Center for Microcomputers in Transportation I T1
Newsletter Volume 12 Fall 1997
Annual Report
NewWindows95/NT version of TRANSYT- 7F to be released
TRC celebrates 25 years
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Transportation Research Center
There are 14 new products reviewed on
Pages 4, 5 & 6: ARTS Compendium from
eling System, River Modeling System,
Surfacewater Modeling System, Water-
shed Modeling System and WSPSRO for
Windows, all from BOSS International;
CBEAR and Reinforced Slope Stability
from BA Consulting Group; PIZER
Windows-based programs from Strong
Concepts; and TRAFFIXTM by Dowling
Associates. Please note important an-
nouncements on Page 7. Coming events
and training are on the last page.
512 Weil Hall, PO Box 116585, Gainesville FL 32611-6585
(352) 392-0378
Messages 1-800-226-1013
McFax (352) 392-3224
2Annual Report
The major emphasis this year at Mc Trans has been software development. The Highway Capac-
ity Software for Windows 95/NT (HCS-3) is being rebuilt from the ground up as a pure Windows
application utilizing state-of-the-art tools. The new version also will incorporate procedures con-
tained in the 1997 Update to the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). We are planning to release
HCS-3 concurrently with the publication of the updated HCM, scheduled for publication in Janu-
ary. Release 8 of TRANSYT-7F is nearing completion, incorporating new features discussed on
the following page. It is being tested and scheduled for release in December.
Another milestone this year was the release of the Traffic Software Integrated System (TSIS)
from the Federal highway Administration. TSIS contains the CORSIM model which has replaced
the TRAF-NETSIM and FRESIM simulation tools previously offered. CORSIM allows the micro-
scopic simulation of an integrated system of freeways and arterial surface streets.
Over the past year, our web site continues to expand, now with the current catalog (1998) and
newsletter (Fall, 1997) in PDF (portable document format) for easy viewing. A history of over two
years of newsletters can also be viewed on the web site, those since September, 1996, in PDF.
An online order form is in the works and plans are being made to automate several services for
electronic actions over the next year.
We have continued our efforts to make more update information and technical assistance avail-
able on our web site. The latest HCS patch (d) was made available last year and over 80% of the
over 2,500 users receiving the patch did so electronically. The announcement of the TSIS pack-
age was on the web site, including the press release describing the program's capabilities and
pricing, before the printed version was distributed. Indeed, this newsletter has been available on
the web site since November 20th, probably weeks before you received your copy.
In our efforts to meet users face-to-face, Mc Trans participated in the ITE Annual Meeting in Min-
neapolis, the Third ITS World Congress in Orlando, and the TRB Annual Meeting in Washington,
DC, as well as the ITE Mid-Year International Conference in Tampa, the Highway Capacity Com-
mittee Mid-Year Meeting in Orlando and the Florida ASCE meeting in Clearwater.
This next year we plan to vigorously review the 465 products we currently offer and broaden and
refresh our offering of transportation software in all categories. We also plan to take further ad-
vantage of the web to make product information and ordering easier for our members. If you
have any recommendations on how we can better serve you, please give us a call or e-mail us.
As always, we appreciate your involvement and support.
25 years
McTrans' parent, Transporta-
tion Research Center (TRC) at
the University of Florida was
"born" October 29, 1972. This
October marks its 25th year of
service to the state, nation and
world. The TRC has been rec-
ognized for its contributions to
transportation research prin-
cipally in traffic operations,
transportation planning, safety
and now intelligent transporta-
tion systems. Its faculty and
staff are very active members
of numerous national organi-
zations such as the Institute of
Transportation Engineers, (na-
tional and Florida Section), ITS
America and ITS Florida, Inter-
national Road Federation and
Transportation Research
Board, to name a few.
The TRC operates Mc Trans
and the Florida Transportation
Technology Transfer Center,
which includes the Local Tech-
nical Assistance Program,
Traffic Safety Program and the
Rural Technical Assistance
We look forward to working
with you for years to come.
HCS-3 for
is under
TRANSYT-7F Release 8 gets dramatic remodeling at UF-TRC
TRANSYT-7F (TRAffic Network
StudY Tool, version 7F) is the
most popular program for net-
work traffic signal timing de-
sign and analysis. The original
TRANSYT model was devel-
oped by the (now) Transport
Research Laboratory, Inc., in
the United Kingdom.
TRANSYT, version 7 was
"Americanized" for the Federal
Highway Administration
(FHWA) in 1981 by the Univer-
sity of Florida Transportation
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Research Center (TRC). Since
this original issue, a number of
improvements have been
made over the years. The cur-
rent release is number 7, which
was distributed in 1992.
Under a contract to FHWA through
PB Farradyne Inc., the TRC has
drastically improved the program.
This update, which results in re-
lease 8, reflects a number of sig-
nificant improvements, including
* Explicitmodeling of saturated
and spillback conditions: In re-
lease 7, the simulation begins at a
specific network link, completes all
time steps for the link, then pro-
ceeds to the next link until every
link in the network is processed.
This simulation approach cannot
adequately model the spillback
situations of congested networks,
because spillbacks from the down-
stream link are not updated regu-
larly to enable the simulation of the
upstream link to account for the
spillback effects. Release 8 over-
comes this shortcoming by pro-
ceeding through all links for every
time step until all time steps are
processed. In other words, the
traffic conditions of the entire net-
work are updated every time step.
This not only allows for the model-
ing of spillback effects from satu-
rated conditions, it also allows for
the modeling of effects that occur
across multiple cycles, the use of
different cycle lengths among in-
tersections and the elimination of
the need for multiple simulations
of permitted movements.
* Use of horizontal queue: Previ-
ous TRANSYT models assume
queues were stacked "vertically,"
which is clearly not consistent with
real-world situations. In release 8
queues are built "horizontally."
more, page 8-
New Windows 95/NT version of McT7F planned
As part of the upgrade of TRANSYT-7F to Release 8, McTrans has con-
tracted with Dr. John Leonard of the Georgia Institute of Technologyto
develop a completely updated Windows95/NT version of McT7F. The
newversion of McT7F provides all the functionality expected of a
Win95/NT program: the OS recognizes the McT7F file types, displays
unique McT7F file icons, and promotes a "folder" orientation to data
file management. The new version of McT7F also introduces features
notfound in other program interfaces: it presents the TRANSYT-7F
input and outputfiles within a single window, allowing the engineer to
reviewthe outputs of the last TRANSYT-7F run while making changes
to the input data file. The new interface also presents the contents of
the current record as individual fields with the appropriate record type
description. In all, the new interface is a welcome upgrade, and will
certainly increase productivityof engineering using TRANSYT-7F.
ARTS Compendium
The Advanced Rural Transportation
Systems (ARTS) Compendium is a
comprehensive listing of technology-
based projects that have been or
could be implemented in rural areas.
It is a useful tool for anyone interested
in planning or implementing intelligent
transportation systems (ITS) projects
in rural areas by assisting with re-
search on what has been done to
meet a particular need or provide a
particular service. The compendium
consists of a variety of project types,
from planning studies to federally-
funded field operational tests. Users
can browse, sort, and search the
database to identify projects of inter-
ARTS Compendium (#ARTS) by
US DOT is available at LOS 4 for
$5. The ARTS document
(#ARTS.D) is available for $10.
BOSS RiverCADTM incorporates all of
the advanced technology that was
developed for our RMSTM for
AutoCAD product, without requiting
AutoCAD. There is no other river
modeling software package with this
much power. BOSS RiverCAD is a
completely self-contained package,
providing complete support for both
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
HEC-2 and HEC-RAS numerical flow
analysis engines models-allowing
the engineer to instantly switch back
and forth between these two analysis
engines. BOSS RiverCAD computes
water surface profiles for modeling
bridges, culverts, spillways, levees,
bridge scour, floodway delineations,
floodplain reclamations, stream diver-
sions, channel improvements, and
split flows.
BOSS RiverCAD is integrated with its
own 3D CAD system that is 100%
compatible with AutoCAD and
MicroStation. BOSS RiverCAD's
graphical capabilities are extremely
advanced, allowing 4 individual CAD
drawings to be opened simulta-
neously-with each drawing having 4
separate viewpoints displayed.
BOSS RiverCAD's cross-section and
profile plots can be output at any
drawing scale. In addition, scanned
TIFF or BMP aerial images or maps
can be displayed as a background
image, allowing the user to quickly
digitize cross-sections, confirm the
graphical analysis results, or simply
enhance the outputted topo map
modeling results. Included with BOSS
RiverCAD is a sophisticated 3D sur-
face renderer, allowing you to quickly
create professional 3D shaded plots
of the river reach being studied.
Like all BOSS International products,
BOSS RiverCAD includes free life-
time technical support..
ternational is available at LOS 7.
Price for a complete package is
$2,690. Call McTransfor prices of
CBEAR analyzes the bearing capac-
ity of shallow foundations. CBEAR
can analyze strip, rectangular and
square footings. It also considers the
effects of embedment, inclined and
eccentric loads, sloping ground sur-
face and surcharge. The program
incorporates the general bearing
capacity equations and factors sug-
gested by Meyerhopf (1963) and
Vesic (1975). This program uses the
MS DOS operating system.
available at LOS 5 for $5. The docu-
mentation (#CBEAR.DOC) is avail-
able for $10.
CCG/CALC 2 is a signalized intersec-
tion analysis package based on the
methodology documented in the
ITE's Canadian Capacity Guide for
Signalized Intersections, 2nd edition
(1995). This easy to use package
offers full control over analysis as-
sumptions, and provides a complete
set of performance measures on a
lane by lane basis, as well as for the
overall intersection. These include
Flow Ratios, Volume/Capacity
Ratios, Delays, Queues, and Environ-
mental Measures such as fuel con-
sumption and emissions. Sophisti-
cated features include automatic
phase identification and adjustment
of lost time and effective green on a
lane by lane basis, and automatic
balancing of any demand volume
scenario across any combination of
exclusive and shared lanes, and
through any phasing pattern, on each
approach of the intersection.
The package can be used by itself, or
in combination with TRANMAP,
whereupon it becomes part of a
highly productive analytic environ-
ment, facilitating the site traffic impact
assessment process from trip gen-
eration to signalized intersection
CCG/CALC2 (#CALC2) by BA Con-
sulting Group, Ltd. is available at
LOS 7 for $225.
EPANET Modeling System
EMS is the most advanced powerful,
and comprehensive water distribution
modeling package available. EMS
can analyze an entire water distribu-
tion system, or selected portions,
under steady-state and extended
period simulations, with water quality
analysis if needed.
EMS has extensive modeling capa-
bilities. The program supports any
network configuration and multiple
demand categories. EMS can very
efficiently handle large models and
complex multiple pressure zones for
any hydraulic condition. EMS will
track the flow and velocity of water in
each pipe, the pressure and grade at
each node, the height of water in
each tank, and the movement and
fate of water quality constituents
throughout the entire network during
an extended period simulation.
Like all BOSS International products,
EMS includes free lifetime technical
EPANET Modeling System
(#EPANETMS.W95) by BOSS Inter-
national is available at LOS 7. The
program is priced by the number
of pipes, call Mc Transfor quote. A
documentation manual is also
PIZER EARTH Earthwork Cut
and Fill Calculator Version 5.0
PIZER EARTH is a powerful and
flexible earthwork cut and fill calcula-
tor for Windows 95/NT. EARTH deter-
mines volumetric quantities, for road-
ways, borrow pits, trench
excavations, parking lots, retaining
walls, etc. using either the Average
End Area Method or a modified Pris-
matic Method. EARTH is a stand-
alone application that integrates with
industry-standard CAD programs.
EARTH takes your cross-section data
for existing and proposed ground
levels and calculates the volume of
earth to be removed and added.
Cross-sections and profiles are plot-
ted graphically. Station and local
quantities calculated include volume,
catch points, elevation, and mass. A
variety of output options are available
using cut and past features and inte-
gration with AutoDesk's AutoCAD as
well as other CAD programs which
use the DXF file format.
PIZER EARTH has been a standard
of the Federal Highway Administra-
tion for over 10 years. File formats are
the same between versions 4 and 5 of
EARTH, allowing you to easily ex-
change files without conversion.
PIZER, Inc. is available at LOS 7 for
$500. There is a 40% academic
The popular preprocessors
PRENETSIM have recently been
released by Strong Concepts as new
Windows-based programs. Like their
DOS predecessors (which will con-
tinue to be maintained and devel-
oped) PREPASSR/TEAPAC for Win-
dows exports the standardized
TEAPAC input data to a PASSER-II
simulation or optimization;
dows exports the same data to a
TRANSYT-7F simulation or optimiza-
tion; and PRENETSIM/TEAPAC for
Windows exports the data to NETSIM
or CORSIM forsimulation or anima-
tion. WinPREPASSR and
WinPRETRANSYT will also import
the optimized results from the host
programs, and all programs share
data amongst themselves, as
needed, so PASSER's timings can be
used as starting timings for
TRANSYT and all optimized timings
can be simulated with NETSIM or
CORSIM. All programs also read
SIGNAL94/TEAPAC data files (from
either Windows or DOS) so that SIG-
NAL94 can be used for complete
phasing and timing optimization
based on a faithful implementation of
the 1994 Highway Capacity Manual
Chapter 9 procedures. These
phasings and/or timings can then be
used to constrain the PASSER and/or
TRANSYT optimizations and the
computed saturation flow rates can
be used by all of the three models.
The new programs can also get their
turning count data from other
TEAPAC programs like SITE,
TURNS and WARRANTS for multi-
time-period analysis of existing and
projected conditions, all based on a
single data base of information.
PRENETSIM are now available for
several Windows platforms. The Win-
dows versions have all of the features
noted above (found in the DOS ver-
sions), plus a unique Visual Mode like
WinSIGNAL94 which provides an
intuitive, graphical user interface as a
true Windows program. These ver-
sions also provide a complete and
fully-indexed on-line user guide and
context-sensitive help. Data files are
fully interchangeable with the DOS
versions of the same programs, as
well as with all the other TEAPAC
programs, either DOS orWindows.
The .WIN versions will run on any of
the Windows 3.x or Windows 95 plat-
forms; the .W95 versions will run on
any of the Windows 95 or Windows
NT platforms.
The 12-intersection version of
Strong Concepts (#TPCPPS.1,
#TPCPPS.1.W95) is available at
LOS 7 from McTrans for $395. The
100-intersection version of
system capabilities (#TPCPPS.2,
#TPCPPS.2.W95) is available at
LOS 7 for $595.
The 12-intersection version of
from Strong Concepts
#TPCPTR.1.W95) is available at
LOS 7 from McTrans for $495. The
100-intersection version of
system capabilities (#TPCPTR.2,
#TPCPTR.2.W95) is available at
LOS 7 for $695.
The 12-intersection version of
from Strong Concepts
#TPCPNT.1.W95) is available at
LOS 7 from McTrans for $495. The
100-intersection version of
system capabilities (#TPCPNT.2,
#TPCPNT.2.W95) is available at
LOS 7 for $695.
Educational versions are available
for half price and demonstration
versions are available for $5
#TPCPNT.O.W95). Registered lic-
ensees of DOS versions of
PRENETSIM may upgrade to a
Windows version at a reduced fee
directly from Strong Concepts.
Reinforced Slope Stability
RSS analyzes and designs soil
slopes strengthened with horizontal
reinforcement, as well as analyzing
unreinforced soil slopes. The analysis
is performed using a two dimensional
limit equilibrium method. The pro-
gram uses an extensively modified
version of the STABL computer pro-
gram and guidelines for design of soil
reinforcements as stated in Elias and
Christopher (1996) and Christopher
et al. (1988 and 1990). This program
uses the MS DOS operating system.
Reinforced Slope Stability (#RSS)
by FHWA is available at LOS 5 for
$5. The documentation (#RSS.D) is
available for $10.
River Modeling System
RMS for AutoCAD brings the power
of AutoCAD to computing water sur-
face profiles for modeling bridges,
bridge scour, culverts, weirs, spill-
ways, levees, floodway delineations,
floodplain reclamations, stream diver-
sions, channel improvements, and
split flows. RMS for AutoCAD is com-
pletely graphical and provides sup-
port for both the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers HEC-2 and HEC-RAS
water surface profile models.
RMS allows you to quickly define a
model, analyze it, and display its re-
sults without ever leaving the
AutoCAD environment. Models can
be analyzed bi-directionally, where
HEC-2 models can also be analyzed
with HEC-RAS, and visa versa. In
addition, RMS has been written in an
open-architecture application, allow-
ing it to interface with other water
surface profile analysis models, in-
and WSPRO.
Like all BOSS International products,
RMS includes free lifetime technical
River Modeling System
(#BOSSRMS.W95) by BOSS Inter-
national is available at LOS 7.
Price for a complete package is
$2,290. Call Mc Transfor prices of
deposition for complex two-dimen-
sional horizontal flow problems.
SMS provides complete support for
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
RMA two-dimensional hydrodynamic
and hydrodynamic transport, SED-2D
two-dimensional sediment transport
and deposition, HIVEL-2D two di-
mensional hydrodynamic
supercritical and subcritical flow, and
the U.S. Federal Highway Administra-
tion FESWMS two-dimensional hy-
drodynamic and bridge scour finite
element models.
Like all BOSS International products,
SMS includes free lifetime technical
Surfacewater Modeling System
(#BOSSSMS.W95) by BOSS Inter-
national is available at LOS 7. Price
for a complete package is $1,675.
Call Mc Trans for prices of mod-
TRAFFIX 7.0 for Windows95 was
released September 1,1997.
TRAFFIX 7.0 for Windows95 is a
Traffic Impact Analysis program that
aids in the analysis of impacts of new
development and the analysis of in-
tersection and segment Level Of Ser-
vice (LOS). The program runs on the
Windows95 /Windows NT platforms
with many improved, user-friendly
features over the previous MS-DOS
version. Major uses of TRAFFIX in-
1. Rapidly forecast traffic impact of
new developments.
2. Analyze as many as 1000 inter
sections in a single run.
3. LOS for signalized and
unsignalized intersections.
4. Arterial LOS analysis (HCM
Chapter 11).
5. User choice of LOS methods: 1985
HCM, 1994 HCM, Taiwan HCM,
1997 HCM (coming soon), Circular
212and CU.
6. Interactively test mitigation
7. Compute traffic impact fee for
individual projects.
Surfacewater Modeling System The new features of TRAFFIX 7.0 for
Windnws95 include
SMS is the most advanced powerful,
and comprehensive two-dimensional
surfacewater modeling package
available. The software models the
water surface elevation, flow, velocity,
contaminant transport and disper-
sion, and sediment transport and
1. New graphical user interface.
2. New network draw capabilities.
3. New scenarios analysis features
aid project evaluation and data
6 new
4. All data and scenarios stored in a
single database.
5. On-line help.
6. Read and write TRAFFIX-for-
DOS files.
7. Backward compatibility with
MS-DOS version.
Dowling Associates, Inc., a transpor-
tation consulting firm in California,
has developed and maintained the
TRAFFIX program since 1987.
Associates, Inc. is available at LOS
7 for $1840.
TRANMAP is a suite of tools provid-
ing traffic engineers with a productive
analytical environment for performing
Site Traffic Impact analysis using the
same tried and true procedures fol-
lowed during the course of a manual
assignment based analysis proce-
dure. The program supports Trip
Generation and Distribution, Network
and Route definition, Trip Assign-
ment, Background Traffic definition,
and Total Volume calculations. When
used in combination with CCG/CALC
2, Signalized Intersection Analysis is
also fully supported. Storage of data
at each stage of the analysis allows
alternative sets of assumptions to be
easily assembled to create analytic
scenarios. A built in project manager
provides control over these multiple
analysis scenarios. Eliminating the
trivial and time consuming arithmetic
involved in manually adding up the
components of assigned traffic allows
the analyst to concentrate on ensur-
ing the soundness of assumptions
and interpretation of results.
Consulting Group, Ltd. is available
at LOS 7 for $900.
Watershed Modeling System
WMS is the most advanced, power-
ful, and comprehensive hydrology
modeling package available. Both
rural and urban catchment basins can
be easily modeled.
WMS provides complete support of
the industry-standard U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers HEC-1, U.S. Soil
Conservation Service TR-20, and
Rational Method Equation hydrologic
routing programs. Also supported is
the recently released state-of-the-art
National Flood Frequency (NFF)
model, jointly developed by the Fed-
eral Highway Administration and the
The provided DTM and Map Modules
allow WMS to build a digital terrain
model of the watershed. The program
will then automatically subdivide a
large watershed into a series of sub-
basins, precisely delineate the sub-
basin boundaries, compute the result-
ing stream channel network,
determine the required hydrologic
properties, and construct the corre-
sponding hydrology model input data
file-all in just a few minutes.
Like all BOSS International products,
WMS includes free lifetime technical
WSPRO for Windows
(#BOSSWMS.W95) by BOSS Inter-
national is available at LOS 7. The
price for a complete package is
$1,695. Call Mc Trans for prices of
WSPRO for Windows
WSPRO for Windows is the most
powerful, easy-to-use water-surface
profile software available for the de-
sign and analysis of bridge water-
ways. WSPRO is easy to learn and
use. Data input is performed graphi-
cally through easy-to-use dialog
boxes, enabling you to easily enter or
change input data. There is no longer
any need to struggle with cumber-
some, cryptic, error-prone data input
card files.
WSPRO for Windows displays sev-
eral graphs, including single cross-
section plots, overlaid multiple cross-
section plots, water surface profile
plots, and overlaid profile summary
plots, allowing you to quickly evaluate
yourwork. All graphics can be output
to any laser printer or other output
device using Microsoft Windows. In
addition, the graphics can be copied
to the Microsoft Windows clipboard,
allowing the cross-section plots and
profile plots to be pasted into
Microsoft Word and other Windows
Bridge openings can be defined by
either horizontal station and ground
elevation coordinates (for existing
bridges or fixed-geometry design
conditions), or in terms of geometric
bridge components which are then
used to build the bridge cross-section
(allowing several alternative bridge
designs to be quickly analyzed). The
program can model multiple water-
way openings (including culverts),
and will consider the effects of sup-
port columns, spur dikes, variable
flow lengths, and lateral tributary flow
gains and losses.
Like all BOSS International products,
WSPRO forWindows includes free
lifetime technical support.
WSPRO for Windows
ternational is available at LOS 7 for
Version Status
Under development January
Registered users may upgrade
Registered users may upgrade
Registered users may upgrade
TSIS (Corsim)
Available Patch File
Mc Trans to Host
Workshop on
Traffic Software
The Institute of Transportation
Engineers (ITE), Federal High-
way Administration (FHWA) and
McTranswill be cosponsoring a
specialty workshop on traffic
software. The workshop is actu-
ally a meeting of ITE's Trans-
portation Software Developers'
Task Force, which was formed
in April 1996. The purposes of
the workshop are:
* Reviewthe technical content
and formality of the Traffic Soft-
ware Data Dictionary presently
being developed for FHWA by
Kaman Sciences Corp. The
TSDD is proposed as a potential
data standard for traffic model
software, and the workshop will
further explore whether TSDD
should indeed be a formal ITE
standard, oran informal one.
* Explore the current and future
relationships of the Traffic Soft-
ware Integrated System (TSIS)
as a computing platform for
traffic models and its database
as a repository of modeling
data, with the wide range of pub-
licly available traffic models.
Since this is a task force meet-
ing, it is by invitation, but we
welcome others to express an
interest in coming. If you are
interested in an invitation,
please contact Charles Wallace
at Mc Trans.
Dates: December 10-12, 1997
Location: TradeWinds Resort,
St. Petersburg Beach, FL
Registration: $75
Ms. Chris Wilson
Mc Trans, PO Box 116585
Gainesville, FL 32611-6585
Tel: (352) 392-0378 ext. 223
Fax: (352) 392-3224
TRANSYT-7F Release 8
continued from page 3
This enables intra-link travel time,
spillback, stops and queue delay
to be estimated more accurately.
* Multi-cycle andmuti-period:
Simulation has always been per-
formed on a single cycle; thus the
effects of traffic conditions from
one cycle to another was not ex-
plicitly modeled. In release 8, simu-
lation may be based on multiple
cycles, allowing the effects be-
tween cycles to be modeled explic-
itly. Release 8 also allows multiple
time-period inputs for timing, satu-
ration flow and volume data.
* Optimization under congested
conditions: The single-cycle opti-
mization for the previous releases
was appropriate for undersatu-
rated conditions but not for satu-
rated conditions. Release 8 in-
cludes new strategies for timing
under saturated conditions.
A number of minor but important
features have also been incorpo-
rated into release 8, including,
* increased maximum number of
time steps allowed to permit
optimization to 1-sec resolution,
* non-integer lost times and
change periods,
* a random-plus-saturation term
for stops, and
* level of service (LOS) added as
an explicit output.
A completely new Windows 95/NT
interface for release 8 has been
developed for the TRC by Dr. John
Leonard. This interface function-
ally replaces McT7F and T7FDIM
(input editor) that came with re-
lease 7. (The DOS version of
McT7F and T7FDIM will continue to
be available for release 8, how-
There are several new record
types, but the input file structure of
release 8 is entirely upward com-
patible. The new T7FDIM for both
the DOS and the Windows 95/NT
versions will load input files cre-
ated for and by the previous re-
Release 8 is being beta tested and
is scheduled for public distribution
in late 1997. As usual, McTranswill
announce its availability to all reg-
istered TRANSYT-7F users. Others
also can check the Mc Transweb
site at: http://mctrans.ce.ufl.edul.
News letters published four times a year by
the Center for Microcomputers in Transportation, a program
of the Transportation Research Center, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL, an equal opportunity / affirmative action insti-
tution. Graphic design and production provided by Gator
Engineering Publication Services, University of Florida.