Canadian Boat Song.
r AINTLY u rolls the evening chime,
Our voices keep tune and our oars keep ti
Soon as the woods on shore look dim.
well sing at St, Anne's our parting i u
Row, brothers, row, the stream runs fit.
"he Rapids are near and the day-light's peu.
why should we yet our sad unfurl,
There is not a breath the blue waves to curi
But wbhk Lbe wind blows ot the shore,
Oh, sweetly we' restour weary ear,
"low, breezes, blow, the stream. Ue.
Ut-away tide this trembling meon
Shall see us foat over thy se% ,iues
Saint of this green Isle. hear inu pruee
GrOut as cool heavens ai G d ly tdhe
Blow. brawst, blow, the srtn r ,