Title: Pretty plough boy
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00077139/00001
 Material Information
Title: Pretty plough boy
Physical Description: Book
Publisher: J. Catnach
Place of Publication: London
Genre: Broadsides   ( rbgenr )
General Note: J. Catnach, 2 Monmouth Court, London
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00077139
Volume ID: VID00001
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Full Text

TMs Pti It I .

tloutS 60?p.

drinmgd and.Sold M'irdeMoe and Retail by
J -CATNACH, 2, Mommotlh.Court, -
ITS ofa pretty plois boy =e izma e oe'r hl plough
"* Hi henen oed rigmr nndernelbh die alauh,
It 4wS Lo r yeadevr peehM *mt whistling to hbi

And this was hi. seng ax he wIld along,
Prsry maid you are L hi degree,
If should fuil in love and your parents should know
he Bnst thing, they will send me to ea. -
So auin her aged peres canme for to know,
I he plough boa -as ploughing oa the plain.
A press guo they sat and pressed him 4ray,
And sent him a the nair to be slain.
Alien she drenud herself ll in her best,
And her pockets were well hned nith gold,
And she trudged ihe street. with Learem her ery,
'a serehb of lier jolly sailor bold.
ni.e frat that he met was a olly sailor,
Haee you seen my pn plough boy, she cryvo.
Heis jst crou'd the deep and ailint for he Beet.
Tlhe he said pretty aid, ill Von ride.
She rode till she came to the sihp her love was .,
rhen unto the captain di complain,
aiid slhpkm comse to seek for my pretty plowrh bay,
That ri sent to the were to be slain.
A hundred bright euineas she freely puoPa oe,
And gently she told them all oer,
And when head got her preit p oRh boy in her arm
She hagg'd him till she got him sia on shoe.
And vhbn she'd got her pretty plough boy i her aras
Where often times he had been before,
'haben. Ithe bells to nng. an sweedv hei 41
Meeiamae e nn with the lad she did adore

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