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Group Title: McTrans newsletter
Title: McTrans newsletter. Vol. 20.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00078185/00013
 Material Information
Title: McTrans newsletter. Vol. 20.
Series Title: McTrans newsletter
Physical Description: Serial
Language: English
Creator: Center for Microcomputers in Transportation, College of Engineering, University of Florida
Publisher: Center for Microcomputers in Transportation, College of Engineering, University of Florida
Publication Date: Summer 2000
Subject: University of Florida   ( lcsh )
Spatial Coverage: North America -- United States -- Florida -- Gainesville
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00078185
Volume ID: VID00013
Source Institution: University of Florida
Holding Location: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved, Board of Trustees of the University of Florida


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Table of Contents
        Page 1
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        Page 3
    Did you know?
        Page 4
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    New products
        Page 6
    Updated products
        Page 7
    McTrans products
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        Page 10
        Page 11
        Page 12
        Page 13
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        Page 15
        Page 16
        Page 17
        Page 18
    McTrans order form
        Page 19
Full Text

See Page 2

Transportation Research Center
512 Weil Hall, PO Box 116585, Gainesville FL 32611-6585
(352) 392-0378
UNIVERSITY OF Messages 1-800-226-1013
Fax (352) 392-3224
FLORIT A Email mctrans@ce.ufl.edu

O) Did you know?
I Roundabouts Techbrief
SNew Products
m0 Updated Products
U Conference &Training Calendar
2 Products Listing

-aI A F

1. A-F. Al

McTrans summer 2000


A Practical Pavement

Software Program
By J. Mauricio Ruiz,
HIPERPAV Team Leader
Transtec, Inc.

HIPERPAV is a practical pavement software program developed by
the FHWA to predict the behavior of concrete pavements immediate-
ly after construction. HIPERPAV offers state departments of
transportation, government officials and private industry contractors
a hands-on approach to pavement design. Within minutes of
selecting the pavement design, HIPERPAV can be used to predict
early-age performance of jointed concrete pavements. HIPERPAV
combines the input from four categories, pavement design, concrete
mix design, environment and construction, and outputs concrete
strength and stress as a function of time.
Pavement Stresses Different as Night and Day
HIPERPAV graphically plots the stresses and strength of the
concrete for the first 72 hours after placement (Figure 1). The
daytime stresses are light blue and the nighttime ones are grey. The
cyclic behavior of the stresses shows how the slab curls during the
day and warps at night. The influence of temperature on pavement
performance is the core of HIPERPAV.
HIPERPAV Failure Criterion for Pavement
As long as the stresses in the pavement are lower than the develop-
ing strength of the concrete, HIPERPAV predicts no cracks will form.
This pavement will perform as desired for the first 72 hours after
construction. However, if the combination of input parameters
results in tensile stresses greater than strength, cracks may form in
the newly placed pavement (Figure 2). HIPERPAV warns the user of
this possibility.
Why Investigate Stress and Strength Development in PCC for
just the First 72 Hours?
This early-age period is the critical time of pavement stress and
strength development. The strength of the concrete has not fully de-
veloped, so cracks will most likely form within this time frame. In ad-
dition, early-age cracking governs the long-term performance of
pavements. If no cracks form within this time period, the probability
that this pavement will be durable and can be used for over thirty
years increases significantly.
How does HIPERPAV work?
HIPERPAV uses a number of models to predict the stresses in and
the strength of PCC pavement for the first 72 hours after placement.
The core of the HIPERPAV program is a transient two-dimensional fi-
nite element model that predicts temperatures. Many of the concrete
behavioral models (such as concrete maturity and strength) are
based on the results of the temperature prediction model.
Versatility of HIPERPAV
The power behind HIPERPAV is its ability to assess the influence of
each individual pavement design parameter on pavement behavior.
Multiple scenarios can be analyzed with HIPERPAV. This will allow
the user to obtain the optimal solution, a pavement design with the
lowest probability of cracking as possible and at the lowest possible

=" 400


" 100


0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 7;

Elapsed time since construction (hours)

Figure Typical Output from HIPERPA V: Good Pavement Performance

0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
Elapsed time since construction (hours)

66 72

Figure 2. Typical Outputfrom HIPERPA V CrackingPredictedin Pavement.

30 HIPERPAV Crack Prediction
') 300-
Joint sawed
) 200-

100 Crack
o / \ formed

2 10 20 \ 30 40 \50 60 70
Elapsed time since construction (hours)

Figure 3. HIPERPA V Validation: Prediction of crack formation inJCP
placed in Arizona

Has HIPERPAV been validated?
HIPERPAV has been validated at several pavement construction sites
throughout the US (Minnesota, North Carolina, Arizona and Texas).
Actual early-age pavement temperatures were monitored and visual
condition surveys were conducted at regularly scheduled times to
measure joint movement and to record the time of crack formation.
The time the first crack formed in an Arizona pavement is compared
to the HIPERPAV prediction in Figure 3 and the correlation is good. In
addition, the software has undergone trial implementation at several
government, academic and industrial facilities.
HIPERPAV Applications
HIPERPAV has a wide variety of applications in the pavements indus-
try. HIPERPAV has been used in the forensics field as a post-mortem
investigation tool. It can also be used to predict problems before they
occur and to optimize pavement construction practices.
* Time of joint sawing. If joints are cut too early, the concrete may
not be strong enough to support the saw cutting equipment and
the pavement will be damaged structurally. Raveling at the joint
can also occur and lead to significant spelling damage. If joints
are cut too late, uncontrolled cracking can occur. The joints act to
relieve tensile stresses in the pavement.The optimum window of
opportunity to saw joints can be determined with HIPERPAV.
* Opening of concrete pavement to traffic. To minimize user costs,
pavements should be opened to traffic as soon as possible.
Because opening to traffic is primarily controlled by strength of
the concrete, HIPERPAV can be used to predict the time when the
specified concrete strength has been reached.
* Effect of climate on pavement behavior. Unexpected climatic
changes occur frequently during pavement construction. The
influence of these changes on pavement behavior can be immedi-
ately evaluated with HIPERPAV. For example, HIPERPAV can be
used to simulate the effect of a cold front on pavement stresses. If
the potential for cracking has increased significantly, HIPERPAV
can also be used to simulate how modifying construction
operations can still prevent pavement damage. Changing the tem-
perature of the concrete mix or using a different curing method
can reduce the cracking potential.
With its wide range of applications, HIPERPAV is a tool that can be
used to plan, design, and construct Jointed Concrete Pavements.
During the planning stage, HIPERPAV can be used to develop quality
control specifications based on available materials and climatic con-
ditions. During the design stage, HIPERPAV can be used to optimize
pavement design so that a better pavement can be constructed and
long-term pavement performance can be maximized. During the con-
struction stage, HIPERPAV can be used to prevent expensive repairs
by predicting the potential for unexpected cracking. Appropriate
means of cracking prevention can then be implemented. Finally,
HIPERPAV can be used in pavement forensic studies to determine the
reasons for pavement damage and/or poor pavement performance.
HIPERPAV (HIPERPAV.W95) is available at LOS 1 for $695.
See advertisement on page 13.
To read the complete article including Nevada Case Study visit
http.//mctrans.ce.ufl. edu/featured/

McTrans summer 2000

Akcelik & Associates Partners with McTrans

Under an international
cooperation agreement with the
Center for Microcomputers in
Transportation (McTrans), the
University of Florida, USA, Akce-
lik and Associates Pty Ltd will
support the Mc Trans software
products "Traffic Network Study
Tool 7 Federal" (TRANSYT-7F)
and Highway Capacity Software
(HCS) in Australia and New
Akcelik and Associates will
provide routine first-line user
technical assistance in the use of
TRANSYT-7F and HCS for users
in Australia and New Zealand.
McTrans will provide main line
support including all detailed
technical support, user
assistance and software mainte-
nance. In the case of TRANSYT-
7F, Akcelik and Associates will

provide second line support in
addition to the main line
technical support provided by
Akcelik and Associates Pty Ltd is
a research and development
company established in 1999 to
serve the transport industry. They
specialize in the area of road traf-
fic operations, traffic
engineering, management and
control and recently acquired the
SIDRA software package from
ARRB Transport Research.
For more information contact:
Akcelik & Associates Pty Ltd.
ACN 088 889 687
P O Box 1075G
Greythorn 3104, Australia
Phone: (613) 9857 9351
Fax: (613) 9857 5397
Mobile: 0407 881 567
Email: rahmi@akcelik.com.au
Web: www.akcelik.com.au


Louisville, KY August 9-11

Miami, FL August 29-31

Vancouver, BC October 16-18

Each seminar is 3 days and includes detailed
instruction on HCM procedures and
demonstrallons of Ihe latest version of Ihe
HCS and information on Ihe upcoming
HCM2000 and HCS2000. For more information.
go to Ihe following web page and click on the
link for each course for details.
For seminar questions. please contact Bill
Sampson al bsampson@ce.ufl.edu or contact
Milch Davis to register al mitch@gce.ufl.edu

McTrans summer 2000

The default arrival pattern for entry node
vehicle generation is the uniform distri-
bution. Two other arrival distributions,
normal and Erlang, are available in order
for modeling random arrivals. A special
case of the Erlang distribution is the
negative exponential distribution, i.e. Er-
lang with a parameter of 1.0. When the
negative exponential distribution is
requested, the result is actually a "shift-
ed" negative exponential distribution,
because vehicle separation is prohibited
from falling below a specific minimum
value.This shifted negative exponential
distribution allows the program to close-
ly replicate random, Poisson vehicle ar-
rivals on external links. These
non-default arrival distributions may be
requested within the input file.
If the input file is correctly designed,
CORSIM is capable of simulating two in-
tersections governed by one controller.
A sample file that illustrates this
technique is available for downloading
from the McTrans web site.
Trafvu can be launched before CORSIM
has completed simulation. However, if
the Trafvu animation "catches up" with
CORSIM, a warning message will
By defining bus routes and calibrating
bus (vehicle type) characteristics, it is
possible to simulate links that can only
be used by trucks or taxis.

In order to confirm which version of the
program was the last to modify a partic-
ular data file, select the menu item File >
Properties in the HCS-3 module when
that file is loaded.
HCS-3 and HCS-2 Unsignal-TWSC apply
different defaults for critical gap and fol-
low-up time.
Unsignal-Roundabout reports upper-
bound and lower-bound capacity, but not
level of service. It is recommended that
projections be based on the lower-
bound solution, and that the upper-
bound solution becomes feasible as
drivers become more experienced with
In Signals and Arterials, the I-factor
accounts for the metering effects
caused by upstream signals. The default
value in Signals is 1.0 for isolated inter-
sections. However, lower values may be
specified when upstream signals are
nearby. The result is a reduction in the
variance of arrivals per cycle, and a cor-
responding reduction in vehicle delay.
HCM Chapter 11 contains a formula plus
recommended values for the I-factor
based on upstream degree of saturation.
For actuated phases in the Signals mod-
ule, it is necessary to specify average
green times in the phasing input screen.
The average green time for an actuated
phase is not necessarily equal to the
maximum or the minimum green time.

Minimum phase times are useful in situa-
tions where the user wishes to prevent an
actuated phase time from shifting, while
still obtaining the actuated delay estimate.
Minimum phase times are also useful for
eliminating spillback on critical links.
Shared lanes served by protected-only
phasing should be defined with a single
link, having an adjusted saturation flow
rate, in order to avoid biases in the
results. The existing shared lanes model
is typically appropriate for shared, permit-
ted left-turns only.
When step-wise simulation is used, inter-
nal shared lanes must be coded with the
full link length so that spillback will not
occur prematurely.This applies for the pri-
mary shared lane link, and all secondary
shared lane links.
On external links with no nearby upstream
signal, arrival type should always be 3 to
reflect random arrivals, regardless of the
effective green time. However, output will
sometimes report an arrival type of 1 or 2
on short external links. This is because
vehicle arrivals are cut off while the exter-
nal link is full, resulting in non-uniform ar-
rivals across the cycle length.
Time full% will sometimes be reported as
greater than 100% due to spillover from
an adjacent turn bay. The combined time
full% is being reported for the turn bay
and the adjacent link.

Prog ram Tracks:
Harmonization and Smart Growth
Traffic Engineering
Major Transportation Issues or Transit/TDM
Systems Management & Operations

Functional Highlights:
The HCM 2000: A Highway Capacity Manual for the New Millennium
Profession Operations Engineer Refresher Course
Practical Project Management for the Transportation Professional
Bicycle Facilities Tour
Music City Tour
Annual Business Meeting
Get Acquainted Party
Opening Session
Transportation Products and Services Exhibit

McTrans summer 2000

Roundabouts: An Informational Guide (Techbrief)

The following Techbrief, Roundabouts:
An Informational Guide, FHWA-RD-00-
068, March 2000 (PDF 340KG) was
reprinted in part from the Turner-Fair-
bank Highway Research Center
website: http://www.tfhrc.gov. with per-

although roundabouts have

been in widespread use in
other countries for a num-
ber of years, it is only during the
past few years that their applica-
tion in the United States has
received increased attention by
both the public and
transportation professionals. A
lack of sufficient information on
roundabout operation and design
under local U.S. conditions is one
of the reasons why these
roundabout intersections have
seen only sporadic
implementation. This national
guide bridges this gap by provid-
ing a comprehensive source of
information on modern
roundabouts, from small mini-
roundabouts to large freeway in-
terchange roundabouts. To make
the information widely
accessible, the guide has been
structured and written to address
the needs of a wide range of
readers, including the general
public, policy-makers, transporta-
tion planners, operations and
safety analysts, and conceptual
and detailed designers. Not only
does the guide provide general
information and planning-level
analysis techniques, but it also
includes evaluation procedures
for assessing operational and
safety performance, as well as
design guidelines. Input from
transportation practitioners and
researchers from around the
world were used in developing
the guide.This book covers the
needs of all travel modes and
provides design guidance for in-
corporating these needs into final
Safety and Operational Bene-
Many international studies have
found that one of the most signifi-
cant benefits of a roundabout in-
stallation is the improvement in
overall safety performance.
Specifically, in the United States,
it has been found that single-lane
roundabouts operate more safely
than two-way stop-controlled
intersections. The frequency of
crashes might not always be low-

er at roundabouts, but the injury
rates are reduced. Pedestrians
and bicyclists require specific de-
sign treatments to improve their
safety. On a planning level, it can
be assumed that roundabouts will
provide higher capacity and lower
delays than all-way stop control,
but less than two-way stop
control if the minor movements
are not experiencing operational
problems. A single-lane
roundabout may be assumed to
operate within its capacity at any
intersection that does not exceed
the peak-hour volume warranted
for signals. A roundabout that op-
erates within its capacity will gen-
erally produce lower delays than
a signalized intersection
operating with the same traffic
volumes and right-of-way
When to Recommend Round-
abouts: Planning Analysis
Roundabouts can be considered
for a variety of reasons. The
roundabout guide describes cate-
gories for selection that range
from community enhancement
and traffic calming, to safety
improvements and operational
benefits. The maximum daily
service volume of a single lane
roundabout varies between
20,000 and 26,000 vehicles per
day, depending on the left-turn
percentages and the distribution
of traffic between the major and
minor roads. A double-lane
roundabout may service 40,000 to
50,000 vehicles per day.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Defines the key features and
describes the various types of
roundabouts It clearly highlights
the differences between
roundabouts and other forms of
traffic circles with the generous
use of photographs to depict a
variety of situations.
Chapter 2: Policy
Provides a broad overview of
roundabout performance charac-
teristics including safety, delay,
environmental factors, traffic
claiming, aesthetics, and multi-
nodal considerations, as well as
the policy considerations that
pertain to their use. Costs associ-
ated with roundabouts relative to
other intersection forms, legal is-
sues, and educational and public
involvement techniques are also

Chapter 3: Planning
This chapter presents planning-
level guidelines for identifying ap-
propriate intersection control
options. This chapter presents
daily traffic volume based proce-
dures for evaluating roundabout
feasibility at a given location.
Chapter 4: Operational Analy-
This chapter details methods for
analyzing the operational
performance (capacity, delay and
queuing) of each type of
roundabout. This chapter
describes traffic operation at
roundabouts, lists the data
required for evaluating
roundabouts, shows how to esti-
mate capacity, describes
measures of effectiveness and
provides a brief overview of avail-
able software tools.
Chapter 5: Safety
This chapter discusses the
improvements in safety perform-
ance that roundabouts typically
provide at intersections.
Roundabout safety related to ve-
hicles, bicycles, and pedestrians
is discussed and international
roundabout safety experience is
presented for comparison. In ad-
dition, crash predictions models
are given for evaluation crashes
at roundabouts.
Chapter 6: Geometric Design
The chapter presents the basic
design philosophy of speed
reduction and speed consistency
to maximize the safety of a round-
about. This chapter presents spe-
cific roundabout geometric
design principles, and then
discusses each design element in
detail along with appropriate pa-
rameters to use for each type of
Chapter 7: Traffic Design and
This chapter discusses a number
of traffic design aspects that
should be considered once the
basic geometric design has been
established. These details include
signs, pavement markings, illumi-
nation and landscaping. This
chapter also discusses issues re-
garding work zone traffic control
at roundabouts.
Chapter 8: System Considera-
This chapter identifies specific is-
sues and treatments that may
arise within a system context. The
chapter discusses signal control

at roundabouts and the issue of
rail crossing, through or near a
roundabout. Roundabouts in se-
ries with other roundabouts are
also discussed, including those
at freeway interchanges and
those in signalized arterial
networks. Finally, Chapter 3 pres-
ents simulation models as
supplementary operational tools
capable of evaluating
roundabouts performance within
an overall roadway system.
The important difference
between roundabouts and other
forms of traffic circles is the reduc-
tion of absolute and relative
speeds between users.
Roundabouts require conformance
to common practices to ensure
safe, optimal operation. A
scattered approach to design can
lead to inconsistencies at a nation-
al level that are consequential in
terms of driver expectation and

Roundabouts: An Informational
Guide (FHWA-RD-00-067) will be
available on the Internet at the
Turner-Fairbank Highway
Research Center website:

Contributors to the book include:
Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Ruhr-University Bochum
University of Idaho
Hurst-Rosche Engineers
Buckhurst Fish & Jacquemart
Queensland University of
Technology (Australia)
University of Florida
Pennsylvania State University
Eppell Olsen & Partners

In addition, the document
benefited from extensive review
by representatives of French and
British practices as well as
AASHTO, MUTCD, and represen-
tatives of the Americans With
Disabilities Act. For more
information, please contact:
Turner-Fairbank Highway
Research Center
FHWA project manager:
Joe Bared, (202) 493-3314,

McTrans summer 2000

at I a M

aaSIDDRAaSIDRA is an advanced analytical tool
for evaluation of alternative intersection treatments
in terms of capacity, level of service, and a wide
range of performance measures such as delay,
queue length and operating cost.
Now fully owned and supported by Akcelik & As-
sociates Pty Ltd, SIDRA was renamed aaSIDRA,
short for aaTraffic SIDRA. Two versions of aaSIDRA
are available. aaSIDRA Capacity includes all features
of aaSIDRA Full except signal timing optimisation.
Both versions allow the user to model signalised in-
tersections, roundabouts, sign-controlled
intersections, single-point urban interchanges and
signalised pedestrian crossings.
In June 2000, aaSIDRA was in use in over 1200
sites in 65 countries including 450 in the USA, 370 in
Australia and New Zealand, 100 in South Africa, over
100 sites in Europe. For detailed information, refer to
The new features of aaSIDRA 1.0 include the follow-
SNew 32-bit application for Windows
* Better file management with direct access to in-
dividual files, text output tables and graphs
through an efficient "Project tree" structure;
support of long file names, and ability to start
aaSIDRA by double clicking input and output
SVarious output enhancements; new user guide
and help system; and user guide supplied on
CD and installed with aaSIDRA.
* "Configuration" utility fully incorporated into the
front end alongside "Actuated Signal Defaults"
and "Sensitivity Parameters" utilities accessed
directly from the toolbar or menu.
* New "Cost Parameters" utility for calibrating the
operating cost model for local conditions. Cali-
bration parameters include Cost Unit (user's
own currency), Pump Price of Fuel, Average In-
come, and so on.
* Direct links to two special Excel applications:
"Annual_Sums.xls" for yearly totals of statistics
such as operating cost, fuel consumption, CO2,
total delay, and so on; and "Roundabout_
Linear_CapacityModel.xls" for comparing
roundabout capacity estimates from the
aaSIDRA gap-acceptance and UK "empirical"
aaSIDRA (#aaSIDRA) version 1.0 by Akcelik & As-
sociates Pty Ltd is available at LOS 6 for $690. (See
ad on page 18.)

CADD Sign Library (CSL) is a collection of
traffic signs drawn in CAD. The sign drawings can
be used in signing and marking plans, signal plans,
maintenance of traffic plans, or wherever a graphic
of a traffic sign is needed. CSL is announcing the re-
lease of the newest version of their software.
Version 2.0 adds 200 signs to its previous version
for a total of 500 sign drawings. Even more
important, the signs are now drawn in color.
CSL can be ordered in two versions. Version 1.0
consists of over 300 signs drawn in black and white.
This version is available in AutoCAD DWG format,
MicroStation CEL format, and DXF format that is
compatible with other CAD packages. This version
sells for $195 for the first license and $100 for each
additional license. Version 2.0 adds color to the
signs and offers an additional 200 signs for a total of
500 signs. This version sells for $295 for the first li-
cense and $150 for each additional license. Site
licenses are now available for both versions.
Complete product information, including demo files,
software descriptions, and ordering information can
be found on the CSL web site. See CADD Sign
Library advertisement on page 8 for information.
The MicroStation CEL format groups the sign
drawings into cell libraries. The AutoCAD DWG
format has a separate DWG file for each sign.This
ensures easy insertion into your plans. Hundreds of
hours were dedicated to the development of this
software. How long would it take and how much
would it cost for you to draw 500 signs in color? If
you need an instant library of high quality traffic
sign drawings that is also cost effective, the CADD
Sign Library is your answer.
CADD Sign Library (#CADDV2.DWG,
#CADDV2.CEL) by Dave Howell is available at LOS 6
for $295. Additional licenses are available for $150.
(See ad on page 8.)

IDAS The ITS Deployment Analysis System (IDAS)
is an ITS sketch planning analysis tool that can be
used to estimate the impacts, benefits and costs re-
sulting from the deployment of ITS components.
IDAS operates as a post-processor to the travel de-
mand forecasting models employed by the planning
community. That is, IDAS utilizes the modal split and
traffic assignment results from the traditional plan-
ning model to estimate changes in modal, route, and
temporal decisions of travelers resulting from ITS
technologies. Because IDAS is a intended for sketch
planning analysis, it is a tool to analyze alternatives
rather than optimize ITS operations. In this version
of IDAS an induced/forgone demand option is avail-
able for daily time period analysis and a temporal
shift option is available for peak-hour analysis.

Planners and others can use IDAS to predict rela-
tive costs and benefits for more than 60 types of ITS
investments. The set of impacts evaluated by IDAS
include changes in user mobility, travel time/speed,
travel time reliability, fuel costs, operating costs, ac-
cident costs, emissions, and noise. The performance
of selected ITS options can be viewed by market
sector, facility type, and district.
IDAS is designed to operate in the Windows
NT 4.0 environment. IDAS also operates in the Win-
dows 95 environment, although depending on the
hardware configurations it may present network-
viewing problems. A fully functional Windows 95/98
version should be available by July 2000. It is recom-
mended that at a minimum IDAS is run on a 300
megahertz Pentium II processor, due primarily to the
use of complex algorithms in the traffic assignment
process and the graphical interface. In addition, it is
recommended that at least 128 megabytes of RAM
and at least two gigabytes of free disk space are
available when running the IDAS program.
IDAS (#IDAS.W95) is available at LOS 1 for $795.
Discounts for multiple licenses are available. The
manual is included on the CD. An unbound printed
hardcopy of the manual (#IDAS.D) is available from
McTrans for $30.

VISSIM VISSIM and its light version called Street-
SIM are microscopic, time step and behavior based
simulation models developed to analyze the full
range of functionally classified roadways and transit
operations (e.g., LRT, BRT, queue jumps, etc.).
VISSIM/StreetSIM can model integrated roadway net-
works found in a typical corridor as well as various
modes consisting of general-purpose traffic, buses,
HOV, light rail, heavy rail, trucks, pedestrians, and bi-
cyclists. ITS components and strategies can also be
modeled in VISSIM: variable message signs (VMS),
ramp metering, incident diversion, adaptive signal
control, transit signal priority, lane control signals,
dynamic lane control signs, etc. Unique features of
VISSIM include 3D vehicle animation, interfaces with
planning/forecast models, and assessment of
access management strategies. VISSIM was original-
ly developed in the 1970s with commercial distribu-
tion commencing in 1993. Today, there are more than
300 worldwide users and 70 VISSIM/StreetSIM users
in North America.
VISSIM (#VISSIM) by Innovative Transportation
Concepts, LLC, is available at LOS 7. For pricing,
see the product listing on page 27. (See ad on page

Updated Products

QRS II Version 6The newest Quick Response System II, version 6, greatly
increases the flexibility of travel forecasting models without increasing difficulty
for novice users. New features include the ability to define almost any set of trip
generation or automobile occupancy equations in up to 35 variables; the poten-
tial for automatic activity allocation, where the model calculates employment
and population from data on the availability of land for future development and
zonal accessibility; larger number of zones up to 3600; the ability to "cascade"
QRS II runs together to create complex simulations with a multitude of networks
and trip purposes; expanded link attributes that include formal provision for
trucks and signal timing; traffic-controlled intersection delay in accordance with
the 1997 HCM; and a new traffic assignment technique that recognizes the
shapes and contents of TAZs. An extensive on-line Help and a 450-page manual
are included. Utility software is provided for conversion to QRS II from other
travel forecasting packages and GISs. Quick Response System II (#QRSGNE) by
AJH Associates is available at LOS 7. Pricing is based on the number of zones
as shown below.
400 Zones with Advanced GNE: Product No. QRSGNE.400 $390.00
800 Zones with Advanced GNE: Product No. QRSGNE.800 $585.00
1600 Zones with Advanced GNE: Product No. QRSGNE.1600 $780.00
3600 Zones with Advanced GNE: Product No. QRSGNE.3600 $975.00

7F release 8.2a is coming soon
to the McTrans web site. This
patch corrects miscellaneous
problems that were found in
release 8.2. Users who would like
to be notified immediately once
the patch is available, please e-
mail us at mctrans@ce.ufl.edu.

Correction WinTASS was
incorrectly identified in the Cata-
log as Traffic Assignment
Spreadsheet System, Version 2.0.
WinTASS (#WINTASS) Version 2.0
by Transportech Corporation is
available at LOS 7 for $295. A
demonstration version
(#WINTASS.DEM) is available for
$5. WINTASS operates on
Windows 3.1,Windows 95/98, and
Windows NT.

McTrans summer 2000

Advanced Traffic Analysis
self running multimedia
presentation from FHWA
designed to raise awareness
and encourage use of USDOT
sponsored research in traffic
analysis. Include this free
CDon your next order.

UpdateWatch Package Version Status Target Distribution
TRANSYT-7F 8.2a Under development Summer Automatic to registered users
HDM-4 1.1 Under development Summer Automatic to registered users
TSIS 5.0 Under development Fall Registered users may upgrade



70th ITE Annual Meeting Aug 6-9 Nashville, TN
Institute of Transportation Engineers, (202) 554-8050


Highway Capacity Analysis
McTrans, Mitch Davis (352) 392-0378 ext. 229
See announcement on page 3
"Timing Traffic Signals Using TEAPAC,
Strong Concepts and University of Wisconsin, (847) 564-0386
"Advanced TEAPAC Application Techniques"
Strong Concepts and University of Wisconsin, (847) 564-0386

August 9-11
August 29-31
October 16-18
October 2-4

October 5-6

Louisville, KY
Miami, FL
Vancouver, BC
Las Vegas, NV

Las Vegas, NV

McTrans summer 2000


1 Full Technical and Maintenance Support

2 Technical and Update Support

3 Limited Technical Support

4 Freeware/Shareware/User Supported

5 Unsupported

6 Proprietary Software, McTrans Distributed

7 Proprietary Software. Developer Distributed

8 Publicly Developed and Supported

McTrans provides full technical support of the application
and provides software maintenance, for which the cost of
maintenance is user-supported. Our support at LOS 1
assures users of the following: Immediate notification of any
serious bug discovered in a supported, maintained program;
Free replacements of program modules (and documentation)
which are updated to correct bugs; Periodic User Notes for
useful information; Discounted upgrades when major new
releases are issued.This software is maintained by McTrans
or the developer, thus the mechanism for correcting bugs
and implementing other enhancements is in place and
responsive to immediate needs.
This is software for which McTrans provides technical
support and free updates (but not major upgrades).
This is usually public domain software for which McTrans
serves as the distributor. McTrans provides limited "first line"
technical assistance in its use.
This is generally copyrighted software offered by McTrans to
the membership. It is referred to as "freeware,""shareware"
or "user-supported" by various developers. McTrans offers
no support for software in this category, but support usually
can be obtained from the developer for a registration fee.
Registration of shareware with the developer usually is
required if the program is placed into actual use.
This is useful public-domain software that McTrans makes
available at a nominal fee. However, no one, McTrans or the
developer, provides any support. You're on your own.
This is privately developed software distributed by McTrans,
for which a royalty is paid to the developer.The developer
provides the technical support.
This is privately developed software for which a royalty is
paid to the developer. Software at this level is distributed by
the developer and all support is provided by the developer.
This is software developed by or for a public agency and is
distributed by McTrans, including updates and notices. All
technical support and maintenance is provided by the public
agency or its contractor.

SNew Products

Updated Products

Since Spring 2000

A large number ofproducts have been deleted from
this issue Product List. They include mostly the
products having LOS 3, 4, and 5. They are still
available from the website catalog.


? b
C a 0p

Highway Engineering Construction Management
Easy Project, Ver. 3.6 1/90 EZPROJ $5 (On Disk) 4
Estimax, Ver.1.0 12/99 ESTMAX.WIN 400 (Included) WIN 7
GANTT, Ver. 1.3 10/88 GANTT 5 (On Disk) 4
North Dakota Materials Management System, Ver. 1.0 2/93 NDMMS 50 NDMMS.D $5 3
North Dakota Roadway Management System, Ver. 1.0 2/93 NDRMS 50 NDRMS.D 5 3
PC Project, Ver. 1.1 4/88 PC PROJ 5 (On Disk) 4
WINsched, Ver. 1.04c 3/97 WINSCH 195 (Included) 6
Highway Engineering Highway Design
BERM, Ver. 1.0 9/87 BERM 5 BERM.D 25 5
BRCOM 6/88 BRCOM 50 BRCOM.D 10 3
BRICK Package 6/91 BRICK 12,930 (Included) 7
Individual modules are available. Refer to Catalog or call for details.
BRIDGE RM/LL, Ver. 1.0 6/89 BRIDGE 50 BRIDGE.D 5 3
COM624P, Ver. 2.0 10/93 COM624P 5 COM624P.D 25 5
Datasets for Standardized Small Sign Support Hardware 6/97 GSSH 30 5
DILLY, Ver. 1.1 8/88 DILLY 3001 (Included) 1
ICAHD, Ver. 3.0 4/98 ICAHD 2500 (Included) 7
KwikSOFT Bridge Design Utilities-Series 1 6/96 KSBDS 75 (Included) 7
PC-BRIDGE, Ver. 2.60 1/90 PCBRIDGE 5 (On Disk) 4
PC-STRAN, Ver. 5.02 1/90 PCSTRAN 5 (On Disk) 4
PIZER EARTH Earthwork Cut & Fill Calculator Ver. 5.0 9/97 PEARTH.W95 500 (Included) W95 7
PL-AID, Ver. 1.1 9/89 PLAID 5001 (Included) 1
PPLAN-6R 4/92 PPLAN 75 (Included) 6
Reinforced Slope Stability 9/97 RSS 5 RSS.D 10 5
SET-SAND, Ver. 1.0 12/84 SETSAND 501 (Included) IB 1
SHAFT, Ver. 1.0 7/89 SHAFT 2001 (Included) L123 1
SHAFTUF, Ver. 1.0 3/92 SHAFTUF 2001 (Included) IB 1
Single Point Urban Interchange 9/99 SPUI 50 (On Disk) QPROV8 3
SPILE, Ver. 2.0 6/93 SPILE 50 SPILE.D 10 3
Traffic Barrier Hardware Datasets 9/95 TBHD 20 (Included) 5
Highway Engineering Hydraulics
ASHDRAIN, Ver. 2.0 3/92 ASHDRAIN 165 (Included) 6
BASINOPT 4/98 BASINOPT 1,235 (Included) W95 7
BOXCAR, Ver. 1.0 11/88 BOXCAR 125 BOXCAR.D 25 1
Supplemental Documentation BOXCAR.DS 25
BRI-STARS, Ver.3.3 3/93 BRI-STARS 100 BRI-STARS.D 25 1
CANDE89, Ver. 1.0 5/90 CANDE 5 CANDE.D 20 5
Source Code, Ver. 1.0 5/90 CANDE.S 5 (SI) 5
CANDE-POST", Ver. 1.1 9/94 CPOST 335 (Included) 7
CANPRO, Ver. 1.2 8/89 CANPRO 80 (Included) 6
CHANNEL 4/98 CHANNEL 585 (Included) W95 7
CODEH2, Ver. 3.59 6/89 CODEH2 695 (Included) 6
Demo, Ver. 3.59 10/88 CODEH2.DEM 10 6
Culvert Analysis (HY-8), Ver. 6.1 6/99 HY8 125 HY8.D 40 2
Upgrade to Ver. 6.0 HY8.UPG 25 (Included)
CULVERT2, Ver.1.0 11/92 CULVERT2 75 (Included) 2
CULVERT3, Ver.1.0 (Metric) 4/94 CULVERT3 75 (Included) 2
CULVERT4 5/98 CULVERT4 50 (Included) 6
CulvertMaster 9/99 CM.W95 795 W95 7
DBRM (Drainage Basin Runnoff) 4/96 DBRM 175 (Included) 6
Metric Ver. 4/96 DBRM.M 175 (Included) 6
Drainage Requirements in Pavements 11/98 DRIP 50 DRIP.D 10 3
EASy (Engineering Analysis System), Ver. 1.1 7/89 EASY 150 (Included) 6
EPANET Modeling System 9/97 EPANET.W95 (Included) W95 7
Contact McTrans for quote.
FESWMS, Ver.1.0 3/89 FESWMS 70 FESWMS.D 25 3
Supplemental Documentation FESWMS.DS 25
FlowMaster PE for Windows 12/95 FLOWPE.WIN 195 Win 7
FlowMaster I, Ver.3.4 7/93 FLOW 100 (On Disk) 7

-3 fx (i


Formed in Place Pipe, Ver. 3.1 12/95 FIPP $225 Included Win 6
HEC-1, Ver. 4.0 8/90 HEC1.GSS 160 HEC1.D $45 2
Spanish Documentation HEC.DS 45 2
HEC-2, Ver. 4.6.2 6/91 HEC2 95 HEC2.D 30 2
Spanish Documentation HEC2.DS 30
HEC-12 (Pavement Drainage), Ver. 3.0 11/93 HEC12 350 (Included) 7
Demo, Ver. 2.11 HEC12.DEM 5 (On Disk) 6
HEC-RAS, Ver.2.0 5/97 HECRAS 125 HECRAS.D 25 W95/WIN 2
HYDRAIN, Ver. 6.1 4/99 HYD6 350 HYD6.D 50 1
Ver. 6.0 Upgrade from Ver. 5.0 HYD6.UPG 50 1
Supplemental Documentation HYD.DS 25
Hydrogen Sulfide (HS), Ver.1.0 4/91 HS 45 HS.D 15 6
Supplemental Documentation HS.DS 20
HydroCAD, Ver.5.0 8/98 HCAD10 395 (Included) 7
HCAD20 595 (Included) 7
HCAD40 795 (Included) 7
HCAD90 995 (Included) 7
HCAD200 1195 (Included) 7
Hydrological Modeling System, Ver.1.1 6/99 HECHMS 75 HECHMS.D 20 2
Hydrology & Hydraulics for Stormwater Management Manual 6/96 HHSME.D 85
HYDROpac, Ver.2.1b HPAC 50 (Included) 6
HY-EDIT, Ver.1.1 11/91 HYEDIT 50 (On Disk) 6
HYTB 3/99 HYTB.D 20
LCA, Ver. 1.0 12/90 LCA 35 LCA.D 15 6
LCA Metric, Ver. 1.0 8/90 LCAM 35 LCAM.D 15 6
LCAP, Ver.1.0 12/90 LCAP 40 LCAP.D 10 6
MacCulvert, Ver.1.0 8/90 MACCULV.MAC 100 (Included) 7
MacStorm Sewer, Ver. 3.1 8/90 MACSTORM.MAC 550 (Included) 7
PIPECAR, Ver.2.1 3/95 PIPECAR 175 PIPECAR.D 25 1
ASCE Standard 15-93 3/95 ASCE15.D 35
PONDS 3/95 PONDS 700 (Included) 7
PROfile 7/89 PFILE 50 (Included) 6
Pumping Stations Analysis 3/00 PSA 125 (Included) WIN 6
QUICK PIPE, Ver.1.3 3/95 QPIPE 125 (Included) 6
QUICK PIPE PRO, Ver. 1.0 12/95 QPP 375 (Included) 6
RIMS 4/98 RIMS 105 (Included) W95 7
SAMM, Ver.2.0 10/90 SAMM 50 SAMM.D 15 6
Supplemental Documentation SAMM.DS 40
StormCAD (25 Inlet Version) 12/95 StormCAD.WIN 495 WIN 7
Storm Sewer Analysis 5/93 SSANAL 175 (Included) 6
Ver. 3.0 Upgrade SSANAL.UPG 40 (Included) 6
Metric Ver. 5/93 SSANAL.M 175 (Included) 6
Storm Sewer Hydrograph 9/93 SSHYD 175 (Included) 6
Ver. 3.0 Upgrade SSHYD.UPG 40 (Included) 6
Metric Ver. 5/93 SSHYD.M 175 (Included) 6
Stormwater Infiltration Structure Design 9/95 SISD 45 7
Stormwater Management, Ver.4.0 1/94 SMANAG 225 (Included) EXC,WIN 6
Stormwater Management and Design Aid, Ver. 1.0 3/97 SMADA 5 (On Disk) WIN 4
Street Flow 12/92 STFLOW 225 (Included) 7
Surface-water Modeling System, Ver. 6.0 9/99 SMS 3950 (Included) WIN,W95/NT 7
SMS Upgrade SMS.UPG 400 7
SWATER.WIN 2/94 WATER $5 (On Disk) WIN 4
Urban Drainage Design Program 4/98 HY-22 5 HY-22.D $20 W95 5
Urban Stormwater Management 4/96 USMGT 200 (Included) IB 6
Metric Ver. 4/96 USMGT.M 200 (Included) 6
Watershed Modeling System, Ver. 5.1 9/99 WMS 1750 (Included) WIN,W95/NT 7
WMS Upgrade WMS.UPG 150 7
WINhydroc 12/99 WINHYDR 375 (Included) W95/98/NT 6
WINPROfile, Ver. 1.03 12/99 WINPRO 50 (Included) 6
WSPRO (HY-7), Ver. 6.1 6/99 WSPRO 85 WSPRO.D 25 2

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Highway Engineering Pavements/Maintenance
Carson City PMS 10/90 CCPMS $50 CCPMS.D $10 dB3 3
ELSYM5 9/86 ELSYM 50 ELSYM.D 5 3
0) 0 0- 8

Highway Engineering PavementslMaintenance
Carson City PMS 10/90 CCPMS $50 CCPMS.D $10 dB3 3
ELSYM 5 9/86 ELSYM 50 ELSYM.D 5 3
Highway Development and Management System, Ver. 1.0 3/00 HDM4.S 1200 (On CD) 1
HDM-4, Four-Pak 3/00 HDM4.S4 3360 (On CD) 1
HDM-4, Ten-Pak 3/00 HDM4.S10 8400 (On CD) 1
HDM-4, Single License, Educational 3/00 HDM4.E 480 (On CD) 1
HDM-4, Four-Pak, Educational 3/00 HDM4.E4 1344 (On CD) 1
HDM-4, Ten-Pak, Educational 3/00 HDM4.E10 3360 (On CD) 1
HDM-4, Demonstration 3/00 HDM4.DEM 10 (On CD) 1
HDM-4, Volume 1 (hard copy, black & white, unbound) HDM4.V1 15
HDM-4, Volume 2 (hard copy, black & white, unbound) HDM4.V2 35
HDM-4, Volume 3 (hard copy, black & white, unbound) HDM4.V3 20
HDM-4, Volume 4 (hard copy, black & white, unbound) HDM4.V4 95
HDM-4, Volume 5 (hard copy, black & white, unbound) HDM4.V5 75
Visit the McTrans website, mctrans.ce.ufl.edu for pricing information
for special educational and countries of special consideration
HIPERPAV, Ver. 1.0 3/00 HIPERPAV.W95 695 HIPERPAV.D 20 1
ILLI-BACK, Ver.2.0 ILBACK 225 (Included) 7
ILLI-PAVE Algorithms 7/86 ILLI 50 ILLI.D 5 (SI) 3
Long Beach PMS 6/81 LBPMS 50 LBPMS.D 10 dB3 3
Spanish Documentation MapCON.DS 65
MODULUS, Ver.4.0 2/91 MODUL 50 (Included) 3
PASELS, Ver.1.0 7/88 PASEL 50 (Included) 3
Pavement Management Forecasting, Ver. 1.0 12/87 PMF 50 PMF.D 15 L123 3
Pavement Management System, Ver. 4.0 10/99 PMS 995 (Included) 7
GIS Ver. 1.0 12/87 PMS.GIS 2500 (Included) 7
PMSPro Pavement Management System, Ver.5.2 3/95 PMSPRO 1000 (Included) 7
Road Manager, General Roadway 4/86 RMRD 495 (Included) 7
Individual modules are available, Refer to Catalog or call for details.
Road Surface Management System 12/98 RSMS 75 RSMS.D 20 2
ZAPHERS 12/96 ZAPHERS 50 (Included) WIN 7
Highway Engineering Surveying
CC-SURVEYOR, Ver. 4.0 12/90 CCSURV 5 (On Disk) 4
Easy Vertical Alignment, Ver. 2.0 (Windows) 12/96 EZVAL.WIN 70 (Included) WIN 7
GEOH (Horizontal Geometry) 8/92 GEOH 165 (Included) 6
SURVpac, Ver. 4.51 2/94 SPAC 50 (Included) 6
WINcogoTM 6/95 WINCOGO 145 6
Traffic Engineering Capacity Analysis
aaSidra Ver 1.0 6/00 aaSIDRA.F1 690 (Included) W95/98/NT 6
Capacity Only 6/00 aaSIDRA.C1 490 (Included) W95/98/NT 6
CCG/CALC2 9/97 CALC2 225 (Included) 7
5 Leg Signalized Capacity 1/90 5LEG 95 (Included) L123 6
Florida LOS Worksheets, Ver. 2.2 9/96 FLLOS 50 (On Disk) 3
HCM/ Cinema, Ver. 4.1 9/99 HCMCIN 6351 (Included) W95/98/NT 7
Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) with 1997 Update & CD ROM 8/98 HCM.D 110
HCM Update only & CD ROM 8/98 HCM97UPD.D 90
Highway Capacity Software 1/00 HCS3 5001 W95 1
HCS release 3 complete upgrade (all modules) 1/00 HCS3.UPG 250 W95 1
Indonesian Highway Capacity Manual 6/99 IHCM 50 IHCM.D 35 3
IVHS Workshop Report 12/95 IVHSWS 5
MultiLeg, Ver. 2.4A 3/96 MLEG 85 (On Disk) 6
NCAP, Ver.2.04 11/86 NCAP 295 (Included) 7
Demo, Ver. 2.04 12/86 NCAP.DEM 10 6
Roadrunner, Ver. 5.2 7/97 RRUN.WIN 195 (Included) WIN 6
Windows95 Ver. RRUN.W95 195 (Included) W95 6
Macintosh Ver. RRUN.MAC 195 (Included) EXC 6
SATFLOW 3/95 SATFLOW 5 (Included) 4
SIGNAL85/TEAPAC Capacity Only, Ver. 2.62 2/95 TPCS85.1 2951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCS85.0 5 (On Disk) 6
SIGNAL94/TEAPAC Capacity Only, Ver.1.23 8/98 TPCS94.1 2951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCS94.0 5 (On Disk) 6
SIGNAL94/TEAPAC Capacity Only, Windows 3.1, Ver. 1.23 8/98 TPCS94.1.WIN 2951 (Included) WIN 7
Demo, Windows 3.1 TPCS94.0.WIN 5 (On Disk) WIN 6

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Demo, Windows 95 TPCS94.0.W95 5 (On Disk) W95 6
CD 8-c

Demo, Windows 95 TPS97.0.W95 5 (On Disk) W95 6

SIGNAL94/TEAPAC Capacity Only, Windows 95, Ver. 1.23 8/98 TPCS94.1.W95 $2951 (Included) W95 7
Demo, Windows 95 TPCS94.0.W95 5 (On Disk) W95 6
SIGNAL97/TEAPAC Capacity Only, Windows 95, Ver. 1.02 1/00 TPCS97.1.W95 2951 (Included) W95 7
Demo, Windows 95 TPCS97.0.W95 5 (On Disk) W95 6
SIGNAL97/TEAPAC Capacity Only, Windows 3.1, Ver. 1.02 1/00 TPCS97.1.WIN 2951 (Included) WIN 7
Demo, Windows 3.1 TPCS97.0.WIN 5 (On Disk) WIN 6
SIGNAL97/TEAPAC Capacity Only, Ver. 1.02 1/00 TPCS97.1 2951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCS97.0 5 (On Disk) 6
SIPA, Ver. 2.0 2/88 SIPA 115 (Included) 6
WINUNSIG, Ver. 2.1 (1985 HCM) 8/95 WINUNS21 50 (On Disk) WIN 7
WINUNSIG, Ver. 3.0 (1994 HCM) 8/95 WINUNS30 75 (Included) WIN 7
Demo 9/95 WINUNS.DEM 5 (On disk) WIN 6
Traffic Engineering Data Processing
DAITA 6/95 DAITA 80 (Included) WIN 6
SpeedPlot, Ver. 2.0 5/93 SPLOT 100 (Included) 6
SpeedPLOT (+), Ver. 4.0 4/98 SPLOTPL 200 (Included) 6
SUPERDET, Ver.2.0 9/86 SUPERDET 300 (Included) 6
TDIP, Ver. 3.0 3/91 TDIP 50 TDIP.D $10 3
TED/TEAPAC, Ver. 3.62 1/00 TPCTED.1 2951 (Included) 7
TED/TEAPAC, Windows 3.1, Ver. 3.62 1/00 TPCTED.1.WIN 2951 (Included) WIN 7
TED/TEAPAC, Windows 95, Ver. 3.62 1/00 TPCTED.1.W95 2951 (Included) W95 7
TGAP, Ver.1.0 TGAP 125 (Included) 7
TURNS 10/90 TURNS 50 (On Disk) 3
TURNS/TEAPAC Tabulator & Peak Hour, Ver. 3.43 1/00 TPCTRN.1 2951 (Included) 7
TURNS/TEAPAC plus Warrants, Ver. 3.43 1/00 TPCTRN.2 5951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCTRN.O 5 (On Disk) 6
TURNS/TEAPAC Tabulator & Peak Hour, Windows 3.1, Ver. 3.43 1/00 TPCTRN.1.WIN 2951 (Included) WIN 7
TURNS/TEAPAC plus Warrants, Windows 3.1, Ver. 3.43 1/00 TPCTRN.2.WIN 5951 (Included) WIN 7
Demo TPCTRN.O.WIN 5 (On Disk) WIN 6
TURNS/TEAPAC Tabulator & Peak Hour, Windows 95, Ver. 3.43 1/00 TPCTRN.1.W95 2951 (Included) W95 7
TURNS/TEAPAC plus Warrants, Windows 95, Ver. 3.43 1/00 TPCTRN.2.W95 5951 (Included) W95 7
Demo TPCTRN.O.W95 5 (On Disk) W95 6
Traffic Engineering General Traffic
ARTS Compendium 9/97 ARTS 5 ARTS.D 10 4
AUTOMUTS, Ver. 1.0 3/92 AUTOMUTS 50 (On Disk) 3
Florida Manual on Uniform Traffic Studies (MUTS) FLMUTS.D 15
Bottleneck Traffic Simulator (Bts), Ver. 1.1 8/91 BTS 75 BTS.D 10 2
CADD Sign Library DWG Format 3/95 CADD.DWG 195 6
CADD Sign Library DXF Format 3/95 CADD.DXF 195 6
CADD Sign Library CEL Format 3/95 CADD.CEL 195 6
CADD Sign Library Ver 2.0 (Full color) DWG Format 6/00 CADDV2.DWG 295 6
CADD Sign Library Ver 2.0 (Full color) CEL Format 6/00 CADDV2.CEL 295 6
Computer Aided Transportation Software 8/98 CATS 150 6
DELAYE, Ver. 1.0 3/99 DELAYE 50 (On Disk) WIN 3
dQUEUE, Ver. 1.2 10/90 DQ 50 DQ.D 5 3
FREEWAY, Ver. 1.01 9/87 FREEWAY 50 FREWAY.D 5 3
FRIOP, Ver. 3.1 4/89 FRIOP 751 (Included) 1
General Purpose Queueing Model 3/97 QUEUE_M 95 (Included) 7
Integrated Queue Analysis Package (IQPAC), Ver. 1.0 1/94 IQPAC 175 (Included) 6
Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices 3/98 MUTCD.CD 145 (Included) WIN 6
Professional Capacity Building 6/97 PCB 25 (Included) WIN/PP 4
Queue2 6/93 QUEUE2 35 (Included) 7
SALLIE, Ver. 1.0.4 3/90 SALLIE 50 SALLIE.D 15 3
SIGN DRAWINGS 10/86 SIGNDWG 165 (Included) 6
Sign Inventory Management System 3/99 SIMS 75 2
SPANWIRE 7/90 SPANWIRE 1550 (Included) 7
SPARKS, Ver.1.0 6/95 SPARKS 395 (Included) 6
Demo 6/95 SPARKS.DEM 10 6
TEAPAC Traffic Engineering Package 1/00 TPC*.*.1 34951 (Included) W95/WIN 7
TOSS Traffic Operations System Software, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSS.P 1500 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Upgrade (TOSS.P only) 3/99 TOSSUP 695 Included) W95/WIN 7
Accident Information System, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSAIS 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Collision Diagram, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSCD 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7

12 Mcl~~ra summer2000 (3i52 392037 fax (3

Signal Maintenance System, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSTSM 295 (Included) 5/WN 7
00 0 -p 0

Traffic Count Information, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSTCI $295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Sign Inventory System, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSSI 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Signal Maintenance System, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSTSM 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Signal Inventory System, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSTSI 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Street Light Maintenance System, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSSLM 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Street Light Inventory System, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSSLI 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Road Marking Inventory, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSRMI 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Street Furniture Inventory System, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSSFI 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Complaint Logging System, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSCL 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Traffic Collision Diagram Library 9/93 ACCDWG 100 (On Disk) 6
Traffic Control Plan Library 9/93 TCPDWG 100 (On Disk) 6
Traffic Engineering letter Library 9/99 TELL 50 (Included) 6
Traffic Engineer's Toolbox 6/97 TET 250 (On Disk) W95 6
Traffic Information Program Series (TIPS) TIPS $10
with Binder TIPS.B 15
Traffic Noise Model Ver. 1.0b 9/99 TNM 695 (Included) WIN 1
Traffic Signal Design Library 9/93 TSDDWG 100 (On Disk) 6
TUTOR/TEAPAC, Ver. 3.03 8/98 TPCTUT.1 951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCTUT.O 5 (On Disk) 6
Traffic Engineering Safety & Accident Records
Accident Records Summary and Diagrams 1/92 ACCI 95 (On Disk) 6
KARS, Ver. 2.1 5/92 KARS 65 (Included) 3
Demo KARS.DEM 15 (On Disk) 3
ROADSIDE, Ver. 5.0 1/96 ROADSIDE 50 (On Disk) 3
SCCOLD, Ver. 3.31 11/88 SCCOLD 751 (On Disk) 1
Traffic Engineering Signal Timing & Warrants
Advanced Traffic Analysis 3/95 TRAFFIC.CD FREE 5
Arterial Analysis Package Executive, Release 4.2 2/94 AAPEX 2001 AAPEX.D 35 1
Demo AAP.DEM 5 5
ATMS Conference Proceedings 10/93 ATMS93.D 20
Left-Turn Signal/Phase Warrant Program 6/96 LTPHASE 50 6
LTAP, Ver.2.1 12/87 LTAP 50 (On Disk) IB 3
METS (Spanish Version of WEST) 12/96 METS 200 (Included) 6
M|0OSIT Volume 1, Reference Manual MOST.V1 40
M|0OSIT Volume 2, AAP Users Guide MOST.V2 35
M|0OSIT Volume 3, PASSER 11-90 Users Guide MOST.V3 15
M|0OSIT Volume 4, TRANSYT-7F Users Guide MOST.V4 40
M|0OSIT Volume 5, WHICH Users Guide MOST.V5 20
M|0OSIT Binders MOST.B 5
NOSTOP/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Ver. 4.32 1/00 TPCNST.1 3951 (Included) 7
NOSTOP/TEAPAC (25 Intersections), Ver. 4.32 1/00 TPCNST.2 4951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCNST.O 5 (On Disk) 6
NOSTOP/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Windows 3.1, Ver. 4.32 1/00 TPCNST.1.WIN 3951 (Included) WIN 7
NOSTOP/TEAPAC (25 Intersections), Windows 3.1, Ver. 4.32 1/00 TPCNST.2.WIN 4951 (Included) WIN 7
Demo, Windows 3.1 TPCNST.O.WIN 5 (On Disk) WIN 6
NOSTOP/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Windows 95, Ver. 4.32 1/00 TPCNST.1.W95 3951 (Included) W95 7
NOSTOP/TEAPAC (25 Intersections), Windows 95, Ver. 4.32 1/00 TPCNST.2.W95 4951 (Included) W95 7
Demo, Windows 95 TPCNST.O.W95 5 (On Disk) W95 6
P2BAT 11/91 P2BAT 5 (On Disk) 4
PASSER 11-90, Ver. 2 12/90 P290 150 P290.D 15 1
M|0OSIT Volume 3 MOST.V3 15
PASSER 111-98 6/99 P398 300 (On CD) 1
Upgrade from PASSER II1-90 P398.UPG 170 1
PASSER IV-96, Ver.2.1 6/97 P496 250 P496.D 15 1
PREPASSR/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Ver. 1.54 1/00 TPCPPS.1 3951 (Included) 7
PREPASSR/TEAPAC (100 Intersections), Ver. 1.54 1/00 TPCPPS.2 5951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCPPS.O 5 (On Disk) 6
PREPASSR/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Windows 3.1, Ver. 1.54 1/00 TPCPPS.1.WIN 3951 (Included) WIN 7
PREPASSR/TEAPAC (100 Intersections), Windows 3.1, Ver. 1.54 1/00 TPCPPS.2.WIN 5951 (Included) WIN 7
Demo, Windows 3.1 TPCPPS.O.WIN 5 (On Disk) WIN 6
PREPASSR/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Windows 95, Ver. 1.54 1/00 TPCPPS.1.W95 3951 (Included) W95 7
PREPASSR/TEAPAC (100 Intersections), Windows 95, Ver. 1.54 1/00 TPCPPS.2.W95 5951 (Included) W95 7
Demo, Windows 95 TPCPPS.O.W95 5 (On Disk) W95 6
PRETRANSYT/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Ver. 2.64 1/00 TPCPTR.1 4951 (Included) 7
PRETRANSYT/TEAPAC (100 Intersections), Ver. 2.64 1/00 TPCPTR.2 6951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCPTR.O 5 (On Disk) 6

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Demo, Windows 95 TPCPTR.O.W95 5 (On Disk) W95 6
Demo (Includes SNAG) 9/91 PROGO.DEM 5 6

Progression Through a Series of Intersections with Actuated Controllers 10/88 PROG.D $10
Upgrade to Supported QUICK7F.UPG 200 c
SIG/ INEMA, Ver. 2.1 9/99 SIGCIN 805 (Included) W95/98/NT 7
NAL5/TEAPAC C ityus Otim on, Ver. 2.62 2/5 TPC5.2 595 (Included) 7
PRETRANSYT/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Windows 3.1, Ver. 2.64 1/00 TPCPTR.1.WIN $4951 (Included) WIN 7
PRETRANSYT/TEAPAC (100 Intersections), Windows 3.1, Ver. 2.64 1/00 TPCPTR.2.WIN 6951 (Included) WIN 7
Demo, Windows 3.1 TPCPTR.0.WIN 5 (On Disk) WIN 6
PRETRANSYT/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Windows 95, Ver. 2.64 1/00 TPCPTR.1.W95 4951 (Included) W95 7
PRETRANSYT/TEAPAC (100 Intersections), Windows 95, Ver. 2.64 1/00 TPCPTR.2.W95 6951 (Included) W95 7
Demo, Windows 95 TPCPTR.0.W95 5 (On Disk) W95 6
Progression Graphics and Optimization 9/91 PROGO 250 (Included) 6
Demo (Includes SNAG) 9/91 PROGO.DEM 5 6
Tutorial (Includes SNAG) 9/91 PROGO.SNAG 5 6
Progression Through a Series of Intersections with Actuated Controllers 10/88 PROG.D $10
QUICK-7F, Ver. 7.2 2/94 QUICK7F 250 QUICK7F.D 20 1
Upgrade to Supported QUICK7F.UPG 200
SIG/CINEMA, Ver. 2.1 9/99 SIGCIN 805 (Included) W95/98/NT 7
SIGNAL85/TEAPAC Capacity Plus Optimization, Ver. 2.62 2/95 TPCS85.2 5951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCS85.0 5 (On Disk) 6
SIGNAL94/TEAPAC Capacity Plus Optimization, Ver. 1.23 8/98 TPCS94.2 5951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCS94.0 5 (On Disk) 6
SIGNAL94/TEAPAC Capacity Plus Optimization, Windows 3.1, Ver. 1.23 8/98 TPCS94.2.WIN 5951 (Included) WIN 7
Demo, Windows 3.1 TPCS94.0.WIN 5 (On Disk) WIN 6
SIGNAL94/TEAPAC Capacity Plus OptimizationWindows995,Ver. 1.23 8/98 TPCS94.2.W95 5951 (Included) W95 7
Demo, Windows 95 TPCS94.0.W95 5 (On Disk) W95 6
SIGNAL97/TEAPAC Capacity plusOptimization, Windows 95, Ver. 1.02 1/00 TPCS97.2.W95 5951 (Included) W95 7
Demo, Windows 95 TPCS97.0.W95 5 (On Disk) W95 6
SIGNAL97/TEAPAC Capacity plus Optimization, Windows 3.1, Ver. 1.02 1/00 TPCS97.2.WIN 5951 (Included) WIN 7
Demo, Windows 3.1 TPCS97.0.WIN 5 (On Disk) WIN 6
SIGNAL97/TEAPAC Capacity plus Optimization, Ver. 1.02 1/00 TPCS97.2 5951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCS97.0 5 (On Disk) 6
Signal Network Animated Graphics 9/91 SNAG 250 (Included) 6
Demo (Includes PROGO) 9/91 SNAG.DEM 5 6H 1
Tutorial (Includes PROGO) 9/91 PROGO.SNAG 5 6
Signal Timing Database 6/99 ATCSTDB 395 (Included) Access 6
SOAP84, Ver. 84.04 12/88 SOAP 501 SOAP.D 30 1
TEAPAC Signal Timing Analysis Package 1/00 TPC.O.2 24951 (Included) W95/WIN 7
TIMACS, Ver. 1.2 7/89 TIMACS 50 TIMACS.D 5 3
Traffic Models Handbook 12/95 TMOH.D 20
TRANNET, Release 7.1 3/95 TRANNET 40 (Included) 3
TRANSYT-7F, Release 8.1 3/98 MCT7F8 5001 MOST.V48 40 1
Upgrade from Release 6 MCT7F8.UPG 250 1
TRANSYT-7F Self Study Guide 7/89 T7FSSG 95 (Included) 3
TS/PP-DRAFT, Ver. 2.0 9/94 TSDRFT 440 (Included) 7
Demo 6/95 TSPP.DEM 5 (Included) 7
WARRANT, Ver. 1.0 7/91 WARRANT 50 (On Disk) 3
WARRANTS/TEAPAC Warrants Only, Ver. 1.23 1/00 TPCWAR.1 3951 (Included) 7
WARRANTS/TEAPAC Plus Tabulation & Peak Hour, Ver. 1.23 1/00 TPCWAR.2 5951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCWAR.O 5 (On Disk) 6
WARRANTS/TEAPAC Warrants Only, Windows 3.1, Ver. 1.23 1/00 TPCWAR.1.WIN 3951 (Included) WIN 7
WARRANTS/TEAPAC Plus Tabulation & Peak Hour, Windows 3.1, Ver. 1.23 1/00 TPCWAR.2.WIN 5951 (Included) WIN 7
Demo TPCWAR.O.WIN 5 (On Disk) WIN 6
WARRANTS/TEAPAC Warrants Only, Windows 95, Ver. 1.23 1/00 TPCWAR.1.W95 3951 (Included) W95 7
WARRANTS/TEAPAC Plus Tabulation & Peak Hour, Windows 95, Ver. 1.23 1/00 TPCWAR.2.W95 5951 (Included) W95 7
Demo TPCWAR.O.W95 5 (On Disk) W95 6
WEST, Ver. 2.20 2/95 WEST 200 (Included) 6
WHICH 2/94 WHICH 2501 WHICH.D 20 1
Traffic Engineering Simulation & Analysis
CORFLO, Ver. 5.0 3/95 CORFLO 350 TRAF.D 50 1
Demo 8/92 CORFLO.DEM 5 5
CORSIM CBT 9/99 CORCBT 145 (Included) W95 1
FLEXSYT- II 12/95 FLEXSYT 3000 Win 7
INTEGRATION, Ver. 2.20 3/00 INTEG 395 (Included) 6
ITRAF, Ver. 3.0 12/99 ITRAF30 75 ITRAF27.D 20 W95 2
PRENETSIM/TEAPAC (12 Intersections) Ver.1.24 1/00 TPCPNT.1 4951 (Included) 7
PRENETSIM/TEAPAC (100 Intersections) Ver.1.24 1/00 TPCPNT.2 6951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCPNT.O 5 (On Disk) 6
PRENETSIM/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Windows 3.1, Ver.1.24 1/00 TPCPNT.1.WIN 4951 (Included) WIN 7
PRENETSIM/TEAPAC (100 Intersections) Windows 3.1, Ver.1.24 1/00 TPCPNT.2.WIN 6951 (Included) WIN 7
Demo, Windows 3.1 TPCPNT.O.WIN 5 (On Disk) WIN 6
PRENETSIM/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Windows 95, Ver.1.24 1/00 TPCPNT.1.W95 4951 (Included) W95 7

14 Mcl~~ra summer2000 (3i52 392037 fax (3


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PRENETSIM/TEAPAC (100 Intersections), Windows 95, Ver.1.24 1/00 TPCPNT.2.W95 $6951 (Included) W95 7
Demo, Windows 95 TPCPNT.O.W95 5 (On Disk) W95 6
SimTraffic Ver. 4.0 12/99 TRAFSIM 899 (Included) W95/98/NT 7
StreetSIM, Ver 3.0, Level I (Light version of VISSIM) 6/00 STSIML1 500 (Included) W95/98/NT 7
StreetSIM, Ver 3.0, Level II (Light version of VISSIM) 6/00 STSIML2 1500 (Included) W95/98/NT 7
TEXAS, Ver. 3.11 7/92 TEXAS 225 TEXAS.D $25 1
Demo TEXAS.DEM 5 (On Disk) 1
TSIS, Ver.4.32 (Complete Package) 12/99 TSIS.W95 500 TSIS.D 20 W95 1
Upgrade for TRAF-NETSIM and FRESIM 4/98 TSISNFU.W95 250 W95 1
Upgrade for TRAF-NETSIM only 4/98 TSISNU.W95 250 W95 1
Upgrade for FRESIM only 4/98 TSISFU.W95 250 W95 1
VISSIM, Ver. 3.0, Level III 6/00 VISSIML3 12000 (Included) W95/98/NT 7
VISSIM, Ver. 3.0, Level IV 6/00 VISSIML4 15000 (Included) W95/98/NT 7
Traffic Engineering Traffic Maintenance
Berkeley Traffic System III 10/88 BTS3 200 BTS3.D 20 dB3+ 1
KAR II, Ver. 7.0 11/93 KAR II 1500 (Included) 6
North Dakota Sign Management System, Ver. 4.0 2/93 NDSMS 50 NDSMS.D 5 3
Sign Inventory System 6/92 SIS 50 SIS.D 20 3
Transit Operations
Automated Transit Ridership Data 8/90 ATRDCS 50 ATRDCS 45 3
Chapel Hill Scheduler Interactive Bus Scheduler 5/85 CHS 50 CHS.D 5 3
Cost Allocation Applications 7/86 COST 50 COST.D 5 L123 3
Days Off Calculator, Ver. 3.0 (DOS), Ver. 2.0 (WIN) 4/98 DAYS 5 (On Disk) WIN 4
Fixed Guideway Transit 7/92 FGT 50 FGT.D 10 3
Fleetmax 7/94 FMX 995 (Included) 7
Windows Version 7/94 FMX.WIN 995 (Included) 7
Demo FMX.DEM 5 (Included) 7
GFI Farebox Software Utilities 3/97 FAREBOX 5 (Included) 4
Inventory CTRL 7/92 ICTRL 1195 (Included) 7
Demo 7/92 ICTRL.DEM 5 7
Paratransit Vehicle Maintenance 7/91 PVM 50 PVM.D 20 3
Section 15 Transit Agency Performance Data
Section 15 Data, 1981-1997 (Specify Year) SECT15 20 SECT15.D 15 L123 3
SST3: Small Transit Management Software 12/87 SST3 50 SST3.D 5 DB3 3
Vehicle CTRL 2/85 VCTRL 1295 (Included) 7
Demo 2/85 VCTRL.DEM 10 7
Bus Transit Garage Space Requirements Model BBARN 695 (Included) 7
CAM (Cost Allocation Model), Ver. 1.0 11/98 CAM 50 CAM.D 5 L123 3
RPT Spreadsheets 9/95 RPT 50 RPT.D 25 3
Transit Route Planning CAI Course 5/97 CAI 15 (Included) WIN 5
Transportation PlanningData Processing
Advanced General Network Editor, Ver. 6.0 for Windows 3/99 GNE.WIN 245 (Included) 7
License Plate Data Analysis Package 6/96 LPLATE 775 (Included) 7
MVMACH, Ver. 5.4 6/99 MVMACH 15002 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Survey 6/99 SURV 15002 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Traffic Interpolater & Extrapolater Software TIES 150 (Included) 6
ZDATA, Ver. 1.3 9/89 ZDATA 50 (Included) 6
Transportation PlanningDemand Modeling
HieLoW-Hierarchical Logit for WindowsTM (English) 9/95 HIELOW.EN 4000 (Included) WIN 7
HieLoW-Hierarchical Logit for WindowsTM (French) 9/95 HIELOW.FR 4000 (Included) WIN 7
Demo 9/95 HIELOW.DEM 10
The Highway Emulator 7/91 THE 50 THE.D 15 3
TMOVES, Ver. 1.1 12/89 TMOVES 50 TMOVES.D 5 3
TRANS-EXPERT, Ver. 4.0 3/97 TRANEXPT 495 (Included) 6
Travel Demand Management Evaluation 11/93 TDM 250 TDM.D 20 1
Model, Ver. 2.2
Demo TDM.DEM 5
UfosNET Professional A 6/96 UFOSNET $9500 (Included) 7
UfosNET Professional B UFOSNETB 6500 (Included) 7
UfosNET Lite UFOSLIT 3500 (Included) 7
UfosNET Academic UFOSACA 995 (Included) 7

1 ) 32 -8 fx


Z I) M. V 6 09

Transportation Planning Network Assignment
b-Node Model, Ver.1.0 6/99 BNODE $900 (included) 7
MicroTRIMS, Ver. 1.1 12/88 MTIMS 55 MTMS.D $5 3
QRS II, Ver. 6.0 10/93
QRS and ADV.GNE (400 Zones) QRSGNE.400 390 (Included) W95/WIN 7
QRS and ADV.GNE (800 Zones) QRSGNE.800 585 (Included) W95/WIN 7
QRS and ADV.GNE (1600 Zones) QRSGNE.1600 780 (Included) W95/WIN 7
QRS and ADV.GNE (3600 Zones) QRSGNE.3600 975 (Included) W95 7
Demo for QRS II and GNE QRSGNE.DEM 5 (Included) 6
SATURN, Ver. 8.4 8/93 SATURN 12950 7
TMODEL2T Ver. 2.0 TMODEL2 3800 (I included) 7
TMODEL2, Education Version TMODEL2.ED 150 (Included) 7

Educational TRAFIKP.ED 495 (Included) 6
TRIPS/32 (Basic Highways) TRIPS 87152 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Call for details on additional modules.
Transportation Planning Project Management
Better Decisions, Release 4 BD 95 (Included) 7
Highway Design and Maintenance HDM 400 (Included) 1
Standards Model (HDM III and HDM-PC) (See Higl way Engineerin /Pavements)
ITS Deployment Analysis System, Ver. 1.0 6/00 IDAS 795 (On CD) W95/98/NT
User's Manual (hard copy, black & white, unbound) IDAS.D 30
MicroBENCOST, Ver.2.0 9/99 BENCOST 95 BENCOST.D 35 3
Municipal Equipment Management System 4/93 MEMS 50 MEMS.D 20 IB 3
Program Development and Management System PDMS 250 (Included) 7
Turbo Architecture, Ver. 1.0 3/00 TURBO.W95 190 (On CD) 8
User's Manual (hard copy, black & white, unbound) TURBO.D 20
Transportation Planning Site Analysis
ASSIGN9 ASSIGN9 700 (Included) 7
Demo ASSIGN9.DEM 20 7
Intersection Analysis Spreadsheets, Version 3.0 7/90 IAS 50 IAS.D 5 L123 3
SITE, Ver. 2.0 7/89 SITE 50 (On Disk) L123 3
Macintosh Version SITE.MAC 50 (On Disk) EXC 3
SITE/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Ver. 3.40 8/98 TPCSIT.1 3951 (Included) 7
SITE/TEAPAC (25 Intersections), Ver. 3.40 8/98 TPCSIT.2 4951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCSIT.O 5 (On Disk) 6
TEAPAC Site Impact Analysis Package 8/98 TPC*.*.3 21951 (Included) W95/WIN 7
TRAFFIX Traffic Impact Analysis Software, Ver. 7.1 (Including HCM Module) 12/99 TRAFFIX.W95 2090 TRAFFIX.D 75 W95 7
TRAFFIX 1997 HCM Module Separate 12/99 TRAFFIX.M 250 W95 7
TRANMAP Site Traffic Impact Analysis 9/97 TRANMAP 900 Included) 7
TRIP GENERATION, Ver. 4.0 3/98 TRIPGEN 400 (Included) 7
WinTASS, Ver.2.0 3/98 WINTASS 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Demo 3/98 WINTASS.DEM 5 (On Disk) W95/WIN 7
General interest Administration
Equipment Manager, Ver.1.51 EQMGR 1495 (Included) 7
HIGHMANAGE 3/90 HSING 1500 (Included) 6

General interest Miscellaneous
CADmagic, Ver.1.5 CADM 100 (Included) 7
DMPLASVer.1.1 11/91 DMPLAS 5 (On Disk) 4
Engineering Geometry Assistant 3/99 EGA 350 (Included) W95/98/NT 7
McPrimer, Third Edition 6/93 MCP 20 (Included) 6
Educational MCP.ED 15 (Included) 6
Sample Size Estimate SAMSIZE 50 (Included) 7
ZTEST ZTEST 65 (Included) 7

16 Mcl~~ransx l summer 2000 (352) 39-08 f

McTrans summer 2000 =

Products List References
1 50 percent discount for
universities (must be university
P.O. or check).
2 This product has other
applications beyond the catego-
ry in which it is listed. Check
the catalog for details.
Note Prices subject to change
without notice. All versions are
for PC-compatible, except Mac-
intosh, noted as .MAC.

Schedule of Selected Multiple & Agency User License Fees

Program1 Single Multiple
License License2


Limited Agency License


Maximum Number of Offices Agency
10 15 20 25 License

$200 $180 $1200 $1800 $2400
125 110 750 1125 1500
200 180 1200 1800 2400
350 315 2100 3150 4200
300 270 1800 2700 3600
500 450 3000 4500 6000
350 315 2100 3150 4200
150 135 900 1350 1800
300 270 1800 2700 3600
250 225 1500 2250 3000
175 155 1050 1575 2100
500 450 3000 4500 6000
250 225 1500 2250 3000
250 225 1500 2250 3000
50 45 300 450 600
200 180 1200 1800 2400
200 180 1200 1800 2400
75 65 450 675 900
50 45 300 450 600
250 225 1500 2250 3000
225 200 1350 2025 2700
500 450 3000 4500 6000
500 450 3000 4500 6000
190 170 1140 1750 2280
250 225 1500 2250 3000

$3000 $4500 1 See catalog and product
1875 2800 list for details.
2 Cost per license.
3000 4500 3 Limited Agency Licenses
5250 7875 allow up to the specified
4500 6750 number of copies to be
used by the licensed
7500 11250 agency.
5250 7875 4 Does not include cables,
wihirh are availahle for $20

2250 3375 each.
4500 6750 Documents:
3750 5625 Single license = full price
2625 3925 Multiple license= 10 per-
cent discount
7500 11250 Agency license = one pro-
3750 5625 vided, additional copies at
10 percent discount with
3750 5625 the original order, or later
750 1125 with a minimum of five
3000 4500 documents.
3000 4500
1125 1625
750 1125
3750 5625
3375 5000
7500 11250
7500 11250
2850 4275
3750 5625


- McTrans summer 2000

Links Menu Information Access

About McTrans www: http://mctrans.ce.ufl.edu
E-mail: mctrans@ce.ufl.edu
Newsletters Fax: (352) 392-3224
Messages: 1-800-226-1013
Catalog Telephone: (352) 392-0378

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Assistant Director
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Program Manager
Program Assistant
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Order Processing
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Technical Assistant
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Technical Assistant

General Responsibilities

241 Center & software information
Website & technical assistance (HCS)
234 Catalog & newsletter information
Advertising & support services
239 Orders & new product status
Contracts & licenses
242 Order & shipment status
Software registration & invoices
240 Traffic software technical assistance
238 Hydraulic software technical assistance

Trademark Information
Apple Computer Inc.
Epson America, Inc.
Hercules Computer Technology
International Business Machines Corp.

Lotus Development Corp.
Microsoft Corp.

Texas Transportation Institute
Center forMicrocomputers in Transportation
University of Florida

Apple, Macintosh
Lotus 1-2-3, Symphony
Microsoft%, MS-DOS, Windows95, Windows98, WindowsNT,

Ordering Tips
Please include yourmembernumber (locat-
edon the mailinglabel) with allorders and
correspondence. This allows us to process
your order without delay and helps to a void

It is important to completely fill out the
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Most orders are shipped via UPS, so itis
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512 Weil Hall Fax (352) 392-3224
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FEID# 59-6002052

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