Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00081933/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Favorite fairy tales
- Uniform Title:
- Little Red Riding Hood
Cinderella Goldilocks and the three bears Aladdin Beauty and the beast Jack and the beanstalk Tom Thumb Snow White and the seven dwarfs
- Creator:
- Humphrey, Maud, b. 1868 ( Illustrator )
Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian), 1805-1875
Frederick A. Stokes Company ( Publisher )
- Place of Publication:
- [New York]
- Publisher:
- Frederick A. Stokes Co.
- Publication Date:
- 1895, c1892
- Copyright Date:
- 1892
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 v. (unpaged) : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm.
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Fairy tales ( lcsh )
Children's stories ( lcsh ) Fairy tales -- 1895 ( rbgenr ) Children's stories -- 1895 ( lcsh ) Bldn -- 1895
- Genre:
- Fairy tales ( rbgenr )
Children's stories novel ( marcgt )
- Spatial Coverage:
- United States -- New York -- New York
- Target Audience:
- juvenile ( marctarget )
- General Note:
- Illustrated title page.
- Statement of Responsibility:
- with new pictures by Maud Humphrey.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact The Department of Special and Area Studies Collections (special@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 026622596 ( ALEPH )
ALG3695 ( NOTIS ) 56555603 ( OCLC )
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<9, WOOD-CUTTER and his wife had a sweet little girl, who
44) on account of the scarlet hood she wore was called “ Little
fia] Red Riding Hood.†One day her mother said to her:
« Granny has been very ill. Put on your hood, and take her these
cheese-cakes and this pat of fresh butter.†Little Red Riding
Hood started off, and soon came to a wood through which she had
to pass. A wolf met her and asked her where she was going, and
she told him; and he said he would run ahead and see who would
get there first. So he ran all he way to the cottage and rapped
at the door. “Who is there?†asked grandmother. “It is I,â€
said the wolf in a soft voice, “ Little Red Riding Hood; I have
brought you nice fresh cakes and butter.†“ Pull the bobbin, and
the latch will fly up,†called out the grandmother; and the wolf did
so and ate up the poor old lady. Then he put on her nightgown
and frilled cap and got into bed. After a while Red Riding Hood
came and knocked at the door, and the wolf said ina soft voice,
“ Pull the bobbin and the latch will fly up.†The little girl came ~
in, put down her basket, and soon crawled into bed beside her
grandmother, asshe thought. But she did riot feel at ease, and,
seeing the hairy arms, she said, “ What long arms you have, grand-
mother!†‘“The better to hug you with, my child!†Then
she said, “What great ears you have, grandmother!†“The bet-
ter to hear with, my dear!†“What large eyes you have, grand-
mother!†“The betterto see with, my dear!†‘“ But— what
— great — teeth — you have!†“The better to eat with, my
dear!†and so saying the wicked wolf fell upon poor Red Riding
Hood and ate her all up.
NCE upon a time there
| lived a widower and his
a} daughter, and she was
as sweet a child as ever lived!
The father decided to’ marry
again, and took for a wife a
widow with two daughters,
who he fancied would be
company for his own little
girl But they were cross.
- and unpleasant, and _ treated
tN shamefully, making her work
\ Ae a \ and dress in rags, wnile they
A and dressed in silks and fine
work was done she sat on
the ashes and cinders, and
called her Cinderella.
the child most 7
like a servant
took their ease,
laces. When her
the hearth, among \\\}.
forthat reason they \\\\
The step-mother \ Wo a. \ treated her just as un-
kindly,and the poor \\\\\ . girl had a hard time of
it, but made no com- — . plaint to her father.
One day the king sont heralds to pro-
claim that a ball would be given forthe
Prince, his son, and all | 2— . the young
girls were invited to ' as <7? danceat it.
Suchatimeasthere was! -_ -== The two
sisters were in a great [[//I) flutter of
} : Nee,
preparation, and ; i
. +
from early morn- |
Cinderella was kept busy
ing till late at night. At last
the evening 2 came, and Cinderella dressed
her two sisters, and they went off to the ball in grandeur, while she
sat down in the chimney corner and wept bitter tears. While she
sat thus her fairy godmother appeared and asked what was the mat-
ter. “You want to go to the ball?†said she. “Well, so you shall.â€
“Buthowcan I go in these rags?†cried Cinderella. “I ‘Il soon fix that.
Only do as I tell you,†was the reply. A pumpkin was brought in
and a rat-trap filled with rats and mice, and these, at a touch from
the magic wand, were transformed into a fine coach with driver and
footmen. Another touch of the wand, and Cinderella's rags turned
into a beautiful dress, and on her feet were slippers that shone like
glass. “Now go to the ball,†said the Godmother, “ but be sure and
come away before twelve o'clock, or you will find yourself in rags.â€
Cinderella went to the ball, and was the most beautiful woman
there, and the Prince fell madly in love with her. It was nearly
twelve o'clock when Cinderella remembered, and flew away —yjust
in time. For outside the door her clothes turned to rags, and the
rats and mice went scurrying off. Soon after she reached home
the sisters came in and told her all about the ball, and the lovely
Princess who was there. She begged to go to the second ball,
which was to take place the next night; but they laughed at her
scornfully. The fairy Godmother came again, and used her magic
wand, and at the ball Cinderella was the admiration of all. The
Prince was so attentive and the time passed so swiftly that Cinder-
ella forgot. And when she looked at the clock, it was on the
stroke of twelve! She left in haste, and as she ran down the stairs
her clothes changed to rags, and away went one of her glass slip-
pers. The Prince picked it up. The next day there was great
excitement, for the Prince drove out with heralds who proclaimed
that he was willing to marry the maid who could wear the glass
slipper. Such a squeezing tirne as there was! Cinderella asked
_totryiton. The sisterslaughed; but the Prince said “ Why not?â€
and lo! the slipper went on easily! The Godmother appeared with
the mate toit, and then the Prince and the two sisters knew that
Cinderella was the Princess they had met at the ball. Cinderella
married the Prince, and they were the happiest couple in the world.
=HREE bears lived in the woods, in a house of their own.
Ofie was a great big Bear, with a deep gruff voice; the
second was a smaller Bear, with a middling-sized voice ;
and the third was a wee-wee Bear, with a voice like a squeak. One
day they went out for a walk, and while they were gone a little girl
called Silver-locks passed by, and seeing the nice little house walked
‘in and made herself quite at home. She tasted the porridge in the
three bowls, she sat down in each of the chairs, and tried all the
beds. And the little wee bed was so soft and nice that she went fast
asleep. Soon the three bears came in from their walk, and the big
one roared out: “Som ONE HAS BEEN EATING My PorRIDGE!†Then
‘the second and the third bear said the same thing. Then the
big Bear thought he would sit down, and soon he growled out:
“SoME ONE HAS BEEN SITTING IN My cHAIR!†The other bears said
the same thing, and all three began to look very grave. Then they
went upstairs to their bed-room. The big Bear cried out: “ Somes
ONE MAS BEEN IN My BED!†The second one said the same, but not
so loud; while the wee little Bear squeaked in a wee little voice:
“Some one has been in my bed — and here she is!†Silver-locks hear-
ing the noise jumped out of bed, leaped out the window, and
flew away into the wood, and the three bears all went to bed and —
were soon fast asleep.
S]LADDIN was the only child of a
poor tailor named Mustafa. He.
: was an idle fellow, and would
not work, nor learn any trade, but spent A
all his time in the streets. Mustafa fell ill ane ;
died, and then Aladdin and his mother were etn
poorer than ever. One day, as Aladdin was
lounging through the streets, a man came up, and
-clasping him in his arms told Aladdin that he
was his uncle, his father’s younger brother. He
made much of the boy, and one morning took
him for a long walk in the country.
At a certain place he told Aladdin to
build a fire, and he did so; when the
fire and smoke died away, there was
seen a great flat stone with a ring in
the centre. The pretended uncle, ae
who was really a magician, told CÂ¥ re
Aladdin to lift the stone and go Re “A “
down into the cavern, and bring Ket oA
him the lamp he would find there. is
Aladdin did as he was told, and
passed through a garden ablaze with
jewels, many of which he picked
up and put in his pockets and in the
bosom of his shirt, where he placed the
lamp. When he came to the steps he |
asked the magician to give him his hand. But this the magician
would not do until Aladdin first gave him thelamp. This Aladdin
refused to do, and the magician ina great rage stamped on the
ground, threw some perfume on the fire, and the stone clipped
back into its place.
_ Aladdin cried in vain for help, for no one could ee him. In
his distress he wrung his hands, and happened to rub a ring the
magician had given him. Instantly a Genie stood before him, and
said, “I am your slave as long as you wear that ring. What do
you want?†“Take me home,†said Aladdin; and in a moment
he found himself at his own door, and his mother was delighted to
see him, All went well with them now, as they had only to rub the
lamp or the ring to have all their hearts could wish. :
Then Aladdin fell in love with a beautiful Princess, and tried
hard to win her for his bride. The slave of the lamp built him a
magnificent palace, and after a while he married the Princess he
‘loved, and the two lived happily together. But it was not long be-
fore the old magician began to make trouble. Finding that Alad-
din was living in splendor, he bought many new lamps and went
through the streets of the city crying, “ New lamps for old! New
lamps for old!†Aladdin was away, and the Princess and her
maids were alone in the palace; and one of the girls took the old
lamp and gave it to the magician for a new one. As soon as it
was dark the magician rubbed the lamp and ordered the slave to
remove Aladdin’s palace to the centre of Africa. When Aladdin
came back, there was no palace and no Princess; and the Sultan
said if his daughter was not brought to him a three days
Aladdin should be put to death.
Aladdin was in despair. The lamp was gone, but the ring
was ,left !—and giving that a rub the Genie appeared, and trans-.
ported Aladdin to the very walls of his palace. His wife was
watching for him, and let him in through a secret door, and how
glad the two were to meet again! The lamp was found and well
rubbed, and the slave took the palace and all back again, and
_ everybody was as happy as could be.
gy) RICH man had three daughters, the |—
youngest of whom was named f
Beauty. She was a good girl, and *
fe father loved her dearly. When he lost nearly all his money, and
had to live in a poor way, Beauty kept things bright and cheer-
ful, and did all the housework without grumbling. One day he
was called to the next town on business; and the eldest daughter
said, “ Bring me a new silk dress;†and the second said, “ Bring
me a purse full of gold.†But Beauty only asked for a rose. The
old father came back without the money he had hoped to get;
and on the way passed a garden full of roses, and leaned over
the fence to get one. As he broke the stem he heard a low growl,
and looking up saw a great Beast with a club in its hand. The
-man begged for mercy, and the Beast said he would let him off, if
he would send instead one of his daughters. Beauty went, and
found the Beast’s house very lovely, and in the breakfast-room
was a table set for two. She sat down and poured the coffee, and
the Beast sat opposite to her and seemed very happy. He was
very kind to her, and every day he asked her to marry him. One —
day he found her crying because she was homesick, and he told
her to run home, but to be sure to come back to breakfast the next
Her father was glad to see her, for he thought she was dead; but
her sisters were ugly and jealous, and gave her something to drink
which made her sleep late. When Beauty woke she ran all the
way to the Beast’s house, and hunted through everyroom, butcould
not find him. Then she ran out into the garden, and there under
a rose-bush he lay as if dead. Beauty knelt beside him, put her
arms around his thick neck, and kissed his big ugly head.
“Dear Beast, wake up!†she cried. “Don’t die, or I shall die
too! I love youso!†At these words the Beast jumped up, the
rough skin dropped from him, and he was the most beautiful
Prince that was ever seen. He had been enchanted, and only
Love had power to change his shape. So Beauty and the Beast
were married and lived happy ever after.
C € [ag BAIHERE was once a widow
| Faq Wu) with an only son named
4) Jack. He was a lazy
ellow, and would not work, but spent his
mother’s money so fast that she grew
poorer and poorer. At last she had noth-
| N ing left but a white cow; and Jack, being
aS sorry for his ways, took it off to sell it. He meta
’’ butcher who offered him some bright, colored beans
for the cow, and the silly boy gave the cow to the butcher
and was happy over his bargain. But his mother was very
angry, and took the beans and threw them all into a hole in
the gaan and Jack went supperless to bed. ©The next
morning early Jack went out to look
at the beans, and found they had
jg sprouted in the night and had a
No thick stalk that went up to the sky.
AS He at once climbed the stalk, and
: when he got to the top he found
himself in a strange country. A fairy met him,
and told him how he might undo the mis-
chief he had.done. She told Jack that his father
once owned all the land in this country; but a giant
_ killed him, and took all his possessions. She would
help Jack find the giant, and guard him from danger
so long as he did well. Jack started off, and at sun-
set came to a large white house which he knew was
the giant’s. He knocked at the door, which was
opened by a thin old woman of whom he asked shelter
for the night. She said, “My husband is a giant,
and will kill and eat you.†But Jack begged so hard
she let him in, and gave him something to eat.
Soon the giant came in, and Jack slipped into the
oven just in time. After the giant had eaten his supper, he called tor
his hen that laid him a golden egg, whenever he said “ Lay.â€
After a time he grew tired of this play, and fell asleep, and as
soon as Jack heard him snoring he seized the hen, and slid down
the beanstalk. His mother was overjoyed to see him; and the
hen laid golden eggs for 1 which they sold, and grew very
After a time Jack climbed the beanstalk again, and made his
way to the white house, where he begged for food and shelter. —
The old woman shook her head. But Jack begged so hard that
she let him in, and hid him in the copper boiler. Soon the-
giant came in and, having eaten his supper, called for his money
bags. He counted over his gold and silver, then tied up the bags
and went to sleep. As soon as Jack heard him snore he jumped
out of the boiler, seized the bags, and made off for home as fast as
he could.
For a long time Jack stayed at home; but at last he had such
a strong desire to visit fairy-land again, that he got up early one
‘morning and climbed the beanstalk, hoping to get back before his
mother missed him. The old woman did not recognize him, but
when he asked for food she shook her head. But Jack begged so
hard that she let him in, and when she heard the giant coming she
hid him under a barrel. As soon as the giant entered the house he
roared out, “I smell meat!†and would not be satisfied until he
had made a thorough search. When he had finished he cried out,
“ Bring me my harp!†and when it was brought to him he shouted
“Play!†and it played the most exquisite music, which soon put
the giant to sleep.
As soon as the giant began to snore Jack crawled out, seized
the harp and started on a run. The harp on being touched
screamed out; the giant woke and gave chase, but when he reached
the top of the beanstalk -Jack was at the bottom, and in a moment
he took an axe and chopped down the beanstalk. The giant fell
headlong and was killed; and Jack never went up the beanstalk
q) LONG time ago a ploughman wished for a child, even if it
“%4, was no bigger than his thumb. So one day when he went
! home he found his wife nursing a wee baby, that grew to
the size of his thumb and then never grew any more. One day
while his mother was making a plum-pudding, Tom fell into the
bowl, and his mother stirred him up and put him in the pot.: The
hot water made him kick, and his mother took out the pudding and
gave it to a passing tinker. Tom cried out “ Hello!†when the tin-
ker sneezed, which so scared him that he threw the pudding into a
field and it tumbled to pieces. Tom crept out and went home to
his mother, who was glad to see him, though he was all over a
crust of dough and plums. One day he was nearly drowned in the
milk-jug ; another time he was lost in the salt-box; and when he
went with his mother into the fields to milk the cows, she tied him
to a thistle with a piece of thread, for fear he should be blown away
by the wind. Soon after, a cow ate up the thistle and swallowed
Tom; but Tom scratched and kicked so she was
glad to throw him out of her mouth again. Once “4S
as he was ploughing with his father, a great eagle
swooped down, caught him in its beak, and e'\ ~
carried him off to a giant’s castle. The giant i a \
would have eaten him up, but Tom bit his (7 /\Wes\\Ge
tongue, and held on by ww); |
his teeth till the giant in qe
a rage took him out of ae AS
his mouth and threw him ~~~
into the sea, where a
large fish swallowed him
immediately. The fish
was caught and made a present to King Arthur, and when the cook
opened, it there was Tom Thumb inside. He was carried to the
king and became a great favorite and a Knight of the Round Table.
i} cyan frame in her hand, doing some fine embroidery. It
was snowing, and she pricked her finger, and as the drops
of blood fell on the snow, she thought to herself, “ Oh, if I could
_only have a child as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as
this ebony-frame!†Not long afterwards a daughter was born to
her whose skin was snow white, whose
lips were blood red, and whose hair was
black as night. She was named Snow
White; and when the child was born
the mother died.
In about a year the King married
again, and his wife was very beautiful,
but very vain. Every day her mirror
told her that she was the loveliest
woman in the world. Then she was
happy. But when Snow White grew
up, she became more beautiful than
the Queen, and the mirror said so.
This made the Queen very jealous, and
she tried in every way to get rid of
- Snow White, but failed. The hunts-
man could not kill. her, nor the wild
beasts devour her. She made her home
with Seven Dwarfs, who charged her
to let no one into the house when they
were away. But the Queen came in
disguise,and Snow White wasdeceived:
first with a pair of stays, next with a poisoned comb, and lastly
with a poisoned apple, which killed her. The Dwarfs could not
bury her, but kept her in a glass case, and with tears bewailed her
loss. By and by a King’s son passed through the forest, and
stopped at the Dwarfs’ house over night.
He fell in love with Snow White, and offered a ce sum for
the case containing her. But the Dwarfs would not sell it at any
price. The Prince begged so hard that they took pity on him
and gave him the case, and as his attendants bore it away they
stumbled, and the piece of poisoned apple fell out of Snow White's
Opening her eyes and raising the lid a the glass case, she ex-
claimed, “Where am 1?†Full of joy the Prince answered, “Safe
with me!†and told her all that had taken place. She consented
to go with him to his castle, and there was a grand wedding ; and
the old Queen was there and danced till she fell down dead.
DONKEY, a Dog,
a Cat, and a Cock
set off for Bre
men, where they planned to
make music together, and to
be admired for their fine voices.
When night came on, the Donkey
and the Dog lay down to rest under a tree, while the Cat and the
Cock climbed up in the branches. The Cock saw a light in the
distance, and called to his companions; and all four decided to
move on, in hopes of finding there something good to eat. They
found it a robber’s cottage, and robbers were there eating and
drinking. The Donkey put his fore feet on the window-sill, the Dog
jumped on his back, the Cat climbed on the Dog, and the Cock
flew up and perched on the Cat. Thenata given signal the Donkey
brayed, the Dog barked, the Cat mewed, and the Cock crew, and
the robbers ran out of the house in a great fright. The four musi-
cians, having eaten all they wanted, put out the light and went to
bed. At midnight the robbers sent a messenger back to the house,
and the Cat spit at him, the Donkey kicked him, the Dog bit him,
and the Cock cried out “Cock-a-doodle-do!†and the man ran away
as fast as he could, and the robbers never came near the house
ZRGINCE upon a time
#99 || there was a very rich
we king whose wife
died, leaving him a beautiful
daughter, named Flora. And
he married again, and the
new queen also had a daugh-
| ter, who was neither accom-
plished nor beautiful. She was called Trou-
tina, because her face was covered with
freckles, like the spots on the back of a
trout. But the fairy, Soressio, was her
| co dmmomen and she was dressed in robes
‘ of splendor, while poor Flora was
clothed in rags and dirt. When it
/ became known that Prince Charming
was in search of a wife, the queen de-
termined he should marry her daugh-
ter; but he caught sight of Flora, who
— ~~ needed not dress to set off her charms,
“and he had eyes for no one else. The
queen was furious ; and to punish him
the fairy dune him to a Bluebird, and Flora was locked up in
a tower. But the Bird flew here and there, and at last found his
dear Flora and sang love-songs at her window. He brought her
rich gifts from his own castle, and the two had sweet talks together.
The queen found it out and set traps around the window, so he
could not get near it, and he thought Flora had proved false, and
she wept because he came no more. Meanwhile a friend of the
prince's, an enchanter, went all over the world in search of him, and —
Nees e Ee ee ee eA eM a eS
found him at last, wounded and nearly dead. He took the poor
Bluebird from the tree, stanched its blood, and then set out to
have a talk with Soressio. The prince was on the point of losing
his throne, and the fairy would not change him back to his own
shape unless he would marry Troutina. In the meantime Flora
was pining herself to death, and one day she set off in disguise in
search of Prince Charming. She reached his palace, and by means
of a whispering gallery near where he slept, made her presence
known, and assured him of her continued love and Troutina’s
treachery. The enchanter and another kind fairy joined forces
against Soressio, and changed Troutina to a pig, and Prince
Charming and Flora were married, and great was the joy of all
the people. |
HOLDILOCKS was a lovely Princess, with long golden hair,
and as soon as the young King saw her he fell desper.
ately in love with her. He sent her rich presents, but
aie sent them all back, and _. 2e ~~ said she did not wish to marry.
Now there lived at =~ 4
named Charming, and |
had sent me
am sure she
the court a young man,
he said, “I wish the King
_ Princess Goldilocks. I
would have come
back with | \ me — When | this
was told the {| ; f\\ King he became
jealous at OF
Prince up in | ‘ -'a tower. After
awhile he felt | | sorry, and set Prince
Charming free, and sent him
with richgifts AX, _ te the Princess.
As he rode ~ along he saw a
fish lying gasping on the
sprang from his horse and
into the river. A little
rescued a Raven from an
grass, and he
threw it back
father on he
Eagle _ that } was just going to kill it. Af-
fer this he found an Owl caught in a net,
and set the poor bird free. When he came to the
Palace where the Princess lived he offered her
the gifts the King had sent. But she would have
‘none of them. “I have made a vow to marry the one who brings
me the gold ring I lost in the river some time ago.†Charming
was miserable as he walked by the river-side; but soon his grief
was turned to joy, when the fish whose life he had saved swam
with his head out of the water and the ring in his mouth. Still
the Princess would not return with Prince Charming to marry the
King, and the Prince was discouraged. Then she said to the
Prince, “ Why do you not remain here and marry me and I will
make you King of my country?†This he was too honorable to
do; so he took the Princess home to his King, and the two were
married, and there was a magnificent wedding. But the King was
still jealous of Charming, and shut him up in the tower to die
of hunger and thirst. But the King died first, and the Queen
at once ran to the tower and set Prince Charming free. A
month later Prince Charming and Goldilocks were married, and
were the happiest King and Queen that ever lived.
OWN by the water sat a Duck
9 )| upon her nest, for she had_ to
: hatch her ducklings, and was
almost tired out before they came. At
| ‘last one egg-shell after another broke,
Séand little creatures stuck up their heads cry-
ing, “ Peep! peep!†But there was one egg
that would not seem to hatch, and the mother
‘Duck was quite discouraged. At last the egg-
shell burst and there crept forth a very large
and very ugly Duckling. The old Duck
thought it must be a turkey chick, for it was
not like her other young ones. But the ugly
gray Duckling could swim as well as the rest,
if not better. But so ugly was it that it was
ae at by all the poultry in the farm-yard, and at last it flew
over the fence and went down among the wild ducks. But the
wild ducks did not like its looks, and it went where some wild
geese were, but had to hide among the rode for fear of being shot,
for the hunters were out. Late in the day it came to a peasant’s
hut, where lived an old woman with her Tom Cat and her Hen.
These two did not think much of the Duckling because it could
neither purr nor lay eggs. So it went
away, and when winter came on it was
nearly frozen to death. But when the i Kr 4 2
glad spring came the ugly Duckling ne J 7
crept down to the water and found it-†(
self among some lovely Swans. “If ] bie
go near them they will kill me! well let ~ _ . =
them ;†and as it swam toward them it =
looked down in the water, and lo and behold: it was no longer
an ugly Duckling but a graceful Swan. =
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<9, WOOD-CUTTER and his wife had a sweet little girl, who
44) on account of the scarlet hood she wore was called “ Little
fia] Red Riding Hood.†One day her mother said to her:
« Granny has been very ill. Put on your hood, and take her these
cheese-cakes and this pat of fresh butter.†Little Red Riding
Hood started off, and soon came to a wood through which she had
to pass. A wolf met her and asked her where she was going, and
she told him; and he said he would run ahead and see who would
get there first. So he ran all he way to the cottage and rapped
at the door. “Who is there?†asked grandmother. “It is I,â€
said the wolf in a soft voice, “ Little Red Riding Hood; I have
brought you nice fresh cakes and butter.†“ Pull the bobbin, and
the latch will fly up,†called out the grandmother; and the wolf did
so and ate up the poor old lady. Then he put on her nightgown
and frilled cap and got into bed. After a while Red Riding Hood
came and knocked at the door, and the wolf said ina soft voice,
“ Pull the bobbin and the latch will fly up.†The little girl came ~
in, put down her basket, and soon crawled into bed beside her
grandmother, asshe thought. But she did riot feel at ease, and,
seeing the hairy arms, she said, “ What long arms you have, grand-
mother!†‘“The better to hug you with, my child!†Then
she said, “What great ears you have, grandmother!†“The bet-
ter to hear with, my dear!†“What large eyes you have, grand-
mother!†“The betterto see with, my dear!†‘“ But— what
— great — teeth — you have!†“The better to eat with, my
dear!†and so saying the wicked wolf fell upon poor Red Riding
Hood and ate her all up.
NCE upon a time there
| lived a widower and his
a} daughter, and she was
as sweet a child as ever lived!
The father decided to’ marry
again, and took for a wife a
widow with two daughters,
who he fancied would be
company for his own little
girl But they were cross.
- and unpleasant, and _ treated
tN shamefully, making her work
\ Ae a \ and dress in rags, wnile they
A and dressed in silks and fine
work was done she sat on
the ashes and cinders, and
called her Cinderella.
the child most 7
like a servant
took their ease,
laces. When her
the hearth, among \\\}.
forthat reason they \\\\
The step-mother \ Wo a. \ treated her just as un-
kindly,and the poor \\\\\ . girl had a hard time of
it, but made no com- — . plaint to her father.
One day the king sont heralds to pro-
claim that a ball would be given forthe
Prince, his son, and all | 2— . the young
girls were invited to ' as <7? danceat it.
Suchatimeasthere was! -_ -== The two
sisters were in a great [[//I) flutter of
} : Nee,
preparation, and ; i
. +
from early morn- |
Cinderella was kept busy
ing till late at night. At last
the evening 2 came, and Cinderella dressed
her two sisters, and they went off to the ball in grandeur, while she
sat down in the chimney corner and wept bitter tears. While she
sat thus her fairy godmother appeared and asked what was the mat-
ter. “You want to go to the ball?†said she. “Well, so you shall.â€
“Buthowcan I go in these rags?†cried Cinderella. “I ‘Il soon fix that.
Only do as I tell you,†was the reply. A pumpkin was brought in
and a rat-trap filled with rats and mice, and these, at a touch from
the magic wand, were transformed into a fine coach with driver and
footmen. Another touch of the wand, and Cinderella's rags turned
into a beautiful dress, and on her feet were slippers that shone like
glass. “Now go to the ball,†said the Godmother, “ but be sure and
come away before twelve o'clock, or you will find yourself in rags.â€
Cinderella went to the ball, and was the most beautiful woman
there, and the Prince fell madly in love with her. It was nearly
twelve o'clock when Cinderella remembered, and flew away —yjust
in time. For outside the door her clothes turned to rags, and the
rats and mice went scurrying off. Soon after she reached home
the sisters came in and told her all about the ball, and the lovely
Princess who was there. She begged to go to the second ball,
which was to take place the next night; but they laughed at her
scornfully. The fairy Godmother came again, and used her magic
wand, and at the ball Cinderella was the admiration of all. The
Prince was so attentive and the time passed so swiftly that Cinder-
ella forgot. And when she looked at the clock, it was on the
stroke of twelve! She left in haste, and as she ran down the stairs
her clothes changed to rags, and away went one of her glass slip-
pers. The Prince picked it up. The next day there was great
excitement, for the Prince drove out with heralds who proclaimed
that he was willing to marry the maid who could wear the glass
slipper. Such a squeezing tirne as there was! Cinderella asked
_totryiton. The sisterslaughed; but the Prince said “ Why not?â€
and lo! the slipper went on easily! The Godmother appeared with
the mate toit, and then the Prince and the two sisters knew that
Cinderella was the Princess they had met at the ball. Cinderella
married the Prince, and they were the happiest couple in the world.
=HREE bears lived in the woods, in a house of their own.
Ofie was a great big Bear, with a deep gruff voice; the
second was a smaller Bear, with a middling-sized voice ;
and the third was a wee-wee Bear, with a voice like a squeak. One
day they went out for a walk, and while they were gone a little girl
called Silver-locks passed by, and seeing the nice little house walked
‘in and made herself quite at home. She tasted the porridge in the
three bowls, she sat down in each of the chairs, and tried all the
beds. And the little wee bed was so soft and nice that she went fast
asleep. Soon the three bears came in from their walk, and the big
one roared out: “Som ONE HAS BEEN EATING My PorRIDGE!†Then
‘the second and the third bear said the same thing. Then the
big Bear thought he would sit down, and soon he growled out:
“SoME ONE HAS BEEN SITTING IN My cHAIR!†The other bears said
the same thing, and all three began to look very grave. Then they
went upstairs to their bed-room. The big Bear cried out: “ Somes
ONE MAS BEEN IN My BED!†The second one said the same, but not
so loud; while the wee little Bear squeaked in a wee little voice:
“Some one has been in my bed — and here she is!†Silver-locks hear-
ing the noise jumped out of bed, leaped out the window, and
flew away into the wood, and the three bears all went to bed and —
were soon fast asleep.
S]LADDIN was the only child of a
poor tailor named Mustafa. He.
: was an idle fellow, and would
not work, nor learn any trade, but spent A
all his time in the streets. Mustafa fell ill ane ;
died, and then Aladdin and his mother were etn
poorer than ever. One day, as Aladdin was
lounging through the streets, a man came up, and
-clasping him in his arms told Aladdin that he
was his uncle, his father’s younger brother. He
made much of the boy, and one morning took
him for a long walk in the country.
At a certain place he told Aladdin to
build a fire, and he did so; when the
fire and smoke died away, there was
seen a great flat stone with a ring in
the centre. The pretended uncle, ae
who was really a magician, told CÂ¥ re
Aladdin to lift the stone and go Re “A “
down into the cavern, and bring Ket oA
him the lamp he would find there. is
Aladdin did as he was told, and
passed through a garden ablaze with
jewels, many of which he picked
up and put in his pockets and in the
bosom of his shirt, where he placed the
lamp. When he came to the steps he |
asked the magician to give him his hand. But this the magician
would not do until Aladdin first gave him thelamp. This Aladdin
refused to do, and the magician ina great rage stamped on the
ground, threw some perfume on the fire, and the stone clipped
back into its place.
_ Aladdin cried in vain for help, for no one could ee him. In
his distress he wrung his hands, and happened to rub a ring the
magician had given him. Instantly a Genie stood before him, and
said, “I am your slave as long as you wear that ring. What do
you want?†“Take me home,†said Aladdin; and in a moment
he found himself at his own door, and his mother was delighted to
see him, All went well with them now, as they had only to rub the
lamp or the ring to have all their hearts could wish. :
Then Aladdin fell in love with a beautiful Princess, and tried
hard to win her for his bride. The slave of the lamp built him a
magnificent palace, and after a while he married the Princess he
‘loved, and the two lived happily together. But it was not long be-
fore the old magician began to make trouble. Finding that Alad-
din was living in splendor, he bought many new lamps and went
through the streets of the city crying, “ New lamps for old! New
lamps for old!†Aladdin was away, and the Princess and her
maids were alone in the palace; and one of the girls took the old
lamp and gave it to the magician for a new one. As soon as it
was dark the magician rubbed the lamp and ordered the slave to
remove Aladdin’s palace to the centre of Africa. When Aladdin
came back, there was no palace and no Princess; and the Sultan
said if his daughter was not brought to him a three days
Aladdin should be put to death.
Aladdin was in despair. The lamp was gone, but the ring
was ,left !—and giving that a rub the Genie appeared, and trans-.
ported Aladdin to the very walls of his palace. His wife was
watching for him, and let him in through a secret door, and how
glad the two were to meet again! The lamp was found and well
rubbed, and the slave took the palace and all back again, and
_ everybody was as happy as could be.
gy) RICH man had three daughters, the |—
youngest of whom was named f
Beauty. She was a good girl, and *
fe father loved her dearly. When he lost nearly all his money, and
had to live in a poor way, Beauty kept things bright and cheer-
ful, and did all the housework without grumbling. One day he
was called to the next town on business; and the eldest daughter
said, “ Bring me a new silk dress;†and the second said, “ Bring
me a purse full of gold.†But Beauty only asked for a rose. The
old father came back without the money he had hoped to get;
and on the way passed a garden full of roses, and leaned over
the fence to get one. As he broke the stem he heard a low growl,
and looking up saw a great Beast with a club in its hand. The
-man begged for mercy, and the Beast said he would let him off, if
he would send instead one of his daughters. Beauty went, and
found the Beast’s house very lovely, and in the breakfast-room
was a table set for two. She sat down and poured the coffee, and
the Beast sat opposite to her and seemed very happy. He was
very kind to her, and every day he asked her to marry him. One —
day he found her crying because she was homesick, and he told
her to run home, but to be sure to come back to breakfast the next
Her father was glad to see her, for he thought she was dead; but
her sisters were ugly and jealous, and gave her something to drink
which made her sleep late. When Beauty woke she ran all the
way to the Beast’s house, and hunted through everyroom, butcould
not find him. Then she ran out into the garden, and there under
a rose-bush he lay as if dead. Beauty knelt beside him, put her
arms around his thick neck, and kissed his big ugly head.
“Dear Beast, wake up!†she cried. “Don’t die, or I shall die
too! I love youso!†At these words the Beast jumped up, the
rough skin dropped from him, and he was the most beautiful
Prince that was ever seen. He had been enchanted, and only
Love had power to change his shape. So Beauty and the Beast
were married and lived happy ever after.
C € [ag BAIHERE was once a widow
| Faq Wu) with an only son named
4) Jack. He was a lazy
ellow, and would not work, but spent his
mother’s money so fast that she grew
poorer and poorer. At last she had noth-
| N ing left but a white cow; and Jack, being
aS sorry for his ways, took it off to sell it. He meta
’’ butcher who offered him some bright, colored beans
for the cow, and the silly boy gave the cow to the butcher
and was happy over his bargain. But his mother was very
angry, and took the beans and threw them all into a hole in
the gaan and Jack went supperless to bed. ©The next
morning early Jack went out to look
at the beans, and found they had
jg sprouted in the night and had a
No thick stalk that went up to the sky.
AS He at once climbed the stalk, and
: when he got to the top he found
himself in a strange country. A fairy met him,
and told him how he might undo the mis-
chief he had.done. She told Jack that his father
once owned all the land in this country; but a giant
_ killed him, and took all his possessions. She would
help Jack find the giant, and guard him from danger
so long as he did well. Jack started off, and at sun-
set came to a large white house which he knew was
the giant’s. He knocked at the door, which was
opened by a thin old woman of whom he asked shelter
for the night. She said, “My husband is a giant,
and will kill and eat you.†But Jack begged so hard
she let him in, and gave him something to eat.
Soon the giant came in, and Jack slipped into the
oven just in time. After the giant had eaten his supper, he called tor
his hen that laid him a golden egg, whenever he said “ Lay.â€
After a time he grew tired of this play, and fell asleep, and as
soon as Jack heard him snoring he seized the hen, and slid down
the beanstalk. His mother was overjoyed to see him; and the
hen laid golden eggs for 1 which they sold, and grew very
After a time Jack climbed the beanstalk again, and made his
way to the white house, where he begged for food and shelter. —
The old woman shook her head. But Jack begged so hard that
she let him in, and hid him in the copper boiler. Soon the-
giant came in and, having eaten his supper, called for his money
bags. He counted over his gold and silver, then tied up the bags
and went to sleep. As soon as Jack heard him snore he jumped
out of the boiler, seized the bags, and made off for home as fast as
he could.
For a long time Jack stayed at home; but at last he had such
a strong desire to visit fairy-land again, that he got up early one
‘morning and climbed the beanstalk, hoping to get back before his
mother missed him. The old woman did not recognize him, but
when he asked for food she shook her head. But Jack begged so
hard that she let him in, and when she heard the giant coming she
hid him under a barrel. As soon as the giant entered the house he
roared out, “I smell meat!†and would not be satisfied until he
had made a thorough search. When he had finished he cried out,
“ Bring me my harp!†and when it was brought to him he shouted
“Play!†and it played the most exquisite music, which soon put
the giant to sleep.
As soon as the giant began to snore Jack crawled out, seized
the harp and started on a run. The harp on being touched
screamed out; the giant woke and gave chase, but when he reached
the top of the beanstalk -Jack was at the bottom, and in a moment
he took an axe and chopped down the beanstalk. The giant fell
headlong and was killed; and Jack never went up the beanstalk
q) LONG time ago a ploughman wished for a child, even if it
“%4, was no bigger than his thumb. So one day when he went
! home he found his wife nursing a wee baby, that grew to
the size of his thumb and then never grew any more. One day
while his mother was making a plum-pudding, Tom fell into the
bowl, and his mother stirred him up and put him in the pot.: The
hot water made him kick, and his mother took out the pudding and
gave it to a passing tinker. Tom cried out “ Hello!†when the tin-
ker sneezed, which so scared him that he threw the pudding into a
field and it tumbled to pieces. Tom crept out and went home to
his mother, who was glad to see him, though he was all over a
crust of dough and plums. One day he was nearly drowned in the
milk-jug ; another time he was lost in the salt-box; and when he
went with his mother into the fields to milk the cows, she tied him
to a thistle with a piece of thread, for fear he should be blown away
by the wind. Soon after, a cow ate up the thistle and swallowed
Tom; but Tom scratched and kicked so she was
glad to throw him out of her mouth again. Once “4S
as he was ploughing with his father, a great eagle
swooped down, caught him in its beak, and e'\ ~
carried him off to a giant’s castle. The giant i a \
would have eaten him up, but Tom bit his (7 /\Wes\\Ge
tongue, and held on by ww); |
his teeth till the giant in qe
a rage took him out of ae AS
his mouth and threw him ~~~
into the sea, where a
large fish swallowed him
immediately. The fish
was caught and made a present to King Arthur, and when the cook
opened, it there was Tom Thumb inside. He was carried to the
king and became a great favorite and a Knight of the Round Table.
i} cyan frame in her hand, doing some fine embroidery. It
was snowing, and she pricked her finger, and as the drops
of blood fell on the snow, she thought to herself, “ Oh, if I could
_only have a child as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as
this ebony-frame!†Not long afterwards a daughter was born to
her whose skin was snow white, whose
lips were blood red, and whose hair was
black as night. She was named Snow
White; and when the child was born
the mother died.
In about a year the King married
again, and his wife was very beautiful,
but very vain. Every day her mirror
told her that she was the loveliest
woman in the world. Then she was
happy. But when Snow White grew
up, she became more beautiful than
the Queen, and the mirror said so.
This made the Queen very jealous, and
she tried in every way to get rid of
- Snow White, but failed. The hunts-
man could not kill. her, nor the wild
beasts devour her. She made her home
with Seven Dwarfs, who charged her
to let no one into the house when they
were away. But the Queen came in
disguise,and Snow White wasdeceived:
first with a pair of stays, next with a poisoned comb, and lastly
with a poisoned apple, which killed her. The Dwarfs could not
bury her, but kept her in a glass case, and with tears bewailed her
loss. By and by a King’s son passed through the forest, and
stopped at the Dwarfs’ house over night.
He fell in love with Snow White, and offered a ce sum for
the case containing her. But the Dwarfs would not sell it at any
price. The Prince begged so hard that they took pity on him
and gave him the case, and as his attendants bore it away they
stumbled, and the piece of poisoned apple fell out of Snow White's
Opening her eyes and raising the lid a the glass case, she ex-
claimed, “Where am 1?†Full of joy the Prince answered, “Safe
with me!†and told her all that had taken place. She consented
to go with him to his castle, and there was a grand wedding ; and
the old Queen was there and danced till she fell down dead.
DONKEY, a Dog,
a Cat, and a Cock
set off for Bre
men, where they planned to
make music together, and to
be admired for their fine voices.
When night came on, the Donkey
and the Dog lay down to rest under a tree, while the Cat and the
Cock climbed up in the branches. The Cock saw a light in the
distance, and called to his companions; and all four decided to
move on, in hopes of finding there something good to eat. They
found it a robber’s cottage, and robbers were there eating and
drinking. The Donkey put his fore feet on the window-sill, the Dog
jumped on his back, the Cat climbed on the Dog, and the Cock
flew up and perched on the Cat. Thenata given signal the Donkey
brayed, the Dog barked, the Cat mewed, and the Cock crew, and
the robbers ran out of the house in a great fright. The four musi-
cians, having eaten all they wanted, put out the light and went to
bed. At midnight the robbers sent a messenger back to the house,
and the Cat spit at him, the Donkey kicked him, the Dog bit him,
and the Cock cried out “Cock-a-doodle-do!†and the man ran away
as fast as he could, and the robbers never came near the house
ZRGINCE upon a time
#99 || there was a very rich
we king whose wife
died, leaving him a beautiful
daughter, named Flora. And
he married again, and the
new queen also had a daugh-
| ter, who was neither accom-
plished nor beautiful. She was called Trou-
tina, because her face was covered with
freckles, like the spots on the back of a
trout. But the fairy, Soressio, was her
| co dmmomen and she was dressed in robes
‘ of splendor, while poor Flora was
clothed in rags and dirt. When it
/ became known that Prince Charming
was in search of a wife, the queen de-
termined he should marry her daugh-
ter; but he caught sight of Flora, who
— ~~ needed not dress to set off her charms,
“and he had eyes for no one else. The
queen was furious ; and to punish him
the fairy dune him to a Bluebird, and Flora was locked up in
a tower. But the Bird flew here and there, and at last found his
dear Flora and sang love-songs at her window. He brought her
rich gifts from his own castle, and the two had sweet talks together.
The queen found it out and set traps around the window, so he
could not get near it, and he thought Flora had proved false, and
she wept because he came no more. Meanwhile a friend of the
prince's, an enchanter, went all over the world in search of him, and —
Nees e Ee ee ee eA eM a eS
found him at last, wounded and nearly dead. He took the poor
Bluebird from the tree, stanched its blood, and then set out to
have a talk with Soressio. The prince was on the point of losing
his throne, and the fairy would not change him back to his own
shape unless he would marry Troutina. In the meantime Flora
was pining herself to death, and one day she set off in disguise in
search of Prince Charming. She reached his palace, and by means
of a whispering gallery near where he slept, made her presence
known, and assured him of her continued love and Troutina’s
treachery. The enchanter and another kind fairy joined forces
against Soressio, and changed Troutina to a pig, and Prince
Charming and Flora were married, and great was the joy of all
the people. |
HOLDILOCKS was a lovely Princess, with long golden hair,
and as soon as the young King saw her he fell desper.
ately in love with her. He sent her rich presents, but
aie sent them all back, and _. 2e ~~ said she did not wish to marry.
Now there lived at =~ 4
named Charming, and |
had sent me
am sure she
the court a young man,
he said, “I wish the King
_ Princess Goldilocks. I
would have come
back with | \ me — When | this
was told the {| ; f\\ King he became
jealous at OF
Prince up in | ‘ -'a tower. After
awhile he felt | | sorry, and set Prince
Charming free, and sent him
with richgifts AX, _ te the Princess.
As he rode ~ along he saw a
fish lying gasping on the
sprang from his horse and
into the river. A little
rescued a Raven from an
grass, and he
threw it back
father on he
Eagle _ that } was just going to kill it. Af-
fer this he found an Owl caught in a net,
and set the poor bird free. When he came to the
Palace where the Princess lived he offered her
the gifts the King had sent. But she would have
‘none of them. “I have made a vow to marry the one who brings
me the gold ring I lost in the river some time ago.†Charming
was miserable as he walked by the river-side; but soon his grief
was turned to joy, when the fish whose life he had saved swam
with his head out of the water and the ring in his mouth. Still
the Princess would not return with Prince Charming to marry the
King, and the Prince was discouraged. Then she said to the
Prince, “ Why do you not remain here and marry me and I will
make you King of my country?†This he was too honorable to
do; so he took the Princess home to his King, and the two were
married, and there was a magnificent wedding. But the King was
still jealous of Charming, and shut him up in the tower to die
of hunger and thirst. But the King died first, and the Queen
at once ran to the tower and set Prince Charming free. A
month later Prince Charming and Goldilocks were married, and
were the happiest King and Queen that ever lived.
OWN by the water sat a Duck
9 )| upon her nest, for she had_ to
: hatch her ducklings, and was
almost tired out before they came. At
| ‘last one egg-shell after another broke,
Séand little creatures stuck up their heads cry-
ing, “ Peep! peep!†But there was one egg
that would not seem to hatch, and the mother
‘Duck was quite discouraged. At last the egg-
shell burst and there crept forth a very large
and very ugly Duckling. The old Duck
thought it must be a turkey chick, for it was
not like her other young ones. But the ugly
gray Duckling could swim as well as the rest,
if not better. But so ugly was it that it was
ae at by all the poultry in the farm-yard, and at last it flew
over the fence and went down among the wild ducks. But the
wild ducks did not like its looks, and it went where some wild
geese were, but had to hide among the rode for fear of being shot,
for the hunters were out. Late in the day it came to a peasant’s
hut, where lived an old woman with her Tom Cat and her Hen.
These two did not think much of the Duckling because it could
neither purr nor lay eggs. So it went
away, and when winter came on it was
nearly frozen to death. But when the i Kr 4 2
glad spring came the ugly Duckling ne J 7
crept down to the water and found it-†(
self among some lovely Swans. “If ] bie
go near them they will kill me! well let ~ _ . =
them ;†and as it swam toward them it =
looked down in the water, and lo and behold: it was no longer
an ugly Duckling but a graceful Swan. =
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