Centerfor Microcomputers in Transportation
Newsletter Volume 11 Number 4 June 1997
McTrans Distributes U.S.DOT's
ITS Awareness Seminar
The U.S. Department of Transportation has initiated its In-
telligent Transportation Systems "Professional Capacity
Building" outreach and education program. The Federal
Highway Administration has asked Mc Transto assist in
making these sessions available to the broader transporta-
tion community. See the New Products section fora brief
description of the first in the seminar series.
John Zegeer is the informed
source on what to expect from the
coming HCM upgrade and more in
our cover story beginning on Page
2. A report by B.R. Pati on the
implementation of a signal timing
strategy in Lakeland, Florida be-
gins on Page 3. The new products
are reviewed on Page 5 & 6: Beam
Analysis Program by David
Juntunen; Datasets for Standard-
ized Small Sign Support Hardware,
a guidebook published by
AASHTO; Traffic Engineer's
Toolbox, a new Windows program;
and the ITS PCB Seminar, an-
nounced above. Updates for HEC-
RAS, PASSER IV-96, Transit Route
Planning CAI Course and TSIS are
described on Pages 6 & 7. Please
note important announcements on
Pages 8, 9 & 10. Coming events
and training are on the last page.
512 Weil Hall, PO Box 116585, Gainesville FL 32611-6585
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*S* a..
2 Highway
Are Changing
by John D. Zegeer, P.E..
Senior Associate, Kittelson &
Associates, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Chair of the TRB Committee on
Highway Capacity and Quality of
I Eu
In 1994, the Transportation Re-
search Board published an up-
date to the 1985 Highway Capac-
ity Manual (HCM). This document
(and the companion software)
provided a current set of analysis
procedures for a wide range of
transportation facilities. The table
of contents to the HCM illustrates
the range of facility types which
can be analyzed:
1. Introduction, Concepts
and Applications
2. Traffic Characteristics
3. Basic Freeway Sections
4. Weaving Areas
5. Ramps and Ramp Junctions
6. Freeway Systems
7. Multilane Rural and Suburban
8. Two-Lane Highways
9. Signalized Intersections
10. Unsignalized Intersections
11. Urban and Suburban Arterials
12. Transit Capacity
13. Pedestrian
14. Bicycles
The 1997 Update to the HCM
Advances are continuing to be
made in the determination of ca-
pacity for all facilities and in the
selection of appropriate perfor-
mance measures to determine
levels of service. The FHWA, Na-
tional Cooperative Highway Re-
search Program (NCHRP), the
Transit Cooperative Research
Program (TCRP), and State De-
partments of Transportation have
funded numerous research efforts
to enhance our understanding of
capacity and traffic flow. This has
resulted in the decision to publish
a 1997 Update to the HCM. That
update will contain the following
revised chapters:
The Basic Freeway Sections
chapter (Chapter 3) will include a
revised procedure where capacity
is primarily based on a measure-
ment of density. The capacity of a
freeway lane will vary by the free-
flow speed (from 2250 pcphpl for
a 55 mph free-flow speed to 2400
pcphpl for a 70 mph free-flow
The Signalized Intersection chap-
ter (Chapter 9) is one of the most
widely used chapters in the HCM.
The 1997 Update will include the
findings from recent research on
actuated signals. The delay
equation will be
modified to account
for signal coordina-
J tion, over-saturation,
variable length analysis periods,
and the presence of initial queues
at the beginning of an analysis
period. The measure of effective-
ness (MOE)will be changed from
average stopped delay per ve-
hicle to total delay. Adjustments
will be made to the permitted left
turn model and the left-turn
equivalence table. Additional
guidance will be provided on the
use of the CBD adjustment factor,
the application of lost time, and
the proper use of the lane utiliza-
tion factor.
The Urban and Suburban Arteri-
als chapter (Chapter 11) will in-
corporate changes to the Signal-
ized Intersection chapterwhich
affect Chapter 11. The effect of
the filtering/metering of arriving
platoons by upstream signals
(which reduces the randomness
of arrivals)will be introduced. A
fourth arterial classification to
account for"high speed" arterials
will be included. And, additional
sample problems (dealing with
arterials controlled by both sig-
nals and stop signs and dealing
with two-lane arterials) will be
The Unsignalized Intersections
chapter (Chapter 10) has been
completely revised to incorpo-
rate the results of a nationwide
research project in the United
States at two-way and four-way
stop-controlled intersections.
The impact on capacity at a
two-way stop-controlled inter-
sections due to the presence of
an upstream traffic signal and
a procedure for accounting for
two-stage gap acceptance
(when motorists cross one
stream of traffic, then store in a
median area to enter or cross a
stream of traffic in the opposite
direction) are provided. Gen-
eral guidance for estimating
the capacity of roundabouts
will also be provided.
By the end of 1997, a Windows-
based software package will be
available from McTransto assist
in the application of the 1997 up-
dated procedures.
A Metric User's Guide will be pre-
pared as a companion to the
1997 Update to the HCM. This
will allow the analyst to make
metric conversions where appro-
priate. In the Year 2000, the HCM
itself will use metric units.
Looking Ahead to HCM 2000
Despite the extensive number of
improvements which will be incor-
porated in the 1997 Update of the
HCM, plans are already under-
way for a complete revision of the
HCM in the Year2000. The HCM
2000 will incorporate a number of
ongoing research efforts:
* NCHRP is sponsoring a
Weaving Area Research
* FHWA is sponsoring a Free-
way Systems Research
* NCHRP is sponsoring a
Two-Lane Highways Re-
search Project and FHWA
has provided additional fund-
ing to develop an enhanced
simulation package for opera-
tional analysis of two-lane
* TCRP has sponsored a re-
search project on the opera-
tional analysis of bus lanes on
arterials, which will be used to
modify the analysis proce-
dures in the Urban and Subur-
ban Arterials chapter.
* TCRP is sponsoring a com-
plete revision to the Transit
Capacity chapter of the HCM.
In addition, the initial steps
leading toward the develop-
ment of a separate Transit
Capacity Manual are
* FHWA is sponsoring a re-
search project on the effects
of bicycle and pedestrians on
roadway and intersection ca-
* NCHRP is sponsoring the
development of enhanced
planning procedures which
will provide more accurate
predictions of speed and ser-
vice volumes for all roadway
* NCHRP is sponsoring re-
search into the capacity of
interchange ramp terminals.
* NCHRP is sponsoring re-
search into an improved set of
performance measures which
will more accurately predict
level of service for undersatu-
rated and oversaturated con-
* NCHRP is sponsoring a
project to ensure the produc-
tion of HCM 2000. This docu-
ment will be delivered in three
media: a loose-leaf paper
document, the calculating
software, and a CD-ROM.
The CD-ROM will provide a
multi-media format forth
manual, sample problems, a
tutorial, and a linkto the calcu-
lating software.
How You Can Learn More
The Highway Capacity and Qual-
ity of Service Committee (HCQS)
of the Transportation Research
Board acts as the primary over-
seer for research and enhance-
ment of the HCM. Responsibility
for documenting the various ac-
tivities of the HCQS has been
distributed across several WWW
sites. The following home pages
provide access to this informa-
The HCQS Home Page
overview. htm)
This site documents the ongoing
activities (technical and other-
wise) of the HCQS committee.
Information includes current com-
mittee membership, current tech-
nical activities, upcoming events
and meetings, the e-mail server,
and past meeting minutes.
Highway Capacity Manual
Recognizing a need for increased
communication between HCM
users and developers, the Fed-
eral Highway Administration
(FHWA) created a web site with
the latest information on training,
a data base of current HCM us-
ers, and the HCM Advantage a
newsletter dedicated to the HCM
user community.
Highway Capacity Software
McTrans is responsible for distri-
bution of the Highway Capacity
Software (HCS). This site con-
tains information on the latest
HCS developments, versions,
updates, tutorials, fixes and
patches, and other software-re-
lated issues.
We welcome your input and par-
ticipation in advancing our under-
standing of highway capacity is-
Reprinted from Florida Transporta-
tion Modeling, a quarterly publica-
tion of the Florida Department of
Transportation, Systems Planning
Office in Tallahassee.
Procedure for an
Efficient Signal
By Bikash Ron Pati, P.E.
PB Farradyne, Inc.
PB Farradyne, Inc. (PBFI) re-
cently developed and imple-
mented signal timing plans for 53
intersections, under 15 control
sections, in the City of Lakeland,
Florida. The signal timing plan
development was required for
expansion of the existing "UTCS
Hybrid" Computerized Traffic
Signal System (CTSS). The
Florida Department of Transpor-
tation (FDOT) District 1, along
with the City of Lakeland and
Polk County, administered the
project, which was completed in
1995. This article describes a
unique strategy for development
of optimal timing plan and pro-
vides useful recommendations
for a fine-tuning process.
The goals of signal timing for a
development in Lakeland were
to minimize overall delay and
maximize signal coordination in
15 control sections that included
arterial and network configura-
tions. The major data collection
effort consisted of traffic counts,
signal equipment, and intersec-
tion inventory. The 24-hour sys-
tem counts were plotted and
based on traffic volume distribu-
tions, dial assignments were fi-
nalized. A minimum of six differ-
ent timing patterns were
developed for each control sec-
tion, including AM, AM Off,
Noon, PM, PM Off, and Night
plans. A seventh plan was devel-
oped for a few sections to pro-
vide control during extraordinary
traffic conditions. The night plan
was also used during early
morning hours and weekends.
TRANSYT-7F, a macroscopic
traffic optimization/simulation
model, was used to evaluate
arterial and network configura-
tions in the City of Lakeland. This
program has been successfully
used in numerous signal timing
projects. TRANSYT simulates
traffic flows in small time incre-
ments and disperses traffic using
a platoon dispersion algorithm
as vehicles travel downstream. A
hill climb optimization process
minimizes an objective function
called performance index (PI)
which is a linear combination of
delay, stops and (optionally) ex-
cess queue and operating cost.
TRANSYT is particularly suitable
for modeling arteries and net-
works with usual geometry and
phasing schemes as was en-
countered in the City of Lake-
land. Flow profile and platoon
4 progression diagrams were
used for analyzing signal coordi-
The following procedure was
used by PBFI for developing
optimal signal timings for the
City of Lakeland:
Existing phasing schemes
were evaluated using Signal
Operations Analysis Pack-
age (SOAP). Alternative
phasing schemes were com-
TRANSYT optimization runs
with minimum and maximum
cycle length (150 seconds)
with increments often sec-
onds were performed. The
minimum cycle length, de-
pending on the length of the
pedestrian phase, varied in
each control section.
The cycle length selection
runs were executed with de-
tailed output that enabled
examination of MOEs for
each cycle. For a few sec-
tions, the best cycle length
obtained from the program
was not selected if MOEs
suggested that a higher or
lower cycle length could
serve the control section
better in terms of profession
bandwidth and queue clear-
Arteries with high turning
volumes originating from an
upstream intersection were
coordinated with the through
movement of the down-
stream intersection.
Traffic progression was pro-
vided along major arterials in
a network configuration.
Double cycling at low vol-
ume intersections was
implemented in control sec-
tions with low and high vol-
ume intersections.
All offsets were referenced
to the beginning of the coor-
dinated movements except
in situations where the non-
coordinated movement is
the high volume street. Off-
sets were then referenced to
the beginning ofthe non-
coordinated movements.
* The minimum green for inter-
sections with call to non-actu-
ated (CNA) active included
walk and don't walktimes to
assure coordination during
pedestrian activity. Intersec-
tions with high pedestrian
volume displayed walk sig-
nals in all cycles using the
CNA feature.
* After the cycle length was
selected, a program called
Time Space/Platoon Pro-
gression Diagram (TS/PPD)
was used to examine and
manipulate offsets for each
timing pattern to obtain maxi-
mum bandwidths. All opti-
mized splits were un-
* Finally, TRANSYT-7F simu-
lation runs were executed
with selected cycle lengths
and revised offsets.
After all TRANSYT runs were
approved, controller timing
tables were prepared including
isolated controller settings such
as minimum green, extension,
yellow, all red, pedestrian Walk
and Don't Walk. Coordination
settings included phase splits
and offsets for each pattern. The
system software, JHK 2000, cur-
rently being used in Lakeland
does not require computation of
force-offs and permissive peri-
ods. All timings were manually
entered at the individual control-
lers. A timing database was cre-
ated for the JHK 2000 software
for central control. Once a con-
trol section was brought on-line
all changes to the signal timing
were downloaded from the con-
trol center located in the City of
Lakeland traffic engineering de-
It is impossible to perfectly model
real-life traffic conditions. There-
fore, fine tuning is almost always
necessary. This process verifies
how well the implemented timing
plans are likely to perform in ac-
tual traffic conditions. The extent
of fine tuning may vary from sim-
ply changing an offset or a con-
troller setting as minimum green,
maximum green extension, or
pedestrian timings to modifying
phase splits, and even the cycle
Fine tuning forthe Lakeland
project was a three-step pro-
cess, as mandated in the techni-
cal special provisions. The first
step was an initial field verifica-
tion of timings within 48 hours of
implementation. During this step
cycle lengths, splits, and offsets
were verified in the field. The
second step was a detailed on-
street review of the operation of
each timing plan for all control
sections. On-street reviews were
conducted by PBFI and accom-
panied by the City of Lakeland
officials. All changes were re-
ported to the control center using
a two-way mobile radio. The
third step was revisiting all con-
trol sections along with FDOT,
City and County officials for final
Based on the Lakeland experi-
ence, the following are useful
observations on fine tuning:
1. Individual intersections within
a control section were observed
for several cycles during peak
hours to verify satisfactory op-
eration with the new timings.
Several trial runs along both di-
rections of an arterial were un-
dertaken at the prevailing traffic
speed to ascertain progression.
Offsets were adjusted where
necessary to improve coordina-
tion. A stop watch can be used to
measure bandwidths.
2. Controller settings such as
minimum green extension, Walk
and Don't Walktimes may need
to be adjusted. If significant truck
traffic is prevalent, extension
may need to be increased for
safe passage of trucks. The lack
of platoon formation in low vol-
ume arteries may warrant longer
extension to prevent coordina-
tion gap out.
3. The maximum green time for
the side street and main street
left turns was observed. Queuing
vehicles should clear during
most cyclesfotherwise, the
maximum green may need to be
4. The early release of side
street green was observed in low
volume side streets particularly
during the night plan. The ex-
cess green time from side street
will switch to the main street co-
ordinated phase and change the
offset reference. Frequent early
release may warrant offset ad-
justments along the entire con-
trol section.
5. Separate dials for school start
and end times may be consid-
ered for traffic signals in school
zones. An adequate side-street
green time should be provided.
All other times, generally side
street activity is minimal, and
flashing operation may be suit-
6. Traffic signals at ramp termi-
nals should have adequate
green time to prevent excessive
queue formation on exit ramps.
Preferably, exit ramp queue
should clear during each cycle.
7. Fine tuning of network con-
figurations pose greater chal-
lenge. Generally, avoid offset
adjustment on the common inter-
section unless such a change
benefits both arteries involved.
Signal timing or retiming projects
have documented a high benefit
cost ratio and therefore, are
popular projects for state and
local agencies. Adopting an effi-
cient timing procedure and un-
dergoing a thorough fine tuning
are necessary to maximize ben-
efits. Signal retiming often in-
vokes citizen complaints during
the first few days of installation.
These complaints should be
taken seriously. The operation of
the intersections should be
monitored after all retiming tasks
have been completed.
Note: The article is based on the
opinions and ideas of the author
and not necessarily of the agen-
cies that administered the
project. The author would like to
acknowledge Chris Birosak
(FDOT), Frank Rodwick (City of
Lakeland), Tim Malone (TCD)
and Cary Vick (PB Farradyne)
fortheir help during various
phases of this project.
new -_-
Beam Analysis Program
BAP is a Windows 3.1/Windows
95 application that solves forthe
reactions, shears, moments, and
deflections for continuous beams.
The beam can have changes in
cross section along its length and
internal hinges. Point loads and
distributed loads can be applied
to the beam. Input is in the easy-
to-use Windows environment.
The beam's profile with applied
loads is shown to aid input verifi-
cation. The program solves for
the beam's reactions, and then
shows the shear, moment, and
deflection diagrams, as well as a
table of the respective values for
each. The program has an inter-
active help file. All information,
including graphics, can be
printed. BAP can be evaluated
free of charge for 30 days. If you
find the program useful, and want
to continue using it, registration is
required. Bap was developed by
David Juntunen, a practicing
bridge engineer in Michigan.
Beam Analysis Program
(#BAP) by David Juntunen is
available at LOS 4 for$10.
Datasets for Standardized
Small Sign Support
Datasets containing the materials
incorporated in the 1997 publica-
tion A Guide to Standardized
Small Sign Support Hardware in
CAD and wordprocessor formats.
This guide is published jointly by
the American Association of
State Highway and Transporta-
tion Officials (AASHTO), the
American Road and Transporta-
tion Builder's Association
(ARTBA), and the Association of
General Contractors (AGC). This
Guide contains drawings and
specifications for proprietary and
non-proprietary small sign sup-
port hardware. The designs in-
cluded are those most widely
used and therefore the most logi-
cal systems and components for
standardization. Proprietary
items are included in this Guide
forthe convenience of users, but
this does not confer or imply any
approval by AASHTO, ARTBA,
AGC, or the FHWA. The propri-
etary materials were provided by
the manufacturers for the conve-
nience of highway designers.
The CAD and wordprocessor
datasets are believed to be useful
in updating design, installation, or
maintenance practices to all
members of the roadside safety
community, including state engi-
neers, consultants, manufactur-
ers of hardware, installation con-
tractors, and researchers. This
hardware guide includes a large
number of new components and
systems that are now in common
use and removes many compo-
nents and systems that have be-
come obsolete or are seldom
used today.
The drawings forthe hardware
and systems in this guide were
produced using Intergraph
Microstation version 5. The text
specifications were produced
using WordPerfect 5.1.
This revised guide includes not
only components of small sign
support hardware but drawings
and specifications for common
sign support systems. Some of
the details shown in this guide
have been revised from earlier
details in the belief that doing so
would result in more balanced
and versatile designs. Every ef-
fort has been made to assure the
correctness of the drawings and
specifications at the time of publi-
cation, but a designer wishing to
use details in this guide should
assure themselves of the geo-
metric and structural adequacy of
the design. Citations to the road-
side safety literature have been
provided so designers may
search out the test results and
become familiar with the develop-
ment of each small sign system.
This Guide is organized into four
sections. The first section con-
tains the introductory material,
tables of contents, cross refer-
ences, and general information.
The next two sections contain
drawings and specifications of
fastener and post components.
The fourth section contains draw-
ings of small sign support sys-
tems. The small sign support sys-
tem drawings and specifications
show how the components
shown in the fastener and post
sections of the guide can be as-
sembled to produce a variety of
small sign support systems. Fas-
teners include bolts, nuts, and
washers. Post components are
those parts that serve to support
the sign and also the components
of the breakaway, yielding or
foundation mechanism. Each
component has been assigned a
unique designatorthat identifies
the component and also serves
as a page numberwith compo-
nents being arranged alphabeti-
cally by designator. The designa-
tor used in this small sign support
hardware guide follow are consis-
tent with those found in A Guide
to Standardized Highway Barrier
Hardware. Many of the fastener
used in this Guide also appear,
with the same designator, in the
Hardware Guide.
The guide has been produced
totally in the International System
(SI) of units. All length dimen-
sions in this guide are in millime-
ters (mm), the units of stress are
Mega-Pascals (MPa), the units of
force are Newtons (N), and units
of mass are kilograms (kg). Units
of length are not shown on the
drawings since all dimensions are
in millimeters. Customary weights
of pounds (Ibs) have been con-
verted to the SI mass unit of kilo-
grams (kg). All the components
and systems shown in this guide
where originally developed in the
foot-pound-second system and
have been converted into their
present form. Dimensions were
converted and rounded as sug-
gested in AASHTO R1-91 I
(ASTM E 380-89a).
The 1994 AASHTO "Standard
Specification for Structural Sup-
port for Highway Signs, Luminar-
ies and Traffic Signals" relate
specifically to the safety perfor-
mance evaluation for small sign
support system. All of the sign
support systems included in this
guide have been crash tested
and evaluated in terms of the
above specifications. Only those
sign support systems judged by
the FHWA to have met the safety
performance requirements of the
specifications are included. This
document only addresses crash-
worthiness aspects of small sign
support designs. Other design
considerations affecting the struc-
tural adequacy such as normal
live loads, wind loads, fatigue,
and corrosion are also important
although they are not addressed
in this document.
Datasets for Standardized
Small Sign Support Hardware
(#GSSH), by NCHRP is avail-
able at LOS 5 for $30 from
Traffic Engineer's ToolBox
- Eleven Tools in One
The Traffic Engineer's Toolbox,
Version 1.0, Release 1, is a win-
dows software which contains
eleven tools (modules) which
help increase the traffic
engineer's productivity. The
eleven tools are: Benefit Cost
Ratio, Collision Diagram, Conduit
Fill, Detector Loop Locations, Left
Turn Storage Length, Metric Con-
version, Skidding Distance, Spot
Speed Study, Stopping Sight Dis-
tance, Work Zone & Detour
Plans, and Yellow Timing/Don't
Walk Times.
The Windows interface provides
for easy data entry with consis-
tency between modules. The
Traffic Engineer's Toolbox pro-
duces professional quality re-
ports, extensive on-line help, and
an user manual which describes
field by field howto utilize the
power of the program. The pro-
gram was designed by a profes-
sional traffic engineerwith over
twenty years of experience.
Traffic Engineer's Toolbox
(#TET) by J.B. Technology is
available at LOS 6 for $250.
U.S. Department of
Intelligent Transportation
Systems Awareness
This one-day general awareness
seminar provides a general un-
derstanding of ITS and ITS infra-
structure. The seminar illustrates
the nine ITS infrastructure com-
ponents by showcasing those
6 new
systems that are deployed
around the country. Institutional
and technical elements in de-
ploying ITS infrastructure are
presented, including planning,
design, architecture, standards,
procurement, installation and
construction, operation and
maintenance and funding. The
seminar also acquaints partici-
pants who are orwill be involved
in the implementation of ITS,
with benefit-cost issues related
to ITS and ITS infrastructure
implementation. Qualitative and
quantitative benefits of ITS are
presented through examples of
systems deployed around the
The seminar is for transportation
professionals who are currently
not generally involved in ITS, but
expect to be involved in ITS
planning, implementation, op-
erations or maintenance.
These one-day seminars are
currently being presented in
each Federal Region for DOT
field staff in FY 1997. They are
available from Mc Trans for pre-
sentation in other settings. The
seminar consists of a Microsoft
PowerPoint Version 7.0 presen-
tation on 12 diskettes and comes
with an Instructor's Guide.
Professional Capacity Build-
ing (#PCB) by the U.S.DOT is
available at LOS 4 for $25.
HEC-RAS, Version 2.0,
The HEC-RAS River Analysis
System (#HECRAS.WIN) pack-
age has been received from the
Hydrologic Engineering Center
and is ready for distribution at
$125 for new users. Registered
users can upgrade for$30. (If
you are ordering an upgrade,
please be sure to include your
current registration numbers) on
the order form.) A set of release
notes detailing the features of the
new package is attached for your
information. The HEC-RAS
User's Manual and Hydraulic Ref-
erence have been updated and a
new HEC-RAS Applications
Manual is now included in the
documentation (#HECRAS.D) for
HEC-RAS Version 2.0 requires
Windows 3.1, 95 or NT. Data
files are upwardly compatible
from olderversions only, but Ver-
sion 2.0 files cannot be used in
previous versions.
Since the last release of the HEC-
RAS software, many new fea-
tures have been added and some
modifications to existing features
have been made. Several minor
bugs have been found and fixed.
The HEC-RAS User's Manual
and Hydraulic Reference manual
have been updated for version
2.0, including the addition of a
new manual entitled "HEC-RAS
Applications Manual."
The following is a list of the new
features and program modifica-
tions that have been made since
the version 1.2 release.
* Many new features have been
added to the geometric data
model schematic.
* The Inline Weirs and Gated
Spillways option allows the
user to enter a weir and/or a
series of gated spillways, as a
structure that is directly in line
with the main river system.
* The user can now perform
channel modifications as a se-
ries of trapezoidal cuts, which
can be performed over a range
of cross sections simulta-
* HEC-RAS now has the ability
to import stream-system sche-
matic information and cross-
section data from GIS/CADD
* An option has been added to
the HEC-RAS bridge routines
to allow user's to use the
WSPRO bridge hydraulics
methodology for low flow hy-
* Bridge scour computations can
now be performed within HEC-
RAS using the procedures out-
lined in HEC-18 (Hydraulic En-
gineering Circular No. 18).
* Two new culvert shapes have
been added to the HEC-RAS
list of available culverts, High
Profile Arch culvert and the
Low Profile Arch culvert.
* HEC-RAS now has the capabil-
ity to model adverse sloping
culverts; culverts under
supercritical flow conditions;
and culverts with mixed flow
regime inside of the culvert
* The user now has the capability
to modify the two internal
bridge sections.
Version Status
TSIS (Corsim)
Summer Patch File
Complete Available Registered users may upgrade
Testing Summer Registered users may upgrade
Complete June
Registered users may upgrade
* The ability to import multiple
HEC-2 data sets into existing
Geometric data files has been
* You can now enter value
roughness heights instead of
Manning's n values.
* The Lines, Symbols and Colors
editor has been updated to give
users the control to change any
line type, thickness, color; sym-
bol type, size and color, and fill
patterns and colors.
* Users can now control the point
size of all text displayed on the
* Users now have more control
over the user defined tables.
* Three new tables have been
added of the new Inline weir
and gated spillway option
* Many new variables have been
added to the standard cross
section specific table, the
bridge table, and the culvert
* A printer setup option has been
added to the graphical and
tabular output options.
* Two new description boxes
have been added for a project
description box on the main
window, and a plan description
box on the Steady Flow Analy-
sis window.
* The ability to enter the road
embankment side slopes on
the Deck/Roadway editor has
been added to show the slop-
ing embankments in the profile
HEC-RAS Version 2.0
(#HECRAS) by Hydrologic En-
gineering Center is available at
LOS 2 for $125.
PASSER IV-96 a program fortiming traffic signals in networks based
on progression bandwidth optimization. Version 2.1, like the previous
versions of PASSER IV, is still a DOS-based program. However, the
optimization module in this version is compiled to run in extended
memory. This change, in addition to a complete re-structuring of data
structures, has doubled the computational efficiency of the program.
Further, all known bugs, many of them reported by the user commu-
nity, have been fixed.
The following is a list of new features:
1. A batch processing mode has been added to allow optimization of
several data sets with one command.
2. Optimal timing information in the arterial sections has been removed
and the signal-by-signal output section has been expanded. The ex-
panded section provides several additional pieces of information and
several measures-of-effectiveness. These include: phase-reversal
information, stops, queue lengths, fuel consumption and vehicular
3. The user can choose different measurement units for input data and
program output.
4. The user can specify a master signal for referencing the offsets. In
addition, eitherthe beginning or ending of phases can be specified as
reference points.
5. A summary page has been added at the end of each output report.
This page provides a solution summary for each arterial followed by
network wide summary.
6. The program capacity has been increased from 35 intersections to 50
7. Now, the program can be installed on a local area network.
PASSER IV-96 (#P496) by Texas Transportation Institute is avail-
able at LOS 1 for $250.
The update was sent out
automatically to all
registered users.
Traffic Software Integrated System (TSIS) Available
The Traffic Software Integrated System (TSIS)
package has been received from the Federal High-
way Administration (FHWA) and is ready for distri-
Complete printed documentation is available for
the TSIS package, as well as comprehensive on-
line help. Mc Trans has technical assistants to an-
swer any questions or problems concerning this
new package. Additionally, we have contracted
with the developer for the highest level of technical
Upgrade and new purchase pricing forthe software
and documentation is shown below:
Currently Registered User of: Program Document
Transit Route Planning
CAI Course
The Transit Route Planning CAI
Course is a fast introduction to
transit route planning. The course
is intended for inexperienced
transit planners, students of ur-
ban planning or transportation
planning, and transit system
managers. The course consists
of three modules, each module
taking about 2 hours to complete.
The modules are:
Transit Route Relationships
Principles of Route Location
Ridership Forecasting: The Basics
The course mainly consists of a
series of multiple choice ques-
tions. The software asks the
questions, evaluates the re-
sponses, keeps score, provides
encouragement, and sometimes
explains the correct answers.
The course can be completed by
someone working alone or by
groups of people in a classroom
environment. The course was
originally developed in 1985 by
UMTA (now FTA), and it has
been recently revised for Win-
Transit Route Planning CAI
Course (#CAI) by Alan
Horowitz is available at LOS 5
ITRAF is a companion program that serves as a
graphical input processor for CORSIM, one of the
TSIS component programs. ITRAF is considered a
"prototype" and will be distributed separately as an
unsupported package for $20, including complete
Please note that TSIS with its component pro-
grams, CORSIM and TRAFVU, require Win-
dows95 or WindowsNT with a minimum of 8 MB
on a 486 (33MHz) computer, but 16 MB on a
Pentium class computer is suggested. ITRAF is
also a Windows95 application.
See the article in the March newsletter for details
on this new package. Check the Product List in this
issue for upgrade product numbers.
Complete new TSIS package
ITRAF with Documentation
$20 Traffic Software Integrated System
$20 (#TSIS.W95) by FHWA is available at LOS 1
$20 for $500.
$20 included
3- International
Symposium on
Signals Portland, Oregon
Siga IRed Lion Hotel
at Lloyd Center
July 21-23
Purpose: To bring
together researchers 0
and practitioners with an
interest in unsignalized
Country Reports:
Australia, Brazil, Canada, CD The symposium is being
Finland, France, Germany,n offered in advance of Fall
Japan, Netherlands, release of the new version of
Poland, South Africa, Chapter 10 of the Highway
Sweden, Switzerland, USA) Capacity Manual.
Center for Microcomputers in Transportation
Highway Capacity Analysis
Seminar in Boston, Massachusetts
at the State Transportation Building,
10 Park Plaza, July 31-August 1, 1997.
It will include information on the 1997 Update
to the Highway Capacity Manual with
demonstrations of the Highway Capacity
Software. Sponsored by the Technology
Transfer Center, University of Florida.
Chapter 3 Basic Freeway Segments
Chapter 5 Ramps & Ramp Junctions
Chapter 7 Multilane Highways
Chapter 9 Signalized Intersections
Chapter 10 Unsignalized Intersections
Chapter 11 Urban & Suburban Arterials.
A demonstration of the look-and-feel of
Release 3 of the HCS Windows version is planned.
Registration by July 28: $195
Research Results: Access
Management, Capacity &
Delay, Computations,
Roundabouts, Simulation
Models, Accident Analysis
& Safety, Design & Control
Sponsored by
Transportation Research Board
The Transportation Research
Board's Highway Capacity
and Quality of Service Com-
mittee will meet following the
symposium, July 23-26.
Visit our home page for regis-
tration information and further
Federal Highway Administration or call toll free 1-888-884-3246.
University of Idaho's National
Center for Advanced
Transportation Technology
University of Washington's
Early registration fee: $285.
After June 20: $315.
University of Florida
512 Weil Hall
Gainesville FL 32611
Call (352) 392-0378
Fax (352) 392-3224
E-mail mctrans@ce.L
McLink (352) 392-32:
, ', "iii i ,"
21-24 October 1997
ICC Berlin, Germany
Mobility for Everybody
ITS America
with the
support of
the German
Ministry for
This extensive trade fair will
run concurrently with the
Congress in the Messe
Berlin halls n", directly
connected to the Congress
premises. Congress
attendees will have
unlimited free access to the
exhibition. All aspects of
intelligent transportation
will be on view. Leading
international ITS companies
will exhibit their latest
products and services.
ITS America
Mrs. Kip Stacy
400 Virginia Avenue SW,
ERTICO, Intelligent Transport
Ms. Hl66ne Feuillat
Suite 800 Rue de la R6gence, 61
Washington D.C. 20024-2730 1000 Brussels, Belgium
USA Tel: 1 9-9 550 i3
Tel: (202) 484-4847
Fax: (202) 484-3483
Fax: (32-2) 550 00 31
Mr. Taro Ishi
2-3-18, Kudan-Minami
Tokyo 102, Japan
Tel: (81-3) 32 64 49 04
Fax: (81-3) 32 64 49 05
Chinese Delegation
Visits M c Trans The TRC
hosted a highway delegation
from China on May 1, 1997.
The delegation was primarily
interested in learning more
about Mc Trans software de-
velopment and technology
transfer and TRC's research on
highway capacity. Front row,
left to right: Ken Courage,
TRC faculty member; Charles
Wallace, TRC director; Del-
egate Huichen Xing; Albert
Gan, TRC faculty. Back row:
Bill Sampson, TRC assistant
director; Ronggui Zhou;
Songchang Huang, Highway
Research Institute; Yudao Wu,
Highway Planning and Design
Institute; TRC student Caijun
Luo; and Wei Deng of South-
East University.
SIDRA5 Workshop
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Thursday Friday, 7-8 August
1997 (Immediately afterthe ITE
67th Annual Meeting)
ARRB Transport Research, in
association with CTPS (Central
Transportation Planning Staff),
Boston Metropolitan Organiza-
tion, will conduct a two-day
SIDRA 5 training workshop in
Boston during 7-8 August
1997. The workshop level is
beginner to intermediate.
Workshop objectives
* to increase the general knowledge of the SIDRA
package and provide hands-on experience.
* to discuss SIDRA extensions compared with
the HCM-HCS method;
* to increase knowledge of intersection design;
* to achieve a good understanding of the capac-
ity, level of service, and timing analysis methods
used in SIDRA.
* to explain important aspects of the Windows-
based package to help with its use;
* to discuss new features of SIDRA 5 traffic
models, particularly the new actuated signal
analysis method and progression factors for
queue-related performance statistics. General
familiarity with traffic engineering methods,
basic knowledge of intersection capacity
concepts and Windows skills are assumed.
Presenter: Dr. Rahmi Akelik, Chief Research
Scientist, ARRB Transport Research
Early registration deadline 27 June: US$420
Late registration (After 27 June): US$490
Venue: Massachusetts State Transportation
Building Conference Rooms 1-3
10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116, USA
Contact: Ms Efi Pagitsas, Manager, Traffic
Analysis and Design, Central Transportation
Planning Staff, Room 2150, 10 Park Plaza
Boston, MA, 02116, USA.
Fax: (617) 973-8855
Phone: (617) 973-7106
Detailed information about SIDRA
can be found on the web page
Newsletter is published four times a year by the
Center for Microcomputers in Transportation, a program of the
Transportation Research Center, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL, an equal opportunity /affirmative action institu-
tion. Graphic design and production provided by Gator
Engineering Publication Services, University of Florida.