Group Title: English courtship, The
Title: The English courtship
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 Material Information
Title: The English courtship
Physical Description: Book
Language: English
Manufacturer: P. Brereton
Genre: Broadsides   ( rbgenr )
General Note: P. Brereton, printer, 1 Lr, Exchange, Dublin
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00077131
Volume ID: VID00001
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Full Text



I iam u rit.g fi....I 1I it feint.arruarl p-.rL:
i I ,jni.. a Ih Oa. le t '.e i, I dei re in,
I o l-d 1 ..'ael. l ,..e I.. r id mr d radild.
i'be ,rlled mg div kh.rdl rkli and Mgrea cas,

I. b6 I er.d IIb d ti. aid dame .-d je.
I wirn.t.l. l i .Jl. l.l|r ri. in--ibe -.,h.b eey.
I Ired h.i .e pIlnie I.i mi .' u n 'I.j it I.a ,.
SnIewr drarw Lak I.iI ac i, aea1 t r.ineru ntil day,

MI I t ,a .l r.. rI.un .-I.. i .b.bll-preeld,
T.I I a. id. I i la t.I l n ae lhAe -Llwd,
'I., day b.lrg .Iarrcel anl Le hL el..g br une opire.
rti raertbera .r .let.:la (JsaM6 l ute redn .

6- H ** fi.ih. r b ft i1. -1 idi w Uhld 6r a La1
W Ied a r erii w-tr. u.r d atr- r. a ,.o dea-.
A hakL ir. Ld pra. tnjd as arumk o i-ash (Cp 'a.
Ou.r ucsmi ar err e-Iel- iI. iU-.aeirw. 61 d.y.

4I. er.inght la r pillow. r asI.i at Wl e baIel kl r m
I I'- L14 w-i, r. "i I e e wl t fa Li Tf
beah-d .L-p*. r-..any hire w11air silnl
W d eIdes a. Ei hri. s','e &%#p'-. rniil.d Lie wast.

Whe t weret i Le -ie *A 'LhoBgh -I wtre mllghly sal
W i p 'r f y'1 c.e'.r r pLIpyI ai.l d pe.o
1 hr e-Iul eur Ino; n ec i- rolel fr Eb r e .-e t-mar,
SF.,r ,urairnitt uea.1 hy irleg,.ph sew. that dsyj

iWhemr errc dj' < .b irk.beel. fer- ies MhfCer.
Br almed o ,... tr IT ad wae. u.e. rlaEidjbll,
Hir aioLbr o*e -a.... I -aa hoe. fWal Band kaue,
1I rrLa .i |I|l .J.jublir al. .ii 'rr e al].

TL- 7 nbe. we. r Ir-L.uV ri, her hhed ie mhar 4sur
TeI rl-i .1. 1 i 6 it I.-. Li It a. er -a. d .wWa
Lh. p'r-iti 'hl II. a ..I riai her iahrerslr[ed vien
B eh af.Jr Ite el Br l I- L aid Lbeagala .alde,

Wihn It' gr.'eT-m h. tel .!* wril ian IheIir muae
nr 6.-r 1Lna.-i L .v .e ea e.ortl .. ele.aia I.a|i. elu,
i*ticend I Ir.k..p ir -l| rime. er.
Hau ablr Ia *. 1k iw bIa rrghL bAd djy,

Whhn i w.. 1 ..-nid Fivw Iv'w 1 rn mbrmnu
iWawea.ift f iciy ..h.j .,d .* LI,
Ul gOl'it b-I[.tl p- r.Ie ji i .i. an dlehRk band.
.lrmi Carrn atId frtneIari o a leEe .ailr

*. BRilTLUN Prieso? I Aiuhe.gc il .

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