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Group Title: McTrans newsletter
Title: McTrans newsletter. Volume 35.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00078185/00027
 Material Information
Title: McTrans newsletter. Volume 35.
Physical Description: Serial
Language: English
Creator: Center for Microcomputers in Transportation, College of Engineering, University of Florida
Publisher: Center for Microcomputers in Transportation, College of Engineering, University of Florida
Publication Date: July 2006
Subject: University of Florida   ( lcsh )
Spatial Coverage: North America -- United States -- Florida -- Gainesville
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00078185
Volume ID: VID00027
Source Institution: University of Florida
Holding Location: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved, Board of Trustees of the University of Florida


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Table of Contents
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    Updated products
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Full Text

McTrans Celebrates 20 Years!

It was May 1986, when the University of Florida was awarded
a grant to establish the McTrans Center to facilitate software
distribution and support to the transportation engineering and
planning community.

As you may or may not know, the grant that created McTrans only
lasted two years by design. Since May 1988, McTrans has been
totally self-supporting, relying on revenues from software, support
and training to run the operations of the center and pay salaries.
This is quite a success story within the realm of the public sector and
government grants. McTrans has provided a wide variety of services
and grown tremendously over the last 18 years to serve over 30,000
users without any public funding.

Thanks to you our users, we have just turned 20 years old, still
growing and going strong. Please accept our deepest appreciation for
your support over the years.

HCS+ Annual Support Subscription

Who: All HCS+ registered users.
What: required for access to HCS+ technical support, including all
telephone and email assistance in using HCS+, and software
updates to incorporate approved changes and additions to
the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) as well as software
enhancements or corrections.
When: Subscription renewal is due annually by the end of the
month of the original purchase or upgrade to HCS+
Where: You can process the renewal for office licenses online at:
roduct&category= HCSPLUS.SUB
Or, for any license including Agency Licenses, you can call
Why: As part of this continuous updating process, we have plans
Add the Interchange Ramp Terminals module
Include Pedestrian and Bicycle modules
Modify the Unsignal module for the new Roundabouts
Update the Arterials module for the new Urban Streets
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Add CORSIM one-touch animation for Arterials and

LADOT Traffic Management Software Now

The City of Los Angeles Department ofTransportation (LADOT)
is pleased to announce the release of their highly acclaimed suite of
traffic management software tools used in daily traffic operations
in the City's Automated Traffic Surveillance and Control (ATSAC)
Center. Each of these software applications is fully operational in
the City of Los Angeles and has been for well over five years. Now
these powerful traffic management tools are available for purchase
through the McTrans Center. All of these applications were designed,
developed, tested and operated by a team of experienced LADOT
Engineers, each with over 12 years traffic operations experience.
Through this distribution, LADOT hopes other agencies will realize
comparable benefits to those attained in Los Angeles through the
integration of these powerful applications in the ATSAC Center.
Each component is described on page two.
continued on page 2

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DYNASMART-P Update and Training

DYNASMART-P is a state-of-the-art planning tool that
engineers can use to address complex transportation planning and
operations issues simultaneously, particularly in the ITS context.
DYNASMART-P supports planning and operations decisions
through the application of simulation-based dynamic traffic
assignments. This tool combines dynamic network assignment
models, used primarily with demand forecasting procedures for
planning applications, and traffic simulation models, used mainly
for traffic operations studies. With DYNASMART-P, engineers
can model the evolution of traffic flows that result from individual
drivers seeking the best routes to their destinations. The software
is designed to overcome many of the limitations of current static
planning tools, such as the types of measures that can be evaluated.
continued on page 2

Civil & Coastal Engineering
PO Box 116585
Gainesville FL 32611-6585
Toll Free (US): 1.800.226.1013
Fax: 352.392.6629
E-mail: mctrans@ce.ufl.edu



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McTrans July 2006

continued from page 1
Adaptive Traffic Control System (ATCS) 7
The ATCS7 is a personal computer based
traffic signal control program which
provides fully traffic responsive signal
control based on real-time traffic conditions.
The ATCS7 architecture is based on the
legacy Urban Traffic Control System
(UTCS) but operationally exceeds the
capabilities of UTCS by providing a traffic
adaptive system of control. ATCS7 uses
an adaptive algorithm to automatically
and repeatedly adjust traffic signal timing
in response to prevailing traffic demands.
This is accomplished by allowing ATCS
to simultaneously control all three critical
components of traffic signal timing, namely
cycle length, phase split and offset.
ATCS differs from other traffic control
systems in that as traffic patterns change,
traffic signal timing is also correspondingly
changed to match the current conditions.
When ATCS is controlling traffic signals
in the adaptive mode, the entire signal
network is continuously analyzed, and
the most appropriate signal timing for the
existing conditions is implemented. Thus,
it is possible to start ATCS with only one
base timing plan and let the system evolve
this base timing into appropriate timing
as conditions change during the day. Any
minor unusual occurrences that would
otherwise cause congestion in a time-of-day
plan system are automatically accommodated
by ATCS. The result is fewer stops and less
delay for motorists, along with improved
traffic signal coordination throughout the

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network. ATCS controls over 3100 signalized
intersections in Los Angeles, growing from
the City's initial ATCS installation in 1996.

Traffic Signal Control Program (TSCP) 7
TSCP7 allows the Model 2070 Controller
to function as a two-through-eight phase,
six-overlap, dual-ring traffic signal controller.
TSCP7 can operate as a stand-alone actuated
or non-actuated controller, or as part of an
interconnected system to either an ATSAC
type traffic control system with second-by-
second communications, or a hard-wire or
modem field master. The primary purpose
of this program is to provide traffic control
functions through the timing of the traffic
signal indications in the field. TSCP7 also
has the ability to accommodate transit
priority for buses and light rail trains,
including special phases for light rail signals.
TSCP7 is the only 2070 software that
integrates, without modification, to the
ATCS7 software.

Smart Transit Priority Manager (STPM) 7
The STPM7 program is a personal-computer
based central control program designed to
operate in combination with 2070 traffic
signal controllers and the TPS7 software
to manage all transit priority functions.
STPM7 is a real-time application which
requires similar communication architecture
as the ATCS7 application as well as bus
detection hardware to identify individual
buses as they progress through their routes.
This application integrates seamlessly to

the ATCS7 system utilizing the same client
interface software and graphics subsystem.
STPM7 is an extremely complex system
which (1) monitors and tracks buses, (2)
requests priority at signalized intersections
along transit routes, and (3) records all bus
travel times through the system and provides
passengers with bus arrival times at selected
bus stops (via variable message signs). This
program provides both a text-based and
graphical-based user interface that allows
the signal system operator and the transit
operator to monitor and control their
respective systems. The types of priority
provided by the system are "Early Green,"
"Green Extend," "Free Hold," and "Phase

Transit Priority System (TPS) 7
TPS7 program is specifically designed
to operate within 2070 controllers in
conjunction with the Traffic Signal Control
Program (TSCP) 7 to provide transit
priority functions in addition to traffic signal
control. The program expands the 2070
controller's capabilities to include specific
priority for buses and emergency vehicles
at signalized intersections. The TPS7 2070
controller software or similar software is
required in combination with STPM7 for
transit priority operation.

Order through McTrans
Each component is available through
McTrans using the following product
numbers and prices: TSCP7 ($15,000);
ATCS7 ($30,000); STPM7 ($30,000);
and TPS7 ($30,000). The software comes
with one year of technical assistance limited
to100 hours through the contracted
Technical Support Agents who has
experience in setting up and running these


McTrans July 2006

continued from page 1
Version 1.2 is currently being tested for a
planned release in the next month or two.
The revised version has the following key
Minimizing the computer memory
requirements for running large networks;
Time-dependent link pricing feature
allowing users to specify a toll that
depends on the time of the day for any
user-specified link;
Highway bias allowing users to model
the driver's bias and preference in path
finding; and
Multiple metering rates allowing users to
specify time-dependent metering rates
for a ramp meter.

Two two-day training workshops sponsored
by FHWA will be held on August 15-16
and August 28-29, 2006 at the National
Highway Institute (NHI) in Arlington
Virginia, respectively. The workshops will be
free to participants selected by the FHWA.
If you are interested in participating in the
workshop, please complete the application
form at:

and return it to john.tolle@fhwa.dot.gov
with a carbon copy to john.halkias@fhwa.
dot.gov and henry.lieu@fhwa.dot.gov. Please
contact john.tolle@fhwa.dot.gov if you need
more information.

NEW Products

Crossys Express
Crossys Express innovates process for data
collection, manipulation, traffic analysis and
interfaces with other software such as HCS
2000, HCS + and Synchro. Traffic analysis
includes data collection, data input process,
analysis and output summary. However due
to manual process of data input/summary,
traffic analysis processes in the projects are
inefficient and provide unreliable analysis
results. Crossys Express solves these problems
and enables automated data processing and
traffic analysis. Therefore, the overall costs
of traffic projects are much lower than they
needs to be. Its great and powerful features
will help you complete projects with more
efficient and smart ways. The key features
are as follows:

* Electronic Data Collection
* Various Summary for Volume Data
* Automated Data Conversion
* Data Trend Analysis
* Graphical Data Presentation
* Network Flow Balance Template
* Automated Summary Report
* Interface with HCS
* HCS Output Summary
* Interface with Synchro

UPDATED Products

Dowling Associates, Inc. announces the
release ofTRAFFIX' 7.8 traffic impact
analysis software.

TRAFFIX' 7.8 contains many new features,
including the Canadian Capacity Guide
method for signals, intersection graphical
volume report, new queue output reports,
movement LOS reporting, emissions,
fuel consumption and number of stops
calculations, global % HV entry, trip
distribution copying from zone, LOS
threshold reports, run scenario hot buttons,
signal warrant updates and HCM updates.

TRAFFIX' allows users to: rapidly forecast
the impact of new developments; conduct
capacity analyses using HCM, ICU, Circular
212 and other methods; interactively test
mitigation measures; determine individual
development projects' traffic impact fees;
generate comprehensive, concise reports;
import from travel demand models and
ASCII; and export to Synchro, HCS, XML
and ASCII, for multiple intersections and
scenarios.., all from a single file.

TRAFFIX' 7.8 is priced at $3950 per site

Update Watch


Version Status

Turbo Architecture



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McTrans January 2006

UPDATED Products

WINhydro 2006
First developed and marketed in 1982 by civil engineers engaged in actual storm
drainage design as HYDROpac@ (a MS-DOS program) the core modules have been
continuously upgraded. The new releases are now named WINhydro with the
latest version being WINhydro 2006. It has an been rewritten to run on the latest
MicrosoftTM operating systems.

WINhydro 2006 provides the added functionality of:
Computation of drain times for Detention/Retention basins
Computation of rainfall intensity and writing rainfall data file using IDF factors
Estimation of pollutants contained in storm runoff
Includes WIN-TR55
Choice of rainfall intensity file to use

WINprofile 2006
This latest version ofWINprofile includes the following additions:

Parameter files for transfer of storm drain profiles to CAD. These files allow control of
MicrostationTM levels, colors, text size and line weight and AutoCADTM layers, colors
and text size.

Now, while in WINprofile 2006, you can transfer complete grade, street, storm
sewer, sanitary sewer, water line and other profiles to AutoCAD&trade using dxf files
and directly into MicroStationTM using an included MDL.

WINprofile 2006's computational routines for street/roadway grades, storm drain
sizing with profile generation, generation ofwastewater profiles and other routines
provide a finished product with minimal input.

Profile data generated during hydraulic gradient calculation by WINhydro 2006
may also be integrated into the WINprofile 2006 data files.

WINproject 2006
WINproject 2006 was written to establish the state-of-the-art in user friendly data
entry; computation of probable costs; preparation of Bid Schedules and tracking of
contractor payments for projects that have discrete payment quantities. A major item
of WINproject 2006 is the self-explanatory nature of the video display. After a modest
amount of familiarization, you need only the computer and your data to prepare
documents. Other features of WINproject 2006 include:
Ability to convert any properly formatted ASCII database into a WINproject 2006
Overwrite protection with override for existing files;
Three levels of access with the access code option allowing the highest level of
access independent of the security file included. System Operator is the top level
and may perform all functions. Estimator is the second level and may perform all
functions except change database items. Bidder is the lowest level and may only
enter unit costs and print documents
Estimates, bid schedules and pay requests share the same takeoff data file.

The methodology for determining the
proportion of volume in lanes 1 and 2 on
a 6-8 lane freeway sometimes produced
unreasonable results by under-predicting v12
and overpredicting the volume in the outer
lane(s). A revised procedure has been approved
to provide a check against the limitations of
the outer lane(s). The revised method has been
implemented in HCS+ version 5.21, due out
this summer.

CORSIM allows bus stations to hold up to 6
buses. Buses are moved through the station in
a first-in-first-out manner. TRAFED allows
the user to modify routes and schedules easily,
and CORSIM reports MOEs for buses and bus

TRANSYT-7F is capable of optimizing
CORSIM networks with pre-timed and semi-
actuated signals, where CORSIM simulates
the candidate timing plans, and TRANSYT-
7F manages the genetic algorithm. The next
version ofTRANSYT-7F may be expanded in
order to directly optimize fully-actuated signals
in CORSIM, and directly optimize multi-
period CORSIM networks

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