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Group Title: McTrans newsletter
Title: McTrans newsletter. Vol. 25
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00078185/00017
 Material Information
Title: McTrans newsletter. Vol. 25
Series Title: McTrans newsletter
Physical Description: Serial
Language: English
Creator: Center for Microcomputers in Transportation, College of Engineering, University of Florida
Publisher: Center for Microcomputers in Transportation, College of Engineering, University of Florida
Publication Date: Summer 2002
Subject: University of Florida   ( lcsh )
Spatial Coverage: North America -- United States -- Florida -- Gainesville
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00078185
Volume ID: VID00017
Source Institution: University of Florida
Holding Location: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved, Board of Trustees of the University of Florida


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Table of Contents
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    New products
        Page 4
    Updated products
        Page 5
        Page 6
    Did you know?
        Page 7
Full Text

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I estimate delay in Work
"' Zones page 3

McTrans New Products 4
Department of Civil and updated Products 5
Coastal Engineering Up kow
PO Box 116585 Did you know? 7
Gainesville FL 32611-6585 N
(352) 392-0378 Advertising Directory 8
Toll Free 1-800-226-1013 UNIVERSITY OF
Fax (352) 392-6629 Products Li. 22
Email mctrans@ce.ufl.edu Po c LitI t 22 I )
http://mctrans.ce.ufl.edu/ J. Conference & Training Calendar 32
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- McTrans Summer 2002


Now Available!

The Texas Transportation Institute
(TTI) is pleased to announce the
release of a Windows upgrade to
their popular program, PASSER II,
which develops optimal progression
along signalized arterials having
multiple arterial phase sequences
possible. PASSER 1-02 has a new
user interface similar to PASSER III-
98. It also has an enhanced
optimization routine used by its
predecessor, PASSER 11-90. The
input data requirements have not
changed; however, unlike the
previous release, it preserves the lane
configurations supplied by the user.
This was achieved by introducing a
new format for the input data file.
Existing users need not worry
because the program can read old
input data files and will
automatically convert them to the
new format.
PASSER 1-02 user interface
provides several new features.
Because a large user-base exits, the
old output report from PASSER II-
90 (now the "Classic" output) can
be selectively displayed and printed.
The following is a list of new
features of PASSER 11-02:
Updated saturation flow
calculation module.
Summary of results for all cycle
lengths analyzed.
User can view output for any
selected cycle length.
Generates output reports in
rich text format and launches
Microsoft Word for
viewing these.
New time-space diagrams in
html format, and viewed by
automatically launching
Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Advanced Help facility.
The enhanced optimization
routine now produces integer-only
green splits. For further information
about the program, updates, and
frequently asked questions, please
see: ttisoftware@tamu.edu.
PASSER 1-02 (#P202) by the
Texas Transportation Institute is
available at LOS 1 from McTrans for
$395. Registered users can purchase
upgrades from PASSER 1-90 for
$245 per upgrade. Save the $10
processing fee by Ordering Online.

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McTrans Summer 2002


The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has begun a new initiative to
address mobility and safety impacts of work zones, an increasingly visible
issue because of the ongoing rehabilitation effort on our nation's highway
infrastructure, called the Strategic Work Zone Analysis Tools (SWAT)
program. SWAT is developing four new tools for the design and operation of
work zones: a Work Zone Delay Impact Analysis Spreadsheet, Expert System
Software Program, Cost/Alternative Analysis Spreadsheet, and a Detailed
Simulation Model. The first product of SWAT is QuickZone, a Work Zone
Delay Impact Analysis Spreadsheet tool, developed by Mitretek Systems.
QuickZone is an easy-to-use, easy-to-learn delay estimation tool targeted
at state and local traffic construction staff, operations and planning staff, and
construction contractors. QuickZone is a Microsoft Excel-based application
suitable for both urban and inter-urban corridor analysis.
QuickZone provides the following capabilities:
Quantifies corridor delay resulting from capacity decreases in work
Identifies delay impacts of alternative construction phasing plans;
Supports Trade-offAnalyses between construction costs and delay
Considers Alternate Phasing Schedules such as location along
mainline, time-of-day (peak vs. off-peak), and season (summer vs.
Assesses Impacts of Delay Mitigation Strategies that include alternate
route Signal Re-Timing, Traveler Information (variable message
signing (VMS), highway advisory radio (HAR) and Pre-Trip
Information), Lane Widening, Ramp Metering and Media
Campaign; and
Supports Calculation of work completion incentives.
QuickZone is designed to run on a PC with Microsoft Windows 95 and
Microsoft Excel 97 or higher. Program run times have ranged from 3
minutes on a computer with a Pentium 166 to 1 minute with a Pentium
400. It is estimated that once users are comfortable with the QuickZone
program, it will take less than 1 hour to enter a network and generate results.
QuickZone V 1.0 can accommodate networks with up to 100 nodes and
200 links.
QuickZone (#QZONE) by the FHWA is available at LOS 1 from
McTrans for $195. Save the $10 processing fee by Ordering Online.


The Navigation Menu allows quick and easy access to the necessary data
input screens as well as the output screens. QuickZone is able to import and
export network data.

The Temporal Distribution Demand worksheet allows users to enter detailed
data regarding demand variation by time of day and day of week. Default
values are included and are easy to modify if local values are known.

T= All Pwhftas w
All Phases



QuickZone produces a visual representation of the transportation network for QuickZone outputs are in graphical (above) and tabular (below) formats. The
easier debugging and checking. This is a network of the 1-40/1-75 Corridor graph shows a summary of the travel behavior for a particular day. The table
outside Knoxville, TN that is used as a default network for Beta V 0.99. is a summary of the entire work zone project.

U .

EnTraDa The Environmental Traffic Data program has been
developed to produce environmental data for air quality and noise
analysis. In Virginia, highway projects including new construction or
improvements aided by Feds' are required to obtain air and noise
studies. These requirements are for existing, interim (Build & No-
build), and design (Build & No-build) years' air quality and noise
impacts of such improvements. The type of data that are needed
include hourly traffic, forecasted traveling speed, and truck percentages
(i.e., 2-Axle with 6 Tires, and 3-Axle or more including combination
EnTraDa program has been developed in Microsoft Office2000
Excel worksheet and it utilizes Highway Capacity Manual, Special
Report 209, recommendations as to adjusting free flow speed for
different facility types (Freeways, Multilane and Two-Lane Highways,
and Urban Streets). It incorporates recommended adjustment factors to
free flow speed based on number of lanes, access points, lateral
clearance, median types, and lane widths. In Program User Guide page
is available for further assists.
Capacity Lookup tables are incorporated in the program based on
facility type and area (i.e., urban and suburban) to help the user. Free
flow speeds are adjusted based on volume to capacity ratios and BPR
curves (one for V/C <2 and the other for V/C >2) to develop operating
Program's Input Table includes existing, interim, and design year
ADT volumes, hourly distribution of traffic in percent, directional
distribution factor, and percent trucks by type. Other inputs include
hourly capacity, number of lanes by direction, facility type, median
type, lateral clearance, lane width, access point density, and posted
speed limits.
The Output includes hourly breakdown of volumes for existing,
interim, and design years, hourly V/C ratios, operating speeds, and
truck percentages. Finally, if the hourly volume exceeds maximum
service flow, a warning is issued in the output for the user.
This program which is written in Microsoft Office2000 Excel is
write protected and file opens for Read Only. Therefore, file should be
saved under different name or same name but different directory.
ENTRADA (#ENTRDA) by Ed Azimi, Virginia DOT is available
from McTrans at LOS 4 for $10.

GPS2CAD-rv byAMC Inc.
is the recreation version of
GPS2CAD that allows you to
connect your hand held GPS
Receiver to your computer and
download your Waypoints and
Track points. Modestly priced,
($100 less than the full featured
GPS2CAD) this new program was
released in response to the demand
for a budget priced version of the
popular GPS2CAD. The rv version
maintains all the essential functions
of the full version. The program
works with most of the Garmin
handheld GPS units, including the
popular eTrex line. It also works
with AutoCAD 14, 2000 and
2000i. Satellite navigation and site
layout are now made much more
convenient by outputting to and
AutoCAD file.
Waypoints and Track Points are
the point databases maintained by
GPS receivers.
Waypoints are those entered
manually with the push of a button
on the GPS receiver's faceplate, and
Track Points are the "bread crumb"
points that are maintained and show
the actual walk-around history of
the user's location. Waypoints are
generally accessible for review on the
GPS display, but track points are
typically hidden from the user
except to plot them in a connect-
the-dot display. With GPS2CAD-
rv, both of these point files can be
retrieved and plotted with lines,
points, and blocks directly into
GPS2CAD-rv (#GPS2RV) by
AMC Inc. is available from
McTrans at LOS 6 for $145.


Development and
Management System
Version 1.3
H DM-4, is software for
investigating road investment
choices. The current release version
(Version 1.3) of the HDM-4
licensed software products is
available on CD-ROM from
appointed HDM-4 distributors.
This release is a maintenance update
consisting of the licensed Version
1.3 software, example case study
data sets, and the Highway
Development and Management
Series of on-line documents (in
Adobe Acrobat PDF format). If you
are a new purchaser, McTrans will
provide a software license key, which
will enable the chosen license type to
be installed on a user's installation.
HDM-4 version 1.3 (#HDM4.S)
Single, by PIARC is available at
LOS 1 from McTrans for $1,380.
For additional information, or
pricing for multiple and educational
copies and countries of special
consideration, please visit our
website at http://mctrans.ce. ufl.edu.
For more detailed information
about HDM-4 please visit

Turbo Architecture
Version 2.0 includes a host of
new features and numerous fixes that
make the software easier to use, more
accessible to those with special needs,
and more reliable than previous
versions. Turbo Version 2.0 is
compatible with Version 4.0 of the
National ITS Architecture. It allows
development of regional and project
architectures that take advantage of
all the new architecture Version 4.0
features including support for
Maintenance and Construction
Operations, rural enhancements,
improved weather support, and a
significantly improved commercial
vehicle operations component that is
completely consistent with the
Commercial Vehicle Information
Systems and Networks (CVISN) and
International Border Clearance
(IBC) programs.
The most important new feature
in Turbo Version 2.0 is "Turbo
Conversion". Turbo Conversion will
automatically convert existing
regional and project architectures so
they are consistent with Version 4.0
of the National ITS Architecture.
This new tool provides users with a
convenient way to migrate their
architectures to Version 4.0 so they
can take advantage of all the new
architecture features. The automated
portion of the conversion process
requires only a minute or two.
Specialized conversion reports
document all architecture changes
that were made during the
conversion. A new section in the

Turbo User's Manual, as well as a
companion document, will provide
detailed guidance and tips that will
allow seamless migration to National
ITS Architecture Version 4.0.

Turbo Architecture Version 2.0
Supports National ITS Architecture
Version 4.0
Upgraded Turbo Database
includes all Version 4.0
architecture changes.
Architecture Interconnect
Diagram output upgraded to
match V4.0 Architecture
Interconnect Diagram.
New interview questions created
for Maintenance and
Construction Operations.
New "Turbo Conversion"
Capability Converts Existing
User Architectures from V3.0 to
Architecture Import Capability
upgraded to handle Cross-
Version imports.
Fixes All Known Version 1.1
Software Issues
Revised reports address
miscellaneous formatting,
sorting, and duplication
Turbo Database now locked
during Turbo Editing to prevent
inadvertent data loss in some
"Limit" button on the customize
tab toolbar now immediately
affects the customize tab in all
Exported diagrams are now

complete (in previous versions,
the right-most portion of
exported diagrams were
Improved text entry checks
prevent entry of "blank" (spaces
only) strings.
Improved Accessibility
Added Keyboard Shortcuts for
All Menu, Toolbar, and Form
New Accessibility Information in
the User Manual.
Version 2.0 User Manual in
accessible Adobe Acrobat
"Tagged PDF" format.
Other New Features
Support for Windows XP.
Shorter, More Accessible
Standards Report Format.
Improved Compatibility with
Access 2000 and Access 2002
(part of Office XP) File Formats.

This upgrade (#TURBO2.UPG)
can be purchased by registered users
of Turbo Architecture through
McTrans for $50 plus a $10
processing fee. New purchases
(#TURBO2.W95) are still $190.

It's on Us!

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* Product & Seminar

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Version Status




Palch Download
Palch Download
Sent to Registered users
Patch Download
Registered users may upgrade
Registered users may upgrade
Registered users may upgrade



MODEL, Version 2.0-
The Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) is pleased
to announce the release of the Traffic
Noise Model (FHWA TNM),
Version 2.0. This new version
Upgrade to the 32-bit coding
Improvements to DXF import
functionality with compatibility
to AutoCAD 2000.
Fixes to the comprehensive
receiver input dialog.
Fixes to the linkage to the
NMPlot contour module.
Fixes to the output tables
printing functionality.
Addressing of additional bug
The FHWA TNM is a state-of-
the-art computer program used for
predicting noise impacts in the
vicinity of highways. It uses
advances in personal computer
hardware and software to improve
upon the accuracy and ease of
modeling highway noise, including
the design of effective, cost-efficient
highway noise barriers. More
information can be accessed at:
http://www.thewa Ljournal.com/
FHWA Traffic Noise Model
(#TNM2) is available from
McTrans at LOS 1 for $695,
which includes the technical
documentation and the user's guide.
Registered users of version 1.1 can
upgrade (#TNM2.UPG) for $495.

The Bus Transit
Garage Space
Requirements Model
prepares a detailed space program
for bus transit garages. In just a few
minutes, the program generates a list
of 59 elements that are part of a
transit garage with the number of
square feet required for each. The
program also lists the required
number of repair bays, bus stalls,
and paint and body bays. To
prepare the same space program
without the computer program
would require several weeks of
research. The program probably
pays for itself the first time you
use it.
The space program is broken
down into five major areas: (1)
General Offices, (2) Operations
Area, (3) Repair Area, (4) Vehicle
Storage (indoors or outdoors), and
(5) Outside Area. The model
handles any bus fleet size from 5 to
30 buses with any mix of 30-, 35-0,
40-foot buses as well as articulated
buses and paratransit vans.
The User's Manual includes
Linkage Diagrams for the Major
Facility Elements, Daily Service
Cycle, and Major Repair Area
Elements. The Manual also
identifies Space Utilization
Characteristics for every element in
the garage.
New Features
The new version of the Bus Transit
Garage Space Requirements Model
works with Windows 95 or better.
It contains detailed Help Screens
and comes with a printed User's
Manual. The User's Manual
contains two major new features:
1. Linkage Diagrams of Major
Facility Elements, Daily Service
Cycle, and Major Repair Area
2. Space Utilization Characteristics
Bus Transit Garage Space
Requirements Model (#BTGSR.)
is available from McTrans at
LOS 7 for $750.

aaSI DRA 2 is the major new version of the popular intersection
analysis software by Akcelik and Associates. aaSIDRA (aaTraffic Signalised
& unsignalised Intersection Design and Research Aid) is an advanced
analytical tool for evaluation of alternative intersection designs in terms of
capacity, level of service and a wide range of performance measures including
delay, queue length and stops for vehicles and pedestrians, as well as fuel
consumption, pollutant emissions and operating cost. aaSIDRA is now in
use in over 1460 sites in 69 countries. The new features of aaSIDRA 2
include new output graphics in full Windows environment including
intersection geometry, signal phasing and movement statistics displays, major
traffic model enhancements, and various other input and output
New output graphical displays introduce many improvements including
detailed geometry pictures for roundabouts and all intersections with
diagonal legs, a larger range of output statistics displayed, and phasing
displays with phase time information. Full colour, low colour and
monochrome options are available. All graphical displays as well as the new
HTML-style text output are based on an XML data file developed for
Traffic model enhancements in aaSIDRA 2 include:
introduction of HCM 2000 model defaults including major revision
of the aaSIDRA US metric version based on the HCM 2000 metric
edition defaults;
extensive update of default parameters including major revision of
defaults for operating cost, fuel consumption and emission estimates
based on 5 light vehicle and 5 heavy vehicle classes;
revised acceleration and deceleration models for all types of
improved models of through and turning vehicle negotiation
characteristics (negotiation radius, distance and speed) at
revised model of slip lane capacity at roundabouts;
use of new pedestrian level of service criteria based on HCM 2000,
which are different from vehicle level of service criteria;
enhancement to pedestrian queue space modelling;
space occupancy ratio for continuous movements;
revised method of aggregating movement delays from lane delays in
relation to the way geometric delays are handled;
improved handling of progression factors for signal coordination
effects on delay, queue length and other performance statistics.
New models of vehicle paths at roundabouts, and the general revision
of acceleration and deceleration models will have a significant effect on
geometric delays, and therefore on control delays. These as well as other
changes to default parameters will amount to significant changes in
operating cost, fuel consumption and emission estimates.
aaSidra 2.0 (single computer) (#SID.FPS), is available from McTrans at
LOS 6 for $890. The upgrade from version 1 (single computer)
(#SID.FPS.U1) is available for $190. COVER for aaSIDRA (single
computer) (#SID.CVS) is available for $185. Contact McTrans or visit
our website for complete product description and pricing.

I *` I I ~'
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CORSIM reports the number of
vehicle trips on each link.
For the purposes of
counting trips, vehicles that
come from source nodes or
that exit at sink nodes only
count as half a trip because
they only traveled half of the
link. Vehicles entering from
a source node travel the
downstream half and
vehicles exiting at a sink
node travel the upstream
half of the link. When
CORSIM reports the number
of vehicles discharged it
reports all of the vehicles
that reach the end of the link
and get discharged onto the
next link. It doesn't matter if
they entered the link from a
source node or if they
entered the link from an
upstream link.
The car-following sensitivity
(CSF) factors are actually
headway terms used in the
Pitt car-following equation.
When the factors are larger
the separation between
vehicles will be larger.
Increasing the distance
between vehicles might tend
to allow more opportunities
for lane changes, but on the
other hand, increasing the
sensitivity factors dictates
that individual drivers will
want to maintain a larger
separation behind their
leader, which will cause
them to reject more lane
change opportunities.
Greater driver
aggressiveness is reflected
though smaller car-following
sensitivity factors. That is
reflected in the default
values. A type 1 driver has a
default CSF of 1.35 seconds,
and a type 10 driver has a
default CSF of .35 seconds.
In TRAFED, there is a "Minimum
Drawn Radius of Curvature"
for drawing purposes only
on the Link (Surface or
Freeway) Properties dialog
Graphics page. This only
controls what TRAFVU will
use to draw the link. It does
not affect speed at all. The
"Radius" on the Freeway
Link Properties dialog
General page does affect
speed but does not affect
drawing curvature.

Patch b of HCS2000 includes
improved signal timing
estimation and optimization
in the Signals module. The
improved signal timing
estimation logic allows
analysis of both isolated and
coordinated actuated
signals. It is also able to
handle different recall modes
(recall to min, recall to ped,
no recall, etc.), as well as
exclusive pedestrian phases.
The improved optimization
logic implements the genetic
algorithm to design cycle
length and splits for pre-
timed signals. Upcoming
versions of HCS2000 will
provide actuated
optimization as well. Patch b
also offers a new Transit
module for Windows.
In the Arterials module, the
default unit extension value
is 0 seconds for the major
street through movement.
This implies that the major
street through movements
are non-actuated. Coding a
positive value of the unit
extension implies that the
major street through
movement is actuated.
When importing Signals files
into Arterials, the unit
extension value is
automatically imported into
Arterials from Signals.
The Highway Capacity Manual
2000 (HCM2000) procedures
for analyzing Two-Way Stop-
Controlled (TWSC)
intersections do not cover
major streets with three
through lanes. One potential
solution for this situation
would be to increase the
critical gap values) to
account for the additional
lane being crossed. In order
to maintain the appropriate
conflicting flows, the total
major street through
volumes should be used.
These adjustments would
not apply to the special case
of two-stage gap

A new input data screen called
"Feeders" provides
automatic balancing of the
link-to-link traffic flows. In
release 9.5, it is only
necessary to code in the
upstream node number on
the Feeders screen. The
software will automatically
fill in all of the remaining
data, including feeding link
numbers, feeding flows, and
cruise speeds. Also in
release 9.5, the current map
view coordinates of the
mouse cursor are now
continuously displayed next
to the cursor. This will allow
the user to know the current
coordinates of any given
intersection on the map, by
simply moving the mouse
cursor near to the
intersection in question.
The genetic algorithm
optimization module
currently implements a
population size of 10
individuals. This means that
10 simulation runs are
performed (each with a
unique signal timing plan)
for each generation, prior to
crossover and mutation.
Future versions of
TRANSYT-7F will allow the
user to modify the
population size, potentially
allowing the genetic
algorithm to locate the
global optimum solution for
certain networks in a shorter
amount of time. The genetic
algorithm optimization
module from HCS2000
(called SOAP2K) also
implements a population
size of 10 individuals.
The current version of
TRANSYT-7F provides
genetic algorithm
optimization of offsets and
phasing sequence.
Upcoming versions of
TRANSYT-7F will provide
genetic algorithm
optimization of splits and
cycle length. Following this,
a major update is planned
for the hardcopy users
guide (MOST Volume 4).



-. 414 s

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