East Coast advocate

Material Information

East Coast advocate
Uniform Title:
East Coast Advocate
Place of Publication:
Titusville Fla
Titusville, Fla.
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
3 v. : ;


Subjects / Keywords:
Newspapers -- Titusville (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Brevard County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
newspaper ( marcgt )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Florida -- Brevard -- Titusville
28.591111 x -80.82 ( Place of Publication )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Began Aug. 15, 1890.
Dates or Sequential Designation:
-v. 3, no. 14 (Nov. 13, 1891).
General Note:
W.S. Graham, editor.
General Note:
Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 2 (Aug. 22, 1890).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
34175701 ( OCLC )
002071720 ( ALEPHBIBNUM )
sn 96027112 ( LCCN )

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Succeeded by:
Indian River advocate


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----- -- -- . .
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j;, 10. NO, a0. TITUSVILLE. FL-oRID \.. FRIDAY: MAY 14.: IDOUa: PIUOE. ISo.

--- -- _ _
----- --
--- ----


; Topics of General Interest. Preparatory to our Ul'lIInl"eluly The primary election In Titusvllle\ Is a Take note of the lintel ads ou our '

Inventory of Stock. Penney At liriuuihiK Up-to-date I Kliiio'H l>ry Good!!. Clothing& thing of the pant, Tuesday's" election Till page I,

Rending notice ads. are ten cent We offer everything In the Department Clot Iilers. and Shoe Store.A passed off quietly There was no uu- Tim A nVllo.\TIC Is on file at nil the '.
duo excitement rowdyism or drunken- t
(me on this page.) Store at Com for Cash. Any Item living away dozens. of handsomeMetal \ fox of Money will be given away Ileac on our stieets. Men worked like best, h..tolliin. New York city. "

TUB ADVOCATE charged duilcg this sale will be charged Hat
Hacks to their
customers. free to the holder of the key which unlocks Trojnnx during the day for their rrspco'- Take note of The Breakers ltd. on our

il 1,50 per annum. In advance... at the regular price. Every; week we give one ""' "y. the lock. Ive candidates sod "left .stone ,1th hotel situated Sea:
I \ six months Sale they no page/: This U at ::
.j> begins Saturday, May 1IIth! 100(1) ( Who will be the next luckYODtl'lIy
Sfj.OOper an. to foreign cou ntrles. One key given with every *.( ) purchase unturned" to secure vntos. breeze and In open for the summer aOI'I I
and \ \
Mill continue ; ,
through/: Saturday: Saturday night the tickets will all .
Ilien subscribe for the ADVo- : at Klics's Clotlijrig, Gents' Furnishing Considering( It was a rainy day, Titus- son, under. the management of Mr, D.) J.
night June 2nd. I
be off/ Series .
you T, Color Blue Will adver ,
the year, it does not cost you Dry Goods and Shoo Store. vllle's voters turned out pretty well nt Holt. .
c by No exceptions will be made
-every for the number next Issue.
cents per week postage Included. JULIUS: KI.INK the polls and 13:1: oust their 1 ballot.
Item guus-dry goods shoes clothing, Past four weeks the following have Fla. Mr.' A. D. Cushing/ one of tho chief

Ite date of expiration printed upon bats, caps, gents' furnishings. furniture, been the lucky ones: Titusvllle Seteral ballots were thrown out, owing" clerks of Hotel Koyal Polnolomi. << Palm
) paper or wrapper every week. This to there being no X nmrk In front of
Receipt for your money. No need etc II. Y. Pitts, (o, 1711, Color! Red.J. Editor Oslln, of the Melbourne name, the X mark being ou wrong aide Beach will be room dork at the Grand
Come early and bring cash. Union hotel Saratoga this summer, Mr. '
etc (tend receipt for subscription. your W. Kirby 28H' Oroen. visit Wrdnetclay. ;
Times, paid Titusvllle n on of ballot, and the X bol.ig marked be-
idate Rives I it to you. Don't miss this oppm'tunlty-I'he qnly E.B.Sembler', :311, '. Lemon. Edward. Wlllard. Is also engaged as room '
foie all names on the ballot. Several ..
JADVOCATKS for sale at the Red chance for a year to purchase'goods/ at 0 C. Hansel), 18(17( Tan. clerk.
-Mr, J. DeV, Sams of Courtenay scattering votes were cast, which are
is absolute cost F. II!. Boys, (;:31)) Pearl.
Titusville. Mr. (lllbtirt. Karlntoth formerly of theHomestead
Pharmacy Yours for business brought the ballot box to Titusvllle on not worth mentioning. il-il
Mr, W. II. McFarland of Tltnsville\ JOHN R. WALKER &: CO., V. A. Babers, 81, Golden. Wednesday. The names of Fred A. !\Morgan for hotel, Hot Springs, VII, hits r

With every ten cent purchase you geta County Commissioner of the lat District boon appointed 1 manager" of the Hotel
tb the Great Wallace\ Shows at Headquttrteia: THE LAHOK IIKICK STORK. 4NChelsea
Mr. A. J. Sembler of Sebastian was .
ticket on this beautiful rack. ,
2lrd New ;
West : street York. .
who announced himself >
only as a
jiute, Gas, to-day. Titus iiIe, Florid.Mr. Each week tickets all off of card In town a couple of days this week. He .. tl
a we candidate a few day previously; and A. !Mr Failntosh Is a very popular nod en. t't
Mr. Geo. B. Hall of'.Sebastian was then remove the seal, whoever holding came to Tit usvllle to vote. i and the ADvocATe ;'
ergetio man
Rufus Stewart ut Hrantley, . Carter candidate for member of Hre- young V. ,
two a couple of days or so this' week, was a visitor to town un Wednesday the corresponding number gets the -See that your yards and sidewalksare yard :School Board, for Distilct No. 1, wishes him every success In his new tfj toifoe.

ttiest of his parentl.- .Thursday.: .. present. cleared of weeds and trash and your were not printed on the ballot. Their "N

CABBAGE, New Irish Potatoes -Mr.' T. J. :Snail, of Eau Gallle. was a Mall order. a specialty. fences In good order. names had to be written on the ticket. The 11 ay wood White Sulphur Spring f \,(1 I'

|,1 Squash at Wagoner *: Co.'s. visitor to'1'Itusvllleon. Wednesday PENNEY & BRANDING:! IF YOU WANT TO BUY OU SELL. Voters did not care to take the troubleto Hotel Waynesvllle, N. C J., owned by B. ',I(;

The Up-to-date Clot hie is, Real Estate on Indian River, apply to : write names on the ballot hence the Sloan has been leased by J. L. and D. wt(

M. P. J. Cooper, a prominent real- -Capt. Orlando Qaarternran of Chester .M eo'. and Buys', Furoishers, Judge I). L. Gaulden Titusvllle FlaMr .* small number votes received by these M. Alexander of Ashevllle N, C.The ; )s
of was In town on Wed nes- Shoals House of Kef waslu'l'Itusville .
Cocoa uge, Titusvllle Fla. two candidates.The .
editor, of the ADVOOATB has visited the ,\ ,.L '.'
He brought; up the ballot box. on TuesdayMr Wntton son of Mr Wm. Wat- '
above hotel whloh Is brick ; ii'
n large'
arrived Wednesday ,
-Mr. John S Frana well known ton, of Clifton, In town f"
|,Irs. Balsden and Miss Balsden and Alts. L. Alexander, who citizen. of Jacksonville was thevlea..ant bilngtng,: the ballot box with him.Mrs. town election for or against bonds building, situated In n park. of twenty ,

have been spending the winter In resided in Tltusviile fur a year order callers among will take place on Tuesday, next, May acres of .pine, maples and oaks, with jl, ; 'f

I Episcopal rectory, on Palm street sold all their household effects, and on at this office yesterday.Mrs. Newcomb Barco of Ocala; and 22nd:! and your attention Is drawn to the the picturesque Rlohland River running \' ; {

for their home In Atlanta last Frl- Monday left for Cuba. E E. Rollins entertained the Miss Villa Rest, of Pldoock Georgia, election notice printed the :'Ird page of nt the edge of the land. The hotel I Is ', "I ,

Woman's Home Mission were among the pleasant caller. at this un,1, i 4i I "
afternoon Wanted of fair Society on the ADVOOATB. modern In all Its appointments and i, d
-Lady or gentleman
Wednesday Afternoon, and, hone who attended office/ yesterday derwent considerable Improvement two \ ,,., t tI 1
Mr.[ and Mrs. J. Lorlllard Jr., and education to travel for a firm of $25,0M; ( ) I ,
[ report a delightful time. -Mrs. R. E. Mime of Fort Pierce, MARRIED. years' ago.! There I I. some !lovely scon ,J 1 A
|ly left here, on Monday\ for a cruise capital. salary: $1,072 per year payable '
who has been visiting relatives at Mime\ ery around Waynusvllle, and the Iliy- '
o Indian River, Mr. Lorlllard will weekly Expenses advanced. Address FOX RIVER and<< Four Crqwn Elgin / .j r '

after the Interests of the Termaat Oeo. G.Clows, Tit us vii Ie. Fla. 2t Butter at Wagoner & Co. for a couple of weeks or so, returned Mr.' G. G. Howard and<<1 Mrs. 11. W. wood White Sulphur Springs hotel U a.

home on Wednesday, Reynolds! were married last evening May good place to stay r
(onahan gasoline engine while away. -Mrs' A. Monroe will leave here next -Mr. John Livingston of Port Orange Hill lillMI the I Rev 'V, F. Allen oillolat-

week, for Benton, Flu., on a visit to her' ; and Miss Villa Rest of Pidcock.Ga _Are you /going North by steamer ? Ing./ "Marlborough"/ designate the belt 1;"y .
,>Ir. Wm. M. Brown spent Saturday If ticket from Sanfordto known of" the English/ dukedoms anti ). I ,'
father. She will, probably go north for ., arrived In T'tusvllle\ Wednesday you are, get your -Mr. Frank Weblmr .pent Sunday y
[lay and Monday In Titusvllle, with Jacksonville, or Jacksonville\ to New one of New York'. up-to-date hotels. ':l'\ I '
a while later in the season. Mrs. Monroe on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Rice. Titusvllle with his mother hire M. E. '
[.imlly, and enjoyed part of his time York from the Clyde Line agent at this The Sweeney-Tlorney Hotel Company ,rl
will Tltusville in October.
return to
fug after his beautiful orange; grove -Dr. F. H. llougliton Is kept busily office Webber. have made Hotel Marlborough one of \" t

tannic aold factory. lie returned -Prof. Jno. M. LaIIin of New Yor'k.lIays. engaged In his dental parlor. at Day -Mr. Oeo. M, Robbins t loft here on -Mrs. A. J, Wagoner and son, Carl, the foremost houses In this country. ; 4 .

liaml I on Tuesday morning ss he spends more of his time In tone; while Dr. Urich Is likewise. em- the 3 a. nt, train, yesterday to'argue left, On Monday for Tennessee, to spend Since the noooitslon of the present company ,. ti; l .

Tit us VI lie than In Gotham, he has registered ployed on board Dr. Ilonghton's houseboat In United the summer with relatives.Mrs. to the control the Marlborough :.$1 I ,t
\\Iin8 Charlotte M. Palmer lift here, tome law cases the States .
and will, hereafter cast his vote In Dentns, at Melbourne.PIIOTOGRAPIIS.Ali ban added largely/ to its former fame, ;,1, rti
'Jay far :Sanford Jacksonville and Court at Jacksonville.The T. Blake Walker after a pie..
Titusville. Prof. I.nllln/ Is the New : kinds of photographs and I is the resort of some! of the best I pea ) '
ant of few week. with her
indlna N visit a
en route to Brooklyn, parents
York athlete who fought .John L. Sullivan taken, in up-to-dateatyle, from communication sent from M loco pie of the South. When you stay at the e'
and \ James Prltchard
'he will\ return to Titusvllle before Cupt. ,
two occasions. He will soon return to the .ADVOCATE for publication Is do fall downstairs 1 ,
on tl.73; and upwards per dozen. Portraits Marlborough, not to 1 g<> ,
theJli. returned to her home In Jacksonville on
severe cold weather sets In In
held over for the writer's signature. It ;
to New York for the summer Crayon Pastel Water Color and and visit the Rathskeller. Hotel
She went to Jacksonville via1st. Tuesday M
Is signed "Voters, and<<1 complains hoot
Is limb whole
Marlborough managed by
Johns River, and purchased herft DO YOU WANT A SEA TftlPf-One 011 and Paintings enlarged at from most reasonable small photograph rates-, changing; ,: the polling place from Mlccoto -Rev, and Mrs. W. F. Allen expect to souled and genial gentleman, Mr. E. M ; '1
t at the ADVOCATE office. first class Round Trip Ticket, meals any 'i
Grant. move Into the new I Io-morrow whom' I'
parsonage \ of whom with
Included for sale the llables taken as quick as a everyone
and berth over
fir. nod Sirs S. B. Rathbun and Mallory S, S. Line, )Fornandina to New wink. Call and sea samples of our -:Mlus Nannle Carutbers; of' Clearwater (Saturday).from This Mr.homo Andy was Wagoner recently for ho come In contact speaks good.word. >;,.

Grace> Rathbun having secured York ; cheap. Call, ADVOCATE office, work and then you will know what who has been on a visit of a purchased '-'--
the Methodist ohurch.
J''S over the Clyde Line at the ADVO- TltusvilleVia. we can do for you. month or more to her sister Mrs. G. E. furnished Cottutfo at Houoh., ,;

ollloo, left here Tuesday for San- II. FAUST, Tltunvllle, )Fla. Early of Titnsvlllo, left today for Orlando -Mrs.! Newcomb Baron of Oca la, who' ;: JI \

and, sailed next day, for Jackson- -:Mr. and !Mrs. Henry M. Flagler who where *he will spend a few weeks' has been In Titusvllle visiting her II.tu. For rent a furnished' cottage at the i
been spending about six monthsat Referring( to Mr. and Mrs. Porchor sea-slde, Seabreeze; seven room; on t'd;1 : ;
eo route to New York. They will, have before returning to her home. Mrs S. E. Rice, for the past three week, ,
boarded and family who passed through here on board walk Next door t '
for the
Beach and St. Augustine, season
real, spend the summer at Ham- Palm -The attention of our Marshal Is leaves today to join Mr. Baroo, at Lnec ; ;;
and left for Monday en route to Jacksonville, the to the Breaker HotoU l
[l port, N, y., but will return to TlI'le a special train drawn to the fact that many shade treeson burg (n route home. j f
"Mr.' and Mrs. E. I'. .:'
the North They have made a much Metropolis says: Address ht/its. H, S. Al>A"", r f
early In the fall, and again oc- Porcher of Cocoa accompanied by their the streets of Titusvllle are being -)1". U..E. Rainy who for some time ) ,
I longer stay In Florida this season, owingto :17-'H: : Box: 70 Stmbruexe: Fla. I t
their cosy wl nter>home destroyed! by horses and mules that ale "
bright and Interesting family, consisting past bss resided In Titusvllle, loaves today
the weather .we have been ------ -- ,1/ C
Adrienne and dally tle.llo the trees; while some men for Eau Gallle to her husbandand : ;, t
be Miami Record says that Mr. T. having. Mr. and Mrs. Flagler expect to of Misses Mnysle, Myrtle Join I'n"e.. \'%
later. Master Arthur are In the city, and are wantonly out the trees with pocket make that place her future home.
proprietor of the City mark. return to Florida In Nov. or Dec. yon
\West Palm Beach has purchased delightfully situated In their accustomed 'knives. We believe there Is a town ordinance The AnvocAf K will follow and give her The famous. Hector Island Property !; .

!liaml market and will spend a -The contract for considerable Improvements apartments at the Duval hotel, for a against the above. all the Titusvllle news, Indian HI TOP,, ac {Melbourne, Flo.. F I

Part of his time In Miami. to be made to Mr. residence Chas II. stay of several weeks, Mr. Porolier Is -neader. are you one of those whoexpect -Mrs. M. S. Jones who has been at consisting of 12 room Hotel and Club'I;, .

l la a good business man and un- Walton's house, adjoining the the well known and efficient general us to Invade everybody's home to St. Lucia for several days, visiting her room 7 room Bungalow, and 3 room .'q ,

of Mr and Mrs. Wm. M. Brown Julia agent of the Indian River and Lake so Item from which we do not re- I Cottage.; Fins nation fur a hunting, ,, :, I ''
I'H'U' the art of selecting and carlo( get I brother :Mr. Torn Paine, who wan severe
street, Tltuitvlllu, has been let to Contractor Worth Pineapple Growers' Association, ceive any pecuniary benefit If fishing/ or yacht uliili. Fine harbor !
|'ats as one of the best. Ills pros- the you Injured a couple of weeks ago, returned I
I for business In Miami are consider- L. R. Decker and work on and Is looking after the Interest of his know any Item that would be of Interest home on Wednesday. We are pleased With service of family of throe .* .

building will commence as soon as the companies while In the city. Later he friends do not think It keeper ewsrdess arid) waitress, by the ;,
1to ,
of the best.-Mr. Feaster' was a to you or your fa learn Mr. Paine, Is on the road) to re .". t
|':w resident TJtusville lumber I la'on the ground. Thehouse and his family will go North and West too much trouble to write It and send to former (Uam Warden of the Ouaapeke ,
of : for many covery. t
will for business on or about Oct their summer outing among relative. of Rookland New York. ',i;) I
,and Inf1" open for this office. It will only take H few" minutes Club county J' .
we wish him every success 1st, and wll, !, hereafter be known as and friends, returning |In the late autumn to write .n Item. -Attorney It. II Seymour, of Miami Expert guide, boatman and I dog trainer. w 1

venture. "The S'erling.: to thef J cosy home on the beautiful Indian was In town on Wednesday attending to Fine Hulling, hunting and boating/ .., "

River" jFor Httle. some law matter before Judge Jones. Address. owner, W NUCLMK.V, ; j

Walker Hardware, Co. Jlargralns at Prltchnrd's.Fewer !:, DRY 9FURNITURB GOODS, SHOES. Mr. Seymour says his law practice has Brevard Co. Melbourne Fla, 'Ij) M l
been and strenuous for .
so heavy some
Your eyes fitted with IIAWKE3 At Mlcco\ \ Fla., 00 acres of fine timber '

f Ire agents for the celebrated Syraht ) Gallons; Wears Longer. fine lenses, any style framo'' land at 110.01) per acre; also three acres month past, that he Is "all run clown." Teueher' Kxani I Inatlon.'r' ;:
Ills father and mother will soon Mr.
teell'lo"s. Cultivators, Harrows, Always on hand, |1..6.3 per gallon. :ilficts J to 300.( at Fan Uallle. Good farming land. pay }
month's vlilr and then lie '
] when In Titnsvllle call and see 1 Mason fruit jars, 85 cts a doI /. Pictures framed, any style tl.OO up. Reasonable term. Seymour A The regular June examination: of "
will take a complete rent from business. I
Brevard held
tacher for will be
Write for If doz. office chairs. CHAfl. T. McBniDK county I
descriptive circular I quart Mason fruit jars 75 eta a Screw and spring seat ,

eted JAS. PRITCHABD: SON, Bureaus, full size, new tTM up. ma,3mo Melbourne, Fla. I>o You Want u Male ? In the public school building at Titus I ,

'Iclc'< Meal vllle, commencing Tuesday, June Alit, i ilOOfl '
Gasolene Stove, the acme Titusvllle Fla.Iliiildjin CIIAS. A. OABDSIJI, Telephone: .
at 8:1:10: a. m. :
flection. A large stock to select A >MltIon Four good, young Mule for sale. ,
Jon H. WAI.KKH tf,
; ,
"one better. ? Lots For i.1.OO.{ Fruit and Vegetable Apply to Pfurci/rTT B1I04.Tituavllle. .
klnJ of Shelf Paint Da. County Superintendent. .. .
Hardware Party owning 81) acre. of fine hammock ,

l ete. Iou (shout(OxlOO of land In Indian River Narrows, on ---- .
Four good 1 building Shipped to Man: Brothers, corner For Kent.
|lair\ for Gas Engines Launches () lot Peninsular John's Island will Motor Ilout Hull For Hule.
feel each) on Palm street J5.)0: a Bay sad Julia streets, Jacksonville\ opposite -

If sold quickly.Do Fla. always bring goodrecults. Their lease la loU of 10 acres or more on following Length, 27 feet;'"Goodwin' model; supplied The Taylor cottage, furnished, from ,

|"Chandlery or not rains this bargain. We, have I facilities for handling Pineapples, Grapefruit terms: with ItS h. p engine,; ; 10 mile. May 10'h' for summer' season. Terms,
write i the1VALaaa I Tenant to clear land and set out la .
Orange and Early Vegetable can
some others. Address, "Motor BDI.t314:1 /* '10.01 per month
HARDWARE Co.Tituaville MOIIOAX A: WALTON, 'not be surpassed. This I I. one of the citrus tree to be furnished by owner. : Care AUVOCATB, Titusvllle. F. :M. TATLOV, a

Fla. Tltusvllla. Fla. oldest and most reliable hoae la this To cultivate and care for tree five years. Tltnsville, Fla. ,

Gardening land) on bis own account dur-
them. -
state. Try Knox Marine Gasoline F.narlne..
log the time. At the end of five year t't'If
Dra7lng. ., Horse For Sale. -- Orocerl* -Cheiip. ,
Wood for Sale. the tract will be divided between. owner Strong, simple end reliable. Float -

I In fine' condition for and tenant. feed automatic carburetor. When you you wish to save money on groceries,

71ag or hauling of all lade prompt- Bay horse, Pine or oak, any length Also plow- Address' "Proposition; buy the Knox: your trouble are over. etc., try *n order at the Pescook Grocery

lale at aU time. Rockledge Fla. W Jamison Titoarllle, Tla. Msl8 Junl TUnsvlIle, Fla. 34-tt Titnsvllle. FU. and upCodate.A .

H. E. HOLT**.TItnsTille. tf

.... ," 'I
"i " --.t iJ.-.: a

G Gr

r G G1i



2 ,

j Free and ly after 1800 they became more venturoHouae comer on the eastern, shore of the bay.

und big utructures of twelve, The population was scant, even thougha KIDNEY TROUBLESIncreasing ;

AccePted Masons'. fourteen and even seventeen stories settlement hud been made as earlyas I z:S: WAZTc

:JjJf were built. Hie modern Iron and steel 18CO.:: Tor twenty years after the In- Among: Women. But

skeleton frame wait used and lu the corporation of Hun Frnnclncothe place i Sufferers Need Not Despair
earthquake of ISIIH!> the Imlldlntfs of had no railroad connection with the I

i Indian No. 00 tills type stood tile HUoclc well. eastern states mid It was over 13.00O .TIlE BEST ADVICE IS FREE

River % 'yjj Tltusvllle The following: graphic and interesting ,' miles to New York by steamer around I I
i tory about Sun Francisco was Cape horn The last spike that united I Of all the diseases known,with which

Lodge. A \ Florida. written a few days ago by Mark Ben- | the Union Pacific and Central Pacific; the female organism in afflicted and statistics kidney
most fatal
f'f' roads at Promontory at the north end, disease Is the
I, Hnldsltsmentinghthesisnnl.nAfnurthWeAi '- nltt who wall Hiiperlntuiideut; of thee I how that tills disease is on the increase
i k i nemliiy of Hniili month) In the Munonio. 'l''ni|, general press bureau at tli e St. Louis of treat Salt lake In ttllli."nll driven I
h Titus-ille, at 1 M: o'vI wk p. u. fair: May 10 IftiO./ Dully steamers bad I among women. SELFLOCKINGI

w F. A. Morirnn, Worshipful Mauler. then been running through San Pablo
John It Wallor Honlor Warden I An old man cut oue evening 111 that I.. ''rp'q n,
i W 1'lilllp W. Itoliertn, Junior Wanlen.II. wonderful rotunda of the I'ulaco !hotel hay the strait of Carqulnew' Sulmin i i
+' + F. Duren Treaitiirer. ,!I bar and the Sacramento river to RIICI 'Sjlj Itll ii iiLlr'fErnma
J.Cnrrurlieni, Booretary. lu Kim Francisco iiiirratliig to( a partyof > I I
{ 4 A. 1>.I'onnov. Henlor Duanon. ft'lelldllllowe of !bin experienced/ aa Uo'' ramp'.ito for t'l'lIt1'l'UI'; '', so when the i I
tarry u. Wnlf in. Junior Deiiaiin.U. rnllrondn cape Sun Francisco's destiny '
U. II. Walton,Hnnlur Hteward., young man In 'the great city of the T..ACKLE:
''t. M. S. Hams. Junior Golden Cater I had become unalterably tlxed. I

1 J.F.K.A.Walker Limluy, Tyh('Iin|r>liilu.. ""WUeu I lauded. !here lu 18.;;,," avid 'rho railways were bought to Oakland ,

f he "tbe ship cast her anchor near und long molts were coiixtructed

t where the Chamber of Commerce now reaching far out to the deep water of
+ 1, 4 INDIAN JUVKIt CHAPTER NO. stands." the bay,_ where the ferry steamers I IE3LOCX'

AKCII MASONS.The "' could meet them. Time has wrought a
t The place la not lees than half a mile '
: Indian. River ( lUival, Arch Maxon marvelous clopment\ of the tralllc
::1; tmiotii the lint "'ha\.I..r.' \ each iiiimcli. at the from the present waters of the< buy. :
Meeontu'1'empln "Ilctween tbe site of this hotel and across the buy. Magnificent ferry

?'G ., The following are the ..m'Jf'"uf thin chapter i the bay" he continued. "wus a hill of steamers, many of them devoted exclusively ,

t' M H. Hiinm, Exii'lliint high 1'rlont. to passengers' ply buck: mad
l + IM' ..7.11.alkur, King. sand/ nbout us high as the hotel.
I ;; R.N. Andrews, Hurlbe.K. The anal bill was thrown into the forth in a continuous procession carrying

t,' .:A.It.:WilHi.n.Morgan, T-eimur SiMretary.JI. bay long age and many others might noOiO) people daily, From Berkeley J'awyer

.T Hen.B. PrIGhett !loyal. Arcli Captain have been to the advantage of San un electric! train files clown to meet

W+ Louis T. 8.: Sanders Alexander.. rapt Principal of llimt.. Holoiirner.II. : I)runc-lHco.. each Berkeley boat and other swift j Unless early and correct treatment III

,' 1 A.Stewart M".tor..r Klriie" V. "That was In 18;,."," continued the trains take the passengers, for Oaklandand applied the patient seldom survives '
y\. .r. N. Waller Master or Wnpond' V.V. narrator, "and they told me I bad come'OVI'I' the long piers that. when once the disease is fastened upon Is a new and great Invention, as It Haves time, money and laboi it will Wo

;r )> J..1).EnnlsSnetnwL M. 'lavlor MII..r of Ihlnl V. too late to reap( any profit from the Uugerlike! spread out In the bay. her. We believe Lydia is the E. l'inkham'sVegetable most efficient horizontally: upside down or at any angle., It Is Impossible for the rope to i

growth of the city" A great city has sprung Into being on treatment Compound for chronto kidney when locked, and no lever or trigger rope attachment Is used in this devil]

tile eastern Hliore. Oakland with Alaiiieda There Is only one hoist, lower and lock tbe load and It Is .
oituKit OF IASTKKN HTAK.FrlomlHhlp "Pourllriies. TiTlIie year 1005; the city troubles of women and is the only med- impossible f.n'thoron
on till south and Berkeley on tbe icine for this jam or chafo, and there Is nothing to Ret out of order In tbls
Chapter. No. 11, lioliln Its niaotlnicsIn of Ban Francisco broke the monthly especially prepared original t.irkloblc.
tho MiiHiiiiln. J.inliroriMini' Titimvlllo. nil tliafirst record lu tlio value of building permits north has luO.MMj() population The purpose. May b. seen at the ADVOCATE otlloe, Tl'usville; The S. Jt, llubbniil
.. in each nmnth at 8:'IH) Co
\ anil tlnnl Inemlay three municipalities are properly as When is. troubled with painor ,
a woman
with of E. O. Painter & Co. Jacksonville.
/ + m. Tha following are the olllcer or the issued no luate prospect a cessation ,
.1; ChaptertMrN.;: of growth than there Is In tbe much u part of Sail Francisco as Brooklyn weight in loins, backache, frequent '.
Is of renter New York painful or scalding urination swellingof .
a putt
S (}. M nolililim. W. M. city of New York. Many millions of
John R. Walker W.Y.'r though still Independentof the larger limbs or feet swelling; under the
" 'r iI l, '' Mm' Cathernlle5llln..AeNo'iateM., dollars go every year Into structures of city In their government. Some day eyes an uneasy tired feeling in the S., f\ --
'oJ Ti ,Mlwt Kate Htnwurt loniluotrmu.MlMf the most permanent sort:, from sHvrupers ; region of the kidneys or notices a ?
AN.uclate'on. they will add n mile to their width by
, <
with skeletons of steel to sediment in the urine, she should
, 'IriMmirer.
Mush %anlliaStewart(
I In the mud flats that lie
tilling along
'y. !, Mrs. II. It. Wllmin/ Bnoratary.Mr . flats and dwellings of the humbler / lose no time In commencing treatment
t b'. A. Miirvnn:' faith.Y ln, kind. The city In without trees except their water fronts. with Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable ,
Mr tlre.J.1t.. M. A.Walker rhnirnoiir, Martha.Mr hero and there lu Its remote suburbs The Sun Francisco: climate to the Compound as it may be the means of
"" ..r. Kline, Ktter. but the new arrival from the east Is not the saving her life. a
absence of shade trees is one
M ra.J. 1>, Hum, *,*.lucta.Chan. For read what LycKa E. Pinkham's -
most : frequent ,
ojtl'eeuble.Iornlnl fogs proof
: are -
. II. Walton. Wai tier. of tile least of tho worries here, because
, J.I..(irriitlier> H ..tlnel.. sunshine IK always such a wel- and they often chill to the bone Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. .-
R.It..II..lIl"r.I"'I. the person who is nqt acclimated.. But Sawyer. I
y Oen.M. Robbins, Chaplain.T1TUSVILI.K come thing to a San Frnnclncun.' I cannot the terrible angering I
you never hour U native complain. You express
Ban Francisco Is In every essential had to endure. A derangement the female
NO. 11. a metropolis. It Is so far from the go forth lu your overcoat only to find organs; developed nervous prostration and a .
:i; greater cities of the east that It Is compelled you are wearing the badge of the stran BerinuH kidney trouble The doctor attended "
' ger. A man without an overcoat Is no me for a year, but: I kept !Retting worse untilI THIS SHOWS
to take Itself metropolitan ,
upon and I made
unable to do
; was anything, up
to. bo lu Francisco than
more pitied Ban
rr. qualities. Hero lire shops of my mind 1 could nob live I finally deridedto THE FRONT
every possible kind to .supply every In Los Angeles or Sun Diego. You find try Lydia E. Hnkham's Vegetable Compound -
the atmosphere of Oakland much more as a last resort and I am to-day a well
known to here
I commodity commerce; to your liking although It is but live or woman. I l'.mnobpralHe it too highly, and I WALTONE
, are men skilled la craft to "
' every produce tell every Buffering woman about my case.
\ any article of modern need; here six miles across tbe bay. The wind -Mrs. Emma: Sawyer, Conyen, Ga. THESE ARE OUR

\ are nil the grades of society, all the movement Is almost continuous on the Mrs. Pinkham gives free advice to PAT. BLOCK I PATENT LONG-

I denominations of religion all the peo- peninsula-from the ocean during the women ; address in confidence Lynn, ROLLER BEARING

Meet every nrntftnil third Monday.. In each ples of the so called civilized world, day and from the mountains In the Mass.

r month at 730: p. in., Blurj( at tho Manouui mingling lu cosmopolitan medley; here night- but rarely violent. Oakland -- d SHEAVES.
-- ----
Temple. stands beneath a high spur of the
Con.,1 CniiimanilMr. .. ... .. ..........A.n.Penney are buildings of every sort-wood,
Adviser Lieutenant .. .., .. ,.. ..../.R.Waikor, brick stone, cement and steel framed, Coast range and the orange, tbe palm FINE PROPERTY FOR SALE.
Banker. ... ... .. ..... .. . .. ...\V.K.Walker and the roses flourish. the year through.
least... ..,.. .... . .... ....... O I. Mamlavllle from the architectural masterpieces of In the
Clerk . .. ... .... . .... .J.L tarnitlieri geniuses of wonderful skill in artistic eastern shore cities foliage and
Watchmau ...... .... A, ...... J.N Waller flowers are abundant and you feel the IN BREVARD ST. LUCIE AND , '
Bontry.... ...,-...... ... . :.. .... J.I>.Knnl'* composition tbe creators of symphonies contrast that Sun Francisco Is .... .
i Director..,.... .,. .. . ...1.V.wllminR in stone and marble to the miserable for DADE COUNTIES. .
.R Pyles and H Norton business und the lesser cities for rest .
Camp riirilolau . .. ..... ....,.... t:.E.Kollln* hodgepodge lucking In comelinessor and comfort. LAND FOR SALE, St. I.ucle and Dade
" All visiting. Womlmon are cordially Invited to the least of artistic merit. hither counties. Description of hind West
attend the inoetlnwii. come the ships of the world to tie at San Francisco Is faking on the as- Ja of northeast jy and west ',3 of..IIUt|h.

! the great wharfs or to ride at anchor pect of permanence 111 common with east \$, eec It), township :'Al: lange 30,
American cities generally. Many a 1(11( :2O-100() acres, Vt. I.ncl' ellnnl,)'.
In the sheltered bay. Here are unloaded -
I Weft la of noith, .,em 3 and \,ellt Ja
town has beeu built lu manlier that
the treasures of the orient and of all
I indicated the of I f dontliwrxl J ,66'c. :A3, lonnkhlp 32
probability early removal -
._ zones. From this port go the multitudeof I'Hn1C831)), lIiO( acres, Si,. I.i.cle ennuty /tOO.
to some other site. The work
things the ) )
t171NL produced "upon Padua Nora hensr' % of aiiulbeasr,%. ""0.3,
er (NTHE U C elope or other products shipped by rail of the builders of today Is generally/ of In.. nKhip" :MS south range 41 seat;

SSI'di.i tt.OOtheir places of origin east of the the enduring kind. The foundations clone to O. K Wood's pineapple plan-

ICocky divide, here to be transshippedto are laid deep /and tho walls are thick ration. on St. I.ii'ie, fiver,; 40 Hel ell,

ports live to eight thousand miles sad solid. The huge ferry building nt I)>id.. conntv' -

across the time Pacific. Importers and the foot of Market street Is one of tbe Also, the northeast l:( of northeast 1

handsomest of modern buildings. It sec. 18, township 34 south, range
1t importers vie with one another to sure if-,
Is MOO feet long, solid as the mountains east; on south fork of M. Icicle ,
former records of
business;mss and there are brokers a prodigious in everything and Is tine gateway of traffic I liver; 40 acres, Dade county. W altoll-Vinton Patent Roller Bushed Sheave

i ; combining to swell the volume across the_ great bay.A Apply to W. A. HAL, Stuart, Fla..

of the city's commercial transactions stroll along the water front Is full -

,I from to of Interest. Here are sloops unloading WILLIAMS KIDNEY PILLS
year year. .
You feel that you are in a land of baled straw and hay or bags of Have you neglected: your Kidneys ?

.' : / progress. The leaven of enterprise Is grain from Stockton a city fifty miles nave you overworked your nervous. IIvll-
H lem and caused trouble with Kidneys ----
h active In every line of effort. 'TIleclty'll up the Sun Joaquin river. Here are your I
lumber ships from Oregon and Wash and Bladder ? Have you pains In
streets become avenues of traffic the loins. side back, groins and bladder ?
ington. Hero are the great Pacific
before daylight; and continue thus Have von a llubbj appearance of Ihe face
liners from China and
ceaselessly all day, as In other great Japan closely especially under the even ? Ton frequent

mart. Only In the small hours of the watched by the customs officers unloading desire to pails mine ? If so William's

night Is there a lull la; th6 activities ; their miscellaneous Imports.In Kidney. Pills will ours you. Sample free., r I a '

San Francisco of tae great population. When one the bay/ are one -or two vessels of Uy mnll1iIll'III. Sol.I l>v IrncRlHig. N I l

tho navy enduring/ the dull routine of WILLIAMS:: 1\1'F'O. CO., Prop's.

,, relay_ot workers with their ponderous peace, while beside them are the tiny Cleveland, O

teams and vehicles, retire to rest, others canvas covered launches that bob like ( ,

seemingly step In to take their corks on the billows. The wharfs .Fewer Oallons; Wears Longer I

Earthquake places, and tile thundering trntiic goes extend for miles along the city's shore Fewer pxllone. ; takes less of Devoe tI

on and on, Year lu nnd year out the each year rolling up a greater and Lend lund Zinc than mixed paints. \Veais

denfeulug roar of heavy wheels>* upon greater business the culmination of longer; twice as loiiit as leAd and oil. I '
the rocky floors of the streets abides I II IIIII ,
which .
no man con see.challenge
N i Stricken City with the dwellers In tho downtown districts. WALTON ELF LOCKING BLOCKS III
Patented In all
oountiles. Onlv tackle
The clang of the car bells Is
heard block of the kind lu the world. Fitted
everywhere with scarcely more
with the Walion-Vinton Roller
than u slight: cessation when traffic Is Hearer Useful In any place where

lightest\ At midday the streets are hoisting Is done. With these blocks
Bennitt's Pen Picture gayest This Is a city of Itouiullesswealth. one man can do the work of two.

:Many millionaires ore here Thousands sold in the north Call
of the
Metropolis And many more are In the> making and and Bee them In working order at this

uealth without dlni>luy Is contrary to office or at E. O. Painter & Co.s',
the Pacific
on the modern view one form of ex- paiitS Jacksonville, Flu *

jiresHlon quilt tho vogue In Snu Francisco These long Roller Bearing, Sheaves, which are looked upon an he gine

Slope. as elsewhere, H In the nutomo- Stanley: Jtitqhing: anti-friction roller bearing In the world, are without cages I Ito hold the row I

bile that coif' like n steam ;yacht to place, and therefore are far more durable and run with far less friction than t J
,. build or 11111 III tll III. Here It scoots -DeAler In- stall'
oMlItyle'cage. ')ii
Great Hive ol Industry Where Ships of I about tho busy ntreots In all tho formsof (Tinted Glost) FISHING TACKLE STATIONERY CIGARS the skeleton Iron. The sheaves.sheave castings are made solid, standing, double j

the World Have Unloaded Treasures of Its extraMiitunt development or runsto
( subuibaif ....uii>11. scattering terror a practicaltest Tobacco, Pipes, Caruiles, Fancy China
the Orient and of All Zones A City and Temperance Dilnks.
> to ; In with
every living\ \ thing whether gifted : competition
The brands
following of delivered
; of Boundless Wealth Whose Skyscrapers ., with two feet or four. cigars
othtr. at *J.25: per box of 50) : ,TATE:!.
You wonder how It happens that : IN TIIK. NEW
Have Successfully Hurnboldt, Key West Smokers Premos
r Withstood Former Earthquake Slln Francisco wax built on tho end oCR Why do they dare? Crerno Cabanas ohalnkl.. -For all kinds of businesses where a. Tackle Block Is us"

1''lIlnMIIIIthnt Isolates
It almost
Because Lucas Paintsare Flinch Cards, BOo.; Hand Made Palmetto
Shocks.. us If It wore on an Island. Hats 25c.
f@ Tho natural place for 1elt)., according honestly made of STUART FLORIDA.

to the notion cf vmctlcally' all who

Ban Francisco, which was so seriously consider the subject. Is on the eastside pure materials cover !: Co

damaged by tin earthquake on April of the hny hero stand the lesser more surface than any Walton Self-Locking Block ,)

18, has had a number of similar experiences. towns of Oakland llerkoley and Ala- other paint have a

Iu ISt iiS und ISOS there were ml'll'rhe: question. of prciteut, expediency -

severe shocks. The former year a and not future need on the richer gloss hold their 404 Atlantic Avenue, .. .. .. BOS tN 1ISS3
crack several Indies wide and eight or part of those who first' dropped\ anchorIn I

nine blocks. long was uuule In Market San Francisco bay determined the and --- .
cost less be. - --- -- -- - -
4 location of the ---' ---
vlty. The water was .
street the inalu thoroughfare of the
r G' city. In ISthe tall building were naturally deep around the peninsula cause they go so far. [ N13 ,mtrh Has Stood The Test 25 YeGrove's
making: a safe anchorage/ iiiitl the
a; Klveu a terrlQc shaking and some of Try them-or at least
shores were easy of approach.On I *
tho occupant were made dizzy and '
side. However the structures were the east side of the bay the water ask your dealer. 1L.31'h

was shallow anla ship could not safety ..naor.Me air Patternvlntdl.M.Uni1.4
rr uninjured. Prior to ISJH) there was John Lucas & Co I.Ih.n./-r other nt.k* of ptt .n. 16h. *I. owcount .
i' go wlthlu n mile or more of the .! their uyl. a eenry..d..opl"Ity. .
hardly n bulltllutf In the city that exceeded i
shore while a small bout putting off PhiladelphiaHold ateC.IP. Th.i.,...of ha. .
live stories lu height. Itulldera ., .,. .
er.wb.nb.n 'her ht. n
Iii m 1. i -
for the land would come to wide ..,. ., .
r..r' num.l r. liter. + 1.u.eb.
knew that the city hud stiffen-d" from .. '
seismic disturbances and were afraid marshes through which/ It was pray 1- rFr.,....pen .cnh.Fe.Ind.y, .b.rd"a./.a. 51,1 .t r-. Tasteless Chill Ton

ttcally Impossible to pas. There was > Lady Lire,. W..Nd.
hy .Tus. I M.mww..r
10 erect: !skyscrapers; !:!! However! _shorti ,.., then little attract rllcliar I the
U jo .
..! new. Tit nit 11I Ic, Flu and Pt.m.s Cfah .. a.u.. e. .
Nil lr.e. Addn.. Lila ales.AL1u.u.A.r 1wr No-Cure-No-Pay. cents.

4 .

( ." " .. ,.. ,,,..... ". "
..,w "Y"
.. .' ..


-- -- ---- - -- - -- ---
professional Cards. Tltii!'\tlle Town Klrctloii.WHERKA8. I<< I'KTITION. It IN l)any: 'r FLORIDA. Sciatica Cured After Twenty
, __ ._ T1TUSY1LLE
.i. I How ottcn .il,. we hear |I.i temnrked :: Years! of Torture

M. BOBBINS, THE FOLLOWING KKSOLf To "ti,'H only n rnlil," and M few tiny a laierleant .
E0. adopted. liy the Town Cnnnol. i the Honorable Hoard of County CornnilmtUmein I {that lli<* IH on lib hark. withphenmunia. For more than twenty years Mr.( J. II.

of the Town of kusville, at a reituiaiRESOLUTION r, Brevard County, Flit Massey. of :JI.IJJ: : : Clinton street Minneapolis
I IhU IH of .. Ii
C AND COUNSELOR meetlnit lead April loth, ,'''./. A Favorite Spot In a Favored at cant' nilnccitritMice
ATTrRNEY ientlenien: that .a euld bo"fc" r slight, Minn., was tortured by iclatlcn.

AT-LAW. ;: : We. the undersigned registered voters Secton-The Famous East all.aId nor IHilliot |riti.
oTw It y ,lie Town (' I and ,, lain' CiMiith; during this time I I. beyond comprelictmlon -
In State and United States ,. or Tihuvwfile i Florida" quuustlo110'e estate owner of tbe Thud Com Coast of Florida.ONTHEBEAUTIFUUNDIAN. Kcnirdy IIIIMTHO H any .
ill practice" issuing 1 bonds to the amount that of the .th r mlssu.uera District, Brevard county Flor- tendency .( .n cold. lo .allit In |I.n.*iimoiilH Nothing gave him any perm

(Court.Otnce .proreeda ot the sate of said bonds to he ex Tide 1 helnff! a. majority thereof do moat and hiss iralnt-d In. mt'iit' I opnlar nent .relief until he used Chamberlain'

T.TUSVK.M!: FLA. I vended In refunding the' present h..hte.lnoMI| a respectfully petition lo your Honorable 1VER fly Hiiil f\'JlI""oh' sale! 1"> I ii. |"iomplcuien 1'aln Bnlm: One application, of that liniment
at ulthe town at lower ,
a rate of Interest .1 relieved. the nnd made
exoexul8hr. .cent and Improving the Town not t.i<, Body to levy a special 7 mill tax for the I.t III* mom! common" ailimu1. it 1 pain sleep

Titnsvlllo Florldn, ender the direction of thi o I'' year limn, against all ,the taxable property always out'** and. IH ,pIpMMiint. 'in take. and, rest possible, and U'Ns than one hub

L. GAULDEU Town the (outlet! ; submitted to the electon 01 r in said Third Commissioner'. Dl\ .- Just the Place to Fit-out for a Cruise For dale. bv. AM Dealvin. tle has t-ITectrd' a fieimanent cure. If
town having the iiulini-atlni| / prescrlnei. I I tilct, for the --- . troubled with .sciatica or rheumatism.
'law at an' eleotl\ ., purpose of building and
hy n. I he hnl.t the Down this Far-famed
on tlai
A.TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Mav. A. 1>. Ill.NI : And the :M,lyor I I" herelU, Vif. keepinc i repair all the public roads. Inaid (....... In III* Mil. why not try n 25; cent bottlo of Pail

rested to Issue his |roulanmtlon In acoonlanri, .. dint i Ict. I Fine Fishing and Hunting Mr. R'llicrt' llurr. mare livpd n por- Balm. and sea for :yourself how quicklyIt

Iirill practice In all the Courts of tint State lioldliiic horowlth.presrrlhipgtbeplace, saul eli-Ptlnu. and II the and manner hy whon 01 r''r I EliNRsr!:\ VKnfcl.IfS' 1 The town of Tltusvllle Is M hi a ted on trait of Mark Twain '01\ silk inorcbnntof relle.eR'lh"! palu. For subs. by All
Btatas Court persons
Flort ... *'"''tns United It shall I ('11.\''. \\*. HOLTON OealeiaSiin .
hiondueted.MUdthatliepnbllsh sail: II t tI the Florida Ba t Coast Railway, 154 I..VOIH.: "Toll mo wlm that In, Mr.
:"*. TITUSVttLlC, FLA.J inn In a newspaiwr. imlilished lu ""hi I E U. A Conirnlltrn 'I
Box town IDIOt.D i
} rr'
|l.O of ritusvllle, for four sue.. serve week,'i Jos mile south of Jacksonville, 145 miles nil mild. The inorrlnint Ktizeil. nt the I I the AnvouAric your Job Printing _
nextpreeedingthe. huldingofsatsl. election LVD.IIA\ION nil nuxwprod "I should ---- ---
Passed In openeunnell K. A COXKI.IN: ( north; of Palm Beach' and 213 mile portrnlt ii any
at regular
WEBB, this lot.. day ot April IUIKI\ meeting e I north of Miami. The Tltusvllle branchof he wm a stiitoHinnn." 1I1'1'0I"liit| yon WEATHER REPORT.

t .:'.."R E. Rou.I". llIol\htl'e.: .. \Vne"". tbe defunct Jacksonville, Tampa &; wrong In that what would lw your
ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. J. I) KIM*. Chairman.; W T Wells H A I'onklluit "
not ? ntlcol Mr. Marr. "If hehe
KIII" Uov. fas, It White observer for
f Town I lerk.Approved .1 J F; FarleyH It A Key West Railroad now controlled by
I Will practice In the Courts of the 7th H. H. WH mx, M I.'\'''r. (E; v..d..lIl1s ConkliiitfK Co. not n ranker of liNtury lie It pcrlinpsn Weather Biiiumi' U. S. Doveinment.Sl'MMAllY .
A t V.nklnirK ) the Florid East Coast Railway .
for non-residents
il1ult.! Taxes paid WIIIIIIIII.olI writer of it: n /great historian |- Poll M 1.\l1'II. ItHHI
and accounts co Ieoted.USVII.LE A Conk log: also runs Into the town-this being the ,
" fcd rants ably Of (roiir It la Impoxxllilo for me
T. Jordan It A C'l.okU-iif clJ. Thereare IIlllhc..t temperiituie Oil :'llth . 87.'>
? FLORIIJA.ATTORNEYArLAW Now therefore I, H 1C Wits",,. mayor" .if Titus," Wm K Roesch !K A UonklinK terminal point of that to KUPNX lu'r-nrntely exo'pt by Hoolilent.but Lowest" .. let .,,- .O

In vibe aouonUive, hv the. authority with the....w'll.' "Ins.. "v I haw, and,1 K I A Coiiklln It AConkllntt several trains arriving daily from I use the mljertlre 'irrent because Mean for the month . . . . 72.4: '.
above ro .h.tlnnM. '
< dll
PENNEY hereby aii'iouni-n. ,publish"llIho. that all' U K Ptdillsuu. K A CoukUnnK Jacksonville and, Sanford during the I ran convlncT-d this man Is great In liU A v"'aloto, moan' for :XI: years . . . 7:J.I

P. elwriou will Im lib'ld at th..Collnelll'h"lnh..r. o y II U HodgsonJ I A ConkllnifK season. line wluitorpr, It la. If ho makes silk 1I11l1..t". ." :a.1M "Inl lK1 l. . 7:>.'

the IIKM, town, btttweeit of Tltiisvllli the; 'lunirs:: i-n of the a o'clcx anil .:day I a. m.of.May and; i I S Stone A < onkllng Ad the county neat of Urevard cotin ho milked the boHt." Mr. Itarr told the 1.0..faC" II :2/;;$ Ills 1111,1. . t\$.2

: o'clock |>. m (Humiiarcl. time) to ....,..rllllll.he K funier K AConkllnii ty. it has a court-house and a modern I'mirh' inprcliniit, who the portrult rrprr..nh.d Rainfall In Inches: . . . . . . . 0.2:1: r
question of 1 issuing Isnclsas set forth In the C (i lieilstono It A Conk llngr Average for :Jl!\* yeaia . . . 3.IUJlCrtlest y,
litr viM.Kt FLORIDA. or torujfolun: re. oliitiouof' (',,"non. Tho u in favo W S ThumasJ K A Con kh ntc Jail' building with rarely over two or mul. sold "You have mimintMlhim ( . W: .. In 1878; . . 0.71

till practice In all the courts of the 7th I. |H>Hed.I Inaulu will loads Miteaplaiii I to the "amount r above ballot,par'o i E M llndtfMonE It A Conk Unit three Inmates. The population is over up in your last .Plih'p.-JoOn"oD I.onst "* -/n" In 1 ItilHJ . t n..2i:!,.

Judicial Circuit. one side of which shall: r.- written or printed:: F !Hatch U A Conkllnir 1000. Illnesg! BO rare that one doctor News. Prevailingdircctlonnf wind . . SK ) s

the followlnir opposed words will "vote For a issutnahonda similar ballot." 'anthose .1, Ilea. ChilvtcnsenChiUrlan K A Conk line in town finds ample time to act as Number of clour days. . . . . . :23!: $

un CJlllia"cnll'n It A Conk fair . . . . . (
.which shall, he written or ling lI
l'rlnt..1gah..t teal Justice of the Peace and Notary Public To Curn ii AMES E ANDREWS Inir h..K.. I Peter ClirUn-nxen K A ConkliniiU cloudy . . . . . . I IIt

.be Those registered who' porticlpsta voters of. the In said election meet I. O !Uraln.nd A Conkllnir besides attending to his medical Take I.AXATIVK IIHOVO QUININE I IllbItil'ln. . . . :1 'L' )
.\.TTORSEY.A T-T.\W. therein who own real estate t..n.In the town renlillnir..n.1 r A Drake) K A CODkllnjt practice, while the other finds time to I Ihogkiss I Is. tliol li" litnliti If \II " thunder. . l H '

have paid. their tunes' for the !preceding year. R'I"Sm.lh It A Conkllnlll go hunting. hula lo CUIB, d.: ,\'. tiiiivti'H. ..lot'"I11"' i island Home, Meniit l Island l.l Fit ,t' I
I ofSt A..II. hereby. "appoint: K. 1 biiiclmh, T N. .
Judge Lucle County Iwckerand ).ar. J'tlg..n.en It A Con k II .\ .
County Capt. Charles. Fulton.. Inspector of sail nlC Here la virtually the bead of the In lu exult uux " -NIIi ------ -- r
N KIl8D1unlieu
election, and W H. Hull clerk of the same. It A CuollllnJ dlan River and the favorite point for \'AItlCOUNTY TKKA8IJKK; '
Four PIERCE FLA.. In testimony whereof l have hereunto. act my Slm..n Davies It A Conkllnl STATEMENT.'s *
h..ncl..n" causal the seal. of the town of Tltim I. K Ur..llla.d. (by I. II I B) I R A Conkllnll fitting out and starting of numerous Comparative: !Streiivlh! off Material.

yule 1'WB, to be atttxoil at Tltusvllle, Fla.. April hilt, E U Arnold It A Cookllnlt'H cruising parties during our balmy win I'aat Irou weights. 411 pouiuH to tho : *,.. let, IIMIff. ;

Tr.rIIRS E. FOSTER, \V W".hltttro It Httlmriwh. . hand Int. lime.. 11.2:1111I: \ %
H. R. WILSON A CODkIlDJ ter months; as everything necessary to cubic foot and an Inch Bijunre bar willUHtuIn Apr.
Attest: J. D. EN\I'., Mayor; JI' M Forest It A CnnkllnllV ,, AiniMlnt received. in. Apr 1UI 6. .. .. 1I.IJI"1:
n weight of Itl.MX) pounds;
A TTOKNEY.A T-LA W lown clerk. comfortably equip a pleasure yacCit
h: \ 80huvler It A Conkllnll bronze welirht, 525:: pouudM, tenacityIl.iUK Tout .. ... ... .. $19,1514: 116 t
Jobn R Ham I K A can here bo, obtained at tbe most reascumble Less warrnt paid In A IIMIII., .
Conkllojt |
Jyal-Upchurch Building, Jax : ) wrought Iron weight 4 so, tl'nal'ltyr' : :: : !ununieu.Lto.: I
:Muster's: W P Arnold It A prices This In evidenced by ; and iliilivifn l tu oiuity I ,
Sole CookliDIC
.. . ... .. .. .
ul HaliiHil .
JACKSONVILLE:, FLA. U W O.lmoo It A ConkIlDj the fact that the same parties have ); hard' "Mtnu-k" .tl't'l.vt'lght 4(XI, l ra hoard! -1rn5T0 1

,.andal Akins It A Cuokllnjf been coming herd annually for tenacity 7S.Oi( ; nlunilnlum weight 108, "al.o"e| hatl.1 May let lilt a,. ?. 11.1)911 .u %j jAmlva
: AND: XV VIRffE!: OF A DKCREE: W.E I It many teuiiflty 2HOK: ( ). We are ncfiixtonied. to -
UNDER.......... ... Bradley A CODkllDjt
GENERAL DIRECTORY. and I sale entered In the HALAKr I* HELO f.
cult Court for /Hrevard county in Chnneery. J K Mal. here KAConkllnll think of metals' ns being stronger than v
In .a cause therein du | | ConkliDIt wood and no they generally peak .
are .. ,, ... . .
U. S. SENATORS. Nlns; C. Islier, leas, ) repreeeatative for Hairy I " I"r .r' .rtillo..t..t-. i
1 fallafVrn... .... .., .....,.. .....Jacksonville.UMallory . Flutter deceased. ,as 'rrnnteetlscom,.lainantaui. henry Johnson It A Coast. ing. If ouly piece* of the same size be wuhml to monthly' report. ,and, caaliIn
P. : .. .. . ..... .. .
\1 R .
[ : ... ..... ..... .. .. .I'enaacnla. Julia A. Coiaman' and the Indian flyer state Minor A c'onklloll To tbe.southeait of Tltusvllle !is the: tested' but when equal weights of thetwo sale. O.II',1IISI>
Hank, a corporation, are defendants [ will ..11 l lit A E It A Conkllufl
s U"mpb..11
wide of salt water bay (about 4LAWR BCLONOISft TO BACH Melt A* VOL.r4IWA
material in
sweep it then
are compared
U. 8. COXGBES9MKX.nnkClark. : : pnhllo aiictlnu at the pert House door In inn M Brown, It A Conk llng I .'

.. . ....... ..... . .Lake City Titnsvllle, on the 4th Asp of ..11...., A. I D. 1 tixw. E: P Branch It A six miles in width), formed by the wa. found that several varieties of wood County Revenue, -Oeimrai Fund .. ..Sl.crja! 79Hulldliig .l'
[V. MI..rlllllan.| .... ........... .. ..Tatniia. luring the hours from I II a. III. and 2 tieback ptn CODkllnll .. Bmdand ". Fund. .. TI -/ ,
of than steel. A
. . for ash. to the lil htnml best bidder,, thefoljnwhig C II Stewart I R A onkIlQjt: ters the famous Indian River Here are stronger ordinary riuid1
u. H.Laiuar? ... ..... ... ... Montltiel o. : : : I ... II SIT
desrrllMfd land, made net'essary to C J. Taylor R A CunkllullI flahing, wild duck ahootlng walling bar of pine just n* heavy an. a bar of : rin: : and forfeiture rilml::?::.; 5W40 :W
U. 8. LAND OFFICE. realize th- sum of .a..I0.18. soul costs of said
. -'.
A Peek .t A steel inch will hold! 123: Keedlnirl'rlMiiiersKiitiil 1 IM: M
[ .SChnbh . ,..... . ...............Register. suit, t.t', f10nkllnllo and rowing can be Indulged In to the an miiiare up ,* rlHV. Road Fund. New Hist. ... I .. .... I IJ Kl ,
.((1. Robinson. .... .. .. :. .. ..Receiver., In Lot 4. Section 2*. Township iff Smith Ranue M. Ueanjean R A Conklin\\ heart's content of the most fastidious 000 pounds, the bent ash. 17Q.OOO pound e .. n r u .2 '. Sao !W ..
Offices at Game*villa, Florida. 35 Fast I'ommatiuliK. at the nnrthaat. corner Alex J Gmde It A ConkhingChao and some hemlock 200,000: pounds. u .. u c. ii .. g : .:: .. im IM
of K..hllot. with Imilau l ..
runtilutf I nth
;; .
sportsman.On 4 New TIN> ml '
EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. hunilrad. and tan ...r.,.; thence In a south. J Jo' Campbell It A CookllnllIt Wood 1 f Is bulky It occupies ten or (Ham Warden Fund .. . .. ( | m .i
ipnltmn, II. Browanl....... .. .... ....Ooveinor.I westerly. direction 21'' vends; thence south 7yarns < W Ho..le H A Conkllnll the ocean beach nearly In a direst twelve times the of steel. The fmiwrty of IWuearatl' : I'enKins;; .... 1.lIIA w) '
I' Cry Crawford ....Secretary of State. ; then' e In a :omhwe 1 lerly' direction I ;:I to K \V' Bea"jean K A Conkllnll line east of Tltusvllle, U Canarer apses ('ountyik! 'hcel-ienerali'nnd 1 ..,. I .4Hpeolal r
V. Knott ...... :..: ,.: .... ...Treasurer.H. the[ west line, meamirinf on that line l Duo vardsrrom Chas T McBride It A ConklingS bent steel castings made for the United Tax Hohool Uliit.' Ni.. I.... .. .. SIM" ,
hills: ....... ..... ....Attorneygeneral.iminC the northwest corner; thence north to the al Club surrounded by over 10,300 States have n tenacity of 00,000 .. .. 9.'.' Mia: .*
o Croom.. . .. ...Comptroller.K northwest corner, thence n.j.t to the north- M Martin K A CUDkllnllW acres of land. This is owned] navy SiwcalauhcalFundnO"Stew| { all.:.. : SJMI ou ''
[ Mi-Iln, .,.. :Commissioner; i AurfuultiireI :: east corner of said .lot on ( River, cunt4ln.Dlg \V Brothers! It A f!oDklloltU property I to 7 .OOO pounds to the square Inch. By

I I. Hnllnwav.Supt. fuhllo Instruction. 2J acres more or it.tiCK B Miller K A Cookllojt by some of the most prominent and I solidifying such casting under'great Total... ,... ..,. .... ........ . ... .f .O'lSIltl ;
ICIIfTnril H. Foster.... ,. ...A neral. A. MORGAN residents of who JOHN Hussy C'oiintar Treasurer
wealthy Boston
hnfradfonl.o..Sureyor-rlenenl. Rpn-lal$ Master.A. John Adams (hls x mark) It A CookllDg come pressure, a tensile strength of 80,000 t15O.OOO

}K:. Row..... ... .... ... ..... . State. Chemist. D. Penney, Attorney for PI.llltllJ. 3J-/1/ Wm It Campbell K A Cookllol south to hunt every winter. pounds may be obtained. -----

'lout Am..* ... .. .... .....State Examiner. N Downey It A Conkllnlt The cool refreshing health-giving Not If ua Jtlcli RM KocktCellcr.If '
OIHces at Tallahassee, Florida. It A IUWllllltlf."t-;;
Application for Tax Deed. L E Adams Conkllult ozone-laden breezes' wafted across from Makes LifeMinvrnblo. I you had all the wealth of Rockefeller
FLORIDA LEGISLATURE. S P Ford It A Conkllnlt : .
\.H'oon., Miami ... ... .. ..Senator. A R H'KIIl"oO It A ClOkilDItI the Atlantic Ocean and the broad bay, the Miaodiud Oil maiinnte you q
( .F.UImiteail, Fort fierce . . Representative. A happy home U. the m ..t vapimHfHMiiin could not buy a better medicine for ,
It A Cookllnfl are one of the moat enjoyable featuresof
I'nder Section 8 of Chapter 4MM8,Laws of norldaNOTICE A McWlllan: tliHi. In wlililn the i teach of. bowel oomplnlnl then. Chamlierlitln'B .

!SUPREME COURT JUDGES Is hereby/ftlven that Hetty Kdmond-; W. II n Gleaaoo It A llookliogIv. : this phenomenal location. mankind' but you.. sauna enjoy Its i-oni-! Colic, Chulurn and l Umirlioea Kemedy.
I H. Miliry _. ., .. . . .Chief Justice.IH .. I Uuuth It A Conkling'r.r i
nrcbseerof Tax Ortlticate N. 44, / of .
There is foil .
a large area primeval If ate mttTvrliiK f" rhouinnllmn. The eminent
von moat
pliynlcUu cannot
.. . AsoclateJuauee. prescribe -
Tarter . . dated. the tub day. of July, A L>. I'lua" has :o.havt' It .A Conklin//
.F Taylor ... ... .. ..... .. u tiled said certificate In my oltlue, and has made forest and prairie land beyond tbe Voiiiliiow H..I.11t| | nii..lnei> cares a butler pre|>aitlon for colic anddUirboMu t

RAILROAD, COMMISSIONERS.Trmn application" for tea. Ile., to issue in icoordauoewicli , 'C C' Jloll-tun It .A COllkllng northern, southern and western boundaries when you enter your hone slid you can . bulb fur clillilrea and atlults.
'law. Aald certincate embraces follow T Shave J't Co be lelu .llr..u.1 Ih/so iheninalla uniform
vr painaalso The nicctm of Ibis bas
H. Browne, chairman. . Key West.HtiilMiii lescrll-rd. situated In Hrevardcounty UAConkllnffV of the advent | 1 remedy
nic property (JM Buii.l) Tituavllle awaiting
Hurr. ... .. . ....I.lttleRlv..r. Florida town (by h, apply| l lnx IM.Hrjan .. ' ,. . .Klssllnuire.1C. lot J, HlouK. Titunvllle, Section 3, Township Dave Brown (liis. x ularkIt) A Conkllng of the thrifty settler to till the ni'pllonilon, lil ulve you' r..1 never fall. sad when teducrd with wuterand ,
: Dunn:dark:: :. :::::::::: ::: ..Mituison.I 22 south, Range an Ka t WO I loll'man R A ConklinF fertile soil, which now abounds tn list and. Its ponilnuetl has short sweetened. I.I plmtmtnt to lake
'ead'llI.rt..ra' | .and offloes at Tallahassee. Fla. The a..ltllI..1. lieinir .ansessml at the date of the W Comstock U A ConklliiKK ,
ssuance of such certluoate In the name of K Con k IInl game. Here( can be found quail tur. Unix will Ming AIt ,"' a |>'''imiuetit; cure. ;very family aliould' ba supplied with It. ,
CIRCUIT COUIIT._ said certificate, shall S I.lpxfomb A ( For rule all denier Sold All fouler i
ii.! O H Owens rules* by by *. ,
Jlwirg.Jones, Tltilsrllle.......,Circuit JiKlRt.! be redeemed according to law, tax dead will J O Simmons H A ConkllnK/ key and Jeer hunting to suit tie: most S

1 C..lones, Orlando, ...YrosemminurAttorney.. smie thereon on the 4th davof June, A. I). twin.. E A :M Stewart !R A Conklln ardent huntsman.Tltusvllle -_._-,--- - - -_. - - ---- 4
8"lnjtTe..n-ronrth| !Monday In March. Witness my official signature and seal this the It A ConklingV
Fall Conn-Fourth Monday In October. 4th day ofI..v.: A. U. 115311. J HoHsetter / baa shelled street electric CHAS. BSrTJ'M t3Z COweta <
It A Corkllnsrlllram
K Kunard
deal Circuit' ) +
l lights, a reliable bank several floe
BREVARD COllftl'Y COURT. Clerk I Circuit t Court Krevard. co u. renney . Jnctc. BVO. A. STEWART. U.C. brick stores a Hoard of Trade five oil era x Hay.11.., JACKSONVILLE. FLA. '

Ltlanlden\ ..... . .Prosecuting Attnrn..,. -- ;j
Sterfart..... ,.. ,. ... ...Co"nt'la'l; <. white churches large fUherle a tan. IrFULLQTS.
I MpInlt| T.rm-8eoon,1 1\ May.SenmerTermt4 Notice of Stockholder--! :Ueetlng.: STATE of FLORIDA 1 fling extract and palmetto fibre factory, ,
In August COUNTY; of UliEVAItD. 1 f ,.
Fill T.rm-econd Monday In November." an ice factory law and real estate offices 4V1 YWIrss
Winter Term' -Henouil Monday! In ....brll..l'). On this 7th day of May,19iti;, per an opera house a well-organized .
virtue of a warrant Issued to me hy IlenJ, onally came before me, R. A Cookllng.wbo ,
COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD. BY R. Wilson Justice, of the I'tmne, notlnvIs circulated the above petition and. wind, an armory shooting club a large ZPft'rPAID
|It. ",..Iker. Superintendent.Titusville. that there. will lie a tumitIng .-
I irtveti
hereby been by me tint duly worn, says and comfortable hotel overlooking the '
,iilwnK.):. II. Arnold Malabar. R. E. Minis, of the siockli'ilders. of the lorlda Loan A ,I ) .e
nonttventnra; J. A. Carter; ;Turnlmll. Tenet at th... oltlre of lie: ... M Kohliins, upon his oath that every name and bay besides a number of boarding I;
cou'jany., '. ., on the 14th day of May and I is ,
In mark alliird to said petition, wall 1
COUNTY COMMISSIONERS.: A. U 11"01. at two o'clock 1'. m., for the i>iir|>o..e houses in. various parts of tbe town. i AI ,

A. '"nnkllne, chairman, Tlllmant Wni. R. of electing omsxra and. the transaction, of each the act and Jeed of the ler..on there purportIng The facts an presented should have rlff } / _
I'Jor, Tltusviilei; John R Mlot Imllanola; other Business' as may. ptnprrtvco.lwfore. It. to stun the same; an wall
tr. Wnutun Cocoa; T. J. Cocltshutt, Leingq A meeting. or the txsardof. Dtrectorselected atthe.hckhuldere' no fraud bribery or deception lined lu a tendency to direct the attention of
meeting w.ll he lI"hl"" mild signatures or m-.rkll. and many prospective visitor to our cosy
procuring 6
:+ the.jourll'u..ntof. said stockholders'meettig. QT
ular sessions are held first Monday In each alter l2QTS A
that thin aflliUvIt In made upon the peronal ,

"tlEVARD COUNTY OFFICERS. WILLIAM' :\1.I1..wo.Secretary.Uatf .. knowledge: of the affiant.H. winder 00 y $ 51D 1

A. CONK i.i.:v I'onnoy TitnevllleCounty; Juclfre. We ba.e.a fine :ManonfrHall In
lUOauhian, TltusTllle;. .. .. .... Pros AU',. Sworn to and subscribed before me,
A.Stewart Titusville . ...rounty Clerk. I.ow !* To nirniliigliam. this 7th clay of May, 171011! Tltusvllle where Indian River Lodge

',>Lair\ttllan\f.llall Tlrusvllle' !!'*" .faille. . .. ............Tax Tax Oillector.Assessor.\ JOIIV: IlKNUV: i No. 90, F. & A. M., Indian River Chap.

'nH.ory' Tltnsvllle. ... .. ..... ..Tr..a u..r. (Seal) Notary Public. ter. Royal Arch Masons Friendship I
., ,
8 Walker far has been said ) e I
ritinvme.. .sui|>rlnten ;n. F THnsvllle,. . . : :.Count, Surveyor. I General Conference n f the Chapter!' No. 11, Order of r"a.ternstar; 111ff
1.1". WIt Titnsvllle Pheritf. bout the I'iLlist: I'ILi.s: PILES : and Tltusvllle Camp No. 141 Woodmen -
9 : 'rw< out. Titusvtlle..Repietratton Officer South I
/ Methodist Episcopal Church May 'jl 7r
of the World, meet regularly. tN
William Indian Pile Ointment )
1'1"'SVILLJo TOW' COUNCIL. Birmingham. The Dr.
.11 a' :rd to June 1st will cure Blind, Bleeding Ulcerated: and The East Coaiit: Advocate Is published

I'MM. 7t'uirdSU'Ennlc; :!T., elerlt Walter and' tre v fare for this ocoanlnn will be one fare Itching Pllen. It absorbs tbe tumor. every Friday morning and by a

K'I rj..; ,' llonr. tat Mesor. ; n. A. !Stewart! plus :2.-/:> cents, fiom Jacksonville allays the itching at once, net n* a pouUc glance through its advertising columnsyou ly4a
It. | I I..... .::L. Braily/ 1>. H. Pritchanl. anal
t K.T'' Mllim i! (> "Idernjao The council meet. $13,10, : and correspondingly low" rates .., given Instead relief Dr. Williams'Indian can easily 400 who are the prominent I. v....l> far vlt.. /hetst flp"wI" (fo. f .
Tuemlay lu sach inonTb. In the State of Flo- Pile Ointment I.I prepared
from all other points merchants of our town-men!' who
Tni'SVILLF BOARD OF TRADE. 'lie* and Itching of tbe private parts. .
''. M. rida.I Any railroad aijeut. will give' I the' old by drug- are -to date citizens and who are 4
S"11'1"! ". president;.,. M. Dixon treassecratary. Every: box I I" guaranteed. up -
,r.,.';:.;J. 1I..t. Meets second l Wed- rates iip-m application. The date of I guts. by mall for mio and *l.WILLIAMS' l. asking for your patronage.!' Read the ,
night In each month at their room 30'h' May It and 2nd. M'F'O CO Prop's .
April /J
ale are tickets Is ads. on every page very!' carefully.Sample x J'i
limit of these Cleveland, O.
"1 II lam',. Carbolic Salve June The leturninit:31d. Original purchaaer" of such copies of the Advocate' will __ '

ltli .\rlllcn and Witch Hazel. tickets may secure an extenllon of the be sent, free, to any part of Canada .( "

TheupetSalve ID the world for cute final limit to not exceeding June :Imh .....................N.: and the United States upon applica.

dies aQea. ulcers salt rheum tetter b v personally depositing their ticket tion.

pippoi) 'iand and all skin eruptions. with Joseph Richardson, Special! Agent, } ,;
r >
I" k'unranteed to give satisfaction, or Uirmlngham, Ala between the hour of ,J q
!"hey .undeti. not earlier than iUy #" 100 Reward, '141 IOO.
Price 2. c by druKtiats.( M a. m. and II p. m., .,

" .I.IA3J3 M'F'O. CO., Prop's.Cleveland. later than Lime deposit IP YOU RECEIVE A SAMPLE :
The readers of idle will ple..edtltle.ra
O. went of :50; cent at the of . paper .
Information will be given at the COPY: OF THW: PAPKR that there In at 'leat one dreaded '
Full :
A"T .| ; ticket. As this Is disease that science ha ben able to cure '
IY JHICAGO MANUVALTPR of depositing t p ) y.1f'
"' HI, .4E! : person of truotworthlnes and time distance from Florida and J -IT IS TO- : In all In stage, aDd that Is Catarrh.

"rev 1.', I ?.?,liar with local territory a* *..- such a short many.MethodUt.ln Jacksonville Ilalfs"' Catarrh Cure ,Is the only positivecure fc ; -f'

:;.. ancaomcn Salary. fin paid week-1 there are so of Florida who will LET YOU KNOW THAT DOW known to the medical fraternity t 5.1
tent po ltlnn. No Inventnient re'I and the State (
e Catarrh twang constitutional dill-!!
us iucotliU to thl. opportunity U
experience not of 1
advantage LIKE yoU TO JIBECO.HE '
take WE WOULD ,
\i. :
dress constitutional
funeral; Conference, the Al- ease require a treatment. .)..,'
'Mranchea, Como Block,Clncago. attend the ,
shortest and Hell's Catarrh Core Is taken Internally
being, SU
Line A "
lantlo Coast with the acting directly upon the blood and nu 1---------_ I".")
In connection ila: -t fit
q"I'kp"t| route V..lvllleMiintin.mery Itallrosde via : : ron _nrfar.n of I the .,aem. thereby d*- ./O12 E4T PN17, ,
",,,.i.Mil.. and there naturally will be a .. atrovlnir the foundation, of lie disease. MM..yyq' I 4'
Od .
vU Ibis route and giving the patient strength hv building "

p l law movement! and coacbe. If a ; : up the constitution and mutlntlnir nature !
sleeper .
ThroiiKh f. The
to In lolosr It* w irk. proprietors
( number present themselves ...... .... ....... ...... bUll curative
SnTranteeor warrant the rnnnln of -I *n much faith In its powers

coaches, will leave Jacksonville | thai they offer (ins Hundred Dollar ,

coacb'Ir the teKolar for soy case tbat Ie /fails to cure fend

._..survival ofih. attest. w. at P ;AK; p. m Insdditlonio..I'tb. May lat i' e for llt of toatltnonfil..
April 4
....r.. ..Iaraaetseed bulls 10 lee or extra sleejee, on cpAaAla. AdHre F.J.Ciicxer: Co.,Toledo,0.
L.. Ira W wl.b r .wa5 to are avow belief ts,. noise than and ? c. Rovlnton.. tbe DUtrlct kJ tand: rcca I Sold by all Druggists, 73 cent.
11._.... ) Prank Cosou.Line ; Take hairs Family'II.ot! for comtlpa-
lrtlaxule-VV.rr3. the .\tlaotlc
l'l .' the Agent
.e Sera all Passenger to rec..he. tbe oamn BANK DEPOSIT I lion :
Aa.aal tree 10 would be glad '
awl' of who contemplate ibis route. and ,$5,000 ....Fv.hl1. Natsieta THE ADVOCATE JOB PRINTING OFFICE '
D. soy for them or give 1100 FRLRCOUA4E9 i ; dIy
M. rKKNV CO. reservationS I OLD for Sale
make aU1 __ ___ ST": NEWSPAPERS
BoardatCoat. *'rtfeO'
de- '
Detroit MI_. any further loformatloo they may 1 O.81a.AI.A.UA w- ."lJlnSCOf.LIII.1I6 Cheap, at this office. DOES ALL KINDS OF JOn PRINTING AT REASONABLE RATES. { *.;




.I .....
c+ '"





ORANGE CROP'S FOE. .AI.:8.: PRITCIIARD. President: W..: M. BROWN Vice-

o Tills line of work of the California
commiMKlon began nearly twenty yeum INDIAN RIVER STATE BANI
entered: at the J'onlofllce at Tltimvllle Florida,,,
Insect MAY
? aHl..'1'flooiKj-clans matter ago. In various parts of the state HELD TUESDAY, 15, 1906.
pests of type little understood and

; ,; 1 i CHALaa H WALTOjt Ltlltur A Publisher,. difficult to combat had for years been COUNTY DEPOSITORY.
!i __ __ _...
----- '- -- "-

''i I t t I ,WBBKLT JOimifAL. D.VOT.D TO TUB DVBlrOrHEIfT a doing nurseryman Rreat damage.not far from It Is San related Francisco that , ; b C / =- .- 7 bL S) :=b I f V 1';G'' yl' / I c Authorized Paid up capital capital- $100$25\,:\((
F 7 b w
who Imported some lemon trees from O.HHtAIEo:\. j os.. '" :7:, o.t:> !et;, :.:.: 0 c. .a .wm _- Average deposits $200|
:> ;
aw a
f WORTH ADD BIKOATHB BAT SBOTIOHS.DUoontluuarue Australia laid the foundation-the E =" .C'., : -
J 5 .e y e a acs
I.t : -I" .. o
of elate must be made per- figure |'II not altogetber a happy O'1e- .q. F E, U F4 3 ; : m) Fitepresen ,._. Transacts a General Bank
for millions of dollars' of -
thin ollloe damage. Upon Ie
i I tally at or by writing.O&eott tat iii Congress:
his lemon trees was what Is called the 2nd l Congressional Dilltrlrt : Business

1f ,eta.,may be made payahla to CHABLIHH. cottony cushion scale a tiny Insect Frenk Clllrk . . . . Ii 80 :!:l' 38 ::17 8 10 6 22: 0 8 132117

a wLTONpnbIInher. multiplying with remarkable rapidityand 'rllOml\M Railroad.1. Appleyard.fomrul".lmlOrM: . . .:. :3 I 5121 HI 12 17 3 a 1 0 I 8 2 12jR.I / Largest and Oldest Bank on the !EiIBxnhange IIt

i ( capable of doing/ valltbarm. It bad H. Bltllpy . . . . . . 14 : HI 1:. I 10 :S 8 3:I 3:I 7. 2 12 122 I ., : bought and sold on all ran,
Inform. hitherto been unknown In merlon. Newton ,\. Hllt'h . . . . . 1; OJ 2: 24 H 1 ::1 I S 10 If. 1 7 I II i Countries. I
v Jug| a itaniped-adilroiiiied envelope.IIOSTOV An orange grower In Southern California It. lrudson Burr . . . . It 92: 7 32: 31 7 1tJ 5/) 111 It. 7 19189.lnstiee :
secured some of the nfectod I stork, ot Supreme" Court : rrtronageappreciated. Prompter, !,'
O.'FH.'C-Tlu branch HOB ton aftlce and the scale the orchaids. Thomas f.. fiharke . . . 1:10: 13 II 10 2! :Y I. . 8 I i 3 110 treatment erTative and every favor cormlM., wiJ;
oP1na8AT (Ar ADYOCATsIs at 24 Milk spread among Charles n. 'PII rk hili. . . 17 72: 13: a:, 28 II 11 4 1-1 5. . 4 L'12'2: w1 banking (gralltoll.
( treet,end In in charge c.rMr.: Carl I'. Mellow, Sometimes the posts were so thick upon I James n. IYhItOei; . . -.. 1lie. 1U(\ : 20t 5: to 6 11__, 7 7 14217 CORRE8POSDENTHEmpire : :
.t I who will make mlvcrtlntni contracte for thin. the trees that they were as white as If 1.presentative; i. Trust Company, New \, rk. s
k r paper covered with snow ho terrible were tVnde JI. Jones . . . . . . 18 72 U 3" U! R 7 5 Ii I I it 4 :i 0 218 -' ="!R0 rloridahank and Trust Co., Jack.,n\tiler, | ,
? the of the which \Vllllant It. OI'8rh, . . . . n r.o 11 15 48 0() i 1 x 1 :1: 4 111fI(!. '
y ravages pest destroyeda ,CITU ILL C, FLA.
all oommunloatloncto
Addrais County Assessor of'J'nxes: '
EAST COAST ADVOCATE leaf and blosHom output of the tree, George 'F'. EIIMt.'Y'. . . . . . IS 13 n G 23 2 4 2 13 II 7 1 7 1171W.H. ------ -------------.-.------ .------.----- .----
TlTDITILLE. FLORIDA. that in a single ;year the shipments Hall . . . . . . 1010i 21443.. Il: 111 413 4 1 It 10288
_. :D <> :I3rvS.:
dropped from eight thousand cailoads to 'l'I\x Collector;; I
r U. Department of Agriculture six hundred. None of the many remedies E.W.nall. . . . . . . 108 25 :;r0 4. 1-1 13 0 J 24 8. 10 8:132:; (Successor to Dobbins Broa.)
County 't'reasurer: G.-TJJNT; And: :DL-O C :E:..iS :ITUEI: : : TE-:
liureuii Fin. tiled did any permanent good : :: 4.IS 11 12:
Weather -Jupiter, John H..nry. . . , . . . 2:110721 (123 0. 1/1/ 0:1:10: :
Digging up the trees and burning them County Commissioner, I i:1st Badges, Checks, Door :Number, Stencil, Tiuuk and Locksmith bupphegKEPAIKINO ,
The f following a comparative state was useless, because the pest had spreadto : h.trll't: -
,, ment of temperature and rainfall for the all of The situation Jo' MorjCan.: . . . 12 2:1: 1)I II 4 4 8 1) 13. ;j.. ,, 4 4 87 Gun and Revolver parts and keys at wholeale. Trunk and Values Uepalre
manner vegetation. 224! Main rt. Jacksonville.! Fla.TIII .
} 4 week ending Tuesday May ] S, 190(1.( 2nd DJetrlt.t : I
-10Ut( -1905DATK. was no critical that the ultimate extinction John n. Mint . . . . . . . 21 01 25 40 20 7 12 4- 20:! 1. .. 1'1' H120rd !
' MAX. MIN. MAX. MIN. of the orange Industry seemed Ulstrllt :
e } 0 88 72: 8.'J 74 near at band. It. Oonkllna' . . . . . In 80 21 .Jl 43 11 12 4 10 5./ . 10 1) 273 : SOUTHERN FUEL AND SUPPLYCOMp'ANl
10) 80 71 83: 75 4th DIstrlt: ,
Relief the California .
'4 11 75 70 $5 73 came through 'I' A. Robinson. . . . . . . 10 78 22 38 20 7 1 1).3) lIS 4.. . 8 7176th : i
oorumlssou, aided by other Californians
12 78 71 85 72 District:
1:1: RO 72 8:1: 71 and by the United State Department; of 'l'hol'l.Tohnl'loll Oo'kahlltt. . Hi 01 1al: 24 10( I 0 5 18 . //I II 0l211tiChas. Wood Coal Coke Brick Lime Cement Ii
'' 14 Nil( 71 83: 77 Agriculture. An expert of the department . n. Nallll1nn. . . ,. . . :;. 0 4n 2: .5 7. . 2: . 100 3 '2 01031lfember ,
13 1'13 70 84 77 I"'hool" Board
A.Koebele, was sent to Australia,
Total rainfall/ for the week: .80 Inch. let District : .
d Departure from normal rainfall for the where a variety of ladybird was founda A. J. Cart..r. " " 11) 13 .. . . 4 . 7 I. I 2 '47 Vitrified Paving and Sidewalk Brick.
week: minus .71 Inches. Departurefrom brilliant red Insect, perhaps an eighthof 2nll DIstrict : ,. "
normal rainfall since January 1, an Inch In width called the vedalia R. E. 1\IIm.. . . . . . . OS; ]:; 40 28 N 11 4 121 ,1, Ii 72043rd & j'
plus .211Inobell. Distrct Office foot ot Hogan Street Jacksonville, Florida. Telephone No, ".
: 4..
HAL. P IIAKIMN, Official In charge. cardlnalls. It was found to have a par E B. Arnold. . . . . . lO'.I 75 4] : 8 13 li 18 I . I 0 I J J. K. MUNNERLYN\( General ManaRer.
._ tloular antipathy to the scale or Insect Supervisor of Registrations I 7// I I 4I I ,

'r which had been ravaging the orange orchards \V. M. Norwo\d. , . . . 21 OU .101, :! O 11 II 221, o!. DI 10 280 -. --- -- --------
Now the election l Is let
over, introduced In
was large -
quantities The Oldest Established Grain and Seed
House In the
Ia I
peace and harmony prevail. and at once began the restoration NOTE-The votes for Executive Committee both State and County were
!go I scattered that we have not endeavored to give tll 'III. This lit also. true olj all
of the balance of nature.-Century YAJati '
olllces! for which there was rie candidate's name printed on the ballot
TUB defeated candidate need azine. Wm.: A. SO'\L.rS: 5s C<
d When the Executive\ Committee )has canvassed the returns of the 1'riniaryEiertlon
not lie has plenty of com
't worry. we will give the official results which will include' the names of all

pany. ___. __.______. ENOMBII towns are noted for these positions of lesser importance. GRAIN, HAY, AND GARDEN SEEDS,
J Jr'j -" their large Sunday schools ; but The management of the EAST COASI AnvocAru; wishes to thanks the clerks .

Hon. 'V AUE H. JONES "jrot/ there" the largest Sunday school in the of the election in each and every precinct in the county for their kindness in Flour, Grits,'Meal and Fertilize

j by a fair majority. We hope world is at Stockport, England, sending to us the returns of their respective precincts, by first mall, and to assure
ia l satisfied.CANiir with teachers and than 200( Ell Bay FLA.
everybody 500 more eI'ORIINeMIIMZaS Street JACKSONVILLE
them of the appreciation of their services, not only by the managementof

((1,000 members. It is 122 years old. the ADVOCATE, but by the candidates and voters alike, through the grand Catalogue Free. Warehouses on tracks of .8. A. I.. K'y. and A. C L. lijMeMurray '
100 it has observed
>ATK8 should! "bury the For nearly years old County of Brevard. _. . .
----- ------ - -
-- - -- -
hatchet," whether defeated or an annual "walking day and __ _____ .. . . n_ _. _..
elected. Let be tills 1 year one of the participants
i by-gones by-gones .
and let both sides do a little workto was b teacher who had not missed & Baker

improve their town. a "walking day" for bO years. So

. ._ many of the pupils are now in .
h America, that at a recent bazaar The Breakers SEABREEZ12, FLORIDA. ___. 4O1-413 East Bay Street .- Jacksonville, Florldn,
WE old-fashioned that
are so we one booth was entirely tilled with
would rather see a woman pushing articles supplied by them. Al -Makers and Jobbers of-

j e a baby cab than see a woman rid.
though the United States the OPEN FOR TIlE SUMMER: OF 1110(1( -
ing in an auto with a poodle dogin old pupils do not forget their Sun. Vehicles Harness Carriage and Wagon Materia

her lap. day school in England. The house has been re-furnished. Table fiist-classand Rates Reasonable ,

. . .
-- Mr. Holt bus scoured the Clarendon/ CASINO AND BATH HOUSES. Saddlery Rubber Tires.

introduced the Order of Oddfel First-Class Repairing and Painting Etc. Etc.

a, y lows Into the United States, and undertaken by Mr. Flagler in ex. will .add to the pleasure of /guests. Fishing from the famous Ooean Pier. _.__ ___ .. __ __ .do. _ _____ ___ __..

lately Order have the various been celebrating Lodges of theiranniversary. the tending Hallway the to Key Florida West nut The Coast ex. Write for reservation and terms. B. J. HOLT,.Propiletor. 1 ."'nl hy l\.InchiJH: ".J--" COJllIUI.UY': ; ,

pense in preparing for this great OF JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA.
undertaking is simply enormous.! SAW MILLS, ENGINES AND BOILERS,

Almost an army of men are busy PORTABLE OUTFITS A SPECIALTY,
THE defeated candidates are framing,.the timbers which will be The Ocklawaha Nurseries -Write for Catalogue- t.
Sold on Easy Terms. Cor. Ward and Jefferson Streotl.;
now wondering how it was done, transported to the keys for the

and some of the successful ones building of depots freight houses TANGERINE FLORIDA, ..v......................ra.air s444v .4..w.4r4u..4t4RONd
are worrying) over the fact that section houses etc. On the keys ...
thny received less votes than they are several thousand men at work Want Orange!: Growers to know that it Is to their Interest to buy trees .IaD:: ct3 ::IF-JSaE: :: :: :,
from their stock, BECAUSE they have THE BEST TREES GROWN IN 4- Ooooct iXTMct.J .
Be the rock and ,
anticipated out
blasting buildingthe
i FLORIDA. GOOD RESULTS: can only be obtained from trees that have an
and loaves and wood that la ENTIRELY!' FKEK: OK
LET politics have rest for hits already been completed : INJURIOUS .
a a and it is said by railroad men who INSECT Ln']':.- OUR TREES have all these GOOD POINTS In tbelr favor i :
while, and get to work. You have and we cordially Invite your Inspection. HPCCIAL INDUCEMENT are offered
wasted enough time on politics, so hav*'inspected the complete work to those who will place their order now for fall delivery. OUR NEW EARLY :.
t now do something for your town that it is the best roadbed in the SEEDLESS ORANGE EARLY AS PARSON DKOWX.PROLIFIC AS PINE :

1 by improving the appearance of United States.We Al'l>LJoRk us about It. Catalogue free. ...... r

your yards, sidewalks\ fences etc. ,ADDRESS ...
. have been sending out many The Ocklawaha Nurseries' ...
_ hundreds of extra copies of the EAST ,
A iiEi'oitT of the bureau ot etatl COAST ADVOCATE the past few weeks O. W. CONNER Proprietor. _,

tics on the sugar brought into the to help the Indian River countryW. TANGERINE: -. FLORIDA. '* Send to us for' the Spit Fire Plug-The Best Plug Made
United States during the year 1005 ,1 $1.50 each-Postage paid by us.
shows that of the $l OOOO.OOOworth F. Rood, nurseryman, of Dray. W-Our CREOCIDE preparation for the destruction of ants Ileus, and other **************************+**#!#*!**.***********.*.
ton Island, Fla.,Is advertising Ms orange vermin will do the workTITl7S'VILLI:7 -
of sugar brought in during and grapefruit tree on our 4th page. Mr. ..

that period, $50,000,000) worth nee' Is said to have an excellent repu. Lorillard :Boat Co.
cam fro 111 Hawaii 1'orto Rico and tatlon : LIVERY ST. 1: 3LL.: : ,
as a
i the I'hlllppinea. This shows decided _JIIIIiB T1TUSVILLE FLORIDA.
-ThIs office doe not know
i increase above previous everything
years.TIIK. "by long odds. ," no If you know an item FEED AND SALE SADDLE HORSES Boats t S Bought t Sold' and Built i to Order r

of inteieht, do not think It too much ...STABLES... BUGGIES ,J.
trouble to write the Item and send it Into
of sent out the
!Mate the crop past season oranges is estimated the ADVOCATE ofllco. Write It plain1'01lI'oolally UAGOAGE y'' SURREYS ::: :In.staJ.led.CAREFULLY : .

to have been :5,000,500.; ) The crop Initials and names-and TRANSFER, vt and TURNOUTS of rnr-nOAT'I!' STORED FOR THE SUMMER_RepieMjntative (f3the
sold jn llrcvard county brought on cue side of the paper T. A M. Reversible Gasolene Engine; Ua toJ5!( horse power. The o
to the IIAULING ETC. ..all kinds.. engine of the kind In Florida and the best on the maiket. See this >npi>' '
good price growers, netting Tlio editor of the AUVOGA.TK: has some boat at place of business-end of City Wharf.

them all the way from :I1.5O to .. .. . . . . .
box the land for sale on i>t. Lucia River which J'. 3VH.: : : Cs"bnJ:1: : -- --
92.00 on trees.
The per Florida is so superior will be sold cheap lie has no time to TITUSVILLE.In rear of Uobblns Law OfficeFLORIDA SEND YOUR JOB PRINTING{ TO THE .ADVOCATE.

that the orange California's look after it. In a few years this land -.-.-. ---.. .- -- .-_. .. _- "
can will be worth four time as much as Is
never compete with it in the mar. now asked for it. See, or write W. A. fa'- Do yuo want to buy some pine WHEN YOU WANT TOMATO: PAPER
ket in quality. apple land in St. Lucie and Dade
Ball, Stuart Fla.
counties I have some to dispose SA-X; YOU WANT
of'ut a sacrifice. I have no timeto
TilE formation of town improvement Shoe
Itepalrliiff. look after It. Address, Chas.
associations is the order of

the day in }Florida many of the I do All kinds of boot and shoe repairIng Ii. Walton Titusvllle Fla. .

smaller towns and even some that and do not forget It. Opposite Jas.
aspire to be cities having organ. PrItchard & Son ANDREW GinsoK, JOn PRINTING done at this office. ..

Ized such associations says the Titnsvllle-Fla,
Courier Informant. They are com.

posed of women of course, for Undo County Laud for Sale Hodgson Bros.EAU .
they are always foremost in "every -

good word and work; Beauty For sale cheap the northeast quarterof QALLIE, INDIAN' RIVER, FLA.
cleanliness and order are woman's. southeast quarter of section 3. township I ;
special province, and If they can. 38, south of range 41 east; close\ to Marine Railway. SAY i'rPLA'-
O. K. Wood's pineapple
not improve a town along these St Luole River; 40 acre. plantation on General Merchants and Ship Chandler

lines, It must be past redemption. Also the northeast quarter or north. ..Special Facilities. :
The ladies of Titusvllle wouldbe east quarter of section 18, township 83. -- ..ErsrgRir: BUNDLE OF GENVIN E is: Y.-A BRT.1'
doing a good act, were they to south of range, 41 east; on south fork: of Far Hauling Out, Storing and Repairing Write: : ; Nor: SnJ31p1.cs.: -
Lucle Rh'er&O : escvlo
St. & acre Apply to ToyE2.evu.
soclation.t form a Village. Improvement A>. CHAS. II. WALTOX, Yachts and Launches. :JJ.AST OO.A.ST 'raL7112ZZZ3yi.: cto SUPPLY CJOMh.AN .

Titusvllle Fla. Mention the.JDTOOATI. wbeD writing.
: Q..n1.1:1.o: S't loriclru.





........................................... FRED'K A. MORGAN I -T-PERCY--O WALTON.

Rockledge. Fort Pierce. "


FIRE: INSl'RANCE:': :': In reliable onini>anli,. at St. Lucie county la claimed to bo the Morgan
******************** : Kmwt rut,... Real l K'tnto handled. 011 omuilmlun. banner' county in the state. The C.lItorof ,
Abn-taiu. MOHOAN X WAI.....,.. this ,paper lisa some land for sale 10
____ _ TltUHVIlle, FIa,, that county. He will sell It cheap for ':11 t'\t.s- ri11o. F a._
Newsy' Notes Contributed bv Our: Regular I Tuesday's election passed off quietly.J. cash. Thin land will, no doubt, trebleIn .
I value in a short time. Now Is your
Corps of East Coast' Correspondents.: S, Coats Is putting on new shingle time to buy and bold It, ae the pineapple

.. on Miss Powe's cottage.For plantations are rapidly extending.-Ad- FIRE INSURANCE.

.N11111N11 11111 1 1.A.11111111111111111111111111Eau .I the renult of the primary election, dress, Chita. II. Walton, Tltuavlllo, Fla.! :

read the AUVOCATK columns -
7 please lead Gailie.A A, D Mon In spent last week at Eden Jim Haisteu, of Eden was a ""plensan IMIOMPT PAYMENT OK' I.OSSKHw
d for publication to "Edit looking after his pineapple crop. visitor In town {Sunday.Mr. ;

LOCATE, TltunvtH, Fla." (\mtrnctorSmith Is putting; In a good Murray representing Marx Bros,, .
IT It'll C, HODr.RO'fI'Il1'I.ur ASI sox and l commodious dock for Chas. Vuille. I
0"0-1 Eau!: (1"1110. Florida, of Jacksonville, paid our merchants i a ABSTRACTS.
BjWe cannot guarantee to publlSIM Fred lUldwin, our up-to-date mason, visit Mondiy
that do not reach thin office bcfami < A large' clnHn of I rotiatliinlsts were reo Is doing I the work on the Cocoa house The election paused oft very iiiletl;

Thursday r. eel veil Into full ?? III 1 niheikliluHtbt.1 Pan] this week Tuesday. Up to the time of writing the NEE: IF YOU HAVE: A noon T'II'LE'I'O: YOUR PUOPEUTY.REAL .
church E.I.I'( (}dine
IIIM Sunday. PnHt
Hawk. aaa Mesdames II, M. L -ckhar Bellows ballots are not all in. "
very happy.
I Will correspondenta'obllge nil byl111IJI anti l J. J. White were visiting\ Mis. M. C. Will Lennard left Tuesday for tin ;

the names ' peoplll and plnces Showel' and cool. northe.iHt dur- :Salmon\ on Satuiday.H. hospital at St. Augustine. Wo trust hi ESTATE

:playa" poitHible log the past week. 1 I 'J. Magruder/ of Oak Hill, arrived will not be detained there long. " !'

IIel'o..n, Monday. to visit his parents' Mr Hov Tompkles held services In the .
The Tieight. LAIM way on lluIJolIun's ; and Mis, C. 1). Mngrudor. Methodist church last Sunday, morning HANDLED OV COMMISblOV. TIM LAND.S FOU "A!.". .,
was week
being ovuiliuiilvd.Mlss.Sii .
Melbourne. J. J. White has resigned his position and evening, to large congregations. ;; .
the -le 'arler', of Melbourne, wet as Postmaster, and Chas. Schoonmaker Miss Grace Paxton arrived home last Your Business Respectfully Solicited, :
guest of Mrs Paddisou
ou :Sunda) assistant postmaster, is an applicant for Fildnv evening. Her many filend are : i
laat.E. the posit his. gl.d to see her looking so wall utter her Reference: Indian River State Bank, Tltusvllle, Fla. ', 3
W.OOODE-RIIal "Estate: Not) -
Public and ('lIlIv Agent for tna, Spiller ls P'l'ntlng' und decorating A Millar, our florist, who has been : illness '
nrpwIandLnet1nnandGlobe. Bpeolalattenth,andHartforainnrnn000onipanlee. the East Coast Turpentine property nat i looking the country over, has located, In On Vilday afternoon last It. l.. Brown
01110",, Ibe, Interests ot"ldent". this point. Texas. We were In hopes that he ant( bad the mlsfoituno to loose his home 'l:
; Dr. Sarah C. Hodgson and the Mlssi charming wife would return here.J. and most of his thing. by fire, which

y Subscriptions for the ADVOCAI Florence and Resale Hodgson were I In C. Shaw, ono of Cocoa'slromlnent' caught la the roof. BANKING BY MAIL

pink paper of the East Coast will be Cocoa Iatt week,on business. carpenters while sharpening piles at MVuellu's Indian River Camp No. MV, O. W., .

oited at the Melbourne Postoffice.MlmSudlo Flppen Adams: of 'the city of St laHt week, had the mlsfOi tune at their regu'ar: mooting: Tuesday night, ,1"ut. '
Augustine was in Eau Gallie doing to seveiely cut one of his limbs with! an decided to celebrate the dih of June, the often '
Itoke arrived home, la8t business In his line Ust wceky ad 7.. anniversary of the older, lu appropil: is not only safe and practical, but more ,., The 1'I
'iida;, after an absence of ome style. at home- ,, ) anti
than banking ,
itbi.I Tine freighter Mystic was in Eon' Gal. The live weeks' drouth has been very convenient encertainly '
lie's harbor on Monday lust. Capt. A. J. 801lele.with us, canning about one-hal Mr and !Mrs. Watts, the parents of out ''I confidential. 'I\; I, '
I Kin Anna filllis) of Kane. Pa., wL a8 Uogeio and crew were on board of our orange crop to diop. But It gave genial postmaster. I'. 1'. Cobb, left lot I more I l' \ I "
guest of Dr. and Mrs.,. A. Pe'ok! 111a IUHHOU In regard, to the kind (Of Cuzenovla, N, Y., Tuesday morning k ''J:1ntl4 1 '
bneck. Eau Gallie precinct No..5 polled 70, stock that would stand the drouth !best after five months visit here. We shall! .':
votes at the (Deniociatlo Primary on the :The trees on sour stock wilted and look forward to their return next fall. : Eo ,
I Jr.Xiolnon l Is making; steady improve- l*>th Inst., and some were away on bus- dropped their fruit first. The sweet Send_us_ .your_ savings_ today "'I u.lte : ,
kiuonhla lately; purchased property ne ll. stock and the. citrus trifoliata that I 18 \
litltir Island be wet land New York Sight", Jon.
claimed to good only on ,
Mr.and Mrs. Marry Hodgson and Miss
Ir,Geo. F Enseyalarge, ; fruit grow Danforth visited Lake Washington; on never wilted nor dropped hardly any 010 .' t
Tropic, was In Melbourne last woe Sunday! last. Ihe drive out and back fruit on high,:: and dry pine land. When you visit New York bo sure to We will pay you 4 z
friends. - - - ---
ling on was much enjojed.. take a. tour on the Manhattan Auto-Can ..

Claries Hoke, of Memohls Tent., The Democratic primary passed oil I JUlHHOiirlun.s.' either Uptown, Downtown or China ,0' has \ :

01 a few days lately at the Ilokaeetead iiietly on Tuesday last the 15tb: Inst,. "When- "'OS" druggist: at Llvnnla,, town.Cars leave Hotel Sarumio, Broadwayand and allow you to withdraw , : ,Ies; I'}/
much to( the delight of that with John E. M. Hodgson; J. T. nell :Mo.," writes T. J, Dwyer, now of Gray Forty-second street, every hour. la's .
inlly.Mlallelen. and C. Kudell the polling booth. tllle, Mo. "illicit of my customers were hours. "f'lto
Each trip requires about two :
Killer\ is at home again for W. T. Wells, of Melbourne was in Eau permanently cured of consumption by Licensed ChaiilTeurs; and expert Guides Without 1 t Notice I JIIO } '
lime!11th her. sister, Ur L. A. Pee. Oallie on Tuesday last, In bill launch, ; Dr. King's New Discovery, and well and with each car, telling you all about Pub- rna I
;lads are always glad; to see Ml Iss the Ilatussoo. Mr. \Vells-wlll have a strong tot"'Y." One was trying to Hell hU lie Buildings, Churches, Residences, I''
biro come b.ack. large quantity of pines to ship this season property und move/ to Arizona, but after Central Park, Grant's Tomb, and other New York draft :
using New Discovery a short time he Remittances may be made by I
of Inteiost.
Geo. McLean, of Plttsburg, Pa., who found It unnecessary to do so. I regard; to tlato. tel
a been a guetio; ; of the Bellevue lor< Capt. Graham of the steamer Wanderer Dr. King's New IM-covory as the most Cars new and thoroughly up. postal or express money order,
Special cars for apodal parlies.Vi Il.e.
ne months left last week for tile has his vessel! in Eau' Gallle, being wonderful medicine In exl tence."
call J letter
\ Ite or telephone 111.1:1: : Bryant, or in registered or "Jlft
line Leie. currency
rth. His boat Is boused epnlied. The steamer has a tow of SUI est cough: and cold oure and throat t

Hitler Richard Kobbins a popular barges fur the E. C. L. extension to Key I nod lung; healer. Guaranteed* by the upon n. \WBKN.V, checks. 4ls i
''ind gentleman from Tltusville, was West. Ked Cross Pharmacy. .>io) and >tl Tihil General Manager, I

i guest of Master Frasler Campheteek. Miss Anna Danforth, of Clean, X. Y., bottle free, 1457;; Broadway, New York City.
t It la needless to Bay the bop; will leave for the north via Clyde Line, --- ---------- The First National Bank J

ill good time generally. next week. Misn Danforth will return Lotus. Mims.
t: Knu Gallle next season and receive i a ,
era I", J, F. Campbell paid a visit 1 1'luville to o /
last week. Mrs. Campbell hearty welcome. Showers almost daily, which U very i,
ZFleu ]
become a member of the Easters The Lizzie took a run to Melbourne icceptable. Heaviest rain the Tuesday. : : ::

Ur-the join this first Interesting of the Melbourne society. ladles each Mrs. Chancellor on Sunday, of last.Topeka Mrs., Kans.Gilbert, and Tomatoes ate moving this out, freely.. The W. I). Benson is on a short visit with State Depository. City Depository. :
was large,:: here pllnl(
Or J. E. Urich and Dr. F. II., Hougl- the Misses Florence and Bessie llodgsoi crop his family. Assets $5OOOOO.OO. : 111
have been spending a few days I Itkionvllla In were on board. Almost everYone of the farmers went M, II. liarrlsnnof Tuinbull, was In _ r 11te
down on Tuesday and cast their vote. _ .. h _.__. _ _.. __ 'CIE
and enjoying a little vlalt Capt. Frank Houston anchored his 11111011[| Sunday.J. .

itlantio Bench. Dr. Urich returned steamer opposite Eau!: Gallie on :sunday: < Mr. and )Mrs. Ltndabury and Miss T. McGuire, of Tltusvllle, wan In I
i Wednesday to resume work on the last. The steamer had a large tow of Vlttfeld, of CeorgUna" were guests of' Mime last week About that lino of p4.KEEN
: .
otus. barges In convoy, hound for the E. C. li, rlr. and Mrs. Walker last Sunday. ; '

theWaukefan I ( 111., Daily Gazette extension to Key West. Rev Oliver Fans held services here From Mrs.her C.recent S. Unllou fall. Is fast recovering If

reties that Mrs. Geo. K. Lyon baa The Adliitant, a'monthly Issued by innday morning to a goodly conllr..ttntlon. .
*chosen 1'ieslileut of the Outdoor the K. 1\(, I., of Iyndoo, Ky., and Eau Rain prevented services at night. I>r. E. E, liolllns was visiting patientsIn i KUTTER GOODSTlioy ) *- : .

'I'tLeadiie. Mrs. Lyon own a beaut- Gallic Fla., Is nor at hand, and Is a Mrs. II.D. Booth and family of rant.loy Mini Sunday ,
"1 winter home in Melbourne, and I IWmucli Is credit! alike to the cadets and Institute and A. Munion, of Banyan, were J. Z. Kyzer and family have movedfor '1 Ie ',

luteroBted In our pretty town. Thanks, Adjutant, for the kind remarks loanant visitors here Sunday, calling on a while" to Long Corner cuii't be beat y 1 l ,
Adillion Fee has made about Eau Uallle. .'
a nice Improve friends. Ames Green is soon expected on a \0'
Nut his grove place, by repainting( The Eau Gallie river light Is a great Miss Elma Geiger who has been loading abort visit with his brother :lel .1'' ,
M house. Nothing Ilk. keeping build benefit to boatmen, yachtsmen and school In ht Lucle county for the 1 d Sold 1 1. ""I
H!I nicely painted. We have some others, dining these dark and stormy nine months, returned home last The election, Tuesday passed off very ) > '1 I
aiMlnga!( In town that need paint, t.llt nights. The light l is 42: .ft. above water past week> for a much needed rent. quietly, and everyone In satisfied. t, !
rule our people take good cane of level and Is hoisted to that height Is all over M
Beans and tomato shipping .i'
wr homes and business aDd There was a picnic given last Satur- //G I h !
placea.of ( very evening at sundown and I now the planters are busy planting : JAS. PRITCHARD & SON
mlnlBter'lIlIttle Itlrl'abirthday.
P them neat and clean. ----------- day In honor of the attended sweet potatoes.Mrs. .
Quite a number '
Qolle a little excitement In Melbourne A Mountain of Gold with well filled baskets of things good It. E. Mlms, Jr, of ,Fort Pierce, TITUSVILLK, FLA. i.
>mday. when Mr. Flagler'a corps oWnoera could not bring as much happiness to to: eat, also nearly every one brought a after spending several. week la Mlnm, r "' v
' that, nod label available whit l la Lucia Wllke, of Caroline, Wis, a8did and tome present for the little girl. A'' etc for her home Wednesday -

survey( west.Ve hired left wont for th"Wuf tell Salve one when 25o; It box completely of Hticklen's cured a Arnica running IOpeelal uclrcled[ birthday by a Imiuitlful cake. was wreutli made, for and her her, Last Thursday the residence and outbuildings .- ...................................................+ e
''r' bf Jonas Gilbert waR com :
Jet what they are doing, but hop< tortured made with can- IV
her leg, which had Lena May Faun
sore on time, citizens !
Dele fire. The
Henry will give u. another road her 2J: long years. Greatest antiseptic dies' on top.. Everybody jojed It Im- pletelyleatroye,1 by .
Melbourne aro taking up a subscription to help rebuild Works
healer of piles wounds and sores. 20at ;; lenHeiy, and left wishing for Home one his home.' : | Daytona Novelty f

the Red Cross Pharmacy. fist! to have( a birthday ----- --- I Ii i ,a; t

Indianola. Georgiana."Uncle Deaths lroosAI l>cMi l

lbe cattlemen from this section are corn increase F Dr. King's In the New same Life ratio Pills that IDcr.n.tI8.They the useof Do not forget the fact that at the An- nut Street, Near Freight Depot.ItAYfOXA i ii. {S vPhone

lib"II week on around up. Hughie" Is enjoying greeu save you from danger and bring OOATK office, Tltusvllle, we do jot -/ -
these days.
for his dinner from constipation !- of all kinds neatly cheaply and i.
"bo release ,
Reed, Justice of the Peace lindito"1.9 quick and painless printing; 70- l
I L. Bruner finished Mrs. peacheY'8bOllse and the Ills growing out of It, .
well taken In trying A. ax ped I tlo us I y. LetterheadsNoteheads, .
pretty up house and their
nice follow
dlsputea among the colored Monday. It Is a ::;trength and vigor always lillbeads. Envelopes,Tags, and all other
OBl.1' ln this neighborhood. well finished U"O. Guaranteed bv the Ked Cross Mill thoroughly remodeled and equipped,' ;
Wo:\ them. Inds.Bleuc35.a3.aa.It.fcL .
fine barmacy. : try
Juckleberrles Mr. Dawley Is shipping PLAN1NU, HAWINO! and RE-
are ripening fast now, bringing
and are -- -
tomatoes now

1,e cite,OI as of plentiful recent them greatly rains as housewives, have although Increased would they good Harry prices Davis, who has been tunning : : cSc; Repair: SJ:1.0P: Window Frames, Door Frames, i i!

E. V. Hall's boat, the Lena, for the win- ENNIS & FORT, Props TITUSVILLE, FLA.
lartrem left here Thursday, for his home Iniulford SCREENS: HIIACKKTM{ )
and John tar .
Field' Stewart Bell,,
1111pSchuylor and Hugh Drawdy reed N. Wagon Makers and Repairers..--Horse Shoeing a specialtyUp All kind of Turning, () .
''II (Pine or CypreM.) | I
last : been l1a"lnan unusual spell work have our special atttentlon-we" pay freight one way."
Saturday from a week' out- We have / and down river carved capltuU.Cabinet . :
fat with plain or
l Uteanus, and report the surf so of cool weather for this season of the Give us your work. We guarantee satisfaction.
tht If one time that went over the year' In sunny Florida, and the much : Work and all kind of Htair. Work
,w i !Is unusual needed rain has come. brlgbt and / d '
My Moulding are always
In, Jobn Field met with an accident Rev J. B. Hawk will hold services Whitehall Portland Cement: : TO '
tww. that! will Prevent her from use- here In the church /Sunday, May 2ii, both : r-'ESPECIAL: PMCOUNTrt: aMOULDINg5
'>([ontV'81" arm. for a time at 1
l !'by' m'a noise, WednesdAY the she chick-wa cordially Invited to attend these services.will 500; Barrels will be received in the next sixty day*. ../... ........ .. $ fe
., among friend of Mr. Pierce !
treed I.I better.
The many Costs a little more' than other cement but
'heels PuKolngout? to Investigate, be glad to know that he Is able to walkabout :
"' "OT hoes\ off the HUXDRIES.'I
'till slipped house again after his long '
the 7'
ed to I b he['.aolabe round l '.full trlklng down her three shoulder'bceBeld steps Illness reeks ago.and fall from the porch, several East Coast Lumber & Snppy: Co, S. IS. M' at t

the 'collar bone. Dr.
wall called over and set the Mrs. May L. Bower and daughter, EAU OALLIE: FLORIDA.
C. 3ir aa Hattie, and Miss Mary Hamlio, --- --- -- ;
'II along Iiss --
,could\ beeeipeuted.ting were out driving Monday: afternoon and Dry Goods Notions Boots
Chambers ,
ailing on Mesdames Page,

I'ottmaster Cobbed. and Ilughw.F. *. Florida Nurseries LADIES'! ,AND OKXTS' rURXISHIXO OOOD-J, ;: ,
have moved East .
Ii W )lunsou and family .
i otFf I UU> Postmaster at Rlverton, back Into their own house and Miss KAU: OALLIK, :
01-1 Oltt hb life and robbed .. wither
I rnfort Ruth Allen, of Dsytons: l staying' : - :
Il"h w,. acc<>r I her "For 20 year I had cbron health Is much Improved. STAXDABD VAKIETIEt: OF ;
eom those
J plalot' which led to such a E = S.r'E-V-E:'
will be observed here ..g.
Net Memorial Dar .e
nal urneddysilowgtwhevenen fay my ual. ( Exercises are to be ORANGE AND GRAPEFRUIT TREES.
church at oneclock ;
{ '2 Eleotrlo Bitters; held In the beginning TITUSVJLLE, FLORIDA.
"dame ilLtor I*
alcrib,., hae kept me In the come Everyone and bring booked DOW for fall delltery. I also offer som. choice Val.ncla Late, _1

II' ata, weakness. Sure oure and for all billousnes stomach, cordially owers to Invited decorate to"'I'b. low green tents" Order Tardiff. Ruby and Pineapple for Summer planting. Tree first clams In '=: irirsis: : : g &:, :I? \.: : ::
never outward Add 1'''**
bladdoar doors
'O : deraDlIel"lenta.a : hose are every way. I'jg
loved ones
II toolc. .A.t the Bed Cross \ our soldiers and .DKALEK IX-
allele,. SO C) Cftnta, eeplng; they all will be remembered? will, 'VTz-sz.: Reed, .
one will be forgotten, but each one s :TAXK3, BICYCLK-i AND BICYCLE ,
t .
&LL -KIXD I'-JOB PRINTING receive IU Imo tribute sit G 3RAYTO.V ISLAND "r.oRIDA. .
a''e1nber the ADVOCU.TB office. CO: and take a cr


. . .." -. .
,, .. . "
_. J -u I -- ----

1I rit
r _

) .

i1i r i110\V' PEAS draw nitrogen from the J 'CLe Florida East Coast Railwa-

'' air in large amounts, if sufficient ..

Local Time Card No: 66 In Effect April 16, j l!
POTASH and acid
phosphoric ; are supplied

+e 1 a to the -
plant. N. 99 No 29
STATIONS Noo.171 I No,
Dall, Daily 01

The multitude of served the oopm II 2O"m Lv...?................,.Jaek.onvllte..A r 72.\pm 'I-N ',,'
purposes by 6 OMpm' 92s.m ...._......._.lolltbJ..k"ollvlllo..Lv: 717J'1n
7 op.u 10 40..m ....................lIt.: A..If..Ilne.. .....?............. 6 LSpn! ,, b I'
r Mpm H IH"m ..........................IIstinge ........................ .. II 311.m "7 4i I'I ;
;4 told in the II Ospln It 1lr.m1 ......,.. ....East 1'alatke........................,. II :'I'1f\' '. a+,
remarkable cow arc
pea, 65-page H iiji; l om Ar...... .......,,..-l' T ..---t 4 ( ,,n- .
i r gNGt T I mii! 11 10.m Lv......?..................... 1.'lalk"...........................Ar 6 trj',", _r4, :
r Y 26pui .................. Ar.......?.... ........ [Nall Mateo., ......................Lv ......... ,
illustrated book, "The Cow Pea, which also 4t ...;._......-. 1I11I"m Lv..........................Fan. 1II..leO ..........................Ar 9 JL
Y01pin118".pin ..............nuunolls..........................Lv 4"11111.m : j;
HplO .124Opm .. .............................JJllloont....?...??.............. 42:11'm: s
tells of the results obtained from U 4epm. 1 181..n ..... .................... Ormond..............?........... 8 MI.m aI100pm :Jl.
N splendid 121pm ..........................".,,... 841'11I ,
M 10 tal.m 1111'I'nl' .. ....................... fort Oranlfo ....................... 8 :95pn I 4 I Ilr:y j"
10 115pm Wpm A......................Now; I'rn.........?,............ .. 8 L'prt'' 4 I fl!
fertilizing cow with POTASH. The book Dhtm .141plll .................... Luke llelon...................$ v l00pm.J';
fl peas 1 % 11 2surn 4 1I"I.m Art......_,.......... Orange Clly......................: .. U bupnl I '"
4 l Olf i 11 4nam I II t)I l.m Orange City Junctlnn ...,... : l245

is free to farmers for the asking: 1)i': I .

i ; 1161pm 2--'pn.' Ar...................... ....ltll."lI1e........?.....,.......,. '. 2Q.m I Iinti .
tf :) i. 6 Mlptti ArI........._..........,?..Sanror, .......................... v i1&-5-1-; : ,.o
Address GERMAN KALI WORKS 6 Shim m It a'am L"t.......................... 'lInrnrd..........,................ \r 6001,1 I 1 11: 10
N.w York-93 NMMU btr..t. or Atlanta tla.-2ZM So. Broad Strut.F Oflii l::1 mji1iLv i ........................"?TItmrvllle.........................Ar 205p"n, ii iojj,,
F .. . Four Sailings Each Week . U 1I1"t 8 611n' .. ......?...................Conrot..................?........Lr. 12gon" 22,.
1281,00: N Mpm ......................?Uookle.llI'e.........,.....?.?.. 120",:
ROTATE CROPS. seems fo be a Illsposfllo'u 15 eden area northward. Insect depredators BETWEEN JACKSONVILLE and NEW YORK. I t'n'n: I nopm' .. ................. ....J\lelhonrno........................ .. 1:1: N7pnI I I ;r?.

Cotton Shonld Kot' Come on the Land were not wanting but It is claimed lrasm 24snn, e1MI1.ln 5 : ;: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::':Pubxstian..r.. lurl, ::::::,:::::;:,.:::::::: :: to 1162mn favu11::: i 1'1x1 Itn:'

:' Oftener. Than Ifiwrjr Three Yeitra. NOanm 1lfopm ..........................Fort l'lorce,.......... ......... 10 .,low, 1 11 I ',..
''V I Cotton which l In, there were no such losses as where the Calling at Charleston, S. C., both ways) a HOl1'n 687pm ......... ................Tlhlndl........................,. 101.RIII ,
planting by meant boll weevil reigns. 8 641pll1 ....,..?...??.............. Elten .............................. 10 JI"m 11 111"1
ti ,$ the exclusive and contliiuoiM cultivation The Finest in the Coastwise ServiceThe Dloam CI .11I1'11I ? ?...........................J..n..11......................... 10Obnu: 11 '11'1''
:My experience with .cotton is to keepit Steamships II alma CI r.71.1Il .. .................._.........Io of cotton on the sumo land as clean, let nothing grow In the field 4 2uant' 7 anon .. ....... ............... lIobe Sound. ........................ .. \U'1Ian I 10
7 and Southern Lines 4400' ,1 7.IOp.n ....................,... w..t Jllplle. ....................... .' Olsnu, 101.1"I
the New England
long as crop will yluJU enough to but cotton; then you can count on a Clyde II JJ\a1l1 II l:"pro .............?......Wont 1'aim Bench .................. .. II I Iam:; !. .
,' + 1st pick baa ruined thousands of ticren of crop remarks a Georgia planter. Direct Service Between II H .lupin .. ......................... any: molt ...,...._................. 'N 21Inm to tip'
II Mllm H 11"1'11I ............................ lJelmy ..._._.......... .. 1\ L",111 .
once fertile land and dlaflgurcd the cotton Cotton warehouses are coming. Their Jacksonville Boston Providence and all Eastern Points. 6 4H..1I1 P U .1O".n .. .....................b.ort I.nudeplala................... 7 2hfim, 7 S01,
i coming will be hastened 6 R.1l1It U 47IIR, ................................ IIl1nl. ...................... 7 I"un! 7 !Mil(
with torn und greatly II
i region gullied old by.. 7 mlRIIt a fntp..L. lallanlalo........................ ? 7 Olin. III 7 ,
( fields. Tills type of cotton growing has planting) cotton acres to corn to fruits (Calling at Charleston, S. C., both ways) 7 "Ham 10 :/I'I.n. .. ..................... emon Vlly. ......_...,.....? CI 4:111111: ' III tai
SEMI-WEEKLY BAILINGS; y /Lenin 1080pm Ar............,............. Miami...... ............_._..Lv U intuit l p
been an unmitigated curse to the southern alfalfa and vegetables says Farm and Bouthbounrt......................., ... ....... ...... ....... .......... ..fronLewl., Wharf Boston 8 onll' .. ................. .........................?..?...yllaml........?...................t.4r ..........,... 'I 1011 O"p
4 I states. Hays Farm and Itanch.I Ranch. Ily the side of the cotton warehouse Northbound ............... ..........___:::..::_. ....from foot of Catherine Street JacksonvllleClyde 10 foam.: ...... Arl......:.................llome.tesd.. ....................ILV .......... U ilJp:
I The most profitable and satisfactory will spring up the cannery the -

system of furiulug In the cotton region I creamery the local ment packcry and St. Johns River Line. Jlnty'At J Dally l'arlnrCftnJ.except Sunday on trnhm 20? and 78. Unllbt Sleeping: Cars on train.DO and ,,,

Is that In which cotton cornell on the the cotton mill. _.. ----

4., F land not of toner than once every three When u field Is very weedy the best BETWEEN JACKSONVILLE AND SANFORD. No.:23 sat.: No.21 NDn119; .T'No.17 No.IS Daile; No.\8 No.20 No 51.end

years. Four or live years' rotation method of planting corn so that cultivation Stopping at Patatka, Astor 8t. Pranal, Iterenford(DeLand), and intermediate l landIngs MAVPORT ORANCH No.221 Ir
r I would probably be better .Btlll. The different will keep weeds down accord- on the St.John River,commencing Wednesday. November IS,loon. Sun. Dilly l: Dally Dally Sun.Dilly Daily DailIo96np "/
( .!.!!''L--= = _ __ ..
---- ,
I, crops to be Included In the rotation Ing to the Kentucky experiment eta Steamer "CITY .JACKSONVILLE.

must differ with .eons and localities tion. Is to plant In checks and plow a appointed to sail a* follows Leave Jacknoiivllle SiimUys, Tllel."',., .nd Thursday, at U.30 oII'/ 611p 810p 6 IIIHI'top" 20plOOaa 200ploOORr".J"ck.otn.lIle..Ar" .......,South' Jackwrnvllle.LV' U61a 7on. R'IOs 832a12Np 1001 f'H'C'p9, i

and will tho personal tastes of the both ways. p. m. Returning; leave. Sanford Sundays Wednesday and Fridays at P.DO a. in.BimtbBound 108nl' 7211 IIM'p' 2/01,1081111" ........,... 21ta IIU..1122111'. "'2ip, a
t : ......... RablonrAh..6 '
t08\1' 7lp IIMI' 9401)IO4Is \ I \IIII: 101' '151.161000p ,
farmer. The foundation of the system Honey is always ready seller and SCHEDULE. North' -Bmtnd 74ripAIOp_ 8001)( 11 OOa Ar.\.,., .... ,. . ood74IatIoonSOlp, 8
should however, be the endeavor to the price per pound averages anywhere Read down. Read up.
make the farm self sustaining without from 12 to 20 cents '.eave. 8 HO p. 'la. ...... .... ........ .. Jaukflonvtlle.l' ..... . ......... .. Arrive i OO a. m.Leave PENINSULAR AND OCCIDENTAL STEAMSHIP CONNECTIONS AT MIAMI.Close )\ .
1'' depending upon 'Leave 8 46 p. m, .......... ... .. ........ ... latka.Afttor ....,...., ..........M..... 8 CO p. m.
counUilg the urea in cotton. Cotton the locality and q UIL II ty. Leave atMla.w. ...... .......... . ............ .. ..... ..... Leave. 1 X p m.
; ', .would then become tile surplus Leave. .80.. m......... ... ...., St. rranoli.............. ........... Leave 2 oo p. m Connection Made at Miami with. Steamships of the P. & 0. S. S. Company t,
or savings "Light sandy land Is.usually the very Leave ....................NereslordDelrnd( )...... ., .............Leave IOU p. m.
bank a(','ouut. lu Much u system soil that requires potash for cotton" Arrive 8 30 ............. Han. ford... .... ......... ....... Leave 980 a. m.
when prices were too low tile farmer says R. J. Redding. Arrive 10:001. m. ........................?Enterprlte............... ...... .... Leave 10 OO *. m. Havana and Key West

,,r would hold his crop until prices rose. The use of the cowpea Is making a Cen'l Passenger and Ticket Off Ice. 122 W. Bay St.,Jacksonville.r. Two Sailings Each Week.

,. Good Crap flotation. new epoch In the southern states. It
M. IRONMONGER 3 f' In arranging a good rotation for up- supplies the missing link In the crop O.COOPKa: ,J r., Local Frt.Agl. Jacksonville O. P. LOVKl.L Superintendent Jacksonville. Trains Discharge Passengers at Ship' Side. No Transfers.These .
land sections of tho cottou belt the following rotation makes humus and adds nitro- t'foot Hogan St.,JaokHonvllle. Fin,
.C.. HAOERTV Oen'l Kant'n. P..... Airt. New York CLYDE MILNK:, Oen. Frt. Agt., ;New York.Gen.rl' Time Tables show the times at which train. maybe period to arrive at and dry"
crops are all available: Corn Ren.-I* II. Bailey. THEO.44. KGRK V. P, and Oeneral Maxafrer. from the several. stations, bnt their arrival or departure the times stated 1.1l0tKII.'..'..
a winter oats winter wheat sorghums I Offtuea,Pier 30 North ilver. Branch,290 Broadway, New York. not Is this Company to be held responalble for any delay or any consequences arising tbvrufroFor

(sweet and nonsuecliarliie C. II. WALTON. Agent TltiMvllIe. Fla.
), sweet
potatoes -
A Gaurttnteed Cure For files Copy of the LOCAL TIME CARD or Other Information
peanuts crimson clover and .
cOw- .--- --- '
peas. Itching Blind Bleeding Piotiudiog'Hen. "SEE THE TICKET AGENT."

Stock raising in the cotton region is Druggists/ DID authorized to refund J. D. RAHNER. Asat. Qen'l.. Pas. Aft., ST. AUGUSTINE, FLA
i never likely' to exceed the demands of nviMi.y If Paz 0101( men' falls to Atlantic Coast.Line.
- - -
the local markets. Permanent grasslands cure' In 6 to 14 day. /BOo .
are except as regards Bermuda

grass difficult to maintain and not de- Bird Frlenda of th. Farmer Mallory Lines
elrable. As a rule It will be more profitable "Quail and nearly all birds eat boll I -TIIROUOU SCHEDULE-

llt to depend upon annual leguminous weevils at some time during the year

crops for hay and pasture or a particularly lu tho early spring: Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Virginia,

mixture of such with winter oats rather mouths.. This Is the conclusion after,
than to attempt to lay down cottou'. painstaking Investigation of ornithologists North Carolina and South Carolina SPECIAL PASSENGER-EXPRESS STEAMSHIPS

i land in so called permanent grasses of the department of agriculture *
Other friends of tho farmer In his annual The Great Highway of Travel Between Largest and most thoroughly equipped passenger steamships on lie count.

The Adaptable Bee I fight against tbe boll weevil In -NO OVEJtCROWDING-

''I That more persons do not keep boos Texas: : and Louisiana as It appears Florida, tho East, West, North and South. IMPORTANT STATEROOMS ARE POSITIVELY GUARANTEED!

Is rather singular They may be kept from u report by Bnlley In bulletin No.
ships an no tickets will be number!
1 sold to exceed the
In the city or the country and lu any 22 of the biological survey, are the
tl locality. They are at home any place Carolina wren, titlarks redwing, blackbird CONVKNIINT SKHVICK, ELEGANT PULLMAN EQUIPMENT, MAGNIFICENT or the seating capacity of Dining Halls thus Insuring all passengers/ Indlvlilu

you set teem down either at the meadow lark the western !savanna DINING CABs service and attention.

''i queen's palace or In the most remotes sparrow the white throat sparrow
( :
corner of a wlldernens. They will occupy the brown thrasher, tbe common
ROUTE OF TilE I "DIX1K FLYER. (See Schedule of Ships In Florida Times-Union
I place that Is of no use for anything phoebe the kllldeer and the plover. )
else. They will save toils of Farm and Ranch says It .Is. a fact CKLKHRATEn: ) TllAIV-4 I MOXTOOMKRV; L. & N.


I became operative for the protection of Including delightful; DAYLIGHT AIL, through the

i nongnme and game birds, prohibiting CONVENIENT METHOD OF TRAVELING. FAMOUS "SEA ISLANDS."

1 1i I absolutely the- killing of nongame ATLANTIC COAST LIXK 1,000 mile tickets food over 15,000! ) miles of railroad embracing

= birds, the cotton fields of south and nil portions of the South, on sale: at all principal agencies; at rate of $:>II
central Texas have not been ravaged each. Limited to one year from date of purchase. For full,complete and reliable tractions Through offered tickets sold to all northern points. For full Information regarding<
schedule" Pullman etc. call ad. by no other line; diagrams! reservatlns' tickets, etc., apply
by the weevil to any general extent. Information regarding rates, service on Agent or

dross: CHAS., DAVIES, Fla. Passenger Agent, 214 West BaySreet, Jacksonville: Florid'
"Nntnrnl" Claaii
One of the southern experiment stations 1:18: West Bay ::It., Astor Building, JACKSONVILLE, FLA.
W. J. Passenger Trafllo Manager WILMINGTON. N. C.
finds that the same
- -
i of available phosphoric acid, nitrogen -
and potash In MI) culled "natural" for *ur+* .1(. .p.t.. Makes Kidneys and Bladder High

gun no" are neither more nor less effective .
{ when applied to cotton than !3JE J13<> I>

are tho sumo elements In the forms of

ate acid of phosphate potash.OeCOidanaflOtOI, cotton meal and muri AIR LINE RAILWAY. \We Never Disappoint Our Patients

\"Ie Fulfill Every Promise and fJenr Uold Out False HOP' sI
-- FOR- WE CURE ptrleIure without the kalr..rbou..nd Vnrleorole wdh,""
detention from boatneut uo"t.gloae IU"nll lI'.alJ.
SAVANNAH, COLUMBIA, CAMDEN, SOUTHERN PINES, RICHMOND, cured never to r.t..rD. Wltho... mercury or mlner.1, .e'xrltre, Lna of nerRj9
.. . . but "
V'o..ltlY. .ar..dl nD pUmnl.ut Vef'
WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK r= 'The Dr. King Meillonl Co. l ln.lltaili.n. oricanli"" ,*."*octal,/let,!
7., \ I"...or the of Ooorgla fur the eroutmnt and /
th ;r heryouiandohonledu.n.a. Dr. IT. K. Kill, " foaaderoItel.
? .. ..111J .
...!j'1f'. I .luntltullon.the oliltif. "oimmlt.lnir. prolalUt.. o.">rI "
q The season's first cold .. . Two Elegant Trains Dally . \I Ourauoreia.' 0mfnnt In the lrr phyaklau.andurgoune..tmo or chrnnla dl.o...* II ....r,..

J1KES! W THE IIOJIK. be slight-may yieldto Md; w. sec.both m"".'..' and elHotrlcal' annnelei. .rla'le.
_ may Seaboard 'p -- wl'h" .a I me Rulvunlu, f.raA.l' I ... rt.otI
Seaboard Express Mail. Onromeo..r.equlpi !
honey from going, / to loss. They are early treatment but the ouotrl..ace. 'known' to the ed m.'o.L'n.,' ...prote.eloo.' .4"du b..elmudem'In
am absolute necessity to the horticulturist and none hu' :bs
ever) r..peot' w. employ
and have made some rich next cold will hang on tralqed aad ,mole.s. atirndanra,r.'siarlr quadded ,,5d"w'
men aDd Io.n..d bulDIf 111 char.e.
PULLMAN pb'ot.
And In the now fashionable pursuit of longer ; it will be more 'Y'n employ no ml.le.dteg' mea.. $0 arouse 1'.1..11' "
0.0.1)0 or une.ked htt llrerature or lIP::.;.;;
nature study few things are more fascinating troublesome too. Un- ONLY LINE Operating Dally\ Through; Sleepers Jacksonville to New Orleans ..L I\, \ ... ontronara-' Ollr ..rm. 10r ddmandw.YlviIII'; ,***",
i nontt.lineUlelin'
than the working of the bees per
. .
sore of at enre within a peotflvd lime.NY
I which may readily be observed In aIr I lecessary to take chancesi For full Information and sleeper reservations call on any Agent BEST RFRNCtiS.:: CHRONICDISEASES. w"'quay"ncrt''t"e;; : 4i2S." .::

.lass front hive placed near window,,', that second one. Scott's.mullion Seaboard, or writeA. :of AD01LIRNffpBE() .urb.. Itldnoy .sad Bladder trouble' Ithr.."': ,.,.
through which the 1 boos fly. cs: I/ Knptur, llrdruorle.. Hr.ln.' Loo. .. ....>.. ."d "I Yn.r'"

I If f is a preventiveas 0.. MACDONELL, As.t. Gen. Pass. Agt. S. C. BOYLSTON, Pass. Agt. UNTIL CUBED. }) N.-Dle..e... Tumor. Had* .and.and malUnanl 1 tranbUa.D. ..... of catarrh Rye, rod.'p0aCu K"
N. K. KINa M. D. thVonl "l>r ...i'"oV VvV'mcnT auob"aV \JI'-'
future Vnlae of Young Timber well as a cure. 'rakeSCOTT'S JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA. ,.. OoN..jt.TiNO ........0'.... Conaur I Plaolmric. and aiioh weakne.'ea of mrx ...1 ft
An Item of news of Importance to W u.uUiy reg.miBff. your oondltlon If yon are .li>. or aid luted i.> ""<
t timber land owners U tho announcement _.- -' .-- rite. Mod you cur lIMralore.. Ineludloc aymptom blank. for borne lrelm"". _* _
that n California lumber company BO YEARS' DR. lUNG MEDICAL CO. ra Y N'I'a. Dt' rutty t130ia' 03
which of Ore Karl.Staaadrrktretta ,
{applied plan protection EPLSIOH$ EXPERIENCE ', .
to a single township during the

. Aummcr: of 1005) ;, U now preparing to -

extend tho same protection to the rest when colds abound andyou'll Always Remember the Full N

of Its large! holdings of cut over land.
have cold. Take it
( no
It built Ih'o'Iinell
and Inaugurated a
r patrol system to guard the young. when the cold is contractedand L xat!
TRADE M"'ltl B
jtrowth.with.\this nlgnlucnnt uiu of a point lire In protection connection it checks intlamma- Prevents Serious Results t DCSIQNSCOPYRIGHTS: Ac. .mQuiPhllCures

system by a private owner'Is the fact tion heals the membranes From a Cold. Anyone; ...ndlnq, pk.toh and dmcrlntlftn ni.yiu
q"IrI art. >t oitr op{tteltiit free whether aa Tw<
that It means the recognition of the of throat .......,lnn t.pmlinHI pnl..ntwhle. Oimniiintr' a Cold in One Grip in
the and lungs Remember the tlo.....,...<,l7r. ....,......"..,. HANDBOOK on PMIMXMMit Day
future value of young timber. name .( f_ UMftnC minnrr for._iruitf_..n... ,
and drives the cold out. Pnt.I* f"h" Itimtivh alum A COo1...
Fol., Hon.y'anel Tar. Insist ga 1a4....t...., wH! ""j|uliurg*. la tbScicuiilic .

Send for fret SAmptt. upon having the genuine. 1i111 ri\a" l8. OD Box. 2Sc.
I HERE AND THERE I Ttir. .)!.. sac, coo, ...00 ..
A hnni1iN .'.lTll1nMtmt. w..alr. .
>m tamest <(!*
SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists .... ..
Prepared only by vut ntm p.r..l. Term*.|3*
..riri 8oW k b7&11 n.w*i.*.)_ F
Missouri made n flue showing with 40I-4IS reull".e" N.w Trk Foley A Company ChICl.... lmlloNEY TAR foLEYSHONEYAatop
MUNN & Co.30"-- New York
cotton KI'Qhl Jast .geasop!\ and. there lOco sad'1.00 All druggist. ICed Cross Pharmacy. the Paesp
1 Brawrii omo* 1126 f Bt, Wublwitun.IX V. cough nd hlel\&Dat. Gana Coldai Fl "opts




_t .'






Travelers Hotel --- That the leading/ medical. writers andteachers ,
[he New JACKSONVILLE. F1A ADVANTAGES: OF A DIRT AND STONE of all the several schools. of I
practice endorse and recommend. In the
-On the American and l European Ph'nroder HIGHWAY. Btromredt terms possible, each and every Commission Merchants
new management. Newly furnished and l renovated. A -- I Ingredient! entering/ Into the composition I
family home. Bates form: American Union Plan, $.1.00) and $2 00\ ; European 60cts Len E pe..h. to Keep I. Repute I of 1 Dr.the fierce'cure of! llold weak n stomach Medical. dyspepsia Discoveryfor \ 110\ MURRAY STKKKT: - NEW TOR.
oar Station doorl
and upAll atop at the Than One Built Rntlrrlr of 11:11.: .... catarrh of stomach. "liver complaint."

w- U.\XCOCK.l'roprletor. alsterlsl-thenpest and :Mo.t Conenleiit torpid liver, or blllulIlIlIlI""i chnniiu hmvtllatTl'ctlolllO

The beautifully located Riverside Hotel, at lueeu Cote Springs. U under the ,. Itonri For Mnny Srrtlou whatever,region and nitmo. or IILI nature discuses! It of U

.tame i management./ "There are not u tvl'I'3plo who decry also anpoclflc. remedy" for all such .chronic Pineapples Tomatoes Potatoes
or long standingeases! of catarrhal affections ,
the dirt road us being, utterly and their resultants, us bronchial ,
HAY\"OYA\ ItKACII.: woi'thlt-xH uuder any nUll all clrcwuiKtancoR throat and IiikuJtdl-enM, .i<(exceptconHiiini It
tlontnci-ouipnnleil) with severe' cniiglm. BEANS AND ALL KI.OUMI.V Ylml' TAIlr.F.S OUR M'ECIAtiTT.:" .
Buys William K. Voorheoa lutho Is not 80 good for acute colds mid cough/ ,

loud Honda fllglalile.01'.1: but for lingering: or chronic cases, It Is .
Seaside Inn especially oftiuaclous In producing. . -- -
he I\YTON-A ]HKACir, FLA. Ing to these IUIMHTOIW crltlcx no roadworthy cures. It rontaint. Itlack Cherry hark,

,, of the uamoVuu be uindo of Uchlcn Heal' root, Hloodroot, Store root P. RuhLlznanL c& Co.
Mandrake root and Queen's root-all (Ifwhl..h
;"s now open for, the Hummer /'pasen, under the lunniiuenienl of the, owner' dlrh It U a wlI ll'ful nod eJl.h'a'.IIJlIl1t, are 'vl a'' remedies for

[/ KACK r. STEWART. HyirUmne aid n., ",, .ltmt0l, ton r>aytn'1a croatlou; u thlllg that Bwullows taxes, all tho above mentioned afft'ctlonsby such :(ll Washington St. I SKVT YOHK.W .

Roach! the, I.w'ell... modem la Im. appolniinenm 1 1 with< Imgc! airy, pleaan' '*- mires horses and wagons fill* the traveler eminent medical writers and teacher., anI'rof. !/: Murray: Street i f N" Y.
Itartholow of .Jl'tTl'r..1I Sled. College
rooms' overlooking/ 'the ocean and ot>pi..".ito The \111.10: ,
Amusement Co.'s I with dust 1 --------- -- -
and Pier. Terms moderate.taoun's 111I< In short U an evil ; Prof. lime of tho Univ. of l'a.|
I name from standpoint that It be Prof. Flnlev Klllngwood, M. !>., of Iten-
HORACE I"'. ST'EIVAR'1'.Osne"anl i / )11I"III1l'r. nuy ( may nett Mod. College Chicago: ; 1'rof. .lulin
viewed. The oppiMionU( of the dirt King M. 1)., late of Cincinnati ; 1'rof. Oranges Pineapples : i
road naturally look upon) the stone John M. Sc-udder. M. T>.. Into of Cincinnati :
; Prof. Edwin M. HiUe, M. I)., of ,
Apartment House DAYTONA BEACH FL4. highway us au 1 Ideal thoroviKhfure. lliiluieinann Med. College'' Chlcngo, and ..I
They point to Its excellent tractive scores of others equally eminent In their and Florida Fruits Our Specialty.We ;

Located on Seabreeze avenue< two minutes from cull attention the several schools of practice.The .
? Ocean. qualities; they to "Ool len 1I11 ml leal la the
bath toilets and good water on each !lioor. Rates on Application fact that It I U dry In winter na well nalu only medicine put up Discovery for Halo through represent) several of the Inigatit shippers| | In your ISt"te.und wish to represent ; 111'

A. S. IIAKKOUX Prop.' summer, and< they argue that It Is druggist such f.n.fCIIHImIil for like ,endorsenn'nt-wort you also. live. UN. a trim shipment Established; 91)) your*'.

the c-onaumniHtlou to bo desired byevery. more than any number of ordinary testi( T \\1._
progressive community.I monials.) Open publicity of Its. formula
TJTUSVILLH, on the bottle wrapper\ \ tho bust powilhlo t
"Now;:'; the fact of the matter la-as guaranty: of its merits. A glance at thin >

any unprejudiced( student of the road ItUbllMhlitllllrmul... will show that"Golden'
Alndlcnl! Discovery) contain no poisonous /
reitwiscb Villa question will u.lmlt-lIcllllt'l' of these harmful and lit alcohol.
views la wholly correct. The dirt road chemically' pure', trlplo-relinu'd 1 glyc-erlno
being used Instead tilycerlno Is entirely h
built fwd maintained Is
Good Hoard and Attention. as onlluurlly unobjectionable and besides Is n most

REASONABLE UA TES. a M'ty I>JOL* a ttu I r, especially In the useful, lngre, as well as bronchial throat and I luniraffections.
Two blocks from F. E. C. It til way Station Titusville. winter and early spring| mouths but Tliero Is the highest! uiedlonl

there are seasons when n dirt road Is authority for its use In all such cusos. IVID. ;
MK3. J. UKEITWISCir Propiletress. preferable to u tone highway for light The "l>lBcoverv"ls .a concentrated clye- ,
eric extract of native\ modlclnul rootsand
EACOCK HOUSE driving. The stone road. If well built Is safe antl reliable COMMISSION FRUIT & PRODUCE t.;
Is so for In ndvuace of tbo dirt high A booklet of extracts from eminent '
medical authorities, emlortliiir. Its I IIIro-( RELIABLE. PROMPT UNSURPASSED FACILITIES. I-
First-class Board at Reasonable Kates. Restaurant and Retail Grocery In way that many people have reached) rt lent s malleii free on riHiuest.Dr. \ Address *
['injection. Allis/! M. 7,. PEACOCK, Prop. the conclusion that as a matter of convenience It. V. 1'ierce, Uutr,l.. N v. WM. HEYSER, PRATT ST. WHARF, DALTO., MD. IsiIodges y

and the former .
- - -- economy -
----- ---
.' ..
should\ the hitter In
MELUoUItNE.w supplant every -- -- - -- - ------
rf.n1.All experHphce lias" tleiiioimtraleiTthat
case. Hut the\ stone road has 1U llmItutloiiK. -
the teams using tilt highways are
. In dry weather\ It Is not & O'Hara ..N :
constantly pulling from one side to c
e Hotel Carleton FLORIDA. pleimant to travel over on account of ,
the other and this serve. the double
Brevanl County. the noise that U enticed. by the horses' 0 1,
Point purpose/ of keeping the dirt well Joinedto ...Manufacturer and Dealers In...
and Healthiest "
"Illgliest on 'the INDIAN RIVER. Hotel hoofs and the wagon tires coming In
with wldo verandas. Sanitary plumbing, gait-light, bathrooms, on contact with the hard mutei-lal. The the stone truck nnd of maintaining Rough
every floor and private batln, fuinnca heat nnd good drinking wuter. Ideal highway would therefore appearto tho I level of the roadway" am) CYPRESS AND YELLOW PINE LUMBER. :
Two blocks from Railroad station, and near Crane Creek launch DwsstdIF ktrengo
harbor. Excellent Fishing and Hunting. Rates$2.50: : per day.J. be one which combines. the beatfeature ( Box 'leads. Fruit and Vegtttnblo Cm ten. Mouldings Shingles",, cto. 'J; ..1
of the\ two most pronounced
M. FERGUSON' Mills and oflloo located at BulTalo III uQ, Via. Write us. for prices delivered a ,
I types of roadway-namely, the dirt 1. Rural Delivery NotesThe I to any part of the\ State. Arldiemi. : llodgei 0'I lara, KutTalo ItlulT, Fht.
and the stone. The\ best method to

.. .
otel Bellevue
MELBOURNEF1.OitIDA.: economize In atone road construction - - - -- --

Is to decrease the width of the\ track. rural free delivery will cost the
A healthy winter resort on high pine land, over-looking Indian River. A stone road eight feet In width ueces- government over $21.000.000: ( for tho YOU WANT A...

Rates:. $2 and upward per day //1opt'clallalf8 per week or season. sadly coats but one-half us much as a present fiscal year. --- -- - -- -

Wilte for rates to- highway sixteen feet wide, and l lu thelarge Hurnl routes are liclng ordered Into<)

ADAM K.: M. CAMPBELL R. W. CAMPBELL majority of ruses', It will answer effect ut an average rate of about UOO
the put-none; Just us well as the wider a month.Tho .Building Lot
Manager. Proprietor, thoroughfare. It will therefore, be seen .. "
greatest pressure"' for the con.UrlllnnClt
that the first advantage In favor of the
-- --- -- - -
and extension of the service 9
combination road Is that of cheapnesson ) t
JLIUVILLII, N. C. account of the narrow. tOile track Is coming from the southern 8tOt..S.Thl're or a lot with a BUILDING HEADY FOB 1 ) OCCUPANCY 1 i1E ,

which Is possible with this typo of are pending/ 4,708 petitions. for LAND FOR AN OKANOB GROVE ;;" 1Q
new service. ns against/ 5.470 similar
highway. / PINKAIM'I.K 1 PLAN'i'A1'IONor'I'RUCK OARDKN,, / I
petitions on ,l1le ono year ago.
"The great disadvantage, of a dirt '
3seeola Inn L1NVII.LK, N. C., rood Is that It will hold water uud IIIt'D.Rlly !Miss Etta M Nelson driver on route We probably have for sale just n (hat you' are seeking '+ I ,

bolem. No. 3 of the rural free delivery from .. hut still there Is If '' 1 i
cut Into ruts and During > "lerll'U'I' tiocklntf room. you are
.v the Plttsfleia (Me.! ) office who has held
In the mountains of Western North Carolina altitude :iSOO feet. the winter months of alternate Irt'ezIng the position. since Sept. 15, 1003: ban a lonklnu thin way diup\ a llnif to
Hid thawing It Is practically Impossible -
Delightfully cool climate all through the summer months. to keep a waterlogged dirt record to be proud of. Since beginning JAS. E. INGRAHAM 3rll Vlce.l'rf8tlent.I f i +
Trout Fishing, Golf Lings and Tennis Court. travel. her duties with Uncle Sam she ,
road. In passable condition for
has not missed a day from her duties FLORIDA I EAST COAST It'T,
On the other band the stone road
-OPENS JUNE 13TIIMM lug a surface that Is practically Im- and ban traversed her route of seventeen ST. AUGUSTINE. FLA '
miles, sunshine or storm with
HNMMM H M pervlons to water will remain hard _.
the exception of two when she
!Reached: over the Southern Railroad to Johnson City, thence via. Kant. and firm, even In bud weutlier. Tho days 1 1o
substituted on route No. 1 In the Ib-
Tennessee and Western North Carolina Railroad to Montezuma Station stone rond Is therefore strong nt the +
where carriages from Eseeola Ion meet all trains point where the dirt road Is weak but splice of the driver.

JAMES: P. V1NINO, Manager. In like manner the latter Is strong
where tho former In weak. In giodweather" 1."Uear tu TJtul4vlllo Doctors", TO DELICATE WOMENYou e JMt

no one cares to use a stone Titiiffill'ln./ r t
NEW YORK The dirt it
for driving.
road pleasure ,
Dear Mr; "*: Vim understand chemistry;
road I III noiseless and the dust that hi.w'cl you like to earn *'IMXI'( ,' will never get well and strong, bright happy '
arises from It Is not nnunlly so unpleasant Devon lend. and I ulno that's
''he name from
and free until build
as that which rises. from a .+.f our palnr. thttt takes fewer gallon hearty pain, you up your ,

lotel Marlborough macadam. highway. than mixed) paint and wears twice as constitution with a nerve refreshing, blood-making t

""One of thead-untngesof such a road long a* made of while- tonic like

ns In. being desrrlN-d that will rendlly lemt', ,white zinc, Its color turpentine. ,
Streets New York.
30th and 37th ,
Broadway, Is
Completely Renovated and transformed In every dopaltment. Most centrally occur to every practical rondmnker If any cheiiilnf find any adulterations.
located hotel on Broadway ELECTRIC LIUIIT4< : and TELEPI1ONKID that It Is lout expensive to keep III' r< In this pRint we'll pay hU hill and. $KKlOtiiKiilrn. )

every room In the house. pulr thin the road which Is constructed . "'. WineosCardfli

EUROPEAN PLAN. 400 Rooms. 200 bath rooms. Hates: $1.80\ and upward entirely of stone or entirely of dirt. H'.. nnl""I,',. liu"lncHs what we pit) In '* / ,

without bath. $2: and upward with bath. Parlor bedroom and bath $.1 It Is well understood that n dirt road our paint, of oonrne; but we want It ,
and upward. Parlor two bedrooms and bath $5=>> and upward. wears fastest In winter while tinder knitMti.. Par leail-and zloo and Hnsem. )

the usual conditions the largest wear I ..II. iiio-rml' together' by machinery, are Mi
SWEENEY-TIEKNEY HOTEL COMPANY on a stone road occurs during the summer 'Ilii 'ufT. to point with Mini lead l and oil It Makes :Pale Cheeks Pink ;
E./:M. TIEJINEY, Manager; road mixed by hand In. not
months. In the

- I the stone track Is principally lined. In ki)W lies...want the, bear It known.paint lo tint> the one wurld word; and de- It Is a pure harmless medicinal tonic made from vegetable ; '

-VISITORS TO NEW YORK CITY SHOULD GO TO- the winter, when I it li In the beat .condition that word U DHVOO. Ingredients which relieve female pain and distress such aa headache, }
to wltnstanu the action or iraiflc backache bowel ache dizziness' chills t
1 oiirw trnlv' scanty-. or-- profuse! msnstm- ,
", 'lllIe the dirt road Is most largelyused F. W. UK:vote A: (!o. atlon, dragging down pains, etc.
he -No.' DO: West 02nd Street- during the summer months when New York. It Is medicine
a building strength-making for the ;
women only l
Armstrong Klverslde" travel has fhe least!! effect upon It. The 1 I'. 14, .J"*. Prlbard| &: Hun sells our
(Telephone 7219: ) paint medicine that Is certain to do you good. Try It.
wear on each kind of material h thus /
reduced to a minimum. -- Sold by every druggest In $1.00 bottles. A'

A select family-hotel, near Centrall'ark.. subways, elevated and electric "It will therefore bo seen that for Alia.. .f War, fy

railways and an places of Interest, and a good starting point for Coney many sections the cheapest and most It Is not always' policy' to acknowledge WRITE: US A LETTERfreely "YOU ARE FRIENDS .

aland( l. Rockaway and all other soa lde and l surburban pleasure resorts convenient highway Is that which has a defeat. A little coolness nt theerltl..111 and frankly In strictest confidence of mine," writes Mfa. P. L. Junes, of

Single rooms and suites with all conyeulences, new sanitary plumbing both a stone and. on earth trade. The moment HoiuttliueH saves tho telling us all your symptom and Gnllatln, Tenn.i
trouble We will' send free advice "For since taking Cardul I haveIn
and hole width of the stone portion will depend! day a* lu tlio dewrlhed. Ill Mr.lllpley's .
"rl'IUe hot and cold baths porcelain tubs, ample ( plain sear envelope), how to gained JS Ib.nil.lllln better health
able and service combined with borne-comforts and moderate prices. upon the width of the, entire roadway} torT of Company I V la a cure them. Address, : Ladles' Advisory! than for the past 9 years. I tell my ;:1[
It need not In any case" be over twelve clone encounter during the civil war Dept.TbeChattanuogaMedkJneCo., husband that Cirdul Is 'worth lu '
Terms ti'
*!n 00 per week and upward. AUMSTRONG. feet wide and ordinarily It need not two ...ohUe..... one from each army, Chattanooga, Tenn, weigh/ : In gold to all suffering !UJles." a
A. be over eight feet In width. It Is well came face to fare within short range. 1

to bear In mind, however, that the Each put up his gun and flroil, as Itall "

combination dirt and stone road U />H<>iu"ntly I'Ploft' red. hU last car. ,

;tandard Electric only practical on it reasonably wide trudge Hoth intuited. The bullet of one '
' Company
thoroughfare. Narrow country roads man burled Itself In a tree and the :J3;; Rcm:i-i ER e ,

must necessarily, be either all dirt or hot. of the other punned through thus I-IIONK: SIS, KftTAHLInllKIt: IHHHWIIISKIKK -

all stone.. Ou a road o( from twenty to rant of bin enemy. lIch vein knowing : !, WI.VIX:/ OINH ASH IHtANHIKH.: \

Jacksonville Florida. twenty-four feet In width the atone hU aminunitlou was supposed .
--- - -- --- y -- -- -- -----
_ track cnn be constructed on one side.' himself to be at a disadvantage. Express Prepaid. I I Lemp's Boor.Pwr. v.

Cm a road over twenty-four feet In One of them made a grout toljow. of rill I Ijiurt m.uur*. 4 gu *QU Mil ,I, " . .... .. .. ..... ., .... .l.e''...:M..
Coz-J.surrs.ors.r width the stone track can be placedIn reloading his gun, and stepping forward Hunting (1ilh Rr* ... .. f'J: ea |4 M (T "ONnlnoh I P.strs: ,...1.. .. .. ,.. .. .. . .. ...... 1111 1'1
:: : .. ........ ..,.... .. ..... .
the middle with a dirt driveon demanded iiurrtndvr. The (ounty He .... ... :2 !in 421: 7 uMonogram ) ,I .1 ,. .. ,......" 1 (M
a .. . .. .. .
Malr.vxtrailark I ID
.,. .,. ... 1tJOIf: / a Itn'
either side. The stone portion other threw down bin arm with a HaniM'ii' "44"H1"Hjr. .. a to ufl H If/ ) I I t'tinrttrt' ", iinMirtMl| I. .., ... ..... 9 noa r t. I t
should be constructed exactly In I II HoeUI I IITOIM. ... ... 4M HIVIUWIMult ) 'I 111! __ Ale |>lnt* .... .. .. .. ..... .. 'it
'Y'our: Attten.tiorslee:: the manner that a macadam or tel- I groitn."If WhlnlKf" .. 1Ia ear: OAO Unions Stout. pines ..... ... ..' 3 eb ". '))
I had another cartridge, I would I II |-.iu-l.) .. .. ,1 7lt S 00 U miAputa / I ; '!
ford highway !. usually built. The never surrender!" he exclaimed."Tknt'n KrilKly .. .. .775 a.5), II /DO Bulk Goods, Jugs f'roo-Not :y'it
\e sell Groceries WHOLESALE trench should first be excavated to theIwqulred I i m ., 1 # 4W 1'Jlt Prepaid. ..iel
you all right" ml mlreiuarked I,.::D :rlfW-::: :: :: 171 II :mi Oft) |i '
wldtb. The "' I jm n..I.-N) , and p.r
depth! proper Worth! '.rol,,,.. m 4 i rsr i 7 noMminulit t ""
Great the captor uarcbiuit oil hU' irlnoner : ( Corn :n .|.., bin' "rlltnlU.. Pts '
rltCi':' Write for our Price List atone U then placed In this trench! I ttru .. ... ... a 7. Ii'"l I U Mlaranlim .
"If I had another, you may be sure : Rae' ...... .... .. :/K042i, : > TMMwir 1'.1111' .
Oln/ Corn RumIm Iles
thoroughly rolled. Car ea.50 r ti.l-Itye ,
course and I .h.)uldn't have asked to sur .ir>< Hun ..... S 7/1/ alai peer r..: : ) ,
you noy saver. should be exercised In the matter of render." lIra,Mi Hrnnrtv. .. ,. 71/ .5 im VMr .:|.(M> ,... the drainage of the entire roadbed It IUnl.f 1 1I aanlucky I4"nrhm ,.. a SA 55) Iflit/ H......,.. >l" bv Ar.. . I 1
I I'"n.dhurry cif nipillim .. 1 W 379, TMlM "" p.. 0..1..n.. ''t,., ,"oCt.1 Inp e
may be argued that aa the stone will llowwi on all cm*!* of sens prtr. Kjr*. llsdklnal,(1..111) I
The Grocery Co. not wear as fast as the dirt some. dimj I lf.i Htoo
Enterprise culty will be experienced In keeping j The old! | original (>".>V&'* Taicle / :: ".. 'J.'H West AiliuiiH Ht.' ..TacksonvllU' Fla.

the dirt portion of th. roadway on a Cblll'l'otlic.011 know what you era I

I 7 Bridge St. level with the atone track. This obI I taking.! It In Iron aDd C.IIDID"| In a ta.te> THE AIIVOCATE S W. I'APFIC: AND JOIJ. I'RINTINO OFFICE. I.

:FJo.'Jdn. j Jectlon, bowereii: : J, spore fanciful( thfl1 less. form No core na par, :OOn. CAHRIES! TflK: LARGEST STOCK Of hTA riONEUT rs THE CU ..t.
RL'i(!" IOIL '1)ILCe) ) -

+wI I :

.. .. ., ...-_ __--
----- - ---

_,... ... .... ."..,...0. ", TO< .. ........ ',or I"'T .1 --J
;T" '' <"7-"f'



8 ---

.................... BOARD OF TRADE'MEETING -
.. .....
....................... S asked to publish the followlniur HANDSOME HAT RACKS
: dealers in diamonds We are
We have been I Tltiisvlllo Board of Trade held a. speclal the benefit of our readers: ,

t i =: !, scenes meeting at the Indian River hotelon I have a bit of Information that I!18
DIAMONDS I !: and other precious. Tuesday evening I Mr. Oeo. M. K'>b 'orth a small fortune to Florida house DEAR FRIENDS :

: ; : establishment of our K bins, presiding:; and Mr. J, G. l P since the nothing." It Is bow Wehave just to distribute among our custom, ,
***************$ secretary.Mr. of irs "freegratis'for Hon Rack," which *e are going ae e
********* Robbins stated that the object sheet Iron and other heallnjitoves "The and Inereadng, our sales. The contiir which
j .
for more than 20 years. : the feasibility .o keep of advertising our business each of these , .
business in 18' 8, and direct Importers I of the meeting was to consider and stove pipes from being eater means with the manufacturers enables us to place one i Is ea
y aid to the humlc have will bo
financial and Rack
of giving: rust during our hot In this vicinity. The an tiiHi teat h
by home
middleman's profit Inaugurated f>r thestagnant ip not It advertisement In every one.SlZEOFRACrll .
the movement lecently months when they are desire that you secure
We save you which ummer home and tt Is our earnest
= ,
:: water pools and ponds, me. Take, let us say, a pint of benzlai any

WM- have for so long a time been a menace. or> gasoline, and into it put a piece of
of tbe town.; also the extension will do about the Blzeof
( )
to some parts (paraffin
fir ie l i'1i n/Y 3aFS it VKITK FOK Of 11CATAI.OOUK. .* of the City wharf to the main > a rather small walnut-shaving It line

!, ) >r : channel of Indian HI vet. to make It dissolve more rapidly. Whet
$ & IMI'OHTK.UH. :: Civil Engineer, Mr. A. L. Hunt of you have a clear solution apply It with a

'' JEWFLEItS :: the F. E. C. Railway, was In attendance, loth or a. tine brush to the surface to be
Jacksonville, Flu. the Board the size, black Hiir
St. and demonstrated to vroteoted. To give a uniform
41 West Bay
,Ii1)) ************ number of feet and price of the piping) may put Into the solution, before -
****.******.******* drain ace you
. n' **w********.********* .. that. will be required to effectually applying, a little powdered stove
. --- --- and poolscaused ,
. - the water from the ponds Jacking. The X Itay blacking Is con
----- - BREVARD COUNTY SCHOOL by rainfalls,.Into tbe river.A enleot, as It comes In powdered form
R. x. :J.WOTLC'VV': motion was made by Mr. E. L If there are any rust spots on the iron It

,, BOARDThe Brady, seconded by Mr.\ U. F. Daren, hould be removed with fine sand paper

"That $70.00 of the money now in the or emery paper, before making the ap-

Board met at 2:101': m., May. 7th, :treasury of the Hoard; be appropriated the fund licailon. Having/ followed out these

for' the purpose of augmenting Irectlons you may put away your
1tJUZt lOOC./ Present: H. K, Mime, chairman; low being' rained by private subscription. eaters and give yourself no concernhout I 1

'1"::. E. B. Arnold, A. J. Carter, and J. R. and the town authorities for this pl1r.pORe. them, 'till cold weatber sets In I

Walker, secretary. ." gain. If yesterday looked at my stove ; Inches longt 1 foot Inches high
{ RYEWHISKY of last t'' regular meetIng The motion Unanimously prevailednd that was treated In this"way and put tot.he 2 feet
OLD the
The minutes of highly pollnhrd and
drawi made metal
I'' OLD wasinstrncted to and It show above U
than a RACK
j the Secretary garret more year ago THE LION Is. ornamented! with
I were read and adopted. of the Town Improve. Scroll-work, each corner I
In favor of rust
warrant hawed not a speck the latest Japanese
t,, RYE The Treasurer's. report for the month merit Fund for the said amount. The philosophy! of the operation Is Dished carved In a lid metal lion's head a handsome deep framed. henv> beveled<
IiC I-, read and found members of the Board the solution you icavlly of mho Rack On each Rack there are tw> doubt
I"t of Apr was presented, The following tblll: In applying >late mirror nd.rns the center total of sixteen hangers
attendance: the surface. a very thin Oriental, shaped honks, making a
In dread
warrants cancelled
were Rtntfip
redeemed upon four
and the and 'but Is and durable
G. strong 1\
correct J. ornamental /
; fluid Instantlyiraporates only
Ueo. M. Robbins, president oatloir of wax. The THE LION RACK l" nor materials used
and filed. last, secretary; Wm. M. Brown, Chas leaving the wax, which Is( and |pains are taken\ In its manufacture Tho to
rA I The bid of Xack Dixon, for buildingin n. Walton, E. L. Brady, G. 1<'. Duren, npervlous to water Tbe first time the,he utmost very be.', and It U constructed by thoroughly!; that skilled has and boon exporleinechanion.
ever placed
addition to the Coooa School build. E. B. Wager and 1.. A. Brady. you build a fire In the heater, the wax: It is <>no of the mont. attractive Hall\ Racks

the ]lowest wasicueptud Letters of regret; for their Inability toattend III 1 of course dissipated, maklng'a slight the market, an iris absolutely new and unique In design.
for tl,2nO.O: : (>, being Board'a'relflUrer >In will In no wise affect our prleee
Inn tbe Racks
from minute pr handsome
meeting lasts. only a of these
the this !
noire but distribution
I awarded. to The the best and the moaUhat
and the contract M. Dixon, and Colonel will\ ap- shall\ persist in giving Ion
Dr. J. two. I am sure bouee-keepers In[ all Roods you buy here we )
Fine Liquors, Wines Beers, him. The Board appointed a. building T.I 'fVetmore, were read by the Secre- reclate this information. Stoves and can buy anywhere.Veextendtoy.iua8peclallnvltatlon. Rod \ tbl
store Inspect >
ad. your \ at oar
Stout, Eta. Dr. W. L.. llugh- when on motion, the Board often absolutely ruinedy to call
Ales follows: are
committee, as ary; of the atove; pipes \ enables to secure ouo of tbellt
t2P"Send me your orders I I Jones and Wm. Bindle ourned, to meet again at the call rust during te: summer, especiallyhen landsome Hat R I .tek Our. proposition you
t I i lett, S. 8. and the house made by any met chant.Vouis .
TITUSVILLE and O. COA, FLORIDA. President. I' the family! are away /tacks In the greatest
4 I b'Iganelsl. St..pent. olo ed. J. W. W. tiuly, ...

Stewart,Clerk of Circuit Court i = cE
A. A.
To member -
a with Sontlon! 3, Chapter The entrance feo to become a PENNE'Y'tom: .::S
Blr-In cinnpllanc tile with you Board of Tiade Is $2.00\) OF MR. MIMS.
& Graham Co .3t'l.: LAW of Klorl'lu, we hereby of the Titusville DEATH
1 < the follfiwtiiK) IteinlxHti statement made, of and.all warrantsfor moneysreoelved and monthly duu, 50ots. Any of will our UP-TO-DATE CLOTHIERS, MEN'S & BOYS' FURNISHERS! ,
apprnprlatlonii to join,
month ending May 1, Igsl.Warruttsnnt.tandingatIsetre' \( ). townspeople who wants Wednesday evening Mr. B. J P1ori. 1.a--
Issued J. U. Ba&t, On
(Incorporated.) ort- communicate with Mr. returned __Ti.1U.S'V'i.11.o.
: please Trade Tltus- Mints, who, a few weeks ago, _._ _. .
M Board ot --
>7,921 tbe ---
25OOO.OO of Mlms --
fund at --
PAID. UP CAPITAL $ Oiiliity Holimil I 41 secretary to the home 'of his mother, -------
"cbnnIIJIMt.,No. 1, l.HU Oi'$ O.FII7 --
Special tax Ille. the beyond
-- Colorado, passed to great
= from
This company owns lusued at tills mootingfonnlvanhnol Oils
tie wan a sufferer : ,
funil. ... t 7K4 10 LOCHSIDE. 23ardware: ,
S. 4J4 Oi' 1.2118 10 disease, consumption,
.rra No 1
J:.... .. Spmiliil, MX soho Olst --- which he succumbed. Mr. Mime was PAINTS CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ETC.

M the Indian River Country: ; On the St. Total 910,779 There t*a beautiful retreat I know about 20 years' of age, and he leaves a .
Ilahl) la Apr.115n'ouotyschoIrund palm grow:
Warrant* 'Where t.hewhole ainllyof feathery and other relatives to
.... ,.93,27121 mother sister
aud Bay
River on rich profl1.looltare
Lucia River; Uu. New Spttclat( tax school Il.t No 1... 814 Mi* 4,085 71 And train nowers tralne-1 bloom la grauef confusion mourn his sad loss.Deceased's .

y Blscayne. Prices to suit the times. -_y-e.Htto-83 In graceful confusion. remains were Interred In

river flow by a deep azure blue, LaGrange; Cemetery, a large concourseof
List. The
Send for Total now outstanding a* tol1owsf'.ollnty.ohooltnn.l. And bliinhu In the stmnet's. nosy hue. relatives and friends being present at nI
y Fla. ... .$ 6 4.'W: 73 like a bird on the wine, afternoon. t Q
Titusville and 1 Miami. And craft glide: on the Interment yesterday ; 'r: 1)t'
; Offices at 8pecl,1, tax sohool Plst. No I, l,2t-I0' eMIl 83 With their white Bails to the wind's wide fling

Total cask. on hand...". _4M ttaDeflolt To the wind's wide fling. POISON

in funds..... _.>_il.2 7 MCnll To nit Death the shade of the banyan tree DIED OF BLOOD ,
East Coast Meat Market -- And llHton t<* the serge of the Bounding *ea* ,
Hulanoes.Qounty to tree -
here the wind sing a wooing long n\hb'r\ ,
noci to the .: resided in '
fund- has I'
school And orange blimaotnii bre..xe. Mr. W. &1. Smith, who Ill i-
the fragrant
i' O. F. DUREN'!, Agent. Ret ra h on hand, at hut report IM/ 01 To Tit usvllie for the past eighteen years,
Received In Apr lino...,. 8,81373 'here' a grassy: path from oooan to river died at 0 I) o'clock Saturday evening:, and
'"r.I: .. ...3,27U66Less ordered with oleander all a-qulver,
Total .. the Tltusvllle cemetery on
1 45Bpmilal : soothe *o rentfully sweet was burled In
wsrranti paid In Apr 1006 8,27t21 9 Make a sound that '
Ah I how love that. beautiful retreat, Sunday afternoon.Mr. 4''i': _
p.a -. tax:school 1r1at. No. 1- .: 'hat beautiful retreat. Smith: who leaves a wife to mourn 0 :

U2co- p.a ranh on nand at .... 3cn Isle(, DOKeo'd //III 'auHe on the emerald slops and gaze Hacked on high.I ky, lit loss, died. of blood poisoning, caused
In Apr.- T.>the base expanse' of lot white fish slime Into abrasions on
: by petting
.. ftw they glide
.. 40 huvorlnll and singing: an
, p.a Less warrants Total paid In Apr 1016.. 8U sit $ 8 00Speclrt .Ike Extolling angels the beauties of bonny: tochlie, lU bands.
Ed' Of bonny --
w t tax school Dint No. 2- from afar,
63 OJ And. like an orchid, transplanted WORLD .a
last report WOODMEN
Cub. on han.I"C Tu the tidy of this domain, my
Nu rnonlpta" or payment My joy and my pride veer her I could abide, ,n M
c1) school. fund "C" chap S343 Law. fancy' web,at bonny Ixwhaldo, I
_Gel_ RCr .U2..- thil special\ cash, on haul. at teat report........., 9350 Oil And weave AC bonny Lnuhnlde. There will\ be a meeting/ of Tltusvtllanp

No receipt or payment, .1. C. H. > No. 141, of the above Order, on '--

. : y --) ..... -A1:1/: Monday evening next when a fu attend\ .
l Cd Total ouU on liand ...'...... 9 4 then
ance of members Is desired as
TITUSVILLE FLORIDA.! Itemized Receipt TO BE MARRIED. will be Important business to b. attend

County icliool fund ... 08 IIIlteo. ded to. '- :23ardware: : : Co.,
9 er:
r Cash on hand at last renort. wedding invitation was 75ro4l
.. .. 16 do\ The
\ 11104!
.. polls
THE ANHEUSER BUSCH.,. u Ie u W tax, HITS/ .. .. .3,011 78 received at this o01oe yesterday, and refers ST. LUCIE CO. ELECTION. TITUSVILLE, FLORIDA.

I u 1.01181110II.. ..... -I HO OOj 3,278 66 to a former very popular young lady .- .- .------------ ----- --- ---

Special tax school Dint No. 1- resident of Titusville, but now of Tampa which took place al ----- - ..........N.++.++.*
The election, .......
Brewing Asso's.Famon. reel on hand at taut report 9 IK1" On: Fla : +........+NN..+.+...*.
leo' E. R.
Special tax school DISC.No.2. Editor Ka: l Coast Adrorate, : 'rank' Clark received 200( ; Appleyard, X F. A. MORGAN,Proprietor Ja.;

_ .St.Louts Keg and Hot- Cash. on hikndat. last report.... 9 63: OB :Lr. Geo. Altree requests the honour \\)5; Bailey 171; Blltoh, 141; Burr Whltfteld, 278!:
tied Hear. Special chnnl fund"o"chap 0383 Law. of presence at the marriage of bill Clarke, 113; Pivrkhlll, ; .

J and hand at last. report.... .... 9 8AU/ 00 your Mabel Jennie, to Mr. Thomas :!43 votes. Claude Olmnte&d was elect
F.A.Lostcy llal cash on augbtor,
Meurs. Ladle
Bold by the evening of od representative for St.: county
R L. Mot1oW.Tltusvfite.fla. Total...................... =-=9!..M: -MPounty UberC Wednesday, tbe Oth of June, at 0:30 iRED! PHARMACY

B Mr.R.L. J\lut1ow..Coooa. Fla. It.m.1 1.xpendituxee.: 'clock, at Saint Andrews church, Tam. A Bit of Unman Nature.A ,
Fla. man who sells cut flowers at I

JOSEPH ZAPF & CO., 'Tmiclior School Ralnrtra Fund... ... 4:15: (K) pa[,Miss Altree Is .a slater: of Dr. G. II.Altree stand downtown was waiting for trade '

,1 It Walker fnlary Rupt for Apr 75/n oil HOK. a prominent and well known resident the other afternoon when a newsboy, .

Sole uisiriDiuors!: A.J..Cartor. Arnold per"(diem<,. mllaf' 11 40 physician of Tampa.-En.] dirty and rugged came running up FLORIDA
K. K. Mints e 00lohn the Kansas;: City Times. i ,
1iiiII min I for pub
010 to 020 West Bay Street K ixiren Henry janitor type, No 6 B OOAmarlhan t CHURCH NOTICES. "Say," said the boy, -whofa the price -A Complete Stock of-
: hunk(;0. free hooks 4 HO uf them red flowers T'

J.cnV'LLE. ( KLA. lit State Hank Interent .... 1703ftrevOo 500J carnations, you mean? They
State Hunk, Int "Those i DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES
I R Walker, drayage., exprea. S 20 Rev. J. B. Hawk will\ preach at Geor.III are 2 cents apiece," Raid the man.. PURE DRUGS AND } ,
f"'lflltn' Sunday May 20, at 11 a m. and for one," said ,,
.Kcwkladge, News. pub lana on "I'll trade you paper

West End Pharmacy, Cocoa nnaii, *tat mttnt.. 200ItankKortriurcelDt I 1H 1:10:;:! p. m. he- boy. The> flower seller acceptedthe i PrescrlptioDS Filled with theUtmost .

for No ins .. HO. Rev. vV, F. Allen will preach at Cocoa offer aud the boy ran away with Care and PromptitudeWE -
It Pylee.nppl's
EAU GALLIC FLA H John Henry uaklugpeo lived next Sunday, May 20th, at 11 a. m and lU carnation. A few minutes later he ORDER
S. C. Hodgson M. D., R. P., .lIv nf Dixon sub levy plan and s 'en for 7:10: p. m. Rev. J. M.Iszler etnrued. i WE WANT( YOUR TRADE. GIVE US A TRIAL

addn *ohool building I 5 00 The pastor. at New Smyrna, ha said "I just sold a paper. NNNN.41
Proprietor. Coma : :; the Methodist "Say .... .N..NNN.
at .....
W HDrewCuwnrranthooks will preach ...N...
Corner of Young and Houston Streets;!: II minute* honk....... ........ 28 41 Tltusvllle, next Sunday, both Olnicue another uC them red flowers ..N.NN
... 03! lurch,
6 -
So 16 -- -
Invited. cents -
M K and evening. All are Here's the 2 --

Complete Stock of Drugs and Drngglst't JC mouth Hlllinrt traut.. ,...;...pupils... .7th... 44 00 morning Palatka will\ hold The man at the stand handed him another CO.
Sundries, Cigars, Stationery Per. A A Stewart wale 3 OO Rev Wm. Stone, of church on carnation and accepted the pennies Walker Grocery I
. In the First Baptist I
fuinery, Toilet Articles, f'"t lot'vnll McBrldoreimlr'' toNoM ... a 4<1 ervloett 20th, at 11 a. m., and 7MO:: with smile.. Aa the boy started
Souvenir Cards, b08roll1l"uh,& Sunday, May curious. Deafer In -
Urn L.A Colttinttn Invited. the man became

Candles Eto. fJ'.i.n i !: :: ; tranp't... : IHO| pnptle; ; 40 toon no- 9-74 10 p. m. All -are cordially away Say, kid," be said i "what you going Staple Fa.c.CV: Groce':

Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Special tax school Hist. No 1 -- CARD OF THANKS.. to do with those took flowers a better" hold on bit Fruits ac.d. Vegetables,

"I..I.a.... .... .....9 38600Homer The boy he F'ecc.Your '
Teacher "Give 'em to the ol lady, acid

pupils.B 7thn.oeth.W ok"II, hi .tranHn...... .... 44009 42400 I 1'0 the Democratic Voters of Brevard: lie papers.hI. "She's sick In bed :Sa.: 5Orstlaa: : ,

Marine Gasoline Engines TutallMan. --. 12481; i Gentlemen-I appreciate the generous Then he left oil the run, yelllnrP Patronage SolicitedTITUSriLLE FLORIDADEALERS .

support you gave me In the recent prt- pe! Pape! All about"Reader -

_Manufactured by- Attest: R. E. MIXIS, mary. and I assure you: I hall endeavoio .- --- -
of -- --
Termaat & Monahan Co J. H. \V AI.KEn.Secretary., Chairman. appreciation.make my work To all the I best kindly; test retl1rolbanks. m] do you subscribe forte EAST - -- -- -- -- -- dr RR4:: ..,

: to meet Tuesila;; Yours truly, COAST ADVOOATR: fEverybody's E.i..1.. RR.E:: : t ,
4 OSHKOsn WIS. The n<>ird adjourned W. U. UAM
8tb at8:70.The : -
morning May
Board met pursuant to adjourn- Latin Book.AUBNTS FOOD PRODUCT

_ w moot at Sl; a. m., May 8th 1000. Prei llnvo-You Any Idle Money GROCERIES, GRAIN ANDdHAY, aANDnALL
A J. Cartel, MAPES
J.i ., ent: K. E. Minis, chairman. ; ( TAfcE;: NOTICE-Speolal] We handle PRODUCE of trade of all\ com
and J. R. Walker. secretary. In the above line of goods and solicit the .
to the betterment deposited territory allotted; now la press, l'8aclylo We deal exclusively delivered at your station.K.
matter. pertaining have some all Groceries,
Various Grain and
Possibly you Hitchcock's Revised new, Write ns for prices on KLA.
e.l. few days, ers. ,
ACe of schools were business tbe where It U drawing no Interest. Possib->> a.nlarged. date edition of "Every L. BRADY BRO. .. -

There being nu to further meet the first MOD ly you have loaned your when money to your need Man lUll Oo' Lawyer;; Everybody's _ _. __ __ __ .0 __ - -- -
Board. adjourned to find that you
lends only
l remedies
lights, legal
day In June, lOOn), nt-JttO: :: p. 01. it could not get It. Perhaps. some Law Book, legal Staten : cgDealer
you mill forms adapted to every GO17I:
44 JNO. K. WALKER, have lost both friend and Demi .
Secretary time, you the Union. When we published someearn w
money. HI.Own Lawyer,"
draw ago""veryfan!:
hidden In-
Have you money away thii'tmindt of copies were
North: '.* no Interest, and In danger of loss b) Kindred of that book FRUIT A A.
Are You Ouliiyr ng: leworth old. Thousand. remember FANCY HAY GRAIN
fire being stolen ? money STAPLE AND ,
or ,
at'onlllnank od will want this on*. Agents coined!!
;;; ticket trot something, and the First
Get year Hyde steamship offers just money selling U when the country Wa4muob PRODUCE 0\1'\ ALL KI* DS. .
Charmliivc trip of Miami "lorid you FLORIDA.INDIAN
the agent at Tltusvlll\ \ then smsllei than to-d.Iv. The new TITUSVILLE .
from Jacksonville to New' York by th. the Investment that you need. See neratlon will want this new book.
this ;
steamships of the Clyde Llue. advt. on our nth page paper. to and circularf
for terms agents!
palatial a.t\onalllanko\ apply <
trGet ,Our Catalogtlb.( CIIAS. II. WALTON, They are. good, strong ) contents now. Sample copy, post- FACTORY
TltusTlUe Fla.Lrayng under United S'ate Government super RIVER ICE
cats paid. $139. Retail,tt: :50. By subscrlp.
Lorillard Boat. Co. Agents video[ and offer you so absolutely Address Hitchcock Publish-
; to deposit money. Remember, the lion only. TITUSVILLE, FLA.
llnullntc.All place } tlth Ave New York. sites
and ng Co., 4( ,
TITUSVILLE, FLA. dollar that Is spent has said good-byertcyou Special
but the dollar that Is entered P. S.-Mr. Benjamin\V.Hltchcockthtrealdent I Is prepared to furnish Ice In any quantity-Sacked or looee. motto'
for ever
draping and haulln t 1 of the Is DIY
of of this company, one Fair dealing
Cleaning and Pressing.All kinds on your deposit book In their Barlags paid sacking for Yachts or for family use.
1 attended to, and Satlsfactlo. eldest and best-known publishers In the
dividends to
work done up-to-date. Call ADcJaea I promptly Department will earn United States. T. T. WETMORE. Proprietor.
at the Parlo r guaranteed. future years.
me. Andrew Gibson. JoaN KKTTLKS, Tltusrllle. brighten

Barber Shop, on Washington: avenue.

A, .



, .