Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Added title page title:
Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

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Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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Full Text


Published by Authority.

No. 17.


The subjoined Warrant of Her
Majesty the QUEEN authorising
the use of a Seal prepared for the
Government of the Colony of
the Leeward Islands is published
for general information:—


To Our Governor and Commander-
in-Chief of Onur Colony of the
, Leeward Islands or in his absence to
Â¥eethe Officer for the time being Admin-
istering the Government of Our said
f *Colony.

With this you will receive a Seal
prepared by Our Order for the use of
the Government of Our Colony of the
Leeward Islands.

Our Will and Pleasure is, and We
do hereby authorise and direct that
the said Seal be used in sealing all
Public Instruments which shall be
made and passed in Onur Name and
for Our Service in Our said Colony.

And We do further require and
command that you do return the old
Seal of Our Colony of the Leeward
Islands to Us, through One of Our
Principal Secretaries of State in order
that it may be defaced.

And for so doing this shall be your
Warrant. = ~-

Given at Our Court at Saint James’s
this ninth day of March, 1956, in
the fifth Year of Our Reign.

By Her Majesty’s Command,


Warrant authorising the use of
a Seal prepared for the
Colony of the Leeward Islands.

_ The subjoined Warrant of Her

Majesty the QUEEN authorising the
use of a Seal prepared for the Govern-
ment of the Presidency of ‘the Virgin

Islands is pmnblished for general

MARGARET Signed on behalf of
HENRY Her Majesty.

To Our Governor and Commander-
in-Chief of Our Colony of the
Leeward Islands or in his absence to
the Officer for the time being Admin-
istering the Government of Our said

olony. mn



With this you will receive a Seal
preparcd by Our Order for the use of
the Government of Our Presidency of
the Virgin Islands.

Our Will and Pleasure is, and We
do hereby authorise and direct that
the said Seal be used in sealing all
Publie Instruments which shall be
made und passed in Our Name and
for Our Service in Our said Presi-

And We do further require and
command that yon do return the old
Seal of Our Presidency of the Virgin
Islands to Us, through One of Our
Principal Secretaries of State in order
that it may be defaced.

And for so doing this shall be your

Given at Our Court at Saint Jamea’s
this fifteenth day of March. 1956,
in the fifth Year of Our Reign.
By Her Majesty’s Cértimand,


Warrant authorising the use of
a Seal prepared for the
Presidency of the Virgin Islands.

It is hereby notified for general
information that the date appointed
for the observance of Her Majesty
the QUEEN’S Birthday in 1956 is
Thursday, the 3lst May, !956.

The Secretariat,
Tth April, 1956.


It is hereby notified for general
information that His Excellency the
Governor has issued a Commission to
the Hon. P. D. MACDONALD, C.M.G.,
appointing him to be Governor’s
Deputy during his absence from
Antigua whilst visiting Montserrat
from the 17th to the 20th April, 1956.

The Secretariat,
llth April, 1956.

Ref. No. 13/00283,

It is hereby notified for general

information that Major R. G. S..

TOLSON, having completed his term
of service as Aide-de-Camp, is pro-
ceeding on pre-retirement leave on

the 9th April, 1956, from which date
Group Captain E. BURTON has been
appointed to act as Aide-de-Camp.

The Secretariat,
7th April, 1956.

Ref. No. P.F. 487.

It is hereby notified for general
information that dipping stations
have been established at the under-
mentioned places as required by
Regulation 21 of the Animals (Impor-
tation, Exportation and Dipping)
Control Regulations, 1956:—

In the Island of Virgin Gorda:

The North Sound,
The Valley

In the Igland of Tortola:

Long Swamp
Paraquita Bay
Belle Vue
Rogues Bay
Fahie Hill
The Agricultural Station
Brewers Bay
Carott Bay
West End
Sea Cow Bay

In the Island of Jost Van Dykes:
East End, Great Harbour.

Acting Commissioner of the Virgin
10th April, 1956.

Ref. No. 79/00047.

The Marringe Ordinance, 1924.


In accordance with the provisions
of section 17 (2) of the Marriage
Ordinance, 1924, the following Build-
ing has been registered in the Presi-
dency of the Virgin Islands as
a Building wherein Banns of Marriage
may be published:

Church of God (Holiness) at the
North Sound, Virgin Gorda.

Dated this 27th day of March, 1956.

Ref. No. 36/0007.


His Exeellency the Governor has
approved of the following appoint-
ments of Members of the Central
Housing and Planning Authority
under Section 4 of the Slum Clear-
ance and Housing Ordinance, 1948
(No. 3 of 1948) for a period of two
years, with effect from Ist April, 1956:

N. H. Richarps, Esq.,—Chairman*™

M. DANIEL, [sq.,*

EB. OLIVmR, Msyq.,*

R. G. ARMYTAGE, Esq.,—Colonial

J. M. HALLYiKe#, Ksq., M.B.1.

J. O. DAVIS, Esq.,

J. 8. Ireland, Esq.

Nore—*“Recommended by the Legislative

Council of Antigua.

Administrators Office,
Ath April, 1956.
Ref. No. A. 13/12.


No. 44.

The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the
undermentioned Ordinance:—

St. Kitts- Nevis-Anguilia.
No. 20 of 1955, +‘ The Watercourses
and Waterworks Ordinance, 1955.”

Ref. No, 47/00335.

No. 45.

The following Statutory Rule and
Order is circulated with this Gazette
and forms part thereof :—

Virgin Islands.

No. 10 of 1956, “The Animals
(Importation, Exportation and Dip-
ping) Control Regulations, 1956.”

12 pp. Price 15 cts.


The following tenders have been
accepted for the supply of Petrol and
Diesel Oil to Government Depart-
ments for the period 15th April to
30th September, 1956.


Messrs. Bennett Bryson & Co. Ltd.
to supply the Pablic Works Depart-
ment with 500 gallons per month at
the tender price of 35.5 cents per
Imperial Gallon ex bond.

The requirements of all other
Government Departments as well as
the balance of the Public Works
requirements to be supplied by
Messrs. JOSEPH Diw & Son Ltd. at
the tender price of 34.3 cents per
Imperial Gallon ex bond.


Ltd. to supply all the requirements
of the Public Works Department at
the price of 27.6 cents per Imperial
gallon ex bond.


Messrs. JOSEPH DEW & Son Ltd.
to supply the requirements of all
other Government Departments at
the price of 26.8 cents per Imperial
gallon ex bond.

No award in respect of Lubricating
Oil has been made. This item should
be purchased in the open market.

Administrator's O fice,

St. John’s.
Antigua, B.W.T.

A, 41/36.

Presidency of Antigua.

ACT, 1928,

(No. 8 of 1928).


Pursuant to the provisions of Sec-
tions 71 (1) (6) and (3) of the Friendly
Societies Act, No. 8 of 1928, I have
this day with the approval of His
Lordship Mr. Justice Dare, Pnisne
Judge of the Supreme Court of the
Windward JTslands and Leeward Is-
Jands for the Antigua Circuit, obtain-
ed in Chambers on the 6th day of
April, 1956, cancelled the registry
of the HKx-Servicemen’s Association
of Antigua, a Society duly registered
under the provisions of the said Act
on the 27th day of July, 1948.

The reason for such cancellation is
that the said Society has wilfully and
after notice from the Registrar,
violated the provisions of Sections 26
and 28 of the aforesaid Act.

GIVEN under my hand at the
Supreme Court Registry St.
John’s, Antigua, this 9th day
of April, 1956.

Acting Registrar of Friendly


The Vehicles & Road Traffic
Ordinance, 1946.

By virtue of the powers conferred
on me in Section 2 of the Vehicles
and Road ‘Traffic Ordinance 1946
(No. 5 of 1946), I hereby fix the
period hereunder for the lighting of

Until further notice, the lighting
period of vehicles shall be from
6.45 p.m. to 5.45 a.m.


this 3lst day of March,

iE. M. V. JAMES,
Lt. Col.

Tragic Commissioner.
Ref. No. 36/00007.

[12 April, 1956

Statement of Currency Note
Circulation in the British
Caribbean Territories (East-
ern Group) on ist March,

Average circulation during January,


Br. Carihbean Cur- ; $
rency Notes 58,788,997.00
Demonetized Gov’t.

Notes outstanding 1,244,224.00


Br. Caribbean Currency Notes in
circulation on lst March, 1956: -

Trinidad & Tobago ... 27,7

Barbados ... 5,585,625.00
British Guiana 14,978,221.50
Grenada 2,754,100-00
St. Vincent 504,400.00
St. Lucia 934,000.00
Doniinica 1,217,400.00
Antigua 1,665,300.00
St. Kitts 1,519.500.00
Montserrat 321,905.00

Total Br. Caribbean
Currency Notes « 57,183,949.50

Demonetized Trinidad
and Tobago Gov't.

Notes outstanding --- 836,894.00
Demonetized Br.

Guiana Gov't.

Notes outstanding .-. 303,023.50
Demonetized Barbados

Gov't. Notes

outstanding 79,225.00
Total demonetized

Government Notes

outstanding 1,219,142.50
Total circulation

on Ist March, 1956 ~—-58,403,092.00


Kicecutive Commissioner,
British Caribbean
Currency Board.

British Caribbean Currency Board,
Treasury Chambers,
Port of Spain,
Trinidad, B.W.T.
No. 24/00044



Applications are invited from
suitably qualified persons for appoint-
ment as Legal Officer, Local Govern-
ment. Appointment will be on con-
tract, secondment, or temporary
transfer in the first instance with
prospects of later permanent and
pensionable employment.

12 April, 1936. }

2. The salary will be up to £2,000
($9,600 B.W.L.) per annum depending
on the qualifications and experience
of the person selected but not less
than £1,800 ($8,610) per annum.
Furnished quarters will be provi-
ded at arental of 124% of salary to
a maximum of £12.10 ($60) a month.
If appointment is on contrict, a gratu-
ity of 123% of salary will be paid in
respect of each completed period of
3 months satisfactory resident service,
either at six-monthly intervals during
the period of the contract, or in
a single lump sum on conclusion of
the leave earned under the contract.
Leave earned would count for gratu-
ity only if this is paid on conclusion
of the engagement in a single lump

3. The duties are to prepare draft
legislation for a reorganised system of
local government based on Dr. A. H.
MARSHALL’S Report on local Govern-
ment in British Guiana and_ its
application to selected areas. The
officer selected will work in close
conjunction with the members of the
Local Government team and with the
Legal Department; such other duties
as may be assigned to him by either
the Senior Administrative Officer or
the Member for Local Government.

4, Candidates must be Barristers-
at-Law or Solicitors with some years’
direct experience of Local Govern-
ment. They should he competent
draftsmen with experience in draft-
ing legislution, and in the organisation
and control of records and facilities
normal in a Municipal or other Local
Government legislative drafting office
in the United Kingdom and _ prefer-
ably with some colonial experience.

5. Free passages to British Guiana
and return to the place of recruitment
on termination of the contract will
he provided for the officer, his wife
and children, not exceeding five per-
sons in all; children to be under [8
years of age and dependent on the
officer. Vacation leave is carned at
the rate of 5 days for each coinpleied
month of resident service up toa
maximum of six months subject to
the completion of a minimum tour
of service of two years. After com-
pletion of a tour, assisted return
passages will be provided for the
officer and his wife in accordance
with the Public Officers Leave (Pis-
sages) Regulations, 1952.

6. Applications should be address-
ed to the Chief Establishment Offic-r,
Establishment Department, Public
Buildings, Georgetown, to reach him
not later than the 30th of April, 1956.
Applications received after this date
will not be considered.

Establishment Department,
Central Secretariat,

March, 1956.
Ref. No, 13/00332.


Vacancies for 8 Local Govern-

ment Commissioners.

Applications are invited from
suitably qualified persons for appoint-
ment to 3 vacancies for temporary
Local Government Commissioners.

2. The posts are temporary and
non-pensionable with salary up to
£2,000 ($9,600) per annnm depending
on qualifications and experience, but
not less than £1,800 ($8,640), and
appointment thereto will be for a
period of three years on contract.
Furnished quarters will be provided
on payment of rental of 124% of
salary to a maximum of £12. 10
($60) a month,

3. The duties will be to prepare
detailed schemes for the application
of a re-organised system of local
government to selected areas (urban
and rural) based on Dr, A. H.
MARSHALL’S Report on _ Local
Government in British Guiana and
to supervise their implementation;
and such ancillary duties eg. the
training of local officers, as may be
assigned to him by either the Senior
Administrative Officer or the Member
for Local Government.

4. Candidates should have exten-
sive experience of Local Government
in the United Kingdom and prefer-
ably some colonial experience. The
Commissioner for the urban area
must have held, in addition, a senior
administrative position in a compara-
ble modern municipality. The two
Commissioners for the rural areas
must possess experience of compara-
tively advanced rural local authorities.
To each of them will be attached for
training at least one experience? local
officer with knowledge of the parti-
cilar areas, so that he can eventually
take over as the Commissioner moves
on to the organisation of new areas.

+. Free passages to British Guiana
and return to the place of recruitment
will be provided for the officer, his
wife and children, not exceeding five
persons in all, children to be under
18 vears of age and dependent on the
officer. Vacation leave is earned at
the rate of 5 days for each completed
month of resident service up to a
maximum of six months subject to
the completion of a minimum tour of
service of two years. After comple-
tion of a tour, assisted return passages
will be provided for the officer and
his wife in accordance with the
Public Officers Leave (Passages)
Regulations, 1952.

6. Applications should be
addressed to the Chief Establishment
Officer, Establishment Department,
Public Buildings, Georgetown to
reach him not later than the 30th of
April, 1956. Applications received
after this date will not be considered.


7. Interested persons may obtain
copies of the ‘Report on Local Govern-

ment in British Guiana’ by Dr. A. H.

MARSHALL from either the Govern-
ment of British Guiana or the
Crown Agents.

Establishment Department
Central Secretariat.
March, 1956.
Ref. No, 13/00332.

In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.

A.D. 1956.

Notice is hereby given that in pur-
suance of Rules made by the Chief
Justice under Section 16 of the Wind-
ward Islands and Leeward Islands
(Courts) Order-in-Council 1939, and
duly approved as therein provided
on the 16th day of October, A.D.
1941, the Honourable the Puisne
Judge selected for the sitting of the
Court in the Nevis Circuit has
appointed the day of the month on
which the ensuing Circuit Court shall
sit as follows, that is to say:—

The Nevis Circuit on Tuesday the
17th day of April, 1956 at 10 o’clock
in the forenoon. a a

Dated the 20th day of March, 1956.

Ref. No. 36/00007.

Claims under the Bonn Conven-
tions in respect of Foreign
Interests in Germany.

(The English Text of the Conventions
(Cind. 9868) ts obtainable from
H.MS.O. price 5s. Od.)

Under the provisions of Chapter 10
of the Bonn Convention of the Settle-
ment of Matters Arising out of the

War and the Occupation, United
Nations nationals and companies
organised under German law in

which U.N. nationals own participa-
tion may assert claims against the
Federal Republic of Germany for the
return of their property and the
restoration of their rights and inter-
ests in the Federal territory to the
extent to which such property, rights
or interest suffered discriminatory
treatment (as defined in the Conven-
tion) during the recent war.
2. Such claims must be filed on
or before May 5, 1956 with the:—
Ref. No. A. 20/17.

Central Experiment Station,

Month. 1952. 1953, 1954, 1935. 1956.
Jats, 241 1.93 3.04 2.16 5.15
Feb. 160 1.029 245 68 1238
Mar. 1.62 560 1.08 .83 1.40
Apr.17 = = "19 _ 34
5.63 8.55 6.76 3.67 8.12


9th April, 1956.
Medical Act, 1937.
Pursuant to Section 12 (4) of the Medical Act, 1937 the following registration is hereby notified:—

Name. | Address. | Qualification. Date Registered. | Registration No.
| F -
John, Leonardo | St. John’s, Antigua, Chemist and Druggist 4th April, 182
| Certificate of Competency 1956

dated 15th August, 1955.

Acting Registrar.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E. I Bhack an,
Government Printer.—By Authority.

[Price 21 cents.J


Se > yl eaten dette ’

1956, No. 10.

The Animals (Importation, Exportation and Dipping) Con-
trol Regulations, 1956. dated April, 9, 1956, made by
the Governor in Council wnder sections 12 (2), 14
and 19 of the Animais (Diseases, Importation and
Exportation) Ordinance, 1955.

1. Suort Titre. These Regulations may be cited as
the Animals (Importation. Exportation and Dipping)
Control Regulations, 1956.

2. Inverpretation. For the purpose of these Regu-

. “animal” shall not include fish.

3. Turorration or Antats. No animal shall be
imported into the Presidency except in accordance with—

(a) the provisions of these Regulations; and
(6) the terms of a permit granted by the inspector.

4. LAxpIXG or AntmMars. (1) No animal shall be
landed at any port other than the Port of Road Town.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of
this ie the inspector may in his absolute discretion
grant a permit in writing foran ‘animal to be landed at such
port and upon such conditions as may be specified in such

(3) Every animal before being landed shall be subject
to inspection by the inspector who may—

(a) if satisfied—
(i) that any such animal is suffering from
any disease: or
(ii) that any condition of a permit permit-
ting the importation of any such
animal has not been complied with,

\ refuse permission for any such animal to be
2 é 4 G landed; or
+O6.7 &J >.

4 Ararg pr

(b) grant permission for any such animal to be
landed either unconditionally or subject to such condi-
tions as he may impose,

(4) No animal shall be landed without the prior written
permission of the inspector.

CRAFT CARRYING ANIMALS. Where any vessel or aircraft by
which animals are being imported arrives in the Presidency,
the following provisions shall have effect: —

(a) the agents or owners of the vessel or aircraft
shall notify the inspector of the fact that animals are
being imported by such vessel or aircraft;

(b) the master or captain and the agents or owners
of such vessel or aircraft shall afford every facility to
the inspector for the proper inspection of such animals;

(c) the master or captain of such vessel or aircraft.
shall take such measures as the inspector may direct for
the cleaning and disinfection of all stalls and boxes in
and of any portion of the vessel ox aircraft used for the
transportation of animals required to be quarantined in
accordance with these Regulations or with a licence
granted by the inspector.

6. QUARANTINE OF ANIMALS. (1) Subject to the pro-
visions of regulations 4 and 7 of these Regulations, and if so
required by the inspector, every animal upon being landed
in the Presidency shall be removed by such means, in such
manner and subject to such conditions as the inspector may
direct to » quarantine depot approved by such inspector and
for the purpose of quarantine and shall be kept in quaran-
tine for such period as the inspector may direct.

(2) The release from quarantine of any animal shall be
subject to and dependent upon the result of re-inspection
and of any diagnostic examination and any tests which the
inspector may ‘deem necessar y to employ for the detection
of the disease.

(3) Notwithstanding the expiry of the period of quaran-
tine directed by the inspector under paragraph (1) of this
regulation no animal shall be removed from any’ quarantine


depot without the prior written permission of the inspector
and such permission may be either unconditional or sub-
ject to such conditions as may be specified.

(4) The expenses of and incidental to the keeping in
quarantine of an animal shall be borne by the consignee of
such animal.

(5) Every animal shall be kept in quarantine at the
risk of the consignee.

(6) When an animal while in quarantine in accordance
with the provisions of these Regulations develops, or, in the
opinion of the inspector. shows symptoms of, any disease
the spread of which would endanger the health of live-stock
in the Presidency, such animal may, with the approval of
the Governor, be destroyed without payment of compen-

7. Saving. ‘The provisions of such of these Regula-
tions as relate to the importation of animals shall not apply
to any animals (other than dogs and cats) imported by or om
behalf of the Government. of the Presidency.

8. Docs axnp Cats. (1) No dog or cat shall be
imported into the Presidency unless such doy or cat is
imported directly from one of the countries specified in the
First Schedule to these Regulations.

(2) No dog or cat so imported shall be landed in the
Presidency unless there is produced to the inspector in
respect thereof a certificate, purporting to be given by the
appropriate authority mentioned in regulation 20 of these
Regulations stating that such dog or cat is in good health
and free from any symptoms of infectious or contagious
disease and that there has heen no rabies among unquaran-
tined dogs, cats or other animals in the country from which
such dog or cat was exported during the six months imme-
diately preceding the exportation of such dog or cat from
such country.

(3) No dog or cat so imported shall be landed in the
Presidency if it has been in contact during the period of trans-
portation with any other dog or cat other than a dog or cat—

(a) in respect of which «a certificate referred to in
paragraph (2) of this regulation bas been given; or


(2) which has been released from quarantine in
any of the countries specified in the First Schedule to
these Regulations as being in good health and free from
rabies or any other infectious or contagious disease.

9. Horses. (1) No horse shall be imported into the
Presidency unless such horse is imported directly from one of
the countries specitied in the Second Schedule to these

(2) No horse shall be landed in the Presidency unlegs
there is produced to the inspector in respect thereof a certificate,
purporting to be given by the appropriate authority mentioned
in regulation 20 of these Regulations, and stating that the
country from which such horse was exported—

(a) is free from foot and mouth disease; or

(5) if such country is not free from foot and mouth
disease, that the area from which such horse oriyinated
and through which it was transported to the port of
embarkation is free from foot and mouth disease;

(c) that such horse. was healthy and free from
infectious disease;

(d) that such horse has been subjected to the
Mallein test for glanders or farcy with negative results;

(e) that so far as it has been possible to ascertain no
cause of dourine (mal du cvit), mal de caderas, glanders,
farey, epizootic lymphangitis, ulcerative lymphangitis,
influenza, infectious equine anacmia, encephalomyelitis or
mange has occurred in the stables or on the premises
where such horse was kept during the thirty days prior to
the date of export.

(3) For the purposes of this regulation “ horses *’ include
mares, mules, donkeys and zebras.

10. Carrie, Super axp Goats. (1) No cattle, sheep
or goat shall be imported into the Presidency except any such
animal is imported directly. from one of the countries specified
in the Third Schedule to these Regulations.

(2) No cattle so imported shall be landed in the Presi-
dency unless there is produced to the inspector in respect
thereof a certificate, purporting to be given by the appropriate
authority mentioned i in regulation 20 of these Regulations, and
stating that any such cattle—


(a) is physically sound, in good health, and free of
symptoms of paratuberculosis (Johne’s Disease) and other
infectious disease;

(1) has passed negative to an intradermal tuberculin
test within ten davs prior to the date of shipment;

(-) (i) has reacted negatively to the serum aggluti-
nation test for brucellosis within thirty days
prior to the date of shipment; or

(ii) bas been inoculated. with brucella abortus
vaccine (strain 19) when between four and
eight months of age and within three years
prior to the date of shipment; or

(iii) has reacted negatively to the serum aggluti-
nation test for brucellosis and has subsequently
and within fourteen days of such negative
reaction been inoculated with brucella abortus

vaccine (strain 19) when over eight months of
age and within three years prior to the date of
shipment; or

(iv) having been previously vaecinated with
brucella abortus vaccine (strain 19) has been
reyaceinated within three years of the previous
vaccination, and within three years prior to the
date of shipment.

(3) No sheep so imported shall be landed in the Presi-
dency unless there is produced to the inspector in respect
thereof a certificate, purporting to be given by the appropriate
authority mentioned in regulation 20 of these Reg gulations, and
stating that within ten days prior to shipment “such sheep is
physi cally sound, in good ‘health and free from infectious or
contagious disease.

(4) No goat so imported shall be landed in the Presi-
dency unless there is produced to the inspector in respect
thereof a certificate, purporting to be given by the appropriate
authority mentioned ti regulation 20 of these Regulations, and
stating that any such goat—

(a) has passed negative to an intradermal taberculin
test within ten days prior to the date of shipment;

(4) is free from brucellosis as indicated by a negative
reaction to the serum-agylutination test for that disease;

(ec) is physically sound, in good health, and free of
indications of infectious diseases including takosis.

(5) No cattle, sheep or goat shall be landed in the Presi-
dency unless there is produced to the inspector in respect
thereof a certificate, purporting to be given bv the appropriate
authority mentioned in regulation 20 of these Regulations, and
stating that the country from which such cattle, sheep, or goat
was exported—

(a) is free from foot and mouth disease; or

(6) if such country is not free from foot and mouth
disease, that the area from which such cattle, sheep or
goat originated and through which it was transported to
the port of embarkation is free from foot and mouth

ll. Pres. (1) No pig shall be imported into the Presi-
dency except any such pig is imported directly from one of the
countries specified in the Fourth Schedule to these Regulations.

(2) No pig shall be landed in the Presidency unless there
is produced to the inspector in respect thereof a certificate,
purporting to be given by the appropriate authority mentioned
in regulation 20 of these Regulations, and stating that such
pig originated from a herd where no infections diseases of
swine had existed for thirty days prior to the date of shipment
of such pig.

(3) No pig shall be landed in the Presidency unless there
is produced to the inspector in respect thereof a certificate,
purporting to be given by the appropriate authority mentioned
in regulation 20 of these Regulations, and stating that the
country from which such pig was exported—

(a) is free from foot and mouth disease;

(6) if such country is not free from foot and mouth
disease, that the area from which such pig originated and
through which it was transported to the port of embarka-
tion is free from foot and mouth disease.

12. Rassirs, Guivea Pies, Turties ann cacen Birps.
(1) No rabbit, guinea pig, turtle or caged bird shall be
imported into the Presidency from any of the countries
specified in the Fifth Schedule to these Regulations.


(2) The provisions of paragraph (1) of this regulation
shall not be deemed to apply to any turtle native to any of the
countries specified in the Fifth Schedule to these Regulations
which is caught alive near the coast of the Presidency and
which is imported into the Presidency only for use in any

13. Monkeys. No monkey shall be imported into the

14. Carcasses or Catrie, Pics, SHEEP anp Goats.
(1) No fresh carcass, whether frozen or chilled, nor any cured
or pickled carcass, of any cattle, pig, sheep or goat or any
portion of any such carcass shall be imported inté the Presi-
deney except such carcass or portion thereof is imported—

(a) directly from any of the countries specified in
the Sixth Schedule to these Regulations; and

(6) in accordance with the terms of a permit granted
by the inspector.

(2) The provisions of paragraph (1) of this regulation
shall not apply to—

(a) any ral aoa made by oron behalf of the
Government of the Presidency; or

(b) any cooked or sterilized meat imported in
hermetically sealed containers.

15. Fopper and Lirrnr. (1) No fodder or litter shall
be imported into the Presiderrey except—

(a) directly from any of the countries specified in
the Seventh Schedule to these Regulations; and

(4) in accordance with the terms of a permit granted
by the inspector.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of
this regulation, no fodder or litter imported from Great Britain
shall be landed in the Presidency unless there is produced to
the inspector in respect thereof a certificate of the Ministry of
Agriculture and Fisheries stating that the area from which
such fodder or litter originated and the district through which
it was transported to the port of shipment are free from foot
and mouth disease.


16. Dune. (1) No dung (other than the excrements of
birds) shall be imported into the Presidency.

(2) The provisions of paragraph (1) of this regulation
shall not apply to any dung which is contained in any box or
crate in which any animal is lawfully imported into the


CLOTHS, FELTING PADS, ETC. (1) No used or second-hand
animal blanket, saddle cloth, felting pad or other similar article
shall be imported into the Presidency.

(2) The provisions of paragraph (1) of this regulation
shall not apply to any such articles which accompany and form
part of the clothing or individual accoutrement of any animel
lawfully imported _ into the Presidency if such articles were
new at the time of shipment.

used or second-hand harness, saddle, halter, rein, girth, rope,
yoke, chain or other trapping shall be landed in the Presidency
unless such trappings shall first be treated by the inspector
with an insecticide approved by the inspector, at the risk of
the person to whom such trapping is consigned, before delivery
to the consignee.

19. SEMEN anp BrorocicaL Propucts. (1) No semen
of any animal shall be imported into the Presidency except in
accordance with the terms of a permit granted by the inspector.

(2) No biological product of any animal intended for use
in Veterinary medicine shall be imported into the Presidency
except in accordance with the terms of a permit granted by the

(3) In this regulation “ biological products” include any
substance commonly known as vaccines, sera, toxins, anti-
toxins and antigens intended for use in the practice of
Veterinary medicine.

any of these Reeulations a certificate is required to be produced
to the inspector such certificate shall purport to be given+—

(a) in the case of Great Britain, by the Ministry of
Agriculture and Fisheries;

(b) in the case of Northern Ireland, by the Ministry
of Agriculture;


(c) in the case of the Republic of Ireland, by the
Department of Agriculture;

(d) in the case of Canada, by the Department of
Agriculture; :

(c) in the case of the United States of America, by
the Bureau of Animal Industry; and

(f) in the case of British Caribbean Territories, by
a Government Veterinary Officer.

91. EsrasLishMent oF Dipptna Stations. Dipping
stations shall be established at the following places in the
Presidency, that is to say, Tortola, Virgin Gorda and Jost
Van Dykes.

pinc. (1) The owner of any animals (other than swine, dogs
and cats) which are kept on the Island of ‘Tortola or on Beef
Island, Buck Island, Wickham’s Cay and Frenchman Cay shall
cause the same to be registered with an inspector at the dipping
station nearest to the place where such animals are kept.

(2) On registration, the inspector shall mark all cattle
with a serial number.

(3) The inspector attached to a dipping station shall keep
a register und enter therein the name of the owner and the
serial number of all cattle for the purpose of identification and
shall also record therein the number of treatments by dipping
of all cattle. .

of any animals (other than swine, dogs and cats) which are
kept on the Islands mentioned in paragraph (1) of regulation
22, of these Regulations shall present the same for the purpose
of being dipped to the dipping station nearest to the place
where such animals are kept at regular fortnightly intervals,
for a pericd not exceeding ten months from the date of the
commencement of these Regulations.

(2) On each occasion on which an animal is dipped the
Inspector shall mark such animal with a distinctive paint mark
and record in the register mentioned in paragraph (3) of Regu-
lation 22 of these Regulations the date of each such dipping.

24. CHANGES IN sTock. The owner of any animals
required to be dipped shall report to the inspector at the dip-
ving station where such animals are registered any change in
his stock of such animals."


Great Britain

Northern Ireland
Republic of Ireland

St. Kitts-Nevis- Anguilla

St. Lucia


Great Britain

Northern Ireland
Republic of Ireland

United States of America

Leeward Islands
Windward Islands
Trinidad & Tobago


Great Britain

Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland


United States of America *

Leeward Islands

St. Lucia

St. . Vincent



Great Britain
Northern Ireland
Republic of Ireland
United States of America
St. Kitts

Trinidad & Tobago
Any country forming part of the Continent of South America.


25. ExporTATION oF aniMALs. (1) No animal shall be
exported from the Presidency to any place in the American
Virgin Islands or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico unless
before shipment such animal has been certified by an inspector
to be free from ticks and disease, and is otherwise in a fit con-
dition to be exported.

(2) The certificate shall state that such unimal has been
dipped regularly in an arsenical solution at intervals of fourteen
days immediately prior to shipment, and in the case of cattle
that they have proved negative to the tuberculin test.

(3) All cattle intended for export to the American Virgin
Islands shall be branded on the shoulder with the letter “ X ”
three inches in height, one and a half inches in extreme width,
and the width of the stem shall be a quarter inch.

26. Prnanty. Any person who contravenes or fails to
comply with any provision of these Regulations, or with any
order, instruction or condition lawfully made, given or imposed
by any person under the authority of these Regulations, shall
be guilty of an offence against these Regulations and shall be
liable for each such offence on summary conviction to a fine not
exceeding two hundred and forty dollars or to imprisonment
for any term not exceeding three months.

27. ComMENcEMENT. These Regulations shall come into
operation on the 16th day of April, 1956.

Made by the Governor in Council this 9th day of April,

M. Tittey,
Clerk of the Council.


Great, Britain

Northern Ireland
Republic of Ireland

New Zealand


United States of America


Great Britain


United States of America
British Caribbean Territories


Rec. 13,

Printed at the Government Printing Ottice, Leeward Islands,
by E, M, Bhackmanx, Government Printer.~-By Authority.


{Price 14 cents.]

Full Text


Published by Authority.

No. 17.


The subjoined Warrant of Her
Majesty the QUEEN authorising
the use of a Seal prepared for the
Government of the Colony of
the Leeward Islands is published
for general information:—


To Our Governor and Commander-
in-Chief of Onur Colony of the
, Leeward Islands or in his absence to
Â¥eethe Officer for the time being Admin-
istering the Government of Our said
f *Colony.

With this you will receive a Seal
prepared by Our Order for the use of
the Government of Our Colony of the
Leeward Islands.

Our Will and Pleasure is, and We
do hereby authorise and direct that
the said Seal be used in sealing all
Public Instruments which shall be
made and passed in Onur Name and
for Our Service in Our said Colony.

And We do further require and
command that you do return the old
Seal of Our Colony of the Leeward
Islands to Us, through One of Our
Principal Secretaries of State in order
that it may be defaced.

And for so doing this shall be your
Warrant. = ~-

Given at Our Court at Saint James’s
this ninth day of March, 1956, in
the fifth Year of Our Reign.

By Her Majesty’s Command,


Warrant authorising the use of
a Seal prepared for the
Colony of the Leeward Islands.

_ The subjoined Warrant of Her

Majesty the QUEEN authorising the
use of a Seal prepared for the Govern-
ment of the Presidency of ‘the Virgin

Islands is pmnblished for general

MARGARET Signed on behalf of
HENRY Her Majesty.

To Our Governor and Commander-
in-Chief of Our Colony of the
Leeward Islands or in his absence to
the Officer for the time being Admin-
istering the Government of Our said

olony. mn



With this you will receive a Seal
preparcd by Our Order for the use of
the Government of Our Presidency of
the Virgin Islands.

Our Will and Pleasure is, and We
do hereby authorise and direct that
the said Seal be used in sealing all
Publie Instruments which shall be
made und passed in Our Name and
for Our Service in Our said Presi-

And We do further require and
command that yon do return the old
Seal of Our Presidency of the Virgin
Islands to Us, through One of Our
Principal Secretaries of State in order
that it may be defaced.

And for so doing this shall be your

Given at Our Court at Saint Jamea’s
this fifteenth day of March. 1956,
in the fifth Year of Our Reign.
By Her Majesty’s Cértimand,


Warrant authorising the use of
a Seal prepared for the
Presidency of the Virgin Islands.

It is hereby notified for general
information that the date appointed
for the observance of Her Majesty
the QUEEN’S Birthday in 1956 is
Thursday, the 3lst May, !956.

The Secretariat,
Tth April, 1956.


It is hereby notified for general
information that His Excellency the
Governor has issued a Commission to
the Hon. P. D. MACDONALD, C.M.G.,
appointing him to be Governor’s
Deputy during his absence from
Antigua whilst visiting Montserrat
from the 17th to the 20th April, 1956.

The Secretariat,
llth April, 1956.

Ref. No. 13/00283,

It is hereby notified for general

information that Major R. G. S..

TOLSON, having completed his term
of service as Aide-de-Camp, is pro-
ceeding on pre-retirement leave on

the 9th April, 1956, from which date
Group Captain E. BURTON has been
appointed to act as Aide-de-Camp.

The Secretariat,
7th April, 1956.

Ref. No. P.F. 487.

It is hereby notified for general
information that dipping stations
have been established at the under-
mentioned places as required by
Regulation 21 of the Animals (Impor-
tation, Exportation and Dipping)
Control Regulations, 1956:—

In the Island of Virgin Gorda:

The North Sound,
The Valley

In the Igland of Tortola:

Long Swamp
Paraquita Bay
Belle Vue
Rogues Bay
Fahie Hill
The Agricultural Station
Brewers Bay
Carott Bay
West End
Sea Cow Bay

In the Island of Jost Van Dykes:
East End, Great Harbour.

Acting Commissioner of the Virgin
10th April, 1956.

Ref. No. 79/00047.

The Marringe Ordinance, 1924.


In accordance with the provisions
of section 17 (2) of the Marriage
Ordinance, 1924, the following Build-
ing has been registered in the Presi-
dency of the Virgin Islands as
a Building wherein Banns of Marriage
may be published:

Church of God (Holiness) at the
North Sound, Virgin Gorda.

Dated this 27th day of March, 1956.

Ref. No. 36/0007.

His Exeellency the Governor has
approved of the following appoint-
ments of Members of the Central
Housing and Planning Authority
under Section 4 of the Slum Clear-
ance and Housing Ordinance, 1948
(No. 3 of 1948) for a period of two
years, with effect from Ist April, 1956:

N. H. Richarps, Esq.,—Chairman*™

M. DANIEL, [sq.,*

EB. OLIVmR, Msyq.,*

R. G. ARMYTAGE, Esq.,—Colonial

J. M. HALLYiKe#, Ksq., M.B.1.

J. O. DAVIS, Esq.,

J. 8. Ireland, Esq.

Nore—*“Recommended by the Legislative

Council of Antigua.

Administrators Office,
Ath April, 1956.
Ref. No. A. 13/12.


No. 44.

The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the
undermentioned Ordinance:—

St. Kitts- Nevis-Anguilia.
No. 20 of 1955, +‘ The Watercourses
and Waterworks Ordinance, 1955.”

Ref. No, 47/00335.

No. 45.

The following Statutory Rule and
Order is circulated with this Gazette
and forms part thereof :—

Virgin Islands.

No. 10 of 1956, “The Animals
(Importation, Exportation and Dip-
ping) Control Regulations, 1956.”

12 pp. Price 15 cts.


The following tenders have been
accepted for the supply of Petrol and
Diesel Oil to Government Depart-
ments for the period 15th April to
30th September, 1956.


Messrs. Bennett Bryson & Co. Ltd.
to supply the Pablic Works Depart-
ment with 500 gallons per month at
the tender price of 35.5 cents per
Imperial Gallon ex bond.

The requirements of all other
Government Departments as well as
the balance of the Public Works
requirements to be supplied by
Messrs. JOSEPH Diw & Son Ltd. at
the tender price of 34.3 cents per
Imperial Gallon ex bond.


Ltd. to supply all the requirements
of the Public Works Department at
the price of 27.6 cents per Imperial
gallon ex bond.


Messrs. JOSEPH DEW & Son Ltd.
to supply the requirements of all
other Government Departments at
the price of 26.8 cents per Imperial
gallon ex bond.

No award in respect of Lubricating
Oil has been made. This item should
be purchased in the open market.

Administrator's O fice,

St. John’s.
Antigua, B.W.T.

A, 41/36.

Presidency of Antigua.

ACT, 1928,

(No. 8 of 1928).


Pursuant to the provisions of Sec-
tions 71 (1) (6) and (3) of the Friendly
Societies Act, No. 8 of 1928, I have
this day with the approval of His
Lordship Mr. Justice Dare, Pnisne
Judge of the Supreme Court of the
Windward JTslands and Leeward Is-
Jands for the Antigua Circuit, obtain-
ed in Chambers on the 6th day of
April, 1956, cancelled the registry
of the HKx-Servicemen’s Association
of Antigua, a Society duly registered
under the provisions of the said Act
on the 27th day of July, 1948.

The reason for such cancellation is
that the said Society has wilfully and
after notice from the Registrar,
violated the provisions of Sections 26
and 28 of the aforesaid Act.

GIVEN under my hand at the
Supreme Court Registry St.
John’s, Antigua, this 9th day
of April, 1956.

Acting Registrar of Friendly


The Vehicles & Road Traffic
Ordinance, 1946.

By virtue of the powers conferred
on me in Section 2 of the Vehicles
and Road ‘Traffic Ordinance 1946
(No. 5 of 1946), I hereby fix the
period hereunder for the lighting of

Until further notice, the lighting
period of vehicles shall be from
6.45 p.m. to 5.45 a.m.


this 3lst day of March,

iE. M. V. JAMES,
Lt. Col.

Tragic Commissioner.
Ref. No. 36/00007.

[12 April, 1956

Statement of Currency Note
Circulation in the British
Caribbean Territories (East-
ern Group) on ist March,

Average circulation during January,


Br. Carihbean Cur- ; $
rency Notes 58,788,997.00
Demonetized Gov’t.

Notes outstanding 1,244,224.00


Br. Caribbean Currency Notes in
circulation on lst March, 1956: -

Trinidad & Tobago ... 27,7

Barbados ... 5,585,625.00
British Guiana 14,978,221.50
Grenada 2,754,100-00
St. Vincent 504,400.00
St. Lucia 934,000.00
Doniinica 1,217,400.00
Antigua 1,665,300.00
St. Kitts 1,519.500.00
Montserrat 321,905.00

Total Br. Caribbean
Currency Notes « 57,183,949.50

Demonetized Trinidad
and Tobago Gov't.

Notes outstanding --- 836,894.00
Demonetized Br.

Guiana Gov't.

Notes outstanding .-. 303,023.50
Demonetized Barbados

Gov't. Notes

outstanding 79,225.00
Total demonetized

Government Notes

outstanding 1,219,142.50
Total circulation

on Ist March, 1956 ~—-58,403,092.00


Kicecutive Commissioner,
British Caribbean
Currency Board.

British Caribbean Currency Board,
Treasury Chambers,
Port of Spain,
Trinidad, B.W.T.
No. 24/00044



Applications are invited from
suitably qualified persons for appoint-
ment as Legal Officer, Local Govern-
ment. Appointment will be on con-
tract, secondment, or temporary
transfer in the first instance with
prospects of later permanent and
pensionable employment.
12 April, 1936. }

2. The salary will be up to £2,000
($9,600 B.W.L.) per annum depending
on the qualifications and experience
of the person selected but not less
than £1,800 ($8,610) per annum.
Furnished quarters will be provi-
ded at arental of 124% of salary to
a maximum of £12.10 ($60) a month.
If appointment is on contrict, a gratu-
ity of 123% of salary will be paid in
respect of each completed period of
3 months satisfactory resident service,
either at six-monthly intervals during
the period of the contract, or in
a single lump sum on conclusion of
the leave earned under the contract.
Leave earned would count for gratu-
ity only if this is paid on conclusion
of the engagement in a single lump

3. The duties are to prepare draft
legislation for a reorganised system of
local government based on Dr. A. H.
MARSHALL’S Report on local Govern-
ment in British Guiana and_ its
application to selected areas. The
officer selected will work in close
conjunction with the members of the
Local Government team and with the
Legal Department; such other duties
as may be assigned to him by either
the Senior Administrative Officer or
the Member for Local Government.

4, Candidates must be Barristers-
at-Law or Solicitors with some years’
direct experience of Local Govern-
ment. They should he competent
draftsmen with experience in draft-
ing legislution, and in the organisation
and control of records and facilities
normal in a Municipal or other Local
Government legislative drafting office
in the United Kingdom and _ prefer-
ably with some colonial experience.

5. Free passages to British Guiana
and return to the place of recruitment
on termination of the contract will
he provided for the officer, his wife
and children, not exceeding five per-
sons in all; children to be under [8
years of age and dependent on the
officer. Vacation leave is carned at
the rate of 5 days for each coinpleied
month of resident service up toa
maximum of six months subject to
the completion of a minimum tour
of service of two years. After com-
pletion of a tour, assisted return
passages will be provided for the
officer and his wife in accordance
with the Public Officers Leave (Pis-
sages) Regulations, 1952.

6. Applications should be address-
ed to the Chief Establishment Offic-r,
Establishment Department, Public
Buildings, Georgetown, to reach him
not later than the 30th of April, 1956.
Applications received after this date
will not be considered.

Establishment Department,
Central Secretariat,

March, 1956.
Ref. No, 13/00332.


Vacancies for 8 Local Govern-

ment Commissioners.

Applications are invited from
suitably qualified persons for appoint-
ment to 3 vacancies for temporary
Local Government Commissioners.

2. The posts are temporary and
non-pensionable with salary up to
£2,000 ($9,600) per annnm depending
on qualifications and experience, but
not less than £1,800 ($8,640), and
appointment thereto will be for a
period of three years on contract.
Furnished quarters will be provided
on payment of rental of 124% of
salary to a maximum of £12. 10
($60) a month,

3. The duties will be to prepare
detailed schemes for the application
of a re-organised system of local
government to selected areas (urban
and rural) based on Dr, A. H.
MARSHALL’S Report on _ Local
Government in British Guiana and
to supervise their implementation;
and such ancillary duties eg. the
training of local officers, as may be
assigned to him by either the Senior
Administrative Officer or the Member
for Local Government.

4. Candidates should have exten-
sive experience of Local Government
in the United Kingdom and prefer-
ably some colonial experience. The
Commissioner for the urban area
must have held, in addition, a senior
administrative position in a compara-
ble modern municipality. The two
Commissioners for the rural areas
must possess experience of compara-
tively advanced rural local authorities.
To each of them will be attached for
training at least one experience? local
officer with knowledge of the parti-
cilar areas, so that he can eventually
take over as the Commissioner moves
on to the organisation of new areas.

+. Free passages to British Guiana
and return to the place of recruitment
will be provided for the officer, his
wife and children, not exceeding five
persons in all, children to be under
18 vears of age and dependent on the
officer. Vacation leave is earned at
the rate of 5 days for each completed
month of resident service up to a
maximum of six months subject to
the completion of a minimum tour of
service of two years. After comple-
tion of a tour, assisted return passages
will be provided for the officer and
his wife in accordance with the
Public Officers Leave (Passages)
Regulations, 1952.

6. Applications should be
addressed to the Chief Establishment
Officer, Establishment Department,
Public Buildings, Georgetown to
reach him not later than the 30th of
April, 1956. Applications received
after this date will not be considered.


7. Interested persons may obtain
copies of the ‘Report on Local Govern-

ment in British Guiana’ by Dr. A. H.

MARSHALL from either the Govern-
ment of British Guiana or the
Crown Agents.

Establishment Department
Central Secretariat.
March, 1956.
Ref. No, 13/00332.

In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.

A.D. 1956.

Notice is hereby given that in pur-
suance of Rules made by the Chief
Justice under Section 16 of the Wind-
ward Islands and Leeward Islands
(Courts) Order-in-Council 1939, and
duly approved as therein provided
on the 16th day of October, A.D.
1941, the Honourable the Puisne
Judge selected for the sitting of the
Court in the Nevis Circuit has
appointed the day of the month on
which the ensuing Circuit Court shall
sit as follows, that is to say:—

The Nevis Circuit on Tuesday the
17th day of April, 1956 at 10 o’clock
in the forenoon. a a

Dated the 20th day of March, 1956.

Ref. No. 36/00007.

Claims under the Bonn Conven-
tions in respect of Foreign
Interests in Germany.

(The English Text of the Conventions
(Cind. 9868) ts obtainable from
H.MS.O. price 5s. Od.)

Under the provisions of Chapter 10
of the Bonn Convention of the Settle-
ment of Matters Arising out of the

War and the Occupation, United
Nations nationals and companies
organised under German law in

which U.N. nationals own participa-
tion may assert claims against the
Federal Republic of Germany for the
return of their property and the
restoration of their rights and inter-
ests in the Federal territory to the
extent to which such property, rights
or interest suffered discriminatory
treatment (as defined in the Conven-
tion) during the recent war.
2. Such claims must be filed on
or before May 5, 1956 with the:—
Ref. No. A. 20/17.

Central Experiment Station,

Month. 1952. 1953, 1954, 1935. 1956.
Jats, 241 1.93 3.04 2.16 5.15
Feb. 160 1.029 245 68 1238
Mar. 1.62 560 1.08 .83 1.40
Apr.17 = = "19 _ 34
5.63 8.55 6.76 3.67 8.12


9th April, 1956.
Medical Act, 1937.
Pursuant to Section 12 (4) of the Medical Act, 1937 the following registration is hereby notified:—

Name. | Address. | Qualification. Date Registered. | Registration No.
| F -
John, Leonardo | St. John’s, Antigua, Chemist and Druggist 4th April, 182
| Certificate of Competency 1956

dated 15th August, 1955.

Acting Registrar.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E. I Bhack an,
Government Printer.—By Authority.

[Price 21 cents.J


Se > yl eaten dette ’

1956, No. 10.

The Animals (Importation, Exportation and Dipping) Con-
trol Regulations, 1956. dated April, 9, 1956, made by
the Governor in Council wnder sections 12 (2), 14
and 19 of the Animais (Diseases, Importation and
Exportation) Ordinance, 1955.

1. Suort Titre. These Regulations may be cited as
the Animals (Importation. Exportation and Dipping)
Control Regulations, 1956.

2. Inverpretation. For the purpose of these Regu-

. “animal” shall not include fish.

3. Turorration or Antats. No animal shall be
imported into the Presidency except in accordance with—

(a) the provisions of these Regulations; and
(6) the terms of a permit granted by the inspector.

4. LAxpIXG or AntmMars. (1) No animal shall be
landed at any port other than the Port of Road Town.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of
this ie the inspector may in his absolute discretion
grant a permit in writing foran ‘animal to be landed at such
port and upon such conditions as may be specified in such

(3) Every animal before being landed shall be subject
to inspection by the inspector who may—

(a) if satisfied—
(i) that any such animal is suffering from
any disease: or
(ii) that any condition of a permit permit-
ting the importation of any such
animal has not been complied with,

\ refuse permission for any such animal to be
2 é 4 G landed; or
+O6.7 &J >.

4 Ararg pr

(b) grant permission for any such animal to be
landed either unconditionally or subject to such condi-
tions as he may impose,

(4) No animal shall be landed without the prior written
permission of the inspector.

CRAFT CARRYING ANIMALS. Where any vessel or aircraft by
which animals are being imported arrives in the Presidency,
the following provisions shall have effect: —

(a) the agents or owners of the vessel or aircraft
shall notify the inspector of the fact that animals are
being imported by such vessel or aircraft;

(b) the master or captain and the agents or owners
of such vessel or aircraft shall afford every facility to
the inspector for the proper inspection of such animals;

(c) the master or captain of such vessel or aircraft.
shall take such measures as the inspector may direct for
the cleaning and disinfection of all stalls and boxes in
and of any portion of the vessel ox aircraft used for the
transportation of animals required to be quarantined in
accordance with these Regulations or with a licence
granted by the inspector.

6. QUARANTINE OF ANIMALS. (1) Subject to the pro-
visions of regulations 4 and 7 of these Regulations, and if so
required by the inspector, every animal upon being landed
in the Presidency shall be removed by such means, in such
manner and subject to such conditions as the inspector may
direct to » quarantine depot approved by such inspector and
for the purpose of quarantine and shall be kept in quaran-
tine for such period as the inspector may direct.

(2) The release from quarantine of any animal shall be
subject to and dependent upon the result of re-inspection
and of any diagnostic examination and any tests which the
inspector may ‘deem necessar y to employ for the detection
of the disease.

(3) Notwithstanding the expiry of the period of quaran-
tine directed by the inspector under paragraph (1) of this
regulation no animal shall be removed from any’ quarantine

depot without the prior written permission of the inspector
and such permission may be either unconditional or sub-
ject to such conditions as may be specified.

(4) The expenses of and incidental to the keeping in
quarantine of an animal shall be borne by the consignee of
such animal.

(5) Every animal shall be kept in quarantine at the
risk of the consignee.

(6) When an animal while in quarantine in accordance
with the provisions of these Regulations develops, or, in the
opinion of the inspector. shows symptoms of, any disease
the spread of which would endanger the health of live-stock
in the Presidency, such animal may, with the approval of
the Governor, be destroyed without payment of compen-

7. Saving. ‘The provisions of such of these Regula-
tions as relate to the importation of animals shall not apply
to any animals (other than dogs and cats) imported by or om
behalf of the Government. of the Presidency.

8. Docs axnp Cats. (1) No dog or cat shall be
imported into the Presidency unless such doy or cat is
imported directly from one of the countries specified in the
First Schedule to these Regulations.

(2) No dog or cat so imported shall be landed in the
Presidency unless there is produced to the inspector in
respect thereof a certificate, purporting to be given by the
appropriate authority mentioned in regulation 20 of these
Regulations stating that such dog or cat is in good health
and free from any symptoms of infectious or contagious
disease and that there has heen no rabies among unquaran-
tined dogs, cats or other animals in the country from which
such dog or cat was exported during the six months imme-
diately preceding the exportation of such dog or cat from
such country.

(3) No dog or cat so imported shall be landed in the
Presidency if it has been in contact during the period of trans-
portation with any other dog or cat other than a dog or cat—

(a) in respect of which «a certificate referred to in
paragraph (2) of this regulation bas been given; or

(2) which has been released from quarantine in
any of the countries specified in the First Schedule to
these Regulations as being in good health and free from
rabies or any other infectious or contagious disease.

9. Horses. (1) No horse shall be imported into the
Presidency unless such horse is imported directly from one of
the countries specitied in the Second Schedule to these

(2) No horse shall be landed in the Presidency unlegs
there is produced to the inspector in respect thereof a certificate,
purporting to be given by the appropriate authority mentioned
in regulation 20 of these Regulations, and stating that the
country from which such horse was exported—

(a) is free from foot and mouth disease; or

(5) if such country is not free from foot and mouth
disease, that the area from which such horse oriyinated
and through which it was transported to the port of
embarkation is free from foot and mouth disease;

(c) that such horse. was healthy and free from
infectious disease;

(d) that such horse has been subjected to the
Mallein test for glanders or farcy with negative results;

(e) that so far as it has been possible to ascertain no
cause of dourine (mal du cvit), mal de caderas, glanders,
farey, epizootic lymphangitis, ulcerative lymphangitis,
influenza, infectious equine anacmia, encephalomyelitis or
mange has occurred in the stables or on the premises
where such horse was kept during the thirty days prior to
the date of export.

(3) For the purposes of this regulation “ horses *’ include
mares, mules, donkeys and zebras.

10. Carrie, Super axp Goats. (1) No cattle, sheep
or goat shall be imported into the Presidency except any such
animal is imported directly. from one of the countries specified
in the Third Schedule to these Regulations.

(2) No cattle so imported shall be landed in the Presi-
dency unless there is produced to the inspector in respect
thereof a certificate, purporting to be given by the appropriate
authority mentioned i in regulation 20 of these Regulations, and
stating that any such cattle—

(a) is physically sound, in good health, and free of
symptoms of paratuberculosis (Johne’s Disease) and other
infectious disease;

(1) has passed negative to an intradermal tuberculin
test within ten davs prior to the date of shipment;

(-) (i) has reacted negatively to the serum aggluti-
nation test for brucellosis within thirty days
prior to the date of shipment; or

(ii) bas been inoculated. with brucella abortus
vaccine (strain 19) when between four and
eight months of age and within three years
prior to the date of shipment; or

(iii) has reacted negatively to the serum aggluti-
nation test for brucellosis and has subsequently
and within fourteen days of such negative
reaction been inoculated with brucella abortus

vaccine (strain 19) when over eight months of
age and within three years prior to the date of
shipment; or

(iv) having been previously vaecinated with
brucella abortus vaccine (strain 19) has been
reyaceinated within three years of the previous
vaccination, and within three years prior to the
date of shipment.

(3) No sheep so imported shall be landed in the Presi-
dency unless there is produced to the inspector in respect
thereof a certificate, purporting to be given by the appropriate
authority mentioned in regulation 20 of these Reg gulations, and
stating that within ten days prior to shipment “such sheep is
physi cally sound, in good ‘health and free from infectious or
contagious disease.

(4) No goat so imported shall be landed in the Presi-
dency unless there is produced to the inspector in respect
thereof a certificate, purporting to be given by the appropriate
authority mentioned ti regulation 20 of these Regulations, and
stating that any such goat—

(a) has passed negative to an intradermal taberculin
test within ten days prior to the date of shipment;

(4) is free from brucellosis as indicated by a negative
reaction to the serum-agylutination test for that disease;
(ec) is physically sound, in good health, and free of
indications of infectious diseases including takosis.

(5) No cattle, sheep or goat shall be landed in the Presi-
dency unless there is produced to the inspector in respect
thereof a certificate, purporting to be given bv the appropriate
authority mentioned in regulation 20 of these Regulations, and
stating that the country from which such cattle, sheep, or goat
was exported—

(a) is free from foot and mouth disease; or

(6) if such country is not free from foot and mouth
disease, that the area from which such cattle, sheep or
goat originated and through which it was transported to
the port of embarkation is free from foot and mouth

ll. Pres. (1) No pig shall be imported into the Presi-
dency except any such pig is imported directly from one of the
countries specified in the Fourth Schedule to these Regulations.

(2) No pig shall be landed in the Presidency unless there
is produced to the inspector in respect thereof a certificate,
purporting to be given by the appropriate authority mentioned
in regulation 20 of these Regulations, and stating that such
pig originated from a herd where no infections diseases of
swine had existed for thirty days prior to the date of shipment
of such pig.

(3) No pig shall be landed in the Presidency unless there
is produced to the inspector in respect thereof a certificate,
purporting to be given by the appropriate authority mentioned
in regulation 20 of these Regulations, and stating that the
country from which such pig was exported—

(a) is free from foot and mouth disease;

(6) if such country is not free from foot and mouth
disease, that the area from which such pig originated and
through which it was transported to the port of embarka-
tion is free from foot and mouth disease.

12. Rassirs, Guivea Pies, Turties ann cacen Birps.
(1) No rabbit, guinea pig, turtle or caged bird shall be
imported into the Presidency from any of the countries
specified in the Fifth Schedule to these Regulations.

(2) The provisions of paragraph (1) of this regulation
shall not be deemed to apply to any turtle native to any of the
countries specified in the Fifth Schedule to these Regulations
which is caught alive near the coast of the Presidency and
which is imported into the Presidency only for use in any

13. Monkeys. No monkey shall be imported into the

14. Carcasses or Catrie, Pics, SHEEP anp Goats.
(1) No fresh carcass, whether frozen or chilled, nor any cured
or pickled carcass, of any cattle, pig, sheep or goat or any
portion of any such carcass shall be imported inté the Presi-
deney except such carcass or portion thereof is imported—

(a) directly from any of the countries specified in
the Sixth Schedule to these Regulations; and

(6) in accordance with the terms of a permit granted
by the inspector.

(2) The provisions of paragraph (1) of this regulation
shall not apply to—

(a) any ral aoa made by oron behalf of the
Government of the Presidency; or

(b) any cooked or sterilized meat imported in
hermetically sealed containers.

15. Fopper and Lirrnr. (1) No fodder or litter shall
be imported into the Presiderrey except—

(a) directly from any of the countries specified in
the Seventh Schedule to these Regulations; and

(4) in accordance with the terms of a permit granted
by the inspector.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of
this regulation, no fodder or litter imported from Great Britain
shall be landed in the Presidency unless there is produced to
the inspector in respect thereof a certificate of the Ministry of
Agriculture and Fisheries stating that the area from which
such fodder or litter originated and the district through which
it was transported to the port of shipment are free from foot
and mouth disease.

16. Dune. (1) No dung (other than the excrements of
birds) shall be imported into the Presidency.

(2) The provisions of paragraph (1) of this regulation
shall not apply to any dung which is contained in any box or
crate in which any animal is lawfully imported into the


CLOTHS, FELTING PADS, ETC. (1) No used or second-hand
animal blanket, saddle cloth, felting pad or other similar article
shall be imported into the Presidency.

(2) The provisions of paragraph (1) of this regulation
shall not apply to any such articles which accompany and form
part of the clothing or individual accoutrement of any animel
lawfully imported _ into the Presidency if such articles were
new at the time of shipment.

used or second-hand harness, saddle, halter, rein, girth, rope,
yoke, chain or other trapping shall be landed in the Presidency
unless such trappings shall first be treated by the inspector
with an insecticide approved by the inspector, at the risk of
the person to whom such trapping is consigned, before delivery
to the consignee.

19. SEMEN anp BrorocicaL Propucts. (1) No semen
of any animal shall be imported into the Presidency except in
accordance with the terms of a permit granted by the inspector.

(2) No biological product of any animal intended for use
in Veterinary medicine shall be imported into the Presidency
except in accordance with the terms of a permit granted by the

(3) In this regulation “ biological products” include any
substance commonly known as vaccines, sera, toxins, anti-
toxins and antigens intended for use in the practice of
Veterinary medicine.

any of these Reeulations a certificate is required to be produced
to the inspector such certificate shall purport to be given+—

(a) in the case of Great Britain, by the Ministry of
Agriculture and Fisheries;

(b) in the case of Northern Ireland, by the Ministry
of Agriculture;

(c) in the case of the Republic of Ireland, by the
Department of Agriculture;

(d) in the case of Canada, by the Department of
Agriculture; :

(c) in the case of the United States of America, by
the Bureau of Animal Industry; and

(f) in the case of British Caribbean Territories, by
a Government Veterinary Officer.

91. EsrasLishMent oF Dipptna Stations. Dipping
stations shall be established at the following places in the
Presidency, that is to say, Tortola, Virgin Gorda and Jost
Van Dykes.

pinc. (1) The owner of any animals (other than swine, dogs
and cats) which are kept on the Island of ‘Tortola or on Beef
Island, Buck Island, Wickham’s Cay and Frenchman Cay shall
cause the same to be registered with an inspector at the dipping
station nearest to the place where such animals are kept.

(2) On registration, the inspector shall mark all cattle
with a serial number.

(3) The inspector attached to a dipping station shall keep
a register und enter therein the name of the owner and the
serial number of all cattle for the purpose of identification and
shall also record therein the number of treatments by dipping
of all cattle. .

of any animals (other than swine, dogs and cats) which are
kept on the Islands mentioned in paragraph (1) of regulation
22, of these Regulations shall present the same for the purpose
of being dipped to the dipping station nearest to the place
where such animals are kept at regular fortnightly intervals,
for a pericd not exceeding ten months from the date of the
commencement of these Regulations.

(2) On each occasion on which an animal is dipped the
Inspector shall mark such animal with a distinctive paint mark
and record in the register mentioned in paragraph (3) of Regu-
lation 22 of these Regulations the date of each such dipping.

24. CHANGES IN sTock. The owner of any animals
required to be dipped shall report to the inspector at the dip-
ving station where such animals are registered any change in
his stock of such animals."

Great Britain

Northern Ireland
Republic of Ireland

St. Kitts-Nevis- Anguilla

St. Lucia


Great Britain

Northern Ireland
Republic of Ireland

United States of America

Leeward Islands
Windward Islands
Trinidad & Tobago


Great Britain

Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland


United States of America *

Leeward Islands

St. Lucia

St. . Vincent



Great Britain
Northern Ireland
Republic of Ireland
United States of America
St. Kitts

Trinidad & Tobago
Any country forming part of the Continent of South America.

25. ExporTATION oF aniMALs. (1) No animal shall be
exported from the Presidency to any place in the American
Virgin Islands or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico unless
before shipment such animal has been certified by an inspector
to be free from ticks and disease, and is otherwise in a fit con-
dition to be exported.

(2) The certificate shall state that such unimal has been
dipped regularly in an arsenical solution at intervals of fourteen
days immediately prior to shipment, and in the case of cattle
that they have proved negative to the tuberculin test.

(3) All cattle intended for export to the American Virgin
Islands shall be branded on the shoulder with the letter “ X ”
three inches in height, one and a half inches in extreme width,
and the width of the stem shall be a quarter inch.

26. Prnanty. Any person who contravenes or fails to
comply with any provision of these Regulations, or with any
order, instruction or condition lawfully made, given or imposed
by any person under the authority of these Regulations, shall
be guilty of an offence against these Regulations and shall be
liable for each such offence on summary conviction to a fine not
exceeding two hundred and forty dollars or to imprisonment
for any term not exceeding three months.

27. ComMENcEMENT. These Regulations shall come into
operation on the 16th day of April, 1956.

Made by the Governor in Council this 9th day of April,

M. Tittey,
Clerk of the Council.

Great, Britain

Northern Ireland
Republic of Ireland

New Zealand


United States of America


Great Britain


United States of America
British Caribbean Territories


Rec. 13,

Printed at the Government Printing Ottice, Leeward Islands,
by E, M, Bhackmanx, Government Printer.~-By Authority.


{Price 14 cents.]