C1 fl 3Volume 13, Summer 1998 Newsletter
M TCenter for Microcomputers in Transportation
* .- *
HCS Moves to Windows The Highway Capacity Software (HCS) is
being completely rebuilt as a Windows 95/NT application. The familiar easy
installation (and uninstall) and graphic interface will provide an effective tool
for capacity analysis. As in past releases, this version will be completely
faithful to the procedures prescribed in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM),
but offer much more flexible data entry and very comprehensive on-line
help. All modules will be accessible from the main menu with the capability
of having several modules and/or data files open simultaneously.
TRANSYT-7F, Release 8 is now available
Perform Optimization Under Congested Conditions:
* Explicit modeling of saturated and spillback conditions
* Horizontal queuing for better travel time and queue delay estimates
* Multi-cycle and multi-period simulations
Includes Windows 95/NT Interface for Release 8
coming this Summer:
* Functionally replaces McT7F and T7FDIM (input editor)
*Will be sent to all release 8 users automatically when ready.
For more information, see Page 7 or contact McTrans.
TSIS, The Traffic Software
Integrated System by FHWA
is now updated to Version
4.2. This is a significant
update and provides several
enhancements in addition
to some maintenance cor-
rections. Current users are
automatically updated. See
the Updates Section of
this issue for details.
Modeling Oversaluraled
Conditions in
TRANSYT-7F Release 8
New Producls
Updated Products
Products Listing
Calendar of Events
- E Ution ResercCet
512 Weil Hall, PO Box 116585, Gainesville FL 32611-6585
(352) 392-0378
Messages 1-800-226-1013
Fax (352) 392-3224
Email mctrans@ce.ufl.edu
2 Mc Trans summer 98
Mc Trans presents
Highway Capacity Analysis Workshop
at the University of Michigan Media Union, Ann Arbor, MI
Procedures for the 1997 Update to the
Highway Capacity Manual with hands-on
workshops using Highway Capacity Software
(HCS-3 for Windows 95/NT)
August 5-7, 1998
co-sponsored by
Technology Transfer Center, University of Florida
Great Lakes Center for Truck and Transit Research,
University of Michigan
prior to the ITE Annual Meeting August 9-12 (Just a short drive to Toronto)
Registration Fee:
$295 by July 17, 1998
$345 by August 3, 1998
Contact Linda Floyd:
(352) 392-2371 (ext.224)
(352) 392-3224 (fax)
FHWA Needs Your Help
The Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA) is designing a multimedia demon-
stration project to increase awareness of
transportation modeling software among
administrators, engineers and planners.
The project, entitled Traffic and
Transportation Models Demonstration
Project No. 114 (DP114), will demonstrate
modeling software and provide a brief
overview of each program's features.
FHWA is currently seeking volunteers to
participate in the design of the project. If
you are interested, please visit the project
website at: http://www.dp114.net/ or request
a survey form to be faxed to you from
McTrans if you do not have Internet access.
Stay Informed Would you like direct
delivery of important announcements from
McTrans? Just e-mail us with your name,
e-mail address and member number and we
will keep you informed electronically of rele-
vant news and announcements. Please
e-mail Lee at: mctinfo@ce.ufl.edu
This new version (HCS-3) incorporates standard Windows functionality
which adds several new practical capabilities for users. A major enhance-
ment that is immediately apparent is the dynamic output pane available
beneath the input screen. As data are entered, computations are reflected
in both the input pane and the output pane, provided as a split screen
view. The output pane is formatted exactly as the printed document will
appear with the capability to cut-and-paste any portion for easy transfer
to other documents or programs.
Many fields have alternate data entry tools, such as radio buttons,
spinners and combination boxes, to provide for the most efficient means
of coding. Context-sensitive help is available for all accessible fields and
provides explanations for the data to be coded, defaults and range limits,
as well as specific HCM references to tables, figures, equations and text
relative to the information being entered.
Implements Procedures in 1997 HCM Update
This release of HCS-3 implements the procedures in the 1997 update to
the HCM. HCS-3 contains modules that implement the procedures defined
in all chapters (except Chapter 14 on Bicycles) of the HCM, including
completely replaced procedures for HCM Chapter 3 (Basic Freeway
Sections), Chapter 4 (Weaving Areas), Chapter 9 (Signalized
Intersections), Chapter 10 (Unsignalized Intersections) and Chapter 11
(Arterial Streets), as well as changes to Chapter 5 (Ramps and Ramp
Junctions) and Chapter 7 (Multilane Highways).
The update to the HCM is due to be published in June 1998, by the
Transportation Research Board (TRB). Software development has used
the draft HCM chapters provided through extraordinary cooperation from
TRB. Our schedule is to release HCS-3 as soon as practical after final
HCM information can be incorporated into the software.
Give HCS-3 a Try!
In our efforts to provide the most effective and user-friendly interface pos-
sible, we have provided one module, HCS-Multilane, for downloading from
our web site as a public preview. Please visit the following web site to
download the Multilane Preview and give it a try.
After trial analyses, please forward comments and suggestions to us at
mctrans@ce.ufl.edu. Thank you in advance for your contribution toward
making HCS-3 the best capacity analysis application it can be.
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Modeling Oversaturated Conditions in TRANSYT-7F Release 8
by Min-Tang Li, University of Florida
In our previous newsletter (Fall,
1997), we described the general
new features available in TRAN-
SYT-7F release 8. In this article,
we illustrate the kind of spillback
effects that can now be modeled
in release 8. New objective func-
tions that are specially designed
to treat spillback conditions are
also introduced.
Simulation Process
The most significant improve-
ment in release 8 is that it allows
modeling of networks with over-
saturated traffic conditions.
Although release 7 accepted net-
works with these conditions, it
did not model them realistically.
This is because the simulation
process applied in release 7 was
not structured in such a way that
spillback conditions could be
explicitly considered. Release 8
completely restructures the simu-
lation process to address these
issues by changing from a link-
wise approach to a step-wise
In the link-wise approach, the
simulation of the network begins
at a specific link, completes all
time steps and then proceeds to
the next link in turn until all links
in the network are simulated. This
simulation approach does not
allow the effect of spillback
occurring over time to pass from
one link to another. To remedy
this, release 8 introduces a step-
wise approach that allows the
simulation to proceed through
the complete network for every
simulation time step. With this
approach, the spillback effect is
passed from one link to another
over time. An analogy is to imag-
ine all links lined end-to-end in
release 7, to release 8, which
resembles a bowling alley with all
links being simulated in parallel,
with all link-specific interactions
being more realistically modeled.
In general, execution times for
release 8 will be longer than
those of release 7, especially for
large networks, because of the
need to use dynamic allocation
of memory to accommodate the
memory-intensive nature of the
step-wise simulation.
Spillback Effects
Release 8 explicitly considers the
following two types of spillback
* The saturation flow rate of the
thru link is reduced due to block-
ing by spillover from the adjacent
right- or left-turn bay. This is illus-
trated in the TRAFVU (ITT
Systems and Sciences
Corporation, Colorado Springs)
display above, in which the
northbound left-turning traffic
(shown in light blue) spills over
and blocks the thru traffic (shown
in white). To explicitly consider
this spillback effect, release 8
allows the user specify a percent-
age of reduction to the saturation
flow rate for the thru-lane group.
Release 7 assumes no saturation
flow rate is reduced due to this
spillback effect.
* The saturation flow rates of
the feeding links are reduced due
to spillback at the current link.
This is again illustrated in Figure
1 in which the westbound traffic
between the two intersections
spills back to upstream link.
Consequently, the southbound
right-turning traffic, northbound
left-turning traffic and the west-
bound thru traffic of the
upstream links cannot enter the
downstream link. In this case, the
saturation flow of these turning
flows will be significantly
reduced. Again, release 8 allows
the user to specify saturation
flow rate reductions to the
upstream links.
Objective Functions for
Oversaturated Conditions
TRANSYT-7F optimizes phase
lengths and offsets based on an
objective function called the per-
formance index (PI). Release 7
included four types of PI defined
by disutility index (DI) and/or pro-
gression opportunities (PROS).
These objective functions were
not be suitable for optimization
of oversaturated networks.
Release 8 introduces four addi-
tional objective functions that are
based on traffic throughput and
queuing measures. The "through-
put measure" is a ratio defined as
the link vehicle departures over
link vehicle arrivals. The "queuing
measure" is also a ratio and is
defined as the average back of
queue on a link divided by the
maximum number of vehicles
that can be accommodated on
the link. The idea behind includ-
ing these measures is to empha-
size traffic throughput and queue
management to help links with
spillback conditions. The new
objective functions are:
* minimizing the product of DI
and queuing ratio,
* maximizing the ratio of
throughput ratio to DI,
* maximizing the throughput
ratio and then minimizing DI with-
out reducing the throughput
ratio, and
* maximizing the throughput
ratio with a penalty imposed if a
maximum v/c ratio threshold is
Optimization for
Oversaturated Conditions
The following steps may be
applied to select the best control
strategy for an oversaturated traf-
fic system.
First, the critical link(s) and the
type of oversaturated conditions
exist in the system need to be
identified. A critical link is
defined as the most downstream
link on a continuous, upstream-
downstream list of oversaturated
links. The level of congestion in
the system as well as the critical
links can be determined by per-
forming a TRANSYT-7F optimiza-
tion run based on minimizing the
DI (e.g., excess fuel consump-
tion) with the step-wise simula-
tion. If the system is still found to
be congested with the optimal
timing, the step-wise simulation
with optimization of the DI plus
queuing penalty on the links with
queue problems should be
Second, if the above process
is unable to eliminate the con-
gestion problem, the new objec-
tive functions with or without the
queuing penalty can be tried. The
critical links for which the
throughput (or the queuing ratio)
is to be optimized should be
specified for optimization.
In short, TRANSYT-7F is now a
more complete signal timing and
traffic analysis tool. It now more
realistically examines saturated
conditions in addition to its his-
torical modeling of undersaturat-
ed conditions.
Wallace, C. E., K.G. Courage, M.A.
Hadi and A. Gan, "MIOISITVolume
4: TRANSYT-7F Users Guide,"
Transportation Research Center,
University of Florida, Gainesville,
March 1998.
Mc Trns sumer 98
I Pr~odcs
BASINOPT minimizes detention basin
volume and surface area using a one-
of-a-kind hydraulic routing optimization
technique. Eliminate inefficient trial-
and-error design approaches, and
minimize excavation and real estate
costs in the process. BASINOPT
allows you to specify the maximum
allowable outflow from the pond and a
maximum allowable water surface ele-
vation for up to six inflow hydrographs
simultaneously, then uses "smart"
technology to design the pond con-
tours, structure dimensions, and
inverts to satisfy your design criteria.
BASINOPT is part of the Computer-
Aided Hydrology & Hydraulics (CAHH)
program series for Windows (3.1x, 95,
NT), and has robust graphics and
input tools to assist you. Vector-based
output graphics provide extremely
sharp hardcopy output in color or
black and white. An extensive
Windows context-sensitive help file
provides complete documentation with
numerous figures and examples.
Paine, Incorporated is available at
LOS 7 for $1,235.
IN extends the functionality of
BASINOPT, allowing you to complete-
ly specify the outlet structure dimen-
sions and pond geometry (rather than
having them designed for you) for up
to 10 structures with a user-specified
stage-area relationship, or an unlimit-
ed number of structures with a com-
pletely user-specified stage-area-dis-
charge relationship. The BASINOPT
SIMULATION ADD-IN is included in
demo form with BASINOPT-the
SIMULATION ADD-IN license makes
the simulation mode of BASINOPT
fully functional.
(#SIMULA) by Akan Paine,
Incorporated is available at LOS 7 for
$400, and requires BASINOPT
CAHH DOS Programs
A package of specialized hydrology
and hydraulics programs for: statistical
frequency analysis, SCS-based rain-
fall-runoff modeling, detention pond
design, open-channel flow profile com-
putations, trapezoidal channel section
design and analysis, FHWA HEC-15
computations, and an award-winning
time of concentration program. These
programs have been reviewed in the
McGraw-Hill Handbook of Hydraulics
(7th ed., 1996), and are based on
technology published in numerous
journal papers and conference pro-
(#CAHH) by Akan Paine, Incorporated
are available at LOS 7 for $485.
The CHANNEL program is an open-
channel hydraulics design and analy-
sis program. Modules include erodible,
non-erodible, flexible (FHWA HEC-15)
and channel bend routines. Design
optimization capabilities include best
hydraulic section and minimal lining
cost techniques. The CHANNEL pro-
gram is part of the Computer-Aided
Hydrology & Hydraulics (CAHH) pro-
gram series for Windows (3.1x, 95,
NT), and features robust graphics.
The CHANNEL program (#CHAN-
NEL) by Akan Paine, Incorporated is
available at LOS 7 for $585.
Manual for Uniform Traffic
Control Devices
Traffic control devices are all signs,
markings, and devices placed on,
over, or adjacent to a street or high-
way by authority of a public body or
official having jurisdiction to regu-
late, warn, or guide traffic. The
Manual for Uniform Traffic Control
Devices (MUTCD.CD) is a unifica-
tion of standards that is applicable
to different classes of roads and
street systems. The National
Committee on Uniform Traffic con-
trol devices updated the 1988
Edition in 1993 which includes revi-
sion 3 of Part VI. This product is
available on CD ROM and requires
a minimum of MS-DOS version 3.1
or later of Microsoft Windows, 4 MB
RAM and a CD ROM driver.
The Manual for Uniform Traffic
Control Devices (#MUTCD.CD) by
Yellow Dog Electronic Publishing,
Inc. is available at LOS 6 from
Mc Trans for $145.
The RIMS program is a handy utility
for highway drainage engineers work-
ing with roadway profiles. Computing
drainage structure rim elevations is
one of the most tedious yet critically
important aspects of any drainage
design. RIMS makes the calculations
simple. The RIMS program is part of
the Computer-Aided Hydrology &
Hydraulics (CAHH) program series for
Windows (3.1x, 95, NT).
RIMS (#RIMS) by Akan Paine,
Incorporated is available at LOS 7 for
Until now, engineers have avoided
performing simulation studies because
the modeling software was too difficult
and too slow; Trafficware introduces
SimTraffic, a program combining the
power and detail of microscopic mod-
eling with the speed and ease-of-use
found in their Synchro product. With
SimTraffic, new users can learn the
software and perform complete stud-
ies of traffic networks in one day.
No cryptic coding cards are required
to create simulations. SimTraffic starts
animating at the press of a single but-
ton. SimTraffic can model almost any
network of signalized and unsignalized
intersections. The program features
quick-change technology that allows
many changes to the network to be
simulated instantaneously. This allows
the engineer to fine tune signal timing
and instantly see the animations of the
revised timing in operation.
SimTraffic models traffic using the
driver and vehicle performance char-
acteristics recommended by the
Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA) for use in modeling software.
Underlying formulas in SimTraffic are
based on over 20 years of research
for accurate modeling of real-world
traffic conditions.
SimTraffic can model multiple timing
periods with varying traffic volumes
and signal timings. This allows the
engineer to model a peak period fol-
lowed by a normal period to see how
the network recovers from congestion;
or to model transitioning of signals
from one timing plan to another. Traffic
volumes can be read from Synchro
files, industry standard TMC files, or
from UTDF data files.
SimTraffic version 1.0 (# TRAFSIM)
by Trafficware, is available at LOS 7
for $585
SpeedPLOT (+)
SpeedPLOT (+) Version 4 was
designed by traffic engineers to
easily collect and analyze spot
speeds, gaps and time interval data.
It runs as a stand-alone DOS pro-
gram or as a DOS application in
Windows on any IBM compatible
microcomputer system. When oper-
ated on a laptop, it allows Laser
Tech 20/20 laser equipment to be
directly connected to the computer.
Laptop operation also allows the
laptop to directly collect speed, gap
and time interval data (the computer
is used as a recording stopwatch).
Data can also be manually entered
as individual speeds or as groups of
collected speeds or interval times.
A two file data collection feature has
also been added to the program.
This feature allows data to be col-
lected for two streams of traffic dur-
ing one study and saved as sepa-
rate data files.
The program meets all informational
requirements for traffic engineering,
planning and legal presentation pur-
poses. In addition to speed data, it
also provides the same full range of
features for gap and time interval
data collection and analyses. All
study data are listed, metrics calcu-
lated, and frequency and "s" curves
plotted on each technical report. A
simplified administrative report is
also available. Reports are generat-
ed on any printer that supports the
Epson printer character set or the
HP Laserjet character set.
The program includes a simple but
powerful file management and
reporting system. Each data file is
based on a filename and a street
(or project) name. All studies are
then added to the basic data file
description by specifying a segment
name and a direction.
SpeedPLOT (+) (#SPLOTPL)
Version 4, by Traffic Studies is avail-
able at LOS 6 for $200.
Traffic Noise Model
The Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA) is pleased to announce the
release of the Traffic Noise Model,
Version 1.0 (FHWATNM). The FHWA
TNM is an entirely new, state-of-the-
art computer program used for predict-
ing noise impacts in the vicinity of
highways. It uses advances in person-
al computer hardware and software to
improve upon the accuracy and ease
of modeling highway noise, including
the design of effective, cost-efficient
highway noise barriers.
The FHWA TNM contains the follow-
ing components:
* Modeling of five standard vehicle
types, including automobiles,
medium trucks, heavy trucks,
buses, and motorcycles, as well
as user-defined vehicles.
SModeling of both constant-flow
and interrupted-flow traffic using a
1994/1995 field-measured data-
SModeling of the effects of different
pavement types, as well as the
effects of graded roadways.
SSound level computations based
on a one-third octave-band data-
base and algorithms.
* Graphically-interactive noise barri-
er design and optimization.
SAttenuation over/through rows of
buildings and dense vegetation.
S Multiple diffraction analysis.
S Parallel barrier analysis.
* Contour analysis, including sound
level contours, barrier insertion
loss contours, and sound-level dif-
ference contours.
These components are supported by
a scientifically-founded and experi-
mentally-calibrated acoustic computa-
tion methodology, as well as an entire-
ly new, and more flexible data base,
as compared with that of its predeces-
sor. STAMINA 2.0/OPTIMA. The data-
base is made up of over 6000 individ-
ual pass-by events measured at forty
sites across the county. It is the pri-
mary building block around which the
acoustic algorithms are structured.
The most visible difference between
2.0/OPTIMA, is TNM's
MicrosoftTMWindows interface. Data
input is menu-driven using a digitizer,
mouse, and/or keyboard. Users also
have the ability to import STAMINA
2.0/OPTIMA files, as well as roadway
design files saved in CAD, DXF for-
mat. Color graphics will play a central
role in both case construction and
visual analysis of results.
Computer Requirements
The recommended computer system
requirements for TNM Version 1.0 are:
Computer: IBM-compatible PC;
Processor: 120 MHz Pentium (or
Memory: 32 MB (or more);
SDisk Drive: 3.5 inch, 1.44 MB;
SMouse input device;
Monitor: Accelerated Super VGA
(1024 x 768), 16 colors, config-
ured with "small" fonts;
SSoftware: MicrosoftTM Windows
3.1 (or later): Note: TNM will run
under MicrosoftTM Windows 95 or
Windows NT, however, TNM is a
16-bit program and will not take
full advantage of the 32-bit archi-
tecture associated with Windows
95 or NT
S10 MB of hard-disk space for the
TNM system (including sample
runs); and
SUp to 1 MB of hard-disk space for
each TNM run.
To digitize coordinates from plan
sheets and roadway profiles, the
following is required:
Digitizer: Any manufacturer/ model
that meets the 1/CS/Telegraphics
Wintab Interface Specification,
preferably with a 16-button puck.
The digitizer manufacturer should
provide the file WINTAB.DLL,
which must be resident on the
hard disk for digitizer use.
Traffic Noise Model (#FHWATNM) ver-
sion 1.0 is available at LOS 1 for
Urban Drainage Design
Program and Manual
The Urban Drainage Design Program
and Manual (HY-22 and HY-22.D)
replaces HY-TB Version 1.0 (# HYD-
TOOL) and is a comprehensive and
practical guide for the design of storm
drainage systems associated with
transportation facilities. Design guid-
ance is provided for the design of
storm drainage systems which collect,
convey and discharge stormwater
flowing within and along the highway
right-of-way. Methods and procedures
are given for the hydraulic design of
storm drainage systems. Design
methods are presented for evaluating
rainfall and runoff magnitude, pave-
ment drainage, gutter flow inlet
design, median and roadside ditch
flow, structure design and storm drain
piping. Procedures for the design of
retention facilities and stormwater
pump stations are also presented,
along with review of urban water quali-
ty practices. A summary of related
public domain computer programs is
also provided.
The Urban Drainage Design Program
(# HY-22) and Manual (#HY-22.D) by
the FHWA, is available at LOS 5 for
$5 for the software and $20 for the
UFITE Transportation Technology Exhibit Wins Top Engineering Fair Awards
The University of Florida student chapter of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (UFITE) won top hon-
ors in the overall competition at the 1998 Engineering and Science Fair. More than 20 student engineering
organizations took part in this annual event held in February at the University of Florida.
The UFITE exhibit featured an animated graphics simulation of a busy intersection in Gainesville, and a
live demonstration of video image detection, together with display material from the Southeastern
Transportation Center (STC) and the McTrans software distribution center. The UFITE team took another
first place award for integrating this year's theme "Engineering our Dreams for the Future" into their pres-
The animated graphics displayed by the CORSIM and TRAFVU programs were used to show traffic con-
ditions at one of the busiest intersections in Gainesville, and gave the audience an idea of how traffic con-
trollers function. In another demonstration, an AUTOSCOPE video image detection system processed pic-
tures of miniature cars on a track, showing how video detection can be used for traffic surveillance.
Members of this year's winning team include: Brett Blackadar, Steve Gillis, Jennifer Cato, Daniel
Baudino,Webert Lovencin, Dyhan Appachu, Sung-Ryong Han, Soan Chau, Min-Tang Li, Greg Moore, Xisca
Frontera, Tim Sapp, Lee-Fang Chow, Randy Showers, Jin-Tae Kim, Ana-Maria Elias and Leslie Myers.
Mc Trans ummer 98
Days Off Calculator
1Da, C'.ff Ca'l:ua o''r ha-;s te n Lr-,31-
e,3 Io: er-i,:n .0 for DC'-.,S an. r,,:n
S0 'for V ,n-3,:. r ,,i:.,'s r.-porrlin .: fun.:
tions have been removed from the
calculator and placed in its new com-
panion program, the Days Off
Reporter. The calculator now includes
a command to save its results to a
solution file a new type of report. To
S generate other types of reports:
SUse the calculator to generate a
solution file.
Start the reporter and open the solu-
tion file into the reporter.
Solution files are plain text files that
can be viewed and edited by any text
editor (such as Windows Notepad or
the DOS Editor) or word processor.
Because of this there are no longer
limits to generating reports based on
the calculator's results. Now, reports
can reflect your own preferences.
Because solution files are in a stan-
dardized format, you can also write
spreadsheet macros that use them to
generate custom reports.
Here are some more improvements in
the new versions:
Most reports can be saved in HTML
format, suitable for posting on the
World Wide Web.
The calculator now supports any
workweek length 0 to 7 days.
You can now save your report for-
matting choices to a report format file,
then restore the file whenever you
wish to do another report with the
same choices.
CSV reports can now include name
list entries of any length. Signup
reports can now include name list
entries of up to 64 characters.
There is now one .INI file with initial-
ization settings for all programs.
Days Off Calculator (#DAYS) by David
Grant is available at LOS 4 for $5.
Updated Products
ICAHD, Version 3.0 (for
Interactive Computer Assisted
Highway Design
ICAHD is a comprehensive, user-
friendly, highway design program
developed by Pro-West & Associates,
Inc. for both English and Metric
design. Menu-Driven operations with
instructions and graphic displays
guide the user through the processing
of field data, design of alignments,
cross-section, and profiles, earthwork
calculations and plotting cross-sec-
tions. Features include individual
cross-section alteration, superelevated
curve calculations, AASHTO stan-
dards and numerous printouts.
Documentation includes a self-instruc-
tional, example, highway design proj-
ect. ICAHD is intended for rural high-
way design and numerous other civil
engineering applications such as
trapezoidal channels, drainage ditch-
es, earth dams, bridge approach fills,
airfields, landfills and more.
ICAHD, Version 3.0 includes the
ICAHD Urban Design Module which
allows for the design of urban streets
and highways as well as numerous
other civil engineering applications
requiring diverse cross-sections. This
module uses tangent and slope ration
vectors to develop typical sections.
Construction and profile information
can be directly imported from ICAHD
into AutoCAD for additional detailing
and design.
Computer Assisted Highway Design
(#ICAHD) by Proper Engineering, Inc.,
is available at LOS 7 for $2,500.
SIDRA 5.1 forWindows
SIDRA 5.1 for Windows is the latest
upgrade version of SIDRA for
Windows, which has been designed to
run under Microsoft Windows 3.1,
Windows 95 and Windows NT The
main SIDRA program, computational
modules, text output display and con-
figuration modules run as full
Windows products. The graphic-based
input and output modules RIDES and
GOSID are used as DOS applications
with all file management functions
looked after by the main SIDRA
Windows program.
New features of SIDRA 5.1 include
the following:
* Runs under Microsoft Windows NT
Windows 95 and 3.1 operating sys-
* New look SIDRA running method.
* New Windows-style Graphs utility to
display variable cycle time and flow
scale graphs.
* Enhanced method for roundabouts
including the calculation of the intra-
bunch headway for three-lane circulat-
ing roads, intra-bunch headway
adjustment for multi-lane streams with
unequal lane flows, and the use of
extra bunching data for the effect of
upstream signals.
* Enhanced method for actuated sig-
nals including coordinated actuated
and isolated semi-actuated signal
models with user specified cycle time,
maximum cycle time, cycle time opti-
mization, and green split priority
* ICU method (USA) for Level of
* Enhancements to library files, and
new library files for the New Zealand
and US Metric versions.
* Cost model parameters updated -
Improved handling of opposed turn
data for traffic signals.
* Green split priority specification for
coordinated movements in a simple
* More flexible input data ranges for
various signal timing parameters,
basic saturation flows and volumes (all
non-zero volumes acceptable).
* Various enhancements to SIDRA
output tables
* Fully revised User Guide and a new
supplementary report on Roundabouts
(ARR No. 321)
SIDRA 5.1 (#SIDRA) by ARRB is
available at LOS 6 for $850. The edu-
cational version (#SIDRA.E) and extra
copies (#SIDRA.X) are available for
Synchro Version 3.2
Trafficware introduces Synchro
Version 3.2 for Windows NT/95. This
upgraded software program features
many time savers that Traffic
Engineers asked for in a Traffic Signal
Program. Many of the optimization
schemes and reports are improved to
handle even the most demanding of
traffic signal networks.
New features give Synchro 3.2
Professional the power to manage
large projects and work around the
limitations of the other software.
Synchro can import AutoCAD DXF
files for a map background. Synchro
Professional shares data seamlessly
ER 2, and the HCS. Over 400 agen-
cies and consultants use Synchro
Synchro 3.2 features an improved
cycle length optimization allowing the
traffic engineer to compare 8
Measures of Effectiveness (MOE) for
each cycle length. Unlike other signal
timing software, Synchro can recom-
mend intersections to be uncoordinat-
ed, half-cycled, or double-cycled to
improve operation.
New Dilemma Zone MOE analyzes
the safety of timing plans and can be
used to show that coordinated timing
plans improve the safety of the sig-
nals. A new Queuing Penalty MOE
quantifies the affects of queuing and
blocking. The Queuing Penalty can be
used to analyze timing plans for con-
gested areas where traditional analy-
sis methods break down. Synchro 3.2
also features MOEs for delays, stops,
queue length, fuel consumption,
exhaust emissions, arterial speed, and
arterial travel time.
Synchro, Version 3.2 (# SYNCRO) by
Trafficware is available at LOS 7 for
$1,095. The Light version (#SYNCLT)
is available for $585, and the
Professional version (SYNCPRO) is
available for $1,695.
Trip Generation
Trip Generation Version 4 by
Microtrans is used to analyze traffic
generated from 135 land uses or
building types based on more than
3,750 individual trip generation stud-
ies. Version 4 includes the entire data
base from the Sixth Edition of the Trip
Generation Report by the Institute of
Transportation Engineers, 1997. The
software is easy to use, allowing com-
prehensive analysis of traffic genera-
tion for traffic impact analyses, trans-
portation corridor analyses, traffic cir-
culation systems, quick response
planning techniques and environmen-
tal impact statements.
Version 4 is designed to give users a
variety of options for grater flexibility
when analyzing single and/or mixed-
use projects with either the ITE rates
or equations or by using your own
rates. A special features allows trip
adjustment factors to be added for
each type of trip so analyses can be
customized to fit specific conditions.
There is a variety of printouts to
choose from, depending on the level
of detail that is desired. Or, results can
be imported into DOS-based word
processors or spreadsheets. The
WINDOWS version can be imported
into WORD and EXCEL.
The DOS version is menu-driven with
a detailed user's guide simulating a
step-by-step operation. The WIN-
DOWS version (available in February
1998) is a more interactive approach
with onscreen help and pulldown
menus for easy software usage. Both
versions have been designed to give
the user a wide choice of options.
Trip Generation is used extensively by
departments of transportation and
other government agencies and pri-
vate users ranging from sole practi-
tioners to multi-national firms.
Technical support is available.
Trip Generation (#TRIPGEN) by
Microtrans Inc. is available at LOS 7
for $400.
TSIS Version 4.2
The Traffic Software Integrated
System (TSIS) has been updated to
version 4.2. This is a significant
update and provides several enhance-
ments in addition to some mainte-
nance corrections.
The maximum network size has been
increased to include more links, nodes
and vehicles. Improvements have also
been made to make NETSIM and
FRESIM logic more consistent within
New records 172 and 173 have been
added to CORSIM so NETSIM and
FRESIM have the same acceleration
and environmental tables. This
change deleted record types 60, 72,
73 and part of 58. A utility program is
provided that updates obsolete input
files to facilitate this conversion. The
vehicle types and fleet types are now
consistent between NETSIM and
FRESIM, replacing the previous vehi-
cle emission logic with an improved
Improvements have been made to the
vehicle lane changing logic in both
cles that miss their destinations are
now re-routed to the next downstream
exit instead of being eliminated. The
logic that moves vehicles across net-
work boundaries was replaced and
the resulting vehicle movement is
more realistic. Turning vehicles now
have the tendency to turn into the
appropriate lane based on their next
two downstream turn movements.
FRESIM vehicle movement logic was
improved and calibration parameters
were added to allow the user to repli-
cate field conditions. Cooperative
FRESIM drivers on a freeway main
line will now slow down to yield to a
from multiple sites. Multiple phase
analysis is also supported with an
"incremental save" feature.
The new features for Release 2.0
include but are not limited to the fol-
Transyt-7F Release 8 Is Now Available
In cooperation with the Federal
Highway Administration and PB
Farradyne Inc., the Transportation
Research Center has drastically
improved the TRANSYT-7F pro-
gram. This update, which results in
release 8, reflects a number of sig-
nificant improvements, including:
* Explicit modeling of saturated
and spillback conditions: Release 8
proceeds through all links for every
time step until all steps are
processed. In other words, the traffic
conditions of the entire network are
updated every time step. This not
only permits explicit modeling of
realistic spillback effects under satu-
rated conditions, it also allows for
the modeling of effects that occur
across multiple cycles, the use of
different cycle lengths among inter-
sections and the elimination of the
need for muptiple simulations of per-
mitted movements.
* Use of horizontal queue:
Previous TRANSYT models assume
queues were stacked "vertically,"
which is clearly not consistent with
real-world situations. In release 8
queues are built "horizontally." This
enables intra-link travel time, spill-
back, stops and queue delay to be
estimated more accurately.
* Multi-cycle and muti-period:
Simulation has always been per-
formed on a single cycle; thus the
effects of traffic conditions from one
cycle to another was not explicitly
modeled. In release 8, simulation
may be based on multiple cycles,
allowing the effects between cycles
to be modeled explicitly. Release 8
also allows multiple time-period
inputs for timing, saturation flow and
volume data.
* Optimization under congested
conditions: The single-cycle opti-
mization for the previous releases
was appropriate for undersaturated
conditions but not for saturated con-
ditions. Release 8 includes new
strategies for timing under saturated
Several minor but important features
have also been incorporated into
release 8, including increased maxi-
mum number of time steps allowed
to permit optimization to 1-sec reso-
lution non-integer lost times and
change periods, a random-plus-sat-
uration term for stops, and level of
service (LOS) added as an explicit
A completely new Windows 95/NT
interface for release 8 has been
developed by Dr. John Leonard.
This interface functionally replaces
McT7F and T7FDIM (input editor)
that came with release 7. (The DOS
version of McT7F and T7FDIM will
continue to be available for release
8, however.)
There are several new record types,
but the input file structure of release
8 is entirely upward compatible. The
new T7FDIM for both the DOS and
the Windows 95/NT versions will
load input files created for and by
the previous release.
McTrans is available at LOS 1 for
$500. Version 6 users can save
$150 by upgrading before the end
of June.
stopped vehicle merging from an
acceleration lane. FRESIM vehicles
will adjust speeds to move toward a
gap to improve the chance of making
a lane change.
The User's Guide has been substan-
tially modified and users are strongly
encouraged to obtain the new edition.
Details of the recent enhancements
and changes are discussed beginning
on Page 4-6 of the CORSIM User's
Traffic Software Integrated System
(#TSIS) version 4.2 by FHWA is avail-
able at LOS 1 for $500.
WinTASS 2.0
WinTASS, from Transportech
Corporation, has received a major
upgrade, which provides additional
features and enhancements. This new
version, Release 2.0, is now available.
Like Release 1.0, which is in use
worldwide by consultants and govern-
mental agencies, WinTASS 2.0 helps
transportation professionals estimate
the relative impacts of land use
changes on nearby roadway net-
works. It automates the traffic assign-
ment process and provides an intuitive
method of distributing site-generated
traffic throughout a roadway network,
without resorting to complicated mod-
eling software.
WinTASS can accommodate a net-
work with up to 99 intersections and
99 sites. Network size and layout can
be changed "on the fly" at any time.
WinTASS network definition is flexible
enough to handle passer-by trips,
"curved" links and shared entrances
Many New Printing Options:
Besides all the printing options avail-
able in Release 1.0, you can now print
site turning movement volumes per
site and direction, total site volumes,
growth volumes, and a special combi-
nation of existing growth, site and
future turning movement volumes per
intersection on a single page. All inter-
sections can now be printed either
one or four per page
There are also additional tools for esti-
mating site traffic distributions through-
out a roadway network, including the
ability to automatically estimate
inverse distributions per site and direc-
tion, and the ability to automatically
copy previously-entered site distribu-
tions to other sites. WinTASS 2.0 also
includes an expanded and revised
Users Manual.
WinTASS 2.0 works on current and
previous versions of Windows, includ-
ing Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and
Windows NT 4.5 or earlier. Registered
users of WinTASS 1.0 can be updated
directly from Transportech Corporation
for a nominal processing fee.
WinTASS (#WinTASS) Version 2.0 by
Transportech Corporation is available
at LOS 7 for $295.
Update Watch
Package Version Status Target Distribution
HCS 2.1f Complete Available Patch File
HCS-3 3.1 Under development Summer Registered users may upgrade
TRANSYT-7F 8.1 Complete Available Registered users may upgrade
TSIS (Corsim) 4.2 Complete Available Automatic to registered users
TRANSYT-7F Win Under development Summer Automatic to registered users
Mc Trans ummer 98
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ITE Annual Meeting
Institute of Transportation Engineers (202) 554-8050
Third National Conference on Access Management
Florida Department of Transportation
Robert Krzeminski (850) 922-0430
American Public Transit Association Annual Meeting
APTA (202) 898-4038
Fifth World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems
ITS America (202) 484-4542
Timing Traffic Signals Using TEAPAC, PASSER, TRANSYT and NETSIM/CORSIM
Strong Concepts & University of Wisconsin, 800-462-0876
Mastering the Budget Process in Public Works: Effective Preparation & Presentation
University of Wisconsin
Katie Peterson, 800-462-0876
Traffic Signal Workshop
Northwest University Traffic Institute, 800-323-4011
Highway Capacity Analysis Workshop
Mc Trans (352) 392-2371 ext.224
Advanced CORSIM Training
Viggen Corporation, 800-260-1001
Introduction to CORSIM Training
Viggen Corporation, 800-260-1001
Timing Traffic Signals Using TEAPAC, PASSER, TRANSYT and NETSIM/CORSIM
Strong Concepts & University of Wisconsin, 800-462-0876
Advanced TEAPAC Application Techniques
Strong Concepts & University of Wisconsin, 800-462-0876
Aug 9-12
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Oct 4-8
Oct 12-16
Jul 15-17
Jul 20-22
Jul 13-17
Aug 5-7
Aug 19-21
Aug 24-26
Sept 14-16
Toronto, ONT
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
New York, NY
Seoul, Korea
East Lansing, MI
Madison, WI
Boston, MA
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Sterling, VA
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Sept 17-18 Las Vegas, NE
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