Front Cover
 Front Matter
 Title Page
 Table of Contents
 List of Illustrations
 Half Title
 A plan and a baby
 The landlady and the baby
 Boarding house rules
 November and the boarders
 The sick baby
 The arrest
 The prisoner and the witness
 The fire
 A friend indeed
 November and others
 The boarding-house
 Back Cover

Group Title: Jenny Wren's boarding-house : a story of newsboy life in New York
Title: Jenny Wren's boarding-house
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00082112/00001
 Material Information
Title: Jenny Wren's boarding-house a story of newsboy life in New York
Physical Description: 173 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Language: English
Creator: Otis, James, 1848-1912 ( Author, Primary )
Rogers, W. A ( William Allen ), 1854-1931
Estes & Lauriat ( Publisher )
John Wilson and Son
University Press (Cambridge, Mass.)
Publisher: Estes and Lauriat
Place of Publication: Boston
Manufacturer: University Press ; John Wilson and Son
Publication Date: c1893
Subject: Children -- Conduct of life -- Juvenile fiction   ( lcsh )
Conduct of life -- Juvenile fiction   ( lcsh )
Infants -- Juvenile fiction   ( lcsh )
Orphans -- Juvenile fiction   ( lcsh )
Family -- Juvenile fiction   ( lcsh )
Boardinghouses -- Juvenile fiction   ( lcsh )
Landladies -- Juvenile fiction   ( lcsh )
Sick -- Juvenile fiction   ( lcsh )
Prisoners -- Juvenile fiction   ( lcsh )
Police -- Juvenile fiction   ( lcsh )
Family stories -- 1893   ( local )
Bldn -- 1893
Genre: Family stories   ( local )
novel   ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Massachusetts -- Boston
United States -- Massachusetts -- Cambridge
Statement of Responsibility: by James Otis ; illustrated by W.A. Rogers.
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00082112
Volume ID: VID00001
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 002394805
notis - ALZ9712
oclc - 00568873
lccn - 12034833

Table of Contents
    Front Cover
        Front Cover 1
        Front Cover 2
    Front Matter
        Page 1
        Page 2
        Page 3
    Title Page
        Page 4
        Page 5
    Table of Contents
        Page 6
        Page 7
    List of Illustrations
        Page 8
        Page 9
    Half Title
        Page 10
    A plan and a baby
        Page 11
        Page 12
        Page 13
        Page 14
        Page 15
        Page 16
        Page 17
        Page 18
        Page 19
        Page 20
        Page 21
        Page 22
        Page 23
        Page 24
        Page 25
        Page 26
        Page 27
        Page 28
        Page 29
    The landlady and the baby
        Page 30
        Page 31
        Page 32
        Page 33
        Page 34
        Page 35
        Page 36
        Page 37
        Page 38
        Page 39
        Page 40
        Page 41
        Page 42
        Page 43
        Page 44
    Boarding house rules
        Page 45
        Page 46
        Page 47
        Page 48
        Page 49
        Page 50
        Page 51
        Page 52
        Page 53
        Page 54
        Page 55
        Page 56
        Page 57
        Page 58
        Page 59
    November and the boarders
        Page 60
        Page 61
        Page 62
        Page 63
        Page 64
        Page 65
        Page 66
        Page 67
        Page 68
        Page 69
        Page 70
        Page 71
        Page 72
    The sick baby
        Page 73
        Page 74
        Page 75
        Page 76
        Page 77
        Page 78
        Page 79
        Page 80
        Page 81
        Page 82
        Page 83
        Page 84
        Page 85
        Page 86
    The arrest
        Page 87
        Page 88
        Page 89
        Page 90
        Page 91
        Page 92
        Page 93
        Page 94
        Page 95
        Page 96
        Page 97
        Page 98
        Page 99
    The prisoner and the witness
        Page 100
        Page 101
        Page 102
        Page 103
        Page 104
        Page 105
        Page 106
        Page 107
        Page 108
        Page 109
        Page 110
        Page 111
        Page 112
        Page 113
    The fire
        Page 114
        Page 115
        Page 116
        Page 117
        Page 118
        Page 119
        Page 120
        Page 121
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        Page 133
        Page 134
        Page 135
        Page 136
        Page 137
        Page 138
        Page 139
        Page 140
    A friend indeed
        Page 141
        Page 142
        Page 143
        Page 144
        Page 145
        Page 146
        Page 147
        Page 148
        Page 149
        Page 150
        Page 151
        Page 152
    November and others
        Page 153
        Page 154
        Page 155
        Page 156
        Page 157
        Page 158
        Page 159
        Page 160
        Page 161
        Page 162
    The boarding-house
        Page 163
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        Page 166
        Page 167
        Page 168
        Page 169
        Page 170
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        Page 172
        Page 173
    Back Cover
        Back Cover 1
        Back Cover 2
Full Text

. . . . .

The Balduin L hrnrv
R mB F, -.CIA~o




1!111/ IIiI










Copyright, 1898.


.2. t(' -


APLAN AND ABABY ....... *......... II









. . 6o

. .. 73


THE ARREST . . . . .




*?*" --







. . 127


. 141




THE BOARDING-HOUSE .. ... ..... . .. 163

. 114


TWO DOLLARS AN' EIGHTY CENTS !"' ... .Frontispiece

CALCULATION" ... . . . 15


OF HIS FACE .... ..... .' ........ 39



PARSONS .. .. . . . 79

PRISON ...... .. ......... .89



CLOTHING .. ... . . . 135

PINNEY ". ............... .169





" BUT it would cost more 'n a hundred dollars, an' I tell
you what it is, fellers, we never could do it in the
How do you know, Pin White ? You never saw so
much money, an' you never owned a house, so what's
the use trying' to break it up before you find out what
it is ? "
Oh, I don't know what it is, don't I ? Well, what
were you talking' 'bout when you said you wanted us to
help Jenny Wren start a boardin'-house? An' if I
have n't found out about it, Ikey Jarvis, after all you've
said, s'pose you begin an' tell us what you mean ? "
As Pinney White -whose name, by the way, when
properly pronounced, was Alpenna made these few
remarks, which he believed to be in the highest degree
sarcastic, he placed his thumbs where the armholes of
his vest would have been if he had been wearing any

-_ 1- 7 11 -


such garment, and looked about at his companions in a
satisfied and triumphant manner.
Of course I did n't mean that," said Ikey quickly,
understanding that by the use of such strong language
he had given Pinney at least a temporary advantage over
him. "What I say is, that you don't know anything
'bout starting' this kind of a boardin'-house."
Well, what do you know of it? asked Tom Down-
ing, smiling in a manner that Ikey thought very
I know what Jenny has told me," replied Master
Jarvis almost angrily; and he then added more softly,
" Now, fellers, this is jest the way Jenny talks, an' I tell
you she has more sense in her little finger, even if she is
only fifteen years old, than the whole of us together.
Her mother owns fifty dollars, an' is so rheumatic that
she won't be able to go out to work very much this
winter, so she 's got to scare up some way of earning' a
livin'. So, Jenny says that if we fellers would come to
board with her, an' bring all the others we know, there
could be good deal of money made. She's found a house
over on Carpenter street that she can have for forty
dollars a month, and it '11 hold pretty near every feller in
town what sells papers. She won't have any money to
buy furniture with, after she pays the rent, an' she says
that if each one of us five boys will put in ten dollars,
that'll be fifty dollars, an' we'll own half the place, an'
get our share of all she makes."
Oh, that's different from what you said before,"
added Tom; and believing now that it was an opportu-


nity to make money, instead of some charitable scheme,
he began to look upon the matter with more favor.
Then if we put in ten dollars, we can stay jest as
long as we want to without payin' anything for board,
can we? asked Sam Tousey, his eyes opening wide as
he believed he saw an opportunity of indulging his love
of indolence.
Of course not," replied Ikey quickly, and looking at
Sam as scornfully as he dared. S'posen we did that,
how would Jenny have any money to run the house
with ? We've got to pay our board jest the same as the
others; but when she makes anything out of the place,
we five will get half of it. Now do you understand ? "
Yes, I understand that part of it," said Jack Phinney
quickly, and then he added in a tone of painful indeci-
sion, What I 'd like to know is where we fellers are
goin' to get the money that she wants ? "
Earn it, of course," replied Ikey, who was looked
upon as the wealthy member of the party. You 're
allers talking' 'bout not havin' any money, an' you an'
Sam oughter be pardners. If you 'd both worked every
day like the rest of us, an' took care of what you made,
you 'd have ten dollars now."
We would, would we? Well, now that you're so
smart about it, I don't believe you've got that much,"
retorted Jack.
If I had all the fellers owe me I would, an' a good
deal more," replied Ikey; "but I've got pretty nigh
enough anyhow."
"Let's turn to an' find out jest how much we can


raise; then we '11 know what we're talking' about," said
Tom, who evidently had become deeply interested in
the plan.
The boys had been standing in front of one of the
large newspaper offices in New York City, where they
had met after the morning's work was finished; and now,
in accordance with Tom's proposition, they adjourned
to the City Hall Park to count their treasure. Out of
the way of any too officious policeman, and far enough
from one another to prevent the slightest possibility
of question that any one could take up more than
he put down, the small newsdealers began what was a
protracted, and in some cases an almost painful, time
of mental calculation. Sam, in particular, had a severe
struggle to count correctly the pennies he had spread
out on the bench in front of him; and if he had not
called upon Ikey for assistance, the business of the day
would have been even more seriously delayed.
It was found that Sam had but forty-nine cents,
although he insisted that every fellow who counted it
must have made a mistake, for he was positive that he
had very much more.
Jack had one dollar and fifty-six cents. Pinney was
the proud owner of four dollars and twenty-three cents;
Tom had twenty-eight cents more than Pinney; and Ikey
triumphantly displayed seven dollars and ninety cents.
That's as much as the whole thing makes," Ikey
said, as he added the several amounts together, and wrote
down the total in very shaky-looking figures. Not
half what jenny wanted," he went on, but, if we agree

_____ _____
__ ______ni



to go into the thing, we can soon get enough. Now,
what do you say? "
Who's to be the boss of the house ? asked Sam,
looking at his small amount of money as if he thought
it sufficient to entitle him to the position of president of
the corporation, at the very least.
Why, Jenny is, of course! said Ikey. It will be
her boardin'-house, an' we won't have any more to do
with it than the other fellers what lives there, 'cept that,
if any money's made, we get our shares."
"But we've got to take hold an' keep the thing
goin', or else we'd better not have anything to do with
it," said Tom. I don't believe she'll make much for
a good while, perhaps not for this winter, an' we're
the ones that '11 have to see that she gets along all
"That's it, that's jest it!" cried Ikey, delighted
because Tom was really showing some enthusiasm in
the matter. "We 've got to work hard till she gets
started, an' then we'll stand a good chance to make
some money."
"But don't we have a hand in running' the house? "
persisted Sam, doubtful as to whether he would better
part with his wealth unless he could at least be one of
the directors.
Jenny says that our work is- to get all the fellers we
can to board with us, an' to make 'em behave theirselves
decent," answered Ikey. We're to have rules for the
place, an' we can fix 'em up to suit ourselves."
Then every one of us brings a rule, eh ? and Sam


looked relieved, now that he knew he could at least have
a voice in the management.
Yes, every one does that," assented Ikey. "Now,
what do you say? Will you all come in ? "
But what about my havin' only forty-nine cents?"
asked Sam, beginning to fear that he might not be
received as a member of the corporation with so little
cash at his command.
Why, you '11 have to scurry 'round an' get the money
as quick as you can. Put in all you 've got but jest
enough to buy your papers with, this afternoon, an' then
work as hard as you know how."
There was no necessity for Ikey to ask again if the
others were willing to join him in the enterprise, for
every one showed, as plainly as the most sceptical could
have desired, how eager he was to become a stock-
holder in Jenny's boarding-house. One trifling detail
of business alone remained to be settled, and they were
reminded of this by Tom Downing, who said:,
Of course it '11 be all right for us to give our money
to you or Jenny, 'cause we know it'll be put into the
house; but you oughter fix up something' to tell how
much each one pays, and what it's for."
Pinney nodded his head vigorously to show that he
thought such a course would be the only correct way of
transacting the business, and Ikey asked in almost a sad
Do you fellers think I oughter write out a paper for
each one ?"
Of course we must all .have the same thing," said


Sam positively; and considering. the fact that, after
deducting the fifteen cents needed to lay in his after-
noon stock, Master Tousey had only thirty-four cents
toward starting a boarding-house, Ikey thought he was
asking for almost more than was fair.
It '11 take me 'bout all the afternoon to write 'em," he
said with a sigh; "but I can do it, I s'pose. You fellers
give me your money so's I can show Jenny I've got it.
She '11 hire the house right away, and I'11 meet you here
to-night 'bout seven o'clock to go round to see it, then
I '11 have the writing's fixed."
The boys gave their cash into Ikey's keeping, all save
Sam doing so without a murmur. He appeared to think
that he ought to -have a receipt then and there, lest the
custodian of the money, tempted by the possession of so
much wealth, might prove unfaithful to the trust, and
flee to some foreign country. Sam succeeded, after quite
a mental struggle, in stifling his suspicions, and Ikey
started away at full speed to find Jenny, leaving the
directors of the proposed boarding-house to discuss the
different questions that began to arise, relative to the
responsibilities they had so recently assumed.
Jack Phinney had considerable to say about fellows
who were willing to risk their entire wealth in an enter-
prise, and then were debarred from exercising any
governing powers. No one save Sam paid much atten-
tion to, his plaint, and the two sympathized with each
other, while Pinney and Tom tried to decide what rules
they could make which would be most beneficial to the
inmates of Jenny's boarding-house.


There's one thing we '11 get Jenny to say, an' that is
that no feller can come to the table till he 's washed his
Tom spoke very decidedly, as indeed he should have
done, since he was over-particular, his intimate friends
thought, on the subject of cleanliness.
Pinney looked distressed. He was a boy who did not
believe in the useless waste of soap necessary to wash a
fellow's face even once a day, and he knew of several,
whom he had intended to introduce as boarders, who
were quite as economical in this particular as himself.
"I wouldn't have that rule, Tom," he said, almost
imploringly. I know a good many of the fellers who
would kick if you did, an,' besides, you'd have to buy
soap and towels. I go in for havin' things jest as com-
fortable as you do; but there is n't any use throwing'
money away when every one of us owes part of what
Jenny wanted us to pay."
Now see here, Pinney White, we'd better fix this
thing at the start. I 'm not goin' to live with a lot of
fellers that want ter set down to dinner without washin'
their faces, an' you know it. I would n't put in a cent
toward opening' a place that would be like some, an'
you '11 find out that Jenny will say 'bout the same thing.
It won't hurt you a bit to wash up every day, an' it'll
make you feel a sight better too. Besides, how'd you
look bein' one of the bosses of a regular house, with your
face as dirty as it is now? "
Pinney seemed concerned at this last suggestion. He
knew very well that there could be no pleasure in exert-


ing himself to be cleanly; but as one of the stockholders
it did really seem as if he should change his personal
appearance a trifle; therefore he said:
"Well, we '11 let it go that way an' see how the fellers
will take it; but I 'm 'fraid we '11 have trouble with some
of 'em."
"I '11 fix that," replied Tom decidedly. Now let's
all see how many boarders we can get before the evening'
papers come out."
Recognizing the necessity of interesting their friends
and acquaintances in the plan so that Jenny's boarding-
house might, at the very commencement, be on a paying
basis, the stockholders started out to make the scheme
known to the public, and to solicit patronage. In the
delightful occupation of news-bearers Sam and Jack for-
got their supposed grievances; or rather, they soothed
their wounded feelings by representing to their particu-
lar circle of acquaintances that they were in reality the
very head and front of the enterprise, but had allowed a
few friends to appear as if clothed with equal authority.
As the directors had expected, the statement that
Jenny Parsons, otherwise known as Jenny Wren, was
about to open a boarding-house, caused no small amount
of excitement among those who were acquainted with
her or any of the directors.
Some of the boys were highly delighted with the
scheme, believing that it would be more pleasant to live
together in that way than to remain at the News-boys'
Lodging-house; but at the same time they doubted
very seriously whether the enterprise would -be a paying


one. Others objected to the plan in every detail.
Others publicly stated that it could not succeed if Jenny
depended upon two so notoriously lazy fellows as Sam
Tousey and Jack Phinney for any portion of the necessary
capital. Several declared that they would not become
inmates of Jenny's boarding-house for the same reason
that they objected to a larger establishment, which was
that they would not allow others to lay down rules for
them to follow, and that if Tom Downing thought he
could make the fellows wash their faces as often as he
did his, he was mistaken."
Thus it was that the business community of which
the stockholders of Jenny's boarding-house were mem-
bers was divided in opinion as to the success of the
plan; but there were so many who had promised, under
certain stipulations, to engage board, that Tom and
Pinney were perfectly satisfied with these first results,
even though Sam and Jack had already begun to grow
Ikey met his friends according to agreement, and was
in a high state of excitement regarding the scheme. He
had gone with Mrs. Parsons and Jenny to inspect and
afterward to lease the house.
It's jest about as nice as it can be for forty dollars
a month, an' when we get it fixed up the way Jenny's
mother says, it'll knock the spots out of anything this
crowd has ever seen."
"I don't believe we can make it go," Sam said discon-
solately. A good many of the fellers think it'll bust
us all up."


"It can't hurt you but thirty-four cents worth if it
smashes right away," replied Tom quickly; besides, we
can get all the boarders the house '11 hold. Most of the
fellers you an' Jack was talking' with are jest the kind we
don't want anyhow."
What do they say about it ? asked Ikey eagerly.
Pinney repeated all the comments he had heard,
whether they were favorable or not, and even before he
had finished Sam asked Ikey: "Did you bring the
papers you said you'd write ? "
By way of reply Ikey drew from his pocket, with an
air of triumph, four business cards he had begged from
some store, and on the back of the one he handed Sam
was the following inscription:


"Jenny has got all the money," Ikey said, after he
had given his friends sufficient time for them to admire
the specimens of his skill as an accountant, an' she an'
her mother are off now buyin' a lot o' things. They'll
have the place fixed up so 's we can sleep there to-night,
an' I 'm goin' to get the things for a big supper."
The idea of a feast was enough to revive all Sam's
former enthusiasm for the scheme, and, without bringing
up again the question of individual authority, he dis-
played the greatest eagerness to start at once for the


The business of the day was nearly ended; :Pinney
had one paper left from his afternoon's stock, and when
that had been disposed of by the united efforts of all the
directors, there was nothing to prevent them from going
to their new home.
Carpenter street, although it may not be found on. any
of the maps of New York City, is located not far from
the principal newspaper offices, and in less than ten
minutes from the time the boys left Printing House
Square they were in front of a not overcleanly-looking
building, which Ikey pointed out as their future home.
That's the place," he said in a tone of admiration,
while they were yet some distance away Not so very
swell looking' outside, but it'll be mighty nice inside,
after it's fixed up."
What's the bundle on the steps? Tom asked when
they were sufficiently near the building to admit of their
seeing the boarding-house more distinctly by the light
of a street lamp.
I guess that's some of the things Jenny has been
buyin'," replied Ikey. She must be back, though she
said she was afraid they couldn't get through at the
store till pretty late."
If she's goin' to leave bundles outdoors in that way,
she won't have anything very long," said Sam as he
mentally resolved that it was his duty, as one of the
directors, to read the young landlady a lecture on care-
Tom was slightly in advance of the others when he
went up the steps, and he lifted the bundle by one corner


roughly, almost dropping it a second afterward, as a
noise very like that of a-baby crying was heard from
beneath the ragged shawl which covered the package.
What's that? cried Sam, nearly tumbling down the
steps, so startled was he by what he had heard.
After the first surprise, which had caused Tom to lower
the bundle quickly, he raised it again, and this time no
one felt any alarm, although all were in a complete state
of bewilderment, for there was no longer any question
about the matter. There was a baby in the bundle, and
it was crying as vigorously as if it had the best pair of
lungs in the city.
Unroll it, Tom, so we can see what it looks like,"
said. Ikey, while all the boys crowded around to see Tom
undo.the wrappings as awkwardly as only a boy can,
regardless alike of the baby's now almost piercing
screams, and the chill winter wind to which he was about
to introduce the unfortunate infant.
It is a reg']ar young one, an' no mistake !" he said, as
he held the chubby little youngster so that the wind blew
directly upon it.
Ikey was already trying the door; but, to his great
surprise, he could not, arouse any one. The house was
evidently without occupants, since no reply was made to
his vigorous knocking, and not a light could be seen from
any of the windows.
They have n't come home at all," he said, turning
around just as Tom was trying to persuade the very
cold-looking baby to have a bite of a half-frozen apple.
" Now, who does that belong to?"


By "that," Ikey meant the infant; but none of his
companions could answer the question, and for some
moments every one remained silent, while the baby
screamed its protests against being thus exposed to
the cold.
Better tie it up ag'in, Tom," suggested Jack, with an
air of wisdom. It does n't want any apple, and perhaps
the wind 's a little too strong for it. My aunt don't
let any of her babies go outdoors bareheaded in the
But where did this one come from ? That 's what
I want to know," persisted Ikey, as he looked about him
in perplexity.
I '11 tell you jest how it is," replied Tom, as he spread
the shawl on the doorstep, and, laying the screaming
child upon it, rolled the little thing up, much as if it had
been some article of merchandise. "This baby did n't
come here all by itself, did it ? "
"Of course not! assented the others.
Then it's been left here by somebody too poor to
take good care of it. Likely its folks will turn up before
long," said Tom.
But what '11 we do with it? asked Sam.
"We '11 wait awhile and see," said Tom, sagely. "One
of you fellers go an' buy a whole slat of candy, so 's to
make it stop hollerin', an' I '11 take care of it till Jenny
comes. We agreed that every one should make a rule,
an' this one is mine: 'We '11 all own the baby as we own
the boardin'-house;' an', if nobody turns up to claim him,
we can have no end o' fun with him before winter's over."

I 2

',,i I, II ,o



Just then it seemed to all the stockholders as if it
would be a very pleasant thing to own a baby; and
Ikey started at once to buy some candy for their new
property, while Tom sat on the doorstep, trying to still
its cries.



STRANGE as it may seem, the baby would not pay the
slightest attention to the candy which Ikey had purchased,
but persisted in crying loudly, despite Tom's alternate
scolding, petting, and coaxing. Each of the boys had
tried to do something toward amusing the new boarder;
but the ungrateful little fellow would not even attempt
to play with any of the many treasures his protectors
offered him, and instead of becoming tired from his
exertions, only cried the harder.
After half an hour had passed, during which time
Ikey and Jack had been kept busy chasing away boys
who were disposed to stop and make sport of the youth-
ful nurse, Sam proposed that they should "prop up"
the new boarder on the steps, and leave him to cry
alone. No one paid any attention to that suggestion,
however. Tom worked hard trying to still the noisy
charge, and Pinney nearly made himself ill by standing
on his head several minutes at a time, in the hope that
the baby might be amused by seeing him kick his heels
in the air.
Neither Pinney's acrobatic efforts nor Sam's jig-
dancing had any effect, and it was just when ,the boys


were growing discouraged, as well as a trifle angry with
the unreasonable little youngster, that Mrs. Parsons and
Jenny arrived, both of them stopping several paces from
the house in speechless astonishment at the scene on
the doorstep.
I don't know what we 'd 've done if you'd stayed away
much longer," Pinney said in a tone of relief, as he ceased
his efforts to stand erect on his head. It won't be still
nohow you can fix it, an' we 're 'bout worn out trying' to
coax it."
But what have you boys got? asked Mrs. Parsons,
wiping the mist from her spectacles much as if she sus-
pected that the long-used glasses were playing her a trick.
It's a baby, of course! Can't you hear it holler? "
and Tom danced the little fellow up and down still more
vigorously. I won't have any arms left unless you take
it pretty soon."
"Where in the world did you get such a thing ? asked
the old lady, advancing very cautiously a few paces.
"We got him right here on the doorstep," replied
Ikey, quickly. At first we thought it was a bundle you'd
left outside; but we soon found that was a mistake."
A baby on the-doorstep! exclaimed the old lady, in
bewilderment; and then, as her sympathy began to grow
stronger than her surprise, she added, We must get him
into the house at once, or he will freeze to death. I sup-
pose you boys have been cutting up all kinds of shines
with the poor little thing, and that's what makes him
cry so."
Cuttin' up shines with it !" repeated Pinney, indig-


nantly. We have n't had any chance to do that, 'cause
it 's been yellin' this way 'bout ever since we found it.
I tell you we 've had our hands full trying' to keep it from
kickin' up a regular row."
Well, bring it into the house at once. Don't keep it
out here in the cold," said Mrs. Parsons impatiently; as
Jenny was trying to get a glimpse of the chubby little
face; and Pinney's tone was almost one of petulance as
he replied:
I 'd like to know how we can do that before you
let us in?"
Bless me! exclaimed the old lady, as she immediately
began fumbling with the lock. I do really believe I 'm
so confused at seeing you boys with a baby that I can't
even unlock the door."
Of course you can't unlock it with your spectacle-
case," replied Pinney.
There's no doubt that you are confused, Mother,"
Jenny said, laughing, as she left the baby long enough
to find the key in the depths of the old lady's pocket;
and in a few moments the whole party was in one of the
unfurnished rooms, trying by the aid of a single tallow
candle to see what the new-comer looked like.
He's a perfect little beauty cried Jenny in delight,
as she caught but one glimpse of the crimson, tear-stained
face, before Mrs. Parsons took charge of the baby and
of the house as well.
You boys must try to put up the stove in this room,"
said the old lady, as she succeeded in stilling the baby's
cries, and continued to walk back and forth in order to


keep him quiet. "You '11 find one with the things which
were brought this afternoon. Ikey, while the others are
doing that, you go for some coal and some milk."
This running about, waiting upon a strange baby, was
hardly the way in which the stockholders of the boarding-
house had calculated upon spending the evening; but
they could do no less than obey the orders which both
Jenny and her mother had no hesitation in giving, and
for two or three hours they were obliged to work very
hard, much to the disgust of Sam and Jack.
At the end of that time, one room began to wear
something like a home look. The stove had been set up,
and, although the pipe was joined in a rather hap-hazard
manner, a roaring fire had been built. The baby, after
drinking some milk, had gone to sleep in Mrs. Parsons'
arms, while Jenny was bustling about, preparing the
supper which Ikey had bought as a present to the young
landlady, her mother, and his brother directors.
A straw bed with plenty of coverings was placed in
an adjoining apartment for the boys to sleep on during
this first night, and Jenny and her mother had similar
accommodations in the room which served as kitchen.
After the directors had rendered all the assistance in
their power, they gathered around the baby to decide
upon what position it should occupy in the family.
It's as nice a child as I have seen for a long time,"
the old lady said, as she smoothed his frock affec-
What are you goin' to do with the little shaver ?"
Tom inquired.

"What do you want to do with him? asked Ikey.
Keep him, of course," replied Tom. The rule' I
made was that he should stay here, an' I stick to it."
But a baby is such a world of trouble! said Mrs.
Parsons, with a very long and very doleful sigh.
Do you want to send the little thing away, Mother ?"
asked Jenny.
"Send it away ? repeated the old lady. "Where
could we send it, except to the almshouse? An' I
would n't want a dog of mine to go there! Of course
we 've got to keep it; but he '11 be no end of trouble."
"We '11 all help take care of him," said Pinney; and
then, as he remembered how hard he had been obliged
to work, trying to stand on his head in the hope of
amusing the little fellow, he added quickly, I mean
that we '11 buy the milk for him, an' sich things as that."
"It's all right if he's goin' to stay," and Tom settled
back in his seat contentedly as he spoke. You see, he
was the first boarder that came to the house, an' I
would n't like to have him turned away. He won't be
so much bother, 'cause we '11 get him a dog, an' a sled,
an' everything he wants, so 's he can have a good time."
"Why, Thomas Downing, what do you suppose a
ten-months-old baby could do with a dog and a sled?
That's just the foolish way boys will talk! cried Mrs.
Well, even if he don't want a dog, he's got to have
a name, now has n't he ? asked Tom, looking sharply
at the old lady to see if she understood that he knew a
thing or two about babies, even if he did happen to make


a trifling mistake regarding the proper kind of play-
"Yes," she assented; "I suppose we ought to know
what to call him."
Of course we ought; and as he belongs to all of us,
it's our business to pick out his name. What shall it
be, fellers ? Tom inquired.
He oughter be named after some of us," said Sam, as
he assumed his favorite attitude in front of the fire, with
his arms folded across his breast in a manner which he
thought very becoming. Now, if you fellers want to
call him Samuel Tousey Parsons, I think it would fit
him, 'cause he looks as if he was a pretty smart kind of
a baby."
"Well, then he oughter n't be called Sam Tousey,"
replied Tom, with a laugh; and at this unkind allusion
to his indolence, Master Tousey walked sulkily to the
window, mentally resolving that he would have nothing
whatever to do with the baby, and that it was n't so
very much, after all."
If we could call him Jenny, that would be jest the
thing," said Ikey, quite positive that he had paid the
young landlady a very pretty compliment.
Of course you can't call a boy Jenny," Pinney said;
and Sam thought this a good chance to get even with
the others, by laughing boisterously.
Mrs. Parsons suggested several names, among which
were Obed and Ephraim; but Tom had decided objec-
tions to them all, probably because he had one .in his
mind which he thought would be very appropriate.


Pinney proposed that they give the little fellow plenty
of names by calling him, after every one of the partners,
Isaac Thomas Alpenna Jack Samuel Parsons."
Jenny thought that much too long, and suggested
Tom listened patiently until all had exhausted their
lists of names, and then he said :
It's November now, an' we found him on Carpenter
street, so what better do you want than November
Carpenter? "
It was a brilliant idea, and there was not a voice raised
against the proposition; therefore it was so settled with-
out discussion, just in time for the hungry party to
answer Jenny's summons to the long-delayed supper.
Every one was in a condition to do full justice to the
meal; and when it was finished, the boys were quite
willing to go to bed, for it was necessary that they
should begin work very early in the morning. All were
thoroughly tired, and even little November slept soundly
until nearly daybreak.
Neither Jenny nor her mother expected any assistance
from the boys in putting the house to rights, save, per-
haps, what might be done in the evening. But it was
important that the directors should pay, as quickly as
possible, the amount of money they had agreed to raise;
therefore Jenny had breakfast ready for them before the
day had fairly dawned.
"It'll be 'most a week before we can take any other
boarders," she said, in reply to a question of Sam's.
"Of course you boys are willing to sleep anywhere,


because half the profits will come to you; but we
could n't have regular boarders until we get things fixed
properly. I shall write down everything I buy, and
when you come home to-night, we will begin to keep a
regular account of how much money we take in and pay
out. Sell as many papers as possible to-day, so that I
can get what we need this week."
Even Sam was urged into something approaching
activity by Jenny's air of business, and during that day
all the stockholders worked very hard to earn money.
They were obliged to spend no small amount of time
answering the questions of those who proposed to be-
coime Jenny's boarders, as well as of those who ridiculed
the scheme; but when they figured up their profits in
the evening, it was found that they had done even better
than had been expected.
Owing to the fact that November had insisted on
receiving a great deal of attention, Mrs. Parsons had not
been able to assist Jenny very much in the work of put-
ting the house in order; but the young landlady had
accomplished wonders, at least, so the boys thought.
She had set up two beds, and otherwise furnished three
rooms with the furniture her mother had brought from
their old home; and the house began really to look like
a comfortable place in which to live.
Dinner was on the table when the directors came in
about seven o'clock; and after that meal had been
eaten, the boys settled their accounts with Treasurer
There's the whole of it," said the treasurer, as .he


added together the amounts each boy had paid. Now
we owe Jenny, twenty-five dollars and a quarter. We
must square up as soon as we can, so 's the boarders
may come."
Indeed you must," added Jenny, earnestly. Mother
had furniture enough to fix four rooms, and I want to
get the rest this week if possible. Things won't be very
nice at first; but if you all help me, we will have the
house looking beautiful in a little while. Here's a book
I got for Ikey to keep the accounts in, so that every one
can see just how much money we make."
The treasurer looked disturbed as he understood that
he was to act as book-keeper, for it had been hard work
for him to write, or rather print, even the little that was
contained in the four receipts. But he went at his task
manfully, with many contortions of his face; and while
he was struggling with the letters, which would persist
in being made wrong, Mrs. Parsons said:
"Now, boys, something must be done about the
Why, he's goin' to stay here, is n't he ? Tom asked
He shall, if no one claims him; but it would never
do to bring him in here without a word to anybody.
You must contrive some way to let folks know that
we've found him."
Tom looked very uncomfortable at the prospect of
giving up the baby, for he had indulged in considerable
boasting during the day about the little fellow in whom
he owned a share. To surrender their ward now would



be, in Tom's mind at :least, like losing the principal
attraction of the house, and he said mournfully:
If you think we oughter tell folks 'bout him, I s'pose
we must; but I don't see how it's goin' to be done."
It was some moments before any of the directors said
anything; and then Pinney exclaimed, as he started to
his feet:
I know how to fix it! You fellers stay here while
I go down to Nat Taylor's, an' I '11 rig up something'
mighty quick! "
He was out of the house before any one could speak,
slamming the door behind him.
By the time the excitement consequent upon Mrs.
Parsons' suggestion had died away, Ikey, who had been
working with his tongue held tightly between his teeth,
announced that he had succeeded in finishing the first
portion of his task. He had entered in.the book the
name of every director, together with the amount of
money each had paid, and was ready for further instruc-
tions from Jenny.
Now, we must decide how much you are to give
each week," she said. I thought we might charge the
other boarders two dollars, and you just half of that."
Both Ikey and Jack thought that such an arrangement
would be fair; but Sam insisted that the directors, since
they were to contribute ten dollars each, ought not to
be charged anything for board.
What difference does it make if the thing is a suc-
cess ?" asked Ikey. We 're to divide the profits, an
then we shall get it back; but if we don't pay any board
at first, Jenny can't get the place started."


Even Jack could understand that it was necessary for
the stockholders to be charged a certain amount each
week; and although Sam was not convinced, he was
forced to content himself with the arrangement. Jenny
had decided that the five directors should occupy the
room in which they had slept the night previous, and
she would thus have seven other rooms to let. By care-
ful stowing she thought that at least four boys might
sleep in each room, and if she could fill the house with
boarders, she would have twenty-eight, without including
her partners. This, she thought, would be quite as large
a family as she and her mother could care for.
That will give us fifty-six dollars a week from the
boarders, and five dollars from you boys," she said
triumphantly. "Out of all that money we ought to
make a good profit."
The directors were fairly staggered by the immensity
of the prospective revenue, and Sam was even more
certain than he had been before, that it was an injustice
to ask the partners to contribute more than the original
amount. He did not advance any further arguments on
the question, however, because he had a plan to propose,
to which he was anxious that all should agree, and he
was willing to let the matter of paying board rest for a
If you get so many boarders as that, it '11 be like a
regular hotel, won't it ? he asked.
Jenny was not prepared to claim quite as much for
the boarding-house; but she admitted that they had an
opportunity to do a large amount of business.


Then I '11 tell you how it oughter be fixed," said
Sam, as he stood in front of the fire, where all could see
and hear him without difficulty. You'll want a clerk
to take care of the fellers that board here- somebody,
you know, who '11 see that they pay their bills, an' don't
kick up any rows, an' all that kind of thing. Now, if
you say the word, I '11 rig up a counter -jest like the
counters they have in hotels in the entry close by the
front door, an' I '11 be the clerk."
As he ceased speaking, Sam looked around, as if he
expected to see approval of his very brilliant plan written
on every face; but in this he was disappointed. No
one appeared to think that there was any necessity for
a clerk, and his brother directors even laughed at the
That's jest a plan of yours to get rid of doin' any
work," said Tom, as soon as it was possible for him to
speak. "We don't want any clerk here, Sam. But I '11
tell you what we '11 do after we get the house running' all
right; we '11 buy a glass case, an' put you in it for the
boarders to look at when they want to see something'
All right," said Master Tousey, indignantly; as he
went into the darkest and coldest corner of the room, in
order to deprive the others of even a sight of himself.
"You run this house your way, an' I can tell you now
that it won't last very long. Duddy Foss said the thing
would bust up before Christmas, an' I '11 bet he's right."
This time both Jenny and her mother joined in the
general merriment at the expense of the would-be clerk,


who had just prepared himself for a long fit of the sulks,
when Pinney burst into the room, looking very cold but
equally triumphant.
I've fixed it!" he cried, holding the door open so
that the wind blew a wintry blast directly on November's
head, which caused Mrs. Parsons literally to drag the
excited boy inside, that the baby might be protected
from the cold. If the folks 'round here don't know
that we've found a youngster, it won't be my fault.
Come an' look !"
They all, excepting the old lady and November, fol-
lowed Pinney out on the doorstep, where by the light
of the street lamp they saw,-fastened to the side of the
house, a large sheet of brown paper on which had
been printed in variously shaped letters the following




STRANGE as it may seem, neither Jenny nor her mother
appeared to think that Pinney's plan of advertising the
finding of the baby was a very brilliant one. Mrs. Par-
sons at first insisted that he should take the placard
down; but the other directors fancied that it was the
only manner by which they could let the public know
that they had a stray baby, and the old lady reluctantly
consented to allows it to remain.
Whatever the others said about it, Pinney was posi-
tive that the placard would serve every purpose of an
advertisement, and he thought it such a work of art that
he felt obliged to go out of doors to look at it several
times before he went to bed. In fact, he was so charmed
with his own idea that he conceived a dazzling scheme
which he resolved to carry into effect on the following
day, but regarding which he was careful not to say a
word to any one. He had in his mind what he believed
would be a delightful surprise for his partners, as well as
for Mrs. Parsons, and more than once he slipped into
the adjoining room where he could chuckle over it
without betraying his secret.


Sam continued in the sulks during the remainder of
the evening, and on the following day he had a long
consultation with Duddy Foss, during which, so it was
reported on the street, he declared that he wished to sell
his interest in the boarding-house because of the ill-
treatment he had received from his brother directors.
As a matter of course the other stockholders heard
these stories, which were freely circulated among the
business acquaintances of both parties; and Tom, Ikey,
and Pinney asked the would-be boarding-house clerk if
he really was anxious to dispose of his interest. The
questioners were angry, as Sam could see by their faces,
and he began to realize that he had made a mistake; so
he said, in what he intended should be a confidential
tone :
If I told the fellers anything like that, I was only
foolin'; for what would be the use of my selling' out
before the house is really started ? "
Well, Sam, I've got jest this much to say," and
Tom spoke in a very severe tone, we can't have you
running' 'round talking' to the fellers as if the thing was
near bustin' up, 'cause if they thought that, we could n't
get any of them to board with us. You've only put in
a dollar an' fifty-five cents, an' whenever you want that
back, all you've got to do is to ask us; we 'll raise it
During the remainder of the day, Master Tousey was
more careful how he spoke about the boarding-house.
Later in the afternoon, when he heard that Duddy Foss
was one of six who were ready to become Jenny's


boarders as soon as a room should be ready for them,
he felt that it would be necessary for him to be very
careful in the future as to what he said, since the board-
ing-house seemed fo be in a better way of success than
he had believed.
When the boys started toward home that evening,
Pinney was nowhere to be seen, and then it was remem-
bered that he had not been met by any of the party since
noon. At that time he had gone away alone, saying to
Jack that he should not sell papers in the afternoon, but
without explaining why he took a partial holiday. It
was unusual for Master White to remain idle except with
some very good excuse, for he was ever ready to begin
work as early and continue at it as late as any one.
When they entered the house, and before they had
time either to ask any questions or to express their fears,
Mrs. Parsons, who was busy giving November his supper,
inquired in a decidedly angry tone:
Has that boy Pinney come yet? "
"Indeed he has n't," began Tom, "an' we don't
know "
Never mind, you are just as bad as he is, and you
may as well try to undo some of the mischief since you
encouraged him in it. I want you to go right to work
an' take that notice off the house. Don't stop to talk
now; but do it at once."
Why, what is the matter, Mrs. Parsons? Tom
asked, in bewilderment.
Matter ? repeated the old lady, in great excitement,
as she poured several sips of milk over November's chin


before she discovered that it was not going down his
throat. That notice has caused us more trouble than
a dozen babies.
But what has the notice done ? asked Tom.
"Done?" cried the old lady. We have n't had a
moment's peace since you went out this morning, for the
people that have been coming in. No one seems to have
lost a baby; but the moment any one sees that sign, in
they come and ask foolish questions about how we found
him, and all that sort of thing, until we've hardly had a
minute to ourselves to-day. I've tried and Jenny has
tried to get it down; but that scamp of a Pinney put it
up so high and so hard that we can't budge it. Now
you boys walk right out, and don't you dare to expect a
mouthful of supper till every scrap of it is down!"
The boys, dazed by this outburst from the old lady,
left the house in silence, seeing nothing comical in the
matter until they were on the sidewalk, when Ikey said:
It was lucky for November that there was n't much
.milk in that cup, or he'd 'a' been drown'ded sure."
Then they all laughed, as they pictured to themselves
a constant stream of visitors invited by Pinney's notice,
each boy suggesting some comical and probable inci-
dent, until it was almost impossible for them to carry out
the old lady's commands, so great was their mirth.
As they seated themselves at dinner, after removing
the offending placard, Jenny noticed Pinney's absence
for the first time; but before any one could reply to her
questions as to where he was, a loud thumping was heard
at the door.


November, who had but just fallen asleep, awakened
with what Tom called one of his patent yells." The
boys jumped to their feet, fancying for the instant that
some of their enemies were trying to wreck the boarding-
house; and general confusion reigned until Jenny opened
the door, when the cause of all the uproar was seen to be
Pinney, who, staggering under the weight of a long board
which he had been using as a knocker, stood on the
steps wearing a triumphantly happy smile on his sun-
burned face. It was evident that he had counted upon
making a sensation; but he had succeeded beyond his
November was screaming lustily. Mrs. Parsons, still
angry because of her many callers, was trying at the
same time to soothe the baby and look sternly at the
cause of her trouble, who marched into the room with,
the.long board which prevented him from closing the
door, while .the boys and Jenny watched him in silent
"There!" said. Pinney, trying to put the board in the
corner, and knocking the teapot from the stove in the
attempt. Well, I did n't mean to do that," he added, as
he dropped his burden on Tom's toes in his efforts to
help Jenny repair the mischief. Did n't know where
I had gone, did you? he asked, as he began to wipe
the tea from the floor with a dress Mrs. Parsons was
making for November.
Put that down!" cried the old lady, as she darted
forward, with the baby in her arms, to save the garment
from total ruin. We did n't care where you had gone;


but I wish I 'd had you here just a few minutes this
It's too bad I did n't know it, 'cause I could 'a' come
up jest as well as not," Pinney said, so unsuspicious of
anything but a'friendly meaning in Mrs. Parsons' words
that the boys fairly shouted in glee. "I reckon this
thing I've been working' at '11 make Dud Foss stare when
he sees it! You know how I fixed that notice 'bout
finding' the baby ? "
Indeed we do!" replied Mrs. Parsons, so emphati-
cally that Pinney would have understood something was
wrong if he had not been so engrossed with his latest
"Well, I've got something' here that'll knock it all
holler. I 'm goin' to put it right over the front door, an'
I tell you it 'll make this house look swell!"
As he spoke, Pinney turned the board over, and held
it in his arms so that all might see it plainly.
It was evidently intended for a sign, and despite the
paint that had been rubbed from it, which could be
plainly seen on various portions of Pinney's waistcoat,
one might read these words in Master White's peculiar
style of printing:

"There! What do you think of that?" asked
Pinney, triumphantly. And then a look of surprise
began to creep over his face as he saw Jenny and the
boys shaking in a very curious fashion, while Mrs. Par-
sons was actually glaring at him.


Wh-wha-what is it? stammered Pinney, understand-
ing now that something was wrong.
After a short but painful pause, Mrs. Parsons said
Pinney White, take that board out of here! I 've
had all the trouble with signs of your making that I'm
goin' to have."
But I'm goin' to put this up over the door, so's
folks will know it's a boarding-house. Some of the paint
has got rubbed off; but it won't be much trouble to
touch it up ag'in," explained Pinney.
Take it away, and never let me catch you putting
any more signs on the outside of this house!" cried
Mrs. Parsons.
But you see -" persisted Pinney.
Better leave quick," whispered Tom; and, taking
hold of one end of the sign, he fairly backed Pinney
out of the house. As soon as Tom could control his
laughter sufficiently to speak, he told the would-be artist
all that he knew regarding the cause of Mrs. Parsons'
anger, and concluded by saying:
You see, Pinney, it won't be very safe for you to bring
any more signs 'round here for a good while. You'd
better put this board somewhere out of sight, an' come
in to dinner."
But she said she wanted folks to know that we'd
found a baby," persisted Pinney, who would not believe
that the old lady's anger was caused by so trifling a
matter; but he secreted the board, as Tom advised, and
the two went in to dinner.

fc-" ';

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Mrs. Parsons recovered her usual good-nature by the
time the meal was finished; and as the directors
had tired of making sport of Pinney's troubles, Jenny
thought best to attend to the important business of
the house, even before Ikey had collected such moneys
as the stockholders were ready to pay. This she did
by saying:
I've one room arranged so that we can take four
boarders to-morrow, and if you boys have earned as much
as you did yesterday, I can be ready for four more the
day after."
An' you 're goin' to try to get along 'thout a clerk,
are you? Sam asked.
"Now don't start any more talk about that idea, Sam,"
said Tom, coaxingly. Let's choose which four of the
fellers we '11 have come here to-morrow."
Duddy. Foss must be one, 'cause he spoke first," and
Ikey headed the-list of boarders with his name.
Bart 'Jones an' Bill, Sleeper wanted to come when
Duddy did;, suggested Jack.
"Yes, an' Fen Howard told me that if he could n't be
with the first lot, he would n't come at all," cried Pinney,
who was becoming so interested in the opening of the
house that he forgot, for the time being, the unpleasant
affair of the evening.
SThat makes the four," said Tom. "Write the names
down, an' we'll tell the other fellers that we will take
a new lot every day or two till the place is full."
If the boarders. are coming we '11 have to get the
rules posted up, or they won't know how to behave,"


Qe. A


said Pinney; and then he sighed deeply as he thought
how much more attractive the house would have
looked with his gorgeously painted sign over the front
Let's go to work an' print out what rules we want,"
said Ikey, quickly, fearing lest his partners might insist
on his doing all the artistic work, if he did not make this
suggestion in.time.
"Where are you going to put them ?" asked Jenny,
thinking, perhaps, that slips of paper posted about the
house might not be strictly ornamental.
We '11 tack 'em up in the entry, close by the door,
an' then the fellers can't help seeing' 'em when they come
in," said Pinney.
If we were goin' to have a clerk, he could read the
rules to the boarders every morning' before breakfast,
an' then they 'd be sure to know what they had to do,"
suggested Sam.
"We 'd have to find a clerk that got up earlier than
you do, Sam, for the fellers would all be at work before
you were ready," said Tom, laughing; and then he added,
" Come on, now let's get to work an' make the things,
so we can go to bed early."
Five minutes later, each of the directors was try-
ing his artistic best, with a lead-pencil and a piece of
brown paper, to outdo the others in making his special
rule the most ornamental as well as the most useful of
the lot.
Pinney finished his first, posting it temporarily on
the wall of the sitting-room, where all could see and


admire. And below may be found a reproduction of his

j0o p L L R M vT

or@oL WI/TH / ro veM

A few moments later, Tom had completed his and
placed it below Pinney's. He found it necessary to
explain that the figure on the left was intended to rep-
resent one of the boarders who was undecided as to
whether he would comply with the rule or not, and that
the one on the right was himself in an attitude that
would convince even the most stubborn how necessary
it was that he should obey. Here is the rule, and if the
artist has not made the figure on the right to look as
ferocious as the one drawn by Tom, he has copied the
rule in other respects very faithfully:

it P\ Dn,-a'J J

-ZeIW orf.T HJT

Ikey's rule was such a one as the treasurer of a cor-
poration might be expected to make; and as he placed it


below the others, Jenny decided that it was the best,
from a business point of view:

sT De ]"A be ]P/ re _
sT 7P e

Sam felt certain that his rule was one which would
meet with the full approbation of his brother directors,
and as he placed it by the side of the others, he looked
as if half the sting of being refused the position of clerk
had been removed from his mind in the satisfaction it
afforded him. In addition to its being the most impor-
tant rule for the boarders to follow, he was confident that
it was by far the most ornamental in appearance:

'W oplLR CFE It
ThO- PAjNEW ofP THj i
^ HoUZ ,

To his great surprise, no one appeared to be delighted
with the result of his labors, and Jenny's mother even
went so far as to say that she thought it would be unwise
to post it with the rest, since some of the boarders might
take offence.
It seems as if I can't do anything' in this house," he
said angrily. If the other fellers want to do anything ,


they do it; but the minute I say what I think, the rest
make an awful fuss, like the one you raised 'bout my
bein' clerk. That 's one of the best rules we 've got,
'cause it shows the fellers that they must walk straight."
"It shall go up with the others, Sam," said Jenny,
soothingly; but if the boarders should raise any trouble
about it, we must tell them you made it."
Of course you can do that," replied Master Tousey,
quickly. You don't s'pose I 'm afraid of any feller that's
coming here to board, do you? They 've got to know
who the bosses are, an' that rule '11 show 'em."
"Now let's see. what Jack has made," said Tom,
anxious to change the conversation, lest a quarrel should
be the result.
It 's not very much," said Jack, modestly; "but it
was all I could think of, an' if the rest of you don't like
it, I 'd jest as soon take it down as not."
Then Jack placed by the side of the others his rule,
of which the following is an exact copy:

Owing to the rather peculiar method of spelling, the
stockholders were at a loss to understand what the author
had intended to say, and it was with an air of compas-
sion because of their ignorance, that Jack explained his


Can't you see what I 've printed? 'No fighting'
allowed in this house'- plain enough for anybody."
It was plain after the explanation, and every one agreed
that it was a good rule, even though it'was badly spelled.
"Please paste them up, Ikey," Jenny said; "but I
would n't have any more, for I think they won't make
the house look very much prettier."
SIkey did as he had been requested, and when his labor
was concluded, he intimated that it would be well for the
directors to pay such money into the treasury as they
could afford, in order to lessen as much as possible the
amount of their indebtedness. He had. enough to com-
plete his payment of ten dollars, as he showed his partners;
and although the others could not do as well, they con-
tributed, according to their means, their profits from the
day's work.
Something over five dollars was the amount Jenny
received; and with that she believed it would be possible
to furnish another room, providing she did not spend too
much for food.
If you jest have enough, it don't make much differ-
ence what it is," Ikey said; and all agreed that quantity,
not quality, should be the rule in providing for the



THE day following Pinney's unfortunate attempt to pro-
vide a sign for the establishment in which he was a
stockholder was an important one for all who were
directly interested in Jenny's enterprise, for the plan
was to be fully tested by the introduction of the two-
dollar boarders. The boys were notified of their good
fortune early in the day, and no small amount of excite-
ment was caused by the fact that the boarding-house
was really open to the public.
If Tom and Ikey had not made a vigorous protest,
Duddy Foss and his three companions would have been
escorted to their new home by the entire community of
newsdealers; and then, indeed, Mrs. Parsons would have
had good cause for losing her temper.
It would n't do at all," Tom said decidedly, when
some of the boys proposed that all those who sold papers
near the City Hall should visit the house in a body.
"You see, November will be asleep then, an' if you wake
him, there's no tellin' what Jenny's mother might do.
Pinney made things so lively for the baby last night that
I would n't like to try another such a racket."


After a great amount of discussion the plan was
abandoned, Tom solemnly promising that if they would
exercise a little patience, he would introduce them to
the baby one by one, an arrangement that would
undoubtedly prove more satisfactory to all than if they
all should visit him at one time.
"We '11 meet you in front of the Astor House when
it's time to go home," Ikey said to the new boarders;
and Duddy replied mysteriously:
You need n't bother about us. We were n't thinking'
of walking' up with you. Go on jest you allers do, an'
when we're ready, we '11 start."
It was evident from this that Duddy had some plan
in mind, and that the new boarders would make their
appearance in a strikingly original manner, which might
or might not be pleasing either to Jenny or her mother.
Ikey asked apprehensively:
You won't do anything to wake up November if he
should be asleep, will you ? "
Now, don't you worry," Duddy said, with a certain
show of dignity. We know pretty well what to do, an'
how to do it, so that '11 be all right."
I don't know what they 're up to," Ikey said to Tom
and Pinney a few moments later; "but I think we'd
better go home a little earlier than we do regularly, so 's
to get Mrs. Parsons feeling' pleasant before they come."
His brother directors believed this to be a very wise
precaution, and as early as half-past six the five partners
were at the boarding-house, each one trying to be so
agreeable to Mrs. Parsons that she, growing suspicious,


declared that Pinney White was "up to some of his
tricks again."
November was sleeping in a box which Tom had
promised to convert into a cradle at the very first oppor-
tunity, and the directors had begun to wonder why the
new boarders did not come, when a resounding knock
was heard at the door, causing the baby to set up his
" patent scream without loss of time.
I was sure they'd start some kind of a rumpus,"
Tom muttered to himself, as Ikey ran quickly to the
door to prevent a repetition of the summons, and he
looked at Mrs. Parsons to learn if she was angry because
November had been awakened. Her face wore a rea-
sonably placid look, however, and Tom joined his brother
directors in welcoming the guests.
The new boarders marched into the house in single
file, each one dressed in his best, and looking remark-
ably solemn. Duddy Foss came first, with a very
ragged valise in one hand and a small bundle in the
other, evidently acting as the master of ceremonies. He
had a button-hole bouquet in his overcoat, which was
thrown carelessly back to display a white shirt in which
a. large green glass button was a prominent ornament.
He looked as if he were "dressed up as much as pos-
sible, and acted as if he were perfectly well aware of the
fact. Behind him came Bart Jones, who also wore a
bouquet and carried two paper parcels. Bart was arrayed
in his best, which was an army overcoat neatly cut down
to fit his diminutive figure. He and Duddy stood in
the centre of the floor, without speaking, for several



I i I


moments, in order that the directors might admire
Billy Sleeper and Fen Howard would gladly have
worn something extra in the way of clothing, to do
honor to the occasion; but, unfortunately, they owned
nothing more than they were accustomed to appear in.
They had larger bouquets than Duddy's and Bart's, how-
ever, and this, in a certain degree, made up for what
might possibly be lacking in the matter of costume.
The new-comers looked for a moment in surprise at
November, who was screaming himself red in the face;
and then, as if they had been practising the movement,
they took the flowers from their button-holes, handing
them to Jenny as Duddy said with an awkward gesture:
"'The rose is red, the vi'let's blue,
These flowers are pretty, and so are you.'"
Oh, thank you, boys," replied Jenny, blushing at the
compliment; "but one is enough for me, and you'd
better keep the rest for yourselves."
Duddy waved his hand to prevent her from returning
any portion of the gift, and then looked at his compan-
ions to be certain that they were admiring his easy,
graceful manner of making the presentation speech.
Being satisfied that they were, he gave the signal for
another movement by winking violently.
This time each of the new boarders unrolled a news-
paper package, displaying a pair of skates (one of which
had lost its runner and the other a portion of its upper
works), a base-ball, a pea-shooter, and a package of


"We 've brought these for November," said Duddy;
and as he spoke, the four boys deposited their gifts in
Mrs. Parsons' lap, regardless alike of the candy that
smeared the baby's frock, and the rust from the one
skate-runner that was plentifully bestowed upon the old
lady's clean apron.
Bless me exclaimed Jenny's mother, as she looked
over her spectacles, first at Duddy and then at the iron-
rust on her garments, what do you expect a baby ten
months old to do with these ? "
He '11 grow to fit 'em, won't he ? Duddy asked, with
a look on his face as of painful surprise because Novem-
ber was not so active a child as he had been led to sup-
pose. Anyway, he can eat the candy, can't he ? "
Mrs. Parsons made no reply; and Tom, seeing that
something in the way of a speech was necessary lest the
new boarders should feel offended, said:
"We'll save the things for the baby, Duddy; an' if
Mrs. Parsons don't want him to eat the candy, we'll put
it on the table, so's to have something' extra for the first
night's dinner."
This. arrangement was evidently satisfactory to Duddy
and his friends, who now laid aside their stilted manners.
Duddy was eager to inspect the house, and the directors
led the new boarders from one unfurnished room to
another until, every apartment having been seen, the
party halted in front of the rules," which had been
posted near the street door.
Duddy spelled out each word, making no comment
either upon the regulations or the artistic ability dis-


played in the ornamentation until he came to Sam's
effort. Then he said:
"Seems to me you didn't have much to do when
you fixed that one up. Don't it look like putting' on
airs ? "
Just at that moment Master Tousey remembered that
he had forgotten to attend to some very important duty
in the kitchen; and when he had left the hall, Tom
You see, Sam fixed that rule. We tried to get him
to make something' different; but he wanted it this way,
an' so we had to put it up with the rest."
Anybody could tell that Sam Tousey did it," Bill
Sleeper said, and any further discussion of the matter
was prevented by Jenny's summons to dinner.
The new boarders were well pleased with the room as-
signed to them, and after they had retired for the night,
Treasurer Ikey called a business meeting of the direc-
tors, for the purpose of receiving from them such por-
tion of their indebtedness as they were able to pay.
'T is n't so much as we oughter have," he said, after
he had ascertained the total amount. Sam, you 've only
paid three dollars an' twenty cents, an' at this rate you
won't be out of debt, so that you can begin paying'
board, till some time next summer."
I've paid you all I made," replied Master Tousey,
rather sulkily. I did n't have as much money to begin
with as the rest of you fellers, an' I have n't had a chance
to earn as much since."
You have had the same chance," said Pinney,


quickly; but you like to stand in doorways too much, -
that's what's the matter."
It's none of your business, Pin White, what I like to
do," replied Sam, angrily; and as there seemed to be
every prospect of a quarrel, Ikey interfered.by saying:
Of course that's your own business, Sam; but all
the same, Jenny's got to have as much money as she can
raise. I've paid all of my ten dollars, an' it would n't be
fair for me to put in more'n the others; but if you 'll
promise before all the fellers that you 'll give it back to
me, I '11 lend you two dollars to help pay what you owe."
Sure, I '11 give it back," said Sam; "but did you earn
the whole of that to-day ? "
No; Jim Chick paid me what I lent him last week,
an' I made the rest. Now I'll give Jenny the money,
an' you write out a paper to show that you borrowed it."
Since the transaction required no more labor than that
involved in writing a receipt, Sam was perfectly willing
to accept the offer.
Now you'd better decide who the next four boarders
shall be," said the young landlady. I shall have
another room ready by to-morrow night."
After some little discussion, in which Master Tousey
would have joined if the treasurer had not insisted
that he should finish his writing before he said any-
thing, it was decided that Jim Chick, Tom Wilson,
Fred Sawyer, and Pippy Brown should be the fortu-
nate boys; and Ikey promised to notify them early next
By the time this arrangement had been made, Sam


had written his acknowledgment of the loan, and he
handed the following document to his creditor:

........ ....... ..--- -----

The day after the admission of the first regular board-
ers was a busy one for Jenny as well as for the directors.
The young landlady was doing her best, with the limited
amount of money at her disposal, to get the entire house
ready for occupancy.
The directors, who found business in the newspaper
line very dull, owing to stormy weather, had their time
fully occupied in answering questions and making prom-
.ises to those who were eager to become Jenny's boarders.
The enterprise seemed already to be an assured success,
and this prosperity was believed by the stockholders to
have been caused solely and entirely by November's
presence in the house. Ikey, who had at one time
favored the purchase of a monkey as an attraction, now
firmly believed that a baby answered every purpose, and
that the finding of November was the biggest thing that
could have happened for the boarding-house.'
,Master Chick and his friends set about making prepa-
rations for changing their lodgings as soon as they had


been informed that their new room was now ready for
them, and all of the directors except Ikey, offered to
assist in the work of moving. It had been a common
rumor on the street that Dory Lyons, Jim Chick's room-
mate, owned a real trunk; and, since public opinion was
divided as to whether the story had any foundation in
truth, many of the boys, more particularly Sam and Jack,
were eager to settle the question for themselves.
It was nearly noon. Fully twenty of the small news-
dealers had accompanied Jim to the Newsboys' Lodging
House; and Ikey was shivering on the corner of Ann
street, trying to dispose of two Heralds," the last of his
morning's stock. It was his custom thus to brave the
winter storms, because he was the owner of an overcoat;
and with such a protection against the snow and sleet,
he believed it. to be his duty to remain out-of-doors
during every business hour. The coat did not exactly
fit him, being so large that he wrapped it twice around
his body, and had it tied at the back with several pieces
of rope. But this was really no defect in the garment,
according to his way of thinking, since he thus had a
double thickness of cloth; and if it did nearly touch the
ground, it gave him but little inconvenience.
All at once he was startled by Jenny, who suddenly
appeared before him.
What is it? What made you come down here ? he
asked in astonishment, for the storm was so severe that
he wondered why she had ventured out.
Where are the other boys ? sh\asked, looking much
as if she had been crying.


Gone over to see Dory Lyon's trunk. But what's
the matter ? "
November is very sick."
November sick? repeated Ikey, in alarm.
"Yes. You know he wasn't awake when you boys
left the house; but as soon as he opened his eyes,
Mother saw that he had some kind of a fever, an' he's
been growing worse and worse ever since. I 've been
out nearly all the forenoon, buying things, and have
spent my money. We must have a doctor, and I came
to see if the boys had earned anything."
Come in here! exclaimed Ikey, as he darted into a
doorway; and when they were sheltered somewhat from
the storm, he said quickly, as he turned his back upon
Jenny, Untie me."
All of the treasurer's friends knew that it was neces-
sary for him to have some assistance when he put on or
took off his overcoat, and Jenny at once began to unfasten
the lacings that kept Master Jarvis and his coat together.
After this had been done, Ikey plunged his hand into
the very bottom of an inside pocket, drawing out two
quarters and a small collection of copper.
Now tie me up, an' then you can use this money.
I '11 tell the other fellers as soon as I can find 'em, an'
we '11 have enough for you. Had I better let Jim Chick's
crowd know that they can't come to-night ? "
"No, don't do that. Everything is ready for them,
an' we need all we can get out of the boarding-house
just now."
Jenny took the money and hurried away as rapidly as


possible, while Ikey stood looking after her, as if he
almost doubted the truth of the sad news she had
brought. Before she had disappeared from view, how-
ever, he started out to find his brother-directors, and met
them with the new boarders and their friends coming up
Fulton street, just as he turned down from Broadway to
go toward the ferry.
November is very sick!" Ikey cried while he was
yet some distance away. Jenny just came down to get
some money for a doctor, an' I want all the cash you can
give me to carry to her."
The boys stood for several seconds in speechless dis-
may, even those who had no interest in the boarding-
house felt personally responsible for November's future
welfare, and then a flood of questions was poured forth,
none of which Ikey was able to answer. He could only
repeat over and over again what Jenny had told him.
No one had even thought that any harm could come
to the baby while he was under the care of so many, and
the news that he was ill was all the more sad because it
had been so unexpected.
Within half an hour from the time when Jenny had
first met Ikey, every newsboy -knew of November's ill-
ness, and there were few who did not offer to loan the
directors money in case it should be needed to purchase
medicine or luxuries for the baby. With three dollars
which he had collected from the stockholders Ikey
hurried home, while his brother-officers, their friends
and acquaintances, gathered in the doorways to discuss
the sad news.



THE news that November was ill had really given Mas-
ter Tousey such a shock that it was not until several
moments after Ikey had started for home that he real-
ized how prominent the treasurer was making himself
in this matter, and of how little importance he himself
"What made Ikey Jarvis go so quick?" he asked
angrily of Tom. He did n't wait to hear what we had
to say about it, an' I s'pose he 's goin' to try to boss this
business jest as he does everything else."
I don't believe Mrs. Parsons will let him have very
much to say while November's sick," replied Tom, with
a laugh; "an' besides, I never noticed that he tried to
do that as much as you."
I don't want to boss things," replied Sam, defiantly.
"Whatcher try to do when you made that rule?"
asked Duddy Foss; and it was evident from the out-
burst of mirth that he had told all his friends and
acquaintances of Master Tousey's pet regulation.
Sam was about to make an angry reply, when Tom

Now see here, fellers, I don't feel much like fun when
November's sick, an' it ain't jest the thing, 'cordin' to
my way of thinking If we can't do anything' to help
him, we need n't have any rows."
"That's what's the matter," said Duddy, emphati-
cally; but I don't see how we can do anything for him,
'cause we ain't any of us doctors, you know."
Let's get him a whole bottle of medicine!" cried
Pinney, a very brilliant idea presenting itself suddenly.
Then pointing to an advertisement of some patent medi-
cine that was conspicuously displayed upon a bill-board
across the street, he added, If we should chip in an' buy *,
some of that stuff, we could have him well in no time.
It won't 'mount to very much to get enough for a baby,
an' then we '11 save all the money that a doctor costs."
The boys scrutinized the flaming advertisement closely,
before venturing an opinion. Duddy Foss even walked
across the street to read the placards, while the others,
and more particularly Pinney, waited anxiously for his
'Cordin' to the way that bill reads, the medicine will
cure most anything," Duddy said, as he returned to the
doorway where the others were standing sheltered from
the storm.
Does it say that it's good for anybody that has a
fever ?" asked Pinney.
Yes, it says that."
Then there 's nothing' else to do but jest give Novem-
ber 'bout half a bottle of it; that oughter be enough for
a baby, ought n't it ? "


Every boy present seemed to think that half a bottle
of a compound possessing such wonderful curative
powers as this particular medicine was advertised to
contain, surely ought to be sufficient to cure a baby
as small as November; and more than one began to
believe that Pinney White was more brilliant in the way
of ideas than they had previously given him the credit
of being.
At this point Ikey appeared. He reported that the
physician had not yet arrived when he left the house,
and that November was very sick. The boys at once
i began to explain Pinney's idea to the treasurer; but
before they had concluded, Tom, who believed that it
was necessary as quickly as possible to carry into effect
any plan that was decided upon, said:
If this stuff's what the baby oughter have, let's get
it for him right away. The bills say the medicine will
cure. him, so we'll put up for a bottle, an' Pinney an'
Ikey can carry it over to the house."
"Better make the man say that it will fix him right
up," said Sam, determined to distinguish himself even at
this late hour, if possible. I '11 go with you fellers, an'
see that it's done in some kind of shape."
Now, don't go to spoilin' things, Sam Tousey," said
Duddy. Ikey an' Pinney can get it without any help,
an' the rest of us will wait here till they come back to
tell us that November's well."
But if it's goin' to cure him right up, let's all go to
the house, an' see how surprised Mrs. Parsons an' Jenny
will be," suggested Jack.


That's the ticket!" cried Tom, fairly radiant now
with happiness, while Sam had a regular attack of the
sulks. We'll all go up to see it work. It can't be
any harm for us to be there if November is goin' to get
well so quick."
This was another good idea; every one agreed to it
at once. Each boy contributed sufficient to bring the
total amount up to a dollar, and Ikey and Pinney set
out to make the purchase.
The messengers were so eager to relieve Mrs. Par-
sons and Jenny from all anxiety, by restoring the baby
to health, that it hardly seemed as if they could have
gone around the corner on their way to the drug-store,
when they returned with the invaluable remedy in their
The boys started at once, with the treasurer and
Pinney leading the way, while Sam brought up the
It was hardly more than five minutes from the time
they had purchased the wonderful medicine, when Mrs.
Parsons, who was sitting near the fire with the baby in
her arms, was unpleasantly surprised by seeing fourteen
boys troop into the room, each one bringing on his gar-
ments and feet a quantity of snow, and admitting the
wintry blast in all its violence through the open-door.
"Mercy on us!" cried the old lady, as she hastily
drew the blanket over the baby's head. Will you boys
never have common-sense ? It is as much as this child's
life is worth to have that door opened on him so long,
and all this snow brought into the room. Jenny! she


called to the landlady, who was at work in the kitchen,
"bring the broom, and sweep this floor clean, quick! "
This was not exactly the kind of reception the boys
had expected to receive when they were intending to do
so much good, and some of the party moved toward the
door as if about to make their retreat; but they stopped,
as Pinney began to explain the purpose of their visit.
We've come to fix November up in no time," the
projector of'the scheme said, as he hastily removed the
wrappings from the bottle. Here's some stuff that '11
cure everybody, no matter what's the trouble with 'em,
an' all you've got to do is jest to give November as much
as he'll hold. We all paid our share toward buyin' it;
an' if this ain't enough, we '11 get as much as he needs."
In his eagerness to make these explanations before
Jenny should drive them out of the room, in order .that
she might sweep the floor, Pinney had not even glanced
at Mrs. Parsons, or he might have hesitated before saying
anything more. But he was gazing only at the cork,
which he was trying to remove from the bottle; and
while the others could see that the old lady was growing
angry, he was blissfully ignorant of the fact.
I guess I would n't make him take more 'n a cupful
to begin with; an' if that don't fix him right up, we can
pour in some more," Pinney said, as he succeeded in his
efforts. "You give it to him now, an' we '11 watch to
see how it works."
Pinney White!" exclaimed Mrs. Parsons, as she
pushed the bottle aside, holding her hand over Novem-
ber's face much as if she were afraid the boys might pour


the medicine down the baby's throat by force. Will
you never have any common-sense ? Take that stuff
away this minute, and if you must stay in the house, go
into some other room, for I will not have you all here
while this child is so sick."
But you can cure him up by givin' him this," per-
sisted Pinney, as he continued to hold the bottle toward
the old lady.
"Go right out of this room!" and Mrs. Parsons
stamped her foot to give greater emphasis to her words.
" The idea of bringing patent-medicine here to give a
baby who has a fever! I ought n't to expect anything
different from you, Pinney White; but I should have
thought that Tom or Ikey would have had better sense."
Pinney looked at the old lady in entire bewilderment.
He could not understand why she refused to give the
baby the medicine; and he was about to begin again,
when Jenny beckoned for him to come into the kitchen,
where several of the boys had taken refuge at the first
Here the young landlady, after considerable trouble,
convinced Master White that it would never do to give
the medicine to November; and then Sam said, in what
Pinney thought was a very disagreeable manner, You
fellers would n't listen to me when I tried to tell you
what to do; but you all thought you knew so much that
nobody could say,anything."
"You did n't speak a word about not buyin' the medi-
cine," Tom said quickly. You believed jest the same
as the rest of us did."


I -




Yes, an' all you wanted to do was to boss the job
your way," said Ikey, indignantly.
Then Sam made an angry reply; one boy and another
found occasion to make some remark, until every one
was talking in his loudest tone, and the confusion was
complete. It is very probable that neither the directors,
the boarders, nor the visitors had any idea of the noise
they were making; but Mrs. Parsons, Jenny, and even
November were perfectly well aware of it. The latter
began to cry loudly, and while Jenny was doing her best
to still him, the old lady turned every boy out-of-doors,
declaring that none of them should be allowed in the
house while the baby was sick, unless they could remain
It was not until they were on the sidewalk that any of
the party remembered that they had gained no informa-
tion concerning November.
"Let's go down town," Pinney said nervously. He
was terribly afraid his companions might appoint him a
committee of one to go back and ask questions. What
are you goin' to do with the medicine ? "
"Make the man give the money back," suggested
Duddy; and all the others, save Pinney and Ikey, seemed
to agree with him.
Pinney suggested that perhaps the druggist might
have some hesitation about returning the money, since
the cork had been drawn and the wrappers removed; but
Duddy appeared to think it a very trifling objection, for
he said promptly :
That don't make any difference at all; and if the


man goes to finding' fault, pay him for the papers an'
stopper; that '11 settle it."
S'pose you go an' talk to him about it," said Ikey,
"That would n't do, 'cause I'm not the feller that
bought it. You an' Pinney go on an' get the money;
we '11 wait for you on the corner of Beekman street."
It was apparent that the treasurer and Pinney were
then extremely sorry that they had not allowed Sam to
make the purchase; but regrets were unavailing at this
late hour, and they walked on ahead of their companions,
wishing that they had consulted Jenny before buying the
medicine. Pinney was willing now that Ikey should
take charge of the business, but the treasurer insisted
that Master White must appear as prominently in the
last transaction as he had in the first; and both the boys
entered the store with decided reluctance.
Pinney stated the case to the druggist, when it was his
turn to be waited upon, and he did it in the fewest pos-
sible words:
Mister, Jenny an' her mother say as how this is not
the right thing at all to give November, an' Mrs.
Parsons is mighty mad 'cause we bought it, -an' we
want you to give us the money back."
It was fully a minute before the druggist appeared to
understand what Pinney meant; and then, as the boy
held up the bottle of medicine, he asked, Did you buy
that here ? "
Of course we did! Ikey an' I got it a little while
ago, but the other fellers put in jest as much as we did."


I can't take it back it has been opened," said the
man, quickly, as he turned to wait upon an impatient
customer who had just entered the store; you had no
business to buy it, if it was n't what you wanted."
We thought it would fix the baby right up," persisted
Pinney; "'cause the bills out here on Park Row say it
will cure anything, an' Jenny told us that November was
very sick. We have n't used any of it, an' we 'll pay you
for the paper that was 'round it."
I can't sell it, now that it has been opened," said the
druggist, curtly; and then he disappeared behind a forest
of bottles.
I don't believe he'll give us anything for it," whis-
pered Pinney.
But in order that his partners in the patent-medicine
business might not accuse him of neglecting their inter-
ests, he called loudly, just as he and Ikey reached the
door, Say, mister, will you give us fifty cents for this
stuff? "
Get out of here! cried a voice from the rear of the
store. I tell you I can't sell it, now that it has been
opened! "
Pinney and Ikey were on the sidewalk before the man
had ceased speaking; and Ikey remarked cheerfully, as
they walked toward Beekman street:
Never mind, Pinney; it did n't cost so very much
after all, an' we can give it to some beggar. I would n't
wonder if one-legged Tim would be about tickled to
death to have it; an' "
Here, boy, do you want to earn a dollar? "


Both turned quickly, and saw, directly behind them, a
well-dressed man.
I want a boy to do an errand for me," said the man.
"You hold the medicine, an' I '11 do the job," Pinney
said to Ikey in a low tone. If I can earn a dollar,
we '11 give back to the fellers what money they put in
for the stuff, an' then they won't feel mad."
Ikey took the bottle, and left Pinney to attend to the
business, saying, as he did so:
We 'll wait for you up on Beekman street."
"What is it you want me to do?" Pinney asked.
You are to take this package to the corner of Wall
street and Broadway," said the man, speaking in a low
tone, and looking around as if he were afraid of being
overheard. You will find a gentleman waiting there,
and you are to ask him if his name is Parker. If he
says it is, tell him that you have brought the papers, but
that you must have what he promised to give before you
can deliver them. If he hands you a parcel, let him
have this, and bring me what he gives you. Can you
remember all that? "
Of course I can," replied Pinney, promptly; and he
repeated the directions he had received, concluding by
saying, But when do I get the dollar? "
When you come back."
Master White started down the street at full speed,
thinking that the man was very foolish to pay so much
money for so trifling a service, and congratulating him-
self that he had been the messenger selected. He felt
that since he had proposed the purchase of the medicine,


it was his duty to refund the money his friends had con-
tributed; and this opportunity to earn a dollar seemed to
be a remarkable and happy piece of good fortune.
When Ikey joined the rest of the boys, there was no
slight amount of disappointment visible on their faces
when they saw that he still had the bottle.
That's jest the way Pin White allers does things,"
Sam said, before Ikey could explain matters. He
had n't any more sense 'than to buy the stuff, an' after
he 's made us put in our money for it, he sneaks off so's
we can't blow him up."
He did n't sneak a bit," replied Ikey, sharply. He's
got a chance to earn a dollar, an' he's gone to get it so's
he can give each feller back what he put in. You're
allers ready, Sam Tousey, to kick up a fuss, an' you
think you're the only one that knows everything.
Pinney's goin' to do more than the square thing when
he pays for the medicine himself."
He sha'n't do that," said Duddy. Every feller put
in the money for the baby, an' Pinney's got no business
to lose any more 'n his share."
Every one, save Sam and Jack, agreed with Duddy.
Master Tousey insisted so strongly that it was no more
than just for Pinney to refund the money, that quite a
heated discussion ensued, and it was at its height when
Duddy cried out loudly as he pointed to the opposite
side of the street:
Look there! What's the matter with Pinney
The argument ceased very suddenly, as the boys, gaz-


ing in the direction designated by Duddy, saw poor
Pinney being marched along in the grasp of two police-
men, as if he had committed some terrible crime.
Come on, fellers; let's find out what's up! shouted
Master Foss, as he started after the officers and their
prisoner; and in a few seconds all the small newsdealers
were in full pursuit.



PINNEY was in such distress of mind at being marched
through the streets like,a criminal, that he paid very
little attention to anything save his own sad condition;
and his friends and brother directors had followed him
for some distance before he had any idea that sympa-
thizers were near. But at last Duddy, bolder than the
others, walked- up close behind him and said quickly,
with a reckless disregard of the officers of the law:
Hi! Pinney, what have you been doin'? "
Oh, Duddy cried poor little Pinney, attempting to
turn, but forced by his captors to march straight on;
" they 've 'rested me for stealin' things, an' I never took
a cent! I was only doin' a' errand."
Where are they takin' you now ?"
It is not probable that the prisoner knew where he
was being led; but all attempts to gain further informa-
tion were prevented by one of the officers, who at that
moment sternly commanded him to hold his tongue; "
while the other dispersed Pinney's followers by turning
and shaking his club at them.
Hold on, fellers!" Duddy shouted, after they had
retreated to what was thought to be a safe distance.


" The cops won't foller us, an' we've got to know where
they're takin' Pinney. I don't believe he's been stealin'
any money, an' we must try to get him out of this scrape."
Of course he took it, or else they would n't have
'rested him," said Sam, with an air of superior wisdom.
" I should n't wonder if he got the money for the medi-
cine after all, an' was trying' to get away with it when
they nabbed him."
You oughter be 'shamed to say such a thing, Sam
Tousey," replied Ikey, indignantly. "Was n't I with
him, an' don't I know whether he got it or not?"
"He might 'a' gone back after you left him, an' got
the dollar," suggested Sam. I allers thought he 'd get
the best of us if he could."
See here, Sam," and Tom advanced threateningly as
he spoke; you 're not goin' to say anything mean 'bout
Pinney White while I'm 'round. Did n't Ikey bring the
medicine with him ? How could Pinney get the money
back if he did n't have the bottle ? "
Come, Tom, don't waste time talking' to such as him,"
said Duddy, as he gave Master Sam Tousey a threaten-
ing look. It's no use to pay any 'tention to him till
you've nothing' else to do. We've got to help Pinney,
an' we've got to find out where they 're going' to take him.
You an' I an' Ikey'll fowler as close as we dare, an' the
rest of the fellers can go to work."
At this proposition several of the boys raised objec-
tions, as they thought it was the duty of all to be ready
to aid the prisoner; and Duddy had considerable diffi-
culty in persuading them to do as he had suggested.

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If the whole crowd chases on behind him, they'll
surely drive us away; but the coppers won't take any
notice of three of us. The rest of you fellers stay here,
an' we '11 come right back and tell you what we find
We-'d all better go to work," suggested Sam. You
may get into an awful scrape if you let on that you know
him. Jest as likely as not they'll 'rest everybody in the
house, if they find out where Pinney lives."
There was no necessity for either Duddy or Tom to
threaten Sam in order to prevent him from making any
more such unfriendly remarks, for nearly every other
member of the party started toward him, and it was only
by an immediate and rapid flight that he saved himself
from punishment.
"Now come on before the boys get back from chasing
Sam," said Duddy, as he turned and ran at full speed in
the direction taken by the officers and their prisoner,
while Tom and Ikey followed closely.
The pursuers did not think it advisable to attempt to
hold any conversation with the unfortunate boy. They
remained discreetly in the rear until they saw the police-
men lead Pinney into the Tombs prison, and heard the
heavy doors close behind him with a clang that sounded
ominously in their ears. The friends of the unfortunate
prisoner stood gazing in silence at the gray, forbidding
walls which shut out their comrade from Jenny's board-
ing-house and liberty.
"Well," said Duddy, with a long-drawn sigh, after a
pause of several moments, "that jest knocks me! If it


was Sam they'd locked up, I would n't 'a' wondered at
it so much, but Pinney White never did any harm to
anybody. It would serve 'em right if all the boys in the
city should get together an' tear their old jail down."
Ikey looked critically at the massive structure, as if he
were trying to make up his mind at what point they had
best begin work, and then said in a matter-of-fact tone :
I guess we 'd better leave that for this afternoon.
What we must do is to cook up some kind of a plan to
help Pinney."
"Yes, an' we promised to tell the other fellers what
we'd found out," added Tom; "so the best thing we
can do now is to go back down town. Then we 'll tell
Jenny what's up, an' p'r'aps she can think of something'
to do."
So excited were the three who had seen poor Pinney
consigned to the prison, that walking seemed to them
far too slow a method of getting over the ground; and
they ran as fast as possible, arriving in front of one of
the newspaper offices breathless, yet eager to tell the
story to their friends who were waiting there for them.
Although every b6y who had seen the unfortunate
prisoner had good reason to believe that he would be
taken to a jail, each one appeared to be filled with the
utmost surprise and consternation at the news that
Pinney was really in the Tombs. For several moments
no one could suggest anything to be done for the relief
of their comrade, and even Sam was made silent by the
sad tidings.
Well, we can't stand here the rest of the day," Duddy


said impatiently, after he had waited in vain for some-
body to say something; we must tell Jenny, an' we ought
to know how November is getting' on."
You an' Ikey an' I '11 go up to the house, while the
rest of the fellers wait for us here," said Tom, starting
off at full speed as he spoke, thus preventing any discus-
sion on the part of the others. Ikey and Duddy followed
close by his side.
Those who had been left behind stood on the corner
discussing the matter during the best part of the after-
noon, without any thought of going to work. Many
were the plans proposed for the relief of their friend, but
all of them so impossible of execution that it is not
probable even those who originated them believed they
could be carried out; but this discussion at least served
to make the boys feel better in mind. At the boarding-
house the sorrow was intense. Even Novembers illness
was forgotten for the moment, and Mrs. Parsons blamed
herself severely for having spoken so sharply to Pinney
when, certainly with the best intentions, he had brought
home the medicine.
Pinney always meant well, even when he was doing
the most mischief," the old lady said, as she tried to wipe
away the tears which would persist in falling on poor
little November's face. It was wicked in me to be so
cross with him when he came in with what he thought
would cure the baby. Is n't there anything we can do
for him ? "
This was exactly what the boys had been asking them-
selves without having found a satisfactory answer to the


question; and it was still unanswered when the boarders
came home in the evening, only to find that owing to
her great sorrow the landlady had entirely forgotten to
prepare dinner. This trifling neglect no one except Sam
appeared to notice; it would have seemed far more
strange if, in view of all that had happened, the board-
ing-house had been conducted as usual; and it is quite
probable that there would have been but little fault-
finding if Jenny had said that she did not intend to cook
anything that night.
The physician whom Jenny had called appeared to
think that November would soon recover from his ill-
ness, and, in fact, the little fellow did seem to improve
so rapidly during the evening that the inmates of the
boarding-house were free to give all their sympathy to
the imprisoned director. They speculated upon the
facilities he would have for sleeping; wondered if he
were troubled in mind because of November, whom he
had every reason to believe was dangerously ill; and
they tried to picture to themselves the sad scene of
Pinney in a narrow cell, loaded down with chains. Sam
was positive that their brother director was not only
gagged, but fastened with irons to the wall of some dun-
geon; and he drew upon his imagination so recklessly
that Duddy exclaimed:
Now see here, Sam; it 's bad enough to know that
Pinney is in jail, without your talking' so much about
chains an' handcuffs, an' all that kind o' nonsense. I
don't believe they've got him strapped up at all; but
whether they have or not, we must think up some way
to get him out."


I don't see what we can do," said Tom, with a puzzled
look. They would n't listen to us boys in court, an' we
can't get him out of the jail."
"Jest as likely as not we can say something' in court,"
said Duddy; and his face lighted up with hope. "Any
way, we can hang 'round there till we see him, an' p'r'aps
we '11 get a chance to do something. "
If you fellers say the word, I '11 go down to the jail first
thing in the morning an' scare 'em into lettin' him out," said
Sam, willing now to be recognized as a friend of Pinney's
if thereby he could appear to have charge of the matter.
You have n't time," said Jack, with a laugh. You'd
have to hang 'round there 'bout seven years before you
could scare anybody!"
The other boys laughed so heartily at Jack's remark
that Master Tousey thought it his duty to have another
attack of the sulks; and he began by saying:
Some of the folks in this house think nobody can do
anything' but themselves. I was willing' to try to get Pin
White outer the scrape; but you're all so smart that I '11
let you see what you can do first. An' after that, p'r'aps
you '11 be glad to have me take hold of the job."
You can go an' scare the folks that keep the jail
if you want to, Sammy; but it won't be any harm for
us to think up something' to do, if you should n't make
out all right," said Duddy; and he added, as a sudden
and happy thought occurred to him, I tell you what it
is, fellers, let 's all go down an' stay 'round the outside
awhile. It must be lonesome for Pinney, thinking' that
every one of us is up here."


He would n't know we were there," objected Tom.
That 's a fact; but we 'd know it, an' it would seem
as if we were stickin' by him."
It is probable that Duddy's unprofitable plan would
have been carried out at once, if Mrs. Parsons had not
volunteered her advice. She proposed that they all go
to bed as soon as they had eaten their dinner, because
Pinney would not be benefited, even though they should
remain in front of the jail all night; but that in the
morning, some of them should go to the court. It was
possible, she thought, that they might find a lawyer who
would take charge of Pinney's case, if they promised to
pay him as soon as they could earn the money.
This seemed even better than Sam's idea of securing
the prisoner's release by frightening the officers; and
after quite a spirited argument between Tom and Duddy,
during which the latter insisted that they should at least
walk down to the Tombs that night, Mrs. Parsons' advice
was followed. None of the prisoner's friends slept very
soundly, however, and every one was up and dressed at
least an hour earlier than usual.
While they were eating breakfast, Jenny gave them
some very sensible advice, to the effect that work should
not be suspended because of the trouble which had come
upon them. She recommended that Ikey and Duddy
go to the court-room, while the others make every effort
to earn money with which to pay a lawyer for defending
their comrade.
Tom understood at once that two of the party would
be able to do more than a crowd, and he insisted so


strongly that Jenny's advice should be followed that no
one seriously objected.
The baby was much better, and Mrs. Parsons assured
the boys that they need feel no uneasiness concerning
him. Accordingly they left the house eager to begin
work, hoping thus to help the comrade who needed their
aid so sadly.
Ikey and Duddy tried to content themselves by assist-
ing Jenny; but the minutes passed so slowly, and they
were so anxious to begin their portion of the duties of
the day, that they could no longer control their impa-
tience after the clock had struck the hour of seven.
Although Mrs. Parsons insisted that the court would
not be opened for an hour at least, they decided to start
at once, in order, as Duddy said, "to get a front seat
so 's to whisper to Pinney when he 's brought in."
As a matter of course, when they arrived at the Tombs
they found the doors of the court-room closed, and not
even a single policeman on guard to answer the questions
they had intended to ask. They could do no more than
seat themselves on the ice-covered steps, there to wait
until such time as the public should be admitted.
While they were thus waiting, occupied with gloomy
forebodings and a vain effort to keep warm, Tom sud-
denly appeared, eager and breathless.
I came to bring what money the fellers have made,
'cause you '11 need it if you hire a lawyer for Pinney," he
said, as he gave Ikey a handful of pennies and small
coins. Every feller is working' jest as hard as he can,
an' I '11 bring you some more in an hour. Don't slip up


on any chance to get him out of the scrape, an' if money
is all that 's wanted, we '11 have that, sure." Then Tom
darted down the steps shouting, at the full strength of his
lungs, the principal items of news contained in the morn-
ing papers.
Neither Ikey nor Duddy had thought of engaging
a lawyer until they should have consulted Pinney; but
Tom's words suggested the desirability of so doing while
they had plenty of time at their disposal; and Duddy
said :
"You stay here so 's you can slip in the very minute
the doors are opened, an' I '11 look 'round to see what
kind of a lawyer I can find, 'cause p'r'aps we would n't
have a chance after we see Pinney. I know a place
where there are about a hundred lawyers' offices, an' we
can get one there, I guess, after we flash up all this
Don't stay long," said Ikey, his teeth chattering with
the cold. If I get in before you come back, I '11 save
a seat for you by the side o' me."
Duddy was off like a shot, the pennies jingling in his
pocket as he ran, and, as he thought, giving such evi-
dence of wealth that any attorney whom he met would
be eager to plead Pinney's case.
Ikey evidently expected to see his brother director
return in a very short time, followed by at least one
lawyer; and he would not have been surprised had he
seen three or four. But the minutes went by until an
hour passed, and Duddy had not come. One by one
a crowd gathered on the steps; and Ikey almost forgot

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