New ITS Software
Available from
.', by Verej Janoyan, Senior Transportation
Engineer, City of Los Angeles, Department of
During the past seven years, the City of Los
Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT)
staff has developed several software packages
for use in its Automated Traffic Surveillance and
Control (ATSAC) Program. Four of these state-
k_ __ of-the-art traffic control software programs will
be available soon for distribution through the
Mc Trans Center. The primary motivation for the
software distribution is to share LADOT's
products with others so that they may take
advantage of this technology.
continues p. 2
McTrans New Products 8
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Version 1.0 see p. 3 0-
McTrans New Software
What Mc Trans is Working On
see p. 2 110
SMc Trans Summer 2003
continued from p.1
These products are: Adaptive Traffic Control
System (ATCS)7, Traffic Signal Control Program
(TSCP)7 for Model 2070 Controllers, Smart
Transit Priority Manager (STPM)7, and Transit
Priority System (TPS)7 software for local
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Through funding grants from the Los Angeles
County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
(LACMTA), LADOT has developed these
products to upgrade its central traffic control
system comprised of 4,200 traffic signals and
provide transit bus priority for several fleets
operated by LACMTA. The software programs
have been successfully implemented in the City of
Los Angeles to alleviate traffic congestion, improve
bus operations and reduce motorist delay. In
response to a strong interest by public and private
entities to obtain user licenses of these products,
the Mayor and City Council of Los Angeles have
authorized LADOT to enter into a software
distribution agreement with the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA). Once signed, this
cooperative agreement will provide licensing of the
individual products to public agencies through
Mc Trans, an FHWA software distribution center.
LADOT and McTrans, with FHWA facilitation,
are currently working on the details to distribute
and support these products.
These software programs are described below:
Traffic Signal Control Program (TSCP)7
The TSCP7 program is specifically designed
to operate within Model 2070 controllers to
provide traffic signal control. The
program allows the Model 2070
controller to function as a two-
AG L E through eight-phase, six-overlap,
m Cm r ... dual-ring traffic signal controller.
The program can operate as a
stand-alone actuated or non-
actuated controller, or as part of
an interconnected system to either
an ATSAC type central control
S system with second-by-second
control or a hard-wire or modem
field master. The purpose of this program is to
provide traffic control functions. The TSCP7
has the ability to accommodate transit priority
for buses as well as light rail trains, including
special phases for light rail signals.
Adaptive Traffic Control System (ATCS)7
The ATCS7 is a personal computer-based
traffic signal control program which provides
fully traffic responsive signal control based on
real-time traffic conditions. ATCS7
architecture is based on the earlier Urban
Traffic Control System (UTCS) which was
developed by the FHWA. ATCS7 is capable
of automatically and repeatedly adjusting
traffic signal timing in response to current
traffic demands versus operating in time-of-
day mode. Detector data collected in the
signal network is continuously analyzed, and
the most appropriate signal timing for existing
conditions is implemented within one signal
cycle. Any long-term traffic pattern changes
and short-term variations of traffic conditions
can be automatically accommodated by this
software. ATCS7 requires a central control
system and infrastructure similar to that of the
Los Angeles ATSAC System
McTrans Summer 2003
Smart Transit Priority Manager (STPM)7
The STPM7 program is a personal-computer based central
control program designed to operate in conjunction with
Model 2070 traffic signal controllers and the TPS7 software to
manage all transit priority functions. This program: (1)
monitors and tracks buses, (2) requests priority at signalized
intersections along transit routes, and (3) records all bus travel
times through the system and provide passengers with bus
arrival times at selected bus stops (via variable message signs).
This program provides both a text-based and graphical-based
user interface which allows the signal system operator and the
Transit Priority System (TPS)7
TPS7 program is specifically designed to operate within Model
2070 controllers in conjunction with the Traffic Signal Control
Program (TSCP)7 to provide transit priority functions in
addition to traffic signal control. The program expands the
Model 2070 controllers capabilities to include specific priority
for buses and emergency vehicles at signalized intersections.
Stay tuned for additional information about the products,
distribution process, and fee structure.
transit operator to monitor and control their respective systems.
The STPM7 requires a bus detection infrastructure and central
control system similar to the Los Angeles ATSAC System.
Highway Capacity Analysis
Sept 17-18, 2003 Denver, CO
Oct 1-3, 2003 Destin, FL
Lectures on the applications prescribed in the 2000
Highway Capacity Manual (HCM2000)TM
procedures including Signalized and Unsignalized
Intersections; Multilane, Freeways, Weaving,
Ramps and Freeway Facilities; and notes on Urban
Streets, TwoLane and Transit. (2.0 CEUs)
Day 1 / 8:00 5:00
Registration and Introductions
Introduction to Highway Capacity Manual
Introduction to Highway Capacity Software
Principles of Capacity Signalized Intersections
Day 2 / 8:00 5:00
Signalized Intersections(Continued)
Unsignalized Intersections
Notes on Urban Streets
Day 3 / 8:00 5:00
Basic Freeway Segments
Ramps and Ramp Junctions
Weaving Areas
Notes on TwoLane
Summary and Evaluation
Breaks provided with lunch on your own
This Highway Capacity Analysis Seminar will
provide lectures and software demonstrations on
the application of several Highway Capacity
Manual (HCM2000) procedures. The procedures
to be covered represent those updated in the new
version of the HCM including detailed
information on HCM2000, published by TRB.
Release 4 of the Highway Capacity Software
(HCS2000) implements the procedures defined in
the HCM2000 in a Windows 95/98/00/NT/XP
interface. Each lecture will be followed with a
software demonstration using the HCS module
applying the HCM procedures. A comprehensive
workbook will be provided with the course.
M Mc Trans Summer 2003
Now AVAILABLE! PASSER V-03, Version 1.0
The Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) is
pleased to announce the release of PASSER
V for developing timings to coordinate signals
along arterials. PASSER V provides a wide
variety of simulation, analysis, and
optimization technologies under a friendly
graphic user interface.
PASSER V's user interface allows a user to
simultaneously open up to five data files, each of
which may contain data for multiple arterials or
networks. Other key features of the program
interface include: easy data entry using a
combination of drawing functions and tabular
forms, functions to define and analyze/optimize
linear signal sub-systems, a graphic time-space
......IIICB ~I
diagram that provides for manual offset
adjustments, and functions for printing hard copies
of reports and/or saving results in formats that can
be read by popular word processors and
PASSERV uses HCM n, rl-, ..l. 1. .:-, for
calculating timings for individual signals and for
the analysis of isolated signals. It contains a new
mesoscopic simulation model to assess the
performance of linear signal systems. This model is
similar to the step-based model in TRANSYT 7E
In addition, the program provides the several tools
for the optimization and analysis of signal systems.
These include PASSER II tool, PASSER III tool, a
GA-Based tool, a Volume Analysis tool, and a
Delay/Cycle Analysis tool. Brief descriptions of
these tools are provided below.
.1 IiI c
IaJ: The PASSER II tool uses an enhanced version of
the interface minimization (progression
optimization) algorithm used by the PASSER II
program. This tool provides options to maximize
one-way or two-way-volume-weighted
progression. In addition, it provides an option
for automatically tuning offsets to minimize
delay without affecting progression. This process
is known as bandwidth-constrained delay
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McTrans Summer 2003 =
* The PASSER III tool is for optimizing the
operation of diamond interchanges using a single
traffic controller (Texas diamond operation).
Similar to the PASSER III program, it optimizes
timings to minimize delay.
The GA-Based tool uses a genetic algorithm to
develop timings for providing minimum delay or
maximum progression. This tool can be used for
coordinating diamond interchanges and adjacent
signal on the arterial.
The Volume Analysis tool analyzes green splits for a
range of cycle lengths to identify potential
bottleneck in the system.
The Delay/Cycle Analysis tool provides a capability
to analyze effects of changes in cycle length on the
operation of a system of signals.
In summary, PASSER V is a powerful tool for use
by traffic engineering professionals. For further
information about the program, updates, and
frequently asked questions, please see:
http://ttiso A demonstration version
of the program is also available at this Web site.
PASSER V-03 (#P503) by Texas Transportation
Institute is available from Mc Trans at LOS 1 for
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SMc Trans Summer 2003
New Developments
at Mc Trans
New Software Features!
McTrans has been hard at work developing
significant upgrades to its top software
packages, HCS2000 and TRANSYT-7F. With
many new features, these two upgrades are
scheduled for release in January 2004
(TRANSYT-7F) and mid-2004 (HCS2000).
Below is a brief summary of some of the
new features that are planned. Take a
HCS2000, Release 4.5
After many years of keeping up with changes to the Highway
Capacity Manual (HCM) and moving through operating systems
(from DOS to Windows 95 to XP), HCS2000 is going to get some
features that will add to this already efficient and easy-to-use package.
Multiple Time Periods Release 4.5 will be capable of analyzing
multiple time periods in the Signals module, allowing for the passing
of residual queues from one period to initial queues in the next. This
will facilitate taking full advantage of the rationale behind the third
term of the delay equation (d3) to quantify the building and
dissipating of queues in oversaturated conditions.
Signal Warrant Analysis HCS2000 will now be able to analyze the
MUTCD signal warrants. This new module will provide a new
screen for coding the additional data necessary to perform the
warrant analysis to produce a report detailing which warrants are met
and at what levels.
Importing Count Data -To facilitate the Multiple Period and Signal
Warrant Analyses, importing of count data from external sources is
planned. Using the XML structure, HCS2000 will offer importing
capability for files produced by count board software for which an
output file format is provided.
Batch Processing Following on the efficiency provided by
importing multiple period count data, batch processing can further
automate the analysis of multiple time periods and even multiple
intersections. A command-line will include input and output XML
files arguments to allow the processing a multiple analyses in one run.
Freeway Facilities -The research-level spreadsheet used to develop
HCM Chapter 22 and graciously provided by the developers (Nagui
Rouphail and Brian Eads), will be replaced with an HCS2000-style
module. Providing the same user-friendly interface as in other
HCS2000 modules, the Freeway Facilities module will analyze
multiple segments over multiple time periods, including
oversaturated flow conditions.
Preset Phasing A new feature planned for both HCS2000 and
TRANSYT-7F, this will allow users an option of selecting from a list
of preset phasing sequences. Choosing from leading lefts, directional
leads, simple two-phase, full eight-phase overlaps, etc., this initial
phasing design will circumvent the need for a significant amount of
data coding for most applications.
McTrans Summer 2003
TRANSYT-7F, Release 10
Multi-Period Optimization TRANSYT-7F is uniquely qualified for
optimizing oversaturated conditions, and the software will offer
additional modeling firepower in the form of multi-period
optimization. This will allow the engineer to obtain timing plans
explicitly designed to combat residual queues and residual delays,
across multiple time periods with varying traffic volume demands.
"Profile View" Static Graphics The new Profile View screen in
release 10 will automate the concept of Spyglass originally introduced
in release 9. This screen will allow the user to view various
histograms and flow profiles for a graphical illustration of simulation
Time Space Diagram Screen The Progression Diagram screen will
allow the user to view a graphical representation of signal progression
along the major street. The screen can be customized to display
progression bands in the forward or reverse directions (or both), and
the time distance scale can be customized to display any number of
intersections on the screen at a time.
GUI for Multi-Period Simulation -The TRANSYT-7F graphical user
interface will automatically display the input and output data
associated with whatever time period is currently selected by the user.
Record type editing will no longer be needed for multi-period
Bitmap Background Scaling & Origin -Scaling will allow the
TRANSYT-7F Map View user to zoom or magnify the bitmap
image by a certain percentage. Bitmap origin definition will allow
the user to customize placement of the lower left hand corner of the
CORSIM Intersection Delay & LOS The CORSIM Processor will
be enhanced to compute and report control delay and level of service
(LOS) at each signalized intersection within the network.
Hardcopy Users Guide Release 10 will have a complete and
updated hardcopy users guide, unlike release 9, for which only the
electronic help system was updated. Note that the electronic help
system will be updated as well.
Dowling Associates, Inc.
announces the release of
FSPTRAK, a computer script
for IBM PC compatible
computers that enables the
Pendragon Software, to facilitate
the motorist service data
collection of a Freeway Service
Patrol (FSP) program.
FSPTRAK allows users to
Collect the FSP data using
Personal Digital Assistant
handheld devices (PDA)
and generate the electronic
database automatically;
Eliminate the paper survey
form and the manually data
entry process;
Allow managers of FSP
programs to inspect the
quality of the data collection
(i.e. hidden Timestamp
Additionally, FSPTRAK can
be customized to fit the special
interests of different FSP
programs in all states.
Dowling Associates is available
from Mc Trans at LOS 7 for
EZplot Traffic Collision Diagram
makes it easy to plot traffic
collision diagrams using ready-
made templates for both highways
and intersections. Highway
templates are provided for 2 lane
highways up to 8 lane freeways for
both curve and tangent
alignments. Intersection
templates are provided for 25
different configurations including
left turn channelization and two
way left turn lanes. Collision data
is obtained from traffic collision
reports and is manually plotted by
using the appropriate command
buttons in the program. Weather
conditions, lighting data, the type
of object hit data and driver
impairment information may also
be input along with various types
of pavement delineation and
markings. 31 different collision
symbols have been included. The
highway and intersection
templates may be easily modified
as needed to fit differing
geometric or striping
configurations. The advantages to
this program are its ease of use and
minimal training to operate.
Robert Nunn is available from
Mc Trans at LOS 6 for $150.
Traffic Tracker
Traffic Tracker is a software tool that
enables you to easily collect and analyze
time-based traffic flow data. The
program allows you to design a data
collection screen that is a graphical
representation of the location where you
are collecting data. During the data
collection process, you press a number or
letter key (called a trigger) on the
keyboard each time a particular traffic
event occurs. Each time you press a
trigger key, the current time is recorded
in a data file. The key that you pressed is
also recorded in the data file, so that you
can distinguish between separate events.
Once you have collected data using
Traffic Tracker, you can analyze the data
in a variety of ways within the program,
or you can export the data to a program
like Excel or Access for further analysis.
Traffic Tracker consists of three
components. You design data collection
screens (called Environments) in the
Environment Editor. You use these
screens to collect data using the Data
Collector. You then analyze the data
using the Analysis Package.
Traffic Tracker is the direct descendant
of a DOS-based program developed by
NIATT in 1991 called Traffic Data
Input Program (TDIP).
Traffic Tracker (#TTRAK) by NIATT,
University of Idaho is available from
Mc Trans at LOS 3 for $50.
Update Watch
Version Status
Patch Download
Patch Download
Sent to Registered users
Sent to Registered users
Registered users may upgrade
see web site
Registered users may upgrade
Registered users may upgrade
Mr -1ww"r"
After the HCM 2000 was
published, the Highway
Capacity Committee
approved additional
corrections and
improvements to the two-
way stop control (TWSC)
unsignalized procedures.
The amended procedures
involved estimating the
effects of flared right-turn
approaches and upstream
signals on the analysis.
Version 4.1c of HCS2000
implements these HCM 2000
The default value for the
extension of effective green
(e), where vehicles tend to
continue to enter the
intersection at the
beginning of the yellow, is 2
seconds. Users may
consider a longer value
under congested conditions
or where much longer
yellow plus all-red times are
Average field-measured values
of cycle length and green
time should be used in the
analysis of actuated
phasing. The Actuated
Estimation feature in
HCS2000 estimates these
actuated phase lengths from
the minimum and maximum
green times and some
detector information (based
on HCM 2000 Chapter 16
Appendix B) when field data
are not available.
Although this is not realistic
and recommended for most
areas, FRESIM is capable of
being calibrated to simulate
freeway capacities above
3000 vehicles per lane per
hour. A sample input file
(called "Max Capacity") is
available on the McTrans
web site, to demonstrate
this technique.
The sample case CORSIM City
(from TSIS 5.1) includes a
toll booth with two separate
facilities in parallel. One
uses a yield sign and the
other uses a stop sign, but
they could also use pre-
timed signals with different
timing plans. There is also a
freeway link that bypasses
the toll booth, to represent
prepay systems. Other
users have simulated toll
booths with a freeway
feeding into a small NETSIM
section that had several
parallel links. Each link had
a fixed-time signal with
short cycle times that
represented the delays
associated with the booth
operation. The freeway
resumed on the other side
of the NETSIM section.
Auxiliary lanes can be used to
augment the number of
through freeway (FRESIM)
lanes. In the CORSIM City
example case from TSIS 5.1,
there is a section of freeway
in that network that has 8
lanes. There needs to be an
on-ramp to get the auxiliary
lane started and an off-ramp
where it terminates, which is
why the sample case has
both of those. However,
there can be many "basic
freeway segment" links in
the middle, having 8 through
lanes and no ramp
connections. In addition to
the CORSIM City example
case that is distributed with
TSIS 5.1, another sample
input file (called "Full Aux")
is available on the McTrans
web site, to demonstrate
this technique.
"Mid-block source volume" is a
significant input parameter
in TRANSYT-7F, because
non-progressed flow is not
assumed to be uniform flow.
Instead, progressed feeding
flows will be factored up or
down by the traffic model to
exactly match the
downstream flow, in the
absence of any coded mid-
block source volume. This
differs from "external links,"
at which all volume is
assumed to be uniform flow.
TRANSYT-7F can report arterial
performance statistics if
route summary reports are
requested within the input
file, and if one or more
progression routes have
been defined within the
input file. Some of the
sample input and output
files on the McTrans web
site demonstrate this.
The optimization process takes
into account the reduced
traffic flows due to queue
spillback, unless the chosen
performance index (PI) is
PROS-only. All other Pi's
(besides PROS-only)
consider delay, or
throughput, or both. When
maximizing throughput, the
timing plan that maximizes
the (reduced) traffic flows is
recommended as optimal.
When minimizing delay, the
timing plan that maximizes
the (reduced) capacity of
each movement is
recommended as optimal,
because lower capacities
produce higher delay
Mc Trans Summer 2003
Opinions expressed in this newsletter do
not reflect the official views of the
university. Use of trade names implies no
endorsement by the University ofFlorida.
Publication Services
University of Florida
Christina Loosli, DESIGNER
Toll Free:
(352) 392-6629
(352) 392-0378
Extension General Responsibilities
Bill Sampson 241 Center & software information
Director Website & technical assistance(HCS),
contracts & licenses
Debbie Escalera 242 Order & shipment status,
Order Processing Software registration & invoices
David Hale 240 Traffic software technical assistance
Technical Assistant TRANSYT-7F, PASSER, CORSIM
Nebiyu Tiruneh 238 Hydraulic software technical assistance
Technical Assistant HYDRAIN, HEC, HY-8, WSPRO
Page Company
AI Technologies Ltd.
AJH Associates
Akcelik & Associates
Caliper Corp.
Greg Bullock
Innovative Transportation Concepts
JMW Engineering. Inc.
KLD Associates & Polytechnic Univ.
Milex Technologies
RST International Inc.
Strong Concepts
Transoft Solutions
Transoft Solutions
Transoft Solutions
X32 Group. Inc.
General Neteork Editor 7
aa Traffic SIDRA
SIG/Cinema. HCM/Cinema
Norsonic IIB
SimTraffic. Synchro
Turning Templates
HSA Software
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Designing Optimized Traffic Signals and Systems
Strong Concepts and Louisiana State University
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Designing Optimized Traffic Signals and Systems
Strong Concepts and University of Wisconsin
(847) 564-0386
Designing Optimized Traffic Signals and Systems
Strong Concepts and University of Wisconsin
(847) 564-0386
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Destin, FL
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