Coming this spring ...
TRANSYT-7F Integrated with HCS+
McTrans' latest software
development is being finalized
and tested for release this spring
to provide seamless access to
TRANSYT-7F, the profession's most
powerful signal timing optimization
This new combined software
package will provide for advanced
signal timing optimiation for
intersections, arterials or networks
using TRANSYT-7F
continue on pg.2
The Florida Department of Transportation
(FDOT) Systems Planning Office
maintains a Quality/Level of Service
(Q/LOS) Handbook that is intended
to be used by engineers, planners, and
decision-makers in the development and
review of roadway users' quality/level
of service at planning and preliminary
engineering levels. The first version of
this handbook was produced in 1987,
and for the following 15 years the analysis
techniques prescribed in the Handbook
were implemented in a number of
spreadsheets. In anticipation of the release
of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM)
2000, the FDOT contracted with the
Transportation Research Center (TRC) at
the University of Florida to develop new
software to support the new version of the
Handbook based on the HCM2000.
continue on pg.2
TSIS-CORSIM 6.0 Now Available
The latest version of
this most popular
microsimluation tool has
been released through
Current office license
holders can upgrade
(#TSIS6.UPG) for $500
with new purchases
(#TSIS6) at $1000 for an
office license. For Agency
License upgrades and new
purchases, please contact
All licenses include the first year of
toll-free technical support and electronic
maintenance, providing all upgrades
automatically with no more upgrade fees.
An annual support subscription is required
for continued technical assistance and access
to free updates.
Please refer to the McTrans web site
CORSIM/) or the January 2006 newsletter
article (http://mctrans.ce.ufl.edu/
newsletters/06-january.pdf) for details on
the improvements and new features.
Civil & Coastal Engineering
PO Box 116585
Gainesville FL 32611-6585
Toll Free (US): 1.800.226.1013
Fax: 352.392.6629
E-mail: mctrans@ce.ufl.edu
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McTrans January 2007
The new Release 11 ofTRANSYT-7F includes
the following new features:
rewritten GUI features Microsoft "dot-net"
one-touch CORSIM* animation
one-touch HCS analysis
upgraded Lane Configuration screen
provides full intersection views
upgraded Saturation Flow Rate screen shows
all 12 movements at once
saturation flow rate adjustment factors are
now saved into the TIN file
copy-and-paste intersections in the Map
View, to avoid re-coding lane configuration,
volumes, and timings
combined the record type editor and GUI
into one program
agency information on formatted report and
summary reports
new route summary and satflow summary
text reports
the following CORSIM data can now be
imported: pre-timed, semi-actuated, fully-
actuated, multiple time periods, two-way
direct CORSIM* optimization can now
optimize the following: pre-timed, semi-
actuated, fully-actuated, multiple time
import any CORSIM file, timed and
optimized by any other method, and
instantly improve on that design
Russian language version now available
Overall, TRANSYT-7F also offers:
Genetic algorithm optimization of cycle
length, phasing sequence, splits, and offsets
Direct CORSIM* optimization, CORSIM
One-touch CORSIM* animation, one-
touch HCS+ analysis
Import CORSIM* files, import HCS+ files
Multiple-period optimization, hill-climb
Lane-by-lane analysis, actuated control
* Requires TSIS-CORSIM, sold separately
HCS+ will also be upgraded to version 5.3 to
include the new Interchange Ramp Terminals
module automating the recently approved HCM
Chapter 26 procedures.
HCS+ registered users will receive the new
HCST7F product automatically when released
this spring! TRANSYT-7F and HCS2000 users
can avoid the price increase by upgrading now at:
The latest Handbook and software were released in 2002, with minor updates
to the software released in 2004, and are available on the FDOT web site at:
http://www.dot.state.fl.us/planning/systems/sm/los/lossw2.htm. The software
consists of three separate stand-alone programs, addressing each of the following
facilities: signalized arterials (ARTPLAN), freeways (FREEPLAN), and two-
lane and multilane highways (HIGHPLAN). Collectively, the suite of the three
programs is called LOSPLAN (Level Of Service PLANning). The implemented
Q/LOS estimation techniques contained in LOSPLAN are planning level
implementations of the methods and procedures contained in the 2000 edition of
the HCM. Additionally, the arterial planning ri rl'..... .1. .',- takes a multimodal
approach by encompassing analysis techniques for scheduled fixed route bus
transit, pedestrians, and bicycles.
Planning level analysis is characterized by the use of assumptions, approximations
and default values to reduce the need for the detailed field data upon which
operational level analyses are based. Procedures have been developed for
application at two levels:
Generalized planning, which typically makes use of statewide service volume
tables based on numerous defaults, and
Conceptual planning, which applies user-specified parameter values. The
conceptual planning level procedure includes features that estimate the level
of service (LOS) and service volumes for site-specific conditions.
Currently, the TRC is working with the FDOT on the development of a new
release of LOSPLAN in support of a revised Q/LOS Handbook to accommodate
the currently ongoing LOS Rule (FA.C. Chapter 14-94) update at the state level.
It is anticipated that this new Handbook and software will be released in late 2006
or early 2007.
For more information, contact Dr. Scott Washburn (swash@ce.ufl.edu) at the
University of Florida, or Ms. Gina Bonyani (gina.bonyani@dot.state.fl.us) at the
FDOT, Systems Planning Office. Thanks to FDOT Systems Planning Office
Staff, Gina Bonyani, Martin Guttenplan, and Doug McLeod for their continued
support of LOSPLAN development, and allowing McTrans to also include it in
the current release of the Highway Capacity Software (HCS+).
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Figure 1. Screenshot of beta version of new ARTPLAN software program.
McTrans January 2007
NEW Products
AIMSUN, The Integrated Traffic Modelling Environment
AIMSUN is a traffic analysis application
that functions like a virtual traffic lab,
providing a software environment for traffic
modelling, microsimulation, planning and
analysis in the frame of transport planning
and traffic operations.
AIMSUN version 5.1 offers the unique
integrated solution for planners, modellers
and teams in which they work together.
This single application offers a common
user interface and a unique database
lowering the training cost, increasing the
productivity and allowing new levels of
collaboration. Modellers can perform O/D
matrices adjustments using detection data or
extracting the traversal matrices from a sub
area on the same application and network
model used to simulate at micro level.
Planners can benefit from an application
that eliminates the export step to simulators
as the same data is used by both models
making the synchronization problems a
thing of the past.
AIMSUN also expands the scope of
simulation studies from small models with
a few intersections to medium and large
networks thanks to the best Route Choice
Model in the industry, a fast simulator
that takes advantage of the new multi core
CPUs simulating hundred of thousands
of vehicles in real time and a collection
of tool for data import (CAD, GIS,
Paramics...), data validation and calibration.
Thanks to its extensible traffic management
functionalities, speed and configurability, it
is the software tool of choice for dynamic
Online applications.
The American version of AIMSUN
includes interfaces to TRANSYT/7F and
Synchro traffic control applications.
City planners, traffic managers and
transportation authorities can enjoy not
only a very attractive wide range of utilities
but also a full complement of detailed
documentation, an active users' forum,
frequent training courses and efficient
technical support. The excellence of the
software and the quality of the supporting
resources have made the AIMSUN
environment a guiding light in simulation
modelling worldwide.
CulvertSoft is a program developed to evaluate the performance of culverts including
multiple non-conforming and broken-back culverts. Circular, elliptical and rectangular
shapes of concrete or corrugated metal sections can be analyzed in English or Metric units.
CulvertSoft uses the methodology described in FHWA's HDS-5 Manual. An easy to follow
interface allows the user to quickly and efficiently input different culvert configurations and
Inlet edge conditions and solve for a host of result parameters. Different tailwater conditions
are included. A state-specific module is available for the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Discharge may be directly entered or analyzed using Rational or SCS-TR-55 Methods.
CulvertSoft includes outlet protection analysis. In addition to USDA method of rock outlet
protection, the program uses FHWA's HEC-14 Manual in the design of riprap stilling basins
and an estimate of scour.
All results are easily printed in standard MicroSoft Excel spreadsheet forms. Onscreen
Help and documentation are included.
StaTranM New Traffic Data Statistical
analysis tool now available from McTrans.
Solaris Development is proud to announce
that StaTranTM is available for distribution
through McTrans. If you have traffic
detectors installed you probably have
collected a lot of information throughout
the years. What do you do with it? You
know it may contain some valuable insights
that can help you in your work. Now you
can use StaTranTM to:
1. View/Graph Historical Statistical
2. Weed out Detector errors per detector
per line
3. Input corrected statistical information
into Transyt, HCS+ and other
4. Use built in statistical analysis tools
5. Get information necessary for
improvement in Detector placement
and maintenance.
6. Get various reports in Excel and text
7. Use scientific information in planning
and justifying new and existing projects
Don't just collect information from your
traffic detectors use it.
Introductory offer now through September
2007 licenses start at $799.
Update Watch
Version Status
Turbo Architecture
Patch download
Patch download
Registered Users may upgrade
Available to registered users
Sent to Registered Users
Sent to Registered Users
Sent to Registered Users
Patch download
McTrans January 2007
UPDATED Products
WinTASS 3.0 Catalog Entry
WinTASS 3.0 updates and improves a traffic analysis tool that has
been in wide use for over 12 years. It contains many improvements
to the user interface for increased productivity plus additional data
WinTASS is a tool that helps transportation professionals estimate
the relative impacts of land use changes on roadway networks. It
automates the traffic assignment process, provides a clear audit trail
of assumptions and computations, delineates the relative traffic
impacts of site, existing, and growth components of future traffic
projections and provides an intuitive method of distributing site-
generated traffic throughout a roadway network.
Although WinTASS is a useful tool for many applications, it
is especially useful for traffic impact studies that are too small to
effectively use transportation modeling software, or where input
information is not complete enough for accurate use of these models.
WinTASS can accommodate a network with a maximum of 99
intersections, 99 sites, and 99 external nodes. The network size and
layout is readily changed on the fly. WinTASS network definition
is flexible enough to handle passer-by trips, curved links and shared
entrances from multiple sites.
Operating System: Windows 98/98, XP or newer
HSA Software Updates
Did you know that traffic travels on the left-hand side of the road
in approximately one third of all the countries in the world? This
is the fact. The newly released update of the HSA Software 3.0 can
generate Collision Diagrams for left side driving countries. Since
some of our international customers may have clients from different
nations, both right side and left side driving diagram options will be
included within one module, with a simple switch button.
The price of left side driving release of HSA Software 3.0 will
remain the same. There will be a small processing fee for our current
international users willing to obtain the left side driving module.
We are frequently asked about electronic transfer of crash data
from existing databases into HSA Software. Since crash data formats
differ from state to state, no uniform data conversion program is
available. Therefore, if you send us your standard data format and
field definitions, we could develop such procedure for you. The
procedure would convert your data from selected locations to HSA
Software format for further analysis. This way you would save time
on lengthy manual data entry. After transferring the data, you would
be able to edit it or add more records.
It is important to note that manual data entry from police accident
reports is still preferable for more accurate investigation. Most of
existing crash databases do not have detailed descriptions or sketches
of the crash scenes. Besides, some data entries may be missing or
miscoded. When investigator enters data manually, he or she has
better understanding of existing safety conditions. Therefore, saving
time by automatic data transfer may negatively affect the quality of
safety analysis, unless data is carefully examined and validated.
You can now code signal phasing by choosing
among a list of preset phase design
combinations, such as leading lefts in either
or both directions, with or without overlaps,
lead-lag or split phasing. Selecting from
the provided list can replace dozens of
mouse clicks with one or two. You can also
automatically define actuation as pretimed,
fully actuated, or semi- actuated by direction.
All EW Movements
EW Split Phases
WE Split Phases
Leading EW Lefts
Lagging EW Lefts
EB Leading Left
WB Leading Left
EB Lagging Left
WB Lagging Left
EB Left Overlap
WB Left Overlap
F\AI I pafl I an
There are two ways to model an exclusive l i
pedestrian phase in TRANSYT. The first Actuated
method is to code an empty phase with no Pre-Timed
moving links. The second method is to code Semi-NS
a separate phase with a low-volume (e.g., Semi-EW
10-vph) traffic movement, using an extra link
(e.g., link 113). The optimization process will likely force such
an exclusive pedestrian phase length to its minimum specified
duration, especially if no pedestrian links with pedestrian traffic
are modeled. Because of this, the minimum phase length
specified should be sufficiently long to ensure that the variable
green interval is not reduced to an unsafe length.
The Erlang distribution causes vehicle arrivals to be random when
coming out of entry nodes. Once inside the network, platoon
dispersion between intersections is affected by Lane Change
settings and the Free-Flow Speed Distribution, which in TRAFED
can be adjusted under Network > NETSIM Setup. Heavy source
and sink node volumes tend to eliminate platooning, and cause
random arrivals at intersections
Advertising Directory
Page Company
6 Greg Bullock
10-11 Caliper Corporation
13 Crossroad
14 Crossroads Systems
5 PolyTech Corporation
8 PTV America
12 Strong Concepts
5 Scantek
6 Trafficware
9 Trafficware
7 Transoft Solutions
6 X32 Group
TIAH Helper
Cadna A
HSA Software