M cTran s
TSIS4.3 to be released this summer
by Brad Mears, Sr. Software Engineer, ITT Industries, Inc., Systems Division
Early this summer, FHWA will re-
lease TSIS 4.3 for distribution. The
latest release of TSIS (the Traffic Soft-
ware Integrated System) includes
changes to CORSIM that make it much
more realistic.
TSIS (rhymes with "pieces") is a
software package that includes the
CORSIM microscopic traffic
simulation and a suite of supporting
tools. Originally developed for FHWA
use, CORSIM provides the engineer
with a microscopic simulation that can
model surface streets and freeways in
over-saturated conditions. Among its
many features are ramp-meters, park-
ing zones, bus operation, actuated sig-
nal control and incidents.
Along with CORSIM, TSIS includes
a graphical animation tool called
TRAFVU and utility programs for the
CORSIM user. In addition to acting as
the launching pad for CORSIM and
TRAFVU, TSIS allows the user to
install his or her own set of tools.
These can then be launched from the
same toolbar as CORSIM or TRAFVU.
New Features
This release of TSIS features
significant improvements in vehicle
movement logic. Specifically, lane-
changing and car-following logic
under congested conditions on short
links has been enhanced
considerably. The way vehicles behave
as they approach a yield sign and
cross the intersection has been
adjusted to model real-world perform-
ance more accurately. Enhancements
have been also made in Spillback
modeling and MOE calculation. In ad-
dition, the ability of CORSIM to model
larger networks has been expanded.
Earlier versions of CORSIM used a
feature called "micro-nodes" to make
intersection behavior more accurate.
Y2K Compliance
Status Report
[lei.., Products
Updated Products
Advertising Directory
Products Listing
Calendar of Events
This option could only be used at a
limited number of intersections and
was processing-intensive. The
systemic improvements to vehicle be-
havior in TSIS 4.3 have made micro-
nodes not only unnecessary but
counter-productive. For that reason,
the micro-node logic has been
disabled.This change should make it
easier to use CORSIM and make sys-
tem-wide results more accurate.
The ramp-metering feature has
been revised to make it more flexible
and easier to use. Metering based on
occupancy and modeling two vehicles
per meter green are newly incorporat-
ed capabilities. Originally developed
to support an FHWA research effort,
the enhanced ramp-metering feature
is now available for the practicing en-
gineer using CORSIM. )page two
512 Weil Hall, PO Box 116585, Gainesville FL 32611-6585
(352) 392-0378
Messages 1-800-226-1013
Fax (352) 392-3224
Email mctrans@ce.ufl.edu
-rnprtto- e uerhCne
Volume 15, Spring 1999 Newsletter
Center for Microcomputers in Transportation
TSIS 4.3Will Provide Enhanced, Real-World Modeling
Just like Hollywood movie studios,
TSIS is now showing previews! In a fu-
ture version of TSIS, CORSIM will mod-
el HOV lanes. In TSIS 4.3, we are
showing off some of the early work on
this feature. If you are interested in
modeling HOV lanes with CORSIM,
this is your chance. Take a look at the
preview and give us your comments.
Improvements have been made in
TRAFVU to display smoother, more re-
alistic vehicle turning trajectories at
intersections. As vehicles turn from
one link to another, they follow a
smooth-curve trajectory. This
enhancement removes the "lane jump-
ing" that previous versions displayed.
Previous versions of TSIS were all
released on floppy disk. With each ver-
sion, the number of disks grew. Start-
ing with version 4.3, TSIS will be
distributed on CD-ROM. Besides mak-
ing installation easier, this allows us to
include more sample files and
On-line Resources
To provide a single, comprehensive re-
source for TSIS users, FHWA operates
a website dedicated to TSIS. The site,
www.fhwa-tsis.com, has recently been
redesigned to make it easier to find
topics of interest. It now includes a
user discussion group, a downloads
area and information on receiving
technical support.
The user discussion group is a
web-based forum where users can ex-
change questions, answers, tips and
hints. Anyone interested in TSIS is en-
couraged to submit a message. Partic-
ipants include people completely new
to TSIS as well as CORSIM "power-
The downloads area on the website
is where to look for sample TRF files
and companion software. For example,
one of the things you will find is the
CORSIM Run-Time Extension Supple-
ment. This software allows advanced
users with programming skill to inter-
face their own code to CORSIM. This
package is a spin-off from research
conducted for FHWA. Since the RTE
package is unsupported, Mc Trans
can't provide technical support or an-
swer any questions about it.
Technical Support
Despite our hard work and good inten-
tions, there are times when TSIS users
have problems and need technical
support. There has been some confu-
sion concerning this issue and this is
probably a good chance to remind
everyone how this works.
When you purchase TSIS through
Mc Trans, you should always send a
support request through the Mc Trans
technical support group. They have
been trained to handle most problems
and can provide quick turn-around to
your common problems. If they are un-
able to resolve the problem, they will
forward it to FHWA and the FHWA con-
tractor that maintains TSIS & CORSIM.
Future Plans
On the horizon for TSIS is version 5.0,
which delivers some exciting new ca-
pabilities for the end-user. From the
moment you start it up, TSIS 5.0 shows
an entirely new face. The user
interface has been redesigned to make
it easier to manage multiple projects
and multiple test cases within
projects. To manage projects and test
cases, the user manipulates a tree
structure similar to the one found in
the Windows Explorer program. This
view allows you to collect test cases,
results from multiple runs and anima-
tion files all in one place.
With the new interface is the long-
awaited TSIS graphical editor for creat-
ing CORSIM input files. Using a
graphical, map-like display, the user
can create and edit TRF files
TSIS 5.0 also addresses one of the
problems that frequent users have
struggled with in previous versions -
how to perform multiple runs and col-
lect results from those runs. As with
any stochastic simulation, CORSIM
should be run multiple times and the
results analyzed statistically. In earlier
versions, there was no practical way
for the user to do this. TSIS 5.0
introduces a script language where
the user can create custom scripts
that can automate any action the user
can perform manually.
2 Mc Trans sprIng 99
The Florida Department of Trans-
portation (FDOT) Traffic Engineer-
ing Office has a program in effect
to insure that all traffic signal de-
vices and traffic signal systems
will be Year 2000 compliant before
the turn of the century on
January 1, 2000.
All controllers are hardwired to
prevent conflicting traffic
movements, therefore in a worse
case the signals will provide safe
movement for vehicles. If there
were to be a failure of a master
controller or computer, the
signals would either provide a
fixed timing pattern, or flashing
mode of operation.
A letter was sent to the 26 manu-
facturers of traffic control devices
having equipment on FDOT's Ap-
proved Product List (APL) on
February 12, 1998. The letter
requested them to provide us
written confirmation on year 2000
compliance of their devices by
June 30, 1998. Also, by the same
date, those manufacturers having
closed loop systems in operation
in Florida were asked to certify
that their systems were Y2K com-
On April 23, 1998, a second notice
was sent to the 16 manufacturers
who had not responded.
Twenty-three of the 26 (88%) man-
ufacturers contacted have
responded. Seventeen of the 23
who responded certified they are
fully Y2K compliant. The
remaining six have some items
that are not Y2K compliant. All
these problems can be fixed by
replacing firmware, software, or
by following programming
instructions, all of which are
available from the manufacturer.
These fixes, along with specific
instructions for obtaining fixes,
will be sent to District Traffic Op-
erations Engineers (DTOE's).They
will be asked to provide this infor-
mation to local agencies in their
districts and to request locals to
apply the fixes to all applicable
equipment in the field and in their
A third notice was sent by
certified mail to the three
manufacturers who have not
responded. This notice advised
them that their equipment is
under a Notice of Corrective
Action. We did not receive a writ-
ten reply, and their equipment
was suspended effective January
19, 1999, by Notice of
Suspension, thus making it ineli-
gible for bid, sale, or use on any
state project for the 30 day
suspension period. No response
was received by February 19,
1999. Their certification will be re-
voked by letter for a minimum of
one year. This equipment it being
researched in our files to
determine if it is date sensitive. If
found to be so, the DTOE's will be
notified to alert the locals.
We are determining the critical in-
formation on micro-computers in
the field which are running closed
loop traffic signal systems. Infor-
mation on checking these
computers forY2K compliance
will be distributed to the DTOE's
so they can give it to the locals
who will be asked to apply the fix-
es. If the computers can not be
fixed, they will be scheduled to be
In addition, all District Traffic Op-
erations Engineers were asked to
determine Year 2000 compliance
of Urban Traffic Control Systems
in their districts. These systems
are in various stages of
inspection and correction.
To reach all city and county traffic
engineering operations, the FDOT
Traffic Engineering Office placed
an article in the Florida Section,
Institute of Transportation
Engineers, FLITE publication in
February 1998.We asked that
they review their operations for
Year 2000 compliancy.
Traffic Signal Devices and Systems on the State Highway System
Status Report as of March 5, 1999
by Lap Hoang, P.E., Deputy State Traffic Operations Engineer, Florida
Department of Transportation
Models in Su or of
May 16-19,1999
FAA Center for Management
Development, Palm Coast,
Cost: $500
Includes registration, room, meals,
socials and workshop proceedings
Co-sponsored by the Federal
Highway Administration and the Uni-
versity of Florida Transportation Re-
search Center (Mc Trans)
Philosophy To bring together the
nation's foremost experts to discuss
and advance the state-of-knowledge
in traffic modeling software; its sup-
port of, and integration with ATMS.
Purpose Assess and critique the
current status of traffic software sys-
tems; provide feedback to sponsors
and developers, particularly to the
federal Highway Administration
(FHWA), concerning the systems
they are developing.
Focus Traffic simulation, signal opti-
mization, and routing and dynamic
assignment. The workshop will
include presentations on the state of
the art and breakout workshops on
subjects such as simulation, fixed-
time and real-time traffic-responsive
control, traffic assignment, support
systems and deployment.
Attendance is by Invitation and is
limited to about 70 preinvited and 30
additional participants representing
model developers, users,
researchers, integrators and
sponsoring agencies. To apply for an
invitation, please send a letter
including a brief summary of how
you can contribute to andlor gain
from, participation in this specialized
workshop. If you wish to speak on
new or topical material, please send
a summary.
A very limited number of
scholarships may be available for
public-sector users.
To apply for an invitation or for more
information, write immediately:
ATMS Modeling Workshop
Mc Trans Center
University of Florida
PO Box 116585
Gainesville, FL 32611-6585
Fax: (352) 392-3224
Highway Capacity Analysis
Boston, MA
including procedures in the
1997 Update to the Highway Capacity Manual
with software demonstrations using the
Highway Capacity Software (Release 3 for Windows 95/NT)
May 12-14, 1999
Course Agenda
(May 12) 9:00-5:00
Registration and Introductions
Introduction to the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM)
Principals of Capacity (Lecture)
Basic Freeway Segments (Lecture & HCS Demo)
Multilane Highways (Lecture & HCS Demo)
(May 13) 9:00-5:00
Weaving Areas (Lecture & HCS Demo)
Ramps and Ramp Junctions (Lecture & HCS Demo)
Unsignalized Intersections (Lecture & HCS Demo)
Signalized Intersections (Lecture)
(May 14) 9:00-12:00
Signalized Intersections (Lecture & HCS Demo)
Arterial Streets (Lecture & HCS Demo)
Summary and Evaluation (Lecture & HCS)
Objectives This Highway Capacity
Analysis Seminar will provide lectures
and software demonstrations on the ap-
plication of several Highway Capacity
Manual (HCM) procedures. The
procedures to be covered represent
those updated in the current version of
the HCM including Chapters 3, 4, 5, 7, 9,
10 and 11, with detailed information on
the 1997 Update to the HCM, scheduled
to be published byTRB in July, 1998.
Release 3 of the Highway Capacity Soft-
ware (HCS-3), implements the
procedures defined in the HCM in a Win-
dows 95/NT interface. Each lecture will
be followed by a demonstration using
the HCS module applying the HCM pro-
cedures. A comprehensive workbook
will be provided with the course.
Mc Trans spring 9
i products
DELAYE Enhanced 1.2
DELAYE Enhanced is a Windows (3.1
and higher) program by Martin Knopp that
allows engineers and planners to quickly
estimate freeway incident congestion
based on an old Lotus macro by Juan
Morales. Through an easy to use
interface, an engineer simply enters basic
traffic flow and incident information and is
provided an estimate within seconds on
various user impacts. Outputs include to-
tal delay, time to normal flow, maximum
queue size and length, maximum delay
per vehicle, average delay per vehicle,
excess fuel loss, idle emissions (CO, HC,
and Nox), and financial loss (value of time
& fuel loss). Output can be English or
metric and is also plotted graphically. Cal-
culation factors such as value of time,
price of fuel, or emissions are adjustable
by the engineer, and the input data can
be saved for future use. The tool has
been used to estimate user costs for
crashes, incident management programs,
maintenance operations, and construction
lane rental scenarios.
DELAYE (#DELAYE) by Martin Knopp is
available at LOS 6 for $50.
Engineering Geometry Assistant
Use EGA to solve the day-to-day geomet-
ric problems that engineers regularly en-
counter. Speed and ease-of-use are
optimized, with no obscure COGO com-
mands or dozens of tool icons to remem-
ber. Sketch a design graphically, then
key-in the exact values you want.
EGA lets you automate solutions to geo-
metric problems in the same manner that
spreadsheets handle your design calcula-
tions. In EGA, elements remember how
they were created. Locate a point at the
intersection of two lines, and it will adjust
if either line changes. Elements can even
annotate themselves. And since items re-
tain their construction methods, you can
copy and past entire design segments,
like ramps or even bridges, into a new de-
sign, re-connecting their relationships to
new alignments.
Exchange data with other Windows appli-
cations. Paste a traverse into Microsoft
Word, along with a scaled, annotated
drawing. Export your design to AutoCAD
and MicroStation. Prepare a preliminary
engineering layout, then copy/paste it into
PowerPoint. You can create a scaled de-
sign over a scanned aerial photograph,
complete with stationing and curve data.
Draw an alignment and watch stationing
and curve data adjust as the mouse
moves. Document your design with smart
labels that automatically annotate your
design, including area and perimeter for
closed paths. Create parallels and trim
them. Change units whenever you want.
EGA comes with a 120-page User's
Guide, 25-page Quick Start, and
complete On-line Help. Minor updates are
free via Internet. Purchasing an EGA
license includes the next major release of
the software too.
Engineering Geometry Assistant (#EGA)
by Visual Communication Technologies,
Inc. is available at LOS 7 for $350.
HYTB is a new document that consists of
HEC-14 & HEC-15. It does not include
any software. HY-TB software will no
longer be sold. The HEC-12 document
was replaced by HY22 and is sold under
that title.
HYTB (#HYTB.D) by FHWA is available
for $20.
SIGNAL97/TEAPAC (#TPCS97.1) is a
new program that implements the capaci-
ty analysis techniques of the 1997 update
to the Highway Capacity Manual for sig-
nalized intersections (Chapter 9). Like its
popular predecessors, SIGNAL94 and
SIGNAL85, SIGNAL97 adds an optimiza-
tion option in Level 2 of the program
(#TPCS97.2) that produces the best pos-
sible capacity analysis for the given con-
ditions, including optimized signal timings
and optimized signal phasing. This
optimization option allows the operations
method of the capacity analysis to be
used quickly and effectively for all
aspects of signal analyses, including sig-
nal timing, planning studies, impact analy-
sis and geometric design. SIGNAL97 is a
faithful implementation of the Chapter 9
procedures which was used by the TRB
Highway Capacity Signals Subcommittee
to assist in the generation of the example
problems in the updated Manual.
SIGNAL97 produces all of the new work-
sheets of the 97HCM update including
the new oversaturated delay techniques,
as well as other important computations
such as queue length and service flow
rates. SIGNAL97 uses data files which
are both upwards and downwards
compatible with SIGNAL94, and like SIG-
NAL94, is integrated with the other TEA-
PAC programs such as SITE (impact
studies), TURNS (turn count analysis),
WARRANTS (MUTCD warrant analysis),
PREPASSR (pre/post-processor for
processor for TRANSYT-7F) and
PRENETSIM (pre/post-processor for
CORSIM). Using these programs, a com-
prehensive traffic study can be completed
using a single database of information
shared among all of the TEAPAC
programs. Both inputs to and results from
SIGNAL97 can be used by these other
TEAPAC programs, and SIGNAL97's op-
timized results can be exported to HCS.
All of these programs are available from
Mc Trans.
SIGNAL97 is now available for several
Windows platforms and for DOS. The
Windows versions have all of the features
noted above (found in the DOS version),
plus the unique TEAPAC Visual Mode
which provides an intuitive, graphical user
interface as a true Windows program.
Windows versions also provide a
complete and fully-indexed on-line user
guide and context-sensitive help. Data
files are full interchangeable with the
DOS version of SIGNAL97, as well as all
the other TEAPAC programs, either Win-
dows or DOS. The .W95 versions will run
on any of the Windows 95, Windows 98
or Windows NT platforms; the .WIN ver-
sions will run on the Windows 3.x
platform. All platforms are licensed
together and delivered on a single CD-
The Optimization version of
SIGNAL97/TEAPAC Ver 1.00 from Strong
Concepts is available from Mc Trans for
$595 (#TPCS97.2.W95, #TPCS97.2.WIN
and #TPCS97.2). The Capacity-Analysis-
Only version of SIGNAL97/TEAPAC is
available at LOS 7 for $295
(#TPCS97.1.W95, #TPCS97.1.WIN and
#TPCS97.1). These products include a
complete Tutorial/Reference Manual.
SIGNAL97 is also available as part of the
TEAPAC Traffic Engineering Package
(#TPC*.*.1), the TEAPAC Signal Timing
Analysis Package (#TPC*.*.2) and the
TEAPAC Site Impact Analysis Package
(#TPC*.*.3) in place of the SIGNAL94
program. Educational and demonstration
versions are available. Registered
licensees of SIGNAL94/TEAPAC may up-
grade to SIGNAL97 directly from Strong
The Sign Inventory Management System
can help governmental entities effectively
maintain traffic signs. SIMS is a sound,
comprehensive sign management system
which contains the following components:
Condition Assessment
Repair Decisions
Priority Analysis
Initiate RepairAction
Record Actions
Parts Management
Agencies that fulfill these purposes will
have an effective sign maintenance pro-
gram and will record information pertinent
to tort liability concerns. Motorists rely on
traffic signs to regulate, warn, and guide
themselves and others. Courts have con-
sistently held governmental entities
responsible for adequate placement and
maintenance of traffic signs. Governmen-
tal entities can delegate only the task of
traffic sign maintenance to its highway
department. The entity is ultimately
responsible for adequate traffic signs.
SIMS (#SIMS) by the University of New
Hampshire is available at LOS 2 for $75.
4 cTrn srng9
Advanced General Network Editor,
Version 6.0
The 32-bit major upgrade of the General
Network Editor was released in early No-
vember by AJH Associates for Windows
95, 98, and NT 4. Version 6.0 has been
ported to Delphi 3 and has undergone a
significant expansion of capabilities. More
than 30 major enhancements have been
added, including the ability to: Have shape
points on links; underlay up to 10 JPEG
and Windows metafile images, which can
be placed behind networks (networks can
be drawn on the images), edited and
saved; create different "views" of the same
network; simultaneously open several net-
works; better control of variable node
sizes and link widths; produce nodes and
links with Update, eliminating the need for
the TOPO utility; plot the network to a file
in WMF or EMF metafile formats for
importing into other software and for
preparing background images for other
networks. Other improvements streamline
the use of dialog boxes and Calculate, and
improve efficiency for the user, especially
in combination with the Quick Response
System II. A revised reference manual, ex-
panded on-screen Help, and extensive
use of Hint boxes add to the improved
software package. Advanced GNE,
version 6.0 (#GNE.WIN) by AJH
Associates is available at LOS 7 for $245.
ITRAF Version 2.7
ITRAF is an object-oriented graphical user
interface for the PC Windows environment
that was designed at Oak Ridge National
Laboratory to simplify the TRAF (CORSIM
and CORFLO) models input data process.
Based on a link-node concept, ITRAF al-
lows the user to graphically construct the
network and input most of the required
data by clicking buttons or dragging icons.
ITRAF Version 2.7 includes all fixes to the
problems reported by the users and
provides full support to the CORSIM and
CORFLO models which are currently
available. That is, networks for the
tion models, as well as traffic assignment
can be created and edited using ITRAF.
The user can graphically input or modify
all the information related to the geometry
of the simulated network including surface
streets, freeway links, on-ramp and off-
ramp links, intersections, bus stations, and
bus routes. Operational and demand infor-
mation such as traffic control settings,
ramp control metering, traffic volumes,
turn percentages, parking activities,
surface street and freeway incidents is
also entered graphically. Because of its
object-oriented basis, ITRAF creates
these data structures as the network is be-
ing developed, assigning CORSIM and
CORFLO default values to parameters
and making guesses based on the topolo-
gy of the network (such as the destination
of the turning movements, for example).
This reduces the effort in developing the
database in two ways. First, the user no
longer needs to deal with cumbersome
data structures (e.g., 80-column data
records), which are now created "behind
the scenes" as he/she provides the
geometric and traffic operational data
graphically. And secondly, because ITRAF
will anticipate in many instances the user's
actions, thus reducing the number of steps
to enter the data. ITRAF also provides ex-
tensive error checking, as well as other
features (e.g., zoom, pan, scale and align
options, network and dialog box printing,
and special edit features such as copy,
modify, and check) which contribute
further in simplifying the data input effort.
ITRAF 2.7 (#ITRAF) by FHWA is available
at LOS 2 for $75.
The Road Surface Management System
(RSMS) is an effective tool for road sur-
face management. There are many ben-
efits that can be derived from correctly
using a rational, systematic method to
manage the maintenance of your munici-
pality's road surfaces with RSMS.
Since most local agencies do not have
adequate funding to support all the
required maintenance and rehabilitation
each year, prioritization of each
candidate project is essential to ensure
that the available funds are spent wisely.
RSMS can be customized for each mu-
nicipality. Each Town or City has a level
of comfort with certain repair strategies.
Flexibility built into the program allows
big or small communities to build RSMS
to fit their own needs.
Annual budgets can be developed
logically, with a minimum amount of
guesswork. Agencies can review
information contained within pavement
management reports, such as condition,
costs, and needs of the network to deter-
mine consequences of their decisions.
After the condition survey has been com-
pleted and all data entered into the com-
puter, RSMS can numerically generate
the overall condition of the network. This
will served as a baseline to determine if
the overall condition is improving from
one year to the next.
RSMS generates simple, customized re-
ports that are easy to read and that can
be reviewed by non-technical personnel
with a minimal amount of interpretation.
The reports include all the input data
such as inventory and distress survey re-
sults, as well as projected repairs and
budget reports.
RSMS (#RSMS) by University of New
Hampshire is available at LOS 2 for $75.
SIDRA 5.2 is the latest upgrade version
of SIDRA for Windows, which has been
designed to run under Microsoft
Windows 3.1, 95, 98 and NT. A summary
of the new features of SIDRA 5.2 is given
Sensitivity analysis by parameter
scaling for optimization, evaluation
and geometric design purposes (with
performance graphs similar to
variable flow scale graphs). Parame-
ters that can be varied: maximum
green time for actuated signals,
roundabout island and inscribed di-
ameter, lane width and lane
utilization ratio, follow-up headway
for gap-acceptance analysis.
SHCM 97 Level Of Service definitions
based on control delay (now more
compatible with the general SIDRA
SHCM 97 roundabout capacity and
level of service results based on the
HCM 97 method for single-lane
SAlternative capacity models for
roundabouts (old Australian NAAS-
RA, German linear and gap-accept-
ance models).
SNew HCM 97 gap-acceptance
parameters for two-way stop sign
control for general use.
SNew HCM 97 delay equations for
signalized intersections and two-way
stop-sign control, and new HCM 97
capacity equation for two-way stop-
sign control.
SEnhancements to SIDRA configura-
tion utility.
New text output tables and other out-
put enhancements introduced, and
various bugs fixed.
Fully revised User Guide.
SIDRA 5.2 (#SIDRA) by Australian Road
Research Board is available at LOS 6 for
The following products have been deleted:
EzSignals Viggen Corp.
EzTransyt Plus 7.0 Viggen Corp.
EzVipas Viggen Corp.
Evipas Viggen Corp.
Corflo Cyberbook Viggen Corp.
Version Status
Available Patch file download
Available Registered users may upgrade
Under development Spring
4.3 Under development Spring
Automatic to registered users
Automatic to registered users
ITS America 9th Annual Meeting
ITS America
Sandra Fitzgerald (202) 484-2902
ITE 69th Annual Meeting
Institute of Transportation Engineers
(202) 554-8050
Microcomputer Applications in Signal Timing
Strong Concepts and Northwestern University Traffic Institute (847) 491-5040
Highway Capacity Analysis Seminar
Mc Trans Center, University of Florida (352) 392-0378
ATMS Modeling Workshop
Mc Trans Center, University of Florida (352) 392-0378
Timing Traffic Signals Using TEAPAC, PASSER, TRANSYT, and CORSIM
University of Nebraska (402) 472-2175
Travel Forcasting: Quick Response Application
AJH Associates
(414) 963-8686 Website: www.execpc.com/~ajh
Traffic Noise Fundamentals
Bowlby & Associates
(615) 661-5838
FHWA Traffic Noise Model 1.0
Bowlby & Associates
(615) 661-5838
Apr 19-22
Washington, D.C.
Aug 1-4 Las Vegas, Nevada
May 3-6
May 12-14
May 16-19
June 22-24
June 14-18
June 6-7
June 8-11
Evanston, IL
Boston, MA
Palm Coast, FL
St. Louis, MO
Milwaulkee, WI
Nashville, TN
Nashville, TN
6 Mc TranssI ng 99