Center for Microcomputers in Transportation
HDM-4 Update
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'rnprai on RgesearchCete
512Weil Hall, PO Box 116585, Gainesville FL 32611-6585
(352) 392-0378
Messages 1-800-226-1013
Fax (352) 392-3224
A McTranssM Product
The Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee on
Highway Capacity and Quality of Service has been
working on an update to the Highway Capacity Manual
(HCM) for the year 2000 (HCM2000). There will be
numerous procedural changes and a new format,
including a multimedia CD-ROM in addition to the printed
manual. HCM2000 is scheduled for publication sometime
early next year.
This means McTrans is already hard at work on the
upgrade to the Highway Capacity Software (HCS) to imple-
ment these new procedures as HCS2000TM. McTrans plans
to release HCS2000TM immediately following the
publication of the HCM2000. Keep an eye on the McTrans
newsletter and website for future developments.
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Transpo2000-The Future Is Now
Transpo2000 will be the largest celebration of Florida's transportation
past, present, and future. Transpo2000will be a technical conference
covering all aspects of transportation with presentations by
transportation leaders from public and private sectors. The conference
will also feature an extensive exhibition displaying Florida's
transportation technologies, companies and organizations that will
lead us into the future.We invite others from throughout the region
and nation to join us and share our vision and show us your products.
April 17-19, 2000 Hyatt Orlando, Kissimmee, Florida
Plenary Sessions
To set the stage for the conference, the opening session will be given
in three parts:
* A historical perspective of transportation in Florida;
* A vision statement by an economist/demographic expert, to set
the stage for the transportation needs that we must address in the
21st century;
* A response to the challenge from a noted transportation expert.
Governor Jeb Bush* will give the keynote presentation at the banquet
and Senator Bob Graham* will share his views on the challenges of
transportation and the environment for the closing keynote session.
Technical Program
* Track 1: Systems Management & Operations
* Track 2: The Transportation Infrastructure
* Track 3: Innovative Transportation
* Track 4: Innovative Financing of Transportation
Exhibits will be open April 17-19 and will include:
* Transportation Equipment Manufacturers,
* Vendors and Resellers,
* Suppliers,
* Systems Integrators,
* Consultants,
* Planners, and
* Association & Interest Groups.
Don't Miss This Important Event!
Register To Attend Or Exhibit Now!
For Information
Contact: Complete Meeting Concepts (407) 425-8184
Visit us online at:
Presented by the Florida Department of Transportation; Florida
Division, Federal Highway Administration; Florida Section, Institute
of Transportation Engineers; Florida Transportation Builders
Association; Intelligent Transportation Society of Florida; and
University of Florida Transportation Research Center
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Annual Report
The McTrans Center kicked off the 1998-99 year with the
long awaited release of version 3 of the Highway Capacity
Software and continued throughout the remainder of the
year maintaining the software with the release of patches
3.10a and b. Patch c, which will include the ability to load
signals (.HC9) data files will be released very soon. All
HCS3 registered users have been automatically notified of
releases. Those waiting for the Windows version of
TRANSYT-7F will be pleased to know that it is in final test-
ing and is also scheduled for release this fall. Those who
purchased version 8.1 will automatically receive a free up-
Looking to the future, McTrans has already been hard at
work on the next upgrade to the Highway Capacity Software
HCS2000TM to implement the new Highway Capacity Manual
(HCM) 2000 procedures. McTrans plans to release
HCS2000TM immediately following the publication of the
Over the past year, McTrans presented 14 new software
and technical resource products. We now offer our members
over 500 transportation related products including
demonstration software and documents. Titles and brief
descriptions of the products that were introduced in our
newsletters last year are shown below in their respective cat-
egories. Along with new products, 16 existing products
received updates (see list below). If you are interested in
learning more about any of these products, please feel free to
contact Debbie Escalera or Bill Heitman, or visit ourwebsite
McTrans participated in the exhibits at the 78th Annual
TRB Meeting in Washington, the ITE Annual Meeting and the
4th ITS World Congress. We introduced our services and
products to new members and took suggestions on how we
can improve our service from our existing members. We look
forward to attending the year 2000 meetings, and greeting the
new millennium with our members.
The McTrans newsletter introduced a new column entitled,
"DidYou Know" that provides our members with useful tips
and information for our LOS 1 products including HCS,
TRANSYT- 7F and TSIS. If you have any questions related to
the products featured in the column or would like us to
address a topic you have an interest in, please contact David
Hale at (352) 392-0378 ext.240.
Also during this year, McTrans published a new version of
its product catalog that was mailed to all members in August.
The catalog contains concise descriptions of the products
we offer in an easy to read format. The full description
version of products will still be available on the McTrans
website if you need more detailed information. If you did not
received a printed copy of the catalog, please let us know
and we will get one in the mail to you today.
If you have visited our web site recently, you may have no-
ticed that we made a few changes. Our site has a new look
and an on-line membership sign-up. Shortly, we will be plac-
ing our new easy-to-use catalog on the site that will allow you
to readily access in-depth product descriptions and informa-
tion. Later this Fall, we will launch our Order-On-Line feature
that will allow our members the convenience of ordering over
the Internet.
We have enjoyed serving you this year. If you have any
questions,comments, or recommendations, please call or e-
mail us. We thank you for your continuing support and look
forward to another year of service to the transportation
New Products
Announced LastYear
Highway Engineering Highway Design
Driven Version 1.0 A program for determining
ultimate vertical static pile capacity.
Announced summer 1999.
Highway Engineering Hydraulics
CULVERT4 Presents corrosion criteria and al-
ternative culvert materials based on
current California Department Of Traffic de-
sign manuals and test methods.
Announced fa111998.
Drainage Requirements In Pavements
Contains all key drainage design elements
and provides graphical displays of compu-
tations and results. Announced fall 1998.
HYTB A new document that consists of HEC-
14 & HEC-15. Announced spring 1999.
HEC-HMSVersion 1.1 Supersedes HEC-1 and
provides options forsimulation
precipitation-runoff processed.
Announced summer 1999.
Traffic Engineering Capacity Analysis
Indonesian Highway Capacity Software & Man-
ual Covers urban/semi-urban traffic facili-
ties as well as inter urban roads and
motorways. Announced summer 1999.
SIGNAL97/TEAPAC Implements the capacity
analysis techniques of the 1997 update to
the Highway Capacity Manual.Announced
spring 1999.
Traffic Engineering General Traffic
DELAYE Enhanced 1.2 A Windows-based pro-
gram that allows quick estimates of
freeway incident congestion.Announced
spring 1999.
Sign Inventory Management System (SIMS) A
comprehensive sign management system
to help maintain traffic signs. Announced
spring 1999.
Traffic Engineering Signal Timing & Warrants
NOSTOP A Windows-based program for arte-
rial bandwidth optimization. Announced
fall 1999.
SignalTiming Database Maintains and organ-
izes signal timing data using Access 97.
Announced summer 1999.
Transportation Planning Network Assignment
b-Node Model Traffic assignment model that
converts b-node of every zone centroid
connector link into a subzone. Announced
summer 1999.
TP/4-inl Runs the 4-step travel forecasting
process all in one execution on a PC.
Announced summer 1999.
General Interest Miscellaneous
Engineering Geometry Assistant Solves engi-
neering geometric problems.Announced
spring 1999.
Products Updated
Advanced General Network Editor,
Version 6.0 (GNE)
Computer Aided Transportation
Software (C.A.T.S.)
Culvert AnalysisVersion 6.1 (HY-8)
Highway Capacity Software (HCS3)
ITRAFVersion 2.7 (ITRAF27)
PASSER 111-98 (P398)
Road Surface Management
System (RSMS)
Section 15Transit Agency
Performance Data (SECT15)
SIDRAVersion 5.2 (SIDRA)
Traffic Noise Model Version 1.0b
Traffic Operations System
Software (TOSS)
VisualTraffic (VTRAF.WIN)
Site Impact February 23-25, 2000
Access Management February 28-March 1, 2000
Travel Demand March 2, 2000
Orlando, Florida
Early registrations
must be received by
Jan. 31, 2000 for discount
For more information contact:
McTrans Center
University of Florida
512 Weil Hall
PO Box 116585
Gainesville, FL 32611-6585
(352) 392-0378 ext. 223
Fax (352) 392-3224
Co-sponsored by the Florida
TechnologyTransfer (T2) Center
Charles Wallace, TRC Director and Executive Director, ITS Florida
Back in May 1999, Senator Bob Graham (Democrat, Florida) was seek-
ing information on intelligent transportation systems (ITS), specifical-
ly in Florida, and was led to contact our state chapter, ITS Florida.
With the assistance of the Florida DOT and Lee County we furnished
the Senator a briefing paper describing a number of statewide and re-
gional ITS programs. Subsequently, we responded to several specific
When the Senator came to the University of Florida on September 3,
1999, for his 40th class reunion, he asked to meet with the
Transportation Research Center and others to discuss ITS. Several rep-
resentatives of ITS Florida, as well as TRC, Civil Engineering and College
of Engineering faculty joined Senator Graham and two of his staff fora
"working" luncheon.
The ITS Florida President, Jim Reynold,provided an overview of ITS
to the Senator, who is a member of the Environment and PublicWorks
Committee and theTransportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee.
Then the group exchanged views on freeway and incident management
systems. The Senator was particularly interested in what conditions jus-
tify these systems and how ITS works to benefit travelers.We presented
information on where Florida stands today, and where we are going, with
ITS deployment.
Senator Graham was very interested in what the TRC and ITS Florida
are doing and said his staff would be following up with us to obtain more
information and ideas. He is considering promoting a Senate hearing on
the subject and was interested in examples of effective ITS programs.
By Ana Elias, TRC Researcher, University of Florida
Since 1989 McTrans Center has
been distributing and supporting
the Highway Design and
Maintenance Standards Model
(HDM-III) developed by the World
Bank. At that time, the research
involved represented probably
the largest effort ever made to de-
velop a roadway surface model
by capturing the relationships be-
tween costs of construction,
maintenance, and the actual
utilization of roads. The model is
based on the premise that operat-
ing costs and speeds of vehicles
are related to highway construc-
tion and maintenance standards
through the effect of road geome-
try and pavement surface deterio-
The HDM-III model was mainly
designed to aid feasibility studies
of individual projects as well as
policy studies of rural highway
networks having a free flow of traf-
fic [Watanatada et al., 1987]. The
implementing software underwent
several upgrades over the years,
such as the addition of the HDM-Q
model to include the effects of traf-
fic congestion, and the HDM Man-
ager program to provide a more
user-friendly, menu driven environ-
ment for running the program.
More than 20 years after the
original development of HDM-III,
the program is still widely used as
a helpful road-investment analysis
tool. However, and in spite of all
its advantages, the model still has
limitations in terms of applicability.
These limitations, coupled with the
fact that some technologies (such
as vehicle and computer technolo-
gies) have substantially changed
over that period of time, brought
up the need for a redevelopment of
the different models to upgrade
and broaden their applicability
range particularly to a broader
number of pavement types and
traffic conditions, and to take
advantage of modem computer
technology. In answer to this, the
International Study of Highway De-
velopment and ManagementTools
(ISOHDM) undertook the develop-
ment of the next generation of
road-project appraisal tools: the
Highway Development and
Management Tool (HDM-4).
ISOHDM is sponsored by the
World Bank, the Asian
Development Bank, the
Department for International
Development (UK), the Swedish
National Road Administration,
among others. The study have
been coordinated by the ISOHDM
Technical Secretariat at the Univer-
sity of Birmingham in the United
Kingdom, were the actual software
was developed by the Highway Re-
search Group of the School of Civil
Several organizations from dif-
ferent countries also participated
in the research: the Finnish Road
Administration (strategic and pro-
gram analysis applications), the In-
tra-American Federation of
Cement Producers (development
of deterioration and maintenance
model for cement concrete
pavements), the Road Research In-
stitute in Malaysia (updated
relationships for road deterioration
and road user costs), Transport
Research Laboratory (review and
update of flexible pavement deteri-
oration relationships), Swedish Na-
tional Road Administration
(deterioration relationships for
cold climates, road safety, and en-
vironment effects) [HDM-4
OverviewVersion HDM-4V1.0E].
The upcoming release version
of HDM-IV is aWindows 95/98/NT
application with a very intuitive
and user-friendly interface. In addi-
tion to the improved modeling ca-
pabilities of existing functions, the
new version will also include the
following additional features
[HDM-V Newsletter, January 1999]:
* A broader range of road dete-
rioration and maintenance ef-
fects for bituminous, Portland
cement concrete and
unsealed roads. It also incor-
porates deterioration relation-
ships for cold climates;
* A broader range of road-user
models, considering traffic ef-
fects and costs for a variety of
vehicle types, time costs and
congestion effects;
* Models to address safety, en-
vironment and energy issues,
including accident costs,
emission effects and energy
consumption; and
* Tools for conducting different
types of analyses, from long
term strategic planning, to de-
tailed project-level studies on
a single road section.
The HDM-4 products are jointly
published by the World Road
Associations (PIARC), and the
World Bank. McTrans plans to dis-
tribute HDM-4 soon and will
announce its release once it is
Dilqou kvwo7
*The latest version (3.1b) of HCS-3
provides some new user-definable default
parameters that can be specified during
installation, and modified after
installation. These include peak-hour fac-
tor (PHF), saturation flow rate (Signals),
and a default path for data files.
*The latest version of HCS-3 allows the
selection of U.S. customary or U.S.
metric units for analysis in accordance
with the 1997 HCM Metric Analysis Refer-
ence Guide.
* Depending on the existing degree of sat-
uration (X, v/c), results from the updated
1997 HCM delay equations for signalized
and unsignalized intersections may be af-
fected by the length of analysis period,
which is called "Duration" in HCS-
Signals and "Length of study period" in
* In HCS-Signals, for the same set of con-
ditions at a signalized intersection, the
control delay reported by HCS-3 is
typically higher than the stopped delay
reported by HCS-2, and reflected in the
revised Level of Service thresholds.
*The yellow plus all-red clearance times
are part of the total lost time calculations
in the 1997 HCM. In HCS-Signals, users
must be aware that modifying the yellow
and/or all-red values in the Phasing
Design may alter the total lost time being
used in subsequent calculations.
*When using HCS-Unsignal to analyze
two-way stop-controlled (TWSC)
intersections, it is important to
understand the definition of "progressed
flow" from the upstream intersection.
Progressed flow is the sum of the
feeding volume, from the upstream inter-
section, that moves during through and
protected left-turn (green arrow) phases.
Approach volume at the unsignalized in-
tersection is typically higher than the up-
stream progressed flow. This is because
the approach volume also includes
upstream left- and right-turn permitted
movement flow, as well as any mid-block
flow, added to the progressed through
and left turn flow.
For each step of simulation that a link's queue exceeds
its queuing capacity, saturation flow rates for the
upstream links are reduced to zero. However, this also
occurs for links that represent a turn bay, which is inap-
propriately pessimistic. Therefore, for turn bay links that
may possibly experience temporary oversaturation, it is
appropriate to use record type 291 to tell the model to
reduce saturation flow rates for the adjacent link instead
of the upstream links. In addition, if the adjacent link
contains multiple lanes, it is appropriate to use record
type 291 to specify the percentage reduction in
saturation flow rate, e.g. 33% when there are three adja-
cent through lanes and only one gets blocked.
*The traditional objective functions (DI and PROS)
involve measurements of delay, stops, fuel consumption,
and progression opportunities. However, under severely
oversaturated conditions, measurements of delay, stops,
and fuel consumption are known to become less
accurate, thus compromising the effectiveness of the DI
objective function. Similarly, under severely oversaturat-
ed conditions, increases in progression opportunities
may not address spillback problems, thus compromising
the effectiveness of the PROS objective function. When
traditional optimization strategies fail, involving old
objective functions (DI, PROS, PROS/DI, PROS & DI),
queue & stop penalties, link & node penalties, etc., the
new objective functions may provide superior signal
timing for severely oversaturated conditions. The new
objective functions involve throughput and queuing
* Most users accept the default optimization step sizes
within the program. However, sometimes the use of
alternative step sizes, available on record type 4, can
provide better results.
* Some pre-processor programs produce input files for
TRANSYT-7F that request link-wise simulation. In order
to access the latest features of the program, it is neces-
sary to edit the input file so as to request step-wise sim-
ulation.This simply requires a negative sign on record
type 5X.
* Release 8.1 implements the 1994 HCM delay equation
for signalized intersections, whereas release 8.2
implements the 1997 delay equation.
*The wide, 132-column output format contains some
useful results that are not displayed in the narrow, 80-
column output format. For example, an output parame-
ter called Flow indicates the number of vehicles
discharged during simulation. For a given link, if Flow is
lower than the input volume, this may indicate
inadequate capacity due to spillback, or possibly insuffi-
cient green time.
*TSIS 4.3 provides access to the
Corsim runtime extension. This allows
real-time integration of outside
programs with Corsim. Currently this
is a challenging programming task for
the user, even with the availability of
the Corsim runtime extension. Howev-
er, this mechanism should continue to
improve and become more intuitive
within future versions of TSIS.
*TheTRAFVU animation module
contains some useful static graphics
functionality. Double-clicking on a sig-
nal indication launches a static graph-
ics dialog box containing information
about the signal settings. Double-click-
ing on a vehicle generates a dialog box
that shows current information about
that vehicle. If a link is highlighted,
then clicking on the MOE button on the
edge of the screen provides access to
tables and graphs that provide
additional information about link
* Heavy vehicles sometimes have less
of a tendency to exit freeways in an ur-
ban area, relative to the passenger
cars. The input file format for the new
version of Corsim has a new record
type for this. The new record type
allows the user to specify the percent-
age of exiting heavy vehicles so that it
may differ from the percentage of exit-
ing passenger cars.
*TSIS 4.3 contains numerous other
changes and enhancements. To learn
about these, please read "Recent
Enhancements and Changes to
CORSIM" in the Appendix A section of
the new CORSIM Users Guide.
* Corsim can perform user-optimal or
system-optimal traffic assignment.
Link impedance is determined for free
flow conditions according to the FHWA
or Davidson link impedance function.
Users may optionally request for a
punch file to be generated containing
the turning movement percentages ac-
cording to the results of traffic assign-
CORSIM Computer Based Training Program
Strategic Solutions Group Inc has completed development of
a four course computer-based training (CBT) program on
CORSIM traffic simulation software for the Federal Highway
Administration Until recently, training for traffic simulation
models has been instructor-led, costly (particularly from the
state and local government perspective) and limited in acces-
sibility (subject to the availability of instructors) The goal of
the FHWAis to make CORSIM training readily available to
more modelers, at their convenience, and at a reasonable
cost The CORSIM CBTfocuses on training users in the use
of these advanced software tools and does this through the
use of advanced multimedia-based training techniques includ-
ing the use of 3D animation, digital video, and full stereo
The CBTwill introduce the CORSIM Model and will teach
when and how to use CORSIM with other traffic tools for traf-
fic analysis This CBTcovers Traffic Software Integrated Sys-
tem (TSIS), which includes CORSIM and TRAFVU It also
covers ITRAF, the CORSIM graphical input editor The CBT
provides a full range of traffic scenarios for practice using the
CORSIM software immediately without even loading
CORSIM/TSIS on to your computer
The CBTis designed to meet the needs of Managers and
Supervisors, NETSIM users, FRESIM users, and network
(NETSIM and FRESIM) users The training content includes a
CBTOrlentation, Traffic analysis and models, Introduction to
CORSIM/TSIS, and Modeling Process Scenarios for surface
street, freeway, and network applications
Scenarios are practice problems in which the user is pre-
sented with a question that must be answered or solved Sce-
narios require a number of actions on the part of the user for
successful completion, involving a number of screens and ac-
tions that parallel the corresponding tutorials The scenarios
are designed to emulate the functionality of CORSIM on a lim-
ited basis, thus providing a framework that prevents the user
from losing sight of the problem solution Scenarios are
accompanied by computer-based testing to measure the com-
prehension of the corresponding learning objectives
With this CBT, federal, state and local governments will be
able to minimize training expenditures and increase training
accessibility of the CORSIM simulation model in a user friend-
ly, self paced environment
CORSIM CBT(#CORCBT) by Strategic Solutions Group
Inc is available at LOS 1 for $145
Surface-water Modeling System (SMS)
The Surface-water Modeling System (SMS) is a comprehensive graphical user environment for 2-dimen-
sional numerical modeling of river systems, lakes, estuaries, and coastal systems It is particularly useful
for analysis of the effects of proposed highway projects on river systems where 1-dimensional analysis
may be inadequate It is developed by the Environmental Modeling Research Laboratory of Brigham
Young University in cooperation with the U S Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station
SMS provides tools for mesh and grid generation, data interpolation, and sophisticated tools for
graphical visualization SMS has interfaces to both the FESWMS model, developed for the Federal High-
way Administration, and the RMA2 model, developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers Both
FESWMS and RMA2 are 2D finite element depth-averaged flow models
SMS addresses two dimensional hydrodynamics problems for computing flow fields, inundated areas,
sedimentation and constituent migration (water quality) SMS also has a simple interface for the WSPRO
(Federal Highways) one-dimensional step backwater water surface profile model
System Requirements Pentium Processor, MS Windows 3 1/95/NT, 32 MB RAM, Math coprocessor,
14 MB of free disk space, 8-bit (256) Color Display
Surface-water Modeling System (#SMS) version 6 0 by Environmental Modeling Systems Inc is avail-
able at LOS 7 for $3,950 Upgrade is available for $400
Traffic Engineering Letter Library (TELL)
Traffic Engineers are often required to answer citizen
complaints and questions on various topics This active
ty can consume valuable time from the busy Traffic En-
gineer Alibrary of sample letters will be a helpful
resource to respond to common problems or questions
The Traffic Engineering Letter Library (TELL) contains
ready to use sample letters on the following topics
Bikeway (Bikeway.doc)
Bikeway Sign (BkwySign.doc)
Children at Play Sign (ChldPlay.doc)
Curve Warning Sign (CvWarnSg.doc)
Dangerous Intersection (Danglnt.doc)
Deaf Child (DeafChld.doc)
Duck orTurtle Crossing Sign (DuckSign.doc)
Flashing Beacon (
Identification of Highway Hazards (IdHwyHzd.doc)
Mailbox Hazard (MBHazard.doc)
Marked Crosswalk (MarkXWIk.doc)
Multi-way Stop Sign (MultStop.doc)
No Parking Sign (NoPark.doc)
No Passing Zone (NoPass.doc)
Paved Shoulder (PavShldr.doc)
Pedestrian Signal (PedSgnl.doc)
Pedestrian Signal Added Time (PedTime.doc)
Reflector Request (Reflect.doc)
Selective Enforcement (SelEnfor.doc)
Sidewalk (Sidewalk.doc)
Sight Distance Problem (SightDis.doc)
Sight Distance Notice to Trim (SightTrm.doc)
Signal (Signal.doc)
Signal Left Turn Arrow (SgnlLTA.doc)
Signal Timing Change (SgnlTime.doc)
Speed Bumps (SpdBumps.doc)
Speed Limit Too High (SpdLmHi.doc)
Speed LimitToo Low (SpdLmLow.doc)
Speeding on Street (SpdOnSt.doc)
Stop Sign on Reverse Street (StopRev.doc)
Street Light / Street Light District (StLight.doc)
Street Name Sign (StName.doc)
Traffic Safety Study (TrafStdy.doc)
Turn Lane (Left/Right) (TurnLane.doc)
WMS (Watershed Modeling System)
Traffic Engineering Letter Library (#TELL) by 1220
Ventures, Inc is available at LOS 6 for $50
The Watershed Modeling System
Comprehensive graphical user
environment for hydrologic analysis It is
developed by the Environmental Modeling
Research Laboratory of Brigham Young
University in cooperation with the U S
Army Corps of Engineers Waterways
Experiment Station (USACE-WES) WMS
merges information obtained from digital
terrain data and GIS with industry standard
lumped parameter hydrologic analysis
models such as HEC-1 and TR-20 Terrain
models can obtain geometric attributes
such as area, slope and runoff distances
Many display options are provided to aid in
modeling and understanding the drainage
characteristics of terrain surfaces WMS
currently has interfaces to HEC-1, TR-20,
TR-55, NFF (National Flood Frequency),
and the Rational Method Abeta version of
an interface with the HSPF water quality
model is also included
WMS can be used for visualizing and
delineating sub-basins in a watershed us-
ing digital elevation data from many differ-
ent sources WMS computses hydrologic
and geometric parameters for each sub-
basin, defines hydrologic parameters, and
has tools for viewing the hydrographs and
other results of these hydrologic models
WMS also has the capability to import and
export data from Geographic Information
Systems (GIS)
System Requirements Pentium Proces-
sor, MS Windows 3 1/95/NT, 32 MB RAM,
Math coprocessor, 12 MB of free disk
space, 8-bit (256) Color Display
Watershed Modeling System (#WMS)
version 5 1 by Environmental Modeling
Systems Inc is available at LOS 7 for
$1,750 Upgrade is available for $150
MicroBENCOST is a computer
program for analyzing benefits and costs
of a wide range of highway
improvements In addition, it can allocate
corridor traffic and calculate forecasted
traffic volumes There are seven general
ts categories of projects that the program is
capable of analyzing They are (1)
added-capacity, (2) bypass, (3) intersec-
tion/interchange, (4) pavement rehabilita-
tion, (5) bridge, (6) safety, and (7)
highway-railroad grade crossing The
added-capacity category represents
upgrading of an existing highway by
widening or providing an HOV facility The
bypass category used in this program
represents a new location facility with an
existing parallel route The intersection/in-
terchange category is used when a
proposed intersection or interchange is
replacing an existing intersection or inter-
change, generally representing an
,i upgrade to a higher design structure The
Pavement rehabilitation category is used
S when comparing pavement
-. reconstruction, rehabilitation or
maintenance strategies The bridge cate-
,p gory is used when comparing bridge
rehabilitation and replacement strategies
The safety category is used when the im-
provement will affect the accident rate,
accident cost, or a combination of the
PMS (Pavement Management System)
4 0 for Windows maintains roadway
inventory and provides a pavement man-
agement system The inventory files in-
clude a Roadway Inventory, Maintenance
History and a Pavement Condition file
The Roadway Inventory file defines the
physical configuration of the roadway and
contains such information as segment
lengths, pavement widths, traffic
volumes, functional classification and oth-
er physical parameters The
Maintenance History file contains major
maintenance activities performed on
each roadway segment The Pavement
Condition file contains field evaluation on
the condition of roadways
PMS 4 0 uses a prioritization system
developed by Rnl (Resource International,
Inc ) based on MUC (Maintenance
Urgency Categories) MUC are defined
in terms of route type, drainage, date of
the most recent maintenance project,
traffic, functional class and the PCR
(Pavement Condition Rating) The
system recommends and priorities main-
tenance actions based on MUC and
maintenance strategies
two The highway-railroad grade crossing
category is an upgrade to a higher
control, including a grade separation In
addition to these major categories,
MicroBENCOSTcan be used to analyze
workzones and incidents in conjunction
with any of the above mentioned project
In general, the program compares the
motorist costs in the existing situation, the
"without improvement" alternative, to the
motorist costs if the improvement is com-
pleted, the "with improvement"
alternative In all cases, the "without
improvement" alternative includes an ex-
isting route and an optional alternate
route Except for new location projects,
the "with improvement" alternative
includes a proposed route that replaces
the existing route, and an optional
alternate route For new location projects,
the "with improvement" alternative
includes an existing route, a proposed
route, and an optional alternate route
The proposed route does not replace the
existing route in a bypass project
although it may take some of the traffic off
the existing route
The MicroBENCOSTsoftware is pro-
vided in both an English unit version and
a metric version Due to the size and
complexity of MicroBENCOST, these are
PMS 4 0 uses relational database de-
sign and modeling methodologies for rap-
id access, querying, programming and
modularity Reports are generated using
standard report options or by querying
specifying fields to view desired criteria
MAP/GIS and PMSGRAPH can be inte-
grated to provide enhanced graphical re-
ports and system performance feedback
Our hand-held Data Collector with
software developed by Rn can expedite
data collection PCR and inventory data
collected electronically replace the need
for paper forms Updated information
can be synchronized between the work-
station and Data Collector This method
is faster than the conventional data entry
process and reduces the chance of data
entry errors
Pavement Management System ver-
sion 4 0 (#PMS) by Resource Internation-
al Inc is available at LOS 7 for $995
Complete Available
Under development Fall
Under development Winter
Automatic to registered users
Registered users may upgrade
Automatic to registered users
Automatic to registered users
contained on two separate software pro-
grams Both packages are identical with
the exception of the display of the input
and output data The same analysis sub-
routine and most other program modules
are used in both versions The program
and the default data set are provided in
English units There is not a metric
version of the update program The met-
ric program reads the problem data set in
English units and converts it to metric
units for display The problem data set is
also saved in metric units Metric data
sets are provided, a metric version can
read data sets in metric units, and data
can be entered into the program in metric
In MicroBENCOST, there are two dis-
tinct user modes in the operation of the
program 1) data entry mode whereby a
user creates a problem data set for a pro-
posed project, and 2) data edit mode
whereby the user uses an existing prob-
lem data set or a newly created problem
data set and makes changes in it
MicroBENCOSTversion 2 0
(#BENCOST) is available at LOS 3 for
Version Status
3.1c Under development