Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Added title page title:
Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

Related Items

Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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Full Text


Published by Authority.

eae «=O VOL. LXXNXIV. TUESDAY, 261m JUNE, 1956. No. 29.


No. 75.

The following Statutory Rules and Orders
are circulated with this Gazette and form part
thereof :—



No. 22 of 1956, “ The Adaptation of Laws
Regulations, 1956. 82 pp.
(Price to be notified in a later issue)


No. 15 of 1956, “The Adaptation of Laws
Regulations, 1956. 90 pp.
(Price to be notified in a later tssue)

Virgin Islands.

No. 22 of 1956, “ The Adaptation of Laws
Regulations, 1956.” 92 pp.
(Price to be notified in a later issue)

j Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
X by Eart Pigott, Aoting Government Printer.—By Authority.

[Price ]

329.7 272
1 4974


ORDERS, 1956
No. 22


B29. 27279.
L Vev



Tue Adaptation of Laws Regulations, 1956, dated 9th June, 1956,
made by the Governor under section 5 of the Leeward Islands
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Order in Council, 1956 (Imperial) (1956,
No. 833).

1. SHORT TiTLE. These Regulations may be cited as the
Adaptation of Laws Regulations, 1956.

2. INTERPRETATION. In these Regulations—

‘Acts’? means Acts of the Legislature of the Leeward

‘the appointed day’’ means the first day of July, 1956;

“law’’ means any Order of Her Majesty in Council, any
Act of the Legislature of the Leeward Islands, any Act
or Ordinance of any Presidency constituting part of the
Leeward Islands, any Regulation, any Proclamation
approved by Order of Her Majesty in Council, or any
other enactment or instrument having the force of law
in the Leeward Islands;

“Schedule”? means Schedule to these Regulations.

3. APPLICATION AND MopiFIcATION oF Acts. (1) The Acts
mentioned in the first and second columns of the First Schedule
being laws to which section 5 of the Leeward Islands (Miscellaneous
Provisions) Order in Council, 1956 applies, but not being laws to
which subsection (1) of section 2 of the Leeward Islands Act, 1956*
applies, in force in the Presidency of Antigua immediately before
the appointed day shall, subject to the provisions of paragraph (2)
of this regulation remain valid as respects that Presidency after
the beginning of the appointed day, notwithstanding the constitu-
tion of the said Presidency as a separate Colony.

(2) The said Acts shall as regards Antigua have effect therein
after the beginning of the appointed day subject to the amendments
specified in the fourth column of the First Schedule to the sections
and schedules of the said Acts specified in the third column of that

OrpinANcE. The Antigua Constitution and Elections Ordinance,
1951+ being a law to which subsection (1) of section 2 of the Leeward
Islands Act, 1956 applies shall be modified to the extent specified
in the Second Schedule in view of the constitution of the Presidency
of Antigua as a sepatate Colony.

5. REPEAL. The Acts set out in the Third Schedu'e are hereby
repealed so far as they affect Antigua.

6. COMMENCEMENT. These Regulations shall come into opera-
tion on the Ist day of July, 1956.

*4 & 5 Eliz. 2. c. 23.
+No. 10/1951.



Part I

Cap. Short title Section Amendment

1 Bankruptcy Act 2 The whole section shall be deleted.

3(1) The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’
in the definition of the expression
“Government Officer’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘“‘of any Presidency’’ in the
definition of the expression ‘‘Treasurer’’
shall be deleted.

31(1) For the words ‘‘the General Legislative
Council or of the Legislative Council or
Assembly of any Presidency’ in paragraph
(a) the words ‘‘the Legislative Council’
shall be substituted.

38(6) For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ there shall
be substituted the words ‘‘the Colony’’.

70(1) The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which the
District is situated in which the bank-
ruptcy occurs’ shall be deleted.

88 The whole section shall be deleted.

89 The words ‘‘sitting in the district in which
the bankruptcy is proceeding’’ shall be

91 The words ‘‘in any district’’ and the

words ‘‘in his district’’ shall be deleted.
For the words ‘‘any Registrar’ the words
“the Registrar’ shall be substituted.

92(1) For the word ‘‘Registrars’’ the word
“‘Registrar’’ shall be substituted. The
words ‘‘, during the absence of a Judge
from the Colony,’’ shall be inserted
between the words ‘‘shall’’ and ‘‘have’’.

For the words ‘‘such registrars’’ the words
“the Registrar’ shall be substituted.

92(2) The Proviso shall be deleted.
92(4) The whole subsection shall be deleted.

93 The whole section shall be deleted.

Cap. Short title Section Amendment
1 Bankruptcy Act 94 For section 94 the following section shall be
(Contd.) substituted—

“94. (1) Proceedings in bankruptcy may be
transferred to or from any other Circuit
of the Court in accordance with the pro-
visions of rule 11 (which relates to change
of venue) of the Rules made by the Chief
Justice on the 24th day of September,
1941, under section 16 of the Leeward
Islands and Windward Islands (Courts)
Order in Council, 1939.

(2) Subject to Rules of Court, if any
question of law arises in any bankruptcy
proceedings during the absence of a Judge
from the Colony, the Registrar shall, at
the request of either party, state the facts
in the form of a special case for the
opinion of a Judge, and shall transmit
the special case and the proceedings or
such of them as may be required to a
Registrar of the Court in a Circuit where
a Judge is resident.’’

112(8) The words ‘“‘of the district in which the
debtor resides’’ shall be deleted.

112(13) The whole subsection shall be deleted.
114(4) The second paragraph shall be deleted.
115(2) The word ‘‘General’’ shall be deleted.

117 For the words ‘‘General Legislature’’ the
words ‘‘Legislative Council’’ shall be

118 The words “‘of every bankruptcy district’’

and the word ‘‘General’’ shall be deleted.

123 The words “in any bankruptcy district’
shall be deleted.

134(1) For the words ‘‘of the General Legislature,
or in any Act or Ordinance of the Legis-
lature of any Presidency,’’ there shall be
substituted the words ‘‘or Ordinance’.

137(1) The words ‘‘of the Presidency’ at the end
of the first paragraph shall be deleted.

137(2) The words ‘‘Act of the General Legislature
of any’’, and the words ‘‘of the Legisla-
ture of any Presidency mentioned in the
Fourth Schedule’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘of any petition’’ the words
“or any petition’’ shall be substituted.



Cap. Short title Section Amendment


{1 Bankruptcy Act 137(2) The words “‘of the Presidency’’ shall be
(Contd.) deleted.
137(5) The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ shall be

First The words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ in para-
Schedule graph 2 shall be deleted.

4 Contempt of Court 2 The definition of the expression ‘‘Magis-
Act trate’’ shall be deleted.
3(3) For the words ‘‘Full Court’’ wherever they

appear the words ‘‘Court of Appeal’ shall
be substituted.

4(10) For the words ‘‘Full Court’’ wherever they
appear the words ‘‘Court of Appeal’ shall
be substituted.

9 For the words ‘‘Full Court’’ wherever they
appear the words ‘‘Court of Appeal’’ shall
be substituted.

11 The words ‘‘for the uses of the Presidency
wherein such case or cases of contempt
may have occurred’’ shall be deleted.

5 Courts of Justice 3 For the words ‘‘General Legislature’’ the

Fees Act words ‘‘Legislative Council’’ shall be

4 The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which they

are respectively received’’ shall be deleted.

9 For the words ‘‘Separate accounts’’ the
words ‘‘An account” shall be substituted.
The words ‘“‘of each Presidency’’ shall be

7 Debtors Act 2 The whole section shall be deleted.
5 The words ‘‘Persons committed under this

section’’ and all the words following
thereafter down to and including the
word ‘‘made’’ shall be deleted.

6 The words ‘‘in any Presidency of the
Colony’’ shall be deleted.

7 The words ‘‘or any part thereof’’ shall be

19 For the words ‘‘of the General Legislature,

or under any Act or Ordinance of any
Presidency,’’ there shall be substituted
the words “‘or Ordinance’’.

OO ooo

Cap. Short title Section


10 Judgments Act 4



13 Mercantile Law 12
Amendment Act

17 Public Authorities 2
Protection Act

20 Registration and 2
Records Act

The words “‘of the Circuit in which the
Judgment is entered’’ shall be deleted.
A full-stop shall be substituted for the semi-

colon after the word ‘‘debtor’’.

The words ‘‘and when the lands to be
affected by such application are situate
in any other Circuit, a copy of the appli-
cation shall also be filed in the Registrar’s
Office of such other Circuit.’’ shall be

The words ‘“‘of the Circuit in which it is
filed’’ at the end of the section shall be

For the heading—
“In the Supreme Court of The Lee-
ward Islands
Presidency of
the following heading shall be substituted—
“In the Supreme Court of the Wind-
ward Islands and Leeward Islands
Antigua Circuit.’’

The words ‘‘Windward Islands and’’ shall
be inserted before the word ‘‘Leeward’’
in the Note of Presentation.

For the words ‘“‘by the same Judges, and
subject to the same conditions, as rules
of Court may be made under the provi-
sions of the Supreme Court Act’’ the
words ‘‘in the same manner as rules of
court for the Supreme Court may be
made’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Federal Act or Local Act’’
the words ‘‘Act or Ordinance’’ shaJl be

For the words ‘‘Federal Act and of any
Local Act’”’ the words ‘‘Act or Ordinance’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Federal and Local Acts’”’
in the marginal note the words ‘‘Acts and
Ordinances’” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘any Record’’ wherever
these words appear in the definitions of
the expressions ‘‘Indices’’, ‘Public
Records’, ‘‘Registered deeds and writ-
ings’’ and ‘‘Registers’’, the words ‘‘The
Record’’ shall in each case be substituted.


ce Te

Cap. Short title Section


ee aa vr Sr

20 Registration and 6
Records Act











The words ‘‘of the Circuit, in which the
land thereby affected is situate’’ shall be

For the word ‘‘Circuit’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’
shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘If executed in any other Cir-
cuit in the Colony, within six months
after execution;’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘intended for registration
in the Circuit wherein they are executed’’
the words ‘‘executed in the Colony and
intended for registration therein’’ shall be

In the marginal note for the words ‘‘in the
Circuit wherein registered’’ the words ‘‘in
the Colony and registrable therein’’ shall
be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘the Leeward Islands’’ the
words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words “‘any Record Office’ the
words ‘‘the Record Office’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Presidency in which such
deed is presented for registration’ the
word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Act of the Colony for a
Registrar’ the words ‘‘Act or Ordinance,
for the Registrar’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall
be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Registrars’’ the word
‘Registrar’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Chief Justice’’ the word
“‘Registrar’” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘General Legislature’ the
words ‘‘Legislative Council’’ shall be

The words ‘‘in each Circuit’’ wherever they
appear shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘record office’’ the words
“Record Office’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Circuit in which such

office or place is situate’’ at the end of
the section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘several Record Offices’’ the
words ‘‘Record Office’’ shall be sub-

Cap. Short title Section Amendment
20 Registration and 32(1) For the words ‘‘a Record Office’’ wherever
Records Act. these words appear the words ‘‘the
(Contd.) Record Office’? shall in each case be

32(2) For the words ‘‘General Legislature’ wher-
ever these words appear the words
“Legislative Council’’ shall in each case
be substituted.

32(4) For the words ‘‘General Legislature’’ wher-
ever these words appear the words
“Legislative Council’’ shall in each case
be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Legislature’’ the word
“Council’’ shall be substituted.

32(5) For the words ‘‘General Legislature’ the
words ‘‘Legislative Council’’ shall be

38 In paragraphs (a), (f) and (g) for the word
‘Offices’? the word ‘‘office’’ shall in each
case be substituted and in paragraph (b)
for the word ‘‘Registrars’’ the word
‘Registrar’ shall be substituted.

39 For the word ‘‘every’’ the word ‘‘the’’ shall
be substituted and for the words ‘‘General
Legislature’? the words ‘‘Legislative
Council’ shall be substituted.

41 For the word ‘‘any’’ the word ‘‘the’’ shall
be substituted.
21 Summary Jurisdiction 2 The words ‘‘of any Circuit’’ in the defini-
Act tion of the expression ‘‘Bailiff’’ shall be

The words ‘‘for the Circuit in which the suit
is brought or process is in force’’ in the
definition of the expression ‘‘Clerk’’ shall
be deleted.

The words ‘‘and shall include a Deputy
Judge’’ in the definition of the expression
‘‘Judge’’ shall be deleted.

5 The whole section shall be deleted.

6 The words ‘‘in each Circuit’ shall be
* deleted.

7 For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ the word

“‘Antigua’’ shall be substituted.

we a ee



NN 0

Cap. Short title Section Amendment
21 Summary Jurisdiction 7 For the full-stop appearing after the word
Act (Contd.) ‘therewith’ a colon shall be substituted

and the following proviso added to the
said section :

‘Provided that until such a seal is avail-
able a stamp bearing the words ‘‘Court
of Summary Jurisdiction, Antigua’, and
countersigned by the Clerk may be used
instead of such a seal.”’

8 The words ‘‘in each Circuit of the Colony’’
shall be deleted.

8(c) After the word ‘‘Act’’ the words ‘‘or
Ordinance’ shall be added.

11 The whole section shall be deleted.

18 For the word ‘‘Every’’ at the beginning of
the section the word ‘‘The’’ shall be

The words ‘‘for the Circuit, to which he
belongs’ shall be deleted.

21 The words ‘‘any Circuit within’’ shall be

36 For the word ‘‘Circuit’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’
shall be substituted.

37 For the words ‘‘Circuit in which the suit is
brought’? the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

48 & The whole of sections 48 and 49 shall be

49 deleted.

50 For the words ‘‘the said writ’’ the words
“A writ of execution”’ shall be substituted.

Schedule For the words ‘‘The Leeward Islands’

wherever they appear in the headings to
the Forms the word ‘‘Antigua’’ shall be

The word ‘‘Circuit’’ wherever it appears in
the headings to the Forms shall be

The words ‘“‘or Deputy Judge’’ appearing
in Form No. 1 shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Circuit’’? where it appears
after the words ‘‘remove out of the’ in
Form No. 3, the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

23 Unrepresented 2 The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’ in the
Estates Act definition of the expression ‘‘The Court’’
shall be deleted.
3 The words ‘‘every Circuit of’ shall be


Cap. Short title


Section Amendment

23 Unrepresented
Estates Act

4 The words ‘‘in any Circuit’’ and the words
“of such Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

18 The words ‘‘of the Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

24 The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ shall be

31 The words ‘‘or Commissioner’’ shall be

36(1) The words ‘‘in the Circuit wherein such
person dies’’ shall be deleted.

Schedule The words ‘‘Windward Islands and’‘ shall

24 Warrants of
Attorney Act

25 The (Colonial) West
Indian Court of
Appeal Act

26 Wills Act

27 Accessories and
Abettors Act

be inserted before the word ‘‘Leeward’’
in the heading to Form 3.

2 The words ‘‘for the Circuit in which such
warrant of Attorney was executed’’ shall
be deleted.

3 The words ‘‘for the Circuit in which such

cognovit actionem shall have been given’’
shall be deleted.

5 For the word ‘‘Every’’ at the beginning of
the section the word ‘‘The’’ shall be

2 The definition of the expression ‘‘Full

Court’’ shall be deleted.

6(2) For the words ‘‘Circuit in which the trial
was held’’ the words ‘‘Supreme Court’’
shall be substituted.

6(3) (c) For the words ‘‘of the Circuit in which the
trial was held’’ in paragraph (ec) the
words ‘‘of the Supreme Court’’ shall be

19 The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ in the
proviso shall be deleted.
For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ in the marginal
note the words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be

2 For the words ‘‘passed, or to be passed, by

the General Legislature’’ the words ‘‘or
Ordinance’’ shall be substituted.

3 For the words ‘‘passed, or to be passed, as
aforesaid’? the words ‘‘or Ordinance’’
shall be substituted.

4 For the words ‘‘passed, or to be passed, as
aforesaid’’ the words ‘‘or Ordinance’’
shall be substituted.


Cap. Short title



27 Accessories and
Abettors Act

28 Coinage Offences

29 Convicts’ Licences






For the words ‘‘passed, or to be passed, as
aforesaid’? the words ‘‘or Ordinance’’
shall be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘passed, or to be passed, as

aforesaid’’ the words ‘‘or Ordinance’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ where-
ever these words appear the word
“Colony’’ shall in each case be sub-

The whole section shall be deleted.

The definition of the expressions ‘‘Chief
Inspector of Police’’ and ‘‘District’’
shall be deleted.

In the definition of the expression ‘‘Prison’’
the word ‘‘Ordinance’’ shall be sub-
stituted for the word ‘‘Act’’.

For the words ‘‘Colonial Secretary’s’’ the
word ‘‘Governor’s’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Chief Inspector of Police’
the words ‘‘senior police officer in the
Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The whole subsection shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency in which he
shall have been convicted, or in the
Presidency in which he shall have been
last imprisoned, according as the Governor
may determine’ the word ‘‘Colony’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘chief officer of police for
the island in which he resides’’ the words
“senior police officer in the Colony’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Chief Inspector of Police’
the words ‘‘senior police officer in the
Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Chief officer of police for
such island, who shall communicate the
same to the Chief Inspector of Police’
at the end of the section the words
“senior police officer in the Colony’
shall be substituted.


a a a
Cap. Short title Section Amendment

29 Convicts’ Licences 7 The words ‘‘any Island of’’ shall be deleted.
Act (Contd.) The words “ or any portion thereof,’’ shall

be deleted.
i The words ‘‘of the General Legislature, or

of the Legislature of any Presidency of
the Colony’’ shall be deleted.

Phe words ‘‘the Colonial Secretary for the
information of’’ shall be deleted.

First For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ the word
Schedule “Antigua’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Governor and Commander
in Chief of the Colony of the Leeward
Islands’? the words ‘‘the Administrator
of the Colony of Antigua’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Supreme Court of this
Colony’’ the words ‘‘Supreme Court in
this Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘the Colony of the Leeward
Islands’’ the words ‘‘the said Colony’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Government House in the
Island of’’ the words ‘‘the Administra-
tor’s Office’ shall be substituted.

In paragraph 4 of the Conditions of the
Licence for the words ‘‘Governor, or
officer administering the Government of
the Leeward Islands’’ the word ‘‘Admin-
istrator’’ shall be substituted.

30 Criminal Law 2(b) The words ‘“‘not being a common prostitute
Amendment Act or of known immoral character,’’ shall

be deleted.
3 For the words ‘‘Juvenile Offenders Punish-

ment Act’’ the words ‘‘Corporal Punish-
ment Act, 1949’’ shall be substituted.

The marginal reference ‘‘10/1949"’ shall be

4 For the expression ‘‘clause a’’ wherever it
appears in the provisos the expression
“paragraph (a)’’ shall in each case be

11 For the words ‘‘of the General Legislature
or any Act in force in any Presidency
of the Colony’’ the words ‘‘or Ordinance’’
shall be substituted.

31 Criminal Procedure 2(1) For the words ‘‘Act of the General
Act Legislature’’ the words ‘‘other Act or
Ordinance’’ shall be substituted.

2(1) (d) The whole paragraph shall be deleted.


Cap. Short title Section


31 Criminal Procedure

Act (Contd.)



8, 9
10 & 11






33 Forfeited Recogni- 2
sances Act

The whole subsection shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘the law officer, or the senior
law officer’? and all the words following
thereafter down to the end of the sub-
section shall be deleted and the words
‘“‘the Attorney General’’ substituted

The whole of sections 8, 9, 10 and 11 shall

be deleted.
The whole section shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘for the Circuit, district or place
to which the prisoner belongs’’ shall be

The word ‘‘Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘Colonial Secretary’’ the
word ‘‘Administrator’’ shall be sub-
stituted and in the marginal note to this
paragraph the word ‘‘Administrator’’
shall be substituted for the words
“Colonial Secretary.’’

For the word ‘“‘appoinred’’ the
‘“‘appointed’’ shall be substituted.

After the word ‘‘Governor’’ the words ‘“‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be added.

After the word “‘Governor’’ the words ‘‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be added.
The words ‘‘or of the Colonial Secretary,
or of the Administrator or Commissioner
of any Presidency,’’ shall be deleted.


For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ wher-
ever they appear the word ‘‘Colony’’
shall in each case be substituted.

For the words ‘‘with the Colony’’ the
words ‘“‘within the Colony’’ shall be sub-

The words ‘‘in each Circuit of the Colony”’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘every Circuit Court’’ the
words ‘‘the Court’’ shall be substituted.
The word ‘‘the

the words

” before the word ‘‘prison’’,

“of the Presidency wherein
the recognisance was entered into’’, the
words ‘‘in the Circuit in which the recog-
nisance was entered into’’, and the words
“within the Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

The words “‘next Circuit’ in the marginal
note shall be deleted.

ee eee

Cap. Short title Section



33 Forfeited Recogni- Schedule

sances Act
34 Forfeiture Act 4
36 Indictments Act 3(3)
38 Larceny Act 119
39 Malicious Damage 62
40 Abolition of Mini- 2

mum Punishment

The words ‘‘WINDWARD ISLANDS and’’
shall be inserted before the word ‘‘LEE-
WARD” in the heading.

The word ‘‘Antigua’’ shall be inserted
before the word ‘‘Circuit’’ in the heading.

For the words “of the Presidency
of "’ the words ‘“‘at
St. John’s’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘of our Circuit Court’’
the words ‘‘the said Court’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘the said Circuit Court’’ the
words ‘“‘the said Court’’ shall be

The words ‘‘of any Presidency of the
Colony, or of the General Legislative
Council of the Colony’’ shall be deleted.

The word ‘‘General’’ in paragraph (a) shall
be deleted.

In paragraph (1) of rule 2—-

The words ‘“‘Windward Islands and’’ shall
be inserted before the word ‘‘Leeward’’.

The word ‘‘Antigua’’ shall be inserted before
the word ‘‘Circuit’’.

The words ‘‘(Antigua, St. Kitts-Nevis, etc.
as the case may be)’’ shall be deleted.
The words ‘‘(or Crown Attorney of)’’ shall

be deleted.

In paragraph (2) of rule 2 the words ‘‘(or
Crown Attornev of ..... )’’ wherever
these words appear shall be deleted.

In paragraph (1) of rule 5 for the word
“ommission’’ the word ‘‘omission’’ shall
be substituted.

In paragraph (2) of rule 6 for the word
“owing’’ the word ‘‘owning’’ shall be
substituted and the words ‘“‘or any
Presidency’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘over to the Treasurer of
the Presidency in which such fine or
penalty is payable’ the words “‘into the
Treasury of the Colony’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Presidency where the
same shall have been imposed’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands, or


any Presidency thereof’ the words ‘‘or
Ordinance’ shall be substituted.

Cap. Short title

41 Offences against the
Person Act

42 Perjury Act










For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ wherever
these words appear the word ‘‘Colony’”’
shall in each case be substituted.

The words ‘‘Circuit, district, or place in
the’, and the words ‘“‘in which such
death, stroke, poisoning, or hurt
happens’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘that Circuit, district or
place’’ at the end of the section the
words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall
be deleted.

The words ‘‘, and any such offence’’ and
all the words following thereafter down
to and including the words ‘‘that Circuit,
district, or place’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ wherever
these words appear the word ‘‘Colony”’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency in which the
sum is paid’’ at the end of the section
the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘any Presidency of the Lee-
ward Islands’ the words ‘‘the Colony’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘such Presidency’’ wherever
these words appear in paragraphs (a) and
(b) the words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall in each
case be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words ‘“‘of the Presidency in which
such fine has been awarded, or directed
to be paid, for the public uses of such
Presidency’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Circuits of the Leeward
Islands’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘any of the said Circuits in
which the offender shall be apprehended,
or be in custody’’ the words ‘‘the
Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘that Circuit’’ and the words
“such Circuit’’ the words ‘‘the Colony’’
shall in each case be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands, or in any
Presidency thereof’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’
shall be substituted.








Short title Section
Perjury Act 4
Post Office Offences 4
Rewards for the 4
Apprehension of
Criminals Act
Riot Act 4

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands, or out of
any Presidency thereof’, and the words
‘‘Leeward Islands, or in such Presidency”’
wherever they appear the word ‘‘Colony’”’
shall in each case be substituted.

For the words ‘‘that Circuit, district, or
place where he has been apprehended, or
is in custody’’ at the end of the section
the words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands, or in any
Presidency thereof’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’
shall be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

After the word ‘‘Act’’ the words ‘‘or Ordi-
nance’ shall be inserted and the words
‘| or any Presidency thereof,’’ shall be

The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’’ in
paragraph (a) and the words ‘‘or of any
Presidency of the Colony’’ in paragraph
(b) shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘, or of any Presidency of the
Colony of the Leeward Islands’’ at the
end of the section shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency within which
the same is placed or maintained’, and
the words ‘‘of such Presidency, as afore-
said,’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency wherein the
crime charged was committed’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘such Presidency’’ the words
‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency or any part of
a Presidency where such assembly shall
be’? the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be sub-

The words “‘or of the Presidency or part of
a Presidency where such assembly shall
be’’ shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.
The words ‘‘or part of a Presidency where
such persons shall be so apprehended’”’

shall be deleted.




Cap. Short title Section Amendment
48 Training Schools 10 The words ‘‘in any Presidency’’ shall be
Act deleted.

For the words ‘‘Legislature of such Presi-
dency as aforesaid’’ at the end of the
section the words ‘‘Legislative Council’’
shall be substituted.

15 The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’’
shall be deleted.

16(1) The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’’
shall be deleted.

25 The words ‘‘Presidency in which is situate
the Training School where the inmate is
kept in respect of whose maintenance the
contribution is made’’ shall be deleted.

26 The words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ shall be

Schedule The words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ in the head-
ing shall be deleted.
For the words ‘‘Presidency of ”
wherever these words appear the words
“Colony of Antigua’’ shall in each case
be substituted.

50 Banker’s Books 9 For the word ‘‘bank-holiday’’ the words
(Evidence) Act “public holiday’’ shall be substituted.
51 By-Laws (Evidence) 2 The whole section shall be deleted.
52 Evidence Act 31 The words ‘‘or the Administrator or Com-
missioner of any Presidency,’’ shall be
53 Executive Councils 2 The words “‘or of any Presidency thereof’’
(Evidence) Act shall be deleted.
3 For the words ‘‘any of the Executive

Councils aforesaid’’ the words ‘‘the
Executive Council’ shall be substituted.

54 Gazette (Evidence) 2 The definition of the expression ‘‘The
Act Gazette’’ shall be deleted.
4 The whole section shall be deleted.
56 Jury Act 2 The words “‘of the Circuit in which the

Registrar referred to in the context
serves’’ in the definition of the expression
‘Magistrate’ shall be deleted.

3(1) The words ‘‘of every Circuit, except the
Anguilla Circuit,’’ shall be deleted.
For the words ‘‘Presidency in which he
serves’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

Cap. Short title

56 Jury Act






For the words ‘“‘any of the following
islands, namely, Antigua, Saint Christo-
pher, Nevis, Montserrat, and Tortola’’
the word ‘‘Antigua’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘in the Circuit in which he
resides’’ in paragraph (d) shall be deleted.

For the words “‘any of the following
islands, namely, Antigua, Saint Christo-
pher, Nevis, Montserrat, and Tortola’’ the
word ‘‘Antigua’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘in the Circuit in which he
resides’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of every Circuit, other than
the Anguilla Circuit,’’ shall be deleted.
For the word ‘‘Circuit’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’

shall be substituted.

For the expression ‘‘a Registrar’’ the words
“‘the Registrar’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which the
Circuit is situated,’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

For the expression ‘‘a Registrar’ the words
“the Registrar’ shall be substituted.

10(1) (b) The words ‘‘in the Circuit’’ wherever these




words appear in subparagraphs (i), (ii)
and (iti) shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘in the Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Circuit’’ in subsections
(1) and (2) shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of any Circuit,’’ and the words
“at, the Circuit Courts of the Circuit’
in subsection (4) shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Circuit stated in the
heading of the register’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘for the Circuit’, and the
words ‘‘for the Circuit in question’’ shall
be deleted.

The words “‘for any Circuit’ shall be

For the words ‘‘, and serve at, the
Circuit Courts of the Circuit,’’ the word
“serve’’ shall be substituted.

13(1) (a) The words ‘‘of the Circuit stated in the

heading of the register’ shall be deleted.
For the word ‘‘Circuit’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’
shall be substituted.


Cap. Short, title Section Amendment
56 Jury Act 13(2) The words ‘‘for the same Circuit’’ and the
(Contd.) words ‘‘made in the same Circuit’’ shall
be deleted.

14(1) The words ‘‘in any Circuit’’ shall be deleted.
For the words ‘‘Circuit Court in question’’
at the end of the subsection the words

“‘said Court’’ shall be substituted.

15(1) For the letter ‘‘a’’ appearing before the
word ‘‘Registrar’’ the word ‘‘the’’ shall be

For the word “‘Circuit’’ the word ‘‘Colony”’
shall be substituted.

15(3) For the expression ‘‘a Circuit’’ the words
“‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

16(1) The word ‘‘the’’ shall be substituted for the
letter ‘‘a’’ appearing immediately before
the word ‘‘Registrar’’.

The words ‘‘in that Circuit’’ in paragraph
(a) shall be deleted.

16(2) In paragraph (6) for the word ‘‘Circuit’’
the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

16(4) The word ‘‘the’’ shall be substituted for the
letter ‘‘a’’ appearing immediately before
the word ‘‘Registrar’’.

The words ‘‘of the Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

17 The words ‘‘of the Circuit’, ‘‘of any Cir-
cuit’, ‘‘of the same Circuit’ respectively
shall be deleted.

18(1) For the letter ‘‘a’’ appearing immediately
before the word ‘‘Registrar’’ the word
“‘the’’ shall be substituted.

20(1) The words ‘‘of the Circuit in which the
trial is to be held’’ shall be deleted.

21(1) The words ‘‘of the Circuit, in which the
trial is to be held,’’ shall be deleted.
The words ‘‘for the Circuit’? wherever these
words appear in paragraph (a) shall in
each case be deleted.

22 The words ‘‘in the Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

23 The words ‘‘in the Circuit’’ in subparagraph
(ii) of paragraph (b) shall be deleted.
In the proviso for the words ‘‘a Circuit, in’’
the words ‘‘the Colony in’’ shall be

37 The words ‘‘in the same Circuit’’ shall be


Cap. Short title Section Amendment
56 Jury Act 38 For the words ‘‘presiding at a Circuit
(Contd.) Court’? the words ‘‘presiding at the

sitting of the Court’’ shall be substituted.
For the word ‘‘Circuit’’ the word ‘‘Colony”’
shall be substituted.

40 The words ‘‘for the Circuit in which the
fine is imposed’’ shall be deleted.

41(2) For the words ‘‘same Circuit’? the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

41(3) The words ‘‘for the Circuit in which the
fine was imposed’’ shall be deleted.

42(1) The words ‘‘at any Circuit Court’’, and the
words ‘‘of the Circuit in which the fine was
imposed’’ respectively shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘next Circuit Court in the
same Circuit’? the words ‘‘the session of
the Court then in progress’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘last mentioned Circuit
Court’’ the words ‘‘said session’’ shall be

42 (3) The words ‘‘of the Circuit in which the fine
was imposed’’ shall be deleted.

44(2) The words ‘‘of the Circuit, in which the
proceeding is to be tried,’’ shall be

44(3) For the words ‘‘Circuit in which the pro-
ceeding is to be tried’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

47(1) The words ‘‘in any Presidency,’’ and the
words ‘‘in that Presidency’’ shall be

47(3) The words ‘‘of the Presidency to which the
rules apply’’ shall be deleted.


49 The words “‘, in any Circuit,’’ shall be


First The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands or of
Schedule any Presidency thereof’’, the words
‘“‘Members of the General Legislative

Council of the Leeward Islands, and the

Clerk thereof’’, and the words ‘‘of any
Presidency’’ respectively shall be deleted.

Third For the words ‘‘Circuit of’’ the word
Schedule “Colony’’ shall be substituted.
The words ‘‘for District ”’ at the
end of the Schedule shall be deleted.




Cap. Short title



58 Exportation of
Arms and Warlike
Stores Act

61 Magistrate’s Code
of Procedure Act


The words ‘‘or from any Presidency or
island thereof’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘or from any Presidency ot
island thereof’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘or any Presidency or island
thereof’’ shall be deleted.

In the definition of the expression ‘‘Convic-
tion’ the words ‘‘or any Presidency
thereof’’ shall be deleted.

In the definition of the expression ‘‘Offence’’
the words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’’
shall be deleted.

For section 4 the following section shall
be substituted :—

“4, For the purpose of holding
Magistrate’s Courts the Colony is
divided into districts as follows :—

The island of Antigua into two

districts A and B.

The island of Barbuda into one

district C.’’

For the words ‘‘Antigua and St. Christopher’’
the words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands or

of any Presidency thereof’’ the words ‘‘or
Ordinance’’, shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘as aforesaid’ the words ‘‘or
Ordinance’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘in any Presidency’’ and the
words ‘‘of such Presidency’’ shall be

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘the Presidency or island
in which the district is situated’, the
words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Legislatures of the Presi-
dencies in which the districts of such
Magistrates are situated’’ the words
“Legislative Council’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘But it is’’ the words ‘‘Tt is’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Act of the Colony or of any
Presidency thereof’ the words ‘‘Act or
Ordinance’ shall be substituted.


Cap. Short title Section


61 Magistrate’s Code 26
of Procedure Act











The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘of the Colony or of any
Presidency thereof’’ in subparagraph (i)
of paragraph (d) the words “or
Ordinance’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘of the Colony or any
Presidency’’ in subparagraph (iii) of
paragraph (d) the words ‘‘or Ordinance’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘of the Colony or any
Presidency thereof’’ in paragraph (/) the
words ‘‘or Ordinance’”’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘“‘of any Presidency’’ in para-
graph (0) shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Acts’’ in paragraph (p) the
word ‘‘acts’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘of the Colony or any
Presidency thereof?’ the words ‘‘or
Ordinance’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘for the same Presidency’’ shall
be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Fresidency of’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘the Inspector of Police of
the Presidency in which the act charged
has been committed’’ the words ‘‘a
member of the Police Force’’ shall be

The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ shall be

The words ‘‘or Presidency’’ shall be deleted.
The whole section shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘in the Presidency in which such
warrant is issued’’ shall be deleted.

In the marginal note the words “‘in the
Presidency’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘an inspector of police or
any constable’’ the words ‘‘any member
of the Police Force’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘same Presidency’’ the
word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The whole of sections 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 and
71 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which the
preliminary inquiry has been held’’ shall
be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.



Cap. Short title Section Amendment
61 Magistrate’s Code 74 The words “‘, or in the case of an indictable
of Procedure Act offence committed out of the Colony, to
(Contd.) the prison of the Presidency in which
such warrant is issued,’’ shall be deleted.
78 The words ‘‘of the same Presidency’’ shall
be deleted.

82 For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word

“Colony’’ shall be substituted.
83 The words ‘‘of the Circuit in which such

person as aforesaid has been committed
to take his trial’’ shall be deleted.

114 The words ‘‘to be executed in the
Presidency’’ and the words ‘‘within
Presidency’’ in the marginal note shall be

115 The whole section shall be deleted.

156(2) The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’’
wherever these words appear shall be

156(3) For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

167 For the words ‘‘Legislature of the Presi-
dency in which they respectively serve’’
the words ‘‘Legislative Council’’ shall be

168 For the words ‘‘Presidency in which the
same shall have been received’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be. substituted.

171 For the words ‘‘of the Colony or any Presi-
dency’’ the words ‘‘or Ordinance’’ shall
be substituted.

176 For the words ‘‘Circuit mentioned in the
said section’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

178 The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ shall be
deleted. .

181 The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ at the end
of the section shall be deleted.

190 For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

206 For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

209 The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which the
preliminary inquiry has been held’’ shall
be deleted.

221 The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which they

were taken’’ shall be deleted.


Cap. Short title Section

61 Magistrate’s Code 227
of Procedure Act










The words ‘‘an inspector of police or’’ shall
be deleted.

For the words ‘‘any other Act’’ the words
“any other Act or Ordinance’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘or law of the Colony or
any Presidency thereof’’ in paragraph (e)
the words ‘‘or Ordinance’’ shall he

For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ in the
said paragraph the words ‘‘the Colony”’
shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘Presidency or’’ wherever these
words appear shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘a Registrar of’’ the words
“the Registrar of’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Colonial Secretary’’
the word ‘‘Administrator’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘of the Presidency or island
in which his district is situate for the
public use of such Presidency or island
except where otherwise provided by any
Act of the Colony or any Presidency
thereof’? the words ‘‘for the public use
of the Colony except where otherwise
provided by any other Act or Ordinance’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘General Legislature’ the
words ‘‘Legislative Council’’ shall he

For the words ‘‘in the Acts’’ the words “‘in
the Acts or Ordinances’? shall be

For the words ‘‘Acts of the Colony or the
Presidencies thereof’’ the words ‘‘Acts or
Ordinances of the Colony or’’ shall
be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Act of the Colony or any
Presidency thereof’? the words ‘‘Act or
Ordinance of the Colony’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘future Acts as aforesaid’
the words ‘‘future Acts or Ordinances as
aforesaid’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Act amending’’ the words
“‘Act or Ordinance amending’’ shall be




Cap. Short title Section Amendment


64 Obeah Act 4 For the words ‘‘or Acts’’ the words ‘‘or
Ordinance’ shall be substituted.
For the words ‘‘Whipping Act’’ the words
“Corporal Punishment Act, 1949’’ shall
be substituted.

65 Prevention of 2 In the definition of the expression ‘‘Chief
Crimes Act officer of Police’ for the words ‘‘Chief
Inspector’ the word‘‘ Commissioner’’ shall
be substituted.
For the words ‘‘Inspector or sub-inspector’’
the words ‘‘Superintendent or Assistant
Superintendent’’ shall be substituted.
For the words ‘‘officer of police in any
Presidency of’’ the words ‘‘police officer
in’’ shall be substituted.

5(2) The words “‘of his district’? at the end of
paragraph (a) shall be deleted.

7 For section 7 the following section shall be

“7, Every person subject to the super-
vision of the police, who is at large in the
Colony, shall notify the place of his
residence or any change thereof to the
Chief officer of Police and if such person
be a male he shall once in each month
report himself at such time as may be
prescribed by the Chief officer of Police
either to such officer himself or to such
other person as the Chief officer of Police
may direct and such report may accord-
ingly as such Chief officer of Police directs
be required to be made personally or by

8 The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which such
residence is situated’’ shall be deleted.

14 The words ‘‘A previous conviction in any
Circuit may be proved against a prisoner
in any other Circuit of the Colony’’ shall

be deleted.
67 Small Charges 9 The words ‘‘Presidency or’’ shall be deleted.
34 The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’ in


paragraphs (a) and (b) and the words ‘‘or
in any such Presidency’’ in paragraph (b)
shall be deleted.

Schedule For the words ‘‘Presidency of’’ the words
“Colony of Antigua’’ shall be substituted.


Cap. Short title. Section Amendment
68 Small Tenements First For the words ‘‘Presidency (or island)
Act Schedule "’ wherever these words

appear in the Forms bearing the following
captions—‘‘Form of Notice to quit under
Section 3’’, ‘‘Form of Notice to quit
under Section 4’’, ‘“‘Order for Recovery
of land under Section 6’’, and ‘‘Form of
Warrant of Possession under Section 7’’,
the word ‘‘Colony’”’ shall in each case be

For the words ‘‘in this Presidency’’ wher-
ever these words appear in the Forms
bearing the captions respectively ‘‘Form
of Summons under Section 5’’ and ‘‘Form
of appointment of estimators under
Section 12’’ the words “‘in this Colony’’
shall in each case be substituted.

69 Small Trespass Act 8 For the words ‘‘whether Federal or local’’
the words ‘‘or Ordinance’ shall be

72 Commissioners for 3 For the words ‘‘in the Presidency in which

Oaths Act it is executed’’ the words ‘‘which has
been executed in the Colony’’ shall be

The words ‘‘, in that Presidency,’’ shall be
4 The words “‘in any Presidency or Circuit,’’

and the words ‘‘in and for such Presidency
or Circuit’ shall be deleted.

75 Alien Bankers Act 2 The definition of the expression ‘‘Governor
in Council’ shall be deleted.
7 For the words ‘‘General Legislature’’

wherever these words appear in sub-
sections (4) and (5) the words
‘Legislative Council’ shall in each case
be substituted.

8 For the words ‘‘federal or local Act’’ the
words ‘‘Act or Ordinance’’ shall be

76 Aliens Land holding 4(1) For the words ‘‘of the Circuit in which the
Regulation Act land in respect of which a licence is

granted is situate’’ the words ‘‘of the
Colony’’ shall be substituted.

10 For the words ‘‘Colonial Secretary’’ the
word ‘‘Governor’’ shall be substituted.

16 After the words ‘‘Crown Suits Act’’ the
words ‘‘or by any Ordinance amending,
repealing or substituted for the same’’
shall be added.






Short title Section

Undesirable Persons 2
Expulsion Act





Local Constables 4


Emigrant Labourers 4(1)
Protection Act




The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘a Circuit Court’’ the
words ‘‘the Supreme Court’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘in the Presidency in which
such order was made’’ the words ‘‘for
the purpose of hearing the appeal’’ shall
be substituted.

The words ‘‘for the Presidency in which
the expulsion order was made’’ and the
second proviso to the subsection shall be

For the words ‘‘in the Presidency in which
the expulsion order was made’’ the words
“for the purpose of hearing the appeal’’
shall be substituted.

for the words ‘‘specified in the Schedule
to the Supreme Court Act’’ the words
“‘for the time being in force for witnesses
in criminal proceedings in the Supreme
Court’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘within a district’ the words
“‘within the Colony’”’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency in which such
district is situate’’ the word ‘‘Colony’”’
shall be substituted.

For the word ‘Presidency’? in para-
graph (b) the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Presidency for which he is
appointed’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘for which such constable is
appointed’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘district or’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency for which such
constable is appointed’ the word
“‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words “‘inspector or sub-inspector
of police’ the words ‘‘police officer’’ shall
be substituted.

For the words ‘‘an inspector or sub-inspector
of police from any Presidency’’ the words
“‘a police officer’’ shall be substituted.

Cap. Short title Section
88 Emigrant Labourers 4(2)
Protection Act

90 Guardianship of 9
Infants Act
93 Law of Property 9(4)
Amendment Act
94 Partition Act 2
97 Recovery of Rent 5
98 Settled Estates Act 3(2)



For the words ‘‘duties of an inspector or
sub-inspector’’ the words ‘‘duties of a
police officer’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘inspector or sub-inspector’’
wherever these words appear the words
‘“‘police officer’’ shall in each case be

For the words ‘‘inspector or sub-inspector
of police’ the words ‘‘police officer’ shall
be substituted.

The words ‘‘ any Presidency of’’ in para-
graph (a) shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘an inspector or sub-
inspector of police’ in paragraph (b) the
words ‘‘a police officer’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘of each Presidency’’ the
words “in the Colony’’ shall be

For the words ‘“‘by the same Judges, and
subject to the same conditions, as rules
of Court under the Supreme Court Act’
the words ‘‘in the same manner as rules
of the Supreme Court may be made’’ shall
be substituted.

For the words ‘‘of the Colony or of any
Presidency thereof?’ the words ‘‘or
Ordinance”’ shall be substituted.

In the definition of the expression ‘‘Court’’
the words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall
be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Acts’’ the word ‘‘law’’
shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Acts’’ the word ‘‘laws’’
shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Acts’’ the word! ‘‘laws’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘any Act’’ the words
law’’ shall be substituted.




For the words ‘‘a Registrar’’ wherever these
words appear the words ‘‘the Registrar’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘of the General Legislature,
or of any Island Legislature’’ the words
‘or Ordinance’’ shall be substituted.

ee ee

Cap. Short title
98 Settled Estates

Act (Contd.)

99 Title by Registration






18 (5)



For the words ‘‘by the Chief Justice with
the assistance of the Puisne Judges or
either of them’’ the words ‘‘in the same
manner as rules of the Supreme Court
may be made’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘for the Circuit in which the
lands are situate’’ and the words ‘‘for the
Circuit’? wherever these words appear
shall in each case be deleted.

For the words ‘‘volumes for each Circuit’’
the word ‘‘volume’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘'the Colonial Secretary or to’’,
the words ‘‘or Commissioner of the
Presidency in which the land is situate’’,
the words ‘‘Colonial Secretary, or by’’
and the words ‘‘or Commissioner as the
case may be’’ shall in each case be


The words ‘‘for the Circuit in which the
land is situate,’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘, in a Circuit in which news-
Papers are published,’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘such newspapers’ the
words ‘‘the newspapers published in the
Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Full Court’’ wherever these
words appear the words ‘‘Court of
Appeal’”’ shall be substituted.

For subsection (4) the following subsection
shall be substituted :—

““(4) All fees paid under this section
and all damages recovered under sub-
section (2) of section 19 of this Act shall
be paid into the Treasury for the public
uses of the Colony.”’

The whole subsection shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘, with the consent of the
Governor,’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘“‘except that,’’ the word
“and’’ shall be substituted.

After the words ‘‘Crown Suits Act’’ the
words “‘or any Ordinance amending,
repealing or substituted for the same’
shall be added.

For the words ‘‘except that’’ the word
“‘and’”’ shall be substituted.

_—_—_—_— re eeeeseseseseeSsSsSeee


Cap. Short title Section Amendment

99 Title by Registration 19(1) For the words ‘‘Titles to Land Assurance
Act (Contd.) Fund’’ the words ‘‘general revenue of
the Colony’’ shall be substituted.
The proviso shall be deleted.

19(2) For the words ‘‘of the General Govern-
ment’’ the words ‘‘of the Government’’
shall be substituted.

35(1) The words “‘of any Presidency of the
Colony’’ shall be deleted.

713 For the words ‘‘may be served under the
Supreme Court Act’’ the words ‘‘of the
Supreme Court may be served’’ shall be

76 For the words ‘‘the island in which the
land is situated’ the word “Colony’’
shall be substituted.

105(2) The second proviso shall be deleted.
136(1) The words ‘“‘for each Circuit’? and the
words ‘‘for that Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Registrars’’ in the marginal
note the word ‘‘Registrar’’ shall be sub-


160 The words “‘of the Colony’’ and the words
“In the various Circuits’? shall be

For the word ‘‘Registrars’’ the word
‘Registrar’ shall be substituted.

161 For the words ‘‘Legislatures of the several
Presidencies’’ at the end of the section
the words ‘‘Legislative Council’ shall be

162 For the words ‘‘offices of the Registrars of
Titles in the different Circuits’’ the words
“office of the Registrar of Titles’ shall
be substituted.

163 For the words ‘‘Full Court’’ the words
“Court of Appeal’’ shall be substituted.

First For the words ‘‘under the Supreme Court
Schedule Act’’ in the expression ‘‘Enter Appear-
ance’’ the words ‘‘in civil proceedings in

the Supreme Court’’ shall be substituted.

In the expression ‘‘Indefeasible’’ the word
“‘challenge’’ shall be substituted for the

word “challange’’ and the word
“General’’ wherever it appears shall be

The words ‘‘, or any of the Presidencies

thereof” in the expression ‘Licensed
Surveyor’’ shall be deleted.

Cap. Short title

99 Title by Registration
Act (Contd.)

102 Acts and Ordinances







The word ‘‘General’’ in the expression
“‘Note’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘under the Supreme Court
Act’’ in the expression ‘‘Notice to Pay
Off’’ the words ‘‘in civil proceedings in
the Supreme Court’’ shall be substituted.

For the last sentence of the expression
“Registry’’ the following sentence shall
be substituted :

“The Registry of the Supreme Court
shall be the Registry of Titles to

The words “‘in each Circuit’’, and the words
“of the Colony’’ in the expression ‘‘Seal
of the Registrar of Titles’’ shall be

The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ in the
expression ‘‘The Court’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘THE LEEWARD
ISLANDS” wherever these words appear
in the caption of any Form the word
“ANTIGUA”’ shall be substituted.

The word ‘‘CIRCUIT’”’ in Form 3 shall be

The words ‘‘for the Circuit’’ wherever these
words appear in Forms 1, 2, 16, 20, 21,
22, 23, 24, 25 and 26 shall in each case
be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Circuit’’ wherever these
words appear in Forms 5, 6 to 13
inclusive, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22 and 25 shall
be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Colony of the Leeward
Islands’’ in Form 21 shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Colony of the Leeward
Islands’’ in Form 27 the words ‘‘Colony
of Antigua’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Full Court’’ wherever they
appear in Form 29 the words ‘‘Court of
Appeal’ shall be substituted, and the
words ‘‘Of The Leeward Islands’’ in this
Form shall also be deleted.

The word ‘‘General’’ shall be deleted.


Cap. Short title Section


102 Acts and Ordinances 3
Act (Contd.)

This section shall be renumbered ‘‘3. (1)’’.
The word ‘‘General’’ shall be deleted.

The following subsection shall be added as

subsection (2) :—
““(2) In this section the word ‘‘Gover-

nor’? means the Governor of the Leeward
4 For the word ‘‘Act’’ the word ‘‘Ordinance’’

shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘General Legislature’ the

words ‘‘Legislative Council’ shall be


For the word ‘‘Acts’’ in the marginal note,

the word “‘Ordinances’’ shall be

5 The word ‘‘General’’ shall be deleted.

6 For the words ‘‘Colonial Secretary shall’’

the words ‘‘Administrator may’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘two hundred other copies

For the words

of each Act passed by the General
Legislature, and shall’ the words ‘‘as
many copies of each Ordinance passed by
the Legislative Council as he may consider
necessary and may’’ shall be substituted.
“the Governor’ the word
“he’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Acts’’ in the marginal note

the word “Ordinances’’ shall be
1 The words ‘‘the Colonial Secretary, or’’ and

the words ‘‘or Commissioner of the Presi-
dency in which the Court is held’’ shall
be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Acts’’ in the marginal note

the word ‘‘Ordinances’’ shall be

8 For the words ‘‘Colonial Secretary’’ the
word ‘‘Administrator’’ shall be substi-

tuted, and for the word ‘‘Acts’’ where
this word appears in this section and in
the marginal note the word ‘‘Ordi-
nances,’’ shall in each case be substituted.

For the words ‘‘General Legislature’’ the

words ‘‘Legislative Council’’ shall be


a ee eC


Cap. Short title

102. Acts and Ordi-
nances Act

104 Marriage of British
Subjects (Facilities)

108 Married Women’s
Property Act

110 Lepers Act




and dis-
of Ordi-





For section 9 the following section shall be

9. At the close of each year, it shall
be the duty of the Administrator to cause
volumes to be well and substantially
bound, containing true copies of every
Ordinance passed in such year by the
Legislative Council, and to cause one
such volume certified by him to contain
correct copies of the said Ordinances, to
be forthwith forwarded to and lodged
in the office of the Registrar of the
Supreme Court to be recorded and
enrolled therein. The Administrator shall
also furnish one such volume to the Judge
of the Supreme Court for the Antigua
Circuit and to the Attorney General, to
be kept in the Court of such Judge,
and for the use of the Attorney General
respectively; and shall in addition
cause a sufficient number of such
volumes to be bound to provide for the
sale thereof to members of the public.’’

The words ‘a Presidency of’’ shall
be deleted.

Tor the words ‘‘that Presidency’’ at the end
of the subsection the words ‘‘the Colony’’
shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘a Presidency of’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘that Presidency’’ wherever
these words appear the words ‘‘the
Colony’’ shall in each case be substituted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ the words
‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ the words
“‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ shall be

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ shall be
deleted. .

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ shall be

The definition of the expression ‘‘Crown
Law Officer’’ shall be deleted.


Cap. Short title Section Amendment
110 Lepers Act 4 For the words “in the Presidency of
(Contd.) Antigua’’ the words ‘‘in the island of

Antigua’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘and at Sandy Point in the
Presidency of Saint Christopher and
Nevis’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘Jeper homes’’ wherever
these words appear the words ‘‘a leper
home’’ shall be substituted.

5 The words ‘‘of the Fresidency in which the
leper home is established’’ at the end of
the section shall be deleted.

13 For the words ‘“‘Crown law officer’ the
words ‘‘Attorney General’’ shall be

18 For the words ‘‘Presidency in which the

port where he desires to land is situate’
the word ‘“‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

27 For the words ‘‘Crown law officer’’ the
words ‘‘Attorney General’’ shall be

111 Lunatics Act 27 The words ‘‘from any Presidency, in which

he has been declared to be a lunatic,”’
and the words “‘any other Presidency
within’’ shall be deleted.

28 The whole section shall be deleted.
30 The words ‘‘from any Presidency’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Presidency to which such
person belongs’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall
be substituted.

The words ‘‘of such Presidency’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Presidency to which luna-
tic belongs’’ in the marginal note the
word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

31 The whole section shall be deleted.
32 The whole section shall be deleted.
42 For the words ‘‘powers conferred upon the

Supreme Court by subsection (3) of sec-
tion 33 of the Supreme Court Act’’ the
words ‘‘same powers as the Supreme
Court’’ shall be substituted.

54 The word ‘‘General’’ wherever it appears
shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘revokation’’ wherever it

appears the word ‘‘revocation’’ shall be

Cap. Short title



111. Lunatics Act

116 Commissions of
Inquiry Act

118 Distressed Colonial
Seamen Act






The words ‘‘in each Presidency’’ and the
words ‘‘within such Presidency’’ respec-
tively shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of any Island Legislature’’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ wherever
they appear the word ‘‘Antigua’’ shall be

The words ‘‘or of any local officer of any
Presidency,’’ shall be deleted,

For the words ‘‘Colonial Secretary’ at the
end of the section the word ‘‘Governor’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘a Circuit Court’’ the words
“‘the Supreme Court’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘the Chief Inspector’’ the
words ‘“‘the Superintendent’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Presidency in which, or in
respect of which, the inquiry is held’
the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The definition of the expression ‘‘Treasurer’’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘by the Treasurer of the
Presidency to which snch ship shall
belong’ the words ‘‘out of the public
moneys of the Colony’? shall be

The words ‘‘by the Treasurer’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Presidency to which the
colonial ship belonged, on board of which
such seaman or apprentice last served’
the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency to which the
colonial ship belonged on board of which
such seaman or apprentice last served’’
the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘the Presidency of’? and the
words ‘‘to which the colonial ship where-
on such colonial seaman or apprentice
was last employed belonged’’ shall be





Short title Section

Distressed Colonial 8
Seamen Act

Public Notices Act 2

Silver Dollars 2

Post Office Act 2





For the words ‘‘Treasurer of the Presidency
to which the colonial ship belonged, on
which such distressed seaman or appren-
tice last served,’’ the words ‘‘Chief
Accountant’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘said Presidency’’ the word
“‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the words ‘‘Chief
Accountant’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Act past before’ the words
“Act or Ordinance passed before or
after’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘such Act’’ the words ‘‘such
Act or Ordinance’’ shall be substituted.


The words ‘‘may apply to any one or more
Presidencies and’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘(if any)’’ shall be inserted
between the words ‘‘newspaper’’ and

een pe



The words ‘‘any Presidency or part of’’
shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘a Presidency of’’ and the words
“‘same Presidency or’’ in the definition of
the expression ‘‘Inland postal packets’’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘several Presidencies wherein
such offices are situate’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘each Presidency of’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘such Presidency’’ the
words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the several Presidencies’’
and the words ‘‘in the severa] Presiden-
cies’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘each of the Presidencies com-
prised in’, the words ‘‘and of each and
every the other Presidencies of the
Colony,’’ and the words ‘‘, on behalf
of each Presidency,’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the several Presidencies’’
and the words ‘‘any local Act or Ordi-
nance to the contrary notwithstanding,’’
shall be deleted.


a eee

Cap. Short title Section


a vv ec

123 Post Office Act 11


ment of



124 Telephones Act 3

135 Stamp Act

For section 11 the following section shall be

11. It shall be lawful for the
Governor on behalf of Her Majesty to
appoint a postmaster for the Colony at
such salary as may be approved by the
Secretary of State.’’

For the words ‘‘several postmasters’’ the
word ‘‘postmaster’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘any of the Islands of’’ shall be

The words ‘‘each of the several Islands of’’
shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘the several Presidencies of’’
shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Presidency where the same
shall happen’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall
be substituted.

The words ‘‘from parts beyond the limits
of any island of the Colony’’ and the
words ‘‘in any such island’’ shall be

The word ‘‘General’’ appearing before the
word ‘‘Legislative’’ in this section and in
the marginal note shall in each case be

The words ‘‘of the Colony’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands
Acts’’ the words ‘‘any Act or Ordinance’’
shall be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘“‘of the Leeward Islands’’
in the definition of the expression
“Postage rates’? the words “‘or Ordi-
nance’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’ in
the definition of the expression ‘‘Stamp
duties’’ the words ‘‘or Ordinance’’ shall
be substituted.

The definition of the expression ‘‘Treasurer’’
shall be deleted.

The proviso shall be amended by the deletion
of the words “‘in each or any Presi-
dency’’, and of the words ‘‘, and
notwithstanding’ and all the words

following thereafter down to the end of

the proviso.

Se $$$

Short title Section


135 Stamp Act 5



The words ‘‘Orders or rules may be made
to extend to the whole Colony or to one
or more Presidencies thereof, and all’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘several Treasuries and Post
offices of the respective Presidencies’’ the
words ‘‘Treasury or Post Office’ shall be

After the words ‘‘other Act’’ the words
“for Ordinance’’ shall be added.

For the words ‘‘Treasurer of any Presi-
dency’’ the words ‘‘Chief Accountant’
shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the words
“Chief Accountant’”’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘any Treasurer is applied
to to’’ the words ‘‘an application is made
to the Chief Accountant to’’ shall be

After the word ‘‘and’’ the word ‘‘he’’ shall
be added.

For the words ‘‘the Treasurer’’ the words
“the Chief Accountant’? shall be

The words ‘‘any part of’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Treasurer of the Presidency
in which the Court is held’’ the words
“Chief Accountant’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever it
appears the words ‘‘Chief Accountant’
shall in each case be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the words
“Chief Accountant’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Treasurer of any Presi-
dency’’ the words “‘Chief Accountant’’
shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever it
appears in these subsections the words
“Chief Accountant’’ shall in each case be


For the words ‘‘any Treasurer’? in para-
graph (a) the words ‘‘the Chief
Accountant’’ shall be substituted, and
for the words ‘‘the assessment of that
Treasurer’ the words ‘‘such assessment’’

shall be substituted.

—_—_— eS


Cap. Short title

Section Amendment

135 Stamp Act

22 (6) For the words ‘‘Treasurer of any Fresi-
dency’’ the words ‘‘Chief Accountant’”’
shall be substituted.

In the marginal note for the words ‘‘Any
Treasurer’’ there shall be substituted the
words ‘‘Chief Accountant’.


23(1) For the words ‘‘any Treasurer’? the words
“the Chief Accountant’? shall be

23(2) For the words ‘‘Circuit in which the place
is situate at which such assessment was
made,’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

The words ‘“‘in the same or any other
Presidency’’ at the end of the subsection
shall be deleted.

23(2) For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever it
(3) appears in subsections (2), (3), (4) and
(4) (5) the words ‘“‘Chief Accountant’’ shall
(5) in each case be substituted.

24 For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever it

appears in the section and in the marginal
note the words ‘‘Chief Accountant’ shall
in each case be substituted.

25(1) for the words ‘‘any Treasurer'’ the words
“the Chief Accountant’? shall be

26 The words ‘‘any Presidency of’ shall be

30(1) The words ‘‘of the Presidency of the
Colony’’ and all the words following
thereafter down to and including the
word ‘‘executed’’ at the end of the sub-
section shall be deleted.



The whole subsection shall be deleted.

31 l‘or the words ‘‘Treasurer of the Presi-
dency in which they are issued’’ the
words ‘‘Chief Accountant’’ shall he

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the words
“Chief Accountant’’ shall be substituted.

32(1) The words ‘‘or either of the Crown
Attorneys’’ wherever these words appear
shall in each case be deleted.

32(2) For the words ‘‘any Treasurer’ the words
“the Chief Accountant’? shall be


Cap. Short title



135 Stamp Act


34 (2)










For the words ‘‘any Treasurer’ the words
“the Chief Accountant’? shall be

The words ‘“‘of any Presidency’ shall be

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever it
appears the words ‘‘Chief Accountant’’
shall in each case be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.
The whole section shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘or any part thereof’’ shall be
deleted. :

For the words ‘‘any Treasurer’’ wherever
these words appear the words ‘‘the
Chief Accountant’’ shall in each case be

For the words ‘‘Treasurer of the Presidency
in which it is executed’’ the words ‘‘Chief
Accountant’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the words ‘‘Chief
Accountant’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever this
word appears in the section and in the
marginal note the words ‘‘Chief
Accountant’’ shall in each case be

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever it
appears in section 73 and section 74 the
words ‘‘Chief Accountant’’ shall in each
case be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the words
“Chief Accountant’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘, or the Officer Administering
the Government of the Presidency,’’ shall
be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the words ‘‘Chief
Accountant’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever it
appears in the section and in the marginal
note the words ‘‘Chief Accountant’’ shall
in each case be substituted.

For the words ‘“‘by the same Judges, and
subject to the same conditions, as rules of
Court under the provisions of the Supreme
Court Act’? the words ‘‘in the same
manner as rules of the Supreme Court
may be made’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency wherein such

estate is situate’ shall be deleted.

Cap. Short title Section
135 Stamp Act 82

137 Bills of Exchange Act 14


96 (3)


139 Bills of Sale Act 11



After the words ‘‘Crown Suits Act’’ the
words ‘‘or any Ordinance amending,
repealing or substituted for the same’’
shall be added.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the words ‘‘Chief
Accountant’”’ shall be substituted.

In paragraph (6b) of the expression ‘‘Affi-
davit or Statutory Declaration’’ for the
words ‘‘Treasurer of any Fresidency’’
the words ‘‘Chief Accountant’’ shall be
substituted, and for the words ‘‘such
Treasurer’? the word ‘‘him’’ shall be
substituted. ;

The words ‘‘or of the Presidency’’ in the
expression ‘‘Attestation of Signature’
shall be deleted.

The expression ‘‘Bank Notes’’ and all the
words relating thereto shall be deleted.
The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’’ and
the words “‘in any such Presidency’’ in
the expression ‘‘Exemplification’’ shall in

each case be deleted.

For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ in para-
graph (c) of the expression ‘‘Warrant of
Attorney of any other kind’’ the words
“the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘, or of any Presidency thereof,’’
in paragraph (d) of the said expression
shall be deleted.

In subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (a) for
the words “bank holiday’’ the words
“‘public holiday’’ shall be substituted, and
for the words ‘‘Bank Holidays Act’’ the
words ‘‘Public Holidays Act’’ shall be

The following paragraph shall be substituted
for paragraph (b)—
““(b) A public holiday under the
Public Holidays Act.’’

The words ‘‘or in any Presidency of the
Colony’’ in paragraph (a) shall be

For the words ‘‘LEEWARD ISLANDS”
the word ‘‘ANTIGUA” shall be

The words ‘‘in the Presidency of’’ shall be

The words ‘‘for each Circuit’? shall be


Cap. Short title Section

139 Bills of Sale Act 18

140 Companies Act 2






141 Copyright Act Schedule


For the words ‘‘by the like Judges, in the
like manner, and subject to the like con-
ditions as rules under and for the purposes
of the Supreme Court Act’’ the words
“‘in like manner as rules of the Supreme
Court may be made and altered’’ shall
be substituted.

For the definition of the expression ‘‘Act
of the Colonial Legislature’ the following
definition shall be substituted :—

“Act of the Colonial Legislature’’
shall be taken to mean any Act
or Ordinance in force in the

The words “‘of the Presidency of Antigua’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency in which the
registered office of the Company is
situated’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

The words ‘‘of the Presidency wherein the
order shall be made’’ shall be deleted.

For section 205 the following section shall
be substituted :—

“205. Rules for the purposes of this
Act may from time to time be made in
like manner as Rules of the Supreme
Court may be made, and, subject to any
such rules, the Rules of the Supreme
Court for the time being in force shall
apply to and govern the practice and
procedure in the winding up of companies
by the Court.’’

For the words ‘‘the Leeward Islands’’
wherever these words appear in regula-
tion 51 of Table A the word ‘‘Antigua’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘the Leeward Islands’’ in
Article 24 of the Articles of Association
in Form B the word ‘‘Antigua’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Federal Treasurer’ the
words ‘‘Collector of Customs’’ shall be

After the word ‘‘under’’ the words ‘‘the
Trade and Revenue Ordinance, 1900’’
shall be inserted.

The whole of paragraphs (a), (b), (d) and
(e) shall be deleted.



Cap. Short title Section


SSS ee

141 Copyright Act Schedule
144 Merchandise Marks 14(1)
145 Notaries Public Act 2(3)

147 Patents Act

The words ‘‘according to the Presidency
into which the copies are imported,’’ shall
be deleted.

For the words ‘‘such Ordinance or Act’’
the words ‘‘the said Ordinance’’ shall be

The words ‘‘The Federal Treasurer shall
communicate any notice given to him
under this subsection to the Treasurer of
each of the Presidencies’’ shall be deleted.

For the words “‘any of the local Acts or
Ordinances mentioned in the preceding
sub-section’ in subsection (2) the words
“the aforesaid Trade and Revenue
Ordinance, 1900’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Treasurer of the Presidency
into which such copies may be imported”’
the words ‘‘Collector of Customs’’ shall
be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Treasurer of the Presi-
dency’’ in subsection (5) the words
“Collector of Customs’’ shall _ be

For the words ‘‘Federal Treasurer’’ wher-
ever these words appear in subsection (6)
the words ‘‘Collector of Customs’’ shall
in each case be substituted.

The words ‘‘and any Presidency thereof’
shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘in each of the Presidencies’’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘“‘in that Presidency’’ the
words ‘in the Colony’’ shall be

The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which he
resides at the time of such appointment”’
shall be deleted.

The word ‘‘Chief’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Colony’’ shall be deleted.

The word ‘‘Chief’’ in the definition of the
expression ‘‘Registrar’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘in the Presidency of Antigua’’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘the Attorney General’ the
words ‘‘a Judge in Chambers’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Attorney General’’ the word
‘‘Judge’’ shall be substituted.


Cap. Short title Section Amendment
147 Patents Act 8(2) For the words ‘‘the Attorney General’’ the
(Contd.) words ‘‘a Judge in Chambers’’ shall be

8(3) For the words ‘‘Attorney Genera]’’ the
word ‘‘Judge’’ shall be substituted.

8(5) For the words ‘‘the Attorney General’’ the
words ‘‘a Judge in Chambers’’ shall he

9 For the words ‘‘at any time between the
hours of 10 a.m., and 4 p.m. on all work-
ing days, except Saturdays when the
hours shall be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.”’
the words ‘‘during office hours.’’ shall be

10(3) For the words ‘‘the Attorney General’’ the
words ‘‘a Judge in Chambers’ shall be

10(4), For the words ‘‘Attorney General’’ wherever
(5), these words appear in the said subsections
(6) the word ‘‘Judge’’ shall be substituted.

12(2) For the words ‘‘the Attorney General’
wherever these words appear in para-
graph (a) the words ‘“‘a Judge in
Chambers’’ shall in each case be

20(3) For the words ‘‘the Attorney General’’ the
words ‘‘a Judge in Chambers’’ shall be

20(4) For the words ‘‘Attorney General’’ the
word ‘‘Judge’’ shall be substituted.

20(6) For the words ‘‘the Attorney General’’ the
words ‘‘a Judge in Chambers’’ shall be

20(7) For the words ‘‘Attorney General’’ the
word ‘‘Judge’’ shall be substituted.

39 For the words ‘Presidency or island’’ the
word ‘‘part’’ shall be substituted.
41 For the words ‘‘the Registrar or the

Attorney General, they or either of them’’
the words ‘‘a Judge or the Registrar, the
Registrar’ shall be substituted.

42 For the words ‘‘The Attorney General may’’
the words ‘‘A Judge may’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Attorney General’’ wherever
these words appear in the other parts of
the section the word ‘‘Judge’’ shall in
each case be substituted.



Cap. Short title Section
147 Patents Act 42

45(3), (4),
(5), (6),
(7), (8),

(9) & (11)


45 (12)


148 Registration of 2
United Kingdom
Patents Act

149 Pawnbrokers Act 28



For the words ‘‘Attorney General’ in the
marginal note the word ‘‘Judge’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Colonial Secretary’’ wher-
ever these words appear the word
‘Governor’ shall in each case be

For the words ‘‘Colonial Secretary’’ and the
words ‘‘Colonial Secretary for the time
being’’ the word ‘‘Governor’’ shall
respectively be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Colonial Secretary’? wher-
ever these words appear in the said sub-
sections, the word ‘‘Governor’’ shall in
each case be substituted.

The words “‘, or of the Attorney General’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Colonial Secretary’’ the
word ‘‘Governor’’ shall be substituted.
The words ‘‘, with the sanction of the

Governor,’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘in the Presidency of Antigua’’
in the Note to Form A shall be deleted.

For the words ‘His Excellency
(here insert the name of the Governor)
Governor and Commander in Chief in and
over the Colony of the Leeward Islands’’
in the heading to Form D the words ‘‘His
Administrator of the Colony of Antigua’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘the Leeward Islands’ in the
second recital in Form D the word
“‘Antigua’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Governor of the Colony’”’
the word ‘‘Administrator’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Chief Registrar’ in the
definition of the expression ‘‘Registrar’’
the words “Registrar of the Supreme
Court’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Bank’’ in paragraph (d) the
word ‘‘Public’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘for the use of the Presidency
in which the prosecution takes place’’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Treasurer of the Presidency

in which his shop is situate’ the words
“Chief Accountant’’ shall be substituted.





Short title Section







Trade Marks Act 2






Trustee Act 5

Trustee Relief 2

Trustee and 2

Mortgagee Act

Weights and 2
Measures Act

The definition of the expression ‘‘Governor’’
shall be deleted.

The word ‘‘Chief’’ in the definition of the
expression ‘‘Registrar’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘, and such fees shall be levied
and paid rateably to the Treasuries of
the several Presidencies in the same pro-
portions as the several Presidencies con-
tribute to federal expenditure’ shall be

The word ‘‘Chief’’ shall be deleted.
The word ‘‘Chief’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘General Legislature’? wher-
ever these words appear the words ‘‘Legis-
lative Council’ shall in each case be

For the words ‘‘Bank Holidays Act’’ the
words “‘Public Holidays Act’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘General Legislature’ wher-
ever these words appear in sections (4)
and (5) the words ‘‘Legislative Council’
shall in each case be substituted.

For the words ‘‘St. John, Antigua’ the
words ‘‘St. John’s, Antigua’’ shall be

For the words “‘the Act of the Leeward
Islands, and the Acts of any Presidency
thereof’? the words ‘‘any Act or Oridi-
nance of the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The word ‘‘Chief’’ shall be deleted.
For the words ‘‘one of the Registrars’ the
words ‘‘the Registrar’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted,

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ the word
“‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The definition of the expressions Treas-
urer’’ and ‘‘Treasury’’ shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever it
appears in the section and in the margi-
nal note the words ‘‘Collector of
Customs’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the words
“Collector of Customs’ shall be

or A


Cap. Short title Section



154 Weights and 7(2)
Measures Act






155 Receivers of 28
Wreck Act

The words ‘‘, with respect to any Presidency
named, in such order,’’ and the words
“in any Presidency named in such order’’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Treasurer of the Presidency,
to which such order relates,’’ the words
“Collector of Customs’’ shall _ be

The words ‘‘each and every of the Presi-
dencies of’’ shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the words
Collector of Customs’”’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of each Presidency’’ shall be

The words ‘‘of each Presidency’’, the words
“in the Presidency to which they relate’’,
and the words ‘‘of that Presidency’’ shall
be deleted.

For the words ‘‘in use in the Presidency’’
the words ‘‘in use in the Colony’’ shall
be substituted.

For the words ‘‘appointed for the Presi-
dency’? the words ‘“‘appointed for the
Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of each Presidency’’ shall be

The words ‘‘or the Administrator or Com-
missioner of any Presidency,’’ shall be

For the word ‘‘non-nommissioned’’ the
word ‘‘non-commissioned’’ shall be

The words ‘‘of the Presidency wherein such
wreck was found’’ shall be deleted.


Part II
No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment
8/1928 Friendly Societies 2 For the definition of the expression
Act, 1928 “Savings Bank’’ the following definition
shall be substituted :—

‘Savings Bank’’ means the Savings
Bank established under the Savings
Bank Ordinance, 1937 (No. 3/


3(2) For the words ‘‘Chief Registrar’ the words
“Registrar of the Supreme Court’’ shall
be substituted.

93(1) For the words ‘‘General Legislature’’ the
words ‘‘Legislative Council’’ shall be

9/1929 Legitimacy Act, 8 For the words ‘‘Federal or Local Act’’ the
1929 words ‘‘Act or Ordinance’’ shall be

7 After the words ‘‘Escheat Act, 1880’’ the
words ‘‘or any Act amending, repealing
or substituted for the same’’ shall be

Schedule The words ‘‘of any Presidency’’ and the
words ‘‘in the Presidency’? in para-
graph 1 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which the
birth of such legitimated person is regis-
tered’’ in paragraph 2 shall be deleted.

The words ‘“‘of any Presidency’’ and the
words ‘‘in the Presidency’? in para-
graph 3 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of any Presidency’’ in para-
graph 5 shall be deleted.

10/1929 Emigrants Protec- 2 For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ in the definition

tion Act, 1929 of the expression ‘‘Senior police officer’
the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

9(1) For the words ‘‘any Presidency’? and the
words ‘‘the Presidency’’ the words ‘‘the
Colony’’ shall in each case be substituted.

9(2) For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ the words
“the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

9(3) The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ wherever
these words appear shall in each case be

11 The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ shall be




No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment
10/1929 Emigrants Protec- 13 The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ where these
tion Act, 1929 words appear after the words ‘‘Treasury”’
(Contd.) and ‘‘Governor in Council’’ respectively

shall be deleted.
For the words ‘‘cost of the Presidency’’ the
words ‘‘cost of the Colony’’ shall be


14 The words ‘‘of the Presidency’? wherever
these words appear shall in each case be

15 For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word

“‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

16 For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the words
“Chief Accountant’’ shall be substituted.
The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ wherever
these words appear shall in each case be

17(1) The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’’ in
paragraph (6) shall be deleted.

In paragraph (c) for the word ‘‘Presidency’’
the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted
and for the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ the
words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

17(2) The words “‘of the Presidency” shall be

18(1) For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever it
appears the words ‘‘Chief Accountant’’
shall in each case be substituted.

For the words ‘‘the Presidency’’ wherever
these words appear the words ‘‘the
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’?
shall be deleted.

18(2) For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever it
appears the words ‘‘Chief Accountant’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency in which he was
recruited’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

The words ‘“‘or any Presidency thereof’’
shall be deleted.

19 For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ the words
“the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

24 The words ‘‘Governor or by’’ and the words
“or Commissioner’ shall be deleted.

First For the words ‘‘the Leeward Islands’ in
Schedule Form II the word ‘‘Antigua’’ shall be
-__ ee


No. and

Year Short title Section Amendment

10/1929 Emigrants Protec- First For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ in
tion Act, 1929 Schedule Form III the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be
(Contd.) substituted.

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ in Form III
the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ in the Note to
Form III the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

12/1929 Overseas Nurses’ 2 The words ‘‘or of any Presidency thereof’
Pensions Act, and the words ‘‘or any Presidency
1927, there of’’ shall be deleted.

Amendment Act,

4/1930 Summary Jurisdic- 2 The words ‘‘at the following times, that is
tion Act, Amend- to say’’ and all the words following
ment Act, 1930. thereafter down to and including the

word ‘‘issues’’ shall be deleted.
The whole of paragraph (b) shall be

11/1930 Stamp Act Amend- 2 The words and figures ‘‘(1) Section 78 is
ment Act, 1930 hereby repealed’? and all the words

following thereafter down to and includ-
ing the words “‘or held’’ in subsection (2)
shall be deleted.

6/1931 Emigrants Protec- 2 The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ shall be
tion Act, 1929, deleted.

Amendment Act,
2/1932 Companies (Amend- 2(2) The word ‘‘Chief’’ shall be deleted.
ment) Act, 1932
2(5) The words ‘“‘of Antigua to the account of
the General Government’’ shall be

5/1932 Unrepresented 2 For the words ‘‘Presidency concerned’’ the
Estates (Amend- word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.
ment) Act, 1932

9/1932 Registration and 2 The words ‘‘or otherwise contrary to the
Records (Amend- provisions of section 30 of the Supreme
ment) Act, 1932 Court Act,’’ shall be deleted.

11/1932 Courts of Justice For the words “Treasurers of the
Fees (Amend- respective Presidencies’’ the words ‘‘Chief
ment) Act, 1932 Accountant’’ shall be substituted.

13/1932 Receivers of Wreck 2 For the words ‘‘Treasurer of each

(Amendment) Act,

Presidency’’, and the words ‘‘Treasurer,
—in such of the islands of the Colony as
he shall deem fit’? the words ‘Chief
Accountant’’ shall in each case be sub-

The words “‘in such island’’ shall be deleted.


No. and
Year Short title Section
18/1932 Distressed Colonial 2
Seamen (Amend-
ment) Act, 1932
20/1932 Foreign Merchant 2
Shipping (Agree-
ments) Act, 1932
21/1932 Title by Regis- 4
tration (Amend-
ment) Act, 1932
25/1932 Summary Jurisdic- 2
tion (Amendment)
Act, 1932

26/1932 Magistrate’s Code of 8
Procedure (Amend-
ment) Act, 1932

2/1934 Arbitration 5
(Foreign Awards)
(Amendment) Act,
10/1935 Protection of 7(1)
Animals Act
8/1936 Pilgrim Holiness Preamble
Church Act,


The words ‘‘a Presidency or’’ and the words
“", as the case may be,’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘such Presidency or Colony
as aforesaid’? the words ‘‘the aforesaid
Government’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘Colonial Secretary,’’ and the
words ‘‘or Commissioner’ shall be

The whole of the definition of the expression
“Said Presidency’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘the said Presidency, or’’ shall
be deleted.

The words “in the said Presidency, or
should special circumstances necessitate
such a course,’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘said Presidency or the
Colony as the circumstances of each case
shall necessitate’? the word ‘‘Colony’”’
shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘Colonial Secretary,’’ and the
words ‘‘or Commissioner’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘or otherwise contrary to the
provisions of section 30 of the Supreme
Court Act,’’ shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

Paragraph (a) shall be deleted.

Paragraph (b) shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘The Leeward Islands’’ the
words ‘‘the Colony of Antigua’’ shall be

The words ‘‘under section 37 of the
Supreme Court Act (Cap. 22)’’ shall be

The word ‘‘Commissioner’’ shall be deleted.

The last Recital shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of each Circuit of the Colony
in which the property affected is situate’’
shall be deleted.

The whole Schedule shall be deleted.

No. and






Short title Section

Workmen’s Compen- 2(1)
sation Act, 1937


The Criminal 2
Procedure Act, 1937
Police Officers 2
(Change of
Titles) Act, 1937
Dangerous 2
Drugs Act, 1937
19(1) (b)
and (2)


In the definition of the expression
“Employer’’ the words ‘‘or of any Presi-
dency thereof’’ shall be deleted.

In the definition of the expression ‘‘Regis-
trar’’ the words ‘“‘in the Presidency
wherein any matter under this Act
arises’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency wherein the
accident occurred,’’ in proviso (a) and
proviso (6) the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall in
each case be substituted.

The words ‘‘or of any Presidency thereof’’
wherever these words appear shall be

For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ the words
“the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word
““Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Full Court’’ wherever these
words appear the words ‘‘Court of Appeal
for the Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands’’ shall in each case be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Colony’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Federal Act’’ the words
“Act or Ordinance’’ shall be substituted.

The following definition shall be substituted
for the definition of ‘‘Prescribed Port’’
in paragraph (v)—

“Prescribed Port’’ means the Port of
St. John’s in the Colony.
The whole of paragraph (y) shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever the
word appears the words ‘‘Collector of
Customs’’ shall in each case be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever the
word appears in subsections (2), (3) and
(4) the words ‘‘Collector of Customs’’
shall in each case be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever the
word appears in paragraph (b) of sub-
section (1) and in subsection (2) the
words ‘‘Collector of Customs’’ shall in
each case be substituted.


No, and
Year Short title Section Amendment


23/1937 Dangerous Drugs 20 For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the word
Act, 1937 “Collector of Customs’? shall _ be
(Contd.) substituted.

22 The whole section shall be deleted.
23 The whole section shall be deleted.

First For the words ‘‘the Leeward Islands’
Schedule wherever they appear in the headings to
Forms the word ‘‘Antigua’’ shall in each
case be substituted.
The words ‘‘Presidency of ”
wherever they appear in the headings to
Forms shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency of’’ in para-
graph 3 of the General Conditions’’ in
Form B, the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be
substituted, and for the words ‘“‘said
Presidency’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Presidency of’’ in para-
graph 3 of Form 3 the word ‘‘Colony’”’
shall be substituted, and for the words
“Leeward Islands’ the word ‘‘Colony’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency of’’ in the
Licence for removal of dangerous drugs
in Form D the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be
substituted and for the word ‘‘Treasurer’’
in paragraph (3) of the conditions in the
said form the words ‘‘Collector of
Customs’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency of’’ wherever
these words appear in the Diversion
Certificate in Form E the word ‘‘Colony’’
shall in each case be substituted.

27/1937 Lepers (Amend- 2 For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ the words
ment) Act, 1937 “the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

6 For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ at the end of
section 23 the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

31/1937 Medical Act, 1937 3 For the words ‘‘any portion of the Colony’’
the words ‘‘the Colony or any portion
thereof’’ shall be substituted.

12(1) The words ‘‘specifying the medical registra-
tion district in which he desires to
practise,’’ shall be deleted.

27 The words ‘‘Federal and Presidential’’ shall
be deleted.

No. and
Year Short title Section
31/1937 Medical Act, Schedule A
1937 (Contd.)
Schedule B
32/1937 Stamp (Amend- : 2
ment) Act, 1937
5/1938 Employment of 2
Women, Young
Persons and
Children Act,
11/1938 Sedition and 2
Undesirable Publi-
cations Act, 1938
12/1938 Agricultural Small 2
Holdings Act,
Schedule A
Schedule C
11/1939 Statute Law Schedule
Revision Act,




For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ wherever
they appear the word ‘‘Antigua’’ shall in
each case be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ the word
“Antigua”’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ the words
“the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of that Presidency’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘such Presidency’’ the words
“the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘save and except’’ and all the
words following thereafter down to and
including the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘each Presidency’’ the words
‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

‘The definition of the expression ‘‘Governor
in Council’’ shall be deleted.



The words ‘‘with respect to any Presi-
dency,’’ shall be deleted.

The definition of the expression ‘‘Colony’’
shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘in the Circuit in which the
small holding to which a contract of
tenancy relates is situate’ in the defini-
tion of the expression ‘‘Registrar’’ shall
be deleted.

The words ‘‘or any Presidency’’ at the end
of the section shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ wherever this
word appears in both Forms in this
Schedule the word ‘‘Colony”’ shall in each
case be substituted.

The figure and words ‘‘1. Bankruptcy Act’’
in the first column and all the words
opposite the said figure and words in the
second column shall be deleted.

The figures and words ‘54. The Gazette
(Evidence) Act’’ in the first column and
all the words opposite the said figures
and words in the second column shall be


No. and
Year Short title Section


11/1939 Statute Law Schedule
Revision Act,
1939 (Contd.)

15/1939 Land Settlement 2
Act, 1939

The figures and words ‘‘56. The Jury Act’’
in the first column and all the words
opposite the said figures and words in
the second column shall be deleted.

The figures and words ‘‘61. The Magistrate’s
Code of Procedure Act’’ in the first
column and all the words opposite the
said figures and words in the second
column shall be deleted.

The figures and words ‘107. The Marriage
Ordinances Legalization Act’’ in the first
column and all the words opposite the
said figures and words in the second
column shall be deleted.

The figures and words ‘‘123. The Post
Office Act’’ in the first column and all
the words opposite the said figures and
words in the second column shall be

The figures and words ‘125. The West
India and Panama Telegraph Company,
Limited, Act, 1872’’ in the first column
and all the words opposite the said
figures and words in the second column
shall be deleted.

The figures and words ‘135. The Stamp
Act’’ in the first column and all the
words opposite the said figures and words
in the second column shall be deleted.

The figures and words ‘‘141. The Copyright
Act’’ in the first column and all the
words opposite the said figures and words
in the second column shall be deleted.

The figures and words ‘'8/1928. The
Friendly Societies Act 1928’’ in the first
column and all the words opposite the
said figures and words in the second
column shall be deleted.

The definition of the expression ‘‘Governor
in Council’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘“‘any Presidency’’ the words
“‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ wherever this
word appears in subsections (1), (2) and
(3) the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall in each case
be substituted.

The words ‘‘(except in the Virgin Islands)’’
and the words ‘‘of the Presidency in
which they are made’’ shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.


No. and
Year Short title Section
16/1939 Trade Unions 2
Act, 1939
17/1939 Trade Disputes 13
(Arbitration and
Inquiry) Act,
20/1939 Supreme Court 3
Act, 1939


The words ‘‘of the Presidency wherein a
trade union is established’’ in the defini-
tion of ‘‘Registrar’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘or of any Presidency thereof’
shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency wherein a
trade union is established’’ and the words
“with regard to that Presidency’’ shall
be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency wherein a
trade union is established’’ shall be

The words ‘‘of any Presidency’’ wherever
these words appear in paragraphs (a) and
(c) shall in each case be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency wherein such
trade is established’’ shall be deleted.
The words ‘‘of a Presidency’? and the
words ‘“‘in that Presidency’’ shall be


The words ‘‘of the Presidency concerned’’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Federal Acts’’ the words
“laws of the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘said laws’’ the words “‘said
Imperial laws’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘in any Presidency’’ the
words ‘‘in the Colony’’ shall be sub-

For the words ‘‘from the Presidency’ the
words ‘‘from the Colony’’ shall be sub-

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Federal or local Act’’ in
paragraph (c) the words ‘‘Act or Ordi-
nance’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Federal or local Act’’ in
paragraph (d) the words ‘‘Act or Ordi-
nance’’ shall be substituted.

The whole of this subsection shall be

The words ‘‘for each Cireuit’’ and the
words ‘‘of that Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘for each Circuit’’ and the
words ‘‘of that Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Every’’ the word ‘‘The’’
shall be substituted.


No. and

Year Short title Section


20/1939 Supreme Court
Act, 1939



The words ‘‘The Registrar for the Saint

Christopher Circuit’’ and all the words
following thereafter down to and includ-
ing the words ‘‘for the Montserrat Circuit
shall be the Taxing Master thereof;’’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘and such Taxing Masters’

the word ‘‘He’’ shall be substituted.

The proviso to this subsection shall be


8 For the expression ‘‘a Registrar’’ wherever


Between the word


this expression appears the words ‘‘the
Registrar’’ shall in each case be sub-


words “‘in each Circuit’’ shall be


‘bailiff’? and the word
‘‘, provided’ the words ‘‘for the Court’’
shall be inserted,

The words ‘‘in any Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

4/1941 Recruiting of
Workers Act,


The words

The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which the

bailiff serves’’ shall be deleted.

“for the Circuit in which he
serves’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Crown Attorney’’ the words

“Legal Assistant’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency where such

application is made,’’ in paragraph (a)
shall be deleted.

After the word ‘Act’’ the words ‘‘or Ordi-

nance’’ shall be added.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency within the

limits’ and all the words following there-
after to the end of the section shall be

For the words ‘‘a Presidency’’ the words

‘“‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

4 For the expression ‘‘a Presidency’’ wher-

13/1941 Registration and 2
Records (Amend-

ment) Act, 1941

ever this expression appears in paragraph
(b) the words ‘‘the Colony’”’ shall in each
case be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Circuit’ in the definition

of the expression ‘‘Registrar’’ shall be

The whole section shall be deleted.
The whole section shall be deleted.

No. and
Year Short title Section
13/1941 Registration and 5
Records (Amend-
ment) Act, 1941
(Contd.) ’
7/1942 Magistrate’s Code 2

of Procedure
(Amendment) Act,

5/1943 Summary Jurisdiction 2
(Amendment) Act,

6/1943 Leeward Islands 8(1)
Battalion Act,
2/1944 Lepers (Amend- 2
ment) Act, 1944
5/1944 Labour (Minimum 2

Wage) Act, 1944



The words “‘in each of the Circuits’ and
all the words following thereafter down
to and including the words ‘‘of District
K”’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of Deeds of the Anguilla
Circuit’’, the words ‘‘each of them’’, and
the words ‘‘in such Circuit’ shall be

For the word ‘‘Registrars’’ in the marginal
note, the ‘‘Registrar’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Colony’’ and the words
“of any Presidency’’ wherever these
words appear in paragraphs (iii) and
(iv) shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words ‘“‘the following circuits as set
out hereunder :—’’ shall be deleted.

The numeral ‘‘(1)’’, the words ‘‘In the’’
at the beginning of paragraph (i) and
the word ‘‘Circuit’’ in the said paragraph
shall be deleted. For the semi-colon at
the end of the said paragraph a colon be

Paragraphs (ii) to (v) inclusive shall be

The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall
be deleted.

The words and brackets ‘‘(subject to the
modifications hereinafter appearing)’’
shall be deleted.

The whole of this subsection shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘any Presidency or in any
part thereof’? the words ‘‘the Colony’’
shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ shall be

The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ in
section 3 (1) shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency to which it
relates’? in section 3(4) the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted. ,

The words ‘‘of the Presidency concerned’’
in section 3(6) shall be deleted.



No. and

Year Short title



11/1944 Land Acquisition
Act, 1944

18/1944 Adoption of
Children Act,

21/1944 Title by Registra-
tion (Amendment)
Act, 1944

24/1944 Larceny Act,

25/1944 Quarantine Act,



18 (2)










The definition of the expression ‘‘appro-
priate Presidency’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘(if any) of the appropriate
Presidency’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘exercising jurisdiction within
the appropriate Presidency’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘appropriate Presidency’’
the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘appropriate Presidency’’
the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the appropriate Presidency’”’
shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of every Presidency’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Every Registrar-General’’
the words ‘‘The Registrar-General’’ shall
be substituted.

The words ‘‘each of the Presidencies of’’
and the word ‘‘respective’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘the Presidency wherein the
land is situate’’ the words ‘‘the Colony’’
shall be substituted.

The whole of this

For the words
“other Act

For the words ‘‘such other Act’’ the words
“such other Act or Ordinance’’ shall be

subsection shall be
“other Act’’

or Ordinance’’

the words
shall be

The words ‘‘in each Presidency or island
of the Colony”’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘Whole or any part of the’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘General Legislature’’
wherever these words appear in this sub-
section the words ‘‘Legislative Council”
shall in each case be substituted.

For the words ‘‘General Legislature’’ the
words ‘‘Legislative Council’ shall

The words “‘in each Presidency of the
Colony’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘such Presidency’’ the words
“the Colony’’ shall be substituted.



No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment
25/1944 Quarantine Act, 9(3) The words ‘‘in a Presidency’’ shall be

1944 (Contd.) deleted.

For the words ‘‘such Presidency’’ the words

“the Colony’’ shall be substituted.
First The words ‘‘a Presidency of’’ in regulation
Schedule 4 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of any Presidency’’ in para-
graph (1) of regulation 5 shall be deleted.

The words “‘any Presidency of’’ in para-
graph (4) of regulation 5 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’? and the
words ‘‘at such Presidency’’ in paragraph
(1) of regulation 7 shall be deleted.

The words “‘any Presidency of’’ in para-
graph (2) of regulation 8 shall be deleted.

The words ‘“‘of any Presidency’? in para-
graph (1) of regulation 14 shall be

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ in subpara-
graph (d) of paragraph (1) of regulation
17 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ in regula-
tion 18 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘a Presidency of’’ in regula-
tion 19 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Fresidency’’ in regula-
tion 20 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of a Presidency’’ in paragraph
(1) of regulation 21 shall be deleted.
The words ‘‘a Presidency of’’ in regulation

22 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ in regula-
tion 23 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ in regula-
tion 24 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’ in regula-
tion 26 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ in para-
graph (1) of regulation 31! shall be

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ in regula-
tion 33 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ in para-
graph (1) of regulation 38 shall be

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ in para-
graph (2) of regulation 38 shall be

No. and
Year Short title Section
25/1944 Quarantine Act, First
1944 (Contd.) Schedule

Schedule A

4/1945 Intestates 10(1)
Estates Act,
7/1945 Immigration and 2(1)
Passport Act,
11/1945 Criminal Procedure 3
(Amendment) Part
Act, 1945 (IIT)



For the words ‘‘of the Presidency where
the same was forfeited’’ in paragraph (3)
of regulation 39 the words ‘‘of the
Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘a Presidency of’’ in paragraph
(b) of regulation 41 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ appearing
under the caption ‘‘Declaration of
Health’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ appearing
under the caption ‘‘Instructions’’ in the
schedule to the Declaration of Health
shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ wherever
these words appear in paragraph (1) of
each of the regulations 5, 6, 7 and 9 and
in regulations 10, 11 and 12 shall in each
case be deleted.

The words ‘‘or any part thereof’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘the law of any Presidency’”’
in the definition of the expression ‘‘port
of entry’’ the words “‘regulations made
under section 32 of this Act’’ shall be

The word “‘such’’ shall be inserted between
the words ‘‘appoint’’ and ‘‘immigration’’.

The words ‘‘such of the islands of’’ shall be
deleted. ,

For the words ‘Treasurer of the Presi-
dency’? in paragraph (b) the words
“Chief Accountant’’ shall be substituted
and for the words ‘‘such Treasurer’ at
the end of the said paragraph the words
“the Chief Accountant’? shall be

The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’’ in
paragraph (c) shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency concerned’’ the
word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency concerned’’ the
word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The following amendments shall be made
to Part III of the Principal Act as re-
placed by this section :—

In section 12 the words ‘‘of the Circuit
in which such person has been so com-
mitted’’ shall be deleted.


aes ne a ee a
No. and :

Year Short title Section Amendment
11/1945 Criminal Procedure 3 For the words ‘‘proper law officer’ at the
(Amendment) Part end of the said section the words
Act, 1945 (III) ‘Attorney General’ shall be substituted.

In section 13 and section 14 for the
words ‘‘proper law officer’? wherever
these words appear the words “Attorney
General’ shall in each case be sub-

In subsection (1) of section 14B for the
words ‘‘proper law officer’? the words
“Attorney General’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘and’’ between the figures
13’? and the figures ‘14’? a comma
shall be substituted.

After the figures ‘‘14’’ the word and figures
“and 14a’’ shall be inserted. The words
“, or by the Attorney General under
section 14a,’’ shall be deleted. The
words “‘proper law officer or the’’ shall
be deleted.

In subsection (2) of section 148 for the
words ‘‘proper law officer’? the words
“Attorney General’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘whenever the Attorney General
gives any directions under’ shall be
deleted and in paragraph (a) of the said
subsection the words ‘‘of the Circuit’’
shall be deleted.

In subsection (1) of section 14c for the
words ‘“‘proper law officer’? the words
“Attorney General’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘of the Circuit’? shall be

3 The following amendments shall be made to
(Part Part IV of the Principal Act as replaced
Iv) by this section :—

In section 16(1) the figure and
symbols ‘‘(1)’’ shall be deleted.

In section 17 the words ‘‘of the Circuit’
wherever these words appear shall be

In subsection (1) of section 17a the words
“of the Circuit in which any sitting ot
the Court is held’’ shall be deleted.

2/1946 Magistrate's Code 3 The whole section shall be deleted.
of Procedure
(Amendment) Act,

3/1946 Unrepresented Estates 3 The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ shall be
(Amendment) Act, deleted.



No. and









Short title


Registration of United 2

Kingdom Trade
Marks Act, 1946

Small Charges
(Amendment) Act,

Matrimonial Causes
Act, 1948

Juvenile Courts
Act, 1948

Small Charges
(Amendment) Act,

Diplomatic Privileges
(Extension) Act,

Magistrate’s Code of
Procedure (Amend-
ment) Act, 1948

Guardianship of
Infants Act, 1949

10/1949 Juvenile Act, 1949




The words ‘“‘in the various Circuits of the
Colony’’ in the definition of the expres-
sion ‘‘Court’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Antigua Circuit’? in the
definition of the expression ‘‘Registrar’’
the word ‘‘Court’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ the words
“the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ shall be

The words ‘‘and includes a Crown
Attorney’’ shall be deleted.

The word ‘“‘separate’’ and the word
“several’’ in paragraph (a) shall be

The words ‘‘, or of the Administrator or ot
the Commissioner of any Presidency’’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘General Legislature’’
wherever these words appear, the words
“Legislative Council’? shall be sub-

The whole of this section shall be deleted.

The word “‘respective’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Ordinances of the several

Presidencies’”’ the word ‘‘Ordinance’’
shall be substituted.
The word ‘‘Presidency’’ wherever it

appears in the first column immediately
above the word ‘‘Montserrat’’ and the
words ‘‘Virgin Islands’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘Montserrat’’, ‘‘St. Christopher
and Nevis’? and ‘‘Virgin Islands’’
wherever these words appear in the first
column, and all the words opposite there-
to in the second, third and fourth
columns shall be deleted,

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ where it appears
in the first column immediately above
the word, ‘‘Antigua’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’
shall be substituted.

The definition of the expression
welfare officer’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘same Presidency’ the
word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.




No. and

Year Short title Section Amendment
11/1949 Coroner’s Act, 1949 2 The definition of the expression ‘‘Attorney

General’ shall be deleted.

48 For the words ‘‘Presidency in which the
post-mortem or anatomical examination
is performed’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall
be substituted.

Schedule For the words ‘‘LEEWARD ISLANDS”
wherever these words appear in all the
Forms in the Schedule the words ‘‘Colony
of ANTIGUA”’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘Presidency of’’ wherever the
words appear in the caption of all Forms
shall be deleted.

In the Form bearing the caption ‘‘Warrant
to Summon Jury’’, the following amend-
ments shall be made—

For the words ‘‘said district’’ appear-
ing after the words ‘‘police officers of
the’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

In the Form bearing the caption ‘‘FORM
following amendments shall be made—

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ appearing
immediately before the words ‘‘duly
sworn’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be


In the Form bearing the caption ‘‘Warrant
of Apprehension’’ the following amend-
ments shall be made—

For the words ‘‘Police officers of
District’? the words ‘‘Police officers of
the Colony’’ shall be substituted, and
for the words ‘‘within the Presidency’’
the words ‘‘within the Colony’’ shall
be substituted.

The words ‘‘in the Presidency aforesaid’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘the said Presidency’’ the
words ‘‘the said Colony’ shall be

In the Form bearing the caption ‘‘Warrant
of Commitment’’ the following amend-
ments shall be made—

For the words ‘‘for the Presidency
of’? the words ‘‘for the said Colony of”’
shall be substituted.



No, and
Year Short title Section Amendment

11/1949 Coroner’s Act, Schedule For the words ‘‘in the Presidency
1949 (Contd.) aforesaid’ the words ‘‘in the Colony
aforesaid’’ shall be substituted.
For the words ‘‘at district
in the said Presidency’’ the words ‘‘at
district in the said Colony”
shall be substituted.

In the Form bearing the caption ‘‘Order to
bring up prisoners for examination’’ the
following amendments shall be made—

For the words “‘, in this Presidency’’
the words ‘‘in this Colony’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Presidency of’’ the
word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

12/1949 Sale of Goods Schedule The figures and symbol ‘'147/1753’’ in the
Act, 1949 first column and all the words and figures
opposite thereto in the second and third

columns shall be deleted.

13/1949 Telecommunica- 2(1) In the definition of the expression ‘‘tele-
tions Act, 1949 communications officer’’ the words ‘‘in a
Presidency’’ shall be deleted.

3 The words ‘‘each Presidency of’’ shall be

6(1) The words ‘‘For the purposes of this sub-
section ‘‘Governor-in-Council’’ means the
Governor with the advice of the Execu-
tive Council of a Presidency’’ shall be

Schedule The words ‘‘St. Christopher and Nevis’’,
the word ‘‘Montserrat’’, the words
“Virgin Islands’’ in the first column and
the Ordinances specified opposite thereto
in the second and third columns of the
said schedule shall be deleted.

17/1949 Trade Unions 5(d) For the words ‘‘a Legislative Council in
(Amendment) Act, the Colony’”’ the words ‘‘the Legislative
1949 Council’’ shall be substituted.

4/1950 Currency Act, 1950 8 For section 8 the following section shall be
substituted : —

“Any sum which is required to meet
any deficiency in the Currency Fund or
the Income Account and which the
Colony is liable to make good under the
terms of the Agreement shall forthwith
on demand of the Board be issued under
the warrant of the Governor out of the
general revenuc.”’


No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment
4/1950 Currency Act, 16 and After section 15 the following section, shall
1950 17 be added—

“Construction 16. In the construction of this
of certain : :
portions of Act the following provi-
the Act. sions shall have effect:—

(a) paragraph (c) of
section 3 shall be con-
strued as though for the
words “the Leeward
Islands’ the words ‘‘Anti-
gua, St. Christopher,
Nevis and Anguilla, and
Montserrat’? were substi-

(b) the First Schedule
shall be construed as
though for the words ‘‘the
Leeward Islands’ in the
first paragraph thereof
the words ‘‘Antigua, St.
Christopher, Nevis and
Anguilla, and Mont-
serrat’’? were substituted.

eo eee 17. With a view to the fulfil-
ment. binding ment of the Agreement in
on Colony. and by the Colony, the
terms and conditions of the
Agreement are hereby rati-
fied, and it is hereby
declared that the Agree-
ment shall for the purposes
of this Act be treated as
though the Government of
the Colony had originally
been a signatory thereto.’’
7/1950 Prison (Extramural 2 In the definition of the expression ‘‘Extra-
Sentences) Act, mural Prison Officer’? the words “‘in a
1950 Presidency’’ shall be deleted.
3(7) lor the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ the words
“‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.
8/1950 Consular Con- 4(1) The words ‘‘of any Presidency of the
ventions Act, Colony’’ in paragraph (a) shall be
1950 deleted.
6(3) The word ‘‘General’’ shall be deleted.
9/1950 Antibiotics and 3(2) The words ‘‘the several Presidencies of’’
Therapeutic Sub- and the words ‘‘in each Presidency’’
stances Act, 1950 shall be deleted.
15 The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall

be deleted.


No. and

Year Short title Section


Quarantine (Amend- 2
ment) Act, 1950


Magistrate’s Code 2
of Procedure

(Amendment) Act,


Post Office 2
Offences Act, 1951


Coroners (Amend- 3
ment) Act, 1951


12/1951 Police Act, 1951 2


The words ‘‘each Presidency of’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘in cach Presidency’ the
words ‘‘in the Colony’’ shall be sub-

The whole section shall be deleted.
The Schedule shall be deleted.

The words ‘“‘to a district’, the words ‘‘of
the Presidency in which the district is
situated’, and the words ‘“‘of such
Presidency’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘of a Presidency’’ the words
“of the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘of a Presidency’’ the words
‘fof the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘any Presidency’ the
words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which
such death occurs’’ shall be deleted.

For the definition of the expression
“Division’’ the following expression shall
be substituted—

“the Division’? means that portion ot
the Force stationed in the Colony and
referred to in subsection (1) ol
section 3 of this Act as ‘‘A’’ Division;

in the definition of the expression ‘‘Medical
Board” the words ‘‘, or the Administrator
or Commissioner of a Presidency’’ shall
be deleted.

For. the word ‘‘Presidency’’
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘for the purposes’’ and all the
words following thereafter down to and
including the words ‘‘Virgin Islands’’ at
the end of the subsection shall be deleted,
and there shall be substituted therefor
the words ‘‘that portion of the Force
stationed in the Colony shall be known
and referred to as ‘‘A’’ Division’.

The words ‘‘or any Presidency therevt’’
shall be deleted.

After the word ‘‘Governor’’ the words ‘‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be inserted.

The word ‘‘General’’ shall be deleted.

After the word ‘‘Governor’’ wherever this
word appears the words ‘‘of the Leeward
Islands’ shall in each case be added.

the word



No. and


Short title

Police Act, 1951













After the word ‘‘Governor’’ the words ‘“‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be added.

The words ‘‘or Commissioner’’ shall be

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘in which such person is being
appointed”’ shall be deleted.

After the word ‘‘Governor’’ the words ‘‘ot
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be added.

The words ‘‘in which he is serving’’ shall
be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall
be deleted.

After the word ‘“‘Inspector’’ the words
“stationed in the Colony’’ shall be

After the word ‘“‘Governor’’ the words ‘‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be inserted.

After the word ‘‘Governor’’ wherever this
word appears the words ‘‘of the Leeward
Islands’’ shall be inserted.

The word ‘‘General’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Treasurer of the Presidency
concerned’’ t he words ‘‘Chief Account-
ant’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘in which the same have been
incurred’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘the Federal Treasurer’’ the
words ‘“‘an officer appointed by the
Governor of the Leeward Islands for that
purpose’ shall be substituted.

The words “‘or in any Presidency thereof’’
shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of a Presidency’’ shall be

After the word ‘‘Governor’’ the words ‘‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be inserted.
After the word ‘“‘Governor’’ the words ‘‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be inserted.
After the word ‘‘Governor’’ the words ‘‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be inserted.
After the word ‘‘Governor’’ wherever this

word appears the words ‘‘of the Leeward
Islands’ shall be inserted.

No. and


Short title

Police Act, 1951





62 (2)





68 (2)









After the word ‘‘Governor’’ the words ‘‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be inserted.

After the word ‘‘Governor’’ the words ‘‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be inserted.

After the words ‘‘The Governor’’ at the
beginning of the section the words ‘‘of the
Leeward Islands’’ shall be inserted.

The following subsection shall be substituted

for subsection (1) :—

“Canteen. 62. (1) There may be estab-
lished with the approval of
the Commissioner a police
canteen in the Division at which
the keeper thereof may sell
intoxicating liquors by retail to
members of the Force.’’

For the words ‘‘such canteens’ the words

“the canteen’’ shall be substituted.

After the word ‘‘Governor’’ the words ‘‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be inserted.

After the word ‘‘Governor’’ the words ‘‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be inserted.

For the words ‘‘in Council’’ the words ‘‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘Governor or the’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘or Commissioner of a Presi-
dency’’ the words ‘‘of the Colony’”’ shall
be constituted.

The words ‘‘for service within the Presi-
dency where such special constable is
appointed and’’ shall be deleted.

For the expression ‘‘a Presidency’’ the
words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall
be deleted.

The words ‘in a Presidency’’ shall be

The words ‘‘Governor or the’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘or Commissioner of a Presi-
dency’’ the words ‘‘of the Colony’’ shall
be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency in which such
special constables are serving’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.


No. and

Year Short title Section Amendment
12/1951 Police Act, 1951 75(1) The words ‘‘Governor or the’’ shall be
(Contd.) deleted.

For the words ‘‘or the Commissioner of a
Presidency in the absence of the Governor
from the Presidency’’ the words ‘‘of the
Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘in the Presidency’’ shall be

For the words “within the Presidency”’ the
words ‘‘within the Colony’’ shall be



75(2) The words ‘‘in the Presidency’’ shall be

76(1) The words ‘‘in a Presidency’’ shall be

76(2) For the words ‘‘the Presidency in which
such special constable or additional
constable is serving’? the words ‘‘the
Colony’’ shall be substituted.

76(4) The whole of this subsection shall he

84(4) The word ‘‘the’’ appearing immediately
after the words ‘‘transmitted to’’ shall
be deleted.

84(5) The word ‘‘the’’ appearing immediately
after the words ‘‘transmitted to’’ shall

be deleted.
87 The words ‘‘Federal’’ and ‘‘Presidential’’
respectively shall be deleted.
3/1953 Land Acquisition 2 For the words ‘‘appropriate Presidency’’
(Amendment) Act, the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.


5/1953 Police (Amend- After the word ‘‘Governor’’ wherever this
ment) Act, 1953 word appears the words ‘‘of the Leeward
Islands’’ shall in each case be inserted.

5 After the word ‘‘Governor’’ wherever this
word appears the words ‘‘of the Leeward
Islands’’ shall in each case be inserted.

13/1953 Immigration and 3 The words ‘‘a Presidency of’’ shall be
Passport (Amend- deleted.
ment) Act, 1953
For the expression ‘‘a Presidency’’ in para-
graph (a) the words ‘‘the Colony’ shall
be substituted.
For the expression ‘‘a Presidency’’ at the
end of paragraph (b) the words ‘‘the
Colony’’ shall be substituted.



No, and
Year Short title Section Amendment
13/1953 Immigration and 3 For the words ‘‘found in a Presidency’’ the
Passport (Amend- words ‘‘found in the Colony’’ shall be
ment) Act, 1953 substituted.

The words ‘‘For the purposes’’ and all the
words following thereafter down to and
including the words ‘‘Executive Council
of the Presidency’’ shall be deleted.

5 The whole of this section shall be deleted.
22/1953 Acts and Ordinances 2 The word ‘‘General’’ shall be deleted.
(Amendment) Act,
6/1954 Praedial Larceny 2 In the definition of the expression ‘‘declared
(Prevention) Act, area’ for the words ‘‘in a Presidency’’
1954 the words ‘‘in the Colony’’ shall be

The definition of the expression ‘‘Division’”’
shall be deleted.

The definition of the expression ‘‘Governor
in Council’’ shall be deleted.

3(1) For the words ‘‘in a Presidency’’ the words
“in the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

9 For the words ‘‘of a Presidency’’ in para-
graph (a) the words ‘‘of the Colony’’
shall be substituted.

13(1) For the words ‘‘in the Presidency con-
cerned’’ the words ‘‘in the Colony’’ shall
be substituted.

13(2) For the words ‘‘police officer in charge of
the Division in which the declared area
is situate’’ in paragraph (a) the words
“senior police officer in the Colony’’ shall
be substituted.

14(1) For the words ‘“‘police officer in charge of a
Division in the Presidency concerned’’
the words ‘‘senior police officer in the
Colony’’ shall be substituted.

14(2) The words ‘‘or Commissioner’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Presidency concerned’ the
word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘as the case may be,’’ shall be

24(1) For the words ‘‘police officer in charge of
the Division in which he resides’’ in
paragraph (d) the words ‘‘senior police
officer in the Colony’’ shall be sub-

25(3) The words ‘‘of the Presidency concerned’’
shall be deleted.


No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment

——————--\-_—_———————— —————— esSeeseFeFeFeSeSeSSSSSeseSeSeSeSSSeSS

13/1954 Magistrate’s Code 2(1) For the words ‘‘Presidency in which his
of Procedure district is situate’? the word ‘‘Colony”’
(Amendment) Act, shall be substituted.


For the words ‘‘any Presidency’? the words
“the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

2(2) For the words ‘‘who, on the coming into
force of this Act, was duly’’ the words
“in the Colony, who on the first day of
July, 1956 was already duly’’ shall be

The words ‘‘in and for any Presidency’
shall be deleted.

4 For the words ‘‘in the Magisterial district
where such information or complaint is
to be tried or inquired into’’ the words
“in the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

10 The words “‘of the Presidency wherein such
sum or instalment is paid’’ shall be

18 For the words ‘‘Circuit containing the

district in which the Magistrate’s decision
was given’’ the word ‘“‘Colony’”’ shall be

20 The words “Provided that in the case of
an appeal from a decision of the Magis-
trate of district ‘“‘J’’ the said notice
shall be served within twenty-eight days
after the day on which the Magistrate
has given hig decision’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘In this subsection the expres-
sion ‘‘Attorney General’’ includes the
Crown Attorney of a Presidency’’ shail
be deleted,

23 The words ‘‘of the Presidency where such
sums are paid’’ shali be deleted.

25 The whole section shall be deleted.
Schedule The whole schedule shall be deleted.

14/1954 Forgery Act, 1954 5(1) The words “‘or of any Presidency’’ shall be

5(3) For the words “‘Ordinances of any Presi-
dency’’ in paragraph (1) the word ‘‘Ordi-
nance’’ shall be substituted.

rr So



caro eve vn a

No, and
Year Short title Section
14/1954 Forgery Act, 1954 5(3)
17/1954 Dangerous Drugs 2
Act, 1954
18/1954 Telecommunications 2
Act, 1954
19/1954 Public Holidays 5
Act, 1954
20/1954 Small Tenements 4
(Amendment) Act,
5/1955 Crown Suits 2

(Repeal) Act, 1955

For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ in para-
graph (m) the words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall
be substituted.

The words ‘‘or of any Presidency’’ in
paragraph (a) shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘a Registrar General of any
Presidency’ in paragraph (a) the words
‘the Registrar General’’ shall be sub-
stituted, and for the words “of a
Registrar’’ in paragraph (b) the words
“of the Registrar’ shall be substituted.

In the definition of the expression ‘‘Senior
Medical Officer’’ for the words ‘‘each and
every of the Presidencies, and, in case
there shall be no such officer in any
Presidency, any Medical Officer appointed
by the Governor for the purposes of the
administration of this Act in such Presi-
dency’’ the words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall
be substituted.

The words

“of a Presidency’’ shall be

The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall
be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words

“of a Presidency’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘such Presidency’’’ the
words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Federal Act, Local Act’’
the words ‘‘Act or Ordinance’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Federal Act or Local Act’’
the words ‘‘Act or Ordinance’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Federal or Local Act’’
wherever these words appear the words
‘Act or Ordinance’’ shall be substituted.


No. and



12, 1955

Short title Section Amendment

Crown Suits 2 For the words ‘‘Presidency, in which such
(Repeal) Act, 1955 suit or proceedings may be instituted’’
(Contd.) the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

Evidence (Amend- The words ‘‘or of any Presidency thereof’
ment) Act, 1955 shall be deleted.

Interpretation and 2(1) For the definition of the expression ‘‘Act’’
General Clauses the following definition shall be sub-
Act, 1955 stituted :—

“‘Act’’ used in relation to legislation
shall include Ordinance, or private
Act or Ordinance of the Legis-
lative Council and any subsidiary
legislation made under _ the
authority of any Act or Ordi-

After the definition of the expression
“act’’ the following definitions shall be
inserted : —

“Administrator”? means the Adminis-
trator of the Colony and includes
every person for the time being
acting as Administrator in his

“Attorney General’? means the
Attorney General of the Colony;

For the words ‘‘the Leeward Islands’ in
the definition of the expression ‘‘the
Colony’’ the word ‘‘Antigua’’ shall be

After the definition of the expression
“contravene’’ the following definition
shall be inserted :—

“Chief Accountant’? means the Chief
Accountant of the Colony;

After the definition of the expression
“Chief Justice’? the following definition
shall be inserted :—

“court”? means any court of the
Colony of competent jurisdiction;

After the definition of the expression
“Court of Appeal’ the following definition
shall be inserted :—

“Collector of Customs’’ means the
Collector of Customs of the




No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment


12/1955 Interpretation and 2(1) After the definition of the expression
General Clauses “Crown Agents’’ the following definition
Act, 1955 (Contd.) shall be inserted :—

‘‘day’’ means a full day of twenty-four
hours, and where used in relation
to any act or omission or occur-
rence shall commence at the first
moment of the day on which such
act, omission or occurrence is done
or happens after midnight of the
previous day and shall end at the
last moment of the day on which
such act, omission or occurrence
as aforesaid is done or happens
before midnight of such last
mentioned day as aforesaid;

For the definition of the expression
“the Gazette’ the following definition
shall be substituted :—

“the Gazette’? means the official
publication printed and published
in the Colony for and on behalf of
the Government of the said Colony
and the Governments of the
Colonies of Montserrat and the
Virgin Islands under the title of
“The Antigua, Montserrat and
Virgin Islands Gazette’’;

The definitions of the _ expressions
‘Governor’, and the ‘‘General Legisla-
ture’ shall be deleted.

After the definition of the expression
‘Government Printer’ the following
definition shall be inserted : —

“Governor”? means the person for the
time being holding the office of
Governor, and includes any person
for the time being discharging the
functions of that office and to
the extent to which a Deputy
appointed under Article 5 of the
Leeward Islands Letters Patent,
1956 or the Administrator is
authorised to discharge those func-
tions, that Deputy or Adminis-


No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment
12/1955 Interpretation and 2(1) In the definition of the _ expression
General Clauses “Governor in Council’ the words ‘‘or a
Act, 1955 (Contd.) Presidency, as the circumstances may

require,’’ shall be deleted.

In the definition of the _ expression
“Government Officer’? the words ‘‘or a
Presidency thereof’’ shall be deleted.

After the definition of the expression
‘‘Judge’’ the following shall be inserted:—
“a Justice’ or ‘‘a Justice of the Peace’
means a person appointed by the
Governor to be a Justice of the

Peace for the Colony;


The definitions of the expressions ‘‘law’’
and ‘‘Local Act’’ shall be deleted and in
place thereof the following definitions
shall have effect :—

‘Jaw’’ includes any Act, Ordinance,
Act of the Imperial Parliament and
any subsidiary legislation or rule
of court made or given under the
authority of any law;

‘‘Legislative Council’’ means the Legis-
lative Council of the Colony;

After the definition of the expression
“master’’ the following definition shall
be inserted :—

“medical practitioner’ or ‘‘duly quali-
fied medical practitioner’’, or
“registered medical practitioner’
means any person duly registered
or licensed to practise medicine
under the provisions of any law
for the time being applicable to
medical practitioners;

After the definition of the expression
‘for’, ‘‘other’’ and ‘‘otherwise’’ the
following definition shail be inserted :—

“Ordinance’’ includes private Ordi-
nance and any Act or private Act
of the Legislative Council and any
subsidiary legislation made or given
under the authority of any

In the definition of the expression ‘‘pre-
scribed’’ the word ‘‘law’’ shall be
substituted for the word ‘‘Act’’.

The definition of the expression ‘‘Presi-
dency’’ shall be deleted.


No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment
12/1955 Interpretation and 2(1) Immediately before the definition of the
General Clauses expression ‘‘Prison or Gaol’’ the follow-
Act, 1955 (Contd.) ing definition shall be inserted :—

“print’’ with its grammatical varia-
tions and cognate expressions
includes reproduction or repre-
sentation by means of a type-
writer, roneo, cyclostyle or other
similar apparatus or by any other
method by which words, figures,
signs or symbols may be repro-
duced or represented in visible

In the definition of the expression ‘‘Prison
or Gaol’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be
substituted for the words ‘‘Presidency in
which a person is committed to prison’’.

2(1) %In the definition of the _ expression
“Registrar’’ the words ‘‘appointed for a
Cireuit’’ shall be deleted; and for the
words ‘‘of the Windward and Leeward
Islands in any Presidency’? the words
“‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

2(2) The whole of this subsection shall be
deleted and in place thereof the following
subsection shall have effect :—

(2) Whenever in any Act or Ordi-
nance passed before the first day of
July, 1956 or in any subsidiary legis-
lation made thereunder and then in
force, the expression ‘‘President’’ is
used in reference to the Officer
administering the Government of the
Colony, that expression shall be con-
strued as meaning the Administrator.

21 In paragraph (f) after the words ‘‘the Act’’
the words “‘ or ‘the Ordinance’ ”’ shall
be inserted.

The words ‘‘or the Ordinance’’ shall be
inserted immediately before the word

38(1) For the words ‘‘Presidency concerned’’ the
word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted, and
for the words ‘‘such Presidency’’ the
words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

41 For the words ‘‘Governor is given’’ the
words ‘‘Governor of the Leeward Islands
is given’’ shall be substituted.


o. and

Year Short title Section Amendment
12/1955 Interpretation and 41 The word ‘‘said’’ shall be inserted between

General Clauses the word ‘“‘the’’ and the word
Act, 1955 (Contd.) ““Governor’’.

For the word “Colonial Secretary’ the
word ‘‘Chief’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall
in each case be inserted after the word
‘Governor’ in the proviso.

45 The whole section shall be deleted.
13/1955 Police (Amendment) 2 After the word ‘‘Governor’’ wherever this
Act, 1955 word appears the words ‘‘of the Leeward
Islands’’ shall in each case be inserted.
7 The words ‘‘or the Gazetted Police Officer
in charge of the Division’’ shall be


9 After the word ‘‘Governor’” in paragraph

(ii) of the proviso the words “‘of the
Leeward Islands’’ shall be inserted.

10 The words ‘“‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall
in each case be inserted after the word
“Governor’’ wherever the latter word

12 The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall
in each case be inserted after the word
“‘Governor’’ wherever the latter word

14 The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall
in each case be inserted after the word
“‘“Governor’’ wherever the latter word

Schedule For the words “‘Chief Accountant of the
Presidency of Antigua’’ the words ‘‘an
officer appointed by the Governor of the
Leeward Islands’’ shall be substituted.

17/1955 Local Constables 2 For the definition of the expression
(Amendment) Act, “Division’’ the following definition shall
1955 be substituted :—

“‘the Division’? has the same mean-
ing as is ascribed to it in section 2 of
the Police Act, 1951:

In the definition of the _ expression
“Divisional Officer’ the words ‘‘in the
Presidency for which a local constable is
appointed’ shall be deleted.

The definition of the expression ‘‘Governor’”’
shall be deleted.




No. and

Year Short title Section Amendment
17/1955 Local Constables 3 The words ‘‘, and the letter ‘a’ for the word
(Amendment) Act, ‘his’ in the third line thereof’’ shall be
1955 (Contd.) deleted.
6 The words ‘‘district or’’ shall be deleted.
8 For the words ‘‘the appropriate Presidency”’

and the words ‘‘that Presidency’ the
words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall in each case be

The words ‘‘of the Presidency concerned’’
shall be deleted.

10 For the words ‘‘Presidency wherein he was
resident at the time of his appointment’’
the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency for which he was
appointed”? the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

14 In the Schedule the word ‘‘Commissioner’’
wherever it appears shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ wherever this
word appears the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall
be substituted.

The words ‘‘delete if not applicable’ wher-
ever these words appear shall be deleted.

15 For the words ‘‘who on the coming into
force of this Act had been’’ the words
‘tn the Colony who on the first day of
July, 1956 had already been’’ shall be

The words “for any Presidency’’ shall be

18/1955 Magistrate’s Code 4 The words ‘‘Provided that in the case’’ and
of Procedure all the words following thereafter down
(Amendment) Act, to and including the words ‘‘given his
1955 decision’’ shall be deleted.

4/1956 Overseas Nurses’ 3A The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’
Pensions Act, shall be deleted.





Modification of the Antigua Constitution and Elections Ordinance, 1951 (No. 10/1951)

The Antigua Constitution and Elections Ordinance, 1951 (No. 10/1951) shall be


1. save as in this Schedule expressly provided by the deletion therefrom of the
expression ‘‘Presidency’’ wherever the same now appears therein and the
substitution therefor of the expression ‘‘Colony’’;

2. as regards—






section 2—

(i) by the deletion therefrom of the expression ‘‘Governor’’ and the
substitution therefor of the following expression—

““Governor’’ means the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of
the Leeward Islands, and includes the person for the time
being lawfully discharging the functions of that office, and
to the extent to which a Deputy for the Governor is
authorised to act, that Deputy; and

(ii) by the deletion of the words ‘‘of the Presidency or’’ in the definition
of the expression ‘‘public service’.

section 11, by the deletion of the words ‘‘the Presidency or of’’
appearing in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) of paragraph (jh);

section 12, by the deletion of the words ‘‘the Presidency or of’’
appearing in paragraph (/:) of subsection (3);

section 31, by the deletion of the words ‘‘subsection (4) of section 6 ot
the Interpretation of Laws Ordinance, 1896’’ appearing in subsection (4)
and the substitution therefor of the words ‘‘subsection (2) of section 18 of
the Interpretation and General Clauses Act, 1955°’, and by the deletion
from the said subsection of the figures ‘‘6/1896’’ appearing in the
marginal note thereto and the substitution therefor of the figures

section 34, by the deletion of the words ‘‘subsection (4) of section 6 of
the Interpretation of Laws Ordinance, 1896’’ appearing in subsection
(3) and the substitution therefor of the words “‘subsection (2) of section
18 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Act, 1955’’, and by the
deletion from the said subsection of the figures ‘'6/1896’’ appearing in
the marginal note thereto and the substitution therefor of the figures

(f) section 52, by the deletion of the words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ appearing


in subsections (3) and (4); and

section 53, by the deletion of the words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ appearing
in subsection (1).



Part I

Cap. Short Title

45 Railways Offences Act

63 Motor Car (Unlawful User) Act

87 Studentships Act

100 Title by Registration (Loans-in-Aid) (Amendment) Act

107 Marriages Ordinances Legalization Act

112 McFadyen and Jones Medical Qualification Act

115 Bank Notes Act

125 West India and Panama Telegraph Company, Limited, Act, 1872
126 West India and Panama Telegraph Company, Limited, Act, 1877
127 Francis Watts (Pension) Act

Part II

No. and
Year Short title

1/1933 Stamps (Amendment) Act, 1933
2/1937 Delegation of Powers Act, 1937 :
6/1937 Leeward Islands Scholarship Act, 1937

19/1937 Carrington Pension Act, 1937

2/1938 Moir Pension Act, 1938

7/1938 Title by Registration (Amendment) Act, 1938

2/1939 Courts Act, 1939

1/1940 Land Acquisition (National Purposes) Act, 1940

15/1941 Land Acquisition (National Purposes) (Amendment) Act, 1941

1/1943 Bank Notes (Amendment) Act, 1943

2/1943 Registration and Records (Amendment) Act, 1943

10/1943 Colonial Secretary Act, 1943

3/1944 Bank Notes (Amendment) Act, 1944

1/1950 Virgin Islands Constitution Act, 1950

3/1950 Governor’s Emoluments Act, 1950

11/1953 Delegation of Powers (Amendment) Act, 1953

17/1953 Governor’s Emoluments (Amendment) Act, 1953

2/1954 Leeward Islands Scholarship (Amendment) Act, 1954

12/1954 Virgin Islands (Commissioner of the Supreme Court) Validation Act, 1954
1/1956 Transfer of Sombrero Act, 1956

11/1956 Governor’s Emoluments (Amendment) Act, 1956

Made this 9th day of June, 1956.



ORDERS, 1956
No. 15

Printed by
The Port-of-Spain Gazette (1955) Ltd.
5, St. Vincent Street,
Trinidad B.W.I.
} 1956.

\ (Price e.)

29. 72I9&


THE Adaptation of Laws Regulations, 1956, dated 9th June,
1956, made by the Governor under section 5 of the Leeward Islands
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Order in Council, 1956 (Imperial) (1956,
No. 833).

1. SHoRT TiTLE. These Regulations may be cited as the
Adaptation of Laws Regulations, 1956.

2. INTERPRETATION. In these Regulations—

*“ Acts’? means Acts of the. Legislature of the Leeward
Islands ;

‘“the appointed day’? means the first day of July, 1956;

law’? means any Order of Her Majesty in-Council, any
Act of the Legislature of the Leeward Islands, any
Act or Ordinance of any Presidency constituting part
of the Leeward Islands, any Regulation, any Procla-
mation approved by Order of Her Majesty in Council,
or any other enactment or instrument having the force
of law in the Leeward Islands ;

** Schedule ’” means Schedule to these Regulations.

mentioned in the first and second columns of the First Schedule
being laws to which section 5 of the Leeward Islands (Miscellaneous
Provisions) Order in Council, 1956 applies, but not being laws
to which subsection (1) of section 2 of the Leeward Islands Act,
1956* applies, in force in the Presidency of Montserrat immediate-
ly before the appointed day shall, subject to the provisions of
paragraph (2) of this regulation remain valid as respects that Presi-
dency after the beginning of the appointed day, notwithstanding
the constitution of the said Presidency as a separate Colony.

(2) The said Acts shall as regards Montserrat have effect
therein after the beginning of the appointed day subject to the
amendments specified in the fourth column of the First Schedule
to the sections and schedules of the said Acts specified in the third
column of that Schedule.

ELECTIONS ORDINANCE. The Montserrat Constitution and Elections
Ordinance, 1952 being a law to which subsection (1) of section 2
of the Leeward Islands Act, 1956 applies shall be modified to the
extent specified in the Second Schedule in view of the constitution
of the Presidency of Montserrat as a separate Colony.

5. REPEAL. The Acts set out in the Third Schedule are hereby
repealed so far as they affect Montserrat

6. COMMENCEMENT. These Regulations shall come into
Operation on the first day of July, 1956.

#4 and 5 Eliz. I, C, 23,


Short title


Bankruptcy Act



Part I













The whole section shall be deleted.

The words “‘ or any Presidency thereof” in the
definition of the expression ‘‘ Government
Officer ’’ shall be deleted.

For the definition of the expression ‘“‘ Treasurer ”

the following definition shall be substituted—

““Treasurer’’ means the Treasurer of the

For the words ‘“‘ the General Legislative Council
or of the Legislative Council or Assembly
of any Presidency in paragraph (a) the words
“the Legislative Council’ shall be sub-

For the words “any Presidency” there shall
be substituted the words ‘the Colony”.

The words ‘of the Presidency in which the
District is situated in- which the bankruptcy
occurs ”’ shall be deleted.

The whoie section shall be deleted.

The words “‘ sitting in the district in which the
bankruptcy is proceeding” shall be deleted.

The words ‘in any district” and the words
*‘in his district’ shall be deleted.

For the words “any Registrar’? the words
“the Registrar’? shall be substituted.

For the word “ Registrars” the word “Registrar”
shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘ during the absence of a Judge
from the Colony,” shall be inserted between
the words “shall” and “have”.

For the words “such registrars” the words
“the Registrar” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘“‘a registrar” the words “ the
Registrar” shall be substituted.

The Proviso shall be de!eted.

The whole subsection shall be deleted.

Cap. Short title Section


1 Bankruptcy Act 93








The whole section shall be deleted.
For section 94 the following section shall be

“94. (1) Proceedings in bankruptcy may be
transferred to or from any other Circuit of
the Court in accordance with the provisions
of rule 11 (which relates to change of venue)
of the Rules made by the Chief Justice on
the 24th day of September, 1941 under section
16 of the Leeward Islands and Windward
Islands (Courts) Order in Council, 1939.

(2) Subject to Rules of Court if any question
of law arises in any bankruptcy proceedings
during the absence of a Judge from the Colony,
the Registrar shall, at the request of either
party, state the facts in the form of a special
case for the opinion of a Judge, and shall
transmit the special case and the proceedings
or such of them as may be required to a
Registrar of the Court in a Circuit where a
Judge is resident ’”’.

The words “ of the district in which the debtor
resides ’’ shall be deleted.

The whole subsection shall be deleted.

The second paragraph shall be deleted.

The word ‘* General” shall be deleted.

For the words “‘ General Legislature ’” the words
* Legislative Council” shall be substituted.

The words “ of every bankruptcy district’ and
the word ‘‘ General” shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘in any bankruptcy district’ shall
be deleted.

For the words “‘ Act of the General Legislature,
or in any Act or Ordinance of the Legis-
lature of any Presidency,” there shall be
substituted the words “ Act or Ordinance ™.

The words ‘of the Presidency”? at the end
of the first paragraph shall be deleted.
The words * Act of the General Legislature
of any’’, and the words “of the Legislature
of any Presidency mentioned in the Fourth

Schedule” shall be deleted.

For the words “of any petition’? the words

“or any petition” shall be substituted.
The words “ of the Presidency ” shall be deleted.

Cap. Short title Section Amendment
1 Bankruptcy Act 137(5) The words “‘ of the Presidency ”’ shall be deleted.
First The words ‘“ Leeward Islands” in paragraph 2
Schedule shall be deleted.
4 Contempt of Court 2 The definition of the expression “‘ Magistrate ”
Act shall be deleted.

33) For the words *‘‘ Full Court’? wherever they
appear the words “Court of Appeal”’ shail
be substituted.

410) For the words ‘‘ Full Court” wherever they
appear the words ‘“ Court of Appeal’ shall
be substituted.

9 For the words “ Full Court” wherever they
appear the words ‘“‘ Court of Appeal’’ shall
be substituted.

11 The words ‘for the uses of the Presidency
wherein such case or cases of contempt may
have occurred” shall be deleted.

5 Courts of Justice 3 For the words “‘ General Legislature ” the words
Fees Act “Legislative Council’? shall be substituted.

4 The words “of the Presidency in which they
are respectively received” shall be deleted.

9 For the words “‘ Separate accounts’ the words
““An account” shall be substituted.

The words “of each Presidency” shall be
7 Debtors Act 2 The whole section shalJ be deleted.

5 The words ‘Persons committed under this
section”? and all the words following thereafter
down to and including the word ‘“ made”
shall be deleted.

6 The words ‘‘in any Presidency of the Colony ”
shall be deleted.

7 The words ‘tor any part thereof” shall be

19 For the words “ of the General Legislature, or

under any Act or Ordinance of any Presidency”
there shall be substituted the words “or
Ordinance ”’.

Cap. Short title



10 Judgments Act

13. Mercantile Law
Amendment Act

17. Public Authorities

Protection Act

20 Registration and
Records Act




The words ‘* of the Circuit in which the judgment
is entered” shall be deleted.

A full-stop shall be substituted for the semicolon
after the word ‘“ debtor”.

The words “and when the lands to be affected
by such application are situate in any other
Circuit, a copy of the application shall also
be filed in the Registrar’s Office of such other
Circuit” shall be delete .

The words “‘ of the Circuit in which it is filed ”
at the end of the section shall be deleted.

For the heading—

“Tn the Supreme Court of the Leeward Islands
Presidency of ” the following
heading shall be substituted—

“In the Supreme Court of the Windward
Islands and Leeward Islands Montserrat
Circuit ”’.

The words “ Windward Islands and”’ shall be
inserted before the word ‘* Leeward” in the
Note of Presentation.

For the words “ by the same Judges, and subject
to the same conditions, as rules of Court may
be made under the provisions of the Supreme
Court Act” the words “in the same manner
as rules of court for the Supreme Court may
be made” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘* Federal Act, or Local Act”
the words ‘Act or Ordinance” shall be

For the words “ Federal Act and of any Local
Act”? the words “ Act or Ordinance” shall
be substituted.

For the words ‘“ Federal and Local Acts”? in
the marginal note the words “Acts and
Ordinances” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘any Record” wherever these
words appear in the definitions of the expres-
sions ‘Indices’, ‘Public Records”,
“ Registered deeds and writings’ and
“ Registers ”, the words ‘“‘ the Record” shall
in each case be substituted.

Cap. Short title Section


20 Registration and 6
Records Act












The words “ of the Circuit, in which the land
thereby affected is situate” shall be deleted.

For the word ‘“ Circuit” the word “ Colony ”
shall be substituted.

The words “If executed in any other Circuit
in the Colony, within six months after
execution ;”’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘ intended for registration in the
Circuit wherein they are executed "’ the words
“executed in the Colony and intended for
registration therein’? shall be substituted.
In the marginal note, for the words “ Circuit
wherein registered” the words ‘‘ Colony and
registrable therein” shall be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words “the Leeward Islands” the
words ‘tthe Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “any Record Office” the words
“the Record Office”? shall be substituted.

For the words “ Presidency in which such deed
is presented for registration’? the word
“Colony ” shall be substitute !.

For the words “Act of the Colony, for a
Registrar” the words ‘“ Act or Ordinance,
for the Registrar’? shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘ of the Leeward Islands” shall be

For the word “‘ Registrars ’’ the word “‘Registrar’’
shall be substituted.

For the words “Chief Justice” the word
“ Registrar ”’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘“‘ General Legislature ’’ the words
“© Legislative Council ’’ shall be substituted.

The words “in each Circuit’? wherever they
appear shall be deleted

The words “ of the Circuit in which such office
or place is situate’ at the end of the section
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘ several Record Offices” the
words “* Record Office’? shall be substituted.

Cap. Short title Section Amendment
20 Registration and 32(1) For the words ‘“‘a Record Office”? wherever
Records Acts these words appear the words “the Record
(Contd) Office’ shall in each case be substituted.

32(2) For the words ‘‘ General Legislature”? wherever
these words appear the words ‘ Legislative
Council”? in each case shall be substituted.

32(4) For the words ‘‘ General Legislature ’? wherever
these words appear the words “ Legislative
Council” shall in each case be substituted.
For the word “ Legislature ” the word ‘‘Council”
shall be substituted,

32(5) For the words ‘‘ General Legislature” the words
“Legislative Council” shall be substituted.

38 In paragraphs (a), (f) and (g) for the word
“* Offices? the word “* Office” shall in cach
case be substituted and in paragraph (b) for
the word ‘ Regisirars”’ the word ‘Registrar’
shall be substituted.

39 For the word “every” the word ‘ the” shall
be substituted and for the words ‘ General
Legislature ” the words ** Legislative Council ”
shall be substituted.

41 For the word “‘any” the word ‘ the” shall
be substituted.


21 Summary Jurisdiction 2 The words “of any Circuit’? in the definition
Act of the expression ‘ Bailiff’? shall be deleted.
The words ‘‘, and shall include a Deputy Judge ”

in the definition of the expression “‘ Judge”
shall be deleted.

5 The whole section shall be deleted.
6 The words “in each Circuit’? shall be deleted.
7 For the words ‘‘ Leeward Islands” the word

““ Montserrat ’’ shall be substituted.

For the full-stop appearing after the word
‘“therewith ’’? a colon shall be substituted
and the following proviso added to the said
section :

“Provided that until such a seal is available
a stamp bearing the words ‘“ Court of Sum-
mary Jurisdiction, Montserrat ’’, and counter-
signed by the Clerk may be used instead of
such a seal”,


Cap. Short title

21 Summary Jurisdiction
Act (Contd.)

23 Unreprcsented
Estates Act






48 &





The words “in each Circuit of the Colony”
shall be deleted.

After the word “ Act ” the words “or Ordinance”
shall be added.

The whole section shall be deleted.


For the word “ Every” at the beginning of the
section the word ‘‘ The” shall be substituted.

The words “ for the Circuit. to which he belongs”
shall be deleted.

The words ‘any Circuit within” shall be

For the word “ Circuit” the word ‘“ Colony ”
shall be substituted.

For the words “ Circuit in which the suit is
brought” the word “Colony” shall be

The whole of sections 48 and 49 shall be

For the words “The said writ” the words
“A writ of execution” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘ The Leeward Islands” wherever
they appear in the headings to the Forms the
word ‘* Montserrat” shall be substituted.
The word ‘Circuit’? wherever it appears
in the headings to the Forms shail be deleted.

The words “(or Deputy Judge)” appearing in
Form No. 1 shall be deleted.

For the word “ Circuit ’’ where it appears after
the words “remove out of the” in Form
No. 3, the word “Colony” shali be sub-

The words ‘of the Leeward Islands’ in the
detinition of the expression “ The Court”
shall be deleted

The words ‘“‘ every Circuit of’? shall be deleted.

The words “in any Circuit” and the words
“of such Circuit’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘of the Circuit” shall be deleted.
After the word “ newspaper ” the words “(if any)”
shall be added.


Cap. Short title Section Amendment
23 Unrepresented 22 After the word ‘* Newspapers” the words
Estates Act ‘“ (if any”) shall be added,
24 The words “ of the Presidency ”’ shall be deleted.
31 The words ‘‘ or Commissioner ”’ shall be deleted.
36(1) The words “in the Circuit wherein such person
dies’ shall be deleted.
Schedule The words ‘‘ Windward Islands and” shall be
inserted before the word ‘‘ Leeward” in the
heading to Form 3.
24 Warrants of 2 The words ‘for the Circuit in which such
Attorney Act warrant of attorney was executed” shall be

3 The words “for the Circuit in which such
cognovit actionem shall have been given”
shall be deleted.

5 For the word “ Every” at the beginning of the
section the word ‘‘ The” shall be substituted.

25 The (Colonial) West 2 The definition of the expression ‘ Full Court”
Indian Court of shall be deleted.
Appeal Act

6(2) For the words ‘“‘ Circuit in which the trial was
held” the words ‘‘ Supreme Court” shall be

6 (3) (c) For the words “‘of the Circuit in which the
trial was held”? in paragraph (c) the words
““ of the Supreme Court” shall be substituted.

26 Wills Act 19 The words “ any Presidency of ’’ in the proviso
shall be deleted.

For the word ‘ Presidency” in the marginal
note to the proviso, the word ‘‘ Colony”
shall be substituted.

27 Accessories and 2 For the words “ passed, or to be passed, by the
Abettors Act General Legislature” the words

ar rr i

“or Ordinance’”’ shall be substituted.

3 For the words ‘‘ passed, or to be passed, as
aforesaid ” the words ‘ or Ordinance” shall
be substituted.

4 For the words “passed, or to be passed, as
aforesaid” the words “or Ordinance” shall
be substituted.


Cap. Short title Section


27 Accessories and 5
Abbetors Act
28 Coinage Offences 8
29 Convicts’ Licences 2

For the words ‘“‘ passed, or to be passed. as
aforesaid” the words “or Ordinance” shall
be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘ passed, or to be passed, as
aforesaid” the words *‘ or Ordinance” shall
be substituted.

For the words ‘‘ Leeward Islands” the word
“ Colony”? shall be substituted.


For the words ‘t Leeward Islands” the word

“ Colony ” shall be substituted.

For the words *‘ Leeward Islands”? the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘* Leeward Islands” wherever
these words appear the word ‘‘ Colony ” shall
in each case be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The definition of the eapressions ‘“ Chief
Inspector of Police” and “ District’ shall
be deleted.

In the definition of the expression ‘‘ Prison”
the word ‘ Ordinance” shall be substituted
for the word “ Act”.

For the words “Colonial Secretary’s’’ the
word ‘‘ Governor’s” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘ Chief Inspector of Police
the words “ senior police officer in the Colony”
shall be substituted.


The whole subsection shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘ Presidency in which he shall
have been convicted, or in the Presidency
in which he shall have been last imprisoned,
according as the Governor may determine”
the word ‘ Colony” shall be substituted.

For section 5 ihe following section shail be
substituted :—
“5. (1) Every licence holder shall—

(a) within forty eight hours after he is set
at liberty notify the place of his residence
to the Magistrate and as often as he
shall change his place of residence shall
within twenty-four hours after such
change notify the Magistrate thereof ;


Cap. Short title Section Amendment
29 Convicts’ Licences 5 (b) once in every month report himself
Act (Contd.) and the place of his residence to the

senior police officer in the Colony and
such report shall be made at such time
in the month and either personally or
by letter as such senior police officer
may from time to time direct.

(2) It shall be the duty of every senior
police officer who receives a report by letter
to forward a copy of the same to the Com-
missioner of Police for his information ”.

7 The words ‘“‘ any Island of ”’ shall be deleted.
The words “,or any portion thereof,” shall be

For the words ‘“‘in any district’? the word
“therein” shall be substituted. The words
“ of the district in which such place is situated”’
shall be deleted.

1 For the words ‘‘ of the General Legislature, or
of the Legislature of any Presidency of the
Colony” shall be deleted.

The words “the Colonial Secretary for the
information of ” shall be deleted.

First For the words ‘‘ LEEWARD ISLANDS” the
Schedule word “ MONTSERRAT ” shall be substituted
For the words ‘* Governor and Commander-.
in-Chief of the Colony of the Leeward Islands”
the words ‘‘ the Administrator of the Colony

of Montserrat”? shall be substituted.

For the words “ Supreme Court of this Colony ”
the words “‘ Supreme Court in this Colony ”
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘the Colony of the Leeward
[slands”” the words ‘‘ the said Colony ” shall
be substituted.

For the words ‘“ Government House in the
Island of” the words ‘“‘ the Administrator’s
Office at Montserrat ” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘And I the said Governor”
the words “ And I the said Administrator ”
shall be substituted.

In paragraph 4 of the Conditions of the licence
for the words ‘‘ Governor, or officer adminis-
tering the Government of the Leeward Islands”
the word “* Administrator ”’ shall be substituted.

Second The word “ District’? wherever it appears in
Schedule this Schedule shall be deleted.

ea NR

Cap. Short title Section



30) «Criminal Law 2(b)
Amendment Act



34 Criminal Procedure 20)

2(1) (d)


8, 9,
10 & 11







The words “not being a common prostitute
or of known immoral character,” shall be

For the words “ Juvenile Offenders Punishment
Act” the words ‘* Corporal Punishment Act,
1949”? shail be substituted.

For the expression ‘“‘ clause a’ wherever it
appears in the provisos the expression
‘paragraph (a)” shall in each case be sub-

For the words “of the General Legislature
or any Act in force in any Presidency of the
Colony ” the words “or Ordinance’ shall
be substituted.

For the words “ Act of the General Legislature ”’
the words “other Act or Ordinance”? shall
be substituted.

The whole paragraph shall be deleted.
The whole subsection shall be deleted.

The words “ the law officer, or the senior law
officer ” and alt the words following thereafter
down to the end of the subsection shali be
deleted and the words “ the Crown Attorney”
substituted therefor.

The whole of sections 8, 9, 10 and 11 shall be

For the words ‘“‘ Attorney General” the words
“Crown Attorney” shall be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words “tor the Circuit. district or place
to whieh the prisoner belongs” shall be

The word ‘ Circuit’ shall be deleted

For the words ‘“ Colonial Secretary” the word
“ Administrator ” shall be substituted and in
the marginal note of this paragraph.

For the word “appoinred” the word ‘‘appointed”
shall be substituted.

After the word ‘‘ Governor” the words “ of the
Leeward Islands” shall be added.



Short title Section Amendment



Ciiminal Procedure 39 After the word “‘ Governor”? the words “of
Act (Contd.) the Leeward [siands” shail be added.


The words “, or of the Colonial Secretary, or
of the Administrator or Commissioner of any
Presidency,”’ shall be deleted.

62 For the words “ Leeward Islands” wherever
they appear the word ‘‘ Colony” shall in
each case be substituted.

For the words “ with the Colony” the words
“within the Colony” shall be substituted.

Forfeited Recogni- 2° The words “in each Circuit of the Colony”’
sances Act shali be deleted.

For the words ‘‘ every Circuit Court ” the words
“the Court” shall be substituted.

7 The word “the” before the word “ prison”,
the words ‘tof the Presidency wherein the
recognisance was entered into”’, the words
“in the Circuit in which the recognisance
was entered into”. and the words “ within
the Circuit’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘next Circuit” in the marginal
note shall be deleted.

Schedule The words ‘‘ Windward Islands and” shail be
inserted before the word ‘‘ Leeward” in the

The words ‘“ Montserrat’? shall be inserted
before the word ‘‘ Circuit’ in the heading.

For the words “of the Presidency
of » the word “ Plymouth ’”’.

For the words “of our Circuit Court” the
words ‘‘ the said Court” shall be substituted.

For the words “the said Circuit Court” the
words “the said Court” shall be substituted.

34 Forteiture Act 4 The words ‘‘of any Presidency of the Colony,

or of the General Legislative Council of the
Colony” shall be deleted.

28 For the words ‘“‘ His Maijesty’s Attorney General
for the time being” and the words “ the
Attorney General” the words “the Crown
Attorney ” shall in each case be substituted.


Cap. Short title Section Amendment

36 Indictments Act 2 The word ‘“‘ First”? shall be deleted.

3) For the words ‘“‘ Attorney General”? the words
“Crown Attorney” shall be substituted.

3(3) The word “ General” in paragraph (a) shall
be deleted.

The word “ FIRST” in the heading shall be

First In Paragraph (1) of Rule 2—The words
Schedule “Windward Islands and” shall be inserted
before the word ‘* Leeward ”’.

The word ‘“ Montserrat’? shall be inserted
before the word “Circuit”. The words
“Antigua, St. Kitts-Nevis. etc. as the case
may be)” shall be deleted.

For the words “‘ ATTORNEY GENERAL
“CROWN ATTORNEY” shall be = sub-

In paragraph (2) of Rule 2 for the words
“Attorney General or Crown Attorney ”
wherever these words appear the words
““Crown Attorney” shall in each case be

In paragraph (1) of rule 5 for the word
“ommission’” the word ‘ omission” shalt
be substituted.

In paragraph (2) of rule 6 for the word
“owing” the word “owning” shall be
substituted and the words “or of any
Presidency ”’ shall be deleted.

38 Larceny Act 9 For the words “over to the Treasurer of the
Presidency in which such fine or penalty is
payable’ the words “into the Treasury of
the Colony” shall be substituted.

39 Malicious Damage 62 For the words ‘‘ Presidency where the same
Act shall have been imposed ” the word “ Colony ’”
shall be substituted.

40 Abolition of Mini- 2 For the words “‘ of the Leeward Islands, or any
mum Punishment Presidency thereof the words ‘‘ or Ordinance *
Act shall be substituted.


Cap. Short title Section Amendment
41 Offences against the 9 For the words “ Leeward Islands” wherever
Person Act . these words appear the word ‘“ Colony”

shall in each case be substituted.

The words “‘ Circuit district, or place in the”’,
and the words ‘‘in which such death, stroke,
poisoning, or hurt happens ”’ shall be deleted.

For the words “‘ that Circuit, district or place”
at the end of the section the words ‘‘ the

Colony” shall be substituted.
52 The words “of the Leeward Islands” shall be.

The words “ and any such offence” and all
the words following thereafter down to and
including the words “that Circuit. district.
or place” shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘ Leeward Islands’? wherever
these words appear the word ‘“ Colony”
shall be substituted.

60 For the words “‘ any Magistrate in any district ”
the words “The Magistrate of any place”
shall be substituted.

61 For the words “ Presidency in which the sum
is paid” at the end of the section the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

62 For the words “‘ any Presidency of the Leeward
Islands” the words “the Colony” shall be

For the words “such Presidency”? wherever
these words appear in paragraphs (a) and (b}
the words “the Colony” shall in each case
be substituted.
64 The whole section shall be deleted.

71 The words ‘of the Presidency in which such
fine has been awarded, or directed to be paid.
for the public uses of such Presidency ”’ shall
be deleted.

72 For the words “‘ Circuits of the Leeward Islands”

the word “ Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “‘any of the said Circuits in
which the offender shall be apprehended,
or be in custody” the words ‘* the Colony ”
shall be substituted.

For the words “that Circuit”? and the words
“such Circuit”. the words ‘the Colony ”
shall in each case be substituted.

Full Text


Published by Authority.

eae «=O VOL. LXXNXIV. TUESDAY, 261m JUNE, 1956. No. 29.


No. 75.

The following Statutory Rules and Orders
are circulated with this Gazette and form part
thereof :—



No. 22 of 1956, “ The Adaptation of Laws
Regulations, 1956. 82 pp.
(Price to be notified in a later issue)


No. 15 of 1956, “The Adaptation of Laws
Regulations, 1956. 90 pp.
(Price to be notified in a later tssue)

Virgin Islands.

No. 22 of 1956, “ The Adaptation of Laws
Regulations, 1956.” 92 pp.
(Price to be notified in a later issue)

j Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
X by Eart Pigott, Aoting Government Printer.—By Authority.

[Price ]

329.7 272
1 4974

ORDERS, 1956
No. 22


B29. 27279.
L Vev


Tue Adaptation of Laws Regulations, 1956, dated 9th June, 1956,
made by the Governor under section 5 of the Leeward Islands
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Order in Council, 1956 (Imperial) (1956,
No. 833).

1. SHORT TiTLE. These Regulations may be cited as the
Adaptation of Laws Regulations, 1956.

2. INTERPRETATION. In these Regulations—

‘Acts’? means Acts of the Legislature of the Leeward

‘the appointed day’’ means the first day of July, 1956;

“law’’ means any Order of Her Majesty in Council, any
Act of the Legislature of the Leeward Islands, any Act
or Ordinance of any Presidency constituting part of the
Leeward Islands, any Regulation, any Proclamation
approved by Order of Her Majesty in Council, or any
other enactment or instrument having the force of law
in the Leeward Islands;

“Schedule”? means Schedule to these Regulations.

3. APPLICATION AND MopiFIcATION oF Acts. (1) The Acts
mentioned in the first and second columns of the First Schedule
being laws to which section 5 of the Leeward Islands (Miscellaneous
Provisions) Order in Council, 1956 applies, but not being laws to
which subsection (1) of section 2 of the Leeward Islands Act, 1956*
applies, in force in the Presidency of Antigua immediately before
the appointed day shall, subject to the provisions of paragraph (2)
of this regulation remain valid as respects that Presidency after
the beginning of the appointed day, notwithstanding the constitu-
tion of the said Presidency as a separate Colony.

(2) The said Acts shall as regards Antigua have effect therein
after the beginning of the appointed day subject to the amendments
specified in the fourth column of the First Schedule to the sections
and schedules of the said Acts specified in the third column of that

OrpinANcE. The Antigua Constitution and Elections Ordinance,
1951+ being a law to which subsection (1) of section 2 of the Leeward
Islands Act, 1956 applies shall be modified to the extent specified
in the Second Schedule in view of the constitution of the Presidency
of Antigua as a sepatate Colony.

5. REPEAL. The Acts set out in the Third Schedu'e are hereby
repealed so far as they affect Antigua.

6. COMMENCEMENT. These Regulations shall come into opera-
tion on the Ist day of July, 1956.

*4 & 5 Eliz. 2. c. 23.
+No. 10/1951.


Part I

Cap. Short title Section Amendment

1 Bankruptcy Act 2 The whole section shall be deleted.

3(1) The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’
in the definition of the expression
“Government Officer’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘“‘of any Presidency’’ in the
definition of the expression ‘‘Treasurer’’
shall be deleted.

31(1) For the words ‘‘the General Legislative
Council or of the Legislative Council or
Assembly of any Presidency’ in paragraph
(a) the words ‘‘the Legislative Council’
shall be substituted.

38(6) For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ there shall
be substituted the words ‘‘the Colony’’.

70(1) The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which the
District is situated in which the bank-
ruptcy occurs’ shall be deleted.

88 The whole section shall be deleted.

89 The words ‘‘sitting in the district in which
the bankruptcy is proceeding’’ shall be

91 The words ‘‘in any district’’ and the

words ‘‘in his district’’ shall be deleted.
For the words ‘‘any Registrar’ the words
“the Registrar’ shall be substituted.

92(1) For the word ‘‘Registrars’’ the word
“‘Registrar’’ shall be substituted. The
words ‘‘, during the absence of a Judge
from the Colony,’’ shall be inserted
between the words ‘‘shall’’ and ‘‘have’’.

For the words ‘‘such registrars’’ the words
“the Registrar’ shall be substituted.

92(2) The Proviso shall be deleted.
92(4) The whole subsection shall be deleted.

93 The whole section shall be deleted.

Cap. Short title Section Amendment
1 Bankruptcy Act 94 For section 94 the following section shall be
(Contd.) substituted—

“94. (1) Proceedings in bankruptcy may be
transferred to or from any other Circuit
of the Court in accordance with the pro-
visions of rule 11 (which relates to change
of venue) of the Rules made by the Chief
Justice on the 24th day of September,
1941, under section 16 of the Leeward
Islands and Windward Islands (Courts)
Order in Council, 1939.

(2) Subject to Rules of Court, if any
question of law arises in any bankruptcy
proceedings during the absence of a Judge
from the Colony, the Registrar shall, at
the request of either party, state the facts
in the form of a special case for the
opinion of a Judge, and shall transmit
the special case and the proceedings or
such of them as may be required to a
Registrar of the Court in a Circuit where
a Judge is resident.’’

112(8) The words ‘“‘of the district in which the
debtor resides’’ shall be deleted.

112(13) The whole subsection shall be deleted.
114(4) The second paragraph shall be deleted.
115(2) The word ‘‘General’’ shall be deleted.

117 For the words ‘‘General Legislature’’ the
words ‘‘Legislative Council’’ shall be

118 The words “‘of every bankruptcy district’’

and the word ‘‘General’’ shall be deleted.

123 The words “in any bankruptcy district’
shall be deleted.

134(1) For the words ‘‘of the General Legislature,
or in any Act or Ordinance of the Legis-
lature of any Presidency,’’ there shall be
substituted the words ‘‘or Ordinance’.

137(1) The words ‘‘of the Presidency’ at the end
of the first paragraph shall be deleted.

137(2) The words ‘‘Act of the General Legislature
of any’’, and the words ‘‘of the Legisla-
ture of any Presidency mentioned in the
Fourth Schedule’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘of any petition’’ the words
“or any petition’’ shall be substituted.


Cap. Short title Section Amendment


{1 Bankruptcy Act 137(2) The words “‘of the Presidency’’ shall be
(Contd.) deleted.
137(5) The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ shall be

First The words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ in para-
Schedule graph 2 shall be deleted.

4 Contempt of Court 2 The definition of the expression ‘‘Magis-
Act trate’’ shall be deleted.
3(3) For the words ‘‘Full Court’’ wherever they

appear the words ‘‘Court of Appeal’ shall
be substituted.

4(10) For the words ‘‘Full Court’’ wherever they
appear the words ‘‘Court of Appeal’ shall
be substituted.

9 For the words ‘‘Full Court’’ wherever they
appear the words ‘‘Court of Appeal’’ shall
be substituted.

11 The words ‘‘for the uses of the Presidency
wherein such case or cases of contempt
may have occurred’’ shall be deleted.

5 Courts of Justice 3 For the words ‘‘General Legislature’’ the

Fees Act words ‘‘Legislative Council’’ shall be

4 The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which they

are respectively received’’ shall be deleted.

9 For the words ‘‘Separate accounts’’ the
words ‘‘An account” shall be substituted.
The words ‘“‘of each Presidency’’ shall be

7 Debtors Act 2 The whole section shall be deleted.
5 The words ‘‘Persons committed under this

section’’ and all the words following
thereafter down to and including the
word ‘‘made’’ shall be deleted.

6 The words ‘‘in any Presidency of the
Colony’’ shall be deleted.

7 The words ‘‘or any part thereof’’ shall be

19 For the words ‘‘of the General Legislature,

or under any Act or Ordinance of any
Presidency,’’ there shall be substituted
the words “‘or Ordinance’’.

OO ooo

Cap. Short title Section


10 Judgments Act 4



13 Mercantile Law 12
Amendment Act

17 Public Authorities 2
Protection Act

20 Registration and 2
Records Act

The words “‘of the Circuit in which the
Judgment is entered’’ shall be deleted.
A full-stop shall be substituted for the semi-

colon after the word ‘‘debtor’’.

The words ‘‘and when the lands to be
affected by such application are situate
in any other Circuit, a copy of the appli-
cation shall also be filed in the Registrar’s
Office of such other Circuit.’’ shall be

The words ‘“‘of the Circuit in which it is
filed’’ at the end of the section shall be

For the heading—
“In the Supreme Court of The Lee-
ward Islands
Presidency of
the following heading shall be substituted—
“In the Supreme Court of the Wind-
ward Islands and Leeward Islands
Antigua Circuit.’’

The words ‘‘Windward Islands and’’ shall
be inserted before the word ‘‘Leeward’’
in the Note of Presentation.

For the words ‘“‘by the same Judges, and
subject to the same conditions, as rules
of Court may be made under the provi-
sions of the Supreme Court Act’’ the
words ‘‘in the same manner as rules of
court for the Supreme Court may be
made’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Federal Act or Local Act’’
the words ‘‘Act or Ordinance’’ shaJl be

For the words ‘‘Federal Act and of any
Local Act’”’ the words ‘‘Act or Ordinance’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Federal and Local Acts’”’
in the marginal note the words ‘‘Acts and
Ordinances’” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘any Record’’ wherever
these words appear in the definitions of
the expressions ‘‘Indices’’, ‘Public
Records’, ‘‘Registered deeds and writ-
ings’’ and ‘‘Registers’’, the words ‘‘The
Record’’ shall in each case be substituted.


ce Te

Cap. Short title Section


ee aa vr Sr

20 Registration and 6
Records Act











The words ‘‘of the Circuit, in which the
land thereby affected is situate’’ shall be

For the word ‘‘Circuit’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’
shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘If executed in any other Cir-
cuit in the Colony, within six months
after execution;’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘intended for registration
in the Circuit wherein they are executed’’
the words ‘‘executed in the Colony and
intended for registration therein’’ shall be

In the marginal note for the words ‘‘in the
Circuit wherein registered’’ the words ‘‘in
the Colony and registrable therein’’ shall
be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘the Leeward Islands’’ the
words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words “‘any Record Office’ the
words ‘‘the Record Office’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Presidency in which such
deed is presented for registration’ the
word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Act of the Colony for a
Registrar’ the words ‘‘Act or Ordinance,
for the Registrar’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall
be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Registrars’’ the word
‘Registrar’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Chief Justice’’ the word
“‘Registrar’” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘General Legislature’ the
words ‘‘Legislative Council’’ shall be

The words ‘‘in each Circuit’’ wherever they
appear shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘record office’’ the words
“Record Office’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Circuit in which such

office or place is situate’’ at the end of
the section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘several Record Offices’’ the
words ‘‘Record Office’’ shall be sub-

Cap. Short title Section Amendment
20 Registration and 32(1) For the words ‘‘a Record Office’’ wherever
Records Act. these words appear the words ‘‘the
(Contd.) Record Office’? shall in each case be

32(2) For the words ‘‘General Legislature’ wher-
ever these words appear the words
“Legislative Council’’ shall in each case
be substituted.

32(4) For the words ‘‘General Legislature’’ wher-
ever these words appear the words
“Legislative Council’’ shall in each case
be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Legislature’’ the word
“Council’’ shall be substituted.

32(5) For the words ‘‘General Legislature’ the
words ‘‘Legislative Council’’ shall be

38 In paragraphs (a), (f) and (g) for the word
‘Offices’? the word ‘‘office’’ shall in each
case be substituted and in paragraph (b)
for the word ‘‘Registrars’’ the word
‘Registrar’ shall be substituted.

39 For the word ‘‘every’’ the word ‘‘the’’ shall
be substituted and for the words ‘‘General
Legislature’? the words ‘‘Legislative
Council’ shall be substituted.

41 For the word ‘‘any’’ the word ‘‘the’’ shall
be substituted.
21 Summary Jurisdiction 2 The words ‘‘of any Circuit’’ in the defini-
Act tion of the expression ‘‘Bailiff’’ shall be

The words ‘‘for the Circuit in which the suit
is brought or process is in force’’ in the
definition of the expression ‘‘Clerk’’ shall
be deleted.

The words ‘‘and shall include a Deputy
Judge’’ in the definition of the expression
‘‘Judge’’ shall be deleted.

5 The whole section shall be deleted.

6 The words ‘‘in each Circuit’ shall be
* deleted.

7 For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ the word

“‘Antigua’’ shall be substituted.

we a ee


NN 0

Cap. Short title Section Amendment
21 Summary Jurisdiction 7 For the full-stop appearing after the word
Act (Contd.) ‘therewith’ a colon shall be substituted

and the following proviso added to the
said section :

‘Provided that until such a seal is avail-
able a stamp bearing the words ‘‘Court
of Summary Jurisdiction, Antigua’, and
countersigned by the Clerk may be used
instead of such a seal.”’

8 The words ‘‘in each Circuit of the Colony’’
shall be deleted.

8(c) After the word ‘‘Act’’ the words ‘‘or
Ordinance’ shall be added.

11 The whole section shall be deleted.

18 For the word ‘‘Every’’ at the beginning of
the section the word ‘‘The’’ shall be

The words ‘‘for the Circuit, to which he
belongs’ shall be deleted.

21 The words ‘‘any Circuit within’’ shall be

36 For the word ‘‘Circuit’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’
shall be substituted.

37 For the words ‘‘Circuit in which the suit is
brought’? the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

48 & The whole of sections 48 and 49 shall be

49 deleted.

50 For the words ‘‘the said writ’’ the words
“A writ of execution”’ shall be substituted.

Schedule For the words ‘‘The Leeward Islands’

wherever they appear in the headings to
the Forms the word ‘‘Antigua’’ shall be

The word ‘‘Circuit’’ wherever it appears in
the headings to the Forms shall be

The words ‘“‘or Deputy Judge’’ appearing
in Form No. 1 shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Circuit’’? where it appears
after the words ‘‘remove out of the’ in
Form No. 3, the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

23 Unrepresented 2 The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’ in the
Estates Act definition of the expression ‘‘The Court’’
shall be deleted.
3 The words ‘‘every Circuit of’ shall be

Cap. Short title


Section Amendment

23 Unrepresented
Estates Act

4 The words ‘‘in any Circuit’’ and the words
“of such Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

18 The words ‘‘of the Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

24 The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ shall be

31 The words ‘‘or Commissioner’’ shall be

36(1) The words ‘‘in the Circuit wherein such
person dies’’ shall be deleted.

Schedule The words ‘‘Windward Islands and’‘ shall

24 Warrants of
Attorney Act

25 The (Colonial) West
Indian Court of
Appeal Act

26 Wills Act

27 Accessories and
Abettors Act

be inserted before the word ‘‘Leeward’’
in the heading to Form 3.

2 The words ‘‘for the Circuit in which such
warrant of Attorney was executed’’ shall
be deleted.

3 The words ‘‘for the Circuit in which such

cognovit actionem shall have been given’’
shall be deleted.

5 For the word ‘‘Every’’ at the beginning of
the section the word ‘‘The’’ shall be

2 The definition of the expression ‘‘Full

Court’’ shall be deleted.

6(2) For the words ‘‘Circuit in which the trial
was held’’ the words ‘‘Supreme Court’’
shall be substituted.

6(3) (c) For the words ‘‘of the Circuit in which the
trial was held’’ in paragraph (ec) the
words ‘‘of the Supreme Court’’ shall be

19 The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ in the
proviso shall be deleted.
For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ in the marginal
note the words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be

2 For the words ‘‘passed, or to be passed, by

the General Legislature’’ the words ‘‘or
Ordinance’’ shall be substituted.

3 For the words ‘‘passed, or to be passed, as
aforesaid’? the words ‘‘or Ordinance’’
shall be substituted.

4 For the words ‘‘passed, or to be passed, as
aforesaid’’ the words ‘‘or Ordinance’’
shall be substituted.


Cap. Short title



27 Accessories and
Abettors Act

28 Coinage Offences

29 Convicts’ Licences






For the words ‘‘passed, or to be passed, as
aforesaid’? the words ‘‘or Ordinance’’
shall be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘passed, or to be passed, as

aforesaid’’ the words ‘‘or Ordinance’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ where-
ever these words appear the word
“Colony’’ shall in each case be sub-

The whole section shall be deleted.

The definition of the expressions ‘‘Chief
Inspector of Police’’ and ‘‘District’’
shall be deleted.

In the definition of the expression ‘‘Prison’’
the word ‘‘Ordinance’’ shall be sub-
stituted for the word ‘‘Act’’.

For the words ‘‘Colonial Secretary’s’’ the
word ‘‘Governor’s’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Chief Inspector of Police’
the words ‘‘senior police officer in the
Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The whole subsection shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency in which he
shall have been convicted, or in the
Presidency in which he shall have been
last imprisoned, according as the Governor
may determine’ the word ‘‘Colony’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘chief officer of police for
the island in which he resides’’ the words
“senior police officer in the Colony’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Chief Inspector of Police’
the words ‘‘senior police officer in the
Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Chief officer of police for
such island, who shall communicate the
same to the Chief Inspector of Police’
at the end of the section the words
“senior police officer in the Colony’
shall be substituted.

a a a
Cap. Short title Section Amendment

29 Convicts’ Licences 7 The words ‘‘any Island of’’ shall be deleted.
Act (Contd.) The words “ or any portion thereof,’’ shall

be deleted.
i The words ‘‘of the General Legislature, or

of the Legislature of any Presidency of
the Colony’’ shall be deleted.

Phe words ‘‘the Colonial Secretary for the
information of’’ shall be deleted.

First For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ the word
Schedule “Antigua’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Governor and Commander
in Chief of the Colony of the Leeward
Islands’? the words ‘‘the Administrator
of the Colony of Antigua’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Supreme Court of this
Colony’’ the words ‘‘Supreme Court in
this Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘the Colony of the Leeward
Islands’’ the words ‘‘the said Colony’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Government House in the
Island of’’ the words ‘‘the Administra-
tor’s Office’ shall be substituted.

In paragraph 4 of the Conditions of the
Licence for the words ‘‘Governor, or
officer administering the Government of
the Leeward Islands’’ the word ‘‘Admin-
istrator’’ shall be substituted.

30 Criminal Law 2(b) The words ‘“‘not being a common prostitute
Amendment Act or of known immoral character,’’ shall

be deleted.
3 For the words ‘‘Juvenile Offenders Punish-

ment Act’’ the words ‘‘Corporal Punish-
ment Act, 1949’’ shall be substituted.

The marginal reference ‘‘10/1949"’ shall be

4 For the expression ‘‘clause a’’ wherever it
appears in the provisos the expression
“paragraph (a)’’ shall in each case be

11 For the words ‘‘of the General Legislature
or any Act in force in any Presidency
of the Colony’’ the words ‘‘or Ordinance’’
shall be substituted.

31 Criminal Procedure 2(1) For the words ‘‘Act of the General
Act Legislature’’ the words ‘‘other Act or
Ordinance’’ shall be substituted.

2(1) (d) The whole paragraph shall be deleted.


Cap. Short title Section


31 Criminal Procedure

Act (Contd.)



8, 9
10 & 11






33 Forfeited Recogni- 2
sances Act

The whole subsection shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘the law officer, or the senior
law officer’? and all the words following
thereafter down to the end of the sub-
section shall be deleted and the words
‘“‘the Attorney General’’ substituted

The whole of sections 8, 9, 10 and 11 shall

be deleted.
The whole section shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘for the Circuit, district or place
to which the prisoner belongs’’ shall be

The word ‘‘Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘Colonial Secretary’’ the
word ‘‘Administrator’’ shall be sub-
stituted and in the marginal note to this
paragraph the word ‘‘Administrator’’
shall be substituted for the words
“Colonial Secretary.’’

For the word ‘“‘appoinred’’ the
‘“‘appointed’’ shall be substituted.

After the word ‘‘Governor’’ the words ‘“‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be added.

After the word “‘Governor’’ the words ‘‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be added.
The words ‘‘or of the Colonial Secretary,
or of the Administrator or Commissioner
of any Presidency,’’ shall be deleted.


For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ wher-
ever they appear the word ‘‘Colony’’
shall in each case be substituted.

For the words ‘‘with the Colony’’ the
words ‘“‘within the Colony’’ shall be sub-

The words ‘‘in each Circuit of the Colony”’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘every Circuit Court’’ the
words ‘‘the Court’’ shall be substituted.
The word ‘‘the

the words

” before the word ‘‘prison’’,

“of the Presidency wherein
the recognisance was entered into’’, the
words ‘‘in the Circuit in which the recog-
nisance was entered into’’, and the words
“within the Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

The words “‘next Circuit’ in the marginal
note shall be deleted.

ee eee

Cap. Short title Section



33 Forfeited Recogni- Schedule

sances Act
34 Forfeiture Act 4
36 Indictments Act 3(3)
38 Larceny Act 119
39 Malicious Damage 62
40 Abolition of Mini- 2

mum Punishment

The words ‘‘WINDWARD ISLANDS and’’
shall be inserted before the word ‘‘LEE-
WARD” in the heading.

The word ‘‘Antigua’’ shall be inserted
before the word ‘‘Circuit’’ in the heading.

For the words “of the Presidency
of "’ the words ‘“‘at
St. John’s’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘of our Circuit Court’’
the words ‘‘the said Court’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘the said Circuit Court’’ the
words ‘“‘the said Court’’ shall be

The words ‘‘of any Presidency of the
Colony, or of the General Legislative
Council of the Colony’’ shall be deleted.

The word ‘‘General’’ in paragraph (a) shall
be deleted.

In paragraph (1) of rule 2—-

The words ‘“‘Windward Islands and’’ shall
be inserted before the word ‘‘Leeward’’.

The word ‘‘Antigua’’ shall be inserted before
the word ‘‘Circuit’’.

The words ‘‘(Antigua, St. Kitts-Nevis, etc.
as the case may be)’’ shall be deleted.
The words ‘‘(or Crown Attorney of)’’ shall

be deleted.

In paragraph (2) of rule 2 the words ‘‘(or
Crown Attornev of ..... )’’ wherever
these words appear shall be deleted.

In paragraph (1) of rule 5 for the word
“ommission’’ the word ‘‘omission’’ shall
be substituted.

In paragraph (2) of rule 6 for the word
“owing’’ the word ‘‘owning’’ shall be
substituted and the words ‘“‘or any
Presidency’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘over to the Treasurer of
the Presidency in which such fine or
penalty is payable’ the words “‘into the
Treasury of the Colony’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Presidency where the
same shall have been imposed’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands, or


any Presidency thereof’ the words ‘‘or
Ordinance’ shall be substituted.

Cap. Short title

41 Offences against the
Person Act

42 Perjury Act










For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ wherever
these words appear the word ‘‘Colony’”’
shall in each case be substituted.

The words ‘‘Circuit, district, or place in
the’, and the words ‘“‘in which such
death, stroke, poisoning, or hurt
happens’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘that Circuit, district or
place’’ at the end of the section the
words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall
be deleted.

The words ‘‘, and any such offence’’ and
all the words following thereafter down
to and including the words ‘‘that Circuit,
district, or place’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ wherever
these words appear the word ‘‘Colony”’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency in which the
sum is paid’’ at the end of the section
the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘any Presidency of the Lee-
ward Islands’ the words ‘‘the Colony’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘such Presidency’’ wherever
these words appear in paragraphs (a) and
(b) the words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall in each
case be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words ‘“‘of the Presidency in which
such fine has been awarded, or directed
to be paid, for the public uses of such
Presidency’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Circuits of the Leeward
Islands’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘any of the said Circuits in
which the offender shall be apprehended,
or be in custody’’ the words ‘‘the
Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘that Circuit’’ and the words
“such Circuit’’ the words ‘‘the Colony’’
shall in each case be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands, or in any
Presidency thereof’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’
shall be substituted.








Short title Section
Perjury Act 4
Post Office Offences 4
Rewards for the 4
Apprehension of
Criminals Act
Riot Act 4

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands, or out of
any Presidency thereof’, and the words
‘‘Leeward Islands, or in such Presidency”’
wherever they appear the word ‘‘Colony’”’
shall in each case be substituted.

For the words ‘‘that Circuit, district, or
place where he has been apprehended, or
is in custody’’ at the end of the section
the words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands, or in any
Presidency thereof’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’
shall be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

After the word ‘‘Act’’ the words ‘‘or Ordi-
nance’ shall be inserted and the words
‘| or any Presidency thereof,’’ shall be

The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’’ in
paragraph (a) and the words ‘‘or of any
Presidency of the Colony’’ in paragraph
(b) shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘, or of any Presidency of the
Colony of the Leeward Islands’’ at the
end of the section shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency within which
the same is placed or maintained’, and
the words ‘‘of such Presidency, as afore-
said,’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency wherein the
crime charged was committed’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘such Presidency’’ the words
‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency or any part of
a Presidency where such assembly shall
be’? the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be sub-

The words “‘or of the Presidency or part of
a Presidency where such assembly shall
be’’ shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.
The words ‘‘or part of a Presidency where
such persons shall be so apprehended’”’

shall be deleted.



Cap. Short title Section Amendment
48 Training Schools 10 The words ‘‘in any Presidency’’ shall be
Act deleted.

For the words ‘‘Legislature of such Presi-
dency as aforesaid’’ at the end of the
section the words ‘‘Legislative Council’’
shall be substituted.

15 The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’’
shall be deleted.

16(1) The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’’
shall be deleted.

25 The words ‘‘Presidency in which is situate
the Training School where the inmate is
kept in respect of whose maintenance the
contribution is made’’ shall be deleted.

26 The words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ shall be

Schedule The words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ in the head-
ing shall be deleted.
For the words ‘‘Presidency of ”
wherever these words appear the words
“Colony of Antigua’’ shall in each case
be substituted.

50 Banker’s Books 9 For the word ‘‘bank-holiday’’ the words
(Evidence) Act “public holiday’’ shall be substituted.
51 By-Laws (Evidence) 2 The whole section shall be deleted.
52 Evidence Act 31 The words ‘‘or the Administrator or Com-
missioner of any Presidency,’’ shall be
53 Executive Councils 2 The words “‘or of any Presidency thereof’’
(Evidence) Act shall be deleted.
3 For the words ‘‘any of the Executive

Councils aforesaid’’ the words ‘‘the
Executive Council’ shall be substituted.

54 Gazette (Evidence) 2 The definition of the expression ‘‘The
Act Gazette’’ shall be deleted.
4 The whole section shall be deleted.
56 Jury Act 2 The words “‘of the Circuit in which the

Registrar referred to in the context
serves’’ in the definition of the expression
‘Magistrate’ shall be deleted.

3(1) The words ‘‘of every Circuit, except the
Anguilla Circuit,’’ shall be deleted.
For the words ‘‘Presidency in which he
serves’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

Cap. Short title

56 Jury Act






For the words ‘“‘any of the following
islands, namely, Antigua, Saint Christo-
pher, Nevis, Montserrat, and Tortola’’
the word ‘‘Antigua’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘in the Circuit in which he
resides’’ in paragraph (d) shall be deleted.

For the words “‘any of the following
islands, namely, Antigua, Saint Christo-
pher, Nevis, Montserrat, and Tortola’’ the
word ‘‘Antigua’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘in the Circuit in which he
resides’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of every Circuit, other than
the Anguilla Circuit,’’ shall be deleted.
For the word ‘‘Circuit’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’

shall be substituted.

For the expression ‘‘a Registrar’’ the words
“‘the Registrar’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which the
Circuit is situated,’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

For the expression ‘‘a Registrar’ the words
“the Registrar’ shall be substituted.

10(1) (b) The words ‘‘in the Circuit’’ wherever these




words appear in subparagraphs (i), (ii)
and (iti) shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘in the Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Circuit’’ in subsections
(1) and (2) shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of any Circuit,’’ and the words
“at, the Circuit Courts of the Circuit’
in subsection (4) shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Circuit stated in the
heading of the register’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘for the Circuit’, and the
words ‘‘for the Circuit in question’’ shall
be deleted.

The words “‘for any Circuit’ shall be

For the words ‘‘, and serve at, the
Circuit Courts of the Circuit,’’ the word
“serve’’ shall be substituted.

13(1) (a) The words ‘‘of the Circuit stated in the

heading of the register’ shall be deleted.
For the word ‘‘Circuit’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’
shall be substituted.


Cap. Short, title Section Amendment
56 Jury Act 13(2) The words ‘‘for the same Circuit’’ and the
(Contd.) words ‘‘made in the same Circuit’’ shall
be deleted.

14(1) The words ‘‘in any Circuit’’ shall be deleted.
For the words ‘‘Circuit Court in question’’
at the end of the subsection the words

“‘said Court’’ shall be substituted.

15(1) For the letter ‘‘a’’ appearing before the
word ‘‘Registrar’’ the word ‘‘the’’ shall be

For the word “‘Circuit’’ the word ‘‘Colony”’
shall be substituted.

15(3) For the expression ‘‘a Circuit’’ the words
“‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

16(1) The word ‘‘the’’ shall be substituted for the
letter ‘‘a’’ appearing immediately before
the word ‘‘Registrar’’.

The words ‘‘in that Circuit’’ in paragraph
(a) shall be deleted.

16(2) In paragraph (6) for the word ‘‘Circuit’’
the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

16(4) The word ‘‘the’’ shall be substituted for the
letter ‘‘a’’ appearing immediately before
the word ‘‘Registrar’’.

The words ‘‘of the Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

17 The words ‘‘of the Circuit’, ‘‘of any Cir-
cuit’, ‘‘of the same Circuit’ respectively
shall be deleted.

18(1) For the letter ‘‘a’’ appearing immediately
before the word ‘‘Registrar’’ the word
“‘the’’ shall be substituted.

20(1) The words ‘‘of the Circuit in which the
trial is to be held’’ shall be deleted.

21(1) The words ‘‘of the Circuit, in which the
trial is to be held,’’ shall be deleted.
The words ‘‘for the Circuit’? wherever these
words appear in paragraph (a) shall in
each case be deleted.

22 The words ‘‘in the Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

23 The words ‘‘in the Circuit’’ in subparagraph
(ii) of paragraph (b) shall be deleted.
In the proviso for the words ‘‘a Circuit, in’’
the words ‘‘the Colony in’’ shall be

37 The words ‘‘in the same Circuit’’ shall be


Cap. Short title Section Amendment
56 Jury Act 38 For the words ‘‘presiding at a Circuit
(Contd.) Court’? the words ‘‘presiding at the

sitting of the Court’’ shall be substituted.
For the word ‘‘Circuit’’ the word ‘‘Colony”’
shall be substituted.

40 The words ‘‘for the Circuit in which the
fine is imposed’’ shall be deleted.

41(2) For the words ‘‘same Circuit’? the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

41(3) The words ‘‘for the Circuit in which the
fine was imposed’’ shall be deleted.

42(1) The words ‘‘at any Circuit Court’’, and the
words ‘‘of the Circuit in which the fine was
imposed’’ respectively shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘next Circuit Court in the
same Circuit’? the words ‘‘the session of
the Court then in progress’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘last mentioned Circuit
Court’’ the words ‘‘said session’’ shall be

42 (3) The words ‘‘of the Circuit in which the fine
was imposed’’ shall be deleted.

44(2) The words ‘‘of the Circuit, in which the
proceeding is to be tried,’’ shall be

44(3) For the words ‘‘Circuit in which the pro-
ceeding is to be tried’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

47(1) The words ‘‘in any Presidency,’’ and the
words ‘‘in that Presidency’’ shall be

47(3) The words ‘‘of the Presidency to which the
rules apply’’ shall be deleted.


49 The words “‘, in any Circuit,’’ shall be


First The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands or of
Schedule any Presidency thereof’’, the words
‘“‘Members of the General Legislative

Council of the Leeward Islands, and the

Clerk thereof’’, and the words ‘‘of any
Presidency’’ respectively shall be deleted.

Third For the words ‘‘Circuit of’’ the word
Schedule “Colony’’ shall be substituted.
The words ‘‘for District ”’ at the
end of the Schedule shall be deleted.



Cap. Short title



58 Exportation of
Arms and Warlike
Stores Act

61 Magistrate’s Code
of Procedure Act


The words ‘‘or from any Presidency or
island thereof’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘or from any Presidency ot
island thereof’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘or any Presidency or island
thereof’’ shall be deleted.

In the definition of the expression ‘‘Convic-
tion’ the words ‘‘or any Presidency
thereof’’ shall be deleted.

In the definition of the expression ‘‘Offence’’
the words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’’
shall be deleted.

For section 4 the following section shall
be substituted :—

“4, For the purpose of holding
Magistrate’s Courts the Colony is
divided into districts as follows :—

The island of Antigua into two

districts A and B.

The island of Barbuda into one

district C.’’

For the words ‘‘Antigua and St. Christopher’’
the words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands or

of any Presidency thereof’’ the words ‘‘or
Ordinance’’, shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘as aforesaid’ the words ‘‘or
Ordinance’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘in any Presidency’’ and the
words ‘‘of such Presidency’’ shall be

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘the Presidency or island
in which the district is situated’, the
words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Legislatures of the Presi-
dencies in which the districts of such
Magistrates are situated’’ the words
“Legislative Council’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘But it is’’ the words ‘‘Tt is’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Act of the Colony or of any
Presidency thereof’ the words ‘‘Act or
Ordinance’ shall be substituted.


Cap. Short title Section


61 Magistrate’s Code 26
of Procedure Act











The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘of the Colony or of any
Presidency thereof’’ in subparagraph (i)
of paragraph (d) the words “or
Ordinance’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘of the Colony or any
Presidency’’ in subparagraph (iii) of
paragraph (d) the words ‘‘or Ordinance’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘of the Colony or any
Presidency thereof’’ in paragraph (/) the
words ‘‘or Ordinance’”’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘“‘of any Presidency’’ in para-
graph (0) shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Acts’’ in paragraph (p) the
word ‘‘acts’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘of the Colony or any
Presidency thereof?’ the words ‘‘or
Ordinance’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘for the same Presidency’’ shall
be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Fresidency of’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘the Inspector of Police of
the Presidency in which the act charged
has been committed’’ the words ‘‘a
member of the Police Force’’ shall be

The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ shall be

The words ‘‘or Presidency’’ shall be deleted.
The whole section shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘in the Presidency in which such
warrant is issued’’ shall be deleted.

In the marginal note the words “‘in the
Presidency’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘an inspector of police or
any constable’’ the words ‘‘any member
of the Police Force’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘same Presidency’’ the
word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The whole of sections 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 and
71 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which the
preliminary inquiry has been held’’ shall
be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.


Cap. Short title Section Amendment
61 Magistrate’s Code 74 The words “‘, or in the case of an indictable
of Procedure Act offence committed out of the Colony, to
(Contd.) the prison of the Presidency in which
such warrant is issued,’’ shall be deleted.
78 The words ‘‘of the same Presidency’’ shall
be deleted.

82 For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word

“Colony’’ shall be substituted.
83 The words ‘‘of the Circuit in which such

person as aforesaid has been committed
to take his trial’’ shall be deleted.

114 The words ‘‘to be executed in the
Presidency’’ and the words ‘‘within
Presidency’’ in the marginal note shall be

115 The whole section shall be deleted.

156(2) The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’’
wherever these words appear shall be

156(3) For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

167 For the words ‘‘Legislature of the Presi-
dency in which they respectively serve’’
the words ‘‘Legislative Council’’ shall be

168 For the words ‘‘Presidency in which the
same shall have been received’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be. substituted.

171 For the words ‘‘of the Colony or any Presi-
dency’’ the words ‘‘or Ordinance’’ shall
be substituted.

176 For the words ‘‘Circuit mentioned in the
said section’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

178 The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ shall be
deleted. .

181 The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ at the end
of the section shall be deleted.

190 For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

206 For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

209 The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which the
preliminary inquiry has been held’’ shall
be deleted.

221 The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which they

were taken’’ shall be deleted.


Cap. Short title Section

61 Magistrate’s Code 227
of Procedure Act










The words ‘‘an inspector of police or’’ shall
be deleted.

For the words ‘‘any other Act’’ the words
“any other Act or Ordinance’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘or law of the Colony or
any Presidency thereof’’ in paragraph (e)
the words ‘‘or Ordinance’’ shall he

For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ in the
said paragraph the words ‘‘the Colony”’
shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘Presidency or’’ wherever these
words appear shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘a Registrar of’’ the words
“the Registrar of’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Colonial Secretary’’
the word ‘‘Administrator’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘of the Presidency or island
in which his district is situate for the
public use of such Presidency or island
except where otherwise provided by any
Act of the Colony or any Presidency
thereof’? the words ‘‘for the public use
of the Colony except where otherwise
provided by any other Act or Ordinance’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘General Legislature’ the
words ‘‘Legislative Council’’ shall he

For the words ‘‘in the Acts’’ the words “‘in
the Acts or Ordinances’? shall be

For the words ‘‘Acts of the Colony or the
Presidencies thereof’’ the words ‘‘Acts or
Ordinances of the Colony or’’ shall
be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Act of the Colony or any
Presidency thereof’? the words ‘‘Act or
Ordinance of the Colony’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘future Acts as aforesaid’
the words ‘‘future Acts or Ordinances as
aforesaid’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Act amending’’ the words
“‘Act or Ordinance amending’’ shall be



Cap. Short title Section Amendment


64 Obeah Act 4 For the words ‘‘or Acts’’ the words ‘‘or
Ordinance’ shall be substituted.
For the words ‘‘Whipping Act’’ the words
“Corporal Punishment Act, 1949’’ shall
be substituted.

65 Prevention of 2 In the definition of the expression ‘‘Chief
Crimes Act officer of Police’ for the words ‘‘Chief
Inspector’ the word‘‘ Commissioner’’ shall
be substituted.
For the words ‘‘Inspector or sub-inspector’’
the words ‘‘Superintendent or Assistant
Superintendent’’ shall be substituted.
For the words ‘‘officer of police in any
Presidency of’’ the words ‘‘police officer
in’’ shall be substituted.

5(2) The words “‘of his district’? at the end of
paragraph (a) shall be deleted.

7 For section 7 the following section shall be

“7, Every person subject to the super-
vision of the police, who is at large in the
Colony, shall notify the place of his
residence or any change thereof to the
Chief officer of Police and if such person
be a male he shall once in each month
report himself at such time as may be
prescribed by the Chief officer of Police
either to such officer himself or to such
other person as the Chief officer of Police
may direct and such report may accord-
ingly as such Chief officer of Police directs
be required to be made personally or by

8 The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which such
residence is situated’’ shall be deleted.

14 The words ‘‘A previous conviction in any
Circuit may be proved against a prisoner
in any other Circuit of the Colony’’ shall

be deleted.
67 Small Charges 9 The words ‘‘Presidency or’’ shall be deleted.
34 The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’ in


paragraphs (a) and (b) and the words ‘‘or
in any such Presidency’’ in paragraph (b)
shall be deleted.

Schedule For the words ‘‘Presidency of’’ the words
“Colony of Antigua’’ shall be substituted.

Cap. Short title. Section Amendment
68 Small Tenements First For the words ‘‘Presidency (or island)
Act Schedule "’ wherever these words

appear in the Forms bearing the following
captions—‘‘Form of Notice to quit under
Section 3’’, ‘‘Form of Notice to quit
under Section 4’’, ‘“‘Order for Recovery
of land under Section 6’’, and ‘‘Form of
Warrant of Possession under Section 7’’,
the word ‘‘Colony’”’ shall in each case be

For the words ‘‘in this Presidency’’ wher-
ever these words appear in the Forms
bearing the captions respectively ‘‘Form
of Summons under Section 5’’ and ‘‘Form
of appointment of estimators under
Section 12’’ the words “‘in this Colony’’
shall in each case be substituted.

69 Small Trespass Act 8 For the words ‘‘whether Federal or local’’
the words ‘‘or Ordinance’ shall be

72 Commissioners for 3 For the words ‘‘in the Presidency in which

Oaths Act it is executed’’ the words ‘‘which has
been executed in the Colony’’ shall be

The words ‘‘, in that Presidency,’’ shall be
4 The words “‘in any Presidency or Circuit,’’

and the words ‘‘in and for such Presidency
or Circuit’ shall be deleted.

75 Alien Bankers Act 2 The definition of the expression ‘‘Governor
in Council’ shall be deleted.
7 For the words ‘‘General Legislature’’

wherever these words appear in sub-
sections (4) and (5) the words
‘Legislative Council’ shall in each case
be substituted.

8 For the words ‘‘federal or local Act’’ the
words ‘‘Act or Ordinance’’ shall be

76 Aliens Land holding 4(1) For the words ‘‘of the Circuit in which the
Regulation Act land in respect of which a licence is

granted is situate’’ the words ‘‘of the
Colony’’ shall be substituted.

10 For the words ‘‘Colonial Secretary’’ the
word ‘‘Governor’’ shall be substituted.

16 After the words ‘‘Crown Suits Act’’ the
words ‘‘or by any Ordinance amending,
repealing or substituted for the same’’
shall be added.





Short title Section

Undesirable Persons 2
Expulsion Act





Local Constables 4


Emigrant Labourers 4(1)
Protection Act




The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘a Circuit Court’’ the
words ‘‘the Supreme Court’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘in the Presidency in which
such order was made’’ the words ‘‘for
the purpose of hearing the appeal’’ shall
be substituted.

The words ‘‘for the Presidency in which
the expulsion order was made’’ and the
second proviso to the subsection shall be

For the words ‘‘in the Presidency in which
the expulsion order was made’’ the words
“for the purpose of hearing the appeal’’
shall be substituted.

for the words ‘‘specified in the Schedule
to the Supreme Court Act’’ the words
“‘for the time being in force for witnesses
in criminal proceedings in the Supreme
Court’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘within a district’ the words
“‘within the Colony’”’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency in which such
district is situate’’ the word ‘‘Colony’”’
shall be substituted.

For the word ‘Presidency’? in para-
graph (b) the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Presidency for which he is
appointed’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘for which such constable is
appointed’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘district or’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency for which such
constable is appointed’ the word
“‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words “‘inspector or sub-inspector
of police’ the words ‘‘police officer’’ shall
be substituted.

For the words ‘‘an inspector or sub-inspector
of police from any Presidency’’ the words
“‘a police officer’’ shall be substituted.

Cap. Short title Section
88 Emigrant Labourers 4(2)
Protection Act

90 Guardianship of 9
Infants Act
93 Law of Property 9(4)
Amendment Act
94 Partition Act 2
97 Recovery of Rent 5
98 Settled Estates Act 3(2)



For the words ‘‘duties of an inspector or
sub-inspector’’ the words ‘‘duties of a
police officer’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘inspector or sub-inspector’’
wherever these words appear the words
‘“‘police officer’’ shall in each case be

For the words ‘‘inspector or sub-inspector
of police’ the words ‘‘police officer’ shall
be substituted.

The words ‘‘ any Presidency of’’ in para-
graph (a) shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘an inspector or sub-
inspector of police’ in paragraph (b) the
words ‘‘a police officer’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘of each Presidency’’ the
words “in the Colony’’ shall be

For the words ‘“‘by the same Judges, and
subject to the same conditions, as rules
of Court under the Supreme Court Act’
the words ‘‘in the same manner as rules
of the Supreme Court may be made’’ shall
be substituted.

For the words ‘‘of the Colony or of any
Presidency thereof?’ the words ‘‘or
Ordinance”’ shall be substituted.

In the definition of the expression ‘‘Court’’
the words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall
be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Acts’’ the word ‘‘law’’
shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Acts’’ the word ‘‘laws’’
shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Acts’’ the word! ‘‘laws’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘any Act’’ the words
law’’ shall be substituted.




For the words ‘‘a Registrar’’ wherever these
words appear the words ‘‘the Registrar’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘of the General Legislature,
or of any Island Legislature’’ the words
‘or Ordinance’’ shall be substituted.

ee ee
Cap. Short title
98 Settled Estates

Act (Contd.)

99 Title by Registration






18 (5)



For the words ‘‘by the Chief Justice with
the assistance of the Puisne Judges or
either of them’’ the words ‘‘in the same
manner as rules of the Supreme Court
may be made’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘for the Circuit in which the
lands are situate’’ and the words ‘‘for the
Circuit’? wherever these words appear
shall in each case be deleted.

For the words ‘‘volumes for each Circuit’’
the word ‘‘volume’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘'the Colonial Secretary or to’’,
the words ‘‘or Commissioner of the
Presidency in which the land is situate’’,
the words ‘‘Colonial Secretary, or by’’
and the words ‘‘or Commissioner as the
case may be’’ shall in each case be


The words ‘‘for the Circuit in which the
land is situate,’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘, in a Circuit in which news-
Papers are published,’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘such newspapers’ the
words ‘‘the newspapers published in the
Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Full Court’’ wherever these
words appear the words ‘‘Court of
Appeal’”’ shall be substituted.

For subsection (4) the following subsection
shall be substituted :—

““(4) All fees paid under this section
and all damages recovered under sub-
section (2) of section 19 of this Act shall
be paid into the Treasury for the public
uses of the Colony.”’

The whole subsection shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘, with the consent of the
Governor,’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘“‘except that,’’ the word
“and’’ shall be substituted.

After the words ‘‘Crown Suits Act’’ the
words “‘or any Ordinance amending,
repealing or substituted for the same’
shall be added.

For the words ‘‘except that’’ the word
“‘and’”’ shall be substituted.

_—_—_—_— re eeeeseseseseeSsSsSeee

Cap. Short title Section Amendment

99 Title by Registration 19(1) For the words ‘‘Titles to Land Assurance
Act (Contd.) Fund’’ the words ‘‘general revenue of
the Colony’’ shall be substituted.
The proviso shall be deleted.

19(2) For the words ‘‘of the General Govern-
ment’’ the words ‘‘of the Government’’
shall be substituted.

35(1) The words “‘of any Presidency of the
Colony’’ shall be deleted.

713 For the words ‘‘may be served under the
Supreme Court Act’’ the words ‘‘of the
Supreme Court may be served’’ shall be

76 For the words ‘‘the island in which the
land is situated’ the word “Colony’’
shall be substituted.

105(2) The second proviso shall be deleted.
136(1) The words ‘“‘for each Circuit’? and the
words ‘‘for that Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Registrars’’ in the marginal
note the word ‘‘Registrar’’ shall be sub-


160 The words “‘of the Colony’’ and the words
“In the various Circuits’? shall be

For the word ‘‘Registrars’’ the word
‘Registrar’ shall be substituted.

161 For the words ‘‘Legislatures of the several
Presidencies’’ at the end of the section
the words ‘‘Legislative Council’ shall be

162 For the words ‘‘offices of the Registrars of
Titles in the different Circuits’’ the words
“office of the Registrar of Titles’ shall
be substituted.

163 For the words ‘‘Full Court’’ the words
“Court of Appeal’’ shall be substituted.

First For the words ‘‘under the Supreme Court
Schedule Act’’ in the expression ‘‘Enter Appear-
ance’’ the words ‘‘in civil proceedings in

the Supreme Court’’ shall be substituted.

In the expression ‘‘Indefeasible’’ the word
“‘challenge’’ shall be substituted for the

word “challange’’ and the word
“General’’ wherever it appears shall be

The words ‘‘, or any of the Presidencies

thereof” in the expression ‘Licensed
Surveyor’’ shall be deleted.
Cap. Short title

99 Title by Registration
Act (Contd.)

102 Acts and Ordinances







The word ‘‘General’’ in the expression
“‘Note’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘under the Supreme Court
Act’’ in the expression ‘‘Notice to Pay
Off’’ the words ‘‘in civil proceedings in
the Supreme Court’’ shall be substituted.

For the last sentence of the expression
“Registry’’ the following sentence shall
be substituted :

“The Registry of the Supreme Court
shall be the Registry of Titles to

The words “‘in each Circuit’’, and the words
“of the Colony’’ in the expression ‘‘Seal
of the Registrar of Titles’’ shall be

The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ in the
expression ‘‘The Court’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘THE LEEWARD
ISLANDS” wherever these words appear
in the caption of any Form the word
“ANTIGUA”’ shall be substituted.

The word ‘‘CIRCUIT’”’ in Form 3 shall be

The words ‘‘for the Circuit’’ wherever these
words appear in Forms 1, 2, 16, 20, 21,
22, 23, 24, 25 and 26 shall in each case
be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Circuit’’ wherever these
words appear in Forms 5, 6 to 13
inclusive, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22 and 25 shall
be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Colony of the Leeward
Islands’’ in Form 21 shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Colony of the Leeward
Islands’’ in Form 27 the words ‘‘Colony
of Antigua’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Full Court’’ wherever they
appear in Form 29 the words ‘‘Court of
Appeal’ shall be substituted, and the
words ‘‘Of The Leeward Islands’’ in this
Form shall also be deleted.

The word ‘‘General’’ shall be deleted.

Cap. Short title Section


102 Acts and Ordinances 3
Act (Contd.)

This section shall be renumbered ‘‘3. (1)’’.
The word ‘‘General’’ shall be deleted.

The following subsection shall be added as

subsection (2) :—
““(2) In this section the word ‘‘Gover-

nor’? means the Governor of the Leeward
4 For the word ‘‘Act’’ the word ‘‘Ordinance’’

shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘General Legislature’ the

words ‘‘Legislative Council’ shall be


For the word ‘‘Acts’’ in the marginal note,

the word “‘Ordinances’’ shall be

5 The word ‘‘General’’ shall be deleted.

6 For the words ‘‘Colonial Secretary shall’’

the words ‘‘Administrator may’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘two hundred other copies

For the words

of each Act passed by the General
Legislature, and shall’ the words ‘‘as
many copies of each Ordinance passed by
the Legislative Council as he may consider
necessary and may’’ shall be substituted.
“the Governor’ the word
“he’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Acts’’ in the marginal note

the word “Ordinances’’ shall be
1 The words ‘‘the Colonial Secretary, or’’ and

the words ‘‘or Commissioner of the Presi-
dency in which the Court is held’’ shall
be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Acts’’ in the marginal note

the word ‘‘Ordinances’’ shall be

8 For the words ‘‘Colonial Secretary’’ the
word ‘‘Administrator’’ shall be substi-

tuted, and for the word ‘‘Acts’’ where
this word appears in this section and in
the marginal note the word ‘‘Ordi-
nances,’’ shall in each case be substituted.

For the words ‘‘General Legislature’’ the

words ‘‘Legislative Council’’ shall be


a ee eC

Cap. Short title

102. Acts and Ordi-
nances Act

104 Marriage of British
Subjects (Facilities)

108 Married Women’s
Property Act

110 Lepers Act




and dis-
of Ordi-





For section 9 the following section shall be

9. At the close of each year, it shall
be the duty of the Administrator to cause
volumes to be well and substantially
bound, containing true copies of every
Ordinance passed in such year by the
Legislative Council, and to cause one
such volume certified by him to contain
correct copies of the said Ordinances, to
be forthwith forwarded to and lodged
in the office of the Registrar of the
Supreme Court to be recorded and
enrolled therein. The Administrator shall
also furnish one such volume to the Judge
of the Supreme Court for the Antigua
Circuit and to the Attorney General, to
be kept in the Court of such Judge,
and for the use of the Attorney General
respectively; and shall in addition
cause a sufficient number of such
volumes to be bound to provide for the
sale thereof to members of the public.’’

The words ‘a Presidency of’’ shall
be deleted.

Tor the words ‘‘that Presidency’’ at the end
of the subsection the words ‘‘the Colony’’
shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘a Presidency of’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘that Presidency’’ wherever
these words appear the words ‘‘the
Colony’’ shall in each case be substituted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ the words
‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ the words
“‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ shall be

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ shall be
deleted. .

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ shall be

The definition of the expression ‘‘Crown
Law Officer’’ shall be deleted.

Cap. Short title Section Amendment
110 Lepers Act 4 For the words “in the Presidency of
(Contd.) Antigua’’ the words ‘‘in the island of

Antigua’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘and at Sandy Point in the
Presidency of Saint Christopher and
Nevis’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘Jeper homes’’ wherever
these words appear the words ‘‘a leper
home’’ shall be substituted.

5 The words ‘‘of the Fresidency in which the
leper home is established’’ at the end of
the section shall be deleted.

13 For the words ‘“‘Crown law officer’ the
words ‘‘Attorney General’’ shall be

18 For the words ‘‘Presidency in which the

port where he desires to land is situate’
the word ‘“‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

27 For the words ‘‘Crown law officer’’ the
words ‘‘Attorney General’’ shall be

111 Lunatics Act 27 The words ‘‘from any Presidency, in which

he has been declared to be a lunatic,”’
and the words “‘any other Presidency
within’’ shall be deleted.

28 The whole section shall be deleted.
30 The words ‘‘from any Presidency’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Presidency to which such
person belongs’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall
be substituted.

The words ‘‘of such Presidency’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Presidency to which luna-
tic belongs’’ in the marginal note the
word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

31 The whole section shall be deleted.
32 The whole section shall be deleted.
42 For the words ‘‘powers conferred upon the

Supreme Court by subsection (3) of sec-
tion 33 of the Supreme Court Act’’ the
words ‘‘same powers as the Supreme
Court’’ shall be substituted.

54 The word ‘‘General’’ wherever it appears
shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘revokation’’ wherever it

appears the word ‘‘revocation’’ shall be

Cap. Short title



111. Lunatics Act

116 Commissions of
Inquiry Act

118 Distressed Colonial
Seamen Act






The words ‘‘in each Presidency’’ and the
words ‘‘within such Presidency’’ respec-
tively shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of any Island Legislature’’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ wherever
they appear the word ‘‘Antigua’’ shall be

The words ‘‘or of any local officer of any
Presidency,’’ shall be deleted,

For the words ‘‘Colonial Secretary’ at the
end of the section the word ‘‘Governor’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘a Circuit Court’’ the words
“‘the Supreme Court’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘the Chief Inspector’’ the
words ‘“‘the Superintendent’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Presidency in which, or in
respect of which, the inquiry is held’
the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The definition of the expression ‘‘Treasurer’’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘by the Treasurer of the
Presidency to which snch ship shall
belong’ the words ‘‘out of the public
moneys of the Colony’? shall be

The words ‘‘by the Treasurer’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Presidency to which the
colonial ship belonged, on board of which
such seaman or apprentice last served’
the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency to which the
colonial ship belonged on board of which
such seaman or apprentice last served’’
the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘the Presidency of’? and the
words ‘‘to which the colonial ship where-
on such colonial seaman or apprentice
was last employed belonged’’ shall be





Short title Section

Distressed Colonial 8
Seamen Act

Public Notices Act 2

Silver Dollars 2

Post Office Act 2





For the words ‘‘Treasurer of the Presidency
to which the colonial ship belonged, on
which such distressed seaman or appren-
tice last served,’’ the words ‘‘Chief
Accountant’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘said Presidency’’ the word
“‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the words ‘‘Chief
Accountant’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Act past before’ the words
“Act or Ordinance passed before or
after’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘such Act’’ the words ‘‘such
Act or Ordinance’’ shall be substituted.


The words ‘‘may apply to any one or more
Presidencies and’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘(if any)’’ shall be inserted
between the words ‘‘newspaper’’ and

een pe



The words ‘‘any Presidency or part of’’
shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘a Presidency of’’ and the words
“‘same Presidency or’’ in the definition of
the expression ‘‘Inland postal packets’’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘several Presidencies wherein
such offices are situate’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘each Presidency of’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘such Presidency’’ the
words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the several Presidencies’’
and the words ‘‘in the severa] Presiden-
cies’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘each of the Presidencies com-
prised in’, the words ‘‘and of each and
every the other Presidencies of the
Colony,’’ and the words ‘‘, on behalf
of each Presidency,’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the several Presidencies’’
and the words ‘‘any local Act or Ordi-
nance to the contrary notwithstanding,’’
shall be deleted.


a eee

Cap. Short title Section


a vv ec

123 Post Office Act 11


ment of



124 Telephones Act 3

135 Stamp Act

For section 11 the following section shall be

11. It shall be lawful for the
Governor on behalf of Her Majesty to
appoint a postmaster for the Colony at
such salary as may be approved by the
Secretary of State.’’

For the words ‘‘several postmasters’’ the
word ‘‘postmaster’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘any of the Islands of’’ shall be

The words ‘‘each of the several Islands of’’
shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘the several Presidencies of’’
shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Presidency where the same
shall happen’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall
be substituted.

The words ‘‘from parts beyond the limits
of any island of the Colony’’ and the
words ‘‘in any such island’’ shall be

The word ‘‘General’’ appearing before the
word ‘‘Legislative’’ in this section and in
the marginal note shall in each case be

The words ‘‘of the Colony’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands
Acts’’ the words ‘‘any Act or Ordinance’’
shall be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘“‘of the Leeward Islands’’
in the definition of the expression
“Postage rates’? the words “‘or Ordi-
nance’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’ in
the definition of the expression ‘‘Stamp
duties’’ the words ‘‘or Ordinance’’ shall
be substituted.

The definition of the expression ‘‘Treasurer’’
shall be deleted.

The proviso shall be amended by the deletion
of the words “‘in each or any Presi-
dency’’, and of the words ‘‘, and
notwithstanding’ and all the words

following thereafter down to the end of

the proviso.

Se $$$
Short title Section


135 Stamp Act 5



The words ‘‘Orders or rules may be made
to extend to the whole Colony or to one
or more Presidencies thereof, and all’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘several Treasuries and Post
offices of the respective Presidencies’’ the
words ‘‘Treasury or Post Office’ shall be

After the words ‘‘other Act’’ the words
“for Ordinance’’ shall be added.

For the words ‘‘Treasurer of any Presi-
dency’’ the words ‘‘Chief Accountant’
shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the words
“Chief Accountant’”’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘any Treasurer is applied
to to’’ the words ‘‘an application is made
to the Chief Accountant to’’ shall be

After the word ‘‘and’’ the word ‘‘he’’ shall
be added.

For the words ‘‘the Treasurer’’ the words
“the Chief Accountant’? shall be

The words ‘‘any part of’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Treasurer of the Presidency
in which the Court is held’’ the words
“Chief Accountant’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever it
appears the words ‘‘Chief Accountant’
shall in each case be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the words
“Chief Accountant’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Treasurer of any Presi-
dency’’ the words “‘Chief Accountant’’
shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever it
appears in these subsections the words
“Chief Accountant’’ shall in each case be


For the words ‘‘any Treasurer’? in para-
graph (a) the words ‘‘the Chief
Accountant’’ shall be substituted, and
for the words ‘‘the assessment of that
Treasurer’ the words ‘‘such assessment’’

shall be substituted.

—_—_— eS

Cap. Short title

Section Amendment

135 Stamp Act

22 (6) For the words ‘‘Treasurer of any Fresi-
dency’’ the words ‘‘Chief Accountant’”’
shall be substituted.

In the marginal note for the words ‘‘Any
Treasurer’’ there shall be substituted the
words ‘‘Chief Accountant’.


23(1) For the words ‘‘any Treasurer’? the words
“the Chief Accountant’? shall be

23(2) For the words ‘‘Circuit in which the place
is situate at which such assessment was
made,’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

The words ‘“‘in the same or any other
Presidency’’ at the end of the subsection
shall be deleted.

23(2) For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever it
(3) appears in subsections (2), (3), (4) and
(4) (5) the words ‘“‘Chief Accountant’’ shall
(5) in each case be substituted.

24 For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever it

appears in the section and in the marginal
note the words ‘‘Chief Accountant’ shall
in each case be substituted.

25(1) for the words ‘‘any Treasurer'’ the words
“the Chief Accountant’? shall be

26 The words ‘‘any Presidency of’ shall be

30(1) The words ‘‘of the Presidency of the
Colony’’ and all the words following
thereafter down to and including the
word ‘‘executed’’ at the end of the sub-
section shall be deleted.



The whole subsection shall be deleted.

31 l‘or the words ‘‘Treasurer of the Presi-
dency in which they are issued’’ the
words ‘‘Chief Accountant’’ shall he

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the words
“Chief Accountant’’ shall be substituted.

32(1) The words ‘‘or either of the Crown
Attorneys’’ wherever these words appear
shall in each case be deleted.

32(2) For the words ‘‘any Treasurer’ the words
“the Chief Accountant’? shall be


Cap. Short title



135 Stamp Act


34 (2)










For the words ‘‘any Treasurer’ the words
“the Chief Accountant’? shall be

The words ‘“‘of any Presidency’ shall be

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever it
appears the words ‘‘Chief Accountant’’
shall in each case be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.
The whole section shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘or any part thereof’’ shall be
deleted. :

For the words ‘‘any Treasurer’’ wherever
these words appear the words ‘‘the
Chief Accountant’’ shall in each case be

For the words ‘‘Treasurer of the Presidency
in which it is executed’’ the words ‘‘Chief
Accountant’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the words ‘‘Chief
Accountant’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever this
word appears in the section and in the
marginal note the words ‘‘Chief
Accountant’’ shall in each case be

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever it
appears in section 73 and section 74 the
words ‘‘Chief Accountant’’ shall in each
case be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the words
“Chief Accountant’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘, or the Officer Administering
the Government of the Presidency,’’ shall
be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the words ‘‘Chief
Accountant’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever it
appears in the section and in the marginal
note the words ‘‘Chief Accountant’’ shall
in each case be substituted.

For the words ‘“‘by the same Judges, and
subject to the same conditions, as rules of
Court under the provisions of the Supreme
Court Act’? the words ‘‘in the same
manner as rules of the Supreme Court
may be made’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency wherein such

estate is situate’ shall be deleted.
Cap. Short title Section
135 Stamp Act 82

137 Bills of Exchange Act 14


96 (3)


139 Bills of Sale Act 11



After the words ‘‘Crown Suits Act’’ the
words ‘‘or any Ordinance amending,
repealing or substituted for the same’’
shall be added.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the words ‘‘Chief
Accountant’”’ shall be substituted.

In paragraph (6b) of the expression ‘‘Affi-
davit or Statutory Declaration’’ for the
words ‘‘Treasurer of any Fresidency’’
the words ‘‘Chief Accountant’’ shall be
substituted, and for the words ‘‘such
Treasurer’? the word ‘‘him’’ shall be
substituted. ;

The words ‘‘or of the Presidency’’ in the
expression ‘‘Attestation of Signature’
shall be deleted.

The expression ‘‘Bank Notes’’ and all the
words relating thereto shall be deleted.
The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’’ and
the words “‘in any such Presidency’’ in
the expression ‘‘Exemplification’’ shall in

each case be deleted.

For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ in para-
graph (c) of the expression ‘‘Warrant of
Attorney of any other kind’’ the words
“the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘, or of any Presidency thereof,’’
in paragraph (d) of the said expression
shall be deleted.

In subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (a) for
the words “bank holiday’’ the words
“‘public holiday’’ shall be substituted, and
for the words ‘‘Bank Holidays Act’’ the
words ‘‘Public Holidays Act’’ shall be

The following paragraph shall be substituted
for paragraph (b)—
““(b) A public holiday under the
Public Holidays Act.’’

The words ‘‘or in any Presidency of the
Colony’’ in paragraph (a) shall be

For the words ‘‘LEEWARD ISLANDS”
the word ‘‘ANTIGUA” shall be

The words ‘‘in the Presidency of’’ shall be

The words ‘‘for each Circuit’? shall be

Cap. Short title Section

139 Bills of Sale Act 18

140 Companies Act 2






141 Copyright Act Schedule


For the words ‘‘by the like Judges, in the
like manner, and subject to the like con-
ditions as rules under and for the purposes
of the Supreme Court Act’’ the words
“‘in like manner as rules of the Supreme
Court may be made and altered’’ shall
be substituted.

For the definition of the expression ‘‘Act
of the Colonial Legislature’ the following
definition shall be substituted :—

“Act of the Colonial Legislature’’
shall be taken to mean any Act
or Ordinance in force in the

The words “‘of the Presidency of Antigua’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency in which the
registered office of the Company is
situated’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

The words ‘‘of the Presidency wherein the
order shall be made’’ shall be deleted.

For section 205 the following section shall
be substituted :—

“205. Rules for the purposes of this
Act may from time to time be made in
like manner as Rules of the Supreme
Court may be made, and, subject to any
such rules, the Rules of the Supreme
Court for the time being in force shall
apply to and govern the practice and
procedure in the winding up of companies
by the Court.’’

For the words ‘‘the Leeward Islands’’
wherever these words appear in regula-
tion 51 of Table A the word ‘‘Antigua’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘the Leeward Islands’’ in
Article 24 of the Articles of Association
in Form B the word ‘‘Antigua’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Federal Treasurer’ the
words ‘‘Collector of Customs’’ shall be

After the word ‘‘under’’ the words ‘‘the
Trade and Revenue Ordinance, 1900’’
shall be inserted.

The whole of paragraphs (a), (b), (d) and
(e) shall be deleted.



Cap. Short title Section


SSS ee

141 Copyright Act Schedule
144 Merchandise Marks 14(1)
145 Notaries Public Act 2(3)

147 Patents Act

The words ‘‘according to the Presidency
into which the copies are imported,’’ shall
be deleted.

For the words ‘‘such Ordinance or Act’’
the words ‘‘the said Ordinance’’ shall be

The words ‘‘The Federal Treasurer shall
communicate any notice given to him
under this subsection to the Treasurer of
each of the Presidencies’’ shall be deleted.

For the words “‘any of the local Acts or
Ordinances mentioned in the preceding
sub-section’ in subsection (2) the words
“the aforesaid Trade and Revenue
Ordinance, 1900’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Treasurer of the Presidency
into which such copies may be imported”’
the words ‘‘Collector of Customs’’ shall
be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Treasurer of the Presi-
dency’’ in subsection (5) the words
“Collector of Customs’’ shall _ be

For the words ‘‘Federal Treasurer’’ wher-
ever these words appear in subsection (6)
the words ‘‘Collector of Customs’’ shall
in each case be substituted.

The words ‘‘and any Presidency thereof’
shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘in each of the Presidencies’’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘“‘in that Presidency’’ the
words ‘in the Colony’’ shall be

The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which he
resides at the time of such appointment”’
shall be deleted.

The word ‘‘Chief’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Colony’’ shall be deleted.

The word ‘‘Chief’’ in the definition of the
expression ‘‘Registrar’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘in the Presidency of Antigua’’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘the Attorney General’ the
words ‘‘a Judge in Chambers’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Attorney General’’ the word
‘‘Judge’’ shall be substituted.


Cap. Short title Section Amendment
147 Patents Act 8(2) For the words ‘‘the Attorney General’’ the
(Contd.) words ‘‘a Judge in Chambers’’ shall be

8(3) For the words ‘‘Attorney Genera]’’ the
word ‘‘Judge’’ shall be substituted.

8(5) For the words ‘‘the Attorney General’’ the
words ‘‘a Judge in Chambers’’ shall he

9 For the words ‘‘at any time between the
hours of 10 a.m., and 4 p.m. on all work-
ing days, except Saturdays when the
hours shall be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.”’
the words ‘‘during office hours.’’ shall be

10(3) For the words ‘‘the Attorney General’’ the
words ‘‘a Judge in Chambers’ shall be

10(4), For the words ‘‘Attorney General’’ wherever
(5), these words appear in the said subsections
(6) the word ‘‘Judge’’ shall be substituted.

12(2) For the words ‘‘the Attorney General’
wherever these words appear in para-
graph (a) the words ‘“‘a Judge in
Chambers’’ shall in each case be

20(3) For the words ‘‘the Attorney General’’ the
words ‘‘a Judge in Chambers’’ shall be

20(4) For the words ‘‘Attorney General’’ the
word ‘‘Judge’’ shall be substituted.

20(6) For the words ‘‘the Attorney General’’ the
words ‘‘a Judge in Chambers’’ shall be

20(7) For the words ‘‘Attorney General’’ the
word ‘‘Judge’’ shall be substituted.

39 For the words ‘Presidency or island’’ the
word ‘‘part’’ shall be substituted.
41 For the words ‘‘the Registrar or the

Attorney General, they or either of them’’
the words ‘‘a Judge or the Registrar, the
Registrar’ shall be substituted.

42 For the words ‘‘The Attorney General may’’
the words ‘‘A Judge may’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Attorney General’’ wherever
these words appear in the other parts of
the section the word ‘‘Judge’’ shall in
each case be substituted.



Cap. Short title Section
147 Patents Act 42

45(3), (4),
(5), (6),
(7), (8),

(9) & (11)


45 (12)


148 Registration of 2
United Kingdom
Patents Act

149 Pawnbrokers Act 28



For the words ‘‘Attorney General’ in the
marginal note the word ‘‘Judge’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Colonial Secretary’’ wher-
ever these words appear the word
‘Governor’ shall in each case be

For the words ‘‘Colonial Secretary’’ and the
words ‘‘Colonial Secretary for the time
being’’ the word ‘‘Governor’’ shall
respectively be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Colonial Secretary’? wher-
ever these words appear in the said sub-
sections, the word ‘‘Governor’’ shall in
each case be substituted.

The words “‘, or of the Attorney General’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Colonial Secretary’’ the
word ‘‘Governor’’ shall be substituted.
The words ‘‘, with the sanction of the

Governor,’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘in the Presidency of Antigua’’
in the Note to Form A shall be deleted.

For the words ‘His Excellency
(here insert the name of the Governor)
Governor and Commander in Chief in and
over the Colony of the Leeward Islands’’
in the heading to Form D the words ‘‘His
Administrator of the Colony of Antigua’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘the Leeward Islands’ in the
second recital in Form D the word
“‘Antigua’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Governor of the Colony’”’
the word ‘‘Administrator’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Chief Registrar’ in the
definition of the expression ‘‘Registrar’’
the words “Registrar of the Supreme
Court’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Bank’’ in paragraph (d) the
word ‘‘Public’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘for the use of the Presidency
in which the prosecution takes place’’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Treasurer of the Presidency

in which his shop is situate’ the words
“Chief Accountant’’ shall be substituted.




Short title Section







Trade Marks Act 2






Trustee Act 5

Trustee Relief 2

Trustee and 2

Mortgagee Act

Weights and 2
Measures Act

The definition of the expression ‘‘Governor’’
shall be deleted.

The word ‘‘Chief’’ in the definition of the
expression ‘‘Registrar’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘, and such fees shall be levied
and paid rateably to the Treasuries of
the several Presidencies in the same pro-
portions as the several Presidencies con-
tribute to federal expenditure’ shall be

The word ‘‘Chief’’ shall be deleted.
The word ‘‘Chief’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘General Legislature’? wher-
ever these words appear the words ‘‘Legis-
lative Council’ shall in each case be

For the words ‘‘Bank Holidays Act’’ the
words “‘Public Holidays Act’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘General Legislature’ wher-
ever these words appear in sections (4)
and (5) the words ‘‘Legislative Council’
shall in each case be substituted.

For the words ‘‘St. John, Antigua’ the
words ‘‘St. John’s, Antigua’’ shall be

For the words “‘the Act of the Leeward
Islands, and the Acts of any Presidency
thereof’? the words ‘‘any Act or Oridi-
nance of the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The word ‘‘Chief’’ shall be deleted.
For the words ‘‘one of the Registrars’ the
words ‘‘the Registrar’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted,

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ the word
“‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The definition of the expressions Treas-
urer’’ and ‘‘Treasury’’ shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever it
appears in the section and in the margi-
nal note the words ‘‘Collector of
Customs’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the words
“Collector of Customs’ shall be

or A

Cap. Short title Section



154 Weights and 7(2)
Measures Act






155 Receivers of 28
Wreck Act

The words ‘‘, with respect to any Presidency
named, in such order,’’ and the words
“in any Presidency named in such order’’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Treasurer of the Presidency,
to which such order relates,’’ the words
“Collector of Customs’’ shall _ be

The words ‘‘each and every of the Presi-
dencies of’’ shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the words
Collector of Customs’”’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of each Presidency’’ shall be

The words ‘‘of each Presidency’’, the words
“in the Presidency to which they relate’’,
and the words ‘‘of that Presidency’’ shall
be deleted.

For the words ‘‘in use in the Presidency’’
the words ‘‘in use in the Colony’’ shall
be substituted.

For the words ‘‘appointed for the Presi-
dency’? the words ‘“‘appointed for the
Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of each Presidency’’ shall be

The words ‘‘or the Administrator or Com-
missioner of any Presidency,’’ shall be

For the word ‘‘non-nommissioned’’ the
word ‘‘non-commissioned’’ shall be

The words ‘‘of the Presidency wherein such
wreck was found’’ shall be deleted.


Part II
No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment
8/1928 Friendly Societies 2 For the definition of the expression
Act, 1928 “Savings Bank’’ the following definition
shall be substituted :—

‘Savings Bank’’ means the Savings
Bank established under the Savings
Bank Ordinance, 1937 (No. 3/


3(2) For the words ‘‘Chief Registrar’ the words
“Registrar of the Supreme Court’’ shall
be substituted.

93(1) For the words ‘‘General Legislature’’ the
words ‘‘Legislative Council’’ shall be

9/1929 Legitimacy Act, 8 For the words ‘‘Federal or Local Act’’ the
1929 words ‘‘Act or Ordinance’’ shall be

7 After the words ‘‘Escheat Act, 1880’’ the
words ‘‘or any Act amending, repealing
or substituted for the same’’ shall be

Schedule The words ‘‘of any Presidency’’ and the
words ‘‘in the Presidency’? in para-
graph 1 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which the
birth of such legitimated person is regis-
tered’’ in paragraph 2 shall be deleted.

The words ‘“‘of any Presidency’’ and the
words ‘‘in the Presidency’? in para-
graph 3 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of any Presidency’’ in para-
graph 5 shall be deleted.

10/1929 Emigrants Protec- 2 For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ in the definition

tion Act, 1929 of the expression ‘‘Senior police officer’
the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

9(1) For the words ‘‘any Presidency’? and the
words ‘‘the Presidency’’ the words ‘‘the
Colony’’ shall in each case be substituted.

9(2) For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ the words
“the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

9(3) The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ wherever
these words appear shall in each case be

11 The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ shall be



No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment
10/1929 Emigrants Protec- 13 The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ where these
tion Act, 1929 words appear after the words ‘‘Treasury”’
(Contd.) and ‘‘Governor in Council’’ respectively

shall be deleted.
For the words ‘‘cost of the Presidency’’ the
words ‘‘cost of the Colony’’ shall be


14 The words ‘‘of the Presidency’? wherever
these words appear shall in each case be

15 For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word

“‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

16 For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the words
“Chief Accountant’’ shall be substituted.
The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ wherever
these words appear shall in each case be

17(1) The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’’ in
paragraph (6) shall be deleted.

In paragraph (c) for the word ‘‘Presidency’’
the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted
and for the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ the
words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

17(2) The words “‘of the Presidency” shall be

18(1) For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever it
appears the words ‘‘Chief Accountant’’
shall in each case be substituted.

For the words ‘‘the Presidency’’ wherever
these words appear the words ‘‘the
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’?
shall be deleted.

18(2) For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever it
appears the words ‘‘Chief Accountant’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency in which he was
recruited’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

The words ‘“‘or any Presidency thereof’’
shall be deleted.

19 For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ the words
“the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

24 The words ‘‘Governor or by’’ and the words
“or Commissioner’ shall be deleted.

First For the words ‘‘the Leeward Islands’ in
Schedule Form II the word ‘‘Antigua’’ shall be
-__ ee

No. and

Year Short title Section Amendment

10/1929 Emigrants Protec- First For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ in
tion Act, 1929 Schedule Form III the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be
(Contd.) substituted.

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ in Form III
the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ in the Note to
Form III the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

12/1929 Overseas Nurses’ 2 The words ‘‘or of any Presidency thereof’
Pensions Act, and the words ‘‘or any Presidency
1927, there of’’ shall be deleted.

Amendment Act,

4/1930 Summary Jurisdic- 2 The words ‘‘at the following times, that is
tion Act, Amend- to say’’ and all the words following
ment Act, 1930. thereafter down to and including the

word ‘‘issues’’ shall be deleted.
The whole of paragraph (b) shall be

11/1930 Stamp Act Amend- 2 The words and figures ‘‘(1) Section 78 is
ment Act, 1930 hereby repealed’? and all the words

following thereafter down to and includ-
ing the words “‘or held’’ in subsection (2)
shall be deleted.

6/1931 Emigrants Protec- 2 The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ shall be
tion Act, 1929, deleted.

Amendment Act,
2/1932 Companies (Amend- 2(2) The word ‘‘Chief’’ shall be deleted.
ment) Act, 1932
2(5) The words ‘“‘of Antigua to the account of
the General Government’’ shall be

5/1932 Unrepresented 2 For the words ‘‘Presidency concerned’’ the
Estates (Amend- word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.
ment) Act, 1932

9/1932 Registration and 2 The words ‘‘or otherwise contrary to the
Records (Amend- provisions of section 30 of the Supreme
ment) Act, 1932 Court Act,’’ shall be deleted.

11/1932 Courts of Justice For the words “Treasurers of the
Fees (Amend- respective Presidencies’’ the words ‘‘Chief
ment) Act, 1932 Accountant’’ shall be substituted.

13/1932 Receivers of Wreck 2 For the words ‘‘Treasurer of each

(Amendment) Act,

Presidency’’, and the words ‘‘Treasurer,
—in such of the islands of the Colony as
he shall deem fit’? the words ‘Chief
Accountant’’ shall in each case be sub-

The words “‘in such island’’ shall be deleted.


No. and
Year Short title Section
18/1932 Distressed Colonial 2
Seamen (Amend-
ment) Act, 1932
20/1932 Foreign Merchant 2
Shipping (Agree-
ments) Act, 1932
21/1932 Title by Regis- 4
tration (Amend-
ment) Act, 1932
25/1932 Summary Jurisdic- 2
tion (Amendment)
Act, 1932

26/1932 Magistrate’s Code of 8
Procedure (Amend-
ment) Act, 1932

2/1934 Arbitration 5
(Foreign Awards)
(Amendment) Act,
10/1935 Protection of 7(1)
Animals Act
8/1936 Pilgrim Holiness Preamble
Church Act,


The words ‘‘a Presidency or’’ and the words
“", as the case may be,’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘such Presidency or Colony
as aforesaid’? the words ‘‘the aforesaid
Government’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘Colonial Secretary,’’ and the
words ‘‘or Commissioner’ shall be

The whole of the definition of the expression
“Said Presidency’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘the said Presidency, or’’ shall
be deleted.

The words “in the said Presidency, or
should special circumstances necessitate
such a course,’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘said Presidency or the
Colony as the circumstances of each case
shall necessitate’? the word ‘‘Colony’”’
shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘Colonial Secretary,’’ and the
words ‘‘or Commissioner’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘or otherwise contrary to the
provisions of section 30 of the Supreme
Court Act,’’ shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

Paragraph (a) shall be deleted.

Paragraph (b) shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘The Leeward Islands’’ the
words ‘‘the Colony of Antigua’’ shall be

The words ‘‘under section 37 of the
Supreme Court Act (Cap. 22)’’ shall be

The word ‘‘Commissioner’’ shall be deleted.

The last Recital shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of each Circuit of the Colony
in which the property affected is situate’’
shall be deleted.

The whole Schedule shall be deleted.

No. and






Short title Section

Workmen’s Compen- 2(1)
sation Act, 1937


The Criminal 2
Procedure Act, 1937
Police Officers 2
(Change of
Titles) Act, 1937
Dangerous 2
Drugs Act, 1937
19(1) (b)
and (2)


In the definition of the expression
“Employer’’ the words ‘‘or of any Presi-
dency thereof’’ shall be deleted.

In the definition of the expression ‘‘Regis-
trar’’ the words ‘“‘in the Presidency
wherein any matter under this Act
arises’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency wherein the
accident occurred,’’ in proviso (a) and
proviso (6) the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall in
each case be substituted.

The words ‘‘or of any Presidency thereof’’
wherever these words appear shall be

For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ the words
“the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word
““Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Full Court’’ wherever these
words appear the words ‘‘Court of Appeal
for the Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands’’ shall in each case be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Colony’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Federal Act’’ the words
“Act or Ordinance’’ shall be substituted.

The following definition shall be substituted
for the definition of ‘‘Prescribed Port’’
in paragraph (v)—

“Prescribed Port’’ means the Port of
St. John’s in the Colony.
The whole of paragraph (y) shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever the
word appears the words ‘‘Collector of
Customs’’ shall in each case be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever the
word appears in subsections (2), (3) and
(4) the words ‘‘Collector of Customs’’
shall in each case be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ wherever the
word appears in paragraph (b) of sub-
section (1) and in subsection (2) the
words ‘‘Collector of Customs’’ shall in
each case be substituted.

No, and
Year Short title Section Amendment


23/1937 Dangerous Drugs 20 For the word ‘‘Treasurer’’ the word
Act, 1937 “Collector of Customs’? shall _ be
(Contd.) substituted.

22 The whole section shall be deleted.
23 The whole section shall be deleted.

First For the words ‘‘the Leeward Islands’
Schedule wherever they appear in the headings to
Forms the word ‘‘Antigua’’ shall in each
case be substituted.
The words ‘‘Presidency of ”
wherever they appear in the headings to
Forms shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency of’’ in para-
graph 3 of the General Conditions’’ in
Form B, the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be
substituted, and for the words ‘“‘said
Presidency’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Presidency of’’ in para-
graph 3 of Form 3 the word ‘‘Colony’”’
shall be substituted, and for the words
“Leeward Islands’ the word ‘‘Colony’’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency of’’ in the
Licence for removal of dangerous drugs
in Form D the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be
substituted and for the word ‘‘Treasurer’’
in paragraph (3) of the conditions in the
said form the words ‘‘Collector of
Customs’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency of’’ wherever
these words appear in the Diversion
Certificate in Form E the word ‘‘Colony’’
shall in each case be substituted.

27/1937 Lepers (Amend- 2 For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ the words
ment) Act, 1937 “the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

6 For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ at the end of
section 23 the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

31/1937 Medical Act, 1937 3 For the words ‘‘any portion of the Colony’’
the words ‘‘the Colony or any portion
thereof’’ shall be substituted.

12(1) The words ‘‘specifying the medical registra-
tion district in which he desires to
practise,’’ shall be deleted.

27 The words ‘‘Federal and Presidential’’ shall
be deleted.
No. and
Year Short title Section
31/1937 Medical Act, Schedule A
1937 (Contd.)
Schedule B
32/1937 Stamp (Amend- : 2
ment) Act, 1937
5/1938 Employment of 2
Women, Young
Persons and
Children Act,
11/1938 Sedition and 2
Undesirable Publi-
cations Act, 1938
12/1938 Agricultural Small 2
Holdings Act,
Schedule A
Schedule C
11/1939 Statute Law Schedule
Revision Act,




For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ wherever
they appear the word ‘‘Antigua’’ shall in
each case be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Leeward Islands’’ the word
“Antigua”’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ the words
“the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of that Presidency’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘such Presidency’’ the words
“the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘save and except’’ and all the
words following thereafter down to and
including the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘each Presidency’’ the words
‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

‘The definition of the expression ‘‘Governor
in Council’’ shall be deleted.



The words ‘‘with respect to any Presi-
dency,’’ shall be deleted.

The definition of the expression ‘‘Colony’’
shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘in the Circuit in which the
small holding to which a contract of
tenancy relates is situate’ in the defini-
tion of the expression ‘‘Registrar’’ shall
be deleted.

The words ‘‘or any Presidency’’ at the end
of the section shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ wherever this
word appears in both Forms in this
Schedule the word ‘‘Colony”’ shall in each
case be substituted.

The figure and words ‘‘1. Bankruptcy Act’’
in the first column and all the words
opposite the said figure and words in the
second column shall be deleted.

The figures and words ‘54. The Gazette
(Evidence) Act’’ in the first column and
all the words opposite the said figures
and words in the second column shall be


No. and
Year Short title Section


11/1939 Statute Law Schedule
Revision Act,
1939 (Contd.)

15/1939 Land Settlement 2
Act, 1939

The figures and words ‘‘56. The Jury Act’’
in the first column and all the words
opposite the said figures and words in
the second column shall be deleted.

The figures and words ‘‘61. The Magistrate’s
Code of Procedure Act’’ in the first
column and all the words opposite the
said figures and words in the second
column shall be deleted.

The figures and words ‘107. The Marriage
Ordinances Legalization Act’’ in the first
column and all the words opposite the
said figures and words in the second
column shall be deleted.

The figures and words ‘‘123. The Post
Office Act’’ in the first column and all
the words opposite the said figures and
words in the second column shall be

The figures and words ‘125. The West
India and Panama Telegraph Company,
Limited, Act, 1872’’ in the first column
and all the words opposite the said
figures and words in the second column
shall be deleted.

The figures and words ‘135. The Stamp
Act’’ in the first column and all the
words opposite the said figures and words
in the second column shall be deleted.

The figures and words ‘‘141. The Copyright
Act’’ in the first column and all the
words opposite the said figures and words
in the second column shall be deleted.

The figures and words ‘'8/1928. The
Friendly Societies Act 1928’’ in the first
column and all the words opposite the
said figures and words in the second
column shall be deleted.

The definition of the expression ‘‘Governor
in Council’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘“‘any Presidency’’ the words
“‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ wherever this
word appears in subsections (1), (2) and
(3) the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall in each case
be substituted.

The words ‘‘(except in the Virgin Islands)’’
and the words ‘‘of the Presidency in
which they are made’’ shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.


No. and
Year Short title Section
16/1939 Trade Unions 2
Act, 1939
17/1939 Trade Disputes 13
(Arbitration and
Inquiry) Act,
20/1939 Supreme Court 3
Act, 1939


The words ‘‘of the Presidency wherein a
trade union is established’’ in the defini-
tion of ‘‘Registrar’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘or of any Presidency thereof’
shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency wherein a
trade union is established’’ and the words
“with regard to that Presidency’’ shall
be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency wherein a
trade union is established’’ shall be

The words ‘‘of any Presidency’’ wherever
these words appear in paragraphs (a) and
(c) shall in each case be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency wherein such
trade is established’’ shall be deleted.
The words ‘‘of a Presidency’? and the
words ‘“‘in that Presidency’’ shall be


The words ‘‘of the Presidency concerned’’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Federal Acts’’ the words
“laws of the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘said laws’’ the words “‘said
Imperial laws’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘in any Presidency’’ the
words ‘‘in the Colony’’ shall be sub-

For the words ‘‘from the Presidency’ the
words ‘‘from the Colony’’ shall be sub-

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Federal or local Act’’ in
paragraph (c) the words ‘‘Act or Ordi-
nance’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Federal or local Act’’ in
paragraph (d) the words ‘‘Act or Ordi-
nance’’ shall be substituted.

The whole of this subsection shall be

The words ‘‘for each Cireuit’’ and the
words ‘‘of that Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘for each Circuit’’ and the
words ‘‘of that Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Every’’ the word ‘‘The’’
shall be substituted.


No. and

Year Short title Section


20/1939 Supreme Court
Act, 1939



The words ‘‘The Registrar for the Saint

Christopher Circuit’’ and all the words
following thereafter down to and includ-
ing the words ‘‘for the Montserrat Circuit
shall be the Taxing Master thereof;’’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘and such Taxing Masters’

the word ‘‘He’’ shall be substituted.

The proviso to this subsection shall be


8 For the expression ‘‘a Registrar’’ wherever


Between the word


this expression appears the words ‘‘the
Registrar’’ shall in each case be sub-


words “‘in each Circuit’’ shall be


‘bailiff’? and the word
‘‘, provided’ the words ‘‘for the Court’’
shall be inserted,

The words ‘‘in any Circuit’’ shall be deleted.

4/1941 Recruiting of
Workers Act,


The words

The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which the

bailiff serves’’ shall be deleted.

“for the Circuit in which he
serves’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Crown Attorney’’ the words

“Legal Assistant’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency where such

application is made,’’ in paragraph (a)
shall be deleted.

After the word ‘Act’’ the words ‘‘or Ordi-

nance’’ shall be added.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency within the

limits’ and all the words following there-
after to the end of the section shall be

For the words ‘‘a Presidency’’ the words

‘“‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

4 For the expression ‘‘a Presidency’’ wher-

13/1941 Registration and 2
Records (Amend-

ment) Act, 1941

ever this expression appears in paragraph
(b) the words ‘‘the Colony’”’ shall in each
case be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Circuit’ in the definition

of the expression ‘‘Registrar’’ shall be

The whole section shall be deleted.
The whole section shall be deleted.

No. and
Year Short title Section
13/1941 Registration and 5
Records (Amend-
ment) Act, 1941
(Contd.) ’
7/1942 Magistrate’s Code 2

of Procedure
(Amendment) Act,

5/1943 Summary Jurisdiction 2
(Amendment) Act,

6/1943 Leeward Islands 8(1)
Battalion Act,
2/1944 Lepers (Amend- 2
ment) Act, 1944
5/1944 Labour (Minimum 2

Wage) Act, 1944



The words “‘in each of the Circuits’ and
all the words following thereafter down
to and including the words ‘‘of District
K”’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of Deeds of the Anguilla
Circuit’’, the words ‘‘each of them’’, and
the words ‘‘in such Circuit’ shall be

For the word ‘‘Registrars’’ in the marginal
note, the ‘‘Registrar’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Colony’’ and the words
“of any Presidency’’ wherever these
words appear in paragraphs (iii) and
(iv) shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words ‘“‘the following circuits as set
out hereunder :—’’ shall be deleted.

The numeral ‘‘(1)’’, the words ‘‘In the’’
at the beginning of paragraph (i) and
the word ‘‘Circuit’’ in the said paragraph
shall be deleted. For the semi-colon at
the end of the said paragraph a colon be

Paragraphs (ii) to (v) inclusive shall be

The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall
be deleted.

The words and brackets ‘‘(subject to the
modifications hereinafter appearing)’’
shall be deleted.

The whole of this subsection shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘any Presidency or in any
part thereof’? the words ‘‘the Colony’’
shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ shall be

The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ in
section 3 (1) shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency to which it
relates’? in section 3(4) the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted. ,

The words ‘‘of the Presidency concerned’’
in section 3(6) shall be deleted.


No. and

Year Short title



11/1944 Land Acquisition
Act, 1944

18/1944 Adoption of
Children Act,

21/1944 Title by Registra-
tion (Amendment)
Act, 1944

24/1944 Larceny Act,

25/1944 Quarantine Act,



18 (2)










The definition of the expression ‘‘appro-
priate Presidency’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘(if any) of the appropriate
Presidency’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘exercising jurisdiction within
the appropriate Presidency’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘appropriate Presidency’’
the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘appropriate Presidency’’
the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the appropriate Presidency’”’
shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of every Presidency’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Every Registrar-General’’
the words ‘‘The Registrar-General’’ shall
be substituted.

The words ‘‘each of the Presidencies of’’
and the word ‘‘respective’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘the Presidency wherein the
land is situate’’ the words ‘‘the Colony’’
shall be substituted.

The whole of this

For the words
“other Act

For the words ‘‘such other Act’’ the words
“such other Act or Ordinance’’ shall be

subsection shall be
“other Act’’

or Ordinance’’

the words
shall be

The words ‘‘in each Presidency or island
of the Colony”’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘Whole or any part of the’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘General Legislature’’
wherever these words appear in this sub-
section the words ‘‘Legislative Council”
shall in each case be substituted.

For the words ‘‘General Legislature’’ the
words ‘‘Legislative Council’ shall

The words “‘in each Presidency of the
Colony’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘such Presidency’’ the words
“the Colony’’ shall be substituted.



No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment
25/1944 Quarantine Act, 9(3) The words ‘‘in a Presidency’’ shall be

1944 (Contd.) deleted.

For the words ‘‘such Presidency’’ the words

“the Colony’’ shall be substituted.
First The words ‘‘a Presidency of’’ in regulation
Schedule 4 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of any Presidency’’ in para-
graph (1) of regulation 5 shall be deleted.

The words “‘any Presidency of’’ in para-
graph (4) of regulation 5 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’? and the
words ‘‘at such Presidency’’ in paragraph
(1) of regulation 7 shall be deleted.

The words “‘any Presidency of’’ in para-
graph (2) of regulation 8 shall be deleted.

The words ‘“‘of any Presidency’? in para-
graph (1) of regulation 14 shall be

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ in subpara-
graph (d) of paragraph (1) of regulation
17 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ in regula-
tion 18 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘a Presidency of’’ in regula-
tion 19 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Fresidency’’ in regula-
tion 20 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of a Presidency’’ in paragraph
(1) of regulation 21 shall be deleted.
The words ‘‘a Presidency of’’ in regulation

22 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ in regula-
tion 23 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ in regula-
tion 24 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’ in regula-
tion 26 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ in para-
graph (1) of regulation 31! shall be

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ in regula-
tion 33 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ in para-
graph (1) of regulation 38 shall be

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ in para-
graph (2) of regulation 38 shall be

No. and
Year Short title Section
25/1944 Quarantine Act, First
1944 (Contd.) Schedule

Schedule A

4/1945 Intestates 10(1)
Estates Act,
7/1945 Immigration and 2(1)
Passport Act,
11/1945 Criminal Procedure 3
(Amendment) Part
Act, 1945 (IIT)



For the words ‘‘of the Presidency where
the same was forfeited’’ in paragraph (3)
of regulation 39 the words ‘‘of the
Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘a Presidency of’’ in paragraph
(b) of regulation 41 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ appearing
under the caption ‘‘Declaration of
Health’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ appearing
under the caption ‘‘Instructions’’ in the
schedule to the Declaration of Health
shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’’ wherever
these words appear in paragraph (1) of
each of the regulations 5, 6, 7 and 9 and
in regulations 10, 11 and 12 shall in each
case be deleted.

The words ‘‘or any part thereof’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘the law of any Presidency’”’
in the definition of the expression ‘‘port
of entry’’ the words “‘regulations made
under section 32 of this Act’’ shall be

The word “‘such’’ shall be inserted between
the words ‘‘appoint’’ and ‘‘immigration’’.

The words ‘‘such of the islands of’’ shall be
deleted. ,

For the words ‘Treasurer of the Presi-
dency’? in paragraph (b) the words
“Chief Accountant’’ shall be substituted
and for the words ‘‘such Treasurer’ at
the end of the said paragraph the words
“the Chief Accountant’? shall be

The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’’ in
paragraph (c) shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency concerned’’ the
word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency concerned’’ the
word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The following amendments shall be made
to Part III of the Principal Act as re-
placed by this section :—

In section 12 the words ‘‘of the Circuit
in which such person has been so com-
mitted’’ shall be deleted.


aes ne a ee a
No. and :

Year Short title Section Amendment
11/1945 Criminal Procedure 3 For the words ‘‘proper law officer’ at the
(Amendment) Part end of the said section the words
Act, 1945 (III) ‘Attorney General’ shall be substituted.

In section 13 and section 14 for the
words ‘‘proper law officer’? wherever
these words appear the words “Attorney
General’ shall in each case be sub-

In subsection (1) of section 14B for the
words ‘‘proper law officer’? the words
“Attorney General’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘and’’ between the figures
13’? and the figures ‘14’? a comma
shall be substituted.

After the figures ‘‘14’’ the word and figures
“and 14a’’ shall be inserted. The words
“, or by the Attorney General under
section 14a,’’ shall be deleted. The
words “‘proper law officer or the’’ shall
be deleted.

In subsection (2) of section 148 for the
words ‘‘proper law officer’? the words
“Attorney General’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘whenever the Attorney General
gives any directions under’ shall be
deleted and in paragraph (a) of the said
subsection the words ‘‘of the Circuit’’
shall be deleted.

In subsection (1) of section 14c for the
words ‘“‘proper law officer’? the words
“Attorney General’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘of the Circuit’? shall be

3 The following amendments shall be made to
(Part Part IV of the Principal Act as replaced
Iv) by this section :—

In section 16(1) the figure and
symbols ‘‘(1)’’ shall be deleted.

In section 17 the words ‘‘of the Circuit’
wherever these words appear shall be

In subsection (1) of section 17a the words
“of the Circuit in which any sitting ot
the Court is held’’ shall be deleted.

2/1946 Magistrate's Code 3 The whole section shall be deleted.
of Procedure
(Amendment) Act,

3/1946 Unrepresented Estates 3 The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ shall be
(Amendment) Act, deleted.



No. and









Short title


Registration of United 2

Kingdom Trade
Marks Act, 1946

Small Charges
(Amendment) Act,

Matrimonial Causes
Act, 1948

Juvenile Courts
Act, 1948

Small Charges
(Amendment) Act,

Diplomatic Privileges
(Extension) Act,

Magistrate’s Code of
Procedure (Amend-
ment) Act, 1948

Guardianship of
Infants Act, 1949

10/1949 Juvenile Act, 1949




The words ‘“‘in the various Circuits of the
Colony’’ in the definition of the expres-
sion ‘‘Court’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Antigua Circuit’? in the
definition of the expression ‘‘Registrar’’
the word ‘‘Court’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ the words
“the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ shall be

The words ‘‘and includes a Crown
Attorney’’ shall be deleted.

The word ‘“‘separate’’ and the word
“several’’ in paragraph (a) shall be

The words ‘‘, or of the Administrator or ot
the Commissioner of any Presidency’’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘General Legislature’’
wherever these words appear, the words
“Legislative Council’? shall be sub-

The whole of this section shall be deleted.

The word “‘respective’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Ordinances of the several

Presidencies’”’ the word ‘‘Ordinance’’
shall be substituted.
The word ‘‘Presidency’’ wherever it

appears in the first column immediately
above the word ‘‘Montserrat’’ and the
words ‘‘Virgin Islands’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘Montserrat’’, ‘‘St. Christopher
and Nevis’? and ‘‘Virgin Islands’’
wherever these words appear in the first
column, and all the words opposite there-
to in the second, third and fourth
columns shall be deleted,

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ where it appears
in the first column immediately above
the word, ‘‘Antigua’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’
shall be substituted.

The definition of the expression
welfare officer’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘same Presidency’ the
word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.




No. and

Year Short title Section Amendment
11/1949 Coroner’s Act, 1949 2 The definition of the expression ‘‘Attorney

General’ shall be deleted.

48 For the words ‘‘Presidency in which the
post-mortem or anatomical examination
is performed’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall
be substituted.

Schedule For the words ‘‘LEEWARD ISLANDS”
wherever these words appear in all the
Forms in the Schedule the words ‘‘Colony
of ANTIGUA”’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘Presidency of’’ wherever the
words appear in the caption of all Forms
shall be deleted.

In the Form bearing the caption ‘‘Warrant
to Summon Jury’’, the following amend-
ments shall be made—

For the words ‘‘said district’’ appear-
ing after the words ‘‘police officers of
the’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

In the Form bearing the caption ‘‘FORM
following amendments shall be made—

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ appearing
immediately before the words ‘‘duly
sworn’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be


In the Form bearing the caption ‘‘Warrant
of Apprehension’’ the following amend-
ments shall be made—

For the words ‘‘Police officers of
District’? the words ‘‘Police officers of
the Colony’’ shall be substituted, and
for the words ‘‘within the Presidency’’
the words ‘‘within the Colony’’ shall
be substituted.

The words ‘‘in the Presidency aforesaid’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘the said Presidency’’ the
words ‘‘the said Colony’ shall be

In the Form bearing the caption ‘‘Warrant
of Commitment’’ the following amend-
ments shall be made—

For the words ‘‘for the Presidency
of’? the words ‘‘for the said Colony of”’
shall be substituted.


No, and
Year Short title Section Amendment

11/1949 Coroner’s Act, Schedule For the words ‘‘in the Presidency
1949 (Contd.) aforesaid’ the words ‘‘in the Colony
aforesaid’’ shall be substituted.
For the words ‘‘at district
in the said Presidency’’ the words ‘‘at
district in the said Colony”
shall be substituted.

In the Form bearing the caption ‘‘Order to
bring up prisoners for examination’’ the
following amendments shall be made—

For the words “‘, in this Presidency’’
the words ‘‘in this Colony’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Presidency of’’ the
word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

12/1949 Sale of Goods Schedule The figures and symbol ‘'147/1753’’ in the
Act, 1949 first column and all the words and figures
opposite thereto in the second and third

columns shall be deleted.

13/1949 Telecommunica- 2(1) In the definition of the expression ‘‘tele-
tions Act, 1949 communications officer’’ the words ‘‘in a
Presidency’’ shall be deleted.

3 The words ‘‘each Presidency of’’ shall be

6(1) The words ‘‘For the purposes of this sub-
section ‘‘Governor-in-Council’’ means the
Governor with the advice of the Execu-
tive Council of a Presidency’’ shall be

Schedule The words ‘‘St. Christopher and Nevis’’,
the word ‘‘Montserrat’’, the words
“Virgin Islands’’ in the first column and
the Ordinances specified opposite thereto
in the second and third columns of the
said schedule shall be deleted.

17/1949 Trade Unions 5(d) For the words ‘‘a Legislative Council in
(Amendment) Act, the Colony’”’ the words ‘‘the Legislative
1949 Council’’ shall be substituted.

4/1950 Currency Act, 1950 8 For section 8 the following section shall be
substituted : —

“Any sum which is required to meet
any deficiency in the Currency Fund or
the Income Account and which the
Colony is liable to make good under the
terms of the Agreement shall forthwith
on demand of the Board be issued under
the warrant of the Governor out of the
general revenuc.”’


No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment
4/1950 Currency Act, 16 and After section 15 the following section, shall
1950 17 be added—

“Construction 16. In the construction of this
of certain : :
portions of Act the following provi-
the Act. sions shall have effect:—

(a) paragraph (c) of
section 3 shall be con-
strued as though for the
words “the Leeward
Islands’ the words ‘‘Anti-
gua, St. Christopher,
Nevis and Anguilla, and
Montserrat’? were substi-

(b) the First Schedule
shall be construed as
though for the words ‘‘the
Leeward Islands’ in the
first paragraph thereof
the words ‘‘Antigua, St.
Christopher, Nevis and
Anguilla, and Mont-
serrat’’? were substituted.

eo eee 17. With a view to the fulfil-
ment. binding ment of the Agreement in
on Colony. and by the Colony, the
terms and conditions of the
Agreement are hereby rati-
fied, and it is hereby
declared that the Agree-
ment shall for the purposes
of this Act be treated as
though the Government of
the Colony had originally
been a signatory thereto.’’
7/1950 Prison (Extramural 2 In the definition of the expression ‘‘Extra-
Sentences) Act, mural Prison Officer’? the words “‘in a
1950 Presidency’’ shall be deleted.
3(7) lor the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ the words
“‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.
8/1950 Consular Con- 4(1) The words ‘‘of any Presidency of the
ventions Act, Colony’’ in paragraph (a) shall be
1950 deleted.
6(3) The word ‘‘General’’ shall be deleted.
9/1950 Antibiotics and 3(2) The words ‘‘the several Presidencies of’’
Therapeutic Sub- and the words ‘‘in each Presidency’’
stances Act, 1950 shall be deleted.
15 The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall

be deleted.


No. and

Year Short title Section


Quarantine (Amend- 2
ment) Act, 1950


Magistrate’s Code 2
of Procedure

(Amendment) Act,


Post Office 2
Offences Act, 1951


Coroners (Amend- 3
ment) Act, 1951


12/1951 Police Act, 1951 2


The words ‘‘each Presidency of’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘in cach Presidency’ the
words ‘‘in the Colony’’ shall be sub-

The whole section shall be deleted.
The Schedule shall be deleted.

The words ‘“‘to a district’, the words ‘‘of
the Presidency in which the district is
situated’, and the words ‘“‘of such
Presidency’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘of a Presidency’’ the words
“of the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘of a Presidency’’ the words
‘fof the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘any Presidency’ the
words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which
such death occurs’’ shall be deleted.

For the definition of the expression
“Division’’ the following expression shall
be substituted—

“the Division’? means that portion ot
the Force stationed in the Colony and
referred to in subsection (1) ol
section 3 of this Act as ‘‘A’’ Division;

in the definition of the expression ‘‘Medical
Board” the words ‘‘, or the Administrator
or Commissioner of a Presidency’’ shall
be deleted.

For. the word ‘‘Presidency’’
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘for the purposes’’ and all the
words following thereafter down to and
including the words ‘‘Virgin Islands’’ at
the end of the subsection shall be deleted,
and there shall be substituted therefor
the words ‘‘that portion of the Force
stationed in the Colony shall be known
and referred to as ‘‘A’’ Division’.

The words ‘‘or any Presidency therevt’’
shall be deleted.

After the word ‘‘Governor’’ the words ‘‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be inserted.

The word ‘‘General’’ shall be deleted.

After the word ‘‘Governor’’ wherever this
word appears the words ‘‘of the Leeward
Islands’ shall in each case be added.

the word


No. and


Short title

Police Act, 1951













After the word ‘‘Governor’’ the words ‘“‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be added.

The words ‘‘or Commissioner’’ shall be

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘in which such person is being
appointed”’ shall be deleted.

After the word ‘‘Governor’’ the words ‘‘ot
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be added.

The words ‘‘in which he is serving’’ shall
be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall
be deleted.

After the word ‘“‘Inspector’’ the words
“stationed in the Colony’’ shall be

After the word ‘“‘Governor’’ the words ‘‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be inserted.

After the word ‘‘Governor’’ wherever this
word appears the words ‘‘of the Leeward
Islands’’ shall be inserted.

The word ‘‘General’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Treasurer of the Presidency
concerned’’ t he words ‘‘Chief Account-
ant’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘in which the same have been
incurred’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘the Federal Treasurer’’ the
words ‘“‘an officer appointed by the
Governor of the Leeward Islands for that
purpose’ shall be substituted.

The words “‘or in any Presidency thereof’’
shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of a Presidency’’ shall be

After the word ‘‘Governor’’ the words ‘‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be inserted.
After the word ‘“‘Governor’’ the words ‘‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be inserted.
After the word ‘‘Governor’’ the words ‘‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be inserted.
After the word ‘‘Governor’’ wherever this

word appears the words ‘‘of the Leeward
Islands’ shall be inserted.

No. and


Short title

Police Act, 1951





62 (2)





68 (2)









After the word ‘‘Governor’’ the words ‘‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be inserted.

After the word ‘‘Governor’’ the words ‘‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be inserted.

After the words ‘‘The Governor’’ at the
beginning of the section the words ‘‘of the
Leeward Islands’’ shall be inserted.

The following subsection shall be substituted

for subsection (1) :—

“Canteen. 62. (1) There may be estab-
lished with the approval of
the Commissioner a police
canteen in the Division at which
the keeper thereof may sell
intoxicating liquors by retail to
members of the Force.’’

For the words ‘‘such canteens’ the words

“the canteen’’ shall be substituted.

After the word ‘‘Governor’’ the words ‘‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be inserted.

After the word ‘‘Governor’’ the words ‘‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be inserted.

For the words ‘‘in Council’’ the words ‘‘of
the Leeward Islands’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘Governor or the’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘or Commissioner of a Presi-
dency’’ the words ‘‘of the Colony’”’ shall
be constituted.

The words ‘‘for service within the Presi-
dency where such special constable is
appointed and’’ shall be deleted.

For the expression ‘‘a Presidency’’ the
words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall
be deleted.

The words ‘in a Presidency’’ shall be

The words ‘‘Governor or the’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘or Commissioner of a Presi-
dency’’ the words ‘‘of the Colony’’ shall
be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency in which such
special constables are serving’’ the word
“Colony’’ shall be substituted.


No. and

Year Short title Section Amendment
12/1951 Police Act, 1951 75(1) The words ‘‘Governor or the’’ shall be
(Contd.) deleted.

For the words ‘‘or the Commissioner of a
Presidency in the absence of the Governor
from the Presidency’’ the words ‘‘of the
Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘in the Presidency’’ shall be

For the words “within the Presidency”’ the
words ‘‘within the Colony’’ shall be



75(2) The words ‘‘in the Presidency’’ shall be

76(1) The words ‘‘in a Presidency’’ shall be

76(2) For the words ‘‘the Presidency in which
such special constable or additional
constable is serving’? the words ‘‘the
Colony’’ shall be substituted.

76(4) The whole of this subsection shall he

84(4) The word ‘‘the’’ appearing immediately
after the words ‘‘transmitted to’’ shall
be deleted.

84(5) The word ‘‘the’’ appearing immediately
after the words ‘‘transmitted to’’ shall

be deleted.
87 The words ‘‘Federal’’ and ‘‘Presidential’’
respectively shall be deleted.
3/1953 Land Acquisition 2 For the words ‘‘appropriate Presidency’’
(Amendment) Act, the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.


5/1953 Police (Amend- After the word ‘‘Governor’’ wherever this
ment) Act, 1953 word appears the words ‘‘of the Leeward
Islands’’ shall in each case be inserted.

5 After the word ‘‘Governor’’ wherever this
word appears the words ‘‘of the Leeward
Islands’’ shall in each case be inserted.

13/1953 Immigration and 3 The words ‘‘a Presidency of’’ shall be
Passport (Amend- deleted.
ment) Act, 1953
For the expression ‘‘a Presidency’’ in para-
graph (a) the words ‘‘the Colony’ shall
be substituted.
For the expression ‘‘a Presidency’’ at the
end of paragraph (b) the words ‘‘the
Colony’’ shall be substituted.


No, and
Year Short title Section Amendment
13/1953 Immigration and 3 For the words ‘‘found in a Presidency’’ the
Passport (Amend- words ‘‘found in the Colony’’ shall be
ment) Act, 1953 substituted.

The words ‘‘For the purposes’’ and all the
words following thereafter down to and
including the words ‘‘Executive Council
of the Presidency’’ shall be deleted.

5 The whole of this section shall be deleted.
22/1953 Acts and Ordinances 2 The word ‘‘General’’ shall be deleted.
(Amendment) Act,
6/1954 Praedial Larceny 2 In the definition of the expression ‘‘declared
(Prevention) Act, area’ for the words ‘‘in a Presidency’’
1954 the words ‘‘in the Colony’’ shall be

The definition of the expression ‘‘Division’”’
shall be deleted.

The definition of the expression ‘‘Governor
in Council’’ shall be deleted.

3(1) For the words ‘‘in a Presidency’’ the words
“in the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

9 For the words ‘‘of a Presidency’’ in para-
graph (a) the words ‘‘of the Colony’’
shall be substituted.

13(1) For the words ‘‘in the Presidency con-
cerned’’ the words ‘‘in the Colony’’ shall
be substituted.

13(2) For the words ‘‘police officer in charge of
the Division in which the declared area
is situate’’ in paragraph (a) the words
“senior police officer in the Colony’’ shall
be substituted.

14(1) For the words ‘“‘police officer in charge of a
Division in the Presidency concerned’’
the words ‘‘senior police officer in the
Colony’’ shall be substituted.

14(2) The words ‘‘or Commissioner’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Presidency concerned’ the
word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘as the case may be,’’ shall be

24(1) For the words ‘‘police officer in charge of
the Division in which he resides’’ in
paragraph (d) the words ‘‘senior police
officer in the Colony’’ shall be sub-

25(3) The words ‘‘of the Presidency concerned’’
shall be deleted.

No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment

——————--\-_—_———————— —————— esSeeseFeFeFeSeSeSSSSSeseSeSeSeSSSeSS

13/1954 Magistrate’s Code 2(1) For the words ‘‘Presidency in which his
of Procedure district is situate’? the word ‘‘Colony”’
(Amendment) Act, shall be substituted.


For the words ‘‘any Presidency’? the words
“the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

2(2) For the words ‘‘who, on the coming into
force of this Act, was duly’’ the words
“in the Colony, who on the first day of
July, 1956 was already duly’’ shall be

The words ‘‘in and for any Presidency’
shall be deleted.

4 For the words ‘‘in the Magisterial district
where such information or complaint is
to be tried or inquired into’’ the words
“in the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

10 The words “‘of the Presidency wherein such
sum or instalment is paid’’ shall be

18 For the words ‘‘Circuit containing the

district in which the Magistrate’s decision
was given’’ the word ‘“‘Colony’”’ shall be

20 The words “Provided that in the case of
an appeal from a decision of the Magis-
trate of district ‘“‘J’’ the said notice
shall be served within twenty-eight days
after the day on which the Magistrate
has given hig decision’’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘In this subsection the expres-
sion ‘‘Attorney General’’ includes the
Crown Attorney of a Presidency’’ shail
be deleted,

23 The words ‘‘of the Presidency where such
sums are paid’’ shali be deleted.

25 The whole section shall be deleted.
Schedule The whole schedule shall be deleted.

14/1954 Forgery Act, 1954 5(1) The words “‘or of any Presidency’’ shall be

5(3) For the words “‘Ordinances of any Presi-
dency’’ in paragraph (1) the word ‘‘Ordi-
nance’’ shall be substituted.

rr So



caro eve vn a

No, and
Year Short title Section
14/1954 Forgery Act, 1954 5(3)
17/1954 Dangerous Drugs 2
Act, 1954
18/1954 Telecommunications 2
Act, 1954
19/1954 Public Holidays 5
Act, 1954
20/1954 Small Tenements 4
(Amendment) Act,
5/1955 Crown Suits 2

(Repeal) Act, 1955

For the words ‘‘any Presidency’’ in para-
graph (m) the words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall
be substituted.

The words ‘‘or of any Presidency’’ in
paragraph (a) shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘a Registrar General of any
Presidency’ in paragraph (a) the words
‘the Registrar General’’ shall be sub-
stituted, and for the words “of a
Registrar’’ in paragraph (b) the words
“of the Registrar’ shall be substituted.

In the definition of the expression ‘‘Senior
Medical Officer’’ for the words ‘‘each and
every of the Presidencies, and, in case
there shall be no such officer in any
Presidency, any Medical Officer appointed
by the Governor for the purposes of the
administration of this Act in such Presi-
dency’’ the words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall
be substituted.

The words

“of a Presidency’’ shall be

The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall
be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words

“of a Presidency’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘such Presidency’’’ the
words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Federal Act, Local Act’’
the words ‘‘Act or Ordinance’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Federal Act or Local Act’’
the words ‘‘Act or Ordinance’’ shall be

For the words ‘‘Federal or Local Act’’
wherever these words appear the words
‘Act or Ordinance’’ shall be substituted.


No. and



12, 1955

Short title Section Amendment

Crown Suits 2 For the words ‘‘Presidency, in which such
(Repeal) Act, 1955 suit or proceedings may be instituted’’
(Contd.) the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

Evidence (Amend- The words ‘‘or of any Presidency thereof’
ment) Act, 1955 shall be deleted.

Interpretation and 2(1) For the definition of the expression ‘‘Act’’
General Clauses the following definition shall be sub-
Act, 1955 stituted :—

“‘Act’’ used in relation to legislation
shall include Ordinance, or private
Act or Ordinance of the Legis-
lative Council and any subsidiary
legislation made under _ the
authority of any Act or Ordi-

After the definition of the expression
“act’’ the following definitions shall be
inserted : —

“Administrator”? means the Adminis-
trator of the Colony and includes
every person for the time being
acting as Administrator in his

“Attorney General’? means the
Attorney General of the Colony;

For the words ‘‘the Leeward Islands’ in
the definition of the expression ‘‘the
Colony’’ the word ‘‘Antigua’’ shall be

After the definition of the expression
“contravene’’ the following definition
shall be inserted :—

“Chief Accountant’? means the Chief
Accountant of the Colony;

After the definition of the expression
“Chief Justice’? the following definition
shall be inserted :—

“court”? means any court of the
Colony of competent jurisdiction;

After the definition of the expression
“Court of Appeal’ the following definition
shall be inserted :—

“Collector of Customs’’ means the
Collector of Customs of the



No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment


12/1955 Interpretation and 2(1) After the definition of the expression
General Clauses “Crown Agents’’ the following definition
Act, 1955 (Contd.) shall be inserted :—

‘‘day’’ means a full day of twenty-four
hours, and where used in relation
to any act or omission or occur-
rence shall commence at the first
moment of the day on which such
act, omission or occurrence is done
or happens after midnight of the
previous day and shall end at the
last moment of the day on which
such act, omission or occurrence
as aforesaid is done or happens
before midnight of such last
mentioned day as aforesaid;

For the definition of the expression
“the Gazette’ the following definition
shall be substituted :—

“the Gazette’? means the official
publication printed and published
in the Colony for and on behalf of
the Government of the said Colony
and the Governments of the
Colonies of Montserrat and the
Virgin Islands under the title of
“The Antigua, Montserrat and
Virgin Islands Gazette’’;

The definitions of the _ expressions
‘Governor’, and the ‘‘General Legisla-
ture’ shall be deleted.

After the definition of the expression
‘Government Printer’ the following
definition shall be inserted : —

“Governor”? means the person for the
time being holding the office of
Governor, and includes any person
for the time being discharging the
functions of that office and to
the extent to which a Deputy
appointed under Article 5 of the
Leeward Islands Letters Patent,
1956 or the Administrator is
authorised to discharge those func-
tions, that Deputy or Adminis-

No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment
12/1955 Interpretation and 2(1) In the definition of the _ expression
General Clauses “Governor in Council’ the words ‘‘or a
Act, 1955 (Contd.) Presidency, as the circumstances may

require,’’ shall be deleted.

In the definition of the _ expression
“Government Officer’? the words ‘‘or a
Presidency thereof’’ shall be deleted.

After the definition of the expression
‘‘Judge’’ the following shall be inserted:—
“a Justice’ or ‘‘a Justice of the Peace’
means a person appointed by the
Governor to be a Justice of the

Peace for the Colony;


The definitions of the expressions ‘‘law’’
and ‘‘Local Act’’ shall be deleted and in
place thereof the following definitions
shall have effect :—

‘Jaw’’ includes any Act, Ordinance,
Act of the Imperial Parliament and
any subsidiary legislation or rule
of court made or given under the
authority of any law;

‘‘Legislative Council’’ means the Legis-
lative Council of the Colony;

After the definition of the expression
“master’’ the following definition shall
be inserted :—

“medical practitioner’ or ‘‘duly quali-
fied medical practitioner’’, or
“registered medical practitioner’
means any person duly registered
or licensed to practise medicine
under the provisions of any law
for the time being applicable to
medical practitioners;

After the definition of the expression
‘for’, ‘‘other’’ and ‘‘otherwise’’ the
following definition shail be inserted :—

“Ordinance’’ includes private Ordi-
nance and any Act or private Act
of the Legislative Council and any
subsidiary legislation made or given
under the authority of any

In the definition of the expression ‘‘pre-
scribed’’ the word ‘‘law’’ shall be
substituted for the word ‘‘Act’’.

The definition of the expression ‘‘Presi-
dency’’ shall be deleted.


No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment
12/1955 Interpretation and 2(1) Immediately before the definition of the
General Clauses expression ‘‘Prison or Gaol’’ the follow-
Act, 1955 (Contd.) ing definition shall be inserted :—

“print’’ with its grammatical varia-
tions and cognate expressions
includes reproduction or repre-
sentation by means of a type-
writer, roneo, cyclostyle or other
similar apparatus or by any other
method by which words, figures,
signs or symbols may be repro-
duced or represented in visible

In the definition of the expression ‘‘Prison
or Gaol’’ the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be
substituted for the words ‘‘Presidency in
which a person is committed to prison’’.

2(1) %In the definition of the _ expression
“Registrar’’ the words ‘‘appointed for a
Cireuit’’ shall be deleted; and for the
words ‘‘of the Windward and Leeward
Islands in any Presidency’? the words
“‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

2(2) The whole of this subsection shall be
deleted and in place thereof the following
subsection shall have effect :—

(2) Whenever in any Act or Ordi-
nance passed before the first day of
July, 1956 or in any subsidiary legis-
lation made thereunder and then in
force, the expression ‘‘President’’ is
used in reference to the Officer
administering the Government of the
Colony, that expression shall be con-
strued as meaning the Administrator.

21 In paragraph (f) after the words ‘‘the Act’’
the words “‘ or ‘the Ordinance’ ”’ shall
be inserted.

The words ‘‘or the Ordinance’’ shall be
inserted immediately before the word

38(1) For the words ‘‘Presidency concerned’’ the
word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted, and
for the words ‘‘such Presidency’’ the
words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall be substituted.

41 For the words ‘‘Governor is given’’ the
words ‘‘Governor of the Leeward Islands
is given’’ shall be substituted.


o. and

Year Short title Section Amendment
12/1955 Interpretation and 41 The word ‘‘said’’ shall be inserted between

General Clauses the word ‘“‘the’’ and the word
Act, 1955 (Contd.) ““Governor’’.

For the word “Colonial Secretary’ the
word ‘‘Chief’’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall
in each case be inserted after the word
‘Governor’ in the proviso.

45 The whole section shall be deleted.
13/1955 Police (Amendment) 2 After the word ‘‘Governor’’ wherever this
Act, 1955 word appears the words ‘‘of the Leeward
Islands’’ shall in each case be inserted.
7 The words ‘‘or the Gazetted Police Officer
in charge of the Division’’ shall be


9 After the word ‘‘Governor’” in paragraph

(ii) of the proviso the words “‘of the
Leeward Islands’’ shall be inserted.

10 The words ‘“‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall
in each case be inserted after the word
“Governor’’ wherever the latter word

12 The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall
in each case be inserted after the word
“‘Governor’’ wherever the latter word

14 The words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands’’ shall
in each case be inserted after the word
“‘“Governor’’ wherever the latter word

Schedule For the words “‘Chief Accountant of the
Presidency of Antigua’’ the words ‘‘an
officer appointed by the Governor of the
Leeward Islands’’ shall be substituted.

17/1955 Local Constables 2 For the definition of the expression
(Amendment) Act, “Division’’ the following definition shall
1955 be substituted :—

“‘the Division’? has the same mean-
ing as is ascribed to it in section 2 of
the Police Act, 1951:

In the definition of the _ expression
“Divisional Officer’ the words ‘‘in the
Presidency for which a local constable is
appointed’ shall be deleted.

The definition of the expression ‘‘Governor’”’
shall be deleted.



No. and

Year Short title Section Amendment
17/1955 Local Constables 3 The words ‘‘, and the letter ‘a’ for the word
(Amendment) Act, ‘his’ in the third line thereof’’ shall be
1955 (Contd.) deleted.
6 The words ‘‘district or’’ shall be deleted.
8 For the words ‘‘the appropriate Presidency”’

and the words ‘‘that Presidency’ the
words ‘‘the Colony’’ shall in each case be

The words ‘‘of the Presidency concerned’’
shall be deleted.

10 For the words ‘‘Presidency wherein he was
resident at the time of his appointment’’
the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Presidency for which he was
appointed”? the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall be

14 In the Schedule the word ‘‘Commissioner’’
wherever it appears shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘Presidency’’ wherever this
word appears the word ‘‘Colony’’ shall
be substituted.

The words ‘‘delete if not applicable’ wher-
ever these words appear shall be deleted.

15 For the words ‘‘who on the coming into
force of this Act had been’’ the words
‘tn the Colony who on the first day of
July, 1956 had already been’’ shall be

The words “for any Presidency’’ shall be

18/1955 Magistrate’s Code 4 The words ‘‘Provided that in the case’’ and
of Procedure all the words following thereafter down
(Amendment) Act, to and including the words ‘‘given his
1955 decision’’ shall be deleted.

4/1956 Overseas Nurses’ 3A The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof’
Pensions Act, shall be deleted.




Modification of the Antigua Constitution and Elections Ordinance, 1951 (No. 10/1951)

The Antigua Constitution and Elections Ordinance, 1951 (No. 10/1951) shall be


1. save as in this Schedule expressly provided by the deletion therefrom of the
expression ‘‘Presidency’’ wherever the same now appears therein and the
substitution therefor of the expression ‘‘Colony’’;

2. as regards—






section 2—

(i) by the deletion therefrom of the expression ‘‘Governor’’ and the
substitution therefor of the following expression—

““Governor’’ means the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of
the Leeward Islands, and includes the person for the time
being lawfully discharging the functions of that office, and
to the extent to which a Deputy for the Governor is
authorised to act, that Deputy; and

(ii) by the deletion of the words ‘‘of the Presidency or’’ in the definition
of the expression ‘‘public service’.

section 11, by the deletion of the words ‘‘the Presidency or of’’
appearing in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) of paragraph (jh);

section 12, by the deletion of the words ‘‘the Presidency or of’’
appearing in paragraph (/:) of subsection (3);

section 31, by the deletion of the words ‘‘subsection (4) of section 6 ot
the Interpretation of Laws Ordinance, 1896’’ appearing in subsection (4)
and the substitution therefor of the words ‘‘subsection (2) of section 18 of
the Interpretation and General Clauses Act, 1955°’, and by the deletion
from the said subsection of the figures ‘‘6/1896’’ appearing in the
marginal note thereto and the substitution therefor of the figures

section 34, by the deletion of the words ‘‘subsection (4) of section 6 of
the Interpretation of Laws Ordinance, 1896’’ appearing in subsection
(3) and the substitution therefor of the words “‘subsection (2) of section
18 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Act, 1955’’, and by the
deletion from the said subsection of the figures ‘'6/1896’’ appearing in
the marginal note thereto and the substitution therefor of the figures

(f) section 52, by the deletion of the words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ appearing


in subsections (3) and (4); and

section 53, by the deletion of the words ‘‘of the Presidency’’ appearing
in subsection (1).


Part I

Cap. Short Title

45 Railways Offences Act

63 Motor Car (Unlawful User) Act

87 Studentships Act

100 Title by Registration (Loans-in-Aid) (Amendment) Act

107 Marriages Ordinances Legalization Act

112 McFadyen and Jones Medical Qualification Act

115 Bank Notes Act

125 West India and Panama Telegraph Company, Limited, Act, 1872
126 West India and Panama Telegraph Company, Limited, Act, 1877
127 Francis Watts (Pension) Act

Part II

No. and
Year Short title

1/1933 Stamps (Amendment) Act, 1933
2/1937 Delegation of Powers Act, 1937 :
6/1937 Leeward Islands Scholarship Act, 1937

19/1937 Carrington Pension Act, 1937

2/1938 Moir Pension Act, 1938

7/1938 Title by Registration (Amendment) Act, 1938

2/1939 Courts Act, 1939

1/1940 Land Acquisition (National Purposes) Act, 1940

15/1941 Land Acquisition (National Purposes) (Amendment) Act, 1941

1/1943 Bank Notes (Amendment) Act, 1943

2/1943 Registration and Records (Amendment) Act, 1943

10/1943 Colonial Secretary Act, 1943

3/1944 Bank Notes (Amendment) Act, 1944

1/1950 Virgin Islands Constitution Act, 1950

3/1950 Governor’s Emoluments Act, 1950

11/1953 Delegation of Powers (Amendment) Act, 1953

17/1953 Governor’s Emoluments (Amendment) Act, 1953

2/1954 Leeward Islands Scholarship (Amendment) Act, 1954

12/1954 Virgin Islands (Commissioner of the Supreme Court) Validation Act, 1954
1/1956 Transfer of Sombrero Act, 1956

11/1956 Governor’s Emoluments (Amendment) Act, 1956

Made this 9th day of June, 1956.


ORDERS, 1956
No. 15

Printed by
The Port-of-Spain Gazette (1955) Ltd.
5, St. Vincent Street,
Trinidad B.W.I.
} 1956.

\ (Price e.)

29. 72I9&

THE Adaptation of Laws Regulations, 1956, dated 9th June,
1956, made by the Governor under section 5 of the Leeward Islands
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Order in Council, 1956 (Imperial) (1956,
No. 833).

1. SHoRT TiTLE. These Regulations may be cited as the
Adaptation of Laws Regulations, 1956.

2. INTERPRETATION. In these Regulations—

*“ Acts’? means Acts of the. Legislature of the Leeward
Islands ;

‘“the appointed day’? means the first day of July, 1956;

law’? means any Order of Her Majesty in-Council, any
Act of the Legislature of the Leeward Islands, any
Act or Ordinance of any Presidency constituting part
of the Leeward Islands, any Regulation, any Procla-
mation approved by Order of Her Majesty in Council,
or any other enactment or instrument having the force
of law in the Leeward Islands ;

** Schedule ’” means Schedule to these Regulations.

mentioned in the first and second columns of the First Schedule
being laws to which section 5 of the Leeward Islands (Miscellaneous
Provisions) Order in Council, 1956 applies, but not being laws
to which subsection (1) of section 2 of the Leeward Islands Act,
1956* applies, in force in the Presidency of Montserrat immediate-
ly before the appointed day shall, subject to the provisions of
paragraph (2) of this regulation remain valid as respects that Presi-
dency after the beginning of the appointed day, notwithstanding
the constitution of the said Presidency as a separate Colony.

(2) The said Acts shall as regards Montserrat have effect
therein after the beginning of the appointed day subject to the
amendments specified in the fourth column of the First Schedule
to the sections and schedules of the said Acts specified in the third
column of that Schedule.

ELECTIONS ORDINANCE. The Montserrat Constitution and Elections
Ordinance, 1952 being a law to which subsection (1) of section 2
of the Leeward Islands Act, 1956 applies shall be modified to the
extent specified in the Second Schedule in view of the constitution
of the Presidency of Montserrat as a separate Colony.

5. REPEAL. The Acts set out in the Third Schedule are hereby
repealed so far as they affect Montserrat

6. COMMENCEMENT. These Regulations shall come into
Operation on the first day of July, 1956.

#4 and 5 Eliz. I, C, 23,

Short title


Bankruptcy Act



Part I













The whole section shall be deleted.

The words “‘ or any Presidency thereof” in the
definition of the expression ‘‘ Government
Officer ’’ shall be deleted.

For the definition of the expression ‘“‘ Treasurer ”

the following definition shall be substituted—

““Treasurer’’ means the Treasurer of the

For the words ‘“‘ the General Legislative Council
or of the Legislative Council or Assembly
of any Presidency in paragraph (a) the words
“the Legislative Council’ shall be sub-

For the words “any Presidency” there shall
be substituted the words ‘the Colony”.

The words ‘of the Presidency in which the
District is situated in- which the bankruptcy
occurs ”’ shall be deleted.

The whoie section shall be deleted.

The words “‘ sitting in the district in which the
bankruptcy is proceeding” shall be deleted.

The words ‘in any district” and the words
*‘in his district’ shall be deleted.

For the words “any Registrar’? the words
“the Registrar’? shall be substituted.

For the word “ Registrars” the word “Registrar”
shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘ during the absence of a Judge
from the Colony,” shall be inserted between
the words “shall” and “have”.

For the words “such registrars” the words
“the Registrar” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘“‘a registrar” the words “ the
Registrar” shall be substituted.

The Proviso shall be de!eted.

The whole subsection shall be deleted.

Cap. Short title Section


1 Bankruptcy Act 93








The whole section shall be deleted.
For section 94 the following section shall be

“94. (1) Proceedings in bankruptcy may be
transferred to or from any other Circuit of
the Court in accordance with the provisions
of rule 11 (which relates to change of venue)
of the Rules made by the Chief Justice on
the 24th day of September, 1941 under section
16 of the Leeward Islands and Windward
Islands (Courts) Order in Council, 1939.

(2) Subject to Rules of Court if any question
of law arises in any bankruptcy proceedings
during the absence of a Judge from the Colony,
the Registrar shall, at the request of either
party, state the facts in the form of a special
case for the opinion of a Judge, and shall
transmit the special case and the proceedings
or such of them as may be required to a
Registrar of the Court in a Circuit where a
Judge is resident ’”’.

The words “ of the district in which the debtor
resides ’’ shall be deleted.

The whole subsection shall be deleted.

The second paragraph shall be deleted.

The word ‘* General” shall be deleted.

For the words “‘ General Legislature ’” the words
* Legislative Council” shall be substituted.

The words “ of every bankruptcy district’ and
the word ‘‘ General” shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘in any bankruptcy district’ shall
be deleted.

For the words “‘ Act of the General Legislature,
or in any Act or Ordinance of the Legis-
lature of any Presidency,” there shall be
substituted the words “ Act or Ordinance ™.

The words ‘of the Presidency”? at the end
of the first paragraph shall be deleted.
The words * Act of the General Legislature
of any’’, and the words “of the Legislature
of any Presidency mentioned in the Fourth

Schedule” shall be deleted.

For the words “of any petition’? the words

“or any petition” shall be substituted.
The words “ of the Presidency ” shall be deleted.

Cap. Short title Section Amendment
1 Bankruptcy Act 137(5) The words “‘ of the Presidency ”’ shall be deleted.
First The words ‘“ Leeward Islands” in paragraph 2
Schedule shall be deleted.
4 Contempt of Court 2 The definition of the expression “‘ Magistrate ”
Act shall be deleted.

33) For the words *‘‘ Full Court’? wherever they
appear the words “Court of Appeal”’ shail
be substituted.

410) For the words ‘‘ Full Court” wherever they
appear the words ‘“ Court of Appeal’ shall
be substituted.

9 For the words “ Full Court” wherever they
appear the words ‘“‘ Court of Appeal’’ shall
be substituted.

11 The words ‘for the uses of the Presidency
wherein such case or cases of contempt may
have occurred” shall be deleted.

5 Courts of Justice 3 For the words “‘ General Legislature ” the words
Fees Act “Legislative Council’? shall be substituted.

4 The words “of the Presidency in which they
are respectively received” shall be deleted.

9 For the words “‘ Separate accounts’ the words
““An account” shall be substituted.

The words “of each Presidency” shall be
7 Debtors Act 2 The whole section shalJ be deleted.

5 The words ‘Persons committed under this
section”? and all the words following thereafter
down to and including the word ‘“ made”
shall be deleted.

6 The words ‘‘in any Presidency of the Colony ”
shall be deleted.

7 The words ‘tor any part thereof” shall be

19 For the words “ of the General Legislature, or

under any Act or Ordinance of any Presidency”
there shall be substituted the words “or
Ordinance ”’.

Cap. Short title



10 Judgments Act

13. Mercantile Law
Amendment Act

17. Public Authorities

Protection Act

20 Registration and
Records Act




The words ‘* of the Circuit in which the judgment
is entered” shall be deleted.

A full-stop shall be substituted for the semicolon
after the word ‘“ debtor”.

The words “and when the lands to be affected
by such application are situate in any other
Circuit, a copy of the application shall also
be filed in the Registrar’s Office of such other
Circuit” shall be delete .

The words “‘ of the Circuit in which it is filed ”
at the end of the section shall be deleted.

For the heading—

“Tn the Supreme Court of the Leeward Islands
Presidency of ” the following
heading shall be substituted—

“In the Supreme Court of the Windward
Islands and Leeward Islands Montserrat
Circuit ”’.

The words “ Windward Islands and”’ shall be
inserted before the word ‘* Leeward” in the
Note of Presentation.

For the words “ by the same Judges, and subject
to the same conditions, as rules of Court may
be made under the provisions of the Supreme
Court Act” the words “in the same manner
as rules of court for the Supreme Court may
be made” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘* Federal Act, or Local Act”
the words ‘Act or Ordinance” shall be

For the words “ Federal Act and of any Local
Act”? the words “ Act or Ordinance” shall
be substituted.

For the words ‘“ Federal and Local Acts”? in
the marginal note the words “Acts and
Ordinances” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘any Record” wherever these
words appear in the definitions of the expres-
sions ‘Indices’, ‘Public Records”,
“ Registered deeds and writings’ and
“ Registers ”, the words ‘“‘ the Record” shall
in each case be substituted.

Cap. Short title Section


20 Registration and 6
Records Act












The words “ of the Circuit, in which the land
thereby affected is situate” shall be deleted.

For the word ‘“ Circuit” the word “ Colony ”
shall be substituted.

The words “If executed in any other Circuit
in the Colony, within six months after
execution ;”’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘ intended for registration in the
Circuit wherein they are executed "’ the words
“executed in the Colony and intended for
registration therein’? shall be substituted.
In the marginal note, for the words “ Circuit
wherein registered” the words ‘‘ Colony and
registrable therein” shall be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words “the Leeward Islands” the
words ‘tthe Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “any Record Office” the words
“the Record Office”? shall be substituted.

For the words “ Presidency in which such deed
is presented for registration’? the word
“Colony ” shall be substitute !.

For the words “Act of the Colony, for a
Registrar” the words ‘“ Act or Ordinance,
for the Registrar’? shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘ of the Leeward Islands” shall be

For the word “‘ Registrars ’’ the word “‘Registrar’’
shall be substituted.

For the words “Chief Justice” the word
“ Registrar ”’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘“‘ General Legislature ’’ the words
“© Legislative Council ’’ shall be substituted.

The words “in each Circuit’? wherever they
appear shall be deleted

The words “ of the Circuit in which such office
or place is situate’ at the end of the section
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘ several Record Offices” the
words “* Record Office’? shall be substituted.

Cap. Short title Section Amendment
20 Registration and 32(1) For the words ‘“‘a Record Office”? wherever
Records Acts these words appear the words “the Record
(Contd) Office’ shall in each case be substituted.

32(2) For the words ‘‘ General Legislature”? wherever
these words appear the words ‘ Legislative
Council”? in each case shall be substituted.

32(4) For the words ‘‘ General Legislature ’? wherever
these words appear the words “ Legislative
Council” shall in each case be substituted.
For the word “ Legislature ” the word ‘‘Council”
shall be substituted,

32(5) For the words ‘‘ General Legislature” the words
“Legislative Council” shall be substituted.

38 In paragraphs (a), (f) and (g) for the word
“* Offices? the word “* Office” shall in cach
case be substituted and in paragraph (b) for
the word ‘ Regisirars”’ the word ‘Registrar’
shall be substituted.

39 For the word “every” the word ‘ the” shall
be substituted and for the words ‘ General
Legislature ” the words ** Legislative Council ”
shall be substituted.

41 For the word “‘any” the word ‘ the” shall
be substituted.


21 Summary Jurisdiction 2 The words “of any Circuit’? in the definition
Act of the expression ‘ Bailiff’? shall be deleted.
The words ‘‘, and shall include a Deputy Judge ”

in the definition of the expression “‘ Judge”
shall be deleted.

5 The whole section shall be deleted.
6 The words “in each Circuit’? shall be deleted.
7 For the words ‘‘ Leeward Islands” the word

““ Montserrat ’’ shall be substituted.

For the full-stop appearing after the word
‘“therewith ’’? a colon shall be substituted
and the following proviso added to the said
section :

“Provided that until such a seal is available
a stamp bearing the words ‘“ Court of Sum-
mary Jurisdiction, Montserrat ’’, and counter-
signed by the Clerk may be used instead of
such a seal”,

Cap. Short title

21 Summary Jurisdiction
Act (Contd.)

23 Unreprcsented
Estates Act






48 &





The words “in each Circuit of the Colony”
shall be deleted.

After the word “ Act ” the words “or Ordinance”
shall be added.

The whole section shall be deleted.


For the word “ Every” at the beginning of the
section the word ‘‘ The” shall be substituted.

The words “ for the Circuit. to which he belongs”
shall be deleted.

The words ‘any Circuit within” shall be

For the word “ Circuit” the word ‘“ Colony ”
shall be substituted.

For the words “ Circuit in which the suit is
brought” the word “Colony” shall be

The whole of sections 48 and 49 shall be

For the words “The said writ” the words
“A writ of execution” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘ The Leeward Islands” wherever
they appear in the headings to the Forms the
word ‘* Montserrat” shall be substituted.
The word ‘Circuit’? wherever it appears
in the headings to the Forms shail be deleted.

The words “(or Deputy Judge)” appearing in
Form No. 1 shall be deleted.

For the word “ Circuit ’’ where it appears after
the words “remove out of the” in Form
No. 3, the word “Colony” shali be sub-

The words ‘of the Leeward Islands’ in the
detinition of the expression “ The Court”
shall be deleted

The words ‘“‘ every Circuit of’? shall be deleted.

The words “in any Circuit” and the words
“of such Circuit’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘of the Circuit” shall be deleted.
After the word “ newspaper ” the words “(if any)”
shall be added.


Cap. Short title Section Amendment
23 Unrepresented 22 After the word ‘* Newspapers” the words
Estates Act ‘“ (if any”) shall be added,
24 The words “ of the Presidency ”’ shall be deleted.
31 The words ‘‘ or Commissioner ”’ shall be deleted.
36(1) The words “in the Circuit wherein such person
dies’ shall be deleted.
Schedule The words ‘‘ Windward Islands and” shall be
inserted before the word ‘‘ Leeward” in the
heading to Form 3.
24 Warrants of 2 The words ‘for the Circuit in which such
Attorney Act warrant of attorney was executed” shall be

3 The words “for the Circuit in which such
cognovit actionem shall have been given”
shall be deleted.

5 For the word “ Every” at the beginning of the
section the word ‘‘ The” shall be substituted.

25 The (Colonial) West 2 The definition of the expression ‘ Full Court”
Indian Court of shall be deleted.
Appeal Act

6(2) For the words ‘“‘ Circuit in which the trial was
held” the words ‘‘ Supreme Court” shall be

6 (3) (c) For the words “‘of the Circuit in which the
trial was held”? in paragraph (c) the words
““ of the Supreme Court” shall be substituted.

26 Wills Act 19 The words “ any Presidency of ’’ in the proviso
shall be deleted.

For the word ‘ Presidency” in the marginal
note to the proviso, the word ‘‘ Colony”
shall be substituted.

27 Accessories and 2 For the words “ passed, or to be passed, by the
Abettors Act General Legislature” the words

ar rr i

“or Ordinance’”’ shall be substituted.

3 For the words ‘‘ passed, or to be passed, as
aforesaid ” the words ‘ or Ordinance” shall
be substituted.

4 For the words “passed, or to be passed, as
aforesaid” the words “or Ordinance” shall
be substituted.


Cap. Short title Section


27 Accessories and 5
Abbetors Act
28 Coinage Offences 8
29 Convicts’ Licences 2

For the words ‘“‘ passed, or to be passed. as
aforesaid” the words “or Ordinance” shall
be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘ passed, or to be passed, as
aforesaid” the words *‘ or Ordinance” shall
be substituted.

For the words ‘‘ Leeward Islands” the word
“ Colony”? shall be substituted.


For the words ‘t Leeward Islands” the word

“ Colony ” shall be substituted.

For the words *‘ Leeward Islands”? the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘* Leeward Islands” wherever
these words appear the word ‘‘ Colony ” shall
in each case be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The definition of the eapressions ‘“ Chief
Inspector of Police” and “ District’ shall
be deleted.

In the definition of the expression ‘‘ Prison”
the word ‘ Ordinance” shall be substituted
for the word “ Act”.

For the words “Colonial Secretary’s’’ the
word ‘‘ Governor’s” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘ Chief Inspector of Police
the words “ senior police officer in the Colony”
shall be substituted.


The whole subsection shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘ Presidency in which he shall
have been convicted, or in the Presidency
in which he shall have been last imprisoned,
according as the Governor may determine”
the word ‘ Colony” shall be substituted.

For section 5 ihe following section shail be
substituted :—
“5. (1) Every licence holder shall—

(a) within forty eight hours after he is set
at liberty notify the place of his residence
to the Magistrate and as often as he
shall change his place of residence shall
within twenty-four hours after such
change notify the Magistrate thereof ;


Cap. Short title Section Amendment
29 Convicts’ Licences 5 (b) once in every month report himself
Act (Contd.) and the place of his residence to the

senior police officer in the Colony and
such report shall be made at such time
in the month and either personally or
by letter as such senior police officer
may from time to time direct.

(2) It shall be the duty of every senior
police officer who receives a report by letter
to forward a copy of the same to the Com-
missioner of Police for his information ”.

7 The words ‘“‘ any Island of ”’ shall be deleted.
The words “,or any portion thereof,” shall be

For the words ‘“‘in any district’? the word
“therein” shall be substituted. The words
“ of the district in which such place is situated”’
shall be deleted.

1 For the words ‘‘ of the General Legislature, or
of the Legislature of any Presidency of the
Colony” shall be deleted.

The words “the Colonial Secretary for the
information of ” shall be deleted.

First For the words ‘‘ LEEWARD ISLANDS” the
Schedule word “ MONTSERRAT ” shall be substituted
For the words ‘* Governor and Commander-.
in-Chief of the Colony of the Leeward Islands”
the words ‘‘ the Administrator of the Colony

of Montserrat”? shall be substituted.

For the words “ Supreme Court of this Colony ”
the words “‘ Supreme Court in this Colony ”
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘the Colony of the Leeward
[slands”” the words ‘‘ the said Colony ” shall
be substituted.

For the words ‘“ Government House in the
Island of” the words ‘“‘ the Administrator’s
Office at Montserrat ” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘And I the said Governor”
the words “ And I the said Administrator ”
shall be substituted.

In paragraph 4 of the Conditions of the licence
for the words ‘‘ Governor, or officer adminis-
tering the Government of the Leeward Islands”
the word “* Administrator ”’ shall be substituted.

Second The word “ District’? wherever it appears in
Schedule this Schedule shall be deleted.

ea NR
Cap. Short title Section



30) «Criminal Law 2(b)
Amendment Act



34 Criminal Procedure 20)

2(1) (d)


8, 9,
10 & 11







The words “not being a common prostitute
or of known immoral character,” shall be

For the words “ Juvenile Offenders Punishment
Act” the words ‘* Corporal Punishment Act,
1949”? shail be substituted.

For the expression ‘“‘ clause a’ wherever it
appears in the provisos the expression
‘paragraph (a)” shall in each case be sub-

For the words “of the General Legislature
or any Act in force in any Presidency of the
Colony ” the words “or Ordinance’ shall
be substituted.

For the words “ Act of the General Legislature ”’
the words “other Act or Ordinance”? shall
be substituted.

The whole paragraph shall be deleted.
The whole subsection shall be deleted.

The words “ the law officer, or the senior law
officer ” and alt the words following thereafter
down to the end of the subsection shali be
deleted and the words “ the Crown Attorney”
substituted therefor.

The whole of sections 8, 9, 10 and 11 shall be

For the words ‘“‘ Attorney General” the words
“Crown Attorney” shall be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words “tor the Circuit. district or place
to whieh the prisoner belongs” shall be

The word ‘ Circuit’ shall be deleted

For the words ‘“ Colonial Secretary” the word
“ Administrator ” shall be substituted and in
the marginal note of this paragraph.

For the word “appoinred” the word ‘‘appointed”
shall be substituted.

After the word ‘‘ Governor” the words “ of the
Leeward Islands” shall be added.


Short title Section Amendment



Ciiminal Procedure 39 After the word “‘ Governor”? the words “of
Act (Contd.) the Leeward [siands” shail be added.


The words “, or of the Colonial Secretary, or
of the Administrator or Commissioner of any
Presidency,”’ shall be deleted.

62 For the words “ Leeward Islands” wherever
they appear the word ‘‘ Colony” shall in
each case be substituted.

For the words “ with the Colony” the words
“within the Colony” shall be substituted.

Forfeited Recogni- 2° The words “in each Circuit of the Colony”’
sances Act shali be deleted.

For the words ‘‘ every Circuit Court ” the words
“the Court” shall be substituted.

7 The word “the” before the word “ prison”,
the words ‘tof the Presidency wherein the
recognisance was entered into”’, the words
“in the Circuit in which the recognisance
was entered into”. and the words “ within
the Circuit’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘next Circuit” in the marginal
note shall be deleted.

Schedule The words ‘‘ Windward Islands and” shail be
inserted before the word ‘‘ Leeward” in the

The words ‘“ Montserrat’? shall be inserted
before the word ‘‘ Circuit’ in the heading.

For the words “of the Presidency
of » the word “ Plymouth ’”’.

For the words “of our Circuit Court” the
words ‘‘ the said Court” shall be substituted.

For the words “the said Circuit Court” the
words “the said Court” shall be substituted.

34 Forteiture Act 4 The words ‘‘of any Presidency of the Colony,

or of the General Legislative Council of the
Colony” shall be deleted.

28 For the words ‘“‘ His Maijesty’s Attorney General
for the time being” and the words “ the
Attorney General” the words “the Crown
Attorney ” shall in each case be substituted.


Cap. Short title Section Amendment

36 Indictments Act 2 The word ‘“‘ First”? shall be deleted.

3) For the words ‘“‘ Attorney General”? the words
“Crown Attorney” shall be substituted.

3(3) The word “ General” in paragraph (a) shall
be deleted.

The word “ FIRST” in the heading shall be

First In Paragraph (1) of Rule 2—The words
Schedule “Windward Islands and” shall be inserted
before the word ‘* Leeward ”’.

The word ‘“ Montserrat’? shall be inserted
before the word “Circuit”. The words
“Antigua, St. Kitts-Nevis. etc. as the case
may be)” shall be deleted.

For the words “‘ ATTORNEY GENERAL
“CROWN ATTORNEY” shall be = sub-

In paragraph (2) of Rule 2 for the words
“Attorney General or Crown Attorney ”
wherever these words appear the words
““Crown Attorney” shall in each case be

In paragraph (1) of rule 5 for the word
“ommission’” the word ‘ omission” shalt
be substituted.

In paragraph (2) of rule 6 for the word
“owing” the word “owning” shall be
substituted and the words “or of any
Presidency ”’ shall be deleted.

38 Larceny Act 9 For the words “over to the Treasurer of the
Presidency in which such fine or penalty is
payable’ the words “into the Treasury of
the Colony” shall be substituted.

39 Malicious Damage 62 For the words ‘‘ Presidency where the same
Act shall have been imposed ” the word “ Colony ’”
shall be substituted.

40 Abolition of Mini- 2 For the words “‘ of the Leeward Islands, or any
mum Punishment Presidency thereof the words ‘‘ or Ordinance *
Act shall be substituted.


Cap. Short title Section Amendment
41 Offences against the 9 For the words “ Leeward Islands” wherever
Person Act . these words appear the word ‘“ Colony”

shall in each case be substituted.

The words “‘ Circuit district, or place in the”’,
and the words ‘‘in which such death, stroke,
poisoning, or hurt happens ”’ shall be deleted.

For the words “‘ that Circuit, district or place”
at the end of the section the words ‘‘ the

Colony” shall be substituted.
52 The words “of the Leeward Islands” shall be.

The words “ and any such offence” and all
the words following thereafter down to and
including the words “that Circuit. district.
or place” shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘ Leeward Islands’? wherever
these words appear the word ‘“ Colony”
shall be substituted.

60 For the words “‘ any Magistrate in any district ”
the words “The Magistrate of any place”
shall be substituted.

61 For the words “ Presidency in which the sum
is paid” at the end of the section the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

62 For the words “‘ any Presidency of the Leeward
Islands” the words “the Colony” shall be

For the words “such Presidency”? wherever
these words appear in paragraphs (a) and (b}
the words “the Colony” shall in each case
be substituted.
64 The whole section shall be deleted.

71 The words ‘of the Presidency in which such
fine has been awarded, or directed to be paid.
for the public uses of such Presidency ”’ shall
be deleted.

72 For the words “‘ Circuits of the Leeward Islands”

the word “ Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “‘any of the said Circuits in
which the offender shall be apprehended,
or be in custody” the words ‘* the Colony ”
shall be substituted.

For the words “that Circuit”? and the words
“such Circuit”. the words ‘the Colony ”
shall in each case be substituted.


Cap. Short title Section

42 Perjury Act 3



43 Post Office Offences 4




46 Rewards for the 4

Apprehension of
Criminals Act

47 Riot Act 4

For the words ‘“‘ Leeward Islands or in any
Presidency thereof” the word ‘ Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘ Leeward Islands or out of any
Presidency thereof ’’, and the words ‘‘ Leeward
Islands, or in such Presidency’ wherever
they appear the word ‘ Colony” shall in
each case be substituted.

For the words “that Circuit, district, or place
where he has been apprehended, or is in
custody ’’ at the end of the section the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘“ Leeward Islands, or in any
Presidency thereof” the word ‘ Colony”
sha!l be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

After the word “ Act ” the words ‘‘ or Ordinance”
shall be inserted and the words ‘‘, or any
Presidency thereof.” shall be deleted.


The words ‘or any Presidency thereof” in
paragraph (a) and the words “or of any
Presidency of the Colony” in paragraph (b)

shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘, or of any Presidency of the Colony
of the Leeward Islands” at the end of the
section shall be deleted.

The words ‘of the Presidency within which
the same is placed or maintained’, and the
words ‘of such Presidency, as aforesaid,’’
shall be deleted.

The words ‘tof the Presidency wherein the
crime charged was committed” shall be

For the words ‘“‘ such Presidency” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “any District’ the word ‘ the ”
shall be substituted.

For the words “ Presidency or any part of a
Presidency where such assembly shall be”
the word “ Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “ every District ” the word “ the”
shall be substituted.


Cap. Short title Section Amendment
47 Riot Act 6 For the words “ every District ” the word “ the ”
(Contd.) shal! be substituted.

The words “or of the Presidency or part of a
Presidency where such assembly shall be ”
shall be deleted.

For the words “a District Magistrate’? the
words “‘ the Magistrate’ shall be substituted.

For the word “‘ Presidency ” the word ‘‘ Colony ”
shall be substituted.

The words “ or part of a Presidency where such
persons shall be so apprehended” shall be

50 Banker’s Books 9 For the word ‘“ bank-holiday” the words
(Evidence) Act “public holiday” shall be substituted.
51 By-Laws (Evidence) 2 The whole section shall be deleted.
52 Evidence Act 31 The words “or the Administrator Commis-
sioner of any Presidency”? shall be deleted.
53 Executive Councils 2 The words “or of any Presidency thereof”
(Evidence) Act shall be deleted.

3 For the words ‘‘ any of the Executive Councils
aforesaid * the words “ the Executive Council”
shall be substituted.

5 The word “ District’ shall be deleted.

Gazette (Evidence) 2 The definition of the expression “ The Gazette ”
Act shall be deleted.

4 The whole section shall be deleted.

36 Jury Act 2(1) The definitions of the expressions “ Circuit

Court’ and ‘‘ Magistrate” shall be deleted.

3() The words “ of every Circuit, except the Anguilla
Circuit’ shall be deleted.

For the words “‘ Presidency in which he serves ”
the word “Colony” shall be substituted.

4 For the words “any of the following islands
namely, Antigua, Saint Christopher, Nevis.
Montserrat, and Tortola ”’ substitute the word
‘* Montserrat ”’.

The words “in the Circuit in which he resides ”
in paragraph (d) shall be deleted.


Cap. Short title Section Amendment
56 Jury Act 5 For the words “any of the following islands
(Contd.) namely, Antigua, Saint Christopher, Nevis,

Montserrat, and Tortola” substitute the
word ‘* Montserrat ”’.

8 The words “of every Circuit, other than the
Anguilla Circuit” shall be deleted.
For the word “ Circuit” the word ‘ Colony”
shall be substituted.

91) For the expression ‘“‘a Registrar” the words
“the Registrar” shall be substituted.

The words “ by causing a copy thereof to be
inserted in, at least one issue of a newspaper
circulating in the Circuit, or, in the Gazette
of the Presidency in which the Circuit is
situated, or,” shall be deleted.

The words “of the Circuit” shall be deleted.

101) For the expression ‘a Registrar’? the words
“the Registrar’? shall be substituted.

10(1) (9b) The words ‘in the Circuit” wherever these
words appear in subparagraphs (i), (ii) and
(iii) shali be deleted.

10(2) The words “in the Circuit” shall be deleted.

11 The words “of the Circuit’? in subsections (1)
and (2) shall be deleted.
The words “of any Circuit”, and the words
“at the Circuit Courts of the Circuit” in
subsection (4) shall be deleted.

120) The words “ of the Circuit stated in the heading
of the register’? shall be deleted.

The words “for the Circuit’, and the words

“ for the Circuit in question ’* shall be deleted.

12(2) The words “for any Circuit’ shall be deleted.

For the words “and serve at, the Circuit Courts

of the Circuit” the word “serve” shall be

13(1) (a) The words “ of the Circuit stated in the heading
of the register’? shall be deleted.
For the word ‘Circuit’ the word ‘ Colony ”
shall be substituted.

13(1) (b) For the word “ Circuit’? the word “‘ Colony ”
shall be substituted.


Cap. Short title Section Amendment
56 Jury Act 13(2) The words ‘‘for the same Circuit’? and the
(Contd) words “‘ made in the same Circuit’ shall be

14(1) For the words “ holding a Circuit Court in any
Circuit ” the words ‘‘ a sitting of the Supreme
Court” shall be substituted.
For the words “Circuit Court in question”
at the end of the subsection the words ‘ said
Court”’ shall be substituted.

14(2) The words “for any Circuit Court specified
in the order” shall be deleted.

15d) For the letter “‘a’’ appearing before the word

“Registrar”? the word “the” shall be sub-

For the word “ Circuit” the word “ Colony
shall be substituted.

For the words “ the Circuit Court” the words
“a sitting of the Supreme Court” shall be

15(3) For the expression “a Circuit” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

1601) The word ‘“‘ the” shall be substituted for the
letter “a appearing immediately before
the word “ Registrar ’”’.


The words “in that Circuit”? in paragraph (a)
shall be deleted.

16(2) In paragraph (b) for the word “ Circuit’’ the
word ‘“‘ Colony ”’, and for the words “ to the
Circuit Court” the words ‘for a sitting of
the Supreme Court” shall respectively be

16(4) The word **the”’ shall be substituted for the
letter “a appearing immediately before
the word “ Registrar ”’.


For the words ‘‘a Circuit Court’’ the words
‘the Supreme Court” shall be substituted.

The words ‘of the Circuit ’’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘Circuit Court in question”
the words “the said Court” shall be

17 The words “ of the Circuit”, “ of any Circuit”,
“of the same Circuit” respectively shall be

i Stra



Short title

Jury Act

Section Amendment

18(1) For the letter “‘a’ appearing immediately
before the word ‘ Registrar’ the word ‘ the”
shall be substituted.

2001) The words “of the Circuit in which the trial
is to be held’’, and the word “ Circuit ”’
respectively shall be deleted.

210) The words “of the Circu.t, in which the trial
is to be held” shail be deleted.

The words “for the Circuit’? wherever these
words appear in paragraph (a) shall in each
case be deleted.

21@Q) The word ‘ Circuit’ shall be deleted.

22 For the words “* Circuit Court in the Circuit ”
the words “sitting of the Supreme Court ”
shall be substituted.

23 For the word “ Circuit” in subparagraph (ii)
of paragraph (b) the word ‘‘ Colony” shall
be substituted.

In the proviso for the words “a Circuit in”
the words “the Colony in” shall be

The words “in such Circuit’ shall be deleted
and for the words “ said Circuit? the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

24 For the words ‘Circuit Court” the words
“sitting of the Supreme Court” shall be

25 For the words ‘Circuit Court’ the words
“sitting of the Supreme Court” shall be

29(2) For the words ‘Circuit Court’ the words
“sitting of the Supreme Court’ shall be

The word ‘‘ Circuit’ shall be deleted.

34(1) For the word “Circuit” the words “ sitting
of the Supreme” shall be substituted.

37 For the words “Circuit Court in the same
Circuit” the words “ sitting of the Supreme
Court ” shall be substituted.


Cap. Short title Section


56 Jury Act 38

(Contd )











For the words “ at a Circuit Court” the words
“a sitting of the Supreme Court” shall be

For the words “a Circuit Court” the words
“the said Court” shall be substituted.

For the word “ Circuit” the word ‘ Colony ”
shall be substituted.

For the words “ Circuit Court” the words
“sitting of the Supreme Court” shall be

For the word “ Circuit” the words “ sitting of
the said ” shal! be substituted.

For the words ‘“‘a Circuit Court” the words
“a sitting of the Supreme Court” shall be

The words “for the Circuit in which the fine
is imposed ”’ shall be deleted.

The words ‘“‘ who attended at the Circuit Court
at which such fine was imposed” shall be

The whole subsection shall be deleted.

The words “ for the Circuit in which the fine
was imposed” shall be deleted.

The words “at any Circuit Court”, and the
words “of the Circuit in which the fine was
imposed ’’ respectively shall be deleted.

For the words “ next Circuit Court in the same
Circuit ” the words “ the session of the Court
then in progress” shall be substituted.

For the words “ last mentioned Circuit Court ”
the words “ said session ’’ shall be substituted.

The words “of the Circuit in which the fine
was imposed ”’ shall be deleted.

The words “of the Circuit, in which the pro-
ceeding is to be tried”’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘ Circuit in which the proceeding
is to be tried’’ the word ‘‘ Colony” shali
be substituted.

The words ‘“, in any Presidency,” shall be

For the words “ Circuit Courts in that Presi-
dency” the words ‘“‘Supreme Court” shall

be substituted.


Cap. Short title Section Amendment
56 Jury Act 472) For the words “Circuit Courts” the words
(Contd.) “the said Court’? shall be substituted.

4703) The words “of the Presidency to which the
rules apply ” shall be deleted.

49 The words “, in any Circuit,’ shall be deleted.

First The words ‘of the Leeward Islands or of any
Schedule Presidency thereof”, the words ‘‘ Members
of the General Legislative Council of the
Leeward Islands, and the Clerk thereof ’’,
and the words ‘of any Presidency”

respectively shall be deleted.

Second The words “for the Circuit” at the end of the
Schedule Notice shall be deleted.

Third For the words “‘ Circuit of ” the word “ Colony ”
Schedule shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘ for District ” at the
end of the Schedule shall be deleted.

Fourth For the words ‘‘ FOR THE CIRCUIT COURT”
Schedule the words ‘‘ For the sitting of the Supreme
Court”? shall be substituted.

58 Exportation of 2 The words ‘or from any Presidency or island
Arms and Warlike thereof” shall be deleted.
Stores Act
3 The words “or from any Presidency or island

thereof” shall be deleted.
4 The words “‘ or any Presidency or island thereof ’’
shall be deleted.

For the expression “a District’ the word
“the shall be substituted.

61 Magistrate’s Code 3 In the definition of the expression ‘* Conviction ”
of Procedure Act the words ‘“‘ or any Presidency thereof” shall
be deleted.

The definition of the expression ‘“‘ Magistrate ”
shall be deleted.

In the definition of the expression ‘‘ Offence ”’
the words “or any Presidency thereof”
shal! be deleted.

4 The whole section shall be deleted.

5 The whole section shall be deleted.



Cap. Short title Section
61 Magistrate's Code 6(1)
of Procedure Act

For the words ‘“‘a District Magistrate for each
of the districts hereinbefore specified”, the
words “a Magistrate for the Colony” shall
be substituted.

In the marginal note for the words “ District
Magistrates”, the words ‘* Magistrate for
the Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “for any District or Districts of”
and the words ‘within the district or dis-
tricts for which he is appointed ” respectively
shall be deleted.

For the words “ vested in a District Magistrate ”’,
the words “‘ vested in the Magistrate” shall
be substituted.

For the words “such district or districts as
aforesaid? the words “the Colony” shall
be substituted.

For the words “such District Magistrate”
at the end of the section the words ‘ the
Magistrate” shall be substituted.

For the word ‘Commissioner’ the word
“ Administrator ” shall be substituted.

For the words “and of the Virgin Islands”
right down to ‘““K” substitute the words
“shall be ex-officio Magistrate of the Colony”.

For the words “ a Magistrate for such districts ”’.
the words “the Magistrate for the Colony
shall be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.
The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘“‘ The District Magistrate” at
the beginning of the section the words “ The
Magistrate’ shall be substituted.

The word “ District’? appearing immediately
after the word ‘“‘ upon” shall be deleted.

For the words ‘“‘ of the Leeward Islands or of
any Presidency thereof’ the words “or
Ordinance” shall be substituted.

For the words “such District Magistrates”
the word “ Magistrates ” shall be substituted.


For the words “such Act” the words “such

Act or Ordinance” shall be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

Cap. Short title Section Amendment

61 Magistrate’s Code 12 For the words ‘any District Magistrate”
of Procedure Act the words “the Magistrate’ shall be
(Contd.) substituted.





For the words “ any such District Magistrate ”,
and the words “for a District Magistrate ”
the words “such Magistrate’ respectively
shall be substituted.

The word “ District’ shall be deleted.

The words “in any Presidency ” and the words
“of such Presidency ” shall be deleted.

For the words “any District Magistrate”
and the words ‘a District Magistrate’ the
words “‘the Magistrate”? shall in each case
be substituted.

For the words ‘‘ Magistrates’ Courts shall be
held in the several districts” the words “ the
Magistrate’s Court shall be held in the Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the words “ any District ” the word ‘‘ the ”
shall be substituted. The word ‘ District ’’
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘“ Magistrates’ Courts in each
district shall be provided at the expense of
the Presidency or island in which the district
is situated”, the words ‘the Magistrate’s
Court shall be provided in the Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the words “the Courts of District Magis-
trates’ the words ‘such Court” shall be

For the words “ Legislatures o1 the Presidencies
in which the districts of such Magistrates
are situated ” the word ‘ Legislative Council *,
shall be substituted.

For the words “ Every District Magistrate shali
be a Magistrate tor the Colony. But it is”
the words “It is” shall be substituted.

For the words “ Act of the Colony or of any
Presidency thereot” the words “Act or
Ordinance” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘ta District Magistrate only ”
the words “the Magistrate or an additional
Magistrate’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘“‘any Magistrate’? the words
“the Magistrate’? shall be substituted.

Short title Section




Magistrate’s Code 26
of Procedure Act
(Contd) 29




The whole section shall be deleted.

For the sords “* Every District’ the word ‘‘The”’
shall be substituted.

For the word “ Circuit’ in paragraph (c) the
word ‘‘ Supreme” shall be substituted.
For the words “of the Colony or of any

Presidency thereof’? in subparagraph (1)
of paragraph (d) the words “ or Ordinance ’’
shall be substituted.

For the words “of the Colony or any
Presidency’? in subparagraph (iii) of para-
graph (d) the words ‘‘or Ordinance” shail
be substituted.

For the words “of the Colony or any
Presidency thereof’ in paragraph (1) the
words ‘or Ordinance ”’ shall be substituted.

The words “of any Presidency” in paragraph
(o) shall be deleted.

For the word ‘“ Acts” in paragraph (p) the
word “acts”? shall be substituted.


For the words of the Colony or any
Presidency thereot ” the words “‘ or Ordinance”
shall be substituted.

For section 36 the following section shall be
substituted :—

“36. Where any person has committed or is
suspected of having committed any offence
punishable on summary conviction in or
upon any ship, vessel or boat—

(a) within the waters of the Colony, or

(b) without the waters of the Colony and
such ship, vessel or boat subsequently anchors
in or comes within the waters of the Colony,
such offence may be heard and determined
by the Magistrate, and any summons or war-
rant issued by the Magistrate in respect of the
commission or supposed commission of such
offence may be served or executed as the case
may be, on board such ship, vessel or
boat while, or on any subsequent occasion
when, such ship vessel or boat is within
the waters of the Colony.”

The words “for the same Presidency” shalt
be deleted.

The words “ any Presidency of ” shall be deleted.

Short title Section




61 Magistrate’s Code 41

of Procedure Act











For the words “ the Inspector of Police of the
Presidency in which the act charged has been
committed” the words ‘‘a member of the
Police Force” shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘ of the Presidency ” shall be deteted.

The words “‘ without being backed by any other
Magistrate in any other district or Presidency”
shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘in the Presidency in which such
warrant is issued” shall be deleted.

In the marginal note the words “in the
Presidency ” shall be deleted.


For the words “an inspector or police or any
constable’’ the words ‘“‘any member of the
Police Force” shall be substituted.

The words “of the same Presidency’ shall

be deleted.

For the word “ Circuit” the word “‘ Supreme ”
shall be substituted.

For the word ‘* Circuit” the word “ Supreme”
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘ before the Circuit Court which
shall next Le held after such committal as
aforesaid in the Circuit in which the offence
charged has been committed’? the words
“to the next sitting of the Supreme Court ”
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘ holding of the Circuit Court”
the words “holding of the next sitting of
the said Court” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘ such Circuit Court ” the words
“such Court” shall be substituted.

For the words “‘ the Circuit Court next following
such Circuit Court as aforesaid’? the words
“the sitting of the Supreme Court next fol-
lowing” shall be substituted.

The whole of sections 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 and 71
shall be deleted.

For the words “ Circuit Court before which
the accused person is to be tried” the words
“Supreme Court” shall be substituted.

The words ‘“‘of the Presidency in which the
preliminary inquiry has been held” shall be

The whole section shall be deleted.

Short title


Cap. Section Amendment
61 Magistrate’s Code 74 The words “, or in the case of an indictable
of Procedure Act offence committed out of the Colony, to the
(Contd.) prison of the Presidency in which such war-
rant is issued’, shall be deleted.

78 The words “of the same Presidency” shall
be deleted.

79 The words “or to complete the inquiry before
a Magistrate in some other district”, shall
be deleted.

82 For the word “ Presidency ” the word ‘* Colony ”
shall be substituted.

83 The words “ of the Circuit in which such person
as aforesaid has been committed to take his
trial’? shall be deleted.

88 For the word * Circuit” the word ‘* Supreme”
shall be substituted.

114 The words ‘ to be executed in the Presidency ”
and the words “ within Presidency” in the
marginal note shall be deleted.

115 The whole section shall be deleted.

124(1) (a) For the words ‘‘ Magistrate’s district” the word







“Colony” shall be substituted.
The whole section shall be deieted.

The words “or any Presidency thereof”
wherever these words appear shall be deleted.

For the word “ Presidency ” the word “* Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘“‘ Legislature of the Presidency
in which they respectively serve” the words
“ Legislative Council” shail be substituted.

For the words “ Presidency in which the same
shall have been received ”’ the word “‘ Colony ”
shall be substituted.

For the words “of the Colony or any
Presidency” the words ‘or Ordinance”
shall be substituted.

For the words “a Circuit Court” the words
“the Supreme Court” shall be substituted.

The words ‘in the Circuit mentioned in the
said section” shall be deleted.

Cap. Short title Section Amendment
61 Magistrate’s Code 178 The words “‘ of the Presidency ” shall be deleted.
of Procedure Act
(Contd.) 181 The words ‘‘ of the Presidency ” at the end of
the section shall be deleted.

190 For the words ‘“‘any Magistrate within the
Presidency” the words “the Magistrate ”
shall be substituted.

206 For the word “ Presidency * the word ‘‘ Colony ”
shall be substituted.

209 The words “of the Presidency in which the
preliminary inquiry has been held” shail be

210 For the word “‘ Circuit’? the word ‘‘ Supreme ”
shall be substituted.

214 For the words ‘“‘any Magistrate for the same
district’ the words “such Magistrate’ shall
be substituted.

218 The words “‘ for the same district ’ in the proviso
shall be deleted.

219 The words “for the same district”? shall be

221 The words “‘of the Presidency in which they
were taken” shall be deleted.

223 The words “acting for the same district” at
the end of the section shall be deleted.

227 The words “an inspector of police or” shall
be deleted.

238 The whole section shall be deleted.

242 The words “ Presidency or” wherever these
words appear shall be deleted.

250 For the words “a Registrar of” the words
“the Registrar of ” shall be substituted.

253 For the word “ Colonial” the word “ Chief”
shall be substituted.

256 For the words “ Presidency or island in which

his district is situate for the public use of
such Presidency or island except where other-
wise provided by any Act of the Colony
or any Presidency thereof” the words ‘Colony
for the public use of the Colony except where
otherwise provided by any other act or
Ordinance ”’.



Short title Section





Magistrate’s Code 258(1)
of Procedure Act



Obeah Act 3


Prevention of 2
Crimes Act


For the word ‘ District’ in the marginal note
substitute the word “ the ”’.

For the words ‘“ General Legislature” the
words ‘‘ Legislative Council” shall be

For the words ‘‘in the Acts ” the words “in
the Acts or Ordinances ”’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘ Acts of the Colony or the
Presidencies thereof or of” the words “ Acts
or Ordinances of the Colony or” shall be

For the words “ Act of the Colony or any
Presidency thereof” the words “Act or
Ordinance of the Colony ” shall be substituted.

For the words “future Acts as aforesaid” the
words “future Acts or Ordinances as afore-
said” shall be substituted.

For the words “Act amending” the words
“Act or Ordinance amending” shall be

For the expression “a District ” the word “ the”
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘ Whipping Act” the words
“Corporal Punishment Act. 1949” shall be

For the words “ any District’ the word “ the”
shall be substituted.

The word ‘ District’? shall be deleted.

In the definition of the expression ‘“ Chief officer
of police” for the words ‘‘ Chiet {nspector ”
the word ““Commissioner” shall be

The words “inspector or sub-inspector of the
said force, or any” shall be deleted.

For the words “ officer of police in any Presidency
of” the words “ police officer in’ shall be

The words “of his district’ at the end of
paragraph (a) shall be deleted.

Cap. Short title Section Amendment
65 Prevention of 7 For section 7 the following section shall be
Crimes Act substituted :—
(Contd.) “7, Every person subject to the super-

vision of the police, who is at large in the
Colony, shall notify the place of his residence
or any change thereof to the Chief officer
of Police and if such person be a male he shal!
once in each month report himself at such
time as may be prescribed by the Chief officer
of Police. either to such officer himself or
to such other person as the Chief officer of
Police may direct and such report may ac-
cordingly as such Chief officer of Police
directs be required to be made personally
or by letter.”

8 The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which such
residence is situated’ shall be deleted.

14 The words “A previous conviction’? and all
the words following thereafter down to and
including the words ‘the Colony” shall

be deleted.
9 The words ‘‘ Presidency or’ shall be deleted.
16 For the words “any Presidency’ the words

“the Colony ’”’ shall be substituted.

67 Small Charges 9 The words “ Presidency or’’ shall be deleted.
34 The words “or any Presidency thereof” in
paragraphs (a) and (b) and the words “or
in any such Presidency” in paragraph (b)
shall be deleted.

Schedule For the words ‘in district
in the Presidency of” the words at
in the Colony of
Montserrat”? shall be substituted.


For the words ‘for district’ the words “ for
the said Colony’ shall be substituted.

68 Small Tenements First For the words ‘Presidency (or island) of
Act Schedule ” wherever these words

appear in the Forms bearing the following

captions—‘“* Form of Notice to quit under

Section 3”, ‘‘ Form of Notice to quit under

Section 4”, ‘‘ Order for Recovery of Land

under Section 6” and “Form of Warrant

of Possession under Section 7”, the word

“Colony ”’ shall in each case be substituted.


Short title








Small Tenements
Act (Contd.)

Small Trespass Act

Commissioners for
Oaths Act

Alien Bankers Act

Aliens Land Holding
egulation Act




For the words ‘“ Magistrate for District”
wherever these words appear at the end of
any Form the words “ Magistrate of the
Colony ” shall be substituted.

The word “ District’? wherever it appears in
any Form shall in each case be deleted.


For the words “in this Presidency’? wherever
these words appear in the Forms bearing the
captions respectively ‘‘ Form of Summons
under Section 5” and ‘‘ Form of appointment
of estimators under Section 12” the words
“in this Colony’? shall in each case be

For the words “ whether Federal or local”
the words “* or Ordinance ” shall be substituted.

For the words “in the Presidency in which it
is executed’? the words “which has been
executed in the Colony ” shail be substituted.

The words “, in that Presidency”, shall be

The words “in any Presidency or Circuit”
and the words “in and for such Presidency
or Circuit’ shall be deleted.

The definition of the expression ‘‘ Governor in
Council” shall be deleted.


For the words ‘‘ General Legislature’? wherever
these words appear in subsections (4) and (5)
the words “Legislative Council” shall in
each case be substituted.

For the words “ federal or local Act ” the words
“Act or Ordinance” shal! be substituted.

For the words “of the Circuit in which the
land in respect of which a licence is granted
is situate” the words “ of the Colony ” shall
be substituted.

For the words “ Colonial Secretary’ the word
““Governor”’ shall be substituted.

After the words ‘‘ Crown Suits Act” the words
“or by any Ordinance amending, repealing
or substituted for the same” shall be added.


Short title Section





Undesirable Persons 2
Expulsion Act




Local Constables 4


Emigrant Labourers 4)
Protection Act

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘ta Circuit Court” the word:
“the Supreme Court” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘in the Presidency in which
such order was made” the words ‘for the
purpose of hearing the appeal’ shall be

The words “tor the Presidency in which the
expulsion order was made” and the second
proviso to the subsection shall be deleted.

For the words ‘in the Presidency in which
the expulsion order was made” the words
“for the purpose of hearing the appea!’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘specified in the Schedule to
the Supreme Court Act” the words
“for the time being in force for witnesses
in criminal proceedings in the Supreme
Court” shall be substituted.

For the word ** Presidency ” the word “Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘ within a district” the words
“within the Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘Presidency in which such
district is situate’? the word ‘‘ Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the word ‘Presidency’ in para-
graph (b) the word ‘Colony’ shall be

For the words “ Presidency for which he is
appointed’? the word ‘“ Colony” shall be

For the word ‘‘ Presidency ” the word “Colony”
shail be substituted.

The words ‘“‘for which such constable is
appointed” shall be deleted.

The words ‘district or’? shall be deleted.

For the words “ Presidency for which such
constable is appointed” the word “Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the words “inspector or sub-inspector
of police’? the words “ police officer”? shall
be substituted.




Short title Section







Emigrant Labourers 4(2)
Protection Act



Guardianship of 9
Infants Act

Law of Property 9(4)
Amendment Act

Partition Act 2



Recovery of Rent 5


For the words “‘an inspector or sub-inspector
of police from any Presidency” the words
“‘a police officer’’ shall be substituted.

For the words “‘ duties of an inspector or sub-
inspector” the words ‘“‘ duties of a police
officer”’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘inspector or sub-inspector ”
wherever these words appear the words “‘police
officer’ shall in each case be substituted.

For the words “inspector or sub-inspector of
police” the words “ police officer” shall be

The words “any Presidency of” in paragraph
(a) shall be deleted.

For the words “tun inspector or sub-inspector
of police” in paragraph (b) the words “a
police officer” shall be substituted.


For the words “ of cach Presidency ” the words
“in the Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “ by the same Judges, and subject
to the same conditions, as rules of Court
under the Supreme Court Act” the words
“in the same manner as rules of the Supreme
Court may be made” shall be substituted.

of the Colony or of any Presi-
“or Ordinance ”’

For the words
dency thereof” the words
shall be substituted.

In the definition of the expression “ Court”
the words ‘“‘ of the Leeward Islands” shall
be deleted.

For the word “ Acts”’ the word ‘‘law’
be substituted.



For the word “ Acts”’ the word “ laws” shall
be substituted.

For the word “ Acts”? the word ‘ laws” shall
be substituted.

For the words “‘ any Act” the words “‘ any law ”
shall be substituted.

For the words “a Registrar’? wherever these
words appear the words ‘the Registrar”
shall in each case be deleted.

The words “ for the district in which is situated
the place whence such goods and _ chattels
were removed or the place where the same
are found,” shall be deleted.

Cap. Short title Section Amendment

98 Settled Estates Act 3Q) For the words ‘‘ of the General Legislature,
or of any Island Legislature’? the words
““or Ordinance ’’ shall be substituted.

67 For the words “ by the Chief Justice with the
assistance of the Puisne Judges or either of
them” the words “in the same manner as
tules of the Supreme Court may be made’?
shall be substituted.

99 Title by Registration 3 The words “ for the Circuit in which the lands

Act are situate ’ and the words ‘“ for the Circuit ”

wherever these words appear shall in each

case be deleted.

For the words ‘‘ volumes for each Circuit”
the word ‘“‘ volume” shall be substituted.


7 The words ‘the Colonial Secretary or to
the words “‘ or Commissioner of the Presidency
in which the land is situate”, the words
“by the Colonial Secretary or” and the
words “‘or Commissioner as the case may

be” shall in each case be deleted.

12 The words “for the Circuit in which the land
is situate’? shall be deleted.

The words “and also, in a Circuit in which
newspapers are published, by advertising
in two issues of one or more of such
newspapers ”’ shall be deleted.

The words “‘ or, where newspapers are published,
from the date of the first appearance of
such schedule in one or other of such
newspapers” shall be deleted.

16 For the words “‘ Full Court”? wherever these
words appear the words ‘*‘ Court of Appeal ”’
shall be substituted.

18(4) For subsection (4) the following subsection
shall be substituted :—

““(4) All fees paid under this section and

all damages recovered under subsection (2)

of section 19 of this Act shall be paid into

the Treasury for the public uses of the Colony ”

18(5) The whole subsection shall be deleted.

191) The words “‘, with the consent of the Governor,”
shall be deleted.

Cap. Short title Section Amendment
99 Title by Registration 19(1) For the words ‘‘ Attorney General” the words
Act (Contd.) “Crown Attorney” shall be substituted.

After the words ‘‘ Crown Suits Act” the words
“or any Ordinance amending, repealing or
substituted for the same” shall be added.

For the words ‘‘ except that’ the word ‘“‘ and”
shall be substituted.

For the words “Titles to Land Assurance
Fund” the words ‘ general revenue of the
Colony” shall be substituted.

The proviso shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘ Attorney General’? wherever
these words appear the words ‘‘ Crown
Attorney ”’ shall be substituted.


For the words “of the General Government ”
the words ‘“‘of the Government” shall be

35(1) The words “ of any Presidency of the Colony ”
shall be deleted.

73 For the words “may be served under the
Supreme Court Act” the words “of the
Supreme Court may be served” shall be

105(2) The second proviso shall be deleted.

126(2) The words “of the district in which the land
is situated’ shall be deleted.

136(1) The words ‘for each Circuit’? and the words
“for that Circuit”? shall be deleted.

For the word ‘ Registrars’? in the marginal
note the word ‘ Registrar ” shall be substituted,

160 The words “of the Colony” and the words
“in the various Circuits” shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘ Registrars ’* the word ‘‘Registrar”’
shall be substituted.

161 For the words “ Legislatures of the several
Presidencies ” at the end of the section the
words ‘“ Legislative Council” shall be

162 For the words “ offices of the Registrars of
Titles in the different Circuits” the words
“office of the Registrar of Titles”’ shall be



Short title




Title by Registration
Act (Contd.)






For the words “ Full Court” the words “ Court
of Appeal” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘ Attorney General’? wherever
these words appear the words ‘* Crown
Attorney” shall in each case be substituted.

For the words “ the Circuit Court” the words
“a sitting of the Supreme Court” shall be

For the words “ under the Supreme Court Act”
in the expression ‘‘ Enter Appearance” the
words ‘“‘in civil proceedings in the Supreme
Court” shall be substituted.

In the expression ‘“‘Indefeasible’’ the word
“challenge”? shall be substituted for the
word ‘challange °’ and the word “ General ””
wherever it appears shall be deleted.

The words “‘, or any of the Presidencies thereof ””

Licensed Surveyor” shall


in the expression
be deleted.

The word “ General ” in the expression *‘ Note”
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘ under the Supreme Court Act”
in the expression ‘ Notice to Pay Off” the
words “in civil proceedings in the Supreme
Court” shall be substituted.

For the last sentence of the expression “Registry”
the following sentence shall be substituted :

“The Registry of the Supreme Court
shall be the Registry of Titles to Lands.”

The words “in each Circuit’, and the words
“of the Colony” in the expression ‘‘ Seal
of the Registrar of Titles’? shall be deleted.

The words “of the Leeward Islands” in the
expression ‘“‘ The Court” shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘ The Leeward Islands ’’ wherever
these words appear in the caption of any
Form the words ‘ The Virgin Islands ” shall
be substituted.

The words ‘for the Circuit’? wherever these
words appear in Forms 1, 2, 16, 20, 21, 22,
23. 24, 25, and 26 shall in each case be deleted.

The words “of the Circuit’? wherever these
words appear in Forms 5, 6 to 13 inclusive.
16, 17, 19, 22 and 25 shall be deleted.

The words “of the Colony of the Leeward
Islands” in Form 21 shall be deleted.


Cap. Short title



99 Title by Registration
Act (Contd.)

102 Acts and Ordinances


For the words ‘‘ Colony of the Leeward Islands ”’
in Form 27 the words ‘‘ Colony of the Virgin
Islands’ shall be substituted.

For the words ‘“ Full Court” wherever they
appear in Form 29 the words ‘‘ Court of
Appeal ”’ shail be substituted, and the words
‘of the Leeward Islands ’’ in this Form shali
also be deleted.

This section shall be renumbered “ 3(1)”.

The word ‘“ General” shall be deleted.

The following subsection shall be added as
subsection (2) :—

““(2) In this section the word ‘ Governor’
means the Governor of the Leeward

For the word ‘“ Act” the word “ Ordinance”
shall be substituted.

For the words “General Legislature” the
words “Legislative Council” shall be

For the word ‘“ Acts” in the marginal note,
the word “ Ordinances” shall be substituted.

The word ‘“ General” shall be deleted.

For the words “ Colonial Secretary shall” the
words “Administrator may” shall be

For the words “two hundred other copies of
each Act passed by the General Legislature,
and shall” the words “as many copies of
each Ordinance passed by the Legislative
Council as he may consider necessary and
may” shall be substituted.

For the words “ the Governor” the word “he”
shall be substituted.

For the word ‘“ Acts” in the marginal note
the word ‘“ Ordinances ”’ shall ba substituted.

The words ‘“ Colonial Secretary, or’? and the
words ‘“‘or Commissioner of the Presidency
in which the Court is held” shall be deleted.

For the word “Acts” in the marginal note
the word “ Ordinances’ shall be substituted.


Cap. Short title Section Amendment
102 Acts and Ordinances 8 For the words ‘“ Colonial Secretary ” the word
Act (Contd.) ‘* Administrator’ shall be substituted, and

for the word ‘‘ Acts ” where this word appears
in this section and in the marginal note the
word ‘ Ordinances”? shall in each case be

For the words ‘“* General Legislature ” the words
“* Legislative Council”? shall be substituted.

9 For section 9 the following section shall be
substituted :—

“Binding 9. At the close of each year, it shall be

and dis- the duty of the Administrator to cause

tribution volumes to be well and substantially bound,

of Ordi- containing true copies of every Ordinance

nances. passed in such year by the Legislative

Council, and to cause one such volume
certified by him to contain correct copies
of the said Ordinances, to be forthwith
forwarded to and lodged in the office of
the Registrar of the Supreme Court to be
recorded and enrolled therein. The Ad-
ministrator shall also furnish one such
volume to the Judge of the Supreme Court
for the Montserrat Circuit to be kept in
the Court of such Judge; and shail in
addition cause a sufficient number of such
volumes to be bound to provide for the
sale thereof to members of the public.

104 Marriage of British 2() The words ‘‘a Presidency of” shall be deleted.
Subject (Facilities) For the words “that Presidency” at the end
Act of the subsection the words ‘the Colony ”

shall be substituted.

2(2) The words ‘‘a Presidency of” shall be deleted.
For the words “that Presidency” wherever
these words appear the words “ the Colony ”

shall in each case be substituted.

108 Married Women’s 2 The words “any Presidency of” shall be
Property Act deleted.

For the words “any Presidency” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

8 The words “ any Presidency of ” shall be deleted.

9 For the words ‘“‘ any Presidency’ the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

10 The words “ any Presidency of ” shall be deleted.
12 The words “ any Presidency of ” shall be deleted

20 The words “ any Presidency of ” shall be deleted.


Cap. Short title Section


116 Commissions of 2
Inquiry Act






118 Distressed Colonial 2
Seamen Act

The words “or of any local officer of any
Presidency”, shall be deleted.

For the words ‘Colonial Secretary’? at the
end of the section the word ‘‘ Governor”
shall be substituted.

For the words “a Circuit Court” the words
“the Supreme Court” shall be substituted.

For the words “a Circuit Court’? wherever
these words appear the words “ the Supreme
Court” shall in-each case be substituted.

For the words ‘“‘the Chief Inspector or any
other officer of the police force”? the words
“senior police officer in the Colony” shall
be substituted

For the words ‘“‘ and Circuit Courts’ the word
“Court” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘Presidency in which, or in
respect of which, the inquiry is held’ the
word ‘“ Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘“‘ Attorney General”? the words
“Crown Attorney” shall be substituted.

The definition of the expression ‘‘ Treasurer”
shall be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency to which such
ship shall belong ’’ shall be deleted.

For the words “‘ Presidency to which the colonial
ship belonged, on board of which such seaman
or apprentice last served ” the word ‘“* Colony ”
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘ Presidency to which the colonial
ship belonged, on board of which such seaman
or apprentice last served ” the word “* Colony ”
shall be substituted.

The words “ the Presidency of ” and the words
“to which the colonial ship whereon such
colonial seaman or apprentice was last em-
ployed belonged” shall be deleted.

For the word “ treasurer” the word “Treasurer”
shall be substituted.

The words “of the Presidency to which the
colonial ship belonged, on which such dis-
tressed seaman or apprentice last served”,
shall be deleted.

For the words “said Presidency” the word
“* Colony” shall be substituted.

Cap. Short title Section


121 Public Notices Act 2

122 Silver Dollars 2

123 Post Office Act 2



In the definition of the expression ‘“ Local
newspaper ”’ for the words “‘ any newspaper ”
the words “‘a newspaper (if any)” shall be

The words ‘ any Presidency of ” shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘ Act past before” the words
“Act or Ordinance passed before or after”
shall be substituted.

For the words “such Act” the words ‘“ such
Act or Ordinance” shall be substituted.

The words “may apply to any one or more
Presidencies and”? shall be deleted.

The words “ (if any)” shall be inserted between
the words ‘‘ newspaper” and “as

‘ 2

The words ‘any Presidency or part of” shall
be deleted.

The words ‘‘a Presidency of” and the words
“same Presidency or” in the definition of
the expression “Inland postal packets”
shall be deleted.

For the words “several Presidencies wherein
such offices are situate” the word “ Colony ”
shall be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words “each Presidency of” shall be

For the words ‘“‘such Presidency” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “of the several Presidencies”’ and
the words ‘in the several Presidencies ” shall
be deleted.

The words ‘“‘ each of the Presidencies comprised
in” the words “and of each and every the
other Presidencies of the Colony”, and the
words ‘‘, on behalf of each Presidency,” shall

be deleted.

The words “of the several Presidencies”” and
the words ‘‘any local Act or Ordinance to
the contrary notwithstanding,’ shall be


Cap. Short title Section Amendment
123 Post Office Act 11 For section 11 the following section shall be
(Contd.) substituted :—
“Appoint- 11. It shall be lawful for the Governor
ment of on behalf of Her Majesty from time to
postmas- time to appoint a postmaster for the Colony
ter. at such salary as may be approved by the

Secretary of State, and until an appoint-
ment is made under this section the person
for the time being holding the office of Ad-
ministrator shall be ex officio postmaster
of the Colony.”

12 For the words *‘ several postmasters ” the word
“postmaster ’’ shall be substituted.

14 The words ‘any of the Islands of” shall be

151) The words “each of the several Islands of ”
shall be deleted.

18) The words ‘the several Presidencies of ” shall
be deleted.

18(2) The words “‘ any Presidency of ”’ shall be deleted.

18(4) For the words “ Presidency where the same
shall happen” the word “ Colony” shall be

24 The words ‘from parts beyond the limits of
any island of the Colony” and the words
‘“‘in any such island” shall be deleted.

29 The word ‘General’? appearing before the
word ‘* Legislative” in this section and in
the marginal note shall in each case be deleted.

The words ‘“‘ of the Colony” shall be deleted.
Schedule The word “ Montserrat” shall be deleted.

124 Telephones Act 3 For the words “‘ of the Leeward Islands Acts ”
the words “any Act or Ordinance” shall
be substituted.

135 Stamp Act 2 The whole section shall be deleted.

3 For the words “‘of the Leeward Islands” in
the definition of the expression ‘“ Postage
rates? the words “or Ordinance” shall be

For the words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands” in
the definition of the expression ‘* Stamp
duties’? the words ‘“‘or Ordinance’’ shall
be substituted.

The definition of the expression ‘“‘ Treasurer ”
shall be deleted.

Cap. Short title



135 Stamp Act









The proviso shall be amended by the deletion
of the words ‘“‘in each or any Presidency ”’,
and of the words ‘“, and notwithstanding ”
and all the words following thereafter down
to the end of the proviso.

The words ‘‘ Orders or rules may be made to
extend to the whole Colony or to one or
more Presidencies thereof, and all’* shall be

For the words ‘several Treasuries and Post
offices of the respective Presidencies’’ the
words ‘“‘ Treasury or Post Office” shall be

After the words * other Act” the words “ or
Ordinance” shall be added.

The words “ of any Presidency ”* shall be deleted.

For the words ‘“‘ any Treasurer is applied to to ’’
the words ‘‘an application is made to the
Treasurer to” shall be substituted

After the word ‘t‘and’”’ the word “ he’ shail
be added.

For the word “such” the word “the” shall
be substituted.

The words ‘‘any part of” shall be deleted.

The words “‘of the Presidency in which the
Court is held” shall be deleted.

The words “ of any Presidency ” shal! be deleted.

For the word “ any’ in paragraph (a) the word
“the ” shall be substituted, and for the words
“the assessment of that Treasurer” the
words “‘ such assessment” shall be substituted.

The words ‘* of any Presidency ’’ shall be deleted.

For the words “‘any Treasurer’? the words
“the Treasurer” shall be substituted.

The words‘ and shall be heard at the next
Circuit Court holden for the Circuit in which
the place is situate at which such assessment
was made’”’, shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘of the Supreme Court” the
word “thereof” shall be substituted.

The words “‘ in the same or any other Presidency”
shall be deleted.


Cap. Short title

135 Stamp Act















For the words “any Treasurer’? the words
“the Treasurer” shall be substituted.

The words *‘ any Presidency of ” shall be deleted.

The words “ of the Presidency of the Colony ”
and all the words following thereafter down
to and including the word “executed” at
the end of the subsection shall be deleted.

The whole subsection shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which they
are issued’ shall be deleted.

For the words “or either of the Crown
Attorneys”? wherever these words appear
the words “or the Crown Attorney ”’ shall
in each case be substituted.

For the words “‘any Treasurer” the words

‘“the Treasurer” shall be substituted.

For the words “any Treasurer” the words

“the Treasurer’? shall be substituted.

For the words “any Treasurer” the
‘“the Treasurer” shall be substituted.


The words “ of any Presidency ”’ shall be deleted.
The whole section shall be deleted.
The whole section shall be deleted.

The words “or any part thereof”

shall be

For the word “ any ”’ wherever this word appears
before the word “‘ Treasurer” the word “‘ the”
shall in each case be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency in which it is
executed ” shall be deleted.

The words “or the Officer Administering the
Government of the Presidency’ shall be

For the words “ by the same Judges, and subiect
toa the same conditions, as rules of Court
under the provisions of the Supreme Court
Act” the words “in the same manner as
tules of the Supreme Court may be made”
shall be substituted.

The words “of the Presidency wherein such
estate is situate”? shall be deleted.


Cap. Short title Section
135 Stamp Act 79
137 Bills of Exchange 14
139 Bills of Sale Act 11

After the words ‘‘ Crown Suits Act” the words
“or any Ordinance amending, repealing or
substituted for the same” shall be added.

In paragraph (b) of the expression “ Affidavit
or Statutory Declaration” the words “ of
any Presidency” shall be deleted, and for
the words “such Treasurer the word “ him”
shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘or of the Presidency” in the
expression “‘ Attestation of Signature” shall
be deleted.

The expression ‘‘ Bank Notes” and all the
words relating thereto shall be deleted.

The words ‘tor any Presidency thereof” and
the words “in any such Presidency” in the
expression ‘* Exemplification ’’ shail in each
case be deleted.

For the words “any Presidency” in paragraph
(c) of the expression ‘‘ Warrant of Attorney
of any other kind ’’ the words ‘“ the Colony ”
shall be substituted.

The words ‘, or of any Presidency thereof,”
in paragraph (d) of the said expression shall
be deleted.


In subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (a) for the
words “bank holiday” the words “ public
holiday’ shall be substituted, and for the
words “Bank Holidays Act’? the words
“Public Holidays Act” shall be substituted.

The following paragraph shall be substituted
for paragraph (5) :—
“ (6) A public holiday under the Public
Holidays Act.”

The words “ or in any Presidency of the Colony”
in paragraph (a) shall be deleted.

For the words “‘ LEEWARD ISLANDS” the
word “MONTSERRAT” shall be

The words “in the Presidency of” shall be

The words “‘ for each Circuit’ shall be deleted.

For the words “ by the like Judges, in the like
manner, and subject to the like conditions
as rules under and for the purposes of the
Supreme Court Act’ the words “in like
manner as rules of the Supreme Court may
be made and altered” shall be substituted.


Cap. Short title Section

140 Companies Act 2







141 Copyright Act Schedule


For the definition of the expression ‘‘ Act of
the Colonial Legislature” the following
definition shall be substituted :—

“ Act of the Colonial Legislature’ shall
be taken to mean any Act or Ordinance
in force in the Colony.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency of Antigua”
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘“‘ Presidency in which the regis-
tered office of the Company is situated ”’
the word “Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “of the Presidency wherein the
order shall be made” shall be deleted.

For section 205 the following section shall be
substituted :—

“205. Rules for the purposes of this
Act may from time to time be made in
like manner as Rules of the Supreme Court
may be made, and, subject to any such
tules, the Rules of the Supreme Court
for the time being in force shall apply to
and govern the practice and procedure
in the winding up of companies by the

For the words “* the Leeward Islands ’? wherever
these words appear in regulation 51 of
Table A the word ‘ Montserrat’ shall be

For the words ‘the Leeward Islands” in
Article 24 of Articles of Association in
Form B the word ‘ Montserrat’ shall be

The word ‘‘ Federal’ shall be deleted.

After the word “under” the words “ the
Treasury Ordinance, 1892’ shall be inserted.

The whole of paragraphs (a), (4), (d) and (e)
shall be deleted.


The words “according to the Presidency into
which the copies are imported” shall be

For the words “such Ordinance or Act” the
words “the said Ordinance” shall be


Cap. Short title



14L Copyright Act

144 Merchandise Marks

145 Notaries Public Act

147 Patents Aci










The words *“‘ The Federal Treasurer shall com-
municate any notice given to him under this
subsection to the Treasurer of each of the
Presidencies ’”’ shall be deleted.


For the words “any of the local Acts or Ordi-
nances mentioned in the preceding subsection”
in subsection (2) the words “the aforesaid
Treasury Ordinance, 1892” shall be

The words ‘‘ of the Presidency into which such
copies may be imported” shali be deleted.

The words “ of the Presidency ” in subsection (5)
shall be deleted.

The word ‘‘ Federal ’® wherever this word appears
in subsection (6) shall in each case be deleted.

The words ‘‘ and any Presidency thereof” shall
be deleted.

The word ‘‘ concerned” shall be deleted.

The words ‘tin each of the Presidencies ” shall
be deleted.

For the words ‘‘ in that Presidency ” the words
“in the Colony” shall be substituted.

The words ‘of the Presidency in which he
resides at the time of such appointment”
shall be deleted.

The word ‘ Chief”? shall be deleted.

The words “of the Colony” shall be deleted.

The word “Chief” in the definition of the
expression ‘‘ Registrar ’’ shall be deleted.

For the words “* City of St. John in the Presidency
of Antigua ” the words ‘“‘ Town of Plymouth ”
shall be substituted.

For the words “the Attorney General” the
words ‘‘a Judge in Chambers” shall be

For the words “ Attorney General” the word
“* Judge ” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘the Attorney General” the
words ‘‘a Judge in Chambers”? shall be


Cap. Short title Section


147 Patents Act





10(4), (5),











For the words ‘“ Attorney General”? the word
“Judge” shall be substituted.

For the words “the Attorney General” the
words ‘‘a Judge in Chambers” shall be

For the words “at any time between the hours
of 10 a.m., and 4 p.m. on all working days,
except Saturdays when the hours shail be
from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.” the words “ during
office hours’, shall be substituted.

For the words “the Attorney General” the
words ‘‘a Judge in. Chambers” sha}l be

For the words ‘“‘ Attorney General ’’ wherever
these words appear in the said subsections
the word ‘‘ Judge” shall be substituted.

For the words “‘ the Attorney General ” wherever
these words appear in paragraph (a) the words
“a Judge in Chambers” shall in each case
be substituted.

For the words “the Attorney General” the
words “a Judge in Chambers” shall be

For the words “ Attorney General” the word
“Judge” shall in each case be substituted.

For the words “the Attorney General” the
words “a Judge in Chambers”? shall be

For the words “ Attorney General” the word
“Judge” shall be substituted.

For the words “‘ Attorney General’? wherever
these words appear in paragraphs (a) and
(b) the words ‘“‘ Crown Attorney” shall in
each case be substituted.

For the words “‘ Presidency or island ” the word
“part” shall be substituted.

For the words “‘ the Registrar or the Attorney
General, they or either of them” the words
‘‘a Judge or the Registrar, the Registrar”
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘“‘ The Attorney General may”
the words *“* A Judge may ” shall be substituted.



Cap. Short title Section Amendment
147 Patents Act 42 For the words “ Attorney General’? wherever
(Contd.) these words appear in the other parts of the

section the word ‘“ Judge” shall in each case
be substituted.

For the words ‘Attorney General’ in the
marginal note the word “ Judge” shall be
substituted. .

45(1) For the words “* Colonial Secretary’ wherever
these words appear the word ‘‘ Governor ’”’
shall in each case be substituted.

45(2) For the words “‘ Colonial Secretary’? and the
words ‘‘ Colonial Secretary for the time being”
the word ‘“‘ Governor” shall respectively be

45(3). (4), For the words ‘“ Colonial Secretary ” wherever
(5), (6), these words appear in the said subsections,
(7), (8), the word “ Governor” shall in each case

(9) & dA) be substituted.

45(5) The words “, or of the Attorney General”
shail be deleted.

45112) For the words “ Colonial Secretary ” the word
“Governor” shall be substituted.
The words “‘ with the sanction of the Governor ”
shall be deleted.

First For the words “City of St. John in the Presi-
Schedule dency of Antigua” in the Note to Form A
the words “town of Plymouth” shall be


For the words ‘ His Excellency
(here insert the name of the Governor)
Governor and Commander in Chief in and
over the Colony of the Leeward Islands ”
in the heading to Form D the words “ His
Administrator of the Colony of Montserrat ”
shall be substituted.

For the words “‘ Leeward Islands ” in the second
recital in Form D the word “ Montserrat ”
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘“‘ Governor of the Colony ”
the word ‘Commissioner’ shall be

148 Registration of 2 For the words “Chief Registrar” in the
United Kingdom definition of the expression ‘“ Registrar”
Patents Act the words “‘ Registrar of the Supreme Court ”

shall be substituted.


Cap. Short title Section Amendment

149 Pawnbrokers Act 28 For the word “ Bank” in paragraph (d) the
word ‘“‘ Public” shall be substituted.

29 The words “for the use of the Presidency in
which the prosecution takes place” shall be

33 The words ‘“‘of the Presidency in which his

shop is situate’? shall be deleted.

150 Trade Marks Act 2 The whole of the expression ‘ Governor”
shall be deleted.

The word “Chief” in the definition of the
expression “ Registrar’? shall be deleted.

22 The words ‘“‘ and such fees shall be levied and
paid rateably to the Treasuries of the several
Presidencies in the same proportions as the
several Presidencies contribute to federal
expenditure’ shall be deleted.

23(2) The word “Chief” shall be deleted.
2393) The word “Chief” shall be deleted.

24(2) For the words ‘* General Legislature’ wherever
these words appear the word “ Legislative
Council” shall in each case be substituted.

39 For the words ‘‘ Bank Holidays Act” the words
“Public Holidays Act ’’ shall be substituted.

41 For the words ‘* General Legislature ’’ wherever
these words appear in sections (4) and (5)
the words ‘Legislative Council” shall in
each case be substituted.

Schedule For the words “St. John, Antigua” the words
‘* Plymouth, Montserrat ” shall be substituted.

151 Trustee Act 5 For the words “ the Act of the Leeward Islands,
and the Acts of any Presidency thereof
the words “‘any Act or Ordinance of the
Colony ” shall be substituted.

After the word “Act” in the marginal note

the words ‘“‘or Ordinance” shall be added.
152 Trustee Relief 2 The word “ Chief” shall be deleted.
Act For the words “ one of the Registrars’ the

words ‘“‘ the Registrar” shall be substituted.

14 The words “‘ any Presidency of ” shall be deleted.

Short title





Trustee and 2
Mortgage Act

Weights and 2

Measures Act










For the words ‘“ Leeward Islands”’ the word

“Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘ Leeward Islands” the word
* Colony’? shall be substituted.

The words ‘of each and every of the Presi-
dencies” in the definition of ‘ Treasurer”
and ‘‘ Treasury ” shall be deleted.

The words “, with respect to any Presidency
named in such order,” and the words “in
any Presidency named in such order” shall
be deleted.

The words “ of the Presidency, to which such
order relates,” shall be deleted.

The words ‘“‘ each and every of the Presidencies
of” shall be deleted.

The words shall be


“of each Presidency ”

The words “of each Presidency”, the words
“in the Presidency to which they relate”’
and the words “of that Presidency” shall
be deleted.

For the words
words “in use in the Colony”

For the words “ appointed for the Presidency ”
the words ‘‘ appointed for the Colony ” shall
be substituted.


‘in use in the Presidency ” the
shall be

The words “of each Presidency” shal] be


The words “, or the Administrator or Com-
missioner of any Presidency,” shail be deleted.

For the word “ non-nommissioned”” the word
“non-commissioned” shall be substituted.

For the words “any Magistrate” the words
“the Magistrate’ shall be substituted.

The words “of the Presidency wherein such
wreck was found” shall be deleted.

The words “any district in”, and the words
“in which a port of entry is situate”’ shall
be deleted.
No. and
Year Short title

8/1928 Friendly Societies
Act, 1928

9/1929 Legitimacy Act, 1929

10/1929 Emigrants Protec-
tion Act, 1929


Part II











For the definition of the expression “ Savings
Bank” the following definition shail be
substituted :—

“ Savings Bank” means the Savings Bank
established under the Savings Bank
Ordinance, 1938 (No. 5/1938).

For the words ‘“ Chief Registrar’? the words
“ Registrar of the Supreme Court” shall be

For the words ‘General Legislature” the
words “Legislative Council’ shall be

For the words ‘“‘ Attorney General”? wherever
these words appear in subsections (4) and (5)
the words ‘Crown Attorney” shall in each
case be substituted.

For the words “ Federal or Local Act” the
words ‘Act or Ordinance” shall be

The words “ of any Presidency ” and the words
“jin the Presidency” in paragraph 1 shall
be deleted.

The words ‘of the Presidency in which the
birth of such legitimated person is registered ”’
in paragraph 2 shall be deleted.

The words “ of any Presidency ” and the words
“in the Presidency”? in paragraph 3 shall
be deleted.

The words “ of any Presidency ” in paragraph 5
shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘ Presidency’ in the definition
of the expression ‘Senior police officer”
the word “Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “ any Presidency ” and the words
“the Presidency ” the words ‘“ the Colony ”
shall in each case be substituted.

For the words “any Presidency” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency’? wherever
these words appear shall in each case be

The words “ of the Presidency ”’ shall be deleted.

No. and
Year Short title

10/1929 Emigrants Protec-
tion Act, 1929















The words “of the Presidency’ where these
words appear after the words “ Treasury”
and ‘“‘Governor in Council” respectively
shall be deleted.

For the words “cost of the Presidency” the
words “cost of the Colony” shall be

The words ‘‘ of the Presidency ” wherever these
words appear shall in each case be

For the word “* Presidency ’’ the word ‘“‘ Colony ”
shall be substituted.

The words ‘ of the Presidency * wherever these
words appear shall in each case be deleted.

The words ‘“‘or any Presidency thereof’ in
paragraph (b) shall be deleted.

In paragraph (c) for the word ‘“ Presidency ”
the word ‘‘ Colony ”’ shall be substituted and
for the words “any Presidency ” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “‘ of the Presidency ” shall be deleted.

For the words “the Presidency ’’ wherever
these words appear the words ‘ the Colony ”
shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘or any Presidency thereof”? shall
be deleted.

For the words “ Presidency in which he was
recruited’ the word “Colony” shall be

The words “‘or any Presidency thereof” shall
be deleted.

For the words ‘any Presidency’? the words
‘*the Colony ” shall be substituted.

The words “the Governor or by” and the
words ‘‘or Commissioner ’”’ shall be deleted.

For the words “ Leeward Islands” in Form iI
the word ‘‘ Montserrat ’’ shall be substituted.

For the word ‘Presidency’? and the words
“Leeward Islands” in Form III the word
“Colony ” shall in each case be substituted.

For the word “Presidency”? in the Note to
Form III the word “Colony” shall be


No. and

Year Short title Section Amendment

12/1929 Overseas Nurses’ 2 The words “or of any Presidency thereof”
Pensions Act, and the words “or any Presidency thereof”
1927, shall be deleted.

Amendment Act,

4/1930 Summary Jurisdic- 2 The words “‘ at the following times, that is to
tion Act, Amend- say” and all the words following thereafter
ment Act, 1930 down to and including the word “issues ”’

shall be deleted.
The whole of paragraph (5) shall be deleted.

5/1930 Jury Act 3 For the words “a Circuit Court” the words

“the Supreme Court” shall be substituted.

11/1930 Stamp Act Amend- 2 The words and figure ‘‘ (1) Section 78 is hereby

ment Act, 1930 repealed” and all the words following there-
after down to and including the words “ or
held’ in subsection (2) shall be deleted.

6/1931 Emigrants Protec- 2 The words ‘‘of the Presidency” shall be
tion Act, 1929, deleted.

Amendment Act,

2/1932 Companies (Amend- 2(2) The word “Chief” shall be deleted.

ment) Act, 1932
2(5) The words “of Antigua to the account of the
General Government” shall be deleted.

5/1932 Unrepresented 2 For the words ‘Presidency concerned” the
Estates (Amend- word ‘Colony ” shall be substituted.
ment) Act, 1932

9/1932 Registration and 2 The words “ or otherwise contrary to the pro-
Records (Amend- visions of section 30 of the Supreme Court
ment) Act, 1932 Act” shall be deleted.

11/1932 Courts of Justice 2 For the words “Treasurers of the respective
Fees (Amend- Presidencies’”? the word “Treasurer” shall
ment) Act, 1932 be substituted.

13/1932 Receivers of Wreck 2 The words “of each Presidency ”, the words
(Amendment) “in such of the islands of the Colony as he
Act, 1932 shall deem fit” and the words “in such

island” shall in each case be deleted.

18/1932 Distressed Seamen 2 The words “a Presidency or” and the words
(Amendment) “as the case may,” shall be deleted.

Act, 1932


For the words “such Presidency or Colony
aforesaid * the words “ the aforesaid Govern-
ment” shall be substituted.

The words ‘Colonial Secretary” and the
words “or Commissioner” shall be deleted.


No. and

Year Short title Section Amendment

20/1932 Foreign Merchant 2 The whole of the definition of the expression
Shipping (Agree- “Said Presidency” shall be deleted.
ments) Act, 1932

5 The words “the said Presidency, or” shail
be deleted.

7 The words “in the said Presidency, or should
special circumstances necessitate such a
course”, shall be deleted.

9 For the words “ said Presidency or the Colony
as the circumstances of each case shall neces-
sitate” the word “Colony” shall be

10 The words ‘“ Colonial Secretary,” and the words
‘‘or Commissioner” shall be deleted.

21/1932 Title by 4 The words “ or otherwise contrary to the pro-
Registration visions of section 30 of the Supreme Court
(Amendment) Act,” shall be deleted.

Act, 1932

25/1932 Summary Jurisdic- 2 The whole section shall be deleted.

tion (Amendment)
Act, 1932

26/1932 Magistrate’s Code of 8 Paragraph (a) shall be deleted.
Procedure (Amend-
ment) Act, 1932

10 Paragraph (b) shall be deleted.

2/1934 Arbitration (Foreign 5 For the words “‘ The Leeward Islands” the
Awards) (Amend- words “the Colony of Montserrat’ shall
ment) Act, 1934 be substituted.

The words “under section 37 of the Supreme
Court Act (Cap. 22)” shall be deleted.

10/1935 Protection of 7) The word ‘‘ Commissioned ” shall be deleted.
Animals Act

8/1936 Pilgrim Holiness Preamble The last Recital shall be deleted.

Church Act, 1936

3 The whole section shall be deleted.

10(1) The words ‘‘of each Circuit of the Colony in
which the property affected is situate’ shall
be deleted.

Schedule The whole Schedule shall be deleted.
11/1937 Workmen’s Compen- 2) In the definition of the expression ‘“‘ Employer ”’

sation Act, 1937 the words ‘‘or of any Presidency thereof ”’
shall be deleted.

In the definition of the expression “ Registrar ”

the words “in the Presidency wherein any

matter under this Act arises” chall be deleted.


No. and

Short title

11/1937 Workmen‘s Compen-

14/1937 The Criminal Procedure




sation Act, 1937

Act, 1937

Police Officers
(Change of Titles)
Act, 1937

Carrington Pen-
sion Act

Drugs Act, 1947













For the words “* Presidency wherein the accident
occurred,” in proviso (a) and proviso (b)
the word “Colony” shall in each case be

The words ‘‘or of any Presidency thereof”
wherever these words appear shall be deleted.

For the words “any Presidency” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.


For the word “ Presidency ” the word “Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the word “ Presidency ” the word ‘Colony’?
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘* Full Court’? wherever these
words appear the words ‘“‘ Court of Appeal
for the Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands ” shal! in each case be substituted.

2 The whole section shall be deleted.

4 For the words ‘‘ Attorney General”
wherever these words appear the words
“Crown Attorney” shall in each case
be substituted,

5) For the words ‘Attorney General” the
words ‘Crown Attorney” shall be

6 For the words “ Attorney General ”
wherever these words appear the words
“Crown Attorney” shall in each case
be substituted.

For the words ‘* Attorney General’? the words

“Crown Attorney ” shall be substituted.

The words “of the Colony” shall be deleted.

For the words ‘* Federal Act ’’ the words ‘ Act

or Ordinance” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘“ Presidency of Montserrat”
the word ‘‘ Colony” shall be substituted.
The following definition shall be substituted
for the definition of ‘‘ Prescribed Port” in

paragraph (v) :—
‘Prescribed Port’? means the “Port of
Plymouth in the Colony.”
The whole of paragraph (v) shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.
The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words ‘ Leeward Islands” wherever
these words appear in Form A the word
“Montserrat” shall in each case be



No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment

23/1937 Dangerous Drugs First The words ‘‘ Presidency of” shall be deleted.
Act, 1937 Schedule For the words “ Leeward Islands” in Form B
(Contd.) the word ‘t Montserrat” shall be substituted.
For the words “ Presidency of ” in paragraph 3
of the ‘‘ General Conditions” in Form B,
the word ‘ Colony” shall be substituted.
and for the words “said Presidency” the
word “ Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘“‘ Leeward Islands” in Form C.
the word ‘‘ Montserrat ” shall be substituted.

The words ‘“ Presidency of” shall be deleted.

For the words “ Presidency of” in paragraph 3
of Form C the word ‘“ Colony” shall be
substituted, and for the words “ Leeward
Islands’? the word ‘‘ Colony” shall be

For the word ‘ Leeward Islands” in Form D
the word ‘“ Montserrat” shall be substituted.

The words “Presidency of” in the caption
of this Form shall be deleted.

For the words “ Presidency of ” in the Licence
for removal of dangerous drugs intransit
the word ‘“ Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “ Leeward Islands” in Form E
the word “ Montserrat” shall be substituted,

The words “Presidency of” in the caption
of this Form shall be deleted.

For the words “ Presidency of ” wherever these
words appear in the Diversion Certificate
the word “ Colony” shall in each case be


31/1937 Medical Act, 1937 2 The definition of the expression ‘ Medical
Board” shall be deleted.

3,4, 5,6,7 The whole of sections 3 to 8 inclusive shall be
and 8 deleted.

12) The words “ specifying the medical registration
district in which he desires to practise” shall
be deleted.

123) For the words “the Medical Board of the
medical registration district in which the
applicant desires to practise”, and the words
“such Board” the words “ the Governor ”
shall in each case be substituted.

13 The whole section shall be deleted.



No. and
Year Short title Section
31/1937 Medical Act, 1937 18(1)








For the words “ or, after due inquiry is adjudged
by a Medical Board” the words “or after
due inquiry by a Committee consisting of
not less than two registered medical prac-
titioners whom the Governor is hereby
authorised to appoint to conduct such inquiry,
is adjudged by the Committee”? shall be

For the words “such Board” the words “ the
said Committee” shall be substituted.

The words “ Federal and Presidential” shail
be deleted.

For the words “a Medical Board” in para-
graph (b) the words “the Governor”? shall
be substituted.

The words “‘ after consultation with a Medical
Board” in the proviso shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘a Medical Board’ wherever
these words appear the words “ the Governor”
shall in each case be substituted.

The words “after consultation with a Medical
Board” in the proviso shall be deleted.

For the words “a Medical Board in paragraph
(c) the words “the Governor” shall be

For the words “by a Medical Board under
the provisions of this Act” in paragraph (d)
the words “ with the approval of the Governor
by any registered medical practitioner or
practitioners appointed by the Governor
under section 40 of this Act to conduct an
examination for such certificate” shall be

For the words “request the Medical Board
of the Medical Registration District in which
the applicant desires to practise, to examine
the applicant and such examination shall
be conducted by the Board who shall examine
the applicant’ the words “inform the
Governor of the applicant’s request for a
certificate of competency, and the Governor
shall thereupon appoint a registered medical
practitioner or more than one registered
medical practitioner (if available) to examine
the applicant” shall be substituted.

a A
No. and
Year Short title Section

31/1937 Medical Act, 1937 40(3)



Schedule A

Schedule B

Schedule of

31/1937 Stamp (Amend- 2
ment) Act, 1937



For subsection (3) the following subsection
shall be substituted :—

“ (3) The examination shall be conducted
in accordance with the Leeward Islands
General Government Examinations of
Chemists and Druggists Rules, 1939 and
the provisions of these Rules other than
Rule 4 thereof shall apply accordingly
to any examination held under the powers
conferred by subsection (2) of this section.”

For the words “ the Medical Board” the words
“‘the registered medical practitioner or prac-
titioners appointed to examine the applicant ”
shall be substituted.

For the words “satisfied the board” the words
“satisfied him or them, as the case may be,”
shall be substituted.

The words ‘ with the approval of the Governor’”’
shall be inserted immediately before the
words ‘“‘a certificate of competency ”’.

For the words ‘“‘and direct” the words “ and
the Governor shall direct ” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘ member of a Medical Board ”
the words ‘ta government medical officer
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘ Leeward Islands” wherever
they appear the word ‘“ Montserrat” shall
in each case be substituted.

For the words ‘t Leeward Islands” the word
“ Montserrat” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘ Chairman, Medical Board”
the word ‘‘ Examiners’ shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘ by a Medical Board” in item 5
shall be deleted.

For the words “any Presidency’ the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

The words ‘of that Presidency” shall be

For the words ‘“‘such Presidency”? the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “‘ save and except ” and all the words
following thereafter down to and including
the word “ Colony” shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘each Presidency ” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.


No. and

Short title Section







Moir Pension Preamble
Act, 1938

Employment of 2
Women, Young
Persons and Child-
ren Act, 1938

Sedition and 2
Undesirable Publi-
cations Act, 1938


Agricultural Small 2
Holdings Act,



Schedule A

Schedule C

Statute Law Revision Schedule
Act, 1939

The words “ of the Leeward Islands’ shall be
inserted after the word ‘“ Colony” in the
last Recital.

The words “of the Leeward Islands shall be
inserted after the word ‘‘ Colony”.

The words ‘from the public service of the
Colony’’ shall be deleted.

The definition of the expression ‘‘ Governor
in Council’ shall be deleted.

The words “‘ with respect to any Presidency ”
shall be deleted.

The definition of the expression ‘ Colony ”
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘*‘ Attorney General”? the words
“Crown Attorney” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘“ Attorney General” the words
“Crown Attorney” shall be substituted.

The words “in the Circuit in which the small
holding to which a contract of tenancy relates
is situate’ in the definition of the expression
‘** Registrar’? shall be deleted.

The words “in the Presidency in which a small
holding is situate in subparagraph (iii), of
paragraph (b) shall be deleted.

The words “ or any Presidency’ at the end of
the section shall be deleted.

For the word ‘* Presidency ” the word ‘‘Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the word “ Presidency’? wherever this
word appears in both Forms in this Schedule
the word “Colony” shall in each case be

The figure and words “1. Bankruptcy Act”
in the first column and all the words opposite
the said figure and words in the second
column shall be deleted.

The figures and words ‘* 54. The Gazette
(Evidence) Act” in the first column and all
the words opposite the said figures and words
in the second column shall be deleted.


No. and

Short title




Statute Law Revision
Act, 1939 (Contd.)

Land Settlement
Act, 1939

Schedule The figures and words ‘56. The Jury Act”

in the first column and all the words opposite
the said figures and words in the second
column shall be deleted.

The figures and words ‘“‘6!. The Masgistrate’s
Code of Procedure Act” in the first column
and all the words opposite the said figures
and words in the second column shall be

The figures and words ‘107. The Marriage
Ordinance Legalization Act’? in the first
column and all the words opposite the said
figures and words in the second column shall
be deleted.

The figures and words ‘“‘ 123. The Post Office
Act” in the first column and all the words
opposite the said figures and words in the
second column shall be deleted.

The figures and words “* 125. The West India
and Panama Telegraph Company, Limited,
Act, 1872” in the first column and all the
words opposite the said figures and words
in the second column shall be deleted.

The figures and words ‘‘ 135. The Stamp Act”
in the first column and all the words opposite
the said figures and words in the second
column shall be deleted.

The figures and words ‘141. The Copyright
Act” in the first column and all the words
opposite the said figures and words in the
second column shall be deleted.

The figures and words “8/1928 The Friendly
Societies Act, 1928” in the first column and
all the words opposite the said figures and
words in the second column shall be deleted.

The definition of the expression “ Governor
in Council” shall be deleted.


For the words “any Presidency’? the words
““the Colony” shall be substituted.

For the word ‘ Presidency’? wherever this
word appears in subsections (1), (2) and (3)
the word “Colony” shall in each case be

The words ‘(except in the Virgin Islands)”
and the words “of the Presidency in which
they are made” shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

No. and
Year Short title



16/1939 Trade Unions
Act, 1939

17/1939 Trade Disputes
(Arbitration and
Inquiry) Act, 1939

20/1939 Supreme Court
Act, 1939









The words “ of the Presidency wherein a trade
union is established’ in the definition of
“ Registrar’ shall be deleted.

The words “or any Presidency thereof” shall
be deleted.

The words ‘of the Presidency wherein a trade
union is established’? and the words “ with
regard to that Presidency” shall be deleted.

The words “ of the Presidency wherein a trade
union is established” shall be deleted.

The words ,“‘of any Presidency’? wherever
these words appear in paragraphs (a) and (c)
shall in each case be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency wherein such
trade is established’ shal] be deleted.

The words ‘ of a Presidency” and the words
“in that Presidency” shall be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency concerned ”
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘ Federal Acts’ the words
“laws of the Colony”? shall be substituted.

For the words “said laws’? the words “ said
Imperial laws’ shall be substituted.

For the words “in any Presidency” the words
“in the Colony shall be substituted.

For the words “from the Presidency’ the
words ‘from the Colony” shall be

For the word “‘ Presidency ” the word “Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘* Federal or local Act’? in para-
graph (c¢) the words ‘Act or Ordinance”
shall be substituted.

For the words “ Federal or local Act” in para-
graph (d) the words ‘‘ Act or Grdinance’”’
shall be substituted.

The whole of the subsection shall be deleted.

The words “for each Circuit’? and the words
“of that Circuit” shall be deleted.

The words “for each Circuit”? and the words
‘“of that Circuit’? shall be deleted.

For the word ‘‘ Every” the word “ The” shall
be substituted.
No. and

Year Short title




20/1939 Supreme Court
Act, 1939 (Contd.)

4/1941 Recruiting of

Workers Act, 1941

13/1941 Registration and
Records (Amend-

ment) Act, 1941









The words “The Registrar for the Antigua
Circuit? and all the words following there-
after down to and including the words “‘ for
the Virgin Islands Circuit shail be the Taxing
Master thereof,’ shall be deleted.

For the words “and such Taxing Masters”
the word “He” shall be substituted.

The proviso to this subsection shall be deleted.

“ the

For the expression “a Registrar”
this expression appears the words
Registrar ’’ shall be substituted.

For the words “such Registrar’? the words
“the Registrar’? shall be substituted.

The words ‘tin each Circuit” shall be deleted.

Between the word “ bailiff’ and the word
“ provided” the words ‘for the Court”
shall be inserted.

The words ‘‘in any Circuit’? shail be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency in which the
bailiff serves”? shall be deleted.

The words “for the Circuit in which he serves,”
shall be deleted.

The words ‘“ Attorney General or” shall be

The words ‘of the Presidency where such
application is made,” in paragraph (a) shall
be deleted.


word ‘Act’ the
shall be added.

After the
Ordinance ”

words or

The words “ of the Presidency within the limits’
and all the words following thereafter to
the end of the section shall be deleted.

‘““a Presidency” the words
shall be substituted.

For the words
“the Colony ”

For the expression “a Presidency’ wherever
this expression appears in paragraph (5) the
words “the Colony” shall in each case be

The words ‘of the Circuit” in the definition
of the expression “ Registrar ’’ shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment
13/1941 Registration and 5 The words “in each of the Circuits” and all
Records (Amend- the words following thereafter down to and
ment) Act, 1941 including the words “ of District ‘““E” shali
(Contd,) be deleted.

7/1942 Magsistrate’s Code of
Procedure (Amend-
ment) Act, 1942

5/1943 Summary Jurisdic-
tion (Amendment)
Act, 1943

6/1943 Leeward Islands
Battalion Act, 1943

5/1944 Labour (Minimum
Wage) Act, 1944




The words “ of Deeds of the Anguilla Circuit ”,
the words “each of them’’, and the words
“in such Circuit” shall be deleted

For the word ‘ Registrars” in the marginal
note, the word ‘“ Registrar” shall be

The words “of the Colony” and the words
“of any Presidency’ wherever these words
‘appear in paragraphs (iii) and (iv) shall be

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words “the following Circuits as set out
hereunder :—” shall be deleted.
Paragraphs (i), (ii), Gii) and (v) shall be

The numeral ‘‘ 9iv)” and the words “In the”
at the beginning of paragraph (iv) and the
word “Circuit”? and the word “and” in
the said paragraph shall be deleted.

The words “of the Leeward Islands” shall
be deleted.

The words and brackets “‘ (subject to the modi-
fications hereinafter appearing)’ shall be

The whole of this subsection shall be deleted.

For the words ‘“‘ any Presidency or in any part
thereof”? the words ‘‘the Colony” shall
be substituted.

The words “‘ of the Presidency ” shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘ of the Presidency” in section 3(1)

shall be deleted.

For the words “‘ Presidency to which it relates ”
in section 3(4) the word “Colony” shall
be substituted.

The words “ of the Presidency concerned” in
section 3(6) shall be deleted.

rere PA A

No. and
Year Short title

Section Amendment

11/1944 Land Acquisition
Act, 1944

18/1944 Adoption of
Children Act, 1944

21/1944 Title by Registra-
tion (Amendment)
Act, 1944

24/1944 Larceny Act, 1944

25/1944 Quarantine Act, 1944

2 The definition of the expression ‘‘ appropriate
Presidency *’ shall be deleted.

31) The words “(if any) of the appropriate
Presidency ” shall be deleted.

18@) The words “exercising jurisdiction within the
appropriate Presidency ’’ shall be deleted.

230) For the words ‘appropriate Presidency” the
word “Colony” shall be substituted,

23(3) For the words “appropriate Presidency ’’ the
word “ Colony” shall be substituted.


29 The words “of the appropriate Presidency
shail be deleted.

120) The words “of every Presidency” shall be

12(6) For the words ‘“ Every Registrar-General” the
words “The Registrar-General” shall be

The words “each of the Presidencies of ” and
the word ‘respective’? shall be deleted.

2 For the words “the Presidency wherein the
land is situate” the words ‘‘ the Colony”,
shall be substituted.

44(3) The whole of this subsection shall be deleted

48 For the words ‘‘ other Act” the words “ other
Act or Ordinance” shall be substituted.
For the words “such other Act” the words
“such other Act or Ordinance” shall be

303) The words ‘in each Presidency or island of
the Colony” shall be deleted.

4c) The words “ whole or any part of the” shail
be deleted.

4(3) For the words ‘‘ General Legislature ”’ wherever
these words appear in this subsection the
words “ Legislative Council” shall in each
case be substituted.

4(4) For the words ‘‘ General Legislature ” the words
“Legislative Council’? shall be substituted

911) The words ‘‘ in each Presidency of the Colony ”
shall be deleted.

For the words “such Presidency” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.
No. and
Year Short title



25/1944 Quarantine Act, 1944



The words “in a Presidency ”’ shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘such Presidency ”’ the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

The words ‘fa Presidency of” in regulation 4
shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘ of any Presidency ” in paragraph (1)
of regulation 5 shall be deleted.

The words “ any Presidency of ” in paragraph (4)
of regulation 5 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘ any Presidency of ” and the words
“at such Presidency” in paragraph (1) of
regulation 7 shall be deleted.

The words “ any Presidency of ”’ in paragraph (2}
of regulation 8 shall be deleted.

The words “‘ of any Presidency ” in paragraph (1)
of regulation 14 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of” in subpara-
graph (a) of paragraph (1) of regulation 17
shall be deleted.

The words “any Presidency of” in regulation 18
shall be deleted.

The words ‘a Presidency of” in regulation 19
shall be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency” in regulation 20
shall be deleted.

The words “of a Presidency” in paragraph (1)
of regulation 21 shall be deleted.

The words ‘“‘a Presidency of “in regulation 22
shall be deleted.

The words “any Presidency ot” in regulation 23
shall be deleted.
The words “‘any Presidency of” in regulation 24
shall be deleted.

The words “any Presidency of” in regulation 26
shall be deleted.
The words “‘any Presidency of” in paragraph(1)
of regulation 31 shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of” in regulations 33
shall be deleted.

The words “any Presidency of” in paragraph
(1) of regulation 38 shall be deleted.

The words “any Presidency ot” in paragraphs
(1) and (2) of regulation 38 shall be deleted.


No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment

25/1944 Quarantine Act, 1944 First For the words “of the Presidency where the
(Contd.) Schedule same was forfeited” in paragraph (3) of
regulation 39 the words ‘of the Colony”

shall be substituted.

The words ‘‘a Presidency of” in Paragraph (b)
of regulation 41 shall be deleted.

Schedule A The words “any Presidency of” appearing
under the caption “Declaration of Health”
shal] be deleted.

The words ‘‘any Presidency of’ appearing under
the caption “Instructions” in the schedule
to the Declaration of Health shall be deleted.

Second The words ‘any Presidency of” wherever these
Schedule words appear in paragraph (1) of each of
the regulations 5, 6, 7 and 9, and in regulations
10, 11 and 12 shall in each case be deleted.

1/1945 Medical (Amendment) 2 The whole of this section shall be deleted.
Act 1945

4/1945 Intestates Estates 1001) The words ‘“‘or any part thereof” shall be
Act 1945 deleted

7/1945 Immigration and 211). ~=-For the words “the law of any Presidency”
Passport Act, 1945 in the definition of the expression ‘‘part of

entry” the words “regulations made under

section 32 of this Act” shall be substituted.

3(1) The word “‘such” shall be inserted between the
words “appoint” and “immigration.”
The words “such of the islands of” shall be

5 The words ‘‘of the Presidency” in paragraph
(b) shall be deleted.

6 The words “‘or any Presidency thereof” in para-
graph (c) shall be deleted.

243) For the words ‘Presidency concerned” the
word “Colony” shall be substituted.

24(4) For the words ‘“‘Presidency concerned” the
word “Colony” shall be substituted.

11/1945 Criminal Procedure 3 The following amendment shall be made to
(Amendment) Act, 1945 (Part I) Part HI of the Principal Act as replaced by
this section:—
In section 12 the words “‘of the Circuit, in which
such person has been so committed,” shall
be deleted.

No. aad
Year Short title



11/1945 Criminal Procedure
(Amendment) Act,
1945 (Contd).

2/1946 Masgistrate’s Code
of Procedure
(Amendment) Act, 1946

3/1946 Unrepresented Estates
(Amendment) Act

4/1946 Registration of
United Kingdom
Trade Marks Act,

1/1947 Small Charges
(Amendment) Act,

(Part IIT)


In section 144 for the words ‘Attorney Gen-
eral” wherever these words appear the words
“Crown Attorney” shall in each case be

In subsection (1) of section 148 for the words
“Attorney General’ wherever these words
appear the words “Crown Attorney” shall be
substituted, and in paragraph (a) of the said
subsection the words “of the Circuit’ shall
be deleted.

In subsection (1) of section 14c the words “of
the Circuit” shall be deleted.

In subsection (2) of section 14c the words “of
the district in which he was committed for
trial” shall be deleted.

The following amendments shall be made to
Part IV of the Principal Act as replaced by
this section:—

In section 16 (1) the figure and symbols ‘(1)’’
shall be deleted and in the proviso to the
said section for the words “Attorney Gen-
eral” the words “Crown Attorney” shall
be substituted.

In section 17 the words ‘‘of the Circuit” where-
ever these words appear shall be deleted.

In subsection (1) of section 17A the words of
the Circuit in which any sitting of the Court
is held’’ shall be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘of the Presidency” shall be deleted

The words “in the various Circuits of the
Colony” in the definition of the expression
“*Court” shall be deleted.

For the words “Antigua Circuit’? in the defini-
tion of the expression “Registrar” the word

“Court” shail be substituted.

For the words “any Presidency” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “ot the Presidency” shall be deleted,


No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment
1/1948 Matrimonial Causes 8(2) The words ‘Attorney-General and includes a”
Act, 1948 shall be deleted.
5/1948 Juvenile Courts 2 The word “separate” and the words ‘ the several
Act, 1948 magisterial districts of” in paragraph (a) shall
be deleted.
3 The words “ in his district *’ shall be deleted,
6/1948 Medical (Amendment) 2 For the words ‘ta Medical Board” in paragraph
Act, 1948 (6) of section 23 the words ‘tthe Governor”
shall be substituted,
In the first proviso the words “ta Medical Board
to require”’ shall be deleted, and for the words
“such Medical Board ” the words ‘ the
Governor’ shall be substituted.
3 For the words “ta Medical Board’ the words
“the Governor” shall be substituted.
8/1948 Small Charles 3 The words “, or of the Administrator or of the
(Amendiment) Act, 1948 Commissioner of any Presidency” shall be
9/1948 Diplomatic Privileges 3 For the words “General Legislature” wherever
(Extension) Act, 1948 these words appear. the words “Legislative
Council’ shall be substituted.
14/1948 Magistrate’s Code of 2 The whole of this section shall be deleted.
Precedure (Amendment)
Act, 1948.
9/1949 Guardianship of First For the word ‘‘Presidency” wherever it appears
Infants Act, 1949 Schedule in the first column immediately above the
word ‘‘Antigua’”’ and the word ‘‘Montserrat”
the word “Colony” shall be substituted.
The words ‘Antigua’, “St. Christopher and
Nevis” and “Virgin Islands’ wherever these
words appear in the first column, and all the
words opposite thereto in the second, third and
fourth columns shall be deleted.
The word “Presidency”? where it appears in the
first column immediately above the words
“Virgin Islands” shall be deleted.
10/1949 Juvenile, 1949 2 The definition of the expression “social welfare
officer” shall be deleted.
7(2) For the words ‘‘same Presidency” the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.
11/1949 Coroners Act, 1949 2 The definition of the expression ‘Attorney

General” shall be deleted.


No. and
Year Short title



11/1949 Coroners Act. 1949









For the word ‘‘Magistrates”’ the word ‘‘Magis-
trate” shall be substituted.

For the words “Coroners for their respective
districts” the words ‘“‘the Coroner for the
Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “Deputy Coroners in any of the
districts” the words ‘ta Deputy Coroner for
the Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘Coroners shall’? the words
“Coroner shall” shall be substituted.

For the word ‘‘Coroners” at the end of the
section the word ‘‘Coroner’’ shall be sub-

The word “nearest”? wherever this word appears
immediately before the word “Coroner” in
subsections (1), (2) and (4) shall in each case
be deleted.

The word ‘“‘nearest” shali be deleted.

The words “‘within whose district the view took
place” shall be deleted.

For the letter “A” at the beginning of this
section the word “‘The” shall be substituted.

For the letter “A” at the beginning of this
section the word ‘‘The” shall be substituted.

For the words “his district” the words ‘‘the
Colony” shall be substituted.


The words “whose body is within his district
shall be deleted.

For the words ‘a Coroner within whose dis-
trict the dead body of a person is lying” the
words “‘the Coroner, where the dead body of
a person is found lying at any place within the
Colony” shail be substituted.

For the words “his district” the words “The
Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘Attorney General” the words
Crown Attorney” shall be substituted.

For the words “Attorney General’? wherever
these words appear in subsections (1) and (2)
the words *“‘Crown Attorney” shall in each
case be substituted.

For the words “‘‘Attorney General” wherever
these words appear the words “Crown Attor-
ney” shall in each case be substituted.

No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment
11/1949 Coroners Act, 1949 45(1) For the words ‘‘Attorney General” in paragraph
(Contd.) (b) the words “Crown Attorney” shall be sub-

46 For the words ‘Attorney General” the words
“Crown Attorney” shall be substituted.

47 For the words “Attorney General” the words
“Crown Attorney” shall be substituted.

48 For the words “Presidency in which the post-
mortem or anatomical examination is per-
formed” the word ‘‘Colony” shall be substi-

Schedule For the words ‘Leeward Uslands’” wherever

these words appear in all the Forms in the
Schedule the words “Colony of Montserrat’
shall be substituted.

The words ‘Presidency of” and the word “Dis-
trict” wherever these words appear in the
caption of all Forms shall be deleted.

For the words “this district” in the Form bearing
the caption ‘‘Warrant to Bury where Inquest
Unnecessary” the words “‘the Colony” shall
be substituted.

In the Form bearing the caption “Warrant to
Summon Jury’, the following amendments
shall be made—

For the words “said district” appearing after
the words “police officers of the” the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “said district’’ appearing after
the words “lawful men of the’? the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “‘ in the said district ’’ shall be deleted.

For the words “ said district’? appearing after
the words “Given under my hand at” the
words “Colony of Montserrat” shall be

In the Form bearing the caption “‘ Summons to
Jurymen” the following amendments shal! be

For the words “this district’ appearing after
the words “Coroner for’? the words ‘the
Colony ”’ shall be substituted.

For the word “ District’? appearing after the
words “in the said” the word ‘ Colony”
shall be substituted.


No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment
11/1949 Coroners Act, 1949 Schedule In the Form bearing the caption “‘ Summons to
(Contd.) Witness ” the words “ in this district” where-

ever these words appear shall be deleted

In the Form bearing the caption ‘“ Form of
Inquisition (with Jury) ”’ the following amend-
ments shall be made—

For the words ‘Sin the said district” the words
‘in this Colony” shall be substituted.

For the word “ district ” appearing immediately
before the words “upon the oath” the word
“ Colony” shall be substituted.

For the word ‘Presidency’? appearing im-
mediately before the words “duly sworn”
the word ‘“‘ Colony” shall be substituted.

In the Form bearing the caption ‘“‘ Form of
Inquisition (without a jury)” the following
amendments shall be made—


‘in the said district” the words
> shall be substituted.

For the words
“in this Colony’

For the word ‘ district ” appearing immediately
after the words “‘for the said” the word
“Colony ” shall be substituted.

In the Form bearing the caption ‘‘ Warrant of
Apprehension” the following amendments
shall be made—

For the words “ Police Officers of District”? the
words “‘ Police Officers of the Colony” shall
be substituted, and for the words “ within the
Presidency ” the words “ within the Colony ”
shall be substituted.

For the words “ district in the Presidency afore-
said” the word “‘ Colony ” shall be substituted.

For the words “ the said Presidency ” the words
“the said Colony” shall be substituted.

In the Form bearing the caption “‘ Warrant of
Commitment” the following amendments
shall be made—

For the words ‘for the Presidency of” the
words ‘‘for the said Colony of” shall be

For the words “ district in the Presidency afore-
said” the word “ Colony ”’ shall be substituted.

In the Form bearing the caption ‘“ Warrant of
detainer ” the following amendments shall be


No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment

11 / 1949 Coroners Act, 1949 Schedule For the words “‘ district in the Presidency afore-

(Contd.) said ” the word ‘ Colony ” shall be substituted.
For the words “‘ at district in the said Presidency ”
the words “at in the said

Colony ” shall be substituted.

In the Form bearing the caption ‘“‘ Order to bring
up prisoners for examination” the following
amendments shall be made—

For the words “for district . in
this Presidency ” the words “‘ for the Colony ”
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘Presidency of’ the word
“* Colony ” shall be substituted.

The word “ District”? in the last line shall be

13/1949 Telecommunications 2(1) In the definition of the expression ‘ telecom-
Act, 1949 munications officer’? the words “in a Presi-
dency” shall be deleted.
3 The words ‘‘each Presidency of’ shall be
6 The words ‘* For the purposes of this subsection

“* Governor-in-Council ’? means the Governor
with the advice of the Executive Council of a
Presidency ”’ shall be deleted.

13 The words “or any Presidency thereof” shall
be deleted.

22 The words ‘any of the Presidencies of” shall
be deleted.

Schedule All the words in the first column shall be deleted
and all the words and figures in the second
and third columns opposite the words “ Anti-
gua’’, St. Christopher and Nevis’. end
‘“‘ Virgin Islands ” respectively shall be deleted.

17/1949 Trade Unions (Amend- 5(d) For the words ‘“‘a Legislative Council in the
ment) Act, 1949 Colony ” the words “ the Legislative Council *
shall be substituted.

4/1950 Currency Act, 1950 8 For section 8 the following section shall be
““8. Any sum which is required to meet any
deficiency in the Currency-Fund or the Income
Account and which the Colony is liable to
make good under the terms of the Agreement
shall forthwith on demand of the Board be
issued under the warrant of the Governor out
of the general revenue.”

No. and

Short title Section Amendment

4/1950 Currency Act, 1950 16 &17 After section 15 the following sections shall be






(Contd.) added—

“ Construc- 16. In the construction of this Act the follow-

tion of cer- ing provisions shall have effect :

tain portions

of the Act. (a) paragraph (c) of section 3 shall be construed
as though for the words “ the Leeward
islands ” the words ‘*‘ Antigua, St. Chris-
topher Nevis and Anguilla, and Mont-
serrat”’ were substituted :

(b) the First Schedule shall be construed as

though for the words “the Leeward
Islands ** in the first paragraph thereof the
words ‘“ Antigua’, “St. Christopher
Nevis and Anguilla’ and ‘“ Montserrat ”’
were substituted

Declaration 17. With a view to the fulfilment of the

that Agree- Agreement in and by the Colony, the terms and

ment binding conditions of the Agreement are hereby ratified,

on Colony. and it is hereby declared that the Agreement
shall for the purposes of this Act be treated as
though the Government of the Colony had
originally been a signatory thereto.’

Prison (Extramural 2 In the definition of the expression “ Extramural
Sentences) Act, 1950 Prison Officer’? the words “in a Presidency ”’
shall be deleted.

3(f) For the words “ any Presidency ” the words “ the
Colony ” shall be substituted.

Consular Conventions 40) The words “ of any Presidency of the Colony ”
Act, 1950 in paragraph (a) shall be deleted.
6(3) The word “‘ General” shall be deleted.

Antibiotics and Thera- 302) The words *‘ the several Presidencies of ” and the
peutic Substances Act, words “in each Presidency ” shall be deleted.
15 The words “ of the Leeward Islands” shall be

Quarantine (Amendment) 2 The words “each Presidency of” shall be
Act, 1950 deleted.
For the words “ in each Presidency ” the words
‘“in the Colony” shall be substituted.
3 The whole section shall be deleted.
SCHEDULE The Schedule shall be deleted.
Miagistrate’s Code of 2 The words ‘“ to a district’, the words “ of the
Procedure (Amendment) Presidency in which the district is situated’,
Act, 1950 and the words “ of such Presidency” shall be

No. and
Year Short tit'e




6/1951 Post Office Offences,

7/1951 Coroners (Amendment)
Act, 1951

12/1951 Police Act, 1951




For the words “ of a Presidency ”’ the words “‘ of
the Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “ of a Presidency ” the words “ of
the Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “‘ any Presidency ” the words “ the
Colony” shall be substituted

The words “of the Presidency in which such
death occurs ”’ shall be deleted.

For the definition of the expressicn ‘ Division ”
the following expression shall ke substituted—

The Division’ means that portion of the Force
stationed in the Colony and referred to in sub-
section (1) of section 3 of this Act is “C”
Division ;

In the definition of the expression ‘‘ Medical
Board ” the words ** or the Administrator or
Commissioner of a Presidency’ shall be

For the word “ Presidency ” the word ‘ Colony ”
shall be substituted.

The words “* for the purposes ’’ and all the words
following thereafter down to and including the
words “‘ Virgin Islands ” at the end of the sub-
section” shall be deleted, and there shall be
substituted therefor the words ‘‘ that portion
of the Force stationed in the Colony shall be
known and referred to as “C” Division”.

The words “‘or any Presidency thereof” shall
be deleted.

After the word “ Governor” the words “ of the
Leeward Islands” shall be inserted.

The word ‘t General” shall be deleted.

After the word “ Governor” wherever this word
appears the words “ of the Leeward Islands ”
shall be added.

After the word ‘ Governor” the words “ of the
Leeward Islands’”’ shall be added.

The words “ or Commissioner of the Presidency
in which such person is being appointed ”’
shall be deleted.
No. and

12/1951 Police Act, 1951

Short title


















After the word “ Governor” the words “‘ of the
Leeward Islands’ shall be added.

For the words “ Gazetted Police Officer”? the
words “‘ police officer ” shall be substituted.
The words ‘in which he is serving’’ shall be


The words “ of the Leeward Islands” shall be

After the word “Inspector”? the words
“stationed in the Colony ” shall be inserted.

The word “ District * shall be deleted.
The word *‘ District ” shall be deleted.

After the word “ Governor” the words “ of the
Leeward Islands ” shall be inserted.

Atter the word “ Governor” wherever this word
appears the words ** of the Leeward Islands ”
shall be inserted.

The word “ General” shall be deteted.

The words “ of the Presidency concerned ” shail
be deleted.

For the words “‘ Gazetted Police Officer” the
words “ police officer” shall be substituted.
The words “in which the same have been

incurred ’’ shall be deleted.

For the words “ Gazetted Police Officer” the
words “ police officer” shall be substituted.
For the words “the Federal Treasurer’’ the
words ‘an officer appointed by the Governor
of the Leeward Islands for that purpose ”’ shall

be substituted.

The words “‘ or in any Presidency thereof ”’ shall
be deleted.

The words “ of a Presidency ” shall be deleted.

After the word ‘‘ Governor” the words “ of the
Leeward Islands” shall be inserted.

After the word ‘ Governor ” the words “‘ of the
Leeward Islands” shall be inserted.

After the word “ Governor ” the words “ of the

Leeward Islands” shall be inserted.

After the word “ Governor ” wherever this word
appears the words “ of the Leeward Islands

shall in each case be inserted.

No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment
12/1951 Police Act, 1951 57 After the word ‘‘ Governor’ the words “‘ of the
(Contd.) Leeward Islands ” shall be inserted.
59(1) After the word ‘* Governor ”’ the words “* of the
Leeward Islands ” shall be inserted.
60 After the words ‘“‘ The Governor ” at the begin-
ing of the section the words “ of the Leeward
Islands ” shall be inserted.

After the word ‘ Governor” in the proviso the
words ‘‘of the Leeward Islands” shall be

6201) The following sub-section shall be substituted for

“ Canteen.












sub-section (1) :—

62. (1) There may be established with the
approval of the Commissioner a police canteen
in “CC” Division at which the keeper thereof
may sell intoxicating liquors by retail to members
of the Force.”


For the words “ such canteens ” the words ‘ the
canteen ’”’ shall be substituted.

After the word ‘‘ Governor” the words ‘ of the
Leeward Islands’ shall be inserted.

For the words ‘‘ Gazetted Police Officer in charge
of the Division” the word ‘“ Administrator ”
shall be substituted.

After the word ‘‘ Governor” the words ‘‘ of the
Leeward Islands” shall be inserted.

After the words ‘‘ in Council” the words ‘ of
the Leeward Islands” shall be substituted.

The words “‘ Governor, or the’? and the words
“or Commissioner or a Presidency ” shall be

The words ‘‘for service within the Presidency
where such special constable is appointed and’’
shall be deleted.

For the expression ‘ta Presidency” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

The words ‘“‘of the Leeward Islands” shall be

The words “in a Presidency” shall be deleted.

The words ‘‘the Governor or” and the words
or Commissioner of a Presidency” shall be


No. and
Year Short title



12/1951 Police Act 1951

3/1953 Land Acquisition
(Amendment) Act, 1953

5/1953 Police (Amendment)
Act. 1953

13/1953. Immigration and
Passport (Amendment)
Act. 1953










For the words ‘“‘Presidency in which such special
constables are serving” the word “Colony”
shall be substituted.

The words ‘the Governor, or’’, the words “of
the Commissioner of a Presidency” and the
words “‘in the Presidency”? shail be deleted.

For the words “within the Presidency” the words
“within the Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “‘in the Presidency” shall be deleted.
The words ‘‘in a Presidency” shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘the Presidency in which such
special constable or additional constable is
serving” the words ‘the Colony’ shall be

The whole of this subsection shail be deleted.
The words ‘‘for the District” shali be deleted.

For the words “Gazetted Police Officer’ the
words “police officer” shall be substituted.
The word “the” appearing immediately after the
words “transmitted to” shall be deleted.

The word “the” appearing immediately after
the words “transmitted to’? shall be deleted.

For the words ‘‘any Magistrate for the District
where the offence was committed’’ the words
“the Magistrate” shall be substituted.

The words “Federal” and ‘Presidential’ re-
spectively shall be deleted.

For the words “appropriate Presidency” the
word “Colony” shall be substituted.

After the word ‘Governor’ wherever this
word appears the words “of the Leeward
Islands” shall in cach case be inserted.

After the word “Governor” wherever this
word appears the words ‘“‘of the Leeward Is-
lands” shall in each case be inserted.

The words “‘a Presidency of” shall be deleted.

For the expression “a Presidency ” in para-
graph (a) the words “the Colony” shall be

No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment
13/1953 Immigration and 3 For the expression ‘“‘a Presidency” at the end of
Pasport (Amendment) paragraph (h) the words “the Colony” shall
Act, 1953 (Contd.) be substituted.

For the words “found in a Presidency” the
words “found in the Colony” shall be sub-

The words “For the purposes” and all the words
following thereafter down to and including
the words ‘“‘Executive Council of the Presi-
dency” shall be -deleted.

5 The whole of this section shall be deleted.

14/1953 Supreme Court 4 The whole of subsection (2) shall be deleted.
(Amendment) Act, 1953

22/1953 Acts and Ordinances 2 The word ‘‘General” shall be deleted.
(Amendment) Act, 1953

6/1954 Praedial Larceny 2 In the definition of the expression ‘declared
(Prevention) Act, 1954 area” for the words ‘in a Presidency” the

words “‘in the Colony” shall be substituted.

The definition of the expression ‘Division’
shall be deleted.

The definition of the expression ‘Governor in
Council” shall be deleted.

31) For the words “in a Presidency” the words
“in the Colony” shall be substituted.
9 For the words “‘of a Presidency” in paragraph
(a) the words “of the Colony” shall be
13) For the words “in the Presidency concerned”





the words “in the Colony” shall be sub-

For the words “police officer in charge of the
Division in which the declared area is situate”
in paragraph (a) the words “senior police
officer in the Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “police officer in charge of a
Division in the Presidency concerned” the
words “senior police officer in the Colony”
shall be substituted.

The words “or Commissioner of the Presidency
concerned, as the case may be,” shall be

The word “District” shall be deleted.



No. and
Year Short title Section
6/1954 Praedial Larceny 240)
(Prevention) Act, 1954
8/1954 Medical (Amendment) 4
Act, 1953
13/1954 Magistrate’s Code 2)
of Procedure
(Amendment) Act, 1954

For the words “‘police officer in charge of the
Division in which he resides” in paragraph
(d) the words “senior police officer in the
Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “‘of the Presidency concerned”’ shall
be deleted.

For the words ‘‘Medical Board” in paragraph
Gi) the words “* government medical officer’
shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Every District Magistrate” the
words “The Magistrate and the Additional
Magistrate” shall be substituted.

For the words “Presidency in which his district
is situtate” the word “Colony” shall be sub-

For the words “any Presidency” the words “the
Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “who, on the coming into force
of this Act, was duly” the words “in the
Colony, who on the first day of July, 1956
was already duly” shall be substituted.

The words ‘in and for any Presidency” shall
be deleted.

For the words ‘“‘the police officer in charge of
the Division in the Magisterial district where
such information or complaint is to be tried
or inquired into” the words “‘the senior police
officer in the Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “of the Presidency wherein such
sum or instalment is paid” shall be deleted:

For the words “a Circuit Court™ the words
“the Supreme Court” shall be substituted.
For the words “Circuit containing the district
in which the Magistrate’s decision was given”

the word “Coiony” shail be substituted.

The words “Provided that in the case of an
appear from a decision of the Magistrate of
district “J” the said notice shall be served
within twenty-eight days after the day on
which the Magistrate has given his decision”
shall be deleted.


No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment

13/1954 Magistrate’s Code 20 For the word “fourteen” the word “twenty-
of Procedure eight” shall be substituted.
(Amendment) Act, 1954 The words “Provided that in the case of an
(Contd.) appear from a decision of the Magistrate
of district ‘J’? the said notice shall be served
within twenty-eight days after the day on
which the Magistrate has given his decision’’
shall be deleted.

For the words “The Attorney General’? the
words “The Crown Attorney” ahsll be sub-

The words “In this subsection the expression
“Attorney General” includes the Crown
Attorney of a Presidency” shall be deleted.

23 The words ‘‘of the Presidency where such sums
are paid” shall be deleted.

25 The whole section shall be deleted.

Schedule The whole Schedule shall be deleted.

14/1954 Forgery Act, 5) The words “or of any Presidency” shall be
1954 deleted.

5(3) For the words “Ordinances of any Presidency’
in paragraph (1) the word “Ordinance”
shall be substituted.

For the words “any Presidency” in paragraph
(m) the words “the Colony” shall be substitu-

841) The words “or of any Presidency” in paragraph
(a) shall be deleted.

8(2) For the words “fa Registrar General of any
Presidency” in paragraph (a) the words “the
Registrar General” shall be substituted, and
for the words “of a Registrar” in paragraph
(b) the words “of the Registrar’ shall be

17/1954 Dangerous Drugs 2 In the definition of the expression “Senior
(Amendment) Act, 1954 Medical Officer’? the words “the Senior

Medical Officer of each and every of the

Presidencies, and, in case there shall be no

such officer in any Presidency,” shall be de-

leted and for the words “‘such Presidency”

the words ‘‘the Colony” shall be substituted.

18/1954 Telecommunications 2 The words “of a Presidency” shail be deleted.
(Amendment) Act, 1954,

No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment
19/1954 Public Holidays 5 The words “‘of the Leeward Islands” shall be
Act, 1954 deleted.
6 The whole section shall be deleted.
8 The words “of a Presidency” shall be deleted.
For the words ‘“‘such Presidency” the words
‘the Colony” shall be substituted.
9 The whole section shall be deleted.
11 For the words ‘“‘Federal Act, Local Act” the
words “Act or Ordinance” shall be substituted.
20/1954 Small Tenements 4 For the words “Federal Act or Local Act”
(Amendment) Act, 1954 the words “Act or Ordinance” shall be
5/1955 Crown Suits 2 For the words ‘‘Federal or Local Act” where-
(Repeal) Act, 1955 ever these words appear the words “‘Act or
Ordinance” shall be substituted.
For the words ‘‘Presidency in which such suit
or proceedings may be instituted” the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.
6/1955 Evidence (Amendment) 2 The words “or of any Presidency thereof’’
Act 1955 shall be deleted.
11/1955 Supreme Court 2 For the word “every” the word “‘the’’ shall be
(Amendment) Act, 1955 substituted.
12/1955 Interpretation and 2(1) For the definition of the expression “Act”

General Clauses Act,

the following definition shall be substituted:—

“Act” used in relation to legislation shall
include Ordinance or private Act or
Ordinance of the Legislative Council,
and any subsidiary legislation made
under the authority of any Act or

After the definition of ‘tact’? the following ex-

pression shall be inserted:

“Administrator”? means the Administrator
for the Colony and inciudes every
person for the time being acting as
Administrator in his stead;

For the words “the Leeward Islands” in the
definition of the expression “the Colony”
the word “Monsterrat” shall be substituted.

After the expression “Chief Justice’? the follow-

ing expression shall be inserted:—
“court” means any court of the Colony
of competent jurisdiction.



No, and
Year Short tit'e Section Amendment
12/1955 Interpretation and 20) After the expression “Crown Agents” the
General Clauses following expression shall be inserted—
Act, 1955 (Contd.) “day” means a full day of twenty-four

hours, and where used in relation to
any act or omission or occurrence shall
commence at the first moment of the
day on which such act, omission or
occurrence is done or happens after
midnight of the previous day and shall
end at the last moment of the day
on which such act or omission or occur-
rence as aforesaid is done or happens
before midnight of such last mentioned
day as aforesaid;

For the definition of the expression “‘the Gazette”
the tollowing definition shall be substituted.
“the Gazette” means the official publica-

tion printed and published in the
Colony of Antigua for and on behalf
of the Government of the © said
Colony and the Governments of
the Colonies of Montserrat and the
Virgin Islands under the title of ‘The
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Is-
lands Gazette”.

The expressions ‘Governor’, the General
Legislature’ and “Governor in Council’
shall be deleted.

After the expression “Government Printer”
the following definition shall be inserted:—
. “Governor” means the person for the time

being holding the office of Governor,
and includes any person for the time
being discharging the functions of that
office and to the extent to which a
Deputy appointed under Article 5 of
the Leeward Islands Letters Patent,
1956 or the Administrator is authorised
to discharge those functions, that
Deputy or Administrator:

“The Governor of the Leeward Islands’
means the Governor and Commander
in Chief of the Leeward Islands and
includes the person for the time being
lawfully discharging the functions of
that office, and to the extent to which
a Deputy for the Governor is authoris-
ed at act, that Deputy:


No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment
12/1955 Interpretation and 2(1) “Governor in Council’ means the

General Clauses Act,
1955 (Contd.)

Governor acting with the advice of the
Executive Council of the Colony but
not necessarily in accordance with
such advice or in such Council

In the expression ‘“ Government Officer’? the
words “‘or a Presidency thereof” shall be

After the expression “Judge” the following
expression shall be inserted :—

“a Justice’ or “a Justice of the Peace’’
means a person appointed by the
Governor to be a Justice of the Peace
for the Colony;

The expressions “law”, ‘‘ Local Act” and
“ Magistrate”? shall be deleted and in place
thereof the following expression shall have
effect :—

“law”? includes any Act, Ordinance, Act
of the Imperial Parliament and any
subsidiary legislation or rule of court
made or given under the authority of
any law;

“ Legislative Council ’”? means the Legislative

Council of the Colony ;

“* Magistrate” means the Magistrate of the
Colony and includes an Additional
Magistrate and any Justice or Justices
of the Peace authorised by the
Masgistrate’s Code of Procedure Act
or any other Act to perform the duties
of a Magistrate ;

After the expression “ master” the following
expression shall be inserted :—

‘‘ medical practitioner” or ‘“‘ duly qualified
medical practitioner”, or ‘‘ registered
medical practitioner means any person
duly registered or licensed to practice
medicine under the provisions of any
law for the time being applicable to
medical practitioners ;

After the expression ‘“‘or’’, ‘“‘other” and ‘‘other-
wise” the following expression shall be
inserted :—

“Ordinance” includes private Ordinance
and any Act or Private Act of the
Legislative Council and any subsidiary
legislation made or given under the
authority of any Ordinance :

mn aan



No. and
Year Short title Section
17/1955 Local Constables 2
(Amendment) Act, 1955
18/1955 Magistrate’s Code of 4
Procedure (Amendment)
Act, 1955
4/1956 Overseas Nurses’ 3

Pensions (Amendment)
Act, 1956

For the expression ‘ Division’? the following
expression shail be substituted —

‘the Division’ has the same meaning
as is ascribed to it in section 2 of the Police
Act, 1956.

In the definition of the expression ‘“ Divisional
Officer’? the words “in the Presidency for
which a local constable is appointed” shall
be deleted.

The definition of the expression ‘“ Governor”
shall be deleted.

The words “and the letter ‘ a’ for the word ‘ his’
in the third line thereof ”’ shall be deleted.

The words “ district or’ shall be deleted.

For the words “the appropriate Presidency ”
and the words ‘that Presidency” the words
““ the Colony ” shall in each case be substituted.

The words ‘ of the Presidency concerned ”’ shall
be deleted.

For the words “ Presidency wherein he was
resident at the time of his appointment” the
word ‘“ Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘“ Presidency for which he was
appointed’ the word “Colony” shall be


In the Schedule the word ‘‘ Commissioner ’
wherever it appears shall be deleted.

For the word ‘“ Presidency ” wherever this word
appears the word ‘‘ Colony” shall be sub-

The words “ delete if not applicable’ wherever
these words appear shall be deleted.

For the words ‘“ who on the coming into force
of this Act had been” the words “in the
Colony who on the first day of July, 1956 had
already been ” shall be substituted.


The words “for any Presidency ” be


The words “ Provided that in the case’ and all
the words following thereafter down to and
including the words “ given his decision ” shall
be deleted.

The words “or any Presidency thereof” shall
be deleted.



Modification of the Montserrat Constitution and Elections Ordinance, 1952 (No. 1/1952) as
amended by Montserrat Constitution and Elections (Amendmeni) Ordinance, 1954,
(No. 9/1954).

The Montserrat Constitution and Elections Ordinance, 1952 (No. 1/1952) as amended
by the Montserrat Constitution and Elections (Amendment) Ordinance, 1954 (No. 9/1954)
shall be amended —

1. by the deletion therefrom of the expression ‘‘ Commissioner’ wherever the same now
appears therein and the substitution therefor of the expression ‘‘ Administrator ” ;

2. save as in this Schedule expressly provided, by the deletion therefrom of the expression
“ Presidency ”” wherever the same now appears therein and the substitution therefor
of the expression ‘* Colony” ;

3. as regards —
(a) section 2 —

(i) by the deletion therefrom of the expression ‘‘ Governor” and the substitution
therefor of the following expression —

“Governor”? means the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the
Leeward Islands, and includes the person for the time being lawfully
discharging the functions of that office, and to the extent to which a
Deputy for the Governor is authorised to act, that Deputy; and

(ii) by the deletion of the words “ of the Presidency or’ in the definition of the
expression ‘‘ public service’’.

(b) section 11, by the deletion of the words ‘‘ the Presidency or of” appearing in
sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii) of paragraph (h) ;

(c) section 12, by the deletion of the words “the Presidency or of” appearing
in paragraph (h) of sub-section (3) ;

(d) section 30, by the deletion therefrom of the words ‘‘ Attorney General ” appearing
in sub-section (2) and the substitution therefor of the words *‘ Crown Attorney ;”.

(e) section 31, by the deletion of the words “‘ sub-section (4) of section 6 of the Inter-
pretation of Laws Ordinance, 1898”? appearing in sub-section (4) and the substi-
tution therefor of the words “‘ sub-section (2) of section 18 of the Interpretation
and General Clauses Act, 1955”, and by the deletion from the said sub-section
of the figures “6/1898” appearing in the marginal note thereto and the substi-
tution therefor of the figures ‘‘ 12/1955”;

(f) section 34, by the deletion of the words ‘‘ sub-section (4) of section 6 of the Inter-
pretation of Laws Ordinance, 1898 ” appearing in sub-section (3) and the substi-
tution therefor of the words “ sub-section (2) of section 18 of the Interpretation
and General Clauses Act, 1955”, and by the deletion from the said sub-section
of the figures ‘ 6/1898” appearing in the marginal note thereto and the substi-
tution therefor of the figures “‘12/1955°7;

se ’

(g) section 52, by the deletion of the words

of the Presidency’
sections (3) and (4); and 7

appearing in sub-
(h) section 53, by the deletion of the words “ of the Presidency ” appearing in sub-

section (1);

(i) section 105, by substituting the words “ public holiday ” for the words “ bank
holiday’? appearing in sub-section (1).


Part I

Cap. Short Title

45 Railways Offences Act

48 Training Schools Act

63 Motor Car (Unlawful User) Act

87 Studentships Act

107 Marriage Ordinance Legalization Act

110 Lepers Act

111 Lunatics Act

112 McFayden and Jones Medical Qualification Act

115 Bank Notes Act

125 West India and Panama Telegraph Company, Limited, Act, 1872
126 West India and Panama Telegraph Company, Limited, Act, 1877
127 Francis Watts (Pension) Act

Part Il.

No. and
Year Short Title

1/1933 Stamps (Amendment) Act

2/1937 Delegation of Powers Act

6/1937 Leeward Islands Scholarship Act
27/1937 Lepers (Amendment) Act

2/1938 Moir Pension Act

7/1938 Title by Registration (Amendment) Act
2/1939 Courts Act

1/1940 Land Acquisition (National Purposes) Act
15/1941 Land Acquisition (National Purposes) (Amendment) Act
1/1943 Bank Notes (Amendment) Act

2/1943 Registration and Records (Amendment) Act
10/1943 Colonial Secretary Act

2/1944 Lepers (Amendment) Act

3/1944 Bank Notes (Amendment; Act

3/1950 Governor’s Emoluments Act

11/1951 Medical (Amendment) Act

11/1953 Delegation of Powers (Amendment) Act
17/1953 Governor’s Emoluments (Amendment) Act
2/1954 Leeward Islands Scholarship (Amendment) Act
11/1956 Governor’s Emoluments (Amendment) Act

Made this 9th day of June, 1956.


\ ee
7 oe

[= 21 Jubivee >



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a 7)
Ny Ne


ORDERS, 1956
No. 22

x Printed by Guardian Commercial Printery, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, B.W.I.


G20 729Kb-


Tne Adaptation of Laws Regulations, 1956, dated 9th June,
1956, made by the Governor under section 5 of the Leeward
Tslands (Miscellaneous Provisions) Qrder in Council, 1956
(Imperial) (1956, No. 833),

1. Suorr Tirte. These Regulations may be cited as the
Adaptation of Laws Regulations, 1956.
2. [nrerrrerarion. In these Regulations —
* Acts means Acts of the Legislature of the Leeward
Islands ;
“the appointed day “ means the first day of July, 1956 ;
“law means any Order of Her Majesty in Council, any
Act of the Legislature of the Leeward Islands, any
Act or Ordinance of any Presidency constituting
part of the Leeward Islands, any Regulation, any
Proclamation approved by Order of Her Majesty in
Council, or any other enactment or instrument
having the force of law in the Leeward Islands ;
“Schedule “ means Schedule to these Regulations.

3. AppLication AND Moptrication or Acts. (1) The Acts
mentioned in the first and second columns of the First Schedule
being laws to which scetion 5 of the Leeward Islands (Miscel-
lancous Provisions) Order in Council, 1956 applies, but not
being laws te which subsection (J)of section 2 of the Leeward
Islands Act, 1956" applies, in foree in the Presidency of the
Virgin Islands immediately before the appointed day shall, sub-
lect to the provisions of paragraph (2) of this regulation remain
valid as respects that Presidency after the beginning of the
appointed day, notwithstanding the constitution of the said
Presidency as a separate Colony.

(2) The said Acts shall as regards the Virgin Islands have
effect thereim after the beginning of the appointed day subject
to the amendments specified in the fourth column of the First
Schedule to the sections and schedules of the said Acts specified
in the third column of that Schedule.

4+. Mopiricarion or Virarx [sunaAnps Consrtrution ANnpd
Eiections Onpixnance. The Virgin Islands Constitution and
Elections Ordinance, 1954 being a law to which subsection (1)
of section 2 of the Leeward Islands Act, 1956 applies shall be
modified to the extent specified in the Second Schedule in view
of the constitution of the Presidency of the Virgin Islands as a
separate Colony.

5. Rereat. The Acts sct out in the Third Schedule are
hereby repealed so far as they affect the Virgin Islands.

6. ComMMENCEMENT. These Regulations shall come into
operation on the first day of July, 1956.

"4 and 5 Eliz,2.C.23.



Part I

Cap. Short title Section

1 Bankruptcy Act 2



38 (6)

70 (1)





92 (2)




The whole section shall be deleted.

The words “or any Presidency thereof”
in the definition of the expression
“Government Officer” shall be deleted.

For the definition of the expression
“Treasurer” the following definition
shall be substituted —

“Treasurer” means the (Treasurer
of the Colony.

For the words “General Legislative
Council or of the Legislative Council or
Assembly of any Presidency” in para-
graph (a) the words “Legislative
Council” shall be substituted.

For the words “any Presidency” there
shall be substituted the words “the

The words “of the Presidency in which
the District is situated in which the
bankruptcy occurs” shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted,

The words “sitting in the district in which
the bankruptcy is proceeding” shall be

The words “in any district” and the words
“in his district” shall be deleted.
For the words “any Registrar” the words

“the Registrar” shall be substituted.

For the word “Registrars” the word
“Registrar” shall be substituted. The
words “, during the absence of a Judge
from the Colony”, shall be inserted
between the words “shall” and “have”.

For the words “such registrars” the words
“the Registrar” shall be substituted.

The Proviso shall be deleted.
The whole subsection shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.
Cap. Short title Section

1 Bankruptcy Act 94







137 (2)


For section 94 the following section shall
be substituted —

“94. (1) Proceedings in bankruptcy may
be transferred to or from any other
Circuit of the Court in accordance
with the provisions of rule 11 (which
relates to change of venue) of the
Rules made by the Chief Justice on the
24th day of September, 1941 under
section 16 of the Leeward Islands and
Windward Islands (Courts) Order in
Council, 1939.

(2) Subject to Rules of Court, if any
question of law arises in any bank-
ruptcy proceedings during the absence
of a Judge from the Colony, the
Registrar shall, at the request of either
party, state the facts in the form of a
special case for the opinion of a Judge,
and shall transmit the special case and
the proceedings or such of them as may
be required to a Registrar of the Court
in a Circuit where a Judge is resident.”

The words “of the district in which the
debtor resides” shall be deleted.

The whole subsection shall be deleted.

The second paragraph shall be deleted.

The word “General” shall be deleted.

For the words “General Legislature” the
words “Legislative Council” shall be

The words “of every bankruptcy district”
and the word “General” shall be

The words “in any bankruptcy district”

shall be deleted.
For the words “of the General Legislature,

or in any Act or Ordinance of the
Legislature of any Presidency”, there
shall be substituted the words “or

The words “of the Presidency” at the end
of the first paragraph shall be deleted.

The words “Act of the General Legis-
lature of any”, and the words “of the
Legislature of any Presidency men-
tioned in the Fourth Schedule” shall be

For the words “of any petition” the
words “or any petition” shall be sub-

Cap. Short title Section

1 Bankruptcy Act 137(2)



4 Contempt of Court 2




5 Courts of Justice 3
Fees Act.

7 Debtors Act 2

7 Debtors Act 19


The words “of the Presidency” shall

The words “of the Presidency”

The words “of the Presidency”

The words “Leeward Islands” in para-
graph 2 shall be deleted.

The definition of the expression
“Magistrate” shall be deleted.

For the words “Full Court” wherever
they appear the words “Court of
Appeal” shall be substituted.

For the words “Full Court” wherever
they appear the words “Court of
Appeal” shall be substituted.

For the words “Full Court” wherever
they appear the words “Court of
Appeal” shall be substituted.

The words “for the uses of the Presidency
wherein such case or cases of contempt
may have occurred” shall be deleted.


shall be

shall be

For the words “General Legislature” the
words “Legislative Council” shall be

The words “of the Presidency in which
they are respectively received” shall be

For the words “Separate accounts” the
words “An account” shall be substi-

The words “of each Presidency” shall be

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words “Persons committed under
this section” and all the words follow-
ing thereafter down to and including
the word “made” shall be deleted.

The words “in any Presidency of the
Colony” shall be deleted,

The words “or any part thereof” shall be

For the words “of the General Legisla-
ture, or under any Act or Ordinance of
any Presidency”, there shall be substi-
tuted the words “or Ordinance”.





p. Short title

Judgments Act

Mercantile Law
Amendment Act

Public Authorities
Protection Act

Registration and
Records Act,







The words “of the Circuit in which the
judgment is entered” shall be deleted.

A full-stop shall be substituted for the
semi-colon after the word “debtor”,

The words “and when the lands to be
affected by such application are situate
in any other Circuit, a copy of the ap-
plication shall also be filed in the
Registrar’s Office of such other Circuit”
shall be deleted.

The words “of the Circuit in which it is
filed” at the end of the section shall be

For the heading —
“In the Supreme Court of
The Leeward Islands
Presidency of
the following heading shall be substi-
tuted —
“In the Supreme Court of
The Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands
Virgin Islands Circuit.”
The words “Windward Islands and” shall

be inserted before the word “Leeward”
in the Note of Presentation.


For the words “by the same Judges, and
subject to the same conditions, as rules
of Court may be made under the pro-
visions of the Supreme Court Act” the
words “in the same manner as rules of
court for the Supreme Court may be
made” shall be substituted.

For the words “Federal Act or Local Act”
the words “Act or Ordinance” shall be

For the words “Federal Act and of any
Local Act” the words “Act. or
Ordinance” shall be substituted.

For the words “Federal and Local Acts”
in the marginal note the words “Acts
and Ordinances” shall be substituted.

For the words “any Record” wherever
these words appear in the definitions of
the expressions “Indices”, ‘Public
Records”, “Registered deeds and writ-
ings” and “ Registers”, the words “the
Record” shall in each case be substi-
Cap. Short title Section

20 Registration and 6
Records Act












The words “of the Circuit, in which the
land thereby affected is situate” shall
be deleted.

For the word “Circuit” the word “Colony”
shall be substituted.

The words “If executed in any other
Circuit in the Colony, within six months
after execution’; shall be deleted.

For the words “intended for registration
in the Circuit wherein they are
executed” the words “executed in the
Colony and intended for registration
therein” shall be substituted.

For the words “Circuit wherein regis-
tered” in the marginal note, the words
“Colony and registrable therein” shall
be substituted.

For the words “the Leeward Islands” the
words “the Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “any Record Office” the
words “the Record Office” shall be

For the words “Presidency in which such
deed is presented for registration” the
word “Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “Act of the Colony, for a
Registrar”, the words “Act or
Ordinance for the Registrar” shall be

The words “of the Leeward Islands” shall
be deleted.

For the word “Registrars” the
“Registrar” shall be substituted.


For the words “Chief Justice’ the word
“Registrar” shall be substituted.

For the words “General Legislature” the
words “Legislative Council” shall be

The words “in each Circuit”
they appear shall be deleted.


The words “of the Circuit in which such
office or place is situate” at the end of
the section shall be deleted.

For the words “several Record Offices”
the words “Record Office” shall be



Short title

Registration and
Records Act



32 (2)






Summary Jurisdiction 2



For the words “a Record Office” wherever
these words appear the words “the
Record Office” shall in each case be

For the words “General Legislature”
wherever these words appear the words
“Legislative Council” in each case shall
be substituted.

For the words ‘General Legislature”
wherever these words appear the words
“Legislative Council” shall in each case
be substituted.

For the word “Legislature” the word
“Council” shall be substituted.

For the words “General Legislature”
the words “Legislative Council” shall
be substituted.

In paragraphs (a), (f) and (g) for the
word “Offices” the word “Office” shall
in each case be substituted and in
paragraph (b) for the word “Regis-
trars” the word “Registrar” shall be

For the word “every” the word “the” shall
be substituted and for the words
“General Legislature” the words
“Legislative Council” shall be substi-

For the word “any” the word “the” shall
be substituted.

The words “of any Circuit” in the
definition of the expression “Bailiff”
shall be deleted.

The words “for the Circuit in which the
suit is brought or process is in force”
in the definition of the expression
“Clerk” shall be deleted,

The words “,and shall include a Deputy
Judge” in the definition of the ex-
pression “Judge” shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words “in each Circuit” shall be

For the words “Leeward Islands” the
words “Virgin Islands” shall be substi-

Cap. Short title Section

21 Summary Jurisdiction 7
Act (Contd.)






48 &



23 Unrepresented 2
Estates Act.


For the full-stop appearing after the
word “therewith” a colon shall be sub-
stituted and the following proviso
added to the said section :

“Provided that until such a seal is
available a stamp bearing the words
“Court of Summary Jurisdiction,
Virgin Islands”, and countersigned by
the Clerk may be used instead of such
a seal,”

The words “in each Circuit of the
Colony” shall be deleted.

After the word “Act” the words “or
Ordinance” shall be added,

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the word “Every” at the beginning of
the section the word “The” shall be

The words “for the Circuit, to which he
belongs” shall be deleted.

The words “any Circuit within” shall be

For the word “Circuit” the word “Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the words “Circuit in which the suit
is brought” the word “Colony” shall be

The whole of sections 48 and 49 shall be

For the words “The said writ’ the words
“A writ of execution” shall be substi-

For the words “The Leeward Islands”
wherever they appear in the headings
to the Forms the words “The Virgin
Islands” shall be substituted. The word
“Circuit” wherever it appears in the
headings to the Forms shall be deleted.

The words “(or Deputy Judge)” appear-
ing in Form No. 1 shall be deleted.

For the word “Circuit” where it appears
after the words “remove out of the” in
Form No, 3, the word “Colony” shall be

The words “of the Leeward Islands” in
the definition of the expression “The
Court” shall be deleted,

The words “every Circuit of” shall be


Cap. Short title Section
23. Unrepresented 4
Estates Act
24 Warrants of 2

Attorney Act

25 The (Colonial) West 2
Indian Court of

Appeal Act.
6(3) (ce)
26 Wills Act . 19
27 Accessories and 2
Abettors Act.

The words “in any Circuit” and the
words “of such Circuit” shall be

The words “of the Circuit” shall be

After the word “newspaper” the words
“(if any)” shall be added.

After the word “newspapers” the words
“(if any)” shall be added.

The words “of the Presidency” shall be

The words “or Commissioner” shall be

The words “in the Circuit wherein such
person dies” shall be deleted.

The words “Windward Islands and” shall
be inserted before the word “Leeward”
in the heading to Form 3.

The words “for the Circuit in which such
warrant of attorney was executed” shall
be deleted.

The words “for the Circuit in which such
cognovit actionem shall have been
given” shall be deleted.

For the word “Every” at the beginning of
the section the word “The” shall be

The definition of the expression “Full
Court” shall be deleted.

For the words “Circuit in which the trial
was held” the words “Supreme Court”
shall be substituted.

For the words “of the Circuit in which
the trial was held” in paragraph (c)
the words “of the Supreme Court” shall
be substituted.

The words “any Presidency of” in the
proviso shall be deleted.

For the word “Presidency” in the mar-
ginal note to the proviso the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “passed, or to be passed,
by the General Legislature” the words
“or Ordinance” shall be substituted.

For the words “passed, or to be passed, as
aforesaid” the words “or Ordinance”
shall be substituted.

For the words “passed or to be passed, as
aforesaid” the words “or Ordinance”
shall be substituted.
Short title


27 Accessories and
Abettors Act

28 Coinage Offences

29 Convicts’ Licences

Section Amendment

5 For the words “passed, or to be passed, as
aforesaid” the words “or Ordinance”
shall be substituted.

8 The whole section shall be deleted.

9 For the words “‘passed, or to be passed, as
aforesaid” the words “or Ordinance”
shall be substituted.

8 For the words
word “Colony”

9 For the words
word “Colony”

27 For the words

“Leeward Islands” the

shall be substituted.

“Leeward Islands”

shall be substituted.

“Leeward Islands”
word “Colony” shall be substituted.

28 For the words “Leeward Islands”
wherever these words appear the word
“Colony” shall in each case be substi-

31 The whole section shall be deleted,



2 The definition of the expressions “Chief
Inspector of Police” and “District” shall
be deleted.

In the definition of the expression
“Prison” the word “Ordinance” shall be
substituted for the word “Act”.

3(3) For the words “Colonial Secretary’s” the
word “Governor’s” shall be substituted.
For the words “Chief Inspector of Police”
the words “senior police officer in the

Colony” shall be substituted.

3(4) The whole subsection shall be deleted.

36) For the words “Presidency in which he
shall have been convicted, or in the
Presidency in which he shall have been
last imprisoned, according as _ the
Governor may determine” the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

5 For section 5 the following section shall
be substituted :—
“5. (1) Every licence holder shall —
(a) within forty-eight hours
after he is set at liberty
notify the place of his resi-
dence to the Magistrate and
as often as he shall change
his place of residence shall
within twenty-four hours
after such change notify
the Magistrate thereof ;


Short title Section Amendment
Convicts’ Licences 5 (b) once in every month report
Act (Contd.) himself and the place of his
residence to the senior
police officer in the Colony
and such report shall be
made at such time in the
month and either personal-
ly or by letter as such senior
police officer may from time

to time direct.
(2) It shall be the duty of every
senior police officer who receives
a report by letter to forward a
copy of the same to the Com-
missioner of Police for his in-


7 The words “any Island of” shall be

The words “, or any portion thereof”, shall
be deleted.

For the words “in any district” the word
“therein” shall be substituted.

The words “of the district in which such
place is situated” shall be deleted.

11 The words “of the General Legislature, or
of the Legislature of any Presidency of
the Colony” shall be deleted.

The words “the Colonial Secretary for the
information of” shall be deleted.

First For the words “LEEWARD ISLANDS”

Schedule the words “VIRGIN ISLANDS” shall

be substituted.

For the words “Governor and Commander
in Chief of the Colony of the Leeward
Islands” the words “the Administrator
of the Colony of the Virgin Islands”
shall be substituted.

For the words “Supreme Court of this
Colony” the words “Supreme Court in
this Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘the Colony of the Leeward
Islands” the words “the said Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the words “And I the said Governor”
the words “And I the said Administra-
tor” shall be substituted.

For the words “Government House in the
Island of” the words “the Administra-
tor’s Office at Tortola” shall be substi-
Short title


29 Convicts’ Licences
Act (Contd.)

30 Criminal Law 2(b)

Amendment Act


31 Criminal Procedure


2(1) (d)

8, 9,
10 & 11

56 (2)

56 (6)




In paragraph 4 of the Conditions of the
licence for the words “Governor, or
officer administering the Government
of the Leeward Islands” the word
“Administrator” shall be substituted.

The word “District” wherever it appears
in this Schedule shall be deleted.

The words “,not being a common pros-
titute or of known immoral character”,
shall be deleted.

For the words “Juvenile Offenders Pun-
ishment Act” the words “Corporal
Punishment Act, 1949” shall be substi-

For the expression “clause a” wherever it
appears in the provisos the expression
“paragraph (a)” shall in each case be

For the words “of the General Legis-
lature or any Act in force in any
Presidency of the Colony” the words
“or Ordinance” shall be substituted.

For the words “Act of the General
Legislature” the words “other Act or
Ordinance” shall be substituted.

The whole paragraph shall be deleted.

The whole subsection shall be deleted.

The words “the law officer, or the senior
law officer” and all the words following
thereafter down to the end of the sub-
section shall be deleted and the words
“the Legal Assistant” substituted there-

The whole of sections 8, 9, 10 and 11
shall be deleted.

For the words “Attorney General’ the
words ‘Legal Assistant” shall be sub-

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words “for the Circuit, district or
place to which the prisoner belongs”
shall be deleted,

The word “Circuit” shall be deleted.

For the words “Colonial Secretary” the
word “Administrator” shall be substi-
tuted and in the marginal note of this

For the word “appoinred” the
“appointed” shall be substituted.

After the word “Governor” the words “of
the Leeward Islands” shall be added.


Cap. Short title Section Amendment
31 Criminal Procedure 59 After the word “Governor” the words “of
Act. (Contd.) the Leeward Islands” shall be added.

The words “,or of the Colonial Secretary,
or of the Administrator or Com-
missioner of any Presidency,” shall be

62 For the words “Leeward Islands”
wherever they appear the word “Colony”
shall in each case be substituted.

For the words ‘with the Colony” the
words “within the Colony” shall be

33 Forfeited Recogni- 2 The words “in each Circuit of the Colony”
sances Act, shall be deleted.

For the words “every Circuit Court” the
words “the Court” shall be substituted.

q The word “the” before the word “prison”,
the words “of the Presidency wherein
the recognisance was entered into”, the
words “in the Circuit in which the
recognisance was entered into”, and the
words “within the Circuit” shall be
deleted. :

The words “next Circuit” in the marginal
note shall be deleted.

Schedule The words “Windward Islands and” shall
be inserted before the word “Leeward”
in the heading.

, The words “Virgin Islands” shall be
inserted before the word “Circuit” in
the heading.

For the words “of the Presidency of

” the words “at Road Town”
shall be substituted.

For the words “of our Circuit Court” the
words “the said Court” shall be sub-

For the words “the said Circuit Court”
the words “the said Court” shall be

34 Forfeiture Act 4 The words “of any Presidency of the
Colony, or of the General Legislative
Council of the Colony” shall be deleted.

28 For the words “His Majesty’s Attorney
General for the time being” and the
words “the Attorney General’ the
words “the Legal Assistant” shall in
each case be substituted.

Cap. Short title Section Amendment

36 Indictments Act 2 The word “First” shall be deleted.

3(1) For the words “Attorney General” the
words “Legal Assistant” shall be sub-

3(3) The word “General” in paragraph (a)
shall be deleted.

First The word “FIRST” in the heading shall
Schedule be deleted.

In paragraph (1) of Rule 2—

The words “Windward Islands and” shall
be inserted before the word “Leeward”.

The words “Virgin Islands” shall be in-
serted before the word “Circuit”.

The words “(Antigua, St. Kitts-Nevis, etc.,
as the case may be)” shall be deleted.
“LEGAL ASSISTANT” shall be substi-


In paragraph (2) of Rule 2 for the words
“Attorney General (or Crown Attorney”
wherever these words appear the words
“Legal Assistant” shall in each case be

In paragraph (1) of rule 5 for the
word “ommission” the word “omission”
shall be substituted.

In paragraph (2) of rule 6 for the
word “owing” the word “owning” shall
be substituted and the words “or any
Presidency” shall be deleted.

38 Larceny Act 119 For the words “over to the Treasurer of
the Presidency in which such fine or
penalty is payable” the words “into the
Treasury of the Colony” shall be sub-

39 Malicious Damage 62 For the words ‘Presidency where the
Act same shall have been imposed” the

word “Colony” shall be substituted.

40 Abolition of Mini- 2 For the words “of the Leeward Islands, or
mum Punishment any Presidency thereof” the words “or
Act Ordinance” shall be substituted.

41 Offences against the 9 For the words “Leeward Islands”
Person Act wherever these words appear the word

“Colony” shall in each case be substi-



Short title Section

Offences against the 9
Person Act









The words “Circuit, district, or place in
the’, and the words “in which such
death, stroke, poisoning, or hurt hap-
pens” shall be deleted.

For the words “that Circuit, district or
place” at the end of the section the
words “the Colony” shall be substi-

The words “of the Leeward Islands”
shall be deleted.

The words “,and any such offence” and
all the words following thereafter down
to and including the words “that Cir-
cuit, district, or place” shall be

For the words “Leeward Islands”
wherever these words appear the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “Any Magistrate in any
district” the words “The Magistrate of
any place” shall be substituted.

For the words “Presidency in which the
sum is paid” at the end of the section
the word “Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “any Presidency of the
Leeward Islands” the words “the
Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “such Presidency”
wherever these words appear in para-
graphs (a) and (b) the words “the
Colony” shall in each case be substi-

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency in which
such fine has been awarded, or directed
to be paid, for the public uses of such
Presicency” shall be deleted.

For the words “Circuits of the Leeward
Islands” the word “Colony” shall be

For the words “any of the said Circuits
in which the offender shall be appre-
hended, or be in custody” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “that Circuit” and the
words “such Circuit” the words “the
Colony” shall in each case be substi-

Short title Section



Perjury Act 3


For the words “Leeward Islands, or in

any Presidency thereof” the word

“Colony” shall be substituted.

4 For the words “Leeward Islands, or out

of any Presidency thereof”, and the
words “Leeward Islands, or in such
Presidency” wherever they appear the
word “Colony” shall in each case be

For the words “that Circuit, district, or

place where he has been apprehended,
or is in custody” at the end of the
section the words “the Colony” shall be

5 For the words “Leeward Islands, or in any

Presidency thereof” the word “Colony”
shall be substituted.

8 The whole section shall be deleted.

43 Post Office Offences 4





Rewards for the 4
Apprehension of
Criminals Act


47 Riot Act 4

After the word

The words



“Act” the words “or
Ordinance” shall be inserted and the
words “or any Presidency thereof”
shall be deleted.

The words “,or any Presidency thereof,”

in paragraph (a) and the words “or of
any Presidency of the Colony” in para-
graph (b) shall be deleted.

The words “,or of any Presidency of the

Colony of the Leeward Islands” at the
end of the section shall be deleted.

“of the Presidency within
which the same is placed or main-
tained”, and the words “of such
Presidency, as aforesaid”, shall be

words “of the Presidency wherein
the crime charged was committed”
shall be deleted.

the words “such Presidency” the
words “the Colony” shall be substituted.

the words “any District” the word
“the” shall be substituted.

For the words “Presidency or any part of

a Presidency where such assembly shall
be” the word “Colony” shall be substi-

5 For the words “every District” the word

“the” shall be substituted.
Short title
47 Riot Act 6


50 Banker’s Books 9
(Evidence) Act

51 By-Laws (Evidence) 2

52 Evidence Act 31
53 Executive Councils 2
(Evidence) Act
54 Gazette (Evidence) 2
56 Jury Act 2(1)



For the words “every District” the word
“the” shall be substituted.

The words “or of the Presidency or part
of a Presidency” where such assembly
shall be” shall be deleted.

For the words “a district Magistrate” the
words “the Magistrate” shall be substi-

For the word “Presidency” the word
“Colony” shall be substituted. The
words “or part of a Presidency where
such persons shall be so apprehended”
shall be deleted.

For the word “bank-holiday” the words
“public holiday” shall be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words “or the Administrator or
Commissioner of any Presidency” shall
be deleted.

The words “or of any Presidency thereof”
shall be deleted.

For the words “any of the Executive
Councils aforesaid” the words “the

Executive Council” shall be substituted.
The word “District” shall be deleted.

The definition of the expression “The

Gazette” shall be deleted,
The whole section shall be deleted.

The definitions of the expressions “Cir-
cuit Court” and “Magistrate” shall be

Tne words “of every Circuit, except the
Anguilla Circuit” shall be deleted.

For the words “Presidency in which he

serves” the word “Colony” shall be

The words “any of the following islands,

namely, Antigua, Saint Christopher,
Nevis, Montserrat, and” shall be

The words “in the Circuit in which he
resides” in paragraph (d) shall be

Short title

56 Jury Act





10(1) ¢b)







The words “any of the following islands,
namely, Antigua, Saint Christopher,
Nevis, Montserrat, and” shall be

The words “in the Circuit in which he
resides” shall be deleted.

The words “of every Circuit, other than
the Anguilla Circuit” shall be deleted.

For the word “Circuit” the word “Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the expression “a Registrar” the
words “the Registrar” shall be substi-

The words “by causing a copy thereof to
be inserted in, at least, one issue of a
newspaper circulating in the Circuit,
or, in the Gazette of the Presidency in
which the Circuit is situated, or’, shall
be deleted.

The words “of the Circuit” shall be

For the expression “a Registrar” the
words “the Registrar” shall be substi-

The words “in the Circuit” wherever
these words appear in subparagraphs
(i), di) and (iii) shall be deleted.

The words “in the Circuit” shall be

The words “of the Circuit” in subsections
(1) and (2) shall be deleted.

The words “of any Circuit”, and the
words “at the Circuit Courts of the
Circuit” in subsection (4) shall be

The words “of the Circuit stated in the
heading of the register’ shall be

The words “for the Circuit”, and the
words “for the Circuit in question” shall
be deleted.

The words: “for any Circuit” shall be

For the words “and serve at, the Circuit
Courts of the Circuit” the word “serve”
shall be substituted.

Cap. Short title


56 Jury Act


13(1) (a)

13(1) (bd)










The words “of the Circuit stated in the
heading of the register” shall be

For the word “Circuit” the word “Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the word “Circuit” the word “ Colony”
shall be substituted.

The words “for the same Circuit’ the
words “made in the same Circuit” shall
be deleted.

For the words “holding a Circuit Court
in any Circuit” the words “a sitting of
the Supreme Court” shall be substi-

For the words “Circuit Court in question”
at the end of the subsection the words
“said Court” shall be substituted.

The words “for any Circuit Court speci-
fied in the order” shall be deleted.

For the letter “a” appearing before the
word “Registrar” the word “the” shall
be substituted.

For the word “Circuit” the word “Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the words “the Circuit Court” the
words “a sitting of the Supreme Court”
shall be substituted.

For the expression “a Circuit” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

The word “the” shall be substituted for
the letter “a” appearing immediately
before the word “Registrar”.

The words “in that Circuit” in paragraph
(a) shall be deleted.


In paragraph ¢)) for the word “Circuit
the word “Colony”, and for the words
“to the Circuit Court” the words “for
a sitting of the Supreme Court” shall
respectively be substituted.

The word “the” shall be substituted for
the letter “a” appearing immediately
before the word ‘Registrar’.

For the words “a Circuit Court” the

words “the Supreme Court” shall be

The words

For the words “Circuit Court in question”
the words “the said Court” shall be

“of the Circuit’ shall be

Cap. Short title Section

56 Jury Act 17













The words ‘of the Circuit’, “of any
Circuit”, “of the same Circuit” respec-
tively shall be deleted.

For the letter “a” appearing immediately
before the word “Registrar” the word
“the” shall be substituted.

The words “of the Circuit in which the
trial is to be held”, and the word
“Circuit” respectively shall be deleted.

The words “of the Circuit, in which the
trial is to be held” shall be deleted.

The words “for the Circuit’ wherever
these words appear in paragraph (a)
shall in each case be deleted.

The word “Circuit” shall be deleted.

For the words “Circuit Court in the
Circuit” the words “sitting of the
Supreme Court” shall be substituted.

For the word “Circuit” in subparagraph
(Gi) of paragraph (b) the word “Colony”
shall be substituted.

In the proviso for the words “a Circuit
in” the words “the Colony in” shall be

The words “in such Circuit” shall be de-
leted and for the words “said Circuit”
the word “Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “Circuit Court” the words
“sitting of the Supreme Court” shall be

For the words “Circuit Court” the words
“sitting of the Supreme Court” shall be

For the words “Circuit Court” the words
“sitting of the Supreme Court” shall be

The word “Circuit” shall be deleted,

For the word “Circuit” the words
“sitting of the Supreme” shall be sub-

For the words “Circuit Court in the same
Circuit” the words “sitting of the Su-
preme Court” shall be substituted.
Cap. Short title

56 Jury Act





39 (3)



41 (3)


42 (3)





For the words “at a Circuit Court” the
words “a sitting of the Supreme Court”
shall be substituted.

For the words “a Circuit Court” the
words “the said Court” shall be substi-

For the word “Circuit” the word “Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the words “Circuit Court” the words
“sitting of the Supreme Court” shall be

For the word “Circuit” the words
“sitting of the said” shall be substituted.

For the words “a Circuit Court’ the
words “a sitting of the Supreme
Court” shall be substituted.

The words “for the Circuit in which the
fine is imposed” shall be deleted.

The words “who attended at the Circuit
Court at which such fine was imposed”
shall be deleted.

The whole subsection shall be deleted.

The words “for the Circuit in which the
fine was imposed” shall be deleted.

The words “at any Circuit Court’, and
the words “of the Circuit in which the
fine was imposed” respectively shall be

For the words “next Circuit Court in the
same Circuit” the words “the session of
the Court then in progress” shall be

For the words “last mentioned Circuit
Court” the words ‘‘said session” shall be

The words “of the Cireuit in which the
fine was imposed” shall be deleted.

The words “of the Circuit, in which the
proceeding is to be tried” shall be de-

For the words “Circuit in which the
proceeding is to be tried” the word
“Colory” shall be substituted.

The words “,in any Presidency”, shall be

For the words “Circuit Courts in that
Presidency” the words “Supreme Court”
shall be substituted,
Cap. Short title Section



56 Jury Act 47(2)







58 Exportation of 2
Arms and Warlike
Stores Act

cl Ma‘i trate’s Code 3
o: Procedure Act

For the words “Circuit Courts” the words
“the said Court” shall be substituted.

The words “of the Presidency to which
the rules apply” shall be deleted.

The words “in any Circuit” shall be de-

The words “of the Leeward Islands or of
any Presidency thereof”, the words
“Members of the General Legislative
Council of the Leeward Islands, and the
Clerk thereof”, and the words “of any
Presidency” respectively shall be de-

The words “for the Circuit” at the end
of the Notice shall be deleted.

For the words “Circuit of” the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “for District ” at
the end of the Schedule shall be de-

For the words “FOR THE CIRCUIT
COURT” the words “FOR THE SIT-
shall be substituted.

The words “or from any Presidency or
island thereof” shall be deleted.

The words ‘or from any Presidency or
island thereof” shall be deleted.

The words “or any Presidency or island
thereof” shall be deleted.

For the expression “a District” the word
“the” shall be substituted.

In the definition of the expression “Con-
viction” the words “or any Presidency
thereof” shall be deleted.

The definition of the expression “Magis-
trate” shall be deleted.

In the definition of the expression
“Offence” the words “or any Presidency
thereof” shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.


Cap. Short title Section
61 Magistrate’s Code 6(1)
of Procedure Act


For the words “a District Magistrate for
each of the _ districts hereinbefore
specified”, the words “a Magistrate for
the Colony” shall be substituted.

In the marginal note for the words
“District Magistrates’, the words
“Magistrate for the Colony” shall be

The words “for any District or Districts
of”, and the words “within the district
or districts for which he is appointed”
respectively shall be deleted.

For the words “vested in a _ District
Magistrate”, the words “vested in the
Magistrate” shall be substituted.

For the words “such district or districts
as aforesaid” the words “the Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the words “such District Magistrate”
at the end of the section the words
“the Magistrate’ shall be substituted.

For the word “Commissioner” the word
“Administrator” shall be substituted.

The words “of Montserrat, and” shall be

For the words “and the Resident
Magistrate at Anguilla, shall respec-
tively be ex-officio District Magistrate
for Districts I, J and K”, the words
“shall be ex-officio Magistrate of the
Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “a Magistrate for such
districts”, the words “the Magistrate
for the Colony” shall be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words “The District Magistrate”
at the beginning of the section the
words “The Magistrate” shall be sub-

The word “District” appearing imme-
diately after the word “upon” shall be

For the words “of the Leeward Islands or
of any Presidency thereof” the words
“or Ordinance” shall be substituted.

For the words “such District Magis-
trates” the word “Magistrates” shall be

For the words “such Act” the words “such
Act or Ordinance” shall be substituted.
Cap. Short title

61 Magistrate’s Code
of Procedure Act











The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words “any District Magistrate”
the words “the Magistrate” shall be

For the words “any such District Magis-
trate’, and the words “for a District
Magistrate’ the words “such Magis-
trate” respectively shall be substituted.

The word “District” shall be deleted.

The words “in any Presidency” and the
words “of such Presidency” shall be

For the words “any District Magistrate”,
and the words “a District Magistrate”
the words “the Magistrate’ shall in
each case be substituted.

For the words ‘“Magistrates’ Courts shall
be held in the several districts” the
words “the Magistrate’s Court shall be
held in the Colony” shall be substi-

For the words “any District” the word
“the” shall be substituted.

The word “District” shall be deleted.

For the words “Magistrates’ Courts in
each district shall be provided at the
expense of the Presidency or island in
which the district is situated’, the
words “the Magistrate’s Court shall be
provided in the Colony” shall be sub-

For the words “the Courts of District
Magistrates” the words “such Court”
shall be substituted.

For the words “Legislatures of the
Presidencies in which the districts of
such Magistrates are situated” the
words “Legislative Council” shall be

For the words “Every District Magistrate
shall be a Magistrate for the Colony.
But it is’ the words “It is” shall be

For the words ‘Act of the Colony or of
any Presidency thereof” the words “Act
or Ordinance” shall be substituted.

For the words “a District only” the
words “the Magistrate or an Additional
Magistrate” shall be substituted.
Cap. Short title

61 Magistrate’s Code

of Procedure Act







For the words “any Magistrate’ the
words “the Magistrate” shall be substi-

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words “Every District” the word
“The” shall be substituted.

For the word “Circuit” in paragraph (c)
the word “Supreme” shall be substi-

For the words “of the Colony or of any
Presidency thereof” in subparagraph
(i) of paragraph (d) the words “or
Ordinance” shall be substituted.

For the words “of the Colony or any
Presidency” in subparagraph (iii) of
paragraph id) the words “or Ordi-
nance” shall be substituted.

For the words “of the Colony or any
Presidency thereof” in paragraph (1)
the words ‘or Ordinance” shall be sub-

The words “of any Presidency” in para-
graph (o) shall be deleted.

For the word “Acts” in paragraph (p)
the word “acts” shall be substituted.
For the words “of the Colony or any
Presidency thereof” -the words “or

Ordinance” shall be substituted.

For section 36 the following section shall
be substituted :—

“36. Where any person has committed
or is suspected of having committed
any offence punishable on summary
conviction in or upon any ship, vessel
or boat —

(a) within the waters of the Colony, or

(b) without the waters of the Colony

and such ship, vessel or boat

subsequently anchors in or comes

within the waters of the Colony,
such offence may be heard and deter-
mined by the Magistrate, and any
summons or warrant issued by the
Magistrate in respect of the com-
mission or supposed commission of such
offence may be served or executed as
the case may be, on board such ship,
vessel or boat while, or on any subse-
quent occasion when, such ship, vessel
or boat is within the waters of the

Cap. Short title Section Amendment
61 Magistrate’s Code 39 The words “for the same Presidency”
of Procedure Act (Contd.) shall be deleted. ,
40 The words “any Presidency of’ shall be
41 For the words “the Inspector of Police of

the Presidency in which the act
charged has been committed” the words
“ag member of the Police Force” shall
be substituted.

The words “of the Presidency” shall be

42 The words “without being backed by any
other Magistrate in any other district
or Presidency” shall be deleted.

43 The whole section shall be deleted.

44 The words “in the Presidency in which

such warrant is issued” shall be deleted.
The words “in the Presidency” in the
marginal note shall be deleted.

45 For the words “an inspector of police or
any constable” the words “any member
of the Police Force” shall be substi-

4611) The words “of the same Presidency”
shall be deleted.

54 For the word “Circuit” the word
“Supreme” shall be substituted.

55 For the word “Circuit” the word
“Supreme” shall be substituted.

65 For the words “before the Circuit Court

which shall next be held after such
committal as aforesaid in the Circuit
in which the offence charged has been
committed” the words “to the next
sitting of the Supreme Court” shall be

For the words “holding of the Circuit
Court” the words “holding of the next
sitting of the said Court” shall be sub-

For the words “such Circuit Court” the
words “such Court” shall be substituted.

For the words “the Circuit Court next
following such Circuit Court as afore-
said” the words “the sitting of the
Supreme Court next following shall be

66-71 The whole of sections 66, 67, 68, 69, 70
and 71 shall be deleted.


Short title

61 Magistrate’s Code

of Procedure Act










156 (2)






For the words “Circuit Court before
which the accused person is to be
tried” the words “Supreme Court”
shall be substituted.

The words “of the Presidency in which
the preliminary inquiry has been held”
shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words “,or in the case of an
indictable offence committed out of the
Colony, to the prison of the Presidency
in which such warrant is issued”, shall
be deleted.

The words “of the same Presidency” shall
be deleted.

The words “or to complete the inquiry
before a Magistrate in some other
district” shall be deleted.

For the word “Presidency” the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “of the Circuit in which such
person as aforesaid has been committed
to take his trial” shall be deleted.

For the word “Circuit”? the word
“Supreme” shall be substituted.

The words “to be executed in the
Presidency’ and the words “within
Presidency” in the marginal note shall
be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.
The whole section shall be deleted.

The words “or any Presidency thereof”
wherever these words appear shall be

For the word “Presidency” the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “Legislature of the
Presidency in which they respectively
serve” the words “Legislative Council”
shall be substituted.

For the words “Presidency in which the
same shall have been received” the
word “Colony” shall be substituted.

Por the words “of the Colony or any
Presidency” the words “or Ordinance”
shall be substituted.


Short title

Magistrate’s Code
of Procedure Act
(Contd. )



















259 (3)



For the words “a Circuit Court” the
words “the Supreme Court’ shall be

The words “in the Circuit mentioned in
the said section” shall be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency” shall be

The words “of the Presidency” at the end
of the section shall be deleted,

For the words “any Magistrate within the
Presidency” the words “the Magistrate”
shall be substituted.

For the word “Presidency” the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “of the Presidency in which
the preliminary inquiry has been held”
shall be deleted.

For the word “Circuit” the word “Su-
preme” shall be substituted.

For the words “any Magistrate for the
same district” the words “such Magis-
trate” shall be substituted.

The words “for the same district” in the
proviso shall be deleted.

The words “for the same district” shall
be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency in which
they were taken” shall be deleted.

The words “acting for the same district”
at the end of the section shall be de-

The words “an inspector of police or”
shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words “Presidency or’ wherever
these words appear shall be deleted.
For the words ‘a Registrar of” the words

“the Registrar of” shall be substituted.

For the word “Colonial” the word “Chief”
shall be substituted.

For the words “Presidency or island in
which his district is situate for the pub-
lic use of such Presidency or island
except where otherwise provided by any
Act of the Colony or any Presidency
thereof” the words “Colony for the pub-
lic use of the Colony except where
otherwise provided by any other Act or

Fer the words “General Legislature” the
words “Legislative Council’ shall be
Cap. Short title Section

61 Magistrate’s Code 260
of Procedure Act

64 Obeah Act 3
65 Prevention of 2
Crimes Act
5 (2)




For the werds “in the Acts” the words
“in the Acts or Ordinances” shall be

For the words “Acts of the Colony or the
Presidencies thereof or of” the words
“Acts or Ordinances of the Colony or”
shall be substituted.

For the words “Act of the Colony or any
Presidency thereof” the words “Act or
Ordinance of the Colony” shall be sub-

For the words “future Acts as aforesaid”
the words “future Acts or Ordinances
as aforesaid” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘‘Act amending” the words
“Act or Ordinance amending” shall be

For the expression ‘a district” the word
“the” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘Whipping Act” the words
“Corporal Punishment Act, 1949” shall
be substituted.

For the words “any District” the word
“the” shall be substituted.

The word “District” shall be deleted.

In the definition of the expression “Chief
officer of police” for the words “Chief
Inspector” the word “Commissioner”
shall be substituted.

The words “inspector or sub-inspector of
the said force, or any” shall be deleted.

For the words “officer of police in any
Presidency of” the words “police officer
in” shall be substituted.

The words “of his district” at the end of
paragraph (a) shall be deleted.

For section 7 the following section shall
be substituted :—

“7. Every person subject to the
supervision of the police, who is at
large in the Colony, shall notify the
place of his residence or any change
thereof to the Chief officer of Police and
if such person be a male he shall once
in each month report himself at such
_ time as may be prescribed by the Chief
Officer of Police, either to such officer
himself or to such other person as the
Chief officer of Police may direct and
such report may accordingly as such
Chief officer of Police directs be required
to be made personally or by letter.”

Cap. Short title Section Amendment
65 Prevention of 8 The words “of the Presidency in which
Crimes Act such residence is situated” shall be de-
(Contd.) leted.
14 The words “A previous conviction” and

all the words following thereafter down
to and including the words “the Colony”
shall be deleted.

67 Small Charges 9 The words “Presidency or” shall be de-
Act leted.
34 The words “or any Presidency thercof”

in paragraphs (a) and (b) and the
words “or in any such Presidency” in
paragraph (b) shall be deleted.

Schedule For the words “in district in the Presi-
dency of” the words “at
in the Colony of the Virgin Islands”
shall be substituted.

For the words “for district” the words
“for the said Colony” shall be substi-

68 Small Tenements First For the words “Presidency (or island) of
Act Schedule “wherever these
words appear in the Forms bearing the
folowing captions — “Form of Notice

to quit under Section 3”, “Form of
Notice to quit under Section 4”, “Order
for Recovery of Land under Section 6”
and “Form of Warrant of Possession
under Section 7”, the word “Colony”
shall in each case be substituted.

For the words “Magistrate for District”
wherever these words appear at the end
of any Form the words “Magistrate of
the Colony” shall be substituted.

The word “District” wherever it appears
in any Form shall in each case be de-

For the words ‘in this Presidency”
wherever these words appear in the
Forms bearing the captions respectively
“Form of Summons under Section 5”
and “Form of appointment of estimat-
ors under Section 12” the words “in this
Colony” shall in each case be substi-

69 Small Trespass 8 For the words “whether Federal or local”
Act the words “or Ordinance” shall be sub-


Cap Short title Section
72 Commissioners for 3
Oaths Act
75 Alien Bankers Act 2
76 Aliens Land 4(1)
Holding Regu-
lation Act

79 Undesirable Persons 2
Expulsion Act

For the words “in the Presidency in which
it is executed” the words “which has
been executed in the Colony” shall be

The words “,in that Presidency,’ shall be

The words “in any Presidency or Circuit”
and the words “in and for such Presi-
dency or Circuit” shall be deleted.

The definition of the expression “Gov-
ernor in Council” shall be deleted.

For the words “General Legislature”
wherever these words appear in sub-
sections (4) and (5) the words “Legis-
lative Council” shall in each case be

For the words “federal or local Act” the
words “Act or Ordinance” shall be sub-

For the words “of the Circuit in which the
land in respect of which a licence is
granted is situate” the words “of the
Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “Colonial Secretary” the
word “Governor” shall be substituted.

After the words “Crown Suits Act” the
words “or by any Ordinance amending,
repealing or substituted for the same”
shall be added.

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words “a Circuit Court” the words
“the Supreme Court” shall be substi-

For the words “in the Presidency in which
such order was made” the words “for
the purpose of hearing the appeal” shall
be substituted.

The words “for the Presidency in which
the expulsion order was made” and the
second proviso to the subsection shall
be deleted.

For the words “a Circuit Court” the words
“the Supreme Court” shall be substi-

For the words “in the Presidency in which
the expulsion order was made” the
words “for the purpose of hearing the
appeal” shall be substituted.
Cap. Short title Section
79 Undesirable Per- 16
sons Expulsion
83 Local Constables 2
88 Emigrant Labour- 4(1)

ers Protection Act





For the words “specified in the Schedule
to the Supreme Court Act” the words
“for the time being in force for wit-
nesses in criminal proceedings in the
Supreme Court” shall be substituted.

For the word “Presidency” the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

The definition of the expression “District”
shall be deleted.

For the words “within a district” the
words “within the Colony” shall be sub-

For the words ‘Presidency in which such
district is situate” the word “Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the words “Presidency of” in para-
graph (b) the word “Colony” shall be

For the words “Presidency for which he
is appointed” the word “Colony” shall
be substituted.

For the word “Presidency” the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “for which such constable is
appointed” shall be deleted.

The words “district or” shall be deleted.

For the words “Presidency for which such
constable is appointed” the word “Col-
ony” shall be substituted.

For the words “inspector or sub-inspector
of police’ the words “police officer”
shall be substituted.

For the words “an inspector or sub-in-
spector of police from any Presidency”
the words “a police officer” shall be
substituted .

For the words “duties of an inspector or
sub-inspector” the words “duties of a
police officer” shall be substituted.

For the words “inspector or sub-inspec-
tor” wherever these words appear the
words “police officer” shall in each case
be substituted.




Short title

Emigrant Labour-

ers Protection Act


Guardianship of
Infants Act

Law of Property
Amendment Act

Partition Act

Recovery of
Rent Act

Settled Estates











For the words “inspector or sub-inspector
of police’ the words “police officer”
shall be substituted.

Tne words “any Presidency of” in para-
graph (a) shall be deleted.

For the words “an inspector or sub-
inspector of police’ in paragraph (b)
the words “a police officer’ shall be

For the words “of each Presidency” the
words “in the Colony” shall be substi-

For the words “by the same Judges, and
subject to the same conditions, as rules
of Court under the Supreme Court Act”
the words “in the same manner as rules
of the Supreme Court may be made”
shal be substituted.

For the words “of the Colony or of any
Presidency thereof” the words “or Ordi-
nance” shall be substituted.

In the definition of the expression
“Court” the words “of the Leeward Is-
lands” shall be deleted.

For the word “Acts” the word “law” shall
be substituted.

For the word “Acts” the word “laws”
shall be substituted.

For the word “Acts” the word “laws”
shall be substituted.

For the expression “a Registrar’ wherever
this expression appears the words “the
Registrar” shall in each case be sub-

The words “for the district in which is
situated the place whence such goods
and chattels were removed or the place
where the same are found,” shall he

For the words “of the General Legislature.
or of any Island Legislature” the words
“or Ordinance” shall be substituted.

For the words “by the Chief Justice with
the assistance of the Puisne Judges or
either of them” the words “in the same
manner as rules of the Supreme Court
may be mede” shall be substituted.

Short title


99 Title by Regis-
tration Act





18 (4)




The words “for the Circuit in which the
lands are situate’, and the words ‘for
the Circuit’’ wherever these words ap-
pear shall in each case be deleted.

For the words ‘“‘volumes for each Circuit”
the word “volume” shall be substituted.

The words “the Colonial Secretary, or to”,
the words “or Commissioner of the
Presidency in which the land is situate”,
the words “by the Colonial Secretary
or” and the words “or Commissioner as
the case may be” shall in each case be

The words “for the Circuit in which the
land is situate” shall be deleted.

The words “and also, in a Circuit in which
newspapers are published, by advertis-
ing in two issues of one or more cf
such newspapers” shall be deleted.

The words “or, where newspapers are
published, from the date of the first
appearance of such schedule in one or
other of such newspapers” shall we de-

For the words “Full Court” wherever these
words appear the words “Court of Ap-
peal” shall be substituted.

For subsection (4) the following subsec-
tion shall be substituted :—

“(4) All fees paid under this section
and all damages recovered under sub-
section (2) of section 19 of this Act
shall be paid into the Treasury for the
public uses of the Colony.”

The whole subsection shall be deleted.

The words “,with the consent of the Gov-
ernor,” shall be deleted.

For the words “Attorney General” the
words “Legal Assistant” shall be sub-

For the words “except that”
“and” shall be substituted.
After the words “Crown Suits Act” the
words “or any Ordinance amending, re-

the word

pealing or substituted for the same”
shall be added.

For the words “except that” the word
“and” shall be substituted.

For the words “Titles to Land Assurance
Fund” the words ‘general revenue ot
the Colony” shall be substituted.

The proviso shall be deleted.

Short title Section

Title by Regis- 19(2)
tration Act

35 (1)


105 (2)










For the words “Attorney General” wher-
ever these words appear the words
“Legal Assistant” shall be substituted.

For the words “of the General Govern-
ment” the words ‘of the Government”
shall be substituted.

The words “of any Presidency of the
Colony” shali be deleted.

For the words “may be served under the
Supreme Court Act” the words “of the
Supreme Court may be served” shall be

The second proviso shall be deleted.

The words ‘of the district in which the
land is situated” shall be deleted.

The words “for each Circuit” and the
words “for that Circuit” shall be deleted.

For the word “Registrars” in the marginal
note the word “Registrar” shall be sub-

The words “of the Colony” and the words
“in the various Circuits” shall be de-

For the word “Registrars” the word “Ree-
istrar” shall be substituted.

For the words “Legislatures of the seveval
Presidencies” at the end of the section
the words “Legislative Council” shall be

For the words “offices of the Registrars of
Titles in the different Circuits” the
words “office of the Registrar of Titles”
shall be substituted.

For the words “Fuil Court” the words
“Court of Appeal” shall be substituted.

For the words “Attorney General” wher-
ever these words appear the words
“Legal Assistant” shall in earch case be

For the words “the Circuit Court” the
words “a sitting of the Supreme Court”
shall be substituted.

For the words “under the Supreme Court
Act” in the expression “Enter Appeur-
ance” the words “in civil proceedings in
the Supreme Court” shall be substi-

The word “General” wherever it appears
in the expression “Indefeasible”’ shall
be deleted.

The words ‘,or any of the Presidencies
thereof’ in the expression “Licensed
Surveyor” shall be deleted,

Cap. Short title Section
99 Title by Regis- First
tration Act Schedule
102 Acts and 3

Ordinances Act.

The word “General” in
“Wote” shall be deleted,

the expression

For the words “under the Supreme Court
Act” in the expression “Notice to Pay
Off” the words “in civil proceedings in
the Supreme Court” shall be substituted.

For the last sentence of the expression
“Registry” the following sentence shal}
be substituted : “The Registry of the
Supreme Court shall be the Registry of
Titles to Lands.”

The words “in each Circuit”, and the
words “of the Colony” in the expression
“Seal of the Registrar of Titles” shall
be deleted,

The words ‘of the Leeward Islands” in
the expression “The Court” shall be de-

For the words “The Leeward Islands”
wherever these words appear in the
caption of any Form the words “The
Virgin Islands” shall be substituted.

The words “for the Circuit” wherever
these words appear in Forms 1, 2, 16,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26 shall in each
case be deleted.

The words “of the Circuit” wherever these
words appear in Forms 5, 6 to 13 inclus-
ive, 16, 17, 19, 22 and 25 shall be deleted.

The words “of the Colony of the Leeward
Islands” in Form 21 shall be deleted.

For the words “Colony of the Leeward
Islands” in Form 27 the words “Colony
of the Virgin Islands” shall be substi-

For the words “Full Court” wherever they
appear in Form 29 the words ‘Court of
Appeal” shall be substituted, and the
words “of the Leeward Islands” in this
Form shall also be deleted.

This section shall be renumbered °3(1)”.
The word ‘General’ shall be deleted.

The following subsection shall be added as
subsection (2) —
(2) In this section the word “Gov-
ernor”’ means the Governor of the Lee-
ward Islands.

Cap. Short title Section Amendment

102 Acts and 4 For the word “Act” the word “Ordinance”
Ordinances Act shall be substituted.

For the words “General Legislature” the
words “Legislative Council’ shall be

For the word “Acts” in the marginal note,
the word “Ordinances” shall be substi-

The word “General” shall be deleted.

For the words “Colonial Secretary shall”
the words “Administrator may” shall be

For the words ‘two hundred other copies
of each Act passed by the General Leg-
islature, and shall” the words “as many
copies of each Ordinance passed by the
Legislative Council as he may consider
necessary and may” shall be substi-

For the words “the Governor” the word
“he” shall be substituted.

For the word “Acts” in the marginal note
the word “Ordinances” shall be substi-

The words “the Colonial Secretary or”,
and the words ‘or Commissioner of the
Presidcicy in which the Court is held”
-shali in each case be deleted.

For the word “Acts” in the marginal note
the word “Ordinances” shall be substi-

For the words ‘Colonial Secretary” the
word “Administrator” shall be substi-
tuted, and for the word “Acts” where
this word uppears in this section and
in the marginal note the word “Ord-
inances” shall in each case be sub-

For the words “General Legislature” the
words “Legislative Council’ shall be

For section 9 the following section shall
be substituted :—

Cap. Short title Section Amendment
102. Acts and “Binding 9. At the close of each year, it shall
Ordinances and be the duty of the Administrator to
Act distribution cause volumes to be well and substan-
(Contd.) of Ordi- tially bound, containing true copies of
nances. every Ordinance passed in such year by

the Legisiative Council, and to cause
one such volume certified by him to
contain correct copies of the said Ordi-
nances, to be forthwith forwarded to
and lodged in the office of the Registrar
of the Supreme Court to be recorded
and enrolled therein.

The Administrator shall also furnish one
such volume to the Judge of the Su-
preme Court for the Virgin Islands Cir-
cuit to be kept in the Court of such
Judge; and shall in addition cause a
sufficient number of such volumes to be
bound to provide for the sale thereof to
members of the public.”

104. Marriage of 2(1) The words ‘‘a Presidency of" shall be de-
British Subject leted. :

(Facilities) Act For the words “that Presidency” at the

end of the subsection the words “the
Colony” shall be substituted.

2(2) The words ‘a Presidency of” shall be de-

For the words ‘that Presidency” wherever
these words appear the words “the
Colony” shall in each case be substi-

198 Married Women’s 2 The words “any Presidency of” shall be
Property Act deleted.

For the words “any Presidency” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

8 The words “any Presidency of” shall be
9 For the words “any Presidency” the words

“the Colony” shall be substituted.

10 The words “any Presidency of’’ shall be

42 The words ‘any Presidency of” shall be

20 The words “any Presidency of” shall be

Short title

116 Commissions of
Inquiry Act

118 Distressed Colon-
ial Seamen Act









The words “or of any local officer of any
Presidency,’ shall be deleted.

For the words “Colonial Secretary” at the
end of the section the word “Governor”
shall be substituted.

For the words “a Circuit Court” the words
“the Supreme Court” shall be substi-

For the words “a Circuit Court” wherever
these words appear the words ‘the Su-
preme Court” shall in each case be sub-

For the words “the Chief Inspector or any
other officer of the police force” thé
words ‘‘senior police officer in the Col-
ony” shall be substituted .

For the words “and Circuit Courts” the
word “Court” shall be substituted,

For the words “Presidency in which, or
in respect of which, the inquiry is held”
the word “Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “Attorney General’ the
words “Legal Assistant” shall be sub-

The definition of the expression ‘‘Treas-
urer” shall be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency to which
such ship shall belong” shall be deleted.

For the words “Presidency to which the
colonial ship belonged, on board of
which such seaman or apprentice last
served" the word ‘‘Colony” shall be sub-

For the words “Presidency to which the
colonial ship belonged, on board of
which such seaman or apprentice last
served,” the word “Colony” shall be sub-

The words “the Presidency of” and the
words “to which the colonial ship
wherecn such colonial seaman or ap-
prentice was last employed belonged”
shall be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency to which
the colonial ship belonged, on which
such distressed seaman or apprentice
last served,” shall be deleted.

For the words “said Presidency” the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.
121 Public Notices 2
122. ~=Silver Dollars 2
123 =Post Office Act 2

In the definition of the expression “Local
hewspaper” for the words “any news-
paper” the words “a newspaper (if
any)” shall be substituted.

The words “any Presidency of” shall be

For the words “Act past before” the words
“Act or Ordinance passed before or
after” shall be substituted.

For the words “such Act” the words “such
Act or Ordinance” shall be substituted.

The words “may apply to any one or more
Presidencies and” shall be deleted.

The words “(if any)” shall be inserted
between the words “newspaper” and

The words “any Presidency or part of”
shall be deleted.

The words “a Presidency of” and the
words “same Presidency or” in the defi-
nition of the expression “Inland postal
packets” shall be deleted.

For the words “several Presidencies where-
in such offices are situate’ the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

The whole section shall be deleted,

The words “each Presidency of” shall be

For the words “such Presidency” the
words “the Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “of the several Presidencies”
and the words “in the several Presi-
dencies” shall be deleted.

The words “each of the Presidencies com-
prised in” the words “and of each and
every the other Presidencies of the Col-
ony,” and the words “,on behalf of each
Presidency” shall be deleted.

The words “of the several Presidencies”
and the words “,any local Act or Or-
dinance to the contrary notwithstand-
ing,” shall be deleted.
Cap. Short title Section Amendment

123. Post Office Act ll For section 11 the following section shall
(Contd.) be substituted :—

“Appoint- 11. It shall be lawful for the Gov-

ment of ernor on behalf of Her Majesty from

postmas- time to time to appoint a postmaster

ter. for the Colony at such salary as may

be approved by the Secretary of State,
and until an appointment is made un-
der this section the person for the time
being holding the office of Administrator
shall be ex officio postmaster of the

12 For the words “several postmasters” the
word “postmaster” shall be substituted.

14 The words “any of the Islands of” shall
be deleted.
15(1) The words “each of the several Islands of”

shall be deleted.

18(1) The words “the several Presidencies otf”
shall be deleted.

18(2) The words “any Presidency of” shall be

18(4) For the words “Presidency where the same
shall happen” the word ‘‘Colony” shell
be substituted.

24 The words “from parts beyond the limits
of any island of the Colony” and the
words “in any such island” shall be de-

29 The word “General” appearing before the
word “Legislative” in this section and
in the marginal note shall in each case
be deleted .

The words “of the Colony” shall be de-

Schedule The worc “Tortola” shall be deleted.

14‘ Telephones Act 3 For the words “of the Leeward Islands
Acts” the words “any Act or Ordinance”
shall be substituted.

135 Stamp Act 2 For the words “extend to the Virgin Is-
lands, except so far as the Governor
shall, from time to time, by Order in
Council direct” the words ‘come into
operation until the Governor by Order
in Council shall so direct” shall be sub-



Short title

Stamp Act










In the marginal note for the words “apply
to Virgin Islands except as” the words
“come into operation until’ shall bé

For the words ‘of the Leeward Islands”
in the definition of the expression
“Postage rates” the words “or Ordi-
nance” shall be substituted.

For the words “of the Leeward Islands”
in the definition of the expression
“Stamp duties” the words “or Ordi-
nance” shall be substituted.

The definition of the expression ‘“Trea-
surer” shall be deleted.

The proviso shall be amended by the
deletion of the words “in each or any
Presidency”, and of the words “, and not
withstanding” and all the words follow-
ing thereafter down to the end of the

The words “Orders or rules may be made
to extend to the whole Colony or to one
or more Presidencies thereof, and all’
shall be deleted.

For the words “several Treasuries and
Post offices of the respective Presiden-
cies” the words “Treasury or Post Office”
shall be substituted.

After the words “other Act” the words “or
Ordinance” shall be added.

The words “of any Presidency of” shall
be deleted.

For the words “any Treasurer is applied
to to” the words “an application is made
to the Treasurer to” shall be substi-

After the word “and” the word “he” shall
be added.

For the word “such” the word ‘‘the” shall
be substituted.

The words “any part of” shall be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency in which
the Court is held” shall be deleted.

The words “of any Presidency” shall be

For the word “any” in paragraph (a) the
word ‘“‘the”’ shall be substituted, ard for
the words “the assessment of that
Treasurer” the words “such assessment”
shall be substituted.


Short title

Stamp Act.




23 (1)

23 (2)






33 (1)





The words “of any Presidency’ shall be

For the words ‘‘any Treasurer” the words
“the Treasurer” shall be substituted.

The words ‘“,and shall be heard at the
next Circuif Court holden for the Cir-
cuit in which the place is situate at
which such assessment was made,”
shall be deleted.

For the words “of the Supreme Court”
the word “thereof” shall be substituted.

The words “in the same or any other
Presidency” shall be deleted.

The words “any Presidency of’ shall be

The words “of the Presidency of the Col-
ony” and all the words following there-
after down to and including the word
“executed” at the end of the subsection
shall be deleted.

The whole subsection shall be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency in which
they are issued” shall be deleted.

The words ‘or either of the Crown At-
torneys” wherever these words appear
shall in each case be deleted.

For the words ‘any Treasurer” the words
“the Treasurer" shall be substituted.

For the words “any Treasurer’ the words
“the Treasurer” shall be substituted.

The words “of any Presidency” shall be

The whole section shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words “or any part thereof” shall be

For the word “any” wherever this word
appears before the word “Treasurer” the
word “the” shall in each case be sub-

The words “of the Presidency in which
it is executed” shall be deleted.

The words “or the Officer Administering
the Government of the Presidency’
shall be deleted.
Cap. Short title Section
135 Stamp Act 77
187 Bills of 14

Exchange Act





For the words “by the same Judges, and
subject to the same conditions, as rules
of Court under the provisions of the
Supreme Court Act” the words “in the
same manner as rules of the Supreme
Court may be made” shall be substi-

The words “of the Presidency wherein
such estate is situate” shall be deleted.

After the words “Crown Suits Act” the
words “or any Ordinance amending, re-
pealing or substituted for the same”
shall be added.

In paragraph (b) of the expression “Af-
fidavit or Statutory Declaration” the
words “of any Presidencv”’ shall be
deleted, and for the words “such Treas-
urer” the word “him” shall be substi-

The words “or of the Presidency,” in the
expression “Attestation of Signature”
shall be deleted.

The expression “Bank Notes” and all the
words relating thereto shall be deleted.

The words “or any Presidency thereof,”
and the words “in any such Presidency”
in the expression “Exemplification”
shall in each case be deleted.

For the words “any Presidency” in para-
graph c. of the expression “Warrant of
Attorney of any other kind” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “or of any Presidency thereof”
in paragraph d. of the said expression
shall be deleted.

In subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (a) for
the words “bank holiday” the words
“public holiday” shall be substituted,
and for the words “Bank Holidays Act”
the words “Public Holidays Act” shall
be substituted.

The following paragraph shall be substi-
tuted for paragraph (b) —

“(b) A public holiday under the Pub-
lic Holidays Act.”

The words “or in any Presidency of the
Colony” in paragraph (a) shall be de-

Fot the word “Leeward” the word “Virgin”
shall be substituted.

The words “in the Presidency of” shall

be deleted.

Cap. Short title

139 ~=Bills of Sale Act

Companies Act












The words “for each Circuit” shall be

For the words “by the like Judges, in the
like manner, and subject to the like
conditions as rules under and for the
purposes of the Supreme Court Act”
the words “in like manner as rules of
the Supreme Court may be made and
altered” shall be substituted.

For the definition of the expression “Act
of the Colonial Legislature” the follow-
ing definition shall be substituted—

“Act of the Colonial Legislature”
shall be taken to mean any Act
or Ordinance in force in the

The words “of the Presidency of Antigua”
shall be deleted.

For the words “Presidency in which the
registred office wf the Company is
situated” the word “Colony” shall be

The words “of the Presidency wherein the
order shall be made” shall be deleted.

For section 205 the following section shall
be substituted—

“205. Rules for the purposes of this
Act may from time to time be made in
like manner as Rules of the Supreme
Court may be made, and, subject to any
such rules, the Rules of the Supreme
Court for the time being in force shall
apply to and govern the practice and
procedure in the winding up of com-
panies by the Court.

For the words “the Leeward Islands”
wherever these words appear in regula-
tion 51 of Table A the words “the
Virgin Islands” shall be substituted.

For the words “the Leeward Islands” in
Article 24 of Articles of Association in
Form B the words “the Virgin Islands”
shall be substituted.



Cap. Short title

Copyright Act

Merchandise Marks


Notaries Public Act

Patents Act









The word “Federal’’ shall be deleted.

After the word “under” the words “the
Treasury Ordinance, 1892” shall be in-

The whole of paragraphs (a), (b). (d)
and (e) shail be deleted.

The words “according to the Presidency
into which the copies are imported"
shall be deleted.

For the words “such Ordinance or Act”
the words ‘“‘the said Ordinance” shall
be substituted.

The words “The Federal Treasurer shall
ccmmunicate any notice given to him
under this subsection to the Treasurer
of each of the Presidencies” shall be

For the words “any of the local Acts or
Ordinances mentioned in the preceding
sub-section” in subsection (2) the words
“the aforesaid Treasury Ordinance,
1892” shall be substituted.

The words “of the Presidency into which
such copies may be imported” shall be

The words “of the Presidency” in sub-
section (5) shall be deleted.

The word “Federal” wherever this word
appears in subsection (6) shall in each
case be deleted.

The words “and any Presidency thereof”
shall be deleted.

The words “in each of the Presidencies”
shall be deleted.

For the words “in that Presidency” the
words “in the Colony” shall be sub-

The words “of the Presidency in which
he resides at at the time of such ap-
pointment” shall be deleted.

The word “Chief” shall be deleted.
The words “of the Colony” shall be deleted.

The word “Chief” in the definition of the
cxpression ‘Registrar’ shall be deleted.

For the words “City of St. John in the
Presidency of Antigua” the words
“Town of Road Town” shall be substi-

Cap. Short title Section Amendment
147 Patents Act 6(2) For the words “the Attorney General” the
(Contd.) words “a Judge in Chambers” shall be

6(3) For the words “Attorney General” the
word “Judge” shall be substituted.

8(2) For the words “the Attorney General” the
words “a Judge in Chambers” shall be

8(3) For the words “Attorney General” the
vord “Judge” shall be substituted.

8(5) For the words “the Attorney General” the
words “a Judge in Chambers” shall be

9 For the words “at any time between the
hours of 10 a.m., and 4 p.m. on all work-
ing days, except Saturdays when the
hours shall be from 10 a.m., to 1 p.m.”
the words “during office hours” shall
be substituted.

10(3) For the words “the Attorney General” the
words “a Judge in Chambers” shall be

10(4), For the words “Attorney General wher-
(5), (6) ever these words appear in the said
subsections the word “Judge” shall be


12(2) For the words “the Attorney General”
wherever these words appear in para-
graph (a) the words “a Judge in
Chambers” shall in each case be sub-

20(3) For the words “the Attorney General” the
words “a Judge in Chambers” shall be

20(4) For the words “Attorney General’ the
word “Judge” shall be substituted.

20(6) For the words “the Attorney General” the
words “a Judge in Chambers” shall be

20(7) For the words ‘Attorney General” the
word “Judge” shall be substituted.

28(4) For the words “Attorney General” wher-
ever these words appear in paragraphs
(a) and (bp) the words “Legal Assistant”
shall in each case be substituted.

39 For the words ‘Presidency or island” the
word “part” shall be substituted.
41 For the words ‘the Registrar or the At-

torney General, they or either of them”
the words “a Judge or the Registrar,
the Registrar” shall be substituted.


Cap. Short title Section Amendment
147. Patents Act 42 For the words “The Attorney General’
(Contd, may” the words “A Judge may” shail

be substituted.

For the words “Attorney General” wher-
ever these words appear in the other
parts of the section the word “Judge’’
shall in each case be substituted.

For the words “Attorney General” in the
marginal note the word “Judge” shall
be substituted.

45(1) For the words ‘Colonial Secretary”
wherever these words appear the word
“Governor” shall in each case be sub-

45 (2) For the words “Colonial Secretary" and
the words “Colonial Secretary for the
time being” the word “Governor” shall
respectively be substituted.

45 (3), (4), For the words “Colonial Secretary” wher-

(5), (6), ever these words appear in the said sub-
(7), (8), sections, the word “Governor” shall in
(G) & (11) each case be substituted.

45(5) The words “,or of the Attorney General”
shall be deleted.

45 (12) For the words “Colonial Secretary” the
word “Governor” shall be substituted.
The words “,with the sanction of the
Governor” shall be deleted.

First For the words “City of St. John in the
Schedule Presidency of Antigua” in the Note to
Form A the words “town of Road Town”
shall be substituted,
For the words “His Excellency (here in-
sert the name of the Governor)

Governor and Commander in Chief in
and over the Colony of the Leeward
Islands” in the heading to Form D the
words “His Honour Administrator of
the Cslony of the Virgin Islands” shall
be substituted.

For the words “Leeward Islands” in the
second recital in Form D the words
“Virgin Islands” shall be substituted.

For the words “Governor of the Colony”
the word “Administrator” shall be sub-

148 Registration of 2 For the words “Chief Registrar’ in the
United Kingdom definition of the expression “Registrar”
Patents Act the words “Registrar of the Supreme

Court” shall be substituted.
Cap. Short title

149 Pawnbrokers Act

150 Trade Marks Act






23 (2)




151 Trustee Act

152 Trustee Relief




For the word “Bank” in paragraph (d)
the word “Public” shall be substituted.

The words “for the use of the Presidency
in which the prosecution takes place”
shall be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency in which his
shop is situate” shall be deleted.

The whole of the expression ‘‘Governor”
shall be deleted.

The word “Chief” in the definition of
the expression “Registrar” shall be
deleted. .

The words “,and such fees shall be levied
and paid rateably to the Treasuries of
the several Presidencies in the same
proportions as the several Presidencies
contribute to federal expenditure” shall
be deleted.

The word “Chief” shall be deleted.
The word “Chief” shall be deleted.

For the words “General Legislature”
wherever these words appear the words
“Legislative Council” shall in each case
be substituted.

For the words “Bank Holidays Act” the
werds “Public Holidays Act” shall be

For the words “General Legislature”
wherever these words appear in sections
(4) and (5) the words “Legislative
Council” shall in each case be substi-

For the words “St. John, Antigua” the
words “Road Town, Tortola” shall be

For the words "the Act of the Leeward
Islands, and the Acts of any Presidency
thereof” the words “any Act or Ordin-
ance of the Colony” shall be substitu-

The word “Chief” shall be deleted.

For the words “one of the Registrars” the
words “the Registrar” shall be substi-

The words “any Presidency of” shall be
Short title

Cap. Section

153 Trustee and Mortgagee 2

154 Weights and Measures 2








155 Receivers of Wreck 28



For the words ‘Leeward Islands” the
word “Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “Leeward Islands” the
word “Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “of each and every of the
Presidencies’ in the definition of
“Treasurer” and “Treasury” shall be

The words “,with respect to any Presi-
dency named in such order,” and the
words “in any Presidency named in
such order” shall be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency to which
such order relates,” shall be deleted.

The words “each and every of the Presi-
dencies of” shall be deleted.

The words “of each Presidency” shall be

The words “of each Presidency” the
words “in the Presidency to which they
relate’, and the words “of that Presi-
dency” shall be deleted,

For the words “in use in the Presidency”
the words “in use in the Colony” shall
be substituted.

For the words “appointed for the Presi-

dency” the words “appointed for the
Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “of each Presidency” shall be

The words “,or the Administrator or
Commissioner of any Presidency,” shall
be deleted.

For the word “non-nomissioned” the
word “non-commissioned” shall be sub-

The words “of the Presidency wherein
such wreck was found” shall be deleted.

The words “any district in”, and the
words “in which a port of entry is
situate” shall be deleted,

Parr II

No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment

8/1928 Friendly Societies 2 For the definition of the expression “Sav-
Act, 1928 ings Bank” the following definition shall
be substituted :—

“Savings Bank” means the Savings
Bank established under the Sav-
ings Bank Ordinance, 1937 (No.

3(2) For the words “Chief Registrar’ the
words ‘Registrar of the Supreme Court”
shall be substituted.

93(1) For the words “General Legislature” the
words “Legislative Council” shall be

9/1929 Legitimacy Act, 4 For the words “Attorney General” wher-
1929 ever these words appear in subsections
(4) and (5) the words “Legal Assistant”

shall in each case be substituted.

8 For the words “Federal or Local Act” the
words “Act or Ordinance” shall be sub-

Schedule The words “of any Presidency” and the
words “in the Presidency” in paragraph
1 shall be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency in which
the birth of such legitimated person is
registered” in paragraph 2 shall be

The words “of any Presidency” and the
words “in the Presidency” in paragraph
3 shall be deleted.

The words “of any Presidency” in para-
graph 5 shall be deleted.

10,1929 Emigrants Protec- 2 For the word “Presidency” in the defini-
tion Act, 1929 tion of the expression “Senior police
officer” the word “Colony” shall be sub-


9(1) For the words “any Presidency” and the
words “the Presidency” the words “the
Colony” shall in each case be substi-

9(2) For the words “any Presidency” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

9(3) The words “of the Presidency” wherever
these words appear shall in each case
be deleted.

11 The words “of the Presidency” shall be

No. and



Short title Section

Emigrants Protec- 13
tion Act, 1929











Overseas Nurses’ 2
Pensions Act, 1927,
Amendment Act, 1929


The words “of the Presidency” where
these words appear after the words
“Treasury” and “Governor in Council”
respectively shall be deleted.

For the words “cost of the Presidency”
the words ‘cost of the Colony” shall be

The words “of the Presidency” wherever
these words appear shall in each case
be deleted.

For the word “Presidency” the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “of the Presidency” wherever
these words appear shall in each case
be deleted.

The words “or any Presidency thereof”
in paragraph (b) shall be deleted.

In paragraph (c) for the word ‘“Presi-
dency” the word “Colony” shall be sub-
stituted and for the words “any Presi-
dency” the words ‘“‘the Colony” shall be

The words “of the Presidency” shall be

For the words “the Presidency” wherever
these words appear the words “the
Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “or any Presidency thereof”
shall be deleted.

For the words “Presidency in which he
was recruited” the word “Colony” shall
be substituted.

The words “or any Presidency thereof”
shall be deleted.

For the words “any Presidency” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “the Governor or by” and the
words “or Commissioner’ shall be de-

For the word “Leeward” in Form II the
word “Virgin” shall be substituted .

For the word “Presidency” and the words
“Leeward Islands” in Form III the word
“Colony” shall in each case be sub-

For the word “Presidency” in the Note to
Form III the word “Colony” shall be

The words ‘or of any Presidency thereof”
and the words “or any Presidency
thereof” shall be deleted.
5, 1930









Short title

Summary Jurisdic-

tion Act, Amendment

Act, 1930

Jury Act, 1930

Stamp Act Amend-
ment Act, 1930

Emigrants Protec-
tion Act, 1929,

Amendment Act, 193)
Companies (Amend-

ment) Act, 1932

Estates (Amend-
ment) Act, 1932

Registration and

Records (Amendment)

Act, 1932

Courts of Justice
Fees (Amendment)
Act, 1932

Receivers of Wreck
(Amendment) Act,

Distressed Seamen
(Amendment) Act,

Foreign Merchant
Shipping (Agree-
ments) Act, 1932








The words “at the following times, that
is to say” and all the words following
thereafter down to and including the
word “issues” shali be deleted.

The whole of paragraph (b)


For the words ‘‘a Circuit Court” the words
“the Supreme Court” shall be sub-

The words and figure ‘“(1) Section 78 is
hereby repealed” and all the words
following thereafter down to and includ-
ing the words “or held” in subsection (2)
shall be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency” shall be

shall be

The word “Chief” shall be deleted.

The words “oz Antigua to the account of
the General Government” shall be de-

For the words “Presidency concerned” the
word “Colony” shall be substituted.

The werds ‘or otherwise contrary to the
provisions of section 30 of the Supreme
Court Act,” shall be deleted.

For the words “Treasurers of the respec-
tive Presidencies” the word “Treasurer”
shall be substituted.

The words “of each Presidency”, the words
“in such of the islands of the Colony
as he shall deem fit” and the words “in
such island” shall in each case be de-

The words ‘‘a Presidency or’ and the
words “,as the case may be,” shall be

For the words ‘such Presidency or Colony
aforesaid” the words “the aforesaid
Government” shall be substituted.

The words “Colonial Secretary” and the
words “or Commissioner” shall be de-

The whole of the definition of the ex-
pression “said Presidency” shall be de-
No. and

Year Short title Section Amendment,

20/1932 Foreign Merchant 5 The words “the said Presidency, or” shall
Shipping (Agree- be deleted.
ments) Act, 1932


q The words “in the said Presidency, cr
should special circumstances necessitate
such a course,” shall be deleted.

9 For the words “said Presidency or the
Colony as the circumstances of each
case shall necessitate’ the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

10 The words “Colonial Secretary” and the
words “or Commissioner” shall be de-

21/1932 Title by Registra- 4 The words “or otherwise contrary to the
tion (Amendment) provisions of section 30 of the Supreme
Act, 1932 Court Act’” shall be deleted.

25/1932 Summary Jurisdic- 2 The whole section shall be deleted.
tion (Amendment)

Act, 1932

26/1932 Magistrate’s Code of 8 Paragraph (a) shall be deleted.
Procedure (Amend-
ment) Act, 1932

10 Paragraph (b>) shall be deleted.

2/1934 Arbitration (Foreign 5 For the words “Leeward Islands” the
Awards) (Amend- words “Colony of the Virgin Islands”
ment) Act, 1934 shall be substituted.

The words ‘under section 37 of the
Supreme Court Act (Cap. 22)” shall be

10/1935 Protection of 71) The word “Commissioned” shall be de-
Animals Act, 1935 leted.

8/1936 Pilgrim Holiness Preamble The last Recital shall be deleted.
Church Act, 1936

3 The whole section shall be deleted.

10(1) The words “of each Circuit of the Colony
in which the property affected is
situate” shail be deleted.

Schedule The whole Schedule shall be deleted.
11/1937 Workmen’s Compen- 2(1) In the definition of the expression “Em-
sation Act, 1937 ployer” the words ‘or of any Presidency
thereof" shall be deleted.

In the definition of the expression “Reg-
istrar” the words ‘in the Presidency
wherein any matter under this Act
arises” shall be deleted.

10(1) For the words “Presidency wherein the
accident occurred,” in proviso (a) and
proviso (b) the word “Colony” shall in

\. each case be substituted.

No. and

Year Short title

11/1937 Workmen’s Com-
pensation Act,
1937 (Contd.)

14/1937 The Criminal Proce-
dure Act, 1937
16/1937 Police Officers

(Change of Titles)
Act, 1937

22/1937 Dangerous Drugs











The words “or of any Presidency thereof”
wherever these words appear shall be

For the words “any Presidency” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

For the word “Presidency” the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.
For the word “Presidency” the word

“Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “Full Court” wherever these
words appear the words “Court of Ap-
peal for the Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands” shall in each case be

The whole section shall be deleted.

For the words “Attorney General”
wherever these words appear the words
“Legal Assistant” shall in each case be

For the words “Attorney General’ the
words “Legal Assistant” shall be sub-

For the words “Attorney General”
wherever these words appear the words
“Legal Assistant” shall in each case be

For the words “Attorney General” the

words “Legal Assistant” shall be sub-

The words “of the Colony” shall be de-

For the words “Federal Act” the words
“Act ov Ordinance” shall be substitu-

The following definition shall be substi-
tuted for the definition of “Prescribed
Port” in paragraph (v)—

“Prescribed Port” means the Port of
Road Town in the Colony.

The whole of paragraph (y) shall be de-


The whole section shall be deleted.
The whole section shall be deleted.

For the word “Leeward” wherever this
word appears in Form A the word
“Virgin” shall in each case be substi-

No. and

Year Short title Section
23/1937 Dangerous Drugs First
Act Schedule
23/1937 Dangerous Drugs First
Act, 1937 Schedule
31/1937 Medical Act, 2
3, 4, 5, 6,
7 and 8


The words “Presidency of” shall be de-

For the word “Leeward” in Form B the
word “Virgin” shall be substituted.
For the words “Presidency of” in para-
graph 3 of the “General Conditions” in
Form B, the word “Colony” shall be
substituted, and for the words “said
Presidency” the word “Colony” shall be


For the word “Leeward” in Form C the
word “Virgin” shall be substituted.
The words “Presidency of” shall be de-


For the words “Presidency of” in para-
graph 3 of Form C the word “Colony”
shall be substituted, and for the words
“Leeward Islands” the word “Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the word “Leeward” in Form D the
word “Virgin” shall be substituted,

The words ‘Presidency of” in the caption
of this Form shall be deleted.

For the words “Presidency of” in the
Licence for removal of dangerous drugs
intransit the word “Colony” shall be

For the word “Leeward” in Form E the
word “Virgin” shall be substituted.
The words “Presidency of” in the caption

of this Form shall be deleted.

For the words “Presidency of” wherever
these words appear in the Diversion
Certificate the word “Colony” shall in
each case be substituted.

The definition of the expression “Medical
Board” shall be deleted.

The whole of sections 3 to 8 inclusive
shall be deleted.

The words “specifying the medical regis-
tration district in which he desires to
practise” shall be deleted.

For the words “the Medical Board of the
medical registration district in which
the applicant desires to practise’, and
the words “such Board” the words “the
Governor” shall in each case be substi-

The whole section shall be deleted.
No. and

Year Short title Section Amendment
31/1937 Medical Act, 1937 18(1) For the words “or, after due inquiry is

‘Contd.) adjudged by a Medical Board” the
words “or after due inquiry by a Com-
mittee consisting of not less than two
registered medical practitioners whom
the Governor is hereby authorised to
appoint to conduct such inquiry, is
adjudged by the Committee” shall be

For the words “such Board” the words
“the said Committee” shall be substi-


27 The words “Federal and Presidential”
shall be deleted.

30 For the words “a Medical Board” in

paragraph (b) the words “the Governor”
shall be substituted.

The words “after consultation with a
Medical Board” in the proviso shall be

33 For the words “a Medical Board”
wherever these words appear the words
“the Governor” shall in each case he

The words “after consultation with a
Medical Board” in the proviso shall be

39 For the words “a Medical Board” in
paragraph (c) the words “the Governor”
shall be substituted.

For the words “by a Medical Board under
the provisions of this Act” in paragraph
(d) the words “with the approval of the
Governor by any registered imedical
practitioner or practitioners appointed
by the Governor under section 40 of this
act to conduct an examination for such
certificate” shall be substituted.

4001) For the words “request the Medical Board
of the Medical Registration District in
which the applicant desires to prac-
tise, to examine the applicant and such
examination shall be conducted by the
Board who shall examine the applicant”
the words “inform the Governor of the
applicant’s request for a certificate of
competency, and the Governor shall
thereupon appoint a registered medical
practitioner or more than one regis-
tered medical practitioner (if available)
to examine the applicant” shall be sub-
No. and
Year Short title Section
31/1937 Medical Act, 40(3)
1937 (Cont’d.)
40 (4)
Schedule A

Schedule B

of Fees

32/1937 Stamp (Amend- 2
ment) Act, 1937


For subsection (3) the following subsec-
tion shall be substituted :—

“(3) The examination shall be con-
ducted in accordance with the Lee-
ward Islands General Government
Examination of Chemists and Drug-
gists Rules, 1939 and the provisions
of these Rules other than Rule 4
thereof shall apply accordingly to
any examination held under the
powers conferred by subsection (2)
of this section,”

For the words “the Medical Board” the
words “the registered medical practi-
tioner or practitioners appointed to
examine the applicant” shall be substi-

For the words “satisfied the board” the
words “satisfied him or them, as the
case may be,” shall be substituted.

The words “with the approval of the Gov-
ernor” shall be inserted immediately
before the words “a certificate of com-

For the words “and direct’ the words
“and the Governor shall direct” shall
be substituted.

For the words “member of a Medical
Board” the words “a government Medi-
cal officer” shall be substituted.

For the word “Leeward” wherever this
word appears the word “Virgin” shall in
each case be substituted.

For the word “Leeward” the word “Vir-
gin” shall be substituted,

For the words “Chairman, Medical Board”
the word “Examiners” shall be substi-

The words “by a Medical Board” in item
5 shall be deleted.

For the words “any Presidency” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

The words ‘of that Presidency” shall be

For the words “such Presidency” the
words “the Colony” shalll be substituted.

No. and
‘Year Short title Section
32/1937 Stamp (Amend- 2
ment) Act,
1937 (Contd.)
2/1938 Moir Pension Preamble
Act, 1938
5/1938 Employment of 2
Women, Young
Persons and
Children Act, 1938
11/1938 Sedition and Unde- 2
sirable Publica-
tions Act, 1938
12/1938 Agricultural Small 2
Holdings Act, 1938
Schedule A
Schedule C
11/1939 Statute Law Schedule

Revision Act, 1939

The words “save and except” and all the
words following thereafter down to and
including the word “Colony” shall be

For the words “each Presidency” the
words “the Colony” shall be substi-

The words “of the Leeward Islands” shall
be inserted after the word “Colony” in
the last Recital.

The words “of the Leeward Islands” shall
be inserted after the word “Colony”.

The words “from the public service of
the Colony” shall be deleted.

The definition of the expression “Gov-
ernor in Council” shall be deleted,

The words “with respect to any Presi-
dency,” shall be deleted,

The definition of the expression “Colony”
shall be deleted.

For the words “Attorney General’ the
words “Legal Assistant” shall be sub-

For the words “Attorney General” the
words “Legal Assistant” shall be sub-

The words “in the Circuit in which the
small holding to which a contract of
tenancy relates is situate’ in the defi-
nition of the expression “Registrar”
shall be deleted.

Th words “or any Presidency” at the end
of the section shall be deleted.

For the word “Presidency” the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

For the word “Presidency” wherever this
word appears in both Forms in this
Schedule the word “Colony” shall in
each case be substituted.

The figure and words “1. Bankruptcy
Act” in the first column and all the
werds opposite the said figure and
words in the second column shall be

No. and
Year Short title Section

11/1939 Statute Law Schedule
Revision Act,
1939 (Contd.)

11/1939 Statute Law Schedule

Revision Act, 1939
15/1939 Land Settlement 2

Act, 1939



The figures and words “54. The Gazette
(Evidence) Act’ in the first column and
all the words opposite the said figures
and words in the second column shall
be deleted. ‘

The figures and words “56. The Jury
Act” in the first column and all the
words opposite the said figures and
words in the second column shall be

The figures and words “61, The Magis-
trate’s Code of Procedure Act” in the
first column and ali the words opposite
the said figures and words in the second
column shall be deleted.

The figures and words “107. The Mar-
riage Ordinances Legalization Act” in
the first column and all the words op-
posite the said figures and words in the
second column shall be deleted,

The figures and words ‘123. The Post
Office Act” in the first column and all
the words opposite the said figures and
words in the second column shall be

The figures and words “125, The West
India and Panama Telegraph Company,
Limited, Act, 1872” in the first column
and ali the words opposite the said
figures and words in the second column
shall be deleted.

The figures and words ‘135. The Stamp
Act” in the first column and all the
words opposite the said figures and
words in the second column shall be

The figures and words “141. The Copy-
right Act” in the first column and all
the words opposite the said figures and
words in the second column shall be

The figures and words “8/1928 The
Friendly Societies Act 1928” in the first
column and all the words opposite the
said figures and words in the second
colurnn shall be deleted.

The definition of the expression “Gov-
ernor in Council” shall be deleted.
No. and

Year Short title Section
15/1939 Land Settlement 3
Act, 1939
16/1939 Trade Unions a
Act, 1939
16/1939 Trade Unions 34(3)
Act, 1939
17/1939 Trade Disputes 13
(Arbitration and
Inquiry) Act, 1939
20/1939 Supreme Court 3
Act, 1939


For the words “any Presidency” the
words “the Colony” shall be substi-

For the word “Presidency” wherever this
word appears in subsections (1), (2)
and (3) the word “Colony” shall in
each case be substituted.

The words “(except in the Virgin Is-
lands)” and the words “of the Presi-
dency in which they are made” shall be

The whole section shail be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency wherein a
trade union is established” in the defi-
nition of “Registrar” shall be deleted.

The words “or of any Presidency thereof”
shall be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency wherein a
trade union is established” and the
words “with regard to that Presidency”
shall be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency wherein a
trade union is established” shall be de-

The words “of any Presidency” wherever
these words appear in .paragraphs (a)
and (c) shall in each case be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency wherein
such trade is established” shall be de-

The words “of a Presidency” and the
words “in that Presidency” shall be de-

The words “of the Presidency concerned”
shall be deleted.

For the words “Federal Acts” the words

“laws of the Colony” shall be substi-

For the words “said laws” the words “said
Imperial laws” shall be substituted.

For the words “in any Presidency” the
words “in the Colony” shall be substi-

For the words “from the Presidency” the
words “from the Colony” shall be sub-

No. and

Year Short Title Section
20/1939 Supreme Court 4(3)

Act, 1939 (Cont’d.)










For the word “Presidency” the word “Col-
ony” shall be substituted,

For the words “Federal or local Act’ in
paragraph (c) the words “Act or Ordi-
nance” shall be substituted.

For the words “Federal or local Act” in
varagraph (d) the words “Act or Ordi-
nance” shall be substituted.

The whole of this subsection shall be de-

The words “for each Circuit’ and the
words “of that Circuit” shal! be deleted,

The words “for each Circuit” and the
words “of that Circuit’ shall be de-

For the word “Every” the word “The”
shall be substituted.

The words “The Registrar for the An-
tigua Circuit” and all the words follow-
ing thereafter down to and including
the words “for the Nevis Circuit shall
be the Taxing Master thereof” shall be

For the words “The Registrar of the
Montserrat Circuit shall be the Taxing
Master thereof, and such Taxing Mas-
ters” the word “He” shall be substi-

The proviso to this subsection shall be

For the expression ‘a Registrar’? wherever
this expression appears the words “the
Registrar” shall be substituted,

For the words “such Registrar” the words
“the Registrar” shall be substituted.
The words “in each Circuit” shall be de-


Between the word “bailiff” and the word
“provided” the words “for the Court”
shall be inserted,

The words “in any Circuit” shall be de-

The words “of the Presidency in which
the bailiff serves” shall be deleted.

The words “for the Circuit in which he
serves” shall be deleted.

For the words “Attorney General or
Crown Attorney” the words “Legal As-
sistant” shall be substituted,

No. and

Year Short title Section
20/1939 Supreme Court 14(2)
Act, 1939
4/1941 Recruiting of 2(2)
Workers Act, 1941
13/1941 Registration and 2
Records ‘Amendment)
Act, 1941
7/1942 Magistrate’s Code 2
of Procedure
(Amendment) Act,
5/1943. Summary Jurisdic- 2
tion (Amendment)
Act, 1943


The words “of the Presidency where such
application is made” in paragraph (a)
shall be deleted.

After the word “Act” the words ‘or Ordi-
nance” shall be added.

The words “of the Presidency within the
limits” and all the words following
thereafter to the end of the section shall
be deleted.

for the words ‘‘a Presidency” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

For the expression “a Presidency”
wherever this expression appears in
paragraph (b) the words “the Colony”
shall in each case be substituted.

The words “of the Circuit” in the defini-
tion of the expression “Registrar” shall
be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words “in each of the Circuits” and
all the words following thereafter down
to and including the words “of District
K” shall be deleted.

The words “of Deeds of the Anguilla Cir-

cuit”, the words “each of them” and
the words “in such Circuit” shall be

For the word “Registrars” in the marginal
note, the word “Registrar” shall be

The words “of the Colony” and the words
“of any Presidency” wherever these
words appear in paragraphs (iii) and
(iv) shall be deleted.

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words “the following Circuits as set
out hereunder :—” shall be deleted.

The whole of paragraphs (i) to (iv) in-
clusive shall be deleted.

The numeral “(v)” and the word “in”
at the beginning of paragraph (v) and
the word “Circuit” in the said para-
graph shall be deleted
No. and
Year Short title

6/1943 Leeward Islands
Battalion Act,

5/1944 Labour (Minimum
Wage) Act, 1944

11/1944 Land Acquisition
Act, 1944

18/1944 Adoption of
Children Act, 1944

21/1944 Title by Registra-
tion (Amendment)
Act, 1944

24/1944 Larceny Act, 1944




13 (2)



23 (1)

23 (3)







The words “of the Leeward Islands” shall
be deleted.

The words and brackets “(subject to the
modifications hereinafter appearing)”
shall be deleted,

The whole of this subsection shall be de-

For the words “any Presidency or in any
part thereof” the words “the Colony”
shall be substituted.

The words “of the Presidency” shall be

The words “of the Presidency” in section
3(1) shall be deleted.

For the words “Presidency to which it re-
lates” in section 3(4) the word “Colony”
shall be substituted,

The words “of the Presidency concerned”
in section 3(6) shall be deleted.

The definition of the expression “appro-
priate Presidency” shall be deleted.

The words “(if any) of the appropriate
Presidency” shall be deleted.

The words “exercising jurisdiction within
the appropriate Presidency” shall be

For the words “appropriate Presidency”
the word “Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “appropriate Presidency”
the word “Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “of the appropriate Presi-
dency” shall be deleted,

The words “of every Presidency” shall be

For the word “Every” at the beginning of
the subsection the word “The” shall be

The words “each of the Presidencies of”

and the word “respective” shall be de-

For the words “the Presidency wherein
the land is situate” the words “the Col-
ony” shall be substituted,

The whole of this subsection shall be
No. and

Year Short. title



Larceny Act, 1944 48

25/1944 Quarantine Act, 1944 3(3)








For the words “other Act” the words
“other Act or Ordinance” shall be sub-

For the words “such other Act” the words
“such other Act or Ordinance” shall be

The words “in each Presidency or island
of the Colony” shall be deleted.

The words “whole or any part of the”
shall be deleted.

For the words “General Legislature”
wherever these words appear in this
subsection the words “Legislative Coun-
cil” shall in each case be substituted.

For the words “General Legislature” the
words “Legislative Council” shall be

The words “in each Presidency of the
Colony” shall be deleted.

For the words “such Presidency” the
words “the Colony” shall be substituted.

The words shall be

For the words “such Presidency” the
words “the Colony” shall be substituted,

“in a Presidency”

The words “a Presidency of” in regulation
4 shall be deleted.

The words “of any Presidency” in para-
graph (1) of regulation 5 shall be de-

The words “any Presidency of” in para-
graph (4) of regulation 5 shall be de-

The words “any Presidency of” and the
words “at such Presidency” in para-
eraph (1) of regulation 7 shall ke de-

The words “any Presidency of” in para-
graph (2) of regulation 8 snall be de-

The words “of any Presidency” in para-
graph (1) of regulation 14 shall be de-

The words “any Presidency of” in sub-
paragraph (a) of paragraph (1) of regu-
lation 17 shall be deleted.

No. and
Year Short title Section
25/1944 Quarantine Act, First
1944 Schedule
1/1945 Medical (Amend- 2
ment) Act, 1945
4/1945 Intestates Estates 10(1)

Act, 1945

The words “any Presidency of” in regula-
tion 18 shall be deleted.

The words “a Presidency of” in regulation
19 shall be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency” in regula-
tion 20 shall be deleted.

The words “of a Presidency” in paragraph
(1) of regulation 21 shall be deleted.

The words “a Presidency of” in regulation
22 shall be deleted.

The words “any Presidency of” in regu-
lation 23 shall be deleted.

The words “any Presidency of” in regu-
lation 24 shall be deleted.

The words “any Presidency of” in regu-
lation 26 shall be deleted,

The words “any Presidency of” in para-
graph (1) of regulation 31 shall be de-

The words “any Presidency of” in regu-
lation 33 shall be deleted.

The words “any Presidency of” in para-
graphs (1) and (2) of regulation 38
shall be deleted.

For the words “of the Presidency where
the same was forfeited” in paragraph
(3) of regulation 39 the words “of the
Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “a Presidency of” in paragraph
(b) of regulation 41 shall be deleted.

The words “any Presidency of” appearing
under the caption “Declaration of
Health” shall be deleted.

The words “any Presidency of” appearing
under the caption “Instructions” in the
schedule to the Declaration of Health
shall be deleted.

The words “any Presidency of” wherever
these words appear in paragraph (1)
of each of the regulations 5, 6, 7 and 9,
and in regulations 10, 11 and 12 shall
in each case be deleted.

The whole of this section shall be de-

The words “or any part thereof” shall be

No. and
Year Short title Section Amendment
7/1945 Immigration and 2(1) For the words “the law of any Presidency”
Passport Act, in the definition of the expression
1945 “port of entry” the words “regulations
made under section 32 of this Act” shall
be substituted.
3(1) The word “such” shall be inserted be-
tween the words “appoint” and “immi-
The words “such of the islands of” shall
be deleted.
5 The words “of the Presidency” in para-
graph (b) shall be deleted.
6 The words “or any Presidency thereof”
in paragraph (c) shall be deleted.
24(3) For the words “Presidency concerned”
the word “Colony” shall be substituted.
24(4) For the words “Presidency concerned”
the word “Colony” shall be substituted.
11/1945 Criminal Procedure 3 The following amendments shall be made
(Amendment) (Part to Part III of the Principal Act as re-
Act, 1945 III) placed by this section :—

In section 12 the words “of the Cir-
cuit in which such person has been so
committed” shall be deleted.

In section 14a for the words “Attorney
General” wherever these words appear
the words “Legal Assistant” shall in
each case be substituted.

In subsection (1) of section 148 for
the words “Attorney General” wherever
these words appear the words ‘Legal
Assistant” shall in each case be substi-

In subsection (2) of section i4p for
the words “Attorney General” the
words “Legal Assistant” shall be sub-
stituted, and in paragraph (a) of the
said subsection the words “of the Cir-
cuit” shall be deleted.

In subsection (1) of section 14c the
words “of the Circuit” shall be deleted.

In subsection (2) of section 14c the
words “of the district in which he was
committed for trial” shall be deleted.








Short title Section
Criminal Procedure a
Act, 1945 (Part IV)
Magistrate’s Code 3

of Procedure
Act, 1946

Unrepresented Estates
Act, 1946

Registration of
United Kingdom
Trade Marks
Act, 1946

Small Charges
Act, 1947

Matrimovwinl Causes

Act, 1948

Juvenile Courts
Act, 1948

Medical ‘Amend-
ment) Act, 1948



The following amendments shall be made
to Part IV of the Principal Act as re-
placed by this section :—

In section 16(1) the figure and sym-
bols “(1)” shall be deleted and in the
proviso to the said section for the words
“Attorney General” the words “Legal
Assistant” shall be substituted.

In section 17 the words “of the Cir-
cuit” wherever these words appear shall
be deleted.

In subsection (1) of section 17a the
words “of the Circuit in which any
sitting of the Court is held” shall be

The whole section shall be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency” shall be

The words “in the various Circuits of the
Colony” in the definition of the ex-
rression “Court” shall be deleted.

For the words “Antigua Circuit” in the
definition of the expression “Registrar”
the word “Court” shall be substituted.

For the words “any Presidency” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “of the Presidency” shall be

For the words “means the Attorney
General and includes a Crown Attorney”
the words “means the Legal Assistant”
shall be substituted.

The word “separate” and the words “the
several magisterial districts of” in para-
graph (a) shall be deleted.

The words “in his district” shall be de-

For the words “a Medical Board” in
paragraph (b) of section 23 the words
“the Governor” shall be substituted.


No. and


Year Short title Section
6/1948 Medical (Amend- 2
ment) Act, 1948
8/1948 Small Charges 3
Act, 1948
9/1948 Diplomatic Privileges 3
Act, 1948
14/1948 Magistrate’s Code 2
of Procedure
Act, 1948
9/1949 Guardianship of First
Infants Act, Schedule
10/1949 Juvenile Act, 2
11/1949 Coroners Act, 1949 2

In the first proviso the words “a Medical
Board to require” shall be deleted, and
for the words “such Medical Board”
the words “the Governor” shall be sub-

For the words ‘a Medical Board” the
words “the Governor” shall be substi-

The words “,or of the Administrator or of
the Commissioner of any Presidency”
shall be deleted.

For the words “General Legislature”
wherever these words appear, the words
“Legislative Council” shall be substi-

The whole of this section shall be deleted.

The word “Presidency” wherever it ap-
pears in the first column immediately
above the word “Antigua” and the word
“Montserrat” shall be deleted.

The words “Antigua”, “Montserrat” and
“St. Christopher and Nevis” wherever
these words appear in the first column,
and all the words opposite thereto in
the second, third and fourth columns
shall be deleted.

For the word “Presidency” where it ap-
pears in the first column immediately
above the words “Virgin Islands” the
word “Colony” shall be substituted.

In the definition of the expression “social
welfare officer” for the expression “a
Presidency” the words “the Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the words “same Presidency” the
word “Colony” shall be substituted.

The definition of the expression “Attorney
General” shall be deleted.

For the word “Magistrates” the word
“Magistrate” shall be substituted.

For the words “Coroners for their respec-
tive districts” the words “the Coroner
for the Colony” shall be substituted.
No. and
Year Short title

11/1949 Coroners Act, 1949 3
(Contd. )










For the words “Deputy Coroners in any
of the districts” the words “a Deputy
Coroner for the Colony” shall be sub-

For the words “Coroners shall” the words
“Coroner shall’ shall be substituted.
For the word “Coroners” at the end of the
section the word “Coroner” shall be


The word “nearest” wherever this word
appears immediately before the word
“Coroner” in subsections (1), (2) and
(4) shall in each case be deleted.

The word “nearest” shall be deleted,

The words “within whose district the
view took place” shall be deleted.

For the letter “A” at the beginning of
this section the word “The” shall be

For the letter “A” at the beginning of
this section the word “The” shall be

For the words “his district’ the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “whose body is within his dis-
trict” shall be deleted.

For the words “a Coroner within whose
district the dead body of a person is
lying” the words “the Coroner, where
the dead body of a person is found
lying at any place within the Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the words “of that person” the words
“a deceased person” shall be substi-

For the words “his district” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words “Attorney General” the
words “Legal Assistant” shall be sub-

For the words “Attorney General”
wherever these words appear in sub-
sections (1) and (2) shall in each case
be substituted.

For the words “Attorney General”
wherever these words appear the words
“Legal Assistant” shall in each case be
No. and

Short. title Section Amendment
11/1949 Coroners Act, 45(1) For the words “Attorney General”
1949 (Contd.) in paragraph ‘b) the words “Legal
Assistant” shall be substituted.

46 For the words “Attorney General”
the words “Legal Assistant” shall be

47 For the words “Attorney General”
the words “Legal Assistant” shall be

48 For the words “Presidency in which the

post-mortem or anatomical examination
is performed” the word “Colony” shall
be substituted.

Schedule For the words “Leeward Islands” wherever
these words appear in all the Forms in
the Schedule the words “Colony of the
Virgin Islands” shall be substituted.

The words “Presidency of” and the word
“District” wherever these words appear
in the caption of all Forms shall be

For the words “this district” in the Form
bearing the caption “Warrant to Bury
where Inquest Unnecessary” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted.

In the Form bearing the caption “War-
rant to Summon Jury”, the following
amendments shall be made —

For the words “said district” appear-
ing after the words “police officers of
the” the word “Colony” shall be substi-

For the words “said district” appear-
ing after the words “lawful men of the”
the word “Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “in the said district” shall be

For the words “said district” appearing
after the words “Given under my hand
at” the words “Colony of the Virgin
Islands” shall be substituted.

In the Form bearing the caption “Sum-
mons to Jurymen” the following amend-
ments shall be made —

For the words “this district” appear-
ing after the words “Coroner for” the
words “the Colony” shall be substituted.
No. and
Year Short title

11/1949 Coroners Act,
1949 (Contd.)


Section Amendment

Schedule For the word “District” appearing
after the words “in the said” the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

In the Form bearing the caption “Sum-
mons to Witness” the words ‘in this
district” wherever these words appear
shall be deleted.

In the Form bearing the caption “Form
of Inquisition (with Jury)” the follow-
ing amendments shall be made —

For the words “in the said district”
the words “in this Colony” shall be

For the word “district” appearing
immediately before the words “upon
the oath” the word “Colony” shall be

For the word “Presidency” appearing
immediately before the words “duly
sworn” the word “Colony” shall be

In the Form bearing the caption “Form
of Inquisition (without a jury)” the
following amendments shall be made —

For the words “in the said district”
the words “in this Colony” shall be

For the word “district” appearing
immediately after the words “for the
said” the word “Colony” shall be sub-

In the Form bearing the caption “War-
rant of Apprehension” the following
amendments shall be made —

For the words “Police officers of
District” the words “Police officers of
the Colony” shall be substituted, and
for the words “within the Presidency”
the words “within the Colony” shall be

For the words ‘district in the Presi-
dency aforesaid” the word “Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the words “the said Presidency”
the words “the said Colony” shall be
Year Short title Section Amendment

11/1949 Coroners Act, Schedule In the Form bearing the caption “War-
1949 (Contd.) rant of Commitment” the following
amendments shall be made —

For the words “for the Presidency of”
the words “for the said Colony of” shall
be substituted.

For the words “district in the Presi-
dency aforesaid” the word “Colony”
shall be substituted.

In the Form bearing the caption “War-
rant of detainer” the following amend-
ments shall be made —

For the words “district in the Presi-
dency aforesaid” the word “Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the words “at district in the said
Presidency” the words “at
in the said Colony” shall be substituted.

In the Form bearing the caption “Order
to bring up prisoners for examination”
the following amendments shall be
made —

For the words “for district ;
in this Presidency” the words “for the
Colony” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘Presidency of” the
word “Colony” shall be substituted.

The word “District” in the last line
shall be deleted.

13/1949 ‘Telecommunica- 2(1) In the definition of the expression “tele-
. tions Act, 1949 cemmunications officer” the words “in
a Presidency” shall be deleted.

3 The words “each Presidency of” shall be

6(1) The words “For the purposes of this sub-
section ‘“Governor-in-Council’” means
“the Governor with the advice of the
Executive Council of a Presidency” shall
be deleted.

#13 The words “or any Presidency thereof”
shall be deleted.

#99 The words “any of the Presidencies of”
shall be deleted.

NOTE : “The figure “13” and the amendment opposite the said figure were
omitted in the original.

“The figure “22” and the amendment opposite the said figure were
omitted in the original.

No. and

Year Short title

13/1949 Telecommunica- Schedule
tions Act, 1949
17/1949 Trade Unions 5(d)
**% Amendment Act, 1949
7/1950 Prison (Extramural a
Sentences) Act,
8/1950 Consular Conven- 4(1)
tions Act, 1950
9/1950 Antibiotics and 3(2)
Act, 1950
10/1950 Quarantine 2
Act. 1950
11/1950 Magistrate’s Code 2
of Procedure
Act, 1950
6/1951 Post Office Offences 2
Act, 1951
7/1951 Coroners (Amend- 3

ment) Act, 1951



41 the words in the first column shall be
deleted and all the words and figures
in the second and third columns
opposite the words “Antigua”, “St.
Christopher and Nevis” and ‘“Montser-
rat’ respectively shall be deleted.

For the words “a Legislative Council in
the Colony” the words “the Legislative
Council” shall be substituted.

In the definition of the expression
“Extramural Prison Officer” the words
“in a Presidency” shall be deleted.

For the words “any Presidency” the
words “the Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “of any Presidency of the
Colony” in paragraph (a) shall be

The word “General” shall be deleted.

The words “the several Presidencies of”
and the words ‘in each Presidency”
shall be deleted.

The words ‘of the Leeward Islands” shall
be deleted.

The words “each Presidency of” shall be

For the words “in each Presidency” the
words “in the Colony” shall be substi-

The whole section shall be deleted.

The Schedule shall be deleted.

The words “‘to a district”, the words “of
the Presidency in which the district is

situated”, and the words “of such
Presidency” shall be deleted.
For the words ‘of a Presidency” the

words “of the Colony” shall be substi-

For the words “of a Presidency” the
words “of the Colony” shall be substi-

For tiic words “any Presidency” the
words “the Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “of the Presidency in which
such death occurs” shall be deleted.

NOTE: *** The word “(Amendment)” was omitted in the original.
Short title

Police Act, 1951







For the expression “Division” the follow-
ing expression shall be substituted —
“the Division’ means that portion of
the Force stationed in the Colony
and referred to in subsection (1) of
section 3 of this Act as “D”
Division ;

In the definition
“Medical Board”
Administrator or
Presidency” shall be deleted.

For the word “Presidency” the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “for the purposes” and all the
words following thereafter down to and
including the words “Virgin Islands” at
the end of the subsection” shall be
deleted, and there shall be substituted
therefor the words “that portion of the
Force stationed in the Colony shall be
known and referred to as “D” Division.”

The words “or any Presidency thereof”
shall be deleted.

of the expression
the words “,or the
Commissioner of a

After the word “Governor” the words “of
the Leeward Islands” shall be inserted.

The word “General” shall be deleted.

After the word “Governor” wherever this
word appears the words “of the Leeward
Islands” shall in each case be added.

After the word “Governor” the words “of
the Leeward Islands” shall be added.

The words “or Commissioner of the
Presidency in which such person is
being appointed” shall be deleted.

After the word “Governor” the words “of
the Leeward Islands” shall be added.

For the words “Gazetted Police Officer”
the words “police officer’ shall be sub-

“he words “in which he is serving” shall
be deleted.

The words “of the Leeward Islands” shall
be deleted.

the words
shall be

After the word
“stationed in

The word “District” shall be deleted.

the Colony”
No. and
Year Short title

12/1951 Police Act, 1951














The word “District” shall be deleted.

After the word “Governor” the words “of
the Leeward Islands” shall be inserted.

After the word “Governor” wherever this
word appears the words “of the Lee-
ward Islands’ shall be inserted.

The word “General” shall be deleted.

The words “of the Presidency concerned”
shall be deleted.

For the words “Gazetted Police Officer”
the words “police officer” shall be sub-

The words “in which the same have been
incurred” shall be deleted.

For the words “Gazetted Police Officer’
the words “police Officer” shall be sub-

For the words “the Federal Treasurer”
the words “an officer appointed by the
Governor of the Leeward Islands for
that purpose” shall be substituted.

The words “or in any Presidency thereof”
shall be deleted.

The words “of a Presidency” shall be

After the word “Governor” the words “of
the Leeward Islands” shall be inserted.

After the word “Governor” the words “of
the Leeward Islands” shall be inserted.

After the word “Governor” the words “of
the Leeward Islands” shall be inserted.

After the word “Governor” wherever this
word appears the words “of the Lee-
ward Islands” shall be inserted.

After the word “Governor” the words “of
the Leeward Islands” shall be inserted.

After the word “Governor” the words “of
the Leeward Islands” shall be inserted.

After the words “The Governor” at the
beginning of the section the words “of
the Leeward Islands” shall be inserted.
No, and
Year Short title Section
12/1951 Police Act, 1951 62(1)








68 (2)








The following subsection shall be substi-
tuted for subsection (1) :—

“Canteen. 62. (1) There may be es-
tablished with the approval of the
Commissioner a police canteen in
the Division at which the keeper
thereof may sell intoxicating liquors
by retail to members of the Force.”

For the words “such canteens” the words
“the canteen” shall be substituted.

After the word “Governor” the words “of
the Leeward Islands” shall be inserted.

For the words “Gazetted Police Officer in
charge of a Division” the word “ Ad-
ministrator” shall be substituted.

Aiter the word “Governor” the words “of
the Leeward Islands” shall be inserted.

For the words ‘in Council” the words ‘of
the Leeward Islands” shall be substi-

The words “Governor, or the” and the
words “or Commissioner of a Presi-
dency” shall be deleted.

The words “for service within the Presi-
dency where such special constable is
appointed and” shall be deleted,

For the expression “a Presidency” the
words “the Colony” shall be substi-

The words “of the Leeward Islands” shall
be deleted,

The words “in a Presidency” shall be

The words “the Governor or’ and the
words “or Commissioner of a Presi-
dency” shall be deleted.

For the words “Presidency in which such
special constables are serving” the word
“Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “the Governor, or”, the words
“of the Commissioner of a Presidency”
and the words “in the Presidency” shall
be deleted.

For the words “within the Presidency”
the words “within the Colony” shall be
No. and
Year Short title

12/1951 Police Act, 1951

8/1953 Land Acquisition
Act, 1953

5/1953 Police (Amend-
ment) Act, 1953

13/1953 Immigration and
Act, 1953













The words “in the Presidency” shall be

The words “in a Presidency” shall be

For the words “the Presidency in which
such special constable or additional
constable is serving” the words “the
Colony” shall be substituted.

The whole of this subsection shall be

The words ‘for the District” shall be

For the words “Gazetted Police Officer”
the words “police officer” shall be sub-

The word “the” appearing immediately
after the words “transmitted to’ shall
be deleted.

The word “the”" appearing immediately
atter the words “transmitted to” shall
be deleted.

For the words “any Magistrate for the
District where the offence was com-
mitted” the words “the Magistrate”
shall be substituted.

The words “Federal” and “Presidential”
respectively shall be deleted.

For the words “appropriate Presidency”
the word “Colony” shall be substituted.

After the word “Governor” wherever this
word appears the words “of the Lee-
ward Islands” shall in each case be

After the werd “Governor” wherever this
word appears the words “of the Lee-
ward Islands” shall in each case be

The words “a Presidency of” shall be

For the expression “a Presidency” in
paragraph (a) the words “the Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the expression “a Presidency” at the
end of paragraph (b) the words “the
Colony” shall be substituted.
No. and
Year Short title

13/1953 Immigration and
Act, 1953

14/1953 Supreme Court
Act, 1953
22/1953 Acts and Ordinances
(Amendment) Act
6/1954 Praedial Larceny

(Prevention) Act,




13 (2)



17 (4)


For the words “found in a Presidency”
the words “found in the Colony” shall
be substituted.

The words “For the purposes” and all the
words following thereafter down to and
including the words “Executive Council
of the Presidency” shall be deleted.

The whole of this section shall be deleted.

The whole of subsection (2) shall be de-

The word “General” shall be deleted.

In the definition of the expression “de-
clared area” for the words “in a Presi-
dency” the words “in the Colony” shall
be substituted,

The definition of the expression “Division”
shall be deleted.

The definition of the expression “Gov-
ernor in Council” shall be deleted.

For the words “in a Presidency” the
words “in the Colony” shall be sub-

For the words “of a Presidency” in para-
graph (a) the words “of the Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the words “in the Presidency con-
cerned” the words ‘“‘in the Colony” shall
be substituted.

For the words “police officer in charge of
the Division in which the declared area
is situate” in paragraph (a) the words
“senior police officer in the Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the words “police officer in charge of
a Division in the Presidency concerned”
the words “senior police officer in the
Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “or Commissioner of the Presi-
dency concerned as the case may he”
shall be deleted.

The word “District” shall be deleted.

For the words “police officer in charge of
the Division in which he resides” in
paragraph (d) the words “senior police
officer in the Colony” shall be sub-
No. and


Short title

6/1954 Praedial Larceny





1954 (Contd.)

Medical (Amend-
ment) Act, 1954

Magistrate's Code

of Procedure












The words “of the Presidency concerned”
shall be deleted.

For the words “Medical Board” in para-
graph (ii) the words “government medi-
cal officer” shall be substituted.

For the words ‘Every District Magistrate”
the words “The Magistrate and the Ad-
ditional Magistrate’ shall be substi-

For the words “Presidency in which his
district is situate’ the word “Colony”
shall be substituted.

For the words “any Presidency” the words
“the Colony” shall be substituted,

For the words “who, on the coming ints
force of this Act, was duly” the words
“in the Colony, who on the first day of
July, 1956 was already duly” shall be

The words “in and for any Presidency”
shall be deleted.

For the words “the police officer in charge
of the Division in the Magisterial dis-
trict where such information or com-
plaint is to be tried or inquired into”
the words ‘the senior police officer in
the Colony” shall be substituted.

The words “of the Presidency wherein
such sum or instalment is paid” shall
be deleted.

For the words “a Circuit Court” the
words “the Supreme Court” shall be

For the words “Circuit containing the
district in which the Magistrate’s de-
cision was given” the word “Colony”
shall be substituted.

The words “Provided that in the case of
an appeal from a decision of the Magis-
trate of district “J” the said notice shall
be served within twenty-eight days
after the day on which the Magistrate
has given his decision” shall be deleted.

For the word “fourteen” the word
“twenty-eight” shall be substituted.

No. and

Year Short. title



Magistrate's Code

of Procedure

(Amendment) Act, 1954



14/1954 Forgery Act,





8 (2)

17,1954 Dangerous Drugs
(Amendment) Act


Telecommunications 2
(Amendment) Act,


Public Holidays
Act, 1954