A State-of-the-Art Dynamic Network
jr*n A KA i A T r P Traffic Operational Planning Tool
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DYNASMART-P is one of the two state-of-the-art dynamic network
traffic operational planning tools developed under the Federal
Highway Administration's (FHWA) Dynamic Traffic Assignment
(DTA) research project. DYNASMART-P, developed by researchers
at the University of Maryland, supports transportation network
planning and traffic operations
decisions, including evaluation
of ITS deployment options,
Ma through the use of simulation-
based dynamic traffic assignment.
E ". This tool combines (1) dynamic
network assignment models, used
primarily in conjunction with
demand forecasting procedures
for planning applications, and (2)
traffic simulation models, used
,' primarily for traffic operational
S-" :L studies. DYNASMART-P
provides the capability to model
L n the evolution of traffic flows in a
traffic network, which result from
Si the decisions of individual travelers
.. seeking for the best paths en-route
.... -- over a given planning horizon. It
overcomes many of the known
Limitations of static tools used in
current planning practice. These
Limitations pertain to the types of
alternative measures that may be
represented and evaluated, and
the policy questions that planning agencies are increasingly asked to
DYNASMART-P defines a new generation of transportation
planning methodologies, which can interface readily with existing
four step procedures, yet provides a meaningful jump in the range
and type of measures that can be evaluated. Because it considers the
continue p.2
Department of Civil and
Coastal Engineering
PO Box 116585
Gainesville FL 32611-6585
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(See page 3)
Mc Trans Summer 2004
continued p.1
time-varying nature of traffic
flows, it is expected to produce
more useful estimates of state
variables such as speeds, queue
lengths, delays, and congestion
effects to better assess the
functional and environmental
impacts of a variety of traditional
and emerging transportation
planning measures, including the
deployment of ITS and non-ITS
DYNASMART-P requires
input data commonly used
by the traditional traffic
assignment and simulation
models, particularly with regard
to network representation and
spatial demand loading patterns.
The input data vary with the
network being analyzed and the
level of detail required by the
user. Complexity of the network
could range from a linear
freeway network to an integrated
network with High-Occupancy
Vehicle (HOV) lanes, High-
Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes,
ramp metering, transit services,
possibly incidents and signal
controlled intersections on
surface streets. Applications to
date have included metropolitan
and regional networks with up
to 35,000 nodes and 100,000
links, with nearly one million
vehicles simulated over horizons
of several hours.
DYNASMART-P produces a
wide array of output information
to assist users in performing
detailed traffic analysis. The
output report contains Measures
of Effectiveness (MoEs)
commonly used by traffic
engineers, such as volumes,
speeds, travel times, delays,
etc. DYNASMART-P also
produces an individual vehicle
trajectory file, which is very
useful for research purposes. In
addition, through its intuitive
graphical user interface (GUI),
DYNASMART-P provides the
user with the means to view
simulation results and other
characteristics through various
graphical formats, both static and
With rich built-in features,
DYNASMART-P can be used to
evaluate complex strategic and
operational network planning
decisions and to produce policy-
relevant traffic assignment results
for planning analyses. The
potential applications include:
Assessing impacts of ITS
and non-ITS technologies
on the transportation
network, such as dynamic
message signs, ATIS under
different information supply
strategies and behavioral
response scenarios, dynamic
route guidance, incident
management, etc.
Supporting decision-making
for work zone planning and
traffic management.
Evaluation of HOV lanes
and HOT lanes.
Evaluation of different
congestion pricing schemes.
Planning for special events
and emergency situations,
including some evacuation
scenarios for homeland
security applications.
Traffic assignment analyses
in traditional planning
functions, as well as in
conjunction with activity-
based and tour-based
DYNASMART-P operates on
Windows XP, Windows 2000,
Windows ME or Windows NT
4.0 (service pack 5) or higher.
A minimum of 300 MB of
the hard drive space and the
minimum of 512 MB of RAM
memory are needed to run the
model, depending the size of
the network and analysis time
period. Execution times vary
with the hardware used and
size of network, though typical
experience on high end PC's
suggests approximately a ratio of
simulation to actual time of 1 to
0.25 0.35 on actual networks.
The FHWA has also
developed a DYNASMART-
P input editor, DSPEd, to
assist users in preparing input
data. Both DYNASMART-
P and DSPEd will soon be
available at McTrans. Please
keep your eye on the McTrans
website. For more information
about DYNASMART-P, please
check the websites: www.
dynasmart.com or www.
Two free training workshops will
be offered by FHWA and the
University of Maryland in the
Washington metropolitan area in
fall 2004. Please contact Henry
Lieu at Henry.Lieu@fhwa.dot.
gov for more information about
the training workshops.
If it's not on our
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* Product & Seminar
TRANSYT-7F, United States Version
State of the art simulation
> Actuated control
> Platoon dispersion
> Queue spillback-
> Lane-by-lane analysis
State of the art optimization o
CLpyright L 996-e 04, Universiy cf Floriua
> Genetic algorithm AU rit re er ve o
> Hill-climb TAT
> Multi-period
> Progression, delay & trips
Mc Trans Summer 2004
HCS+ -* Major New Version Coming
New HCS Freeway Facilities Module Builds HCM 2000 Chapter
22 ]i. rl., ..I. ..' ,- into standard easy-to-use HCS module
New Warrant Analysis Module Incorporates MUTCD 2003
procedures for signal warrant analysis
Signals Oversaturated Multi-Period Analysis Allows coding of
multiple time periods for over-saturated flow analysis
Signals Preset Phasing Selections Presents list of most likely
phasing options based on lane configuration with pretimed, actuated
or semi-actuated options
Smarter Signals Data Options Automated I-Value, additional
global spinners, increased monitoring of input data to warn of
potential mistakes
Improved Reporting More than 30 Formatted Reports to include
virtually all worksheets from HCM 2000 with a Save Report option
to facilitate sharing
Importing Count Board Data Mechanism to read turning
movement data directly from Jamar count board for period-specific
importing into Signals and Warrants
Batch Processing -Through MSExcel to allow multiple runs with
captured results from pre-defined input
Licensing Provides for continuous automatic updates with electronic
downloads and responsive toll-free telephone and electronic file
exchange technical support
Training New one-day Signals course focusing on HCM Updates
and new HCS features with discount coupon for HCS+ upgrade or
Notice to all HCS-3 Users
Upgrading to HCS2000 now will make you eligible to
upgrade to HCS+ when it becomes available this fall.
Once available, only HCS2000 users will be allowed
to upgrade, all others will be required to buy a new
license. Typically, upgrading is one-half to one-third
the cost of new purchases.
Visit the Mc Trans Booth (#309) at the
ITE Annual Meeting
August 1-3, 2004
Coronado Springs Resort
Walt Disney World
Orlando, Florida
Stop by for an HCS+ Demonstration
ITE 2004 Annual Meeting and Exhibit
.uguist 14, 2(04
lfC I .iv'n ConmaA lnr Reviof
Lake Buena Vta. lHonda. 1. SA
Optimization: Preview
Release 10.2 of TRANSYT-
7F will introduce "direct"
CORSIM optimization of
cycle length, splits, and
offsets, using the genetic
algorithm. This version is
targeted for January 2005.
During the beta test period
this Fall, send yourTRF file
to McTrans. If your file is
chosen, we will optimize it
free of charge. Regarding
macroscopic, TRANSYT-
based optimization, release
10.2 will introduce graphical
coding of lane configuration,
peak hour factor, and
saturation flow rate.
For Signalized Intersection
and Urban Street analyses,
the Upstream Filtering or
Metering Adjustment Factor
(I-Value) is a coefficient in the
delay equation to account for
way that upstream signals
decrease the variance in the
number of arrivals per cycle
at the subject intersection,
reducing delay. Many users
leave the default of 1.0,
which is intended only for
isolated intersections at least
one mile from an upstream
signal. The I-Value is based
on the volume-weighted v/c
ratio average of all upstream
movements contributing to
the subject intersection lane
group. This computation will
be automated in HCS+.
U-turns and left-turns can
only be simulated from a
shared lane when actuated
control is used. To model
shared u-turns and left-turns
at a pre-timed controller, it
may be preferable to code
the signal as actuated, but
specify equal maximum and
minimum green times to
emulate pre-timed operation.
After recording hundreds of
test cases, no input file has
ever been found for which
hill-climb optimization
produces a better timing
plan than genetic algorithm
optimization. If you
encounter a TRANSYT input
file for which hill-climb
optimization appears to
produce a better result,
submit it to McTrans. We will
attempt to return it genetic-
optimized with the best
I Did You Know?
Mc Trans Summer 2004
Capital Program Managment System
CPMS is a full featured, easy to use system for managing a 6-year
Transportation Capital Improvement Program which can be used in
a multi-user environment. The software facilitates both project level
tracking as well as program level financial analyses. Special features
allow evaluation of different program scenarios as well as tracking
and summarizing changes between the current capital program and
previous capital programs. A unique feature of CPMS is the ability
to handle both programmed funds and carryover funds in order to
track actual expenditures.
The user interface provides many useful views of the data which
help to balance the funds during the 6-year program period. Editing
is intuitive and there are many features which simplify data entry as
well as help to assure that the information is entered correctly.
CPMS produces many types of project reports and budget/funding
reports which can be easily customized by the User with a minimum
of effort. Additional reports can be produced off-line using Crystal
Reports, if desired.
The following reports are included (partial list):
* The federally mandated Transportation Improvement Program
(TIP) Report
A detailed TIP Report
Project Summary Report
Funding Summaries Programmed or Actual Expenditures
Budget Summaries
Funding by Worktype Report
Program Changes Report
Other features:
All reports can be printed to Acrobat PDF format for posting on
an intranet or the web.
CPMS can export financial data directly to MS Excel for further
analysis and the production of financial reports, charts and graphs.
CPMS has a GIS database component and can export data in a
format suitable for GIS programs.
There is an Annual Update feature which transforms the financial
data for the next fiscal year cycle automatically.
CPMS provides built in security and security administration to
manage user accounts and privileges.
CPMS is available at LOS 7 from McTrans for $4500.
CandeCAD Pro
Culvert Analysis and Design inside AutoCAD
CandeCAD Pro is a two-dimensional, nonlinear finite element
computer program developed exclusively for the design, analysis
and evaluation of buried pipes, culverts and other soil-structure
interaction systems. CandeCAD Pro incorporates the widely
used source code CANDE, which was originally developed
under sponsorship of the US Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA), and has been in use worldwide for over twenty five years.
CandeCAD Pro has revolutionized FE analysis in the AutoCAD
environment enabling engineers to utilize advanced FE technology
on a routine basis for culvert and pipe design, analysis and evaluation
in a considerably shorter time than previously possible.
Development Objectives
* To make it the fastest and easiest to use finite element buried pipe
and culvert analysis software in the world.
To empower users to incorporate advanced finite element
technology in their design environment, leading to better
engineered, safer and more economical designs for pipelines and
Using CandeCAD Pro will result in significant savings in time and
money while ensuring better engineered, safer and more economical
designs. CandeCAD Pro by SSIS Marketing International is
available at LOS 6 from McTrans for $2,395.
Dowling Associates, Inc. announces the release of TRAFFIX 7.7
traffic impact analysis software.
TRAFFIX 7.7 contains many new features, including analysis of
left-hand side driving conditions, global trip generation entry, and
more signal warrants and link volume posting options. These new
features permit users to analyze conditions where traffic drives on
the left-hand side of the roadway, enter trip generation rates globally,
choose delay and/or volume based peak hour signal warrants, and
post entering, exiting and change in link volumes.
TRAFFIX allows users to: rapidly forecast the impact of new
developments; conduct capacity analyses using HCM, ICU, Circular
212 and other methods; interactively test mitigation measures;
determine individual development projects' traffic impact fees;
generate comprehensive, concise reports; import from travel demand
models and ASCII; and export to Synchro, HCS, XML and ASCII,
for multiple intersections and scenarios.., all from a single file.
TRAFFIX 7.7 is available at LOS 7 from McTrans for $3700 per
site license.
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