Jack the Giant-killer

Material Information

Jack the Giant-killer and, Beauty and the beast
Series Title:
Banbury Cross series
Uniform Title:
Jack the Giant-Killer
Beauty and the beast
Portion of title:
Beauty and the beast
Cover title:
Jack the Giant-killer & Beauty & the beast
Bell, Robert Anning, 1863-1933 ( Illustrator )
Rhys, Grace Little, 1865-1929 ( Editor )
J. M. Dent & Co ( Publisher )
Turnbull & Spears ( Printer )
Elizabeth Robins Pennell Collection (Library of Congress)
Place of Publication:
J.M. Dent & Co.
Turnbull and Spears
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
82, [1] p. : ill. (some col.) ; 15 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Children's stories ( lcsh )
Children's stories -- 1894 ( lcsh )
Fairy tales -- 1894 ( rbgenr )
Bldn -- 1894
Children's stories
Fairy tales ( rbgenr )
novel ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
England -- London
Scotland -- Edinburgh
Target Audience:
juvenile ( marctarget )


General Note:
"The Banbury Cross series prepared for children by Grace Rhys" -- Added series t.p.
General Note:
Illustrated green end papers; bound in green cloth, stamped in gold.
Statement of Responsibility:
illustrated by R. Anning Bell.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact The Department of Special and Area Studies Collections ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
026582721 ( ALEPH )
ALG2057 ( NOTIS )
04658644 ( OCLC )
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J. M. DENT & CO,

To Brian and Margaret.
— Ww

N this little book you will find two of
the most famous tales that have ever
come to us from Fairyland. ‘Jack the
Giant-Killer” is an old English tale,
and ‘* Beauty and the Beast” is an old
French tale. But no matter for that:
for both French Beauty and English Jack
come from the same far country, which
some people say is really no country at
all; and that is Fairyland. Both tales
are so old, indeed, that no one can say
who first brought them and told them to
children long ago. They were told to
me when I was little, and to my mother
when she was little, and to my grand-
mother when she was little; and they
will go on being told still for many a
long year.
It is our dear Hans Andersen, IJ think,
who says they were brought to us at


first by the Fairy Godmother,—an old,
old woman, with a wise, kind, wrinkled
face, and a merry eye. She wears a
scarlet cloak and a high peaked hat.
Perhaps she saw the very things that are
here told,—Jack and the Giants, and
Beauty and the wonderful Beast who
was really a Prince.

And now you may see them just as
well in the pictures in this little book,
which make our old tales look new again.
With pictures or without, it is the old
tales, after all, which are the best.

Grace Ruys.

Jack the Giant-Killer.

N the reign of King Arthur, there
lived in the county of Cornwall, near
the Land’s End of England, a wealthy
farmer who had one only son called Jack.
He was brisk and of a ready lively wit,
so that whatever he could not perform
by force and strength, he did by his
quick wit and cleverness. Never was any
person heard of that could worst him,
and he very often even baffled wise men
by his sharp and ready invention.

In those days the Mount of Cornwall
was kept by a huge and monstrous giant
of eighteen feet in height, and about
three yards in girth, of a fierce and grim
face, the terror of all the towns and
villages near. He lived in a cave in the
midst of the Mount, and would not suffer
any one else to live near him. His food
was other men’s cattle, which often be-


came his prey, for whensoever he wanted
food he would wade over to the main-
land, where he would furnish himself
with whatever came in his way. The
good folk, at his approach, forsook their
homes, while he seized on their cattle,
making nothing of carrying half-a-dozen
oxen on his back at a time; and as for
their sheep and hogs, he would tie them
round his waist like a bunch of bandeliers.


This course he had followed for many
years, so that all Cornwall had become
poor through his robberies.

One day Jack, happening to be present
at the town hall when the magistrates
were sitting in council about the giant,
asked what reward would be given to
the person who destroyed him. The
giant’s treasure, they said, was the re-
ward. Quoth Jack, ‘Then let me
undertake it.”

So he took a horn, shovel, and pick-
axe, and went over
to the Mount in the
beginning of a dark
winters evening,
when he fell to work,
and before morning
had dug a pit twenty-
two feet deep, and
nearly as broad, cover-
ing it over with long sticks and straw.
Then strewing a little mould upon it, it
appeared like plain ground. This done,
Jack placed himself on the contrary side
of the pit, fartherest from the giant’s


lodging, and, just at the break of day,
he put the horn to his mouth, and blew,
Tantivy, Tantivy. The unexpected
noise aroused the gaint, who rushed
from his cave, crying: ‘‘ You bold
villain, are you come here to disturb my
rest? You shall pay dearly for this.
Satisfaction I will have, and this it shall
be, I will take you whole and broil you
for breakfast,” which he had no sooner
uttered, than tumbling into the pit, he
made the very foundations of the Mount
to shake. ‘Oh, giant,” quoth Jack,
‘‘where are you now? Oh faith, you
are gotten now into Lob’s Pound, where
I will surely plague you for your wicked
words: what do you think now of broil-
ing me for your breakfast? Will no
other diet serve you but poor Jack?”
Thus having teased the giant for a while,
he gave him a most weighty knock with
his pickaxe on the very crown of his
head, and killed him on the spot.

This done, Jack filled up the pit with
earth, and went to search the cave,
which he found contained much treasure.


When the magistrates heard of this, they
said he should henceforth be called Jack
the Giant-Killer, and gave him a sword
and an embroidered belt, on which were
written these words in letters of gold—

“ Here’s the right valiant Cornish man,
Who slew the giant Cormelian.”

The news of Jack’s victory soon spread
over all the West of England, so that
another giant, named Blunderbore, hear-
ing of it, vowed to be revenged on the
little hero, if ever it was his fortune to
light on him. This giant was the lord


of an enchanted castle standing in the midst
of a lonesome wood. Now Jack, about
four months afterwards, walking near this
wood in his journey to Wales, being
weary, seated himself near a pleasant
fountain and fell fast asleep. While he
was enjoying his repose, the giant, com-
ing for water, there found him, and
knew him to be the far-famed Jack, by
the lines written on the belt. “Without
ado, he took Jack on his shoulders and
carried him towards his enchanted castle.
Now, as they passed through a thicket,
the rustling of the boughs awakened
Jack, who was strangely surprised to
find himself in the clutches of the giant.
His terror was not yet begun, for on
entering the castle, he saw the ground
strewed with human bones, the giant
telling him his own would ere long in-
crease them. After this the giant locked
poor Jack in an immense chamber, leav-
ing him there while he went to fetch
another giant living in the same wood to
help him to put an end to Jack. While
he was gone, dreadful shrieks and cries


affrighted Jack, especially a voice which
said many times—
*¢Do what you can to get away,
Or you'll become the giant’s prey ;
He’s gone to fetch his brother, who
Will kill, likewise devour you too.”

This dreadful noise had almost dis-
tracted Jack, who, going to the window,
beheld afar off the two giants coming
towards the castle. ‘* Now,” quoth Jack
to himself, ‘‘ my death or my escape is
at hand.” Now, there were strong cords
in a corner of the room in which Jack
was, and two of these he took, and made
a strong noose at the end; and while the
giants were unlocking the iron gate of
the castle he threw the ropes over each
of their heads. Then drawing the other
ends across a beam, and pulling with all his
might, he throttled them. Then, seeing
they were black in the face, and sliding
down the rope, he came to their heads,
when they could not defend themselves,
and drawing his sword, slew them both.
Then, taking the giant’s keys, and un-
locking the rooms, he found three fair


ladies tied by the hair of their heads,
almost starved to death. ‘‘ Sweet ladies,”
quoth Jack, “I have killed this monster
and his brutish brother, and so set you
free.” This said, he gave them the keys,
and so went on his journey to Wales.
Having but little money, Jack found it
well to make the best of his way by
travelling as fast as he could, but losing
his road, he was benighted, and could
not get a place to rest in until, coming
into a narrow valley, he found a large
house, and by reason of his present
needs took courage to knock at the gate.
But what was his surprise when there
came forth a monstrous giant with two
heads; yet he did not appear so fiery
as the others were, for he was a Welsh
giant, and what he did was by private
and secret malice under the false show
of friendship. Jack, having told his
state to the giant, was shown into a
bedroom, where, in the dead of night,
he heard his host in another room
muttering these words—



“Though here you lodge with me this night,
You shall not see the morning light:
My club shall dash your brains outright!”

“«Say’st thou so,” quoth Jack; “that
is like one of your Welsh tricks, yet I
hope to be cunning enough for you.”
Then, getting out of bed, he laid a billet
of wood in the bed in his stead, and hid
himself in a corner of the room. At the
dead time of the night in came the Welsh
giant, who struck several heavy blows
on the bed with his club, thinking he had
broken every bone in Jack’s skin. The
next morning Jack, laughing in his sleeve,
gave him hearty thanks for his night’s


lodging. ‘How have you rested?”
quoth the giant ; “did you not feel any-
thing in the night?” <‘*No,” quoth
Jack, ‘nothing but a rat, which gave
me two or three slaps with her tail.”
With that, greatly wondering, the giant
led Jack to breakfast, bringing him a
bowl containing four gallons of hasty
pudding. Being loath to let the giant
think it too much for him, Jack put a
large leather bag under his loose coat,
in such a way that he could convey the
pudding into it without its being seen.
Then, telling the giant he would show
him a trick, taking a knife, Jack ripped
open the bag, and out came all the hasty
pudding. Whereupon, saying, ‘‘ Odds
splutters, hur can do that trick hurself,”
the monster took the knife, and ripping
open his body, fell down dead.

Now, it fell in these days that King
Arthur's only son begged his father to
give him a large sum of money, in order
that he might go and seek his fortune
in the country of Wales, where lived a
beautiful lady possessed with seven evil


spirits. The king did his best to per-
suade his son from it, but in vain; so
at last granted the request, and the
prince set out with two horses, one
Joaded with money, the other for himself
to ride upon. Now, after several days’
travel, he came to a market-town in
Wales, where he beheld a vast crowd
of people gathered together. The prince
asked the reason of it, and was told that
they had arrested a corpse for several
large sums of money which the dead man
owed when he died. ‘The prince replied
that it was a pity creditors should be so
cruel, and said, ‘‘ Go bury the dead, and
let his creditors come to my lodging,
and there their debts shall be paid.” So
they came, but in such great numbers
that before night he had almost left
himself moneyless.

Now Jack the Giant-Killer, coming that
way, was so taken with the generosity of
the prince, that he wished to be his
servant. This being agreed upon, the
next morning they set forward on their
journey together, when, as they were


riding out of the town, an old woman
called after the prince, saying, ‘‘He has
owed me twopence these seven years;
pray pay me as well asthe rest.” Putting
his hand to his pocket, the prince gave
the woman all he had left, so that after
their day’s refreshment, which cost what
small spell Jack had by him, they were
without a penny between them. When
the sun began to grow low, the king’s
son said, ‘‘ Jack, since we have no money,
where can we lodge this night?” But
Jack replied, ‘‘ Master, we'll do well
enough, for I have an uncle lives within
two miles of this place; he is a huge
and monstrous giant with three heads;
he'll fight five hundred men in armour,
and make them to fly before him.”
‘* Alas!” quoth the prince, ‘‘ what shall


we do there? He'll certainly chop us
up at a mouthful. Nay, we are scarce
enough to fill one of his hollow teeth!”
«Tt is no matter for that,” quoth Jack ;
“I myself will go before and prepare
the way for you; therefore tarry and
wait till return.” Jack then rode away
full speed, and coming to the gate of the
castle, he knocked so loud that he made
the hills around toecho. The giant roared
out at this like thunder, ‘* Who’s there ?”
He was answered, ‘“‘None but your
poor Cousin Jack.” Quoth he, ‘What
news with my poor Cousin Jack?”
He replied, ‘‘ Dear Uncle, heavy news,
God wot!” <«Prithee,” quoth the giant,
“‘what heavy news can come to me?
I am a giant with three heads, and
besides thou knowest I can fight five
hundred men in armour, and make them
fly like chaff before the wind.” ‘Oh,
but,” quoth Jack, ‘‘ here’s the king’s son
a-coming with a thousand men in armour
to kill you and destroy all that you
have!” ‘Oh, Cousin Jack,” said the
giant, “this is heavy news indeed! I


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will immediately run and hide myself,
and thou shalt lock, bolt, and bar me in,
and keep the keys until the prince is
gone.” Having secured the giant, Jack
fetched his master, when they made them-
selves heartily merry whilst the poor giant
lay trembling in a vault under the ground.

Early in the morning Jack furnished
his master with a fresh supply of gold
and silver, and then sent him three miles
forward on his journey, at which time
the prince was pretty well out of the
smell of the giant. Jack then returned,
and let the giant out of the vault, who
asked what he should give him for keeping
the castle safe. “Why,” quoth Jack,


‘I desire nothing but the old coat and
cap, together with the old rusty sword
and slippers which are at your bed’s
head.” Quoth the giant, “Thou shalt
have them ; and pray keep them for my
sake, for they are things of excellent use.
The coat will keep you invisible, the cap
will furnish you with knowledge, the
sword cuts asunder whatever you strike,
and the shoes are of extraordinary swift-
ness. These may be useful to you,
therefore take them with all my heart.”
Taking them, Jack thanked his uncle,
and then having overtaken his master,
they quickly arrived at the house of the
lady the prince sought, who, finding the
prince to be a suitor, prepared a splendid
banquet for him. After the feasting was
done, she wiped his mouth with a hand-
kerchief, saying, ‘‘ You must show me
that handkerchief to-morrow morning, or
else you will lose your head.” With that
she put it in her bosom. The prince
went to bed in great sorrow, but Jack’s
cap of knowledge taught him how it was
to be got. In the middle of the night


she called upon her familiar spirit to carry
her to Lucifer. But Jack put on his coat
of darkness and his shoes of swiftness,
and was there as soon as her. When
she entered the place of the evil one, she
gave the handkerchief to old Lucifer,
who laid it upon a shelf, whence Jack
took it and brought it to his master,
who showed it to the lady the next day,
and so saved his life. On that day, she
saluted the prince, telling him he must
show her the lips to-morrow morning
that she kissed last night, or lose his
head. ‘ Ah,” he replied, ‘if you kiss
none but mine, I will.” ‘* That is neither
here nor there,” said she; ‘if you do
not, death’s your portion!” At midnight
she went as before, and was angry with
old Lucifer for letting the handkerchief
go. ‘But now,” quoth she, ‘I will be
too hard for the king’s son, for I will
kiss thee, and he is to show me thy
lips.” Which she did, and Jack, who
was standing by, cut off the devil’s head
and brought it under his invisible coat
to his master, who the next morning


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pulled it out by the horns before the
lady. The enchantment thus broken,
the evil spirit left her, and she appeared
in all her beauty. They were married
the next morning, and soon after went
to the court of King Arthur, where Jack,
for his many great deeds, was made one
of the Knights of the Round Table.
Having been successful in all he did,
Jack resolved not to remain idle, but to
do what he could for the honour of his
king and country, and begged King
Arthur to fit him out with a horse and
money to help him to travel in search of
strange and new adventures. ‘ For,”
said he, “there are many giants yet
living in the farthest part of Wales, to
_the great damage of your majesty’s liege
subjects ; wherefore, may it please you
to encourage me, I do not doubt but in
a short time to cut them off root and
branch, and so rid all the realm of those
giants and monsters of nature.” When
the king had heard this noble request,
he furnished Jack with all he had need
of, and Jack started on his pursuit, taking


with him the cap of knowledge, sword
of sharpness, shoes of swiftness, and
invisible coat, the better to succeed in
the dangerous adventures which now
lay before him.

Jack travelled over vast hills and
wonderful mountains, and on the third
day came to a large wood, which he had
no sooner entered than he heard dread-
ful shrieks and cries. Casting his eyes
round, he beheld with terror a huge
giant dragging along a fair lady and a
knight by the hair of their. heads, with
as much ease as if they had been a pair
of gloves. At this sight Jack shed tears
of pity, and then, getting off from his
horse, he put on his invisible coat, and
taking with him his sword of sharpness,
at length with a swinging stroke cut off
both the giant’s legs below the knee, so
that his fall made the trees to tremble.
At this the courteous knight and his fair
lady, after returning Jack their hearty
thanks, invited him home, there to re-
fresh his strength after the battle, and
receive some ample reward for his good


services. But Jack vowed he would not
rest until he had found out the giant’s
den. The knight, hearing this, was very
sorrowful, and replied, ‘‘ Noble stranger,
it is too much to run a second risk; this
monster lived in a den under yonder
mountain, with a brother more fierce and
fiery than himself. ‘Therefore, if you
should go thither, and perish in the
attempt, it would be a_heart-breaking
to me and my lady. Let me persuade
you to go with us, and desist from any
further pursuit.” ‘‘Nay,” quoth Jack,
‘“‘were there twenty, not one should
escape my fury. But when I have
finished my task, I will come and pay
my respects to you.”


Jack had not ridden more than a mile
and a half, when the cave mentioned by
the knight appeared to view, near the
entrance of which he beheld the giant
sitting upon a block of timber, with a
knotted iron club by his side, waiting,
as he supposed, for his brother’s return
with his prey. His goggle eyes were
like flames of fire, his face grim and
ugly, and his cheeks like a couple of
large flitches of bacon, while the bristles
of his beard resembled rods of iron wire,
and the locks that hung down upon his
brawny shoulders were like curled
snakes or hissing adders. Jack alighted
from his horse, and, putting on the coat


of darkness, approached near the giant,
and said softly, “‘Oh! are you there?
It will not be long ere I shall take you
fast by the beard.” The giant all this
while could not see him, on account of
his invisible coat, so that Jack, coming
up close to the monster, struck a blow
with his sword at his head, but, missing
his aim, he cut off the nose.instead. At
this, the giant roared like claps of
thunder, and began to lay about him
with his iron club like one stark mad.
But Jack, running behind, drove his
sword up to the hilt in the giant’s back,
which caused him to fall down dead.
This done, Jack cut off the giant’s head,
and sent it, with his brother’s head also,
to King Arthur, by a waggoner he hired
fot that purpose.

Jack now resolved to enter the giants’
cave in search of his treasure, and, passing
along through a great many windings and
turnings, he came at length to a large
room paved with freestone, at the upper
end of which was a boiling caldron, and
on the right hand a large table, at which


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the giants used to dine. Then he came
to a window, barred with iron, through
which he looked and beheld a vast
crowd of unhappy captives, who, seeing
him, cried out, ‘¢ Alas! young man, art
thou come to be one amongst us in this
miserable den?” ‘ Ay,” quoth Jack,
“but pray tell me why it is you are so
imprisoned ?” <«* Weare kept here,” said
one, ‘till such time as the giants have a
wish to feast, and then the fattest among
us is killed! And many are the times
they have dined upon murdered men!”
«‘ Say you so,” quoth Jack, and straight-
way unlocked the gate and let them free,
who all rejoiced like condemned men at


sight of a reprieve. Then searching the
giants’ coffers, he shared the gold and
silver equally amongst them,

It was about sunrise the next day when
Jack, after seeing the captives on their
way to their homes, mounted his horse
to go on his journey, and, by the help of
his directions, reached the knight’s house
about noon. He was received here with
all signs of joy by the knight and his
lady, who in respect to Jack prepared a
feast which lasted many days, all the
gentry in the neighbourhood being of
the company. The worthy knight was
likewise pleased to present him with a
beautiful ring, on which was engraved
a picture of the giant dragging the dis-
tressed knight and his lady, with this

“ We are in sad distress you see,
Under a giant’s fierce command,

But gain our lives and liberty
By valiant Jack’s victorious hand. ”

But in the midst of all this mirth a
messenger brought the dismal tidings
that one Thunderdell, a giant with two


heads, having heard of the death of his
two kinsmen, came from the northern
dales to be revenged on Jack, and was
within a mile of the knight’s seat, the
country people flying before him like
chaff. But Jack was no whit daunted,
and said, ‘* Let him come! I have a tool
to pick his teeth; and you, ladies and
gentlemen, walk but forth into the
garden, and you shall witness this giant
Thunderdell’s death and destruction.”
The house of this knight was in the
midst of a small island with a moat thirty
feet deep and twenty feet wide around it,


over which lay a drawbridge. Wherefore
Jack employed men to cut through this
bridge on both sides, nearly to the
middle; and then, dressing himself in
his invisible coat, he marched against the
giant with his sword of sharpness.
Although the giant could not see Jack
he smelt his approach, and cried out in
these words—
‘¢ Fee, fi, fo, fumt
I smell the blood of an English man !

Be he alive or be he dead,
Pll grind his bones to make me bread!”

“Say’st thou so,” said Jack; ‘then
thou art a monstrous miller indeed.” At
which the giant cried out again, ‘* Art
thou that villain who killed my kinsmen ?
Then I will tear thee with my teeth,
suck thy blood, and grind thy bones to
powder.” ‘You will catch me first,”
quoth Jack, and throwing off his invisible
coat, so that the giant might see him, and
putting on his shoes of swiftness, he ran
from the giant, who followed like a
walking castle, so that the very earth
seemed to shake at every step. Jack led


him a long dance, in order that the
knights and ladies might see; and at
last, to end the matter, ran lightly over
the drawbridge, the giant, in full speed,
pursuing him with his club. Then,
coming to the middle of the bridge, the
giant’s great weight broke it down, and
he tumbled headlong into the water,
where he rolled and wallowed like a
whale. Jack, standing by the moat,
laughed at him all the while; but
though the giant foamed to hear him
scoff, and plunged from place to place
in the moat, yet he could not get out
to be revenged. Jack at length got a
cart-rope and cast it over the two heads
of the giant, and drew him ashore by a
team of horses, and then cut off both his


heads with his sword of sharpness, and
sent them to King Arthur.

After some time spent in mirth and
pastime, Jack, taking leave of the knights
and ladies, set out for new adventures.
Through many woods he passed, and
came at length to the foot of a high
mountain. Here, late at night, he found
a lonesome house, and knocked at the
door, which was opened by an ancient
man with a head as white as snow.
“Father,” said Jack, ‘‘have you any
place where a traveller may rest that
has lost his way?” ‘ Yes,” said the
old man; ‘‘you are right welcome to
my poor cottage.” Whereupon Jack
entered, and down they sat together,
and the old man began to speak as
~ follows :—‘'Son, I know you are the
great conqueror of giants, and behold,
my son, on the top of this mountain is
an enchanted castle, kept by a giant
named Galligantus, who, by the help
of an old conjuror, betrays knights and
ladies into his castle, where, by magic
art, they are transformed into many


shapes and forms ; but, above all, I weep
for the fate of a duke’s daughter, whom
they fetched from her father’s garden,
carrying her through the air in a burn-
ing chariot drawn by fiery dragons,
when they shut her up within the castle,
and transformed her into the shape of
a white hind. And though many knights
have tried to break the enchantment, and
set her free, yet no one could do it, on
account of two dreadful griffins which
are placed at the castle gate, and which
destroy every one who comes near. But
you, my son, having an invisible coat,
may pass by them unseen, where, on the
gates of the castle, you will find written
in large letters by what means the en-
chantment may be broken.” The old
man having ended, Jack gave him his
hand, and promised that in the morning
he would venture his life to free the

In the morning Jack arose and put
on his invisible coat and magic cap and
shoes, and prepared himself for the task.
Now, when he had reached the top of


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the mountain, he soon saw the two fiery
griffins, but passed them without fear,
because of his invisible coat. When he
had got beyond them, he found upon
the gates of the castle a golden trumpet
hung by a silver chain, under which
these lines were written—
“ Whoever shall this trumpet blow,

Shall soon the giant overthrow,

And break the black enchantment straight ;

So all shall be in happy state.”

Jack had no sooner read this but he
blew the trumpet, at which the castle
trembled to its vast foundations, and the
giant and conjuror were in horrid fear,
biting their thumbs and tearing their
hair, knowing their wicked reign was at
anend. Then the giant, stooping to take
up his club, Jack at one blow cut off his
head ; whereupon the conjuror, mounting
up into the air, was carried away in a
whirlwind. Thus was the enchantment
broken, and all the lords and ladies who
had so long been transformed into birds
and beasts returned to their proper
shapes, and the castle vanished away in


a cloud of smoke. This being done, the
head of Galligantus was likewise, in the
usual manner, brought to the Court of
King Arthur, where the very next day,
Jack followed, with the knights and
ladies who had been so happily. set
free. Whereupon, as a reward for his
good services, the king bade the duke
give his daughter in marriage to honest
Jack. So married they were, and the
whole kingdom was filled with joy at
the wedding. Furthermore, the king
bestowed on Jack a noble dwelling, with
very beautiful lands thereto belonging,
where he and his lady lived in great
joy and happiness all the rest of their

The History of
Beauty and the Beast

Oe upon a time there was a very
rich merchant who had six chil-
dren—three boys and three girls. As he
was a kind father, he spared no pains
in bringing them up, and had them
taught everything that was good. His
daughters were very pretty, but the
youngest was prettiest of all; while she
was little she was always called Beauty,
and when she grew up she still kept the
name, so that her sisters were full of
jealousy. But Beauty was not only
lovelier than her sisters, she was also
more virtuous than they ; for they were
proud of their riches, and, aping the
doings of the great, they would only


know people of better condition than
themselves. Every day they went to
balls and theatres, and laughed at Beauty,
who spent a great part of her time in
study. As it was well known that
these sisters were very rich, many great
merchants wished to marry them; but
the two eldest always said that they
would never marry any one but a duke,
or at least an earl. Beauty, however,
thanked those who wished to marry her,
saying that she was too young to leave
her father, whose companion she hoped
to be for some years longer.

All at once the merchant lost his
whole fortune, and nothing was left him
but a little house in the country, a great
way from town. Weeping, he told his
children that they must go and live there
and work for their living. The two
eldest daughters answered that they
would not leave town, and that they had
several lovers who would be glad to
marry them, though they had no fortune ;
but in this they were mistaken, for their
lovers slighted and forsook them in their



poverty. As they were not beloved, on
account of their pride, everybody said—

‘‘They do not deserve to be pitied ;
we are glad to see their pride humbled ;
let them go and give themselves quality
airs in milking the cows and minding
their dairy. But,” added they, ‘‘ we are
very sorry for Beauty, she was such a
good girl, she spoke so softly to poor
folk, and was gentle and kind.” Nay,
several gentlemen would have married
her, although they knew she had not a
penny ; but she told them she could not
think of leaving her poor father in his
trouble, but was determined to go with


my Of iw

him into the country, to comfort him and
give what help she could.

Poor Beauty at first was sadly grieved
at the loss of her fortune. ‘‘ But,” said
she to herself, ‘* were I to cry ever so
much it would make things no better,
so I must try to make myself happy
without a fortune.”

_ When they came to their cottage the
merchant and his sons spent their time in
tilling the ground. Beauty rose at four
in the morning and made haste to have
the house clean and dinner ready for
them all. At first she found it very
difficult, for she had not been used to
work hard: but in less than two months


she grew stronger and healthier than
ever. After she had done her work,
she read, played on the harpsichord, or
else sang whilst she spun. Her two
sisters, on the contrary, were wretched ;
they got up at ten o'clock, and did no-
thing but saunter about the whole day,
and complain of the loss of their fine
clothes and acquaintance.

‘Do but see our youngest sister,” said
one to the other, ‘‘ what a poor, stupid,
mean-spirited creature she is, to be con-
tented with such a miserable lot.” The
good merchant, however, thought quite


differently: he knew very well that
Beauty was as much fairer than her
sisters as she was wiser, and admired
her humility, her industry, and above all,
her patience ; for her sisters not only left
her all the work of the house to do, but
insulted her every minute.

For about a year they lived together
in this loneliness, when the merchant
received a letter with an account of how
a ship, on board of which he had some
goods, was safely arrived. This news
had like to have turned the heads of the
two eldest daughters, who thought that


here was a chance of their leaving the
country where they were so wretched ;
and, when they saw their father ready to
set out, they begged of him to buy them
new gowns, caps, rings, and all manner
of trifles ; but Beauty asked for nothing,
for she thought to herself, that all the
money her father was going to receive
would scarce be enough to buy every
thing that her sisters wanted. ‘What
will you have, Beauty ?” said her father.
“«Since you are so good as to think of
me,” answered she, ‘pray bring me a
rose, for we have none in our garden.”
The good man went on his journey ; but
when he reached town, they went to law
with him about his goods, and after a
great deal of trouble and pains to no pur-
pose, he came back as poor as before.
He was within thirty miles of his own
house, thinking on the pleasure he should
have in seeing his children again, when,
going through a great forest, he lost his
way. It was snowing hard, and besides,
the wind was so high, it blew him twice off
his horse ; and night coming on, he began


to fear being either starved to death with
cold and hunger, or else eaten by the
wolves whom he heard howling all
around him. Suddenly, looking down a
long avenue of trees, he saw a bright
light some way off, and going a little
farther, found that it came from a palace
which was lit up from top to bottom.
The merchant thanked God for the help
he had sent, and made haste to reach the
Castle, but was greatly surprised not to
meet anyone in the courtyards.

His horse followed him, and seeing a
large stable open, went in, and finding
both hay and oats, the poor beast, who
was almost famished, fell to eating very
heartily. The merchant tied him up to
the manger, and walked towards the
house, where he saw no one; but
entering into a large hall, he found a
good fire, and a table plentifully set out,
with but one cover laid. As he was wet
quite through with the rain and snow, he
drew near the fire to dry himself. ‘TI
hope,” said he, ‘the master of the
house, or his servants, will excuse the


liberty I take; I suppose it will not be
long before some of them appear.”

He waited a considerable time, till it
struck eleven, and still nobody came ; at
last he was so hungry that he could stay
no longer, but took a chicken and ate it
in two mouthfuls, trembling all the while.
After this he drank a few glasses of
wine, and, growing more courageous, he
went out of the hall, and crossed through
several grand apartments with magnificent
furniture, till he came into a chamber
which had an exceeding good bed in it,
and, as he was very much fatigued, and
it was past midnight, he concluded it
was best to shut the door and go to bed.


It was ten the next morning before the
merchant waked, and as he was going to
rise, he was astonished to see a good suit
of clothes in the room of his own, which
were quite spoiled. ‘‘Certainly,” said
he, ‘‘this palace belongs to some kind
fairy, who has seen and pitied my dis-
tresses.” He looked through a window,
but, instead of snow, saw the most
delightful arbours, interwoven with the
most beautiful flowers that ever were
beheld. He then returned to the great
hall, where he had supped the night
before, and found some chocolate ready
made on a little table. ‘Thank you,
good Madam Fairy,” said he aloud, “for
being so kind as to think of my break-

The good man drank his chocolate,
and then went to look for his horse ;
but passing through an arbour of roses,
he remembered Beauty’s request, and
gathered a branch on which were several;
immediately he heard a great noise and
saw such a frightful beast coming to-
wards him that he was ready to faint


away. ‘Ungrateful man,” said the
Beast to him in a terrible voice, “I
have saved your life by receiving you
into my castle, and in return you steal
my roses which I love better than any-
thing in the world; but you shall die for
it, I give you but a quarter of an hour
to prepare yourself and to say your
prayers.” The merchant fell on his
knees, and lifted up both his hands:
‘‘ My Lord,” said he, ‘I beseech you to
forgive me, indeed I had no intention to
offend in gathering a rose for one of my
daughters, who had asked me to bring
her one.” ‘‘ My name is not My Lord,”
replied the monster, ‘but Beast. I don’t
like compliments, not I; I like people to
speak as they think; and so do not
expect to move me by any of your
flatteries. However, you say you have
got daughters; I will forgive you on
condition that one of them comes
willingly and suffers for you. Let me
have no words, but go about your busi-
ness, and swear that if your daughters
refuse to die in your stead, you will


return within three months.” The
merchant had no mind to sacrifice his
daughters to the ugly monster, but he
thought that at least he might have the
pleasure of seeing them once more. So
he promised to return, and the Beast told
him he might set out when he pleased ;
‘*but,” added he, ‘you shall not depart
empty handed. Go back to the room
where you lay, and you will see a great
empty chest; fill it with whatever you
like best, and I will send it to your
home,” and with that the Beast went

‘* Well,” said the good man to himself,
‘cif I must die I shall have the comfort,
at least, of leaving something to my poor

He returned to the bed chamber, and
finding a quantity of broad pieces of
gold, he filled the great chest the Beast
had told him of, locked it, and then took
his horse out of the stable, leaving the
palace with as much grief as he had
entered it with joy.

The horse, of his own accord, took one


of the roads of the forest, and in a few
hours the good merchant was at home.
His children came around him, but instead
of receiving their caresses with pleasure,
he stood weeping, and looked at them.
Then holding out the rose-branch he
carried to Beauty, he said to her, ‘‘ Take
these roses, Beauty ; little do you think
how dear they will cost your poor father ;”
and so he told them all the sad adventure
he had fallen in with. Immediately the
two eldest set up a most dolorous outcry,
and spoke unkindly to Beauty, who, how-
ever, did not cry at all. <‘‘See what


comes of the little wretch’s pride,” said
they, ‘¢she would not ask for fine clothes
as we did; no indeed, miss wished to be
uncommon ; and now that she is going to
be the death of our poor father, she will
not shed a tear.” ‘Why should I?”
answered Beauty, ‘‘it would be very
needless, for my father shall not suffer
on my account. Since the monster will
accept one of his daughters, I will go
and give myself up to him, and happy am
I to think that my death will save my
father’s life and be a proof of my love
for him.” <‘*No, sister,” said her three
brothers, ‘‘ that shall not be; we will go
and find the monster, and either kill him
or die ourselves.” ‘‘ Do not imagine any
such thing, my sons,” said the merchant,
‘« Beast’s power is so great that I have no
hopes of your getting the better of him. I
am touched by Beauty’s kindness of heart,
but I cannot do as she would have me; I
am old and have but little longer to live ;
so at most I lose a few years, which I
regret for your sakes, my dear children.”
“Indeed, father, you shall not go to


the palace without me,” said Beauty ,
“you cannot hinder me from following
you.” In spite of all they could say,
Beauty still insisted on setting out for
the palace, and her sisters were not sorry,
for her goodness had filled them with

The merchant, however, was so grieved
at the thought of losing his daughter, that
he had quite forgot the chest full of gold.
But, at night, as soon as he had shut his
chamber door, what was his astonishment
to find it by his bedside ; he determined,
however, not to tell his children that he
had grown rich, as his two elder


daughters would have wanted to return
to town, and he was resolved not to leave
the country ; -but he trusted Beauty with
the secret, who then told him that two
gentlemen came in his absence, and
courted her sisters; she begged her
father to consent to their marriage, and
give them fortunes; for she was so good
that she loved them, and forgave them
heartily for all their ill usage. These
wicked creatures rubbed their eyes with
an onion to force some tears when they
parted with their sister, but her brothers
were really concerned. Beauty was the
only one who did not shed tears at part-
ing, for she would not increase their

The horse took the direct road to the
palace, and towards evening, they saw
it all lit up as at first: the horse went
of himself into the stable, and the good
man and his daughter came into the great
hall, where they found a table magnifi-
cently spread, with two covers laid.
The merchant had no heart to eat, but
Beauty, trying to appear cheerful, sat



down to table and helped him. After-
wards, thought she to herself, ‘ Beast
surely has a mind to fatten me before he
eats me, since he provides such a good
supper.” When they had supped, they
heard a great noise, and the merchant, in
tears, bid his poor child farewell, for he
thought Beast was coming. Beauty was
sadly terrified at his horrid form, but she
took courage as well as she could, and
the monster having asked her if she came
willingly, ‘‘ Y-e-s,” said she, trembling.
“‘You are very good, and I am grateful
to you. Honest man, go your ways to-
morrow morning, but never think of
returning here again. Farewell, Beauty.”
‘¢ Farewell, Beast,” answered she, sighing,


and immediately the monster turned to
go away. ‘‘O daughter,” said the mer-
chant, embracing Beauty, ‘I am almost
frightened to death ; believe me, you had
better go back and let me stay here.”
“‘No, father,” said Beauty, firmly, ‘do
you go and leave me to the care and
protection of Providence.” They went
to bed and thought they should not close
their eyes all night ; but scarce had they
laid down than they fell fast asleep ; and
Beauty dreamed a fair lady came and said
to her, ‘‘I am pleased with your brave
heart, Beauty ; this good action of yours
in giving up your own life to save
your father’s shall not go unrewarded.”
Beauty waked and told her father her
dream, and though it helped to comfort
him a little, yet he could not help crying
bitterly when he took leave of his dear
child, as he feared he might never see
her again.

As soon as he was gone, Beauty sat
down in the great hall and fell a cry-
ing likewise; but as she was mistress
of a great deal of spirit, she recom-


mended herself to God, and resolved not
to be uneasy the little time she had to
live ; for she firmly believed Beast would
eat her up that night. She made up her
mind then to walk about and see this
great castle, which she could not help
admiring. It was a delightful, pleasant
place, and she was extremely surprised
to find a door, over which was written,
«Beauty's Room.” She quickly opened
the door, and was dazzled by the
splendour that she saw within. There,
among other things, was a great library,
a harpsichord, and many books of music.
«« Ah,” thought Beauty, ‘‘had they thought
of eating me at once, they would surely
not have made such provision for my
amusement.” So, taking heart, she opened
the library and there saw written in gold
letters, ‘“ Wish or command, you are queen
and mistress here.” ‘‘ Alas,” said she,
sighing, ‘I want nothing but to see my
poor father again, and to know what he
is now doing.” Scarce had she thought
it, when, what was her surprise, on
looking at a great mirror near by, to see


there her own home where her father
was just arriving with a most sad face;
her sisters came out to meet him, and in
spite of the grimaces which they made so
as to seem in grief, the joy they felt at
their sister’s loss was plain to see. One
moment after, all had vanished, and
Beauty could not but think it had been
a proof of the Beast’s kindness, and that
she had nothing to fear from him.
Towards evening she returned to the
great hall, where she found dinner ready
prepared. The most delightful music
played during the whole of dinner.
When Beauty had finished, the table
was cleared, and the choicest wines and


most delicious fruits were then laid. At
the same ‘hour as on the day before, she
heard the noise of Beast’s coming and he
entered, and advancing towards Beauty,
who dared not look up, he said: ‘ Will
you permit me to sit with you?” “ That
is as you please,” replied she. ‘Not
so,” said Beast, ‘‘for you are mistress
here ; and if my company is disagreeable
I will begone ; but tell me, Beauty, do
you think me very ugly?” ‘I do indeed,”
said she, ‘“‘to speak the truth; but I
think you are very good.” ‘You are
right,” said the monster; ‘but that is
not all, for I am stupid as well as ugly ;
I know well that I am nothing but a
beast.” ‘No one is really stupid who
thinks that he has little wit,” answered
Beauty, ‘‘no fool ever yet thought that.”
“© Ah, well,” said the Beast, ‘try to
make yourself happy here, Beauty; I
should be sorry if you were unhappy.”
“‘- You are very kind, Beast,” said she;
“indeed, when I think of your good
heart, you no longer seem to me so ugly.”
“‘ Dear me, yes,” said he, ‘‘ my heart is


good, but, for all that, Iam a monster.”
‘© There are many who are really more
of monsters than you,” answered Beauty,
‘cand I like you better with that face,
than many who under an appearance of
beauty hide a cruel heart.” ‘* Ah,” said
Beast, ‘if I were not so stupid, I would
know how to thank you.” So Beauty
talked to him, gaining courage the while ;
but she had like to have fainted with
fright, when, taking hold of her hand,
Beast said in a gentle voice: ‘‘ Beauty,
will you marry me?” She hastily with-
drew her hand, but made no reply; at
which the Beast sighed deeply and with-
drew. On his next visit he appeared
sorrowful and dejected, but said nothing.
Some weeks after he repeated the ques-
tion, when Beauty replied: ‘‘ No, Beast,
I cannot marry you, but I will do all in
my power to make you happy.” ‘“‘ This
you cannot do,” replied he, ‘for unless
you marry me I shall die.” ‘‘Oh, say
not so,” said Beauty, “ for it is impossible
that I can ever marry you.” The Beast
then went away, more unhappy than ever.


Then Beauty was seized with compassion,
«« Alas,” sighed she, ‘‘ ’tis a thousand pities
anything so good-natured should be so

Amidst all this, Beauty did not forget
her father. One day she felt a strong
desire to know how he was, and what he
was doing ; at that instant she cast her
eyes on a mirror and saw her father had
pined himself ill and lay in his bed, whilst
her sisters were trying on some fine
dresses in another room. At this sad
sight poor Beauty wept bitterly.

When Beast came as usual he saw her
grief, and asked the cause. She told him
what she had seen, and how much she
wished to go and nurse her father. He
asked her if she would promise to return
at the end of a week if she went. Beauty
gave him her promise. ‘* Well then,”
said Beast, ‘‘ you will find yourself there
to-morrow; but ah! do not forget to
return ; you will only have to place your
ring on a table when you go to bed if
you wish to come back. Farewell,
Beauty.” Beast sighed as he spoke, and


Beauty went to bed very sad because she
must give him pain.

When she waked in the morning she
found herself in her father’s cottage, and
on ringing a little bell she found by her
bed, the servant entered and cried out on
seeing her. The good man hastened to
her on hearing the noise, and had almost
died of joy when he saw his dear daughter,
and for more than a quarter of an hour
they forgot all else. Then Beauty re-
membered that she had no gown to put
on, but the servant told her that she had
just found in the next room a great chest
full of golden gowns sewn with diamonds.
Beauty thanked the good Beast in her
heart, and choosing the simplest dress,
- she told the maid to lock away the others
as she would give them to her sisters.
But hardly had she said so, when the
chest disappeared. Her father told her that
Beast wished her to keep them for her-
self; when immediately the dresses and
the chest came back to the same place.

Then Beauty put on her gown, and
when she had done so, her sisters, who


had been sent for, came with their

They were both very unhappy. The
eldest had married a young gentleman as
handsome as the day; but he was so
much in love with his own face, that he
thought of nothing else from morning
till night, and never noticed the beauty
of his wife. The second had married a
man who had a very pretty wit, but he
only used it to annoy everyone, begin-
ning with his wife.

The two sisters were very much an-
noyed at Beauty’s return, for they had
hoped that the Beast would have de-
stroyed her. They were greatly annoyed
to see her dressed like a queen and as
lovely as a flower. In vain did Beauty
caress them, nothing could check their
jealousy, which only increased when
Beauty told them of her happiness.

So these two went down tothe garden,
where they could talk as they pleased.
The eldest said to the other, ‘“¢‘ Why
should this minx be better off than’ we
are? Let us try to keep her here be-


yond the time ; the monster will then be
so enraged with her for breaking her
promise, that he will destroy her at once
when she returns.” ‘That is well
thought of,” replied the sister. ‘We
will keep her.”

In order to succeed, they treated
Beauty with the greatest affection, so
that she almost wept for joy. "When the
week had past the two sisters tore their
hair and made as though they would die
of grief if Beauty were to go, so that she
easily promised to remain another week.

Nevertheless, Beauty fretted at the
grief she must be causing to her poor
Beast, whom she loved with all her
heart and longed to see again. The
tenth night that she spent at her father’s
house she dreamed that she was in the
palace garden, and that she .saw the
Beast lying on the grass and like to die,
and that he reproached her for her
ingratitude. Beauty awoke weeping,
“‘ Ah!” said she, “Am I not ungrateful
to grieve a Beast who is so kind to me?
What fault is it of his that he is ugly


and stupid? He is good, and that is
better than all the rest. Why did I not
marry him? I should at any rate be
happier than my sisters, who are no
better off for the beauty and wit of their
husbands. No, I will not make Beast
unhappy; all my life long I should have
to reproach myself for such ingratitude.”

So Beauty got up, and placing her ring
on the table, fell again into a sound
sleep, from which she woke to find
herself in the palace. Everything was
just as she had left it; but the sweet
sounds of music which used to greet her
were now hushed, and there was an air
of apparent gloom hanging over every-
thing. She herself felt very sad, but she
- knew not why.

At the usual time she expected a visit
from Beast, but no Beast appeared.
Beauty, wondering what all this could
mean, now reproached herself for her
ingratitude in not having returned as she
promised. She feared the poor Beast
had died of grief, and she resolved to
seek him in every part of the palace,


and ran through every apartment, but no
Beast could be seen. Then remembering
her dream, with a sorrowful heart she
hastened into the garden, going towards
the little canal, beside which she had
seen him in her sleep.

At that moment she arrived at a plot
of grass where the poor Beast lay as if
dead. Beauty ran towards him, and
knelt by his side, and finding that he still
lived, she flung some water from the
canal over his head.

He opened his eyes and said: ‘‘Beauty,
you forgot your promise, and therefore I
must die.”



““No, dear Beast,” exclaimed Beauty,
weeping, ‘‘no, you shall not die, you
will live to be my husband ; I thought,
indeed, that I had only friendship for
you, but now I know that I love you
with my whole heart.”

No sooner had these words passed her
lips than the beast disappeared, and she
saw at her feet a handsome prince, who
thanked her for having broken his en-
chantment. At the same moment the
whole castle was lit up, the sweetest
music was heard, and bells rang in all
their cheering melody. Beauty, however,
could think of nothing but her dear
Beast, and asked the prince where she


could find him. ‘‘ You see him at your
feet,” answered he; and then he told
her that a wicked magician had con-
demned him to wear the form of a beast
until a beautiful maiden should consent
to marry him. ‘‘ But,” added he, ‘“ you
were the only one in the world good
enough to be touched by my kind heart
and unhappy state, so that this palace
and all that belongs to me is but a poor
return for your sweet goodness.” So
saying, he led Beauty to the great hall of
the palace, which was now thronged, for
at the same instant that the beast was
changed the whole palace became full of
courtiers, all of whom had been rendered
invisible when the prince was enchanted.
But what was Beauty’s joy to find there
her father and sisters, transported there by
the kind fairy who had appeared to her
in her sleep. ‘‘ Beauty,” said she, ‘‘ here
is the reward of your wise choice ; you
have chosen goodness, and you shall have
beauty and wisdom as well.” Then
turning to the frowning sisters, she
punished them by turning them into two


statues, to stand by the door of their
sister's palace, until their hard hearts
should change and become soft. So
the prince married Beauty, and they lived
happily together for many, many years.



ISh 70\

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Full Text






J. M. DENT & CO,
To Brian and Margaret.
— Ww

N this little book you will find two of
the most famous tales that have ever
come to us from Fairyland. ‘Jack the
Giant-Killer” is an old English tale,
and ‘* Beauty and the Beast” is an old
French tale. But no matter for that:
for both French Beauty and English Jack
come from the same far country, which
some people say is really no country at
all; and that is Fairyland. Both tales
are so old, indeed, that no one can say
who first brought them and told them to
children long ago. They were told to
me when I was little, and to my mother
when she was little, and to my grand-
mother when she was little; and they
will go on being told still for many a
long year.
It is our dear Hans Andersen, IJ think,
who says they were brought to us at

first by the Fairy Godmother,—an old,
old woman, with a wise, kind, wrinkled
face, and a merry eye. She wears a
scarlet cloak and a high peaked hat.
Perhaps she saw the very things that are
here told,—Jack and the Giants, and
Beauty and the wonderful Beast who
was really a Prince.

And now you may see them just as
well in the pictures in this little book,
which make our old tales look new again.
With pictures or without, it is the old
tales, after all, which are the best.

Grace Ruys.
Jack the Giant-Killer.

N the reign of King Arthur, there
lived in the county of Cornwall, near
the Land’s End of England, a wealthy
farmer who had one only son called Jack.
He was brisk and of a ready lively wit,
so that whatever he could not perform
by force and strength, he did by his
quick wit and cleverness. Never was any
person heard of that could worst him,
and he very often even baffled wise men
by his sharp and ready invention.

In those days the Mount of Cornwall
was kept by a huge and monstrous giant
of eighteen feet in height, and about
three yards in girth, of a fierce and grim
face, the terror of all the towns and
villages near. He lived in a cave in the
midst of the Mount, and would not suffer
any one else to live near him. His food
was other men’s cattle, which often be-

came his prey, for whensoever he wanted
food he would wade over to the main-
land, where he would furnish himself
with whatever came in his way. The
good folk, at his approach, forsook their
homes, while he seized on their cattle,
making nothing of carrying half-a-dozen
oxen on his back at a time; and as for
their sheep and hogs, he would tie them
round his waist like a bunch of bandeliers.

This course he had followed for many
years, so that all Cornwall had become
poor through his robberies.

One day Jack, happening to be present
at the town hall when the magistrates
were sitting in council about the giant,
asked what reward would be given to
the person who destroyed him. The
giant’s treasure, they said, was the re-
ward. Quoth Jack, ‘Then let me
undertake it.”

So he took a horn, shovel, and pick-
axe, and went over
to the Mount in the
beginning of a dark
winters evening,
when he fell to work,
and before morning
had dug a pit twenty-
two feet deep, and
nearly as broad, cover-
ing it over with long sticks and straw.
Then strewing a little mould upon it, it
appeared like plain ground. This done,
Jack placed himself on the contrary side
of the pit, fartherest from the giant’s


lodging, and, just at the break of day,
he put the horn to his mouth, and blew,
Tantivy, Tantivy. The unexpected
noise aroused the gaint, who rushed
from his cave, crying: ‘‘ You bold
villain, are you come here to disturb my
rest? You shall pay dearly for this.
Satisfaction I will have, and this it shall
be, I will take you whole and broil you
for breakfast,” which he had no sooner
uttered, than tumbling into the pit, he
made the very foundations of the Mount
to shake. ‘Oh, giant,” quoth Jack,
‘‘where are you now? Oh faith, you
are gotten now into Lob’s Pound, where
I will surely plague you for your wicked
words: what do you think now of broil-
ing me for your breakfast? Will no
other diet serve you but poor Jack?”
Thus having teased the giant for a while,
he gave him a most weighty knock with
his pickaxe on the very crown of his
head, and killed him on the spot.

This done, Jack filled up the pit with
earth, and went to search the cave,
which he found contained much treasure.

When the magistrates heard of this, they
said he should henceforth be called Jack
the Giant-Killer, and gave him a sword
and an embroidered belt, on which were
written these words in letters of gold—

“ Here’s the right valiant Cornish man,
Who slew the giant Cormelian.”

The news of Jack’s victory soon spread
over all the West of England, so that
another giant, named Blunderbore, hear-
ing of it, vowed to be revenged on the
little hero, if ever it was his fortune to
light on him. This giant was the lord

of an enchanted castle standing in the midst
of a lonesome wood. Now Jack, about
four months afterwards, walking near this
wood in his journey to Wales, being
weary, seated himself near a pleasant
fountain and fell fast asleep. While he
was enjoying his repose, the giant, com-
ing for water, there found him, and
knew him to be the far-famed Jack, by
the lines written on the belt. “Without
ado, he took Jack on his shoulders and
carried him towards his enchanted castle.
Now, as they passed through a thicket,
the rustling of the boughs awakened
Jack, who was strangely surprised to
find himself in the clutches of the giant.
His terror was not yet begun, for on
entering the castle, he saw the ground
strewed with human bones, the giant
telling him his own would ere long in-
crease them. After this the giant locked
poor Jack in an immense chamber, leav-
ing him there while he went to fetch
another giant living in the same wood to
help him to put an end to Jack. While
he was gone, dreadful shrieks and cries

affrighted Jack, especially a voice which
said many times—
*¢Do what you can to get away,
Or you'll become the giant’s prey ;
He’s gone to fetch his brother, who
Will kill, likewise devour you too.”

This dreadful noise had almost dis-
tracted Jack, who, going to the window,
beheld afar off the two giants coming
towards the castle. ‘* Now,” quoth Jack
to himself, ‘‘ my death or my escape is
at hand.” Now, there were strong cords
in a corner of the room in which Jack
was, and two of these he took, and made
a strong noose at the end; and while the
giants were unlocking the iron gate of
the castle he threw the ropes over each
of their heads. Then drawing the other
ends across a beam, and pulling with all his
might, he throttled them. Then, seeing
they were black in the face, and sliding
down the rope, he came to their heads,
when they could not defend themselves,
and drawing his sword, slew them both.
Then, taking the giant’s keys, and un-
locking the rooms, he found three fair


ladies tied by the hair of their heads,
almost starved to death. ‘‘ Sweet ladies,”
quoth Jack, “I have killed this monster
and his brutish brother, and so set you
free.” This said, he gave them the keys,
and so went on his journey to Wales.
Having but little money, Jack found it
well to make the best of his way by
travelling as fast as he could, but losing
his road, he was benighted, and could
not get a place to rest in until, coming
into a narrow valley, he found a large
house, and by reason of his present
needs took courage to knock at the gate.
But what was his surprise when there
came forth a monstrous giant with two
heads; yet he did not appear so fiery
as the others were, for he was a Welsh
giant, and what he did was by private
and secret malice under the false show
of friendship. Jack, having told his
state to the giant, was shown into a
bedroom, where, in the dead of night,
he heard his host in another room
muttering these words—


“Though here you lodge with me this night,
You shall not see the morning light:
My club shall dash your brains outright!”

“«Say’st thou so,” quoth Jack; “that
is like one of your Welsh tricks, yet I
hope to be cunning enough for you.”
Then, getting out of bed, he laid a billet
of wood in the bed in his stead, and hid
himself in a corner of the room. At the
dead time of the night in came the Welsh
giant, who struck several heavy blows
on the bed with his club, thinking he had
broken every bone in Jack’s skin. The
next morning Jack, laughing in his sleeve,
gave him hearty thanks for his night’s

lodging. ‘How have you rested?”
quoth the giant ; “did you not feel any-
thing in the night?” <‘*No,” quoth
Jack, ‘nothing but a rat, which gave
me two or three slaps with her tail.”
With that, greatly wondering, the giant
led Jack to breakfast, bringing him a
bowl containing four gallons of hasty
pudding. Being loath to let the giant
think it too much for him, Jack put a
large leather bag under his loose coat,
in such a way that he could convey the
pudding into it without its being seen.
Then, telling the giant he would show
him a trick, taking a knife, Jack ripped
open the bag, and out came all the hasty
pudding. Whereupon, saying, ‘‘ Odds
splutters, hur can do that trick hurself,”
the monster took the knife, and ripping
open his body, fell down dead.

Now, it fell in these days that King
Arthur's only son begged his father to
give him a large sum of money, in order
that he might go and seek his fortune
in the country of Wales, where lived a
beautiful lady possessed with seven evil

spirits. The king did his best to per-
suade his son from it, but in vain; so
at last granted the request, and the
prince set out with two horses, one
Joaded with money, the other for himself
to ride upon. Now, after several days’
travel, he came to a market-town in
Wales, where he beheld a vast crowd
of people gathered together. The prince
asked the reason of it, and was told that
they had arrested a corpse for several
large sums of money which the dead man
owed when he died. ‘The prince replied
that it was a pity creditors should be so
cruel, and said, ‘‘ Go bury the dead, and
let his creditors come to my lodging,
and there their debts shall be paid.” So
they came, but in such great numbers
that before night he had almost left
himself moneyless.

Now Jack the Giant-Killer, coming that
way, was so taken with the generosity of
the prince, that he wished to be his
servant. This being agreed upon, the
next morning they set forward on their
journey together, when, as they were

riding out of the town, an old woman
called after the prince, saying, ‘‘He has
owed me twopence these seven years;
pray pay me as well asthe rest.” Putting
his hand to his pocket, the prince gave
the woman all he had left, so that after
their day’s refreshment, which cost what
small spell Jack had by him, they were
without a penny between them. When
the sun began to grow low, the king’s
son said, ‘‘ Jack, since we have no money,
where can we lodge this night?” But
Jack replied, ‘‘ Master, we'll do well
enough, for I have an uncle lives within
two miles of this place; he is a huge
and monstrous giant with three heads;
he'll fight five hundred men in armour,
and make them to fly before him.”
‘* Alas!” quoth the prince, ‘‘ what shall

we do there? He'll certainly chop us
up at a mouthful. Nay, we are scarce
enough to fill one of his hollow teeth!”
«Tt is no matter for that,” quoth Jack ;
“I myself will go before and prepare
the way for you; therefore tarry and
wait till return.” Jack then rode away
full speed, and coming to the gate of the
castle, he knocked so loud that he made
the hills around toecho. The giant roared
out at this like thunder, ‘* Who’s there ?”
He was answered, ‘“‘None but your
poor Cousin Jack.” Quoth he, ‘What
news with my poor Cousin Jack?”
He replied, ‘‘ Dear Uncle, heavy news,
God wot!” <«Prithee,” quoth the giant,
“‘what heavy news can come to me?
I am a giant with three heads, and
besides thou knowest I can fight five
hundred men in armour, and make them
fly like chaff before the wind.” ‘Oh,
but,” quoth Jack, ‘‘ here’s the king’s son
a-coming with a thousand men in armour
to kill you and destroy all that you
have!” ‘Oh, Cousin Jack,” said the
giant, “this is heavy news indeed! I

| aa |

will immediately run and hide myself,
and thou shalt lock, bolt, and bar me in,
and keep the keys until the prince is
gone.” Having secured the giant, Jack
fetched his master, when they made them-
selves heartily merry whilst the poor giant
lay trembling in a vault under the ground.

Early in the morning Jack furnished
his master with a fresh supply of gold
and silver, and then sent him three miles
forward on his journey, at which time
the prince was pretty well out of the
smell of the giant. Jack then returned,
and let the giant out of the vault, who
asked what he should give him for keeping
the castle safe. “Why,” quoth Jack,


‘I desire nothing but the old coat and
cap, together with the old rusty sword
and slippers which are at your bed’s
head.” Quoth the giant, “Thou shalt
have them ; and pray keep them for my
sake, for they are things of excellent use.
The coat will keep you invisible, the cap
will furnish you with knowledge, the
sword cuts asunder whatever you strike,
and the shoes are of extraordinary swift-
ness. These may be useful to you,
therefore take them with all my heart.”
Taking them, Jack thanked his uncle,
and then having overtaken his master,
they quickly arrived at the house of the
lady the prince sought, who, finding the
prince to be a suitor, prepared a splendid
banquet for him. After the feasting was
done, she wiped his mouth with a hand-
kerchief, saying, ‘‘ You must show me
that handkerchief to-morrow morning, or
else you will lose your head.” With that
she put it in her bosom. The prince
went to bed in great sorrow, but Jack’s
cap of knowledge taught him how it was
to be got. In the middle of the night


she called upon her familiar spirit to carry
her to Lucifer. But Jack put on his coat
of darkness and his shoes of swiftness,
and was there as soon as her. When
she entered the place of the evil one, she
gave the handkerchief to old Lucifer,
who laid it upon a shelf, whence Jack
took it and brought it to his master,
who showed it to the lady the next day,
and so saved his life. On that day, she
saluted the prince, telling him he must
show her the lips to-morrow morning
that she kissed last night, or lose his
head. ‘ Ah,” he replied, ‘if you kiss
none but mine, I will.” ‘* That is neither
here nor there,” said she; ‘if you do
not, death’s your portion!” At midnight
she went as before, and was angry with
old Lucifer for letting the handkerchief
go. ‘But now,” quoth she, ‘I will be
too hard for the king’s son, for I will
kiss thee, and he is to show me thy
lips.” Which she did, and Jack, who
was standing by, cut off the devil’s head
and brought it under his invisible coat
to his master, who the next morning

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pulled it out by the horns before the
lady. The enchantment thus broken,
the evil spirit left her, and she appeared
in all her beauty. They were married
the next morning, and soon after went
to the court of King Arthur, where Jack,
for his many great deeds, was made one
of the Knights of the Round Table.
Having been successful in all he did,
Jack resolved not to remain idle, but to
do what he could for the honour of his
king and country, and begged King
Arthur to fit him out with a horse and
money to help him to travel in search of
strange and new adventures. ‘ For,”
said he, “there are many giants yet
living in the farthest part of Wales, to
_the great damage of your majesty’s liege
subjects ; wherefore, may it please you
to encourage me, I do not doubt but in
a short time to cut them off root and
branch, and so rid all the realm of those
giants and monsters of nature.” When
the king had heard this noble request,
he furnished Jack with all he had need
of, and Jack started on his pursuit, taking

with him the cap of knowledge, sword
of sharpness, shoes of swiftness, and
invisible coat, the better to succeed in
the dangerous adventures which now
lay before him.

Jack travelled over vast hills and
wonderful mountains, and on the third
day came to a large wood, which he had
no sooner entered than he heard dread-
ful shrieks and cries. Casting his eyes
round, he beheld with terror a huge
giant dragging along a fair lady and a
knight by the hair of their. heads, with
as much ease as if they had been a pair
of gloves. At this sight Jack shed tears
of pity, and then, getting off from his
horse, he put on his invisible coat, and
taking with him his sword of sharpness,
at length with a swinging stroke cut off
both the giant’s legs below the knee, so
that his fall made the trees to tremble.
At this the courteous knight and his fair
lady, after returning Jack their hearty
thanks, invited him home, there to re-
fresh his strength after the battle, and
receive some ample reward for his good

services. But Jack vowed he would not
rest until he had found out the giant’s
den. The knight, hearing this, was very
sorrowful, and replied, ‘‘ Noble stranger,
it is too much to run a second risk; this
monster lived in a den under yonder
mountain, with a brother more fierce and
fiery than himself. ‘Therefore, if you
should go thither, and perish in the
attempt, it would be a_heart-breaking
to me and my lady. Let me persuade
you to go with us, and desist from any
further pursuit.” ‘‘Nay,” quoth Jack,
‘“‘were there twenty, not one should
escape my fury. But when I have
finished my task, I will come and pay
my respects to you.”

Jack had not ridden more than a mile
and a half, when the cave mentioned by
the knight appeared to view, near the
entrance of which he beheld the giant
sitting upon a block of timber, with a
knotted iron club by his side, waiting,
as he supposed, for his brother’s return
with his prey. His goggle eyes were
like flames of fire, his face grim and
ugly, and his cheeks like a couple of
large flitches of bacon, while the bristles
of his beard resembled rods of iron wire,
and the locks that hung down upon his
brawny shoulders were like curled
snakes or hissing adders. Jack alighted
from his horse, and, putting on the coat

of darkness, approached near the giant,
and said softly, “‘Oh! are you there?
It will not be long ere I shall take you
fast by the beard.” The giant all this
while could not see him, on account of
his invisible coat, so that Jack, coming
up close to the monster, struck a blow
with his sword at his head, but, missing
his aim, he cut off the nose.instead. At
this, the giant roared like claps of
thunder, and began to lay about him
with his iron club like one stark mad.
But Jack, running behind, drove his
sword up to the hilt in the giant’s back,
which caused him to fall down dead.
This done, Jack cut off the giant’s head,
and sent it, with his brother’s head also,
to King Arthur, by a waggoner he hired
fot that purpose.

Jack now resolved to enter the giants’
cave in search of his treasure, and, passing
along through a great many windings and
turnings, he came at length to a large
room paved with freestone, at the upper
end of which was a boiling caldron, and
on the right hand a large table, at which


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the giants used to dine. Then he came
to a window, barred with iron, through
which he looked and beheld a vast
crowd of unhappy captives, who, seeing
him, cried out, ‘¢ Alas! young man, art
thou come to be one amongst us in this
miserable den?” ‘ Ay,” quoth Jack,
“but pray tell me why it is you are so
imprisoned ?” <«* Weare kept here,” said
one, ‘till such time as the giants have a
wish to feast, and then the fattest among
us is killed! And many are the times
they have dined upon murdered men!”
«‘ Say you so,” quoth Jack, and straight-
way unlocked the gate and let them free,
who all rejoiced like condemned men at

sight of a reprieve. Then searching the
giants’ coffers, he shared the gold and
silver equally amongst them,

It was about sunrise the next day when
Jack, after seeing the captives on their
way to their homes, mounted his horse
to go on his journey, and, by the help of
his directions, reached the knight’s house
about noon. He was received here with
all signs of joy by the knight and his
lady, who in respect to Jack prepared a
feast which lasted many days, all the
gentry in the neighbourhood being of
the company. The worthy knight was
likewise pleased to present him with a
beautiful ring, on which was engraved
a picture of the giant dragging the dis-
tressed knight and his lady, with this

“ We are in sad distress you see,
Under a giant’s fierce command,

But gain our lives and liberty
By valiant Jack’s victorious hand. ”

But in the midst of all this mirth a
messenger brought the dismal tidings
that one Thunderdell, a giant with two

heads, having heard of the death of his
two kinsmen, came from the northern
dales to be revenged on Jack, and was
within a mile of the knight’s seat, the
country people flying before him like
chaff. But Jack was no whit daunted,
and said, ‘* Let him come! I have a tool
to pick his teeth; and you, ladies and
gentlemen, walk but forth into the
garden, and you shall witness this giant
Thunderdell’s death and destruction.”
The house of this knight was in the
midst of a small island with a moat thirty
feet deep and twenty feet wide around it,

over which lay a drawbridge. Wherefore
Jack employed men to cut through this
bridge on both sides, nearly to the
middle; and then, dressing himself in
his invisible coat, he marched against the
giant with his sword of sharpness.
Although the giant could not see Jack
he smelt his approach, and cried out in
these words—
‘¢ Fee, fi, fo, fumt
I smell the blood of an English man !

Be he alive or be he dead,
Pll grind his bones to make me bread!”

“Say’st thou so,” said Jack; ‘then
thou art a monstrous miller indeed.” At
which the giant cried out again, ‘* Art
thou that villain who killed my kinsmen ?
Then I will tear thee with my teeth,
suck thy blood, and grind thy bones to
powder.” ‘You will catch me first,”
quoth Jack, and throwing off his invisible
coat, so that the giant might see him, and
putting on his shoes of swiftness, he ran
from the giant, who followed like a
walking castle, so that the very earth
seemed to shake at every step. Jack led

him a long dance, in order that the
knights and ladies might see; and at
last, to end the matter, ran lightly over
the drawbridge, the giant, in full speed,
pursuing him with his club. Then,
coming to the middle of the bridge, the
giant’s great weight broke it down, and
he tumbled headlong into the water,
where he rolled and wallowed like a
whale. Jack, standing by the moat,
laughed at him all the while; but
though the giant foamed to hear him
scoff, and plunged from place to place
in the moat, yet he could not get out
to be revenged. Jack at length got a
cart-rope and cast it over the two heads
of the giant, and drew him ashore by a
team of horses, and then cut off both his

heads with his sword of sharpness, and
sent them to King Arthur.

After some time spent in mirth and
pastime, Jack, taking leave of the knights
and ladies, set out for new adventures.
Through many woods he passed, and
came at length to the foot of a high
mountain. Here, late at night, he found
a lonesome house, and knocked at the
door, which was opened by an ancient
man with a head as white as snow.
“Father,” said Jack, ‘‘have you any
place where a traveller may rest that
has lost his way?” ‘ Yes,” said the
old man; ‘‘you are right welcome to
my poor cottage.” Whereupon Jack
entered, and down they sat together,
and the old man began to speak as
~ follows :—‘'Son, I know you are the
great conqueror of giants, and behold,
my son, on the top of this mountain is
an enchanted castle, kept by a giant
named Galligantus, who, by the help
of an old conjuror, betrays knights and
ladies into his castle, where, by magic
art, they are transformed into many

shapes and forms ; but, above all, I weep
for the fate of a duke’s daughter, whom
they fetched from her father’s garden,
carrying her through the air in a burn-
ing chariot drawn by fiery dragons,
when they shut her up within the castle,
and transformed her into the shape of
a white hind. And though many knights
have tried to break the enchantment, and
set her free, yet no one could do it, on
account of two dreadful griffins which
are placed at the castle gate, and which
destroy every one who comes near. But
you, my son, having an invisible coat,
may pass by them unseen, where, on the
gates of the castle, you will find written
in large letters by what means the en-
chantment may be broken.” The old
man having ended, Jack gave him his
hand, and promised that in the morning
he would venture his life to free the

In the morning Jack arose and put
on his invisible coat and magic cap and
shoes, and prepared himself for the task.
Now, when he had reached the top of

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the mountain, he soon saw the two fiery
griffins, but passed them without fear,
because of his invisible coat. When he
had got beyond them, he found upon
the gates of the castle a golden trumpet
hung by a silver chain, under which
these lines were written—
“ Whoever shall this trumpet blow,

Shall soon the giant overthrow,

And break the black enchantment straight ;

So all shall be in happy state.”

Jack had no sooner read this but he
blew the trumpet, at which the castle
trembled to its vast foundations, and the
giant and conjuror were in horrid fear,
biting their thumbs and tearing their
hair, knowing their wicked reign was at
anend. Then the giant, stooping to take
up his club, Jack at one blow cut off his
head ; whereupon the conjuror, mounting
up into the air, was carried away in a
whirlwind. Thus was the enchantment
broken, and all the lords and ladies who
had so long been transformed into birds
and beasts returned to their proper
shapes, and the castle vanished away in


a cloud of smoke. This being done, the
head of Galligantus was likewise, in the
usual manner, brought to the Court of
King Arthur, where the very next day,
Jack followed, with the knights and
ladies who had been so happily. set
free. Whereupon, as a reward for his
good services, the king bade the duke
give his daughter in marriage to honest
Jack. So married they were, and the
whole kingdom was filled with joy at
the wedding. Furthermore, the king
bestowed on Jack a noble dwelling, with
very beautiful lands thereto belonging,
where he and his lady lived in great
joy and happiness all the rest of their
The History of
Beauty and the Beast

Oe upon a time there was a very
rich merchant who had six chil-
dren—three boys and three girls. As he
was a kind father, he spared no pains
in bringing them up, and had them
taught everything that was good. His
daughters were very pretty, but the
youngest was prettiest of all; while she
was little she was always called Beauty,
and when she grew up she still kept the
name, so that her sisters were full of
jealousy. But Beauty was not only
lovelier than her sisters, she was also
more virtuous than they ; for they were
proud of their riches, and, aping the
doings of the great, they would only


know people of better condition than
themselves. Every day they went to
balls and theatres, and laughed at Beauty,
who spent a great part of her time in
study. As it was well known that
these sisters were very rich, many great
merchants wished to marry them; but
the two eldest always said that they
would never marry any one but a duke,
or at least an earl. Beauty, however,
thanked those who wished to marry her,
saying that she was too young to leave
her father, whose companion she hoped
to be for some years longer.

All at once the merchant lost his
whole fortune, and nothing was left him
but a little house in the country, a great
way from town. Weeping, he told his
children that they must go and live there
and work for their living. The two
eldest daughters answered that they
would not leave town, and that they had
several lovers who would be glad to
marry them, though they had no fortune ;
but in this they were mistaken, for their
lovers slighted and forsook them in their


poverty. As they were not beloved, on
account of their pride, everybody said—

‘‘They do not deserve to be pitied ;
we are glad to see their pride humbled ;
let them go and give themselves quality
airs in milking the cows and minding
their dairy. But,” added they, ‘‘ we are
very sorry for Beauty, she was such a
good girl, she spoke so softly to poor
folk, and was gentle and kind.” Nay,
several gentlemen would have married
her, although they knew she had not a
penny ; but she told them she could not
think of leaving her poor father in his
trouble, but was determined to go with

my Of iw

him into the country, to comfort him and
give what help she could.

Poor Beauty at first was sadly grieved
at the loss of her fortune. ‘‘ But,” said
she to herself, ‘* were I to cry ever so
much it would make things no better,
so I must try to make myself happy
without a fortune.”

_ When they came to their cottage the
merchant and his sons spent their time in
tilling the ground. Beauty rose at four
in the morning and made haste to have
the house clean and dinner ready for
them all. At first she found it very
difficult, for she had not been used to
work hard: but in less than two months


she grew stronger and healthier than
ever. After she had done her work,
she read, played on the harpsichord, or
else sang whilst she spun. Her two
sisters, on the contrary, were wretched ;
they got up at ten o'clock, and did no-
thing but saunter about the whole day,
and complain of the loss of their fine
clothes and acquaintance.

‘Do but see our youngest sister,” said
one to the other, ‘‘ what a poor, stupid,
mean-spirited creature she is, to be con-
tented with such a miserable lot.” The
good merchant, however, thought quite

differently: he knew very well that
Beauty was as much fairer than her
sisters as she was wiser, and admired
her humility, her industry, and above all,
her patience ; for her sisters not only left
her all the work of the house to do, but
insulted her every minute.

For about a year they lived together
in this loneliness, when the merchant
received a letter with an account of how
a ship, on board of which he had some
goods, was safely arrived. This news
had like to have turned the heads of the
two eldest daughters, who thought that

here was a chance of their leaving the
country where they were so wretched ;
and, when they saw their father ready to
set out, they begged of him to buy them
new gowns, caps, rings, and all manner
of trifles ; but Beauty asked for nothing,
for she thought to herself, that all the
money her father was going to receive
would scarce be enough to buy every
thing that her sisters wanted. ‘What
will you have, Beauty ?” said her father.
“«Since you are so good as to think of
me,” answered she, ‘pray bring me a
rose, for we have none in our garden.”
The good man went on his journey ; but
when he reached town, they went to law
with him about his goods, and after a
great deal of trouble and pains to no pur-
pose, he came back as poor as before.
He was within thirty miles of his own
house, thinking on the pleasure he should
have in seeing his children again, when,
going through a great forest, he lost his
way. It was snowing hard, and besides,
the wind was so high, it blew him twice off
his horse ; and night coming on, he began

to fear being either starved to death with
cold and hunger, or else eaten by the
wolves whom he heard howling all
around him. Suddenly, looking down a
long avenue of trees, he saw a bright
light some way off, and going a little
farther, found that it came from a palace
which was lit up from top to bottom.
The merchant thanked God for the help
he had sent, and made haste to reach the
Castle, but was greatly surprised not to
meet anyone in the courtyards.

His horse followed him, and seeing a
large stable open, went in, and finding
both hay and oats, the poor beast, who
was almost famished, fell to eating very
heartily. The merchant tied him up to
the manger, and walked towards the
house, where he saw no one; but
entering into a large hall, he found a
good fire, and a table plentifully set out,
with but one cover laid. As he was wet
quite through with the rain and snow, he
drew near the fire to dry himself. ‘TI
hope,” said he, ‘the master of the
house, or his servants, will excuse the

liberty I take; I suppose it will not be
long before some of them appear.”

He waited a considerable time, till it
struck eleven, and still nobody came ; at
last he was so hungry that he could stay
no longer, but took a chicken and ate it
in two mouthfuls, trembling all the while.
After this he drank a few glasses of
wine, and, growing more courageous, he
went out of the hall, and crossed through
several grand apartments with magnificent
furniture, till he came into a chamber
which had an exceeding good bed in it,
and, as he was very much fatigued, and
it was past midnight, he concluded it
was best to shut the door and go to bed.

It was ten the next morning before the
merchant waked, and as he was going to
rise, he was astonished to see a good suit
of clothes in the room of his own, which
were quite spoiled. ‘‘Certainly,” said
he, ‘‘this palace belongs to some kind
fairy, who has seen and pitied my dis-
tresses.” He looked through a window,
but, instead of snow, saw the most
delightful arbours, interwoven with the
most beautiful flowers that ever were
beheld. He then returned to the great
hall, where he had supped the night
before, and found some chocolate ready
made on a little table. ‘Thank you,
good Madam Fairy,” said he aloud, “for
being so kind as to think of my break-

The good man drank his chocolate,
and then went to look for his horse ;
but passing through an arbour of roses,
he remembered Beauty’s request, and
gathered a branch on which were several;
immediately he heard a great noise and
saw such a frightful beast coming to-
wards him that he was ready to faint


away. ‘Ungrateful man,” said the
Beast to him in a terrible voice, “I
have saved your life by receiving you
into my castle, and in return you steal
my roses which I love better than any-
thing in the world; but you shall die for
it, I give you but a quarter of an hour
to prepare yourself and to say your
prayers.” The merchant fell on his
knees, and lifted up both his hands:
‘‘ My Lord,” said he, ‘I beseech you to
forgive me, indeed I had no intention to
offend in gathering a rose for one of my
daughters, who had asked me to bring
her one.” ‘‘ My name is not My Lord,”
replied the monster, ‘but Beast. I don’t
like compliments, not I; I like people to
speak as they think; and so do not
expect to move me by any of your
flatteries. However, you say you have
got daughters; I will forgive you on
condition that one of them comes
willingly and suffers for you. Let me
have no words, but go about your busi-
ness, and swear that if your daughters
refuse to die in your stead, you will

return within three months.” The
merchant had no mind to sacrifice his
daughters to the ugly monster, but he
thought that at least he might have the
pleasure of seeing them once more. So
he promised to return, and the Beast told
him he might set out when he pleased ;
‘*but,” added he, ‘you shall not depart
empty handed. Go back to the room
where you lay, and you will see a great
empty chest; fill it with whatever you
like best, and I will send it to your
home,” and with that the Beast went

‘* Well,” said the good man to himself,
‘cif I must die I shall have the comfort,
at least, of leaving something to my poor

He returned to the bed chamber, and
finding a quantity of broad pieces of
gold, he filled the great chest the Beast
had told him of, locked it, and then took
his horse out of the stable, leaving the
palace with as much grief as he had
entered it with joy.

The horse, of his own accord, took one

of the roads of the forest, and in a few
hours the good merchant was at home.
His children came around him, but instead
of receiving their caresses with pleasure,
he stood weeping, and looked at them.
Then holding out the rose-branch he
carried to Beauty, he said to her, ‘‘ Take
these roses, Beauty ; little do you think
how dear they will cost your poor father ;”
and so he told them all the sad adventure
he had fallen in with. Immediately the
two eldest set up a most dolorous outcry,
and spoke unkindly to Beauty, who, how-
ever, did not cry at all. <‘‘See what

comes of the little wretch’s pride,” said
they, ‘¢she would not ask for fine clothes
as we did; no indeed, miss wished to be
uncommon ; and now that she is going to
be the death of our poor father, she will
not shed a tear.” ‘Why should I?”
answered Beauty, ‘‘it would be very
needless, for my father shall not suffer
on my account. Since the monster will
accept one of his daughters, I will go
and give myself up to him, and happy am
I to think that my death will save my
father’s life and be a proof of my love
for him.” <‘*No, sister,” said her three
brothers, ‘‘ that shall not be; we will go
and find the monster, and either kill him
or die ourselves.” ‘‘ Do not imagine any
such thing, my sons,” said the merchant,
‘« Beast’s power is so great that I have no
hopes of your getting the better of him. I
am touched by Beauty’s kindness of heart,
but I cannot do as she would have me; I
am old and have but little longer to live ;
so at most I lose a few years, which I
regret for your sakes, my dear children.”
“Indeed, father, you shall not go to

the palace without me,” said Beauty ,
“you cannot hinder me from following
you.” In spite of all they could say,
Beauty still insisted on setting out for
the palace, and her sisters were not sorry,
for her goodness had filled them with

The merchant, however, was so grieved
at the thought of losing his daughter, that
he had quite forgot the chest full of gold.
But, at night, as soon as he had shut his
chamber door, what was his astonishment
to find it by his bedside ; he determined,
however, not to tell his children that he
had grown rich, as his two elder

daughters would have wanted to return
to town, and he was resolved not to leave
the country ; -but he trusted Beauty with
the secret, who then told him that two
gentlemen came in his absence, and
courted her sisters; she begged her
father to consent to their marriage, and
give them fortunes; for she was so good
that she loved them, and forgave them
heartily for all their ill usage. These
wicked creatures rubbed their eyes with
an onion to force some tears when they
parted with their sister, but her brothers
were really concerned. Beauty was the
only one who did not shed tears at part-
ing, for she would not increase their

The horse took the direct road to the
palace, and towards evening, they saw
it all lit up as at first: the horse went
of himself into the stable, and the good
man and his daughter came into the great
hall, where they found a table magnifi-
cently spread, with two covers laid.
The merchant had no heart to eat, but
Beauty, trying to appear cheerful, sat


down to table and helped him. After-
wards, thought she to herself, ‘ Beast
surely has a mind to fatten me before he
eats me, since he provides such a good
supper.” When they had supped, they
heard a great noise, and the merchant, in
tears, bid his poor child farewell, for he
thought Beast was coming. Beauty was
sadly terrified at his horrid form, but she
took courage as well as she could, and
the monster having asked her if she came
willingly, ‘‘ Y-e-s,” said she, trembling.
“‘You are very good, and I am grateful
to you. Honest man, go your ways to-
morrow morning, but never think of
returning here again. Farewell, Beauty.”
‘¢ Farewell, Beast,” answered she, sighing,

and immediately the monster turned to
go away. ‘‘O daughter,” said the mer-
chant, embracing Beauty, ‘I am almost
frightened to death ; believe me, you had
better go back and let me stay here.”
“‘No, father,” said Beauty, firmly, ‘do
you go and leave me to the care and
protection of Providence.” They went
to bed and thought they should not close
their eyes all night ; but scarce had they
laid down than they fell fast asleep ; and
Beauty dreamed a fair lady came and said
to her, ‘‘I am pleased with your brave
heart, Beauty ; this good action of yours
in giving up your own life to save
your father’s shall not go unrewarded.”
Beauty waked and told her father her
dream, and though it helped to comfort
him a little, yet he could not help crying
bitterly when he took leave of his dear
child, as he feared he might never see
her again.

As soon as he was gone, Beauty sat
down in the great hall and fell a cry-
ing likewise; but as she was mistress
of a great deal of spirit, she recom-

mended herself to God, and resolved not
to be uneasy the little time she had to
live ; for she firmly believed Beast would
eat her up that night. She made up her
mind then to walk about and see this
great castle, which she could not help
admiring. It was a delightful, pleasant
place, and she was extremely surprised
to find a door, over which was written,
«Beauty's Room.” She quickly opened
the door, and was dazzled by the
splendour that she saw within. There,
among other things, was a great library,
a harpsichord, and many books of music.
«« Ah,” thought Beauty, ‘‘had they thought
of eating me at once, they would surely
not have made such provision for my
amusement.” So, taking heart, she opened
the library and there saw written in gold
letters, ‘“ Wish or command, you are queen
and mistress here.” ‘‘ Alas,” said she,
sighing, ‘I want nothing but to see my
poor father again, and to know what he
is now doing.” Scarce had she thought
it, when, what was her surprise, on
looking at a great mirror near by, to see

there her own home where her father
was just arriving with a most sad face;
her sisters came out to meet him, and in
spite of the grimaces which they made so
as to seem in grief, the joy they felt at
their sister’s loss was plain to see. One
moment after, all had vanished, and
Beauty could not but think it had been
a proof of the Beast’s kindness, and that
she had nothing to fear from him.
Towards evening she returned to the
great hall, where she found dinner ready
prepared. The most delightful music
played during the whole of dinner.
When Beauty had finished, the table
was cleared, and the choicest wines and

most delicious fruits were then laid. At
the same ‘hour as on the day before, she
heard the noise of Beast’s coming and he
entered, and advancing towards Beauty,
who dared not look up, he said: ‘ Will
you permit me to sit with you?” “ That
is as you please,” replied she. ‘Not
so,” said Beast, ‘‘for you are mistress
here ; and if my company is disagreeable
I will begone ; but tell me, Beauty, do
you think me very ugly?” ‘I do indeed,”
said she, ‘“‘to speak the truth; but I
think you are very good.” ‘You are
right,” said the monster; ‘but that is
not all, for I am stupid as well as ugly ;
I know well that I am nothing but a
beast.” ‘No one is really stupid who
thinks that he has little wit,” answered
Beauty, ‘‘no fool ever yet thought that.”
“© Ah, well,” said the Beast, ‘try to
make yourself happy here, Beauty; I
should be sorry if you were unhappy.”
“‘- You are very kind, Beast,” said she;
“indeed, when I think of your good
heart, you no longer seem to me so ugly.”
“‘ Dear me, yes,” said he, ‘‘ my heart is

good, but, for all that, Iam a monster.”
‘© There are many who are really more
of monsters than you,” answered Beauty,
‘cand I like you better with that face,
than many who under an appearance of
beauty hide a cruel heart.” ‘* Ah,” said
Beast, ‘if I were not so stupid, I would
know how to thank you.” So Beauty
talked to him, gaining courage the while ;
but she had like to have fainted with
fright, when, taking hold of her hand,
Beast said in a gentle voice: ‘‘ Beauty,
will you marry me?” She hastily with-
drew her hand, but made no reply; at
which the Beast sighed deeply and with-
drew. On his next visit he appeared
sorrowful and dejected, but said nothing.
Some weeks after he repeated the ques-
tion, when Beauty replied: ‘‘ No, Beast,
I cannot marry you, but I will do all in
my power to make you happy.” ‘“‘ This
you cannot do,” replied he, ‘for unless
you marry me I shall die.” ‘‘Oh, say
not so,” said Beauty, “ for it is impossible
that I can ever marry you.” The Beast
then went away, more unhappy than ever.

Then Beauty was seized with compassion,
«« Alas,” sighed she, ‘‘ ’tis a thousand pities
anything so good-natured should be so

Amidst all this, Beauty did not forget
her father. One day she felt a strong
desire to know how he was, and what he
was doing ; at that instant she cast her
eyes on a mirror and saw her father had
pined himself ill and lay in his bed, whilst
her sisters were trying on some fine
dresses in another room. At this sad
sight poor Beauty wept bitterly.

When Beast came as usual he saw her
grief, and asked the cause. She told him
what she had seen, and how much she
wished to go and nurse her father. He
asked her if she would promise to return
at the end of a week if she went. Beauty
gave him her promise. ‘* Well then,”
said Beast, ‘‘ you will find yourself there
to-morrow; but ah! do not forget to
return ; you will only have to place your
ring on a table when you go to bed if
you wish to come back. Farewell,
Beauty.” Beast sighed as he spoke, and

Beauty went to bed very sad because she
must give him pain.

When she waked in the morning she
found herself in her father’s cottage, and
on ringing a little bell she found by her
bed, the servant entered and cried out on
seeing her. The good man hastened to
her on hearing the noise, and had almost
died of joy when he saw his dear daughter,
and for more than a quarter of an hour
they forgot all else. Then Beauty re-
membered that she had no gown to put
on, but the servant told her that she had
just found in the next room a great chest
full of golden gowns sewn with diamonds.
Beauty thanked the good Beast in her
heart, and choosing the simplest dress,
- she told the maid to lock away the others
as she would give them to her sisters.
But hardly had she said so, when the
chest disappeared. Her father told her that
Beast wished her to keep them for her-
self; when immediately the dresses and
the chest came back to the same place.

Then Beauty put on her gown, and
when she had done so, her sisters, who

had been sent for, came with their

They were both very unhappy. The
eldest had married a young gentleman as
handsome as the day; but he was so
much in love with his own face, that he
thought of nothing else from morning
till night, and never noticed the beauty
of his wife. The second had married a
man who had a very pretty wit, but he
only used it to annoy everyone, begin-
ning with his wife.

The two sisters were very much an-
noyed at Beauty’s return, for they had
hoped that the Beast would have de-
stroyed her. They were greatly annoyed
to see her dressed like a queen and as
lovely as a flower. In vain did Beauty
caress them, nothing could check their
jealousy, which only increased when
Beauty told them of her happiness.

So these two went down tothe garden,
where they could talk as they pleased.
The eldest said to the other, ‘“¢‘ Why
should this minx be better off than’ we
are? Let us try to keep her here be-

yond the time ; the monster will then be
so enraged with her for breaking her
promise, that he will destroy her at once
when she returns.” ‘That is well
thought of,” replied the sister. ‘We
will keep her.”

In order to succeed, they treated
Beauty with the greatest affection, so
that she almost wept for joy. "When the
week had past the two sisters tore their
hair and made as though they would die
of grief if Beauty were to go, so that she
easily promised to remain another week.

Nevertheless, Beauty fretted at the
grief she must be causing to her poor
Beast, whom she loved with all her
heart and longed to see again. The
tenth night that she spent at her father’s
house she dreamed that she was in the
palace garden, and that she .saw the
Beast lying on the grass and like to die,
and that he reproached her for her
ingratitude. Beauty awoke weeping,
“‘ Ah!” said she, “Am I not ungrateful
to grieve a Beast who is so kind to me?
What fault is it of his that he is ugly


and stupid? He is good, and that is
better than all the rest. Why did I not
marry him? I should at any rate be
happier than my sisters, who are no
better off for the beauty and wit of their
husbands. No, I will not make Beast
unhappy; all my life long I should have
to reproach myself for such ingratitude.”

So Beauty got up, and placing her ring
on the table, fell again into a sound
sleep, from which she woke to find
herself in the palace. Everything was
just as she had left it; but the sweet
sounds of music which used to greet her
were now hushed, and there was an air
of apparent gloom hanging over every-
thing. She herself felt very sad, but she
- knew not why.

At the usual time she expected a visit
from Beast, but no Beast appeared.
Beauty, wondering what all this could
mean, now reproached herself for her
ingratitude in not having returned as she
promised. She feared the poor Beast
had died of grief, and she resolved to
seek him in every part of the palace,

and ran through every apartment, but no
Beast could be seen. Then remembering
her dream, with a sorrowful heart she
hastened into the garden, going towards
the little canal, beside which she had
seen him in her sleep.

At that moment she arrived at a plot
of grass where the poor Beast lay as if
dead. Beauty ran towards him, and
knelt by his side, and finding that he still
lived, she flung some water from the
canal over his head.

He opened his eyes and said: ‘‘Beauty,
you forgot your promise, and therefore I
must die.”


““No, dear Beast,” exclaimed Beauty,
weeping, ‘‘no, you shall not die, you
will live to be my husband ; I thought,
indeed, that I had only friendship for
you, but now I know that I love you
with my whole heart.”

No sooner had these words passed her
lips than the beast disappeared, and she
saw at her feet a handsome prince, who
thanked her for having broken his en-
chantment. At the same moment the
whole castle was lit up, the sweetest
music was heard, and bells rang in all
their cheering melody. Beauty, however,
could think of nothing but her dear
Beast, and asked the prince where she

could find him. ‘‘ You see him at your
feet,” answered he; and then he told
her that a wicked magician had con-
demned him to wear the form of a beast
until a beautiful maiden should consent
to marry him. ‘‘ But,” added he, ‘“ you
were the only one in the world good
enough to be touched by my kind heart
and unhappy state, so that this palace
and all that belongs to me is but a poor
return for your sweet goodness.” So
saying, he led Beauty to the great hall of
the palace, which was now thronged, for
at the same instant that the beast was
changed the whole palace became full of
courtiers, all of whom had been rendered
invisible when the prince was enchanted.
But what was Beauty’s joy to find there
her father and sisters, transported there by
the kind fairy who had appeared to her
in her sleep. ‘‘ Beauty,” said she, ‘‘ here
is the reward of your wise choice ; you
have chosen goodness, and you shall have
beauty and wisdom as well.” Then
turning to the frowning sisters, she
punished them by turning them into two


statues, to stand by the door of their
sister's palace, until their hard hearts
should change and become soft. So
the prince married Beauty, and they lived
happily together for many, many years.



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