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Traffic-Flow Theory
by Henry Lieu
Reprinted by permission from
Public Roads (FHWA)
This article was adapted from the
Monograph on Traffic Flow Theory
(November 1997) edited by
Nathan H. Gartner, Carroll J. Messer,
and Ajay K. Ratbi.
Dr. Henry Lieu is a research highway
engineer in the Intelligent Systems and Tech-
nology Division of FHWA's Office of Safety
and Traffic Operations Research and
Development. He has been working on
FHWA's traffic simulation models since 1987.
He received a bachelor's degree in civil engi-
neering from National Taiwan University, a
master's degree in transportation engineer-
ing from the University of Mississippi, and a
doctorate from the University of Maryland.
raffic-flow theories seek to describe
in a precise mathematical way the
interactions among vehicles,
drivers, and the infrastructure. The
infrastructure consists of the high-
way system and all its operational elements,
including control devices, signage, and mark-
ings. These theories are an indispensable ele-
ment of all traffic models and analysis tools
that are being used in the design and
operation of streets and highways.
The scientific study of traffic flow had its be-
ginnings in the 1930s with the application of
probability theory to the description of road
traffic and with the pioneering studies conduct-
ed by Bruce D. Greenshields at the Yale Bureau
of Highway Traffic on the study of models relat-
ing volume and speed and the investigation of
performance of traffic at intersections. After
World War II, with the tremendous increase in
the use of automobiles and the expansion of
the highway system, there was also a surge in
the study of traffic characteristics and the
development of traffic-flow theories.
In December 1959, the First International
Symposium on the Theory of Traffic Flow was
held at the General Motors Research Laborato-
ries in Warren, Mich.This was the first of what
has become a series of triennial symposia on
the theory of traffic flow and transportation. A
glance through the proceedings of these sym-
posia will provide a good indication of the
tremendous developments over the last 40
years in the understanding and the treatment of
traffic-flow processes.
The field of traffic-flow theory and
transportation has become too diffuse to be
covered by any single type of meeting, and nu-
merous other symposia and specialty
conferences about a variety of traffic-related
topics are held on a regular basis. Yet, even as
traffic-flow theory is increasingly better under-
stood and more easily characterized through
advanced computation technology, the
fundamentals are just as important today as in
the early days. They form the foundation for all
the theories, techniques, and procedures that
are being applied in the design, operation, and
development of advanced transportation
This article outlines the revised Monograph
on Traffic Flow Theory, which can be viewed on
the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center
Web site (@www.tfhrc.gov/its/tft/ tft.htm/).This
report is an updated and expanded version of
two previous works that were sponsored by the
Transportation Research Board (TRB) and its
predecessor, the Highway Research Board
(HRB). The first monograph was published as
HRB Special Report 79 in 1964. A completely
rewritten monograph was published as TRB
Special Report 165 in 1975.This volume is now
out of print, and in 1987, the TRB Committee on
Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics recom-
mended that a new monograph be prepared as
a joint effort of committee members and other
While many of the basic theories may not
have changed much, the significant
developments since 1975 merited the writing of
a new version of the monograph. The Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA) supported this
effort through an interagency agreement with
the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.TRB is cur-
rently reviewing the revised monograph provid-
ed by FHWA, and the monograph will be
published as a formal TRB report some time in
The Revised Monograph
The general philosophy of the previous two
reports was retained, but the text was
completely rewritten and reorganized into 10
chapters. The primary reasons for such a ma-
jor revision were: to bring the material up-to-
date, to include new developments in
traffic-flow theory (e.g., network models), to
ensure consistency among chapters and top-
ics, and to emphasize the applications or
practical aspects of the theory.
The 10 chapter titles are: (1) Introduction,
(2) Traffic Stream Characteristics, (3) Human
Factors, (4) Car-Following Models, (5) Continu-
um Flow Models, (6) Macroscopic Flow Models
(7) Traffic Impact Models, (8) Unsignalized Inter-
section Theory, (9) Traffic Flow at Signalized In-
tersections, and (10) Traffic Simulation.
Chapter 2 presents the various models that
have been developed to characterize the
relationships among the traffic stream
variables: speed, flow, and concentration. Most
of the relationships are concerned with uninter-
rupted traffic flow, primarily on freeways or ex-
pressways. The chapter stresses the link
between theory and measurement capability
because, to a large extent, development of the
former depends on the latter.
Chapter 3, Human Factors, discusses salient
performance aspects of the human element in
the context of the person-machine system (i.e.,
the motor vehicle). The chapter describes
discrete components of performance,
including: perception-reaction time; control
movement time; how different segments of the
population differ in performance; and respons-
es to traffic control devices, to the movement of
other vehicles, and to hazards in the roadway.
Next, the kind of control performance that
underlies steering, braking, and speed control -
the primary control functions is described.
Applications of open-loop and closed-loop ve-
hicle control to specific maneuvers such as
lane-keeping, car-following, overtaking, gap ac-
ceptance, lane closures, and sight distances
are also described.To round out the chapter, a
few other performance aspects of the driver-ve-
hicle system are covered, including speed limit
changes, distractions on the highway, and
responses to real-time driver information.The
most obvious application of human factors is in
the development of car-following models.
Chapter 4 on car-following models examines
the manner in which individual vehicles (and
their drivers) follow one another. In general,
they are developed from a stimulus-response
relationship, where the response of successive
drivers in the traffic stream is to accelerate or
decelerate in proportion to the magnitude of the
stimulus at time t after a time lag T. Car-
following models form a bridge between the mi-
croscopic behavior of individual vehicles and
the macroscopic characteristics of a single-lane
traffic stream with its corresponding flow and
stability properties.
Chapter 5 deals with continuum flow models.
Because traffic involves flows, concentrations,
and speeds, there is a natural tendency to
attempt to describe traffic in terms of fluid
behavior. Car-following models recognize that
traffic is made up of discrete particles and
determine the interactions between these parti-
cles. Continuum models are concerned more
with the overall statistical behavior of the traffic
stream rather than with the interactions
between the two particles.
In the fluid-flow analogy, the traffic stream is
treated as a one-dimensional compressible flu-
id. This leads to two basic assumptions: (1)Traf-
fic flow is conserved, and this leads to the
conservation or continuity equation. (2) A one-
to-one relationship exits between speed and
density or between flow and density.
The simple continuum model consists of the
conservation equation and the equation of state
(speed-density or flow-density relationship). If
these equations are solved together with the
basic traffic-flow equation (flow equals density
times speed), we can obtain the speed, flow,
and density at any time and at any point in the
roadway. By knowing these basic traffic-flow
variables, we know the state of the traffic
system and can derive measures of
effectiveness, such as delays, stops, travel
time, total travel, and other measures that allow
the analysts to evaluate how well the traffic sys-
tem is performing. In this chapter, both simple
and high-order models are presented along
with analytical and numerical methods for their
Chapter 6, Macroscopic Flow Models,
discards the microscopic view of traffic in
terms of individual vehicles or individual
system components (such as links or intersec-
tions) and adopts instead a macroscopic view
of traffic in a network. A variety of models are
presented together with empirical evidence of
their applicability. Variables that are being con-
sidered, for example, include the traffic intensi-
ty (the distance traveled per unit area), the road
density (the length or area of roads per unit
area of city), and the weighted space mean
speed. The development of such models
extends traffic-flow theory into the network lev-
el and can provide traffic engineers with the
means to evaluate systemwide control
strategies in urban areas. Furthermore, the
quality of service provided to motorists can be
monitored to assess the city's ability to manage
growth. Network performance models could
also be used to compare traffic conditions
among different cities in order to determine the
allocation of resources for transportation
system improvements.
Chapter 7 addresses traffic impact models.
Issues of traffic safety and environmental
impacts, such as fuel consumption and air pol-
lution, were not specifically addressed in the
previous monographs. Traffic safety is always
the number one issue when dealing with traffic
operations and management, and since the
Clean Air Act Amendments became law in 1990,
fuel consumption and air quality have become
critical issues when dealing with transportation
and traffic management projects. The following
models are specifically discussed: traffic and
safety models, fuel-consumption models, and
air-quality models.
Chapter 8 is on unsignalized intersection
theory. Unsignalized intersections give neither
positive indication nor control to the driver. The
driver alone must decide when it is safe to enter
the intersection. Typically, he looks for a safe
opportunity or "gap" in the conflicting traffic.
This model of driver behavior is called "gap ac-
ceptance." At unsignalized intersections, the
driver must also respect the priority of other
drivers. This chapter discusses in detail the
gap-acceptance theory and the headway distri-
butions used in gap-acceptance calculations. It
also discusses the intersections among two or
more streams and provides calculations of ca-
pacities and quality of traffic operations based
on queuing modeling.
Chapter 9 discusses traffic flow at signalized
intersections. The statistical theory of traffic
flow is presented to provide estimates of delays
and queues at isolated intersections, including
the effect of upstream traffic signals. This leads
to the discussion of traffic bunching,
dispersion, and coordination at traffic signals.
The fluid (shock-wave) approach to traffic
signal analysis is not covered in this chapter; it
is treated to some extent in chapter 5. Both pre-
timed and actuated signal-control theory are
presented in some detail. Further, delay models
that are founded on steady-state queue theory,
as well as those using the so-called coordinate
transform method, are covered. Adaptive signal
control is discussed only in a qualitative
manner because this topic pertains primarily to
the development of optimal signal-control
strategies, which is outside the scope of this
The last chapter, chapter 10, is on traffic sim-
ulation. Simulation modeling is an increasingly
popular and effective tool for analyzing a wide
variety of dynamic problems that are not
amenable to study by other means. These prob-
lems are usually associated with complex
processes that cannot readily be described in
analytical terms. To provide an adequate test
bed, the simulation model must reflect with
fidelity the actual traffic-flow process. This
chapter describes the traffic models that are
embedded in simulation packages and the pro-
cedures that are being used to build traffic sim-
ulation models and conduct simulation
The revised monograph includes new
developments in traffic-flow theory since
1975. Chapter 3 (Human Factors) and chapter
5 (Continuum Flow Models) are two complete-
ly new chapters in this report. All chapters
deal with issues on a much broader basis
than the previous reports. More importantly,
issues of, and application to, intelligent trans-
portation systems (ITS) are discussed in the
chapters to the extent possible. For example,
the Human Factors chapter includes three lev-
els of driving tasks, including the knowledge-
based behavior that becomes increasingly
more important to traffic-flow theories as ITS
mature. The Traffic Simulation chapter is
expanded from the microscopic simulation
model to the mesoscopic and macroscopic
simulation models, and the simulation-based
traffic assignment is expanded to address
time-dependent traffic assignment issues.
To ensure the highest degree of reliability,
accuracy, and quality in the content of this
report, the collaboration of a large number of
specialists was enlisted, and this report
presents their cooperative efforts. A serious
and commendable effort has been made by the
contributing authors and reviewers of this
report to present fundamental traffic-flow theo-
ries and information that will have enduring val-
ue. It is hoped that this report will be useful to
the ITS community, graduate students,
researchers. practitioners, and others in the
transportation profession.
Federal Highway Administration
Kenneth R. Wykle, Federal Highway Administrator
Reprinted by permission from FHWA
In keeping with President
Clinton's priorities to create a
government that works better
and costs less, the Federal
Highway Administration
(FHWA) launched a
comprehensive evaluation of
the agency's organizational
structure in May of 1997. We
did this because our future
depends on delivering quality
services quickly, working with
our transportation partners in
the common goal of building
the finest transportation sys-
tem in the world.
Yet, as many companies and
agencies across the nation have
discovered, what were good busi-
ness practices yesterday may no
longer be effective today. Some
changes were necessary.
In our review, we looked at ways
to streamline FHWA's field organi-
zation and enhance the program
delivery role of our division
offices, which work directly with
our partners and customers in
each state, the District of
Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
We eliminated a layer of
decision making and empowered
our division offices by giving them
more authority and resources. We
established resource centers to
leverage our technical expertise in
support of our partners and
customers. Then, we looked at our
headquarters organization.We
identified five core businesses,
which focused on our strategic
goals and objectives. Technology
delivery will be an integral part of
each of these core businesses. We
will have new units to provide
agency wide leadership for profes-
sional development and corporate
Our strategic plan is the
blueprint that will help us cross
into the next millennium. Our new
organization focuses resources,
reduces duplication, provides effi-
cient service, and improves collab-
oration throughout the
FHWA's restructuring is still a
work in progress.We have formally
established the new field structure
and have developed the outlines of
our new headquarters
organization, which will be
complete, along with an implemen-
tation plan, by the end of calendar
year 1998.
I firmly believe this framework
will serve our partners well as we
position ourselves to contribute to
a unified transportation system for
the 21st century.
A New Era of Public Service
The FHWA has served the needs
of the American public for 105
years. Successfully meeting
those needs has always required
growth and change. The new mil-
lennium marks the beginning of a
new era of public service for the
Federal Highway Administration.
As the 21st century approaches,
we have made pivotal changes to
our field organization and are
planning additional changes to
our headquarters structure to be-
come a more efficient and
responsive agency.
Resource centers have been es-
tablished in Atlanta, Baltimore,
Olympia Fields (near Chicago), and
San Francisco, and the nine
regional offices have been
eliminated.The resource centers
represent a significant step in our
effort to strengthen
partner/customer service and our
commitment to technology
To improve partner/customer
service and efficiency of
operations, almost all program au-
thorities have been delegated to
the division offices. In addition, to
enable the division offices to more
effectively deliver the Federal-aid
and Motor Carrier programs, the
FHWA has allocated additional re-
sources to these offices.
The proposed headquarters
structure establishes core
businesses aligned with the
FHWA's strategic goals, promotes
increased emphasis on
operations, and provides for cross-
cutting teams to focus on
More Focused
The four resource centers allow
us to better focus our expertise in
the field and enhance our ability
to advance technology and best
The FHWA's proposed headquar-
ters structure is designed around
five core business areas-
Infrastructure, Operations,
Environment and Planning, Motor
Carrier and Highway Safety, and
Federal Lands Highways.
Technology delivery is integrated
into each core business area.
The new headquarters structure
will also provide for the formation
of a number of integrated product
teams to address high priority
agency needs, e.g., Intelligent
Transportation Systems (ITS) and
freight initiatives.
Better Service
The number of positions in our
empowered division offices will
increase to provide better service
to our partners, particularly in ar-
eas that support our national
goals, such as safety, intelligent
transportation systems, environ-
ment, civil rights, and planning.
The resource centers will be
staffed with technical and
program experts whose primary
responsibility is to provide expert
advice to the divisions and our
Nearly all program and project
authorities have been delegated
to the division offices, and a layer
of decision making between
headquarters and the division of-
fices has been eliminated
In headquarters, motor carrier
and highway safety will be
integrated into a single core busi-
ness area. ITS, traffic operations,
and freight issues will be
combined in the operations core
business area to increase the
agency's investment in this impor-
tant transportation function.
Strengthened Partnerships
The location of the resource cen-
ters allows for continued coordi-
nation with other USDOT modes
and other federal agencies on
broad program matters; division
offices will carry out intermodal
coordination on project- and loca-
tion-specific matters.
The delegation of program
authorities to the division offices
will strengthen our partnerships
with state and local governments.
The establishment of the resource
centers will facilitate closer affilia-
tion with professional
organizations and universities.
Looking Toward the Future
Flexibility is a key component of
both the resource centers and
headquarters to enable us to meet
future needs. Clustering our
expertise in the resource centers
provides greater opportunities to
grow our next generation of
Headquarters Restructuring
Service units and core business units will
operate independently but will also inter-
act with one another by forming integrated
product teams.
I Mc Tans sumer 9
- cr 3
Mc Trans
presents a
Highway Capacity Analysis Seminar
in LasVegas, Nevada
including procedures in the
1997 Update to the Highway Capacity Manual
with software demonstrations using the
Highway Capacity Software
(Release 3 for Windows 95/NT)
July 28-30, 1999
co-sponsored by the ITE Student Chapter
of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Course Agenda
July 28: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Registration and Introductions
Introduction to the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM)
Principals of Capacity (Lecture)
Basic Freeway Segments (Lecture & HCS Demo)
Multilane Highways (Lecture & HCS Demo)
July 29: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Weaving Areas (Lecture & HCS Demo)
Ramps and Ramp Junctions (Lecture & HCS Demo)
Unsignalized Intersections (Lecture & HCS Demo)
Signalized Intersections (Lecture)
July 30: 8:30 a.m.-12 noon
Signalized Intersections (Lecture & HCS Demo)
Arterial Streets (Lecture & HCS Demo)
Summary and Evaluation (Lecture & HCS)
Objectives This Highway Capacity Analysis Seminar will
provide lectures and software demonstrations on the
application of several Highway Capacity Manual (HCM)
procedures. The procedures to be covered represent
those updated in the current version of the HCM including
Chapters 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 and 11, with detailed information
on the 1997 Update to the HCM, scheduled to be
published by TRB in July, 1998.
Release 3 of the Highway Capacity Software (HCS-3), implements
the procedures defined in the HCM in a Windows 95/NT interface.
Each lecture will be followed by a demonstration using the HCS
module applying the HCM procedures. A comprehensive
workbook will be provided with the course.
For course information contact
Bill Sampson at (352) 392-0378 ext. 241
For registration contact
Chris Wilson at (352) 392-0378 ext. 223
Institute of Transportation Engineers
69th Annual Meeting
August 1-4 1999
at the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada
The ITE Annual Meeting Professional Program
is arranged along six tracks:
Traffic Engineering
Transportation Planning
Management & Operations
Transportation Safety
Major Transportation Issues
For more information contact:
Telephone: (202) 554-8050
Fax: (202) 863-5486
ITE on the Web: www.ite.org
Click on Meetings and Conferences
Don't forget to come by and visit Mc Trans at Booth #425!
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L..'. .....
HCS-3 Patch a is more than a patch.
The first patch (a) to HCS-3 provides enhanced
features beyond just correcting some minor
Signals now offers a Quick Jump feature that was
added to allow users to position either the Input or
Report screens to specific locations, such as the
Phasing Design area or the Level of Service
Signals now also includes graphic representations
of the phasing design which shows the movements
allowed for each phase with color-coded
designations for pretimed and actuated phases, as
well as different lines for protected and permitted
Freeways, Weaving, Ramps and Multilane modules
can now accommodate composite grade
calculations to consolidate several specific grades
for a given analysis.
Arterials now imports the appropriate information
from Signals files by specifying the file name for use
in an Arterial analysis.
For more, check the HCS-3 web site
(http://mctrans.ce.ufl.edultechfaqs/history.htm) for a
complete list.
TRANSYT-7F is a comprehensive signal timing
tool, so it can take a long time for the average
user to learn about the wide range of available
program features.
Supplementary output ensures accurate modeling.
Traffic flow diagrams are useful in calibrating the pla-
toon dispersion model and verifying traffic counts,
and the 132-column output format provides extra
output statistics that are useful for diagnostic
Defining a link numbering scheme makes the output
more readable. Movement names (i.e. NB LEFT) are
written into the output file in place of the link
numbers.When modeling more than 12 links, names
are listed for the 12 standard movements, link
numbers for the remaining links.
The actuated control model is useful in developing
superior network-wide optimal signal timing. TRAN-
SYT-7F is able to shift excessive green time away
from the actuated movements, making that green
time available for the coordinated movements prior
to optimization.
Dual ring controllers can be modeled with phase
overlaps as short as two seconds.
Numerous objective functions are available to specif-
ically take aim at delay, stops, queuing, fuel
consumption, progression, throughput, or combina-
tions of these. Also, TRANSYT-7F can apply global,
node-specific, and link-specific optimization weight-
ing factors.
The step-wise simulation process available in
release 8 provides enhanced modeling accuracy. For
more information about program features within
release 8, check the TRANSYT-7F web site
Frequently Asked Questions:
HCS-3 In HCS-3, why is there an asterisk (*), plus
sign (+) or minus sign (-) appended to certain val-
ues (sometimes but not always) in the output pane
and printed in the report?
If a calculated number is edited, an asterisk (*) will be shown by
that field and an asterisk will appear in all results to indicate that
an intermediate value was adjusted.
Result thresholds at decision points, such as density or delay, will
have a plus (+) or minus (-) appended if the calculated value at full
precision is greater (+) or less (-) than the rounded displayed value.
The asterisk (*), plus (+), and minus (-) flags will appear when appli-
cable in the report pane and in the printed reports.
In HCS-Signals, why are the delay and LOS values
blank for some lane groups, approaches or the in-
If the analysis results in an estimate of greater than 999.9 seconds
for a given lane group, delay and LOS values for that lane group, and
subsequent approach and intersection values, are blank to indicate
an out of range condition.
For more, check the HCS-3 web site
(http://www.mctrans.ce.ufl.edulhcs-3) for a
complete and current list.
How can I make minor changes to the optimal sig-
nal timing design?
Request updated "punch" data files to be generated following an
optimization run.
How can I model peaking traffic flows?
Use multi-period simulation to explicitly model peaking flows, or in-
put peak-adjusted volumes.
How can I define complicated lane configurations
and intersections?
Define more than 12 links. This is useful when modeling
intersections with five or more approaches, or when modeling
shared lanes that are adjacent to exclusive turn lanes.
For more, check the TRANSYT-7F FAQ page
Mc Tans sumer 9
W b-Node Model
Th.i Ir Ih.,.
ii ,l-.nent model
,.:,-, ni Ihe b-node
,:,1 e..er, :one
centroid connector
link into a subzone.
The program reads
a typical highway network and a zone trip
table. It then subdivides the trip table into
a subzonal trip table and finally loads part
of it through the "mother" zone centroid
connectors and the other part through the
new subzone centroid connectors
automatically. The user specifies which
zones are to be subdivided, how they are
to be subdivided, the split between the
mother zone and the subzones, and what
percent intra-zonal trips that become
inter-subzonal trips should load onto the
network. This allocation to subzones can
be based on the reciprocal of the centroid
connector time. It can be based on
assignment of equal weights; i.e., each of
4 centroid connectors would be assigned
25%, each. Or, it can be based on user
supplied subzone land activity. The
results are far superior to traditional
assignment algorithms. This process
eliminates the lumpiness where centroid
connectors tie into the highway network.
This software reduces the need for the
timely, cumbersome and prone-to-error
process of Window Options and Focus
Options involving renumbering of nodes
and zones, updating the network, subdi-
viding trips etc. All of this is done
automatically with the b-node model. Op-
tions consist of capacity restraint, select
link, turns, etc. Limitations are 2,250
zones; 16,400 nodes; and 24,750
subzones. The network for the Washing-
ton, DC region with 2,191 zones and
8,000 subzones (including mother zones)
took 6 hours to run on a Pentium 300
b-Node (#BNODE) Version 1.0 by
W.W.Mann Assoc., is available at LOS 7
for $900. E
Driven Version 1.0
DRIVEN is a program for determining ulti-
mate vertical static pile capacity. It has
been completely rewritten from the
ground up, but its legacy lies in the SPILE
program. Clearly, the most visible change
is the move to a Windows based environ-
ment. The SPILE program was also
developed by the FHWA and released in
1993. In SPILE, the user entered a soil
profile to a planned pile toe depth and
"ran" the program for the results of this in-
put. When using the DRIVEN program.,
the user enters the entire sampled soil
profile to the full depth of the profile.
Based upon the input, DRIVEN will calcu-
late pile capacities at predetermined
depth intervals. This allows the user to
five the pile capacity as a function of
depth. There are many other new
features that have been added. They are
discussed below. These options are dis-
cussed in full detail in the user's manual.
Multiple Water Tables Support for three
water tables is now included. One table at
the time of sampling, another for
restrike/driving considerations. And one
for ultimate capacity considerations.
Soft Compressible Soils/Negative Skin
Friction The user may specify the depth
of a soft compressible soil layer at the top
of the soil profile. For ultimate
calculations, the shaft resistance from this
layer can be considered in tow different
ways, as soft compressible soil or as neg-
ative skin friction.
Scourable Soils There are two kinds of
scour conditions that the DRIVEN
program can consider: short term (local)
and long term (Channel degradation and
contraction) scour.
Open End Pipe Piles The program sup-
ports the used of open-end pipe piles in
its static analyses.
Capacities The program computes three
sets of capacities for three different condi-
tions: restrike, driving and ultimate.
Output The program presents the output
in both tabular and graphical format.
Units The program supports both English
and SI units.
Driveability The program will prepare a
partial driveablity file for use by the GRL-
WEAP software.
The program operates in Windows 3.1
and Windows 95.
available at LOS 3 for $50. The manual
(DRIVEN.D) is available for $10. E
HEC-HMS Version 1.1
The Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-
HMS) version 1.1 supersedes HEC-1 and
provides a similar variety of options for
simulation precipitation-runoff processed.
In addition to unit hydrograph and hydro-
logic routing options, capabilities include
a linear distributed-runoff transformation
that can be applied with gridded (e.g.,
radar) rainfall data, a simple "moisture de-
pletion" option that can be used for simu-
lations over extended time periods, and a
versatile parameter optimization option.
Future versions will have capability for
continuous moisture accounting and
snow accumulation/melt simulation.
HEC-HMS is comprised of a graphical
user interface, integrated hydrologic
analysis components, data storage and
management capabilities, and graphics
and reporting facilities. The DATA Storage
System, HEC-DSS, is used for storage
and retrieval of time series, paired-
function, and gridded data, in a manner
largely transparent to the user.
Computations are performed with SI
(System International Units) units. You
can, however, enter input and view output
with units in the U.S. Customary system,
and can readily convert input/results from
one unit system to the other.
HEC-HMS (#HECHMS) by the US Army
Corps of Engineers, Hydrological
Engineering Center is available at LOS 2
for $75. The manual (HECHMS.D) is
available for $20. E
Indonesian Highway Capacity
Manual and Software
The Indonesian Highway Capacity Manu-
al (IHCM) covers urban/semi-urban traffic
facilities as well as inter urban roads and
motorways. It thus replaces the previous,
interim manuals for urban traffic facilities
(January 1993) and interurban roads (Au-
gust 1994) which have been published
earlier with the IHCM project. The
software implements the procedures in
the manual. The types of facilities
covered and the traffic performance
measures that can be calculated with the
use of the manual are:
Signalized Intersections covering Signal
Timing, Capacity, Proportion of Stopped
Vehicles, Queue Length, and Average
Unsignalized Intersections covering
Capacity Average Delay and Queue
Weaving Sections covering Capacity
Speed in the Weaving Area and Travel
Urban Roads covering Capacity, Free-
flow Speed for Each Vehicle Type, and
Speed at Actual Flow.
Interurban Roads covering Capacity
Free-flow Speed for Each Vehicle Type,
Speed at Actual Flow, Speed on Specific
Grades, and Degree of Bunching.
Motorways covering Capacity, Free-Flow
Speed for Each Vehicle Type, Speed at
Actual Flow, Speed on Specific Grades,
and Degree of Bunching.
The manual also included traffic
engineering guidelines advising the user
regarding selection of facility type and its
design before the start of the detailed cal-
culation procedures for determination of
traffic performance. It can also be used to
analyze routes or networks within urban
areas by means of successive application
of the relevant chapter for each traffic fa-
cility. The total travel time can then be ob-
tained as the sum of the travel times and
delays on each link and node along the
Indonesian Highway Capacity Software
(#IHCM) by Directorate General of High-
ways, Indonesia is available at LOS 3 for
$50. The manual (#IHCM.D) is available
for $35. E
Signal Timing Database
Introducing a new tool to help you quickly
maintain and organize signal timing data.
Signal Timing Database v1.0 (STDB) is a
highly configurable Access 97-based sig-
nal timing database designed to keep
traffic engineers abreast of signal timing
and phasing. This easy to use package
stores, sorts and reports the following in-
=> Signal phasing
=> Local detectors
=> Timing parameters
=> System detectors
=> Local coordination plans
=> Conflict monitor settings
=> Event scheduler
=> Telemetry/interconnect data
=> Signal timing operations
=> Signal timing complaints
STDB includes with an Access 97 run-
time license (so you don't need to
purchase Microsoft Access 97) and a
comprehensive browser-based help sys-
Save $100 off STDB until August 1999.
Signal Timing Database (#STDB) by John
Thai is available at LOS 6 for $395. U
TP/ALL-in-1 runs the 4-step travel
forecasting process, all in one execution
on a PC. It is structured to execute the
model for any size area, as large as
Washington, DC region or as small as
Fauquier County (population 55,000).
The major advantage of this software
over other software is that it is designed
for the novice transportation planner who
does not have time to learn all the bells
and whistles of more sophisticated
software like MINUTP@, TRANPLAN,
etc. Once a region's MPO model is
streamlined to fit within the structure of
TP/4-in-1, it could be executed by any
suburban jurisdiction planner or it could
be built from scratch for any new urban-
ized area. Running the model frequently
or for only a few times per year is feasible
for those unfamiliar with transportation
modeling. Some of the features include:
Trip generation for 4 trip purposes +
P-Mods and A-Mods
Trip distribution for 4 trip purposes +
F-curves and K-factors
Matrix compression and reporting by
Mode split for work trips only using a
matrix of percent
Capacity restraint assignment
Multi-load assignment: loading
another trip table over the same
paths as the total trip table in
capacity restraint
Select link assignment and/or select
link trip table compression
Screenline analysis
And many more options
Limitations are 2,250 zones; 16,400
nodes; and 128,000 links
TP/4-in-1 (#TP41N1) by W.W. Mann
Assoc., is available at LOS 7 for $900. E
r c'^h
Culvert Analysis (HY-8)
The Federal Highway Administration has
just released Version 6.1 of HY-8, which
fixes minor bugs to the software. This
version of the software can be
downloaded from their web site at:
If you are unable to download the
update, registered users can request a
set of disks from Mc Trans at no charge.
The Federal Highway Administration has
just released Version 6.1 of HYDRAIN,
which fixes minor bugs to the software
and updates the User's Manual. This ver-
sion of the software and documentation
can be downloaded from their web site
at: www.fhwa.dot.gov/bridge
If you are unable to download the
update, registered users can request a
set of disks from Mc Trans at no charge.
The updated HYDRAIN Users Manual
can be purchased for $50. U
The Federal Highway Administration has
just released Version 6.1 of WSPRO,
which fixes minor bugs to the software
and updates the User's Manual. This ver-
sion of the software and documentation
can be downloaded from their web site
at: www.fhwa.dot.gov/bridge
If you are unable to download the
update, registered users can request a
set of disks from Mc Trans at no charge.
The updated WSPRO Users Manual can
be purchased for $25. E
Both MVMACH and SURVEY now run
under Windows 3.x/95/NT. MVMACH is a
comprehensive license plate matching
program for O-D or parking surveys.
SURVEYS is a comprehensive survey
analysis package including data editing,
record manipulation, data correction,
cross tabulation, and regression analysis.
SURVEY) by MVA Systematica are avail-
able at LOS 7 for $1,500 each. Call for
public agency/educational user price
schedules. U
PASSERTM III (Progression Analysis and
Signal System Evaluation Routine) is the
only publicly available software for analy-
sis and optimization of signalized
diamond interchanges. It was developed
by the Texas Transportation Institute
(TTI) for the Texas Department of Trans-
portation in 1978 and has been updated
several times over the past 20 years.
PASSERTM 111-98 provides significant en-
hancements to this widely used software
package. Enhancements include a user-
friendly graphical user interface, an
expanded easy-to-understand output,
and a simulation/animation module. En-
hancements were also made to the per-
formance evaluation model by
incorporating the 1997 Highway Capacity
Manual (HCM) procedures.
PASSERTM 111-98 for Windows 95/98 is a
macroscopic traffic simulation model that
can evaluate existing or proposed signal-
ization strategies, or develop optimum
signalization strategies for diamond inter-
changes. In terms of optimization, PASS-
ERTM III can either minimize delay or
internal queuing at the interchange. If de-
lay minimization is selected, PASSERTM
III allocates green times based on an
equal-degree-of-saturation approach and
uses the delay difference of offset
methodology to optimize traffic flow
through the two signalized intersections.
If queue minimization is selected, PASS-
ERTM III allocates green times and deter-
mines offsets based on the four-phase
with two overlaps approach.
The Windows version of PASSERTM III-
98 features a graphical user interface
(GUI), which is organized in a hierarchi-
cal structure of folders and reference
tabs. The GUI simplifies data entry and
minimizes input errors. The presentation
of the resultant system performance
measures has been expanded and
improved. Multiple performance
measures are provided in tabular format
for every timing plan evaluated. Alterna-
tive timing plans can be ranked by the
performance measure most important to
the user. Performance measures for mul-
tiple cycle lengths can also be displayed
graphically. A rich text format (RTF) file
can be generated for the timing plan se-
lected for implementation. PASSERTM III-
98 also has a user-friendly on-line help
system and a tutorial for first time users.
PASSERTM 1ll-98's optimized signal tim-
ing plans can be evaluated visually using
the microscopic simulation/animation
module. Analysts can observe queuing
behavior and system performance and if
necessary, make adjustments to the rec-
ommended timing plan. As mentioned,
PASSERTM 111-98 provides more perform-
ance measures than in the past.
Previously, only the performance meas-
ures for the optimum solution were
provided. Now the performance
measures for all the possible scenarios
are presented to the user. These
performance measures include control
delay, degree of saturation, stop rate,
maximum back of queue, fuel consump-
tion, and cost. PASSERTM 111-98 also pro-
vides signal-timing tables that are easier
to interpret and implement.
PASSER 111-98 (#P398) by Texas Trans-
portation Institute is available at LOS 1
for $300. The manual (#P398.D) is avail-
able for $15. Upgrade from PASSER III-
90 (#P398.UPG) is available for $170. E
Section 15 Transit Agency
Performance Data
Section 15 has now been updated to in-
clude 1996 and 1997 versions. The
tables provide performance indicators for
over 400 transit agencies in the United
States, now collected from 1981 through
1997. The data sets include fiscal, rider-
ship, safety, vehicle, mileage, and labor
Section 15 (#SECT15) is available at
LOS 3 for $20 per year dataset. E
Under development Summer
Complete Available
Under development Summer
Under development Summer
Patch file download
Registered users may upgrade
Automatic to registered users
Automatic to registered users
Version Status
Mc Tans sumer 9
s Products
Traffic Operations System
Software (TOSS)
This popular Traffic Management
database package has been converted to
take advantage of the Windows environ-
ment. TOSS has been known for its ease
of use with a simple to follow menu-driv-
en system. With the latest release of ver-
sion 8, the program has again reached
new heights by incorporating many new
windows-based features, plus additional
reports, add button for digital picture, ac-
cepts GPS coordinates, improved backup
and validation routines and more. TOSS
is a management tool designed to
provide managerial information for main-
tenance activities, statistical and invento-
ry data, job costing and budget control.
This PC-based system has been
successfully installed by many cities
throughout North America and overseas.
By using the standard .dbf format, it can
interface with other commercially
available software such as spreadsheet,
database and GIS software. TOSS con-
sists of eleven modules. Each module
can be run independently or combined to
achieve maximum power. A runtime ver-
sion of Visual dBase is included to allow
user to run TOSS without having to pur-
chase any additional software. The mod-
ules include:
Accident Information System
Collision Diagram (AutoCD)
Traffic Count Information System
Road Marking Inventory System
Sign Inventory System
Traffic Signal Maintenance System
Traffic Signal Inventory System
Street Light maintenance System
Street Light Inventory System
Complaint Tracking System
Street Furniture Inventory System
Traffic Operations System Software, Ver-
sion 8 (#TOSS.P) by Al Technologies Ltd.
is available at LOS 7 for $1,500 for the
complete package. The upgrade
(#TOSSUP) is available for $695. Individ-
ual modules are available for $295. See
listing of modules in the Product List un-
der Traffic Engineering, General Traffic,
and ad on page 17. E
Traffic Noise Model
As some TNM users have experienced,
TNM is giving floating point errors for cer-
tain case runs. The new executable, TNM
Version 1.0a, will correct these errors for
the most common floating point error
bug. This update has been sent to all
registered users. Please read the readme
file on the diskette for instructions. If you
have any comments or questions, please
Cynthia Lee
Volpe Center, Acoustics Facility
(617) 494-2372
(617) 494-3208 Fax
Lee@Volpe2.dot.gov E
TRIPS/32 is a comprehensive transporta-
tion planning package which now runs
under Windows NT. If provides a broad
spectrum of modeling options. TRIPS
modules will perform:
Highway & Transit System Analysis
Travel Demand & Forecasting
Matrix Estimation & Manipulation
Network Assignment
Subarea Windowing for both matrices
& networks.
Select Link Analysis
Network Plots of user defined
Interactive Color Network &
Presentation Graphics
Transit model with multi-pathing, user
specified fare structures & crowding
Support for UNIX workstations &
North American based distribution
support & training
Hierarchical node numbering with
support for up to10,000 zones
Windows based project management tool
TRIPS/32 (#TRIPS32) by MVA Systemat-
ica is available at LOS 7 for $8,715. Call
for public agency/educational user price
schedule. U
The following products have been deleted:
OSCADY3 MVA Systematica
SMV ytmtc
Have you upgraded yet? Are you up-to-date?
HCS is now RELEASE 3 and implements the
procedures in the 1997 Update to the Highway
Capacity Manual (HCM). It is available in aWindows
95/98/NT interface. Upgrade Today!
VisualTraffic from VisualSoftware Co. is a
traffic assignment program that works
with Excel. If you know manual
assignment methods, then you know how
to use VisualTraffic.
Study networks can be drawn quickly
with the mouse on spreadsheets using a
matrix of node circles. These networks
then become your graphic interface to in-
put distribution, route selection and
assignments, making it as simple to un-
derstand as manual techniques with the
advantage of spreadsheets.
VisualTraffic is a tool-based program
which gives you more control over the
data and outputs than with process-
based programs. Project workbooks can
have more than one network sheet,
allowing you to layer the data and assign-
ments. You control of the level of detail
shown on each network.
Create tabular reports of volumes, distri-
bution and trips and easily transfer these
into your word processor. Network graph-
ics are also report quality. You can export
the assignments into Highway Capacity
Software or SIG/Cinema, for LOS analy-
sis. Also includes a DXF translation into
AutoCAD or other CAD software for
faster network diagrams.
VisualTraffic (1,000 nodes) has been
used for large traffic impact studies as
well as regional planning.
VisualTraffic Lite (25 nodes) does not re-
quire licensing and can be used for small
studies or as an educational tool.
If you don't have the time or data to use
complex modeling software for your stud-
ies, then VisualTraffic might be just the
tool you've been looking for.
VisualTraffic (#VTRAF.WIN) and
(VTRAF.MAC) by Jeff Corpstein is avail-
able at LOS 7 for $150 each. VisualTraf-
fic Lite (#VTRAFLT) is available at LOS 7
for $5. (See ad on page 18.) E
Links I
0 N
* Hi
ghway Capacit
Venu Information Acc(
www: http://mctrans.ce.ufl.ed
t Mc Trans E-mail: mctrans@ce.ufl.edu
Fax: (352) 392-3224
wsletters Messages: 1-800-226-1013
Catalog Telephone: (352) 392-0378
* Catalog
Software Bill Sampson
Update Information
*Technical Assistance
McLink (FTP files)
* Other Transportation Topics
* Other Transportation Sites
Assistant Director
Bill Heitman
Program Manager
Program Assistant
Debbie Escalera
Order Processing
David Hale
Technical Assistant
Ahmet Dogan
Technical Assistant
sion General Responsibilities
241 Center & software information
Website & technical assistance (HCS)
234 Catalog & newsletter information
Advertising & support services
239 Orders & new product status
Contracts & licenses
242 Order & shipment status
Software registration & invoices
240 Traffic software technical assistance
238 Hydraulic software technical assistance
ITE 69th Annual Meeting
Institute of Transportation Engineers, (202) 554-8050
6th ITS World Congress
ITS America, VERTIS, ERTICO, ITS Canada, (202) 484-4542
SynchrolSimTraffic Training Course (Beginnerllntermediate)
University of Nebraska (402) 472-2175
Highway Capacity Analysis Seminar 97 Update
Mc Trans & University of Nevada, Chris Wilson (352) 392-0378 ext. 223
Timing Traffic Signals Using TEAPAC, PASSER, TRANSYT
and NETSIM/CORSIM Workshop I
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 800 462-0876
Advanced TEAPAC Application Techniques Workshop II
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 800 462-0876
Introduction to CORSIM Training Course
Odetics (703) 471-0838
Aug 1-4
Nov 8-12
July 21
July 28-30
Sept 13-15
Sept 16-17
Sept 15-17
Las Vegas, NV
Toronto, Canada
Lincoln, NE
Las Vegas, Nevada
Orange County, CA
Orange County, CA
Sterling, VA
Ic Tans umme 99
-2 M rn umr9
McTrans Products
1 Full Technical and Maintenance Support
2 Technical and Update Support
3 Limited Technical Support
4 Freeware/Shareware/User Supported
5 Unsupported
6 Proprietary Software, McTrans Distributed
7 Proprietary Software, Developer Distributed
Mc Trans provides full technical support of the application
and provides software maintenance, for which the cost of
maintenance is user-supported. Our support at LOS 1
assures users of the following: Immediate notification of any
serious bug discovered in a supported, maintained program;
Free replacements of program modules (and documentation)
which are updated to correct bugs; Periodic User Notes for
useful information; Discounted upgrades when major new
releases are issued.This software is maintained by Mc Trans
or the developer, thus the mechanism for correcting bugs
and implementing other enhancements is in place and
responsive to immediate needs.
This is software for which Mc Trans provides technical
support and free updates (but not major upgrades).
This is usually public domain software for which Mc Trans
serves as the distributor. Mc Trans provides limited "first line"
technical assistance in its use.
This is generally copyrighted software offered by Mc Transto
the membership. It is referred to as "freeware,""shareware"
or "user-supported" by various developers. Mc Trans offers
no support for software in this category, but support usually
can be obtained from the developer for a registration fee.
Registration of shareware with the developer usually is
required if the program is placed into actual use.
This is useful public-domain software that Mc Trans makes
available at a nominal fee. However, no one, Mc Trans or the
developer, provides any support. You're on your own.
This is privately developed software distributed by Mc Trans,
for which a royalty is paid to the developer. The developer
provides the technical support.
This is privately developed software for which a royalty is
paid to the developer. Software at this level is distributed by
the developer and all support is provided by the developer.
B New Products
. Updated Products
Since Spring 1999
W9 *icos95 N
P MirsotPwrin
X 0u
Highway Engineering Construction Management
Daily Report System 1/92 DRS $5 (On Disk) 5
Easy Project, Ver. 3.6 1/90 EZPROJ 5 (On Disk) 4
Estimax, Ver.1.0 12/96 ESTMAX.WIN 975 (Included) WIN 7
GANTT, Ver. 1.3 10/88 GANTT 5 (On Disk) 4
North Dakota Materials Management System, Ver. 1.0 2/93 NDMMS 50 NDMMS.D $5 3
North Dakota Roadway Management System, Ver. 1.0 2/93 NDRMS 50 NDRMS.D 5 3
PC Project, Ver. 1.1 4/88 PC PROJ 5 (On Disk) 4
WINsched, Ver. 1.04c 3/97 WINSCH 195 (Included) 6
Highway Engineering Highway Design
BAP 6/97 BAP 10 (On Disk) W95/WIN 4
BERM, Ver. 1.0 9/87 BERM 5 BERM.D 25 5
BRCOM 6/88 BRCOM 50 BRCOM.D 10 3
BRICK Package 6/91 BRICK 12,930 (Included) 7
Individual modules are available. Refer to Catalog or call for details.
BRIDGE RM/LL, Ver. 1.0 6/89 BRIDGE 50 BRIDGED 5 3
COM624P, Ver. 2.0 10/93 COM624P 5 COM624P.D 25 5
Datasets for Standardized Small Sign Support Hardware 6/97 GSSH 30 5
DILLY, Ver. 1.1 8/88 DILLY 3001 (Included) 1
ECSD11 11/91 ECSD 50 ECSD.D 5 3
EMBANK, Ver. 2.0 5/93 EMBANK 50 EMBANK.D 10 3
FLRDS, Ver. 4.04 2/94 FLRDS.GSS 100 FLRDS.D 15 3
ICAHD, Ver. 3.0 4/98 ICAHD 2500 (Included) 7
KwikSOFT Bridge Design Utilities-Series 1 6/96 KSBDS 75 (Included) 7
PC-BRIDGE, Ver. 2.60 1/90 PCBRIDGE 5 (On Disk) 4
PC-STRAN, Ver. 5.02 1/90 PCSTRAN 5 (On Disk) 4
PIZER EARTH Earthwork Cut & Fill Calculator Ver. 5.0 9/97 PEARTH.W95 500 (Included) W95 7
PL-AID, Ver. 1.1 9/89 PLAID 5001 (Included) 1
PPLAN-6R 4/92 PPLAN 75 (Included) 6
Reinforced Slope Stability 9/97 RSS 5 RSS.D 10 5
SET-SAND, Ver. 1.0 12/84 SETSAND 501 (Included) IB 1
SHAFT, Ver. 1.0 7/89 SHAFT 2001 (Included) L123 1
SHAFTUF, Ver. 1.0 3/92 SHAFTUF 2001 (Included) IB 1
Single Point Urban Interchange 11/91 SPUI 50 (On Disk) L123 3
SPILE, Ver. 2.0 6/93 SPILE 50 SPILE.D 10 3
SSD 11/90 SSD 50 SSD.D 10 3
Traffic Barrier Hardware Datasets 9/95 TBHD 20 (Included) 5
Highway Engineering Hydraulics
ASHDRAIN, Ver. 2.0 3/92 ASHDRAIN 165 (Included) 6
BASINOPT 4/98 BASINOPT 1,235 (Included) W95 7
BOSS RiverCADTM 9/97 bossrcad.w95 2,690 (Included) W95 7
BOXCAR, Ver. 1.0 11/88 BOXCAR 125 BOXCAR.D 25 1
Supplemental Documentation BOXCAR.DS 25
BRI-STARS, Ver.3.3 3/93 BRI-STARS 100 BRI-STARS.D 25 1
CANDE89, Ver. 1.0 5/90 CANDE 5 CANDE.D 20 5
Source Code, Ver. 1.0 5/90 CANDE.S 5 (SI) 5
CANDE-POST, Ver. 1.1 9/94 CPOST 300 (Included) 7
CANPRO, Ver. 1.2 8/89 CANPRO 80 (Included) 6
CHANNEL 4/98 CHANNEL 585 (Included) W95 7
CODEH2, Ver. 3.59 6/89 CODEH2 695 (Included) 6
Demo, Ver. 3.59 10/88 CODEH2.DEM 10 6
Culvert Analysis (HY-8), Ver. 6.1 6/99 HY8 125 HY8.D 40 2
Upgrade to Ver. 6.0 HY8.UPG 25 (Included)
CULVERT2, Ver.1.0 11/92 CULVERT2 75 (Included) 2
CULVERT3, Ver.1.0 (Metric) 4/94 CULVERT3 75 (Included) 2
CULVERT4 5/98 CULVERT4 50 (Included) 6
CulvertMaster 12/95 CULVMSTR.WIN 495 Win 7
1 I(5)3f )-
Mo Vr cu
D 0
F0_ 38 F 05 -0
DBRM (Drainage Basin Runnoff) 4/96 DBRM $175 (Included) 6
Metric Ver. 4/96 DBRM.M 175 (Included) 6
DAMP, Ver. 1.1 7/89 DAMP 50 DAMP.D $10 3
Drainage Requirements in Pavements 11/98 DRIP 50 DRIP.D 10 3
EASy (Engineering Analysis System), Ver. 1.1 7/89 EASY 150 (Included) 6
EPANET Modeling System 9/97 EPANET.W95 (Included) W95 7
Contact McTrans for quote.
FESWMS, Ver.1.0 3/89 FESWMS 70 FESWMS.D 25 3
Supplemental Documentation FESWMS.DS 25
FlowMaster PE for Windows 12/95 FLOWPE.WIN 195 Win 7
FlowMaster I, Ver.3.4 7/93 FLOW 100 (On Disk) 7
Formed in Place Pipe, Ver. 3.1 12/95 FIPP 225 Included Win 6
HEC-1, Ver. 4.0 8/90 HEC1.GSS 160 HEC1.D 45 2
Spanish Documentation HEC1.DS 45 2
HEC-2, Ver. 4.6.2 6/91 HEC2 95 HEC2.D 30 2
Spanish Documentation HEC2.DS 30
HEC-12 (Pavement Drainage), Ver. 3.0 11/93 HEC12 350 (Included) 7
Demo, Ver. 2.11 HEC12.DEM 5 (On Disk) 6
HEC-RAS, Ver.2.0 5/97 HECRAS 125 HECRAS.D 25 W95/WIN 2
HYDGEN for Windows 6/93 HYDGEN 5 (Included) WIN 4
E HYDRAIN, Ver. 6.1 4/99 HYD6 350 HYD6.D 50 1
Ver. 6.0 Upgrade from Ver. 5.0 HYD6.UPG 50 1
Supplemental Documentation HYD.DS 25
Hydrogen Sulfide (HS), Ver.1.0 4/91 HS 45 HS.D 15 6
Supplemental Documentation HS.DS 20
HydroCAD, Ver.5.0 8/98 HCAD10 395 (Included) 7
HCAD20 595 (Included) 7
HCAD40 795 (Included) 7
HCAD90 995 (Included) 7
HCAD200 1195 (Included) 7
Hydrological Modeling System, Ver.1.1 6/99 HECHMS 75 HECHMS.D 20 2
Hydrology & Hydraulics for Stormwater Management Manual 6/96 HHSME.D 85
HYDROpac, Ver.2.1b HPAC 95 (Included) 6
HY-EDIT, Ver.1.1 11/91 HYEDIT 50 (On Disk) 6
HYPERCALC, Ver.1.01 3/95 HYPERCALC 5 (On Disk) WIN 4
HYTB 3/99 HYTB.D 20
LCA, Ver. 1.0 12/90 LCA 35 LCA.D 15 6
LCA Metric, Ver. 1.0 8/90 LCAM 35 LCAM.D 15 6
LCAP, Ver.1.0 12/90 LCAP 40 LCAP.D 10 6
MacCulvert, Ver.1.0 8/90 MACCULV.MAC 100 (Included) 7
MacStorm Sewer, Ver. 3.1 8/90 MACSTORM.MAC 550 (Included) 7
PIPECAR, Ver.2.1 3/95 PIPECAR 175 PIPECAR.D 25 1
ASCE Standard 15-93 3/95 ASCE15.D 35
PONDS 3/95 PONDS 700 (Included) 7
Preliminary Analysis System 7/88 PAS 50 PAS.D 15 3
PROfile 7/89 PFILE 275 (Included) 6
QUICK PIPE, Ver.1.3 3/95 QPIPE 125 (Included) 6
QUICK PIPE PRO, Ver. 1.0 12/95 QPP 375 (Included) 6
RIMS 4/98 RIMS 105 (Included) W95 7
River Modeling System 9/97 BOSSRMS.W95 2,290 (Included) W95 7
SAMM, Ver.2.0 10/90 SAMM 50 SAMM.D 15 6
Supplemental Documentation SAMM.DS 40
Scour at Bridges (HY-9), Ver.5.0 9/94 SCOUR 50 SCOUR.D 20 3
Supplemental Documentation (HEC-20) SCOUR.DS 25
StormCAD (25 Inlet Version) 12/95 StormCAD.WIN 495 Win 7
Storm Sewer Analysis 5/93 SSANAL 175 (Included) 6
Ver. 3.0 Upgrade SSANAL.UPG 40 (Included) 6
Metric Ver. 5/93 SSANAL.M 175 (Included) 6
Storm Sewer Hydrograph 9/93 SSHYD 175 (Included) 6
Ver. 3.0 Upgrade SSHYD.UPG 40 (Included) 6
Metric Ver. 5/93 SSHYD.M 175 (Included) 6
Stormwater Infiltration Structure Design 9/95 SISD 45 7
Stormwater Management, Ver.4.0 1/94 SMANAG 225 (Included) EXC,WIN 6
Stormwater Management and Design Aid, Ver. 1.0 3/97 SMADA 5 (On Disk) WIN 4
Stormwater Pumping Stations, Ver.1.0 12/94 SPS 75 (Included) 6
Street Flow 12/92 STFLOW 225 (Included) 7
1 7 ~ 14ummr9 (35) 32 -
X a0
SWITCH, Ver.2.0 7/88 SWITCH 5 (On Disk) 5
Urban Drainage Design Program 4/98 HY-22 5 HY-22.D $20 W95 5
Urban Stormwater Management 4/96 USMGT 200 (Included) IB 6
Metric Ver. 4/96 USMGT.M 200 (Included) 6
MP, Ver. 2.0 9/90 VAMP 200 (Included) 7
Demo VAMP.DEM 20 7
SWANPRfie, Ver. 102R.WIN 2/94 SWATER $5 (Included) WIN 4
WSPRO (HY-7), Ver. 6.1 6/99 WSPRO 85 WSPRO.D 25 2
WSPRO GraphWITCH, Ver. 2.03 1/93 WSPRO.GITCH 5 (On Disk) 6
Highway Engineering Pavements/Maintenance
Carson Drainage Design Program 4/90 CCPMSY-22 50 CCPMSHY-22.D 10 dB3 3
Urban Stormwater Management 4/96 USMGT 200 (Included) IB 6
Metric Ver. 4/96 ELSYMGT.M 0 (IncELSYM.D 5 3
EXPEAR, Ver. 2.4 2/92 EXPEAR 50 (IncludEXPEAR.D 20 3
Supplemental Documentation EXPEARDS 25
WINPROfile, Ver. 102d 3/97 WINPRO 275 (Included) 6
WSPRO (HY-7), Ver. 6.1 6/99 WSPRO 85 WSPRO.D 25 2
WSPRO Graph, Ver. 2.03 1/93 WSPRO.G 55 (On Disk) 6
Highway Engineering Pavements/Maintenance
Carson City PMS 10/90 CCPMS 50 CCPMS.D 10 dB3 3
ELSYM 5 9/86 ELSYM 50 ELSYM.D 5 3
EXPEAR, Ver.1.4 2/92 EXPEAR 50 EXPEAR.D 20 3
Supplemental Documentation EXPEAR.DS 25
Highway Design & Maintenance Standards Model3 3/96
(HDM-III and HDM-PC), Ver.3.0
HDM-PC, Fully Suported HDM 400 (Included) 1
EBM Alone, Fully Supported EBM 60 (Included) 1
Upgrade to Supported HDM.UPG 250
HDM-PC, Unsupported HDM.UN 150 (Included) 5
EBM Alone, Unsupported EBM.UN 30 (Included) 5
HDM User's Manual (Extra Copies) HDM.D 15
HDM-Documentation, Vol.1 (Extra Copies) HDM.DV1 20
HDM-Documentation, Vol. 2 (Extra Copies) HDM.DV2 25
ILLI-BACK, Ver.2.0 ILBACK 225 (Included) 7
ILLI-PAVE Algorithms 7/86 ILLI 50 ILLI.D 5 (SI) 3
JCP-1 12/86 JCP 50 JCP.D 5 3
Long Beach PMS 6/81 LBPMS 50 LBPMS.D 10 dB3 3
Spanish Documentation MapCON.DS 65
MIX 1/80 MIX 5 (None) IB 5
MODULUS, Ver.4.0 2/91 MODUL 50 (Included) 3
PASELS, Ver.1.0 7/88 PASEL 50 (Included) 3
Pavement Management Forecasting, Ver. 1.0 12/87 PMF 50 PMF.D 15 L123 3
Pavement Management System, Ver. 3.0 12/87 PMS 695 (Included) 7
GIS Ver. 1.0 12/87 PMS.GIS 2500 (Included) 7
PAVESPEC 12/96 PAVESPEC 50 (Included) WIN 7
PMSPro Pavement Management System, Ver.5.2 3/95 PMSPRO 1000 (Included) 7
Road Manager, General Roadway 4/86 RMRD 495 (Included) 7
Individual modules are available, Refer to Catalog or call for details.
Road Surface Management System 12/98 RSMS 75 RSMS.D 20 2
TAFFY, Ver. 1.1 2/88 TAFFY 5 (On Disk) 5
ZAPHERS 12/96 ZAPHERS 50 (Included) WIN 7
Highway Engineering Surveying
CC-SURVEYOR, Ver. 4.0 12/90 CCSURV 5 (On Disk) 4
COllier.GO, Ver. 3.47 5/89 COLLGO 5 (On Disk) IB 4
EZVAL, Ver. 2.1 EZVAL 5 4
Easy Vertical Alignment, Ver. 2.0 (Windows) 12/96 EZVAL.WIN 70 (Included) WIN 7
GEOH (Horizontal Geometry) 8/92 GEOH 165 (Included) 6
SURVpac, Ver. 4.51 2/94 SPAC 50 (Included) 6
WINcogoTM 6/95 WINCOGO 145 6
Traffic Engineering Capacity Analysis
AWSC 5/91 AWSC 50 AWSC.D 10 L123 3
CCG/CALC2 9/97 CALC2 225 (Included) 7
1 5 9 -
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5 Leg Signalized Capacity 1/90 5LEG $95 (Included) L123 6
Florida LOS Worksheets, Ver. 2.2 9/96 FLLOS 50 (On Disk) 3
HCM/ Cinema, Ver. 3.0 10/93 HCMCIN 6051 (Included) 7
Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) with 1997 Update & CD ROM 8/98 HCM.D $110
HCM Update only & CD ROM 8/98 HCM97UPD.D 90
Highway Capacity Software 11/98 HCS3 5001 W95 1
HCS release 3 complete upgrade (all modules) 11/98 HCS3.UPG 250 W95 1
Indonesian Highway Capacity Manual 6/99 IHCM 50 IHCM.D 35 3
IVHS Workshop Report 12/95 IVHSWS 5
MAXVOL, Ver.1.0 MAXVOL 5 (On Disk) EXC 4
MultiLeg, Ver. 2.4A 3/96 MLEG 85 (On Disk) 6
NCAP, Ver.2.04 11/86 NCAP 295 (Included) 7
Demo, Ver. 2.04 12/86 NCAP.DEM 10 6
Roadrunner, Ver. 5.2 7/97 RRUN.WIN 195 (Included) WIN 6
Windows95 Ver. RRUN.W95 195 (Included) W95 6
Macintosh Ver. RRUN.MAC 195 (Included) EXC 6
SATADJ 6/87 SATADJ 5 (On Disk) L123 5
SATFLOW 3/95 SATFLOW 5 (Included) 4
SIDRA, Ver. 5.2 3/99 SIDRA 850 (Included) W95/98/NT 6
Additional Copies SIDRA.X 390 (Included) 6
Educational SIDRA.E 390 (Included) 6
SIGEVAL, Ver. 1.0 5/94 SIGEVAL 55 SIGEVAL.D 10 3
SIGNAL85/TEAPAC Capacity Only, Ver. 2.62 2/95 TPCS85.1 2951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCS85.0 5 (On Disk) 6
SIGNAL94/TEAPAC Capacity Only, Ver.1.23 8/98 TPCS94.1 2951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCS94.0 5 (On Disk) 6
SIGNAL94/TEAPAC Capacity Only, Windows 3.1, Ver. 1.23 8/98 TPCS94.1.WIN 2951 (Included) WIN 7
Demo, Windows 3.1 TPCS94.0.WIN 5 (On Disk) WIN 6
SIGNAL94/TEAPAC Capacity Only, Windows 95, Ver. 1.23 8/98 TPCS94.1.W95 2951 (Included) W95 7
Demo, Windows 95 TPCS94.0.W95 5 (On Disk) W95 6
SIGNAL97/TEAPAC Capacity Only, Windows 95, Ver. 1.00 8/98 TPCS97.1.W95 2951 (Included) W95 7
Demo, Windows 95 TPCS97.0.W95 5 (On Disk) W95 6
SIGNAL97/TEAPAC Capacity Only, Windows 3.1, Ver. 1.00 8/98 TPCS97.1.WIN 2951 (Included) WIN 7
Demo, Windows 3.1 TPCS97.0.WIN 5 (On Disk) WIN 6
SIGNAL97/TEAPAC Capacity Only, Ver. 1.00 8/98 TPCS97.1 2951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCS97.0 5 (On Disk) 6
SIPA, Ver. 2.0 2/88 SIPA 115 (Included) 6
SYNCHRO Light, Ver. 3.2 SYNCLT 585 (Included) W95/WIN 7
UCB Planning Level Analysis 2/87 UCBPLA 5 (On Disk) 5
Unsig Mac, Ver. 1.1 5/89 UNSIG.Mac 5 (On Disk) 4
UNSIG10 3/87 UNSIG 50 UNSIG.D 5 (SI) 3
WINUNSIG, Ver. 2.1 (1985 HCM) 8/95 WINUNS21 50 (On Disk) WIN 7
WINUNSIG, Ver. 3.0 (1994 HCM) 8/95 WINUNS30 75 (Included) WIN 7
Demo 9/95 WINUNS.DEM 5 (On disk) WIN 6
Traffic Engineering Data Processing
DAITA 6/95 DAITA 80 (Included) WIN 6
Moving Vehicle Run Analysis Package, Ver. 2.3 10/93 MVRAP 150 (Included) 1
DMI Cable MVRAP.C 20
PCSPEED, Ver. 1.3 7/87 PCSPEED 5 (On Disk) 5
PEDCTS, Ver. 1.0 1/90 PEDCTS 5 PEDCTS.D 5 L123 5
SpeedPlot, Ver. 2.0 5/93 SPLOT 100 (Included) 6
SpeedPLOT (+), Ver. 4.0 4/98 SPLOTPL 200 (Included) 6
SUPERDET, Ver.2.0 9/86 SUPERDET 300 (Included) 6
TDIP, Ver. 3.0 3/91 TDIP 50 TDIP.D 10 3
TED/TEAPAC, Ver. 3.60 3/94 TPCTED.1 2951 (Included) 7
TGAP, Ver.1.0 TGAP 125 (Included) 7
TURNFLOW, Ver. 1.0 5/88 TURNFLOW 5 TURNFLOW.D 5 L123 4
TURNS 10/90 TURNS 50 (On Disk) 3
TURNS/TEAPAC Tabulator & Peak Hour, Ver. 3.40 8/98 TPCTRN.1 2951 (Included) 7
TURNS/TEAPAC plus Warrants, Ver. 3.40 8/98 TPCTRN.2 5951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCTRN.O 5 (On Disk) 6
VEHCTS, Ver. 1.0 1/90 VEHCTS 5 VEHCTS.D 5 L123 5
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Traffic Engineering General Traffic
ARTS Compendium 9/97 ARTS $5 ARTS.D $10 4
AUTOMUTS, Ver. 1.0 3/92 AUTOMUTS 50 (On Disk) 3
Florida Manual on Uniform Traffic Studies (MUTS) FLMUTS.D 15
Bottleneck Traffic Simulator (Bts), Ver. 1.1 8/91 BTS 75 BTS.D 10 2
CADD Sign Library DWG Format 3/95 CADD.DWG 195 6
CADD Sign Library DXF Format 3/95 CADD.DXF 195 6
CADD Sign Library CEL Format 3/95 CADD.CEL 195 6
Computer Aided Transportation Software 8/98 CATS 150 6
CONDUFIL, Ver. 1.0 11/91 CONDUFIL 5 (On Disk) 4
DELAYE, Ver. 1.0 3/99 DELAYE 50 (On Disk) WIN 3
dQUEUE, Ver. 1.2 10/90 DQ 50 DQ.D 5 3
FREEWAY, Ver. 1.01 9/87 FREEWAY 50 FREWAY.D 5 3
FRIOP, Ver. 3.1 4/89 FRIOP 751 (Included) 1
General Purpose Queueing Model 3/97 QUEUEM 95 (Included) 7
Integrated Queue Analysis Package (IQPAC), Ver. 1.0 1/94 IQPAC 175 (Included) 6
Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices 3/98 MUTCD.CD 145 (Included) WIN 6
Professional Capacity Building 6/97 PCB 25 (Included) WIN/PP 4
Queue2 6/93 QUEUE2 35 (Included) 7
SALLIE, Ver. 1.0.4 3/90 SALLIE 50 SALLIE.D 15 3
SIGN DRAWINGS 10/86 SIGNDWG 165 (Included) 6
Sign Inventory Management System 3/99 SIMS 75 2
SPANWIRE 7/90 SPANWIRE 1550 (Included) 7
SPARKS, Ver.1.0 6/95 SPARKS 395 (Included) 6
Demo 6/95 SPARKS.DEM 10 6
TBASE TBASE 5 (On Disk) 4
TEAPAC Traffic Engineering Package 8/98 TPC*.*.1 34951 (Included) W95/WIN 7
TOSS Traffic Operations System Software, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSS.P 1500 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Upgrade (TOSS.P only) 3/99 TOSSUP 695 Included) W95/WIN 7
Accident Information System, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSAIS 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Collision Diagram, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSCD 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Traffic Count Information, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSTCI 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Sign Inventory System, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSSI 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Signal Maintenance System, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSTSM 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Signal Inventory System, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSTSI 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Street Light Maintenance System, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSSLM 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Street Light Inventory System, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSSLI 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Road Marking Inventory, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSRMI 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Street Furniture Inventory System, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSSFI 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Complaint Logging System, Ver. 8.0 3/99 TOSSCL 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Traffic Collision Diagram Library 9/93 ACCDWG 100 (On Disk) 6
Traffic Control Plan Library 9/93 TCPDWG 100 (On Disk) 6
Traffic Engineer's Toolbox 6/97 TET 250 (On Disk) W95 6
Traffic Information Program Series (TIPS) TIPS 10
with Binder TIPS.B 15
Traffic Noise Model Ver. 1.0a 4/98 FHWATNM 695 (Included) WIN 1
Traffic Signal Design Library 9/93 TSDDWG 100 (On Disk) 6
TUTOR/TEAPAC, Ver. 3.03 8/98 TPCTUT.1 951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCTUT.O 5 (On Disk) 6
Traffic Engineering Safety & Accident Records
Accident Records Summary and Diagrams 1/92 ACCI 95 (On Disk) 6
Grade Severity Rating System 8/89 GSRS 50 GSRS.D 10 3
HISAM 2/86 HISAM 50 HISAM.D 10 3
KARS, Ver. 2.1 5/92 KARS 65 (Included) 3
Demo KARS.DEM 15 (On Disk) 3
ROADSIDE, Ver. 5.0 1/96 ROADSIDE 50 (On Disk) 3
SCARS, Ver. 4.1 6/89 SCARS 3501 (Included) 1
Demo SCARS.DEM 5 (On Disk) 5
SCCOLD, Ver. 3.31 11/88 SCCOLD 751 (On Disk) 1
Safety Resource Allocation Program, Ver. 1.0 1/88 SRAP 50 SRAP.D 5 3
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Traffic Engineering Signal Timing & Warrants
Advanced Traffic Analysis 3/95 TRAFFIC.CD FREE 5
Arterial Analysis Package Executive, Release 4.2 2/94 AAPEX $2001 AAPEX.D $35 1
Demo AAP.DEM 5 5
ATMS Conference Proceedings 10/93 ATMS93.D 20
EZ-POSIT, Ver. 2.6 9/85 EZPOSIT 5 (On Disk) 4
Left-Turn Signal/Phase Warrant Program 6/96 LTPHASE 50 6
LTAP, Ver.2.1 12/87 LTAP 50 (On Disk) IB 3
METS (Spanish Version of WEST) 12/96 METS 200 (Included) 6
M|0OSIT Volume 1, Reference Manual MOST.V1 40
M|0OSIT Volume 2, AAP Users Guide MOST.V2 35
M|0OSIT Volume 3, PASSER 11-90 Users Guide MOST.V3 15
M|0OSIT Volume 4, TRANSYT-7F Users Guide MOST.V4 40
M|0OSIT Volume 5, WHICH Users Guide MOST.V5 20
M|0OSIT Binders MOST.B 5
NOSTOP/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Ver. 4.30 8/98 TPCNST.1 3951 (Included) 7
NOSTOP/TEAPAC (25 Intersections), Ver. 4.30 8/98 TPCNST.2 4951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCNST.O 5 (On Disk) 6
NOSTOP/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Windows 3.1, Ver. 4.30 8/98 TPCNST.1.WIN 3951 (Included) WIN 7
NOSTOP/TEAPAC (25 Intersections), Windows 3.1, Ver. 4.30 8/98 TPCNST.2.WIN 4951 (Included) WIN 7
Demo, Windows 3.1 TPCNST.O.WIN 5 (On Disk) WIN 6
NOSTOP/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Windows 95, Ver. 4.30 8/98 TPCNST.1.W95 3951 (Included) W95 7
NOSTOP/TEAPAC (25 Intersections), Windows 95, Ver. 4.30 8/98 TPCNST.2.W95 4951 (Included) W95 7
Demo, Windows 95 TPCNST.O.W95 5 (On Disk) W95 6
P2BAT 11/91 P2BAT 5 (On Disk) 4
PASSER 11-90, Ver. 2 12/90 P290 150 P290.D 15 1
M|0OSIT Volume 3 MOST.V3 15
PASSER II 1-98 6/99 P398 300 P398.D 15 1
Upgrade from PASSER 111-90 P398.UPG 170 1
PASSER IV-96, Ver.2.1 6/97 P496 250 P496.D 15 1
PREPASSR/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Ver. 1.52 8/98 TPCPPS.1 3951 (Included) 7
PREPASSR/TEAPAC (100 Intersections), Ver. 1.52 8/98 TPCPPS.2 5951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCPPS.O 5 (On Disk) 6
PREPASSR/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Windows 3.1, Ver. 1.52 8/98 TPCPPS.1.WIN 3951 (Included) WIN 7
PREPASSR/TEAPAC (100 Intersections), Windows 3.1, Ver. 1.52 8/98 TPCPPS.2.WIN 5951 (Included) WIN 7
Demo, Windows 3.1 TPCPPS.O.WIN 5 (On Disk) WIN 6
PREPASSR/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Windows 95, Ver. 1.52 8/98 TPCPPS.1.W95 3951 (Included) W95 7
PREPASSR/TEAPAC (100 Intersections), Windows 95, Ver. 1.52 8/98 TPCPPS.2.W95 5951 (Included) W95 7
Demo, Windows 95 TPCPPS.O.W95 5 (On Disk) W95 6
PRETRANSYT/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Ver. 2.62 8/98 TPCPTR.1 4951 (Included) 7
PRETRANSYT/TEAPAC (100 Intersections), Ver. 2.62 8/98 TPCPTR.2 6951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCPTR.O 5 (On Disk) 6
PRETRANSYT/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Windows 3.1, Ver. 2.62 8/98 TPCPTR.1.WIN 4951 (Included) WIN 7
PRETRANSYT/TEAPAC (100 Intersections), Windows 3.1, Ver. 2.62 8/98 TPCPTR.2.WIN 6951 (Included) WIN 7
Demo, Windows 3.1 TPCPTR.O.WIN 5 (On Disk) WIN 6
PRETRANSYT/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Windows 95, Ver. 2.62 8/98 TPCPTR.1.W95 4951 (Included) W95 7
PRETRANSYT/TEAPAC (100 Intersections), Windows 95, Ver. 2.62 8/98 TPCPTR.2.W95 6951 (Included) W95 7
Demo, Windows 95 TPCPTR.0.W95 5 (On Disk) W95 6
Progression Graphics and Optimization 9/91 PROGO 250 (Included) 6
Demo (Includes SNAG) 9/91 PROGO.DEM 5 6
Tutorial (Includes SNAG) 9/91 PROGO.SNAG 5 6
Progression Through a Series of Intersections with Actuated Controllers 10/88 PROG.D 10
QUICK-7F, Ver. 7.2 2/94 QUICK7F 250 QUICK7F.D 20 1
Upgrade to Supported QUICK7F.UPG 200
SIG/CINEMA 3/96 SIGCIN 805 (Included) 7
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SIGNAL85/TEAPAC Capacity Plus Optimization, Ver. 2.62 2/95 TPCS85.2 $5951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCS85.0 5 (On Disk) 6
SIGNAL94/TEAPAC Capacity Plus Optimization, Ver. 1.23 8/98 TPCS94.2 5951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCS94.0 5 (On Disk) 6
SIGNAL94/TEAPAC Capacity Plus Optimization, Windows 3.1, Ver. 1.23 8/98 TPCS94.2.WIN 5951 (Included) WIN 7
Demo, Windows 3.1 TPCS94.0.WIN 5 (On Disk) WIN 6
SIGNAL94/TEAPAC Capacity Plus Optimization, Windows 95, Ver. 1.23 8/98 TPCS94.2.W95 5951 (Included) W95 7
Demo, Windows 95 TPCS94.0.W95 5 (On Disk) W95 6
SIGNAL97/TEAPAC Capacity plus Optimization, Windows 95, Ver. 1.00 8/98 TPCS97.2.W95 5951 (Included) W95 7
Demo, Windows 95 TPCS97.0.W95 5 (On Disk) W95 6
SIGNAL97/TEAPAC Capacity plus Optimization, Windows 3.1, Ver. 1.00 8/98 TPCS97.2.WIN 5951 (Included) WIN 7
Demo, Windows 3.1 TPCS97.0.WIN 5 (On Disk) WIN 6
SIGNAL97/TEAPAC Capacity plus Optimization, Ver. 1.00 8/98 TPCS97.2 5951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCS97.0 5 (On Disk) 6
SIGPAK 3/87 SIGPAK 50 (On Disk) 3
Signal Network Animated Graphics 9/91 SNAG 250 (Included) 6
Demo (Includes PROGO) 9/91 SNAG.DEM 5 6
Tutorial (Includes PROGO) 9/91 PROGO.SNAG 5 6
Signal Timing Database 6/99 STDB $395 (Included) Access 6
SOAP84, Ver. 84.04 12/88 SOAP 501 SOAP.D $30 1
SYNCHRO, Ver. 3.2 4/98 SYNCRO 1095 (Included) W95/WIN 7
SYNCHRO PROF, Ver. 3.2 4/98 SYNCPRO 1695 (Included) W95/WIN 7
SYNCHRO Demo, Ver. 3.2 4/98 SYNCPRO.DEM 5 W95/WIN 7
TEAPAC Signal Timing Analysis Package 8/98 TPC*.*.2 24951 (Included) W95/WIN 7
TIMACS, Ver. 1.2 7/89 TIMACS 50 TIMACS.D 5 3
Traffic Models Handbook 12/95 TMOH.D 20
TRANNET, Release 7.1 3/95 TRANNET 40 (Included) 3
TRANSYT-7F, Release 8.1 3/98 MCT7F8 5001 T7F8.D 35 1
Upgrade from Release 6 MCT7F8.UPG 250 1
TRANSYT-7F Self Study Guide 7/89 T7FSSG 95 (Included) 3
TS/PP-DRAFT, Ver. 2.0 9/94 TSDRFT 440 (Included) 7
Demo 6/95 TSPP.DEM 5 (Included) 7
WARRANT, Ver. 1.0 7/91 WARRANT 50 (On Disk) 3
WARRANTS/TEAPAC Warrants Only, Ver. 1.20 8/98 TPCWAR.1 3951 (Included) 7
WARRANTS/TEAPAC Plus Tabulation & Peak Hour, Ver. 1.20 8/98 TPCWAR.2 5951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCWAR.O 5 (On Disk) 6
WEST, Ver. 2.20 2/95 WEST 200 (Included) 6
WHICH 2/94 WHICH 2501 WHICH.D 20 1
Traffic Engineering Simulation & Analysis
CORFLO, Ver. 5.0 3/95 CORFLO 350 TRAF.D 50 1
Demo 8/92 CORFLO.DEM 5 5
FLEXSYT-II 12/95 FLEXSYT 3000 Win 7
INTEGRATION, Ver. 2.0 9/95 INTEG 395 (Included) 6
ITRAF 2.7 3/99 ITRAF 75 (Included) W95 2
PRENETSIM/TEAPAC (12 Intersections) Ver.1.22 8/98 TPCPNT.1 4951 (Included) 7
PRENETSIM/TEAPAC (100 Intersections) Ver.1.22 8/98 TPCPNT.2 6951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCPNT.O 5 (On Disk) 6
PRENETSIM/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Windows 3.1, Ver.1.22 8/98 TPCPNT.1.WIN 4951 (Included) WIN 7
PRENETSIM/TEAPAC (100 Intersections) Windows 3.1, Ver.1.22 8/98 TPCPNT.2.WIN 6951 (Included) WIN 7
Demo, Windows 3.1 TPCPNT.O.WIN 5 (On Disk) WIN 6
PRENETSIM/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Windows 95, Ver.1.22 8/98 TPCPNT.1.W95 4951 (Included) W95 7
PRENETSIM/TEAPAC (100 Intersections), Windows 95, Ver.1.22 8/98 TPCPNT.2.W95 6951 (Included) W95 7
Demo, Windows 95 TPCPNT.O.W95 5 (On Disk) W95 6
SimTraffic Ver. 1.0 4/98 TRAFSIM 585 (Included) W95 7
TEXAS, Ver. 3.11 7/92 TEXAS 225 TEXAS.D 25 1
Demo TEXAS.DEM 5 (On Disk) 1
TSIS, Ver.4.2 (Complete Package) 4/98 TSIS.W95 500 TSIS.D 20 W95 1
Upgrade for TRAF-NETSIM and FRESIM 4/98 TSISNFU.W95 250 W95 1
Upgrade for TRAF-NETSIM only 4/98 TSISNU.W95 250 W95 1
Upgrade for FRESIM only 4/98 TSISFU.W95 250 W95 1
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Traffic Engineering Traffic Maintenance
Berkeley Traffic System III11 10/88 BTS3 $200 BTS3.D $20 dB3+ 1
KAR II, Ver. 7.0 11/93 KAR II 1500 (Included) 6
North Dakota Sign Management System, Ver. 4.0 2/93 NDSMS 50 NDSMS.D 5 3
Sign Inventory System 6/92 SIS 50 SIS.D 20 3
SIGNS ^3 3/86 SIGNS3 50 SIGNS.D 15 dB3 3
Transit Operations
Automated Transit Ridership Data 8/90 ATRDCS 50 ATRDCS 45 3
Chapel Hill Scheduler Interactive Bus Scheduler 5/85 CHS 50 CHS.D 5 3
Cost Allocation Applications 7/86 COST 50 COST.D 5 L123 3
Days Off Calculator, Ver. 3.0 (DOS), Ver. 2.0 (WIN) 4/98 DAYS 5 (On Disk) WIN 4
Fixed Guideway Transit 7/92 FGT 50 FGT.D 10 3
Fleetmax 7/94 FMX 995 (Included) 7
Windows Version 7/94 FMX.WIN 995 (Included) 7
Demo FMX.DEM 5 (Included) 7
GFI Farebox Software Utilities 3/97 FAREBOX 5 (Included) 4
Inventory CTRL 7/92 ICTRL 1195 (Included) 7
Demo 7/92 ICTRL.DEM 5 7
Paratransit Vehicle Maintenance 7/91 PVM 50 PVM.D 20 3
Section 15 Transit Agency Performance Data
Section 15 Data, 1981-1997 (Specify Year) SECT15 20 SECT15.D 15 L123 3
SST3: Small Transit Management Software 12/87 SST3 50 SST3.D 5 DB3 3
Statistical Sampling of Trip Data 8/83 SSTD 50 SSTD.D 5 IB 3
TOPDOG: Transit Operations Planning, Diagnostics 8/87 TOPDOG 50 TOPDOG.D 20 3
and Optimization Guidelines
Transit Spreadsheet Applications 2/85 TSSAPP 50 (On Disk) L123 3
Vehicle CTRL 2/85 VCTRL 1295 (Included) 7
Demo 2/85 VCTRL.DEM 10 7
Bus Transit Garage Space Requirements Model BBARN 695 (Included) 7
CAM (Cost Allocation Model), Ver. 1.0 11/98 CAM 50 CAM.D 5 L123 3
Disaggregate Elasticity Model, Ver. 1.0 12/84 DEL 50 DEL.D 5 3
Macintosh Ver. DEL.MAC 50 EXC 3
RPT Spreadsheets 9/95 RPT 50 RPT.D 25 3
Service Planning Case Studies 6/85 SPCS 50 SPCS.D 5 L123 3
Transit Route Planning CAI Course 5/97 CAI 15 (Included) WIN 5
Transportation PlanningData Processing
Advanced General Network Editor, Ver. 6.0 for Windows 3/99 GNE.WIN 245 (Included) 7
License Plate Data Analysis Package 6/96 LPLATE 775 (Included) 7
MVMACH, Ver. 5.4 6/99 MVMACH 15002 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Survey 6/99 SURV 15002 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Traffic Interpolater & Extrapolater Software TIES 150 (Included) 6
URPDB, Ver. 1.9 3/90 URPDB 10 (On Disk) 5
ZDATA, Ver. 1.3 9/89 ZDATA 50 (Included) 6
Transportation PlanningDemand Modeling
HALLEY, Ver. 3.2 10/86 HALLEY 50 HALLEY.D 10 L123 3
HieLoW-Hierarchical Logit for WindowsTM (English) 9/95 HIELOW.EN 4000 (Included) WIN 7
HieLoW-Hierarchical Logit for WindowsTM (French) 9/95 HIELOW.FR 4000 (Included) WIN 7
Demo 9/95 HIELOW.DEM 10
HLFM II+ with QRS II (300 Zones), Ver. 2.0 1/94 HLFMQRS.300 390 (Included) WIN 7
HLFM II+ with QRS II (600 Zones) HLFMQRS.600 585 (Included) WIN 7
HLFM I1+ with QRS II (900 Zones) HLFMQRS.900 780 (Included) WIN 7
Advanced GNE when purchased with HLFM GNE.HLF 195 (Included) 7
MODE CHOICE 11/84 MODE 50 (On Disk) L123 3
Mode Choice Modeling (CALIB), Ver. 1.11 10/87 CALIB 60 (Included) 3
Simplified Project Forecasting 8/85 SPF 50 SPF.D 20 3
TDC (Transportation Data Cruncher), Ver. 3.0 8/88 TDC 5 (On Disk) 4
The Highway Emulator 7/91 THE 50 THE.D 15 3
TMOVES, Ver. 1.1 12/89 TMOVES 50 TMOVES.D 5 3
TRANS-EXPERT, Ver. 4.0 3/97 TRANEXPT 495 (Included) 6
Travel Demand Management Evaluation 11/93 TDM 250 TDM.D 20 1
Model, Ver. 2.2
Demo TDM.DEM 5
1 i0 sume 99 () 32-
X a0
o o 2. 5 0
UfosNET Professional A 6/96 UFOSNET $9500 (Included) 7
UfosNET Professional B UFOSNETB 6500 (Included) 7
UfosNET Lite UFOSLIT 3500 (Included) 7
UfosNET Academic UFOSACA 995 (Included) 7
Transportation PlanningNetwork Assignment
b-Node Model, Ver.1.0 6/99 BNODE 900 (included) 7
MicroTRIMS, Ver. 1.1 12/88 MCTRIMS 55 MCTRIMS.D $5 3
QRS II, Ver. 5.10 10/93
300 Zones QRS.300 195 (Included) W95/WIN 7
600 Zones QRS.600 390 (Included) W95/WIN 7
900 Zones QRS.900 585 (Included) W95/WIN 7
QRS and ADV.GNE (300 Zones) QRSGNE.300 390 (Included) W95/WIN 7
QRS and ADV.GNE (600 Zones) QRSGNE.600 585 (Included) W95/WIN 7
QRS and ADV.GNE (900 Zones) QRSGNE.900 780 (Included) W95/WIN 7
QRS and ADV.GNE (2400 Zones) QRSGN2.400 1075 (Included) W95 7
Demo for QRS II and GNE QRSGNE.DEM 5 (Included) 6
SATURN, Ver. 8.4 8/93 SATURN 12950 7
TMODEL2'T, Ver. 2.0 TMODEL2 3800 (Included) 7
TMODEL2, Education Version TMODEL2.ED 150 (Included) 7
TMODEL2, Sample Version TMODEL2.DEM 125 (Included) 7
TP/4-in-1 6/99 TP41N1 900 (Included) 7
TrafikPlanTM TRAFIKP 1995 (Included) 6
Educational TRAFIKP.ED 495 (Included) 6
Transportation Network Analysis System 2, Ver. 1.0 7/86 TNAS2 50 TNAS2.D 5 3
TRIPS/32 (Basic Highways) TRIPS 87152 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Call for details on additional modules.
Transportation Planning Project Management
Better Decisions, Release 4 BD 95 (Included) 7
candlink 11/86 CANDLINK 5 (None) 5
Decision Support System, Version 2.0 6/88 DSS 50 DSS.D 10 3
Highway Design and Maintenance HDM 400 (Included) 1
Standards Model (HDM III and HDM-PC) (See Higtway Engineerin /Paveme ts)
Highway User Cost Accounting 4/90 HUCA 50 HUCA.D 15 L123 3
MicroBENCOST, Ver.1.A 3/95 BENCOST 50 BENCOST.D 35 3
Document Supplement BENCOST.DS 30
Municipal Equipment Management System 4/93 MEMS 50 MEMS.D 20 IB 3
Program Development and Management System PDMS 250 (Included) 7
Project Analysis Package, Version 2.0 10/88 PAP 50 PAP.D 5 3
TSM 7/89 TSM 55 TSM.D 20 3
Transportation Planning Site Analysis
ASSIGN9 ASSIGN9 700 (Included) 7
Demo ASSIGN9.DEM 20 7
Intersection Analysis Spreadsheets, Version 3.0 7/90 IAS 50 IAS.D 5 L123 3
Planning and Project Development Spreadsheets 2/88 PPDS 50 PPDS.D 10 L123 3
Roadway/Intersection Air Quality 7/84 RAQIAQ 50 RAQIAQ.D 10 L123 3
SITE, Ver. 2.0 7/89 SITE 50 (On Disk) L123 3
Macintosh Version SITE.MAC 50 (On Disk) EXC 3
SITE/TEAPAC (12 Intersections), Ver. 3.40 8/98 TPCSIT.1 3951 (Included) 7
SITE/TEAPAC (25 Intersections), Ver. 3.40 8/98 TPCSIT.2 4951 (Included) 7
Demo TPCSIT.O 5 (On Disk) 6
TEAPAC Site Impact Analysis Package 8/98 TPC*.*.3 21951 (Included) W95/WIN 7
TRAFFIX Traffic Impact Analysis Software, Ver. 7.0 9/97 TRAFFIX.W95 1840 TRAFFIX.D 75 W95 7
TRANMAP Site Traffic Impact Analysis 9/97 TRANMAP 900 Included) 7
TRIP GENERATION, Ver. 4.0 3/98 TRIPGEN 400 (Included) 7
VisualTraffic 6/99 VTRAF 150 (Included) EXC 7
VisualTraffic Lite 6/99 VTRAFLT 5 (Included) 7
WinTASS, Ver.2.0 3/98 WINTASS 295 (Included) W95/WIN 7
Demo 3/98 WINTASS.DEM 5 (On Disk) W95/WIN 7
General interest Administration
Equipment Manager, Ver.1.51 EQMGR 1495 (Included) 7
FINDER, Ver.1.0 4/89 FINDER 751 (Included) 1
HIGHMANAGE 3/90 HMNG 1500 (Included) 6
Mortgage Toolbox Demo, Ver.1.0+ 2/90 MORTGAGE 5 (On Disk) 4
1(5)3f 5 9-
General interest Miscellaneous
ALERT, Ver.1.1
CADmagic, Ver.1.5
DMPLAS, Ver.1.1
Engineering Geometry Assistant
McPrimer, Third Edition
MetriCAD, Ver. 1.0
MetriCAD for Windows, Ver. 1.0
Sample Size Estimate
Windows Version
1 22 M~rssumme 99 (32 39 -038fx(5)3232
(On Disk)
(On Disk)