Title: Banner of war
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Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00077138/00001
 Material Information
Title: Banner of war
Physical Description: Book
Language: English
Genre: Broadsides   ( rbgenr )
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00077138
Volume ID: VID00001
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Full Text

The Banner

^^^^^^^-i-- ^---
l tld Ik Briammi how taory and brea
mSLaam tst hamieitn tides!
For empire deigned o'er the uulbuloet wave%,
How trim and how gallant she i-dn I
VYI love in a trap Britoa's heart,
With glory contends f"r a part;
And the fir cheek of beauty wtL sear n L impearl'd
When the bnamr.-he banner of war is aturl'.
On the sborej"ow alert, how intryid the crew,
SHow firm at their over-ngpn' command;
As dauntless o'er ocean her foes lu pursue
And die for the cuuos of our laud.
Yet one tear n these heroes dpart,
One Pigh shall be drawn from the earth
One kin oa the cherk which sweet orrow'a impea'd,
When the baniwer.he banrner of war is unfrrd.
Now forth to the conquet, the battle sells high,
And pierce round the vessel It roars;
Hark! the mon of Britanna To victory! cry,
AaM victory sounds to our bhores :
T1mm peaceful agani to then Itome
4ail Ite patriuL warrior come,
No more the fair cheek shlll u nh iren be iiupenfd'
Hut the bhaiM r of peace stani for ever ufoarl' .

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