Faenny Blair.
Come all good people wherersever you he.
Beware o fakle
For it is hy a nyung t'e~n,le I'm wounded full noon.
Don' you i;o I n cal .oiwn in the height of my
bloom'n "
Early one i.,ItInig as I lay in.my bed,
A young matn t I.'a to ruj. nd thr.e word- hbe said,
*' Arise. Denrt,; llninI and fly you elsewhere.
There's arn eo I i, .. rn aIarr l yLI by young
Ian 'y !lar,.
Young Fanny Blair is eleven year old.
And if I were during the truth I'd unfold;
I never had dealings '.wth her in my time,
'Ti a hard thing to' siiffer for another man's crime.
The day of my ir;al 'Squire Vernou was cthem,
And to the gr.:"d talle they handed Nlis Blair.
The oath shue ure I'ni aeham'd i. 1ill,
Said the judgf. .tur mother has tutorel J y'o well.
The day that young Iliggins wv;a s "l.u-nc d to die,
The Seairnns-i-liou was tilled ullh a murmuring
We'll'take her and crop her, she's perjred am
For Higgins dies inncent we are most sure.
Young Higgins ctfStrantield. where are you flown?
You left te in Armagh here living alone;
John Neal. of .han,' C'astle, I wLsh he was here,
In spite of Lthn, all he would bring me clear.
'Tie all the request tihal I ask of my friend,,
To wake jo.- iiin sisntlrd one night amongst them;
Then bur- my crrp.e in tho lMahroe Mould,
And hope till all goodness will pardon my sob].
My name's lieinis Higgins I ne'er will deny,
1 was decenily right up in my own country;
But I hope that r'. person so cruel will he
To cau.t up at my friends that I died on a tree.
Come all yoi young men. take warning by me,
Quit your uigih-walking and Phun bad company;
Nener let ynurg \%(.men your pinnet gloom,
For I aln cut dowi.n in the height of mny bloom.
Dear honouired lather, your pardon I crave;
Likewise my diar nmoher who did me conceive;
She nay rue the day that she e'er rear'd a on,
For it is 1'aonn Blair that wu in the rerg.