When a boy, Hary Blud left li friends ad hi home,
And hin doer native land on the ocean to roue
ike a sapling he spring, l b.i- fai o the view,
And .wa true British oak, boy,. -ben older he grow.
Though his body wn wenk.and bi bhads they were eud
When the signal was beard, Le the 6Gt. vme aleo,
And th.,veterana all crid, he'll one day led th in,
Fer though rted a boy, he'd tihe sel a s a ma5
ad the art of tru British siler.
When in manhood promoted, end burning for Aah ,
Still in peace ad in wr, H ry Bluff un ae;
So tIn to hi love, and in battle m brav,
For the myrtle and laurel entwie mound bia gre.
For hi assary he fll, whr by victoy crowned-
Thie g shot away, fell in tatten around ;
The fee thought he'd tnrwk, but be sung oed evet;
And th colonel of aid England, he wniled to the met,
T ha e died ike a tame kitih mailer.