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- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00077083/00014
Material Information
- Title:
- Florida quarterly bulletin of the Agricultural Department
- Uniform Title:
- Avocado and mango propagation and culture
Tomato growing in Florida Dasheen its uses and culture Report of the Chemical Division
- Alternate title:
- Florida quarterly bulletin, Department of Agriculture
- Alternate title:
- Florida quarterly bulletin of the Department of Agriculture
- Creator:
- Florida -- Dept. of Agriculture
- Place of Publication:
- Tallahassee Fla
- Publisher:
- s.n.
- Publication Date:
- -1921
- Frequency:
- Quarterly
Monthly[ FORMER 1901- Sept. 1905] regular
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- v. : ill. (some fold) ; 23 cm.
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Agriculture -- Periodicals -- Florida ( lcsh )
Agricultural industries -- Statistics -- Periodicals -- Florida ( lcsh )
- Genre:
- serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- -v. 31, no. 3 (July 1, 1921).
- General Note:
- Description based on: Vol. 19, no. 2 (Apr. 1, 1909); title from cover.
- General Note:
- Many issue number 1's are the Report of the Chemical Division.
- General Note:
- Vol. 31, no. 3 has supplements with distinctive titles : Avocado and mango propagation and culture, Tomato growing in Florida, and: The Dasheen; its uses and culture.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services (UFDC@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 28473206 ( OCLC )
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JANUARY 1, 1910
R. E.
Analyses of Fertilizers, Feed Stuff, Food and Drugs.
Rules and Regulations.
Ei tcre .inulary 31, 1903, at Tallahassee, Florida, as second-class matter, ilder
Act of (ongress, 0of hllne 1901)
These Bulletins are Issued Free to Those Requesting Them
1'. T. APPLEYARD, State Printer,
Tllahbasseoe, Florida.
191 O
Tallahassee, Florida, January 1, 1910. To His Excellency,
Albert NV. Gilchrist, Governor.
Tallahassee, Florida.
Page, 1, under Exependitures of Chemical Division, the salary of the Feed Stuff Analyst, $1,500.00, was omitted. The totals should read as follows: Total expenses, Chemical Division . 14,294 .18 To credit of General Revenue Fund .42,498.42
Total receipts . $56, 792.60
On page 12, Revenues Under New Law of 1901, should read:
1909. 14,294.18 $42,498.42 $56,792.60
Average.$ 8,482.74 $23,772.70 $33,666.67
salary Food and Drug (aeMISL . Salary Food and Drug inspector .1,500.00 cost of samples for Food anid Drug analysis .937.24 Traveling expenses, Food and Drug Inspector. 139 Apparatus Food Laboratory .~39 postage.63.50
Total expenses, Chemical Division .$12,794.18 To Credit of General Revenue Fund . 43,998.42
Total Receipts .$6726
Tallahassee, Florida,
January 1, 1910.
To His Excellency,
Albert'W. Gilchrist, Governor.
Sir:- Tallahassee, Florida.
I have the honor to submit the following report of the Chemical Division of the Agricultural Department of the State of Florida, for the year ending December 101, 1909.
The records of the office of the Agricultural Department, and report of the State Treasurer, show the sale of inspection stamps covering 154,740.28 tons of Commercial FertilizersAm ounting to . $38,685.07
And 62,350.12 tons of Commercial Feeding StuffsAm ounting to . 18,087.53
A total revenue of . . $56,792.60 paid into the State Treasury to the credit of the General Revenue Fund. From which is to be deducted the total expenses of the Chemical Division, and the expenses of the Department of Agriculture, incident to the execution of the Fertilizer, Feed Stuff, and Pure Food and Drug Laws.
Salary State Chemist . k . $ 2,500.00 Traveling expenses State Chemist and Assistants . 696.65 Salary Fertilizer Chemist . 1,800.00 Salary Feed Stuff Inspector . 1,500.00 Traveling expenses Feed Stuff Inspector . 808.75 Chemicals and Apparatus . 1,014.10 Salary Food and Drug Chemist . 1,800.00 Salary Food and Drug Inspector . 1,500.00 Cost of samples for Food aLd Drug analysis . 937.24 Traveling expenses, Food and Drug Inspector . Apparatus Food Laboratory . 173.94 P ostage . 63.50
Total expenses, Chemical Division . $12,794.18 To Credit of General Revenue Fund . 43,998.42
Total Receipts . $56,792.60
The following analyses were made during the year:
Official samples fertilizers (drawn by chemist) . 211 Special samples fertilizers (.-:ent in by citizens) . 366 Official samples, feed stuff (drawn by inspector). 235 Spec-ial samples feed sluff (sent in by citizens) . 33 Official food and drug samples (drawn by inspector) 217 Special food and drug saIlnples (sent in by citizens) 110 Miscellaneous samples (sent in by citizens) . 239
Total number analyses . 1,11
L. Ileimburger, M. S., Analyst.
Of the 211 official samples analysed, 155 samples were of complete goods; 56 samples were of fertilizer materials.
The 155 samples of complete fertilizer drawn by the State Chemist, had the following average composition and guarantee:
Ammonia. Available Phos. Acid. Potash. Official analysis . 3.84 7.15 7.62
Guarantee . 3.62 6.25 7.07
Exco-s above guarantee. 0.22 0.90 0.55
Averare State value found, per ton . $29.81 Average State value guaranteed, per ton . 28.47
re find complete fertilizers exceeding the guarantee
0.20 (twenty points) as follows:
In Ammonia .6!) samples, or . 44.5% In Available Phosphoric Acid 117 samples, or . 75.5% In Potash . 102 samples, or . 65.8%
We find complete fertilizers below guarantee 0.20% (twenly points) as follows:
In Ammonia . 21 samples, or . 1-1.6% In Available Phosphoric Acid 17 samples, or . t11 % In Potash (K, 0) . 25 samples, or . 16.1%
Official samples . . . 217 Special samples, sent in by cilizonl . 110
Totalnl analyses . . . 7:127
Official sainmples found adulleratel . 8 Official sampl es found uisl-)randed . -12
Those samples found adulterated or Ilisbranded have been rplorled io the I1rper oTficer. In all cases tle dealers and manufac oilers hiave corrected the labels by Ilacing the proper labels on the goods or by witlldrawing the oflending, inalterials from the nurket. Several proseculions for misbranding have been had and in a number of cases the parties have been found guily and pnishied by fine. These proseculions, however, are not part of the duty of the Chemical Division, but come under the jurisdiction of the various courts. The evidence of adulteration or rnislranding only being furnished by the Chciiedal Division.
E. Peck (Greene, R. S., Analyst.
Th following analyses huve been made during the year:
Offic i!i s;inples Feed Stuf't. . 2 ,5 Special samples Feed StA.ff. .3
Total al s . . . 2;S
The average eniposition of lhe official samples wias as follows:
Starch and
'Protein Sugar Fa s
Official analysis .17.(09 5(.91 4. :.1 Guarante ed analysis . 17.58 54.00 4.22
Excess . . 0.11 2.91
I)ef ien . . 0.19
We find tile official samples of Feed Stuff exceeded the guarantee 0.20% twentyy points) as follows:
In Protein . 11S samples, or.51.1% lin Siarch and Sugar .124 samples, or . 66.6% In Fats . . 58 sam l s, or .25.6%
There was a deficiency of 0 .2C (20 poins) as follows: In Protein . 84 samples, or .83-6.3% In Starch al Sugar . samplese, or .:0.
In Fats .108 samples, or . . . .47.7%
1I will be noted lha Ihe consumer. and tihe 1ial dealer, do not lake advantage of their priviloge under lhe law io send in the "Special 4Sample" of Feed Stuff, ns do 1lhe C'onsunIImers of, and local dealers in Ferlilizers. During Ilihe year hut T: "'Special Sail ples'" of Fecl Stllf were sent in 1y Ililhase.rs. under Section 9 of lhe Feed Stiuff Law, whilh there were no less tlhan :;; Special Samples of FerIilizers sent ih-conclusively showlini Iat l ca he niner irf ertiiilizer more fully appreciates ilie protection afforded ihem by ihe "Special Saimple."
When Tihe dairnman, and others feeding live stock-ieanisier's, drymeln, t uir1penline producers, elc. using ]nr'e amounts of commercial Feed Sltuff, realize as do lie Feriiliz' eIr osumers, ilte udvaiilage of pu'irchasing ,rly sich feel s as will produce the best results: either for milk, flesh, fat, or force, and insist upon getting it; and tlhen confirm ilhe representalions of the "G'uarantee Tag" y seniliing in a "Special Sanmile'' of any suspected goodsd, lie Comminercial Feed Stuf' of of he Stlate will be Placed on as high a plane as Fertilizers now occupy.
M.uch of lhe excellence of trin Fertilizer and its uniform exccss above guaraniee. is duie io the liberal use or the
-Special Samiple" by fruit and vegetable growers o'f the Stale. (On hii subject I can butl repeat a satelnent made in former reports, bearing in mind that the right to send in "Slpecial Samples" by citizens of the State, applies equally 1o Feed SIull' aind to Fertilizers.
TIl an alytical tables show the results of the closer inspctiiin and general iltelliel tl demand for a better irende of material, few cases of adulteratlion or deficiency have Ieen discover\-ed. Nume'rous cases of misbranding have been found whlici have been correled and the goods so, labeled as to truthfully so foirtih the materials used in liheir imanunfacture.
During lhe year considerable additions have been made lo the apparatus, and fixtures of the various laboratories, to facilitate Ihe increased demands for analytical work nmde necessary Iv the increased interest taken by the citizens of lhe State in the work of the Chemical Division, and their demand for information, as to the puril , coinposiiin andl value of the various Fertilizers, Feed Stuffs, Food and Drugs sold in lhe State.
'hli ilnleret is evidenced by the greater number of "S'i eci l Samplles," (drawn ), thile citizens) sent to the Shite Laboratlory, showingL an increased interest in the worth of lhe Dlivision, and nI iiitelligeni demand for inforimalion, and ncemurnte knowledge of ilhe value of the various inllieri:lls sold. such as Fertilizers. Stock Feed, and Food for hu n nlli llSlllllumption.
Thls deliand for nlmaieiils being truthfully lid lholnest li labeled, wiih tlie proportions of valuable constituelnis 1lncci;lely stated is not confined to the conlisliner, buti is also beini g demanded by the various dealers thiulhut tllhe St ate who seek inforinlalion as to 1lie actIin ' dl ofl l ooa _.ds pul-rchlsed, ill oldel to lprolect thelmsolVcS anld their latrllons frl adulterailed, mislranided and low iitile goods.
li l thi connection I quote from a paper prepared and read b iy mYself before Ithe Sonulhern States Agricultural Conmlissioni's at (C'oluinlibia.n S. C., as follows
A\s most of olr Statles provided for the regulalion and sole of conlillercial ferilizers, nd stock feed, to protect their butiniss in lIresls, heir mi'ps. their live stock. and Ibank accounts; before they framed laws to protect Ihemselves, lheir families, h-lei wives and their children, from inlll"e, ilwholesomne, and frequently dangerous foods andm drutis we see the vonmnlercial, economic, or business interests were first considered by our legislative bodies, inll answer to a general economic demand on Ihe part of Iouir people.
"The history of lthe fertilizer law,-parlicularly those of the cotton Stlates, where commercial fertilizers were firsl used to any greal extelin ; aind where by far Ihe largest market for commercial fertilizers still exists.-is well known. Iow the law was opposed by manufacturers and dealers, and frequently by consuniers; the ridicule and frequently unjust criticism of the law, and its advocates; lhe frequent evasion of its provisions, not only by the
manufacturer, dealer or importer, but often by the consumer, who had no faith in 'book farming,'--nor agricultural science. How difficult it was to teach the farmer that one ton of 'gunano' might be more valuable to his crops than another; that lie might be wasting his money for an entirely useless material,-not demanded by his crops,--and neglecting to apply the material his fields rquired.
"The history of the fertilizer legislation, and regulation, tile gradual ,growth of knowledge, along tlie consillnerls, the manufacturers and dealers, is well known. To-day the most ardent suplortelr of the various fertilizer laws. are the legi imate manu faneluers of and dealers in standard fertilizers. Our frl'mer's are being rapidly educated to lihe economic use of lite necessary plant foods, to produce lthe best results, with the least expenditure of cash.
"The experiences of nmy own State, and I am informed by members that other States have had tile same troubles,
-has been that the law was first opposed by the manufacturers and Ithe dealer, and was a matter of indifference to tihe consumer; who would complain loudly of the poor quality of feed sold him at current prices; criticise ihe law and the officers, and take no steps to help himself, nor assist the officer in providing a better quality for lhe same price.
"GradualIlv, however, the consumer begaia to recognize the fact, ilat if lie demanded 'regular goodss' properly labeled, in phliii terms. and refused others, lie procured a better material. Soon the dealer discovered lie could also. by demanding legally br:lned 1and guarutmeed goods,
--and by refusing to deal with factories or man ufacturers that neglected or re fused Io comply with the law,--procure a material more sai-faclory Io his trade, at Ihe same price, as f ,rmerly paid for materials of questionalle value.
* * a * * .
"The execution of the Pure Food and Drug Law presents some features not common to Fertilizer and Stock Feed Laws, though the demand for this law comes from the same cause; a desire to purchase standard goods at market prices; an economic law. The enforcement of this law will be successful in the exact proportion, as the public are educated as to its economy, no sentiment, fam-
ily relations, children's health, public benefit, honesty of purpose, civic duties, welfare of community, will affect the issue.
"When we can show the public, by facts and figures, that Il:ey are paying more for their impure, sophisticated, misbranded foods, drugs and drinks, than the pure articles are worth, then will the pure food act become popular and he enforced. Whenlii ihe people know that certaill 'predigested,' 'brain.' 'infant,' 'nerve,' and other patent foods are sold for from four to teln times their value as food; that good wheat, barley, oats and. corn. properly prepa-;ed, are equally valuable, though costing from one hundred to one thousand per cent less. the public will assist in the enforcement of the law. lWhen so-called 'tonies,' 'elixers,' 'renevators, 'maltines.' and other similar cure-:ills, so largelyy advertised, aretI shown to be more or less (generlll iliore) Ibunllco e,' and but a cover for very inferiorl articles of clieap alcoholic stimulants, the public will refuse to purchase and will demand only those goods known to be sold at something like their commercial value.
"On lihe whole, thle p)rogre:s in the execution of the Pure Food and Stock Feed Law, has for the short period of I1 eir existence been satisfactory.
"The education of the public hronugh our Farmers' Institles, agricultural and o tier teehnical schools, the effori of the various Agricu!iiural D)epartiments through the various bulletins, an0d rtlieu!nrly the Agiicultural t's, has bei oi llf O Yt u for celel ing a dtiand for pun fd nd drgs. 1 Pt least for a lnowled1'e of tlhe real vhll ne. ( oNi, etci1i it li iu I. of lhe goods offered.
"Thl.Te still remains nmo h to be ocnmnplishied; much depends n the executive Wbilily of the various officers cha rg'd with the enforcieme(nt of the law; heir lpatience and g'oe common sense must be exercised largely, in telling the inaiifacturer. the dealer and the consumer that Honesty is thie best policy,' that neither of them (-an h11)pe long tq deceive the other. That the exposure is suie to follow in time, of all unworthy 'tricks of lthe trade, and that retribluition will be demnnded by tlhe vi( im.
"The persistent ndulterator must he prosecuted, his mnelhods exposed, and his business made unprofitable by publicity. In other words, the public must be educated to
distinguish the true from the false, in this as well as all either matters, and must have the facts brought forcibly and clearly before it. Even if it be necessary to harshly apply Ihe Ifll penalty of the law 1o a few frauds in the outset, who persist in evading its provisions.
"A few such examples will go far towards purging coimmerce of ithe wide spread evil, which has grown in a few years t0 such prloporlions as 10 Cause thle present gen eral demand for it' suppress sion, and obliteralion."
The very considerable increase ini cost of all food stuff has nac'(issirily increased the demand for cheaper materialis and ille iiemptl to subsltitilue inferior, fr better g lade goods: it has also created a deniand by thle consliiler for tilhe Valloe of his llloyev," hence the iliter-lst nlow heing so g"nervi-y given to the purchase of f(ood imalerials at heir actual value: holh by thile deal r anld the colnSilllP.
()wilg o ithe ilcreasedl importnl, e, and greater scope of work of ithe Cliemi iicvl iion. 1 e larger number. and mitore varied class of llatrials, now IIece(,sarVy i exalinille, lhe increased expense, and increased revenue derived from 1he D iison, I bt li(,ve illat n short history of Thn eslal)lishmeinnt and groew1lhi of the D)iviion, would be of inter(st to thlie eilizen. lThe causes leading to( its establishment, iand gr admuil &rowth in answer to the demands of ilie citizens of the Siale--as follows:
The law creating 1ie (Chenical division of the Agri(.ulillal )Department was passed by the Le-gislliure of lS,1t, in complian' wilh lhe demands of 1lie Fruit and Vegetable grow-ei.s of tile State, folr ]pirlection frot' tihe notlorioul-y adunltieialed anld iisiuaitded fl-erilizers sold in the State. At thal time Florida having no laws prohibiting the sale of inferior, and often wortilless, fertilizers, was tile dumping ground for goods that ('could bot hi sold in other Stales. At the same time, 18Tt, the Deparilent of AgriNiculilre was estalhlished.
The first State Chlemis, thle late lPI'ofessi ir Norman Robinson, organized the Departmentl and served as State Chemist mlil the Hon. W. A. Rawls was appointed by
Governor Mitchell in 1S93. Professor Rawls served until August, 1901, when Ihe present State Chemist, I. E. Rose, was appointed by Governor Jennings; having been nominlated by tlie first prinl.iry held in the State in 1900, under our present primary law.
The first law of 1S!) was crude, and in many particulars imipralcical. No assistanils were provided. and no funds apljvroprialed to, carry out thle law. excelting such ns might he derived rinm the Inspection Fee if 25 cents ]er ton on fertilizers. Inspectors were allowed a salary lnot io exceed .800 per annum, with no allowance for traveling, hence, naturally, thie revenues were Iut little imlore than ithe expenses of1 le office. AMuch credit is idue ti Pr'ofessor Riobins" for the efficienI ialllner in which he perfornid his duties an1d he iIprovelllent lie elected in the iualily of fertilizers sold in the Slaie, i1aving no funds to work withl. ut crude and inferior appIiariltus, and exceedinly limited Ihlorniory fzaciiliti s. At this i m a ltee 1o, 1wo dollars was allowed by law to Ile tichalged for "Special Saiiples" drawn by citizells and selt io the Stlte Laboralory for analysis. The law was of little direct hInieleil to any citizen of lhe Stale, affording lilil protoclion to ilhe individual, though Ihe quality of tie I'rtilizers sold were generally much improved, and a number of inferior brands driven froml lthe State.
The law was modified in 1s8)3; employing ill alssistant St le Chemtist who was the Inspector of Fertilizers, though no funds were provided to enable him to visit and inspect ihe various factories and warehouses of the State. At his ownii expense. \V. A\. Rawls, while Slate Chemis't, did travel extensively, visiing factories, warehouses, fields and groves, inspecting 1he goods sol,l, and insitructinlg ihe consumer of fertilizers: by this 11leans the rev enuies were materially increased, and the quality of the fertilizers sold in the State greatly improved. R ecognizinI this facl the Legislature of l1)0I by a relief bill repaid Mr. Rawls a part of his expenditures in traveling o\er thie State in ihe interests of lhe farmers, fruit grow. ers and olher consumers of fertiilizers.
The present Fertilizer Lawi-plrelpared by the present Stale Chemnist, was passed in 1901. Recognizing lhe im1prtance of ihe supervision of the factories and warehouses; the fields, groves and gardens where fertilizers are manufactured and used, the frequently inspection of goods sold throughout the Slate, the necessity of educat-
ing the consumer by close personal contact with the official charged with his protection-a small fund, $750.00 per annum, was appropriated for the purpose, and subsequently increased to one thousand dollars per annum.
The "Special Sample" drawn by the citizens purchasing fertilizer or feed stuff, and sent to the State Laboratory for anal ysis, free of cost was provided for; the wisdomn of this expenditure, for supervision and inspection, and this privilege of free analysis of samples plropeirly drawn by the citlizen-was ilnlediaiely received, in the great in crease of revenue, and more particularly in the increased value and uniform quality of the goods sold 11hroughout Ilie State.
The revenues under the old law-which l)rovided no, "traveling expenses," to inspect or supervise Ilhe factories, warehouses, fields and groves, and to enforce the payment of the revenue, were as follows:
Foir 1S!9S . 8,3: . 7S For 18 099 . . (,004. 05 For 1900 . (;,738S.78
Gross average per annum. 7, 026.53
I nder the present law of 1901. and aniendments thereto the gross and net revenues, and all expenses of salaries, traveling xpelmises, new buildings. and app aratus, have been as follows:
Net G(ross
Year Expensus Revenue Revenue
1901 . . 1,85.4 8 8,677.54 818,072.95 191)2 . . ,83 . 10 12.5:1.95 17,18 .05 190.: . 6,145.16 1 ;,i . 42 22,76;1.58 1!90[ . 6,556. G1 21.961. 57 28,518.18 1115 . . 6,9: .77 24,596.09 81,584. SG 1906 . 8,557. i 34,2:2.58 42.790.19 1907 . . 11,5l1. t4 31,994.26 48,535.70 1908 . 16i,781.05 8,0,021.87 4- .805.92 1909( . 12,7!4 .18 4 ,9 8. 2 56,792.60
Average .$ 8.:(1;.08 $24,98.3 $833,666.(67
Beginning in 1901 with an inferior and inadequate laboratory, with cramped and badly arranged working room, wVith but one assistant, and no inspector, with no modern alppliances-the Chemical Division has been built up in nine years to a modern, up-to-date Laboratory, equal to any State Laboratory, and superior to most. With propeiy designed d, well lighted rooms, with modern equipment. Three distinct laboratories are provided for Fertilizers, Feeds, and Foods and D)rugs. Each well supplied with modern apparantus, chemicals and supplies. The D)ivision employs besides the State Chemist, who is the executive head of tie Division, three competent analysts, all gradites of the Florida University; and two competent inspectors who travel over the State constantly, drawing samples for analysis, and seeing that the laws are complied with-while the increase in net revenue-from S8.077 in 1901 lo -43,!! 8.42 in 1909, has been great; the increase in the quality of Fertilizers and Feeds sold in the State has been of vastly greater value to the citizens of the State.
Comparisons of analysis of materials sold in the State prior to the passage of the present law and amendments thereto, and its general application, and active enforcement, made possible by the appropriation of the necessary funds to travel over, and inspect the factories, and warehouses of the State, show that there has been an average increase in the actual value of the goods (Fertilizers and Feeds) sold, of more than ten per cent. As there was consumed in the State during 1909 154,740 tons of fertilizer, costing an average of $30 per ion, aggregating $4,642,200; and 62,350 tons of commercial feed stuff, costing an average of $32 per ton, the total amount paid by our citizens for these necessities was $6,578,400. An inreaense of ten per cent in the value of these articles represents q657,840, saved to the people of the State.
The actual expense or cost of this increased value of the goods sold has been an average of $8,316.08 per annum. These expenses include the cost of the new laboratory buildings, apparatus and fixtures, chemicals, salaries and traveling expenses; with an average net revenue, paid into the General Fund of $24,939.36.
This increase in value of goods sold to the citizens of the State, and the revenues derived therefrom, is not attributable only to an increase in the amount of goods
sold in the State-but to a closer inspection, and enforcement of the law. made possible by the appropriation of the necessary funds, required to proper] carry out the provisions of tile law, and educate the consumer to demand a full compliance with the guarantee, and compel all manufaciurers to pay the inspection fee fixed by lawwhich under the old law, with no inspeclion or supervision, was evaded in many cases.
Florida is the only State in the ITnion that provides for the "Special Sample," drawn by the consumer, or purchaser, under proper rules and regulations fixed by lawto bie sent to the Slate Laboratory for analysis free of cost--any citizen in the State who has purchased Ferlilizers or Feeds for his own use may draw a sample of the same, according to law, and have the same analysed by the State Chemist free of cost. And in case of adulteration or deficiency he can, on establishing the fact, receive double the cost of price demanded, for the goods.
The law requires the "Special Samples" to be drawn in a manner to prevent the submission of spurious samples; rules and regulations are published in every Bulletin for drawillg and transmitting "'Special Sanples."
This Special Sample has been a nmost Jpoltent factor in enforcing the law, and discouraging the sale of adulterated or misbranded goods.
Special Samples of Foods and D)rugs may allso be s-ent to the State Laboraiory for analysis free of cost, when the samlue is properly drawn aceordiing to law. The necessary instructions, and blanks required to lproperlv draw and transmit samples of "Food and )Drugs" will b(! seni to) any citizen requesting the same.
The "Special Sample" is doubtless creditable with much of t I he success and elfficieu(i( of the Chemical IDivision, in enforcing the law; it makes each dealer, and consuioer largely responsible for lhe pnrily or quality of the goods sold, or purchased, and gives to the citizens of the State lhe opportunity to protect himself from fraudulent or inferior goods, it gives the citizen the right to quickly inform himself as to the correctness of the guarantee on the package.
There is no reason why any citizen should accept and pay for adulterated, deficient or damaged Fertilizers, Feeds, Foods or Drugs. The State provides the means for his protection, only requiring him to use the means plrovided. IDraw the samples properly, as provided Ily law and riegulalions, an(l properly transmit them to tthe Commissioner of Agriciulture for analysis by the Stale Chemist.
That the citizens of the State appreciate and make use of the "Special Sample" is evidenced by the large number sent in for analysis as shown in the tables of anal vlical results.
The manufacturers of standard, reliable Fertilizers and Feed Stuffs are Ihe most earnest sutpporiers (If the law, recognlizing tHie fact that the law protects the honest inanufacturer from The unfair come i tion of the dishonest mixer of Fertilizers, Foods and I)rugs and Feeds. Under previous conditions lhe sale of honest: Fertilizers or Feeds, Urans and Shorls and mixed feeds, was implpractical, the mIerchant or dealer in hlionest goods, could not complete with the low grade, duliterated and inferior Imaerials. The on lv dealers and manufacturers who criticize the law, and object to its enforl'(ire ent, are those who desire to sell inferior, damaged or adulleirated mnalerial.
Inspectos-Al prcseni there ae two inspectors employed, one for Feed Stufl'f, one for Foods and I)rugs. The State Clmis is the o(nly inspeclctr of Fertilizers.
I would su,'gesil that not less than three Inspect ors be enploy ed. Each lo have aulhovity to draw samplles of all goods subject lo inspeclion, that is, Fertilizers, Foods and D)lrugs. and Feeds, havin- anuthoritv to seize anv material misbranded.(. or lhat fails to bear the proper inspection stamp. Thai one of lhese Inspectors be located at each
large city, Pensacola, Jacksonville, and Tampa, and have charge each of a Congressional District. Subject to orders of the Commissioner of Agriculture, and at his direction be detailed to any part of the State if necessary. That the State Chemist have as now the general supervision of the inspection of goods throughout the State in order to frequently consult, assist, and direct the Inspectors in their work.
It is evident that Standards should be fixed by law for Mixed Feeds, and for certain by-products of factories used for feed, to prevent the sale of materials below the average of such goods, though properly guaranteed; a number of States have adopted such standards, fixing the minimum of the valuable ingredients in Alixed Feed Stuff permissible in feeds sold in the State. Florida should fix similar standards as without them, foods not salable in other States, can be sold in Florida, though truthfully labeled they are not standard foods, and should not be sold as Concentrated Feed Stuff.
Very respectfully,
State Chemist.
Special samples of Fertilizers or Commercial Feeding Stuffs sent in by purchasers, under Section 9 of the laws, shall be drawn in the presence of two disinterested witnesses, from one or more packages, thoroughly mixed, and A FAIR SAMPLE OF THE SAME OF NOT LESS THAN EIGHT OUNCES (ONE-HALF POUND) SHALL BE PLACED IN A CAN Olt BOTTLE, SEALED AND SENT BY A DISINTERESTED PARTY TO THE COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE AT TALLAHASSEE. NOT LESS THAN EIGHT OUNCES, IN A TIN CAN OR BOTTLE, WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR AN\ALYSIS. This rule is adopted to secure fair samples of sufficient size to make the necessary determinations, and to allow the preservation of a duplicate sample in case of protest or appeal. This duplicate sample will be preserved for two months from date of certificate of analysis.
The State Clieniist is not the proper officer to receive special samples from the purchaser. The propriety of the method of drawing and sending the samples as fixed by the law is obvious.
The drawing and sending of special samples in rare cases is in compliance with law. Samples are frequently sent in paper packages or paper boxes, badly packed, and frequently in very small quantity (less than ounce); frequentlv there are no marks, numbers or other ineans of identification; the postmark in some instances being absent.
I would call the attention of those who desire to avail themselves of this privilege to Sections 9 and 10 of the law, which are clear and explicit.
Hereafter strict compliance with above regulations will be required. The sample must not be less than one-halt pom!i, in a coIn; or bottle, sc/l(a (ad addr'.'.cd to the Commissioner of Agriculture. The sender's name and ad,dress must also be on the package, this rule applying to special samples of fertilizers or commercial feeding stuff.,
: - ,1i]
Each package of Commercial Fertilizer and each package of Commercial Feeding Stuff must have, securely attached thereto, a tag with the guaranteed analysis required by law, and the stamp showing the payment of the inspector's fee. This provision of the law-Section 3 of both laws-will be rigidly enforced.
Manufacturers and dealers will be required to properly tag and stamp each package of Commercial Fertilizer or Commercial Feeding Stulff under penalty as fixed in Section 61 of both laws. Tags shall be attached to the top end of each bag, or head of each barrel.
Purchasers are cautioned to purchase no Commercial Fertilizers or Commercial Feeding Stuff that does not bear on each package an analysis tag with the guarantee required by law, and the stamp showing the payment of the inspector's fee. Goods not having the guarantee tag and stamp are irregular and fraudulent; the absence of the guarantee and stamp being evidence that the manufacturer or dealer has not complied with the law. Without the guarantee tagr and stamp showing what the goods are guaranteed to contain, the purchaser has no recourse against the ianifact i-cr or dealer. Such goods ar-c sold illegallN, and fraudulently, and are generally of little value. All reputable manufacturers and dealers now comply strictly with the law and regulations by placing the guarantee tag and stamp on each package.
The attention of Sheriffs of the various counties is called to Section 3 of both laws, defining their duties. This department expects each Sheriff to assist in maintaining the law and protecting the citizens of the State from the imposition of fraudulent, inferior or deficient Commercial Fer. tilizers or Commercial Feeding Stuffs.
A i 5 N I .
Less thall Tenl tolls ten (i is. and over.
Nitrate of odl, 17 per c ro A\ino i a.2.0 01. l0 SulpiIteI (f .\ minollnio, c e lo Am110 oi i . . . . h70. 0. 0
Priod 0i 0. 1o P iw: n, A\lliiinl. ).00 5S. )00
Hligh (nul;+e Sn]]hte of P , 4S per'
cel' t.L Pu, ish (K:Oj). . ). 4) .(0 Low (radi Siu!plhate of P'oneh, 26 per
cent Potash (K ,O) . 0. 29.00
Mutriate of Potash, 50 per clnt. Potash (K,O ) . ;.00 45.00 Calbuoniale of Potash, 60 per cet. Putash (K ,()) .11 .(t0 . NitraIe of Potosh. 15 pe'r cent. Amn1nia, 4 pA r cent. Potosh ( 2()) . lt. (0 89.00 Iainit, 12 pir cent. PIotsh I K . 1 .0 12.i)
Calnada 11ardwool Asles, -1 per cent.
Potash (K.O) . . 1. 00 17. (
AmIm(.0I .\ . Punsmo)u][. le I 1)'1.
High (Gn l11od noi l Ito,, 110 per
et~. Anumoia, 5.50 per clt. Phsphoit Acid. .10.00 o9. Bloodw an1d: n e 8 per c(' llf . A lllln wl nia
1 c) p i Phi ,lsphllu ic Acid . . :. ) 5.: 0 Low (i'ad1 100 11 anttced Re1, i.i per
'eti. A noni t , S pr cenOt. PhoStpho'rie
Acid . . . :. ) 1.
)l Ib n (' , I pe cenLt. Anlt iz, 22
pier cen11. Ph sphori' Acid . :W. 81." GroundI, 4 e Po� inue . . wv cent.
A nt onllt i. i� ('p r it P pho ,phric Acid 2(;.()0 25.(! I'ig'ht Collon Sed Men!, 7.5-)0 pr cent.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 3 ,
Dork i,-a Secd 1el 4.,;J) per cent.
A im onia . .00
High Grade Acid Phosphate, 10 )per
cent. Available Phosphoric Acid. 15.00 $14.00 Acid Phosphate, 11 per cent. Available
Phosphoric Acid . 14.00 13.00 Bone Black, 17 per cent. Available
Phosphoric Acid . 25.00 24.00 Odorless Phosphate, It per cieni Available Phosphoric A cid. 25.00 24.00
High Grade Ground Tobacco Stems,
2 per cent. Ammonia, 8 per cent.
Potash (K,O) . 22.00 21.00
High Grade Kentu ckv Tobacco Stems,
2.50 per cent. Ammonia, 10 per cent.
Potash (K,O) . 25.00 21 .00 Tobacco Dust, No. 1. 2 per cin l. Ammonia, 2 per cent. htash (K,0) . 25.00 21.00 Cut Tobacco Stems, 2 per cent. Amm)ollia, r cenit. Poltash (K,0) . . 20.00 10. 00 D)amk Tobacco Siems, bled, 2 per cent.
Ailmnonia, 1 per cen. Potash (K.,0) . 19.00 1 . 00 Land P1 ascl . . 12.00 11 .1)
['hle charges ,y v repultble ialuuieiaclurers for mixing anml banging" anY special or regular formula are $1.50 per ton inll excess of above prices.
Ammonia, sulphate, foreign, prompt. per 100 pounds . .S2.6 (U
futures . 2. GAmmonia, sulp., domestic, spot. 2.(;71
futures . . . 2. 651 Fish scrap, dried, 11 per cent. ammonia and 14 per cent. bone phosphate, f. (,. b. fish works, per unit . 2.55 wet, acidulated, 6 per cenl.
anIillonia, : per cent. pht)sphoric acid, f. o. b. fish wloks 2.:, Ground fi 'h guan), imported, l10 and
11 per cent. ammi ni anid 15-17 ,er cent. bone phsphte, e. i. . N. Y.,
Balto. or Phila . ::. l Tankage, 11 per cent. and 15 per cent. f. o. b. Chicago . 2.75 Tankage, concentrated, f. o. b. Chicago,
14 to 15 per cent., ib. Chicago . 'T. Gar')age, tankage, f. o. b. Chicago. s. (. Sheep manure, concentrated, f. o. b.
Chicago. per ton . Hoofmeal, f. o. b. Chicago, per unit . 2. Dried blood, 12-13 per cent. aninonia, f. o. b. New York . 2.!95 Chicago . 2.(9 0 Nitrate of soda, 95 per cent spot, per
100 pounds . -futures, 95 per cent .
Acid phosplhate, per unit . .5 Bones, rough, hard, per ton . "20.5)
sol't sleamed unground . 1S.50
ground, steamed, 1 1-4 per
cent. ammoia and GO per
cent. bone phosphate. 1). 00
ditto, 3 and 50 per cent. 22.5
( It)
& ::5
& 10
(fr 2.10 (O 2.10 ( . (;0
((t 2 l.50
S 21.00 19.50
(i) 22.51
raw ground, 4 per 1cent. nllnllOnia and 50 per cent. hone
phosphate . . 26. 00 South Carolina PhosplIh le ;!, un-*
dried, per 2,400 1bs., 1'. 1). .\Ash y
R iver . 5 .50 Soull Carolina Phosphate rock,
hot air dried, f. o. b,. Ashley River. . 7.(00 Florida land pebble phospihalle rock,
6S per cenl., 1. o. b. Port Taimpa, . 3.75 Florida high grade phosphalwe hard
rock, 77 per cent., f. o. b. Florida
or (G'eo'gia porsl'i . . 7 Tellnless(ee lphosphl e rock. f. o. b., M11.
Plensant. domestic, per ion, 78q SI)
per c'int. . . . . 00
75 per ce' ni. ohuaranllic d . 1.75 (;-> 72 lq" "!l . . -1.25
@ 27.00
0 7.(0
nlriae poliash. basis S0 per cent, per
100 pounds . . $ 1.90 0i7 Manure sall, 20 per cent. actual potash 14.75 c@q
double mam e sal, 481 per ce(.nt. I 1. 1 Sulphate po ash (basis 90 per cent) . . 2.181 (f Kainit, in bulk, 2,240 pounds. S.50 @(
7.2.5) 4.00
5.50 5.00 4.1.50
Poi (Sn1ES.
For Available and Insoluble Phosphoric Acid, Ammonia
and Potash for the Season of 1910.
Available Phosphoric Acid . 5 ceats a pound Insoluble Phosphoric Acid . 1cent a pound Ammonia (or its equivalent in nitrogen) 16 cenls a pound Potash (as actual potash (K,O) . 5j cents a pound
Jf calculated by unitsAvailable Phosphoric Acid .$1.00 per unit Insoluble Phosphoric Acid . 20 c. per unit Amnnnia (or its equivalent in nitrogen) . . '8.20 per unit Potash . . 1.10 per unit
Withfl a uniform allowance of $1.50 per ton for mixing and bagging.
A unit is twenty pounds. or 1 per cent, in a Ion. We find this to be the easiest and quickest method for calculating the valne of fertilizer. To illustrate this take for example a fertilizer which analyzes as follows: Available I'hoslhoric Acid. 6.22 per cent.x$1.00-- 6.22 Insolumble Phosphoric Acid.1.50 per cent.x .20- .30 Anumonia . .42 per cn t.x .L20- 10.94 Potash . .7.23 per cent.x 1.11)-0- 7.95 Mixin g and Baggin .- 1.50
Coini-rcial value at sea ports. .2(.91
Or a fertilizer analyzing as follows:
Available Phosphoric Acid.8 per cent.x$1.00-$ 8.00 Almnonia . .2 per (ceni.x :1.20-- 6.10 Potash .2 per cent.x 1.16-- 2.20 Mixing and Bagging .- 1.50
Colmnercinl valne at sea ports . S.t.10
The nbove vailnations are for cash for materials delivered at Florida seaports, and they can ble bIought in one ton lots at these prices at the date of issuing this Bulletin. Where fertilizers are bought at interior points, the additional freight to that point must be added.
If purchased in carload lots for cash, a reduction of ten per cent. can be made in above valuations, i. e:
Available Phosphoric Acid . 90 cents per unit Potash (KO) . 99 cents per unit Ammonia (or equivalent in nitrogen) .2. 8 per unit
The valuations and market prices in preceding illustrations, are based, on market prices for one-ton lots.
It is not intended by the "State valuation" to fix the price or commercial value of a given brand. The "State values" are the market prices for the various approved chemicals and materials used in mixing or manufacturing commercial fertilizers or commercial stock feed at the date of issuing a bulletin, or the opening of the "season." They may, but seldom do, vary from the market prices. and are made liberal to meet any slight advance or decline.
They are compiled from price lists and commercial reports by reputable dealers and journals.
The question is frequently asked: "What is 'Smith's Fruit and Vine' worth per ton ?" Such a question cannot be answered categorically. By analysis, the ammonia, available phosphoric acid, and potash may be determined, and the inquirer informed what the cost of the necessary material to compound a ton of goods similar to "Smith's Fruit and Vine" would be, using none but accepted and well known materials of the best quality.
State values do not consider "trade secrets," loss on bad bills, cost of advertisements, and expenses of collections. The "State value!' is simply that price at which the various ingredients necessary to use in compounding a fertilizer, or feed, can be purchased for cash in ton lotA at Florida sca ports.
These price lists in one and ten-ton lots, are published in ihis report, with the "Siale values" for 1910 deducted therefrom.
Nitrate of Soaa. -. Sulphate of Ammonia . Dried Blood . Concentrated Tankage . Bone Tankage .I Dried Fish Scrap . Cotton Seed Meal. Hoof Meal.
17 to 19 . . 21 to 24 . . 12 to 17 . . 12 to 15 1 to 2 . 6 to 9 10 to 15 . 8 to 11 6 to 8 .
7 to 10 2 to 3 ljto 2
13 to 17 1j to 2 .
Available n double Ammonia lhj .\cid 'hos'ihoric
Florida Pebble -P1hosphate.-. Florida Rock Phosphate.
Florida Super Phosphate. .-.14 to 19 Ground Bone . 3to 6 to 8
Steamed Bone . 3 to 4 6 to 9
Dissolved Bone . 2 to 41 13 to 15
26 to 32 33 to 35
1 to 35 15 to 17 10 to 20 2 to 8
POUNDS PER HUNDRED Actual i Phosphoric
Potash i Anmmonia A ci I Lime
Muriate of Potash. Sulphate of Potash . 48 Carbonate of Potash . 55 Nitrate of Potash . 40 Double Sul. of Pot. & Mag 26 K ainit . 12 Sylvinit . 16 Cotton Seed Hull Ashes. 15 Wood Ashes, unleashed. 2 Wood Ashes. leached. 1 Tobacco Stems . Cow Manure (fresh) . Horse Manure (fresh). Sheep Manure (fresh). Hog Manure (fresh) . Hen Dung (fresh) . Mixed Stable Manure.
50 . . .
to 52 . . to 30 . . to 44 12 to 16 . to 30 . . to 12j . . to 20 . . to 3 . 7 to 9 to8 1 .to 2
to 2 . 1 to 1h to 8 2 to 4 .
0.40 0to0.41 0.16 0.53 0 to 0.00 0.28 0.67 1.00 0.23
0.60 0.55 0.19
0.85 2.07 1.54
0.63 0.76 0.26
35 to 40
0.31 0.31 0.33 0.08
0.24 0.70
To convertAmmonia into nitrogen, multiply by . 0.824 Ammonia into protein multiply by. 5.15 Nitrogen into ammonia, multiply by. 1.214 Nitrate of soda into nitrogen, multiply by. 16.47 Nitrogen into protein multiply by. . 6.25 Bone phosphate into phosphoric acid, multiply by 0.458 Phosphoric acid into bone phosphate, multiply by 2.184 Muriate of potash into actual potash, multiply by 0.632 Actual potash into muriate of potash, multiply by 1.583 Sulphate of potash into actual potash, multiply by 0.541 Actual potash into sulphate of potash, multiply by 1.85 Nitrate of potash into nitrogen, multiply by. 0.139 Carbonate of potash into actual potash, multiply by 0.681 Actual potash into carbonate of polaslih,minultiply by 1.466 Chlorine, in "kainit," multiply potash (K0) by. 2.33
For instance, you buy 95 per cent. of nitrate of soda and want to know how much nitrogen is in it, multiply 95 per cent. by 16.47 you will get 15.65 per cent. nitrogen; you want to know how much ammonia this nitrogen is equivalent to. then multiply 15.65 per cent. by 1.214 and you get 18.99 per cent., the equivalent in ammonia.
Or, to convert 90 per cent. carbonate of potash into actual potash (K.0). multiply 90 by 0.681, equals 61.29 per cent. actual potash (K,O).
Citizens interested in the fertilizer and stock feed laws of the State. and desiring to avail themselves of their protection, (can obtain copies free of (charge by sending for samine to the Commissioner of Agriculture.
Copies of the Pure Food and Drug Law, rules and regulations, standards, blanks, etc., can be obtained from the Commissioner of Agriculture.
It is shown by the number of "Special Samples" (those dent in direct by the purchaser of fertilizers or feeds) that the law is becoming more generally understood by the farmer, fruit and vegetable grower. Purchasers who have any reason to doubt the correctness of the guarantee on the goods furnished them. should not hesitate to send in samples for an analysis.
This right to have a sample of the goods purchased analyzed by the State Chemist, under Section 9 of the law-without charge-the inspection fees covering the cost of analysis, as well as inspection--has doubtless had a direct influence upon the increased quality of the goods sold in the Stalte. When properly drawn, sealed, witnessed and transmitted, the "Special Sample" has proved a safeguard to the consumer, legitimate dealer, and manufactu rer, and a check upon the careless, ignorant, or fraudulent vendor or manufacturer.
It furn ishcs the consumer with the snimc protection demandled !by the nmamnfacturcr, irho b uys his m aterials only upon the guarantee, and pays for them according to an alys i.
By ':ir the largest amount of commercial fertilizers used in Florida are nmanufacthred or mixed by factories in the State. Iarge an mounts of fertilizing materials are imported direct by factories and dealers located at our seaport cities; cargoes of potash salts direct from Gernlany are now frequently received by Florida importers, while large amounts of acid phosphate are manufactured 'It nl exported from the various Gulf and Atlantic ports.
Florida consumers may now purchase their fertilizers and chemicals at Florida seaports as cheaply as at any of the, solports of the coummtry.
Ties of the average composition of feeds andi fertilizer materinis will he found in this bulletin. The consimer should consult them, compare the gnaranlee tag ther(with, and if doubtful of lthe trulhfulness of the "guarantee," send a "Special Sample" in a tin can to the Conmlmissioner of Agriculture for analysis, as directed in regulations governing the taking and, sending of special samples-on another page.
Bright Cott'n Seed Meal Dark Cotton Seed Meal Linseed Meal, old process .
Linseed Meal, new plrocess . Wheat Bran . Wheat Middlings . Mixed Feed (Wheat) Ship Stuff (Wheat). Corn (grain) . Corn Meal . Corn Cobs . Corn and Cob Meal. Hominy Feed . Corn and Oats, equal parts. Corn and Oat Feeds. Barley (grain) . Barley Sprouts. Barley and Oats, equal parts.
. 4UU C
7.50 8.40 9.00 5,40
2.10 1.90 30.10 6.60 4.05 5.70
12.10 2.70 10.90 G;.10
)9.70 28.60 22.90 37.10 35.70 36.00 86.10 (.70 15.40 5:t.90 15.40 59.40 16.90 51.40 14.60 59.80 10.50 69.60 9.70 68.70 2.40 54.90 8.50 64.80 10.50 65.30 10.50 (4.20 8.70 61.70 12.40 6.9.S0 27.20 42.7)
12.1)0 (;4.75
0.50 7.20 4.0 1.10
5.4) 3.80
0.5) 3.50 7.85
4.40 3.7O 1.80
1.60 :.40
5.00 5.30
5.20 5.80 3.20 5.30
3.70 1.50 1.40 1.40
1.50 2.55
2.20 3.20 2.40 6.30 2.70
Oats (grain) . 9.50 11.80 59.70 5.00 3.00 Oat Feed . 6.10 16.00 59.40 7.10 3.70 Rice (grain) . 0.20 7.40 79.20 0.40 0.40 Rice Bran . 9.50 12.10 49.90 8.80 10.00 Rice Hulls . 35.70 8.60 38.60 0.70 13.20 R.vo I g ain) . 1.70 10.60 72.50 1.70 1.90 Eve ran:1 . 3.50 14.70 63.80 2.80 8.00 Wheat (grin . 1.80 11.90 71.9) 2.10 1.80
Cow Pea . 4.10 20.80 55.70 1.40 3.20 Cow Pea H ay . . 20.10 10.;0) 42.20 2.20 7.50 Velvt lmans al Hulls 9.20 10.70 51.80 . .5.0 3.0
Velvit ean H;a . 29.70 1 .70) 41.00 1.70) 5.70 ea rc weed Hay . . 4.70 21.7) 80.20 2.80 10.90 Wire (1rass ay . , 1.90 5.50 48.60 1.50 3.SO ('Coion Seed (whole). 2:8.20 1S. 10 24.70 19.90 3.50 Col ton Seed Hulls . .40 4.001 36.00 2.00 2.00 (;lnin Fe.d . 5.:0 2t.001 1.20 10.,00 1.10 ]H,(f Scrap . . . . -14.701 8.28 11.751 29.20
For the season of 1910 the following "State values" are fixed as a guide to purchasers.
These values are based on the current price of corn, which has been chosen as a standard in fixing the commercial values; the price of corn, to a large. extent, governing the price of other feeds, pork, beef, etc.:
Protein, 3 cents per ponnd . 5 cents per unit Starch and Sugar, 1 cents per pound. .30 cents per unit Fats, 3} cents per pound . 65 cents per unit
A unit being 20 pounds (1 per cent) of a ton.
Indian corn being the standard (i $31.00 per tol.
To find, the commercial State value, multiply the percentages by the price per unit.
HOMINY FEEDProtein .10.50 x 65c, S G.8: Stlarch and Sugar . 65.80 x 0 0, 19.59 Fati- . 7.85 x (i5, 5.10
State value per ton . 31.5
Proteii .10.50 x Gle. q.9 Starch and Sugar . . 9.G() x :.).0c, 20.�8 F:il . . . 5.40 x GSe. .51
State value per ton . . 1.22
There are frequent inquiries for formulas for various crops, and there are hundreds of such formulas published; and while there are hundreds of "Brands" the variations in these grades are surprisingly little. Dozens of "Brands" put up by the same manufacturer are identical goods, the only difference being in the name printed on the tag or sack. A good general Formula for field or garden might be called a "Vegetable Formula," and would have the following: Ammonia 3.1%, available
phosphoric acid 61%, and potash 71%. The following formulas will furnish the necessary plant food in about the above proportion. I have purposely avoided the use of any fraction of 100 pounds in these formulas to simplify them. Values are taken from price lists furnished by the trade, which we published in our Report of January 1, 191.
For Cotton, Corn, Sweet Potatoes, and Vegetables: Ammonia 34 per cent., available phosphoric acid 6k per cent., potash 7j per cent.
No. 1.
Per Cent.
900 pounds of Cotton Seed Meal (71-2j-11) . 3.25 Ammonia 800 pounds of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent.) . 6.40 Available 300 pounds of Muriate (or Sulphate) (50 per cent) 7.50 Potash
State vilue mixed and ht' el. $26. 55
Ph1nt, Food per ton . 813 pounds No. 2.
Per Cent.
1000 lbs of Blood and Bone (61-8) .L 3.25 Ammonia 400 lbs of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent.). 7.00 Avail Phos. 600 lbs of Low Grade Sulp. Pot.(26 per ct.) 7.80 Potash
State value mixed and baggel . $27.48
Plant Food per ton . 360 pounds
No. 3.
Per Cent.
300 lbs of Dried Blood (16 per cent.) . 2 m
100 lbs of Nitrate of Soda (17 per cent.). 3.25 Ammonia 1000 lbs of Acid Phosphate (16 Per centAvailable 600 lbs of Low Grade Sulp. Pot. (26 per t.)j 7.80 Potash
State value mixed and bagged . $28.48
Plant Food per ton . 381 pounds
No. 1.
Fruits, Melons, Strawberries, Irish Potatoes: Ammonia 4 per cent., Available Phosphoric Acid 7 per cent., Potash 10 per cent.
Per Cent.
1000 lbs of Blood and Bone (6-8) . 4 100 lbs of Nitrate of Soda (17 per ecnt.). 4 Ammonia 500 lbs of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent 8 Available
400 lbs of Muriate of Potash (50 per ct.)j 10 Potash
State value mixed and bagged . .0
Plant Food per ton . 140 pounds
No. 2.
Per Cent.
lbs of Castor Pomace (6-2 per cent.) . . lbs of Snip. of Am. (25 per cent.). lbs of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent). lbs of SOip. of Pot. (48 per cent.).
4.00 Ammonia 7.70 Available
9.t0 Potash
State viluo niixd and lagged . .2.56 Plant. Food per ton . 12G pounds
No. 3.
Per Cent.
500 lbs of Cotton Seed Meal (74-2-1U) . 100 lbs of Nitrate of Soda (17 per cent.). 3.97 Ammonia 100 lbs of SnIp, of Am. (25 per cent.) . 8.30 Available 900 lbs of Acid Phosphate (16 per cent.). 897 Potash 400 lbs of Sulp. of Potash (48 per cent.)
State value mixed and ba.nod . 2.18
Plant Food per ton . 125 pounds
We frequently have samples of soil sent in for analysis and ia rI est h lvist as to tihe best imietholds of fertilizing. EI;: tl ; s iW xtveme tses such as learvy t:ils, i'ure Soi,!. nd 31rlnk iLand d, there is b!it litle information to .-i f:omn a soil nnivl\ys that would be of beneflt to i a u rs. S,, nmch dI, nds io tlill, ia]in e, lhure,
a e I .s l crlIt)on it fil T O at in ailysis maske
uni o I a i! : l eni ions i- o, l itle value . In this coll tio I ,it uote fina tihe report of tlhe Indiana Arh lrnn Shtin, Purdue University,
LofaVl e, indiani , as follow s: "SiL ANAlYsiS op LITTLE VALUE IN 'iIOWiNG FERTILIzEt 1o TiMEN;TS.- -The Chemical D)elm rmient is cilied upon to answ. 1,r hundreds of leters of inquiry in relation to agricultual chemical problemsI froin people all over the Stat. In this connection it might be well to say that there is a widesealed idea that the chemist enn analyze a sample of soil, and without further knowled ge of the conditions, write out a Irescription of a fertilizer which will fill the needs of that particular soil.
"T'he ExIrimeni t Stat lion does not analyze samples of soil to determine the fertilizer requirements. There is no i(heitll method known that will show reliably the avoi abilitly of the plant food elements present in the soil as ii i s I a vn1riahlIt factor, in hnleed by the kind of (1op, the ype of soil. the cliiale and biological conditions; hence we (do not reconmmiend this metho of testing soil."
TIe method recommended by the Indiana Station is the field fertilizer test or plot system, in which long narrow strips of the field to lbe tested are nimeasured off side by side. The crop is planled uniformly over each. Dl)ifferent fertilizers iare apl)lied to the different pilots, every third or fourth one being left unfertilized. The Iproduce from these plots is harvested separately and weighed. In
;- t l.
this manner the farmer can tell what fertilizer is best suited for his needs. As climatic conditions may influence the yield with different fertilizers, it is best to carry on such tests for more than one year before drawing definite conclusions. There is positively no easier or shorter method of testing the soil, that we feel safe in recommending.
Soil can be greatly improved by an intelligent rotation of crops, the conservation of stable manure, and the use of some kind of commercial fertilizer. Farmers need have no fear that the proper application of commercial fertilizer will injure the land.
We frequently analyse water for public use, city, town and neighborhood supplies; springs and artesian wells in which the public is interested; and for individuals when a question of health or when some economic question is to be decided, such as the use of water for boilers or similar uses.
We do not make a complete quantitative determination, separating each mineral impurity and definitely stating the quantity thereof. Such an analysis would be costly in time and labor and of no real value to the inquirer. We determine the total amount of minerals in the sample and report them as parts per 1,000,000 of total solids, naming them in the order of their predominance. We find Calcium Carbonate (Lime), followed by Sodium Chloride (Salt), Magnesiun Sulphate (Epsoni Salt), Silicia (Sand), and A\lumiiunr Silicate (Clay), is the gencral order in which they occur, though on the coast, where 1he total solids amount to 5,000 arts or bore per 1,000,000 l)arts, we find Salt is the predominant subsl-nnce, followed 1)y Lime and 1hen Epsoin Salts.
We require two gallons of each sample in a new jug, stopt with a new cork, not sealed with parafine or seal-
ing wax, by prepaid express for analysis. We require also a description of the sourec of the water, kind and depth of well, location of well or spring by Section, Township and Range.
We do not make bacteriological examiinations or examninations for disease germs. Such exainiat ions orP analyses mre made by the State Board of Health at Jacksonville.
iL. . .R S. SLaeo C emis. 1L . : . A-itan' Chemist.
Anualses of Sp ,eal Samles unde, Sec. 9. Act approved ilay 22, io01.
tSam'ples talkn by purcas.) I' Phosphoric Acid.
Dissolved Bone Black No. 1. 1646 . Dissolved Bone Black No. 2.1647[ .l Fertilizer . 1 481 7. Dried Blood . 1 9 . b ertilizer . 1 50 3.,2 Fertilizer . 10 . Fertilizer . 1652 13. i Fertilizer No. 1. . 1(;53 11.00; Fertilizer No. 2. 1654] 6.: 5 Fertilizer No. 3 . 1 55 15.0 I Orange Fruiter No. 1275. 1056 8.47 Blood, Bone & PotashNo.1276116.7 S.iS Vegetable No. 1277 . 1165 11.1 Largo Spec. FIluit & Vine 1i; 9.07 No. 127S.
Original No. 1 Mixture No.|130 10.07 1279.
17.00 1.77 18.77. . Southern Fertz. Co., O lando, Fla. 15.52 1.30 16.8S . . Soltiern Fenz. Cio., Oriltando, Fla.
7.03 1.52. 8.55 i.7i, . E. H Hain on. TI a Ceia, Fla.
IC. 50 . 1. . \\eFl . la It. 5.8.2 (;.,0 12.i,2 1. I 10. I. A. Ir' ', a., a. S.08 1.80, ).'il1 2.;9 1.53 iGwyi in Tobi;cco Co., T llIahassee, fla. (.91 0.(; 7.7 2. 1. 153 R. E. L. n r , 'rish, Fla.
5.90 1 .Si 7.74 1.74 0G.5 Johi P ri h, Pa'rih, nFla. .85 2. 04 G S 0.25 7.S( h ' i r h. Fla. 0.59 1.65 S.24 1.2'' 11.10 JH n P'a Fla.
7.3 0.25 8.08 4.00' 12.33 Arnour Fertz ks., Jtack onville, Fla. S.54 U.SS 9.12 , 4.Sl 7.S \1 Ar'iour I , F z !:., J.k iksonville, Fla. 7.7,: 1.02 8.77 .8 5.9 , A Ai mourF n z k , c ,uuville, Fla. 6 6.21 .4 3.13 '.S: Armouar Fer;z.1i\s. Jacksonville, Fla.
5.45 0.64 6.091 4.731 5.37 Armour Fertz. Wks., Jacksouville, Fla.
g i I T.
Cnnnda Hard W6ood A h s. lG1 .
F ortilizer .'. 1 ,2 4 .05 Pte edl ,one . . 1 3! . ,' rt!:r o ,,. 1. Sp>l ci 1 liN lit ' ,. I . . 1 . 11s i, s' FTI n R, . . 1 . . . P No. . . . .
':. G. i ot h o. .2 . . . . .
1'. r i o i t h ' o . . . . . . . F,.rii/,)r N o. . . . 1 7 2. Fertil z . . N o . . . . . 1 . l'ortilzor . .10 .
. she N o. P . 1711 . . . Flr flizor . . . . w 5. Fortiizer . . . . . ; 5. Feriliz r . iHai Wi oo . A. . . . . .
N!irt oI So i N. . . . 7 1 . D1e> l td II .1 < :1
Da t an No . 2. . . . . I. G. SulPDbte Pas N . 1.[ .
Fertilizer No. 6. . " M . ! Fortil: er No. 1 . .
Fertilizer No. 2. :.(11 7. 7
F erti' izor . Foeriliz r . . Fertilizer (S. R. 31032) . . Fertilizer . . . . Fnoe-iMade Fertilizer'.
-. ,11 1I '((. " i. .
12.1l 12." "
.24 1 . 7 :
. .' . :.
. . . . .~.
15.12 2A9 7.Sq 0.V
TO 07'tl
7. 0 '1. '1 7. 1 10 10
. . 3.66
2 1.2 ' : . 9 .
- -0 - A X 11 .7'
8. 60 5. 13 5.2
.0 -.1 7 07
. . . 27.11
.I25 Ti
. . .72
i : . ' 5.S1
-. 2. 1 5.7 3
y. 1 :2.xq 4.4 . . . . . . . . . . .
8.18 3. 09 3.71 2:.7, 2.10 0.20 . . 2 .06 . . . 1 7 . . . . . .
. 5 .9 1 . . . . . . . . . . 1 . i
13M. . 172
17 M 1
1.11 0.72 0. 7
1 : 2 I 2'' ' 2
-' 3' 0 -. '13'
oi.trnl F :rtilizr Co. Orlando, Fla.
- '. A ] ' P1 } R. ['a.
f. AV. T4rr", P -n Wn , Fla.
11. A. 1' . P In.
A . . An'ustine, Fla.
.1\ ' . S . An *i- l ao. Fla.
1 ill : ' C' , ( i. OlIn do, Fla.
," : n~I', C . Oil"ndo, Fla.
ii ~N 1:, ., O IIndo, Fla.
T Y. u Ln ('lsnn ite, Fla.
TV Y. Ma I n' n it Fla. . t . ,'m dy Parrih. Fla. P : F.riz Co. Jacksonville.
Tfi !: Il." In . M 1i 1'e ill F la.
1 i, - r a JIiclksonville, Fla.
M it . : n rd n. Fla. J. F<1 !'::aW'-';n, L ly. ila.
.1 d. ' n Lily, Fla.
.T P " '. F1.
A tn. " " 't M a Fla.
.rk. Fla.
Cotton Seed Meal. _1692. Raw Bone . 1693.
Canada Hard Wood Ashes. 1694. Fertilizer . 1695 . Calcined Carbonate Potash. . 1696 . Oat Mixture . 1697 4.60 Foreign Bone . 1698 . Acid Phosphate . 1699 . "Guano . 1700 . Fertilizer . 1701 10.30 Fertilizer . 1702 8.70 Fertilizer . 1703 0.67 H. G. Sulphate Potash . 1704 . Fertz. (Wilson's Special) . 1705 . Fertilizer . 1706 . Fertilizer No. 1 . 1707 . Potash & Bone Meal Mixture 1708 . Fertilizer "Malone No. 2". 1709 . " B lood, B on e & P ota sh . .]1710 10 a Watermelon Special . 11711 7. 42
Phosphoric Acid.
i . _. . '. 7.84
. . . . 23.35 9.80
. ]. . .
8.4 0.4 8.9:
7.62 0.95 8.57 4.34
13.83 15.76 29.58 1.58 14.14 0.09 14.23 . 8.75 1.18 9.93 2.22 8.32 0.31 8.63 4.25 10.05 0.16 10.21 4.57 5.31 7.71 13.02 2.98
8.66 0.61 9.27 21.54
. . . . . . . 21.04
9.75 4.77 17.52 1.74 7.16 8.09 15.25 2.70 6.53 9.32 15.85 2.47 8.39 0.53 8.92i 4.94 5.261 0.41 5.671 2.94
. Douglas,Carmichael & Malone,Quincy . Southern Fertilizer Co., Orlando, Fla.
3.13 Dr. A. B. Tadlock, Ellenton, Fla.
9.97 Easterling Bros., Irvine, Fla. 66.08 Schroeder & Arguimbau, Quincy, Fla. 13.69 Schroeder & Arguimbau, Quincy, Fla. . Schroeder & Arguimbau, Quincy, Fla. . A. L. Wilson Co., Quincy, Fla.
2.19 A. L. Wilson, Quincy, Fla.
9.83 C. B. Morrow, Crescent City, Fla. 7.08 V. I. Carrier, Crescent City, Fla.
4.68 Walter Cliff, Crescent City, Fla. 47.40 T. F. Nevins, Merritt, Fla.
3.68 A. L. Wilson Co., Quincy, Fla. . A. B. Barrington, Winter Haven, Fla. 19.72 A. L. \Vvilson Co., Quincy, Fla. 16.48 Douglas,Carmichael & Malone, Quincy 15.32 A. L. Wilson Co., Quincy, Fla.
6.86 Armour Fertz.Wks., Jacksonville, Fla. 8.84 Armour Fertz.Wks., Jacksonville, Fla.
Fruit & Vine. 1712 8.75 Special Mixture . 1713 5.77 Fertilizer No. 1 . 1714 . Fertilizer No. 2. 1715 . Fertilizer No. 1. 1716 . Fertilizer No. 2. 1717 6.45, Fertilizer . 1718 . r ertilizer . 1719 8.71 Ground Tobacco Stems. 1720 . Fertilizer No. 1. 1721 5.69 Fertilizer No. 2. 1722 6.71 Nitrate of Potash. 1723 . K ainit . 1724 . Nitrate of Potash. 1725 . . Fertilizer No. 1. 1726 11.3:; Fertilizer No. 2. 1727 10.991 Fertilizer No. 3. 1728 10.611 Fertilizer No. 1. 1729 . Fertilizer No. 2. 1730 . Fertilizer No. 3 . 1731 . . Fertilizer . 1732 . Cyanam id . 1733 . . . Fertilizer . 1734 5.20 Fertilizer . 1735 6. 87 Cotton Seed Meal. 1736 . Bone Meal and Potash Miix- 1737 4.67
Fertilizer No. 1 (Light). 1738 12.78 Fertilizer No. 2 (Dark) . 1739 11.90 Nitrate Potash . 1740 6.57j
6.761 0.70 7.461 6.47 5.62 14.09 7 1' 0 .21 7.721 9 1 40 10.761
7.14 0.191 .53 7.18 0.171 7.35 6.49 0.08 6.57
6.97 0.40 7-37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I.76 4.55 13.33 7.05 7. 5 7.80'
9.9.' 0.43 10.42 '8.12 0.19 9.31 10.62 0.07 10.69 6.51 0.951 7.46 .43 1.69. 7.12 6.38 2. 83 9.21 9.22 1) .56 9.78
. . . . . . . .
12.051 0. 0 12.65
8.46 0.86 9.32
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
,.84 9.67 15.51
10.85' 1.44 12.291 8.83 0.60 9.43: | i
2.35 10.971 Armour } ertz.Wks., Jacksonville, Fla. 7.33 5.57 Armour Fertz.Wks., Jacksonville, Fla.
3.22 1', .28 W. G. Norsworthy, McIntosh, Fla. i.80 8 S0 W. G. Norsworthy, McIntosh, Fla.
4.47 11.38 C. W. Stevens, Tampa, Fla. 4.15 10.96 C. W. Stevens, Tampa, Fla.
4.00 10.48i J. F. Moran, Gillette, Fla.
3.55 9.44 M. O. Overstreet, Orlando, Fla.
1.83 7.88 P. J. Webster, Miami, Fla.
2.65: 11.3:6 C. B. Gwynn, Tallahassee, Fla. 4.3 5.00 C. B. Gwynn, Tallahassee, Fla. 14.30 43. 20 L. Heimburger, Tallahassee, Fla. . 13.55 W. S. Mitchell, Marion, Fla. 15.50 44.28 L. Heimburger, Tallahassee, Fla.
1.99 2.73 D. J. Paul, Bonifay, Fla. 2.18 2.27 D. J. Paul, Bonifay, Fla. 2.55 2.19 D. J. Paul, Bonifay, Fla.
3.77 7.46 Gust Neyberg, Dania, Fla. 3.61 7.23 Gust Neyberg, Dania, Fla. 3.10 10.61 Gust Neyberg, Dania, Fla.
2.18 3.20 A. L. Wilson Co., Quincy, Fla. 15. 32 . . L. Heimburger, Tallahassee, Fla. 4.17 8.05 V. C. Carrier, Crescent City, Fla.
4.25 8.57 R. Christensen, Oviedo, Fla.
8.23 . J. O. Suber, Almo, Fla.
2.28 16.86 H. L. Bethel (Tallahassee Tob. Co.,j Tallahassee, Fla.
1.91 2.13 W. W. Wester, Grand Ridge, Fla. 2.40 2.11 W. W. Wester, Grand Ridge, Fla. 12.16 41.91 E. O. Painter Fertilizer Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
I E U \I O ,)F FIl:TILIZERs -ConthitiL.
ri c ci.1
N '.'!:, O 1 R NDf.
Feri h. ,,- "C~. rt i . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fer.e . . , 7
F r i r . . .
c - i, -' S -. I I -- ; .
Ferilizr ( ' 1 '
Citori S .O
's i.li . . . . . . . . . . . . .: :
F:ortitize . . . . .
('ctton! Seed. M< T. \m . Sup-rph:. . . . .
N. I'
S.- .5
: -. 1
I '
0 27
- . . '.
5.;gi; 7'
7; 2 2 r 1 -:
7.:',:! :3. C 9 2 A; . . 47 . *1 2
14 .- 0 7 . . . .'I . '200
!LIT E P1 1
WA. 2X' ~ 5 ;,.X7
. . . . . . ' . . . . . . . .
. TO
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . ,
D ' 2 15 L !t
. . . . . . ! C . I" I . . . . . . I
Wn.l2 2n! t. 0
" '. , H Fla .
. e. Fla. 'y . -", ' a. Via.
i'. 5!. i 'i:i, Iu:: ) i a. n. P. UPi Vx, ,,mxa FW,
T . ,-. i . Fla.
Ci'a: 1 n -Po Hodllandle, Fla.
-' i . Qu-iincy, Fla.
Quincy, Fla. . . , ., F la.
. : , ,; rd Fla. T ,' N . Pll:, , ,1 'I V a.
N. i ' ' . , . F .
i 1 N.
5.;t O.z 5. , 1.7,; 6."1,x i ". i
"Phospho Alkali" . . 1761 6.43 9.72! Fertiliz- Nn 1 . 17 2 4.7 7.15 Fertiliz r . . ! ;: 8. .nP Meni K Aift. F r 1 ~ riliz r. 1 1., 1 0.1
Potasli No. 1 (M1 i te) . 76 . . . it te of S . . . . . Foreirz N o. :1 . : 7 12.-2 11. i Cotton Sd Mn No. . 1. 1:TS . . Pottsh N o 2-. . ; 1 . . . Fertilizer No. : . . . 17To 13.12 i i01 Cotton S ( l (A N l',277i. . n
Cotton S7,eed \!on1 (C. N. .1772 . .
&. T. P. 105).
Cotton Scd AM l (St. L. .WTI
S. F. 12:,5: ).
Cotto Seed Mnl;;! (Sea Is!.177 .
1. S. 5 A).
F ir i r . . 17 . S ,,l . Cofl Food . '; 11. .
G ull s S T an: eal1. Al ixt 1 7. 10.: .2 Pate sco Am. Di . ne. 177< I0. F'.I: Ferti zr . . . . : .5 , .01
F i r . . . . . . 8 .r77 Feltl'or _ A . . . . T
F ertilizer P. . . . 1
Fertliz r C . 1i . 7 Fer iiliz,:er 'J . . . . 7 I (.
2.071 12.791
0.S2 7.97[ 0 0;i 5.78 0.70 11 19
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
3.841 4.50: 1.75' 17.0 . ::.00 7. 5.
n. .7
(). ~r)
J. H. Gray, Concord, F!a. l. , Wr= C inw. Fla.
1 S P -:M na wna tille, Fla. . . 2- - , n. Fla.
,n , l .k, Fla.
oFk Fla.
ii} oc 1, , k, F la. . . . ' . ,n, Ja . A. , 3 on. Fla. . A. " . .n Fla. Qnncy , . Co. Q juincy, Fla.
S. . :i Su ra Co., Quincy, Fla.
7.2. lc Sma ran Co., Quiney, Fla.
S. . .
5.25; 9-12
9. 1 7.0? 7. ,5, (.2:I
11 I I - 5
2 O 2.:
2 5
' !
9 7 3 7
10.5 :
F ,Cot on 011 CO., ,Jacksonville, Fla.
,n, e. Fl.
. . le, Fla. o le, Fla. 1o'al. Fla. 711 C:-,k, Fla.
.a- "lt Fla.
U Green, Fla.
S," , ,, do, Fla.
4. Pn,, -. q i n, , Fla,
Cotton -Sieed -Meal (EBS No
Cotton Seed Meal . Fertilizer . Fertilizer. Fertilizer . Muriate of Potash . Nitrate of Soda .
Fertilizer .
Fertilizer . Fertilizer . Fertilizer . Cotton Seed Meal (S. A. L
Cotton Seed Meal (N. C. &
S. L. 10992).
Fertilizer . Peruvian Guano.
1788 1789 1' 1790 1791 1792 1793
1795 1796 1797 1798
1800 1: 1801 .
Phosphoric Acid.
7.97I .IWilson Tohacco Co., Quincy, Fla.
. 7.471.i.F. B. Beinson, Live Oak, Fia.
0.36 6.42 0.65 7.07 3.85 7.71 E. Heimburger, Dania, Fla.
.7.72 0.91 8.63 3.58 8.59 C. Upton, Boynton, Fla.
9.94 5.72 1.30 71.02 3.85 8.86 W. L. Brown, Danim, Fla. . 48.64 W. W. Nelson, Bonifay, Fla.
. . 18.04 .Am. Sumatra Tob. Co., Tallahassee,
1.73 6.00 8.90 14.90 2.24 21.20 Douglas, Carmichael & Malone Co.
Gretna, Fla.
9.35 6.73 0.90 7.63 2.92 9.81 H. S. Hobbs, Dania, Fin.
.5.51 Trace 5.51 3.32 14.52 Geo. H. McCullough, Candler, Fla.
.0.24 0.28 0.52 2.67 11.70 Southern Fertilizer Co., Orlando, Fla.
. .6.99 .Florida, Havana and Sumatra Co., Quincy, Fin.
. .7.00 .Florida, Havana and Sumatra Co., Quincy, Fla.
2.04 10.76 1.4,0 12.16 2.30 2.32 Amos Laird, Gretna, Fin.
.12.32 4.66 16.98 3.78 1.88 William Bruce, Quincy, Fin.
Cotton Seed Meal (HF No,)lI 1802; . . . 7.75 . Cotton Seed Meal (L. & N . 1803' . . . 7.23 .
1998).0 I 7.
Cotton Seed M eal (S A. A. L. 804 . . . . 7.17 .
15507). I I
Cotton Seed Meal (S. A. L.11805 . . . 7.09 .
26319). 1
Cotton Seed M eal (S. A L. 1206. 6.81 .
24956). I
Fertilizer . 1807 14.13 9.43 1.73 11.16 2.22 2.28 Fertilizer . 1808 12.92 11.04 0.84 11.88 2.05 2.33 Hard W ood Ashes . 1809 . 5.43 K ainit . 1810 . . . . . 13.15 Fruit and Vine . 1811 1.84 4.74 10.48 15.22 2.57 11.65 Orange Tree Guano . 1812 2.75 4.49 10.39 14.88 4.71 6.01 M uriate of Potash . 1813 . 53.80 Fertilizer . 1814 9.13 6'.57 1.57 8.14 3.93 7.72 Fertilizer . 1815 . 9.37 0.89 10.26 2.28 2.06 Acid Phos. (A.B.& A. 16090) 1816 . 31.14 3.76 34.90 .
Complete Cotton, No. 1 . 1817 8.85 9.13 1.49 10.62 1.95 2.13 Complete Cotton, No. 2 . 1818 11.41 8.38 2.39 10.77 2.09 2.52 Fertilizer . 1819 10.69 6.46 1.06 7.52 2.90 8.74 M uck C . 1820 . . . . 1.49 . M uck D . 1821 . . . . 2.85 . Castor Pom ace . 1822 . . .l 5.75 . Bone "S" (Str. Voorburg). 1823 . 6.62 13.24 19.86 6.171 . Bone "0. P." (Str. Voorburg) 1824 . I 9.25 12.58 21.831 3.15
Acid Phosphate . 1825 15.52] 15.03 0.90 15.93 . .
Wilson Tobacco Co., Quincy, Fla. Kraus. McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla.
Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla.
Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla.
Kraus, McFarlin Co., Quincy, Fla.
David Birge, Black, Ala. C. C. Brown, Geneva, Ala. R. B. Campbell, Tampa, Fla. R. B. Campbell, Tampa, Fla. R. B. Campbell, Tampa, Fla. R. B. Campbell, Tampa, Fla. S. A. Dykes, Greenhead, Fla. C. H. Lundy, Parrish, Fla. J. R. Shomaker, Cottondale, Fla. E. 0. Painter Fertilizer Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
J. E. Hardee, Madison, Fla. J. E. Hardee, Madison, Fla. J. F. DeBerry, Dania, Fla. Hon. Frank Adams, Jacksonville, Fla. Hon. Frank Adams, Jacksonville, Fla. Southern Fertilizer Co., Orlando, Fla. Wilson & Toomer Fertilizer Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
W\ilson & Toomer Fertilizer Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
D. D. Martin, Otahite, Fla.
Pi. ii horice Acid.
AM1., OltR RAND.,
Fertiliz-er . 1 a' Fertilizer . !\27 Muriate o: Po:ca:, NC. 1. 1Q,'s Muriate of Potash. No. 2. 1'20 Nitrate of Soda, No. 1 . 1:0 Nitrae of Soa N 2o. 2. I:1 Ra.w T.e I, :al . 1M: 2 "Guano" . "13 L. Suliphate Iotlas . ,:; Fertilizer, No. 1. :'5 Fer;iizer, No. 2 . !:: Fertilizer . . nSW Fortiliz-r . 038 Fertilizer . 1 S I'Fertilize . . Si Fertilizer "No. Al". i 11 Fertilizer "F2". . S 2n Ferilizr . . ;': Comphe Root PIulp. . Feil izer . -18
0}. 75 0.;3 9.5 0.22 . . . .
7.A, 1667 i ., : . 7.21 0.29
6 . 1 1 . i ,
7. ,C 0.29
11. 2.3 2,73 .5!1 2.05 2.5
. *. . . 5522 ' . TS.-15 . .
. . . . . . S . . . . .
24.25 4.9G .
.' :N;.% ;
9 T , 3., 11.77 1i.13 4. :1 ;.'1
10.17 B.5T 16.;5
11.13 2.l 15.55
R.7 5.0 7.6 1 0.7 2.2 2.01
8.22 7.11 1.
%. i , B , O-t hi- Fla. 11,o Foor. , d Rolk, Fa.
v cis-a, Fla.
\Va issa, Fla.
SCo., Orlando, S :Con , C,., Orlando,
- t - , ., Orlando,
M , \' C. , r Tallhassee, S ' , F . Orlando,
on(.L!; ] ( do l;H O lsit. A. o n. T Fla.
1. W. Bo' O A adia, Fla. J. AV. 1P i4 in , D,,Land. Fla. P. And -n ' Pu"r;n, Fla.
C,, . Snow) ,, Eastiak~e, Fla. . R. inh n, ! itrn. Fla.
. N !.br s, Ci ." Fla.
, D. ' rtin, O a ite, F1a.
. 1. "u s . Ei- -yn, . Fla.
S ' ]. T:o:p 0 Spin s, Fla.
Fla. Fla. Fla. Fla. Fla.
Fertilizer . 11847 10.60 U.0 1.05 10.10 2.s 10 40 i ter Cliff, C enit City, Fla. H. G. Sulphale of Potash. 1S S . . . . 51 . ilahn. a, 1 ia.
Fertilizer (DPU1l) . 11849 17.6U 9.GS 0.8- 10.551 1.7 0 6.951 D . Fa. Murphy, Ch lIle. Fla.
Fertilizer (Ligh.). 15 0 12.21 8.U 0. 93 '.5 2.79 0.75 D. E. . 1 1 ( y ileo, Fla.
Fertilizer, No. 1. . 1S1 11.2 7.4 1.30 8.79 2.l' 5. V. . entin , (ln St. Mary, Fla.
Fertilizer No. 2 . 1852 14.2 , 8.29 1.62 9.91 1.89 4. 1 W . 1. Ven lii), (:h St. Mary, Fla.
Fertilizer . . 1 53 . 1 0. 3 1.33 11.1 2.27 1.7Si II. T. Lock, C en va. Ala.
Fertilizer, No. 1601. 18,4 8.1i 5. 1 0.94 6.65 4. 1 5.161 Armour F~7 z. 1'\ks., Jacksonville, Fla.
Fertilizer, No. 1602. . a5 8.2. 8.25 1.16 9.411 5. 22i 7.23 Armour F 'z. \ts. ,Jacksonville, Fla.
Fertilizer, No. 1(;1 .156 8.1 6.67 U.93 7.60 S.2S 10 .' Armour 'F rz. J\'!ks., ,acksonville, Fla.
Fertilizer, No. 1605. 1 7.35 8.17 0.321 S.491 4.13 1 02.0 Armour srz. k: . J:ecsonville, Fla.
Fertilizer, No. 1617. 185S 8.46 6. 50 0.6 1 7.17 2.51 1 .0 Arm ur Feiz. V, , . ].ack onville, Fla.
Fertilizer . 18, 13.25 11.57 0 .92 i ' -) 12.4 1.( 2. 0 J.P. ' Citv , Fla.
Fertilizer . 1S60 10. z5 7. 1 0.77 8.1 4. 0 11 .95 A. C. Cawthon, Fr:ila, Ala. Fertilizer . 18 9.0 6.2 1.07 7.35 3.52 10. G. N. Smith, Wauchula, Fla. Cypress Ashes .1S2. . 1.11 M. C. Mo!. St. Pe'ersburg, Fla.
Fertilizer . 1 63 13,78 0.041 0.57 9.61 2.0 2 C. . ilan , i n Fla. Fertilizer "B" . 1861 8.4 7.2 1.21 9.03 3.20 10.i J. p. Cowurn. Ccnt City, Fla.
Acid Phosphate . 18G5 . 15. 9 0.76 16.75 . . J. T. Phillips. Si!llivan, Fa.
Fertilizer . 1 66 14.16: 12.38 1.08 13.46 1.23 1.26 J. J. Phillijl , Sullivan, Fla. Acid Phosphate . 167 . 17.491 0.55 18.04 . . C. R. A~Mc-rtu, Suflivan, Fla.
Fertilizer . 15.15 11 .3 0.35 12.28 1.611 2.071 C. R. eA1 ihur. Sullivan, Fla, Fertilizer No. 1. 1 9 7. 0.1 7.5' 3.S 12. :'iC. W. Stevens, Thiinotosassa, Fla.
Fertilizer No. 2. 1870' 8.0 .14 7.2 .14 7. 3.94 12.91 C. W. Stevens, Thonotosasa, Fla.
Muriate of Potash. 18 . . . . 49 .0 Edi. Chs n. 1 i lir, F a. Fertilizer "A-2" . 1872 5.4 .3 0.02 6.3S 5. 0 .22. J I. C i-lla', (ii', . la.
Cotton Seed Meal. 1 73 . . 4.84 . . Fla. Collon Oi Co., Jacksonville, Fla. Fertilizer No. 1 . 1,7- 12. SS 11.30 0.41 11.711 2.06 2.91 S. I. a ., 3Mitn, F'a.
Cotton Seed Meal No. 3. 1875 . . . 4.Cli. S. H. Bas. Silton , Fla.
Fertilizer . 1876 . 6.951 0.83 7.78| 4.87 G.8 Franlk SrC d Largo. Fla.
Fertilizer (,cid Phnrphate). 18461
.i L. R. Ws o( 7:. Fla.
. 1S8.051 0.30o 18.451 .
Phosphoric Acid.
Fertilizer . 1877 . . 8.75 0.22 Fertilizer "A" . . 1878 8.23 . . Fertilizer "B" . . 1879 9.79' . Fertilizer "C" . . 1880 8.78 . . Fertilizer . 1881 11.07 10.95 0.47 Fertilizer (Ground Bone). 1882 .6.02 13.58 Fertilizer . 1883 9.92 7.35 1.41 Fertilizer . 1884 8.83' 5.66 2.33 Fertilizer No. 1 . 1885 8.011 9.101 0.17 Fertilizer No. 2 . 1886 8.93 9.321 0.12 Fertilizer . 1887 16.901 10.361 0.41 Fertilizer . . 1888 15.88 8.811 0.11 Fish Guano (Dried Fish) . 1889 . I . Fertz. (Pineapple Mixture) . 1890 7.17! . Fertilizer . 1891 4.561 4.20 9.19 Fertz. (Pineapple Mixture). 1892 9.11 . . Fertz. (Pineapple Mixture). 18931 7.9 . Fertilizer (Tankage) . 1894! . I . Fertilizer No. 1 . 18951 .' 5.02[ 5.80! Fertilizer No. 2 . 18961 . I 5.63! 6.361 Fertilizer . 18971 15.611 11.171 0.55
8.97 6.66 7.03 6.731 11.42 19.60 8.761 7.991
9.271 9.441 10.77' 8.921 5.41
8.471 7 . 8 0 1 7.37
10.82, 11.99' 11.72'
4.041 10.83 Dan W. Roberts, Redland, Fla. 4.8 8.51 Win. J. Krome, Marathon, Fla. 4.44 6.71 Wm. J. Krome, Marathon, Fla. 4.71 8.23 Win. J. Krome, Marathon, Fla. 2.08 1.99 C. D. Thompson, Sullivan, Fla.
6.15 .C. F. Wolf, Jensen, Fla.
2.001 11.04 H. A. Perry, Pomona, Fla.
3.741 8.28 R. D Hoyt, Clearwater, Fla.
3.181 10.30 M. V. McMullen, Seminole, Fla. 3.101 10.24 M. V. McMullen, Seminole, Fla.
1.721 1.80 W. E. Cooley, Berrydale, Fla. 1.88! 1.90 Frank Cooley, Berrydale, Fla. 12.34! . C. I. Baird, Gainesville, Fla. 8.80 7.15 John Sorensen, Jensen, Fla. 3.54 13.55 M. M. Morgan, Arcadia. Fla.
6.68j 9.09 J. G. May, Ft. Pierce, Fla.
6.93! 8.76 J. G. May, Ft. Pierce, Fla. 10.701 . D. E. Austin, Jensen, Fla. 3.791 12.82 H. A. Perry, Pomona, Fla. 3.77 12.80 i. A. Perry, Pomona, Fla.
1.70 2.07 J. E. Thompson, Sullivan, Fla.
Acid Phosphate . 1898 . . 13.30 0.57 Fertilizer No. 1 . 1899 6.28 6.92 1.94 Fertilizer No. 2 . 1900 7.57 7.05 4.12 Cotton Seed Meal . 1901 . Fertilizer No. 1 . 1903 19.44 4.10 Tr. Fertilizer No. 2 . 1904 26.24 4.12 Tr. Fertilizer No. 3 . 1905 26.27 6.50 Tr. Fertilizer . 1906 20.60 12.43 0.77 Fertilizer (Tankage) . 1907 . I . I . Fertz. (Acid Phosphate). 1908 . I 17.S71 0.45 Cotton Seed .eal . 1909 . . . Fertilizer .1910 6.22 1.851 2.111 Nitrate of Soda (Sweep-191.' .
ings). I I
Tobacco D ust . 1912 . I . . H. G. Blood and Bone . 11913 . . Fish Guano . 11914 . Fertilizer No. 1 . 11915 12.991 12.86 0.22 Fertilizer No. 2 (.\ed Phos-'1916j . 17.76 0.08
ph ate). I I I
Fertilizer No. 3 (Muriate of 19171 . .
Potash). I
Fertilizer No . 1918 14.16! 10.09 Tr. Fertilizer No. 2 . 1919 13.861 8.42 0.50 T obacco D ust . 1920 . . . . Fertilizer No. 1 . 19-1 8.951 8.38 0.05 Fertilizer No. 2 . 1922 7.,2,S 8.16 0.10 Fertilizer . 1923 . 1 3.711 10.35 Fertilizer . 1924 6.15! 6.311 8.11 N o. 2 Tobacco D ust . 1925 . . I . . K ainit . 1926 . I . Tobacco Dust . 1927 . I . I . .
18.87 .J. E. Thompson, Sullivan, Fla.
8.86 2.98 10.99 Guss Garrison, Milton, Fla. 11 .17 3.82 9.95 Guss Garrison, Milton, Fla. . 6.93 . Pensacola Oil Mill, Pensacola, Fla.
4.10 3.46 8.07 D. S. Borland, Buckingham, Fla. 4.12 3.77 7.36 D. S. Borland, Buckingham, Fla. 6.50 2.52 11.69 D. S. Borland, Buckingham, Fla. 13.20 1.53 1.43 H. Powell, Campbellton, Fla.
6.00 10.50 . C. F. Wolf, Jensen, Fla. 18.32 .I D. G. Gordon, Red Rock, Fla. . 7.55 . D. G. Gordon, Red Rock, Fla.
3.96 6.04 8.26 M. K. Moore, Eldred, Fla. . 16.04 . I J. E. Dubuisson & Bro., Pensacola, I
. 2.58 7.74 R. B. Campbell, Tampa, Fla. 15.26 11.52 . R. B. Campbell, Tampa, Fla. 7.73 10.28 . R. B. Campbell, Tampa, Fla. 13.08 . 3.47! Rowland Brown, Milton, Fla. 17.841 . Rowland Brown, Milton, Fla.
. 51.481 Rowland Brown, Milton, Fla.
10.09 1.61 2.991 E. L. Murphy, Milton, Fla. 8.92 1.22 0.95' E. L. Murphy, Milton, Fla. . 2.40 9.521 C. I. Baird, Gainesville, Fla.
8.43 5.35 7.77 D. S. Borland, Buckingham, Fla. 8.26 3.37 13.961 D. S. Borland, Buckingham, Fla.
14.06 1.82 14.421 5.60
.I .60
10.01! Henry W. Smith, Wauchula, Fla. 5.201 M. B. Holly, Winter Haven, Fla.
9.541 C. I. Baird, Gainesville, Fla. 13.151 John H. Blake, Tampa, Fla. 9.991 John H. Blake, Tampa, Fla.
Phosphoric Acid.
Fortilizer . 1 Q 18 Fertilizer . I 9 21. Fertilizer "O. F." . 129 01 G. [; Fertilizer "F. & V.". 193i1 G. Fertilizer . 92 10. Acidulated Fish Sciap .1. 193 61. : Fertilizer . 19241 1 .2 Blood i! nd Bone. 19 F ertilizer . 19:G . Fertilizer . 17 7.0Cotton Seed Meal. 19S . Tobacco Stems "AA.". 100. Fertilizer . 1 ,1 0 25.,'; Fertilizer . 19 1 7.,;' Fer ilizer "1 W\. . . M . I. 1 ,2 3. Fertilizer "2 W. .1. M.". . .I1', 2 : Fertilizer . . [1944 16.771 Cotoil Se(ld iul "S. A. i. I .
174: "
Armnour's Orange 'ree Malnaure 1!) I 9. A. Blood, Bone and Potash. 119471 .28
BY \V105' SENT.
12.1 0.52 12.- 1 .78 1.j1 IW . . Col .y, Sumi'an. Fla.
6.T, 0.9 . 2.7 " .3 D. L. oo . Sum ai'n Fla. .2 Tr. G. 62 4. 1:' .3G.1 . H. Ba;:, T n oi, Fa1 . ;., Tr. 60 S.GG, 1 .3S J. II. 131ake. T "., Fla.
7.:1l 1.04: S.,I 5.('0 6.11L. R. Wood,, Tampa, Fla. :'.:2 1.11 4 -1 5. . R L. W o s T ' , .
5 5 0.79 6 14 3. . 6. . E, P aihum, Ox(fod, Fla.
. S.01 10.: . T e Culf Fertz. C., T pta Fla.
C .TL 0.22 6.97 4.58i 6.00 The So hn F ri. Co., 0 1:ando, Fla. '.72' 4.05! 10.77 2.2:' 10.41 J. F. L , n . ulo, . I .
. w . .!ake D wA n, Ocala, Fla.
.2. I 8 2 . . 1 '
. . . 5:" 5. 53 S. A1. lHo. rtsn. Orlando, Fla.
2.1 0.1 4.10 . 15.7 C. A. Anc::,m. La :vp id. Fla :.S 1.1 5.76 2.60 0.2 \ . R ' A .'xail, \ rco, Fla.
7.21 .7 1 1 2.451 .55 W. J., 1 r Cocant Gove, Fla. .,20 7.31 1 3.5 0.19 5. 1 W . J.MJT o n. C ant Grove, Fla.
6. S I.52 S.40' .'i .2 u:' G : . r, Dow' I. a.
. . . 7. . 0. . aint er Foerz. Co. Jaclsonville.
8.2' 0.71 9.09 3. 2 4.2 The Artz. s., Jtksonville.
8.431 0.83 9.26! 4.8S 7.27 The Armour Ferz. Wkis. Jacksonville.
A. Fruit & Root Crop Spec. 19481 12.:S S.211 0.4,' 8.66 A's. Original No. 1 Mixture. 19149, 8.5 0. -! ;.
I A's. Largo Spec. Tree Grower'l' 1 90. S. I EA's. Sweet Potato Spec. :l1,l 10 'i; 6.75- i7 No. 1 H. Fertilizer.19521 7.1 ' 6.:35 6.5, 1. No. 2 G. Fertilizer . 19':i 5. 8.5i 5.07 1:2.S 2 No. 3 V. Fertilizer . 1,I5t 4. - 7.- 5.11 12.17 No. 4 Fertilizer. .I1: , 3. 8., 2.77 1.7 ( No. 5 Fertilizer (Germofor). 195; 5.24 2.40 9.S1 12.;:O Tankage N o. 6. 19 i . I . . Nitrate of Potash. 193 . . . Fertilizer No. 1 (Pin'apple "l59 . . 5.66 Mixt).
Fertilizer No. 2 (Pinei apple 1 (). . . .I 5. S. Mixt.)
Cotton Seed Meal. 1961 . . . . . Fertilizer . 1 ;9c 10 . . . 1 U.j ! ict . . Fertilizer . 19!63 12. . . : 7. Fertilizer . 1964 1.2 .64 .1 .95 Fertilizer No. 1. 1)65 6.50 7.u l .50; 7.96 Fertilizer N o. 2 . 1966 . 5. 1.5 .9 Ashes . 1967 . . Blood and Bone No. 13921. 196S . . . 2 Blood and Bone No. 28726 . 1969 . . . : Canada Hard W ood Ashes. . 1970 . . . . Fertilizer . 1971 11. l 0.94 Tr. 0.91 Hard W ood Ashes. 1972 19 . |.
F'rtz. (Pineapple Mixt.). . . 1973 6. s . . :. 09 Fertilizer (Dark) . 1974 . 10.5 1.22 11.4 3 Fertilizer (Light) . 1975 23. il 6.63 0.82 7. - ' Fertilizer . i1976 16.48i 6.901 0.04,1 7.541
1.95! 4.95 The Armour Fertz. Wks., Jackson, ille.
C9, 5. -5 ,e Armo Ftirtz. Wks., Jacksonville. .99 6.40) ihe A1tmour Fortz. \Vks., Jlcktsonvil e. .47 I .' o' A o ' t t is. J: ckso n iile.
. G. C.: . P. Campbell, Tampa, Fla. i.u' 5. 0 RI. 1. Camphell, Tampa, Fla. 2.0: 12.4:1 I. 1. Campbell, Tam a, Fla. :3.;6 11.2 i R. B. Camp ell, Tampa, '!:F . 4.10; 6.6 R;. B. CaIplbell, Tampa, F!a. 7.r5 . . Canmpbell, Tampa, Fla. 16.91 46.92 The Southern Fert. Co., OIlando. Fla.
5.97. 5.5: A. N. HIoofnagle, Ft. Pierce. Fla.
6.27! 4.25 A. N. Hoofnagle, Ft. Pierce, Fla.
7.:J . . H. Dyess, Campville, F;t.
.;! -l.0; E. L. Parn c'an Bristol. Fla.
S .:15 1. H. Blake, Tampa, Fla.
2.41 15.2 ; 1'. W. Com.stock, Malabar, Fla. :1.64i 13. 12 C. N. Sutton, Griffin, Fla. 5.24' 4.40 C. N. Sutton, Griffin, Fla.
.9.44 [owar - !ae nckard Laud Co., Sanford. 11. ;. The Son. Fertz. Co., Orlando, Fla. 11.51 . The Son. Fertz. Co., Orlando, Fla. .2 . Allan Cahoon, Orlando, Fla.
1.9 3 6.2S l mm & Sons. St. Petersburg, Fla.
. 0.12 . E. cDonald. Fulford, Fla.
.6(I 6.0;1 Iamle & Godfrey, Ft. Pt'rce, Fla.
2.2 1.G RI. E. CollinA Sullivan, Fla. 1 .7. 2.5 R. E. Collins, Sullivan. Fla.
5.23 6.17 NI. . L.Hartman, Gain.sville, Fla.
Phosphorc Acid.
C 6
A shes .11977 . Fertilizer . . 197S 8 1 Acid Phosphate .1979 10.0' Fertilizer . 1!)80 7.25 Fertz. (Pineapple Mixiur). 1981 3.-0 14% Acid Phosphate. 1082 9.S>
16% Acid Phosplhate. 19923 1.i 17% Acid Phosphate. 1984 10.:% Canada Hard AWocd Ashes. 1985 29.0'
Fertilizer . 1986 19.10 Fertilizer . 1987 5.9l Cotton Seed Meal . 1988 . Fertz.(Compost & A"r. Chl-:1S,. 9.
Fertilizer "B. B . 190 7 Fertilizer "A" . 1991 9 1 Fertilizer "IB" . .". 2 Tankage . 19 . Cotton Seed 'M eal. 19941 . Castor Pomace . 1995 .
.i. 1.I 0.29
7.;11 . . ', 1 ;.37.1
71 8. . 10.91
17.3, I.15 7. 5. . .5 0.01 S.DS 5.9S 10.24
. 0. ,.70 4.0 '.46
.2 . 1 .7 , . .
. . . 2.28
i [
( . " i,
8.15 0.7..,4 . ,8 . . . . . . . . . .
C-'us A. M3orbnto, Williston. Fla. ]1r. L. Miontomery, Iicanopy, Fla. A. C. L Jewis iavana, Fla.
J. C. uPi. Lemon City. la. W. J. Dyer. W\ost Panlm eac:c , Fla. M. R. DIukr, InUis. Fla. J . ll, In lis, Fla.
. S. Colle In, lis, Fla. V. U. Camp, care A. F. RJ!x. Fruit
12.47 1 J. I. B rnhill, Milton, Fla. , 5 4.09 13. J. H. Blake. Tamnpa, Fla. . 4.13 . . . I. ,:nry Lake City, Fla. ?. 1.51 0.CS S. S. Coa chmau, Clearwater. Fla. .00 31 1.0! r. Mnie mr, . nonot , 21.
S.72i 4.61 11.07 iliam Ricln ,n. 11'adontown. il'Ia. o0 .0 ' llm 1 ethin, Batc oen, Fl'a.
; .7 . . . Lyk ,s, Ti ul:a, Fia.
'.T.7 . V . D. Griffin. Laniltna, Fla.
. .5 . .W. D. CGriffin, Lantana, Fla.
shes . 1 . . To' mcco Stem s . ! . I irk Cotton Seed Meal. 1'J0 S . t tlilz i . . . il 7 i airlk Cotton Seed lIal. N'o. I i20i I)alrk Cotton Seed kieul. No. 2' I . Cotton Sed Meal (Liht,,r) . 2' 2 . (Colton Seed 'Meal (Darher) . 2 ,:'.
I' rtiliz . . . . (Cottonii Seed Meal. 0 . Acid Phosphate . 1 . !)ied Blood00S . 2S. LEw Grade Sulph. of Potash 2009 . lii'h Grade Sulp)h. of PolashilUl) . Ce'mian Kainit . 2011 .
. . 0.93A. . Sanders, Miami, Fla.
. 3.l02 I 7i. 1 . . D clk, Orlando, Fla.
. . . . 1.7;, :,.SS 1. 1 i' \. 1I u . L k~t e City, F .
. ,1. W. I. t,,rs, Lemon City, Fla.
. . . The ih!. .lf. Co., M3 aiison, Fla.
. . . I. 4 . '1 , lu 'i . lf, . Co., Ml:,di.on, Fla.
S. . . he '. 1B. .Johnson Co., Jacksonville. . . . .11 . 'le \\. I. John on Co., Jacksonville.
. . . . T .> A. L. Iock!;, Orlando, Fla.
.25 7 : 5. I ! O A. L. I Ok, O;Iando, Fla.
. . . . cl. Je rtz. Co. Ocala, Fla. . . 1 . . . i .;i Fertz. Co. Ocala. Fla.
. . . . 1 .5 . cala Iertz. Co., Ocala, Fla. S ' 2. ; . ) : la I;'rtz. Co., Ocala, Fla.
.1.0 Oela .I.Fertz. Co., Ocala, Fia. . i. . . i. I 14.410 ",a Fertz. Co., Ocala, Fla.
R. E. ROSE, State Ch(lmit. ANi LYSIS OF FERTILlZE;'i; 1909. i. .'ii lEi; i:,. Ztsitant Chemist.
Samples Taken by the State Chemist Under Section 1, Act Apprved May 22, 1901.
Wilson & Toomer's Comn 1211 (Ciiant'd Analysisi plete Sweet Potato Fertz. Ofieci:tl Analysis.
Wilson & Toomr's I. C.1 121 2 ;uran d Analysis ; Pineapple Fruit & Vine. ttticiff Analysis.
Seminole Tree Grower. 124: Guarnt'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Ideal Fruit & Vine Manure. 1244 uarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Special Mixture No. 1. 12 15 Guaran 'd Analysisi Official Analysis.
Peruvian Veg. Manure. 12I4(;Guarant'd Analysis' Official Analysis.
13.77 s. 00 S.00
8. 00 Iti.i;4
. I.
Phosphoric Acid.
S.00 1.00
8.29j 1.60 9I5 4.00 4.00 . 4.7S 2.64 S.l2
6.00. .
5.78, 0.49 G. 7 (.'00 1.00 . 5.8, 1.61 ,.;S 7.00 2.00 . 7.411 1.131 8.55
2. ;1, 50 'Wisn & Toomer Fertz.
2, 4.071 Co, Jack sonville, Fla.
.00 i 10.00) Wilson & Toomer Fertz. G.28i 9.56 Co., Jacsonville, Fla.
4.00 8 .0 ',\ilon & boomer Fertz. 4.22 8.43 Co. Jac sonville, Fla.
3.00 10. ''\ilson & Toomer Fertz. 3.48I 10.21 Co. Jacksonville, Fla.
5.001 5.,,0 \Wilsn c Tooner Fertz. 5.-161 .2 Co. Jh ,.sonville, Fla. 5.n' ,.i0 eilson & Toomer Fertz. 4.eU 8.11i Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
Armour's Largo Spec' Ft. 1217 Gunranit'd Analy.sis 10.00 6.00 1.00 . and Vine . rii1 An l is. 7.64 6.18 1.11 7.29 Orange Fruiter . 1241SGuarantd \Anlysi 10.00 8.00 1.00 .
Official Anial sis . 1).03 7.24 0.30 7.6i Armour's Orig'1 No. 1 Mix. 124!) Guarantd Anil, is 10.00 5.00 1.0 .
S Official Ana i. .07 5.72 0.S 6.10 Armour's Fruit & Vine. 125l Guarant'd Anal sis 10.00 6.00 1.00 .
Oi ial n ilsi. S.56 6.00 0,79 61.79 Acid Phosphate 16 per cent. 125 1. Guarait'd Ahilsis iO. 10.00 16.00 1.0 .
Official A' ; aly is. 163.45 16i; I 0.50 17.6 .
Official Anlvsi .
Dark Cotton Seed Meal. . 125 Guarant'd Analsis . . .
Official nal is . . . .
Cotton Seed Meal. 1254 Guarant'd Analysis . . .
Official Analysis. . . Cotton Seed Meal. 1255 Guarant d Analysis . . 2 o I 2.
Official Analysis . . . .
Ober's Vegetable . 1256 Guarant'd Analysis 12.00 :. '0 . .
Official Analysis. .431 .S. ( .7 R.S;
2.001 10. o0 Armiour Fortz. Works,
2.i 9.72 Jacs.o villa , Fia.
4.U'- 12.' Am i Vortz. W\\orks,
3.50 11. 1 J c~ s ,l vilo. Fla.
5.00! .n ;5 \' n F iz. \,Vorks,
4.S71 1.77 .J ,wso vidl , Fla.
2.50 1 1 ArmI F rtz. \Vorks,
2.41 i L I .1 t.s ville Fla. . . Armorl Fcltz. W orks, . . I. ] ' o il]. F la.
.50 1.0.( i( 'h, C t'lton' Oil Co., V
S-.491 . . V lhl Sta Cotton Oil Co.,
5.321 . I aldosta Ga.
7.50 1 . BiBakeley Oil a Fertz.
7. U4 . Co., Blaeley, Ga.
7.50 1.00 Eufaula Oil Co., Eu.94 . . fai!a, Ala.
5.00 6.00O10ber & Sons. Baltimore,
5.7 7.423 M d.
Phosphoric Acid.
V. C. Fla. Fiuit Growcer's 127 Guaran'd Analysis Formula . . iOIflcial Analysis.
DeSoto Brand Orange Tree 2lGS Guarant'd Analysisl Grower . Ocial Aualyls.]
DeSoto Brand Fruit & Vino'12, Guaran'd Anaysis Manure . Official nalsis.
Armour's WatXeXrm'n Spec'l 1200 Guaranitd Analysis Official Analysis.
Armour's Fruit & Vine. 1261 G(uarant'd Analysis Official Analysis .
Armour's Largo Special 1262( tiarani ' Analvsis Fruit & ine. O ifici I A ilysis.
Acid Phos., 14 per cent. 126i' Guarant'd Analysis S Official An lysis.
10.00 7.10 10.00
7.19 10.00
10.00 9.99 10.00 S. 06 10.00 7.85,
.1 10 3.50 4.00 Va-Car. Cilom. Co., Sa.1S 2.1S8 .3t; 3.3. .i, vannah, Ga.
6.00. 00 6.50oVa.-Car. Chem. Co. SaG.63 0.47 SO 5. 7. vannab, tG.
.00 . . 4.00 12.00 Va.-Car. Ch C. o., Sn6.44 0.78 7.22 4.00 13.SS vannah, G.
5.00 1.00 . 3.00 8.00 Armour Feriz. Works
5.25 0.64 5.1 3.13 8 .49 Jacksonville. Fla.
6.00 1.00 .2.o50 11.00 Armour 'rcz. Works,
6.321 0.S9 7.21 2.54, 11.-30 Jacksonville. Fla.
6.00 1.00 . 3.00O 10.0Armnou;r Fcrz. Wrks
6.41 0.93 7.93. 2.91 ).95 Jacksonvill. Fla.
14.0 1.00! . iArmour Fertz. Worl;s, 14.69 0.35 1504. Jacsonville, Fla.
Special Manure, No. 1.12641G: iran I' Analysisl Ideal Fruit & Vine Manuire 1 igurn .\ nl8 Special Mixture No. 1. 1]206.G luiin'd Andsis ' Blood, Bone & Potash. 1267 Gu :!' An.lysis, Strawberry Fertilizer . 126S Gu m u'1 l mlysis OialM Analysis. .
Special Fruit & Vine(. .1269 (Guui;ni'd Ana lysis Gulf Tobacco Special. 1270 a A lOI)iciil Ana sis.
Orange Fruiter .1271 G1 t Alysis
Offic;ial Analysis. .
Vegetable Special . 1272 Guai ant'd Analysisl O21etial dialysis .
Orange Producer . 11273 GLraiiti'd Analysis S liicial Ann sis.
Fruit & Veg. Fertilizer. 1274 Cmran'd AnalysisI Official Aialysis. I
9.51 10 On 14.50 8.00
10.7 I
14.00 10.T8 S.00
S.00 5.07
10.00 8.00
10.09 5.22
7.22 8.00 6.03
5.00 5.43
6.00 1.00 .
6.21 1.7' 7.06
6.00i . .
0.45 1.00 . 6.45 1.S 8.:S. 6. 0n 1.00 . 5.9 1: 1.5 7.21 6.0 2.00 . G.88 1.58 8.416 0.01) 1.01)' 7.001 0.80 0.15 6.951
G.0n 1 .0i 7.00 6.6t 1.55 8.19 6.0o 1.00 7.00 6.91 0.05 6.96 6.00 1.00 7.00 10.05 2.00 12.05
7.00 1.00 .
6.75 0.1l 2.50 5.00 .
4.64 10.48 15.12
5 . 292 4.00
2.50 2.1.0
3.00' 4. S ' 4. 00 4.44 4.00
5.00 5.24 4.50 5.05 4.00 3.98
5.00[Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 6.34 Co., Jaclsmnville, Fla. li.0,iX Wilon & 'Toner Fortz. 9.6i Co., J:n 1 11nill, Fla. 5.00 \Vilson & Toomer Fertz. 5. o., T .on iil,, Fia.
4.i0' Taipa F rtilizer Co., :1.2S! Tanl0. i h. S. 01 Tampa Fertilizor Co.,
1:. 0 Gulf Fe ilizer Com1.2 lumy, T::mpa,. Fla. 5.00 Gulf Fertilizer Com.1 panly, T: apt. Fla. 10.00 Gulf Fertilizer Con11.40 pan, T.nua. Fla.
5.00 Gulf Fertilizer Com5.05 pany, TamO pa Fla. 15.00 Gulf Ferliilzer Com15.031 pany, Tamlpa. Fla.
6.00 Germofert Mfg. Co.,
5.CSI Charleston, S. C.
Phosphoric Acid.
Dried Blood . 1275 Guarant'd Analysis 12.00 .
Official A nalysis. . . . . Ground Castor Pomace.1276 Guarant'd Analysis 10.'0 . . 1.50 Official A nalysis. . . . . 1 H. G. Acid Phos., 16%. 1277lGuarant'd Analysis 10.00 16.00 0.50 .
Official Analysis. 11.85 16.S 0.12 16.95 . H. G. Ky. Tobacco Stems. 127 Gurant'd Analyis 10.00 . .
Official Analysis. . Cotton Seed Meal. 1279 Guarant'd Analysis 7.05 . . 2.25 Official Analysis. . . . . Simon Pure No. 1. 1280 Guarnnt'd Analysis 8.00 6.0 1.00.
I Official Analysis. 5.98 5.69 0.21 5.!'l Simon Pure Spec'l No. 1. 1281 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 6.00 1.00 .
Official Analysis. 6.081 6.211 0.26 6.471
d l BY \iOM AN) W HERE
16.001 . Sanders Fertz. Co., 16.75! . Jacksonville, Fla.
6.50 1 .00 Sanders F rtz. Co.,
5.88 . Jackson le, Fla.
. Jaclsonville. Fla.
2.50 10.011 Sanders F'irtz. Co.,
2.60 10.57i Jacksonill, Fla.
7.50 I 1.65 Sanders F r'tz. Co.,
8.0 l. Jaclsonv le. F an.
4.60 11 .00 E,. O. Paintei Fertz. Co.,
5.7. 11.91 .ackso vi l,. Fla.
2.(00 1C.jn E. O. Faintre Fertz. Co.,
2.881 16.4S Jacksonville, Fia.
Gem Fruit & Vine. 112S2 Cuarant'd Analysisl 8.00( 6.001 1.00 .
S Official Analysis.j 6.71 6.17, 1.22 7.:9,
Precipitated Bone Phs- 128 Guarant'd Aaly . . :.0 . . .
phate with Ammonia. Official Analysis. 6.14 27.ST I 0.51 37.3
Nitrate of Potash. 1284 Guarant'd Analsi . . .
Official Analysis. . . . . .
Blood M eal .1285 Guarant'd Analysis . . .
Official Analsis . . . . .
Mapes' Orange Tree Man're 128, Guarant'd Analysis 12.00 C' I 20. .
Official Analysis. 14.45 5.251 4.57! 9.S 2
IMapes' Vegetable Manure. 1287 Guarant'd Analysis !2.00 .O Ic 1 0 .
Offiicial Analysis.i 13.66 6 2 016 ) 6
Tobacco Dust . 1288 Guarant'd Analysi .
Official Analysis. . .
V. C. Fruit & Vine. 1289 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 6.00 1.00.
Official Analysis. 7.62 6.111 1.17 7.311
V. C. Tip Top Tomato 1290 Guarant'd Analvsis S.0o 7.00 1.001 .
Trucker . Official Analvsis. 7.46 G.S1 1.50 8.911
. . . . . . . . . _ _ I. )
3.00' 10.00 E. O. Painter Fertz. Co.,
3.22 10.39: Jacksonville, Fla.
6.00 .1. Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 6.9 . Co., Jaclksoinville, Fla.
1 (;.001 44.00 W'ilson & T'oonlr Fertz. I4. 4! 43.521 Co., Jac sonville, Fla.
15.50 . Armour Fortz. Works, 16.311 .I Jac sonville, Fla.
4.00 3.00 l !Tpes' Forr. & Pr. Gn4.251 3.SS, ano Co., N. Y.
5.00 4.00 SIalapes' For. S Por. Gu- e-r
4.02 5. 11 ano Co., N. Y.
1.50. 6.00 Va.-Car. Chl, m1. Co.
2.101 7.1 Gainesville Ga
2.50! 10.00OVa.-Car. Chem. Co.,
2.96i 9.441 Savannah, Ga.
4.001 5.001Va.-Car. ,hem. Co.,
4.011 5.991 Savannah, Ga.
Phosphoric Acid.
II. G. V. C. Fla. Fruit Grow- 1291GCurant'd Analysis ers' Formula . OfIliial Analysis. It. G. V. C. Champion Cit! 120 (inarant'd Analysis rus Compound . ci An 'lyis.
11. G. V. C. Soutilit rn States 1203 Gu trc: anit' Analy is Spec'l Vegetable Grower Official Analysis.
Bradley Fruit ani Vine. 12941 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Williams & Clark Florida 12951Guarant'd Analysis Vegetable . OfficiA Analsis. BIradley Fin ia. Yo ul. .|296 uartant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Bradley Fla. Vegetablc. 1297i uarant'd Analysis!
S Official Analysis. .
10.00i 10.-37
10.00| 9.581
6.00 6. 71
6.920 6.921
1.00 . O.8S S.99!
1.00 .,
0.52 7.49
1.00 . 1.85 8.49
3.00 . 0.71 7.231
1.00 . 1.07 7.78
1.00 . 1.02 8.11
1.00 . 1.11 8.03
4.001 4.59
2.251 2.771
4.00 4. 08S
4.00 4.10
4.00 Virginia-Carolina Chem.
3.97 Co., Savannah, Ga.
14.00iVirginia-Carolina Chem. r 14.871 Co., Savannah, Ga. c
5.00 Viroinia-Carolina Chem.
5.24[ Co. Savannah, Ga.
10.00 Am. Agr. Chem. Co.,
9.4GI Jacksonville, Fla.
5.00 Arn. Agr. Chem. Co.,
5.41i Jackso ville, Fla.
5.00GOAm. Agr. Chem. Co.,
5.68 Jacksonville, Fla.
5.00!Am. Agr. Chem. Co.,
5.141 Jacksonville, Fla.
Cotton Seed Meal. 2l98;Guarant'd Analysis . .I 2.501 I (fcial Analvysis. . . .
Phospho-Alkali with Pot. 129I Guarant'd Analysi:; i00 7. 1 .
Nitrate . Official Analysis.I 4.7SI 11.16 2.691 13.851
Cotton Seed Moial. . 1300 ;uarant'd Analysis . . . 2.50 Official Analysis. . . . . .
Cotton Seed Meal. 101 Guarant'd Analysis . .2.50 Official Analysis. .
Vegetable Manure . 102 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 6.O0 1.00 .
Official Analysis. . 10.34 6.60 0.34 6.941
tiorida Special . 1:03 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 9.00 1.00 .
Official Analysis. 16.06 10.36 0.18 10.511
Kainit . 13041Guarant'd Analysis . . .
Official Analysis. .
Favorite Strawberry Spec'I 1305 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 6.00i 2.00 .
Official Analysis. 4.68 4.841 2.521 7.36
Vegetable Special . 1306 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 6.00' 1.00 7.00 Official Analysis. 6.5- .3.5; U. 6. 2
Celery Special . 1307Guarant'd Analysis 8.00i 5.001 2.001.
tI i;l Analysis. 9.12 5.85 0.211 6.06
7 1.01 1.50 Montezuma Mfg. Co.,
7.81 . I Montezuma Ga.
2.50 1.0 00jVir",inia-Carolina Chem.
2.89 11.2S8 Co., Savannah, Ga.
7.501 1.50 Fla. Cotton Oil Co., Tal7.75 . lahassee, Fla.
7.501 1.501Fla. Cotton Oil Co., Tal7.96 . lahassee, Fla.
3.50i 5.00 Blackshear Mfg. Co.,
2.911 5.77i B!ackshear, Ga.
1.50 5.00 Blachshear Mfg. Co., C0
1.301 4.36 Blachshea-, Ga.
I 12.50 Wilson & Toomer Fertz.
1 13.051 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
2.00 12.00 Sanders Fertilizer Co.,
2.381 11.40 Jacksonville, Fla.
5.00' 5.00 The Gulf Fertilizer Co.,
4 67;.,, TuS ni . Fli.
6.00' 7.50 The Gulf Fertilizer Co.,
5.D91 7.91 Tampa. Fla.
Special Fruit & Vine . 1308 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Gulf Orange Tree . 1309 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Cane & Corn Special. 1310 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Bean & Pea Special. 1311 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Die Back . 1312 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Orange Producer . 1313 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Tomato Special . 1314 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Phosphoric Acid.
8.0.0 0 o0 1.001 7.00 3.001 7.61 6.89 0.161 7.05 3.301 .oo 6.0 2.00 . 4.00!
6.15 6.23 0.201 6.43 4.381 S.00 6.00 1.00 7.00 3.00 7.36 6.89 0.94 7.78 3.63 7.00 5.0 00 . 4.00
7.14 7.SO 0.49 8.29 4.00 8 .00 8 . 00 . . . 8.64 7.97 0.132 8.10 . 8.00 7.0 0 1.00 . 4.50 6.711 6.18 0.11 G.32 4.87 8.001 5.00 1.00 . 4.00 6.291 5.78! 0.61 6.39 4.93
13.0 The Gulf Fertilizer Co., 14.04! Tampa, Fla.
10.00'Te Gulf Fertilizer Co., 12.08i Tampa, Fla.
5.00 The Gulf Fertilizer Co.,
6.11! Tampa, Fla.
6.00 The Gulf Fertilizer Co.,
7.31 Tampa, Fla.
13.00 Th Gulf Fertilizer Co., 13.94 Tampa, Fla.
15.00' The Gulf Fertilizer Co., 15.S2: Tampa, Fla.
8.00 Tie Gulf Fertilizer Co.,
8.S4 Tampa, Fla.
H. G. Vegetable Fertilizer. 1315 Guarant'd Analysis' 10.00 5.00 2.00 . 4.00 6.00 Tampa Fertilizer Co., I Official Analysis.l 6.52 6.39 4.41 10,80 4.87 7.19 Tampa, Fla.
Muriate of Potash. 131" Guarant'd Analysis . . . 50.00 Tampa Fertilizer Co., iOfficial Analysis . . . . 51.88 Tampa, Fla.
Acid Phosphate . I:1 Guarant'd Analysis . 16.00 . . Tampa Fertilizer Co., Official Analysis. . 17.59 0.19 17.78 . Tampa, Fla.
Tampa Fruiter . 13S Cuaran 'd Analysis 10.00 8.00 . 4.00 12.00 Tampa Fertilizer Co., Official Analysis. 5.58 10.16 0.17 10.33 3.91 14.39 Tampa, Fla.
Orange Tree Grower. 1319 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 6.00 1.00 . 4.00 5.00 Tampa Fertilizer Co., Official Analysis. 6.92 8.62 4.57 13.1. 4.14 4.65 Tampa, Fla.
Special Mixture, No. 1. L120 Guarant'd Analysis 8.00 6.00 1.00 . 5.00 5.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 0 Official Analysis. 8.18 5.74 1.981 7.74 4.88 5.72 Co., Jacksonville, Fla. C'
Ideal Potato Manure. .11321 Guarant'd Analy is 8.00 6. 00 1.0 . 4.00 8.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz.
Official Analysis. 9.85 5.98 1.47 7.45 3.94 8.05 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
Ideal Fruit & Vine Manure 1322 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 6.00 . 3.00 10.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz.
Official Analysis. . 8.53 6.53 0.29 6.82 3.52 10.96 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
Ideal Vegetable Manure. 1323Guarant'd Anilysis 8.00 6.00 1.00 .1 4.00 8.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz.
Official Analysis. 8.94 6.20 1.60 7.80 3.77 .18 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
Mapes' Vegetable Manure 1:241Guarant'd Analysis 12.00 6.00 2.00 . 5.001 4.00 Mapes' For. & Per. GuOfficial Analysis. 6.84 5.34 3.25 8.59 4.00 6.28 ano Co., New York.
Mapes' Ora'ge Tree Man're 1325 Gua:ant'd Analysis 12.00 6.00 2.00 . -1.00 3.00 Mapes' For. & Per. GuIOffcial Analysis. 10.531 5.62: 4.65 10.47 4.29J 4.01! ano Co., New York.
I t
Cotton Seed Meal. 1326 Gua [Of:c
Cotton Seed Meal . 1327, Cu
Kainit . 132; GuC a
Nitrate of Soda. 1329 Gua 10 I
4 per cent. Potash . 1330 ;G(:ua Offic
Honest Fertilizer . 131 Ca:
Phosiph ric Acid.
rnt I AnalYsis . . 2. 50
ial Anli s . I
ra nt A n l.i s . . . .
ia t' An a s ".
S A y is . . . . ia l A m l . . . . . . . . . . ran 'd Anavsis . . . . ial A al sis . . . . rant'i A tnal;sisi 12.00 ial'd A nal si s . . . , . . . ran'd Analyss 10.nn 0 a rant'd Analysis 1 .00 . ial Analysis. 12.23 S.51 1.13 3.91
S i;Y \V HOM W\'cn WHERE
7. 50 1.50 Flowrila Cotton Oil Co., .,;.~ Jacksonville, Fla.
1.5o At tiiczuma M1fg. Co., a . n. , 'zum a, Ga.
12.00 A. ). Campbell, Chip.1.I. s1 ley, Fln.
17.0) . A. D. Campbell, Chip17 . . ley, F la.
1 . .0 A. 1). Campbell, Chip. y, F'la.
2.0 0 .-00 A. i) Campbell, Chip2.np ;: 10 . Fla.
2. 0 2.00 'Elwan Fertilizer Co.,
2.191 1.8S Charlston, S. C.
Etiwan Spec. Pot. Mixture 1333 Guarant'd Analysis 16.001 8.00 2.00. 4.00 Etiwan Fertilizer Co.,
Oimcial Analysis. 10.20 .: 0.8s 'i9.15 . 4.3S Charleston, S. C.
Bigbee Meal Compound. 1:3lIl uaranCtd Analysis[ 1.;.0, .' 2.00 1 .n :2.00 i e Fertilizer Co.
Uici.l Analysis. ,.7 S.:,! 1.24 . .2 1. 3.4717 Montgomery, Ala.
Bighee Blood & Bone F r- 1,35 G:uairant'd Analysis 10.00 10.00 2.00 . 2.00 2.00 Bi h e Fertilizer Co.
tilizer . Official Anmlysis. 12.71 .9 .!41 11. 2.1 2.07 Mountromery, Ala.
16 per cent.Acid Phosphate 130 lGuiara:nt d Analysisi 0.001 .00 2 00.1. . . Golding Fertilizer Co., O icial Analysis . . 10.22 1. 09 17.i . . P n aceola, Fla.
. . . . . . . . .
14 per cent.Acid Phosphate 1337 Guaant'd Analysis 16.00 11.00 2.00 . . . Gouldin Fertilizr Co., Omicial Analysis . 1. .22 10. 65 . . . I'ensacola, Fla.
Muriate of Potash. 1 833 Guarant'd Analysis' 20.00 . . . 50.00 coulding Fertilizer Co Oicial nalsi. . 55.52i Pensaeola, Fla.
Muriate of Potash. 13:39 Guarant'd Analysis! . . . . I 50.00 Goulding Fertilizer Co.
Official Analysis. I . . 5 0. 2i Pensacola, Fla. Goulding's H. G. Eng. Guano . 1340 Guarant'd Analysis 16.00 10.0 2.00 . 2.0 2.00Goulding Fertilizer Co., Offcial Analysis. . 12.75 10.17 1.44 11.91 2.1 2.04 Pensaeola, Fla.
16 per cent.Acid Phosphate 1341 GQuarant'd Analysi i 16.00 1;.00 2.00 . . . Goulding Fertilizer Co, 'Oficial Analysis. 10.TI 1.19 17.26 . . Pescola, Fla. Goulding's Bone Comp'nd. 132 Guarant'd Analysisl 10.00 s.) 2.00 .: 2.00 2.00Goulding Fertilizer Co., Oi ciI nal~v i. 11 .1 : .i 01 1.12 10.72 2.12 2.21 Pensacola, Fla.
SH. . l Fr 1 . 10., 2.001Goulding Fertilizer Co, tilizer . O. ieal Ailysis. 1 .2 ,1 11.01 .82 11.8 2.11 2.38 Pensacola, Fla.
Phosphoric Acid.
- a
BirminghaLnm Stand. r ade 13441 Guarant'd AnalYsjs 10.00 Fertilizer . Official Analysis. 11.921 'Wire Grass Meal Comp'nd 1315 Guarant'd Analysis 10.001 [Official Analysis. 10.64
Georgia State Grange Fer- 1346 Guarant'd Analysis 10.00 tilizer . . Official Analysis. 10.37 Cotton Seed Meal. 1347GCuarant'd Analsisl .
Primo H. G. Acid Phos. 134SIGuarant'd Analysis 12.00 Official Analysis.
Primo H. G. Blood & Bone1349 Guarant'd Analysis 12.00 Official Analysis. 10.22
S.00 2.00. 2.00 Birmingham Fertz. Co.,
9.42 1.5 11.27 2.011 1.84 Birmingham, Ala.
8.00 . . 1.001 3.00 Virginia-Carolina Chem. cn 8.70 0.701 9.40 1.20i 2.15 Co., Montgomery, Ala. A
8.00 2.001. 2. 00 2.00 Virginia-Carolina Chem. 8.70 0.70 9.40 1.20 2.15 Co., Montgomery, Ala.
. 2.5j 7.501 1.50ISouthern Cotton Oil . 7.73 . I Co., Pensacola, Fla.
14.00 1.00 . . Gulfport Cot. Oil, Fertz. 14.8o 1.36 16.16 . . & Mfg. Co., Gulfport, MI iss.
10.00 1.00 . 2.00 2.00 Gulfport Cot. Oil, Fertz. 10.66 1.41 12.071 3.34 1.78 & Mfg. Co., Gulfport,
I I Miss.
Aliv i u I lomll Mixturl. I: (;. , I n l \nl lyi i i ]II0 I
S ( u ni .i i i . .
Liberit Bell Guano. 1251 (;i ini'm tld X Analvsis 10.00 O1111i;il Analysis. 1 3.1
Alaima Standard Guano.,1:-2 inavanit Analysis 10.00 Ofi0 ial Analysi. . 31 0.1
Farmer's Fish Guano. 13.,,(uan'd Analysis 10.00 Oi lial Ana lsis . 12.47,
IKainit . . 1354 ,Gmu anil' Analysis 15.00 Oi litl Analysis. .
Bone Flour . . 12 i55 G iu nt'd Analysis 10.00 I Oeihal Analysis .
\rlllone s' Corn ntlldl Cotton 181) Couran , 4 Analsis 100
( rowri . . . . . . i il aly i . 1 .2
AnnouIr" 8 Fli anmd Rooti"5T (il ; nt'i ] Anl si-s 100I 1
('Crop Sll(cial . Olfib ial A ! i . . 12.11
Sw eet Potato Special . . (135S Conrint'd Ana:ysis S.00 Official Analysis. S .2S,
Orange Fruiter . 1359 uai ant'd Analysis! 10.00 |Ofl i:il Analysis. 6.GU0
N i ii
Ii).iii I i. F4'
7 .:1ii 7.ni
. :iii 9. :i7 7.0
7.2 !i
0.00 0j.00
2 . 0" . 0!' 5 9. 2
ii.7 10.1.
2.00 . 0.44 1.2 S
141.00 . 1.10 250.56 I
1.44 9.27 . 00 . .
.7q9 S. 0 2. 00 S.00 1.2S9 S.956 1.00 7.001 0.10 6.79
2.00' 2.0:
1.0 2.00
.15 .
1.98 3.50'
4.001 4.45'
2.00 larianna Mfg. Co., Ma3.4S. rianna. Fla.
2.00 Ala. Chem. Co., Mont1.84 gomery, Ala.
2.00 Ala. Chem. Co., Mont2.06 gomery, Ala.
2.00 Farmer's Fertilizer Co.,
2.21 Montgomery, Ala.
12.00 Armour Fertz. Works, 12.581 Jacksonville, Fla.
. Armour Fertz. Works, . Jacksonville, Fla. '
2.00Armour Fertz. Works,
2. 66 Jacksonville, Fla.
5.00 Armour Fertz. Works,
5.74 Jacksonville, Fla.
5.00 The Gulf Fertilizer Co.,
6.44 Tampa, Fla.
10.00 The Gulf Fertilizer Co., 11.74 Tampa, Fla.
Phosphoric Acid.
Tomato Special . 1360 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Melon Special . 1361 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Orange Tree Grower . 1362 Gnarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Vegetable Special . !1363 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Special Fruit and Vine. 1364 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
GCorgin State Ammoniated 1365 Guarant'd Analysis
Superphosphate . I Official Analysis.
11. G. V. C. Tip Top Tomatoll166 Guarant'd Analysis!
Trunkeh r .I Official Analysis.
8.00 7.19
8.00 7.40
8.00 7.94
10.00 7.58
8.001 6.731
5.00 1.00 .
6.37 0.59 6.96
6.00 1.00 7.00 7.21 0.701 7.91 6.00 1.00 7.00, 7.45 1.35 8.80' 6.00 1.00 7.001 6.76 1.26 8.021 6.00 1.00 7.001 7.07 0.07 7.14
8.00 1.00 . 6.81 3.02 9.83 7.00r 1.00 .I
12.41! 0.441 12.851
4.00| 4.101
3.50 3.971
2.001 2.23
4.001 2.47!
8.00IThe Gulf Fertilizer Co.,
9.07 Tampa, Fla.
7.00 The Gulf Fertilizer Co., a
7.41 Tampa, Fla.
6.00 The Gulf Fertilizer Co.,
6.94 Tampa, Fla.
5.00;The Gulf Fertilizer Co.,
5.291 Tampa, Fla.
13.00!The Gulf Fertilizer Co., 13.691 Tampa,. Fla.
2.001Virginia-Carolina Chem.
2.22[ Co., Savannah, Ga.
5.00 Virginia -Carolina Chem.
3.04 Co. Savannah, Ga.
H. G. V. C. Florida Fruit 1367 Guarant'd Analysis
Gro\ ertN " iFur tlla . iiliclalii Analysi.;.
DeSoto Brand Orange Tre 13:S Gualrant'd Analysis Grower . . Oflicial Analysis.
Blood, Bone and Potash. 13269 Guarant'd Analysis' Otlicial Analysis.
Watermelon Special . 1370 Guarant'd Analysis Omicial Analysis.
Tomato Special . 171 Cuarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Corn Special . 1372 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Sweet Potato Special. 1373 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
Ve' table . 13741 Guarant'd Analysis Official Analysis.
I.argo Special Fruit and" I
Vine . 13275!Guarant'd Analysis S 1Official Analysis. .
Fruit and Vine . 13761 Garant'd Analysis| S Official Analysis.]
10.001 4.09[ 10.00 10.32 10.00 6.26 10.00 8.45 10.00 10.25
10.00 10.59 10.00 9.38 10.00 8.32
10.00 8.37
7.001 1.001. 8.u4 2.48 Iv.52
6.00 . .
7.73 o.S7 S.0O
8.00 1.00 . 1 8.20 0.57 S.77
5.00 1.00 . 5.28 0.03 6.01
G. oo00 1.o00 . 6.50 1.20 7.701
6.00 1.00 . 6.06 1.51 7.57
6.50 1.00 . 6.791 0.941 7.73
7.001 2.00 . 8.01 0.941 8.95
6.00 1.00 . 6.40 0.951 7.35
6.00 1.001 . 6.72 0.75! 7.47
4.11 5. 00 4.901 2.3 i 2. 0.1.
4.42 2.00
2.79 2.50! 2.47! 4.00 3.631 3.00' 3.00, 2.50 2.381
4.00 Virginia-Carolina Chem.
1 Co., Savannah, Ga.
,. 50 Virginia-Carolina Chem.
. (Co. Savannah, Ga.
7.00 Armour Fertz. Works,
7.GS Jacksonville, Fla.
0.00 'Armour Fertz. Works, S.551 Jaclksonville, Fla.
,.00 Armour Fertz. Works,
7.70 Jacksonville, Fla.
(.00 Armour Fertz. Works, G.17 Jacl onville Fla.
.,50 Armour Fertz. Works,
3.091 Jacksonville, Fla.
6.00lArmour Fertz. Works,
5. G(4 Jacksonville, Fla.
10.00[Armour Fertz. Work,
9.411 Jacksonville, Fla.
1 1.00 Armour Fertz. Works,
9.991 Jacksonville, Fla.
Ideal Vegetable Manure. 17 (;;Gua Offic
lt al Fuii and Vine Ma- 11T N;ua 11111 . . . ( Orange Tree Grower. 1370 Guai Taiaia Fruiier . 13S0 Guat Oc
Fruit and Vine. .1:1l Gua Dark Acid Phosphate . iBM Giua Acid Phos bhate . 138 (S at Oni
Ihosplihori Acidt.
ant'd Analyssi , S.001 G.0 1.00) . 4.00| 8.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. inl Analyh-si. 10.35. G.21 1.19 7.43 3.881 8.80 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
nPtGd Anl sis lo., G.I . . 00 10.00 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. ial Analyi S. 8.99 5.G 1.7 3 7.09 3.28 10.26 Co., Jacksonville, Fla. 7 'ant'd Anaysis 5.00 4.50 5.0 . 4.00 5.00 Tampa Fertilizer Co., ial Analysis. . .7- 5. 1 1- .35 4.801 6.11 Tampa, Fla. rant'd Analysisi 5.00 6.0 5.0 S . 4.00 12.00 Tampa Fertilizer Co., ial Analysis. 1. 1| 4.18' 10. 191 14. 7 4.24 13.51 Tampa, Fla. rant'd Analysis . . . . 2.00 12.00 Tampa Fertilizer Co., ial Analysis. 4.59! S.09 4.52 12.621 2.a0 12.35! Tampa, Fla. ant'd Anaysi . .n . Goulding's Fertz. Co.,
ial A nai.sis. . 16.12' 0.32 1 16.44 . .I Pensacola, Fla. rant'd Ananys.is . 16.0m. . . I . . . Goulding's Fertz. Co.,
ial Analysis. I. 17.161 0.111 17.271 . . Pensacola, Fla.
Kainit . 13S ' (Guaranl'd nalysi . . . . . . 12.001E. O. Painter Fertz. Co.,
O ffi al 1 . . . . . . . 1 . 5 Jacksonville, Fla.
Simon Pure Tomato. Z u F ,. :i . -i I . 5.)00 9.00 E. 0. Painter Fertz. Co.,
O ih i .n . . 1.4. .:1T ;:-. 3 5.1:1, 9.17 Jlaclsonville, Fla.
Gem Orange Tre .1 iC ()uar 1annl ; i~ ,i 0 ::.n . 4. 0 ;.01IE. 0. O. Painter Fertz. Co.,
Ofc ;ial l, i I. . 2 4. 5 1T . 9. . SI (;. . 4 Jac sonville, Fla.
Simon Pure No. I. ! ui(ilalaidi Ii. 00 1i N l 00 I . 0 . 4.00 11 . 00'i . O. Painter Fertz. Co.,
O i l \n . 1.0 . 1: .:i .14 4. 18 12.12 Jacksonville, Fla.
No. 1 Ground Tolacco Dust 1 ( . . . . 2. 2.11 E. O. Iainter Fertz. Co.,
O ial An l Xii i: . . . . . . 1.551 2.07 Jacksonville, Fla.
Ideal Vegetable lannire . I 3s u(;iarait .nils I .0 (lio)i i I 1. 0 Wi n & Toomer Fertz
O 1 ' n i . :,2 F i, 1.1, .80 4.5F 9.77 Co. Jacksonville, Fla.
Bradley Florida N egetable 1:!0 a i t I ;na> yi 1 . n F 1 1 . 4.00 5, 0 Ain. Agr. Chemical Co., i 1O .ial a i .1 i 0. 7.98 4.041) 5.35| Jacksonville, Fla.
Mapes' Vegetable Manure. 1,1 Giarant'd .nal i 12.00 00 .00 . 5.100 4.00 Mapes' For. and Per.
Official Ana'ys. . 1::.94 , : : .s 4. 9 5.70 Guano Co., New York.
.Mlapes Orange Tree Manure 13 929Garant'd Analm si 12. 0 1d 1 21 . 4.00 2.00dMapes For. and Per.
Offiia1 An:lyt i. 11. 5.9 1.5: 1 .17 3.80| 3.801 Guano Co., New York.
Blood and Bone . 19: (Guaran 'd An:ilxsi 11.00i 7.00 i . 6.50 . Armour Fertz. Works, Official A ly . .1 .9 0 .11 12.07 6.19 .I Jacksonville, Fla.
H. G. V. C. Old Dominion1294 1Guarant'd Analysis S .00! 7.00 1i.nno, . 0 . I 5.001 8.00 Virginia-Carolina Chem.
Potato Manure . Official Analy.si. 0.14 9.q l 0.91 10i.90 4.20| 8.12[ Co., Savannah. Ga.
Phosphoric Acid.
H. G. V. C. Tip Top Tomato i35 i Guaraunt'd Analvy s Trucker . O ii Analy i.
H. G. V. C. Fla. Fruit Cro1w-l1) CGuar. t'':d An:llysisl er's Formula . O. A l is.
H. G. V. C. Fruit and Vine 139 uaran AnlVysi Oil. Anayis,.
H. G. V. C. Champion Cit-11398 Guar:iant Anaplysis. rus. Compound . O i A aly s.
Simon Pure No. 1. 1399 (;uai:t'd Arnlysls iOin1 Amnlysis.
Simon Pure Special No. 2. 1400 Cuaran l ,navlsiOLG.futo A, nal ysis
L. G. Blood and Bone. 1i GOai'a Analysis. .
Official Analysis. .
4.44, 8.001 G.36i
8.00 G. 86
5.00,. . .
7.0'o 1.00 1 . 7.40 0.761 8.251
7.00 1.00 . 3.19 1.20i 10.391
6.001 1.00 . 7.S4] 0.11 7.95
6.00i 1.00 . S.o9 Tr. 8.09(
6.00 1.00 . .18 i Tr. 6.181
C.0O 2 00 . 6.2- Tr. 6.241
. 12.92
4.001 5.00 Virginia-Carolina Chem.
4.84 5.511 Co., Savannah, Ga.
3.501 4.00 Virginia-Carolina Chem. .
3.26 4.4S Co., Savannah, Ga.
2.501 10.00IVirginia-Carolina Chem.
3.18, 10.24j Co., Savannah, Ga.
3.00 14.00 Virginia-Carolina Chem.
3.061 14.39 Co., Savannah, Ga.
4.001 11. 00E. 0. Painter Fertz. Co.,
5.40, 11.401 Jacksonville, Fla.
4.00 6.00 E. O. Painter Fertz. Co.,
5.481 7.66 Jacksonville, Fla.
6.501. E. O. Painter Fertz. Co.,
6.521.I Jacksonville, Fla.
Bright Cotton Seed ('eal. 402 Ou ar . a An ilysis . . . . .' .
O iii An si. .
II. G. D ried Bioud . Ii: L r i, 'd . i . . . . .
I01ci( il Ani \lsis. . . . .1 .
H. G. Vegetable Fertilizr . 14 ) G:iar il i Xialysis 10.00U -. 2. .
O ilc il nI i . . 6.18 A. sI . 112.:
Bone, Blood anl P tash . I 1 4 u:1 A, - ii si .00 . 11 .)iI .
O' i eia! Ana sish.I 6.20 S.160 4.2 12.30
Germofert 11. G. Vgtable 1t Gi'u D ia' a.i. 5.00 .I 5.00 .
Fertz. . O (ljii I A lysi . 5.02 12.- 0.: 13.221
Orange Tree Growe r. . l i!ii. i 'l. inl sis S.00 .'i 1 .11 .
O Ai1 A :Y!-i. 5.45 S .7 5.15 18.8. Tampa Fruiter . . 0rI ' , 11r i \i' G Iis 1 .00 l . . .
cA s . 3.1 . 10.90
Fruit and Vine. 1 , * (1 l: 'i Anly S 8.00 G.0l0 1.00 .
00 11i A, nal sis. 1 .1 4 9.u0 4.58 13.58
Sulphate of Ammonia . 1 4 t: d A1Xal sis . . .
( ci . i . . . . .
Gulf Orange Prodlor . 'IL1 , Aii, A sii 10.00 7 .00 2.1)0 9.00 I Oii al Analysis. 6.18 7.691 0.01 7.70
8.001 1.00 E. 0. Painter Fertz. Co.,
7.99 . Jacksonville, Fla.
16.00 . E. O. Painter Fertz. Co., 16.04 . Jacksonville, Fla.
4.00 6.00 Tampa Fertilizer Co.,
4.01 6.221 Tampa, Fla.
5.00 4.00 Tampa Fertilizer Co.,
4.621 4.32 Tampa, Fla.
4.00 6.00 Tampa Fertilizer Co.,
4.29 7.15 Tampa, Fla.
4.00 5.00 Tampa Fertilizer Co.,
4.00 5.39 Tampa, Fla.
4.00 12.00 Tampa Fertilizer Co.,
3.80 12.18 Tampa, Fla.
2.00 12.00 Tamia Fertilizer Co.,
2.01 12.47 Tampa, Fla.
25.00 . ITampa Fertilizer Co., 25.61 . Tampa, Fla.
4.50 15.00 The Gulf Fertz. Co.,
4.71 14.87 Tampa, Fla.
I io)phoric Acid.
Tom ato Special. 1 12 ( n;i L ii \ ' i i 1. .
O filei a l i. 7. 9 : .: ;.
Orange Fruioii . . 11 1: Clll ii .\ ii lii '10. i00 I ;. ] ill T.I0
Orange Tree (Grower . 1 11 (u ron l'd .!;iii n n 0 . 1 . (,( 7.)o O f i c i a l \ i :h . . . . \ 1 . ( 1 . 1 1 . 1 : ; Sweet Polato Spec'al. 1 15'( Giul ,nl \i ) hi n il ( 1 ,,n, 2.in S. : Wnici \: s l
Vegetable S]pecial . ! I111; (Ulln!'l \ ii '. l )i ;.'I 1 n l.il
W . & T.'s Comliete Sweti I 1 T G lita i .\ l i]I s 11.00I ".j. I.O . Potato Fertilizer . i:h \n l I . 12. 12 . i.:! 9.: 2
The Ideal Fortiliz-. i 1 .1. nr i i .\ iii! .un 1 1 .
(II ,ia l al sis. . N.31~ I .
iiin :1
.IIii 2 .:ri I lin ri
2.2(1 I.
,.0 l 'The Gulf Fertz. Co., 10.i0i Tampa, Fla.
I0.i iThe Gulf Fertz. Co., 10,. T Tanla, Fla.
I.nI The Gulf Fertz. Co., i. 1' Tampa, Fla.
5.liI The (Gulf Fertz. Co., .0 (1 Tanpa Fla.
.0 The Gulf Fertz. Co., .T Tampa, Fla.
2.5i Wilson & Tooner Fertz. :.29 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
(;.IIIIl' Vison1 & Toomer Fertz. 5.TI C('o. lacksonville, Fla.
Ky. Tobacco Stems.l1110 Guaan'ld Al si .
O ficial Anal sis. .
No. 2 Tobacco DInsl. I Il G(n:raini'd \n1 1 i: .
Official An ly is. .
No. 3 Tobacco Dust . I121 (Il;i:i nt'd . al, si .
llicial l i . . .
HA. G. Ky. Tobacco Dust. 112 Gua ii nlsi .
Olilcini A al si . . .
H. G. Ky. Tobacco Dust. 1 12 Gu)ant'd Anli .
O cli aizil Aial Ysi . .
H. G. Ground Ky. Tobacco 1 12,(- aa 'd Gnleri. . Stem s .ial a.
H. G. Ground Ky. Tolbaccoi2I GuaIr(ni' 1 niis]. . Stem s . Official Analysis. .
H. G. Ky. Tobacco Sicems. 1 126 Gimrant'd Aknal>vsl .
(flcial nalyi . .
Armour's Vegetable . 1 127 (,nrantd .nlsis 10.
Offici:I 1 naly i. . I.71
Armour's Blood and Born. 1-128 laul;lr;i'd .\An:lliS iOflicial A il s is.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 2
. . . . 1 . 2
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 2
. . . . . . . . . . . . .2 .2 5
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 .2 5
. . . . . . . . . 2 .11
I 2 . I 7.10 1.01
10). 0 " - a I
S.00 The Armour Fertz.Wks.,
7., ,Jaclonvill Fla.
5. 0 The Arlour Fertz.NWks.,
6. 0I Jacksonville, Fla.
S.AII The Armour Fertz.Wks.
7.4S Jacksonville. Fla.
7.25 Sanders Fertz. Co.,
6.76 .Jacksonville, Fla.
7.25 Sanders Fertz. Co., t. .lI Jacksonville. Fla.
i.00 E. O. Painter Fertz. Co., G. 73 Jacksonville, Fla.
.nn E. O. Painter Fertz. Co.,
6.77Jacksonville, Fla.
. Wilson & Toomer Fertz. 6i.2-1 Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
6. 0 The Armour Fertz.Wks., ;. 12 .Jacle sonville, Fla.,
.Th Armour Fertz.Wks.
. Jacksonville. Fla.
Phosphoric Acid.
Armour's Irish Potato Spe- 1429 Guairnt'd Analysisl cial . O flici An:lysis.
Armour's WVatermil1n Spe- 1430 (;uarait'd Analysis cial . iOficiai Anai sis.
Armourms Strav b'vy Fruit,,r 131 Guarant'd Anialysis Oicial Analysis.
Armour's "Star" lHe'n Fer- 114:2 (nGuarlntd A.n lysis tilizer . . Of ci d t l i
Armnour's Crn S1 1ciil. 14 Gu-rn d nlsi 1 Om'1 ci. 1 l .
Armour's SN we Potato 14:; Gua ,' A l,, s is
Special . i cI : ! si< .
Special 1ixt u r .2 1 4:5 Gu n t d A si S Official Analysis.
10.00 9.06 10.00 6.38 10.00 10.91 0.00 S.11
11 . li
10.00; 9.471
5.00 5. i
5. i ;. 00
5.15 ;.50
1.00 . u.91 6.67 1.001 . 0.751 5.82 2.00 . 0.28 6.01 0.42 6.571
1 . ; . . 1.00 .
0.19 5.50
3.50 3.51 3.00 2.9
2.00, 2.251
2.741 2.50 2.70 6.00o 6.531
8.50 The Armour Fertz.Wks.,
9.191 Jacksonville, Fla.
8.00iThe Armour Fertz.Wks.,
9.501 Jacksonville, Fla.
10.00i The Armour Fertz.Wks.,
9.27i Jacsonville, Fla.
6.00 The Armour Fertz.Wks.,
6.07 Jacksonville, Fla.
6.00 The Armour Fertz.Wks.,
6.59 Jacksonville, Fla.
3.50 The Armour Fertz.Wks.
3.94 Jacksonville, Fla.
7.00 The Armour Fertz.Wks.,
6.711 Jacksonville, Fla.
Vegetable Special . 11 Cl:; di( iarant'd Analysis' Un1clui Analysis.
Orange Fruiter . I I;il;iini'd A al!yi S Celery Special . i:i \ a yis
Special Fruit & Vine. . I nIa i 1
Strawberry Special .li ;Uavant'd Analysis, Lettuce Special . I 111 : d A: nalyis 'l'am a Fruiter . 1 1 2i ; . td :alsis.
el u i A i i ysis " "i.
IH. G. Veg. "Fish Guano . I i l3,( u:anl'! Anal sis; Oil:il A lysi
Tampa Fruiter(Germofert)i !i141 Cuarinif \Analy sis ' n c i A alysis.
11. G. V. C. Southern States l It, ( u t'4 .aalis
Special Veg. Grower . (licial Aialysis. .
10.00i ,i.
to. u
10. 110
S. (h)
6.00 s
10. t 10. i 4. L
4.032 S. i) 5. G 6,
G. o
. S
( ;. .7 11 2. 50 . 00 6. ST
1.001 7.001 .0:;1 7.3s 1.00 7.00 0.1S 7.96 2.00 7.00 I.7 G 6.47 1. 00 7.00 0.01 7.3 1
0.74 7.77 2.001 6.00
2.001. 6.81 12.81 5 .00 . I 1. 00 . 2.65 9.521
5.00j 5.00 The Gulf Fertz. ;5.7 I .SSI Tampa, Fla.
4.00 10.00 The Gulf Fertz.
1.44 10.49 Tampa, Fla.
6.00 7.50 The Gulf Fertz.
7.25 7.791 Tampa, Fla.
3.00 13.00 The Gulf Fertz.
3.721 1. 80o Tampa, Fla.
3.00 S.00 The Gulf Fertz.
3.15 8.53 Tampa, Fla.
6.501 5.00IThe Gulf Pertz.
4.12 ;.50, Tampa, Fla.
4.001 12.00 Tampa Fertz.
4.43 13.71 Tampa, Fla.
4.001 6.00 Tampa Fertz.
4.381 6.591 Tampa, Fla.
4.001 12.00 Tampa Fertz.
4.211 14.771 Tampa, Fla.
4.00 5.001Va.-Car. Chemical
4.65L 4.461 Savannah, Ga.
Co. Co.,
Co., Co.,
Co., Co.,
DeSolo Brand Fruil & Viut, 1il;i(;nm d lisis m Mlanure . . . . ).C. A i . IeSolo Brand Orange 'Tre 147 iarat'(d Antaysis Grower . . . t'eini! Analy is.
H. G. V. C. Fla. Fruil 11, (ouantit \alyi Grower's Formulla . ltli li] Anllysi. Ideal Frul'lli & Vine Manu ,i1lGuarnn IId Ai.nalsis I Officii! Analysi.
\V. & T's Spee'1 Mix. No. 1I 10 )o (ialnit Aiiiy.i
()ffli i Anii ly is.
Dark Cotton Seed Meal . l!1 i (;lB It .\ ) lsii
10.00 N I 4. 00 1 1. I I C. ii
12.i) ii 7M
S . . . I 1.iii
0l0 1 .1 . . :
; 2 . !2 1 . -1 . I . 2, . 71 2.
1. . :. 11
lI'osphoric Acid.
12.0i Va.-Car. Chemical Co., 11.77 Savannah, Ga.
;.50 \a.-Ca. Chemical Co., .24 Savannah. Ga.
.uVa.-Car. chemical l Co.,
1.71 Savannah. (a.
I0.01 \\'i ison & Tooinw r Felri z. .97! Co., Jaclksonville, Fla.
5.100 Wilson & Toomer Fertz. i;.i(1 Co., Jacksonville Fla.
il.7, The Fla. Mi~g. Co., Madison. Fla.
BUREAU OF FEEDSTUFFS. 11. E. ROSE, State Chi . I:. PI( '1IK (RKGREENE, Assistant Chemist.
Anlly:, (1, Sp ( 1 : n pI u r Se!. !, \ct App d \lay 21, 1m 5.
;ll i,' ,q ] ik l 1 \" P IP 'IhY I.
(: aolh d il (F elih t i It a Flo iFlt ;I N . . Feed N. 1. FI' No. 2: . F e1 ,i'N . h. F. . . .
Pla'r 1' ( 'r wid F (''dl . P r'n1n1 IF"('ed . . . K udzuil Vine Sl i( ms . . . ('1orn/ ;n1d Volve i P len C Ollps, .-:, co'i (Coln ;m111l Yelv ,l -ans ('110Chop:. 1-:; corn F e ed N o . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FI(td No. 5. Feeld .
f 1K
By Whom Sent.
TT 7. 4.3. . .: I .GH i .- h. l s F. Tinurner, DeFuniak Springs, Fla.
T 5 .,.2 9. H;; . T . s .7 2 .
\. 7.2- .7 ;:,. 6
i 2:.2 12 . I .:
S i1. 7, 12.7 &1. N9 11.]5110.T] .> .:
. I . U - nud & IIester, Tampa, Fla.
0 1.:I [h nd & IIoster. Tampa. Fla. 1. , .I' 13, n'! d & lkIster. Tampa, Flita. . . , E. (I. Ir' ell. Tampa, Fla. .i. 1. 1H. (;. Puiceall. Tanimpa,. Fla.
.2 :i.:5 t. T. ltuiio. Oeila, Flt.
. 1.jT C. E. Pl . C'hipley, Fla.
:. . I . C. \I. lFellows. Cottondale, Fla.
. 1.N C. 31. Fellows. Cottondale, Flan.
.: 1 i.:5 tnim di & Htster, Tampa. Fla. . 1.2 Btmitrd & l Hester, Tampa, Fla.
:.T5 :,. Harttman & Hulsey, Tampa, Fla.
Rescue Grass Hay . Our Special Feed .
U. N. I. Dairy Feed . "A" Grade U. N. I. Horse and Mule F eed . Corn and Oat Feed .
F eed . Mixed Barley and Oats . Mixed Barley and Oats . Our Own Feed . Feed No. 1, "Bob". . Feed No. 2, "John ". . Mixed Feed; Shorts, Cotton Seed Meal,
and B ran . Sucrene Dairy Feed . Purina Feed . Stafolife Feed . Marsh Grass Hay . Oats and Other Grain . Crfee W eed . B ran .
90 29.02 8.69 52.09
91 10.10 6.58 66.87
92 11.85 21.59 47.31 93 14.40 13.03 53.47
94 4.45 11.32 68.78
95 12.60 10.67 60.45 96 9.95 10.97 61.86 97 9.67 10.97162.24 98 6.45 9.83 67.93 99 13.15 11.23 58.10 100 10.80 13.25 57.18 101 8.00 21.85149.55
102 13.35 15.62143.73 103 12.04 12.15158.07 104 16.75 12.4648.45 105!25.22 12.01 36.36 106!10.73 10.92160.54 107122.02 18.22139.12 108 6.95 13.34154.65
3.98 2.15
2.23 3.10 1.70
1.30 3.25 3.85 4.39
6.77 1.36
4.86 2.22 6.32
4.35 3.05
3.62 3.17 2.57
3.37 . 27
8.30 3.47 7.00
6.72 2.77 11.48 5.42
William Roberts, Tallahassee. Fla. Co-operative Grocery Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
United Crocery Co., Jacksonville, Fla. United Grocery Co., Jackoonville, Fla.
Alger-Sulivan Lumber Co., Century. -i Fla. -I
Aycock Lumber Co. Ayeock, Fla. Brown, Orlando. Fla. Vertrees & Co., Palatka, Fla. Austin &Rendleman, Jacksonville, Fla. Vincent & Gray, .acksonville, Fla. Vincent & Gray. .jacksonville, Fla. T. C. Gibson, Apalachieola, Fla.
T. C. Gibson, ApalachIola, Fla. . J. MeCaskii, Freeport. Fla. J. J. MeCasM1i. Freeport, Fla. E. G. Hyde. Chester, Fla. .Tako Brown, Ocala, Fla. R. E. Rose, Tallahaszee, Fa. C. 1. Pleas. Cliipley, Fla.
Fed . . . . . I 10 11.6210.0S163. 50 W heat Sl rts . 11 . 1ii7.72 .
Bran . . . . . ! 111 8.44 17.2 51 .81 Shors . . 112 4.10 17.2 16 Shorts . 1131 7.5' 17.00156. 541 Para G(ra s Hay . . i114 132.13 8.11 44. 2 Oats and Wheat . 115!10.S6111.32 61.1 legar Weed Seed Hulls. 116 32.28 17.06 35.241 Su,:lar Cane B sse . . 11732.40 2.5157. Bran . . 11 8.29 17.11 53. 69 Cottion Seed Meal . 11 21. 05 0.03135.,5
5. ( 4.61 3.651 1. 28
0.s5 0.7 76 5.11 n. 0
1.160Geo. WV. Ward, DoeFunina Sprins Fla.
2.9'0 ' S Bulii hi ll. AIrc:lia. F:I
4.6 IonPeninsula N' l Stons '., jt, L
.441 Peninsaulir N ;1 Store- Co., T:,n , Fla.
5.27 Geo. J. Boaswell, Inverness, Fla.
5.4 l4Robt. Carl(an. Nocatee, Fla.
2.71 Vincent & (Gray, Jacksonville, Fla.
1.7S S. Coxse t, Ilo1 d. Fin
1.10 R. E. Rose. T':llahiasseoe, Fla.
5.521 . MF . i ahssll. Yainlto, Fla.
4.21 Fred XV. Burreqs, Lake City, Fla.
.\ _L 1,SE (W FiEEDSTlIF S !, l1).
R. E. IOSE. Stae (''i E. 'I(iC G(REENE, Assistant Chemist.
SmtllTlnnu, 'e T Pake ImV S lel ]ns]potor iu 11, F k ti \ oxi .\ vlod May 21. 1105.
D iimnc Feed . G " ;( GuaI an'd Amn lyis 1 0 l.00 I .0 2 .lli .0 .). The Quaker Oats Co., ChiOei1 t.i; . . . : .2 1 .O ,.251 cago, Ill.
Plli!a F ed . (;;7 (:ai t ll dA l y is 7. ' I . ' Gi.)I 1.50 . Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis, i a idl \inal is. 1,1.4 1 .7, . -.15 2.27 Mo.
Co nm li('ln F(, . ' (; arnt'(l An lyi, 2.:1't) 10. . 7. :.T . . lhe Corno M ills Co., East St.
Onlieiuil Ai l, 1, is. 2.22 il.:., 7,' 0; 2.; 1.Ti Louis, Ill.
(ColIno o'se &, 311h F&eIl.e ;6 (;G uapmnt'd An lyiSI 12. 10 10. i ,.50 , . The Corno Mills Co., East St.
Of.icil Analysis. I.1 1 : .t.2 5 ,22 ," _- " Louis, Il1.
Drii(d ,l Icot Pulp . G H ( : nt'd Ant lys is , 2 .101 rl , . TThe Lanowe Milling Co., DeOnei l Analysis . 10 1 1.2, .05 '.25 2.s) troit Mich.
Vict.ot, Feed . 1 '71, (u tllI ' .Al;t i I i 2.11, 7.21' I 2. :, 11 00 . The Quil k r Oats Co., Chiliici al A si s. 12., .72 .G 2. 2.75 cago, Ill.
Suc ino Horse&Iule , d I Guarhald A1as11 1:.501 1(l.0w 52.45 :.0 . American Milling Co., Phila[Ollicial Analysis. 7.2;9 10.16, 6 1.'4, A.1 7.19 delphia, Pa.
Stafolife Feed . Pine Leaf Middlings. Pure Wheat Middlings. Pure Wint'rWheat AMiddl's Pure Wheat Middlings. Boss Chop Feed . N utriline . Upland Cotton Seed lMal. Cotton Seed Meal. Creamo Cotton Seed MIeal
673 Guarant'd Analysis 11.00
Official Analysis. . S. 7
674 GuIrant'd Ainl sis 6.10
Official Analysisv. .!.
675 Guarant'd Aiwivsis 6.00
Official Anal is. I . 1I
676 Guarant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. 1. 65
677 Guarant'd Amlysis, .
Official Analysis. 6.05
678 Guarant'd Saly)is 1L.00
Official Analyis. 9.25
9 (luarant'd Aaysisi 10 .00
Oficial Analysis. 0.81
680 (Guarant'd Anlysisj .
Official Analysis. 10.10
GSI'Cuarant'd Anllysis .
Official Analxyis. 1'0.00
GS2'Guarant'd Anl sisl .i .
Olicieal Analyis. 23.20
11.00 5:.001 6. . Lawrence & Hamilton Feed . O 2 60.06 G.2 6:: .0 Ci., New Orlans, La.
15.75 57. 95 1.2' 1.1' Cair' 1 illin CuI iipai , Cairo,
1.50 57.0: 4.T 0 .S7 llinois.
t;.'' i3.5i . .5. . . il iopini ville Milling Co., Hop15.62 57.;: :.8, 4.60 kinsvillo, Iy.
16.010 5X.0 0' I . .00i . IThl e iiiunler Bros. Milling Co., 17.5. 57.1611 4.9( 3.82 St. Louis, Ao.
16. 5 59.5S 4.1 . IIngloi a t Bros., Evansville, 16. 5', 56;.7 .85 4.SO0 Ind.
9. 00 G;2. 00 . 4. . The Great Western Cereal Co., x S.2o ;1.1 3.1() 3.22. Chiea4o, Ill.
12.(10 58 .00 1.)0 . Nturilino Milling Company, 10.70 51'.75 5. 4.77i Crowley, La.
:S.62 . . .a. alldsl a Oil Company, Val:6.3:, 31.0 5.77 5 .47 dI n, Ca.
38.62 . . . Vien'ia Cotion Oil Company, 38.96 2 .171 G.5 5.37 Vienna. Ga.
'22. n)' 30. 0, 5.00 '. iT flnls s ee Fiber Co., Memphis, 20. 5S 3!. (1 4.8.5 4.02 Tenn.
Pride of Georgia Feed Meal Pride of Georgia Feed Meal Stafolife Feed . Banner Feed . Banner Feed . Purina Feed . . Cotton Seed Meal. Pure Wheat Bran.
, -i
S2Gunrant'd Annalysis . 23.00 2)0.00j 4.50 . Valdosta Oil Company, ValOflicial Analysis. 19.55 24.00 36. 7'! G. 10 4.30 dosta, Ga.
4 uarant Analsis . 2 . 4.50 . Valdosta Oil Company, Val
Official Analysis. 19.15 23.69 26.51 6.55 4.201 dosta, Ga.
685 Guarant'd AnalYsis 11.00 11. 0 53.0 .00. Lawrence & Hamilton Feed Co.,
Official Analysis. 8.19 10.39 5G.02, 7.33' 5.66| New Orleans, La.
6S G5uarant'd Analysis 10.00 S.0 62.00 350 . The Quaker Oats Company,
Official Analysis. 8.95 9.56 63. 15 3.20 3.2 Chicago, Ill.
687 Guarant'd Anlmysis 10.5[ 9.75 6:.00 3.75 . The Quaker Oats Company, ChlOfficial Analtyis. 8.92 S.!51 6C.20 2.53 1.SO cago, Ill.
68SS(uarant'd Analysis S.90 12. 51 5I.0 4.001. Ralston Purina Company, St.
Official Analysis. 11.221 12.20 57.90 3.43 3.00 Louis, Mo.
689 Guarant'd Analysis . . .52 . . Florida Cotton Oil Company,
Official Analysis. 8.70 29. 29.95 8.951 5.45 Jacksonville, Fla.
690 Guarnnt'l Analysis 7.491 1 .09 5.5 4. .S!. Acme Mills and Elevator Co.,
Official Analysis. 7.85' 15.18 55.821 3.801 5.15 Hopkinsville, Ky.
Pare Wheat Brani. Pure \Wheat Bran . W hite Middlings . Pure Shorts . Ship Stuff . Pure Wheat Bran. Pure Wheat Bran . Pure Wheat Bran. Pure Wheat ran.
Cotton Seed Meal. Cotton Seed Meal.
691 Guarant'rl Analysis 9.491 14.60 57.231 4.06 . The Dunlop Milling Company,
Official Analyis. .85 1.61 54.0, .S 5.92 Clarksville, Tenn.
622 Guanrnt'd Ailysis 09.49 1.;0 57. 1 . The Dun ip Milliin Company,
Official Anal sis. . 10.72 15.27 52.91 .15 6.451 Clarklsville, Tenn.
690 GuIraInt'd A\na ysis . 17.9 ,.' .2 1 .IAcme Mills and Elevator Co.,
Official A ln Ysis. 2.65 15.27. 04.8 lS 2S 2. 65 Hoplkinsville, Ky.
694 Guairant'd Analysis 6.50 1 24. 55n 4.nOn . Washiurn-Crosby Milling Co.,
Otfficial A!nlysis. 6.52 14741 5S.92 .75 4.S0| Louisville, Ky.
65 Gu(iarznmt Anisisi 8.001 11.50 . 4.0n . Dunlop Mills, Richmond,
Official yi s. 5.70: 16.51 5S.38 1.35 4.15 Va.
696 (iranSt d Al 9.50 . . (. 00 I . .Cumborland Mills, Nashville, cc
Oficial Analyis.i 9.25 1 .,2, 51 . 2.75 6.1 Tenn.
697 CGuiarmn'd naiilis .50 I 51. , .0 . Tenncsse Mill Company, Estill
Official Anlysi. 8.5 1. 1-1 55.811 .10 6.00 Springs, Tenn.
COS Giuira t'l A lYs;is 9.5 14.0 ,4.1, I 5.00 . Tennessee Mill Company, Estill
IcOficial Ana lysis. 8.10 1527 :0.: 3.58 5.401 Springs, Tenn.
699C Gunr;nt'd Ani;lysisl 9.50i i! n 50. 1 4.001 . Liberty Mills, Nashville, TenOncial Anal ysis. .55 15. 55. 2.701 nessee.
7010 Guin'd ialsis . . Vi(enna Coiton Oil Company,
Oficial Analvysis. 10.62 SS.7!)l .17 6. 0 6.00! Vienna, Ga.
701 Gunrmt'd Analsis . .5 . . Florida Cotton Oil Company,
Official An:ilysis. . 18.10 22.781 .81 7.5S 4.451 Tallahassee. Fla.
Lon Seed Meal . 702iGuarant'd Analysis. 5. . . Official Analysis. . 19.195 -.G :17.4 . 0 1. k Cotton Seed Meal. 70 Gluarani'd Analysis . . .
OlIciial Analysis. 19.85 2. 3.0 T.
folife Feed . 704 Guarn 'd Analy sis 11.00' 11.0 53.00 ;0.00 .
Ofcial Analysis . 11.05 11 .2' 4.1; G.2u crene Dairy Feed. 705 Guarant'd Anais 12.00 10;.0 s.5!i 3.50
Oificial Analysis.1 10.40 1;.15 52.5 1 .: rene Dairy Feed. 706 Guaant'd Analysis, 12.00 10.50 4S.5-i 3.501 .
Ofiieal Analysis. 9.32 17.201 51.08. 4.S83 inner Feed . G70Girant'd Analysis' 10.50 9.7 (;3.0 3.751.
Official Analysis.[ 8.55 9.561 64.411 3.10 iner Feed . TOS GuaramIntd Analysis 10.50 9.751 6:3.00 3.75.
Official Analysis. 8.90 10.27! 63.4 1 3.-40 acorn Feed . i 709 Guarant'd Analysis 12.001 i i 1 !o . . .
Official Analysis. . 13.551 10.SS 5S.0'.lf 2.43'
ill da Co('ton Oil Company,
4.50 T llahaess -. Fl'.
. e Fljoiiia nManlfacturing Co.,
4.2.5 i'adison, . awnce. & Hamilton F, e:l Co. T.S2 N.w Urleais, La. . . ini ici n ailing Company,
0.3. Chica o, ll. . A ria i n killing Company,
6.95 Chicago. Ill. . The Q',ker Oats Company,
3.00 Chic''o 111. . Th, Qui Oats Company,
; i ni and Mill Co.
8.45! Nashvlill, Tenn.
Cot Dar Sta Su Suc
Bai Ban Alf.
('eralfa Stock Feed. Purina Feed . Purina Feed . Ship Stuff . Pure Wheat Bran. Pure Wheat Bran . "Lillie Bran" . . Pure Wheat Bran. Middlings
Pure Wheat Middlinl-s
. 710!Guarant'd Analysis
1 O iialn ' Aa1l s . . 711cGuarant'd Anailysis Ofilcial Analysis. . 712 Guaran'd Analysis
Official Anal sis.
. 71 luarant'd Analysis
Ofieial Aa!lysis.
. 714 uarant'd Analysisl
Official Analysis. . 716 (luaan'd Analx.1s<
Oflicial Analysis. . 716 Guarantd Anl ylsi
Oficial Analysis. . 717 Guaraut'd Analy .i Official Analysis. . 719Cunrannt' Analysisj
IOmcia! Anlv si'. 1
8.90 10. 5
: .00
7.49 7.62
5.18 5.50
14.00 12.55 12.51 13.4: 14. (w 13.31 14.50 . 16.63
16.09 15.4(1 14.60
15.01 15. 00 10.00
17. 29 17.11i
18. 20'
55.i00 57.395 58.00 0S. 12
(;0. 00 ;2.11
5S.771 56.00; 57.23
54.101 56.50'
50. 0) 52. 3'
58.181 55.
4.501 . J. B. Edar Grain Company, .10 3.65 Memphis, Tenn.
4.00 . Ralston Purina Company, St.
3.90 2.901 Louis, Mo.
1.50 . Ralston Purina Company, St. .731 2.35! Louis, Mo.
4.00 . Dunlop Mills, Richmond,
4.38 4.00 Va.
14.G . Acme Mills and Elevator Co.,
3.58 5.25 Itopkinsville, Ky.
4.0 . The Dunlop Milling Company, 00
2.7,1 6.70 Clarksville Tenn.
4.00 . Lillie, Mill Company, Franklin,
2.93 5.10 Tenn.
:.50. John Wade & Sons, Memphis,
3.301 6.371 Tenn.
4.501. H. C. Cole Milling Company,
4.45 3.45 Chester, Ill.
4.411. Geo. P. Plant Milling Company,
5.131 4.251 St. Louis Mo.
Pure Wheat Middlings. Pure Winter W\heat Fancyj Shorts . Crescent Shorts . Pure Wheat Shorts. Pure Shorts . Homco Feed . Fancy Feed .
Corno Hen Feed .
2 o.
z! Z
720(,uaranr t'd Analysis . 15.5 0.0) 4.00i.
Oncial A nl B1s. 5.00 17. 6o.05 5.051
],Guarand Analy is 63.9( i6.3 6 62. 6i 4.50 ly i. 5.95 .0 G .99 4.63 722 Guarni'd \onlysis 8.00 16.00 53.75, 4.25 . .
O , ial A nalys.5. 5.80 18.91 54.21 5.25 72: Guaan'd Aiialysis 12.00 10.0'!0 50.00 3.50 .
Oicial Analsis. 6.20 17.07 55.90 4.60 724 Guarnant'd Analysis 6.50 14.00 55.00, 4.00.
OnIcial Amdyrn is. 6.10 15 .0! 5S.D11 3.55 725 Guarant'd Analysisl 7.00 8.51n G7.S91 7.00 .
Offic al A\n:lysis. 3.10 11.14 G:;.79 9.40, 726 Guaran!l d Analyis 4.50 11.00 60.00O 2.001.
Official Anaily sis. 7.00 10.5 . G6. 2 3.5 727 Guaran('d Analysisl 2.30 10. 70.00 1 .70 .
Official Analysis. 2.42 10.79 69.36 3.181
.Sweet Springs Milling Com4. 00 pany, Sweet Springs, Mo.
3.151Akin-Ersline Milling Company,
4.35i Evansville, Ind.
. iKemlper Mill and Elevator Co.,
4.651 Kansas City, Mo.
. John Wade & Sons, Memphis,
4.67 Tenn.
. ashburn-Crosby Milling Co.,
4.65 Louisville, Ky.
.American Hominy Company,
3.00 Indianapolis, Ind.
. City Mills Company, Colum2.051 bus, Ca.
. FThe Corno Mills Company,
1.301 East St. Louis, Ill.
Poultry Feed . . 72SiGuarant'd Analysis| 4.00 Oficial Analysis.I 3.05
Purity Feed . Guar Analy is 5.50
Official Analysis. 5.00
Victor Feed . 730 aGuarant'd Analysis 12.001 Oliicial Analysis. . 0.S80
Victor Feed . I 731 Guarant'd Analysis 12.00 Oilicial Analysis. . 12.55
Macon's Mill Cotton Sed 732 Guarant'd Analysi .
M eal . Official Analysis. I0.7
Macon's Mill Cotton Seed 7;;3 Guarant'd Anlvsi- .
Meal . . Official Analysis. 12.22
Cotton Seed MeAal. 734 Guarant'd Analysis' .
Official Analysis. 12.70
Cotton Seed Feed Meal. 735 Guaiant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. i4.:0,
Forest City Feed Meal. 736 Guarant'd Analysis .
Ohlicial Analysis. 19.05
Sucrene Horse and Mule 737 Guarant'd Analysis 13.50i
Feed . . . Official Analysis. 8.891
11.00 65.00 :.Gi .C . Ralston Purina Company, St.
0 . . . . I.)1.0 Louis, Mo.
10.0uiij 5.0I 5. 0 . John Wade & Sons, Memphis, ., 66.261 .1101 2.02i Tenn.
C.00 62. ;.UU . The Quaker Oats Company,
7.6i3 W .0 1 3.18 2.17 Chicago, Ill.
.0i 62.001 :.00 . The Quaker Oats Company,
7.28 062. 2. S3 .55 Chicago, Ihl.
.; . . . Georgia Cotton Oil Company, 37.3 0u.55 .S 5.40, Macon, Ga.
;;:S.(2 . . . Georgia Cotton Oil Company,
. 1. 6.2 5.151 Macon, Ga. -4
::.62 . . Montezuma Manufacturing Co., ;15.85 31.001 . ;5.0 5.151 Montezuma, Ga.
:2.1 . . Florida Cotton Oil Company,
1.41 8.24 G.S 4.90 Jacksonville, Fla.
23.00 :0.000 4 50 . The Southern Cotton Oil Co., 23.96i 36.39 7.201 4.15 Savannah, Ga.
1 50.00 3.0i . American Milling Company,
10.0;' 59.711 3.38 5.361 Chicago, Ill.
Corno Horse and Mulej 7TS Guarant'd Analysis 12.00 10.00 5S.50
Feed . Official Analysis. 13.37 11.85 55.58 Universal Dairy Feed. 739uarnt'd Analysis 12.951 22.50 42.00 Official A alysis. . 21.27: 15.091 48.871 Universal Horse and Mule! 740 Guarant'd Analysis 16.75 11. 50 52.00 Feed . O cial Analysis. 17.901 11.0(; 52.57! Banner Feed . 741Guarant'd Analysis 10.50i 0.751 6 .0 Official Analysis. 10.10 9.00 63.78 Lijiie Bran . 712 Guarant'd Analysisi S.50 15.001 56.50!
! Official Analysis." 7.52 15.751 57.16 Pure Wheat Bran. 713 Gu1lrant'd Ani lysis! 9.57 14.50 56.001 Official Analysis. 10.15 1 1.1! 54.10 Pure Whrat Middlings. 74 CGuara n'd Analysis 4.58! 16.011 62.48 | Official Analysis. 5.60 17.2) 57.54 Pure Wheat Middlings. 745(Iuarant'd Analysis .I 15.,5 40.00 i Oticial Analysis. 4.70[ 17.811 56.74
3.50 . The Corno Mills Co., East. St.
3.931 3.82 Louis, Ill.
5.251 . IUniversal Stock Food Co.,
2.65! 5.77 Lebanon, Tenn.
4.75 .U. Universal Stock Food Co., m
2.55 3.97 Lebanon, Tenn. o
3.75 . The Quaker Oats Company,
2.90 3.12! Chicago, Ill.
4.00 . Lillie Mill Company, Franklin,
2.55' 5.601 Tenn.
4.00 . Mountain City Mill Company,
2.751 7.171 Chattanooga, Tenn.
4.17 . The Dunlop Milling Company,
4.651 4.051 Clarksville, Tenn.
1 I
4.00 . Sweet Springs Milling Co.
4.451 3.80 Sweet Springs, Mo.
Pure Winter Wheat Fancy Shorts . Pure Wheat Shorts . Pure Wheat Shorts. Pure Wheat Bran. Anchor Bran . Pine Leaf Middlings. Crescent Shorts . Crescent Shorts .I Pure Wheat Shorts. Cotton Seed Meal. Cotton Seed Meal .
746 Guarant'd Analysis 3.90
Official Analysis. 6.02
747GCuarant'd Analysis 6.00
Official Analysis. 6.17
74S Guarant'd An:,lysis 6.00
Official Amlysis. 5.471
749 Guarant'd Analysis 7.49'
Official Analysis. 7.551
750 Guarant'd Analysis 9.50i
iOfficial Analysis. 9.17i
751 Guarant'd Analysisi 6.101
Official A taly.is. 5.621
752!Guarant'd Analysis 8.001
Official Analysis. 6.17:
753 Guar nT'd Analysis 8.001
Official Amlvis. 6.320
751 Guarant'd Analysis 6.00
Oicial Analysis. 6.02
755 Guarant'd Analysis 7.00
Official Analysis. 9.20
750 Guarait'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. 8.65
16.36 62.66 4.50 3.15 Akin-Erskine Milling Company, 15. 51 58.8 4 15 4.42 Evansville, Ind.
16. 00 48.00 4.00 . Liberty Mills, Nashville, 15.5:3 59.21 3.65 4.17 Tenn.
16.00 48.00 4.00 . Star Mills, Nashville, Tenn. 17.38 56.45 4.73 4.52
16.091 52.58 4.8 . Acme Mills and Elevator Co., 16.2 3 55.20 3.83 5.37 Hopkinsville, Ky.
14.50 53.50 4.00 . Kemper Mill and Elevator Co., 16.801 52.21 4.00 6.30 Kansas City, Mo.
15.751 57.951 4.20 4.10 Cairo Milling Company, Cairo, o 18.25 51.8:11 5.551 4.45 111.
16.00! 53.751 4.25 . Kemper Mill and Elevator Co., 19.97 52.231 5.38' 5.05 Kansas City, Mo.
16.00' 53.75' 4.25 . Kemper Mill and Elevator Co., 19.85 52.33 5.40 5.07 Kansas City, Mo.
16.001 4S.00 4.00 . Cumberland Mills, Nashville, 17.72 55.93 5.03 4.35 Tenn.
12.00 24.00 9.00 7.00 Marianna Mfg. Co., Marianna, '9.30 26.7S 11.30 5.45 Fla.
41.20 . The Southern Cotton Oil Co., 41.5!) 27.41 7.55 5.95 Pensacola, Fla.
Cotton Seed Meal. Cotton Seed Meal. Cotton Seed Feed Meal. Creamo Cotton Seed Meal Boss Chop Feed . Kyome Feed . Ship Stuff .
757 Guarant'd Analysis .
Olidil Analysis. 10.75! 758 Gunrant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. 8.271 759 Gunrant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. 11.371 760 Guarant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. 21.37i 761 Guarantd 0 Analysis 11.001
Official Analysis. 9.271 762 Guarant'd Analysis 6.56
Official Analysis. 7.401 7631Guarant'd Analyvis 8.00
Official Analysis. 5.801
:S18. Florida Cotton Oil Co., Talla39.54i 27.51 7.40 6.00 hassee, Fla.
38.621. . Vienna Cotton Oil Company, 41.68 28.56 7.70 5.72 Vienna, Ga.
84. 50 . 9.00 . Farmers' Oil & Fertilizer Co., 37.60 30.1: 7.75 5.45 Dawson, Ga.
22.001 30.00 5.00 . Tennessee Fiber Company, 22.551 38.36 4.40 4.62 Memphis, Tenn.
8.50, 60.00 3.50 . The Great Western Cereal Co., S.O0 64.55 2.88 3.00 Chicago, Ill.
15.05 59.98 3.34 . The G. E. M. Milling Company, 15.40 57.88 3.00 5.12 Frankfort, Ky.
14.50 . 4.00. The Dunlop Mills, Richmond, 15.491 60.661 3.28 3.67 Va.
Crescent Mixed Feed. Blair's Shorts . Pure Wheat Middlings . Pure Wheat Middlings. Pine Leaf Middlings. Pure Winter Wheat Fancyj
Shorts . Pure Winter Wheat Fancy
Shorts . Pure Winter Wheat Bran. Homco Feed . Corno Chicken Feed.
764[G1arant'd Analysis 12.00
Official A t . 13.40
765 Guarant'd A.tlysis 9.00
Olticial Analysi s. . 6.00
766 Guarant'd Analyis 5.18,
Official Analysis. 4.95
767 Guarant'd Analysis 4. 5S
Official Analysis. 5.67
76S Guarant'd Analysis 6.10!
Official Analyis. . 5. 00
76. Guarant'd Analysis 3.90
Official Analysis. 5.75
770 Guarant'd Analyss 3.90
Ofcial Analysis. 5.00
771 Guarlant'd nalvsis .
IOlicial Analysis. 8.05
772: Guaant'd Analysis[ 7.00
IOfical Analysis.[ 5.42
773 Guarant'd Analysisj 3.401
Official Analysis. 2.02
14.50 14.20 17.11' 1.SSI 16.0 I
14.001 1 5. 62 S. 5t 10.885
.18 G2. I; 5s. 41
t;2.66 60.41 5-4.00; 54.66 67.8 G6.16 70.00
. City Crai and Feed Company, . 3.30 Columbia, Tenn.
3.50 . The Blair Milling Company,
3.60 4.42 Atchison, Kan.
4.41 . Geo. P. Plant Milling Company,
3.25 3.95 St. Louis, Mo.
4.17 . The Dunlop Milling Company,
3.25 4.05 Clarksville, Tenn.
1.20 4.10 Cairo Milling Company, Cairo, .1:8 4.40 Ill.
4l .50 3.15 Akin-Erskine Milling Company, C
3.53 4.47 Evansville, Ind.
4.50 3.15 Alin-Erskine Milling Company,
2.85 3.S7 Evansville, Ind.
3.50 . The Hunter Brothers Milling
2.93 6.321 Co., St. Louis, Mo.
7.00 . American Hominy Company,
6.501 2.37 Indianapolis, Ind.
3.50 . The Corno Mills Company, St.
0.701 1.401 Louis, Mo.
Hen-Eeda Scratch Feed. . Sucrene Dairy Feed . Sucrene Dairy Feed. Dai-y Dairy Feed . Sucrene Dairy Feed. Corno Horse & Mule Feed' Corno Horse & Mule Feed Creamo Dairy Feed.
. S
7741Guarant'd Analysisl 9.00, 11.0n, :0.00! 3.00'.
1Oflicial Analysis. 2.971 10.27 67.91 2.051
775 Glu:!'n'd Analysis 12.00 10.501 4S .5 3.50 .
lOfficial Analysis. . 10.951 18.04 44.96 8.251 I I I
77 G uarant'd Aialysis 12 001 1 .50 -IS.54 3.50 .
Ol) ieia ! Analysis. . 12.22, 17. 99 42.19 6.653
777 Cuarant'd Analysisi 9.00 14.00' 58.00! 3.00K!.
Official Analysis. 14.31 1:;.S , 0.30' 2.14
Anlysis 12.001 12.0I 5S.00 3.501.
Official Analysis.1 9.25 11.00 55.7' 7.20
779 Guarant'd Analvsis| 12.00 (1.n f S.51 3.50 .
Offici d Analysis. . 14.75 11.10' 55.07 3.42 1
780 (i rani'd Ajnalysis 12.00) 10i.nO 5 .50 3.501.
O 'ia A alysis. 11.421 11.07 55.711 2.80
781 CGuarinn'd Analysis 19.50 14 .50l 45.001 5.001.
Official Analysis. 20.391 15.131 44.281 4.351
.F. S. Mellen & Co.,
2.87' Fla.
. American Milling
6.351 Chicago, Ill. . American Milling
7.95I Chicago, Ill. . [The Great Western
5.91! Chicago, Ill. . Nutriline Milling
7.12 Crowley, La. . The Corno Mills
3.651 St. Louis, Mo. . The Corno Mills
3.451 St. Louis, Mo. . The Corno Mills
2.351 St. Louis, Mo.
Pensacola, Company,
Company, Cereal Co., Company, Company, Company, Company,
Ceralfa Stock Feed . Grainfalfa Feed . Peck's Mule Feed. Kornfolfa Feed . Protena Feed . Cotton Seed Meal. Boss Chop Feed. Durham Chop Feed. Blue Ribbon Feed. Banner Feed .
Acorn Feed .
7S2 Guarant'd Analysis|
Uruciai Aslatysis.
783 Guarant'd Analysis
Oilicial Analysis.
7b4 (Guarantd Analysis
Otlicial Analysis.
785 Guarant'd Analysisl
Ofticial Analysis.
78 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
7S7 Guaranit' Analysisl
Otlicial Analysis.I
78SSGuarant'd Analysisl
Official Analysis.
789 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
790 Guarant'd Analysis
Oflicial Analysis.
791Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
792 Guarant'd Analysis
Official Analysis.
11.501 12.38
11.001 12.60
11.90 12.49
10.00 11.47
10.50 10.79
12.00, 12.691
l4.00 55.00 11. , 52 .:4
11.00 G0.00 11.41 53.t2
10.00 50.20 11.41 5-.50
12.01 58.00 11.67 60.00
12.30 56.00 11. 11 57.23
34.50 . 34.31 32.19
8.50 60.00
7.72 64.88
S.50 60.00 8.34 67.78I
9.75 68.001 10.79 062.44
9.75, 63. 00 9.301 61.96
10.50! 59.001 10(. 53 60.351
4.50 . J. B. Edgar Grain Company,
5.00' 6.90 Memnphis, Tenn.
4.00 . Th (Creat \Vestern Cereal Co.,
5.02 4.50 Chicago, Ill.
3. SO. llliois Feed Mills, St. Louis,
2.S0 5.43 MIo.
4.00 . Kornfulfa Feed Milling Co.,
2.21 2.471 Kianas City, Mo.
4.00 . .Ialston urina Company, St.
4.011 3.321 Louis, Mo.
9.00 . Fa!miier.: Oil & Fertilizer Co., 0 7.28I 5.251 Dawson, Ga. CZ
3.50 . The Great Western Cereal Co.,
3.60 3.6) Chicago, Ill.
.50 . The Great \Western Cereal Co.,
1.83 2.4S Chicago, Ill.
3.75 . The Quaker Oat Company,
2.20 4.22 Clicago, Ill.
3.75 . The Quaker Oat Company,
3.142, 3.13 Cicago, Ill.
3.50 . The Quaker Oat Company,
3.141 2.78i Chicag , Ill
Banner Feed . 793 Gunrant'd Analvsis 10.50 9 .751 Official Analysis. 9.41 10.13 Victor Feed . 794 Guarant'l Analysis 12.001 7.50 Official Analysis. 11.3'~ 6.S Cctton Seed Meal. 795' u',nrAnt'd Annlvsis . . .
IO cial Amalysis. 14.32i :1.40 Creamo Cotton Seed Meal. 790 [iGaran('d Analysis . 22.00 Official Analysis. 22.13 20.32 Creamo Cotton Seed Meal. 797Guarant'd Analysis . 22.001 Official Analysis. 21.31' 2 1 i Peck's Mule Feed. 798 Cuarant'd Analysis 11.9a0 l10.0 i IOffcial Analysis. 14.34 7.30 Purina Feed . I 799 (harant'd Analysis 8.90! 12. 0 !Official Analysis. 9.04 104 Pure Wheat Bran. 80 c(iiurant'd Analysis 7.49 1;.09 Official Analysis. 7.75! 13.51
63.001 64.80 G2.001 61.9S
31.62 1
8.921 30.00i 20.731 57 001
5.18 59.63
3.75 . The Quaker Oat Company,
3.461 2.901 Chicago, Ill.
3.00 . The Quaker Oat Company,
2.86 2.821 Chicago, Ill.
. Montezuma Mfg. Co., Montezu- o
6.20 5.50 ma, Ga.
5.001 . Tennessee Fiber Company,
4.521 5.12' Memphis, Tenn.
5.00 . 'Tennessee Fiber Company,
4.66 4.75 Memphis, Tenn.
2.80 . :Illinois Feed Mills, St. Louis,
3.90 1 4.14! Mo.
4.0 . Ralston Purina Company, St.
3.S1' 1.171 Louis, Mo.
4.68 . Acme Mills and Elevator Co.,
2.871 5.141 Hopkinsville, Ky.
Cotton Seed Meal. Cotton Seed Meal . Medium Grade Cottcn Seed
M eal . Cotton Seed Meal. U-N-I. Feed, "A" Grade. W heat Shorts . Pure Winter Wheat Mid-I
dlings . Pure Wheat Bran . Crescent Shorts . Pure Wheat Shorts. Pure Wheat Middlings .
801 Guarant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. . 9.83
802 Guarant'd Analysis .
Olicial Analysis.! 10.80
80s3 Guarant'd Analysis .
Oficial Analysis.i 10.94i
804 Guarant'd Analysis 12.00
Ollicial Analysis. 10.401
S051Guarant'd Analysis 14.401
Ollicial Analysis. 10.43
806 Guarant'd Analysis 6.00
Olficial Analysis. 4.23
807 Giiarant'd Analysis .
Official Analysis. 6.08
80 OGarant'd Analysis 7.49
Official Analysis. 8.09
809 Cuarant'd Analysis 8.00
Official Analysis.| 6.77
810I1Guarant'd Analysis 6.00
Official Analysis. I 6.58
S11i'Cuarant'd Analysis 5.181
1Ofecial Analysis.' 4.981
41.20 . . Farmer's Cotton Oil and Fertil37.82 30.43 7.99 4.95 izer Co., Toccoa, Ga.
3S. (2. . ICrawford Oil Mills, Crawford, :1.40 33. 2S 7.42 5.54 Ga.
28.62 . . . People's Cotton Oil Mills, Sel:,.79 22.11 5.98 5.87 ma, Ala.
2.5 . 7.00 . Georgia Cotton Oil Company, ;;. 78 6.74 5.81 3.78 Atlanta, Ga.
12.02 53.47 2.15 . United Grocery Company, Jack12.02 60.32 2.U8 4.31 sonville, Fla.
15.00 57.00 4.00 . Nashville Roller Mills, Nash14.65 60.65 5.77 3.70 ville, Tenn.
1,,.00 56.00 4.00 . The Hunter Bros. Milling Co., 17.24 57.22 4.20 4.19 St. Louis, Mo.
C. 09 52.58 4.68 . Arme Mills and Elevator Co., 11.921 57.61 3.851 4.58 Hopkinsvllle, Ky.
I i I
1c.001 59.75 4.25' . Kemper Mills and Elevator 18.08 53.96 4.771 5.50! Co., Kansas City, Mo.
1,.01 48. 00 4.001 . Southern Mills, Nashville, 11.571 59.251 4.261 4.431 Tenn.
17.11! 58.181 4.41 . George P. Plant Milling Co., 16.01 60.761 4.131 3.621 St Louis, Mo.
Barley and Oats Mixed . Cotton Seed Meal. Cotton Seed Feed Meal . Cotton Seed Meal . Cotton Seed Meal . Dried Beetr ulp . Corno Chick Feed. Protena Feed .
612 Guarant'd Analysis 10.71! 12.u06 49.7,I 4.25 . Southern States Grain Co.,
Official Analysis. 9.79 10.6S 60.77 3.17 7.1bi Ncshviiie, T'nn.
813 Guarant'd Analysis . 1.20. . County Oi Mills and FerOflicial Analysis. 10.63 8.70 U . U.51 5.1; tiiiz r Co., Lineville, Ala.
14 Garant'd Analysis . 2. . loida Cotton Oil Co., Jack- 0
Official Analysis. 13.011 40.2> 34.5 5. a .01 sonville, Fla.
815'Guarnt'd Analysis . C. 3 8.2j . . Vienna Cotton Oil Company,
Official Analysis. 8.931 37.1M 33.21 6.53: 5.81 Vienna, Ga.
SiOl.narant'd Analysis. 78.62 . . . Quitnman Oil Company, QuitOfficial Analysis. 9.001 3.74 31.98 G.5aS 5.77 man, Ga.
817 G rniant'd Analysis 20.00 8.00 60.00 0.50 . The Larrowe Milling Company,
Official Analysis. 19.131 10.00 57.41 0.82 1.9 I Detroit, Mich.
SISCnnrannt'd Analysis 3.40i 10.00 70.00 3.501 . The Corno Mills Company, St.
]Official Analysis.1 2.031 10.22 68.75 4.S61 1.01 Louis, Mo.
819ICrant'd Analysisl 9.70' 12.00 57.00 3.80 . IRa9lston Purina Company, St.
IOfficial Analysis.| 10.08! 12.06 59.88 4.18 2.251 Louis, Mo.
Heavy Draught Feed. Grainfalfa Feed . Corno Horse and Mule Feed Stayrite Feed . Victor Feed . Ship Stuff . Pine Leaf Middlings . Boss Chop Feed . Corno Horse & Mule Feed Barley and Oats Mixed. Ground Corn and Oats.
820 Guarant'd Analysis . 10.351 64.431
Ofici:l Analysis. 5.44 11.141 6 .!)( 821 Guarant'd Analysis 11.00 11. 00 6.(00
Official Analysis. 12.02 11.671 57.97 822 Guarant'd Analysis 12.00 10.00 58.50
Official Analysis. 13.04 11.01 56.66 823,Guarant'd Analysis 10.50 9.75 63.00
Official Analysis. 10.55 9.44 63.54 824 Guarant'd Analysis 12.00 7.50 62.00
]Official Analysis. 10.45 7.81 66.56 825 Guarant'd Analysis 7.00 1.4.50 54.00
Official Analysis. 6.53 15.01 56.15 826 Guarant'd Analysis 6.10 15.75 57.05
Official Analysis. 3.91 16.32 61.68 S27 Guarant'd Analysis 11.00 S.50 60.00
Official Analysis. 10.28 8.34 65.16 828!Giiarant'd Analysis 12.00 10.00 58.50
Official Analysis. 10.29 11.41 C0.38 829 Curant'd Analysis 9.00 11.00| 65.00
Official Analysis. 9.43 10.79 62.13 830!Cuarant'd Analysis 5.80 10.751 (5.o0
Official Analysis. 3.95 10.041 GS.SSI
3.421. United Grocery Company, Jack3.14i 2.7 i sonville, Fla.
4.00 . The Great Western Cereal Co.,
3.48 3.98 Chicago, Ill.
3.50 . The Corno Mills Company, St.
3.81 3.531 Louis, Mo.
3.50 . The Quaker Oats Company,
2.50 3.301 Chicago, Ill.
3.00 . The Quaker Oats Company,
2.17 3.01j Chicago, Ill.
4.00 . The Dunlop Mills, Richmond, 0 5.59 4.88 Va.
4.20 4.10 Cairo Milling Company, Cairo,
5.18 3.14 Ill.
3.50 . The Great Western Cereal Co.,
4.74 3.06 Chicago, Ill.
3.50 . The Corno Mills Company, St.
4.23 3.50 Louis, Mo.
5.00 . IBaker & Holmes Company,
3.98S 2.90 Jacksonville, Fla.
5.15 . her & Holmes Company,
3.78 1.93 .Jacksonville, Fla.
Cotton Seed Meal . Forest City Feed Meal . Fancy White Flour Mid-J dlings . B ran . Mayzo Feed . Sucrene Horse and Mule Feed . Cotton Seed Feed Meal.I
o ct
831lGuarant'd Analysisi . 22.00 30.00
Official Analysis. 24.11 19.17[ 39.49
832'Guarant'd Analysis' . 22.001 30.00
Official Analysis.1 1S. S8 24.35! 306.22
833 Guarant'd Analysis 3.9.7 17.75 5.
Official Analysis. 3.65 18.11 55.571
834 Guarant'd Analysis 9.20 13.10 54.50
Official Analysis. . 7.07 14.48 56.03
835 Guarant'd Analysis 11.00 11.00/ 0.00
Official Analysis. 13.27 10.75 58.711 I I
83 Gnuarant'd Analysisl 13.501 10. 00 50.001
Official Analysis. 9.22 9.02 61.3
837Guarant'd Analysis 1 .00 25.00( 15.s ,
1Official Analysis. . 22. CS 17.76[ 42.18
5.001) . Tennessee Fibre Co., Memphis,
3.18' 3.59 Tenn.
4.50 . The Southern Cotton Oil Co.,
6.54 4.29 Savannah, Ga.
6.25i 3.55 Hcker - Jones -Jewell Milling
5.SC :3.53 Co., New York City.
4.751 . Charleston Milling Company,
4.15 5.01 Charleston, Mo.
4.001 . The Great Western Cereal Co.,
3.101 2.79' Chicago, Ill.
3.00 . American nMilling Company.
2.54 5.25 Chicago, Ill.
5.00 . . J. indsay Wells Company,
4.021 2.97 MDemIphis, Tenn.
Cotton Seed Feed Meal. Sucrene Horse and Mule'
F eed . Choice Bran . Sucrene Dairy Feed. Pure Wheat Middlings. Pure Wheat Shorts. Victor Feed . Barley Mixed Oats. Pine Leaf Middlings. Stafolife Feed . Cotton Seed Feed Meal.I
83S Guarant'd Anaylv is .
839;Gnarant'd Analysis 1,3.50
Official Analysis. 10.70 S40'Guarant'd Analysis 9.50
Official Analysis.1 8.0(; 841 Guarant'd Analvsis 12.00
Official Analysis. 12. 57 842 Guarant'd Analvisi 5.1S
Oficial Analysis. 4.921 843lGuarant'd Analysisl 6.00
Official Analysis. . 5.99 844 Guarant'd Analysis 12.001
Official Analysis. 11.571 845 Guarant'd Analysis 9.011
Official Analysis. 5.36 846'Guarant'd Analysisl 6.10
Official Analysis. 5.02: 847 Giarant'd Analysis! 12.75
Official Analysis. 16.7 8481Guarant'd AnalysisI 2S.00
IOfficial Analysis. 21.60
. 1 5S1.011 10 li 50.00
14.95 53.25( 15.451 54.42
16.50 48.54 14.SG 46.72
17.11 58.1S, 17.72 58.261
1i).00 48.00 17.32 56.61
7.50 62.001 S.G9 64.951
9.00 40.00 8.S6 CS.211
15.75 57.951 15.SSI co0.10
11.00 53.00 nn 11.06) 55.74'
25.00 15.001
23.78 37.96!
9.00 . Farmers' Oil and Fertilizer Co.,
7.3S 5.21 Dawson, Ga.
:.00 . American Milling Cumpany,
2.45 5.-1,I Chicago, Ill.
.351 . Hecker - Jones - Jewell Milling
4.24 5.45 Co., New York City.
3.50 . imerican Milling Company.
4.31 . SI) Chicago, Ill.
4.41 . George P. Plant Milling Co., St.
5.01 3.S5 Louis, Mo.
4.00 . Liberty Mills, Nashville Tenn. z 5.39 4.21'
3.0' . The Quaker Oats Company,
3.811 2.29 Chicago, Ill.
3.00. . L. F. IMiller & Sons, Philadel3.26 3.08 phia, Pa.
4.201 4.10'Cairo Milling Company, Cairo,
5.11i 3.181 Ill.
(.06O . Lawronce & Hamilton Feed Co.,
4.34 5.111 New Orleans, La.
5.00 .J. Lindsay Wells Company,
3.56 3.601 Memphis, Tenn.
Cotton Seed Meal. Cotton Seed Meal . Medium Grade Cotton Seed M eal . Hawkeye Chop Feed. Winter Wheat Bran . Brown Shorts . Ceralfa Stock Feed. Pure Wheat Shorts.
849Gnuarant'd Analysis . 38.62. Amerius Oil Company, AmeriOfficial Analysis. 9.911 37.291 31.32 7.071 5.69 cus, Ga.
850 Guarant'd Analysisj 28.001 25.00 15 00 5.00 . J. Lindsay Wells Company,
Official Analysis. 16.771 22.00 44.75 3.07 3.94 Memphis, Tenn.
851 Guarant'd Analysis 3S.62 . . . People's Cotton Oil Company, a
Official Analysis. 10.24 37.52 31.67 .1 5.6 Selma, Ala.
852 Guarant'd Analysis 11.00 8.50 60.00 3.50 . The Great Western Cereal Co.,
Official Analysis. 7.341 8.20 67.67 4.10 2."S! Chicago. Ill.
853 Guarant'd Analysis 9.20 15.00. 4.80 . 0 S! arks Milling Company, Alton,
Official Analysis. 8.711 16.32 52.92 4.G0 5.83 Ill.
854 Guarant'd Analysis 6.001 15.00 60.823 4.00. . Atlanta Milling Company, AtOfficial Analysis. 6.111 15.22 58.79 4.9' 4.G2 lanta, Ga.
855 Guarant'd Analysis 11.50 14.00 55.00 4.5 . B. Edgar Grain Company,
Official Analysis. 10.291 14.61 57.321 4.2C, 34 Memphis, Tenn.
856 Guarant'd Analysis 6.00 16.00' 48.00: 4.00 . Cumberland Mills, Nashville,
Official Analysis. 7.16 15.841 56.151 5.401 4.871 Tenn.
Full Text |
FLORIDA Q UA RTERLY BULLETIN J AN U A R Y 1, 19IO DEPA R TM EN T OF AGR I CU LTURE B. E. McLIN REPO R T OF TH C Cl IEM.ICAL DIVI S IO N R. E. ROSE An a l yses o f Fer tmicrs, Fe eJ Stu ff Food and Drug s Rul es a nd R eg ulati o n s. T.J .. \rl'~~~.!"~:!!_:.;_"'~'"'"' ~, .. .. -r .... 111 1 0
STATE CHEMIST'S REPORT, 1909. Tul111l11.1AAee Floridu Ja uuaryl WlO. ERRATUM l'ug e, 1 under E~pct1ditwre1 of C/um1iwl Divi11ion the 11alary or the Feed Stuff A1rnly1t, $1,500.00, ~ue omitted. Th e t otal111houh .l read1111follow@: Total ci,::~n&es, Chemh:al D!vieion .......... tl4,!?fl4.J8 To credit of Q(!fleral lli:n-enue J< und . ...... . 42,498.42 Total rceelpU! ............. .. ..... .... $l;G, 7 92.60 O n pa~ 12, R ei;etmc, Ur11lcr lt" ew l," ;o of 1 001, i; bould l"l'ad: 1000 ............. . 14 :.'9-i. 1 8 $-12 ,4 !1 8 .42 f,Mi,792.l'.O A1erage ... 8,48".!.74 12/J,71:!.70 ,a3,606Jl 7 i~\11~~:~:~:g;:t;)I~~ ~ ~> '.: :: t 1 :5 00 .0 0 937 24 r, a .u &UO Appar 11 tua F ood 1.abora. tory ............. .. .. Po 1 h, 5e ,.. T otal e..,:pen,u, Cb t tn\~al D11'i tlo o To C~ll of c,mera.l R eHnlMI F' 1u 1d Total R ece l1 Ui .. . . .. 11 2,7941S 4~,998 .0
STATE CHEMIST'S REPORT, 1909. r 11 llah a S1;Ce 1 } 'l o r id11, ." l m rn!l r y 1 W!O. T o Hi11Ex ce lleu c:y, .\ll.crt w Gf lt hr i11r, O ,m~ roor . S il '1'al h 1 1J11 111l(.>e, l'' lor hfo t hare t h e il u nur t o 1; u l.,111it Th e fo l lowi n g 1 ~por t o r t h e Cl l0l'Ctor .. . .. .. .... . T r i. v o ling ex 11
,\:,i,\LYTIGAL \\'OUK. fli t.' fo!lowiug mrnlJJ<('H w ere mn,lc Uudug 1he ycor : O rrl<'ial ~;unJl(',; for ( l(iv:rJ< ( ilrn "n 1,y rhcmi;;tJ . .. 2 11 f-1 ><.', i:1J su1ri k,; for11hzc,rs (;<.tit lu 1 ,y ~i!izcnij) ... 3!,G orr i,:i,11 M111 1 ,1 ,., ,., r,...,.._J .stuff ( d rnwu U.1 i n> clorJ . 2:m XJ' "t rnl ><;11111,h.-s fet !') :!3 ~: :~ '.}i.'l ~::;:: ::::j t.:~ !<:::::i;:1~: 1 :~ i,~ 1 :,;t.,'.'':l1~~~~~~ i!i 11111 1:ellu ut:ou~ su111pk'li (seut in b.~ cit il,.,Us) .... ~:l!l T otn! 1 11.r111kr n 11 n!_,.ll'-!! . 1111 l-'Eln'JL l 1/,J-: H 8. I ,. ll cin1lm 1 .\ I 1'., Annl.1 s1 Of the '.!11 ,,rridul snm11ll'8 no, 1/ .,.,.,..,1, li'i:'i s :11111,te11 were ofc o m1,lc tc g,M >J>< :Ut;snn1p!t.'l~ or ... 75.5 % I n l' orn~ h. . .. lfl'.! s:,mpll"',ilT ... Gti S% J)EF J CIF.~C\". O.'.!O 'fl m: r .ow GUARA) tili1.1.,. lwJ,)w g:11n1:11,t ec 0.'.!07,, jlwcnly P"int~) ;i~ foll,ow~: In ,\1mnrn 1 i:1 ....... ...... '.! l ~ll lOJlll'l' ,O r ... l:l.G % Tu ,\vailrtble Ph ot< phnri e Add 1 7~:imples or ... 11 % 111 T'otrt~h (H: 1 O) ... ...... '.!!i!l-:11nple$ ,t1r ... 11; 1 %
Orrid n l ~p cd :11 1'1101 1 \XJ 1 I II H;t.~. \ .11.1r, 11 r.,. 1 :.:.. \ 1 1. d.1,1. 1' nt;i l au :iJ ., ~fl. .:\;!j {lffit ;i! ,..,1111111,"l< r,,,111tl :olull('t,11,~1. .. ...... .. S OHi i;d ,a m pl,.._ fnun,I rni,-l,i,111 1',J.. ... ...... I:! 'l'h"" s:111q les fo nrnl a!lullernted fI' ud~hl':111 .J , <1 l1nve tx ~n 1 ,p.,1 1,,, i lo !! Ill p 1, 1 ~ o rri 1c 1 1 11 :ill (' :,,e 1< lhe ,1,, :,1 1"1' #0 uu, I 11 1m mf:1< 111~,r,. h ,11 u 1"(' de d th e l,1 1,pJ~ hy 11 l m : ill).( 111 ,. J'l"OJW1 ) alo el~ 011 llll' l/:(~.J. HI" l y willuh~11 i11g the ufl c 11 di n l! m:11 ,,h,t~ h'< III th e n oa u t't l'-t.,ni r:i! i,n .,.,,,.. 11 1l>< r,, r 111i,-lm 111 r l i11;:haw l )l't' II ha d :111 ,l i 11 :t umnlJ,.,r or t''1~C1l 1hr 11:1,1i,< h:11 e t'1.'n f,) 111,.J :.:11il1 ~ it lld ]Hli>'he'1 m,, '" )f !"1'1 (of 1!1 1Ju t ,1( h eChC'll l il-:!I f 1 i vi,.in 11, h 111 Ct l ic1i1,1 1 ur thC' ,-. 1ri on ,. 1our1s. I'll () cri ,lc11 u r nlll<-i-ati,,11 0 1 mlsl ,t u1 '1 i11:; 01 11 ., l,..;i1,,: r 1 r11i ~ l"(1 : .1 t ll cG!1c m i 1 l T1 i 1i si n11. ('n.\1.\U-:1:f'I.\I. f,;TOCI~ l-'EJ-:1), J :. L,~.: t li'('('u,'. n. :-: ... \11:il,wi. 'fl r , llowin~ ;u1:1!,1 .,,_~ I, ~,(' l ~"f' 11 m:hlr ,l nrin;: 111, .H":1,, Orr! ,i:ol .~:irn ]' I ~ F~ ,1 :-:. 1 1,ff . . .......... .. :: :, :; i;;, ,xi'11 a n plt, l i :<111! f .. The :,,-e 1 n,:c '' "'l ""ili,,u ,,r tl, ~ offid" I san,ilt>fl :1~ "~ fo lh,w~: ~r:ud 1 au,1 J r,.fri n :< u,:ar F, 1rs O rrid,il :aw!.,sis ........ .. ... tT.1;!) ;;r;, n 1.0:: Uu:11 :111ll'<."1I :maly ~ is L T .GS !i l.fl Q I. :!:! F .xN>'!l J1 ,1 i, i,nn ll,l!J
w, fit1,l lh (! ,r rkiil l ~; UUJlt !< of F ~1;,l 1'-1u r r tlu1 :,: u :mmt('('0 .:! 0 7,, ( hwn t p oi 111 J<) ni1,iu ...... .. ... i-lirmnpl t-,,," 1 .... ~ ; :: 'jl, l u :--1:ir, h :111 ,l :--u i:::i r ...... ,",ji<:1111 1 ,1,-,.. ,,, . ... :!( ,fl ~i, l 11 F :1 1 ~ ....... .. .. .. 1h S" :1 m1 lo-,,_ .. r .... tr.T ','I, 11 ,l'ill I(' 11,, l<"d lha l l h, r,,n ~u l 11(. 111 ,] 1 1,.l n, tl l< ; do,I', ,J n Uni lal.r :uh":ot,tal,'<' ,f r l lf'ir 1 11j1il,l,' un,l I' 1 1,c 1:ow 1o w n,l iu !he --f-1 :il ::1li~, :l" ,l u +!1< l-' riili,0-1 r .. 11~ 11 111, 1~. 11 11 ,ulrnut:1 ,: .-, .. r J'l!l'l h:1,-ini:: ~,:; \;i;~~ r /::~,J ~ ,::~. :-.~l\, i: ~:~.I :;:;\ I ::~~ i~";':,1: :;,11:~; i,:~ ll :f~ fl nil 1111 11 ,, n fir 111 ihr "'] '' '-'"'n1:01i ,, u ~ ,,r 11., 11:1r:1nfr e T :i" lo 1 ,-,lini n' "i'-l ~'<' i al .:,11111 h 1 of m1y ~11~1wct.-, 1 l g",--.--,,t,. )I,,.. C' n1111 ncr" 1: ll 't 1 R t 11rr of 1hr !",/:'lie will 1, e pl, .. d " IS li i,:11 H 1l an r 1~ F r, l i lizcr!< 11 011' h!'('ll[' I ~lu h or 1h f' X ~l lr nn of ,,11r F rr tiliY-Pl' ,m, J it~ unif,,rm <"\'"'"'~ :, li .,,,, _!!"IIHl':l tll, ..-. i ~ Ill <' u > th<' li l ll'r:1] 11 11(' nf the "l"pr -. i ,11 .: nn 1r ,lr b,1 fr ui1 :11ul 1 <'-N :il,1, i,:1 11 r1-.; n r 1 h c i'-1:11,. 11 11 1h is sn h jed I rm l,nl r 1 t fl ~ 1:1fr111r11t 11 1 K le i 1 1 f,,m n n,or l ~. J,.,,11 -ini,: i 11 n1i111 I I hilt th t> l'i;.:li! 1 1 -~"'"d /11 "l-l'h i :11 Satni, 11'!''' h y { it i if'n~ of th e .: t ntP :ljlp li e, u 111: 1lh 1< 1 Fw ,I l-1111T ,11,. [ 1o F rt i 1i1.f'1-i<. 'l' lo, : 111 al.,-1in1l 1:1hh-~ ~ I"'" !l u ,-,-,.1111~ .. r th" ,.1,.,.._,r i11 ,1~ j in 11 :11tol ~, r1 al i11 t,, 1J; ~r1< 1 ,!ri,m111 l fnr :l h{'1(r r !!'.l :"1, nf mnl <'rinl. k11 c a~, .~ of 1u lu l1cr:1lio11 or () r, f i d<'n<'~ l o:<1 ,. l,,s 1 1 di,o ,,n ,, I. -' '"" '' ""' r,,,-,~ ,.f 11ii~lor:111 ,l i1 11,: h:11, 1 ~'11 fo u n,111 hi d1 hn, , lH 11 (' urr l''i '1<'<1 n n, l the i;:oo
l111rin~ llu.n ~ at" ..:"u~ itl.-raht, n('C'~~n ..i. ,1 lhc l11cr<.!n~tl iull'l'L'l<( rnk"ll 1,y the c i t i,, : u~ (, r th~ :0: 1a1C' i n 1h.i W"l'k o f !he Chcmicnl lliv i~io n, ,in,1 lll<'ir 1lC'111,mtl fur lnfu rm :1ti"11. aJ!. tr, Ill e 1,u ri1y, co,n. l"'ili , 11 fll"! :, h11 of llu ~ ,ari .. n.~ 1-',rtiliYAr ~. F M. d Stuffs, .,, d :rn,t I 1;_:,. ~,,1, 1 ill r h, :-: 1 :11 1'. Th i, iul<' n"l! i.~ ,-, l<'n c<' 1 l h_,. th<' 1 ::i-1 ;11, r numl.er of ":-'!"-'f 1 ;, I :0:: nn]'I,.,.:, 1d1 1,n 1,y l hl' ,i l li,t1i< >1 1 h1,;!h .. 11t 1l w :0: 1:II(' 111t" i11formnri,,n n~ ,. 1hc m: ::ii : i. :< ::: ''i'1/i ~" ::, 1 : ',',';: ~ ~~~:: ;] i ::.t::i~ 1 i::,, : ::, 1 I '" :, 1 1 i:;: .. ;::~~: 1 :1udlo>1:::1a,, l cg<""I ;; '" !hi~ C(lll! IC<.'I U'11 I q11,,I( frm11 fl J':IJ>!'I' 1"1!pill'(.-<.l nnd ,~,ul h,'' myHlf l,cfn1-e 111 1> S.,m]wrn f,:.j:,(I'>< .-\:,:1i'. llllir r,noi li />><. tlwir 1,il-r>< :111,l llL, 1111wh n l,~ .. 11u. :111 rrc.-Jl"'Hll.,da n:;:en 1 1 ~ food!! :111,I ,,.,, ,..~, I It, ""1111111,.dnl. <'\'"UH llk. ,-.,. IJ11 ~ it1CAA iu 1"l'SI. \\'Cl'C fir,at_ ron~i dcrr, l hy Oll!' le;.:i~ln l he lh'Mli c~. ~:, ,/ ;~ ~ ~~t~ }o a gener nl M'o u o mic ll l'tnnnrl ,,11 1h<' part o f Th bi~m:., f lh<' fntilizer 1 .. w.-1~1r1icnlnrlt ( h oi:e .. r I li c ,.,,,,,,u f--1:11, .,.. whit'\J ,,,n1111 crdnl f c r, iliu:-1'!< \\ ere llr,1 11_,, I tn i\11,, ;.:1, :11 .. wh,n h., for lh c 1:ir:::: ,-,.,., 111a1kel for eon11nrr<' i:1 l r e rli l izers ~ti ll .~l~,~--i~ well 1;,,.,w11. Hnw tile Jn w w:i~ "1'1'"""' 1 hy 11 i, 11,n fn,lur<'r.< :rn d ,J,,,. 1 ,r ;;, :111<1 frt'')llf't1l l y hy ,~ 1 111u rs; tlw r i '1i <' llle ti nd ::,;l~~~:~1:t~~~~;::;:ti:t~:8 11 ~l:.'.~~j~~~;/l;:~e'j~l: 1 !t~~~(~i~ ~
mauufndurer, denlCI' u r importc1. l>ut of1t hy the con. ~11111e 1 \ who hml no fllit h in hook far 111iu :;.' nm n ;:ri c11!tul'11I s~i(-11~c. ll<>w ,li ffknlt it ,rn,. to 1'.::n h tlil' rn, l'T 1hat 01 1 r !on M ;11:1110' migl.tt he t11<, rnl11nhl< to hiM cro J'"' thnn anothu; thnt he 111i:.:ht IM was1i11g hi ..mon,~y fol' nu l'utircl,, u,oel,.,.~ 111atl'rial.-not dcuwnd t' tl i._,. 111~ crop>',-:md nq::hi c t i n;,: to :i1>1,ly lhe nm l r1ial hi" litld" r,. qnin'tl. 1 1 whis1orrofthefo 1 tili1.,rle;:-islal'io u.n111l rc,:ulari,,n tlte i:-1 !11:1! ;:now1h uf J:;11u11le I" > ,,f !ht! ,nr i on~ rt>1tilize1 laws a1e 111 0 r ,;!i! irn m~ o ,11f:1clutcrs or m ul d,,iJ,.,~ in ~l11n d ai-.l fertilizer~ On r f,11w, ~ :11,, lwin;::api,ll.1 1l1w:1 I P,l to 1hl' e<',.110,nir 11 sc or 11,c 1'N"r'!-~""'' pl:int r'; crit lrlsc lhe l:iw :iml lh 1 .,rn,><. :ind tn ki nr >J"' tn ht> l J J him ,el ,. nor a~sist th, oHi,er i11 1 .. .-i,li11 gn l ,Mtcr qna l iiy f,.,. ,1,,, 11nmc prir c G1mlu:1 1l\. l,.,11{'1 't r. 1h e (.,>11s111nc r lh';!'/111 Id t'\'CO;!'Oi,:e (I, ,:_, fal"l. lh:1I ir h e tlc11mn,! r d .'f!" u l ;,r ;:, ,... '1 11.' 1 ,rop ed_v l nl <'lc d, in 1 1:tiu 1, m. :1111.I rern,,..,I .. t1 u-r11. he 111~wu,,..d n !M t t c r 1 11 :11ni a l, :-,..-.ri llw ,J :1le 1 d i~1 .. wn, l 1,., c onlt.l u!~,,. h1 ,1, n,:111,lin;:" lc;: :111 , hl'c ;ule;l ,111,l ;:11111 ,1 111 1 ,! ;::-01..J~. nnd I, _, r... !usin;r 1n l,;ol 11i1h [adol'il'~ n1:u:urnf:wlur< 1< lh:1! Hri,! l < !rd m r< 1t~Pd 1 ,, ''"llll'f.'" wllh 1hr l,rn,-~pr<> cmr ;i n,;d e l'ia l 11 1 01, ~ali~f 1<'1 I'm <' Po od :md P rn;: L nw pre 9Cllll' ~orne fc:11nre,, UHi tmnn,,11 to F('rllli1.cr mu! Sr,Hk l: 'r.-,1 f~rn l'. r holli!h Oe tlem:111,I fm this Jaw 1 0111('>< frnm tlw ~:1 111 ~ ra11H1; H dr~itl ( lo pnrd,a~ ~rnml11rd good~ :it mnrkf.'t r wi, ..,~; :i11 e,,111 ,,11 1 i c l~w. 'l'h c cnfor re111ent ,, r thi ~ l: 1w will he ~nr~t8~f ul in the exnrc p1op ,w!i ou, all t h o publ ic ,m, c; l n(nle,1 n ~ to it~ eronomy no M : ntiment, fnm
ily r c l nt i o 1J s, children'"' h enl!h pnl,lic l, c n cfit, h on~ t.v o f p urJ)Os ( , c iv ic dn1ie~, "elfw 'C or community, w i l l nffcd f.lJC i ij~I I C "When w e c nn ~ho w 1 h o p11h!k by fn c t8 :m l fi;::u l-s thnt 11 c y ar c p a yiuf: nw, e fnr t hc i 1 illl p 11rc,1,o r hi ,; 1i cat c, l misb1 ; 1n il h e to
,J i~ 1iugni h tl!e uuc fl"OUI Ilic fal~. i11 l h)ij HI' well H~ ;,II 01!,cr 111aue1' u11 I 1t111 ~1 h Hr< 1he facll' l.ruu;:111 f,:wd h ly :uul ..i,arly l,('f,.1 c ii. )1 "11 if it he11 l'<'~-n".' 1 .. h:m > hl J ,q,ply Hae fu l l 1oeu:,l1 ,, ,:,f l h, J :,w '" :, r.-w frawl.~ in the union. whu J>l'!'l'i~l ill cv,1 H 11:,: i(I' 1..-nril'i"u~. ''.\ frw l'Uch .,.~:uu1ll'>< will ;;-o for tn,nml~ 1 ur:,:: i 11 ;; c.,,.,. mc:~ec .,f 1h., wi,t, ~p n:1tl r1il. w l,i, h h;i~ :,::r""" in a fow y,.,.,._,, '" ,nd, p1opu1 riuus :1>! 111 1 111"'-' 1hr I '""" "' g:,IJH:11 ,1" i,,. ,. ,,,, ,.,,1 111, ,l1i111 1, i1 ,r, T '. f.,,. r ;: ai,fo ;::.,,.,1.,; ii h o~ nl~" ,akd d rn u, ,l loy oi, e ,.,n ~11un r .. 11,,. l n, .. r hi,.,,,.,.,., _h,w,, 111< i111~1,-~1 """" !.,-iu;.::, ;..''"'''";1lly ;,-iwu I" 1h,,pmdn,,,,,.ffrnMI 111:ol,ri:ol,-; al 1l1tir :,,;1 1 ,alu,,; IMolh t,.,. tlw ,l, :, lt :011tl ih~ r.,n. 11 11iuJ! "1 h i1w":,,,..,;j ,.,,,, 1 g,c.:wr ~""'l'e .. r ,.,,,-J.: hf i1,.. l!nmi, :o! l1i, i~ i.,11. 1 h, l; 1 r;:, 111uul ..:!r ,m rl ,.,.,,.-('d .. ~1'11"'' u11tl in -..'""''l r u no rl.-rind r,<>m 11,,, l i i\'i~i ,, 11. I l" l k \' , 1 ,", :, ,1,. n hi ~ l .. r\" .. r 11,, 1 t .. li~hu, c "r ,n, I go ,,w1 1, ,,f 11,., J1 i ,;, ;.,, 11,,111,1 !,, .,f in!L I' 1,,t 1H 1h, d1J1.,. T l", nn,-,,-~ lcwli11;.:: tn i(~ ,~ l all,l i., lnm,n t ,,,. ,[ ;.:ra,!n:o l ;: m\\!lo iu :on~w1,r I" h t' d,nn11, J~ ur 11 >1 t'it i~,,n,, n( Jhc :0-1,il.A~ fn l lu,.-,.. 'J'JIJ,; ('1 11:) lll \I. HJ\ 1:--111:,. l ul i1iu;:1 ]11, ,:11,, .,f i11[ ri"r. ,u, l u fl u wu 1 l ,t r~. f, rlil i~ .er \\"!lN ti,., Uum1,in:,:: grr,111ul f,.,. gM"I" !lin t ,nul d not J,.. ,.,1 ,1 in ulhc r l-' IHI(~ . \ 1 tile "'""r l im(. ].'<.~I I. 1111' JI, ~ i "''"ltowul ,,r .\;.::,i,ull "n' """~ ~t;ihli~lw I. T l n1, 1 ~ t a1r c1., ,,,, ; ~r. b l , 1,,, f,.,.. ,r s .. n u:011 J; ol,iu~ "u (Jl':,:'.allliia I 111{! D<'['/ll"l111r11I ;1n d ~r1N I n~ S rnte (" h c: mi ~I 11111il the Jl nu. \Y, \. Haw l~ """~ uppoi11 te1l h_y
1 :n1crnor ~fi1dwl l in 1Sfl:\ 1'1nfcs~or l.n1il~ ~CITC d 11n(il \ug:11~(, l!!OI, when 1 h c IH'l'Scnt Stntc Chc-rn!,L l:. I !. lfo~t \ ,r:i~ nr,i,oiute,I I.Jy u,.,crnor J ,:nuin;.::s; lo.wing: hc, ""' iti :11 , ,I hy 1 h <: fir"l p 1 r 11a1 ., lu,ld iu th, 1'i!atf' ill l!>OO. 11ndcr,>(ll"]ll'<',,,,.llt]ll"irn:,1 vl:1\\ Th,, fir>-! ] :,w nf J .~ !I w:1~ nmle ant.I ill 111:111_,. 1~11 ic11 l ,11, i rnprn<:I j(';o l. C\,, ,1,,i,1"111~ \\" Cl 'l' ]'lo1 j,J,,,]. :111<] 110 f 11 111l, :l) )'l' nl'ri, ll td I" ,:in.1 nil( 1), ,-, law. eXt"<'! l i 1 1_:.: ,11d1 ,~ 111:_:.: 111 i ,l, i r,,l f, I 11< lu" J (lio11 J',,,. of :_:;; ,n l s l''"I" (Oil UH r,l'li l i w, -. ,. lll"l'''tl w, \\"('1"0' :, ] l hlH'd 'I ,; 1 ;11., 11nl '" (' );( e,i ~.::' 11 11 l >(' l ;] UIIIHI) \\"il l! "" Hllh\\"HU l',n 1 1 nn li11g hcntt. 1 1;1\Urally. lhc 1"0 \"0'IIU('" IH'I'(' 1,11 1 li1tlt HHJ l 'C (l.,1n ihc ''-''i'H"'~ or 1hc oflil"< \111.-1, ,-r('olil '" ,111,1 t,, 1 '1,,f, ,"l'rn l/, ,l i11so ,1 f .,. lh , effk i l'n l m : ,uuer i , whi,h l1o: l "-'d, ., 11 ,. (] hi~ lu l i, ~ : 11 1 ,l ihe i1111,ro,cnu i h e ff <'~k tl i n lh( 1 p1 .1llty (, f fol'lili, .,. ,~ ,<>Id i u t h,, :-' l:o l,. h a ring nn fond~ tn wu r l; w i lh. 1,n ( r 11ilr .1 nol infrri,,1 app:., :1 1 us, al"I ,-x, c,liu:.:I,, li111 i hd la l,.,, 11 .. 1.r fa eili1i, -, .\ I lhi,; l il! IO a r ,,,. ,, r II\ , ,l , l l;, ~ 11':L' :1 1 1 , 11,,l l, y l H\\' 1 ,, h<' d, : 11::,, 1 r .. 1 :-0:1,,, i : 1 1 :-=,11111'k,;"" ,lr;,w n l,_r iliwri~ amt ,..,.,1 l o, l lu ; :-0:l ah l .ahon, 10 1 fo1 a1n 1 h~ i ,. T h , law 11:, s ,,f li l 11<' i1 rt'( 1 .,,u dit tu :1t1 1 ,:ili,, o, f fl,, :0:: (:,1 .-. llf f .,rdi11:,: litl h 1 1o,1 i,,11 t .. 11"' in 1iil'idna l. 1hou::h n,. , 1 ,,,,1i 1 ., .. r 11, e r,,, . t i li;:,, ,.,_ ~,, l ,l \\'<'I"(' i;(<" 1 1t 1 ully 1 11 1 1 d1 i1n1J1m ,,I au,] 1 0,111 1 11"-' 1' nf i11f,i,,r 1 11 ;1 1.,ls drin n fr,,m 1 1, :-=1ale The l:1w 11:," m,1di f il' I in lc"<'l::; t" lll .l'i ll ;! nH "" ~;,1 ;1111 f-;1:11e Cl1t 11is1 ll"hO Im., lh,, l n~[lf h w ,,f F c1l i l i, .n~ : ; :~'i'Jc ~ : 1 1 1~ ~ r:~: .. :.;:H :~ <, ;;~, \'.' ;: \~~; \\\, : :.:;: : :~ 1 1:~u~ :~ J .,\: (~:~~ I ;:; } It his uw 11 <"Xf,('H>P. \\ .\ ffa1rl~. wlii ] l--1.1te Clwmi.sr, !i, l trm,,J x t cllsi,e l ,,. \'i~i1i11~ f, io-lod(~wm, h "n~c~, fi,, l l k :111d J: rn\'f' ~. i11 ~ t illJ: lh i ;.!'. "' l ~ s nl.]. ,111;] ill~ I 1uct i ug 11, p ., ,11.~11111<'1" nf fniili1~ ~: h _,, lhis ,. ,. .,11,s thr, re, ., ,..,. w en 111n1t:1 i,i l)y iuo;,"(l a 'f'd, a ud t he 'l'"dity o f !he f<-Hiliz,; 1 -s sn l I i11 1 h e t-;lah .< ;;,,:111.1 i r np1 ( v c ,l. !., ,n~n i z iH:, lhi~ fa1, i j lie l.r;:i,,J;il 110, , I' l!J lll hy ;o 1 rlief l, i l l re '1 itl .\ 1 lfa\\'I S n ]'111'1 or l, i ~ l'X f icn ,l i ( 111 ~ in lnn ,lin:;: """r 1hc S!:tl t' ill 111, i11ln(-;; i ~ .. r llw f:i, 11 L< s frn i gnl\l ,rs :1111\ ,,thr1 un~n11,c, uf fn r ili,., ,-,. Tile ]l "f'~nl F,, 1 i li wr Lnw-111.11,, l b ,1 l lll' 1,~c11t ~ 1 .11c C lwn,ist. \\':,;< ]''1> "'''l in !'10]. ik, o~nizing lhe itu ntnn1'(' ,,[ 1he s11 1 1e 1 Tisiom, ,r lh c f,,, 1 ,,rie s aru l 11 a1'(l hollM.'>lj 1he fiel1b. ;..("t"on,s n11d ;.:ank11 ~ wh.-re f c r til i1.c!'lj :1 1 ,:, 1nnnnfadun,d au d 11,;c,l. t h e r, ... ,quc111 i11 ~ J)(!et in n o r g
I~ ing the CO U S UIUCl l,y clof<) J!Cl'~Olllll co ntnd will the of ficial ch11rged wilt, his 1-' l' Ulcc!ion-a ,;n1;1Jl !nu,!, ~ j;\0.00 p e r a11 nu m 11':ls "1'!11,rintc,l for t h e pm,;,.,. ;1ud 1rnl,1;e,111 c ntl 1 i11,-e:1~cl1 t ,, OIJC l l wu~mHl do ll :H'S JH)l' n11nu11t. 'l'h c "i,1,cri,o! :,,lnu,p l c'' d,awn hy 1hc : iti1P11s p11n hnsi11g fortili,.<:!1 or fo ,,,t stuff, :rnd *"" to lhc f--1:11 ,:i L:11Jur:,t>1_1' for anal,1si~. fn"C uf nsl w,rn pi-ovi r; 1he wi,,J.,n, O ( this CXJJ!IHli 1 u1(', fnr ~ ll pC1isi,,11 ;ui,] ins 1di .. 11 .111'1 tlda p1irilP;! i: of fr ( " ,.,,a1 _1 is .. r ~;,u, p !es l'' "i'<'l'ly drnw 11 hy 1b e ,i1iw11-w;,s in1m c di a tc l ~ ]ll"C'N ~ ind in lf ,t )!real in ri"' ll~e of r c ,,u:, ;111(1 IUOl C panirnln1l.v ill t h, i1 .. l"( ~C rl 1 :1luc :111'1 uuifo r rn 1 11nl i1.r "f Ow go .. ,ls ~ro l d 1h 1~ho11t 1he$;ta11 i. 'flu rcn:1111, :~ umler t he o!,1 law whid 1 p 1,witled O,J tr:owlin;; tXJ\t!II "('~. 10 iuspe.:::( ,,,. ~wTi~e 1 IH' f:ido1i c~ ll'm"t'l 1<11 1~ fi el
Bcl-(in11i11g i11 1110 1 with nu i nferio r ,mol inndl'qu:'.lte lab u i-nt .,1y wilh tl'Hllll"-'ll nml hnt.11,v ,11T;rngt, d workia!: r oom, wilh Im( 011 e n~ ~iHlan l a11 d Ho i11,-ped or, with 1 1< rnotler n ,t1,pliaucC's-t l, e C111,111ic-al J1iri,-io u h:o~ bec 11 l mill up in ni11,:,, year~ lo a modem, 11 p-10 dHlC L nL01,. t ory. <-"l' al to "".'" ).;fal e l.a\; 01 "1 1.,, and ~u 1 oel"in1 TO lllil>-1. \\"ith pro fc"i:;m ,L 1ndl ligh r .: ,(] 1 0011 1~ wl1 li 11 10,lcrn e,p1ipmc ut. T h 1 l'o.l tli~liud l; 1 Lo1;11orirs :1 1 c Jwo,i ,l cd f or Fcl'ti!i'l,eMI. F, ctli' aud F'" "I~ a11,I 1 1 1:;~. 1:ach we l l su 1 licd with 1n<>dl!rn "I'!'" -~ 1hcwital~ aud ~upplic~ '!'he l li1i~iv n ,p 1 0_,s h es iok ~ the State Chemist. who h1 (Im ,cx,,n11ive li, 1 or the I 1 i 1 i~ h,11 nn, e ro11q:,etcnt nua 1 y ~ 1~ all p ad nat,~ ,,r ti,~ Flo ri d:, 1i,cl'> 1 11 $:-l .ti!7 iu J!IUl l u -~l:\,!11 .',.l'.! in l'!O!J. hn~ IJe, g1 ea1 : th e i111-,:,:1,e in 1 h equn l ityof F c 11ilizer 11and 'L'<' d sHold in the :-: r ate hns heen uf rn~t! ,. greater val u e to the citiY.e n s o f 1hc Srnte. Com 1 nri sn11~ of """ly~i~ or 111 :, t(ri n ls ~old in th e State p,ior (u lh( pas sa ~ c ,1f !he J !!', seut l nw am l mtH"nd rn c ll C~ 1hcrcto autl i ts geuernl 'l(>JlieMion :iud nc t iv e enforce ment, ma de po,: ~ i hle b_,, the nr,p r op ri nt ion uf t h e u<' ~'l'~" tr., f u udsto t nwelovcr.nnd i1111ped 1h1) rn ctories. 11ntl wi,n= hou.'-('~ of the Rtate. ~ho" tt ,nt 1\o e r e has b ee u au ra ge iu,-reaFe in adtrnl value of t h e goods ( F 1>dilizera ,md F ci'dsl oo TJ. of mn r c th an t eu 11e r cen t. \~ Iller, was con>< fo r th e~c ll l~, s.< 11":0>< -! G.57 8 .~(l(I. An i n (J'n.ne or ('n~r or this incre"~ert :1 h1 e of :i':~ n ~'()~~ 1 1~~ 1 :~:~; :~~~::('f 1~d~'';" h'; 1 ~ :s~r, ,f;~: 1 : ;?.:. 1 1~ ; ;0:;;:: tnr_1 l mildin~"f' nppnratus ;1 ml f ixt11 1 l'$, chemical><, sn firi{'~ anrl nn,li111? exJHcn~~; wil h nu :11 e rn1?e uet rev enue. Jmitl i111n th e Gcne i-nl F uud of ,2 l.fl'.lD l lG T hi~ i n< ~"ld tn 1hr dtizen;, of 1he St ; dr,. and thf" rpV('IIUN< t forlvN l t1wrefrom. i ~ not llt trihntnble only t o A n increa se in t he amount of goods
~old i 11 l h e t:ilate 1,u( \u do,<, l" in~IK'<.:liou, au ,! c nfon c1 11, l-:IIIJ tilir.cn i n ( h e Sfal e who has JJ111 ,ha" <' ll Fe l ili,.n" 01' Fre, l ~ fnt' hi~ U\\"ll U~C HI.I.I' ill':tW a ~m11pl<: of lltc ~ ;, me ,..,,.,w li11 ;;' 1.u Jnw anti lnt1e the; S at lle a u a l .,~ed Y !he :Hare C~t'H t i~t fn ,e ,:,f cost. ,\11(1 in ."" ~' uf "'}Hl ltJ!'alio u 0 1' deJ 1 d 1 JH}' !,., an, 011 <:~ lnhli~ l.trn ~ t he fa<: t fl'<:ti e d ,., c hlc 1he COH! ,.f pii ~ d c n~ndc,l fo th e :;:<>oils T he law re quir es 1!11 "~1oceia l S:nnp l <:~" to he dr:11n1 in n 11 m11m 1 t" Jll'e1e11t t h <: ~ul,mi., ,i uu .. r spuriou -. ~,om p l<:~ ; 11!<;~ 11 11 1 n,;;:ulaiiuu~ a e ['Uhli~lw,l in c,-.,,-y 1l 11llcti11 f or d ra11i11g 111 l !1 :ou. 11 i 11i1,g .. :p,: ,-i:ol ~ a1u p h-,.;,' 'l'hi~ a l :-i:1111pl, ha~ 1,._~ 11 a i n n s / c n1 f:wlur in e11fordng !he law aml tiseo11 1 a::;ing ilt' ~:ol .. r ;,dull c a l, d 01 mi~l,1a11t1 , <1 g,,,,. 1, :-i i nl :-;:H11 plc~ of Fuutl. an,l U, 11~ "' '""' n l~ o lw tit l 0 1h e :,;tnl <: l.: d .. r:1in 1 f o l':1 na1ly sis f1, ,t'.,f,os1. w lll'n the ~,omple i ~ JW <> j >Cd." ; T \' 1' 11'1<: CEN 'I':.; l'l: I: 1'0\' 1 '.IIU ON FEt: Tl l.1 %El::-z \ N ii FEEL!:-\ ~() I. I) l:S TIIVi :c;r I T J:."
Th e 0 !-i l ll!Ci al S .i wvle.. is Uoululc~s ;,n_-t lit al,h n th 111 1n h "' 1) ,.. ~u <: n "" ,m ,I ,.r,;, -i w,v ,,f 1 1,,, ( "hemil"il! l>iv i ~iou, i 11 < fur1 ag thc l uw; it m aL:, :,. cnch tl calcr. :m l.I 1.J 11 ~ ,u u l a l";: d.r n~ 1.,, n~ i lilc for 1hr 1 11r i1,, Ol" 111a)il.1" of lhe gO<.HJ~ ..,:, 111 ui purd,asc,I. 11u tl giv1:s to I li c l"i ri1.cu~ or t h e Srn i e 1 he oJ J>u1tu nity to JHvlcc t hi1u ,; d! fro 1 11 f1, 111tl11lent r i u fni" r ;.:uoo.l1<. it :;iw11 th ._. citiU> n th e ,ii;ht to cp,kL:ly l11fo11n himi1i < 1 nn1 ..., r l,1. "~ 1 m,.id~'1.l 1 1 ,. l :t w :,n 1 1 ~;;11 lali, u~. :md ]'l'\1IO(crly t r:111~111it \hem \n t h < Con, rni,.,.i, 110:1 of \ g;i-i, l1un r,, n ,wl ,H i.'I h y th e f-;1a1 e ('l,eu, i st '1"11; r th e ,ilizcu~ or 1h, 81:tt c apprN.:i a lc ,. 11,I ruak, 11-e uf 1 1 11 1 i:1 l S fl mpl ~" i ~ ,-vi,lc ncN I \,_,. th e h r g e n nmh, r ,_,_ .,! i u for :1m1 l r~ is : o s i! : ,nl.i 1 -'e, ,, 1 '5llll" f s mc 1h, o n n >< ar,,l r !, pn ,,11~ ,on d ,1 i, n .-, t h~ ,. :, [., ,, f hune~r F 1! 1 il1,t.-r;; ,,,. 1 : ,,., ,l s 1 1,a,,~ :1 10,J :--1, ., .,~ " ' 1 11 is,,l r,,,.oJ~ wu~ i, 1 1 ,n t ti; :1I. lh o tll(t,'krnt nr ,hul .,, i n l, ,. 1w~t ~o,~l~. ,.nl, I uo t u1111,e 1 , w i th t he lw .. r tJ,. .. e l n,p(~ ,.,.~ l w lo rnl< ~l at n,h
l aq;cdty l'en s aco ln, Jncl.:somille, n rnl 'J':unp,1 nn d h,wc charge each of a Cong1-c,.,;io11u! lJ istr i ct. Sulo ject 10 or de n; of f \1e C om 111 i ,;i!i011c r of Agdculturc, mid nt his 1 l irc c1 ion i. ..,dernilcU 1 u ,m.r 1m n .,[the State if nece:<,,nry 'fh nt t he f-tau ; Cl.te111 i ~t h,we a~ n o" the geuernl sU/1/'lTisiou of the i 11s1".'ctiou,.rguo.:Js tl11t111gh()1Jl 1he ~Int,:, in 01ll nto frc-1ne11 rl y ou~nlt. n,~i~t, ,rnd di rc\'f H ie tn,,pcctor;; in u, c i r w,u I.: $ 1'A Nl 1 .\ JWS. ll i ~ c1 itlcnt that 8!: rnd 111'( l ~ ~ li onl,J h e !i x(' () h. ~ lnw for ~l ixeJ F~ >t, tl~ a u d r ,., tcn l al, 1 lo,11r od11e l ~ ,,f faeto1 ie s u~l'd for f C1:
17 REGU LATIONS GOVrmNH,'G THB TAKING AND FOHWARD!XG OJ<' l' CR'f!LJZE H Olt CO~DJERCTAL FgEJHNG STUFF SA MPL ES TO TH8 COM.MIS SIOXEH 01' AGRICULTURl~. SECTI01'l 1 5 OP UE LAWS. SpedaJ i;a ,up \ee of } 'e rtili ien or Commerciul Feeding Stuffs l!Cmt iu hy purdrnsel'll, nuder Scclio11 9 of 1 .he laws 8hall he drawn in the pl'c~eul'<) of two 11iJ1intcrested wit DL"Sses, fromo11{)ormore vackn.gcll thoroughly m ix,:,d, an,i A f'.1lllS,l \ll 'l,Em T IJES.\)lf:Ol'NOTU:sl!T!l.\N1';1()11TOU1'CJl! H (oi-Vll.l.Lf' l'Q UXD) S I U[.), m, 1'!..1-C l I) IN A CAN 01111011 1 ,111, ~Ellu:n .,:-. 11 si-;x r II\',\ lJ ISl'>Tt;1U.:S'rEJJ l'..11\TY TO 'I'll)<] co, 1 }119810:-if;I< ()I' \UlllCUl ,Tl'fll,] AT T,11.L,HIASSEl,l 1".oT ,.c~s TUA~ TJX CAN Oil llO'rru;, WH,!.I\JolACCEl"rF'AI von .1 ~.u.YS1M. rule ismlopte d toseenr e fair sample of sutlfrieut to mnke the ueeesMry dcter1uiui,tioue, nud toullowtheJn~servntion o fa duplicntl!sn u q,leiu eui!6 or prote~-t or :ip p enl. 'l'h i 11 ,lu 1 ,lien te l!Otllple wi ll he pre @e r, ecl fo r two mou1 h ,i frmu ,1,.1 e of ce,t i f\c:ote nf analy~i~ The ~tnte Chf'miijt i~ not the p ro1,er nf!icn to re cei ve @pr<:inl ~110!) /l ('S f ,un, 11H;fuH,hlli;e1. Th e p r o pri Ny of tb6 nwtlrnd of ,lrnwing an,J ~ending til e ~: rnq, k~ :o~ lb:c, J by thcl1wi sohrio ns. Thedrawiug an(] scndiug of sprcin l ~.1m1 l e~ in rnr( cuse. i>< iu rornplintH 'C will, la w. Smnpk>< ,11.,-, frr<1u e m l y ~Pnt i n pa1 x r 1 ,ad::q:;,.,, 01 pnp et boxes bad l.)" packrd, nuJ fre (]U Cntly in ver.r small (] U :inti i y ( l esl! thnu on m :e) ; fre (]He1,t l y th e i-e ure no 111n1l;><. nu mbers or oth e r m euns o t i ,l enti t k:,tion; 1he 1, ostm;1rk in ijome i n ~tauces being ab,nnt. I would ("H!l th!' alt~nt i -011 of tlwS<' whu dc~ire to :ontil tli ern~che~of tloi~ pri1i l c)!e to 8cctio11s !I nod 10 of the!aw wh i<' h nr..,.r l cnrn nd e'.'(p l irlt. lfer,:,ftcr ~trict eomplinuce with nborn ffgnlntion~ will h,:, re11uirc,J. The R m117,le nwfll ,wt lie leu tl1m101t1J.half /l'lilllll. ;,, (I ,. ,,,, ,.,. /w/// (' , q, ,r/N/ fl!!(/ .,,,.,,. ,.,,,{ ,,, llu: Oomm; u /1:mcr of '1.'frh:11/f,1r. : The fl(;>ldcr't1 wimo and art dn-~ 11w# al ,w b,; on fhc pt1 cl m(le. t hfa rt!le appl.l{ing to fl /Wri11I R
IS lN"STRU CTIONS TO MA:NUFA CTU mrn s AND DEAJ,l:::RS. E11ch package or Co t uruerci al Ferti111,er nnd each paclt ege o f Commetclnl Feeding Stuff must hal'( ?, sec:urdJ a nached the1~to, a rng wi th ihe gm1ran 1 cc(I ;rnal.1i8 re. quired b y l aw ,a nd 1 he11ta wp showi11g th e vny111eotof1he ln spee1ur'11 foe. T hi ,i Jtro, i~iou o ( the l a11-&-ction :J o b o1hl: 1 w,;,-wiJlberi.r;idly e nfor<'i"d .\fllnu f ;idu~r111111 d t1ealet11will bereci11i r cdt op r0Jll'r l 1 ta g and srnu,p eac h pMknge o r Cornrnerei a l E 'ertilir.er o r Cummercia l l 'i:e d in:z St11 1 r mu ler pen alt y ns fixe d in S<;c. ti on G o f bot h lnwM. T agii s hall h e ntt:,thed to the top endofeachb :1g,or he111Iofeacll barn il. I NS TIW C TIONS TO P U U C l1A SE R !3. l'urchm 1er11 ore cout i oned t o purchnso no Commercia l E' ertll i r.er11orComrnereial l< 'eetl in:; Sturr thntdoea not b(>n r on car.h p11 clmgo no analysia tag w it h lhe gu aran t ee re q uircU by law, : llld t he 11 t11wp ~b owi n g th e poyment o r the in 11pecto r' s foe Goudsnot hav i ugth egun ront~tagand 11tnm1 1 :ire ir~i;11larund fraudulent; the nhsence o f the guarun lee nnd st11m1 bei n gevidenl'e llun the manurm,t n rn ordealerhnsnotco111 1 1lil'( l ,d1htlo e lnv.\\V ltho utthegu:1r ant~ laf,: nnU 11tarup 11howing what the i,:oods nre b 'l illr:111 t eedtocontain,tbe 1 111rc hn 1 n le, f..ueh goods ;11,,;t,l d ilkg"l l y a11,I fr :,ml ul entl r, :11H.l ore 1-,'f'tu' r nlly or li !tl ll 1 l11 e All r epu tnt,l e mn nufacturerijun lld l'-nle rsnow compl_1strictly w lt h t he !a1 <1:111d re;;11ln ti onsbyp l 1eingt h (1 guarm,teefagand ll lnlllpOn etu hp:u-1:"t,'C. I~ ST R U C 'f! ONS T O s. u r-:RT F FS Th e:il t eotiono f Sherilr11ofthevnriomrcoun t iesisea l le,I t o&,ction 3 o f 00 111 lnwa d efiniu::!heir duties. T hi11 d parlloent cx pe e f~ each SherHT to o s~ i~t in umintnining th1i lnw1md prolet:tiug the ci t izens of the Slnte from the impo. sit i o n off r:1u
~IA H K E J' PHl t;Ee; Ol C! IE.\ llt.:c\Li-l \ "\" D FERTJJ ,. IZl"\" n )I.\TEIIL\LS Al' fl.OllIU \ SE \ 1' 0 1rr:-: .. t.\ \T\l t\ L l' 'lll .\1 u1 .. :,; 1., ,,-i, 1' 1 1,, ,, 1 wi: 1<
l' uosr 1 iomc A cm flig h Grad e .\ ci d f'h Os]' h:Jf < I() 1 ..-. r ( c ut .-\,,: 1 i]Hh ]() P ~ 1 1h,01 i!8 1' hu,;11h:1 t e, 1 1 11< rr, 11I. \ rail n ble l' h l l i :;:h Gr:1.lc Gi-0 1 md T v h a cco Slem~, :.! pl.'r cnit. \1 nm,111ia 8 1.e 1 ccu!. l' ola~h K 0 ) ...... ... ........ ... ~.:! 00 ll i;.:h U 10 1dc l,; (.'1 1f 11tky 1' ,,h :in-0 !f<'ms. :.!.!i ll pe rr <.'11t.. \ m111v 11 i a lllp erc..-11I ,., a~ h { K O l. .... .. ... ... ........ :!:LOO 1, i,1; : '~ ~t ,. i t;; ~~: ;/; ~ 1 ,)~,r ;;~~~ / :~1'.' : :!;; oo Cul T nlo:on o Sl" m~. :.! per tent. Am 111nui" 1 1~,i -,: n(. 1'"1" "h il\ ,OJ ... :!0 t)() l)n,I; To h:n-," :-li r 1t1 ~ lo :i l ,d. :.! l"-'I r11I. \111 m .. 11i;i. I , 1!. J'11 1~h (I i/)) . lfl.00 l. nlll[ l'! n~ l rr ............. ... ...... l:!. !10 :.!I. Il l) :.!t,00 1-.;.I! 11.11 1 n ,,.. ,h a 1:,;,.,. 1 ., 1 p111,.J. l o: 11 i: 11111fa d 111 r~ r,w 11 1i.~iu ~ a I hl'l~:;:-ing :my "lkd:,I r 1, ,;: n l ar formu l a :irr. ~1 .r~1 per hrn i n ei;.,~~ of ::I K'!1e p l'i1'(.,.
~ I ~ \\' YOHK W ll OI,ESAT, I ~ PRICE~. Cli lW E~ T JAN. 1 l!l10-PE U1.' IL IZER M A T ERIALS A~1~, 0~!ATP.~ Arn1.11uui a, ,,11] 1,h 11le, fo1"t:ig:n, ]H'fPllll I J'l!l 100 p, u11d g,. ..... ... .. ... ~:.:.,,.-, r ,, ru, 111"~ Awm ,mi;i, ij 1t!p ., dumcdk, ~Jlul.. fll l lll ~ .... ,.,,,, J<'i ~ll Fc rup ,fril-..l 11 r ~r t~ u t. mu1u ,: ,ui 1 nn c t 11 '(! I' l'elll b un,., 1~w> u i :: l'\'.Ut .,11,.,. 1,h wk :1.-i,J. f. I ,. n~ 1i 11 .. ,,1.:~ :.:.: U rQ uu,1 (i.J, ;:,rnn,,. illll"'rl,11. 11 1 au,l 11 j1t c,.,1,t. amn,uuia :111cl JJ \I 1 c,r. l,.,11 ., 1,1i n~ 1,l, a 1<, c i. f. :-;. \' .. H :dlo. < 'I' l' lt ilH ..... ,. ,,.. .. .. :t,!t'I ,\ 'J' ;11 ,l wg,-. 111 1 .:er,1. null 1 5 i,c wul. r o. Lo. Ch i ,ai;:o ....... .... . .. ... :!. ; :, tt,. :.!.~u&JU T au:ni;:c. 1u1 1t.,,,nfra\t'd, f. o. b. (:hie n ;:'u, 11 tol51..-rr <:lll .. l,.Chi,n g n,., .. :!.!:, (, Gar ,:q;,-, !:mkag,, f. o I,, C b i n1_11 (H m:111111,. nnnulr:t1('11, (. I,. Cloi t':IJ,:O l"-'1' 1 .. 11 :,.:,,, R o-,rwcal. f. u. I;. Chif ng: o. 1 uuir. :.!.:,;, (t/1 O rl,'f h h~~ I l'.! l:l J -er fe n :1mmoui,1. r.u. lJ :-.1, u Yori... :!.?1:; @ Chl c ngo . ..... ... :!.!~I @ Ni l rn1, of ~oon :i:::; 1 oe 1 ce11 l ~J,ot. ,,,.,r 100 p o und~ .. .. .. .. 1, 1 :l.10 fuL111"1.'1,,!)5JICl'C t"llt. (f r ::::.JO l 'J !(~l'l!.l'rl:.~. \ r.idphi>.phl lh.',l t('l'llll i l. H o1ws, r v 11;: h. hn1(I. 1-. fnn . ... ~u. r, o 1;,rt t cm m
n1w gru u 11 d ,I 1,c,,, 111111,,,. 11 in ;111tl :;11 !'r ,'('nl. l,.,i,,. 11, ,,,, :,: ;,!HI @ :? 7. fl O 8011111 Cnruliua ]'!,r,~1,hn1, dri e d J lf' I' '.!,,IOll llo. .. I." ni1 n ....... .. .. . .. .. .......... ~ ;;o q , .7:, i;;,,1111, Ca1vli11a l 'h .spl 1 a11, ,d;:, 11 0 1 t1l d1k-d.f .<> I, bhlo.r l :i1,r .. 7,llf l @ 7.:! ", l 'J,.1i,l11 l:m,1 1 ,,_.l, hle ph""l'h:1 1 ""lk, 4;,~ i>C I' f Ul. 1 I. ,,. J,. l'I'! l':11111 1: 1, .,, :\. jc'; 0: I !kl FJ,.ri ,ln hi;;II ;.:1w! e plu,~1:11,, hnn l r,.,.k. jj I"'" ~n1 .. f. 11, lo, F !Hri,la "rll,or'.!ia 1 .-,r1". 7 : ,u 'r, 111t, ~1l11 ,,..1,h:1le1-<' r ,c l l "-' I' ;,_,~! ,, ;,, :ill 1,;;; -, 1111 1.:.::, ,, 1.30 lllu p n1111'1~., .. . . ..... ..... ,: 1.!!0 r,i! Mn11 u 1"1; ~all. :!ll roe e,,111. :1e111:1l r,.,1a~1i 1 1., ., @ ,l<>u l IP 111 :11 1111, ~all. 1 -.: t"' ,.,.,,,. . 1. 1,;1~ ,,, ~ u!p l, nl;i l ~ h I ha"i~ !O 1wr ,, ul l., :.!. J '<1 ';! /i/ K Hinil, i u hulk,'.!.:.!-ll) t :,,;;11 {,?)
STAT! ~ VALUAT I OXS. F or .-\rnilal,le :rn(l !n J;Ql ublc l'!J o..-1,horic ; \ citl, .\mn 1 or1i 11. nnd l' olnsh r,w 1he &m ~o u o f l?IJU Arn ilnhle P hoi5 M ixi 11 ,: :111,l J::t ;:;:-i11;:. .. 1. 50 c.-,m11 l value nt ~<'., ('WI~ ........... . ~ n.11 1 O rn fl'rtlll7.e r nn alfti n gn.s fol l o1V11: 1 1 r r cent.l $ 1.00 $ 8. 00 1oc1 Nif . x :: .'.! 11 ;. 1 1) p erce ut.:-t 1.l li2 :?0 ..... 1.50 Cr,nnnl'rri n l 1:1111,, HI ,.r:, prfs .. .......... ,. ,-.1~.IO 'l"he :ol,01 ,nl n:it inn~ .,,. ,, f n r -, 1 ~h fnr ni,1f P rin l~ ,Jr l iv e,,Nl n l Fl orida q""l'"l't~ and lif'y l'nn 1 ,. "'"J!ht in na e Ion lnh nl !1,,pril'f',O nl tlw ,late o r l~~ui11,: tl,i~ Hu l!e ti11 no n, f rr lili 1.<'ri,nl'<' ho11:::hla1 int<'ri
If pu r di:1sed io car l oad Io t t ror ras h a red u c ti o o o t te n pcr ee nt. cau be umde iuabo1e 1 a lu a tiou11, i. o: Avail a b le l 'b u11p b or :o Ac id.. .tl U cc lJt ll 1,cr unit Pot nat, ( K O J . . ....... .. .. ...... !Jtl cc11111 pe r u n it A mmnuia {or e,111ivalcnt i n ni l rog,1 11 ) . f:.!.S.S JJCr 11 11\t Tilll 1nhmtio111s um.I rn,irkcl price3 i u 111-e<.,~Hn;;: illue tr 1 u iun~, are IJabt.lU. 011 m arket ])l'ke11 fo r O ll tJ tu n l u h. S T A Tg VAL UE S. It ill not i n te11de,I b.1 lhe "Stole 1:1ln:itlon'' to fix th e pr ice or ("()mmercinl vnlue o r n i;ivc n br:mrl. Tbe Stale v a lu c11" n r c the nm r kc t 1 ri l'e/1 for t h e 1 a r i o 11 11 ap pr o1 ,..d c he111i~ :il ,m,J mn t (inls u ~e d in m b: in g o r rnauufact uri u g oouunerrial fe r tiliier11 o r comm erc iul 11t11 ,: k rt'ftl a t t he d a le of i~~uin::: n h nllc t i n or th e 01,cnin:; (If the "rcu~o n." T iu mn., t,u1 !!('hhl m do. rn r r from the rnarl;et pricel!. an, I nrc made liller:,I co meet au., sli~.-\,t aJ1:1nce o r d c <'l iuc. 1"h 1 .1 nre compilN l fr om pr in l l il u sing 11 0 11 c b ut neccpte d an d we ll kno\\n nmlerlah,o f thelle t quulily, 81:llc 1uh 1 et! do no t co n ~idc r tra d e !leCrete." 10 1111 on bn( I hill 11 o ~t o f 111h-c r t i s e me n t K, 1111 1 1 ex pe ll !JI!~ or c o ll ec t i ou~. 'I' he "R t :t t c vnh1e! is si mp ly t h nt pri ce a t w h k h t he mrio u @ in:::~len\8 11ece1<11a r ,1 ton,:ei u comi,ou nd i u g a ferl11i7.Pr,or f ('('d, r1111 lie purc/ln1cd for ct11lt in ton fot a l Florhlrr ~o l'"r t~ T ln"(! p1irl' li11f~ in Oil/>"'"' 11-ll IOH l ots. llr(' pul,lis !J cd in 1hi~ rq, url. wilh 11, c 1.ite ,nl 11( 's" fol' f !\10 lled 11 c1c,J th ('fi"frOm
OOMPOSlTlON OF FERTILIZER MATERIALS. NITROGENOUS MATERIALS. NiGaleoOfuaii-:-:.... Su!pbllt e of Ammonia Dri e d Blood .... .. . . Conceotrnted hokage Bone TllDkage ... . Dr i ed I-'IBh Sc r a p . . Mui. 1~::~::~ 1 ". 1 ... 21to24 .. ... ... .. ......... . 12toli .... ............ ...... .. 12 to l~ 1 to 2 .......... .. -I 6to 9 l OtotS .... .. .. .. J_ i! EH J ; :: ::: }~:~::~ :.:.: .~:.~ ~::i\: : ::i; :;: ; ;1 :n~ ~1 3to ( 6t o 9 i l0toZ0 2 t~ ~I 13 ~o 1 5 1 _10 Nl'TASH MATl,:RIALS ANI.I PA RM 1 1 /\-:>IUR E S
26 FACTOUS l'OR CONVERSION. T o conn~rtAmmonia into nitro~eu, multip l_ by .. Amm onia into protein rnultip l ,, hy .. 0,2' 5.15 1.21.t Niti-ogen into nnrn,ooin, multipl,r h,r . Nitn,tc of soda into nitro~ hos p l rn lc I nt o phos1,ho1 iu,i(l, nrnltiply by l'11oijphori 1 a, i tl i11t o honc-1,hosphntc, mnltip irb. v Mnria1c of polfl~h into ndunl potash, multi1,l., !J,1' At
S P BC IAL SA MP I ,i,; S, lt illl"lho wn b y t henumberof Spee i al SnmpJ(.'IJ" ( those ..c nt i ndired b ,I" 1he p11rcl111f!l"ro ff 1rlilizcrijor f ~ d 11 ) t h at The la" i i; OO<'omi u :; 111 ore g, ucra lly und erMtood b t h e fnrnicr. fruit nntl vP.;,~tnblc l!'l'O"er. Pur cl,a~ere wbo bare :u1y l'l:'aun to do u bt tho ('o r1 ,>ctnl.'!'11 o f 1h e gu a ran t ee 011 th e ,::001\,1 fnr11 is h eU thc n 1. !thr,u l ,I no f h t'!!ilnte l o ll<' lld i n 11;111 11,Je,. for :111 nn: 1l 1 ijill. T h i R rig h t 10 li: 1 1 e a ,nrnpl e of the 1;001 111 1 ,ur cl a !!ed 11nnl n.el('ll!l, i~nor: 1111. o r fr:11ul nlcn t 1Pn l o r or 111nn11(.,r n!Y'r. fl f11rnixTicR 1 1 e ,,,,, 1 .. 111 ... r ll'i/J, Il ic#('"'(' /IIV)/<'dfo n (lrmmufnl b y /la ; 111/111r,fr1r /11rrr ,rlw 1111 !/R 1ol 8 1w 11 ir,l3 011I!/ "I""' thcg,inr,rnfu. /Im/ 7111ya for/h e m arcordin_ q t o r,11111.'fdR JI_,. ~a r th! i11 th e Sl:ol". L ar~ :irunnntl! o r krtlli1.in;:tn:itnl<'t~ lll(',il<, :it ou r IIC': 1pn tt lil i, : Pllt;!<'I!'~ or 1 01n ,1, ~al t~ rlir ('{' t fron, (l<'r 111:111.1 :!I t' now frr,11u,, \'1'tl'i,t,I h,1 l 'lor l 1 l:i i1 n1 o r1('1"11, \\ l 1 iJ ,, 1 a1:;:-c n 1 1 1,m11 l sfof:1,id 11lio$1h:i1l'nrr11w1111radnrt "1 :t! 11111 e,q ortr,l rr orn th<' 1ariuu~ '1 ulfuml A l l n n !i<.! port s. ~I Mi ,la nsn 1u!' ~ mn _1 11011 pnrth:oS<' 1 hr lr frr1ili1.ers 111u l f!,e1uil1 1l s :,t F lori,ln !<('aport1< ,1~ chea pl_ 1 :1 ~ ,11 an_ .o f 11,.,.,,,:11 o r1,. ,,r tlw ('0111 11r_, T a i ?1.,. o f 11,e:t1.-r:i~c rompo~itio n of r ,.,..J>1 :rn~nla li ou~ t:01rrninl!' th e !:ii. i n:; aud sendln;: or spe ri u l @ nm 1 ,le~--o n another J>II!!('.
28 A V EUA G I -: CO MPOSI TI OY OF CO~UJE H CI. \L FEED S TrFFK "11 1 __ 1 -g ~;\.\m OF FJmn I i I c.. ii w i.. : i ~ ht Cutt'n &,cl] Jl cal : :: 5: ::~.~i ~/ :::s. 1 ;11j 7. -.til 5 .S O Dntk Collo n S.:,.,,d M eal ::0.0 0 '.!'.!.90 :r .to ti.:",015 \/0 Lf ~(l :\fe:11, old 1> roct.'l'!I .. 'l". 50 :"l !i .7 0 M.00 7 .'.!fl 5 :m J ,in-'IE(,-< I Meal _. n ew Jll'I Cl;!illi 8-.W ;;u.10 ;'.l i.70 ;:_t;O 5.:!0 Wh rn1 Ik1n n.uo 1::. .w t,:t.:lil um 5.SO Wh <'nt )li hlliu;:,;. ~f ixc il ?<'N I ( Wli c nt) . Ship !:-luff ( Wh c: 1 t 1 . Co ru (:;r ain ) Co rn ,.l cn l Coru Col,~ Co rn and Co b !leu l .. JJ o miny V e,. '(!. C-01 n 11(] OHi~, ~q11al J) l \l"I~ ,, .. Co1 11 nn (I 011t Feed, ll :1r!e,1 ( i;1 niu l B ntlcy Sp1 out~. H :i r li.\ :-rn,1 Q:H ~. pqu,11 r..w l 1 :;, 111 r.:1 . 111 : J .:!0 i. S 11 l(;i/lJ G UO 1,.-i.00 ~-:11 1 1. 4 0 6.{;0I S~'iO GUO ::1:u1. 1.M 4.ll {, IO.GO ;(;.:!O 7 .S<> :l.55 t"i.ill J ll .r.0 f.L:;!tl l .-111 '.!. '.!II J'.!.Jfl 8.iO : .To :1.20 10.!1(1 :,!i".:!O 1 '.!.ill I.foll ti.. '.! 0 1nr f11. .. r; to 1::.1n i:~ ; :; :uo :.'. i" O
A YETL\GE C mJP OS T 'l' JOX OF C O M M E U C JAL l<'.E E D ST UF FS-(CM/,iuucd ) Oat Fct' d n kc Br rn lti, c TT u l l s 11 1 ,, 1 :r a n f~, 1 ~ -I s ci (i; i,J J~1 ~.:~ 7 J () :t.70 0. 1 0 10 00 1::.2 0 1 .flO :: liO 1. SO a ::' O 7 fiO 5 70 !fUJO :::.so 'l r,o ::'.HO 1. 10
C O .\I.IIE!l(;I.\L S 'l'.\'l'E \",~L U .E li 0 1' Fl ~ EDST U FJ. S F Oi: 1 :J I\I. Fm t h ..: lje m;u n '-'r lfJIO 1h e fo ll uwi u .;: ;.t:l! a [(' value ~" Ul "1 me bns eo\ on t l u ., cur rt nt J l1'ke of c o r a ,, hic h 1,a>! bei. 11 d1o se u .'I r, >11:ind,1n l i n n.~i u g the corn m crd :i l ,:i l u e,, ; t h e t of t 'O rn l o n l;i r ;.., cJ[ f <' nt :;o e r u i n;; l li e p r it-c o f olhlt r , cl~. 1 1 urk. IJ< ~ r e t c. : l' rotPin : I_} ci, nl~ p ,.-r p u11 n il . ... . . . li ,i ce n t~ p er 11 uit ij ta rd au d Sugn r I ct u ts J er pou 11 d . :rn c l' III ~ 1 ,c r uu i t P nh t - i n :,: t he ,;t 1111 l,irJ (i!'~ l l J M) 1 oe r t un. T o tl n .:l th..: cou 1111 e r ci : 1 I Stale nl u c nm l r ipl ,1 Ille pe r cen t 11;, -es L y th e p r ke pt r un i t l:x ,1,I IPLt ; N o. I. e o m NY I-' E:ED .. .. ,k in ........ ... X fi. "i c $ G,!< :: ~ i:1r d 1 rn d 1':iu g: u x : li ft. l'l .r, 1 1 F a1 1 X t;:;,, J. l ll :0! 11 (~ 1 l n fl(' I' 1 .. 11 ... .. .... ... .. . :'< :1 1 .;, :.' Ex. u1 r 1 r. X o ~. f Ol:N ~ l' rof <> iu .... .. .. 10 ;,, \l[ 1; :;,,_9: ;. -: : f.:l 11 :1 111! j,:11 ~ ,-1 ....... t ; n. 1;11 X :: 11 ,. 'II'--' 1' :il . .. C, llf ..: r. :; :1 ; 1 t r1 t e l"nl n Q per ton. . .. . R1 !. ~ :.'
.l<'OR.'l.l U LAS. There are fre<'I' t,n i. S t a t e :o] u e mi,~d an,I bng gPI P l a11 t h' oo1l 1><'1to11 .. ,~G C 5 31 J J>OUU< lS Per Cent. 3.~~ Ammonia 7.0 0 Avail Phos 7.80 Pn t nsh .. f~7 iS aGOpt,u nJs
:e S t arn l ue mixed and bag,;:e. t. l'lant ~oot1 per t on .. ( I.I ) FUUI T AND Vl N E." No. t. $ ~8 ~8 ;8lpou nd F rolts. Melons, St ra wber rl"'!. I ri~h P ntaioes: A mm onia 4 per een1., Avallablc l' bospho rlc Add 7 1 ,or ce nt. i'ot.,,.,, h 1 0 p..r c ent. S t are v a lno ml~d and IJao:getl Pinnt l' <'O ~ p e r ton .. s, oi. Y a l u~ rn i xn l ~' 1 ,0 .~ :; <"J P\;11 11 ),"n o d f>N tnn ,: .zo l f Sul; of Am. 5 i;er ee nt.l . : ~ : ~o Ava i lable ~00 l b s o t A dd P h o pba t e (IS p er ~enl ) S. 9 7 l'olehh ~ t h so fS ulp .o!I\>t ash(181>c r c e nt .) St.1te aJuc ix e d ""rt 1~,,,,~, ,1 Plant l 'O<>!l ])l'r (OH t, : ~.1 8 1 25 p0u ada
:-:.Qt J A~.\I.Yi--E8. \1'(' fr<>'111,:,111ly h :11 e ><:11111,l,-.ij ('f ~oil ,wut h1 fo r flnn l_,-~;~ 1:11,I I l"!'l"t!SI h> :uh i1<1 ;1,< lo 11 ,e I,,,< ( 1m 1l,ods < nu!, :u, ,l,:11.,, _1s. l ure $::,:. ,! .. ,. ,, Ji 11, i .. ,m ls. 11i,,,.,. i ~ l,! li1 1 I~ infu rmnlio u !lat \\,,ul,1 I,,., of 1.,,,,,.11 h l ,, 1it1!,, ,1r:, i1, :i ..... 11ilun ,1,i .,:'n1 1a/ l\U "'"'l'" ; ,.,11:1 ,! e H ll,l,. i ., . 1 .. r: ,,,,.]i:i,ms ; ,,t li1llt: : d1;,, 111 1t 1 i ~ ,.11 : ,,;inc, ,1,, :lHIP f:-um Ilic i:i;J'ud uf 11,c I ndian:\ !:"l'''r;i:,.-111 ~1. 1 ti u. l' m,J,,,. 1 1u il,l'~ it y, 1 .. :;,111::. r,,11,.-.1"~: "~ 11 \:-..\ 1 1~1s >r trrr1.1; \".,Ln: 1:-. !'-11011:,.:o F1:1n11.11.J:1 1= ~!l'rl:E\JG!<.nt.-' l"h (' l l1 <"mir:11 ilf'p:1rl111! o f r;.>il l u gi,-:11 1n11diCi ou~; lwm,! w, ,\;:, uot rr. ,., 111111,nJ t!1ii, m(:tl,.,J ur 11-~liu::,: ., .. 11: T !e 111t:1 1J ,.,I r..,~u11: 1wn,J,,! 1.,_.. the ludi,,11:1 :-1atinn it, l h c t) ('l,J ferli]i1.e r 11'~1 or 1,1.,1 1<_1'stc m in whlch Io n~ n~ r -ow 1
thle mann er the fnrmer can tell wh :it fertilizer ill l)eijt suited for hie neeo:18 A11 climatic conditions wuy inllu cncetheyieJ<1.,ithtl iffereutf er tili1.cr s,lti9l>cattoca rry on such test11 for more than o neyeor before tlrnwiug def! n!te conclu s ion~. Th ere iij flO~iti1el,r no easier or ~horter m et hod of teiitiug the s o il thut we f ee l sa f e in rccorn mcndiJJg. Soi l cn11 1 )11 grently !m 1, nm:, l by nn lutellii; e ut rohlcio n of crop~ tbc comier, ntion o f ,table wHLrnl'<: nn;t t h e u~c of11omekindofeomtncrcialfcrlili1.er. l-'arwen need b:l\'e no f1:>ar that the proper :ippli cati on of cowmcreinl fc1til iicrwfllinju1-ethelautl. WA rt m ANALYSI S. \Ye fr-eque ntl y a1111ly!le wol er for public U !le, ,;ity, town :1od oe ighl,orhood 11u 1 Jp!i cs ; 11p ring,i not! artcsi1,n well9 ln which th e JHlb l ie i ll i nt c n?llted; nod for inil i v i duu l~ wh en 1111ucstionofhcnlt h orwbcoijomeeco11omic q uestl1.1n isto he decitl ~I such a~ the u~ of wnter for boil ers or shni!ur \\"cd o n o t m:ikeucompleteq11antitotl1"e(letern1i11ntioo, llepu r :1ting (!acb rn!11errol impnrit,1 nntl de!lni te ly st at iug th
lug w11:1, by pr1!;paid upresit for annly1l1. We l"t'l]U i re alM> adl' s crlptio11ofthesooreeo f !hewoter,ki11do 11rl de1,thof well. lo c niion of well or spring by Section 'l'owuship a od n aoi;e. W e do no! make bactcriolog:ical ex11111i1L.1tio11N orc ~;11n u ntlo 11 k for di ~ ea!!C ge n u~. Suell <'X:1111i1111tion v r :rnal }seij ~ I'(' 1nA
DEl'ART~tE :-. r 0~ .-.GKICULTIJIU : . Dl\ ~0 0~ Cll B llS TKt .,_..__-.,., ... ~, \'\LU, Ul"rl.l 1.,~ -~-_,..._., .... -~--.-~,< .. ,..,,.,,..._ ... . ... lji . .......... ,,_.,.,_,.,,, ----~L ~
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PAGE 101
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PAGE 112
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PAGE 113
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PAGE 114
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PAGE 116
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PAGE 121
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PAGE 122
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PAGE 123
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PAGE 124
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PAGE 125
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PAGE 127
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PAGE 137
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PAGE 138
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PAGE 146
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PAGE 147
MISCELLAN EOUS A NALYSES AND EX AMI NAT IO NS 190 9. WAl'EH ~ UIPJ,ES. :\I. llU.-\l",11er fr~t'U of Sodium Chloride (Salt) 4.J::::.S p11rt~. Ca l c ium Qirbonnrc (Li m e), lfng nel'i 11111 811)1,h:nc (J~J)l!Om S:1lti;) ond Silirn ( flnud ) hi. 112 0.-Wruer frnm C. R F.dwardl!. Ell :wille. Total $Olid~ 1~'1 lll0.000 p:1rt~ are 12 7 p arts, com1>0~ed <'f Culdum C;1rbc, 1 1ntc (I.Imel, SO" d lmn Chloride (Salt), \lngnet! l um S ulp hate ( Ep !,m 8;1lt $) nml Sil i ca (Smull. M 1125-Wn tl'r fr<1n1 C C. P h illi p i!, Tnllahn lll!e'e 'l'o 1:tll'.O li1b ,1,er 1 00,000p.utsare 14 7pa rt11, com1lflWII (l( Or~rnic n mtler. Tron Oxide, S odium C1 1lori d e f ~:1 tl nnd Mri gne;ii um 8ul _P h :1le ( E11 1,0 111 !fall ~\. M. 1127 -Wntn frnn1 ~litlu & K~nnnrd 'l'nmpn. 'fotal ~olid~ J >tlr 1 1w, n oo 1mrt 11 nre tiGG.O \lnrt:i., co m JJ< i-;ed n( pt"i n cipallf Sod i 1 1rn C hloride ( S11H ), with smnl l nnulunt!1 of Cnldum Cor U<)un1c (Llm<>l. Mn:;:nrsiurn Sulpha!e ( Eprnm Sult11) and Silica (SH nd ) !of. J t:;1.-Waier fMm Pnnorna lee Compan y, P11uamt1Citr. Arte.!i/lTI w e ll wlllPr from ftowh1i; we ll T omi suli,11< Jlf't Hl0.000 1ar111 nre 2:'l.G 11art~. comJ)Ol'<'tl n f 011 Oi.ide, Sili<.-11 (Sun d), Ca!. ch1111 Cn 1h (, unh.i (Lime), Sodiu m Ch lo r ide (Snit) 11111\ )1 1,g n cs ium Sul ph ate ( Ef""om Snlfl!).
PAGE 148
M. IHO.-W atn from J o hn W. Chn at'=is u Wauclrnlu. T o 111 I ~o litll! pc t 100.000 p11 1 1 ~ ure :_i ,:; purt!, cou i po !K! lllJ1 (lo-t~ I ,, f ~Hli11111 Chl,>1 iolc {l'l, !1 11. C11]1i n1u C,i rl 1trn:1te ( 1,im eJ ;111,I .\ lagrn.,.. Jurn ,.:u J J>lo: 1 1e ( 1 :1,,.mul-alt11 ) l l ll li \\ n1 : r rrom \\'. ~H ohr1 1 ~. l ld~!o l. l 'o(a l ~n l il l s p ,:, r 1011 onn p,11 t ij a111 Ii .I pn rt@, ,nm p.we d or pl'inci11al l y C:1ll'i111, 1 Carlo<.> na te i L im~ ). TI ith t r a,; e ~ n r ~, ~ li 11 m {,'1 1 lo ri d11 ( SuH ) n nd llag u es\11 111 !,l, ul 1 rnte ( Ep so m Salt11 ). lL Jl;j..1 .-Water fr o m J fl. ,l emti11g~, J nn i1Jgs. Totn l ~oliib J)('r 100.0 flU J ll' f ~ 11m J~.8 p a rh, co mp n~ c d of p ri 11rip ally C 1 le i111n Cm mn11t 11 (J.im e), with ~mall trate ij 1 ,f & ,di11m Clllo rid l'l ( fl.;,H ) n rid Mnpi e/i< i um 8n l 1 h ate (Ep!;O m Sall ~ ). lf 116-.1.-W ntc r fr o m D. ~I. Da.i d !!ll n. ni gh Spri ng11. T o1a l 8(ltidM p er J 00,000 1 mr11 nr e '.! 4 .!i pa rta, rr>rn[IOl!Cd o r Orgnni c )1 1 i fte1, Jron O x ide, Bo dinm Chl o r ide (Solt) an d Calcium Carbo uate ( L i m e ). M. 1177.-W ,, te r from A. ~ f lkRa e Mnntk c!l o. To t al ,olidM p er 10n ooo pnrt ~ a re ;1,9 pam, rontniu in g tr: u'('~ or Org,mi c .\ l nU,:,r,
PAGE 149
l l. ll 8t \\'ule1 from\\'.:\. (Jox. Quim .v T .. rn l B"lid ~ 1 ..er l iJOJl,,1 1 11un ~ are 1 :l.l) part!, t~illl"'<'il i,rith:i1~1ll.1 ,,r Cn l,i1111 1 C ;wli011 a1te { l. 1utcJ wi! II t ra,,.,. , r S ,11 l i1111 1 C h luri<.le I )'(:,I! J : !ltd ~ n;.:1u-~i11m ~ul11ltah, i gp ~ o m i'-1-a l1~1 M 1 1-'~ 9. l \" rl 1 r r,~ 1:, .I. C. F;1I~"" lla ri: 1n1m. j" ., 1 ;11 ~<> li ds <' r 1011.!H I II 1m 1 ~ lll"t' Jli.;'; p:tr lw, 'ltllll Su l pha c < 1-:[<""Ul Salt), !;i l k a 1:.:111< 1 1 ,mtl /1,,n O x i o.l l' l l. t.:!00. \\' :1k1 fr o, 111 .I. ~I. li:rn l;iu~. l e l'l'.I" \ 1t-~ i 1111 tl 11;Hm from di~ w ('I I of P erry r o1 al sol i d & J~r I IIO.t" JIJ 1 m1 1~ are 1:1.11 p :ll' IS, e o,1111~ "11 of Culf ium C:1rho11:t le ( l .inrn ), 3 1 a g 1 w~i um f:1 1l 1~ n 1 e cJ-:1 ,,.,..,11 ~:1 1 1~), 1':( 1 d ium C' hlu l'it!, ( 8-aHJ nn ,1 :--tilira t8; md ) ll. J:!0 1 \\" nh' r r ro m S. TT Cnl!, Ki ssim m ee. \ ,t,siun well w ai. from Jj\ J fnot lll)wing w, 1! 11eur l ,nkc 'r h up<,li_i:: a. 'l" nl:11 ,;,.Ji,Jll l' C r ltJ O J ll )Q l' Ul"(l! are 1 0 .7 pnrt11, 1" 11 1111...-1 u r Cnlcimu Carhun:ir e ( Li m e). So ,Jium C hl ori d e ( El;1 l t), llng nc~ iuru S11 1 1,bate ( E1 s~ mu 8nlt 1!), i::illca ( Sn11d ) :md 0l'g::11 1 ic )h, tt('r. ll. 1 :?0 :!. W :1 1 ..r rmrn 1 :. (; rini u Ju h nwn, Tnll nh:U!F ee. ~1.,.i11 ;.: 1 n1tc 1 fr o m \pn lnd, ee S1 ,r i u gM ucar ~"]whoppy To l a] ~oli, I >< J~r l!Hl.(ltl(l 1~u1~ nre l:! .G 1 ~1rts, ,urni,o,-,.,1 o r C nloinm Cnr l .-111:Hc j 1.im e) & .. 1!i11111 Chlu1 i<.l e \ ~alt I, ll:i l!ne
PAGE 150
11. l '.!O:l. -":\ o.l"wa1erfrorn L .(' ('unnva. l' aln tkn. Al'l1,~i n11 well w:i(l'I' from oh.I well o f l' ala tk a Ice 1"a e t orr. 'i' ,,al ,,, id,a l~, 1 1 ~1 0IJ O ;~1rf~ a!'e -1:;i.O p,trl~, ,,11111,.., 0 ,, ,J nf Mtl im n Chlm il!, ( l's :1hl. l "'11 \ .\::: : 1 e 1 i J~1;1;;;,':.' i t~"i'1~]'. 11 ~~; .:;:~\; 1 '_~j~ \'i~r 1-il i rn tflnnU ) }f l:!JI! -' ~-,. r:11t r frurn 1. U. C,mma. l' a)n[kfl. Arll-,..i~u w,ll w a 1,,, f1 u 1u n t:\\' wdl of Palnlka J,rl:11ton-. Total guliJ,; pe r 100 ,00ft 1mrl~ a r e .JIU> p:,rl,i, <'"llli>O>hl ,,r ~ olinu, t:blori,Je (Snl l ), Cal i, 111 1 Ga1h w1, 1 1 i JU~J. 3 1 ::)!ne,ium S ul 1 ,h;1hi ( Ei ,-.,m l'salf,a\, Or:::t11dc ~ latter :rn d Silicn (~;111 d ) ~ 1. l:!1 1. \\,.i,., ftvn, E !l '"""~Fhwid-1 \ :::-ricnltnral :iud \ ll!di: rnicu l Co ll, ;:.c for ~l'gl' H :I<, 'f alla hn Tomi ~"li,1>< Jl!'r J Ofl.fltlf) pa1 .~ urf' V.5 pnr t 11. ,orn t"'"'d"r 1 ..-i n.-i p:1 !1.1 01;::,1 u il: Jlalter,with 1 1-n<<~ t![ l'sn,1i11111 "l, l ulitle ( f,:alt l ). f 1'.!12. -1\'nit'I' r ,,,111 1;11~ ~ .'< !lhrnl r ><. \\'1Mnldllc. T"la l .. H,l~ i~r H lll.Ullll , arc :rn.o part .. trn 1 11, o ~ c,t of Cnl d1 1 1n C 1Uh, ,11 :1fo l ,i 1n e\ 1 So tlinP, f"l ,1.,ri,lc fi'l;iltl. ~l!k" (8n n'i llm Snlph a fo r E1 -,co111 J's:,lt,.1 1111,I Orgnni, ll:1ltcr. 'M. 12 1 S. \'(nl r f1-o1m I.. 1-. Pipki n .\h Ulrnny . \n1si:111 well "nter r r.,111 ;\:!!if oot c ltr well or :,J('(J!, n .-. 'r tal ;,oli!l~ p,:.,, J :-1 0 0UO pm1~ ;ire '.!~.5 part 11, rn1~""l .,f Cnh-ium C11rhunn1e ( l ,imc1. 80 1li111n Chhwi'i um Su!p har e ( EJ)l
PAGE 151
~ l. l :! 3 :.J. \\" a t,;r fr "m G. L:. l(t1~~ \\'oo i lvil k l' o t: d ~o l i ds ) >c l" !l!O_! H lO 1 n i-l~ H l" C 17 ./", p>1rt~, 1 ,1n 1 ~ 1,f'd o r c kium C m bonal e ( Li rne ) :m d So ,li11m C hlo ,l"i d e ( '4:il l l .\ I 1 :!50 \\" ai<' l" fl0111 -1. H fl aw!; E,n (; n ll ic .-\nc~ i m 1 w ll 1 rnH 1 fm1 n 1 n 1l o f r .;:enf1 1ck y \li i i l m y ln~ li 111lo T nt I ~ ,, lid~ l l< I lo (). 11 0(1 1 0:1 1 1~ :tl l' 1 : : ::_ : 1 part~, 0 11q "> l n f f-\ ()di 1 11u Ch l orio[(' ( :'-a l!) Cal t ium Crn.ii. ,,. ,.11, 1 l. i 11wl ,\ l :11., 11P~ i111 n f'l 1 d p l u1le n: I'"''' f-\al t s i ,i nd O1~ a11i,..\ l a nc1 in t~.i l. a11t f ,., 11 1 ,) H. fl a w k. E :n f:,i ll i e. (' i~tc ,n 1te1 f rn 111 f.: e nl u< k.1 .\( il il: 1 r_v n~( i tut< T ui:1 1 ~ o li o! ~ ..., ,. Jll O _! l fHI J l:l l"IS U I'(' fi ~ 1 :1rtf;, 0m] U >~ d of llq!n n ic .\ 1 ;1 1(,. f.:.o ,l irn n Clilor i d . (f.: ;i ltl :m, l C n ld n111 C;1 l,0 11 :1!<1 ( L i rul' ) ~ I. J :! 5 ~. \\ 'ate1 fro m W. H. i\1 <'1 : nc -bRp , :-:1 ,ri n ;::w a te1 frun, \\'t loh R pi-i u~ Tm a l s n! i
PAGE 152
.U. J~1iO. Wa1cr from H. l101 is. Mndi~on. !spriug walt!l' r rou, ~pri11g ne:11 \Vithlueoochee Hin 'r. J' ., 1:o l ~oli,J,., 110: p:1rt~ :mi li'.~ p.il't~, oUJJHJ r' t,,. : d , r 1 :a ldum Ca,l~matc 1 1,imc l, So
PAGE 153
"' ll. 1 214. Wuicr r1om T. K. fln1ll-.:y<', \\'uhlo. ,\1 tci< i nn we l l w: dnf,,., 11 u 1 lowiug \\ ell. Tr.1111 ;;ulhh1 pn ltlll.t;1:11 J m r1,, 1 1re 1 : 1 .S p nrtf, cr ,1111~i I o r \J ;1!dm11 1 \1rl~111ah, ( J. i u, c) und ~1u ~ n1si11 111 C li t .. ,i d +. M l'.!81. W :ol(r fr" m J :. J:. }l:11~h S:1t :\;u fa \1 t-,.1,i11 \\t 'II 1\"Hh' I' ri"m ::0 11 r .... wdl. 1 '1 1111 ,,., i I~ ;:~1 J l!ll,!111'1 i"''"'" !I!'<' 11'1.8 1 arll!, ,, 1111~(~1 ,,r t :,ki : 111 1 ( ..i ~ ,u .. 1, 1 l.i: 1w 1 ~1:,g n ,,.,.in m :--11l1 ,t1:1te 1 1 :1,,..,m :-i:111><1 an d i,: ,., linUJ Chl111i 1l (! 11-< ,. 1 ). l l. L28J. W a1<-1 f1 .. n 1 ,',1 ll :ow l:i11 ~. l' cny Al' l < 'im i uat ,,. r, m ill lJ f '>nt 1:i1ywo,ll ot l 1 .. 1ri'1 ~.,,; , ,. ,~ JOU IH IO p:11'1>< ;o r e 12::.!1 [~11"1!!, ~-,, 111J '"'''! .. r l'aldu m c,.r1 ,.,11:,tu 1 1 .imt :) 1:io ,l i11rn Ch l ,,l"ith. 1i",ilt1. nntm 1 s 1 r oo 1 w e ll. Tot:il :'~I of 1'11di111n Ch l1wf d ,! fffalt ), ifo dl11m !';ul1,hnf(' ancl 11~,u n ~ i,J ,,. M. 1297 .-~\ntt,1 fl-11111 M :1di~,111 E !{' <:ll"ic I'o "er Cum J\:l ll .l'. )1/if C;oki11n 1 Ct11 o<)11ntc ( l .ir n el, So,[;uu1 Cl1 lo1itll" ( ::\a lt) :in,\ !1n n O : dd e. AL 1298 .-Wnteir,-., 11 1 \I. J T a nu er O, i('l l o . \t l<'l'h m well ,rn 11 r from l.1 0(Hoo t we ll 'fn 1nl ~.,lid~ prr l .tHl(I 1rt~ ar~ I ~ }! p:irt .o. ~0111Ji<>1< ~ d of ~,,ili111u Ch!oi-i ,I< : ( Rall 1 Cn l ri mn G: 1 r h o11 n1 e ( Li me) antl J,s,n (h:id e
PAGE 154
1 :\11 M. l~0ll -\\':11,,,. fro 1 u P od: ll:11111.,11 )111 ~en:;:-e~. To tal "")h i s 1 1('r \00,liOlf p:11 ~ ,u e 4. 1 p:,rt", ,-.,m1,us,,d or :-!-{otiinm Ch!urlinOxitlc. M. l~l >. H 111n f:,,111 1'1. l cle1><, I'-! l' \'lc-n:Lu ,~. \\'di ll'l.lh:l'. Tul;ol ~o\lt i ~ j >CL' J(lOJl (I!) p:lr!~ a1 -e :',Oil 11.irtit, ~,.,,..,~: ,r Ca l rin111 Unhona1e ( l .i,u e ). M (lg m;:inm ("nrhou :1 1,. 1-\i\l~n \fi:1 11,I \ Sodium Ch'"ri,k ( l'al1 1, ]l'', cnm i l-l d ur i-:ndi11111 Chlorillc (8' 1!t,. Cn! einm Cnrlunlc (l. i mc ), ~ l rig u e~ium Cn rlx :u c :o ml l rnn Oxhl. M. 1: _ll:?. Wut e1 fr., 111 !: 111111\'ll H,cl<,p1m,n t Co m 11nny, lh : 1111 1'll '1'0 :11 f (Ol id~ Ill'!' 11)1),11(10 r~1tfj,1. f' llt.
PAGE 155
Hil M. l: U8 .\\ :U i"1 r,urnJ \\' . \l .-: h:iu u 1 11, l '< r,v. \1 1.~ i a wc!l frum ,, ,,. l'oell of l'erry. 'l'oln l solids per 1 00,0UO p:it111 ur r :m. o f!Strts, cotuj'Uo ; e d uf Co l l'ium Curbuu;,lc ( 1.ime). So tlium Chloride (Snln t..: 11 lci11n1 l"ulpha le an d ,\1\11)1\ 1111 111 8ilkn!(l \01:iy), 'i'h 1c i11 (:O ll Si tl c1il,lc "u~r>C"coUc J u1alte1 c, m~i~liui; or 111Jle ~1 .. nc, ;;.rn,i :iilfl ~ IH). ) I ; ;~.! :!. W ,1ler from F. C. lli;:gin\Jotlmm C 11 llnlrn u . \r1 -,~i: u, \\~II \\ Ul 0 :. T nlal ,< olitb 1, : r JtHl,0(1-1 J':11'\~ n-e :1 .0 1 1: 1 rts, ,,,,n,p .,,c ,] of ; ::1l, i11n1 (!,uh,m:nc / Lime ), M:ii; '" ''l\11 11 Hul1, h i1h I :]"'":tl ~a ll~) ,m ll 5,,, J i u u 1 ''i1luri,!P 1 ~, !!1. \\ :o l{' l' ;di;,: c1mtnln~ Hy !l'"/:'C U ~nlph:.i e. }I. 1:i::::. \\',11 1: r f1., u 1t..: . \,); c ,1l Tull alo:u,Pe. \Y1l1 w,ncr. T,1 1 111 pe r 1Ull,H 00 JH l' I~ ure 4.fl part s, c"111 1~ >~ml .. r \IH;:-1w~inu1 Chloride. [rnn Oi: i d l.! nml Al11n 1i 11 um Bilirnte (CJ,1y). } I J;!:::fl. Wnt c r frum .f. r ~bu rp ~ l n dison . \r tt ... i,m w;,IJ water fro m 1 -1::.roo t we l l. T"l: 11 ~ulids l >f' r 1 0 11 0110 11nr1 ,ire l7.0 1 mrtg, l'"l" l "'('tl of C1!ciun1 C,tl'lmn a te ( J,iuie ), Mag 1 w~iuru Chloride uu o.l Ai111ninn!ll Silica te i1Jln,1t. ~ l. 1:3;Sl' \\'att>r from .J v hn H l'i mu l li. T n mpa. \r J ~ >1J i :1n ;,t>ll w;ll<'l' frmu :::,...-1.root /lowio i; w, 1 1. T11lal la'>li d~ 1 "-'1' 11)0.f ~ IIJ 11 ;11 1.~ u1, H U I 1 ,nrt11, ~0>0 J1<"'e.l i f Cn idwu t ),11!J.o m11 c (J.im1:l. M ug. 1w~i11111 C hl ,wir from dty ell or P e r ry Tnilll AAli ds ('r Jc M l ,000 J~H' I~ :II'! 3 J :! par ts, co1UJ11""'-.-d "f Cn!d11m (;a 1lk 111a1t .: ( l,ime ) tt\~1~f j :: ;:: (~;~~ 1 :i ,:: ::\111 i ~ ~\'. ~ il~~: ::: I A!~~ ~ i
PAGE 156
ll l3;e.-W:t f tr fr<>m \. ~L l -,n1 y, T,il:all>l~so;c . \1 1,~i:111 ,r e l! w :i kr f, .,11, ,i1.1 11< s11 pJ1i.Y, l'uial w li ~ !"' ' Jtl l! .ll!ill pm1s in 17.;", pa r t~. t <,l ) L !""''' l ,,f 1 '1' k i,:m C a d .. ,, .. ,1 ,. (lJt11< 1, ~lag 1,,.,,i 11n Chl1w i de lrn 1 1 ()~ i dl' a n,i (h-ga 11ie )l:,(11,1. M 1!~3:: .-. W:i 1, 1fr"rn i\" i] li"ui S. 'J'l,a_1 1 E: 1 tc1 i&e t(s la11 1--.:l l 11 :11e,. 'J\,1;,l ~ol:d., ] ~ lllH l!!lfl part ~ all ' 1-1.11 pnrti; , ,mp o .ol M CH l i11m Ca1l10 11a\e I Lin ,c,) So di 11tn C h l ,1id 1 /'.: 1 1 1_1 :1nU .\l:l!!U<'Sillm ~lll 1,li,1 l e \E 1, .su11J t,ialts). M. 133-1. \\'a (t' !' fnnn /'. J Whil e, P e r1y, Ai-l es i.111 wel l wn t er frP111 UJO-f,,o { c, i t ,r we ll ,,r l', 1..-1 T<, 1:1 1 1 ;,1;,1~ p<'r JO O,uoo part~ : 11~ :to .:! pntti., cnmpos.e,l of c.,ll,i11111 Ca dmna l" I L irne1 Mag ne;nm Chl,,dJ,: :,ud O, gnuic ~l:olh .' t. M. I ~ 37.-W:1tf'1 11-orn W, U. Towle~. Fl. 1ly er~ \1-lc,iau well w,itm r1om .1;11 foot well at l'un t .i J: n~ H. '1'01a l ~ o l id~ I)(' ? lOll .000 p:11 t ~ ;11"C :!7 0 .0 pnrt~, comJ"w,,l d 1'5,,,li11111 C!Jl,. l' idc i ~n \1 I, Ca l duru C:11'1,.,unlc \Li111e ), 11,1:;!n e ~inm .:11 1p hnte ( .Ep ~on, f-alls) .\lum i omn fli lie n 1e \Clu.1) :111d (fr;::111i e )lat1n 'a t+'t also e,mtniu ij H,1 ,ln!,!rn $nl ph itl e, M. 1310.-W/lt, : r from n . I n1own J 't. 1[yf'r:<. T <1tn l ,., J i e~in11t ,:l11lphare /l :1""m ~:d u\. A l um i num Sili(n1e (Ulu _v) nnd fron Oxide. l-f. 1341. W:, te f t on, W. H. Towle$ l<'t. .\ly ers .\itc~ian w l']l wntc,r from G\1 fout llowing 'll tll at l'uu t a Ha~a 'Io1nl ~o l itls per 100,000 partR are HlG.5 part , Ctlllll'IO'll't! r,f f-o,li u 1u Chloride ( Sall), Ca ]. ciuu, Cnrl ,nnn1c / J,imc, ) )!agnr,:,.imn Su l phate (Ep"',m f':. a lt~ ). Aluminum Silicate (Clny) mul Jron Oxi,le.
PAGE 157
1 5:1 MISCELLAN E OUS SAMPLES .\I 1 104). L ime~ r ,.,., i ( t,;:,kimu Cn 1b 1, u n 1 e ) from I), I'. Wch >:H\ 'l', ( ll'il'liu .\I. 110 7. P e!.I,!,., 1'1,o,i1,li:Hl', fr.,111 I 1-'. Web s te r. Gri f ti n l 'h .,~ph.,ri, .\d, I IJ)(' 1' l '(.> 111 ) :.! J.,18 1 -;,.,, i ;1 1 ,u/:.,u,l !i .. 1 l n 11, uf 1. hm (1 )() 1c en t ) ... ... . ... . r;:1..1 1 M. I I OS l'h ,,s1,h:1li \ l ,l l 11l'~ t 011 c, f1 ,u1 C N. $(Cl'Cll !, Ta1u1oa. l'h u>p h ,11'lt \ it l l l><' r t :11 1 ........ :.!.00 Eqninil, lll 11 .. r 11J l' lwtii lrn te ur l im u tpc1 r-c ur 1 .. 4,f.0 M lH~J. J;h td; t..: la_,, frum W. E. !':in cl ai r St. l' eter& bur ;;. c ,.1, ,., ,1 will 1ai-lw",r 1nn o11 ~ ni:11 t er. ll. !1111. "i--o. J 1.illll' "to n r ( C' akin111 Cnrbonale); ");fl. :.! Ycll,,w l:in llll : fr"m J. W lt:, gn n, U i..Jrnian .\I. 11 11. I, im,.,,,o n c ( f' 11l l'l mn C:1r loo 11 :11e ) fr om n. F. \\"r h ,1cr. (irini11. Co11 t ni11 ,; ont_l' t r:icenf P htll! J lho r k Aci d 1 l ll'.? H, ~' !; :1 (' ;1[ ,-,.,-,. ,,11~ !':and~ to11e: (;l"J, 111-;audy C ln,r: 1,,,..111 1. 1 : it l ~lid w;1_1". ~I. Jl 1:.:. Ph o.-rh; 1 t io N"
PAGE 158
Hi4 M. 1117 .l' cb l>l c l 'ho. 0 ph ale, f r o m N. N C,,me1, l.ak cland A c i d ( p e r C l' lll ) .... .... !l.47 Ep 1i1 nl <'l t1 t o 11 0111) l'I H>!Ol'i l Xu 1" 1.im ei;!o ne lC :1kiut1l Cur b o 11 a lcJ, frn m ~ 1c 1hcn ,J t'w r l l, o,,, J :1 Li rne 1C, 1 0 J (pCl' f'ut 1 .. . ... .. 1 ~ .GO E t p1i 1ul,nt to (;;1ki 11m C:1rho11a t c (C :1 CO I ,pc1l'f'11t1 ..... . 88 .4 8 M. tll!t J l c Jtn ~ it ) :!" 1.i 1 no>,.w11, ( C,o lci n111 C mh.,11 al t"!. frum S !o~ 1 hcn Jewell, 41,c al.i. l.i me o .. uo uicr 1..., n1 1 ....... .. '.il.SU 1 ,;,p1 l rn\rnt 1" U,1!dn111 ~,rhvnnl!! (l::aCO ,l (pe ccul) ')2 .41 M H:!1 .l' e l>l c !' !1<.,.,ph a l l', from W, IH E rc1,:lt Griflin. l'lio ~ ; ,hv1ie At"i;l ( Jl0u nte l, fro1 11 .-\ G. Grt ( l 'l'.0. nla. Lim e (C.1 0 ) (per rent)... 55 20 Eriuivo.1 u t t1, Cu ldu m C:uh "ll llt<' (C 11 CO,) (per l't!U t) . .. ... !IS .4 8
PAGE 159
M. J l~ fl. l cbblc l' hosphu t t!, fi-om r. 11 L oo mi ~, P l aut City. l ho ~ph o1 ic Acitl ( p e r crut) .. .. . :U.lli l ,111i,nlc11t to Hou<: l'h o;;phnte of J.imc (Jlcr cent) . ........ OS: 92 "1 J 1::u.-Cl;,,, , f n"' l S F. Bl oun1, \ lm uo. ~!. JJ: t!.-J : ock l'h n p !, n te from :. A l 'eilcway. 'J'n 1n pn l 'ho,,1,h1,1 i,: Acid (JH'.!l" ,-cm) .... .... 34 4:; E f]ui1 :1 lP t 1t to lt, m<: l' lu ~jhal, of J.i 11 1c ( 1 ,e1ce m ) 15 .I G M. 11:::1. 1, Ca lt:inn, Cnl"l.Jnr c: 1 te ; :l, C,iki,11>1 C ;11 ho1wte; :t. Clfly; from William .J 'l' :,y l n T.at':,'. 0 ) 1. n:: .1. J't Hn nl:~t"ll'1" 1 illly. ~r. 11: \;'i..\! 11lrll. frn u1 i'; e hroed"r ,i.: Ai~uinh au. Qni11c.r. Arunwni:1 IP<:r ) fl,iO \\":1 1e1 I P"'" ~e11t1 fill SO :\I. JJ:lG.-L i m<'~t,,u .-iC;1ldtc (C alcium C:ul,O( Jfl le), f,om U. W J:hoJ cs, \\'<.><.>d>'ilk. M. 11 3 i.-D ol u m itP, fro m J A. Colsou, l{ iw J1111 c tion Ta kcn fr om a depth o f tw enty foc tbe low 1he ~urfnre. M. 1 J:1S.l 'ul1"e 1 ized l i mcato u e (Ga irium Carhonntc). M 11 3!f l, i mesinn c (Cl 1kim n Ca r bon nle), fro m \. I ) K e,\' Sa nfo d Lim'-' ( CaO ) ( i,erce111) .. . ... .. .. H.50 Eq ui\'ale11t h, C a let111 1 U,uhouatc /CnCO,) (pcl" ce nt ) R J. 8:! M. 1111 i' ho~phatc,1 ntfrc from l /. '.. H, i ~e, l'n ll n hn~sce. !' hosphol'ic .\cid ( \ H'.!1 1:e ut) . ..... '.?O li!i E (J11 irnl,nt to n o 11 e P hosphntcof 1,; me ( percent ) 4!i .17
PAGE 160
M. 114~. l.irnr ,1one ( Cnl erc1t) .... .. . .. .. .. . ...... V: l. 02 Jrvn and A !u1ni unru Oxid e~ (pl' r ce11tl 1.4 7 M. 1 150. Qu: 1n, .. fr om I. I] l)avi ~, l1tc l m1cl. M 11::.1.-C \ a.1 fr o m H. L. I 1a1i~ Ta m p a M 1152.ll od,~. fnm, W, E. I. aw Br,Mik s ville. ~" 1. ln,l at e d Clay. No 2 l ,imt 'l! tOHf' M. Ut;: .\,Li m e from L evy H t "Qij. 'l'allah,_, Lim e 1C a 1Y 1 ( J
PAGE 161
lt.7 11. llt,7. l'cl i hl e l'h os ph nte, fr om F. ~ r. Loomis, Pinnt City. J> lws p ha i( ,\ cid /per ce11tl .... ... J(l.04 E q 11i l'n l, tl lo Bone l' ho~p lrn tc of L i me ( i,erCCHI ) 78 _1 ;8 M Jl:',~. 1 '1.,,~pha i e .\Ja lOnt i s, l l:int City l'h o~ ph,,dc .\tid q,er C(,11 1) !!:J.:.l G E,111irnl.-n t ,.., B o11e l'h o~ plo;, (c tf Liuie (Jwr CCH lj ;:; 1.0 0 M. 1tt, !I .Jc upu1c L u llc ~ R ar!I,. from J:. I.. ~ l :1 r t i u, u~ala M J HiO.-l11,J,11 a t ctl Cla.r, fro1n '.I.. C. ?hambli;;,;, 01: ala. M lHil. -" H im ,k J1 e 11osi1,'' from T. H. Mortiu, Fil'ny. Sau<.ly su il. mixc,d w i 1h Iron Oxide . \f. llG:! On1~um.'' from It. L J)a\ i~ Ta111pa. lm1m 1 x, Lime sto n e (C nkimu C :i di ou u tc). M. l1tJ.I.-Orn 1md l 'hn!!ph:ue Ho~k, fro m J o hri L )le Fao l"l in, Qni 1 u;y ~\I. 1rn;; -1t>1,L l e l' hoi,phn 1e, fr-Om N. !ll. Com~ r, Gritt!n. l 'hoi; 1 1 ho1i c ,\ ci ,J (per 1.~ul) ... .... : 17.;15 E ,p ,irn kut tu Bunc Pi.to,;pi.tatc oJ I,i,nll ( percent ) 81.54 ~I lHlG. l' cbhle Ph o8p lmt c from R D. Gray, Wild wood. l' hn~J lmr ie Ati,l (pet c-e nt ) . .. .. ~\() 60 E <1uh,tlcu l lo H one l' ho~pl m tc o f l.i111e (J"'l"CC II T) G(; so M Jli:-S Ula_\'. t"l-nru O cn gc JI. l' cny. Port l: md. C-O uh,in ~ ~ j >l'tk ~ of i u n d Q ua r tv.. ~I. JJ7' 1.~!'l!wll Cni,J! ) nmei-:ite ( ('a i1 i um Ca r bo uato ) fr om J. H . J11nor, J<'ort P ierre.
PAGE 162
J:iS ~r. l1."0 -ii('lll;11itc (Hp~ J, 01 ~). r1"('ro\"ilie ll. 1 1 .'t .-Lim (' 1 Cal\"1n m C 1t tl ~r1:1 t c J, f1-<,m H Il. F1 ;11 ..-l~. ~ -1 (' 11 Oak ~1. ll8::.-l'< hh1, 1'1 1u-" p l11 11l, fr o m\\". D l la1i~. L 1 Hlll11H. l'h o~1 h <>ri Arid (1 ocr c, n11 . .. .. -~l.00 E q 11 i, :ihml to [l ou,,} l'hM1,h,1tc or Lime { per reu() . ... G7,1;7 ll. 11 E5. II,~~:~.,'.'.: ~,~ l'h n~ Jhnlc fr, m U :nid <1r:iham, l'h o~ l'h o 1 k \tid (pe r ceu t\ .. ... .. :Jt..:W Yp 1 ivn \r n1 to l: Olll' PhO!'p mlc uf L itn c ( pt.Jr ,:;e n t'1 . . . S0.3, 'J M tl ~G.Gyp s 111 n (C111<-im 11 S 11 IJ h: 1 1< i), fl, 1 1 11 D i. G eo E l\" nlkr-1, Hm1tin~IHn ll. JJ Si.-Urrnallt c /[:.-.g fr,n 1 O,c) fro111 Willi a m A \ Jl., n. J_., (.;an lo. ~I. 11 88. fi l'll l. i rn (-,.1 nn c fl 't"m ,J, S. 'fo, \'lor, I M"l<"go ( JK""l'C ll t\ ... .. .... .. !liJ '.!0 E 1ni1:,lc JJ!' 1, C:ilc:inm Cmbo nntc (C: 1 C() ,\ 1 1'1 ,ieutl ...... .. .. . .. t;::!,GO Jro i, :i u d ll 1 1111i 11 ,1111 O ;1:i d C11 ()H' I' !~t ) 1, Ul 1':i l ir-a t ~i tl ) ( p e l' ,e ntl .. . ... 35 .0IJ }I. l l!l0.-lutp t1t,, T 'ullr-r'9 E:,r1h flXl>II J. 1 f Willi 8, \Yi lli$1fln. ?ii 1\!fl -lmpn r,, Cln~, from .J. ~. Jt ee v ee, i:=J!riug Il ill. M. H!.l'.!. Ti ed Od,cr. from. 0. Good e ll, ,Jnckwrwi lle M 11!"13. -Roil. fr <>m B. II. Rownr,1, Sunfo rrl Vn ln 1ilc )!niter ( 1 ,cr cent\ .. .... .. !1.90 ~i lka (~:lnnd) (JJer cent\ . .... !J 0.10
PAGE 163
.\I. 1J !H.-:Ual"i Cu cimu Ca i-1,ou: ue,. frum E. r.. Pearce, C lc :u a1cr. M ll!1U. !-i-h:1lo, fn,w .J. Whil,u1n l,, Ut>la o d \I. ll:JU. S:rn,J ,ton c, frvm -1. .\I. S t rkkh,nd. l<'luruliu111e. )I. 1 l !IG. -' ;\'" .\forl ( C: 1 lclnu1 {.;:irlluualc l fr,,m A. B ,Johnsuu ) l ;inatc,:,. )/. Jl!J7. \"1l l<,w t;ln.r. f1~un ,/. ~J11 ckson Jud:~onl'ille. ~I. ll!J8 .P cl,1,I,, l' ln"'!' lm fl'. Cmu, II. E !fall J ,:,,1e1. K l 1!19.h upn,-., Knolin. A rnixt11 1 eot" (:la 1_v, lluu Oxid e and Smu l. M. 1:!03. Purdu:d C1,lfo e, rro111 IJ. T, Lntie li:, u, EarHon )f. 1'.! 0.1. 8arul 1 Ye l!ul\" Cl:1,1, fro111 J. A. Kir klan d, J :~,u M. 1:? flT.1 i m !'!'tnuu l C:,11.'in m C11rl,u11a lc), fr om I ~ .J. H r : m c h !-t f. l 'Ner,.l, 1 11 J,:' .\I. l:!O S. J .imcs1011u /Caki rnu Carl.,(male ) from F. S. ~:un ,. ;'/<'11 ~iny 1 a .\I. 1::ll:"! ..\l(' l: 1n terlih>. from l )un~,m Wilke!<. l' Oll('C d e 1_._ ~ ,.1. JI!. !?l1 .1111,-m-., Fn! l Ear1h. frou, J. E. ,Johnwn, .1,wk>unl'i h. ~(. J :lJ:j .J.im c~ hn c lCuk imu C ud, onntc), ti-0111 ,J. E. ,Johu~on .. J,wk>-0uville. M 1'.!15 .~IIH : k. frum f:. T Carl l u n, \1 adl:1. A111mo 11 ia(1otr'Cnt). .... 1.!l:l Wat e r (pc1 (~utl G:!. 08 .'ii 1'.!lfl ~fm k. frn111 H. I ,. ,rnr tin, Oc ala Ammonin (Jl('r eeutl . 0,29 WMer (JM'r <'cnt) .. .......... .... :?6.5fl
PAGE 164
mo '-1. l:!l1l. lmp111(' Fu l ler' s l : arth fn110 J. n Goot.le!l 1:i ckso ul'ill<:. M. 1221. l'l o!<]tl!:nc. frvrn J .\l. Hnwl~ .\lattin. l' lin~phc, i c -h i, I per <'<'TIii ...... . :Ill.OS 1 :,111 i 1 ,1lc111 to l\vnc l 'h"~ J >l mlc .,r Li1 11c IJ "-'t \"\ !lt: 1 f.5.67 M. 122-Ll m1n1 c Ka.,liu, from,\. G. ~lvo, c. Marianna. /II. 1225.lmprn,, r -:rioliu l\o. l r,~,m .\. K Rohin~on, LakrlamL M. 1226. lmpu, p !-;":,olin No 2, fro,u A Jo:. Jlobinson La L ei nu,!. M. 122 7 .l rn1 1 ll' c K,10Jin So : :, fr om A. E Hohi11 !o n, Lakeland. M. 1 228.-"A,'' 1 nm f', n i te,; ( I ron Sulphide), from J.J~. We~t, f'ouec de Lcun. M. 12'.W.-"U." fl emntirc ( H t>g li n Ore ). from J. E. ,vebt Ponce ,le l ,eo 11. M. 1 2:lO 'C," Alu mi num Rilica1ts, fused, rr om l E. ,vest P o11cn ,fo Leo 11. M. 1231. -" ll, Impure Knn! i n, fro,n J. E. \V C111 I o (':,l, i 1 n11 C, 1 1 h, ,u:01< (CuCO ) (J~ 'I' <' l'll1 I 11/<./i:j M 12:-ll'i. No. 2 J,im<'~Mnc 1Cakiu111 Cn1l! on a1e ), from C. J). Ilt1gnn, Ocala J im e (CnOJ (per ,:~ntl <:i5.S8 1;:, 1u iv11lcnt to Ca!d um C 1rbo11a1c (C a l,'<), ) (per eent) . 99 ,69
PAGE 165
161 M. 12:%. -I,ime stoue (C uklum Carbonut 1:,), from J C Boo~.er Oeala. Lime (CaO J (per eeut) ... .......... llll .:! 1 Eiuivalen t to <;alcimn (;;1rllonure ( Cu CO ) (per eent) . ..... !)S.r~ .\I. 123 7.-.Rerl Ocher, fr om R W. Mi ller, P i ne L, 1vel )f. 1238.-K a o lin 11use uded in water f rom It. Il Fryer, Snm ot rn \I. 12 :lfl.-Sof1 l'h u~phule, for Dr E. ll. Sellard,o 'l'al!a h: 11, ;;~. l'h oo;.phuric. \l'irl(Jll!l'l'('nt ) .. ....... 11 ., J i Eqn i ral~nl w Hon e Pho, phate ui l .ime ( percent). . ......... 2i'i. 0 I \1. 1240.-So ft l'h0!tphn to, fo r JJ 1. E. 11. :d,.:lhtr d ,o, Tnll: 1 hnssce. 1' /Josphorie A l'i d (p er CT"n t ) ... ...... 12.14 Equh a l,mt 1o Dour. Ph osi, hat e or l ,ime ( perc e nt) .......... ............ 26.a>U )I. 12 11 .-Sort Ph o~phute, for lJr K II. ~llan l ~. Tnllo ha ~1.~. l'll 0,
PAGE 166
,1. 1 '.!45 -"No. :!," Sof t l'h osJJhalc, fa o m E. Hube so n, l 't .,\ l endl!. l'h. o~phoric Acid (per ,-ent) ... . .. 17.9r, l.:i 11 1in1 h111 tu H,mc J' lu~1 lu11c or l ,irnc nl('1 w ut) ........ 3'.J.19 l l. 1:!4G .-' r-.o. :1: :'-., ft l'lnlle~on P1. l l 1 im lc l'lu pl10 1 l'i ,: Al'id ( p c, r ,nt l .. . Hi.74 E 1ui\':1 l f 11 t h; l:(IIIC Pho,;1,hn tu .. r J.in, 11 ( l ll,1' ccu\ j . ..... :H.31.l ll. 12.J7. -" :,;., 4 ." fiofl l' lw~pha ll: fn,111 E. J:o l l('~u11 l 't. ll l'; uk l' h"~ t h u1i c \t ,I I p e r C'<. n lt .. 2:! HO E 1 uin1l1 10 H ,:tc !' hm pli,lll uf l.i111 e (l lO.\ l J . ......... ..... J !l .34 ~f. l2 ~ S. ., ,, ~" f l P IJ 0 ~ 1,ha11 fr., 111 J : J :o he"on J,'1. \! ,i <] p 1,.,~ph ., i \cid \l>l'I' ,,.n: I ....... t ,).f,O Equ irnl l lo l \,. 11c l'ho ~ 1 n 1 1 , 11r Lin 1 <' ( 1ic1,c t1, 1) . .... . :!'.! tr.! ll. 1:: 1 ~ .-l' /ue<1,:,n1,. r,-.,: 11 i:. \\' (, .,.,.. ~b1 1i11 l' hn~1h"ri, .-\ciJ 1 1 r ni r I . .. .. ... :! I S U J ~1 i1:'l k 11L l" 1:, mc l' h -'l'p h a1c "f L ll 11 c ( p e r ,'(., Ill ). . 1 m.i.:1 ) I. 1:::-,:;, Jn q H t> 11 1111i1c lllo;.: l1 "n lil' C> r , ,.11 1 :S. 11. J(1 ;1Ui l1 y,. \Uuuut1. :\I. J:!:, !. l' h"l'! lnl lP, r .. nr Vi. n !,:. r ll a1 nl ~. 1,,11n1i:,~~L>e l 'hu ,.c 1 ,horic \ d d l l~ 'r ut \ . ... . :!!J,:!0 J a:.1 11h:1 k11 t to Uouc l'l, 0, 1 \J.H l e or l.hne ( JM' 1' ( '4'!1 1 ) ... .... .............. .. G: l. 7 5 \1. 1 25.J Jh ~, wn (kh , ,., fr o m J I. C:u11 1' h rll C, 11 ,s 1 helle. ~J. 1:! Gfo .{;nl,nu ( l. r a, 1 Sulphi
PAGE 167
Uhl .\l. er.:1. n ,, ,i ..:oil rrom \\". ,l. l~mme, flum('S 1 eml. l": 1 l d11n1 Cmfo.,11;1tc (Ca CO, ) ( p<.'r cent) o .. J i'i l'lws1, hol"ic .-\1: id I p er ,e11t1 .... 11.'.I] ln,u :11 nl --~Ju111i11:1 1 u nx i d c,c 1 1 n cent) l.f ll Mu gmsinu, Ox i d t \JM!I ce11t1 r,n,c l'o J ,is,cim 1 Oxi.Je I )'\!I" ,eut I Trne e Ju ,coluh:c )l.,lt;,1 (per l'i.'lltl J 1.1);) ;\I. l:!fl~_ J\ 1,1 le Ph(l~]'lrntc r,n m C. \ u,own Gei Cliu. l'h o~plinr ic \, ie r ce n r) .. .. ... ..... .. .. .. 7:?. i ,3 M l:! (iii.-ft, 1 ck l'li, .,_p hntc f1 -c,1" !l. \. 'l'n nkc, F'lo1 :1l Ci1~-J 'lt 11~ 11lio1 ic Aci ,l ( 1~ -II~ l'h0l f r o m T M. l'11lc~ton. M oalic.:./o. Phos phnrie Al' i d ( per C('ll!) ......... '.lo.r.n F., 1 11i,-alcn t to f:,.uc Phoaphntc or Li me (l)Cl'C'<.'lltl {i(l_!);;
PAGE 168
M 1375. Gypsum (Cnlcinm Snlplrnte ) from W T. Hu~ll, King~ h ny. M 1276.-ltuck fro,n l'et e r Pie1 .,u. Pier~nu ,\111111onia ( per cen t\ 1.05 l\'atc1 ( p c r cc n 1f f;!l.7G II.I. 1 207. L i ,uc:1~ c.v Saud, frrn11 :-\. 1. Wail es, J;1d;.-m1 i lle . I!. l:!T!l. "N"o. :f' M n ,I ( C nlc iun, Cn1bo tw te) from R l lVnilt ~ , fntk~o,will e M. 1280 "No : \" )larl (C:tl c ium Carbo11at e) from S I. Wni l s, -Jnchonvi l l e ?,[. es2.-fndun1tcd Kao l in, f ro m }l. A Sandifer, Oca l a M 1'.!S:l. fmpure ll ematil e ( B og IT-on 01-e ), from R. E. L. Chane,,, 1' :1 m 1,a M. 1'.!S::i. 1 ,inw~tnn,: ( Cnl<-iu 1 n Carbonate ), from S. P. llollin,nkr. l.Jowling P:u'k. 111 1286 -Dolomi1e (C11lci11m ) f a:;n l' siu111 Carhonate), from 8 P. H olliurnke Dowliug Pnrk. :1. f 12S7.I! olomi(e ( Cnlci11111 Magues i uru C;nhoaat e ) from S. P. HoHinrnke, Dow l ing P ark M. 1 2S8. L iincstone (Cakinm C11rbo 11 nl e ), from S. P. 1 Iolllurril" Oowling P arl: M ~S9. L irn~tmw (Cn l c i 1 1r1 1 C n rhonate), from S. P. H o l li m al.e Bowling Pm k. M 1 290.-"No. 1" ?lfnrl {Crilcium Carbonate), fr,;;a m R. W Storr'!' Dcl uniak Sp1ingi;. Cont:1 i 11s a tr a ce o f Pho ~ phoric Adtl.
PAGE 169
1 65 M. l:Wl "N o. 2'' Mnrl (Cu l c ium CudJOua t e} 1 from It W. S1oni., DcFuniak Spr\ug:s. )I l'.:!92.-" No. :t" Onk Gro\"e San d s, froru H. W. S torrs, H~Fuui ak Sp iog~. M l:!!13.~ o 4 Mti tl ( C11lcium C nrbon atc), from H. W. Sturrs, U e l'u11iak Springs 11. 1:!!l l .l 'h os ph ate, (rom H obert M cNnmee, '[nm1lll M. l2!Jt1.-liri11c, from Dr. E. J,;. Pliilhri rk, Tallul u1118ee. M t30t.-l'h(l. Jdrntc. from A. A. L:1ing, Cniro Gu. l )ui,
PAGE 170
M 1;114..-Lim e~ tn ne (C11lt-i mn Cur!.Hmate), from .F1 m1cl!ll l)i( k i n su 11. Oran ;;eCi t .1 . II. 1:115. Lim ,'>f'r ee 111 1 12.7 1 l l 1 3 1 9.-Mn r.k, fr lll };11r l Perl;in ~. ~' ulla h11 ~~ctlt i ij ncid t o litm u ~ Amrn rmi /pe r wuU ~.12 :\I. t :t" .!0.-f"he ll '.\ l, 11 (C Hl<'i um Cn.-1",rulte ) fr, m John U t-lm ,, t~puuoln .ll. 1321.-1.i m1;11tnno (Cnlci iu u Curt.ou:1 1e) from J. W. l lo11 cll, G,iucvn, \! a. 11. 1 324 .~Rnd ,~, fro m .1. I :. H Jolrn ;;o u Mnu n t~l\o. I Haud., (C,il<:ium C r lHlllUh! l. ;, -:,. o :!" Sbdl l h rl (C11lci n11 1 CAr ,\xm:f e) M. 1 325. '); o. T,hn~"'tonc ( C a lc ium C,1 rbonntel, fl'-Om f ,. N. P olk B:H -tow, Conl11 in ~ 1rareofl'hosph or k \ ci d !I.I. J:l26.-8n ft Ph o~ p h n!e, from r .. K r ,..lk, Bnrtow l' h O'll wrie A ci d ( 1 1e r cent ) . . . ... "i".78 f;1]11ivn len t lo H o 11 c l'!io s 1 h11t e of Lime (l~r cc ut ) .... . ... ........... Hi 9!1 ll. 1;!27." ,\ So rt Pho ~p hatc. fr o m 11. C, St:io l ey, B ellc vlew, l' h01111horic Ac id (J,c r e ... 111 ) ........ !).78 Ef1o iv 11l e n 1 lo H one 1-'lm ~; phat ,} o f Lime (Jll'T <: cUt J. ..,,, ... ,, ...... 21.$ M 1328 -"B S<>ft Ph osp h at e from n C. S tanley, Th. 1 \ lc vic" l 'h oi;. 1 horl e Acid ( per cent ) ....... J2, 1 5 1 -:i111i\atc11t to Bou e Ph o~phHt" o f Lime ( p e r 1."'t). ... ....... .. .. .. 26.74
PAGE 171
lli7 M J :J35.-Hocb, fro m H. A. M cClure P en~ncola. "~o. 1 ."Cl ay. ';Ko. 2 ,"S und ,v Cl a y. ;\u. a. ll emalite l\ndnle ~ ( Bog Iron Ore). ?-: o. -1 ," !:lhdl .\l n rl (Cnk i um CarUOnllte ) No Sh ell )lnrl {C.'lldmu Cu r bonnte), witb tni c a ~peel.a. ~I. 1:1:!G. Cla,1 Nod ule11 from J. E. Oill i us. l' c n~ueola .\t 1338.-Limt 'IIIO ue {Caltium Cnrt.unnl eJ. from L. E. M Ol!e ley, Htul ~on )I. l:Jat1.--C1 'C<' u ) J o!d nu )lmk fr<>m G. E. Cohman Anlnwmfale. C o nlnim : ton~hlcr:il,!e lr rn1 . \\. 1:J !2 J ,im, t .. ne (Caldur n Cmlio1n 1t e'i, r1,n11 8 1. \\',iilet!. J:i ck~ o11 1'il!e. )I. [ !: el 1 '. 0<'k l' h ,s plrni (l f1um \\' wth Tr nrnmrll, T al l uh11~~re. Ph , ~1 ,h ,,rie \ ri,l {!~' <'<'U! ) .... :15,87 J ::. 1 11 i ,:1l<"nt to J\on e l'lu ~i~n t e o r l. ime { fl('r tent) . 7 8.30 )1. J3H -\\'h i~k .r. f ro m C. I'. e ,wh f',t,r rl ill Colltnin~ 110 Cul' t 1lue, )f rw pl,itu.' or Ch l o rnt ll,, d ra!e .\t. 13-1/i. T.i mM