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Group Title: McTrans newsletter
Title: McTrans newsletter Volume 29
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00078185/00021
 Material Information
Title: McTrans newsletter Volume 29
Series Title: McTrans newsletter
Physical Description: Serial
Language: English
Creator: Center for Microcomputers in Transportation, College of Engineering, University of Florida
Publisher: Center for Microcomputers in Transportation, College of Engineering, University of Florida
Publication Date: Winter 2003
Subject: University of Florida   ( lcsh )
Spatial Coverage: North America -- United States -- Florida -- Gainesville
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00078185
Volume ID: VID00021
Source Institution: University of Florida
Holding Location: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved, Board of Trustees of the University of Florida


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        Page 6
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Hiqhtau Capaclrp Manual
Ipplications Guidebook.

Department of Civil and
Coastal Engineering
PO Box 116585
Gainesville FL 32611-6585
(352) 392-0378
Toll Free 1-800-226-1013
Fax (352) 392-6629
E-mail mctrans@ce.ufl.edu

Highway Capacity Manual Applications Guide
Read about this new resource coming available electronically as a result of
a National Highway Cooperative Research Program project. (see page 3)
by Wayne Kittelson

The Highway Capacity Manual has
become a much more complex and
challenging document for practitioners to
effectively apply than was the case when it
was first introduced in 1950. To their
credit, the authors of HCM2000 have
undertaken substantial efforts to facilitate
user applications. Even so, the sheer size
of the document and the complexity and
inter-related nature of the included
material causes several fundamental
problems to remain:



1) Many practitioners have difficulty
understanding even basic parameters
and how/when to apply them.
2) Sample problems take practitioners to
the point of completing the
calculations, but do not give guidance
in interpretation or resolution.
3) The issues practitioners often face
(what form of intersection control
would be most effective?) are not easy
to answer under the current format of

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TRANSYT-7F Release 10
Coming January 2004

TRANSYT-7F release 10 is targeted for an
on-time release in January 2004, which will
mark the first major upgrade for this
package in nearly three years. The latest
release arrives with a renewed emphasis
on upgraded documentation, graphical
output, genetic algorithm optimization, and
multi-period modeling. Refer to the
TRANSYT-7F web page for a detailed
description of program features:
genetic algorithm optimization
multi-period optimization
automatic coding of preset phasing
*time space progression diagram
profile view static graphics
hardcopy users guide with self-
and more (see page 2)

Mc Trans Winter 2003

Eile Edr Yew Bun ifndow .ncek .sj,
nID W I| 'r.li I el A| l z.y nII |.... i i

.in xl TRANSYT-7F Release 10

SExample of favorable Eastbound progression.
P~ Ic- as rendered by the Progression Diagram screen

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l .. .e, I Il luril IJu -ll. Priod 1

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Example of a dissipating residual queue in time period #2, as
rendered by the Profile View screen

Registered users of release 9 will be notified by e-mail of
special upgrade pricing when the upgrade is ready for
distribution. The hardcopy users guide (containing
approximately 350 pages) will be sold separately, with
documentation identical to that within the electronic Help



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Mc Trans Winter 2003

Highway Capacity Manual Applications Guide

4) No explicit guidance is given
on which input parameters are
most important to 'get right',
and which are less important.
5) Many practitioners are not
explicitly aware of the
limitations of the various
HCM procedures, and do not
recognize situations where
other methods (such as
microscopic simulation)
would be more appropriate to

Recently, the National
Cooperative Highway Research
Program (NCHRP) initiated and
completed a project aimed at
addressing some of these issues.
The Highway Capacity Manual
Applications Guidebook
(HCMAG) is the product of this
effort. It is a web-accessible
compilation of five real-world
case studies that collectively
demonstrate how to develop
suitable input data sets, identify
an appropriate analysis
i., rl.....l.. 1 ,, and then
reasonably apply and interpret
the results of the selected analysis
for a variety of transportation
facility types. The HCMAG was
designed and written primarily
for new and infrequent users of

highway capacity and quality of
service analysis procedures, but it
contains insights and parametric
discussions that will be of use to
all practitioners.
This initial edition of the
guide focuses on the facility types
most commonly encountered by
current users of the Highway
Capacity Manual. Through user
surveys, these were determined to
include signalized intersections,
unsignalized intersections, urban
streets, two-lane highways, and
freeways. Even while these are the
focus of individual problems
contained in the HCMAG, the
real-world nature of the five case
studies means that each problem
also addresses the inevitable
interactions among multiple
facility types as well as
multimodal considerations.
Altogether, a total of 25
problems and 73 separate
analyses are contained within the
five case studies that make up the
HCMAG. The case studies are
presented within a
comprehensive navigation system
that allows practitioners to easily
access the information that
happens to be of particular
interest to them at the time. Each
case study is presented as a

3J '- ; w' .. i .. .- .- .. . .. .. .. .

separate chapter, so practitioners
can also follow a case study
through from beginning to end
in order to more fully understand
the system considerations that
must accompany any analysis
relating to capacity and quality of
service characteristics associated
with a particular facility. Each
case study chapter is organized to
include an overview of the case
study, an introduction to the
issues that will be addressed, a
"getting started" section that sets
the stage for the problems that
follow, a set of two to six
problems that require one or
more separate analyses, and a
summary analysis of the key
points made within the case
study. Each case study also
includes a navigable index,
downloadable datasets (in XML
format), and key word search
The HCMAG is designed for
use with any standard web
browser, and in this mode it takes
advantage of hyperlinks,
navigation bars, and pop-up
windows to make information
readily available to the reader.
The reader can print a hardcopy
version of each chapter for use in
off-line environments. Similarly,


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a CD-ROM version of the
HCMAG is also available for use
on computers where there is no
on-line access to the internet.
Instruction templates that
incorporate the HCMAG into
discussions of highway capacity
analysis will be available on or
about the end of the first quarter
in 2004. These materials will be
presented in both PowerPoint
and outline formats, and are
designed to facilitate the
integration of the HCMAG into
college-level classes and training
seminars on highway capacity
The HCMAG is an
important companion document
to the HCM. It should aid in the
understanding and performance
levels of students, entry-level
analysts, and infrequent HCM
users. Through use of real-world
case studies, the HCMAG also
demonstrates and encourages
system-wide thinking across
multiple types of facilities and

Where To Find It

The Highway Capacity
Manual Applications Guidebook
can be accessed on the internet
at: http://hcmguide.com
A CD-ROM version and/or a
copy of the instruction materials
can also be obtained by sending
an email or writing to:

Wayne Kittelson
Principal Investigator
NCHRP 3-64
Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
610 SW Alder, Suite 700
Portland, OR 97205

Please note that the
instruction materials will not be
available until on or about
March 31, 2004.


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-Attention CANDE Users!-
Culvert Analysis and Design inside

CandeCAD is a two-dimensional,
nonlinear finite element computer
program developed exclusively for the
design, analysis and evaluation of buried
pipes, culverts and other soil-structure
interaction systems. CandeCAD
incorporates the widely used source code
CANDE, which was originally developed
under sponsorship of the US Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA), and
has been in wide use for over twenty five
years. CandeCAD has revolutionized FE
analysis in the AutoCAD environment
enabling engineers to utilize advanced FE
technology on a routine basis for culvert
and pipe design, analysis and evaluation
in a considerably shorter time than
previously possible.

Development Objectives

* To make it the fastest and easiest to
use finite element buried pipe and
culvert analysis software in the world.
To empower users to incorporate
advanced finite element technology in
their design environment, leading to
better engineered, safer and more
economical designs for pipelines and
Using CandeCAD will result in
significant savings in time and money
while ensuring better engineered, safer
and more economical designs.

IDAS Version 2.3
An update to the ITS Deployment Analysis System (IDAS)
software [Version 2.3] is now available. IDAS was initially
released by the Federal Highway Administration in October,
2000 as a sketch planning tool designed to estimate the
potential benefits and costs of ITS (Intelligent Transportation
Systems). Over 60 different types of ITS investments are
currently available for analysis in IDAS.
This update includes significant improvements to the
performance of the software and improved user friendliness of
the application; however, current users should be able to use
the software with little difficulty as the overall structure
remains largely unchanged. These users are likely to appreciate
many of the more subtle changes intended to improve overall
user friendliness and enhance the configurability of the
software to their particular analysis needs. Selected
improvements included in IDAS Version 2.3 include:
* Updated ITS impact values and equipment costs based on
more recent observations and research;
Improvements to the software performance to reduce the
model run time for many ITS components;
The added ability to make modifications to the baseline data
directly within the IDAS software saving the user time and
increasing their flexibility in structuring an analysis;
An increase in the number of volume/delay curves that may
be used in the analysis providing users with the improved
ability to configure the software to local conditions; and,
An increase in the maximum number of roadway links that
may be imported to better accommodate those users with
large networks.
Current registered users of the IDAS software were shipped
a CD (from McTrans) to upgrade their IDAS software as well
as update all previously built databases. The upgraded version
is available to new users wishing to purchase the software from
McTrans. More information on the capabilities of the IDAS
software and a full list of all the improvements included in the
Version 2.3 update can be obtained from the IDAS web site at:

Update Watch


Version Status


January 04
January 04


Patch Download
Registered users may upgrade
Sent to Registered users
Sent to Registered users
Sent to Registered users
Sent to Registered users
Sent to Registered Users

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HCS2000 computes the back of
queue for each lane group in
the Signalized Intersection
analysis. These estimates
are compared with available
storage distances to produce
queue storage ratios with
values under one indicating
the storage can
accommodate the queues.
These values are very useful
in analyzing the lengths of
left- or right-turn bays and
even distances to upstream
intersections. However,
blockages that may occur
when the queue storage ratio
is above one are not
considered in the
calculations of delay and
LOS. Users should check
these values independently
as additional indicators of an
intersection's performance.

TRANSYT-7F computes the fuel
consumption due to random-
plus-oversaturation stops
differently than the fuel
consumption due to uniform
stops. The model assumes
that random-plus-
oversaturation stops are
made while vehicles are
traveling at the queue speed
(the one at which the queue
dissipates), while uniform
stops are assumed to be
made from cruise speed. The
queue speed is calculated as
follows: Queue Speed =
(Saturation Flow I Queue

CORSIM adjusts a vehicle's
acceleration ability based on
grade, so trucks will not
accelerate as fast going
uphill as they will on level
ground. However, CORSIM
doesn't allow a different free-
flow speed for different
vehicle types, which would
be useful in modeling the
downhill grade where trucks
would drive more slowly to
avoid braking problems.


Highway Capacity Analysis
Feb 3-5, 2004 Las Vegas, NV
Apr 27-29 Denver, CO

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H i,_'!,, l C ip i-,irl, M I in,.l u Hi i H C .... 1 pr;1, ,,1..11..1
clhIud. n r_ _'r, ili I I r i ;rr, hl d Inrh i r -crl..r ,
In., lrd in, Fr.~ l,'. .> iin, Rlvnp.pl inp vFill. i.
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. .k ,.. r. r Ui. n 'ppl, in. i r. pr.r., i 1d, il
%_, -. i-..p!_.' -' 2 1 1 C E U i-.

TRANSYT-7F Signal Analysis

Feb 3-4, 2004
Apr 20-21

Atlanta, GA
New Orleans. LA

RJIe. I,, n ..I I TR NN ',T- F iimpl, min rii rri itt,
ne rv -1r. .l.. nii.l ri. 11 d rr il t'h I ,'1n "il r[in. '
S,~pr -,,Lr,, n L .', ,, inr.,t I ,-, E v-h l_- r.r,
' ill ii I i. l *t..:11 ir 1. ii.i. i rr l i. ,.11e .Ill ;. rti ir
, ', ,i p, ,i ne r .ri .. I I ... t rh I F ,tr ir -e
p :l.i._ rl.ir ,-,,.nrin TR NVT--F i 2 -CEI-i.

Site Impact Analysis
Mar 11-12.2004

Des in, FL

CORSIM Simulation
Feb 5-6. 2004
Apr 22-23

Atlanta. GA
New Orleans. LA

Pirrhi-ip inr' i I' i r- I ir cT ,n r I Ir
ru !,ni._lqu w.r rir *rin_, r!, rr fitS,: ihrp -:r,. F. ..rl,
111,1!! aind !iar_. I .ci l.pm nr In,:I. ud. in rhl
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:--nm1-1rput r si ,tri .-\ ii l C El-1, 1

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.iiii n rri ri. in' ,.' in' rlI-., F H I r 'i,
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Mc Trans Winter 2003

Opinions expressed in this newsletter do not reflect the official
views of the university. Use of trade names implies no
endorsement by the University ofFlorida.

Publication Services
University of Florida





Toll Free:

(352) 392-6629
(352) 392-0378

Extension General Responsibilities

Bill Sampson 241 Center & software information
Director Website & technical assistance (HCS),
contracts & licenses

Debbie Escalera 242 Order & shipment status,
Order Processing Software registration & invoices

David Hale 240 Traffic software technical assistance
Technical Assistant TRANSYT-7F, PASSER, CORSIM

Nebiyu Tiruneh 238 Hydraulic software technical assistance
Technical Assistant HYDRAIN, HEC, HY-8, WSPRO

Page Company

AI Technologies Ltd.
Akcelik & Associates
Caliper Corp.
Greg Bullock
Innovative Transportation Concepts
JMW Engineering. Inc.
KLD Associates & Polytechnic Univ.
RST International Inc.
Strong Concepts
Transoft Solutions
X32 Group. Inc.

ptv vision
SIG/Cinema. HCM/Cinema
Cadna A
SimTraffic, Synchro
HSA Software






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