Florida quarterly bulletin of the Agricultural Department

Material Information

Florida quarterly bulletin of the Agricultural Department
Uniform Title:
Avocado and mango propagation and culture
Tomato growing in Florida
Dasheen its uses and culture
Report of the Chemical Division
Alternate title:
Florida quarterly bulletin, Department of Agriculture
Alternate title:
Florida quarterly bulletin of the Department of Agriculture
Florida -- Dept. of Agriculture
Place of Publication:
Tallahassee Fla
Publication Date:
Monthly[ FORMER 1901- Sept. 1905]
Physical Description:
v. : ill. (some fold) ; 23 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Agriculture -- Periodicals -- Florida ( lcsh )
Agricultural industries -- Statistics -- Periodicals -- Florida ( lcsh )
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
-v. 31, no. 3 (July 1, 1921).
General Note:
Description based on: Vol. 19, no. 2 (Apr. 1, 1909); title from cover.
General Note:
Many issue number 1's are the Report of the Chemical Division.
General Note:
Vol. 31, no. 3 has supplements with distinctive titles : Avocado and mango propagation and culture, Tomato growing in Florida, and: The Dasheen; its uses and culture.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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OCT. 1, 1911


Part I--Some Vegetables and Forage Crops. Part 2--Crop Conditions and Prospective Yields. Part 3--Fertilizers, Feed Stuffs and Foods and Drugs. Part 4--Circular 3, Foods and Drugs.

Entered January 31, 1903, at Tallahassee Florida. as second-class matter
under Act of Congress of June, 1900.


T. J. APPLEYARD. State Printer
Tallahassee, Fla.






The Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) belongs to the order Solanaceae or Night shade family which contains something over twelve hundred species, among which are three of our most valuable and important vegetables-the Irish potato, the tomato and the egg-plant. It also includes the red pepper, and the narcotics, such as bittersweet, belladonna, Jamestown or "Jimson weed," the tobacco and others.
The Tomato was first introduced into Europe from South America in 1596, but for many years it was planted only as an ornament to the flower garden. It came into use very gradually in the preparation of sauces and soups, and has only attained its popularity as a table vegetable in comparatively recent years. Its importance as an article of commerce really daies back little more than twenty years, and as compared with the present it was then indeed of small proportions, though at that time the increaslng arnua croli was watched in fear and much suspicio as to the 1,robable effect on the markets. At present in Florida it excdr in volume and value nearly four ti"e that of the noxt most inlportant vegetable crop (Irish potatoes). In 1910 the crates marketed were 2,:336,9 IS, the net value of which was .$2,528,620. The Tomato, therefore is Florida's greatest vegetable crop, standing next in hnportance and value to the Orange.


The Tomato will resist drought better than it will too much rain, in fact it stands drought better than most vegetables; the soil therefore best adapted to this cro0p is a good well drained sandy loam. The Tomato is not a gross feeder; it seems to prefer a light soil to one that is tot fertile, or that has been made rich with heavy animal manures; cow manure in moderate quantities is good, but chemical manures in proper quantities are best in most cases.


We do not believe in the extreme views of some growers, who plant the seeds directly in the field, where the crop is to be produced. A seed bed is really indispensable; it makes success more certain and it should be well equipped to afford speedy and ample protection against cold, and of ample dimensions to furnish a relay of plants, if the first setting is destroyed by cold, and even a second relay is often necessary, for some times even these reserve forces have to be brought into action.
It is best to have three or even four good, large plants provided in the seed bed for every one the planter expects to raise to maturity. This is the true wisdom of the foresighted and provident grower, who, by his strong management will force success against obstacles before which weaker men will go down in defeat. The tomato is a feeble plant in its infancy and an easy prey to frost and mysterious fungus enemies-yet, if we faithfully defend and feed it, it will yield the dollars at last more generously than anything else except the prodigal orange.
The seed-beds may be of light, rich, sandy loam, raised a few inches above the level of the ground. It is considered best to have them six feet wide, and as long as desired, running east and west. Have on the north side a tight board wall, three feet high, on the south side half as high, with tightly boarded gables. This will give a shed-roof with light rafters nailed across, on which to roll down the roof of cloth, tacked to rollers anywhere from Ilhity to fifty feet long.
Let the rafters have no projecl ion, so that the (loth may drop down snugly against the south wall. Such a covering of cloth alone will protect the plants against a white frost; a sheet iron coke burner, such as the pineapple men and orange growers use, placed every fifty or seventy-five feet, will protect them against a black frost.
Make drills crossways of the beds, three to four inches apart, sow the seed in thinly, say about two or three to the inch. Cover three-fourths of an inch. Firm the soil with a board or light roller, and water with a light spray, as may be needed to keep the soil moist, but be sure not to overdo it as too much moisture will cause the plants to damp off, and to grow small and slender, specially near the front and back walls of the frame. It is therefore advisable to sow the seed more thinly near the front and back

than in the middle of the bed. Roll down the cover on
-chilly nights.
When the plants begin to have four leaves, cultivate lightly at least once a week. Pull out clumps of spindling plants where the seed chanced to fall in a bunch. Thin to three inches by cutting across the drills with a narrow hoe.
Where the plantation does not exceed a half-dozen acres, it pays to take up and reset the plants once or twice to render them more hardy and stocky. To toughen them against this removal it is recommended to reduce their supply of water for about ten days to render them somewhat dormant. This is to be continued up to the hour of removal. This may be done without fear as the tomato is very tolerant of a transfer.


First, make ready the field two weeks beforehand. Supposing it to have been )lowed in November and thoroughly cross-plowed in January, then with a two-horse plow run out furrows four feet apart and strew in the fertilizer at the rate of 600 pounds per acre. Work in a little of the furrow slice and mix it with the fertilizer with a bulltongue. Strew in as much more and mix again, thus giving 1 ,200 pounds per acre and leaving the surface level. Set lihe plants iwo to three feet apart, according to the strength of -lie land. ISome growers prefer to manure the plants in the hill, which probably saves in the amount of fertilizer required per acre, but either plan is good, one about as good as another, and is largely a matter of choice only.
Reject rigorously all weakling plants. Leave them in the seed-bed to grow; when relieved of the crowding', they may come on and furnish a relay, if needed. Wet the ground soft and pull the plants u) carefully, running the forefinger under, if necessary. Wet the rows down again to i-es ore lie level after the upheaval.
We have very little confidence in plantsetting machines with tomatoes. They are fine, and great time and labor savers in the planting of some crops, but not for tomatoes, they are too tender and easily bruised. The way is to set by hand with the best-paid class of men and not with children at all. Children are only fit to pick cut-worms. Take hold of a plant and pull; if the leaf comes off, the plant was properly set; if the plant comes up, the setting" was

poorly done. Caution the setters constantly against leaving airholes at the bottom ; make them fill in at the bottom first, then at the top. Firm the carth; have an expcrienced man follow along; place one foot on each side of the plant; rock a little forward and throw his whole weight on his toes, opposite the plant.
Keep the plants screened from the sun, in a vessel with water enough to cover their roots. Let each setter have his own vessel of plants; take one out at a time and inmediately place it in a hole punched in the ground, not exposing the roots to the air two seconds.


This is as simple as with corn. It may be deep and close for a few weeks, but keeping further away and more shallow as the plant advances, ceasing when the bloom buds come.
There is little doubt that staking the plant and nipping out the terminal bud above the first cluster of bloom hastens the maturity and improves the size of the tomatoes; but it is questionable if it will pay with the present prices of labor. In a small field tended by the grower's family, it would probably be profitable. Do not prune tile plants il you expect to ship your fruit to market; you will get fewer but larger fruit, but it will not pay you.
When picking the earliest fruits it should be remembered that tihe cold weather in flhe North will permit them to ripen very little on the road hence they should not be gathered until ihey have begnn to redden slightly. A greener one would remain hard and uneateble and rot before it would ripen. Later on, as the weather in the Norilh grows warmer, they may Ihe picked when they have fairly turned white, preparatory to reddening. An immaire tomato removed from the plants always remains more or less tough. This objection may be remedied to a coiiilerable extet by proper fertilizing. A tomato grown on a well-proportIone.l stronlglv mineral fertilizer will h. ,oulparatively crisp and melting in the mouth, while one produced on nitrogenous manures will be tough and v.i 1! e.
The tomato, though it is so great a crop, is well worth being treated as a fancy product. In fact, all the early pro duce of Florida is deserving of this distinction. Coarse, brown wrapping paper cheapens the fruit. The buyer is only too ready to take it at the grower's own estimale.

Valuable packages are not wrapped in hardware paper. The best printed tissue wraps should be used, and-let the fruit also be worthy of the wrappings.


There are such a large number of equally good varieties to choose from that one can hardly go amiss, and while at one time it was thought that only one or two kinds would bear shipment, continued improvements with new varietiek have so changed these conditions that it is largely a matter of choice or personal preference as to which is best in the grower's opinion.


With the tomato, as with all other vegetables in this State, no precaution against. insects should be neglected; prevention is much easier than medication. The one preeminent precaution is to use strong tobacco dust sprinkled around the plants as soon as they are set out. Blight is also far easier to overcome in advance. Burn all the old vines as soon as the harvest is over, thus destroying the germs of blight or other diseases. It is best to plant tomatoes in rotation with crops that are affected with diseases different from the tomato, such as corn, cabbages, peppers, etc.


A good fertilizer for rather light soil would be composed of sayNo. 1.
Per Cent.
1,000 lbs. of Blood and Bone (6-8) .4 Amonia 100 lbs. of Nitrate of Soda (17 per cent.) . 500 lbs. of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent.) . 8 Poash 400 lbs. of Muriate of Potash (50 per cent.). 10 Potash

State value mixed and bagged . $34.50
Plant Food per ton . 440 pounds


For heavier soils, as the best class of sandy or clay oarns: No. 2.

500 lbs. of Castor Pomace (6-2 per cent.) 200 lbs. of Snip. of Am. (25 per cent.) . 900 lbs. of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent.) 400 lbs. of Snip. of Potash (48 per cent.). j


Per Cent.
4.00 Ammonia 7.70 Available
9.60 Potash

State value mixed and bagged .$33.76 Plant Food per ton .426 pounds


The potato (Solanum Tuberosum) belongs to the family Solanacea the same as the tomato, egg-plant, belladona, etc. Solanin the active principle is found in small proportions and is poison to a small extent. This poison is developed when the surface turns green from exposure to the direct rays of the sunlight and is therefore unwholesome as well as unpalatable when in that condition. For this reason sprouted or greenish colored potatoes are less valuable for food even though in the process of cooking a change is effected in the composition of the tuber.
The Chief organic ingredient of the potato is starch which forms about one-tenth of its weight. According to history it was first introduced into Europe by the Spaniards from South America. It still grows wild in the mountain regions of Chili. It also has been found indigenous to Arizona and Mexico. It was introduced into England from Virginia by Sir Walter Raleigh. It is said that "The potato is one of the greatest blessings bestowed upon mankind for next to rice, it affords sustenance to more human 1)eings than ain other gift of God." It is one (f the few food proilucis that can he consumed exclusively as a food without limit as to time with no injury to ihe system ; it is a ration in itself that will sustain life and strength for a grea - while. It is a wonderful provision of nature, that the family which embraces the deadly night shade, and other very poisonous plants, should also have among its members this most useful vegetable. Of all the crops of the truck-farmer, the potato is the one which is always saleable at more or less remunerative prices, its general use among all classes and nativities of population, makes it perhaps the most universally planted vegetable known. The potato tuber is not a root, as it has neither root hairs itself, nor has the stem which connects it with the stock either fibrous roots or hairs and, therefore, does not provide the plant with nourishment; neither is it a seed any more than a stalk of sugar cane is a seed, both having eyes. The potato is simply an enlarged underground stem, the eyes of which are also the buds. As is well known the

larger number of the eyes are on the end of the tuber opposite from where the stem connects with the plant. When the potato has dried oat to a considerable extent and the atmospheric conditions are favorable, the eyes or buds will swell and begin to grow or sprout out. Until roots put forth these shoots are dependent on the moisture and starch in the tuber for their support, the same as seeds; these eyes, however, are independent of each other, which enables the cutting of the tuber into numerous parts for planting. If the tuber and eyes are both sound, the shoots will grow and make healthy plants, provided conditions are favorable, whether they be planted whole or in pieces with single eyes.
In cutting )otatoes to single eyes, the cutter should commence at the stem end, where the eyes are fewer in number, and slice the pieces to single eyes each, in such a way as to distribute the greatest amount of the tuber-substance possible with each piece. A good rule is, cut all medium to large potatoes to single eyes whether sprouted or not. Small potatoes may not all mature enough to grow strong sprouts, but if a small potato is matured enotIgh to put forth strong sprouts, cut it also to single eves for very little substance will supply their support, but if the potato has not sproutedI it may be l)anted whole without much danger of ils pmi ting forth more than one stalk.
A potato deliglits in a comparatively cool :atm;sldhero and moist soil and therefore thrives best in cool niontlls of the early spring and fall. Mulehin g with leaves to retain moisture often produces a good crop even if the season is ver' dry as the vegetable mal ter serves to cons-erve the moisture in the soil. lhe soil best adapted to (his crop is a rich sandi( loam or a moderately cimt clay loam underlaid by a s ib-soil of a character to etaini moisture. It should le plowed deeply and thoroughmly 1 plverized. Plow and narrow until it is put in a thoroughly good condition and well rotted stable manure may be applied broad-cast, should there be a lack of hunnus in the soil, but in the event the stable nmacre is applied, it should be done for spring crops early in the season or very late in the fall months. If too much green manure is applied it is apt to produce seab. The land should be broken a month or six weeks before
-time for planting. It should be broken with a two-horse turn plow and subsoiled if possible. Into these furrows put a complete commercial fertilizer at the rate of 800 to 2,000 pounds per acre depending on the character (of ihe

soil. Mix this with the soil and the subsoil by running two furrows with a long narrow bull tongue plow so as to thoroughly mix the fertilizer with the soil then let stand for ten to twelve days before planting. Cut the tubers as previously stated and plant when ready covering about four inches deep.

The best varieties for planting in tie South and especially in Florida, are the early and extra early varieties, such as the Bliss' Red Triumph, Bliss' White Triumph, Irish Cobbler, Improved Rose Number 4, IDixie and Extra Early Sun Lig ht. These are the extra early and the best for gr~owing- in Florida for the first crop. Second earlies can in some sections be grown with profit, but not generally throughout the State for commercial purposes. Beauty of Hebron, Early Rose and Carmen No. 3 are favorite second early varieties. Burbank and Peerless are late standard varieties for little later growing.
The time of planting potatoes in Florida depends -upon the section of the State. In the far southern portions they can be planted as early as December growing later up to March as we go further north, indicating the change necessary to conform to the seasons and location, the difference being about ten to twelve days for each 100 miles.
The cultivation of potatoes is very similar to that of corn. Plow deep at first and shallower with each working until ready to lay by. In this way the roots that feed the plants will not be troubled and thle process of making the tuber will not be interfered with. When the vines turn yellow the tubers are ready to dig which can best be done with an ordinary p~ronged potato hoe and the man. In some of the light sandy soils potato diggers are successfully used and can be successfully used in most Florida soils. The digger should not be permitted to pile them roughly into piles or throw them roughly into the baskets. The more carefully a vegetable is handled the better it will strike the public eye and consequently' the more money it will bring the grower. Whatever may be its size, no cut or lbrnised potatoes should be put in the first quality, but may be in the culls. The barrels or baskets should be well shaken down and so full that the heads have to be pressed down. It is, better that they should be double headed and well coopered. The potatoes should be classed as first and

second quality and the culls, the small tubers;- shou ldbe kept for feed purposes or seed as suggested elsewhere. Cloudy weather is best for digging the crop, as potatoes should not be exposed to the hot sun and if packed while warmed by the sun they are apt to rot before reaching the market. If dug- during the sun shine, they should be gathered as they are dug and carefully emptied into baskets or barrels and promptly hauled from the field or shaded from the rays of the sun. The potato is subject to various insects and diseases, but in this country a Florida potato grower has a great deal less to combat in this respect than those further north and west, but it is unsafe to place full reliance in this fact because there is no certainty as to when a disease or insects may attack the plant unsuspected. The potato scab is the greatest trouble to the potato grower in Florida. This is a fungus disease and can be prevented in a large measure by treating the pieces of potato before planting with solution of corrosive sublimate or forinalin and a good plan to prevent this disease is to b~urnl the vines wherever there is any appearance of the disease about them. The solution for treating this disease is corrosive sublimate, 4 ounces to 30 gallons of water. Soak the seed, after being cut, for one hour to one hour and a half then dIrain. The formalin solution is one pint to 30 gallons of water. The potatoes are immersed in this latter solution for about two hours. A good plan to use in imimersing potatoes in these solutions is to put them one-half bushel or so at a time in a gunny sack then lift them out and let the water drain back into the vessel. Any other clean sack will answer the purpose if desired. As soon as this is done spread them out and let them dry so that they will dry quickly and thoroughly. Be sure that the solutions are not too strong or the buds or eyes will be damaged.
There is also a disease known as the late blight which comes about the time the potatoes are beginning to mature. This disease can be controlled by with Bordeaux mixture. In a former Bulletin, the July number, 1911l, the formulas for a'l sorts of sprays. the Bordeaux included, will be found.
The following formulas are adapted practically to all soils and sections in the State. The planter can choose which ever seems to suit his soil best.

No. 1.

1,000 lbs. of Blood and Bone (6j-8) . 100 lbs. of Nitrate of Soda (17 per cent.) . 500 lbs. of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent.). 400 lbs. of Muriate of Potash (50 per cent.)

Per Cent.

4 Ammonia 8 Available 10 Potash

State value mixed and bagged . $34.50
Plant Food per ton . 440 pounds

No. 2.

lbs. of Castor Pomace (6-2 per cent.) lbs. of Sulp. of Am. (25 per cent.) . lbs. of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent.) lbs. of Sulp. of Potash (48 per cent.) .

Per Cent.
4.00 Ammonia 7.70 Available
9.60 Potash

State value mixed and bagged . $33.76 Plant Food per ton . 426 pounds

500 200 900 400



Assistant Superintendent Farmers' Institute.

The livestock industry of our State is in a backward condition. Why this should be so is a question that seems hard to answer. There is no section of Uncle Sam's wide domain where feeds for live-stock can be produced in greater variety and in larger quantities than right here in our State. Every farmer who has embarked in this industry in Florida, either for beef or dairy products, gives the same report of low cost of production along his special line. The livestock industry, is the rock bottom foundation of aoricultural prosperity the world over. Until the farmers of our Southland embark in it to the fullest extent, our agricultural prosperity as a section will not be of the highest grade. Corn alone, or any other single specialty in crop production, such as cotton or tobacco, never has made a country universally prosperous, and never will. We must have the live aninial on all our farms, and in sufficient numbers to maintain and increase our soil fertility in a way that the contents of a "guano" sack never can. The importance ofthe live animals on the farm as a means of increasing agricultural prosperity is clearly indicated by the history of nations. A comparison of the types of livestock farmers found in the British Isles, Denmark, and Holland, with the peasant wheat growers of Russia, and the rice farmers of India, is ample to illustrate the close relation between livestock and agricultural prosperity.


Livestock farming necessitates rotation of crops and seeding down some of the land for pasture. It requires activity and skillful management the year round. It compels the farmer to keep an outlook on market conditions, at both the buying and selling ends of his business. It brings him into contact with his felloNks as buyer and a,seller. It enlarges his outlook on the world, and broadens

his sympathies beyond the mere routine of sowing, cultivating and reaping. Mere grain raising or special crop farming, on the other hand, leads to continuous cropping, in most cases without proper crop rotation. It does even worse, it eliminates the meadows and pastures. It involves a strenuous life for a short season of the year, followed by a long period of inactivity. It tends to create an itinerant class of agricultural laborers, and encourages tenant farming, rather than permanent farm ownership. It fosters the soil-robbin spirit. Corn farmers, wheat farmers, cotton farmers, rice farmers, and all grain farmers as a class are strongly led to overdraw on their soil fertility account. The men engaged in that class of farming, as a rule, show but a small interest in the 1)ernmanent prosperity of agricult!', . The history of agriculture in all countries in the wojld showNs that the livestock producers have taken a lealiig pjirt in maintaining and increasing agricultural prosperilv, and as a class they can always be relied upon to led the van of progress wherever their lot may be cast.


The money sent out of the State every year for dairy products is away up in the millions of dollars. This money could well be kept in the different communities, if we had enough livestock farmers. The protein feeds necessary to feed dairv stock can be grown here in profusion and in great variety. Our cowpea hay, analyzing 16 per cent protehi, is equal pound for pound to the best bran on the marke-. Or velvet bean hay, with almost as high a protein content as the cowpea, and our never failing beggarweed, are also equal to any other protein feeds. Then we have the soy bean, the Kudzu, and a few others that go to make a varied palatable feed, such as a dairy cow wants. We have also carbohydrate feeds in abundance, such as Japanese cane, sweet potatoes, cassava, and others, that make our dairymen independent to a certain extent in the matter or feeds from outside sources.
Anolhier advantage we have in the South over any olher section of the country is our climate. We do not have to supply an extra 25 per cent. of feed for eight months of the year to keep up the natural heat of the animal as is the case during the cold weather that prevails in the northern States. Another advantage that we have is freedom from flies and insects of all kinds. While it may be difficult to 2-Bul.

believe, it is nevertheless a fact that in Florida the flies do not become The pest to cattle that they do in the northern States, and it is a rare ,cc:'rence to see castle tearing aro) 1d ill a haf crtazed condi ion tin g to get away from lii-, tor'nI(oi's. 'tule we have the tick, which if allowed to get loo nni),erous becomes a pest, lut it is easily con1lrolle'l if 1 he proler iuethofls are used, sch as keeping cattie welt salted and well groonied as all stock should be. We are also in a well watered section of the Uni ted States, wbirh_ is an imipoj'_an|f colsiideralion for livestock.


Every dairy man has his own favorite breed, but in Flor. ii a the - ersey seems Io be t~he mos5 popular. There are severl vea sons for this; but the principal one tht concerns tie mn that makes bln 1ei is that the fat globules in the Jersey cow's milk are larger than in the milk of the other breeds. The butter made froin the Jersey cow's milk stainis up better in warm weather, and will not turn oily as soon as that froin other breeds, while its texture is good all the way through. From personal experience I prefer a hihgh-rade Jersey, about seien-eighths Jersey and oneeighth native. This grade of cow will give you a hardy animal that is a good forager when turned to pasture or on the range. Its milking capacity will, in most cases, equal that of the pure stock, and as a general rule it will produce milk at less cost than the pure Jersey. Such animals do not require the same care and )ampering as the thoroughbred, and cold and wet spells of weather do not affect their milk production so much. Anyone wishing to get good results and build up a herd of good animals can easily do so by keeping a full blood Jersey bull, and so grading up his herd. This bull should be changed every four or five years to prevent inbreeding. Every dairy man should raise his own cows by selecting the best of his heifer calves. By doing this he can build up a herd of a certain type, and can select the best milkers as they develop their milking qualities, while those not coming up to the nirk can be sold'off.


To get the best results and develop good milkers, the calves should not be allowed to run with the cows. When

the calf is dropped it should be taken away and put in a dry (ark stall to dry oil' ml get up its sttiength by resting. It should not be disturbed for at least 24 hours, and then some of its darn's milk may be offered it to drink. If slow to 1earn, the middle liiiger dipped in the milk can he given it to suck. If, however, it refuses to drink or uclk, let it alone fo2 another 12 hours, when it will readily take what you offer it. Y'las > ms at ih-st raftler a eiilel practice, but in fie end it is the best ine ohod to Ims ue. A cow that is slicked bv her (:df w ill 61\ develop inio a i,,,a 'ill ker, lecwalse , he wvill tIelteiWnio he'r ii ik tro(lnCti as far as pcw,:ii&( to the calfs flp a 0 1 : the ('all' rever can suick heir qh'y, h'r iioo of nilk wil eliadually decre:ise to the alioint which the calf takes. On the other hami, it the Cmv,' is inilked, she will natiriallY develop her ftll milking cl',! :cities in proportion to le feed she gets, and will rat :ral ly look upon her milker as the one she is providing fcr. It is right here that the good dairyman that lnows his bUsie-ss seldom fails to deve!p the cow's full milk cap':,citl) the proper treatiiient tand judiciotis fP( ing necessary at this time in her life.

One great consideration in connections with dairying in this State is that we do not require the costly and elabo rate barns that are needed in the northern States. A leanto on the south side of the regular barn, entirely open on the south, is all that we want. The stalls should be made 4 feet wide and 41 feet long, with a cement gutf-er running behind the cows to save all the manure made, both liquid and solid. r'The floor on which the cattle stand, however, sLhould be made of board, and so should the platform outside the gutter.
An airtight locker or cupboard should be provided in which to keep the milk as each individual cow is being milked, and then when the milking is done the separating should be started right away, the cream put where it belongs and the skinmed milk fed to calves and pigs. If the dairy is located near a market where the milk can be hauled twice daily, the milk trade is the most profitable; but the dairy a few miles from town has to cater to the cream or butter market, and to get a high-grade article a cream separator must be used. Cream produced by the gravity system is not of as good quality, and the loss in

butter fat is greater, since much of the cream is not obtained from the milk. With.the separator this is avoided. Separator cream, 1)eig of a smooth velvety texture, makes a high-grade butter, and the butter fat is completely removed from the milk, thus making the industry more profitable. It has never been successfully contradicted that a mian with five cows or over can pay seventy-five dollars for a cream separator and be certain of getting his money back in a y-ear from the increased yield of cream obtained by the separator method over the old gravity system of cream collect ing.


It is generally supposed by those who have not studied the matter that we cannot make solid hard butter in Florida in the sumiier time without the liberal use of ice. This is a mistake, for the natural temperature of the well water, more particularly in our clay lands, is never over 66 degrees and ofien 62.
This in itself shows us conclusively that we are in a dairying section of the country. And having vells du-' to cool the cream in and cylindrical cans to hold it, we can churn the cream into butter under the most favorable conditions. The required temperature can be had by keeping the cream in a well; and by using as a starter a tablespoonful of buttermilk from the last churning we can get the necessary acidity to make high-grade butter.
It is a well known fact that when one uses ice for cooling )urposes the supply has to be kept up or the butter will get oilyT. Cream cooled with water at the proper temperalum e gives a firmer grade of butter than when ice is used, and the mitor stands up better, that is to say, it is not so apt to get oily and seldom does so.
The kind of churn used influences the quality of butter very much. A barrel churn is best. One does not want a churn with any devices or, the inside to break the grain of the butter, as a dasher in the churn will do. These barrel cimrns are fitted wilh small glass disks on the lid so that on- can tell when Ihe butter has come. Good butter is oflen sp,,A'd by churning too long. One of the greatest mistakes in butter making is to keep churning so long as to gather all the butter in one lump. This should never be dce.e, since it can never be washed thoroughly under those conditions, 'mod in an efTort to wash the buttermilk out of

if tlhe graii (1 tie buler is spoiled making it salvy and oily. hurning slonld*: alm ays be stopped when the grains of bler -r'e al,oul tihe size of a sorghumn seed. The buttermnilk is then run off, an, I a couple of gallons of clear water aiehh-d. TLe chi n is tmen turned a dozen revolutions or so ad this w;ier rin1 off. It will then be found that the residual buttermilk runs off wilh it, not being mixed up with the 1)utter as it would be if the butter was gathered up into a lump. The salting of the butler is of importance. The finest grade of dairy sail is necessary. This is easily obtained from dairy supply houses. The market calls for butter salted at Ilie rate of an ounce of salt to a pound of butter. As a gallon of cream will produce about three and a lhalf pounds of butter we will know what amount of salt to use withnt having to weigh the butler. The salting should be done iniiediately after the butter is washed, sprinkling the salt over the butter inside the churn and nixing i I with a wooden paddle. Then leave it in the churn for ; u ciple 0' hour-s', when it can be t taken out and put on fhe bitter Nyorker to press out the reinaining water and mix the salL. It is then ready to print. Tfie print should be wraplope in parliament paper bearing the name of the dair- and owiier.
A\ith fift ionll vetis of experiemice in i)1 utter making in Fl oi daNNhi cal say\ we never have found nmuch trouble in I ouc'in.: the higi-hest giade of hlter all the year round, nl here is always an iliinited deniand for it by the best fami lie, in he conmimni . This trade always calls for print butter lit up in plound prints or less, and when one uses his owi special mold there will always be a sure market.

There are, however, a few minor points along the line of successfl dairying that some of' our farmers are perhaps not preloared for. A dairyman's temperament must be suichm that lie is universally kind to animals. Rough treatment and lud talking in the dairy barn do not pay. The milk cow is a lady in her own particular sphere, is the highest tylpe of the brute creation, and she must be treated accordingly. Absolute cleanliness must be observed everywhere, the cows groomed every day, and before beginning milking their udders must be washed and wiped with a clot'll). The nian thiat is not prepared to attend to these im-

pOrtant nalters had better let dairying aoon,, aadk: , ill) some branch of farming more suitable to his make up. And ev(,i," dairyman must not overlook the fact li,, strict ::ttention io business is hie keynote to success. l)airyin g 115ans 365 days in the year of constant and careful wok twiee a (lay. Bt at he same time it mneus a better svste ia of farmiling, maintaining and increasing Ihe feriflity of Iha soil, and above all it means more dollars per acre than any other line of fa rining that can be engaged in.


Animal Industrialist and Assistant )ireetor
'Xlhnejutfl~l Station.


Fo". the sticcessful production of live stock it is important to liave an abundance of ieed and forage at all tiniei. l1 the natural .r;isses do not afford this, we must plan our e.,I-p rotal ion U.o ts to supply the teed when needed. It may be tliat he a- ;tmal I rasses will supply sufficient feeI for all live-stock, except. Vor a short period during the winter mion-hs or ci a severe drouglit. It is just at such tine< lhal the animal: most need our help. If we fail 1o supply ., ieat fooi to young growi1g- an imalIs, develop nwiir is retarded or -roNAth stops. We get as a result un di 'c'i'oil and poorly dexelhoped beasts, and often what all(, Cino!Mll Ii] k'iownl as rimi's. Suelh st'rnted aninails never d n, hto its !,'ood live-stock as do those individuals that are hio growing front birth to maturity.
I) !ri-I. the piast tea years the numbers of cattle in this Slate hIave dloibled. 6n Jamary 1, 1900, we had 412,820 hea or cattle. )n Jantuavry 1, 1910, there were 807,000 head of catille. If the number of cattle should inewase as rapidly in the next ten years as in the last ten years, we shall own one million and a half head in 1920. iith a rapid increase wouhl require that our farmers take steps to produce enough forage to properly feed the increment. There will probably be a like increase in hogs and sheep, and also a considerable increase in the number of horses and mules. The needled extra supply of forage can easily be obtained by the growing of Japanese cane. There is no other crop that we can grow that will produce such a large vield or rorage at so small a cost.
Florida is more of a live-stock State than many realize. On January 1, 1910, there were 807,000 head of cattle, 98,000f sheep, and 456,000 hogs. These are all forage-eating animals. To supply the needs of all these animals we must

provide forage of some kind from November to March. Japanese cane is a crop that supplies a large amount of roughage at the very time of the year when the natural pasturage is limited. The want of an abundant supply of forage is one of Ilie hindrances to the production of good livestock in Florida. Stockmen have been negligent in supplying the necessary food to maintain their live-stock during tile winter seasons and during the times of severe drought. To produce a good grade of' live-stock an abundance of good feed must be supplied. The best forage to grow is one that will produce I he best yield per acre, and that will supply the largest amount of nutrition in the feed. As well as being nitritious it must, ot course, be palatable.


Joapanes( cane was introdtuced into Florida from the Louisiana Sugar Experiment Station some sixteen or eighteen years ago. The Louisianm Station grew it for a number of years for Comparison with other varieties of sugarcane as a source cf' sugar and syrup. It is rather probable that the -lapanese cane was imported from 'Japan into Louisiana by emiral Le )uc, U. S. Commissioner of Agriculture, 178. (There is, however, also a possibility that it came lrmi Brazil.) However, the question as to where it came fro mil is of second daiv importance. The question of nii,st importance is hov we can so handle Japanese cane is to obtain the loi4 resuii in feeding it to our live-stock.

Its chief value lo lie 'armers of Florida is as a forage crop for the feeding' of live-stock. It may be used as silage, winner pastire, or dry forage. Whei first introduced to Florida, Japanese cane was grown for the production of syrup. In most sections of the State and under the usual conditions, the regular sugar-canes are nuch more satisfaclory as crops for syrup production. This is because lite Japanese cane is harder, aid requires more power in grindin?. It is also moie dillicult to strip, which increases the cost of stripping. Ilow6ver, as regards the quality of lite syrup, there is but little ditference between the regular sugar-cane and Japanese cane. The yield of syrul) per acre from Japanese cane will vary from 150 to 500 gallons.
The locality best suited for the growing of Japanese

cane will be all Florida, southern Georgia, southern Alabama, southern Mississippi, Louisiana and southern Texas. Any section in which the velvet bean will mature seed will be found a good place to grow the Japanese cane. This will be up to 20( to 250 miles north of the Gulf of Mexico.


Japanese cane furnishes good pasturage from the middle of November to March. Cattle waste lut little of it when pastured. They first eat off the green blades, then the tender joints at the top, and continue to eat from the top until there is nothing left but the short stubble. It should not be pastured late in the spring. If pastured after growth starts in the spring the cattle or hogs will eat off the new growth and soon kill out the plants. It is not advisable to pa ;Oire later than March 1, or after new growth begins in the spring.


JaI anese cane makes a good silage. It keeps well, is relished hv cattle, and the yiel that can be secured makes it one or the cheapest and most economical crops that the Florida farmer can grow for silage. Itl has been used in feeding exp((iments with ie dairy herd at the Experiment Station witi quite satisfactory results. The cost of' silo,.ge from this crop should not exceed fl.75 or Y2. 0) per ton. A s coinp,-'ed witlh sorglnm or corn silage the cost is about one-tiird less for Japancse cane silage.


�Japamiese cane will be found a valuable crop for (ry w inter forage. It is an easy crop to cure and the loss in storage is small. If it is stored in a barn or sedl here will be hardly any lhss. At the Experiment Station we have stored it in a barn in November and December and kept it until tIe following .June and July. Six luonfhs afler harvesting there was practically no loss; and when run through a feed cutter it was relished by cattle, horses and mules. If barn or shed room is not available, it can be stored in I he barnyard anm fed out as wanted. But with this method the loss will be considerable. It will be found profitable to plut up a temporary shed under which to store the dry forage. This

need not be an expensive shelter. It may be made of any material that will shed rain. It will perhaps be advisable when stacking the forage to set the butts of the canes on the ground. In this way the canes absorb soniv of the moisture fron the soil, and will not dry out so much.
Japanese cane was used as roughage in one feeding experiment in beef production. In tlls lest the following feeds per 1,000 pounds live weight were led: corn, 12.50; velvet beans in the pod, [8.75; sweet potatoes, 20.,S; and Japanese cane, 1 2.50 pounds. 1)iriig a period oli sixty days the steers im Ce a daiky average oain per 1,000 pouids live weight of 6.5 pounds, at a cost of 4 cents per Iiond or gain.

.Iapanese cane is a crop well suited to a variety of soils. Good hailinock land will n doubt produce the heaviest yields. -tut even the higl ,line lards will giv, good returns when properly fertilized. Oi swala py iuick lImd Japanese cane will make a ftoirlv good ,,roviii. (On si:h land tile gru;wth will be greatly increased lx an Ilpt.ica ii on of line (ground limestone, or burnt limie). The aim int of this wlhicih it is necessary to apply w ill depend upon the amount of acid ih the soil, a ad will vary from 2,{000 to 6,000 poun'!,s of -ronmd Ill ,sloie, or o10-half tese aniounts of aiii-slmaed lime I p r e. An ni; icdion at the ratte of 2,001) pounds of groundl iiniestone per >cre oil high pine land on the Experineim ttitlion fialill iniased the yield to the extent of 10.37 oiis per acre diiuing' file season of 1909.
Every farmer in Florida should g row a few a.res of Japanese cane, whether lie lhas the class of soil bst suited to it or not. If it is not the best soil, ,Iapanese c(me wxill produce as heavy a yield as will any other crop that can be grown on the same soil, or even a heavier yield. Iigh pine land properly fertilized will give a vield of 15 to 20 tons per acre. Good halmmock land will poioduice yields beyond these figures.


Japanese cane is a perennial, and one plmting will last many years if properly handled. This in itself causes quite a saving in the expense of growing the crop. In fact, it

reduces the annual cost of production by about 50 per cent.
Japanese cane is propagated by cuttings of the canes or by divisions of (ihe stools. The cheapest and most econoiical way of propagating it is by cane cuttings. Therefore care and attention niust be ,iv en to the saving of the seedcanes. Poor seed-canes, like poor seed, result in poor stands and unsat i:ta'-ctory vie;ls. Tie seed-canes should be selected anl cn 1biefore there is da fa 2er of frost, sot as to insmiire souindiess. The buds will only stand a very slight frost without injury, and it is not sife to risk possible exposmre to frost. The canes should )e cut and banked before ti ere is any likelihood of the tirsi fall frost. The date for this will, of course, vary in dilferent section of the Sta~e.
Almost every' farnler has his own ineth(o of banking ehis seeicane. Perhaps one metho," is about as good as another. The iaiportant facts to heej in whind are: The cans shotId be cmovered sifflicientlv deep tolOt the4 against frost; thlie uNk should be situated so as to p-t perfect drainage: if there should be standing water or abundant nioi-t're, the canes are likely to rot; if the soil a h.,tat t!e beds should become dry the canes inav take tIe dry rot, and a lar e amount of the seed be lost. It is, therefo-.e, imporiant that we -et the proper conditions as to 11oisture in tlhe bank we're we store our ieea cs. it will b,) foiid better to meL;' two or three small beds than one large one. It would be well to bank more canes han yon expect i use for ?hinting. 'fhere is :1lw a I sn(c1,e ssibilitv of los, froin various c.i s. Sometimes the loss i, m not ex"'eed 10 per cent., while at other times it mav be as high as 25 to, 50 per cent.


The nuinber ,f canes required to plant an acre will depend upon the distance between the rows, the distaunce at which the canes are dropped in the row, and the length to which ie canes are cut. Our experience has shown Ihat, put ing the rows 8 feet apart, 3,000 whole canes are s cient to plant an acre; and if good seed is used., are enough to give an excellent stand. Select only healthy canes, and reject all that are green and unripe. Plant in rows eight feet apart. Cut the canes in pieces having three to four eyes to a piece, and drop them in a double line.

Some farmers drop the canes in a single line from 12 to 1S inches apart in the row. By this method of planting it will only require from 1,000 to 1,500 canes to plant an acre. The disadvantage is, however, that a thin stand will be obtained, which will result in a small yield of forage. This small yield of forage Will not only be for the first year, but there will be a light yield for several years. It is nearly impossible to fill in the missing places properly. Where new canes are planted in the missing hills, it will be found that they make either no growth or a very unsatisfactory one. The old established eaues have such an extensive root syst em and draw so heavily upon the plant food and soil moisture, that the new canes have little chance to make any growth.
It is very important that a good stand of canes should be oitainedl at the first pdant ing. If only a half or two-thirds of a ;1and should be secu'ed, it will follow tla one third to one-]hlf of the crop will he weeds. For weeds will prow up between the canes iiless Ilie stand is thick enough to smoli her them out, aid it costs less to cullivate an acre that will produce 20 tons ol' cane flhan one of half that yield. ileuce we should obtain at the start the very best possible stand.


Ile4ole plantain!, I he erondshould be plowed broadcast lo a dhepth of six inches. H low under all vegetable growth on Ow lend. As soon as the land is plowed it should be harrowed with the looli harrow. Harrow it twice if neeessair so as to pml the surface in good lilth. The rows c be laid off by the use of the marker, which is maie of 2 by 6-inch lumber, the runners being set on edge at the distance apart that the rows are wanted ani then hrnced sutliciently to keel) them iii place. A tongue is attached to le cr ss-brace in front, and a guide marker is attached at the side, at the proper distance to mark the next row.
For opening up the furrow in which to drop the seedcanes the disk cultivator will be found most satisfactory. The beginner, however, is likely to have trouble until he learns how to set the disks,. In throwing out the rows, they should be set close together, so as to leave as narrow a ridge as possible in the bottom of the furrow. The cultivator should be set to run quite deep. If not, when the canes are covered the ground will be left in ridges, in-

stead of being level. In covering the canes it will be found necessary to set the disks as far apart as possible, so as to give room for the canes between the disks. When the disks are set close they will catch the canes, which, instead of being covered, will be thrown out on the top of the bed. The use of the disk cultivator for this work will reduce the cost of planting by 25 to 40 per cent., which means much in the total cost of production.


J iist when to plant the seed-canes in Florida depends on the locality. Some prefer to plant in the fall, at the time of selecting the canes. This method reduces the expense by the omission of the cost of banking. Fall planting is perhaps not well suited to all parts of the State. In the northern and western portions of the State, where the winters aire more severe than in the southern part, there is likely to be a greater loss of seed-canes during the winter season. llence if fall planting should be practiced, the result may be an unsatisfactory stand. If the seed-canes are banked and kept till spring, then only first-class cane will be planted. This will insure a good stand. Fall planting" would be advisable for central and south Florida, and spring planting for north and west Florida. For fall planting, November 10 to 20 will perhaps be the best time. For spring planting, the month of March will be the most satisfactory. All territory north of Gainesville should practice spring planting. All south of Gainesville may find fall planting salisl'actory under ordinary conditions.


The best fornmla to use in fertilizing Japanese cane is yet an unsettled question. We know, however, that Japanese cane has a very large root system and is a gross feeder, and so we may use quite a liberal amount of fertilizer. Any crop that produces such a tonnage of forage must necessarily draw heavily upon the fertility in the soil. The following formula has given good results on the Experiment Station farm, and perhaps may be taken as a guide until we get better information:

Am m onia . 3 per cent.
IPhos. acid . 6 per cent.
Potash . 7 per cent.

(Apply fertilizer at (ho rate of 100 to 600 pounds per 2'i*e.)
Ground liniestone, 2,1)01 pounds per acre.

It make.- little difference whether our source 40' ammonia is (fried blood or sulphate or amioniiia. Likewis fi,., li rce of potash makes no material differeace.
Since it requires a long growing season (from March 15 to November 15 at Gainesville) for this crop lo mature, it will be found advisable to give the fertilizer in lwo applications. The first application may be made in the latter part of April, and the second during the early part of August. By putting the fertilizer on in two applications, there is not likely to be so much of it lost by leaching during the rainy season.


Japanese Cane, Fertilizer Test, 1909-1910.

Plot Plot Plot Plot
1 2 3 4
Dried blood . . 112 1 . 1112 1 . Sulphate of ammonia . . . 72 Muriate of potash. 84 84 I S4
Sulphate of potash . . . . . . . Acid phosphate . 224 22 4
*Ground limestone . . . . Total fert. per acre . 19 O j 1.36 - 1 380 lYield, tons, 1909 . 21.2 I 17.7 16.1 1 19.1 TYield, tons, 19L0 . 11.61 12.4 10.0 14.4 Sucrose per cent, 1909 . 11.85 13.501 12.75 13.65 Sucrose per cent, 1910 . 11.00 10.S51 10.501 11.00 Brix, 1909 . 16.7 17.2 17.7 17.4 Brix, 1910 . 15.35 15.40 15.30 15.40

*Ground limestone is not considered as a fertilizer, but as a soil corrective.
tGreen material.


TABLE X-(Continued.)
Japanese Cane, Fertilizer Test, 1909-1910.

Plot Plot P!ot P!ot
5 6 8

Dried Llood . . 112 . 1112 112 Sululal&tt 01 anImnlia . . . . 72 . M o iate of po' l asu . 84 1 su;lE! I jeai. 84
Acid Phospihate . 1224 224 1221 224 :' -1.cios( p e 1909 . I . ;(p 1 i. 1 1,.5 1 :.78 Sucrose per cent, 1910 . 11.20 11.10 10.951 10.90 Brix, Ieoe . 17. 17. 1 .6 17.8 Brix, 1:'i . l5C i.(;0 1.5 15.
vGr ound limestone is not considered as a fertiiz ,r. bui as a :4oil coi ective.
iGroen material.

Sinee the Japanese cane makes a new root-system each year, it is not necessary to give the first application of fertilizer so early in the season as many have been doing in the past. If we examine the roots of the canes when growth starts in the spring, we will find that the feeding roots (ho not start until the tops have made a considerable growth. in fact the tops may have grown as much as a foot before 1he roots make a start. This early growth cones fIom the stored-up plant food in the old stubs of the ratoons, and ihe plants do not draw on the soil fertility until the roots have begun to grow.
The amount of ground limestone or lime to apply, will depend on ie acidity of the soil. The more acid in the soil, the heavier should be Ihe application of ground limestone or lime. There should be an amount sufficient to neutralize about all of the acid in the soil.


The cultivation of Japanese cane is nearly the same as that of corn or cotton. The important point to remember is the thorough preparation of the seed-bed before planting the canes. In the succeeding years the early spring culti-

vation should be somewhat as follows. About the time growth begins, give a thorough cultivation, stirring the ground to a depth of three or four inches. This may be done with the disk harrow going between the rows, or with the two-horse cultivator. There is no danger of injuring the roots at this time of the year, as the new roots have not yet made any growth. The first application of fertilizer should be applied just before the second cultivation. The second cultivation should be thorough, but not as deep as the first. As the crop continues to grow, the depth of cultivation should be less each time. Deep cultivation will be found to do much root pruning. If one will take time to examine the root system when the cane is nearly matured, a mass of line feeding roots will be found very near the surface, many of them not more than one-half inch deep. Deep cultivation destroys these roots, reducing the feeding capacity of the plants and so reducing the growth of the crop.

There is a tendency for the farmer to be in too much of a hurry to harvest Japanese cane. To produce the best quality of feed all forage crops must reach a certain stage of maturity. This is especially true of all saccharine forage crops. Tle chief value of this crop as a feed is its high sugar content. The higher the percentage of sugar, the higher its feeding value. The formation of the sugar does not take place while the crop is making a rapid growth. When growth ceases, and the crop begins to mature, which occurs in the fall when cool weather comes, is the time the formation of sugar takes place most rapidly. Harvesting therefore, should be delayed until near danger of frost. If it is to be used for silage, the silage will keep better and will have a higher feeding value if the cane is allowed to mature before putting it into the silo. If used for dry forage it willI also give better results if not harvested until well matured. However, there is the danger of allowing it to stan(1 in the field until injured by frost. If it is used for feed a short time after being injured by frost the loss will be but slight. The feeding value after freezing deteriorates with time.
At the present time we cannot recommend any machine that will successfully harvest Japanese cane. The canes are too hard and heavy for a mowing machine. After a

couple of years' growth the rows spread out too widely for a corn harvester to work successfully. A machete corn knife, or hoe will be found to do Satisfactory work. No doubt as more farmers grow Japanese cane there will be a demand created for the necessary machinery for harvesting this crop.


The feeding value of Japanese cane pasture may be increased by planting velvet beans between the rows. If the rows of Japanese cane are eight feet apart, a row of velvet beans may be planted between the rows and still leave room to cultivate both cane and beans. Plant the velvet beans as soon as the cane starts new growth in the spring. IDrop the beans about two or three feet apart in the row. Give both cane and beans good cultivation until the beans throw out long runners. If the beans are not planted early in the season the Japanese cane will get the start and will almost completely smother the velvet beans.


Water. 6.75 per cent.
Protein. 1.37 per cent. Fats. 1.89 per cent. Fiber . 20.60 per cent.
Ash .2.04 per cent.
Nitrogen-free extract (s*ugars, *etc.) .67.35 per cent.

(Analysis from unpublished data of the Chemical
Department of the Florida Agricultural Experiment
Japanese cane is rich in carbohydrates, but poor in protein.
This should be remembered when feeding it. We should not expect it to take the place of all the concentrates in the ration. However, since it is rich in carbohydrates, it is only necessary to supply feed rich in protein in combination with Japanese cane to obtain the best results. If this point lbe kept in mind we will not be disappointed in the results we obtain from feeding this to our livestock.


Good Rations.

Percentage Composition.

_________________________________Protein Carbohydrates Fats

Japanese cane, 10 pounds .14 7.30 .19
Cowvpea hay, 10 pounds .1.08 3".86 .11
Velvet beans in l)od, 10 pounds. 1.71 6. 19 .46
Total .2.93 17.35 .76
(Nutritive ratio, about 1:6.5)

Japanese cane, 12 pounds . .16 S.76 1.23
'velvet beans in pod, 10 pounds. 1.71 6.20 .46
Cottonseed meal, 2 pounds. . . . .74 .34 .24
Total.2.61 15.30 n 9
(Nutritive ratio, about 1:6.6.)

Japanese cane, 10, pounds . 14 7.'30 .19
Cowpea hay, 10 pouns.1.08 3.86 .11
Velvet beans in pod, 8 pounds.~ 1.37 j 4.95 I 37
Total. .1 2.50 16.11 .67
(Nutritive ratio, about 1:6.7.)

Is Japanese cane hard on land?-This is a question asked quite frequently. No doubt Japanese cane is hard on land. Any crop that produces such an abundant growth of forage must necessarily draw very heavily upon the plant food in the soil. If then the plant food is not supplied by liberal application of fertilizer the soil will soon become exhausted and the yield obtained from the crop will be unsatisfactory. The plants produce a new root system each year. Hence there is some humus added and a small amount of plant food returned to the soil annually, but the amount left in the soil does not equal the amount taken out each season.

1. The great need of Florida stockmen is an abundance of nutritious forage.


2. Japanese cane is the cheapest forage and silage crop, That we can grow.
3. Japanese cane is a perennial, and one planting will last for many years if properly cared for.
4. Japanese cane will supply an abundance of good pasturaige (during the time of the year when this is most needled.
5. To obtain the best results in feeding, Japanese cane should be fed in combination with feeds rich in protein.
6. Japanese cane produces good yields of forage on a variety of soils.
7. ,lapanese cane has an immense root system and is a heavy feeder; hence it should be given a liberal application of fertilizer.
S. Japanese cane should not be pastured in the spring afler new growth begins.
9. Japanese cane should be well matured before it is harested.


BY JOhN M. Sco'r.
Animal Industrialist and Assistant Director Experiment Station.

The sorghum crop has received too little attention from our farmers. This is doubtless due to insufficient appreciation of the qualities of ihe grain produced by this plant, and to the common cultivation of varieties of sorghum which are not the best kinds for our climate. With the present rapid improvement in stock, and with the greater demand for better beef and for milk and butter, we are forced to search for more productive and more nutritious forage crops than sufficed in the past.


It is supposed that all the varieties of sorghum now in cultivation originated from a single species, which was probably a native of Africa. The botanical differences which distinguish the various varieties are of almost no importance.
The sorghums may be divided into three classes: (1) Saccharine sorghums, (2) non-saccharine sorghums, and
(3) broomeorns. The saccharine varieties are characterized by their tall, leafy stems, which are full of sweet juice. The non-saccharine varieties, as a rule, do not grow tall, and the stalks do not contain as much sugar. The broomcorns may be distinguished by their dry, pithy stalks, and by their long, loose seed-heads. The seed heads of the sac,harine and non-saccharine varieties differ in size, shape, and color. The saccharine varieties are grown for syrupmaking and for forage. The non-saccharine varieties are grown for either forage or grain.


The sorghums grow well on almost any good land.

around that is well-suited for growing corn, cotton or vegetbe, W0l give good yields of sorghum, either forage or grand. Neitiler heay clays nor very light sandy soils are welI-stited for the crop.


It is well established fact that some form of siecnlont food is a desirable addition to the ordinary winter rations for live stock, and the question arises as to the best and cheapest method of producing it. In England the farmer depends upon root crops, but ia this ci .rntry the raising of root c ojs will not in all probability be extensively praetiee. Some hWx e advocaed the stea.ming of ait fe'ds, but this method Ims failed to solve the problem. The silo has been extensively tried, and has been found to be the cheapesl and also the best method of curing feed and keeping it in a good, palatable condition. so th t is relished 1by all classes of live stock.


The question which confronts the farmer is: What crop can I raise most econcmically for the slo? This tean What crop will produce most tons of go nufllithms food !or ae The cost of eultivatilti" an acre of ground is the sanre regardless of the yield; that is, the tine and labor r.ii'ed to produce an acre of corn will be the sarie, whether two tons or ten tons of forage are produced per ace; b.ut the cost of production per ton will be reduced as the yidh per acre is increased. For example, if it costs $10 to fertilize and cultivate one acre that produces only for' tons of frage, the cost per ton will be $M2.50; but if for the samtie ex-

penditure of money we can produce some other crop that will yield from twelve to fifteen tons per acre, then the cost per ton will be reduced by nearly 60 to 75 per cent.


Sorghum seed may be sown at any time from April 1 to July 20. When possible, it is advisable to sow early (from April 1 to April 15), as then the first cutting can be harvested in July, and with favorable conditions, another good crop may be harvested in October.
The quantity of seed required depends upon the method of sowing, whether in drills or broadcast. If sown in drills, 20 to 30 pounds of seed will be required per acre. If sown broadcast, more seed will be needed, varying from one to two bushels per acre. It is likely that if sown in rows, a distance of I hlree or three and a half feet between the rows, and from two to three inches between the plants in the drill, will be found the most satisfactory. This distance will perilit of cultivation being carried on, which will inaure larger yields, and the cost of harvesting is also reduced.
Fig. 1 shows a drill that may he used for planting sorghui, corn, cotton, or velvet beans. The depth of l)lanting will depend upon the conditions of the seed-bed at the time. If the seed-bed is well prepared, and there is plenty of moisture in the ground, then a half inch to one inch is as deep as the seed should be covered. But if the soil is verv dry and loose the seed may be planted as deep as front oie and a half to two and a half inches.


Sorghunm is a gross feeder, hence it requires a large quantity of fertilizer. The amount, however, will vary witI the qunliiy Of flhe soil. From 400 to 800 pounds of fertilizer containing:

Am m onia . 4 per cent.
Available phosphoric acid . 6 per cent.
Potash . 6 per cent.

should he used. The ground should be thoroughly prepared, and the fertilizer should be ipplied a week or ten days before sowing the seed.

After the crop is harvested, with a small plow throw a shallow furrow away from the sorghum stubs; apply the fertilizer in this furrow, and then cover it by throwing the furrow back again.
If sorghum is planted after a crop of vegetables has been taken off the ground, fertilizing will not be necessary, as there will be enough fertilizer left in the soil to produce a good crop of sorghum.


Too much attention cannot be given to the preparation of the seed-bed, and to the cultivation of the growing crop. If the seed-bed is not thoroughly prepared, the result will be poor germination, which means poor stand, perhaps not more than half a stand. A poor stand means a small yield of forage per acre. Where the seed-bed is thoroughly prepared, cultivation can begin much sooner, as the young plants will not be so easily covered or pulled out during the first cultivation, while they are quite small. This early cultivation will not only keep down weeds, but the stirring of the soil will also tend to hasten the growth of the crop. Sorghum is a slow-growing crop at first, hence the earlier its cultivation begins the more will the growth of the crop be hastened.
The two-horse cultivator should be used for cultivation. W ih this implement one man or boy, and two mules, will cultivate more than twice the area, and the soil will be left in much better condition, than when the old-fashioned onehorse plow or siveep is used. This means that the labor of cultivation will be reduced one-half. In other words, with the use of' improved machinery the farmer will be able to double the area he is now cultivating; which will miean that lie will raise double the amount of feed, and so can keep twice as much live stock as lie is now keeping. Thus his gross income per year will be largely increased.


Aside fronm being a good crop for silage, vell cured sor-hum makes an excellent hay crop. As hay, the saccharine varieties perhaps make a better quality of forage; but even the non-saccharine varieties are almost equal to crabgrass hay in feeding value, and give a much larger yield. In fact, from one acre of sorghum hay we get nearly

double the amount of feed that we do from the same area of crabgrass. Sorghum hay, when fed with bran and cottonseed meal, will be found to give good results in the dairy. In fattening cattle for the market, sorghum hay supplied in addition to the grain feed will give good resuits.


Sorghums make a god pasture for all classes of live stock. Perhaps the saccharine varieties will be found to give the best results. For pasturing, the seed should be sown a little thicker than usual, about one and a half bushels per aicre. The ground should be well prepared beforehand. Pasturing may begin when the plants are only a few inches high; but, for the best resuhls, the crop should not be pastured until the sorghum is about one and a half or two feet in height. It has been estimated that one acre of good sore'humn will pasture ten head of cattle for ten days. If not pastured too closely before the cattle are removed, a second growth caml be secured, which will furnish additional pasturage.


Tests by various Exl tomiment St-aioms have shown that the g-rain ofi the non-saccharine vamieiies of' sorghm is of considerable imporance as a feed. The seeds of the sorghums are very rich in carbohydrates (fat-producino material), bu are low in prolein. This, however, is not a seriens drawback for Florida, as we have an abundanace of feed rith in prolein; such as cottonseed meal, or velvet beans. Elit her of these fed in combination with sorghun seed will give good results for either mi!k or beef 1,roductiol.
"omtipa Hie feedijig' value of Kafiv corn (one of the nopnIscelamire varieties of sorgrhum) with that or corn. we fin d thiit 100 It utds of Ka fir corn are equal iJ SO ponds of corn in feeding value. In other words, w-hen corn is worth .,l1.50 per hundred, Kafir corn is worth aboll s1.20 per hundred for feeding.


These figures are the results of only one year's test, and should therefore be taken only as indicating roughly what the yields may be.

Yield per acre of
NAME OF VARIETY, green forage in tons.
Red Kafir Corn .3.968 Sirak. 10.225 Honey .0.281 Sapling. 5.900 Brown Durra .5.3 50 Minnesota Amber .8.612 Planter's Friend, No. 36 13.068 Orange . 13.813 Gooseneck, Erect . 16.907 Planter's Friend, No. 37. 10.318 Amber. 10.461 Sumac. 12.449 Shallu . 11.556 White Kafir .8.153 Gooseneck, Pendant .19.036 Collier . 13.896 Red Amber . 12.283 Cigne . 12.450 Jerusalem Corn .8.204 Yellow Milo .9.487

Yield per acre -' grain in the head,
in pounds.
1,187.50 1,050.00
562.50 550.00
450.00 975.00 787.00
793.00 887.50
429.5 0
727.00 856.25
I ,5()(0.00
458.00 900.00


Animal Industrialist and Assistant Director Experiment Station.


Dwarf Essex rape is a crop well suited to Florida conditions. It is excellent for feeding hogs, dairy cows, and sheep ; as it will produce many tons of good nutritious feed per acre, at a time of the year when green feeds are scarce. Throughout a large portion of the State, farmers and stockmen could, with advantage, grow more of the succulent forage crops for feeding stock during the autumn and winter months, when the supply of grass and other green forage is often limited. Such crops may usually be grown on land that has already produced an early maturing crop. One of the best of these succulent crops is perhaps dwarf Essex rape-a plant closely related to the cabbage, turnip, and mustard.


Rape is a forage crop tat does not flourish in hot, dry weather; but in most parts of the State, especially in the center and south, rape grows well throughout the winter, and suffers very little from the cold. Last winter the rape grown at the Experiment Station was injured only very slightly by the lowest temperatures. It is considered that rape will stand as much as six to eight degrees of frost, with little or no injury. This, of course, depends upon the stage of growth; the young tender growth being more readily harmed than the more mature leaves and stalks. It is not at all likely that the weather will become cold enough to kill the roots, even if the tops should be frozen down. In the latter case, the plants will soon shoot up again and produce a good crop.


Rape does well on nearly all kinds of soil; but, like many other crops, the better the soil the larger the yield. An old vegetable field would be a remarkably good location, and would require the addition of only a small amount of fertilizer. For the best results, rape should be planted on a rich, moist, loamy soil. It will usually do well on any but light sandy soils or stiff clays, such soils being deficient in vegetable matter. Any soils that will produce good crops of vegetables, will also give good yields of rape. It is reported by several writers that rape is also well adapted to newly cleared woodland.


Practically nothing has been done at this Station to ascertain what fertilizers, or combinations of fertilizers, give best returns; but almost any good vegetable fertilizer, containing about six per cent. of ammonia, seven per cent. of phosphoric acid, and eight per cent. of potash, applied at the rate of from 200 to 700 pounds per acre, will be found to give good results. The larger amount would be applied on poorer lands, in(l the lesser amount on the richer soils.


Too much attention cannot be given to the preparation of the field for Ilhis crop. Thorough preparation of the field is the sec-et of successful farming', whether in Florida or elsewhere. Such preparation of the field will not only reduce the after cultivation by half; but it will also conserve a large amount of soil water, which would otherwise be lost by running off or by evaporation. A good fourteen or sixteen-inch two-horse plow is the best implement to use in preparing the field for seeding. With the plow, all trash and litter can be buried; for the more vegetable matter we can get into the soil, the more fertility we add to it, and the more its water-holding capacity is increased. The plowing should be fairly deep-about four to six inches. If the land is rough after plowing, the disc harrow is needed. In using the disc harrow, it is best to lap half the width of the harrow each time. since the surface 'of the soil will then be kept level, which otherwise would be

ridged. it is well to harrow with a toothed harrow after using the disc, so as to get the surface in the best tilth.


Rape may be planted in drills or sown broadcast. If the ground is badly infested with seeds of noxious weeds, it will be better to plant in drills and give some cultivation. Rape is rather a slow grower at first; but after reaching the height of three or four inches, it grows rapidly. If planted in drills, the drills should not be more than two feet or two and a half feet apart. It is the writer's opinion that more satisfactory results will be obtained if it is planted in drills, for the following reasons: First, thee is less waste when pastured, as stock nat rally walk between the rows, and so do not trample as many plants or leaves under foot. Second, less seed is required. Third, drilling permits cultivation, insuring larger yields. The amount of seed required per acre will vary from three to five pounds, according as it is planted in drills or sown broadcast.
The seed may be sown at any time from the fifteenth of September to the fifteenth of Deceraber. The farmers of West Florida will find it best to plant during the latter part of Septenber, while those of Central and South Floridla can plant later in the season. The seed may be obtaied from most seed houses.


Stock may be turned into the fiehi amd allowed to pasture on tlhe rape, or it may be cut and fed to ihen. With the latter medihd much larger yields will be secured, if care is taken in cutting. If cut so as to leave the stubs live or six inches high, a second-and under favorable conditions, a third-crop may be secured. If p10st1red, some care must be exercised at first, until the stock become accustoiued to it. When cattle are first allmed to pasture on rape, there is (anger of bloating; but this can be easily avoided by feeding the animals a little hay or grain, just before turning 'them on the rape. In otler w'ads, d, not turn the stock on the rape to pasture when they are hungry. When first turned on to pasture, let them graze for only a few minutes the first day-say ten or fifteen ion-

utes; the second day allow them a few minutes more, and so on, until they become accustomed to rape. Another difficulty found in pasturing cows on rape is that it may cause a disagreeable taint in the milk. This may be overcomne by usin g a little care and jud~gment in feeding. If the cows are allowed to pasture on the rape for about an hour just before and after milking, and at no other time, very little, if any, difficulty will be found.


The experience of this Station in growing rape has shown yields of from 27,200 to 33,296 pounds per acre. These results are based on the crops of two years. Many of the -Northern States report yields of thirty to fifty tons of green forage per acre. No doubt there is plenty of land in Florida capable of giving equally good returns.

RAPE TEST, 1907-S.

Three plots of dwarf Essex rape were sown in drills, the rows being thirty inches apart. Plots 1 and 2 were sown on September 25, 1907. The ground was thoroughly plowed, and a good seed-bed prepared, before sowing the seed. The soil on which the rape was grown was a very lig ht sandy loam. On D)ecember 21, 1907, plot 3 was sown. The character of the soil was the same as for plots 1 and 2. The ground had been in sweet potatoes during the previous season. The potatoes were taken up in November, at which time the ground was well plowed, and then harrowed. Nothing more was done to the ground until just before planting, when it was again harrowed. Each plot was given one cultivation for each cutting made.
On better soil the yield could be increased from 25 to 50 per cent. without additional cost. Even with the yield of 16.59 tons from plot 2, the cost per ton was less than $1.50; andl if we increase the yield, we will at the same time reduce the cost per ton.
The tables which follow give the date of planting, the date of harvesting, and the yield of green forage per acre for each cutting, and also the kind and amount of fertilizer used.



2 30
1. 151
15 3 20



of Fertilizer Used in Pounds Per Acre.

5 0 C . Date Whe
.q - u zer Was

0 64 175 389 Septembe
0 128 350 778 Septembe
0 64 175 389 February
0 115 300 615 IDecemoeI

Yields of Green Forage in Tons per Acre.

n FertiliApplied.

r 1.

25, 1907 25, 1907 10, 1908 21, 190?

Date of Planting. Date of Harvesting - ,.-- CU

1 September 25, 1907 December 6, 19071 3. 9. 3. 9
2 September 25, 1907 December 6, 1907 8. 9. 16.59 . . IM arch 27, 1908 . . 7.69 . 3 December 21, 1907 iMarch 28, 1908 "3.24" 3.24

The following is the composition of rape:

Dry Matter. I Protein. I Carbohydrates. lEther Extract. 14 per cent. 1 1.5 per cent. 1 8.1 per cent. j 0.2 per cent. It is practically the same composition as cabbage.

PART 11.



Following are the divisions of the State, and the counties contained in each:

Northern Division.
Franklin, Gadsden,
Hamilton, J eterson, Lafayette,
Liberty, Madison,

Western Division.

Holmes, Jackson,
Santa Rosa,

Northeastern Division.
)uval, Nassau, Putnam,
St. Johns.-9

Central Division.

Lake, Levy,
Marion, Orange, Pasco,

Southern Division.

Brevard, Dade, DeSoto, Hillsborough, Lee,

Monroe, Osceola, Palm Beach, Polk, St. Lucie.-11.



B. E. McLIN, Commissionor. H. S. ELLIOT, Chief Clerk



NORITHJERN IIIoN-Since last report of June 30th,the changes which have taken place in the condition of the cotton crop in this section have been a complete reversa] of position. At that tima the prospects for a lull and if anything a larger crop of cotton than had ever been made before were all that could be expected. At the pi-cs(ft the condition indicates tbat very little more than half a crop will be obtained. These conditions are owing, of course, to the heavy and continuous rains which felL throughout July and August. Never in the history' of' cotton growing in this State have the climatic conditions been more disastrous to the cotton crop than in the two months named. The prospective yield based on the present conditions can hardly exceed two-thirds of the normal crop, either in sea island or the upland cotton. One farmer states: "I have been farming over forty yearmk and up to the first of July, I never saw the prospects for a cotton crop better. But the excessive rains since above, date, together with sharp-shooter flies and some boll weevils, have cut the cotton crop at least 33 1-3 per cent.
1n the case of corn, a better crop with higher yield ha,. seldom been seen in this country; in fact, all of the standard crops have done well except in the few localities where the heavy rains are reported to have practically drowned out the sweet potato and field pea crops, but in the majority of cases, these crops are equal to the average crop~s.
The fruit crops, such as pears, peaches, etc., while not very large, brought the best prices that have been obtained for these crops for many years, so that what was lost in volume was more than made up in quality and

profitableness. The climatic conditions through Septeinber have been favorable to all crops and the harvesting of the crops maturing, as well as the hay, has been going on successfully throughout the month.

WESTERN DIvISION.-The crops in this division are very similar in condition to those in the previous one. Cotton has suffered more than any other crop and in some of the counties corn has suffered also to a considerable extent. We quote from some of the best farmers in that section: "The condition of crops, except cotton and corn, is very good. There was a heavy falling off in cotton throughout August from shedding; rust, blight and caterpillars, have stripped the foliage from the cotton plants." We quote e again from a farmer in another county: "Cotton in this county will barely make half a crop because of too much rain, and plants are eaten up in nearly every section of the co1111y by caterpillars. The early planted cotton came to poor stands because of lack of moisture. The middle planting was greatly injured because of excessive rains and worms together, and all plantings considered, it is generally believed that 75 per cent. of a normal crop will be a big yield of cotton in this county. Corn is not as good as last year, but the acreage is larger and more corn will be made this year than last. Small patches of sugarcane grown on cow-pen land will make good yield, but larger fields are not as good as last year. Sweet potatoes are good. Grasses are fine for pasturage, but much hay cut has been lost because of excessive and continued
The above expresses fairly well the conditions existing
-throughout all the counties of this division, except that in a majority of cases corn is reported better than in the two counties quoted in the above division.
On the basis of these reports relating to cotton, the crops in this division cannot exceed 72 per cent. of the normal crop, and we believe that these figures express the situation correctly.

ORTIEASTERN I)IVIsO.-Regarding the condition of the cotton crop there is very little difference as between the situation in this division and in the two former ones. All of the standard field crops except cotton have done veri well, but the condition of that plant can best be ex-

pressed in a quotation from one of the best cotton-growing counties in this division. We quote as follows: "Cotton in this county is in a very poor and unsatisfactory condition. With the exception of a few places, the crop will be short Dot less than 35 per cent. Many fields in soine parts of the county are almost bare of foliage from the worms and the fruit is hardly worth picking, being so scattered." In another county where large quantities of sea island cotton are grown conditions are described practically in the same way and from all portions of this division the same reports are received. The condition of sea island cotton in this division is reported as 71 per cent. of a possible 100, while the prospective yield, it is stated, cannot exceed 72 per cent of the normal yield.
It is stated generally from all portions of this division that sugarcane, corn and sweet potatoes have yielded well.

CENTRAL DIVISION.-In this division there are only a few counties that grow cotton and the condition of crops is better, the rainy season not having been quite so disastrous to the crops grown in the various portions of this division. In the counties in this division, however, growing cotton, there seems to have been a greater degree of injury caused by the heavy rains and caterpillars, as the condition and prospective yield of sea island cotton in this division is lower than in any of the previous onem, the average condition as well as prospective yield being only 67 per cent in condition and 67 per cent of the normal Yield. . The other crops, corn, sugarcane, potatoes, etc., eem to have an advantage over the sections of the State previously discussed, as there has been- a considerable improvement in all of the crops except those mentioned. One thing in connection with this, however, is noticeable, that is the ravages of the white fly on the citrus fruit trees. It is complained of by every one of our correspondents who state universally that they are doing more damage than ever before; still some sections are not affected by them. On account of these conditions the crop of fruit will necessarily be short and the probability is that the crop will range somewhere between 66 2-3 per cent. and 75 per cent. of the normal crop.

SOUTHERN DIVISION.-In this division the conditions are practically the same as in the others, except that no

cotton and generally small areas of corn are grown. Few of the crops grown in the northern section of the State are grown in this division, its principal industries being so far as soil products are concerned, the growing of vegetables and semi-tropical fruits. Generally speaking, however, the crops of this section are better considerably than last year or for several years. Of course in some localities crops are inferior to others. The vegetable and fruit crops have been good, and except for white flies and sonic other minor troubles of citrus fruit trees, the trees are in good condition, but the yield will likely fall some where in the neighborhood of 65 to 75 per cent. of a normal crop. In this division the prospective yield is reported at about 75 per cent., while for the State at large, the percentage of yield falls to 70, which we believe, will be found to be about correct.
In connection with the discussions of the various subjects in these notes, we suggest that a reading of the tables will be interesting as well as instructive, but referring back to conditions and the prospective yield of cotton, we cannot understand how intelligent people can assert so positively as is being done by cotton buyers, speculators and manufacturers of cotton goods that the growing crop of cotton will be a very large one. As far am this State is concerned, it it impossible, and if this crop in any way passes the crop of 1910, it is more than can be reasonably expected from the present conditions, and our information from other States gives little better hopes for better crops than reported from our own, which we have quoted. A combination of doitiestic an(d foreign buyers and nianuf;,ctorers looks probi:1l e.

Report of the Condition and Prospective Yield of Crops, Fruit
Trees and Fruit for Quarter Ending September 30, 1911, as
Compared with Same Period Last Year.

Upland Cotton. Sea Island Cotton.


0 0
Northern Division- U) U
Franklin. . .
HamilLon . . 40 50
Jefferson.65 70 70 75
Lafayette. . 50 75
Liberty.o 75 . .
Leon .60 60 . .
Madison.48 49 53 54
Suwannee. . . 62 6
Taylor. . . . 75 75
Wakulla. , 75 70
Div. Average per cent., 6 64 61 1 6
Western DivisionCalh-oun.75 75 - 70 7r
Escambia.60 66 . .
Holmes.75 65 . .
Jackson.75 75 . .
Santa Rosa .70 70 .
Walton .70 75
Washington.8 80 78 8
Div. Average per cent. F 72 72 74 75___ __Northeastern DivisionB ~e . 65 65
Bradford. . . . 75 75
Clay. . 70 75
Columbia . . 75 75
Putnam.70 75 70 70
Div. Average per cent., 70 75 712
Central DivisionHernando . Levy .70 60 50 50
Marion. I . . 70 70
Orange . .
Sumter. . . . S') so
Volusia. ._______ . . .I
Div. Average per cent.-l 7 60
Southern DivisionHilisbrou. . . .

Palm Be. .

Diev.Averageper.ce. . .

State Average per cent.1 6j1 688


Condition and Prospective Yield of Crops-Continued.

Corn. Sugar Cane

0 11

Northern Division-2 U & $
Franklin. 70 70 100 IFHamilton . 70 75 90 90
Jefferson . 80 80 80 80
Lafayette . 100 100 90 90
Liberty . 100 100 95 95
Leon . 100 125 100 100
Madison . 80 80 80 85
Suwannee . 100 100 95 95
Taylor . 100 100 90 90
Wakulla . 85 90 85 90
Dlv. Average per cent. 89 92 [ 91 9Z
Western DivisionCalhoun . 85 90 65 75
Escambla . 90 90 50 50
Holmes . 80 70 75 85
Jackson . 80 70 100 100
Santa Rosa . 60 65 87 87
Walton . 100 105 100 100
Washington . 100 100 100 100
Div. Average per cent.] 85 84 83 1
Northeastern DivisionBaker . .90 95 50 55
Bradford . 100 100 60 65
Clay . 100 100 O 80
Columbia . 90 95 95 100
Putnam . 100 100 80 80
Div. Average per cent 96 98 75
Central DivisionHernando . 100 100 100 100
Levy . 80 75 50 50
Marion . 100 95 90 90
Orange . 100 75 .
Sumter . 90 90 90 95
Volusia . 90 90 90 90
Div. Average per cent. 93 -83 84 5
Southern DivisionBrevard . . . . 90 95
Dade . . 80 100
DeSoto . .10 100 75 75
Hillsborough . 100 100 100 100
Lee . 100 100 50 50
Osceola . 50 50 90 90
Palm Beach . 90 90 85 85
St. Lucie . . 100 100
Div. Average per cent. 88 88 84 87State Average per cent. 0 8 1 [- --


Condition and Prospective Yield of Crops-Continued.

Field Peas. Rice.

0 '0
Northern Division- U L)
Franklin . 60 60 . .
Hamilton . 50 50 . .
Jefferson . 90 90 . .
Lafayette . 95 95 . .
Liberty . 80 80 . .
Leon . 95 100 . .
M adison . 62 63 . .
Suwannee . 80 85 . .
Taylor . 90 90 .
W akulla . 85 85 .
Div. Average per cent. 791 80 .
Western DivisionCalhoun . 100 100 110 120
Escambia . 75 75 . .
Holmes . 50 40 . .
Jackson . 90 100
Santa Rosa . 87 87 85 85
W alton . . . .
Washington . .100 110 50 50
Div. Average per-cenif. 85 85 82 85
Northeastern DivisionBaker . 45 45
Bradford . 50 50 100 100
Clay . 100 100 .
Columbia . 75 75
Putnam . 90 90 85 85
Div. Average per cent. 72 72 92 92
Central DivisionHernando . . . 100 120
Levy . "90 95 . .
M arion . 100 100 . .
Orange . 100 100 . .
Summer . 85 90 . . .
Volusia . 90 100 . .
Div. Average per cent. 93 97 100 j 120
Southern DivisionBrevard . 80 85
Dade . 100 100 100 125
DeSoto . . . 75 75
Hillsborough . 100 100
Lee . 100 150 100 50
Osceola . 110 125 . .
Palm Beach . 60 65 .
St. Luie . 100 110 .
Div. Average per cent. 93 105 92 83
State Average per cent. 85 8 1 I ub


Condition and Prospective Yield of Crops-Continued.

Sweet Potatoes.


Northern Division-


Franklin . so so .___ ____Hamilton . 50 50 .
Jefferson .90 9 . .
Lafayette.100 95 . .
Liberty .90 90 .
Leon .90 100 .
Madison .75 75 .
Suwannee.85 90 .
Taylor .80 80 .O.
Wakulla.85 90 .
Div. Average per cent. 83 85___________Western DivisionCalhon.100 100 . .
Escambia .10) 100 .
Holmes .75 90 .
Jackson.100 100 .
Santa Rosa.90 92 .
\Valton .100 105 .
Washington.100 100 1 01) 50
Div. Average per cent.__ 9 77 100
Northeastern DivisionBaker .50 50 .
Bradford.75 75 .
Clay .100 90 .
Columbia.8 85 . .
Putnam1.100 100 .
Div. Average per cent. *I 81 80oI .
Central DivisionHernaindo.90 300u . . .
Levy.90 85
Marion .100 110 .
Orange .100 100 .
Sumter .95 100 .
Voinsia.100 100 100 100
Div. Average per cent. _90 821
Southern Division-Brevard.o- __80 .
Dade.1 00 100 .
DeSoto .50 50 .
Hillsborough. 100 100 100 100
Lee . 100 200 . .
Osceola. 70 60 100 100
Palm Beach .90 90
St. Lucie .100 1001 1
Div. Average per cent. .f W 98 1007 TO00
State average per cent. 8 qq- 1-0()


Condition and Prospective Yield of Crops-Continued.

Peanuts. Broom Corn.


0 0
Northern Division- 0
Franklin . . .
Hamilton . 75 75 .
Jefferson . 100 100 .
Lafayette . 100 100 .
Liberty . 100 90 .
Leon . 1 . 100 100 .
M adison . 75 75 .
Suwannee . 100 100 . I
Taylor . 80 8 0 .
W akulla . 90 90 I, .
Div. Average per cent.I 91 +l0i .
Western DivisionCalhoun . 10 0 0 . I
Escambia . .100 100 .
Holmes . 70 85 .
Jackson . 75 85 . .
Santa Rosa . 95 95 .
Walton . 100 105 .
Washington . 100 100 . .
Div. Average per cent. 9 9 - . .
Northeastern DivisionBaker . . 75 50 .
Bradford . 100 100 .
Clay . 0 100 .
Columbia . 100 100 . .
Putnam . . .90 0 0 .
Div. Average per cent. 92 . .
Central DivisionHernando . lo 100 . .
Levy . 90 85 .
M arion . 100 105 .
Orange . . . .
Sumter . 85 lou . .
Volusia . 100 100 .
Div. Average per cent.1 95 98 I . .
Southern Division-Brevard . . . .
D ade . .I.
DeSoto . .
Hillsborough . . . . .
Lee . 100 100 .
Osceola . . .
Palm Beach . . . .
St. Lucie . -- .
Div. Average per cent. 100 100 .
tate Average per cent. 94 97 . I .


Condition and Prospective Yield of Crops-Continued.

Native Hay Grasses Alfalfa.


Fr nki . . . . . . 909 . n.
Hamilto . . . .

Lraeklin.f 5 7 . .
Leffon.100 100 . .

Madison.105 105 . . .
Suwannee.100 100 . .
Taylor. . Wakulla .100 10 .
Div. Average per cent 96 96
Western DivisionCalhoun.110 125 . .
Escambia .100 100 . .
Holmes.8 90 . . .
Jackson.85 100 . .
Santa Rosa .95 95 . .
Walton .80 85 . .
Washington.110 125 . .
Div. Average per cent.j 1 .
Northeastern DivisionHeroando.0 0 Levy.80 580 . Mlario.10 1100 .
Soumer.0 100 . .
Poutsam.100 100 . .
Div. Average per cent.[ 950 9 Southrn DivisionHrvando.00. Daey.10 100o Deriono.100 125 . Lee.100 200 . .
Scmera.90 900 . .
Palmsl Bec. 100 100 Div. Average per cent. 9 -7
Sotter A vgepeocnt9-


Condition and Prospective Yield of Crops-Continued.

Velvet Beans. Pastures

-,.j C

Northern DivisionFranklin . Hamilton . 75 80 70
Jefferson . 100 100 100
Lafayette . . . .
Liberty . so so .
Leon . 100 100 100
M adison . 75 75 110
Suwannee . 85 85 110
Taylor . . . 100
W akulla . 100
Div. Average per cent . '82 ,3, 93
Western DivisionCalhoun . 85 85 100
Escambia . 100 100 100
Holmes . 65 so 25
Jackson . 75 85 90
Santa Rosa . 100 100 100
W alton . 80 85 90
W ashington . 110 110 100
Div. Average per cent . ST Northeastern DivisionBaker . 75 85 100
B radford . . . .
Clay . 100 100 100
Columbia . 100 100 100
Putnam . 80 80 100
Div. Average per cent.:
Central Division- _iGo 100 100
H ernando . Levy . 90 85 so
M arion . 105 110 100
Orange . 50 50 100
Sum ter . 75 90 100
Volusia . 90 100 90
Div. Avera e per cent . 85 95
Southern DivisionBrevard . . . 100
Dade . 100 100 100
DeSoto . 100 100 .
Hillsborough . 100 110 lot)
Lee . 100 100 100
Osceola . 100 100 so
Palm Beach . 100 100 70
St. Lucie . 100 100 95
Div. Average per cent . I
State Average per cent . 89 91 93


Condition and Prospective Yield of Crops-Continued.

Bananas. Mangoes.


Northern Division- C) Cr
Franklin . Hamilton . .
Jefferson . Lafayette . I Liberty . L eon . Suwannee . Taylor . . .
W akulla . . . .
Div. Average per cent. .
Western DivisionCal 110Cm. . --7. Escambia . . . . .
Holmes . .I Jackson . .
Santa Rosa . .
W alton . . W ashington . Div. Average per cent. . - . .
Northeastern DivisionB aker . . . . . . � Bradford . . . .
C lay . . Colum bia . . Putnam . Div. Average per cent . . " I .
central Division,Hernando . . .

J a r io n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
O range . . Sum ter . V olusia . . .
Div. Average per cent. . . I
Southern Division-Brevard . 90 10!) .
Dade . 100 100 100 80
D eSoto . . . .
Hillsborough . . . .
Lee . . 100 100 100 140
Osceola . 50 30 .
Palm Beach . . 100 100
S t. L ucie . . I .,! . . Div. Average per cent. 85 1 82 I 100 107
State Average per cent:! 8 82 --100 111-7-


Condition and Prospective Yield of Crops-Continued.

Guavas. Orange Trees.

Northern Division- U
rank . . . 30 "- '--
Jefferscon . . . .
L afayette . . .
L iberty . . .
M adon . . . .500
Suwannee . .
T aylo. . . W akulla . I .'
Ci.A _OUNIceS n. . [ T

Western DivisionfliThlin. . I f ----S0Escambia . . I
Holmes . "30 40
Jackson . .II
Santa Rosa . . . 0. .
alton . . .
Washington . .
Div. Average per cent. . . 77 95"
Northeastern DivisionB l er . . . . 40
Bradford . . .
Slay Rosa. . . . "
olumbia .
Wutamngo. . 60 6 4. 6 . .

Div. Average per cent. 682 7". .-Central Division
[-e na d . . . . . . . . 90 60
er. 75 50
Marion . 105 105
Orange . . "25 100 35
Sumtr . . 90 100
Polusia . . 0 50
Div. Avevage per cent. 100 225 7

Southern DivisionBrevard . 60 65 75
Dade . 100 100 85 95
DeSoto . 90 90 75 75
Hillsborough . 100 100 100 80
Lee . 50 50 90 75
Osceola . 100 25 95 40
Palm Beach . 90 90 85 70
St. Lucie . 90 60 0 90
Div. Average per cent. 85 03 8 75
State Overage per cent. . 10 3 106 10 0


Condition and Prospective Yield of Crops-Continued.

Lemon Trees. Lime Trees.


Northern Division- U
Franklin.30 3 .
Hlamilton . . .
Jeff erson. .
Lafayette. . .
Liberty . . . . . . . .
Leon . .
Madison . . . .
Suwannee. . . . .
Taylor . . . . .
Wakulla. . .___ . .
Div. Average per cent.L 0 A 30 .
Western Division-______________Calhoun .120 140 . .
Escambia . . . .
Holmes. Jackson . Santa Rosa . . .
Walton . . .
Washington .____ .___ .____Div. Average per cent. 120 T 40 -1 7.
Northeastern DivisionBfak1 er. Bradford. . . . .
Clay. . . .
Columbia. . . .
Putnam.70 65 . .
Div. Average per cent. . 70 _65 . .
Central Division- ________iLernando. . .
Levy . Marion .100 95 100 100
Orange . . . .
Sumter.75 90 75 90
Div. Average per cent. .[ 92 8? 9
Southern Division- ___Brevard . .
Dade. . . 90 90
DeSoto .100 100 100 100
Hillsborough.100 75 10) 85
Lee.90 90 90 90
Osceola.90 50 100 60
Palm Beach .80 80 85 80
St. Lucie. . .
Div. Average per cent. 2- 75 94 84
St-af-eAverage per cent. -80 j 81 I 90 I 90_


Condition and Prospective Yield of Crops-Continued.

Grapefruit Trees.


Northern Division- 7C)
Frankl1in .3(9 3
Hamilton. F
Jeff ei son. Lafay-ette . Liber 'y . Leon. .I Madison. .I Suwannee. .
Taylor . . Wakulla.
DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD[.3.3 Western DivisionCaflhoun.i1t5 120Escambia .I Holmes . Jackson. Santa Rosa . Walton. Washington. .: Div. Average per cent. .j 115 120
Northeastern DivisionBaker. 75 j 8
Bradford . Clay.100o 75
Columbia. Putnam .5 65
Div. Average per cent .80 73
Central DivisionHernando. 90 90
Levy. . .
Marion. 105 98
Orange. 100 10
Sumter. 90 100
Volusia. 80s 25
Div. Average per cent . bouthern DivisionBrevard. 90 1 70
Dade. 105 75
DeSoto. 65 50
Hillsborough .100 70
Lee. 75 25
Osceula .95 30
Palm Beach. 75 60
St. Lucie. 95 60
Div. Average per cent .88- 55
'tate Average per cent .i 8W

PART 111.

Feed Stuffs, and Foods and Drags.


Florida is the only State in the Union that provides for the "special sample," drawn by the consumer or purchaser, under proper rules and regulations fixed by law-to be sent to the State Laboratory for analysis free of cost. Any citizen in the State who has purchased fertilizers or feeds for his own use may draw a sample of the same, according to law, and have the same analysed by the State Chemist free of cost. And in case of adulteration or deficiency he can, on establishing the fact, receive double the cost of price demanded for the goods.
The law requires the "special samples" to be drawn in a manner to prevent the submission of spurious samples; rules and regulations are published in every Bulletin for drawing, and transmitting "special samples."
This special sample has been a most potent actor In enforcing the law and discouraging the sale of adulterated or misbranded goods.
Special samples of foods and drugs may also be sent to the State Laboratory for analysis free of cost, when the sample is properly drawn according to law. The necessary instructions and blanks required to properly draw and transmit samples of "food and drugs" will he sent to any citizen requesting the same.



Special samples of Fertilizers or Commercial Feeding Btuffs sent in by purchasers, under Section 9 of the laws, shall 1e drawn in the presence of two disinterested witnesses, from one or more packages, thoroughly mixed, and A FAIR SAMPLE OF THIE SAME OF NOT LESS THAN EIGHT OUNCES (ONE-HALF POUND) SHALL BE PLACED IN A CAN OR BOTrLE' SEALED AND SENT BY A DISINTERESTED PARTY TO THU COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE AT TALLAHASSEE. NOT LESI THAN EIGHT OUNCES, IN A TIN CAN OR BOTTLE, WILL BB ACCEP'.'ED FOR ANALYSIS. This rule is adopted to secure fair -'niaples of sufficient size to make the necessary determinati(ns and to allow the preservation of a duplicate ,-Puple in case of protest or appeal. This duplicate malnplo will be preserved for two months from the date of certificate of analysis.
The State Chemist is not the proper officer to receive special samle)ls from the purchaser. The propriety of the method of drawing and sending the samples as fixed by law is obvious.
The drawing and sending of special samples in rare Cases is in compliance with law. Samples are frequently tnt in paper packages or paper boxes, badly packed, and froAluently in very siall quantity (less than ounce) ; frequently there are no marks, numbers or other means of identification; the postmark in some instances being absent.
I would call the attention of those who desire to avail themelves of this privilege to Sections 9 and 10 of the law, which are clear and explicit.
Hereafter, strict compliance with above regulations will be required. The sample must not be less than onehalf poud, in a can or bottle, sealed and addressed to the Commissioner of Agriculture. The sender's name and address nust also be on the package, this rule applying to apecial samples of fertilizers or commercial feeding stuff.

A one-pound baking powder can, properly cleaned, filled with a fairly drawn, well mixed sample taken from several sacks, is a proper sample. It should be sealed and addressed bo the Commissioner of Agriculture at Tallahasse'. The sender's name and address should also be placed on the package. If more than one sample is sent, the samples should be numbered so as to identify them, All this should be done in the presence of the witnesses and the package mailed or expressed by one of the witnesses.
The tags off the sacks should be retained by the sender to compare with the certificate of analysis when received, and not sent to this office. The date of the drawing and sending of the sample, and names of the witnesses, should also be retained by the sender; not sent to this office.


Purchasers are cautioned to purchase no Commercial Fertilizers or Commercial Feeding Stuff that does not bear on each package an analysis tag with the guarantee required by law, and the stamp showing the payment of the inspector's fee. Goods not having the guarantee tag and stamp are irregular and fraudulent; the absence of the guarantee and stamp being evidence that the manufacturer or dealer has not complied with the law. Without the guarantee tag and stamp showing what the goods are guaranteed to contain, the purchaser has no recourse against the manufacturer or dealer. Such goods are sold legally and fraudulently, and are generally of little value. All reputable manufacturers and dealers now comply strictly with the law and regulations by placing the guarantee tag and stamp on each package.


The attention of Sheriffs of the various counties is called to Section 3 of both laws, defining their duties. This department expects each Sheriff to assist in maintaining the law and protecting the citizens of the State from the imposition of fraudulent, inferior or deficient Commercial Fertilizers or Commercial Feeding Stuffs.


Each package of Commercial Fertilizer, and each package of Commercial Feeding Stuff, must have, securely attached thereto, a tag with the guaranteed analysis required by law and the stamp showing the payment of the inspector's fee. This provision of the law, Section 3 of both laws-will be rigidly enforced.
Manufacturers and dealers will be required to properly tag and stamp each package of Commercial Fertilizer or Commercial Feeding Stuff under penalty as fixed in Section 6 of both laws. Tags shall be attached to the top end of each bag, or head of each barrel.


Citizens interested in the fertilizer and stock feed laws of the State, and desiring to avail themselves of their protection, can obtain copies free of charge by sending for same to the Commissioner of Agriculture.


Copies of the Pure Food and Drug Law, rules and recrulations, standards, blanks, etc., can be obtained from the Commissioner of Agriculture.


To convertAmmonia into nitrogen, multiply by . 0.824 Ammonia into protein, multiply by . 5.15 Nitrogen into ammonia, multiply by . 1.214 Nitrate of soda into nitrogen, multiply by . 0.1647 Nitrogen into protein, multiply by . 6.25 Bone. phosphate into phosphoric acid, multiply by 0.458 Phosphoric acid into bone phosphate, multiply by 2.184 Muriate of potash into actual potash, multiply by 0.632 Actual potash into muriate of potash, multiply by 1.583 Sulphate of potash into actual potash, multiply by 0.541 Actual potash into sulphate of potash, multiply by 1.85 Nitrate of potash into nitrogen, multiply by. 0.139


Carbonate of potash into actual potash.,multiply by 0. 681 Actual potash into carbonate of potash,multiply by 1.466 Chlorine, in "kainit," multiply potash (K20) by. 2.33
For instance, you buy 95 per cent. nitrate of soda and want to know how much nitrogen is in it, multiply 95 per cent. by 0.1647, you will get 15.65 per cent. nitrogen; you want to know how much ammonia this nitrogen is equivalent to, then multiply 15.65 per cent, by 1.214 and you get 18.99 per cent., the equivalent in ammonia.
Or, to convert 90 per cent. carbonate of potash into actual potash (KO), multiply 90 by 0.681, equals 61.29 per cent. actual potash (K20).


Less than
ten tons.
Nitrate of Soda, 17 to 19% Ammonia . $ 52.00 Sulphate of Ammonia, 25 to 26% Ammonia . 70.00
Dried Blood, 16 to 19% Ammonia . 67.00
Cynanamid, 124 to 134% Ammonia . 46.00
Dry Fish Scrap, 11% Ammonia . 57.06

High Grade Sulphate of Potash, 90 to 95% Sulphate, 48 to 50% K20 . 56.00 Low Grade Sulphate of Potash, 48 to 53% Sulphate, 26 to 28% K20 . 32.00 Muriate of Potash, 80 to 85% Muriate, 48 to 50% K '0 . 50.00 Nitrate of Potash, imported, 15% Ammonia, 44% potash K20 . 91.00 Nitrate of Potash, American, 13% Ammonia, 42% potash K20 . 84.00 Kainit, 12 to 13 % Potash, K,0 . 15.00 Canada Hardwood Ashes, in bags, 4 to 6% K2C Potash . 19.00

High Grade Tankage, 10% Ammonia, 51 to 7% Phosphoric Acid .$ 44.00 Tankage 8 to 9% Ammonia, 10 to 11% Phosphoric Acid . 40.00 Low Grade Tankage, 64 to 8% Ammonia, 12 to
14% Phosphoric Acid . 37.00 Hotel Tankage, 6 to 7% Ammonia, 7 to 8% Phosphoric Acid . 25.00 Sheep Manure, ground, 3 to 4% Ammonia . 24.00 Imported Fish Guano, 10% Ammonia, 10% Phosphoric Acid . 45.00 Pure Fine Steamed Ground Bone, 3 to 4% Ammonia, 22 to 25% Phosphoric Acid . 29.00

Raw Bone, 4 to 57o Ammonia, 22 to 257o Phosphoric Acid . 34.00 Ground Castor Pomace, 51% Ammonia, 2 to 67o
Phosphoric Acid . 25.00
-Bright Cotton Seed Meal, 7j to 817o Ammonia. 31.00 Dark Cotton Seed Meal, 5 to 77o Ammonia . 27.00


High Grade Acid Phosphate, .16% Available
Phosphoric Acid . $ 15.041 Acid Phosphate, 14% Available Phosphoric Acid 14.00 Bone Black, 17 to 1817c Available Phosphoric
Acid . 25.00


High Grade Ground Tobacco Stems, 2 to 2117c
Ammonia, 8 to 1017c Potash . $ 22.06 Fligh Grade Ground Kentucky Tobacco Stems, 2
to 317c Ammonia, 10 to 117c Potash . 25.00 Tobacco Dust No. 1, 2 to 3% Ammonia, 2 to 317c
Potash . 25.00
0 ut Tobacco Stems, in sacks, 2 to 2-;17 Ammonia,
4 to 57 Potash . 20.00 Park Tobacco Stems, baled, 2 to 21% Ammonia,
4 to 5% Potash 19.00
Land Plaster, in sacks . 12.00

The charges by reputable manufacturers for mixing and hogging any special or regular formula are $1-50 -per ton in excess of above, prices.



Amnmonia, sulphate, foreign, prompt . . $3.00 @$3. 02 /
futures .3.02/2?@ 3.05 Ammonia, sulphate, domestic, spot . 3.00 @ 3.05
futures .3.00 @ 3.05 Fish scrap, dried, 11%7 ammonia and
14%7 bone phosphate, f.o.b. fish works,
per unit . 3.10 & 10 wet, acidulated, 6%7 ammonia,
3% phosphoric acid, delivered. @ Ground fish guano, imported, 10 and 11%c ammonia and 15-17% bone phosphate, c. i. f. N. Y., Balto. or Phila. .3.55 @3.65&10 Tankage, 11 and 15%, f.o.b Chicago. 2.75 & 10 Tankage, 10 and 20%7, f. o. b. Chicago ground.2.75 & 10
Tankage, 9 and 20%," *f. o. b.Chcg ground . 2.70 & 10 Tankage, concentrated, f. o. b. Chicago, 14 to 15%7 . 2.70 @ Garbage, tankage, f.o.b Chicago . 9.00@ Sheep manure, concentrated, f.o.b. Chicago, per ton. 10.00 @ lHoofmeal, f.ohb. Chicago, per unit. 2.60 @ 2.70 Dried Blood, 12-13%7 ammonia, f. o. b. New York. 3.00 @y 3.05 Chicago . 2.90 @ 2.95 Nitrate of Soda, 95%7, spot, per 100 lbs. 2.121/2@
futures, 95%.2.121/2@


Acid phosphate, per unit .60 @ 62 Bones, rough, hard, per ton .22.50 @2 3.0 0
soft, steamed, unground .21.50 @22.00
ground, steamed, 17% ammonia,
and 60%o bone phosphate . 20.50 @21.50
ditto, 3 and 50%o. 23.50 @24.00
raw ground, 4%7 ammonia and
50%7 bone phosphate .28.00 @29.00

South Carolina phosphate rock, kiln
dried, f.o.b. Ashley River . Florida land pebble phosphate rock,
68%, f.o.b. Port Tampa, Fla . Florida high grade phosphate hard rock, 77%, f.o.b. Florida ports . Tennesse phosphate rock, f.o.b. Mt.
Pleasant, domestic, 78 to 80%, per ton .
75% guaranteed .
68 to 72% .

3.50 @ 3.75 3.75 @ 4.00 5.75 @ 6.25

4.75 4.25

@ 5.50 @ 5.00 @ 4.50

Muriate of potash, 80-85%, basis 80%, in bags . 38.05
Muriate of potash, min. 95%, basis
80% , in bags . 39.65 Muriate of potash, min. 98%, basis
80%, in bags . 40.50 Sulphate of potash, 90-95%, basis 90%,
in bags . 46.50
Double manure salt, 48-53%, basis
48%, in bags. 24.45 Manure salt, min. 20%, K20, in bulk. 13.-0 Hardsalt, min. 16%, KO, in bulk . 10.65 Kainit, min. 12.4%, K,O, in bulk . 8.25


For Available and Insoluble Phosphoric Acid, Ammonia
and Potash, for the Season of 1911.

Available Phosphoric Acid.5 c. a pound Insoluble Phosphoric Acid.1 c. a pound Ammonia (or its equivalent in flitrogeii) . 171.c. a pound Potash (as actual potash, K20). 5 ' c. a pound

If calculated by unitsAvailable Phosphoric Acid . 1.00 per unit Insoluble Phosphoric Avid .20 per unit Ammonia (or its equivalent in nitrogen). 3.5 0 per unit Potash . 1.101 per unit

With a uniform allowance of 1.5() per ton for mixing and bagging.
A unit is twenty pounds, or 1 per cent., in a ton. We find this to be the easiest and quickest method for calculating the value of fertilizer. To illustrate this, take for example a fertilizer which analyzes as follows:

Available Phosphoric Acid.6.22 per cent.x$1.00-$ 6.22 Insoluble Phosphoric Acid.1.50 per cent.x .20- .30 Ammonia .3.42 per cent.x 3.50- 11.97 Potash.7.23 per cent.x 1.10- 7.95 Mixing and Bagging. 1.50

Commercial value at sea ports .$27.94

Or a fertilizer analyzing as follows:
Available Phosphoric Acid. .8 per cent.x$1.00-$ 8.00 Ammonia.2 per cent.x 3.50- 7.00 Potash .2 per cent.x 1.10- 2.20 Mixing and Bagging. 1.50

Commercial value at sea ports .$18.70

The above valuations are for cash for materials deli-ered at Florida seaports, and they can be bought in oneton lots at these prices at the date of issuing this Bulletin. Where fertilizers are bought at interior points, the additional freight to that point must be added.

If purchased in carload lots for cash, a reduction of ten. per cent. can be made in above valuations, i. e.:

Available Phosphoric Acid . 90 cents per unit Potash (K.0) . 99 cents per unit Ammonia (or equivalent in nitrogen) .$3.15 per unit

The valuations and market prices in preceding illustrations are based on market prices for one-ton lots.


It is not intended by the "State valuation" to fix the price or commercial value of a given brand. The "State values" are the market prices for the various approved chemicals and materials used in mixing or manufacturing commercial fertilizers or commercial stock feed at the date of issuing a Bulletin, or the opening of the 11season." They may, but seldom do, vary from the market prices, and are made liberal to meet any slight advance or decline.
They are compiled from price lists and commercial reports by reputable dealers and journals.
The question is frequently asked: "What is 'Smith's Fruit and Vine' worth per ton?" Such a question cannot be answered categorically. By analysis, the ammonia, available phosphoric acid and potash may be determined, and the inquirer informed what the cost of the necessary material to compound a ton of goods similar to "Smith's Fruit and Vine" would be, using none but accepted and well known materials of the best quality.
State values do not consider "trade secrets," loss on bad bills, cost of advertisements and expenses of collections. The "State value" is simply that price at which the various ingredients necessary to use in compounding a fertilizer, or feed, can be purchased for cash in ton 1ot8 at Florida seaports.
These price lists are published in this report, with the "State values" for 1911 deducted therefrom.



Amnonia Acid Potash

Nitrate of Soda .17 to Sulphate of Ammonia. 21 to 24
Dried Blood . 12 to 17 . Concentrated Tankage.: 12 to 15 1 to 2 .
Bone Tankage . 6 to 9 10 to 15 .
Dried Fish Scrap . 8 to 11 6 to 8 .
Cotton Seed Meal . 7 to 10 2 to 3 1j to 2
Hoof Meal . 13 to 17 11 to 2 .

Available Insoluble
Avai. Phnnhoric

I Pnos. Acid Acid

Florida Pebble Phosphate.I. 26 to 32 Florida Rock Phosphate.j . 33 to 35 Florida Super Phosphate. .14 to 45 1 to 35
Ground Bone . 3 to 6 5 to 8 15 to 11
Steamed Bone . 3 to 4 6 to 9 10 to "Q
Dissolved Bone . 2 to 4 13 to 15 2 to 8

Actual Phosphoric
Potash Ammonia Ahosph Lime

Muriate of Potash . 0 .
Sulphate of Potash .48 to 52 Carbonate of Potash. 55 to 60 . . Nitrate of Potash . 40 to 44 12 to 16 . Double Sul. of Pot.&Mag. 26 to30 . Kainit . 2o12 . to121 . Sylvinit . 16 to 20 . . Cotton Seed Hull Ashes. 15 to 30 . 7 to 9 10
Wood Ashes, unleached. 2 to 8 . 1 to 2 . Wood Ashes, leached.' 1 to 2 . ito 1, 35 to 4S
Tobacco Stems . 5to 8 2to 4 3j
Cow Manure (fresh). 0.40 0 to 0.41 0.16 0.31
Horse Manure (fresh). 0.53 0 to 0.60 0.28 0.31
Sheep Manure (fresh). 0.67 1.00 0.2 0. 3
Hog Manure (fresh). 0.60 0.55 0.19 0.08
Hen Dung (fresh) . 0.85 2.07 1.54 0.24
Mixed Stable Manure. 0.63 0.76 0.26 0.70


4_1 .

Bright Cot'n Seed Meal Dark Cotton Seed Meal Linseed Meal, old process.
Linseed Meal, new procss. Whteat Bran. Wheat Middlings . Mixed Feed (Wheat). Ship Stuff (Wheat). Corn (grain). Corn Meal . Corn Cobs . Corn and Cob Meal . Hominy Feed . Corn and Oats, equal parts . Corn and Oats Feeds. . Banrley (grain). Barley Sprouts . Barley and Oats, equal parts .


20.00 7.50

8.40 9.00

5.40 7.80 5.60

2.10 1.90 30.10 6.60


19.70 22.90 35.70 36.10

15.40 15.40 16.90

14.60 10.50 9.70

2.40 8.50 10.50

28.60 37.10 36.00 36.70 53.90

59.40 54.40 59.80 69.60 68.70

54.90 64.80 65.30

5.701 10.501 64.20

12.10 2.70 10.90 6.10


12.40 27.20


61.70 69.80

42.70 64.75

7.80 5.50

7.20 3.60'

4.00 4.10 4.80 5.00

5.40 3.80 0.50 3.50 7.85

4.40 3.70 1.80 1.601



5.80 5.00 5.30 5.20 5.80 3.20 5.30 3.70 1.50

1.40 1.40 1.50,

2.20 21.20 2.40 6.30 2.70


FEED STUFFS.- (Continued.)


Oats (grain) . 1 9.501 11.801 59.701 5.001 3.00 Oat Feed . 1 6.101 16.001 54.901 7.10 3.70 Rice (grain) . 0.20 7.40 79.20 0.40 0.40 Rice Bran . 9.50 12.10 49.90 8.80 10.00 Rice Hulls . 35.70 3.60 38.60 0.70 13.20 Rye (grain) . 1.70 10.60 72.50 1.70 1.90 Rye Bran . 3.50 14.70 63.80 2.80 3.60 Wheat (grain) . 1.80 11.90 71.90 2.10 1.80 Cow Pea . 4.10 20.80 55.70 1.40 3.20 Cow Pea Hay . 20.10 16.60 42.20 2.20 7.50 Velvet Beans and Hulls 9.20 19.70 15 1. 3 0 4.50 3.30 Velvet Bean Hay . 29.70 14.70 41.00 1.70 5.70 Beggarweed Hay . 24.70 21.70 .10.20 2.30 10.90 Japanese Kudzu Hay. 32.14 17.43 '10.20 1,67 6.87 Cotton Seed (whole). . 23.20 18.40 24.70 19.90 3.50 Cotton Seed Hulls . 44.40 4.00 36.60 2.00 2.60 Gluten Feed . 5.30 24.00 51.20 10.60 1.10 Beef Scrap . . 44.70 3.28 14.75 29.20


For the season of 1911 the following "State values" are fixed as a guide to purchasers.
These values are based on the current prices of corn. which has been chosen as a standard in fixing the comamercial values; the price of corn, to a large extent, governing the price of other feeds, pork, beef, etc.:


Protein, 31c. per pound .621c. per unit Starch arid Sugar, 11c. per pound . 25 c. per unit Fats, :34,c. per pound .621c per unit

A unit being 20 pounds (1%/) of a ton.
In(Lian corn being the standard @~ $27.50 per ton.
To find the commercial State value, multiply the percentages by the price per unit.


HOMJINY FEEDProtein . 10.50 x 62.5c, .$ 6.56 Starch and Sugar .65.30 x 25.0c, 16.43 Fa t. 7.85 x 62.5c, 4.91

State value per ton .$27.90

Protein.10.50 x 62.5c, $ 6.56 Starch and Sugar .69.60 x 25.0c, 17.40 Fat. 5.40 x 62.5c, 3. 38

State value per ton .$27.34


There are frequent inquiries for formulas for various crops, and there are hundreds of such formulas published; and, while there are hundreds of "brands," the variations in these grades are surprisingly little. Dozens of "brands" put up by ihe same manufacturer are identical goods, the only difference being in the name printed on the tag or sack. A good general formula for field or garden might be called a "vegetable formula," and would have the following: Ammonia, "1%; available phosphoric acid, 6 7; and potash, 7-[ %. The following formulas will furnish the necessary plant food in about the above proportion. I have purposely avoided the use of any fraction of 100 pounds in these formulas to simplify hem. Values are taken from price lists furnished by the trade, which we published in our Report of Jaumr.y 1, 1911.
For cotton, corn, sweet potatoes and vegetables: Amnonia .2%; available phosphoric acid, -V2 ; potash,


No. 1.
Per Cent.
900 pounds of Cotton seed Meal (7-2-1) . 3.25 Ammonia 800 pounds of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent) . 6.40 Available 300 pounds of Muriate(or Sulphate) (50 per cent) 7.50 Potash
State value mixed and bagged . $27.52
P lan t F ood per ton . . '.1: p0 ,,-'

No. 2.
Pox Cent.
1,000 lbs of Blood and Bone (6-8) . 25 Am ',iiia 400 lbs of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent) . 7.00 Availahbl, 600 lbs of Low Grade Sulp. Pot.(26 per cent). . ,7.80 Potashi
State value mixed and bagged . $28.45
Plant Food per ton . 360 po1lds

No. 3.
Per Cent.
300 lbs of Dried Blood (16 per cent) . .5Anoi 100 lbs of Nitrate of Soda (17 per cent) . .00.2 Ammial 100lbs of Acid Phosphate (16 per' cent) . 780 Avtasbh 600 lbs of Low Grade Suip. Pot. (26 per cent.).

State value mixed and bagged .$29.45
Plant Food per ton .2381 pouiids


No. 1.

Fruits, Melons, Strawberries. Irish Potatoes, Ammonia 4 per cent., Available Phosphoric Acid 7 per cent., Potash 10 per cent.
Per Cent.

1,000 lbs of Blood and Bone (61-8) . 100 lbs of Nitrate of Soda (17 per cent). 500 lbs of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent.) . 100 lbs Muriate of Potash (50 per cent.) .


4 Ammonia 8 Available 10 Potash

State value mixed and bagged .$24.50
Plant Food per ton . 440 pounds

No. 2.
Per Cent.
500 lbs of Castor Pomace (6-2 pci' cent.) .140 moi 200 lbs of Suip. of Am. (25 per cent.) 4. .07.0 Ammial H00 lb s of Acid Phosphate (16 pJercn. . 9 .70 Avtalbh 400 lbs of Snip, of Pot. (48 per cent.) .0Pts

State value mixed and bagged .$33.76
Plant Food per ton . 426 pounds

No. 3
Per Cent.
500 lbs of Cotton Seed Meal (71 -2i-li) .* 100 lbs of Nitrate of Soda (17 per cent.) .97 Ammonia 100 lbs of Sulp. of Am. (25 per cent.) .~. 8.30 Available 900 lbs of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent.) .8.97 Potash 400 lbs of Suip. of Potash (48 per cent.) .

State value mixed and bagged .$33.67
Plant Food per ton . 425 pounds

CIRCULAR NO. 2, OF JULY 15, 1911,


Tallahassee, Fla., Sept. 21, 1911.
Notice to Manufacturers, D)eal ers, Brokers and Consumers
of Foods and Drugs in the State of Florida.
The Provisions of the Pure Food and Drugs Law, Chapter 6122,
Approved June 5, 1911, Became Effective August 3, 1911.
-Numerous letters of inquiry have been received from manufacturers, jobbers and dealers in package goods, in the State of Florida, and also from other states, asking a ruling as to the time that would be allowed to make the necessary changes in labels on goods now on hand, and disposition of such goods now legally in the State, or contracted for for future delivery to the wholesaler, jobber or retailer prior to Aug. 3, 191t, that (10 not comply with the amended Pure Food and Drugs Law.
A conference was held July 11, 1911, at the office of the CJomumissioner of Agriculture in T1allahassee, Florida; also on Sept. 19, 1911, at which time the various commercial organizations, National and State--wholesalers, retailers, brokers, manufacturers and representative wholesale and retail merchants from Tampa, Jacksonville, Pensacola and other points, in the State, were present.
After due consideration, discussion, and statement of facts, the concensus of opinion was that the law was both reasonable and just-fair to the manufacturer, dealer and consumer; and necessary for the protection of the legitinmate manufacturer and dealer in honest goods, and the consumer from the unfair competition of "light weight, short measure," or diluted and adulterated foods and drugs.
That~1 its provisions should be enforced at the earliest possible time consistent with the protection of the legitimate business of the State, and the protection of those manufacturers, dealers, brokers, wholesale and retail mer-

chants, who have now on hand, legally, under the State and National Laws, stocks of package goods, and contracts for fall delivery of canned goods-the pack of 1911. After due consideration of all the facts, and the interests of all parties concerned-the manufacturer, the dealer, and the consumer, the following ruling has been adopted:


1st-The net weight or measure shall be "conspicuously, legibly and correctly" stated on the outside of all packages of grain, flour, meal, butter, lard, cottolene (or similar compound), cooking oils, syrups, and similar staple groceries, on and after September 1, 1911; that printed "stickers" will be allowed on such goods then on hand, to which they are applicable, which will protect the same till sold. See Regulation 29.
2nd-Tat stocks ol' canned goods, vegetables, pickles, baking powders, jellies, preserves, etc., in cans, bottles or cartons, on hand August 3, 1911, or contracted for fall delivery, if in full compliance with the State and Federal Laws, and regulations, prior to August 3, 1911, may be disposed of till August 1, 1912. That printed "stickers," showing the "net weight or measure" of such goods applied before Anoust 1, 191 2, shall protect such goods actually (elivered in the State, or bona-fidely contracted for, for future delivery, prior to August 3), 1912.
This ruling shall apply only to such goods as were legally on hand Aug. 3, 1911 (at which time the law went into effect) and to those contracts as were entered into prior to Aug. 3, 1911, for future delivery to wholesaler, jobber and retail merchant-and shall not apply to any goods purchased or contract ed for subsequently to the date the law went into effect, Aug. 3, 1911. All goods purchased subsequent to Aug. 3, 1911, or contracted for, shall fully comply with the Pure Food and Drugs Law of 1911, in every respect.

NOTE--Yet 'Weight shall be stated in pounds or ounces avoirdupois or fractions thereof. The unit being the pound-all packages containing one or more pounds shall state the weight in pounds. Weights less than a pound shall be stated in ounces-i. e. "1 lb. net," "2 lbs. net," "50 lbs. net," or, "3 lbs. 2 oz. net," "S lbs. 4 oz. net," "47 lbs.
6 oz. net," "4-1-2 oz. net."

Net measure shall be stated in U. S. standard gallons, or in qutarts, or fluid ounces, (a fluid ounce being one thirty-second of a qutart by ineasre)-i. e. "One gal. net," "One qt. net," "30 fI. oz. net," "7 fl. oz. net," or "3 qts. 8 fI. oz. uct," "1 qt. 6 fl. oz. net."
To express one pound or more in ounces, or one quart, or imore in fluid ounces, will not be permissable.


3rd-That goods actually on hand Aug. 3, 1911, containing not more than 1-10 of 1 per cent. benzoate of soda, and otherwise comiplying with the State and Federal Laws, -Prior to Aug. 3, 19)11, may be disposed o' till Aug. 1, 112. That bona fide contracts for such goods existing before Aug. 3, 1911, will be resl)ected, and the material allowed to be sold till Aug. 1, 1912, after which date no goods containing benzoate of soda can be legally sold in the State.


4th-Goods actually on hand in the possessoin of the trade, within the State Aug. 3, 1911, may be disposed of, Pro ided, the same are plainly labeled "sweetened with saccharin," as now provided 1)y law. The manufacture or importation of any food containing saccharin after Aug. 3, 1H1, is not perissable legally, in the State.


5th-No "drug sold under or by a name recognized in the United States Pharmacopoeia or National Formulary, that differs from the standard of strength, quality, or puritY as determined by the test laid down in the United State: ltbarma copa'ia, or National Formulary," can be leg ll manufactured or imported into the State after Aug. 3, 1911. Such stocks of dilute standard drugs, that may be actually on hand, in the State, Aug. 3, 1911, in the hands of dealers, may be sold till Jan. 1, 1912, Provided, They comply fully with the State and Federal Laws and Regulations in force prior to Aug. 3, 1911. After Jan. 1, 1912, dilute standard drugs cannot be legally sold in Florida.


6th-All manufacturers and dealers complying with the letter and spirit of the foregoing rules, will be exempt from prosecution for misbranding or adulteration. Evasion of this regulation will be considered a breach of faith, and the goods subject to seizure, sale or destruction, as provided by Law and Regulations.
7th-It is recommended that the labels of all packages of food received after Aug. 3, 1911, have the necessary "stickers" applied to show "net weight or measure," that they may be in shape to protect such goods till sold. The application of "stickers" after Aug. 1, 1912, will not be legally permissable.
Approved Sept. 21, 1911.
State Chemist.
B. E. McLIN,
Commissioner of Agriculture.


In connection withi Circular No. 3, relative to the Pure Food and Drugs Law of Florida, we think. it proper to State some facts for the advice and benefit of the gencral public who consume and use the goods covered by the Pure Food and Drugs Act of 1911.
SectiLou 15 of the law provides"That the Commissioner of Agriculture, with the advice of the State Chemist, shall have authority to establish such rules and regulations as shall not be inconsistent within tile provisions of this Act, in conformit 'y with the rules and reg-ulations promulgated by the United States Department of Agriculture."
We realize that there devolves upon us much responsibility, to administer this very important law so as to do justice to the consumers and, at the same time, treat fairly the many thousands of retail, wholesale and jobbing business enterprises in the State.
To require immediate compliance would mean to close up the food, feed, drugy and liquor departments of every suchl business man in the State, or to have the Comnmissioner and Chemist plastered with injunctions from both State and Federal Courts. We have had to labor over legal controversies from able attorneys both in and out of the State, that the public knows nothing of.
Should the matter have gone into the Courts, the public would lbe deprived of the benefits accruing under the law at least during, the period of long drawn oit litigation.
We recognize the fact that goods purchased in good faith, that fully complied with the State and United States laws prior to the passage of the Act of 1911, could

not be confiscated without reasonable time to dispose of same, especially when of such a character that the original packer only could know the net contents, or would be the only one who could LEGALLY guarantee the contents. Nor could we enforce the statute that would have the elect of nullifying existing contracts prior to the passage of the Act. The Constitutions of the State and the United Sites would not permit such action.
We felt it our duty to adopt such rules and regulations as would give fhe most certain and speedy compliance witlh the law, that tha people could most promptly reap the benrhits under the Statute. The Department of Justice advised the Commissioner of Agriculture, when the United States Pure Food law was passed in 1906, that reasonable time mu:st be given 1o dispose of stocks on hand aml under existing contracts at the time of the pas sage of the Act, except where they were definitely known to be poisonous or deleterious to the health.
We have given no extension or qualification to any goods not complying with the National or State Pure Food laws e-:isting prior to 1911.
The classes of goods Ihat have worked 1he greatest hard ships on the consuming public, as to short weights and measures, are included in flhe lirst section of Circular No. 3. Such as corn, oats, flour, meal, butter, lard, cottolene, oleomargarine, syrup, etc. On this class of goods there is no extension of time given, as net weights can be properly ascertained and labeled.
The extension of twelve months is given to comply with the law on case goods that are canned and bottled, with strict limitations, as Ciiular No. 3 explains. These goods are known as standard goods and the extension of time on these goods will not harm the consumer, for to aflix the label at once, if it were possible to do so, would not change the net contents a particle, nor the price one cent. They are sold by the package or piece and not by

the pound. They were in the State or contracted for when the law was passed and could not be confiscated or forced out of the State if we attempted it. Should we require (if we had the legal authority to do so) the retail and wholesale merchants of the entire State to shut down business, in orer to place the net weight on all goods in the Siate, it is most likely ia lie cost would be added io th, liice paid by the consumer.
i;y punsui fhe course we have adopted, we feel that the entire mercantile interests of the State will be hearty coolerators in our efforts to give the people, not only a knowledge of the net weigh[ and pleasure, but full weight and measure as well.
The wholesale, jobbers, brokers and merchants are filing with le lDepartment written guarantees of their acceptance of the regulations, assuring their cooperation and compliance with the regulations, and guaranteeing us that they will not receive and ship out into the channels of trade through the State, any gods not in compliance with the law that may have been purchased or contracted for after the law went into effect August 3, 1911.
While the dealers feel that they should have until Deceuber 31st, 1912, to adjust their business to meet the demands of the law, we feel after the most careful consideratioi, that our action will mete out justice and bring aboit the best results for :ll affected by the Act, the consumers and the dealers of all classes.
Copis of the law ,and Circular No. : can be obtained by anyone making the request of the Commissioner of Agriculture or the State Chemist at Tallahassee, Fla.
13. E. McLIN,
Commissioner of Agriculture. R. E. ROSE,
State Chemist.

R. E. ROSE, State Chemist. SPECIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSES, 1911. L. HEIMBURGER, Assistant Chemist.
Samples taken by Purchaser Under Section 9, Act Approved May 22, 1901.



~z .~ ~ .0 0

Fertilizer "H" . . i2610 13.82 Fertilizer "M" . . 12611 14.53 Fertilizer "P . . 2612 10.64 Fertilizer . 2613 . Fertilizer . 2614 3.69 Fertilizer . 2615 6.87 Fertilizer No. 1 . 2616 6.76 Fertilizer No. 2 . 2617 6.81 Fertilizer No. 3 . 2618 6.89
-n"id Phosphate No. 2 . 2619 . Fertilizer 1 . 620 18.41 Fertilizer . 2621 19.35 Fertilizer 1 . 622 6.32 Fertilizer 2 . 2623 . Fertilizer 1 . 2624 14.88 Fertilizer 2 . 126251 13.94

10.43 7.72 10.53 6.04 9.62
5.99 9.31 6.94 8.22
17.18' 8.03 7.95
4.59 3.08
10.87 11.87

)horic Acid.

0.34 0.45 0.87 0.25
0.80 0.95 0.131
0.17 0.201
0.13/ 0.71L

7.85 1.27 0.69j

8.17 11.40 6.29 10.42 6.94 9.44
7.11 8.42 17.31
8.74 8.50 15.57 10.93 12.14 12.56


2.17 J. E. Boyette, Otahite.
1.71 J. E. Boyette, Otahite. 2.07 J. E. Boyette, Otahite. 11.06 J. W. Allen, Ozona.
6.07 F. F. Thomas, Narajo.
6.32 J. R. Johnson, Hawthorn.
6.461W. R. Altman, Bridges. 6.34 W. R. Altman, Bridges. 6.46 W. R. Altman, Bridges. .J. W. Cooley, Berrydale. 1.451J. W. Cooley, Berrydale.
1.371E. B. Beck, Berrydale.
7.85 W. C. Edminston, Auburndale. 6.191W. C. Edminston, Auburndale.
3.101 F. M. Senterfitt, Holt. 1.61 F. M. Senterfitt, Holt.






Acid PhoshLate No. 3 . 12626 . Fertilizer No. 1 . 12627 . Fertilizer No. 2 . 2628 . Fertilizer . 26291 14.86 Slag (S. S. Iris) . 2630 . Fertilizer . 2631 4.62 Fertilizer . 2632 i0.99 Nitrate of Soda . 12633 . . Fertilizer No. 1 . 2634 8 80 Fertilizer No. 2 . 2635 6.65 Muriate Potash No. 1 . 2636. Nitrate Soda No. 2 . d 2637 . Fertilizer No. 3(Mobile Sand-12638 10.67
Acid Phosphate No. 4 . 2639 . Fertilizer . 26401 . Tobacco Stens . 2611. Fertilizer . 2642 6.71 Tankage .2643. Cotton Seed Meal . 12644: .

16.92 0.92 17.84 9.131 1.51 10.64 9.901 0.67 10.57 11.6z 0.43 12.091 8.94 9 60 18.541 9.19 0.15 9.34 10.35 0.85 11.20
. . " "1 . . . . . . i . . . . . .
12.851 0.54 13.39 11.97 0.37 12.34

9.72 2.85 12.57

17.19 1.88 19.07 12.49 2.28 14.77

-. . 1.
4.8 2.961 7.941 . . .I15.8i1


. Senterfitt, Holt.
4.13 4.34 N. Jone%, Quiecy.
2.09! 3.89- . Jones, Quincy.
2.25 2.25K'alvin Jines, Dady. . 0. Painter Fertz. Co., Jackson il'4.
3.10 9.581tJ. P. -alker, Belleair. 1.93 1.971J. 3. Blake, Red Rock.
1 17;59 . . 1B. A. Alorrls, Floyd.
1.58 3.63 Jeff IX. Jones, Jay. 2.691 2.3I1Jeff 'V. .ones, Jay. . 50.241H. W Padpett, Red Rock. 18.93 . W. Padgett, Red Rock.
1.991 1.431H. W. Pa(I-ett, Red Rock.

. . W. Padgett, Red Rock.
7.191 2.521-W. M. Carruth, Tampa.
2.77 5.99JEd M. Gross, Orlando.
6.77 525:1Independent Fcrtz. Co., Jacksonville.
7.181 . J. M. Coarsey, Tampa.
6.951 . !A. N. Hoofnagle, Ft. Pierce.


Phosphoric Acid.

0 .l 0
0 0

Hard Wood Ashes . 2645 .
-zjFertilizer No. 1 . 2 ;4 I Fertilizer No. 2 . 2647. 1,ertilizer . 2648. !Dried Blood . 2649. I ertilizer . 2650 . Acid Phosphate "A. 2651. Fertilizer "B" . . 2652. Fertilizer "C" . . 3 . Fertilizer .2654 6.22 Fertilizer . 2655 6.83 bish Guano . 2656 10.98 Cotton Grower Guano . 2657 11.o9
Fish Guano . 26558 10.58 Cotton Grower Guano . 2659 11.1 Fertilizer . .2660 . Fertilizer No. 1 . 2661 11.25 Wood Ashes No. 2 . 2662 .
Fertilizer . 2663 6.23 Ashes . 2664 .
'iankage . .2665 . Hardwood Ashes . 66 .
x fertilizer . 2667.
Fertilizer No. 1199 . 2668 14.60 Guano No. 1200 . 2669 .
Nitrate Potash . 2670 .
Fertilizer . 2671 11.65 Fertilizer . 2672 9.89

2.91 Tampa Fertilizer Co., Tampa. 4:73 1"0. 14.87 3.56 7.74 D. L. Austin, Tampa.
2.81 8.34 11.15 3.571 5 141D. L. Austin, Tampa. 10.56 1.36 11.92 4.08 10.681E. J. Ricon. Stuart. ".2'23 .,j:.16.83 . C. A. Van Duzer, Viking.
12.2 12.92 1.841 1.22 A. C. Kelly, Vernon.
17.691 0.431 18.12 . I . J. I. Langley, DeFuniak Springs.
9.621 0.64 10.261 1.061 2.331J. I. Langley, DeFuniak Springs. 9.98) 1.681 11.661 2.051 2.271J. I. Langley, DeFuniak Springs.
5.97 0.12 6.091 5.22 6.48W\\. B. Coggins, \Viersdaie.
8.511 6.97 4.65jJ. G. May, Ft. Pierce.
4.191 0.591 4.781 0.71[ 0.62Tobe Kennedy, Milligan. 5.211 0.47 5.68 0.91 0.83 Tobe Kennedy, Milligan.
4.26i 0.54 4.80 0.73 0.621Charlie Braeker, Milligan.
5.17 0.41 5.55 0.85 0.78,Charlie Bracker, Milligan.
8.88 0.52 9.40 0.79 0.56 Charlie Bracker, Milligan.
7.89 0.33 8.22 3.36 8.80 Ed M. Gross, Orlando.
2.97 EnI M. Gross, Orlando.
7.77 6.96 5.37 John V. Davis, St. Lucie.
2.89 L. B. Brown, Sanford.
. . 18.65 4.94 . Dr. F. Philips, Orlando.
. . 4.75 Manatee Co. Supply Co., Manatee.
3.98 0.75 4.73 1.19 4.461A B. Sanders, Miami.
6.51 1.29 7.80 4.09 7.771C. M. Mallett, Tampa. 10.77 8.93 19.70 3.15 0.22 C. M,. Mallett, Tampa. . 12.49 45.081E. 0. Painter Fertz. Co., Jacksonville.
5.01 0.40 5.41 3.9S 7.50,1. T. Swalley, Winter Haven.
7.32 2.04 9.36 4.96 8.20 E. L. Vanderipe, Manatee.

Samples Taken by State Chemist Under Sections 1 and 2, Act Approved May 22, 1905.

Phosphoric Acid.

Tom to pe ial . . . . . .0
Cd 0

Tomato Special.1644 Guarant'd Analysis 10.001 6.0u 1. 5.00 8.00 Armour Fertz. Works,
Official Analysis. 7.70 6.2S 1.43, 7.71 4.89 8.41 Jacksonville, Fla. cD
Bradley Florida Vegetable. 1645 Guarant'd Anialysis 10.00 6.00 1.00 "."7.4.00 5.00 Am. Agricul. Chem. Co.,
Official Analysise . 791 6 SO 1.10 7.90 3.89 4.731 Jacksonville, Fla.
Bradley Florida Fruit andl 646IGuarant'd Aimlysis 10.00 5.50 1.4.25 10.00 Am. Agricul. Ohem. Co., Vine . Official Analysis. 7.23 6.48 1.071 7.55 4.35 10.55 Jacksonville, Fla.

High Grade Orange Fruiter 1647 Guarant'dAnalysis 10.00 10.00 1.5_ 3,001 13.001Am. Agricul. Chem. Co., Official Analysis. 4.50 10.75 0.62 11.37 3.851 13.131 Jacksonville, Fla.
American Standard Guano. 1648 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 8.00 2.01. 2.00 2.00 Am. Agricul. Chem. Co.,
Official Analysis. 11.30 8.73 1. 5" 10.23 1.76i 2.33 Jacksonville, Fla. Wilas&CakVgtbe14 1 1.0 I
Williams & Clark Vegetable 1649 Guarant'd Analysisl 10.00 6.00 4.001 5.00Am. Agricul. Chem. Co.,
j Official Analysis. 10.571 6.101 1.751 7,95! 3.94l 5.451 Jacksonville, Fla.

Bradley Orange Tree . 1650 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 Official Anavsis. .5,70

Williams & Clar- Fruit andi1651 Guarant'd Analysis 10.0o
Vine . I. Official Analysis. . 6.67

-azaretto Early Trucker. .11652 Gnarant'd Analysis 8.00 Official Analysis. 14.811

Cotton Seed Meal . lt53 Guarant'd Analysis .
10fficial Analysis.

No. 2 Orange Tree Mixture 1654 Guarant'd Analysis 12.00 Official Analysis. 6.46

Lettuce and Cuke Special. 1655 Guarant'd Analysis 12.00 Official Analysis. 10.20

Cotton Special . 1656 Guarant'd Analyisl 12.00 Official Analysis. . 1 10.15

No. 1 Peruvian and Fish 1657 Guarant'd Analysis' 12.001
Guano . Official Analysis. 1 8.241

Fish and Potash . 1658 Guarant'd Analysis 12.00 Official Analysis. 8.14

Our Golden Fruiter . Guarant'd Analysisj 12.001 Official Analysis. 3.251
Bean and Pea Special . 1660OGuarant'd Analysis 1.20 jg!f L!4.i1 hnalysis-, 1 .6.

r.0n1 0 01 . 7.06 1.50 8.56 5.51I 00 . 6.7:1 1.41 8.14 7.00 2.00 . 7.77 1.26 9.03

6.00 2.00 .
6.16 0.59i 6.75

5.00, 1.00 .
6.25 1.151 7.40 6.00 1.00 . 6.71 1.S 7.891 5.oo 1.o0 .
7.40! 1.47' 8.87

2.50 2.50 . 2.70 1.391 4.091 6.0o 1.J .
7.4 2 0.2:3 7.72! 6.00 1.00 ,. . 8,671 0.491 .

3,501 5.00 Am. Agricul. Chem. Co.,
3.871 4.69 Jacksonville, Fla.

2.251 10.00 Am. Agricul. Chem. Co.,
2.131 10.24 Jacksonville, Fla.

5.00 5.00 Am. Agricul. Chem. Co.,
4.781 4.79 Jacksonville, Fla.

7.50i 1.50 The Southern Cotton Oil
8.28 . Pensacola, Fla.

3.00 5.00IFlorida Fertilizer Co.,
2.28 9.501 Gainesville, Fla.

6.50 4.00 Florida Fertilizer Co.,
6.18 2.311 Gainesville, Fla.

2.001 2.00]Florida Fertilizer Co.,
2.211 2.561 Gainesville, Fla.
4 1 1
4.001 5.00 Florida Fertilizer Co.,
4.06 3.321 Gainesville, Fla.

6 .50 .0 F)lorida Fertilizer Co.,
6.03 5.601 Gainesville, Fla.

3.00 18.00 Florida Fertilizer Co.,
3.35j 14.0SI Gainesville, Fla.

2.50 8.00 Florida Fertilizer Co,
2.63 7.15 Gaaiesville, Fla.


Phosphoric Acid.

NAME, ORBRAND. 0 4 .) ,

No. 3 Blood, Bone & Potash 1661 Guarant'd Analysis 12.00 5.00 2.00 . 00 OfficialAnalysis. 6.83 6.37 1.58 7.951 4.73 Cotton Food . 1662 Guarant'd Analysis 12.00 6.00 1.00 . 3.00 Official Analysis. 9.02 8.40 1.42 9.82 3.10 Standard Vegetable No. 1. 1663 Guarant'dAnalysis 8.00 5.00 1.00. 6.001 4.00 1 OfficialAnalysis. 16.81 5.251 0.89 6.14 3.231 German Kainit . 1664 Guarant'd Analysis . . .
Official Analysis . . I Marianna Special.1665 Guarant'dAnalysis 10.00 10.00 2.00 . 2.00"
OfficialAnalysis. 11.69 10.01 0.56, 10.57 2.30 Plantation Special.1666 Guarant'd Analysis 10.001 10.00i 1.00 .4.001 Official Analysis. 13.941 10.28 0*491 10.-7 3.851 Field Crop Special . 1667 Guarant'dAnalysis 10.0 ! S . I 00 .64. 0 F CofficialAnalysis. 12.281 8.95i 0. 9 6 9 .28[


4.00 Florida Fertilizer Co.,
4.67 Gainesville, Fla.

4.00 Flovila Fertilizer Co,.
3.68 GaL: esville, Fla.

6.*00 Stanfl-rd Fertilizer Co.,
8. j6 Ga4Inelsv il, Fin.

12.00 Standard Fertilizer Co.,
1.3. 59 Gainesville, Fla.

2.00Gulf Chemical Co., Mari2.36' amna, Fla.

4.001Arimour Fertz. Works,
3.74 Jacksonville, Fla.

6.0A0 rour Fortz. 'Works,
5. 56[ Jacksonville, Fla.

Full Text


FL OR IDA QU ARTERLY BULLETIN AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT OC'.l'. 1. H)]. 1 ==== = ~ ~ = B E. M CL IN COM.M ISSION F.[{ Ob AO RlCULTURE TALLAHASSEE .,LA Parl So m e V"i{etables and Forfl: t: c ro.-. Put 2-Crop Co nd itions and Pr os.,.,o:rive Yidd s. l' a rt JFertlllzers F ee d Stuff a nd Pooch and Drup. Circ ularl, Foodoand Dru&" lulo...:IJH .,,.rr ll 19'1!1, ll ~rk>rldo,,......,,,





TO iv lATO GROWING I N FLORID A. 'l b e Tomato ( L yco 1 JC l'ljic11ru c,cc ule11 t m11 ) hel1111gs to thil ,r 1 ler So l nna'l!e or ~iglJ 1 ,,h u Ue f:uuB~ wili e h eout a l n!!: ~o mething o,-er tw e h e l rn111lr~"!I. SJ JC' C i t11 lllllOU~ wb!eh are 1b1eeof o nrm os t 1a!unl.,l e nud impor t ant l"e :;e tabl es tbe I ri s h pofato, the t o mato nrul the ee from :ioutb America i n 1 {1 $ but f o r nrnuy .' 'ell!"S it ll'll /l 1,l a ntcd 1111 1 ~ a s an orn:m1 ('11 t t o t h e tlow c r garde n It c; ,m e iu i o 11a e 1 cr,1 gradualt y in t il e 1 1repura t i on of s:1 11 ccija rnl , ouy. and hn ;. onl y att:iiu e ll i t ~ p o pulmi1 ,1 a ,,u tnb l e l <' gernble i n co mp n ra t in: l y recent ~ <.': ll "' I L~ i1u1~ t l au ~e 111 In arti cle of t 'O llllllClTe reall y dlll('S Lack little 1110, c t hnn tu~nty l tMl"!I an,l f\ij c o rnpnr c( l will, tl H: J H'l'~CIII it w; I N then in ,l <::C( l of 1.-ru;tll r ,r( > po rtl oo~ tho,1gh at t h ;d tim e \ht i n crcn11i 11;.: : rnnna[ Ct"< I' wn@ wutch c d in fe:ir mu n m c lo ~us picio 1 : t o t he 1, 1-:il: :,b lc ('f fo c / O U t he mmJ.: et~. \t l' h'>'e Ut i ll Fl >~ io! n i t P JI C<-<..'< lf iu o l 1 m c nm l 1ln c nearl,1 r, ,m ti fU1"!> 1h, uvftitcwx1 ,u o,; t ii:opv rtau t 1 ci:: c t ;1 h l c c1 '01 ( l r!Mh 1 00tn r (M.,.) In l !J IO th c ct: 11 <'!' rn n rk cte, 1 11 c 1~ :! :_i.:1 1;. !1 1 -: tl m u e t l ue of w liicl 1 w, is -~ Z. 5 2 ~ ,G:!l). Tio (' "1' 0111 :1 10 !I H' r e fo1 e i ~ Fl o 1ida'~ grc a l elj\ r c;.:c 1ah l e c r o l', ~1:1 11 d i n g ~! i o im poi-tnnccnndrnlnttotlicOmn:;e. S EL ECT ION Ol' ROif .. Th e '1 '0 111a to ll' ill l'f' ~i~t d ro ught b c !t cr lh ai, i t "'ill l no m uc h r nin, i n fac t it ~1:1110b s ,h-o ught bet te r th : u1 111 1>!'! n,.; e l :i b l~j tl m $ Oil t he 1 '('(n1-e 1.K>l< t : 11Ja1,tL '< I to 1 hi ~ Crn p i ~ n J:0,)1 1 \\' Cl l 1 lr:ti n cd 1m ml. loa m '\'he To m :110 is 11 01 :o gr,,s,~ tc,.d c r; it secm 8 t o prc r cr 11 !i i;:: ht so il 10 <. m e 1hn i s loo fertile or t liat hn s been made rid with li c n, ,r n11i rn,1J m nnnr't. 'I!; cow mnuurc In m11( \cr: 1fe quant i ti (>!I i ~ l(:M,1 bnt l'h

SF. RO BEDS. W e do not be l ieve in the extreme vie,. o f tome grow ers, who 11 lnnt tlicsect'l.l~ m ay be of light, r ic h, 8111ldJ l o a m l' ai> 1111(1. lt i~ c o11 s id Cl'('tl be ~ l to l m, e lh crn ~ix f ed wide, n ud n11 lo u g n~ ,k.,.frc d, runn ing ei1 ~ t nnd we:sf. lln e on the uor!h ~idc a tig ht l.ioor,i wnll lhr~ feet h igh o n th e ~otith s id e hnl r n~ high, 11 it h tl;:htly l!o: mle J ;::-able><. Th i>< wil l gi, e a ~ hl'<.l-1oof wit h li;.thl r nf tC l 'II u niJe,] ac1 -o;;s, ( on -nhlch to n II down t ile r oo f of cloth, tncke.l torolle1-,.: 111 y 11 o h l'refrorn 1hir1y ro flrt .f kello11,1t. I .e l the r,iriers hn\'C no 11ro j e l'fi o n. 1<0 111 11 Hu l.:e b u rner, ~ ud n ~ the 11ii1> 1a pplc m eu n nd orn u ge ,!'rowen, 1 1.~e, 11la ee rl l'vet.v tlfty 01 ~,e nt fl,e f eet will p rt\ l CCtt li c magninstn h ln c k r,w1 M ake ,h-il l11 e1 8s wn,, 11 or t he \)(', l a, thr ee 1n r nu r iu c h <'I! npal'I. ~ "W lh,:, 11ccd i n t h iul,,, ~:i~ :il M., 11t Ill'<> 01 thl'ee tn th e i nclt, Cowi r thr ee fou r t h ~ of a n iu e h. r;n., the aoil with n L ,omd or l ig ht roller an d wu1er with n lil!ht ~p m_v. n ~ m:l.1 he ueedL'<.I to kec1 lh e >!O il m o i ~ I l.iut he ~11 1 -c no t to o n,n lo ir a s t oo 111u ch moi ~t u ru will cn u .~ !h e pl11nt s to t1,uu1 1 011', 11ml to l'.!,'row nail nnd 11len,lcr, ~ icelall) n oor the f ro nt u m] m ck 11 1111 >< of thi fr~m e. II I~ th eref ore a d, i s 11hle !ORO\\' the111'('( l more thinl y ne11 r the fro n t and buck


than lo th e midd le of th e lied. Roll_down tl,c co,ei0 11 c h illy n i gl11~ Wheu the 1 1 lauts lleg in to ha n i four leave!, cu l ti'" a te i ghilr at l l a,;t oucea week l' ull o u tel m npsofsp ind l iug plant s whcic the ~eed chll.uced t o fall iu a bunch T hi n to 1hreeiuc h utti ngac1S11 thedri!lgwith aoarrow hoe. Wherethe J1 luurntiondoe11note:tceedahalf.J o zcnncres, it J mys to take u p and rese t the plnuts once or twi oo to render th em m om hard y a nd stocky To toughe n them again8t t his 1-e 1110 val it j5 recommeuded to l'C(\uce tl,eir ~ u v ply of waler for ahou t ten ,lnys to rende r th e m so111c wh nl dol"lunut. 'fhi~ i s t o lie co 11 t ir n1ed 11p to the ho nr of N" m orn l. Thi~ rn ay h e llone 1,lt h out f ns t h e tomato is ,er~ Tole ran t of a trun~fn. T I L\XSP J .. \N1' I N<1 TO TUE FTEI.n. Fi rilowe,1 in Jmn1 :i1y, then with a tw o WM!e p low run o n t fnr r ow~ fo nr fcet apal't :rnd s trew in r he frrt.i li ze r nt !Ile rate or GO O 1~ 1 nn, \ ,; per nc1c Work iu a little of the fu ,,,,w "lie .. nn l 1 11ix it with th e re, with n hu ll roni;: ; ,w. !'n'ew in a. m u ch 1\l0l'C :11111 lllil( agn i 11, th11 giv in i: l. ~OD 11<11mds per acre nnil lc,a,i ng the ""r f nee le,d J--1 t h, pl:1111" iwo to three fo,,t :1 1 ~1rt, ncco,~ling to the "t r ,ni:11J ofthelnn, l. f-0111ri:-rower,;i,r<"fcr to manure 1 he J lanl~ i11 t h e h i l l, which proh:ib l y Ml CS in tile amo n n tnf fe r tilir.,r '"'l uired per ;icre. l, ut eit h er lan i~ goo. L en v e lli c1 11 in ( li e seed-be, ] lo i::row; when r elien;,; 1 o r th e cro wtl in l!, they rn11,1 come on :rn,l fn1 11i~h n relay. H m.-e,k>tl. Wt>t t he i,;r01 rnl sort nrn l pnll 1li ,) 1h1nt~ 111 1 ("ardnll_v. r111mi 11 g tl o l' rn ~,fl11;::-,:,r 11 11<1e,. if 11Pn~i:nry. \\'rt th(! row ~ dowu a~niu to 1, 1111],., 1 ,,-,,1 n fkr the 11 p h L :1n1I We h:11"(! \"(,ry little crnfiilcuce in pl nnt~ettiug rn:ich i n e~ with 1omatoes. 'fhey Ul'e J im, nuU 7ret\t 1 l llle nnd l abo1 ~ a vet1' i11 tho planti ng o f =me crops:, bnt not for to u1nt oM<, they are too tende r aml ei,s ily bru i ~e 1. 'l' hc way is to ~et hy hnn ,1 with the lle1 nid cla Sll of rueu a ull no t with chi l n l_ fittopkkcntwo r mi:. T;ike h o ldo f aplanta n

poorly ,Ione Caution th e ,;etters co11eta11l ly ng 11 iul!t le,i, lug aid1oles. ;H the 1Jottou1; illl.e the m fill in at tlw l!otfo1 u flr i,t, theuatthcl'op. f 'fr 11 1//lcc, ,,.th ; hav en u e.\Jll. ricueed mnufollowalong;J'la ceo n cfoot on e uc!i !J:1 d eoftlie11l au(; rocl,: a little forwu nl ,ind 1h1 m, h is wh ole weii;h t o n h i s t OCll,op p ollit e tLepla n t. l ~<.'ep th e p l a11tB ~cN."eued f r om lhe Mm, in a n-ssel "' ilh water e11o n gll to cwe1 thei r r oo~. I .ct l"llch ijClk r h u1e hi s owu n,-.,scJ of 1,la11h1; tnkc ouco u l "l n time a m.I imme d lately place it in a hole 1.u n c h ed in the g1'01111 if it w ill I '"' wilh 1 hc fl!'Ci 11 ot J ll'!lll C llo c plau1~ i r ,vou cx1wl't to ~h i1 _w11 1 r fr11 il In n1:irl.-:i : t; you wil! GCt kwcr h nt l,11l!<'r frnit. hnt it will m t Jl<1., .1ou. \\'h e n l)id, in ::l11 c c::rl i l'!'t fr11 ll~ ii ~1,ou l ,J be l '('IUC IU I.M-l'ell th:ll ih" t'old cat her in !he ~l'lh will 1o(' r1111t t hl'lU lor i 11c1.1littleon t he1..-,f1J;hcncet1w1 < ho11l,l not\Je 1,;nt1,,e; l ,rn1il ther uw e IK'/!'"D to re'1'1e11 ~!i;:!itl.1, \ ,C:l'C('ll('l'(1)lC\l"Hlhl 1, 111 al11 h: n ,l :011 l 11n('Hl ::t-lenndr 1 0C f 01t' i1 1, nn! d riJ Mu L n1Pro u ni< (h1 w,:i!hPJ' i111he :,.:.,,.lh grow~ ,n11<'1 t hr y UJ:'l,I' l,c pickc! wh1 111,,I' h :1 1 e fai rl,, tu1wm<'< l k~I to a cn1,~ i l er:1hle ex\c11! h.1 1>r<[oCrfcr1il i7,in!!', a\ ln 11mlo j!ro\\'11 "" n 11,,n.pro1~wiinne ,l ell'<',u;:ly 111i11e 1 :tl frrlili1.r1 wll\ h . ,,1111 ~ 1rs1 1inI_,. cr i ~1 ;rnd lll('l!iu_:: i n th(' moutl.i, while one pro tluc ed on nifro~ enous 111: rnlll'('!! ,.: ill he tou:,:h :ind ,.,ila.I 'The tn1 na to, tho11~ h ii i~ ~o ~ -c: ,t n i: n,;l. is 11cll w<>rH, J,rin)!t r<>:i lcd a~n fnu r,1 product. I n f:icf,n11 11 u ie, 1rly 111,l dn ~e of Flo r iila i6 ilc,,ervin,c: of !hi ~ ,l i~(iucth.HI. Co :,a o

Ya\uabl e paek:igel! are not wrapped in li aidw:ll'e p, 1 pe1. Thebestprintedtissucwrapsshould beuseJ,andl etthe frni ta l sobe wo r tliy o fthewrappiugs. VAlU ; -rn:s. There are s uch 11 large nnmbcr of cquall_r gnod 1.1rie t i~ t"o choose from that one can linrdly g o nm ii'I', and while at one time i t ,ms th ought that only ou c or two kirn .ls woulu bo,n r shipme n t continued impro1en1ent s with v ari e ti e~ ha v e so ch:inged these conditions tha t it is l argely a 111atterofc li oicco1personal preferen oo:1.sto whkll i~ hcs t i 11 th eg 1 '0 we r sopinion. IlI.IGHT A:ND IXSEC'f. Wilh i he tomato, as with all o t h e r vr. l>l cs in thi s Sta! e, n o 1nt'<:autiou :q.,.., 1 i11~t im, ec t~ shou l d b e u cglecte d; prevention is w u d.1 c;1~kr tltau medica tion. The 011 e pre cm iu e nt 1 nccauliou i s lo usest rnug t ob a ccodu~ts p1i nklt >d arrnnlm;re s, pev per~ etc. FEl:TILl1/. E B .\ go.-.,!f('r1ii i1c rf,wrnthc1 lig hts, ,ilw o u ltlbecm up o;;ed Of>:H 1' l. OOOlbs.o f Bloodan,lBone(GHl ..... . . ton lbt. or N! t r e.te o l Sod:i. (17 per ce n t.) ... 500 lbs. ol Aci d Ph osi,hat<> ( 16 n er ~C!>t.) ... 400 lb~. of M ur lM e or P ot~s l, (6 0 pe r cen t .) 2. GOV Stat e v alu emlxed aoJ bag ged .. P er Cent. } >m mm , 8 A> all ah l e IO Po t nsh .Plant Foo, per ton ..... ... ... .... HO pounds


I O F o r h l"Uv ier wilg, 11 11 the befit elau o r saody o r clay l oamB: St.ate n.l u ~ mbed and ba gged ...... ,.,IJS.~ G P l ant Pood J>

I RISH POTA T O CROWING IN F L ORIDA. Tile I HJ ta to ($o hrnum Tulttl1 -o&uo1) be l o n gs to th e family Soluuace".i tile sa m e us th e tomato, cgg J llnnt, bellodonn, ete. !'.lolriuiu theneti\e 1,riu ci 1 ,leil1 fou 11din 11ma l1 propo r tions and iK polsou to a snmll ex1eut. This 1,10ison i~ de \ 'e\01..ed when t h esm-face turn s i;retn from Cl[pol!utelotbe d h-ect rays of the N!rnl igh t aud i ~ thcrdor'-111 lards from Smtih .\n,crica. Tt 10till :;:roWI! wih l iu Ill e 111ouu t niu l' egi<111.o. or Chili. lt a l~o ha ~ bt-cn fou n d indige n,m s t o \riwuaaud \l e:.tco. It wa s iutrotlu ct'l l into E ni:lm1, 1 f1'<>1U \'ir.c:in i a b.1 Sir Walter l fa!ei::h. It i1< sni.-1 r!mt ''The JIO Ille .. i~ on<' or t!,e g,e:i test bh.'S11 betil)\\'C d u pon nrnn l.:lntl for uci.:t 111 r it'i', it nlTord.~ ~11, tem1J 1 ee to m"1c hun,an l,ei11;: ~ 1han :m., oilier ::lfto r (;ml.'' It is om .. r the few f<)O Iii( ... ~te111: it i ~ n ration in it."() lr lhnl will 1le k11ow 11. 'l'h e po1:itn t u\Jer i ~ not a roo l 11~ it Ila~ neither ront ha i r '! itl!C lf nor hi,s t h e s tem ,,hicb eo no ectz it with thelrtnck ei tllerlihrou ;sroo t &or h 11ir11:i n d,tbe re fore,Uocilnvt 1 n-o. ,ide tlJ,i l'laut vl'i01 nourishment ; n eithe r is It a ,;e,,.'111111.1 11101-e Chau a Slulk of Mllg;lrctrne i~ 11 ~eed, bot ii hn, ing :ye< The JHJrnto i s s i mply a u c11l:1q;cd l11U l crg r onn,l ~ rm. the e ,1 (.'I< of wh icl, Rl'e also the bmb . \ s is w ell l.:OOl\ n the


)urger numh c r of the eyes a1 ~ ou lhc C'UOI 1Jf l hc tuber OJl p osit c from wb c r <, t h e /item r.o u u c ~1~ w ith the p l a nt. Wh,n 1h e potato hM i lc, tli P. < 01 lm,l>< w ill ~we ll und l.lcgi u lo l,:;l'OW o r ~l''~\11 0111. t.:urn 1'QO I~ JI Ut rorlll tll esc s l, uo111-nrc i.lcpcndcnton th e moil;lure and ~la r d in the tuliet ro r t h eir suppu , the M m e !l ij secar l s for JJ!nnting lf t hc tubcrlllH l eye11ar-ehoth ><0nnd, theahon111 1\'ill i;: row and m ake h enlt/Jy plan t~, ptol'iJe,1 co u di ~io n ~ are r,wo101l>le whcthcr th ct be p l a11t col wb o lcor iu 1ucce,i w it h,s i 11glecye ij In cuuiug potntve~ to s in,: l c e yt'>< the c11ttc 1 l'hf,nh! rowmcuce nt t he l'IC!II cni.J, wh er e t!,c c,Yr-~ ,11,c fewer i u u1unller, and i;Jice thc piece< to i;i 11 gle ('_.-,;,. (';1eh, in ~ ucil a 1\":L,I' ; U1to di11tribut etheg1 c;,tl:>ll HlllOIIIII o r Ille tuber.s u b ~hllllC 1 -slble 1\ 0 ilh e11d1 pil'l.C. A i,:-1wn.v11otn l lm;1t 11 rce11oughtoi,:row 811"011 '.!,Jll"OUil!, IJIII Ira ~lllnll !)OJ al\'O i~ l llll!Ul"l'tl cuon :::h tu ['Ti t fo r lh ~t\ 0111,: ~ [' l'0 111 ~ ('1 1t it al. so 1n >< nut 1; J11 '0U!Cd it 11111.'" i.)l' 1 ,l11n l L't l wl,,,l c wl1ho nt much d,11,;: c r o f ii~ p11ni11;.: for l li 111/ole t~nu on e d:ili;, .\ J oOl;:t o in a com1~1rn t in,l.l' l~"l :iCU1C!l

f th ~ l:'m I. sprin;.-: l'l l h! f,111. "u kh i"/! "iflJ l~ll~ h> rctn i n 111.,i,-!111"<' often ]'l'Olhlt"t'l' II !! ''I c rop enu Ir 1!, c l<(': 1 ,-on i>< n::., ,!,_,. :w 1hp l'e!(Pl:ihlt.' l!Hlltl:'r 1><:n t"' to COIIJ;('tl'O) {.he n.Oi!' h ll'l' in t h e !'1c t,,:, n or hnmn>< i u llusnit, hut in the ,,,-eut th , t< f:il, 11:' m;l!'UN.l i>1 :ll'Jflicd, it ~lw11ld 1 0(.' tlouc for ~prl11);( nof,1<:~1 r lyin i!iCFPn;tt, 11 o r n,r,1 lr1 !ei11 lh<'f:ill rnontb!'. lf 1<'>\ tuuch grecu m"nurc i~ app lit',l u ce ~cnh. 'r h .i l au l l'hn u l,I lH. lwok e11 a mouth ,u $h: 11'l"'l;s licfotc tlm ilc d i f JlO>'~ible. lu tn l h"'c f11 1 ow~ p u!' al om plc tccom 11w1ci ,1l f r at t hurlltcofS fll)to 2,000 1 101: mlJ< pep ;1 cre ,l<'Jicn,liu;:: "" the chnractcr .,f 11 ,i,


soil. :\l i xthiswitbthesoilall(lthesubsoilby1uu11iugtwo furrowswi tha lougn,u1owbull ro ngueplowsoas tot ll.or oughly mix the fertilizer with thclSOil then letsfand for ten to t we l nidaysbeforeplant iu g. Cut rh et nhersaspre ,iously ~ta lL-d and plant when i-ea, l y CO \"er iu g a\Jout four i n eb.estleep. VAUIET!ES. The best iarieties for ph i oti ug in the South and l'!'f1eei ally iu F l orida, aNJ the enrly aud eilra eai-ly ,aricties such as the llliss' He,J Tdurnph, B!il!S Wh i t e Trinmph I ri sh c .. bb ler, liupl'()1 en, Ear ly Ilosennd C11r111en No.3nr efnvor itesecllnd eail.r varietie:<1. llurlmnk :nul Peerless a1 ,e late stao1n e golu1ther11orth,i nd icatiugthe c han~e1JccN su.ryt'lcnnfo r mtotheseasousan!llocat io n,tlieoJ iff ercuce being 11 1>o11 t ten to twch c daysior each 100 miles Tile c1111.irn!ion of potatoes ill ,er.r 11imilnr to tha t of corn l'low d:p a t first nod shallower with each wo,klng until read to lay by. !11 tb i s way the 1 s that feetl the pl.1111~ will not be troubled and rhe Jll"OCCRS of making t ll.e tub,:..rwill uot IJe inte1fc1-e.l with. When thc1incs turn yellow tile tnl,e r s are ready to dig which Cflll hC$t he done with nn ordiuary pro11ged potato hoean,J t h e rn:w. In some or the light san d y soil$ J)Otato di:;~ e r s a ni success full.1 11sed and ean he s11cces~fnll.r used iu most F l orida soil~. The di;i;icr shouM not be pe rmitted to pile t hern rough)_, i11 to i ileis or throw 1hem 1oui1hly into the 1~--i~ketij The more caretully a vcgctahle i~ hundleil the better it will strll1ethe p ublic e y e aud ('O U .<.e(J oeu tl.1 lhe1"0rcmoney it will hrin~ the g ryshouldbedouhlell.en1lednnO well coor,e,e;l. Tliepotn tocss hou l d becl:ls~ed as ilrstand


" seeondqn a l i t~an d t he culls, the small tnb<>rs;should be kept fo1 f ee d 1mrposes 01 St"l.'tl as ijuggt11ted elsewhere Cloudy weother is bc~t for ,Jigging t he crop, ns J J(!tlltocs shou l d u ut b eCXJIOSOO lo the hot suu and if packe. 1 while wnnu ed by lhe snH t he y uni ap t tu ro t hefore re:iching the nia kd. H dug d 11 r iug the sun s hine, th<'y s hould be g a then>d as they a1e dug nnd carcfull;r ,:imp t ied into ba~ k ets or barrel# and p rompt ly h aulml from 1he tlc l d or slrnded from the rays of the suu ' potato i~ #11hject t o 1 al'ious in~cc t s and di. n s~, bu t i n this country a l l o 1 ida put:oto g1 owerhasagrcatdcal l t 'SlStoc omtmtinthi s f'8 1~t1h;iu t hosefurthe r northandwt-,,1,l>ntitisunsafetopl11ttfnll r elinn~ in tl 1 is fact llccuuse 1 h e11, i~ uo CCl'tHillty u ~ to wl c n a discnse or i11s1:d s u1a y attu1:k the pla11t \HJSUS p<.'Ctl:ack into the nc sse! . \u_y other deau sack will a n swer the purpose if des i red. A8 1;00 11 as t hisisdonei, p readthemoutandlet tll emdryi,otha tt hey w ill dry quickly and tho1p:hly. Ile s u re that the .\!Olu t io n .\! are u o t too strong or the buds or eyl'll will hc dam aged T he,>! isalwa disease know n as t he !at e l.o l ight which CO Ui i:~ :1hout The H1t 1(\ thl' !)Ola l <><"S are hc~ i 11ni11g lo DIii tntc. Thi s di~ca..e can l,e co nt r u lled h y ~J!rayiugwith l.l ordl'aHx ruht 111-c, Ju :i fo r m1:1 B 11 I INiu, lhe l 11 l.1 mm 1 bcr, 1 11. the ror u u laM fo 1 ; 1 1 ] ~ol'fs o f ~rra_r~. the Tior de n ux i uclod etl. w ill I;,:, found FF:U T I LT ZE: R 8-. The followiu;; formuln s a r e ::ulap tc d practlcnlly to a lt Mil~ aml sccUou s iu the Sfate 'I'he pla n icr c:rn d 1 00l!e w!1kh e, er see mijtosuithissoil hc s t


%,000 S,a1ova\1111mhredaod ~1111ed ....... . $34.50 l'Jaot ~ OOd per ton. . HO p(lund~ SO/l lbs.ofC a1to rPoruace (6-%perce11L) ZOO lba.ofSulp.(11.\m. (?$ percent.) .... 900 lbtl. or Acid Phosphate (16 per c"nL) 400 Ibo. otSul p .of Potub (48 perc~nU .. 2,000 Per Cent. } 4 .00 Ammonia 7.:o Avallab le 9.60 i'Olub State V!\lo~ mhcd and bagg ed ...... ..... '3 3.70 Plant F'ood pu ton ...................... ~%6 PQ11nd11


THE HO !'vtE DA IRY 1N FLORIDA. Ur C. K. Ah ,Q1.,A11111a. AAAi~mnl S11periuw u tle u t Farme l"I!' [nitltule. 'l li~ lhcstock indu. ,sti-y of o m State !s In a tw1ckv.ard L-On dition. Wl,y thi is,lioukl be so Jija<]Ue>stion tl111t iscc mshard to u1,1,11cr. Tl.te1 c is n o ,section of Uncle Sam's wi,!e do muiu where fecds for Jheistock c:ui lie 11roducOO In g,cntc r rn r icty am] in ] u rg e r qrnrnt itict1 thau ri ght h ere in our l'itnte. Bnry far m er h aisewb.1r k etl iu !his inil u ,s tr y in Fl o ri da,either(orl.Jee(ordai r y ro<.l u chl,g in ,; the!!,;UUe 1e1,ort o f low oost of product i on Mo ng his isJiecial l i ne The lin i~ t ock industry l~ the r o c k bottom foun d n tl o u o! ag rl c ultu rul p ros perity the v,orlrl 0 1er Un til the fn1m ert,1 ot our Southland embark i u i t to the!ullClli.e :i:teut ,o u1 :1gri cu ltur:il 1 i rospe ri1y a 1, a @cctio 11 will u ot IJeo f thchighe,t gr 11de. Coi-u alom i, o r nuy otlic1 single ~ JM..dnlty in nop vr odncti ou, such :tll cotton o r toha c co, nc\" c r l,n ~ umde a co untr y unh-er!! u ll. r p ros 1 JCrou s und ne, c r 1'"ill. We wust have th e t fre t rn !n,a l ou all our farm.11, itnd J u s u ffici en t numbe rs to mni1ltl1in anti incrc8seour !!O i l r e rti l i ty in a l\" El, Y thnt thecout e uts of a "g u a n o" sac k nen:r cnn. The imJJOrtance of the l ive a nimals on the farm n ~ u m e un s o f In creas ing ng,lcnltun1l 11r rn! perity is eh,!n rl y intl i c:ited t:., the h istory of nat i on~. A compa1i~on o f th e ty !)t'l! or Ji1e s tock farmel"I! found in the llritish hie~, U enmmk, and Bolland, with 1 he 1~asant wheat growel"!! of Ru l'-~in, nnd the r ice fnrmen of lutl ia, h nmple r.o ill11 ij lr11t e th e close relation be t v.een liv et1toek and agricult u ral prot1~rity. ADV 4.XTA0BS 01~ LIVESTOCK FAFO.IING. Llve,i.toe k farming ne<: eMi tates rota tio n o f c ro p,i and aei. ~ ling down 111 11n e or th e !no d for pa s tur e It requin,;; nc tivity n ull sk i llful mnnni:e men t theyenr round. Jtcom l H.Jls the farcncr t o kce 1 1 un ontlool( on ma rk ~t co nd i ti ons at botb th e bnyin~ uml ijl"lli u g cnd1:1 of hiij bu~ine,s,,,. It lor i 11:,i him into contact w itl.t Ltiij fello,\"S;i s buycrnutl a11. sellc1'. Itcu!argetchi ~ out! ook ou thewor l d nnd bro.'\deos


hi>< ".1'tnJ+:1thici,; heyo u d the 11iere rou ti n e Qf S Qwing, culti ,;iti n g aml 1 1 Jin!(". Me r e ::-rain rn ising 01 sp eci al crQp farmiug, on ilH~ other lian,1, le1 1tl >< to coniinno n i; r,ropp ing, lu UIO>'PS withvu t ]!l~>IICl' e1op l'tll:ltion. Jt d00i even wor ,1_ it di111i11ate s the meado,i-s :md pm;tnres. It inl' oh-es a >d; i 11 oducc1-,.; 11:n,, 1:1kcu a l,;a liu;: p:1r, in m:1i111:1i11ing and innca~ing a~Ti cn llllrnl J'1''"') "" i1y,:o lltl :isad,isstLey c"n alw:t}'8 I.Jc rell,d 11 1,011 to It'(] th e van of pl'-Oges8 \\ hc1 1c r their IQ( "'~ -" h e c ast. .\11,A~'l .\(;L,'.S OF FJ, O R[J)A roR DAIHYTN O l'hc money ~mt out of tl1e i'i l ate ever y l'f'= "" fo r l:iir y 1 ,r o,lnc1s i~ ,11n1y np iu the U1illiv11a of ,lo lla r~ 'l'his 1noue,1 cou ld well I..; kept in the (] itfPrcut co1m111111iti0< if wel,ad e n,.,,;:L lin-,;tod farmer~. The prot ein r ~..i~ neccs~:ir.r to ft(ol d ;1ir.1 ~ t .. ck can be grown hm-e i n 1 n <1r11~iuo rwd ju ~T c '",. 1,11icty. O"' ,owpca Jrn_r, analyzin g 11; fH:l" cen t pro te j11 i~ ,-111 :11 p nnntl ro,pom,d to H,ellei;t b r au 011 !L!.'111:l r k c l. 0,11 1ehc1 hcnn h:it, wilh :,hnost a~ h iJl: h 11 iroleiu co11tc111 as llHecowpca,a1Hl 0t11 11cver railing bci:-g:nweeoi, an i nlso c,1,rnl to auy othc1 prolci11 f eeds. Theu we have tl 1< 1 ... ,. 1~ n 11. the K 1 1dzo, nnd u few other.s that b"' to make u rnr i,-, 1 )';llatahli fred, s uch a~ a lluiry cow wauh!. W e h n. 1 e :1 l i;, 1 e:11.Joh_n l mtc fce<" ls in ahundance, ~nch a~ lap :llll""C nrne. ~Wl'<'{ po t ntoei-, ca;;..~an ,, a nd Qthcrs, l!, n t 111:ike nu1 iair.1L'U luolcJ ..;n dcnt ioa e1ain cx1cn t i11 1 h cmat 1, 1 of fe<.I f ,~nu Oll l~i ,i(! ~ ourCL '!! \11u11 .. , .,,,l\":JDt:l;.[CWChnl"e in th e South O\"~tan_y olhct s,><:: !. im1 of the couulry i~ our climate. \Ve do n ot h1we to ~'IJ lr au e.-.: 1 ,a :.!:i per cent of focd for eighr month~ of the ~-car ro keep np t he nl\l11ral h eal ol th!! animal as is ~h e c11>1. AnoH er advnntug-e th nt we hllVe is freed oHJ frmn '\~i) ','i'' j usec1s or all kind~. While it may he diffi cu lt to


" 1msr nmmD. 1:, -c r y d,1 i 1 r11L :on lws hi~ own fanll' i t e hn~,,I, bur in F l or i an in the H1ilk of the other htl '<.' o ls 'l' he ], u1ln 11, :,,lc r,., ,rn t lu .i J O!rse~( 'e tter i n ,rn1 11 1 w c :i lhe1 n m l wil l not tu r n oil,1 :,s ~uou a. t h at fro 111 u r li er lncell~ wliilc its tcx1ure i~ good all 1.he way 1hnm g b Fl o1u liel">'t m al e xper ience l JH-.:'fer a hi;!'. h;:ra dc ,!e r-s e y .i!J o ut ...:,1 cu eih tiL H J ('l'1JCY u H I ""e cig l 11h uath e Thi~ ~ rade or cow will ~he ro u a h:rn .ly ,rnima l 1h n t i s ,1 g<>n \ fm n ;.::cr w h en tm ned tu p a~lln e or o n 1he 1 :111ge. Hs milkiug ea pt ciry will, i11 1110~\ c:i "e~. ~ ~1 11al thnt o r t he 1 1 me Ktoek, nud n s a ge n en\l 11l e it will 1rO duci, mi l k"' lei;~ cost th :1 11 r h e pnteJcrs ey. Sm.h nn in ,.1111 ,lo n ot Nc< J nir c i tt.e "a nu i em ~ an 1 ["lll l\ )(' 1 iug ns th o:i thur011;::lihr(~l auol ,:;o l

tin c :ilf j,; (h 'U [ ll/\.'(l i1 ~i..,,,1,1 lie 1:ila,11 :,waJ a111 I [ 1 Ul i n a Jry ,l a rk i.1u ll 1o ,Ir ,\' u ll' :111d ;cc1 up il s lllt"<: 11 ;,;lh i,y l' l'!li ng. I t ~ho.,ld uot l> c d is lmI K.~1 fut HI le;1s t ;!4 lin11rs, ,rn, l t hen ~< ,rn e of it,; da n, s ru i!k 1u :,,\ l,e ulfnc l i t In ld11k. 1 r i;] ow tu l .. :, 1n,the 111id,!le!i n;!:o:t,tip 1>e<.! in lh\Jrni!kmnl .,;:,_ i l'e O ii t 8uc k lf, hu 1nn-1, ii 1 1r nH 'I! to " lw ill 1 :'I ~ j .,1rn Ju ,, milk jlf'>< .\,t'l !u111 foil" to ,! ( ., -! .,11 the co" ~ l ull u. :il l.: e: 1 :.; t, 1 Ii., !fie pro)'l' r 11-c:11111, u t mul jmli,io11~ f ~ iu::. 11('(' c,r;u irt 111 th:i::titUc ln li e r Hr ,, r rm KIND !IF L\.\..H N ,1 11 e ::1i,:,t con~idc1 ;11 iu11 i n n1ncdiu" with ,l:ii1yi n g in lhiJ< ~l:tlt: is !hrtr we d u 11 >1 1 1ni e the C

2D tm rte, fnl i~ ;;::reat,:1, ~i11ce mu ch of the cream i s 11ot oh tai11e<.l f 1 om the mi l k. \\'i1.IJ th ef!.C J m,u to is avoided. S, p11 rat.or ct-c.110, l, ei H;; .. r 11 s o,onth l"t.! h cty te~tur e, makc,s a h i glq;:rntlc hurt e r and the butter f:it is complete l y rc m, we d fron, t he mil k, t hus rnakiug thci11du~try morep['(lf i tnhlo. I t hu s 11 e 1c r 1,een s uc cc~~fully eo 11l111dicted t hat :1 111an wi i h f11 "'"' " r un r cau fJ lJ ~e w 11t,r-1h e doll ars fo 1 at cre:11 11 ~cp:u:ilur aud ce, tnin ul' 1,el ting hiii. mon ey L,; ,. k iu '.l lf' arfr om 1h e i ncro1,-cd y iLl d ofcr<..'/l\ 11 ol>tn.ine)' t h e ,;c 1mra1 o r 111e1hod ,wer n,._. ;:-nw i ty ~y~tem nf ri-c:1111cnllf'Ciing 1:t l"l' J-: l ~ Jl \b'. l:>:t :. 1t i,; ;{C 1 wr nll.1 ~uppo,.._>;i hy those who h1we n ot l< a rnis1ak,, r,w !lie 11a 1 11 al t empeia1 n 1 e of the we !l w a t,r more l'"r1i e ubrl v i11 ""l' clay lands, i~ u e,er Qver 66 < i11 il so lr "1101, ~ 11s cu11c l 11~i, ely 1hn t w e nre iu a ,la i r riui; li <>H nf !he coirnil',Y. ,\IHI ha1i ug well ~ lu ;.: to "" ol the c1 ,a rn i u ;o u, I cy \iu,Jri e nl e:m ~ lo hQltl it. w () c 11 1 drnr u the CN'an, in t o lm ttc 11tulr : 1 the 11 1 0!!/ fa1 or ;i l lc condition!!. 'J'l e 1, ~ 1n i r e<.l t.e111pe1:1111 1 (! c an 00 h ud h y keq~ in!? t he er e m n iu :i well ; nm \ lly 11 ~ ing :1H a H t arter a tnb le "l" "nful or t,11 tte n11ilk from fh e lnHt chur11 i11 ;.: we fain t th e u ~l'l'~ a r _r a ci d it y to make l>ut.te r tr iH:l well kuowu rnct th a t w he n oue u se;, i ce fo r('no l in ;.: purJ )()"''> n l lcr lh an wli.u i ce iH 11 ~<:d aud the hH1!<'1 s (:1 11, I ;; 'II hc l t f' r, (l, ; ,t i ~ 1 , ~: 1 y, i t i~ unt ~<1 npt to ;:d oily mu l sel ,lom doe~ R O "fl1! l.i1 u l ofl'1111 r n n sl~ l i11rti 1 c nc es 1 J,c, 1 11ali1yo fl, uc t e r \'Cr y mur.h. A l~ ure l ch11ru ls llc!;t. On() '1 ot.'>' not w,int a cltur11 with :111 .r d e, ic()!; 0 1. thc in~ itlc to h1 the g1~1in of th e h u tt,;1 n s n oln \< li rin t h e churn w i ll,l o. 'J'he6e linnX!I i mr11~ n 1, M!"'l wif h sm nl l _c;ln.~s di~h , n t he li d ~o th at o :,:i ra n frll wh,:11 !1 11; t n tter lm s com (). Good hnttrr i s o fl,. u l J ~i 1c ; hy ehurt'1n;; ton lon~. Ou c of th e ;!r lt e~ t mi~ta [ ;('fl in l>n tt( 1 m;i ki l'g" i s l o keep c hurning ~" l o n1: n~ t" gM l =ill the L u tt e r in one l11 1np. Th is ~ h oultl nc n''' I/\. J 1>1Jf:,;;i:, cr itc :n, r ,c l'crlX'wnshed thor o11ghly nodel' th

ir !I : ~ g rai;, ,,r lll' h ,i l (r ;~ ~pui le ,l making it s:,lvJ a nd nily. ('l,u1 ni 11 ;:sh. ,u l ,! ah1n,r s h e ~top pc,! when the gTuinB of bnttt ,. :11 n l ,011 1 ti,,, ~;~c of u so,i: ln m ~ ~(I. 'rhe h11ttcr m i ll; i ~ i b,n 1 n 11 .. 11', :in,!:, coup l e of g:illou~ o f char wa t er :1 l,h, I. Tl:, d rn rn i~ hr" l n rne, 1 a rc, o]u tiou~ or so nt1ol 11,i~ w :>1, """ olf. Jt will lhc u lw fonnd r hn t the r c si l u nl l m1k1 1ui l k nm~ ofT wi1h it, not h: r ,(' 1i t' HCC i,, hutlN',na1k ing in F i n ; i,fa '" c :i H ~".'" w1 nl'n t l wn! fonn.J u rn ch fr oul>hJ in 1 wo ,! u ~ iuv th, hi;:lu.~I ~1 ,i ,I '-' c,f li ut1,t ;,I I U,e yea, toun d :rud r h,c, i~ :dw:i., au 1111l i n i1 ,-,,1 ,l,-,u,;111,l fvr i t h,1-' t h'" b0lt fam i li("< i ll llw ,.,.,,n rnnit,v. T hi~ tl'a d, :1l"a _1 'l! cnll~ fo 1 1wint l,n((c l' I up iu J-"<1 JJrin t s o r 11,,.,,, and when one us.~ hi~ <>ll"H ~l "'" i :11 11101<1 t.l1t'n will nlw: ys h e :1 ~ u r e n, ar k ~t. Th ('t'<' :11"1c, ,.,., c, cr, n fe 11 minrn 1 n r ,; nl o n g the lin e or ~'1 cc ,,,;,;ful ,lni1yi n .!s tha t s o1"e ,r "' rarn 1 (>t',; nrc f leohsen cd c,c ry ,..i c,.,., tht

1 ~r1:tul mat1e1~ lla,I lwttcr l et dair_ri11;: ,,1,.,,,, a:10 1 1:1 '. ,1 "I' M 111ll l" aud1 uf fa1iu;:: uwn ~uital,Jc 10 his nwk, 111, .. \ ... t U\"i'l'_I' ola i yrn :,11 ""' "t 110( O\'l,t ]1>ok th ll r 'lcl lh:it ~It-id ::[ teulion ;, husi,w.~~ i" ii,,, Lcy.,otc tu u'-'l't "'" 11 :iiryia;; Ill('""'' ;Jli~ fa_\M iu !he \ !'JOI' .. r l'!)D~!:llll :rn ol c; u -cf ul wod .: !wire :1 ,1:1.. Hut al llw ":unc 1i1ue it mcrn" n t,ett,..r ~.n tc111 .. r fnru 1 iu;:-. m:1inl, 1 lnini: a 1 Hl i11cl'l.':1sin;:: 1h c fo1ilily ,)f ilw,...,il, amt :11"" ;1l1 i1 mrn-c ,Joll:11-,. per :1cre llrnan , ,.. 1hri-liu,,,, r ra,11,in;:tlrntca11llll'-'ll .; ni.:c 1 l i 11


J \PANESE CANF. 13 1 -1 011:)!. t",C<.JT" r Animal llhln~td al is t nnol .\~siimmt l)ir c<.:101 E.xp, 1i1 ueul ::-' la li un. 1.:-,"TLtODl ;C TION 1-' 1>1 !lie sut..:s~r111 111(, d ;u:( i nn ,, f live ~tod; it i ij in, 1 ,m t a ut to linHan ahund,1nccof r,..,,J [Intl forag-e:it all ti m,::,.;. ( f Iii(, 11[1 (1n :1I ft 1'1S S<.: ~ (lo n o \ :1 1f mi! thi><, ll"C mus t p l au 0111 ~ i-, q ,r .. i ,n ion ,,,1st n ;,q,id,1" lh erc(i(] whca ut'<.' ,1!un:l :.:-r a ss ('~ will ~ Elj,p ly sullici,nt fee I f, w all l in, stuek c:<<:<:pt f<>ra short J ~owiCJ;! aui11,;1t,, ,le, ,.loj nwn r b r,tar,le'Hlt un, 1,i~i:,,,l am! J>t ><" ,l.,. 1 c < ,;M'li loc, ~1~ ;iwl often what an (um1,1<01d., k,ivwu a" 1mt>< ~rn,h Mnni,;, 1 anirn nls m e1 ,[,.1 i n i i n(,) ,1~ 1::ool li,e-~ro<.:k "" do tit .. ~, i rn\hi,ln .'l! tl!l lt :11" Lqd gu,w i ng fro 111 hirt!l hl maturity ll:11:r .i.: tlie p;os\ (,;, ,1 p,,1 ~ rhe nimtlwr~ or t:itllti i11 1h l~ ~l :ite h ; t1 , ,lnnill. ( ltJ la!t l tal"_,. J, l!IIHf ,ve h:1 ,I ~ l:! i 1 ~0 he ;,, 1 .,r n11 i e (J n .la11u11,-, 1. l!liO, 1hc1,, W<"t,, s no,11011 ILe:id ,, r c,,11 lf'. If thell11mher ufc ;ir1hl slloulI i 1 ,neas,-;1~ r:q ,idly in 1i.,, u,,;,;t ten ye ,u ~ a ~ iu the last ten .rears, w(, ~l 11tl l 011"11 011c 111 illinn and" l ,alf hen\l in 1!1 :!0. !--rn h a rapid iuel"<'an, wouhl e<. 1u i n, th [lt om fa1rn e 1s t;1ko ~lep" to111 ,!u <:e .. 11 0 11: h fo1,1i::-ct0pi-o;,e1!.r feed thcinc1'C1mur Th e1~ will prnhah l :r h e a l ike inn ea ~e in ho g: ~ ,md ~ lio. -i, p. ~u,l nl,o a (ons i, !crnlole incl"Cl1sc in 1hc umnlw,or ,o.,,.-.. u u, J 11ntk"'. Th e nt .'!' ,lr ~ l c;,;f.rn ~11) 1 l.1 of fo,age ~au ea> 110 o11wr :1 ,ip th[lt wecau ~row thflt will p1-od11ce ~nch a la1~c ) 'i, l On ,J,in,,;1ry 1. ]1)10, 11 11 .,r

JH"l'iole 1orni,:e of ,iomft 1:in,1 from ~on~mber to )larch, .f aJ~lll<'SC ,:anft is c ro1, thn t t< upplic,; a l :1rgc amount of rou,ae:1! 1 lienrJlin1 i., ot1h,ycarwhenthem1turalJllU! TUr:lt,'ll i 11 li,ui\Lroo,<; 11 y food to m ,d urnlu their lh EH!IOCI: ,luring U u: 1i inter ,<~ 11' or .-e n:ro drough1. To protln t-.: a /.!'-""I gra1hi (,r l i\'t!-ijl oc k au al;mnJ;, u ce of )!tlOll f f'<~l mu ~ t I,(' 1<11p 1 llctl The L,t,,t !01age to grow i~ nue tl rnl ,, -i ll [tr<1J11~ 'Clhc l~ J!c.l 1"1-0111 Jn1,an iuto J.rn1i ~i :1 11:1 hy n,-,.,i-nl l. I 11w ( i i-. ('n11nui~~iourr ol' ."-i:-i. ultur, , t :,; O S. (Thn., is lu,w1 , 111" a possibility that i t r1111i~ 1"1 U1"i flowo q 11 w Jl1L o;1inu ,is to whe1'C ir ,:in" r, .,111 ;,. .. r ....,._ ,.,,.J: y inqH 1 1111l~. 'fl e 'K o; (io11 n f 11u,~t i 111rKrla1wr i~ h""" O: :m rn b:1mll,. .l:,p:111!.'!< ~k. 11 111 :iy he ru ;ed m, ~il:1)...'\'. n-ink r 1;1 ~111 ' m 11"." fur;1,1c \\'lH' u lit.,.t intro \uced 10 Fludda ,l:tJ~W< ,,..c ..: :u w wn~ J.(rown r,,,. rhc 1r 0<. l udiou of syru1. lu m 0><1 ""''liuu~ .. r 111, 11: 11(' :,ml unde r the m;u:il c,>uliti<,n~. the l't'J.(1tl:1r i< f: w1nr_,:1M

eaue ll'111 I.,., all Floritla, southern f;o><,l'j!"la, southern \la h11ni11. iO<11H".1J::Jl~1'111 ,I. The., fi1"t (mt off the ~Ct!u hhi,l!fllthe1o)',llti,]CQ11li1mctoc:ilfrornthctopiintil lhPr"ti ii< 11ol11i11g Jef1 l.111t the ><1 rin;: tht: cnttlc ,w loug11 will ent olf the n e w j!"ro11 1h aud..oon kill out the 1,Jnm ... l1 l"notmh"is.1ble to\IKlm-el:1 1 ertlo:111 )brd, J.urHfrcrne,,growtlo IJe;:ln,; in llu<1,ri 11 ;.: ilILAGE l npa u ,.,"' :111< 111:i k, .,." ;.:ond "i ln ;:e. It kc c r, s .,.,,11 i,; dl~hc d lo., c:11Tlc, :nul ilt< ., ,,1 tl"'l cnu l~ iiff 'OH .\t;I:: -l:1111"'H' :1lll"ill l ,cfo un,la1"a!11abl ec1~!fo, dry wi11 t, fur s :; ,. It Is an l':l~_I" C1_>1 lo cure :1111 1 tl ll' h ~~ in ""'r aitti Jf it i, ,..l,,r<~l HI a Lam nr"hc 1 ther'l! will he h:11 ,ll.1 :111.'" I" "~. \I th e Ex J)C l"i111e11t :-\ t~ ti"11 11 c h:1, (' s t., etl it iu ri bnrn in N-01 pmbe,n11IH 1rnclic:1 lly 110 lo ~~; :111

n cetl not IJe an eiq,en,;h c ,;li el te, 11 u rn ~ he made of auy m ater i a l rhat w ill shed r a in. !twill pe h :I Jl!l l.oea,ivisalJle w h en ,;t,tekiu~ t !ic fora;;r tll -" t lhi.' I.Juli,of t:le cane~ on t he gro1111U. Tu tlli. wn l" 1 h1 c t llll'!! nl,~ o rl.J ~nuw llf the w ui~1n r c r um the ~o il, :J II\ I will no t Ury ou t so much l a1i:11 1e ~c ~a u e wa~ 11~1,, l a. 1 u111)1flge iu one rec l in :; ex per i 111c11l in he"[ 1w o1 h 1d i "" [n i ,is 11:J'[ the f .,il<>w l 11;; foc1is 1~' 1. rn 1u i"HlH I ~ l in ".-ighl ""'"~' le

~~: ~c es lh c :lllJJUHI CO!'Tbei ..: ,rore em~ a 11tl. ntlcmi o,1 must be i i ve11 t u the ~ ,wiug of tlie "'l'ed cu w,.~ l' uor 111u,lp,e<~. Th e l rntl ~ will on ly stnud a Hr.~ slight fro, t wii1 1 u 1JI iu j 1uy, 1 rnd it is JLol ~:,ft lo ri~k p r,,~ible c ['0~ 11 1c lo rr,,. ,t, The c11ne,a 1<.houhl l ,e (nt ;,nd h,111 l;r ;,, 1 n in, I are: Th c: mt 'l shn:11<1 loe 1J1,., ,] ~,, lliti l'utly ,: <:<: ,p I" JnH><:: t tt1, .,1 n;:: :iinst f, nst ; the lwHk ,1,.,,,1,1 l.,e ~it11:,1,-d ~" n~ (o ;;:i t pc 1'(, ,1r: 1 l 11 a ,:"t : if t! 1 e1'<' ~h o nld he stn11 ,li 11:.: water or ,1l,uw law 1 111 ni,t11n.1!"c;>Ul'l'/ll1 ) 1ikel,, to1nt: jf 1h c MilHh,n1l. 1 li, lted~ ~hou lPc<> 111 <1 ,l ,-y th(' c~ s 111: 1y false riJ ,ir_r ro t, nu t! n la te amo m, I ,. r 1)1 \1 sec,l h e ]; ,Rt. II i~, th e r ef n: ,1 im ]"11' t:i nt th:it W l :.,:r l 1hc ] '11 >[ 1('1' c o11,lii imi s as Ii> 1 11,)i stu r c io 1111 ban k wh, 1 w,, ,tore uu1 ,.,e ~rl ,:n m,s. rt ,ri!I ,,,, r,,.,11 ,l h tJ fl<'r1 o m: 1k, 1 w .. u1 t l11 -.:-ern 1" II b <.'d!< one 1, ,..).: c u!Jl'. It woul,! W ,n~l l (n h; tnk n w ec :1 n, -., 1 !,,:11 ."011 <'X]"' r tn n~c for :la ntin '.!. The,,., i~ :>11<,i_,-s su rne l'"~~il,i!it.r o r 1.,, ~ f l'<>rn n11i r,u~ c.111,.,,, ~ nnwtju,.-., t~e ; ,, ~ 1 ,rn_, no! e.x, i,,1 JII f>er ccul.. whik at .. 1he1 ti m e< it HlOI.' h<' .1~ hi~h ,,,.. :: ( D. MIJ,t>J(e ut. C .\NJ-; F O U Pl,.\r.T I NG. t'l ,c n11mhe1 ,r ,: we~ l""'Ju i re<.>n tlH }is t an<(' hel\ Y t.'< 'PI t] ,p t'n\\~. the d ist:111 r , "' whi d1 1ht ,n nl'~ nl'e U1-0 1 pe1l i D 1hc rr w, uml th e h 'n :th t o l\ hi ch th e c :1 u,:,s ar e cut. Out e~peri cu, u hu~ ,Ii o w11 i'l,111, 1111t 1ing lilP I'()\\'~ 8 fret. n Jmr1', :1,1100 wl1<,le can e!'I ;1n .~ nm ci en t to JJlnn i :,11 ; 1cr : ,mtl ir good ~, 'I' d i ~ n~ed Ul "(l eun11;.:h to;iveun,-x,clle nf,,, t u11 tl. R-eh: ct "ul,,health ycnnei<.nud rej('Ct :\II that arc '. T 'en a,u l mHi1'Plant i n rmv~ <'i:,;: ht feet apmt. Cut the rnne>s in 1i t~"' lm1 ini,: thrre ., four e .vc~ toapie.!e,amldropiliemin a '1 o nh! cliue.


" i::mne fnrmen, droJ the en n l'!! iu a single lin e from 1~ to J!:i lnehC!! npnn iu th <.: 1 '<.,w. l.\_, thi~ method ot p ln nti11~ it willou l y require fr o m l ,IIIJO t.u1,500canesto1,la n t11n:1cre. 'l'li< pt'<> I J(: rl ,1. \\ "l u ir e mwe.111e1are1)hl11\C', it will h efouud 1 11:il th,._, u,ake ei tll Pr nu g1'<.>11lh ur a n 'r,I' uu~:iti~ratto rJ 0 1, 1:. Th P old l'!'l uhl i~hc ,I e:111<,; have ~uch an ,~!,~ i1"t r,JOt ".l'"t"rn an d dn1w ~\ lu:ivil_y n pon the pl fll l\ f(l,.,1 1 nn 1 ~oil m .. i~h11e, tlwt Jiu ll ~W C;\ lll-.C ha, ., Jilli() c l11111c o to rnuke :111y ;::row1 h. 11 ; ,. n,iy irn 1~lrrnut !hut a goo1 l Mmul or c u111J~ ,; houltl be ,.1,1:,;.,,.,l,111!u:i1 1 -,.t pln111i11;:. Jr.,uly a h :1 !f n two.thir d .~ ,.f :1 ,1 :rnd ,;J,oul,I 1 -..,,.,,:ll't'<.:11 hi\'alea 11 an e that will 1,1 -0,!11, r:!II 1 .. :s ,,r ,me th : 111 on e or tiaH th at y i el,J. H<1arl Ilic .. r y ll( '!:'I J~s >< ih le stnnd. l:,,rm, 1 ,l.rntiu;:, th, ;:r,, un l ,-l wuld l ,c, pto,n .. 1 lwo:uk:illu 11r.r l it ,h.,nl,\ be h:1tTM .. 1 will, the 1,.,, 11, h:u,ow. IJ anow it twkrif u.:e l,;,.,i.:11,1 so 11" \u 1 ,ut t hf' fllr f:1,-, in goo, \ (ihh. l'h c t'O\Vll c nu 1~ l,1id ., if hy r li .. 11,; ur th r 111:i1ker, ll'h i t:h i ma : :,, o f :! hy li irwh lnrnhl'r. 1h(1 l' IIO llt'l'S l,,e i11 g ,;e t OIi d:.:c at the " l:lllt C '1jl;l l' t 1hal (I,;"""'" )It"(' wnuh;, 1 auol lh<:11 1 ... ,1,-..: d "11111..if'ntl,, to kl-eJ 1ht'm lu 1 :tL "e. \ ton g>1P is :itt, i cl>l~l 10 rh, ,u~"b1~1c<.' in rM ut arul a gui le mark1r i" 1111,whL~ l rit ll o, "idf', :it the 1tn1~r,1islance I<> nmrk th e m ~~ I row. l'f>I ,,p:1lrl hr e lo s,, !n ;:e 11, e r w a" I n lc:we a.\' uar 1~w H l'ili::,s pmil,lf' i 11 1he \Jott.--,m or tla, f111 ow. The ,ltil':1l.,rshnultll,prttnr1mqni1ede,.,p. Jfnol "hen rhe ,:ul<' ~ ;11 (' C(>v('rt~l th , ;:1 ~ ,1 1 n! will l,e l<'h in ri,1~!'11. in


29 S t e adMb eii,gle,el. l11 co vcringth ec ;111N1itwiUOOfound ueces11.1r.1 to ~d t he l is k s :is far apar l a~ po11 11 il>lc, AO llS to girn1 w 111forfhecaucslietw<.'('U!h edis h. Wh entb edibk 11 111c ~cf e l o~i u ;; cvn~re,l, w i l l be thrown out 0 11 t h e to p of tbe be d. The 1111e of the dl~k cultirator fo1 rbi 11 work will reduce the eo llt of plautini::by :!;:i to JO Jl<.!r Cl' nt. which m e n us l lllll'h i n lhe l ntHlc,.,. tuf1 >11 11 lu ct iu 11. l L. \ N' l' I XG ,l11~t 11 h 111 01 l a11t1.h es c"e1J.c:1n,,,. i u F l( ,1 tl n depcndsuu t h e l n e,llit_r. l'<>me 1 wHe r to 1,J ,rn 1: i11 t he fall, a ( tlw t i 1ue of ~eledini: tJ,c canc11. T h is 1 11,;tho,I r<.~ 1 01:e.i l li e e:,q,e n s e l.>y th,~ omi~~if11 1 of lh e Cflllt o f l>ankin::-. F' a l l plautiug i s per lrnp~ 11ot w ell ~ui!.euthern par t, thel'\lit; lj l,;ely to \Jc a ~l' e :, tcr los,,i or s eed-came< ,lu l'i ng l he winter sea1w n ll e11,,, if fall plau(i n g ~J,onld 11<.! pr,1diceJ, t he !'Cllltll may l!c a u 111 i,;;1 tisfa1ctory st an d. If 1hc see, 1 cnnes arc lw.nke,l a wl \;{'J f fill ~ win ;;-, the n only tir>st 1-' lori da l< 'or fa ll 1 1l nnt i u i::-. ~,w,,1111,c r IO to '.!O will 1 ~ l'l ,a (l 00 the l~ t ti m e. F or ijpr in ;: 1 l:rn1i 11;: 11, ,. mon th o f .\ln1-ch will UC Hie most ~at iRfnc1 J r ,r. All lc 1ri!or_ Y nor t h o f (hinc ill e~ h oul.J pr11 ticu "Pring r ,l anrlug. All ,m u th or G n i11csville ma y tl nd fall plnu1iu;.! ~ali~r,,ctor_y uu l e 1 o r dinnr_'I' condit i o11s J, 'ER T I L J 7,JNG


Ammouia ... l 'ho,..a,:itl .. 1' 11111~ 1! ;j ( 11.'I' l'eUt. ...... H i>CL' 11'Crac1't! lt nmkc~ 1i 1 r1,i di l h :t cucc wl,ctlwr uur ~om l'<' ,, r ;mPu., nia i ~ ,hi ed i, l uo / ur klll1'h:11e u( (HllUl<)lll:l Li k~11i~, ~ "IU'Ce or pot11sh makes uu 111:dedal Uill'crcucc. ~;iucc it. (.\Hir,.,. a [,,u:; :; 1 u1ring ~ 1:.1 ,nn ( ~!,,.-eh 15 to Xon>1nl c r 10:il Ga inC!

TAB LE X (Contlnue,l ) J ~panuc Car.o, F orlll i ar T u t. 19C9-1910. fo;inc rhe ,h 1 1~rnt-.< w heu growth Hart>< in the ~p t iug, Wll w i ll flnrl n,nt the fC!'ding 1uot ,. ,\.,uo t>.1 li;w ,:i 11u11leac o 1111idc111!.,le ::rowth. ln f nct th e tn ic~ mn_y 11 :nc grow n m much n 11 :i fo(l1 hcfon, 1he N>OI'~ make :1 smrt. Tlli~ earl~ grn11 1l cot11('!< from the tor<:il. the he111icr!

" mt i o u 1< honl,J \,e sQu.u:w hat u s fo ll ows. About 1 he lime g r owt h hcgin1<, ;:i ni ,1 thorough cultivntion, sUrr!ng the gro und to a depth or Three or four inchel!. Thia mn y be done with th <' lisk h;11mw ,:::vi nit be{Wl'('U lht' r ow $, o r wit h U 1 0 tw u-h o r >< the n e w root ~ h:l.\'e n ot yet 111: ufo :ony /.!'"" th Th e Jl~t "PJ1Hc,Hiou of l! honf(] h en 1111lie l jn.,1 before thesl-eo nd cultimtlon. Th e l!l .' CO nd cul til atio11 l!ho ule !h oro11gh, l iu t uot ,i s ,l ce J ns 1h11 lir st. Ai< the c11> 1 t-o utinU( 'S 10 il'ow, lhc (] ep !h of cnl 1il aOo u i c ultl1Ht io 11 w i ll ho:, fom1<~ or i i u e r ...:, li n i: n,ol>< will lie VH.f u en l' i h c ~nr ruce,ui,1 11 .,oftheu 1 uot11wrethono 11eLa lfi nch ck-ep. D eei, cult h-arion,Je.-,.tro_v ij t hl'f'eroot , r e t.l utinJt" thef.:. Wiugc., p ac it,1 ,,f I ll e p l::nt>< :1 nd ~" re,Jncing I li c gro1> t h of the Cl'>I II AR\'l:w r nw. '!'l ercis:11cuU,wr,1forth11fo1ertobeintoournchof a hu r ry l o J.iurn,st ,la1~wese ca ne. 1 o 1 ,ro o.l u ce the bC!lt n;1 JHy ,,rrec>, l :l!J fr, r;1gecro1111mnstl'< ft"Ctli n )l:1;1]110. The formation o f the s u:i; ni ,l(le!I 11ut bl., 1 ihlL.., wh il e tile cr,,p iK urn k i ng a 1 a 11icl g r ow th Wh en ;.:1 ~ ,wlh ee:1iH'I< and the crop be<,;iu !J to m:ltun:-, w hid 1 occ1 11K i11 1h1 rnl l ll'h(' IJ cool w e 11thcrco 111 (>11 i s th e time t h e r .. rrnatinn o f ~11;..'ilr tn kl'!< pl ncl.J IUO>!l raphll,1 Il nr, ,,sti n i;r 11 ... 1 1forc ,.l, ,n l

001111leofye,Ngrowththerol\'iil!l> r e.'ldout l now idel,vfo r a c o rn h arve,;ter 10 work sueccs;;[ully. \ maeliete c orn knire, or hoe will he fo un d to do sa[iijfoctory worl.. No doubt M more fal"!HCr~ grow Japauetl:l l'Ylllacliiu e r yfor h u r n,,t iugt hi Hc rnp. J .-\.P. -\ )1 I ~~ 1 ~ 0, \ :,Jg .\ND VEL\'ET lH:AX::i. 'l'he f.-e,,H11g mlue of Ja1m11e!!e e:u,e 1 ~11-1t1te nrn.v be in crt~IK ~l b~ plautin:; h t beaus betln:eu the rowi;.. If th rowsofJ.ip,rnei;ecaueareeight fce t aJ~lrt,a r"wof1'\llvc l beaus m ay be planted lletweeu the rows anti Mill lea n room to culti1Hte 00th cane aud be r ms. l'lunt the vcl n~t b en n ~ :111110011 l\ij tli llCOncatar t s n e w grow th l u tl..ics pr i ug hop U te ~ins nbout two or t b 1 't'e feet npa rt i11 t he ro w. ChCll>olh cnnennd!Je11n Hgoo ,l culti,.itiou uutll tlle\Je :1u thro" 0111 long run11c111. Jf the be,rn,. a~ uot planted ci:1 r l yinthcseasontheJa1-:111~cancwillgc111Jc~tartan d will ;lmo,;t compl e te ly 1 1.ic ,eh'et bcl1n1. A~A LY S I S A NAL\:818 or Alll D lll!ll) S.1m L i: Wa ler .. .. l' rotc i n Fnnc ... l <'i\.,.-r. ..... 6.71\ 1 ~r cent. . .. l .37 p e rc c nt. . . .. ... t.89p c r ccnt ABh .. 20.60 1 1ercent. .. 2, 0 lp e r ce n t. .G 7 .35pe r cent. Nltrog eu frrel'xt r act (ijuga rs, etc. ). (A naJygi~ C rom u n published dat,1 of t h e Chemical D e par t m e nt of th e Flo r id a Agr i culrur:11 1-::tperiweu t S tatio n.) J 11 pan es e<..k,u1eis r ic h 1 n cnrho h y drat es, but p oo r 1n p ro1 el u Thi s ~ho n!d be remembered whe n feeding it. We shou ld 11otexJ>ectitt o fake tb e 1 )laceofa l ltheconecn 1 r.1tC11 l11lhe r nt i o u H owever, @Ince it is r i ch in curbohydrn.te11, it is "u l y uoe~,;.'lry to sup pl y feed r i d.1 in protcin in oo mllina1 ion wifhJn 1 x u 1c;.-ecnne toobt:1iu tllcbest !'C!'llllif.. If t hi11 1 10int J,ck e 11t in mind we \\ill n ot b c d iimp 1 ,oi11tt>d in the te11nlts we obtnin from fee,.H11g th i~ to onr lin'!ltock.


P rotein C.,bohydutea Fata Ja pnn~'IC' cnn~, 10 prnm0d, JO JK)tmd <1 1.71 .u ... To , .. ... .. . .... .. . 1 ----!-----,--(Nnttlt h e ra t io, abo ut 1:6.~) Ja l"'n eo,e ca n e. J ~ JIOundR . .16 \ elv e tb{>a0Rln1>0d.!0110nnd ij. J. 71 CoH 01u;,-o,d meal,: 1><> nnda .. f----1----1 :: :'.:~_ ... ;i o,_ i~ut i;s.c:; 1 ~ ~~ 30 l :_ J:a J)a.lletecane.l0,pnnnia.. H I 7 10 I ~;;; ~~a l>!::i~ t ,~ i;rt;,;; ,;~~ ; .: : :g~ ~ :! ~ T o ta l ..... .... ... .... t-------,--t(Nnlr hlve ,-alto. ab0Ul 1: 6.7.) Is Japanese cone hanl on lan d ?-'l'hl" iii a qu ci. tion ask ed quite frequently No douht .Japnnel!e cane I~ h"rd ou lau,J. Any cro 1 prodneo:i Huch nn abundant growth of forage mu,;t neces!! arll J draw ,ery heavily upon the 1 1lant f OOll in t h,: &Oil. If lb. en the 1 1la11 t food ill n ot 11up pli etl L,y libera l nppl i catiou of fertilizet t~e soil will soon be co 1m .1 ~i

:.!. Jn1 ~111<.'f'c cnne i~ the d c:11'<'1<1 fo1,1gc nu() silage cro p 1h:111\ "CCH n gro" a .. 1 n 1 ~ 111l-.

SORG H UM F OR SL/\GE AND FORAGE lh J ou:-i .\1. $corr. Animul l ndu.d ri :ilil!t 110d ,\ssillta ut Dire ,c1or Experiment u. 1 'hesorghum nll ( llm,.rec1i,c, ltooli t!l<'nl!C11li"n rrorn ourfarmcn;. T his i~tl<>:1li!l0eia ti"n or the q11:1IH i~'>' ,r I he ;.::1,1i n 1nod11< :<' .r 1 heir long, 1(1<1-"

37 8 1 L.\ G i : 11'" Gl':~E ll.\ L. i-(.)HUUU~I f-ll ,. \U E.


3S 1 ie11,lii111~ of "" llW.I' wtican produce some other crop that will.1 ieldfro 1u twc l 1 ,:tollfteen tonsperacre,thtln the cost per tou wi ll he n..>< lnccd t,y nearly G0to7:i JJer cent. :-,,OWfNG SORG H UM. :-:orghut11 J ), a~ then the first cutting can be har v ested in J11ly an,l wirh fnvorablcconditions, nnoUier good cropruayhehm"''"'tcd in O ctobe r The (JmlD t i1y or ~eerl rcop1i,etl t.1e11eo,Js upon 1he method of sowing, wl,ethcr in dril l!< or l,1oadcast. [f !!Ow n in Ufills, 21) to 30 pouu,l~ of R-ed w ill L>e 1equired 1~r acre. Tr ,;own broad cn~t. more ~c'l'tl will be neede,t, ,nr ying from on,i to two bu,; hcl,; p e r n,;1e. It i J< lik,ly t hat if 8oWU in row~, n. d i~hrn ce of ll11 1'C0 t th~:md a lwU feet h ctw~ u the rows, an,J from 1" lo 1hr<'e iuch('II betwtwu 1he [l lano, in t h e f the seed-bed at 1 h e tim(' If the ~ewl h c d is w ell p1-ep11rcil n1 ul there i~ plc111.r of moi.~1, 11 -c iu lhf' ~l'i>lllhl, ll11n :1 ha lf i11d1 to one i11 di j ~ as ''<' )' n~ lhe ~ee,1 ~hrml,l be ~on: i l'(';>dc1, h ence it ,-,,.quin -s :1 l:1 q::e uantil,, of f,,l'tili>. l'l' Thi! a 1 non11( howcn't\ w i l l n1r,v wit ], the r 1 m1lily ,,r lhl! soi l. Frn111 -!00 10 ;;:rn 1 pnuml~ nf rr.rt i l tnut:1ini11g: I percent. i3pel'cent. flpc1ce11t Rho11lol lH.' 11~,-.<1. 'l'hf' 1,:rom1d ~hnnl,\ he t!Jo,.nu~h l _, Jll'C JI Hrt ' ,pp l i,rl a or ten day ~ 1,l'forc ~n"iu;,: ti,\' ~,e

, Hie r t he crop i s hllrl' t$ led, with n s nrnll 1 ,l vw U,row a 1< h lll low ru rrow awn y from the sorghmn ijl ulm ; y t h e fcrtiliininthis furrow nndthencove1itbyt h rowln_i:the fmr, iw back aga in. Jfll() r ~ huw is plnn tc d nfter n crop o f \' ,,;in muc h soonc1 a!l t h e you ng 1 11 1~ w i ll uo tbefl()Cllk1 1y cm credo rpu lle d o utdur i ng tl u : t\1'l't cul ti rn t ion. whih the.r a11 e q n i1c ~lllaill. Thi "' cHrl y n1lt iv n tio11 wi ll not t ml, r l :cc 1 tlowu n et.1 ~, hnt l h < iml'lcmcnt oue m:in o r boy. an;! two mules, w ill cullln 11cmo r eih:1u tnlcc the:irea,nnll th e11oil will be le ft i1111111d, 1,, tt Nco111litiuu. tl1:rn whcu lteolol fah l o nectt,-.1 qm11it,1 of rora gc; 1,n t e n i n the 1wn-~ncchnl'i nc ,nr ic ti e>i nre nlmo~t l~ pi:il to 1 rab<,;r11~8 hny i n f <"e

douhh:t hc nmouutoffeetl thal frow thesaHJcn ,c;i ofer;1l,g I-,1ss 80 1 gho111 h, 1y, when fed w ith \ uau and cot l'>n ,.._-., ,1 ua:a l, will he foum l 1 0 g -ile gootl r e,ulh iu the tlai r .1 Ju faltenin; c a t tle fo1 t he mm kct, ~ ,irglrnm hay sup 1 ,lie'u ~h u,n will pa~ T n n te n h c :Hl of c at.tic for te u d;iy N I f 11ot J"~t u n~l tuu clo i;cl y Licfure 11ie cnlW~ n e n.-n vn e,; l." ijCCon ,1 giml'th rn11 be ~ ecu 1 ed, whi c lt w i ll fu ,, ni~h a1 <1 'l":1li ,, n ~ han shown t li t i:-rnin o1 [ 111;, non~ acd1nriuc ri, ti, -,. .,f ~01 l111m i.o. of cou slde1ablt i 11q:i

11 nEJ.DS IN 'TU E SO RGH U M VA RIF.TY T E ST 190 7 Th e11e figure11arethererultsofonly one yen r'11t c,,.t, 11nd di o uld U ere r orc be taken on ly as i udieating rough h' w lmt th ey i e ldamaybe. Yi e ld pe r r e or Yi eld per ~c'O : NAllE OF VARIE T Y gr,,en forage :ra in In ho hc M, l kd Kaf1 r Co ro .. i;l.i ru k .. U o11ey .. rillpllug ... .. .. ilt'Own [Jurrn ... \l innC!< o t 11 \m bcr .. ... .. l'lnuter 'i;Fri cn d No.36 .. Omni;e .. .... . GO<.Eene('k, E rect ........ . l'l auter~ J< ~rlend No. 3 7 .. Amber. t,umae. $ h a llu .... Wliile K nfir . .. ... ... . fl oo~enecl., P e mfaut. . Collie r ........ Uc d A mbcr .. Cii;oe ...... ... .... .fcrusalem Corn .. Y ello w .\Jil o .. !a t ouo. to pou~d ~ 3.00S 1,1 8 7 .50 10.22 3 1 ,030 .00 G.2 8 1 r,G :.! .iiO 5.900 r..:;o.oo 5 .a ,;o 4 ,;0. 00 sJ112 n ;;. oo 1 3. 0 68 7 8 7.00 u.s1a 1,:wo.00 l G.007 i!l3.00 Hi. 318 ~i.50 J 0.41il l 0 :l:1.50 12 .44!) .J :.!9.!'iO U 1i5G 2,1 1 '.Ui0 8 .H i3 i t 7.0 0 19.0:lG fl.-,G 25 13 .S9C 7 12 ;-;o 12 .28.'I 1 .;;00.00 1 2..1:i0 9\lU.00 8 ::0-1 4 : '\S.0(1 !) A S i UOfl,00


DWARF ESSEX RAPE FOR W I NTE R FORAG E. B\' J ons M. SCOTT, Aniuml Jndu~ t r ial i&t 11nd Al!Sistaut Director :i:perimeut 8tation. l :ST IIOD UCTIO~. I 1 w: 1d E AAe x 1n1.e i~ n c ror, we l l ~uitefi to \o'l uri, l a co ndi riou,.-. I t i 8 eJo:c,,;nt fu 1 teedin; hog~, dair y cuw,, and ~hee1 ; H,.. it will produ ce 1 11:,uy tom, of good u ucrilio1111, f eed J ll.'t a cre 111 a timtof !he yt-.,r wlH:m c,Teen feed s nre scn r ce. Tlir o11i;h ,m1 a ll n;: n iur1iou of tht> i5t nte, rn 1el'>! nnd Mtn.:k,ue n co u ld with a1lrn111a;:e, l!l"Oll' tu ore o f !he ~u ccu~~;~tl~~r;~f;J~1~ 11 ;:::.:-:1;i f~~;~ j ~ \;1:i:r ;~/~: .. ; ,1; ,~t~ ;~::11~~1 ~1~~ fon 11,; e i~ of1cu limit ed. :--ud t crop, 1 m:1 y Uij11at1 _,. he 1,rrown o n l.uu\ tl mt h ns alre:111 ,1 p1~1dnred :rn e;,rly m:1mring c1op. One of I lic be;o t or th~'! inte, nnd 1<111Ter~ Hry li1t ll! fnun the e

' l '!IE 1-:\0lL 1 01( J Ul'E. U n 1 ,e doe.a well o n n(l(lrly all l.imlt< n r so il ; but, l il.:e m an y o t her erop11,thehc tll'rthe1<0il the !n rger the, r ie h l. ,\u old ,eg eta bl e flcltl would l,e a remark,ih ly goo d l 0<:n1ion, an d wo uhl req u ire the at11lition of o nl ,v 1 1 ~ m all an wuu1 of fe r, tili 1.c r. F or the best resu l i~ rnp e mn l,l he p l nut e d 0 1111 ri c!,, moist, loamy soil. It w ill u~unlly do well oo nu y but liJ:h t sandy soils or st i ff cla .111, ~uc h so il s bel n ;: defl ci,wt in vegetab l e 1 un tter. .-\ny &o,ils that will 1 1rotluc e good c r opso f 1cget11bles,wil\alwgfrugoo d yiuld 11ofrn pe. It 111 revar ted h y 111..""e ral writ,:, rs \l u ll mpe i11 nl~o 'll ell ndu 1 1ted to newl y clcn red woo!llnrnl FERTILl:O::EI!::;, l' raeticully noth ing ha11 liec11 d o n e nt th i s $.t :1tln n to ruitert a in wlrnt fc1tili1.el"I'!, o r comb ina tio n i; of fertili1.eM1, ,::llehe.;tretmM;hut nlmOF;tn11_, go ot1, eo11 1 ai u i11g nOOut N i :,: p e 1 cern o f n110monia. ~cnm 1 oc r ce n t. or ph <>fl p ll o r ie nei,1, ,111 ,l ei gh1 1 ,c 1 ce ut of J> o t:i~h ap plier! :it thu l' nteoffr nm:!00 tn 7 00 r1ou 11'1 11 J >er 11 er ,will he fo und ln;ttl cgoodre,,:11lff<. l'h el 111-g cramo nnt w on 1,!bu a1 1 p lill<' I O!lJl'll>!'t' r!a11,l 1< :1tu lth e!l'l'S e rr11nn n11 lo n t h e r ic h e1,.0!111. l'fl :J>.\ H \TIO~ OF 8,0 TJ 'l'oo mnc h ntlrliH11 t : aunot l)e p;in:1 1 t o the r,>pnr a tlon of th e ti e l d for !hi" ~ 1. Thoro11 ;: h pr ,..p:1 1 ~11inn M !lie ft('III ls 1 11-., ~ ec ,~ 1 t)f l!II CC O 'l'Sf u! fonuill'! ll"li<'f h cri 11 l l nri, 1 ,1 01<'1,mwhct"('. :-uch 1 -ep: 1 ralioa of !lie ft el,\ ni\1 not onl;v r ednce 0 l(lnftt i rcn lti1'ntio n b., 11 ::11(: h ut it will a l l!Ornn .,ct,e ll l:uge a mo11nt of 1,;0i l wllfe r w l, i,:h 1, o nlll (llberwl1low, nil tr a~h nm] lit!<'r Pnn hl"b uri cd; fo1 the m ore H",; c t nhle ru nttcrn e cn n ~!I iu to t he w i l, the more fer tility w e add to it,:rnd tlte m ore il sw ater l1 ol d in;tc.1p11c ir y i~ in creni,e,. l. The p l owing1

ridged. I t i11 w e ll t(I harr ow w i lh a toothed lint-row after u ~in i; Ut e tli~c ,,;o a s ((I get tbe surf"cc 111 th c be s t t i lth. HOW 1'0 !'I.AXT llapernnJlk!Jll : ,u le d i ollriJ !sor!,a,1!~ i ufc,,tcd wit h ~l'Cll ,,; .. r 11oxi )11~ 1\"ee, l s, it wi!lbel!t.>ttcrtc, p laurintl rill !ln u l_;::i ww111 e cu lti va1i"u. H.;q ,c i @ rather a 11 l ow gro wer a t !ir ,t; hut nrte r reacl,ini: th o height of lht.._ 'C or ro ,or i n d1 0< i t gr ow ;;. 1npillly. I( JJ!an tc d in tlrill ,,;, th e ( !rill s ~h011hl n ot he lll O J" C l h: Hl t w,, C1.:Lo 1t w oand a h al ffr d 11parl. lti~i h cwti t e so pini n l hlll more Mii;;. f 11e10r y rc ,m lt ~ will he uli1, 1 inN 1 i f i t i~ pl ~uh'd in drill ;;., fur th e fotlow iu g ,c, s,1 11 ~ ; Fit-st, rh ,.""\! I ll l('t;.!! l\"ll~ l c wh en l lll~ lu r e d. a,; !ltud;: 11:11111 ;111.' wal k be tw ee n tl I! row ~, ,uul ~v d o nvl t ra1111 le :1~ m:111y pla n ts .. ; l (':in'~ nud er f oo!. :-lC1. 'Q ud, l ess scec1 nc L" c will 1 ,1r.r r 1 um 1hr~-e lu th usiiy n, oh k '( ] by f<.:elill j! (la c nnllllll l ~ (l lit(I/' h H I O \" l,l t" /lin, j11 . uul tul'll 1he ~tock on !h e r;1pc to Jmst n r e wh eu \/, c,r n r ., h nn gr ,,. \\1Jen lina t tt n u c,l o n to J~'l~ t u,. c, l et t h, m ..:rH7 .e for vuly a few minu tC':' tbc tii-l!t Ua). a t~ o or llftt'ell ,'11


ut('II; H,e 1<~-cond d;1,1 Mllow theiu a fow minu!{.'I! mo1 e, um ) ,;o ou, un til the,, hueome uccu~tornet l to rnp i :\.n other ,JHl1cnlty fonnd in ,~1 st uri11 g t..~ 1s ou rap., i11 that it mnJ' ca1111e a di1<11i;1ceahhi taint in the milk. T bi11 may he on>r come by wsln;;; n little care awl jml~rnent i u foeding. ff tLoC0\\'8:lreallowcd to pa11tu1..;uut11urap c fo l' ai.vut HD hour jn~t ~fore uu(! nfter 111 llki u:;, 11ml ut 110 othe l' tlmu, ver.v little, if any, difficulty will be found. Yrnl,D l'l R ACRE. The e:qoetlence of thl.~ Station in l,.'TO\\"in,:: 1 -.1pe hn11 ,;bown ,1ield" of from !!7,:!00 to 3:J,:.'fl6 JH,rnnd~ 1ier Ul'"re. 'J'ht'lle n~nlt ,s rwe<. '<. l OH t]lr, cro1111 of two years. M auy of 1heXonhu1 n ~t:tte,; rep o rt .1icld11 of iblr(r tu fifty tuus of,:1 cen f orogupc r11 c 1"t'. ~oilouht thcrei11111!cn1yorlun d iu Florida CIIJIUbl~ ot gh-in:; e,p1al]y good retUl"llll. U:\PE TE S'r, 1007,8. Three i,101,s of dwitrf E Sl'r:\" 1aqie were sown in <.!rills, the r1l\\" S l,ein g lblrty iucheij ap,1 r t. Plots 1 aud 2 were &o\\n ou Se1 )t ewl1UJ 25, 1!107. 1'he ground w:111 thoroughly plowed, m1 etl Each p lot wnH gil"cuouecultivn1ionforeachcutting11111tle. On helter ~oil tile yi,,J1l contd incren ~ cd from !!,'i to 50 percent. 11il1,0111 ndditionnl COi!{. E,en with the,l'i<'ld of Hi.59 tou,s from r,lo! ~. tbe per ton WHY 1Clltl t han $1.:\0; nn,1 If we increase the y i ehl, we will at tb e ~n me ti ntere d11 1""elhccu,,tpcrton. The tahle11 which follo" :tl"e the ,lnte or plauting, the dntc or lrnr1('ijting, o.n d the _l'i(']ll or 1;, f'<. 111 for;i::-e p e r ,ierc for l'a..11 cnlting, aud al ~,, tl,e kind and :uno1111t o f f er tilli(ru,re,,i.


Yleld a nf Gro e n Fnrage In 'fDn t p ~ Acre The follow in g is the cmupo~ition of rae: j C ~ t ~ ~ ,P ~;l!!~:: Iti spracticallythesamecompos iti onascabb11ge




DI VIS I O N Of TH [ STAT[ BY COU N ms. P ollowing are the divitc io n of lhe S t u te, and the CO UD tieeton tnined i11 eac h : Nm1:hcrn Uiv itc!ou. Frank lin C:Hd~1ku, U 1rn,H1o u J cllenso u J,a fayette, ""'" Liberty )fodl llll n, Suwnnuee, 1'o~ or W olrnlla. 11 W utern ll lv\slo o Cnlbouu Es c a mbia, llo lu ics J ackl!On, Snntll R Oii a Walton, Wa shi ngt on.7 Northenatern Oi ria io u A l ach u a, H a l. 1ir, H ru d for d, Clay, t..:olumbla, l1u1 al, ?-.'os,;ou, l 'u tn um, St.Jobna.9 Ccn t ru! Dili a ion. Cit r us, Uemnn d o, Lake, J ..e,y, M~rio n Orange, l' utco, Sumte r \'olusla.-9. Soutb tro Dl~ i o n. ll revurd, Jl ade. J)e Solo, n illP-bon>ngh, L ee, Manatee ~ Jonroe O ~ceoln, l nlm Beac h l' o l k, St. J .ucie.11 I


DEPARTMENT OF AGRIC U LTUR E C(!XUl :x i:;EU xon :s OP COHIH:$1'0)/1) 1 ~:STS. IJ y J)J \'lS I O .'. S. S011T1 u: 11 :-: fJ 1n~1 01< .-8iuce l a ~t rcts fo 1 n ru 11 U!lllita 11 y thiu ga larg e rc ru 1,o fco tt o u tha11ha,Jcrcrbcc u u;.ml c h efo r e l\'ere all t li;ll co u !,J b e exi,ectetl . \ t th e l' !"t'M'lii th (l ( OU tiltion i ndi<:ale~ t li:lt r y l i t 1le llJO I'(' !11;1 11 Jn tl!ac ropw l ll l)(lob 111 l oc,J. '.l'hL'S ccu ndi tiouijareuwlng of coutH, t o th e hcal'y uu(] coutiuu o u ij rail,~ whi c h ftll. tl!roughout J u!y auU August. ~c, er lu the hi~hw y o ( cotton grow i u g i n tlti ~ Stnte hare th e climat ic c o udi(i Q uJJ b een mure di sruul'ou~ to U.c cot ton c 1 -01 1 t lmn in 1 hc two mo11tlH 1 n:nn c d. 1 he p1-os~tin.' y i c! U bn se,.! uu t he )'1 ,,._.,.. e11t cumli tio us cun ha r (ll y exc<.'e d t1n1 thirfiJ"--':!11 f1, r ac ottuncropbetter. llu tthee 1; ces11 i verain11sin oon bove da te, to;,ether 1\'ith sha q .H1boote r tliee nnd so m e li oll ll't ~.'1 i l~, hmc cnt tl1c cottuu c rop ut l ea st 83 J .:1 p er eint. In lbeca~co r eorn, a !Jetter crop witl.t hi g b e r yi e ld bm ~eldom been /;C('D in thi.@ co untry; in fn c t all o r t he 8 l nu d ard c rop11 h n,c d oue well exee 1 1t in th e few l oea l itielf 11 here th e hem .r r11i11 8 are r1;; 1 )0r(cd to hnve pr:i ct icn ll y d ro 'llncd out theswC(! t 1 ,0 1:11 0 au,J flehl rea cro!ff<, bnr I n tlw nrn jo r hy of ca ij~, lhc ije crop !! tL ae cqu 11 l to Hw :in, r ag e Cl 'U J!~. Tl it. fruit cr o r f;, ~ u cb ns pelll"I, 1ieachet1 etc., whil e not 1 ~ r y tnrge, bro u ~llt the befot pr ic e11 thnt h: ne l ,N' n o b tuin e d for U, e,;e c ro 1 .o< for ma n y Yl.'(l~, ij O 11,nt w hu l :,~ ] (l>< f in o huu e w us lll(Jl'O 1hnn lUU (\C \I I' i n qu al it y :111,1


11rolit able 11 ess The c1i111atic co n ce111 11eo r toom u c h rn in,: rnll 11 l :u1tsnrecate uu pi n 11e:1r l ye,c r 11!1Cctio nor11ic c,,111 uy loy c:Jterpi \1;11. 1 he enrly 11h1ntet.l l'ecnu~c o r e:-tcCS1,il-e r.i.iua 1 rn d worms togetl1er, and nil 1 1Ja 11t in1,'I! conside red, it is geurr a ll y \.lcl i c,e,I thnt 7 ii per ce n t o f n nor mn l crop \\'i ll b(i :1 hill'. y ield o f coHnn in lli is coun ty Corn I ~ not as {rO' l :1sln -'ovedivi s i on. Ou the lm~is o f these ~p,ortll re l at in g to co t ton. the cr o1 ,;:, i 11 t hi s d hision cnnno t exCf.'C< I 7 2 per cint. of 1hc n oruml c r op, ond we believe that thrse Bi:-111"(';1 r,que"" t h e i!l tnntion c or N!Ctly. N o 1rr1J1uSTE11x Hr nsros.R eg artling t h e eon,Jitio u o f th <.! l lo n cro 11 t her e ill v e r~ l lttle d i fTc rencu nij l)ct, 1{'{,n th e ~it n a t i on in th lR 1lili@io n IHld in !h e two for rne1 onc 11 A lt .,f the ~ fanolar d fl cl .-1 cro p a e,;ce pt c o t to n hnY e Uo ue e r y wel l hut t h e condifio n ofthn t plant cau l>C$1 bccx


" pres:< ur the eouuty ll l "C al11101!t bare or foliage from 1be worms nn tl the fru it !a hnr1Jl,1 ,w,rth picking, t..eiu;,: ro 11cnttcl'i!il. Ju another count., whcre lurge qua n titiei:1 o f 11e11 iM l autlcuttou nreg1\lwn condit i ons n1etlesc r ibe1:1, etc., seem to ba,e an a

cotton aud gcnc!'ullJ rnn!l nrens of corn arc grown F ew ofthcc1/!!g1owniuthe11ortlie1"TI,;CCtionoftho!':l:lte:n-e grown in OJis nt 7 5 per c <:>nt.. whil<' fo1 1h e 8tnte nt lnr:c-. the 1:,er ccn1,w c of Jield f:1l l s to 70, which w e he)iew,, "ill h e fou nd 10 he abo utco rr c-ct. In co1111ecUo n w i th the di1r!'!11f: 1C lm 1-.. 1,,., 1;, 1w,,lo; ,h] e.


.. fl cport o f the Condition a nd Pr1>1p e "ive Y iel d of Crop1, F,.,it Tro u and Fn.1 l t for Quarler Ending Sephrnber 30, 19 11 a. Comp ared w i th S

corn. COO NTll,: s i N orthern Di vlion! ., .. o ... ,n .. H &m!l t 0 1t letl' enion . .. "' La. l &Yette "' ::! ~ :1~.:. "' "' d l 100 80 Bu wanne~ .. .. ... ... ~:-~ri;::: ............ "' rn ,.A~er~per011nt .. W Hter I ii I r l ti : ~ BugnrC;o11 i 5 ;; Ji !~ h r ~ :; :: g " "' ., mo


" f~ 1 h N orthern Olvl1lcnl l !:::; ~ :.;~~: : : .. --. -,-~ ~--=...:o~. +----+-Larar e 1te . 95 t:!',~!~ .. : ;~ 1: ~u "!~ ::ee .. _..... n t~~l:~:~~-~-r-e~~l: +_ :,ii-i -+--,ii -+~'-+~~ ~vrfo~:: .. V olugl Div. Av& r n~e pe r ee11t. 6outhern01vl a lo~1~n,_~,:: DeSoto .......... lllll 1b0rou11h, Le e ..... 0.C,,01& P alm B eae b . SL Le ela .. o,., A .. e,..,,.epe r cmt .. j o,j


Con d itio n and Pro specti v e Y ie ld of C ro ps-Conll ti utd .... "~::~~::~~ T i~ ;.~t l -r r it 1111.1111110n. Jeffer,ion ... L;r,f;iy ,.,tte .. t~~:?.: .. M 1ldi11Qn .... S11..-,rnnn rJ~~?i11.:: k, ~';fo,; . : Vo111,h1 Div. A1'ern,:-e per ~nt .. ilr m:mJ. Dad e ... DeSoln .. .... Jl lllboro u gh I.ff .... " .. 1i: ii .. ~Ff~fa~~~: ::::: ..... 0 1 1'. A1'~rllge per cent .. 1-,,-+-..S +-..,,.,-+---.,,,~


59 Condition and P roapcct!~ Y le !d o f Cro P9-Co n!111ucd. I L__ I


' Condition aMI Pro1pectlve Yldd of Crop-Continued B radlo rd Clay Co!umbi& . Purnam D!v. A,etftK I! per cent.. >-ir +-,i---+-~ -+-~ ~,.:io~: ... Orange :: : .. .......... JJI. Averag: ....... Hll b l>oro u gh ~ce

61 Condition a nd Pro pectiv e Yield of Cropo-Con!lnued.


62 Consp cetlv0 Y\eldofCr0p-Con!inu e d. s Nort l\O rn Oivi $ i cnI 8 DIY AV

63 Con ditio n nd P ro1pocti',e Yield o f Cr op-Continued, I I Oran~ ,i T~Y. j i~ j ;~ .. ,-,. ,, 0 ,. 1., _... t 8 r ~a~fo~ : Orllll;:G. : .... ... .. .. . Div. Ave va~<'l per cent. 0~, ~ l~n~. :... :5 "' '" ;; "' I 0.,Soto . ..... .. ~ Ii llll1 1boro11~ h "' .. : ... "' 15 " .oo n;, ,\v crn,o; e r ~ r cent.. :: -,,--,--,,--::,\ate v ver a t;., .., c,,n t. '"


Col\d!tlon a nd P,0 1 pecti,,eYle!do fCr op-Contl nu ed. COUNTIES.


" Condition and Prc npecllve Vle d of Cr09-Cont!11ued. Cali,ou11 ... ~~tlt~ W h!n K t on . rn ... A, r u; e per ~ nl. Northuatorn Dlvlalcn ~..!'dfonl (:lay ... .. D!~. Anrni:c 1,er c t nt. .. l ,eYJ .. )l ar!on ~r.i ~!-:-:. O h. A~en1,: e ve r cent .. LO


PAR'l' III. Fertilizers, F eed Stuffs, and Foods and Drugs.


SPEC I AL SAMPLES. F l ,Jridn ie theonls State i n the Union 1hnt pru,idesfor tho "special sample ," d!"Bwn l>y t he 0011~11111cr o r purchm ,er, undc, proper ru ea and ~gu!ation s 11::i:cd hy law rn be 1 ent to the Stllle Luboratory r or analyi,ia fl'<.! e of co~t. Any citizen In the State who haa purchnsed fcrt.ili7,~r9 or feeds for his own u se mny d raw a sample of the aarn e, accordingto!n~,and havetheumea n n!yscdby lheS! s.te. Ch e mist free of coat. Aud in ~a sc of udultcrntion o r de ficiency he can, on es t ab li shing the fact, recci~~ clonb le the coot of prlcedemnnded for the goods. The law requires t he "!l. JJecial samp l es lo be dra~n in a rnunner to prevent the s u bmi11Sion of spurious gnmpl~; mies nod regulations are pu!JIU!hed in anycitfaeu~uet1tiu~t b esnrnc. 'TllE SPECTAT, SA~fPLE FURNISHES TIIE CO N SUM.BU WITH THI~ SAME PROTECTION DE~IANI). ED UY 'l'H.E MANUFAC'fURETI wno RUY~ ATS MA TEl!IALS ONT Y UPON GUARANTEE ANO PAYS FOR 'l'REU ACCORDINO TO ANALYSIS. AND 18 PA ID FOR IlY TEIE CONSUME R O U T OF THE FUNDS DERIVED FROM TRE TNSPEC'rTON FEE OF TWENTY FIVE CEN' f S PER 'l'ON PArD ON FER TILT7. ERS AND FEEDS SOLD TN TBE STA'fl':."


70 RE GUl A'flO~S GOV l -:t:~J .NG TH E TAKI NG AN D FOl:\\'A I U)]:'.\"G OP F E 1! 1'H,17.lm on CO ll .\ tlm, Cl.I I. Jr EE DJ;\G S'l'U fl' S.H ll'I E: S TO TUB CO M !tl~l)!Ol\"Blt OF \(iltlCUUru m : 8EC'1'lON 15 OF TOF. LAW S. Speci a l 11n nq1 le;s or Fcrtilirurs or Cowmereial 1-' J:!li nc: ll!tu tt'H se n t in b y pui-drnscu, nuder !section !) ot the lu wa, lh 11ll l at 1 l r111rn i11 the ))N'!l ente or tw o disin te 1 -.:?11ted wit =~ It ~7:::.~;1e 0 ~r T~l~rea.~~~ko:;"':;~r~:!1 \: :i:00~ 1 : :: 0CN Cl13 !0 1"S 11 "-L11' l VU1"U} s1 Br 1 R& l'Jh~CIID IS A CA.N 0 1 IIOTTLt :, ~1 ;,\J.EI) -~1"1) 11i::sr r:nA DJ S r~r i,; 1rn 11T&D P AR T\' TO C011i JlS~L(!~l:IJ. O F AC III C\J l,T U II E A, 1' 'f'AI .. L "-IIASS F. lt. No-r LS.\!11 TIJ.\S E: IUIIT O!Jl<"CE1, IN A TIS Co\/',' 011 IIQTTl.11:, WILi, a cci: r-r1:1> FHN A S.\l.\'811!,. This rule l/1 ndop 1 c d ro sec ure f air 0::11111, Jeii or ~nn!clc n, sire to m:i k e t h e nc c<'fllllry Je, tumina ticu,; nnd t o u!lvw t h e P rellC!"ra t ion or o d11pll c1tte ;nmplc 1 11 tn~c or 1 1 r of1'"l or :1ppeal. 'l'hiij du1 1He ate w!l! be ]lr e'!letn!d for two montb s from lh e dat e o f cer l i lkn 1 e of 11nnly /l.i>1. Th e S r: m l C!Jemisl is not the pro1icr office r to r ecei ve P" Ciul smuj>k"' fro m t he rm n:hn11e r The 1 11"()11riet.r o f t.he metho,\ of di-awiug nnJ sending the 11 a1Hpl e11 a k fixed IJ y lnw i ubl"in u ~ Th, ~ ,!1-n l' .-in;.: :rnJ 11rn ,ling or special s nmp les in rare ee. i11 iu wmpli.,noo with ln1'. Snm1!es :1re frequ e n tly IIIW t iu p,ilM'r ]'~ek:ig e,,o r Jinpe r lioxCII ba dl y pncket.l, :rn d tr... 1ue 'lt l_ v in \"er.r 11rnnll 1 11n 11 Hly (ICIIB t h an ounoo); fre qu e ntl y there :ll" e no m 111 u11mb c 111 or other menn11 o f klenli flcn ll nn; the 1 1ost 11mr k in !!Ollie iu stn n cCll being a bsen t. I "ou ll l'n!I t he :11t ,,u tion of th,:,s,c ,.-bo d ,:,i;ir~ to nrn il the rn /0{'1 l"l'fl or this 1,rMlege 10 Seclions 9 and 10 of t h e Ja ,,. ;""11id 1 :i r e de:i r mid ex11!icit. ll ert'n( t cr ,t rict eompli nuc" with nhove re!ful!llions ,ri ll b e Tl'l]U ired. 7'1, c 8/lmpfo nrnM not be l cu /l,~11 one W / !""'lid. in a run or bottle, M:o led and riddr e,aed to tlu! Com mi .,1io 11cr nf A9ric,ilt11re. Th e ,en der, nam e 011d ud, tlrt llf ,.'1Pf 8 I al,o b e on f1' e prrckn~ fl d ni/e llt)pl yinr, Ill -,,e,c illl 1rrmp/e 5 o_/ /erllfiter1 flJ" com,uercial /ttdinq ,tu b,


71 A one pound buking powder can, prop e r l y clean ed filled witl:l a fairly d,awn, well mixed sample taken fro m re,. e ra l sack is r, p\'Qpe,. snmple. It & lwuld be tcafod and uddn :1 w : d l"l Ille (J o mmi & 8i011cr of Agricutt,1, c at 'fal l(lhos w.:. 1 /rn smuJc,~s 1wmc mul addn :: u 11 hot1/d a/80 be pla oc .ton tl, c package I f more tho11 011c /Sample is Beti t, th e s runp/e s sluwld be numb e red 110 as to identify them. All thi lf s/w 11 /d 1,e done ;,, tltc pre11c11co of tf1c witnc.Js u ,md the package mailed or c.i,pn:88cd. b!I one of t /14 1,1,,"-itne~m: 11 1'hr IO!,'S olT the ~nckR sbould be J'Ctaiued by the wn der t u co1111m'C witli the cercific, 1 (e of ana l ysis when receiv ed, and not s,.m t 1o t his oftlce Tiu : dale of /he drawing and 1tt:11di11g of the ~amp l e, and wrme 11 of the 1citnct11c 8 8hou ld o/ 1m /Je retained by the8eJ1der;11atttnt to thit offi.oo. INS'fntJCTIONS TO PURCHASimS. Pu Tch u ~ers orP. eaotionerl to pnrchnse no C ommerci al Futi l izer11 or Comrnn ci nl FL'<' d i ng Stuff that does not benr on cocl! 1mc/;11r, e nn nnnly~is t:1g with the gu:ir:mtoo re.:1ni1-ed by l:1w, aml the stamp showing 1 h e payment o t t he in ~ JJ

72 INSTRUCTIONS TO )IAN"UFAC'fURERS AND DEALERS. Each packab'C of Commercial l ~ertilizcr, and eacl, pacli: age of Comwcrdal Fe{)(.liug Stutr, must have, sccutcls a ttached thc,eto, a tag with the guarantl-ed analy1e1i11 1-e qui red by law and the ~!:Imp showing tbll paymllllf o( the inspector's fee This provision of lhe !aw, Sedion 3 of bot h Jaws-will be rigidly enforced. Manufacturers and dealers will be required to properly tag and 11tHm11 ead, !IJld,:ige of Commercial Fer ti li r.t1r or Comtnerr.inl J.'eedh1g Stuff un der penalty a1e1 fixetl in See tlon 6 of both laws 'l'ags shall be attached to the top 1m.l ofeuchbag,orheadofcachbarrcl. OOPIES OF THE FER'l'ILIZJ.:m AND 8'f0Cl{ }'Elm LAWS. Citizens interested in the ferti l izer and stock feed !nw o! t he8tatc,a1Hlde11iringtoomilthcmselve$oftheirpro tecti on, can obtain c opi r,s froo of charge hy gending for aam e to tile Cornmilll!ioner of Agricullure. COPms OF THE P URE FOOD AND DRUG LA W. Copies or the Pure Food and Drug Low ri1IC1J and regu lati ons, standards, blanks, e t c., can be o h!nined fr om th Commissioner of Agriculture. FACTORS FOR CONVERSION. T ocon vc rtAmm onia into nitroi;(en, mu!tipls bJ' .... .. ... 0.82 4 Ammon ia into protein, mnltlpty bJ .. ... .... 5.15 Nit mgen intonmrnonla, rnu ll iply !i.f J.2 14 Nl!nt!e ur sodu into nitrogen m 1 1 lt ipl_v by ...... 0.1047 Nltr-0gcn into protein, mnltiply b.v ............ 0.25 Done phffllphatcinlophOl!phoric aeld, multiply by 0.458 Phosphoric acid int o hone 11 ho sphate, multiply by 2. 184 lfflr iate of potash into actual potai;h mnll.iply by O.f.32 Actual potash int o muriatc of potash, multiplJ by t.583 8111phate of po tash Into ucfuu l potash, m u !tip!s by 0.541 Actual potash Into sulphate of potash, multi11ly by 1.85 Nitrate of potash into nitrogen mult!pls by .... 0.139


Cu.rbonnteofpotu llh in to11rtu:dpota.@ h ,mu lli11 l_v h y n. GS I A ct 1rnl potub into cu rbo nateor pot a s h ,multipl.f by l 400 CL!orine, in kain it," multiply pot111:1b ( K ,O) by .. 2.a3 F or i u stuuce, you buy 06 pe r cent. nitrate of sod a and want to know bow much nitro,!? en la I n H 111nltipl,, !) 5 pe rrent.by0.lGH,youw ill get 15.H,"i per cent.nitro1,-

lf ,\ llKET I'HICES OF {.; ll.E ) II CA J,S AND FEHTlLIZ IX G )JATBlllALS AT FLORIDA SEA l'Oll'rS, JANUAH\ l, 1911. ,\)ll,IO~'IATr.'.11, Ni1r.i1 e of Sodn Ii to 19 % Ammon i a ..... Su lphate or Ammonia 25 to 2G % Ammonia D1it'd l.llood, I(; to l!l % Ammonin , Cyn11n 1 mid, 12j to 131 % Ammonia l.efllltb an tento n11 IS2.00 Dry P ls b Sernp, 11 % Ammonia Hi gh Gt:,de Snlplrnte of P otosh, 00 to 95 % 8 ul 70.i)O {17.00 4.0. 00 liT. OI 11hale 4.8to60 % K ,O. .... f 56. 08 Lo~ G1nde Sulphate or Pota11h, 48 to I' % Sul phate, 2fl to 28% K ,O. 32,0., lfur ioteo f Pota~h,80toS5 '7o )luriate, 4 Sto50':{, Kp. M.00 Ni1r n 1. e or l' o tn 11 h, Imported, Hi% ,\mmo11la, 4 1 % pouvh K, O. 91.00 Ni trate of r utns.h, American, 13 % Amm oni a .a:! % potar.!J K O. ~-00 K nini1, IZ to 13 % Poto 11 h, K O. .. .. . . . . 1!';,olJ Cnmuln U n r horic Aeid .... ... .. .. . ............. .. 40.00 Low Grnde Tnulrnge, U } to 8% Atnmouin, 12 t o J.I % PhOl! plmrie Ac1d . . . . . . . . . . . 37 (10 H otel T11nk:i,1.: e, 6 t o 7 % Ammonia 7 lo 8% Ph05 phorir. Acid........... .... ............ 2Ci.OO Sh eep Mn uure, ground, 3 t o 4% Awmnnln. .. .. 2-1.00 I mported FiHh Guano, 10 % Ammonln 10 % l'hoe pboric Acid................ ... .... ..... ... !15,0 0 P ure Pine Shi11med Ground Done 3 t o 4 % Am mon l a, 22 to 25% t'boep h orle Acid. 20.00


l bw noue, 4 to 5% Awwoniu, 22 t o 25 % Pho &ph oric Aci d ........... ,.... .. . .. ..... .. 8 4.00 Oro nnd c a~tor Poma r.e 5l% Ammonia, 2 to 0 % Pho ~phoric Acid ................ ....... !!G.0 0 Bright <.:u t ton ISee<.l ll cnl. 7! to 8 % A m m onia .. : n.o o (Je rk Cot ton Seed M eal, 5 to 7 % Amw o ni a . 27.00 Pu oe r ao1uc Ac10. 81 gb Grode Aci d Pb 011 1)h11te JO % Availal,le Pb OH 1 1boric A cid .... ...................... $ H'i.Of Acid J't, 011 p!rnte, 14 % Avollnble l'boepliori c Add 14.0G Hone Ula ck, 17 to 18 ',l, Avol!oble Pboq1 1 horic = a~ High Orn d e Ground T ot,ncco Stern', 2 to!! % Ammonio 8 to 10 % t' otash ......... ...... 22. 0t Uigh Grnd e Ground K e ntndr y T obaC<'I) St emn, 2 t o 3% Ammo nh1, to t o 11 % Potash ... ,. .... !!ILO t 'l'ob arco Du 11 t No. 1 2 to !1 % Ammonia 2 t o !'1 % Pot u~ h .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.0 t O nt T olmcco Stems in eack s, 2 lo 2! % Ammon i u. t o 5 % Po 11111h .. ... ... . 20,00 o,.r k Tolmcco !'l. t em~. holed 'l to 2 !% Ammo nia 4 to5% P ota~ h ....... 19.00 !. 1111d Pl a~1e r in sacks 12.00 Ttu c h 11r:;reB h y ~pntable mnnufrtcturen< for mi:l'ing nnd i..g glnJt nny ~fl!"Clid or ~lar fonn ula are fU:iO per to n l u u 1.-.,ia of above prtcelil.


NEW YORK WBOLESAU-: PRTCE S, CU l ?RJ::NT ,JU LY 1 1911 -1''E UTJL1ZER MA TE UIA LS. AMJ.IOKIA!'llS. Ammonia, sulpb:.1e. r orei:;:n. prompt ... ~3.00 l'uturee ...................... 3. An1m oni a sulphate, (lomerrtie, apot 3.00 ruturt'>l ...... ....... ..... . 3.00 Flb ecrap, d r ied, 11 % ammonia and H % bouephoaphnt e,f.o .b .flij !Jworke -"' 3.05 3. 05 3.05 per llllit .... ...... ....... 3. 1 0 & 10 we t ocidutated, 6% nmmon in. 3% pho~phorl c uclt], defocred . @ Oround fish guano, Imported, 10 nml 11 % ammonia and 1 5% bone 11!105pbate c. i. f. N. Y. Da i t o. or Philo .. 3.G.'i @3. 65&1 0 Tanka ge, 11 and 15 %, f. o. b Chicngo .... 2. 7G & 10 Tank age, lO Pnd 20%, r. o. b. Chicago ground .. ........................ 2.7l'.'i & 10 Tunknge, !l pnd 20%, t o. b. C hi cago ground ........ . ... ....... .. .. . 2.70 & 10 T anknge, co n ccntrntcd, f o.b. Chicago, Htol5% ........................ 2.70@ Oorbage to nkagc, f.o.h Chicago ...... !l.00 @ S h ee p mnnuN> ,, concentrated, r .o.b. Chi cago per ton ............... ...... 10 .00 @J Roofm ea l f .o.b. Chicago, per u n it .... 2.60 @ 2. 70 Dried Blood, 12-13 % nmmonin, f. o b. New York... 3.00 @3 .05 Chir-ngo ....................... 2.00 @ 2.9 5 Nitrate of Soda 95 %, @110t, per 100 lbH. 2. 12@ futures, 95 % ............... 2. 1 @ P JJOflPIBTEI! Ac id pboa 1 J h ute, per unft.... ..... 60 @ 62 Bon es, rough, hard. 1 1e r ton .... .. .. 22.50 @23. 00 110ft, unground ........ 21.50 @ 22.00 ground,stcamed.1 % ammonia, and GO % bone phOl!pbate. 20.r;o @2 1. 50 d it to 3 o oil 50% ..... .... ... 23.50 @2 4.00 rn w ground 4 % ammonia and 50% bone pho e 11hntc ....... 28 00 @2!1.0 0


Ti South Caroli n a ph011phute rock, kiln dried f o .b. A s hley mvcr ......... Fl o rill a h rnd l>hl e 1J11o s 1 1 hau rock, 68%, r. o .b. Port T a mpa 1' '1a .... Fl orida hi gh grn de pho 11p ha te hnrd rock 77 %, f.o.b. J<'ioridu portl! .. ... 'l'en11 eue pho1 1 1 hn te ro ck, f.o.b .\.It. Ph ~ a aa ut d omes tic, 7 8 to 80%, per 7l:i % guo rnn teed. GS to72 % P OTJ.SHD. .lfu rl11 teo f po t n.11 b,S0. 81S%, ba11i11 80%, 3.CiO @S. 76 3. 7 5 @4. 00 ri .7{; @6.215 6,00 @5.Ml 4.75 @5.00 4 .25 @ 4.t>(I In bags ... 88.0!I @ M: uriate or pota,b, mlo. 9 5 % bo.11ia 80 % in b n111 ................. . 39.G5 @ lfu riutc o f 1mtn11 h m i n 08%, bnsiB 80 %, in b ags ......... ... ....... 40.50 @ 8 ulp bate of pot111h, !Xl 9 S%, b atia 90 %, inb a1,"S . . .. ..... .... ........ .. 4 6.150@ Doubl e immure s alt 4 53%, bntlB a.t !! ~r:i ~:1:.ll~ ~ : 20 .;.;, Ki), i ~ b~k.: ii : :::i~ 1 ~1:i 11 i 2 ~ G:, ::8, : : :~i~ : : 1 ti~ f


S1'ATE VALUATIONS. For Availnble nnd Insoluble Ph Ollpboric Acid, Awwuuia nnd Potru;h, ror theSeasou of Hill. A'l' n ilablc Pllo>!pbor ic Acid 5 c. n 1,ou11d ln 110luble l'l,o sp hori e Add .... ....... l c.;, ponud Ammoui;i (0 1 il.11 ei.p1 i 1",1io:u t in 11iln~11).1 71 ,l~e. u 1 w,11 11d Po tni.h {a.11 uetua! JJ,Ofosh, K 0 ) ...... 5}"::c. 11 pouo d H calcu la1 Uuds,or 1 percenl.,in a ton. We .!Ind 1llistobetheeuiC11tand1juid:estmet1Jod forcalc u lating the valne or fertilize r To i ll Ullltute this, take for e:,;:mu plearcrtili~1wh!chnnnlyzC1111 a fol\ow11: Av ail able P h011phoric Aeid.G.22 per tenf.J:Jl.00-$ 6.22 In soluble Phu~11horic Acid .1. 50 per cen l. 1: .20 .30 Ammonia . ........ 3.4:l per e(!Df.x 3 50ll.97 Potu!J ........ ....... 7.2 3 per cent .1: 1. 1 07.95 :x ing aud Uagging 1.50 Commerela l value at 11ea pol'1a ................ f!?7.9' Orn aa follows: A nilable Pba.iphoric Acid .. 8 pe r ceot J:Jl.00--f 8. 00 Am ,nonia . .. 2 per cent.J: 3.507 .08 Potosh ... ........... .. .. 2 per eent.1: 1.1 02.20 M ixing and Baggio&'.. ..1.50 Commerelnl value nt 11ea portt ............. J18. 70 T ile above valuation s are foreash for material deli "f red at Florida ~aporta, and Ibey cnn be bought In on t on 1 011 at tbe.e prke. nt the date of i auing thi1 Bulle t in. Wherefertili1.e!"llerebought11tinteriorpolnt1,tll. e additional f reigh t to tha t polut mud be added.


If pureha11ed i n carload lots for Ca!!h, 11 Nd n ction of tcnperee11t.c11nbemadeinaU01 lnutions,i.e : Alai!uUle Phos1ih or ie Add . .... !JO ecntll per uuit Potw;ll (K,O) ..... .... .. ...... .. fJU ceu ta per moil A illillonia (orcquivnlcut in uilrogcnJ . '$:.J.lG per unit 'l'he vnlotltioo11 and mnrket p 1iees iu p rece d in g i llu1:1ka t ion1:1areUasedonmlll'ke tp1il:e1:1foL one IOU lots. STAT E VALUES. lt i11 not intendeU by the ''State va!nation" to fix the price or commercial vnlue o f n given lwuw l. 'I'be 'Stat @ "fa lues" u r e the market prices for the n1riuus ll!)IH'QVl'l l chemical s and materials n~l'd in mi:,; iug or rumiufoct.ur i11 g eon 111 1ercial ft'rtilizers or c(>1uruereia stod: reeJ ar the

so 0061 1' 0S l tlON OF F ERT ILI ZER YAT E JUALS. SJT(l()G l:XO U8 .llATIII.IA l .11. I =( ro,.,.,...,.,u,


81 A\'E B AGt: COMPOS IT ION O F COMME R Cl,\J, 1 ~ ~:ED STU1''1''S. Bright Cot'n Seed )1ctil !U \6 ;J!i.70 28.GO 7.80 5.80 Da rkColto nSttd.lil eul 20.00 22 .90 37.10 5.~ 5.00 L IID'et.'j ...... .. ... 7.60 35 .7 0 30.00 7 .2 0 6.3(1 Li11 ~eed ) l enl, new J )ro8.4.0 3G.10 30.71J 3.GO ::i.2 0 w1 .,,at I.Iran 9 .00 1 5 .40 5,.1.00 U IO r..80 Wh e at M i dd lings. 5.40 H i .40 5!1.40 4.10 3 .20 Mill e, l' \>c d \Whc n t ) .. 7 .80 IG.00 5t4 0 4. 80 5.30 rihip St u f! ( Wh eal) 5.GO li. GO 59.80 5.00 :'l.70 Col'n { g ra iu) . Corn M c :il. Cnrn Cobs. 2.10 10.50 09 .GO 5.40 1 .00 1.00 9. 7 0 68. 7 0 3.80 uo : m.1 0 2.10 5UIO o.;,o uo Corn :md Cob )! c al. r, _r,n 8. 50 GU!O 3.50 UiO Ti nmin_,. F c ...-l .. ...... 4.0 ;; 1 0 50 G'l.30 7.85 :! r,u Cor-n ,ind Oat ~, equal 1:1r l! ~.70 H HiO G ~ 20 4 .4fl 2 .2 0 Cor n nud Oats F eed g . 1 2.lll S. iO Gl.70 3.7 11 :t~ H. i rl e_v (i;r raln ) .. na rl ._ $ p ront~ ...... B ar ie.' 111111 0 11.tll, eq nal "'"' 2.70 12.40 r,!) ,80 I. SO ~ .-10 lll.90 '.!7.20 42 7 0 16 0 1; ,3 0 6. 1 0 1 2.10 64.75 3 :4 ~ 1 2. 70


" AVERAGE COMPOSITION OF COlfMERCIAL FEED STUF1''8 -( Go11 1/n wed.) I w [ ~I 7~ NAMF. OF 1-'EEU. i I t 1 [~ I .; -------+~ '-' ~ '" o.. ii. ii: I j "_ 011t1> ( groin ) 0:1t Feed. R ice ( gra i n ) . R ice Uran Ri te Unll 11. R .1 e ( g ro i n) Rye Hr.u1 Wheat ( g ruin) Co w P .50111. s oj 00.1 ~ 1 ri.oo 3.0o 6.10 IG.0<1 G 1.0 0 7. 1 0 3.70 0 20 T O 70.2 0 0.40 4.UO !l.50 1 2 .10 4. !l .!1 0 8.80 10.00 35.70 3 liO : (8 .0 0 0 7 0 1 3 20 1 .70 IO. GO ~5 0 1.711 1. 90 3.50 14.70 G UO 2. 8 0 :l.60 l .80 11 flll 71. 1) 0 2 JO l.811 4.1 0 20. S fl 5 !'.i. 70 1.40 3.20 20 10 IG GO 4 2.20 2.2 0 7.5 0 V el v e t H e ll n a an d Du l li! 0.20 19.70 5 1.: 10 4.5 0 ~ 30 \' ell et Benn Ilny. 29. 7 0 J.1 7 0 41 .flO I.TO 5.W tt eggatwt '('(} Da y . 24.70 2 1 .70 tl0.20 '.!.JUI 10 .911 J a pnnc~e K11(lzn Ilay .. 32 H 17.4 3 : ~ l'l :!O 1 117 11 .B' l' Cotto n See d (whole) . 23 20 18.40 2 1 70 10 00 3.511 Cotton S ee d nu\1 11 . H.40 4.00 3G.UO 2.00 2 GO Glutl'll F ee d B et! f Sernp 5.30 2,1.00 r n 20 1 0.r.o 1.10 ..... 44.7 0 3.28 14.75 29.20


S3 OOM l:I.EUCIAL S TATE VA L UES OF FE ED S T U l 'FS FOR 1 11 1 1. l 'o rth e8efl!;O llOfl9 llt l:iefollowing''Stn t ev ulue11 11~ fll"cd ft!! n gui de to purcha11e t'II T lieijc vuh1eij are bu~OO ou th e c nn c n t 1w lce,i of <.':? j c per unit A u nit b ein g pounds ( 1 ur a t o n. l 11dh 1 n (' un, bei ng the e tan da1 d @ ,27.ti0 per to n. Tu l\r u l 1he on rn1c1,inl i--1a hi va lu e multiply the per1~ ntu g:P~ hr t he 11rice Jler uni t. J i::XA)II'!. ~ Nu \. HO.\Jl~Y FEI::Dl 'N t eiu .. .... ............ lll.50 xli:.l.5c,Jtl. 56 Btm,.: h a nd fi n gnr. .tia.:1 0 x 25.0~, 16.4 3 Fut ......... .. ... .. ..... 7.S!:i x G2.G,;, 4 0 1 !-1 ate ,nlue pe r too .. $27.90 EX A)IP l .11 :--J o. :!. 001:~ Pr nJein ....... ... ... ...... .I0.50 x G2.5c $ G.51l l-lt11r d 1 and Sug:u ...... 6!J. 1 I0 x 25.0c, 17 4 0 ~ nt ... ...... 5.4ft X 62. !"ic, ~.; ~ e 1.lue pe r ton .. .. ..... U7.~ -t


FOJ:~I U L AS, 'l'hcre are frequent inq uil-iel! fo t formulas fo r v11rious c r op@, ,nul tlierearehuutl~;lsofsm:h fonuult1s 1 mlolishctl; and, whilethtn,a1'Chuudrcdsof"l!l'ands," 1hevuriutious in the;ae grade>' are ~ ur p r is in;:ly lit1le Oozeus o f 'l>rllnd~" put 111, l,y 11.J,i 8Ullie m:;rnuf a cturei a e ideuti,, a l b'OOds thcuulydiff c n:u~-c beiugiu 1 hen:rnwp1fo 1e d on thet:igu r ~ack. A good gene ra l fo1 ,u11 l ;1 for fleltl or gal'llen mig ht be t;tlh:d a ,.-getal.J!e fonnu l n." alll l woulft h av e the f ol lowi n g: \mmou ia :q %; a, :ii lnhh : p h u~ J !ol'ic a cid,(;%: :1 11d pota s h, 7 l ';i T l,e follo>w ing r,u,ul;1~ will furnish H,e ncces~a ".I ph1111 rood in alJuut Ille ab,"e 1.,, i 1 ~H'1iu 11 I han, Jm rro sely al' oi d e d 1h e 11~e ,r :my fratli o n uf .HI il poun,t in thes e for,nuJm; w sirn pl i f,v 1 hcm. V:iluc i,: uro take n from pri c ,1 li~t~ fum i~ h ed 1 ., the lr; 1dc whicl, 11 e pub l isbed iri our H epo rto f l ,n :n ,11 J. l!Hl ~ 'or eo1tou, corn, s we; 1,oiar-h 7 }% 1, \ 1 -vF. ia:T .\ nu-: -900 1,0,rn,l s or Cot'.on se ed i1e a 1 (11~ ~ ) .. 81)1) poundeo l Aclu1rn,ls of M ur lat e (o rS ul1 >hate ) (~ 0 J)tlreent) Stnt ~ ,alne mi x~ > ~r ton . .. ,~, . .~ 1.000lbs"rB1oodaud 1Jone ( 6\8) ... . . . 4 001b s o t A cid P hosnhate ( 1 6 P<'r o,. ntl .. 600!bsofLowGr~ d cS u l r,.Pot. (2 6p.ercent) . Stato vnlne m!~ed and ~a ggc d .. Pl ant Fo(>

" Statenl11em!iceda 11 d baglf"G ,, Pl a n t F oo t i;,,,r t on .. ... z~.4> l8 1 p u11a 1> i i ~} FHl 'I T A !-il> V IN E. l'nl t ~ M elon, Stra wbertlll$ ld 1 b Potat oe1. "m m o n( a. 4 i,,, r ,, u 1 t .. Avail a bl <1 l 'hophorlcAcld7percenL, P oUll t Ope r cent S t a te v 11 L 1111 mllB O A c ld P h osjJb a !o i 16 per ccn L). .... 8,9 7 Po t.u h 400 1 b ofS 11 1p .of P ot,ub ( 481)(! r ce11L) . !,000 Sto.ten.luemlu d a ndb agg,,d ...... .. ... U1.S7 P IA nl F ood 11er ton ... .. 42~ I K IIIOd


CIRCULAR NO 3 CIRCUUR NO 2 OF JULY 15 1911 PURE FOOD AND D R UGS LAW 1911. ralluh:u,see, 1"111. Se pt :,:t, 1()11. Noti ce tu ll:innfa ctu n-1 !' Deale '><, l.!rok cr,; anil Cu mmm c ~ of F ood" aud Dn1g s iu ll..C i-lrnie of 1'"1 or icla. Th ., Pr o"i~lo n .,f l hc Pu re Food o. nd Urn 11s l. ~w. C h ap t er iU l, Approved Juuc 5, 1 9 11 Ue<::nn e Eff~c u, e Au11u I .I, 19 1 1 :-:u me tVn~ lettt"r s o f ln, 1uil-. 1 ba1e h t'l! in!tl fl'(lm m u11uf :1cture1 11, jobl,e, s 1111d Ucti. l e1>1 i n 1 ~ 1 ck a;: e goo ]o1, i n the i-:ta 1 c ,)f F !ori t;i, mit l nl ;oo from oth er ~tat~'fl, ask in g a rulin g ;is lo t he time tl111t w oul d be a l l ow ed to m a k e the ne c, ,,,,rn r y clmng t'fl in lalJ tl" un g oods uow on hunt!, a 1 ul di s1,oo1i tion of ,s ud, g00<: l @ nuw k "g nlly in the St a te, or con tr acte.. 1 forforfu1uredctil ery 1 0 lhewholete r o r rernl!l'r p1for to .\ug 3, l!IJt, 1 lwt llo not corn1, lY with the am e nded l 'm-e Food nud nr ug~ l .: 1w Aconferencew118licltl,l11ly 11 l!J l l 111 t h eomeeoft h e Commi,.,. i o 11 er of Agric11ltn~ Ju T: 1 ll n lla ~, Floriiln; a lw oo S e pr. lfl, !HU, a l w lii e h ti me m e vari oUh comrner ci11l orgauizutinns, National au d i'< talt'-11hol ("l!, tle nc, re tailen!, brokl'l"I<, rnnn11f:1 cC 11 rel'l' Untl n,1,l'Cl!e11tu t il-ewhole~al e un,1 1-e tn il 11 1c 1 ~h ant8 fro 111 'l'u mpa .Jack~onv illc, P e n 11aet,ln nnd oth er J>' >i111>1 i n the :-:.1:ite w ere pr CSl: nt. .-\ rter ,Inc c(m~i,lem li o n d i&eu"'!ion, und 1< l ntemen t o f fn ct~. the co nce mI of 0 ]Jl11ion wa s that the law was both r eu>1on ahl e uu'1t ,1 fo r 1 1, e 1 1rotect i o 11 or t h e ICl,!iti matt ma nufact n -..-1 all(\ dealer in hon('l!r gootll! aud t he CO ll ~ !IJUH froru th e uu fai r CO Ul]) Cti1iou of l i gh t weight, ~h ort m c a ~urc," or tlilute

" ch aut.i<, who hal 't' now on la!lod, lclf,l.ll Y, under tbe Sra te aud Natio n 1 1 I Laws, 8 hXkij of pa clmge goods, am\ co 11 u at f l! for r11 1l d ,:,li1 y o r canued goods-t he Jlll Ck of t:111 . \ fte 1 d11tJ con~i d er: 1tiou o f :di the fuctl!, nm l the inh : rest11 o f Hll pa1 1ic ~ ; : n11cernc'1-the umn11fact.11 rc r, 1hc dc;:iler, aud 1 h e l-011><11me1'. t he f o llow i ng rulin g h m1 been 1Hlo1 1 ted: NJ.,;'I' WEl(]llT ANO MEA$Ullls l st-' l' h e nf't w ei gh! ot me: umrc ij l,i,ll be con~picu o n !!.l y, l t' :,:i lo l ~ :mi :!11<1-Tioot 11 tod:~ or c,rnn, i ,r g uQ< !~, \ 'l)ge lal.,l e,, J' ick l es, lmkir, g JIOl l" ICl"" j,lli<>.!, JH"<. 'l'l' l"l' Clt, etc., i u c:rn ~, IJ o ttl e,o or c.1rtou1t. o n h,rn,I Au:;u 11t3, t:111, or t-o u t r acte,I tor fall de li1 1y, if iu f ull 1:o rn p!hrn e e with Uie 8rnt.e 1111011nd -/l ll p,icl.:agc, oont ui,i ln.11 0110 or more fl011>1dt ha ll t ato the -ii gllt i,i pou nd 11. ll' e i 9ht1 / cu thu11 a poun d 11 /wlr !,est11/cdinotrnce8 i. c. 11/J nct ,"" 2 lbl. nct ,"" MI lbw. 11et,"or. :l 1/J ~ :?oz. n cl,' '"S llil!. 4 a:. nat,""41 lbl. 6 oz.,ict.''" -l-1 oz.ncl.''


Nd mtH1mJ d11/l be 1talcd iu U. fl 1tand11rd gallo,n.,, or i,1 q1111rt1J. ur f foid 01mcet, (t1 fluid ounce being on, thirly-,w 1,"Q 11d of II quar t by .,,eot11rc)-f. c. "One gr,l. 10et," 'O 11c ,,t.n e t "'a0 f / .,:;.cl."'" 7 fl f):.n c t,"ar qb. Kfl. O::!. ltd "" tqt GJl.o::.,1 c l. 1 0 ex1 11 (,i<.q one l )()\1111.l or mol't.l i11 uuuceii, or ouc quart, or1 1,,n. in rlnid nuueei<, will 11 0 1 bepenulssnllle. I.IE~Z0.-\ 1'F. OF SODA. ;\ I'd -Tha t good@nelnatl_y 011 h11 1ul Aug ll, Hill, COil t,1i11i11gnn! mm-eth:1 11 1 -l0ofl JK,r<..'tH1. bcn z.,atcork;<."la., :111'1 oc l n "1,i~e e o1111IJ'h1 : with the :--rule an d F e.lcml Law ~ p l'lor to .',11:::. 3, .l\H.1, ma,1 l:>c ,li1<1.ose,l n r till .\ug I 1111:!. Tl.oat lo(ma fi<.lc eo utrn ct1< fur 1<11ch goot--w1<.>. ~ACCIJA l tlN. l11t1; 00

!JO li111-Al1 m~nufocturct'II aud tfonl el'!! complying wilh the lcltr.r and s 1urit of U1e foregoing rul et1, w ill h e ei:ePJpt rr,,mp l"Ol!eCuti ou fo rru is hrnndiugoradnltenttion. J.;ra !!ion of thi l! N!gu l ation will !Jec onsillered n breach or faith, au,I the gooda ~ ubjoct to 1:1ei1.ure, 11,n!e or de:1trucli o n, M p11 wi d c.l b y Law n n d B e g-ulntions. 1th -It i11 r('c o uamcn,lcd that th e 13 bels of all pac k ages of food rcee ired after Ao:;i: 3, l !H t have the ll ~ 'lry stid.:cl'l! "' n11plied toshow "n et weight or rncn s nre ," tlrnt t h ey mny be iu ~hapfl to 11rotect l! Ucb good11 till ao ld. rhe u 11pll c: 1t io n of ''>< l idc r s" uf ter \ug. l, l9 1. :!, wlll n o t 00 !cg ul! .r11Crm iAA ntJlc . \!l]ll'OVed &!pt 21 10\ J. KB. ROS~, State ChcmiMt. B. e. "M c l ,I~. Commi..,.ioncrof Agriculture


C:0Ml1 l>IIII 0.'1Ell 01' AOfll CU l ,TUH U. F., M CLIN AXD $T;.'U Cm;m !JT R K H o111:: l' m a 1tt1rtJl' i d e!O-That the Cowmihloner of Agrkultu!'e with th e ntlvlce o f the Slutt Chetnist, s hull h 111 e,itu lho l'i t ,v t o estubJM 1 Kuc h 1u] eij rmd M';:nhitions ;1 s s hall not b e inconHistent wi1h t h e l'l 'O l' il!ions of thiic A c 1 iu conformit,v with 1he ru l ei< ,mt! regulation1 l ll'OO lUlg:ited b,I" the United Statee llc1,a r nnt111 of ,\gl'irult ur e We rcallr.e tln1t tht:1-e de,oh'< :1< U(~m 11 H much rCHpO n iJ i bility, to odmini s lt r 1 hl 11. l'ety iwp,..rtn n t ln" HO ;1s to ll o j u stice to l he c m~nlllf'l"I! and, 11 t the e11me ti111e t~ at fni r ly t he mnny thousand i; o r retail, wholc~ale am l job b in,t busl llCfJI enterpriael! I n the Stnte. T o r N Juire i mm ediute wmplin11ce ll onhl menn w c loi,e Il l ) rhe food, feed, d1 111,; n n d lil1u11 r deportme n f11 o( every euc h ))ll sir u :1111 num in t h e Stal!'!, or to bnv e tlil' Comml s aio n l'r uu(] Chemist 11)u ~ ter/'d w th injunctions from both State nnd F ederal Cou r ts. W e hn .. e hfld t o l11bor over legul oo n l r oveniee from 11ble nttorue.s bo1h in und nut o f t h 1i Stnte. that tl 1 1J JH1hlic knows no1bing o f Shoulrl 1he mallet l rnve gone in(o theCourtN t he iuhllc 1"0Uld h e depri\ ed otthe\J.enefU1 ru::erui n i; under the l aw llt l e n~! 1lnrin;: llf' J >t't io,l of lonirdrawn 0111 liti ::m t i o n. We reco,1n1i,~ the fact tha t J:ooda pnrr.hnsed in good fa i th t hat fully compiled with th e Stat e nnd United Stotealaw, p rior t o the pt1!11!81, -eo ftb e Act n f 1911 co uld


not 1,gulo1ions a.~ ,n,n l d ~i,( 1h() 1110~, cnlu in a1,,J ~ I K:d.1 eo u, p liun ce 11 i1h 1h e bw. that tll u 1oeu1 1 l e ~ou l d U10>< t pr om J J tly reo.1, t ho, h l' U Cll ts under t he 8tatuic. 'flie ll ~ Ja!'!IIICnt of Ju! tin: ;id,i~etl till;! Com111issiune1 of Agi icultur<'. when tile linito: 1 1 :r ut ~"I! l'u1, F uo.l l aw ,.-:11: 1 Jttl!,. "'f d iu 19 :l fl 1ha l 1-em,orn1 l., ie lim (' 1111, t 1 ,., glreu lo ,li,.p<~e of ~hwk s ou h:w1l ni 1 ,J m1d,i exi ~ tiug ,,,,n1rn,,. :11 the l!Jlle r lhe 1~1 "age"' 1ho., \d ex q ,t wln ~ 1' 1Ju \" wc r o, d efl ni1e l ,, l.110,.'!1 to lo<: p, i,,un,111 ~ n1 d, !nt' t hard ~hip" un tlle l'On~11111iu~ Jmhli<-, n~ lo short 1r,i _!: ht" o nd ml'u~1re. arc i11<:l mt.,, ; iu 11 1(' H ,~t ~ n or i 'it"t:nl,1r t-:o. :\. Sn c lt : l~ c orn o: ,t,., fl onr, m,wl, l.,utt l' r lnrd. rotlo lcne, oleornar;::ad ne. "Jrn p 1'1c. 011 lhi~ dn~" of good" there 1 uo r:,;t e n~iou of t i me ;:in,11. a" net weigJ,t ~ c 1111 1., e 1wopr r l.) :ll'<'l' r tninr d nut! lnh c l ed. Tho Pxtcnsion of twrll'o 1 uou tli s i.~ 1,?:h-eu 1o comply wftb the law on t1111e good s thnt are c,mncd an,J OOU! c d. with ~trkt limit:11 inn~. :~ f'i1 11 \ a1 :-:o. <'Jq ; lain~. These guo d s nrc 1.non n ns ;; tnttdnrd good~ nn d the exlen~l"n of t i ml' on lhei

"' Un.' poun d 'T'h cy 1n,re i n the S tat e or co11trncted for wlieu 1 he lnw wue pu~~t'd aud could not l,c eouflscnted o r f01t1 l out of lh c S!n l ll it W(' ntlcmp1ed it Should w e !''h1 of the :;tale wi!l l,c h('llrty cun1 ~ rnto1-,; i n our elfori!' '" give 1l m 1,e,r., 1i te. not only u k uo 1' 1 edJ!eOf the net wei:;htnnd 111en~urc, h u t full 1Veii; bt nn,\ lll('H~Ul'C ll~ \\'ell. 1'1 w wlw!,~ale. jQ hller!!, hro k e1 1; um! 111c rd.13n ls. are l\lini; wllh l~ of 1he r~11huion~, n~s11l'i11;; 1hcir t.'0operntlon ond c1<1 t3, 1!)11 Whi le 1he '1C'utcrs ft.~I that they ,. 1, 011l d ha1e 11111!1 De, ct'Tl1hcr!\];;,1, 1!1 1:! loull j ust ihcir lm~ineAA to nu~t thetle, mn11d1<.,fthe 1,11r ,w tfe<>l nfler1hem01Ct cnrefuleouhlcr. rni,,1 1. tli;u 0111 action "ill lll('te o,1t jn;itic e nud I.wing 11 lm ut lu heti\ l"\!~lllt;i fnr !!11 "li <'de1 l h," tl,e Act. l he co n s 11111cr~ an,! the ,lc11lcr~ of 11IJ r)H~SL'I< Co1,l,1i r,f th <' t;rn mu! C:nl111 :,.'o. :l p;in h e ,,h tni lll-tl t.,~ un.n,ne 111:il dug the re< 1n e>i:t of rile Cu,umi~iouer or A ;:ricultu r e o r t h e Srnte Chemi~t :1t r nllnb:u;1:!!te ~ Ju. H. E. Md.IN Commhi ;o lonerof.-\gri r ultnre. H. K RO S I ~, St nle Chemist.


l.S. __ ..._... .... .._.-U'l1UD

l;lh~~ ii fll~ii'lji.'

PAGE 105!ft!ElfT 0PA0RICITLTURll DlVISI0!f0 F C'H ll!II ISTRY rwLo,m;,,s..,, J R, ,:. .OOt:. """" ~"'J PIICUI, n:~1>><0 OTO ~ GREIL~~, ,_ ..._ Clo-"""~ iktd~~~;;::::