Draw the Sword
Sec. I -
Dr aw Lke setd, bolIand, .eotlland, Seotlnd '
One mioatdail-nd mo-r baeld passed Lhe mo-lgn :
The pibmeah is pNe ;, pealine, pealing.
Who beed not the adaimo u as nsoo I hie,.
SThe cldam Lbhy are gph'roqn, rh rang, feib'ring.
STh-" eln ihey nre tlh'ring, by loon and by lea,
Tbe bane b re hey are yl., flyiinoi flying
The banners they are fying8 Wa i.i td Lo iotory.
Draw the sword Solsdand, S~oland, S3oilaud I
SCharge s yee eihaairged In bTh d ir l, syne ;
bSoud to the ornse. tib..oMoseiL .he.o- ,
He rwho bht falirsn ag nao 1 6ihine.
bShebe tlhe eord, Sool.nd. Sootlnd. Scoland;
'b bsho the aibrd, Beotlind, for dimiumd In its bhib.
Thy feiman are Igeelin. Belne;, Se-ioa,
And who kens use meroy-is nee sun a' Lhlne.
The j tiugle is o over, oer,
e struggle ie over --he vieior woo !-
Thre ete turn or the fallen, the tilen. toe f[lli]
A d gloy fol r ill who thel duty have done I
S ihoehue thswe rd, o.ed lland, &olld d, Sta: d!
.i tbh Inovd lhlatle now lerilronle naolti I
SThn; M'h eeor p trl, them, part tlse, optthei,
BSt Ihnoa.down the gpreand to each am i gbegU