Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00081948/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Baby sunshine a collection of short and amusing stories for our little ones
- Creator:
- Worthington Company ( Publisher )
- Place of Publication:
- New York
- Publisher:
- Worthington Co.
- Publication Date:
- 1892
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 v. (unpaged) : ill. (some col.) ; 26 cm.
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Children -- Conduct of life -- Juvenile literature ( lcsh )
Conduct of life -- Juvenile literature ( lcsh ) Animals -- Juvenile literature ( lcsh ) Children's stories ( lcsh ) Children's stories -- 1892 ( lcsh ) Bldn -- 1892
- Genre:
- Children's stories
- Spatial Coverage:
- United States -- New York -- New York
- Target Audience:
- juvenile ( marctarget )
- General Note:
- Some illustrations printed in colored ink.
- General Note:
- Contains fiction and non-fiction.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact The Department of Special and Area Studies Collections (special@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 026605088 ( ALEPH )
ALG2965 ( NOTIS ) 212375345 ( OCLC )
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The Handkerchief Rabbit.
The Handkerchief Rabbit.
«Spor, oh, Spot, with eyes so bright!
Here’s a rabbit, soft and white,
Made by clever brother Roy,
All to please our baby-boy.â€
Spot pricks up a listening ear
Little Mabel’s words to hear,
Thinking, in his inmost mind,
Bunny seems a curious kind!
Roy, as happy as aking,
Joy to baby Jack doth bring,
Bunny soon will have its place
Close by baby’s sleeping face.
——_—_0 @ ¢—____
Under the Mistletoe.
Wuen Flossie heard papa’s footstep
upon the threshold, she ran into the par-
lor instead of through the hall to the front
door as was her usual custom, and stand-
ing directly under the chandelier called to
papa to come.
ito Flossie.
“She had heard Aunt May“and the other
young girls.“spending . the holidays with
her parents talking about the mistletoe
branch they had suspended. there, and
thinking it a very nice place in which to
take papa’s kiss, and return it with twenty
of her own, she had planted herself di-
rectly under it.
Mamma happened to be in the.room at
the time, and as.papa came to the door in
answer to his little girl’s call, she caught
their darling ‘upon her shoulder, bringing
her even higher than papa himself. Flos-
sie was delighted, and boasted to grand-
mamma when she came the next day,
that the first kiss under the pretty mistle-
toe branch on Christmas Eve was given
Up ima lree:
TwirTERv—twittery—twee ! »
Sings a little bird up in a tree;
Of leaves it is bare, but the sun shines
And right merry and glad is he.
Twittery—twittery—twee !
Come some more little birds to the tree;
They have much to say this sunshiny day
Of the spring-time that soon will be.
: Twittery—twittery—twee !
Green leaves will soon bud on the tree !
This chirrup and chat awakes a small cat,
And his green eyes twinkle with glee.
Stealthily, stealthily, oh!
Master Puss crawls from bough to bough;
Little birds take care—he will soon be
You must look out for mischief now!
Twittery—twittery—twee! pe
Sing the birds at the top Or the: inee 57
«We won't fly away—may just as well stay.
Cats can’t climb the twigs of a tree.â€
The Rescue.
ered that the young man, the
I subject of the above sketch had
been left. behind.
With difficulty they rowed
around to the bow, where the cap-
tain stood waving his lantern, and
there hanging to a rope was the
object of their search. The boy
The Rescue.
Tue battle was over, and the vessel
sinking. Night had settled down upon
the scene that a few hours before had
been one of bloodshed and confusion.
Up to within a short time the stanch
war vessel was considered still safe, but a
leak had suddenly widened and she was
already well filled with water. Two of
the boats had left her side with their ap-
pointed crew, and the third was launched
and a few feet away when it was discov-
}. watched with breathless anxiety,
and as the boat came beneath him,
at a word from the commander he
let himself drep, landing in the
water close to his rescuers. It
was but a moment’s effort to grasp
the side of the boat and pull him-
self on board, where a few hours
later he with his companions were
picked up by a passing steamer.
——____ - a 2 ____
‘American Navy: U. S.
Steamship “Charleston.â€
Tue new type of cruisers pro-
vided for the United States Navy
shows an increase of size and
power; and they are now built
of steel, with deck of thick armor
plating. The Charleston, an il-.
lustration of which is given on
the opposite page, is built of
wood, 300 ft. long, by 46 ft. beam,
with 3,730 tons displacement, and
draws 18 ft.6 in. water. She has
twin screw propellers, worked by engines
of 7,500 indicated horse power, giving an
extreme speed of nineteen knots an hour,
and carries 800 tons of coal. The arma-
ment consists of two ten-inch breech-load-
ing rifled guns; six six-inch guns, of five
tons ; some machine guns; and five tubes,
or launching carriages, for fish-torpedoes.
Wnuart is experience? A poor little hut
constructed from the ruins of the palace
of gold and marble called our illusions,
The American Navy: U.
S. Steamship “Baltimore.â€
The American Navy: U.S. Steam-
ship “ Baltimore.â€
Tue steel-built protected cruiser Laltz-
more, illustrated on the next page, is a
twin-screw steamship, built for the United
States Government by contractors at
Philadelphia, within three years past.
She has a high free-board, with long poop
and forecastle; her length is 315 ft.
breadth of beam 48 ft. 6 in., and displace-
ment 4,400 tons, drawing 19 ft. 6 in. of
water. The engines are triple-expansion,
of 10,750 indicated horse-power, with two
propellers, giving a maximum speed of
twenty knots an hour. She can carry goo
tons of coal, with which she could steam
12,000 miles at a speed of ten knots, but
the ordinary coal supply is only 400 tons.
She is protected by a continuous steel
deck, slightly above the load water-line,
1% in, thick in. the flat and 4 in. thick in
The armament~‘consists of
the slopes.
four eight-inch breech-loading guns on
the poop and forecastle; six six-inch
breech-loading guns, in sponsons, on the
broadside, 16 ft. above the water; six
quick-firing guns, six Hotchkiss and four
Gatlings, with six torpedo-dischargers,
two forward, two broadside, and two aft.
The masts are furnished with fighting
Tue intervals of life should not be left
to haphazard; should not be regarded as
idle waters in which each one may drift at
pleasure without compass or guide. They
should be held as trusts for certain definite
objects, and regarded of as much impor-
tance, and requiring as much thought and
care as the principal business of life, which
too often holds us with a relentless and
never-relaxing grip.
sii Te
War Vessels of the Olden Time.
War Vessel of the Olden Time.
Tuis strange-looking vessel is probably
one of the old Dutch war vessels of about
Queen Anne’s time. Do you notice in
the port-hole the ornamental form of
the projecting cannon mouth? It be-
longed to a time when the adjuncts of
war were of a more decorative sort than
now; when gorgeous uniforms and _brill-
iant plumes were the rule, rather than
the dark and ‘sombre military garb of the
present day. It is remarkable how, as civ-
ge ilization advances, the peaceful
pursuits predominate over the
direful trade of war. The young
soldier being carried away by the
broken spar looks as if he were
dressed for the drawing-room
rather than battle: We see no
soft lace around the wrists, or silk
stockings on our midshipmen of
to-day, and a battle at sea is no
longer picturesque, but awful.
———-2 9-2 —__ — _
The U. S. Gun-boat *‘‘Pe-
Tue last of our illustrations of
the recent additions to our navy
is the one on the opposite page,
the U. S: Gun-boat Petre. Dur-
ing the past few months this, with
the cruisers Charleston and Raltz-
more, the dynamite gun-cruiser
Vesuvius, and the. torpedo-boat
Cushing. have been placed in ac-
tive service ; and three cruisers—
the Concord, Newark, and Ben-
nington—have been launched,
and are being fitted for sea,
Lire - Sorrows. — No
should underrate the inevitable
sorrows of life, nor deny to
them the sympathy and loving aid which
should ever be extended to them; but
permanent misery cannot be regarded
with very much respect. It certainly
speaks of grave defects in character, of
faults that need pruning away, of feeble
qualities that need stimulating. Life is
largely what we make it, and, whatever
may be its clouds and storms, they will be
chased away at length by the clear sun-
shine of a strong and noble character.
“Till thy heart with goodness, and thou
wilt find that the world is full of good.â€
F =|
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The Deer.
ihe Deer:
Tuis beautiful creature and her fawn
are inmates of one of our city parks. They
are great favorites with the children living
near, who delight in feeding them from
their hanes:
© © o-—____
The Death of a Fox.
Axove the fierce clamor of hounds, as
they struggle and snort and bray about
the fallen’ ‘foe, rings out the huntsman’s
shrill’«* Whoo ! Whoop!†and the telling
twang of his horn sounding a requiem
over this stout red rover ‘of the hills.
They ‘found him in the wooded valleys
far away, whither he.had gone like a gay
Lothario on conquest bent, and he has led
them a glorious chase league after league
across ridge and hollow to the stronghold
where he would fain have sought refuge.
We hear again in fancy the spirit-stir-
ring ‘‘ Tally ho!†that followed him as he
broke cover and stole away with a defiant
wave of his white “tag,†and the clanging
chorus of hound music as his pursuers
crashed through the hazel copse to stream
over the meadone on a burning scent.
Straight as a crow flies he headed for the
woods, and soon half the field was left
At last, when half their number were
left behind, the few best riders came upon
the scene on the opposite page. The fox
had made his last run, and was overtaken
before he. reached the cover that offered
life and liberty.
TI ee
Playing Shop.
Playing Shop.
Dip you ever play shop as Eddie and
Lily are doing? If you have, I know you
had lots of fun, for I used to play it when
I was little, and there was nothing quite
like it for a house game, I used to think.
To be sure I didn’t have a pair of scales
as nice as those in the picture, for I always
made them myself; but they worked very
nicely for all that, and sometimes play-
things. we make ourselves are ever so
much nicer than those we buy.
My scales were only an upright piece
of wood whittled at the bottom like a
wedge, and stuck into a slit cut in a square
block which formed the standard. At
the top I cut a V shaped opening, into
_ which I fastened the cross- piece by means
of a pin that I drove through it and both
sides ofthe V. Then for cups I used round
pieces of pasteboard. caught to the cross-
piece with thread, just as you see in the
picture... For weights I used little pebbles.
These answered quite as well as Lily’s,
and my little companions were very glad
of the bits of cookies and cake, squares of
molasses candy, ;
that I. weigh :
looking scales.
. cherries,
ese, rough-
never. playedat this, try it,
and see if it isn't ¢ of
Going to. Grandmother’ S.
Marjorie and | John, with -Sport as an
escort, are going down:the road to’ grand-
mother’s with a jug of milk anda bag of
cakes and doughnuts for the old: lady.
The children are always glad of an errand
that takes them to the little cottage down
by the water, for-grandmother always has
a nice story to tell in return for ie nice
=| things they take her.
Marjorie’s: mother has ted to get the
old-lady to leave her home by the sea and
come and live on the farm, but to no pur-
pose.†The little cottage, with its small
garden in front, and a few trees at the
rear, has been her home ever since she
came'into it a bride, fifty years ago, and
she cannot leave it now,
Every.stone on the old place has its as-
sociation, and the waves that break upon
the beach, just below her western windows,
are grim reminders of the husband that
sailed from her door: one bright spring
morning never to return again. ;
It was the same old story : a sudden
storm, a short battling with the elements,
and a wreck upon the rocky coast some
twenty miles away. But the sea had ever
after a different tale for her ears, and
as the years passed away it sometimes
seemed.to her that she could hear in its
grand, mysterious music the voice of her
lost one, soothing her restless longing.
‘EVERY did who fe work to oe in
this world,-and does it; needs a vacation.
Our hasty actions disclose our habitual
feelings as nothing else does.
The Bathing Flour.
The Bathing Hour.
TuesE boys have just left their cozy
tents to bathe in this pleasant stream.
Two of them are splashing each other
and think it great fun, while the third tells
his companion on the bank how warm the
water is. The boy with the straw hat
seems to enjoy watching the others more
than the water, and laughs with delight
whenever either of the splashers seems to
be getting the best of the other.
These boys are spending a part of their
vacation in a camp they have made for
themselves on the banks of this stream.
They have two tents which they have
borrowed from a military company in their
ing the purpose of shelter to the boys
These are old, well-worn affairs, no|
longer of use. to thee owners, “but answer-|
as satisfactorily as better ones would |
have* done. » Just in front of the tents
the. boys havemade.a stone fire-place,
upon which they cook with pride not only
the fish they catch, but-hoe-cake, potatoes,
and a number of other things. Fortu-
nately for the patty, an uncle ot Ned Har-
ris, one of their number, lives but a few
rods away, and from him they get milk,
butter and eggs, and frequently a supply |
of bread, meat, cookies, doughnuts, honey,
and many other gcod things. That is |
Ned with his hat on, and the boy on the |
bank is his friend, Charlie Clarke. Those
in the water are ie cousins.
They are all nice boys who have
worked hard in school during the term,
and deserve to havé a good time in this
their well-earned resting-spell.
Examining the ‘Bow.
Litrte Dick Baker has made a _ bow,
and is showing it to his companions in |
school. Do you see him in his light ging- |
ham apron, chewing a piece of string as |
he listens with breathless interest for what
Billy Black may say about it ?—for Billy
is the oldest and biggest boy in school,
and his opinion is considered an author-
ity in this little country school.
We hope for Dick’s sake that he will
approve of the wood, and the manner in
which it is strung.
Lo, here hath been dawning
Another bright day ;
Think—wilt thou let it
Slip useless away ?
Out of eternity
This new day is born ;
~~ Into eternity
At night will return.
Stealing Apples.
Stealing Apples.
Jack Dawson was not the kind of a boy
that thoughtful mothers would like their
sons to associate with: But he didn’t
know that; perhaps if he had he would
say he didn’t care. . He had an idea _ that
to assume a swaggering manner, and do
all sorts of mean, dishonorable things,
would make him appear more manly, and
raise him in the estimation of the boys.
But, like all such characters, he was a
coward at heart, and was only truly happy
when applauded by a certain set of his
So it was that his-whole life had very
little that was real, true happiness in_ it,
but was only a series of “ showings-off,â€
not at all admired by the better class of
his school- fellows.
Next to the school-house lived an old
man,-who had won the reputation among
the boys of being a rather crusty old char-
acter who cared for but little in this life
save his fruit-trees and his savage dog.
The boys watched with interest the apples
over the wall, which, no doubt, looked a
deal more. tempting
forbidden. fruit.
ae Now,†z ‘thought Jacl kK, on Se eember
morning, “1 shall. have a chance to show
the boys what-a brave fellow 1 can be;’
a Bey. were
-|so he called upon them to know what they
would bet he didn’t ‘dare to get some of .
them apples.â€
‘The boys made several offers, then Jack
sprang over the wall and ran for the near-
est tree ; and encouraged by the absence
of both master and dog, he soon climbed
the trunk, and began pelting his compan-
ions with the rosy-cheeked fruit.
So interested had all become in this,
that none observed the approach of the
owner until the great, ugly dog was under
the limb upon which the boy sat; then
there was a general stampede of those on
the other side of the wall, and Jack Daw-
son looked about, to find himself quite
alone. All his swagger now left him, and
a very humble and much-frightened boy
clung to the branch in dreadful agony lest
the mastiff below should shut those strong
jaws upon his dangling leg; making,
meantime, all sorts of promises he had no
thought of keeping, if the owner would
only let him free.
—— # 8 e—__—_—__
The Road to Wisdom.
‘‘OpEN your mouth and shut up your eyes,
And I'll give you something to make you
sang Bertie White to little Peter Gray,
whom he chanced to meet on the way to
Peter saw the paper of chocolate creams
in Bertie’s hand, and knowing Bertie was
not a boy to serve him a mean trick,
was only too glad to do as he was com-
manded. So he opened his mouth so
wide that Emma Ware, who was coming
along just back of Bertie, could not help
Strange Builders.
Do you know what these strange
builders are that are working so industri-
ously, making a dam across the lower end
of the lake?
I hear some of you answer at once, “ Of
course we do; they are beavers. We know
them from the shape of their tails.â€
But do you know why they build dams
across shallow portions of water ?
Few can answer this, so I will tell you.
The beaver is a strange animal that builds
its house in a peculiar manner.’ Scattered
over the little inland coves, which in some
instances are closed in by dams, are round
mounds, or hillocks, rising a few feet out
of water. These hillocks are the homes
of beavers, the portion above water form-
ing the sleeping apartment of the ani-
mal. But to secure greater privacy, and
safety from their foes, these ‘cunning creat-
ures make the entrance to their spade.
under water, which in dry seasons might
lower until the doorway was eee to
It is to guard against ne calsmity that
they take so much pains to build the dams
as you see them in the engraving.
The Otter.
Ow the following page we have another
animal that lives in-the colder latitudes of|
this country and Europe. Unlike the
beaver, the otter is not very common in
America, while several species are found
in Russia and on the shores of the Baltic
It is a very savage animal, battling
|bravely with the ferocious dogs used in
hunting it; for the fur of some species is
very valuable, and many men make a
business of capturing it, training and
keeping a peculiar breed of dogs for the
It is always to be found on streams
and narrow bays, where it can easily se-
cure its food, that consists of fish it has
little difficulty in catching. Being an ex-
pert diver, it falls upon its prey before the
fish knows of its danger, and, dragging it
to the land, the otter finishes his meal
without further. trouble.
He is a handsome fellow to contem-
plate, but the majority of us would, I am
sure, much rather see his fur as trimming
to our garments than go to his nee
haunts fo examine it.â€
Two Keys.
Hearts like doors will open with ease
To two very little keys;
But don’t forget the two are these:
“T thank you, sir,†and ‘“‘If you please.â€
Be polite, boys, don’t forget it,
_In your wandering day. by day,
When you work and when you study,
In your home and at your play.
After the Battle.
After the Battle.
Tue above is the picture of a vessel
that has just been actively engaged in a
naval battle. Her mast has been shot
off, and now it is discovered that it is on
Great is the consternation of all on
board... The commander and. two of the
sailors are already climbing up to try and
stop the spread of the flames.
How do you suppose they will do it?
ismack, where
e Sabbath-is ob.
On all. three vessels
served in some way, usually by the cap-
-|tain, or chaplain, when one is on board,
reading the pray ers of the English Church,
anda Snort sermon, to the men. If the
vessel belongs. to some other nation than
England, and the captain is not acquainted
with the Pray er Book, he frequently offers
extemporaneous prayers, and reads a ser-
mon by some favorite divine.
_ The scene in our opposite illustration
is not on a large ship, but only a fishing
Sunday is too often treated
like every other day. Here we have,
however, a Christian for captain, who
bravely does his duty, insisting that his
crew take part in the services on this
beautiful Sabbath morning. Perhaps they
do it willingly, for they certainly are all
interested in what their commander is
reading,.-and no doubt they are better
sailors and nobler men for this quiet hour
in God’s spacious cathedral, walled in by
the ever-rolling sea below and the great
jarch of heaven overhead.
For Everything Give Thanks.
For all that God in mercy sends:
For health and children, home and friends,
For comfort in the time of need,
For every kindly word and deed,
For happy thoughts and holy talk,
For guidance in our daily walk,
For everything give thanks!
For the sweet sleep that comes at night,
For the returning morning’s light,
For the bright sun that shines on high,
For the stars glittering in the sky,
For'these and everything we see,.
O Lord! our hearts we lift to Thee,
For everything give thanks!
Ln the Flospitat.
fF cd
| In the Hospital.
Turse little children were among the
passengers on the Utopia, that one night
in March, 1891, ran into the British war
vessel Anson, in Gibraltar Bay, and was
sunk. A great many of the passengers,
who were mostly Italians, were lost, only
a few being saved unharmed.
These little ones, injured more or less
seriously, are receiving the best of-care,
but their future is a sad one, for they are
fathérless, motherless and homeless.
It is to be hoped that some kind people|
will take pity on the poor little orphans, |:
and not only give them a good home, but
a mother’s love and care. © op
o ‘An Interrupted Meal.
& ; . :
Tur dog has procured for himself a
first-rate dinner, and is about to éat it in
a corner of the barn, when along troop all
the relatives of the young gosling by the
open door. Hearing the cries of the
little fellow, they turn in to learn the
cause, when a dreadful hissing and screech-
ing rises upon the air, enough to frighten
a much braver dog than Spot. He looks
at them for a moment in silence, then,
with tail between his legs, he steals out at
the other end of the barn. The gosling,
seeing its persecutor is. gone, flops over
on its feet, and is soon in the bosom of
its family once more.
ANY system of instruction which does
not teach a lad to think falls very far short
of the best results of education, and leaves
- |him without the most vital element of suc-
Ir a man has a right to be proud of
anything, it is of a good action done as
it ought to be, without any base interest
lurking at the bottom of it.
Food for
Food for the Birds.
Tur above sketch shows a very simple
way. of providing board in winter and
lodging in summer for a great number of
birds.. You have only to buy a few cocoa-
nuts, cut off the ends (like taking the top
off an egg), which can easily be done with
a sharp chisel and a mallet, bore a hole
through the side, put a string through it,
knot it, and then hang the cocoanut from
a creeper or tree-bough. Thus, for a few
cents, you can provide food for many little
birds for weeks, or rather months. Last
winter the cocoanuts from which these
sketches were made were seldom left
alone for many moments. Birds swarmed
on them; lowering themselves down by
the string, and at last, when confidence
was quite established, flying straight in.
They worked away at them from early
morn till dewy eve. When all the nut is
Birds. ~
jeaten, the shells make’ excellent “nesting-
places, and will-probably be taken posses-
sion: of ‘by. other«
up through the summer. In this way
both board and lodging are provided on
most reasonable terms, with no extras.
_ In the hardest weather this food supply
is always available, and if you are away
from home for a few days you know that
your little birds will not be in want.
Gathering Walnuts.
THE summer is past and the flowers
dead. A frost, heavy and white, covered
the landscape when these country children
\looked from their bedroom windows this
glorious October morning.
That was the signal for nut-gathering
they had been watching . for so. long.
The chores were done and dishes washed
in a remarkably short space of time, then
all the young people hurried off to the hill-
side where the trees were loaded with nuts.
It was the work of a few minutes only,
to fill the baskets, then Hattie ran to the
barn for an empty meal-sack which, with
the help of her little brother, she soon had
as full as it would- hold.
Turee things to love—courage, gentle-
ness, and affection...
Three things to admire—intellect, dig-
nity, and:gracefulness.
Three things to avoid—idleness, loquac-
ity, and flippant jesting. ~~
Three things.to cultivate—good books,
good friends, and good humor.â€
Three things .to contend for—honor,
country, :and=friendswin ce wis 3
teach—truth, industry,
Three things: to
and contentment: *
-ocEhree. “things «tos
tongue, and conduct.
Three things to cherish—virtue, good.
| —— temper,
ness, and wisdom.
Going to Ride.
Going to Ride.
Tus is the picture of a remarkable
baby—so remarkable, in fact, that no mat-
ter how hard he is crying, it needs but the
magic, words, ‘‘ going to ride,†to bring a
lull in his music and a smile to his eyes.
I wonder if there is another baby like]
him in-all the United States.
The New Baby.
SHE came to us early in spring, that
dear baby sister, and our home was made
much brighter by her coming.
Everyone was delighted excepting g Jack,
our dog, who was not. pleased at the in-
trusion, ~and could not be induced to come
near the new nurse or her infant charge.
After that personage had left and mamma
was about the rouse again, she was hold-
ing the-baby one morning when Jack
came into-the room. He was evidently
much surprised at seeing the strange little
~~ }she told him in her’ gentle manner
idle in mamima’s arms, for he had before
+ this supposed it to be the nurse’s property.
~Now'Jack is very,fond of mamma, and
__|when she called him:to her side he came
at once, glad to be petted as of old. Then
the dear little baby belonged to her, and
had come to live with us always.
Jack looked at it .for.an_ instant,
then.up into her face, as much as to
“T never knew that before.â€
After that she told him: she should
expect him to be very good to her little
daughter and take care of her sometimes,
and Jack seemed to understand what she
said, for he wagged_his tail, and, leaning
over, licked dhe baby’ s face: From that
day forward Jack.and baby were the best
of friends.
More hearts pine away in’ secret an-
guish for the want of kindness from those
who should be their comforters than any
other calamity in life. A word of kind-
ness is a seed which springs up a flower.
A kind word and a pleasant voice are
gifts easy to bestow. Be liberal with them.
They are worth more than money. Ifa
word or two will render a man happy,
said a Frenchman, he must be a wretch
indeed who will not give it. Kindness is
stored away in the heart like rose leaves
in a drawer, to sweeten every object
around them. Little drops of rain brighten
the meadows, and little acts of kindness
brighten the world.
He is the true hero and she is the true
woman with whom the impulses of kind-
ness are most powerful, and by whom the
call for help is not unheeded; and they
are best fitted for usefulness who do not
waste their sympathy in the fruitless pur-
suit of useless excitement.
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The “ Bogie†Dog.
The “ Bogie’ Dog.
- Tuat is the name little Willie has given
to the wooly black dog that was numbered
with his presents at Christmas. He brought
him out in the yard to make friends with
the puppies, but his effect upon them was
not quite what Willie expected. Instead
of playing, the unsuspecting creatures
have tucked their tails between their legs
in horror at the apparition of a great black
Bogie Dog with moustache and mane
and flappy ears, and inconsequent tufts of
hair upon his legs and tail. meee
But they will soon grow older, and,
passing through the stages from reverence
to contempt, may even venture to worry
those portentous tufts which now inspire
them with such ear-drooping horror.
The “Milky Way.â€
Tus wretched little mouse has unwit-
tingly tumbled into the bowl, and will
presently, if left alone, perish from. suffo-
cation in the dainty liquid which he loved
too well. But pussy will not leave him to
die thus; she will rescue him, she will play
with him, and then make her supper of
him, if cook does not drive her from the
pantry, where she really has no right to
WHEN tossed on the angry waves of a
sea of trouble, a good motto is, ‘“ Never
give up the ship.†But when the ship
manifests a tendency to sink, it is a wise
move to swim out and not go down with
the wreck. ;
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Floral Carnival. ?
The “Floral Carnival.
A BEAUTIFUL and poetical carnival has
recently beéninstitutedin~ Nice;. which,
for a few years past, has been participated
in by the foreign tourists visiting the city
with a great deal of interest.
If. the day. is pleasant which is fixed
for the Battle of Flowers, the fray is really
avery charming one. ‘The stages erected
in the Promenade des Anglais and the
sidewalks are thronged early after noon.
At the hour appointed, usually about
two o'clock, a signal-gun from the Chateau
tells that hostilities are to begin. Then
the people in their highly-decorated car-
riages pass slowly down the street, throw-
ing and receiving the fragrant bouquets,
until the air is richly scented with the
sweet perfume of millions of violets, roses
and heather.
Tne GUE.
Ir is not by honeyed words of praise or
flattery that we can help one another.: It
is the truth that is wanted to speed men
on to their best endeavors; and there is
more truth in good than in evil, in power
than in weakness.. Let each one make
for his starting point not what he fears,
but what he hopes; not what he cannot,
but what he can do; not his-wrong, but
his right. Let him beware of despising
himself. as much as over-estimating him-
self; let him, without pride or arrogance,
rejoice in whatever he can find in himself
of strength or beauty, regarding it all as
a trust given him for the benefit or good
of the world, which will grow and flourish
by the using.
He who. never - sacrifices a _ present to
a future good or a general one, can speak
of happiness cy as the blind speak of
E (es
The Mudson.
AsovE we have a view of the beautiful
Hudson river, taken from West Point a
great many years ago. Though the dress
of men has changed, the grand old river
winds between its noble mountains to-day
just as it did in that distant time.
On the left we have Storm King, the
nearest high mountain, and just beyond
that is Old Cro’ Nest, two of the most
noticeable points on the river. -
Gathering Wild Clematis.
Tuere are few vines better suited for
fall and winter decorations, than the wild
clematis found in our woods and swamp
The soft, feathery texture of the tufts,
on their slender flexible stems, admits of
its being wound about frames and pic-
But it is'nt the wild clematis alone in
the picture that makes it so pretty. The
charming young girl looking out at us from
under her wide-brimmed hat, is perhaps
the most pleasing feature.
Hope nothing from luck, and the proba-
bility is that you will be so forewarned
and forearmed, that all shallow observers
will call you lucky.
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The Little
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The Little Fisher~Maiden.
Here isa little Dutch girl who makes
her living by selling fish. One would
think, by the way she tips her basket, that
she would lose all her fish; but she knows
how to carry them, and perhaps turns it
that way to let people see what she has to
A Quarrel.
Tuere’s a knowing little proverb,
From the sunny land of Spain;
But in Northland, as in Southland,
Is its meaning clear and plain.
Lock it up within your heart;
Neither lose nor lend it—
Two it:takes. to make a quarrel;
Qne-can always end it.
Try it well in every way,
Still-you’ll find it. true,
In a fight without a foe,
.... Pray.what.could you do?
~ If the wrath is yours alone,
Soon you.will expend it—
Two it takes to make a quarrel;
One can always end it.
Let’s suppose that both are wroth,
And the’strife begun,
If-one shall cry for ‘‘ Peace,â€
Soon it will be done.
If but one shall span the breach,
He will quickly mend it—
Two it takes to make a quarrel ;
One can always end it.
THESE two peasant girls are talking
over the affairs of their little town as they
‘work away on the shore, unconscious of
the. beautiful picture they make in their
bright dresses against the blue sea for a
We must needs trust where we. love.
We must needs trust as we ourselves are
trustworthy. The light, and fickle, and
false, and suspicious must live according
to their own rules; but the men and
women who. aré trustworthy will ever
trust, for we see the world through our
own glasses, and the evils we are not con-
scious of in ourselves we do not generally
credit to others.
By striving to obtain and to cherish
clear and true ideas. of right, by: empha-
sizing them in our.thoughts, following
them in our. conduct, and diffusing them
through © our > influence,. we strike the
strongest and most effective blows-at every
form of-wrong: doing.
For Cherries.
Up the ladder
Against the tree,
We are going,
We three, we three,
For the cherries
So ripe and red ;
We will get them,
With Eddie ahead.
Against the tree,
We climb bravely,
We three, we three.
His Share.
Once there were six little children who
dwelt in a gloomy old castle in- the
southern part of Europe, where they
could not have half the good times that
children of the present day have. It was
only after they were able to mount and
manage a horse that their good .times
really began. Then they could ride
across the wild country, follow the chase,
or, in the case of boys, even ride into
battle with their elders.
But these little people were ‘still too
small for that, and must content them-
selves with playing in the great hall or ip
the courtyard of the castle.
Sometimes the kind lady who had
charge of them would take them outside
the castle walls to a beautiful spot a few
rods away, where some delicious cherries
grew wild, and there the six little people
would have a grand time.
One by one the lady would count them
out, that each child might have his exact
share, for I suspect children of that day
were quite as much inclined to quarrel
over such matters as they are now.
Of these six I am speaking about, only
two were boys—the baby hanging to the
lady’s skirt and the boy receiving his
share. The others were girls, who, in
after years, became fine ladies in the
land. But of the boys, the baby died be-
fore he reached manhood, and the bright,
chubby, little fellow, with such a happy
face, fell on the battlefield while fighting
for his king. ce
Tue element of difficulty. is the very
core of all progress. The best path.is not
the easiest either to find or. to tread ;, but
once found. and: once trodden, who would
retrace his.steps?ts«. 2
“Does It Hurt Dreéffully ?â€
“Doers it hurt dreffully ?†asked little
Willie, as he stood by his mother’s side
and saw her wipe the blood away from the
finger she had slightly cut while slicing
the bread for supper.
When mamma assured him that it did
not pain her at all, and was only a slight
scratch that had already nearly stopped
bleeding, Willie bent over, kissed the well
hand, and then ran away to meet papa,’
whom he-had seen coming through the
“Does It Hurt Dreffully?â€
their summer home? It isn’t like
most summer homes, but perhaps it
is all the more attractive for that.
Willie’s father has built a small shel-
ter, or tiny bark house, here in this
delightful woodland spot, and, with a
number of friends who have mace
themselves similar houses near by, he
' is rusticating in a delightful way.
Only using the shelter at night and
on rainy days, the family live the re-
mainder of the time out of doors, eat-
ing from a rustic table, placed in the
shadow of one of the larger trees.
They are all very happy, even kitty
being perfectly reconciled to her new
— eo
The First Quarrel.
Kirrens are such soft, pretty creat-
“ures, it seems entirely out of keeping
with their appearance that they must
quarrel and fight like the rest of the
animal creation.
The pretty little kitties pictured on
the opposite page would look much
sweeter if, instead of spitting and
snarling at each other, they would
play “tag,†or chase a ball between
4“ them. It is to be wondered if the
mamma cat likes to see her babies so
angry and cross. Perhaps she, like
some mothers, would prefer to have it dif
erent, but does not know how to make it
She certainly looks a little sad, as she
sits by the side of the great iron pot that
has served her as a sleeping-room for her-
self and family so long, but possibly the
quarrel going on in front of her has noth-
ing to do with her expression.
Krnp words cost only a little thought,
a little self-control, a little effort; but their
Do they not make a pleasant picture in| fruits are manifold and weighty.
Kitty's Reception.
Ir is'nt very often
human beings are invited to
receptions of this kind, but
little Lucy was very good to
all kinds of animals, particu-
larly cats, so that may be the
reason she was allowed to
The Yacht.
Axove we have the picture of one of the
finest yachts belonging to the New York
Yacht Club.
It is very hard to give, on paper, a
good idea of this beautiful vessel as she
skims over the water, her sails shining
like silver wings under the full moon's
Even in the daytime a well built yacht
is a fine thing to look at, a fleet of these
graceful objects flitting about on the lower
bay reminding one of so many light-
winged butterflies sporting in the sun-
witness the very elegant affair
depicted on the next page.
Indeed the exquisite man-
ners of the young and dignity
of the aged cats were studies
in themselves, and the music
was something to be long re-
membered, Lucy said.
We are very grateful to her
for the sketch she has given
us of the entertainment, for
I am sure we could none of
us have had a proper idea of
the appearance of a roomful
of pussies, on their-best be-
havior. We were even igno-
rant as to what kind of furni-
ture they used, and never
dreamed of a piano accom-
paniment to their voices, for
the only cat’s concert most of
us have listened to, has been that on
the back fence, when we were far too
sleepy to appreciate the music.
Wnuat a grand thing it is to feel that
we can if we will! It wants only the wish
to be morally great—the wish translating
itself into endeavor. We can all attain
that supremacy ; and to the weakest and
poorest debarred by nature and society
from personal prosperity, is opened the
noble path of moral grandeur—the royal
road of virtue.
Nor what I have, but what I do, is my
The Old and the New.
Multiplication is jollification.
Division's better by far, The rule of three 1s cestasy, And fractions are prime—Hurrah |
An Old Rhyme and a New Reading.
The Old and the New.
To which of-the above classes does this
reader of the ANNUAL belong?
The Crean Grntiers Baby.
Tue. first time we saw her from our
window she was a tiny creature, whom her
father trundled along in a carriage as he
moved on from place to place with his not
very modern hand-organ.
We paid little attention to her then, for
it is well known about New York, that
organ grinders and professional beggars
hie small children by the day or aera
to take-about the streets with them, that
they may the more readily enlist the sym-
pathy of the passer-by. In time we saw
she was not changed for a baby of the
carriage size, but toddled along at her
father’s side, when large enough to walk.
Then we noticed there seemed to be a
very strong affection existing between the
two, and ‘at last we inquired about the
little creature, of the father himself.
We learned that her mother had died
when she was born, and being too poor to
hire a woman to care for her, and much
too fond of the child to leave her with the
rough and profane women who lived in
his alley, he had bought the little carriage
at a second-hand store, and had taken the
entire care of her himself,
So it was we became interested in the
little girl, buying fruit or cakes to give to
her when she passed our door. And, as
love begets love, the pretty little one soon
became very fond of us, :
But one morning in early spring we
missed the wheezy old organ, and the
bright little face beside it. A week went
by, and we began to question if anything
had happened to the child, but as no one
in the office knew where the two lived, we
could only wait and wonder.
At last, when three weeks had passed,
one sunny February morning the outer
door opened, and the old organ grinder
stood before us. He had grown care-
worn and aged in that short time, and we
noticed he had a bad cough, as he related
in a simple manner how his darling had
sickened, and at last followed her mother
to the home above.
‘‘T know she’s better off,†he said in
answer to our attempt at sympathy, ‘but
I miss her dreadful bad;†and we re-
marked, as the door closed on his thinly-
clad emaciated form, that he wouldn’t miss
her long, for it was plain to see that he,
too, would soon join the loved ones who
had just met in heaven.
Ir does us good to admire what is good
and beautiful; but it does us infinitely
more good to love it. We grow like what
we admire; but we become one with what
we love. —
A Typhoon. :
A Typhoon.
ABOVE we have a picture of one of the
terrible hurricanes occurring in the China
Sea, where the wind is so: “strong that it
absolutely flattens the waves themselves.
But its effect upon a ship not prepared to
meet it is something fearful. One can
get a slight idea of it “by studying the con-
aicion of the unfortunate vessel in the
In Northern Seas.
We read a great deal about the hard-
ships that sailors are obliged to undergo
when exploring in the Northern seas ; ‘of
the danger from icebergs and from cold ;
and very few of us would be willing to
face thésé trials, even for the sake Of: wit-
nessing the wonderful aurora borealis,
illumining with its brillant colors the
picturesque icebergs, as seen on the op-
posite page.
Most of us would, without doubt, enjoy
the spectacle, but we would prefer to wit-
ness it from some cosy spot where frost-
bites could have no terrors for us.
Spurious silver of speech is current,
but base gold of silence is not unknown.
A man may transgress as truly by holding
his tongue as by speaking unadvisedly
with his lips.
APOSTLES never wasted a moment ona
gospel of patchwork. Their two-fold text
was, turn to the Lord, which meant re-
pentance, and cleave to the Lord, which
meant a life of faith and holiness.
- SELF-WILL isso ardent and active that
it will break a world in pieces to make a
stone to sit on.
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Oldest and Youngest.
Oldest and Youngest.
Carrie and Lily were sisters, but there
were several children between them, so
that Carrie was nearly eighteen when
Lily was born.
At first Carrie was not pleased with the
little stranger, she said she thought there
were enough of them already ; but as baby
grew and began to take notice, she was
so cunning and showed such a decided
preference for her oldest sister, that all
Carrie’s “ill-nature disappeared and they
became the best of friends.
On pleasant days Carrie would take
her about the garden, where the sun shone
brightly upon the shrubs and flowers, and
walk up and down the paths
until her arms would ache and
her little charge fell asleep.
we eg
Summer-Day Sermons.
THE sun's text is: “Begin the
With shining purpose, any way.â€
The rain’s: *‘ Let tears fall only
They'll make the world
bright and fair.â€
The wind says: ‘“‘ Let your voice
be sweet,
And only pleasant things re-
The flowers whisper, hid apart :
‘Show to the world a perfect
The while the sky from up above
Shines down the sermon:
«‘ Heaven is love.â€
A New Son.
In the following illustration
we see a baby boy that was
born, grew to manhood, and died
over two hundred years before you were
One would think a little baby of one
generation would look much the same as
that of another, but certainly this little
fellow looks quite as old-fashioned as the
ladies watching him so intently. As one
little reader of aie ANNUAL remarked, “ He
looks as if he had’ his big brother's shirt
waist on, and was lost in it;†but I do not
think that can be so, for I doubt if they
wore shirt-waists in those days.
Comer what come may,
Time and the hour runs through the rough-
est day.
Fidos New Flayfellow.
Fido’s New Playfellow.
Frpo is a family pet, who has a very
nice basket, lined with soft cloth, to sleep
in, wears a pretty red ribbon bow tied in
his collar for ornament, and never was
treated unkindly in his life.
One day the cook left a basket of
lobsters on the kitchen table, and ran
into the yard to attend to her clothes that
were hanging out to dry. Suddenly she
heard the most woeful cries issuing from
the house, and imagining many horrible
things, she rushed indoors to see what was
the matter.
Poor little Fido, with tears actually |
running down his face, and every tooth in
the lower jaw plainly showing, was seated
in the middle of the floor, holding one of
his front paws beseechingly toward her,
every few minutes giving it a. frantic shake
to dislodge the savage lobster that had
fastened hold of it with its claws.
He had probably heard the creatures
moving about in the basket, and thinking
to have some fun had pulled it from the
It is plain to see he had a great deal
more fun than he bargained for.. He never
forgot the episode, however, and. for a
year afterwards would lift his paw and
assume a most mournful expression when-
ever the word “lobster†was said in his
A Lofty Position.
Tom Srupsss, the hostler, has taken it
into his head to tease poor Fanny by put-
ting her only remaining puppy on’ the
water barrel, and the fond mother and her
pup are in sore distress at the situation.
Fs bili
Conquering Flerself.
Conquering Herself.
“T pon’r want Mamie Price at my
party, an’ I ain’t going to have her.â€
‘But you must, Princess, dear, for
Mamie is our cousin, and it would never
do to have a party without asking her.â€
‘ But it’s my party, an’ I ought to have
a right to ‘vite anybody I like. Mamie
Price pulled Fanny Belle’s hair all off, and
broke Pompey’s leg, an’ I won’t have her
if I don’t have any party at all; there,
now!†and little Princess gave an angry
swing to her dress that resulted in throw-
ing to the floor a pretty china cup and
saucer from her doll’s table, at which the
much abused Fanny Bell was complais-
antly taking her tea.
Lulu again glanced up from the new
book she was reading.
get so angry about it,†she said, placing
her hand upon the little sister’s shoulder,
“for Mamie doesn’t always act naughty,
and I’m sure she would never dream of
leaving you out if she was to have a
‘But I never did horrid things to her
dolls!†persisted Princess.
“You shouldn't.
“And that’s just why you ought to be
good to her,†maintained Lulu; “ for don’t
you remember what mamma read to us
last Sunday—that we should love cur
enemies and do good to even those who
were bad to us? This is just what it
meant, I guess, and I think she would
say, it’s just a nice chance to do what the
| Bible tells us to.â€
“ Well, I s’pose I’ve got to, then; she'll
make eight, and Minnie Lee and Flossie
Bates will be ten. That’s all I want,†con-
tinued Princess, as she ran across the room
in answer to mamma’s call.
She had conquered her angry spirit,
and resolved to do what her conscience
|told her was right, and instantly she be-
came the same loving, sunny little girl
that had won from all her friends the title
of Princess.
————* @«
Ornamenting the Kite.
Joun made it, and now he is holding the
wonderful kite for Charlie to ornament.
Charlie is the artist of the family, who
prides himself upon having the only box
of water colors in the neighborhood. He
can paint ships and landscapes much better
than figures, but John thinks a soldier
would be the best thing to put on a kite.
Charlie made the head and cap, then
commenced to sketch in the coat and
trousers, but the latter he found quite be-
yond his power, so changed his soldier
into a witch, which he at once declared
even more appropriate for the voyages
through the air the kite was expected to
Awnp what is life? an hour-glass on the
A mist retreating from the morning sun.
Taking Observations.
Taking Observations.
Axnove we have the captain of a small
fishing schooner taking an observation
with an instrument called a sextant, to de-
termine on what part of the ocean he may
be sailing. In a severe storm his vessel
has been driven far away from the fishing
grounds, but now, with a bright sun over-
head and his trusty sextant in his hand,
the captain will soon be able to ascertain
his whereabouts to a certainty.
It is to be hoped that, if far from home,
his vessel is well stocked with provisions.
A Polar Béar Hunter.
Tue subject of the following sketch is
a member of an Arctic Exploring Expe-
dition, who has hired an Eskimo with his
team of dogs to drag him over the ice
to a spot where polar bears are said to
Watching carefully as he came, he at
last discovered a large bear walking across
a comparatively smooth place on the ice,
and towards which he at once directed
his course. With his trusty gun he has
nothing to fear excepting the dogs, who
are so excited at the prospect of the car-
cass of the bear for dinner that the Es-
kimo can scarcely restrain them.
The hunter has just turned around for
an instant to give some direction to the
Speak Gently.
VIOLENCE ever defeats its own ends.
Where you cannot drive you can almost
always persuade. A gentle word, a kind
look, a good-natured smile, can work
wonders and accomplish miracles. There
is a secret pride in every human heart that
revolts at tyranny. You may order and
drive an individual, but you cannot make
him respect you.
Having His Hair Cut.
Having E His Hair Cut.
Tuincs have improved since this little
fellow’s time, and, with the varied appli-
ances that barbers of the present day use,
hair cutting is no longer the painful opera-
tion it used to be.
Imagine a barber's chair and a shoe-
maker's bench the same, and the same
person officiating at both.
Some fifty years ago, if you wanted your
hair cut you had only to go to the nearest
shoemaker’s, or if your father was expert
in handling the shears you could have the
barbering done at home, it being only
necessary to take a seat near the window,
clap a bowl over your head, and have the
hair cut even around the edge of the bowl.
Usually there was considerable pulling
connected with the operation, but boys
expected that, and made up their minds
to stand it, as they did: when they had a
tooth to be extracted.
One thing you may be sure of, however,
they did not have their hair cut oftener
than was absolutely necessary.
The Colza Gatherers.
Tur illustration on the opposite page
is engraved from a very fine painting of
“The Colza Gatherers,†by a French art-
ist of distinction.
The colza is a kind of plant resem-
bling the cabbage, the seeds of which are
gathered and*pressed for the purpose of
extracting the oil, which is used for illu-
minating purposes. The French peasants
raise a great quantity of the colza, most of
the labor being performed by the women.
THe Prains or Ease.—We read in
‘ Pilgrim’s Progress †the following words :
“They came to a delicate plain called
Ease, where they went with much content;
but that plain was but narrow, so they
quickly got over it.†Probably most of
us are in the habit of feeling that the
plains of ease in our lives are but narrow,
and that we quickly get over them; and
we feel it with regret. . There is a natural
inclination to cling to what is comfortable,
and to believe that a continuance of that
state would always remain pleasing to us.
After a hard day’s work, we rightly wel-
come the rest which evening brings, the
quiet home, the refreshing ‘walk, the in-
spiring music, the companionship Of friends.
But we forget that it is the hard day’s
work that has made these things so de-
lightful to us—that without that they
would soon become a wearisome monotony,
harder to be endured than any toil.
-Flunting the
Hunting the Wild Boar.
Wi p boar hunting is a favorite amuse-
ment in certain parts of America, as in
Europe and India.
The above illustration,. however, is a
scene in Germany, where dogs are used
to assist in the hunt. Here, as you see,
the brave fellows have the ugly creature
at bay, and in a few minutes their masters
will ride up and end the battle by killing
him with their rifles.
In India the hunt is fraught with more
danger than in Europe, for in the jungle
which the boar frequents are any, wild
beasts still more savage. Here he is fol-
lowed on the back of the elephant, as well
as with horses. But in any case the
hunters must be brave, cool-headed men,
for the scene on the next page is not an
unusual one to the boar hunter of India.
a aT
Do What You Can.
We cannot always be doing a great
work, but we can always be doing some-
thing that belongs to our condition. To
be silent, to suffer, to pray when we can-
not act is acceptable to God.
The Canadian
Moose Hunter.
The endo Moose ee
THE moose, known sometimes as the
American elk, is the largest deer in
America, and inhabits the northern part
of the United States and the region from
the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River
to the Arctic Ocean.
Moose hunting is a favorite sport with
many lovers of the chase, and large parties
from the States and Canada spend several
weeks each year in the northern forests
for this purpose.
The Indians depended upon the native
deer for much of their animal food long
before the white men came, and are still
numbered among our best hunters, while
their habits of close observation enable
them to find their way through dense
forests, where a white man would soon be
lost. For these reasons they are usually
chosen as guides, but when not employed
in this capacity they frequently hunt for a
living, selling the game to men whose
business it is to collect and forward it to
the more southern markets.
The Indian on the opposite page isa
hunter of this kind, who has just killed
a fine specimen, of which he seems to be
justly proud.
Judge Not in Maste.
Nv’er be hasty in your judgement,
- Never foremost to extend
Evil mention of a schoolmate,
Or of one you've called a friend.
Of ¢wo reasons for an action
Choose the better, not the worst ;
Oft, with some, the meaner motive
Ever strikes the fancy first.
Then be gentle to misfortune ;
Never foremost to extend
Evil mention of a schoolmate,
Or of one you’ve called a friend.
Judge not with detracting spirit ;
Speak not with chedanatial tongue ;
Nor with hard and hasty feeling
Do. one human creature wrong.
Words there are that, sharp as winter,
Strip the little left to cheer ;
Oh, be yours the kinder mission !
Prone to soothe, not cause a tear.
Then be gentle to misfortune,
Never foremost to extend
Evil mention of a schoolmate,
Or of one a called a friend.
Look for the Good in Others.
Many a poor tempted one has been
rescued from ruin by the wise helpfulness
of one who has discovered some germ of
good in him, and, passing by all else, has
so nourished and strengthened that germ
as to infuse new hope, courage, and power
by which he has been enabled to conquer
what had well-nigh overwhelmed him.
But to complete the destruction of such a
person few things can be more effectual
than to destroy the last remnants of his
Notutnc will make us so charitable and
tender with regard to the faults of others,
as thoroughly knowing our own.
Bringing Home the Yule-Log.
Bringing Home the Yule-Log.
Turse three children spent the first few
years of their life in England, and since
they came to America have kept up many
of the customs of the mother country.
Among these, perhaps one of the prettiest,
is the lighting of the Christmas fire.
In the large, old-fashioned farmhouse
they call home, is a long dining-room that
has a great chimney built on the outside
at one end. The fire place, wide and
deep, has always a cheerful wood fire
burning in it during the winter, that con-
tributes much towards making the old
dining-room a favorite sitting-room in the
It is for this fire-place the children are
hauling the log.
Jack, the oldest, chopped it from some
seasoned wood the hired man had left in
the wood-lot behind the barn, and even
little Nettie has a hand in fetching it
home, for the following night is Christmas
Eve, and the yule-log must form the basis
of the Christmas fire, to be lighted after
the sun goes down.
A number of friends are invited to be
present, for the lighting of the yule-log is
always attended with Christmas songs
and games. Then, in the presence of the
company, little Nettie will apply the brand,
taken from the kitchen—for no matches
are used on this occasion, by that family
at least—to the previously prepared kin-
dling, and in a few minutes a glorious fire,
filling the whole room with light, will be
roaring up the chimney. Slowly the great
back-log reddens and glows, but it is not
allowed to burn away, for on the morrow
it must be the back-log still, or its mission
as yule-log will not be accomplished. So
as soon as the guests have departed, and
before the Christmas stockings are tacked
to the shelf above, the fire is covered with
ashes, that Santa Claus, the children say,
may not burn himself as he comes down
the wide old flue, to fill the stockings with
ost: inthe storm,
Firry years ago, when the Western
States were scarcely settled, it was unsafe
for people to wander far from home, even
in summer, for the forests were dense,
and full of venomous snakes and wild
animals, while here and there a_ hostile
Indian made his appearance, to frighten
if not molest the wanderer.
But at times children even would lose
themselves, and then the whole settlement
turned out and a systematic search entered
upon, which usually met with success. On
the following page the dog tracked the
little wanderer whom the kind neighbor
jis carrying home.
Tue human heart has chords of sym-
pathy that can be touched by nothing else
than the-story of Gethsemane and Calvary.
The Ftre.
Pies ime:
MaseL was having a dreadful dream
that night. -She seemed to be smother-
ing and losing off her clothes, when sud-
denly she awoke, and there at her bedside
was Rollo, pulling at her night-dress and
barking as loud as he could. The room
was full of smoke that came up the stair-
way close to her door, and she knew in a
minute that the house was on fire.
Her two little sisters were fast asleep
in the next bed, and mamma’s room was
Perhaps mamma and papa were burned,
she thought, and jumping from her bed
she rushed for the stairway, but the smoke
and flames drove her back.
All this time Rollo had been whining
at the window, and Mabel now ran to him
and threw up the sash. There were men
below, and she heard her father’s voice
say, ‘‘Don’t be frightened; we will save
you, children. Be ready to jump when
we tell you.â€
It required but a moment to bring the
children to the window, for they were
both now awake, and leaning out they all
see a blanket is held beneath by four pairs
jof arms. “ Jump! jump! youre all right!
Don’t be afraid! We won't let you fall!â€
urged the men. The children did jump.
| Little Sue first, Allie next, and Mabe!
last; and so all were saved, Rollo having
leaped to the ground the instant the win-
dow was opened.
—____0 @ e—____
Morning After the Snow.
LitrLe Rose had forgotten how the
snow looked, when one December morn-
ing she found, as she climbed out of bed,
that the ground was all covered with snow.
She was still watching it when mamma
came in to. dress her, and did not like
to go into the next room for fear that it
would be gone before she could get back
The Emphasis in the Right Place.
SELFISHNESS in all its forms is a perma-
nent foe to cheerfulness. There is per-
haps no more prolific source of discontent
and gloom than that which the selfish boy
finds in his narrow aims and baffled de-
sires. But where the emphasis of life is
laid on what is good and noble, where the
life is spent in following truth and duty,
where the affections are kept alive and
warm by sympathy and kindly deeds, there
the blessing of a cheerful spirit will be sure
to follow.
AL common things, each day’s events,
That with the hour begin and end,
Our pleasures and our discontents,
Are rounds by which we may ascend.
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Dick's Ride.
Dick’s Ride.
Tommy Wuire was wild for a donkey,
and as Tommy was an only son, and
usually got what he asked for, his father
at last bought him the donkey, which an-
swered to the name of Pop.
Now Pop appeared very well, had evi-
dently been well taken care of, and was, on
the whole, a rather good-looking donkey;
but in buying him, “Mr. White forgot to
ask one important question—Who had
trained him?
Pop was very gentle, would eat from
Tom’s hand, rub his head upon his new
master’s shoulder, and, indeed, allow so
many familiarities that Tommy had no
fear in mounting him; but he had only
made the circuit of the yard once or twice
when he suddenly found himself on the
grass, with Pop demurely gazing at him.
Tom tried several times to get a longer
ride, but always with the same Reon eo
Dick Green, the most daring as well as
the worst boy in the place, who had been
watching the proceeding through the fence,
offered to show the owner how the thing
could be done.
His experience is depicted above. Per-
haps the matter will be understood even
better, when you learn that Pop had been}.
educated in a circus.
Kinp hearts are the gardens,
Kind thoughts are the roots,
Kind words are the blossoms,
Kind deeds are the fruits.
Share Your Comforts:
Ir you keep your eyes open, you will
discover that some boy or girl in school
never has any fruit or meat or cake for
lunch. Would it not be fun to take a
lunch to school for them and put it in
their coat or desk when they did not
know it? Then you might sometime find
a way to drop a warm pair of stockings
or gloves or a comforter into their desk
as a glad surprise ; or some little comfort
for their brothers or sisters, or even their
father or mother. Nothing shows the
Christian lady or gentleman more truly
than the way they do acts of kindness or
Last winter, at one of the Boston rail-
road depots, two young men left a
train. One wore a thick ulster trimmed
with fur, a fur cap and gloves; the
other was lame, had no overcoat or
gloves, and seemed to shrink inside
of his clothes every time a gust of
wind struck him. He rubbed his ears
with his hands, and altogether was the
picture of misery. The warmly clad
young man suddenly pulled off his fur
gloves and thrust them into the cripple’s
hand, and in a moment had disappeared
in the crowd. First a puzzled, then a
glad, look came into the face of the
cripple, who was warmed as much by
the expression of sympathy from another
as by the actual warmth imparted by the
Whilst all the various lady friskers Now thinks the wicked friend, Killjoy,
gaze on Perfect’s whisker: How Perfect's beauty to destroy,
The trusting Perfect gives consent, The deed is done. Now look within Whi, Perfect !—you will set the fashion. Whilst Killjoy in mad terror flies
Sits still as any monument, This glass, How smooth your cheeks and chix What !—surely you're not in a passion 2†sheigking ini orrible surprise.
Now Perfect, with his flying feet : And Pérfect holds the latter end— q ;
Nears the false friend, not quite 50 fleet, Triumphant—of perfidious friend, ae Dee ee ee
ase, it docs not pay,
A Sea Fight on the Indian Ocean.
Stopping a Scout.
DurinG the winter months it
is necessary for the soldiers of
India to practice somewhat dif-
ferent military evolutions from
those used in ordinary warfare,
and at that time every camp be-
comes one of exercise.
One of the most important of
these was formed in 1891, at At-
tock, a fortress which plays an
important part in the defence of
the northern frontier of India,
dominating as it does, the passage
of the Indus. Here the Northern
Cavalry Brigade were employed
for many days in drilling, holding
sham-fights, and practicing every
kind of evolution likely to be of
service to them in real warfare.
The engraving is from a sketch
by one of the soldiers, who ap-
pended to it the remark, “It isa
mistake to try and ride native
cavalry down.â€
Yalueless Praise.
Tue first and most important
element of praise should be ab-
solute truthfulness, Without this
it is worse than useless; it is
A Sea Fight on the Indian Ocean.|demoralizing both to the giver and the
Here we have a picture of one of those
dreadful sea fights that used sometimes to
occur on the Indian Ocean several cen- Use Tact.
turies ago.
The enraged natives have boarded the] SympaTHy unaccompanied by tact is
vessel, and “with their dreadful daggers|almost valueless. It may still be golden,
are working havoc with the crew. Though but a man knocked down by a mass of the
we can never know which are victorious, | precious metal is quite as likely to be in-
we hope the white men may succeed in|jured as if the missile had been lead or
driving the intruders away. iron.
Molhes Pet.
Mollie’s Pet. |
Mo.uie is a country girl about twelve
years old, who has no companions of her
age to play with, for her home is nearly
a mile from any other house.
But do you think Mollie grumbles and
frets and doesn’t know what to do with
herself because of that? Not a bit!
She is as happy and bright as can be, and
the days are never quite long enough for
her to do all she would like in them.
Of course she helps her mother some
about the house, and she gathers berries
and fruits in the season; but with all this
she has considerable time to employ as
she likes. Mollie always has some pet;
sometimes it is a kitten, at others a calf
or lamb, but this year it is a bird that she
found in the meadow under a tall tree.
A heavy wind had blown the nest down,
and three of- the little birds were dead;
but Mollie took the fourth, and by careful
attention raised him to the pretty creature
you see pictured above. She has named
him ‘ Sweet,†and he answers to that
The Boy that Never Sees.
Gop help the boy that never sees
The butterflies, the birds, the bees,
Nor hears the music of the breeze
When zephyrs soft are blowing ;
Who cannot in sweet comfort lie
Where clover blooms are thick and high,
And hear the gentle murmur nigh
Of brooklets softly flowing!
God help the boy who does not know
Where all the woodland berries grow,
Who never sees the forests glow
When leaves are red and yellow;
Whose childish feet can never stray
Where Nature does her charms display—
For such a helpless boy, I say,
God help the little. fellow !
The Concert.
Tur mamma rabbit and her family had
just settled down for a nice long nap,
when the sound of music was suddenly
heard, and every little rabbit was awake
in an instant.
Springing up from her bed of soft hay,
the mamma rabbit gazed about her to find
the minstrels, when there, on the edge of
the hutch roof, were some little birds sing-
ing as sweetly as they could, evidently in-
tending their efforts as a serenade to the
happy family below.
Was it not a pretty thing for the dear
little birdies to do?
2 =e
The Oldest Man.
Man’s life is like a winter's day, —
Some only to breakfast and away;
Others to dinner stay, and are well fed,
The oldest man but sups and goes to bed.
Be Kind.
Be kind to each other,
The night’s coming on,
When friend and when brother
Perchance may be gone.
Watch the
Watch the Birds.
THERE is a great deal to be learned}
frem watching the birds. If you live in
the country or in a tewn where trees-and
gardens surround the houses, you have a
fine opportunity to study their appear-
ance, song-notes, and habits. You will
find there is a great difference in all these
characteristics among birds of various
kinds. Some build their nests in the
ground, while others choose the tops of
the highest trees for their homes. One
dear little ground sparrow has a family of
four little birds in a nest in the meadow
grass just under my window, and for the
last day or two it has been very amusing
to watch the parent birds trying to teach
the little ones to fly.
If you chance to come upon a nest,
watch the little family as it grows, and you
will find yourself at once instructed and
In a Hurricane.
Here we have a picture of a hurricane
at sea. We none of us would care to be
in the captain’s place, whose face tells of
the anxiety he feels. Hoping that his
vessel may weather the storm, we turn
over the leaf.
Lake Maggiore.
Lake Maggiore.
Tus beautiful lake is situated in the
northern part of Italy, among the Alps, a
small portion of it extending into Switzer-
It is a favorite resort for tourists, who
spend some weeks in summer fishing in
its clear waters.
The Tennis Player.
To the good player there is no out-of
door game to be compared to tennis; and
as soon as the spring days come and the
ground becomes dry, the net is sure to
make its appearance on the lawn, and a
party of bright-looking girls and boys
gracefully wielding their racquets are
soon skipping over the fresh, springing
Tennis is a healthful and most delight-
ful game, that when learned the young
are sure to like, the only wonder being
that so few courts are found in our smaller
Play tennis, boys and girls, It will
make your complexion clear, eyes bright,
and strengthen your muscles as no other
game can.
Gop leaves a touch of the angel in all
little children, to compensate those about
them for the inevitable cares they bring
with them.
Tue beautiful souls of the world have
an art of saintly alchemy by which bitter-
ness is.converted into kindness, the gall
of human experience into gentleness, in-
gratitude into benefits, insults into par-
dons. And the transformation ought to
become so easy and habitual, that the
looker-on may think it spontaneous, and
nobody give us credit for it.
Full Text |
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The Handkerchief Rabbit.
The Handkerchief Rabbit.
«Spor, oh, Spot, with eyes so bright!
Here’s a rabbit, soft and white,
Made by clever brother Roy,
All to please our baby-boy.â€
Spot pricks up a listening ear
Little Mabel’s words to hear,
Thinking, in his inmost mind,
Bunny seems a curious kind!
Roy, as happy as aking,
Joy to baby Jack doth bring,
Bunny soon will have its place
Close by baby’s sleeping face.
——_—_0 @ ¢—____
Under the Mistletoe.
Wuen Flossie heard papa’s footstep
upon the threshold, she ran into the par-
lor instead of through the hall to the front
door as was her usual custom, and stand-
ing directly under the chandelier called to
papa to come.
ito Flossie.
“She had heard Aunt May“and the other
young girls.“spending . the holidays with
her parents talking about the mistletoe
branch they had suspended. there, and
thinking it a very nice place in which to
take papa’s kiss, and return it with twenty
of her own, she had planted herself di-
rectly under it.
Mamma happened to be in the.room at
the time, and as.papa came to the door in
answer to his little girl’s call, she caught
their darling ‘upon her shoulder, bringing
her even higher than papa himself. Flos-
sie was delighted, and boasted to grand-
mamma when she came the next day,
that the first kiss under the pretty mistle-
toe branch on Christmas Eve was given
Up ima lree:
TwirTERv—twittery—twee ! »
Sings a little bird up in a tree;
Of leaves it is bare, but the sun shines
And right merry and glad is he.
Twittery—twittery—twee !
Come some more little birds to the tree;
They have much to say this sunshiny day
Of the spring-time that soon will be.
: Twittery—twittery—twee !
Green leaves will soon bud on the tree !
This chirrup and chat awakes a small cat,
And his green eyes twinkle with glee.
Stealthily, stealthily, oh!
Master Puss crawls from bough to bough;
Little birds take care—he will soon be
You must look out for mischief now!
Twittery—twittery—twee! pe
Sing the birds at the top Or the: inee 57
«We won't fly away—may just as well stay.
Cats can’t climb the twigs of a tree.â€
The Rescue.
ered that the young man, the
I subject of the above sketch had
been left. behind.
With difficulty they rowed
around to the bow, where the cap-
tain stood waving his lantern, and
there hanging to a rope was the
object of their search. The boy
The Rescue.
Tue battle was over, and the vessel
sinking. Night had settled down upon
the scene that a few hours before had
been one of bloodshed and confusion.
Up to within a short time the stanch
war vessel was considered still safe, but a
leak had suddenly widened and she was
already well filled with water. Two of
the boats had left her side with their ap-
pointed crew, and the third was launched
and a few feet away when it was discov-
}. watched with breathless anxiety,
and as the boat came beneath him,
at a word from the commander he
let himself drep, landing in the
water close to his rescuers. It
was but a moment’s effort to grasp
the side of the boat and pull him-
self on board, where a few hours
later he with his companions were
picked up by a passing steamer.
——____ - a 2 ____
‘American Navy: U. S.
Steamship “Charleston.â€
Tue new type of cruisers pro-
vided for the United States Navy
shows an increase of size and
power; and they are now built
of steel, with deck of thick armor
plating. The Charleston, an il-.
lustration of which is given on
the opposite page, is built of
wood, 300 ft. long, by 46 ft. beam,
with 3,730 tons displacement, and
draws 18 ft.6 in. water. She has
twin screw propellers, worked by engines
of 7,500 indicated horse power, giving an
extreme speed of nineteen knots an hour,
and carries 800 tons of coal. The arma-
ment consists of two ten-inch breech-load-
ing rifled guns; six six-inch guns, of five
tons ; some machine guns; and five tubes,
or launching carriages, for fish-torpedoes.
Wnuart is experience? A poor little hut
constructed from the ruins of the palace
of gold and marble called our illusions,
The American Navy: U.
S. Steamship “Baltimore.â€
The American Navy: U.S. Steam-
ship “ Baltimore.â€
Tue steel-built protected cruiser Laltz-
more, illustrated on the next page, is a
twin-screw steamship, built for the United
States Government by contractors at
Philadelphia, within three years past.
She has a high free-board, with long poop
and forecastle; her length is 315 ft.
breadth of beam 48 ft. 6 in., and displace-
ment 4,400 tons, drawing 19 ft. 6 in. of
water. The engines are triple-expansion,
of 10,750 indicated horse-power, with two
propellers, giving a maximum speed of
twenty knots an hour. She can carry goo
tons of coal, with which she could steam
12,000 miles at a speed of ten knots, but
the ordinary coal supply is only 400 tons.
She is protected by a continuous steel
deck, slightly above the load water-line,
1% in, thick in. the flat and 4 in. thick in
The armament~‘consists of
the slopes.
four eight-inch breech-loading guns on
the poop and forecastle; six six-inch
breech-loading guns, in sponsons, on the
broadside, 16 ft. above the water; six
quick-firing guns, six Hotchkiss and four
Gatlings, with six torpedo-dischargers,
two forward, two broadside, and two aft.
The masts are furnished with fighting
Tue intervals of life should not be left
to haphazard; should not be regarded as
idle waters in which each one may drift at
pleasure without compass or guide. They
should be held as trusts for certain definite
objects, and regarded of as much impor-
tance, and requiring as much thought and
care as the principal business of life, which
too often holds us with a relentless and
never-relaxing grip.
sii Te
War Vessels of the Olden Time.
War Vessel of the Olden Time.
Tuis strange-looking vessel is probably
one of the old Dutch war vessels of about
Queen Anne’s time. Do you notice in
the port-hole the ornamental form of
the projecting cannon mouth? It be-
longed to a time when the adjuncts of
war were of a more decorative sort than
now; when gorgeous uniforms and _brill-
iant plumes were the rule, rather than
the dark and ‘sombre military garb of the
present day. It is remarkable how, as civ-
ge ilization advances, the peaceful
pursuits predominate over the
direful trade of war. The young
soldier being carried away by the
broken spar looks as if he were
dressed for the drawing-room
rather than battle: We see no
soft lace around the wrists, or silk
stockings on our midshipmen of
to-day, and a battle at sea is no
longer picturesque, but awful.
———-2 9-2 —__ — _
The U. S. Gun-boat *‘‘Pe-
Tue last of our illustrations of
the recent additions to our navy
is the one on the opposite page,
the U. S: Gun-boat Petre. Dur-
ing the past few months this, with
the cruisers Charleston and Raltz-
more, the dynamite gun-cruiser
Vesuvius, and the. torpedo-boat
Cushing. have been placed in ac-
tive service ; and three cruisers—
the Concord, Newark, and Ben-
nington—have been launched,
and are being fitted for sea,
Lire - Sorrows. — No
should underrate the inevitable
sorrows of life, nor deny to
them the sympathy and loving aid which
should ever be extended to them; but
permanent misery cannot be regarded
with very much respect. It certainly
speaks of grave defects in character, of
faults that need pruning away, of feeble
qualities that need stimulating. Life is
largely what we make it, and, whatever
may be its clouds and storms, they will be
chased away at length by the clear sun-
shine of a strong and noble character.
“Till thy heart with goodness, and thou
wilt find that the world is full of good.â€
F =|
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The Deer.
ihe Deer:
Tuis beautiful creature and her fawn
are inmates of one of our city parks. They
are great favorites with the children living
near, who delight in feeding them from
their hanes:
© © o-—____
The Death of a Fox.
Axove the fierce clamor of hounds, as
they struggle and snort and bray about
the fallen’ ‘foe, rings out the huntsman’s
shrill’«* Whoo ! Whoop!†and the telling
twang of his horn sounding a requiem
over this stout red rover ‘of the hills.
They ‘found him in the wooded valleys
far away, whither he.had gone like a gay
Lothario on conquest bent, and he has led
them a glorious chase league after league
across ridge and hollow to the stronghold
where he would fain have sought refuge.
We hear again in fancy the spirit-stir-
ring ‘‘ Tally ho!†that followed him as he
broke cover and stole away with a defiant
wave of his white “tag,†and the clanging
chorus of hound music as his pursuers
crashed through the hazel copse to stream
over the meadone on a burning scent.
Straight as a crow flies he headed for the
woods, and soon half the field was left
At last, when half their number were
left behind, the few best riders came upon
the scene on the opposite page. The fox
had made his last run, and was overtaken
before he. reached the cover that offered
life and liberty.
TI ee
Playing Shop.
Playing Shop.
Dip you ever play shop as Eddie and
Lily are doing? If you have, I know you
had lots of fun, for I used to play it when
I was little, and there was nothing quite
like it for a house game, I used to think.
To be sure I didn’t have a pair of scales
as nice as those in the picture, for I always
made them myself; but they worked very
nicely for all that, and sometimes play-
things. we make ourselves are ever so
much nicer than those we buy.
My scales were only an upright piece
of wood whittled at the bottom like a
wedge, and stuck into a slit cut in a square
block which formed the standard. At
the top I cut a V shaped opening, into
_ which I fastened the cross- piece by means
of a pin that I drove through it and both
sides ofthe V. Then for cups I used round
pieces of pasteboard. caught to the cross-
piece with thread, just as you see in the
picture... For weights I used little pebbles.
These answered quite as well as Lily’s,
and my little companions were very glad
of the bits of cookies and cake, squares of
molasses candy, ;
that I. weigh :
looking scales.
. cherries,
ese, rough-
never. playedat this, try it,
and see if it isn't ¢ of
Going to. Grandmother’ S.
Marjorie and | John, with -Sport as an
escort, are going down:the road to’ grand-
mother’s with a jug of milk anda bag of
cakes and doughnuts for the old: lady.
The children are always glad of an errand
that takes them to the little cottage down
by the water, for-grandmother always has
a nice story to tell in return for ie nice
=| things they take her.
Marjorie’s: mother has ted to get the
old-lady to leave her home by the sea and
come and live on the farm, but to no pur-
pose.†The little cottage, with its small
garden in front, and a few trees at the
rear, has been her home ever since she
came'into it a bride, fifty years ago, and
she cannot leave it now,
Every.stone on the old place has its as-
sociation, and the waves that break upon
the beach, just below her western windows,
are grim reminders of the husband that
sailed from her door: one bright spring
morning never to return again. ;
It was the same old story : a sudden
storm, a short battling with the elements,
and a wreck upon the rocky coast some
twenty miles away. But the sea had ever
after a different tale for her ears, and
as the years passed away it sometimes
seemed.to her that she could hear in its
grand, mysterious music the voice of her
lost one, soothing her restless longing.
‘EVERY did who fe work to oe in
this world,-and does it; needs a vacation.
Our hasty actions disclose our habitual
feelings as nothing else does.
The Bathing Flour.
The Bathing Hour.
TuesE boys have just left their cozy
tents to bathe in this pleasant stream.
Two of them are splashing each other
and think it great fun, while the third tells
his companion on the bank how warm the
water is. The boy with the straw hat
seems to enjoy watching the others more
than the water, and laughs with delight
whenever either of the splashers seems to
be getting the best of the other.
These boys are spending a part of their
vacation in a camp they have made for
themselves on the banks of this stream.
They have two tents which they have
borrowed from a military company in their
ing the purpose of shelter to the boys
These are old, well-worn affairs, no|
longer of use. to thee owners, “but answer-|
as satisfactorily as better ones would |
have* done. » Just in front of the tents
the. boys havemade.a stone fire-place,
upon which they cook with pride not only
the fish they catch, but-hoe-cake, potatoes,
and a number of other things. Fortu-
nately for the patty, an uncle ot Ned Har-
ris, one of their number, lives but a few
rods away, and from him they get milk,
butter and eggs, and frequently a supply |
of bread, meat, cookies, doughnuts, honey,
and many other gcod things. That is |
Ned with his hat on, and the boy on the |
bank is his friend, Charlie Clarke. Those
in the water are ie cousins.
They are all nice boys who have
worked hard in school during the term,
and deserve to havé a good time in this
their well-earned resting-spell.
Examining the ‘Bow.
Litrte Dick Baker has made a _ bow,
and is showing it to his companions in |
school. Do you see him in his light ging- |
ham apron, chewing a piece of string as |
he listens with breathless interest for what
Billy Black may say about it ?—for Billy
is the oldest and biggest boy in school,
and his opinion is considered an author-
ity in this little country school.
We hope for Dick’s sake that he will
approve of the wood, and the manner in
which it is strung.
Lo, here hath been dawning
Another bright day ;
Think—wilt thou let it
Slip useless away ?
Out of eternity
This new day is born ;
~~ Into eternity
At night will return.
Stealing Apples.
Stealing Apples.
Jack Dawson was not the kind of a boy
that thoughtful mothers would like their
sons to associate with: But he didn’t
know that; perhaps if he had he would
say he didn’t care. . He had an idea _ that
to assume a swaggering manner, and do
all sorts of mean, dishonorable things,
would make him appear more manly, and
raise him in the estimation of the boys.
But, like all such characters, he was a
coward at heart, and was only truly happy
when applauded by a certain set of his
So it was that his-whole life had very
little that was real, true happiness in_ it,
but was only a series of “ showings-off,â€
not at all admired by the better class of
his school- fellows.
Next to the school-house lived an old
man,-who had won the reputation among
the boys of being a rather crusty old char-
acter who cared for but little in this life
save his fruit-trees and his savage dog.
The boys watched with interest the apples
over the wall, which, no doubt, looked a
deal more. tempting
forbidden. fruit.
ae Now,†z ‘thought Jacl kK, on Se eember
morning, “1 shall. have a chance to show
the boys what-a brave fellow 1 can be;’
a Bey. were
-|so he called upon them to know what they
would bet he didn’t ‘dare to get some of .
them apples.â€
‘The boys made several offers, then Jack
sprang over the wall and ran for the near-
est tree ; and encouraged by the absence
of both master and dog, he soon climbed
the trunk, and began pelting his compan-
ions with the rosy-cheeked fruit.
So interested had all become in this,
that none observed the approach of the
owner until the great, ugly dog was under
the limb upon which the boy sat; then
there was a general stampede of those on
the other side of the wall, and Jack Daw-
son looked about, to find himself quite
alone. All his swagger now left him, and
a very humble and much-frightened boy
clung to the branch in dreadful agony lest
the mastiff below should shut those strong
jaws upon his dangling leg; making,
meantime, all sorts of promises he had no
thought of keeping, if the owner would
only let him free.
—— # 8 e—__—_—__
The Road to Wisdom.
‘‘OpEN your mouth and shut up your eyes,
And I'll give you something to make you
sang Bertie White to little Peter Gray,
whom he chanced to meet on the way to
Peter saw the paper of chocolate creams
in Bertie’s hand, and knowing Bertie was
not a boy to serve him a mean trick,
was only too glad to do as he was com-
manded. So he opened his mouth so
wide that Emma Ware, who was coming
along just back of Bertie, could not help
Strange Builders.
Do you know what these strange
builders are that are working so industri-
ously, making a dam across the lower end
of the lake?
I hear some of you answer at once, “ Of
course we do; they are beavers. We know
them from the shape of their tails.â€
But do you know why they build dams
across shallow portions of water ?
Few can answer this, so I will tell you.
The beaver is a strange animal that builds
its house in a peculiar manner.’ Scattered
over the little inland coves, which in some
instances are closed in by dams, are round
mounds, or hillocks, rising a few feet out
of water. These hillocks are the homes
of beavers, the portion above water form-
ing the sleeping apartment of the ani-
mal. But to secure greater privacy, and
safety from their foes, these ‘cunning creat-
ures make the entrance to their spade.
under water, which in dry seasons might
lower until the doorway was eee to
It is to guard against ne calsmity that
they take so much pains to build the dams
as you see them in the engraving.
The Otter.
Ow the following page we have another
animal that lives in-the colder latitudes of|
this country and Europe. Unlike the
beaver, the otter is not very common in
America, while several species are found
in Russia and on the shores of the Baltic
It is a very savage animal, battling
|bravely with the ferocious dogs used in
hunting it; for the fur of some species is
very valuable, and many men make a
business of capturing it, training and
keeping a peculiar breed of dogs for the
It is always to be found on streams
and narrow bays, where it can easily se-
cure its food, that consists of fish it has
little difficulty in catching. Being an ex-
pert diver, it falls upon its prey before the
fish knows of its danger, and, dragging it
to the land, the otter finishes his meal
without further. trouble.
He is a handsome fellow to contem-
plate, but the majority of us would, I am
sure, much rather see his fur as trimming
to our garments than go to his nee
haunts fo examine it.â€
Two Keys.
Hearts like doors will open with ease
To two very little keys;
But don’t forget the two are these:
“T thank you, sir,†and ‘“‘If you please.â€
Be polite, boys, don’t forget it,
_In your wandering day. by day,
When you work and when you study,
In your home and at your play.
After the Battle.
After the Battle.
Tue above is the picture of a vessel
that has just been actively engaged in a
naval battle. Her mast has been shot
off, and now it is discovered that it is on
Great is the consternation of all on
board... The commander and. two of the
sailors are already climbing up to try and
stop the spread of the flames.
How do you suppose they will do it?
ismack, where
e Sabbath-is ob.
On all. three vessels
served in some way, usually by the cap-
-|tain, or chaplain, when one is on board,
reading the pray ers of the English Church,
anda Snort sermon, to the men. If the
vessel belongs. to some other nation than
England, and the captain is not acquainted
with the Pray er Book, he frequently offers
extemporaneous prayers, and reads a ser-
mon by some favorite divine.
_ The scene in our opposite illustration
is not on a large ship, but only a fishing
Sunday is too often treated
like every other day. Here we have,
however, a Christian for captain, who
bravely does his duty, insisting that his
crew take part in the services on this
beautiful Sabbath morning. Perhaps they
do it willingly, for they certainly are all
interested in what their commander is
reading,.-and no doubt they are better
sailors and nobler men for this quiet hour
in God’s spacious cathedral, walled in by
the ever-rolling sea below and the great
jarch of heaven overhead.
For Everything Give Thanks.
For all that God in mercy sends:
For health and children, home and friends,
For comfort in the time of need,
For every kindly word and deed,
For happy thoughts and holy talk,
For guidance in our daily walk,
For everything give thanks!
For the sweet sleep that comes at night,
For the returning morning’s light,
For the bright sun that shines on high,
For the stars glittering in the sky,
For'these and everything we see,.
O Lord! our hearts we lift to Thee,
For everything give thanks!
Ln the Flospitat.
fF cd
| In the Hospital.
Turse little children were among the
passengers on the Utopia, that one night
in March, 1891, ran into the British war
vessel Anson, in Gibraltar Bay, and was
sunk. A great many of the passengers,
who were mostly Italians, were lost, only
a few being saved unharmed.
These little ones, injured more or less
seriously, are receiving the best of-care,
but their future is a sad one, for they are
fathérless, motherless and homeless.
It is to be hoped that some kind people|
will take pity on the poor little orphans, |:
and not only give them a good home, but
a mother’s love and care. © op
o ‘An Interrupted Meal.
& ; . :
Tur dog has procured for himself a
first-rate dinner, and is about to éat it in
a corner of the barn, when along troop all
the relatives of the young gosling by the
open door. Hearing the cries of the
little fellow, they turn in to learn the
cause, when a dreadful hissing and screech-
ing rises upon the air, enough to frighten
a much braver dog than Spot. He looks
at them for a moment in silence, then,
with tail between his legs, he steals out at
the other end of the barn. The gosling,
seeing its persecutor is. gone, flops over
on its feet, and is soon in the bosom of
its family once more.
ANY system of instruction which does
not teach a lad to think falls very far short
of the best results of education, and leaves
- |him without the most vital element of suc-
Ir a man has a right to be proud of
anything, it is of a good action done as
it ought to be, without any base interest
lurking at the bottom of it.
Food for
Food for the Birds.
Tur above sketch shows a very simple
way. of providing board in winter and
lodging in summer for a great number of
birds.. You have only to buy a few cocoa-
nuts, cut off the ends (like taking the top
off an egg), which can easily be done with
a sharp chisel and a mallet, bore a hole
through the side, put a string through it,
knot it, and then hang the cocoanut from
a creeper or tree-bough. Thus, for a few
cents, you can provide food for many little
birds for weeks, or rather months. Last
winter the cocoanuts from which these
sketches were made were seldom left
alone for many moments. Birds swarmed
on them; lowering themselves down by
the string, and at last, when confidence
was quite established, flying straight in.
They worked away at them from early
morn till dewy eve. When all the nut is
Birds. ~
jeaten, the shells make’ excellent “nesting-
places, and will-probably be taken posses-
sion: of ‘by. other«
up through the summer. In this way
both board and lodging are provided on
most reasonable terms, with no extras.
_ In the hardest weather this food supply
is always available, and if you are away
from home for a few days you know that
your little birds will not be in want.
Gathering Walnuts.
THE summer is past and the flowers
dead. A frost, heavy and white, covered
the landscape when these country children
\looked from their bedroom windows this
glorious October morning.
That was the signal for nut-gathering
they had been watching . for so. long.
The chores were done and dishes washed
in a remarkably short space of time, then
all the young people hurried off to the hill-
side where the trees were loaded with nuts.
It was the work of a few minutes only,
to fill the baskets, then Hattie ran to the
barn for an empty meal-sack which, with
the help of her little brother, she soon had
as full as it would- hold.
Turee things to love—courage, gentle-
ness, and affection...
Three things to admire—intellect, dig-
nity, and:gracefulness.
Three things to avoid—idleness, loquac-
ity, and flippant jesting. ~~
Three things.to cultivate—good books,
good friends, and good humor.â€
Three things .to contend for—honor,
country, :and=friendswin ce wis 3
teach—truth, industry,
Three things: to
and contentment: *
-ocEhree. “things «tos
tongue, and conduct.
Three things to cherish—virtue, good.
| —— temper,
ness, and wisdom.
Going to Ride.
Going to Ride.
Tus is the picture of a remarkable
baby—so remarkable, in fact, that no mat-
ter how hard he is crying, it needs but the
magic, words, ‘‘ going to ride,†to bring a
lull in his music and a smile to his eyes.
I wonder if there is another baby like]
him in-all the United States.
The New Baby.
SHE came to us early in spring, that
dear baby sister, and our home was made
much brighter by her coming.
Everyone was delighted excepting g Jack,
our dog, who was not. pleased at the in-
trusion, ~and could not be induced to come
near the new nurse or her infant charge.
After that personage had left and mamma
was about the rouse again, she was hold-
ing the-baby one morning when Jack
came into-the room. He was evidently
much surprised at seeing the strange little
~~ }she told him in her’ gentle manner
idle in mamima’s arms, for he had before
+ this supposed it to be the nurse’s property.
~Now'Jack is very,fond of mamma, and
__|when she called him:to her side he came
at once, glad to be petted as of old. Then
the dear little baby belonged to her, and
had come to live with us always.
Jack looked at it .for.an_ instant,
then.up into her face, as much as to
“T never knew that before.â€
After that she told him: she should
expect him to be very good to her little
daughter and take care of her sometimes,
and Jack seemed to understand what she
said, for he wagged_his tail, and, leaning
over, licked dhe baby’ s face: From that
day forward Jack.and baby were the best
of friends.
More hearts pine away in’ secret an-
guish for the want of kindness from those
who should be their comforters than any
other calamity in life. A word of kind-
ness is a seed which springs up a flower.
A kind word and a pleasant voice are
gifts easy to bestow. Be liberal with them.
They are worth more than money. Ifa
word or two will render a man happy,
said a Frenchman, he must be a wretch
indeed who will not give it. Kindness is
stored away in the heart like rose leaves
in a drawer, to sweeten every object
around them. Little drops of rain brighten
the meadows, and little acts of kindness
brighten the world.
He is the true hero and she is the true
woman with whom the impulses of kind-
ness are most powerful, and by whom the
call for help is not unheeded; and they
are best fitted for usefulness who do not
waste their sympathy in the fruitless pur-
suit of useless excitement.
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The “ Bogie†Dog.
The “ Bogie’ Dog.
- Tuat is the name little Willie has given
to the wooly black dog that was numbered
with his presents at Christmas. He brought
him out in the yard to make friends with
the puppies, but his effect upon them was
not quite what Willie expected. Instead
of playing, the unsuspecting creatures
have tucked their tails between their legs
in horror at the apparition of a great black
Bogie Dog with moustache and mane
and flappy ears, and inconsequent tufts of
hair upon his legs and tail. meee
But they will soon grow older, and,
passing through the stages from reverence
to contempt, may even venture to worry
those portentous tufts which now inspire
them with such ear-drooping horror.
The “Milky Way.â€
Tus wretched little mouse has unwit-
tingly tumbled into the bowl, and will
presently, if left alone, perish from. suffo-
cation in the dainty liquid which he loved
too well. But pussy will not leave him to
die thus; she will rescue him, she will play
with him, and then make her supper of
him, if cook does not drive her from the
pantry, where she really has no right to
WHEN tossed on the angry waves of a
sea of trouble, a good motto is, ‘“ Never
give up the ship.†But when the ship
manifests a tendency to sink, it is a wise
move to swim out and not go down with
the wreck. ;
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Floral Carnival. ?
The “Floral Carnival.
A BEAUTIFUL and poetical carnival has
recently beéninstitutedin~ Nice;. which,
for a few years past, has been participated
in by the foreign tourists visiting the city
with a great deal of interest.
If. the day. is pleasant which is fixed
for the Battle of Flowers, the fray is really
avery charming one. ‘The stages erected
in the Promenade des Anglais and the
sidewalks are thronged early after noon.
At the hour appointed, usually about
two o'clock, a signal-gun from the Chateau
tells that hostilities are to begin. Then
the people in their highly-decorated car-
riages pass slowly down the street, throw-
ing and receiving the fragrant bouquets,
until the air is richly scented with the
sweet perfume of millions of violets, roses
and heather.
Tne GUE.
Ir is not by honeyed words of praise or
flattery that we can help one another.: It
is the truth that is wanted to speed men
on to their best endeavors; and there is
more truth in good than in evil, in power
than in weakness.. Let each one make
for his starting point not what he fears,
but what he hopes; not what he cannot,
but what he can do; not his-wrong, but
his right. Let him beware of despising
himself. as much as over-estimating him-
self; let him, without pride or arrogance,
rejoice in whatever he can find in himself
of strength or beauty, regarding it all as
a trust given him for the benefit or good
of the world, which will grow and flourish
by the using.
He who. never - sacrifices a _ present to
a future good or a general one, can speak
of happiness cy as the blind speak of
E (es
The Mudson.
AsovE we have a view of the beautiful
Hudson river, taken from West Point a
great many years ago. Though the dress
of men has changed, the grand old river
winds between its noble mountains to-day
just as it did in that distant time.
On the left we have Storm King, the
nearest high mountain, and just beyond
that is Old Cro’ Nest, two of the most
noticeable points on the river. -
Gathering Wild Clematis.
Tuere are few vines better suited for
fall and winter decorations, than the wild
clematis found in our woods and swamp
The soft, feathery texture of the tufts,
on their slender flexible stems, admits of
its being wound about frames and pic-
But it is'nt the wild clematis alone in
the picture that makes it so pretty. The
charming young girl looking out at us from
under her wide-brimmed hat, is perhaps
the most pleasing feature.
Hope nothing from luck, and the proba-
bility is that you will be so forewarned
and forearmed, that all shallow observers
will call you lucky.
te eS
The Little
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The Little Fisher~Maiden.
Here isa little Dutch girl who makes
her living by selling fish. One would
think, by the way she tips her basket, that
she would lose all her fish; but she knows
how to carry them, and perhaps turns it
that way to let people see what she has to
A Quarrel.
Tuere’s a knowing little proverb,
From the sunny land of Spain;
But in Northland, as in Southland,
Is its meaning clear and plain.
Lock it up within your heart;
Neither lose nor lend it—
Two it:takes. to make a quarrel;
Qne-can always end it.
Try it well in every way,
Still-you’ll find it. true,
In a fight without a foe,
.... Pray.what.could you do?
~ If the wrath is yours alone,
Soon you.will expend it—
Two it takes to make a quarrel;
One can always end it.
Let’s suppose that both are wroth,
And the’strife begun,
If-one shall cry for ‘‘ Peace,â€
Soon it will be done.
If but one shall span the breach,
He will quickly mend it—
Two it takes to make a quarrel ;
One can always end it.
THESE two peasant girls are talking
over the affairs of their little town as they
‘work away on the shore, unconscious of
the. beautiful picture they make in their
bright dresses against the blue sea for a
We must needs trust where we. love.
We must needs trust as we ourselves are
trustworthy. The light, and fickle, and
false, and suspicious must live according
to their own rules; but the men and
women who. aré trustworthy will ever
trust, for we see the world through our
own glasses, and the evils we are not con-
scious of in ourselves we do not generally
credit to others.
By striving to obtain and to cherish
clear and true ideas. of right, by: empha-
sizing them in our.thoughts, following
them in our. conduct, and diffusing them
through © our > influence,. we strike the
strongest and most effective blows-at every
form of-wrong: doing.
For Cherries.
Up the ladder
Against the tree,
We are going,
We three, we three,
For the cherries
So ripe and red ;
We will get them,
With Eddie ahead.
Against the tree,
We climb bravely,
We three, we three.
His Share.
Once there were six little children who
dwelt in a gloomy old castle in- the
southern part of Europe, where they
could not have half the good times that
children of the present day have. It was
only after they were able to mount and
manage a horse that their good .times
really began. Then they could ride
across the wild country, follow the chase,
or, in the case of boys, even ride into
battle with their elders.
But these little people were ‘still too
small for that, and must content them-
selves with playing in the great hall or ip
the courtyard of the castle.
Sometimes the kind lady who had
charge of them would take them outside
the castle walls to a beautiful spot a few
rods away, where some delicious cherries
grew wild, and there the six little people
would have a grand time.
One by one the lady would count them
out, that each child might have his exact
share, for I suspect children of that day
were quite as much inclined to quarrel
over such matters as they are now.
Of these six I am speaking about, only
two were boys—the baby hanging to the
lady’s skirt and the boy receiving his
share. The others were girls, who, in
after years, became fine ladies in the
land. But of the boys, the baby died be-
fore he reached manhood, and the bright,
chubby, little fellow, with such a happy
face, fell on the battlefield while fighting
for his king. ce
Tue element of difficulty. is the very
core of all progress. The best path.is not
the easiest either to find or. to tread ;, but
once found. and: once trodden, who would
retrace his.steps?ts«. 2
“Does It Hurt Dreéffully ?â€
“Doers it hurt dreffully ?†asked little
Willie, as he stood by his mother’s side
and saw her wipe the blood away from the
finger she had slightly cut while slicing
the bread for supper.
When mamma assured him that it did
not pain her at all, and was only a slight
scratch that had already nearly stopped
bleeding, Willie bent over, kissed the well
hand, and then ran away to meet papa,’
whom he-had seen coming through the
“Does It Hurt Dreffully?â€
their summer home? It isn’t like
most summer homes, but perhaps it
is all the more attractive for that.
Willie’s father has built a small shel-
ter, or tiny bark house, here in this
delightful woodland spot, and, with a
number of friends who have mace
themselves similar houses near by, he
' is rusticating in a delightful way.
Only using the shelter at night and
on rainy days, the family live the re-
mainder of the time out of doors, eat-
ing from a rustic table, placed in the
shadow of one of the larger trees.
They are all very happy, even kitty
being perfectly reconciled to her new
— eo
The First Quarrel.
Kirrens are such soft, pretty creat-
“ures, it seems entirely out of keeping
with their appearance that they must
quarrel and fight like the rest of the
animal creation.
The pretty little kitties pictured on
the opposite page would look much
sweeter if, instead of spitting and
snarling at each other, they would
play “tag,†or chase a ball between
4“ them. It is to be wondered if the
mamma cat likes to see her babies so
angry and cross. Perhaps she, like
some mothers, would prefer to have it dif
erent, but does not know how to make it
She certainly looks a little sad, as she
sits by the side of the great iron pot that
has served her as a sleeping-room for her-
self and family so long, but possibly the
quarrel going on in front of her has noth-
ing to do with her expression.
Krnp words cost only a little thought,
a little self-control, a little effort; but their
Do they not make a pleasant picture in| fruits are manifold and weighty.
Kitty's Reception.
Ir is'nt very often
human beings are invited to
receptions of this kind, but
little Lucy was very good to
all kinds of animals, particu-
larly cats, so that may be the
reason she was allowed to
The Yacht.
Axove we have the picture of one of the
finest yachts belonging to the New York
Yacht Club.
It is very hard to give, on paper, a
good idea of this beautiful vessel as she
skims over the water, her sails shining
like silver wings under the full moon's
Even in the daytime a well built yacht
is a fine thing to look at, a fleet of these
graceful objects flitting about on the lower
bay reminding one of so many light-
winged butterflies sporting in the sun-
witness the very elegant affair
depicted on the next page.
Indeed the exquisite man-
ners of the young and dignity
of the aged cats were studies
in themselves, and the music
was something to be long re-
membered, Lucy said.
We are very grateful to her
for the sketch she has given
us of the entertainment, for
I am sure we could none of
us have had a proper idea of
the appearance of a roomful
of pussies, on their-best be-
havior. We were even igno-
rant as to what kind of furni-
ture they used, and never
dreamed of a piano accom-
paniment to their voices, for
the only cat’s concert most of
us have listened to, has been that on
the back fence, when we were far too
sleepy to appreciate the music.
Wnuat a grand thing it is to feel that
we can if we will! It wants only the wish
to be morally great—the wish translating
itself into endeavor. We can all attain
that supremacy ; and to the weakest and
poorest debarred by nature and society
from personal prosperity, is opened the
noble path of moral grandeur—the royal
road of virtue.
Nor what I have, but what I do, is my
The Old and the New.
Multiplication is jollification.
Division's better by far, The rule of three 1s cestasy, And fractions are prime—Hurrah |
An Old Rhyme and a New Reading.
The Old and the New.
To which of-the above classes does this
reader of the ANNUAL belong?
The Crean Grntiers Baby.
Tue. first time we saw her from our
window she was a tiny creature, whom her
father trundled along in a carriage as he
moved on from place to place with his not
very modern hand-organ.
We paid little attention to her then, for
it is well known about New York, that
organ grinders and professional beggars
hie small children by the day or aera
to take-about the streets with them, that
they may the more readily enlist the sym-
pathy of the passer-by. In time we saw
she was not changed for a baby of the
carriage size, but toddled along at her
father’s side, when large enough to walk.
Then we noticed there seemed to be a
very strong affection existing between the
two, and ‘at last we inquired about the
little creature, of the father himself.
We learned that her mother had died
when she was born, and being too poor to
hire a woman to care for her, and much
too fond of the child to leave her with the
rough and profane women who lived in
his alley, he had bought the little carriage
at a second-hand store, and had taken the
entire care of her himself,
So it was we became interested in the
little girl, buying fruit or cakes to give to
her when she passed our door. And, as
love begets love, the pretty little one soon
became very fond of us, :
But one morning in early spring we
missed the wheezy old organ, and the
bright little face beside it. A week went
by, and we began to question if anything
had happened to the child, but as no one
in the office knew where the two lived, we
could only wait and wonder.
At last, when three weeks had passed,
one sunny February morning the outer
door opened, and the old organ grinder
stood before us. He had grown care-
worn and aged in that short time, and we
noticed he had a bad cough, as he related
in a simple manner how his darling had
sickened, and at last followed her mother
to the home above.
‘‘T know she’s better off,†he said in
answer to our attempt at sympathy, ‘but
I miss her dreadful bad;†and we re-
marked, as the door closed on his thinly-
clad emaciated form, that he wouldn’t miss
her long, for it was plain to see that he,
too, would soon join the loved ones who
had just met in heaven.
Ir does us good to admire what is good
and beautiful; but it does us infinitely
more good to love it. We grow like what
we admire; but we become one with what
we love. —
A Typhoon. :
A Typhoon.
ABOVE we have a picture of one of the
terrible hurricanes occurring in the China
Sea, where the wind is so: “strong that it
absolutely flattens the waves themselves.
But its effect upon a ship not prepared to
meet it is something fearful. One can
get a slight idea of it “by studying the con-
aicion of the unfortunate vessel in the
In Northern Seas.
We read a great deal about the hard-
ships that sailors are obliged to undergo
when exploring in the Northern seas ; ‘of
the danger from icebergs and from cold ;
and very few of us would be willing to
face thésé trials, even for the sake Of: wit-
nessing the wonderful aurora borealis,
illumining with its brillant colors the
picturesque icebergs, as seen on the op-
posite page.
Most of us would, without doubt, enjoy
the spectacle, but we would prefer to wit-
ness it from some cosy spot where frost-
bites could have no terrors for us.
Spurious silver of speech is current,
but base gold of silence is not unknown.
A man may transgress as truly by holding
his tongue as by speaking unadvisedly
with his lips.
APOSTLES never wasted a moment ona
gospel of patchwork. Their two-fold text
was, turn to the Lord, which meant re-
pentance, and cleave to the Lord, which
meant a life of faith and holiness.
- SELF-WILL isso ardent and active that
it will break a world in pieces to make a
stone to sit on.
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Oldest and Youngest.
Oldest and Youngest.
Carrie and Lily were sisters, but there
were several children between them, so
that Carrie was nearly eighteen when
Lily was born.
At first Carrie was not pleased with the
little stranger, she said she thought there
were enough of them already ; but as baby
grew and began to take notice, she was
so cunning and showed such a decided
preference for her oldest sister, that all
Carrie’s “ill-nature disappeared and they
became the best of friends.
On pleasant days Carrie would take
her about the garden, where the sun shone
brightly upon the shrubs and flowers, and
walk up and down the paths
until her arms would ache and
her little charge fell asleep.
we eg
Summer-Day Sermons.
THE sun's text is: “Begin the
With shining purpose, any way.â€
The rain’s: *‘ Let tears fall only
They'll make the world
bright and fair.â€
The wind says: ‘“‘ Let your voice
be sweet,
And only pleasant things re-
The flowers whisper, hid apart :
‘Show to the world a perfect
The while the sky from up above
Shines down the sermon:
«‘ Heaven is love.â€
A New Son.
In the following illustration
we see a baby boy that was
born, grew to manhood, and died
over two hundred years before you were
One would think a little baby of one
generation would look much the same as
that of another, but certainly this little
fellow looks quite as old-fashioned as the
ladies watching him so intently. As one
little reader of aie ANNUAL remarked, “ He
looks as if he had’ his big brother's shirt
waist on, and was lost in it;†but I do not
think that can be so, for I doubt if they
wore shirt-waists in those days.
Comer what come may,
Time and the hour runs through the rough-
est day.
Fidos New Flayfellow.
Fido’s New Playfellow.
Frpo is a family pet, who has a very
nice basket, lined with soft cloth, to sleep
in, wears a pretty red ribbon bow tied in
his collar for ornament, and never was
treated unkindly in his life.
One day the cook left a basket of
lobsters on the kitchen table, and ran
into the yard to attend to her clothes that
were hanging out to dry. Suddenly she
heard the most woeful cries issuing from
the house, and imagining many horrible
things, she rushed indoors to see what was
the matter.
Poor little Fido, with tears actually |
running down his face, and every tooth in
the lower jaw plainly showing, was seated
in the middle of the floor, holding one of
his front paws beseechingly toward her,
every few minutes giving it a. frantic shake
to dislodge the savage lobster that had
fastened hold of it with its claws.
He had probably heard the creatures
moving about in the basket, and thinking
to have some fun had pulled it from the
It is plain to see he had a great deal
more fun than he bargained for.. He never
forgot the episode, however, and. for a
year afterwards would lift his paw and
assume a most mournful expression when-
ever the word “lobster†was said in his
A Lofty Position.
Tom Srupsss, the hostler, has taken it
into his head to tease poor Fanny by put-
ting her only remaining puppy on’ the
water barrel, and the fond mother and her
pup are in sore distress at the situation.
Fs bili
Conquering Flerself.
Conquering Herself.
“T pon’r want Mamie Price at my
party, an’ I ain’t going to have her.â€
‘But you must, Princess, dear, for
Mamie is our cousin, and it would never
do to have a party without asking her.â€
‘ But it’s my party, an’ I ought to have
a right to ‘vite anybody I like. Mamie
Price pulled Fanny Belle’s hair all off, and
broke Pompey’s leg, an’ I won’t have her
if I don’t have any party at all; there,
now!†and little Princess gave an angry
swing to her dress that resulted in throw-
ing to the floor a pretty china cup and
saucer from her doll’s table, at which the
much abused Fanny Bell was complais-
antly taking her tea.
Lulu again glanced up from the new
book she was reading.
get so angry about it,†she said, placing
her hand upon the little sister’s shoulder,
“for Mamie doesn’t always act naughty,
and I’m sure she would never dream of
leaving you out if she was to have a
‘But I never did horrid things to her
dolls!†persisted Princess.
“You shouldn't.
“And that’s just why you ought to be
good to her,†maintained Lulu; “ for don’t
you remember what mamma read to us
last Sunday—that we should love cur
enemies and do good to even those who
were bad to us? This is just what it
meant, I guess, and I think she would
say, it’s just a nice chance to do what the
| Bible tells us to.â€
“ Well, I s’pose I’ve got to, then; she'll
make eight, and Minnie Lee and Flossie
Bates will be ten. That’s all I want,†con-
tinued Princess, as she ran across the room
in answer to mamma’s call.
She had conquered her angry spirit,
and resolved to do what her conscience
|told her was right, and instantly she be-
came the same loving, sunny little girl
that had won from all her friends the title
of Princess.
————* @«
Ornamenting the Kite.
Joun made it, and now he is holding the
wonderful kite for Charlie to ornament.
Charlie is the artist of the family, who
prides himself upon having the only box
of water colors in the neighborhood. He
can paint ships and landscapes much better
than figures, but John thinks a soldier
would be the best thing to put on a kite.
Charlie made the head and cap, then
commenced to sketch in the coat and
trousers, but the latter he found quite be-
yond his power, so changed his soldier
into a witch, which he at once declared
even more appropriate for the voyages
through the air the kite was expected to
Awnp what is life? an hour-glass on the
A mist retreating from the morning sun.
Taking Observations.
Taking Observations.
Axnove we have the captain of a small
fishing schooner taking an observation
with an instrument called a sextant, to de-
termine on what part of the ocean he may
be sailing. In a severe storm his vessel
has been driven far away from the fishing
grounds, but now, with a bright sun over-
head and his trusty sextant in his hand,
the captain will soon be able to ascertain
his whereabouts to a certainty.
It is to be hoped that, if far from home,
his vessel is well stocked with provisions.
A Polar Béar Hunter.
Tue subject of the following sketch is
a member of an Arctic Exploring Expe-
dition, who has hired an Eskimo with his
team of dogs to drag him over the ice
to a spot where polar bears are said to
Watching carefully as he came, he at
last discovered a large bear walking across
a comparatively smooth place on the ice,
and towards which he at once directed
his course. With his trusty gun he has
nothing to fear excepting the dogs, who
are so excited at the prospect of the car-
cass of the bear for dinner that the Es-
kimo can scarcely restrain them.
The hunter has just turned around for
an instant to give some direction to the
Speak Gently.
VIOLENCE ever defeats its own ends.
Where you cannot drive you can almost
always persuade. A gentle word, a kind
look, a good-natured smile, can work
wonders and accomplish miracles. There
is a secret pride in every human heart that
revolts at tyranny. You may order and
drive an individual, but you cannot make
him respect you.
Having His Hair Cut.
Having E His Hair Cut.
Tuincs have improved since this little
fellow’s time, and, with the varied appli-
ances that barbers of the present day use,
hair cutting is no longer the painful opera-
tion it used to be.
Imagine a barber's chair and a shoe-
maker's bench the same, and the same
person officiating at both.
Some fifty years ago, if you wanted your
hair cut you had only to go to the nearest
shoemaker’s, or if your father was expert
in handling the shears you could have the
barbering done at home, it being only
necessary to take a seat near the window,
clap a bowl over your head, and have the
hair cut even around the edge of the bowl.
Usually there was considerable pulling
connected with the operation, but boys
expected that, and made up their minds
to stand it, as they did: when they had a
tooth to be extracted.
One thing you may be sure of, however,
they did not have their hair cut oftener
than was absolutely necessary.
The Colza Gatherers.
Tur illustration on the opposite page
is engraved from a very fine painting of
“The Colza Gatherers,†by a French art-
ist of distinction.
The colza is a kind of plant resem-
bling the cabbage, the seeds of which are
gathered and*pressed for the purpose of
extracting the oil, which is used for illu-
minating purposes. The French peasants
raise a great quantity of the colza, most of
the labor being performed by the women.
THe Prains or Ease.—We read in
‘ Pilgrim’s Progress †the following words :
“They came to a delicate plain called
Ease, where they went with much content;
but that plain was but narrow, so they
quickly got over it.†Probably most of
us are in the habit of feeling that the
plains of ease in our lives are but narrow,
and that we quickly get over them; and
we feel it with regret. . There is a natural
inclination to cling to what is comfortable,
and to believe that a continuance of that
state would always remain pleasing to us.
After a hard day’s work, we rightly wel-
come the rest which evening brings, the
quiet home, the refreshing ‘walk, the in-
spiring music, the companionship Of friends.
But we forget that it is the hard day’s
work that has made these things so de-
lightful to us—that without that they
would soon become a wearisome monotony,
harder to be endured than any toil.
-Flunting the
Hunting the Wild Boar.
Wi p boar hunting is a favorite amuse-
ment in certain parts of America, as in
Europe and India.
The above illustration,. however, is a
scene in Germany, where dogs are used
to assist in the hunt. Here, as you see,
the brave fellows have the ugly creature
at bay, and in a few minutes their masters
will ride up and end the battle by killing
him with their rifles.
In India the hunt is fraught with more
danger than in Europe, for in the jungle
which the boar frequents are any, wild
beasts still more savage. Here he is fol-
lowed on the back of the elephant, as well
as with horses. But in any case the
hunters must be brave, cool-headed men,
for the scene on the next page is not an
unusual one to the boar hunter of India.
a aT
Do What You Can.
We cannot always be doing a great
work, but we can always be doing some-
thing that belongs to our condition. To
be silent, to suffer, to pray when we can-
not act is acceptable to God.
The Canadian
Moose Hunter.
The endo Moose ee
THE moose, known sometimes as the
American elk, is the largest deer in
America, and inhabits the northern part
of the United States and the region from
the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River
to the Arctic Ocean.
Moose hunting is a favorite sport with
many lovers of the chase, and large parties
from the States and Canada spend several
weeks each year in the northern forests
for this purpose.
The Indians depended upon the native
deer for much of their animal food long
before the white men came, and are still
numbered among our best hunters, while
their habits of close observation enable
them to find their way through dense
forests, where a white man would soon be
lost. For these reasons they are usually
chosen as guides, but when not employed
in this capacity they frequently hunt for a
living, selling the game to men whose
business it is to collect and forward it to
the more southern markets.
The Indian on the opposite page isa
hunter of this kind, who has just killed
a fine specimen, of which he seems to be
justly proud.
Judge Not in Maste.
Nv’er be hasty in your judgement,
- Never foremost to extend
Evil mention of a schoolmate,
Or of one you've called a friend.
Of ¢wo reasons for an action
Choose the better, not the worst ;
Oft, with some, the meaner motive
Ever strikes the fancy first.
Then be gentle to misfortune ;
Never foremost to extend
Evil mention of a schoolmate,
Or of one you’ve called a friend.
Judge not with detracting spirit ;
Speak not with chedanatial tongue ;
Nor with hard and hasty feeling
Do. one human creature wrong.
Words there are that, sharp as winter,
Strip the little left to cheer ;
Oh, be yours the kinder mission !
Prone to soothe, not cause a tear.
Then be gentle to misfortune,
Never foremost to extend
Evil mention of a schoolmate,
Or of one a called a friend.
Look for the Good in Others.
Many a poor tempted one has been
rescued from ruin by the wise helpfulness
of one who has discovered some germ of
good in him, and, passing by all else, has
so nourished and strengthened that germ
as to infuse new hope, courage, and power
by which he has been enabled to conquer
what had well-nigh overwhelmed him.
But to complete the destruction of such a
person few things can be more effectual
than to destroy the last remnants of his
Notutnc will make us so charitable and
tender with regard to the faults of others,
as thoroughly knowing our own.
Bringing Home the Yule-Log.
Bringing Home the Yule-Log.
Turse three children spent the first few
years of their life in England, and since
they came to America have kept up many
of the customs of the mother country.
Among these, perhaps one of the prettiest,
is the lighting of the Christmas fire.
In the large, old-fashioned farmhouse
they call home, is a long dining-room that
has a great chimney built on the outside
at one end. The fire place, wide and
deep, has always a cheerful wood fire
burning in it during the winter, that con-
tributes much towards making the old
dining-room a favorite sitting-room in the
It is for this fire-place the children are
hauling the log.
Jack, the oldest, chopped it from some
seasoned wood the hired man had left in
the wood-lot behind the barn, and even
little Nettie has a hand in fetching it
home, for the following night is Christmas
Eve, and the yule-log must form the basis
of the Christmas fire, to be lighted after
the sun goes down.
A number of friends are invited to be
present, for the lighting of the yule-log is
always attended with Christmas songs
and games. Then, in the presence of the
company, little Nettie will apply the brand,
taken from the kitchen—for no matches
are used on this occasion, by that family
at least—to the previously prepared kin-
dling, and in a few minutes a glorious fire,
filling the whole room with light, will be
roaring up the chimney. Slowly the great
back-log reddens and glows, but it is not
allowed to burn away, for on the morrow
it must be the back-log still, or its mission
as yule-log will not be accomplished. So
as soon as the guests have departed, and
before the Christmas stockings are tacked
to the shelf above, the fire is covered with
ashes, that Santa Claus, the children say,
may not burn himself as he comes down
the wide old flue, to fill the stockings with
ost: inthe storm,
Firry years ago, when the Western
States were scarcely settled, it was unsafe
for people to wander far from home, even
in summer, for the forests were dense,
and full of venomous snakes and wild
animals, while here and there a_ hostile
Indian made his appearance, to frighten
if not molest the wanderer.
But at times children even would lose
themselves, and then the whole settlement
turned out and a systematic search entered
upon, which usually met with success. On
the following page the dog tracked the
little wanderer whom the kind neighbor
jis carrying home.
Tue human heart has chords of sym-
pathy that can be touched by nothing else
than the-story of Gethsemane and Calvary.
The Ftre.
Pies ime:
MaseL was having a dreadful dream
that night. -She seemed to be smother-
ing and losing off her clothes, when sud-
denly she awoke, and there at her bedside
was Rollo, pulling at her night-dress and
barking as loud as he could. The room
was full of smoke that came up the stair-
way close to her door, and she knew in a
minute that the house was on fire.
Her two little sisters were fast asleep
in the next bed, and mamma’s room was
Perhaps mamma and papa were burned,
she thought, and jumping from her bed
she rushed for the stairway, but the smoke
and flames drove her back.
All this time Rollo had been whining
at the window, and Mabel now ran to him
and threw up the sash. There were men
below, and she heard her father’s voice
say, ‘‘Don’t be frightened; we will save
you, children. Be ready to jump when
we tell you.â€
It required but a moment to bring the
children to the window, for they were
both now awake, and leaning out they all
see a blanket is held beneath by four pairs
jof arms. “ Jump! jump! youre all right!
Don’t be afraid! We won't let you fall!â€
urged the men. The children did jump.
| Little Sue first, Allie next, and Mabe!
last; and so all were saved, Rollo having
leaped to the ground the instant the win-
dow was opened.
—____0 @ e—____
Morning After the Snow.
LitrLe Rose had forgotten how the
snow looked, when one December morn-
ing she found, as she climbed out of bed,
that the ground was all covered with snow.
She was still watching it when mamma
came in to. dress her, and did not like
to go into the next room for fear that it
would be gone before she could get back
The Emphasis in the Right Place.
SELFISHNESS in all its forms is a perma-
nent foe to cheerfulness. There is per-
haps no more prolific source of discontent
and gloom than that which the selfish boy
finds in his narrow aims and baffled de-
sires. But where the emphasis of life is
laid on what is good and noble, where the
life is spent in following truth and duty,
where the affections are kept alive and
warm by sympathy and kindly deeds, there
the blessing of a cheerful spirit will be sure
to follow.
AL common things, each day’s events,
That with the hour begin and end,
Our pleasures and our discontents,
Are rounds by which we may ascend.
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Dick's Ride.
Dick’s Ride.
Tommy Wuire was wild for a donkey,
and as Tommy was an only son, and
usually got what he asked for, his father
at last bought him the donkey, which an-
swered to the name of Pop.
Now Pop appeared very well, had evi-
dently been well taken care of, and was, on
the whole, a rather good-looking donkey;
but in buying him, “Mr. White forgot to
ask one important question—Who had
trained him?
Pop was very gentle, would eat from
Tom’s hand, rub his head upon his new
master’s shoulder, and, indeed, allow so
many familiarities that Tommy had no
fear in mounting him; but he had only
made the circuit of the yard once or twice
when he suddenly found himself on the
grass, with Pop demurely gazing at him.
Tom tried several times to get a longer
ride, but always with the same Reon eo
Dick Green, the most daring as well as
the worst boy in the place, who had been
watching the proceeding through the fence,
offered to show the owner how the thing
could be done.
His experience is depicted above. Per-
haps the matter will be understood even
better, when you learn that Pop had been}.
educated in a circus.
Kinp hearts are the gardens,
Kind thoughts are the roots,
Kind words are the blossoms,
Kind deeds are the fruits.
Share Your Comforts:
Ir you keep your eyes open, you will
discover that some boy or girl in school
never has any fruit or meat or cake for
lunch. Would it not be fun to take a
lunch to school for them and put it in
their coat or desk when they did not
know it? Then you might sometime find
a way to drop a warm pair of stockings
or gloves or a comforter into their desk
as a glad surprise ; or some little comfort
for their brothers or sisters, or even their
father or mother. Nothing shows the
Christian lady or gentleman more truly
than the way they do acts of kindness or
Last winter, at one of the Boston rail-
road depots, two young men left a
train. One wore a thick ulster trimmed
with fur, a fur cap and gloves; the
other was lame, had no overcoat or
gloves, and seemed to shrink inside
of his clothes every time a gust of
wind struck him. He rubbed his ears
with his hands, and altogether was the
picture of misery. The warmly clad
young man suddenly pulled off his fur
gloves and thrust them into the cripple’s
hand, and in a moment had disappeared
in the crowd. First a puzzled, then a
glad, look came into the face of the
cripple, who was warmed as much by
the expression of sympathy from another
as by the actual warmth imparted by the
Whilst all the various lady friskers Now thinks the wicked friend, Killjoy,
gaze on Perfect’s whisker: How Perfect's beauty to destroy,
The trusting Perfect gives consent, The deed is done. Now look within Whi, Perfect !—you will set the fashion. Whilst Killjoy in mad terror flies
Sits still as any monument, This glass, How smooth your cheeks and chix What !—surely you're not in a passion 2†sheigking ini orrible surprise.
Now Perfect, with his flying feet : And Pérfect holds the latter end— q ;
Nears the false friend, not quite 50 fleet, Triumphant—of perfidious friend, ae Dee ee ee
ase, it docs not pay,
A Sea Fight on the Indian Ocean.
Stopping a Scout.
DurinG the winter months it
is necessary for the soldiers of
India to practice somewhat dif-
ferent military evolutions from
those used in ordinary warfare,
and at that time every camp be-
comes one of exercise.
One of the most important of
these was formed in 1891, at At-
tock, a fortress which plays an
important part in the defence of
the northern frontier of India,
dominating as it does, the passage
of the Indus. Here the Northern
Cavalry Brigade were employed
for many days in drilling, holding
sham-fights, and practicing every
kind of evolution likely to be of
service to them in real warfare.
The engraving is from a sketch
by one of the soldiers, who ap-
pended to it the remark, “It isa
mistake to try and ride native
cavalry down.â€
Yalueless Praise.
Tue first and most important
element of praise should be ab-
solute truthfulness, Without this
it is worse than useless; it is
A Sea Fight on the Indian Ocean.|demoralizing both to the giver and the
Here we have a picture of one of those
dreadful sea fights that used sometimes to
occur on the Indian Ocean several cen- Use Tact.
turies ago.
The enraged natives have boarded the] SympaTHy unaccompanied by tact is
vessel, and “with their dreadful daggers|almost valueless. It may still be golden,
are working havoc with the crew. Though but a man knocked down by a mass of the
we can never know which are victorious, | precious metal is quite as likely to be in-
we hope the white men may succeed in|jured as if the missile had been lead or
driving the intruders away. iron.
Molhes Pet.
Mollie’s Pet. |
Mo.uie is a country girl about twelve
years old, who has no companions of her
age to play with, for her home is nearly
a mile from any other house.
But do you think Mollie grumbles and
frets and doesn’t know what to do with
herself because of that? Not a bit!
She is as happy and bright as can be, and
the days are never quite long enough for
her to do all she would like in them.
Of course she helps her mother some
about the house, and she gathers berries
and fruits in the season; but with all this
she has considerable time to employ as
she likes. Mollie always has some pet;
sometimes it is a kitten, at others a calf
or lamb, but this year it is a bird that she
found in the meadow under a tall tree.
A heavy wind had blown the nest down,
and three of- the little birds were dead;
but Mollie took the fourth, and by careful
attention raised him to the pretty creature
you see pictured above. She has named
him ‘ Sweet,†and he answers to that
The Boy that Never Sees.
Gop help the boy that never sees
The butterflies, the birds, the bees,
Nor hears the music of the breeze
When zephyrs soft are blowing ;
Who cannot in sweet comfort lie
Where clover blooms are thick and high,
And hear the gentle murmur nigh
Of brooklets softly flowing!
God help the boy who does not know
Where all the woodland berries grow,
Who never sees the forests glow
When leaves are red and yellow;
Whose childish feet can never stray
Where Nature does her charms display—
For such a helpless boy, I say,
God help the little. fellow !
The Concert.
Tur mamma rabbit and her family had
just settled down for a nice long nap,
when the sound of music was suddenly
heard, and every little rabbit was awake
in an instant.
Springing up from her bed of soft hay,
the mamma rabbit gazed about her to find
the minstrels, when there, on the edge of
the hutch roof, were some little birds sing-
ing as sweetly as they could, evidently in-
tending their efforts as a serenade to the
happy family below.
Was it not a pretty thing for the dear
little birdies to do?
2 =e
The Oldest Man.
Man’s life is like a winter's day, —
Some only to breakfast and away;
Others to dinner stay, and are well fed,
The oldest man but sups and goes to bed.
Be Kind.
Be kind to each other,
The night’s coming on,
When friend and when brother
Perchance may be gone.
Watch the
Watch the Birds.
THERE is a great deal to be learned}
frem watching the birds. If you live in
the country or in a tewn where trees-and
gardens surround the houses, you have a
fine opportunity to study their appear-
ance, song-notes, and habits. You will
find there is a great difference in all these
characteristics among birds of various
kinds. Some build their nests in the
ground, while others choose the tops of
the highest trees for their homes. One
dear little ground sparrow has a family of
four little birds in a nest in the meadow
grass just under my window, and for the
last day or two it has been very amusing
to watch the parent birds trying to teach
the little ones to fly.
If you chance to come upon a nest,
watch the little family as it grows, and you
will find yourself at once instructed and
In a Hurricane.
Here we have a picture of a hurricane
at sea. We none of us would care to be
in the captain’s place, whose face tells of
the anxiety he feels. Hoping that his
vessel may weather the storm, we turn
over the leaf.
Lake Maggiore.
Lake Maggiore.
Tus beautiful lake is situated in the
northern part of Italy, among the Alps, a
small portion of it extending into Switzer-
It is a favorite resort for tourists, who
spend some weeks in summer fishing in
its clear waters.
The Tennis Player.
To the good player there is no out-of
door game to be compared to tennis; and
as soon as the spring days come and the
ground becomes dry, the net is sure to
make its appearance on the lawn, and a
party of bright-looking girls and boys
gracefully wielding their racquets are
soon skipping over the fresh, springing
Tennis is a healthful and most delight-
ful game, that when learned the young
are sure to like, the only wonder being
that so few courts are found in our smaller
Play tennis, boys and girls, It will
make your complexion clear, eyes bright,
and strengthen your muscles as no other
game can.
Gop leaves a touch of the angel in all
little children, to compensate those about
them for the inevitable cares they bring
with them.
Tue beautiful souls of the world have
an art of saintly alchemy by which bitter-
ness is.converted into kindness, the gall
of human experience into gentleness, in-
gratitude into benefits, insults into par-
dons. And the transformation ought to
become so easy and habitual, that the
looker-on may think it spontaneous, and
nobody give us credit for it.