Florida quarterly bulletin of the Agricultural Department

Material Information

Florida quarterly bulletin of the Agricultural Department
Uniform Title:
Avocado and mango propagation and culture
Tomato growing in Florida
Dasheen its uses and culture
Report of the Chemical Division
Alternate title:
Florida quarterly bulletin, Department of Agriculture
Alternate title:
Florida quarterly bulletin of the Department of Agriculture
Florida -- Dept. of Agriculture
Place of Publication:
Tallahassee Fla
Publication Date:
Monthly[ FORMER 1901- Sept. 1905]
Physical Description:
v. : ill. (some fold) ; 23 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Agriculture -- Periodicals -- Florida ( lcsh )
Agricultural industries -- Statistics -- Periodicals -- Florida ( lcsh )
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
-v. 31, no. 3 (July 1, 1921).
General Note:
Description based on: Vol. 19, no. 2 (Apr. 1, 1909); title from cover.
General Note:
Many issue number 1's are the Report of the Chemical Division.
General Note:
Vol. 31, no. 3 has supplements with distinctive titles : Avocado and mango propagation and culture, Tomato growing in Florida, and: The Dasheen; its uses and culture.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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JANUARY 1, 1912





Analysis of Fertlizers, Feed Stuff, Focd and Drugs.
P ules and Regulations.

E'ntere'd .Jeiiuavy ;> t 2 1 u, ar T iiiah ~:,e. 1,'ev'idL, -.t
(lass 1iiaterP, lde. Act of C(, iigr S, i ,111 0) I .

These iulletins Are Issued Fivce (o Those Iequ('.in.' Them

T. J. APPLEYARtD, State Priniitev,
Tallahassee, Fla.



Tallahassee, Fla., January 1, 1912. To His Excellency,
Albert W. Gilchrist, Governor,
Tallahassee, Florida
Sir:--I have the honor to submit the following report of the Chemical D ivision of the Agricultural Department of the State of Florida for the year ending December 31, 1911:
The records of the office of the Agricultural Department, and report of tme State Treasurer, show the sale of inspeclion stamps covering 1.83,437.84 tons of Commercial FertilizersA m o u n tin g to . .4. . 4 .4 6
And 91,97.5.1(1 tons of Commercial Feeding StuffsA m our n tin g to .--------------- . $25,493.79
A total revenue of . . . $71,353.25 paid into ihe State Treasury to the credit of the General Revenue Fund. From which is to be deducted the total expenses of the Chemical Division, and the expenses of the I)epartment of Agriculture, incident to the execution of the Fertilizer, Feed Stuff, and Pure Food and Drug Laws.


Salary of the State Chem ist . $ 2,500.00 Salary of Asst. State Chemist, Fertilizers . 1,800.00 Salary of Asst. State Chemist, Food alnd Drugs 1,800.00 Salary of Asst. State Chemist, Stock Feed . 1,500.00 Salary two Inspectors, Chemical Division 3,000.00
Salary Clerk Chemical Division . . 450.00

Traveling Expen ses two Inspectors . 1,9i7.S2 Samples and Incidetals, Pure Food Departm e n t .8 6 .0 ; Chemicals, Apparatus and Incidena ls, State
L a b o r a to ry . 1 ,2 2 .2 1 Traveling Expenses St aie Cheiiist and Assistai s .(582.3 6( Postage State Chemist . 151.50

Total e:xjenses, (icmicat )ivosion. 15,41 .5 To Credit of General R revenue Fund . 55,4:,.7J0

T o tal R eceip ts . . 71,;15:'.2;


The 'ollow ig inmvyers w meu tade (:uiiig lte I :
Oiici at samples fertilize s ie h S . . 134
Special samples 1.'Iftii:,iers (sere ii by cilienans) 3 15 (OILcial ,rumples feed seffl( i ;I jcho, ; iuid chei , I s ) . . -. . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . 1 <
Special s :)t e, C d Pu ' (if iii by ciiizins) i , - i
()i{I '(Norm"! f aPl n s]ump'',t)les (O!'wi by MpI)'.hs, S)f ;i; iNm(,O an i .i " Still s ) . in hy sci',i ) . .

Misc' tuieois saiples (strit in) 1 v )i t;:]) . 1'.

')tl nim bel. l; s s . .21;

L. liumburr,,er, M. S., Analyst.

I)' he 134 oliCia samples analysed, 120 samples were of' (.omplile goods. 14 .mpes were of fertilizer ma tcriais.

The 120 samples of complete fertilizer drawn by the State Chemists and Inspectors had the following average composition and guarantee: Available
Ammonia. Phos Acid. Potashh. Official analysis . 4.03 6.67 7.69 G uarantee . 3.88 5.90 7.37 Excess above guarantee 0.15 0.77 0.'2
Average State value found, per ton .31.73 Average State value guaranteed, per ton . 28.98


We find complete fertilizers exceeding lhe guarantee
0.20%c (twenty points), as follows: In Anmmonia.43 samples, or. .52. 5%
In A m m on ia ~~~. 63 s m l s r.52
In Available Phosphoric Acid.93 samples, or . 77. 5% In P otash ---------------------------. 70 sam ples, or . 58.33%


We find complete fertilizers below guarantee 0.20%
(twenty points), as follows: In Am m onia . 25 sam ples, or . 20.8% In Available Phosphoric Acid . 12 samples, or . 10.0% III Potash (K 20 ) -------------------.------ 31 sam ples, or . 25. %

E. Peck Greene, B. S., Analyist.

The following analyses have been made during the year: Official samples feed stuff . 184 S pecial sam ples feed stu ff -------------. 58

. . . 2 4 2

Total analyses

The average composition of the official samples was as follows:
Starch and
Protein. Sugar. Fats.
Official analysis . 15.S6 56.74 4.18 Guarananteed analysis . 14.55 55.11 3.98

E x cess . 1.3 1 1.63 .20

We find the official samples of feed stuffs exceeded the guarantee 0.20% (twenty points), as follows: In Protein . 119 samples, o .6,( In Starch and Sugar . 96 sam ples, or . 52.2(" In Fats . 71 samples, or . 38.51/;
There was a deficiency of 0.20'/b twentyy points), as
follows :
In Protein . 86 sam ples, or 19.5' In Starch and Sugar . 65 samples, or _35.2 In F ats . . 61 sam ples, or 8.1'

A. M. Henry, B. S., Analyst.

Official food and drugs samples .s Special food and drugs samples .4. 14

Total food and drugs sam ples .1.2. . l')2 Official samples adulterated or misbranded . IS O fficial sam p les legal . . . 80

Those samples found adulterated or misbranded have been reported to the proper officer. In all cases the dealers and manufacturers have corrected the labels by placing the proper labels on the goods or by withdrawing the offending materials from the market.
Few prosecutions have been found necessary to enforce the provisions of the law.

The trade has, with few exceptions, recognized the equity and justice of its requirements, and has promptly seconded the efforts of the Department in refusing to han(Ile goods that were misbranded, or adulterated. lapufacturers have, therefore, promptly complied with the law, or withdrawn from the State.


There has been a continued advance in the quality and standard of the goods sold in the State. The analysis of the official samples shows a larger percentage of excess of valuable materials in the goods sold, and a decrease in Ihe percentage of deficiency, showing increased carefulness in preparing formulas, selecting goods, analysis of raw materials, preparation of raw materials, careful and proper grinding and mixing by improved machinery.
Many of the Florida factories are well equipped with the most modern machines for grinding and mixing fertilizers, thus insuring a uniform material. A large numnher of our factories are now under chemical control, with well equipped laboratories for analyzing raw material, and the finished product.
Few of the factories of the State are not furmished with modern mechanical mixers and competent technical control, by which uniform fertilizers-fully complying with the guaranteed analysis-are assured.
The law, requiring the minimum of valuable plant food, be guaranteed, has had a salutary influence in preventing wide variation hetween~the guarantee, and the resulting an alys is.
It is notable thiat a number of our most reliable factories have ceased to advertise their goods as having 2 to .3%, or from .5 to 6%7, or from 8 to 11%7 of the various plant foods; but comply with the requirements of the law in their literature, as well as in their "Guarantee

Tag," by quoting the exact or minimum amounts guaranteed. Such factories generally show an excess value on analysis of their goods.
.The consumer has been taught not to expect more than the minimum amount expressed in the literature and not to hope for more value than the smaller amount stated. At the same time, if on analysis he finds an excess above the minimum, he appreciates the fact, and gives due credit therefor, becoming thereafter a staunch friend and advocate of the factory, that states the minimum in its advertisements, and fully complies with the same.


In previous reports I have claimed (hat Florida used more and better commercial fertilizers, per acre, than her sister States. Recent statistics show that the average agricultural and commercial value of Florida fertilizers is grealer than that of any other State.
It is seldom that complaints are heard, fr-om time orange, celery, strawberry and truck grower, of the quality of the fertilizers sold them. They are probably the most intelligent and well-posted purclhasera of fertilizer known. Men who know what they want, and for what purpose they require it, and are willing to pay the market price therefor, and will tolerate no substitute of deficiency. They understand as well as the manufacturers do. that materials are purchased on the percentage basis, and that low grade materials with small actual value, are costly in freight, hauling and distribution- hence that high grade goods are by far the most economical.
It is also noted that the cotton, cane, and other staple crop producers-the farmer as distinguished from the fruit grower and trucker-are learning this lesson also (thanks largely to our Farmer's Institute Lecturers and Demonstrators), and are purchasing less "Guano"-the

2-2-8 goods of the cotton States-and are using more of the higher grades, at greater cost per ton, but at far less cost for Ihe actual plant food therein.
By far the greaterest number of complaints as to quality of goods comne from the users of 2-2-8, 10-2-2, 10-1-1, in which necessarily low grade materials, of indefinite coinposition are used, or a considerable amount of inert "filler" introduced in order to lower the grade. Often an excess of the "filler" is used, thus reducing the small amount of actual plant food. A 2-2-S goods has but 240 pounds of plant food per ton-at present prices is worth $18.70 per ton at the factory.
A 4-6-8 an average high grade goods) with 360 pounds of planL food, twice the Ammonia, three times I lie Potash, and far better balanced, is worth at the factory $30.10. The freight will be the same per ton. One-half the amount applied per acre will produce better results, at less cost.


(hi this silbJecI, I (jiote from former report, as follows: "The 'special s:iiinple'-peculiar to the Floridi, law-has proved its value to both the consumer and the manufacInrer. Much of the uniformity and high quality of the goods sold throughout the State can be attributed to the 'special sblinple'-sent in by ihe plrchaser, and analysed by 1 he Siate without charge thus proving the wisdom of the Legislature in providing this simple and direct method of obtaining quickly an exact knowledge of the true value, commercially and agriculturally, of the goods sold.
"A careful studv of the 'official analyses,' and an intelligent use of the 'special sample,' is again commended to the consumers of commercial fertilizers in the State.
"Special attention is called to the law and regulations governing the drawing and transmitting special samples of fertilizer and feed stuffs."

Legal methods of drawing and transmitting special samples of fertilizers and feeds, are provided. In order to protect the consumer, and the manufacturer, the law must be strictly complied with. In all cases when the law has been fully complied with, an equitable adjustment of established claims has been promptly effected.

(From Report of 1910.)

The Florida law prohibits the sale of "any pulverized leather, hair or wool waste, raw, steamed, roasted or in any form as fertilizer, or as an ingredient of any fertilizer or manure, without a printed certificate of the fact; said certificate shall be conspicuously affixed to every package of fertilizer or manure."
This is a good law, and has prevented the sale of much unavailable nitrogen (or anmonia) in the State.
However, when these waste materials are dissolved in sulphuric acid, they are no longer leather, hair or wool waste, but a mixture of sulphate of ammonia and humu,, both value applications to hungry soils.
In fact, the source of some of our most popular and expensive Florida fertilizers-particularly orange tree and vegetable fertilizers-is largely from properly dissolved (decomposed) factory waste, consisting largely of these enumerated materials.


One of the most serious problems at present is an adequate supplv of Organic Ammoniates (as distinguished from the salts of ammonia and nitrogen). This shortage is caused by the use of animal and vegetable refuse in preparing fertilizers, cy Converting the fixed (unavailable) nitrogen into sulphate of ammonia, and by the in-

creased use of cotton. seed meal, linseed nical and similar by-products for stock feed. All suclh waste materials should be used, as fertilizers are very largely composed of the waste of our homes, kitchens, stables, cities, gas works, slaughter houses, fisheries, cotton seed and linseed oil fac stories, etc.


There has been recently much discussion as to lie availability of the nitrogen of peat as a fertilizer.
Raw peat, like leather, is practically inert and of little value. When properly decomposed, either by sulphuric acid or by thoroigh oxidation (rotting), or by composting with superphosphate and sulphale of potash. peat becomes a valuable fertilizer, as is evidenced by varioms practical demonstrations.
The nitrogen of raw, sour, undrained peat or muck is not available, nor if it be simply dried and ground; it must be decomposed, and its nitrogen made available by chemical (or bacterial) action. This can be most economiically accomplished by drainage, to allow the air to enter and oxidize (rot the material), or by composting the raw inuck with super-phosphate (acid phosphate) and sulpliate of polash, and allowing it to decompose.


The at mention of this Division has been called to an advertisement of "Tankage Hums"-a dried and pulverized peat. This material is misbranded; it is by no means a "Tankage." This material is permissible as a filler or conditioner only, in fertilizers.
The nitrogen in simply dried ground peat, is in similar condition to that of hair, leather, or wool waste. Its presence in fertilizers, under the Florida law, should be specifically stated on the tag.


The availability of the nitrogen in leather, wool, hair, peat, and similar organic compounds, has not yet been determined. No satisfactory process has yet been adopted bv the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. A number of Skatcs have prohibited their use in fertilizers.
The laws of Florida require their presence in a fertilizer shall be specifically stated on the guarantee tag, in their raw untreated condition, simply dried and ground therein, nilrogen is not considered available.


The quali v of the various commercial feed stuffs inported into ihe State, is well up to the guarantee. The number of low grade materials sold has materially decreased. This has been caused largely by the information given iii the publications of the Department, and by flhe insirtmelions of the various lecturers of the Farmer's Institule, explaining the uses and values of the different feeds for different purposes-work animals, mileb cows, and live slock growing and faitening.
It is to be r-egretled that, with her superior climate, and lmg list of sulpeiior forage plans, that the State should spend su,+h enormous sums for imported feed stuffs, that could and should be produced within the State. Feed of equal or greater value, at far less cost to the consumer, and of much profit to the producer. On this subject I quote from my report of 1910:


Attent ion is called to the analysis of Florida-grown feed stuffs, as compared to that imported into the State, particiularly to 'beggar weed," "cow peas," "velvet beans"

and "Japanese kudzu." These analyses show that these Plals produce hay s equal in value to the average mixed feeds imported, an( sunj;rior to most of the imported materials. They are superior to bran, middlngs or oats. and far superior to the average of the imported feeds.
TheY suipass alflfa or clover in their feeding value. The,- ai'e peculiar to our soil and climate, their cost of cullinr and cuilug is not greater iMan to cultivate and cure lover or alfalfa. Their more general culture would save the State many thii s uds of dolhus', now sent to N,,l hem States for siock 1feeds, ami provide the Florida stockinan and dairyvini witli aul equally valaable, or superb r, legumiions,; i roteid) feel at far less cost, at ihe same iae l.tiing Is Ms and inceasing the
vaue of his oher crops. The Sta te prchased during lhtyear 1911 25,i9:.7) lens of mixed feed-to say noih ing of the ha ys and grains ia n
lerton. 1.el- senile I, 53, all of whiehI shmlll have been ,t'Auced on hlr ewi farms, s ving ro our famers no, only toiis hu'ge sum. bat i adding -o tle ferl-i iy ,)i her ints practically the -:0-e :moiuomIt in increase fertility nda mo-.clivemess. N< ita-e in the ! nil o;d I say it advisedly--is a 0.,e' va-.iely of eo ,omie lI grow m egimi cs, or longer li .i of IIi'.,(-W al! flOSli.s, i s. i f li:-hing i i l e , IrisV ho 1 1'il l5 , t I l:-s F'ltO ikl, ,-ih vecdti I)' b vt' weed, c( 4, peas .11ou
kudzt i.* e::,mes t,.wm rr, m ib g,,, iss, Nattal .ar, Para gro's ;1.i' .J ualt is:- s5 ,-l i " 10m il (l'id ' no tI- 105;a la~ie-~ si 1g'i ~lcane 1,-00l-a vv mpI plior cii te or t" N'eei, rich in sugar. craRohydlr es fat forni',- It is w(VInce-fNly i)oductw we w utAvy ions Per aere are by no0 meaus unusual. Vh,'he once estalflished it will coilinie to g ow fo- years. beill, JIo-f icalli- a peremnial ill this Sta l a.
Floii-las soil and chuiaie, her abundanit rainfallI, her

lakes and streams, artesian waters, her short, mild winters, her abundant native grasses and legumes, make stock raising peculiarly attractive to the farmer and investor.
Her drained lands and flat woods are peculiarly adapted to successful cattle growing, as is evidenced by the large herds now profilabily grown on the drained lands of the Central Peninsula.
It is notable that during the past few years large quantities of hay and other forage crops have been produced in the State; that the mowing machine and hay press, unknown "before the freeze," are being rapidly introduced throughout the State; that pure-bred cattle and hogs are being successfully grown, and that her dairies, though still few in number, are producing butter equal
-to that produced in any part of the Union, at a cost less than the average cost of production in the Western dairy States. The supply by no means equals the demand at the highest market prices.


A number of experiments in the growing of this valuable forage plant have been made during the past few years, with more or less success. It is evident that experience is needed, to insure a permanent success. That varieties suitale to the climate must be selected, proper preparation of soil made, the proper season for planting, aind particularly the proper seasons for harvest determined.
That alfalfa will become one of the staple forage plants of the State, I have no doubt. It will, however, require experience and care in the preparation of soil, fertilizing and harvest, in order 1o establish permanent fields. In the meantime, we have legumes, equally as valuable, that are now established, the successful culture of which our people are now familiar with.

The cow pea, velevet bean, beggar weed, and kudzu, grow luxuriantly with ordinary care and culture, and are equal to alfalfa in feeding value. A reference to the analysis of these legumes will show their composition and feeding value, which is in every respect equal to clover or alfalfa.


The Legislature of 1911 amended the Pure Food and D rugs Law of the State, in three important particulars.
FIRST-BV eliminating the proviso in the old law permaitting the sale of adulterated and dilute standard drugs, and requiring all standard drugs to comply fully with the standards fixed by the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, as follows:
"Sec. 4. That for the purpose of this Act, an article shall be deemed to be adulteratedIn Case of Drugs: First-If when a ()rug is sold under or by a name recognized in the United States Pharmacopoia, or National Formulary, it differs from the standard of strength, quality or purity, as determined by the test laid down in the United States Pharmacopia or National Formulary official at the time of the investigation.
Second-If its strength or purity fall below the professed standard or quality under which it is sold."
The eminent justice and reasonableness of this provision is apparent. Its necessity was also apparent, when it was discovered that in many instances, dilute drugs and medicines, of so-called "half strength", or less, were sold under the former law b unscrupulous manufacturers. as standard drugs.
The trade in Florida, particularly the reputable retail druggists, heartily comnend the new law, as its enforceinent will prevent the imposition of dilute standards, and assure them of obtaining only such goods as are recognized by the U. S. Pharmacopoeia.

It is unnecessary to say that physicians endorse this provision, as it assures thein that their prescriptions will be prepared from standard materials.
SECOND--The amendlICi s also provide that all packages of food shall have the net weight or measure of its contents "conspiculosly legibly, and correctly" stayed (mi the outside of the package, as fo]lows-it shall be misbranded:
"Th ird-- If in package form, lhe net conteltis or the pa(ka~ge are notI correctly s[aed in ternts of ivcghI0 or Measure, conspicuously, legibly zind correctly, on the outside of he i . ."
This is bun comm n himesty. No relm(abde manufaclurer or deale[ objects to tiltfullv ",late lie ,,eight or measure of the goods he sells. The amendment was suggested t, the too common piac i-e tif certain unscrupulus deaeis, to filch a ftw poands.01, or ounces, front a packago o1' food-a sack of eori, or oa s-a barrel of (loar, or pound of blter or lard, or a quart of oil or syrup.
I am pleased to say thal the mercliants of Florida. with no exeC!)tihn, i he li(,lesaler!, the jobeier and the retail 'ti-iarnt; have Ii *a,-'iiy eiteh-sed this amlendmaneit, and are andsiing lie Ilejaim lil( I i enio-eingm a & '' m-i-aliet- iiiejwI .h, -ecognizi _ as lie o5 C , 1haO it elilnii aiies anun i /iiia dis.l'est codqaiititioi, vt h bit- liri erly prevailed 'o a (-ensiderablie extenl .
The law dhos not limit z -, wxeit-ht f lcI.g,'s-1ut irelil'es tiha the excl nit weitdit oii meatsuve sh:ll] 1w trnil'ult*v state. Onele can still sell a l ackage ,fi t[ oilt-COs of 1ltieu; ilml not as a oun( seven pints of syrup, but not a galilon-or 24 ounces o oil (:1-4 imuiat), but he must not sell it as a quart (:)2 ounces.
Tinumi-Ahe amendments prvide th lt niods shall be cImsideredl aimhterawted it' hey eoain any chemical pveselvalive', as follows:

"Eighth-lf it contain any chemical preservative or ani-ferment: such as fornialdehyde, salicylic acid or salicylicates, boric acid or borates, benzoic acid or benzoates, or flouiihes; o. if it contain any a lWicial sweetener; such as saccharin, dulcin or glucin."
The necessity for this provision has been established by increased use of inferior, animal and vegetable matter in canned and bottled goods-materials in which decay had ahead einn. and that required some chemical to prevent further decomlposition.
ft is conceded by scientists generally, and particularly by the -Inedical pr-ofession, [hat antileiinicIls suffiient in amount to prevent partly decayed vegetable or animal miatte from further decay, will also p'even c d1igit ion and Mince disease, particularly that peculiarly American disease--dyspelpsia an( indiges lion.
The use in foods of drugs prohibid by the Fl ;iA l aw. lMs been conden ned by the -Ane-'ican Mhodic-l Ass,,iatai," -ie "Royal B el in e)lmlation fi' AhIdiea( Afirs," and hy other scienlific bodies, and 1lhe iioical prolession generally.
Many of tie largest mnanufcaiturers of goods have voluntarily discontinued the use of chemnial l)ee.vaiives, -ecognizing ithat Solund matetil s, l'epa ied under eleinly and sanoi vy condiiins. do not require clemicals to prieserve them.
A few lIage manufaetuires of excellent goods still tse smnalI amounts of preservatives, Ihough it has been priactically demnonsirated as useless-in fact detrimental, to 1heir trade, as i- is generally recognized that the presence of preservatives indicated either inferior materials, or careless, unsanitary methods of nmanufacture. Sound, (lean materials prepared under cleanly, sanitary condilions, requires no chemical preservatives.

These three amendments, namelyFirst-The prevention of adulterated or dilute drugs.
Second-Requiring the net weight or measure on all packages of goods.
Third-Prohibiting chemical preservatives in foodsare the only changes made in the law.
That they were necessary and are equitable and just to the honest manufacturer, the dealer and the consumer, is evident to any fair, unprejudiced mind.
That they are offensive to the adulterator and dilutor of drugs, to the filcher of a few pounds or ounces from the foods of the masses, or to him who desires to -dispose of foods made from partly decayed, or refuse vegetable or animal matter,' prepared under filthy, unsanitary conditions-cheap and niasty"-goods, goes without saying. It is gratifying to know that the trade in Florida, the manufacturer, the wholesaler,' the jobber, and the retailer, are in full accord with the law and are practically a unit in assisting the Department in its enforcement.
Florida was among the first to enact Pure Food lawsat the instance of her citizens, mnerchiants and dealers. Long prior to the enactment of the National laws, Florida had laws on the subject. She has now one of Ihle most equitable laws in the United States, fair to all partiesthe manufacturer, the dealer and the consumer, requiring only that the truth shall be stated on thiealb l ; as to character and contents of the package; and that foodls made of inferior materials and "embalmed" to prevent further decay, shall not be sold in competition with sound materials, properly prepared.


The amendment to the Pure Food and D~rug Law, as recommended in my last report, having been adopted, has materially benefited the service; reduced the cost, and ren-

dered the inspection more efficient. Each inspector has now the authority to inspect all goods subject to inspection.
1 am pleased to report that the twvo inSpectors are comnpetent, efficient, vigilant, and active, in the performance of their arduous duties; well acquainted with the business men of the State; competent to instruct the dealer in the requirements of the law. Much depends upon the inspectors' courtesy and ability to explain why a strict compliance with the provisions of the law, is not only for the protection of thle consumer, but also for the protection of the honest dealer and manufacturer, fromi the unfair competition of the unscrupulous dealer in, or muanufacturer of, inferior, adulterated, dilute or short weight materials.
Active, efficient and frequent inspection of the various factories, warehouses, railroad stations, local warehouses and dealers' stocks of goods is imperative for the propPer administration of the fertilizer, feed stuff and pure food and drug laws.
More depends upon the inspectors' vigilance to detct frauds, correct evils and protect the revenues of the State than upon any other branch of the service.
This p~articularly applies to the larger cities of the State, thle distributing points of most of the goods sold throughout the State, where are located the factories. warehouses and depots from which the fertilizers, feeds, foods and drugs are distributed to the retail merchant and the consumer, who depend upon the manufacturer, jobber and wholesaler for the quality, purity and legality of his goods, the truthfulness of the brand or label.
The field is broad, however-the largest St ate east of the Mississippi River, with the longest distances by rail between her principal distributing points.
It is physically impossible for two inspectors to efficiently and economically cover the entire State.

I again recommend that at least I three inspects be employed-one having headquarters in each of' our large distributing cities-Jacksonville, Tanipa and Pensaco]afrom which practically all the goods subject to iaspeciion are distributed. A rigid inspection of the principal distributing points woulh prevent the uecessi~y o' so Irequent inspections of the smaller dealers in inieror Iowns. who, in by far Mle majority of cases, depend entirely upon the wholesaler, an"! jobber, for the puiniiy and legtlilV of their goods. If the fountain be pnre the Streamt is seldom polluted. If so, 1he local cause can be readily dis covered and le rentedv applied.


Couvirarble repairs, 01nd ,le-',Iions lo tIe .riinol
lab ratorvy live Wei fonead necessry, and cousdde noble :'A ditios ml'e to ihe ]Otu-Sssp paia;ll ot lo inee he I glowing ,::e'oL 01 I!lie or viHe. Ate m j' ciet the Flmida ruale
a is: one of ide u''st eqiiplied in the :Simti)-uable of ucn-ein a d sreedy an'ulysis ( riin the 1iOW materials ' 1) (Au'v o llu ) e.
T 1h ei - ,111 ;lyeu . c ar -h st i aii in It- parlicu-uliv eire'uut c(,i'i)(n. , kiilful and (-xIpevieniced. In Li) iius ,anve has tie resulIs of Iheir findings been round inaeu 11'te, i n ct2e of contest or 0i1)pet-l.


Remgni zing" lhe importane' of tlhe dies limlposed ulOn the lepa ntment, to insu,'e the inwnity of foods, and freedoin from adulietatiou, or misbranding as to quality or amount of foods, fertilizers and stock feeds, the protection of the consumer and the trade generally from imposition. the Commissioner of Agriculture, the Hon. B. E. McLin, the hi ;ld of Ihe department, and the State Chemist, have

adoptit it policy of educatitm and i1siluction consulting the various interests I .ed the nautl'actiurc;', the dealer and the consume.-, as it) (he laws' effect upon the business of tie State. WirIle fim in our demand as to strict conjpli ance with the stlzt ie, we have enforced ile compIiance wil i the law, b; showing to the trade, the lainufacturer and the dealer, tiat tile law was for the prolection of the honest nan. as aain:st the dishonest one; a law for the prolection of all the citizens of the State-i-nanufact-arers, dealers and consumers alike. aund the punishment of frauds and iii isreprescnia ion as -Co quality or amount, of these imlpo tlai aticles of general consumption.
This policy has resulted in ,. ln;iver:,ail acceptance of the provision of tlie law, which has dow fle hearty support of tine trade generally, as well is the consumer. Those few whose interests were :dversely al'ec ted, have eithr complied with the law. or withdrawn the offending goods from the State.
It is notable that in no instance have goods tuanufactmed within the State been found adulieratd ot. misbranded, and that Florida merchants, decline to knowingly handle goods not in full compliance with the law, and refuse to purchase any such goods when 'dvised of their illegal character.
A reference to the tables of analyses will show that thc goods sold in the State are generally of excellent quality. free from adulteration or misbranding. A eare'ul inspection of the analyses by the dealer and the e(misumer will show what goods are most desirable.
Very respectfully,
State Chemist.


Florida is the only State in the Union that provides for the "special sample," drawn by the consumer or purchaser, under proper rules and regulations fixed by law-to be sent to the State Laboratory for analysis free of cost. Any citizen in the State who has purchased fertilizers or feeds for his own use may draw a sample of the same, according to law, and have the same analysed by the State Chemist free of cost. And in case of adulteration or deficiency he can, on establishing the fact, receive double the cost of price (emanded for the goods. The law requires the "special samples" to be drawn in a manner to prevent the submission of spurious samples; rules and regulations are published in every Bulletin for drawing and transmiting "special samples." This special sample has been a most potent factor in enforcing the law and discouraging the sale of adulterated or misbranded goods.
Special samples of foods and drugs may also be sent to the State Laboratory for analysis free of cost, when the sample is properly drawn according to law. The necessary instructions and blanks required to properly draw and transmit samples of "food and drugs" will be sent to any citizen requesting the same.



Special samples of Fertilizers or Commercial Feeding Stuffs sent in by purchasers, under Section 9 of the laws, shall be drawn in the presence of two disinterested witnesses, from one or more packages, thoroughly mixed, and A FAIR SAMPLE OF THE SAME OF NOT LESS THAN EIGHT OUNCES (ONr-HALF POUND) SHALL BE PLACED IN A TIN CAN OR BOTTLE, SEALED AND SENT BY A DISINTERESTED PARTY TO THE COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE AT TALLAHASSEE. NOT LESS THAN EIGHT OUNCES, IN A TIN CAN OF BOTTLE, WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR ANALYSIS. This rule is adopted to secure fair samples of sufficient size to make the necessary determinations and to allow the preservation of a duplicate sample in case of protest or appeal. This duplicate sample will be preserved for two months from the date of certificate of analysis.
The State Chemist is not the proper officer to receive special samples from the purchaser. The propriety of the method of drawing and sending the samples as fixed by law is obvious.
The drawing and sending of special samples in rare cases is in compliance with law. Samples are frequently sent in paper packages or paper boxes, badly packed, and frequently in very small quantity (less than ounce) ; frequently there are no marks, numbers or other means of identification; the postmark in some instances being absent.
I would call the attention of those who desire to avail themselves of this privilege to Sections 9 and 10 of the law, which are clear and explicit.

Hereafter, strict compliance with above regulations will be required. The samples ;;m.t iot bc icss than unchalf pound, in a tin can or bottle, sealed and addressed to the Con inissioner of Agriculture. The scnder's nanir and address must also be on the package, this rtt applying to special samples of fertilizers or commercial feeling sil Ul.
A oe-pound baking powder tin can, properly cleaned. filled with a fairly drawn, well mixed sample token from several sacks, is a proper sample. it should be seai(d and addressed to the Commissioner of Agriculture at Tallahassee. The sender's naine and address should also be placed on the package. If more than one sainpie is sct. the samples should be n rnber(d so as to idc tify tlieiio. All this should be done it lihe presence of the witlrcsses and the package mailed or expressed by ow of tle witnesses.
The tags off the sacks should be retained by the rivnder to compare with the certificate of amalysis when rn(ceived. and not sent to this office. The date of the drar'ing and sending the sailuple, and nanes of the witcsrcs , shoilhl also be retained by the sender; not sent to this office.


Each package of Commercial Fertilizer, and each package of Commercial Feeding Stuff, must have, securely attached thereto, a tag with the guaranteed analysis required by law and the stamp showing the payment of the inspector's fee. This provision of the law, Section 3 of both laws-will be rigidly enforced.
Manufacturers and dealers will be required to properly tag and stamp each package of Commercial Fertilizer or

Commercial Feeding Stuff under penalty as fixed in Section 6 of both laws. Tags shall be attached lo the top end of each bag, or head of each barrel.


Purchasers are cautioned to purchase no Commercial Fertilizers or Commercial Feeding Stuff that does not bear on cach package an analysis tag with the guarantee required by law, and the stamp showing the payment of the inspector's fee. Goods not having the guarantee tag and stamp are irregular and fraudulent ; the absence of the guarantee an stamp being evidence that the ianufacturer or dealer has not complied with the law. Without the guarantee tag and stamp showing what the -oods are guaranteed to contain, the purchaser has no recourse against the manufacturer or dealer. Such goods are sold illegally and fraudulently, and are generally of little value. All reputable manufacturers and dealers now compay strictly with the law and regulations by placing the guarantee tag and stamp on each pack-,ge.


The attention of Sheriffs of the various counties is called to Section :) of both laws, defining their duties. This )epartment expects each Sheriff to assist in maintaining the law and protecting the citizens of the State from the imposition of fraudulent, inferior or deficient Commercial Fertilizers or Commercial Feeding Stuffs.


Less than
ten tons.
Nitrate of Soda, 1717 Ammonia.-----------------$ 54.06
Sulphate of Ammonia, 20%7 Ammonia . 74.00
Dried Blood, 16%c Ammonia . 68.00 Cynanamid, 18%7 Ammonia . 63.00 Dry Fish Scrap, 10% Ammonia. . . 45.00


High Grade Sulphate of Potash, 90%7 Sulphate, 48%c K,20 . s 53.00 Low Grade Sulphate of Potash, 48% Sulphate, 26%/ K,O. 32.00 Muriate of Potash, 80%l'; 48% K20 . 4S.00
Nitrate of Potash, imported, 1-51/ Ammonia, 44%c Potash K .0 .O. 96.00 Nitrate of Potash, American, 131/ Ammonia,
42% potash K .0 . . 94.00 Kainit, Potash, 12%7 K,2. 15.00 Canada Hardwood Ashes, in bags, 4% K,0 Potash . 19.00


High Grade Tankage, 10% Ammonia, 51% Phosphoric Acid . . . . . 44.00 Tankage, Scf/ Ammonia, 10%o Phosphoric Acid 37.00
Low Grade Tankage, 61% Ammonia, 14%7 Phosphoric Acid . 36.00 Hotel Tankage, 6%7c Ammonia, 7% Phosphoric Acid . 25.00

Sheep Manure, ground, 3% Ammonia . 20.00
(Figures subject to revision.)
Imported Fish Guano, 10% Ammonia, 107o Phosp h o ric A cid . . 52 .0 0 Pure Fine Steamed Ground Bone, 37o Ammonia,
221/o P hosphoric A cid . 30.00
Raw Bone, 4% Ammonia, 227o Phosphoric Acid 35.00
Ground Castor Poinace, 517o Ammonia, 2% Phosp h o ric A cid . . 2 6 .0 0 Bright Cotton Seed Meal, 71clo Ammonia . 28.00
Dark Cotton Seed Meal, 417o Ammonia . 26.00


High Grade Acid Phosphate, 161/'/o Available
P h o sp h o ric A cid . 15 .00 Acid Phosphate, 14 'c Available Phosphoric Acid 14.00
Bone Black, 177c Available Phosphoric Acid 25.00


High Grade Ground Tobacco Stems, 20 Ammon ia , 8 11o P o ta sh . . . - . . 2 6 .0 0 fliah Grade Ground Kentucky Tobacco Stems, 21117c A m m onia, 107c P otash . . . . 28.00 Tobacco Dust No. 1, 27 Ammonia, 21,1 Potash 25.00
Cut Tobacco Stems, in sacks, 2clo Ammonia,, 417o P o ta sh . _ . 2 0 .0 0 Dark Tobacco Stems, baled! 217o Ammonia, 4% P o ta s h . 1 9 .0 0 L an d P laster, in sack s . 12 .00 The charges by reputable manufacturers for mixing and bagging any special or regular formula are $1.50 per ton in excess of above prices.

JAN. 1, lL -[1i&[LIWl MATERIALS.


Ammonia, sulphate, loreig-ii, promp,.
fu tu res . .
Aimimonia, suilpliate, domestic, sjl) .
f u t u r e s . . . . Fish scrap, dried, Il1/ ammonia and
14/ bone phosphate. f.o.b. fish works,
p e r U n i t -.--------------------. .
wet, acidulated, 6% ammonia,
31o phosphoric acid, delivered
Ground fish guano, imported, 10 and
11% ammonia and 15-171/. bone phosphote, c. i. I. -New York, Baltimoc
or P hiladelphia .--------------.----------------------------.
Tankage, ,1' and f.o.b. Chicago.
Tankage, 10 and 20'7(, f.o.b. Chicago,
g ro u n d --------. . . .
Tankage, 9 and 205, f.ob. Chicago,
g r-o u n d ---------------. . .
Tankage, concentrated, f.o.b. Chicago,
1- 1o 155 , f.o.b C hicago . . Garbage, tankage, f.o.b Chicago .
Sheep manure, concentrated, f.o.b. Chica g o , p er ton . 1. 1 Hoolmeal, f.o.b. Chicago, per unit . Dried blood, 12-,/ ammonia, f.o.b.
N ew Y ork . .
Chicago .
Nitrate of Soda, 95%, spot per 100 lb.
fu tu res, 95 7 . . . . . .

3.20 -I,8.20 ( UO (a
8.20 cp .

3.20(1 ".25 & 10

2.70 & 10

2.0 & to 2.60 & lo 2.40 (1: 2.5P1

2.55 (, 9.00 (

0.00 (
2.G)0 ( 270

8.00 2.20 2.20

(a 2.05 (@7 (4d 2.22/ Or 2.221,


Acid phosphate, per unit . $ .50 @ .55 Bones, rough, hard, per toi . 22.50 @ 24.00
soft, steamed, unround . 21.50 Ci 22.00
ground, stemel, -ilf aimonia
and (;il' bone phosphate . 20.00 @i 21.00
ditto, 3 and 5 0 . 23.50 @ 24.00
raw gr(o0nd, 4" ammonia and
50 , bone tlhosphate . ---. . 28.50 @ 30.00 South Carolina phoslhalte rock, kilndried, f.o.b. Ashl , vei __. . . 3.50 @ 3.75 Florida laud pebbeh pls'lphate rock,
68 , f.o.b. Pa;lt Tampa, FPa . :.70 @ 3 Sa0 Mo idal hiolh gltafe 1)h1 o l-e hard rock,
77 ',;. .). F ida . 5.75 (o 16.25
Tn111,(-(T Na spha cirk. f.o.b. Aft.
PI 'Is: i 0, d1,miesti', 78(" Si , T ( m Ion. 5.0t ((' 5.5 0
75( gilimnfieed 4.75 ((, 5.0 )
W8(572(' 4.25 ( 4.50

Mllvinw ~ ~ ~ v '0 :t:s).bwi

in " _ _. - 28.05 (
Muriale of1 pot:1es l.n.5',hi 8 .
in bagus . . ,!.05 01 MuriaIe (of po iash, ain. 981,, basis 80"('41
in b a g s . . . . . . . . 40 .50 a( Sulphale of )ofaih, ,,_9 ',, basis 90%,
in b a g( s . _ _. . . . . . 4 G .2 0 -I )onble mianure sal b. .5 , l)asis 48( ,
in bags . 24.45 ((r
Manure salt, in. 20(7 , K._O, in bulk. 13.20 (R Hardsalt, min. 1( , K.,O, in bulk . 10.65 (l Kainit, min. 12.4%, K20, in bulk . 8.25 @ -


For Available and Insoluble Phosphoric Acid, Ammonia
and Potash, for the Season of 1912.

Available Phosphoric Acid . 5c. apouna Insoluble Phosphoric Acid . lc. a pound Ammonia (or its equivalent in nitrogen) 18c. a pound
Potash (as actual potash, K20) . 5c a pound
If calculated by unitsAvailable Phosphoric Acid . $1.00 per unit Insoluble Phosphoric Acid . 20c per unit Ammonia (or its equivalent in nitrogen) . 3.65 per unit
P o ta sh . 1 .1 0 p er u n it
With a uniform allowance of $1.50 per ton for mixing and bagging.
A unit is twenty pounds, or 1 per cent., in a ton. We find this to be the easiest and quickest method for calculating the value of fertilizer. To illustrate this ,take for example a fertilizer which analyzes as follows: Available Phosphoric Acid. 6.22 per cent.x$1.00-$ ;.22
Insoluble Phosphoric Acid .1.50 per cent.x .20- .30
A m m onia . 42 per ceut.x 3.65- 12.4s Potash . . 7.23 per cent.x 1.10- 7.95 M ixing and B agging . . . . . . - 1.50

Com m ercial value at sea ports. .

Or a fertilizer analyzing as follows:
Available Phosphoric Acid . 8 per cent.x$1.00-$ 8.00 A m m onia . 2 per cent.x 3.65- 7.30 Potash . 2 per cent.x 1.10- 2.20
M ixing and B aging . . . . . -- 1.50

Commercial value at sea ports.


The above valuations are for cash for materials delivered at Florida seaports, and they can be bought in oneton lots at these prices at the date of issuing this Bulletin. Where fertilizers are bought at interior points, the additional freight to that point must be added.
The valuations and market prices in preceding illustrations are based on market prices for one-ton lots.


It is not intended by the "State valuation" to fix the price or commercial value of a given brand. The "State values" are the market prices for the various approved chemicals and materials used in mixing or manufacturing commercial fertilizers or commercial stock feed at the date of issuing a Bulletin, or the opening of the "season." They may, but seldom do, vary from the market prices, and are made liberal to meet any slight advance or decline.
They are compiled from price lists and commercial reports by reputable dealers and journals.
The question is frequently asked: "V'hat is 'Smith's Fruit and Vine' worth per ton?" Such a question cannot be answered categorically. I1y analysis, lite amninonia, available pbosplhoric acid and potash may be determined, and the inquirer informed what the cost of tle necessary material to comp ounid a ton of' goods simiiil ar to "Sniith's Fruit and Vine" would be, using none but accepted and well known materials of the best quality.
State values do not consider "trade secrets," loss on bad bils, cost of advertisements and expenses of collections. The "State value" is simply that price at which the various ingredients necessary to use in compounding a fertilizer, or feed, can be purchased for cash in ton lots at Florida seaports.
These price lists are published in this report, with tle "State values" for 1912 deducted therefrom.


I Phosphoric Ammonia I Acid


Nitrate of Soda . 17 to 19. Sulphate of Amimonia . 21 to 24 . . Dried Blood . 12 to 17 . - . 1 I "9 : [ [ : : Concentraled Tankage_. 12 to 15 1 o
Bon,,- Taokae . (; to 9 10 to 15 . Dried Fish Scrap . S to 11, ( Lo 5. . Cottn Seod Meal . 7 to 10 to 1 to 2
Hoof M eal . . 13 to 17 11 to .


, \ id

FI.1. . . I. . . 1_ to 12
(',roand Bon( . . .' ; t') 1 5 ta 1 15 to 17 d' tl-O']lIl 13 ~e.I t o (I t 6 I 1 o 2o
Dis ,,luh(' 1E0o1 ." to 11 to 151 2 to 3
:I :l) I'EL ( Ni ,".FI

P.,11" i,

3 :dr'l'e ',4 lPo : . 50
of R, P t . -IS to C-'ib )ima o i 'oi .b . 55 to C 0 N it -,l ! , o f P ,i t h . . . -10 to 44 Doilh , Pot.l&o I ,t 1 12(; t 0 :') iaini I . 1 10 12 ylx il . I to 20 Co lon R ,d Hull Aes 15 to 30 Vcod Asbes, unlIechedi 2 o S WX ood Ash'w,, leaclied. I 1 to 2 Tobacco Sterns . 1 5 to S Cow Nanur, (fre i).1 0.40 Horse Manure (fresh) . ( 0. Sheep Manure (fresh). . (i.67 Hog Manure Iffresh).1 0.60 Hen Dung (fresh) . 0.85 Mixed Stable Manure 0.6

i c i . . . . . . .
S. . . . . . . . . 0 .

i . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . .
,. I to 1 t o 4

2 to 4 3

0 to 0. 1 o 3 0.31.
0 to Oti 0.128 0.31 1.00 0 .18) 0.33

0.55 0.19 0.08
2.07 1.5t 0.24
;1 0.76 0.26 0.70

w l' :, t,,1 m 1



To convertAmln(,ia into nitrogen, inuitipI by 0.824
Ainhiionia into protein, ioul tiply by . 5.15 Nitrogen into ammonia, multiply bv. 1.214 Nitrate of soda into nitrogen, multiply b. 0.1647 Nitrogen into protein, im ltiply by . . 6.2-5 )"one phosphaie into plhosphric acid, mull ipi Iy v ). 15S Phosphoric acid into bone phosphate, multiply I ,\- 2.184 urinatee of potash into actual potash, multiply by (0.02 Actual potash into muriate of potash, mullipliv I a I .S8:; Sulphate of potash into actual potash, multiply by 0.41 Actual potash into sulphate of potash, nmliiply by I .$5 Nitrale of potash into nitrogen, mulliply by ----------. 0.139
Carbonate of potash into actual potash, multiply by '0.681 Actual potash into carbonate of potash. multiply b v 1.4(;; Chlorine, in 'kainit," multiply potash (K.0) b.v 2.823

For instance, you buy 95 per cent. of nitrate of soda ;mod want to know how much nitrogen is in it, mult ply 95 per cent. by 0.1647, you will get 15.65 per cent. nitrogen: You want to know how much ammonia this nitrogecn is equivalent to, then multiply 15.65 per cent. by 1.214 and vou get 18.99 per cent., the equivalent in ammonia.
Or' to Convert 90 per cent. carbonte of potash into wt ual potash (K.O), multiply 90 1 0.6;,]. equals (11.2 ! pcr cent. actual potash (KO).


Copies of the Laws, Regulations and Standards will be furnished by the Commissioner of Agricullure on appli cation.
", --But.



Bright Co)t I SeO(M IDark Couin S!ced Mcoli Linsed -Meoi, I)Id pI)%)- i
M I2S S . . . . Linseed MeIat, new proc u s s . . . . . . . W heat B ran . . . \Vheat 1iaillgs Mixed Feed Iihean) Ship Stuff (Wheat).Corn (igraim (Co(rn Men;

("ofit Cob.

Corn and CoI) Aili H p)'ti' s . . . . . .

Corn and ()n:I, Feed, lBarlev an )Ais, equil

p a rts . . . . .

20.w) i: :t7. 11

: 4 7


711) 12.1 )

10;. .5W .). 711! 14 i.! ))

1l.)4' 8).7()


5 . -1)

;.) );8.7))


" I 44.)

);.1)I 12.101 G4.75


5.801 5))

7.2) 7.:'M

1.11) 4.,*,4)

5.40 8.) 7.S51

~. II


FEE ) STUFFS- (Continued.)


_ _ 0 . . . . . . . . . .

Oats (grain) . 9.,5,"[0 11.:S01 59.701 5.00 3.00 O at F eed . . . 1. 0 r( 51.901 7.10 '.70 Rice (grain) . 0.20; 7.40 711201 0.40 0.40 Rice Bran .950 12.101 41).9(4 8.801 10.00 Rice H ulls . 35.70 3.60 38.60 0.70 13.20 Rye (grain) .1.7(. 10.60 72.50 1.70 1.90

Rve Bran .1 .7.(. . 3.50 14. 63.80( 2.-1 . 0

ea' (grain) 1.80 11.90 71.90 2.1(0: 1.
,4 102J.0 55 .40 1 2.2
Cow Pea . 4.10 55.70 Cow Pea Hay . 20.10 16.60 6 42.201 2.20 7.50 Velvet Beans and 111lls 9.2)) 1 1,.7) 51.30 1.501 3.3 0 Velvet Bean la .im 29.70 1 . 41.001 1.701 5.70 Beggarweed Hay . 24.70 2l.7l 30.201 2.8'0[ lo.!0
8lv :2.14 t7.4H1 80 0
Japanese Kudzu fay . 30.20 1.67! 6.87

Cotton Seed (whole) 23.20 18.40 24.70 19.90 3.50 Cotton Seed Hulls . I 44.401 4.0(0 36.60 2.001 2.60 Gluten Feed . i 5.20 24.00 51.20 1 0.60 1.10 Beef Scrap . . . 44.70 8.29 14.75 29.20


For the season of 1912 the fo]0lhwing "Slate values" are fixed as a guide to purchasers.
These values are based on the current lices of corn. which has been chosen as a standard in fixing lhe commercial values; the price of corn, to a large exleid, governing the price of other feeds, pork, beef. etc.:


Protein, 3.53 per pound-. . c per unit Starch and Sugar, 1.56c. per pound . per unit Fats, 2.52c. per pound . 70.5 e per unit

A unit being 20 pounds (1cV) of a ton. Indian corn being the standard (r, $33.00 per ton.
To find the commercial State value, multiply Ilhe per centages )y the price per unit.

EXAm'LE NO. 1.

HOMINY FEEl)P ro tein . Starch and] Sugar. Fat . . .

10.50 x 70.(i-, .6.0 x 31.2., . 7.85 x 70.:c.

State value per ton.


Protein . Starch and Sugar . F a t . . . .

State value per ton .

.10.50 x 70.6c, $- 7.41 .69.60 x 31.2c. 21.78 5.40 x 70.5c, 3.81

7.41 20.43 5.53

. $ 33 .3 7


There are frequent inquiries for formulas for various crops, and there are hundreds of such formulas published; and, while there are hundreds of "brands," the vari:ti ons in these grades are surprisingly fiitle. Dozens of "biands" put up by the same manufacturer are identical goods, the only difference being in the name printed on the lag or sack. A good general formula for field or garden might be called a "vegetable formula," and would have the following: Ammonia, 31-1/c ; available phosphoric acid, 6117c; and potash, 71/c. The following formulas will furnish the necessary plant food in about lhe above proportion. I have purposely avoided the use of any fraction of 100 pounds in these formulas to simplify them. Values are taken from price lists furnished by the trade, January
1. 1912.
For cotton, corn, sweet potatoes and vegetabhlcs: Ammonia, 317; available phosphoric acid, ;V, : potash, 71%.

No. 1.
Per Cent.
900 pounds of Cotton Seed Meal (7-2-1l) . 3.25 Ammonia 800 pounds of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent) . 6.4, Available 300 pounds of Muriate or (Sulphate) (50 per cent) 7.50 Potash 2,000
State value mixed and bagged . $28.11
Plant Food per ton . 343 pounds No. 2.
Per Cent.
1,000 lbs of Blood and Bone (64-8) .3.25 Ammonia 400 lbs of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent).t 7.00 Available 600 lbs of Low Grade Sulp. Pot. (26percent) 7.80 Potash 2,000
State value mixed and bagged . $29.04
Plant Food per ton . 360 pounds


No. 3.
Per Cent.
300 Ibs of Dried Blood (16 per cent) . :1.25 Ammonia
100 lbs of Nitrate ot Soda (17 per cent.01) Available 1,000 lbs of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent) . P7.b, Potash 600 lh) of !.ow Grae Silp. Pot.(26 per cent)

Sttt- vale mixed and banged . $20.01
1'lant Food per ton . . . I pounds

,i) .-PIIT ANI) VINE."

No. 1.

Frui'ti MIons. Surabur,'ies, l'ishi Potat , '.s: A r onia. 4 pet cent. Available Phosphoric Acid 7 or cent., Pctash 1) pecr cont.

t O 0 lbs of Blood -and Bon (6.,-8) . 400 I1) of M1' ale of Potash (5)U por -.'- n 50') lbs of Acid Phosphate (1 G pr euO . 100 11) of N rr t of Soda (17 per cent).

Sual value 1 0 1 1: l l g',. d .
PIln F(;od per f il . .

No. 2.

500 bs of Castor Pomace (6- 2 ppr cent) . 200 tls of SriPp. of Am. (25 per cent) . 900 lbs of Acid Phosphate ((6 per cent) . 400 lbs of Sol). of Pol. t 12 per ec t) .


Per Cent.

8 Avail:tble I Ammomia 1']' Pola >l[l

. $33.?:' . lw lllids

Per CenV.
4.01 Am'onia 7.70 availablee S9.; Pot qh

State value nd-ixed and bagged . $3.4.48 Plan! Food per Ioni . . 426 pOlllds No. 3.

500 lbs of Colton Sped Meal (7 -2 -t ) . 1,00 lbs o, Nitrate of Soda (17 per c ,nt) . 100 lb, of Sulp. of Am. (25 per cnt . 900 lbs of Acid Phosphate (16 per cenl) . 400 lbs of Sull. of Poash (48 per cent) .


Per Cent.

3 .97 An S.:,( ) Av S.97 Po

,a ihble tash "

Slate vaIlie mixed and lagge.d . $'34.27 Plant Food per ton . 425 )oulnds


\Ve frequently have samiples of soil sent in for analysis ad a req uest 1o advise as to the best methods of fe'tilizing'. Excepting in extreme cases, such as Reavy Clays. Puire Saed arnl il r1k Land, ire is bul little information to be derived from a soil analysis Ilt would be of benefit to farmers. So nuch depends on ti lh, drainage, culture an(1 other pylsica I con ldili is 111at an analysis made under labiialory conditions is 'ii little vaifae. In ihis connection w e quote froi tl.e Rkelwt (if 'ie Indiana Agriultmal Expenliient Siation, I ' m-ee iersi ty, of Lafarite Ind., us follows:

'ILIZE IEQ Pi1:EmENs.-The Chemical l)epart ment is called upon to answer hundreds of letters (of inquiry in i'ela tion to agricultural chemical lioblems fr-om people ;Ill over I-lie Sir te. in this connection it might t be well Io s:i v that here is a widespread idea that the chemist can analyze a sampiTle of soil and, without fm'ther knowledge of the conditions, write out a irescription of a fer'iilizer which will fill the needs of that pmlicular soil.
"The Experiment Station does not analyze samples of soil to determine -the fertilizer requiremen s. There is no chemical method known that will show reliably the ivailability of ihe plaint food elements present in the soil. as thIs is a variable factor, influenced by the kind of crop, le iype of soil. the climate and biological conditions; hence, we do not reconmiend this method of testing soil."
The method recommended lby the Indiana Station is the field fertilizer test or plot system, in which long, narrow strips of the field to be tested are measured off side by side. The crop is planted uniformly over earn. Different fertilizers are applied to the different plots, every third or fourth one being left unfertilized. The produce from these plots is harvested separately and

weighed. i this manner the farmer can tell whale [ertilizer is best suited for his needs. As cliluatic ocnditions may influence the kvied with different fertilizers, it is best to carry on such tesis for more than one year before drawin- deluite conclusions. There is positively no easier or shooter method of testing the ;oil that we fce safe in recommending.
Soil can be greatly improved by an intelligent rotation of crops, the conservation of stable inanure, a1 I(tie use of sote kind of commercial fertilizer. Farmers need have no fear that the proper application of ctmmer(l'i1ial 1o' tilizer wili injure flhe land.


We frequently analyze water for public use. jit3", town and neighborhood supplies; springs and artesian wells in which Ihe public is interested; and for i individuals when some economic question, boiler, lanndry or olher industrial use is to be decided. WE DO NOT AN\LIYZE XV.\'flCI FOR INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT WHEREIN TlE IIULIC 18 NOT IN TEREIESTED. -UI;Cli SA2M1PES SIIOUL) BE SENT To A COMMERCIAT, IAIBORATORY. Tti STATE LABORATORY DE):5 NOT 'OmPETE VITH COMMEICIALr. LAPDORATORIl-s. Also, w\e do riot make bacteriological examinations nor exatminlations for disease germs. Such examinations and analyses are made by the State Board of Heallh at Jacksonville.
We do not make a sanitary analysis, nor a comlplete quantitative determination, separating each mineral and slating the quanitiy thereof. Such an analysis would be costly in time and labor -ind of no real value to the inquirer. We determine the total dissolved solids in the sample and report them as parts per 1.000,000, naming the principal ingredienis in the order of their predomi-

nance. We lind Calcium Carbonate (lime), Sodium
Chloride (salt), Magnesium Sulphate (epsoiU sal s)
-oNTE.-We find Ihe waters of the State-springs, wells, driven wells and artesian wells-generally very pure and Aholesome, with but little mineral impurity and thai such as is not harmful. Except in cases of .,ross carelessness, in allowing surface w-ater to coiltainate the well or spring, the waters of the State are pure and whlesome. The deep wells of the Stale are inted for Iheir plrity and healthfiulncss.


Salllplles .f' Foods and I) t'rlus are daii uIndler speci at regulations. Aplivat ion should be made Io the (Aniinissioner or Agricultue or StWle (hemii o the nlessarv blanks, instructions, eic., for drawing, and transriutting samples of foods and drugs, including, drinks of all kinds.

R. E. ROSE, Slate Chemist, SPECIAL FERTILIZER ANALYST$;, lfi . L. lIEIMBUIP1 tR, \ssistaut Chemisi.
Samples uaken by Purchaser Uuder Se lion 9, Acl Approved M5,;y 22, 1l1.

PhosphoL~Ic Acid.

C- c.)l
s-I ~3 -~
.~ .~
0 t~ Ca
~ 1-4

Fertilizer . 2 89 3.S21 Fertilizer .2390 6.59 Fertilizer . 123911 6.17. Fertilizer . J23921 7.171 Fertilizer . 23931 15.10, Fertilizer No. 1 . 23 14 . Fertilizer No. 2.2395. Fertilizer . 2396 7. 13 Fertilizer . !2397[ 7.721 Fertilizer. . 12398 . Fertilizer . . 23991 6.,7l Fertilizer No. 1 . 12400 j.7;, Fertilizer No. 2 .1401 6.201 Fertilizer No. 3 . 124021 4.09 Fertilizer No. 4 . 12403! 4.761

6.381 4.421 10.SoU 7.14 1.46, S.ol 6.3, 0.8 7.221 5.031 0.82 5.8S 2.771 1.341 4.11 7.441 0.961 8.,t0 5.411 0.941 6.35 7.001 0.67 7.671 6.221 1.71 7,. 93[ 5.53 U.121 5.95, 8.74 t.53, 10.271 8.23 1.21i 9.44 6.81 1.211 S.07 4.871 1. 3; 6.171 5.081 1.07! 6.151,


0 0l



4.65! 12.05!1. A. Purry, Pomona, Fla. cz
5.18i 2. 7S S ' . Ninehy, MNiami, Fla.
4.691 5.9; I! F. Foy Ellenton, Fla.
3.65 5.801j. M. Johnson, Ellenton, Fla. 6.651 6. 03iHl. W. Skin.ner, St. Leo, Fla.
3.65 7. lid S. Ninchy, Miami, Fla. 3.651 11.15S. Ninchy, Miami, Fla.
4.42] 4.151. S. Coon, Kathleen, Fla.
4.211 9.31 H. D. Braddock, Crescent City, Fla.
5.6Gi 14.45 A. A. Roberts, Lil., Fla.
3.63 11.61 Win1. Riholran., Braeniown, Fla.
3.621 4.91 A moor Fetrz Wis., Jacksonville, Fla. 4.271 6.9\ Armour Fetvz. Wks., ,acisonvile, Fla. 5.021 6.11'Armour F ,trz. WXks., Jacksonville, Fla. 4.26[ 6.94Armour Fetrz. Wks., Jackscnville, Fla.



Phosphoric Acid.


Fertilizer No. 5 . 2404

Fertilizer . 2405 Fertilizer . 12406 Fertilizer . 2407 Fertilizer . 12408

Fertilizer . 2409 Ashes . 12410 Cyanamid . 12411

Fertilizer No. 2 . 2412 Fertilizer No. 1 . 2413 Fertilizer . 2414 Fertilizer . 2415 Fertilizer . 2416


10.30 9.85
14.11 7.09

Fertilizer . 24171 6.75 Fertilizer No. 1 . 2418i 12.82 Fertilizer No. 2 (Nitrate of,2419 .

6.02 6.35 3.61 6.26 10.44


8.21 6.19 10.51 6.38 8.81 6.30 7.58


0.86 2.50
1.94 1.92 0.63


3.36 1.26 1.16 2.13 1.00
0.12 3.651
. . I


6.88 8.85 5.55 8.18 11.07


11.57 7.45 11.67 8.51 9.81 6.42

5.74 4.75 4.75.


I 10.631

5.'21 4.29
2.98 5.09
4.17 4.241 4.18 15.331

6.83iArmour Fetrz. Wks., Jacksonville, Fla.
6.48J. R. Williams, Citra, Fla.
5.93 The Fla. Irrigated Farm Co., Astor, Fla.
8.841C. B. M.rran, Crescent City, Fla.
2.04 Farmers' Uion Warehouse Co., Cot- ptondale, Fla.
8.43E. R. Watson, Arcadia, Fla.
0.74iW. W. Cloveland. Jacksonville, Fla. . 0E 0. Painter Fertz Co., Jacksonville,
I Fla.
6.46 Walter Cliff, Crescent City, Fla. 10.061Walter Cliff, Crescent City, Fla.
2.07[L. Adams, Glendale, Fla.
6.67!Eaton Cliff, Crescent City, Fla. 10.37 J. E. Sanderson, Lakeland, Fla.
8.43. !,. E. Bullock. Crescent City, Fla. 11.61 M. Fu2nzzi & Co., Bellea~r, Fla. 46.401M. Fugazzi & Co., Belleair, Fla.

Fertilizer No. 3 (Sulfate of 2420 . . I . . 50.721M. Fugazzi & Co., Bellealr, Fla.
Potash.) I I I
Fertilizer No. 4 . 2421 10.5 .94 4.821 13.761 2.491 2.381M. Fugazzi & Co., Belleair, FlI.
Fertilizer No. "A69. .2422 13.81 4.751 0.921 5.671 2.641 14.561L. H. Polock, Lakeland. Fla.
Fertilizer (Hydrated Lime).12423. . . . . I Tracel 0.21 None IE. B. Shelfer Co., Havana, Fla.
fertilizer . i2424 . 5.68 1.171 6.851 0.26 12.55 J. J. W inn, Lakeland, Fla. Sulfate of Potash .425 . I 44.44[Indepenlent Fertz. Co., Jacksonville,
Fertilizer .2426 8.4O 7.11 1.14 8.251 5.201 7.97 C. B. Morran, Crescent City, Fla.
-ertilizer No. 1 . 124271 10.931 10.73 0.49i 11.221 2.161 2.09;J. V. Baggett. Holt, Fla.
Fertilizer No. 2 . 2428 13.00 9.62 0.411 10.031 1.931 2.021J. WT. Baggett, Holt, Fla.
Fertilizer No. 3 . 2429 6.661 5.90 1.14! 7.041 2.76! 5.86 J. V. Baggett, Holt, Fla.
Fertilizer . 24.',' 11.641 8.471 0.321 S. 7) 4.081 S 8.0911-. A. ei~rv, Pomona.
N itrate Soda N o. 1 :2 4,, . 4 1 . . ; . . I 8 -G . Ii. C i m iii. S anf , 'd Fertilizer . .2432 6.28 5.48i 1.02 6.50 4.60 N .26lf. A. e \v. An;hony
.I 7 3 71 , A.f.lbritton, lave 0a,
Kainit . 45. . . ji1 .1:7 \lit on a. Pineapple Mixture . 124.4 8.0. 10 7 0\V. L. Pr,, Ynhona.Z
Fertilizer No. 2415 . 24:15 -7.5 C 49 2.271 . 7 G, . .2 8 7.2a'V rn (liff . C iii (ity Ashes .24:6. . . . . 1.07, 11unrY Xi ni1 Tao> Acid Phosphate . 12437 . T17.021 ). !1 17. 3 . . The A. L. Wilon Co., Quincy Fertilizer . 1243S 10 .2 7.041 0.97 S.01! 2.261 2.83 Win. A\. hearingg , Chipley No. 10, Muriate Potash . 24 .I 52.15iH. P. Smith, D nerville.
Fertilizer . 2440 14.S1 9.161 0.341 9.5& 2.38 7.941J. P. Cue), urn, Crescent Cily. Fertilizer . 12141 10.09 7.86' 5.4 11.5 35.48 7.141M. D. i-Pr iS, Esto.
Fertilizer . 2442 9.51 12 .8, 0.25 12.61 2.68 1.471[1. E. Nosmith. Cypress.
Fertilizer . r244 ! . 8.71 0.59 9.101 3.28! 4.25 J. C. Smith. Luanna.
Fertilizer . 12441 1 10. 89 0 67' 11.56] 2.39, 3.661J. ('. Smith l anna. Acid Phosphate .2445, . 15.67 Q91 [6. 56'. 1 Clak, Mt. Plasenl ,.6 . 1.549 6 1 . . . S. H . 11i s o
Tankage .2446'. 12. . . . 11 , It.
Fertilizer No. 1 (Scott's 10-2-)124471 1L.57] 9.51 1.04 10.55 2.20' 2.71 S. 1-I. Puss, Corbr*t.
Fertilizer No. 2 (Bigbee 8-2-4)124481 9.921 9.02 0.85 9.87 2.031 3.511S. H. Bass, Corbett.



Phosphoric Acid.


Fertilizer No. 3 (V. C. Special 2419 12.(5 S .8! 0.52 2 9.3; 1.941 3. SH.i Bss. Corb.
8-2-4) i
Acid Phosphate No. 4 (Gould-20 . i 6.78 0.02 16. SO. S 1-. Bs. Corbett.
ino ,' 16, _ i
Acid Phos late Nn. 5 (Va.-124 .1 . 13.671 1 .0,i 17.97i . . i -. Bass. C(orbeti.
Carolina 1I I . . . ' S
Tobacco Screenings . 424 . . . . . . . ? Ashes No. 1 . 2453 . . -,.6SBostoo-Florida Toba S I I see.
Feriilizoi (Aches) No. 2 .,41. .1.591Bosion Fla. Tobacco Fertilizer No. 1 . 245,1 9. 1 .17 0.141 11 .A1 2.501 2.40''Frank fol :, rsto. Ferlilizer No. 2 . SQ2 15 S .2 45t 0.)7 i. 12 2.16. I) .S01F :k B sh. E.fjto.
Feriiliz('r . 124571 6.OS 6.501 1.03 7. 5 4.27 7.85113. W illuimson. Glen Fertilizr No. 1 (Acid Phos- 5 . . 13.47! 0.261 13.73! 4.281 1.261J. . ElIrde d & . L.

Fpr Iilizor No. 2 . ,9 C). 9. 321 0.29 10.71 2.13 2. 64! J. E Eldredge & J. L.
Fortilizc r No. 3 (Potash Acid) '2160 8.89! 0.331 9.22. . ,2 'J. F. Rilt ot',& .L.
Fertilizer No . 2-161[. 9.92[ 0.97' 10.89 . 9 1 9 1,U. N. Vicl:ers, ('onc Fertilizer No. 2 . '2.162 . 83' 01 1.1 1 1.171 2.82' 1.76 II1. N. Vichers, (Cone Fertilizer . 24621 7.04 7.781 0 . 4 1 .72! . I 5.16A. f, Vickers, ('one,,)

Co., Quincy. cco Co., TallahasCo., 'allahasseSt. Mary Glass, Cottondale

Class, Cottondale Glass, Cottondale ord.

Fertilizer .1. 2464 9.55 8.77 0.63 9.40 . . 4.771W. H. Johnson. Concord.
Acid Phosphate . 2465 . 17.56 0.09 17.65 . . G. W. Barber, ( oncord. 16% Acid Phosphate . 12466 . 16.831 0.12 16.95' . . !American Sumatra Tobacco Co.,Quincy Kainit 2467!. .i I . I 12.311Amnerican Sumatia Tobacco Co.Quincy
Acid Phosphate . 2468 . * 15.64 0.64 16.281 . 1FranlK Bush Esto. Fertilizer . . 2469[ 7.37 8.25 1.45 9.70 3.58' 4.34J. E. Suber, .unil)er.
Fertilizer . 2470! 7.45 11.28 0.9i 11.97 4.391 5.51C A. Van!andinghain, Juniper. Acid Phosphate . 2471 .1 16.79 0.09 16.88. American Sumatra Tobacco Co.,Quincy Acid Phosphate . 12472 . 16.38, 0.191 16.47 . . IA erican Sumatra Tobacco Co.,Quincy Acid Phosphate . 2473 . .16.101 0.08 16.181 . . .American Sumatra Tobacco Co.,Quincy Acid Phosphate . 24741 . I 16.411 0.111 16.52. i . American Sumatra Tobacco Co.,Quincy Acid Phosphate . 24751 . 17.50 0.17 17.67. . 'A . American Sumtra Tobacco Co.,Quincy Kainit . 247 . .1 13.50 Ameriean Sumatra Tobacco Co.,Quincy Kainit . 2477; . . .1. 1. 13. 1SiA.neriean Sunltra Tohacco Co.,Quincy
Kainit .247S! . .'. 13.30jAm(nrir Rut :atra Tobacco Co.,Quincy
nutphatc of Potash . 2479 . . . 46.08:nA-nrican Siniatra Tobacco Co.,Quincy g
.\itrate of Soda .24011. . . . . . r1( r.can S:,niti' a Tobacco Co.Quincy
Muriate of Potash . 124811 . . . . .I . I 48.88JAmorican Sume'ra Tobacco Co.,Quincy Fertilizer No. 1 . I2-lSti 9.401 8.49 0.00 8.49: 2.761 2.'9 W. S. WV!ite, Jay.
Fertilizer No. 2 . 2483 13.04 1.62j 0.80' 12.42, 2.00 2.15P\V. M. W hite. lay.
Fe~rtilizer No.2441.9 . 123'16 .5t . 1cs rad
Fertilizer No. 1 . 12485! . . 11.17! 0.621 11.791 2.14i 1.81;J. C. Diden, .ti on.
Fertilizer No. 2 . 12486 . 12.491 0.06 12.55 2.05i 1.90'D. C. Diden Milton.
Fertilizer No. 3 . '2487 . 11.09 0.30' 11.39 3.63 4.191D. C. Diden, Mil!on.
Fertilizer No. 4 . 2488 . . 11.24 0.15 11.9 3.82 4.13iD. C. Diden. Milton.
Muriate of Potash No. 5 . 2489 .48.351D. C. Diden, Milton. Fertilizer . 2490 . . 5.53 p 99 6.52 3.401 8.791A. A. Thomas. Fulford.
Fertilizer No. 1 . 12491 .! 9.20 1.22 10.42 2.001 2.91 Bristol Bargain Store, Bristol. Fertilizer No. 2 .492. 9.53 0.38' 9.911 1141 4.13 Bristol bargain Store, Bristol. 'ertilizer("Old Time Guano")2493' . 13.58 0.301 13.88j 1.64i 1.80[ . J. Barber. Cottondale. Fertilizer No. 1 . !24941. 1. 9.941 2.151 12.o9! 1.99i I .40 J L. Owens, Quincy.
Fertilizer No. 2 . 124951 12.251 7.62! 1.481 9.101 2.08i 2.521J. L. Owens, Quincy.





Acid Phosphate . 2496. Fertilizer . 2497 13.7L Acid Phosphate . 2498. Fertilizer (Acid Phosphate). 2499 12.06 F rtilizer ("Exhibit A") . 2500 12.61 Fertilizer ("Exhibit B") . 2501, 12.871 Fertilizer ("Exuibit C") . 25021 11.01 Fertilizer ("Exhibit D") . 25031 15.63 Fertilizer ("Exhibit E") . 2504! 10.50 Fertrilizer No. 3 . 25051 10.98 Fertilizer No. 5 . 2506 12.13i Fertilizer No. 7 (Acid Ph s- 2507 .I
Fertilizer No. 8 . 2508 9.53 Fertilizer No. 9. 2509 10.14 Fertilizer No. 17 . 2510 10.31 Fertilizer No. 18 . 12511 12 .35 Fertilizer . 2512 9.24 Fertilizer . 2513. Bird Guano . 2514. Fertilizer . 2515.

Phosphoric Acid.

18.07 11.52 17.65
15.03 10.651 10.711 10.49 10.37 11.28 10.56 12.39 17.071

8.64 10.85 8.351 12.19 10.19
7.80 12.29

0.36 0.261 0.6",j 1.901 0.13
0.5,1 0.421
0.67i 0.291 0.331
0.761 0.13i

0.94 0.07
2.25 1.13i 4 21 2.78 1.s11

18.43 . J. L. Owens, Quincy.
11.781' .2.42H1 A. Jones, MX.ilton. 18.26 . .W. J. Singietary, Grand Ridge. 16.93 . . M. R. & M. B. Sonterfitt, Holt. 10.78! 2.83, 3.86 S. G. Collins, Milton. 11.241 . 3.43S. G. Collins, Mitou. 10.911 2.15 4 .871S. G. Collins, Milton. 11.041 1.50 1.32 S. G. Collins, Mviton. 11.571 1.961 2.401S. G. Collins, Milton. 10.89' 2.47 2.17 Al. L. Smith, Nonia. 13.151 197 1.67 vi. L. Smith, Noma. 17.201 . . D. A. Smith, Esto.

8.78 2.73 3.081D. A. Sith, Esto. 11.79 1.35 2.48 D. A. Smith, Esto.
8.42 2.74. 2.731N. C. Pelham, Noma 14.44 1.52' 1.511N. C. Pelham, Noma. 11.32 1.531 3.121j. T. Sapp, Chipley. 12.01 5.401 12.761C. G. A. Griek, Lake Jackson. 15.07 12.35 2.021M. W. Carruth, Tampa. 10.03 2.181 2.50iJ. M. Owens, Quincy.

fly WiO.M SENT.

Acid Phosphate . 2516, . . 19.011 0.82' 19.83 . . .J. M. Owens, Quincy.
Acid Phosphate . 2517 . . 18.69 0.54' 1922.2 . . . ON- M. Owens, Quincy.
Fertilizer . 2518 .I 8.80 1.881 10.681 2.00i 2.171W, M. Owens, Quincy. Acid Phosphate . 2519. 18.01 0.25' 18.26 . I . .W. T. Owens, Quincy.
Fertilizer . 5201 988L .98 0.62' 1 60 2.0 12.00 Lvi Smith, Esto. Fertilizer (Meal Mixture). 2521 7.96 9.79 2.Z 12.041 3.75 2.19Levi Smith, Eto. Acid Phosphate . 25221 . 1S.15 0.46 18.611 . L. -.%. Owens, Quincy.
Fertilizer . 2523 . 10.331 0.60 10.91 2.:A5 2.09!N. Campbell & Sons, Jay. Aluriate of Potash No. 1. 2524'. 2.4] 53. 201A. T. Simmons, Corbett. Fertilizer No. 2 . 2525 11.17 9.33 1.36 '0.G9 2.25/ 2.351A. T. Simmons, Corbett.
Acid Phosphate No. 3 (16%).12526 .12.26i 0.84 12.-0 .A. T. Simmons, Corbett.
r ertilizer No. 4 . 12527 14.04 9.72 1.26' 10.981 2.201 2.06 A. T. Simmons, Corbett.
No. 1 Nitrate of Soda . . 2528 . I . . . 11 17.00. IDan Bolton, Milton. No. 2 Potash . . 2529 "". . . 7. . 45.40Dan Bolton, Milton. .-o. 3 Acid Phosphate . [25301. i. - 93 1 . . . , , -t
Peruvian Guano No. 1 . 125311 . 8.911 5.57] 14.48' 6.00 2.19A. J. Smith, Havana.
Peruvian Guano No. 2 .2532 9.60 5.64i 15.24, 5.70 2.371A. J. Smith, Havana.
Fertilizer .2538 . 7.89 0.591 8.4 ,.8? ,5i 5.3413Mx. D. Downs, Glory. Fertilizer . 25341 10.17, 8.71! 1.261 9.971 2.05 1.8410. J. Gross, Milton. Acid Phosphate . 2535 .16.42! 0.46 16.89 . . f. H. Dixon, Jay. Fertilizer . 2536 11.11 10.64' 0.801 11.401 6.251 1. 82A. C, Daugette, Pollard. Fertilizer .1 2537 4.71' 9.9-j 0.991 10. 92! 6.401 1.961L. J. Clark, Greensboro.
Fertilizer No. 1.128 1.411 10.2 0.86! 11.181 3.401 2.442. L. Smith, Esto.
Fertilizer No. 2 . 2539 13.34' 10.401 0.60 11.001 2.401 2.19 J. L. Smith, Esto.
IEertilizer No. 3 . 25401 12.52i 12.791 0.81 13.60 1.601 1.74 J. L. Smith, Esto.
Fertilizer No. 1 . 25411 .- 10.401 1.70i 12.10 2.151 1.36 G. E. & E. L. Suber, Juniper.
Fertilizer No. 2 . 125421 . 8. 42! 1.521 9.94 3.701 4.13G. E. & E. L. Suber, Juniper.
Fertilizer No. 3 .2543. I 13.011 0.51. 12.55 1.851 3.90 G E. & E. L. Suber, Juniper.
Fertilizer No. 2 . 25441 6.4.9 3.241 .731 4.70 7.271W . J. Chan)pell, Hastings.
Fertilizer (Phospho-Alkali). 12545! 8.17 9.381 3.94 13.321 3.45! 9.56!Seminole Tobacco Co., Quincy. Fertilizer . '25461 . I 8.611 0.341 8.951 3.601 10.701W . 11. Sistrunk, Boca Ratone. Fertilizer No. 5 (Bat Guano). [25471. . 0.00[ 0.401 0.17 ]M. V. Carruth, Tampa.


Phosphoric Aci&.


> 0

Fertilizer No. 9 (Bat Guano). 2548 . 00 .30 0.141M. W. Carruth, Tampa.
Fertilizer . 2549 9.50 8.361 1.29 9.651 3.30 2.35 Charlie Foster, Otahite. Fertilizer No. 1 . 2550 . 8.611 1.36 9.97 3.25 3.30 D. D. Martin, Otahite.
Acid Phosphate No. 2 . 2551 . .17.67 2.841 20.51 . . D. D*Martin, Otahite.
Fertilizer No. 1 . 2552 10.04 10.18 1.16i 11.34/ 2.20 1.40 j. W . Kelley, Otahite.
Fertilizer No. 3 . 12553 10.60 6.V41 1.151 7.791 2.25 2.83 J. W . Kellpy, Otahite.
Acid Phosphate No. I . 2554 . I 17.501 0.01! 17.511 . i . Frank Edker, Jay. Fertilizer No. 2 . 2555 . 9.671 0.271 9.941 2.051 2.52.Frank Edker, Jay. Fertilizer . 25561 10.36 10.21! 0.16i 10.371 4.601 5.531H. C. C. Herring, Glendale.
Acid Phosphate No. 2 . 2557 .I 17.941 0.191 18.131 . 1 . J. W. Kelley, Otahite.
Fertilizer . 2558 10.261 9.32! 0.051 9.371 1.901 9.25 The Southern Timber Co., Southport. Fertilizer No. 1 . 2559 12.731 11.15 1.721 12.871 2.151 1.40A. Edwards, Juniper. Acid Phosphate No. 2 .2560 . 18.27i 0.131 18.40 . I . .A. Edwards, Juniper.
Acid Phosphate No. 3 .2561. 15911 0.04 1.5.951 .A. Edwards, Juniper. Fertilizer No. 2 . i2562, 5.281 4.06, 7.57i 11.63 ,.851 6.55 W. A. Bisphane, Palmetto.
Fertilizer . 2563 10.55 9.9,3 0.47 10.40' 3.651 1.631J. R. Nelson, Dady. Fertilizer .2564 . I 9.81 0.13 9.94 2.841 6.44Harper & Barber, Cottondale.
Muriate Potash .2565 . . . .51.30 . W. Turner, Hosford.
Acid Phosphate . 2566.18.76 1.0 19.84 . . A. W. Turner Hosford. Nitrate of Potash . 2567 . . 13.051 44.36 E. 0. Painter Fertilzer Co.,Jacltsonville Fprtilizr . 2568 10.94 1 0.70 0.49 11.19 2.55 4.16IJohn A. Bailey, Milton.

Fertilizer No. 1 . 2569 10.06 9.94i 0.40 10.34 2.50 6.30 W. A. Sessoms, Bonifay.
Fertilizer No. 2 . 2570 10.38 9.711 0.60 10.31 .30 5.74[W. A. Sessoms, Bonifay.
Fertilizer No. 3 . 25711 9.511 8.06 0.46 8.52 2.50 6.53 V. A. Sessoms, Bonifay.
Fertilizer No. 4 . 2572J 11.78 12.01 0.64 12.65' 2.00 2.83 W. A. Sessoms, Bonifay.
Fertilizer No. 5 . 2573 11.25i 13.65 0.62 14.27! 1.90 2.17 'A. A. Sessoms, Boni;ay.
Nitrate Soda No. 6 . 2574 . 15.50 . W . A. Sessoms, Bonifay. Kainit No. 7 . 2575 .0. . . . . 12.82 V. A. Sessoms, Bonifay.
Fertilizer El . 2576 11.6610.37 1.22 11.59 2.25 2.44W. R. R. Senterflitt, Holt.
Acid Phosphate E2 . 25771 .19.69 0.52 20.21 . W. R. R. Senterflitt, Holt. Fertilizer . 25781 . 12.18 1.48 13.66 2.25 1.69 S. S. Robbins, Otahite. Fertilizer 1 (Acid Phosphate) 2579, 12.29 17.47 0.57 18.0t . M. R. & Mt. B. Senterfitt, Holt. Fertilizer No. 2 . 2580 9.78 10.71 0.30 11.01 2.00 2.52 M. R. & M. B. Senterfitt, Holt.
Nitrate Soda No. 3 . 2581 . . . .16.25. M. H. & M. B. Senterfitt, Holt.
Acid Phosphate No. 4 . 12582 . 14.941 2.211 17.15 . M. R. & M. B. Senterfitt, Holt.
Fertilizer . 2583 12. o6 6.18 0.37 6.55 4.40 8.90 Mrs. A. K. Williams, Hastings.
liertilizer No. 3 . .2584 8.591 12.05 0.74 12.79 2.25 1.94 J. E. Pitts, Noma.
Fertilizer No. 2 . 25851 4 69 10.75 0. 31! 11 .06 .3 9911. E. Pitts, Noma. Fertilizer . 12586 1 .5 1 4.32 9.3!i 12.62 2.10. 16.6, !H. S. Budd, Leesburg.
Fertilizer . 12587 C.55! 9.071 2.83' 11.90! 2.751 1.24 Geo. T. Johnson, Sullivan. P'ertilizer No. I . . . 258 1 . 212.11 0. 71 12.87' 1 .65 2.00'. L. Straughn, DeFuniak Springs.
Fertilizer No. 2 . 2589 . 12.051 ).461 12.51 1.60 2.02 T. L. Straughn, DeFuniak Springs.
Fertilizer .2590. 9. 87 1.431 11.30, 1.65 5.41, . J. Thomas, Milton. Ashes . 2591'. . . . . 5.001A. G. Davis, Jacksonville.
Fertilizer No. 1 . 125921. .9.941 1.171 11.11! . 3.76 A. J. Jernigan, Berrydale.
Fertilizer No. 2 . 2593! . 8.72' 1.171 9.891 2.25 2.89 A. J, Jernigan. Berrydale.
Fertilizer No. 1 . r2594. . 1 10.232 0.84' 11.17i . 4.191J. P. Beck, Berrydale.
Fertilizer No. 2 . 12595] 12.20 11.03 0.851 11.881 1.50 2.04 J. P. Beck, Berrydale.
Fertilizer No. 3.2596 . 11.24 0.32 1.56 2.85 1.80 J. P. Beck, Berrydale.
Fertilizer No. 4 . i2597i 9. 44I 10.75 0.05 11.101 1.65 3.011J. P. Beck, Berrydale.
Ashes.[259s . . 3.23'G. R. Calhoun Sanford.
Fertilizer . .2599 3.-3 9.01' 0.54! 9.551 5.20 13.571t. F. Pattisliall, Geneva.
Fertilizer No. I . 126001 11.751 7.821 0.35' 8.171 1.60! 4.271S. 1-. Bass, Corbett.


1 Phosphoric Acid. & C3

i 00 1 M 1

1 ertilizer N o. 2 . 2601 Fertilizer No. I . !2tI)2. Muriate Potash . 26-30. Fertilizer . . 2041 . . Acid Phosi'htat( . . 205. Fertilizer No. I . ;2C06 1u .sl Fertilizer No. 2 . 26 7 15. 05 Fertilizer No . 2N'S 1.4.91
Fertilizer . 12609 13.27 Fertilizer "H ' . . 2610 13.82 Fertilizer " .i2611 14.53 Fertilizer 'P . .2612 10.64 Fertilizer . 126111 . Fertilizr . 26141 3.69 Fertilizer . 26151 6.S7 Fertilizer No. 1 . 1616 6.76 Fertilizer No. 2 . 2617 6.811 Fertilizer No. 2 .2618 6.89 ,2id Phosphate No. 2 . 2619. Fertilizer 1 . 12620 18.411 Fertilizer . 126211 19.351

111 .71 i.97

9.29' 16 .13 7.741

10.43 7.72 10.53 6.041

5.91)~ 9. 31
6.941 8.22 17.181 8. 031 7.951


1.611 12.,2- ,l.70 .3.91,S. 11. Bass, Corbett.
1.92. it.89] 2.55 5.49iHlton Cash Store, Milton. . . 50.6 A. NV. Turner, Hosford.
2.421 l1 .,i 3.901 5.7 -R. E. Rose, Hallahassee. 1"10i 17.22 . E. Cooley, Sullivan.
1.97: 9 -, 0 1.69 M. D. Downs, Glory.
1.l i0.2 2.60 5.201M. D. Downs, Glory. o. 9S 10.15i 2.55i 5.29 R. M. Morris. Glory. 0.761 9.451 2.051 2.001J. E. Bo vett, Otahite.
0.34 10.771 2.001 2.171J. E. Boyette, Orahite.
0.45 8.17 1.901 1.71:J. E. Boyette, Otahite. 0.871 11.40 2.63 2.07 J. E. Boyette, Otahite.
0.2.5i 6.29' 3.18 11.061J. W. Allen, Ozona.
0 ! 10.421 3.9, 6.07[F. F. Thomas. Narajo.
0.95 6.94i 2.10 6.32J. R. Johnson, Hawthorn.
0.1 J 9.441 5.34 6.46 %W. R. Altman, Bridges. 0.171 7.111 1 6.VJJ 4. R. Altman, Bridges. 0.20i 8.421 5.49i 6.46 \V. R. Altman. Bridges. 0.13 17.31 . . IJ. AV. Conley, Berrydale. 0.711 8.71 2.3331 1.45!J. AV. Cooley, Berrydale.
0.551 8.50! 2.261 1.371E. B. Beck, Berrydale.

F ertilizer I . !2 '221 6 F ertilizir 2 . 12 ;239 . Feqtiliz r 1 . 129) 24 1 1 F etrtilizer 2 . . ,. Acid Phu- .l-ate N ). 8 . 2;; . 1''erflizer N). 1 . Y Fertilizer No. 2 .2 . F fertilizer . . ; 1 . Slb. (S. 2. Iris) . 2',': . Fertilizer . 26 ' 4. ' IFertiliz r . . . 2 �0. i
N itrate of Soda . ;2,; .:, 1 Fertilizer N o. 1 . 2624, 8, ,) Fertilizer No. 2 . .:'5; 6.


i .(;2! . '.

I : I 1 . i


10.9" 15 57i 3.621
., 10. 93 '.2! 1 2. 12.1! 1. 5 0.I'' [2.5; 1 .7't i" 2 17 . .
1.51 10. 61 4. 1:1 0. G I 10. ,7 2.29"i
0.431 12.);,! 2.25
9.,;0 18.5; . . .
0.15[ 9.� 2.191
0.51 ll.2Hj[ 1.931 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 , '
0 .15 12 2 1.5N 0. :,- 12.8"1 '-' 99 -

Muriate 'ota-h No. 1 . . . Nitrate S da No. 2.,. . . . . Fertilizer No. 81 Mobile ,!2 a , .ct 9. 72 2.8.5 12. 57
ard) I A


7.851W. C. Edminston, Auburndale. 6 19 W. C. Edminston, Auburndale. .to i. -M. S nterfitt, Holt. 1.61 '. Al. Sen terfitI. Holt.
. Il S!t,'tTr Rol
4. 4 . N. Jones, Quincy. 3.81 ' N. Jones, Quincy.
2.25 ',alcin Jnes, Dady. . . 0. Painter Fortz. Co., Jacksonvil,.
9.0% 0. P. Walker, Belleair. 1.97 . '. 'lae, RFed Rock. . ;. A. Morris, Floyd. 2.62,Jff ,. Jone: , Jay. 2.311 Jf W. Jon', Jay. 50.241H. W. Padett, Red Rock. . 11', W. Padgett, Red Rocr. 1.43;1. '. Padgelt, Red Rock.

Acid phospliate No. 4 . 2 7.9 1 . 19 0 . . . I. . Padget. Red Rock.
Fertilizer . [2640. 12. 19 2. 28 1- .77 7.19 .21V V . M Carr th, Tampa. Tobacco Stens . . . . . . 2 77 5.9 11 IN. Cross. Orlando.
Fertilizer . .642 .6 ,' 4 .9'; 7. 94, . 77 5 "5 itrdendent Fertz. Co., Jacksonville. Tro ige. .3213 . 15. . . . 7 A . 1 M. Coarsey, Tam pa.
Cotton Seed ?,eal . !294 1 . ." . . . . : C-97 .l N. Hoofna le, Ft. Pierce.
hard Wood Ashes .;45,. . . .11 Tpa FertilIzer Co., Tampa. Fertilizer No. 1 . 294 . . 4.73! 16.! 1 4 7 2.56 7. 74 D. L. Austin, Tampa.
Fertilizer No. 2 . G47; . 2.8I S 11 .15 3 571 5.1411). L., Austin, Tampa. erilizer . 2618 . 10.56 1. 36i 11.2 4.08 1 6 . J. Ricon. Stuart. I rld Blood . 126Vj . . . . 16.S:1 . C. A. Van Duzer, Viking.
Ir l:zer. . 126 W . ! 2.22! 0.69' 12.9": 1 .84 1.22,A C. Kelly, Vernon.
Acid Phosphate "A.:2 1511 . 17.69! 0.42 18.121 . . IJ. 1. Langley, DeFuniak Springs. Fertilizer "B" . 2652' . 9.62 0.64 10.26' 1.06 2.33j. I. Langley, DeFuniak Springs.


Phosphoric Acid.

~ ~ I

Fertilizer "C" . . 126531 . 1 9.981 1.68, 11.6611 2.05 Fertilizer . 2654 6.22 5.97 0.12 6.09 5.221 Fertilizer . 2655 6.83 . 8.51 6.971 L, ish Guano . 2656 10.98; 4.191 0.59! 4.781 0.711 Cotton Grower Guano . 2657 11.o9j 5.211 0.471 5.681 0.91, Fish Guano . 2658 10.581 4.261 0.541 4.80 0.731 Cotton Grower Guano . 2659 11.1 , 5.17, 0.41 5.55J 0.851 Fertilizer . 2660 . 8.88 0.521 9.401 0.791 Fertilizer No. 1 . 2661 11.251 7.891 0.331 8.221 3.36! Wood Ashes No. 2 . 2362 . .'. . I Fertilizer . 2663 6.23 . . . 7.771 6.961 A shes . 2664 . .I . . I . I 'lankage . 2665 . . . I .I 18.651 4.94 Hardwood Ashes . 126661 . . . . . v _rtilizer . 126671. 3.981 0.751 4.731 1.191 Fertilizer No. 1199 . 2668 14.60 6.511 1.291 7.801 4.091 Guano No. 1200 . 2669 . 10.771 8.931 19.701 3.15' Nitrate Potash . 26701 . . . 12.491
Fertilizer . 12671 11.651 0.40 5.411 3.981 Fertilizer . 126721 9.891 7.32! 2.04, 9.36i 4.96!




2.27 J. I. Langley, DeFuniak Springs.
6.48 W. B. Coggins, Wiersdale.
4.61iJ. G. May, Ft. Pierce.
0.621Tcbe Kennedy, Milligan. 0.83!Tobe Kennedy, Milligan. 0.62lCharlie Bracker, Milligan. 0.78ICharlie Bracker, Milligan. 0.56iCharlie Bracker, Milligan.
8.80lEd M. Gross, Orlando. 2.97lEu M. Gross, Orlando.
5.371John W. Davis, St. Lucie.
2.891E. B. Brown, Sanford. . .Dr. F. Philips, Orlando.
4.75!'Mnatee Co. Supply Co., Manatee.
4.461A. B. Sanders, Miami. 7.77!C. M. Mallett, Tampa. 0.221C. M. Mallett, Tampa. 45.081E. 0. Painter Fertz. Co., Jacksonville.
7.501. T. Swalley, Winter Haven.
8.201E. L. Vanderipe, Manatee,


Potash, Silicate . 2673. Fertilizer . 2674 13.50 6.53' 3"2.441 "9 97 5.481 Fertilizer .267 3.61 6.90' 6.69 13.59 2.93
Fertilizer No. 1 . . i2(76 12.911 9.171 0.22 9.39 2.07 Fertilizer No. 2 . 2677 26.641 S.081 0.62 S.70 1.26 Fertilizer . 2678 11.08 8.42' L.i51 .87- 2.931 Floats . 2679 . 4.04 27.90 31.94 . Fertilizer . .2680 8.50 5.48 0.09 5.57, 4.18 Fertilizer . 2681 16.44' 6.611 0.301 6.91 2.45 Dried Blood . 2682 . 1547 1 ertilizer "X" . .63. 6.81. 704 3.68
Fertilizer "Z. . 26841 . 6.74 2.24 8.98 4.27 Fertilizer No. 1100 . 2685 . 10.00 0.04 10.04 3.84 Fertilizer No. 1122 . 2686, 5.59 7.36 2.23 9.59 3.41 Fertilizer No. 200 . 12687 7.25, 5.66 0.69 6.35 6.03 Fertilizer No. 20' . 2688a 7.66. 6.86 2.36 9.22 5.23 Fertilizer . 26891 7.46,. . 0.77 4.01 Fertilizer . 2690 6.76 . . 0.44 5.13 Fertilizer No. 1 . [2691. 6.531 0.261 6.79 2.48 Fertilizer No. 2 . 2692. . 5 0.191 5.78 3.66 Cotton Seed Meal No. I . 2693 . .7.77
Acid Phosphate No. 2 . 2694. 16.02! 0.57 16.59.
Sulfate of Potash No. 3. 2695 . . .
Sulfate of Potash No. 4 .' 2696 . . . . . Bat Guano . 26971 . 7.81 10.10 Fertilizer No. 1 . . 2698i 10.50 5.11 0.98 6.09 2.32 Fertilizer No. 2 .12699 11.77 6.76 1.04 7.80 2.24 Fertilizer . ,2700 10.68 9.61 1.35 10.96 4.37 Fertilizer No. 1 . 2701 6.63 5.37 0.12 5.49 7.20 Fertilizer No. 2 . 2702 8.70 6.24 0.07 6.311 2.70 Fertilizer . 7031.6.46 1.47 7.93, 3.44

0.50iCarl Teerling, Savannah, Ga
4.481J. Blake, Gary. 22.14 E. P. Blanton, Brandan.
2.37 T. L. Straughn, DeFuniak Springs. 1.24 T. L. Straughn, DeFuniak Springs. S.26 A. T. Hartman, Gainesville. .C. M. Knott, Tampa.
9.73 M. L. Reynolds. Ocala.
7.1UStandard Fertilizer Co., Gainesville. . Standard Fertilizer Co., Gainesville. 14.27,Miss Philena Griffes, Tampa. 12.14 Miss Philena Griffes, Tampa. 12.45 W. I. Kirkhuff, Tampa. 12.93 W. I. Kirkhuff, Tampa.
8.281E. H. Folk, Tampa.
7.17 E. H. Folk, Tampa.
5.31 A. E. Rellis, Stuart.
7.89 L. C. Kickliter, Stuart. 11.94 J. K. Christian, McIntosh. 7.74 J. K. Christian, McIntosh. . J. S. Price, Ellenton. . J. S. Price, Ellenton. 47.7uJ. S. Price, Ellenton. 48.28.J. S. Price, Ellenton.
3.10 -I. R. Overstreet, Kissimmee.
9.93 J. M. Holding, Dania. 8.26 J. M. Holding, Dania.
8.12 Toney F. Senla, Sanford.
4.48 M. L. Reynolds, Ocala. 11.01iM. L. Reynolds, Ocala.
9.381C. B. Morrow, Crescent City.

. 7. ROSS, State Chemisi. OFFICIAL. FERTILIZER ANALYSES. 1911. L. HEI BURGER. Asst. Chemist
Sajip!,'s aken lv Siate C! enust Under Setc'io,; I 21, Act Approved May 22, 1905.

F . Phosphoric Acid. - B

pecial Fruit and Vine . ll612,Guarant'd Aral sis 8. 6.001 1.00 7.00f 3.001 13.00 The Gulf Fertz. Co., Official Anal, s. 4.81! 7.34 1.17 8.51; 3.251 11.77 Tampa, Fla.
1 I I
)range Tree Grower . 11611Guarant'd Analsisl 8.001 6.001 1.00 7.00 5.00 6.00The Gulf Fertz. Co., Official Analygis.i 9.411 6. 1 0.44 7.31 5.421 6.11; Tampa, Fla. )range Fruiter . '6141Cnarant'dAnalysisl 10.001 6.001 1 00 7.00 4. 00 11.00!The Gulf Fertz. Co.,

I Official A'talysis. .78 S. 7! (F.$1 9.60 4.401 7.93 Tampa, Fla.

anmpa Fruitr . 1615 G1arilntd AudasI ] 8.00 6. 1.)01 .4.00 12.001Tampa Fertz Co., Tam1350 1 Va ,sis. 2.T78 6. 0i 2.S51 9.75 4.481 13.801 pa, Fla. S.0 6 ! 00 1 2.00 . Fe)z
Fruit and Vine . 161(;G,nrt'iad Ana,3 8.0F 12.00 Tampa Fertz. Co., TamOfficial Analysis- 51 6.5!6.9 12.241 2.241 11.92 pa, Fla.
ligh Grade Vegetable . 11617 Gar ia! d alysis 800 1 O 301.4. 00 6.00:Tampa Fertz. Co., TamI lOfficini Analvsisi. 6.721 9.95 1.02i 10.97 4.451 6.421 pa, Fla.



C T1 15

Cr C;

Germofert Fruit and Vine. 1618 Guarant'd Analysis IOfficial Analysis.,. i

Germufert Orange Tree 1619 Guarant'd Analysisi Grower . .I Official Analysis.

Orange Fruiter Special. . lG,62Ol .uar 'd. .i Official Ana,lysis.

Germofert H. G. Vegetable 162 Gurant'd Analysis; Official Analysis .
Blood and Bone . Of622Juarali Analyssis!
Of facial Analysis

Gem Potato Manure . 1623'Guarant'd Analy sisl O'ficial Analysis.

Simon Pure No. 1 . 1624:Gln Ai-mlysis
Olfle! Ar._1ysis. I

Simon Pure Special No. 2. 16251Gui',nt'd Aalvsis!
, Official Analysis_.

Simn Pare Sp-cial No. 1. 1 ,L.i* � , al .c' nIys

if ' ,jn~ . 0 '

(aI aI 1o a i ,.
I lcl ,t('lf 1. tl ,,aliili!-" . 1032"f, , , 0,' .\ 21"-.; V )f i

2.0S! 5.001 5 .06

5.40[ 10.00

S. 0 o 8.01![ 7. 621

C i

.001 9.00 . 3.7,: 9.13i 13.36
00.,,) .
4.21i 2.01 1., 49 6. 00 2.ooi .

o-00 7.0. .
-4O 9 .6)' 12.,881

4.00 100.

5.00 1.001 6. 001 . .00 1 . 1
7.-17: 0.1i5 7.G 21

.0 2.00i.
6. 61 0.041 6.701

(.! i 1 9, 7 . 1)S

2. (i 12.00'Tampa Fertz. Co., Tam2.26 13.18 pa, Fla.

4.00 5.001Tampa Fertz. Co., Tam4.52 . 11 pa, Fla.

2.00 I.00]Tampa Fertz. Co., Tam2.7:2! 1 .71. pa, Fla.

4.001 (;.00Tainpa Fertz. Co., Tam.~). 1_ j pa, Fla.

6. . Independent Fertz. Co.,
6.20' . . Jacksonville, Fla.

4.001 1.00 . 0. Painter Fertz. Co., ,
3.97] 12.08 Jacksonville, Fla.

4.01)1 11 .00 1E 0. Painter Fertz. Co.,
4.65 12.951.acksnville, Fla.

4.01 6.00 E. O.Painter Fertz Co.,
5.88 7.721 ,T cksonville, Fla.

2.0o (I1.0 . 0, -ainter Fertz. Co.,
2. M.IS' JacI sonville, Fla.

15.0o . . 0. Painter Fertz. Co., 14.7W'.' .l. saonville. Fla.

G0 00, .0 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 5.;x 5. 7, Co., JaeRsonvillp, Fla.

I : 7 .


Phosphoric Acid.



Special Fruit and Vine Ma- 1629 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 nure .I . Official Analysis. 6.051 Original Ideal Fertilizer. .O.Guar Analysis 8.001 1630 uaat Analysis1 .0
Official Analysis. 7.56!

Special Mixture No. 1 . 1631 Guarant'd Analysisl 8.00 Official Analysis. 8.671
Peruvian Orange Tree 1632 Guarant'd Analysis 8.001
Grow er . Otfcial Analysis.-. 9.40

Seminole Tree Grower. 1633 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 Official Analysis. . 7.73,

Ideal Fruit & Vine Manure 1634 Guarant'd Analysis' 10.001 Official Analysis. 7.',5

Ideal Vegetable Manure.'. 1635 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 lOfficial Analysis. 9.08



.0oo 1.00.

1411 0.65 . 5001.00,. 9.0 2.84 12.21

6.00! 0 .
6.93 0.52 7.451 6.00 .
6.56 2.061 8.621 6.00 .,.
6.0 0.09 .7.18
7.791 . '

6.'001 . . .
6.69 0.35 7.04

6.001 1.001.
6.77. 0.70 7.47i



4.00 13.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 4.45 13.67, Co., Jacksonville, Fla.

4.001 6.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 4.381 4.91 Co., Jacksonville, Fla. w

5.00 5.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 4.52j 6.531 Co., Jacksonville, Fla. 5.00 8.O1 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 4.92k 7.811 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.

4.00 8.00AVilson & Toomer Fertz. 4.41 8.631 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.

3.001 10.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 4.11k 10.2411 Co., Jacksonville, Fin.

4.001 8.00[Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 4.24 8.511 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.

Armour's Watermelon Spe- 1636Guaraut'd Analysis 1u.00
cial . .Official Analysis. 6.24,
hrinour's "Star" Bean11637 Guarant'd Analysis lo.001
Ar's"i. . (.Official Analysis. .; 6. 671
ertlhzer ~ . Guarant'd Analysis

Armour's Lettuce Special. a 10.00
I Official Analysis. 6.16

Armour's Largo Special 1639 Guarant'd Analysisl 10.001 Tree Grower . .Official Analysis. .1 6.80;

A o'V l 1640 Guarant'd Analysis' 20.001 Official Analysis. 7.161
1. 6

Armour's Blood, Bone and1641 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00,
Potash . I Official Analysis. 7.911 Oat Special .11642,Guarant'd Analysis 10.00L

'Official Analysis. 10.92

Armour's Fruit and Vine. 1643 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 I ]Official Analysis. 5.88 Tomato Special . 1644 Guarant'd Analysisl 10.001 Official Analysis. 7.70

Bradley Florida Vegetable.11645iGiimrant'd Aalysis1 10.001 Official Analysis. 9.79I

Bradley Florida Fruit and16461Guarant'd Analysisl 10.00 Vine . I Official Analysis. "1 7.23


5 94!

5.00 5.81

7.00 6.90

8.00 7.60

9.001 8.56

6.00 5.641 6.001 6.281

5.501 6.481

1 .00i . 2.11] 6.93!

1.90 .7.841

2.40 .4S

1.001 . 1.78 7.9

2.00 . . 2.69 9.59

1.00 . 1.32 8.92

1.00 . 1.961 10.52

1.221 6.86 1.001 . 1.43j 7.711
1 1
1.00 i . I 1.101 7.901

1.00 . 1.07 7.55



7.00 6.46


4.00 4.23/

5.00 5.08

3.00 3.061

2.881 5.001

4.001 3.891

4.251 4.351

. 001Armour Fertz. Works. 17.95 Jacksonville, Fla.

.00, iArmour Fertz. Morks.
6.511 Jacksonville, Fla.
4.00 Armour Fertz. Works,
5. 68 Jacksonville. Fla.

6.001Armour Fertz. Works,
6.38] Jacksonville, Fla.

6.00 Armour Fertz. Works,
6.32 Jacksonville, Fla.

7.00 Armour Fertz. Works, , 7.08: Jacksonville, Fla. e

3.00!Armour Fertz. Works,
3.841 Jacksonville, Fla.

11. 00 Armour Ibertz. Works, 10.94 Jacksonville, Fla.
8.00 Armour Fertz. Works,
8.411 Jacksonville, Fla.

5.001Am. Agricul. Chem. Co.,
4.731 Jacksonville, Fla.

10.00 Am. Agricul. Jhem. Co., 10.55 Jacksonville, Fla.


High Grade Orange Fruiter 116 Amiecan Standard Guano.[,C Villians & Clark Vegetablei11 Bradley Orange Tree . 16

-WNiliiams & Clan, Fruit and 16 V ine . i-azaretl i Early Trucker.i]6 Coiton Seed Meal . i1t


Phosphoric Acid.

,rr I I-

471Cunant'dinlysiw). . .nj
4.501 10.751 0 2 6 I, 21 7 .8 O4S mutr',,'J A 'ai,- i ' .1,! \ S0 2 . . 2.091
.O i iilA j i s. 1 0.o .0J 1.,)I 1 .23, 1.76

-!9l , C uLtI, ti A a !'-Js I:'.0t i 6 .0i . 1 .00 . 4 .100 Official k h , is . '0.r ')i 1.75 7.,851 3.941 (0 Cuarant'd Anal lj. I ,.0, 1 .1. .hil
Official Anah s . . 5. 70, -0 1 5 S.501.S7i i (u;:r'nxI'd Analvsis l0.Oil 5. 25 5 W 3 . 1 2.25i
'Of.i kn6.i71s., .07 .,3 1.41 8. 11 2.1
652i00 0; . 5.0. . "0,;O~
. . . . 1' ; ,Kc , 0'' .,ii 2.00). . 5.00 Sf1 iii ' S . . . !. . 7 5 0!
1 1 'n! n a y is . . . .[ . . . . . 28 8 . .



13.001Am. Agricul. Chem. Co., 13.13f Jacksonville, Fla.
2.00Ani. Agricul. Chem. Co.,
2.331 Jacksonviihe, Fla.

5.001Arn. Agricul. Chem. Co.,
5.451 Jacksonville, Fla.
5.00Am. Agricul. Chem. Co., .1.69! Jacksonville, Fla.
l IO0Am. Agricul. Chem. Co., 10.21! Jacksonviile, Fla.

5.00 An. Agricul. Chem. Co.,
1.79 Jacisonville, Fa.

].50 The Southern Cotton Oil . I Pensacola, Fla.

No. 2 Orange Tree Mixture i C541(uarant'dAnaiysisI official Analysis.

Lettuce and ('uie Special. .655 (Tha.
O'lieia, Analysis.

Cotton Special . 1656 Giarantd AnalyIs S OfPieial Aip!lysi;. .-i

No. 1 Peruvian and Fish1657 6uarlI't'd Ainalysis
Guano . Official Analysis.

Fish and Potash . 165 uarant'd Analy isi 'Official Analysis.

Our Golden Fruiter . G1659 uarant'd Analysis !Official Analysis.

Bean and Pea Special . 1660,(uarqnt'd Analysis: Ofiieiol Analy Nsis-.
No. 3 Blood, Bone & Potash 1661' Gua rtnt'd Anai\.xL; S Official Analysis.1

Cotton Food . 1662 Guarant'd Analysis: I Official Analysi6.

Standard Vegetable No. 1. . 11a63YGaar'd Analysis!
lOffi"cl Analysis. I

German Kainit . 1664 Guarant'd Analysisl I Official Analysis.!

12 I,


12 10 12






.00i G.0 ) 0 2.6,' . I : .46 G .l 0.5) ;.751 2

00 .00 .i
.20j ;. 25! 1 5!, . .

.0 6.00; 1.00 . 2 .151 6.:11 1.18. 7.S91 2

. 0' 5. 00 1. 00 . 1 4 .24! 7.40 1.471 8.871 4

.oo 2.50 2.50 . 6 .141 2.701 1.391 4.09! 6

.001 '3.00 1 i l . 1 3 .251 7.49 0.22 7.72, 3

2i 6.00 1.2 . 2 S; '< 67' ('.4! i 9.161 2 .00!, 5.00 2.10 . . 4 .83 6.37; 1.581 7.951 4

.00l 6.001 1.00. 3 .021 8.40' 1.42 9.82 . 3

01 5.00' 1.001 6.00 4 .81' 5.25 0.89 6.14 3
. . . . . . I . . . . . . i


;. 0




S0{ 9.2

0: 5. 00i1To! ida. Fertilizer Co., Si 9.5101 Gaine-sville, Fla.

01 4.0j Flori a F .rtilizer Co., 8' 2.21 C'ain, .sville, Fin

9: 2. 0YF!orioa Fertilizer Co. 11 2.561 Gainesville, Fla.

0i 5.00lFlorida Fertilizer Co.,
6 3.32 Gainesville, Fla.

0, 5.001 Florida Fertilizer Co., :3 5.60, Gainesville, Fla. 01 !3.00 Florida Fertilizer Co., c

51 14.10S Gaicnsville, Fla.
I Io
01 8. )0I' orda Fertilizer Co.
1 7.151 Gainesville. Fla.
0 1 4.OFFlorida Feitilizer Co., 31 4.67i Gainesville, Fla.

01 4. 00'Florida Fertilizer Co,.
0 3.68, Gainesville, Fla.

0! 6.00 Stan,.!ird Fertilizer Co.,
2 8.!,61 Gainesville, Fla.

12.00!Standard Fertilizer Co., j 13.591 Gainesville, Fla.




Marianna Special . 1665 Guarant'd Analysis 10.001 Official Analysis. 11.69

Plantation Special . 1666 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 Official Analysis. 13.941

Field Crop Special . 1667 Guarant'd Analysis 10.001 I IOfficial Analysis.1 12.281
Carolina Special . 1668 Guarant'd Analysis 12.00i Official Analysis. . 11.121

Stern's Ammoniated Raw 1669 Guarant'd Analysis 15.00I Bone Super Phosphate. Official Analysis. 9.891

High Grade Acid Phosphate 1670 Guarant'd Analysis 15.00 lOfficial Analysis. .

Farmer's Choice . 1671Guaraut'd Analysis! 15.001 Official Analysis. I 13.511

Phosphoric Acid.

0 5 0
0S 0 *0

10.00 10.01 10.00
10.28 8.00 8.951 8.00 5.22 8.00
10.09 16.00 14.61 8.00 10.04


I I 2.00IGulf Chemical Co., Mari0.56 10.57 2.30 2.36 anna, Fla.

1.00 .4.001 4.00 Armcur Fertz. Works,
0.49 10.77 3.851 3.74 Jacksonville, Fla. j'

1.00 .3.001 6.00Armour Fertz. Works,
0.69 9.64 3.28 5.56! Jacksonville, Fla.
3.00 3.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 1.61 6.83 3.48 4.94 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.

1.001. 2.00 2.00 Standard Guano&Chem. 0.84 10.93 1.93 1.98 Mfg.Co.,N. Orleans, La.

1.001. . Standard Guano & Chem. 0.951 15.57 . . Mfg.Co.,N. Orleans, La.

1.001. 2.001 2.00'Standard Guano & Chem. 0.441 10.48 2.54 2.06! Mfg.Co.N. Orleans, La.

Lettuce Special . 11672 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 4.00 2.00 6.00 6.50 5.00 The Gulf Fertilizer Co., Official Analysis. 11.92 6.26 0.96 7.22 5.45 6.38 Tampa, Fla. Sweet Potat Special.1673 Guarant'd Analysis 8.Oj 6.00 1.00 7.00 3.50 5.00The Gulf Fertilizer Co., Official Analysis . 9.981 6.60 2.78 9 28 3.56 5.22 Tampa, Fla.
Cane and Corn Special . 1674 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 6.00 1.00 7.00 3.00 5.00 The Gulf Fertilizer Co., Official Analysis. 10.35 7.22 1.30 8.52 2.651 5.84 Tampa, Fla.

Fruit and Vine . 1675 Guarant'd Analysis 10.001 6.00 1.00 7.00 3.00 10.00 The Gulf Fertilizer Co., Official Analysis. 11.21 9.19 0.95 10.14 3.42 6.90 Tampa, Fla.

Potato Fertilizer.11676 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 5.00 1.00 . 3.00 4.501Ocala Fertilizer Co., Official Analysis. 17.54 8.72 0.03 8.75 2.65 3.74 Ocala, Fla.
Superior Tomato Fertilizer 1677 Guarant'd Analysis 10.001 5.00 1.001. 4.00 5.001Ocala Fertilizer Co., .
Official Analysis. 10.631 5.74 0.39 6.1 3.67 595 Ocala, Fia.

Superior General Trucker. 1167S Guarant'd Analysisl 10.001 5.00! 1.00r . 3.50 7.00 Ocala Fertilizer Co., I Official Analvsis. . 10.001 6.49 0.28! 6.77 3.45 6.96, Ocala,. Fla. I I I h I
Superior Vegetable Fertili- 16791Guarant'd Analysisl 10.001 6.001 1.001 . . 4.00 8.001cala Fertilizer Co., zer . .Official Analysis. 1 10.381 5.771 0.53i 6301 3.781i 7.04 Ocala, Fla.

Tankage No. 2 . 1680IGuarant'd Analysis . I . i . . I . I . jOcala Fertilizer Co., ]Official Analysis. I . . . . .13. .Oala, Fla.
Germofert Fruit and Vine. 1681Guarant'd Analysisl 9.1.001 3. 2.00 1Tampa Fertilizer Co.,
2.010.72OTampa, Flizr o.
Official Analysis. 2.611 3.80 9.93 13.73 2. 201 10.721 Tampa, Fla.
I I1
Germofert Lettuce Special. 16821Guarant'd Anqlysis 5.001 5.001 7.001 . 1 5.00 3.00ITampa Fertilizer Co., jOfficial Analysis. 4.84J 4.581 8.571 13.151 5.02 3.801 Tampa, Fla.


Phosphoric Acid.
C Cd

Germofert Phosphate Rock.116S A'ii;)ant'd nalyisi . . .S . . . .Tampa Fertilizer Co., Aimty-3l X~.)i. . .J 948 19.05.Tamna, Fla. Celery Special . (in ran: 4 A,,a1: . . . 5.001 5.O0 0 7.001 . 1 6.00 6.00 Tampa Fertilizer Co.,
I O()icil Aa!ysi .". 5.031 '.021 6.86 9.S 6 .9 2 5.891 Tampa, Fla. i'eruvian Orange Tree 115.Gua 00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz.
r. . c .3 3.7 , 11.171 5.221 6.24 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
GrowerI I

Seminole Tree Grower .168 6(;uzirnl'd \>is 8.00 6.001 . . 4.00 S. 00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz.
Official AnaiyuIsis. 5.39 6.92] 0.53] 7.46, 4.321 11.791 Co., Jacksonville, Fla. Tankage . ]nilyst X!]i 7.001 . i . .10.00. 8.001 . ]Wilson & Toomer Fertz.
MO l . is . . I1!.97, 6.3 . Co., Jacksonville, Fla. Sp caI68(u ' t I
Wilson & Toomer's \ealSCi tiA. 10001 6.001 1.00 . 4.00 1 13.00 X\ ilson & Toomer Fertz.
Fruit and Vine manure. 0 A 1. S.16 5.961 1.41 7.43, 4. 20, 12.791 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.

ideal Fruit & Vine Manure16S2(;un,rmnt'd Afa ysisj to.01 6.00 .3001 10.30 Wilson & Toomer Fertz.
I Offi.i"dl Anlysis . 8,16! 5.,M 0.85! 6.731 2. 6" 1] .561 Co., Jack onville, Fla.

Peruvian Fruit and Vine9lO0!Guarant'dAnlysisj 10.00i
Manure . Official Anal

nceai Vegetable Manure. 0.I t'd An,' ,.00
O icial Aaly -i. 11.7

Nitrate of Soda . 16'92 (unra; t'd A iah- .s. .
Official An. . .

liid Dominion Potato 8l.00.69 (ara1tid Analysis .01
nure . OfficIal Analysis . 4 0 1

Tip Top Tomato Trucker. 1691 G;'arantd Analysis 8.00 Official Analysis. . 1 4.88

Champion Citrus Compound 1695 Guarnnt'd Analy;si 10.0)i I Official Analvsis. . 4.33

Florida Fruit Grower's ror-I 16911Giiuaralnt'd Ana lysis 800
m ula . Official ATIIysis. 4.2T!

Tropical Vegetable Grower 1697 Gurant'd Analysis 8.00 Official Analysis. . 5.21

Gulf Cabbage Special . 1698iGOa.rant'd Analysis 10.0 Official Analysis. 10.70!

Acid Phosphate . 1699,G arait'd \1alh-sis.
Official nalY is.

6.uO 2'10. . . .;' 10.0 Wils,,li & Toomer Fertz 7.11 8.1''! 10.51' 8 .4o .71' Co., .;acksonvill,, Fla.

G.t< 1 .';' . . I . 0: SA ' ,"Jl'to '' T o 'lero F r z. 65. , 4 .i .0; 7 " : m ill . Flt.

. . '. ; . . R . C o.
. o . . . 8. 5 'd . 1 '. i :ll F . ,

7.001 1. 0101 . i' 5" 0)i .' r 'i jj-olnu f l2 S:. 08!- 0.161 8 .2 11 5.-7', 9.02i o. t: 'Imn. !a

0 1 .00 .' . 1 0.
7.S4 0.t4 8. 5i' 4. 6 5 .S . o_ ,v .n , a.

.OO1 1. 0Qi . 3 00 1.0'l i'' a- a ona C em CA
7.z22 (1.76! 7.99 M .,71 4 .iI C iu h .

7.' fta '1 I .Ot . . 3.5091 . 0 % ' , , t troll a (ell in. S.52 1 08 9.60' 4.21' a.27 ''o. ' na n t. Gla

.' 1.,0 . I . i0 8 00.' OVirgi-la-''a o'i a Che i.
S27 0.8' 10. 2 2! 3.08 ('' . S it: n h. Ca.

6.001 1.001 7.001 4.0 5.0( 'f]it l i l i 'lizer Co.,
6.48' 1.20' 768i 2.651 G. 20 1,1'': Fla.

16.Oj . Bark r Chemical Co., 17.8811 0.21 18.1" . .i .i 1. c


I IPhosphoric Acid.

I ) ' 1

High Grade Virginia-Caro-;1700!Guarant'd Analvsid 8.00! 6.00; 1.00 . 2.50i lina Fruit and Vine . Official Analysis. 2. 98 4.90 0.26 5.16 1.SS Mapes Orange Tree Manure 1701 Guarant'd Analysis 12.00 0 200. 4. 00
Official Analysis 12.36 6.80 S O .7; 0.1 3.941 Gem Pineapple Manure. 1702 Guarant'd Analysis . . . 2. 50 Official Analys i. 7. 37 1.78 052 2. 5.201 Early Bird Florida Vegeta- 1703 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00! .00' 1. 00.4.00! ble Manure . . Official Anas. 9.241 7 7.2 1.68 9.00 4. Tomato Special . .1704 Guarnt'd Aiinvsis 10. 00 6.(-!l 1.0o 5.00 OfficialAnfly i) . 8.6 0 .41' 0.72: 7.15i 4.4[, Bean Fertilizer. 17051Guarant'd Anlvsisl 10 00 5.'., 1. o 0. . 5.0,' Official Ana!yss. 0 Gi 5.s 9 i) .- 22 5.'6 1 .0 Armour's Orang Fruiter. 1706 Gunratrd knal !0.00 S. (101 !.A: . .'0 Official .alvs;. 1 1 5 . 4'. 0. 111 8.45' 4. 29'


10 00iViginia-Carolina Chemi6.691 cal Co., Savannah, Ga.

3.00,Mapes Formula & Peru3.141 vian Gano Co. New
Y oork N. Y.
6.001E. 0. Painter Fertz. Co.,
7.431 Jacksonville, Fla.

5.00,Osceola Fertilizer Co.,
5.041 Jacl.senville, Fla.

8.00 Armour Frtz. Works,
8.43! J-eko ville, Fla.

5 0f Armour Fe'tz WNVorks, 511 Jck n;o .ille, Fla.

12. (.5 Armour Fertz. Works 12.47 Jacksonville, Fla.

Armour's High Grade Blood,1707 Guarant'dAnatlysis 10.00' 1 .0 1.50 . 10.00 . Armour Fertz. Works, Bone . . icial An'lysis. . 8. 4S, T7 ac!lsonville, Fla. Favorite Early Trucker . 1708'Gua'at'd. nalysls 10.0! G.00i L . . 3.G'''I0.,0Inf p,,e rt Fertz.

Official Analysis.' 10.7 5 . 2' 1.01 6.' 2.41'' "4.1, -1 mhonvitle, Fla.
Pace's Lettuce Special . .1709 Guarant'd Ana lsis i 10.00 5 . 5. 0 'nl endent Fertz. Co., Official Analysis. 8.821 5. n .I 1 4.5 1.941 1. .i Jack onville, Fla.

Pace's Celery Special .1710 Ghant'd .nlysis 10.00 5.1 0 . . 6.U0 5.01 I - l ;n lent Fertz. Co.,
Official ANalysis. . , 11 .311 7 '1.99 6.Ja 22 I.,0 .1:1 kson ille, Fla.
lo I 1 .001 G.0,T or . C .
Florida Tree Grower. 00 . . 0.

Mixture. 1712Guarant'd Analyss 10.00 . i 6. C' Tiscarora PC rtz. Co.,
i Official Analysis. 10.15 5 .: 0. 611G .7 7.1 .-1,1 Jack onville, Fla.

High Grade, Sulfate Potash 1713'G aat'AalysisV . (00. . . '. I- liepednt Fertz. Co., S 'Official Xnalys's.i1 .5 5 ' .I: Gf i :.7 .2 Jc~ n ilFa

official.Analysis. . . .' Jacksnile, Fla. I i, is 1 ,.o i
Favorite Fruiter Manure. .1714 Guarant'd Anals .0 8.001 0.50 . 01.0 12.00 inlelendent Fertz. Co.,
Official Analysis. . 5. 66i . . 86] 4.,2 5. 5 1 5. 34 lacksonville. Fla.

Favorite Lettuce Special. 1715 Guarat'd Analysis[ 10.(0 5.00 1 .00! . 7,. 4 .0 Indel endent Fertz. Co.
Official Amalysis.' 7.251 ., , .9. 1 . . 31 -C21 Ja. . . ille, Fla.

High Grade Blood & Bone. 1716 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 .00 1.50. 00 . Indklpendent Fertz. Co.
Ofica ,nl s I I " - i
OficalAnl~ss. '59' 10. IS'. Jacksonville. Fla.
High Grade Acid Phos. 16%- 1717 Guarain'd Analysis, 10. 00 16.06i 0.50: . . 'Independent Fertz. Co.,

] Official Analysis. . L 7. 23 1.32 18.25 . . .Jacksonville, Fla.


Pih hri'c Acid.

-' & * 55

NAME, OR BRAND. . - -z

Simon Pure Special No. 2. 1718 Gnniant'd Analysis 8.00 (3.4 1.0).
Official An 'vsis.' . 6.34 G. 60 0 4 71" 7. O Gem Vegetable . 1719,Gnuian 0) Aiiab sis' 5i 00 5. 00) 2.00.
Oflicial Analy is.i 7o 6. 1 1i."' Seminole Tree Grower . 1720 GualAnl' Analysit S.00 6 . 0. . .
0O ieial Analysis. 1 8.171 6.2:,i u S 7.11 Ideal Letuce Fertilizer. 1721 Guaran I'd 'nalysis 10.0): 6.00 .
,Offieial Analyvis. . 8.53, U.1 1.64 857 Wilson & Toomer Speciall72 Cuarant'i Analesis. 8.00' 6 . .0.
Mixture No. 1. . . An xyss. . 8.16 .3> 1.14, 7.521

Ideal Vegetable Manure . 1723 Glanw'd Analvs s 10.00 G. i- 1.wI .
Official Analysis. . 8.22 7.2 1 0.(;1 7.85i Peruvian Vegetable Manure 12 nrantd An s 10.0) 7.01 2.0o . i
i Official Analysis. . 6.241 8.101 2.G41 10.71!

l% 'X [A0lf AND [VHEtE

5. (oI' 5.S71
4.0f 4.27i

4.00 1. >,2 6.00fi 5.71

5.O, 5. i.,

4.01' 5. i0O 5.322i

6.001E. 0. P, inter Fertz. Co.,
7.51 Jacksonville, Fla.

E. O. 0 Faint-r Fprtz. Co., t.:l Jackonvlle. FlI.

8. CI Viih on & Toomer Fertz. 7.9.71 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
6.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 6.7I Co., Jaeksonvill-, Fla.

5.00 \i.-on & Toomor Ferfz. 5.5:1 ! Co., Jaclkonville, Fla.
o 00 %'! -n & T oni r Fe tz. 7.72! Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
8.01)Vism c T,,on~er Fertz. 7. 721 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.

Ideal Fruit & Vine Manure 1725 Guarant'd Analysis, 10.00 Official Analysis. 6.93

\Vilscn & Tooure's Special 1726 Guaram n(I A\naly:5,i 10.001
Fruit & Viiie Manure . Official Aialysis. 7.12 Armour's Fruit and Vine. . 1727 Guarant'd Analysis! 10.00 Official Analysis. 6. 13

Armour's Practical TruckerI172S Guar'ant'd Analysis 10.00 Official Analysis-. 6.36

Armour's Blood, Bone and 172910ugrant'd Analysis 10.091
Potash . . Official Analysis . 9.051 Mapes Fruit & Vine Manure1730'Guarant'd Analysis, 10.001 Official Analysis.! 10.13

Gem Fruit and Vine . 1731 Guarna'td Analysis 8.00!
Official Analysis. 1 6.52

Gem Sweet Potato No. 2. 17321Guarant'd Analvsis Official Analysis. . 11.40: Early Bird Fla. Vegetable 1733 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 '
Manure . I. Official Analysis. S. 56 1 Simon Pure No. 1 . 1734!Guarant'dAialysisI 8.001 ( jOfficial Analysis.I 13.79' H. G. V. C. Fruit & Vine. 1735IGuarant'd Analysis 8.001 !Official Analysis.1 2.411 7

6.00 . 7.10: 1.69 8.S7

5.91 . 1 3.09 6.o00
6. 22 S.001 5.00,
5.2.21 .00

5.65{ 00' 7.0S7 .01 .00 '.27

1 . ,00 . 0.57' 6.,7

1. ow . 0. il c.90;

2.u 0 . 2.0:, S.25

I . 0 ) . . . . . . 1.071 9.54

2 . )0 . 2.45 7.67,

0.9: 7.80i
� 2.001 0.62!'; 6.28'

1.W . 1.01 7.211 1.00l. .i 0.13: 7.151

1.00 . 0.03! 7.30!

3.00'i "0.o0 VIlson & Tooier Fertz. .48! 9.69, Co., Jacksonville, Fla.

4.00: 1:2.00 Wil o & Toomer Ferlz. 4. "2o' I,. 0 , . 'Jael o ville. Fla.

2.50' 11.011 Armour F-rtz. Works,
2.421 10.96i Ja ksonville, Fla.

3.00 10.00 Ar' -ur F.rtz. Works,
3.02 ii l Jackoinville, Fla.

5.00, 7.00; Aiu-iur Fertz. WoiKs.
4.981 7.48i J ichs m ille, Fla.

2.001 10.00) 5Qapes Foi mula & Peru2.5,1L 9.40, xi in Ciano Co., New �
oil . N. Y.
2.001 10.001E. 0. Painler Feriz. Co.,
3.53! 11.07 .Iacisonvillu, Fli.

2.00i 5.00 E. 0. Painter Feitz. Co.,
2.721 4.98: Jacksonville, Fla.

4.001 5.00 Osceola Fertilizer C,.,
4.14 4.05i Jaek.onville, Fli.

1.00! 12.00 E. 0. Painter Ferlz. Co.
4.391 10.49 Jack. ouvillk, Fla.

2.50 10.001Va.-Car. Cheni. Co. Saa.33 6.57' vaoinah. Ga.



Special Mixture . 1736 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.

Ideal Potato Manure . 1737jGuarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.

H. G.V.C. Fla. Fruit Grower 1738!Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.

H. G. V. C. Champion Citrus 1739 Guarant'd Analysis!
Official Analnsis.j

Standard Fish & Potash. . 1740Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.

Standard Vegetable No. 1. 1741Guarant'd Analysi5s Official Analysis."

Standard Lettuce Special.11742!Guarant'd Analysis S Official Analysis. j

I Phosphoric Acid.



. 10.O00 2.25
1 1 . . 11.4 2

8.0 G 00 1.0 i . . . i 4.00 6. 67 i. 2.76' 5.95 4.60 8.01! 7.00 1. (.-.50 2.86 .17 1.23 9.40 4.46 10.0J 6. 0 1 . 3.00 3.40 7.59 0.69 S.28 3.31 11.00 4.00! 1.001 5.00 5.00 12.791 5.58! 0. . 6.53 5.31j S.o0j 5.00 1.00 6.00, 4.00 14.86 6.17 0.67 0. S4 3.83 8.oo 5.00! 2.001 7.00 6.001 13.121 5.73 0.82! 6.551 5.651


10.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 16.21 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.

8.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz.
9.66 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.

4.00Va.-Car. Chem. Co., Sa4.21 vannah, Ga.

14.00!Va.-Car. Chem. Co., Sa13."41 vannah, Ga.

6.00 Standard Fertilizer Co.,
6.771 Gainesville, Fla.

6.00 Standard Fertilizer Co.,
6.50i Gainesville, Fla.

4.00, Standard Fertilizer Co.,
5.78 Gainesville, Fla.

tandardl Cabbage Specl.11743 Guarant'dAnalysis 8,01 6.001 1.0j 7.00, 5.001 6.00IStandard Fertilizer C,,.
t Official Analysis. 14.27 9. l21 0.471 6. 3, 7. 791 aine-i Fertiir la .
No. 1 Peruvian & Fish Gu- 1744Guarant'd Analxsi 12. 39 : 5.'') 1 ,. . 4 001 5.00 Florida lertz. Co., I3r. ano Mixtue. . . . Official Annlysis. . 5.19, 5., 1.21 7. 12: 4.32 . 5.471 n svile, Fi.
Fish & Potash . 1745 Guaraut'd Analysisl 12. 00 2.50 2.50 . .6.50 5.00 Florida Fertz. Co., Br.
Official Analysis.{ 7.29! 3.25' 1.991 5.24 6.46 6.011 Gainesville, Fla.

a ipl)les Taken by lIurclm:er I-nder sectionn 9. Aft Approved May 24. 190.5.

5CZ 72 1 z 7

Feed N o. 1 . Fancy Winter Wheat .I W heat Feed . i M iddlin.,s . Daisy Dairy Feed . H ay N o. 1 . H ay N o 2 . Cotton Seed Meal . Cotton Seed Meal . Cotton Seed Meal . Cotton Seed Meal . Cotton S"ed Meal . Cotton Seed M eal . Cotton Seed M eal . Cotton Seed M eal . I Co! ton Seed Meal . Cotton Seed Hal . M ixed Feed No. 1 . . M ixed Feed No. 2 .

1501 6.450]4.74'59.81i 3.531 4.02!Miller-Jacl:son Grn Co., Tampa, Fla. 1511 5.09118.4 i56 86 4-971 3. S91I. A. Jackson. Sh riff, Tim ipa. Iia. 1521 5.90 15.70'57.731 3.68i 4.05JIZ. A. Jal s(i, T iii, Tampa, Fla. 153! 5.03 16. "!57.15] 4.961 4.6:ill. A. Jacks on. Sortijf, T:mipii. Fla. 154112.87i17.8'0'51.41 2.50 6.8) H. L. Bark,% D)eFmi;:0l S- in s, -a. 155117.15112.50:88.26 4.95 13.0 C. B. MNei,innon. DcI' mink Sopi-ins, Fla. 156 11.69 13.45 26.96' 4.11 21.5z C. B. UcKinnun, DeIf- Lai St)iv.u-s, Fla.
157!15.24127.42 i4.791 6.90 5SOSThe Florida Mtnof,,terrn' Co., Maidison, Fla. 15 9.83i17.76'30.31 6.071 5.55A. V. Ttmner. r Fia.
159 . 40.43 . i . . .i . F. 13o 7ick, (11incy. Fla. 16 1 . . . 1. . . . (en-va LuU, r ( Co, Fi(anor, Fla. 161! . . 2.g.LirQIii, 1621 . .3.99. .1. . ! o ar. Slitiof un 1631 . 621 . .21v , n lra 'e., Quincy. 161i . !38 78 . . .Cii ,i(-v S u tra "o. (o1 i . 165 . 139 -501 . . . . \ l' l 1i ' o Co. Quiii 166I" . !29.22 . . . . . if. . C , t 1671 2.52 10.05170.41, ":.001 1,7.7 l) a'n:ird k 9e::i.-r T: 168 12.15 17.12 49.66 I ]l S.'n llarnard & 1-ester Tanint

Economy Feed . I 6!f 15.91,11.30156.02 1.0 5.41 T. F. Howard, Talahasse Feed No. 1 . 170, 8.20110.04 G4. 12 :.17 2 .5E. M. S s oms, oii faN Feed No. 2 . 171 A .ll 14.42156.791 2. 8.7 E. AL Sessoms, Iunila Cotton Seed Meal . 17 . 139.14i. . .Lewi .ar i ,rs eo a
Bright Cotton Seed M eal . 173 . . 2. 441 . : . i .E. 0. TPaio: r. [Ti: oI'.w ilt.
Feed . 171111 2s 12.19 52.50 8 S J. W , A c ie Cotton Seed Meal . 175. 40.5. . . C Did,:'., Ylilfi.i Cotton Seed M eal . 1 76 . 138.98 ! . . . i'. iD. ' Cotton Seed Meal . 1 77 . 40.5 1. . I . 1). C. id-i. ', ii.
Cotton Seed Meal . I 1 TN . 1,17.60; . :.i ota 1'. ('- ,. Q_11;n.' Cotton Seed Meal . 1 I79 . 11! . 1. 11. A. m cs, Cotton Seed M eal . ISO . $. 78 . I. i . S. . Collie o I a Pelican Feed . 181 12.62[C 0.73 53.8aOl 4.0! 9.711 ewii Pear Coo 'e -a - la. Pelican Dairy Feed . I 1S2 8.96tS .10150. 5.13 7.9-5 Lewis Bpir Co., Pe .ae h. Cotton Seed Mel. i 183. 0.0 .C. D. \ Box1 ila.
Cotton Seed ,al . 18! . ). . . L. AL . Ga' is, Qci x' Cottcn Seed Meal . 1 5. . '88.37. . . Cotton Se- d Meal. . 38.11.\x. T. .
Cotton Seed Meal . 187: . 12 7:. .W. A. Owoa Q11 iie y Cotton Seed MIeal . 1I. . . . . Al. e. wea , t iie". Cotton Se d Mral . 1I . . 30.12[ . 1. ] n,,.o~ ',I a. Internatienal Stock Food . 190 12.27:10.87,21.03 0.:8t S-_.' bIt. B. L.ea. 'Teorr:r
Cotton Seed Mlpal . 1911 . . 9.9! . . . . . 3. Shaw. o tive
Cotton Seed Meal .1 V2 .3,7. 38'. . . t 1 i ii
Bran .1 93 S.9914.67'54.50 5. 5; 7.77W. L. AlarAhal. '.0111 sef.
Cotton Seed M eal . 191 . l 9.141 . . !A. V. Tu ,npr, ITo f,'rI. Cottoii Sped Meal . 195,. 2S.7S' . . A. \'. i'ri r osf r Middlinzs .196 '.8. 1.90 66.97'' 2.87 .11', Wilnn & Pier Co., Taclan ile Cotton Seed Meal . . 131.25 . . Jake Bra-ea.o Ocata. Molasses Food . I198! 9.27113.22 55.18 2.10 (t.WIT, (. os T; 91 1' ee Feed Exhibit No. 1 . 19q; 5.21 17.99'56.111 4.:,51 1.17 S. G. Collins, AIilto'. Feed Exhibit No. 2 . 1 2001 5.36118.65 55.36! 4.27! 5.111S. C. Collins, 5 ilton.



., 4 .ObreMritn

Ground Corn and Oats .201 5.20 .09](;S. -.40 2. O 8E. A Osborne, Morriston. Kada-Yaga . 221 1.0713.A 39. 4 37 4.!95 .1ex C'lark, River Junction. East Coast Grass . 2)3141.15! 7.701i3t.<:- 1.30; 6.621J. A. McGuire, St. Augustine.
Cotton Sped Meal . . . . 51 . . I. P. Sbelfor, Qid,.cy.
Ground Clover . ,0525.90 8.4 ,1.9 4.2319.52 C. J. Hudgins. Gonzales Royal Palm Seed . 20615.37 8.16 39.W7 24.71 2.8MnS. A. Jeford, Habana Cuba. Wheat Feed . . 2071 6.20115.7111.7i 4.00 4.S5113olaker Brothiers, Tamp~a.

It. E. ROSE, State Chemist. SPECIAL FEE1)ING STUFF ANALYSES, l4oll. E. PECK GREENE, Asst. Chemist. Samples Taken by State Chemist and State Inspector Under Sections 1, 2 and 13, Act Approved May 24, 1905.

SI I i 6.001
Cotton Seed Meal (Crown 1063 Guarant'd Analysis 12.00 . C1 23.0 6.001. KeetonKrueger Co., Atlanta, Brand) . Official Analysis.1 10.1 , 21 27.14 7.051 6.321 Ga.
Cotton Seed Meal . 1064 I Aas 40t Co. 3Ol C

offiial ualyis. 11.0 23.251 5Si 5.27 4.501 vannah, Ga. Cotton Seed Meal.1065Guarant'd Analysis . .8.62 . IPlanters' Oil Co., Albany, Ga.
Official Analysis. I '.73 Z9.351 29.211 7.031 6.041 Cotton Seed Meal . 1066IGuarant'd Analysis .3.C21 . . .Frederick Heakes & Sons, MoOfficialAnalysis.1 10.37 36.3 3 . 39] 5.Si 6.00 bile, Ala. Cotton Seed Meal . 1067 Guaranr'd Analysis! . 28.621. .The Laurens Cotton Oil Co., Official Analysis.' 12.74 37. 821 29.22 .22, 6.021 Dublin, Ga. Cotton Seed Meal . 1068 Guarant'd Analysis . . 38.621 . . . Thompson Oil Mill Co., HawkI Official Analysis. "9.52 40.28! 28.271 7.161 5.621 insville, Ga.


t :

Pure Wheat Bran . 1069'Gleranz'd Analvsis Official Analysis. Middlings . 1070 Gunvant'd A'lalvsis] Official A*a13 sis. Shipstuff . 1271 G 'iirnnt'd Analysis: Official Analysis. Pure Wheat Middlings . 1072'Guar'nt'd Analvsis 'Official Analyss. Pure Wheat Middlings . 1073, Gurant'd Analv ssI !Official Analysis. Wheat Feed . 10741Gnaront'd Aial.sid [Official Analysis. Wheat Brain . 1075Y0inr'n''d Analvsis I ]Official Analysis. . Pure Winter Bran . 1076 Guanat'd A1lv Isi Official Analysis.


9. J 1 i4.51ai 54.0! 9.701 14.f1 12. t)i 3.851 16. 12 27.: 8 4.:51 i5.1S' .).67 7. 0o1 '16,5 I 5 ,.,00'
6. 0( 15. 0 . :;

6.001 16.25: 62.,0 . 1 J 70 5 .()S! 2.751 1.26 60.45 3.4 3 16.8, 59.41, 8. 00! 15.00 5s.0'1 5.03 14.4 -1 (0.63 10 l0 14.0 05.0, 7.S21 14.22 5 5. 1 8.00 14.50 E5.001 7.511 16.02 55.12-

I -'ioniiuti ed.

M F IAN UI,'A CT U.tE it

5. 0 . Tennexs e Nill Co., Estill 2i.69 7. S9 Sluings, Tern.

6.02 . Char ks on Milliag Co., Ci a-lesiS 4.0 ) ton, Mo.

.1.0. . Allen Snmit Co. Kaoxville,
6 ,.92 Tenn.

I.A . Thq Dtnlnp Milling C,)., Clark . 3_.7i; Ville, T,2la.

5. 0 . IThe Colimbia Star Milling Co.,
5. 15 - .38 Columbia, Ill.

d. .n. . A'lnta Milling Co., Allanta,
-1. 0 71 . Ga.
401) . Dohnlke W al.-er \, Co., I. 5: 5.,9 Uion Ciy, Ton1.

i. 01 . t11. L. 11.lliday Millin- Co.
4.'O1 5.S Cairo Ill,

Pure Wheat Bran . 1077 Guarant'dAnalysisI 9.501 I 5Z
Bran . 107 n~i nnra d Analvsisi 9.20 .O.I.ial Analysis. 7.S I Invincible Feed .i079,Guarnt'd Analvsisi 8.001 Offici l Analysis. 7.9!j Dandy Middlings . ISO Guarant'd Aiwlysis 6. 0 0 Offic ial Analysis.i . 1'-,

Cotton Seed Meal .I 081 (uinfran t'd Anlv .sis, Official Analyss. 2J Cotton Seed Meal . 10821(1uirant'd Analvslv.i Official Analy ds. I It.'S Choice Feed . 1OS3' G ua-ant'd Anal Si 7.-9 Official Anayzsis. . I .85 Globe Gluten Feed . 10S41Guarant'd Analysis. .
Official . 107 Pure Wheat Bran & Shorts 10S57'Gunran'd Aiai\Sis, 7.(15!
lOfiicial Aimlysi s. . 6. i Cracker Mule Feed . 1086 1 iaant'd Analysisl 12.00!
Official Analy~,is. . 13.07 B. & H. Scratch Feed . !1071Giorant'd Analvisi 4.00!
Official AnalysiS. 2.6 0'

14.50 53.22 4.75 . Columbia Mill and Elevator Co 14 .101, 15 73 4.9 . 6 I (Xjluna)ia, T, i.

110 651.50 4 73 . Clirl-sle, Milling Co., Charles18.60 56.1I 4 4.72 ,, :w.

15-01 6.11 '. 4. . file M illien; Co. Hop15.16 l .-58.2ai 1.4l11 2.7 hm -ille, Ky.

17.0 l 55.00 4.0(1) .W!W rn Cr sby Milling Co., 15. i;3.28! 4.051 3.4s' Lou ,sIe. Ky.

32 . . Florda Cotton Oil Co., Jack88.86 30.42 6.921 5.G7: sonville01 Fla.

S6. . l ai nbild<.e Oil Co., Bainbridge,
2_8 . 1 C
87.52! 2K.42! 6.901 6.5i! La. "

io.0. 54 . 2 5 . t-nq1,re Mils Co. Coumbus, 1, 1 58.19i 3.26 5.001 Ga.

21.,00 51.OiI* 2.50 . i-_ l 'r1 Producs R!efining Co., 25. 2[ 49.841 2.271 4.021 New York, N. Y.

14. 75. 54.501 4. 5ci4.75l 'rt, Denton & Lynn Co.,
4.-3 9.l3T 8.581 8.771 D:Oii., Ga.

10. 00; 8,. 0' 1 3. )0 . i , uglu h r Oats Co. Chicago, 12.271 56.51 3.'S' 3.81' Ill.

11.00 65.Oi. .0o . Bakr & Holmes Co., Jackson11.851 68.02i 3.251 1.76! ville, Fla.



Gano Feed . l0SSGu4ranr'd Analysis! .
Official Analysis. 7.91

Pure Wheat Bran . 11089'Guarant'd Annlysis! 7. 4!
I Official Analysis. 8.46! ii I I
Pawnee Feed . 11090!Gunsant'd Anavsis1 12.00!
I OfficialAnalysis.! 13.88!

Milko Cow Feed . 1091!Gunrant'd Analysis! 10. 90!
I IOtflcial Analysis. q. q ! Pure Wheat Bran. 1092 1GuqranlId D 50!
.nalvsisl 9. S
I Official Analysis.l 7.t61

Acme Feed . 10931Garant'd Analysisl .
I IOfficial Analysis. 2.64!

Wheat Bran . 10941Guarart' Analvsisl .,!
I !Official Analysis.! 6.58! Cotton Seed Meal . 11095 Guiva-A'd X'nal'sis .
'OfficialAmilvsi-. 6.271

'OK XL\ 5, lOb


7 9 5900! . 5,1 . 'The Valley Milling Co., St.
5,. - 3.761 3.75 Louis. 5o.

ii.7 2 2> 4.6F . !Chlhreath & Co., Hopkinsville. 15. 2C 2 5 3.'A 5.951 Hy.

8. 25 5 0i 3 . National Oats Co., St. Louis,
6.1 19 a 4.56!l M . oc

150 51).00j 3.50 . Just 7 liling md Feed Co., 1Q. 1f 50. 61 3.11! 0.69! Nashville, Tenn.

15.-- ,) :' ,u 1.5. . .JCiy ',i' and Grain Co., Colnm15. 4 56.2'3 . , . G.41f0 ba. Tenn.

6.0 20.00 3.'n. The Valley Milling Co., St.
9 -41 69.051 .02 1.$91 Louis. M.

12,. 0t~ 0.' 01 4.001 . Nehville Rolle-r Mills, Nash.�22 5 '83 M .- 0 "! 5.i'7 vile, r-rn. .2 . Thonils-ii Oil Mill Co. Raw11. 2 2').75' 7.8,7' ';."0- lin ili(,. G( .

Cotton Seed Meal . 1096 Guarant'd Analysis. 8.62 .
Official Analysis. . 9.88 37 . 28 -51

Second Class Cotton Seedl1097 1Guara ri'd Analvss . I -0 Meal . . Official Analvsis,.' 20.27 19. C , 1':. 9!

Pure Wheat Middlings . 109S Guarant'd Aiuilysi- 5.18 17 8.1 jOfficial Analysi. . 5.301 17.641 5 .0 5

Ship Stuff . 1099!Guarant'd Annlysis' 7.00 11 .501 54.00!
Official Analsis. 6.70 16.20 5G.35!

Molasses and Bran . 1100 Cuarant'd Analysisl . 8.00' 4:' 0,i Official Analynis. 14.18 7.4"2 5 8 .' Pure Wheat Bran . 10 uarant'd Yalih,1 10. 001 14 5{- .6.00 P . OfficialAnalysi . 9.141 5. . ,7

Blue Ribbon Feed . 11102nGuaran!' .1 nalyls 10.501 9.75 0 2.08
1 i
Of]2al A i . 8 ,. 8,7 51.71
Wheat Bran . 11)1'3 (ha 1ani 'I 01.ol i10 14. S5 54 .

Official cal0i " 1 790is. , 7.90 1.18 5G.55

Cracker Mule Feed.1104 Guatnat'd An' si 12.00 10. 00 58.0 Offwicil Anal' I :s. .I 18.33 12.i ( 50. 00'

Victor Feed . 1105Guatant'i Analv is 12.00; 7.5' 02. 00 Office'. s.' 10.83' 7.8 02.64iI

Fancy Feed . 1106 GuannOt'd knalss 4.0; 13.501 5c.1-0i i Offii l 5A- alysis.: 3.82 11.52 6tl. !

. . The Southern Oil Co., Pensa9.501 5.55' cola. Fla.

. . cr. o. , Memphis,
4.45 4.291 Teni.

4.4!i . C eo. P. Plant Milling Co., St.
4. 0 4.28! Louis, Mo

4.001 . The Dunlop Mills Co., Rich4.16' 5.18i mond. Vs.
3.00 . !Rayne nice Milling Co., Rayne,

4.501 11.26 La.

4.00i . Donistie Flour Milling Co.,
3.781 6.61'! Nana: City, Mo.

3.75! . The Quol.-r Oats Co., Chicago,
4.07 2.52 111.

.58 . Yats & Donaldson Co., Meat33.5 5.41: ol,>;. Teai.
3.50. T Quaker Oats Co. Chicago,
4.20j 3.62 Il1.

3.001 . :The Qualker Oats Co., Chicago, 3;.o2I) 3.80'i Ill.

3.o0 . Empire Mills Co., Columbus,
3.5?1 2.95 Ca.

OFFICIAL FiI I)NCG S'.UI ' ANe\ItYSS, 1!L--1 Co''tiinio0. ci!) ,

C - , i S.
1 ,$

Rice Flour . 1107[ Corvi n '1 And .i 13.50: 1'010 47.10 9.01 . i. t,.Prichard, Charleslon, Offli i tAnalysi s. 11.05. 12.20 [ . 10.23 10.151 S. C.
I I I.
Dairy Feed . ( .':rui ,I vi 1'.SS0 6.5 5.5 '. '] ad ol Sn r Fee Co.,
Otlici l&i aly 1i. 12. -10 1N.06; i. 3.50 8.7 >1 - .le !.)his, Teim.
I i-?]m (mp tdAnyl I
Pure Winter Wheat M iWi . fjr . nI1l.5l. L. , .Toili lA killing Co.,
t-ings . . ,I l Analss 3 0 . Cairo, Ill.

Boss Chop Feed . .10 iiaid \ial sist 1 30 .) G 0. 0! . 0.Tlo Croat \Vstcrn Cet al Co.,
B stedi,1 Ai nal;'. J 0 .21 7.''' 11.{)GI0 3.50 6. 07 Clicago, Ill.

Ship Stuff . tll Co;u rad, t.(1.' 0 . . . '? Ion; ) Mills Co., R1iciOffii An , s, .i 6. 1' ]G. Lq 55.55 4.00i 6.2 9 lionld, Va. Work-Store Feed. .1112 Guar'1ni Sn,]y s (T 0).l ,I,05'v .0. Th' Qoak r Oats Co., Ciic:tio,
hfic'.1 i v, . . 11.6t 1 i' ' 5.1,' .6) 111 ll.
-1oe F e iJ i I v s is 12.0

Pine Leaf Middlirgs . I113 G a ' A!1 1, C {1.101 f' .? 7., . ) 1 . I 0 C l'[ o Slillilg Co., Cairo. Ill.
()iOfiei; , 1XA >:ys.! 4.38 5.;-, f. T; 4.1w 5.'90

Victor Feed . 1111;Gu * it 1 \ cl'si 12.0 7.5'' G2.00' 1. 0 . The Qualcr Oats Co. Chicago, '010<. Sii s . 9.%1 9 ,0 63 36' .1 5 3.76" Ill.

Tonnessee Natural Feed .I115 GutranUd Analysis 12.00' .ufgiinal ,ab s. 111.951

Protena Dairy Feed . . Cuan 'JdImlxsIs 14.00' Ofi c ial TA iLIv ysi .<12. 00

Star Feed . II-1 Gu : t'd \n ala 9.70i Official AiaiYsis. . S.10]

Purina Feed .1. 111S'Guarant'd And sis 8.90 Officna \nlxsk.i . l6.0

Star Ox Feed . [119 Gnaran'd Analgqis 11.00 Official S.alx 3. 10.50

Cotton Seed Meal . 1120 Guarant'd Aialysis .
jOfficial Analysis.i 9.151

Cotton Seed Meal . 11211Guarant'd nalysisl .
i Official mnlysis . 10.95i

Cremo Horse & Mule Feed 1122 Guaranld Aialysis 12.00 !Official Analysis. 12.001

Boss Chop Feed . 1123 Chlarantd Analys'i: 11.00 I Offlcii Analysis. . 7.78

Pure Winter Wheat Mid- l124Garaont'd -Naiysls 7.00
dlings . Oflcial Anai ale. . 600

Pure Middlings . 1125 GOrant'd .Auilysis. 7.25 lOffical Analysis. .1 6.18!

10.00, 55.50 3.50 . !Union City Grain and Feed Co., 10 75, 5:.7 3 .51 0 51 Union City. Tenn.

0.0 ,i.0 5 .Ralston Parina Co., St. Louis,
20.62 17.79 4. 60 5.77 Mo.

12.00 5 .Ou . llim . Fed Mills, St. Louis,
11.1" 5 4.15 1 5 4 .12 Alo.

12.00 5.001 4.00 . .Ralstn Purina Co., St. Louis,
1. > 00.1! 4.05 -.7 M-o.

11.00 60.001 3.[-,0 . illin Ois �e, d Co., St. Louis, Mo.
1 .5. 62 56.41 3.071 4.42,

;8. 621 . [ . I . , rmingoam Oil Co., Birming- . 39.f1i 28.521 6.82 6.S2 ham, Ala.

8 .6. Georgia Cotton Oil Co., Colum57.2S.:.6 61 5.55! bus, Ga.

I0.00 58. 50 3.50 . The Corno Mills Co., St. Louis, 11'50 53 05, 4.04 7.05 ?no.

8.00h GO.00 .50 . The Great Western Cereal Co.
0.95 59.12" 4.55 8.80' Chicago, 1ll.

16-001 5, 00 4. 00 . National Feed Co., St Louis, 15. 0 57.,3 3.26 5.40 Mo.

15. 50 5S. 0i 5. . . Colombia '1i11 and Elevator Co.,W 15. 57' 57.201 4.03' 6.54 Colonmbia, Tenn.

OIFICIA, FI]EliNC, S-UFF AA 0E., . . qji.

F-NU F4. cd W
I I ! i I I

Work-More Feed . 1126 GuararUd Amnlysis 12.001 u1.0 0 5 .00 3.501i .' The Quaker Oats Co., Chicago, ! loffcial Anal -1. .471 10.', 57.921 3.101 ' 4.75 Ill.
Cano Feed . 1127.Guarant'd AD ' 7.-' 59.001 3.50 . IThe Valley Milling Co., St.
Official Analysis. 10. 981 .5 61.32' 1.S31 4.431 Louis, Mo.
. .I1128 G arant Aal,,,is .l 0 17.81, 54.44 .401 4.55 ecker - Jones - Jewell Milling c O ffi.I Analysis .87 18.87 57.63 4.631 4.051 Co., New York, N. Y. I-,L
"Pineleaf" Middlins 1129 Guarant'd Analysi 5.00 15.75! 57.951 4.75. killing Co., Cairo, Ill.
Official nalysis. .1.50' 17.341 57.041 5.02' .6.M,
Perfection Horse Feed . 1130Guarant'd Analysis 12-.0 0.0' 55 ,.5}. Onmaha. Yi' Milling Co.
Official.,nalA. 11.14! 11 .12 57. 01 2.7SI 5 53 Omaha. Nob "Arab" Horse Feed. 1131 Garant' i 15 001 9.10! 59 00 2)1. 3'1 C. Peters Vill Co. Omha.
Oci .A 1131 nd . 10 .o 2 ' N
official Analy s. 1l G I 8) N . p.l~ .7 1 .
I ! I '
Suguration Stock Feed. 1132 Gim;a,' C'l Aalyis, 11.04 11.3. 61.01 3.50, . F. k e: Co., Meni l fficnl \na.vsi .H 12. 39 11.72' 57.71 3.821 C.691 pEis, Ten .
+ ' I '
Sucrene Dairy Feed. . 1. i rant'd . an,:vs 12. 0: 162.50 1GoS' . 1 5. . .Amer' Aicn Sliif Co. Ci'iag,,
'Offici,,l A ni I. . . 12.49' 16.90, .(i.21 621 9." I 11

Katl-Eat Dairy Feed. 1"4 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.

Standard Feed . 1 135Guaraut'd Atialysisi Official IAnalysis. I

Sucrene Horse & Iule Feed'[12 Guar ,.! A-aiysis Official i

Hominy Feed .7 (hrn'd Analysis 'Official Analysis.

Ceralfa Stock Feed . .1138 Guarant'd Analysis!
Official Analysis. I SI Anlst[
Pure Wheat Shorts . 111391Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.

Dried Beet Pulp. 1140'Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.

Echo Stock Feed . ii fl Guarant'd nalvsis Official Analysis.

Choice Feed . [112 Guarant'd Anlysis I Official Analysis.

Thoroughbred Feed . 1 1431Gurant'd Analysisl Official Analy-'is.1

Wheat Bran . i11441Guarant'd Analysis!
I [Official Analysis.I

12.00 12.271 10.00
7.7s,, 12.001 10.511

6 10 11.501
13.821 6.05 3.40

17.73 12.00 10.73i

7.97 [0.09 6.56,
6.74[ 9.501

15.00 59.001
166 49.38 11.00. 58.001 11.82! 61.52,

10.00 00 [0.53 62.59,

10.50! 50.00

13.00 55.00 12.761 53.941

18.13: 56.22' 17.111 59.501 8.00 60.00
S.12j 53.351 11.25[ 5t. 00i
13.1r! 56.83

13.001 5,1.001 12.08 57.471

15.05 59. M 10.90! 56.12
1 1
14.501 54.001
14.8"! 55.02'

3.50 . G. E. Patterson & Co., Mem2.71 7.00, phis, Tenn.

4.50 . Standard Milling Co., St. Louis,
3.'529 Mo

3.50o. Amrican Millii[' Co., Peoria.
4.1,6 51 111.

10.O l. Liberty Mills, Nashville, Tenn. 10.1,51 1.71!

4.00. . lEdaar-Morgan Co. Memphis,
3.61i 4.921 Tenn.

5.62: .H fome Mill and Grain Co., 00
5.001 4.021 Mount Vernon, Ind.
i 1
0.50 . 'Michigan Sugar Co., Sebewa0.50, 7.97! ing, Mich.

3.50 . IG. E. Patterson & Co., Mem3.701 4.081 phis, Tenn.

2. 951 . Empire Mills Co., Columbus, .97 5.871 Ga.

3.341 . !Lexington Roller Mills Co., Lex4.42! 5.471 ington, Ky.

4.001 . IThe Dunlop Mills, Richmond, .54i 6.501 Va


Invincible Feed . Purina Chicken Chowdei t'eed . Kyome Feed . Katl-Eat Dairy Feed . Nutriline . Purina Molasses Feed . Cupon Horse Feed . M iddlings .


. . , 0 C. .

Ii 151Guarand Aonlysis 8.00 1 5.0! 60.2 1 4.301 . IBo Official Analysis. . 6.87 15. 581 5;.81I 4.50i 5.53 k
114: ' I ' 1I
1146 0 uarant'd Anlysis 9.00 5.01 5o, 2.0 . Ra
Official Analysis. 8.12 17.76 .16I 3 . 5 0 V

.1147 Guim ant'd Ant: sis 6.56! 1. 0.5 5!.,81 3.301 . ITh
Official Analy is. .1 7.JoI ]5. 5i). 011 4.34 5.551 fo

.114SCuarant'd An-lysis 12. 00 , 1 0 59.0 U .00 . G.
'Official Analysis. 12.91: 1.2 52.51i 3. 16 .44 r

J11149Guarant'd Analyisl 10.0' 12.00 0. . O. NW
Official Aialysis. 1 9.6-1 13.20, 51l.51 5.221 7.%S, le

.11151)IGuiar- it'd, il.\sis t [0.001 11.50 59. 0, .- . !Ra
Official Ann>ysis. 8.69, !' 2.2 5'.i.0 S: 1-l 5.661 5A

.1151 uarant' Analysis 12.00; 11). 5 5.)6 3.25 . Kin
;Official Analysis. 9.16 tl . 79.27' 2.1 5.70
! , i , I
.!152Gunrart' A nlysisl 3. S5 1,.2 5.7 6.5.(C51
:Official Analysis. . 6.82 i ' 2 6.7 r.6 . 5 1 1.20 t


pkinsville Milling Co., Hopinsville, Ky.

son Purina Co., St. Louis,

J. E. M. Milling Co., Frankort, Ky.

E. Patteson & Co., Memhis, Tenn.

triline Milling Co., Crowey, La.

ston Purina Co., St. Louis, To.

gfalfa Mills, Nebraska City, eb.

irleston Milling Co., Charleson, Mo.

Pure Winter Wheat Bran. 1153[Guarant'd Analysis' I Official Analysis. I 1
Ala Fat . 11154 Guar'in 'd A il sis Official A ,alysis.l

Wheat Feed . 1155 Gwmraiit'd Annlvsisl [Official Analysis. .

U-N-I Dairy Feed . 11156 Gnirnt'd Analysis I Official Analysi's. d

Work-More Feed . 11571Guarant'd Aialysisl S Official Analysis.

Samson Stock Feed. 1158 (iarant'd Anavxsk,
I Official Analysis.

Rice Flour . 1159inarant'd Analvsis
Official Analysis. Valley Poultry Food . 1!1601 'Gi,i"ant'd Alalysisl [ Offici al Analy sis. .I

U-N-I Feed "A" Grade . 1161 C(uarant'd Analysis' Official Analysi s.

Pure Alfalfa Meal . 1162!, nirnt'd Analysis' I Official Analysis.

tanner Feed . 11163 Guarant'd Aalysis I Official Analysis. I

10.12j 9.511

10.50' 14.11,

8.001 6.551 11.851 12.791

12.001 11.721

16.041 4 .Ct i
5.271 14.401 15.751 33,001 24.771

10.50 9.27

15.661 56.84 14.921 56.60 10. 50; 61.946
11.20 52.81'j 15.001 57.731 15.14, 58.0) 21.59 47.L11 21.3 2 47.98' 10.00 58 MI 11.20 60.54,

16.001 40.60! 18.001 48.771 10.001 47.00 10.44 45.0:1 10.00 65.00'! 10.09 67.511

12'.031 53.47 13. 8 54.61 14.00 31,.oI) l 13.816 37.01I 9.751 62.O I 9 83 64.441

3.171 5.65 Akin-Erskine Milling CO., Ev8.17! 5.17' ansville, Ind.
2.75 . Just :Milling & Feed Co., Nash3.011 7.441 Ville, Tenn.

8.8!. Atlanta Milling Co., Atlanta,
1.16' 4. 3S Ga.

3.98 . United Grocery Co., Jackson3.63 4.77 Ville, Fla.

3.501 . ]The Quaker Oats Co., Chicago,
3.17 3.901 Ill.

4.04 . Webb & Maury, Memphis,
5.311 5.431 Tenn.

9.00 . . R. Prilchard, Charleston,
7.71 11.621 S. C.

3.501 . VG. E. Patte~en & Co., Mem3.32! 2.79 phis, Tenn.

2.15 . jUnited Grocery Co., Jackson3.001 3.1611 sonville, Fla.

1.20! . The Consolidated Alfalfa Mill.
2.041 9.501 ing Co., Ne, ten, Kans.

3.75 . IThe Quaker Oats Co., Chicago,
2.57 3.191 IlL.


Z .

I II Pure Wheat Bran . 1g41Guarant'd A analysis: SOfficial Analysis.

Ballard's Shipstuff . 1165 Guarant'd Analysi JOfficial Analysis.

Pure Wheat Shorts .1166 Guarant'd Analysis I Official Analysis.

Imperial Feed .l1671Guarant'd Analysisl Official Analysis.

Ballard's Bran .1168 Guarant'd Analysisl 1Official Analysis.I

Rice Flour .l1691Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.

Omega Stock Feed . ll701Cuarant'd Analysis I [Official Analysis.
I I.
Mazo Feed . 1171 Guaranl'd Analysis[ Official Analysis.I


9.501 8 .,3i




8.041 8.061
13S f3. 50:

12.00 11.901

12.00 10.521

14.50 53.221 i1.4S 53.7%1

16.45! 58.001
15.451 61.66, 1ioof ro
16'0 15r. 0-0U 15.71 59.15 13.00! 60.00[ 14.26 61,99

15.7Sl 53.00 12 .15 54.9S 10.001 47.0 ( 9. ,0 51.00i
19. 01) 50. 001)I 12.29' 52.0

j0.00 60, 00 10.97i 59.721


1.751 . Columbia Mill & Elevator Co.,
3.431 8.48 Columbia, 1enn.

4.60 . Ballard & Ballard Co., Louis3.84 3.97 ville, Ky.

4.001 . Tennessee Mills Co., Estell 0
4.77 3.75 Springs, Tenn.

4.00 . Newport Mill Co., Loudon,
3.95 3.12 Tenn.

4.42 . Ballard & Ballard Co., Louis3.15 .S01 ville, Ky.
9.00: . IH. G. Ponte & Co., New Or5.61c 11.45 leans, La.

520 . IWebb & Maury, Memphis,
4.511 7.13 Tenn.

The Great Western Cereal Co.,
2.001 4,39 Chicago, Ill.

Manna Alfalfa . 11172IGuarant'd Analysis I Official Analysis.
i I *1
,oupon Horse Feed . i11731Guarant'd ALalysis I Official Analysis.
, I .
Dixie Scratch Feed . 1171 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.

"Arab" Horse Feed . 11175iGuarant'd Analysis i Official Analysis.

Sugaration Stock Feed. 1176 �uarant'dAnalysis IOfficial Analysis.

'Nulife" Horse and Muie1177 Guarant'd Analysis Feed . . Official Analysis.

Stafolife Horse and Mule 1178 Guarant'd Analysis Feed . Official Analysis.

Action Horse Feed 1179 Guarant'd Analysis
I Official AnElysis. i

White Shorts . illSO Guarant'd Analysis ,Official Analysis.,

Pure Wheat Bran . l18liGuarant'd Analysis!
Official Analysis.

Pure Wheat Bran . 1182!Cuarant'd Analysis1 I IOficial Analysis.

11.501 13.50i
12.00i 13.96

4.601 2.021

15.00 i O. 83

11.041 13.341


12.00 12.021

i7.50 12.401



10.001 9.901

13.oUI 55.0OI
ilb.OI[ 51.01i

10.25: 55.0o, 13.161 53.651

tu,;0, 66.00 9.651 58.41i

9.00 59.001 9.78i 5S.62!

1i.65i 64.00
11.07i 51.841

11.00 0 53.00 11.00 55.491

11.00! 53.00
12.21 52.14I 11.00[ 50. 0o,

11.431 58.04

17.81' 54.44
17.551 55.72

16. 5 100! 16.941 5 .21

16.60 56.001 16.67' 52.751

4 . J. B. Edgar Grain Co., MAm2-5 5.41 phis, TennI I
3.251 . Kingfalfa Mills, Nebraska City,
2.751 5.32 Neb.

.401 . Just Milling & Feed Co., Nash
2.87 17.151 vile, Tenn.

2.01) . M. C. Peters Mill Co., Omaha, !.021 3.251 Neb.

3.501 . iG. E. Patteson & Co., Mem
4.06; 4.431 phis, Tenn.

5. . Stafolife Feed & Milling Co.,
6.011 6.99, New Orleans, I a.

5.00 . Stafolife Feed & Milling Co.,
6.291 6.861 New Orleans, La.
1 1
3.001 . 1 Commonwealth Feed Mills
4.03! 4.151 Co., S. Louis, Mo.
C0l4.55 !Heckr
.40 .ecer Jones - Jewell Milling
6.921 4.47! Co., New York, N. Y.

4. 00! . P. Plant Milling Co., St.
3.251 6.55 Louis, Mo.
I i
4.001 . Domestic Flour Mills Co., Kan3 021 6.05 sas City, Mo.

OFFICI ,'1 101%', STUV'W \NALYSEIZVS, 1911-Continued.

- / N C A N D A D R S S O F
:- = : - = : MANUFACTURER.

il. . .M
i I I I I I I

Dreadnought Wheat Bran. 1183uCna0ant'dAnalysis 9.501 14.50 55.0o 4.00i. Hunter-Robinson-Wenz Milling 'Official AnalysiQ-. 7.78 15. 27i 58.0,0 3.071 5.63' Co., St. Louis, Mo.

Star Feed .1184 Coarant'd Analvsis 9.7 12.00' 57.01 3. 0. Illinois Feed Mills, St. Louis, lOfficial Analysis.- 9.67 i.94 61 .331, 3.32' 4.12, Mo.

Cremo Brand Cotton Seed 1185 luaraot'1 Anlvsis: . . 20.00 3).01 / 5.00' . Tenn ssee Fibre Co., Memphis, Meal .Oflfci Il AnAlysis. . 19.26 22.55, 39.27: 4.271 5.421 Teno.

Pure Corn Crops . 1186 Garoit'd Analysis 3.00 9.00 70.00' 4.20' . . Kimball C real Co., Kansas Official Analysiis. . 1.871 9.041 73. 90,1 3"47 1.521 City, Mo.

Star Middlings . .1187 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 15.00! 54.04 4.42 5.051Star & Crescent Milling Co., Official Analysis. 7.891 16.85 54.041 4. 121 5.05 Chicago, Ill.

Pelican Dairy Feed . 1188(luarant'd Aoalvsi: 1. S.0 49.00i 3. . . yne Rice Milling Co., Rayne, iOffic'al An lysis.1 11.'90 17.991 45 92 4.951 8.6 La.
5O5cai00lyis I.50 I maaAflaMligC.
Perfection Horse Feed . 11189 G'1i'ct'd nalyisl 12.001 10.50 55 001 3.50j. Omaha Alfalfa Milling Co., Official Analysi . 11.181 12.111 58.97 2.15 6.49, Omaha, Neb. I ' i I
Choice Feed . 11190'Garant'd Analysis 7.971 12.060 54.001 2.951 . Empire Mills Co., Columbus, I 'Official Anal si. .1 8.031 12.951 60.131 3 521 4.071 Ga.

Invincible Feed . 11191]Guarant'd Analysis' 8.001 !Official A -ysis.1 7.00

Premium Stock Feed . 192 r td Analy ,ls 8.501 1Of'eial Anaiysis. i 7.001

Stayrite Feed . 1193 Giiarant'd Ai xA .sis: I). E Official Anulys. 9.89i

Corno Horse & Mule Feed Il l'-iaran I'd Anilysis 12.00, 1Official Aiu!lYsi. 14.121

Pure NWinter Wheat Bran. 11951C-ir un'd X ;ohisl 9.501' j OfficialAutily i . 8.491

M. Middlings . 1196 Tiinranl . ! 5.70!
Official o'v,". . 6.93

Boss .?eed . 11197 Onarnt' dA,!' 9.001 Official ash, s-, 9.53S

Mazo Feed . 1198 (,iuarailti Ai ]Ysis 12.00 OffliilAnla' Os. 1 4. 21]

M. Middlings . 1199(uar ll u\mlysisl 5 701
Official .hi Glyis. 6.66

Manner Alfalfa . 1200 ,iusrant'd Aosis 11.50t Official .nal\ ysi .' 10.52,

15.04 15.9T!
12. 30 12.11

5.75 9.92'

10.00 10.841


17, q1

10,00' 10.53

17 8t .7.20

14.00 14.241

60.241 .3). "2! 6n. 10; 6 4. WS 62. 0 :

5S 501 51.0,0 5G. 09'

54.7Fi C0.00

5l. 449

55.00 53.221

4.30; . Ho)pkinsville Milling Co., Hop4.81, 4.SOikinsville, Ky.
4 .01 . ICairo Milling Co., Cairo, Ill. 2-. 8 4.421

3-751 . The Quaker Oats Co., Chicago,
2.72] 3.201 Ill.

3 . Tile Corno Mills Co., St. Louis.
5.41: 4.32 Mo.

4.00 . iStandIrd-Tilton Millin- Co.,
3.501 5.201 St. Louis, Mo.

6.4101 4.55 Heeher-Jons-lowell Co., New Ce 5.101 4.23 York, N. Y. ,

4. 00 -4.00 The Quaker Oats Co., Chicago,
2.8,' 2.87 I7 !.

3.50 . 'The Qualker Oats Co., Chicago, I,23i .92 II.

6.401 ,IT!cl< ,r-Tlle:,Tewell Co., New
4.65 4.42 Il!. York, N. Y.

4.001 . 'J. B. E0;ir G:,rin Co., Mem.
4.52 6.661 phis, Tnn.


Dandy Middlings . Wheat Feed . Victor Feed . Cotton Seed Meal secondn
class . Cotton Seed Meal . Victor Feed . Premium XXXX Stock Foo Invincible Feed .



I i I o I i
* .1201Guarant'd Arvlysk 6.00 15 00 500 4.00 . ashburn-Crosby CO. LouisOfficial Anal-x. 2. 97' 10.821'. .5! 2.601 6.89 ville, Ky.

.1202 fiurani'd Ainal'i 6.0 14.5' 51.00 3.501 . Atlanta, Milling Co., Atlanta,
Itfical Analyss. 6.96 15.16 57.64 3.88 .171 Ga.

.112032Gnnrant'd Anlysi 12.00, 7.50, 02. 00 8.00. The Quaker Oats Co., Chicago, Official Aalsi. 12.671 S.69 59.70 l. o

d 12041(iuarant'd Analy sis . . I 20.S01. . I . Valdosta Oil Co., Valdosta, Ga.
'Official Analysis . 3. 79 2:.17 32.99 5.1 5.851
I I o

1205 Guarant'd Analysi I . 2.001 30.001 4.50 . The Southern Cotton Oil Co., !Official Analysis. . 17.51 23.96 80.981 5.761 7.19 Savannah, Ga.
.t26G aa '~ ay Is 1 .0 I I
1200Guarantd Analy 12. 00 7. 50 62.00 8.0 . The Quaker Oats Co., Chicago,
Otficia .' 11.50' 8.70 63.6 8.221 3.42 ill.
I An-. 111.50 1
d 5207 Guaati \Alshsic 12. 0 .58.00 3.50 . Cairo Milling Co., Cairo, Ill.

iOfficial Analvsis. 15.72 10.S0! 54.94 8,.00 4.72i

.!1208 Guarant'd Analysic .0 15.011 60.241 4.80 . Hopkinsville Milling Co., HopOfficial Analysis. . 8.701 15.70, 63.69' 5.00 5.14, kinsville, Ky.

Cotton Seed Meal . 1209 Guarant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. 11.20

Kyome Feed . 1210 Guarant'd Analysis 6.561 Official Analysis. 36.15!

Stafolife Horse Feed . 1211.Guarant'd Analysis 12.00 Official Analysis. 13.48

Standard Feed . 1212 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 Official Analysis. 10.29

Sucrene Dairy Feed . 12123 Guarant'd Analysis' 12.001 Official Analysis. . 12.221

"Arab" Horse Feed . 1214 Guarant'd Anily is 15.00 Official Analysi. . 11.80

Standard Feed . 1215 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00] Official Analysis. . 10.62!
Nutriline Stock Feed . 1216!Guarant'd Analvsis 12.00 Official Analysis. 11.741

Standard Grade Cotton Seed 1217 Guarant'd Anayzis .
Meal . Official Analys .

Globe Gluten Feed . 11218 Guarant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. 6 931

International Horse & Mule 1219 Guirant'd Analysisl 12.001 Feed . I Official Analysis. . 14.501

31.921. . I . Farmeti Oil & Grain Co., Sau5. 36 31.26 6.6.l 6.11 dersville, Ga.

15.05' 59.98[ 3.34 . The J. E. 1. Milling Co., Frank1.5.62 57.14', 3.75 5.52 fort, Ky.

11.00 53.00 5.00 . Stafolife Feed & Milling Co.,
9.62 55.59 3.24 8.73 New Irleans, La.

11.50 57.00! 4.50 . Standard Feed Mills, St. Louis, 10.55! 59.03 .21 5.67 Mo.

16.50 46.00i 3.50,. American Milling Co., Chicago, 16.48 50.48', 3.89 8.80 11.

10.001 59.00 2.00 . !M. C. Peters Mills Co., Omaha, 11.19 58.17 2.20 4.07 Neb.

11.50 57.001 4.50 . Standard Feed lills, St. Louis, 10.89! 59.22, 2.81 5.33 N1o.

11.00 53.00 4.50 . utriline -Mills Co., Crowley,
12.73 53.22 4.34 "'6.91 La.

31.92. Valdosta Oil Co., Valdosta, Ga. 835,01,. . . .

'4.00 51.001 2.50 . !Corn Products Refining Co., New 34.22 40.5 3.761 4.48i York, N. Y.

12.50 50.00 3.501 . 'International Sugar Feed Co., 14.17! 49.45 4.47 6.771 Memphis, Tenn.

o FiC '1 Fi':l'xiNG STUFF 9 'NA . 2.
.> -- - I



Momylk Dairy Feed .20 I u ra" -i 10.0 A m" (1.0i
')fflicl1 d ' -1 5.7 .4 -2

Steinmeschl Mixed F, . 1221 Cu ,'' ,l\ . ) [ 1'' 0

Victor Feed .122' ( !,iGuia]')ljv A al ni , 12 hol 7.-, i 62.M I i . . . 1) !

CornoHorse and T.I'' Fecd l'22:: uqnrYita- 1" IPA) 0&5 5050
IO21i0 f .1 \' ]:.- '. I1] .;2 11.01f 5, .S Star Feed .1224 1 i 01 0 \tA nalQ 97M 12 0 57.00, Official _n lyui s. 9- 2 14.5'T' 77. 17 Wheat Bran. .'.1 2 Gu AM Ai 5. A.: 1 .0 i 52.00
Prs-Ku . 2 i1oh! \d .' I i.2i 14.0 71 -:9 .0 l Ko-Pres-Ko . 226; 0,mronIA \imly is' 17.4 22!'-'.Q0M i1.0W.{( c , . 2 .9 22.7: :!.7I

Pure Winter Whew Bran. 122,',uruid Anly 12.0! 15., M^. Sy
I Ofici'i! Alni ] X iii , . . S. 71 , 44.10!

\L'\NLUI' XC'!'Ult Ei

3.50 N . Ai Milling Co. Crowley.
9.40! 7.49' L! .' . P Feed Co. Si. Lculs,
G.09 0

. . . 't rh Oa s ('., Chicago, . .2 2 :,i {.00 1ill

3.50. .' Cmo '11 Co. Si, Lous,

.:W . Ilnhis Ford Mills, St. Lonus,
1.1-4 : .821 71 Io.

-1.00 . lhrl J. C. Lys' :1 _ Co. .553 .17! L 1vcn' ,-orhi , K at-. a.55i . lier l Oil & Frtilizer Co., S.27 t. 7- V ccni,- ton. N C. :. . Akin- E , Mliing Co., Ev2. -1:1 C. 4'10 aisville. Ind.

Monarch Stock Feed . 1228lGuarmit'd Aualysil1 Official Analysis.

Protena Dairy Feed . .1229Gnint'd Aiialysis Official Analysis.

Wichita Pure Alfalfa. Meal 12 3 G'mr'd Analyds 1Official Analysis.

Pure Wheat Bran. 1232 CGuarant'd Analysis Offleial Analysis_.

Ballard's Shipstnff .L2123Goaot' Anlalysis Official i

Pure Wheat Middlings . l23lGuarantdA_aly i lOfficial Analysis.

Cotton Seed Mcal.1235Cusrant'd Analysis Pur Wit .t Fnnoy Official AnalysisiF 1236 t 'Gu ,.t'd ,l'ohlis
Shorts . Offici1 Aniy sis.

Boss Feed . 1237:Guarant'd Analysis!
Official AnalysiS. .

Pure Alfalfa Meal . 1237 Gn rant'd Anal si s Official Analysi.

11.50 13. 00i 55.00 14.2:3 11.71! 52. 5

14.001 .11 0
116 2l.51l -16.71I

30.0 11.2'' 3500 5.6 1 1.:;1 36.97 6. 00! 16O 5 0;.)0 6.o -A 1 I .55 54.74 9.50 1!1.501 53.22 10.301, 11.30 54.761

6.-12; 16;.15. 52. 0, 5.6 , 16. 5 52 .0

7.141 16.2 , 5 7. G !

11.31 12 .os .
.go! I G2 .f.G
3.00: 16.16! 62.661 6.53l 16. 50 55.97

12.001 ,. 62. (0 10.82, 8 .5 ?,.9'

13.00 1- .(0 3.00! 24.641 9 > 1 -11.0 51

4.00 . ;Edgar-Morgao Co., Memphis,
3.13 : 5.621 Tenn.

3.09 .5Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis,
3.S891 4.6 1 o.

1.501 . The Wichila Alfalfa Stock Food
1.48 8.581 Co., Wichita. Kan.

4.00' . Tennessee Mills Co. Estill
4.911 5.101 Springs, Tenn.

4.75! . Colunbia Mills & Elevator Co.,
3.11-V 6.02, Columbia, Tenn.

4.60 . Ballard k- Ballard Co., Louis3.80 3.62V ile Ky.

4.00 . The Dunlop Mills Co., Clarks1.22 3.50 Ville, Tenn.

. I Florida Cotton Oil Co., JacksonSA.6S 5.55 Ville, Fla.
4.501 3.15'Akin-Ersldne Milling Co., Ev5.02 5.061 ansville, Ind.

3.00. iThe Quaker Oats Co., Chicago,
0.M9 .52 Ill.

1.201 . The Consolidated Alfalfa Mill2.22 .4 Co. Newton, Kan.



Pure Wheat Bran .1239'Guranf'd Aralvsisl 9.50 14.50 50.00' 4.00 . Mountain City Mills Co., Chat- Ofical lsis. 8.7 15. 62 5.29 4.00 6.89 tanooga Ten.

Victor Feed . I1240Guarant'd Analvsis 12.00 7.51 62.00 3.0.The Qualier Oats Co., Chicago, !Official Analysis., 7.5- S, 25 67. T . S 5 .121 Ill.
Gano Feed . 1241Guirpnt'd Analysis . I 7.50 59.0 3.50 . IThe Valley Milling Co., St.
Official Analysi .' 9.50, 9.041 65.47 5 .40 4.3.5 Lois, Mo.
Homceo Feed . 1242 Gunarant'd AnalysisI 7.00 9.50 67.891 7.00. American Hominy Co., Indian,Official Analysis. 8.12il 65. 75 8.421 2.90 apolis, Ind.
Corno Horse & Mule Feed 1242Guarant'd Aalvsisl 12.00 10 5. 0 0 2.50 L . The Corno Mills Co., St. Louis.
IO fiIa :\], ]S1. 4 4.2 Mo
"Official Aali. 15.7"1 10., 5.2 5.22: 4.52i Mo.
Star Feed . 124- Guara't'd Analysis! 9.70' 1 .00 57.00 3. 0 . Illinois Fred Mills, St. Louis.
Official Analysis . . 9.82. 12.16 59.91' 3.05. 3.56 Mo.
Purina Feed . 1245uarantO Anolysis 9. l i2.550 55.001 4.00 . Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis, S Official na .lvsis. . 10.791 12.941 58.15' 14.421 3.521 Mo.

Derhy Feed . 121G5. 01ar:mt'dAal,.'Si 10.00 5 .0 4.5 . Stafolife Fed & Milling Co.
Official Aiia.y.sis. 1. 5 II . 411 54 .95 > I. q 2 1 .1 7 Nrw Orhoan, La.

R. E. ROSE, State Chemist. SPECIAL FOOD ANALYSES, 1911. A. M. HENRY, Asst. Chemist.
Samples Taken by Purchaser Under Srction 10. Art Approved June 7, 1909.





366 W in e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

367 Lager Beer . l\ine Brewing Co., Macon, Ga.!

3 ~b8Poinsetta . ,hxe Purity Extract and Tunici I Co., Chattanoo-ga, Tenn.
370Real Sidra Astuiiana .J. Cima y Garcia, Ovi,lo,

3727Forida Bud-less than 2% alcohol FI'Ie �1 ! rida Brewigip Cu., Tain , ,pa Eli

37SJFlorida Bud-less than 2% alcohol The Florida Brewing Co., Tarn-1 !)'I., F l .
374 Florida Bud-less than 2% alcohol'Thl Florida Brewvin' Co. Tam! ) t'., F 1 a.[

376 Pilsener Beer .Te Filing Brewing o. Newi York, N. Y.

10.72:L. L. Simms, St. Augustine.

2.9CjJosoph Nahoono, TallaLssee.

0.001A. Reid 'Ahiskey Co., Pensacola. 4.67The Florida Brewing Co., Tampa.

1.25,V. S. Preston, Barlow. 1.401W. S. Preston, PBrtow.

1.58'L. C. Bowers, Mayor Ft. Meade.

3.95 G. R. Calahan, Sanford.



- -a-.

378 Beer . . V ie Jung Brewing Co., Cincin-' , nati, 0.
379 Cider . .


381 Cider .

10 1I~eer . . .

1005 White Top Beer . *Now Orleans Brewing Co., New Orlean>. La.
1008 Florida Bud-less than 2% alco-IThe Florida Brewing Co.,
hol. I Tampa. Fia.
1010!White Top Near Beer-lessiThe Capiiol Brewing & ice Co
i than 2O/, alcohol. Montgomery. Ala.
1012lApple Cider .

1013 Grape Cider . . .

10141W in e . . .

1.701J. A. Van Pelt, Pensacola. 9.59 E. S. Wright, Monticello. 9.591E. S. Wright, Monticello. 4.691E. S. Wright, Monticello.

2.531.1. H. Rickerson, Live Oak.

3.93,j. P. Galloway, Ocala.

1.19IGeo. F. Smith & Sons, Avon Park.

3.41!%Waldicl.r & Griffith, Sanford.

7.16 N. L, Long Ft. Myers. 7.171\. L. Long, Ft. Myers. 11.171T. 1. Moody. Bunnell.





269 Ambrosia Table Syrup . Sucrose . 3.77% B. G. Merrill, t. Cloud.

3711Butter . .Index of refraction at 200 C. . 1.4,08 J. C. C. Downing, Tallahassce.
I In e
375Olive Oil .ndex of refraction at 15' C. 1.4710 A. M. Henry, Tallahassee.

5771Hog Feed . 4senic-coasiderable amount presentG-. H. Watson, Wauchula.
I Saccharin . I
1002 Canned Succotash .BSeicaliic acid . absent Wallace R. Moses, West Palm Beach.
Benzoic CN.

Saccharin .1003 Canned Tomatoes . .Salicylic acid . absent Wallace I. Moses, We 't Palm Beach.
Beizoic acid .

1004 Ka(a Yaga . \ater . . 10.62Q 'lx Clarl, River Junction.
Crude fiber . 1.07/% A sh . . 4.95% Protein . 43.65%/( Nitrogen Free Extra.,0.34;, F at . 0 .2 7 %, A.icroscopic examination s' ews it tol Ih- a mixture of barley malt, gelatinj and lactose

1006 Capsule . Cont.,ins quinine and povte',.r 'd aloes W . V. Knott, Tallahassee.


10071Green ointment.

1009 Linseed oil . 1011 Vanilla Extract . 1015 Butter . 1016 Juice of Parson Brown OrangesBluebird Brand.

1017jJuice of Parson Brown OrangesCardinal Brand.




A dilute Belladonna ointment. Con-W. V. Knott, Tallahassee.
tains atropine in a base of ben-i
zoinated lard.

Ash . 0.055% IA. B. Lees, Leesburg. Iodine Number . 189.00

.jPure vanilla extract .Win. J. Krome, Marathon.

Index of refraction at 250 C. 1.46091C. D. Robinson, Tallahassee.

Total Acids, as citric acid IW. C. Temple, Tampa.
(g. per 100 c c) . 0.62551 Reducing Sugars. as invert sugar (g. per 100 c c) . 4.63 Sucrose (by reduction) (g. per 100 c c) . 6.93 Total Sugars (g. per 100 c c) . .1.56

ITotal Acids, as citric acid IW. C. Temple, Tampa.
I (g. per 100 e c) . 0.56301 !Reducing Sugars, as invert I sugar (g. per 100 c c) . 4.18 Sucrose (by reduction) (g. per 100 c c) . 6.16 ITotal Sigars (g. per 100 c ). .10.,4 1

1. 18 Coffee W. \Vater . . . 5.97 'Iriumt'' Niojil, Taiuii.
Far (%') . . SCrude Fiber (1r 18.17
Protein (n x 6.25 . . 17.55
SA sh (% ) . IMicroscotic examination detects o

I. E. ROSE, State Chemist.


Samples Taken by State Inspoctor Und OFFICIAL


525 Goodwin's Apple Butter . The Goodwin Preserving Co., Louisville, Ky.
.534 Libby's Apple Butter . Libby, MeNeill & Libby, C.icago, Ill.
t;7;Webster Brand Apple Butter . Webster Canning and Preserving Co.,,
I I ~Webster, N. Y.

Full Text


VOLU!\IE 22 NUMBER 1 FLORIDA QUARTERLY BULLI JANUARY 1, 1912 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE B. E. McLIN Co:\DWiSiO:'>IER OJ;, . .\GRICUJ/J'UJrn REPORT OF THE CHEMICAL DIVISION R. E. ROSE S ' l'.'\'l'B C HE:\11S'l' Ana! y sis of Fertilizers , Feed Stuff, FoGd and Drug~. Rules and Regulations. Ente r -~

STATE CHEMIST'S REPORT, 1911. 'l'allahassee, Fin., January 1, l!Jl2. To His Excellency, Albert W. Gilchrist, Governor, Tallahassee, Florida Sir :-I have the honor to submit the following report of the Chemical Division of the ~-\g1icnltural Department of the State of Florida for the year emling December 31, Hill: '1'he records of the oflice of the Ag1 icultural Department, and report of the State 'l'reasurer, show the sale of inspec1 ion stamps C()Vering 18:3,4 ~ :T.84 tons of Commercial F'eri"i l izc•rs .\mounting to . ... ......... .f45,85DA6 And !H.!JTG.lG tons of Co111111e1Tial Feeding Stuffs. \111r,unting to ..... .A total rc,,cnne of .. . .. . . . . . ..... f~5,4D:3.7!J ........ $71,:}5:t'.25 paid into the State '1'1 ensnry to the credit of the General Hevenne Fnnd. Frnm which is to be dedncted the total PXpenses of the Chcmienl Divi s ion , and the expenses of the Department of Agriculture, ineident to the execution of the Fertilizer, Feed Stnff, and Pure Food and Drug Laws. EXPEXDJ'l'URES OF CHE::\IICAL DIVISION. :4alary of the State Chemist. .. Salary of Asst. State Chemist, Fel'tilizers ... . . Salary of Asst. State Chemist, Food nnd Drugs Salary of Asst. State Chemist, Stock Feed . . .. .. . Salary two Inspectors, Chemical Divii-ion .. . Sal:11'y Clerk Chemical Division ... $ 2,500.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,500.00 :3,000.00 450.00


'i'raveling Bxp cu :,;e;; t11 lm;pectors .... . . Samples and JJ1c:itkn(al:,;, Pun ~ Fuod D epa rtmen t.................. .. .. . ... ..... ... ............... . Chemicals, )qJpamtus and l nc:id e nt ril s, State LalJoratory . . . .... .. ... .... ........ .... .... . . .... . ...... ... .. ... .. . .. . 'l'rnvC'l i ng Bxp e i1se H 81a te Clternist and A ss is t an t s ... .... .. ... ..... .. . .... ...... .. . . Postnge State C h em is t.. .. .. S: J(i. (H; us~.!Hi 151.50 To ta l e x pe n se:,;, C hcrni c d i> ivi :c ion .. .. . . . .. .. lG . !Jl l.:i;) T o C re dit o f Geuera I U e venne F u nd .... . . ... . ~G5 ,4 :: S .70 'l'otal Re ce ipt s .\. N ALY T I C.A L WOHK. T he rollo;rin g annl,n-r i" he 1:1 4 officin] sn~npl es an :1 1,y sed, 1~0 snn1pl e~ ~ . ii~e of c o 1npJ ,,fe g :oo cb: 1-1 : i:nn plc:-; wer e of fertilizer mntf' rial:-;.


,J 'l'he 120 samples uf co111 plete fe1til izer drawn l.Jy the State Chemists and Inspectots had the following ave1age composition and guarnntee: Available Ammonia. Phos Acid. Potash. Official analysis ............. . .... .. ... 4.03 G.G7 7.U!J Guarantee ............... ......................... 3.88 5.D0 7.37 Excess above guamntee...... 0.15 0.77 o.:32 Averng e State value found, per ton ........... .. .. . : f n.73 Average State value guaranteed, per ton ..... 28.98 EXCESS 0.20' /, ) AUOVE GUARANTEE. We find complete fertilizers exceeding the guarantee 0.20 % (twenty points), as follows: In Ammonia ... .. .... ............... .. .. .. ............ G: 3 samples, or ........... 52. 5% 1n Available Pliosphoric Acid .... n:3 s:unples, or ............ 77. 5% ln Potash ..... .. .. ... .............. .. 70 samples , or ............ 58.33% DEFICIENCY 0.20 t; i BELOW GUA TIANTEE. We find complete fertilizers below guarantee 0.20% ( twenty poi11ts), as follows: 1n Ammonia . ..... ............... ... . ..... ................... .. 25 samples, or ......... 20.8% In Av;.1ilable l'hosph01ic Acid ... ... .. 12 samples , or .. .. . 10 . 0% 111 Potash (K,O'l ..... 81 sample s . or . .. . ... 2G.87,, COMMERCIAL RTOCK FEED. R Peck Gr e ene, B. S., Analyist. 'l'he followinganalyses have been made dnring the ,year: Offic-ial samples feed stuff...... ....... ... ................. .. ............ .... .... 184 Special samples feed stuff .. ..... ..... ...... .. ........ . . ...... .............. . .. .... . .... 58 Total ana ly,;es .. . .. .. . . .. 242


u 'l'lte average composition of tlte otlicial samples wa:,; as follows: Starch and Prot e in. Sugar. 5U.74 55.11 Otlicial analysis ................ .. . . ........ . ........... 15.S6 Guaranauteed analysis ..... . l-!.55 Excess ................................... . 1.;.n Lu3 Pats. 4.18 :3.!JS .:W We find the ollicial samples of fe ed stuffs exceeded th1~ guarau tee 0.20 % (twenty poin ls), as follows: In Prot e in ... . . ...... .................. .. . ... .. . ......... 11!) samp le s, 01... . . .... G4.G';c In Starch and Sugar . ........... ......... !JG samples, or ..... .... . 52.2 1 ;; In Fats .............................. .......... ....... 71 samples, or ...... BS.5 1 1 -; 'rhere was a defici ency of 0.20' j o (tweu(y poiu is), ;l,; follows: In Pro te in ...... .. . :rn samples, m .. . . .... . . l!l.i"i' , ; In Starch and Sugar........ ............. 1;3 samples, or ... .. ..: 3 5.:l'i; In Fats ... . ........ . ............. ... . . . . . (il samples, or .. .. .. . .... . :\:U' , FOO DS AND DHlJGS. , '\. 11. Henry, D. S., Analyst. Oflkial food and drugs samples Special food anrl drug s samples :14 Total food and drug s samples ....................... . ............... .. .. 1:1:~ Official samples adulterated or misbranded...... 1~ Official samples legal... ...... ... ..... ......... .............................................. . . ...... 80 'J'hose samples found adulterated or misbrand ed have been reported to the proper oflicer. In all cases the dealer!'; and manufactmerfi have co rrected the labels by placing the prop er lnbels on th e goods or by withdrawing the offending materials from the market. Few prosecutions have been found necessary to enforce tl1e provisions of tlie law.


7 1'he trade has, with few exceptions, recognized the equity and justice of its requirements, and has promptly seconded the efforts of the Department in refusing to han dle goods that were misbranded, or adulterated. Ma:o.u facturel's have, therefore, promptly complied with the law, or withdrawn from the State. FERTILIZERS. 'l'here has been a continued advance in the quality and standard of the goods sold in tlle State. 'l'he analysis of the official samples shows a larger percentage of excess of valuable materials in tlle goods sold, and a decrease in the percentage of deficiency, showing increased careful ness in preparing formulas, selecting goods, analysis of raw materials, preparation of raw materials, careful and proper grinding and mixing by improved machinery. l\fany of the Florida factories are well equipped with the most modern machines for grinding and mixing fer tilizers, thus insuring a uniform material. A large mnn ber of our factories are now under chemical control, with well equipped laboratories for analyzing raw material, and the finished product. Few of the factories of the State are not furnished with modem mechanical mixers and competent technical con trol, by which uniform fertilizers-fully complying with the guaranteed analysis-are assured. The law, requiring the minimum of valuable plant food, be guaranteed, has had a salutary influence in preventing wide variation between,the guarantee, and the resulting analysis. It is notable that a number of our most reliable facto ries have ceased to advertise their goods as having 2 to 3%, or from 5 to 6%, or from 8 to 11 % of the var10us plant foods; but comply with the requirements of the law in their liternture , as well as in their "Guarantee


8 Tag," by quoting the exact or minimum amounts guaran teed. Such factories generally show an excess value on analysis of their goods . . 'l'he consumer has been taught not to expect more than the minimum amount expressed in the literature and not to hope for more value than the smaller amount stated. At tlle same time, if on analysis he finds an excess above the minimum, he appreciates the fact, and gives due credit therefor, becoming thereafter a staunch friend and advo cate of the factory, that states the minimum in its adver tisements, and fully complies with the same. HrGH C:RADE Fmn1r.rz1,:us UsmD rn FLORIIH. lu previnus reports I have !'!aimed !hat Plorida used more and bettel' commercial fer! il izers. per acre, than her sister Riates. Recent statistics show that the average agricnl tural and commercial value of Florida fertilizer,.: is greatei than that of any other State. I1 is seldom that complaints are heard, from the orange, celery, strawberry and frnck grower, of the quality of the fertilize r s sold them. 'l'hey m'e probably the most intelli gent arnl well-posted pmchasers of fertilizer known. l\ien who know what they want, and for whnt purpose they ref1uire it, and are willing to pay the market price there for, and will tolerate no substitute of deficiency. 'l'he_v understand as well as the manufacturers do. that mate rials me purchased on the percentage basis, and that low grade materials with small actual value, are costly in freight, hauling and distrilmtion-hcnce that high grade goods are by far the most economical. It is also noted that the cotton, cane, and other staple crop producers-the farmer as distinguished from the fruit grower and trucker-are learning this lesson also (thanks largely to our Farmer's Institute Lecturers and Demonstrntors), and are purchasing less "Guano"-the


2-2-8 goods of the cotton States-and are using more of the higher grad es, at greater cost per ton, but at far less cm;t for t!Je actual plant food therein. Hy far the greaterest nnmller of complaints as to qual ity of goods cume from the users of 2-2-8, 10-2-2, 10-1-1 , Jll which necessarily low grade materials, of indefinite com position arc used, or a considerable amount of inert "fi ller" introduc . ed in order to lower the grade. Often an excess of the "filler" is used . , thus reducing th e small amount of actual plant fuod. A 2-2-S goods has bnt 2-HI pounds of plant food per ton-at pl'esent prices is worth $18.70 p c 1 ton at the factory. A . 4-6 -8 (nu nverage high grade goods) with :3(i0 pounds of plan l food, twiee the Ammonia, tluee times th e Potash, and far lletter halane ed, is w1wth at the factmy $:10.10. The freight will he the same p e r t(l]L One lrnlf the mnount applied p er aere will prodnc e lletter resnlts. at less cost. ~l'E C I.\L S.Dll'LES. On this subj ec t, T qnote from former repol't, ns follows: "Tlw ' PJweial s.1 mple' peculiar to the Flol'ida law-has proved its value to both ilt e eons11me1 and the manufnc tme1. l\fueh of the nniformit-y and high quality of the goods sold thr o ughont the Sh1te can be attribnted to the "s1wf'iaJ sttmplc' scnt in hy the pnrchaser, and analysed hy tlte Rtate witlinnt drnrg e--tlrn .:; prnving the wisdom of th e Legislatm e in providing this simple and direct method of obtaining quickly nn exact knowledge of the true value, comme1-eiall.'" an d ngl'ieultmally , of the g:oods so lr!, "A careful study of the 'official analyses,' and an intelli gent u se of the 'spe<'.inl sample ,' is ngain commended to the consnmers of commercial fertilizers in the State. "Rpecial att e ntion is called to the law nnd regulations governing the drawing and trnnsmitting special samples of fertilizer and feed stuffs."


IO Legal metllods of drawing and trans111i tting special samples of fertilizers and feeds, are prodded. In order to protect the commruer, and the manufacturer, the law must be strictly complied with. In all cases wh e n the law has been fully complied with, an equitable adjustment of es tablished claims has lJeen promptly effected. LEATHER, HAIR A.Nu \YooL \V.-1.sTE. (From Report of 1910.) 'I'he Florida law prohibits the sale of " any pulvetizeJ leather, hair or wool waste, raw, steamed, roasted 01 iu any form as fertilizer, or as an ingrellien t of any fertilizer or manure, without a printed certificate uf th e fnet ; said certificate shall be conspicuously aflixed to every 1mckng e of fe rtilizer or manure." 'I'his is a good law, and has prevented ihe sale of mucl1 unavailable nitrogen (or ammonia) in the t::itate. However, wh e n these waste materials are dis:-:olvcd i11 sulplrnric acid, they are no longer leather, h air 01 \\ool waste, but a mixture of sulplrnie of ammonia and l111mur-, both value applications to hungry so ils. In fact, the source of some of our most popular and expensive Florida fel'tilizers-particularly orange treP and vege ta ble fertilizers-is largely from properl y dif-' solved (decomposed) factory waste, consisting argely ot these enumerated materials. ORGANI C A:\Ii\10NL\ 'l' ES. One of t he most serious problems at present is an ade quate supply of Organic Ammoniates (as distinguished from the salts of ammonia and nitrogen). 'I'his shortage is caused lJy the ns e of animal and vegetable refuse in preparin g fertilizers, by converting the fixed (unavail able) nitrogen into s ulphate of ammonia, and by the in


11 creased m;e of cotton seed meal , liuseetl weal and similar by-products for stock feed_ All :-; nch wm,te materials should be usetl , as fertiliz e rs are ver,Y largel_y composed of the wa8te of our homes, kitchens, 8htbles, cities, gas ,rorks, sl augh ter hou ses, fh;heries, cotton seed a ud I in1

lTN,\VAILABLE OR GAN IC J'.iiITROGEN. Th e a vailability of the nitrog e n in leather, wool, hair , peat, a nd similar organic compounds, has not yet b ee n detcrm in e d. No satisfactory process has yet been adopted by the A1,:sociai ion of Official Agricultural Chemisis. A number of States h.1ve prnhibit ed ih e ir use in fertilizers. Th e law s of Florida 1 qnir e iheir p rese nce in a fertiliz e r s h a ll b e s p ec i1kall_v state d on the g uarantee tag, in iheir raw untr ea ted condition, s impl y dried and ground th e re in , ni1rogr n is not consid c1e d nYnilable. C(HI ~!CTICL-\ L FEED S'l'liFF, Th e quality of the vnrious co mm er cinl feed stuffs im port c d into the Rtate, is w e ll up io the guarantee. Th e numl>e1 of law g1ade mat er i , ll s :-o ld has materially d creas0d. This hns hecn cnuseu l : , rge l ,v hy the informa iion ginm in the publication s of the Department , and by the in stin e 1ions of the varion:; l cct m er:-; of the Farmer's Institnte, explnining the ns es :1nd value:-; of the differ e nt feed:-; for diffei-ent pnrpos e:-;work animals, milch cows, and liv e stock growing and fattening. It is to he 1eg:ret1ed that, with her superior clim ate , and lnn g li:-t of snpetior forage pl a nts , that the State s lt o nltl :-;pend stwh enotmous sum'i fm imported feed stnffs, that ronl,1 . rnd ,; lurnld be pr o ,ln re

. l " . J auu "J n panese kudzu.'' Tlt ese aual ,rse s sltow tlt a t thes e plauis produce hays equal in value to th e ave ra ge mix ed feeds i1up otte d , :rn

14 lakes and streams, artesian waters, her short, mild win• ters, her abundant native grasses and legumes, make stock raising peculiarly attractive to tbe farmer and investor. Her drained lands and flat woods are peculiarly adapted to successful cattle growing, as is evidenced by the large herds now profiiabily grown on the drained lands of the Central Peninsula. It is notable that during the past few years large quan tities of hay and other forage crops have been produced in the State; tllat the mowing machine and hay press, unknown "before the freeze," are being rapidly intro duced throughout the State; that pure-bred cattle and hogs are being successfully grown, and that her dairies, though still few in number, arc producing butter equal to that prodnced in any part of the Union, at a cost less than the average cost of prodnction in the western dairy States. 'l'he supply by no means eqnals the demand at the highest market prices. ALF,\J.FA. A number of experiments in the growing of this valu able forage plant have been made during the past few years, with more or less success. It is evident that expe rience is needed, to insure a permanent success. 'fhat varieties snitale to the climate must be selected, proper preparation of soil niade, the proper season for planting. :rnd pnrti c nlarl~ the proper season" for harvest deter mined. 'l'ltat alfalfa will become one of the staple forage plantf:' of the State , I have no doubt. It will, howevPr. require experience and care in the preparation of soil, fertilizing :md harvest _ , in order io establish permanent fields. In the meantime, we have legumes, eqnally as valuable, that are now established , the successful cultnre of which om peo1,le are now familiar with .


15 'l'he cow pea, velevet bean, beggar weed, and kudzu, grow luxuriantly with ordina1y care and culture, and are equal to alfalfa in feeding value. A reference to the an alysis of these legumes will show their composition a nd feeding value, which is in eyery respect equal to clover or alfalfa. AMENDED PUim FOOD AND DRUGS LAW. 'l'he Legisl ature of 1!)11 a mended the Pure Food and Drugs Law of the State, in three important particulars. FrnsT-By eliminating the proviso in the old law per mitting the sale of adult erate d and dilute standard drugs, and requiring all standard drugs to comply fully with the standards fixed by the U. S. Plrnrmacopreia, as follows: "S ec. 4. 'l'liat for the purpose of this A.ct, an article shall be deemed to be adulteratedIn Case of Drugs: First-If when a is sold under or by a nam e recognized in the United States Pharmaco pceia, or National Fonnular,v , it differs from the stand ard of strengih, qnality or purity, as determined by the test laid down in the United States Pharmacopceia or Na tional Forrnulary official at the time of the investigation. Second If its strength or pmity fall below the pro fessed standard or quality nndrr which it is sold." 'l'he eminent justice anu reasonableness of this pro vision is apvarent. Its necessity was also apparent, when it was discov ere d that in many instan ces, dilute drugs and medicin es, of so-called "half strengtil", or less, were so ld under the former law by nnscrupulou s manufacturers, as 8tandard drugs. 'fhe trade in Florida, particularly the reputable retail druggists, heartily commend the new law, as its enfo1ce mcnt will prevent the imposition of dilute standards, and ass ure them of obtaining only such goods as nre recog nized by the U . S. Pharnrncopreia.


Hi lt is unnec e ssary to s,\y that physicians endorse tili~ provision , as it assmes th e m that their presniptions will be pr epa red from standard ma1 e l' i,1 ls. ~F.L 'O:S-D --'J'hc arne11tlrnc1d s also pr()vide t lwt all packages o l' food shall have t he net weight .-n m e astne of its con tents "eonspicuousl,v. legibly, and ton e ctly'' stntrd 011 tlie ontsh1e of th e pa ckage, as fol!ows it shall be mis branded: "Third~lf in pnekage form, Hie n cl contents of the packa ge mc'. notconedl_y statr_•a in tcuns ol' we;g!i l : or measm<>_, conspicrnrnsly, le g ibly :\lid con ett ly, on the o nt s ic1e o( the p ::clrn;e." This is ln, t eorn11H;n ho:1 es ty. -X,, umiabl c manufnc iuret m lle:llpi u h jeds to frnthfuiJ_, slMe the \i-ei : llt or nwasurc of Htc goods he sells. The am c ndmeJL t was sng ge-:tcd h,Y the to u eowmon pn1cti, e of certain unsc:rnpn lous deale1s, to lildt a fe w po:mcls , or 01111ccs, from n paek :ige ul' food a ,,atl; : of emn, or u:r i,; -a b,1nel of ilom , or pound of !mi t er 01 lard , 01 a 11umt of oil or syrnp. I am pleai'i ed to sn_v tlwl ille rne1cli:mts of Flori,la. ,l'ith Ho c ~ ;cqition, ihc " holesal e , tl: e julJIH ? 1 nn,1 the r e(H il rncnl1nnt, have ]J{',u ti ly l•n1 l01 sed this ni1H_e1rn< ! Ht, and aic n,-;, , j,;t i ng! he I ) epa l'1 nwn 1 i ,: en i'mti ii;~ a :-:1 !'i (•/conq,J i nut1_-. i"iu ?I ' e\Yi i !1. 1 \cog 1~izi" ;: ~ n~ 1J u-_ , ,: o, i h,!f if e 1i1 '. 1ii 1n r e8 an rn:foi1-, an1i <1is'.um e :,:J cP : 1q,etition, ,.-l!i(h l'11l'me1l_y p1 1 aik 1o a c 1 : 1:sidcrd l lc rxh :, nL Tl1e l a w 1101 s Hot limit ,. , iz,, 1,1• Wl'igh( 111' p,lt Lq .:,,s l.11tt t'l'r : 11i1l' s th:1 t the ex: i ei n<'t \l'l i!!:lit 11; rnc;1s1i 1c sl1:1ll he trnild ' nlly ,;fated. O ne cnn 1

17 "Eightlt-lf it c:outain any c:llemical pi-e:,;ervative or an ti-ferment: such as fornialdeh,rde , salicylic acid or sali cylicate:--, borie .ttid or l.Hnates, IJenzoic acid or beuzoates, 01 tio11rides; ol'. if it eontaiu auy ariilicinl i;;weeteuer; such as sa,dinri11, dulciu or glucin." The necessity for this provision has been established by incrensed use of infe1ior, _ animal and vegetable matter in canned ,md 1Jo t1. led goous--materials in which d ec ay had alJeady lw g un. nnd 1ha t 1equil'ed some diernital to pievent furtlwr d el'. 0111 po:-

18 These three amendments, namelyFirst-The prevention of adulterated or dilu te drugs. Second-Requiring the net weight or measure on all packages of goods. 'rhird-Prohibiting chemical preservatives in foods are the only changes made in the law. That they were necessary and are equitable and just to the honest manufactur e r, the dealer and the comrnmer, is evident to any fair, unprejudiced mind. That they are offensive to the adultei-ator and dilutor oC drugs, to the filch er of a few pounds or ounces from the foods of the mass es, or to him who desires to -dispose of foods made from pal'tly decayed, or refuse vegetable or animal matter, prepar e d under filthy, unsanitary con ditions-''cheap and nasty"-goods, goes with o ut saying . It is gratifying to know that the trade in Florida _ , the manufacturer, the whol esa ler, the jobber, and the r etai ler, are in full accord with the law and are practically a unit in assisting the Department in its enforcement. Florida was among the first to enact Pure Food laws at the inst ance of her cit izens, merchants and dealers. Long prior to the enactment of the National laws, Florida had laws on the subj ect . She has now one of the most equitable laws in th e United Stat es, fair to all parties the manufacturer, the dealer and the consmnPr, requiring only that th e truth shall be stated on t h e albel; ns to char acter and co n ten ts of t h e package; and t hat food s made of inferior materials and "em balmed" to prevent furth er de cay, shall not be sold in competition with sonnd mate l'ials, properly prepar ed . INSPECTORS. The amendment to the Pure Food and Drug L a w, as recommended in m y last report, having been adopted, has materially benefited the service; reduced the cost, and ren


l!J dered the inspection more efficient. Bach inspector has now the authority to inspect all goods subject to inspec tion. I am pleased to report that the two inspectors are com petent, efficient, vigilant, and active, in the performance of their arduous duties; well acquain te d with the busi ness men of the State; competent to instruct the dealer in the requir e ments of the law. Much d e pemls upou tlie inspectors' courtesy and ability to explain why a strict compliance witli tlie provisiom ; uf the law, i s not only for the protection of the consumer , but al s o fo1 the protectiou of the honest dealer and manufacturer, from the unfair competition of the unsc r upulous deal e r in, ur manufar turer of, inferior, adulterated, dilute or 8hod . weight ma terials. Active, eflici e nt and fr e quent inspection uf the various factories, war e houses, railroad station:; , l oc al wareh o u s es and dealers ' stocks of goods is imperativ e for the 1iroper administration of the fertilizer, feed stuff and pur e fo od and drug laws. Afore depend s upon the inspectors' vigilauce to d et ect frauds, wrr e c t e vils and prot ec t the revenu e s of the :-s tate than upon any other bran c h of the service. This particuhuly applies to the largm cities ur t he St a t e, the di s tributing points of most of the goods s old throughout t he State , wh e r e are lo c ated the factori es, warehouses and depots from which th e fertilizers, f e eas , foods and drngs are distributed to the retail merchant and the consum e r , who depend upon the manufacturer, jobber and whole s aler for the qualit y , purity and legality of his goods, the truthfulne s s of the brand or label. The field i s broad, how e v e r-the larg es t State east of the ~fississippi River, with the longest d i stances by rail between her principal distributing points. It is physi c ally impo s sibl e for two inspectors to effi ciently and ec onomicall y c over the e ntire State.


I again recommend that at leas t 1 lne e inspe ctl)] S be e ployed-,-,one having headquarter s in ea!'h or om l:uge (lis tl'ibuting cities-Jacksonville, ' 1'a111pa mHl l'ens,1co!a which practically all t he goods s11b_jcd 1o i1isi1edion are
  • cie1;!, : ' _ : killf'nl nrn 1 ( pc1ie11('ed. In ;w i1:s/:ml'c has ilte l'cs n l (s o : : t h e ir ilu
    PAGE 21

    adoptu; a policy of educa,ion :md in siT udiou, 1_on:,mltiug the variom ; interests a tieded ---,the 11rnunfa(:tiu e;, tlw deal er and the coni,;urne:-, as 111 !Ile laws' died u1 10 11 ll.1 e business of the State. '\\'ltile tirrn iu our d e mand as to stl-ilt tl m1i,liam :e with the }-;(a lute , e liave e nforced 1 h e compJiam e with the law, by 1-lwwi11g (o the ttade, the mau u L1dmer nrnl tlte dealer , that the law was f
    PAGE 22

    SPECIAL SAMPLES. Florida is the only State in the Union that provides for the "special sample," drawn by the consumer or purchaser, under proper rules and regulations fixed by law-to be sent to the State Laboratory for analysis free of cost. Any citizen in the State who has purchased fertilizers or feeds for his own use may draw a sample of the same, according to law, and have the same analysed by the State Chemist free of cost. And in case of adulteration or de ficiency he can, on establishing the fact, receive double the cost of price demanded for the goods. The law requires the "special samples" to be drawn in a manner to prevent the submission of spurious samples; rules and regulations are published in every Bulletin for drawing and tr:rn s mi t ing "s pecial samp les. " This special sample has been n most potent factor in enforcing the law and disconraginr; the imle of adnltel' ated or misbranded goods. Special samples of foods and drugs may also be l'ient to the State Labor:1t01y for analysis free of cost, wh e n the sample is properly drawn according to law. The neces sary instructions :md blanks required to prop er ly draw and transmit samples of "food and drugs" will be sent to any citizen requesting the same. " THE SPECIAL SAMPLliJ FURNISHES THE CON SUMER WI'J'H THE SAME PROTEC'l'ION DE~IA.ND ED BY THE MANUF A.CTURER. WHO BUYS HIS ~fA TERIALS ONLY UPON GUARANTEE AND PAYS FOR THEM ACCORDING TO ANALYSIS, AND IS PAID FOR BY 'l'HE CONSUMER OUT OF THE FUNDS DERIVED FROM THE INSPECTION FEE OF TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PER TON PAID ON FER'l'ITr IZERS AND FEEDS SOLD TN THE STATE."

    PAGE 23

    23 REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE 'fAKING AND FORWARD ING OF FERTILIZER OR COMMER CIAL FEI;JDING S'fUFF SAMPLES TO THE COM MISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE. SECTION 15 OF THE LAWS. Special samples of Fertilizers or Commercial Feeding Stuffs sent in by purchasers, under Section !) of the laws, shall be drawn in the presence of two disinterested wit nesses, from one or more packages, thoroughly mixed, and A FAIR SAMPLE OF THE SAME OF NOT LESS THAN EIGHT OUNCES ( ONE-HALI<' POUND) SHALL BI, PLACED IN A TIN CAN OR BOT'.rLE, SEALED AND SENT BY A DISINTimESTED PARTY TO 'rHE COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE AT TALLAHASSEE. NoT LESS THAN EIGHT OUNCES, IN A TIN CAN OR BOTTLE, WILL BE ACCEl'TED FOR ANALYSIS. This rule is adopted to secure fair samples of sufficient size to make the necessary de terminations and to allow the preservation of a dupli cate sample in case of protest or appeal. This duplicate sample will be preserved for two months from the date of certificate of analysis. The State Chemist is not the proper officer to receive special samples from the purchaser. The propriety of the method of drawing and sending the samples as fixed by law is obvious. The drawing and sending of special samples in rare cases is in compliance with law. Samples are frequently sent in paper packages or paper boxes, badly packed, and frequently in very small quantity (less than ounce) ; fre quently there are no marks, numbers or other means of identification; the postmark in some instances being absent. I would call the attention of those who desire to avail themselves of this privilege to Sections 9 and 10 of the law, which are clear and explicit.

    PAGE 24

    Hereafter, strict cu1u pliauce w i l h a l,ove n•gul al iom; will lie requil'ed. 1'he 1,;a mples 1 .111-' ; t ilut /J c less tllan ulH : half puuud, in a tin can ur bottle, l!ICaled and addressed tu the Com ;uissioner of L-lyricultu'l'C. 'l'he scwlc1 Js name and addl't'ss must also be un the 11a c lwyc, this rule apzilyiny to special sam]Jlcs of fcr ti li;: rs or co mmercial fcedinft ::;luff. A ou epounll llaking powder tin 1.:au, pruperly ch•amle is sent, the sa111ples should be 1111mbcr c d sn as to i1l<-J1tify ll1e111. A.ll this should be dune in tli c zircscn cc 1Jf th<' irit11r se8 and th e vackauc rnailc
    PAGE 25

    Comrner1:ial Peeding Stuff under penalty as fixed in Se1: tion li of both laws. 'l'ags sh,tll be attached 1o the top end of each bag, or head of eacl.J lnurel. INS'l'RUC'l'IONS '1'0 PlTRCHASEHS. Pt11chasets are cautioned ru plltTliase no Corn11te1cial Pertilizers or Commercial Feeding Stuff that (1ocs not bear on each package an analysis tag with the guanrntee required by law, and the stamp showing the payment of the inspector's fee. Goods not having the guarantee tag and stamp are irregular and fraudulent; the absence of the gnai-autec and stamp heing evidence that the mann faetmer or deale1 has not complied with the law. With out the guarantee tag and stamp showi11g what thl• goods are guanmieed to contain, the purellascr has uo rt•coursc against the mannfoetmer or dealer. Such goo(h:; arc sold ilkgally and fraudulently, and are genenilly ol' litt)( , value. All reputable manufacturers and dealers now compay strictly with the law and regulati011s by pl:-wing the guarantee tag and stamp on each package. I~S'l'RUCTIONS TO SHERIFFS. 'l'he aHention of Sheriffs of the various conuties 1:,; called to Section :1 of both laws, defining their dnties. This Department expects each Sheriff to assist in main taining the law and protecting the citizens of the State from the imposition of fraudulent, inferior or deiit-ient Cornmercinl Fertilizers or Commercial Feeding Stuffs.

    PAGE 26

    26 MARKET PRICES OF CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZ ING MATERIALS A'r FLORIDA SEA POR'l'S, JANUARY 1, 1912. AMMONIATES. Less than ten tons. Nitrate of Soda, 17 % Ammonia . ... ..... ......... ....... .......... $ 5 !-06 Sulphate of Ammonia, 20 % Ammonia.. ... . .................. . .. .. 74.00 Dried Blood, Hi % Ammonia........ .......... ...... ................... .. . ...... 68.00 Cynanamid, 18% Ammonia ............... . ... . Dry Fish Scrap, 10 % Ammonia .. . PO'l.'ASHES. High Grade Sulphate of Potash, !JO% Sulphate, 63.00 45.00 48 % K 2 0 ... .. ... ............................. . .. . ............. . ............... $ 53.00 Low Grade Sulphate of Potash, 48% Sulphate, 26% K 2 0 .. . ........ ......... . . .... ....... ...... ............ ... .. .. ... . ..... ......... ....... . 32.00 Muriate of Potash, 80%; 48% K 2 0 . .. ..... . . ... ..... . ...... 4 8. 00 Nitrat e of Potash, imported, 1:5% Ammonia, 44 % Pota sh K 2 O ..... . . ... . . ........... .. ...... 96.00 Nitrate of Potash, American, 1:l % Ammonia, 42 % pota sh K 2 0 ....... ............ ... ............ 94.00 Kainit , Potash, 12 % K 2 0 ... . .. .. .. .... . 15 . 00 Canada Hardwood Ashes, in bags, 4% K 2 0 Potash .... .......... ... . . .... ... ..... ... . . .................. 19 .0 0 AMMONIA AND PHOSPHORIC AQID. High Grade Tankage, 10% Ammonia, 5 % Phosphoric Acid . .. . .... ... ... ...... .... .. ... ... . . .......... . . $ 44.00 Tankage, 8 % Ammonia, 10 % Phosphoric Acid. ..... 37.00 Low Grade 'l'ankage, 6% Ammonia, 14% Phosphoric Acid .. ... .. ... .. ........ . . . .... ... ........ .. ..... .... . .. ........ . ....... ..... 36.00 Hotel Tankage, 6 % Ammonia, 7% Phosphoric Acid . .......... . ..................... . .. ..... ........ .... . ... . ... ... .... . .. ....... ................ 25.00

    PAGE 27

    27 Sheep Manure, ground, 3% Ammonia ................................ . (Figures subject to revision.) Imported Fish Guano, 10% Ammonia, 10% Phosphoric Acid ........................................................................................... . Pure Fine Steamed Ground Bone, 3% Ammonia, 22% Phosphoric Acid .................................................................... . Raw Bone, 4% Ammonia, 22% Phosphoric Acid .. . Ground Castor Pomace, 5% Ammonia, 2% Phosphoric Acid ............................................................................................ . Bright Cotton Seed Meal, 7 % Ammonia .................... . Dark Cotton Seed Meal, 4% Ammonia .......................... . PHOSPHORIC Acrn. High Grade Aeid Phosphaie, 16% Available 20.00 52.00 30.00 35.00 26.00 28.00 26.00 Phosphoric Acid .. . ...................................................... $ 15.00 Acid Phosphate, 14;/r Available Phosphoric Acid 14.00 Rone Black, 17% Available Phosphoric Acid......... 25.00 M1sc1n,LANEOUS. High Grade Ground Tobacco Stems, 2% Ammonia, 8% Potash .......................................................................... $ High Grade Ground Kentucky Tobacco Stems_, 2% Ammonia, 10% Potash .................... . Tobacco Dust No. 1, 2% Ammonia, 2% Potash ..... Cut Tobacco Stems, in sacks, 2% Ammonia, 4% Potash .................. .......................... . .............................................. . Dark Tobacco Stems, baled, 2% Ammonia, 4% Potash ........................ . Land Plaster, in sacks ... 26.00 28.00 25.00 20.00 19.00 12.00 The charges by reputable manufacturers for mixing and bagging any special or 1egnlar formula are $1.50 per ton in excess of ahov0 prices.

    PAGE 28

    28 NBW YUKh \\'H OLEtiALE .PHlCE::,, UlJHltG:N'l' J A~. 1, l:11:.: FU Cl' U .1>:J<~H J\L\.'l'EHlAL~. Ammonia, sulplwle, foreign. p1up1.. . .:n; :t:.!U Cg futures Arnwun i a, sulvllatc, ,.lomestic, si;:i c futures .. ........................... . Fisll snap, dried, 11 '/4 nrnmouia and 14% hone iJlws:vlrnle, f.o.b. fish works, per unit wet, nddulateu, G % aimuonia, ::.:..:u ;J.:.!U (!J, ::.:w (il : 3'/o phosphoric aciu, delivLeu i.rn ;,;; to Ground fo,h guauo, imported, 10 aud 11'?~ arnwouia and lS17 % bone IJlws phote, c. i. f. .l'iew York, Ballirnore or Philadelpllia . ......... ..... ......... ....... . 3.GU@;Ui5 W 'fankage , 11 ' ,: and Hi % f.o.b . Chicago.. 2.GO & 10 1'ankagc, 10 anu. 20 % , f.o.b. Cltieago, gi-ound ................... ..... .......... . ..... ........... . ......... 2.GO & 111 1'ankage, !J and 20 % , Lob. Cllicago. grnund 2.40
    PAGE 29

    :.!!l PHOSl'HA'I'rns. Acid pltosphate, per unit ... ..... ....... ... ............. $ .GO @ .5 5 Bones, rouglt, hard , per ton ...... .. . ......... .. . . .............. 22.50 soft , steamed , nngronnd ...... . .. .. ............. 21.50 ground, steameL1, L} ,;,; , ammonia an
    PAGE 30

    ::o S'l'A'l'E VALUA'l'JONS. For Available and Insoluble Phosphoric Acid, Ammonia and Potash, for the Season of 1912. Available Phosphoric Acid... .... .. ... . ... ...... .... . . ..... 5c. apount1 Insoluble Phosphoric Acid.................. .. ......................... le. a pom1d Ammonia (or its equintleut in nitrogen) ..... lSfc. a pound Potash ( as actual potash, K 2 0) .... . . ...... 5}c a pound If calculated by unitsAvailable Phosphoric Acid .......... .. ....... ... ........ .......... $1.00 per unit Insoluble Phosphoric Acid..... . .......................................... 20c per unit Ammonia (or its equivalent in nitrogen) ..... .. 3.65 per unit . Potash ..... .. . .. ........ . . .................................... .... ................. .. .......... 1.10 per uuit Wi th a uniform a llo,vanc e of il.50 per ton for mixing and bagging. A unit is twenty pounds, or 1 per cent., in a ton. We find this to be the easiest and quickest method for calcu lating the value of fettilizer. 1'o illustrate this ,take for example a fertilizer whi c h analyz es as follows: Available Phosphoric AcicL ...... G.22 per cent.x$1.00-$ G.22 Insoluble Phosphoric Acid ... .. .... 1.50 per cent.x .20.: IU Ammonia ........... ... . . .. ....... .... ... 3.4:! 1Jer cent.x :3.G3e.4:-: Potash....... ...... . . . .. 7.2: i per cent.x 1.107.!J5 l\,fixing and Bagging 1.50 Comn1ercial value at sea ports .. Or a fertilizer anal,rzing as follows: Available Phosphoric Acid ..... 8 per cent.x$1.00-$ 8.00 Ammonia . Potash .. .......... . Mixing and Bagging .2 per cent.x :t6G7.30 . .... . 2 per cent.x 1.102.20 urn Commercial value at sea ports ....

    PAGE 31

    :n 'l'he above valuations are for cash for materials deliv ered at Florida seaports, and they can be bought in one tou lots at these p1 ices at the date of issuing Bulle tin. Where fertilizers are bought at interior points, the additional freight to that point must be added. The valuations and market prices in preceding illustrn tions are based on market pric es for one-ton lots. STATE VALUES. It is not intended by the "State valuation'' to fix the price or commercial value of a given brand. 'rl1e "State values" are the market prices for the various approved chemicals and materials used in mixing or manufactur ing commercial fertilizers or commercial stock feed at the date of issuing a Bulletin, or the opening of the 'season." 'rhey may , but seldom do, vary from the market prices, and are made liberal to meet any slight advancP or decline. '.!'hey are compiled from pri ce lists and commercial re ports by reputable d ea lers and journals. 'rhe question is freqnen tly asked: '\Vha t is 'Smith's Pruit and Vine' worth per ton? '' Ruth a question can no I be answe1ed l'ntegoril'ally. Hy analyi--i:-:. the ammonia, available phosphori c a1 id and pota s h may be d c tel'mined. and the inquirer informed what the tost of 1he nel'cssary material to compmmd a ton ot' g-oolls similar to "Smith's Fruit and Yin e " would be, using none but acc e pted and well known nrnle1 ials of 1hc l, cs t quality. State values (lo not considPr "trade secret:'<." loss on bad bils , co8t of adver1iscments and expenses of collec tions. 'rhe "State value" is simply that price at which the various ingrcdient8 necessary to ni--e in compounding a fertilizer, or feed, um be pur c has ed for cash in ton lots at Florida seapo-rts. These price lists a1r'. pnhlish c d in thi:-: 1Ppod. with 1he " Stat e values " for me deducted th ere from.

    PAGE 32

    32 COMPOSl.'l'ION eJF FEH'l.'ILIZER MATERIALS. NITROGENOUS MATERIALS. POUN DS PER HCNDRED ----~ __ ,,, __ _ ---------' I 1 Pho s phoric 1 Am monia I A c id Pota3h I I ~m:g~~:}i: 1 ;~ 1 ~~ '. 1 ~~: <: E i~ rn <::: <:: > t : : :::: ::::: Co nc cntra lecl Tan,,ag e... 12 to 15; l lo 2[ .... ...... .. Bon2 Tanli~1~c . . . . 6 to G I 10 tn 1 :, I .. .... .... .. Drierl Fis h Scrap. . . . . . . . 8 to 11 1 \i to ;:, ... . . Con on Sc<: cl ::'dea l. . . . . . . 'i to I I) i :J ro :; i n to 2 Ho of Jl!ea l .. . .. . . .. . .. . 1 :3 to _ 17\ J} to ~[ _ ...... _ .. .. _. PHOSPHATE MA TERI ALS . POON DR PER llUND RE D r', i : 1,,1u11 i a , -•.,n ih , :•lt: 1 !1:,-., . .\-:id I 11 ;--o luh lr l'll!."1~}.litOJ ii .\1•id Fl o r ida ~ ) h Lh J1 J;; _;~ J!l :! ( ~ ~'. . Plor~d : 1 ~1 ,.c-1•: ! 'I,osr :1 1 1 .. : .. . .. I Pln rid :1 S ul', .'r Fh o;..;ph nii-:_, _ : ........ . (:roan([ fl"Ill' Vi 1,1 S t e:• , d e :, n e ....... ] : : to , 11 Llis~;ul\t'il Bnn n . . 1 to f f l\<•t .tlHI P , 1t:i :-.l i 1 l 1 o -i ~, . G to S [ (i j o !l ! J ::l to 1 :; I ':\1\;1i:1' e r,f f' r. , , 1 ;lt. [ : _,i) I ' :..:G f"o :32 ,, _ , t o ;~5 l to .,., 15 1o 17 l il lo 20 '.l to 3 Sn1p! _ !:t ~ ( 1 nf Pnt:1~: h .... ' .is i ........... . .... . 1. to ii :; .. : . .. ... . .. I .. . . . . . . . C rhona t 0 n f l'otr:s h ... ! 5G ~itr~1(n o f Pni ;-v.:. h ..... f 10 Do.1lJI<' t'u I'0t.&lVJ:1 g ! ~r; Kainit ... ,I U S,•lvi11ii ... .. . ........ I ]Ii Cot.Ion Scc-< d Hnl l A,;J1 esl lfi \\'cod Ashc•s , u11he ac:h e rl i '' 'iVoofl As: 1 ,,s. l e ached .. [ Toha cco Stems ....... [ r; Co w ;\fan nr,, (f r e2 h) ... I Ho rrn !\1a11ur e (fresh) .. I Sheep M a nur e (fre s h) .. i Hog Manure (frPsh) ... I He n Dung (fr ef; h) ..... 1 Mixed Stable Manure .. to r.n .. .... I . . .. . i ..... to -t 1 ! 1 tc? 1 G l ... . . . . . . ..... . ::~ ;;:\ / :: : : : : ::: ! : : : : : : : : : : : : : : to 2 n ! . . . . . I ......... ! .. to :rn I ..... .... I 7 1 o 11 ; 10 S [. . .. I 1 to 2 to 2 I ......... I l to 1 t o 8 [ 2 to 4 \' .... . . .. 0.40 \ o to o.n n. , _ 6 0. :,3 IJ to 0.fi0 I 0. ~S 0.67 1 1.00 I 0.1 ~ II.GO 0.5fi I 0.19 O.S5 2.07 1.64 0.63 0.76 0.26 10 3:, to 46 'J 1 .., ? 0. 31 0.3J 0.33 0.08 0.24 0.70

    PAGE 33

    FACTORS POlt CONVJmSlO~. To convet-t-Amrnouia into uitrogeu, multiply l,y. .-\m111onia into protein, multiply by ... ~itrogen into :u11U1011ia, multiply by . . \Titrate of 8o•) _, . ... , For instanee, you buy !)5 per cent . of nitrate of soda and want to know how nrneh nitro~en is in it, rnn111ply !l5 per cent. by 0.Hi4 7, you will get 1;-;.n5 per cent. ni trogcn; ,nm want to know how much ammonia this nitrog;e11 ii-: P uivnlent to, then multiply 15.fiG ]le1 cen t. hy 1.214 and , ou g( , t 18.!lD per cent., the equivalent in ammonia. Or. to convert 00 per cent. eaibonnte of potash i11t11 ;1 ctunl potash (K, O), multiply !Hl hY 0.H81. eqnal:;; Hl.'.!!l po>1' , 0 e ut. a dual potaslJ (K ,O \ . ( m•ms OF 'l'HE FEilTILIZEH, ~TOCK FRED AN I) PURE FOOD AND DRUG LA '\VS. Copies of the Laws , Regulations and Standards will hl' furnished by the ComrnissionPr of Agricnl1nre on appli c-ation.

    PAGE 34

    . \ VEHAUE COl\H'OSITIO~ CUT COMMERCIAi. FEElJ STUFFS. llark Cotton ~3eeJ Lin ,-;eed l\ll•:1 L ol(l <:e:;s I ~\ft;a:j '\le : tl / p, ~ ,; Lin~ced l\Ieal. Hew p1 ; cei,;s TT ' ltrat Bran \\ " be ut I\Jiddlings Ship Stuff ( WhPat) i Corn (graiH 1 Col'n Cob"< Hominy Ft•ed Cm-n and Onts , HJl!:1'. parls H,11 1e,v (g1:1i11 I Harle,v nnd 0,1!~. rq11.1l' parts I 7.: ,11 , ::.-,.,o : ::1;.1111 i I ,i.(j() , ' I I : : .lii ' I . :: o . 1o i {;,Iii I I Lo:; ! I ! i ' l:!.10! ! i li .11 1 ' I ti.! l;t : \ 1 iJiO j I 10.:-ifli I I !l.711i ii8.TII I :.'.JO ! ' I .s.:-io J I 10.GO I 10.:JO ! 8.701 l:.'. t11! I I (;4,:20 ' i ,., ~.,1 o .n i l:.'.lll i GJ.,;-; i i 7 :1.,,0 : ' 7.85 I I -Llil '. I :UOI ' I l.~1)i .-,.no :: .7 (1 ].'!(I 1.10 1.50 :.'.:.'II :!. HI

    PAGE 35

    •>r:: ,_);J AV ERA GE UO~fPOSl'l'JON OE' COMMERCIAL FEED S'l'UFFS-(Continued.) :;:, "' I e ;::: NAME OF I,'EED. ;:,:; .:i C\J ,... I ,;j I (1) @ Q c.o "' 0 ,... ::, :::; c;j[/). ..i .c ,... ... ..-, co U1 u p... [/). ""' -< ------------------------~ --~I I I 5.uo/ I Oats (grain) 9.,'iUI 11.:)0 5!1. 7 01 ;mo I i I Oat Feed I (i.10! W.00 r;,J .uoi 7.10 3.70 i ! ; 7.101 I I 0.20! Rice (grninJ "''I 0.40 0.-!0 ,. I I I I I I[ Rice Bran ............... . .. i u.,rn; 12.101 J!i.uo I 10.00 I Rice Hulls 35.70 :tuo :rn.Go 0.70 13.20 I Rye (grain) ..... 1 1.70 IO.GO 72.50 1.70 l.!10 I I Hye Bran ., -ol 1-1.70 r~o I ~.80 :,.(iO ... ). ~, I )o_).c ' Wheat (grain) ! 1.80 11.:)01 71.!IOI 2.10 1.,.;;;o I Cow Pea I J.10 20.sol 56.701 1.40 3.20 ......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . i I I 20.10[ rn.noJ I Cow Pea Ray ...................... i .1:2.:201 2.20 7.G0 Hulls/ !J.:.wl rn.rnl i Velvet Beans and 51.30J 1.50 :u:o '1 I 1-1.10/ I I I I Velvet Bean Hay .i 2D.70i 41.001 1.7.0J G.70 I I I 21.rnl I I Beggarwee<1 Hny 2-1.10 I ''P •Joi ., "()I 10.!HI I ._, _,.) Hay ...... / ::?.HI iI I ,Japanese Kudzu ,. ::w.20 l.G7j fi.87 Cotton Seed (whole) ... 1 :?3.20 18.401 2-l.70 19.!)0 B.50 I -!.00 I I I Cotton Seed Hulls.. .... 1 44.40 3(UlOJ 2.00 2.H0 I 5.:-rnl 2J.ool 51.20/ 10.Go/ Gluten Feed I 1.10 Reef Scrap ............. .............. I 44.701 ., .,~I •> ...... , __ 14.751 2D.20

    PAGE 36

    co~urnHCL-\L K'l'ATE VALUES OF FEED STUFFS POI{ 1H1J. l<~or the season of 1!!12 tlie fol lowing --State va Ines"' are fixed us a guide to purchasers. 'l'hese value:are based on the c11nent p1it
    PAGE 37

    FORMULAS. 'l'here are frequent irn1uirie,; for formulas for variom; crop;;, and there a1e hnndteds of ;;uch forarnlas pnbli:-:hed; and, while theie are hundreds of ""brandR.'' the vatiations in these g1nl!es are surprisingly Ji t tie. Dozens uf "brn11ds'' put up by the same manufaeturer m-e ideutical gontls, the only diffe1ence being in the name printed on the iag or sack. A good general formula for field or garden might be called a ''vegetable formula,'' and wonlcl have ihe fol lowing: Ammonia, ,l}'/cJ; availn hle J1hospltorie acid, fi-1%; and potash, 7%'l'he following fm•mulas will furnish the neces,;ary plant food in about the ahove pro portion. I have purposely avoided the use of any fraction of lllO pounds in these formulas to :-implif'y them. Values are taken from price lists furnished by the tradP, .fannary 1, 1!112. !,~or cotton, corn, sweet potatoc;.; and vcget,1blcs: _\_1u111onia, 3~ % ; available 11l10sphol'ic acifl. 1;t, '/, : potash, 7%' A) ''VEGETABLE." No. 1. Per Cent. 900 pounds of Cotton Seed Meal (7-2I-l~) ..... 3.25 Ammonia 800 pounds of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent) .... 6A,, Available 300 pounds of Muriate or (Sulphate) (50 per cent) 7.50 Potash 2,000 State value mixecl and bagged. . . . . . . . . . .. $28.11 Plant Food per ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 pounds No. 2. Per Cent. 1.000 lbs of Blood and Bone (6}-8) ........... 3.25 Ammonia 400 lbs of Acid Phosphat,e (16 per cent).... 7.00 Available 600 lbs of Low Grade Sulp. Pot. ( 26 per cent) 7.80 Potash 2,000 State value mixed and bagged ............. $29.04 Plant Food per ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 pounds

    PAGE 38

    No. 3. 300 lbs o[ Dril,d Blood (16 per cc:1: J ....•.... 100 lbs of Nitrnte 01 Soda (17 per cent) .... . 1,000 lbs of Acid 'l10sphate (l(j per cent) .... . 600 JiJs of !,ow Gnu!,, Sulv. Pot.(2\.i 1wr cent) 2,000 Per Cent. _ :,.25 Ammonia 8.0!J Available I , .SIi l'orasl1 Stale value mixed and ba;gecl ......... . ... $~0.0.! Plant Fooc] per ton ......................... ::;,~ ponnds No. 1. Frui'"" ,\L•lom;. StrawlH;rries, Il'isl, Potatws. Ammonia. 4 pe-r cent.. Avail:.i.lile Plwsphoric Acicl 7 l"'r cent.. Pclash 10 per cent. l.000 lbs of Bloocl ancl Bone (61-S) ... 400 lbs of :\Imiate of Potash (50 JJ<'l' ,;1) 500 Ills of Acicl l'hosphate /lG JH'r cont) .. 100 1I1'.J of .'.\irrntP of S,irla (17 per cenl). 2,000 Sclil value rni~;p(l ai:tl h.1g:2>_ d. Pin 1H Fur,r] per ton .......... . GOil lbs of C:1stot Potuac,i (G--2 p0r c,rnt) .. . 200 Ills of S11ltJ. of Am. t'.l::i per ccnt:i ...... . 000 lbs of Acid Phosphate ( lG per cent) .. . 400 lbs of Snlp. of Poi. ( 18 per cr•ntl .... . St:1te value nii.:~._,([ and baggerl ... Pl:in1 c
    PAGE 39

    SOIL ANALYSIS. \Ye frequently have s:a11p!es ol soil sent in for analysis and a request to advise ns to tile best rnetl10us of fel"tiliz in1:~Ex<.:cpti11g in extreme eases , such as T-lenvy Clays. f>ure San1l m1tl )foci : Larnl;i, tl1e1'e is lmt little infonna tion to lJe Lleriveu from a soil analysis l"liat wo1lld be of beJLefit to fa1mers. So urneh llepe : 1lls on tilth, iolo;;ical eun1litfons; hence, we do not 1ecommc1Hl this method of testiug :-;oil." Tile method recommended hy i"he In11inna Station ir-: the field fertilizer test or plot system, in which long, narrow strips of the field to be tested nre meal"urerJ off ,;;ide by side. 'l'he erop is planted uniformly over earn. Different fertilizers are applied to the different plots, every third or fonrth one being left unfertilized. '!'be prodncC' from these plots is harvested separately nn
    PAGE 40

    40 weighed. ln this rnmrner the farmer can tell whal fer tilizer is Lest suited for his needs. As climatic ocndi tions may iutluenee 1lle yic;ld with diilerent fei-tili;,;en:, it is best to cany on suell tests for lllote t llan one year befote dra IV ing detinite eonclusio11s. Tl1ere is 1;osirively uo easier or slwrler method of iesling the soil (ltat we fee! sai', 0 ia recoU111Jell(ling. 8oil ea11 be g1catly irn pnlved by an in tell igen t rota Liou of erops, the couserva1ion of stable manure, and llie use of some kind of comuiercial fei-tilizer. Fai-wers need have no fem that 1he JJrnpe1 application of corn111,,1,i;1l fpr tilizer "IYil! injme llHo land. \Ve frequently analy;,;e water f"o1 publicn:-;t•. l"ity. towu and neighborhuod supplies; springs and adesian wells in which the 1mblic is inieres(ed; arnl for indi1id11al: when some economic question, boiler, lanndr-,Y or oilwr industrial use is to be decided. "'Eno XOT .\X.\LYzr-: wATEH I<'Olt !:-lDIVWUAL ACCOUNT WIIEilE:IN TI-]],; l'l'IILI1' IS :'\'OT I:\' TEltESTIW. SvcI-I S,UII'LES SIIOULT> BE SE:\'T TO .\ ('0\Dll•:H CL\L L.\EOHATORL 'l'IIE STATE LABOIL\TOI\Y 1101•:s :'
    PAGE 41

    H uance. \\"e liud Cakiuw Cal'l.wuate (lillle), l:,odiulll Chloride tsalt), )lagncsium l:,ul1Jllate (CIJSOlll :,;alls1 .XoTE.-\re fiud tlle water;; uf the St .. te-spt ings , wells,
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    DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE-DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. FE RT ILT% ~R SE(' TlO N. R. E. ROSI •~. Stat e C h emis t. SPECIAL FE RTILI ZER ANALn , : 1 , ::~. 1:JI I. L. HEfil IBl ' l '.(1 : 1m, .\s s; stant Cbemis1. Samples tak e n by Purch,>.ser und e r Se 8t ion :1, .'\ ct Ap JJlovcd J\i :;y ~2. 1:;111. NAMFJ. OR BRAND. ... ::0 ...., rn 0 ..... "" flwsvlivric Add. F e rtiliz e r .. ... ... . ... . . . . ... \238 9 3 . S2 6. 381 4 . 1?. 1 \ 10 . sol F e rtiliz e r ... . .. ...... .. .. .. 6 . 59 7 . 1 4 1 1. 46 1 S.G O / l<,ertil!z e r . .. .... . . .. ........ 2391 6.G7 6.3 ;~ 0.89 j 7 . 2~ 1 F e rtilizer ... ..... . . .. ... . ... (23 92\ 7.17i 5.03\ 0.82\ 5.~5\ F e rtilizer .......... . ........ \ 2 3 33\ 15 .101 2.77\ 1.34 1 4 .lJ 1 F e rtiliz e r No. 1. .. . , . . .. ..... 1 23: :!4 ... ... ! 7. 44 \ 0. 96\ S. ,J!J F e rtilizer No . 2 . .. •.. . . ... .. 2395 ..... I 5.4 1 0.9-ic 6.35 F e rtiliz e r ................... 2396 7 .13 1 7. 00 0. 67 , . 6 7 Fertiliz e r ......... . ......... 2397 7.7 2 1 6.22 1. 71 7.9 3 F e rtilizer .....•... . ......... 238 8 : ...... 5. 53 0 .12 5. H;i F erti liz e r ................... 2399\ 6.,7 8.7 4 1.53 ; ) . 0.27\ Fertiliz e r No. 1. ............ . 24001 ,;_7,; 8.23 l. 2 1 1 9.44 F e rtilizer No, 2 .............. / 2401 6.20 6.86 1 1.21j 8.0 7 F e rtiliz e r No. 3 ..... .. ....... ;240 21 4.0 9 4.871 1.301' 6.17 Fertilizer _ No. 4 .... .. ........ [2403! 4.76 _ 5.08[ __ _ ;. 071 6 . 15 ..0 rn ,,-J ...., 0 P... BY WHOM SENT. I I 4.65 ! 12.0ii ! l-I. A. P c rn•. Pomo n a. Fla. 5.1 81 :: .,s 1 ' s. K in c liy , .1-Iiami, Fla. 4. 6Q j ;'; . : i: ; H. E. Foy . l ~ ll ento n. Fl a . ;:i.G:ij 5. 80\J. M. Johnson, E llenton, Fla. ~.~;?! 6 .0JiH. W . Skim1 e r , St. L eo, Fla. :~. ' i. li\i S. l'Jinc hy , i\li a mi , Fla . 3 . lia 1 11.15 1 S. N in c h y, i\ li arni, Fl a . 4.4 :ll 4.15'I. S. Coon, Kath l ee n. Fla. -1.2! !J. 31 : H. D. Br,Hlr!ock , Cre2cent City, Fla. 5. li G! U. 45 \V . A. Roher ts. Lil_v. Fl a . 3.G: ~ i ll.Gl _ \ Vn1. fiiclnunn. B!'~1tleniown. Fla . 3. r.:: i 4 . 91 Ar: n our Fetr :,; . \\"l-;s., .Ja c k s on ville , Fla . 4.2, I G.9 8 , Ann onr F etrr.. \Vks., .Tncison ville , Fla. 5. 0 :![ G .11 : Armour Fr -•t rz . \\'ks., .J ac l
    PAGE 44

    SPECIAL FEHTlLiZEH A'.\'ALYSES. lnl--l'ontinued. Phosphoric Acid. I --~~ :,., NAME, OR BRAN .... (l) ai D. 0 ; 2:: ci = :c :;; ,,g ::, ;... .: 0 :n el 0 ~z > "' . 0 < r:l E-< >-< Fertilizer No. 5 ... . .......... 2404 5.56 6.02 0.86 6.88 Fertilizer ........ . .. ...... .. 2405 ...... 6.35 2.50 8.85 Fertilizer ........ . .......... 2406 . ..... 3.61 1. 94 5.55 Fertilizer ........ . .......... 2407 . ..... 6.26 1.92 8.18 Fertilizer ........ . ...... .... 2408 ...... 10.41 0.63 11.07 FerUizer ........ . .. .. .. .. .. 2409 ...... 6.74 1.0~ 7.83 Ashes ........... . .......... 2410 . ..... ... . .. . .. .. . . ..... Cyanamid ........ . .......... 2411 ...... ... ... . ..... ...... 1 I Fertilizer No. 2 ... . Fertilizer No. 1 ... . .... 24121 10.30 8.21 3.36 11.57 .......... 2413 9.85 6.19 1.26 7.45 Fertilizer ........ . .......... 2414 14.11 10.51 1.16 11. 67 Fertilizer ........ . .......... 2415 7.09 6.38 2.H 8.51 Fertilizer ........ . .. . . ...... 2416 . ..... 8.81 1.00 9.81 Fertilizer ........ . .......... 2417 6.75 6.30 0.12 6.42 Fertilizer No. 1. .. . Fertilizer No. 2 (N Potash.) .......... 12418i 12.S2 7.58 3.G5 11.23 itrate of I 24191 ...... .. . ... i ...... . ... .. -a 0 s s < 3.21 5.74 4.75 4.75 0.97 2.82 . ..... ci ~ I ,.c:: rn I c;j . BY WHOM SENT. 0 I ll; I I 6.831Armour F et.rz. ,\Tks., .Jacksonville, Fla. iams, Citra. Fla. 6.48'J. R. \Vill 5. 93 :'The Fla. I 8.84,C. B. l'dur rrigated Farm Co., Astor, Fla. ran, Crescent City, Fla. 2. Q,! 1 Farmers' I tOildale. 8.43 1 I
    PAGE 45

    Fertilizer No. 3 (Sulfate ............ 60.72jM. Fugazzl & Co., Belleair, Fla. Potash.) . ! I I Fertilizer No. 4 .............. 2421 10.53 8.94 4.82 13.76[ 2.49[ 2.38[.M. Fugazzi & Co., Belleair, Fla. Fertilizer No. "A69" ......... 2422 13.81 4.75 0.92 5.671 2.64[ 14.56iL. H. Pullocli:, Lakeland. Fla. Fertilizer (Hydrated Lime) .. ,2423 ............ 0.211None [E. B. Shelfer Co., Havana, Fla. l'ertilizer ................... 12424...... 5.68 1.17[ 6.85[ 0.261 12.55 1 J. J. \\'inn, Lakeland, ~la. Sulfate of Potash ....•....... 2425 . . . . . . . . . . ........ I ...... I •..•.. I 44. 44 [ Independent Fertz. Co., Jacksonville, I I I 1 Fla. Fertilizer ................... 2426 8. 40 7 .11 1. 14/ 8. 251 5. 20 7. 97[ C. B. Morran, Crescent City, Fla . L ertilizer No. 1. ..........•.. 2427 10.93 10. 73 0.4G 1 11.221 2.161 2.09 1 J. W. Baggett. Holt, Fla. Fertilizer No. 2 .............. 2428 13.00 9.62 0.411 10.03[ l.93j 2.02 1 J. '-" Baggett, Helt, Fla. Fertilizer No. 3 .............. 2429 li.66 5.90 1.14i 7.04j 2.76! 5.86J. W. Bagp;ett, Holt, Fla. Fertilizer ................... 24:101 ll.li4j 8.47 0.321 S.7:Ji 4.08[ 8.09jH. A. l'eny, Pumoua. Nitrate Soda Ko. 1. .. . ...... ... C' i'n:narn, San["rrl. Fe:ti.lizer .................. ,~4~~I 6.2S, 5.48 1.021 G.50! 4.60i ~~~iH. ~ .\l/;.,.r1:rns:. ';nillon.,: Kmmt ............... . .. . ... -•L0, ...... I ............ 1 ........... . 1 l.,.111r.. ~. ,\Lntt,on. L,,e Oak Pineapple Mixture .. . ...... :l4:J4' S.08 ............ ' :::.5--1[ -l.:'.01 7.lill:\\. L. Frn1;lz .\nl,rma. Fertilizer No. 2415 .......... 2•Llii 7.551 G.49 2.27[ 8.7G! c,.2S, 7.251E:1t
    PAGE 46

    SP J<~ CI A L FERTII,17.l !J R A:\A LY SES, J !i l !C onti11u, d. Phosphoric A c id . a.i : 0 rn .e I 1 1 1 , I : -I ~ et ~.1 1 rr No. 3 (V.C. Sp e ci a1 1 24 1 9 j l ' 12 .r, 5 S.88 i 0. 5c i 9. 3 l \ 1. 9'1 ) 3.30 \ s. H. Da ss . Cor\.J e tl . '1 i ' I I ! , " A c id l' hosp ll a t e N o . 4 (Gould ~ ! : ,0 . . 1 1 G .7 8 , 0 .0:l ! l( i S O , .. ... i . . .. "' H . Ba s~ . C orb e tt. in g's lG ' ; t,) I I _! j i ! A c i , l P ho sp hat e :' I P. 5 (Vn .! 2 J:;1 ; .. . lG . G i j J. 3 0 ; 1 7.9 7 J ..... . 1 .. ... 8 . H . Da ss . Cn r b e ti. Ca rnli11a 1G % ) 1 i , I l 1 T o b a c c o Sc r e ening s ....... .. , z ~ f . ~ ; . . . .. . 1 ...... 1 .. . . . , . . . . . . 1 Z . t , s A s h es No . l. .............. .. ! 245 3 1 . . . ... j . ..... J . .. .. 1 .. .. .. : ... ... 1 I I I ! , . .. I ! l I Fe rl.iliz 0 1 (At
    PAGE 47

    Ferti l!zer . ...... ......... \24641 9.551 8.771 0.6 3 9.401 ... .. . 1 4.77\W. H. Johnson. Concord . Acid Ph osp hate ... . . . ...... 1 2465 .. ... I 17. 56 O. 09 17. 65 .... . . I . G. W. Barbe r, c onc:ord. 16% Acid Phosphate ........ 2466 . . . . . . lG. 83 0 .12 16. 951 .. .... ! •.. I Am erican Sumatra Tob a cco Co.,Quincy Kainit , 1 2467! ..... . 1 ... ... 1 .. .. ........ 1 . .... 1 12.311Americ a n Sumatra Tobacco Co .. Quincy Acid Pho sp hate ........ . .. .. 2 168\ .. .... 15.64 O.G 4 16. 28 \ ..... ! ..... l ra n J; Bu s h . IBsto. F t ?'G9 7 ,,_ 8.2" 1 49 ~o " 5" f. 34 J E S 1 , T . er 1 1z e r ..... .............. ~, 1 . .., , v a 1 . , I ". "I , . . _ . , t J( 1 .. urn J H c r. Fertiliz e r .. ........ .. ....... ,2-1', 0 1 7.4 3 11.28 O.u9 1 ll.97 I! 4.39 5.5 1 CA. V aH !andiu . ~lia.rn, Junip e r. Acid Phosphate ... . ......... 2471 1 ...... lG. 79 0 . 091 lG. 88 ... ... j . Am eric,1n Suma tr :,, Tobacco Co.,Quincy Acid Pllo~phate ...... . ...... 2472 ...... i 16. 381 0 Jifl 16. 47i ...... i . A1 m•ric,rn Sunrntra Tohacco Co.,Qu!ncy Acid Phosphate ... ......... . !24731 ...... I J 6 .101 0. OSI 16 .18! ...... 1 .. .... [Americ an Sumatra Tobacco Co.,Quin cy Acid Phosphat e .... .. . ..... 124741 ...... \ 16.41 1 0.11 lG.52 ... .. . J \American Sll'natra T o b ac co Co.,Quiu cy Acid Phosphate ..... ... . .... 1 24751 .. 1 17.50 1 0.1'/ 17.67 \ ... .. . J .. [ Am e rican Suma t ra Tobrtcco Co.,Quincy Kain it ...... . .... ... . ... . . .. 24 7 1 ' 1 i ...... ! ... ... ...... ! .... .. I 13. 50 1 Am Ar i rn n Sumatra Tob ncc o Co ., QuinC'y Kainit ... ........... .. ...... 2 177 : .... .. ! ... . .. I ... . . .. .... l . .... i 13 .15 ! Arnericnn Sumatra Tchac c o Co . . Quincy Kainit .............. . .... ... 2478 1 ..... . 1 .. ... . ( ..... ... .. .. i ...... 1 13. 30JAnwric an Sm , 1atra T o b ~c co Co.,Quincy ::,u!phatc of Potash ... ... .... 24791 ... ! , 1 ~6 .08:A m c, ric:rn s,rn,atra Tob ac co Co.,Quin cy ,.... 1,it.rat e or Soda ...... . ...... 2480 ...... ! ...... 1 ............. : lfi.f ; 0! ..... . 1 Am ,,r:,::n n S:m1:,tr2. Tohacco Co .. Quincy -, Muri ate of Potash ....... . .. !2 .. . ... \ ..... . .... I ] .••.. 1 48 . 8SIArn cr i con Sunrnt ra Toi.mcco Co.,Quin cy Fer ti li zer No. 1. ..... ... ..... 12.tS2i 9.401 8.49 0 .00 i B.49; 2.761 2.t•!J i \'.'. l\I. wnit.e, Ja y. F e rt )l)z e r No. 2 ........ .. . . . \ 2483 , 13. 0 4 ti 11. 621 0. 8 0 ! 12. 4~ i 2. OOi 2. l?i , \?, :\'I. White . .Tay. Fer t ili zer ........ . .... . . . . .. , 2484 ... . .. , 12 .19 ! 0 . 1 12. 33 1 1. 62 , 4. 6G bl M. Grn ss, Or!aud, .>. Fertilizer No. 1. .. ... . . .. .... 12485 ! ... . . . l 11.17 1 0.62 11 .79 2. 1 4 ! l.lic! , D. C. D:d e n . ~, li!Lon . 1''ertiliz e r No. 2 ............. j 2486,...... 12.49 [ 0 . 0G 12.55 2.05 1.~ 1 0 \ .D . C. Dirlen; l\.lilton. Fertili z<-r No. 3 ........ .. .... 1 2487 ...... 11.09! 0.30 11.39 3.6 3 4.19jD. C. Dir l en, l\Iillon. Fertiliz c'r No. 4 ......... . .... 12488. .. . . . 11.24. 0.15 11.39 3.82 4.131D. C. Diden, Milton. l\luri ate of Potash No. 5 ..... 2489 .. ..... ...... . .. . ............ 48.351D. C. Diden, l\Iilton. Fertiliz e r ................... 1 24!)0 . . . . . . 5. 53 l, 99 6. 52 3. 40 8. 79!A. A. Thomas. Fulford . Fertiliz e r No. 1 ..... ......... !2491 ..... \ 9.20 1.22 10.42 2.0 0 2.91 , IBrls to l Bar g ain Stor e, Bristol. . Fertiliz e r N o. 2 . ............. ! 2492 . . . . . 1 . 9. 53 0 . 38 1 9. !'Ill 1.14 4 . 13 Bristol D a rgaln Store, ::Jristol. ~•.:rtilizer( " Old Time Guano")!2493 ... .. . : 13.58 0.30 1 13.88 \ l.134 ! l.80 ,1. J. Barber, Cottondal e . Fertiliz e r No. 1. ..... .. ...... !2494 .... . . ! 9.94 2. 15 1 12.09 I 1.flfl i 1.4n : ;_ L. Ow e ns. Qu;ncy. Fertiliz er No. 2 ......... .. ... 124951 12 .251 7.62! 1.481 9.101 2.081 2.5 2 1 J. L. Ow e ns, Quincy . ------~ -

    PAGE 48

    SPECIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSES, 1910 Co ntiuu cct. I :,.;. ;.., ;.., ~Al\IK OR BRA:--n . 0 Q) C) . .0 ... I ~a ::I ; . 0;:, Ul ~z c ..:i I . Acid Phosphate . . . . . . .. . . .. . 2496 . .. . . . Fertiliz e r ............... . .. . 2497 13 . 7.c Acid Pho sp hate . . ... . . . . . . . 2498 .. .... Fertilizer (Acid Phosphate) .. 2499 12.06 F rtillzer ("Exhibit A") ... ... 2500 12.61 Fertiliz er ("EXLfoit B") ..... 2501 12 . 871 l<'ertiliz er l".bJxuibit C") . .... 2502 11. 01 Fertilizer ("Exhibit D") ..... 2503 15 . 63 Fertiliz e r ("Exhibit E") ..... 2504 10.50 Fertrilizer No . 3 .. .......... 2505 10 . 98 Fertilizer No. 5 ...... ... ..... 2506 12 .13 Fertilizer No. 7 (Acid Ph s2507 .. ... . phat e ) 1 F3rtiliz e r No. 8 ......... . .... 1 2508 9. 53' Fert~l!z er N~. 2509 10 . 14 Fertlllzer No. li ......... ... 2510 10 .3 1 Fertilizer No. 18 ...... .. ..... 12 511 U . 35 Fertilizer ..... .. .... . .. . .. .. 2512 9 . 24 Fertilizer ............. . . .. .. 2513 .. ... . Bird Guano ...... ......... .. 2514 ..... . F6rtilizer ... ....... ... . .. ... 2515 .. ... . I Phosph oric: Acicl. I I 'ifS. G. Collins, Milton . 0.67 [ 11.04! 1.501 1.32 1 S. G. C olli ns, Milton . 0.29 1 11.57 1 1.9G i 2 .40jtl. G. Collins, Milton. 0. 33 1 10.89 1 1 2 .4 7 2.17 .~1. L. Smith , l\om a. 0.761 13.15 1.97 1.G, i , 1. L. Smith . l';oma. 0 .13 17 .20) ... . . .. . .... D. A. Smi th, Esto. 0.14 8. 78 o. 94 11. 79 0.07 8.42 2 . 2 5 14.44 1.13 11.32 4 .2 1 1 12.01 2. 78, 15.07[ 10.03 2.73 1. 35 2.74 1.52 1.5 3 5 .4 0 12.35 2.18[ 3. 08 D. A. Smith, Esto. 2.481D. A. Smith, Esto. 2. 73 1 N. C . P e lham, Noma . 1.51 1 N, C. Pelham, Noma. 3. 12!J. T. S a pp , Chipley_ 12 . 76 ! C . G. A. Gri e k , Lake Jack s on. 2.02[M. W. Carruth, Tampa. 2. 60jJ. M. Owenil, Quincy. --

    PAGE 49

    Acid Phosphate ...... . . . .... 25161 ...... ] 19. 01'I O 9 19. 83 ...... i ...... IJ. M. Owens, Quincy. Acid Phosphate .... . ........ 2517.1 ... . .. i 18. 69 0. 54 19. 23 ...... i ...... \\ " . M. Owens, Quincy. Fertilizer .................. 2518 ...... I 8.80 1.88 10.GS 2.001 2.17]vV. M. Owens, Quincy. Acid Phosphate ............. 2519 ...... , 18.01 0.25 18.2G 1'. Owens, Quincy. li'ertilizer ................... 2520 1 1 9.SS/ 1 12.GS 0.63 U.GO 2.00 1 1.!il 1 Lcvi Smith, Esto. Fertilizer (Meal Mixture) .... 2521 7.96 9.79 2.:::;; 12.04 3.75] 2.19 1 Levi Smith, Esto. Acid Phosph,~te ............ 25221 ...... , lS .15 0. 46 18, 61 ...... : ...... i L. i\I. Owens, Quincy. Fertilizer ................... 2523[ ...... 1 L0.3:~I 0.6G 10.8:, 2.:J5j 2.0:J 1 N. Campbell & Sons. Jay . .:\Iuriate of Potash No. 1. .... 2524 ...... _: ...... '1 ................ / 53. 20] A. T .. Simmons, Corbett. Fertilizer No. 2 ............. 2525 11.171 :}.:33 1.3G 10.G!l 2.25 2.35\A. T. Simmons, Corbett. Acid Phosphate No. 3 (16%). 2526 . . . . . . 12. 2Gi O. 34 12. tiO ...... ( ...... I A. T. Simmons, Corbett . .r
    PAGE 50

    SPECIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSES, 1911-Contlnued . ---------,---,----,Pho10phoric Acio . ,..:_ I>-, '. . t) ~ .st f :a :a oi.c ::, o1 ::, o .d I ~s ti -.i s I .c s -~ ai ... s -= jZ -"1 ..:l I NAME, OR BR.AND. BY WHOM SENT. Fertilizer No. ;(-;:t Gua:~;. 25481 ~ . -~--. . .. ! j _ ~: ... 0 . 00 \J. 30 0. 14\M. W. Carruth, Tampa. Fertilizer ............ ...... . 2549 9 . 50 8. 36 1. 29 9. 65 3. 30 2. 35 1 Charlie Foster, Otahite. Fertiliz e r No. 1. ... .. ........ 2550. .. . . . 8.61 ) 1.36 9.97 3.25 3.30 D. D. Martin Otahite. Acid_ ~hosphate No . 2 .. . .. . . 1 2551 .... . . 17.67 I 2 .8 4 20 .5 1 ... .. .. ... .. , D. D~Martln ,' Otahite. Fertiliz e r No. 1 . .. ....... .... 1 2552 10 . 04 10 .18 1.16 ; t1. 3 4 2. 20 1. 40 , J. W . K e lley, Otahite . Fertiliz e r No. 3 ... . ... .. ... . . 2!\fi3 10.60 fi . fi4 ! 1.15 1 7 . 79 2 . 25 1 2.83 .J . W. K<>lli>y, Otahite . Acid Phosphate No. J ..... --1255 41 .. . .. . / 17.501 0.01 1 17 . 511 , .... . 1 ...... , Frank Edker, Jay, Fertiliz e r No. 2 ... .... . .... . . 2555, ...... : 9 . 67 1 0.27 1 9.941 2 . 0 5 1 2.52 , Frank Edlrtiliz0r .. . ........ . .. .... . , 2568 10 .9 4 1 10.70 O.H, 11 . 19 ! ~.:i n l 4.161.Tohn A . Railey , Milton.

    PAGE 51

    Fertilizer No. 1. ... . . . .. ..... 2569 10 .06 !L94i IJ.40 10.34 1 2.501 6.ao1w. A . Sessoms, Bonifay. Fertilizer No. 2 ..... .. . ..... . 2570 10 . 38 9. 711 0. 60 10. 31 3. 30 5. 74 W. A. S ess oms, Bonifay . Fertiliz e r No. 3 ............. 2571 9.51 8.06 0.46 8.52 2 .50 6.531vV. A. Sessoms, Bonifay. Fertilizer No. 4 ..... . ....... 2672 11. 78 12. 01 0. 64 12. 65 J 2. 00 2. 83 W. A. Sessoms, Bonifay. Fertiliz e r No. 5 .. ... . .. . .. .. 257 3 11. 251 13.65 0.62 11.27 , l.90 2.17 W. A. Sessoms, Bonifay. Nitrate Soda No. 6 ... . . .. ... 25 74 . . . . . . . . . . ............. -115. 50 ...... W. A. Sessoms, Bonifay. Kai:i! No . 7 . .. . . . .. . .. ..... 2575 ... . , 1 .... ......... .... .... .. 12 . 82 'N. A. S e ssoms. !3onifay. Fer t1 ltz e r El ............ . .. 2576 11. 66 10. 37 1. 22 11. 59 2. 25 2. 44 W. R. R. Senterfiltt , Holt. Acid Phosphate E2 .......... 2577... .. . 19.69 0.52 20.21 .. .. ........ W. R. R. Senterfiitt, Holt. Fertiliz e r .................. 2578 . . . . . . 12 .18 1. 48 13. 66 2. 25 1. 69 S. S. Robbins, Otahite . Fertilizer 1 (Acid Phosphate) 2579 , 12. 29 17. 4 7 O. 57 18. '1 ............ M. R. & M. B. Senterfitt, Holt. Fertiliz er No. 2 ............ ) 2580 9. 78 10. 71 0. 30 11. 01 2. 00 2. 52 ' 1\L R. & M. B. Senterfitt, Holt. Nitr ate Soda No. 3 ........... 2581 . . ....... .. ... . . . ....... 16 . 25 .... .. M. R. & M. B. Sent e rfitt, Holt. Acid Phosphate No. 4 .. ...... 12582 . ..... 14.94 2.21 17 . 15 . ........... M. R. & M. B. Senterfitt, Holt . Fertilizer ........ .... .. .. . . . ,2fi83 12. 116 6 .1 8 \ 0 . 37 6. 55 4. 40 8. 90 Mrs. A . K. Williams, Hastings . .l< ' ertilizer No. 3 .. . . . . ... .... 2584 8.59 12.05 0.74 12.79 2.25 1.94 J.E . Pitts, Noma. Fntiliz e r No. 2 ..... . . ... ... ! 2!i85 4 G9 : 10.75 , 0.31i 11.0fi, .... .. 3 99 _ .J. ~.Pitts.Noma. Fertilizer ........... . ....... 12586 J fi 1! 4.32 !l.811 18.G1i 2.10\ 16.ti::i\H. S. Budd, Leesbur g. Fertiliz e r ........... .. ...... ) 2587 1 G 5G !l.071 2 . 83i 11.:101 2.751 1.2,1,Geo. T. Johnson, Sullivan . .r'ertiliz er No. l. .. .. .. .. .... 1 2;; ss 1 . l'.:.11: n.7:l j 12.S, i 1.6:5 1 2.00 1 L. Straughn, D e Funiak Springs. Fertiliz e r No. 2 ... . ......... 2589 1 12.05 [ n.46 J2.51 j 1.60 2.02T. L. Straughn, D eF uniak Springs . Fertilizer ........... .. . .. ... ! 2590 1 . . H. 8, : 1. 4 3 1 l J. 3fl , 1. 65 5. 41 . J . Th omas, Milton . Ashes .. .. ... .... . ...... . ... ; 23!-ll 'i , ... ... ! ...... : . 5.00A. G. Davis, Jacks o nville. Fertilizer No. 1 ..... . . . ...... , 2592 . . . . . . 9. 94 \ l. l7 j 11.11 1 . 3. 76 A. J. Jernigan, Berr yda le . Fertilizer No. 2 ...... .. ...... :2593!..... 8.72J 1.17: 9.8:l' 2.25 2.89 A. J . .Jernigan. Berrydale. Fertiliz e r No. 1. . .. .......... 1 2594!... . 10.3:1 0.84! 11.17]... ... 4.19 J.P . B e ck, Berryd a le . Fertilizer No. 2 ....... . .. . ... 12595 1 1 2.2 0 11.0 31 O.S5 1 11.88 1 1.50 2.04 J.P . B eck, Berrydale . Fertilizer No. 3..... .. . . . .. 1 2ii9G 1 11.24 1 o .3 2 11.:;G ! 2.85 1.80 J. P . Beck , Berrydale. Fertilizer No . 4. . . . . . . . . 1 2597 1 rt 4 ~ 10. 75 0. 35 . 11 . 10 ) 1 . 65 3. 01 .J . P. B e ck , Berrydale. Ashes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... [ 259 S , . . . . .. : .. 0 ... ;_ 4 . 1 . . 9 .. 5 . ", 1 .. . 2 . 0 . 1 3. 23 J G. R. Calhoun _ Sanford . Fertilizer ......... . .. .. . ... . l 2599 ' :i ~8 !l. 01 ! ::; ., u 13. 571u. F. Pattisliall, G eneva. Fertilizer No. 1 ... . . .... .. ... 12600 1 11 7fi 7.821 0.35 ( 8.17 1 l.60 [ 4.2718. H. Bass, Corbett.

    PAGE 52

    SPECIAL FEH'l'ILIZER ANALYS8S, 1911-Coniinu ed . -----------------, ------------! Ph osp hor 1c Acid. ; ~ . ; .. ; i : 0 o I OJ ~] : NAME, OR BRAND. ~Z I s I I ;:;s tertilizer No . 2. . ..... l ~ Gl ~r 9. ! J i Fertilizer No. 1 . . .... . ' , : -._:'.,':,,, . )L.~ : ', 1 :: 'V Iuri a te P ot:1s h " .. . Fertilizer ........ . . . . .. ..... : %0 ll ..... . Acid Pho sp1ia tP . . . . . . . . . . . . 2G05 : ..... . Fertilize r N o. J. . . ; 2r:0G! 11. S I Fer t ilizu Xo . 2 ..... . . .. . . . .. i2 G1_1, i 15. 0 5 Fertilizer No . :;. . . 21;,,sl J4.91 : i~er t ili z er _ . 2G09 / 13. 27 Fer tilize r "H'' ... . .... . . . ... ' 2610113.82 Fertilizer ";\1" ...... . ..... . !2611 14 .53 Ferti!iz ,, r " P" .............. [ 26 12 10.64 Fertilizer ............... . . .. :2 613 ...... . Fertili z er .. ......... .. ..... . ! 2G14 3 . 69 Fer ti li ze r . ....... ... . ....... : 2o15 6 . 8 7 Fer t ilizer No. 1. ............. 1 1 2616 6. 76 Fertilize1 Xo. 2 .............. 2617 6 .8 1 Fertiliz e r No. Z .. .. ... ....... 2618 1 6. 89 , _~id Phosph:-ile No. 3 . .. . . ... /2619 ..... . Fertilizer 1 .................. /2 620 18 .41 I Ferfilizer .. . .. . .... .. .. .. /2 621 / 19. 35 ! 0) :2 ::, 0 U! ..Cl r,; "' 0 P.. BY WHOM SENT. 111., ) 1.611 12 .3) :l.7 0 1 3: !J~ ls . H. Bass, Corbett. !I. ~/ 7 ) 1. 93; 11. 8 9 l 2. 5 5 1 C 5. 49 ! Y lil t :m ~a~ h .s tor e , lv~ilton. ..... 1 .. .... , ...... . . J 0.6 3 , A. \1. 'lmn el. Ho !'lfo 1d. !l. 2 8! 2.421 11.711 :3.: JO i 5 .7-l iR. K Rose>, Ha llah as see . 10.1 3\ 1. 1~ 1 17.~:: \ _ ...... I . .... 1w. R C ool ey, Sullivan. 7.74 1. 9 , , 9. ' iT ::;.80 LG\l ;:' ,l. D. Down s, Glor y . 9. 32 , 1. 0 11 I 10. :3 2 I 2.Gil] 5 .20jl\I . D. Downs , Glory. 9.E l O.D.:; : 1 0 .lG [ :!.5:; 1 5.29 j R. :\f . :.\Torris . Glor y. 8.G9 0. 761 9.F, j 2. 05 2 .00! J . E. Iloyett. Olahite. 10. 43 0. 3 4 10.77[ 2.00 2.171J. r:.:. Boy ett e, Otahite. 7.7':!, 0.45 8.171 1.90 1.71 i J. E. Bo}:ette, Otah!:: 10. 53 0.87 11. 40, 2.63 2.07 / .l. E. BoJetle, OtalHLe. 6 04 0 ?5, 6.29 3 . 18 11.0G 1 'J. W. A llen, Oz ona. 9:G2 o:soi i0 .4 2 j 3.:!:{, 6.07[F . F. Thom as , Narajo. 5.9 !"1 0.9 \ 6. !H J 2.10I 6 .3 2 :, J . R. J o hnson , Ha"l' ;t horn. 9. 31. 0.1:3: !l.4 ~! 5.34 ' 6.4li 1 W. R. Altman, Bri dg es. 6. 94 0 .1 7 i ~:, ! ' ; l ! 6.~~I'? R . Altman , Br!d!es. 8.22, O.~O i i;.-L 1 5. -,,9; G. -H1 1 \\. R. Altman, Bnd 0 es. 17.1S 1 oo.~. ~1'! 117 .3 1: ...... ,v. Cpn ]ey , B err yda le. 8.03/ 8. 7 1 \ !l . 33 1.45[J . \V. Cooley, Berryda le . 7. 95 , O. 55 1 8. 50 i 2 2fil l. 37 \ E . B. B ec k . Berrydale.

    PAGE 53

    Fel'tiliz ""r . . _ . . . . . . . . . 2•:;221 G ; ; : " 4. r,< i; 10 . !l ~ 1 5 G7 1 3. 62 . 85 J vV. C. Edrninston , Auburndale. Feniliz " r 2 .... .. .. . .. ...... 21;23 : ... . :L'l s ' 7.8', 1(1_ [ 1:; !.2l . J:J,"\\". C. Edminston, Auburndale. Feit i liZ ( T 1 ... . ............ 2G24 ' l! . 10. : ,7 1 1 27 ' 12 .u . 1,( ,~ . l U ; i". 1\1 . S t' !!terfitt , H o lt. FertiliZ( 'I' 2......... :"',';:, L (,;1 ; , n. s , : 1).,:,, l2, :\C 1.7!1 ,Gl i F. M. Se ntc rfitl, Holt. Aci.,l Filu~ : :JLctte ~c). :~ . : ; .!C~l; : ..... ~\ :. ~1 :2 : Q . : ;~ : ~7 .~ 1 : ..... _., ; 1 ): . / ~ I. S 1 ~nt 1 :>rfiti , Hoit.. l"eni li :,;er :--lo. 1. .. ........... : ~r,", [ ..... 1 . 1: : l.~1 10 .t, 1 4.1 ., 4 .. -+ t. ;-.:r. Jon e ;;, Quincy. Fertiliz c' r N e. 2 ............. \ ~r~s \ .. . :1.:1f' fl.G; ! 1n. ,, 7 , 2.0:1 a .S n' .. N . .Jon es. Quincy. Fert.ilii e r .. . ........ . ....... 1 :2 ,; :~!t . i 1. /: 1 _ ~ i . C~ ! 0.43 . 12. n: il :: .2:, 2. S G ;C n.1vin .Jines, Dad~•S h ;; (S . S. Iris) ............. 1 1 2c:': : ... S.'.Jl i :J.Go' 1S. 5 i.. .. .... [ ~. 0. PainterFcrtz. Co ., Jacksom•iJ:, .. Fertiliz e r ........ .. .. . ...... 263 1\ 4 r. :~ : :•._,19 1 I) 1 E i ~. 3 1 '.: .i n 9.:'i 8 , G. P. Wa lker, Bell e air. Fertilizor .......... .. . .. .... 1 2 1;3~ : ~o . 1,1 .. ,01 ,1.,,5: 11.211 1 ' 1~ :" 1.:J71T . F. mal,e, H1cd Rocle l\'itrnte o f So ria .. . . . .. .. . ... . i :!G 3 ::'. [ . . .. . . i . . . . . I i ... . .. : ;, A. !, Iorri s , Flo y cl. Fer t iliZ{ :' 1' No. 1 .............. 2c:-i41 8 . ~ Oi 1 :3. 8G! O. ~-1J :~. 1. f1.-:; \ :~. G:3;.f e ff \V. Jone :5 , Jay. F( : r t iliz 0 r Xo. ............. :' ~:1~:-!;) ! C.(;. . j 1 l. !J t : c, _ :;~ j 1 2 . :~1 ! '.: G'.• ! 2 . 31. j J f .. ff \V. Jon (':;, Jay. Murialo Pota ~ h No. J . ; ::: G :fi . . . . . . . ' .. .. .. 50. 24[ H . W. Pad.2,-c"tt, R e d Rocle Nitr : 1te SD
    PAGE 54

    SPECIAL 1,'ERTILIZER ANALYSES, 1911 Coutinued. ! Phosphoric Acid. I _ _ __ _ _ _ 0 >, 1 ' :2 Q,) cd l 1 i :g 1 ~z s I ] 3 ... ---! < I .5 ___ :_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ -Fertilizer "C" .. ~: . ~ .~ ~ . ~~ : .:2653 [ .. . . / 9.98[ ! 1.68[! 11.66[ ! 2.os/ 2.21\J. I. Langl e y, ~~uni~k Springs. Fertilizer ................... [2654 6.2 21 5.971 0.121 6.09/ 5.22 / 6.48 W. B. Coggins. Wiersc.ale. Fertilizer ............... ... . 2655 6. 83 ...... [ ...... J 8 . 51 _ 6 . 97 , 4 . 6,jJ . G. May, Ft. Pierce. l•isb Guano ............. ... 2656 10. 98[ 4.19[ 0.59! 4.78[ 0.71[ 0.62 1 1'cbe Kenn e dy, Milligan. Cotton Grower Guano ....... 2657 11 . .i!l[ 5.211 0.471 5.68[ 0.91i 0.83!1' obe Kenn e dy, Milligan. Fish Guano ................ 2658 10.58 [ 4.26 1 0.54 [ 4.80/ 0. 73[ 0.62[Charlie Bracker, Milligan . Cotton Grower Guano ....... 2659 11.1 :, , 5.17 O. 41 5. 55 0. 85 \ 0. 78 \Cha rlie Bracker, Milligan. Fertilizer ........ . ...... ... . /2660...... 8.8s1 0.52 9.40 [ 0. 79 1 0.56 1 Charlie Bracker, Milligan . Fertilizer No. 1. ............. 1 2661 / ll.25 7.89 0.33 8.22[ 3.36! 8.S0[Ed M. Gross, Orl a ndo. Wood Ash es No. 2 ........... 2362 . .' .......... , ............ [ ...... j 2.97 1 Eu M. Gross, Orl a ndo. Fertilizer ...... . .... ........ / 2663 6. 23 .. . ... .. .. .. 7. 77[ 6. 9ti j 5. 37/John W. Davis, St. Lucie . Ashes ...................... 2664 ............ I ... ........ ..... .. I 2.89 / J;.. B. Brown, Sanford. NAMI D. OR BRAND. BY WHOM :,,ENT. '1ankage . . ............... .. \ 2665 . . .. .. . . . . + ..... [ 18. 65 4. 94\ ...... /Dr. F. Philips, Orlando. Hardwood Ashes ... . ........ 2666 ............ [ ... ... 1 .. .... .. . . . . 4.75 ! '.Vlrnatee Co. Supply Co., Manatee . .v . rtilizer ................ .. . 1 2667 ...... 3.98 \ 0.7 5 \ 4.73 1.191 4.46 \A. B . Sander s, Miami. Fertilizer No. 119 9 .......... 2668114.60 6.51[ 1.291 7.801 4.09[ 7 . 771C. M. M a llett, Tampa. Guano No. 1200 .............. 266!l ...... 10.77 [ 8.93[ 19.701 3.151 0.22iC. M. Mallett, Tampa. Mtra~e Potash .. . .. . ...... . 2C70 ...... .. . .. .1 ..... 1 ..... I 12. 4!lj 45. 08 / E. 0. Painter F er!z. Co., Jacksonville. Fertilizer ...... .. ........... 2671/ ll .6ol 5.0lj 0.40 5.411_ 3.98[_ 7 .501. T . Sw a lley, Wrnter Haven . Fertilizer ....... . ........... [2672 9.89[ 7.32[ 2.04 , 9.36i 4.961 8.20[E . L. Vanderipe, Manatee.

    PAGE 55, Silicate .. .. . . .. . ... . i:!6731... . . . " . 5 .. ,i . . . ....... . ... .. .... 1 , 0 . 50 ' ICarl Teerling, Savaunah, Ga. Fertilizer ... . .. -12G,4[ 13.50 1 u , ;L-H\ 9.97\ 5.48 4.48 J. Blake, Gary. Fertiliz e r .. .. .. .. . .. 12 67 5 3. 61. G. 90 ) G. 69/ . 13. 5\J 2. 93 22.14 / K P. Blanto11, Brandan. l<' crt iliz c r No. 1.. . l21;,G 12.91 1 9.17 1 0.22 9.39 2.07 2.37 T. L. Straughn, DeFuniak Springs. Fertiliz e r No . 2. . . . . . . 1 2677 26. G4 j S. 08\ 0. G2 8. 7011. 2G 1. 241T. L . . Strau g hn , DeFuniak Springs. J;'ertilizer . . . . . . . . . . . ' 2G78 11.08 ' S.42 v.~ 5 S.S7 2.[l3 S.26 , ,f. T. Hartman, Gainesville. Floats ... . ......... . . .... ... \ 267(1 .. .. .. , 1 4 . 04 2 7 . 90 31. 94 . ... . ....... C. M. Knott, Tampa . .l!'ertilizer . .. . .. .. .. . . . ~6S0 S. 50 5 . 48 0. 09 5. 57! ' 4 .18 9. 73 M. L. R e ynolds. Ocala. Fertiliz e r . . . . . . . . . . . '2G81 16. 44 , 6 . 61 0. 30 G. 91 2. 45 7. 1~ 1 Staudard F ert ilizer Co., Gainesville. Dri ed Blood .. . . ...... . .... \26 S2 ... ... \ . .. . . 1 ..... i ..... I 15. 47\ ...... \ Standard F er tiliz e r Co., Gainesville. 1:e~t!l!zer :.x:: .. .. .. . . . ... . .. , 6. 81 ~. 23 7. 04 3. 68 14. 27 1 !\1is~ Ph!lena Gr!ffes, Tampa. Fe1t!l?er Z ... : .......... i ~li~i,---1 G.74 ~.24 8.98 4.27 12.liMt ss Ph.1lena Gnffes, Tampa. Fert~l~zer r-:o. 11~'.J .... . ... . . 1 26.:,;:, / i 1~~ 0.04 10.04 3.84 12.4? 1 \~. I. K:rkhuff, Tampa. ~ e rt~l~z e r r:-o. 1L2 . ........ . 1 ~~8~ , 5.~9 1 , . .,~ 2.23 9.59 3.41 12.9:l v\. I. K1rkhuff, Tam;;,a. 1' er t:l!zer N.o. 200.; ......... ~li~! . ! Z,-"'.~ j 5.66 O.G~ 6.3~ 6.03 ~-2~ ~H. F o l_k, Tampa. Fertiliz e r No . 20• .1 ,.. . 1 ~G~"i , . 66 , 6. S 6! 2. 36 9. 22 5. 23 1. li I K H . Folk, Tampa. 01 F e rtilizer ....... . .. \ 2G 89 j 7.46 . ....... . 0.77 4.01 5 .311\f. E. R e llis, Stuart. QI J;'ertilizer .......... .. . ..... \ 2690 1 6.76 J ... ... 1 1 .... .. 1 0.44 5.13 7.S\J L. C . Kickliter, Stuart . Fertiliz e r No. 1..... . . .. [ 2691 .. . ... , 6.53 0.261 6.79 2.48 11.9-1 J. K. Christian, McIntosh . Fertilizer No. 2 .... ..... 1 ~69~1 . ... 1 5 . 59/ 0.19 \ 5.78' ~.66 7.74\J. K. C~ristian , McIntosh. Cotton Seed M e al l:'so. l .... 1 ~G9"1...... . .. . "' I.. .... . . . . . . 1. 77 ...... J. S. Pnce, Ellenton. Acid Phosphate No. Z... . 1 26 94 . . . . . . 16.02 1 0.57 16 . 59 .... . ... .... J. S . Price, Ellenton . Sulfate of Potash No. ,1 ...... \2695!..... . . .. I ...... . .. . . . . . . . . . 47. 7v , 1 J. S . Price, Ellenton. Sulfate of Potash No. 4 ...... '2G 9G 1 ..... . .............. .. .. .. 4S.28 .T. S . Price, Ellenton . Bat -~uano ................ -/269'. i .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . 7. 81 10 .10 3 .10 H. R. Overstreet, ~<:issimmee . Fert~l!zer No. 1. .. ... .. . ... . 1 26 ~8 1 10.~0 5.~l 0.98 6.09 2.32 9.93 J. M. Hold!ng, Dan!a Fertlhzer No. 2 ............. 2699 , 11 . ,7 6.16 1.04 7.80 2.24 8.26J. M. Holdrng, Dama. Fertilizer ............. . .... 12700 10. GS 9 . 61 1. 35 10. 96 4. 37 8 .12 Toney F. Sen la, Sanford. Fertilizer No. 1. ... . ..... . ... 1 2701 a. 63 5 . 37 0 .12 5. 49 7. 20 4. 48 M. L. Reynolds, Ocala. Fertiliz e r No. 2 .... . ....... .. 1 2702 8. 70 6. 24 \ 0. 07 6. 31[ 2. 70 11. 011 M. L. R e ynolds, Ocala. Fertilizer . :_:_:_ :...:. :_-_ . _ : ~ : . ... .. i 2i03 . . _. _ ... _ _ 6 . 46 1.47 7. 93 j 3. 44 9. 38\C. B. Morrow, Crescent City.

    PAGE 56

    DEPARTMENT OF AG.2.ICULTURE-DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. l'ERTILI7.EII SECTION. H.. ! 1 :. H.OSJ~} State Chernisr. Oli'FICL\L FERTILIZJ;;lt A'.'\ALYSI<:S, J'.Jll. L. HEil\IBURGER. Asst. Chemist. San~plcs 'Ia.ken l.1r State Ci_c1nist l~:1Jer Setclon'.:1 1 ;-11Hl :?, Act ..:\})proved l\lay 22, 1. ------i Phosphoric Acid. t;..; '1 C ,~J, .... C:: C ' -;1;';,I -1 i NAME, OR BRAND. i "' h :0 :0 .B .s :::, ";:j :n @ 0 s "' . p, 0 H I <11 .:l E-"" I --T I Special li'ruit and Vine ... 116121G1rnrant'd Analysis I I 1 orncial Analys;s ... ! I I i Orange Tree Grower ...... 116131Gu,:.rnnta Analysis! j jOfficial Anc:lysis ... [ I I Orange Fruiter ..... .. ... f 161-llGnaraut'u Analysis[ I \Official Analysis ... 'I I I I I I Tam]la Frn i ter ............ 1 1161GIGnarant•ctAnalysisl 1 iOlflc_ial .A,-ialysis ... j ! I I s .nu\ I I I G.001 1.001 7. 001 ,1.s11 7.34 1.17 8. Dl( i '1 I I I 8. 00\ G.00[ 1.001 7. 001 9. 411 G. B71 O.Hj 7.31 I I ! 10 .00[ G .001 1.001 7.00 2. ISi s. ,!Ji o. s1i 9.GO ! I I s. ooi I G. 00[ 1.001 ...... 2. 7Sj G. 90j 2.S5 9.75 I Fruit and Vine ...... . .... 1161GjGuar:mt'll Ana1ysisl [Official Analysis ... 1 1 I I High Grnde Vegetable .... 'fl617!Guar,1nto A,1,1Jysisi I IOffici:1! Analvsis ... I 8. 001 G.001 2.00 ...... 2. 3;J! 6. 151 G.09 12.24 I 3. ooj ..... I g. Oil[ ~.Oili 6. 72! 9. 951 1.021 10.97 ----------BY WHOM AND WHERE MANUFACTURED. ,.d rn I ol 3 .001 3 •)r . ~" i 5 .OOj 5. 42[ 4.10! 4 .oo,/ 4.48 2.00 2.24 4.1\0 4.45 0 p.. I 13.00l'The Gulf Fertz. \Jo er 11. 77 Tampa, Fla. ., c. 6. 00 /The Gulf Fertz. Co., 6.llj Tampa, Fla. I 11. 00: The Gulf Fertz. Co., 7. [13 i Tampa, Fla. I 12.00ITampa Fertz Co., Tam13.S0j pa, Fla. 12. oo/Tampa Fertz. Co., Tam11. !J2 pa, Fla. I 6.00iTampa Fertz. Co., Tam6.421 pa, Fla.

    PAGE 57

    Germofert Fruit and Vlne.11Gl8 \G n;:r:i~t'd Ana~ysisl 6.001 / O(acia. Anulys1s .. . 2. OS, Germu[ert Orange Treell161!11Guarant'd Analysis 5.00 Grnwer . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . I Official Analysis... 4.5G I I Or a nge Fruiter Special. .. :Gnarant'cl All a]y s isl , 8.0 11 ! /Orne,a l Ana.lys1s... :1-:;:_: 1 I ' I Germofert H. G. Veg etab le 1 162 1\G u~r'.rn1.'d Ana l_ysis ; 5.ooj I Official An a lysis .. : & .40 1 : I I I Blood and Bone .. . ....... , jl622 J G11._i r :L ' :tr1 Ana ly s [ s : _ 10 Jl() I I I /'O[f1cia1 Analysis .. I• ..... . I ! l Gem Potato Manure .. . . . . jl62 3 1 G uarant' d Analysis 8.0 0 J Official .Ana l ysis.. . G. 8~ I I I Simon Pur e No. 1. ....... I1G24Gu:iran l. '~ . -l. nalysi s S .f 1 0 ! Official An: ~ Iysis ... [ 7 .G~-I I I ' li Simon Pure Special No. 2 .. llG2 G l 'G n~r,rnt'u A u a~:-'si s! ~, ~• I , 1 0filcu : l .A.nalys 1 s ... [ t1 . -,n 1 I ! ! Simon Pnr e S1y• cinl No. 1 .. 11r. ::,r ,1; , .,,,,1,1t,1A , .:,,,~i: , ~ .11 : {':!'f!{_ -.:::1 ..: \1 1:~ lysl~ .. 1 r ... . u;: ~ ... 1; n 1 r a ,, : 1 \ 11: d '. ;..: ! :! . ; urnc-t,:i .1 \ i 1a1 ,\-~ i ~; _ . . :l. 00 : :.oo G .0 0 ( i.8 !l 3.00 :~ .1 1 G.00 J.00 S. 0 0 c. nr, 7 ' . _1. 1, ;, , : :: 1 !. !( 1 1: ( 1n j" . i : ~ :LOO [ ...... 9. G~ I 13. 36 I 9. ij1Ji .... ~.21! 13.42 I I 2.00i ...... J 2 .711 :J.GO\ 7. 001 ..... I S. 8 !l J 12. 3S ! . _ I I b ./J I.J i ..••.. \ ...... \ 1.00 1 ' .. .... I 1.0 0 6.00 I I l.OO J ...... I O. l5i 7.G2j I I 2.ooi ...... I o.04I 6.70! . I i _1) 1) o_, ~:,:;; -; ilS 2. OIJ 12. 00 I 'l'a'l1pa Fertz. Co .. Tarn2. 26 1 :l. J S j pa, Fla. I 4.!10 5. 00(f ampa F e r t z. Co., Tam4 .GZ G. lll pa, Fl a . I 2. 00 iG.OOJTampa . Fertz. Co .. Tam2.':;; Hi.7'.• 1 pa _ Fl a . I , J.00 G.fl0:1\impa Fer tz. Co., Tam:J. !J~J fi. !"i:.: i pa, Fla . ! 6. ,,O . ... .. j lnrtepend e nt Fertz . Co . , 6. ~O ..... 1 .Tack so nville, Fla. I 4.00 : E. o. Painter Fertz . Co., c.;, 3.9, 12.0 8 1 Jack s onville, Fla. -1 ' 4.()11 11. 00 i K O. Paint e r Fertz . Co., 4 . GiJ 12. 95 i .fuck s0nv ille, Fla . I 4 . Oil G. 00 J E. 0 . . Painter Fertz Co. , 5. sg 7 .72\ .T:1cl , s o n v ille, Fla . ~.Oil 11;_r1n ; 1
    PAGE 58

    OFFICIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSES, Hill-Continued. NAME. OR BRAND. I . Special Fruit and Vine Ma1629.Guarant'd Analysis nure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Official Analysis ... Original .Ideal Fertilizer .... 1 1 1630 Guar:int'a Anal_ysisl Official Analysis ... : I Special Mixture :\'o. 1 ..... 1631 Guarant'd Analysis! 1 1 Official Analysis ... , Peruvian Orange Tree:1G32iGuarant'd Analysis I Grower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ofiicial Analysis .. 1 Seminole Tree Grower .... 1633 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis ... 1 Ideal Fruit & Vine Manure 1634 Guarant'd Analysis ) Official Analysis ... I Ideal Vegetable Manure.' ... 1635,Guarant'd Analysis !Official Analysis ... i ... B ,n 0 10. oo\ 6 .051 i 8. 001 7 .561 I 8 .oo: 8 .671 8.00i 9.40 8.00 7.73 10.UO 7 .'15 8.00 !l.08 Phosphoric Acid. I I ! G.001 1.001 ...... j li.411 0.651 7.06il 5.001 1.001 .... --1' 9. 37 2. 84 12. 21 I I I 6.00, 1.00i ...... 1 (i.93: 0.521 7 .451 G.001 2.001 ...... I G.561 2.061! 8.62jl 6.001' ...... 1 .... --1 7.79 0.09 7.18 I i 6. 001 ............ I 6.691 0.35 7.041 G.001' 1.001 .... --i 6.77 0.70, 7.471 .; -a 0 8 s < 0 ,Cl ,n o:l . 0 p., I I BY WHO.MAND WHERE MANUFACTURED . 4. 00 1 13. 00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 4.45I 13.671 Co., Jacksonville, Fla. I I 4.00i 6.001 1 ..Vilson & Toomer Fertz. c:n 4.38i 4.91 Co., Jacksonville, Fla. oo I I 5. 00 I 5. 00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 4. 521 6. 531 Co., Jacksonville, Fla. 5.001 8.00iWilson & Toomer Fertz. 4.92\ 7.Sljl Co., Jacksonville, Fla. 4. 001 8. 00,\Vilson & Toomer Fertz. 4.41 8.G31, Co .. Jacksonville, Fla. I I 3.001 10.00l'\Yilson & Toomer Fertz. 4.15\ 10.24! Co., Jacksonville, Fla. 4.001 8.00 1 \Vilson & Toomer Fertz. 4. 24 8. 511 Co., .Jacksonville, Fla.

    PAGE 59

    Armour ' s Watermelon Spe 16 a6,G u araut'd Analysis i lu .u o l cial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Official Analysis ... ! G . 24 1 I I . I Ar1~10u_r'.s " Star" Bean lG 3 7 , Guarant'd ~n . a_():sis l lo. 0UI F er t1hzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ Officia l Ancil~ :; 1:s : G. 67 \ Armour's Lettuce Special. . ! lli3 3 G u arant'd Analysis \ lU. oo / /Official Analysis ... 1 G .16 Armour's Largo Special116 39 1Gu ara nt'd Analysis\ 10.0U[ Tr ee OfflcialAnalysis .... 6.80: . I I Armour 's Vegetable ..... 16 '1 0 \ Guarant'd Analys1s 20. 001 Official Analysis ... , 7 .16 1 I I I Armour's Blood , Bone an dl1G41 Guarant'd Analysisj 10.0 0 i Pot as h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Offlci a l Analy s i s.. . 7. 91\ Oat Sp e cial ... . . ......... 1 642 Guarant'd Analysis! ' 10 .00 1 Official Analysis.. . 10. 92 Armour's Fruit and Vine . . 16431Guarant'd Analysis\ 10. 00 Official Analysis ... \ 5. 88 Tomato Special ......... \1644 Gua rn.nt 'd Analysis\ 10 .001 I :Official Analysis... 7. 70\ Bradley Florida Vegetable.11 645iGm: rant'd Analysis/ 10 .001 \ \ Official Analysi,.; .. \ 9. 7~ Br ad l ey Florida Fruit andl1646 \G U a,ant'd Analysis l 10. 00 Vine .... _ ..... __ . _ . .... j _J Official Analysis:~J_ 7 . 2 ~ 5 . 00 , 1.00 , .. .. . . , ::LOO I S.0 0 \ Armour Fert z. Works. 4.82 ! 2. 11 G.9 3 1 3.13 7.95 J ackso nvill e, Fla . i I i 1 5 _ ;._o 9 ~ i. 1 1 ._u 9 u 0 f .:,.s, 4 \' :::.00 ' !.i.O0 : Armou r J<, er t z . Morks. -. 3.69 li.51 \ Jackso nvill e, Fla . :Lo o ! ,;20 0 / .. .. .,I 7.00 -l.00 i Arn1o ur Fertz. Work s, ::.08 1 _,40! :, .48\ 6.46 5.G8\ .Jacksonv ilh,. Fla. 5 .00i 1.00 4.00 6.00IArrnour Fertz. Works, 5.811 1.78 7.591 4.42 6.33: Jacksonville, Fla . 7 . oo/ 2 . 00 ..... I 4. 00 6. oo \ 1 Ar mou r F_ertz. Works, 6.90 1 2.69 9.59 4 .23 6 . 32 J acksonv1 1le, Fla. I ) I I 8. 0Oj 1 . 00 .... .. 1 5. oo : 7. OO : Armour J<,ertz. Works, 0 , 7 . 60i 1. 32 R.92\ 5.081 7.08 \ J ac k so nvill e, Fla. s::: 9.00 1.00 ..... / 3.00 3.00!A rm o ur Fertz. Works, 8. 56 1. 96j 10. fi2 3. 06 1 3. 841 J acksonv ille, Fla. 6.00 1.00/ ..... ! 2.05 1 111.00 ' \IA rm o ur l
    PAGE 60

    OFFICIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSES, 1910.-Continued. NAME, OR BRANU. CJ :... E ifl .s r, Eigh Grade Orange Fruite/1647i 1 Gur.rant'rl Anrilvs~) 10.00 !Official An:1l:si~ . j 4. 50 i ! American Standard Guano. 1 fi4S G11a1 " 'd A 1ah~is ir,. 1111 'Offic.inl An,iJ,,,is .. 1 11.::0 I I wmiams & Clark Vegetable 16!'.l'Gtrnra;1fr!;,is J:1.00 Offieic11 A 11:1 ly'...;is. . J n. Si I:rnd!ey Orange Tree ...... lGiiOlCuarant'cJ JO. 'Official Anal) sis ... : 5. j I \\'illi::irns & Clar,_ Fruit and 16511r;u:1rnn1 'rl .\nalvsis 10 0'.) Vine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \Ofi'cbl .\n,,lys:'s ... ! G G, i l,..1azaretto Early Trucker .. JG5'.::Guar:11J'. 0 (! A ~l fOffi('.i;\J ,\:1aly:-::is.. J,i.,:;1 I I Cotton See(1 M0aI .... . .... lL-~~r1-11:1:n1Jld .-:..n:.J::sis ..... . i()ffiej_ri 1 ;\ n:11::sis ........ . Phosphoric Acida; Q ::0 ""' _j Cl c :E if; 0 --1'. c; E-< I 10. 00, 1.Dli!, I l n. ,5, 0.G2 ii: ~7/ I s. ()!')' . . . . . . i S. 1. 1ri.23, G. l>IJ 1. G. 10i l. 7ii 7 I I i,. IHJ 1 i . n .1 1 J. sn R L 5. -)o 3. " ~e l,j: 1. 41 s.11; I ! ,1/0 .... I 7 . , ! ; ') ... q ()Cl j ~ .. ul :-! . sn: . . . . . I . .1 , ,..:_ 0 d ~ BY WHOMMrn\\"HERE a MANUFACTURED. 0 ,d 8 en 2 0 I I I 3. 001 13. 00IAm. Agricul. Chem. Co., 3. 85 1 13. 13/ .Jacksonville, Fla. i I 2. Olli 2.oo:Am. Agricul. Chem. Co., J. 16! 2. :131 .J acksonvi!Je, :B'Ia . i 5.on!Am. .J.00 1 Agricul. Chem. Co., :3,~41 5. 45! Jacksonville, Fla. I I •. [it,: fi.00,Am. Agricnl. Chem. Co., :LS7i 1. 69! .1aclrnonville, Fla. ! I '):-:-Jo.00!Am. A_gricul. Chem. Co .. ~. ~-'I 2 .131 1 10 .2,J[ .Jackson viile, Fla. I I . 5 .oo. 5. 00' Am. Agncul. Chem. Co., 4. 78( J. 7~[ .laclsrnnvillc, F'la. r ,. 0 1 I / ,, I .50jThe Southern Cotton Oil 8. 2RI' ...... i Pensacola. Fla. C: C

    PAGE 61

    :--.:o. 3 Orange Tree 1\Jix t ure 1 LC54( 0 uaL1r.t'dAnalysi s 12.00 i 1; 011 , ~.0,1 1 ...... 1 ::. 00: 5.<10 ; 1<']odda I~ertilizer I [ 1 0ffi cia1An '.1. !ysis ... l i.4 (\ !l G.lii O. f/; 1 G.,,, : r,.s r 1 1 G ainPsville, Fla. ! i I I L ettuce and Cuke Special.. i 1G5 :; : c.::::: ::nt' L' . ~' '1 y ,:is 13.00i Q i) l. 00 1 i fi.iJli1 4. 0 0 !Floricl a F-. ! rtilizer I :ornci:!l Analysis ... 10.20j G.'.:5: l.15i ' i.40j G. 1 8] 2.:n[ G::in,,sYi!l e . Fl~ Co .. Co., I i I ! I ! I Cotton Special ............ [ 1G5 G G:1ar :1 r.t"o i\ n a]y,:is 12.l ; G.00 ; 1.00 : ..... 1 2.0n 1 2.00 i Floriua Fertilizer i f O f ' icial A ; i;, \ ) 'Si s ... 10 .Jo l G.71 ! 1.1 8. 7.S91 2.21 1 2.56 1 Gainesville, Fla. I i I I ! 1 No. 1 Peruvi a n and Fish!1657 t:, uaLrnt'dAnal)sif' 12.001 5.00, 1.001 ...... ! I.OOj 5.00iFlorida F e rtilizer Guano 1 0ffic:ialAn : ilysis .. , 8.241 7.~o : 1.47 [ 8.87 1 4 .06 1 3.3:l [ Gainesville, Fla. Co .. Co., I ! l I ! I I<,ish and Potash .... .. .... jl65 S ; Guaran t ',1Ana l y s i ~ : 12.00 1 2.50 2 .5 0! ' 1 6.50 1 5.00 I Florida Fertilizer ! :offi cial ,\n:1lys ic ... [ 8.14: 2.7lJ 1.3 9 4.09 [ 6.0 3 j 5.60 ; Gainesville, Fla. Co., I ! I i ! I : Our Golden Fruiter ....... 11G59,:uarant'dAn'.1lrsis 1 12.001 G.00 1.00 : ...... \ 3.110[ 13.00 ! Florida F e rtilizer I ; Official Analysi~ ... :
    PAGE 62

    OFFICIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSES , 1911-Continu e d . ' Phosphoric Acid. ,...._ 0 NAME, OR BRAND. t:..: ~ (D (D o! :i BY WHOM AND WHER 0 Ql .., .0 .. :0 :0 -a MANUFACTURED . es = !! 0 .d ... = cf 8 a, I o = 1 "' .; 0 '1! , .0 z 0 "' ... A ... i j I I I> E 0 0 < F-< ""1 0.. E ----• -----I I I I I I I 1 Marianna Special ...... ... 11665 \ Gu a rant'd An a lysi s ! 10 .00\ 10.00 2.00...... 2.00 2. 00\ Gulf Chemical Co. , MariOfficial Analysis .. . , 11 . 6911 0 . 01 0. 56 10. 57 2. 30 2. 36 anna , Fla . Plantation Sp ecia l ........ 1 GG6 1 Gu a rant'd Analysis' 10 .0 0 1 10 . 00 1.00...... 4 .0 0 4 . 0oj'Arm o ur Fertz. \Vorks, iOfficialAnaly , id .. . 13. 94 1 1 0.28 0.49 10.77 3 .8 5! 3. 74 Jacksonville, Fla. f2 Field Crop Special. ........ 166 7/G u aran t'd Analysisl 1 10 .0 0 / 8.0 0 1.00...... 3 . 00 1! 6.oo/Armour Fertz. Works, I O ffic ial An al ysi s ... 12 .281 8. 95 0.6 9 9.64 3.28 5. 56! Jacksonville, Fla . I I I I I I I I I Carolina Special ....... . .. 16G8 [ Guarant'd Analys!s 1 12.00 i s 5 . _o 2 o 2 1 .. 1 .. _ 6 . 1 .1 .. 6 . . _ 8 . 3 .1 3.00 3 .0UIWilson & Toomer Fertz . Official An'.llys is . .. 1 11 .12\ 3 .48 4. 94 Co., Jacksonvill e, Fl a. Stern's Ammoniated Raw 1G 69! Gu a rnnt'd An a lysi s 15 .IJOI 8 .00 1.0 0 ...... 2.00 2.0 0/Stanrl ard Gua n o & Chem . Bone Super Phosphate .. ! Official Ana l ys is . . i 9 . 89\ 10.09 0.84 10. 93 1.93 1. 98I Mfg.Co . ,N. Orleans, L:i . High Grade Acid Phos phate 1 670 Gmtr:111t'd An a '.ysis !. 15.00116 . 00 1.0 0 ..... .. .. ... .. .... ( St a nrlard Gu a no & Chem. !O fficia l Analysis .. ..... 14.62\ 0 .951 15 .5 7 .. . ... ' \.. . .. Mfg . Co . ,N. Orle a ns, La . I I I I Farmer's Choice ... .. .... /1671 ! Guaranl'd Analysis ! 15 . 001 8.00 / 1.00 1 , ... . 2 . 0 0 / 2 .00 : standard Guano & Ch e m. I Official Analysis ... I 1 3 . 6 1 1 10.04 0.44 1 10.48 2.!i4 2 . 0n! Mfg.Co .. N. Or leans . La .

    PAGE 63

    Lettuce Special ..... . ... 11672 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 Official Analysis.. . 11. 92 4.00 2.00 6.00 6.50 5.00\The Gulf Fertilizer Co., 6. 26 0. 96 7. 22 6. 46 6. 38 Tampa, Fla. Sweet Potat , Special. .... . rnn Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis .. 8. OJ 6. 00 1. 00 7. 00 3. 50 6. 00/The Gulf Fertllizer Co., 9. 98 6.60 2. 78 !Ul8 3. 55 5. 22 Tampa, Fla. I Cane and Corn Special. ... 1674 ; Guarant'd Analysis 8. 00J 6 .00 1. 00 7 .00 3. 00 5. 00IThe Gulf Fertilizer Co., \Official Analysis.. . 10. 35 7. 22 1. 30 8. 52 2. 65 I 5. 84 Tampa, Fla. Fruit and Vine ............ 1675 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 6.00 1.00 7.00 3.001 10.00\ ' The Gulf FertiUzer Co., Official An aly sis ... 11.21 9.19 0.95 10.14 3.42I 6.80 Tampa, !<'la. Potato Fertilizer .. .. . . . .. 11676 Guarant'd Analysis 10 . 00 5.00 1.00...... 3.oo' 4.50 [ Ocala Fertilizer Co., OfficialAnalysis ... 7.54 8.72 0.03 8.75 2 . 65 3:74\ Ocala, Fla. Superior Tomato Fertilizer 1677 Guarant'il Analysis 10.00 5 .00 1.00...... 4.00 5.00\Ocala Fertilizer Co., c: Official Analysis .. . J 10.63J 5.74 0.39 6.18 3.67 5.95 Ocala, F1a. c.,; I i I , I I Sup e rior Gen e ral Truck e r .. J167S ; Gnarant ' d Ana lysi sJ 10. 00 1 5. 00 J l. 00 [ ... 3. r ,0 I 7. 00 ' Ocala Fertilizer Co., i ifficialAn a l ysis .. / 10 . 00i 6.49I 0.2 8\ G.77\ 3.45\ 6.96 ! ! Ocala, Fla. Superior Vegetable F er tili1 j 1G79 \ Guar~nt'd Analysis[ 10 . 00 1 6 . 00[ 1.oo i . .... i 4.00 i 8.00 [ Ocala Fertilizer Co. , zer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . \Official Analysis . . . ! 10 . 38\ 5 . 77 ! 0. s:: J 6. 30 \ 3 . 781 7 . 04 1 Ocala , Fla. I I I I I I l Tankage No . 2 ............ [1680[Guarant'd Analysis . . .... [ . .. .. . i ...... i . ..... [ ...... i ...... [Ocala Fertilizer Co., \OfficialAnalysis ... 1.64110.1:l--\ Ocala, Fla. Germofert Fruit and Vine . . 1G81 1 Guarant'd Analysis 9 . 00 1 3. 00 \ 9. 001 . .. .. \ 2 . 00 1 12. 00iTampa Fertilizer Co., \OfficialAnalysis... 2.611 3. 80 1 9.93\ 13.73 1 2.20110.72 \ Tampa , Fla. Germofert Lettuce Sp ecia l. 1682,Guarant'il Arni.lysis! 5.0fll 5.00[ 7.001 .. .... [ 5.00\ 3.00IT am pa F e rtilizer Co., -------~~~~ i~~ _ n a ly~~:• _J_ 4 _ . ~~I 4 .581 8.57! 13.15[ 5.0~ 3. _~~L _ T!mpa c. _ 1'.'_la . ~ --

    PAGE 64

    OFFICIAL Pl , JRT ILI ZER A :.. \ LY ::lli:S , l!! 11 Cuminued . . ?-, . NAME , OR BRAND. , 8 ai ~a o::: -;;z ...::i 1 G e rm ofert Phosphate Rock.jl 6.:;;J , (; u :irnnt'c l .\ nalysis ; .. . "' ' ..0 -~ 0 \ '. Uf:ir; i a l Amllysis ... : I ' ! i C el e ry Spec i a l ...... . . . ... 1 16 S 1 : Guar 11 : _ ,1 AHa l ~.;is : 5.00 1 I ! Orikb l , \ na !y s i. -; .. 1 5 . 0 3J 1 'e ruvian Orange Tr eel lG ~5 1 G, 1 a: 1 : 11 A,: a l : -' sis '. S.00 ! Grower .. . . ...... . ...... , Offi. c i , l A r, ;1 l ys is .. ! S.21 j i i I S em inole Tree Grower .... : ltiSl.i 1;uarnt'd \ ;i,,: _,~i~ ; 8.00 ' 1 i ;O ffi c i al An:il_,s is .. : 5 .3::J ; l ; . l 1 Tankage .. . ....... . ... .. . 1 1G ~ 7: c ;u i!r, 1 1 t'd , \na1:,",,is1 7 .oo:. I I O fliei a l Anlysi-; ... ' ... W i l so n & Toomer's Svecial l16 S S!cw1.,:u1t'd . '\n:..l)sL; 1 10.oo J Fruit and Vine Manure .. i i Oi"ficial An '1:;~, .. ! 8 .16 J I i i I id e a l Fruit & Vine Yfanur e!l6Sf1 1 Gtwra n t' d .\n a l ys i s J 1 0.00 ; I : o ffl cif i!Anal ysis .. . 1 8 . 16! Phosphoric Acid. : oi 'I) . :a ;3 ::, 0 "' < ,2 ,....: co ..., 0 E--;
    PAGE 65

    Peruvian Manur e Fruit and Vim, lG90 Gm, rant'd Analysis 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Officj al .An a lysis .. I I : rleai Yeget.n ble I !G 1 11 f!11 :1r: 111t ' d An:dy:•~I:~ I Oliicia l , \11 aly~ai; ... 11; 1 , , . ~. , : : n .nn LL 1 7 : i G .Ull l 7. 11, .llll j ..... . 3.H" 10.5! ~ .n : :: ... -. J t)'.I ! ' . J_•) ; ; . uo ;~. 40 4 . 0 \li ira le of Soda .. . .. . . ... lG: )~ _ C u 1ra: 1 t c1 .-\ i 1a l q is .. . . .. ; . . i Offki a l A1;a l y,c:is .... . .. . . : ] 7. (;( 1 17. 1 : 3 I 1 JHl Dominion Potato :\I n . 1G9 \nuar: : rnt',1 A n:11ysis nure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ Offic: a l Analysi,:; ... I Tip To p Tomato Truck er .. lG9 , fGuarant"d Ana l :,•s i s j Offtci:i l Aualys i s . .. i s . 0 1 '1 4 Oli I 8.0li : 4 .ss : i 1 0. 0) 1 1. 03 ; ('ll ampi on C i tr u s Comp ound l.G9,i Gna rnnt'd An;,h;-;is IOfiicial An a l ys is .. . Florida Fruit Grower's F o r 11;% : Gnar a n t"d Analysis 8.nol muia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! Offici nl Ar1: 1 l y s i s. .. 4 . 27 1 i I Trop ic a l Veg e table Grow e r 1G:)7 '. Gnnrant'd Analysis 8.00 J JOffl cia l Analysis... 5. 21 nnlf Cabb age Special. . . . . 1698:Gnar,rnt'rl Arn1l~sis 10.0 0I ! Offi c ial Ana lysis... 10. 70 Acid Pho sphate ... ... . ... 16~9 ' Gnarnnta , \ nalysi s . . . . . . I Offkia I Ana ] _V '." iS .. . ,.0() 8 .08 G. 00 7. :22 7. (l O 8. [)2 I 1. OOi 0 .1 6\ 8.21 J.OO j' . 0.t.,6 ! 8.5!1 i 1. n n 1 .. ... . O. .-1,1 7. 8S .I. (Y1 ! ..... . 1 .,lS 1 9. 60 I 5. 0 :l 5.7 :.: . 00 . : ., (j 3. ( I() 3. S7 3.50 4.2 1 s.on 1. rio1 . . .... 3., , o :!.37 0.8 S \ , 10.25 3 . G2 I G.oo 1.001 7.oo G.48 1. 20! 7.68 2.65 I 16. no ..... . 1 1 7 .S S 0 .2 1 j 1 8. 1 2 J 0.011 1 \\'il s":t & . Toomer Fer t z . S. 71! Co., . ;ack~o nvilL, Fl a. .s.n 1 y \\'i1 ::;n 1 i t'.: T
    PAGE 66

    OFFICIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSES, 1911-Continued. Phosphoric Acid. NAME, OR BRAND. i ,., I <1 I I I I 8.00', 6.00j 1.001 ...... 2.981 4.901 0.26: 6.16 High Grade Virginia-Caro1 1100 1 au:uant'd Analvsisl Jina Fruit and Vine. . . . . . Official Analysis ... MapesOrangeTreeManure1701Gnarant'dAnalysis 12.ool G.110! 2.00! ..... . Officia!Analysis ... 12.361 (i.SO! :::_7;; 1 JO.iJ8 : i i Gem Pineapple Manure .... 1702 Guarant'd Analysis ...... \ ...... 1 ..•... ! 2. GO OfficialAn;i.lysis... 7.37: 1.78 1 0.52l 2.'.'.i) Early Bird Florida Vegeta1703 Guarant'd Analysis 10. ool G. on! 1. ool ..... . ble Manure .. .. . .. . . . .. Official Anal~sis .. I !l 241 7 .:;2 1 l.6SI 9.00 Tomato Special .......... 1704 Guarant'd Ar!a1Ysis 1 10:00! G. 1.00' .... ~IOfficial An1iysi:-; ... j' 8.35: G. 0.,2 1 7.1:> B F t I 1.ll. Ill)\: . ean er 1 1zer ........... 1705 Gnarant',1 Analvs;sl fi. 1. no, I Official Analysis .. I 9. ti 1: ,, . 11::' ., G~ 5 _ ;j;'. Armour's Or:i,ng-,, Fruiter .. 11706 Guanrnl'rl Anal_ysis: !~.oo! 8. 1.UO . Officrn!Anal~s,~ ... 1 n.81 8.:n' fl.11 1 8.4G 2. soi' 1. SS! 4. oo/ 3. 91i I 5 .oo 1 5 .20! I 4. on! 4 1'-1 •J '1 5.00 4. c5 :l BY WHOM AKD WHERF; l\IANUFACTGRED. I lO. 00\. 1 .'irginia-Carolina Chemi6. 69\ cal Co., Savannah, Ga. 3.00l'.\fa11es Formula & Peruo. 3.H: vian G11ano Co .. New o. I York. N. Y. 6.00[E. 0. Painter Fertz. Co., 7.4:Jj JacksonYille, Fla. I 5. 00 Osceola Fertilizer Co., 5. 0-!\ ,Tacl:snnville, Fla. ! s.ooiArmonr F,,rtz. vVorks, 8. 43 1 J:1ckc0Eville, Fla. I G.00 Armonr Fel'tz ,Vorks, 5. fill Jnck::;on...-ille. Fla. , 13 .00'.Armnnr Fc,rtz. Works 12. •I ,I Jacksonville, Fla.

    PAGE 67

    Armour's High Grade Blood,l 707iGuarant'd Analysis, 10 .oo: ;>, .111) l. 50 ..... . Bone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1orncial Amlysis .. ..... I. . . . . . 8. 4S i . I Favorite Early Trucker .... 1708'Guara11t'd .\nalysisi in.on) (i.00 ~.111, ..... . !Official Analysis ... , 10.7'.) :,.~:• 1.01 G.:;J Pace's Lettuce Special. ... 1709IGuarant'(1 Anal,•sisl 10.00\ ;-,_1111 I Official A!rnlysis ... 1 : 8. 82j Pace's Celery Special. ..... 1710 Gn~rant'iL\n8lysis 10.00; :;_ /Official A,wlysis .. / ll. 31/ i n. !1:r Florida Tree Grower ...... 17111 1 Gu~rant'r1 Ana'.,,isl 10. 00 1 ,, 110 J. or, ..... . 1 Off1c1al Analysis . 111. 3'l; R. :;;; I O. !15 6 .18 Special l\Iixture ... , ...... 1712!Gnnrant'd Analysis 10.oo: .(Iii J .oo ..... . I Official Analysis ... ! 10 .1 G ,,. _•;: i . ,J:: G .(;G I i I I High Grarle Sulfate Potash 1713'Gnarant'c1 Analysis' 1<:.00' ............ . !official Analysis ... i ............ i ..... . . I I Favorite Fruiter Manure .. 1714 1 Guarant'rl Analvsis 1n.on, 8.(10, 0.50 ..... . [official Analyccis... 5.GG! :.;;r;' IJ.:;G 4.72 I I Favorite Lettuce Special.. 1715 Guar:.i11t'd Analysis 10.00; fi.110' J .00 ..... . Official Analysis... 7. 251 5. GS I. 9;.J 7. 5::; . i . I High Grade Blood & Bone. 1716 Guarant'd Analysis 10. ooi :: . 00 1. 50 ..... . Official Analysis ......... i. . . . . . . . . . . . ;, . 59 I 10. 00 ...... Armour Fertz. vVorks, !) . t;) . . . . . . .L1ckso11YilleJ Fla. ~. 4:.,1 5. n:1 ,!. 94, I " . I n .!HI :": fH)I _, .... ,_.i i 1.00; LOG G .1 7 _ I);) G.Bl 10 _r,n Tn,l,•pendent Fertz. Co., 14.:r, .Jacksonville, Fla. ;; . fill J nrl<'pemlent Fertz. 1. :;,; .Jack,onville, Fla. I :}.00 lnc1epcn~ler.t l?ertz. 4. ii'' i J:,cksonville. Fla . I G.on:Tw:cc1rora Feriz. G.-1~1 J:sf'k;onville, Fla. i G. nn: Tuscarora Fcrtz. ,.~.,: .Jack,onville, Fla. ! -1.S. :,,, ln:lepeclent Fertz. rq,::G' Jacksonville, Fla. I 12. 00 _Iwlerendent Fertz. 15. Ml .J,icksonville. Fla. I I 4 . nn Tncle1enclent Fertz. 3.G3! Jactsonville, Fla. i Co .. Co., Co .. Co., Co .. Co., Co .. ! 0. 00 ...... llnil,penrlent Fertz. Co., J0.15 ...... ! .Jacksonville. Fla. High Grade Acid Phos. 16% 1717,Gnarant'd Analysis, 10.0ll Hi.011 !Official Analysis ... ! .__.__._._~J_l_7. ~3 0. 50 . . . . . . . ..... ]Independent Fertz. Co., 1. :32 18. 25 ............ ! Jacksonville, Fla. C. -1

    PAGE 68

    OFFICIAL FERTTU7'EH A"'.\'ALYSES, l!lll--Continuerl. .... NAME, OR BRAND. :s p ~ w -----~--~ ---~---~ -~-z _______ ---___ I_ i . I Simon Pure Special No. 2 .. 1718 Guarnnr'd Analysis /orncial An:llysis ... Gem Vegetable ........... 171H1Guar:rn1 'rl Al'al,•sis , 1 1 orncial Analysis ... ' I I . i Seminole Tree Grower .... 1 11720 Guarani'<] Anal::sis: \Oli1cial An:il~ sis ... I Ideal Letuce Fertilizer ... , il72i'Gnaran1 'd Analy"isl I iOfficia! Analy,is ... i \Vils~n & Toomer Speciall 1 1,22; 1 cu~r~nt'r! :\!rnl_,:sisl Mixture No. 1........... 1 A1ul:-, sis ... ! I I I Ideal Vegetable Manure .... :1723 G11arn:lf"d .\nal,ss: \ \Official Analysis ... : Peruvian Vegetable Manurel172-l!Gnarnnt'd Analysis! I !Official Analysis ... I I 8. 001 6. 341 5 .nol fi. 7oi I s. ooi 8 .171 i 10. 0: 8. 53: i 8 .001 8 .1G 1 I 8. 22: I 10.rlill 6. 241 G.liO G. lill G. (I() 6.ci8 l; .00 G. 2:1 6.00 G. !:3 G.00 G.3S fi.OH 7. 2 l 7. O) 8 .10 ai ,D ;::l 0 [fJ <':I ..... I ! 1. 01)! ...... ! o. -i 7 .oi-1 :;.oo! ...... f -1. 71 i 11.:JU I I i o:ssJ .. 7:iii I , --i:c-i/--s:57/ I : 1.00: ..... -1 l .J.11 7.521 ', i ! 1.fli"I' ..... . o.c1: 7 .s5 I 2.flil' ...... 2.G-11 10.7 5.00' ;:; . 871 LOO 4.27 4.00 ,1. ~:2 6 .r,n 5. 7-i 5. !:O 5. 1:-; c1.nn 4.01 5. il() 5.32 I ' I i !-:, \\'[-10;\f ..\J\"D "\VHETIE lli..\i'\l'F.\CTCRED. G.nn E. 0. P~inter Fntz. Co., 7 .:2;;!, Jacksonville, Fla. fi .11C1 E. 0. T'aintr'r Fertz. Co., \i.:J-!i Jacbonvclle. Fla. I s.nO\Yil:-on & Toomer Fertz. 7. P7j Cu., .Jac;ksonville, Fla. I G.nn "Yilson & Toomer Fertz. 6.',11 Cu., Jacksonvill: 0 , Fla. i fi.00 \\'il:,on & Toom0r FE'rtz. G.5:_:: Co., Jc1cl,;;:;011Yil1G, Itl::i. f;. 00 \\'!1 ;~nn F-~ T 1 on1,-r F'(:i,tz. fl. :J l i Co., J c1.c!\su11yil1,.._:, F'la. I S. nr1 \\'i hr1n 5:, T,,,,n, er F,,rtz. 7. 7:.:1 Co., Jacksonville, Fla. C, 00

    PAGE 69

    Ideal Fruit & Vine Manure\1725\Guar~nt'cl Anal_ysis 1 10.0U 6.00 ..... . Officia!Anahs1s ... 1 6.9:3 7.18 J.IH) ~.S7 3.0UI 1(1 . 0t);Wils, : n & Toomer Fertz. 3.48 1 0 9.6!) ! Co., Jacksonville, Fla . 4.oo ; 1::.00 ,\'il , o n &. Toom e r Fertz. 4.:!:J , 1:.\.(fi : C .facL ':: O!lvill, 0 Fla. I Wi~scn & \'?om e r's Special 1 1726 : G11aranr ' ck.; 011vill r. , Fla. Simon Pure N'o. 1. ....... 17341Guarant'rl An:ilysis s.oo l G.0 ; 1 j 1.00. . .... , t.oo i\;::_ o. Pain t. N Fc rlz. Co . . ) Official An a lysis ... 13.7'.J i 7.0~ ' 0.13 7.15 ,i_3cl ( 10.~ \ Ja c: k;n11vill c, Fla. H. G. V. C. Fruit & Vine . . li35iGuar~nt'cl Ana~ysls\ s.oul 6 . 00 1 1 1.00.. 2 . 50 \ 1 10.oo i v a .C ar. Chem. Co .. Sa----------~--I Official Analysis ... , 2.41, 7.27 0.03 7. _ 3 _ 0_,__3_ . _3: ~ J '----_ 6.5, l va,~1='".1'..'.. _ _ G _ a _ . _ _ ___ _ _ _

    PAGE 70

    OFFICIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSES, 1911-Continued. I Pho sp ltmic Acid. I I i i >, ' I ..... ! ai ai o5 NAME, OR BRAND. o UJ 0 .i I
    PAGE 71

    i,tandarcl Cabb a ge Spec!al.117431Guarant'd Ana(ysls[ ILOOi ti.00 1 l.L!OI 7 .001 5.001 6.00iStaud a rd Fertiliz e r Cu .. i Offic1 a !Anal ys 1s ... . 14. ::\ 7 / C. l 2i 0. 1 tl.8!l l 4.73 , 7 . 79 ! nain o 0 vill0 . r,Ja No. 1 Pc!uvlan & Fi::;h Gu 1 1 nH / Guar '.m t ' cl Ana~ysi J 12. oo : ~. :;!.) 1 c, n 1 1 ..... ]' 4 001 1 5. 00; :F lorid a I<'ertz. C o ., Br .. a no Mixtur e . . . . .. ... . 1 Offic1 a !An:1t y~ 1s . . . l 5 . 19 ! ;i. SSi l.251 _ 7 . u : 4.32/ 5.47j G : 1in . :will e, F'h1 . . i I I 1 , _ ; i , I ! Fish & Potash . 1i4 5 1 IG uar ant 'dAnalvsis 1 1 12.o o, "'. : ,0 1 2.[;1)] ... 1 G.50/ 5.00Wlorirla F' e rtz Co., Br ., ------Official Aualy s i~ . .. _ _ 3..: .~ i 3 . . 25 i _ u:ai _ 5.2 4 j _ _ G.4G .. 6.01 1 ~ain ~: ~i_!_!_ ~ . _ _!2~__

    PAGE 72

    DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE-DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. FEEDING STUFF sr..;CTI O N. R. E. ROSE, State Ch e mist. SPI<~CIAL FEEDING ST UF F A.'-!ALYS E S . Hlll. E. PECK CREE:--E , Asst. Chemist. :--arnp lPs Tai : " ' s ' ;m ; ; ; I ;. ~ f'~ .• ()1,i n c y . Cotton S ee d Meal. .. . .. . . .. .. .. . .. . .. I JGI I ..... l '.JS . 78 ! ,. . .. . . ' () ni ne> Sn i: : t trn , o. <'ui " c . . Co! t o n S , e d M,,al . . ..... . .. . . . . ... 1 J6:i 1 1 3!1. fiO ! . .... . . . .. !. T. & 0. A l ' sel ,r1 ! T r , b a c o Co .. Qui He y_ Cotton Sf' e d !\-1 0 a l ... . .... .... . ... .. .. 1 :~ r. 1 ..... 2!1.22 : ..... ~. ff. Hn s.o . ( \,r 1 ,, , tt. Mixed P ee d '.':o. 1. ........... . .... ... JG7 1 2.fi2 1.0.05 , 70.41 1 .7 :i ' l3arn:,nl l'. : lf e: ,_ iPr. T: 1 1: : (':1. Mixed F eed No. 2.. .. .. .. .. .. _ , lG:'llH.1517.12!49.Gr. 1 11) r..•]1 1 narnarrl & H, c sier. T:rn,p n

    PAGE 73

    Economy Feed ............... . . ..... lG! i .15.91 1 11 . 30 1 56.O ::;.0 5.41 R. F. How,mi. 'l'allahas~ " Fe P d No. 1 .. . ................ .... .... 17<1 8 .20 1 10.0+ G4. 1 ::.J 2 .,,5 E. :\I. Srn:;oms, ilm1 i fa, F ee d i\'o. 2 ... . ............ .. .. . ...... 171111.11 1 14 .42' 56 .7 8. 0 :;. ,il 8. M. Sessoms. B<>11i!':1y. Cotton S0e,J Mea l. .................. . 1 7'.: ..... j 39.14 1 ..... L P\ ';: , ; f; p:i r (_'n . l' , , n s :,c o l ri . Bri . d1t Cotton Seed l\Ieal. . .. ... .. ..... n: i , ..... 1 :12. 44 1 ... .. . .... . E. 0. Pni u t.r .. T :1,:!;sn11-:i 1 h . F ee d .............. .. ... ... ... . ...... : 1!} !1l. 2 S : l~-!~/i2.50 : . ~.18 7.[)i !~ l. \ \'. _ T\ !<.:? ~ ' ~ Jr1~~-~ i l';1 _: !;1'.:;:~s ;e _ Cottnn S0e,1 !\ Ten! ............ .. . ..... , 1, . , , ..... 1 -10 ... :3 . .. ... . .... . n . C . D11L " ... ,. 1 , , 1. Cot:on Sf'ed ~!Pal. ................... ! l7G ! ..... i:3S .9 Si ... ... ......... I1. C. r il ll, ,1:1: ,;i ;. Cotton Seer! :\lea!. ................... 177 \ ..... \ 40.53[ ..... , .. .. . l ..... \l.l. C. Di<:• . n. '. , iili,n. Cotton Seed Meal....... . ... . ...... 1 1: 8 . . .. . J :1 7 .60 1 ... . . . .. . . ;. ) (fr :n L. . '. : ll . Qu i:w :.. Cotton Seer! :\J en i ................. . .. I 17~1 \ ..... ! 38 .11! ..... ..... i ... ll. A .. .101.c ~. ;\:iliu: : Cotton Seer! i\lcal. ................... 1 ,s n: . .... i:lS. 7S' .. , .. 1 1 .. ... !S. G. Colli n s. :,l iJ, . . ,11 P e lic n n Fe,•d . ........ . . .. ... . . .. .... , 1 ~112 .6 2110. 73 5Z.Sn ! LO! [ D., 1 , Lt'>l i s flear C'o .. l' 0 n ~a:'Ola. P e lican Dairy Feed ........ . .......... 1 ~2 1 8 .% \ 18.10j50.,~ i ~.1:J , 7.i,;, L e "is Br :ir Co .. l' 0::~ :lc ::, h 1 . Cotton S e ed \'[ea!. ..... . ............. 183 ..... \31. 00 1 .. ... ' ..... [ ..... [C , D. \\.ilrnx, TJ:n,111a. Cotton SeP!l M ~ nJ ................... . 1Sl ! ., .. . 1 3>t .!J . \ 1 . .•. ! . . .. '. . ..• . ' L. :\I. 011,-11s, Q11 i n ~1. Cotten Sre!l :'I-lea!. ................... 18' ,\ .... 138 .37 1 . ...• •.... ; •... . I Tho1ras o,xen,;. iit;i1;,,.,. ~;;:;; ~{::~:::::: :: : : : : :: : : : : : : : ~ ~; , :::: : : ~t g l :::: : : : : : : :: : : : : : : ~".'. ;i: g~: ; ::; ~ : ~!:; \: ~~: Cotton Seer! :\Teal ...... .. ...... . ... .. 1SS l ..... '38.S11 . .. .. , . . . .. : ..... ! .T. 1 \1. o,,:r,n:c;, 011inc-.:.. Cotton s ,, ,.c1 MD:tl .................... 1S'l[ ..... 1 30.12 1 ..... , ... ]);,n Dol:,,,1. ;',!i)t rr.v Q11i11c.-, Bran . ........... ........ ...... .. ... . 1 193 1 8 .99 1 14.67 1 5-1.50 :; . ;'j(; . 7 .77 i W. L. c.larshall. T : :11 :,h:~;,:sc• Cotton SPed Meal. ................... ' l!lij.... l:~'l. 14 \ ... ....... l ..... ! A. \V. Tll: n e r. ITo ,f,, r , 1. Cotton S0Pd Meal. ................... 105 , ..... l ~S. iS' ......... 1-... 1 A. \\'. Tn n wr lln ~f,,rr l. Mirlcllin . !!:s ....................... .... 196 1 !l .8: 1 1 1:J.'l0 66.~7 2 .: ~ , , 4. 11 ; \\.i l sn n & p ,, i;n Co., .Tacl ; scmillc. C c tton SE'Pcl J\Ieal. ..... .. . . ........ ,. l'l7 ' ... .. ' 3L'.'5 I .......... i .... . i Jnke Brrnrn. ( 'c al.1. l\'lnlass Ps f;~Pt'cl ............... , ...... 1~1.~I :1.2711~.2:! fi!i. l~ 2. '.-~0 1 (:.~cR. E. l ~ns::1 . T:!ll:1 1a~~ ec -~_ F Pe !l F:xhihit No. 1 .................. l!l'l fi.21 ! 17.'l!l'fi6.11 4 . :,fi l 4. 17 : S. G. Colli1is, '\lilton. F eP d Exhihit 1':o. 2 ........ . ........ . ! 200 \_ 5.36!18.6:5 \ 55.:Hi . 4.27!_:i.:_11 ' S. G. C'ol!ins, l\liltnn. ___ . _ _____ _ . _ _

    PAGE 74

    SPECIAL l<~liJEDING STUFF ANALYSES, 1911-Continued . ----------------,------------------>, . I ' ''--< -;=: I o d i ~-:-!~ : NAME OR BRAND. 2 E I u:,.; ny WHO:\! SK:\'T. l~ ! ] : ji;r , Ground Corn and Oats ............... 201I 5.2olrn.o!llcs .0 7 1 ; . : 1~! 2.ns 1 E. A. Osborne, Morriston. Kad a -Yaga .......................... 21121 1.07j43.fi5i::9., ~4 i 0.37! 4.il5 Alex Clark. Riv e r Junction. East Coast Grass .............. .. .... 2113,41.15! 7.70j3G. f . ;c; 1.:::0; 6.ti2jJ. A. McGuire, St. Augustine. Cotton S 0e d Meal .............. .... 21l4 ..... 1:n.R:\l ..... 1 ..... 1 ..... il~. R. Slwli"<'r. Quil.C?. Ground Clover ................. ...... 1 .,05 1 2Ei.90 I S.: :41:11.,19 , 4.'.!:J l lfl.52 ; C. J. Hudgins. Gonzal0s Royal Palm Seed .................... l 20(i i 15.37 8.1G:J9.r. S ' ~ 4.7li !l. 5o: s. A. Jefford , Halrnna. Cuba. Wh e at Feed ............ ..... ....... . 207j 6 .2 0 i 15.,l jl 0 .11 , i L00_.85 [ Bonaker Brothers, T _ a _ r _ n _ p _ a _ . _ _ _ _

    PAGE 75

    DEPARTMENT OF AGRICUL'I'URE-DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. F EE DI NU S TUFF SECTION. H. E. ROSE, State Chemi sl. SPEC I A L FEE DI NG STUFF A.',;ALYSES, J!lll. t ..:. PECK GREENE, AssL. Chemist. Samples Taken by State Chemist and S ta te In s pector Un tl e r S e ctio n s 1, 2 and 13, Act Approved May 24, 1905. I C ==~ 1 1 -~ ~: t 1 Q I t I c ~ ! +-' It ~'f~l,.l &'. NAME. OR BRAND. KAME A ND ADDRESS OF l\l A N' UF' ACTUREH I , -,-------;-1 ----7'I ----cotton Seed Meal ( Crown 1063 G~~r~nt'd An_a_l):sis \ 12. ~?! ?,~. \ 23 . OOJ 6. 00 ...... Ke e ton-Kru ege r Co., Atlanta, Brand) ............ . ... Oftic1alAnaly,,i., . .. 1 10, ..,21 ..,, . . ,2, 27.141 7.05 6.32 Ga . ;l Cotton Seed Meal .. ... . .. 1064 Guarani'il Analy;;i s l...... 23 . no! 30 . oo l 4 . 50 ... .. . South e rn Cotton Oil Co .. SaOfficial Analys ls ... ! 11 .20 23.2f •I 45.Sl 5.27 4 .5 0 vannah, Ga. Cotton Seed Meal ..... . ... ! OGG Guarant'd Analysis!...... 38. czl .... .. ! ............ Planters ' Oil Co., Albany, Ga . Official Analy s is ... 1 !J. 73 :}'.l. 3i; I 29. !ll I 7. 03 6. 041 ! ! i I Cotton Seed Meal ......... 106 6 ' iGuarant'd Analysis I.... . . 38. f>2j . . .... i Freilerlck Heakes & Sons, MoOffici a l Ar:alysis ... f 10.37 36.3~: I 33.39 j 5. 81 6.00 bile, Al a. I l ! Cotton Seed Meal ......... 10671Guaran t 'd Analysis I...... ~g . 621 . .... 1 ........... The Laur e ns Cotton Oil Co., Official Analysis ... : 12.74 3 7 .821 29.?2 G.22 6.021 Dublin, Ga. , I : ! Cotton Seed Meal.... 1G uar'.1nt 'd A :rn l_ysisl, ..... 38.621,, , ... \ . ..... \ ...... /Tllomp so n Oil Mill Co., Hawk--------OfficialAnaly s 1s ... \ 9.53 4 0 . 2'{ ! 2 8.27 1 __ 7.161 . .. 5.62 __ lnsvllle, _ G a. __ _ __ -

    PAGE 76

    OFFICIAL FEEDI'.'/G ST1'F'F A:\'ALYSES, 1:,1 l----Conti11ued. I~,_; I I 4:: I I~ = I NAME, OR BRAND. i 3:: I 1~r~1 , I --------------. . .... I~----------~, ----Pure Wheat Bran .. , ...... ,1069jGner.anr'dAnalysisl 9.5:) \ \orncial Analys,s .. 1 9. 70 Middlings ... . .. . .. . ..... . !1070 G1L1rant'd A~1a1ysis ~.85 \ \ Official A;,alysis ... i .J.. :L:; Shipstuff ...... , .. , ...... [lVil'Guarnnt'd Analvsis! 7.00 f \Official Analysis ... i 6. Oli Pure 'iVheat ~Iiddlings .... 1072'Guar1nt'd Analrnis 6.00 jOfficial Analysis ... i 5.Sl I . I Pure wheat Middlings ..... 1073,Gu1rant'd A ,mhs:s 1 :3. ';'5 !Official Analysis, .. ] 3. 43 'Wheat Feed .... . .. , ...... 107-1/Girnrnnt'rl Analysis\ 8 00 !Official Analysis, .. 1 5 .11:l wheat Brain , ..... . ...... 10751Gmr 0 n!'d Annhsisl lfl,0'1 1OfficialA1wlysis ... 7.82 Pure Winter Bran,,,,, .... l07GIGuanrnt'd An,1lysis 8.00 ;official Analysis, . 7, 51 I 1 1-l, ,,:1 1 :;4, O:J l.J:.Uti ;~,~16. J 21 15 .1s' 1 ~. ~n I 1,,. iO 1G.25i G:2.?";0 lG,,.o' 5S. I l ~. '..'G GO, lG. ~:l[ I 15.00 14.,Jl! I 14.fl() LL 22 ;i9.H, I 5,,. 0,1 co. G:} 1 ; I I! ciii.OO' 16J12 iiG,12 I I .._; I r., I u3 -< 1 I XA.\IE A'.':D ADDRESS OF -----------.------------------5. no ...... :Tenne-~s,-::e :u:11 Co., :Llstill :LG! J i 7. sr1! Springs, Tenn, , I r,, 02 ...... 'Ch:.ul2s' on ~Tilling Co,, Clla:-les, j , ls ,j. tun, :\Iu. Allen Smitll Co., K,wxville, _ 1 Te11n. i 4. . . :; ;.,_i,Th~. Dm~'."P :\lillin; CD., Clark l. :;-Ii ,., . n, i ville, 1 ._,1111. I : ii, 0~ ..... I The CDlumbia Star :\lilling Co., ;:-), 13 :).:3S! Colu111bla, 111. I ,J, 1111 :A' Llnta l\lillin;; Co., AU:mta, -l. ~i. -ViI Ga. I I -1 . Oo ...... Dohnke \\Tall:er .\:i11ing Co., 1. ;,:J G. \D C11io11 Cit Y, Tenn. I i, 1111 TI. L, T-L:llida, l\Til!ing Co .. ,t.~11' S.IS Cairo, Ill.

    PAGE 77

    Pure Wheat Bran ........ 1 1077JGuarnn t' dAnalysis[ 9.50! 14.50 53.22\ 4.75 Columbia MillandElevatorCo., Oll1~1~lAn !:. ly':!s . .. 1 s;i77i 1.l'j 5:!.73 1 1 , 1 .:_o~ . . ) 1 G. 11 Cului11biu,Tenn. _J., . . , . I .. ... '1 Bran . . . . . . . ... . . ..... . 1 0, S 1 \,1wr :1 11 , cl ,,ys1s 1 9.20 1:i.10 ~l.50 f 4 . . ' _ ,~ , 1 C!Jarl ston c,lilling Co., Charles[ Ollicial Analysis ... J 7 .S ~I 13.liU iil:.s1 1 4 . .,u 1 4. ,J c uH, .\l,>. I I ! ,, ~, i I Iuvincibl e F ee d .......... 1078 1 Gn a rant'dA.nalysii , 8.001 lc• . ll-i li,; .. -,1 4. ~ll[ . . .... Ho11ld11sville l\IiliiE;~ Co., HoplOflicial Ana!y:;is... 7.'.J;:. , 1 ' 11i.H, 58.2 , \ L ll1 2.7G hiu ,;\ ill e, Ky. Dandy Middlings ........ 10so 1 G11:trant'd An~iysis G.O(J l f ,.lli) 55 .0 0! 4.0 I I J ...... 1 w :.~ llilr 11 C r ,; slJy :\lilling Co., IClffk ial An a ly sis ... 2 .ll : 15. E (,3.28; LO::. j 3.4S j Llliisville. K y. I i I i I l Cotton Seed Meal. .. .. ... lOSl l C.n : 1 r ant 'd .\n~l:,sis ; . .... . 1 32.lS. .... .. -iF!nr,,la Cottr,n Oi l Co., Ja c krofficial Analys,s ... i 1: 1 .n 33.56 30. 4 2, 6.!)2! ::i.G7 1 son vi ll e , F l a . Cotton S e ed Me a l. ........ 1os2lc.n:m1nt'rl Analysi,i ...... 36 . G2 ... .. . / ...... / ...... /n:1inhi-it1ge Oil GO., D:iinbrid;e, _ 1 1 officia1Anal_y sis ... i 11.08 1 ,. ~7.5'.? 28.12\ G.f:O i G.05j C:1. -1 Choice Feed .. . .. . ........ 1os3 ' 011a,ant'.J An n ! ysi~, 7.:J, t J .on 54. l!! J i 2. fJ' i/ . . .. . . f En1]' i r c ,\iills Co .. Co,umbus, 1olticial AE a l_y sis ... ,1 ~.85 l:Lil [ 58.19, 3 ' 'ti i 5 Otl' (!a i I . l . i .. Globe Gluten F ee d ........ 1084 : Guarant'rl Analysis[ ...... 2LOO j 51.00 I 2.50 1 ...•.. [Corn P rncl uc t s Eetining Co., I Olticia!Analy s is ... i G.78 25.:;2 [ 49 . 84[ 2.271 4.021 New York , N. Y. Pure Vvheat Bran & Shorts , 10s:i 1 Gn1ran 1 r1 Ana 1 ;-sis i 7.(~5.1 u.n/ 54.501 4.Gn/ 1.:-::;in ,1 rrc(t , Deuton & Lynn Co., j j OflicL.1!An:1!ysis ... , G.c,, ;I H.,3 ! G'.l.:3,i 3. 5:l[ 3.7, [ D:>\t• . , n, G a. i I . I ' ! i I ! Cracker Mule F eed .... . ... . 1 10SGC; 1 a,_ a nt'rl Analy,ns [ 13.0r\l rn_O(): 1 3.c0 1 ' 't' J1,, (!nali r ' r Oats Co. , Chicago, I O[ficiai Analy~ ; is ... : n7 ! 12.~~~, l 5G . 51 J 3.GS ) 3. 811 UL I I I . " I I I , . , B. & H. Scratch Feed ..... i10S7[Gn ar~nt'r 1 A~::l_ysisl[ 4.0?I 10.n~, 65.00[ :!.Ml ...... B:tkPr & Holmes Co., Jackson! 1 0ffic 1"l AnaJ.,_1s... 2.GJ [ _ 1~ -~::' J 68 .~ ~ L 3 .25 [ _ 1.76[ Yillc, _ El~.___ _ _

    PAGE 78

    NAMJ-<:;, OR B R AND. N .: \lv I E: ,.\T '\D ADDl~l~SS O F } . , _.\ ~Ul<' . '1.CTGR Bl l ! i I 11 Gano F e ed ............... J I0 SS ; G ,w r ani , 1 An a ly sisi• •I ,.;;o : :i!l.Oil! 1 3. !;(f l . .... . 'i T he \, '"ai l Py I IOfficia!Analysis ... i 17.\ i ! i i Pure W h rn t Bran .. . . ... .. 1108 9 : Guar n nt ' it A nal ys i s ! 7. 41' 1 i ! O ffic l a !A ua l ysi s .. . : 8.4 G! I I I I Pawnee Feed ... . .... ... . j 10 90! Gtrn l' ant ', J Ann lvs is l 1~ . 0 !1 ! I J O ffi cialA no. l ;-s i s ... J 1 3.88! Milko Cow F ee d ...... . ... \i o91 !G,rnr H nt'rl An p, Jy s i s \ 1 11. , 1 01 I IOffl cia lA na l :rsi s ... 1 9 . 7 l/ Pure Wheat B ran ... . .... l1 on ln11 ~rn nt'd A n a lysi s \ : 1 . 5 0 1 I I Offic ia 1 An a l ys i s . . . I 7. 96 j Acm e Feed .. .. ... . ....... lio 93! G11 a1a n t' d Ana l ys i s! . ..... I I !O ffi ci a l An a l ys is .. 1 2. G4 I Wh ea t Bran . .. .. ... .. ... l1.0 9 4 IG11 arH nt ' rl A n,tlvs i s\ !l . n 11 l I I O ffic i :1 .I An alys is ... I 6. 5 8 ! C otton S e orl M e al . .... . . . . J 1 093 G11' 1,1 A:1 : : ll:, s i s . .... . , . l O fficin I A 11 ;1 l:, sis ... 1 r;. 2, ! 1.0 . 2,;.;! i i I . :, 7 1 1 5 . .:; f. ' I S. ~5 ' I 18, 50 : 1 3 . 16 1 l C I ! ,.. . :, l 15 . }4 : I G. nn 9 . :w I 1:; . on l :. I ill ing C o ., S t. 3. 7Gi ~. 7fi! L ou is. it io . ! I i r. 1 :i . , 1 4. ;-;;\ ; .... . . !(1n l hl'f'ni h & Co., H o pk insv il1 e. s;; . 51! : 3 .:;; 1 ; G . D fi l J{v . i . i ~ ;=; o : ii O~ i ! r; n . I . ~0 i iiO . iG I .. I ; "!;. l dJ; 56. 1 8 ! ~\ (j;) . 031 I ~o.nol 8.:-:in ! .... . . ! -:\at i n u a l 0 : 1ts Co. , S t. L ouis, _ 1 ! . 05 1 1. !iGI ;\fo_ oc 3. r,o/ ... .. . I.Ju st Mi,li ng . rnd Feed Co., 3.'!1 ! 6 .69! Nas ln ill e , Ten n. L 50 ! . . .... 1 Ci f y :\ Till an d G rai n Co., Co tnm3 . .. : , , 1 _; _ 1< , j b! a . T cnn. ! I 3. rn : .. . .. . ! The Va ll e y Milling Co. , St . : ;. 051 1. 8 9( Lo uis. M o. i ! 4. fl!l ' . , . . . . 1 ;'1 s hv il1 P Rn l k r . M ill s, N a c h J G . ~2. 5 8 .83\ ;{JL)! f> .'J 7 l ville . T i:• ,~n. :;S . G~ . . .... : . ..... ' .. . ... T horn wr n O il ;\Till Co. . H awil . -12 : :;o. 7~ 1 7 . 8 7 1 C. : '. n 1 1 -:ins,~ i]l (' _ C:1.

    PAGE 79

    Cotton Seed Meal ......... ; l096 1 Guarant"d Analysis .. . .. . '-'8 6'' ' 'l'll S ti en C P u ......... .:. ~ : .. . ~. ! .... e Ol! 1e1 n 1 o., ensa• ; \ Official Analysis... 9.88 37.n 28.;,1 : ,1.,,0 1 , 5.,,,, cola. F la. ' , I Second Class Cotton Seed [ l097 : Guara1:i'd Analv;;is ..... . Meal . ........... ... .... 1 \ Offici,1!Analyc;:"s .. . 20.Z7 I ~ 0 o n .. _ , .. . ... ; .. . ... 1 T' e n! : c ::::;cc Fi1J !' c Co., 11emph1s. l e e Jf• c•' ' '" 4 99 1 'l" ::1. uc , .,,. , J.i; '"t--t-•\ .... en11. Pure vVheat Middlings .. . . '109/Guaraut'd A;i r : lysi• I 5 .18 jt)ffi cinl Analysi~ .. . I 5.3ll I r Sh ip Stuff ................ 1099 : Guaran t 'd Analysis \ 7.00 . Offic i a ! : \ual ysic ... ; 6. 70 1 17.11 1,. c . r ,__! 1 . , . .., ( 1 1 16.ZO ;:,s .1 s: s;. D5 i :;4 .oo ! 5G. 3 5 ! \ : I M:ol d B 1 1 1100 1 c t'd A 1 . ,i I s. 00 _ 1 4 : U)o : . asses an ran. . . . . . . . . ua ran na ys1s . , ...... I j Official.A_ n aly s is ... ( 14.lS ! t.4.{ G8. G J \ Pur e Wheat Bran ......... 1 1101 / G\1,~r ~ ,. .nt'd .. \, n ,a'.~:sis 1 , 10.00 ) 1, .,,.-, , ,-6. 0 ' f ! Ol11c1u lA1 1c.l) ., 1~ ... , 9.H 1 1 5.S, . i ; :;::.: ; / l I I Blu e Rib lJo n Feed ... ... . .. , 1 1102 1 GuarAn 1 ';J •. \n:1. i y s i s ! 10.50 ! 9.7::i j G :2 .0:: i Of1~ '' 1 ~"~]l js : R 9(1 ' 10. s ; (;l.';l , I \ ;_ '-' ; __ 1, 1 . , :'! .._ i o i i ' ' I I Wh eat Bran ............. jlltJ3 I Gna;-a111'il ,\Ea!ych ' 10.(iO, 1-l. S ~, :;~ . Gn : 1 Of!icin l ,\na . l y i is ... ! : 901 Jcl .f J 1 ~,G. ::,5 1 Cracker Mule Feed ........ llO-l [ C:uarant'dA1rnl:.s: s ' L.0 0 ; !O.oo ! 58. 0 0 ! ! Offic i :1! Anal ::;; 's ... I 18.:,3 \ 12. ' iG 5 0 .00! i ! ! " .. . l Victor Fe e d . , . .. .. . . . , ... 1105 1 Gn:n'.lllt':i j1i;1.l,., 0 i:; 1 12.00 , I .0" 1 G:~_on ! •ft I \ l J.o. 0 1 1 es G'>.6 , ! ! : lJ IC ,l ll: t y sis., . i 0,) ,. J , . ! F a ncy Feed ........... llOfi G nar .mt'tl An,1.hs,s 4.0 : il 1 3. : 50 / GC.oo/ --------~-~ '~ ~~ ~0_:::u~1 1~_._~ _ 3. S2 _2:t_:5j ~ _~l: .~ .! I 4 .41 ! .. .. .. J G e n. P . Phnt !\Iill i ng Co., St. 4. U,1 4. 28 : Loui s , i\Io. I : 4. oo ! ... . . . j Thc Dunlop Mills Co., Ricll4. lG! 5. 1 8 , m ond. Va . i : 3. oo : ...... ! Rayne nice Mill in g Co., Rayne , 4. E! G j 1. 1.2G \ La . 4. oo / . ... . . !Dome st ic Flour Milling Co., ""'' 0.7Si 6 .61 ! 1~:c111~ ~ n . :~. City, l\:Io. e,c . 3. ,5 f ...... i The Qu ; ,1 ;, ,r Oa t s Co., Chicago, 4.o, ' : ,.5~ rn. ;} . :iS [ . . . . .. i Ynk s S. . Don a l (lson Co. , Mem• ) ,..9.1 r:; _ 1., l 111-,; , . rr,e1' 1 1 U . i),_, \ t. -:f:_L i , . J~J ._"), .1 . , I , ::! . 5o i ..... Jrl>. 8 Qu a ker 0,1ts Co .. Chicago, 4 0 0 ~., , Ill ' \ 0 -"~i , ,: . oo f ... . .. Th e Quak e r Oats Co., Chicago, < •:i>i . , sr : Ill u ....... f '-' .): . I ! 3. no : ...... 1 iEm pir e Mills Co. , Columbus , 3 . G~ I 2.95 Ga.

    PAGE 80

    NAl\ IE, OR BRAND. -~f --i ~ --I Rice !< ' lour . ....... . ..... : 1107 1 C1n ra n : 'd . \n:il_,si ,;i ! \Offt c bl Analy ,; is ... [ I i Dairy F ee d . . ... . J ll( LS i Gn :1 rn11r\1.-\ 1 1 :1 lys is ] : : orn c:L tl An alys is ... i Pure Wint e r Wheat l\lid:, i,1 '. 1 \ ;u arn nt"d Anal y s 's[ diings ..... .. ...... .. ... I i OUi ci:li A11 n, ly s is ... ! Boss Chop Feed . ..... . .... !111)G1 1 a rn nt'cl . \nal:;sisl r l Ot fi c i; , 1 Anal -:s i s ... ! I I . i Ship Stuff .. . ....... .. .... 1111,t,cnra:1~,1 .\n:,l::ss. Offl c i : ll Ati::l-' .. is ... : Work-1\Iore F ee d Pine L ea f l\l i ddling s . \ i I ! .... 1 1112 Guar: : n ! 'r1 A! t:: hsis , ; Uffi c:~ 1l c\t,~ l l :-;i:-: ! j ]110 G11 ~ r a. !1 i. ' o f ... ... \ r;t, ; n :: t i, , na l Sn _ -:; :ir Fee : \ Co. , . , r.11 1 S ~ .-. " ' ! . . ' l' ., . " I . '' '' i .I t' .ll!J),ll~, C llll. ;;J u , ' .. .. .. i H. L. !I o liiJa!\ -r Oats Co. , Cid C: l ~-:'.," O, ~~ .7;J 3 .CU Ill. -L~ 0 1 . . !1)( _; 1 i ro :\HJl: ng Co. , Ca iro. Ill. 1. \Ill 5. \JI_I :~ .no ...... T'!1 ..:' Qu~1li: c r O:il" s Co .. Chic a ~o _ . 3.45 3.7G Ill .

    PAGE 81

    Tellnessee Natural Fee 'S JS . .. I 8 . lO j l U S '. _ : G u ::1-:::_uf d .. \ n , :l : , :s i s \ S. 901 O fhc ., d A1ul,s 1 c, . . . 6.00 I I I 1119 G1ui a 11 1 (] s\lla l y'O i : Il lin0 i ;; F e ed J li l l s, St. Louis , 1,.1-:, I G, .-15 1 4. 1 5 ! .•L! , Mo. I I I l :?.00 ' ii S . 0 0 4.o~ : . ~ : _ Ifa _ l _ sbn Purina C o., St. Louis, 1 3. ~ G i co.1, 0 4. 0;:i l .:, .G, , I '.\ Iu. H.iJO G O.OO J 3. ,,0 1 ...... ' l lllilioi ~ i "o, cl Co ., S t. Loui s, Mo. -, . t , 1 ~ . . 1 1 . . . , o~ 4 1> .t :J, i_ 1 uv J, 1 1 ,--, I I : ;;8. C J 1 ..... ........... 1 1.lirmlngham Oil Co., Birming .. 00 39.fil: 2S . 52 1 6.82 6.82\ h a m, Ala. ,.... :J S . 621 .. .. . . ! .. . ..... . ... !Georgia Cotto n Oil Co ., Colum,, "' ' ' "1 ('6 6 1e e I b G JI .oo\ V _, : ' i l u s, . a . 1 0. 001 5S. fil) 3. 50 .... .. ! Th e Co ruo Mills Co., St. Louis , 11.50 1 5 3 .G 5 4 .0 4 7.05 1 l\lo . 8. o o/ GO.OD ::l.50 . ... .. ! Th e Great wes te rn C e real Co .. " cs C l ' 1 n .1 8 1 ch Ill u. ,,o , ., J. ,. . .:rn .. , \ icago, . 1 6. 00 5 G. nO 4.00 ..... . 1 N at io n al Fe e d Co . , St. Louis, 1~.COl 57. :13i ~.26) 5.40 ! Mo. . . I lo. GO : 5 8 . 00 1 a. ~0 1 /Co lumbia i\I 11l and Elevator Co., tel l5.G7 1 57.20 , 4.031 6.54 Co lum bia, Tenn . f:..

    PAGE 82

    NAME, OR BRAND. Work-More Feed ......... 1126 1Guarant'd A na l y::;i~ \ 1 ~. O\l\ 10 . (),j Offici a !An ::tl~ si8 ... 1!.47[ 10. 9 i I l i Cano F e ed ............... 1127 IGuarant 'd A :i: d yRis! ...... I 'i. ;:; ,) Official An a lysis .. . 98! '. I. 1 ) 5 i . j Middling s ........ .. ...... l1128IGnarnnt ' dA n ;il,rs: sj fi .70. 1 7.S l I 10ffici 8 1 Analysis ... , 5. 87\ 18. 87 "Pineleaf" Middlin gs ...... 1 1129,Guarant'd Analy si s \ 5 . oo! , 1 5 . 75 I Official Analysis .. I -1. 50j 17. 3 4 P e rfection Horse F e ed .... 1130 ' Gmir a ui ' d An:1 ! ysi::; i 1:2. OD . l O. 30 Offici a lA1mJ ,.-:, !s ... ', 11. H' 11 .U I 5 8 . oo , 57.921 5 9 . oo l 61.:C:21 . I 4 i i 0' . 60 , I 57 .95 i fi7 .0 4: I 5;) . O(t ~, . o, I i "Arab" Horse Fe e d ... .. .. 11 31 Guarnnt'd Awil:: s ls 1 5. 0 0 !J.!HI 5 'J .n o ! 1 orncbl An a l y sis ... 1 Suguration Stock F ee rl . ... 1132 i G u'l r:rnr,1 A1!:t l, c.;is , 'O ffic 'a l An ~l:-'s is .. . ! I I 11.G O 11. l ~) 5C.:22' ll.11 -1 11. :;i:; 6!.011' 1~. 30 11 . n 57. 11 Sucrene Dairy Feed . . .. . .. 11 :n ; i;u,, an t'd .\:1:•J :, ~: s 1 1:c.i"1 ;1 H ; .~ o ! . 11;. 1 )0 : j{;. 3 1 , Officinl Ana! y, i,-.. 1:2.4 9 16 .'.lil NAME AND ADDRESS OF 1 ..c: >"< i ,< I M AN UF ACTURERS. I . ! :i .50 J ...... !The Qu a ker Oats Co., Chicago, 3 .10\ ,1, 75 1 Ill. 5 j ! 1 1'1 ' ' 11 11 C s " .. II , ...... le , ft ey n L ll1 ~ 0., ,. J.S31 4.431 Louis , Mo. I i 6. 40 4. 55 ; He ck e r Jon es Jew e ll Millin g 00 4. 6:3 4.05\ Co., New York, N. Y. t-.:i i 4. 75 .. .... I Cairo M illin g C0., Cairo , Ill. 5 .02 6.25[ ;, . :-; n! .. .. . . 1 o maha Alrn lfo :llillin e; Co . . 3. IS! 5. S:i On1 a ha. N r:b . ! ~.(Hi' ..... ?, .LC. Petr-::-; .\riH C o .. Otn:,ha . l.Q11 G. 87 Neb. ! a .fi0 1 0 . l1 ~. r a tu ~ rs r.L 1 ."..: Co. , l\ I en 1 ~ -s:2: G.G9 phis, Ten!L ! :; . z,n ; _ ..... Arner!c c: n :\li ! l i11 ;.:( ' o., C ili -r . [! . gn_ :i.li2, ~ ,.::;s Ill

    PAGE 83

    Kati-Ea t Dair y Fee i l .. S tandard Feed I J:) 4 1 Gu ara nt'd An alyeis . Offic in l An a l ys is ... i I . ' I ... , 1 1 ;,5 / Gu ara nt'd Anal ys1 s 1 iOfficial Arw . l ys is ... ! I ' ! S u crene Hor se & lV lul f> 1-'P<>•l 1 1::G Gnar: 1n: t1 ANt.ivsis , : o rncial .\ 11al y, i'., . , j I Hominy Feed ... .. . L l, , / i Gn: t rr 1ut..1 .. ~nn l ysi/ ( Official Allal ysis ... I 1 I Ceralfa Stock Feed ........ 1138 \ Gu ara nt'd An a lysi s I ; offi c ial An a lys i s, .. i Pure Wheat Shorts .. .. .... 11 3 9 \ Gua ra nt'd Analysis! [ Offi cia l An alys is .. I : ! Dried Beet Pulp,... .. . . 114 0'. Gu arant'd Ana lysi sl [Official Anal ys is, . . 1 Echo Stock F ee d ... C hoice Feed Thoroughbred Feed ... 1 u1 1 Guarant'd A n a lysis\ : Offi c ial An alys is .. . / I I L lA2 ! Gnarant'd An a lysi s [ !Official Analy s i s ... ' ... ll431Gunrant'd An a l y sis i Offi cia l An a l y s i s .. . ! Wheat Bran . .. ..... . . .. .. 114-!/Guarant'd An:-ilysis! . . . /Of_flcial An a l ys is ... \ 12. OU I 15 . 00 12.271 16.68 10.00111.on 7.78\ 11.82 I 12 . 0 0 i 1 0. 00 50. 00 [ 10 .iil J 10. 53 G2 .5'.l 1 I C . 31 ! 10.50 . G.1o i l I I 11.50 13 .00 j 13.82 1 2.76 1 I 6. 05 1 8 .13 i 50 . o o r 58. 101 55 .0 0 i 53. 94 1 56 .22! 3.40 1 7. 11 / 5!J. 5G I 20 .00 1 s.ooi 60.ool 17.73' 8. 121 53.35/ l I 12 .00 11. 25 / 51.00 1 10.76 13.16 ! 56.S 3 ! I I 7.!J7 13.00i 54.0 0 1 l0.09 1'.l .0 S! 57.47! I i 6.56 , 15.0c5!1 . SS I 6.74 1 1 6 .90 [ !56. 1 2 1 I I I 9.501 14.501 54. 001 !J.L9 : 14 .8~ : 55.021 3 . 60 .. .... G. E. :!"atter:son & Co., Mem2. 71 7. 0 0 phis . Teno . 4. 50 ... .. . S tanda rd Milling Co . , St. Loui:s, 3. 7! :-.:.29 I\lo. 3.:iO ...... Am 12 r ican M ill iu:~ Co ., P eoria, 4.:rn G.,15 Ill . 10.?~ , -~;_ ! Li b e rty l\i ill s , Nashville, Tenn. 10. , )Ji ,, . i ll 4. 0 0 \ ...... ! Ed ga r Mor g an Co.. Memphis, 3. G lj 4. :J2I T e nn. I l 5 .G2; .. .. .. \Hom e Mill and Grain Co., 00 5 .0 0 1 4.02 1 Mou nt V ern on, Ind. Cij I I 0.50 : .. .... [M i ch igan Su g ar Co., Sebewa0. 50! 7 . 9 7 1 in g, Mich . I I 3 . 50 1 ..... , I G. E. Patt e rson & Co., Mem3. 70 ! 4 . OS / phis, Te nn . ! I 2. %1 . .. , .. ! Empire Mills Co . , Columbus, 3.!J7 1 5.87 1 Ga. 3. ~ , 1 1 ...... ! Lexin g-t on Roller Mills Co., Lex4 . 4 2 ! 5.47 1 in g ton , K y . I I 4. 001 ...... !Th e Dunlo p !'11ill, , Richmond, :i.~ 4i 6.501 Va ,

    PAGE 84

    OFFICL\L !?EJ<:UL\'G S'J'Cli't •' .\.\: A F.YSES, 1911-Continued. NAMFJ. OR BRAND. I I . . i ' i Invincible Feed .......... i11-15 1 . 1 Guar'.1.nt _ ' u ' . \ , n_a_)Y ~ is j . :: LO O[ I 1 0ffic ial , \n., .;,, 1 s... 6.87 \ Purina Chicken Chowder 114 (:! I G n~r'.1-n t' d Anal_y s i s 9. 00 1 1 J1 ' eed ................... , ,Officuu Analy61s. . . S .12 K . F I _ j I . 6 . ~ G! , yom e eed ............. f 114 1 1 G\1a r '.1-nt ' d An_a_.> :~ 1s u i \ OifiualAnal) cc l~... 7.Jvj Katl-Eat Dairy F e ed .. . .. -l 111S \ Gn n ran t' d Analy s is : 12.o r1, I ! Official Analysis . .. ; 12. 91 : i . ; , I Nutriline ............. .. .. \ 11-1! ), Gu ara n t c1 Ali al ys: , ; I l ti . 0 0 ! I Official A ,,alysis .. . ! 9. !j , J , , 1 I l, ' I .O(J\\ ' Purina Molasses F e ed .. ... 1150 Gunrn11t ' d Ar1:1l.1sisi ) \ Officbl Ai1,!lysi s . . . ! 8. GD l I 1 G . 0-! : lG . G S ! i 1 G. 00 1 l,. ~G i 1 ;:; . 0:-1; l l. O~ I ! 12. nn ' : ; J. 20, i 11. 50, ! ~. 2 2 _ , I I ...... [ 11:, fG urirant' d Analy s is 12 .00 i 1 1 )~:-; Cupon Horse Feed Middlings ! ) Offi c ial Analysis .. i 9. 1 r; ! ! I i ................ j l.152 ! Gnarant ' rl An;i ly si s : I I Official Au:i . l:,sis . . 3. S5 l Vi. 8~ ! i G . . , ., ... p ! ( ,() . ~ l , 5 G. !c. l i 51 ; .(101 5 1. JG\ 5!"1. !)8 / 5 ~). 01! i rD. tlOI 5 2. G l j I 58 . 00 [ G I. iill I o c :1 .,.,. O S ; f1S. on : : ; !) . ~ 7: -. , ... I :.1' . ,,Sf F) G. 7s: 7r. ..,: N AME Al'\D ADDRESS OF MANUFACTURER I ! 4.30 1 ...... I I-luvkin s ville l\Iilling Co., Hop4 . 50 [ 5. 53 1 kins v ille, Ky. 2 . ~o ! ...... R a ls to n Purina Co. , St . Louis, 3 .ti u , 6.uO: !\Io . I I I ! 3. :::-1 : . ... .. J 'l'h e J.E. 1\-I. Milling Co . , Frankv:> 4.3~i 5.5uf fort, Ky. I i '.-l. Oll i .... . . : a . E. Patteson & Co. , M e rn3. c! G j G.4~ 1 plli s. T e nn. I ! 3. 00 \ .... . . \N utrili1rn Milling Co ., Crow5 . 22 1 'i . ~i8 1 l e y, La. -cl . 5nl ...... 1 R a lston Purina Co., St. Louis, :;.li , 5.GG f Mo. I I 3. 25 i .... . . i Kingfalfa :\Iills, N eb ra s ka City , ') .-: q 1 5.70 \ Neb . ~ u, I I G. 05 ! . ..... i ctarl e ston il-Iilling Co., Charles5 _ 11: . 20i t on. Mo.

    PAGE 85

    Pure Winter Wheat Bran . / 1153 1 Gu:u:3-nt'd Analysis, 1 0ffic1al Aualys1s . .. I I I AE:i. Fat .. . .............. i1154 G11arrnt'1i Arwi.vsisi I !Official Annlysis .. ! wheat Feed ............ . . ! 1155 G11nrm1tr1 An,1l, 0 sisl ; ! Offi c i a l Analy s is . .. I U -N-I Dairy F ee d .......... \1156I Guam nt'd A nalysisl ! ! Official Analysis .. -I I I I Work-More Feed ........ . f 1157[Gu~u-?nt'<1 A u . al_ysis l , [ Official Ana l ys is ... Samson Stock Feed ....... J11fi slr:11:1r:rnt' d A!in.J 1 sis \ i jOfficial Analysis. --1 I I I Rice Flour ............... 1159:G,rnnint'r. Analysis; I [Official Analysis ... 1 , I i Valley Poultry Food .. . . .. 1 1160 \ Gnn r : rnt'
    PAGE 86

    OFFICIAL F'IDEDI"'G STUF'F A;-JALYSES, 1911-Continued . -~~ -----• ----, s r ~ ~ : ;r~ . a ! Cl 1 ~z 3 l_~ t: 1 l '"" , -~-r. , , .c. l NAME, on Dl1AND. ~ :-Whea~~~~:. ~ ~-: ... _l/1164l !G uarant ' d Analysis! 9. 50, lL 5 0 ! I 53 . 22i1 \ Official Analysis ... j 8.53 i 11 . 48! 53.721 I , I I i Ballard's Shipstuff . ...... 1165 , Guarant'd Analysi ~II 6.42 [ lfj,45 : 58.00 1 !Official Analysis... 4.63/ 15.45 1 61.66 ! 1 , 1 I Pure Wheat Shorts ........ 1166,Guar~nt ' d Am(ysi sl 6 . 00 16.00 \ 56.0ti/ Official Analysis ... j 4. 47 15. ,1 j 59 .151 Imperial Feed ............ 1167[Guarant'd Analysis! 8.00 13.00, 60.001 \Official Analysis .. I 6. 90114. 2 61 61,99 1 I 1 ~ -. , 0)1 Ballard's Bran ........... 1168Guar~nt'dAnalysisl 8.041 ' ~-•~ j ~"-/ ,! Offlc1a!Analysis ... 1 8.061 L. t8 ;:,LJs , 1 1 I i i Rice Flour ............... 1169[Guarant'dAnalysis/ 13 5 :} i 10. 0 0 1 ~ , ,;,r: ' IOfficialAnalysis ... 11:37 [ 9. J O 51.0r ); I I : I Omega Stock Feed .. . . .... 1170 I G11anint'rl Analysis \ 12. oo \ 1:'. o,;' I !Official Analysis .. I 11.90 1 12 . 29 I I i I Mazo Feed ............ . .. ,11711Guarant'd Analy sis ! 12.00 10.00 Official Analysis ... 1 10. 52 1 1 n. 9 7 _ ; ~0. Uil , ;:,2 .VO i 60 . oo/ 59.72i I G I -;1 t:<, I < NAME AND ADDRESS OF .MANUFACTURER. . . -, ,---------!. 75 [ ...... ,Columbia Mill & Elevator Co., 3 . 4 3 I 8. 48 Columbia, Tenn. I 4 . 60 ...... 1 Ballard & Ballard Co., Louis3. 84 3. 97 ville, Ky. 4. 00 ...... Tennessee : Mills Co., Estell 00 4 . 77 3. 75 Springs, Tenn. c:. 4. 00 ...... Newport Mill Co., Loudon, 3.!H:i 3.12 Tenn. 4 . 12 . . .... Ballard & Ballard Co., Louis~. 15 Ci. S Oi ville. Ky. I I n.oo : ...... j H. G. Pont e & Co., New Or5. S6I 1 1. 451 leans, La . ;;.oo! ...... 1 W P bb & Manry . Memphis, , 1.511 7.131 Tenn. ! 001 .... -1 The ~reat Western Cereal Co . . w. 00 . 4. 39 Chicago, Ill.

    PAGE 87

    ,,Iano.a Alfalfa Guarant'dAnalysisl 11.501 l~.O~! ~~.O~i 4.00[ /J B. E
    PAGE 88

    NA111E, OR BRAND. I I I I Dreadnought Wheat Bran. 1 11SiJGtw. 1 ,,, nt'rt Analvsis l 9.50 1 I J Official Analysi s . .. I 7 .78 ' ! I l Star Feed ................ 1184Gnar a nt'dAnaJ,•sis : 9 .70 j , Officl a l Analysi s .. I 9 . 67 ! C . I rerno Brand Cotton S ee d 1185 Gm1,ant'rl A na l~ s i s : ...... I M e al ............. ... .. I 1 ornci :: l An,!lrsis .. / 19. 2fi 1 Pure Corn Crops .... .... . . llSG i Gu~r:11:t'd Anal_:,, s is 3.0~ 1Off1c1at Anal . 1s1s.. . 1.81 I i Star Mid
    PAGE 89

    Invincible Feed ......... -i1191 J Guarant'd Analysts : I JOf:i.c ial A ,,,, 1 ysis ... i 8 .001 lfi . 0-1 7.0o, 15.r,, 60. :!4 I b ' I. ii:?! I I i Premium Stock Fe e d ...... 1192 : Gn ~ r :11 1t'1l Analpl s 1 IO[llcial A n1-1y sis ... ; ! l Stayrite Feed .. . ......... 1193 Gnarant'd A i; a l v sis ' iOfflcial Au:, ly ~ls ... \ Corno Horse & Mule Feed ; ll'.H:Guaranl 'd , \ 11a. ! ys is I !Offi cial A1rnlys U ... Pure Winter wh ea t Bran . 1 1195 1 Gnnni n t ' cl , \ ! ':ll,~ is ! I !Offic ial Ann l: : , i:, .. i M. Middlings ..... .. ..... . ll!l6 !Gu: nan t ', 1 ; , rn 1 , is \ _ i ~ ! Offic!~'. .. _\u 1l 1 ~i"~ ,~! Boss rt'eed ...... . .. . . .... 1 1191 : Gn , 1rr1..t ti.'\ . , .. ; . .. , I )Ot'nci:11 .\ n:1!:,si s .. . ! Mazo Feed . . . .. ..... . . . .. l198 J G11 a r ,u1t' d . \ ml.vsis !Of flc ictl A naly ::iis ... i ! i M. Middlin gs ....... .... .. 11'.\9 ' Gq ar:• n t'r l . \ 1 wi,s i s ' !Offic:Lll . : \ualy :-; i s ... I I 8. 50 \ 7. uu1 0 r I 1 . vOI 9. 89J 1 2 .oo! l4 .12[ i !:I. 50 ! 8. 49 ! I 5. 70 ' o . 93 1 i 9 .oo : f). 53 ! l 12 .Ofl l 1 u1 I i 5 70 1 G. 66 I I I Manner Alf a lfa . . . . ..... 1200 ; f:w,ran t' r Oats Co. , Chicago, 2.7~: 3.20' Ill. _ , I , i ~. . , ., . ~ O , ...... , 1 n e Corno ,v 11l1 s Co., St. Louis. 5.41 1 4.321 M o . 4. 00 ...... i Stan<1'1r r Oats Co., Chicago, :?. 8: 1 : 2.87( Ill. I I 3 .1i 0 1 ! Th e Qunk e1 Oa ts Co., Chicago, 4 . 2 3! ~.!l2i lit. I , 6. 40 1 1. 5 :'i B , kPr-.T one"Je\\"ell Co., N ew 4.6 5 1 4 .42! Ill. Yori,, N. ~4. 00 1 . ..... i J . B. E<] !!:1 r G; ,c1 n Co., Mem 4 . 5 21 6.66[ phis, T nn.

    PAGE 90

    NAMFl , OR BRAND. OFFICIAL FJ<,E:D!NG STU I <' F A N ALYSI!JS , 1911 Continued. i>:i Is..: l ~~ ! Q '. 1~z , H I I I"' . 1 2-ft< ' ,... i..: i !J.~i ' ..d Ul I < NAME AND ADDRESS OF MANUFACTURE R Dandy M i~~!;~ :: ~ : .. . ' ... 11201/Guarant' d Atialy si s '. 6.oo r ~ 5.(: r~ 5.ool , 1. 00 : 1 ...... l i '~ ' ash~ 1 urn~ , ros:y -~ o~. L o ui:1 !Offi cia !An a l :s L ... ! 2.97' 1 : l\l.:1il 63 .65: 2.601 ::l . 89 vill e , Ky . \ I . J I I 0 ,, ! . . . , . . 1Yhe at Feed l l202 j Gu :: m1m ' dA1, a > s ; s : 8 .00, l ~ .r. :; i 5 ' ,.00 i 3."" ; A1lanta M 1llm ,,, Co., Atlanta , 1 ,.Jfftc1a!Analy s ; s .. . ! 6.96 : 15.1s: 57 . 1 1 a.3:-.: , 6 . 1 7 [ Ga. : I I 1~ .ool . l I . i I .... ..... \ l'.!O~ : Gu 1 rant'dAr.alysi s 1 7.5u i G 2.00 I 3 . uo , ...... I The Quak e r Oat s Co ., Chi cag o , t0 [ [ Offi c ial An a lysis. 1 1 2.671 S.6 9 1 5 \ 1.,01 2,22 : I 7 .UI III. o Cotton Seed l\1enl (s e co nd ' l 2il4 [ Gu arn nt'd Analysis 1 . .. ... \ 20 . so / .. ... I .. .. . I .... . . Vald os ta Oil Co., Valdosta, Ga. clas s . . . . .. .. . . . . . ... . . . ! Offici a l An a l ysi s . . . J '.!3.79 \ i:; .17132.99 1 5.15\ 5.85 Cotton Seed M e al. ........ 120ii 1 Guarant'd Analysi) . .. .. . :J::l. 00j 30 . OO j 4. 50; ... . .. Th e South e rn Cott e n Oil Co., \ Ofl'ici a !A nalys is . . . : 17.51 2:::. 9 6 \ 36 .9S! 5.76\ 7.19I S ava nnah, Ga. Victor F ee d . . ... . . . ... ... 120G ' G u a rant'd An:i lysi s i 13. 0 0 7 . GO '. 62 . 00! 3 . o r, : ...... [ T h e Quaker Oats Co., Chicago, 1 orn cla l An : i l ys is .. 11.501 S.~Oi ~~.GGI 2 . ~ 2 ! 3 .--121 I . II. . . . Premium XXXX Stock Food 1207 Gn 'lra ,, , 1 An a l v si s 12.0 0 10. , ,o ) 08. 00 1 3 .;, 0 i .. . . .. , Cairn l\fllhng Co .. Cairo, Ill. Victor Fee d Offi cia l An a l y sis .. . 1 1 15. 72110. soi 54. [14i 3 . \IOI 4. 72\ .... 1 20 8 Gu arn nt'd Ana l ys i s 8. 0 0 15. 0 , 11 GO. 2 -1 / 4. :rn : ... .. . I H opl , lns v ill e Milling Co . , HopOffici a l An a l ys is .. . j 8.70 1 15.70 63 .69 : 5 . 00 : 5. i 4 ; kins v llle , Ky. Invincible F e e d ..

    PAGE 91

    Cotton Seed M e al ... ..... 11209 Gu~rant'a Anal _ ysi s 1 .. .... 1 I OrticHtl Analysis . . 111. 20 Kyome Feed ..... .. . ... ... 1210 Guar a nt ' d An a lysisi G.5G Offi cia l Anal vs i s . .. 1 1 G .1 5 Stafolif e Horse Feed . .. . .. 121l Guar a nt'd An a l ys i s 12. 00 Official Analy s is.. . 13. 4 8 Standard F e ed ..... ... ... 1212 Guarant'd An a ly sis 10. 00 Offici a l Analy s i s ... 10. 29 :n.92 1 :,::; . 36 1 15. o:; 1 1 1 5.62 11.00 j !) . 62 1 11. 5 0 10. 55 1 1 31. 26 ' 1 59.G8 57. , I-! : 53 . 00 55.59 57.00 59.03 Sucrene D air y Feed ....... 1 213 Guarant'd An a l vsi s 12.00 16.50 4 6 .0 0 Offici a l Anal ys is . . -112. 22 l G . 4 8 50. 48 "Arab" Horse Feed ....... 1214\'Guar :in t'd An:1ly s i s 1 15. 00 Offic ia l Analysis. 1 1.80\ Standard Fe e d ...... . .... 121 5 ' j Guar'.1nt'd An a !y s i s , 10. 001 Offi cia l Anal y s i s . . . ! 10.6 2, 1 0 .00 59.00 11.19 58.17 11 . 50 57. oo i 10.89 59. 22 , . .. . . : ..• 1 Farmeor:s Oii & Grain t.:o., aau 6. G-I[ 6,111 der s ville, Ga. 3. 3-1 \ .. .. . . The J. E. M . Milling Co., Frank3. 75 5.52 fort, Ky. 5. 0 0 ...... Stafolife F' e e d & Milling Co., 3. 2 4 8.73 New Irleans, La. 4 . 50 . .. . .. Stanclanl F eed Mills, St. Louis, .::.21 5.67 Mo. 3. 50 ...... 1 American Millin g Co., C hic ag o , :urn\ 8. so . rn. 2 . 00 , ... . .. !riI. C. P e t e r s Mills Co., Om ah a, c 2.20 4.07 N eb. -1. 5 0 ...... Standard Feed Mill s, St. Louis, 2 . 81 5. 33 Mo. I I I Nutrilin e Stock Feed . .. . . 12 1 G j Gnar a n t 'd Anal, s i s ' 1'.l .00 11.00 53.00 4.50 .. .... Xntriiine Mills Co ., Crowl e y, I O ffi ci a lAn;ily s is .. . : 11.74' 12 .73 53.22 4 .3 4 G. 59 1 L a . . I Standard Gr a de Cotton Seed 1217 , Gunrant'd An a 1y ,1s ; ...... 31. 92 .................. ! V a ldo st a Oil Co ., Valdo s ta , Ga. M ea l . ......... . ... .... \ \ O ffi ci a l Analy s; s_. \.. . . .. 3S. 35 ............ .. .. . / Glob e Gluten Feed .. . .. .. \ 121 S 1 Guarant'd A na ly s i s l . .. ... '.:' -L 00 1 51. o o : 2. 50 : .. .. .. \ C o rn P roducts R e fining Co., New I Offici a l Analy s is. , . 1 1 G.93 34.22 , 1 0.45 3 . 76 1 4. 48 1 York, N. Y . I i International H or s e & Mule 1219 Gu s.rant 'd An a ly s i s I 12. 0 0 12 . 50 50. 00 3 . 5 0 , ...... 1 _ruternational Su ga r Fe e d Co., Fe e d . .. .... .... ........ Offici a l Anal ys is .. -I 14.50 14.17 4 9 . 45 4 .4 7 6.771 : Me m phis, Tenn .

    PAGE 92

    NAl\rn , OR BRAND . Momylk D a iry Feed ... i . I I ~~0.( _:n ara!~l : 'd --:\n : tl:;s '. c; : Jf: 1c-i:: d : \11;,] _1 ~;, _ . . i Steinm e sch Mix e d F, t : •l ... 1 11 1 ,,l] ' l" "l] ' t ln c ]1~1 s l '. . ' I ,~ l \ . .. d ..... ' I i Oi'li c i:11 ,\ 1 : . , J :.0 : i s ... , Victor Fe e d .. . . .. . 1 '.22~ : r: 11 ~ 1 ra111 'd ,_. \ niJ.1~:si:.;., J Of !\ :.' i 2! \:1al)• si< , .. : I Corno Horse and l\ -InltFe vI) ll . r.1 I !8.0n j j ~. r. r;. no 1 (;L. f,!1 1 C,~ . ('P ; l; . t_ r ,. : sn :JOI G ~ . : :~ n , ' 9_711 1 1 ~ no .,, _ oo f 9 ) 1 l -:1 ... ' . : , _ _ _ , ,, " "1 1. 0. : ::.-:1 1 ::-, no :-, : ?. . 00 : 1 1!.~ i 1 4 .,-l l.f.J.I Ko-Pr e s-Ko . . .. . . . . l~~ i; c;11 , 1r(111f'rl \11 n l~'< :--: ; 1-;_ 1{1 i I :: ;~ . n0 10 . nn : 1 •J : _ : 1 . -:-1 : ol"', c ;:; 1 .\11: 1 1 : c , .i : ; ' ~-• '1:) Pure winter \\ ' l ie: li B r.111 .. 1~2, ::n ,r~ ; 1 1 1 ,1 1',: , ' Ol'!ic'i:il .-\ni!l_, i '' 1:2.01l 1 3 .uG 5 6 . S•i 7~ 1 .--:.t~:2 l J~.10 kD [E A?-i il AD D l '1 i:SS OF 2'1.-\:\Ul".\CTUHER ! i 3. 50 , _ . . ___ j Ku ' , iiil,, :\Tilli n gC c, ., Crow l e:-. !l.40! 7.49! L:1. I ; :_~.5() 1 : E ! eL1; 11 e . ~ ,-h Fe E 1 \ l C (J .. S i:. L c u! s, ~i.7? i G.OV : ! :~. O:\ .. . . .. _T lH' ~.) u:1 k e r Oa rs C n ., Chi c ag o , !.2 ~ , ; :: :.oo 111. " O i i, 1 , C' ,--11 , r . J . ,) , .11 •-' O l'il[J ., ! l .-:; ~ ':"l. ::-;t, ... /) U lS , ::L : J t ; :'=).0 -! \ :\ l :1. I ;; _Of., .. _ .. I Illino i s F <:>(: d i\lilb, St. Lou i s , -l.1 1 : _ ).S2 i :do. -! . 00 : ...... Tlle .J. C. L' :s J ,, ~ ,. '. lh : ;Co . . ;~_ 5:J I f.i . 11 : L::_1. v.: ,i "i o rth. T{a>. I I u.f15i. ... l'li i , pr,~ l Oi l & F, r l iliz e r Co . , S . 2, , I \1 . il n;i n g t o n. C. _,. 17 . , 1 :: I I . . ,A kin -E ski 11<• :ITillin _l.! f ; 411 1 ansYille . Tnrl_ Co ..

    PAGE 93

    Monarch Stock Feed ...... 1 1221>IG~1a r :m t•u Aua lysi , f ll.5Uj' 13.00 5G.U0; 4.0 U J .. -.. . Edgar-'.\for g an Co . . l\femp hi :s , l Odic1al Analysis ... , 14. 2:>, J I. 7 l (; '.?. R 5 3. :1:> 5. 62 \ T e nn. Protena Dairy Feed ...... 1 1 22 :1 G11nra11 t ' . d Ana lysi s\ 1-1. Oil! ? ll. 1111 I S . il0 1 3. 50[ .... .~ I Halston Pur ina Co. , St. Lauis, I Offi<:bl Analys is ... ll.6S 1 ~l.fd -lli . 71 3.89 1 o!.GJ \ ?llo. Wichita Pur e Alfalfa l"IIea l 123 U IG• 1 : :r.'. i .nt ' ,l . ~ n_n,.1 .. ,.•.s: s ll ,30 . 0 :) ! l.~ 1 1 :::; _ OD l.50 j ...... I ITll1 ) \\'iclli la Al falfa Stock Food , Ol fic .. 1! An , ' . l.\ui,, .. . 1 25.61: ,::; _:: G :]G. 117 1.4 8, S .5S Co .. \\"i cl1ita . Kan . . . . . . 1231/Gur . rnr.t'd A :. :ilysis ! 6.o o! 11 , 0 , 1 G •;_no 4.00 1 1 . ..... ji T0nn e ,;s e e Mills Co .. Estill l IOrfi c ialAmllysis ... / 6.-JO(I i,::;::; \ Gi.74 4 .Gl ii 5.10] 0 Springs. Te nn. 1:232 1 Guar:tnt'dA 1' alysis 1 9 . 50 ! 1.r.o : ;:; : :.32 4.7.i ! ... . .. ! Co lu mbia Mi ll s & Elevator Co., ' 1 orn c ia l Analy s is ... 1 10. 3 0 1 11. 30 :J -1. 76 ::: . u i 6. 92 : Co lum bir1, Tenn. I i 1 I ' 1 Pure Wheat Shorts Pure wheat Bran Ballard's Shipstuff .. . . ... . 1233iGna;,rnt'dA 1 1alvsis 6.-12 : Hi .Vi i ~ S.110 !.GO[ ...... Ballnnl & l3a ll:' 1rd Co., Louis-~ I I Offici a !J'..n c1 ! y si 3... 5 . 3 1 j IG.50 : G S . e r , 3.Sfl \ 3.G'l \ v ill e, Ky. c.; Pure Wheat Middlings .... , 1 1331 1 Gu:1ram',:i, 6.0 ~i 1G .~::; : G~.::o 4. 00 1 1 .. ... JTh e Dunl op Mill s Co., Clarks10fl"i c ia!A11alvsis ... 7.H I IG.2: :L :5 7.ViG '1.22 : L G0 1 Yill e , T e nn. i . I I I : Cotton Seed Meal. . . ... . . . : 123:\Gu ,, rai;fcl Analysi s ! .. ... I : ;s. G2 i ........ .. r. :. ::\Flo~•icJ::i. Cotton Oil Co., J acks onl Offi cia l A n:1Jys is ... [ 11.39 i :;> 1 27 .'.'2 1> .GS o .. ,~ 1 y11Jc, Fla. Pure Winter \\ -h~a t Fancy l236 1 Gn ::; ;::1t'd A!l_:1 I ,:7s i sl 3.~~ ! IG.::G / G2.f,G 4.50 / 3.J5 11 Alcin-Erskine Milling Co .. EvShorts ........ ......... \Oftic,.JA>1 ::i l,-,1s... 6.,,., 1 IG .:; 11 \ 55 .97 5.02\ 5.0GJ 1 ansvill e , Ind. Boss Feed ....... . .... . ... 1237 I G1rnrant'dAnalysi ~ 12.00 1 S .00 G2.00 3.00, ...... i The Q uat 0 r Oat s Co., Chicago, I \Offi c i a l Anal y s i s ... 1 10.8 :f ~:;I r; . un 3.19! 3.5'.l \ Ill. Pure Alfalfa Meal .. , ..... 1 123S;Gu[lr:1.nt'dAn:1,:sis' 1 ,: :LO O 1 l.OO i :n.oo l.20 J ...... 1 Th e Consoliclatecl A lfalfa Mill ---~ ' ~ J Offic1,ll A1rnl) s, ., ... _:2 !~ _ i "-'~' ~ ~ ~ 1 _ : 115 3 . 2:; 7. 4 , 1 i n g Co . . N e wtan. Kan.

    PAGE 94

    OFFIC:l AL l•'EI,;DJNG STl'FF' A~ ALY SES , 19.11-Continued . :\'A!\lJG, OR DHAKD. __ I _ __ T ---1-1-1 -i Pure Wheat Bran ....... .. ! 1 239 1 Gu;1rant ' dAn ::; l,si s l 9.G0 ! 1.J.50 l 5G.OO \ ! [Oflicial s \n::;l ys is ... \ 8.70'[ 13.62\ 3-1.38 1 i I i G_> . . /)(J , J _ Victor Fe e d .. . ....... . .. 11240 ( Guarant'd An a ly s is , 1 12. 00 7. 5(1 : ! Official Analysis ... , 7.571 S. 25' 6" 7"' i I I : : '. " ! Gano Feed ............ . ... 12H IG u:uant" cl ,\nalysi s 1 .... . . 1 7. :iO i 5'.l. or, i ! Official .\nalysis .. 9. 50 t G. 114 1 GC>. 4 7 1 I I I : I ! Romeo Fe e d ............ . . 1 1 1242 i Gu n r~ut 'd Annlysb \ 7. oo ; 9. iiO j G7. g~j' 1 0fficia!Analys 1 s ... j S .42 1 10.23 6ii.7fi i Corno Hor se & !\Jule F' e ed l l24:1 /G n a rant'cl A: :a hsis 12 . on 1 1 O. no 1 5S. 5 0! i[ ! Official Ana!y1;i s ... 1 5.7'.t i 10.5,~ 1 5:,.3.JJ ; I l . . : l2H ! Gu ara n t' cl Analysi s ~1.70 ' 1'.l.OO I 57.00 i ' IQfficial .\nal)sis. f 9. S2! 12.lG[ 5'.1.81 \ . ....... 1124 5/ G11ar.111t ' rl An n lysi sl !l.sol !2.!i0 I r,s .oo ! , [ Official _ \nn1:,-s1s . . j rn.7GI 12.\)41 :i8.18 1 I I I I I . . ' 1~ if:G11nr:111t"rlAna1;:~i, I JG. on! 10.r1n 0::.110/ Star Feed .. .. . Purina Fe e cl Derh~ Fr ed OfficialA1wJ. ,~ \s .. 1 ::.1;5 : 11. !1 : ~.J.~~ ' I I .ci !
    PAGE 95

    DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE--DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. FOOD AND DRU G SECTI ON . R . E . ROSE, State Chemi st. SPECIAL FOOD ANALYSJ "i;S, 1911. A. 1\1. HE NTI Y , As st. Chemis t. Samples Tal rn n b y Pur ch a s n U nder S ,; ct i o n 1 O. A ct Appro v e d Ju n e 7 , l!JO !). A L C O H OLIC DRINKS. I --:I I I .~ CJ ' ..: (l) ,0 s LABEL. I -;::~ I : ~fANU F A C TlH1 f:c l:{ . 1 2; '.-' 0 1 , ~:, 1 FROM. ::1 z ---~ ---I 366IWine ............... . .. . . .. .. . .. , .. I ' 1 , 3 671La ge r B e er . . . . . . ! , \ ,, m e Brewin g Co., MaC'cn, Ca.j 3t>8 1 Poinsetta . . ;t'lle Pmit.y Extract a n d Tonic 1 I i Co .. Chattanoo . ;a . T e n n. ; 370 Re a l Sidra Astmiana.... . . . . : .J,, ;, . P Cinrn y G :crci:i. O d0 do , I . 3 72\Florid a I •~1 )Fl.i T l. Bud-l e ss than 2 a l co ho l / Clie i•ln rid a Brewing C(> . . Tam I 373 Florida I pa . Fl a. I I i Bud-l ess than 2 % alco h o J i Tlw F l nr i dn Brewin g Co .. Tam ' I )) '.1, F1 n. . I 374 Florida Bud-J e ss t han 2% ako llol ! T!1e F l orirla T fr e,ving Co .. T a m ' i pa. F'l a.. 1 376 , Pilsen e r Beer ...... .. . ..... . . .. . Tlw Eblin g Brew in g Co .. :\' c w\ I i York. N. Y i ...... -,..,, ' ., ' I JO. 721 L. L. Simm s, St. Augu5t.ine. 1 2. % \ .Jo seph Nahoo:n , Tallahas s ee. o.nolA. Reid "\Yhisk 8 y C o .. Pensa c ol a. l I .} . 6 7 i Th e Florirla B rewing Co., Tampa. I l.25 W. S. P resto n , Bari.ow. l.40 ,v. I l.58(-' 3 .9 51G. S. Pr esto n , B~.rtow. C. Bowers, Ma y or Ft. Tl'[eade. R. Calahan , Sanford.

    PAGE 96

    ALCOHOLIC DRil':KS C o ntinue d. LAB . L. i . ! ,l. f = j s CJ-= ; . g ;j e : ! ::;: ;:' >, I 1 '• ,c, l 1----i l I 378\Beer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... JTl1 e .Jnn g Brewing C o. , Cincin•! 1. i 0 1 J. A. Van P e lt , P e n sac ola . i uati, 0. l 1 379\Cider ........ , . . . . . . . . "I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . ! 9. 5 9 /E. S. Wright, M o nticello . 38U Cider ... .. ..... . ... ...... , . . .... ! 9 . 59 j E. S. Wright, Monticello. 38 1 Cider o o 04 0 0 .l. 1001 1 Beer ................... . ..... . 1005)1\Vhite Top Beer . . ..... . ..... . . . :'\ew Orkans Br ew ing New O rl e an s . La . 1008 Florida Bud . -l e ss t:ian 2 % a lro!T li e Florid~ Brewin g hol. I T a mpa. Fia . 1010 i White Top N e ar Be e r-le ss ; Th e Capi,o l Bre ,w, u g & Je e 1 than 2 % alcohol. l Montgoinery, A la . 10121Apple Cider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .... . . 1013 Grape Cider ! ! 1014 Wine ' I J 4.69 jE . S. Wright, Monticello. Co., I Co., 1 I C o ,! I 2.5 :31 .T . H. Rickerson, Live Oak . i 3.93i;r. P. Galloway, Ocala. I 1.19 jGe o. F . S m ith & Sons, Av o n Park . I 3. 41 : \Valdiclcer & G riffit h , Sanford . 7. lG W. L. L ong. Ft. Myers. 7 .17 I W. L. L ong-_ Ft. Myers . I ll .J7 i f. I. :\Toody , B u n ne ll. -----

    PAGE 97

    I No./ I LABEL. MISCE:..LANEOUS . IlESULTS. I i ! I 369 I Ambrosia Table Syrup ........... Sucrose ........ G3.77% B. G. Merrill, U. Clouct. I . 371jButter .......... .. . ... .. ... . .... Index of re!ract10n at 20 C.. . 1. 4G08 J . C . C . Dow11 ing , Tallaha sscE'. I 375i0livc Oil ........ ... ......... . .. . l "~71Hog F ee d ...... ... ......... . .. . , I 1002 Cann e d Succotash . ............ . 1003 Cann e d Tomato es ... . . . . . ..... . Tnd e x of refra ct ion at 15 C ... 1.4710\A. i\I. Henr y. Tallah assee . Arsenic-consid e rable amount present G. H. watson, Wauchula. J Saccharin .... ............ 1 I Salicylic a c id ..... . . . .. ... : absent \Vallac e n. Muse s . 'iV es t Palm Beach. B e nz01c ac 1 : I .... . . . . . . .... J [ Sacclrnrin . . . . . . . . 1 -' l Salicy!ic a<_'itl .. . . .. ... . ... : abse nt \\'all :1c e n. Moses. iV e .; t Palm Beach . Bcm zme ac1 rl ... . . . . .... . .. J Yaga ..... ... . . .. . . . . . . ... \\ atE• r . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 10.6~% A i< , x Clark, River Junction. I 1006 , Capsule Cru(le fib c' r . . .. .. . . .... 1. 07 % Ash.... . .. ..... .... . ..... 4. :J5% Pr o t e in . . ............... . . ... 43. 65' ; {; ~i t rogen Fr P P E x!Tacr. ....... :: in. 31< ;: Fat ......................... 0 . 37r;;, :\Iic roscopi c exrrrn in:ttion s 1 .. o,._cs it to h e a mixtur e o f barley mal t , ge lntin 1 a nd l actos2. . ............. . .. . .. ! conta in s flllin i n e all( ] po v : t'. e r 2 r t a l oe5 \\". V Knott, Tallaha ssee . -1 I I al

    PAGE 98

    MISCELLANEOUS-Continued . LABEL . I RESULTS. : FROM. I I ointmc=.-~ ~ -1~ ~; lute B e lladonna C~~-lw. ~~nott, Tallaha ssee . tains atropine In a base of ben-1 zoinated lard I 10 09 Linseed oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 055 % A . B . L ee s, L ees burg. 1Iodine Number . . ... ... ... . 189.00 1011 Vanill a Extract. . ... . ........... Pure vanilla ex tract. ......... .. .. . . Wm . J. Krom e, Marathon. I 1015 Butt e r .... .. . . .. .. . . . . .... . . . . . Ind ex of refraction at 25 C . . . l.46091C . D. Robin s on , Tallahasse e. I 1016 Juic e of Parson Brown O ran g e sT ota l Acids, as citri c acid I W. C. Templ e, Tampa. Blu eb ird Brand . ( g . per 100 c c) .. . .. ... .... 0.6255! R e ducing Su ga rs , a s invert I s u ga r (g. per 100 c c) . .. . .. . 4 . 63 1 1 ' _ 811cr ose (by re duc ti o n) (g. p er To \: ~ ~u~!~~ -(g_. i)~~ioo~-~i::1t ~~ I 1017 Juic e o f Parson Bro w n Oran g e s T ota l Acids , as cit ri c acid I I \V. C. Temple , T a mp a . 0 . 5 6 3!) ! Cardinal Brand . (g. p e r 100 c c) .......... .. . R ed ucing Su ga rs. as invert I su ga r (g. pe r 100 c c). . . . . . i.1 8 1su 1 c;is~ .. ( g _ . _ 1_i~~ 6 _ 16 !T o t al S11 gii . rs ( g. per JOO c r) .. 10 . 34 1

    PAGE 99

    . 1 \Vater \'/,cJ . . . 5.97fTri1.:111pil !11ilJ1,. Tarnpa, \Fat (%) .. .. . 9.6!J i jCrude Fib~r ( '/. l . 18.17! jProtein (n x G.25 l 1 ':, 1. . 17 . 55 ! f Ash (%) .......... .... ........ 3.G5! I :'.\1icroscopic e xamin;i tio11 det ec ts no: fa rl nlt e rnt s. _ i

    PAGE 100

    H. E. ROSliJ , S late Chemis t. LABEL. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTU FOOD AND S a mpl es T ake n b y Stat e Ins1 wc t or U nd OFFICIAL APPL],; MANUFACTURER. -~_ I 1 . , , , _ I c, ~0. 1 Goot.wm s Apple Butter ... ....... ru~ Goodwm Pres e rving Co . , Louis-' , v ille, Ky. !i3 4,Libby's Apple Butter .. ... . .. .... Libby_ McN e ill & Libby , C . . i c a. g o, Ill. :. r;-;',V e b s ter Braud Apple Bulter .... vVP bster Canning and Preservin g Co., i I I Wr>h s t P r , N . Y. j

    PAGE 101

    101 RE-DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. DRUG SECTION. er Section 9. Act Approved June 3, 1907. FOOD ANALYSIS, 1911. BUTTER. 5 0 0 ai :0 oJ t
    PAGE 102

    102 BEER AND ThNe has be e n a co'.1sid e rat1le awouut of beer s ub st itut es, nominally he e n dilut e malt liquors only slig htly ferm e nt e d ; bnt in some cases they Of the tive of t. hese drink s exami n ed, four w e re dilut e ma l t liquors, only ,er vatives fouud in tllese b e v erage s; 1101 ,v c r e any malt or ho p substitut es LABEL. MANUFACTURER ai . .0 8 z , L 15''1*\','hite Tn1, --Lss thai. 2%, alco-i \,i,~ e Capitol nrewin g, Rill\ lee Co., I ho!. ! l\fontgomery, Ala. 1 5) ;-u ncle' ,-, S p ec ial -L ess rha11 2 %1 N ew Orleans Br ew in g Co .. .c'
    PAGE 103

    BEER SUBSTITUTES. Mlled "N','a.r Bc r," sold in the Stat e . lu most ca se ti t.l.r , :c-e beverages have W (ff t ' standard b e r . .1nd o c casionally '.; tron g er in alcohol th;:n ordinary beer. gJightly fermentr•d, anll on e was a ratlwr s trn11g l.>• .'e r. Them were no pred e tec te d. 1 I I I l I ~;' <:) i I a, I ::, 2 C) tll..; i A <~ c,1 A ..., ' ....; (\) CJ') +3 tll a, 'O ;.,., A C I i a ro C ... C) a H':I 1, ll I <,I .... Cl o~ C) 0 :... tll CJ C;J a, ....; <~ a,~ Ao ,J) 0 C) A c, = U:, _g ~C) C) ;.. (I) :;:: 'O -~ ;:,. .Cl. o0. I .... --~ d ro "' (I) ...,._ ::, c,j i /) CJ (I) C) ~ ! ;.. ;.. .... t1l v ..., ;:,. a, ,_, C) .o .,-, M o.i: 'O"' 'iii ~o~ 0. d '.;;J I ~1 :.-1 ~ (\) r~ .... UJ. I i:::. ;..
    PAGE 104

    101 JAMS . ..JELLIES. Of tbe 34 sa mpl es of jam s , j e llies and pr ese rves . 14 w 0 r e c:JllllJU Und go o compou nd and contai ned g luco s e . Each of th e 14 contained a state ment of t than found , a ncl five was g r e ater. Six of the H ,vere pr e sen e d wi t h So added acid pho sp hate, whil e th e other one conta ined add e d tartaric acill. quality and showed that th ey were marle of in t'P rior mat er ials by the lar ~ JAMS, LABEL. MAN u 1<'ACTURER. 515 *Highland Brand. artifici a lly col-lJohn T . Mitchell & Co ., Baltimore, Md . I ored Glucose Jam, Raspberry j \ flavor. Gluco se 55%, 1-10 of 1 %j \ I . Benzoate of Soda, Acid Pho s \ I phate of 1 % . I 5221 1 tFresh l<'ruit Jam, Raspberry wiih Curtic e Brothers Co., Rochester, N. Y.I 10% Apple Juice, 1-10 of 1% 1 Benzoate of Soda, 10 % Glucose. I I 524\ j"''L P .C." Brand BlacldJerry Jam, Louisville Preserving Co, Louisville,\ mixed with Glucose and Apple Ky . I ! Jelly, con . tining phosphate. \ 53 5 ,Libby's Pur e Peach Jam . ... . ... Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago, I!l . 1 5:J6 t Libby's Pur e Strawb e rry J a m ... Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago, Iii.[ 542 t Victory Compound Fruit Jam ... The John Boyle Co., BaL,more, Md .. I I 549 tPure Jam-Raspberry ...... ... W. N. Clark Co., Rochester N. Y .... [ 551,tFresh Fruit Jam-Red Currant Curtice Brothers Co., Rochel!ter, with 10 % Apple Juice, 1 10 of I 1% Benzoate of Soda, Glucose I 10%. I N. Y.I I I ' i I 561\tFresh Fruit Jam-Raspberry ... Crosse & Blackwell, London. England.I I I 5621tRichelieu-Red Currant Jam .... Sprague, Warner & Co., Chicago, Ill. i I I 570[tSunbeam Pure Food Jam ... ~~ JAi'...~ t~ _ . ~ i~hol_s_ C_9 ., ..'. "Je~ !ork, N . Y. [

    PAGE 105

    105 AND PRESERVES. ds c o ntaining gl u co se . A ll o f thes e w , rE• s o labt l e d as to :;l!oll' rn ,-, : ,n Il e pres e nce o f g luco se. in fo ur o f whi c h t h e p e r centag e stat, d v,: , ; i " E S diurn B e mm at c, a nd fiv e of th e s ix jel lies c ontaining g lu cos e a l ~") c , ,:i,iin. .c _.., <1> A r/J a, 0 C) .... .... C) <]) Coa l Tar Dye . . .. . Benzoic Acid .. . .. . 7.60 Na tural Na tural Natural N atu r al Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural I ... ..... /aenzoic , .cid ..... . I .. .. ..... IAbsent. .......... . I ......... !Abs e nt. . ......... . I ...... . .. jA bs e nt. .... . ... . . . I .. . ...... [A bs e nt. .......... . I 28.19 7.48 41. 67 26.84 9.05 ..... .... !Absent ... .. . ...... 27.08 I I BenzoicAcid.. .. .. 5.91 I I I I .. .. .. . .. !Absent .. .......... j 35.75 .. . . .. ... 1 jAbsent ............ \ 34.41 \ ......... \Absent. ........... \ ~~--~ 0 M "' r-< _.., ro en--. ::::. <1>;;, A 00 :-C) 0 C) CJ~:... ::: (; Q) 5~= 70.01 6.88 49.57 0 . 00 0.00 43 .5 8 0.00 9.15 0 . 00 0.00 0 . 00 0 . 028 0.018 0.104 0.020 0.020 *Illeg a l. A1110 ,1t of t he percen t . , H~e or e: ltw n s'• nn t h e lab e l. -:, I ,e g ;rl .

    PAGE 106

    l ,ABb JL. llHi ;JAMS --Co ntinu e d . ---------------------------5741tThistle Brand C1Jmpound Fruit I a ',ustin, Nich o ls & Co., N e w York:-~--~T , and Corn Syru p Jam , Gag e Plum\ I ' 1111d Apple. 1-10 of 1 % Benzoate _ ! o f Soda, bu % Corn Syrup. ! i ,7 5 / Thist!e Hrnnd Compound F1•nit!Austin, c'li c hol s & Co., N ew York. N.Y J and Corn Syrup Jam, Red Cur-' i rant and Apple, 1-10 of 1 % , Ben-l I ____ z '.~~~e of Soria. 5 0 % _ Corn _ Syrup.j _ _ _ ___ ___ __ _ ____ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __ \

    PAGE 107

    3 0 u 107 ,J A,IIS--Con ued. :\'11,tun, l . ... . .... I Benzoic Acid .... , . 1.81 Natural . , ... . ... Benzoi: Acid .. ... ! n.87 j I ------'-53.99 /J.020 \}.036 I ------------! *Illugal. Adult e rat e d and rni c;l: ,rancted . !ncnrrect. statonenl o f th 2 perc e nt. ag~ of glt:('ose on tl ;e lahel., tT .. : Pga,l.

    PAGE 108

    ,_: c;; J;, I := I ii JELLIES. LABEL. l\1ANUFACTU RER. _), __ _ _ _ _ _ 50 71*\Yilliarns I Appl e an d Curr a n t j e lly 1 Th e Williams Bros. Co . , Detroit, Mich. I I I I I 51JS!t Compound Gluco ;;e Appl e Jdly-\The Williams Bros. Co .. Detroit, Mich. I Glucose 55';0. 1 r,1:r1'+ Highl a nd Brand A rtificially ColJohn T."Mitchell & Co., B a ltimore , Md. ored Apple-Glucose Jelly-Glu1 cose 65%, 1-10 of 1% Benzoate of Soda, Acid Pho sp ha te of 1 % ,, 14 1 \:(Pm e Fru it J e ll y, C urrant flavor. ! The American Preserve Co., Philadel' I phia, Pa. , j'.J l j ;tPure Fruit Cunant Jdl y .. ...... Emery Food Co., Chicago, Ill . .... .. . ! 523 [ :\Cresc e nt Imitat io n Fruit J e llyCorn Products Refining Co. , New phat e. I I ' Corn Syrup 8 0 % , colored with York, N. Y . Amaranth, contains added phos5~ 6 1 ~ " L. P. C." Brand Gluco se Apple Louisville Preserving Co., Louisville, ! ) Jelly, containing Phosphate. Ky. ! &~8 tBull H e ad Brand Pure Apple Jelly Gibbs Preserving Co., Baltimore, Md. 532,:(Libby's Hell Currant .Telly ...... Libby, McNe!ll & Libby, Chicago, Ill. I

    PAGE 109

    10!) JELLIES. .. ci C) .... ('j +-' Ul ; I S:ttural ..... :Absent.. .... Small i Amount I I I ,: at" ,,I. ... r bsent. ..... P,e,ent Coal Tar DyelB,mzcic Acid Present I I I ... t I I I I I .. 1 :--:aturnl. ... 1 1 Absent. ..... /Large \ i Amount N"atL1ral ..... !Absent ...... Absent I Coal Tar DyelAbsent ...... Present I Natural. .... !Absent. ..... IPre.,ent I .. \ I I I Saturn! ..... Abseii.t ...... !Small 1 I ; Amount! Natural. .... IAbsent. ..... !Absent ... I I ! I -1. 52 0.00 n.oo '.'3. 94 12.10 0.00 0.00 42,35 4.92 I 0.00 79.57 79.27 0.00 0.00 I I tr. " 0.686 1.029 0.GSo 0.459 0. ,190 0.588 0.176 1.147 o.432 0.25S 0.012 0.014 0.282 0.286 0.014 0.016 I I I *Illega.1-Misbramled and :irl11lleratP1l. Cont:iins added Phosphoric Acid and no statement thereof on the label. flllegal-Misbrand0d and ad111t0ra ed. Incorrect statement of the percentage of glucose; no stflctenumt of a,1,,11 l'hosplwric Acid. /:Legal. ~Illegal-MisbraiHlc1l. Glucnsp inrn,;11ic11n11sly statPd on label. ~Illegal-Misbranded. Add01l Phosphate. IIllegal-Adulterated anrl m'shr;mrl,•d. Added starch present anrl no state ment therPof on label.

    PAGE 110

    ..: Q) .::, a ;;l z I LABEL . 110 JELLIES-Continued. MANUFACTURER . -------~----541/:ti.Ia:rflower Brand-Imitation Cu-lEast Brooklyn Preserrin?; I rant Jelly, Glucose and Apple ' E as t Brooklyn. Md. I j Juice, added Tartaric Acid, 1-10 i of 1 % Benzo!l.te of Soda, artifi1 clally colored. I 544 1 ft Bob White Brand Corn Syrup ApJones Bros., Castleman & Blakemore, I pie Jelly. i Louisville, Ky. 545 :r,Old Inn Brand Blackberry fla-lJon e s Bros., Castleman & Blakemore, vored Jelly. ' Louisville, Ky. 55 0 iPure Crnb Apple Jell y ....... . . . W. N, Clark Co., Rochester , N. Y .... : 556 +Be ec h-nut Brand Grape Jelly .... Beech-Nut Packing Co . , Canajoharie .I N . Y. l 565 IImperial Brand Apple Jelly. . . Jos Mlddleby Jr Inc Boeton Mass 1 . . . ' ., , . 5 i1 +Pure Fruit Plum Jelly. 1032 ~Wllliarus Apple Jell~ ... 1033 :(Al)ple Jelly .. .. Emery Food Co., Chicago Ill ........ ! I ... The Williams Bros. Co . , Detroit, Mich . ( ! 1 Bishop & Co., Los Angeles, Ca.I . ..... i j !

    PAGE 111

    111 JJ< J L L IES-Co ntinu e d . P-. ;... 3 rn ;: g etab } e . . . ! B e n z oic A cid Pr e s e nt .. I i I i Nat ur al. ... . \ A b s e n t . . . . .. Pr ese nt I N atur al. . ... /Ab s ent. ... .. /v e r y . ' Sm a ll I Natura l . ... . A bsent . . . ... Lar ge , ~mount N atur a l .. , . . Absen t. . . . .. Ab s ent .. . N atur al. .. .. Absent . ..... I v e r y Large I . Amou n t I I Na tur a l. . .. . Abs e n t. . . ... , Sm a ll Am o un t I I Na tural . ... . i . . .... . .. . .. JPres e nt .. . i ! i ! Natur a l ..... I ... .. . .. j L arge r I Am ou ntj ..., Q) M :.. Q) 0.00 0 .0 0 40. 22 39. 4 7 38. 11 0 -=-"=' <:> ,...., ..., cs: ~.o~ _, Q) . ::: <:I ~-E c; d :... ~Cl) ~ 0 0. CJ -=6] .12 7 7 . 63 0 .0 0 0. 00 0 . 0 0 0. 00 0. 00 0 . 0() il.00 0. 735 0.0 0 8 0. t37 0 . 3 56 0. 3 72 0.020 0 . 8 55 0.020 0.529 0 . 015 0.578 0 . 021 0.882 0.02 ~ 10.29 0. 02 0 0,29 4 0. 0 16 * Ille ga lM i s br a nd ed an d ad ult erat e d . Conta in s adde d Ph os p ho r ic Ac id a nd no state me nt th ereof o n the lab e l. till e gal--Misbrand ed a nd adu lter ate d . In corr ect s t ate n wn t o f th e p erc e n tage of glu co s e; no state m e nt of a d ded P h osp h oric Acid. t Le ga l. Ill ega l-M l sbra11d ed. Glu cos e in con8 pic11 ous ly state d o n l a bPl . U ill e gnl-M isb rand ed. Adde d P ho s p h ate. IIll eg al--Ad u l t e r ated a nd mis b rn n decl. Add e d starc h p r a s e n t : mrl no s t at e m ent t h e reof on lab f" l.

    PAGE 112

    i :o I 7. I -1 LABEL. ll~ PRESERVES. ;\IANUFACTUHER G271''Goodwin's Il0st Brand Prec;erves, The Goodwin Preserving Co., I Strawberry. ville, Ky. Louis-\ I G33l*Lihby's Preserved Strawberries. Li'.Jby, McNeil! & Libby, Chicago, Ill. I I 548j *Superior Pm serves, Strawberry. S. J. Van Lill Co., Baltimore, Md . .. 352/*Numsen's Convenient Brandl\Vrn. Numsen & Co., Baltimore. Md .. I Strawberries--fresh fruit pre serve.d in granulated sugar, gin , cosc and apple juice. ', I ~57(Heinz __ I'~c~1Pn,.':'.~1:_v_:lo_-_ ._ ...... , H . .J. Heinz Co., New York, N. Y .. .

    PAGE 113

    ..: 0 0 0 I I Natural ........... Natural ........... Natural ........... Natural . .. .... . .•. Natural. .. . .. ... .. *Legal. Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent ..; .:: .., ol l> .. Q) "' Q) ... 0.. 113 PRESERVES. ........... ........... ........... ... ........ ...; ::,: Q) 0 .. ... Q) "' 5 ""' .... >, "' .0 bO..., A . ~NEi Q) A "' Cl) ..,Q) O'-' 0 .. u ... ... u~ .. '-' Q) :, 0 Q) :, "" """" w~ ei~~ 23.44 0.00 36.00 o.ou 33.44 0.00 8.41 34.33 9.29 0.00 8-Bul.

    PAGE 114

    PAGE 115

    115 LANEOUS. -------------,-----------RESULTS. Mo is tur e ... ..... . . .......... 10 .13 'lo i Crud e Fib e r .... . .. .......... 0.15' 1 u l A s h . . . .... ... .... ........... 0.5l' i1J i Crud e Prot e in (N x 6.25) ..... 1 2 . ;-;G'/o l i':itro ge n-fl' ee extract. ...... 76.f,: l'io l Crude Fat ............. . ... . 0. , :1' /o i Cold v\ia re r Extra c t. .. ........ 1 3. J.5< /o i Macro scopic and M icroscopic exami[ na1i o n s show s.1 : nple to be whe a t l flour. containing weevils, larva e. ' and insect r euiai ns. I Moi sture . . . . . . . 30.5S %, Ash .. .. .. .. . . . . . . .... .. .. .. 2.iH' io l Prot ei n ( ::-S itrogrn xl.i.38) . . . . :;(). IJ5' io l Fat ..... ................... :lG. l\O'm ! rng g~ c~f _ ~ ~ :'.~~'.i.o_1'. . f ~: l. Gl7 ! Acirl s a s l act i c acir l. . . . . . . . 1. 1, ,1' ;/ , : Spe c ific gra \'i ty at H, C . ... l.o ::J9 -1 i Alcohol (p er ce nt !.lY vo lum e ).4 .55 j Ex ! n , ct .............. . ..... !l.GS % : Ash ............. . ..... ..... 0.216,Y, , l To tR l a cids as mnlic acirl .... 0. 5194'/o i Pol~ri zat io n ( at 2f) C. in i 200mm tub e ' V) ..... ..... 9.20 1 Ind ex of r efrac t io n ~t Jfi.5'' C .. 1.70 0! i Asil ( % .) .... ................. 0.1 ; , : l\loi st ur e (, / ,) ... . . .... ........ ::0.0 . 1 . Sucr cs e ( 1 ,: ;. hr Cle rg• ) .. . .... '.27. 22 i Glu c o s e (p u l ariz in ; ; at ii;:; V) , (' _:{) . . . .. . ...... . ...... .... . ~'.2 .0 S Sul pl,n r Dioxide ( ';. . ) . . ... ..... 0.1)075 ! C olor -Coa l T:i r Dy e, with r e action s : o f :-Tew Coccin. I Ash (~ 1r, } ..................... 0.01 ! Sucro se ( ' f<, by Cl e l'g et) . . ...... :rn. S~ ! I Sacch a rin ... ... . .. ...... ..... abs e n t Sucro,; e (by r e duction) (%) .... 11.40 Saccharin .... . ............... absen t Sucr ose (by r e du c tion) (%) .... 10.71 Sacch arin . ...... ............. absent! ::,,ucrose (by reduction) ('/4) .... 10.171 Saccharin ... .. . . . . ......... . . absent ! Sucro s e (by r od ucti o n) ( % ) ... . 9. 78 1 REMARKS. Illegal Adulte rated. The flour con taius filthy and decom1Jose'1 anim a l s ub s tanc es . Ill e .c:a l-'.\Iisbranded and adul te rat e d . This i :; not a full cream ch e ese, lrnt i s a cheese mad e from milk in ste ad of cream. l!J "g a l}1 isbr a nd e rl . No alcohol stat e m e nt. II l ea ,; 1--:\lishrand,•,I si:r n s , n1 l a hel. .\Ii s l cad in g deTll e:: tl -. \ 1i sbra nd P d aml :H llllt P. rat. e d. C o nt a i n s uncp r tif'i<>< l and harmful c o a l tar ll~ 'P . Legal. Legal. L ega l. Legal.

    PAGE 116

    116 VANILLA EXTRACT AND The Vanilla bean is the source of pure Vanilla extract. The standard with or without sugar or glycerin, and contains in one hundred (100) cubic Vanilla bean. Imitation vanilla flavors usually consist of a mixture of the or occasionally other artificial coloring. While of the sixteen extracts ex rectly labeled and all had the percentage of alcohol stated on the label excep examined contained vanillin in varying but not unusual amounts. The u of glycerin. The variation in the contents of the bottles of the same extra tained twice as much as other bottles of the same brand of extract. The of the various extracts. ,.: (1) ,Q g z LABEL. MANUFACTURER. 505 *Silver Medal Imitation Vanilla! !McCormick Flavoring (with vegetable col-1 oring) 14% alcohol. & Co., Baltimore, Md . ... 506 *Bee Brand Extract Vanilla True,: McCormick & Co., Baltimore, Md .... 42% alcohol. 509 *Sauer's Pure Extract Vanilla,65% I The C. F. Sauer Co., Richmond, Va . . alcohol. 510 *Bear Brand Flavoring Vanilla: Lewis Bear Drug Co .. Pensacola, Fla. Substitute, artificially colored,i 1' 10% alcohol. I l . 511\*Edcly's Special Extract of Vanilla[ Eddy & Eddy Manufacturing Co .. St. 50% alcohol. Louis, Mo. 512\*Dove Brand Highest Grade Va-I The Frank Tea & Spice Co., Cincinnilla, 50% alcohol. I nati, Ohio. I 531l 1 Vanilla Compound, 10% alcohol. I Southern Drug Manufacturing Ce .. j Co., Jacksonville, Fla. 5391:J:Vanilla Flavor artiflcially colored,I IThe Groover-Stewart Drug Co., Jack\ 17% alcohol. I son-ville, Fla. ~---------------

    PAGE 117

    117 VANILLA SUBSTITUTES. is: Vanilla extract is the flavoring extract prepared from the Vanilla bean, centimeters the soluble matters from not less than t en (10) grams of the tinctures of vanillin and coumarin in dilute alcohol, colored with caramel, 11.mined several were imitations of vanilla extract; all but four were cor t two of the four tha t were imitations a nd not so labelecl All the extracts se of wood, or methyl, alcohol was not detected in any of the extracts, nor ct were in all cases unnecessarily lar ge, and in sev e ral some bottl e s con price of the different brands bore no relation to the amount nor quality .. . -------: I ...: ,_; A Q) Q) I ...; .n 0 ...: 8 .... A A Q) Q) >, Q)~ ::I 0. 0 .., 0 . A ...; rn > .... Q) A .... A "' . w a "O en Q) Q) ;;; 1-<0 0. ::I ro 0 0. .e Q) ll!l,o ~0 ... .... 0 . 0~ ;... cil en Q) Q) r.="" "' 0. en _,.., .d a 8 cil 0 ,_; 0..., 0 >, ... a 0 cl 0-"> ::I B ..., ,.c:I 0 0 < I 0 0 en ::I cl 00. C) i z E-< 00. > 0 l . 11204 12.40 /Present . . . . . 30.64 0.954 I /None I ..... Caramel 1 . 00436 42.56 None . .. . . 16 . 2 3 0.308 ... . . Present Natural 1.05210 33.50 None . . . .. 24.10 0.276 ..... JPresent Natural 1.03488 9.84 Present ..... 12.0() 0.022 9.12 I .~one Caramel 1.01275 45.00 None . . . . ' 20.52 0.276 .. . .. Present Natnrnl 0.99866 48.28 None . .. . . ..... . . . . . . . ... Present Natural 1.05270 11.48 Present 0.027 17.79 0.066 .. . .. Non e Vegetable I I 1.03989 14.08 Present! 0.123 I 14 . 58 Trace 2.88 JNone Caram e l I I I "Legal. tlllegal-mishrnn
    PAGE 118

    118 VANILLA EXTRACTS AND VANILLA SUBSTITUTES--Continued. -------------------------LABEL . MANUFACTURER. 1 .. . I 540,fMarx's Pure Extract of Vanilla .. 11i::ing Bros., Shilstone & Saint, New I Orleans, La. 546 1 *5c. Brnnd Vanillin and Coumarin : Cannon Bros. Extract Co., JaclrnonComp., colored, 10% alcohol. ville, Fla. 547J*Cannon Brana Pnre Extract of ! , Cannon Bros. Extract Co., Jackson\ Vanilla, 65.625 % alcohol. I ! ville, Fla. I I 55 ::; ''Compound Extract Vanilla and I I United Specialty Co., Jacksonville , Vanillin. contains tinctur e val~la. nilla hean, sugar, sugar color,1 10 % alcohol. 55S Concentrated Extract of Vanilla. I Tampa Drug Co., Tampa, Fla. 56 3 *Burnett's Extract Vanilla, 40%1 1 .Tos e ph Burnett Co . , Boston, Mass .... I alcohol. I 564 ' *Bln ~ Rihhon Extract o . Pure Va-I Greever-Lotsp e ich Mfg. Co .. KnoxI nilla, 50% alcohol. ville, T e nn. 56Sji*N rw t _ on's Red Seal Pure Vanilla,! The Newton Tea & Spice Co .. Cincin50% alcohol. I nati, Ohio.

    PAGE 119

    119 VANILLA F,XTRACTS AND VANILJ,A SUBSTl'l'UTES--Continued. ----------------. 1.04975 0.99676 1.02985 l.01217 1.00626 () .99045 0.988~5 1.06330 "'L eg al. ...; A 27.60 8.60 4li.84 12.40 7.08 36.70 37.36 Cj a ::, 0 u lrr ese ntl' rresent , \Non e I iNo ne I I I !Present I I i I \ Non e I N one Non e 0.081 0.526 0.0,7 0.60 8 en 'Cl 0 T. 2 0 E-, 19.Sl l . 72 25.60 7.20 3.22 9.31 1G.G5 27 . ()6 ...; A C) u ;...,
    PAGE 120

    MILK-Condensed. ----! No ,! I I LABEL. MANUFACTURER REMARKS. !Butter Fat! l (Per cent.) ---/L---------,l-------------i------,-L,-----------1004!Borden's Eagle Brand Condensed Bord e n's Condensed Milk Co. , New\l Milk. York , U . S. A . 1005 Blue Riboon Brand Condensed Eir e 's Condensed Milk Co., Philadel-1 Milk . phia, Pa . 1006 Dime Brand Condensed Milk .... Borden's Condensed Milk Co., New York, N. Y. 1007 \ St. Elmo Brand Condensed Milk. Hire's Cond e nsed Milk Co .. Philadel phia, Pa . 1008 Magnolia Brand Condensed Milk . Borden's Condensed Mill< Co. , New York, N . Y. 1009 Winner Brand Condensed Mille. Borden's Condens e d Milk Co., New York, N. Y. 1010 Cotton Ball Brand Condensed Southern Milk Condensing Co., NashMilk . ville, Ill. 1011 Challenge Brand Condensed Milk Borden's Condensed Milk Co., New York, N. Y. 1012 Blue Crogs Condensed Milk . .... Mohawk Condens e d Milk Co ., Roches ter, N. Y . 7.95 Legal. 9.23 Legal. 8.85 Legal. 9 . 15 Legal. 10.20 Legal. 8.10 Legal. 9.60 Legal. 8.10 Legal. 9.90 Legal. .... t-:i 0

    PAGE 121

    1013 Cupid Brand Condensed Milk ... l:lustuu Dairy Co., Boston, Mass ..... [ 1014 Grandmother's A.& P. Condensed The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Milk. Co . , Inc., ,Jersey City, N. J . 1015 Square Brand Condensed SkimHlre's Condensed Milk Co .. Phlladelmcd Milk. flhia, Pa . :s . 55 8.55 0.10 Legal Legal . Legal. L e gal.

    PAGE 122

    MILK-Evaporated. No. -+l\IAKUFACTURER. 1017 Gold Sterilized uns wee tene ,1 1 Hin > ' s Condens e d Mllk Co., Philad e l7.92 REMARKS. 25.45 Legal. Evaporated Milk-Full Cream .! phin, Pa. 1018 Our P e t Brand Evaporated l'vlilk!Hdv e tia l\Iilk Condensing Co ., H ig h8.00 26.22 L ega l. I land, Ill. \ 10l9 ! Lihby' s Sterilized unswe et en e d 1 Li11h y, 1\-TcNeill & Libb y, Chicago .... j 8 .1 6 Evap o rat ed Milk . I 1-. 1020 Silver Cow Ev apor ate d Mille . . . !st . Char l E•s Condensing Milk Co ., St. I 9. 60 Cha rle s, Ill. I 28.92 Legal. 30 .75 Le ga l . I-' t-:i t-:l I 1021 Globe Evaporated Mill, .. .... . . . :--:ati o nal Cond e n si ng Milk Co., Chi\ 8 .16 25.70 Le ga l. ca;o, Ill. I I 1022 Gold Cross unsweetened l\l ilk: :\Io h:rn k Cond 2 nsed M il k Co., Roch e s; 7. 80 sterilized-c o nc e n t rat ed . ' t e r , N. Y. I 26.70 Le ga l. I I 1023 ! Clover Hill Evaporat e d Mil!L . . . ! Fox Tiiver But ter Co., Auror a. Ill . ... I i 10241Carnation Brand Steriliz e d Ev a p -1 Pacific Coas t Condensed Milk Co ., orated Milk. , S ea ttle , Wash . 8.80 8.00 27.14 Le g al. 25.48 Legal.

    PAGE 123

    10251Dundee Brand Evaporated Milk. 1Tlle Oatman Condensed Milk Co.,: Dundee, III. I I 1026 Van Camp's Sterilized. uncolored. The Van Camp Packing Co., Indian-: unsweetened Evaporated Mille a polis, Incl. i 7.90 26.53 !Legal. I 8.80 27.95 Legal. I I 1027 Fox River Valley Evaporated,American Milk Products Co., Chicago,! 8.00 29.33 Legal. Milk. I Ill. I I ! 1034 Borden's Peerloss Branrl un-:nnrdons Condensed l\.iilk Co .. Newl I sweetened Evaporated Mille I York, N. Y. i i I i 1036IBorden's Peerless Bran rt un-' Borrl0n's Con doused Milk Co., Newi ! sweetened Evapon1ted 1\Iilk. ; YPrk ?\. Y. I 7. 80 27.02 !Legal. I S.20 24.98 :Legal I ...... [,:; c.;.;

    PAGE 125

    125 MISCELLANEOUS ANALYSES AND EXAMINATIONS, 1911 WATER SAMPLES. !JI . 1525.-Water from Southport Lumber Co., Southpur1. ( Parts per 1,000,000.) Chlorine (Cl). .......... ........................ . . . ... .. . . . . .... 53 Carbonate radicale (CO 3 ) .... . . 0 Bicarbonate radicle (HCO 3 ) .. 12 Loss on ignition ...... ... .......... .... .. . . ..... 75 Total dissolvd solids ......... . ............. ...... 24fi Total dissolved solids cont ai n Mlt and organic matter. M. 1531-Spring water from L. A. Hendry, Ft. My e r:,:. ( Parts per 1,000,000.) Chlorine (Cl) .......... ...................... ...... .... .................. ... .. 170 Carbona te radi c l e ( CO 3 ) ...... .. .. ....... ............ ...... .. 0 Bica1 bonate radi c le (HCO :~).... . ... 275 Loss on ignition .. ..................... . . tiO Total dissolv eu solids ..... .. . Total dissolv ed so lids contain lime and salt . M. 1532-we II water from L. A. Heodr ,v. Pt . :\Iy e r .. : !JO-foot well. ( Parts per 1,000,000.) Chlorine (CI) .............. ........................... .. Carbonate radicle (C O 3 ) ......... .... ...... . Bicarbonate radicle ( HCO 3 ) ........... . Loss on igniti on ...... ................. ...... . .. .. ... .............. . T ota l dissolv e d solids ...... .......... ................... .. 60 0 ... . 3 11 80 . 420 Total dissolved so lid s co ntain principally lime with some salt.

    PAGE 126

    126 M. 1542-Flowing well water from David C. Cook, ~t. Petersburg. (Parts per 1,000,000. l Chlorine (Cl) ........ .... . Catl1onatc raditle (C<\) Bicarbonate radic:le (HCU,) Loss on ignition ................... . Total dissolved sol ids ... .. .. ... 10!12 0 'J()fl . . ........ 7G:i Total dissolved solids contain l:irg-ely salt with lime and E11sorn Salts . .\'I. 1543-\Vell wat er from IL 31. Tir,cn ! s, Ponce de Leon . (Paits per 1,000,0 tlO. l Chlotinc (C l) Car-hona1-e 1:Jicl e (CO, I Bic:ubnnalP r:1licl :: ( HCf\ ) .. Loss nn ig-11:1tio ?. 1.. . Total dissolved solids. 7 II tr. 'l'otal disi--olved 1-;oli1ls tnnt:iin p1im ipall_, lime. W . 1532-"' e ll ,y:1t~1 . from B. F. I >D t nPy, San .\iareo . From 3fii5-foot. well. (Paris per 1,000,000.1 Clll,n-iuc ( Cj1 Cnrl.Jonate radicle (CO,,) Hicai-bnnnle radide (HCOJ .. Loss on ignition Total dissolved solids. . ..... . ...... .. ... .. U:HI (I 122 Ii: :$; ) 'l'ofal <1issolved solids contain salt. or ganic matter and lime.

    PAGE 127

    127 .\l. Hi5:1-"'ell water from Rtearns & Culver Lumber Co., Bagdad. ( Parts per 1,000,000.) Chlorine (Cl) .. ...................................... 7 Cnibonate n1diele (CO,,).......... 0 Bieal'!ionate J'a(1ide (IICO") J :.!O Loss on ignition.. :!O 'l'o1al ,fo,,nlved solids Uri Tulfll <1 solid~: contain pl'inc-ip:dly lime . .\I. li"iG-t-WatP1 from Er1w:ll'<1 ~Iill<>r, Zep!Jyrliills. (Pa1s per l.000,000.) Chlorine (Cl) .......... 11 C;nbonate r:1dicle (COJ.. 0 Bi!arhona1<' 1H1icle (ITC<\ 1. 177 Lw,;.; un i~;ni lion ,1() 'l'ntnl ona lP 1:Hliele ( HCO,. 1 l:! Lo>:s 0;1 i~niti011. :!O Total dis:-:olved :-oli,l,, :\n Totnl di:-solve
    PAGE 128

    128 Bicarbonate radicle (HCO 3 )........ 339 Loss on ignition............ ........................... .......................... 40 'l'otal dissolved solids ...................... . Total dissolved solids contain principally lime with some salt. There was also con siderale sediment, composed of lime and some sulphur compound. 442 M. 1562-Well water from J. K. Hilliard. Kissimmee. ( Parts per 1,000,000.) Chlorine (Cl) ........................................ :{2 Carbonate radicle ( CO 3 ) ... II Bicarbonate radicle (HCO 3 ) •.... .. ... . .•..........•• ~15 Loss on ignition .............. . 'fotal dissolved solids ........ . Total dissolved solids contain principally lime. 21>7 M. 1565-Spring water from Vernon G. \Yiderqui~t. Ft. M,vers .. ( Parts per 1,000,000.) Chlorine (Cl) ....... .. ................... ti~ Carbonate radicle ( CO 3 ) .....• o Bicarbonate rarlicle (HCO 3 J. :!Jl Loss on ignition 'l'otal dissolved solids...... -WO Total dissolved solids contain pl'incipally lime and some organic matter. M. 1570-Artesian well water from B. F. I )oiney. 8a11 Mateo. (Parts per 1,000,000.1 Chlorine (Cl) ......... . Carbonate rarlicle (CO 3 ) ... H

    PAGE 129

    129 Bicarbonate radicle ( HCOJ . . . Loss on ignition. .... . 'l'otal dissolved solids .. 'l'otn I dissolved solids c ou 1:lin prinl'i pnll,Y sa)t, organic matter, li111e. and J ~psom Salts. 117 400 M. 1571-Artesi:rn w e ll waf e if1orn Lois I. Leavitt. Onrnge Cii,Y. ( Pnrts per 1 , 000,000. l Chlorine (Cl) .. ...... .... ... 7 Carbonate ra(1i<:le (CO :: l . . . 0 Bicarbonat e radicle ( I-ICO,) .. . 16(; Losi:: on ignition 'rotal dissolved solids 'L'ohtl dissolvc1] solids ,-ain p1in<'ipally lime . .\I. 1579-Hescrvoir water from Pr. 'l'h1 : op. \\"t':d . .\lari auua. (Parts p e r 1 , 000,000 . ) Chl01-ine (Cl) Cnibnnnte rn:1i1le (Cf\ i . Dicaihunate radi<'le (HC( \ 1 Loss on ignition 'l'otal dissolved solids .. 'l'olal dissolved solids 1JJh1in priueipnlly lime. 14 1(1 102 lO >J. 1580-Flowing well water frolll A. E. Dmnhlc. New Smyrna. ( Parts per 1,000 , 000.) Chlorine (Cl) .. .... l4:! Carbonate radir]p (CO,) 0 , -Bul.

    PAGE 130

    1: _ :o Bicarbona1e radide (llC0, , 1 ::1;~ Loss on igni tiou.. . 1;7 'l'otal dissolycd solid:... . . ,1111 'fotal dissolved solids co11tnin p1incipally lime, snit nnd ol'gmti(' 111attP1. M. 1582--Lake wa1cr from G. C. S111illi. 1:al'tow. M. M. (Parts per J . 000,000. 1 Chlorine ( Ul) 1 Carbonat c rndicle I CO,: 1 . O llicarbonate (HCOJ \I Loss on ig-nitinn ... 'fotal dissolved soli,ls . .. Total dissolved soli,Is eont.ii11 p1inl'ipall.v salt and organic 111at !er. 1583-Well water from G. C . Smirli. I :arto\\. (Parts per 1,000,000. ) Chlorine (Cl) . .... . Carbonate radiclc (CO,:I , Bicarbonate ( HCO ::) Loss on ignition ..... 'l'otal dissolved soliils .. Total disi-:olved solids ('<1llt , 1i11 p1indpally salt and organic matter. 1584 City w:ltcr from G. H. \Y,ll'll!. SI . (Parts per 1,oon,oon . I Ch lorin e (Cl) .. . ... . . Carbonate radiclc (CO,) .. . Bicarbonate radi c le (HCO , Loss on ignition ..... . . . Tota 1 dissolve<] sol id s. .. Total dissolved solids contain lime, sal1 and organic ma Her. 711 21 0 (I ) l -•I :w 1 rn 1S 171 100 HO

    PAGE 131

    :\I. LG 8 ;"i-\\ ' a te r from .I. U. l' n ('<' . l'n('t ' . ( l'ar1 fp e r 1,(1110 . 00ll . 1 C hlorin e (C I J . .... C aib o nate rn1licl e (CO , , : Birnrbonal c radi c le ( I! (' (> , 1 Lo;;s o n ign i I ion ... ' l'o(al di;;:--oln•d ;; o lid:-.. 'l'ota I d i:--sol v e d :-olid f:: ( on tn iu pri n c i pa 11.r lim e and :-: n 11 . M. 15 8 H--Sp1in g ,rn1et from ,Joliu 1 1 '. ( ox. Lnkel :1 11<1. ( r : u h ;; per 1 , 00 0, 000. i 1 7 0 : rn : :o C hl01 in c ( C l) ..... .. .. ..... . ...... :!1 C arb o nate rndid c (CO , , 1 0 Hiem bo nat e radi c le (H COJ 18 Lo ss o n i g nition .. . .. To ta l di ss ol v e \l s oli df:: ... Total clisf::olvt>d solids (rnt : •io p1 i11cip n lly s al t . lilll C arnl organi c 1ual I P . M . 1592---, V ater from \V . . H . Smith , 'l ' allal u,-sel'-. (Par ts per 1,000 , 000.1 11i C hlorine (C l i 1-t C arbonate radi f' IP (C O::) . 0 Bif-:ub o na1 e 1 ad i elc (IIC O J 1:,0 I .o~8 o n igu it ion :!7 'l'ot a l diR s olv e d solid :,; .. . .. 147 Tola! di s sol v e < l :-; o lid R c ontain p, in c ip a lly lim e . M . 1 5 9 3 \\"1 ~ 11 wate1 fro111 \\'. W. Leath e !'ll. P m1;m1 a Cit y . ( Pa1 ts p e r 1,000 , 000. ) C hlorin e (O Ii C arbonate rndi cl P ( C0 3 ) 0

    PAGE 132

    132 Bicarlwnate radiele (HCOJ .. ~ti,) Loss 011 i g nition .... .... ..f 11 'l'otal dissolved solids. ~!lfi Total dissolved solids cont ain prineipally lime an '. l sa lt . .\1. 1G94-W'ell wat e r from <:eo. N. Hrnce, .\1,ndin. (I'nrfr-; Tl e r l.00!1 , 000.) C hlo1in e (C l) ... ... .. ........ . l'.l!I 'Cnrhonaf e rndicl e iC<\1 11 Bic-nrhnuni"e radicl e (II(]O : : . ) ... . ] 8:~ Loss on igui tion .. . . . . . .. J :; , Tot:11 ,lissolved solidr-; 7,n Totnl y. D1illigrams pn l:h r . 1 Si li c n i_RiOJ ..... ... . Snlf::te rntlicle (~ . () , I Hiearbona 1-c'. ratli,l e , '. 1 ( n Cn l'linnat e n1di<'le , i'(i_, Ni1Taf P i-a
    PAGE 133

    Potassium Biearbouate (KHCO") .. 6.7 Calcium Biearbonal,~ Ca ( HCO:i) 2 . :31.7 "fagnesium Bicarbonate Mg(flC0 3 )z .. !J9.0 )1. 15H7-Flowing well of S. Ll',', J:ayu11 Hranu. ERemu bia Co. FOl' Florida I :Polobicn I Hrn,py. (:'.llilligrnim, per ltt<'l'.) Silica (SiO,) ::'i.ti ~ulfate raditle (So 4 ) Bicarbonate radiele (HCU;:) 1;2::.n Carbonate radicle ( CO:,) 0.0 ~itrate radiele (NO") O.G7 Chlorine (Cl) ............. lli!ll.,-C. Iron and Aluminum Oxitlei,; ( Fe,(\+ Al 0 0 3 ) ......... . Calcium (Ca) ;\lagnesium (:'.Ilg) Potassi11m (K) Sodium (Na) 2.0 HU 5.1 t:l.1 1::0,.0 'l'otal dissolved solid" .. :iti!J7.~7 'rhese may be combi1wd arc; follow;.;: Sodium Chloride (NaCl). .27!)1.;) Sodium Sulfate (Na 2 H0 1 ).... 11.2 Sodium Bicarbonate ( Na!-!COJ 7:i-1.7 Potassium Bicarhonnt<> 1 KHCO ) .. ::::.:-, Calcium Bicarbonate ('n(ECO::l 2 .. :I-Ii.I ~Iagnesium Bicarbonate ;\[g( HCOl) 2 :W.2 lL lGOl--Water from J. S. M. Hrnlge. N1whe1T_y. (Parts per 1,000,000.) Chlorine ( Cl) ......... 11 Carbonate ( CO,i) 0 Bicarbonate radi<"le (llC
    PAGE 134

    M. 134 1602-vVnter from L. M. Fonis, Boca Grande. ( Parts p er 1,000,000.) Clllotine ( Cl I . ... Uarbouatc ( CO a ) ......... ...... ......... .. .. ... ............ ..... .......... . IlitarlJ011ate 1ndicle (HCO.) ................ . Lo:-8 rnt ignition .. ..... .. .. Total ,lisBolved solids . 'l'otal di:-; s olvcd soli
    PAGE 135

    M. 135 Gar!Jonate radiele ( CO:J ..... Bicarbonate radicle (HCO,i) Loss on ignition ............................... . (J 1% 550 'rota! dissolved solids ........... . ..................... 235:1 'l.'oLal dissolved solids contain principally salt, with some organic matter, lime and Epsom Salts. 1G43-n'ell water from \\'. H. 'l'owles, 115-foot well, !\o. 1. Ft. Myers; (_Parts per 1,000.000.) Chlorine (Cl) .................................. . 25 Carbonate radicle ( COJ ..... . 0 Bicarbonacte radicle (HCOJ Loss on ignition -''--' Tot nl dissolved solids .... . .................... 1111' 'l'oi:nl (lissolved solids contain principally lime and salt. M. 1644-n'ell water from 'W. H. Towles, Ft. Myers; 400-foot well, No. 2. (Parts per 1,000,000.) Chlorine (Cl) ... .......... . . ....................... (i7 Carbonate radicle (CO,J....... 0 Bicarbonate radicle (HCO 3 ) 25!1 Loss on ignition..... ...... .. ........... ................ . . . ............. 37 'l.'otal dissolved solids Total dissolved solids contain principally lime and salt. 362 M. 1645-Well water from W. H. 'rowles, Ft. Myers; 280-foot well, No. 3. (Parts per 1,000,000.) Chlorine (Cl) ...................................... . . . .. ...... 7-! Carbonate radicle (CO 3 ) ...................... .................. HI

    PAGE 136

    13G Bic a rboHat e rad ic le ( H (X> s l .. . Loss on ignition .. :.n5 a c. Total dis so lv ed :-;olids ... . 'fo ta l dissol ved so lid s contain pri11ci11ally lime and salt. M. 1647-Water from Thos. Clernent:,;, O range. (Parts p er l,000,000. ) Chlorin e (Cl) . .... .. .... ... 14 Carbonate radi c l e (CO,) .. ... 0 Bicarb o nate radicle ( HCO , ) . 210 Loss on ignition . Total dissolved s olid:-; Total di sso1ve d so lid s contain principally lime. 2ll M. Hi48-Spring wat er fr o m'!' . . J. <;rillln. H:l\dhorne . (Parts per 1,000,000.) Chlorine (Cl) . ... :.!8 Carbonate radi c le (CO") .. ~) Bicarbonate (HCO,, 1 14 Lo ss on ignition Total di sso lv ed :;olids ... T ot al dissolved solicls contain p1intip a lly lim e, s ni t nnd organic nrnt fer. ~r. 164!J-Well water from E. ~Ioslwl', C romanton. ( Parts p e r 1,000 , 000.1 4 ') .. lHi Chlorine (Cl) ... ........ 4o Ca r bonate radicle (CO , ) O Bicarbonate rndiele ( HCO, 1 21!! Loss on ignition .... .. . Total di ssolve d solids . ... . . 'f ot al dissolved soli,ls contain prineipall.v lime , salt, and org-anic mnit,~r. 70 2!11

    PAGE 137

    187 M. 16fi2---Plowiug well water riom I > r. F. F. Feni:-. Apalacllicola; 800-fout wl:11. (Pa rts per 1,0U0 ,000 . i Chlorine (Cl) .. t:::! Carbonate radicle (C
    PAGE 138

    ms MISCELLANEOUS SAMPLES M. 1518-J~, ,e rglade Hmnrnock soil fr(,m 'J'ntnm Bros ., Miami. ~Ioist me ( original sample) ( % ) .. ... . ...... :20.87 ( On dry air basis.) Ash ( % ) . . . . . . .... . ..... .... . .... . ....... .... . .. . ......... ... ..... .. ........ S2 .50 Alllmonia ( <; -~ ) ....... .... ........... .... ......... .. ..... ...... ...... .. .... .. ... 0.76 'l'o tn l l'hospl10ric Acid ( % ) ........ ..... .......... ...... .. 0.086 Potash ( 7,, ) .. ........... .... . ...... .... ..... .... . .. .. ....... .. 0.06 Sliglltly acid. M. 1510-lrnpmc Fuller's Earth, from C. R. J enk ins , Snends. '.\'I. 1520 --:\[arl (Calcium Cal'bon a 1e), from , l. J. Bell, Brooksv ill e. Lim e (Cao) ( % ) . ... .. . .... ....... ...... ...... . . ..... ....... ...... 4t>.06 Equivalent to Calcinm Carhonnte (%) ...... S:U7 M. 1621-Siliceons rock from Child Btos., Tallahassee . To ta l Phosphoric Ac id ( % ) ..................... .... . . . . 1.39 M. 1522-Phosphat e ro e k No. 1. from A. H. Bellamy , Inverness. T ota l Phosphoric Acid ( ' 7,:, ) ...... . ........ .... .. . ..... .... 38.28 Equiv a lent to Bone Phos. of Lime ( % ) .. . ... 83 .57 M. 1523-Phosph ate ro c k, No . ~from A. H. B ellamy. Inverness. Total Phosphoric Aeid ( % ) ... . . ... ..... .. . . ......... ... :32.52 Equivalent to Bone Pho s. of Lime ( % ) ..... 70.9!) M. 1524-Ka oli n from H. Cardoza S loan , Jacksonville.

    PAGE 139

    M. 152G-J :, J . .... lj!J.(Jl .\l. l 528 B1a s :; Polish . .\1. 1;,~iJ-lrn11111e C.nbmuli e of Lillle . .\1. J;i::0-Fo:,sil Pt•at 1'1 E. II. Hilill'ei"h , Bonifa,Y. M . IG:!4 <,1H111'l ltod: from . r. E. l>11h11is :s nn , l'cmmcola. TlH' sarnpl< 1l.1 i ns i1:1<•P,.; of Potnsh all(l Pl10spho1i1 . \cid . .\f. JG:15-8oft 1'110:-;pllnte from \V. n. Carn. 01'.ala. Toi n l Phosph111il' Af'itl ( ' Ir, ) .. '"'9.' '"' 7 Eqnil'nlcii11o Hon e Phos. nf' Lime (%) .. ... 48.G~ .\l. 1:-;:rn Clay ( wi1!1 aclrnixiure of .\'fil'n) from .\L M. M. Hngge1i, 'J'allahassee. 1 :i:l7 Pebhlp Pho1spha 11• frnm J: .. J. Camp, .fr., King. .. .. 23.22 Total Phosphoric A e id ( r,,; , ) Eqni':nlt>nt 1'o Honp Pho ,;. of Lime( % ) 50.6!) .M . lfi38-~fo c k from E. A . Ringham, Ar c adia . MoiR i 111e (in original sample) .. . . . 66.48 /On (fry ai1 basis.) Ammonia ( 7o ) Ash (%) .. .... . . . Slightly acid. ..... .... 2.06 .. . .. . .. . 49.83 \.

    PAGE 140

    140 M.1539-Marl (Calcium Carbonate) from Chas. Han-is, Vero, St. Lucie Co. M.15J0-Boiler scale from E.W. He_ynolds, LaBelle. 'l'he sample is composed of Calcium Carbonate (Lime) and organic matter. M. 1541-Sandy Clay from John Bogart. Kissimmee. M. 1544-Crude Kaolin from G. S. Hollingsworth, Ar cadia. M. 1545-Cypress Muck from Chas. A. Htadle, Ft. 1fyers. :Moistnre (in original sample) ( % ) ...... 79.97 ( On dry air basis.) Ammonia ( % ) 1.41 Ash (%) ............ __ 5'.Ui8 Slightly acid. M. 154n---water-worn Limestone (Cnlcium Carbonate-, from C. N. Hinsey, Apalarhirola. M. 1547-Soft Phosphate from A. Roberts, Dade City. Total Phosphoric Acid ( % ) ... .. ;1.72 M. 1548-Marl from .J. ,V. Willson, :Mi!lspring. Impure Carbonate of Lime (Calcium Car bonate). M. 15-1!1-Perriwinkle Shells (Calrinm Carbonate) from Flnrind Irrigated Farms Co., Astor. M. 1550-Crude Kaolin from , T. G. Trnrnble, navrnport. M. 1551-Clny from W. D. Carn, Ocala. 'I'hP ~-n mplP contains a trace of Phosphoric A,itl.

    PAGE 141

    LU M. 1555-Pho,;phate from E. L. C. ,foL.u s ton. P.tnoksville. Total Phosphoric a '..cid ( % ) .. .:!5.lri Equivalent to Don e Ph o, ,. of Lirnc 1 ' ; ) :;.t,!10 M. 1551>-Phosphnte from Clws. l•'. HmTis, ,Ja('bonville. 'J'nt:ll Phos11hor-ic },C'id (' ; 1 . . ..:!!. l-1 Equirnlent to Holle l'hns. Iii' Lime ( ',/,,) ,1:2 . 70 M.1557-Clay ftom l'aul Hiln,v, i\I:11'1:rnn:L M. 1559-l'limq1h:1te fr(lm 1) n vi
    PAGE 142

    .M. 1572Sliell }lmI (Calcium Carbonate I from Chaiks Ca rroll . Y:nnato. M. 1573-Pcbblc l'lin"phate No . 1. frolll V. \\'. ~n1e111y. Bowling; Green. Equivalent t o Gone l'ho:-;. of Lime 1 ' ;; 1 . . (iii.l)ti M. 1574-Pcbhle Phosphate :No.~from V. W . S n1•p1wy. Bowling; Green. Total Pho s phoric Adel ( ';r , ) ....... ...... . . ... . :2!l.O:'i Ef{nivalcnt lo Bone Pho:-;. of Lime(' ; \ , ) . ,,:u , ~ M. Hi75-PPblile Plw:-;pltate No. :\, from V. W. SmT<'JH•y. Bowling Green. 'l'otal Pl10 ,;p horic Acid ( % ) . . . . ... . . .. . :28.25 Equivalent to Bone Phos. of Lime ( % ) ... ... Gl.fli M. 1576-Yellow Micaeons Snnd from T. A. ,Jenning:'<. Pensacola. M. 1577-Sand from E. 0. Floo < l , Lakeland . M. 1578-Sand from Edward 0. Plood, Lakeland. M. 1581-Gromid Oy :=;1er S!Jells from : \Ic'fimmons Cn .. ,Tad::sonvil le. Cal<'.111111 Oxi(le (CnO) ( % ) .. . . ... ... . ........ JiU.:38 Eqnivalent to Calcimn ( Ca CO ~) ( '/{>) Pho:=;phoric Acid ( ~ ; ; ) .. Carbonate •!).88 1.3:3 .M. 158G---Hog Feed from G. H. \Yai:son, Wauchula. 'l'he sample eon1ai1m considerable arsenic. l\I. 1587 -Gre cn Lim esto ne (Calcimu Carbonate:, fro111 Geo. D. Hamp, Bartow.

    PAGE 143

    14 8 M. 1588-:'IIn('k from F . B. JlcanlL 8mnmcrfield. M. 15U0-Impnrc Kaolin from A. IL Leonard, Winll't' Haven. M. 15!}1-Pinc Hand from K .J. \7:m n. Madican1. l\J. lG!H'i Blal'k ,mil fro111 ( ,m ; A. :\lnstnn. \Villistou . ~loisturc (in o!'ig:inal s a 111pl e) ( ; ) .. (_ On (h y air ba sis) Am111onia ( ' ? ) . . . :u . :: o Ash ( % ) . ............... 70 . (HI M. 15!18 Limestone ( CalcimH Ca rbonate I from vV. \Y. Rtone, Mariann a. M. 15!.19 Shell Limeston e (Car b o 11 ate) from John ~iii ton, Jr. Marianna. M. 1600G ronnd Lime stone (Calc ium Carbonate) from 'Manatee Suppl y Co., Manatee. 1'he sample contains t r aces of Phosphoric Acid and Potash. M. 160!3-Limcstonc (Calrinm Carbonaie ! from w .. J. Jenkins, Hound L a k e. M . 160 4 -Soil from W . H. Rtcarns, Welaka. M . 1G05-Phospha1P Ho<"k from E. 0. Painter F er1il iz e r Co., , Tntk so nvill e. 1'otal Phosphori c Acid ( % ) .. . .............. :W . 1 :-1 Equivalent to Bone Phos. of Lime ( '7o) .. . .. 57.04 M. 1606-Rock \'\'eed from A. Z ePlray. / Air dry snmple.) Totn l Phosphori c . \cid ( % ) Ammonia ( % ) Potash (%) TraeP 1.07 O.H7

    PAGE 144

    144 }[. 1607-Shell deposit from R. l\l. Burt, Palatka. 'l'he sample is a mixture of F;hells, with imn. oxide and organic matter. )I. lGOS-J\fother of '.Penrl from ,J. B. Burnsed, Irvine. :\J. HiO!l--Coutent of Cow's P,tomach from ,v. ,v. nell, Raiford. The sample contains nei ibc~1 slTydmine nor arF;enic . .\L UllO--Soil from H. N. Gray, neel'land. The F;a111ple contains tr:,(Ps of Phosphol'i(' Acio and Lime. Prntein ( '/4: G1.n
    PAGE 145

    145 M. 1617-Paris Green from S. H. Gaitskill, McIntosh. Arsenious Oxide (As~O 3 ) ( % ) . ..... ... ..... .. ... ..... 55.48 Copper Oxide (CuO) (%).... . . . ...... 2D.2a Water soluble (As 2 0 3 ) ( % ) .... ...... . .. ... .... 2.45 M. Hl18-Limestone ( Calcium Caibonate) from G. A. Danley, Chipley. Lime (Cao) ( % ) .. ..... .. ... .... .... .... .. . . . .... . . ....... 52.56 Equivalent to Carbonate of Lime (CaCO 0 ) ( % ) ........... .... . .. .. . ... ... .. .. .... 93.86 M. 1619-Phosphate from Henry Elson, ,Jacksonvi lle . Total Phosphorie Acid ( % ) ... .. . .... ... 22.16 Equivalent to Bone Phos. of Lime ( i; t) . .. 48.42 l\f. 1620-Distilled water from B. A. Williams, Perry. M. Hi21-Impure Kaolin from G. H. Gibbons, Winter Haven. M. l622-Pebble Phosphate from Tl. B. Worderhoff, Plant City. Total Phosphoric Acid ( % ) ... ..... . ........ .. ......... .. .. 22.70 Equivalent to Bone Phos. of Lime ( % ) .. . 49 .55 M. 1623-Pebble Phosphate from E. 0. Carver, Carters. Total Phosphoric Acid ( % ) ... ..... ... .... .. ... .. .... 20.35 Equivalent to Bone Phos. of Lime ( % ) ..... 44.42 M. 1624-Phosphate Matrix from E. 0. Carve,-, Carters . Total Phosphoric Acid ( % ) ...... .. .... .. .... .. ..... .. . . 10.33 Equivalent to Bone Phos. of Lime ( % ) .... . 22.55 M. 1625~Quartz Pebble (with Iron Pyrites) from R. Hoagland, Astor Parle 10-Bul.

    PAGE 146

    146 M. 1628-Hard Rock Pho s phate from Albert Luffman, Ocala. Total l'hO! i phoric A c id ( % ) . ...... . ... .. ........ .. ... . ... . .... . 34.03 Equivalent to B one Phos. of Lime ( % ) . . .... 74.36 M. 1629-Muck from R. J . Baker , Homosas s a. Water ( in original s ample) ( % ) .... .... .... .... 94.00 ( On dry air ba s is) Ammonia ( % ) . .. ...... . . . . ... ..... .. . ... . . ...... .. ........ ..... . . ..... . . ..... ..... 3.78 Ash ( % ) ... . . .. ... . .... . ... ... ......... ... .... . . . .. . . . ...... . .. . . .. ......... ... .. .. ... . . .. . . 63.95 M. 1630-Muck No. 1, from L e e H u ntl ey , Panama Park. Ammonia in origin a l sampl e ( % ) . .... .. .. ..... .. .. 2 . 70 Ash ( % ) . .. ........ ... . .. ...... ..... . . .... ... ........ ... . . ..... ..... . . ...... ..... ...... 13.58 M. 1631-1\Iuck No. 2, fr o m L e e Huntl y , P a nama P a rk. Amm o nia (in origi n al s a mpl e ) ( % ) .... . .... .. . 2.35 A s h ( % ) . ..... .. ..... .. .... ........ ... ... . .. ... . ...... . . ......... ..... . . .. .. . .... 19.00 M. 1633-P e bble Pho s pha te fr o m G or ee Nel s on , Sumter ville. Tota I Phosphori c A c id ( % ) ...... . . . . ... . ... . ... . .. . . . 2!).37 Equivalent t o Bone Pho s . of Lim e (%) . ..... 64.17 M. Hi33-Soft Limeston e (Calcium Caronate) from N. A. King, P a nas o ffk ee . Sample contain s n o Ph os ph o ric Acid. l\f. 1634-Calr:n on s Ear t h from l\frs. C .R. Peavy, Jack sonville. Th e s ampl e c ontains lim e ( Ca lcium Car bonate) and trae e of Phosphoric Acid. l\f. 1635-Red O c hre from J. R Miller , Eustis. M. 1636-Common salt (Soilium Chloride) from A. L. webb, Hawthorne. Chlorine (CI) ( % ) ..... . .. .. ........... . . . ... . ..... . .. .... . ... ..... .... . .. ... 5!l.10 Equivalent to Sodium Chloride ( % ) .. .. ........ 97.52

    PAGE 147

    147 M. 1637-Sandstone (No. 1), Flint (No. 2), from Zephyr hills Colony Co., Zephyrhills. M. 1G38-Sand Concretion from W. Winter, Carrabelle. M. 1G39-Rock Phosphate (No. 1) from M. S. Howard, Dade City. 'l'otal Phosphoric Acid ( % ) .......... ........ ... ....... .... 3G.84 Equivalent to Bone Pho s . of Lime ( % ) ... . . 80.50 M. 1640-Limestone (Calcium Carbonate) (No. 2) from M. S. Howard, Dade City. Total Phosphoric Acid ... ... .. ......... .... ... .. . ...... . Trace M. 1641-Rock Phosphate (No. 3) from M. f4. Howard, Dade City. Total Phm1phoric Acid ( '7o) ..... ..... .. ... ... ...... ...... 34.0S Equivalent to Bone Phos. of Lime( %) .. .. 74.47 M. 1642-Limestone (Calcium Carbonate) from M. S. Howard, Dade City. Total Phosphoric Acid............ . ... ... . . . ........ . Trace M. 1G46-Shell Limestone (Calc.ium Carbonate) from I. ,J. Syfert, Sanborn. M. 1G50-Sand Clay stone from W. L. Smith, Round Lake. The sample contains small amount of Phos phoric Acid. M. 1G51-Marl from w. J,. Smith, Round Lake.