finding himself worsted, took the shape of an eagle, and flew away ;° ,
but the serpent at the same time took also the shape of an eagle
that was black and much stronger, and pursued him, so that we
lost sight of them both. :

Some time after they had disappeared, the ‘ground opened before
us, and out of it came forth a cat, black and white, with her hair
standing upright, and mewing in a frightful manner; a black wolf
followed her close, and gave her no time to rest. The cat, being
thus hard beset, changed herself into a worm, and beirig nigh to.
a pomegranate that had ‘accidentally fallen from a tree that grew
208 w& : The Story of

— i-

on the side of a canal which was deep but not broad, the worm
pierced the pomegranate in an instant, and hid itself. The
pomegranate swelled immediately, and became as big as a gourd,
which, mounting up to the roof of the gallery, rolled there for some
space backwards and forwards, fell down again into the court, and
broke into several pieces.

The wolf, which had in the meanwhile transformed itself into a
cock, fell to picking up the seeds of the pomegranate one after
another, but finding no more, he came towards us with his wings
spread, making a great noise, as if he would ask us whether there
were any more seeds. There was one lying on the brink of the
canal, which the cock perceived as he went back, and ran speedily
thither, but just as he was going to pick it up, the seed rolled into
the river, and turned into a little fish.

The cock jumped into the river and was turned into a pike
that pursued the small: fish ; they continued both under water for
over two hours, and we knew not what had become of them. All
of a sudden we heard terrible cries, which made us tremble, and
a little while after we saw the genie and “princess all in flames.
They threw flashes of fire out of their mouths at each other, till
they came to close quarters; then the two fires increased, with a
‘thick burning smoke, which mounted so high that we had reason
to fear it would set the palace on fire. But we very soon had a
more urgent reason for fear, for the genie, having got loose from
the princess, came to the gallery where we stood, and blew flames
of fire upon us. We should all have perished if the princess, running
to our assistance, had not by her cries forced him to retire, and
defend himself against her; yet, notwithstanding all her exertions,
she could not hinder the sultan’s beard from being burnt, and his’
face spoiled, nor the chief of the chamberlains from being stifled
_ and burnt on the spot. The sultan and I expected nothing but
death, when we heard a cry of ‘Victory, victory !’ and on a sudden
the King’s Son ¢&. 209

- io

the princess appeared in her natural shape, but the genie was reduced
to a heap of ashes.

The princess came near to us that she might not lose time, called
for a cupful of water, which the young slave, who had received no
damage, brought her. She took it, and after pronouncing some
words over it, threw it upon me, saying, ‘If thou art become an ape
by enchantment, change thy shape, and take that of a man, which
thou hadst before. These words were hardly uttered when I became
a man as I was before.

I was preparing to give thanks to the princess, but she prevented
me by addressing herself to her father, thus: ‘Sir, I have gained
the victory over the genie, as your majesty may see; but it is
a victory that costs me dear. I have but a few minutes to live, and
you will not have the satisfaction of making the match you intended;
the fire has pierced me during the terrible combat, and I find it
is consuming me by degrees. This would not have happened had >
I perceived the last-of the pomegranate seeds, and swallowed it
as I did the others, when I was changed into a cock; the genie
had fied thither as to his last entrenchment, and upon that the
success of the combat depended, without danger to me. This slip
obliged me to have recourse to fire, and to fight with those
mighty arms as I did between heaven and earth, in your presence ;
for, in spite of all his redoubtable art and experience, I made the
genie know that I understood more than he. I have conquered
and reduced him to ashes, but I cannot escape death, which is

The sultan suffered the princess, the Lady of Beauty, to go on
with the recital of her combat, and when she had done he spoke
to her in a tone that sufficiently testified his grief’ ‘My daughter,’
said he, ‘you see in what condition your father is; alas! I wonder
that I am yet alive!’ He could speak no more, for his tears, sighs
and sobs made him speechless ; his daughter and I wept with him.

Be2 :
210 ole - The Story of

In the meantime, while we were vieing with each other in grief,
the princess cried, ‘I burn! I burn!’ She found that the fire
which consumed her had at last seized upon her whole body, which
made her still cry ‘I burn,’ until death had. made an end of her
intolerable pains. The effect of that fire was so extraordinary that
in a few moments she was wholly reduced to ashes, like the genie. -

How grieved I was at so dismal a spectacle! I had rather all
my life have continued an ape or a dog than to have seen my
benefactress thus miserably perish. The sultan, being afflicted
beyond all that can be imagined, cried out piteously, and beat.
himself on his head, until being quite overcome with grief, he
fainted away, which made me fear for his life. In the meantime
the officers came running at the sultan’s cries, and with very much
ado brought him to himself again. There was no need for him and
me to give them a long narrative of this adventure, in order to
convince them of their great loss. The two heaps of ashes, into
which the princess and the genie had been reduced, were sufficient
demonstration. The sultan was hardly able to stand, but had to be
supported till he could get to his apartment.

When the news of the tragical event had spread through the
palace and the city, all the people bewailed the misfortune of the
princess, the Lady of Beauty, and were much affected by the sultan’s
affliction. Every one was in deep mourning for seven days, and many
ceremonies were performed. The ashes of the genie were thrown
into the air, but those of the princess were gathered into a precious
urn to be kept, and the urn was set in a stately tomb which was
built for that purpose on the same place where the ashes had lain.

The grief which the sultan. felt for the loss of his. daughter
threw him into a fit of illness, which confined him ‘to his chamber for
a whole month. . He had not fully recovered. strength when he sent
for me: ‘ Prince,’ said he, ‘hearken to the orders that I now give you; .
it will cost you your life if you do not put them into execution” I

the King’s Son : WB 211

assured him of exact obedience, upon which he went on thus: ‘I
have constantly lived in perfect felicity, and was never crossed by

“any accident: but by your arrival all the happiness I possessed is

vanished; my daughter is dead, her attendant is no more, and it is
through a miracle that I am yet alive. You are the cause of all
those misfortunes, for which it is impossible that I should be
comforted ; therefore depart ‘from hence in peace, without farther
delay, for I myself must perish if you stay any. longer: I am
persuaded that your presence brings. mischief along with it. This is
all I have to say to you. Depart, and beware of ever appearing
again in my dominions; no consideration whatsoever shall hinder
me from making you. repent of it I was going to speak, but he
stopped my mouth with words full of anger; and so I was obliged
to leave his palace, rejected, banished, an outcast from the world,
and not knowing what would become of me. And so I became

‘a hermit.


The First. Voyage of


<5|Y FATHER left. me a considerable

x estate, the best part of which I spent
in riotous living during my youth ;
but I perceived my error, and re-
flected that riches were perishable,
and quickly consumed by such ill
managers as myself. I further con-
sidered that by my irregular way
of living I had wretchedly misspent
my time, which is the most valuable
thie in the world, Struck with those reflections, I collected the
remains of my furniture, and sold all my patrimony by public auction
to the highest bidder. Then I entered into a contract with some
merchants, who traded by sea: I took the advice of such as I

thought most capable to give it me; and resolving to improve what
money I had, I went to Balsora, and embarked with several mer-
chants on board a ship which we jointly ‘fitted out.

We set sail, and steered our course towards the East aTadies
through the Persian Gulf, which is formed by the coasts of Arabia
Felix on the right, and by those of Persia on the left, and, according
to common opinion, is seventy leagues across at the broadest part.
Sinbad the Sailor EE 213

The eastern sea, as well as that of the Indies, is very spacious: it is
bounded on one side by the coasts of Abyssinia, and is 4,500 leagues
in length to the isles of Vakvak. At first I was troubled with
sea-sickness, but speedily recovered my health, and was not after-
wards troubled with that disease.

‘In our voyage we touched at several lands where we sold or:
exchanged our goods. One day, whilst under sail, we were ' be-
calmed near a little island, almost even with the surface of the
water, which resembled a green meadow. The captain ordered his
sails to be furled, and permitted such persons as had a mind to do
so to land upon the island, amongst whom I was one.

But while we were diverting ourselves with eating and drinking,
and recovering ourselves from the fatigue of the sea, the island on
a sudden trembled, and shook us terribly:

They perceived the trembling of the island on board: the ship,
and called us to re-embark speedily, or we should all be lost, for
what we took for an island was only the back of a whale. The
nimblest got into the sloop, others betook themselves to swim-
ming; but for my part I was still upon the back of .the whale when
he dived into the sea, and had time only to catch hold. of a: piece
of wood that we had brought out of the ship to make a fire. Mean-
while, the captain, having received those on board who were in the
sloop, and taken up some of those that swam, resolved to use the
favourable gale that had just risen, and hoisting his sails, pursued
his voyage, so that it was impossible for me to regain the ship.

Thus was I exposed to the mercy of the waves, and struggled for
my life all the rest of the day and the following night. Next morn-
ing I found my strength gone, and despaired of saving my life, when
happily a wave threw me against an island. The bank was high and
rugged, so that I could scarcely have got up had it not been for
some roots of trees, which fortune seemed to have preservéd in this
place for my safety. Being got up, I lay down upon the ground
214 & | The First Voyage of

half dead until the sun appeared; then, though I was very feeble,
both by reason of my hard labour and want of food, I crept along
to look for some herbs fit to eat, and had the good luck not only to
find some, but likewise a spring of excellent water, which contributed
much to restore me. After this I advanced farther into the island,
and came at last into a fine plain, where I perceived a horse feeding
at a great distance. J went towards him, between hope and fear,
not knowing whether I was going to lose my life or save it. Pre-
sently I heard the voice of a man from under ground, who imme-
diately appeared to me, and asked who I was. I ‘gave him an.
account of my adventure ; after which, taking me by the hand, he
led me into a cave, where there were several other. people, no less
amazed to than I was to see them.

I ate some victuals which they offered me, and then asked
them what they did in such a desert place. They answered that they
were grooms belonging to King Mihrage, sovereign of the island,
and that every year they brought thither the king’s horses. They
added that they were to get home to-morrow, and had I been one
day later I must have perished, because the inhabited part of
the island was at a great distance, and it would have been impossible
for me to have got thither without a ‘guide.

Next morning they returned with their horses to the capital
of the island, took me with them, and presented me to King Mihrage.
He asked me who I was, and by what adventure I came into his
dominions? And, after, I had satisfied him, he told me he was
much concerned for my misfortune, and at the same time ordered
that I should want for nothing, which his officers were,so generous
and to see exactly fulfilled.

Being a merchant, I frequented the society ae men of my own
profession, and particularly inquired for those who were strangers, if
perhaps 1 might hear any news from Bagdad, or find an opportunity :
to return thither, for King Mihrage’s capital was situated on the edge

Sinbad the Sailor we 215
i ae
of the sea, and had a fine harbour, where ships arrived daily from
the different quarters of the world. I frequented also the society of
~ the learned Indians, and took delight in hearing them discourse; but
_withal I took care to make my court regularly to the king, and
conversed with the governors and petty kings, his tributaries, that
were about, him. They asked me a thousand questions about my
country, and I, being willing to inform myself as to their laws and
customs, asked them everything which I thought worth knowing.
There belonged to this king an island named Cassel. They
assured me that every night a noise of drums was heard there,
whence the mariners fancied that it was the residence of Degial. I
had a great mind to see this wonderful place, and on my way thither
- saw fishes of one hundred and two hundred cubits long, that occasion
more fear than hurt, for they are so timid that they will fly at
_ the rattling of two sticks or boards. I saw likewise other fishes,
about a cubit in length, that had heads like owls.
As I was one day at the port after my return, a ship arrived, and
as soon as she cast anchor, they begun to unload her, and the
merchants on board ordered their goods to be carried into the
warehouse. As I cast my" eye upon some bales, and looked at
the name, I found my own, and perceived the bales to be the
same that I had embarked at Balsora. I also knew the captain;
but being persuaded that he believed me to be drowned, I went and
asked him whose bales they were. He replied: ‘They belonged
to a merchant of Bagdad, called Sinbad, who came to sea with
us; but one day, being near an island, as we thought, he went
ashore with several other passengers upon this supposed island,
which was only a monstrous whale that lay asleep upon the surface
of the water; but as soon as he felt the heat of the fire they had
kindled on his back to dress some victuals he. began to move,
- and dived under water: most of the persons who were upon him
perished, and among them unfortunate Sinbad. Those bales
2160 XK The First Voyage of

belonged to him, and I am resolved to trade with them until I meet.
with some of his family, to whom I may return the profit.’

- *Captain’ said I, ‘I am that Sinbad whom. you. oe to
be dead, and those bales are mine.’

When the captain heard me speak thus, ‘O heaven,’ said he,
‘whom can we ever trust now-a-days? There is no faith left among
men. I saw Sinbad perish own eyes, and the passengers
on board saw it as well as I, and yet you tell me you are that
Sinbad. What impudence is this! To look at you, one would
take you to be a man of honesty, and yet you tell a horrible
falsehood, in order to possess yourself of what does not belong
to you.’ :

‘Have patience, captain, replied I; ‘do me the favour to hear
what I have. to say.’ .

‘Very well, said he, ‘speak; I am ready to hear you.’ “Then I
told him how I escaped, and. by what adventure I met with the
grooms of King Mihrage, who brought me to his court.

He was soon persuaded that I was no cheat, for there came
people from his ship who knew me, paid me great compliments, and
expressed much joy alive. At last he knew me himself;
and embracing me, ‘Heaven be praised, said he, ‘for your happy
escape; I-cannot enough express my joy for it: there are your goods;
take and do with them what you will’ I thanked him, acknowledged
his honesty, and in return offered him part of my goods as a pce
which he generously refused.

I took out what was most valuable in my bales, and presented
it to King Mihrage, who, knowing my misfortune, asked me how I
came by such rarities. I acquainted him with the whole story. He
was mightily pleased at my good luck, accepted my present, and
gave me one much more considerable in return. Upon this I
took leave of him, and went aboard the same ship, after I had
exchanged my goods for the commodities of that country.. I carried

Sinbad the Sailo


ta. 217

with me wood of aloes, sandal, camphor, nutmegs, cloves, pepper, and
ginger. We passed by several islands, and at last arrived at Balsora,
from whence I came to this city, with the value of one hundred
thousand sequins. My family and I received one. another with
transports of sincere friendship. I bought slaves and fine lands, and
built me a great house. And thus I settled myself, resolving to forget
the miseries I had suffered, and to enjoy the pleasures of life.

The Second Voyage of


DESIGNED, after my first voyage, to spend the
rest of my days at Bagdad; but it was not
long ere I grew weary of a quiet life. My
inclination to trade revived. I bought goods
suited to the commerce I intended, and put
to sea a second time, with merchants of
known probity. We embarked on board a
good ship, and after recommending ourselves
to God, set sail. We traded from island to

island, and exchanged commodities with
great profit. One day we landed on an island covered with several
sorts of fruit trees, but so unpeopled, that we could see neither man
nor beast upon it. We went to take a little fresh air in the meadows,
and along the streams that watered them. Whilst some diverted.
themselves with gathering flowers, and others with gathering fruits, I
took my wine and provisions, and sat down by a stream betwixt two
great trees, which formed a curious shape. I made a very good meal,
and afterwards fell asleep. I cannot-tell how long I slept, but when
I awoke the ship was gone.

I was very much surprised to find the ship gone. I-got up and
looked about everywhere, and could not see one of the merchants
: who landed with me. At last I perceived the ship under sail, but at
such a distance that I lost sight of her in a very little time.

Sinbad the Sailor ; | #&. 219

TI leave you to guess at my melancholy reflections in this sad
condition. I was ready to die with grief: I cried out sadly, beat my
head and breast, and threw myself down upon the ground, where I
lay some time in a terrible agony. I upbraided myself a hundred
times for not being content with the produce of my first voyage, that
might well have served me all my life. But all this was in vain, and
my repentance out of season.

At last I resigned myself to the will of God; and not knowing:
what to do, I climbed up to the top of a great tree, from whence I
looked about on all sides to see if there was anything that could give
me hope. When I looked. towards the sea, I could see nothing but
sky and water, but looking towards the land I saw something white ;
and, coming down from the tree, I took up what provision I had left
and went towards it, the distance being so great that I could not
distinguish what it was.

When I came nearer, I Hoven? it to be a. white bow! of a
prodigious height. and bigness; and when I came up to it-I touched
it, and found it to be very’smooth. I went round to see if it was
open on any side, but saw it was not, and that there was no climbing
up to the top of it, it was so smooth. It was at least fifty paces round.

By this time the sun was ready to set, and all of a sudden the sky
became as dark as if it had been covered with a thick cloud. I was
much astonished at this sudden darkness, but much more when I
found it was occasioned by a bird, of a monstrous size, that came
flying toward me. I remembered a fowl, called voc, that I had often
heard mariners speak of, and conceived that the great bowl, which I so
much admired, must needs be its egg. In short, the bird lighted, and
sat over the egg to hatch it. As I perceived her coming, I crept close -
to the egg, so that I had before me one of the legs of the bird, which

_ was as big as the trunk of a tree. I tied myself strongly to it with
the cloth that went round my turban, in hopes that when the roc .
flew away next morning she would carry me with her out of this
220 oe The Second Voyage of

desert island. And after having passed the night in this condition,
the bird really flew away next morning, as soon as it was day, and
carried me so high that I could not see the earth. Then she des-
cended all of a sudden, with so much rapidity that I lost my senses 3
but when the roc was settled, and I found myself upon the ground, I
speedily untied the knot, and had scarcely done so when the bird,
having taken up a serpent of a monstrous length in her bill,
flew away.

The place where she left me was a very deep valley, encompassed
on all sides. with mountains, so high that they seemed to reach above
the clouds, and so full of steep rocks that there was no possibility of
getting out of the valley. This was a new perplexity, so that when
I compared this place with the desert island from which the. roc
brought me, I found that I had gained nothing by the change.

As I walked through this valley I perceived it was strewn with
diamonds, some of. which were of surprising bigness. I took a great
deal of pleasure in looking at them; but speedily I saw at a distance
such objects as very much diminished my satisfaction, and which I
could not look upon without terror; they were a great number of
serpents, so big and so long that the least of them was capable of
swallowing an elephant. They retired in the day-time to their dens,
where they hid themselves from the roc, their enemy, and did not
come out but in the night-time.

I spent the day in walking about the valley, resting myself at
times in such places as I thought most suitable. When night came on
I went into a cave, where I thought I might be in safety. I stopped
the mouth of it, which was low and straight, with a great stone, to
* preserve me from the serpents, but not so exactly fitted as to hinder
light from coming in. I supped on part of my provisions, but the
serpents, which began to appear, hissing about in the meantime,
put me into such extreme fear that you may easily imagine I did
not sleep: When day appeared the serpents retired, and I came
Sinbad the Sailor = fB 221


out of the cave trembling. I can justly say that I walked a long
time upon diamonds without feeling an inclination to touch any of
them. At last I sat down, and notwithstanding my uneasiness, not
having shut my eyes during the night, I fell asleep, after having
eaten a little more of my provisions; but I had scarcely shut my
eyes, when something that fell by me with great noise awakened me.
This was a great piece of fresh meat, and at the same time I saw
several others fall down from the rocks in different places.

I had always looked upon it as a fable when I heard mariners
and others discourse of the valley of diamonds, and of the strata-
gems made use of by some merchants to get jewels from thence ;
but now I found it to be true. For, in. reality, those merchants
come to the neighbourhood of this valley when the eagles have
young ones, and throwing great joints of meat into the valley,
the diamonds, upon whose points they fall, stick to them; the
eagles, which are stronger in this country than anywhere else,
pounce with great force upon those pieces of meat, and carry them
to their nests upon the top of the rocks to feed their young with,
at which time the merchants, running to their nests, frighten the

eagles by their noise, and take away the diamonds that stick to
the meat. And this stratagem they make use of. to get the diamonds
out of the valley, which is surrounded with such Poe that
nobody can enter it.

I believed till then that it was not possible for me to get out
of this abyss, which I looked upon as my grave; but now I changed
my mind, for the falling in of those pieces of meat put me in hopes
of a way of saving my life.

I began to gather together the largest diamonds that I could
see, and put them into the leathern bag in which I used to carry
my provisions. I afterwards took the largest piece of meat I could
find, tied it close round me with the cloth of my turban, and then
laid myself upon the ground, with my face downward, the bag of

222 9% The Second Voyage of

diamonds being tied fast to my girdle, so that it could not possibly
drop off. x .

I had scarcely laid me down before the eagles came. Each of
them seized a piece of meat, and one of the strongest having taken
me up, with a piece of meat on my back, carried me to his nest on the
top of the mountain. The merchants fell straightway to shouting, —
to frighten the eagles; and when they had obliged them to quit
their prey, one of them came to the nest where I was. He was
very much afraid when he saw me, but recovering himself, instead

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of inquiring how I. came thither, he began to quarrel with me, and
asked why-I stole his goods. ‘You will treat me,’ replied I, ‘with
more civility when you know me better. Do not trouble yourself;
I have diamonds enough for you and myself too, more than all .
the other merchants together. If they have any, it is by chance ;
but I chose myself in the bottom of the valley all those which you
see in this bag’; and having spoken those words, I showed them
to him. I had scarcely done speaking, when the other merchants _
Sinbad the Sailor he 223

came trooping about us, much astonished to see me; but they
were much more surprised when I told them my story. Yet
' they did not so much admire my stratagem to save myself as my
courage to attempt it.
‘They took me to the place where they were staying all together,
and there having opened my bag, they were surprised at the large-
ness of my diamonds, and confessed that in all the courts where
they had been they had never seen any that came near them. I
prayed the merchant to whom the nest belonged (for every merchant
had his own), to take as many for his he pleased. He
contented himself with one, and that too the least of them ; and
when I pressed him to take nore, without fear of doing me any
injury, ‘No, said he, ‘I am. very ‘well satisfied with this, which is
valuable enough to save me:the trouble of making any more voyages
to raise as great a fortune as I desire.’ os
I spent the night with those merchants, to whom I told my
story a second time, for the satisfaction of those who had not heard
-it,. I could not moderate my joy when I found myself delivered
from the danger. I have mentioned: I thought I was in a dream,
and could scarcely believe myself to be out of danger.
‘The merchants had thrown their pieces of meat into the valley
_ for several days, and each of them being satisfied with the diamonds
that had fallen to his lot, we left the place next morning all together,
and travelled near high mountains, where there were serpents of a
prodigious length, which we liad the good fortune to escape. We
took ship at the nearest port and came to the Isle of Roha, where
the trees grow that yield camphor. This tree'is so large, and its
branches so thick, that a hundred men may easily sit under its
_ shade. The juice of which the camphor is made runs out from a
hole bored in the upper part of the tree, is received in a vessel,
where it grows thick, and becomes what we call camphor; and the
juice thus drawn out the tree withers and. dies. :

224 Be The Second Voyage of

There is in this island the rhinoceros, a creature léss than the
elephant, but greater than the buffalo; it has a horn upon
its nose about a cubit: long; this horn is solid, and cleft in the
middle from one end to the other, and theré are upon. it white
lines, representing the figure of a man. The rhinoceros fights with
the elephant, runs his horn into him, and carries him off upon his
head; but the blood of the elephant running into his eyes and
malene him blind, he falls to the ground, and then, strange to
relate, the roc comes and carries en both away in her claws to
be food for her young ones.

Here I’ exchanged some of my diamonds for good merchandise.
From thénce we went to other isles, and: at last, having touched
at several trading towns of the main land, ‘we landed, at ‘Balisora,
from whence I, went to Bagdad. There I. immediately gave great
alms to the poor, and lived Ronontably upon ne vast riches I had
gained with 80 much fatigue. ey

Sinbad the Sailor


THE GHiRDeVOVAGE sob ll) ae

HE pleasures of the: life which I then:
led soon. made me forget the risks I
had run in my two former voyages ;
but, being then in the flower of my
age, I grew weary of living without
business; and hardening myself against _
the thought of any danger I might
incur, I went from Bagdad, with the
richest commodities of the country, to
Balsora: there I embarked again with.
the merchants. We made a long voyage, and touched at several
ports, where we drove a considerable trade. One day, being out in
the main ocean, we were attacked by a horrible tempest, which made
us lose our course. ‘The tempest continued several days, and brought
us before the port of an island, where the captain was very unwilling
to enter ; but we were obliged to’ cast anchor there. When we had.
furled our sails the captain told us that this and some other neigh-
bouring islands were inhabited by hairy savages, who would speedily
attack us; and though they were but dwarfs, yet our misfortune was.
that we must make no resistance, for they were more in number
than the locusts; and if we happened to kill one of them ne would
all.fall upon us and destroy us. :
This discourse of the captain put the whole company into a great.
consternation ; and we found very soon, to our cost; that wae he had.

226 oS he Tous Wowie of


told us was but too true; an innumerable multitude of frightful
savages, covered all over with red hair, and about two feet high, came
swimming towards us, and in a little time encompassed our ship.
They spoke to us as they came near, but we understood not their
language; they climbed up the sides of the ship with an agility
that surprised us. We beheld all this with mortal fear, without daring -
“ to offer to defend ourselves, or to speak one word to divert them from _
their mischievous design. In short, they took down our sails, cut the
cable, and, hauling to the shore, made us all get out, and afterwards
carried the ship into another island, from whence they had come.
All travellers carefully avoided that island where they left us, it being
‘very dangerous to stay there, for a reason you shall hear anon; but
we were forced to bear our affliction with patience.
‘We went forward into the island, where we found some fruits and
herbs to prolong our lives as long as we could; but we expected
nothing but death. As we went on we perceived at a distance a great
pile of building, and made towards-it. We found it to be a palace,
well built, and very lofty, with a gate of ebony with double doors,
which we thrust ‘open.. We entered the court, where-we saw before
us a vast apartment with a porch, having on one side a heap of men’s
bones, and on the other a vast number of roasting spits. We trem-
bled at, this spectacle, and, being weary with: travelling, our legs
failed under us: we fell. to the. Enea seized with: deel ce and
lay a long time motionless. eee
The sun had set, and whilst we were in ‘the lamentable’ condition
just mentioned, the gate of the apartment opened with a great noise,
and there came out the horrible figure of a black man, as high
as a tall palm tree. He had but one eye, and that in the middle
of his forehead, where it looked as red as a burning. coal. His
- fore-teeth were very long and sharp, and -stood out of his mouth,
which was as deep as that of a horse; his upper lip hung downi
upon his breast; his ears resembled those of an ‘elephant, and.
Sinbad the Sailor ‘ 27,

covered his shoulders; and his nails were as long and crooked as
the talons of the greatest birds. At the sight of so jcehetal a ea
we lost all our senses, and lay like men dead.

At last we came to ourselves, and saw him sitting in the porch,
looking at us. When he had considered us well, he advanced
towards us, and laying his hand upon me, he took me up by the
nape of my neck, and turned me round as a butcher would do a
sheep’s head. After having viewed me well, and perceiving me to lean that I had nothing but ‘skin and bone,*he let me go.
He took up all the rest, one by one, and viewed them in the same
manner; and the captain ‘being the fattest, he held. him .with one
hand, as I might a sparrow, and thrusting a spit through him, kindled
a great fire, roasted, and ate him in his apartment for his supper.
This. being done, he returned to his porch, where he lay and fell
asleep, snoring. louder. than thunder... He slept: thus till morning.
‘For our parts, it was not possible for us to enjoy, any ‘rest; so that
-we passed the night in the most cruel fear that can. be anes
Day being come, the giant awoke, got up, went out, and left us
‘in the palace. "

’When we thought him at a distance, we broke the melancholy
‘silence we had kept all night, and every one grieving more than
‘another, we made the palace resound with our complaints and
groans, ‘Though there were a great many of us, and we /had but

one enemy, we had not at first the presence of mind to think of
delivering ourselves from him by his death.

We thought of several other things, but determined nothing ;
so that, submitting to what it should please God to order con-
cerning us, we spent the day in running: about: the island for fruit
and herbs to.sustain our lives. When evening came, we sought
-for a place to lie down in, but found none; so that we were forced,

‘whether we would or not, to return to the palace. .
‘The giant failed not to come back, and supped once more
228 The Third Voyage of


upon one of our companions; after which -he slept, and snored
till day, and then went out and left. us as formerly. Our:condition
was so very terrible that several of my comrades designed to throw
themselves into the sea, rather than die so. strange a death.
Those who were of this mind argued with the rest to follow their
example; upon which one of the company answered that we were
forbidden , to: destroy ourselves; but even if it were lawful, it was
more reasonable to think of a way to.rid ourselves of the Becoareus
tyrant who designed so cruel a death for us.

Having thought of a project for that end, I communicated the
same to my comrades, who approved it. ‘Brethren,’ said I, ‘you know
there is a great deal of timber floating upon the coast; if you will
be adviséd by me, let us make séveral rafts that may carry us,
and when they are done, leave them there till. we think fit to
make use of them. In the meantime we will execute the design
to deliver ourselves from the giant, and if it succeed, we may stay .
here with patience till some ship pass by to carry us out of this
fatal island; but if it happen to miscarry, we will epecdily, get to
our rafts, and put to sea. I confess, that by exposing ourselves
-to the: fury of thé waves, we run a risk of ‘losing our lives ; but if
we do, is it not better to be buried in the sea. than in the entrails
of this‘ monster, who has. already..devoured two of us?’ My
advice was relished, and we made fe capable : ‘of carrying three
‘persons each.

“We returned to the palace towards. evening, and He. ‘giant
.arrived a little while after. We were forced to see another of our
‘comrades, roasted, But at last we. revenged ourselves . on: the
brutish giant thus. After he had’ made an end of.his cursed
supper, he lay down on his back, and fell asleep. -As soon as we
‘heard him snore, according to: his custom, nine ‘of. the boldest
‘among’ us, and myself, took each of us a spit, and putting the points
_of them into the fire till they were burning hot, we thrust them
Sinbad the Sailor — 9 229


into his eye all at once, and blinded him. The pain occasioned
him to make a frightful cry, and to get up and stretch out his
hands in order to sacrifice. some of us to his rage, but we ran to
places where he could not find us; and after having sought for
us in vain, he groped for the.gate, and went out, howling dreadfully.

We went:out of the palace after the giant, and came to the
shore, where. we had left our rafts, and put them immediately into
the sea. We waited till day in order to get upon them, in case
the giant came towards us with any guide of his own species ;..but
we hoped that if he did not appear by. sunrise, and gave over
this -howling, which we still heard, he would die; and if that
‘happened to be the case, we resolved to stay in the island, and
not to risk our lives upon the rafts. But day had scarcely appeared
when we’ perceived our cruel enemy, accompanied ' by .two others
almost of the same.size leading him, anda great number more
coming. before. him. with a very quick pace. .

When we saw this, we made no delay,’ but got Peach,
upon ‘our rafts, and rowed off. from the shore. ‘The giants, who
‘perceived this, took up great stones, and‘ running to the shore
entered. the: water up to their waists, ‘and threw so exactly that
they sank’all the rafts but that I was upon, and all. my. companions,
‘except .the two with me, were drowned. We. rowed. with all our
might, and got out of the reach of the giants; but. when we got
out to sea, we were exposed to the mercy of the waves and winds,
and tossed about, sometimes on one side, and sometimes on another,
‘and spent that night and the following day under a cruel uncertainty
as to our fate ;.but’next morning we had the good luck to be thrown
upon. an island, where we landed with .much. joy. .We found
excellent fruit there, that gave us great relief, so’ that we pretty
swell recovered our strength.

‘In the evening we fell asleep on the paule of the sea, but were _
‘awaked by ‘the. noise of a serpent as a palm -tree, whose

230 & | The Third Voyage of

scales made a he crept along. He swallowed up one
of my comrades, notwithstanding his loud cries and the efforts he
made to rid himself from the serpent, which shook him’ several
times against the ground, and crushed him; and we could hear him
gnaw and tear the poor wretch’s bones, when we had fled a great
distance from him. Next day we saw the serpent again, to our
great terror, and I cried out, ‘O heaven, to what dangers are we
exposed! We rejoiced yesterday at having escaped from the cruelty
of a giant and the rage of the waves, and now are we fallen into
another danger altogether as terrible.’

As we walked about we saw a large tall tree, upon which we |
designed to pass the following night, for our security; and having
satisfied our hunger with fruit, we mounted it accordingly. A little
while after, the serpent came hissing to the root of the tree, raised
itself. up against the trunk of it, and meeting with my comrade,
who sat lower than I, swallowed him at once, and went off.

I staid upon the tree till it was day, and then came down, more
like a dead man than: oné alive, expecting the same fate as my
two companions... This filled me with horror, so that I was going
‘to throw myself into the sea; but nature prompting us to a desire
to live as long. as we can, I withstood this temptation to despair,
and submitted myself to the will of God, who disposes of our lives
at His pleasure. oes fe

In the meantime I gathered together a great quantity of small ©
wood, brambles, and dry thorns, and making them up into faggots
made a great circle with them round the tree, and also tied
- some of them to the branches over my head. Having done thus,
when the evening came I shut myself up within this circle, with
this melaricholy piece of. satisfaction, that I had neglected nothing
which could preserve me from the cruel destiny with which I was
threatened. The serpent failed not to’ come at the usual hour, —
and went round the tree, seeking for an opportunity to devour
Sinbad the Sailor ee me 231

me, but was prevented by the rampart I had made, so that he lay
till day, like a cat watching in vain for a mouse that has retreated
toa place of safety. When day eppeesed he retired, but I dared
not to leave my fort until the sun arose.
I was fatigued with the toil he had put me to, and suffered so
much from his poisonous breath that, death seeming preferable to
-me than the horror of such a condition, I came down from the
tree, and not thinking on the resignation I had made to the will
of God the preceding day, I ran towards the sea, with a design
to throw myself into it headlong. ome
God took. compassion on my desperate state, for just a as I was
going to throw myself into the sea, ‘I perceived a ship at a con-
siderable distance. I called as loud as I’ could, and taking the
linen from my turban, displayed it that ‘they | ‘might observe me.
This had the desired effect; all the crew perceived me, and the
‘captain sent his boat for me. As soon as:I came aboard, the
‘merchants and searfien flocked about me to know how: I came to
that desert island; and after I had told them of all that befell
me, the oldest among them’ said they had several: times heard
of the giants that dwelt in that island, that they were cannibals
and ate. men raw as well .as roasted ; and as to the serpents,
he added, there were abundance in. the isle that hid themselves:
by day and came abroad by night. After having ‘testified their
- joy at my escaping so many dangers, they brought me the best
of what they had to eat; and the captain, seeing that I was all
in rags, was so generous as to give me one of his own suits.
We were at sea for some time, touched ,at several islands, and
at last landed at that of Salabat, where there , igrows sanders, a wood
of great use in physic. We entered the port, and came ‘to anchor.
‘The merchants ‘began, to unload their goods, in order to sell or
exchange them: In the meantime the captain came-to me,’and said,
‘ Brother, I have here a par: cel of aoe that belonged to a merchant

232 %K The Third Voyage of


who sailed some time on board this ship; and he being dead, I
intend to dispose of them for the benefit of his heirs, when I
know them.’ The bales he spoke of lay on the deck, and showing
them to me, he said, ‘There are the goods; I hope you will take
care to sell them; and you shall have a commission.’ I thanked
him that he gave me an opportunity to employ myself, because
I hated--to be idle.

The clerk of the ship took an account of all the bales, with
the names of’ the- merchants to whom they belonged; and when
he asked the captain in whose name he should enter those he gave
me the charge of, ‘Enter them,’ said the captain, ‘in the name
of Sinbad the ‘sailor’ I could not hear myself named without
some emotion, and looking steadfastly on the captain, I knew him
to be the person who, in my second voyage, had left me’ in the
island where I fell asleep by a brook, and set sail without me, and
without sending to look: forme. But-I could not remember him
at first, he was so much altered since I saw him. co

And as for him, who believed me. to be ‘dead, I could - not
wonder at his not knowing me. ‘But, captain,’ said I, ‘was-the
merchant’s ‘name’ to whom those goods belonged Sinbad ?’

‘“Yes,’* replied’ he, ‘that was his: mame; he came from Bagdad,
and embarked on board my ship at Balers One day, when we
landed at an island to take in water and other refreshments, I know
‘not by what mistake I set sail without observing that he did not
te-embark ‘with us ; neither I nor the metchants perceived it- till four
hours after. We ‘had! the: wind in our stern and so fresh a gale
that. it was not. then possible for us to tack about for him.’

‘You believe him then to be dead?’ said I.

‘Certainly, answered he. - :

‘No, captain,’ said I; ‘look « upon me,: and you may know that
I am Sinbad, whom you left in. that desert’ island. I fell asleep
‘by a brook, and when I awoke I. found all the company gone.’
Sinbad the Sailor 7 me 233

The captain, having considered me attentively, knew me at last
embraced me, and said, ‘God be praised that fortune has supplied
my defect.. There are your goods, which I always took care to
preserve and to make the best of at every port where I touched.
I restore them to you, with the profit Ihave made on them. I
took them from him, and at the same time acknowledged how much
I owed to him. ah

From the Isle of Salabat we went to another, where I furnished
myself with cloves, cinnamon, and other spices. As we sailed
from that island we saw a tortoise that was twenty cubits in length
and breadth. We observed also a fish which looked like a cow, and
gave milk, and its:skin hard that they usually make bucklers of
it. Isaw another which had the shape and colour of a camel. In
‘short, after a long voyage, I arrived at Balsora, and from thence
‘returned to this city of Bagdad, with so much riches that I knew not
‘what I-had. I gave a-great deal to ‘the poor, and bought another

. -great/ estate in addition: to what I-had already.

whe Fourth Voyage of



HE PLEASURES I took after my
third voyage had not charms enough ©
to divert me from another. I was
again prevailed upon by my passion for
_traffic and curiosity to see new things.
_ I therefore settled my affairs, and hav-
ing provided a stock of goods fit for the
‘places where I designed to trade, I set
out on my journey. I took the way of
; Persia, of which I travelled over several
provinces, and then arrived at a port, where I ernbarked. We set
sail, and having touched at several ports of the mainland and some
of the eastern islands, we put out to sea, and were overtaken by
a sudden gust of wind that obliged the captain to furl his sails, and
to take all other necessary precautions to prevent the danger that
threatened us. But all was in vain; our endeavours had no effect,
the sails were torn into a thousand pieces, and the ship was’
stranded ; so that a great many of the merchants and seamen were

drowned, and the cargo lost.

_ I had the good fortune, with several of the merchants and.
mariners, to get a plank, and we were carried by the current to an
island which lay before us: there we found fruit and spring water,
which preserved our lives. We stayed all night near the place where
Sinbad the Sailor | Be 235

the sea cast us ashore, without consulting what we should do, our
misfortune had dispirited us so much. . .

’ Next morning, as soon as ‘the sun was up, we walked from the
shore, and advancing into the island, saw some houses, to which
we went; and as soon as we came thither we were encompassed
by a great number of black men, who seized us, shared us amos
them, and carried us to their respective habitations.

I and five of my comrades were carried to one place ; they made
us sit down immediately, and gave us a certain herb, which they
made signs to us to eat. My comrades, not taking niotice that the
black men ate none of it themselves, consulted only the satisfying of
their own hunger, and féll to eating with greediness: but I, suspecting
some trick, would not so much as taste it, which happened well ©

for me; for in a little time I perceived my companions had lost
their senses, and that when they spoke to me they knew not what
they said.
' The black men fed us afterwards with rice, “prepared. with oil
of cocoanuts, and my comrades, who had lost their reason, ate of
it greedily. I ate of it also; but very sparingly. The black men
gave us that herb at first on purpose to deprive us of our senses,
that wé might not be aware of the sad destiny prepared for us; and
they gave us rice On purpose to fatten us, for, being cannibals, their
design was to eat us as soon as we grew fat. They did accordingly
eat my comrades, who were not aware of their condition ; but my
‘senses ‘being entire, you may easily guess that instead of growing
fat, as the rest did, I grew leaner every day. The fear of death
under which I laboured turned all my food into poison. I fell into
a languishing illness ‘which proved ‘my safety, for the black men
having killed and eaten’ up my companions, seeing me to be
withered, lean, and sick, deferred my death till another time.

Meanwhile, I had a. great deal of liberty, ‘so that there was

scarcely any notice taken of ‘what I did, ‘and this gave me an
236 me iliats Fourth Voyage of

Opportunity one day to get at a distance from the houses, and to
make my escape. An old man who saw me, and suspected my
design, called to me as loud as he could to return, but instead
of obeying him, I redoubled my pace, and quickly got out of sight.
At that time there was none but the. old man about the houses, the
rest being away, and not to come home till night, which was pretty
usual with them ; therefore, being sure that they could not come in
time to pursue me, I went on till night, when I stopped to rest a
little, and to eat some of the provisions I. had taken care to bring ;
but I speedily set forward again, and travelled seven days, avoiding
those places which seemed to be inhabited, and living for the most
part upon cecoanuts, which served me for both meat and drink.
On the eighth day I came near the sea, and all of a sudden saw
white people like myself gathering pepper, of which there was
great plenty in that place. This I took to. be a good omen, and
went to them without any scruple.
The people who gathered pepper me as soon as
they saw me, and asked me in Arabic who I was, and whence I
came. I was overjoyed to hear them speak in my own language,
and satisfied their curiosity: by. giving them an account of my
shipwreck, and how I fell into the hands of the black men. ‘Those
black men,’ replied they, ‘are cannibals, and by what miracle did
you escape their cruelty?’ I told them the same story I now tell
you, at which they were wonderfully surprised. = ;
I stayed with ‘them till they had gathered. their quantity of
pepper, and then sailed with them to the island from whence
they came. They presented me to their king, who was a good
prince. He had the patience to hear the relation of my adventures,
which surprised him, and he afterwards gave me _ clothes, and
commanded care to be taken of me. Et eaeae =
_ .The island was very well. peopled, ‘plentiful in everything, and
the capital was a place of great trade, This ‘agreeable retreat, was
Sinbad the Sailor A. 237


* yery comfortable to me after my misfortune, and the kindness of -
this generous prince towards me completed my satisfaction. In a
word, there was not a person more in favour with him than myself;
and, in consequence, every man in court and city sought to oblige ~
me, so that in a very little time I was. looked upon rather as a
native than a stranger.

I observed one thing which to me appeared very extraordinary.
All the people, the king himself not excepted, rode their horses
without bridle or stirrups. This mgde me one day take the liberty
to ask the king how that came to pass. His majesty answered, that
I talked to him of things which nobody knew the use of in his’
dominions. I went immediately to a workman, and gave him a
model for making the stock of a saddle. When that was done, I

covered it myself with velvet and leather, and embroidered it with
gold. I afterwards went to a locksmith, who made me a bridle
according to the pattern I showed him, and then he made me also
some stirrups. When-I had all things completed, I presented them
to the king, and put them upon one of his horses. His majesty
mounted immediately, and was so pleased with them, that he testi-
fied -his satisfaction by large presents to me. I could not avoid
making several others for his ministers and. the principal officers of
his household, who all of them made me presents that enriched me
in a little time. I also made some for the people: of best quality
in the city, which gained me great reputation and regard.

As I paid court very constantly to the king, he said to me one
day, ‘Sinbad, I love thee; and all my subjects wha know thee
treat thee according to my example.. I have one thing to demand
of thee, which thou must grant’

‘Sir, answered I, ‘there is nothing but I will do, as a mark of
my obedience to your majesty, whose power over me is absolute.’

‘J have a mind thou shouldst marry,’ replied he, ‘that so thou
mayst stay in my dominion, and think no more of thy own country,
23 San kk | | _The Fourth Mae of

I aared not resist the prince’s will, and so he gave me one of ©
the ladies of his court, a noble, beautiful, and rich lady. - The
ceremonies of marriage being over, I went and dwelt with the lady, |
and for some time we lived together in perfect harmony. I was
not, however, very well satisfied with my condition, and_ therefore
designed to make my escape on the first occasion, and to return
to Bagdad, which my present settlement, how advantageous soever,
could not make me forget. —

While I was thinking on this, the wife of one of my neighbours,

_ with whom I had contracted a very close friendship, fell sick and
died: I went to see and comfort him in his affliction, and finding
him swallowed up with sorrow, I said to him as soon as I saw him,
‘God preserve you and grant you a long life’

.* Alas!’ replied he, ‘how do you think I should obtain that

‘favour you wish me? I: have not above an hour to live’

‘Pray, said I, ‘do not entertain sucha melancholy thought ;
I hope it will not be so, but that I shall enjoy your company for -
many years.’ . .

‘I wish you, said he, ‘a long life; but for me my days are at
an end, for'I must be buried this day with my wife. This is
a law which our ancestors established in this island, and always
observed inviolably.. The living husband is interred with the dead
wife, and the living wife: with the dead husband. Nothing. can
save me; every one must ‘submit to this law’

While he was eritertaining’me with an account of this barbarous
custom, the very hearing of which frightened me cruelly, his kindred,
friends and neighbours came in a body to assist at the funerals.
They put on the corpse the woman’s richest apparel, as if it had
been her wedding-day, and dressed her with all her jewels; then
they put her into an open coffin, and lifting it up, began their
march to the place of burial. The husband walked at. the Head
of the company, and followed the corpse. They went up to-a high

Sinbad the Sailor RE. 239


mountain, and when they came thither, took up a great stone, which
covered the mouth of a very deep pit, and let down the corpse, with
all its apparel and jewels. Then the husband, embracing his kindred
and friends, suffered himself to be put into another open coffin without
resistance, with a pot of -water, and seven little loaves, and was
let down in the same manner as they let down his wife. The
mountain was pretty long, and reached to the sea. The ceremony
being over, they covered the hole again with the stone, and returned.

It is needless to say that I was the only melancholy spectator
of this funeral, whereas the rest were scarcely moved at it, the
practice was so customary to them. I could not forbear speaking
my thoughts on this matter to the king. ‘Sir, said I, ‘I cannot
but wonder at the strange custom in this country of burying the
living with the dead. I have been a great traveller, and seen many
countries, but never heard of so cruel a law.’

‘What do you mean, Sinbad?’ said the king; ‘it is a common
law. I shall be interred with the queen, my wife, if she die first.’

‘But, sir” said I, ‘may I presume to ask your ee. if strangers -
be obliged to observe this law ?’

‘Without doubt, replied the king, smiling at, my question ; Pier

are not exempted, if they are married in this island’

I went home very melancholy at this answer, for the fear of
my wife dying first, and my beng interred alive with her, occa-
sioned me very mortifying reflections. But there was no remedy:
I must have patience, and submit to the will of God. I trembled,
however, at every little indisposition of my wife; but alas! in a
little time my fears came upon me all at once, for she fell ill, and
died in a few days.

You may judge of my sorrow; to be interred alive seemed to me
as deplorable an end as to be devoured by cannibals. But I must -
submit; the king and all his court would honour the funeral with
their presence, and the most considerable people of the city would

240 Be The Fourth Voyage of

do the like. When all was ready for the ceremony, the corpse was
put into a coffin, with all her jewels and magnificent apparel.
The cavalcade began, and, as second actor in this doleful tragedy,
I went next to the corpse, with my eyes full of tears, bewailing my
deplorable fate. Before I came to the mountain, I addressed myself
to the king, in the first place, and then to all those who were round
me, and bowing before them to the earth to kiss the border of
their garments, I prayed them to have compassion upon me,
‘Consider, said I, ‘that I am a stranger, and ought not to be
subject to this rigorous law, and that I have another wife and
child in my own country.’ It was to no purpose for me to’ speak
thus, no soul was moved at it; on the contrary, they made haste
to let down my wife’s corpse into the pit, and put me down the
next moment in an open coffin, with a vessel full of water and
seven loaves. In short, the fatal ceremony being performed, they
covered up the mouth of the pit, notwithstanding the excess of my
grief and my lamentable cries.

As I came near the bottom, I discovered, by help of the little
light that came from above, the nature of this subterranean place ; it
was a vast long cave, and might be about fifty fathoms deep: I
‘immediately smelt an insufferable stench proceeding from the
multitude of corpses which I saw on the right and left; nay, I
fancied that I heard some of them sigh out their last: Hogerce
when I got down, I immediately left my coffin, and, getting at a
distance from the corpses, lay down upon the ground, where I
stayed a long time, bathed in tears. Then reflecting on my sad
lot, ‘It is true, said I, ‘that God disposes all things » according
to the decrees of His providence; but, poor Sinbad, art not thou
thyself the cause of thy being brought to die so strange a death?
Would to God thou hadst perished in some of those tempests which
‘thou hast escaped! Then thy death had not been so lingering
and terrible in all its circumstances. But thou. hast drawn all’ this:
Sinbad the Sailor & 241


upon thyself by thy cursed avarice. Ah! unfortunate wretch,
shouldst thou not rather have stayed at home, and quietly enjoyed
the fruits of thy labour?’

Such were the vain complaints with which. I made the cave
echo, beating my head and breast out of rage and despair, and
abandoning myself to the most afflicting thoughts. Nevertheless, I
must tell you that, instead of calling death to my assistance in that
‘miserable condition, I felt still an inclination to live, and to do all
I could to prolong my days. I went groping about, with my nose
stopped, for the bread and water that was in my coffin, and’took
some of it. Though the darkness of the cave was so great that
I could not distinguish day and night, yet I always found my coffin
again, and the cave seemed to be more spacious and fuller of corpses
than it appeared to me at first. I lived for some days upon my
‘bread and water, which being all used up at last I prepared
for death.

As I was thinking of death, I heard something walking, and .
blowing or panting as it walked. I advanced towards that side from
whence I heard the noise, and upon my approach the thing puffed
and blew harder, as if it had been running away from me. I
followed the noise, and the thing seemed to stop sometimes, but
always fled and blew as I approached. I followed it so-long and
so far that at last I perceived a light resembling a star; I went
on towards that light, and’ sometimes lost sight of it, but always
found it again, and at last discovered that it came through a hole
in the rock large enough for a man to get out at.

Upon this 1 stopped.some time to rest myself, being much
fatigued with pursuing this discovery so fast. ~Afterwards coming
up to the hole I went out at it, and found myself upon the shore
of the sea. I leave you to guess the excess of my joy; it was
such that I could scarce persuade myself of its being real.

But when I had recovered from. my SUIDESS and was convinced

R 2

242 ome , | The Fourth Voyage of

of the truth of the matter, I found that the thing which I had —
followed and heard puff and blow was a creature which came out
of the sea, and was accustomed to enter at that hole to feed upon
the dead carcasses. |

I examined the mountain, and perceived it to be-situated betwixt
the sea and the town, but without any passage or way to commu-
nicate with the latter, the rocks on the side of the sea were so
rugged and steep. I fell down upon the shore to thank God for
this mercy, and afterwards entered the cave again to fetch bread
and water, which I did by daylight, with a better appetite than I
had done since my interment in the dark hole.

-T returned thither again, and groped about among the biers for
all the diamonds, rubies, pearls, gold bracelets, and rich stuffs I
could find. These I brought to the shore, and, tying them up neatly
into bales with the cords that let down the coffins, I laid them —
together upon the bank to wait till some ship passed by, without |
fear of rain, for it was not then the. season.
' After two or three days I perceived a ship. ‘that had but just
come out of the harbour and passed near the: place where I was.
ae I made a sign with the linen of my turban, and called to them
as loud as I could. They heard me, and sent a boat to, bring me-

ae the Sailor ~ | . KK 243


on: board, when the mariners asked -by what. misfortune I came
thither. I told them that I had suffered shipwreck two days ago,
and made shift to get ashore with the goods they saw. It was
happy for me that those people did not consider the place where
I was, nor inquire into the probability of what I told them; but
without any more ado took me on board with my goods. When

'. I came to the ship, the captain was so well pleased to have saved
me, and so much taken up with his own affairs, that he also took
the story of my pretended shipwreck upon trust, and generously
refused some jewels which I offered him. _

We passed with a regular wind by several islands, among others
the one called the Isle of Bells, about ten days’ sail from Serendib,
and six from that of Kela, where we landed. THis island produces
lead from its mines, Indian canes, and excellent camphor.

The king of the Isle of Kela is very rich and potent, and the
Isle of Bells, which is about two days’ journey in éxtent, is also
subject to him. The inhabitants ‘are. so barbarous that they still
eat human flesh. After we had finished our commerce in that —
island: we put to sea again, and touched. at several other. ports:
At last I‘ arrived happily at Bagdad with infinite riches, of which
it is needless to trouble you with the detail. -Out of thankfulness

_ to God for His mercies, I gave great alms for the support of several
mosques, and for the subsistence of the poor, and employed myself
wholly in enjoying the society of my kindred and friends, and in
making merry with them.

The Fifth Voyage of


HE PLEASURES J enjoyed again had
charm enough to make me forget ail
the troubles and calamities I had under-
gone, without curing me of my inclina-
tion to make new voyages. Therefore
I bought goods, ordered them to be
packed up and loaded, and set out with
them for the best seaport; and there,

' that I might not be obliged to depend

upon a captain, but have a ship at my.

own command, [ waited till one was built on purpose at my own
expense, When the ship was ready, I went on board with my goods;
but not having enough to load her, I took on board with me several

_ merchants of different nations, with their merchandise.

We sailed with the first fair wind, and after a long voyage, the
first place we touched at was a desert: island, where we found an
egg of a roc, equal in size to that I formerly mentioned. ‘There
was a young roc in it just ready to be hatched, and the bill of it
began to appear.

The merchants whom I had taken on board my ship, and who
landed with me, broke the egg with hatchets, and made a hole in it,
from whence they pulled out the young roc piece by piece, and

Sinbad the Sailor i: : te 245


roasted it. _I had earnestly persuaded them not to meddle with the
egg, but they would not listen to me.

Scarcely had they made an end of their feast, when there
appeared in the air, at a considerable distance from us, two great
clouds. The captain whom I hired to manage my ship, knowing by:
experience what it meant, cried that it was the cock and-hen roc that
belonged to the young one, and pressed us to re-embark with all
speed, to prevent the misfortune which he saw would otherwise befall
us. We made haste to do so, and set sail with all possible diligence,

In the meantime the two rocs approached with a frightful noise,
which they redoubled when they saw the egg broken, and-their-young
one gone. But having. a mind to avenge themselves, they flew back
towards the place from whence they came, and disappeared for some
time, while we made ‘all the sail we could to prevent that which
unhappily befell us.

They returned, and we observed that each of them carried.
between their talons Stones, or rather rocks, of a monstrous size.
When they came directly over my ship, they hovered, and one of
them let fall a stone; but by the dexterity ‘of the. steersman, who
turned the ship with the rudder, it missed us, and falling by the side
of the ship into the sea, divided the water so that-we could see almost
to the bottom. The other roc, to our misfortune, threw the stone so
exactly upon the middle of the ship that it split into a thousand
pieces. The mariners and passengers were all killed by the stone, or .
sunk. I myself had the last fate; but as I came up again I
fortunately caught hold of a piece of the wreck, and swimming
sometimes with one hand and sometimes with the other, but always
holding fast to my board, the wind and the tide favouring me, I
came to an island, where the beach was very steep. I overcame
that difficulty however, and got ashore.

I sat down upon the grass, to recover myself a | little from my
fatigue, after which I got up, and went into the island to view it.

ols ras | The. Fifth Voyage of

It seemed to pe a delicious garden. I’ found. trees everywhere,
some of them bearing green and others ripe fruits, and streams of
fresh pure water, with pleasant windings and -turnings. I ate of
the fruits, which 1 found excellent, and drank of the water, which
was very pleasant.

Night being come, I lay down upon the grass in a convenient
place enough, but I could not sleep for an hour at a time, my mind
was so disturbed with the fear of being alone in so desert a place.
Thus I spent the best part of the night in fretting, and reproached
myself for my imprudence in not staying at home, rather than
undertaking this last voyage. These reflections carried me so far,
that I began to form a design against my. own life, but daylight
- dispersed these melancholy thoughts, and I got up, and walked
among the trees, but not without apprehensions of danger.

When I was a little advanced into the island, I-saw an ‘old man
who appeared very weak and feeble. He sat upon the bank of a
stream, and at first I took him to be one who had been shipwrecked
like myself. I went towards him and saluted him, but he only
bowed his head a little. - I asked him -what he did there, but
instead of answering he made a sign for me to take him upon
my back and carry him over the brook, signifying that. it was to
gather fruit. ;

I believed him really to stand in need of my help, so took him
upon my back, and having carried him over, bade him get’ down,
and for that end stooped that he might’ get off with ease: but
instead of that (which I laugh at every time I think of it), the old
man, who to me had appeared very decrepit, clasped his legs nimbly
about my neck, and then I perceived his skin to resemble that
of a cow.: He sat,astride upon my shoulders, and held my throat
so tight hat I thought he would have strangled me, the oe of
which made me faint away and fall down.

pre my fainting, the ill- natured ‘old fellow kept

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Se : One

Susan's -SAUP > Us

Sinbad the Sailor mE 247

fast about my neck, but opened his legs a little to give me time
to recover my breath. When I had done s0, he thrust one of his
feet against my stomach, and struck. me so rudely on the side
with the other, that he forced me to rise up against my will. Having
got up, he made me walk under the trees, and forced me now and.
- then to stop, to gather and eat fruit such as we found. He never
left me all day, and when I lay down to rest by night, he laid

Sn 2



himself down with me, always holding fast about my neck. Every
morning he pushed me to make me wake, and afterwards obliged
me to get up and walk, and pressed me with his feet. You may
judge then what trouble I was in, to be loaded with such a burden
as I could by no’means rid myself of.
248 The Fifth Voyage of

One day I found in my way several dry calabashes that had
fallen from a tree; I took a large one, and, after cleaning it, pressed
into it some juice of grapes, which abounded in the island. Having
filled the calabash, I set it in a convenient place; and coming hither ©
again some days after, I took up my calabash, and ‘setting it to my
mouth found the wine to be so good that-it presently made me not
only forget my sorrow, but grow vigorous, and so light-hearted that
I began to sing and dance as I walked along. |

The old man, perceiving the effect which this drink had upon me,
and that I carried him with more ease than I did before, made a sign
for me to give him some of it. I gave him the calabash, and the
_ liquor pleasing his palate, he drank it all off He became drunk
immediately, and the fumes getting up into his head he began to sing
after his manner, and to dance upon my shoulders. His jolting
about made him sick, and he loosened. his legs from about me by
degrees ; so finding that he did not press me as before, I threw him
upon the ground, where he lay without motion, and then I took up a
great stone, with which I crushed his head to pieces,

I was extremely rejoiced to be freed thus for ever from this
cursed old fellow, and walked along the shore of the sea, where I met
the crew of a ship that had cast anchor to take in water to refresh
themselves. They were extremely surprised to see me, and to hear
the particulars of my adventures, “You fell,’ said they, ‘into the .
hands of the old man of _the sea, and are the first that has ever
escaped strangling by him. He never left those he had once made.
himself master of till he destroyed them, and he has made this island
famous for the number of men he has slain ; so that the merchants
and mariners who landed upon it dared not, advance into the island
but in numbers together,’ : no

After having informed me of these things they carried me with
them to the ship ;.the captain received me with great satisfaction
when they told him what had befallen me. He put out again to sea,
Sinbad the Sailor ws 249

and after some days’ sail we arrived at the harbour of a great city,
where the houses were built of good stone.

One of the merchants of the ship, who had taken me into his
friendship, asked me to go along with him, and took me toa place
appointed as a retreat for foreign merchants. He gave me a great
bag, and having recommended me to some people of the town, who
were used to gather cocoa-nuts, he desired them to take me with
them to do the like: ‘Go, said he, ‘follow them, and do as you see
them do, and do not separate from them, otherwise you endanger
your life” Having thus spoken, he gave me provisions for the
journey, and I went with them. ;

We came to a great forest of trees, extremely straight and tall,
their trunks so smooth that it was not possible for any man to
climb up to the branches that bore the fruit. All the trees were
cocoa-nut trees, and when we entered the forest we saw a great
number of apes of all sizes, that fled as soon as they perceived us,
and climbed up, to the top of the trees with surprising swiftness.

The merchants with whom I was gathered stones, and threw them

"at the apes on the top of the trees. I did the same, and the apes, out
of revenge, threw cocoa-nuts at us as fast and with such gestures as
sufficiently testified their anger and resentment: we gathered up the
cocoa-nuts, and from time to time threw stones to provoke the apes;
so that by this stratagem we filled our bags with cocoa-nuts, which it
had been impossible for us to do otherwise.

-When we had gathered our number, we returned to the city, where
the merchant who sent me to the forest gave me the value of the
cocoa-nuts I had brought; ‘Go on,’ said he, ‘and do the like
every day, until you have money enough to carry you home.’ I
thanked him for his good advice, and gathered together as many
cocoa-nuts as amounted to a considerable sum.

The vessel in which I came sailed with merchants who loaded her
with cocoa-nuts. I expected the arrival of another, whose merchants

250 ~~ = | The Fifth Voyage of

landed speedily for the like loading. I embarked on board the same
all the cocoa-nuts that belonged to me, and when she was ready to
sail I went and took leave of the merchant who had been so kind to
me; but he could not embark with me because he had not finished
his business.

We set sail towards the islands where pepper great
plenty. From thence we went to the Isle of Comari, where the best
sort of wood of aloes grows, and whose inhabitants have made it an
inviolable law to drink no wine themselves, nor to suffer any kind
of improper conduct. I exchanged my cocoa-nuts in those two islands
for pepper and wood of aloes, and went with other merchants pearl-
fishing. I hired divers, who ‘fetched me up those that were very large
and pure. Then I embarked joyfully in a vessel that happily arrived
at Balsora; from thence I returned to Bagdad, where I made vast
sums by my pepper, wood of aloes, and pearls. I gave the tenth of
my gains in alms, as I had done upon my return from other voyages,
and endeavoured to ease myself from my fatigue by diversions
of all sorts. . —

Sinbad the Sailor





2 a \FTER being: shipwrecked five times,
j NG eee Oe ore and escaping so many dangers, could ’
| “4 I resolve again to try my fortune, and
expose myself to new hardships? I |
am astonished at it myself when I
think of it, and must certainly have
| ‘been induced to it by my stars. But
be that as it will, after a year’s rest
I prepared for a sixth voyage, not-
withstanding the entreaties of my kin-
dred and friends, who. did all that was possible to prevent me,
Instead of taking my way by the Persian Gulf, I travelled once
more through several provinces of Persia and the Indies, and
arrived at ‘a sea-port, where I embarked on board a ship, the


captain of which was. resolved on a long voyage.

It was. very long indeed, but at the same time so unfortunate
that the captain and pilot lost their course, and knew not where
‘they were. They found it at last, but we had no reason to rejoice
at it. We were all seized with extraordinary fear when we saw
the captain quit his post, and cry out. He threw off his turban,
pulled his beard, and beat his head like a madman. We asked
him the reason, and he answered that he was in the most dangerous

252 A. | The Sixth Voyage of

place in all the sea. ‘A rapid current carries the ship along with it,
he said, ‘and we shall all of us perish in less than a quarter of an
hour. Pray to God to deliver us from this danger; we cannot escape
it if He does not take pity on us” At these words he ordered the
sails to be changed; but all the topes broke, and the ship, without
its being possible to help it, was carried by the current to the foot
of an inaccessible mountain, where she ran ashore, and was broken
to pieces, yet so that we saved our lives, our provisions, and the
best of our goods.
This being over, the captain said to us, ‘God has done what
pleased Him; we may every man dig our grave here, and bid the
world adieu, for we are all” in so fatal a place that none ‘ship-
wrecked here have ever returned to their homes again. His discourse
afflicted us sorely, and we embraced each other with tears in our
eyes, bewailing our deplorable lot, a
_ The mountain at the foot of which we were cast was the coast
of a very long and large island: This coast was covered all over
with wrecks, and from the vast number of men’s bones we saw every- |
where, and which filled us with horror, we concluded that abundance
of people had died there. It is also impossible to tell what a quantity
of goods and riches we found cast ashore there. All these objects
"served only to augment our grief. Whereas in all other places rivers
tun from their channels’ into the sea, here 4 great river of fresh
water runs out of the sea into a dark cave, whose entrance is very
high and large. What, is most remarkable in this place is that
the. stones of the mountain, are of crystal, rubiés, or- other precious
' stones. Here is also a sort. of fountain of pitch or bitumen, that
runs, into the. sea, which the fishes swallow, and then vomit up
again, turned -into ambergris ; and this the. waves throw up on the
beach jin great quantities, Here also grow trees, most of which are
wood: of aloes, equal-in goodness to those of Comari.

To finish the description of this place, which may well be called a
Sinbad the Sailor | 9 253

gulf, since nothing ever returns from it—it is not possible for ships to
get away again when once they come near it. If they are driven
thither by a wind from the sea, the wind and the current ruin them;
and if they come into it when a land-wind blows, which might seem
to favour their getting out again, the height of the mountain stops the
wind, and occasions a calm, so that the force of the current runs them

‘ ashore, where they are broken to pieces, as ours was; and that which
completes the misfortune is that there is no possibility to get to the
top of the mountain, or to get out any manner of way.

We continued upon the-shore, like men out of their senses, onal
expected death every day. At first we divided our provisions as
equally as we could, and thus everyone lived a longer or. shorter
time, according to. their temperance, and the use they made. of
their provisions.

Those who died first were interred by the rest; and, for my part,
I paid the last duty to all my companions. Nor are you to wonder at
this ; for besides that I husbanded the provision that fell to my share _
better than they,. I had provision of my own, which I did not share
with my comrades; yet when I buried the last, I had so little
remaining that I thought I could not hold out long: so I dug a
grave, resolving to lie down in it, because there was none left to
inter me. I must confess to you at the same time that while I was _
thus employed.I could not but reflect upon myself as the cause of my
own ruin, and repented that I had ever undertaken this last voyage ;
nor did I stop at reflections only, but had well nigh hastened my own
death; and began to tear my hands with my teeth.

_ But it pleased God once more to take compassion on me, and put
it in my mind to go to the bank of the river which ran into the great
cave; where,. considering the river with great attention, I said to
myself, ‘This river, which runs thus under ground, must come out
somewhere or other. If I make a raft, and leave myself to the
cufrent, it will bring me to some inhabited country, or If

254 onle =i _The Sixth Voyage of

I be drowned I lose nothing, but only change one kind of death for
another; and if I get out of this fatal place, I shall not only avoid
the sad fate of my comrades, but perhaps find some new occasion of
enriching myself, Who knows but fortune waits, upon my getting off
this dangerous shelf, to compensate my shipwreck with interest ??

I immediately went to work on a raft. I made it of large pieces
of timber and cables, for I had choice of them, and tied them
together so strongly that I had made a very solid little raft. When
I had finished it I loaded it with some bales of rubies, emeralds,
ambergris, rock-crystal, and rich stuffs. Having balanced all my
cargo exactly and fastened it well to the raft, I went on board it
with two little oars that I had made, and, leaving it to the course of
the river, I resigned myself to the will of God.

As soon as I came into the cave I lost all light, and the stream
carried me I knew not whither. Thus I floated for some days in per-
fect darkness, and once found the arch so low that it well nigh broke
my head, which made me very cautious afterwards to avoid the. like
danger. All this while I ate nothing but what was just necessary to
support nature ; yet, notwithstanding this frugality, all my provisions
were spent. : Then a pleasing sleep fell upon me. I cannot tell
how long it continued; but when I awoke, I was surprised to find
myself in the middle of a vast country, at the bank of a river, where
my raft was. tied, amidst a great number of negroes. I got up as
soon as I saw them and saluted ‘them. They spoke to me, but I did
not understand their language. I was so transported with joy that I
knew not whether I.was asleep or awake ; but being persuaded that I
- was not asleep, I recited the following words in Arabic aloud: ‘Call
upon the Almighty, he will help thee; thou needest not perplex —
thyself about anything else; shut thy eyes, and while thou art asleep, ©
God will change thy bad fortune into good. : 5

One of the blacks, who. understood Arabic, hearing me speak
; thus, came towards me and said, ‘Brother, be not surprised to see
Sinbad the Sailor . mB 255


US; we are inhabitants of. this country, and came hither to- -day
to water our fields, by digging little canals from this river, which
‘comes out of the neighbouring mountain. We saw something
floating upon the water, went speedily to find out what it was,
and perceiving your raft, one of us swam into the river, and brought
it hither, where we. fastened it, as you see, until you should awake.
Pray tell us your history, for it must be extr aordinary ; how did you
venture into this river, and whence did you come?’

- I begged of them first. to give me something to eat, and then
I would satisfy their curiosity. They gave me several sorts of
food; and when I had satisfied my hunger, I gave them a true
‘account of all that had. befallen me, which they listened to with

_ wonder. As soon as I had finished my discourse, they told me,
by the person who spoke Arabic and interpreted to them what
I\said, that it was one. of the most surprising stories they ever
heard, and that I must go along with them, and tell it to their king
myself; the story was too extraordinary to be told. by any. other
than the person to.whom it happened. I told then I. was. ready
to do whatever they pleased.

“They immediately sent for a horse, winch was ehichishe in a
little time; and having made me. get upon him, some of them
walked pelors me ‘to show me the way, and the rest took my raft
and cargo, and followed me.

' We marched thus altogether, till we came to the city of Serendib,
for it was in that island I landed. The blacks ° presented me to
their king; I approached his throne, and saluted. him as I used
to do the kings of the Indies; that is to say, I prostrated myself
at his feet, and kissed the earth. The prince ordered me to tise:
up, received me with an obliging air, and made me come up, and
sit. down near him. He. first asked. me my name, and I answered,
‘They call me Sinbad the sailor, because of the nay, voyages I
‘have undertaken, and I ama citizen of Bagdad,’

256 wh PE: .. : The Sixth Voyage of

‘But, replied he, ‘how came you into my dominions, and from
whence came you last ?’

I concealed nothing from the king; I told him all that I have now
told. you, and his majesty was so surprised and charmed with it, that
he commanded my adventure to be- written in letters of gold, and
laid up in the archives of his kingdom. At last my raft was brought
in, and the bales opened in his presence: he admired the quantity
of wood of aloes and ambergris; but, above all, the rubies and
emeralds, for he had none in his treasury that came near them. _

Observing that he looked on my jewels with pleasure, and viewed -
the most remarkable among them one after another, I fell prostrate
at his feet, and took the liberty to say to him, ‘Sir, not only my
person is at your majesty’s service, but the cargo of the raft, and_
I would beg of you to dispose of it as your own.’

_ He-answered me with a smile, ‘Sinbad, I will take care not
to covet anything of yours, nor to take anything from you that
God has given you; far from lessening your wealth, I ‘design to
augment it, and will not let you go out of my dominions without
marks of my liberality”

All the answer I returned was prayers for the prosperity of
this prince, and commendations of his generosity and bounty. He
charged one of his officers to take care of me, and ordered people
to serve me at his own charge. The officer was very faithful in
the execution of his orders, and caused all the goods to be carried
to the lodgings provided for me. I went every day at a set hour
to pay court to’ the king, and spent the rest of. my time in seeing
the city, and what was most worthy of notice. :

The Isle of Serendib is situated just under the equinoctial
line, so that the days and nights there are always: of twelve hours _
each, and the island is eighty paesanigs in length, and as many
in breadth. : :

The pee city tends at the end of a fine valley formed :
Sinbad the Sailor _ eee
a mountain in the middle of the sland, which is the highest in
the world. I made, by way of devotion, a pilgrimage to the
place where Adam was confined after his banishment from
Paradise, and had the curiosity to go to the top of it.

When I came back to the city, I prayed the king to allow me
to return to my country, which he granted me in the most obliging
and honourable manner. He would needs force a rich present upon

_me, and when I went to take my leave of him, he gave me one
much more valuable, and at the samie time charged me with a letter —
for the Commander of the Faithful, our sovereign, saying to me, ‘I
pray you give this present from me and this letter to Caliph Haroun
Alraschid, and assure him of my friendship.’ I took the present
and letter in a very respectful manner, and promised his majesty
punctually to execute the commission with which he was pleased
to honour me. Before I embarked, this prince sent for the captain
and the merchants who were. tg go with me, and ordered them to
treat me with all possible respect.

The letter from the King of Serendib was written on the skin
of a certain animal of great value, because of its being so scarce,
and of a yellowish colour. The writing was azure, and the contents
as follows :—

‘The. king of the Indies, hefie whom march a hundred
elephants, who lives in a palace that shines with a hundred
thousand rubies, and who has in his treasury twenty thousand
crowns enriched with diamonds, to Caliph Haroun Alraschid :

‘Though the present we send you be inconsiderable, receive
it as a brother and a friend, in consideration of the hearty
friendship which we bear to you, and of which we are willing
to give you proof. We desire the same part in your friendship,
considering that we believe it to be our merit, being of the same
dignity with yourself. We conjure you this ‘in the rank of a

brother. Farewell.’ te

ae 8 ie e The Sixth Voyage .of

The present consisted first, of one single ruby made into a cup,
about half a foot high, an inch thick, and. filled with round pearls.
Secondly, the skin of a serpent, whose scales were as large as an
ordinary piece of gold, and had the virtue to preserve from sickness
those who lay upon it. Thirdly, fifty thousand drachms of the best
wood of aloes, with thirty grains of camphor as big as pistachios.
And fourthly, a she-slave of ravishing beauty, whose apparel was
covered all over with jewels. i

The ship set sail, and after a very long and successful voyage,
we landed. at Balsora; from thence I went to Bagdad, where the
first thing I did was to acquit myself. of my commission.

I took the King of Sérendib’s letter, and went to. present
myself at the gate of the Commander of the Faithful, followed by
the beautiful slave and such of my own family as carried the
presents. I gave an account of the reason of. my coming, and
was immediately conducted to the throne of the caliph. I made
my reverence, and after a short speech gave him the letter and
present. When he had read what the King of Serendib wrote
to him, he asked me if that prince were really so rich and potent
as he had said in this letter. I prostrated myself a second time,
and rising again, ‘Commander of the Faithful, said I, ‘I can assure
your majesty he doth not exceed the truth on that head: I am
witness of it. There is nothing more capable of raising a man’s
admiration than the magnificence of his palace. When the prince
appears in public, he has a throne fixed on the back of an elephant,

: and marches betwixt two ranks of his ministers, favourites, ‘and
‘other people of his court ; before him, upon the same elephant, an
officer carries a golden lance in his hand, and behind the throne
there is another, who stands upright with’ a column of gold, on
the top of which there is an emerald half a foot long and an inch
thick ; before him march a guard of a thousand men, clad in cloth
of gold and silk, and mounted on elephants richly caparisoned.

Sinbad the Sailor — me 250


‘While the king is on his march, the officer who is before him
on the same elephant cries from time to time, with a loud voice,
“Behold the great monarch, the potent and redoubtable Sultan of
the Indies, whose palace is covered with a hundred thousand
rubies, and who possesses twenty thousand crowns of diamonds.”
After he has pronounced these words, the officer behind the throne
cries in his turn, “ This monarch so great and so powerful, must

die, must die, must die’ And the officer in front replies, “ Praise
be to Him who lives for ever.”

‘Further, the King of Serendib is so just that there are no judges
in his dominions. His people have no need of them. They
understand and observe justice of themselves.’

The caliph was much pleased with my discourse. ‘The wisdom
of this king, said he, ‘appears in his letter, and after what you

~ tell me I must confess that his wisdom is worthy of his people,
and his people deserve so wise a prince. Having spoken thus he
dismissed me, and sent me home with a rich present. :

The Seventh Voyage of



EING . returned from my sixth voyage, I
absolutely laid aside all thoughts of.
travelling any farther; for, besides that

my. years now required rest, I. was re-
solved no more to expose myself to
such risk as I had run; so that I
thought of nothing but to pass the
rest of my days in quiet. One day, as
I was treating some of my friends, one
of my servants came and told me that
an officer of the caliph asked for me. I rose from the table,
and went to him. ‘The caliph, said he, ‘has sent me to tell you
that he must speak with you.’ I followed the officer to the palace,

' _ where, being presented to. the caliph, I saluted him by prostrating

myself at his feet. ‘Sinbad,’ said he to me, ‘I stand in need of
you; you must do me the service to carry my answer and present
to the King of Serendib.. It is but just.I should return his civility.’
This command of the caliph to me was like a clap of thunder.
‘Commander of the Faithful, replied I, ‘I am ready to do whatever’
your majesty shall think fit to command me; but I beseech you
most humbly to consider what I have undergone. I have also
made a vow never to go out of Bagdad. Here I took occasion
Sinbad the Sailor MK 261


to give him ‘a large and particular account of all my adventures;
which he had the patience to hear out.

As soon as I had finished, ‘I confess, said he, ‘that the none
you tell me are very extraordinary, yet you must for my sake
undertake this voyage which I propose to you. You have nothing
to do but to. goto the Isle of Serendib, and deliver the commission
which I give you After that you are at liberty to return. But
you must go; for you know it would be indecent,.and not suitable
to my dignity, to. be indebted to the king of that island’ Per-
ceiving that the caliph insisted upon it, I submitted, and told him
that I was willing to obey. He was very well pleased at it, and
ordered me a thousand sequins’ for the expense, of my journey.

I prepared for my departure in a few days, and as soon as the
caliph’s letter and present were delivered to me, I went to Balsora,
where I embarked, and had a very happy voyage. I arrived at
the Isle of Serendib, where I acquainted the king’s ministers with
my commission, and prayed them to get. me speedy atidience.
They did so, and I was conducted to the palace in. an honourable
‘manner, where I saluted the king by prostration, according to
custom. That prince knew me immediately, and testified very
great joy to see me. ‘O Sinbad, said he, ‘you are welcome; I
swear to you I have many times thought of you since you went
hence ; I bless the day upon which we see one another once more.’
I made my compliment to him, and after having thanked: him for
his kindness to me, I delivered the’ caliph’s letter and present, which
he received with all imaginable satisfaction.

- The caliph’s present was a complete set of cloth of gold: Walued
at one. thousand sequins; fifty robes of rich stuff, a hundred others of
white cloth, the finest of, Cairo, Suez, Cusa, and, Alexandria ; a royal
crimson bed, and a second of another fashion ; a vessel of agate
broader than deep, an inch thick, and half a foot wide, the bottom of
which represented in bas-relief a man with one knee on the ground,
262 xfs The Seventh Voyage of

who held a bow and an arrow, ready to let fly at a lion. He sent
him also a rich table, which, according to tradition, belonged to the
‘great Solomon. The caliph’s letter was as follows:
“Greeting in the name of the Sovereign Guide of the Right
Way, to the potent and happy Sultan, from Abdallah
Haroun Alraschid, whom God hath set in the place of
honour, after his ancestors of happy memory :
‘We received your letter with joy, and send you this from the
council of our port, the garden of superior wits. We hope, when
you look upon it, you will find our good intention, and be pleased

_ with it. Farewell.’

The King of Serendib was highly pleased that the caliph
returned his friendship. A little time after this. audience, I solicited
leave to depart, and had much difficulty to obtain it. I obtained it,
however, at last, and the king, when he dismissed me, made me a
very considerable present. I embarked immediately to return to
Bagdad, but had not the good fortune to arrive there as I hoped.
God ordered it otherwise.

Three or four days after my departure, we were attacked by |
pirates, who easily seized upon our ship. Some of the crew offered
resistance, which cost them their lives. But as for me and the rest,
who were not so PORECSS DE the pirates saved us on BEpOse to make
slaves of us.

We were all stripped, and instead of our own clothes they gave
us sorry rags, and carried us into a remote island, where they
sold us. ~~ eis

. I fell into the hands of a rich merchant, who, as soon as he
bought me, carried me to his: house, treated me well, and clad
me handsomely for a slave.. Some days after, not knowing who
I was, he asked me if I understood any trade. I answered that
I was no mechanic, but a merchant, and that the. ‘pirates who
sold me had robbed me of all I had.
Sinbad the Sailor | | el 263

‘But tell me,’ replied he, ‘can you shoot with a bow?’

I answered that the bow was one of my exercises in my youth,
and I had not yet forgotten it. Then he gave me a bow and arrows,
and, taking me behind him upon an elephant, carried me to a vast.
forest some leagues from the town. We went a great way into
the forest, and when he thought fit to stop he bade me alight;
then showing me a great tree, ‘Climb up that tree, said he, ‘and
shoot at the elephants as you see them pass by, for there is a
prodigious number of them in this forest, and, if any of them fall,
come and give me notice of it’ Having spoken thus, he left me
victuals, and returned to the town, and I continued upon the tree
all night. |

I saw no elephant during that time, but next morning, as soon
as the sun was up, I saw a great number: I shot several arrows
among them, and at last one of the elephants fell; the rest retired
immediately, and left me at liberty to go and acquaint my patron
with my booty. When I had told him the news, he gave me a
good meal, commended my dexterity, and caressed me highly. We
afterwards went together’ to the forest, where we dug a hole for
the elephant ; my patron intending to return when it was rotten, and
to take the teeth, etc., to trade with.

I continued this game for two months, and killed an - elephant
every day, getting sometimes upon one tree, and sometimes upon
another. One morning, as I looked for the elephants, I perceived

' with an extreme amazement that, instead of passing by me across
the forest as usual, they stopped, and came to me with a horrible
noise, in such a number that the earth was covered with them,
and shook under them.. They encompassed the tree where I was
with their trunks extended and their eyes all fixed upon me. At
this frightful spectacle I remained immoveable, and was so much —
frightened that my bow and arrows fell:out of my hand.

My fears were not in vain; for after the elephants had stared
264 omit The Seventh Voyage of

upon mie fer some time, one of the largest of them put his trunk round
the root of the tree, and pulled so strong that he plucked it up and
threw it on the ground; I fell with the tree, and the elephant taking
me up with his trunk, laid me on his back, where I sat more like
one dead than alive, with my quiver on my shoulder: then he put
himself at the head of the rest, who followed him in troops, and
carried. me to a place where he laid me down on the ground, and

"4 i 7 | Vs by
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retired with all his companions. Conceive, if you can, the condition
I was in: I thought myself to be in a dream; at last, after having
lain some time, and seeing the elephants gone, I got up, and found
I was upon a long and broad hill, covered all over with the bones
_and teeth of elephants. I confess to you that this furnished me with
abundance of reflections. I admired the instinct of those animals ;
Sinbad ‘the Sailor | we 265

I doubted not but that this was their burying place, and that
they.carried me thither on purpose to tell me that I should forbear
to persecute them, since I did it only for their teeth. I did not stay
on the hill, but turned: towards the city, and, after having travelled
a day and a night, I came to my patron; I met no elephant on
my way, which made me think they had retired farther into the
forest, to leave meat liberty to come back to the hill without
any hindrance.

-As soon as my patron saw me: ‘Ah, poor Sinbad,’ said he, ‘I
was in great trouble to know what had become of you. I have been
at the forest, where I found a tree newly pulled. up, and a bow and
arrows on the ground, and. after having sought for you in vain I
despaired of ever seeing you more. Pray teli me what befell you,
and by what good hap you are still alive.’

I satisfied his curiosity, and going both of us next morning to
the hill, he found to his great joy that what I had told him was
true.. We loaded the elephant tpon which: we came with as many
teeth as he could carry;.and when we had returned, ‘ Brother,’ patron—‘for I will treat you no more as my slave—after
having made such a. discovery as will enrich me, God bless you
with all happiness. and prosperity. I declare before. Him that I
give you your liberty. I foneealee from yeu what I am now going
to tell you.

‘The elephants of our forest have every year killed a great
many ‘slaves, whom we'sent to séek ivory. . Notwithstanding all
the cautions we could give them, those crafty animals killed them
one time or other. God has delivered you from their fury, and has:
bestowed that favour upon you only. It is a sign that He loves

you, and has use for your service in the world. You have pro-
cured me incredible gain. We could not have ivory formerly but
by exposing the lives of our slaves, and now our whole city is
‘enriched by your means. Do not think I pretend to have rewarded
(266 Be i The Seventh Voyage - of

you by giving you your liberty; I will also give you considerable
riches. I could engage all our city to contribute towards making
your fortune, but I will have the glory of doing it myself’

To this obliging discourse I replied, ‘ Patron, God preserve you.

’ Your giving ‘me my liberty is enough to discharge what you owe
me, and I desire no other reward for the service I had the good
fortune to do to you and your city, than leave to return to my
own: country.’

‘Very well, said he, ‘the monsoon will in a little time bring
ships for ivory. I will send you home then, and give you wherewith
to pay your expenses.’ I thanked him again for my liberty, and
his good intentions towards me. I stayed with him until the
monsoon ; and during that time we made so many journeys to
the hill that we filled all our warehouses with ivory. The other
merchants who traded in it did the same thing, for it could not
be long concealed from them. — :

_ The ships arrived at last, and my satron himself having made
choice of the ship wherein I was to embark, he loaded half of it
with ivory on my account, laid in provisions in abundance for my
passage, and besides to accept as a present, curiosities
of the country of great value. After I had returned him a thousand
thanks for all his favours, I went on board. We set: sail, and as the
adventure which procured me this liberty was very extraordinary, I
had it continually in my thoughts.

We stopped at some islands to take-in fresh provisions. Gu
vessel being come to a port on the main land in the Indies, we ©
touched there, and not being willing to venture by sea to Balsora, Eo
landed’ my proportion of the ivory, resolving to proceed on my sy
' journey by land. I made vast sums by my ivory,I bought several
rarities, which I intended for. presents, and when my equipage was. :
ready, I set out in the company of a large caravan of merchants. I.
was a long time on the way, and suffered very much, ~~ eridured all 2 oon

Sinbad: the Sailor . & 267

ee eee
with patience, when I considered that I had nothing to fear from the
seas, from pirates, from serpents, nor from the other perils I had
undergone. :

All these fatigues ended at last, and I came safe to Bagdad. I
went immediately to wait upon the caliph, and gave him an account
of my embassy. That prince told me he had been uneasy, by reason —
that I was so long in returning, but that he always hoped’ God would

“preserve me. When I told him the adventure of the elephants,
he seemed to be much surprised at it, and would never have given any
credit to it had he not known my sincerity. He reckoned this story,
and the other narratives I had given him, to be so curious that he

_ ordered one of his secretaries to write them in characters of gold, and
lay them up in his treasury. I retired very well satisfied with the
honours I received and the presents which he gave me; and after
that .I gave myself up wholly to my family, kindred and friends.

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