e.a Pimlico ladies of ever darese
"'-U i you t itkeMitston and tarnipe for to
.-M CbAits is coming mark well wh-
p D- I p rig matter forChriatmu day
S'-l was a loy lad the truth I will *m1,
T Vi ie of at bnker and known vry vm-
SihMu d dtbeo sutto," you may suppose
el whore did *)e pet it blt under her
Sly bIwdl atton resmrkably well
e atmiaeo.mer to the empamssMuvlld
1. INekdn Bims Cbhet she eire it
-ad ped slet pppeJd "to s:
Pvr sweet she went sad It looked very q4rr
o pet in her puddings a Chbnlrma o der.
5r she loeged for omematsoo of sheldier
so prime
Intending a mutton to gloriously dine,
But the butcher man caught her and hard
was her lot,
It was under her petticoats all ipipng hot
It fell n the pronnd what a terrible job,
-ad the poor multon priggr was seat
to quod
Oh. you Pimlico ladi be hoeost I pray,
Dent so prigging muttda by sight orbyday
For if you should ad i it it ill make you
Popped wander yoie pticoast you'll go to
Thepoor meut not stealif the law we believe
out somewcmeehas got a licence tolhiere
The the mutton the moutta meatI oh kI-
Ob, holdiur of artma tied fst to ler WIe