Gender analysis tool kit

Material Information

Gender analysis tool kit
Futures Group
United States -- Agency for International Development. -- Office of Women in Development
Place of Publication:
Washington D.C
United States Agency for International Development, Office of Women in Development
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 case : col. ill. ; 27 x 34 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Women in development -- Evaluation -- Handbooks, manuals, etc ( lcsh )
Economic development projects -- Evaluation -- Handbooks, manuals, etc ( lcsh )
Sex discrimination in employment -- Evaluation -- Handbooks, manuals, etc ( lcsh )
federal government publication ( marcgt )


Includes bibliographical references.
General Note:
"Genesys, a project of The Futures Group in collaboration with Management Systems International and Development Alternatives, Inc. and United States Agency for International Development, Office of Women in Development, Dept. of State."
General Note:
"Contains ten analytical tools"--GCID framework t.p.
General Note:
"Under the GENESYS Project for USAID G/R&D/WID Contract # PDC-0100-Z-00-9044-00"--GCID Framework t.p.
Statement of Responsibility:

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
31425196 ( OCLC )

UFDC Membership

Women in Development
University of Florida

Full Text

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Gender Analysis Tool Kit Directory

GCID Framework
GCID Framework: A Tool for Assessing Institutionalization of
Gender Concerns in Development Organizations
Provides basic guidance and a checklist on institutionalizing gender considera-
tions in the process of development in a mission, bureau, or other agency.

Quantitative Tools
Quantifying Gender Issues: A Tool for Using Quantitative Data
in Gender Analysis (A Slide Presentation)
A slide presentation (with a set of 36 slides and complete narrative) forpolicy-
makers to instruct them on the uses of sex-disaggregated data in identifying
gender imbalances that may have implications for development activities.

Country Gender Profiles: A Tool for Summarizing Policy
Implications from Sex-Disaggregated Data
Instructions and examples on developing a gender profile for a particular
country to assess basic socioeconomic and demographic conditions and trends,
and to graphically depict sex imbalances for use in policy decisions.

Gender and Household Dynamics: A Tool for Analyzing Income
and Employment Data from Surveys
A model, based on a household survey from Cochabamba, Bolivia, for
presenting sex-disaggregated data as an initial step in examining the impacts
of alternative sectoral policy interventions.

Diagnostic Tools
Gender and Policy Implementation: A Tool for Assessment of
Policy-Derived Impacts on Women and Men
A low-cost rapid appraisal technique, originally developed for agricultural
projects, for identifying gender-specific effects of macro-economic and sectoral
policies, and legal and regulatory statutes.

Sex and Gender-What's the Difference?: A Tool for Examining the
Sociocultural Context of Sex Differences
Demonstrates how to link sex-disaggregated data to the social and cultural
contexts that define gender relations. Examines the implications of
gender issues for sustainable development.

Planning and M&E Tools
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Sustainable Development:
A Tool for Gender-Informed Project Planning
Provides program planners and project implementers with a framework to
identify which resources need to be made available, and which conditions need
to be fulfilled, to bridge the gap between necessary and sufficient conditions for
successful development interventions.

Gender in Monitoring and Evaluation: A Tool for Developing
Project M&E Plans
Provides a matrix and set of instructions for developing gender-integrated
project monitoring and evaluation plans and for linking project- and
program-level development impacts.

Documenting Development Program Impact: A Tool for Reporting
Differential Effects on Men and Women
Provides reporting guidance to project, program, and WID officers by clarifying
definitions and concepts, and indicating the types of information needed to
demonstrate gender-specific impacts.

Gender Research Guide for the Agriculture, Environment, and
Natural Resource Sectors: A Tool for Selecting Methods
A critical review of methods for identifying and responding to gender
differences in formulation, implementation, and evaluation of development
activities for people working in the agriculture and environment/natural
resource management sectors.

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