M ARY. dear Mary. It! awake,
SAnd now like the moon thy slambeln b
There is not a taper and caroely a mud,
To be men or hesed the cottaem road.
rhe waech dog is sileet, thy aler lIep,
But love like the bra-e to thy window weeps.
But tve like the bmeas. Ia
The moanlight esemn li*tnian all over the land
To the whmiper of ragew, of angels like thee
0 lift ht bt moment the ash with thy head.
And kin but that huad to me my lore,
Mary kis but that head to me my lom
Mary kina but that band to me.
Gently awake and gentlv rie,
0 for a Ikis to aecloes thbiae ey
'I he rwpoms of deep should esfty the whi
AL the ,sth o ty looking glm bin d- it
And them I would wUinr t1hm nwer to Aw.
*er heaves is all load sm wb tmlwl Mhs
urt under the dweelmedert Iry I rta
till looking mnd hile fr thee.
O rift bra I moe te Mb wth kthy hl t.
And his ut that hand to me
My love Mary .
Hark do I se thee, ye 'ti thou,
And now therp', thy hand and I ber thee mow.
Thou look'st like a roe in a chrystal ireum.
For thy face,love i bhath'd in the moonlight gler,.
And oh I could my kilaes like stream circles ris,
To dip in thy dimples and spread round thim eye,
And oh! to be lost in a night isuh as thil
In the arms of an angel like thee,
Nay stay blt a moment one momentorf bhl
Snd smile but forgivenes to me
My love Mary
v'i oil.y iwret can hear our airish,
'I1 y % -ice just comes on the son air ad dlieJroe.
Itomt lhou imze on the moon, I have Su'd u I
1 hoigh I thought it brath'd heaven's bleaing on
loe. [began.
Till I have stratehed out my arms and my tea
And nature and heaven thou asmest but one,
Adien niy sweet Mary the meau is in the west,
And the leasee ahine witb tear drop like the,
So draw in thy ebanis and betke thee to re
( thou dearer thLb life to me
MI love M ar '