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McTrans Fall 2001
Genetic Algorithm
Genetic algorithm (G.A.)
optimization is a theoretical
improvement over the
traditional hill-climb
optimization technique that has
been employed by TRANSYT
7F for many years. G.A. has the
ability to avoid becoming
trapped in a "local optimum"
solution, and is mathematically
best qualified to locate the
"global optimum" solution.
McT7F9 features G.A.
optimization of offsets and yield
points, using either TRANSYT
7F or CORSIM as the
simulation engine.
For years, practitioners have
known that they could often
come up with a better timing
plan by making minor
modifications to the so-called
"optimal result" recommended
by a computer program. This is
a byproduct of the hill-climb
optimization process, where
most timing plan candidates are
not examined, in an effort to
save time. Unfortunately, the
global optimum solution is often
skipped over during the hill
climb optimization process.
Now, with the advent of G.A.
optimization, thankfully the
practitioner may have a much
more difficult time in coming up
with a better solution than the
computer program. The genetic
algorithm does not examine
every single timing plan
candidate either, but is a random
guided search, capable of
intelligently tracking down the
global optimum solution. As
with the human race, the
weakest candidates are
eliminated from the gene pool,
and each successive generation of
individuals contains stronger and
stronger characteristics. Its
survival of the fittest, and the
unique processes of crossover
and mutation conspire to keep
the species as strong as possible.
G.A. initially considers a
trial population of signal timing
plan candidates. Within this
population a competition takes
place where the weak candidates
are discarded, and the strong
candidates are allowed to breed
and perform crossover.
Following crossover, a new
generation of candidate
solutions is born, and a mutation
process is performed to ensure
that fresh solutions are
considered. Following mutation,
another new competition takes
place where the weak candidates
are discarded and only the strong
survive. The average function
value can occasionally become
worse due to a bad mutation,
but the optimal function value
should always stay the same or
improve if the elitist method is
used, where the strongest
individual is maintained through
to the next generation. This
entire process takes place for
numerous successive generations
until convergence is achieved on
the global optimal solution.
Although it produces the best
timing plans, a potential
drawback of the genetic
algorithm is increased program
running times on the computer
when optimizing large networks
in McT7F9, using either
the simulation engine. The
chart below illustrates some
sample running times for offset
optimization of a relatively small
network having four
Fortunately the drawback of
increased program running times
continues to be minimized by
the ever-increasing processing
speeds of today's computers.
Out of the gene pool Crossover
New generation of stronger candidates
Traffic Signal Timing Optimization
Next generation has same size population.
Now who is strongest?
Traffic Signal Timing Optimization
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McTrans Fall 2001
Have you seen CORSIM lately?
Raj S. Ghaman, P.E.
Team Leader, Travel Management RD&T
Federal Highway Administration
The latest version of CORSIM, bundled within version 5 of the
Traffic Software Integrated System (TSIS 5.0) was released earlier
this year. TSIS 5.0, as a major release, has many improvements
and added features compared to the previous TSIS 4.32 version.
For example, the weaving logic has been dramatically improved,
and users can now model ramp meters and high occupancy vehicle
(HOV) lanes. Also included with TSIS 5.0 is a new state-of the
art graphical input processor, called TRAFED, which dramatically
simplifies the creation of CORSIM data files, one of CORSIM's
perceived weaknesses over the years.
Over the last twenty years, the Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA) has been developing and enhancing the CORSIM
corridor simulation model. What started as separate models,
mainly NETSIM and FRESIM, has evolved into a stable and
mature product, used by thousands of practitioners and
researchers throughout the world. FHWA's investment in
CORSIM is significant, and we assure the CORSIM users that
with the release of version 5.0, FHWA will continue to maintain
and support the model and its users.
FHWA is firmly committed to continuing its leadership role in
the area of traffic analysis tools and traffic simulation -a role that
means continued support for the practical use of simulation
models. FHWA will undertake the research and data collection
necessary to create the traffic simulation algorithms for the next
generation of models. This does not mean that FHWA is
"abandoning" CORSIM. As indicated, FHWA will continue to
support the software and its users. For example, a CORSIM
training course will be available shortly from FHWA's National
Highway Institute. Additionally, FHWA is planning to develop a
series of guidance documents and training courses related to traffic
analysis tools, traffic simulation in general, guidelines for
CORSIM use, and advanced CORSIM topics.
I encourage current TSIS users to continue applying the model
and to take advantage of its many new features and enhancements
with the assurance that FHWA will continue to support its many
users. In addition, I'd like to encourage new users to enter into
the "world of traffic simulation" by becoming a TSIS user.
It's on Us!
Call McTrans Toll Free:
* Tech Assistance Orders
Product Seminar
Moving Technolo gyM. ...
Highway Capacity
Analysis Seminars
HCM2000 Procedures and
HCS2000T" Applications
New York, NY Oct 30-Nov 1, 2001
This seminar is 3 days and Icvers Ihe HCM2000
m:asjal:sis' procedures and HCS2000"T software
applications for Mullilane Highways. Basic Freeway
Segments. Freeway Weaving. Rampse.pl i|and|l|| Rlam|p|||
Junctions. Unsignalized Intersections and Sigrnaliziedhl
Inlersecltions: with notes on Freeway Facililies. Urban
Streels. Two-Lane Highways and Transil Capacity.
-'s-nm ll3.
BC Auditor is a companion
program to MicroBENCOSTTM
version 1.0, making this
benefit/cost application much more
user-friendly (and manager
friendly). BC Auditor simply reads
in your MicroBENCOSTTM input
data file and produces a simple side
by-side comparison of the Base Case
and Proposed Case. At the same
time, it flags which of the values
deviate from those in your default
file, even if this file has been
customized. Additionally, there are
a number of warnings built into the
program that point out some
common errors, such as road
characteristics that are incompatible
with the selected facility type.
The report can be printed
directly, saved in RTF format for
storage or editing, or simply viewed
on-screen by the analyst as an
interim check. Reports are concise
and logical for presentations and
management review, providing an
excellent format for conveying the
input data and assumptions.
This program is a Windows
application, and relies on
MicroBENCOSTTM for creating
and editing the data files; these files
are not modified in any way by the
BC Auditor program. Users of
MicroBENCOSTTM version 1.0
will be greatly aided by improved
data checking, reduced revision
time and increased confidence in
the analysis results.
For the first 25 respondents, a
free evaluation version is available
from McTrans, with the request to
providing references for this
BC Auditor (#BCAUD) by
Kneeshaw Engineering is available
at LOS 6 for $225. Manual is
TimeTechTM is a time logging
utility designed to assist all
AutoCAD technicians. TimeTechTM
will monitor your AutoCAD
activities, and automatically generate
time sheets and reports for you! You
simply link each AutoCAD file to a
project in your database, and
TimeTechTM does the rest. You can
also record time to a project while
you're away from AutoCAD (while
you're doing hand drafting, or
attending a meeting) by using the
StopWatch module. You can directly
edit any data it generates to suit your
needs -TimeTechTM is feature
packed and fully customizable!
Quit wasting time jotting down
endless notes and journal entries,
just to have to assemble it all into a
timesheet at the end of the week.
TimeTechTM (#TIMETEC) version
1.0 by Enable Software Solutions is
available at LOS 7 for $75.
ICPI Lockpave Version
11.4 designs base thickness for
interlocking concrete pavements.
Developed for the Interlocking
Concrete Pavement Institute, the
program uses AASHTO design
procedures for parking lots and
streets, and it includes a mechan
istic design procedure for streets, as
well as for industrial and port
pavements. The program includes
an overlay design for applying
concrete pavers on an existing
pavement. In addition, the user
can calculate life-cycle costs. ICPI
Lockpave (#LOCPAV) by
Interlocking Concrete Pavement
Institute is available at LOS 7 for
TransDec (Transportation
Decision Analysis Software) is
designed to provide the
transportation practitioner with an
easy to use tool for performing
multimodal, multicriteria
investment analysis. TransDec
evaluates transportation investment
alternatives, focusing on rail
highway trade-offs. While the
focus is on direct costs, indirect
costs such as economic impacts,
energy use, productivity, air quality
and safety impacts are also
TransDec is a menu driven
software system designed to allow
transportation practitioners to
evaluate and provide structure to
transportation investment decisions
based on multiple goals, objectives,
and measures. TransDec guides the
decision making process through a
hierarchical formulation of broadly
defined project goals tied to specific
objectives, with each objective
operationalized by a value measure.
This organization serves to add
consistency and structure to the
process of selecting the best
alternative from several possible
alternative projects or courses of
TransDec (#TRAND) by
NCHRP is available at LOS 3 for
WinTURNS is designed to
create turning movement diagrams.
It is a 32-bit windows based
shareware update of an old DOS
program that computes directional
turning volumes using the
techniques described in NCHRP
Report 255. You may 'LOCK-IN'
any pre-determined movement
volumes. The program will
compute the remaining volumes
based upon any restrictions.
Determine the distribution of
current ADT, forecast ADT, and
forecast DHV all at once. Results
are presented as both a turning
movement volume matrix and as a
directionallyy accurate' turning
movement diagram. The diagram
may be printed directly from the
program, or copied to your
clipboard for insertion into any
document. The program will
handle intersections of up to 8 legs,
making it adaptable as a 'mini
model'. Also, you may save your
work in a file and recall it later.
HTML User's guide is included.
Rick Ernstmeyer is available at
LOS 4 for $5.
McTrans Fali2001
RMAV 2000 TM is a customized interface between the Infrastructure
2000TM database and ArcView from Environmental Systems Research
Institute, Inc. RMAV 2000TM includes both an ArcView extension
that enhances your ability to use and manage the Infrastructure 2000TM
data within ArcView, and a MapObjects based component that
works directly within selected Infrastructure 2000TM modules. These two
components provide both experienced ArcView users as well as GIS
beginners with access to your GIS data.
RMAV 2000TM WITH "EASY MAP" Provides:
* GIS interface designed for both the experienced and novice GIS user.
* RMAV is an ArcView extension that adds features to ArcView to
streamline the integration of Infrastructure 2000 data within the GIS
* EasyMap provides access to GIS maps from within selected
Infrastructure 2000TM modules
RMAV 2000TM Arcview extension:
* The ability to bring shape files into an ArcView project pre-joined to
the correct Infrastructure 2000TM tables
* Automatic field labels based on the user definable Infrastructure
2000TM data dictionary
* A theme manager that allows
frequently used thematic maps to be recreated simply by picking them
from a list
* Filtering options that allow geographic selection sets to be applied to
the Infrastructure 2000TM database for the purpose of budget analysis
or reporting
* Specialized tools to aid in the editing of linear map features
* A streamlined tool to "Geolink" the Infrastructure 2000TM database to an
ArcView shape file
RMAV 2000TM MapObjects application: "EasyMap":
* Ability to view GIS maps from within Infrastructure 2000TM modules
* Ability to zoom, pan, and identify features in the map
* Ability to navigate through the database by clicking on features in the
* Ability to label features on the map with any field from the database
* Ability to bring background layers and images into the map
* Ability to select display colors for each layer
* Ability to print simple maps
RMAV 2000TM (#RMAV2000.W95) version 2.00 by Vanasse Hangen
Brustlin, Inc. is available from McTrans at LOS 7 for $1495.
The SIGNAL2000 program now includes the new TEAPAC Version
5 Interface which has been developed for all TEAPAC programs.
The Version 5 interface has many new and enhanced features for ease
of use and efficiency.
The most significant of these is a new Tabular View for data input
and editing which displays a maximum amount of data in a dialog
box using a table format so that lots of data can be reviewed, edited or
input with a minimum amount of mouse navigation. This Tabular
View compliments the two other modes of data entry and review
already found in every TEAPAC program: the Normal View of the
Visual Mode which provides significant on-screen helps and visual,
graphic cues (but lacks input efficiency), and the Manual Mode
which is highly efficient for power users (but lacks helpful cues). As
with the Normal View, customized Tabular View dialogs can be
generated from the Manual Mode on the fly, adding unmatched
efficiency to the data entry and review process.
A partial list of some of the features offered by the Version 5
interface includes:
* the tabular view for dense, tabular dialogs to
view and change data,
* a recent files dialog with option to include
recent files in the File menu,
* automatic Share and write-protect of files
written by another Ver 5 program,
* option to log significant results of computations in a text file,
* complete, built-in printer setup support and management,
* popup tool-tip help under the mouse cursor,
plus status-line help for screen cursor,
* direct linkage to other TEAPAC programs,
including launching script files,
* registration of TEAPAC file type allows double-click to launch,
* WinTEAPAC Menu permits naming a data file or script file to use,
* a 'Getting Started' button for first-time users is easily customizable,
* enhanced look for all dialogs using depressed input fields,
* direct editing of script (control) files and small data files,
* direct editing and conversion of text files to TEAPAC file format,
* history of manual mode commands for repeated command sequences.
The Capacity Analysis Only version of SIGNAL2000/TEAPAC Ver 1.10
from Strong Concepts (#TPCS2K.1.W95) is available from McTrans for
$295. The Usage Level 2 version (#TPCS2K.2.W95) which adds Timing
and Phasing Optimization is available for $595. Educational versions are
available for half-price and demonstration versions are available free as
downloads from the Strong Concepts and McTrans web pages. Registered
licensees of earlier versions of SIGNAL2000 may update at a reduced fee
directly from Strong Concepts.
HDM-4 1.2
TSIS 5.0
HCS2000 4.1a
Version Status
Patch Download
Registered users may upgrade
Palch Download
Palch Download
Update Watch
program (#TPCWAR.1.W95)
now performs signal warrant
analyses according to the
procedures dictated by the
MUTCD 2000 (Millennium
Edition) which became official
earlier this year.
WARRANTS2000 also
provides an option to perform a
warrant analysis using the
previous MUTCD (1988) like
its predecessor.
WARRANTS2000 performs a
comprehensive signal warrant
analysis using all the volume
oriented warrants of the
MUTCD 2000, including
warrants 1A, 1B, 1C, 2, 3A, 3B
and 7. A unique algorithm
searches every possible 60
minute period of a 15-minute count
for hours that meet the warrants,
ranking the identified hours by
minor street volume. Input data can
be imported directly from various
electronic traffic counters or
entered/edited manually. The 2000
warrant analysis is also built into the
Usage Level 2 version of
Usage Level 2 of WARRANTS
(#TPCWAR.2.W95) also provides
advanced tabulation and peak hour
analysis features. Peak 15-minute or
60-minute volume data can be sent
directly to other TEAPAC programs
like SIGNAL2000 for optimized
level of service calculations, SITE for
background traffic in impact studies,
Visit the
HCM WebBoard
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and PRENETSIM for signal timing
and modeling studies. Use of the
TED and TUTOR programs in the
TEAPAC system allow complete
automation of all of these
calculations for unparalleled
efficiency, accuracy and speed.
WARRANTS has a unique
Visual Mode which provides an
intuitive, Windows graphical user
interface, as well as a Command
Mode for power users. This is the
same WinTEAPAC2000 interface
found in all other TEAPAC
programs. This interface includes a
fully-indexed, on-screen user guide
and context-sensitive help and error
diagnostics. WARRANTS also
incorporates the new TEAPAC
Version 5 interface with its Tabular
View to increase efficiency for
intermediate users and certain data
intensive tasks (see SIGNAL2000
article elsewhere in this section).
The Warrant Analysis version of
from Strong Concepts
(#TPCWAR.1.W95) is available
from McTrans for $395. The Usage
Level 2 version (#TPCWAR.2.W95)
which adds advanced tabulation and
peak hour analysis features is
available for $595. Educational
versions are available for half price
and demonstration versions are
available free as downloads from the
Strong Concepts and McTrans web
pages. Registered licensees of earlier
versions of WARRANTS may
upgrade at a reduced fee directly
from Strong Concepts.
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HydroCAD-6 for Windows is now
shipping, with an extensive array of
new features, such as fully automatic
calculations and interactive reports.
As you make changes to the
watershed, reports and graphs are
automatically updated in moments.
HydroCAD-6 includes all the
capabilities of earlier versions, and
can directly import projects from all
earlier programs. The on-screen
routing diagram (which we
pioneered in 1986 with the first
HydroCAD release) now includes
full drag-and-drop capabilities for
easy watershed creation and
modification. Other features like full
English/metric units, enhanced
reports, and built-in curve number
lookup, make this the best
HydroCAD release ever.
* A fast and efficient 32-bit
Windows application.
Runs on all Windows platforms
from Windows 95 to 2000.
Fully network compatible, with
automatic license sharing within
your office.
New Windows user interface,
with independent, real-time
report windows as shown above.
Open multiple projects
Drag or cut-and-paste nodes
even between projects.
Pan, zoom, customize, and print
any graph or report.
Print automatic multi-page
reports for an entire project.
New pond routing procedure
models interconnected ponds
with automatic tailwater
Enhanced modeling of
standpipes, with automatic
SII, I I_' :.. ,,,I.I'. .,. I I. I ,
. I llnl I .. 1.. ..I l 1 n I. .
I I hl I..l h, ii..... 11 1 ., h I,.I.
transition to weir flow under low
head conditions.
Automatic weir calculations for
rectangular, vee, trapezoidal,
sharp-crested, and broad-crested
Enhanced exfiltration calculations
for modeling drywells, gravel
filled trenches, and related
Pond-sizing report estimates
storage required to achieve
desired discharge rates.
Runoff hydrographs can be
generated using the Santa
Barbara Urban Hydrograph
(SBUH), SCS, or Rational
methods. Switch methods at any
time to see how they compare.
Automatic back-to-back storm
for any rainfall distribution
without having to create a
custom rainfall table.
Automatic adjustment for
Antecedent Moisture Condition
(AMC) allows easy modeling of
dry or saturated conditions.
Multiple Time-of concentration
procedures -or set to zero for
instantaneous runoff from
rooftops or pond surfaces.
Unlimited hydrograph points for
higher resolution and/or long
time spans. Excellent for
detention pond studies when you
need an extended time period to
examine the entire pond
HydroCAD-6 for Windows
(#HCAD) by Applied
Microcomputer Systems is available
from McTrans at LOS 7. See product
list or call McTrans for pricing of
HydroCAD 6 with node sizes
ranging from 10 to 200.
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* HCS2000 now offers two kinds of reports:
formatted (HTML) reports, and unformatted
(text) reports. Formatted reports, which utilize
XML technology, require a recent version of
Microsoft Internet Explorer to be installed on
the computer. Appearance of the formatted
reports, including graphics, header/footer, and
margins, can be controlled from Internet
Explorer. Margins of the unformatted reports
can be affected in some cases by adjusting the
printer settings (Start > Settings > Printers >
Right Click on Printer > Properties > Paper >
Unprintable Area) from Windows. Adjusting
the margins is sometimes necessary to allow
the HCS2000-Signals summary report to
print on one page.
* In HCS2000-Signals, the default lane
utilization adjustment factor (fLU) is 0.95,
which indicates that a multilane lane group has
slightly uneven queues in each of the
individual lanes. When the lane utilization is
significantly uneven, the Highest Single Lane
Volume (HSLV) fields can be used to describe
the actual behavior in the streets. On the
interface, the HSLV input data fields are only
enabled for multilane lane groups. When it is
necessary to control the lane utilization of an
exclusive turn lane next to a shared lane,
containing the same turning movement as an
adjacent exclusive turn lane, the Percent Turns
from Shared Lane fields can be used. On the
interface, the Percent Turns from Shared Lane
fields are only enabled when a shared lane
contains the same turning movement as an
adjacent exclusive turn lane.
* In HCS2000-Ramps, adjacent ramp (not the
analysis ramp) input data affect results only
when the analysis involves six-lane freeways.
When the analysis involves four-lane or eight
lane freeways, adjacent ramp input data
(existence, position, type, distance, volume,
terrain, heavy vehicles, etc.) have no effect on
* Highways can be directly connected using
FRESIM ramp links. For a simple highway
to-highway connection an off-ramp from the
first highway may connect to an on-ramp onto
the next highway. However, there are
limitations that sometimes require the use of
NETSIM links. When using FRESIM only, it
is not possible to have a ramp that splits into
two ramps, and it is not possible to have two
ramps that merge into one.
* Although the default vehicle arrival
distribution is uniform, random arrivals may
be requested in the input file.
CORSIM has difficulty simulating random
vehicle arrivals when the input volume is
extremely low. CORSIM uses a distribution to
specify entry times within each one-minute
interval. When the entry volume is extremely
low the process breaks down and becomes a
constant distribution. With 10 vehicles per
hour (vph) the per minute entry volume is
one-sixth of a vehicle, so no vehicles enter for 5
minutes and then one vehicle enters during the
sixth minute. Low-volume driveways can
optionally be modeled using a time-varying
source node. Instead of specifying 10 vph for
the entire hour, 0 vph can be specified for most
of the hour along with a few short intervals
with 20 or more vph, so that the total number
of vehicles emitted over the hour is 10.
* Unlike NETSIM, FRESIM uses a gravity
model to determine the origin and destination
of individual vehicles, based on the mainline
volume and entering/exiting ramp traffic.
Origin-destination data can be used to override
the internally determined vehicle paths.
However, when coding this data, freeway
origin-destination pairs cannot be separated by
NETSIM sections. For two nodes to be an
acceptable origin-destination pair there must
be a path from the origin to the destination
that includes FRESIM links only.
* Release 9.3 offers a brand-new input data
editor and map view. The new editor improves
the intuition and efficiency of the data input
process, while maintaining the overall
flexibility and power of the original
TRANSYT model.
* In the mid '90s when TRANSYT 7F was
upgraded in order to simulate oversaturated
conditions, adjustments were made to the
calculation of queuing capacity. Under link
wise simulation, since it was not possible to
explicitly consider oversaturated conditions, an
automatic reduction (20%) to the queuing
capacity was implemented. The adjustment is
intended to make traffic flow patterns more
realistic in response to random queue and
queue blockage effects. Under step-wise
simulation, a more detailed queuing capacity
adjustment, based on degree of saturation and
duration of simulation, was implemented.
Input parameters Jam Density and Queuing
Capacity Multiplier may be used
to calibrate the calculation of queuing
capacities for individual links or the entire
network. In addition, the Queuing Capacity
input parameter can be used to override the
internally computed values.
* Efficiency is defined as the shortest major street
green divided by the bandwidth in each
individual direction. If efficiency is 50%, this
implies that progression has been maximized,
because the bandwidth in each direction uses
the entire available major street green.
Attainability is defined as bandwidth divided
by the shortest major street green. If
attainability is 100%, this implies that the
bandwidth cannot be increased without
increasing the shortest green time available
along the major street. Efficiency and
attainability are only reported within the
TRANSYT 7F output file when a specific
route has been defined in the input file.
AJH Associates
AI Technologies Ltd.
Akcelik & Associates
Caliper Corp.
Greg Bullock
Innovative Transportation
JMW Engineering, Inc.
KLD Associates &
Polytechnic Univ.
Microtrans, Inc.
Resource International, Inc.
RST International Inc.
Strong Concepts
Transoft Solutions
Transoft Solutions
Transoft Solutions
X32 Group, Inc.
aa Traffic SIDRA
SIG/Cinema, HCM/Cinema
Trip Generation
PMS 4.0
SimTraffic, Synchro
CADD Vehicle
Turning Templates
HSA Software
Publication Services
University of Florida
Christina Loosli, DESIGNER
Opinions expressed in this
newsletter do not reflect the
official views of the university.
Use of trade names implies no
endorsement by the University
Information Access
www: http://mctrans.ce.ufl.edu
E-mail: mctrans@ce.ufl.edu
Fax: (352) 392-6629
Toll Free: 1-800-226-1013
Telephone: (352) 392-0378
Bill Sampson 241
Bill Heitman 234
Assistant Direclor
Jesse Wolbert 239
Program Assislant
Debbie Escalera 242
Order Processing
David Hale 240
Technical Assislant
Nebiyu Tiruneh 238
Technical Assislant
General Responsibilities
Center & software information
Website & technical assistance (HCS)
Calalog & newsleller information
Adveilising & support services
Orders & new product slalus
Contracts & licenses
Order & shipment slalus
Software registralion & invoices
Traffic software technical assistance
Hydraulic software technical assistance
Fall 2001
McTrans Fall 2001
New Products
SUpdated Products
Since Summer 2001
Products List References
a 50 percent discount for
universities (must be university
P.O. or check).
cA This product has other
applications beyond the category
in which it is listed. Check the
catalog for details.
D Demo for this product is
included on McDemo CD the
(#McDemo) and also available for
download from our website.
Note Prices subject to change
without notice. All versions are for
PC-compatible, except Macintosh,
noted as .MAC.
McTrans provides full technical support of the
application and provides software maintenance, for
which the cost of maintenance is user-supported. Our
support at LOS 1 assures users of the following:
Immediate notification of any serious bug discovered in
a supported, maintained program; Free replacements of
program modules (and documentation) which are
updated to correct bugs; Periodic User Notes for useful
information; Discounted upgrades when major new
releases are issued. This software is maintained by
McTrans or the developer, thus the mechanism for
correcting bugs and implementing other enhancements
is in place and responsive to immediate needs.
This is software for which McTrans provides technical
support and free updates (but not major upgrades).
This is usually public domain software for which
McTrans serves as the distributor. McTrans provides
limited "first line" technical assistance in its use.
This is generally copyrighted software offered by
McTrans to the membership. It is referred to as
"freeware," "shareware" or "user supported" by various
developers. McTrans offers no support for software in
this category, but support usually can be obtained from
the developer for a registration fee. Registration of
shareware with the developer usually is required if the
program is placed into actual use.
This is useful public domain software that McTrans
makes available at a nominal fee. However, no one,
McTrans or the developer, provides any support. You're
on your own.
This is privately developed software distributed by
McTrans, for which a royalty is paid to the developer.
The developer provides the technical support.
This is privately developed software for which a royalty
is paid to the developer. Software at this level is
distributed by the developer and all support is provided
by the developer.
d ,.This is software developed by or for a public agency and
S is distributed by McTrans, including updates and
notices. All technical support and maintenance is
provided by the public agency or its contractor.
Guide! to Software! Code
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Highway Engineering Construction Management
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Highway Engineering Highway Design
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Highway Engineering Hydraulics
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Highway Engineering Pavements/Maintenance
IE lp:j :i n r:i 1 .1 1F'.: i 1. I*;":i I:I: PUI \: I:I l:I 1 1l ,l : ::
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Highway Engineering Surveying
ij. i l Fl F i\/ FI P iiP J 1:, 1ii 1' IlIf' 1 :I l
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Traffic Engineering Capacity Analysis
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Traffic Engineering Data Processing
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Traffic Engineering General Traffic
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1 ( 52 3 2 37 fa ( 523.- 62 m l 2
ST ( u *
S a o 2 o 2 '0 0
V0 1 c 0- a 0- 1- (n)c() _j
Signal Inventory System, Ver. 8.0 *i TOSSTS -' (Included) W'-. /iNi
Street Light Maintenance System, Ver. 8.0 *i TOSSSLI -i (Included) W'-. iN7j
Street Light Inventory System, Ver. 8.0 *'i TOSSSL -'. (Included) W'-. iNlij
Road Marking Inventory, Ver. 8.0 :I'1 TOSSRIVI (Included) W'-. iN7ij
Street Furniture Inventory System, Ver. 8.0 I:*1 TOSSSF i. (Included) W-. WiNi
Complaint Logging System, Ver. 8.0 9 TOSSCL I. (Included) *-'. WiNl
Traffic Collision Diagram Library 9 9. ACCDW(. 111 (On Disk)
Traffic Control Plan Library I :. TCPDW(. 11 (On Disk)
Traffic Engineering letter Library 9 9i TELL i (Included)
Traffic Engineer's Toolbox i. TET (On Disk) *-'.
Traffic Information Program Series (TIPS) TIPS 1.1
with Binder TIPS.B 1.
Traffic Noise Model Ver. 1.1 1 i1 1 TNM i.-1'. (Included) INi 1
Traffic Signal Design Library 9 9 TSDDW(. 11 (On Disk)
TUTOR/TEAPAC, Ver. 4.011D i. TPCTUT 1 (Included)
TUTOR/TEAPAC, WIN 3.x,Ver. 4.01 1: I:i TPCTUT 1 W\iI -I. (Included) WiNI
TUTOR/TEAPAC, WIN 95,Ver. 4.011 1 :I TPCTUT 1 \':. '-. (Included) '-:1. i.. NT
Traffic Engineering Safety & Accident Records
Accident Records Summary and Diagrams 1 I ACCI (On Disk)
Highway Safety Analysis, Ver. 2.1D 11 I HSA.W9E. f.' (Included) *-'.
KARS, Ver. 2.1 f. I KARS i.. (Included)
Demo KARS.DEi.1 (On Disk)
ROADSIDE, Ver. 5.0 1 9I. ROADSI'E .ii (On Disk)
SCCOLD, Ver. 3.311 11 .... SCCOLD 7. (On Disk) 1
Traffic Engineering Signal Timing & Warrants
aaSIDRA-Full, Ver. 1.0.2, Professional Single I. 1:1 SID.FPS II.' '. i.:. NT .
COVER for aaSIDRA 11 11: SID.CVS I117i
aaSIDRA Manual 11 I:I SID.MAN 1.
Contact McTrans for educational, multiple copy and upgrade prices
Advanced Traffic Analysis f TRAFFI( I:: FE.
Arterial Analysis Package Executive, Release 4.21D 9I AAPEX i AAPEX.D .. 1
ATMS Conference Proceedings 111 i, ATMS93.D iI
Left-Turn Signal/Phase Warrant Program i. 1. LTPHASE i
LTAP, Ver.2.1 1 ..7 LTAP (On Disk) IE-
METS (Spanish Version of WEST) 1 -'. METS I (Included)
M|0OSIT Volume 1, Reference Manual MOST.V1 1
M|0OSIT Volume 2, AAP Users Guide MOST.V2
M|0OSIT Volume 3, PASSER 11-90 Users Guide MOST.V3 1 .
M|0OSIT Volume 4, TRANSYT-7F Users Guide MOST.V4 1lN
M|0OSIT Volume 5, WHICH Users Guide MOST.V5 i:
M|0OSIT Binders MOST.B
NOSTOP/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Ver. 4.32 1 IIII TPCNST 1 (Included)
NOSTOP/TEAPAC (25 Intersections), Ver. 4.32 1 IIII TPCNST '. (Included)
Demo TPCNST I: (On Disk)
NOSTOP/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Windows 3.1, Ver. 4.32 1 iiii TPCNST 1 \INj :.. (Included) WINI
NOSTOP/TEAPAC (25 Intersections), Windows 3.1, Ver. 4.32 1 IIII TPCNST AiNj Ji (Included) iNj
Demo, Windows 3.1 TPCNST \k Il (On Disk) WINI
NOSTOP/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Windows 95, Ver. 4.32D 1 IIII TPCNST 1 Wi. :.. (Included) *-'.
NOSTOP/TEAPAC (25 Intersections), Windows 95, Ver. 4.32D 1 iii, TPCNST I \':. -1 (Included) *-'.
P2BAT 11 '1 P2BAT (On Disk)
PASSER 11-90, Ver. 2 1 .- P290 .' P290.D 1 1
M|0OSIT Volume 3 MOST.V3 1.
PASSER 111-98 i. 9 P398 ::1i (On CD) 1
Upgrade from PASSER 111-90 P398.U':. 17 1
PASSER IV-96, Ver.2.1 I. 97 P496 'ii P496.D 1. 1
PREPASSR/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Ver. 1.54 1 IIII TPCPPS 1 .i. (Included)
PREPASSR/TEAPAC (100 Intersections), Ver. 1.54 1 IIII TPCPPS (Included)
Demo TPCPPS I: (On Disk)
PREPASSR/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Windows 3.1, Ver. 1.541 1 ,i, TPCPPS 1 \I ilj (Included) INl
PREPASSR/TEAPAC (100 Intersections), Windows 3.1, Ver. 1.541 1 ,i, TPCPPS I \INI -L (Included) WINI
Demo, Windows 3.1 TPCPPS : \WIAl (On Disk) WIn
PREPASSR/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Windows 95, Ver. 1.54D 1 iIII TPCPPS 1 W\,I. (Included) *-'.
PREPASSR/TEAPAC (100 Intersections), Windows 95, Ver. 1.54D 1 iIII TPCPPS ` \'-:. (Included) W-'.
PRETRANSYT/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Ver. 2.641 1 III TPCPTR 1 1`C. (Included)
26 ~ ~ ~ McIn Fal 200 (32 39.07 fa.32 9-6
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PRENETSIM/TEAPAC (12 Intersections) Ver.1.24" 1 .i TPCPNT.1 1'. (Included)
PRENETSIM/TEAPAC (100 Intersections) Ver.1.24" 1 ii TPCPNT.2 f .' (Included)
Demo TPCPNT.O (On Disk)
PRENETSIM/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Windows 3.1, Ver.1.24 f 1 uu TPCPNT.1.WIN ('i. (Included) WIN
PRENETSIM/TEAPAC (100 Intersections) Windows 3.1, Ver.1.24" 1 uu TPCPNT.2.WIN i. (Included) WIN
Demo, Windows 3.1 TPCPNT.O.WIN (On Disk) WIN
PRENETSIM/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Windows 95, Ver.1.24"tD 1 ii TPCPNT.1.W95 (J'. (Included) W95
PRENETSIM/TEAPAC (100 Intersections), Windows 95, Ver.1.24" D 1 ui TPCPNT.2.W95 ': (Included) W95
Demo, Windows 95 TPCPNT.O.W95 (On Disk) W95
TSIS, Ver. 5.0 (Complete Package) .. TSIS5.W95 5 TSIS.D 5 W95
Upgrade for 4.2 .. TSIS5.UPG W95
VISSIM, Ver 3.5, Level I 1I STSIML1 (Included) W95/98/NT
VISSIM, Ver 3.5, Level II 1 STSIML2 1 (Included) W95/98/NT
VISSIM, Ver. 3.5, Level III I1 VISSIML3 1 (Included) W95/98/NT
VISSIM, Ver. 3.5, Level IV u1 VISSIML4 1 I. (Included) W95/98/NT
Traffic Engineering Traffic Maintenance
Berkeley Traffic System III 1 .... BTS3 '.I BTS3.D dB3+
KAR II, Ver. 7.0 11 i:. KAR II 1. (Included)
North Dakota Sign Management System, Ver. 4.0 ; '. NDSMS NDSMS.D
Sign Inventory System '. *i SIS SIS.D -
Transit Operations
Automated Transit Ridership Data .. 'i' ATRDCS ATRDCS -
Chapel Hill Scheduler Interactive Bus Scheduler .*. CHS CHS.D
Cost Allocation Applications ... COST COST.D 5 L123
Days Off CalculatorVer. 3.0 (DOS, Ver. 2.0 (WIN) 2 (Ii.: DAYS (On Disk) WIN
Fixed Guideway Transit 7 T' FGT FGT.D 1,,
Fleetmax 7 FMX I'- (Included)
Windows Version 'J FMX.WIN 'I' (Included)
Demo FMX.DEM (Included)
GFI Farebox Software Utilities :. 7 FAREBOX (Included)
Inventory CTRL 7 i' ICTRL 11iC. (Included)
Paratransit Vehicle Maintenance 7 'i PVM PVM.D -
Section 15 Transit Agency Performance Data
Section 15 Data, 1981-1997 (Specify Year) SECT15 SECT15.D 1K L123
SST3: Small Transit Management Software 1 :;7 SST3 SST3.D DB3
Vehicle CTRL .. VCTRL 1 "' (Included)
Transit Planning
Bus Transit Garage Space Requirements Model BBARN .' (Included)
CAM (Cost Allocation Model), Ver. 1.0 11 ;!: CAM 'i CAM.D L123
RPT Spreadsheets *' R. RPT .i RPT.D D
Transit Route Planning CAI Course 7 CAI (Included) WIN
Transportation Planning Data Processing
Advanced General Network Editor, Ver. 6.0 for Windows i' GNE.WIN -'. (Included)
License Plate Data Analysis Packagec LPLATE 7 (Included)
MVMACH, Ver. 5.4cA G. II MVMACH .15 (Included) W95/WIN
Survey 'i SURV 15. (Included) W95/WIN
TagMatcher, Ver 1.0 '. 1 TAGMTCH.W95 5. (Included) W95
Traffic Interpolater & Extrapolater Software TIES 1. (Included)
ZDATA, Ver. 1.3 'i, .. ZDATA (Included)
Transportation Planning Demand Modeling
HieLoW-Hierarchical Logit for WindowsTM (English) i 'i. HIELOW.EN -1.. (Included) WIN
HieLoW-Hierarchical Logit for WindowsTM (French) i 'i. HIELOW.FR -1.. (Included) WIN
The Highway Emulator 17 THE THE.D 1.
MOVES, Ver. 1.1 1 ..; MOVES TMOVES.D
Travel Demand Management EvaluationD 11 TDM TDM.D -u 1
Model, Ver. 2.2
UfosNET Professional A I1. UFOSNET '., (Included)
UfosNET Professional B UFOSNETB '.f., (Included)
UfosNET Lite UFOSLIT I. f. (Included)
UfosNET Academic UFOSACA 'i. (Included)
28 Mc-r Fal 1 () 39-08
Transportation Planning Network Assignment
i.i .:1:- i..11.1-i \/-i 1 0
i. I,:-,T .l l 1 ,i 1 1
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Transportation Planning Project Management
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Transportation Planning Site Analysis
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McTrans Fall 2001
Schedule of Selected Multiple & Agency User License Fees
Program1 Single Multiple
License License2
Limited Agency License
Maximum Number of Offices
10 15 20
$180 : :': $1800 : ':"
200 I _':. 2025 -1:11:1
180 I -1::1 1800 21
315 211::1 3150 1:11: 1
270 I' 2700 1.Xi
450 .,i,:1 4500 i.i::11:1
315 11 :,:1 3150 14:11:1
135 *: 1350 :i:,:i
270 ':i 2700 .i
225 I 1:I1 2250 ,:
155 11:1:1 1575 21:
450 .i:ii:i 4500 ,:.,11
225 1:I,:1 2250 ,:
225 III:1 2250 .:ii:
45 1:i1 450 :.i:i
180 I 1:":1 1800 21:'
180 11:ii:1 1800 11:11: 1
65 JMI 675 *
45 1:i1 450 1.1i:I:
225 51:1:1 2250 .i:,:1
200 I :.1:1 2025 :
450 .i:,1 4500 1.1:,:11:
450 .i: III: 4500 1.1 :n:
170 I 11:1 1750 "'8 1:1
225 151:1 2250 111111
Trademark Information
Apple Computer, Inc. Apple", Macintosh"
Borland/International dBASEO, dBASE III, dBASE III Plus", dBASE IV, dBRUNO
Epson America, Inc. EPSON
Hercules Computer Technology HerculesTM
International Business Machines Corp. IBM, IBM PC, IBM PC XT, IBM PC ATO, PC-DOS, OS/2,
Lotus Development Corp. Lotus 1-2-30, Symphony"
Microsoft Corp. Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows95, Windows98, WindowsNT,
Texas Transportation Institute PASSERO
Center for Microcomputers in Transportation McTransTM
University of Florida
25 License
$3000 : J :I:
3375 1 See catalog and product
list for details.
3000 1:' 2 Cost per license.
5250 5 3 Limited Agency Licenses
4500 allow up to the specified
7500 i 5 number of copies to be
used by the licensed
2250 ... 4 Does not include cables,
4500 .5, which are available for $20
3750 .5,. each.
2625 .*.I Single license = full price
7500 I '51: Multiple license =10
3750 5,..'. percent discount
3750 5,.'. Agency license= one
0 provided, additional copies
750 1 at 10 percent discount
3000 15'" with the original order, or
3000 5.:1:1 later with a minimum of
1125 1]i._5 five documents.
750 i i
3750 5'
3375 5,:,:,
7500 i':
7500 1 1 I1:
3750 5.
Ordering Tips
Please include your member number
(located on the mailing label) with all
orders and correspondence. This allows us to
process your order without delay and helps
to avoid duplications.
It is important to completely fill out the
McTrans order form, even when you
enclose your company or agency purchase
Most orders are shipped via UPS, so it is
important to have a street address. UPS
will not deliver to a post office box. When
ordering product upgrades, please be sure to
include the registration number of the
product being upgraded. Upgrades should
be ordered by the registered user This also
applies to add ons for the multiple license
Problems with an order are rare, and most
can be solved with a phone call. In the rare
event that a product return is required,
please obtain authorization before
returning an order to McTrans.
Your order can be expedited by faxing a
completed McTrans Order Form when you
use a credit card or purchase order Our fax
number is (352) 392 6629. Or, contact
McTrans for an E-mail order form:
If you require rush shipping via FedEx
(Federal Express), we will try to ship on the
same day, if the order arrives before 12
noon. This is not always possible, but we
make every effort to expedite these orders.
S 6 Oder r AL
McTrans Center
University of Florida
PO Box 116585
Gainesville, FL 32611-6585
FEID# 59-6002052
(352) 392-0378
Toll Free 1-800-226-1013
Fax (352) 392-6629
E-mail: mctrans@ce.ufl.edu
For McTrans use only:
Ship to:
E-Mail Address
ADDRESS (Do Not Use P.O. Box Number)
Bill Purchase Order To:
New Members: E Highway design, pavements, bridge design and hydraulics E Urban transportation planning E Maintenance
Please specify E Safety and accident records H Environmental (air, water and noise analysis) l Transit
areas of interest m Traffic engineering H Construction management H Surveying and photogrammetry
F Check enclosed. No.
payable to University of Florida-McTrans Center
U.S. dollar checks drawn on U.S. banks, or money orders, please.
O VISA/MC No._ _
Expires_ _--
Name as it appears on card
f Purchase Order Enclosed. No.
(Terms: Due upon receipt, copy of P.O. must accompany order.)
O If you wish us to ship by FedEx (only) include your FedEx No.
We are here to serve you. Thank you for your support.
OUTSIDE U.S. & CANADA Estimated Shipping:
25% (Maximum $25 per item)
FLORIDA CUSTOMERS ONLY: add 6% sales tax
plus county surtax, or your FL Tax Exempt No.
Order Processing Fee
Total amount enclosed*
*Orders will not be accepted without this
form (copy is OK) and an approved
method of payment for the proper amount,
including Order Processing Fee.