S ".
whe iopnd in10,sarigwt a Mai
Sirr an an6 Agriutr Liray
T irst campus building devoted to a library
s ( t is n) te sn p n
Lirr Eat opne in 1925.
. ll.
f I
5 ujc seilzd brnc lbaisd Sn edn
SLirr de a gtet ga ggaffgro
* an milot *ggg acu ge 196
I- LPir
I trnJ r'r
41Mb I I
* g Range Developmen Sbomte
exrssdned fao a moesacegn a ae lbar
^ 0 ^ 0 0 99 ^ *
a a *ga a G *
a96 U intttoasefsuyfudlbar
96 loi a lgis atugge apporae $$fr e
0 0o* e^ e00 e a6^9
* Plan 1 96- / Const t ion begi 1965
Lon Rang Deelpmn aSubaommitaea
Reprt Ferur 16
"Thee fciliies[Liraris] re ow s hevil
co p o ie in quliy Th r ar urgent,
curet criica ned prmrl Sor 6pcn
fud for5 bok in th lirre *h
Unvrst fae an imietcissih
academic~~~ prgasaeetne ute ihu
6xaso ofS th lirr syst6em."
Lon Rang Deelpmn aSubaommitaea
Reor.Mac 16
"Afe cosdeal std ... th mebr of the
subomte hav cocue tha ther is no pracica
wa to modif th prsn buldn [Lbrr Eat to
prvd adqut faiite for6 grdut stdet and 6'-6
faut or fo efiin work spc fo h-tafti
thrfr reomne tha th ne buldn be- -S6S
prmrl plne to provide for thes majo nees.
"The dcsio in fao of a ne buldngistado
aditon to th presen one is- stlSoeett
...5 prps ver spcfi 'las
Prgam Reot St'ane Wes 196(?
Unvrst' store of reoddkowegn
wil be its cete fo tdreerh n
"The~~~~ Reeac Lirr ilb octda hot
en of th Plz.Bcas6f.. rna
liiain [Paz sie fuueepnino h
buldn mus be plne fo attenrh rra
of th building."
"Thea isesnbeassrac tha ah avaiabl
fud wil bu th bai funtr anaqimn
reeac lirr cotinn soe 600 sas an
book caactyo 600,000 voue is quit
th anvrst of Flrd Lbaris a1966
* aeti ulig an its plne eodui
libar colcto and a rate of acquisitio
sm wasuialfoth U niest as itis
then pln fo it grwt in enolmn ani
reeac acivt make ne deans..
Libar WetOein tt
* Cs$220,000
* Shl spcefo 00,000 volme
. 00 set
S 26 carl & 34 faclt cubcls
"" ,
r -5-A
f"^. "i
Library West
Huaite / oilSinc/irre
S* 197 17
S90 18
S198 aPesn
-m a a
Buidig Reureet Fo Libar Wes
neesiatm en ue of ante lbay(mtstoS
Smtr previous assgnmn of undrgadat stdns
By 198, grwig colcin an a~ growing6 Stuen
stac spae, admstetdntsas wer removed to
hose exadn coletin. Begnnig intead'0s
aat of th geea coletin wer reoe to of-st
stoae ." aa a 5
Buidig Reureet Fo Libar Wes
Prsien to cnieho100,000 ne asinbesqur
fee col be used to mee th libar's nees fo at les
ten~~ years It ca be doeolfcletosar
compacted An eniern stud codce in 1999
shwe tha no flo in Libar Wes inldn the
grun flo coul be enirl copce wihu danger
to the bulin' staiiy Thu wa bor th idat
bul an eniomnal excellent I 00,000ns adito
to Lirr Wet to sev as th "sak fo th res of th
*Jl2001 UF Prsdn Chre on
* 001 -003 Plnnn
-.0,000 sq ft.uidn
E Lirr Wes close Deeme 2003
S Lirr Wes to open Sume 2006
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