Title: Spotted Cow
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00077140/00001
 Material Information
Title: Spotted Cow
Physical Description: Book
Language: English
Manufacturer: J. Catnach, printer
Genre: Broadsides   ( rbgenr )
General Note: J. Catnach, printer, 2 Monmouth Court, Seven Dials, London
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00077140
Volume ID: VID00001
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Full Text


S a -, c,Printer, tMonouth-CoWutl
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O ll morning in the moith of Ma
As froms my cot I stray'd,
Jt at the dawning of th day,
I met a cbhswrmg said.
Good monraig,hir maid, whither said
o early tell me now,
The maid reply'd kind sir she cry'd,
I've lobt my spotted cow.
No more complain no longer mourn
Your dbw's not lost my dear,
I saw her down in yonder Jawn,
Come love and I'll show you when.
I must confess that you ae vry kind
I thank you, ir said she,
'ou wil be sure her time to Sai,
Come sweetheart go with me.
Then to the gro ves wediA r ir,

And loye wa all or tala.
And ina the grove we spent the day
And thought it passed too soon,
At night we bopeward beat our way
when brightly shone the moon.
If I should cross yon flowery da
Or go to view the plough,
She comes and calls ye gentle swairs.
I've lost my spotted cow.

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