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- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00077083/00018
Material Information
- Title:
- Florida quarterly bulletin of the Agricultural Department
- Uniform Title:
- Avocado and mango propagation and culture
Tomato growing in Florida Dasheen its uses and culture Report of the Chemical Division
- Alternate title:
- Florida quarterly bulletin, Department of Agriculture
- Alternate title:
- Florida quarterly bulletin of the Department of Agriculture
- Creator:
- Florida -- Dept. of Agriculture
- Place of Publication:
- Tallahassee Fla
- Publisher:
- s.n.
- Publication Date:
- -1921
- Frequency:
- Quarterly
Monthly[ FORMER 1901- Sept. 1905] regular
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- v. : ill. (some fold) ; 23 cm.
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Agriculture -- Periodicals -- Florida ( lcsh )
Agricultural industries -- Statistics -- Periodicals -- Florida ( lcsh )
- Genre:
- serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- -v. 31, no. 3 (July 1, 1921).
- General Note:
- Description based on: Vol. 19, no. 2 (Apr. 1, 1909); title from cover.
- General Note:
- Many issue number 1's are the Report of the Chemical Division.
- General Note:
- Vol. 31, no. 3 has supplements with distinctive titles : Avocado and mango propagation and culture, Tomato growing in Florida, and: The Dasheen; its uses and culture.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services (UFDC@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 28473206 ( OCLC )
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JANUARY 1, 1911
Analysis of
Fertilizers, Feed Stuff, Food and Drugs. Rules and Regulations.
Entered January 31, 1903. at Tallahassee, Florida, as second-class matter, under
Act of Congress of June 1900.
These Bulletins Are Issued Free to Those Requesting Them
T. J. APPLEYARD, State Printer,
Tallahassee, Fla.
1-)1 1
Tallahassee, Fla., January 1, 1911. To His Excellency,
Albert Al. Gilclirist, Governor,
Tallahassee, Florida.
Sir: I have the honor to submit the following- report of the Chemical Division of the Ag-ricuiltural department of the State of Florida for the year ending December 31, 1910:
Tyhe records of the office of the Agricultural Department, and report of the State Treasurer, show the sale of inspection stamps cov ering 172,641.84 tons of Commercial FertilizersAmrounting to .$43,160.46
And 75.242-36 tons of Commercial Feeding StuffsAmounting to . 18.810.59
A total revenue of. $61,971,05 paid into the State Treasury to the credit of the General Revenue Fund. From which is to 1)0 deducted the total expenses of the Chiemical Division, and the expenses of the Department of Agriculture, incident to the execution of the Fertilizer, Feed Stuff, aijd Pure Fnnd and Drug Laws.
Salary State Chemist. $ 2,500.00 Traveling expenses State Chemnist and Assistaots .495.85 Salary Fertilizer Chemist . 1,800.00 Salary Food and Drug Chemist .1,800.00 Salary Food and Drug Inslpector . 1,500.00 Cost of samples for Food and Drug analysis .898.73 Traveling expenses, Food and Drug Inspector. Apparatus Food Lahoratory .130.44 Salary Feed Stuff Chemist . 1,500.00 Salary Feed Stuff Inspector . 1,500.00 Traveling expenses Feed Stuff Inspector .965.55 Chemicals and Apparatus . 1,332.95 Postage. 92.48
Total expenses, Chemical Division .$14,516.00 To Credit of General Revenue Fund .47,455.05
Total Receipts .$61,971.05
The following analyses were made during the year:
Official samples fertilizers (drawn by chemist) . 160 Special samples fertilizers (sent in by citizens) . 377 Official samples feed stuff (drawn by inspector) . 162 Special samples feed stuff (sent in by citizens) . 30 Official food and drug samples (drawn by inspector) 194 Special food and drug sampIles (sent in by citizens) 56 Miscellaneous samples (sent in by citizens) . 172
Total munumber analyses . 1151
L. Heimburger, M. S., Analyst.
Of the 160 official samples analysed, 123 samples were of complete goods; 37 samples were of fertilizer materials.
The 123 samples of coinllele fertilizer drawn by the Stale Chemist had the following average composition and guarantee:
Ammonia. Available Phos. Acid. Potash. Official analysis. 3.89 6.68 7.33
Guarantee . .So 6.19 6.84
Excess above guarantee. 0.19 0.49 0.49
Average State value found, per ton.$29.70 Average State value guaranteed. per ton. 28.38
We find complete fertilizers exceeding the gmaantee
0.20w, it enpty po)intst. ;s 'ollow\s:
In Ammonia . 52 samples, or.42 .0 '0 In Available Phosphorie Acid.84 samples, or. . 67.01' In Potash . 80 saliples , w.: .0 /
We find complete fertilizers below guarantee 0.20% (twenty points), as follows:
In Ammonia .23 sai piles , oi . 19.0
[n Available Phosphoric Acid.26 samples, or. .21.0% In Potash (K,0). 27 samples, or.21.0%
E. Peck Greene, B. S., Analyst.
The following analyses have been made during the year: Official samples feed stuff . 162 Special samples feed stuff. . 30
Total analyses . 192
The average composition of lhe official samples was as follows:
Starch and
Protein. Sugar. Fats.
Official analysis . 17.96 55.11 3.93 Guaranteed analysis . 17.64 54.36 4.15
Excess . 0.32 0.75
Deficiency . . 0.22
We find the official smles of' feed sinff exceeded the guarantee 0.20'; (twenty poinIs, as follows:
In Protein .66 samples, or. . 37.0% In Starch and Sn--ag. 75 samples, or . 2/,
In Fat . . samples. or. .
There was a deiiciency of 0.20% twentyy points), as follows:
In Protein . 34 samples. or. .20.91% In Starh and Snuar . 52 samples. or. .2.0% In Fats . 58 samples, or. .:)5.8%
A. Al. Henry, B. S., Analyst.
Official food samples. 74 Special food samples . 58
Total food samples .127- 127 Official samples adulterated . 3 Official samples adulterated and misbranded. 1 Official samples legal . 70
Total official food samples. 74 Dim CS.
Official drug samplets. 120 Special drug samples. 3
Total drug samples . 123- 123 Official samples adulterated. 39 Official samples misbranded. 27 Official samples adulterated and misbranded. 26 Official samples legal. 28
Total official drug samples .12-0
Ttlaayses foods and drugs .250
Those samples found adulterated or misbranded have been reported 10 the proper officer. In all cases the dealers and manufacturers have corrected the labels by placing the properF labels on the goods or by withdrawing the offending materials from the market.
A number of prosecutions for misbranding have been had, and in a number of cases the parties have been found guilty and punished by fine. These prosecutions, however, are not part of the duty of the Chemical Division, but come under the jurisdiction of the various courts. The evidence of adulteration or misbranding onl-y being furnished by the Chemical Division.
Examination of the foregoing averages of the "guaran teed analyses" of the samples drawn throughout the State by the State Chemist, and the results of the "olficial analyses" of the same, together with a study of the tables of analyses following, will show that there has been a steady improvement of the uniformity of the mixing and preparation of the various brands sold in the State; that there has been but few deficiencies in any of the materials guaranteed; that the manufacturer has, by improved machin ery, careful weighing and skillful manipulation, furnished a more uniform and exact fertilizer-generally slightly above the guarantee in all t three essential elements.
It will be noted that owing to the material improvement in manufacture. that the goods sold during 1910 have been more generally uniform, with fewer excesses or deficiencies in composition; that the average excess in ammonia of 0.22 in 1909 has fallen to 0.09 in 1910; tha! the excess in potash of 0.55 in 1909 has fallen to 0.49 in 1910; that the excess in available phosphoric acid of 0.90 in 1909 has fallen to 0.49 in 1910; while the deficiencies (twenty points below guarantee) has materially lessened, showing a more careful and thorough preparation of fertilizers by t lie manufacturers, better machinery anid more skillful technical work.
Most of ihe manufacturers of the State nowm employ a chemist, and their factories and output are under strict chemical and technical control.
Acreage under culture considered, Florida consumes more commercial fertilizer than any of her sister States, while she also uses the highest grades known to the trade. Her orange and pineapple growers, her truck farmers and fruit growers, are probably the most competent and exacting consumers of fertilizer in the world--men fully
capable of knowing what they require for the best results; and while demanding high-grade goods, made of such materials as they specify, are willing to pay for the same, but will not tolerate substitution or deficiency.
This fact demonstrates the correctness of the position assumed in previous reports that high-grade goods, though costing more per ton, are in fact more economical. The freights and other charges on "fillers" are costly, while the unit values of high-grade goods are less than those of low grades.
In this connection the "special sample"-peculiar to the Florida law-has proved its value to both the consumer and the manufacturer. Much of the uniformity and high quality of the goods sold throughout the State can be attributed to the "special sample"-sent in Y- Ihe purchaser, and analysed )by the State without chargethus proving the wisdom of the Legislature in providing this simple and direct method of obtaining quickly an exact knowledge of the true value, commercially and agriculturally, of the goods sold.
A careful study of the "official analyses," and an intelligent use of the "special sample," is again commended to the consumers of commercial fertilizers in the State.
Special allention is called to the law and regulations oveni " 1 the drawing and transmitting slycial sanldes of fertilizer and feed stuff.
Hferetolore I have called attention to tlie costly vl,lju(dice in favor of Dissolved Bone or D)isolved Bone ta rk, as against D)issolved Flor-ida or o1her r(ock phoslihates. Dissolved Ione. Dissolved Bone Black and Dissolved linck Phosphate a-e identica e cheically and agriculturmally. I do not allude to Raw Bones, or Raw Bone Meal bui- to the dissolved materials.
Bones, or Rock Phosphates, dissolved in Sulphuric Acid, produce the same substance properly called "superphosphate," a combination of Sulphuric Acid and Sulphate of Lime-(Gypsumn or Land Plaster). Super-phosphates, made either from Bones or Rock Phosphate. is identical in fertilizing value. This subject has been dis cussed fully in previous reports and in various quarterly Bulletins.
This prejudice annually costs our consumers large sums. Thousands of tons of "Dissolved Bone," I")issolved Bone Black" or "Bone and Potash," are sold annually, in which no bones are used.
Long usage probably justifies these trade names, "D)issolved Bone" for acid phosphate (super-phosphate). or "Bone and Potash" for acid phosphate and kainit, while the term "Guano" is used for any complete (ammonited) cotton goods-though no "gunno" enters into its composition.
Tankage is the refuse of slaughter houses, cooked by steam in tanks miner pressure. generally with the addilion of sulphuric acid 1o dissolve the albuminoids. co(verting tlihem into sulphale of alllloia -one of the umost valuable amnnoniates known to tile trade.
'Garbage linkage," tihe refuse of lie kitchens of onr cities, is treaed in 1he samle manner and yields a ]OwgrT(le tanlkage, 3 in 4 per centll. anonia; its (lunlity depends 1uchll( upon 1Tel season w]ien gollihred - sumlllloier garbage, on account of 1110 larer' proportions of vei lule n tier, being of le,s value han winter ,g'arbag(e.
Tankage is graded cordingg 10 ils alllonia coni ,, which runs from ", per cent. to 10 per cent., dependin.rg on its source. It is generally sold in Florida as "Blocod acid Bone," a misnomer, as tankage is not blood and h(nle, though it may contain more or less blood and some b)one.
The ammonia in tankage is largely in the form of sul phate, white raw bone, or pure blood, contains little if any sulphate.
When tle term "tankage" is used as a source of ammonia, the inference would! be that part, if not the most, of the ammonia was a sulphate. While the term "Blood and Bone" would suggest organic nitrogen only. The term "Blood and Bone" is unknown to the trade, except in Florida, and there means tankage. Tankage is not "Blood and Bone," and its nitrogen is not-similar to that of Raw Bone, or Blood.
In Steamed Bone, the nitrogen is also, generally, largely in the forml of sulphate of ammonia, as sulphuric acid is used for exacilyv the same purpose as it is in tankage, to dissolve and disinfegrate the albuminoids-gristle and ligamnis - and assist in freeing the bones of fat and flesh.
These subjecis have been discussed frequen ly in various Bulletins and Reports of Ihis and other Stales, and of the United States ) epartment of Agriculiure, and by various trade journals, notably the "American Fertilizer."
The Florida Irade -- manufacinrers, dealers and consumers-should confine themselves to the accepted trade names of the various materials used; while consumers should specify exactly what they desire in their mixtures, and hold the manufacturer responsible under the law for any substitution. With a perfect understanding, no confusion arises. An exact definition of terms is required for intelligent discussion of any subject.
The Florida law prohibits the sale of "any pulverized leather, hair or wool waste, raw. steamed, roasted or in any form as fertilizer, or as an ingredient of any fertilizer or manure, without a printed certificate of tihe fact; said certificate shall be conspicuously affixed to every package
of fertilizer or manure." This is a good law, and has preveitted the sale of much unavailable nitrogen (or anmmoniii) in the State. However, when these waste materials are dissolved in sulphuric acid, they are no longer leather, hair or wool waste, but a mixture of sulphate of ammolia and humus, both valuable applications to hungry soils. In fact, the source of some of our most popillar and expensive Florida fertilizers - particularly orange r(ee and vegetable fertilizers-is largely from properly dissolved (decomposed) factory waste, consisting largely of these enumerated materials.
One of the most serious problems at present is an adequate supply of Organic Ammoniates (as distinguished frn the salts of' annmmonia and nitrogen). This shortage is caused by the use of animal and vegetable refuse in preparing fertilizers, by converting the fixed (unavailable) nitrogen into sulphate of ammonia, and by lthe increased use of cotton seed meal, linseed meal and similar by-products for stock feed. All such waste materials should be used, as fertilizers are very largely composed of the waste of our homes, kitchens, stables, cities, gas works, slaughter houses, fisheries, cotton seed and linseed oil frctories, etc.
There has been recently much discussion as to the avail ability of the nitrogen of peat as a fertilizer. Raw pat like leather, is practically inert and of little value. When properly decomposed, either by sulphuric acid or by I horough oxidation (rotting), or by composting with superphosphate and sulphate of potash, peat becomes a vainable fertilizer, as is evidenced by various practical demonstrations.
The nitrogen of raw, sour, undrained peat or muck is not available,. nor if it be simply dried and ground; it
must be decomposed, and its nitrogen made available by chemical (or bacterial) action. This can be most economically accomplished by drainage, to allow the air to enter and oxidize (rot) the material, or by composting the raw muck with super-phosphate (acid phosphate) and sulphate of potash, and allowing it to decompose.
The vast beds of muck, or peat, in Florida contain from 1 to 3 per cent. of nitrogen, when properly and thoroughly drained and treated with super-phosphate and potash-in which they are deficient-they will become the most fertile and productive soils of this or any other State or country. This fertility will depend, to a large degree, upon the availability of their stored-up nitrogen, which can be made available only by decomposition (rotting), which can only be accomplished by thorough drainage and aeration (oxidation). When thoroughly drained (decomposed and oxidized), these muck lands are wonderfully productive. If not thoroughly drained, they are not suitable for general agriculture.
The application of super-phosphates-and potash-in which elements these lands are deficient-to thoroughly drained muck lands, will produce maximum crops of all kinds suitable to the climate.
There has been a slight increase in the average value of commercial feed stuff sold in the State, the average excess above guarantee in protein has increased, while fats and "soluble carbohydrates" (starches and sugars) has slightly decreased; the percentage of deficiencies has notably decreased. The same statements as to the value of the "special sample" applies to feed stuff as to fertiliz-
ers. As much depends on the consumer to correct abuses in feed stuff as does upon the consumer of fertilizers. The live stock of the State should be as carefully protected in their foods as are the fruit and other crops. The same intelligent purchase of feed stuff that is now applied to fertilizers by consumers will result in placing our feed stuff on the same high plane as our fertilizers.
Attention is called to the analysis of Florida-grown feed stuffs, as compl)ared to that imported into the State, particularly to "beggar weed," "cow peas," "velvet beans" and "Japanese kudzu." These analyses show that these plants produce hays equal in value to the average mixed feeds imported, and superior to most of the imported materials. They are superior to bran, middlings or oats, and far superior to the average of the imported feeds.
They surpass alfalfa or clover in their feeding value. They are peculiar to our soil and climate, their cost of culture and curing is not greater than to cultivate and cure clover or alfalfa. Their more general culture would save the State many thousands of dollars, now sent to Northern States for stock feeds, and provide the Florida stockman and dairyman with an equally valuable, or superior, leguminous (proteid) feed a far less eost, at 1he same imnie fertilizing his fields and increasing the value of his other crops. The State purchased during the year 1910 75.241.26 tons of mixed stock fee]-o say nothing of the hays and grains imported-averaging A32.00 pIr Ion, representingg 2 ,407,787.52, al. of which should have been produced on her own farms, sa ,ving o our farmors not only ihis large sum, but adding I. the fertility of her farms practically the same amount in increased ferili1v and proditiv-eness. No State in the TUnion-and I say
it advisedly-has a greater variety of economically grown legumes, or longer list of meadow and pasture grasses, furnishing the necessary carbohydrates, than has Florida, Awith velvet beans, beggar weed, cow peas and kudzu as legumes; Bermuda, crab grass, Natal grass, Para grass and Japanese sugar cane, have no superior for pasture and meadow.
Japanese sugar cane produces a superior cattle or hog feed, rich in sugar, carbohydrates - fat former's. It is wonderfully productive; twenty tons per acire are by no means unusual. When once esiablishcd it will continue to grow for years, being practically a perennial in this State.
Florida's soil and climate, her abundant rainfall, her lakes and sreams, artesian waters, her short, mild winters, her abundant native grasses and legumes, make stock raising peculiarly attractive to the farmer and investor.
Her drained lands and flat woods are peculiarly adapted to successful cattle growing, as is evidenced by the large herds now profitably grown on the drained lands of the Central Peninsula.
It is notable that during the past few years large quantities of hay and other forage crops have been produced in the State; that the mowing machine and hay press, unknown "before the freeze," are being rapidly introduced throughout the State; that pure-bred cattle and hogs are being successfully grown, and that her dairit's, though still few in number, are producing butter equal to That produced in any part of thile Union, at a cost less than the average cost of production in the Western dairy States. The supply by no means equals the demand at the highest market prices.
It will be noted that but four cases of adulteration or misbranding have occurred in foods officially sampled,,
showing that the law is becoming better understood and complied with.
.In the case of drugs, 39 samples were adulterated, 27 misbranded and 26 both adulterated and misbranded, while 28 were found legal.
In a number of cases the misbranding was the neglect to state the percentage of alcohol on the label or other article enumerated in Section 5 of the law, while in a number of cases the adulteration consisted of an excess of the active drug in the preparation.
It will be noted that during the latter part of the year these inisbrandiings and adulterations were less in evidence, manufacturers and dealers having been notified of their illegal labels and lack of care in properly proportioning their materials, have generally complied with the law and made their goods to conform to the standards fixed by law, and to state the percentages or amounts of the materials required to be stated on the labels.
There are several obscure, and possibly contradictory, features of the Pure Food and D~rug Law as enacted. Amendments, by elimination of these portions of the law, would materially strengthen it, make it clearer and positive where it is now ambiguous.
A number of analyses of these various fermented liquors, generally guaranteed to contain less than 2 per cent, alcohol, and represented as non-intoxicating, have been made for Sheriffs and prosecuting officers of the
State. Several convictions have been had and penalties of fine and imprisonment imposed.
The analyses of these materials show them to be very inferior beers, with generally a larger percentage of alcohol hian in standard beer, 4 to 5 per cent. or more.
Much of the time of the State Chemist, and Assistant State Chemists, has been unnecessarily devoted to attendance upon courts to testify as to chemical determinations. The law provides that "The certificate of analysis of the S ite Chemist, or his assistant, when properly verified by Ihe State Chemist, or his assistant, shall be primn'a facic evidence in any court of law or equity in this Slate." This provision was intended to prevent the expense and loss of time involved in attendance upon court by the chemists of the State Department of Agriculture. The courts very properly confine the chemists' testinmon to the facts of the analysis, as stated in the certificate and aIfidavit. The Chenisl, or his assistants, are not aware of any of the facts surrounding the case; hence, they are only competent to certify as to the results of the analysis of the particular sample, which facts are fully set out in the certificate and affidavit.
Some means should be provided to prevent this unnecessary loss of time and the expenses involved in unnecessary and useless attendance upon courts in such cases.
Active, efficient and frequent inspection of the various factories, warehouses, railroad stations, local warehouses and dealers' stocks of goods is imperative for the proper
administration of the fertilizer, feed stuff and pure food and drug laws.
More depends upon the inspectors' vigilance to detect frauds, correct evils and protect the revenues of the State than upon any other branch of the service. This particularly applies to the larger cities of the State, the distributin- points of most of the goods sold throughout the State, Awre are located the factories,warehouses and depots from which the fertilizers, feeds, foods and drugs are distributed to the retail merchant and the consumer, who depend upon the manufacturer, jobber and wholesaler for the quality, purity and legality of his goods, the truthfulness of the brand or label.
f again call attention to the present crude, cumbersome and comparatively expensive system of inspection. Our inspectors are active, diligent and competent, and under our present system are doing all that can be expected of them to enforce the law and protect the State and her citizens from imposition and fraud.
The field is broad, however-the largest State east of the Mississippi River, with the longest distances by rail between her principal distributing points.
It is physically impossible for each inspector to elliciently and economically cover the entire State.
The present system of one inspector for each divisionfertilizers, feeds, and foods and drugs-is cumbersome and expensive.
Each inspector of the Chemical )ivision should be coinpetent and have the authority to inspect any oe all of the articles subject to inspection, not being confined to one particular class of goods, as is now the case, making it necessary for three inspectors to visit any given point in order to properly inspect the goods sold.
The inspectors should have authority to at once seize and place in the hands of the Sheriff anything that is obviously misbranded or adulterated, filthy or decowposed, -ending samples to this office for confirmation of
their decisions as to its illegality. The reasons for this authority are obvious.
I respectfully call your attention to the suggestions and recommendations of my report for 1909, as follows:
Inspectors-At present there are two inspectors employed, one for feed stuff, one for foods and drugs. The State Chemist is the only inspector of fertilizers.
I would suggest that not less than three inspectors be employed, each to have authority to draw samples of all goods subject to inspection-that is, fertilizers, foods and drugs, and feeds; having authority to seize any material misbranded or that fails to bear the proper inspection stamp. That one of these inspectors be located at each large city-Pensacola, Jacksonville, and Tampa-and have charge each of a Congressional District, subject to orders of the Commissioner of Agriculture, and at his direction be detailed to any part of the State if neces sary; that the Stale Chemist have, as now, the general supervision of the inspection of goods throughout the State, in order to frequently consult, assist and direct the inspectors in their work.
1t is evident that standards should be fixed by law for mixed feeds, and for certain byp-roducts of factories used for feed, to prevent the sale of materials below the average of such goods, though properly guaranteed. A number of Stales have adopted such standards, fixing the minimum of the valuable ingredients in mixed feed stuff permissible in feeds sold in the State. Florida should fix similar standards, as without them foods not saleable in other States can be sold in Florida, though truthfully labeled they are not standard foods, and should not be sold as concentrated feed stuff.
Very respectfully,
R. E. Rosn, State Chemist.
Florida is the only State in the Union that provides for the "special sample," drawn by the consumer or purchaser, under proper rules and regulations fixed by law-to be sent to the State Laboratory for analysis free of cost. Any citizen in the State who has purchased fertilizers or feeds for his own use may draw a sample of the same, according to law, and have the same analysed by the State Chemist free of cost. And in case of adulteration or deficiency he can, on establishing the fact, receive double the cost of price demanded for the goods. The law requires the "special samples" to be drawn in a manner to prevent the submission of spurious samples; rules and regulations are published in every Bulletin fordrawing and transmnittin g "special samples."
This special sample has been a most potent factor in enforcing the law and discouraging the sale of adulteratedl or misbranded goods.
Special samples of foods and drugs may also be sen t t o the State Laboratory for analysis free of cost, when the sample is properly 'drawn according to law. The neceek sary instructions and blanks required to properly (1iaw and traisnift samples, of "food and drugs" will be sent to any citizen requesting the same.
Special samples of Fertilizers or Commercial Feeding Siuffs sent in by purchasers, under Section 9 of the laws. shall be drawn in the presence of two disinterested wilDesses, 'ron one or more packages, thoroughly inixed, and
FAIR SAMPLE OF TIlE SAME OF NOT LESS THAN EIGlT OU NCES (ONE-HALF POUND) SHALL BE PLACED IN A CAN Ol1 BOTTLE, SEALED AND SENT BY A DISINTERESTED PARTY TO TIE COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE AT TALLAIASSEE. No'ti LESS THAN EIGHT OUNCES, IN A TIN CAN OR BOTTLE. WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR ANALYSIS. This rule is adopted to secure fair samples of sufficient size to make the necessary determinations and to allow the preservation of a duplicate sample in case of protest or appeal. This duplicate sample will be preserved for two months from the date of certificate of analysis.
The State Chemist is not the proper officer to receive special samples from the purchaser. The propriety of he method of drawing and sending the samples as fixed by law is obvious.
The drawing and sending of special samples in rare cases is in compliance with law. Samples are frequently sent in paper packages or paper boxes, badly packed, and frequently in very small quantity (less than ounce) ; frequently there are no marks, numbers or other means of identification; the postmark in some instances being absent.
I would call the attention of those who desire to avail themselves of this privilege to Sections 9 and 10 of the law, which are clear and explicit.
Hereafter, strict compliance with above regulations will be required. The sample must not be less than onehalf pound, in a can or bottle, scaled and addressed to the Conmmissioncr of Agricultitre. The sender's name and address must also be on the package, this rule applying to special samples of fertilizers or commercial feeding stuff.
A one-pound baking powder can, properly cleaned, filled with a fairly drawn, well mixed sample taken from several sacks, is a proper sample. It should be sealed and addressed to the Commissioner of Agriculture at Tallahassee. The sender's name and address should also be placed on the package. If more than one sample is sent, the samples should be numbered so as to idenl.ify them. All this should be done in the presence of the witnesses and the package mailed or expressed by one of the 'witnesses.
The tags off the sacks should be retained by the sender to compare with the certificate of analysis when received, and not sent to this office. The date of the drawing and sending of the sample, and names of the witnesses, should also be retained by the sender; not sent to this office.
Each package of Commercial Fertilizer, and each package of Commercial Feeding Stuff, must have, securely attached thereto, a tag with the guaranteed analysis required by law and the stamp showing the payment of the inspector's fee. This provision of the law, Section 3 of both laws-will be rigidly enforced.
Manufacturers and dealers will be required to properly tag and stamp each package of Commercial Fertilizer or Commercial Feeding Stuff under penalty as fixed in Section 6 of both laws. Tags shall be attached to the top end of each bag, or head of each barrel.
Purchasers are cautioned to purchase no Commercial Fertilizers or Commercial Feeding Stuff that does not bear on each package an analysis tag with the guarantee required by law, and the stamp showing the payment of the inspector's fee. Goods not having the guarantee tag and stamp are irregular and fraudulent; the absence of the guarantee and stamp being evidence that the manufacturer or dealer has not complied with the law. Without the guarantee tag and stamp showing what the goods are guaranteed to contain, the purchaser has no recourse against the manufacturer or dealer. Such goods are sold illegally and fraudulently, and are generally of little value. All reputable manufacturers and dealers now comply strictly with the law and regulations by placing the guarantee tag and stamp on each package.
The attention of Sheriffs of the various counties is called to Section 3 of both laws, defining their duties. This Department expects each Sheriff to assist in maintaining the law and protecting the citizens of the State from the imlposition of fraudulent, inferior or deficient Commercial Fertilizers or Commercial Feeding Stuffs.
Less I han
ten t ons.
Nitrate of Soda, 17 to 19 % Ammonia . 52.00 Sulphate of Ammonia, 25 to 2(;(,6' Ammonia. 70.00 Dried Blood, 16 to 19% Ammonia . 67.00 Cynanamid, 12 to 13 % Ammonia . 46.00 Dry Fish Scrap, 11% Ammonia . 57.00
High Grade Sulphate of Potash, 90 to 95% Sulphate, 48 to 50% K.O . 56.00 Low grade Sulphate of Potash, 48 to 53% Sulphate. 26 to 28% K.0 . 32.00 Muriate of Potash, 80 to 85%, 48 to 50% K20. 50.00 Nitrate of Potash, imported, 15% Ammonia, 44% potash K20 . 94.00 Nitrate of Potash, American, 13% Ammonia,. 42% potash KO . . 84.00
Kainit, 12 to 127c Potash, 12% K.,O . 15.00 Canada Hardwood Ashes, in bags, 4 to 6(% K20 Potash . 19.00)
High Grade Tankage, 10% Ammonia, 51 to 7%
Phosphoric Acid . $ 44.00 Tankage, S to 9% Ammonia, 10 to 11% Phosphoric Acid . . 4(1.00 Low Grade Tankage, 61 to 8% Ammonia, 12 to
14% Phosphoric Acid . 37.00 Hotel Tankage, 6 to 7% Ammonia, 7 to 8% Phosphoric A cid . 25.00 Sheep Manure, ground, 3 to 4% Ammonia . 24.00
Imported Fish Guano, 10% Ammonia, 10% Phosphoric A cid . 45.00 Pure Fine Steamed Ground Bone, 3 to 4% Ammonia, 22 to 25% Phosphoric Acid . 29.00 Raw Bone, 4 to 5'( Ammonia, 22 to 25% Phosphoric A cid . 34.00 Ground Castor Pomace, 51- Ammonia, 2 to 6'4 Phosphoric Acid . 25.00 Bright Cotton Seed Meal, 71 to 8% Ammonia. . . 31.00 Dark Cotton Seed Meal, 5 to 7C Ammonia . 27.00
High Grade Acid Phosphate, 16 Available
Phosphoric Acid . 15.00 Acid Phosphate, 14W, Available Phosphoric Acid 14.00 Bone Black, 17 to 18% Available Phosphoric A cid . 25 .00 MISCELLANEOUS.
High Grade Ground Tobacco Stems, 2 to 2,, Ammonia, S to 10% Potash .$ 22.00 High Grade Ground Kentucky Tobacco Stems, 2. to 3% Ammonia, 10 to 11Cc Potash . 25.00 Tobacco Dust No. 1, 2 to 3% Ammonia, 2 to 3% P otash . 25.00 Cut Tobacco Stems, in sacks, 2 to 21% Ammonia,
4 to 5% Potash . 20.00 Dark Tobacco Stems, baled, 2 to 23-% Ammonia,
4 to 5% Potash . 19.00 Land Plaster, in sacks . 12.00 The charges by reputable manufacturers for mixing and bagging any special or regular formula are $1.50 per ton in excess of above prices.
Ammonia, sulphate, foreign, prompt.,2.85 (@$2.921,'
futures . 2.87@1/, 2.90 Ammonia, sulphate, domestic, spot. - @
futures . 2.95 ( 2.971 Fish Scrap, dried, 11% ammonia and
141' bone phosphate, f. o. 1. fishworks, per unit . - ( wet, acidulaled. 6% ammonia
and 3( phosphoric acid,
f. o. b. fish-works . 2.50 & :5 Ground Fish Guano, imported, 10 and
11% ammonia and 15 and 17% bone phosphate, c. i. f. New York, Baltimore or Philadelphia . .55()3.65&10 Tankage, 117 and 15%/, f. o. b. Chicago, basis October . 2.95 & 10 Tankage, 10% and 20%, f. o. b. Chicago, ground, basis October . 2.95 & 10 Tankage, 9%, and 20(, f. o. b. Chicago, ground . - 0 Tankage, concentrated, f. o. b. Chicago, 14 to 15%, f. o. b. Chicago. 2.80 @ Garbage, tankage, f. o. b. Chicago . 9.00 ( Sheep Manure, concentrated, f. o. b. Chicago, per ton .10.00 0 Hoofmeal, f. o. b. Chicago, per unit . . - -Dried Blood, 12 to 131 ammonia, f. o. b. New York . 3.30 (0 3.35 Chicago, basis October . 3.17'@ Nitrate of Soda, 95%, spot, per 100 lbs. 2.121/ t@ 2.15
futures, 95% . 2.12 0' 2.15
Acid Phosphate, per unit . . .62 Bones, rough, hard, per ton . 21.00
soft, steamed, unground . 21.50
ground, steamed, 11% ammonia and 601 bone phosphate 22.50
ditto, " and 50% . 22.50
raw ground, 4% ammonia and
50% bone phosphate . 26.50 South Carolina Phosphate Rock, kilndried, f. o. b. Ashley River . 3.50 Florida Land Pebble Phosphate Rock,
68%c, f. o. b. Port Tampa, Fla . 3.75 Florida High Grade Phosphate Hard
Rock, 77%, f. o. b. Florida ports . 5.50 Tennessee Phosphate Rock, f. o. b. Mt.
Pleasan t, domestic, per ton, 78-80%. 5.00
75% guaranteed . 4.75 68-72% . 4.25
Muriate of Potash, 80-85%, basis 80%,
in bags . $35.75
Muriate of Potash, min. 95%, basis 80%,
in bags . 37.25 Muriate of Potash, min. 98/o, basis 80%,
in bags . 38.00 Sulphate of Potash, 90-95%, basis 90%, in bags . 43.50 Double Manure Salt, 48-53c, basis 48%,
in bags . 22.75 Manure Salt, m--, 20c/, K.,O, in bulk. 12.25 Hardsalt, min. 16%, K20, in bulk . 9.70 Kainit, min. 12.4%, K,.O, in bulk . 7.50
@.$ .65
22.00 Cy, 22.00 @5 21.50 @ 23.00 @ 27.50 @ 3.75 @ 4.o0 a 6.00
5.50 5.00 4.50
For Available and Insoluble Phosphoric Acid. Ammonia
and Potash, for the Se'ason of 1911.
Available Phosphoric Acid . 5c. a pound Insoluble Phosphoric Acid . 1c. a pound Ammonia (or its equivalent in nitrogen). .17 c. a pound Potash (as actual potash, KO) . 5-c. a pound
If calculated by unitsAvailable Phosphoric Acid . $1.00 per unit Insoluble Phosphoric Acid . 20 c. per unit Ammonia (or ils equivalent in nitrogen) . . .5 per unii Potash . 1.10 per unit
With a uniform allowance of $1.50 per ton for mixing and bagging.
A unit is twenty pounds, or 1 per cent., in a ton. We find this to be the easiest and quickest method for calculating) the value of fertilizer. To illustrate this, take for example a fertilizer which analyzes as follows: Available Phosphoric Acid. .6.22 per cent.x$1.00-$ 6.22 Insoluble Phosphoric Acid. 1.50 per cent.x .20- .20 Ammonia . 3.42 per cent.x 2.50- 11.97 Potash . 7.23 per cent.x 1.10- 7.95 Mixing and Bagging . - 1.50
Commercial value at sea ports . $27.94
Or a fertilizer analyzing as follows:
Available Phosphoric Acid . 8 per cent.x$1.00-8 8.00 Ammonia . 2 per cent.x .50- 7.0, Potash . 2 per cent.x 1.10-- 2.20 Mixing and Bagging . - 1.50 Commercial value at sea ports . $18.70
The above valuations are for cash for materials delivered at Florida seaports, and they canl be bought in oneton lots at these prices at the date of issuing this Bulletin. Where fertilizers are bought at interior points, the additional freight to that point must be added.
If purchased in carload lots for cash, a reduction of ten per cent. (all be made in above valuations, i. e.
Available Phosphoric Acid .90 cents per unit Potash (1(0). !)) cents per unit Ammonia (or equivalent in nitrogen) . .-Yl e~mi
The valuations and market prices in preceding illustrations are based on market prices for one-ton lots.
It is not intended by thle "State valuation" to fix the price or commercial value of a given brand. The "State values" are the market prices for the various approved chemicals and materials, used in miixing or manufacturin- commercial fertilizers or commercial stock feed at the date of issuingo a Bulletin, or ihe opening ol1 the
"suaon.'They many, but seldom do, vary from the market prices, and are made libei-at to meet any slight advance or decline.
They are compiled from price lists and commercial reports by reputable dealers and Journals.
The question is frequently asked: "What is 'Snmith's Fruit and Vine' worth per ton ?" Such a question cannot b)e answered categorically. By' analysis, the amnia, available phiosphioric acid and potash may be determined, and thle inquirer informed what thle cost of thle necessary material to compound a ton of goods similar to 'Smiith's Fruit and Vine" would be, using none but acceptedl and well known materials of the best quality.
State values do not consider "trade secrets," loss onl bad bills, cost of advertisements and expenses of collec-
tions. The "State value" is simply that price at which the various ingredients necessary to use in compounding a fertilizer, or feed, cnn be purchased for cash in ton lots at F'lorida seaports.
These price lists are published in this report, with the "S ate values" for 1911 deducted therefrom.
Phosphioric Ammonia Acid
Nitrate of Soda .17 to 19 . Sulphate of Ammonia . 21 to 24 .
Dried Blood.12 to 17 . . Concentrated Tankage . 12 to ~5 1 to 2 .
Bone Tankage.6 to 9 10 to 15 .
Dried Fish Scrap .8 to 11 6 to 8 .
Cotton Seed Meal .7 to 10 2 to 3 1h to 2
1Hoof Meal.13 to 171 Ij to 2 .
Ammonia Avails, ble
Ammonia Phos. Acid
IFlorida Pebble Phosphate. Florida Rock Phosphate. Florida Super Phosphate .14 to 45 Ground Bone .3 to 6 5 to 8
Steamed Bone .3 to 4 6 to 9
Dissolved Bone .2 to 4 13 to 15
Insoluble Phosphoric
A cid
26 to 32 33 to 35 1 to 35
15 to 17 10 to 20 2 to 3
Actual Amoia Phosphoric
Potash A Acid
Muriate of Potash . Sulphate of Potash. Carbonate of Potash . Nitrate of Potash . Double Sul. of Pot. & Mag. Kainit. Sylvinit.
Cotton Seed Hull Ashes. Wood Ashes, unleached. Wood Ashes, leached . Tobacco Stems. Cow Manure (fresh) . Horse Manure (fresh) . Sheep Manure (fresh). Hlog Manure (fresh) . Hen Dung (fresh). Mixed Stable Manure .
50 . . . .
.8 to 52. 5 to 60. 0 to 44 112 to 16 '6 to 301. .2 to 124. 6 to 20. .5 to 30. 2 to 8. 1 to 2. S to 8 2 to 4 0.40 O toO0.41 0.53 Oto0. 60
0.67 1.00
0.60 0.55
0.85 2.07
0.63 0.76
7 to 9 1 to 2 1 to 1j
0.28 0.23 0.19
1.54 0.26
35 to 40
031 0.31 0.33 0.08
0.24 0.70
To convertAmmonia into nitrogen, multiply by . 0.824 Ammonia into protein, multiply by . 5.15 Nitrogen into ammonia, multiply by . 1.214 Nitrate of soda inio nitrogen, multiply by . 0.1647 Nitrogen into protein, multiply by . 6.25 Bone phosphate into phosphoric acid, multiply by 0.458 Phosphoric acid into bone phosphate, multiply by 2.184 Muriate of potash into actual potash, multiply by 0.632 Actual potash into inuriate of potash, multiply by 1.583 Sulphate of potash into actual ),OtashI, Tiu!liply by 0.541 Actual potash into sulphate of potash, multiply by 1.85 Nitrate of potash into notrogeun multiply by. . 0.139 Carbonate of potalsh into actual potash,inultipiv by 0.681 Actual potash into carbonate of potash,multiply by 1.466 Chlorine, in "knini t," multiply potash (KO) oy. . 2.33
For instance, you buy 95 per cent. of nitrate of soda and want to know how much nitrogen is in it. multiply 95 per cent. by 0.1647, you will get 15.65 per cent. nitrogen; you want to know how much ammonia this nitrogen in equivalent to, then inultiply 15.65 per cent. by 1.214 and you gel 18.99 per cent., the equivalent in ammonia.
Or, to convert 90 per cent. carbonate of potash into actual potash (K20), multiply 90 by 0.681, equals 61.29 per cent. actual potash (K20,)
Citizens interested in the fertilizer and stock feed laws of Lhe State, and desiring to avail themselves of their pro-Bul.
tection, can obtain copies free of charge by sending for same to the Conunissioner of Agr iculture. COPIES OF TIlE PURE FOOD AND DRUG LAW. Copies of the Pure Food and Drug Law, rules and regulations, standards, blanks, etc., can be obtained from the Commissioner of Agriculture.
NAME OF FEEL. - .Brig-t Cot'i Seed Meal 9.35 39.70 28.60 7.80 5.80 Dark Cotton Seed Meal 20.00) 22.9(0 37.10 5.501 5.00 Linseed Meal,. old 1)r 7 .
es8 . 7.50 35.70 36.00 7.20 5.30 Linseed Meal, new proC.el' . 8.40 .36.10 :36.70 8.60 5.20 Wheat 1 ran . 9.00( 15.40 53.90 4.00 5.80 Wheat Middlings . 5.40 15.40 59.410 4.10 :.20 Mixed Feed (Wheat). 7.80 16.90 54.40 4.S0! 5.,0 Ship Stuff (Wheat) . 5.60 14.60 59.80 5.00 8.70 Corn (grain) . 2.10 10.50 69.60 5.40 1.50 Corn Meal . 1.90 9.70 68.70 3,.80 1.40 Corn Cobs . 2,0.10 2.40 54.90 0.50 1.40 COI1N and (ob Meal . 6.60 8.50 64.80 11.50 1.50 Hominy Feed . 4.15 10.50 65.11 7.85 2.55 Corn and Oais. equal
1:111. . 5.71) 10.50 64.2) .1.40 2.20 Covr and ( is Feeds. . 12.1)) S.7) 61.70 3.7(0 3.20 Pa'h~ (vvai ) . 2.70)1 12.4) 69.8) 1.8)) 2.40 B 'Hiy Si- ouls . 10.901 27.2) A 2.70 1.60 6.30 Bl iand Oas. equal
port! . . 6.11f 12.10 64.75 8,.40 2.70
FEED ST UFFS-- (Co ticd.)
Oats (grain) . 9.500 Oat Feed . .10 Rice (grain) . . . 020 Rice BIran . R ice I]l ls . .T
Eye (110i1n) . . . 1.70 R .e Ie n . . 1. 1 W heat ( ' .ain . I 1. !
Velvet Bean I-ay . 29.70 Beggarw eed Hay . 24.7i Japanese Kudzu Hay. 822.14
Cotton Seed (whole) . 2:1.20 Cotton Seed Hulls. 41.401 Gluten Feed . .5.0J Beef Sera p. . . .
1 1.)71 :.40 '
1.701, 21.7))
4.011 24.00) 44.70
;9.70 04.00
55.70 42.20} 51.:30 41.001 30.20 30.20 24.701 81;.60 51.20) ). o r
5.01) 3.00 7.10 ,.70 0. 1) 0.4( S.SO) 10.00 0.70 1").20 1.71 1.90 2.8) 83.00 2.10 1.80 1.1() 1.20
2.30 101.90
19.901 3.50 2.001 2.60 1).;0 1.10 11.75 29.20
For the season of 1911 the following "State values" ree fixed as a guide to purchasers.
These values are based on lie current price of corn, which has been chosen as a standard in fixing the commercial values; Ihe price of' corn, to a large extent, governing the price of olier fe'ds, pork, beef, etc.:
Protein. 3 (. per Ipom d . 62Ce. per unit Sliarlh aind Sugar. I I . per ,Im id. 25 c. per unit Fats, 3 c. per pound . 62 c pe unit
A unit being 20( pounds (1%) of a ton.
Indian corn being the standard i $27.50 per ton.
To find the commericial Stale value, multiply the percentages by the price per unit.
EXA.PL: NO. 1.
HOMINY FEEl)-Protein .10.50 x 62.5c, .$ 6.56 Starch and Sugar. 65.30 x 25.0c, 16.43 Fat . 7.85 x 62.5c, 4.91
Stale value per loll .$27.90
],ExA [ 'L,: No. 2.
CORN-Protein .10.50 x 62.5e, $ 6.56 Starch and Sugar . 69.60 x 25.0c, 17.40 Fat . 5.40 x 62.5c, 3.38
State value per ton . $27.34
There are frequent inquiries for formulas for various crops, and there are hundreds of such formulas pubfished; and, while there are hundreds of "brands," the variations in these grades are surprisingly little. Dozens of "brands" put up by the same manufacturer are iden,tical goods, the only difference being in the name printed on the tag or sack. A good general formula for field or garden might be called a "vegetable formula," and would have the following: Ammonia. 3 %; available phosphoric acid, 6%; and potash, 7: /. The following formulas will furnish the necessary plant food in about the above proportion. I have purposely avoided the use of any fraction of 100 pounds in these formulas to simplify them. Values are taken from price lists furnished by the trade, which we published in our Report of January 1, 1910.
For cotton, corn, sweet potatoes and vegetables: Ammonia, 3 1%; available phosphoric acid, 61%; potash, 7j%.
No. 1.
Per Cent.
900 pounds of Cotton Seed Meal (7j-2j-1j) . 3.25 Ammonia 00 pounds of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent) . 6.40 Available 100 pounds of Muriate (or Sulphate) (50 per cent) 7.50 Potash 2000
State value mixed and bagged . $27.52
Plant Food per ton . 343 pounds
No. 2.
Per Cent.
1000 lbs of Blood and Bone (6,-8) .] 3.25 Ammonia 400 lbs of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent) . .7.00 Available 600 lbs of Low Grade Sulp. Pot. (26 per cent) .J 7.80 Potash 2000
State value mixed and bagged . $28.45
Plant Food per ton . 360 pounds
No. 3.
Per Cent.
300 lbs of Dried Blood (16 per cent) . 3.25 Ammonia 100 lbs of Nitrate of Soda (17 per cent) . 8 00 Available 1000 lbs of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent). J 7MO Potash 600 lbs of Low Grade Suip. Pot. (26 per cent).
State value mixed and bagged . $29.45
Plant Food per ton . 381 pounds
No. 1.
Fruits. Melons, Strawberries, Irish potatoes: Ammonia 4 per cent., Availilde Phosphoric. Acid 7 per cent., Potash 10 per cent.
Per Cent.
1000 lbs of Blood and Bone (6k-8) . 100 lbs of Nitrate of Soda (17 per cent) . 1 4 Ammonia 500 lbs of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent) . 8 Available 400 lbs of Muriate of Potash (50 Per cent) .J 10 Potash
State value mixed and bagged . $24.50
Plant Food per ton . 440 pounds
No. 2.
Per Cent.
500 lbs of Castor Pomace (6--2 per cent) . 4.00 Ammonia 200 lbs of Snip. of Am. (25 per cent) . .7.70 Available 900 11ts of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent). J 9.60 Potash 400 lbs of Sulp. of Pot. (48 per cent) .
State value mixed and bagged . $33.76
Plant Io d per ' ( . 426 pounds
No. 3.
Per Cent.
500 lbs of Cotton Seed Meal (7-2-l). 100 lbs of Nitrate of Soda (17 per cent) . 97 Ammonia 100 lbs of Sulp. of Am. (25 per cent) S. .30 Available 500 lbs of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent) .8.97 Potash 400 lbs of Sulp. of Potash (48 per cent) .
S-ate value mixed and bagged . $33.57
Plant Food por tin . 4-25 pounds
We frequently have samples of soil sent in for analysis and a request to advise as to the best methods of fertilizing. Excepting in extreme cases, such as Heavy Clays, Pure Sand and Muck Lands, there is but litle information to be derived from a soil analysis that would be of benefit to farmers. So much depends on tilth, drainage, culture and other physical conditions that an analysis made under laboratory conditions is of little value. In this connection we quote from the Relport of the Indiana Agricultural Experiment Stat ion, Purdue University, of Lafayette, Ind., as follows:
"SOIL ANALYSIS OF LITTLE VALUE IN 1O\IiNG FlmTILIZERl REQUIEMENTS.-The Chelnicali )epartment is called upon to answer hundreds of letters of inquiry iii relation to agricultural chemical problems from people all over ihe State. In this connection it night be wel; to say that there is a widespread idea lhat the chemist can analyze a sample of soil and, without further know1 edge of the conditions, write out a prescription of a fer tilizer which will fill the needs of that particular soil.
"The Experiment Station does not analyze samples of soil to determine the fertilizer requirements. There is no chemical method known tlmt will show reliably the availability of the plant food elements present in the soil, as this is a variable factor, influenced by the kind of crop, the type of soil, the climate and biological conditions; hence, we do not recommend this method of testing moil."
The method recommended by the Indiana Station is the field fertilizer test or plot system, in which long, narrow strips of the field to be tested are measured off side by) side. The crop is planted uniformly over eailh. Different fertilizers are applied to the different plots, every third or fourth one being left unfertilized. The produce from these plots is harvested separately and weighed. In this manner the farmer can tell what fer-
tilizer is best suited for his needs. As climatic conditions may influence the yield with different fertilizers, it is best to carry on such tests for more than one year before drawing definite conclusions. There is positively no easier or shorter method of testing the soil that we feel safe in reconinlending.
Soil can blie greatly improved by an intelligent rotation of crops, the conservation of stable manure, and lthe use of some kind of commercial fertilizer. Farmers need have no fear that the proper application of commercial fertilizer will injure the land.
We frequently analyze water for public use, city, town and neighborhood supplies; springs and artesian wells in which the public is interested; and for individuals when some economic question, boiler, laundry or other industrial use is to be decided. WE DO NOT ANALYZE WATER FOR INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT WHEREIN THE PUBLIC IS NOT INTERESTED. SuCiI SAMPLES SHOULD BE SENT TO A COMMERCIAL LABORATORY. THIIE STATE LABORATORY DOES NOT COMPETE WITH CO\IME.IRCIAL LABORA'rORIES. Also, we do not make bacteriological examinations nor examinations for disease germs. Such examinations and analyses are made by the State Board of Health at Jacksonville.
We do not make a sanitary analysis, nor a complete quantilative determnlnation, separating each mineral and staling the quantity lthereof. Such an analysis would be costly in time and labor, and of no real value to the inquirer. We determine the total dissolved solids in the sample and report them as parts per 1,000,000, naming the principal inredients in ihe order ofl their predoninance. We find Calcium Carbonate (lime), Sod:,n
Chloride (salt), Magnesium Sulphate (epsom salsa ,
Silica (sand), and Iron, is hle general order of their predominance, Ilhough on the coast, where ihe total dissolved solids a:mounls to 5,000 or more parts per 1,000,001, Sodimn Chloride (salt) is the predominant substance.
From a knowledge of the chemical analysis of a water, unaccompanied by any further information, no conclusion as to the potability and healthfulness of the water can be deduced.
Therefore, we require the following information to be given in regard to the source of the water:
(1). The source of the water: spring, lake, river, driven well, dug well, bored well, artesian well, or flowing well; and also the depth of the water surface below the top of the soil, and in case wells the depllh of lthe casing.
(2). The locality of the source of the water: town, city or village; or the section, township and range.
(3). The proposed use of the water: city supply, domestic use, laundry, boiler, irrigation or ollher industrial use.
(4). No sample of water will be analyzed unless the name and address of the sender is on the package for identification.
Ie require two gallons of cach sample of water, in a new jtug, stopped with, a new cork, and sent by prepaid express. We will not accept any sample of water for analysis not in a new jug. Vessels previously used for oiher purposes are never properly cleanlled for sending sainples of water for analysis. Corks. once used for other substances (molasses, vinegar, whiskey, kerosene, etc.) ae never properly cleaned. In sampling a well water, the stagnant water in the pump must first be pumped off. The jug must first be rinsed with the water to be sampled, emptied, and then filled. A sample of spring, river or lake water is best taken (after rinsing the jug) by allowing the jug to fill after immersion some distance under the surface near the center of the body of water.
No':. We lind thle waters of the State-springs, wells, driven wells and ariesian wells-generally very pure and wholesome, with but little mineral impurity and that such as is not harmful. Except in cases of gross carelessness, in allowing surface water to contaminate the well or spring, the waters of the State are pure and wholesome. The deep wells of the State are noted for their plmlily and healthfulness.
Samples of Foods and Drugs are drawn under special regulations. Application should be made to the Commissioner of Agriculture or State Chemist for the neces. sary blanks, instructions, elc., for drawing and transmitting samples of foods amnd drugs including drinks of all kinds.
It V osE State Chemist. SPECIAL 1-TLZ~tAALSS 00 1111"TTBI ft Assistant Chemist.
Samples taken by Purchaser Under Sc tion 9, Act Approved May 22, 1901.
Phosphoric Acid.
Fertilizer .12012 4.711 7.78 3.3 Fertilizer . 2013 . 5.48 1.19 Fertilizer .12014 11.12 7.52 1.89 Fertilizer .12015 7.5 2 7. S o.32 Palmetto Ashes . 2016 . . Blood and Bone . 2017 . . .*. Fertilizer . 2018 8.32 8.03 0.10 Fertilizer . 2019 . 3.23 10.40 Fertilizer. . 2020 .6.60 1.48 ertilizer No. 1 .2021 . 2.97 10.49
Nitrate of Soda(?) (Pet. Salt) 2022 . . Fertilizer .2023 .5.821 1.13 Fertilizer No. 2.12024 .11.60 0.09
11.16 1.73 16.46 A. B. Bryan, Bowling Green, Fia.
6. 67 4.20 6.76 J. E. Wilson, Ft. Meade, Fia.
9.411 4.80 6.24 James Campbell, Longwood, Fla. 7.50 3. .S 3 11.80 A. S. Alfred, St. Petersburg, Fla. . .2.38 D. E. Haywood, West Palm Beach, Fin.
5.59 11.15 .John H-. Blake, Tampa, Fla. 8. 13 4.36 10. 43 H. A. Perry, Pomona, Fla. 13.63 4.98 4.39 H. IN. Smith, Zolfo, Fla.
8.08 4.02 5.25 R. L. Coward, Ona, Fla. 13.46 4.65 8.57 Lewis, Baldwin & Co., Bowling Green, Fla.
.Trace .H. C. Hadley, Ft. Myers, Fla.
6.95 4.27 8.49 W. C. McCall, Miami, Fla. 11.69 2.98 7.06 Lewis, Baldwin & Co., Bowling Green, Fla.
j, rtilizer . 2025 12.54 10.58 Dried Blood. 2026 . . Fertilizer No. 1 .2027 7.53 9.21 Fertilizer No. 1 .2028 8.98 5.11 Fertilizer No. 2 .2029 7.63 5.48 Fertilizer.2030 8.46 6.94 Ashes 'A". 2031. . . Ashes "B". . 2032. . . Fertilizer.2033 9.75 6.60 Fertilizer.2034 6.95 6.52 Fertilizer . 2035 10.75 6.45 ,xcid Phosphate No. 1 . 2036 .14.28 Acid Phosphate No. 2 .2037 .16.04 Cotton Seed Meal .2038 . . Fertilizer . 2039 6.46 6.95 Fertilizer. "Oats". 2040 6.13 9.96 Fertilizer, "Vegetable".2041 8.55 6.09 Ashes. "X". . 2042. . . Fertilizer No. 1 .2043 6.01 6.72 Fertilizer "B. S. F. C.2044 8.91 111.31
toric Acid.
o as
0.80 11.38 5.261 7.62 V. L. Carrier, Crescent City, Fla. . 15.801 .Joe Cameron, Sanford, Fla.
2.06 11.27 5.091 5.58 C. S. Bushnell, Arcadia, Fla.
0.92 6.03 5.47 10.88 F. A. Buckles, ilant City, Fla. 1.42 6.90 5.62 10.90 F. A. Buckles, Plant City, Fla.
0.49 7.43 3.47 8.80 G. Douet, Astatula, Fla.
. . .4.79 Geo. L. Marls, Sanford, Fla.
. . .0.87 Geo. L. Manis, Sanford, Fla.
1.88 8.48 4.84 5.95 James McKay, Boynton, Fla. 3.62 10.14 2.44 13.13 Lewis & Co., Kathleen, Fla.
0.82 7.27 2.98 9.13 C. B. Gwynn, Tallahassee, Fla.
0.27 14.55 . .L. Heimburger, Tallahassee, Fla.
0.30 16.34 . .L. Heimburger, Tallahassee, Fla.
. .8.00 .Geneva Lumher Co., Eleanor, Fla.
1.19 8.14 4.30 7.89 1. N. Cochran, Ona, Fla.
0.07 10.03 2.60 4.29 C. B. Gwynn, Tallahassee, Fla.
1.09 7.18 4.08 8.36 C. B. Gwynn, Tallahassee, Fla.
. . .6.421 F. F. Dutton, Sanford, Fla.
0.40 7.12 5.98 7.93 Spencer Smith, Arcadia, Fla.
1.22 12.53 4.60 6.631 J. P. Coward, Crescent City, Fla.
r'ertilizer . 2045 5.58 4.61 5.20 9.81 6.50 6.61 Fertilizer No. 2 .2046 8.84 15.310 0.07 15.37 1.00 2.04 Dried Blood . 2047 . . .16.35. Muriate of Potash .2048 . . . . .50.64 ITI G. Sulphate of Potash . 2049 . . . .50.64 L. G. Sulphate of Potash . 25. . . * * ' *26.44 Fertilizer No. 1 . 2051 .7.18 0.35 7.53 4.42 7.89 Fertilizer No. 2 . 2052 .9.00 0.12 9.12 5.13 8.43 Fertilizer No. 2 . 2053 3.61 2.56 9.69 12.25 4.18 10.69 E~rtllizer . . *. *2054 7.41 7.37 1.70 9.07 3.83 3.23 Fertilizer, "Wilson's Special". 2055 .10.09 0.13 10.22 2.84 3.53 Arid Phosphate No. 1 . 2056 .16.89 0.41 17.30 . . Acid Phosphate No. 2 . 2057 .17.42 0.08 17.50 . . Acid Phosphate. 2058 .15.02 0.21 16.13 . . Kainit .2059. .13.42
Fertilizer . 2060 .12.07 0.99 13.06 1.53 1.76 Fertilizer . 2041 5.31 9.89 0.04 9.93 1.40 14.89 Kainit No. 1 .2062 . . . .13.88 Kainit No. 2 .2063. . . .13.67 Fertilizer No. 3 . 2064 .6.42 0.05 6.47 4.04 12.10 Palmetto Ashes . 2065.3.3.5 Fertilizer . 2066 9.88 6.91 2.46 9.37 5.23 8.24 Fertilizer No. 1 .2067 .10.34 0.94 11.28 2.45 1.57 Feitilizer No. 2 . 2068 .10.25 0.90 11.15 2.24 1.71 Acid Phosphate No. 3 . 2069 .14.21 1.80 16.01 . . Fertilizer, "Tomato No. 1". . 2070 .3.5or3 0.49 4.02 8.28 10.04 Fertilizer, "Tomato No. 2". . 2071 .5.47 4.02 9.49 5.95 6.32 Fertilizer, "Deli Tabakimert" 2072 7.71 5.88 0.06 5.94 6.45 10.01 Kainit.2073.14.3 Festilizer . 2074 .9.17 0.56 9.73 2.09 3.24 Kainit .20751 . . . .13.881
Geo. A. Butler, Tavares, Fla. Spencer Smith, Arcadia, Fla. Ocala Fertz. Co., Ocala, FMa. Ocala Fertz. Co., Ocala, Fna. Ocala Fertz. Co., Ocala, Fla. Ocala Fertz. Co., Ocala, Fia. Ocala Fertz. Co., Ocala, Fin. Ocala Fertz Co., Ocala, Fla. C. S. Bushnell, Arcadia, Fla. E. Patrick, Turkey Creek, Fla. A. L. Wilson & Co., Quincy, Fla. A. . Wilson & Co., Quincy, Fla. A. L. Wilson & Co., Quincy, Ina. J. H. McClinton, Ft. White, Fin. J. H. McClinton, Ft. White, Fin. W. H. Booth, Campheilton, Fla. H. F. Klisen, Yalaha, Fla. A. L. Beck, Orlando, Fla. A. L. Beck, Orlando, Fla. A. L. Beck, Orlando, Fin. B. B. Thompson, Pensacola, Fla. C. B. Morrow, Crescent City, Fin. Milton Cash Store, Milton, Fla. Milton Cash Store, Milton, Fla. Milton Cash Store, Milton, Fla. Walter Waldin, Miami, Fln. Walter Waldin, Miami, Fla. C. G. A. Griek, Tallahassee, Fla. Jns. X. Towles, Athena, Fla. T. J. Huff, Ft. White, Fla. T. J. Huff, FL. White, Fla.
0 m
Fertilizer No. 1 . 2076
Fertilizer No. 2 . 2077
Fertilizer No. 3 . 2078
Fertilizer No. 4 . 2079
Fertilizer No. 5 . 2080
Dried Blood . 2081 Fertilizer, "Potato Special". 2082 Cotton Seed Meal . 2083 Fertilizer No. 1 . 20S4 Fertilizer No. 2 . 2085 Fertilizer No. 3 . 2086 Fertilizer, "Celery Special". 2087 Fertilizer .2088 Fertilizer, "C. B. & Q. 92530". 2089
5.51 6.03 8.47 5.82 5.44
11.73 13.40 12.19 7.12
1.07 7.16 0.24 8.60 0.68 7.30 0.58 6.79 1.10 6.56
2.73 10.05 0.15 8.95
0.55 9.95 1.46 11.23 2.95 10.15 1.06 9.1s 1.02 9.741
5.45' 8.72 The Armour Fertz. Co., Jacksonville,
4.32 12.32 The Armour Fertz. Co., Jacksonville,
3.01 10.71 The Armour Fertz. Co., Jacksonville, 4
3.24 8.49 The Armour Fertz. Co., Jacksonville,
5.19 5.62 The Armour Fertz. Co., Jacksonville,
15.53 . A. L. Beck, Orlando, Fla.
4.01 12.22 J. W. Teasley, Tampa, Fla. 7.28 . John J. Evans, Evans, Fla.
2.50 2.15 C. A. Green, Milton, Fla. 1.83 2.97 C. A. Green, Milton, Fla. .58 2.19 C. A. Green, Milton, Fla.
6.53 5.SS J. W. Teasley, Tampa, Fla.
2.97 2.37 R. F. Howard, Tallahassee, Fla.
4.89 8.50 Mlunroe & Chambliss, Ocala, Fla.
l'h sph, wi ' A-id.
Fertilizer, "Grand Trunk 2090 7.54 7.70 1.45 9.15 1098l 0" . . I
Fertilizer, "AT. & S. F. 28010" 2091 6 79 9.421 1.50 10.92
- Dried Blood . 2092 . 5. . . I- tilizer . 2093 8.671 5.78 1.73 7.51 Fertilizer No. 1 . 2094 7.921 8.8,01 0.02 8.82 Fertilizer No. 2 . 2095 5.98: 8.11 0.12 8.23 Fertilizer No. 3 . 2096 16.o8 6.72 1.09 7.81 Fertilizer No. 4 . 2097 19.03 6.35 1.15 7.50 Cotton Seed Meal, "C. M. & S. 2098. P. No. 18110.
Cotton Seed Meal, "L. & N. 2099 . 10328" . . .
Cotton Seed Meal, "S. A. L. 2100 . 24772" . . .
Cotton Seed Meal, "A. C. L. 2101 . . . 23157" . .
Fertilizer . 2102 7.54 6.04 2.61 9.65 Fertilizer No. 1 . 2103 15.82 12.14 0.63 12.77 Fertilizer No. 2 . 2104 . 11.84 0.73 12.07 Fertilizer . 2105 . 5. 96 0.67 6.63 cotton Seed Meal No. 1 . 2106 .
Cotton Seed Meal No. 2 . 2107 . .
Thomas Slag Phosphate, "Sou. 2108 . 6.38 12.18 18.56 11475." .
Cotton Seed Meal, "L. & N. 2109 . 12218" .
Cotton Seed Meal, "I. C. 2110 . . 14534" . .
4.951 8.61 Munroe & Chambliss, Ocala, Fla.
4.701 7.89 Mlunroe & Chambliss, Oeaia, Fla. 13. . A. L. Peck, Orlando, Fla. l.971 9.19 W. A. Varn, Bartow, Fla.
4.47 11.77 J. .J. Stephens, Castalia, Fla. 4.25 12.3:8 J. J. Steihchns, Castalia, Fla. 3.60 6. 17 J. J. St ephens, Castalia, Fla. 3.14 7.05 . J. Stephers, Castalia, Fla.
7.o . Am. Sumatra Tobacco Co., Quincy,
7 32 .Am. Sumatra Tobacco Co., Quincy,
8.01 . Am. Sumatra Tobacco Co., Quincy,
7.15 . An. Sumatra Tobacco Co., Quincy, g
2.18 11.21 Names MeVicker, Cobb, Fla.
2.15 1.61 J. F. Lannous, Galloway, Fla. !-71 1.59 .1. F. Lannous, Galloway, Fla. b.38; 13.6,3 A. J. Mixson, Williston, Fla.
7.491 . Gadsden Shade Tobacco Co., Quincy,
7.48 . Fla.
7.48 .Gadsden Shade Tobacco Co., Quincy,
. Kraus, MeFarlia Co., Quincy, Fla.
6.92! . Kraus, MeFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla.
7.011 . Kraus, YMcFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla.
Cotton Seed Meal, "Sou. 2111 . 13983" . . Cotton Seed Meal, "A. C. L. 2112 . 23157" . . Cotton Seed Meal, "P. R. R. 2113 . 4783" . . Cotton Seed Meal, "M. P. 2114 . 39010" . . Fertilizer . 2115 8.81 Fertilizer . 2116 7.41 Fertilizer . 2117 . Cotton Seed Meal (G T. No. 2118 . 4461) . Cotton Seed Meal (A. C. L. 2119 . No. 33350).
Cotton Seed Meal "W;". 2120 .
Cotton Seed Meal "B" . . 2121. Fertilizer . 2122 12.17 Fertilizer . 2123 12.76 Acid Phosphate . 2124.
7.54 0 .37 8.29 0.16 3.97 2.30
6.951 . Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla
7.19' . Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Flz
6.961 . Kraus, McFarlln Co., Quincy, Fla
7.171 . Kraus, McFarlin Co. Quincy, Fla
4.951 9.02 A. H. Perry, Pomona, Fla.
3.30, 11.44. John T. Richards, Orlando, Fla.
7.001 7.03I R. E. Rose. Tallahassee, Fla.
7.351 . .Lewis Bear Co., Pensacola, Fla.
- . . . . . . . . I. . . . . .* 1
8.551 0.27! 8.82 9.251 0.39 9.64 5.711 0.85! 16.56!
. Lewis Bear Co., Pensacola, Fla.
. . .M Lowery, Tallahassee, Fla. . . 1. Lowery, Tallahassee, Fla.
2.48 W. A. Gallows ay. Ferry. Fla.
1.86 C. T. Jenkins. Ferry, Fla. . D. Johnson, Holt, Fla.
Nitrate of Soda . 12125 . Peruvian Guano ( C. . No. 2126. 48235) . Peruvian Guano ( Son. No. 2127 . 132963) . Ioj Peruvian Guano (i. & v. No. 2128 60028) . Basic Slag (C. & 0. No. 5296) 2129 . Basic Slag (S. A. L. No. 2130 . 1S731) . Basic Slag (Sou. No. 9947) . 2131 . Cotton Seed Meal (R. I C. 2132 . N o. 60144) . Cotton Seed Meal (I. C. No. 2133 . 25132) . Cotton Seed Meal (B. & 0. No. 2134 . 70177) . Cotton Seed Meal (N. & W. 2135 . N o. 60396) . Cotton Seed Meal (M. C. No. 2136 . 44538) . Cotton Seed Meal . 2137 . Fertilizer . 2138 . Fertilizer . . 2139 12.15 Cotton Seed Meal . 2140 . Cotton Seed Meal . 2141 . Cotton Seed Meal . 2142 . Cotton Seed Meal . 2143 . Cotton Seed Meal . 2144!. Cotton Seed Meal . 2145. Cotton Seed Meal . 21461 . I
9.21 5.43 10.85 5.32 10.17 4.01 5.53 12.00 5.84 11.SS 6.23 11.97
11.15 0.35 9.34 0.76
18.601 .
6.50 2.05!
6.99 2.48
5.96 2.38
7.24. .
7.35 .
7.15 .
7.30 .
7.52 .
7.85 . 1.70 2.21 2.23 2.04 7.56 . 6.78 . 7.62 . 7.54 . 6.96.
7.52 . 7.66 .
J. D. Johnson, Holt, Fla. Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla.
Kraus, MdcFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla.
Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla.
Kraus, MrFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla.
Kraus, AlcFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla.
i a us, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla.
Kraus, MeFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. ,s
Kraus, AlcFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla.
Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla.
Mrs. H. W. Thomas, DeFuniak, Fla. ('hoa:,es Foster, Holt, Fla iliton Foster, Red Rock,'Fla. Pu cnon Chappell, Quincy, Fla. T. Ci. Lambert, Quincy, Fla. L M. Owens, Quincy, Fla. F 1,. Owens, Quincy, Fla. 1-1 F. Dykes, Quincy, Fia A1. G. Flake, Quincy, Fla.' C. W. Owens, Quincy, Fla.
SPEC iTA L FER'iii.ZER ANAL iSES S, In Aontinued.
Phosphoric Acid.
Cotton Seed Meal (C. of Ga. 2147 .
N o. 4 62) .
Cotton Seed Meal (L. & N. Z148 . No. 671S3) .
Cotton Seed Meal (Grand 2149 . Trunk No. 12573) . Co ton Seed Meal (M. L. & T. 2150 . No. 30606) . Cotton Seed Meal (L. & N. 2151 . No. 17759) . Fertilizer No. 1 . 2152 15.86 Fertilizer No. 2 . 2153 10.15 Fertilizer . 2154 13.51 Fertilizer N o. 1. 2155 . Fertilizer No. 2 . . 215 . Muriate of Potash . 2157 . . Fertilizer No. 3 . 2158 11.11 Nitrate of Soda . 2159 . Fertilizer . 210 11.2S Fertilizer . 2161 .
. . . . . [ . . . . . .
9.29 1.75
11.07 1.29 .S99 0.71 9. 0 0.'02 12.13 0.22
11.01 12.38 9.0I0 9. GO
11.28 0.59 11.,7 8.50 0.05 8.157 15.62 1.71 17.3
7.07 .
7.40 .
7.27 .
C. 92 .
2.57 1.361 ;. 4.61 2.20 3.01
1 5,20! 2.SL1 2.02' 1. PS
3.3i 3.07 1. 9 . . 2.1951 2.01
0.951 2.01
Kriiaus, MeFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla.
K!,:aus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla.
.raus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. tD
Kraus, -McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla.
Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quin'y, Fla.
T. G. Lambert, Quincy, Fla. 1. G. Lambert, Quincy, Fla. . \r. Br an. Sullivan. Fla. W. P. Bryan, Sullivan, Fla. IW . i lryn, Sullivan, Fla. WN P. Bryan, Sullivan, Fla. SP. B 3yn Sllivan. F1a. V" P. ,' yan. Sullivan, Fla. T. ' . T A n, Sullivan , Fl. Ernest Amos, Tallahassee, Fla.
Fertilizer . 2162 11.79 Muriate of Potash . 2163 . Fertilizer (Hanna No. 1) . 2164 . Fertilizer . 2165 . Fertilizer No 1B . 2166 . Fe tilizer NO. 2M . 2167 . Fertilizer . 2168 10.17 Fertilizer (Comn. Sam. "Cotton 2169 .
B oll") .
Fer'tilizer (Com. Sam. "Corn- 2170 .
plete Guano . .
Cotton Seed Meal . 2171 . Cotton Seed Meal . 2172 . Nitrate of Soda . 2173 . Fertilizer (Comn. S:Iaple 2174 .
"Meal Mixt.") .
Acid Phosphate (Corn.Sample) 2175 .
Acid Phosphate . 2176 . Fertilizer . 2177 . Fertilizer . 217S 10.75 Acid Phosphate . 2179 . Fertilizer ("Meal Mixt.") . 2180 . Acid Phosphate ("R. & F.- 2181 . Acid Phosphate ("W. C. L.' . I
Fertilizer ("P'* 0 iix "). 12183 . Fe 'tze h"Bone Conip. W. 2184 8.0
C . L . . . .
Aeid Phosphate ("J. G.") . 21851 . Fei !izer ("Cotton Pod1"). 218, .
.1 C' (".obIl St n 2d. 87
13.05 1.16 14.21 1.90 1.74 . . . . 50 .20 11.48 1.70 13.18 . 3.721 0.u4 1.55 7.59 3.15 10.43 11.48A 0.12 11.60 1.50 2.75 10.68 0.61 11.29 2.38 2.50
10.15 0.28 10.43 1.64 2.29, 9.711 1.031 10.741 2.22. 1.35i
9.48 0.30 9.73 4.25 1.94
. . . 7 .95 . . . . 6 .10 . . . . 18 .02 . 9.05 0.93 9.98 2.55 1.471
17.65 0.233 17.98 . .
17.76 0.06 17.82 . . 9.58 2.24: 11.82 2.31 1.51 12.10 0.0(;5' 12.75 2.65 0.83 15.81 1.0- 10.8 S. . 7.71 0.40 8.17 2.17 2.69 16.98 0.14 17.12 . . 15.58 0.14 15.72 . . 8.571 0.62 9.19 2.65 3.39 11.20 0.92 12.12 2.08 2.70
15.12 0.54 15.96 . 9.72 i 25 9.97 2.15 3.181 1.50 0.1- 12.63 2.05 1,77
John Johnson, Sullivan, Fla. John Johnson, Sullivan, Fla. A. L. Wilson Co., Quincy, Fla. C. B. Dean, Lakeland, Fla. C. 1H. Scott, Basconi, Fla. C. 1. Scott, Bascom, Fla. . E Foster, Red Ro,,ck, Fla. T. & L. MI. Owens, Quint.y, Fla.
H. F. Dykes and J. L. Owens, Quincy,
W. T. Owens, Quincy, Fla. L. Helimburger, Tallahassee, Fla. L. Heimburger, Tallahassee, Fla. WV. C., J. L. & W. T. Owens, H. F.
Dyhes, Quincy, Fla.
P Chapiell, J. L. & L. N. Owens, uiyFla.
W C. Owen, o Quincy, Fla. W C. Owens, Quincy, Fla. . J. Cooley, Sullivan, Fla. 1. J. Cooley, Sullivan, Fla. j. Pi. Rhoads, Holt, Fla. . 1. Rhoads, lolt, Fla. J. P. Rhoads, Holt, Fla. J. P. Rhoads, Holt, Fla. J. P. Rhoads, Holt, Fla.
J. Griffith, Holt, Fla. J. Griffith, Holt, Fla. J, Griffith, Holt, Fla.
Phosphoric Acid.
'-' s.
Potash Salt No. 1 . 2188 .
Potash Salt No. 2. 2189 8.70
Sullbhate of Potash. 2190 . Fertilizer A" . . 2191 6 : Fertilizer B . . 21921 6.27 Cotton Seedl Meal . 2 '931 . Foltilizer . . 219 1 1.: D ried Blood . . '2195 . Bone M eal . 2196 . Palmetto Ashes . 2197 . Cotton Seed Meal . 2198 . Cotton Seed dMeal . 2199 . H. WIV. Ashes "A" . . 2200 . 11. W . A hes "B" . . 2201 . Fertilizer No. 1 . 2202 5.03 Fertilizer No. 2 . 2203 7.00 Fertilizer No. 4 . 2204 10.7, Cotton Seed Meal . 2205 .
. . . . 50.80
. . . . 19 .88
7.00 0.19 7.19 4.59 12.16 7.00 0.22 7.22 3.54 13.531 . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 .4 9 . . . . . .
S.01 I). .Sl S.S 2.05 5.90, . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .2 5 . . . . . .
S.25 15.419 2 3.74 3.03 .
~0.51 . . . . 0 .51
. . . 7 .27 .
.7. . . . . 2. .
. . . . . . 4 .50 7.10f 0.80 7.90 4.25 12.02' 7.90' 0.80 8.70 4.39 12.551 9.6031 1.12 10.75 1.661 2.19 . I. 7.40 .I
J. E. Dubuission & Bro., Pensacola,
J. E. Dubuission & Bro., Pensacola,
John H. Blake, Tampa, Fla. John H. Blake, Tampa, Fla. John H. Blake, Tampa, Fla. A. L. Wilson Co., Quincy, Fla. MeCloy H. Martin, Sanford, Fla. A. N. Itoofnagle, Ft. Pierce, Fla. A. N. Hoofnagle, Ft. Pierce, Fla. L. B. Thompson, Pensacola, Fla. B. A. Pucket, Quincy, Fla. M. H. MAlosley, Quincy, Fla. The South. Fertz Co., Orlando, Fla. The South. Fertz Co., Orlando, Fla. John H. Blake, Tampa, Fla. John H. Blake, Tampa, Fla. Milton Cash Store, Milton, Fla. K. W. Johnson, Lakewood, Fla.
T A .
Cotton Seed Meal . 2206 . Fish . 2207. Fertilizer No. 1 . 2208 4.46 Fertilizer No. 2 . 2209 4.:'0 Fertilizer No. 3 . 2210 2. .u Fertilizer No. 4 . 2211 2.fl2 Fertilizer No 5 . 2212 7.56 Fertilizer No. 6 . 2213 6.08 Nitrate of Soda . 2214 . Fertilizer (L. & N. No. 8992). 2215 10.' S Fertilizer (L. & N. No. 91015) 2216 10.41 Fertilizer (L. & N. No, 95405) 2217 10.1; Cotton Seed Meal (D. & H. 2218 .
Co. 15700) .
Cotton Seed Meal (S T. L. & 2219 .
S. F. No. 33959) .
Cotton Seed Meal (A. C. L. 2220 .
27631) .
Cotton Seed Meal (Penn. No. 2221 .
16503) .
Cotton Seed Meal (M. K. & T. 2222 .
10517) .
Cotton Seed Meal (B. C. R. & 2223 .
N . 48007) .
Cotton Seed Meal (Penn. No 2224 .
62392 ) . .
Cotton Seed Meal (S. T. L. & 2225 .
S. F. No. 31211) .
Cotton Seed Meal (A. C. L. 2226 .
N o. 18466) .
Cotton Seed Meal (70 sacks 2227 .
R. I. C. No. 60144) .
4.341 1.81 6.15 4.921 6.12 11.05 6.86 5.29 12.15 G.5 1 5.21 11.80
7.85 2.95 10.80 7.161 0.17 7.33 7.79' 3.61 11.40 . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.99 0.75 11.74
12.41 0.27 12.68 9.52 0.43 9.95
. . 1 . . . . . .
7.19 10.04 4.65 4.25 2.65 4.12 2.32 2.59 17.00 2.81 1.73 2.91 7.90
6.711 12.19' 13.09
4.71' 2.89
3.30 3.24 5.89
R. B. Campbell, Tampa. Fla. R. B. Campbell, Tampa. Fla. R. B. Campbell, Tampa. Fla. R. B. Campbell, Tampa. Fla. R. 1. Campbell, Tamina. Fla. R. B. Camipbell. Tamina. Fla. R. B. Campbell, Tampa. Fla. R. B. Campbell, Taml a. Fla. L. Heimburger, Tallahassee, Fla. Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, F1
Kraus, MeFarlin Co., Kraus, MeFarlin Co., Kraus, McFarlin Co.,
Quincy, Fla. Quincy, Fla. Quincy, Fla.
. Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. . Kraus, MoFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. . Kraus, MeFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. . Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. . Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. . Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. . Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. . Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. . Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla.
Phosphoric Acid.
I 0
ci) P)
Cotton Seed Meal (12 sacks 2228 .
R. I C. No. 60144) .
Fertilizer . 2229 . Fertilizer No. 1 . 2230 . Fertilizer No. 2 . 2231 . Fertilizer No. 3 . 2232 . Fertilizer No. 4 . 2233 . Cotton Seed Meal . 2234 . Fertilizer .2235. Basic Slag (A. C. L. No. 2236 . 21479) . FertilIzer (C. R. I. & P. No. 2237 15.08 5" 94') . Fertilizer (N. Y. C. & H. R. 2238 15.44 98750) .
Peruvian Guano (P. & R. No. 2239 . 3187) . . Cotton Seed Mel (I. C. 2240 . 17929) .
Cotton Seed Meal (P. R. R. 2241 . 99856) .
11.43 11.84 4.22 8.09 9.24
8.42 5.51
1.27 12.70 0.59 12.43 3.89 8.11 0.75 8.84 0.31 9.55
2.38 10.80 8.63 14.14
0.85 11.90
1.17 11.70
7.92 15.81
4.75 2.40 1.99 3.26 2.69 7.98 4.49
2.60 2.27 6.78 7.27 7.50
2.47i 2.95 9.93: 6.17] 5.89, 4 18,
Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla.
J. J Whiie, Graceville, Fla. T. N. Darcey, Concord, Fla. 'T. N. Darsey, Concord, Fla. T. N. Dai ey, Concord, Fla. T. N. Dasey, Concord, Fla. T1. N. Darsey, Concord, Fla. I2 L Beven, Creseenl City. Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla.
Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla
Am. Slnmatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla.
Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla.
Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla.
Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla.
Cotton Seed Meal (G. S. & r. 2242 . 2352) . Cotton Seed Meal (Sou. 2243 . I 12S082) . I
Cotton Seed Meal (M. C. 2244 . 95810) .
Cotton Seed Meal (Cen. of 2245 . Ga. 1682) . Cotter Seed Meal (N. (I. S. 2246 . 12291) . Cotton Seed Meal (G F & A. 2247 . 592) . Cotton Seed Meal (I. C. 2248 . 21756) .
Cotton Seed Meal (C. . & D. 2249 . Ry. 46572) . . Cotton Seed Meal (N. & W. 2250 . 22010) .
Cotton Seed Meal (Wabash 2251 . 62803) .
Cotton Seed Meal (N. Y., N. 2252 .
H. & H. No 77734) .
Cotton Seed Meal (Erie 2253 . 72482) . Cotton Seed Meal (Penn. 2254 .
581624) .
Fertilizer (N. Y., N. H. & H. 2255 13.20
82476) .
Fertilizer (V. & 0. 8407) . 2256 14.51 Fertilizer (Penn. 12049) . 2257 11.87 Cotton Seed Meal . 2258 . Fertilizer . 2259 .
. . . . . i. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . i. . . . . . . . . . . .
10.01 0.84 10.85 10.68 1.21 11.89 9.99 0.96 10.95
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.801 0.84 10.85
7.55 . 7.38 . 7.65 . 7.95 . 7.58 . 7.40 . 7.37 . 7.58 . 7.45 . 7.38 . 7.58 . 7.60 . 7.60 . 2.83 4.32 2.45 3.20[ 2.86 5.29! 7.89 . 2.40 3.011
Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Smoat -2 Tol. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Ide & Burr, Quincy, Fla. G. S. Gregory, Quincy, Fla.
Phosplhoric Acid.
. z '
-3 N
Cotton Seed Meal . 2260 . Fertilizer . 2261 6.04 Fertilizer . 2262 12. o) Acid Phosphate . 2263 . Fertilizer . 2264 10.99 Fertilizer . 2265 8. o Fertilizer . 2266 9.75 Fish . 2267 . "Ashes" No. 204 (?) . 2268 . Fertilizer No. 205 . 2269 9.43 Fertilizer . 2270 . F ertilizer . 2271 . Cotton Seed Meal . 2272 . Fertilizer No. 1 . 2273 12.46 Fertilizer No.2 (L. & N.91015) 2274 8.2 Fertilizer . 2275 . Fertilizer . 2270 4. ) I Muriate of Potash . 2277 . Fertilizer No. 1 . 2278 10.0 Fertilizer No. 2 . 2279 10.19
:- E I- .4 P.
. . . 8 .04 . 5.58 4.30 9.88 2.22 11.24 9.19 0.65 9.84 1.91 2.33] 18.55 4.68 23.23 . . 12.01 0.39 12.40 1.23 1.43 12.02 0.88 12.90 3.71 2.001 7.21 0.52 7.73; 2.30 3.05,
4.72 16.95 21.67 5.08 . . .|. . 19 .90
6.49 0.37[ 6.86 2.49 7.141 10.94 0.57 11.51 2.50 2.07 6.13 2.19 8.32 4.50 7.171
. . . . . 7 .61 .
10.73; 0.411 11.14 2.97 3.35, 12.04 0.26 12.20 1.61 2.95 14.CS 0.07 14.75 2.09 1.20: 6.97 0.96 7.93 4.46 12.253 . . . . . 51 .30' 9.04 0.81 9.85 1.93 2.381 8.63 0.90 9.53 2.23 2.29i
G. S. Gregory, Quincy, Fla. J. F. Lemons, Galloway, Fla. D. S. Franklin, Cobb, Fla. D. S. Franklin, Cobb., Fla. E. M. Pitts, Red Rock, Fla. G. C. Johnson, Cobb, Fla. W. W. Boyett, Otahite, Fla. W. H. Hansen, Jensen, Fla. The South. Fertz. Co., Orlando, Fla. The South. Fertz. Co., Orlando, Fla. H. L. Green, Bascom, Fla N. A. Carlson, Hollandale, Fla. L. Hfeimburger. Tallahassee, Fla. Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. Kraus, Ml Farlin Co., Quincy, Fla. A. F. Moore, Hester, Fla. .j. H. Blake, Tampa, Fla. A. E. Taylor, Wilmarth, Fla. J. WV. Kelley, Otahite, Fla. J. W. Kelley, Otahite, Fla.
Fertilizer No. 1 . 2280 10.45 Fertilizer No. 2 . 2281 8.82 Fertilizer No. 1 . 2282 . Fertili er . . 2283 . Cotton Seed Meal . 2284 . Cotton Seed Meal No. 3 . 2285 . Mhuriate of Potash No. 1 . 2286 . Acid PhospIhate No. 2 . 2287 . Ferti,izer . 22S8 . Fertilizer . . 2289 12.6;1 Fertilizer . 22901 8.81 F ertilizer . 2291 . Fertilizer . . 2292 11.o2 Fertilizer . . . 2293 . Fertilizer . . 2-1 - . Fertilizer W. N. B. No. 1". . 2295. Fertilizer . . 2296 '8. > Fertilizer . . 229710.17 Fertilizer . . z298 4.87 Fertilizer . . 2299 10. :8 Fertilizer . . 2300 5. 53 Fertilizer . . 2301 13.97 Fertilizer (Home Mixt.) . 2302 . Guano No. 1 . 2303 40.30 Guano No. 2 . 2304 19.57 Fertilizer . . 2305 4.7 Fertilizer . . 2306 15.44 Fertilizer . 12307 4.57 Fertilizer . . 12308 8.54 Fertilizer .2309 11.51, Acid Phosphate No. 1 . 121l0 Fertilizer No. 2 . 12311 10.421
9.94] 0.52 9.93 4.65 4.271 9.51 1.16 10.67 2.83 6.03
15.50 1.02 16.52 1.13 0.831 2.S0 9.53 12.33 2.33 14.761 . . . 7 .65 .
. . . 7 .50 . . . . . 49 .45 1(1.16 1.59 17.75 . .
10.02[ 0.54 10.56 4.99 4.67 11.76 1.54 13.30 2.44 2.10 10.141 2.61 12.75 1.80 1.38 3.5SQ 10.72 14.28 3.62 6.09 9.931 2.61 12.54 1.91 2.17 11.75 0.17 11.92 2.83 1.71 7.01 1.01 8.0' 3.79 6.71 8.55 2.42 10.97 2.23 1.94 13.87 2.58 16.45 3.02 2.46 2.11 0.82 2.93 9.50 0.99 8.53 1.00 9.53 5.53 13.16 10.13 0.91 11.01 4.10 2.38 7.29 0.31 7.60 4.78 9.48 9.82 0.17 9.99 2.82 1.65 8.06 0.09 8.15 1.94 9.86 3.35 5.90 9.25 2.11 1.68 8.32 0.12 8.44 3.15 0.12 7.97 0.44 7.81 3.49 10.22 9.49 0.54 10.03 3.5S 1.45 2.02 6.99 9.01 3.99 10.51 4.26 2.55 6.81 4.24 10.22 10.26 0.12 10.38 2.45 1.74 1c.43 0.55 15. 7.18 0.70 7.88 . 4.88
J. R. Miller, Cobb, Fla. J. R. Miller. Cobb, Fla. A. D. Campbell, Chipley, Fla. Frank Barthets, Gotha, Fla. Jake B1 oitt Ocala. Fla D. D. Martin, Otahite, Fla. D. D. Martin, Otahite, Fla. D. D. Martin, Otahite, Fla. 51. C. Herndon, Bristol, Fla. J. S. Keith, Black, Ala. 1i. A. Jones, Milton, Fla. J. W. Walston, Buwling Green, Fla. AV. B. H. Adams, Milton, Fla. Geo. W. Moore, Sr., Hester, Fla. M. H. Tanner, Plant City, Fla. A. L. Wilson Co., Quincy, Fla. G. C. Johnson, Hester, Fla. J. G. May, Ft. Pierce, Fla. H. A. Ward, Winler Park, Fla. AV. P. Johnson, Cobb, Fla. K. A. Stokes, Evans, Fla. George W. Moore, Hester, Fla. H. A. Jones, Milton, Fla. W. R. Alexander, Marco, Fla. WT. R. Alexander, Marco, Fla.
A. S. Nelson, Dunedin, Fla. J. S. Howell, Chumuckla, Fla. V. I. Carrier, Crescent City, Fla. C. B. Morrow, Crescent City, Fla. A. F. Moore, Hester, Fla. A. N. Kelley, Holt, Fla. A. N. Kelley, Holt, Fla.
Phosphoric Acid.
Fertilizer No. 3 . 2312 11.51 8.39 0.33 8.72 1.67 Fertilizer No. 1 (10-3-3). 2313 9.58 10.43 0.51 10.94 3.72 Fertilizer No. 2 (10-2-2). 2314 10.90 9.86 0.42 10.28 2.51 Fertilizer No. 3 (6-6-2). 2315 9.96 6.07 0.42 6.49 5.48 Fertilizer No. 4 (10-0-4). 2316 9.70 9.83 0.79 10.62 . Raw Bone . 2317 . . . 23.57 4.61 Fertilizer . 2318 6.39 14.84 u.01 14.85 3.94 Fertilizer . 2319 14.13 7.10 0.50 7.60 3.64 Fertilizer No. 1. 2320 . 10.88 4.50 15.38 4.42 Fertilizer No. 2. 2321 . 10.81 4.40 10.21 4.23 Fertilizer No. 1. 2322 8. 0 7.96 1.86 9.82 5.1.7 Fertilizer No. 2. 2323 9.58 7.21 1.43 8.64 4.10 fertilizer No. 3. 2324 8.82 6.37 0.66 7.03 2.48 Fertilizer No. 4. 2325 8.94 6.54 0.70 7.24 3.23 Fertilizer No. 5 . 2326 5.40 8.34 0.25 8.59 4.2 , Fertilizer No. 1. 2327 7.54 6.25 0.45 6.70 4.151 Fertilizer No. 2. 2328 8.35 6.70 1.76 8.46 4.27 Fertilizer No. 3 . 2329 3.85 . . . 14.11 9.19! Fertilizer No. 10. 2330 . 9.44 0.22 9.66 3.25' Fertilizer No. 20. 2331 . 9.94 0.23 10.171 2.191
2.44 3.61 2.77 3.06 4.38
12.41 10.22
4.401 4.301
7.121 5.951 11.27I 10.061
12.11 6.121 9.871
2.53 3.03 6.54
A. N. Kelley, Holt, Fla. Bristol Bargain Store, Bristol, Fla. Bristol Bargain Store, Bristol, Fla. Bristol Bargain Store, Bristol, Fla. Fristol Bargain Store, Bristol, Fla. A. L. Beck. Orlando, Fla. J. W. Wright, DeLand, Fla. 11. A. Perry, Pomona, Fla. Milton Cash Store, Milton, Fla. Milton Cash Store, Milton, Fla. Armour Fertz. Wks.,Jacksonville.Fla. Armour Fortz. Wks.,Jacksonville Fla. Armour Ferz. Wks.,Jacksonville Fla. Armour Feitz. Wks.,Jacksonville Fla. Arlmour Fortz. Wks.,Jacksonville Fla. K. Ri(hairdson, Cocoanut Grove, Fla. K. Riehardson. Cocoanut Grove, Fla. K. Richardson, Cocoanut Grove, Fla. A. D. Campbell, Chipley, Fla. A. D. Campbell, Chipley, Fla.
Fertilizer No. 30 . 2332 . 9.76 F~-rtilizer . . 2333 13.13 6.68 Fertilizer . 2334 . 8.4i Fertilizer . 2335 5.35 . . Fertilizer . 2336 . 5.95 I'ertilizer . 2337 6.78 . . Blood and Bone. 2338 . . . Fish Scrap No. 1. 2339 13.68 . .
Fish Scrap No. 2. 2340 10.64 .
Dried Blood (N. Y. C. & H. R. 2341 .
No. 91406)
Fertilizer . 2342 . 10.48 Fertilizer No. 1. 2343 5.67 7.29 Fertilizer No. 2. 2344 9.59 6.70 Fertilizer No. 3. 2345 8.12 7.14 Fertilizer No. 4. 2346 7.72 6.87 Fish Scrap . 2347 16.66 . . Fertilizer (Tankage) . 2348 . . Fertilizer (C. M. Spec. E. T.) 2349 . 5.44
Fertilizer (C. M. Spec. Y. Y.) 2350 . 6.56
K ainit . Fertilizer . Fertilizer . Cotton Seed Meal. A shes .
7.36 7.08
2.35 6.04
60 .31 10.07 8 0.28 6.96
0. ,1 .17 .I 11.88
5 1. J7| 7.J2 . 1.41
. 3.192 . 12.0J2i
2.55 5.32 2.73 13.01 '2.78 8;.0 0 6.92 4.50 4.5L 4.15 5.79 7. '6 10.32 .
I i
. 13.58 10.03 . .
. . 15 .38 .
0.26 10.74 1.8' 2.001 0.83 8.12 4.73 6.51' 0.30 7.00 4.92 6.11 0.71 7.85 2.O8 4.3 i 0.63 7.5o 2.88 4.05 . 11. 4 8.6 . . 13.25 2.60 . 2. 31 7.75 3.13 11. 3
2.42 8.9S 3.83 7.41'
. . . . 12.31' 3.28 5.63 7.20 4.641
5.93 11.97 3.60 8.571 . . 7 .65 . . . . 3 .43 [
A. D. Campbell, Chipley, Fla. 11. A. Perry, Pomona, Fla. B. E. MicLin, Tallahassee. Fl. J. G. May, Ft. Pierce, FIC. . 1R. \William is. Citra, iFla. C. F. Wolf, Jensen, Fla. Jno. H. Blake, Tampa, Fla. Pens:aeola Rendering Co., Pensacola,
Pensacola Rendering Co., Pensacola.
E. O. Painter Fertz. Co., Jacksonville,
A. J. Strichland, Caryville, Fla. T. Gaskins, Arcadia. Fla. T. Gaskins. Arcadia, Fla. T. Gaskins, Arcadia, Fla. T. Gaskins, Arcadia. Fla. T. R. Parker. Pensacola, Fln. Howard & Kenndy, Terra Cela. Fla. Independent Fertz. Co., Jacksonville,
Independent Fertz. Co., Jacksonville, Fli.
Jno. 1-1. Blake. Tampa, Fla. C. S. Bixby, Ft. Pierce, Fla. Lewis, Coon & Platt, Caihaleen, Fla. V. L Thonmpson, Lil:eland, Fla. The Gulf Fetz. Co., Tampa, Fla.
Phosphoric Acid.
C) 'C
* a
C Co
Acid Phosphate. 2356 . 16.22 0.47 16.69 Fertilizer . 2357 2 64 6.051 8.69'
Fertilizer . 2 2 5 S . 1.30 1.30 2.60 Fertilizer . 2359 1 .7 0.66 2.36 1 Fertilizer No. . 2360 911 5.31 0.69 6.0) Fertilizer No. 2. 2361 9.63 5.41 0.51 5.92' Fertilizer No. 3. 2362! 7.63 5.80 1.1)9 6.89 Steamed Bone Meal. 2363 . . . 26.07 Fertilizer . . 2364 8.52 2.41 1.19 3.60 Hard Wood Ashes. 2365 . .
Fertilizer .2366 . 6.31' 0.74 7.08' Steamed Bone Meal No. I . 2367 . . . . 32.22 Steamed Bone Meal No. 2. 2368 . . 24.38 Steamed Bone Meal No. 3. 2369i . 6. 25.(6 Fertilizer . 2370 4.39 5.53 4.39 9.92 Fertilizer . 23711 8.09 7.60 0.97 8.57 Fertilizer . 2372 S.t 5.47' 0.41 5.941 Fertilizer No. 2. 29373 7.3:0 1.23 0.53' 4.76! Blood and Bone. 2374 . .I 6.58'
Fertilizer . 2375 "5.75 8.821 0.121 8.941
4.41 7.NGj 6.45 7.17 5.69 7.041 5.81 3.35 3.79 7.6, : .9 1 9.29 1 .75 . 7.84i 10.01 2.7,
6.10 7.5 1 .20 . 3.64 . 3'. 12 i . . . . i
4.85 13.22 4.85' 7.79 5.281 5.33 5.48I 5.861 10.051 .
4.041 12.00
1;Y \VII(11 SENT.
.1. S. Howell, Chumuckla, Fla. W. J. Kimball. Ft. Pierce, Fla. C. Dunscomnbe. Stuart. Fla. A. R. Mosier., Jensen, Fla. Ocala Fertz. Co., Ocala, Fla. Ocala Fertz. Co., Ocala, Fla. Ocala Fertiz. Co. Ocala, Fla. G. O. McPhail. Pensacola, Fla. E. A. Brewer tHollandale, Fla. Chase & Co., Sanf rdl. Fla. S. C. Gates, Manatee, Fla. C. S. Val-nHorten, Orlando. Fla. C. S. VanHorton. Orlando, Fla. C. S. VanHiorton, Orlando, Fla. H. A. Per'ry . lPomona. Fla. James Campbell, Winter Park, Fla. R. C. Hooks Clermont, Fla. R. C. Honks, Clermont, Fla. A. R. Mosier, Jensen, Fia. John M. Lee, Kissimmee, Fla.
Fertilizer (Pineapple Mixt.) . 2376 .<. .1 Fertilizer . 2 7 . 1 .16 0.62 Fertilizer . 2378 . 3.921 0.21 Blood and Bone No. 1 . 2373 . . . . Blood and Bone No.2 SO . . Blood and Bone No. 3 .2381. . Blood and Bone . 2382 . . . . Fertilizer No. 1. 2:38 5.9( 10.13 : 3.s9 Fertilizer No. 2. '2384! 2. 2 7. IS 4.74 Fertilizer No.3. 2385 4.49 4.8 8.1S Fertilizer . 2386 7.74 4.80 7.6-1 Fertilizer . 23S87 12.01 6.95 0.24 Fertilizer No. 3. 2388 6. 1.74 0.5
8.051 6.78 4.131 11.851 11.30 9.26 11.70 14.021 11.92 1:3.03 12.4 1 7.29 2.59
5.57 4.01 2.62 S.281
6.65 4.56 6.02 . 7.590 . 6.591 .
8 .321 . 2.01 7. 0.55 11.51 3.46 5. 3 4.40 10.37 3.65 8.57 , 7.49 6.23
MI. I. Gaston, Punta Gorda. Fla. R. S. Cohoon, Orlando. Fla. H. E. Spenc.,r, West Palm Beach,Fla. \. R.R. ardee. .Jensvn, Fla. \W. R. liardee. Jns(en. Fla. W\. RH. Ilardee. J.lnsn. Fla. A. R. Mosier. Jlensen, Fla. E. R. Watson. Arcadia. Fla. E R. ,Watsmn. Arcadia, Fla. E. R. WNatson. Arcadia, Fla. 0. M. Mallei. Orlando, Fla. M. Cosnr. Kissilnm(o,, Fla. Carroll Dunscomboe Stuart, Fla.
Samples Taken by State Chemist Under Sections 1 and 2, Act Approved May 22, 1905.
Phosphoric Acid.
Nitrate of Potash. Bean Fertilizer . Mapes' Fruit and Vine M anure . Mapes' Vegetable Manure. H. G. Blood and Bone. H. G. Sulphate of Potash.
n� " ' 6 a5
o0 Z
I - - .
14521Guarant'd Analysis . . . 15.001 43.001E. 0. Painter Fertz. Co.,
Official Analysis . 14.25 42.641 Jacksonville, Fla.
14531Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 5.00 1.00 . .5.00 5.00 The Armour Fertz.Wks.,
Official Analysis. 8.01 5 27 0.92 6.19 4.92 5.82 Jacksonville, Fla.
1454 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 5.00 2.00 . 2.00 10.00 Mapes' For. & Peruvian
Official Analysis. 8.63 5.32 3.72 9.04 2.79 11.44 Guano Co., New York.
1455 Guarant'd Analysis 12.00 G.00 2.00 . 5.00 4.00 Mapes' For. & Peruvian
Official Analysis. 9.00 5.91 3.69 9.60 5.43 5.66 Guano Co., New York.
1456 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 3.00 1.5n . 10.00 . Independent Fertz. Co.,
Official Analysis . 2.52 1.371 3.89 10.59 . .Jacksonville, Fla.
1457 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 . . 48.00 Independent Fertz. Co.,
Official Analysis . I . 50.88 Jacksonville, Fla.
Dried Blood . 1458 Guarant'd Analysis 12.00 .
Official Analysis .
Hard Wood Ashes . 1459!Guarant'd Analysis 15.00 .
Official Analysis .
H. G. Acid Phosphate. 1460 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 16.00 Official Analysis . 18.79
Prime Bright Cotton Seed 1461 Guarant'd Analysis . Meal . . Official Analysis .
H. G. Ky. Tobacco Stems. 1462 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 .
Official Analysis .
Favorite Non-Ammoniated 1463 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 10.00
Special . . .Official Analysis. 8.17 10.37!
Simon Pure Tomato. 1464 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 4.00 Official Analysis. 6.65 6.03
Simon Pure Rose Special. 1465 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 3.50 Official Analysis. 8.26 4.41
Simon Pure No. 1 . 1466 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 6.00 Official Analysis. 6.98 5.80
Gem Special . 1467 Guarant'd Analysis 5.00 5.00 Official Analysis. 5.63 6.33
16.00 . Independent Fertz. Co., 17.24 . Jacksonville, Fla.
. 4.00 Independent Fertz. Co., . 2.25 Jacksonville, la.
0 .50 . .
0.02 18.81
7.50 7.62
2.00 2.58
5.00 5.96
4.50 5.30
4.00 4.05
4.00 4.35
Independent Fertz. Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
Independent Fertz. Co.,
Jacksonville, Fla.
Independent Fertz. Co.,
Jacksonville, Fla.
Independent Fertz. Co.,
Jacksonville, Fia. �
E. 0. Painter Fertz. Co.,
Jacksonville, Fla.
E. 0. Painter Fertz. Co.,
Jacksonville, Fla.
E. 0. Painter Fertz. Co.,
Jacksonville, Fla.
E. 0. Painter Fertz. Co.,
Jacksonville, Fla.
. .
. .
1.00 . .
0.17 10.54
2.52 8.55
3.00 .
1.75 . 1.501 5.91
0.03 5.83
3.00,. 0.251 6.58
7.00 9.64
11.00 10.97
9.00 9.97
5.25 7.60
12.00 13.13
6.00 6.67
Phosphoric Acid.
Gem Fruit and Vine . 1468 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Simon Pure No. 2 . 1469 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Sulrhate of Ammonia . 1470 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Lawn Special . 1471 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Seminole Tree Grower . 1472 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
W. & T.'s Special Fruit and 1473 Guarant'd Analysis Vine Manure . . Official Analysis.
Williams & Clark Fruit and 1474 Guarant'd Analysis Vine . I.Official Analysis.
6.00 6.57 6.00 6.79
1.00 . 1.05 7.62
2.06 8.85!
10.00 7.00 1.00 . 4.99 6.13 0.33 6.461
8.00 6.00 . . 8.79 6.45 0.861 7.311
10.00 6.00 1.00 . 1 9.01 7.18 0.111 7.291
10.00 5.50 3.00 . I 6.81 6.32 0.981 7.301
3.00 10.00 E. 0. Painter Fertz. Co.,
3.32 11.17 Jacksonville, Fla.
4.00 6.00 E. 0. Painter Fertz. Co.,
4.72 7.97 Jacksonville, Fla. c
25.00 . . 0. Painter Fertz. Co., 25.80 . Jacksonville, Fla.
6.50 5.00 E. 0. Fainter Fertz. Co., S.02 8.10 Jacksonville, Fla.
4.00 8,00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 4.04 S. 39 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
4.00 12.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 4.26! 12.72 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
2.251 10.00.Am. Agr. Chemical Co.,
2.311 9.811 Jacksonville, Fla.
Bradley Florida Vegetable. 1475 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 Official Analysis. 7.75
Williams & Clark Florida 1476 Cuarant'd Analysis 10.00
Vegetable . Official Analysis. 8.30
Bradley Fruit and Vine. 1477 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 Official Analysis. . 6.57
Lazaretto Early Trucker. 1478 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 Official Analysis. 9.71
Williams & Clark Nursery 1479 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00
Stock . Official Analysis. 9.73
Williams & Clark Special 1480 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00
Fruit and Vine. Official Analysis. 10.11
Bradley Orange Tree. 1481 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 Official Analysis. 7.55
Peruvian Orange Tree 1482 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 Grower . Official Analysis. 9.10
Special Mixture No. 1. 1483 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 Official Analysis. 9.86
Ideal Vegetable Manure. 1485 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 Official Analysis. 9.77
6.00 6.79
5.50 6.32
7.00 8.19
8.00 8.65
6.00 6.65
6.00 6.291
1.00 . 1.16 7.951 1.00 .
0.84 8.0'
1.00! . 0.77 7.09
2.00 . 1.51 9.70
1 .00i . 1
1.021 9.67
1.6 8.71
1.00 .
.08 7.85
2.00! . 2.221 8.87!
i I
1.00 . 1.78 7.9'!
1.001 . 0.951 7.241
4.001 4.261
4.00 4.15
2.25' 2.4 r
5.00 4.82'
4.50 4.291
3.50 3.70
5.00 5.25
5.00 5.31
4.001 4.511
5.001Am. Agr. Chemical Co.,
5.701 Jacksonville, Fla.
5.00 Am. Agr. Chemical Co.,
4.38 Jacksonville, Fla.
10.00 Am. Agr. Chemical Co., 10.70 Jacksonville, Fla.
5.00rAm. Agr. Chemical Co.
5.43! Jacksonville, Fla.
3.00 Am. Agr. Chemical Co.
3.571 Jacksonville, Fla.
1O.00 Am. Agr. Chemical Co.,
7.6;01 Jacksonville, Fla.
5.001Am. Agr. Chemical Co.,
4.71 Jacksonville, Fla.
8.001 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 10.08" Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
5.00! Wilson & Toomer Fertz, 5.66' Co., Jacksonville, Fla,
8.00j Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 7.601' Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
'lhospihoric Acid.
M .
cC 0
-4- S
c1 .,
Ideal Sugar Cane Fertilizer
Spec. Mixt. for Cowpenned or Over-Am'oniated Trees Kainit . Complete Sweet Potato Fertilizer . Armour's Fruit and Vine. Armour's Blood, Bone and Potash . Armour's Vegetable .
10.00 11.25
10.00 5.82
10.00 13.22 10.00, 6.151
10.001 9.231
7.00 6.65
8.00 8.50
6.00 6.30
8.00 7.65
7.00 6.93
1.20 7.85 1.93 10.43
1.00 1.36
1.00 0.28
1.00 2.35
2.00 1.17
9.69 6.67 10.00 8.10
2.50 3.30
5.00 5.10
4.00 3.58
4.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 5.49' Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
13.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 12.58 Co., Jacksonville, Fla. m
12.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 15.03" Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
3.50 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 4.56' Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
11.00 The Armour Fertz.Wks., 11.04 Jacksonville, Fla.
7.00 The Armour Fertz.Wks.,
7.68 Jacksonville, Fla.
6.00 The Armour Fertz.Wks.,
6.63 Jacksonville, Fla.
1486 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
1487 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
1488 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
1489 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
1490 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
1491 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
1492 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
Special Mixture . 1493 Guarant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. 9.01
Armour's Practical Trucker 1494 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 Official Analysis. 8.07
Armour's Orange Fruiter. 1495 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 Official Analysis. 6.33
Goulding's Bone Compound 1496 Guarant'd Analysis 16.00 Official Analysis. 10.22
Goulding's 16% Acid Phos- 1497 Guarant'd Analysis 16.00 hate . " Official Analysis. .
Cuke Special . 1498'Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 Official Analysis. 9.64
Orange Fruiter . 1499 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 Official Analysis. 5.87
Orange Tree Grower. 1500 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 Official Analysis. 7.67
Cane and Corn Special. 1501 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 Official Analysis. 7.83
Tomato Special . 1502 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 Official Analysis. 10.23
Special Fruit and Vine . 1503 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 Official Analysis. 7.07
8.00 8.77
6.00 5.80
8.00 7.95
8.00 8.73
16.00 16.891
5.*0011 5.55
6.00 7.05
6.00 6.61
6.00 7.06
5.00 6.52
6.00 6.70
. . .
0.21 8.9S .
2.00 . 3.00 0.92 6.72 2.72
1.00 . 4.00[ 0.52 8.47 4.35
2.00 . 2.00 1.45 10.18 3.08
2 .00 . . . 0.30 17.25 . .
1.00 . 5.00 0.04 5.59 4.40
1.00 7.00 4.00 0.25 7.30 4.64
1.00 7.00 5,00
0.83 7.43 5.40
1.00 7.00 3.00 1.30 8.36 3.68
1.00 . 4.00 0.88 7.40 4.63
1.00 7.00 3.00
0.25 6.95 3.45
15.00 The Armour Fertz.Wks., 13.36 Jacksonville, Fla.
10.00 The Armour Fertz.Wks., 10.92 Jaeksonville, Fla.
i2.00 The Armour Fertz.Wks., 11.89 Jacksonuville, Fla.
2.00 The Goulding Fertz. Co.,
2.00 Pensacola, Fla.
. The Goulding Fertz. Co., . Pensacola, Fla.
8.00 The Gulf Fertz. Co., 10.72 Tampa, Fla.
11.00 The Gulf Fertz. Co., 11.07 Tampa, Fla.
0.00 The Gulf Fertz. Co.,
7.37 Tampa, Fla.
5.00 The Gulf Fertilizer Co.,
5.88 Tampa, Fla.
8.00The Gulf Fertilizer Co.,
9.77 Tampa, Fla.
13.00 The Gulf Fertilizer Co., 14.31 Tampa. Fla.
Phosphoric Acid.
4 45 4
Armour's Fruit and Vine. 1504 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Armour's Blood, Bone and 1505 Guarant'dAnalysis
Potash . Official Analysis.
Mapes Orange Tree Ma- 1506 Guarant'd Analysis nure . Official Analysis.
Armour's Watermelon Spe- 1507 Guarant'd Analysis cial . Official Analysis.
Lettuce Special . 1508 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Hf. G. Sulfate of Potash. 1509 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Tampa Fruiter . 1510 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
10.00 6.00 6.80 6.25
10.691 8.00 7.43 7.95
12.00 6.00 12.94 9.28
10.00 5.00 7.08 5.36
10.00 3.00 13.60 3.24
5.00 . .
8.00 6.00 5.04 6.56
1.00 1.28
1.00 2.26 2.00 1.83 1.00
2.00 1.05
1.00 2.58
. 2.50 7.53 2.68
. 5.001
10.21 5.051
. 4.00 11.11 4.32|
. 3.00 6.77 3.30
. 7.00| 4.29 6.19|
. .|
. 1 4.00 9.14 4.18
11.001The Armour Fertz Wks, 11.07 Jacksonville, Fla.
7.00 TheArmour Fertz.Wks,
7.31 Jacksonville, Fla.
3.00 The Mapes Formula and 3.76 Peruvian Guano Co.,
I New York, N. Y.
8.00IThe Armour Fertz.W\ks.,
8.741 Jacksonville, Fla.
4.00 The Armour Fertz.Wks.,
4.29 Jacksonville, Fla.
50.001The Armour Fertz.Wks., 50.401 Jacksonville, Fla.
12.00|The Tampa Fertilizer 13.791 Co., Tampa, Fla.
Irish Potato . 15111 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 6.00 2.00 .
Official Analysis. 5.81 10.97 0.53 11.50
Germofert Vegetable . 1512 Guarant'd Analysis 5.00 5.00 7.00 .
Official Analysis. 6.42 3.28 9.34 12.62
One Third Mixture . 1513 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 6.50 1.00 .
Official Analysis. 7.45 6.62 0.57 7.19
Cane Special . 1514 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 6.00 2.00 .
Official Analysis. 5.96 5.89 6.26 12.15
Germofert Orange Tree 1515 Guarant'd Analysis 5.00 3.00 9.00 . Grower . Official Analysis. 4.57 3.22 10.35 13.57
Corn Special Fertilizer. 1516 Guarant'd Analysis 10.001 8.00 1.00.
Official Analysis. 8.461 7.75 3.49 11.24
Germofert Fruit and Vine. 1517 Guarant'd Analysis 5.001 3.00 9.00 12.00 Official Analysis. 3.7, 2.78 9.32 12.10
Germofert Corn Special. 1518 Guarant'd Analysis 5.00 3.00 9.00 12.00 Official Analysis. 3.89 3.67 12.71 16.38
Acid Phosphote . 1519 Guarant'd Analysis . 16.00 .
Official Analysis . 17.63 0.38 18.01
German Kainit . 1520 Guarant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis . . . . . .
Ideal Tomato Special . 1521 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 6.00 .
Official Analysis. 9.41 5.92 2.561 8.48
4.00 4.48
4.00 4.08
2.50 3.27
5.00 4.78
2.00 1.97
2.00 2.98
2.00 2.09
8.00 The Tampa Fertilizer
9.21 Co., Tampa, Fla.
6.00 The Tampa Fertilizer
5.89 Co., Tamlpa, Fla.
4.50IThe Tampa Fertilizer
5.431 Co., Tampa. Fla.
4.00IThe Tampa Fertilizer
6.131 Co., Tampa, Fla.
5.00IThe Tampa Fertilizer
6.631 Co., Tampa, Fla.
3.00The Tampa Fertilizer ,
3.321 Co., Tampa, Fla.
12.00IThe Tampa Fertilizer 13.611 Co., Tampa, Fla.
2.00 The Tampa Fertilizer
3.76 Co., Tampa, Fla.
. The Tampa Fertilizer . Co., Tampa, Fla.
5.00 5.12
12.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 12.47 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
5.00 Wilson & Toolner Fertz. 6.01 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
Spec. Mix. for Cowpen'd or 1522 Guarant'd Analysis over-Aminoniated Trees. Official Analysis.
Ideal Lettuce Fertilizer. 1523 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
No. 1 Peruvian & Fish Gu- 1524 Guarant'd Analysis ano Mixture . Official Analysis.
Lettuce and Cuke Special. 1525 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
V. C. Tip Top Tomato 1526 Guarant'd Analysis
Trucker . Official Analysis.
Fish and Potash . 1527 Gnarant'd Analysis Official Analsis.
No. 2 Orang, Tree Mlixture[1528 Guarant'd Analysis SOfficial Analysis.
10.00 3.79
10.00 8.17
12.001 5.641
12.001 9.77!
8.001 6.701
12.00: 10.416
12.00 5.431
Phosphoric Acid.
8.00 . . 6.96 3.30 10.26 . 6.00 . . 6.00 6.60 2.2S 8.88 5.80 5.00 1.00 . 4.00 5.75 1.331 7.08 4.59 5. 1.00 . I.6.50 . 1.97 s. 05 5.1:8
7.0 .00 . . 4.00 7.2' 1.60 8.801 3.19 2.50 2.,0 . 6.50 2.15 2.70| 4.85 5.0 6.10 2.00 . I 3.00 7.261 1.72| 8.98[ 3.33
13.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 13.88 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
6.00 \Vilson & Toomer Fertz. .
5.86 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
5.00 Fla. Fertz. Co., Branch,
4.05 Gainesville, Fla.
4.00 Florida Fertilizer Co.,
3.47| (ainosville, Fla.
5.00 Florida Fertilizer Co.,
6.81 Gainesville, Fla.
5.00i1Florida Fertilizer Co.,
5.80 Gainesville, Fla.
5.00Florida Fertilizer Co.,
5.351 Gainesville, Fla.
Corn Special . 1529 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 Official Analysis. . 11.59
"Superior Watermelon & 1530 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00
Cantaloupe Special" . Oficial Analysis. 1.91
Tomato Fertilizer . 1521 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 Official Analysis. 10.58
Iean Fertilizer . 1532 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 Official Analysis. 10.69
Superior Fertz. for General 153:1 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00
Trucking . Official Analysis. . 11.78
Special Lettuce . 1534 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis. 10.261
Acid Phosphate . 1535 Guarant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis.
Standard Corn Special. 1536 Guarant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. 14.13
Standard Vegetable No. 1. 1537 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 OfficialAnalysis. 14.81
Standard Fish and Potash. 1538 Guarant'd Analysis 11.00 Official Analysis. . 14.89
Special Mixture for Cotton 1539 Guarant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. 9.42
7.00 . .
8.00 . . !).21 0.50 9.71 6.00 . . 5.17 1.16 6.32 . 0 0 . . . . . . . . .
5.44 0.59 6.03 (;.00 1.00 . 1.2 3.46 7.(;67 5.1 0 . . 5.40 0.20 5.60, 1(;.00 . 18.17 0.40 18.57
6.00 1.00 7.00 5.28 0.91 6.19 5.00 1.00 6.00 4.96 0.86 5.82 4.00 1.00 5.00 2.47 1.081 3.55 6 .00 . . 5.68 1.201 6.88
2.50 2.29 4.50 1.12 4.00 3.04 3.00 2.98 4.00
7.00 4.93
3.00 2.35
4.50 3.35 6.00 4.54 2.00 2.69
4.00 Ocala Fertilizer
4.04 Ocala, Fla.
8.00 Ocala Fertilizor
7.77 Ocala, Flt
9.00 Ocala Fertilizer !.13 Ocala, Fla.
6.00 Ocala Fertilizer
6.94 Ocala, Fla.
8.00 Ocala Fertilizer
7.15 Ocala, Fla.
1.00 Ocala Feriilizer
5.00 Ocala, Fla.
. Ocala Fertilizer
Ocala, Fla.
5.001Standard Ferlilizer
4.34 Gainesville, Fla.
6.00 Standard Fertilizer
7.701 Gainesvillo, Fla.
6.00 Standard Fertilizer
8.101 Gainesville, Fla.
3.00 Standard Fertilizer
3.97 Gainesville, Fla.
Co., Co., Co., Co., Co., Co., , Co., Co., Co., Co., Co.,
Phosphoric Acid.
Cotton Seed Meal. 1540 Guarant'd Analysis . .
Official Analysis.
Cotton Seed Meal. 1541 Guarant'd Analysis . . .
Official Analysis . .
Prime Cotton Seed Meal. 1542 Guarant'd Analysis . . .
Official Analysis . . . . .
Sea Gull Soluble Guano. 1543 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 .00 2.00 .
Official Analysis. 12.01 9.16 1.25 10.411
Jumbo Peruvian Guano 1544 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 8.00 2.00 . Crop Grower . OfficialAnalysis. 12.83 6.53i 5.45 11.98
Formula 44 . 1545 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 7.00 1.00 .
Official Analysis. 6.94 7.331 5.241 12.571
Phospho-Alkali with Potas- 1546 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 7.00 1.00 sium Nitrates . OfficialAnalysis. 7.761 S.77 1.70 10.47
7.50 6.57
4.75 4.23 7.50 6.67 2.001 1.83 3.00
2.49 3.101
3.44 2.501 3.19
. Florida Cotton Oil Co., . . Jacksonville, Fla.
. Florida Cotton Oil C). -1 . Jacksonville, Fla. W
. Ala. Cotton Oil Co., .i lontgomllery, Ala.
2.00 Va.('ar. Chemical Co.,
2.014 Montgomery, Ala.
3.00 Va-Car. (Chemical Co., :3.39, Montgomerlly, Ala.
3.50 Va.-Car. Chemical Co.,
2.731 Savannah. Ga.
10.00 Va.-Car. Chemical Co.,
8.401 Savannah, Ga.
Goulding's Meal Mixture. 1547 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Goulding's 16% Acid Phos. 1518 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
GCoulding's Bone Compound 1549 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Goulding's H. G. English 1550 Guarant'd Analysis
Guano . Official Analysis.
Favorite Blood. Bone & Pot- 1551 Guarant'd Analysis
ash for Vegetables . Official Analysis.
Sanders' Bean Fertilizer. 1552 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Sanders' Corn Fertilizer. 1553 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Kainit . 1554 Nitrate of Soda. 1555 Armour's Corn Special. 1556 Special Mixture (for To- 1557 bacco) .
Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
12.06 16.00
10.78 16.00 10.81 10.00
7.31 10.00 9.36 10.00
10.001 9.48
10.00 11.03
10.00 10.30
c1.00 17.67
8.00 8.96
10.00 10.39
S. 00 6.91
6.00 7.61
5.00 4.59
7.50 10.90
2.00. 1.00 1.00 The Goulding Fertz Co.,
0.49 10.79 1.01 1.34 Pensacola, Fla.
2.00 . The Goulding Fertz. Co.,
0.71 18.38 . . Pensacola, Flia.
2.00 . 2.00 2.001The Goulding Fertz. Co.,
1.34 10.30 2.17 2.331 Pensacola, Fla.
2.00 . 2.00 2.00 The Goulding Fertz. Co.,
1.21 11.60 2.82 1.741 Pensacola, Fla.
1.00 . 5.00 7.001Independent Fertz. Co.,
1.77 S.6,s 3.731 8.471 Jacksonville, Fla.
1.00 . 3.001 6.00 G.W. Sanders Fertz. Co., 0.64 S.25 2.971 6.34 Jacksonlville, Fla. a'
1.00 . 3.00 2.00 G.W. Sanders Fertz. Co., ,.30 7. 9 2.o9 3.53 Jacksonville, Fla.
. . 12.00 G.W. Sanders Fertz. Co., . . . 11.73 Jacksonville, Fla.
. 17.00 . . Sanders Fertz. Co., . 18.13 . Jacksonville, Fla.
1.00 . 3.00 6.00 The Armour Fertz Wks.,
1.40 7.62 3.20 5.66 Jacksonville, Fla.
7.50 . 2.00 18.00 The Armour Fertz. Wks.,
6.55 17.45 2.11 16.381 Jacksonville, Fla.
Phosphoric Acid.
NAME, OR BRAND. 0 0 a a"
Standard Cotton Fertilizer. 1558 Guarant'd Anasis 10.00 8.00 .00 .
Official Analysis. 13.63 8.15 1 3.421 9.88: Cotton Seed Meal. 1559 Guarant'd Analysis . . . .50 Official Analysis . . . Farmer's Fish Guano. 1560 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 10.00 2.00 .
Official Analysis. 13.51 11.411 2.021 13.4:1 Charles Elis' Cumberland 1561 Guarant'd Analysis 14.00 8.00 0 .00 . Fertilizer . Official Analysis. . 9.66 8.28 1.171 9.45| No. 1 Genuine Peruvian Gu- 1562 Guarant'd Analysis . 9.00. . ano . Official ua!ysis. . 14.11 7.12 8.25 15.371 Geuuine Peruvian Guano. 1563 Guarant'dl Analysis . . . . .
Official Analyis. 7.76 5.GS 7.071 12.75' Genuine Peruvian Guano. 1564 Guarant'd Analys . 9 .00 . I
Official Analysis. 12.35 6.96! S.87 15.S3
2.00 1.79
7.50 7.98 . 2.00 2.051
2.301 5.93[
.921 2.98 3.1S
2.0n The Southern Cotton Oil
2.711 Co., Pensacola, Fla.
1.50 Florida Cotton Oil C,). . . Tallahnssee, Fla. 0
2.00 nFarimers' Fertz. Co.,
2.551 Montgomery, Ala.
2.00 Mutual Fertilizer, Sa2.38 vannah, Ga.
2.25 Peruvian Cuanor Corpo2.56 rationCharleston. S.C.
2.011 Peruvian Guano Corpo2.00 ralion.Charleston S.C
2.00 Poeriian Guano Corpo2.111 ration,Charleston, SC.
Second Class Cotton Seed 155 (;:narant'd Analysis . . 2.25
M eal . O fficial A nal sis. . . .
No. : . 1566 ; rantd Analysis S.00 ;. 2 00 .
Olicial Ana l sivs. ., . ".0.0
Extra Fruit and Vine. 1567 Guarant'd Analysis S .0U ;. .10 Official Analsis. . S.35 6.1; 0.61 .67
No. 4 . 15 S Gu rant'd Analsis S.0 6.00 2.00 .
OfficialAnalysis. 10. 9 6. 0.S1 6.69
No. 1 . 156I9 Guarant'd Analysis . 00 5.00 2. .
Official nalysis. 6.53 5. 5 t 0.74 6.51
Vegetable Fertilizer . 1570 Giarant'd Analysis 8.00 ;.00 2.00 .
Official Analysis. 11.04 5.92 0.76 6.6G
Special for Corn. 1571 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 7.00 .
Official Analysis. 10.25 7.35 0.70 8.05
Hillman's Special for Vege- 1572 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 . 8.00
tables . Official Analysis. 6.92 6.07 3.07 9.14
Carry's Special for Fruit. 1573 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 6.00 1.00 .
Official Analysis. . 7.07 G6.O 0.48 7.28
K ainit . 1574 Guarant'd Analysis . . . .
Official Analysis. . . .
Gem Vegetable . 1575 Guarant'd Analysis 5.00 5.00 3.00 .
Official Analysis. 8.35 9.49 0.10 9.59
7.001 1.501Cuthbert Oil Co., Cutli7. . bert, Ga.
1.0 )i :1 1.(1)) Southern Fertzilizer Co., !. 1 ".'5 Orlando, Fla
2.00 14.00 SouthernFertilizer Co.,
2. 10' 12.So i Orlando, Fla.
:3.001 1). 1liSouthern Fertilizer Co., . 09 9.0 Orlando, b la.
5.00111 4.00 Southern Fertilizer Co.,
5. 1 4.51 Orlando, Fla.
5.00 6.00 Southern Fertilizer Co.,
4.S2 6.11 Orlando, Fla.
3.00 4.50 Southern Fertilizer Co.,
2.S3 4.65 Orlando, Fla.
5.00 6.00 South ern Fertilizer Co.,
5.25 6.51 Orlando, Fla.
4.00 12.00 Southern Fertilizer Co.,
3.72 11.09 Oilando, Fla.
. 12.00 E. O. Painter Fertz. Co., . 13.51 Jacksonville, Fla.
4.00 6.00 E. O. Painter Fertz. Co.,
4.57 7.62 Jacksonville, Fla.
Phosphoric Acid.
H. G. Dried Blood. Simon Pure No. 2. H. G. Sulfate of Potash. Medium Grade Cotton Seed M eal . Ideal Fruit & Vine Manure Peruvian Guano Tree Grower .
Ideal Vegetable Manure.
1576 Guarant'd Analysis . . 17.00, . E. 0. Painter Fertz. Co.,
Official Analysis. 15. . Jaclksonville, Fla.
1577 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 6.00 2.00 . 4.00 6.00 E. O. Painter Fertz. Co.,
Official Analysis. 8.52 7.15 0.82 .7 4.82 6.9s JaJacksomville, Fla. o
1578 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 . . 49.00 1E. 0. Painter Fertz. Co.,
Official Analysis. . I 52.72! Jilcksonville, Fla.
1579 Guarant'd Analysis . . 00 7. 50 1.00 Planters' Oil Co., AlOfficial Analysis . . . 7.52 . hbany. Ga.
1580 Gunarant'dAnalysis 10.00 6.00 . 3.t)i 10.0on Wils'on & Toomer Fertz.
Official Analysis. . 14.66 (;.20 0.45 6.651 3.10' 9.31 Co., Jaclsonville, Fla.
1581 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 6. 00 2.00 . 5.00 S.nn 0 ilson & Toom:er Fertz.
Official Analysis. 9.8 6.44 3.31 9.751 4.8 8.28 Co. Jacksonville, Fla.
1582 Guarant'd Analysis S.001 .00! 1.00 . 4.00 8.001Wilson & Toomer Fertz.
IOfficial Analysis. 11.811 5.551 1.72 7.271 3.75[ 9.191 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
W. & T.'s Special Mixture 1583 Guarant'd Analysis] 8.00 6.0 1.110o . 5.00| 5.nnlWilson & Toomer Fertz.
No. 1 . Official Analysis. 1:. 0 i.14 0.61 6.75 5.25 5.25 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
L. G. Sulfate of Potash. 1584 Guarant'd Analysis . . . 2. ilon & Toomer Forz.
Official Analysis. . . . . . . . . . 27.21 1 Co.: Jacksonville, Fla.
Original Ideal Fertilizer. 1585 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 5.00 1.00 . 4.0 6.nnWilson & Toomer Fertz.
Official Analysis. 7.98 :;.38 0.00[ 3.38S 5.301 6.441 Co., Jacksonville, Fia.
H. G. V. C. Tip Top Tomato 1586 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 7.00 1.001. 4.00 5.001Va-Car. Chemical Co.,
Trucker . Official Analysis. 3.20 7.11 2.47 9.58 4.77 6.221 Savannah, Ga.
H. G. V. C. Old Dominion 1587 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00, 7.00 1.00 . 5.001 8.001Va.-Car. Chemical Co.,
Potato Manure . OfficialAnalysis. S8.2:2 S.21 0.46 8.67 4.96 6.11 Savannah, Ga.
H. G. V. C. Fruit and Vine. 1588 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00(1 6.001 1.00 . 2.50 10.00TVa.-Car. Chemical Co. -4
Official Analysis. 8.34! 8.99 0.21 9.20 1.84 9.151 Savannah, Ga. H. G. V. C. Champion Citrus 1589IGnrant'd Analxsisl i . H.G.V.C. Chamion Citrus 15S9rat'd Aalsis .0 6.0 1.0 . 3.00 4.001Va.-Car. Chemical Co,
Compound . . OfficialAnalysis.! 2.82 7.31 0.54 7. 5 3.42, 1:.S8 Savannah, Ga.
Orange Fruiter . 1590 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 8.00 1.0 . 4.001 12.00TheArmour Fertz.Wks.
Official Analysis. 4.821 8.58 0.18 8.76 4.15| 11.71 Jacksonville, Fla.
Armour's Practical Trucker 1591 Guarant'd Analvsis 10.00 6.00 2.001. 3.00 10.00 The Armour Fertz. Wks.
Official Analysis. .1 9.49 7.28 0.95? 8.23 2.691 8.214 Jacksonville, Fla.
Armour's Original Mixture 1592 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 5.00! 1.001. 5.00' .OOThe Armour Fertz. Wks., No. 1 . Official Analysis. . 6.95 5.971 0.9i 6.951 4.941 5.641 Jacksonville, Fla.
Williams & Clark Orange 1593 Guarant'd Analysis 10.001 6.00 1.00 . 3.501 5.00 Am. Agr. Chemical Co., Tree . OfficialAnalysis.) 6.601 6.81| 1.191 8.o00 4.041 5.80! Jacksonville, Fla.
Phosphoric Acid.
Cotton Seed Mea . K ainit . The Ideal Fertilizer. W. & T.'s Special Mixture N o. 1 . Canada Unleached Hard Wood Ashes . Nitrate of Soda. Ideal Fruit & Vine Manure
0 ,
n .0
>- "-E
�f 5
1594 Guarant'd Analysis 6.50 . 2.00
Official Analysis. . . . .
1595 Guarant'd Analysis . .
Official Analysis. . . . .
1596 Guarant'dAnalysis 8.00 5.00 1.00 .
Official Analysis. 7.04 5.5 0.90 6.46
1597 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 6.0 0 1.00 .
Official Analysis. 7.72 6.21 1.05 7.26
1598 Guaran'td Analysis 12.00 . 1.00
Official Analysis. .
1599 Guarant'd Analysis 3.00 . .
Official Analysis. .
1600,Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 ;.00 .
Official Analysis. 6.23 6.731 0.141 6.87
7.50 7.84
4.00 4.16
5.00 5.591
17.00 18.17
3.00 3.621
1.00 A. A. Smith, Atlanta, . Ga.
12.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 13.17 Co., Jacksonville, Fla. o
6.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 5.48 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
5.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 5.99 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
4.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 2.94 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
. Wilson & Toomer Fertz. . Co., Jacksonville. Fla.
10.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 10.201 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
Ideal Vegetable Manure. 1601 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Complete Sweet Potato Fer- 1602 Guarant'd Analysis
tilizer . Official Analysis.
Mapes Fruit & Vine Manure 160 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Mapes Vegetable Manure. 1604'Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Mapes Orange Tree Manure 1605 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Orange Tree Grower . 1606 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Vegetable Special . 1607 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Cuke Special . 1608 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Celery Special . 1609 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Orange Producer . 1610 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
10.00 12.2
10.00 11.80
12.00 11.71
12.00 11.89
8.00 3.78
8.00 9.58
10.00 7.43
2.00 . 2.72 10.15
2.00 . 5.38 12.42
1.00 7.00 0.99 8.25
1.00 . 0.52 6.70
1.00 6.00 0.72 6.35
0.48 7.11
7.42 10.67 7.75 8.98
4.00 3.98 2.50 2.61 2.00 2.CG
5.00 4.97
4.00 4.14
4.00 4.34 5.00 4.55 5.00 4.90 6.00 6.26 4.50 4.49
8.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 9.00 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
2.50 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 4. Au Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
10.00 The Majpes Formula & 11.24 Peruvian Guiano Co.,
New York, N. Y.
4.00 The Mlapes Formula & 6.011 Peruvian Guano Co., New York, N. Y.
3.00 The Mapes Formula &
4.27 Peruvian Guano Co., o New York, N. Y.
5.00 Tampa Fertilizer Co.,
6.50, Tampa. Fla.
5.00 The Gulf Fertilizer Co.,
5.97 Tampa, Fla.
8.00 The Gulf Fertilizer Co.,
9. 11 Tampa. Fla.
7.00 The Gulf Fertilizer Co.,
8.16 Tampa, Fla.
15.00 The Gulf Fertilizer Co., 14.54 Tampa, Fla.
Phosphoric Acid
.0 B
B .
, c
Fruit and Vine. 1611[Guarant'd analysis 10.001 6.00 1.00 7.00 3.00 10.00 The Culf Fetilizer Co.
Official Analysis. 4.29 .07 3.21 6.88 2.28 9.83 Tampi, Fla.
iE. Si'u. . LI ChUmist. SP SaLfl)l. T;aken
Barley Mixed Oats . Barley Mixed Oats . Rice Bran . Kornfalfa Feed . Mixed Grain (Oats), No. 6783 . Mixed Grain (Oats), No. 13670 . Ground Corn Ear . Feed N o. 1 . Feed N o. 2 . Corn Shucks .
M ixed Oats . B ran . Velvet Beans . Perfection Feed . Corn "3-D." Grains . Schumacher Special Horse Feed . Econom y Feed . Wheat Middlings .
ECiAL FEEIhN(i I I ' ANAlYSS, 1910. ii. P UIIAL', Ast. (Clitisl. by 'urchaser 'Under Setion 9, Act Approved lay 24. 1!)05.
� 120 9.45 11.23 63. 13 3.05 � 121 9.34 11.45 63.14 3.01 �122 13.S2 12.15 42.64 11.S2 � 123 1.2.13 11.76 56.92 2.S5 � 124 8.52 11.30 57.70 3.50 � 125 7.S7 11.50 60.46 3.57 � 126 11.38 7.72 65.95 2.77 127 11.55 10.84 62.42 3.62
� 128 11.10 12.37 59.84 4.80 � 129 22.60 2.28 52.61 0.57 130 9.77 12.32 5 .72 4.7 131 9.70 15.80 54.61 3.45
� 132 7.3.8 19.04 55.071 5.223 133 10.05 12.64 61 .-4 3.64
134 10.95 31.59 39.1 8.68 135 8.60 9.65 64.70 3.27
136 10.83 10.31 62.241 3.29 137 7.14 18.21 51 07 5.95
2.97 Ganahl & Saussy, Jacksonville, Fla.
3.34 Bonacker Bros., Pensacola. Fla.
9.501E. Barksdale, Tampa, Fla.
3.37;Peninsular Naval Stores Co., Tampa, Fla.
3.25 Lewis Bear Co., Pensacola, Fla. 3.30 Lewis Bear Co., Pensacola, Fla. 1.50 R. F. Howard, Tallahassee, Fla. 1.85 R. F. Howard, Tallahassee, Fla. 2.22 R. F. Howard, Tallahassee, Fla. 1.67 R. F. Howard, Tallahassee, Fla.
3.15 Lewis Bear Co., Pensacola, Fla.
6.6711. Wolff, Pensacola, Fla.
2.391C. A. Williams, Alachua, Fla.
2.371R. F. Howard, Tallahassee, Fla. 1.S5 John C. Evans, Gainesville, Fla.
2.75lWilliam F. .ach. Tampa, Fla.
1.971R. F. Howard, Tallahassee, Fa.
5.30'C. E. Pleas. Chipley, Fla.
Oats . 138 11.78 110.71 57.16 3. Beggarweed Hay . 139 24.07121.63 35.08 4. Giant M illet . 140 2.28 11.55 67.59 5. Pure W heat Bran . 141 j.76 14.48 53.56 3. Corn and Oat Feed. 142 7.22 9.76 64.30 5. W heat Bran . 143|10.37 13.38 57.28 2. Feed No. 1. 141 6.28S12.1164.86 3.
Feed No. 2. 115 6.131 9.74 67.60 3.
Feed No. 1. 146 24.20 11.35 41.72 2. Feed No. 2. 147 27.071 6.10|50.05 2. Maiden Cane lHay. 148 32.;G61 8.9 13.1- 1. Kudzu Hay. 149 37.81119.82 27.21 1.
57 04 15
53 55
31 471
07 25'
3.03 A. S. Carr, Wilma, Fla.
3.94 P. H. Fellows, DeFuniak Springs, Fla.
1.32 W. E. Jaques, Jacksonville, Fla.
6.84 N. C. Bryan. Kissimmee, Fla.
2.65 The Lewis Bear Co., Pensacola, Fla.
6.58 WV. I. Vason, Tallahassee, Fla.
3.78 Walton Land and Timber Co, DeFunink
Springs, Fla.
3.99 Walton Land and Timber Co., DeFuniak
Springs, Fla.
5.48 R. F. Howard. Tallahassee, Fla. 4.26 R. F. Howard, Tallahassee, Fla.
5.1SjG. C. Allen, Beachtown, Ga.
2.N5 C. E. Pl-as. ChiP le.)1ev Fla.
R. E. ROSE, St
Asst. Chemist.
Samples Taken by State Chemist and State Inspector Under Sections
04 ci,.
Fancy Shorts . 901 Guarant'd Analysis 7.35! 16.03 59.52 Official Analysis. 7.48S 17.59 56.46
Pine Leaf Middlings . 902 Guarant'd Analysis 6.10 15.75 57.95 Official Analysis. 6.03 17.85 57.99
Middlings. 903 Guarantd Analysis 5.00 16.00 57.00 Official Analysis. 5.18 17.81 58.90
Pure Wheat Middlings . 904 Guarant'd Analysis 4.58 16.04 62.48 Official Analysis. 5.021 17.90 56.65
Heavy Draught Feed . 905 Guarant'd Analysis . 1 0.3.5 64.43 Official Analysis. 5.57) 10.71 66.64 I I
"Purity" Bran . 906 Guarant'd Anal;sis . 14.00 54.001 Official Analysis. 7.81 12.,0 57.071
1, 2 and 13, Act Approved May 24, 1905.
4.32 . Phoenix Flour Mill, Evansville,
4.24 4.21 Ind.
4.20 4.10 Cairo Milling Co., Cairo, Ill.
4.46 3.53
4.50.H. C. Cole Milling Co., Ches4.21 3.66 ter, Ill.
4.17 . The Dunlop Milling Co., Clarks5.16 4.31 ville, Tenn.
3.42 . United Grocery Co., Jackson2.68 2.19 ville, Fla.
2.50 . Cairo Milling Co. Cairo, Ill.
3.78 6.26
Victor Feed . 907Guarantd Analysis Official Analysi-. Purina Feed . 908 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis. Pure Wheat Shorts . 909 Guaant'd Analysis OCfiial Analysis. Star Middlings . 910Guarant'd Analysis S Official Analysis. Barley Mixed Oats . 911 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis. Protena Feed . 912 Guarant'd Analy is Official Analysis. Lillie Bran . 913 Guarant'd Annlysis Official Analysis. Schumacher Scratch i n g 914 Guarant'd Analysis Grains . Official Analysis.
12.00 7.50 62.001 10.13 10.00 3.421 8.90 12.501 58.00 11.19 12.021 57.53 G.00 15. 00 IS.00 5.88 15.55 5.42 8.00 15.00 54.00 8.61 16.32 55.101
9.35 11.27i C2.86 9.70 12.00 577.00 12.91 11.27 59.91 8.50 15.00 55.50 8.84 15.011 57.12 4.50 10.50 64.00 2.84 9.751 70.98
3.00 . The Quaker Oats, Co., Chicago,
3.27 3.50 Ill.
4.00 . Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis,
4.75 3.79 Mo.
4.00 . Liberty Mills, Nashville, Tenn. m
3.64 3.68
4.00 . Star & Crescent Milling Co.,
4.53 4.80 Chicago, Ill.
. Atlantic & Gulf Grocery Co.,
2.99: 2.86 Jacksonville, Fla.
3.80 . Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis,
3.60) 3.17 Mo.
4.00 . Lillie Mill Co., Franklin, Tenn.
3.11 5.77
3.001. The Quaker Oats Co., Chicago,
2.191 2.00 Ill.
Stalolife Feed . Nutriiine . Vim Horse Feed . Cotton Seed Meal . Cotton Seed Meal . Cotton Seed Meal . Globe Gluten Feed . Stafolife Feed . Protena . Pure Wheat Middlings . Sugaration Stock Feed .
915 Guarant'd Analysis 12.75
Official Analysis. 12.99
916 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00
Official Analysis. 8.44
917 Guarant'd Analysis 10.50
Official Analysis. 10.10
918 Guarant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. 10.98
919 Guarant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. 6.75
920 Guarant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. 8.16
921 Guarant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. 8.23
922 Guarant'd Analysis 12.75
Official Analysis. 14.05
923 Guarant'd Analysis 9.70
Official Analysis. 10.70
924 Guarant'd Analysis 6.12
Official Analysis. 4.65
925 Guarant'd Analysis 11.00
!Official Analysis. 8.06
11.00 53.00 10. 55.45
12.00' 58.00 13.51 56.08
10.00 60.00 10.71 61.75
38.62 . 32.80 35.14
38.62 . 39.26 31.35
38.62 . 37.29 33.41
24.00 51.00 26.32 51.48
11.00 53.00 11.97 52.6
12.00 57.00 11.58 59.10
15.00 56.00 17.55 57.33
11.65 64.40
10.441 66.85
6.00 . Lawrence & Hamilton Feed
4.72 5.60 Co., New Orleans, La.
3.50 . Nutriline Milling Co., Crowley,
4.00 7.22 La.
3.75 . The Quaker Oats Co., Chicago,
1.54 4.09 111.
. Georgia Cotton Oil Co., Macon,
6.49 5.51 Ga.
. Grovania Fertilizer & Oil Co.,
8.75 6.04 Grovania, Ga.
. Vienna Cotton Oil Co., Vienna,
6.98 5.94' Ga.
2.50 . Corn Products Refining Co.,
2.15 3.12 New York, N. Y.
6.00 . Lawrence & Hamilton Feed Co.,
3.98 8.42 New Orleans, La.
3.80 . Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis,
4.30 3.72 Mo.
6.40 . Maney Milling Co., Omaha,
4.64 4.45 Neb.
4.00 . Inter-State Milling Co., Mn3.05 4.01 phis, Tenn.
Sucrene Dairy Feed . 926Guarant'd Analysis 12.00 16.50 46.00 3.50 . American Milling Co., OwensOfficial Analysis. 10.81 17.29 49.83 2.81 9.70 boro, Ky. Barley Mixed Oats. 927 Guarant'd Analysis 11.00 10.00 40.00 3.00 . R. R. Detre, Philadelphia, Pa.
Official Analysis. 13.32 10.53 58.61 3.51 3.42 Forest City Feed Meal. 928 Guarant'd Analysis . 23.00 30.00 4.00 . The Southern Cotton Oil Co., 1 Official Analysis. 18.73 23.85 38.38 6.25 4.69 Savannah, Ga. 30
Sugaration Stock Fced . 9291Guarant'd Analysis 11.00 11.65 64.40 4.00 . Inter-State Milling Co., MemOfficial Analysis. 10.58 17.29 51.68 3.50 5.12 phis, Tenn. Pure Wheat Middlings. 930 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 16.00 40.00 5.00 . Taylor-Greer Grain Co., MemOfficial Analysis. 7.73 17.06 54.74 4.60 4.42 phis, Tenn. Star Middlings . 931 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 15.00 54.00 4.00 . Star & Crescent Milling Co., Official Analysis. 6.85 16.27 56.12 4.62 4.27 Chicago, Ill. Bran and Shorts . 932 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 14.50 58.62 4.00 . Atlanta Milling Co., Atlanta, Official Analysis. 5.79 15.001 58.95 4.17 4.62 Ga. Alfalfa Meal . 1933!Guarant'd Analysis . Kornfalfa Feed killing Co.
S Official Analysis. 31.10! 10.48 37.38! 1.10 6.77 Kansas City, Mo.
Cotton Seed Meal . Mill Feed Compound . Cotton Seed Meal . Ceralfa Stock Feed . Sucrene Horse & Mule Feed Cremo Brand, Second Class Cotton Seed Meal . Cotton Seed Meal . Prime Cotton Seed Meal. Cotton Seed Meal . Pure Wheat Shipstuff. Cotton Seed Feed Meal.
934 Guarant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. 10.40
935 Guarant'd Analy-is 9.50
Official Analysis. 4.77
936 Guarant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. 8.65
937 Guarant'd Analysis 11.50
Official Analysis. 11.60
938 Guarant'd Analysis 12.00
Official Analysis. 10.45
939 Guarant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. 22.15
940 Guarant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. 19.72
941 Guarant'd Analysis.
Official Analysis. 11.75
942:Guarant'd Analysis .
fOfficial Analysis. 8.20
1 1
943 Cuarant', Analysisi 6.05
Official Analysis. 3.30
944JGuaiant'd Analysis 28.001
1Official Analysis. 19.05i
38.521 . Florida Cotton Oil Co., Jackson33.87 3:3.31 8.55 5.22 ville, Fla.
13.00 58.62 4.00 . Atlanta Milling Co., Atlanta, 13.43 63.79 3.15 3.96 Ga.
38.52 . Florida Cotton Oil Co., Talla37.21 31.47 8.20 5.87 hassee, Fla.
13.00 55. 00 4.00 . J. B. Edgar Grain Co., Mem13.12 53.30 2.98 4.04 phis, Tenn.
10.00 50.00 3.50 . American Milling Co., Chicago,
8.00 63.41 2.14 5.45 Ill.
20.00 80.00 5.00 . Tennessee Fiber Co., Memphis, 20.84 38.S5 4.50 3.75 Tenn.
25.00 . Florida Cotton Oil Co., Talla21.41 3S.23 6. 10 4.67 hassee, Fla.
2,8.62 . Alabama Cotton Oil Co., Mont34.40 32.44 6.70 5.75 goomery, Ala.
38.62 8. ' .82 The Southern Cotton Oil Co.,
37.60 30.341 S.27 5.82 Pensacola, Fla.
1S.13 56.22! 5.92 . aome Slill & Grain Co., Mount 17.11 57.371 4.67 7.02 Vernon, Ind.
25.001 5".00! 5.001 . ;.T. Lind-ay Wells Co., Memphis, 22.091 39.381 5.491 4.07j Tenn.
Standard Middlings . Pure Wheat Middlings. Alfalfa Meal . Boss Chop Feed . Corno Horse and Mule Fee Pure Wheat Bran . Barley Mixed Oats . Boss Chop Feed .
945 Guarant'd Analysis . 14.50 50.00 4.00 . Washburn-Crosby Co., MinneapOfficial Analysis. 7.03 15.031 57.09 5.28 4.50 olis, Minn.
946 Guarant'd Analysis 5.18 17.11 5s.18 4.41 . Geo. P. Plant Milling Co., St.
Official Analysis. 4.95 16.98' 57.68 5.00 3.72 Louis, Mo.
947 Guarant'd Analysis 35.00 8.00 32.00 . Kornfalfa Feed Milling Co.,
Official Analysis. 33.07 10.14 38.07 1.82 5.05 Kansas City. TMo
948SGuarant'd Analysis 11.00 8.50 60.30 3.50 . The Great Western Cereal Co.,
Official Analysis. 8.15 .78 64.75 4.65 3.53 Chicago, Ill.
d 949'Guarant'd Analysis 12.00 10.00 58.50 3.50 . The Corno Mills Co. St. Louis,.
Official Analysis. 12.50 10.09 56.84 3.77 3.85 Mo.
950 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 14.00 53.50 4.25 . Nelson Grain Co., Kansas City,
Official Analysis . 7.79 16.06 50.65 4.031 6.47 Mo.
S951Guarant'd Analysis 11.(00 .00)! 40.00 3.00 L. F. Miller & Sons, PhiladelOfficial Analysis. 9.70 S.7S 61.47 3.601 4.30 phia, Pa.
952 Guarant'd Analysis1 11.00 50 60.00 3.50 . The Great Western Cereal Co.,
Official Analysis. 13.22 . .5;' (0.821 4.001 ".72 Chicago. Ill.
Blood M eal . "Purity" Bran . Poultry Feed . Cotton Seed Meal . Corno Horse and Mule Feedt Choice Bran . Pure Wheat Bran and
Shorts . Corno Ox Feed . Pure Wheat Bran . Sea Island Cotton Seed
M eal . Cotton Seed AMeal .
953iGuarant'd Analysis1 1.50
Official Analvsis. 2.60
95 Guiarant'd Anly .
Officia! Analy.is. 7.63
9551Guarant'd Aiialy-isj 4.00
OfficialAnalyis. 4.49
956 Guarant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. 10.76
957 C1iarati'd Analysis 12.'00
Official Analysis . 12.08
95S Guarant'd Analysis 9.50
Official Analn iA. 9.43
959 Guarant'd Analysis 7.65
Official Analysis. 7.76,
960 Gamrant'd Anal'ysis 14.00
Official Analys. 16.47
961 Guarant'd Analysis 9.50
Official Analysis. 9.16
962Guarant'd Analysi.
Official Analyis . 18.65
963 Guararnt'd Analsis .
Official Analy is. 10.95
80.00. . . I. The Armour Fertilizer Works, . . : . 2.7 Jacks onville, Fla.
4.0 54.ii 4.0 . Cairo Milling Co., Cairo, Ill. 15.9 51.291 4.75 5.82
11.00 1 65.00 3.01 . Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis,
1.1 66.29 3.95 1.94 mo.
3 6.02 . . Georgia Cotton Oil Co., Macon 37.82 ;!0.n01 7.971 5.80[ Ga.
10.00 S.() 3.50 . The Corno Mills Co., St. Louis, 10.57 57.3; 4.30 4.04i MIo.
11.95 53.291 5.:25 . Hecker-Jones -Jewell Milling 15.0~ 52.431 4.5'! 5.85' Co., New York, N. Y.
1.75 54.501 4.50 4.75 Barrett, Denton & Lynn Co., 11.47 52.4 4.,17 5.49 Dalton, Ga.
10.00 5S.00 3.50 . The Corno Mills Co., St. Louis, S.7S 5G.51- 3.55 3.88 Mo.
14.50 50.00 4.00 . Alabama Corn Mills Co., Mo15.40 52.C5 4.64 6.20 bile, Ala.
24.20 . Sea Island Cotton Oil Co., 22.29 40.79 "4.55 4.62 Charleston, S. C.
S. GO . . The Southern Cotton Oil Co.,
8.26 27.411 9.641 5.601 Savannah, Ga.
NA-ME, OR BRAND. Choice Bran . 'W heat Shorts . H. Middlings . Hammond Dairy Feed . M ill Feed . Boss Chop Feed . Ballard's Shipstuff . Dried Molasses Beet Pulp.
964 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
965 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
966 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
967 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
968 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
969 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
970 Guarnt'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
971 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
9.50 8.69
7.501 5.07
8.05 8.S2
11.00 12.13
4.43 8.50
11.00 10. 001
5.831 5.051
20.00, 19.371
141.95 15.71 12. 75 14. 53 17."S
IS.04 17.00 17.37 12.3!S 12.901
17. -7 1 . 2:1 9.071
53. 25 53.87 62.00; 61.02 52.92 51.59 50.00 48.12 65.39 59.OS C10. 00
59.62 00.00 5,. s
5.35 . Hecker- Jones- Jewell Milling
4.01 5.98 Co., New York, N. Y.
4.35 . Dahnke - Walker Milling Co.,
4.81 3.35 Union City, Tenn.
6.05 . Hecker - Jones - Jewell Milling
5.S2 5.02 Co., New York, N. Y. tz)
3.00 . Western Grair Products Co.,
4.50 6.34 Hammond, Ind.
4.32 . Riverside Milling and Power
3.45 5.60 Co., Cartersville, Ga.
3.50 . The Great Western Cereal Co.,
4.56 3.77 Chicago, Ill.
4.41 . Ballard & Ballard Co., Louis3.70 4.10 ville, Ky.
0.50 . The Larrowe Milling Co., De0.20 2.691 troit, Mich.
Pure Wbeat Middlings . Choice Bran . Excelsior Chop Feed . Thoroughbred Feed . Durham B r a n d Cotton
Seed Meal . Purina Feed . Bran and Shorts . Pure Winter Wheat Middlings . Daisy Dairy Feed . Middlings . Pure Wheat Shorts .
972 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
973 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
974 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
975 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
976 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
977 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
978 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
979 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
980 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
981 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
982 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
6.00 5.58 9.50 10.32 11.00 10.72 6.56 6.13
17.56 8.90 9.75 8.00 6.13
4.20 5.05
12.00 12.80 3.85
4.90 6.42 4.46
16.041 62.4,
16.091 63.98
1.4.95 53.25 16.56 50.52
8.00 GO.O0 8.12 CoA.9
15.05 59.98 16.54 57.73
25.75 . . 25.71 36.85
12.50 58.00 11.41 58.88
14.50 58.62 16.72 57.58
16.00 56.0 16.67 58.47
15.00 50.00 15.57 49.62
16.12 57.38 16.67 59.27
16.00 48.00 19.92 55.98
4.17 . The Dunlop Milling Co.,
4.30 4.15 Clarksville, Tenn.
5.35 . Heeker - Jones - Jewell Milling
4.74 5.89 Co., New York, N. Y.
3.50 . The Great Western Cereal Co.,
3.00 3.10 Chicago, Ill
3.34 . Lexington Roller Mills Co.,
3.30 5.45 Lexington, Ky.
. Florida Cotton Oil Co., Jackson5.51 4.55 ville, Fla.
4.00 . Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis,
4.12 3.30 Mo. -z
4.00 . Atlanta Milling Co., Atlanta,
4.12 4.80 Ga.
4.20 . Edwardsville Milling Co., Ed4.82I 4.09 wardsviile, Ill.
3.00 . The Great Western Cereal Co.,
2.55 6.92 Chicago, Ill.
6.05 . Charleston Milling Co., Charles4.05 4.01 ton, Mo.
4.00 . Alabama Coin Mills Co., Mo3.57 3.881 bile, Ala.
00 0z bp~
Wheat Middlings.983 Guarant'd Analysis 2.65 15.27 64.18 3.38 . Cairo Milling Co., Cairo, Ill.
Official Analysis. 1.65 14.92 68.25 2.25 2.12
Pure Wheat Bran . 984 Guarant'd Analysis 11.04 14.97 52.03 3.50 6.72 Millstadt Milling Co., MillOfficial Analysis. 11.08 14.92 53.10 3.24 6.96 stadt, Ill.
Globe Gluten Feed . 985 Guarant'd Analysis . 24.00 51.00 2.50 . Corn Products Refining Co., Official Analysis. 8.71 25.52 52.23 2.41 1.99 New York.
Protena Dairy Feed . 986 Guarant'd Analysis 16.00 20.00 48.00 3.50 . Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis, Official Analysis. 16.15 19.04 45.11 4.63 5.32 Mo.
Wheat Bran . 987 Guarant'd Analysis 8.45 14.50 54.16 3.75 . Texas Star Flour Mills, GalOfficial Analysis. 7.93 17.11 54.47 3.35 6.20 veston, Texas.
Dark Cotton Seed Meal. 988 Guarant'd Analysis . 23.17 . The Southern Cotton Oil Co., Official Analysis. 16.98 23.34 38.08 6.52 5.56 Charleston, S. C.
Cotton Seed Meal . 989 Guarant'd Analysis 7.00 38.62 24.00 9.00 . J. Lindsay Wells Co., Memphis, Official Analysis. 10.44 39.09 28.73 8.89 4.89 Tenn.
Cracker Mule Feed . 990 Guarant'd Analysis 12.00 10.00 58.00 3.50 . The Quaker Oats Co., Chicago, Official Analysis. . 12.60 11.32 58.98 2.00 3.62 Ill.
Wheat Middlings . 991 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis. Choice Bran . 992 Guarant'd Analysis Official Apalysis. Pine Leaf Middlings . 993 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis. Pure Wheat Bran . 994 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis. Wheat Middlings . 995 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis. Sucrene Dairy Feed . 996 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis. Pure Wheat Middlings . 997 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis. Ground Corn and Oats . 998 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis. Maizefalfa Feed . 999 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis. Purina Feed . 1000 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis. Creamo Dairy Feed . 1001 Guarant'd Analysis IOfficial Analysis.
8.001 17.00 10.52 16.S5
1 .8
9.50 14.95 11.271 14.4S
6.10 15.75 6.03 17.25
9.501 14.50 10.60 14.92
8.001 17.00 10.861 17.20
12.001 16.50
8.60] 17.81
7.00 16.00 10.001 16.35
5.801 10.75
4.651 10.75
11.001 10.0
11.25 10.44
8.901 12.50 9.921 11.671
19.50:1 14.50 24.831 14.351
50.00 49.05 53.25 51.90
57.95 55.56 50.00 51.66
50.00 48.04
46.00 49.8aj 56.00 52.90 65.001 64.701 C0. 00 .59.S11
58.00 59.52 45.00 41.65
5.00 . WV. A. Coombs Milling Co., Cold
4.98 5.00 Water, Mich.
5.35 . Hecker - Jones - Jewell Milling
4.50 6.22 Co, New Yrl ,
4.20 4.10 Cairo Miling Co., Cairo, Ill.
4.45 5.14
4.00 . Liberty Mills. Nashville, Tenn.
17 6.S2
5.00 . W. A. Coombs Milling Co., Cold
5.21 5.42 Water, Mich.
3.50 . American Milling Co., Chicago, �2
3.60 9.11 ill.
4.00 . National Feed Co., St. Louis,
4.93 4.67 Mo.
5.15 . Baker & Holmes Co., Jackson5.63 2.30 ville, Fla.
4.00 . The Great Western Cereal Co.,
4.15 3.901 Chicago, Ill.
4.00 . Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis
4.451 3.03 Mo.
1 1
5.001 . IThe Corno Mills Co., St. Louis,
4.021 5.051 Mo.
NAME, OR BRAND. "S . ' .
00 0
S, al U) t C
ifolife Feed . 1002 Guarant'd Analysis 12.75 11.00 53.00 6.00 . L, Official Analysis. 15.48 10.27 49.15 5.42 9.32
tton Seed Meal . 1003 Guarant'd Analysis . 38.52 . Fl Official Analysis. 11.08i 37.64 28.32 7.50 5.39
celsior Chop Feed . 1004 Guarant'd Analysis 11.001 .00 60.00 3.50 . T Official Analysis. 9.851 8.34 62.17 5.06 3.02
re Wheat Middlings . 1005 Guarant'd Analysis 7.00 16.00 56.00 4.00 . N Official Analysis. 10.89 17.11 49.28 5.36 4.52
re Wheat Bran . 1006 Guarant'd Analysis 9.50 14.50 54.00 5.00 . T Official Analysis. 8.21 14.65 53.49 4.03 6.13
tton Seed Meal . 1007 Guarant'd Analysis . 38.62 . M Official Analysis. . 10.52 38.79 24.38 7.95 8.23
tton Seed Meal . 1008 Guarant'd Analysis . 38.62 . C Official Analysis. . 13.87 38.17 24.38 7.08 5.62
rham Brand, C. S. M. 1009 Guarant'd Analysis . 25.75 . F] Official Analysis. 21.04 25.27 26.83 8.05 2.92
wrence & Hamilton Co., New Orleans, La.
orida Cotton Oil Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
e Great Western Cereal Co., Chicago, Ill.
national Feed Co., St. Louis, Mo.
ennessee Mill Co., Estill Springs, Tenn.
ontezuma Mfg. Co., Montezuma, Ga.
amilla Cotton Oil and Fertilizer Co., Camilla, Ga.
[orida Cotton Oil Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
Co Ex Pu Pu Co Co Du
"Arab" Horse Feed . 1010 Guarant'd Analysis 15.001 Official Analysis. 11.73!
Star Middlings . 1011 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 Official Analysis. 8.321
Action Horse Feed . 1012 Guarant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. 18.901
Wheat 'Middlings . 1013 Guarant'd Analysis 8.501 Official Analysis. 8.251
Pure Wheat Middlings . 1014 Guarant'd Analysis 5.18 Official Analysis. 4.98
Peck's Mule Feed . 1015 Guarant'd Analysis 11.90 Official Analysis. . 14.05
Blue Ribbon Feed . 1016 Guarant'd Analysis 10.50 Official Analysis. 10.91
Wheat Bran . 1017 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 Official Analysis. 7.65
Pure Wheat Bran . 1018 Guarant'd Analysis 9.50 Official Analysis. 8.02
Cotton Seed Meal . 1019 Guarant'd Analysis.
Official Analysis. 11.761
Cotton Seed Meal . 1020 Gunrnnt'd Analysis .
I Official Analysis. 14.171
9.00 59.00 2.00 . M. C. Peters Mill Co., Omaha, 10.27 69.68 2.38 4.521 Neb.
15.00 54.00 4.00 . Star and Crescent Milling Co., 16.50 55.80 5.54 2.47 uhicago, Ill.
11.50 53.60 4.20 . Commonwealth Feed Mills Co., 14.92 47.59 3.02 4.65 St. Louis, Mo.
14.50 45.00 5.10 5.50jHubbard Milling Co., Mankato, 15.09 53.83 5.88 5.73 Minn.
17.11 58.18 4.41 . George P. Plant Milling Co,, 17.02 59.06 4.65 3.13 St. Louis, Mo.
10.00 57.00 2.80 . Illinois Feed Mills, St. Louis, 11.35 51.31 4.26 8.25 Mo.
9.75 62.00 3.75 . The Quaker Oats Co., Chicago,
9.96 61.70 2.58 4.10 Ill.
14.85 54.60 3.58 . Yates & Donelson Co., Mem14.92 56.60 3.87 5.21 phis, Tenn.
14.50 52.00 4.00 . J. Allen Smith Co., Knoxville, 14.65 53.94 3.89 6.53 Tenn.
38.62 . . . The Buckeye Cotton Oil Co., 38.00 28.77 6.25 5.40 Selma, Ala.
38.62 . . .The Southern Cotton Oil Co., 40.45 20.85 7.99 6.15 Pensacola, Fla.
FF'!'I.\ , I,'l:I:,IN ST''FF .\N.ALYSIE.S. 1010--Continue(d.
Schumacher Special Horse 1021 Cuarant'd Analysis 8.001
Feed . Official Analysis. 7.661 Choice Bran . 1022 Guarant'd Analysis 9.50l Official Analysis. 11.34i
Corno Horse & Mule Feed 1022 Guarant'd Analysis 12.n0l Official Analysis. 11.31
Hammond Dairy Feed. 1024 Guarant'd Analysis 11.00 Official Analysis. . 12.231
Wheat Bran . 1025 Guarant'd Analysis 10.50 Official Analysis. . 8.701
U-N-I. Feed, "A" Grade. 1026 Guarant'd Analysis 14.40!
Official Analysis. 14.851
Ship Stuff . 10271Guarant'd Analysisl 7.001 IOfficial Analysis. 6.981
Purina Feed . 1028IGuarant'd Analysisl 8.901 Official Analvsis. i11 .:5
- r
9.25 9.39
14.95 15.01
11.00 10.27
17.00 17.530
14.00 14.39
13.03 12.46F
14.501 14.651
12.501 12.55
64.501 66.921
53.25 51.21
58.501 59.74{
50.00 47.19
55.00 55.66
53.47 48.97
54.00 57.43
58.00 56.16
3.25 .The Quaker Oats Co., Chicago,
2.70! 2.641 Ill.
5.35! . Hecker- Jones -Jewell Milling
3.02 5.53' Co., Niw York.
3.50 . The Corno Mills Co. St. Louis . 3.05' 3.66 Mo. f
3.n0 . Western Grain Products Co.,
2.98 8.08 Hammond Ind.
3.95 . Dahnke-Walker Milling Co.,
3.71 5.87 Union City, Tenn.
2.15 . United Grocery Co., Jackson2.821 8.751 ville, Fla.
4.00 . IThe Dunlop Mills, Richmond,
4.181 4.521 Va.
l I
4.001 . Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis,
3.11[ 4.37] Mo.
Pure Wheat Bran. 110291Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Bran and Shorts Mlixed. 13 GulrLnt'd Anl; sis Offcial Analysis.
o-NI. Dairx Feid. 103 Guarnin d IAnaI\lsis Official A. nll sis.
Coton Seed . 1032 IGuarant'd An:lysis Official An alysi s.
Victor F ed . . 11:11 Guarant d .1na:11sis Official Anaclvsis.
H eavy Draught Feed . 10:-4 Guaranlt'd Anal\sisl
S-X-I. Scratch Food . 1035 Guarani'd mAlysisl Official Analysis.
' e Wheat Bran . lO6 iGuaantC'd Anasis i Official knalx sis.
Mt. Middlings . 1:37 Giarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Wheat Feed . 103:T Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis .
TM. SMiddling; . 10:39 Cim rant'd Analysis Official Alnal!~sis.
9.50 10.161 7.26
11. :3i,
12.0 (i .45
4.501 2.,R,
5.961 3.70
14.50 54.00 14.74 52 72 10.11 5t.::; .13.6, 57.12 21.54 17.:11 21). 591 I 1 20.71 15. 1 ; ''S .62 . . :7. ,61 2G.9 1
4.0 62.00
17r. 145. 4 10.:15 6;.1 l~
17.295 .64
15,.lilt .-S .10H
14 11 59 .87l 105.5t0 51.0 .i 15.:16! 501.05 17.51 54.41 17.2 G. .;4 i 14 .1: ' . 7 17.S1 54.11 16.15 58N.49
5.001 . Tennessee Mlill Co., Estill
3.13 6.321 Springs, Tenn.
4.55i . Lillie Mill Co., Franklin, ::.:14 1.61 Ti in.
:.S . . Unild (froc ry Co., Jalc son. I.ss 5.19 villi. II;c.
. . . M ontezzllllH IInufacl t rii C J. . 0, t 5.65 lontezinii. (a.
:1.00i. The Qiuiker Oals, ('o. ChicaWgo, :;.5 7 1 . ,' 111.
:.421 . united (Covev (' o. Jackson1.21 4.17 ville, Flc.
:1.5u . United ( i'crc'y (Co. JInckson8.41 1.55 ville Il.
1.51 . Cit\Y Mill ad (Gruin Co. Colu1.77 6.17' hia Twnn.
.40 4.55 !-Icl4e r- on - .J wll Millin; .!1 I.?,2 Co, N,'w YIlk.
4.11i.I. IANtlllnia lo ling C(o., Atlanta. :. 17 1.1 Ga.
.10 I. 55 Hecker- Jones - Jewell Milling ;.2 -I O Co, New Yorl-i:.
ci Cd
. . I I .
Boss Feed . 1040 Guarant'd Analysis 11.00 8.00 60.00 3.501 . The Great Western Cereal Co, Official Analysis. 11.62 S. 30 61.56 4. 12' 4.58 Chicago, Ill.
-~ ~ ~~~ " 89 1 0 80 400 Ralston Purina Co. St. Louis,
Purina Feed . 1041 Guarant'd Analysis 8.90 12.50, 580, 4 00 .R o P, S
Official Analysis. 9.18 12.021 60.181 4.02 3.45 Mo.
El Reno Alfalfa . 1042 Guarant'd Analysis 16.00 12.00 56.00 2.50i . El Reno Alfalfa Milling Co., Official Analysis. 17.70 12.46 50.68 2.501 4.79 El Reno, Ohla.
Chamberlain's Perfect Feed 1043 Guarant'd Analysis 6.00 10.'0 60.00 3.50 . W. F. Chamberlain Feed Co., Official Analysis. . 3.40 9.65 65.65) 2.881 6.30 St. Louis, Mo.
Winter Wheat Middlings. 1044 Guarant'd Analysis 7.00 16.00 56.00 4.0" , . National Feed Co., St. Louis, Official Analysis. 7.47 16.15 56.07 4.90 4.96 Io.
Soft Wheat Mixed Feed. 1045 Guarant'a Analysis 8.00 14.50 55.00 4.001 . Hunter-Robinson-Wenz Milling Official Analysis. 8.89 11.40 55.90 3.56! 5.57 Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Pure Wheat Bran . 1046 Guarant'd Analysis 9.50 14.50 50.00 4.0) . *Liberty Mills, Nashville, Tenn.
Official Analysis. 10.00 14.22 54.29 3.55 6.57
Acme Feed . 1047 Guarant'd Analysis . 6.00 50.00 3.00 . IValley Milling Co., St. Louis, OfficialAnalysis. 2.52 9.65 71.781 2.901 1.631 Mo.
Full Text |
VOLUME 21 NUMBER 1 FLORIDA QUARTERLY BULLETIN JANUARY 1, 1911 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE B. E. McLIN COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE REPORT OF THE CHEMICAL DIVISION R. E. ROSE ST ATE CHEMIST Analysis of Fertilizers, Feed Stuff, Food and Drugs. Rules and Regulations. Ent e red January 3 1, 1w:1, at Tnllahn . s~ 1 ! P, Florida, a s S C' <'f>IH 1c l a. s s matte r, u nde r A c t of Co n g r e~s of June l VOO . Thes e: Bulletins Are Issued Free to Those Requesting Them T. J. APPLEYARD, State Printer, Tallahass e e, Fl a. lHI.l
r f
STATE CHEMIST'S REPORT, 1910. Tallaha ssee, Fla., January 1, 1911. To His Exce ll ency, Albert ,v. Gilchrist, Governor , Tallaha ss ee , Florida. Rir : I have the honor to s ubmit the following report of tlw Chemica l J)ivision of the .\g1'i c 11ltural Department of th e State of Florilla for i!Jc year end ing December 31, 1!) 10: RECEI PTS. The r eco rds of the office of t h e Agricultural Department, and rf_>J j ort of the State Treasur er, show the sale of inspection stamps coY e rin g 172 , 6 4 1.84 tons of Comm e rcial F e rtilizersAmounting to . ........... ................. . . ........ $43,160.46 And 75 .24:3 .:1 G ton s of Commercial Feeding StuffsAmounting to .... . ..... . .......... . .. . .... .. . .. .. .. .. 18.810.59 A total re v en ue of ...... . .... . .. . . . .. ... .. ...... .... $61,971,05 pa il ! into t h e S t ate Treasur y to th e credit of the General Rev en ue J<'nnd . From which is to be deducted the total expenses of the Ch e mica l Division, anrJ the e xpen ses of the Department of Agri cu l ture, incident to the execution of the Fertilizer, Feed Stuff, and Pure Food and Drug Laws. EXPENDITURES OF CHEMICAL DIVISION. Salary Sta te Ch e mist. .... ........ ... ... . .. ........... $ Traveling expenses State Chemist and Assistants ..... . Salary Fertilize r Chemist. .......... .......... ....... . Salary Food and Drug Che mi st. . ..... . . ........ . .. . .. . Salary Food a nd Drni?; In specto r .. ................. . . . Co s t of samples for Food and Drug analysis . ... ...... 1 Travelin g e xp e nses, Food and Drug In specto r ....... . 1 Apparatus Food Laborat ory ......................... . S a lary F ee d Stuff Chemist. ................. ........ . Salary F eed Stuff Inspector ... ...... ..... ... ......... . Trav eling expe nses Feed Stuff Inspector . ............ . Chemicals and Apparatus ............................ . Postage ....................... . .................... . 2,500.00 4a5.S5 1,800.00 1.800.00 1,500 . 00 898.73 1 30.4 4 1,500.00 1,500.00 9G5.55 1,3 32.95 92.4B Total expenses, Chemical Division .................. $14,516.00 To1 Credit of General Revenue Fund ... . .............. 47,455 . 05 Total Receipts ............. .. ... ..... . ..... ....... $61 ,971.0 5
(i ANALY'l'ICAL WOHK. The following analyses were made during the year: Official samples fertilizers ( drawn by chemist) ...... 160 Special samples fertilizers (sent in by citizens) ...... 377 Official samples feed stuff ( drawn by inspector1 ..... 162 Special samples feed stuff (sent in by citizens)..... 30 Official food and drug samples ( drawn hy ini"pector) l!J4 Special food and drng samples (sent in hy citizens) 56 Miscellaneous samples ( 1;ent in h,v ci tir.ens) . . . . . . . . . 172 Total nnmher nnaly1;es .. 1 Uil FERTILIZEHS. L. Heimburger, 11. S., Analyst. Of the 160 official samples analysed, 123 sampl('s were of complete goods; :n samples w<>re of fertilizer mate rials. The 12:3 samples of compleie J'el'tilizp1• drawn by the Staie Chemist had the following average compol"ition and guarantee: Ammonia. Available Phos .. \cill. Pota.sh. Official analysis... . . . . . . . 3. 89 Guarantee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :-: . SO G.GS 6.19 6.84 Excess abon' guarantee... 0 .119 O. ,rn O. 49 Average Srate value fount!, per ton .... , ... ~2\1.70 Average Stat,, yalue guarantee1l. per ton ... ~S. 38 \Ye find complete fc1tiliztrs excPP ill1N I. ,IS i'nllcnn,: Iii Ammonia ................ G:! samplt>f:, 01' -!2.0% In Avail a hie Pho1;pho1ir)did.S-1 snmpl<>s, or., .. G7. 0% Tn Potni-h .................. 80 sa111pl(•s ,11 fi::.O'/o
7 DEFICIENCY 0.20 % BELOYV GUARANTEE. We find complete fertili;,,en; IJelow guarantee 0.20% (twenty points), as follows: In Ammonia ................ 23 samples, m .... HJ.0% In Available Phosphoric Acid. 26 samples, or .... 21. 0% In Potash (K,O) ............ 27samples.m.... 21.0% COMMERCIAL S'l'OCK FEED. E. Peck Greene, B. S., Analyst. 'rhe following analyses have been mad e during the year: Official samples feed stuff .......................... 162 Special samples feed stuff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 T'otal analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 The average composition of the official samples was as follows: Starch and Proteiu . Sugar. Fats. Official analysir........... .. .. 17. 96 55.11 3.93 Guaranteed analysis ........... 17. 64 54.36 4.15 Excess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 32 0.7G Deficiency ... .... . .......... . 0.2'..! ,Ye 1inrl thP ofli<-ial snrnpk,of fPe
s FOODS AND DRUGS. A. M. Henry, B. S., Analyst. FOODS. Official food samples........................ 74 Special food samples.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Total food samples ...................... 127127 Official samples adulterated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Official samJJles adulterated and misbranded.. 1 Official samples legal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 'l'otal official food sample:,;................. 74 DltUGS. Otlicial drug sarn ples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Special drng samples. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Total drn: samples ...................... . Official samples adulterated ................ . 0111cial samples misbramkd ................ . Official samples adnliern ted and misb1anded .. Official samples legal ...................... . 123123 39 27 2G 28 'rotal official drug samples ................ 120 'rotal analyses foods and drugs. . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Those samples found adulterated or misbranded have been reported to the proper officer. In all cases the dealers and manufacturers have corrected the labels by placing the proper labels on the goods or by withdraw ing the offending materials from the market. A number of prosecutions for misbranding have been had, and in a number of cases the parties have been found! guilty and punished by fine. These prosecutions, however, are not part of the duty of the Chemical Di vision, but come under the jurisdiction of the various courts. The evidence of adulteration or misbranding only being furnished by the Chemical Division.
9 FERTILIZERS. Examination of the foregoing averages of tile "guaran teed analyses" of the samples drawn ihrouglwut the State b_v the State Chemist, and the results of the "otlleial anal yses" of the same, together with a study of the tables of analyses following, will show that there has been a steady improvement of the uniformity of the mixing and prepa ration of the various brnnds sold in the State; that there bas been but few ueficicncies in any of the materials guar anteed; that the manufadurer has, by improved machin ery, careful weighing and. skillful manipulation, furnished a more uniform and exact fe•:tilizer-generally slightl~ above the guamntee in al! 1hI"ee es8ential elements. It will be noted that owing to the mate1ial improve ment in mannfactme. that the go0
HI capable of knowing what they require for the best results; and while demanding high-grade goods, made of such ma terials as they specify, are willing to pay for the same, but will not tolerate substitution or deficiency. 'l'his fact demonstrates the correctness of the position assumed in previous reports that high-grade goods, thongh costing more per ton, are in fact more eeonomicaL The freights aud other charges on "fillers" are costly, while the unit values of high-grade good8 are less than thmw of low grades_ SPECIAL SAMl'LES. In this connection the "speeial sample"-peeuli:n to the Florida law-has proved i(s value to both the rnn sumer and the manufacturer_ :Much of the uniformity and high quality of the goods sold throughout the State can he attributed to the "special sample"-sen1 in by lhe punhaser, and analysed hy the State without drnrge thus 1no~ing the wisdom of the Legislature in providing this simple and direct method of obtaining quick]~ an exact knowledge of the true value, commereiall,v and agTi ('nlturally, of the goods sold. A careful Rtntl.v of the "official analy:-.e:-.,'' and an iniPlli gPnt u:-.e of the "special :-.ample." is again cmnmetHled lo tlw (onsm11e1:-. of cornmPrcial fel'tilizts in the State. Spes of fertilize!' arnl frrd stuff. Hei-etnfot(• I hnve callP(l a! leniiou in th<> co:-.tl_v 111t'.in dice in fa\'(Jt' of ])i:-solred Bnne 01 Di,:-.oln•rl BrnH' T:l,1"1;:, a:-; ng:ninst l>issoln•rl Plo1ida 01 ollter rod;: phosphates. l>i:-.solved I:mw. Di1-:-.olYP
Bones, or Rock Phosphates , dis s olved in Sulphmic Acid, produce the same substance prop e rly called "s uper phosphate," a combination of Sulphuric .~eid and Sul phate of Lime--(Gypsurn or Land Plaster). Sup e r-phos phates, made either from Bones or Hock Phospllak. is identical in fertilizing value. 'l'his s1;bject has be e n di!, cussed fully in pr.'evion s rf'ports and in varions q11ar1"er-ly Bulletins. 'l'his 1n e judice annually costom consumeu; large sums_ 'l'honsands of tons of "Dissolved Bone. " Dis solved Bone Black" or "none and Potash," are sold an nually, in which no bon es are used. Long usage probably justifies th ese trade nanws , 'Dis snlved Bone" for acid phosphate (fmper-phosphate 1. or 'Bone and Potash" fo1 acid phosphate and kainit , while the tel'ln "G uano" is used for any co mplete ( amrnoni tt '
'l'lte ammonia in tankage is largely in the form of sul phate, white raw bone, or pure blood, contains little if any i;;ulphate. ,vhen the term "tankage" is used as a source of am monia, the inference would 1 be that part, if not the most, of the ammonia was a sulphate. ,vhile the term "Blood and Bone" would suggest organic nitrogen only. 'l'he term 'Blood and Bone" is unknown to the trade, except in Florida, and there means tankage. Tankage is not 'Blood and Bone," and its nitrogen is not-similar to 1hat of Haw Bone. or mood. In Steamed Bone, tlie nitrogen is also, generally, largely in Ille form of irnlphate or arnrnonia, as :-mlphuri<: atid is ui;;ed J'or exactly the c:ame pnrpose ai;; ii ii;; in tank age, to Llic:solve and disinteg1:1Je the albuminoids-gristle and ligarneniR-:md as:c;ii;;t in freeing the bonl,R of fat and JIPsh. 'L'hPBe suhjt>c1s have ]1pc11
of fertilizer or manure." 'l'ltis i:,; a good law, and has pre veuted the sale of much unavailable nitrogen ( or ammo ni.;) in the State. However, when these waste materials me dissolved in :wlphuric acid, they are no longer leather, hair or wool waste, but a mixture of sulphate of ammo nia and humus, both valuable applications to hung1y soils. In fact, the source of some of our most popular and expensiw Florida fel'tilizel's particularly Ol'ange trce and vegetable fel'tilizers-i:,; largely from properly dissolwd ( decomposed) factm-y waste, consisting largely of these enumerated mate1ials. OnG,\NIC A.u MONL\TES. One of the most serious problems at present is an ade quate supply of Otganic Amn1011iatPs (as
14 must be decomrmsed, and its nitrogen made available by chemical ( or bacterial) action. This can be most econom ically accomplif;hed by drainage, to allow the air to enter and oxidir.e (rot) the material . . or by composting the raw muck with super-phosphate (acid phosphate) and sul phate of potash, and allowing it to decompose. MUCK LANDS. The vast beds of muck, or peat, in Florida contain from 1 to 3 per cent. of nitrogen, when properly and thor oughly drained and treated with super-phosphate and potash-in which they are deficient-they will become the most fertile and productive soils of this or any other State or country. This fertility will depend, to a large degree, upon tl1e availability of their stored-up nitrogen, which can be made available only by decomposition (rot ting), which can only be accomplished by thorough drain age and aeration (oxidation). When thoroughly drained ( decomposed and oxidir.ed), these muck lands are wonder fully productive. If not tlioroughly drained, they are not suitable for general agriculture. The application of super-phosphates-and potash-in which elements these lands are deficient-to thoroughly drained muck lands, will produce maximum crops of all kinds suitable to the climate. COMl\fEHCIAL FEED STUFFS. There lias been a slight increase in the average value of commercial feed stuff sold in the St ate, the average excess ahovc guarantee in protein has increased, while fats and " ,;oluble carbohydra1es" (starches and sugars) has slightly decrem,ed; ilte percPntnge of deficiencies has notably tlecreased. The same statemen Is a,; to the value of' ilie "special sample" applies to feed stuff as to fertiliz
15 Cl'::-. As much depends on the consumer to correct abuses iu foed stuff as does upon the eonsumer of fertilizers. The live stock of the State should be as carefully protected in their foods as are the fruit and other c rops. The same intelligent purchase of feed stuff that is now applied to fertilizers by consumers will result in placing our feed stuff on the same high plane as our fertilizers. FLORIDA FEED STUFFS. Attention is called to the analysis of Florida-grown feed stuffs, as compared to that imported into the State, particularly to "beggar weed," "eow peas," "velvet beans" and ",Tapanei,;e kudzu. " These analyses show that these plants produce hays equal in value to the average mixed ferds import e d, and superior to most of the imported ma tel'ials. They ar e superior to bran , middlings or oats, and far superior to the average of the imported feeds. Tiley stnpass alfalfa or clover in th ei r feeding value. 'l'he.v are peculiar to our soil and, climate, tlwir cost of culture and curing is not greater than to cultivate and c ure clover 01 alfalfa. 'L'heir more gtmeral culture would save the State many thousands of dollars, now sent to ~01-thern States for stock feeds , and provide the Florida s1 otkman an ness. No State in the Union-and I f-iay
lfi it auvisedly has a grrnkr vmiety of enmurnically grown legume s, or longer list of meado,v ~nd pasture grasses, furnishing the necessary carl.Joh.rdrates, than has Florida, with velvet beam, , beg gar w ee d , 1.:o w p eas aud kudzu as legume:,;; Det11nala, 1.:I' aL gn,:c:s, :,;atal g1ass, l'ant gr,11,s aud Japane se sugar cane, ii.we uo superior for pastme and me ado w. Japanese sugar caue p1oduces a s11pel'ior cattle 01 !Jog l'e t •d, ri c h iu s ugar , eadwhydrate::; fat l'urnH•t s. I t is wonderfully ]_Jl'Ouu c tive; twen1y (um; per auc are by no m ea ns uuusual. \Vlten once e~;jalJ!i:,d1ed it will contiune to grow for ye ars, bei ug pra c ticall_y a pereuuial in this State. Flotida's soil aud climate. lier a bundant raiufull, lier lakes and s1renum, arte si an waters, h.e1 short, mild win ters , lier abundant native grasses aud legumeH, make stoek raising peculiarly attractive to the farmer and investor. Her drained lands and flat woods are peculiarly adapted to success ful ca ttle growing, as is evidenced by the large herds n o w profitably grown on the drained lands of th e Central Peninsula. It is notable that during th e past few ;years larg e quan titi es of hay and other forage crops hav e b een produC! '. d in the State; that the mowing macliine and hay pre":-:, unknown " b efo re the freeze," arc bein g rapidly intro du ce d tl1ronghont ihe State; that pnr ebred cattle mid hog s a1 e being Sl!l:tl'ssl'nlly grow n , and that li e r dairi1:-:, though still few in number, are producing butter equal to that produ ce d in any part of ih e rni o n , nt a cost l ess than th e average cost of prod.uctiou in the \'i 7 es ter11 daii-y Stat es . The s uppl y by n o means e11uals tile d em and at th e hi g hest market pri ce s. FOODS AND DRUGS. It will be noted that but four cases of adulteration ot misbranding have occurred in foods officially sampled:
17 showing that the law is becoming better understood and complied with. In the case of drugs, 3!) samples were adulterated, 27 misbranded and 26 both adulterated and misbranded, while 28 were found legal. In a number of cases the misbranding was the neglect to state the percentage of alcohol on the label or other article enumerated in Section 5 of the law, while in a number of cases the adulteration consisted of an excess of 1he active drug in the preparation. It will be noted that during the latter part of the year these misbrandings and adulterations were less in evi dence, manufacturers and dealers having been notified of their illegal labels and lack of carr in properly propor tioning their materials, have generally complied with the law and made their goods to conform to the standards fixed by law, and to state the percentages or amounts of the materials required to be stated on the labels. PURE FOOD AND DRUG LAW. There are several obscure, and possibly contradictory, features of the Pure Food and Drug Law as enacted. Amendments, by elimination of these portions of the law, would materially strengthen it , make it clearer and posi tive where it is now ambiguous. SO-CALLED NEAR-BEER. A number of analyses of these various fermented liq uors, generally guaranteed to contain less than 2 per cent. alcohol, and represented as non-intoxicating, have been made for Sheriffs and, prosecuting officers of the
IS State. Several convidio11s have been had and penalties of fine and imprisonment imposed. 'l'he analyses of these materials show them to be very inferim beers. with genl'rally a larger percentage of alco hol ilian in siandanl beer, 4 to 5 per cent. or 11101e. A'l"J'ENIL'\NCE UPON COUH'l'S. ~\Inch oJ' the time of the Slate Chemist, and Assistant State Chemists, has been nnnecessarily devoted to attend ance upon courts to testify as to chemical determina tions. The law provides that "The certificate of analysis of the Hiate Che111ist, or his assistant, whc~n properly Yerified by ilre State Chemist, or his m,sistant, shall be 111i1na facic evidence iu an,r court of law 01 equity in tllis State." This prnvision w:is intended to prevent the ex pense and loss of time involved in attendance upon court by the chemists of the State Department ef Agriculture. The conrt:-: 1ery JJroperly eonfine the chemists' testimony to the fadi,; of the analysis. as stated in the cei-tilkate antl nilidavit. The Chemist, 01 his assistants, are not aw:ir(\ of any of the facts snrromHJingthe case; hence, they arc only competent to certify a;-; io the results of the anai~sis of ihc particular sample, which facts are fully set out iu the certificate and affidavit. Some means should lie provided to prevent this un necessary lo:c-s of time and the expenses involved in 1m nrcessm-y and useless atiendance npon courts in snch cases. INSPECTORS. Active, efficient and frequent inspection of the various factories, warehouses, railroad stations, local warehouseti and dealers' stocks of goods is imperative for the proper
1!) administration of the fertilizer, feed stuff and pure food and drug laws. More depends upon the inspectors' vigilance to detect frauds, correct evils and p1otect the revenues of the State tlwn upon any other bl'nn1.:h of the service. This particu lai-ly applies to the larger cities uf the State, the distribut ing 11oints of most of the goods sold througlrnut the State, wlh:re are locte
20 their decisions as to its illegality. 'rhe reasons for this authority are obvious. I respectfully call your attention to the suggestions am] recommendations of my report for lUOD, as follows: SUGGESTIONS AND RECOM:MENDA'l'IONS. Inspectors-At present there are two inspectors em ployed, one for feed stuff, one for foods and drugs. The State Chemist is the only inspector of fertilizers. I would suggest that not Jess than three inspectors be employed, each to have authority to draw samples of all goods subject to inspection-that is, fertilizers, foods and drugs, and feeds; having authority to seize any material misbranded or that fails to bear the proper inspection stamp. 'l'hat one of these inspectors be lm:ated at each large cityPensacola, Jacksonville, and Tampa and have cliarge each of a Congressional District, subject to orders of the Commissioner of Agriculture, and at his direction be detailed to any part of the State if neces i,;nry; that the State Chemist have, as now, the general supervision of the inspection of goods throughout the State, in order to frequently consult, assist and direct the inspectors in their work. STANDARDS. It is evident that standards sl1011ld he fixed by law for mixPd fcedi,;, and for certain liy-1notlucts of factori<>s nsed for feed, to prevent the sale of materials bPlow the aver age of such goods, though properly gnaranteed. A num ber of States have adopted such standards, fixing the minimum of the valuable ing1edients in mixed feed stuff permissible in feeds sold in the State. Florida shonld fix i,;imilar starnlards, a:-: without them foods not saleable in other States can be sold in Florida, though truthfully labeled they are not standard fo()(1s, and shcmld not be sold as concentrated feed stnff. Very respectfully, R. E. RosE, State Chemist.
21 SPECIAL SAMPLES. Florida is the only State in the Union that provides for the "special sample," drawn by the consumer or purchaser, under proper rules and regulations fixed by law-to be sent to the State Laboratory for analysis free of cost. Any citizen in the State who has purchased fertilizers or feeds for his own use may draw a sample of the same, according to law, and have the same analysed by the State Cllemist free of cost. And in case of adulteration or de ficiency he can, on establishing the fact, receive double the cost of price demanded for the goods. 'I'he law requires the "special samples" to be drawn in a manner to prevent the submission of spurious samples; rules and regulations are published in every Bulletin for drawing and transmitting "special samples." This special sample has been a most potent factor iu enforcing the law and discouraging the sale of adulter ated or misbranded goods. Special samples of foods and drugs may ali,;o be sent to the State Laboratory for analysis free of cost, when the sample is properly 'drawn according to law. 'l'he nece~ sary instructions and blanks required to properly d rnw and transmit samples of •'food and drugs" will be sent to any citizen requesting the same. "'l'HE SPECIAL SAMPLE FURNISHES 'I'HE CON SUMER WITH THE SAME PRO'l'ECTIOY DEJ\fAND ED BY THE MANUFAC'l'URER, WHO BUYS HIS MA TERIALS ONLY UPON GUARANTEE AYD PAYS FOR THEM ACCORDING TO ANALYSIS, AND TS PAID FOR BY THE CONSUMER OU'r OF 'l'RE FUNDS DERIVED FROM 'l'HE INSPECTION FEE OF TWEN'l'Y-FIVE CENTS PER TON PAID ON FERTIL IZERS AND FEEDS SOLD IN 'l'HE STATE."
mmULA 'l'lON S GOVEHNLNG THE TAKING A.1\U FORlVAlWING 01" FER'l'ILIZER OR CO~BlEH ClAL FEEDING STUFli' SAMPLES 'l'O THI;: C011.\1ISSIONER OF AGRICUL'l'UI m. SECT ION 15 OF 'l'HE LAWS. Special samples of F e rtilizers or Commercial Pe e din~ i--luffs sent in b,r pnrcliaie rs, under Seetion n of the law,;. :-hall be d1 awn in the presence of two disinter este d wi1IH'sses, from one or moee paekages, thoroughly mix e d, arnl . \ FAIR fUi\ll'LE OF '1'111'.l SAl\lE NOT LESS TH.\N EIGHT O1:\'o;s l'O UND ) SHALL BE P LACIDD IN A CA N ()]{ UOTTLrn, l:mALED AND S]_i]NT BY A DISIN'l'ERESTED PARTYro ' l'I-rn fO;\fl\lISSIO l\' l ~ H OF AGRICULTURE A'l' TALLAHASSEl'J. Nm [.J , ;ss TIIAN EIGHT Ol l N CES , IN A 'l'IN CAN OR BOTTLI•,: WILL Bl
23 Hereafter, strict compliance with above regulatiorn, will be required. The sample nmst not be less than one half pound, in a can or bottle, sealed and addressed to the Commissioner of Agriculture. The sender's name and ad dress must also be on the package, this rule applying i<> special samples of fertilizers or commercial feeding stuff. A one-pound baking powder can, properly cleaned, filled with a fairly drawn, well mixed sample taken from several sacks, is a proper sample. It should be seal ed and addr esse d to the Commissioner of Agriculture at Talla hassee. The s e nder's name and address should also be placed on the package. If more than one sample is sent, the samples shoiild be numbered so as to ident•ify them. All this should be done in the presence of the witnesses and the package mail e d or expressed by one of the witnesses. Tile tags off the sacks should be retained by tile sender to compare with the certificate of analysis when received, and not sent to this office. The date of the drawing and send-ing of the sample, and names of the witnesses, shonld also be retained by the sender; not sent to this office. INSTRUCTIONS TO MANUFACTURERS AND. DEALERS. Each package of Commercial Fertilizer, and each package of Commercial Feeding Stuff, must have, securely attached thereto, a tag with the guaranteed analysis re quired by Jaw and the stamp showing the payment of the inspector's fee. 'l.'his provision of the law, Section 3 of both laws-will be rigidly enforced. Manufacturers and dealers will be required to properly tag and stamp each package of Commercial Fertili?.er 01 Commercial Feeding Stuff under penalty as fixed in See tion 6 of both laws. Tags shall be attached to th<> lop end of each bag, or head of each barrel.
INSTHGC'l'JONS TO Pl;I{CHASERS. Purchasers are rantioned to purchase no Commercial l~ertilizers or Commercial Feeding Stuff that does not hear on each package an analysis tag with the guarantee required by law, and the stamp showing the payment of the inspector's fee. Goods not having the guarantee tag and stamp are irregular and fraudulent; the absence of the guarantee and stamp being evidence that the manu facturer or dealer has not complied with the law. vVith out the guarantee tag and stamp showing what the goods are guaranteed to contain, the purchaser has no recourse against tlte manufacturer or dealer. Such goods are sold illegally and fraudulently. and are generally of little value. All reputable manufacturers and dealers now comply strictly with the law and regulations by placing 1he guarantee tag and stamp on each package. INSTRUCTIONS TO SHERIFFS. The attention of Sheriffs of the various counties is ealled to Section 3 of both laws, defining their duties. 'l'his Department expects each Sheriff to assist in main taining the law and protecting the citizens of the Slate from the imposition of fraudulent, inferior or deficient Commercial Fertilizers 01 Commercial Feeding Stuffs.
25 MARKET PHICES OF CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZ ING MA'J.'EIUALS A'J.' FLORIDA SEA l'OHTS, JANUARY 1, Hlll. AMMONIA.TES. Less 1han ten Ions. Nitrate of Soda. 17 to rn % Ammoni a .......... G:!. 00 Sulphate of Ammonia, 25 to 2G% Ammonia..... 70.00 Dried Blo od , rn to 19 % Ammonia.............. fi7.00 Cynanamid, 1:! to 13 % Ammonia. . . . . . . . . . . . 4G. 00 Dry Fish Scrap, 11 % Ammonia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57. 00 P O'l'A SHES. High Grad e Sulphate of Potash, DO to !)5 % Sulphate , 4 8 to 50% K,O ...... . ..... . ......... $ Low grad e Sulphate of Potash, 48 to 53% Sulphate, 2G to 28% K,O . .................... . Muriate o f Potash, 80 to 85%, 48 to 50 ~7o K 2 0 .. Nitrate of Potash, imported, 15 % Ammonia , 44 % pota s h K 2 0 ............... .. . . .. . ... . Nitrate of Potash, American, 13 % Ammonia, 42% pota s li K 2 0 .......................... . Kainit, 12 to 1:1 1 7c1 Pota ~ h , 12% K 2 O ......... . Canada Hardwood .Ash es, in bags, 4 to G % K 2 O Potash . ........ . ... .. .......... .. ........ . AMMONIA AND PnoSPHOitI C A.cm. High Grade 'l'ankage, 10 % Ammonia , 5 -} to 7% Phosphoric Acid ................. . ........ , Tankage , S _t o !) % Ammonia, 10 to 11 % Phosphoric Acid ..................... . ........ . Low Grad e Tankage, 6{ to 8% Ammonia, 12 to 14% Phosphoric Acid ..................... . Hotel 'J'anka ge, G to 7 % Ammonia, 7 to 8 % Phosphoric Acid . ... ........... . ...... . ....... . Sheep Manure, ground , 3 to 4 % Ammonia ..... . 5u.OO 32 .00 50.00 f/4. 00 84 .00 1 5 .00 ]!I. 00 H.00 4 0.00 :n.oo
26 Imported Fish Guano, 10% Ammonia, 10% Phosphoric Acid .............................. . Pure Fine Steamed Ground Bone, 3 to 4% Ammonia, 22 to 25% Phosphoric Acid ......... . Raw Bone, ,! to 5'f,) Ammonia, 22 to 25% Phosphoric Acid .............................. . Ground Castor Pomace, 5} % Ammonia, 2 to Wl Phosphoric Acid .......................... . Bright Cotton Seed Meal, 7-} to 8% Ammonia .. . Dark Cotton Seed :\Ieal, 5 to 1cy; Ammonia ..... . PHOSPIIORIC Acm. High Grade Acid Phosphate. lW;; Available Phosphoric Acid .......................... Acid Phosphate, li7,, Available Phosphoric Acid Bone Black, 17 to 18% Available Phosphoric Acid .................................... . MISClcLLANEOUS. High Grade Ground Tobacco Sterns, 2 to 2}% 45.00 2fl.OO H4.00 25.00 :31.00 27.00 15.00 14.00 25.00 Ammonia, 8 to 10% Potash ................ $ 22.00 High Grade Ground Kentucky Tobacco Stems, 2 to :3 % Ammonia, 10 to 11 % Potash. . . . . . . . . . 25. 00 Tobacco Dust No. 1, 2 to 3% Ammonia, 2 to 3% Potash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. 00 Cut 'fobacco Stems, in sacks, 2 to 2% Ammonia, 4 to 5% Potash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Dark Tobacco Stems, baled, 2 to 2% Ammonia, 4 to 5% Potash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rn.oo Land Plaster, in sacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. 00 The charges by reputable manufacturers for mixing and bagging any special or regular formula are $1.50 per ton in excess of above prices.
27 KRW YOH K 'IYl IOLESALE PRICES , CURRENT .JAN. 1. lDll-FEH'rILIZER l\IA'fERIALS . ..\:\L\IOXIATES . \uunonia, snlplwte, foteign, prompt. .. $2 .85 @$2 . !t:.!1 / ~ futures .... . ................ 2.871/:2@ 2.!10 Ammonia, snlp!iate, domrstie, spot. ... . futures ........ .. ........... 2.95 Fish 8('l'ap, dried, 11 '7, J nmmon ia aud H 1 i ; hone phospha1e, f. o. h. fish@ @ .1171/:2 WOl'ks , pel' nnit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @ wet, ac:iduln1ed. 6% ammonia nnd :1 % phosphori c acid, f. o. b. fish-works .......... '.UiO & Ground Fish Guano, imported , 10 and 11 % ammonia and 15 and 17 % hone phosphate, c. i. f. New York, Daltimorr or Philadelphia .............. :l.55(/'i , H . (iii&lO 'f,mkage, 117,. and 15%, f. o. h. ChiC'ago. hasis October . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. !l5 & 10 Tankage, 10% and 20%, f. o. b. Chicago. ground, basis October . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. D5 & 10 'fankage, 9% and 20 7, , f. o. h. Chicago, g-rom1d .... ..... _................. ~, 'fnnkage, c oncentrated, f. o. b. Chicago, 14 to 15 % , f. o. h. Chicago .......... 2.80 @ Garbage, tankage, f. o. h. Chicago. . . . . . fJ. 00 r,~ Sheep :Manure, co ncentra t e
28 PHOS PHATES . Acid Phosphate, per unit ............. $ .62 @$ .65 Bones, rough, hard, per ton . . . . . . . . . . . 21. 00 @ 22. 00 soft, steamed, unground. . . . . . 21. 50 @ 22. 00 ground, steamed, % ammonia and GO % bone phosphate 22. 50 @ 21. 50 ditto , :i and 50 % ............. 22.50 @ 23.00 raw ground, 4 % ammonia and 50 % bone phosphate ....... 26.50 @ 27 .50 South Carolina Phospha1 e Rock, kilndried, f. o. b. Ashley River .. ........ 3.50 @ 3.75 Florida Land Pebble Phosphat e Hock, GS %, f.o.b.Port'rmnpa,Fla ........ 3.75 @ 4.00 Florida High Grade Phosphate Hard Rock, 77 %, f. o. b. Florida ports..... 5.50 @ G.00 Tenn essee Phosphate Rock , f. o. b. Mt. Pleasau t , domestic, 1ier ton, 78-80%. . 5. 00 75 % guaranteed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 75 68-72 % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.25 POTASHES. l\Iuriate of Potash, 80-85' ; {, , basis 80%, @ ( (jl (m in bags ................ ... ........ $:15. 75 @ Mmiate of Potash, min. D5 % , basis 80%, in bags . ......................... . •>()'"" ul .~..> (fll Mmiate of Potash, min. 98 '/o , basis 80%, in bags .......................... . 38.00 @ Sulphate of Potash , !J0-!15 %, bmds 90%, in bngs .......................... . 43.50 @ Double l\Iannre Salt, 48-53 %, basis 48 % , in bags .......................... . 22.75 @ Manure Salt, m:-, 20 %, K , O , in bulk .. . 12.25 @ Hardsalt, min. 16%, K 2 O, in bulk ..... . 9.70 @ Kainit, min. 12.4%, K,O, in bulk ..... . 7.50 (m 5.50 5.00 --1. 50
2!) STATE V ALUA'l'IONS For Available and Insoluble Phosphoric Acid, Ammonia and Potash, for the Season of lDll. Available Phosphoric Acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c. a pound Insoluble Phosphoric Acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . le. a pound Ammonia ( or its equivalent in nitrogen) ... l 7c, a pound Potash ( as actual potash, K 2 0) . . . . . . . . . . . 5c, a pound If calculated by unitsAvailable Phosphoric Acid .............. $1.00 per unit Insoluble Phosphoric Acid .............. 20 c. per unit Ammonia ( or i1s equivalent in nitrogen) ... !LEO per uni1 Potasll ................................. 1.10 per unit "'ith a uniform allowance of $1.50 per ton for mixing and bagging. A nnit is twenty pounds, or 1 per cent., in a ton. We find this to he the easiest and quickest method for calcu lating the value of fertilizer. To illustrate this, take for example a fertilizer which analyzes as follows: Available Phosphoric Acid ... G.22 per cent.x$1.00-$ G.22 Insoluble Phosphoric Acid ... 1.50 per cent.x .20.30 Ammonia .................. 3.42 per ~ent.x 2.5011.97 Potash .................... 7.23 per cent.x 1.107.95 Mixing and Bagging ......................... 1.50 Commercial value at sea ports .................. $27.D4 01 a fertilizer analyzingas follows: Ayailable Phosphoric Arid .... S JJer ccni.x~l.00-$ 8.00 Ammonia ................... 2 per cent.x 3.G07.00 Potash ...................... 2 per cen t.x 1.10-2.20 Mixing and Bagging ......................... 1.50 CornmPrcial value at sea ports ................... ~18. 70
The above valuations are for cash for materials deliv ered at Florida seaports, and they can be bought in one ton lots at these prices at the date of issuing this Bulle tin. Where fertiliiers are Lought at interior points, the allditional freight to that point must he added. If purchased in carload lots for cash, a reduction ol ten per cent. um be made in above valuations, i. e.: Available Phosphoric Acid ........... 00 cents per unit Potash (K 2 O) ...................... DD cents per unit Ammonia ( or equivalent in nitrogen) .. !jj, 3.15 per nuh The valuations and market prices in preceding illustra tions are based on market prices for one-ton lots. S'rATE VALUES. It is not intended by the "State valuation" to fix the price or commercial value of a given brand. 'rhe "State values" are the market prices for the various approved chemicah; and materials rn;ed in mixing or mannfactur ing t:ommercinl fel'tilizers or commercial stock feed at the date of issuing a Blillctin, or the openiilg or the ((season. " 'l'hey may, llut seldom do, vary from the market prices, and are made literal to meet any slight ad van cc or decline. They a1 c compiled from price lists and commercial re ports by re1mtable dealel's and journals. The question is frequently asked: "\Vhat is Sn1ith's Fruit and Vine' worth per ton'?" Such a question cannot be answered categorically. By analysis, the amrnonia, available phosplwric acid and potash may be detel'll1ined, and the inquirer informed what the cost of the nece,-sary material to compound a ton of goods :-;imilar to "S111ith's Fruit and Vine" would be, using none but aecepted and well known materials of the best quality. State values do not consider "trade secrets," 101-s 011 bad bills, cost of advertisements and expenses of collec
rions. The "State valne'' i,:; simpl_v that 111ice at whil'll the various ingredients necessary to use in compounding a fertilir.er, or feed, can l,e purchased for ca:sh in ton lots at Florida seaports. These price Ji:.;is are pnulished in this report. with tlte '•S(ate valnes" fol' mu (1ednded the1•pfron1.
COl\'.IPOSl'l'ION 01<, FEH'l'ILIZER MATERIALS. NITROGENOUS MATERIALS. POUNDS PER HUNDR E D --Ammonia I Phol~l:f ric I Potash NiTrate of Soda...... . ... 17 to 19 ............. . ......... . Sulphate of Ammonia.... 21 to 24 .. .. .. .. .. .... .... ...• . . Dried Blood . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 to 17 ...................... .. Concentrated Tankage.... 12 to _._5 1 to 2 ........ . .. . Done Tankage . . . . . . . . . . 6 to 9 10 to 15 ........... . Dried Fi s h Scrap ; . . . . . . . . 8 to 11 6 to 81. .. C otton S e ed Meal. . . . . . . . 7 to 10 2 to 3 H to 2 Hoof :rd~~! .. ..:. :_ ~ _._ :_ _: . __ _ 13 _ to 17 _ _ __ H _ to _ 2 .........•.. PHOSPHATE MATERIALS. PO U NDS P ER HUND RED ---------,--1 ! Avail ab l e I ln so lubl ~ Ammonia. Pho s . Acid Pho1~rdoric I Florida Pebble Phosphate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 to 32 Vlorida Ro ck Phosph ate. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 to 35 Florida Super Phosph ate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 to 45 1 to 35 Ground B o ne . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 to 6 5 to 8 15 to 17 Ste amed Bone . . . . . . . . . . . 3 to 4 6 to 9 10 to 20 Dissolved Bone . . . . . . . . . . 2 to 4 13 to 15 2 to 3 POTASH MATERIALS AND FARM MANURES. I P OUNDS PER HUNllRED : A c tu al j l . ( Phos ph oric I . I P ota :; h A mmonm ! ,\c iol I Lime !lfu riat e of Pot as h. . . . . . . 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . Sulphate of Po tas h...... 48 to 52 .......................... . Ca rbonat e of Potas h .. . . . 55 to 60 . ..... ... . . .. ............. . Nitrate of Pot as h... . .. . 40 to 44 12 to 16 . ....... . ...... . . . Do uble Sul. of Po t. & Mag. 2G to 30 I• ....•........•...••••...•• Ka in it ... .. ... . . ....... 12 to 12 . ... ... . ........ ... .... . .. . Sylvinit ... . . ... ... .... lG to 2 0 ........ .... . .... . . ... . ... . Cott on Seed Hull Ashe s. . 15 to 30 . . . . . . . . . 7 to 9 10 Wood Ashes, un !ea ched . . 2 to 8 . . . . . . . . . 1 to 2 ........ . Woo d Ashes, leached .. .. 1 to 2 . . . . .. . . . 1 to H 35 to 40 Toba cco Stem s . . . . . . . . . 5 to 8 2 to 4 . . . . . . . . . 3~ Co w M a nure (fresh).... 0 .4 0 0to0.41 0.16 0 .3 1 Horse Manure (fresh)... 0.53 Oto 0.60 0.28 0 .3 1 Sheep Manure (fresh) . .. 0.67 1.00 0.23 0 . 33 Hog Ma nure (fresh).... 0.60 0.55 0.19 0.08 Hen Dung (fresh)...... 0.85 2.07 1.54 0.24 Mixed Stable Manure.... 0.63 0.76 0.26 0.70
FACTORS FOR CONVERSION. To convertAmmonia into nitrogen, multiply by ........... . Amrnouia into protein, multiply by ............ . Nitrogen into ammonia, multiply by ............ . Nitrate of soda into nitro g en, multiply by ....... . Nitrogen into protein , multiply by ............. . Bone phosphate into phosphoric acid, multiply by Phosphoric acid into bone phospliate, multiply by Muriate of potash into actual potash, multiply by Actual pota s h inio muriatc of potash, multiply by Sulphate of potash into actual J>l)tash, multiply by Actual potash into sulphate of potash, multiply by :Nitrate of potash into no t rogen , multiply by ..... Carbonate of pota s h in ro ac tn a l potash , multipl y by .Actual pota:-h into carbonate of potash . multiply by Chl< ,J'i ne, in "kainit , " multipl;\ 7 potash (K"O) h_ v .. 0.824 5.15 1.214. 0.1647 G.25 0.458 :U8ii 0.632 1.583 0.541 1.85 0.139 O.G81 1.466 2 .33 For instance, you buy !>5 per cent. of nitrate of soda and waut to know how mucl: nitrngen is in it, multiply 95 per c e nt. by O.HiJ7 , yon will g et li"i . G5 per cent. nitrogen; yon want to know liow mrn.:h ammonia thi;-: nitrogen is eqnivalent to. tlien multiply lri .Gi:i 11cr cent. by 1.214 and yo n g e t UU)D per cent., the quivalent in ammonia. Or, to convert !>O per cent. carbonate of potash into actual potash (K 2 0), multiply DO by 0.681, equals 61.29 per cent. actual potash (K 2 0). COPIES OF THE FERTILIZER AND STOCK FEED LAWS. Citizens interested in the fertilizer and stock feed laws of the State, and desiring to avail themselves of their pro i -Bnl.
34 tection, can obtain copies free of charge by sending foe same to the Commi:,;sioner of AgricultureCOPIES OP 'l'IIE PURE FOOD AND DRUG LAT\'. Copies of the Pure Food and Drug Law, rnll' s and regn lation s , standards, blank:,;. etc., can be ohtaiueu from the Commission e r of Agriculture.
AVERAGE COMPOSITION OF COMMERCIAL PEJ~D S'ITFFS. NAME OF FEED. I Bri g ht Coi'n Seed )lea I / Dark Cotton S e ed Meal Linse e d Jlcal. old pro ee s 8 .............. . Lius ee d Meal, new proI f'CSS ••....•... . -1 ""hen t Hrm1 ........ . Jlixed Feed ( Wheat) .. Ship Stuff (Wheat) . . . Corn (grain) ....... . Corn i\real Corn Cobs r -. 20.00 22.no 37.IO I 7.50 1 8.-1-0[ u.oo j 5.40 1 7.80 3G.70 3G.OO : _ lG.10 3G.70 15.40 53.!JO lG.40 59.40 Hi.no G4AO 5.GO 14.60 59.80 2.10 10.50 69.GO l.f)() B0.10 n.10 GS.7o 2.40 54.flO 7.80 5.50 7.2o l :1.(lO 4.00 ;1 4.10, I I 4.80 . 5.00 5.40 :1.80 0.50 ..:::: (f.J 5.80 G.00 G.SO ::.70 1.tiO 1.4(}\ 1.40 Corn and 3Ieal.. . . G.Gli S.50 G-!.80 :1.50 1.50 Homiu~Feed . . . . . . . . 4.05 10.50 G5.'.::fl 7.85 2.55 Com aud Oa1s. equal pal'ts ............. . Own all(1 Oais Feeds .. Bai IC'y (grni11 ) •...... ! I P.a1t"y ~pr
A VElL\GE CO.'llPO:Sl'l'lO~• OF CO .'IBIEHCI.-\.L j,'LmD t,'l' u FF~( Co II li 1/'ltcd.) NA:\IE UF FElDl>. Oats I grain) ........ . Oat F ee d ........... . R . . . ' i i c e ( gT,111)) ..... . : Riee Bran ........... 1 I Hice Jlnll s ........... I i , I H ye I gi-;1m 1 ' i I{.n Hrnn ... ....... . . 1 ' I \Yhca l 1g1ai11J ...... 1 , I eo w I '<"I I . _ , .. ... ...... ! Cow !'ea Hny ........ I Veln•l Be;ms a'ld IIuli,, '~ ,..., .uul s.soj I I I ::.1;0 1 : _ :s.Go / n.rn/' 10.!iO "i':!.G!l j 1.70 I ! ' 1 11. ,o, n:: .. -so :2.so I O.JO ::.(il) I I 11.:10 : ,uin ::uo l OIi.Sii i GS, 711 i U 11! l(i.(illl .J.:.?.:20/ :2.:.?ll/ i I I l!l . 70 I 01.:W / 4 Gil / 1 1 .• ol -1.1.00\ 1..o l i i I 21.rn / :rn.:20 / :2.::0 I t,.t:: : :0.::0 1 un i I I i 18.40/ :!.J..70 / l!J.!W / 4.ool :1n.Gol :?.ool I I i 24.00 / G1.:!ll l HUiO / I I I +~Jt.~ L . ::.:!.-: I l 1.7;, ! 1.SO ::.20 7.50 G.70 10.90 fi.87 :J.50 :?.GO 1.10 ~-
COMMEHCIAL S'l'A'l'E. VALUES OF FEED STUFFS FOR Hill. For the season of 1!111 the following "State rnlnei<'' al'e fixed as a guide to rmrehasers. 'l'hese Yalues are ba:-:ed OH ll1e cmTent price of corn, whicl1 has heen cltosPn Hfa sl atH1nrcl in fixing ihe com mercial values; the p1ite ol' corn, to a large extent, goyerning the 1ni('e of ot]i('r feeds, pork, beef, etc.: COMMERCIAL VALUES OF FEEDSTUFFS ~'OR 1910. Protein. ::~c. pC'r ponnd ................. G21c-, per unit Sia 1 and Su;ai. ll <. 11e1 1101llld ... . ..... 25 c. per unit Fa ts. :3}c. per ]JOm1d .................•.. G:2{ c per unit A unit being 20 JIOlllllls (l '){1) of a to11. Indian corn being the standard (11 1 $27.50 pee ton. 'l'o find the co11n11e1ieial Stale val11e, mnl!iply the per centages by the p1i
FOR}IULAS. There are frequent inquiries for formulas for various crops, and there are hundreds of such formulas pub lished; and, while there are hund reds of "brands _ ." the v ariations in these grades are s urpri sing l y little. Dozens of "brands" pnt up by the 1-mme manufacturer are iden tical goods, the only difference bein g in the name printed on the tag or sack. A good general formula for field or gar den might be called a "vegetab l e formula," and would have the following: Ammonia. %; available phosphoric at:id, 6 % ; and potash, 7:}' } L The following formulas will furnish the necessar y plant food in about the above prnportion. I have pnrposel,v avoided the use of any fraction of 100 ponu
No. 3. l'er Cent. 300 Jl, s of Dried Bloo<1 (1G per tent) .......... ] 3.25 Ammonia 100 lbs of Nitrate of Soda (17 per cent) ...... r ii.00 Available 1000 lbs of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent) .•.... J 7.S0 Potash GOO Ills of Low Grade Sulp. Pot. (26 per cent) . 2000 St a te value mixed and bagg e d ...... ... . . . . .. $29.45 1 , 1nt l \•otl per ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3S1 pounds (B) "FRUIT AND VINE." No. 1. Fruils, Melons. Strawberries. Tri sh l'otatoes: Ammouia 4 per cent . , A Tailai, i<' l'hosphoricAti
lO SOIL ANALYSH:,. ,Ye J'tequently have samples of soil sent in for analy: ,d, and a request to advise as to tlte best methods of fertili1/. ing. Excepting in extreme cases, such as Heavy Clays, Pure Sand aud Muck Land s, there is but little infol'ma tion to b e derived from a soil analysis tliat would be ol' benefit to fanuers. So mu c h uep ends on tilth, dl'aiuag e, cultme aud other pll,rsi c-a l c-o uditions that an aulysi;-; made under lal,orntol' y eouditions is of little value. ht thi s co nu cci iun we quote frolll t h e Hepmt of the Indiana Agricultural Experiment St.11ion , Pu1
41 tilizer is b es t suited for his needs. As climatic conditions may influence the yield with different fertilizers, it is best to caer.r on such tests for mor e than one year before drawing d efi nite conclusions. 'l'he1e is positively no easier or short er method of testing the soil that we feel safe in l'Cf'Ollllll Cll d ing. Soil a11 J,c greatly imptoveu by an intelligeut rota tion of erops,. the co11s e 1Tation of stable manure , and the us e of so m e kind of comme1cial f e rtili ze r. Farmers need have n, ) fear that the proper application of commercial fertiliz e r will injure the land. WA'l.'ER ANALYSIS. "\Y e frequentl,r analyze wat e r for public use, city, town and n e ighborhood supplies; springs and artesian well s in whi c h the public is int e r este d; and for individuals when some e c-onomic question , boiler , laundry or othe1 industrial use is to be de c ided. "\VE DO NO'l' ANALYZE \YATEU FOR I NDI VIDUAL AC COUN T WHEUEIN 'l'HE PUBLIC IS KOT IN 'l' lmESTED. Suen S . DI P L ES SHOULD BE SENT TO A C'(L'\DlF.11CL\L L.\BOIL\TORL 'l'I IE S •rA 'l'I,; LABORATOUY DOES NOT CO ~ll ET E ""ITII co:\DJERCIAL L,HIORATOR!ES. Also, WC do not make bacieriologi(al examinations nor examina tiom; for disease gel'ms. Such exa minations and analy ses are made b~the Staie Boal'd of Health at Jackson ville. ,r e do n o t make a sanitary analysi s, nor a complete qn a nti1a1"i, e deter111 : nation , se parating each mineral and staiing tl1e quantity thel'eof. Such an anal~sis would be costly in time and labor, and of no real value to the incrnire1. "\Ye deterniine th e total dissolved solids in the samvl e and report them as parts per 1,000,000, naming the pl'intipnl ingredients in ih e order of thei1 predomi nanc e . We find Calcium Car bonatP (lime), Sod :'111 1 Chloride (s alt) , Magnesium Sulphate (epsom sa]t,-1,
Silica (sand), and Ilou, is ihe general order of their pre dominance, though on the com;t , where ihe totai dissolYed solid s amounts to G,000 or more parts per 1,000,00U, So dimn Chlmille (salt) is the predominant substance. From a knowledge of the c hemical analysis of a water, unac co mpaui ed by any furth e r information, no conclu sion aR to the potability and healthfulness of t he water can be dedne e d. 1'h er efoie, \Ye require the following informa tio n to be giY en in regard to the source of the wat e r: (1). Th e source of the wat er: spring, lake , ri .-er, driven well , d11g well, bored well, al'tcsian w e )] , Ot' thrn ing well; and also the depth of the wat e r snrfae e hPlow the top ot the soil, and in case wells ihe d e pth of the easing. (:2). The locality of the so 11rc-e of the wat er: lown, city or villng e ; or ihe section, township and 1 :mge. (3). Th e proposed use of tile wai<•r: ciiy :-;npply, do m est i c ui-;e , JamH1r~ , !,oil er, iLTigaiion or other indus trial use. (4). :K"o snmple of water will l1r nnal~zed unless the name and address of the sender is on the pa e kage for identificntion. 1Fe requir e two gallon8 of eac h sam11le of 11:qter, in a ' lll'W j11r1, stopped im:th a n ew cor k, rwrl se nt by 11repaid c.r-prc8s. we will not acc ept any s,1111ple of wnter for analysis not in a new jug. V es sels previously used for rn her purpo ses nre n evr r prop er ly clen n<'d for S<' lHling snmples of ,yater for nnnly:-;is. Codrn. 011ee 11s ed for other substances (molasses, vinegar, whisk ey, keros ene , etc.) ar e neve1 properl.v <" l ra ned. In sampling a w e ll water, tl1e stagnant water in tile pnmp mnst 1in ;t be pumped off. The jug nrnst first be rinsed with the wnter to he sam pled, emptied, and th e n filled. A sample of spring, river or lake water is liest taken (after rinsing the jng) by .i ! lowing the jug to fill after immeri-;ion som e distance under the surfaee near the center of the body of water.
XoTE.---\\e Ji11
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE-DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. FERTILIZER SECTION. 1: . 1 -:. HosE, State Chemist. SPECIAL FERTILIZ ~.:: H AN , \LYSES , l!H O . L. 1Ii--i,111t:m:ER. Assistant Chemist. Samples talcen by Pur c haser Under Se c tion 9, A c t Approved May 22, 1901. NAME, OR BRAND. -------------------' Phosphori c Acid . ,9i a ::l Cl > I < -I HY WHOM SJ<.JNT. 4 .71 --;.~; l l3.38I 11.16 1.73 16.46! A. B. Bry a n , Bowling Green, Fla. Fe rtiliz e r ......... . ......... 1 ~0 13 .. . . .. 5.48 1.1 9 G.G7 , 1.20 G.76 J. ID. Wilson, Ft. Meade, Fla . F ert ili ze r ............ . ...... I 2014 11.12 7. 52 1. 89 9. 41 4 .8 0 6. 24 James Campb e ll, Longwood, Fla . F e rtilizer ................... 12015 7. 52 7. l S O. 32 7. 50 3. 83 11. 80 A . S. Alfred, St. Petersburg, F'la. 1-'almetto Ashes ....... ... .. .. 1 20 16 . . . . . . . ..... 1... ... . . . . . . 2.38 D. E. Hayw o od, West Paim Beach, Fla. Blood and Bone .............. j Z017. .. . . . 5.59 11.151 ...... John H. Blake, Tampa, Fla. Fertilizer ................... 2018 8.32 8.0:3 0.10 8 .13 4.36 1 10.43 H. A. Perry, Pomona, Fla. F e rtilizer ................ ... ,!:!019 ...... 3.23 10.40 1 3 .() 3 4 .98 4.39 H. w. Smith, Zolfo, Fla. Fertilizer ............ . ...... 2020 . . . . . . 6. 60 1. 48 8. 08 4. 02 i 5. 25 R. L. Coward, Ona , Fla. ; e rtilizer No. 1. ........... .. / 2021 . . . . . . 2. 97 10. 49 1 3 . 46 4. 65 1 1 8. 57 L~7~~• Baldwin & Co., Bowling Green, Nitrate of Soda(?) (Pot. Salt)l2022 i , ...... . ......... . . Trace ....... H. C. Hadley , Ft. Myers, Fla. F e rtilizer ................... 2023 \. . . . . . 5. 82 1.13 6 . 95 4. 27 I 8. 49 W. C. McCall, Miami, Fla. 2. ~ _ :. . . t~~c : J n. 60 0. 09111 . 691 2.981 7 .061 L~f~~• Baldwin & Co . , Bowling Green,
SPECIAL FIDRTILIZ:r::R ANALYSES , l!ll0-Continu e d. I i I Phosphoric Acid. j --1 \ i'.;',.; al al I c:i I OQ) ... c::: ; ?~ "2 10 i::iao ,;J I .n z "8 2 cd i cid O s '5 f ..-1 -"1 .... E--< .
I"ertlllzer ................... 2046 6.581 4.611 5.201 9.81 6.501 6.61 G-eo. A. Butler, Tavares, Fla. Fertilizer No. 2 .............. 2046 8.34 15. 3 0 0.071 15.37 1.00 2.04 Spencer Smith, Arcadia, Fla. Dried Blood ... .. ........... 2047 . . . . . . . . . .. I ...... I ..... . 16. 35 . . . . . . Ocala Fertz. Co . , Ocala, Fla . Muriate of Potash ............ 2048 ...... , . . . .. I ... . .. 1 50. 64 Ocala Fertz. Co., Ocala, Fla. H . G. Sulphate of Potash .... . 2049 ...... i . . . . 1 ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.64 Ocala Fertz. Co. , Ocala, Fla. L . G .. ~ulphateof Potash ...... 12050 ...... 1 ... .... ................ 26.44 Ocala Fertz. Co., Ocala, Fla. Fertilizer No. 1. ............. 12051 ..•... 7.1S 0.35 7.53 4.42 7.89 Ocala Fertz. Co., O ca la, Fla. Fertilizer No. 2 .............. 2052 ...... . 9.001 0.12 9.12 5 . 131 8.43 Ocala Fertz Co., Ocala, Fla. Fertilizer No. 2 ............. 2053 3.61I 2.5GI 9.69I 12.25 4.18, 10.69 C. S. Bushnell, Arcadia, Fla. l!'Jrt!llzer ................... 2054 7.411 7.37 1 1.701 9.071 3.83 3.23 E. Patrick , Turkey Creek, Fla. Frrtlllzer, "Wilson's Speclal".,20551•• ... 10.091 0.13110.22 2 .8 41 3.63 A. L. Wilson & Co., Quincy, Fla. Acid Phosphate No. 1. ....... 20561 ...... 16.891 0 . 411 17.30 ...... 1 ...... A. L. W!lson & Co., Quincy, Fla. Ac-id Phosphate No. 2 ........ 2057 .. . . . . 17. 42 I O. OS 17. 50 ...... I. . . . . . A. L. Wilson & Co., Quincy, Fla. Acid Phosphate ............ 2058 ...... 15.92I 0.21 16.13 ...... ! ...•.• J. H. McClinton, Ft. White, Fla . Kainit ...................... 2059 ........ 12 .. 0 . 7 .1 .. 0 ... 9 . 9 .. 1 . 3 ... 0 . 6 ... 1 ... 6 . 3 . 1 1 3 .. 7 42 6 J. H. Mcclinton, Ft. White, Fla. Fert!lizer ................... 2060 . . . . . . W. R. Booth, Campbellton, Fla. Fertilizer ................... 20-'ll 5.31 9.89I 0.041 9.93 1.40 14.89 R. F. Kleisen, Yalaha, Fla. Kainit No. 1. ............... 2062 .. , . . . . ... ... ... 1 ..... . . . . . . 13. 88 A. L . Beck, Orlando, Fla. Kainit No. 2 ................ 2063 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. 67 A. L . Beck, Orlando, Fla. Fertilizer No. 3 .............. 2064. .. .. . 6.12 0.05 6.47 4.04 12.10 A. L . Beck, Orlando, Fla. Palmetto Ashes ............. 2065 . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . 3. 35 L. B. Thompson, Pensacola, Fla. Fertilizer ................... 2066 9.88 G.91I 2.46 1 9.37 5.23 8.24 C. B. Morrow, Crescent City, Fla. Fer1.ilizer No. 1. ............. 2067 . . . . . . 10.:Hj 0.941 11.28 2.45 1.57 Milton Cash Store , Milton, Fla. Fc1t!lizer No. 2 .............. 2068.. .. . . 10.251 0.90! 11.15 2.24 1.71 Milton Cash Store, Milton, Fla. Ac-id Phosphate No. 3 . ..•.•.. 2069 . . . . . . 14.211 1.80, 16.0l . ........... Milton Cash Store, Milton, Fla. Fertilizer, "Tomato No. 1" ... 2070 ...... 3.53 0.49 4.02 8.28 10.04 Walter Waldin, Miami, Fla. Fertilizer, "Tomato No. 2" .. 2071 ..... 1 5. 4 71 4. 02 I 9. 49 5. 95 6. 32 Walter Waldin, Miami, Fla. Fertilizer, "Deli Tabakimert" 2 072 7 . 71 5. 88, 0 . 06 1 5.94 6.45 10.01 C. G. A. Griek, Tallahas se e, Fla. K.,init ..................... 2073 ...... , .... .... .......... 14.331 Jas. X. Towles, Athena, Fla. FNtillzer ................... 2074 . . . . . . 9.17 0.56 9.73 2.09 3.24 T. J. Ruff, Ft. White, Fla. Kainlt .............. .. ...... ! T. J ..:. RulT ..:. _ Ft. _ White, Fla. ~ ~
SPECiAL l<'EHT IL1 ZE1t A:\'.\L"\'};J•:S . 1! )10 Continn e , I X.\l\IE . OU HIU . ND . a~ I ai ai ai ...., .0 .... :a 3 s ! ::, .., .s ::, ci 0 ::, ! "' "@ 0 ~z o en _, ;> "1 0 ..:i < .... Ee< BY WHOM SJJ : NT. cei ~ -a 0 ..0 s -5 8 O < P-< F I I rn1 zer No. 1. ............ \ 20761 Futilizer No . 2 ....... . ...... 2077 5~~-~,I . 6.09 1.07 7.16 . 5 . 451 8.72 1 The Armour Fertz . Co . , Jacksonville, Fla. 6 . 03 , 8.36 0 . 24 8.GO 4.32 12.32 The Armour Fertz. C o. , Jacksonville, Fla. FPrtilizer No. 3 .............. 2078 8.47 7. 30 3. 01 10. 71 The Armour Fertz. Co., Jacksonville, Fla . 6.62 0.68 Fertilizer No. 4 .............. 20791 6.82 G.21 0.58 6.79 Fertilizer No . 5 ...........•.. 2080! 5.H , 5.46 1.10 6 . 56 Dried Blood ................ i 2081 .. ... . 1 ................. . Fertilizer, "Potato Special" .. ' 12082 . . ... . J 7. 32 2 . 73 10. 05 Cotton Seed Meal. .......... 2083 . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..••. Fert!l!zer No. 1. ............ 20S4 11. 73 I 8. SO O .15 S. 95 Fertilizer No. 2 ...... .... .... 2085 13.40 9.40 0.55 9.95 Fertilizer No. 3 ....... . .. .... 2086 12 . 19 \ 9 . 77 1.-!G 11.:]3 Fertili z er, "Ce lery Special" ... 2087 . ... .. , 6.20 3 .95 10.15 Fertilizer ................... 2088 . . . . . . 8 .12 1. 0 6 9. u; Fertilizer, "C. B. & Q. 92530". 2089 7 .12 8. 72 1. 02 9. 741 3.24 8.49 Th e Armour Fertz . Co., Jacksonville, Fla. 5 .19 5. 62 The Armour Fertz . Co., Jacksonville, 15.5 3 4.01 7.28 2.50 1. 83 Fla . . ..... A. L. B ec k, Orlando, Fla. 12.22 J. W. Teasley, Tampa, Fla. John J. Evans, Evans. Fla. 2 .15 C. A. Green, Milton, l!'.la. 2. 97 C. A. G reen, l\Iilton, Fla. 3. 58 2 .19 C. A Green, Milton, Fla. G.5 3 , 5.SS .T . W. Teasl ey , Tampa, Fla. 2. 97 1 : 2. 37 R. F . Howard, Tallaha s see , Fla. 4.89 8.50 :i\Iunroe & Chambliss, Ocala, Fla.
__ Fe;i~~i~r•:.-':.~~~~t•;~~~.~~1:090 7.54\ 7 . 70 1 1.:51 9.151 I F'er t1 l1 ze r, A.I. & ~F . .:.8!110 1 -091 IL79 ! 9.421 1. ::>01 10.92[ Dri eu . mood ........ .... .... 2092 .. . ... i . . . . 1 ... .. J. . i J •rt1li ze r ................... 2093 8.G7J 5.78 l.7i)• 7.:>11 F erti li ze r No. 1 .... . .... .. 2094 7.921 8.30 1 0.02 8.32j Fertilizer No. 2 .... . ........ 2095 1 5.9 8: S.111 0 . 1 2 8.231 F erti li zer No. 3 .. .. . . . . . ..... 2096 : 16. ;:,SI 6.721 1.09 7.Slj Fertilizer No. 4 ... . .. .... .... 2097 19.0 3 6.35J 1.15 7. 50 1 Cot too See d Meal, "C . M. & S. ' 2 098 P. No. 1 8 110"....... .. ..... I Cotton Seed Meal, "L. & N. 2099 . . .. . ....... 1 ..... . 10 328" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Co tton Seed Meal, "S. A. L. 2100 . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 4.9 5 1 8.61 4.70 ; 7. 89 l G.261 . .. . , 1.u,1 9.rn 1.11 1 11.n 4.251 12.33 3. GOj 6. 17 ~ !4 [ 7 .i.15 7 ,: 2 ..... . 8.01 .... .. i\In nr oe & Chambli ss, O ca la, Fla. l\Tnnroe & Chambli ss, O cal a, Fla. I\. L . Bec k, Orla odo, Fla. W. A . Varn, Bar tow, Fla. .J. J. Stephe ns , Cas ta lia, Fla. J. J . St. er, lrn n s , Ca sta lia , l <' la . .J . .J. St e phens, Castalia , Fla . .J .• T. S te phens, Casta l ia, Fla. Am. Sumat ra Toba cc o Co., Quin c y, Fla. Am. Su ma tra Tob acco Co., Quincy, Fla . Am. Su:natra T obacco Co., Quincy , Fla. 247 , 2" ........ . .. . . . . . .. I Cotton Seed Meal, "A . C. L. 2101 .. . . I . .. ... I .. . . . 7 .15 :.... . Ar?1. Su matra Tobacco C o ., Quincy, 23157" ....... .. .... . . .. Fer ti l iz e r .................. 2102 7 . 54 Fer tilizer No. l. .... ... ...... 2103 15. S2 Fertili ze r No. 2 ..... . . .... .. : 2104 ..... . Fertiliz er ................... 2105 ..... . 1...,otton Se e d Meal No. 1 ...... 210 6 ..... . . I 6.04 3 . 6 1 i 9.65 12.14 0.G3 1 12.77 11.~4 0. 7 3 1 \ 12.07 5 . 9G .. ~ :~ : .. I Cotton S eed Meal No. 2 ...•.. 2107 ...... .. .... I . . . .. . Fla . I i 2.18 ! 11.21 Names Mc Vicke r, Cobb, Fla. 2.15! 1.611 J. F. Lanuous, Galloway, Fla. i.S 7i 1.5() .l. F. La unous, Galloway, Fla. b.38 i 13.G:, A. J. 1\Iixoo n, Williston, Fla. 7 .49j .. .. .. Gadsden Shade Tobacco Co., Quin c y, F l a. 7.48 . . . . . . Gar. s den Sha . de Tobacco Co., Quincy, Fla. Tho mas Slag Phosphate, "Sou. 2108 . . . . . . 6.38 12 . 18 18.56 .......... . . Krau s , McFarlin Co., Qu incy, Fla . 1147 5." .................. Cott o n Seed Meal, "L. & N. 2109 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 92 . . . . . K raus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla . 12 218" . .. .. .............. \ Cotton Seed Meal, "I. C. 2110 . . . . . . . .. j J 7 . 011 ... ... Kraus, r,IcFa rlin Co., Quincy, Fla. 14534 ." . .. _ __ ___________ __ . .. J . __ I _ _______ ! __
~l"ECT.\L FETITILTZETI .-\.l'iALYSES , 1910-Contil111e,l. Phosphoric Acid. <1) ::0 ::: 0 rn ::: ,...., ] 0 E-< 0 l ~I ,,. ...... 0 p_. BY \VTI0:'11 ~E'i'T. -1 1 .. -1 1 . I -------Cotton Seed Meal, "Sou. [ 2111.. ... . . •... .. . . . 6.95 [ ...... : Kraus, Mc-Farlin Co., Quincy, Fla. 13983" . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . I I Cotton Seed Meal, "A. C. L. 2112 . . . . . . . .... 1 ..... 7 .19 : ...... 1 Kraus, l\:Ic:Farlin Co., Quincy, Fla. 23157" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I Cotton Seed Meal, "P. R. R. 2113 . . . . . . 6.96 1 ..... . I Kraus, McFarlln Co., Quincy, Fla. 4783" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j j Cotton Seed Meal, "M. P. 211 4 . . . . . . 7 .17 : . ...... , Kraus, l\IcFarlin Co ... Quincy, Fla. 39010" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Fertilizer ........... .. ...... 2115 8.8] 7.54 0.37 7.91 4.95 1 r.. 11 :: 1 A. H. Perry. Pomona. Fla. Fertilizer ............ .. .... 2116 7.41 8.29 / 0.16 8 . 45 1 3.:rn ; 11.44 ! John T. Ri r hards. Orlando, Fla. F erti lizer ............... .... 2117 ...... , 3.97 1 2.30 6.27 7.001 7.0,l n. E. Ros e. T a llahassee, Fla. Cotton Seed Meal (G T. No . 2118 ...... I .... 1 ..... . . . . . . 7. 35 ...... , Lewi s Bear Co., Penrncola, Fla. 4461) ............ : . . . . . . . I I Cotton Seed Meal ( A. C. L . 2119 . . . . . . . .... I ...... I . 7. 25 . . . . . . Lewi s Bear Co., Penrncola, Fla. No. 33350) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I I I Cotton Seed Meal "W" ...... 2120 . . . . . . . .... i. ..... . . . . . . 4. 38 ..... j D. 1\1. Low e ry, Tallahassee, Fla. Cotton Seed Meal "B" ...... 2121 , ...... . ~,,-).[ I .. 0 ._. 2 ._ 1 8 ._. 8 . 2 . 1 1 2 4_. 0 2 8 s 1 1 .. 2 ._. 4 . 8 . ;._ D. ?.I. Low e ry , Tall ahassee, Fla . Fertilizer ................... 2122112.17 , , ., W. A. Gallo,rny. F P1 -ry. Fla. Fertilizer .... .. ....... . . ... 2123,12. 76 9. 25 1 0. 39/ 9. 64 1. 65 1. 86 C. T . .T e nl , in s . F e rry, Fla. Acid Phosphate ...... ...... . 2124 ...... 15.711 0.85 16.56 . ........... ; ' .T. D. Johnson , H o lt , Fla . c:.,-, 0
Nitrate of Soda . .. . .... .. .. 2125 . .•.. . J Peruvian Guano (M. C. No. 2126 ..... . 4S2 3 5) .................. . Peruvian Guano ( Son. No. 2127 ..... . 13 2%3) ... ..... ......... . Peruvian Guano (i\'I. & W. No. 2128 ..... . G002S) ................... . Ba s i c Slag (C. & 0 . No . 5296) 2129 . .. .. . Basic Slag (S. A. L. No. 2130 ..... . 1 Si31) .............. . ... . Basi c Slag (Sou. No. 9947) ... 2131 ..... . Cotton S ee d l\leal (R. I C. 2132 ..... . No. G0144) ..... ... ... : .. . Cotton Se e d Meal ( I. C. No. 2133 .. ... . 251 3 2) ..... ......... . ... . Cotton Seed Meal (B. & 0. No . 2134 .... . . 70177) . ......... . ....... . Cotton Seed M e a l (N. & W. 2135 .. . .. . No. C039G) ............ ... . Cotton Seed Meal CM. C. No. 2136 ..... . 445 3S) .. ......... ....... . Cotton Se ed ]'d ea l ........... 2137 ..... . Fertilizer . .... . ......... .. .. 2138 . . . .. . Fertilizer ................... 2139 12 .1 5 Cotton Se e d :\T e al .......... 2140 ..... . Cotton Seed Mea l .......... 2141 .. ... . Cotton Se e d M e al .......... 2142 ..... . Cotton Seed Meal ......... . 2143 , .... . . Cott o n Se e d 1\Ieal .. ........ 2144 I ..... . Cotton Seec1 Meal ...... . ... 2145 .... . C o tt o n S ee d M e al .......... 2146 .... . . . ... J 18 . 60! .. ... I 9.21 5.43/ 14 .64 6. 50 2.05 [ I 10. 85 5.32 16.17 6.99 2.48/ I I 10.17 4.01 14.1 8 5.9G 2. 38 1 I 5.53 5.S4 12 .00 11. ss 17 . 53 1 . . . . .. ...... ' G.23 11.97 17. 721 ...... : .... i 18 .20,. .. ... 1 ; , 7 . 24 ...... ; I . . . . •.. 7. 35[ ..... . I ..... ! ..... . 7 . 15 1 .. ... . 1 7. 30, . ..... ! -9 1 I 7 ::i~ 1I 1. s5 1 .. I 11.15 1 0.35 1 11 .5 0 9.341 0.761 10.10 l.70 2.21 1 2.23 2.0 1 7. 5G .. / 6. 78 . .... 1 7. 62 . .... . 7 .54 .... .. , 6. 9G ...... I 7. 521 .. ... 1 7. 66 ..•... J. D . Johnson, Holt, Fla . Kr aus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. Kraus, McFarlin Co ., Quincy, Fla. Kraus, l\IcFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla . Kraus, McFarlin Co. , Quincy, Fla . Krnus, :\lcFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla . K, an s, Mc Farlin Co. , Quincy, Fla . Kraus, i\Ic:Farli n Co ., Quincy, Fla. l\.raus, l\lcFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla . K rn us , :\icFarlin Co. , Quincy, Fla . l\Ir1:;. H. W. Thomas , DeFunialc , Fla. Cha ; ,e s Foster, Holt, Fla 1'1i!ton Foster, R ed Rock,Fla. P , pnon Oha11pell , Quincy, Fla. T. G. Lambert, Quincy, Fla. L ll'f. Owens, Quincy, Fla. F L. Owens, Quincy, Fla. H F. Dykes, Quiney, Fla l\J. G . Flake , Quin c y, Fla. C. W. Owens, Quincy, Fla.
~,.\:\IE. OH BTL\XD. ai .... ::l ..... t/l s Cotton Seed l\Ieal (C. of Ga. 21471 ..... . No. 1 1GG2) . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Cott .. on f,ceJ Meal (L. & N. i148 1 1 ..... . No. G71S3) .............. . Colton Seed Meal (Grano. 2149, ... . . . Trunk No. 12~73) . . . . . . . . . Colton Seed l\leal (M. L. & T. 2150 No. 30606) .............. . Cotton Seed Meal (L. & N. 2151 No. 17759) ............... . Fertilizer :fo. 1 ............. 2152 15. ~G Fertilizer No. 2 ............. 2153 10 .15 Fertili7,er ................... 2Hi4 13. 51 Fertilizer No. 1. ............ 2155 ..... . Fertilizer No. 2 ............. 215G ..... . :\Iuriate of Potash .. ., ....... 2157 ... . F,,rtilizer No. 3 ............. 2158 11.Jl Nitr::1te of Sou.a ............. 2159 ..... . Fertilizer ................... 21GO 11.28 Fertilizer ................... 2161 ..... . Phosphoric Acid. ai :2 ::l 0 UJ .l I I ...... 1 8.29 1.75 11.04 11.07 1.29 S.S'l 0.711 :I.SO 0.021 12.13 0.221 12. .. ... 1 ...... 1 ...... 11.2sl o.591 11.s1 s:601 i,:os\ s:~;, 15.621 1.711 17.33 vl i'l 0 Q., I I G. 81\ ...•.. ' Kra11s, :\Ic.Farlin Co., Quincy, Fla . 7. 071...... Kraus, :\IcFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. 7 .401...... ,~ra,1s, :'\IcFariin Co., Quincy, Fla. I 7. ~7 ! I{_:raus, 1IeFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. ! i G. '.i2 I ..... I Era us, :\le.Farlin Co., Quin~y, Fla. i I .. ~:~:1 2.20 l :;~! 2.n2 . '.18 .1z1 . 95[ l.3G~ T. G. Lambert, Quinc.y, Fla. 4. Gl, T. G. Lambert, Quincy, Fla. 3. 01' T. IV. Bryan. Sullivan, Fla. 2. Sl \\'. P. Bryan, Sullivan, Fla. 1. ~S W l'. nrynn. Sullivan, Fla. 58. SS w: P. Bryan, Sullivan, Fla. 3.07 "" P. B!y;111. S11Ilivan. Fla. Y\' P. nyan. SnlliYan, F'Ia. 2.,::i. T .. \Y. T:ry:111, S1:1linn. Fla. 2. 01, Ernest Amos, Tallahassee, Fla .
Fertilizer .................. . ,2162,11.79 Muri ate of Potash .......... 2163 ..... . F'ertilizer (Hanna No. 1) .... !2164 ..... . Fertilizc:r .................. 2165 ..... . Fcrtili:,er No lB ........... 2166 ..... . Fe, tillzer No." 211 ........... 2167 ..... . Fertilizer ................... 2168 10.17 Fertilizer (Com. Sam. "Cotton 2169 Boll") .................. . l"errilizer ( Com. Sam. "Com2170 ..... . ple!e Guano .. ) .......... . Cotton Seed Jl,Ieal ........... 2171 ..... . Cotton Seed liTeal ........... 2172 ..... . Nitrate of Socla ............. 2173 Fertilizer (Com. S:,_;__1ple 2174 ..... . ";If cal Mixt.") ........... . Acid I'hosph8te (Com.Sample) 2175 ..... . Acid '.>hos1,hate ............. \21761 ..•... Fertilizer .................. -12177 ..... . F(,rtilizer ................... 1 217~110. 75 Acid Phosphate ............. 2179, .••... Fertilizer ( "Meal Mixt." l . . 2180 •..... Acid Phosphate ("R. & E .. 1 ?.181, ..... . Acid Phosphate ("W. C. L.':::. :.:1,:_:~ ..... . Fertilizer ("P 1 ~•,i :db.r "l. ~183! ..... . Fe~~;~izcr t ;Bone Cou1p. \V . 2184! ~L~iiJ C. L."1 ...... , . . . . . . . . . . . . 'j Aeid P!;osphate t"J. G.") . . .. 2185, ..... . :rerti!h:e1 (''Cotton Bol1'p) ... ?1.811\ .. . 1-~i•Li-Lizc1 (' 1 I1,lobile Stand. 2187!1, .; o.~') ..... ... .. .. ~::~! 5~:~t ll.4SI 1.701 1:l.18. ..... 3.72 G.U4 1.55' 7.59 3.15 10.43 11.48 0.12 11.60 1.50 2.75 10.GS 0.61 11.29 2.38 2.50 10.15 0.28 10.43 l.G4 2.29 9,711 1.03110.741 2.22. 1.:;5 9.4~1 0.30! 9.73 4.251 1.941 9.05 17.G5 17.7G 9 .581 12.101 15.81! 7 .711 16.98 15.58 8. 571 11.2:1 1 . -1..' I , 7. 95( .... I 6.10, ...... I 18. 02[ ...... i 2.551 1.471 I . 0.93 9.98 . ..... l ...... ! I [ ! 0.33 17.98 i 0. OGi 17.82 2.311 1.51, 0.C5' 12.75 2.G5I 0.83 1.0~1 lG.8:~ 0. 4G' 8 .17 2 .17 2. C9 2.24: 11. 82 0.14117.12 ...... 0.14! 15. 72 .......... .. O.G2I 9.19 2.65 3.39 0.921 12.12 2.08! 2.70 o.54\ 15.96 ...... I ..... . .72i 25 9.97 2.151 3.18 l .faO! 0.12. 12.63 2.051 1.77 I I ----------~ John Johnson, Sullivan, Fla. J olm J olrnson, Sullivan, Fla. A. L. Wilson Co., Quincy, F'la. C. D. Dco.n, Lo.kcl:ind, Fl~. C. Ii. Scott, Bascon1, Fla. C. H. Smtt, Basco111, Fla. \,. E F'oster, f{ed nor-k, Fla. T. & L. J\I. 01v"11s, Quincy, Fla. H. F. Dykec and J. L. Owens, Quincy, Fla. W. T. Owens, Quincy, Fla. L. Heimlmrger, Tallahassee, Fla. L. Heimburger, Tallahassee, Fla. W. C., J. L. & W. T. Owens, H. F'. 1))~l;:cs. Quinry, F'la. ;:! l'. Cll,qir,ell, J. L. & L. N. Owens, Quincy, Pla. w. C. O,\e1E, Q 1 .1incy, Fla. 'IV_ C. Owen:;, Quincy, Fla. ,i. J. Cooley, Sullivan, Fla. .1. J. Cooley, Suilirnn, Fla. .T. 1. Rhoads, Holt, Fla. J. F. Rhoads, Bolt, Fla. .T. P. Rhoads, Holt, Fla. J. P. Rl1oarls, Holt, Fla. .T. P. Rhoads, Holt, Fla. J. Griffith, Holt, Fla. .J. Griffith, Holt, Fla. .T. Griffith, Holt, Fl!:1,
:'\A:'llE , OR BRAND. SPECIAL l<'EH'f!LTZER A~ALY~ES. l!HO-Conti1111ed. Phosphoric Acid. ai :0 ::, 0 i ..... . 1 I ...... i ...... lG. 25 1 ...... 1 A. N. Hoofnagle , Ft. Pierce, Fla. Bon e :'IIeal . . ... . .......... .. l219G . 1 S.:!~ F,.19 : 2'.).7 1 ! :1 .0:11 . ..... 1 A.N.Hoofnagle , F t .Pierce,Fla. Palm etto Ashes ......... . ... 2197 1 ! 0. 51 L . Jl. Thompson, Pem acola, Fla. Cotton s,,e, l :.\Ieal ........... 2198 . . ... . . . [ _ . . ... . . . 7. 20 B . A. Pucket, Quin r y, Fla. Cotton See,! l\leal ........... 2199 7. 27 ' :.\f. H. Mosley, Quincy, Fla. H. 'i \! . A s hes "A" ..... .. .... 2200 ..... ! , 2.38 The Sonth. Fertz Co., Orlando, Fla. H. W , A c hes "B" ......... .. 2201. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50 Th e Sonth. Fertz Co. , Orlando , Fla . F erti li zer Xo. 1 .. .. . . ... . ... 2202 5.0: l 7.10 1 0 .S O 7.90 4.25 12.02 .Tohn H. Blake, Tampa, Fla . Fertili zer ~,o . 2 ...... . . . .... 2203 7 .00 7.901 0. 80 8.70 4.39 12.55 .Tohn H. Blake. T ampa, Fla . F e rtiliz 8 r Xo. 4 ............. 12204 1 0. 7 S 1 9 G31 112110 75 1. 661 2.13 :\Iilton Cash Store. Milto n, Fla. Cotton Seed Meal ..... ...... 2205 ..... 1 .• : . 1 . : : j 7. 40 . . . . . . K. "\V . Johnson , Lakewoo d, Fla.
Cotton Seed Meal ........ .. -122061. Fi,;h .. ... ..... .... ... . ..... . 2207 ..... . Ferti li ze r No. 1 .. .... . . .. .. 22081 4. 4G Fertilizer No . 2 .........•• . 2209 4. :rn Fertili ze r No. 3 . .... . ... .. . . 2210 2. ;'.U Fertiiizer No. 4 . .. ..... . .... 22 11 2 . fl :l Fertilizer No 5 ... ..... . .. .. 2212 7. S G Fertilizer No : G .......... ... , 2213 6.0 S Nitrate of Soda .. .......... . 221'1 F ertilizer ( L. & N. No. S992) . 2215 10. !:s J<'ertilizcr (L. & N. No. 91015) 221G 10.-11 F er tiliz e r (L. & N. No. 95405) 2217 10. lG Cotton Seed Meal (D. & H. 2218 Co. 15700) ............. .. . Cotton Seed Meal (S T. L. & 2219 S. F. No. 33959) . ." ... . ... . Cotton Seed Mea l (A. C. L. 2220 27631) ..... . .. .......... . Cotton See d Meal ( Penn . No . 222 1 ..... . 1 6503) ................ . . . Cotton Se e d Mea l (M. K. & T. 2222 . ... . . 10517) . . . .. ...... ..... . Cotton Seed Meal (B . C. R. & 2223 ..... . N. 48007) ............ ... . Cotton Seed Meal (Penn. No. 2224 ..... . 62392) .................. . Cotton Seed Meal (S. T. L. & 2225 ..... . S. F. No. 31211) ......... . Cotton Seed Meal (A. C. L . 2226 No. 18466) .............. . 4:34 si e:i5 4 .9 31 G.12 11.0 5 G.86 , 5.29 12.15 5.211 11.80 , . S a l 2.95 1 10.80 7. IG I 0 .17 1 7.33 7.79 ; 3.Gl 11.40 .. .. 1 . ... .. .. . 10 .99 1 0.75 11.74 B.41j 0.27 12.GS ~.521 0.43 9.95 . . . . .... . ... . / .... . . ... I .... . i I Co tt on Seed Meal (70 sacks 2227 R. I. C. No. 60144) ....... . -1 7.19 .. ... 1 10.04 .... . . 4 . 65 6. 91 I 4.25 6.71 : 2. G5 12 .19 ' 4 .12 13 . 09 1 2 . 32 4 . 71 ' 2 . 59 2.89 J 17 . 00 . ..... [ 2.81 3.30 1 1. 73 3.24 2.91 5.89 7 .90 ..... . 8 . 30 ..... . 7. 50 ..... . 8. 20 ..... . 7 . 7 2 .. ... . 7.47 ..... . R. B. Campb e ll , Tampa. Fla. R. B. Campbell, Tamra . Fla. R. B. Campbe ll , Tam p a . Fla. H. B. Campb e l l, Tamra. Fla. K H . Campbell , 1'am1 : a. Fla. R. B. Cam11bell , Tamra. Fla. R. B. Cam1 1be ll, Tamra. Fla. R. B. Camvbell, Tamra . Fla. L. H eimbu r ger , Tallahassee, Fla. Kraus, McFarlin Co. , Quincy, Fla . Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. Kraus, M cFar lin Co., Quincy, Fla . Krau s , M cFar lin Co . , Quincy, Fla. Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. Krau s, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. Kra u s, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla . Kraus , McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. 7 .17 . . . . . . Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. 7.80 ..... . 7. 25 ..... . 7 .4 8 ...... I I Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. Kraus, McFarlln Co., Quincy, Fla. Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla. 01 01
SPECIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSES, 1910-ConUnued. Phosphoric Acid. NAME , OR BRAND. ..,{ . I I ~') l :3 i i :3 :8 '1 ~ s B !2 ::s . O;:s m "@ 0 i j z c:~ ~~ n Se~~ Meal ( ~~a~~:, 222~ , : ~ ..... I ...... I ..... . R. I C. No. 60144) ........ , I Fer t i!faer . .. ................ 2229 . . . . . . 11. 43 1. 27 Fertil i zer No. 1 ............. 2230 . . . . . . 11. 84 0.59 Fer t ilizer No. 2 ............. 2231 .. . .. . 4.22 3.89 F erti lizer No. 3 ............. 2232 . . . . .. 8. 09 0. 75 Fertilizer No. 4 ............. 2233 . . . .. . 9.24 1 0.31 Cotton Seed 1\leal .. . .... . ... 22:34 . . . . . . . . .. 1 12.70 12.43 8.11 8.84 9.55 F erti lize r ................... 2235 . . . . . . 8.42 2.38 10.80 Basic Slag (A. C. L. No. 2236 . . . . . . 5.51 8.63 14.14 I I 4.751 .. : I ! 2.40 2.471 l.99 2.95 [ 3.26 9.93 : 2.69 6.17! 5.89 1 7 .98 ...... ; 4.49 4 . 18: ............ 1 BY WHOJU SENT. Kraus, McFarlin Co . , Quincy, Fla. .J. J W hHe , Gra cev ille, Fla. T. N. Dar s ey, Concord, Fla. 'f. N. D ars ey, Concord, Fla. T. N. Darsey, Concord, Fla. 'f. :t\. D a s ey, Concord, Fla. T. 1\'. Da r sey, Concord, Fla . E L. Beven, CresceP.f City, Fla. Am . Sum a tra T ob. Co., Quincy, Fla. 3147:)) .................. . PertiUze: (C. R. I. & P. No. 2237 15.0 S 11..0 5 0.85 11.90 2.60 2.81 Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. 5G94!_: ) ................... . F ert ilizer ( N. Y. C. & H . R. 2238 15. 44 98750) . . ... . .. ... . .. . .. .. . P eruv ian Guano (P. & R. No. 2239 ..... . 3187) . .. ....... . ...... . . . Cotton Seed Me a l (I. C. 2240 ..... . 17929) .. ...... .. ........ . Cotton Seed Meal (P. R. R. 2241 ..... . 99856) .....•......•....••. 10.53 1.17 11.70 2.27 3.57 Am. 2lnnatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. 7. 89 7. 9 2 15. 81 6. 78 2. 37 Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. .... . , ........... . 7. 27 . . . . . . Am. Snm at ra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. 7. 50 . . . . . Am. Sumatra Tob. Co. , Quincy, Fla.
Coi~~~) s~~~--~,:~_a!. ~~-. ~: .~.~-12242 ...... , Cotton Seed l\Ieal (Sou.12243 ... ... I 1 3S 0 S 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . I Cotton . Seed l\1eal ( l\L C. 2244, ...... ' 95810' 1 .................. . Cotton Seed Meal (Cen. of 2245 Ga. 1G82) .............. . . Cotton Seed Meal ( A. G. S. I 2246 1 2391 ) .................. . Cotton Seed l\Ie:il (G. F & A. 2247 592) ..................... . Cotton Seed Meal (I. C. 2248 217 5 G) .................. . Cotton Seed l\leal (C. H. & D. 2249 Ry. 46572) . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . I C ott on Seed Meal (N. & W . 2250 ..•... 22010) ...... . . .......... . Coii~~ 3 )se~~.. l''.i~~:. _< _~~~ ~~~1 225 1 . .•. .. Cotton Seed Meal (N. Y., N . 12252 ... .. . H. & H . No 77734) ....... . Cotton Seed Meal (Erie 2253 ..•... 73482) ..............••... Cotton Seed Meal (Penn. 2254 ..... . 581624) ................. . Fertilizer (N. Y., N. H. & H. 2255 13.20 82476) .................. . Fertilizer (M. & O. 8407) ... . 2256 14. 5 1 Fertilizer ( Penn. 12049) .... 2257 11. 87 Cotton Seed Meal ........... 2258 ...... 1 Fertilizer . .. _. . ._ ...... :. '. -'. ~ ~25 _ 9 '..'._..-I .. .... 1 ..... . ...... \ ..... . 10.01 0.84 10 . 85 10.68 1.21 11 .89 9.99 0.96 10 .95 ..... 1 ........... . 12 .831 0.84 13.67 1. 55 1 ... ... I 7. 38 ...... I 7 .65 ...... I 7 .95 ...... ! I 7.58 ...... ! ! 7.40 ...... I I 7. 37 ...... I I 7. 5S ...... i I 7.45 ...... I 7.38 ...... I 7.58 7.60 I 1.60 ..... -I I 2. 83 4. 321 I 2.45 3.20 1 2 .8G 5.29 I 7 .89 . . . .. ' 2.40 3 . 01 1 Am. Sumatra Tob . Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumat ra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sm, 1c.tra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. A111. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob . Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am . Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am. Sumat ra Tob. Co., Quincy, Fla. Am . Sumatra Tob . Co., Quincy, Fla. Ide & Burr , Quinc y , Fla. G. S. Gre go ry, Quin c y, Fla.
SPECTAL l•'ERTILlEU. , \ X.\ LY SES, 1!)10-Continued. I Cotton Seed Meal ........... 2260 ...... I Fertili ze r . .. ................ 2261 6. C4 I Fertilizer . . .... .. . ... . .... . . 2262 12. VO Acid Phosphate ............. 2263 ..... . Fertilizer . .. ..... .. ......... 2264 10. 9l F e rtili z e r ... .... . . .......... 2 26 5 8.ul Fertilizer ................... 22 66 :J . , ;-; Fish .................. .. .... 2267 ..... . "Ashes" No. 204 ( ? ) .. ... . .. , 2268 .. ... . Fertilizer No. 205 ........... 2269 9.43 . F ertili ze r .. .. ............... 2270 .. ... . Fert i liz e r .............. . .... 22 71 ..... . Cotton Seed :\Ieal . .......... 2272 ..... . Fertilizer N o . 1 ............. 2273 1 2 . Hi Fe rtili 7.e r No.2 (L. & N.91015) 22 74 S .\J ~ Fertilizer ................... 22 75 ..... . Fertilizer ................... 227G 4. '.JU , :1I 11ria te of l'otash . ... . .. ... 2277 ...... ! Fert ili z e r No . 1 ............. 227S 10. JO Fertilizer No. 2 ....... . ..... 2279 10. ~9 l'll o,q> hor i<:: Acid . I ::: Q) :a ::, 0 r/1 .:l I .:i .:i 0 El El < ! I I I i:5 s 1 .i: i6j 1 .. 9:ss 8. 04 ...... j 9.19 0 .G5 9.84 2 . 22 ll . 24 i 1.91 2 . 33 ; 1 8 .5 5 4. 68 , 23 .23 ...... 1 12.01 0. 39 1 12.4U 1.23 1.43 1 1 2 .02 0 .88 12 .90 3. 71 2 . 00 1 7.21 0.52 7.7~ 4.72 lG. 95 21.67 2.30 3.051 5. OS ...... ' 6.4 9 0. 37 G.SG 2.49 10.94 1 0.57 11.51 2 . 50 G.1:3'1 2.J9 8.32 4.50 . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 61 10.n l o.41 , 11.14 2.97 13.04 I o.26 1 1 2.30 1 . 61 14.c s: o.oil 14. ,5 1 2.G9 G.G7 1 0.96 7.93! 4.4G , 1 1 . ..... 9.041 o.s1 9.S51 . 1 .9 3 1 8.6 3 1 0.90 9 .53 2.23_ 19. 90 i 7.U i 2.07 , 7.17 3 .351 2.95 j 1. 20 12. 2:; 51. 36' 2.3S i 2 . 29 1 DY WllO:\I SE:--iT. G. S. Gregory, Quincy, Fla. .J. F. Lemons , Galloway, Fla. D. S . Franklin, Cobb, Fla. D. S. Franklin, C ob b., Fla. :8. M. Pitts, Red Rock, Fla. G. C. Johnson, Cobb, Fla . W. W . Boyett, Otahite, Fla. '\V. H. Hans e n , Jen se n, Fla. The So u t h . l <'e rtz . Co., O r lando, Fla. The South. 1'"ertz. Co., Orl a ndo , Fla. H. L. Green. Bascom, Fla N . A. Carlson , H o ll an dale, 1',la . L. H eim lrnr s;er . Tallahassee, Fla. Kraus, j \IcFa r lin Co. , Quincy, Fla. Kraus , :.\h:Farlin Co. , Quincy, Fla. . \. F. :.Ioore. Hester, Fla. .) . H. Dlake, Tan,JJa, Fla. A. E. Taylo1 , W il ma r t h . Fla . J. \V. Kelley , Otahite, Fla . J. W. Kelley, Otahite , Fla.
F e r til ize r N o. 1 .. .......... "1228 0 \ 10.45 9. 9 4 1 0.52 1 9 . 9 3 1 4 . 651 4.27 \ J . R. M ill e r , C o bb, F la. F e rt iJ i 7, e r No. 2 .... . .. .. . .. . 22 8 1 1 8. 82 9 .5 1 1.1 6 10. G 7 2 . 83 6.03 J . R. 2\ lill e r, C o b lJ , F l a. F e rtil ize r N o . 1 . . .. ... .. . . .. 2 2S 2\ .. .. . . 1 5 .5 0 1.0 2 1 6. 52 1. 13 0 .8 31 A. D. C a m p be ll , Ch ipl ey, Fl a. F e i:til b:e r . . . .. . ... .. ... . ... . j 2 28 3j . . .. . . 2 . SO j 9. 53 . 2 .3 3 14. 76 / Frank B ar th e ts, Uot b a , F l a . Cott on Se et l M ea l . .. .. ... . . . \ 228 4 \ ... . . . .. .. . 1 ...... 7 . G5 ' .Tal ,e Ul O\\ ll . 0 l' a 1a. Fla C o t t on S e c ,! .l\l eal N o. ::: . .. .. . 1~28 5 [ .. . . .. . . . . . i . ... .. : :: : : : I 7 . 5 0 .. .. .. [ D . D . :\I a rlin , Otahite, Fla. :\lur i at e nr Po ta s h No. l .. .. . . 22 S GI . . . . . . ... .. i .. .. .. 4 9 .45 [ D. D . l\l a rtin , Ota h ite, Fla. A c i d P ho~ r; hate No . 2 .... . .. . 22 S 7 . . . .. . l lL JG j 1. 59 1 7.7 5 .. . . .. I D . D. l\I a rt in , O ta hite, Fla . Fe rt i ii ze r .. . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . 22S S . . ... . 10 . 0 2 1 0 .5 -! 10. 5 G 4.99 4 . G7 M . c. H e rnd o n, Bri s to l , F l a . Fer til ize r .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . 228 9 . 1 2 . t i l 11 . 7G 1 1. 5-! 13 . 30 2 . 44 , 2 .1 1) J . s . K e i t h , Bla ck, Al a . Fe r tili z e r . ..... .. . . .. . .. . . . . 229 0 8 .3 10.14 1 2 . 61 1 2. 7 5 1.801 1.3 S J-L A. .J o n e s, l\li lt on , Fl a . Fe rtili z er . . . . .... . . . . .. 2 29 1 . . . . . . 3 .5 Gi 1 0.7 2 14 .2S 3 . 6 2 6 . 09 .T . W. Wa l s ton , B o wling Gre e n, F l a . Fe rtili z er . . ... .. ... . .. . .. .. 229 2 11.112 9. 9 : 31 2 .Gl 13. 5 4 1. 9 1 2 .1 71 w. B . H . A d ams, Milt o n , Fl a. F e rtili z er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 29 3 . .. . . 11 . ,5 , 0 .17 ll. 92 j 2 . s: 1 1. 71 Geo . W. M oor e, Sr. , He s t e r , F l a . Fer t i li z e r . .. . . .. . . . . . . . ; ~ :~ ! ?--( 7 . 0 1 1.0 1 s . . > : L 79 G.71 / lV I. H . Tanne r, Plan t City , Fla. F e r til i z el' "W. N . B. No . l " . . 12 2 95 1 .. .. .. s. 55 1 2 .4 2 10.!J7 2 . 23 1. 9 4 1 A . L. Wil s on Co ., Qui n cy, l~la . ,:) ( Fe rtili ze r .... . .... . . . . .. . ... 229 G 8 . ~S 1:3 . 8 7 2.58 16. 45 3. 0 2 2 .4G G. c . J ohn s on , H es ter, F la . s:> Fe rtili ze r ') ' ) : . . 2 .111 0.S2 2 . 0 ~ 1 9 . 50 0. 9 9 .T. G . M a y , F t. P i er c e , F l a . ... ... . . . ... ~ ~ 91,10.1 , F' e rtili z P r ;:,,ms 4 . c, 7 q 1.0 0 9. 5 : 1 5 . 53 1 3 .1 6 H. A . W a rd , w i n te r Park , Fla . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ..... L :) .) l •'e rtili 7e r .. . . . . .. .. .. . . .. . .. 229 9 1 0 .~:} 1 0 .1 3 0 .91 11. 0 1 4 . 10 2.3 S ,v. P . .Johnson , Co bb , Fla . F e rt ili ze r 23 0 0 r.::: ".' ") 7 . 29 0 . 3 1 7 .G O 4 . 78 9 .4 8 K. M . S to kes , E van s, Fl a. . .. .. ... .. . ... .. . . . ,) , j ,_J F e Tti li ze r . , . .. . . . .... .. .. . . . 2 3 0 1 1 3. ! 17 9. 8 2 0.17 9.9 9 2.8 2 l. G 5 Ge o r ge w . M oo re , Heste r , F la . F e rtili z e r ( H om e Mix t. ) . . .. . 2 30 2 ... .. . 8 . 06 0 .09 ~. 1 5 1. 9 4 9 .8 6 H . A . .J one s , 2\Ii l ton, F l a. Gu a n o N o. 1 ... . .. .. . ... . . .. 1 2~ 03 4 0 . 3 0 3. 3 5 5 . 90 9.2 5 2 . 11 1.6S w . R. A l e xande r , M a r co , F l a. Guan o N o . 2 . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . 20 04 1 9 .57 I 8 . 32 0. 1 2 8. 4 4 3. 1:, 0 .1 2 , v. R. Al e xande r , M ar c o , Fl a . F e rtil i ze r .. .. .. . . .. . . . ... .. . 12 3 05 4.L 7 .3 7 0 . 4 4 7. S l [ 3.4 3 10. 2 2 A. s. N e l rn n, D u n ed in , F l a. F e r tili ze r .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. : 230 6 1 5 . 44 9 . 49 1 0 . 54 10 . 0 : 1 1 3.5S 1.4 51 J . S . H owell, C h u m u c kla , Fla . F e r til i ze r . ....... .. . . . ..... , !2 3 07 4 . 5 7 I 2.0:l 6.9 9 9 .01 1 3 . 9 9 1 0 .51 v. I. Ca rrie r , Cr e s ce n t Cit y, Fla . Fert il iz e r .... . ... .. . . . .. ... . 1 2 3 0S 8 .51 , "I , " I 6.81 4 . 2 4 10. 22 1 C . B. Morrow, C r es cent Cit y , F l a . F e rtili ze r .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . \ 230 9 11 . 51 1 0 .26 0 . 1 2 1 0 "S I . , F 1,74 : A . F. M o ore , H e s te r , Fl a . . D r..: V A c id. Plw s pha t e No. 1. .. . . . . . 1 2 3 1 0 1 5 . 43 0. 5 5 15.9 S I " "" ...... [ A . N . K e lley , Holt , Fla. F e r tili z e r N o . 2 . .... .. ... ... . 1 2 3 11 10.4 2 7. 1 S 0 . 70 7 .8 8 . . . ... 4.8 ~ J A . N . K e ll ey, Holt , F l a . .. ---~
Sl'ECIAL FERTILizr,m ANALYSES, 1910-Continued. Phosphoric Acid. ,,..:_ 0 c~ ~ NAME, OR BRAND. 0 (l) ai ai .g BY WHO:)I SEXT. '"-'.::l 3 2 = ;.., .::i 0 ::: B d ::: u3 :-=~ ,'./1 ;; 0 . E r.:: c: [ :~ ... 0 0 ..., ::: E-, ;:.., ..,. .... I I I I I I I Fertilizer No. 3 ............. 12312 11. 51 8.39 0.33 8.72 1.671 2.441 A. N. Kelley, Holt. Fla. Fertilizer No. 1 (10-3-3) ...... 2313 9.58 10.43 0.51 10.94 3.72 3. 61 I Dristol Bargain Store, Bristol, Fla. Fertilizer No. 2 (10-2-2) ...... 2314 10.90 9.86 0.42 10.28 2.51 2. 771 Bristol Bargain Store, Bristol, Fla. Fertilizer No. ., (6-6-2) ...... 2315 9.96 6.07 0.42 6.49 5.481 3.0G! Bristol Bargain Store, Bristol, Fla. 0 Fertilizer No. 4 (10-0-4) ...... 2316 9. 70 9.83 0.79 10.62 4. 3~ I Ilristol Bargain Store, Bristol, Fla. C, 0 Raw Bone .................. 2317 23.57 4. 61 . .. ".[ A. L . Beck. Orlando, Fla. Fertilizer . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . 2318 6.39 14.84 0.01 14.85 3. 9,1 12.41: .T, w . Wright, DeLand, Fla. Fertilizer ................... 2319 14.13 7.10 0.50 7.60 3 .G~ 10. 22 I H. A. PPrry, Pomona, Fla. Fertilizer No. 1. ............ 2320 10.88 4.50 15.38 4.42 4. 101 Milton Cash Store, Milton, Fla. Fertilizer No. 2 ... , ......... 2321 10.81 4.40 10.21 4.2~ 4 .30[ Milton Cash Store, Milton, Fla. Fertilizer No. 1. ............ 2:~22 8. 0 7.96 l.86 9.82 5.17 7. 121 Armour Fertz. 'iVks.,Jacksonville.Fla. Fertilizer No. 2 .... . ........ 2323 9.5S 7. 21 1.43 8.64 4.10 5.H51 Armour Fcrtz. 'iVks. ,Jacksonville .Fla. l• ertilizc,r No. ') 2:124 3. 82[ 6. 37[ 0. 66[ 7.03 2.48 11. 2, I Armonr Fc,r1z . 'iVks.,Jacksonville.Fla. ._,, .. ........... Fertilizer No. 4 .... . ........ 12:12s 8. 941 6.541 0.70[ 7.24 O 90 10.0lil Armonr Fc•rt:z. \Vks .. Jacksonville.Fla. l),.,_,-) Fertilizer No. 5 ............. ,12326 5. 40[ S. 341 0.25\ 8. 591 4.2.S 12. 'il i A,rmour F1r:rtz. Wks. ,Jacksonville.Fla. F<'rtilizer No. 1. ............. 12327 7. 5 l[ 6. 25[ 6.701 4 .15 6 .12 i T' H_i('.h:1rdson, Cocoanut Grove, Fla. 0.45, ,\., Fertilizer No. 2 ........ .. .... 2:~~28 8. 351 6.70[ 1.761 8. ( 4 ,,9.:rn K . r{icllanlson. Cncoanut Grove. Fla. . :., Fertilizer No. •> 23291 3.S51 .. ... [ ...... 1 14.11[ 9, 3fl :? . S31 K. Ric11;.1rdson, Cocoanut Grove, Fla. ,.) ............. Fertilizer No. 10 ............ 2330 ..... -1 9.441 0 991 9. 661 3.25 :Lo:-; A . D. Campbell, Chipley, Fla. . Fertilizer No. 20 ............ 23311 ...... I 9. 94j 0.231 10.171 2 .191 G.54, A. D. Campbell, Chipley, Fla.
Fertilizer No. 30 .. ..... . ... . \ 9.76\ 0.311 Fertilizer ..... . ... . . . ... .... 1 9 2~~3 13 .13 6. ~ s _ . ~. 2 ~ F e rtili z er -o.HI v.,. , I F e rtilizer .. . ................ 2 : 1%1 5. 35 ! .. . .. I ..... . F 19•)' =' 6' 1{ r: ! . ' 7 ' e rt11 z er .............. . .... uuc> : --I ;:).,J , Ji Lu I _11 rtiUzer .............. . ... . 23 3 7 \ 6. , . /S ! .. . . l ..... ; Blood and Bone ..... . ..... Fish Scrap No. 1. .. ......... j23 3 9113.6 8 1 ... 1 ---Fish Scrap No. 2 ............ )23401 10. 64 I . .. .. I ..... . I I i I Dried Blood (N. Y. C. & H. R. 2341 ..... . 10.071 6.96 .17 I 1 1. 8 8 1 7. ~2 [ i.n; 3 . Hl j 12. \) 21 13. 58 1 ! Ko . \11406) F e rtilizer .. ............. .. .. 2342 10.48 0.~G 10.H F e r t ilizer No. 1. . ... . ........ 23 , 13 5.G7 7 . 2 9 0. 8::: 8 .12 F e rtilizer No. 2 .............. 2344 9.59 G.70 0.80 7 .0 0 F e r t ilizer No. 3 .. . . .. .. . . ... . 2 3 45 8.1 2 7 .14 1 o. a 7. X5 7.511 11.G l 13 . 25 7.75 F tc rtilizer No. 4 .............. 2346 7.72 G.87 O.G: J Fi s h Scrap .... ..... ... . .... 2 3 47 lG.66 . ... . F e rtilizer (Tankage) ........ 2348 ..... . F e rtilizer (C. M. Sp e c. E. T . ) 2349 .•.... 5.44 2.31 F e rtilizer (C. M. Spec. Y. Y.) 2350 .. .. . . 6.56 2.42 8 .98 ~ -~~ , ]?.,, } _ i2 _ t1 tI D\. Cpampbepll, Chipl e _J; 1 , Fla. ~ ,.., . . .. e rr y , omona, 1. ' a. 2.7" r:.ns: n. K 2\TcLin , Tall n has s ce. Fln. G.9:c,I 4. 0 , ,J ; .T. G. ,1 L:t :,, F t. .P i er c e, Fi;,. 1.i,L, L 15 : .J. n. \\'iilinm s, Ci t ra . Fla . 5 .7 : J \ 7 -~' 'i C . \\'ol f, J e ns e n, F la. 10.32 1 . .. . .. 1 .:no . H. Blake , Tampa. Fla. S . f ,:i , , ...... j Pen r ; ac o la Re :i dering Co., Pensac o la, 1 Fla. 10. 03 ! ...... '. , ' Per,sacola Renderin;:,; Co., Pensacola, ; Fla . 15. 381 . .... I E . 0. P a int e r F'ertz. Co., Jacks o nville, I Fla . 1. 81 1 1 2.001 A. ,T. StricUarnl, Caryvill e , Fla . 4.,::: G. 5 l [ ' T. G as kin s . Ar ca di a . Fla . 4. 9~ 6 .11 T. Gaskins. Ar c adia , Fl a . 2.~ 8 ! 4:. := a; i T. Cas ldn s, Arc a di a , Fla. 2.88 1 4.0i:i [ T. Gasl,ins, Ar ca ,Ji a . Fla. .3 . G 7 . . . T . R . Park e r. Pe, , sacol <1 , Fi n . 2. GO Howard & I-:'emwdy, 'l ' Nrn C e i a . F!a. 3 .13 11. 1:1 Ind e pendent F e rtz. Co . , Ja c ks o nville, Fla. 3.83 7.41 Ind 0 pendent F e rtz. Co., J a cksonville, Fl:J . Kainit ...................... 2351...... .. ..................... 13.:.:l, F 0 rtilizer .. . ................ 2%2 7 .3 6 2. 3 5 3 .2 8 5.G3 7 .2 0 1 4 . G4 1 .Jno. H. Bl a ke . Tampa , Fl a . C. S . Bix by. Ft. Pi e rc e . Fl a. F e rtilizer .. .. .............. . 2353 7.08 6.04 5 . 9 3 11.97 3.GOJ 8 . i:i'i j ~ c-o 1 t t_o _ n _ s _ e _ e d _ M _ e _ a _ 1._. _ _ _ _ . _ ._ _ -' . ~2~ 3 ~5 5 4 ---'---'---. . .. _ . 1 _ .. . . . . .. 7_ . _ G. 5 . I ' -3 _ _ 4 .. ;, ! 1 s 1es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Lewis. Coon & Platt, Cai hale e n, Fla. \V. _ I _, Th o n,p so n . L:1J ;e l a no., Fla. Th e Gulf F e tz. Co . , Tanqrn. Fla . .....
SPECIAL Fl ~ H'l'ILTZER A.?\ALYSE:S , l!Jl0 Co ntinn cd. K A :\IE. OR BilA:\'D. >, I :... :.: I O a, I . ,co ' Phosphoric Acid. c3 ai :0 ::I 0 "' Q 1-( --. . l ~a : 1 .3 :::: ; l jz , . . . I , I ,! --. , I . I . I Acid Phosph a te .. . . . . . ... ... ,2 3~6 . . .... 1 1 1,.2.2 1 1 11.47 1 16.69 1 .. .... . : Fertiliz e r ......... . ... . .. . .. '1 235 7 1 . . .... 1 2 .G4 6. 05] S .G:J1, 4 . 411 ,.~1 ; 1 F ')"C: 0 i ! 1 1 9 6 6 ' l 8!11 Z8 J .. . .•. . .. . ... , ...... . .. , 1 1 .u; ~.0, .45 1 '-' ' ! F ert ili ze r . .. ... . .. ... . . . .. . . j235 !l / u.1 n ; l.,ll i O.Go l :Ll li ! 5. GfJ 7.0-1 1 F e rtiliz e r No. 1 . ............. 2360, G.1 1 \ 5.3 1 ; 0 .69 f G.On l 5.S 1 ! 3 . :~;; I Fertiliz e r N o. 2 .............. 23611 !l.G~! 5 .41! 0.51/ 5 .92 : 3 .79/ 7.6S F t N 9"91 7G" ' ' -"0 ) lil" ,1 1 t 9.>4. e1 1 1z e1 1 o. " . ... ... ... ... . -•)u-, . ., . o . o. . " , . ~. I . -, . . .I I Stea!1~ e d B o n e Meal ... . . ..... 2%3 1 ... . :. ; .. 1 \ 2G .0, 1 1 . ,5 1 . ... . . Fer t i lize r . .. ............. ... 236 4 1 8 .. J~ i 2 .4 1 1. 19 , : . 1.6 11 1 7. S l i 10.01 Hard Wood As he s .......... l:?:rn 5i ........... I .... .. 1 ...... , 1 2. ,:,, F e rtiliz e r ....... ....... .. .. . i 236G I . ... .. i 6.:: . 1 1 0., 4 7.ns : G. 10 : 7 . 5~ Steam e d B o n e Meal No. J. .. . , 2:)671 ... . . . j .. . . . . .. . 3:?.22 j 1.20 , .... . . Steam e d Bon e Meal No. 2 .... 1 2:lG SJ ...... 1 . . . . . . ... J 24.:lSI '. l.6 4 1 .. . .. . Steam e d Bo ne .'. 'deal :No. 3 .. . . 1 , 2:,1~9 i ...... ,.. ... I 2 5 .flG! : . :.l2 1 .... .. Fer t ili ze r ............... .. .. 2 3, 0 1 4. :: 9 1 5 .5:: 4.39! iU 2 4.S~ ) 1 3.22 F erti li ze r ...... .. . . . . ....... 1 2'.1711 S .09 1 7. 60 O.f17 ' 8.5 7 4.Sa j 7.711 Fertilizer ................. .. l n,2 1 s .:::, i G.4, 0.l"i : ;;. 94 5 .28 1 5. 3 :) F t "T 2 0 ' "'0 1 I 9 '' 0 4 -5 5 JR' 5 , G er 11zer .:.'ljo, .... . . . . . .. .. _ 1 _,_),, _, 1 j _, ..,u .u,j i . , t . ~-t -1 .b Blo od a nd Bone .. ....... .. . . 12 3,4 1 .. ......... 1 6.58 . 10 .05 1 \ . . ... . Fertil i z e r ........ . .. .. ... .. . j 23 7 5 5.75! 8.8~ 0.12 1 8.9 4! 4 .04 12.00 .T. S. Hm I] . Cl rnmuckl a . Fla. \\ . J. Kim ba l]. Ft. P ierc e, Fla. C. D uns cnmbe. Stu a rt. Fla. A. R J\losi e r . J e n s e n , Fla . O ca la F ertz. Co. , Oca la , F l a. Oc a la Fert z . Co. , Oc ala, Fl a . O cala F Ni z . Co .. Oca l a. Fla . G. o. :\lc Plwil. P ens acola , F la. I ~. A . Br e 11 , . T H o ll a nflal e, Fl a. Clrnse & Co .. San f1J r
~=~rn:~:~ :~.i~~~.p. 1 '. 1 ~.)~i.xt. :: i ~~~r1:::::: .. G:ir.!:li . tn! tgl trn Fertilizer ................... 1 2 : r, s . 3.\121 0.21 4.H I 6.65 l.5G 1 Blood and Bone No. 1. ..... 12373,.. . .. . i 11.i:>5[ ti.U~/ .. I Blood a11d B c me :\'o.2 ........ : 2sso1 ... ...... 11. 30 ; 7.5 G ...... , Blood and Bone No. 3 ........ 2:381 ...... ' ........ 9.26/ 6.591 ...... 1 B!eod and Bone . . ..... . . . . .. 1 2382 [ ! ... [ . 11.70 8.::2 ...... , Fer tili z e r No. 1 ..... . ........ 1 2:},S3 5.no : JO.Ii i :urn 14.02J 2.01 ,.fil Fertilizer No. 2 ..... . . . . . ... . 1 2:3s4I ~ .~: 1 'i.1~ { . ,-l 1 11 <) > Q.;;::; 11.~,I Fertilizer !\'"o. 3 . . . ....... . .. 1 :?385 4.-1~) S. 1S) 1'.i:03 \ 3 . 46 fi.!l'.~ 1 Fertilizer ...... .. ........... : 2886 7.7 ! 4. 8 0 i.Gl [ 12.4 1 1 4.-10 ]11.::, Fertilizer ..... .. ............ 1 2:3S7 12.01 G.95 n.::11 'i.29 3.G.3 ~.5, t~:n1i~~~,:'.:'.: 3 ... ...... _:_ ._. ; ~~s~ _ 6 :: o 1.74 ~~~-5 ~ 1 _ _ 2 _ .5 _ 9 ~ 7.49 G . 23 . l\I. i\1. Gaston. Pnnta Goda. Fla. R S. Cohoon. Orlando. ~la. H. EJ. Sp e nc(•r, West Palm Beach,Fla. \\". R. Hal'
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE-DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. FERTILIZER SECTlON. R. E. ROSE, State Chem is t. OFFICIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSES, 1910. L. HEL\IBURGER. Asst. Chemi st. Samples Taken by State Chem ist Under Secti ons 1 and 2, Act Appr ov ed J\I a y 22, 1 905. I I . I , "'o ti, . ai . ~.c ,_ 1 ~s E 1 1i l ! ! Phosphoric Acid. 1 -NAME, OR BRAND. o! a 0 .a I I I I BY WHOM AND WHERE MANUFACTURED. s "' s I < P-< ;~at:~, Potash ~~ ~lm, 1 G:a~,n~'d A:~,J •. ~ -,,.. : .. . j . -..... / .... .. Official Analysis.. . . . . . . . ... . . J J . Bean Fertilizer .......... 145 3 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 5 .00 1 1.00 1 ..... . rn : O ;I J 4?,. oo/E . O. Pai nter Fertz. Co., :-. 14 . 25 42 .6 41 Jacks o nville , Fla. .,..: 5. 00 I 5. oolThe Armonr Fertz.Wks., 4.92 5.82 Jacksonville, Fla. Official An a ly s is.. . 8 . Ul I 5 . 27 O. 92 6 .19 :r,;apes' Fruit and Vine 1454 Guarant'd A nal ysis 10 . ~~j ~-~o / :).00 . . . . . . 2.00 10.00 l\Japes' For. & Pernvian M a nure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Official Analysis... 8. 6.:, I t> ., 2 . 3. 7 2 9. 04 2. 79 11.14 Guano Co., New York. :r.Iap es ' Vegetable Manure. 1455' 1Gua~ ant'd Ana'.ysis Official Analysis ... I 12.00\ G.00 2.00 5.00 4.00 11\Iape s' F o r. & Peruvian i 9.G0 , 5.91 3.C8 9 .C0 5.43 5.GGj' Gua n o Co. , New York. H. G. Blood and Bone .... 1456 Guarant'd Analysis 10.001 3 .0 0 1. 50 .. ... . 10 .00 . . .... Independ e nt Fertz. Co . , Official Analysis ........ , I 2. G2 \ 1. ::;7: 3.89 1 10. 591 ..... I .Jacks o nville, Fla. I ! i I I H. G. Sulphate of Potash .. 1457 Guarant'd Analysis 10.001 ...... : .. .. .. I 1 : ...... 1 1 48. 00 1 , Indepencl p nt Fertz. Co ., Official Analysis.. . . . . . . . .. ... J ... ... j .. .. .. .. .. 50. 88 Jack so n ville, Fla.
Dried Blood Hard Wood ...... ........ 1458jGuarant'd Analysis Official Analysis ... Ashes ... ... .. 14591 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis .. . 16. 00 ...... Independent Fertz. Co., 17 . 24 J ac ksonville, Fla. 4. 00 Ind e pendent F e rtz . Co . , 2. 25 J ac k so nville, Fla. H. G. Acid Phosphate .... 14 6 0 Gu a rant ' d Analysis 10 . 00 16 . 00 0.50 . .... . Indep e nd e nt Fert z. Co., Offi c ial Analysis... 18. 79 0 . 02 18. 81 . . . . . . Ja c k so u v ille, Fla. Prime Bright Cotton Seed 1461 Guar a nt'd Analysis . . ... . Meal .................. I Official Analysis .. . H . G. Ky. Tobacco St e ms .. 1462 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 Official Analy s is. . . . .. ... Favori!e Non-Ammoni ate d 1463 Gua ra n t 'd Anal_ysi sl Spe c ial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Offi c i a l Analysis ... I Simon Pure Tomato ...... 1464/Guai:ant'd Anal_ysi s Official Analy s i s . . . Simon Pur e Rose Special. 1465 : Guarant'd Analysis /Official Analysis ... Simon Pure No. 1. .. . .. . . 1466 Guarant'd Analysis Offi c ial Analysis .. . Gem Special . . . . ...... .. _ 1467 Guarant ' d Analysis 10 .00 J 10.00 8.17j 10.37 I 8.001 4.00 6.65 6 .03 I 8 .00 1 3 . 50 8 . 26 4.41 8.00 6.00 6 . 98 5.80 I 1.00 0.17 10.54 3.00 2 . 52 8.55 1. 75 . ..... . 1.50 5.91 1.00 ...... 0.03 5.83 3 . 00 ...... Official Analysis .. . ----~ ~~-5 . 001 5.63 5.oo/ 6 . 3 3 _ ~ 2~ 6 . 58 7 . 50 ...... Independent Fertz. Co., 7. 62 . . . . . . Jack rn n ville, Fla . 2 . oo/ 7. 0 0 Ind epen d e nt Fert z . Co., 2 . 58 9. 64 Ja c k s onville , Fla. 5 . 00 5.96 4 .5 0 5. 30 4 . 00 4.05 4 . 00 4 . 35 11. 00 Ind ep endent F ert z. Co., 10. 97 Jack so nville, Fla. 9. 00 E. 0 . P ainter F ertz. Co., 9. 97 Jack s onville, Fla. 5. 25 E . 0 . Painte r Fertz . Co., 7. 60 J ac l (SO U viJle, Fla. 12.00 E. 0 . Painter Fert z . Co., 13.13 Ja c kson ville, Fla . 6.00 E . 0. Paint e r l<'ertz . Co., 6.67 Ja c k s on ville, Fla.
OFFICIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSES, 1910-Contlnued. Phosphoric Acid. ai d I :; a :::, 0 ';;; o 5 S ro O S I b [-, 11< I NAME, OR BRAND. BY WHOM AND WHERE MANUFACTURED. Gem Fruit a~d--V:e~ .... 1468 Gua~a~~.d-~n~;:sis;_oo\ 6.00 -1~ool. ~J ~'3.ooJ ~o~oo!E. o. Painter Fertz. co., Official Analysis... 6.211 6.57 1.051 7.621 3.321 11.171 Jacksonville, Fla. Simon Pure No. 2 ......... 1469 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 1 1 6.00 2.00/...... 4.00 (i.00 E. 0. Painter Fertz. Co., Official Analysis... 5.73 6.79 2.0G 8.S5 4.72 7.97 Jacksonville, Fla. o Sulphate of Ammonia ..... 1470 Guarant'd Analysis) ...... \. .... . Official Analysis.. . . ..... i ..... . Lawn Special ............ 1471 Guarant'dAnalysis 10.00\ 7.00 1.00 I Official Analysis... 4.991 6.13 0.331 6.461 Seminole Tree Grower .... 1472,Guarant'd Analysis 8.ool 6.00 ...... ! ...... J !Official Analysis... 8.791 6.45 O.SGI 7.311 W. & T.'s Special Fruit and 1473\Guarant'd Analysis I 10. oo! 6. 00 1. 00 I ...... ! Vine Manure . . . . . . . . . . Official Analysis.. . 9. 01 I 7 .18 I O .11 I 7. 291 Williams & Clark Fruit and 1474\Guarant'd Analysis! 10.ool 5.50/ 3.00J ...... I Vine . .. . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . !Official Analysis... 6.811 6.32I 0.981 7.301 25. 00 ...... E. 0. Painter Fertz. Co., 25. SO . . . . . Jacksonville, Fla. G.50] 5.oolE o. Fainter Fertz. co., 8. 02 I 8. 10 i Jacksonville, Fla. 4.ool s.oolwnson & Toomer Fertz. 4. 04 j 8. C~ / Co., Jacksonville, Fla. 4.00113.0il!,Yilson & Toomer Fertz. 4.2G! 12.721 Co., Jacksonville, Fla. 2.251 10.00IAm. Agr. Chemical Co., 2.311 9.811 Jacksonville, Fla.
Bradley Florida Veget;;.ble. l14751Guara nt'd Analysis' 10. 001 6 . 001 1. 001 ... . . 4.00 1 5.00 \ Am. Agr. Chemical Co. , I Official Analysis .. . 1 7.75 G.79 1. lG 7. 9 :) 1. 2GI 5 . 70 1 Ja c lrnonville, Fla. I I Chemical Co. , Williams & Clark Florida\1476 \ Cua~ant'd Analy s is I 10.00 6 . 00 1 1.00: .... 4. 11 0 1 " 00 1 Arn. A g: r. Vegetable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Offic1al Analysis . . -1 8.30 7.24 0. S 4 ; S.0S 4 .1 5! 4. :;sl Ja c k s onvill e , Fla. I ! Bradley Fruit and Vine .. 1477 Guar a nt'd Analysis 10.00 5.50 l. 0 0 ! . .... I 2 . 251 10 . 00 Am. A g r. Ch e mical Co . , Official An a lysis .. I 6 .57 6 . 32 0,77 ! 7 . 09 2.-H I 10 . 701 Ja c k s o n v ill e, F l a . I I I Lazaretto Early Trucker . . 1478 Guarant'd An a ly s is! 8.00 7 . 00 2 . 0 () I ...... I 5 . 00 1 5.0 0 I Am. A g r. Ch e mical Co .. Offici a l Analy s is ... 9. 71 8.19 1.51 9 .7 0 \ 4 . S 2 t 5. 4 3 1 Ja c k so nville, F l a. I I I :Lo oi Am. Willi a ms & Clark Nursery ' ...... 1 Chemic a l Co . 1479 Guar a nt ' d Analy s is! 10. 00J S. 00! 1.00 4. 50 1 A g r. Stock . . .. .. ............ Official Analysis . .. 9.73 J S. G 5 1 1.0 2 9. 6 7 ' 4 . '.l 9 I 3 5 71 Ja c k s on ville, Fl a . i I I I Williams & Clark Special 14 80 Guarant'd Analysis! 1 0. 001 5.50 1 3 . oo I .. .... 4.2 5 [ 10 . 00 I Am. A g r. Ch e mical Co .. -:i Fruit and Vine . .. ... .... Official Analy s is ... 10.11 1 7 . 05 1 1.66 S. 71 4. G O ! 7. G 0 I Ja c k s onvill e , Fla. Bradley Orange Tree ...... Guarant'd An a lysis) I I I 1481 10.00 1 6.00 1.00 1 . ..... 3. 5 0 5 . 00 I Am . A g r . Ch e mic a l Co ., Official Analysis .. . , 7. 5 5J 7.17 0.GS 7 . 85 3.70 4.71 1 Ja c k s onville, Fla. Peruvian Orange i I Tree 1482 , Guarant'd Analysis 8 .0 01 6.00 2 . 00 .. ... . . 5.00 8 . oo ! Wil s on & Toomer Fertz. Grower ................ Offici a l Ana ly sis . . . 9. l0 i 6 . 65 2 . 221 8 . 87 1 5. 251 10 . 0 S\' Co . , Jacksonville, Fla . I I l I I I Special Mixture No . 1. .. ' 1483 Guarant'd Ana l ysis 8.001 G . O0J 1.00, ...... 1 5.0 0\ 5. 00 1 Wilson & To o mer Fertz , Offici al Analysis . . . 9 . 861 6 . 151 1.781 7.9 3 \ 5 , 3 1 5. G 6i' Co . , Jacksonville, Fla . . Manure ... 1485 Guarant ' d A n alysis\ I I Ideal Vegetable 8 . 001 G . 00 1 1.001 ...... ! 4 . 001 8. 00 I Wilson & Toomer Fertz . _ _ _ \Official Analysis .. . I 9.771 6.291 o . 95 I 7 . 241 4 . 51I 7.G0I' Co . , Jacksonville, Fla . ~ ---I ' t
OFFICIAL FERTILtZER ANALYSES, 1no-contlnued. l'hospll o ric Acid. -----ai oi d :a ::; a .,'l ::l O .0 NAME, OR BRAND. BY WHOM AND vVHERE MANUFACTURED. "8 0 S I > rn O 8 O '---E-< -:i: i I Ideal Sugar ca: Fert; ;izer 1 148G'1 1 Guarant'd Analysis! . 10.00 1 1 76 .. 0605r '1' .2'0' I "1' 3~0;, -4.-00-;ilrnn & Too~1er Fertz. Official Analysis ... 11.25 I 3.33 5.49 Co. , Ja c ksonville, Fla . Spec. l\Iixt. for Cowpenned 1487\Gnarant'd Analy s is 10.00 1 8.001 .................. 13.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. or Ov e r-Am'oniated Trees Official Analysis... 5.82 .. 8 ... 5.0' .1 . .. 9.3. 10.43 ...... 12.58 Co., Jacksonville, Fla. oo Kainit ........ ....... .. .. 1488\Guar a nt'd Analysis...... .. .. / 12.00 Wil son & Toomer Fertz. Official Analysis ... : ..... 15.03\' Co ., Jackrnuv!lle, Fla . Complete Sweet Potato Fer 1489 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 8.00 tilizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Official Analysis.. . 13. Z2 8.33 Armour ' s Fruit and Vine .. 1490 Guarant'd Analysis 10. 00 G.00 Official Analysis.. . G .15 6.30 Armour's Blood, Bone and 1491 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 8.00 Pota s h . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Official Analysis.. . 8. 48 : 7.65 I Armour's Vegetable ...... 1492 Gnarant'd Analysis 10.00 i 7.00 Official Analysis.. . 9. 231 6.93 1.00 ...... 1. 36 9.69 0 . 28 6. 67 1.00\ ...... 1.00 ...... 2 .35 10.00 2.00 ...... 1.17 8.10 I 2. 50 3 . 50 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 2. 68 4. 56 Co., Jacksonville, Fla. 2.50 11.00 Th e Armour Fertz . Wks., 3 . 30 11.04 Jack so nville, Fla. fi.00 5 . 10 4.00 3 . 68 7.00 \ The Armour Fert z.W ks . , 7 . 68 I Jack so nville , Fla. 6.00\The Arrnonr Fertz . Wl,!!., 6.63 Jacksonville, Fla.
Special Mixture .......... ,1493 Gutnant'd Analysis ...... , Official Analysis... 9. 01 Armour's Practical Trucker 1494 Guarant'd Analysis 10. 00 Official Analysis.. . 8. 07 Armour's Orange Fruiter .. 1495 Guarant'd Analysis 10. 00 Official Analysis.. . G. 3:3 ! Goulding's Bone Compound 149G Guarant'd Analysis , Official Analysis ... Goulding's 16% Acid Phos-f 1 14_97IGu_a~a~t'd Anal_ysis 1ihate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iOflicia, Analysis ... I I Cuke Special ..... . ...... !149S iGuarant'd Analysis I /Official Analysis ... Orange Fruiter ..... .. ... !.1499 1 Guarant'd Analysis I I /Official Analysis ... Orange Tree Grower ...... 11500 I Guarant'd Analysis I I Official Analysis ... I I Cane and Corn Special .... 1501 Guarant'd Analysis Official An:ilysis ... l 16. 001 10. 221 I . I 8. 001 9.G4J I 10. OOJ 5. 871 I 8 .001 7.671 I 8. 001 7. 831 I Tomato Special .......... 1502 Guarant'd Analysis 'S .OOi Official Analysis.. . 10. 23 g_oo ..... .......... . 8.77 0.21, 8.9S 13. 3G Jacksonville, Fla. 15.00\The Armour Fertz.Wks., I 6.00 2.001 ...... 5.S0 0.92 G.72 8. 00, 7. 951 8. 00, s. 73I lG.00 I 16.S9j I 5. 001 5.55 G.00 7.05 6.00 G.61 I 1.00 ..... . 0.52 8.47 2. 00 ..... . 1.45 10.18 2.00 0.3G 1.00 0.04 1.0011 0.25 I 1.00 0.83 17.25 5.59 7.00 7.30 7.00 7.43 6.00 1.00 7.00 8.36 7 .06 1.30 5.00 1.00 3.00 2.721 4. 001 4.35 2.00 3.08 5.00 4.40 I 4. 001 4.64 5.00 5.40 10. 00 I The Armour Fertz.Wks., 10.92\ JacLsonYi!le, Fla. :t2.00[The Armot'.r Fer~z.Wks., ll.Sll1 Jackso11v11le, l
OFFICIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSES, 1910.-Continued . . -----. ---~ ~---~ -------------------------~ NAME, OR BRAND. t s .c 8 ' 0 ;::I I ~z : ,..:J : I I A r mour ' s Fruit and Vine .. 11504/Guarant'd Analysis I Official Analysis ... Armour's Blood, Bone andl15051Guarant'd Analysis! Potash .. ... .. .. ....... , IOffi.cial Analysis ... 1 Mape s Orange Tree Ma-,15061Guarant'd Analysisj nur e ................. ... 1 Official Analysis ... 1 Armours Watermelon Spe1507 Guarant'd Analysis cia l . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Official Analysis ... ! Phosphoric Acid. ai ai "" :c :c ::, .! ::, +-> 0 f/l ; 0 "' +-> I> i::1 < .... I 10.001 6.00 1.00 6.60 1 6.25 1.28 7.53 10. ~~1 s . oo \ 1.001 . .... 1 7 . '31 7.95 2.26110.211 12.001 6 . 001 2.00 , ...... _ ,, 12.94 9.28 1.83 11.11 I I I 10.001 5.001 1.001"""1 7.081 5.361 1.411 6.771 L e ttuce Special .......... 1508 Guarant'dAnalysis 10.001 3 .001 2.001 ...... 1 Official Analysis.. . 13. 60 I 3. 24 1. 05 4. 29 I H . G. Sulfate of Potash .... 1509 Guarant'dAnalysis 5.00/ ................ .. Official Analysis.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . T a mpa Fruiter ........•. 1 ,1610Guarant'dAnalysis B.00 1 1 6 . 00 1.00 ..... . Official Analysis.. . 5. 04 6. 56 2. 58 9 . 14 .; -a 0 s s <1 0 .. ,.c:l rn .5 0 ll, I I BY Wl :IO:SI A:-1D WHERE MANUFACTURED. I I 2.50, ll.0 0 I The Armour F ertz Wks , 2 . 68 I 11. 07 \ Ja c ksonvill e , Fla. 5.001 7.00 I Th e Armour Fertz.Wks, _ ::::! 5. 051 7 . 31 j Jacksonville , Fla . I I 4.00\ 3.00 ! The Mapes Formulaaud 4. 32 3. 7G I Peruvian Guano Co ., I N ew York. N. Y. 3.001 8.00IThe Armour Fenz.Wks., 3. 30 8. 7 4 I Jacksonville, Fla. I I 7. 00 I 4. 00 j Th e Armour Fertz.\Vks ., 6.19 I 4.29 I Jacksonville, Fla. 50.00IThe Armour Fertz.Wks., 50. 401 J acksonv ille , Fla. I 4.00 12 . 00 I Th e Tampa Fertiliz ~ r 4 .18 13. 79 I Co., Tampa, Fla.
Irish Potato .............. l15111Guarant'd Analysis! /Official An a lysis ... Germofert Vegeta\Jlf' ...... J 15121Guarant'd Analysis I I /Official Analysis .. 1 One Third Mixture .. ... .. . J1513 J Guar a nt ' d AnalysisJ I /Official Analysis ... , Cane Sp ec ial .......... . -11514/Guarant'd Analysis1 I Official Analysis .. / Germofert Orange Tree \15 151Guar an t'd Analysisl Grower .. .. ..... .. . .. . 1 I Official Analysis .. / Corn Speci a l Fertilizer .. 1 15161Guarant'd Analysis I / Official Analysis ... , Germofert Fruit and Vine . . 115171Guarant'd Ana!ysis1 I Official Analysis .. I Germofert Corn Sp ecia l.. 1518 Guarant'd Analysis 1 Official Analysis ... 8.001 6.001 2.001 ..... / 5 . 81 10.97 0.53 11.50 I I 5. oo I 5. oo I 7 . oo I . .... I 6.421 3.281 9.34 : 12.62\ 8.00l 6.501 l.00 J ... . .. 1 7.45 6.621 0.571 7.191 s.001 6.001 2.001 ..... . 5.961 5.891 6.261 12.15 5.001 3.001 9.001 ..... . 4.571 3 . 221 10.3 51 13 .57 1 I I I I 10.0lll 8.001 8.461 7.751 3.49111.241 ~-~01 3.00 9 . 001 12.001 v .• ~ . 2.78 9.32 12.10 5.00 3.00 9.00 1 2 .00 3.89 3.67 12.71 16.38 Acid Phosphote . . . . . . . . . . 1519 Guarant'd Analysis . . . . . . 16. 00 Official Analysis.. . . . . . . . 17. 63 0. 38 18. 01 I German Kainit .......... 15 20 Guarant'd Analysis ...... . .. .. . Official Analysis.. . . . . . . . . .. . . . 4 . 001 4.48\ 4. 001 4.081 I 2.50\ 3.27 5.001 4.781 I 4 .001 4 .50 1 I 2. 001 1. 971 2.001 2.98 2.00 2.09 8. 00,The T ampa Fertiliz e r ~. 21 Co., Tampa, Fla. I 6.00 I The Tampa F e rtiliz e r 5.891 Co., Tarnpa , Fla. I I 4.50 1 Th e Tampa Fertiliz• ~ r 5.431 Co., T a mpa_ Fla. I 4.00IThe Tampa Fertiliz e r 6.131 Co ., Tampa, Fla. I 5.00IThe Tampa F ertilize r 6.63 1 Co. , Tampa, Fla . I 3.00 I The Tampa Fertiliz e r -1 3.321 Co., Tampa, Fla. ,..... I 12.00 I The Tampa Fertiliz e r 13.611 Co., Tampa, Fla. I 3. 00 The Tampa F e rtiliz e r 3. 76 Co., Tam pa, Fla . ...... The Tampa Fertiliz er Co., Tampa, Fla. 12 . 00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 12. 47 Co., Jacksonville, Fla . I Ideal Tomato Special . .... 1521,Guar an t'd Analysis 8.00 6.U0 5.00 5.00 Wilson & Toomer F ertz. Official Analysis.. . 9. 41 5. 92 2. 56 8. 48 5 .12 6. 01 Co., Jack s onville, Fla. -------~-~----------~-~ --~
OFFICIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSES, 1910.-Contlnued. NAME, OR BRAND. Spec. Mix. for Cowpen'd or\1522\Guarant'd Analysisli over-Ammoniated Trees .. ! I Official Analysis ... t Ideal Lettuce Fertilizer ... 1 1152)~Guarant'cl Analysis\ I I Official Analysis ... [ I I I No. 1 Peruvian & Fish Gu-l1524IGuarant'•sisl Officw.l Anal_n;1s ... , Y. C. Tip Top Tomato 152GIGnarant'cl Analysis Trucker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /Official Analysis ... l<'isll and Potash ......... -11537 Guar:mt'cl Anal_ysis 1ornc1al Anal>s1s ... ! I I I '.\o. 2 Oran!-'.<' Tree Mixtnrel15281Guarant"cl Analysis I I O[ficial Analysis ... (J) E [fl o I 110.00J 3. 79\ { I 10.001 8.171 I 12. 001 5. G4! 12. ool D. 77! I 8. 001 G. 701 I 12. oo: 10. -!G 12. 001 5. 43[ Phosphoric Acid. ci 2 :3 : ::1 0 3 > u:i 0 i ,:l I E-< s.ool ... -~1...... -~.. I Ii 9GI ., "0 1 10 96 .... .. G:00/ .. ~:~. 1 , 1 ... :~. G.or_11 1 6.601 2.2S 8.88 5.811 5.ool 1.ool...... 4.ool 5.,,1 l.331 7.0S 4.591 :,_Ill)! 1.00/ ...... I 6.GOI G.!li'.\ 1 1.:11 S,0;)! 5.1:i ! I I 7_11111 1.00 1 ...... 1 4.00 ,.211 1.601 8.801 3.1!1 I I 2.501 2. ;o' ...... 1 G. so 2.1~' 2.70 4.851 5.G01 I G.llllj 7. ~GI I I 2.011 ...... I ::\.001 1.72 S.981 3.331 I I BY \"\HOi\L1l\u1VHERE .iL\:,.;' U l<'ACTl_; RED. 13. 00 1 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 13. 881 Co., Jacksonville, Fla. I 6.001\\'ilson & Toomer Fert7._ -:i 5.SG Co., Jacksonville, Fla. I 5.00/Fla. Fertz. Co .. Branch, 4. 05 Gainesville, Fla. 4.on/Floricla Fertilizer Co., 3.471 GainesYille, Fla. I 5.00JFlmida Fertilizer Co., G. 81 I Gainesville, Fla. I !i. on IFiori(la FPrtilizer Co., 5.SOI Gainesville, Fla. I 3.00!Flol'ida Fertilizer Co., 5. 35 I Gainesville, Fla.
Corn Svecial ... . ........ ,1529 , Gt . iar:i,nt'dAna'.ysis J 10 . 00I ' 7.00 .f .,~, 2.50 4 . 00O ca la F e rtilizer Co., I Offic ial Analysis ... I ll . 59 1 ; . 6'.! 1. 0 3 v '.! . :rn 4 . 04 Ocala, Fla. "S11p rior vVaterm e lon &:15:30Guara nt'< 1Ana l ysisl 10.0 0i S.U0 ...... 1 4.G0 S .00O ca la F rtiliz c r Co., Cantaloup e Sp ec i a l ".... J Ofli c1 alAn a l ys i s .. I 11. !l lj U.21 0 .5 0 1 !l.';" J j 1.12 7. ' i7 Ocala , F 1 :1 Tom ato F e rtilizer ........ lG?.1 Gn a rant'd Ana ly sis 1 1 0 0 .o" " 0 8 1 ".-.', .0l~, .. 1 ... l ;, . 1 . 00 !J.00 1 O ca la Fert iliz e r Co. , Offi c ial Analysis... v :L :l4 :J.1:~ j Ocala , F la. B oa n Fertilizer .......... F, :~2 Gnaranl'd A nal,sis 10.00 J (i.0 0 ...... / 3.00 G.on/ocala F , •rtiliz e r Co., Official Ana lysis ... 10. GU I ::;.-1-1j o.::;:, 6.o:; ) 2.:1s 6.91 \ Ocala, Fla. Sup e rior F e r tz. for Geueral 1 5: \?, Guarant'dA nal ~ i s 10.00 G.fl0 1 1.00 . I 1.00 , ~ .fl~IOcala F< : rlili?. el' Co. , Trn c king . ............. -,, . Offi~ial : -\n a lysi~ .. . . , ll.7 :-S I -1.::ll 3.4G 7.(i7 j 3 .!•, i ,.b Ocala.Fla. Speci a l L e ttuce .. .... ... . 1 ;, .A Gua1:rntdAna l. ys1s \ , :i.11 0/ . . ....... ... / 7.oo ! . 1.00 1 oca la F er tiliz e r Cn ., _ 1 Officia l Ana l ysis ... 10. 2G :i. l0 f 0 . 20 ti. G0 1 l.!l3j fi .0n 1 Ocala , Fla . co I ! I I I Acid Phosphate .. . ...... . lf,:35 Gu a rant'd Ana l ysis Hi. 00 1 ..... . ..... 1 . .......... \Ocala Fert.i liz e r Co., Official Analysis ... 1 8 .17 1 0.40 18.57. .. .. . . ... . . Oca l a , Fla . Stand a rd Corn Sp ecia l ... . 1G36 Guarant'dAnalysi s G.00, 1.00 7.00] 3.00 5. 00I I S1::tndarcl Fc,riiliz e r Co., Official An a lysis . .. 14.1 3 G.2 ~! 0.91 6.191 2.35 4.'.>4 G a ine sv ille. Fla . Standard V eget able No. 1.. 1 S 37 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 5.oo/ l.00J 6.001 4.50 6.00 f 1 Standard Fertiliz e r Co., Official An a lysis ... 14. 81 4.9 G) 0.SG 5.S2j 3. 35 7.701 I Ga ine sY ill0, Fla . Stand a rd Fi s h and Pota sh. 1538 Guarant'd Anal ys is 11 . 00 4 .00 1.00 / 5.001 6.00 6.00 \ Stan~ard .Fertili ze r Co., Official Analysis .. . I 14. 89f ~. 47I 1.0 8] 3 .5 5, 4.54 8.10 Gamesv1llc , Fl a . S11 ecia l :ll'Iixture for Cotton 1539 Gu a r~nt'd An,aI.ysis ... . .. I ~. oo/ . .... .... I 2. oo/ 3. 00 1 1 standard Fl'rtiliz c r Co. , _ _ 2f~c1_a 1 An~l:i,s1~ .. ~ 9 _:_ 42 ] ::,.GS 1. 20 __ 6.88 _ 2_.6_!)_ _ _ 3.:_97 _ __ G:ciill_es~il~c, F .!_a _ _ _
OFFICIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSES, 1910.-Continued. NAME, OR BRAND. I >, ... ... I O Q) ..., .0 It': 8 ' 0 :::l , .oz i j ! Qi ... :::l ..., "' o :::;: Cotton Seed Meal. .. .. . .. Ei40 Guarant'd Analysis ..... . Offic ia l Analysis ... Cotton Seed Meal. .... .. . 1541 Guarant'd Analysis Prime Cotton Seed ;\,lea! .. Sea Gull Soluble Guano .. Offici al Analysis.. 1542l Guar'.1nt : d An_al_Ysis Official AnalJs1s ... 1543 Guarant'cl Analysis Offici a l Analysis ... .Turnbo Peruvian Guano 1544 Gu arant'cl Analys is Crop Grower . . . . . . . . . . . Official Ana l ysis . .. Formula 44 .............. 1545 Guarant ' d Analysis Offi cia l Analysis . .. Phospho-Alkali with Potas1546 Guaran t'd Analysis I sium Nitrates . . . . . . . . . . Offici a l Analysis .. I 10.00 12 .01 10. 00 [ 12 .s:1/ s.o oJ 6. 94 ! I 10 .001' 7.76 ----Phosphoric Acid . Q) Q) . :c :c ,,g :::l 0 > "' <,j ,:: ,Q UJ C\l 0 p... ! BYWH O.\ l .1sn\l."T-"l E 1 :\L.\~UFACTllRED. I I 7. 50 .. .... I Flori,la Cot! on Oil Co., 6.57 .... --1 ' Ja~ks cmv ille, Fl~. 4. 75 .... .. Floncl a Cott on Oil CCJ .. -1 4.23 ... . .. 1 Jacksonville, Fla. >I-I ~-5~ ...... ! Ala. Cotto n Oil Cn., G.61 .. .... ! Mo11tg0111 e ry, Ala. 2. 00 1 1.s:31 I 3 .00 1 2.-19 I 3.101 3 .44 2. GOii 3.19 i 2.00,\',1.C'ar. ClH•m ical Co . , 2. 0 ,1 ! Aloutgomery, Ala. I 3.00 1 \'a.-Car. ('Jlemica l Co., :.! . >19i ~Iontg-n111 e 1 ~. Ala. I 3. 50 : va.-Car . C lwmical Co., 2.73 1 Savannah. Ga. I 10.00jVa.-Car. Clw rnical 8.4 0 S aYam1a h , Ga. Co . ,
Goulding's Meal Mixture .. 15471Guarant'd Analysis I 10. 001 / Official Analysis ... j 12. 0G i <:oul
OFFICIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSES, 1910.-Continued. NAME, OR BRAND. I ' >. . i 8 .,__, .D CO r I ;.., :=: IQ~ .Dz lj , C) H :::, .,__, r/1 s Phosphoric Acid. I ai ci :;5 s :::, "c;; 0 > "' 0 .,:: .:: E-; . . . I I OQII n ! ,I Standard Cot I on Fertilizer. 1558 Guar~nt'd Ana'.ysis 10. 001 8. J. 00 ...... 1 Official Analysis... 1:3. 63 1 S. 15 I J. 4:J 1 9. 88 Cotton Seed l\fral. ....... 1559jGt:aran('clAnal.ysis .... . . \ ...... ! ...... / 2.50/ Olficial Analysis.. . . ..... I ...... I ...... I ..... 1 FarmC'rs Fish Guano ..... 1 1G60IGuarant'cl Analysis 1.o.ool 1n.nn\ 2.nnI ...... 1 I I Official Analysis... 13. 51 j 11. 41 I 2. 021 13. -!:: I Charles Elis' Cumberlancl115GljGuarant'tl Anal>sis 1 14.00\ s.nol J .ool ...... / Fertilizc,r ............. I I Offie:ia 1 Analysis ... I 9. 6G S. 2S i 1 . 171 9. 45 No. 1 Genuine Peruvian Gn-115C2, Gnarant'd Anal>'>js!. . . . . . 9. no I ...... 1 ano .................... j IOffieialAnal,sis ... 14.11 7.12' S.2011:-;.37 Genuine Peruvian Gnano .. 11!:iG31Guar~nt',1 Ana'.ysis S.no1 1 ...... / ...... 1 I 10fficial Anal,s1s... 7.7G 1 ,.GS 1 7.07 1 12.7S' Genuine PernYi:111 Gnano .. l1:;G+!Guarant'sis! ...... 1 ~.00/ ...... 1 1 ...... 1 1 I JOfficial Analysis .. I 12.351 G.9G! 8.87[ 15.831 I I I I 2. 001 1. 79 ..0 U] ro .,__, 0 P.; : BY 1YHOl\L,xn1YI1ETIE MANUFACTURED . I 2. on The Southern Cotton Oil 2. 71 '1 Co .. Pmisacola, Fla. I I 7.50\ l.50'Floritla Cotton Oil C" .. -:i 7.98 ...... '1 T:illallassee, Fla. o I I . 2.001 2.00IFarmers' Fertz. Co .. 2.05f 2.:35I l\Iontgomen . Ala. I I 2.00I 2.00 Mutual Fc'rtilizcr, Sa~.30[ 2.:r~: Y::11111:7.h, Ga. I fi. ~l'.1 I G. 3C[ I '.;. !1S! '.1. :1'.? I I 2. irn1 3. lSf '.?. ~:; Penn-i:rn Gnann Corpo2. 5G I ratirm.Clrnrlest on. S.C. I 2.0ll'Peruyian Guano Corpn ~. on 1 ration .Charleston. R.C. I 2. on: P,•nffian Gnano Corpo2 .11 f ration,Charleston, SC.
Second Class Cotton Seed f 1i;G,_, Gu::1}nt'dAnalysis1 ; / 2.2G l\Ieal ................. 1 / Od1c1c1l Anal ; _s1 s ..... .... / . ..... [ ...... \ ..... . No. :1 .. . .......... . ...... , l , ,lil• j G'.1;,11a1~ t ,i1_:\11,_1: l ,~si s : ; ';.l;O ! 1;.1111 ! 2.~~ j ... ;; . I I011 1c1, .. c>li, '1 ,'" ' " .. , .I . ' "' 1 ., , ,t; : II. 'J 1 .. , 1,1 : Ext ra Fruit and Vine ..... 1iili, 1 u:.tran t ' (lA nal ysisl ~-~~!. 1;_111: 1 J.l'.O!..J Olftc1alAnalys1s ... S . .:, ;J: ti.lib o.u11 l,.G,t i i I No. 4 ....... . .. . .. . .. . ... 1 :;Gs i G11ara11t ' c!A11a l ;1 ' sl s . o" : 1; . ,J0 1 '.l.0 0 1orncial Aua l ysis ... 1 10.\J:: 1 1;.ns 1 0.81 G.1'91 No. 1 •... ....•.......... liiG! ,. 1 ; G\1:.1rant'dAnaly s isl s.on: ~.o _ ~ I , 3.~01 ... _-: 1 Olflc1al A1wlys1s. .. 8 : .. 0 5 0 ,: 1 , .S;:, j U. 14 1 G.;, :,i Vegetable Fertilizer .... . . 1:,,UIG uaran t'c!Ana l ysis li.Ofl l 2.00 i Ofticial ),na lysis... 11. 0,1 ;:; . !):l fJ. 7 6 G. GS I Special for Corn .......... lii71Guarn . nt'dAna l ysis 8.00 7.00 .......... .. Official Analys is. . . 10. 2G , . " " 0. 70 S . 05 Hillma.n's Special for Vege• 1672 Gu':r~n l' d Analy s is\ tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O1f1cial Analysis ... Ca rry's Special for Fruit. . J 5' ,3 Guarant ' tl Anal ys is Offici a l Analys is ... Kainit ............... . ... 1574 Guaran t'd Analysis Official Analysis . . . G e m Vegetable .. . ....... 157 5 Guarant '
~FFICIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSES, 1910.-Coutinued. Phosphoric AcidNAME, OR BRAND. H. G. Dried Blood ........ 1576 Guar~nt'd Ana;ysisl ... .. -. \ .. . -. ~Official Analysis.. . . ..... I ..... . Simon Pure No. 2 .....••• 1577 Guarant'd Analysis 8.ool G.00 Official Analysis. . . 8. 52 i 7 .15 li. G. Sulfate of Potash ... 1578 Guarant'd Analysis s.ooj .... .. Official Analysis.. . . . . . . . . .... . I I Medium Grade Cotton Seed 1579,Guarant'd Analysis! ...... j Meal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Official Analysis.. . . ..... 1 ...•.. Ideal Fruit & Vine Manure 1580 Guarant'd Analysis 10.ooj G.no Official Analysis.. . 14. 66 i (i. Peruvian Guano Tree 1581I Guarant'cl Analysis\ 8. 00 \ 6. on Grower................ OfficialAnalysis ... l 9.831 G.HI Ideal Vegetable Manure ... \15s2 1 1Guarant'cl Analysis\ s.oo\ 1,.ool / [ Official Analysis ... [ 11. 81 [ 5. 55 [ i p :::l 0 UJ 5 ..... 1. ' . . . . . . . . . I 2 .oo; ..... . 0.82! 'i. ~ lj' ! 1 ... .. . 1 ..... . ...... / .... .. 11.45[ G.G51 2. oo/ ...... / :L 311 !J. 7:il 1.00I ...... I 1.72/ 7.27[ I BY 1\'T-IO}Ic\XDWHERE 1\T \ NUF ACTURED. 17 .Oil ...... 'J,:. 0. Pai11t0r Fertz. Co., l~-~C1 1 Jacksow;illc, Fla. 4.00 ,j. 8:! 1 7.52 3 _()f) 3. 1 5.00 4.88 4.00 3.75 I G.00[E. 0. Painte, I,'ertz. Co .. -:i G. 9~' Jacksonville, Fla. 00 I 49.00;1~. 0. Painter Fertz. Co .. 52.72 1 .facJ;sonville, Fla. I 1.on:r1ant0rs' Oil Co., Al. .... 1 !Jany. Ga . 10.0nl\\'ilson & Toomr•r Fertz. 9.01 1 Co, Jacksonville, Fla. I S. no! Wilson & Too:11er Fertz. 8. :!.~ I Co .. .Tacksonvil!e, Fla. I 8. Oil i1Vilson & Toomer Fertz. 9 .191 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
W. & T.'s Special Mixtur e 15 8 3 Guarant'd Analysis! 8.0fl \ r. .nn1 1. 110 ' .. .... I 5.o o : 5 .0ni\'i'i l so n & T oome r F e rt z. No. 1 .................. Ot:fi c ia!Analysis .. . l 1 : :. :~ 0 [ 1; .1 . 1 1 0.GJ : G ., 5 [ 5 . :.>;;J :i.2:ij Co., J ac k so nnlle, Fl a . L. G. Sulfate of Potash .. .. 1 58\G u~r a nt'dAnalysis! ...... \ .. ... . / . . . ... 1 .. .. .. 1 , .. . ... 1 1 2r..nr, , 1 \Vil,;o n & T oo m e r F0r1z. Offtc1a l An a lysis . . . \ .... . . \ .. . ... 1 . . . ... 1. . . . .. . . . . . . 27. :21 I Co .: .J ackso n Yi ll <, Fl a. Ori gi nal Id e al Fertilizer . .. 1 585 Guarant'd An.al.y s i s\ l ~. o~] s ,~o/ 1. oo! .... ~. ! ~n / G. nn),\. il so n & T oome r F e rtz. Offic1alAnal:,s1s... 1 .981 .... . ,81 0.00I 3 .0 S[ o. uO I 6.,J41 C o . , J ac k so n v ilk. FL1 . H. G. V. c. Tip Top Tomato,1 58 6 Guar'.1nt'd An a '.y s is\ ~. ~o ! 7 .0() !...... 4. 1 G .oo lv aCa r. Ch e mi c al Cn . , Truclrnr . ... ... ..... .. . OfficialAnalys1 s . .. 1 u.~O ! 7.11 ~.411 9.5 3 4. 11 1 6. 22 1 S aY annah, Ga. H. G. V. C . Old Dominion , 1587Guarant'dAnaly s i s! 8 .00 ; 7 .0 0 1. 00 : . .... . 5.011 1 s .n O I Va.Car . Ch <' mical C n . . Potato Manure Offici,dAnalysis .. . ! s. 2: : 1 8.21 0 .46 1 8 .6, 4 . 9G I G.111 S a vannah , Ga . H . G. v. C . Fruit and Vin e. 1 588,G nar a nt' cl An a l ys is \ s.nn) fi.001 1.001 1 . .... . 2 . 5ol 10.00 1 Va.-Ca r . Ch e mical CD .. j / Offici a l A nal ysis .. . ! S.:3-1 1 S . DD 1 0 . 21 9.20 1.84 1 !J.l5 i Savan n ah . G a. H. G. V. C. Champion Citrus 1 5S9 1 Gnnr a nt'd A na l ysis! J 11 .00' !LOO) 1.n o 3.on/ u.oolvfl.Ca r. Ch e mical Co ., Compound . ... . ... . . . .. I O ffi cia lAnal ys i s . .. l 2. S2 ! 7 . '\11 O . :i4 ,.8:, 3.4'.1 [ 1::.ss1 Savannah, Ga . Or a nge Fruit er . ... .... . . 1 590JGuara nt'dAn a l ys\sl 10 . onl 8 .0 0 1 J.11 0 . . . .. . 1 4 . 00 / 1 2.00'.T h eAr m o ur F c rtz.Wl rn. , :Official An al y sis .. / 4. 8 21 S . GSII 0.1 8 8. 761 4.15111.711 Ja c ks o nville , Fla . Armour's Practical Truck e r 1 158l[Gnarant'd An _ al.y s is l 1 0.o ol (LOfll 2 .00I ... . . 1 ~.001 10 . 00 j The A:mou: Fertz. Wk s., I ! O ffi cia l A nal )srn ... I 9.49 1 7 . '.lS i 0.9!:i \ S .23 1 ~.69 I 8.2 1 , J a cl,som11l e , Flfl. Armour's Original M i xt ur e l1 5!12\G narnnt ' d Analy s is \ 10. oo\ r; . ooi l . 00 1 .. .. . . I 5 . 00 11 5. OO l [The Armo u r F ertz . Wks., No. 1 .. .. ......... . .... 1 IO ffi cia l An al.1sis ... 1 G .n5[ 5 .D7 I 0.981 f..95 [ 4.!14 1 5. 6, 1 1 J ackso nvill e, Fla. Williams & Clark O ra n ge \1593,Gnarant'rlAnal:, s is! 10.00I r..o(II 1.00/ . ... .. / ~.r.oi 5.oolAm. Agr. Chemical Co ., Tr e e ... _ ... . . : . _ ... . .. : .:. L _ J Offici ~ l !'-n al _Y s_is .. J 6 : 60! G.81[ 1.1 9\ ~. oo i 4 .041 5 .8 0 1 .fa c ksonville, Fla.
Ol< ' FICI A L FERTILIZER ANALYSES, 191v.-Continued . Phosphoric Acid. NAME , OR BRAND. Cotton Se ed Mea1. . ...... 1594 Guarant 'd Ana]ysis 6.50 Kainit Offici a l Analysis ... 1595 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis . .. The Id ea l F e rtilizer ....... 1596 Guaran t'd Anal ysis Offici a l Analysis ... \V. & T.'s Special Mixture 1 597 Guarant'd Analysis No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Official Ana lysi s ... Canada Unleach e d Hard 1598 Guaran 'tc l Analysis \Vood Ashes . . . . . . . . . . Official Analysir-; ... 8.00 5.0u 7. 041 G. 51; I s . oo I 6 . no_ I 7 .72 , li.21 12. ()fl\ ....•• I Nitrate of Soda ........... 15()9 Guarnnt ' d Analysis ,) . 00 Official Analysis ... Ideal Fruit & Vine Manure 1600 j Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 1 I ! Official Analysis . . I G. 23 ! G. Oil 6,731 ci :0 ::, 0 Ul ,5 .... j 00 I ...., 0 il< BY WHO:VL1;;11\VllERl~ MANUFACTURED . 2.00 7.5 0 1.00 A. A. Smith , Atlanta, l.00 0.90 J.00 1. 05 li. 46\ ...... ! 7. 26 1 1.00 . . .... 1 ...... 0,141 6.871 7.84 Ga. 4.00 4.1G 5.00 5.591 12. 00 \Vil son & Toom e r F1,rtz. 13.17 Co. , Ja('ksonvilie, Fla. 6. 00 vVils ou & Toom e r Fcrtz. 5. 48 Co. , .Jacl,~onville, Fla. 5 . 00 Wilson & To omer F e rtz . 5.99 Co. , Jacksonville, Fla. 4. 00 wilson & Toom e r Fertz. ~. 94 Co . . .Taclrnonville, Fla. 17. 00 ..... . wilson & Toom er F er tz. 18 .17 Co., Jacksonvill e, Fla. 3.00 10.ool\Vilson& Toom er Fertz. 3.621 10 .201 C'.). , Jacksonville, Fl a.
"' I Ideal Vegetable Manure ... 1601 Guarant'd Analysis O[ficia l Ana l ys i s ... [ Com plete Sw ee t Potat o Fer 1 6 02 Gu ara nt'd An alysis tilizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1orncial Ana l ys is . .. i\Iap es Fruit & Vine M a nur e 1603 . \Guara nt ' d Analysis Ofl ic ial An alys is ... I l\Iapes Vegetable Manure .. 1604 1 . Gu ara nt'd Analysis Offi cia l Analysis ... I Mapes Orang e Tree Manure 1605 Gu ara nt'd Analysis Offi cia l Analysis ... Oran ge Tree Grower ...... 1 6 06 Gu ara nt'd Analysis Veg etab le Special Offi cial Analysis ... 1607 Gu ara nt'd Analysis O ffici al Anal ys is .. . Cuk e Special ...... ... ... 1608 Gu a rant ' d Analysi s Offi cia l Analysis ... Celery Sp ecia l .... . . .... 1609 Guarant'd Ana l ysis I Official Analysis ... Oran ge Producer .... ... -1 1610 Guarant'd Analysis _ ___ _ _ _____ _ ___ _ _ _ Official Analysis .. , I s.001 10.94 10.00I U.:!~ 10.00 11.80 12.00 11. 71 8.00 3.7S I 10.001 11.19 8.00 1 9. [i81 10.0?i 7 .431 8.00 6. 581 6.00 6.lil 8.00 ~.4::l 5.00 5.G3 G.00 G.29 6.00 7.4 3 G.00 7.04 6.00 7.26 5.00 6.18 5.00 5.63 7 .001 6.63 1.00 0.91 7 .42 1.00 1.:!4 10.67 2.00 2.12 7.75 2.00 2.69 8.98 2.00 2.72 10.15 2.00 5.38 12.42 1.00 7 .00 0. 99 8. 25 1.0 0 0.52 6 _ .70 1.00 6.00 0.72 6.3G 1.00 1 1 .... . -I 0 . 48 7.11 4.00 3.98 2.5 0 :! . 6 i 2. 00 2.GO 5.00 4.971 4.00 4 . U 4.00 4.34 5 .00 1.55 5.00 4. 90 6.00 G.26 I 4. 501 4.49 8.00 I Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 9 . 00\ Co., Jacksonville, Fla. 3 . 50 (\Vil son & Toom er Fertz. 4.;;ul Co., Ja cksonvill e, Fla. 10 . 00 Th e Map e s Formula & 11. 34 Peruvian Guano Co ., N e w York, N. Y. 4 .00 Th e Map e s I,'ormula & G .01 1 Peruvian Guano Co. I N e w York . N. Y. 3. 00 Th e l\la11 es Formula & 4.2 7 \ P e ruvian Guano Co., oo New Y c rk, N. Y . 5. 00 I Tampa F e rtiliz e r Co., G.GO , T ampa. l~la. i 5 .00jTh e Gulf F e rtiliz e r Co. , 5. 971 T am pa , Fla. 8. oo/Th c Gulf Fertiliz e r Co. , !l .11 1 Tampa, Fla. 7 . 00 . Tll e Gulf F e rtiliz e r Co. , S .16 Tampa, Fla. 15. 00 Th e Gulf Fertilizer Co. , 14 . 54 Tampa, Fla.
UFFICIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSES, 1910.-Continned. NAME, OR BRAND. I~ i ..., .0 ! a ; 0:::: -sz jJ I I I J<'ruit anrl Vine .......... 1l61lfGuarant'd Anaiysis! I Official Anal~sis ... j ----- UJ ..., a 0 3 E-< i 1. ool 7. oo[ 3.oof r..on " .0, 3.~1! ::l. 28 ,) 6 .88, 0 ~ BY \VJIOI\1\:--Jll\\'HEHJ~ .r:: .\IAX(TFAC'!'lfRED. UJ cl ..., 0 p., I 10.00iThe CnH Fe,tilizer Co .. !l. 8::l] Tamp;,, Fia. 00 l~
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE-DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. FEEDIXG ~Tl' Fl<' SECTIOX .,;PECL\L FEEli1.:-SG ~Tl.Ii.[, ' X\'ALY:-,E~. J!JlU. J:. l'FCK (,UEJ::"iE, c\c"t. l'llPllli~t. NAME, OR BRAND. Barley Mixed Oats ................. . Barley Mixed Oats .................. . Rice Bran ........................ . Kornfalfa Feed .................... . Mixed Grain (Oats), No. 6783 ....... . Mixed Grain (Oats), No. 13670 ...... . Ground Corn Ear ................... . Feed No. 1. ........................ . Feed No. 2 ......................... . Corn Shucks ....................... . Mixed Oats ........................ . Bran .................... . .. . .. . .. . . Velvet Beans .......... . .. . ........ . Perfection Feed .................... . Corn "3-D." Grains ................. . Schumacher Special Horse F'eed ..... . Economy Feed ..................... . Wheat Middlings ........... . ...... . I c..: "' d 1 2Z 2 : 2 gj ...; c:iH p roUJ. ('j ,..:i "" 00 "" 120 !!~4;11~.2; 6;,1) 3.05 121 9 . 34 11. 45 G3. 14 3. 01 122 13. 82 12 .15 42. ti4 11. 82 123 12.1311.76 56.92 2.85 124 8.5211.30 57.78 3.50 125 7.87 11.50 60.4G 3.57 126 11.38 7.72 65.95, 2.77 127 11. 55 10. 84 62. 4213. 62 128 11.10112.37 59. S4 4.801 129 1 32.buj 2.28 52. Gl 0.571 130 1 9.77!12.32 5S.72 4.37 131 9.70115.80 54.flll 3.45 132 7.38 19.04 55.07 1 5.23 133 10.05j12.64 Gl."SI 3.G4 134 10.95 31.59 39. Hi 8.68 1351 8.6019.65 64. 701 3.27 136,10.83 10.31 62.~.4. 1_ 3.291 137 7.14 18.21 51.nni 5.95 JI\' WIIO:\I SE:'\T. ..ci t/2
SPECIAL FEEDING STUFF ANALYSES, 1910-Continu e d. NAME OR BRA ND. I I I Oa ts ... .. .......... .. ..... . ..... . .. . 13 8 11. 78110.71 15 1 .161 B eg garw ee d Hay ................... . Giant Millet .. ........ . ......... ... . Pure Wheat Br a n ............ . .... . Corn a nd Oat F eed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Whe at Bran ... ... .. .... . 13 9 24.07 2 1.6 3j35 . 08j 140 2.28 11. 556 7 .59 1 141, ~ .76 14.48 53 . 56 14 2 1 7.22 9 . 76 64.30 : 14 3 1 0. 1, u.38 5 7. 2s; F ee d No . 1. . .. . .... . , I 1-l I fi.2S , 12.11 G-1.86 1 . i I I F ee d No. 2 ..... . ... .. .. ........ . .. j H5 / G 1 :3[ 9.7-! 67 . GO, F ee d No. 1 ............. ..... . .... . ! uc i ~-l 20 ! 11.T'i -11 .7 2 1 F ee d No. 2 ............ ... . . . . .. .... J 147 1 27.07 1 6.10 50.o;, [ Ma id e n Ca n e Ha~ ' ....... . ... ... .. 1-l S : 3:l . GG 8. -1 9 I:;.1~ i Kudzu Hay............ ... . .... . 1 U 9 ! 37.Slj19.82 2, . ~1 ' 3 .57 -1.04 5. 1 5 3 . 5 3 1 5. 55 . :l . 3 1 [ 3. 47 3 .3 4 2 .07 2. Oi l l. 2 5j 1. :1 G l BY WHO ;iJ SE;\; T. ..ci r/l < 3. 031A. S. Carr, '\ V ilma, Fla. 3 . !l4 P . H. Fe llow s , D e Funi ak Springs, Fla . 1.32/W. E. Jaques, J a ck so nYill e. Fla. 6 . 84;N. C. Bryan. Ki ss imm ee , F la. 2. 6 5I The L e w is B e ar Co .. P e ns a col a, Fla . G. 5 8 l"i', I. Vason, Tall ahassee , Fla. 3.78 , '\Valton Lanrl n nrl 'rimh P 1 r.o. , D P F11nink 00 Springs , Fl a . .... 3. 99 walton Land a nd Timb er Co., D eF uni al; Sprin gs , Fl a. 5. 48 R. F. Howard. T a ll ah as see, Fl a . 4. 2 6 I R. F. Howard, T a ll a h assee , Fla. 5 .l SJ G. C. A ll en, B ea c htown , G n. :J . S5 C . K T' J cas0 . Chi p i e:.. F la.
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE-DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. FEEDING STUFF SECTION. R. E. ROSE, State Chemist. OFFICIAL FEEDIING STUFF A"L\LYSE8, 1910. E. PECK GREEXE, Asst. Chemist. Samples Taken by State Chemist and State Inspector Under Sections 1, 2 and 13, Act Approved May 24, 1905. c'U\l\IE. on BRAND. <1) '-' .=o Fan:y--Sh~~~~ .......... -~ -;01 G~a~ant'd Analysis! 7.351 Official Analysis.. . 7. 48: Pine Leaf Middlings ...... 902 Guarant'd Analysis! 6.10\1 Official Analysis .. -I 6. 03. I i 903 Guarant'd Analysis 5.00! . Official Analysis ... I 5. lS I i Middlings ............... \ Pure Wheat Middlings .... 9041Guarant'd Analysis! 4.58\ \Official Analysis... 5.-021 Heavy Draught Feed...... 905I Guarant'd Analysis! ...... I Official Analysis ... ! 5. 571 I I I ''Purity" Bran , . . ... . ... 90C!G,1arant'd Anai~;sisl ...... ; Official Analysis .. , I 7. 81 ! lG.03 59.5~ 17 .59 5G.4G 15.75, 17. 851 16. 00[ 17.81 57.95 57.99! I 57.00 58.90 16.Q.1 G2.18 17.90 56.(i5 10.35 64.43 10. 71 66. 64 I 14 OOI F,4. 00 1 1:).f.0 57.071 XA'.\110: AN'D ADDRESS OF :\1ANUF ACTURER. 4. 32 ...... Phoenix Flour l\Iill, Evansville, 4. 24 4. 21 Ind. 4. 20 4 .10 Cairo Milling Co., Cairo, Ill. 4.46 3.53 4. 50 ...... H. C. Cole Milling Co., Ches4. 21 3. 66 ter, Ill. 4 .17 ...... The Dunlop Milling Co., Clarks5 .16 4. 31 ville, Tenn. 3. 42 ...... United Grocery Co., Jackson2. 68 2. 19 ville, Fla. ~.so! ...... lcalro l\Ii1lln 6 Co .. Cairo, Ill. :,. 781 6.26! 00 Ol
NA'.\rn, OR BRAND. I Victor Feed . .,.,,..,.,.,.1 Purina Feed I I I Pure Wheat Shorts ...... I Star Micldlings .......... \ Barley Mixed Oats . ...... _ I Protena Feed ............ ! I Lillie Bran Schumacher Scratching Grains ... . ............ . OFFICL-\L l<'BEDINU S'.rUE'F AXALYSES, 1010-Continued. ::: Q) .0 0 : ::c ;i:: :.J J ...t, :'-: , \:\lE AND ADDTIESS OF :\I ANU FAC TUREH. 907\auarnnl'cl Amly s is 12.00I 7.SO G2 .00 3.00 The Quaker Oats, Co., Chicago, [Oflkial Anct!y s i: , ... 10.13: 10.00 1 G3.42 3.27 3.50 Ill. I I 90S ! Guaran t 'd An:1I rsis 8.Nl [ 12.50 G S.00 4.00 . ..... Ral s ton Purina Co., St. Louis, ! offici al A1rn!ysi s ... 11.191 12.02 fi 7.531 4.7 5 3.7!J Mo. 909IGuarant'd Analy si s[ G.oo! 1r:.oo 18 .0()! 4.00 ; Ofn:,tal Auaiy s . i~ .. -i 5.SS : 15.55 ' i. S .421 3.G4 910 \ Guar ant'rl Analysis\ S.00[ 15.00 ;;,1.00 4.00 ...... Liberty Mills , Nashville, Tenn. 3.GSI ...... Star & Crescent Milling Co., 4. 80 Chicago, Ill. [Official Analysis ... [ 8.Gli lG.32 55.10! 4.53 i I I I 911 1 , Gna1:ant'd Ana~ysis .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . , .. .... J . ... .. Atlantic & Gulf Grocery Co ., Offi c 1al Ana;ys:s ... 9.3:> 11.27 G 2. S G ! 2.99 ; 2.86 Jacksonville, Fla. 912 Guarant ' d Anal:rci s Official Analysis ... , 913 Guarant'd A nnly s i s ll Official Ana!ysi8 ... 914 Guarant.'d Annly sisl I Official Analysis ... 9.70 12.91 1 I 8.50 [ S.84 1 I 4.501 2.84 12.no 11.Z7 lS. 0 0 15.01 10.GO 9.75 I I Vi. 00 I 3. 80 , 1 ...... Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis, 59 .911 3.G0 3.17 l\fo. i ?o 4. 00 . . .... Lillie Mill Co., Fran :din. Tenn. ,,, . , 21 3.11 5,771 I I G-1. 00 ! Z. 00 ..... , I The Quaker Oats Co., Chicago, 70 . 98 ; 2.19 2 .00 J Ill.
Sta[ulife Feerl .. . .. . .. I I Nutriline ................ \ 915 Guarant ' d Analysis 12. 751 Official Analysis... 12. 99 916 Guarant'd Analysis 10. 00 I Official Analysis.. . 8. 44 I I Vim Horse Feed. . . . . . . . . . 917 Guarant ' d Analy s i s 10. 50 ! ' Official Analysi s . . . 10 .10 I Cotton Seed Meal. . . . . . . . . 918 Guarant'd Analy,si s . . . .. . Official Analysis.. . 10. 98 Cotton Seed Meal..... . .. 919 Guarant'd Analy s is .. . .. . Official Analysis.. . G. 75 Cotton Seed Meal. . . . . . . . . 920 Guarant'd Analy s is .. ... . Official Analysis.. . S . 16 I Globe Gluten Feed. . . . . . . . 921 Guarant'd .Analysi s . . . . . I Offi c ial Analysis.. . 8 . 231 I Stafolife Feed . . . . . . . . . . . . 922 Guarant ' d Analysis 12. 75 1 Official Analysis.. . 14 . 05 I I Protena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 923 Gua r ant'd Analysi s 9. 70 ' Offi c i a l Analysis. . . 10. 70 I Pure Wheat Middlings . ... I I I 924 Guarant'd Analysis 6 .12 Official Analysis . . . 4. 65 11.0015 3. 00 G.001 . .. . . . ILawrence & Hamilton Feed 10. GG 5 5. 45 4. 72 5 . GO Co., New Orleans, La. 12. oo' 5 8. OU 3. 50 '\ ...... Nutriline Milling Co., C rowley, 13.51 56.08 4.00 7 . 22 La. 10. 00 60 . oo l 3. 75 .. . . . . The Qual , er Oats Co . , Chi c a g o, 10 . 71 Gl.7 5! 1.54 4.09 lll. 38. 62 /. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. Georgia C ot ton Oil Co., Macon, 32.80, 3 5.14 G.49 5.51 Ga. 38. 621 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . Grovania Fertilizer & Oil Co. , 39 .ZG ! 3 1. 3 5 S. 75 6 . 04 Grovania, Ga . 38. G2 .. .... , ..... . . . .... \ Vienna Cotton Oil Co., Vienna, cr37. 29 33. 41 6.98 5 . 94. Ga. -1 24.00 5 1.00 26.32 : 5 1. 48 11.oo j 5:::. oo 11. 9 7 I 5 2 , ;\6 I I 12.00 5 7.oo i 11.58 5 9 . 10 15.00 5G .00 17 . 55 5 7. 3 3 I 2. 50 .. . ... I Corn Products Refining Co., 2.15 3.12 1 New York, N. Y. G.00 . .. ... !Lawrence & Hamilton Feed Co . , 3 . 98 8. 42 New Orleans, La . 3. 80 ... .. . Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis, 4. 30 3. 72 Mo. 6 . 40 ...... Maney Milling Co., Omaha , 4.64 4.45 Neb. I Sugaration Stock Feed . .. I 925 Guarant'd Analy s is 11. 00 11. G 5 6 4 .10 )Official Analysis. : . 8.06 10.44 j__ 6 _ ~: _ 85 4. 00 1 ...... Inter-State Milling Co., Mem3. 05 4. 01 phis, Tenn.
OFFICLU, FEED[:\'G S'lTFF ANALYSES, 1()10-C\mtiune
Cotton Seed Meal . . .... I I Mill Feed Compound ...... 1 I I Cotton Seed Meal. ........ I I Ceralfa Stock Feed ...... .. , Sucrene Horse & l\Iule Fe ed Crerno Brand, Second Class Cotton Seed Meal ...... . Cotton Seed Meal . . . .. .. . . 934 !Guarant ' d Analysis ! .. .... J 935 \i ::;:~t:n:!~ ;: :, :), 1 :: ;:! Offic1al Analysis... 4. r7I I 936 Guarant'd Analysis ...... i Official Analysis.. . 8. 65 I I 9 3 7 f Guarant'd Analysis 11. 50 I 1 Official Analysis.. . 11. 60 I I I 9381Guarant'd Analysi s I 12. 001 Official Analysis .. 1 10 . 45 939 i Guarant'd Anal ys i si ..... . / /Offici a l Anal ys i '.' . . J 22.15/ 940 J Gu a rant 'd Analysi s ..... I '. Official Analysis... 19 . 72/ I Prime Cotton Seed Meal .. ) 941 Guara nt'd Analysis .. ... . 1 Offi cia l Analysis. . . 11. 751 Cotton Seed Meal .... ... I 942,Gu a rant'd Analysis\ ...... I I /Offi r ial An:1lysis .. . i s. 201 Pure Wheat Shipstuff . .. .. 943\Gum:3 nt',l Anal_y s isl 6 .0:i / , Official Analysis... 3.301 I I I Cotton Seed Feed Meal .. . \ 944JGua ant"d Analy sis 28.00! --------'---' l 'Offi cia l Analy ~ is . . . 19 .05J 38 . 52 1 . ... . 1 . . . . . . .... . JF!orida Cotton Oil Co., Jackson33. 8 7 I 3 : L3 1 8.55 5.221 vill e, Fla. l3.00l 5s.c2 I 4.00 . . ... . 1 Atlanta l\ 1illing co., Atlanta, 1 3.43 , G:l.79! 3. 15 3.9G Ga. I 38. 52 ...... J ... . ....... . Florida Cotton Oil Co., Talla 37 . 21 31. 47! 8.20 5. 87 ba ssee, Fla. 13. 00 55. 00 4. 00 .... . . J . B. Edgar Grain Co., M em13 .12 I 53.:rn 2.981 4.0 4 phis, Tenn. 1 0. 001 50. 00 3. 50I ...... Arnerka n Milling Co., Chi ca go, 8.00' 63.41 2.141 5.451 Ill. 20.84 3S . S 5 4 .50 3.75 T enn. 20.00 :w. o o 5.00 ..... . ' \ T ennessee Fi be r C o., Memphis, ~5 . 00 . ... . \ . . .. . ... . .. \Fiorida Co tton Oil Co., T a ll a2 1 . HI 3S.23 6 .10 4.67 ha ssee, F l a. I I 38.G2 ! 1 1 •!Al abama Cott o n Oil Co., Mo n t 34.40 1 ~2 .44 ; C.701 5. 751 gorncry, Ala. 38. 62 ...... / ..... I .... .. I Th e Son them Cotton Oil Co., 3 7. GO 30. 34 8. 271 5. 82 Pensac ola, Jna. i I I 1S.13 56.22 ! 5.92 : .... .. IHorne :lllll & Grain Co. , Moun t 17.Jl 57.37 \ 4.67 \ 7.02 1 V e rnon , In d. 2~. 00 [ f,:-; . 00 ! 5. 00 \ .. , . . . 1 .T. Lincl rny ,vell s Co., Memphis . 22.09/ 39.38 ' . 5.49 1 _ 4.071 _ Tenn. __ _ _ . ----
OFFICIAL FEJ<;DING S'l'UFF ANALYSES, 1910-Continued. NAME, OR BRAND. Standard Middlings Pure Wheat Middlings .... Alfalfa !\Te al ............ . Boss Chop cl ........ -1 Como Horse and Mule Feedll P ure Wheat Bran .... ... . Barl ey 'lixed Oats Doss Chop Feecl :... OJ .::, 9451! Guarant'cl Analysis ...... i Official Analysis.. . 7. 03 [ I 9461Guarant'd Analysis 5 .181 I Official Analysis... 4. 951 947 : Guarant'd Analysis 35.00 1 /Official Analysis... 33. 07/ 948!Gu:-i:ant ' d Auaiysis 1 1 11.00! Offieia l Anal} sis. . . 8. Hi 1 I t 94fl 1 Guarant'd Analysis ' 12.00 I Official Analysis .. / 12. 50 950 i Guarant'cl Analysis I 10. OO, \Offic ial Analysis .. 1 7 .7~j 931 : Gnarant'cl Analysis 11.(lcl! Official Analysis. . . fl. 70 1 952 \ Guarant'd Anal ys is 11. O u\ ! Official Analysis ... 13 .22! "' ,_; ,... ro LJ bD . ;... ::, :; [fl . , 4 ' Oi i . D 1~ o~' 0 . ,) i UJ I 50.00 57.09 17.1/ 58.18 1G.9s: 57. 6S [ I I .,Ai\IE AND ADDRESS OF l\lANUF'ACTURERS . 4.00 ...... [Washburn-Crosby Co., Minneap5. 28 . 50 olis, Minn. 4. 41 ...... Geo. P. Plant Milling Co., St. 5. 00 3. 72 Louis, Mo. I s.00 1 10.1-1 1 I 32. 00! ............ Kornfalfa Feed Milling Co . ,~ 0 38. 07 l. 82 5. 05 Kansas City. Mo . 8 .50[ GO.JO ~-78! G , J.75 I J.0 .00 , 5S.50! 10.081 c-G.841 H.00[ :i~.501 lG.OG! 5f!.GE,[ 1 1 . no! ao.ool S . 7S j Gl.47 j I i ' , so t 60. 00 1 ~.f.i GJ co.s~ q 3. 50 1 Tlle Great Western Cereal Co., 4. 65 / 3. 53 Ch ieago, Ill. 3.50\ ' Corno Mills Co. St. Louis , 3.77 1 3.851 Mo. 4.25[ ...... !N e lson Grain <'.o., Kansas City , 4.031 6.47\ tio. 3. ool ...... / L. F . Miller & Sons, Philadel 3. 60 4. 301 phia, Pa. I 3.50 ...... ! The Great Wc>stern Cereal Co. 4.00 ~.n; Chif-ago. Ill.
Blood Meal ... .. ... . ... / "Purity"' Bran I Poultry Fe e d .......... . . . Cotton Seed Meal ... . ... . Como Hor se and Mule Feerl Choi ce Br a n ... . ..... . .. . Pur e Wh ea t Bra n an d , Sh or ts .... . ... ... ... .. . Com o Ox F e ed .......... . Pure Whe at Bran ........ , I Sea Island Co tt on Seed :\lea! . ...... . ...... ... . Cotton S ee d :\I ea l ....... . 953jGuarant ' cl An a l y sisj 1.501 ! O ffi,i al Ana]Y sis ... : 2 .no : 9G l I Guarant"d An :, !ysi:; i 1 , . . ... . \o f~ . 1 ' l . " 6" .11c.1a ..:).,n:.1Jy :-, 1s.. . , . l ) GS G1 Gna ran t"cl /\.11 alr, isl 4.00 : omcial Au:1ly,;i s . .. I 4. 49 I I 95 G Gu_a r0c :1t'd A1 , 1alys is 1 ' ..... I I Ofh e ial Analysis. . . 10 . 76 1 I I I 95 7 1G11a :,rn l', l J\nalysisl 12.00 1 \ Official Analy s i s ... 12.08 . I I 95S , Gua ran t"!l An alys is, 9.501 j Offi c ial AnaJy,-;i s .. . ! ~.43 1 I i 95 ~ 1 G u a ran l"tl An : 1 l,s is 1 7 .65 1 1 0fii c ial A n aly ,is .. -I 7 . 76 , I I 9GOjGnar8nt 'cl An :llys is 14.001 \ Offi c ial Analy si s ... lG.47I 96 1 1 Gua ran t'd Ann !ys is 9. 501 !, Official Analy s i s . 9 . 16 j I ! I 962 iG11a rant"d An a l y si:i ] . . .... : ! Official Ana ly ~ is .. -1 18.651 963,Guarar.t'd Annlysisl ...... \ jOffici;il Ana l ysis .. -I 10.951 8 0. 00 i ..... -1. . . .. j .. ... I Th e Armour Fertilizer Works, ~~ !.~ : : , J.7 L ) : .. ' 2.S 'i " . Tatk so nville , Fla . , ' ][) . J I . , i C . l\I"lJ" C C . Ill , . :,. ;,., .1.11.1 , ". u, , 1 a1ro . 1 1ng o., a iro, . 15 . 9 1 fi l .28 1 4.7 GI 5.82 ll. O UJ GS. no I 3. GO I ...... Rai o ton Purina Co., St. Louis, . , , .. ,~, ' J ' , l 1 . . J. 1-) . Ou . ... ~ , i .:, . , ;) . u1 I l\iu . i;J~i :io:i1i1 1 j7l :so\G e~~ ~ia C otton Oil Co., Macon l U. 00 ~S. :j(II 3 .50 / ...... 1 1 The Com o l\Iill s Co. , St. Louis, 10.57 s ,. ::, ; 1 4. , : 0 1 4.o.! i l\To. ! ! ! l l. 9;; I J 3. Q: J ! I 1 , ~c I c t. I -.> 1 11. 17 1 0. CO S ., S 1 4. 50 15. :[O I I ~r 2.~ : ! 5.:\~ .. . ec ker-.Tone sJew e ll Milling:; -,~. l e, , 4.G ~t 5 .8 5' Co .. N e w Yor k , N . Y . '""' i I 51.:iOI 4.GOi -!. 75 Ba r rett, Denton & Lynn Co., 5'.' . : > 1 \ , ;_ , 17, !'i. 49 / Dalto n , Ga. ,,S. Oll I 3 .5 01.... I Th e Corno Mills Co., St. Louis, 5G.:;J [ 3.55 1 3.SS Mo. GO. 00 ! . 00 [ ... . .. Alabama Corn Mill s Co., MoS2. C:5 [ 4. G4 I 6. 20 bile. Ala. I I . 2 4 .20! ..... . . .... -1 S ea Island Cotton Oil Co., 4 . 55\ 4 . 62 Charleston , s. C. 22. ~ 9 ! 4 0. 7 9 I 3 S. G C:I .... . . :18. 2G 27. 41 . .. .. -1 Th e Southern Cotton Oil Co., 9.G41 5.60 Sarnnnah , Ga.
OFFICIAL FEEDING STUFF ANALYSES, 1910-Continued. --NAME, OR BRAND. Choice Bran . . . . . . . . . . . . . 964 Guarant'd Analysis Offic ial Analysis ... 'Wheat Shorts 965 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysi s ... H. Middlings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966 Guarant'd Analysis Offici a l Analy s i s . . . Hammond Dairy Feed 967 Guar a nt'd Analysis Offi cial Analysis . .. Mill F ee d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9G 8 !Gu ara nt'd Analysis Offi c i a l A naly s is ... l Boss Cho11 Feed . . . . . . . . . . 969 Guarant'd Analy sis Offi ci a l Analysi s ... Ballard ' s Sh ip s tuff . . . . . . . 970 Guar ::int' d Analy s is Official Analysis ... Dried lVIolasses B ee t Pu lp. . 97l!Guf!rnnt'd Analy s i s I j Ofli c iai Analysis .. . ' ..:
Pure Wheat Middlings Choice Bran .. . ......... . Excelsior Chop Feed Tlloroughbred Feed ..... . 972 Guarant'd Analysis 6. 00 Official Analysis... 5. 58 973 Guarant'cl Analysis 9. 50 Official Analysis... 10. 32 974 Guarant'd Analysis 11.00 Official Analysis. . . 10. 72 975 Guarant'd Analysis 6. 56 Official Analysis. . . 6 .13 16.041 lG.091 14.951 1G.5GI s. 00,1' 8.12 I 15.05 lG.54 G2 .4RI G3 .98J I G3.25i 50.521 GO. OOj GO.n 59.98 57.73 Dunlop Milling Co., 4. 30 4 .15 Clarksville, Tenn. 5. 35 ...... Hecker .Tones Jewell Milling 4. 74 5.89 Co., New York, N. Y. 3.50 ...... 1The Great Western Cereal Co., 3. 00 3. 10' Chicago, Ill 3. 34 ...... Lexington Roller Mills Co., 3. 30 5. 45 Lexington, Ky. Durham Br an cl Cotton 97G 1 Guarant'd Analysis . . . . . . 25. 75 ...... ; ...... Florida Cotton Oil Co., JacksonSeed Meal ..... ........ Official Analysis ... 17.56 2::i.71 3G.S5 5.51 4.551 ville, Fla. Purina Feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 977 Guarant'd Analysis 8. 90 12. 50 58. 00 4. 00 ...... Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis, Official Analysis... 9. 75 11. 41 58. SS 4 .12 3. 30 I l\lo. :3 Bran and Shorts . . . . . . . . . 978 Guarant'd Analysis 8. 00 14. 50 I 58. G2 I 4. 001 ...... iAtlanta :\Iilling Co., Atlanta, Official Analysis. . . 6 .13 lG. 72 57. 58 4 .121 4. 80 Ga. Pure Winter Wheat Mid979 Guarant'cl Analysis 4.20 lG.00 5G.00 4.201 ...... Edwardsville :C.Iilling Co., Eddlings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Official Analysis... 5.05 1G.G7 5S.47 4.S2; 4.09 wardsville, Ill. 9801 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis ... Daisy Dairy Feed ....... . Middlings .............. . Pure Wheat Shorts ...... . 981,Guarant'd Analysis \ Official Analysis ... 982I Guarant'd Analysis _ _ J()fficia_l Analysis .. _. _ 12.00 12.80 3.85 4.90 6.42 4.46 15.00 15.57 I G0.00 49.G2 3.00 ...... The Great Western Cereal Co., 2.55 6.92 Chicago, Ill. 16.121 57.38 6.05 ...... Charleston Milling Co., Charles1G.G7 59.27 4.05 4.01 ton, Mo. lG.00148. 1 00 4.00 ...... !Alabama Corn Mills Co., Mo19. 92~5_5_._9_8~_3_. 5_7~_3_._S_S~I _b_il_e_, _A_l_a_. _______ _
NAME, OR BRAND. OFFICIAL FEEDING STUFF ANALYSES, 1910-Continued. ----------------NAME AND ADDRESS OF MANUFACTURl!JRS. ~~ : h e:t ~iddling~ .-. ~ . : A-n~lys;s 1 ~ ~ 65 15 . 2 7 6~ ~ 1 ~ ; .-38\ ...... Cairo Milling Co., Cairo, Ill. I Official Analysis. . . 1. 65 14. 92 GS. 25 2. 25, 2 .12 . I Pure Wheat Bran ........ 984 Guarant'dAnalys1s 11.04 14.97 52.03 3.50 6.72 l\lillstadt Milling Co., M!llOfli c ialAnalysis ... 11.08 1 4. 92 53.10 3.24 6.96 stadt, Ill. Globe Gluten Feed . . . . . . . 985 Guarant'd Analysis ...... 24.0 0 5 1.00 2.50 . .... . Corn Products Refining Co ., I Offi c ial Analysis ... S.71 25.52 52.23 2 .41 1.99 !-
'.\'heat Middlings 991 Guarant'd Analysis I 8 . 001 17 . 00 50. 00 Official A naly s i s.. . 10. 52 I 16. S5 49. 0 5 I Choi ce Bran ....... . . ... . 992 Guarant'd Analy si s 9.50 1 14.95 53.2 5 Official An a ! r i s .. . 11 . 2 7 14. 4 8 51. t H ) I Pin e Leaf Middlin gs ..... j 993 Guarant'd Analy s is Official An a lysis .. . I Pur e Wh e at Brnn .. . ..... i 994 Guaraut'd Analy s is I Official Analysis . . . : I I 'Nh~at Middlings . . .... . . ! 9951Gu a rant'd Analysis 1 iOfficial Analysis . .. 1 / i I Sucr e ne Dairy F ee d . ..... j 996IGuaran t 'd Analys i s I I !Official Analysis .. . 1 I I I Pure Wheat Middlings ... . / 997/Guarant'd Analy si s/ I I Official Analy s is . . . / l Ground Corn and Oats ... / 99S Guarant'd Analysis! Official Analysis ... I Maiz e falfa F e ed ......... l 999 Guarant'd Analy s is\ Official Analysis ... 1 Purina Feed .. . .. . ....... \1000 Guarant'd Analysi s \ Official An a lysis ... / Cr e amo Dairy Feed ...... 1 1 1001\Guarant'd Analysi s! I !Official Analysis ... j I 6.10 1 6.03 15.75 57.9 5 17 . 2 5 55 . 56 I 9. 50 1 10.60 14. 5 0 50.00 14.92 51.6G I I lLOO I 17 . oo 50 . oo I 10.8 61 17. 20 48. 04 I 12.001 16.50 46.00 8.60 / 17 .S 1 49 .8! 1 I I 1.001 16.00 1 56.oo 10.001 16. 3 51 52.90 : I 5.80/ 10.751 4 . 65 / 10 . 7 5 1 11.00 \ 10.ool 11. :~ 51 10.441 : I 8 . 901 12 ... 0 1 9.921 11.G71 rn. 5 r ,\ 14. 50/ 24.83 j 14.: 15 1 i G5. 00! 64., 0 I GO. ()()I h9. 8 1 1 I hS .0 0 ; 59. 5 21 45 . oo/ 11. 65I 5.00 .. .... W . A. Coombs Milling Co. , Cold 4.9 8 5.00 Wat e r, l\Iich . 5. 35 ...... Hecker J o ne s Jewell Millin ;,; 4.;:, fl 6 . 22 C o ., J\;P w York . 4. 20 4 .10 Cairo Mlling Co. , Cairo , Ill. 4.45 5.14 4. 00 .. .... Liberty Mills. N as hvill e, Tenn. 0.,, 6 .82 I 5.00 A. Co o mbs Milling Co .. Cold 5.21 5.42 Water, Mich. 3.50 . . .... / Americ a n Milling Co., Chica g o , ~ 3.60 9.111 lll. 4.00 ..... . N a tional Feed Co., St. Louis , 4.93I 4.67 1 Mo. s. Hil ...... !Baker & Holmes Co., Jackson 5. G31 2. 301 vill e. Fla. ,i. 00 I ... ... / T he Gr e at West e rn Cereal Co . , 4.1"1 1.901 Chicago , Ill. 4. 0 0 I . .. ... ln.a lston Purin a Co., St. Loui s , 4. 1 3.03 1 Mo. I I 5 . 00 I . . . . . . I The C orno Mills Co., St. Loui s , 4.021 5.051 Mo. _ ___ _ __ _ __ _ _
OFFICIAL Fl~EDIXG ST1.7F l!' ANALYSES, 1910-Coutinued. i t,.; 'O , o ~,.; NA HE O AN .~ -g d ..c1 ro m , R BR D. I S 8 i "iii gJi ~z .o o rorn ; 1-4 I i:t ! 00 ..c:i rfJ < NA:\lIG AND ADDRESS OF -~ -l\1ANUF ACTUUERS . -----:---------' ,----Stafolife Feed ........... 1 1002 Guarant'd Analysisll 12. 75 1 111. 00 I 53. 00 6. 00 ...... Lawr ence & Hamilton Co., Official Analysis... 15. 48 10. 27 49 .15 5. 42 9. 32 New Orleans, La. I I Cotton Seed Meal ... . ..... 1003 Guarant'd Analysis' ...... j 38 . 52 ... ............... Florida Cotton Oil Co . , Jack Official Analysis ... 11.081 37.64 28.32 7.50 5.39 sonville, Fla. I I l!Jxcelsior Chop Feed ...... 11004 Guarant'd Analysis 11.00\ Official Analysis.. . 9. 85 j I Pure Wheat Middlings .... 1005 Guarant'd Analysis 7. 001 Official Analysis.. . 10 . .S9 I Pure Wheat Bran ......... 1006 Guarant'd Analysis 9. 50 1 Official Analysis... 8.211 t> . 00 8.34 16.00 17 .11 14. 50 14. G5 60.00 3.50 ...... 62.17 5.06 3 . 02 56.00 4.00 ...... 49.28 5.36 4.52 54.00 5.00j .... .. 53.49 4 . 03 6.13 The Great Western Cere al Co., Chicago, Ill. National Feed Co., St. L o uis, Mo. Tennessee Mill Co., Estill Spring s, Tenn. Cotton Seed Meal. . . ... .. 1007 Guarant'd Analysis .. .... 1 38. 62 .................. Mont e zuma Mfg-. Co., rvi o nteOfficial Analysis.. . 10. 52 38. 79 24. 38 7. 95 8. 23 zuma, Ga. i Cotton S ee d Mea l . . . ..... 100 8 Guarant'd Analysis . 1 . 3 . _. 8 . 7 .l Official Analysis ... Durham Brand, C. S. M ... 1009 Guarant'd Analysis . 2 . 1 . . 0 . 4 -J Official Ana lysis ... 3 8 . 62 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. Camilla Cotton Oil and F e rtili3 8 .17 24. 38 7. 08 I 5. 62 zer Co., Camilla, Ga. 25 . 75 .......... --1 .... . Florid a Cotton Oil Co., Jack25. 27 26.83! 8.05 2.92 sonville, Fla.
"Arab" Horse Feed ..... Jl0l0IGuarant'd Analysis I 15. 00/ 9. 001 59. 001 .., I Official Analysis.. . 11. 73 10. 271 69. 68 i Star Middlings .........• \io11\auarant ' dAnalysis 8.001 15.00 54.oo/ I !Official Analysis... 8.32J 16.50 5G.S0i ' I ' I Action Horse Feed ....... \10121Guarant ' d Analysis ..... I 11. 501 53. 60 I Official Analysis.. . 18. 90 I 14. 92 4 7. 59 I I I : I I Wheat Middlings ........ 1013iGuarant ' dAnalysis 8.501 H.501 45.001 I I Official Analysis.. . 8. 251 15. 09 J 53. 831 : I I Pure Wheat Middlings .... 1014 Guarant'dAnalysisl 6.18i 17.111 58.18J Official Analysis.. . 4. 9S I 17. 0:l i 59. 0G I Peck's Mule Feed ........ 1015 Guarant ' d Analysis 11. 90\ 10. ooJ 57. 001 Official Analysis.. . 14. 05 i 11. 351 51. 311 Blue Ribbon Feed ........ 1016l 1 G11 a rant ' d Anal ys is 10. 501 9. 75 62. 00 1 Official Analysis.. . 10. 91 I 9. 96 61. 70 2. 001 ...... IM. C. Peters Mill Co., Omaha, 2.38 4.521 Neb . I l 4. 001 ..... /Star and Crescent Milling Co., 5.541 2.47 1.,hicago, Ill. I I 4. 201 ...... \Commonw e alth Feed Mills Co., 3. 02 4. 65 St. Louis, Mo. 5.101 1 5.501Hubbard Milling Co., Mankato, 6.88\ 5.73il Minn. 4.411/George P. Plant Milling Co., 4.651 3.13I St. Louis, !\Io. 3 .'80 ...... /Illinois Feed Mills, St. Louis, 4.36 8.25) Mo. 3. 75 ...... Th e Quaker Oats Co. , Chicago , 2.58 4.10 Ill. Wh e at Bran ............. 1017 Gnarant ' d Anal y sis 10.00j 14.85 54.601 3.58 ...... Yates & Don e lson Co., M e mOfficial Analysis ... 7.65114.92 56.601 3.87 5.21 phis, T e nn. I I 9. 501 14. 50 52. 00\ 4. 00 ...... J. Allen Smith Co., Knoxville, 8.021 14.651 53.9 1 3.89 6.53 Tenn. i Cotton Seed Meal ......... 1019 Guarant ' d An a lysis ..... I 38. 62 ..... . ............ The Buckeye Cotton Oil Co., Official Analysis... 11. 761 38. 00 28. 77 6. 25 5. 40 Selma, Ala. Pure Wheat Bran ........ 1018 Guarant ' d Analysis Official Analysis ... i Cotton Seed Meal ........ 11020 Gu a rant'd Analysis ..... / 38. 62 . . . . . . . ..... The Southern Cotton Oil Co., Official Analysis ... 14.17 40.451 20.85 7.99 6.15 Pensacola, Fla. -----------~-~------.........
Schumacher Spec-ial Hors e [1021lnnarant'cl Analysis! F ee d ................. I I Official Analysis .. I Choic e Bran ............. ho22 Guarant'tl Analysis[ I Official Ana l ysis ... I I I Corna Horse & Mule F e e d j l02 :~ J Gu ~ r~nt ' d Ana~ysi s/1 j Official Analysi:; . . . i Hammond Dairy F e ed ... . 1024 Guar~nt'd Anal_~ si sj Official Analysis ... . I Wheat Bran ............ 1025 Gu a rant'd Analysis ! I Official Analysis ... j U-N-I. F~ed, "A" Grade .... \1026\Guarant'd Analysis[ I !Official Anrrlysis ... I I I I Ship Stuff ............... j l027 1 Guarnnt'd Analysis I I I Offici a l Analysis . .. I Purina Feed .... . ... . . . . . \102s!Guarant ' d Analysis I 1 I Offi c ial Ana l ysi s ... i "= I ~;..... ,\; . -Un; .-\.'\D ADDRESS OF .....: [/)_ ' &: -, r , -l I 8.00 1 ~ . 251 64.501 3.251 ...... jTh e Quakn Oats Co., Chicag , J, 7 . G6i 9. 3 91 66.92/ 2.70! 2.641 III. ' 9. s o i 11.Hi I I 12. 0 0 1 11.;;1 I ll .0 0 1 9 23 1 1:: so l 8.701 I 14.40! 11. 851 I 7 .001 6.981 I :u101 i 1. : r, 1 I I I I 14.951 53.25 1 5.35 : ...... 1 He c k e r-.T o n e s-Je'.\ell Millin g 15. 0 1 / 5 1.21 / 3.02 1 5.53 1 C o., N . w York. I I I I 111 . 00 i : )8.50/ 3.50 / ...... !Th <> C o mo J\ Iill s Co .. St. L o ui s . 0 10 .2 71 59.74 1 3.05i 3 .G 6\ l\I o. CF., 17.~0 1 I 5 0.00 3.00 ! / "'est 0 rn Grain Products C
Pure \Vheat Bran ......... /1029!G1:ar~nt'd Anal_ysisj I I Orficwl Analysis ... Bnn and Short s :\lix e' tl .. 1 111 :J f1 1 G1_1aram' I' Oat ~ . (' o .. C'hi c agn, 1;::.1;:-, i :L:-17 1 :J.11.~ 1 111. I Ii I . ,,1 I ' t_l I . ~-I !, I i , , I. 1111 ; ;)O. !"L\ I i .1.-1~ : .. . ... 1 1 ni1 e d (:ni < Pry l' o . . .Jacl -:~ on.~I, .J.17 1 Yill e . 1 1;1. I . 511 ...... 1 l ' nit, d (;i'()t,r_, C'11 .. .Jacl , ~on. ,. t I : 1. 5 5 ; ,i l l e. J'!a. I C it , :'dill :in,l Crain Co .. Co\um1 I.,';] ;,.j -J.l I li .:? ! : I i d :1 .. ()/ 1 ti. -to .110 , .J.3:; H,•ck , .fon, , .. J,,1, 1 i.:1~ •; Co . . ~1 _ \\ Y (l rl -: . i\Iillinc; I I 1 .110 . :, ~ . 00 1 ] -! . 1:: ' !d:J.:!'1 1 1,.s1 : , , -1 .-1, 1 G. 1 , , " S . .J !J ; I I -1.1111 1 . ':1 ,,...I .,. ' 1 Ii. 10 1 :: ) . . . 1. 1.. r h1nla '.\Tilling Co .. At !;1 n ta . I. !G I Ga . I I. G G 1 H e cl; ,r .Tone,• .frw (' ll :\Iillin ; .J . n~ Cn .. :\'c•\\ Yori, .
PAGE 100
UFFICLU. FEEnI',f; :STLTF :\N.-\LY:SI•::S. l!llO-Colltillued. I >, . I 8 8 I ..... ..01 f: SI ,.; o :; I (l) ~ZI ..0 ,~ NAME, OR BRAND. ---------. I 1 I --,Boss Feed .............. I 1040 1 Guarant'd Analysis 11. 00[ i Official Analysis. .. 11. G2 I Purina Feed ............. 1041\Guarant'clAnalysis 8.90[ 1 0 fficial Analysis. . . 9 .181 I . lG. 00 1 El Reno Alfalfa .......... 10421Guar:1-11t'd Analysis OffiC;Ial Analysis.. . 17. 70 Chamberlain's Perfect Feed 1043 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis ... Winter Wheat Middlings .. l0H Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis ... Soft ',\'heat Mixed Feed .. 1045 Guarant'u Analysis Official Analysis ... 6.00 3.401 7 .001 7.47 8.00 8.89 Pure Wheat Bran ....... . Acme Feed .. . .......... . 1046 Guarant'd Analysis 9. GO Official Analysis ... 1 10.00 1047 Guarant'd Analysis ..... . Official Analysis.. . 2. 52 't ..: i:l ..i:::1 ro ; C) bJJ +-' ;.... ' o .;3rn oi ..d NAME AND ADDRESS OF MANUFACTURERS. "' -< p:; rn i The Great western Cereal Co., 4. 58 Chicago, Ill. -T T-~ _I S.UUj G0.00 ~.b0 S.~Oi Gl.5G 4.12 12.30 1 58. 00 4. 00 ...... Ralston Purina Co., Si. Louis, 12.00 5G.00 12. 46 50.GS 10.Ull G0.00 9.G5 65.65 12.021 60.181 4.021 3.451 Mo. 2. 50 l ...... IE! Reno Alfalfa Milling Co .. f-' 2.50, 4.791 El Reno, Okla. g 3. 50 I ...... ',\", F. Chamberlain Feed Co., 2.88\ 6.301. St. Louis, Mo. 4.011 1 National Feed Co., St. Louis, 16.00 56 .00 4.90\ 4.961 ~Io. I , 4.001 ...... iHunter-Robinson-,Venz Millin;; 3.56; 5.57 Co., St. Louis, Mo. I 4.0U ...... Liberty Mills. Nashville, Tenn. lG.15 56.07 14. GO[ 35. 001 U.4UI 55.90 H.511 50.00 H.22 54.29 3.55 G.57 G.011 50.00 3. 00 ...... Valley Milling Co., St. Louis. 9 .Gi'il 71.781 2.901 1.631 1Io.
PAGE 101
wheat Bran ......... . ... !101S'Guarant'd Analysis . i(l: 961 14.30\ G5.20\ 3.:i51 ...... \Bernett. Craft & Kauffman Stafolif e Feed Offici a l Analysis ... 1049 Guarant ' d Analysis Official Analysis ... 12.75 10.93 l'ooli e d Horse Feed ...... 1050 Guarant'd Analysis 10. 00 Official Analysis. . . 7 .19 Cotton Se ed Meal, Fcrest 1051 Guar ant'd Analysis City Brand . . . . . . . . . . . . Offici a l Analysis... 18 .18 15 .1S 51. 69 4. :35 I G. 50 Milling Co., St. Louis, Mo. I 11.001 5:L00I ~-1:u\ .... ;., r,aw rencc_& Hami'.ton F eed Co., L0. 0 15 ! 5::i.421 ,J_.,l S. ,S New O1leans, L,1. I ll.50 J 60.76 5.-18 1 ...... Nashville Feed Co., Na s hville, 11.50160 .US 3.751 G.33 Tenn. 23. 00 30 . 00 I 4. 50 ...... The South ern Cotton Oil Co., 23.0Si 3-1.9,j 6.14 4.93 Savannah, Ga. Cot.ton Seed Meal . . .. .... , 1052 Guarant'd Analysis 3S. 62 J 1 _ ... .. 1 ..... .. .... . I Centra l Oil and l"ertilizer Co., I Offi~ial~nal~sis .. _. S.40i 3S.70 30.13! S .4:3 6.10 Corde l e. Ga. Colton Se e d Meal. ....... 1 1000 I Guarant d Aiul} sis ...... : :38.62 i ...... ! . . . . . . :\IcCaw Manufactming Co., ;vrn,>::: I !Officia!Anal~sis ... 12.s:: J5.6S 0 I 21.26: 7.11 1 G. I~ con, Ga. ;; I I I i i Cotton Seed IIIE-al. . . . . 1 n:;.;rauarant '<1 Anc1.lysis 1 ; :;s. 62: ...... i .......... .. Americus Oil Co . , Americus, I \ offici a l Analy,i~ ... ll.8l 1 :\,.91' ! :2!J . G: , : 1 t, .. l(i 5.30 i Ga . I I ! i Whit e Shorts .. .... . .... / 105fi ; Guarant ' dAnalvsi s 5.70 1 1,.:n : ,,-1.4-1 1 G.111 1 -1 .55 J Hecker-Jo n es -J p well ivlilling1 ! Official Aualysis... G.42 : lli.,6 1 :i5.-10\ -!.1 s1 1 5_ , 19\ Co., New York. N. Y. \\'int er'iVheat Fancy Shorts! 1056 1 ]Guarant'd Analysis 3. 90 I 11>. 36f 62. GGI I -1. :;ol 3 .15 :Akin-Erskin e :\filling Co., EvI Offi cial Ana lysis.. . 5.40 1 l1i.501 5-1. 72 4. 2G 7.52 1 ans vill e, IndAlla Fat Horse Feed ...... 1057 Guarant ' d Analysis 10 . 50 12. 00/ 61. 96/I 3. 7:,, 1 .... •. II Just l\Iilling and Feed Co., OfficialAnalysis. .. 9.46 1 13.51 57.31 :J.2!J 4.44/ Nashville, T e nn. Cotton S ee d :Meal ....... . 105S Guarant'cl Analysis 12. ool :is. r,2 : 1 2::. on/ r,. 00 11 ...... ! Keeton-Krneg e r Co.. Atlanta I IOfficialAnalysis ... j 9.lGI 40.G:3j 29.201 7.141 5 _631 _ Ga. _______ _ ------------------~--~---
PAGE 102
OFFICTA L FEEDI:-G STlTF A:-. \.L1 ~E~. 18l0 -Co 11ti1111cd. .\:Al\IE. OR HHA.\:0. l'nl' P \\'heat B ran. [ I i '105!1:(;11 :ir, m1,1 .\.n al,sis ' , (H t i<"ial . -\ nal ysis ... ; . . 1111 ;11 uuan11n,1 An a l y sis : . , O ffi c ial A11 a l_ 1s i s . . g. :c Y.. 'fl I 9.:,o 1 ! .S(I : -,::..011 !i.-t:! .' ]:). 11 1 , ;,., . ! !] i 1;. 110 , .)O. !HI :3 . ~, . ~ . :"' : 1 ' 71 . "1 1 I S iH 'l'E' l1 E' ' ee cl nn
PAGE 103
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE-DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. FOOD AND DRUGS SECTION. I'. . E. RosE, State Chemist. SPECIAL FOOD ANALYSES, 1010. A. M. HE:-RY, Asst. Chemist. Samples Taken by Purchaser Under S ec tion 10, Act Approved June 7, 1909. ALCOHvLIC DIHNI(S. ;(..\..\IE. OR BrL \c\D . . I '..:lG!Wh ite Top ......... .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 The Capitol Br e wi ng nnd Ice I i Co .. i\Iontgom e ry, Ala. 317 1 Dukehart's l\Ialt Tonic ........ .. ' onkehart ..\Jannfa ct nring Co., , Baltimor e , :.lll. :ns 1: cicter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 320 ! Beer ......... . . . .............. . I 321 lWhite Top .... ... . . . ....... .... The Cavitol Brewing and Ice , r Co, l\Iontgom o ry, Ala. 322 !White Top .... . ............ . .. , !The capitol Br e wing and Ice j Co., l\Iontgom er y, Ala. 3 23 \ Beer .......................... / ................ . . ....... . 33 4 j White Top . . ................... JThe Capitol Brewing and I ce I ' I Co., Montgomery, Ala. I ----------FRO..\l. I 4.87 1 C. F. Prevatt. Ki ss immee, Sheriff of i O ,-< eo l a Co un t y . 8 .... . .. ; \V. E . D e nn a rd , Lake City , Sheriff of i Co lumbi a County. 5.87 / K D. W e b s ter , DeFuniak Springs, Depu ty Sh e riff of Walton County. 2. 77 i R. T. Butl e r _ . Kissimmee. I 5.02 :R. T. Butler, Kissimmee. I 3. 03 :c. I~. Prevatt, Kissimmee, Sheriff of I O s~e ola County . 2. 33 j C. F. Pr e vatt, Kissimmee, Sheriff of 1 OsP eo la County 4. 86 ! C F. Pr e vat t, Kissimmee, Sheriff of i Osceola C o unty .
PAGE 104
SPECIAL FOOD ANALYSES, 1910-ALCOHOLIC DRINKS.-Contlnued. >, .... .... 0 Q) -+->..O f: s 0 ::l ~z ....:i NAME , OR BRAND. MANUPACTURER. 326 Tempero, less than 2 per cent. Standard Brewing Co., New Alcohol. Orleans, La. 327 Cider ........... . ............. l . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . I 328 White Top, !em than 2 per cent. The Capitol Brewing and Ice Alcohol. Co., Montgomery, Ala. 3 29 Georgia Home Beer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 330 I Florida Bud, le s s than 2 per cent. The Florida Brewing Co., i Alcohol. Tampa, Fla. I 334 1 White Top-less than 2 % alcohol The Capitol Brewing & Ice Co ., I Montgomery, Ala. 335jBe e r, "No. l.".................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ........ . 336/Beer "No. 2 ." . .. . . ... . ......... . ............ . . I . . . . . ... ... . . _\ 337\Tonlc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... I PROM. ;.95JR. T. Butler, ~lsslmmee. 5.09 Lee Hux, Eustis, Marshal. 3.03 W . S. Preston, Bartow, County Judge of Polk County. I 3.42 E . H. Waters, Gainesville. 2.02 "IV . S. Pre s ton, Bartow, County Judge of Polk County. 5.30 . W . Moore, Jr . , Milligan. 3. 85 J. P. Brown, Titusville, Sheriff of Bre vard County . 4.96,J . P . Brown, Titusville, Sheriff of Bre• vard County. 0. 84 IJames S. G e e, Quincy. Marshall of Quincy. I-" 0 II'
PAGE 105
338 White Top-Jess than 2% alcohol j The Capitol Brewing & Ice Co., I Montgomery, Ala. 3:!li White Top-J e ss than 2% alcohol The Capitol Br e wing & Ice Co., I Montgomery, Ala . 340 Whit e Top-l e ss Hrnn 2% alcohol T h e Capitol Br e wing & Ic e Co., J\ font go m e r y , Ala . 341 Whit e Top-Jess than 2% a l c oholl T he Capitol Br e wing & Ic e Co. , Mont gome ry , Al a . I 3 42 j Cha t t . -1 71-l u 0 ',o a l co hol. . . ..... C h a ttan o o g a Br e w i ng Co . ... . I 34 3 1Loui s i a na Gold e n G e m s ... . .. . ... NP W Orl ea ns Brewin g Co., l\ e w Orl e an s , La . 3 4 4 Loui s i a na Golden Gems .... . .... N e w O r l e ans Brewin g Co. , Ne w O r l e an s, La. 3 4 5 Uncl e' s Spe ci al-le ss than 2 % alN e w O r l e ans Brewing Co .. coho!. New Orl e ans, L a . N e w Orl e an s, L a. 3 4 6 Louisi a na Golden G e m s .......... N e w Orl e ans Brewing Co., 3 47 A B e v e rage . .. ... . . . ........... . j ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . I 5 . 62 A . D . Burnes, Graceville, Marshall of Graceville. 5 . 54 Paul Carter, Marianna. I I 5. 5'1 I Paul Carter, Marianna. I 1 .., 5. 5 11 . a u! C a rter, Marianna. 2. 3 3 T. L. M c Intosh, Graceville. 2. 2 3 F . F. Pelt, Chipley. 1. 96 A. D. C a rmich ae l, Chipl e y. 1. 72 Paul C a rter, M a riann a. 2. 23 Paul Carter, Marianna. 3 . 70 J. P. S . Hou s ton , Tall a h as s e e . . Sheriff of Leon County. : i~S l "Ac me " _ M a lt a le .. .. ..... . ..... , I A cme !J re win_~ ~ o .. _M_a_c_o_n_,_G_a . ~_3_. _ 8_3~J_._L_._D_ a _v_i_d_so_n_ , _Q_u_i_n_ c _ y _. ____ _ 0 Ol
PAGE 106
SPECIAL FOOD ANALYSES, ALCOHOLIC DRINKS-Continued. I I NAME, OR BRAND. ::"'9,Beer .......... . I ;j50 i Georgia Honie Betr. I I ::51 White Top-1ess than 2, 1 ; ::52 i \\'hite Top-less than I ;;5;; \\'hite Top-less than i I :::;~, \\'hite Top-lc•ss than ! :;::;51 \\'hitP Top-less than I I .... /.\cmc llrewing Co., :\I.aeon, Ga. 1 .. .. ........... .. ........ I I I alcohnl\Tlw Capitol Brewing & lee Co .. ~.lon1;:;01112r\ _.\ht 1 I . . .. .. . ! aleohol\Tlw Capitol Drewing & lee Co .. l i :\lontgomer:-. Ala. 1 I I alcohol.Tlw Capitol Bre,Ying & Ice Co .. I .\lL111u.omitol Brewing & lee Co .. , 'llontgomen. Aln. j l<'lWl\I. :,.'i'l,.J. I i)ayi
PAGE 107
::c,1; ' \\'hit e T op l0s s t h : rn ~,; :i l cohol ' Tlw C, qiitol] lr Pw i 11 ; & J ee Co. , : I '.\lont go n wr_, . , \ l a. I ""' 11 : hitl' Tup-k ss tha n ~, , ; ::i lcol1nl 1 T11,. Capilol llr e 11 iil ; & I<-e Co . . 1 I :\1011t;u1110 , n , \b . I i , . . I ::,-,~ \\'hi tr , Top Jes s t h,~n ~, ; 8 1coll ol\ TL,• Ca pi1ol ll1 1 in; & TCP Co . ,! I :'l: 1J lll ,;0; 11 <.'J'_1 , . \la . I I I ::: ,i, \\ "hite T oples s t han :l '_; , a l cohol The• Ca pi t ol 1 :r , '.1:11; & TcP Cn .. J I .ll<11 1 l _; Oll! P J' ) ' . Al,1. 1 I i 311 11 Dn esse l r St) l t> B C'N ...... . . ' [ndianapoli s H r l'll'i n :.: l'o .. In I j dia napo li s. Ind. I ! ' ::1;1 B PE'J' '' . . .... . . . . ' . ' . . . . ' . . . . ' : : !G:t B oe r ... .. . . . .... . ... . .. . . . . . . . . : . . I ;,_ 11 11 , . Jol rn .J. \\' ar, l. T' nnan1a ('it_, . ::. 111 .I. I( S: rndli n. Punta c:ol'll.1. I . ,, , , < '. 0. Amlr e ws . DcF m1ial ; Count) Jud ge or 1 1a1ton I S prin gs, c, rnn t)', I . , , 11 , I '. ( ; , Tiam sa) , Ga in e, Yill P. S lwriff ol' A l ,;c hua Cou nt:-. I . ~ ; . P. t}. llan1 ~ar. Gai ll es r ill1 •. S hPriff o[ Al ach ua Co nnty_ -, ::. 17 I'. (}_ Ham sa:-. (,aill PS \'ilh •. S lwriff of , , \l ac hna ('011 11! ). I ::.:; :, I'. (} . Tl,,m sa:. <:aiJ lC',,v ill<'. S lwri1't' or I I AJ;1 c lrn a Conni). l. !1~ 1 \\'. E. Denn ar d. Ln J ; p Ci 1_1 . S lwriff o r C'olnmhia Cou nt ) .
PAGE 108
SPE C TAL FOOD ANALYSES, 1910C ontinued . MISCELLANEOUS. _ N _o--,c. 1: _ _ ~~~ME, OR BRAND ... I _ RESUL~-~~ ~ X ~ A~I~ ~ ;;o ~ . _) _ _ ~~~ = I 311 Sweet Potato Flour ............. Water (p e r cent.) . .. ....... . Crude Fib e r (per cent.) . . . . . . Ash ( per c ent.) .. ... ..... .. . Protein (per cent.) ..... . . . . . Fat (per cent.) ........... . . Starch (per cent.) . ...... . . . Undetermined ( r:; . er c ent.! .. . 312 Cassava Flour ................ . Water (per cent.) .. .. .... . . Crude Fiber (per cent.) .... . . Ash (per cent.) . . ........ . . . ProtNu (per cent.) .... . !Fat (per cent.) . . . . . . . .... . ! Starch (p e r cent . ) . .. . .. . . . . TJnclr,termined (per c ent.) .. . . 314 Milk .......... . ............... . Total Sc! . 'd s {per cent.) ... .. . Fat . pe t c ent.) .. . ...... . .. . Solids Not Fat (per c ent.) . . . 8.23 A . F. Spawn, Fernandina. 1.92 1.99 1. 75 0.57 58.20 27.34 8.50 1 A. F. Spawn, Fernandina. 1.601 1.301 1.63J 0.46 1 69 .331 17.18 4.85 1 H. W. Smith , Punta Gorda. 1.00 3. 85 . I-' C 00
PAGE 109
319 Detroit Special Table Salt. ...... Water (per cent.) ............ . Chlorids, as Sodium Chlorid (per cent.) Bicarbonates, as Sodium Bi carbonate (per cent.) 0.lllC. M. Puddy & Co., Palatka. 97.32 2.691 I I 325IMilk ........................... Fat (per cent.)............... 2.601Dr. J.E. Pennington, Wellborn. 3311Sugar ........................... Ash tper cent.) ............... 0.0055!B. J. Boodleson, Laurel Hill. Fuller's Earth ............... Absent. j I 332 Artificial Vanilla Extract ....... Specific gravity at 15 C ..... 1.03125 1 1._onsolidated Grocery Co., Pensacola. Alcohol (percent by vol.) .... 17.G0 i Vanillin (per cent) ........... 0. 564 I Coumarin .............. . .... Absent Resins ..................... Trace. Coloring matter ............. Caramel. Lead acetate precipitak ..... Slight. 364 Base for Imitation Cider ........ Alcohol (per cent by vol.) ..... 7. 57 366 Sirup ........................... Sucrose (per cent.) ........... 48.11 I Glucose polarizing at 175 V J~ ~~--------(per cent) ................. 4.60 Leon Fruto Co., Tallahassee. t S. rnshong, >'oct M '""' -------
PAGE 110
t>FFi< . 1 . \1. l-'tlill> .\\". \L Y~;l :~. 1:1 111 <'n11li1111etl CONFECTIONERY. In the langua ge of the Pur e Fo o d and Dru gs Law of Florid a co nf ec tioner y is d eemed to be adult er :,,ted "If it con tains terra a lba , bar ytes, ta l c , chrome ye llow or other min e ral s ub sta nc e or poisonous co l o r or fl avo r , or other in gr e dients d e l eter i o u s or d e t rim e ntal to h ea lth, or any vino u s, malt. or spirituous liquor, o r compound or narcotic dr u g. " The standard for conf e ction e ry is : Camly is a produc t mad e from a saccharine substance or s ubst a nces with or without t.h e add ition of harmless coloring, flavoring, or filling mat e r ials and contains no terr a a lba , barytes, talc, chrom e yellow , or other mineral sub stances, or poisonous colors or fla v o rs , or other ingr ed i ents d e l et e rious or detrimen ta l to h e a l th, or auy vinous, malt or spirituous liquor or compound, o r narcotic drug. LABEL. R ETA ILER. I Ash I [ P e r [ I Cent. [ CO L OR. REMARKS. 40~:r~~l-~ySu c k ~ rs . .. . .. . ... .. . ,;ampa -~a:~ y Co ~ T~m;a . ... ... . l O. 22 / cochin e a l. .. ~~~\ Legal. 401-B[Cocoanut Ha ystacks . .......... jTampa Cand y Co., Tampa .... .. .. .. J 0. 58 /v eg e t ab l e . . . .. .. i Le g al. 401-C _I/Ho n ey Kiss es, Tibbetts Bros. , I Tampa Candy Co., Ta.mpa . . ... ...... I O. 27 / veg e tabl e ....... keg al. Ta.mpa , Florida. j 402-A[Jelly Beans ......... . .. .. . ... S. H. Kress & Co., T a.mpa. ........... 0.20 1Coal tar dye ... Legal. 402-B\Eclipse Jelly Drop s ... .. . . . . ... S. H. Kress & Co .. Tamp a . .... ....... 0.20 /c oa l tar d y e ... Legal. 402-c\Queen Creams ... .. ..... .. .... S. H. Kr es s & Co., Tamp a ... ....... 0.12 Coal tar dy e .. . Legal. 40 2Dl [ Peppermint Lo ze n g e s .... . ... S. H. Kress & Co., T a mp a . . . ....... \ 0.09 None .......... [ Legal.
PAGE 111
40 2 -FJ/ W in te r gree n ... ... . . . _ . . .. ... . S . H . Kr ess & Co. , Ta m pa . . . . . . . . _ . . 4 26A I Sticl , Ca n d y .... .. . ... . .... . . . E . J . S m ith C o ., .Jac kso n ville .. .. _ .. _ . 0 .05 ! Coa l ta r dye .. . lL ega l . T race Coa l ta r d ye .. . L ega l. 42 6B Pe p pe rm i nt Ca i rns . . ... .. .. ... E . J. S m it h C o., Ja cksonv ill e .. . . ... . I 42 6C B utt e r Cu p s .. . ... ... . . . . . . jE. J . Sm it h Co ., J acks o nv i ue ..... .. -1 1 Coa l I Tr ace ta r dye ... ! L eg al. I 0 .4 1 Coal ta r dye .. !L eg a l. 42 6DIP e anut Butt er Ki ss es_ . . _ . .... K J. I 4 26E!Smi th 's M e n to pin e Co ug h D ro ps E. J. S m ith C o. , J acl rn on v ille .. .. .. .. . S m ith Co. , J ack so nv ill e . .. .. .. . 0 .97 Coa l tar dye . .. Lega l. 0 .04 C0a l ta r dy e . .. L ega l I 4 2 7 A!Stick Candy .... .. ............ jVan. D e man & L e wi s Co ., Ja c ksonvill e 4 2 7-Bb a p Coc cia nut ... . .... . .. . ..... I Van Deman & L e wi s Co., Jacksonvill e I 0 .52 Co al ta r dye . .. \ L eg al . I 0. 3 3 C o al ta r d ye . . . I L eg al. I I I 4 27C I M!x e d C a ndy ... . ............. V a n Deman & Lewis Co. , Jacksonvill e I 427 D i' N ove lty Whi s tle s .... . ... . .... V a n D e man ,~ L e wi s C o. , Ja ckso nvill e I 4 27-EIM in t Balls .. .... . ... . ... . . . . . . Van D e man & L ew i s C o., Ja c lrsonvlll el I I 0.17 ! Co al ta r dye . . . ! Le gal I 0.11 Co al ta r dye . . . ! L eg al. 0. 05 Co al tar dye ... !L eg al. ~
PAGE 112
OFFICIAL FOOD ANALYSES, 1910-Continued. MISCELLANEOUS. No) N ame, or Brand. / Manufactur e r. Retailer. Result s. Remarks. 3~7 -D~~~e~i ~n -~: n~ ;e 11~ Ri c~a:-~ s: n ~u ., H: lmes Dn:g Co.,T~1~1Anat;o dissolved in a veg e ta1 Legal. Butter Col or.. . . . Bur lington, Vt. lahass ee . ble oil. I 428 I Lucky Strike Fresh Sav a nnah Coffee Co .. Live Oak Grocery Co. ,j Moisture (pe r c e nt) ..... 10 . :j 7 1 Legal. jRoasted Coffee.... Savannah, Ga. Live Oak. Fat (per ce nt) .......... 8. S5 I Ash ( per cent) ......... 4. 04 --No adulteration dete cted by microscopic examination.
PAGE 113
'\f' DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE-DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. R. E. ROSE, State Chemist. FOOD AND DRUG SECTION. A. M. HENRY, Assistant Chemist. Samples Taken by State Inspector Under Section 9, Act Approved June 3 , 1907. ,.; . Q) ,Q ffl z BRAND. MANUFACTURER, OR WHOLESALER. OFFICIAL FOOD ANALYSIS, 1910, BUTTER AND BUTTER SUBSTITUTES. RETAILER. I I I 317 Clover Bloom Butter .... .. . . .... . ' Armour & Co . , Tampa, Fla ... . . . .... \C. M . Weeks, Lakeland .. ... .. . .. .. . . 1 1 2. 82 318Brookfield Extra CreameryB\J.tterSwift & Co., Tampa, F!a ... , ........ ,C. M. Week s , Lakeland ......... . .. . 14. 3 9 319 Butter ............... .... . . .. . .. J. J. Caylor & Sons, Varnells, Ga ... i J. C. Griffin, Lakeland .............. 14 . 58 i 320 Clover Leaf Brand Fancy Cr e amw. P. Pillans & Co., Lakeland, Fla ... J. C. Griffin, Lak e land. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. 50 ery. Butter. 321 I. D. L. Best Creamery Butter . . . . Williams & Moorhouse, Tampa, Fla .. W. J. Sutton, Lakeland. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . 21 322 "4 Crown" Butter .. .. ...... . . . .. Elgin Butter Co., of Fla. , Jacksonville, W. J. Reddick , Lakeland. . . . . . . . . . . . 16 . 4 9 Fla. 323 Swastika Brand Butter .. ........ Swift & Co., Tampa , Fla ..... . .. . .... Ball Grocery Co. , Tamp a .... . ... . . . I 1 5 . 00 . I 324 B a ll ' s "Cream" Fancy Butter ... . j Williams & Moorhouse, Tampa , Fla .. Ball Grocery Co ., Tampa . .. . .. .. . .. 1 3. 66 325 1 S . J . Drawdy's Fox River Fancy Fox River Butt r Co . , Aurora, Ill .. . . S. J. Drawdy, Tampa ... .. . . ....... . I 1 3. 56 Creamery Butter. 326 Creamery Butter ... . ..... . ...... Cudahy Packing Co . , South Omaha, Cudahy Packing Co . , Tampa......... 10.98 Neb. 327 Mickler's Fifth Avenue Creamery Fox River Butter Co. , Aurora, Ill .... J. R. Mickler , Tampa................ 11.67 Butter. 328 Butter ................... .. ... ,DeJournett & Co., Calhoun , Ga ....... Crenshaw Bros. , Tampa ............. 16.21 32 9 Renovated Butter ......... . . . . ; . : Swift & Co., Tampa, Fla . . . ......... Ball Grocery Co. , Tampa. . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 6 5 I 3 30 Di a mond X Butter .. ...... .. . ... j J . H. McLaurin & Co. , Jacksonville, L. P. McCulley, Sanford ............ 12 . 96 I Fla . 331 Butte r . .... . . . . . . . .. .. .. , .. ." . . . . 1 L. K. Riley, Jacksonville , Fla .. . .... H. H. Hill, Sanford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 . 58 3 32 M e adow-Gold Butt e r .. .... . ... .. ! VanDeman Lewis Co. , Jacksonville , Sanford Grocery Co . , Sanford .. . . .... 15 . 68 j Fla . 3 3 3 \Butter .... . .... .. . .... ... . .. .. .. . . .. . . .... .. ... . ..... ... . . .. .. . . .... 1 E. VanOrsdall & Co., Daytona ........ 10.17 I 3 34/ I Monogram Cream e ry Butter .... .. Elgin Butter Co. of Fla. , Jacksonville,IL. G. Lyman , Daytona ............... j 5. 05 Fla. 335\Butter ...... .................... E. W. Perry, Hendersonville, N. C ... Gay Brothers, Palatka ............... 10. 8 1 336 / Monogram Creamery Butter ...... Kingan & Co., Jacksonville, Fla ...... Eugene Masters, St. Augustine...... 12. 76 A 'al Q)
PAGE 114
-,,' OFFICIAL FOOD ANALYSIS, 1910.-Contlnued. BUTTER AND BUTTER SUBSTITUTES.-Conth .. ued. BRAND. MANUFACTURER, OR WHOLESALER. RETAILER. 343 Sumner's 4X Creamery Butter •.. W. P. Sumner Co., Jacksonville, Fla. .. S. S~ Averitt, Jacksonville ........... 13.41 344 Strictly Fancy Creamery Crown Marx Brothers, Jacksonville ......... W. R. Parnell, Jacksonvllle.......... 16.00 Brand Butter. 345 Prize Elgin Butter .••............ R.H. Peck, New York, N. Y ........ 1J. N. King, Fernandina .............. 10.25 l 346Blue Ribbon Brand Superior But-V. Lopez & Co., New York, N. Y ..... ' J. R. Reed, Fernandina .............. 26.74 ter. 347 Royalton Butter ...•............ Smith, Richardson & Conroy, JacksonGeorge Lewis, Jacksonville.......... 11.67 ville, lt'la. 348 Butter ......................... Davis, Richardson & Barnette, Dalton, George Wolf, Live Oak.............. 13.42 Ga. 349 Blue Grass Butter ................ W. B. Johnson & Co., Jacksonville, 1 S. P. Mays, Live Oak .............. 13.72 Fla. ' 350 Goldenrod Brand Pure Creamery James Rowland & Co., New York,IH. A. Blackburn, Live Oak.......... 8.04 Butter. N. Y. 351 Butter .......................... DeJournette & Co., Calhoun, Ga .... W. H. Slaughter, Perry ......... .. ... 15.61 352 Butter .... . ............. ... ... .. Quitman Grocery Co. , Quitman , Ga .. W. H . Slaughter, Perry . .. ... ........ 15.32 353 Butter .......................... Stone Produce Co., Dalton, Ga ...... . ,Vereen & Crews, Perry ... . ....... ... 11.39 354 Butter .......................... I Sterling Butter Co., Aurora, Ill ....... S. H. Peacock, Perry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. 82 i i 355 Peerless Brand Fancy Creamery Kingan & Co., Jacksonville , Fla ...... \W. E. Dean, Monticello .............. 14.36 Butter. I 356 Special Creamery Butter ......... R. C. Williams & Co., New York, ,'II. Y.\G. C. McCall, Monticello. . . . . . . . . . . . 13. 51 358 Process Butter ................. Armour & Co., Jacksonville, Fla .... 0. P. Rhoad, Apalachicola........... 19.87 359 Extra Bouquet Creamery Butter .. Russell Crego & Son, New York, N. Y. J. P. Hickey, Apalachicola .......... i2.45 360 Process Butter ................. Swift & Co., Jacksonville, Fla ........ C . H. M;einscher, Quincy .... . ...... . l 361 Oleomargarine .... . ............. Smith , Richardson & Conroy, JacksonR. C. Stearns, Quincy ...... . ... ... . I ville, Fla. , 362 Butter ......................... 1 M. H. Johnson, Tallahassee, Fla ..... Love & Hearin Co., Quincy ... ...... 1 363 Meadow Brook Strictly Pure\ J. H. McLaurin & Co. , Jacksonville, Brumby & Co., Quincy .............. 1 Process Butter. Fla. I 364 Renovated Butter ............... Swift & vo., Pensacola, Fla ........ I Hoyt Bros. & Co., Pensacola ........ . 365 Swift's Premium Oleomargarine .. Swift & Co., Fort Worth, Texas ..... A. McD. Moyer, Pensacola ......... . 366 Four-Leaf Clover Creamery But-I Lewis Bros. & Co., New Orleans, La .. Will L. Moyer, Pensacola ........... . ter. I i I 367 Butter ................. .. . . ..... Lewis Bear Co., Pensacola, Fla .. .. .. JJ.i.. H. Jackson, DeFuniak Springs ... I 368 Butter .......................... A . S. Wells, Tallahassee, Fla ........ I Randolph & Fenn, Tallahassee ....... i I 369 Butter .... .. ................... . A. P. McCaskill, Tallahassee, Fla .... P. T. Mickler, Tallahassee .......... I I 370 Butter .......................... H. P. Smith, Tallahassee, Fla ........ VanBrunt & Demilly, Tallahassee ... j 601 Butter ......................... . R. Bradford, Tallahassee, Fla ........ Randolph & Fenn, Tallahassee ..•... I I 13.83 10.75 9.63 13.33 12.42 8.72 13.55 12.16 9.83 13.22 16.00 11.95 1.13 1.08 0.83 1.28 1.04 1.81 0.89 0.76 1.93 2.19 2.52 1.49 1.24 1.30 2.13 1.10 1.38 1.69 1.26 1.78 1.48 1.00 1.05 0.73 0.60 1.13 1.70 1.60 1.87 83.58 1.'86 81.06 1.4607 28.44 2.12 86.80 1.4616 23.99 6.04 65.94 1.4607 25.55 1.51 85.78 1.4616 26.21 2.78 82.08 1.4609 20.02 3.26 82.12 1.4612 27.89 1.02 90.17 1.4618 22.62 5.54 77 .oo 1.460'& 22.52 1 . 70 . 80.80 1.4607 20.69 3.04 83.05 1.4607 19.85 2.37 85.32 1.4603 28.80 4.21 80.20 1.4615 24.05 1.31 83.88 1.4613 26.67 4.80 72.20 1.4609 25.35 2.32 84.13 3.44 2.'87 8 . 67 3.36 3 . 56 1.31 3.10 3.67 8.38 81.34 84.76 80.75 81.53 83.04 88.96 82.30 83.44 81.64 I 1.4612 l 29.18 1.4607 1.4639 1.4603 1.4608 1.4610 1.4641 1.4607 1.4608 I 1.46121 27 . 30 2.66 26.91 25.40 26.13 5.76 27.53 26.37 20.80 1.62 84.03 11.4607 28.11 1.18 81.12 1.4600 22.11 2. 90 83. 55 1.4598 27. 89 Azo Dye Azo Dye Azo Dye ......... .... Foams \ Foams I Foams I \ Foams Foams Foams Foams \ Foams \ Foams \ Foams Foams Foams Legal . Legal . Legal. •Illegal. Legal. Legal. Legal. Legal. •Illegal. Legal. Legal. Legal. Legal. \ Foams Legal. \Sputters •Illegal. \ Foams Legal . \Sputters Legal. \Sputters Leg i. 1. \ Foams Legal. JSputters Legal. I !'Sputters Legal. I \Sputters Legal. \ Foams Legal. Foams Legal. Foams Legal. \ Foams Legal . I Foams Legal. 1 II Foams \ Legal.
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DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE-DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. 'f R. E . ROSE, State Chemist. FOOD AND DRUG SECTION. A. l\L HENRY, Assistant Chemist. t:d S ampl e s T a ken by Purcha se r Und e r Se e: Uuu 1 0 , Act Approv e d June 7, HI09 . SPECIAL DRUG ANALYSES, 1910. MISCELLA N EOUS. SUBSTANCE. RESULTS OF EXAMINATION. ~--------, I 313 Powd e r from Pocket of a Bur g larl:\Iorphine Sulfat e ........ . ......... \ A. 315 Skin Lotion, Mrs. L. M e ndo z a .. ! A mixture of zinc oxi < l c and alumlnulll ! F. i hydroxid in a perfumed water. I i ! 3::rn South Florida Blood Purifier, H.iSpecific gravity a t 15 C ...... 1.OO4 0 7.J. S. Silas M e dical Co ._ . Ki ss iml Alcoh o l (p e r c e n t ll y vo l.) ..... . B. 8O rn e e, Fla. I T o tal s olid s (11 e r c e nt ) .. ... ... :l . 7 8 !A s h (per c e nt) ...... . .... . .... 0. 25 i A mixtur e of s irup of ferrou s iodide , I fluid e xtract of stillingia, a s arsap a 1 rilla prepa r ati o n . and w a ter. ------l\Ic C arty, Tallahas see . Al e m a n. Tampa . '\V. Luter, Ki ss imm ee .
PAGE 116
114 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE-DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. R. E. RosE,. State Chemist. .\.. ~1. HE:-;RY, Asst. Chemist. FOOD .'I.ND DRUG SECTION. SalllJJles 'l'aken by State Inspector Under Section 9, Act ApproveJ June 3, 1907. OFFICIAL DRUGS ANALYSES, 1910. Standards for drugs are, by the Pure Food and Drugs Law, bascu on the requirements of the United. States Pharmacopccia anu the National Formulary. What the United States Pharmacopreia and National Formulary are: For the information of those who are not physicians nor pharmacists, it should be explained that, as will be apparent on a llloment's thought, it was, quite early in the systematizing of medi c ine , found necessary to have standards of strength for the drugs administered, and convenient to have, likewise, a list of d1,ugs which had approved themselves by their usefulness under long-con tinued trial. 'l'hese considerations have impelled the people of every civilized country to adopt such a list of official drugs, witll standards of pmity and strength therefor. 'l'llese lists are supposed to contain praetically all sucll drugs that a physician may in all diseases be called on to presl'.l'ibe, or the plrnrmacist to use, and hence the comprehensive title, Pharmacopreia, ii:; be stowed upon it. In some countries the puMication of the Phar111ncopccia is m1der the direct control of the Gov ernment; in the United States, it has for about a hun dred years been published by a body composed of repre sentatives of the medical, pharmaceutical and allied pro fessions. This body revises the book every ten years, meetings being held decennially for that purpose, the last one being in May of the current year. This book, so published, is known as the United States Pharmacopreia,
PAGE 117
llu and Las, tlierefote, for a humlted years Leen the staHdard reference book for drugs in the United States. The :Kational Forrnulary is pu!Jlishcd in ye1y 11rnch the same way !Jy ilie American Pharmaceutical Association, .and covers a slightly different field. It is not so old as the Pharrnacopmia. :Kow, tlle Florida Pure Food and Drug Laws, as well as the national food and drug act, and that of rnor,:t the other States, ltns made tlle standards of these 1'Yo Looks legal, and e,ery pllarmacist in the land can know what the law requires that any drug sllall be. There can, there fore, !Je no ex<:use of ignorance for failure to comply with the law. In so far as the num!Jer of those in good health is rnstly greater than those in sickness, the adulteration of food readies alrnost entirely the llealthy. 'l'he sophistica tion of drugs, howeyer, reaches tllose uttei-ly unable to help th<'mselYes; 1 ife itself may, and often does, depend upon tlic purity and strength of the medicine adminis terctl. 'l'he obligation upon the pharmacist, not only to do the yery bei- alw:i_Ys-, s 1lmn1 tu th e ycry lowest notch , nnd the public sltn11!111,:1t1onizc 11Ie 1•f>ii:1ble , 1 arl1er than tl1e ehcap man. Tltr l:rngnage of ihe Florida law, ns to purity, proyides tha1 n drng s!Jall be 1lct'med to he adulterated if it "differs fro111 ihe stand:1r1l of strength, quality OL' purity, as deter rniuPrl ]JY the frst laid down in the United States Pharma topu•ia or Xationnl Formulary," etc. A drug, therefore, "hich is mneh ahove the sfandnrd in strengtlI may as truly l,p ncl in perrentngf's of the strength rc q11irP11 hY Jl•f' shrn
PAGE 118
OFFICIAL DRUG ANALYSES, 1910,-Contlnued, JAMAICA GINGER . The extract or essence of Jamaica Ginger is neither a preparation of the U. Forrnularly, consequently there has been no stand a rd prescribed for it. Th e Pure the statement on the lab el as to the percentage of alcohol. S. Pharmacopoeia no r National Food and Drugs Law requires No . LABEL. ! DRUGGIST o, RETAILER :]t,~ I ' ' 1 ~~"'ol 376 Rexall Jamaica GinWilson Drug Co., Bartow. u. 90350 ger 63% alcohol. United Drug Co., Boston, Mass. 37il Concentrated Mssence Harry Cross, Arcadia. 0.93400 of Jamaica Ginger49.5% alcohol. AlI a n Pfeiffer Chem. Co. 384 Ess. Jamaica Ginger. Tampa Drug Co., T a mpa . 0.824351 395 Ess. J amaica Ginger. Thomas ' Pharmacy, Bra0. 821301 dentown. 449 Ext. Jamaica G!n~er. Hardee-Smith Co., Talla0.91700 hassee. REMARKS. I 64. 40 1. 41 0 .138 L ega l. 40.60 0. 75 0.0471 Legal. 92.S0 I 1.33 0 .0 24 1 Illeg al-mis branded. No alcohol I statem e nt. 93.65 0.76 0 .021 ' Illegal-misbranded. No alcohol stat e ment. 58.40 1.17 0.147 Illeg al -mi s branded . N o alcohol statement. '""" '"""
PAGE 119
450 Essence of Jamaica Tallahassee Drug Co., Tal-J0.82500 Ginger 93% alcolahassee. I ho!. 452 Extract Jamaica Gin-I The Holmes Drug Co., Tai0. 82395 ger-93% alcohol. b asse e. 4fi3 Concentrated Essence Dr. A. S . J e rry, TallahasO. 98186 Jamaica Ginger. se e. 92.60 0.98 0.024 Legal. 92.90 14.30 0. 80 trace j 1.62 o.rssi I Legal. Illegal-misbr a nd e d. statem e nt. No alcohol
PAGE 120
OFFICIAL DRUG ANALYSES, 1910.-Contlnued. LAUDANUM. (TINCTURA OPII) The Pharmacopo e ia requires that Laudanum should contain in e ach 100 c ubic centimeters o f the preparation 10 grams (in each fluid ounce, 45 . 6 grains) of opium . The Pure 1' ' ood and Dru g s L a w requires th e quantity or pro portion of opium and the percent age of alcohol to b e st ated on th e label. If a ny artificial c o lo ring or flavor i n g is used the fact should be conspicuously stated on th e label. LABEL. DRUGGIST OR RETAILER. REMARKS. I 372 !Laudanum. I jWinkler ' s Drug Store, Fort My e rs . Illegal-misbranded. No opium a nd alcohol statem e n t. 1--' 374 Laudanum. The Corner D r ug Store, B a rtow. Illegal-misbrand e d. No opium a nd~ alcohol statement . 380 Laudanum . Tampa Drug Co. , Tampa . 385 Laudanum. The Morton Drug Co., T a mpa . 388 Laudanum-45. 6 g r. opium to oz., The Hutchin so n-Cotter Dru g 48 % alcohol. Tampa. 404 Laudanum-30 g r . opium to 1 oz .. Dunnellon Pharm a c y , Dunn e llon. 40 % alcohol. The Groover! ~tewart Drug Co., Jacksonvill e . l Fla. I I Co. , J Ille g al-misbrand e d . No opium and a lcohol statem e nt. Ill eg al-misbrand e d. No opium a nd alc o hol statem e nt. Le ga l. L e gal.
PAGE 121
4121Laudanum-30 gr. opium to fl . oz. , lThe Groover-Stewart Drng Co., Jack-I 40% alcohol. j sonville. 416 Laudanurn-9 gr. opium to fl . oz .,, 1 s out hern Drug l\faoufacturlni; Co., 45% alcohol. Jacksonville. 421 Laudanurn-18. 7 gr. opium to fl.I United Specialty Co . , Jacksonville. oz., 40% alcohol, color ed . 431 Laudanum. Greil Bros. Co., MontPatrick Grocery Co., Graceville. gomery, Ala. 4 3 6ILaudanum. IThe R. Lewis Co., P e nsacola. 440 Laudanum. The Crystal Pharmacy, Pensacola. 443 Laudanum. W. A . D'Alemberte, Pensacola. Legal. Legal. Legal. Illegal-mis branded. No opium and alcohol statement. Illegal-mlsbrancl e d. No opium and alcohol s t ateme nt. Illegal-misbrand e d. No opium and""" alcohol statem e nt. f-4 Illegal-mi s brand e d. No opium and alcohol statem e nt.
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OFFICIAL DRUG ANAL Y8ES, 1110.-Contlnued. PAREGORIC, (TINCTURA OPII CAMPHORTA.) The Pharmacopo e ia requires that Paregoric should contain 0.4 gram opium to each 100 cubic centimeters (1. 82 grains to each fluid ounc e ) of the p re par a tion and 47. 5 per cent. of alcohol as well as b e nz o ic acid, camphor, glyce rin, and oil of anise. Und e r th e Pur e Food and Dru g s L a w the quantity or proportion of o piu m a nd the percentage o f alc o hol must be stated on the lab e l in CAPITAL LETTERS not smaller than 8-point Brevi e r. If any artificial coloring or flavoring is us e d th e fact must be stat e d conspicuously on the label. I -----I ~ --LABEL. . J ~R ~GGIST 0~ RE~ ~ILERI 1 ... . 37 5 Par eg onc-2 gr. 46 % alcohol. 37 9 Par e goric. opium to oz., Gary's Pharmacy, Bartow. Tampa Drug Co., Tampa. I 38 6 Pare g oric-2 gr. opium to fl . oz , Cotter's Drug Store, Tam 46 % alcohol. pa. 3 91 Par e goric. 3 9 7 I Par e goric. I Taylor Drug Store , Tampa. St a nsfield & Co., Braden town. COLOR. I 40 % alcohol . The Gr o over-StewCrystal River. I 4 06jPar e g o ric-1.9 gr . opium t o fl . oz .. lMr s . Mary Williams Allan , Ti e d S a und e , s. I Drug Co . , Jacksonville , Fla . I __ _I ----REMARK~. --Legal. .... l--:l Ill eg al misbranded . No o opium and alcohol stat e ment. L e gal. Ille g al-misbranded. No opium and alcohol state m e nt. Ill e g a l-misbranded. No opium and alcohol stat e m en t. Ill ega l-misbranded. No stat e m e nt of artifici a l color.
PAGE 123
408 Paregoric-2 gr . opium to fl. oz., J. E. Wells, Archer. 42% alcohol. McCormick & Co., . ..................... Legal. 'Baltimore, Md. 411 Par eg oric-1.9 gr. opium to fl. oz. , Th e Groover-Stewart Drug R e d Saunders. 40 % alcohol . Co., Jacksonville . Ill e gal-misbranded. No Statement of use of arti ficial color. 4171 Par e goric-0. 75 gr, opium to fl. Southern Drug Manufac........... . . . . . . . . . . . . Legal. oz ., 45% alcohol. I turing Co., Jacksonville. I 422 Par e goric-1.5 gr . opium to fl. oz., Unit e d Special t y Co., Jack-JCaramel. 45 % alcohol, color e d. sonville. 429 Paregoric, D. G. Smith, Madison , G. W. Rutherford, Madi........... . Fla. son. Leg:il. Illegal-misbranded. No 1....r. opium and alcohol stat e . ment. 434 Paregoric. The R. Lewis Co., Pensa.............••........ Illegal-misbranded. No 438 Paregoric. 442 / Par e goric-Artificially colored. __ l __ ---' ' ' ' cola . opium and alcohol state ment. The Crystal Pharmacy, Red Saunders. Pensacola. W . A. D'Alemberte, PensaRed Saunders. cola. Illegal-misbranded. No opium and alcohol stat e ment. No statement of us e of artificial color. Illegal-misbranded. No opium and alcohol state ment.
PAGE 124
OFFICIAL DftUG ANALYSES, 1910-PAREGORIC.-Contlnued. No-) LABEL. !DRUGGIST or RETAILE;r COLOR. I REMARKS . 447ljParegoric-0.4 of 1 % of opium., Will L. Moyer, P e nsacola. / . ...................... Legal. 50% alcohol. The Frank Tea & I Spice Co., Cincinnati, 0. I 448 Pare g oric-1.77 gr. opium p e r oz. , Will L. Moyer, Pensacola . . . . .................... Le g al. 40 % alcohol. The Lewis Bear! Drug Co., Pensacola, Fla. --~
PAGE 125
OFFICIAL DRUG ANALYSES, 1910-Continued. POTASSIUM IODIDE. ----+ -1 -------No . I I Lab el. Manufacturer. 1 Druggist. Results. I I Remarks. I . 4851Potassrnm _ _L_ I I --T --r -Iodide . . !Dru g Merchants of Am1 Taylor's Drug I er ica, 10S Fulton St., Tampa . __ __ I __ ~ _:_ !: _ _ I _ I Store , Sample ;t:l fill s require~~entsk~:a;_ of th e U. S. Pharmacopoeia\
PAGE 126
OFFICIAL DRUG ANALYSES, 1910.-Continued. SPIRIT OF CAMPHOR. (SPIRITUS CAMPHORAE.) Th e Pharmacopoeia r e quires th at Spirit of Camphor should contain in eac h 100 c ubic centim e ters of the preparation 10 grams (in each fluid ounce 45.6 gra ins) of gu m camphor diss olve d in 95 % alcohol. Ther e is no reasonable cause for failur e with this preparation , for it is easily made of materials that are seldom d e ficient in purity. I No\ I LABEL . \ I I DRUGGIST, OR RETAILER. CAMPHOR. "' o s~o r3rn~
PAGE 127
4071R e liable Brand Spts. CamphorJ. E. Willis, Archer....... ... 10 .42 S5'1o alcohol. McCormick & Co ., Ballimore, Md. HO Spirits Camphor-75% alcohol. N. Schl emme r & Son, Cedar 4. 4G Southern Drug Mfg. Co., JackKeys. sonv ille, Fl a . 413 Spts. Camphor-65% alcol;10J. Groover-Stewart Drug Co ., Jack 8.131 Groover-Stewart Drug Co., Jacksonville . sonville, Fla. 419 Spirits Camphor-75% alcohol. .. Southern Drug Mfg. Co., J ae ];:. 4.58 I son ville. 425JSpirits Carnphor-75 % alcohol. United Grocery Grocery Co., 37. 5 grains camphor to fl. oz. Jacks onv ille. 6.Sl I 430 R ed Cross Spts. Camphor-75 % F. M. Brumsby, Quincy....... 8 .04 alcohol. Int ers tate Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md. 432 Spirits Camphor ................ The R. Lewis Co., Pensacola. . 8 .18 439 Spirits of Camphor .... . .... ..... The Crystal Pharmacy, P e n 10. 22 sacola . 444 Spirits Camphor ....... . ......... W. A. D'Alemberte, Pensacola.\ 10.00 I 104 Legal. 4,-; ; 111 egal au.ult e ratcd. BE'lnw I standard in camphor. I I S l Ill ega l adulterated. Below standa rd in camphor. 4Gjill e ga l adulterated. Below standard in camphor. GSIIll e ga l misbr ande d. Inc or re<'t t7 camphor statement. Adultero1 ated. Below sta ted amount of camphor. 80 Ill ega l adulterated. Below standard in camphor. 82 Ill ega l-misb randed. No alcohol statem ent. Adulterated. Be l o w standard in camphor. 102 Ill e ga l-mi sbra nded . No a lcohol statement. 100 Ill ega l-misbranded. No alcohol statement.
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SPIRIT OF NITROUS ETHER. (SWEET SPIRITS OF NITRE) (SPIRITUS AETHERIS NITROSIJ When freshly vrep a red Spirit of Nitrous Ether should contain 4% of Ethyl Nitrite and 89.9 3% of alcohol by vol ume and be fr e e from a ldeh yde to compl y with the r e quir e ment s of the U. S. Pharmacopo ei a. \\ ' h e n Spirit of Ni trous Eth r r is k e pt in s mall , dark color e u llu ttle s away from ligh t and heat ; it can be k e pt fur mo n ths, or ev e n years , without d e comp o sin g. Th e addition of wat e r. or the use of a we:ciker alcoh o l in L he pr e paration , causes th e ethyl nitrit e to u e compose on s tanding. Cons r quently Spirit of Nitrou s Eth e r that conta in s le s s alcohol than the Ph arm ac opoeia ! st and ar d or 89 .9 3 % inv a riably show a lar ge de fici enc y from the standard of 4% of ethyl nitrite. Th 2 Pure Food and Dru gs L a w requires the statem e nt of t he p e rc e nt a ge of alcohol and e thyl nitrit e on t he label. ETHYL NITRITE. No. LABEL. DRUGGIST or RETAILER .... CJ) 0.. 371/sweet Spts. NitreHunter 's Dru g Store, Fort 2.92 17. 5 g r. eth yl ni: Myers. trit e in oz., !J2% a lcohol. 383 Spts. Ether Nitrous, Tampa Drng Co., Tampa. 2. 82 U. S. P. (Swt. Splr-1 its of Nitre . ) j. 73 71 0 -~>C'-1 CJ) o! .., REMARKS . I 0. 8170 93. 03 Abs. Illegal-AdultPr a terl. Below stand a rd in ethyl ni trit e. 0. 8155 93. 46 Abs. Illcga l--rni s bran::l e d. No I alcohol and ethyl nitrite l s t a tem e nt . Adulterat e d. Below standard in ethyl nitrite.
PAGE 129
390 Sweet Spirits of Nitre.jCourt Square Pharmacy , I Tampa. I I 394 Sweet Spts. Nitre. t Thomas' Pharmacy, Bradentown . I I 396 Sweet Spirits o! Nitre . Stansfield & Co., Bradentown. I I 2.00 l J.23 2.91 405 Sweet Spirits NitreDunnellon Pharmacy, Dun1.25 4% Ethyl Nitrite, nellon. 75% alcohol. The Groover Stewart! Drug lJO., Jackson ville, Fla. 414 Sweet Spirits NitreTh e Groover-Stewart Drug O. 88 4% Ethyl Nitrite , Co., Jacksonville. 75% alcohol. 50 81 73 31 22 0.8173 92.96 0.8160 93.26 0.8148 93.58 Abs. [Illegal-misbranded. No alcohol and ethyl nitrite statement. Adulterated. Below standanl in ethyl nitrite. Abs. Ill eg al-misbranded. No alcohol and ethyl nitrite statement. Adult erate d. Below standard in ethyl nitrite. Abs. Illesal-misbrantl e d. No alcoho l and ethyl nitrite statement. Adulterated. Below standard in ethyl nitrite. -:i 0 . 8840 70. 00 Abs. Illegal-adulterated. Below standard in ethyl ni trite. 0.8850 I 69.60 I Pres. iillegal -mi sbranded. No I statement of aldehyde. I Adulterated. D e Io w [ standard in ethyl nitrite I a nd contains ald e hyde.
PAGE 130
OFFICIAL DRUG ANALYSES, 1010, SPIRIT OF NITROUS ETHER-Continued. No. I I I I 420 Sweet 4% 75% ETHYL NITRITE. ' -' r -~ .-. .... LABEL. DRUGGIST or RETAILER: +J .... bJ) _..., = I = I Q) Q) Oz I ' 0 Urn. I I-, 8,1., Q) -~----L _______ p., p.,• Ul Spts. NitreSouthern Drug Mfg. Co., 1. 50 38 Ethyl Nttrite, Jackson ville. alcohol. 423 Sweet Spirits Nitre-United Specialty Co., Jack0. 03 1 50% alcohol. sonville. 433 Spirits Nitre. The R. Lewi3 Co., Pensa1. 61 cola. 40 ,-. ..:l ai d O+> S ::i:1 ::, t.l >,o q:1+>0 OOo c:i"~"" 01,.,:> . ooO~ ,"1P.,.;:, 0.8670 176.47 A I>< ::i:1 [;i1 A ..:l < I I Pres. REMARKS. Illegal-misbranded. No statement of aldehyde. I-' Adulterated. B e 1 o w t,:i standard in ethyl nitrite 00 and contains aldehyde. 0.9308 49.15 Abs. Illegal-misbranded. No ethyl nitrite statement. Adulterated. B el o w standard in ethyl nitrite. 0.8155 93.40 Abs. Illegal-misbranded. No alcohol and ethyl nitrite statement. Adulterated. Below standard in ethyl nitrite.
PAGE 131
44 i ::5weet Spirits of Nitre. The Crystal Pharmacy, 1. 64 j Pensacola. i 446 8 .veet Spirits Nitre. W. A. D'Alemberte, Pen4.10 sacola. ,151 Sweet Spirits Nitre. The T a llahassee Drug Co., 4. 81 Tallahassee . 41 0 . 8190 92.42 Abs. Illegal-misbranded. No ethyl nitrite statement . Adulterat e d. B e 1 ow standard in ethyl nitrit e . 102 0. 8158 93. 33 Abs. Illegal-mi s branded . No alcohol a nd .;thyl nitrite statement. 120 0.8193 92. 40 Abs. Ill e g a l-mi s brand e d . No alcohol and ethyl nitrite statement. Adulterat e d. Varies from standard for ethyl nitrite.
PAGE 132
OFFICIAL DRUG :a.NAL Y8E8, 1910.-Contlnued. TINCTURE OF IODINE. (TINCTURA IODI.) The Pharm acopoe ia requires that Tincture of Iodine should cont a! n in each 100 c1tbic c en ti met ers of the preparation 6.86 grams (In each ll.uldounce 31.3 grains) of metallic Iodin e , and 5 grams (22 . 8 grains per tluid ounce) of potassium iodide dl5solved in 95% alcohol. The latter was made obligatory by the last (eight) r e vis ion of the United Sta tes Pharmacopoeia, so th at the careless or ign ora nt drug g ist may 1 1ot ov e rlook this requirem e nt. The percentage of alcohol is requir ed to be stated on the label by th e Pur e Fo o d and Drugs Law. IODINE . POTASSIUM: IODIDE. ---= we---rnNo . LABEL . 377,Tr. Iodine. I "T' Iodine . I DRUGGIST or RETAILER !J a ke Wey, Arcadia. .... (!.) P, <.i rfJ st.) mo '-'o C:,,-< 7.48 Tampa Drug Co . , Tampa . 4. 20 3871Tinct. Iod!n e94. 9% Hutchinson Cotter alcohol. Co ., Tampa . Drug 5.5 3 .d ~bi) i::l i:l Cl) Cl) Ob ,...rn
PAGE 133
392 Tlnct. Iodine. 398 Tr. Iodine. 399 Tinct. Iodine. Taylor's Drug Store, Tam5. 39 pa . Bad ge r Ph:umacy, Sara7 .14 sota. Economical Drug Store, 5. !J5 I ' l":lllllla. 79 104 3.01 ! i I 4.39 87 Absent 60 I Ill e:!; al ml sb randed. No alcohol state i u:i rn t. Adulterated. Below standard 1 i a i uui,,e a nd pot.ast.ium ioctide. 88 Ill e~:, ! -mi s branded. No alcohol state mrcnt. Arlulterated. B e low standard in po iass inm iodid e . O Ill cg al-misbrandec1. N'o alc o hol sta te ment. Adu l terated. B e low standard in iodine a nd pot ass ium iodide . 403 Tinct. Iodine. SouthJJ. D . Smith, !nverness. 1. 5U 22 1. 42 28 ,. ul e,.; al mi sb randed . No alcohol s tate ern Drug Mfg. Co . . j m e nt . A , lulterated. B e low s tandard ,Jacksonville, Fla. [ iu Iodin e a nd pot as sium i od id e . I I 409 Tlnct . Iodine. South-1N. Schlemmer & Son, 1.!!8 29 2 . 0'.l 42 ! Ill e,:; .ilmi sb randed . No alcohol state ,.... ern Dru g Mfg. Co.,j Ceda , Keys. I \ ment. Aclulterat ,, d. B e l ow : , t a ndani Jacksonville , Fla. I I . in iodbw ;i _ 11d pot as siu m i u:1i d e. 415 Tlnct. Iodine. !The Groover-Stewart Drug i ti. 79 99 4. 35 87 / ' rn• ., g a! ml sb rar:ded. No alc<'hni state I Co Jaclrnonville I rnent. Below standard in potassiu:n ., j I iodide. 418 Tlr:ct. Iodlne-75% alSouthern Drug Mfg. Co.,i 8.CO 125 1.65 33 !Ill eg al-Adulterated . Above standard cohol. I Jacksonville. 1 1 in iodine and below standard in I potassium iodide. 424 Tinct. Iod!ne-22 5 gr.'. C'nlted Sp e cialty Co. , 1 / 3. 79 55 0. 75 15 lle ga ladulterated. Below stated Iodine to fl . oz.,I Jacksonville. I amount of iodine and below stand8_5_:_o/o_a_l_co_h_o_l...:. ___ !--1 _ _ ________ _,_I __ _j_ __ -1__ _ _,__~ l~_~d_in _ 1_:_o _ t.".. ssium_io_d_i_d_e_. ___ _
PAGE 134
No. LABEL. 435 Tincture Iodine. 437 Tincture Iodine. 445 Tincture. Iodine. OFFICIAL DRUG ANALYSES, 1910-TINCTURE OF IODINE.-Contlnued, IODINE. POTASSIUM IODIDE. DRUGGIST or RETAILER The R. Lewis Co., Pensa5. 80 cola. The Crystal Pharmacy, 6.05 Pensacola. W. A. D'Alemberte, Pen6.29 sacola. 85 0.68 Dl ;:i .d ..., ti AA Ql Ql Oh ,..oo Ql p...p... REMARKS . I -~ -14 )Illegal-mrsbranded. No alcohol state ment. Adulterated. Below standard t in iodine and potassium iodide. t.:. 88 3. 87 73 Illegal-misbranded. No alcohol stateI ment. Adulterated. Below standard I in iodine and potassium iodide. 92 4. 75 95 /megal-misbranded. No alcohol state-_______ J___lllent. __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _
PAGE 135
OFFICIAL DRUG ANALYSES, 1910.-Continued. -------.-----------------------------1 ' 1 POTASSIUM I IODINE. IODINE. w. . No. , LABEL. I \DRUGGIST or RETAILER l I i ... Q) 0."' Ul ci So ~o ;.. ,..; :.:i . . --------454 \ Tinct . Iodine9 4.9 '; ~\F. P . :\Ta~ . Q u incy .. . . . .. 16. : ~-1 I alcohol. I ! l:'i5,Tinc-t . Iodine . . . ...... irh e Crystal Pharm acy , ! i;. 04 I \ I P e nsacola . j I I I 4 5 6 ; Tin ct. lorlin e96' i o ' 1 \\'. A_. D'Al e mberte. Fen', 7.2 G \ alcohol. sac ola. l 45 7 \ Tin c t . Iodin e -94. 9 % 1 H a nnah's Pharmacy. Pc n 1 i.. 62 alcohol. I sac ola . 460\Tinct. Iodin e -90% 1 B o nifay Dru g Co .. Bonifay.l10.25 I alcohol. / 461 Tr. Iodine-94 % alcoT _ h e City Dru gStore. C hip -, 6. 91 ho!. l e~ ui ..6 +-> pbJJ ...., i::: i::: Q)
PAGE 136
OFFICIAL DRUG ANALYSES, 1910-Continued, -------, -=-=-:--:::-------------IODINE I POTASSIUM I IODIDE. No. I ui ..6 j : ui ..6 ... I ;::i"tn : ... I ;::i"tn Q) ..~ 1 , 1 (l.) = LABEL_ DRUGGIST er RETAILER ! REMARKS. I UJ('.) Q.i4-J rni;.) 1 (J.) 4-) ~ ~: rij~ I ~: P,<:.l l .:;,:: l'.C.<:.) 0 .... ! '--' ! .... 462 Tinct :Iodin :--=94. 9% City Dru g Store,-C~;ton-\ 8. 02 130_,_ [ _4 _ _ _ 7_4_ : --95___,!_n_le_g _ . a 1--a d _ u_lt _ l'_L_at_c_d.. A-bo_v _e _ s_t_a _ n _ d _ a-,d alcohol dale. ( I in iodine. I I-' 4G:3 1 Tr. Io din e -94< , {c alcoCity Dru g St ore, Blounts 6. OS 89 1. 65 33 Ill ega l-adult 0rate d. Below standa,d , hol. National Drug town. in iodi n e anu p o:a s:; ium iodide. I Co., Philadelphia. I 46-l:Tr . Iodine-94% alco-Crystal Ph a rmacy , 6.70 ' hol. Blountstown. 46;;!Tr. Iodine9-1 % alcoSmith's Drug Store , Mari5 .88 hol. anna. 4(i6 Tincture of Iodine-,Dr. Th eop. West, Mari7 .0G 90% alcJ!10l. , anna. 467 1 Tr. Iod l ne 94. 9% a1-\wm . \V . Poos er. Apalachi7. 21 I coho!. cola. 98 86 10 3 105 4.90 2 . 01 98 L ega l. 40 ; Itl e gal-adnlterated. Be low standard in iodine and potassium iodide. 5. 22 104 L ega l . 4. 82 96 L ega l.
PAGE 137
468 Tinct. Iedi•e .. . .. .... Wm. A. W. Simmons, Mon4.84 ti cello. 4li\) \T inct. Iodin e94 % H . \V. Jolm~on & Son, ~.Ul alcohol. Monticello. 47 0 Tinct. Iodin e 96% :'vladi son Drn g Co-, : Madi4. u;; alcohol. son. 471 Tr. Iodine -94. 9% alSuwann t>e Drug Co. , Live (i. 65 cohol. Oak. 4 72\ Tr. I odine-!J4.9'/o alBarclay & Groover ; Live G. 87 cohol . Oak. 4, 3/Ti nct . I n clin e 94 % Young's Drug Store, Lake 5. 7ii alcohol. C it y I 474 Tinct. Iodin e -94.9% :VT. ll. Church, Daytona ... alcohol. 476 Tinct. Iodin e -94.9% St. Lucie Drug Co., Fort alcohol. Pierc e. 478 Tinct. Iodine-94. 9% West Palm Beach Drug alcohol. Co., West Palm B eac h. 5. 3-l 6.00 I s. OG l 71 jAbsent I I 117 l 6.3::i I 5!J [Absent I 971 2.35 100 1 0.84 I S4 j Abs e nt I 7 S I 3.05 88 \ 4. 71 11 7 4.51 0 IIllegal-mlsbranded. No alcohol state ment . Adulterated. Below standard in iodine and po tassi um iodide. 137 I : mcgal-a,lnlt era ted. Ab:Jv e st auaard I in i odine and potassium iod ide. 0 1Il] ega!-adult era ted. Below s tandard I in i od ine anrl pot assi um iodide. I 47 J llle gal -adult e r ated . Below standard j in potassium iodid e . .... 17 1I11egal-adulterated. Below sta ncl arc1 in potass i um iodide. 0 j lllegal-adult era ted. Below sta nda rd \ in iodine and potassium iodide. 61 Illegal-adulterated. Below sta nd ar d in iodine and potas si um iodide. 94 Illega!-adulteraterl. in iodine. Below sta ndard 90 1 Ille gal -adult e ratcd. Above s tandard [ in i o dine an d b e low st a ndard in } potassium iodide. 479 1 Tr. Iodine-94.9% alMerrill 's _ D _ r _ u _ g _ _ s _ t_or _ e_, L_G _ . _ 9 0 _ _ 1 _ 01 ___ 4.92 __ ___ 9 8 Legal _ _ _ J cohol. West Palm Beach. _ _ _
PAGE 138
OFFICIAL DRUG ANALYSES, 1910-Contlnued. LABEL. \DRUGGIST or RETAILER r I I 480hincture of Iodine1 :Broadwell & :Moore, "\Vest 1 \ 94% alcohol. I Palm Beach. I 4811Tinct. Iodine 94%!DeSoto Drug Co .. Pt,nta, I alcohol. l Gorda. \ 4821 Tin ct. Iodine-94. 9%1 Cotter's rrug Store, 1 1 alcohol. ; Tampa, I, I i 4S3JTincture of Iodine-JLcon Hale, Tampa. ' 94% alcohol. ; i ! 484/Tinct. Iodine-94. 9%i Taylor's I alcohol f Tampa. 486,Tinct. Iodine-94.9%:B. P. Matheson. I alcohol. j' Myers. Drug Store,[ I I Fort] I I IODINE. I POTASSIUM IODIDE. ---------------------... (!) 0. <:.) rn J So ol 0 ,-..r-< 0 5.61 6.38 7.119 u.Hi 7.GO 6.n I ... (!) 0. <:.) [fl 0 So ol 0 ,_,r-i 0 S2 !Absent I 93 (.1,.bsentl 103 :Absent! I I I I 90 ! 4 .17 I 111 101 5. 28 \ 1.161 I REMARKS. I 0 1 Illegal-adulterated. Below standard , in iodine and potassium iodide. ! 0 1I11egal-adulterated. Below standard I in potassium iodide. I 0 \Illegal-adulterated. Belo,v standard I in potassium iodide. I 83 iillegal-Adulteratecl. Below standard in iodine and potassium iodide. I 106 1Illegal-adulterated. Above standard : in iodine. 23 /megal-aclulterated. Below standard ; in potassium iodide.
PAGE 139
487 Tr. Iodine-94 % alcoJake \Y ey. Ar cafl ia. 7. 58 hol. 488 Tin ct. Iodine 94.9 % The Wilson Drug Co., 6. 50 alcohol. Bartow. 489 Tinct. Iodin e -94.9 % The Corner Drug Stor e , 6. 35 alcoh o l. Bartow. 490 Tinct. Iodine-!14.9% Henley & H e nlC'y, Lake3.57 alcohol. land. I 491 Tinc t. I odi n e -94.!J ,Y, ; centra l Pharmacy, Plant\ S. 76 I I Pharmacy i1 4 . 05 a lcoh ol. I C it y, 492 Tin c t. Iodin e-94 . 9% Plant City I 49 3,Ti nct . Iodine-94.9% Braden town Drug Co., 1 , 5 1 ' alcohol. Brad e ntown. I i alcohol. Plant City. 494 Tinct. Iodin e -94.9% Red Cross Ph ar macy, St.I 6. 86 alcohol. Petersburg. I 495Tr. Iodin e -90 % alco-lDunnellon Pharmacy,! 5.61 ho!. l Dunn e llon. \ 496 Tinct. Iodin e -94.9 % ,J. W. McCollum & Co., ) 6. 98 alcohol. Gain esv ille. I 116 5.95 95 3.41 93 5.22 I I 52 !Absent I 129 I Absc>nt I I 59 I 1.85 110 I G.73 I 100 4.88 82 3.25 102 5.70 119 I Illegal-adulterated. Above standard in iodine and potassium iodide. 68 !Illegal-adulterated. B e low sta ndard I in potassium iodid e. 104 Legal. 0 Iilegal--adult e rated. Below sta ndard ! in io di ne and pota ssi um iodide. I 0 1 ,ll egal -adult erated. Ahove sta ndar,l ! in i o dine and below standard in I pota ss ium iodide. I 37 ! Ill ega l-adult e rated. Below standa rd -l in i odine ancl. potassium iod ide . 115 I I Illegal-adult era ted. Above sta ncla n l \ in odine a nd ])otassium iodide. 98 iLegal. I I 65 \Illegal-adulterated. Be low sta ndard in iodine and potassium iodid e . 114 Jillegal-adulternted. Above sta ndard in potassium iodid e.
PAGE 140
No. LABEL. OFFICIAL DRUG ANALYSES, 1910.-Continued. IODIDE. DRUGGIST or RI!.,TAILEil I POTASSIUM I IODINE. REMARKS. I I 497'Tinct. Iodine-94.9 % A. J. Vid a l , M. D., Gaines7 . 9 8 , 116 4 . S4 I 97 /m e gal-adulkra te d. Above stand a rd I in iodine. alcohol. ville. 499 Tinct. Iodlne-94 . 9% The Heffley Drug Co., G .19 90 1. 23 \ 25 l m e gal-adultera L e d. Below stand a rd alcohol. 1 Jacksonvil e . j in iodine and pota s sium iodid e . . 500 ' \Tinct . Iodine-94 . 9 %1 Seminole Pharmacy, Jack 4. 9 8 73 4 . 0 3 81 I IIIe ga l-adul t era tec l. B e low stand a rd al c ohol. sonvill e . , I in iodine and po tass ium iodide . .. ---.. . ------'---'--------'------'--------'-----------
PAGE 141
139 MISCELLANEOUS ANALYSES AND EXAMINATIONS, 1910. w A'rEn SAMPLES. M. 1351.-Water from IL F. Qnackenhoss, Enterprise. Artesian water from !J5-foot well at Enter prise Public School. Total dissolved solids (parts per 1,000 ,0 00) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 M. 1352-Wa te r from W. H. 'l'owles, Fort Myers. Pond water. Total dissolved solids (parts per 1,000,000) ............................ -~,153 JI. 1362-Water from Hichard G .. John son, Tallahassee. Well water. Total diss o lved solids (parts per 1,000 ,0 00) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:35 M. 1366.-Water from C. C. Hamblin, 1'nmpa. Spring water. Total dissolved solids (parts per 1 , 000,000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 }[. 1 :36 8.-Water from }I. 0. Feagin, Eagle Lake. Total diiso lved :-;olids (parts per 1,000 ,00 0) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18~ M. l '.!6 9.-Wate r from George A. :\fain, Daytona. Artesian water from 250-foot city well of Daytona. Total dissolved solids (parts per 1,000 , 000 ) ............................. 1,003
PAGE 142
140 M. 1370.-Water from M. ,Jeffries, Cora. 'l'otal dissolved solids (parts per 1. 000,000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17:J M. 1383.-\Vater from 8tearns & Culver Lumber Company, Bngdad. Total dissolved solills (pal'ii,; per 1,000,000) ............................ . Volatile solids (parts pe1 1,000,000) ... . Non-volatile so.lids (pal"ts per 1,000,000) ) . )..,; ., M. 1384.-Water from H. c~. I-lmnpton, Marianna. "No. 1." Total dissolved solids (pal"is per 1,000,000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 iVatcr also contains hydrogen sulfide. M. 1385.~\Vater from l:l. c\. Hampton, Marianna. "No. 2." Total disi,;olved solids (parts per 1,000,000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41:J M. 1386.-Wut1:r from 'l'. ,T. Griilin, Hawthorne. iVater from ~::?-foot pump. Total dissolved solids (parts per 1,000,000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SH M. 1387.-\Vatcr from Bunnell Development Company, Bunnell. "No. l." Total dissolved solids (parts per 1.000 , 000) ............................. 1,G::?S iVater also contains h,nlrogen sulfide. M. 1388.-Water from Bunnell Development Company, Bunnell. "No. 2." Total dissolved solids (parts per 1, 000,000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
PAGE 143
141 M. 1 ;1s 9.-Water from G. P. Walker, Ilelleair. Ar(esian wa te r from lSD-foot well. Total clissolved i,;olids (parts p e e 1,000,000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 :'If. 13!>0.-1Vater from 1'. J. Sheridan, Clt•anrnter. 1Vater from Wallace Spring , Total dissolved solids ( parts per 1, 000,000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G9 _\f. J:197.-Water from T. J. Sh e ridan , Clearwater. "\Yater from Frazer Well. Total dissolved solids (parts per l,. 000 , 000 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 394 Wa te r also contains h_rdrogen sulfide . .\I. 18!lS.-"\Vater from T. J. Sheridan, Clearwater. Water rrnm Eng:man Spring. Total dissolved solids (parts per 1 _ .000,000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48:3 }[. J : :nn.-Water from T. J. Sheridan, Clearwater. Wat e r from Eldridge well. Total dissolved solids (parts per 1, 000,000) . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :2i0 11. 1400.-Waier from well of Wilson Cypress Com pany , seven miles south of Palatka, for State Geological Survey. ( Milligrams per Liter.) Sili c a (SiO~) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:~ Chlorine (Cl) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:l4 Sulfate racli<:le (S0 4 ) 49 Pllosphate radicle (PO,) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Carbonate radicle (CO 3 ) 0 Bicarbonate radicle (HCO 3 ) 156 Sodium and Potassium (Na+K)....... 94 Magnesium (Mg) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
PAGE 144
Calcium (CaJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Iron and Aluminum (Fe+Al) . . . . . . . . . 1 Lom, on ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Total dissolved solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855 M. 1401.-YVater from well uf N. B. hey, Green Cove Springs, for Stale Geological Survey. ( 1\Iilligrarns per Liter.) Silica ( Si OJ . . . .. . .. . .. .. .. . . . .. . .. . 7 Chlorine (Cl) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'I Sulfate radic:Je (S0 1 1 7 Phosplrnte radicle (l'O,) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Carbonate radic:lc (CO") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Bicmi1onak 1,tdide ( HCO, .. J 107 Sodium and Potassium \.Na+KJ....... 14 Magnesium (Mg) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Calcimn (Ca) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Iron and Aluminum (Fe+Al) . . . . . . . . J Loss on ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Total dissolved solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 M. 1402.-Water from Fleming Well, Hibernia, fot State Geological Survey. ( Milligrams per Liter. I Silica ( SiO 2 ) 9 Chlorine (Cl) .. . .. . .. . . . . .. .. .. . .. . . 7 Sulfate radic:le (SO 4 ) 5 Phosphate radicle (PO 4 ) 0 Carbonate radic:le (CO 3 ) 0 Bicarbonate radicle (HCO 3 ) 98 Sodium and Potassium (Na+K)....... 23 Magnesium (Mg) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Calcium (Ca) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Iron and Aluminum (Fe+Al) . . . . . . . . 1 Loss on ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Total dissolved: solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
PAGE 145
143 M. 1403.-Water from well of Nassau T'ruck and Farm Company, three miles south of Pernan dina, for State Geological Survey. ( :\lilligrrcms per Liter.) Silica (SiO 2 ) ....................... . Chlmine (CI) ...................... . Sulfate rndicle (SO 1 ) Phosphate rndicle ( PO 4 ) Carbonate rndicle I CO , ) ............ . . Bicarbonate rndicle (II<;()") ......... . Sodium and Potassium (Xa+K 1 Magnesium (Mg) .................. . . Calcimn (Ca) ...................... . Iron and Aluminum (Fe+Al) ........ . Loss on ignition .................... . 0 0 1 mo Total dissolved solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :500 ~1. 1404.-water from tovrn well, Callalian, for State Geological Survey. ( Milligrams per Liter.) Silica ( SiO 2 ) 2:1 Chlorine (CI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Sulfate radicle (SO~J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12!l Phosphate radicle (PO 4 ) 4 Carbonate radicle (CO 3 ) 0 Bicarbonate radicle (HCO 3 ) 27t; Sodium and Potassium (Na+E. 1 111 Magnesium Mg) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Calcium (On) .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. .. . .. . 71 Iron and Aluminum (Fe+Al) . . . . . . . . 1 Loss on ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Total dissolved solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750
PAGE 146
144 JI. U.115.-\Vater from \YPII of S. Henry , City Point, for State Ucological Survey. (J lillig ra rns per Liter.) Silica (SiO 2 ) . 17 Chlorine (C lJ ..................... . -~-~48 Sulfate radicle (So,) ...... . .... .. .. . . ~07 Phosphate radicle (PO.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Carbonate radiele ( CO,, J 0 Bicarbonate radicle (HCOJ . . . . . . . . . . 168 Sodium and Potas si um (Xa+K) ... .. . 1.174 Magnesium (Mg) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Calcium (Ca) ... . .............. ... .. HO fron and Aluminum tFe+Al) . . . . . . . . . 1 Loss on ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DGO 'l'otal di sso l ve d sol i1ls ..... ... ...... .. . G,053 ~I. 1406.-Water from well of Titus v ill e Ice Company, Titusville, for State Geological Survey. ( Milligrams per Liter.) Silica (SiO 2 ) 8 Chlorine (Cl) ................... ... 11,879 Sulfate radiele (SO.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547 Phosphate radicle (P0 4 ) . . . . . . . . 0 Ca rbonat e radicle ( 00 3 ) 0 Bicarbonate radicl e (HCO 3 ) 177 Sodium and Potassium (Na+K) .. . .. G , 543 Magnesium (Mg) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GG!) Calcium (Ca) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. 637 Iron and Aluminum (Fe+AI) . . . . . . . . 3 Loss on ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,: 3S0 Total dis so lved solids ................ 23,060
PAGE 147
145 M. 1407.-Water from Ollif Well, Sharpes, for State Geological Survey. (Milligrams per Liter.) Sil ica ( SiO ~) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1G Chlorine (Cl) . ... . ............... .. . 3,120 Sulfate radicle (SO.,) ............ ... . 303 Phosphate rndicle (PO.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Carbonate radicle (CO,) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Bicarbonate radicle ( HCO 3 ) lGfi Sodium and Potassium (Na+I() ....... 1 , 6:34 Magnesium (l\fg) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28!i Calcium (Ca) ..... . .............. . .. 2fl2 Iron and Aluminum (Fe+AI) . . . . . . . . . 4 Lo ss on ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D74 Total dissolved solid s ................. 6,520 l\I. 1408.-Water from well of H. Bradford, Cocoa, for State Geological Survey. 10-Bul. ( ~Iilligrams per Liter.) Silica (SiO~) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u Chlorine (Cl) ..... . ....... .. ........ 1,082 Sulfate raditle ( SOJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Phosphate rndicle (P0 4 ) . o Carbonate radicle ( COa) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll Bicarbonate radicle (HCO 3 ) 153 Sodium and Potassium (Na+K) ... . . . 5:rn ~fa gne siun1 ( ~fg) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Calcium (Cn) .... . ............... . . . 167 Iron and Aluminum (Fe+AI) . . . . . . . . 4 Loss on ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470 Total dissolved solids ............... . 2,54fi
PAGE 148
l!G M. 1409.-W: : der from well of L. D. Hancock, Lotus , for State Geological Survey. (Milligrmns per Liter.) Silica ( SiO,) ....... . ......... .. . . . . . Chlorine (C l) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . Sulfate radiclc (SO.) ...... .. .. . . . .. . Pl.tos1,lw . te ra
PAGE 149
J.J7 M. 1411.\\'atei 1'1mll S ind1 c ity well _ . 'l'allahassee. for Staie Geological Survey. Diilligrnrns p e r Liter.) ~ilica I SiOJ ...... . ... ..... , .. . .... . C hlorine (Cl) .. ..... .. . ... . .... . ... . Sulfate 1:11liclP /SO . , } ... . ... ... .. ... . Phosplwl c radiel c (PO 4 ) Carbon a l e ratlidc l COO, .. ..... .. .. .. . Biearbonaie 1 .. 11 l i c l c 1HCU"j .. .. .. . . . . Sodimn aml l'ola>' sinm (Na+ K1 .. ... . l\l agnesi mn ( Mg I ..• Calcium (Ca I ...................... . Iron nrnl Aluminum (Fe-f-. '.11 Loss 011 ignition ......... ... . Toial tlissolyed :-;o li c h; ....... ... ... . . . . 7 7 0 0 l.J;\ :n H ~I. 1 4 1 8. \Y atn frnm J:21 :2l' ool 11 e ll of C. T. Cragi11. l'al111 Bea c h , 1'01 Stah• Geol ogi ca l Survey. (J\lilligrnm :-; Jl('l ' Liter.) Silica ( Si0 0 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Clllo1 ine (Cl1 .... ... .... . ..... . ..... 1.::::, Sulfa 1 e 1adic I C (so +) . ... . . ' . . . . . . . . . 4:n Pllosphate rmlirl e ! l'O, 1 Car bunnte rndi c l e 1CO ,) ... . ...... . . . . Bi e arhonatc radide ( H CO 3 ) . Sodium and l'oin ssi nm (:N n + J,;: l . .... . ~fa gucs inm ( Mg ) .. . . . .. . .. . .. ... ... . Calci um (Ca ) ... ... . .. . ....... .. . . . . fron and Aluminum ( !<' (~+. 'l 1 Loss on ignition ........ ... ......... . () rn 5 2 Tota 1 11 issol veil so lid s ... ... .... .. ..... ::,non
PAGE 150
148 ~[. 1419.-Water from 13 -foot rock well of C. I. Cragin, Palm Beach. fo1 State Geological Survey. ( Parts per 1.000,000.) Chlorin e (CI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54:} Carliouate radi c lc (CO 3 ) 0 Bicarbonate radic-le (HCO 3 ) 32!) Loss on ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22:i Total dis s olved solids . .... .... .. ..... 1 ,G3 0 M. 1420.-Saw Grass wa te r from C. I. Cragin, Palm Bea c h , for State Geological Surve y . (Parts per 1 , oon , 000. ) Chlorine (Cl) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71:.l Carhona te radic:l e ( CO,,) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O Bicarbonate raditle (HCO") .......... -! 'i(i Loss 011 ignition ..................... :34:: 'l'otal dissolved so lids . . ...... . . ...... l , SDO nL 1421.-\Vater from J. L. Bonn e ll, ,Jacksonville. (Parts per 1 ,00 0 , 000.) Chlorine (Cl) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Carbonate rarli c le ( 00 3 ) . 0 Bicarbona le radi c le (HOO ") . . . . . . . . . . . 3!)!) Loss on ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /Hi Total di ss olved solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0-lc ;'II. 1422.-Water from Dr. R. F. }.ll1ee. Por1 Tampa. "No. 1." (Parts per l.000.000.) Chlorine (Cl) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~()!) Carbonate rn
PAGE 151
14!) M. 1423.-\\'at ei from Dr. R. F. Altree, Port T amp a. "No. 2 . " (Parts per 1 , 000,000.) Chlorine (Cl ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Carbo11aie rarliclc (CO 11 ) 0 Ilicn1 bouate rad i('l e (HCOa) . .... . ... . . :\G l Los s Oil ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1s;3 Total dissolved f::Ol idf:: .. . .. .. ... .. . .. . . 1 , 180 M. 1424-\Va ter from Dr. R F. Altree, Port Tampa. '~No. 8 ." (Parts per 1 , 000 , 000.) Chlorine (GI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 1 Carb ona te radi<:le (U OJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 llie:nbonat e radicle (HUO,. i . . . . . . . . :wn L or,;s o n ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :nO Total dif::f::olvecl solids . ........ . . ... . .. 1 , 210 M. 1425. \Y aier from ll1. H. F. A lliee. Port Tampa. 'No. 4.'' ( Pai s per 1 , 000 , 000.) C lll ol'ine (C l ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23!J Cnrb onn te r adiele (UO ") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Bitai bo nat c radiele (HCO,. I B5D Los s o n igniti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Tot a l tlissolv e d f
PAGE 152
~I. 1427.-Watl't fro111 I U. F. Altrce. Port 'l'ampa. ''No. G." Al'ie;;inn ,rn 11 ftoltl lG0-f'oot flowing "' ell. 1T'a 1 ts per 1.000,000.) Chlol'ille \Cl) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S4 Cal'bonate l':tdi c l c (CO J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Bical'lionate rndi c l c / HCO 1 J ~D Loss 011 ig11ition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1~7 Total dis s ol\ c d ;;olills . . ... .. . . . . ...... 8 -10 .\I. .143G.-\Yaie1 from l'. S. ~lcUlmi;. Flornln, Ala. Al'ic:-;ian w:1te1 fn1m : _ :[i7 l'oot well. (1':nb; pl 0 1 1.000JIOO.J Chlo1ine ( Cl) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ca1J01wie l':t
PAGE 153
Lil i\l. 14:39.--Wa1e1 from Uem,v S. l'eunock, Jupiter . .. .N o. :!." Chlot ine (varfr-; ]WI." 1,000,000) . . . . . . . . 17 Chlorine utlrnlaicll to Sodium Chloride (lJ:ll ' l"f; IJel" 1 , 000 , 00()) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 :\I. 1440.-\\"ni1 fi-0111 llenry S. J'e1111ock. , Jupiter. ••::-;(}. :;. Chlorine 1parts p er l.fl00,000) . . . . . . . . 7 Chloi-ine rnkulate
PAGE 154
153 M. 1456.-Water from S. 0. ,Johnson, Key West, for State Geological Survey. Chlorine (varts per 1,000 , 000) ........ 1,018 Chlorine ealculated to Sodium Chloride (parts per 1,000 , 000) ................ 1,655 M. 1461.-\Yater Jro111 1/,olfo ~lereantile Company, Zolfo. Spring wn1 ei-. ( Parts per 1.000 , 000.) Chlorine (Cl) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Carbonate radiel e (CO,,) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Bicarbonale radjeJe (HCOJ . . . . . . . . . . 183 Loss on ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 'l'otal disf.:olved solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 M. 1462.-Water from C. "r Sill(]nir, 2\fadison. \Vater from 8:.!-fout well at Hopewell, Madi son Counly. (Parts per 1.000,000.) Chlorine (Cl) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Carbonate radicle (CO 3 ) 0 Bicarbonate radicle (HCOJ . . . . . . . . . . 229 Loss on ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 'l'otal dissolved solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 l\f. 1463.-Water from .J. n. , Jenning s, Jeuniugs. " ' ater from towu :illlJ]lly from ~SO-foot well. ( Parts per 1,000 , 000.) Chlorine (Cl) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Carbonate radicle (00 3 ) 0 Bicarbonate radicle (HCO 3 ) 162 Loss on ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 'l'otal dissolved solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
PAGE 155
1 ,.., . > M. 1468.-Water from near top of w e ll of S. 0. Johnson, Key West, for State Ge o logical Survey. Chlorine (parts per 1 , 000 ,0 00 ) ........ 1 , 418 Chlorine calculated to Sodium Chloride (parts per 1,000,000) .............. . . 2,340 M. 1469.-Wat e r from near bottom of well of S. 0. John so n, Key \Yest, for State Ge o logi ca l Survey. Chlorine (parts per 1 ,0 00,000 ) . . . . . . . . 823 Chlo1ine calc-ulated to Sodi11111 Chloride (pmts per 1 , 000,000 ) ....... . ........ 1,H58 1\1. 1470. \Ya te r from C. W. Sinclair, Madison. 'Wat er from 82-foot WPII at Hopewell, Madi son County. (P art s p er 1 ,0 00,000. ) Chlol'ine (Cl) ...................... _ 10 Cm l,onate radicle (CO") . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Ili car bonat e radicle (BC<\) .. . .... .. . 220 Lo ss on ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 'l'otal di~solved so lids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 l\I. 1474. \Y ate r from H . r:. Gaski11, Blount sto wn. W e ll wate1. ( P ar ts p er UI00,(100.) Chlorine (Cl) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Carbonate rndicl e ( CO,.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Bitarhonate ra di c le (HCO 0 I .. . _. . ... . 18 3 Loss on igni t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Total d iss olv e d solids ... . ........ . .... 200 l\L 1477. Water from YVilliam Bdward s, Zellwo o d. ( Parts p er 1 , 000 . 000. ) Chlorine (Cl) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Carbonate radiele (CO 3 ) . 0 Bicarbonate radiele (HCO") . . . . . . . . . . 7 Loss on i gnition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Total dissolved so lid s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
PAGE 156
l\L 1480.-,\'ater ftom El'llest 11. Evc1 y, Sebastian. Al'tesian water from :;70.foot tJO\ dng well. ( Parts pn 1.000 . 000.) Chlui-inc ( Cl I . . . . . 257 C:u Loualc ra
PAGE 157
IGG l\l. H00.-\\'ate1 front IJ. Gnnler, 'l'allnhassce. J >istilled w n l cl'. Total dis,-oln. 1l solids (pa rts per 1-000,000 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::O M. 1491.-\Ynt1 l'ro111 .\. . .\l. Heney , Tallahassee. I >istilled Yi,tlel'. 'J'oial dii<,-011'1 :.t soliLls (lWl'ts per 1,000,000 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1\1 : 14!)G.-" .1t< fl'olll ~:-4. , \ lrl('l'111an, Wewahitchka. l _ 1'<1 l'i :-. pct 1.000 , 000. ) Chlo1i1w ( Cl1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T Cm!Jo11:1te ratlide ( CO, I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Bi<-,nhona le rndie h> ( UCO :) . . . . . . . . . 11 T on j gn it ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GG Toinl di,-,-o lYcd solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J:lO M. 1502.-Water from ,V. N. Rtricklan1l, Hen Raden. ( Parts pe1 1.000 , 000. I Chlol'iuc ( Cl J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Cmbouate radiele (CO~) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Bicmbonatc radiclc (HCO ;; I . . 175 Lo,-s on i~nit ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Total dissolved solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 M. 1510.-Water from A. D. CannichaPl. Chipley . Water from city well of C hipley. ( Parts pel' l.000,000. 1 Chlorine (Cl) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ca rbonate radiclc (CO , ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Dicm-honate radidc (B( '( ) " 1 122 Loss on ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Total dissolv ed solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13G
PAGE 158
lGG M. 1511.-Water from E. ~I. Pridgeon , Wewahitchka. Spring water. (Pal'ts per 1,000,000.) Chlorine (Cl) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Carbonate radicle (CO 3 ) 0 Bicaruonate radicle (llC0 3 ) 92 Loss on ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Total dissolved solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 M. 1512.-Water from ~fil'
PAGE 159
Hi7 MISCELLANEOUS SAMPLES. M. 1346.-Iron Pyrites (hon Sulfide), from J. W. Kim brough, \V ebster_ M. 1347.-lron P,rrites (Iron Sulfide). from J. A. Ead dy, Bushnell. ~L 1848.-Lirnstone (Cal c ium Carbow1te), from L. A. Minx & Co., Kif'simmee. The sample contains no phosphates. M. 134!>.-Limestone (Calcium Carhoe . Gte), from L. A. ~Jinx & Co., Kisf'immee. ThiF-: F-:ample eontain:s no phosphates. l\f. 1350.-lmpme Fullers Earth, from .J. \V. Register, Jasver. M. 1353.-Soil from W. L. VanDuzor, Kissimmee. M. 1354.-Rock specimens from A. Smith, Webster. Limestone (Calcium Carbonate), "No. 1." Clay, "No. 2." l\L 1355.-Tron Pyrite:;.: / Iron Rn!fi(k). from ninkins & Branch. Rnslrnell. l\f. 135G.-Muck Soil. from George B. Perkins, Talla hassee. Ammonia nn nir dry sample ( % ) . . . . . 0. 88 l\f. 1357.-Muck, from R. S. Cheatham, Bartow. Ammonia on air dry sample ( % ) . . . . . 0. 06 M. 1!15S.-B111e Cln_,. from Lakr ,Jn('kson Tohaeco Com pnny. Tnllahassee. ":~o. l."
PAGE 160
~I. 13G!J.-ln1pure Fullen; Barth, from Lake Jackson 'l'obac:t:o Company, Tallahassee. "No. 2." 1\1. U::GU.-?'1111.:k, from F. H. Chesbro, Born Hato11e. l\loistnre in sample as received { % ) . . . G!>. GT Ammonia in air dry sample ( < J o l . . . . . 2. r,:-, .\I. 13Gl.-l\inck, from H. G1ifli11 J ohnsou , ' l'allahassee. Sample taken from Lake :\[nnsou, Leon County. Ammonia in ail' dry sample (< , : ; ) ..... 2.?1 M. l ~rn :J.-Tr eate d S,nnlust, from tll'Ol'ge ,\. Ca rroll .J aclrnonvi I le. 1\1. 13G4.-Clay. c:ont:iiuing Limonite P elJ hles, from .1. :--. Holi:md, Midway. l\L 1:3G5.-Urine, fr o m llr. E. E:. Philbrick . 'J'allaha sioic(•. Spec:ilic gravity at :.!0 C .... . ........ 1.o:2r, : ' 1\1. 1:rn,.~ l'ho sp llnifr Li111estn11c , from 1 >iukin s -' -'~ J:r:rntl1 , Dnslm<'ll. l\L 1:371.-Lilll('f•done (C. 1lt-i11m Ca rbouate) , from .J. '\Y . ( 'an awny, LaBell e . M. 1:372.Jmpme Limonite ( Bog Irnn Ore), from El. L. llopki11s , Holland . l\L 1:n:L-~lmpnre G;n,sum (Calcium Sulfate), from E. \\ 'a lker , Invernes~ : . M. 187 .J..--Pulverized Limestone ( Calcium Carbonate), from G. L. Campb e ll. Carrabelle. M. 137!"\.-Limestone Pebhks (C alcium Carbonate), f'1mn Z. C. '\Yef-t, Orange D:ile.
PAGE 161
.\I. i:JiH.--A black emulsion from Dr. J. C. L'Englc, .J acksonvillc. ,rater , containing a sediment of iron oxide colored with carbonaceous matter. 31. In77.-Iron P,nites ( Iron Sulfide), from A. J .. John s o n , R e ddick. 11. 1378. --Bluc C lay, from Julius DiammHL Tallahass ee . !II. 137!>. -' L ' urnlrnll Hammock Soil, from ,va1te1 YVal d c n, ,'.\liami. :\[ois1nre ( % ) ...................... : lG.1:2 Cmu hm:lihl e matter ( 1 ;{ ) . 13. 8 7 .'.sit ( ' , ; I .Amnionia (%) . .. . ................ . 52.12 0.13 .\I. 1:;so.-1."L'inc. from Dr. E. E. Philln-i e k, Tallaha ssee . 8p ce i1it: g-rnvit;y at 20 C ............. 0.0141 l\I. rnSl.--l'hosplwte sample from Bartow , fol.' State Geolo gica l Sul'vey. 1'1iospho1 ic Aeid ( % ) .... ... ...... .. 15.5G Equivalent lo Il onc Pho >'p hat c of Lime ( Jl( ~ t ('tllt. _ ) . .. ... . . . ..........•.... : J8.fl7 .\I. 1~:82. -G r o mHl l'llosphate Hock , from C. C . Liddou. :\larianna. l'ltosvl10i-ic A ci d ( % ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :28. 75 Eqnivalent to D o ne Pho s phate of' Lime ( per cent.) ................... . ..... G2.7G M. 13!)1. -Hanl Hoek Phospl1ate l'chbles in Sandy :\fatrix, from Dutton, for State Geological Survey. Pho,-;ph01ic Acid ( % ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. 38 Equirnlent to Bone Phosphate of Lim e ( per c en t . ) ...... . ...... . .... . ..... 11.75
PAGE 162
mo l\L 1392.-Limestone (Calcium Carbonate), from W.W. Cl e veland , Jacksonville. M. 1393.-}Inck, from Peter Pierson, Pierson. }Ioistlll'e ( % ) . ... . . ............. .. . Am1nonia ( % ) .. .............. .. .. . Ash ( % ) ....... . . . . . . . ........... . 53.35 0.80 13.88 M. 1394.-Iron Pyrites (hon Sulfide), from C. R. Jen kins, Sneads. M. 1395.-Silca Coucre1ion, from S. E. Key, Quincy. M. 1396.-Iron Pyrites (Iron Sulfide) , from S. I. Revel, Bristol. M. 1412.-Soft Limestone (Calcium Carbonate), from P. A. McMillan, Eau Gallie. M. 1413.-Impure Fullers Eari:h, from wayne 'fhomas, Bartow . M. 1414.-Fine Sand, from Mrs. J. A. Caruthers, Cres cent Beach. M. 1415.-Soft Limestone ( Calcium Carbonate), from George F. Gaines, Victoria. M. 1416.-Kaolin, from John F. Carleton, Sparr. M. 1417.-Powder, used for tempering steel, from H. L. Wise, Jasper. A mixture of Sodium Chloride, Sodium Bicar bonate and Sodium Carbonate. :M. 1428.-Muck. from ,T. D. Robertson, Ocala. "No . l." Moistme in sample as received ( 7c ) . . 78. 51 Ammonia on moisiure free basis ( % ) . 2. 97 Ash on moisture free basis ( % ) . . . . . . 8. 32
PAGE 163
l(il M. 142!J.-l\fnck, from J. D. Robertson, Ocala. "No. 2." )fois1nre in sample as received ( 'Jc ) .. U:2 . 40 c\.nm1011ia on moisture free basis( %) . :3.25 _\s it on moisture free basis ( % ) . . . . . . 7 . U7 M. H30.-Mnck, from J. Buttenbach & Co., Holder. "jfoistm e i11 sample as received ( %) .. 77.25 Ammonia on moisture free basis ( % ) . ;3, 08 Asu on m ois ture free basis ( % ) . . . . . . S .10 M. 14 31. -lmpm-e Limestone (Calcium Carbonat e), from 'l'. K. Godbey, Waldo. ":II. tJ:::2.-3Iuck , from Gulf Fedilizcr Com pany, Tampa. Ash ( % ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8. 68 Jnsoluhle mn ttel' ( % ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !J. 35 Ammonia ( / ; , ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 78 M. 14 33 .-S oft l'ho s plrnt e, from J. Schnarr, Otla11ry Basis.) Mnisimc ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.10 Co mlmstihlc mattl'r (%) . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.29 Sile-a ( 11,) ................ . ........ H4.57 Cndeiermincd ( % ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.04
PAGE 164
162 M. 144 :: l.-Algae, from Sulfur v, ter, for State Geo logi ca l Sul'vey. Sampl e contaius sulfm and sulfates. M. 1444.-A min e nll ]Jo11 c-1 fo1 State Ocologi ca l Sur vey. A mixture of Ca lcimn Sulfate, Ca lcium Car bonate and Silicn. M. 1445.-Muck , from Ernest H. J: Yl'l',I' , 8cbastian. Phosphoric Acid ( 1 ;1< , l . . . . . . . . . . . . . tl. lS Ammonia (%) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1:J Potash ( K ~O) ( % ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii. Oo:i Ash ( % ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. .1-l M. H4G . -:!\Iarl (Calcium Carbonate), f1orn -Xc11 South Fm-n1 Company, Ocala. M. 14.J.7 .Soft Lim est one (Calcium Carhoua1e1, from .J. 'l.'. Bindck , Pnlmctto. l\I. 1448.-Fl' es li Muck, from J. L. Nesbit, Sav::nrnah, Ga. Moistme in smnplc as receiv e d ( % ) ... !)4. !Hi Ammonia on moisture free basis (% , ). z.o:: M. 14.J.!J.-Soil, from R. Kilpatrick, Miami. l\fois1me in smnple as r ece iv ed ( '/t , ) ... 58.::rn Calcium Carbonate on moisture free basis ( % ) ....................... 71.4~ Ash 011 moisture fre e basis ( % ) ...... 4G. !)O Ammon in on moisture free basis ( % ) . 1. 213 Phosphoric Acid on moisture free basis ( per cent.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 115 Pot:1sh ( K , O) on moisture free basis (per cent.) 0.105 1\1. H,">0 . -Sof't Limestone (Calcium Carbonate) , colored with Iron, from ,Jimmie Stephens, Lebanon.
PAGE 165
1 ,. .. 0-> 1\1. 1451.-Black Clay. from A. Clark, River Junction. M. 1452.-Soil, from Emest H. Every, Seb:u-;tian. "l\o. 1.'' .:\Ioistme iu sample as receiYed (%) ... 31.64 Ash on moisture free basis ( % ) . . . . . . 90. 80 Ammonia on rnoisture free basis ( % ) . 0. 32 l'hospl101ie A('id on moisture free basis (per eent.l ...................... 0.042 Potash ( K,O J on moisture free basis (per cent.) ...................... 0.035 M. 1453.-Soil, from Ernest H. Every, Sebastian. "No. 2." Moistme in sam1ile as 1eceived ( % ) ... 79. !!2 Ash on moisture free basis ( % ) . . . . . . 60. 41 Ammonia on moisture free basis ( % ) . 1.13 Phosphmic Acid 011 moisture free basis (per tent.) ...................... 0.0GH Potash ( K 2 0) on moisture free basis (per cent.) ....................... 0.0G0 U. 1457.-Soil, frnm Emest H. Every, Sebastian. 1\1. ''::\'o. ,3." Ash ( % ) .......................... fl4.3! l'ho:-phorit Acid ................... Trace. Potash (K 2 0) ...................... 0.045 1458.-Soil, from Ernest H. Everv . ' Sebastian. "No. 4." Ash ( % ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99. 02 Ammonia (%) ..•.................. 0.017 Phosphoric Acid ( % ) .............. Trace. Potash (K 2 0) ...................... 0.075 M. 145H.-Tmpure Limestone (Calcium Carbonate), from R. D. Waring, Kissimmee.
PAGE 166
HlJ M. 1460.-:.\Iica sltist, from \\". H. Crngler, J ackf-mwille. M. 1464.-Pouu Muck, from Hemy 'IV. Smith, wa c ltula. Ammonia on mois t ure free basis (%). 3.2.:! Aslt on moisture free basis ( % ) . . . . . . 16. 60 Jnsoluble matter on moisture free basis ( per eeni. ) ...... . ............... H. s: . 1 M. 1465.-Bruwu Muck , from E1 nest H. Every, Sebas tian. " No. 6." Ash on moistmc free ba s is ( % ) . . . . . . (i:2 . 43 Ammonia on moi st ur e free basis ( % ) . 1. 24 .M. 1466.-Impure Kaolin, from J. B. Smith, Lakeland . M. 1467.-:\Iica, from King & Dro., Ilarris. :.\l. 1471.-Limestone (Calcium Carbonate). from W. C. warrington & Co. , Jacksonville. M. 1472.-Silicious Hock , from C. A. Edgerton , Qnin< .I". M. 1473.-Marl (Calcium C:nbo nate 1, from C. W. Kib ler, Largo. M. 1475.-Kaolin, from : u. C. L e wis, Haq,er. M. 1476.-Inqrnre Fulle rs E:ntl1, from 'l'. 'IV. Karst t lt, Lake City. M . 1478 . -Bmnt Clay, from D. B. K e nt , Jliami. M. 1479.-Sandy Marl (Cal c ium Carbonate and Siliea 'i , from Hunter L a nd Company. Kissin1111 ee. M. 1482.-M11ck. from ,To e Cameron, SanfM
PAGE 167
165 M. 1483.-Couglumernte ( day) containing quartz peb bles, iron oxide and mica, from James Rob erts, Grand Ridge . M. 1484.-Sandy Kaolin, from W. A. D'Alemberte, Pen sacola. ~f. 1487.-Limestone , from G. A. Danley, Chipley. Insoluble matter ( % ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 2~1 Lime (CaO) (%) .................. 54.10 Equivalent to Calcium Carbonate ( % ) 9G . 52 M. 14S8.-Carbonaeeous Shale, from S. M. Mill e r, Graceville. ~1. 148!:l.-Rotton Limestone (Calcium Carbonat e). from Thoma s Brown, Largo. M. 14!12.-Rork Phosphate , from Charles Jensen , Lacoo chee. "No. l." Phosphoric Acid ( % ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35. li5 Equivalent to Bone Phospate of Lime ( per cent.) ...................... ifi. 7!1 M. 149:l.-Hock Phosphat e. from Charles Jensen , La con rhee. "No. 2." Phosphoric Acid ( % ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. fl!) Eqoi,nlen1 to Bone Phosphate of Lime '(per cent.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2fi. !1!) M. 1494.-Roek Phosphate, from C lrn 1Jpi.J e11i-en. Ln roo chee. "No. 3." Phosphoric Acid ( % ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 .17 Equivalent to Bone Phrn,phate of Lime (per cent.) . .. ... . .. . ............ 76. 78
PAGE 168
lliG M. 1495.-Rock Phosphate, from Charlc8 Jensen, Lacoo chee. ''No. 4." Phosphoric Acid ( '7c \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35. 2S Equivalent to Bone Phosphate of Lime (per cent.) ...................... 77.02 M. 1487.-Sandy Clay, from Geo. 'l'. Gaines, Victoria. ;\f. 14!J8.-Soil, from B. K. Buck, Maxville. "No. 10." Ash on air dry basis ( % ) . . . . . . . . . . . . !)6. 70 Ammonia on air dr.r basis ( % ) . . . . . . 0 .40 2\f. H!J!),-Soil, from B. K. Buck, 2\faxville. "No. 15." Ash on air dry basis ( % ) ............ !)4. 21 Ammonia on air dry basis ( % ) . . . . . . 0. 2fi }I. 1500.-Soil, from B. K. Buck, Maxville. "No. rn." Ash on air dry basis (%) ............ 95.71; Ammonia on air dry basis ( % ) . . . . . . O. 20 2\f. 1501.-Soil, from B. K. Buck, 2\faxville. "No. rn." Ash on air dry basis ( % ) . . . . . . . . . . . . U3. oa Ammonia on air dry basis ( % ) . . . . . . 0. ~5 ;\[. 15(t3.-l\farl (Calcium Carbonate), from Bnwt•n Sheppard, Bristol. 2\1. 1504.-1\farl ( Calcium Carbonate), from Pike Adair, Lakeland. Ji. 1505.-Rock Phosphate, from .William Child, Ta lla hassee. "No. 1." Phosphoric..--\eid (%) ............... ~!J.74 EqnivalPnt to Rone Phosphate of Lime (per reut.\ ...................... li-L!H
PAGE 169
l!i7 M. 1G06.-Hock Pho:-:vliatc, from William CL!ild, 'l\dla Lia ssee . " No . ~ " Pho::;phoric Acid ( '10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~4. S! l Euqival c ut to Bone 1'!10:-:phate oJ Lime ( per ccn t. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 . :34 :H. 1507.-Iron l'yriics ( hou ~uliicl c J. from Zephy r l.iill Colouy Co., Zep hyrhill s, Pas to Con niy. 1\1. 150 S .-l\lmk , from .J. , l. Ilead , 'l'a mpa. M. 1 500. -l\lnl'l (C alcinlll Ca rb o 11 ,1te1 , from R. C. :\lay, ?\J inmi. M. 1514.-Boil e i Co mJJOllllfl. from l\Ji s :-: Clem Hamp t on, Tall a h assee . A :\Iix tm•p of 8 1><.li 111n Phosph::d e. So rlinm Snl ph a1e a nd S o dium Ilyuratr>. i\ l. H'iJ5 . -J>owd er. from.-\. P. :!\frCa:-:kill, Tallaha ssee. '!'hp powdr>r i s nr.: Pnio11s aci•l. eo lor e d. :!\f. J!"i17 . -~hPll "\L11"l /Cale imn C:11" honnt e a nd Silica), from F .. .\l r.: h. Omeg-n.