Two Wenchtes at Once.
Till I fell in love, I was happy, I vow.
Sowing or reaping, at harrow or plough ,
Sunrise in the morning I wao always. .prirming.
And just like the lark I was always .iniing.
Cupid, quite envious of ru\ happy lile,
Put it into my head that I ranted a nife.
About love and such thing. completely a dunce.
Till I fell in love with two tncrte. at once
The miller's )oung dauehler sie ae a the firl lueil ,
Her lips did look a if Ihev Iwnged to be kn,. i .
But while I gaz'd on her 'twixl lote ald durpri-e.
I was fairly struck dumb by her seller'. black e)es.
Mary was far as an angel could he;
The eyes of sweet Beltr I nerer did see;
I tried all in wain my hot feeling. to smother,
B) looking at one and kh~r-i tuhe olhcr.
When Betay looked at me, or ,hen Mary smil .I,
I fell of my sense. rompletely begut'd .
It was all of an usn--I looked thin or Iba wa\.
Like a donkey between tlaw bundled ol sha.
Things went on thus for rite ir six week,
And I neter could mites r 'i[. courage I speak .'
When all of a sudden Imrn b.hll, nenrt i churith,
And letl me a bachelor quile in IhT lurch.
Now all )ou young fellowos. mani. I o e' in your i-u....
Bewre that you court nol two a nchea at once:
With one leu you may wrrk your vay sale and .i.u'n
But between the two stools ou Hill come to the gruunid.