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Group Title: McTrans newsletter
Title: McTrans newsletter. Vol. 26.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00078185/00018
 Material Information
Title: McTrans newsletter. Vol. 26.
Series Title: McTrans newsletter
Physical Description: Serial
Language: English
Creator: Center for Microcomputers in Transportation, College of Engineering, University of Florida
Publisher: Center for Microcomputers in Transportation, College of Engineering, University of Florida
Publication Date: Winter 2002
Subject: University of Florida   ( lcsh )
Spatial Coverage: North America -- United States -- Florida -- Gainesville
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00078185
Volume ID: VID00018
Source Institution: University of Florida
Holding Location: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved, Board of Trustees of the University of Florida


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Department of Civil and
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Mc Trans Winter 2002





by Wayne Kittelson and
Erik Ruehr

The Transportation Research
Board (TRB) released a new
edition of the Highway Capacity
Manuall in late 2000. Dubbed
HCM2000, this document
consists of 1,100 pages and 31
chapters organized into five
separate parts, and is the
culmination of a concentrated
multiagency effort [including
TRB, the American Association
of State Highway and
Transportation Officials
(AASHTO) and the Federal
Highway Administration
(FHWA)] over the past 15 years
to meet the changing analytical
needs and to provide the
evaluation tools required by
today's transportation
Significant changes are made
to most chapters, which also
include specific procedures for
evaluating oversaturated
conditions. Entirely new analysis
procedures are described for
freeway systems and two-lane
highways. Guidance is also given
in the evaluation of interchanges
and in the applicability and use
of computerized simulation
models. Whereas previous
editions of the Highway
Capacity Manual focused on the
analysis of individual points or
road segments, HCM2000 goes
beyond this to the evaluation of
entire facilities, corridors and
even area-wide transportation
Two distinct versions of
HCM2000 are available-one is
entirely metric and the other is
presented in U.S. customary
units. Regardless of the version
selected, a CD-ROM
accompanying each copy
contains audio and visual
elements as well as search aids to
enhance the readability and
understanding of the presented

HCM2000 is organized into five
parts that combine into a logical
method of presenting the

information. This is intended to
make it easier for the ever-
widening range of professionals
who look to the Highway
Capacity Manual as a resource to
find the information they need
without reading the entire
document. The five parts of
HCM2000 include:
* Part I: Overview (Chapters
1-6). This part introduces the
reader to basic capacity and
level-of-service (LOS)
concepts. It describes the
various types of applications,
and includes broad-level
decision-making tools and
guidelines. It also includes a
glossary of terms that are used
throughout the remainder of
the document.
Part II: Concepts (Chapters
7-14). This part includes a
discussion of basic capacity
parameters for each facility
type and recommends default
values that might be
appropriately used in the
absence of field data, as well as
example service volume tables
for general planning
Part III: Applications
(Chapters 15-27). This part
contains the step-by-step
procedures recommended for
use in evaluating each of the
different facility types,
including both uninterrupted
and interrupted flow facilities.
Most of the procedures have
been updated and some
present entirely new analytical
Part IV: Corridor & Areawide
Analyses (Chapters 28-30).
This part includes entirely
new material and presents
methods for aggregating the
results of analyses conducted
under Part III into facility,
corridor and/or areawide
assessments. A number of key
performance measures are
estimated, the values of which
are summarized in a "report
card" type of format.
Part V: Simulation & Other
Models (Chapter 31). This
final part also includes

material that is entirely new to
suggest appropriate
applications of simulation
models, provide some
numerical examples and
include an extensive reference

Within the context of this new
format, HCM2000 presents
updated and/or entirely new
analysis procedures for specific
facility types. The following
paragraphs present a brief
summary of the major changes
contained in HCM2000.

Basic Freeway Segments
New reduced truck equivalency
factors are provided for trucks
and buses on rolling and
mountainous terrain, and also for
specific upgrade analyses. In
addition, some slight changes
have been made to the LOS
thresholds and freeflow speed
curves to allow for analysis in
both metric and U.S. customary

Freeway Weaving
The method includes speed
equations recalibrated for analysis
in metric and U.S. customary
units. It uses a revised heavy
vehicle factor that is consistent
with the basic freeway segments
analysis procedure. It also
redefines the capacity of a
weaving section to be dependent
on a series of conditions.
Ramps and Ramp Junctions
The changes include the use of
the revised heavy vehicle factor
for consistency with the analysis
of basic freeway segments. A
simplified procedure is now
provided for determining
whether a specific ramp junction
is operating within the influence
area of adjacent ramps. The
characteristics and conditions
associated with breakdown
operation are clarified. The
method has also been enhanced
so that it now predicts speeds
across all lanes of the freeway

Mc Trans Winter 2002

Freeway Facilities
This entirely new procedure
contains procedures allowing the
user to estimate the quality of
service being provided on a
directional freeway section
consisting of a mixture of basic
freeway segments, weaving areas
and ramps. The procedure is
quite versatile in that it allows
for the analysis of multiple
contiguous freeway sections over
multiple time periods. It also
goes beyond the previously
described procedures for analysis
of the individual segments by
allowing for the analysis of
oversaturated as well as
undersaturated conditions.

Multilane Highways
Consistent with the previously
described procedures for
uninterrupted flow facilities, the
multilane highway analysis
procedure includes the use of the
revised heavy vehicle factors.
Some minor changes were made
in the LOS thresholds and free-
flow speed curves to allow for
analysis in both metric and U.S.
customary units.

Two-Lane Highways
This procedure is entirely new in
HCM2000 and allows for
analysis of both two-way
segments and also directional
segments; directional segment
analyses can be conducted under
general level or rolling terrain
conditions, specific upgrades, or
specific downgrades. Special
procedures are included to
analyze passing lanes, climbing
lanes on specific upgrades and
truck crawl regions on long,
steep downgrades. Two separate
classes of two-lane highways are
considered and are separately
analyzed. The base capacity for a
two-lane highway has been
revised from 2,800 pc/h to
3,200 pc/h.

Signalized Intersections
The signalized intersection
analysis procedure in

HCM2000 remains largely
unchanged, but it does include
some corrections, clarifications
and minor adjustments. A new
methodology is included to allow
calculation of saturation flow
rate adjustment factors
accounting for the effects of
pedestrians, bicycles and
protected/permissive left turns
from shared lanes. Users can now
calculate the maximum back of
queue as an additional
intersection performance

Unsignalized Intersections
The unsignalized intersection
analysis procedure also remains
essentially unchanged. A number
of typographical and calculation
errors have been corrected,
notably for analyses which
involve: impedance calculations
for T-intersections; upstream
signalized intersections; and/or
flared approaches.

Urban Streets
Previously named
"Urban/Suburban Arterials," this
chapter includes only minor
updates and typographical

HCM2000 incorporates the new
analysis methodologies
developed under a TCRP-
funded project that resulted in a
separate document entitled
Transit Capacity and Quality of
Service Manual. The capacity
and LOS estimation procedures
focus on bus operations on
surface streets.

HCM2000 updates and expands
upon the pedestrian
characteristics data and provides
a new analysis procedure for
paths shared by both pedestrians
and bicyclists. Finally, LOS is
redefined so that it is now based
primarily on the estimated
pedestrian delay.

An entirely new i.,i rl,....1.. .1.. ,is
provided in HCM2000 for the
analysis of bicycle facilities.
Exclusive and shared bicycle
paths are separately analyzed,
with the bicycle path LOS
analysis based on the number of
passing and meeting events.

Interchange Ramp Terminals
A new chapter has been included
in HCM2000 to address
interchange ramp terminals,
which represent a special
situation of closely spaced
intersections that has not
received attention in past
editions. While no
comprehensive i.,i rl,...l. .1.. :, is
included for the analysis of
interchange ramp terminals, the
chapter does introduce and
discuss the basic concepts of
queuing and platooning at
interchanges, signal timing
considerations at diamond
interchanges, the effects of a
downstream queue on the
saturation flow rate at a
signalized intersection and the
added delay that results from
operating closely spaced
signalized intersections.

Corrections and updates to
HCM2000 will be handled

differently than with previous
versions of the Highway
Capacity Manual. A web site has
been set up that will be the
official source of information for
all clarifications, corrections and
updates to HCM2000. The Web
site address is
ll/-hcm. Users of HCM2000 are
encouraged to refer to this web
site for updated information and
to register to receive
communications regarding the

The first edition of the Highway
Capacity Manual was released in
1950; it was 150 pages in length
and was the result of a
collaborative effort between TRB
and the Bureau of Public Roads
(the predecessor to FHWA).
Now, 50 years later, HCM2000
benefits from the intervening
research, technological advances
and personal insights of countless
professionals from around the

Note: Special thanks to the
authors, Wayne Kittelson and
Erik Ruehr, and to the Institute
of Transportation Engineers
(ITE) for allowing this reprint of
their ITE Journal article.

Mc Trans Winter 2002


A State-of-the-Art
in Dynamic Traffic
Assignment for
Traffic Operations

by Dr. Henry C. Lieu
Federal Highway Administration

DYNASMART-P is one of the
two state-of-the-art dynamic
traffic operations planning tools
developed under the Federal
Highway Administration's
(FHWA) Dynamic Traffic
Assignment (DTA) research
project. DYNASMART-P
supports transportation network
planning and traffic operations
decisions in the ITS and non-
ITS environments through the
use of simulation-based dynamic
traffic assignment. This tool
combines (1) dynamic network
assignment (or demand) models,
used primarily in conjunction
with demand forecasting
procedures for planning
applications, and (2) traffic
simulation (or supply) models,
used primarily for traffic
operational studies.

DYNASMART-P provides the
capability to model the evolution
of traffic flows in a traffic
network, which result from the
decisions of individual travelers
seeking for the best paths en-
route over a given planning
horizon. It overcomes many of
the known limitations of static
tools used in current practice.
These limitations pertain to the
types of alternative measures that
may be represented and
evaluated, and the policy
questions that planning agencies
are increasingly asked to address.

DYNASMART-P requires
input data commonly used by
the traditional traffic assignment
and simulation models
representing networks and traffic

flows. The input data vary with
the network being analyzed and
the level of detail required by the
user. Complexity of the network
could range from a linear freeway
network to an integrated
network with High-Occupancy
Vehicle (HOV) lanes, High-
Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes,
ramp metering, transit services,
possibly incidents and signal
controlled intersections on
surface streets.

DYNASMART-P produces
voluminous outputs to assist
users in performing detailed
traffic analysis. The output
report contains a wide range of
Measures of Effectiveness
(MoEs), which are commonly
used by traffic engineers for
analyses, such as volumes, speeds,
travel times, delays, etc.
DYNASMART-P also produces a
vehicle trajectory file, which is
very useful for research purpose.
In addition, DYNASMART-P
provides the user with the means
to view simulation results and
other characteristics through
various graphics formats, both
static and animated.

With rich built-in features,
DYNASMART-P can be used to
evaluate complex strategic and
operational network planning
decisions and to produce more
realistic traffic assignment results
for planning analyses. The
potential applications include:
Assessing impacts of ITS
and non-ITS technologies
on the transportation
network, such as dynamic

message sings, ATIS-
equipped vehicles, etc.
Supporting decision-making
for work zone planning and
traffic management.
Evaluation of HOV lanes
and HOT lanes.
Evaluation of different
congestion pricing schemes.
Planning for special events
and emergency situations.
Traffic assignment analyses
in traditional planning

DYNASMART-P is currently
running on Windows NT 4.0
(service pack 5) or higher. A
minimum of 300 MB of the
hard drive space and the
minimum of 512 MB of RAM
memory are needed to run the
model, depending the size of the
network and analysis time

DYNASMART-P has been
tested with the field data
currently being used by the
Knoxville Metropolitan Planning
Commission. FHWA is
currently conducting a beta test
to ensure that the software
matches user needs. Upon
completion of the beta test,
FHWA will refine
DYNASMART-P and release it
to the public. Anyone interested
is welcome to participate in the
beta testing. Please contact
Henry C. Lieu at
Henry.Lieu@ffiwa.dot.gov for
more information about
participation in the beta testing.

It's on Us!
Call McTrans Toll Free:


*Tech Assistance
* Product & Seminar


SpecWizard is a software tool that can
help you write specifications for your NTCIP
standards-based ITS equipment. SpecWizard
takes your answers to a series of key questions
about your ITS deployment and produces a
text file that you can edit and incorporate
into a specification for NTCIP-based
NTCIP stands for the National
Transportation Communications for ITS
Protocol. You can purchase ITS equipment
that is based on NTCIP communication
standards. NTCIP standards are open
standards-ITS equipment based on these
standards offer greater levels of
interoperability and interchangeability than
equipment not based on NTCIP standards.
NTCIP standards safeguard you from being
locked into proprietary technology.
What ITS applications can I use
SpecWizard for?SpecWizard currently
addresses deployments for:
* Dynamic Message Signs
* Environmental Sensor Stations
* Signal Controllers
* SpecWizard may be expanded based on
How does SpecWizard work?
* SpecWizard is an easy-to-use software
program with a familiar interface.
SpecWizard interviews you about the type
of ITS device you want to deploy. The
software asks you a series of questions
about the features you want for the device,
your plans for maintenance and support,
and other issues specific to the device.
SpecWizard incorporates your answers into
a text file that you can include in your
specification. Your answers to SpecWizard's
questions help SpecWizard reduce the
ambiguity in your procurement
SpecWizard also features a bandwidth
analysis tool. You describe your
communications system performance and
polling desires and SpecWizard combines
these with the NTCIP requirements and
alerts you to any expected performance
Free updates to SpecWizard will be
available when the new version of the
DMS standard is released in 2003.
SpecWizard, Version 2.0 (#SPWZD) by
FHWA is available at LOS 8 for $190.

ACCUSIM II offersTSIS users a
complete post-processing and validation
solution. Post-processing provides
commonly used Measures of Effectiveness
(MOE's), and validation checks the
simulation results for statistical significance
against real world observed data. ACCUSIM
II is unique in its ability to analyze multiple
runs, and present results for isolated and
cumulative time periods.
Building on the powerful ACCUSIM
analysis engine, ACCUSIM II now offers
post-processing of FRESIM and NETSIM
data such as:
* Volumes served,
* Travel times,
* Queues (NETSIM only),
* LOS (HCM '94 & '00) and delay,
* Fuel consumption,
* Emissions,
* Speeds, and
* Fuel Consumption.
One of the key features is intersection
LOS calculation, where ACCUSIM
aggregates approach links for a node and
displays the resulting intersection delay and
LOS (spillback onto other links can also be
accounted for). The links are color-coded
based on the LOS of each approach, with
green for LOS C or better, yellow for LOS D
or E, and red for LOS E Clicking on a node
launches a detail screen showing the delay by
movement and approach. HCM 2000 and
1994 equivalent results are available.
Frequently used network MOE's are listed
on the toolbar for convenient access. Users
can view the MOE's for just NETSIM, just
FRESIM, or the total network. The MOE's
* Vehicle Miles
* Vehicle Hours of Delay
* Average Speed (MPH)
* Total Gallons Used
* Average MPG
Summary reports can be previewed and
then printed for:
* Intersection MOE's (for all intersections,
signalized and sign controlled intersections,
just signalized intersections, or user
specified intersections),
* Network MOE's as described earlier, and
* Travel path summary information.
Software is available at LOS 1 for $500.

Quadstone Paramics V4.0
Paramics is an advanced suite of software
tools for microscopic traffic simulation
developed by Quadstone Limited.
The Paramics V4 software is the next
stage in the evolution of the Quadstone
Paramics microscopic traffic simulation
system. V4 is built from the core of V3
however there are many structural changes
not to mention a 100% new user interface.
Paramics is widely regarded as the most
powerful microscopic traffic simulation
software available in today's marketplace.
However, it has also be considered the most
comprehensive and therefore sometimes
difficult for new users to adapt to. This
yields an imbalance between the power
provided by the system and the ease of use
or ability to harness that power.
To address this imbalance, the core aim
of the V4 development can be summarized
in three words, Usability, Integration, and
* Usability: Easy to use, simple to learn,
natural and intuitive for new users;
Integration: Make the software range
work together for the benefit of the user,
avoid repetition, get the maximum value
for money out of the model and
input/output data; and
Productivity: Work faster, work smarter,
spend less time building models and
more time using/analyzing them.
The Quadstone Paramics V4 range
* Modeller: The core simulation tool;
* Processor: The batch assignment tool;
* Analyser: The post simulation data
analyser tool;
Programmer: The API interface;
Monitor: The pollution modelling
interface; and
Estimator: New to V4, the OD
estimation tool.
Paramics Project Suite (#PARACPS)
Version 4.0 by Quadstone Limited is
available at LOS 7 for $13,310. The
Development Suite (#PARACDS) Version
4.0 is available at LOS 7 for $25,410.
Contact Mc Trans for special multiple
copy and academic discounts.

MrIs terO

iTRECTM Analyzer
iTREC easily allows you to
analyze and report travel time
information. iTREC consists of
two programs; a data recorder
program and an analyzer
program, each sold separately.
The iTREC data recorder is
used to collect data and the
iTREC analyzer is used to
analyze and report travel time
The iTREC analyzer software
calculates average speed, distance
traveled, stopped delay, and the
number of stops. The analyzer
software can be used to evaluate
changes along roadways such as:
Travel times along different
Delays associated with
Improvements due to signal
timing changes
Integrated within iTREC
analyzer software is a Geographic
Information System (GIS) that
is used for selecting all or
portions of data runs; third-
party GIS software is not
required. iTREC simplifies all
stages of time travel studies
through a user-friendly interface
allowing anyone to easily
generate valuable reports in a
graphical format.
iTREC Analyzer
available at LOS 7 from
Mc Trans for $1275.

To quickly and easily collect
travel time information,
iTRANS Consulting Inc. has
developed a software package
called iTREC. iTREC actually
consists of two programs; a data
recorder program and an
analyzer program, each sold
separately. The iTREC data
recorder is used to collect data
and use the iTREC analyzer is
used to analyze and report travel
time studies.
The iTREC data recorder
program integrates Global
Positioning System (GPS)
hardware with most any
Microsoft Windows, based PC
laptop computer. Using the
iTREC data recorder with a
GPS receiver has the following
advantages over traditional travel
time methods:
Reduction in staff
requirements, no passenger
is needed during vehicle
data collection for recording
Fewer errors, since data
collection is automated
eliminating missed
checkpoints or incorrectly
logged data
Your own existing GPS
hardware (NMEA
compliant) can be used or
purchase a unit from
iTREC Data Recorder
available at LOS 7 Mc Trans for

Sandia Analytics announces
DeckCheckTM and updates its
Bridge Information System
Sandia Analytics (formerly
KwikSoft Development) is
announcing the release of
DeckCheck, a permit vehicle
analysis program.
DeckCheck evaluates permit
vehicles against a bridge's
allowable stress. Choose a
bridge from a subset of data
taken from the National Bridge
Inventory database. Select route
and milepost range; input the
permit vehicle data, span lengths
and fixity, and the program
compares the allowable stresses
with that of the permit vehicle.
Analyze a single bridge or
perform a route analysis.
DeckCheck comes pre-loaded
with statewide data for use by
city, county or state bridge
engineers and support staff.
Trucking and permitting
professionals will also find
DeckCheck a useful tool in
planning routes for commercial
permit vehicles.
DeckCheck can be up and
running in minutes. It is unique
in that it is user-friendly and
requires very minimal training or
knowledge of bridge mechanics.
It is ideal for use by support staff
under the supervision of a bridge
engineer. DeckCheck
(#DECKCHEK) by Sandia
Analytics is available at LOS 7
from Mc Trans for only $995.

The Sandia Analytics Bridge
Information SystemTM (SABIS)
is the ideal complement to
DeckCheck. Pre-loaded with
statewide information from the
National Bridge Inventory,
SABIS provides quick access to
bridge data for a wide range of
Locate a structure by bridge
number, county, route and
milepost or feature intersected.
the location is displayed as an
on-screen map with information
on structural and load ratings,
ADTs, sufficiency, year built,
scour rating, ownership,
maintenance, historical
significance, and much more.
Maps can be displayed in many
modes, such as within political
boundaries, road networks,
relief, shaded elevation or
satellite images.
Like DeckCheck, SABIS is also
easy-to-use by support staff,
which frees up supervisors and
engineers for other duties.
SABIS (#SABIS) by Sandia
Analytics is now available at
LOS 7 through Mc Trans for
only $895.

S Mc Trans Winter 2002


Strong Concepts' preprocessors, PRETRANSYT and PRENETSIM,
for the TRANSYT-7F and CORSIM traffic models have been vastly
enhanced to include many advanced modeling capabilities which are
available in these time-tested, government-sponsored models. These
enhanced capabilities add to the already unprecedented features
provided by PRETRANSYT and PRENETSIM for efficient and
reliable execution of traffic system modeling, optimization and
animation projects. They include:
sign-controlled movements
startup lost time and end gain time by movement
storage capacities by movement
alternative upstream-downstream assignment method
dual-optional lane usage
link curvature (CORSIM)
free flow lanes
number of lanes
heavy vehicle percentages
Other enhancements include:
increased limits on allowed map coordinate values to
accommodate larger scale coordinate systems
ability to read all of these model parameters directly from
SIGNAL2000 for true HCM-based intersection capacity
analysis and optimization
compatible changes made in PREPASSR for PASSER-II
better simulation time period management (CORSIM)
option to enter executable file name in setup CFG file
better permitted left turn modeling (TRANSYT)
fine-tuning of the new Version 5 TEAPAC interface

PRETRANSYT and PRENETSIM both have the unique TEAPAC
Visual Mode which provides an intuitive, Windows graphical user
interface, as well as a Command Mode for power users. This is the
same WinTEAPAC2000 interface found in all other TEAPAC
programs. This interface includes a fully-indexed, on-screen user
guide and context-sensitive help and error diagnostics.
PRETRANSYT and PRENETSIM also incorporate the new
TEAPAC Version 5 interface with its Tabular View to increase
efficiency for intermediate users and certain data-intensive tasks.
The 12-intersection versions of PRETRANSYT/TEAPAC Ver 2.71
from Strong Concepts are available from McTrans for $495. The
Usage Level 2 versions (#TPCPTR.2) and #TPCPNT.2) which
handle up to 100 intersections with subsystem management are
available for $695. Educational versions are available for half-price
and demonstration versions are available free as downloads from the
Strong Concepts and McTrans web pages. Free and reduced-price
updates are available for registered licensees of earlier versions of
PRETRANSYT and PRENETSIM directly from Strong Concepts.

Environmental Traffic Data Program, an intelligent post processor for
speed, has gotten smarter. Supplementary model, Akcelik/Davidson
Model has been added for computation of Speed and VHT Built-in
peak hour spread technique for overflow traffic volume. Auto
validation prevents error in data entry. And much more...

Update Watch



Version Status



Feb 2003
Jan 2003


Patch Download
Patch Download
Patch Download
Patch Download
Sent to Registered users
Registered users may upgrade
Registered users may upgrade
Registered users may upgrade

I V "


Analysis The WARRANTS2000/TEAPAC program
(#TPCWAR. 1) now performs multi-way stop warrant analyses in
addition to its signal warrant analyses, both according to the procedures
dictated by the MUTCD 2000 (Millennium Edition). In addition, an
option has been added for user-selection of the so-called 56% rule for the
Combination of Warrants used in a 2000 Signal Warrant Analysis.
WARRANTS2000 continues to provide an option to perform a signal
warrant analysis using the previous MUTCD (1988).
WARRANTS2000 performs its multi-way stop and signal warrant
analyses using all the volume-oriented warrants of the MUTCD 2000,
including warrants 1A, 1B, 1C, 2, 3A, 3B and 7 for signals. A unique
algorithm searches every possible 60-minute period of a 15-minute count
for hours that meet the warrants, ranking the identified hours by minor
street volume. Input data can be imported directly from various
electronic traffic counters such as Jamar and TimeMark or entered/edited
manually. The 2000 warrant analysis enhancements are also built into
the Usage Level 2 version ofTURNS/TEAPAC (#TPCTRN.2).
Usage Level 2 of WARRANTS (#TPCWAR.2) also provides
advanced tabulation and peak hour analysis features. Peak 15-minute or
60-minute volume data can be sent directly to other TEAPAC programs
like SIGNAL2000 for optimized HCM level of service calculations,
SITE for background traffic in impact studies, and PREPASSR,
PRETRANSYT and PRENETSIM for signal timing and modeling
studies. Use of the TED and TUTOR programs in the TEAPAC system
allow complete automation of all of these calculations for unparalleled
efficiency, accuracy and speed.
WARRANTS has a unique Visual Mode which provides an intuitive,
Windows graphical user interface, as well as a Command Mode for
power users. This is the same WinTEAPAC2000 interface found in all
other TEAPAC programs. This interface includes a fully-indexed, on-
screen user guide and context-sensitive help and error diagnostics.
WARRANTS also incorporates the new TEAPAC Version 5 interface
with its Tabular View to increase efficiency for intermediate users and
certain data-intensive tasks.
The Warrant Analysis version ofWARRANTS/TEAPAC Ver 2.01
from Strong Concepts (#TPCWAR.1) is available from McTrans for
$395. The Usage Level 2 version (#TPCWAR.2) which adds advanced
tabulation and peak hour analysis features is available for $595.
Educational versions are available for half-price and demonstration
versions are available free as downloads from the Strong Concepts and
Mc Trans web pages. Free and reduced-price updates are available for
registered licensees of earlier versions of WARRANTS and TURNS
directly from Strong Concepts.

FLEXSYT-II- is an event-based, microscopic simulation tool
for traffic management studies. It is the successor of FLEXSYT-I-,
developed in the seventies and eighties by Frans Middelham. On
a stochastic base vehicles move through the network, interacting
with each other and the network (e.g., stop-lines and detectors).
It has a no build-in traffic control philosophy, but uses a special
traffic control language, called FLEXCOL-76, which is based on
the rules of Boolean algebra and the clear differentiation between
the 'change of state of an element' (event) and the 'state of an
element' (condition). The control part also has a special structure.
This structure contains a general part (the control philosophy)
and a problem dedicated part, both to be specified by the user.
The network has to be specified in detail and can contain
features such as stops for public transport, secondary conflicts,
priority intersections and routes. In the simulation eight vehicle
types can be present. These types are person cars, small trucks,
large trucks, busses, trams, bicycles, pedestrians and carpool
vehicles. All these vehicle types have their own characteristics and
traffic behaviour. Output can consist of an event by event trace of
the controller and tables containing an output on controller
information, delays, travel times, network indicators and
environmental aspects (fuel consumption and emission of toxic
With FLEXSYT-II it is possible to research the structure of the
network, such as the lay-out of intersections, length and number
of lanes, effects of bus lanes, etc. However, due to its own traffic
control programming language, it can also be used to study all
kinds of traffic control strategies, such as the fixed-time control
strategy, vehicle-actuated control strategies, traffic-depended
control strategies and even fuzzy control. Furthermore, it can be
and is applied to study traffic management measures, such as
roundabouts, arterials, toll-plazas, ramp metering, main-line
metering, HOV lanes, tidal flow lanes, etc.
In the past years a new user interface has been developed,
called FLASH (FLEXSYT Application Shell). With FLASH it is
possible to specify networks graphically and to visualize the
FLEXSYT-II is currently located in the New Products section.
It should be an updated
product. At the end of the description, please add the
FLEXSYT-II Ver. 3.0 and FLASH 2.1 (#FLEXSYT) byAWV
Transport Research Centre is available at LOS 7 for $2,250.

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In Patch 'c' of HCS2000TM, the
Unsignal module contains
corrections to the flared
approach and upstream signal
methodologies, reflecting recent
updates to the Highway Capacity
Manual (HCM). The flared
approach and upstream signal
methodologies are only
applicable to two-way stop
control (TWSC) analyses.

In the Signals module, the planning
analysis methodology is
sometimes used to estimate or
evaluate an appropriate phasing
sequence for future conditions.
The Signals planning module
allows the user to specify a left-
turn protection of "permitted",
"protected", "compound", "not
opposed", or "synthesized", on
each of the four approaches. The
"compound" option can be used
to evaluate protected-permitted
phasing. The "not opposed"
option is typically used to
evaluate T-intersections, or split
phasing. If the user chooses
"synthesized", the HCM
procedures are then used to
estimate an appropriate left-turn
protection and phasing
sequence, based on the traffic
volume data that was coded.

In Patch 'c' of HCS2000, the Signals
module contains a new
Formatted Report called the
"Detailed Report." This report is
analogous to the detailed report
from HCS-2, in which all input
data needed (in most cases) to
re-create an analysis are

Genetic algorithm optimization runs can
locate the optimum solution more quickly
when "unimportant" signal settings are
omitted from the optimization process.
By ignoring (i.e., holding constant) the
signal settings that are likely to have a
negligible effect on results, the program
is able to examine more combinations of
the signal settings that have a more
significant effect on results.

For example, when traffic networks are
significantly undersaturated, such as
having 20 or fewer seconds of delay per
vehicle, optimization of offsets and
phasing sequence tends to have a
negligible effect on results. Similarly,
offsets and phasing sequence are likely
to have little impact within severely
oversaturated networks, in which there
are very few opportunities for
progression. Finally, offsets and phasing
sequence are likely to have little impact
at isolated intersections with no nearby
upstream signal. In cases such as this,
genetic algorithm optimization runs can
locate the optimum solution more quickly
when offsets and phasing sequence are
omitted from the process, and only the
cycle length and splits are optimized.

For a second example, when traffic networks
are near capacity and have numerous
progression opportunities, optimization
of offsets and phasing sequence tends to
allow significant improvements in flow
and performance. In cases such as this,
genetic algorithm optimization runs can
locate the optimum solution more quickly
when cycle length and splits are omitted
from the process, and only offsets and
phasing sequence are optimized. For
this type of optimization, it is necessary
to specify the appropriate cycle length in
advance, and the software can use the
initial timing model to estimate new splits
for every candidate phasing sequence.

CORSIM reports spillback on a link when
the back bumper of the last vehicle in
any lane on the link is within the
intersection at the upstream end of
the link, traveling less than 3
feet/second, with a leader who is
traveling less than 5 feet/second. The
width of the intersection at the
upstream end of the link is
determined by counting the number
of lanes on the cross links at that
point and multiplying that number by
12. Opposing left turn pockets are
assumed to be facing each other, so
they are only counted on one of the

CORSIM utilizes three unique random
number seeds (record type 2 entries
4, 17, and 18) to control traffic
decisions and operations within
NETSIM and FRESIM. Entry 4 is used
to randomize vehicle headways when
vehicles enter either NETSIM or
FRESIM. This entry has no effect on
results when the uniform distribution
is used, but does effect results when
the normal or Erlang distributions are
used. NETSIM uses entry 17 for
some traffic decisions, and to assign
driver types plus vehicle types. The
driver types are used by CORSIM to
simulate varying levels of
aggressiveness and decision-
making, whereas the vehicle types
are used to simulate varying levels of
performance between passenger cars
and heavy vehicles. FRESIM uses
entry 18 for all traffic decisions, and
to assign driver types plus vehicle
types. NETSIM uses entry 18 for
some traffic decisions, and to
determine pedestrian activities.

Certain input parameters can be used to
calibrate traffic performance at
unsignalized intersections in
CORSIM. These parameters include
the start-up lost time (record type 11)
for calibrating follow-up time,
acceptable gaps in near-side cross-
street traffic (record type 142), and
acceptable gaps in far-side cross
street (record type 143).

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