Centerfor Microcomputers in Transportation M cMrTns1
Newsletter Volume 11 Number 3 March 1997
7 OIntegrated
FHWA's new Traffic
Software Integrated System
(TSIS) provides a modern,
state-of-the-art environment
for FHWA's family of TRAF
traffic engineering, analysis,
and simulation tools. The
new Windows95-based
N Version 4 is reviewed on
Pages 2 and 3.
bj te
An informed report on the use of
NETSIM by David Hale appears on
Pages 4 and 5. New Products in-
clude GFI Farebox Utilities by Rick
Macchi; General Purpose Queue-
ing Model from New Alternatives,
Inc.; SMADA (Stormwater Manage-
ment & Design Aid) by Dr. Ron
Eaglin; CATSTM Computer-Aided
Transportation Software by the
Texas Transportation Institute;
and TRANS-EXPERT 4.0 from
TransExpert Ltd., on Pages 6 and
7. Descriptions of currently up-
dated software can be found on
Page 9. They include CADD SIGN
LIBRARY (formerly known as SIGN
Windows95; and QRS II forWin-
dows 3.1. Coming events and
training are on the last page.
UNIVERSITY OF 512 Weil Hall, PO Box 116585, Gainesville FL 32611-6585
=.Ca y FLO RID^ A (352)392-0378
F \Messages 1-800-226-1013
McFax (352) 392-3224
Transportation Research Center McLink (352) 392-3225
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f-id -N Iu I l llt.l l -w_ i Software
W-- _. -', I System
by Gene Daigle, Project
Manager, ITS Models &
Simulated Systems, Kaman
Sciences Corporation
T S IS was originally developed as a shell ap-
plication that provided a character-based, menu-driven inter-
face to many of the TRAF family of traffic engineering tools in-
cluding NETSIM, FRESIM, GTRAF and others. Versions 1
through 3 were DOS applications and were available through
McTrans, distributed with NETSIM and CORFLO.
FHWA's Turner-Fairbank IST (Intelligent Systems and Technol-
ogy) Division has developed TSIS Version 4. This latest version
of TSIS is a Windows 95-based application and provides all of
the functionality of the older DOS TSIS, and more:
* An integrated, user-friendly, graphical user interface and
environment for executing the TRAF models and other formerly
DOS-based traffic simulation, optimization and assignment
models as true Windows applications.
CORSIM: FHWA's new micro-simulation model. The heart of
TSIS, CORSIM is a sophisticated micro-simulation model
based on the older FRESIM and NETSIM models. Many other
enhancements have also been introduced to many of the inter-
nal modeling algorithms. CORSIM simulates a real-world traffic
network by moving individual vehicles across a combined sur-
face street and freeway network using accepted vehicle and
driver behavior models and simulating various traffic control
TRAFVU: an output processor for animating CORSIM runs.
Simulation of a system provides the user with statistical data
and a graphical representation of the system. The TRAFVU ap-
plication provides the userwith both, and is the showcase of
the TSIS environment. This graphical processor replaces the
GTRAF processor that formerly accompanied NETSIM.
Dumitwtha muiiir I
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TRAFVU is a powerful graphi-
cal tool providing the user
with an intuitive interface to
the simulation results.
TRAFVU has been well docu-
mented by a number of
sources reflecting its usability
and its utility in demonstrating
simulated transportation im-
ITRAF: a graphical CORSIM
input processor, a TSIS add-in
developed by Oak Ridge Na-
tional Laboratory, available
PASSER IV: Texas Transpor-
tation Institute (TTI) latest Sig-
nal Optimization Application,
providing network-wide signal
optimization. TTI is currently
repackaging PASSER IV for
TSIS and it will be the first
product to be added to TSIS
by a third party. It builds the
network from the active
CORSIM input file, and option-
ally modifies the CORSIM in-
put file automatically with new
signal timings. This proof of
concept demonstrates the
ability of TSIS to integrate dif-
ferent types of traffic engi-
neering tools allowing the
tools to interact with CORSIM.
PASSER IV is not delivered
with TSIS 4, but will be avail-
able separately.
* An easy-to-use, menu
driven interface (dialog boxes,
toolbars, on-line help, etc.)
* An expandable system,
providing facilities to integrate
different packages allowing
interaction with CORSIM on
several levels.
Other tools can actively inter-
act with CORSIM during simu-
lation execution.
Tools can passively interact
with CORSIM between simula-
tion runs (such as the
PASSER IV demonstration).
* Powerful scripting ability
allowing many test cases to be
run automatically and unat-
tended. Simulation execution
results as well as simulation
output can be logged to disk
for post-run analysis.
* Extensive on-line help for
* A Programmers Applica-
tions Interface (API) allowing
programs to be added as TSIS
components (by the compo-
nent author).
* A common repository is in
development to support the
data requirements of all traffic
models and simulation sys-
tems. As the TRAF family of
tools evolves, they will be able
to operate from a singularly
defined input dataset. This
dataset is important in mini-
mizing the redundancies cur-
rently involved throughout the
traffic analysis process.
TSIS is being designed and
developed as an open archi-
tecture, other tools will be
available soon from FHWA as
well as other third parties. One
of the major goals of the TSIS
initiative is to provide a user
interface that is intuitive and a
system for integrating the
component models. This will
make FHWA's TRAF tools
available to many traffic engi-
neers who would like to use
the models but don't because
they don't have the time to
learn how to operate the mod-
els and interpret their cryptic
results. Of those practitioners
that already know the model,
these tools will ease the bur-
den of creating the traffic net-
works, which in the past has
been very labor-intensive and
error-prone. Future versions
of TSIS will include the ability
to import GIS, USGS, CAD,
and other digital mapping in-
formation to make it even
easier to use the models.
The new TSIS represents a
significant advancement in
the use of simulation tools for
the practitioner. The advanced
functionality it provides are
only available using Windows
95 or Windows NT 3.51 (or
later). The minimum PC plat-
form is a 486 (33MHz) with 8
Megs of RAM, but the sug-
gested platform is a Pentium
class computer with 16 megs
(or more) of RAM. As is the
case for most of today's soft-
ware, the better class machine
provides more satisfactory
performance (in terms of fast
execution times).
TSIS and CORSIM will be
available soon from Mc Trans.
Watch the Mc Trans website
and their newsletter. Mc Trans
will also notify all registered
TRAF users of its availability.
For additional information on
TSIS and its components, see
our web page at: http://fhwa-
4 How Many NETSIM Runs are Enough?
by David Hale, Mc Trans
One of the most common oversights in using a simulation tool like
NETSIM is using the results from only one run. This can lead to drawing
incorrect conclusions from the model results1. One common cause is
the tight time constraint often placed on engineers who have little train-
ing in statistics. Animation is generally not an ideal means of interpret-
ing simulation results. And although the output file provides an overview
of the model's response, it is not intended to serve as the primary basis
for decision making. One common pitfall involves drawing conclusions
based on the results of a single model execution with arbitrary run
length. This approach equates to throwing a die once, getting a 6, and
concluding that each face of the die is a 6.
Simulation models like NETSIM2 are non-deterministic in that they gen-
erate output which is affected by random processes within the model.
Because of these random processes the results of runs with identical
parameters will change from run to run. It is as important to report the
amount of variation in the results as it is to report an accurate average
value of that result. It is impossible to do eitherwith a single run. To ac-
count forthis variation, an estimated average value and confidence
interval for the parameter should be provided. A confidence interval is
highly desirable in the evaluation of an average value, an assertion that
the true expected result lies inside the interval between x and y with z
percent confidence. Without this reliability measure, there is little basis
for determining the credibility of the simulation results, regardless of the
quality of the underlying model.
A simple technique is taught at a University of Florida graduate course
in Digital Simulation Techniques3. The technique is used to determine
the approximate number of required simulation runs with varying ran-
dom number seeds. After having performed the appropriate number of
runs, the user may estimate that the true expected result lies inside the
computed interval with 90% percent confidence.
Example: Ten initial simulation runs with different random number seeds are
performed and the output results are listed in the following table. Between
10 and 20 initial runs are recommended, and the analysis period should be
as long as possible, although 60-minute periods are often used in the aca-
demic environment. (Ten long runs are preferable to twenty short runs.)
Replication Total Delay in Queue (mins)
(avg obs)
Avg = 2.03
(avg -obs)2
Sum= 2.79
From the table above, the calculated average value of 2.03 minutes
of total delay in queue, and the summation of the (average -obser-
vation)2 terms, 2.79, are used in the upcoming calculations. The ob-
jective is to obtain a point estimate and approximate 90% confidence
interval for the expected total delay in queue.
First calculate the sample variance, S2, for n = 10 runs:
S2(10) = 2.79 /(n-1) = 2.79 / 9 = 0.31
The 't' factor for 10 runs and 90% confidence, along with the sample
average and variance, are now used to obtain the confidence interval
estimate. For t9095 = 1.833, the 10-run, 90% confidence interval is:
X(10)= 2.03, S2(10)= 0.31
X(10)t9,0 95S2(10)/10 = 2.03+0.32
Afterthe initial 10 runs, this variation of plus or minus 0.32 appears
to unacceptable when compared to the average of 2.03 minutes in
queue. This is because it represents plus or minus 16%, or a confi-
dence interval equal to 32% of the average. If the user had per-
formed only the initial replication, the result could have been any-
where within the range 1.71 to 2.35. Note that while we are 90%
confident that the true average lies within that region only two of the
observed results lie within that bound. This points to the need to be
cautious in making conclusions from a few observations, maybe only
one. Forthe network above, suppose that a confidence interval less
than or equal to 10% of the average is desired. Determine the total
number of simulation runs needed. For this case, the number of ini-
tial runs n,= 10, variation h,= 0.32, sample average:
X(10) = 2.03
and confidence factor = 0.1. The total number of runs (n2) is:
S 0.32 2
n2 = (10)(0.1 x2.03 )2= 25
Therefore, an additional 15 simulation runs are needed to get the
desired accuracy of the confidence interval. The previous table con-
taining data for replications 1-10 could be reconstructed with the new
data upon completion of the additional 15 runs to verify the new 10%
confidence interval, if desired.
Techniques such as this lead to results that are more meaningful
than those which are produced by a single model execution with ar-
bitrary run length. By taking advantage of the stochastic nature of
models which incorporate a random number seed, as does NETSIM,
it is possible to model a system more realistically. For in the real
world, vehicle delays and queues may vary significantly from day to
day, even when the roadway geometry and signal timing remain
1 Pegden, C.D., R.E. Shannon, and
R.P. Sadowski, Introduction to
Simulation Using SIMAN, Second
Edition, Systems Modeling Corpo-
ration, Sewickley, PA., 1995.
2 Federal Highway Administration,
TRAF User Reference Guide.
McLean, Virginia, March 1995.
(Note: NETSIMis currently being
integrated with FRESIM into a new
corridor model called CORSIM).
3 Bai, S.X., ESI 6529: Digital Simu-
lation Techniques. Class Notes,
Department of Industrial & Sys-
tems Engineering, University of
Florida, 1996.
Newsletter is published four times a year by the
Center for Microcomputers in Transportation, a program of the
Transportation Research Center, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL, an equal opportunity /affirmative action institu-
tion. Graphic design and production provided by Gator
Engineering Publication Services, University of Florida.
GFI Farebox Software
These simple utilities can help users of
GFI farebox software manage some of
the required data files, and can help
with report generation. This package
contains three main programs, written
in C and the DOS batch language,
and run on any DOS-based IBM-
compatible computer. The programs
were designed for GFI version 4.x
converts a GFI.LST format file to an
ASCII format. The .LST files contain the
lists of bus numbers, driver numbers,
route numbers, run numbers, and trip
numbers, that are used by the GFI
data manager and network manager
to validate the farebox data and
generate specific reports. The .LST file
names are of the form AxZZZLST.LST;
e.g. AADRVLST.LST is a driver
numbers file for the first garage.
converts and ASCII file to the GFI.LST
format. It does the reverse of the
LST2ASC program.
Using both LST2ASC and ASC2LST
allows a transit agency to manage
these numbers files outside of the GFI
software. This is useful if the source of
the numbers is an external information
system, e.g. and employee database,
a route number database, or the
scheduling software that generates run
3. VIEWPRT (View Print) lets a user
preview a GFI data manager or the
network manager printed report on
screen before printing to paper. By
running VIEWPRT before running the
GFI software, the user can verify, on-
screen, that the correct information is
being generated before committing to
printing many pages. Or the user can
view a report on screen, check the
results, and skip printing the report.
Farebox (#FAREBOX) by Rick Macchi
is available at LOS 4 for $5.
General Purpose
Queueing Model
A queue is a line of persons, cars,
messages, or anything else waiting for
service. Queues are part of everyday
life. We encounter queues at parking
garages, fast-food drive-in restaurants,
stores, intersections, toll booths, banks,
and on the telephone. The New
Alternatives, Inc. General Purpose
Queueing Model is a WindowsTM
program that helps you analyze
queueing problems.
Type of Problems
The three major components of a
queueing problem are (1) arrivals
waiting for service, (2) servers, and
(3) queues or waiting lines. The
program helps you analyze 7 different
problem types. The Poisson Distribu-
tion (named after Simeon Denis
Poisson) is the most common
frequency distribution of arrivals.
Single-Channel, Single-Phase
1. Poisson Arrivals, Exponential
Service Times
2. Poisson Arrivals, Arbitrary Service
3. Poisson Arrivals, Constant Service
4. Poisson Arrivals, Eriang Service
5. Poisson Arrivals, Exponential
Service Times, Finite Queue
6. Finite Calling Population, Exponen-
tial Service Times
Multiple-Channels, Single-Phase
7.Poisson Arrivals, Exponential
Service Times
Output Measures
The program gives you 43 types of
output measures for your problem.
1. Probability Measures
2. Unit Measures (average number of
units in the system and in queue)
3. Time Measures (average time in the
system and in queue)
4. Use/Idle Measures (percent of time
that the server is in use and is idle)
Users say the program saves a great
deal of number crunching time and is
very easy to use.
System Requirements
The Queueing Model Program
requires Windows 3.1 or better or
Windows 95. If you run any other
Windows program, you can run the
General Purpose Queueing Model.
You will need a floppy disk drive, 700
kb of disk space, color monitor, mouse
and printer.
The program comes with a complete
User's Manual, case examples,
unlimited technical support and
extensive help screens All the
equations are explained in the User's
Queueing Model (#QUEUE_M) by
New Alternatives, Inc. is available at
LOS 7 for $95. Site licenses are
available. Add $15 (US) for orders
outside the United States.
Stormwater Management and Design
Aid assists hydrologists and engineers
in performing hydrologic calculation
for stormwater projects. It is a suite of
Windows tools which generates
hydrographs, performs pond
inventory routing, performs TR-55 TC
calculations, performs empirical
distribution analysis, does regression
analysis, matrix mathematics, pollutant
load modeling, storm sewer design,
Open Channel Flow calculations,
Hardy Cross analysis and more. It is
extremely user-friendly and has on-line
SMADA (#SMADA) by Ron Eaglin is
available at LOS 4 for $5.
Computer Aided Transportation
Software is an integrated, user-friendly
computer program designed by the
Texas Transportation Institute to assist
the transportation professional with all
phases of corridor level travel-time
and speed studies. The software
consists of three modules that may be
sold as a package or individually.
The data collection capabilities of the
CATSTM package are provided by
module analyzes the data collected by
DMI-READ. DMI-SETUP allows for
easy configuration of both the DMI-
unique characteristics of a particular
The DOS-based DMI-READ program,
which is simple and flexible, is
designed to be used with a laptop
computer connected through the
printer port to a standard Distance
Measuring Instrument (DMI). It has the
ability to store distance traveled and
speed information at a rate of one
record per half-second. It provides
easy access to raw DMI data files. The
software contains a unique "pencil-
free" incident location and identifica-
tion system that allows the user to
document events encountered during
travel-time collection runs. The
software also features unique file
naming based on facility, direction,
date and time, so that files are not
overwritten. This feature also eases
identification and aids in analysis.
The information collected via the DMI-
READ software includes cumulative
distance, interval distance, speed and
a time stamp. This information, once
collected, is written into an ASCII file
along with information about the
facility, weather, data and time of the
run. Most importantly, DMI-READ
requires only one person to operate,
while manual methods require two.
DIM-SETUP provides for each project
setup and modification of the DMI-
READ menu files.
The DMI-ANALYZE software module
post-processes data collected by DMI-
READ. It can produce detailed
statistical reports and second-by-
second speed profile charts. The
program also organizes, updates, and
maintains a project-level summary and
output tables. DMI-SETUP provides for
easy project setup and modification of
the DMI-ANALYZE configuration files.
The DMI-READ module requires a
portable 386 CPU (or higher) class
computer and a DMI for data
collection. The DMI-ANALYZE module
requires a 486DX running at 66 MHz
or higher; Windows 3.1 or Win-
dows95, and Microsoft Excel 5.0 (or
CATSTM (#CATS) by Texas Transporta-
tion Institute is available at LOS 6 for
$150 for all three modules. Multiple
copy discounts are available.
TRANS-EXPERT has been designed to
support the planning activities when
preparing for transportation of goods
and cargoes with transport vehicles.
The high, and constantly increasing,
transportation costs will turn the
acquiring and usage of this program
product into a wise and cost-effective
The main purpose of TRANS-EXPERT is
the best utilization of the transport
vehicles. It can be used also to ensure
against their possible overloading.
Both these can be achieved through
automated development of such
Cargo Plans that guarantee condi-
tions, or restrictions. Depending on the
type of cargoes and their variety (as
well as on the goals the user has in
mind), the level of automation can be
very high. The development of a
Cargo Plan is a simulation procedure:
On the computer screen the user can
think out the details of the loading
process, can examine different
variants, check over various alterna-
tives, visualize several options. A
Cargo Plan, as used throughout this
software, is a kind of 3-D description of
the loading operations to be
performed in order to achieve best
usage of the transportvehicle cargo
space and its loading.
The low price of TRANS-EXPERT make
this software affordable for each and
every company that transports box-
like cargoes. These might be
specialized transport organizations,
trade enterprises or producing
companies. Any kind of goods can be
dealt with: furniture, toys, ceramics,
electronics, medicines, foods, and so
on. The only requirement is the
cargoes can be shaped or packed in
either cubical form or in the form of
rectangular solids.
TRANS-EXPERT is designed to run on
IBM PC/XT/AT. All their compatibles
may be used as well. Microcomputers
based on Intel 80346/80486/
Pentium processors will only make it
run faster and more effectively. A
minimum of 640 K RAM is required.
The display used should be EGA or
TransExpert Ltd. is available at LOS 6
for $495.
Symposium on
Without Portland, Oregon
Red Lion Hotel
Traffic at Lloyd Center
Sponsored by
The symposium will coincide
with the planned release of the
new version of chapter ten of the
Highway Capacity Manual.
The Transportation Research
Board's Highway Capacity and
Quality of Service Committee will
meet following the symposium,
July 23-26, 1997.
Visit our homepage for
registration information
and further details:
or call toll free 1-888-884-3246.
Early registration fee is $285 for
participants registered prior to
June 20, 1997. After June 20,
1997, the registration fee is $315.
Purpose: To bring
together researchers
and practitioners with an
interest in unsignalized
Country Reports: Australia,
Brazil, Canada, Finland,
France, Germany, Japan,
Netherlands, Poland, South
Africa, Sweden, Switzerland,
Research Results: Access
Management, Capacity &
Delay, Computations,
Roundabouts, Simulation
Models, Accident Analysis &
Safety, Design & Control
Transportation Research Board
Federal Highway Administration
University of Idaho's National Center for Advanced Transportation Technology
University of Washington's TransNow
21-24 October 1997
ICC Berlin, Germany
1st Announcement
Mobility for Everybody
ITS America
with the
support of
the German
Ministry for
This extensive trade fair will
run concurrently with the
Congress in the Messe
Berlin halls n", directly
connected to the Congress
premises. Congress
attendees will have
unlimited free access to the
exhibition. All aspects of
intelligent transportation
will be on view. Leading
international ITS companies
will exhibit their latest
products and services.
ITS America
Mrs. Kip Stacy
400 Virginia Avenue SW,
Suite 800
Washington D.C. 20024-2730
Tel: (202) 484-4847
Fax: (202) 484-3483
ERTICO, Intelligent Transport
Ms. Hl66ne Feuillat
Rue de la R6gence, 61
1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: (32-2) 550 00 30
Fax: (32-2) 550 00 31
Mr. Taro Ishi
2-3-18, Kudan-Minami
Tokyo 102, Japan
Tel: (81-3) 32 64 49 04
Fax: (81-3) 32 64 49 05
300 sign drawing files that can be
used in signalization, signing and
marking, and other traffic control
plans. Each Package can be ordered
in DWG, DXF, or CEL formats. The CEL
formatwas drawn using
MICROSTATION Version 5. This,
however, is the only version that can
use the CEL sign Inventory Package.
The DXF formatwas created using the
AutoCAD DXFOUT command. The
DXF format can be used in many other
CADD packages. All drawings can be
edited to reflect the specific needs of
your project.
includes a drawing file containing all
the signs. This file can be plotted to
show the entire package on a 24" by
36" sheet of paper.
save time, money, and enhance your
current sign library.
David Howell is available at LOS 7 for
Discontinued Items
QUEUE2 (#QUEUE2) by R.
Pati and Ray Debasish has
been replaced by General
Purpose Queueing Model
Sign Inventory Package
(#SIP) by David Howell has
been replaced by CADD
QRS II for Windows 95,
Version 5.10
QRS II for Windows 95 includes delay
models from the 1994 highway
Capacity Manual update. Signalized
and some-way stop models have been
completely rewritten. The new
signalized delay model allows more
phasing options, more precise
treatment of single lane approaches,
improved progression factors, and
better estimates of delay.
Tools have been upgraded for
flexibility and a better user-interface.
The capabilities of the HNET
Conversion Utility have been
expanded greatly. The HNET
Conversion Utility now can create
networks from almost any text-file data
source. Data can be readily converted
from other travel forecasting software
packages and GIS's. Since QRS II now
respects true multitasking under
Windows 95, it is possible to
simultaneously operate other 32-bit
applications while running QRS II for
Windows 95.
QRS II has expanded "add" file
capabilities. Data from text files may
be given to QRS II for trip productions,
trip attractions, highway times, transit
times, transit routes, and transit route
characteristics. The ability to give
productions and attractions to QRS II
by an add file means that whole trip
generation models may be con-
structed in spreadsheets and then
conveyed to QRS II. The add file for
transit routes allows QRS II to have
more than 16 routes on a single link
and to vary routes on a given link by
headway and travel time. The ability
to add Od times for both highway and
transit networks is a convenience for
people who are attempting to obtain
better mode split and trip distribution
calibrations. Also, parameter
directories can be switched once QRS
II is running. It is now possible to
create project directories and readily
switch between them.
The maximum number of zones has
been increased to 2400 under
Windows 95 (replacing the 1500
zone edition). All editions come with
an installer, an uninstaller, expanded
on-screen Help, and a comprehensive
manual. The price remains the same at
$390, including the Advanced
General Network Editor.
QRS II for Windows 3.1,
Version 5.0
This upgrade to QRS II for Windows,
running under Windows 3.1, includes
nearly all of the new features listed
above for the Windows 95 edition. It
includes updated delay models from
the 1994 Highway Capacity Manual
update. The new signalized delay
model allows more phasing ap-
proaches, improved progression
factors, and better estimates of delay.
Tools offer more flexibility and a better
user-interface. The capabilities of the
HNET Conversion Utility have been
expanded greatly, so that data
between QRS can create networks
from almost any text-file data source.
In addition to UTPS conversions, it can
convert networks from other travel
forecasting programs. Differences
from the Windows 95 edition include a
lower zone maximum, decreased to
900 for Windows 3.1, and restrictions
on multitasking capabilities, some of
which are not available running QRS II
under Windows 3.1 The Windows 95
edition also runs faster. All editions
come with an installer, an uninstaller,
expanded on-screen Help, and a
comprehensive manual. The price
remains $390, including the
Advanced General Network Editor.
Complete Available HCSPATCH.ZIP
Complete Available Registered users may upgrade
HY-8 6.0 Complete
NOTE: The HCS Patch is a cumulative process.
Patch "d" includes all changes in previous patches.
Available Registered users may upgrade
Version Status