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Group Title: McTrans newsletter
Title: McTrans newsletter. Vol. 27.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00078185/00019
 Material Information
Title: McTrans newsletter. Vol. 27.
Series Title: McTrans newsletter
Physical Description: Serial
Language: English
Creator: Center for Microcomputers in Transportation, College of Engineering, University of Florida
Publisher: Center for Microcomputers in Transportation, College of Engineering, University of Florida
Publication Date: Spring 2003
Subject: University of Florida   ( lcsh )
Spatial Coverage: North America -- United States o -- Florida -- Gainesville
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00078185
Volume ID: VID00019
Source Institution: University of Florida
Holding Location: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved, Board of Trustees of the University of Florida


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T.lU E V(w CPIs T m

Department of Civil and
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TSIS 5.1
Released with

Many New
by Peter Holm, TSIS Task Leader, ITT

The Traffic Software Integrated
System (TSIS) software package
offers many improvements to
version 5.0 including a tool that
runs CORSIM multiple times
and collects statistics and writes
them to Excel files or comma
separated files. In addition to
the TSIS installation package, a
directory has been added to the
Ui.! CD that includes the files
necessary to view and animate
traffic networks using TRAFVU.
This directory may be copied by
licensed users and distributed to
non-licensed individuals for the
purpose of viewing networks
and animating vehicles, signals,
and MOE using files created by
a licensed user of the package.
The TRAFVU Viewer directory
contains a special license and
instructional files for distributing
TRAFVU as a Viewer. New
features for each of the TSIS
components are described in the
following sections. c(^

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the... HCMWeb

see page 4

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Mc Trans Spring 2003

The Project view now
provides the capability of
sorting the project tree
either by the names of the
items on the tree or by the
modified dates of the files
associated with the tree
Project View properties can
now be specified. These
properties include the tree
sort parameter and order,
whether files deleted via the
tree are sent to the recycle
bin, and whether TShell
displays confirmation
dialogs for tree operations.
The Output View properties
include background color
and text font, size, and
Improved tool management
changes include the ability
to define and use multiple
tools of the same
The Script Tool provides
improved interfaces for
better interaction with
TShell and for running

CORSIM. The Script Tool
User's Guide includes a new,
detailed Reference Manual
for the functions defined by
these new interfaces.
STSIS 5.1 includes seven
sample Visual Basic scripts
that use the new Script Tool
interfaces and that
demonstrate the new
capabilities of the CORSIM
component, including
multiple runs and extraction
of data from output files.

CORSIM now provides its
own interface and driver
software, separate from
In addition to the user
interface, the CORSIM
driver provides access to a
new output data processor.
The output processor
enables the user to
accumulate user-selected
statistics and summary data
during multiple runs of
CORSIM. It writes the
collected data to an Excel

workbook, a comma-
separated file, and/or a tab
separated file.
* CORSIM can now simulate
much larger traffic networks
than before. Internal nodes
can now be numbered from
1 to 6999 where previously
they could only be
numbered up to 1000.
* The maximum link length
in NETSIM has been
increased from 4000 feet to
9999 feet.
* CORSIM can now run
simultaneously on multiple
test cases in the same
* A new flag is available on
RT 2 (entry 3, column 16)
to force CORSIM to use
the maximum initialization
* Logic for determining if a
vehicle would join spillback
was improved.
* Control delay is now
aggregated over all turn
movements in the
simulation output table.

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Mc Trans Spring 2003

Anticipatory lane change
inputs are now echoed to
the output file.
Exit interface links can now
be specified as destinations
on Record Type 74.
Error checking has been
Numerous software
corrections have been

A directory has been added
to the CD that includes the
files necessary to view and
animate traffic networks
using TRAFVU. This
directory may be copied by
licensed users and
distributed to non-licensed
individuals for the purpose
of viewing networks and
animating vehicles, signals,
and MOE using files
created by a licensed user of
the package. The TRAFVU
Viewer directory contains a
special license and
instructional files for
distributing TRAFVU as a
TRAFVU now displays the
bitmap background used by
exporting the TRAFED
network to a CORSIM
input (.TRF) file, TRAFED
writes the bitmap
information to the .TRF
file. From the Display
menu and a corresponding
toolbar button, the user can
toggle the display of the
background bitmap.
TRAFVU now displays link
names on the network map
next to links that have
entries on record type 10 in
the .TRF file. From the
Display menu and a
corresponding toolbar
button, the user can toggle
the display of the link
names. Using the

Preferences dialog, the user
can control the color, size,
and placement of the link
names on the network map.
* TRAFVU now maintains
application and window
settings for a user between
TRAFVU sessions. Each
user can have different
preference settings.
preferences include:
dynamic scrolling, tool tip
display, and APC window
settings (including size and
placement). Window-level
preferences include: object
display button settings,
vehicle color and detail
properties, background
color, link name settings,
and window component
(toolbar, legend, status bar)
display preferences.
* The user can now control
the display of warning and
HOV signs using the
Warning Sign item on the
Display menu or the
corresponding toolbar

It is now possible to right
click on an entry link to
display its attributes, e.g.,
entry volume.
The Zoom Capture and Set
dialog have been modified
to allow specifying a file to
which window coordinates
are saved or from which
they are retrieved. This
allows the user to save
multiple sets of coordinates
for a single or multiple
TRAFVU can now load
cases (.TRF files) from
directories/drives and from
Logic has been added to
control whether links are
animated above or below

Range checking and default
settings have been
The user can now scroll past
the edge of the existing

network using the scroll
A new distance-measuring
tool has been added to the
toolbar, allowing the user to
easily check the scale of a
bitmap image.
The bitmap may be turned
on and off with a button on
the toolbar.
The TRF file can be sorted
during export so that most
of the records are sorted by
their first two fields.
Link splitting has been
improved and no longer
resets the signal controllers.
Numerous bugs have been
Turning volumes present in
the TRF file are now
preserved during translation
to TNO file format.

TSIS 5.1 was distributed
automatically to registered users
ofTSIS 5.0. Contact Mc Trans
for additional details.

SEie LEs Ye* O. Qons Tools Nelwok mdo* elD -. El.l
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Mc Trans Spring 2003


THE HCM2000,




by Barbara K. Ostrom, Senior
Engineer, MACTEC

Looking for opinions or information on a highway
capacity or quality-of-service issue that you don't
normally encounter? Want to know if that equation
is really right or just has a typo? A place exists to
post your query for hundreds of people to see and
give you the benefit of their experience. It's the
HCM WebBoard (gulliver.trb.org/webboard/HCM), a
service of the Transportation Research Board
(TRB) and the TRB Committee on Highway
Capacity and Quality of Service (hcqs).
Established January 2001, the WebBoard now has
more than 800 members from over 50 countries
and 5 continents who are looking for your input
when they have questions.

What is a WebBoard and what can it do for
A webboard is an open forum for individuals to
review messages, post queries and receive replies
and information on issues of interest to them.
Want to find out how U-turns affect intersection
analysis, what the capacity of a tunnel is, or how to
do single lane analysis of an HOV lane?
Somebody's already asked the question on this
This is an outreach effort of the hcqs to
encourage discussion on highway capacity and
quality-of-service in general and the HCM2000 in
particular within the highway planning and
transportation engineering professions. It provides a
place to ask questions that may not be in the
manual and take advantage of other people's
experiences. The HCM WebBoard serves four basic
Provides a place for individuals doing capacity
and quality-of-service work to ask questions of
others involved in the field in a public forum
Serves as a contact point with the hcqs to
provide feedback on HCM2000
Distributes information on HCM errata and
updates to users who have requested that
Solicits input via the queries made to improve
the HCM of the future
With the exception of the Errata section, the
content of the WebBoard is solely the opinion of
the authors of the comments. It does not represent
an official position taken by the hcqs although the
hcqs, through its moderators does reserve the right
to remove postings that have nothing to do with
highway capacity or quality of service issues.
The WebBoard is subdivided into sections that
match the structure of the HCM 2000 and the
activities of the hcqs. Topics on the WebBoard
include Registration, Feedback HCM 2000,
Feedback CD Software, Errata, FAQ, Signalized

Intersections, Unsignalized Intersections, Arterials,
Interchanges, Freeways, 2-Lane Roads, Ped Bike
Transit, Planning, Concepts and Models, Research
and Task Forces. The Registration section is for
registering your copy of HCM2000. Users who
register will be notified of errata and changes to the
manual, a simple way to be sure you can keep your
manual up to date. The Errata section links you to
the most recent revisions to the manual. Changes
made through the January 2003 meeting of the
hcqs are now available. Each of the remaining
sections has one or more topics, posted by users
and replied to by individuals from all over the
world. You can keep track of what's going on by
having the WebBoard notify you automatically by
e-mail when new postings are made to any topic
that interests you. All users are strongly encouraged
to register for the mailings from Registration and
Errata for automatic updates changes.

How do I participate?
The first thing to do is log on to
gulliver.trb.org/webboard/HCM (and no there is no
www in front of that address.) Individuals may
participate as members or guests. Members have
the ability to post (write) messages for others to
respond to. Guests can only read what other people
have said. Membership in the HCM WebBoard is
open to everyone and you are encouraged to
register both with the site and your copy of the

What about software?
The site is not intended as a place to ask
questions about software. Neither TRB nor the
hcqs reviews, approves or endorses any software
implementation of the HCM. The CD Software
feedback area of the WebBoard is for the CD on
which the HCM2000 was distributed, not
HCS2000. Users seeking further information on a
piece of software should contact the relevant
vendor or developer. Developers who would like to
have a link to their site for HCM WebBoard users
should contact Abdul-Rahman Hamad

What next?
If you're interested in highway capacity and
quality-of-service, keep in touch. Contribute to the
WebBoard, we're always looking for more input to
the questions posed. If you'd like to become
involved with the hcqs, it meets twice a year, the
TRB Annual meeting and at a summer meeting
that this year will be held in Atlanta, July 23-26. If
you'd like more information on the hcqs itself,
please check out www.a3al0.gati.org


PRESYNCHRO/TEAPAC from Strong Concepts prepares input for
and runs SYNCHRO-5 using the standard TEAPAC graphical
dialogs for each signal in the arterial or network. All the information
that is needed by SYNCHRO is coded automatically, including the
always-complex signal timing and phasing information. The
resulting SYNCHRO input can also be used to run its companion
SIMTRAFFIC simulation and animation. Complete networks built
in SYNCHRO can be imported into PRESYNCHRO so they can
be further analyzed by other programs such as SIGNAL2000 for
true-HCM capacity analysis and HCM-optimization,
PRETRANSYT/TRANSYT-7F for time-proven network simulation
and optimization, PRENETSIM/CORSIM and VISSIM for robust,
validated simulation and animation. Level 1 (#TPCPSY.1) handles
up to 12 intersections and costs $495 for a site license. Level 2
(#TPCPSY.2) handles up to 100 intersections and offers a Subsystem
feature for $695. Larger sizes are available. If the individual
operation of each signal in the arterial or network is designed with
SIGNAL2000, and coordinated timings are designed with programs
then PRESYNCHRO can use these data files directly so SYNCHRO
results can be generated without any additional data input. This
produces colorful, on-screen graphics and animations with
SYNCHRO/SIMTRAFFIC. If the offsets or other timings are
optimized by SYNCHRO, the changed timings can be imported
back into PRESYNCHRO for assessment by direct transfer to
CORSIM for simulation of the modified timings. This allows
SYNCHRO to be used in a seamlessly-integrated fashion for both
evaluation of optimized timings and optimization of offsets. Similar
integration with SITE, TURNS and WARRANTS can be achieved.
All of these programs are available from Mc Trans. Educational
discounts are available.
Functional demos are available as free downloads. See the
complete program description for more details at the McTrans online
catalog. PRESYNCHRO is also available as part of the TEAPAC
Traffic Engineering Package (#TPC*.*.1) and the TEAPAC Signal
Timing Analysis Package (#TPC*.*.2).

PRETSPPD/TEAPAC from Strong Concepts prepares and runs
TS/PP-DRAFT input files, using the standard TEAPAC graphical
dialogs for each signal in the TS/PP-DRAFT arterial or network. All
the information that is needed by TS/PP-DRAFT for each
intersection is coded automatically, including the always-complex
signal timing and phasing information. Level 1 (#TPCPTS.1)
handles up to 12 intersections and costs $295 for a site license. Level
2 (#TPCPTS.2) handles up to 100 intersections and offers a
Subsystem feature for $395. Larger sizes are available. If the
individual operation of each signal in the arterial or network is
designed with SIGNAL2000, and coordinated timings are designed
can use these data files directly so TS/PP-DRAFT results can be
generated without any additional data input. This produces
immediate colorful, printable, on-screen time-space diagrams and
platoon-progression diagrams with TS/PP-DRAFT. If the offsets are
changed within TS/PP-DRAFT by dragging them directly on the
time-space or platoon-progression diagram, the changed offsets can
be imported back into PRETSPPD for direct transfer to programs
simulation of the modified offsets. This allows TS/PP-DRAFT to be
used in a seamlessly-integrated fashion for both evaluation of
optimized timings and manual optimization of offsets. Similar
integration with SITE, TURNS and WARRANTS can be achieved.
All of these programs are available from McTrans. Educational
discounts are available. Functional demos are available as free
downloads. See the complete program description for more details at
the Mc Trans online catalog. PRETSPPD is also available as part of
the TEAPAC Traffic Engineering Package (#TPC*.*.1), the
TEAPAC Signal Timing Analysis Package (#TPC*.*.2) and the
TEAPAC Site Impact Analysis Package (#TPC*.*.3).



VISUM is a comprehensive, flexible software system for
transportation planning, travel demand modeling and network data
management. VISUM is used by over 600 organizations on six
continents for metropolitan, regional, statewide and national
planning applications.
Designed for multimodal analysis VISUM allows users to
integrate all relevant modes of transportation (i.e., SOV, HOV, truck,
bus, train, pedestrians and bicyclists) into one consistent network
model. Assignment procedures and 4-stage modeling routines meet
the requirements of all the different modes.
VISUM is PC-based using MS Windows and offering open data
and image exchange into the total Windows environment via
clipboard or other interfaces. This open concept allows users to
design their own applications using Visual Basic.
VISUM's easy-to-use graphical interface enables users to rapidly
design network scenarios, flexibility importing and exporting data
and reliably manage data. VISUM can be used for conventional four-
step modeling, including equilibrium highway assignment and
frequency based transit assignment.
Beyond conventional modeling, VISUM offers many specialized
and advanced methods, such as activity based models, dynamic
methods or advanced transit models. Fully integrated with the
microscopic traffic simulator VISSIM, the ptv Vision Suite offers a
unique and powerful synergy of demand modeling and engineering

VISUM: Levels Base through X-Large
Package suited for small MPO's; for network models up to 400
zones, 2,000 nodes/stops, 5,000 links and 1,000 transit routes.
Includes full planning capabilities; multimodal networks and
assignment for highway and transit; 4-stage modeling; all interfaces;
flow evaluations; matrix manipulations (#VISUMB for $5000).

Package suited for most MPO's; for network models up to 1,500
zones, 12,000 nodes/stops, 30,000 links and 5,000 transit routes.
Includes full planning capabilities; multimodal networks and
assignment for highway and transit; 4-stage modeling; all interfaces;
flow evaluations, matrix manipulations (#VISUML for $10000).

Package suited for very large models; for network models up to 5,000
zones, 250,000 nodes/stops, 500,000 links and 20,000 transit routes.
Includes full planning capabilities; multimodal networks and
assignment for highway and transit; 4-stage modeling; all interfaces;
flow evaluations; matrix manipulations; TRIBUT: bi-criterion
highway assignment (#VISUMX for $20000).

'-, I Mc Trans Spring 2003

A major upgrade to the PRENETSIM/TEAPAC program
(#TPCPNT) has been produced by Strong Concepts with
seamless integration to the new CORSIM 5.1 update. Nov
standard TEAPAC input dialogs or data files from other ini
TEAPAC programs will create a complete NETSIM/COR
file, with the option to immediately run either a simulation
animation, or both. The new bitmap background support i
PRENETSIM also permits exchange of this background to
CORSIM 5.1 so it will be used by the CORSIM animation
numbers are created automatically, as is all information nee
NETSIM submodel for each link and node. Phasings and t
each signal are specified in traffic engineering terms. The d
for PRENETSIM are now completely compatible with
SIGNAL2000/TEAPAC (#TPCS2K) so complete multi-ir
systems with up to 500 intersections can be seamlessly intet
with SIGNAL2000 analyses, allowing complete HCM-bas,
optimization to be performed in conjunction with the PRE

Release 9.7 Now Available

TRANSYT-7F release 9.7 features graphical timing
plan entry (illustrated here). Other new features in this
version include "node number jump," normalized file
saving capabilities, and a "Stop" button for aborting
genetic algorithm optimization. Registered users of
release 9 can now download release 9.7 for free from
the Mc Trans web site.

simulation or animation. This data file compatibility extends to
PRESYNCHRO programs for one-click sharing of complete data
files between each of these six programs, permitting unparalleled
flexibility in how these programs can be used to exploit the strengths
of each program. Similar integration exists for VISSIM, SITE,
TURNS and WARRANTS PRENETSIM availability is as follows:
Level 1 (#TPCPNT.1) handles up to 12 intersections and costs $495
for a site license. Level 2 (#TPCPNT.2) handles up to 100
intersections and offers a Subsystem feature for $695. Larger sizes are
available. Special upgrade pricing is available directly from Strong
Concepts. Educational discounts are available. Functional demos are
available as free downloads. See the complete program description
for more details at the Mc Trans online catalog. PRENETSIM is also
available as part of the TEAPAC Traffic Engineering Package
(#TPC*.*.1) and the TEAPAC Signal Timing Analysis Package

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- Tirninq View at Soulhwest 62nd Blvd & Newbeity Ad

-%I ta"

VISSIM is a microscopic, time step and behavior based simulation
model developed to analyze the full range of functionally classified
roadways (including roundabouts!) and transit operations (e.g., LRT,
BRT, queue jumps, etc.).
VISSIM can model integrated roadway networks found in a
typical corridor, as well as various modes consisting of general-
purpose traffic, buses, HOV, light rail, heavy rail, trucks, pedestrians,
and bicyclists.
ITS components and strategies can also be modeled in VISSIM:
variable message signs (VMS), ramp metering, incident diversion,
adaptive signal control, transit signal priority, lane control signals,
dynamic lane control signs, etc.

VISSIM: Levels I through Small Suite

Number of Link Types Two; TEAPAC/SYNCHRO Interface; Pre-
SYNCHRO by Strong Concepts; Actuated Controller Functionality
- Basic includes basic 8-phase, 4 overlaps NEMA functionality
(#VISSIML1 for $2000).

Number of Link Types Unlimited; TEAPAC/SYNCHRO
Interface; Pre-SYNCHRO by Strong Concepts; Actuated Controller
Functionality Basic includes basic 8-phase, 4 overlaps NEMA
functionality; 3-Dimensional Animation/AVI Creation Tool
(#VISSIML2 for $4000).

Number of Link Types Unlimited; TEAPAC/SYNCHRO
Interface; Pre-SYNCHRO by Strong Concepts; Actuated Controller
Functionality Advanced includes RR preemption and basic bus and
LRT priority; 3-Dimensional Animation/AVI Creation Tool; Transit;
Controller Testing; VAP (User Definable Signal, Speed and Routing
Control) (#VISSIML3 for $4000).

The new release of INTEGRATION (2.30) offers a number of
unique features that were not available in previous commercial
versions of INTEGRATION. These features include the modeling
adaptive traffic signal optimization
actuated signal control by vehicle class, including transit signal
pre-trip and on-trip provision of real-time traffic information to
toll roads for different driver populations with different values of
vehicle dynamics using a constant power vehicle dynamics
model, including modeling up to 25 different vehicle types
normal light duty vehicle fuel consumption, HC, CO, CO2,
and NOx emissions
emission dispersion using a simplified plume dispersion model
14 different crash types with their associated levels of severity

The new version also accommodates the estimating freeway,
signalized, and stop sign Level of Service (LOS) using the Highway
Capacity Manual procedures and running the program in batch
mode, altering the random number seed.
INTEGRATION (#INTEG) Version 2.30 is available from
Mc Trans for $395.

TRAFFIX is an interactive computer program for IBM PC
compatible computers that enables planners and engineers to

1. Conduct traffic impact and medium size city-wide traffic
forecasting studies;
2. Rapidly forecast the traffic impacts of new developments;
3. Calculate level of service at critical signalized and unsignalized
intersections and on arterials;
4. Interactively test different mitigation measures, and
5. Determine traffic impact fees for individual development

The program allows level of service (LOS) to be calculated
simultaneously for both baseline and future (with project) scenarios
at signalized and unsignalized intersections and on urban and
suburban arterials. In addition, user-defined analysis scenarios can be
created and level of service scenario comparison reports can be
generated. Comprehensive, yet concise and easy- to-read, output
reports are generated that are suitable for inclusion in project reports.
TRAFFIX (#TRAFFIX) is available at LOS 7 from Mc Trans for
$3,500. TRAFFIX Lite (#TRFIXLIT) is available for $1,925.

Traffic Noise Model Version 2.1
TNM Version 2.1 is now available. This version includes over 20
enhancements to the TNM Graphical User Interface (GUI). Some
enhancements include:
Hide Rows function now fully operational.
Directional arrow keys now fully active for panning views in
Barrier Design.
Clicking on a background window will bring it to the
When importing Stamina files, TNM now fully supports
shielding factors.
Dollar amounts in costs are now rounded to the nearest whole
Barrier Design Table enhanced.
Calculations for L_dn and L_den modified to incorporate
accurate time-duration percentages.
Changing object names (receiver, roadway, roadway segment,
barrier, barrier segment, important barrier, important barrier
segment, tree zones, building rows, ground zones, contour
zones) and receiver comments do not invalidate results. Object
inputs all dynamically linked to their respective tables.
Adjustment Factors function redesigned.
Status bar enlarged and redesigned.
Barrier Input Table column widths resized to allow all fields to
be displayed without horizontal scrolling.
For more information about TNM 2.1 and how to download it,
please email support@trafficnoisemodel.org.
Traffic Noise Model (#TNM) Version 2.1 is available from
Mc Trans for $695. TNM Upgrade (#TNM.UPG) is available for

DBRM (Drainage Basin RunoffModel) and USMGT (urban
Stormwater management) have been updated to run in the Windows
environment. USMGT also now includes an option to use the Santa
Barbara Urban Hydrograph Method and now accommodates
trapezoidal and rectangular channels, as well as a new culvert analysis
program. Both packages have been reduced to $100 each.

A major upgrade to the PRETRANSYT/TEAPAC program
(#TPCPTR) has been produced by Strong Concepts with upgraded
support to the latest versions ofTRANSYT-7F Release 9. Link
numbers are created automatically, as is all Information that is
needed by TRANSYT for each link, such as links that move on each
signal phase. The tedious upstream-downstream flow calculations are
also done automatically. PRETRANSYT has the capability of
interactively plotting a time-space diagram for any portion of the
system, as well as easy-to-read signal timing charts with phasing
diagrams. The data files for PRETRANSYT are now completely
compatible with SIGNAL2000/TEAPAC (#TPCS2K) so complete
multi-intersection systems with up to 500 intersections can be
seamlessly integrated with SIGNAL2000 analyses, allowing complete
HCM-based timing optimization to be performed in conjunction
with the PRETRANSYT simulation or optimization. This data file
compatibility extends to PRENETSIM, PREPASSR and the new
PRETSPPD and PRESYNCHRO programs for one-click sharing of
complete data files between each of these six programs, permitting
unparalleled flexibility in how these programs can be used to exploit
the strengths of each program. Similar integration exists for VISSIM,
SITE, TURNS and WARRANTS PRETRANSYT availability is as
follows: Level 1 (#TPCPTR.1) handles up to 12 intersections and
costs $495 for a site license. Level 2 (#TPCPTR.2) handles up to
100 intersections and offers a Subsystem feature for $695. Larger
sizes are available. Special upgrade pricing is available directly from
Strong Concepts. Educational discounts are available. Functional
demos are available as free downloads. See the complete program
description for more details at the Mc Trans online catalog.
PRETRANSYT is also available as part of the TEAPAC Traffic
Engineering Package (#TPC*.*.1) and the TEAPAC Signal Timing
Analysis Package (#TPC*.*.2).

Update Watch


Version Status






Patch Download
Patch Download
Sent to Registered users
Sent to Registered users
Registered users may upgrade
Registered users may upgrade
Registered users may upgrade

li t,

SIGNAL2000/TEAPAC Version 2
SIGNAL2000 Version 2 from Strong Concepts is a major upgrade of
the SIGNAL2000 program (#TPCS2K). Major changes include:

Handle up to 500 intersections in one file and with a single click,
Seamless integration of SIGNAL2000 data with PRENETSIM,
PRETRANSYT and PREPASSR, as well as the new
Accurate treatment of NEMA-style, dual-ring controllers,
Major enhancement to optimization method for signal timing
and phasing, and
Graphical view of network with optional bitmap aerial or map
For multi-intersection projects, you can keep your focus on a
single intersection, as before, but these projects frequently call for a
re-analysis or re-optimization under new assumptions where
managing the files individually for many intersections and/or
scenarios becomes a huge time-consuming burden. Now when you
need to do them all, SIGNAL2000 Ver 2 can easily produce a true-
HCM capacity analysis including worksheets, or full timing/phasing
optimization, for all intersections and conditions from a single file
and with a single click of your mouse. Another advantage is the
ability to seamlessly integrate the multi-intersection data via a single
elements ofTEAPAC, as well as the new PRESYNCHRO and
PRETSPPD programs, and directly with VISSIM. A troubling
problem for some users of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM)
has been difficulty in representing timings for NEMA-style
controllers, especially when there are small differences between the
times allocated to left turn phases. This problem has been solved
with an option to view the phase timings either from the perspective
of the HCM (timings by phase) or of a NEMA-style controller
(timings by movement). With this release, a major enhancement to
the time-proven optimization strategy of SIGNAL85, SIGNAL94
and SIGNAL97 has been implemented in Version 2 of
SIGNAL2000. That feature has been expanded to allow the entry of
the specific amount of delay targeted for the critical movements as an
alternate to the level of service. This allows two significant
improvements when optimizing the timings and/or phasing of a
capacity analysis:
A specific value of delay between two LOS boundaries can be
targeted, rather than just the actual LOS boundaries, and
SDelay values greater than the arbitrary limit of 80 seconds for
LOS E can be targeted.
This optimization option allows the operations method of the
capacity analysis to be used quickly and effectively for all aspects of
signal analyses, including signal timing, planning studies, impact
analysis and geometric design. The program was also enhanced to
provide a graphical view of the entire network structure, with an
optional bitmap background displayed underneath, such as an aerial
photograph or design drawings. SIGNAL2000 availability is as

follows: Level 1 (#TPCS2K.1) performs a capacity analysis only and
costs$295 for a site license. A Level 2 site license (#TPCS2K.2) adds
the optimization option and up to 12 intersections in a single
analysis. Level 3 (#TPCS2K.3) analyzes or optimizes up to 100
intersections for $695. Larger sizes are available. Special upgrade
pricing is available directly from Strong Concepts. Educational
discounts are available. Functional demos are available as free
downloads. See the complete program description for more details at
the Mc Trans online catalog. SIGNAL2000 is also available as part
of the TEAPAC Traffic Engineering Package (#TPC*.*.1), the
TEAPAC Signal Timing Analysis Package (#TPC*.*.2) and the
TEAPAC Site Impact Analysis Package (#TPC*.*.3).

A major upgrade to the PREPASSR/TEAPAC program (#TPCPPS)
has been produced by Strong Concepts with a complete connection
to the new PASSER II-02 program, and continuing support for the
PASSER II-90 program. The new upgrade uses the standard
TEAPAC input dialogs or data files from other integrated TEAPAC
programs and creates a complete PASSER II data file, with the
option to run the file automatically in PASSER II-02. The entire
arterial can be simulated or optimized with PASSER II-02, with an
option to import any timings which changed as a result of an
optimization. PREPASSR also produces time-space diagrams
interactively which represent all phases for any selected signals in the
network, as well as a tabular summary of signal timings showing the
phasing in graphical form. The data files for PREPASSR are now
completely compatible with SIGNAL2000/TEAPAC (#TPCS2K) so
complete multi-intersection systems with up to 500 intersections can
be seamlessly integrated with SIGNAL2000 analyses, allowing
complete HCM-based timing optimization to be performed in
conjunction with the PREPASSR/PASSER simulation or
optimization. This data file compatibility extends to PRETRANSYT
programs for one-click sharing of complete data files between each of
these six programs, permitting unparalleled flexibility in how these
programs can be used to exploit the strengths of each program.
Similar integration exists for VISSIM, SITE, TURNS and
WARRANTS. PREPASSR availability is as follows: Level 1
(#TPCPPS.1) handles up to 12 intersections and costs $395 for a site
license. Level 2 (#TPCPPS.2) handles up to 100 intersections and
offers a Subsystem feature for $595. Larger sizes are available. Special
upgrade pricing is available directly from Strong Concepts.
Educational discounts are available. Functional demos are available as
free downloads. See the complete program description for more
details at the Mc Trans online catalog. PREPASSR is also available as
part of the TEAPAC Traffic Engineering Package (#TPC*.*.1) and
the TEAPAC Signal Timing Analysis Package (#TPC*.*.2).

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Highway Capacity TRANSYT-7F
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Some signal phasing
combinations create a
situation where the criteria
defined for critical lane
groups cannot be satisfied.
In these cases, the critical
intersection degree of
saturation (Xc) is undefined
and cannot be computed.
The HCM2000 lists these
requirements on page 16-15
as 1) Excluding lost times,
one critical lane group must
be moving at all times
during the signal cycle; 2) At
no time in the signal cycle
may more than one critical
lane group be moving; and
3) The critical path has the
highest sum of v/s ratios.
This is often the case where
protected-permitted phasing
is used with lagging left
turns. However, this does
not preclude any capacity,
delay or LOS calculations.

Signalized delay calculations
are not performed for right
turn on red (RTOR) vehicles.
Because of this, when there
are high volumes of RTOR
vehicles, delay estimates
may become inconsistent
with those of simulation
models such as CORSIM
and TRANSYT-7F, in which
delay is also estimated for
RTOR vehicles.

fB% is a factor used to compute
signalized intersection
percentile back-of-queue
values, by multiplying this
by the average back-of-
queue value. The factor is a
function of various things
such as the desired
percentile (75%, 85%, 90%,
95%, 98%, etc.), degree of
saturation, actuation, and

Recent versions of TRANSYT-7F
are capable of optimizing
cycle lengths at
uncoordinated intersections
within the network,
independent of the network
background cycle length. It
is also possible to optimize
phasing sequence and splits
at uncoordinated
intersections. However,
since phasing sequence
optimization is mostly
beneficial for improving
progression, it is not always
beneficial for uncoordinated

The initial timing model, which
corresponds with the initial
timing "flag," is useful for
instantly generating a
reasonable and effective set
of green times from scratch.
Users typically request
initial timing from TRANSYT-
7F when the existing timing
plan is unknown, or when
they think the program may
be able to develop an
effective starting point for
optimization. The initial
timing model allocates
green time in an attempt to
equalize the degree of
saturation on each
movement. This quick
estimation technique is
rarely sufficient for finding
the global optimum timing
plan, but does provide a
reasonable and effective set
of initial green times. Initial
timing can only be provided
for certain intersections
when 1) the intersection
possesses a "coordinated
signal," 2) the intersection is
present on the "optimization
node list," and 3) the initial
timing "flag" has been
turned on.

The "CORSIM Processor" within
TRANSYT-7F release 9.7
now contains support for
TSIS-CORSIM versions 4.32,
5.0, and 5.1. Previous
versions of release 9 only
supported versions 4.32 and
5.0 of CORSIM.


TheTRAFVU animation module
is capable of displaying
networks containing a
minimal set of input data.
Even though it would not be
possible to run CORSIM
simulation without certain
additional inputs,TRAFVU is
capable of displaying
networks that only contain
record types 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11
or 19, 170 and 210. A
sample data file illustrating
these minimal inputs (called
"Minimal.trf") is available for
downloading from the
McTrans website.

FRESIM considers two types of
lane changes, "mandatory"
and "discretionary."
Mandatory lane changes are
due to responses to
geometric objects and the
assigned exit. When a
vehicle detects that it needs
to make a lane change to
get into the lane leading to
its exit, or detects that it
needs to get out of a lane
that leads to an off-ramp
that is not its assigned exit,
or when it detects
something like a lane drop
or an incident ahead it
makes a mandatory lane
change. The risk the driver
is willing to accept to
perform the lane change is
related to several factors,
including the distance to the
geometric object. When it
doesn't need to make a
mandatory lane change it
might consider making a
discretionary lane change.
A discretionary lane change
can be performed when a
vehicle is traveling at a
speed below its desired
speed and it appears that
making a lane change would
allow it to increase its
speed. The advantage of
staying in the current lane
versus moving into another
lane is calculated using the
car following logic and
comparing the current
leader's speed and headway
versus the speed of the
other potential leader and
the headway in that lane.

Mc Trans Spring 2003

Opinions expressed in this newsletter do
not reflect the official views of the
university. Use of trade names implies no
endorsement by the University ofFlorida.

Publication Services
University of Florida
Christina Loosli, DESIGNER






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David Hale 240 Traffic software technical assistance
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Page Company

AI Technologies Ltd.
AJH Associates
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Caliper Corp.
Greg Bullock
Innovative Transportation Concepts
JMW Engineering. Inc.
KLD Associates & Polytechnic Univ.
Milex Technologies
Resource International. Inc.
RST International Inc.
Strong Concepts
Transoft Solutions
Transoft Solutions
Transoft Solutions
X32 Group. Inc.

General Neteork Editor 7
aa Traffic SIDRA
SIG/Cinema. HCM/Cinema
PMS 4.0
Norsonic IIB
SimTraffic. Synchro
Turning Templates
HSA Software






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